Louisiana Obituaries


Southern Galaxy (Natchez, MS) 6/18/1829

Caleb Higginbotham (1787-1829) VA/LA

Clinton, May 29

Murder - On Wednesday morning 27th instant, as Mr. Caleb Higginbotham, a respectable planter of this Parish, was riding out, he was shot in the back part of the head which caused his death in a few hours, the next day his remains were interred with Masonic Honors. Mr. Higginbotham, was not known to have violent enemies of any description - the personal motives to the atrocious murder, are left to conjecture, being as yet shrouded in darkness.



The Times-Democrat (New Orleans, LA) 7/9/1870

Benjamin Thomas Higginbotham (ca1826-1870) AL/LA

Horrible Murder

We are informed by one of our most respected citizens, Just from Catahoula parish, that a fiendishly deliberate murder was perpetrated on the evening of the 4th of July at Little River, in that parish. The victim was Mr. B. T. Higginbotham, a highly honorable gentleman, distinguished for his integrity, his amiability, and his liberality. Mr. H. purchased a plantation, and had been planting on Little River since the close of the war, and was held in high esteem by all his neighbors, both white and black. At dinner on the 4th, he expressed high satisfaction at the harmonious relations which existed between him and his fellow planters in that section, adding that he did not believe he had a single enemy in the world. Just after sundown, on the same evening, a message was sent to the effect that a gentleman on horseback wished to speak with him at the gate. Thinking no ill, and entertaining no suspicion, he attended the summons, when - horrible to relate - without a word, a pistol was presented at his breast and he was shot through the heart. The assassin at once fled, and the dying man could furnish no clue to the mysterious and altogether unprovoked attack.

A most intense feeling of indignation was aroused in the whole community when news of the dark deed was circulated. One neighboring planter at once offered a reward of a thousand dollars for the arrest of the offender. Another old Creole gentleman, bending over the corpse, exclaimed in an outburst of natural eloquence: "Farewell, good friend! No man ever demanded justice at your hands and was denied; no poor man ever asked a favor and was refused."

So universally was the deceased beloved that the inhabitants, both white and black, for miles around, have united in a petition to Gov. Warmoth to offer a reward, and use all other means at this command to ferret out the villain who took the life of so good and true a man.



The Atlanta Constitution 3/9/1887

James Higginbotham (????-1887) LA

James Higginbotham, Brakeman, of Mississippi Valley railroad, was shot and killed Monday night at Slaughter station, La., by Captain W. B. Porter, a well known and prominent planter of this section. The cause of trouble is unknown.



The Milford (IA) Mail 07/07/1887

George W. Higginbotham (????-1887) LA

Desperate Riot

One White Man and Six Negroes Killed

New Orleans, June 28.-A special from Girard, La., says a riot occurred at Oak Ridge yesterday morning in which one white man and six negroes were killed and several white men dangerously wounded. Last evening a negro man living in the vicinity of Oak Ridge indecently assaulted a white girl. He was arrested and when deputies were taking him to the calaboose, they were fired upon by Jerry Baldwin , his two sons and three other negroes, wounding deputies Baker and Gardner. The negroes then dispersed and later rendezvoused at a negro cabin two miles from town. On learning their whereabouts the officers went to arrest them. On approaching the cabin they were fired upon and one of their number, G.W. Higginbotham, was instantly killed and Constables John Conger, Gardner and Baker dangerously wounded. During the melee which followed Jerry Baldwin and one of his sons and four other negroes were killed. Everything is now quiet. Twenty men from Bishop have arrived there. The town marshal, John Conger, who received eleven bullet wounds, has died.



The Dunkirk (NY) Observer-Journal 12/17/1888

Walford M. Higginbotham (1869-1888) LA

Family Feud Settled With Firearms

New Orleans, Dec. 17-A special from Grand Coteau, La., says two men were killed and several others injured during a shooting affray a short distance from that town Saturday. The shooting was a result of a feud which had existed between the members of the Higginbotham family for three or four years. The parties were attending a horse race when the shooting began. Thirty or forty shots were exchanged. A young man named Beard, who was acting as peacemaker, was shot and instantly killed. Two of Monroe Higginbotham’s sons were shot. One of them died during the night and the wounds of the other are serious. Two other persons were wounded, one of them being the mother of young Beard. Her wound is not serious. At last accounts no arrests had been made.



The Lafayette Advertiser 03/20/1897

James Higginbotham (1811-1897) GA/LA

The venerable James Higginbotham died at his late residence in Lafayette Wednesday March 17 at 1:20 a.m., at the advanced age of 85 years. He retained all his acuities and superintended his business personally up till the day of his death.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Georgia, but came to Louisiana seventy four years ago.

The funeral was held from his residence Thursday morning, interment took place in the Protestant Cemetery.



The Lafayette Advertiser 01/04/1905

Elizabeth Tinsley Higginbotham (1827-1904) LA

Mrs. James Higginbotham, a most estimable lady of Lafayette, died Saturday morning at 3 o’clock, in the 74th year of her age. Mrs. Higginbotham has been a resident of this city all of her life and possessed the high esteem of many warm friends who knew and admired her fine qualities of character. At 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon the remains were accompanied by a large number of friends to the Protestant cemetery, where interment took place. She leaves several sons and daughters and a number of grandchildren to mourn her loss.



The Galveston (TX) Daily News 12/27/1909

Wade Edwin Higginbotham (1871-1909) LA

Opelousas, La., Dec. 26-News reached here this morning of the death of Wade Higginbotham and a man named Roy at Arnaudville last evening. It appears that both men met at a saloon just across the parish line, and, being enemies, a fight ensued, Roy being shot through the heart and, in falling, struck Higginbotham on the head with his revolver, both men dying in a few moments.



The Semi-Weekly Times-Democrat (New Orleans, LA) 8/8/1911

Matthew T. Higginbotham (1847-1911) LA

Thibodaux, La., Aug. 4. - Matt. T. Higginbotham, for several years a prosperous merchant in this town, died Thursday morning in Jackson at the age of sixty, and was buried Friday in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery here. He leaves three daughters and two sons, one of the latter being ten or twelve years old, and all the others being grown. Most of his daughters have been school teachers in this neighborhood.



The Monroe News-Star 2/1/1913

Edith Beatrice Higginbotham (1903-1913) LA

Just on going to press we heard of a very sad and fatal accident which occurred about 3 o'clock the (Thursday) afternoon on the farm of Mr. Higginbotham, a few miles out of Mer Rouge. A little daughter of Mr. Higginbotham was playing out in the yard when in some manner a heavy timber fell and struck her on the head. Medical assistance was summoned at once, but the little one was dead before the physician arrived. We were unable to learn the full particulars of the sad accident. Mer Rouge Democrat



Pointe Coupee Banner (New Roads, LA) 3/1/1913

Willie Higginbotham (ca1873-1913) LA


Willie Higginbotham, formerly a resident of the tenth ward of this parish, but up to a week ago employed as a night guard in the convict camp of Capt. Row, at Port Allen, was last Sunday evening struck by the dummy near Port Allen, and fatally injured. It appears that Higginbotham, in company of another guard, was walking down the track of Texas & Pacific, when the dummy came up. The engineman blew the danger signal, and both men stepped off the track, but just as the train came up, Higginbotham, it is alleged, stepped back on the track and was struck, his body being hurled a considerable distance from the track. The train was stopped and the wounded man placed in the baggage car, and the train backed into the Port Allen depot, where he was placed on a cot and taken over to the Baton Rouge Sanitarium. An examination developed the fact that his skull had been fractured, and one arm and leg broken. Higginbotham died last Monday afternoon.



The Shreveport Journal 9/5/1913

John Higginbotham (ca1890-1913) LA


N.B. Higginbotham of Chestnut, La., who learned of the tragedy through the press, arrived in Shreveport Friday for the purpose of investigating the death of his son, John Higginbotham, who was reported to have been fatally hurt a few days ago by being thrown from a show wagon and run over near Bossier City in Bossier Parish; also for the purpose of having his son removed from the Potter's field, where it was interred because relatives of the deceased could not be located in time. At the charity hospital, where the young man, aged 27, died, his father stated that John left home some time ago with a Mr. Eddington's circus. Mr. Higginbotham was accompanied here by his son, Earl, of Chestnut, La.



The Jackson Independent (Jonesboro, LA) 1/31/1918

Anna McCloud Higginbotham (1829-1917) NC/LA

Mrs. Higginbottom, an aged lady, died at the residence of her son-in-law, L. Causey, Monday. Mrs. Higginbottom, while out in the yard one day last week, slipped in the ice and fell. This together with heart trouble, was the immediate cause of her death.



The St. Helena Echo (Greensburg, LA) 11/29/1918

Charlie Augustus Higginbotham (1897-1918) LA/France

Gus, son of Charley Higginbotham, a worthy colored citizen of the first ward, is reported as having died recently in France of pneumonia.



The Monroe News-Star 6/26/1922

Helen Joyce Higginbotham (1920-1922) LA

Little Helen Joyce Higginbotham, eighteen-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Higginbotham, of Bastrop, who died at the sanitarium at Monroe, has been laid to rest at the old cemetery at Bastrop, Revs. Sloan and Morgan preaching the funeral.



Daily Clarion-Progress (Opelousas, LA) 8/11/1922

Willis Higginbotham (1874-1922) LA


Willis Higginbotham Shot and Killed by Isabella Portal Following Spree

Carlton, Opelousas' Underworld, claimed another life Thursday night, shortly before midnight, when Willis Higginbotham, a well known bachelor of 48 years residing at Church Point, was shot and killed by Isabella Portal.

According to testimony at the coroner's inquest Higginbotham, in company of with friends from Church Point, came to Opelousas shortly after dark Thursday night and went directly to Carlton. The were visiting the home of Isabella Portal and her sister, Ida, music was played and dancing indulged in. Several rounds of drink were served and some of the Church point party including Eddie and Leonard Franques, both young single men, started up town. No sooner had they left when the other two men, Willis Higginbotham and Joseph Latiolais, Jr., jumped into Latiolais' car and started to come uptown. As they passed by the Portal woman's house they were hailed, whereupon she opened fire and shot four times, one of the bullets taking effect in Higginbotham's stomach.

Latiolais rushed uptown with the wounded man, meeting up with the Franques boys near the sanitarium. They came up to Landry street, where they met G. Barrilleaux who started to the sanitarium with them. On their way to the sanitarium Higginbotham died.

The Portal woman was immediately arrested by Sheriff Thibodeaux and placed in jail, where a charge of murder will doubtless be preferred against her.



The Monroe News-Star 11/28/1925

Ira Wilson Higginbotham (1853-1925) LA


Friends throughout the parish with regret the death of Mr. Wilson Higginbotham of the Bonne Idee neighborhood, east of Mer Rouge, which occurred at a sanitarium in Monroe early Tuesday morning of this week. Mr. Higginbotham was in his seventy-fourth year and had been in failing health for some time.

Mr. Higginbotham was one of the pioneer settlers of the Bonne Idee section, where he built up a large and successful farming interest and was looked upon as one of the substantial citizens of the sixth ward. He was a man of the highest ideals and a most loveable character, charitable in both thought and deed. In his death the parish loses one of its very best citizens.

He is survived by one brother, Mr. Lawson Higginbotham, and two sisters, Miss Cecelia Higginbotham and Mrs. Clara Wolfe, all of Mer Rouge.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 4/14/1926

Irma Decou Higginbotham (1856-1926) LA

Mrs. Nelson Higginbotham, nee Irma Decou, died at her late residence, 309 Cliton Street at 9 o'clock on Tuesday evening, following an illness of about nine weeks. The deceased was 69 years of age.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Ward Domengeaux of this city; and Mrs. Ovignac Pommier and Mrs. Joseph Valiot, both of Youngsville; three sons, William and Robert Higginbotham of this city and Dave Higginbotham of St. Martinville, La.; a step-daughter, Mrs. Joseph Breaux of Youngsville, and two step-sons, O'Neil and James Higginbotham of this city; one sister, Mrs. Paul Melancon of Milton, La., and four brothers, Norm Decou of Kaplan, La., Leo, Edmond and Odelion Decou of Milton, La.

Funeral services have been announced for 3 o'clock this afternoon at St. John's Cathedral.

Funeral arrangements are in charge of Rene Delhomme.



The Daily Advertiser 6/12/1926

Martha Ella Higginbotham Guidry Toups (1864-1926) LA

Mrs. Delmas T. Toups, nee Martha Higginbotham, died at her late residence , 407 South Magnolia Street, on Friday evening at 9 o'clock following an illness of several weeks, at the age of 61 years and 10 months.

The deceased was a native of Lafayette parish, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Higginbotham. She was twice married, her first husband being the late Babe Leonard Guidry, of this city, whose death occurred three years ago.

She later married D. T. Toups of Kaplan, La., by whom she is survived. One sister, Mrs. Emma Jules Servat of this city; one brother, Cornelius Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Texas, two half brothers, Nelson Higginbotham and Dave Higginbotham of this city; one niece, Mrs. Rene Deffez of this city; and two nephews, James Guidry and Cliff Guidry of this city, also survive.

Funeral services have been announced for this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence, with Reverend Louis Hoffpauir, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be made in the Protestant cemetery.

Funeral arrangements are in charge of Rene Delhomme.




The Monroe News-Star 12/28/1926

Edna McWee Higginbotham (1869-1926) LA

Bastrop, La., Dec. 28 - Mrs. Edna Higginbotham, aged 57 years, wife of James Higginbotham of this city, died at Riverside sanitarium in Monroe Saturday after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held from the family residence here with Rev. Alonzo Early, pastor of the Methodist church, in charge, and interment followed in Christ church cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham had lived in Bastrop the greater portion of her life and was a devout member of the Methodist church. Besides her husband Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by four daughters, Mrs. E.F. Ayraud, Mrs. Ed David and Miss Elizabeth Higginbotham of Bastrop and Mrs. H.R. Tomas of Natchitoches; four sons, J.D., Fred, Dan and Ray of this city. Also she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Myra Pye, Monticello, Ark., and Mrs. Havie Standard of Georgia and one brother, Herman McWee of Georgia.




Mary Ann Chapman Higginbotham (1849-1927) AL/LA


Mrs. Mary Higginbotham, aged 77 years, 6 months and 4 days, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T.E. Hudson at Gallion, Jan. 14th, death being attributed to infirmities of old age.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born at Birmingham, Ala., but had been a resident of the parish for the past forty years or more, being the wife of William D. Higginbotham, who died many years ago. She was the mother of a family of children prominent throughout the parish today. In the years past, she was a very active lady and belonged to the Methodist church and was a good woman in every respect. She represented the type of womanhood that is fast disappearing, a fact that is sadly true.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Horace M. Bennett, pastor of the Baptist church in this city, at Bartholomew church in the Seventh ward, at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon while interment took place in the cemetery there. Many relatives and friends of the deceased were present to pay their last respects to the departed.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by two daughters, Miss Lizzie Higginbotham of Mer Rouge and Mrs. T.E. Hudson of Gallion; three sons, Messrs. Wilson Higginbotham of Pine Bluff, Ark., Will Higginbotham, Mer Rouge and James Higginbotham of Bastrop.



Morehouse Enterprise (Bastrop, LA) 1/7/1928

William H. Higginbotham (1858-1928) LA

Prominent Well Known Man Dies Tuesday

Funeral of Will Higginbotham Took Place in Mer Rouge Thursday

William Higginbotham, aged 68 years, of Mer Rouge, well known and prominent in Morehouse parish, died at a hospital in Monroe Tuesday night. He had been ill for some time, and was carried to a Monroe sanitarium a short time ago, where he died Tuesday night.

The deceased was well known in the parish, where for years he had been identified with all kinds of activities. The funeral was held in Mer Rouge Thursday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Interment was in Carter's Cemetery on the Bastrop-Collinston road.

The deceased was an uncle of Fred Higginbotham, owner of Fred's Cafe here, and J.D. Higginbotham, Chief of Police of Bastrop. The Fred's Cafe was closed all day Wednesday and Thursday in respect of Mr. Higginbotham's death. Mr. Jas. Higginbotham of this city was a brother of the deceased. He is also survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Wig Rilly of Mer Rouge and Mrs. Alton Norsworthy of Collinston.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 3/15/1928

Agnes Landry Higginbotham (1876-1928) LA

The death of Mrs. O'Neil Higginbotham occurred at her home near Youngsville at 10:25 Wednesday morning, at the age of 52 years.

Funeral services were conducted this morning at St. Ann's Catholic Church in Youngsville. Interment was in the Catholic cemetery there.

Mrs. Higginbotham, who before her marriage was Agnes Landry, is survived by three daughters, Miss MArie Higginbotham, Mrs. Wilfred Langlinais and Miss Rosa Higginbotham, all of Youngsville; two sons, Gilbert and Theodore Higginbotham, all of Youngsville; three sisters, Mrs. Edmond Decou, of Youngsville, and Mrs. Alfred Broussard and Mrs. Aliza Broussard, both of LeRoy, La.; and one brother, Rodolph Landry, of Vermillion parish.

The funeral arrangements were in charge of Rene Delhomme.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/12/1928

Eve Eliza Comeaux Higginbotham (1857-1928) LA

Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Church Poiint Catholic church for Mrs. Eliza Comeaux Higginbotham, who died at her home Tuesday at the age of 70 years.

She is survived by her husband, Ernest Higginbotham, and four sons, J.J. Higginbotham, John Higginbotham, Louis Higginbotham and Ernest Higginbotham, and five daughters, Misses Earnestine and Irene Higginbotham and Mrs. Just LeBleu, Mrs. Eli Gagneaux and Mrs. B. Miller, all of Church Point community.



Monroe News-Star - Wed - 28 Nov 1928

Zoe H. Higginbotham (1874-1928) LA
Zoe Higginbotham, aged 56, one of the best known planters of Morehouse parish, died at his home at Oak Ridge this morning. He is survived by his wife.
The funeral is to be held at his residence tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. D. C. Barr will officiate. The interment will take place in the cemetery in Oak Ridge.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 4/23/1929

Mary Eloise Higginbotham Horton (1874-1929) LA


Injuries Prove Fatal To Local Woman Hit By Car While Crossing Street

Mrs. Charles M. Horton, well known local resident, died at 12:30 this afternoon as a result of injuries sustained and hour earlier when she was struck by an automobile near the Couvillion store, in the west city limits.

Mrs. Horton was crossing the street when hit by the car which was driven by H.F. Schutten, a traveling salesman, of New Orleans. The latter and Charles M. Horton, who was nearby and saw his wife struck, took the injured woman to her home where Dr. J.P. Duhon, family physician, and also Dr. C.E. Hamilton were called. Later Mrs. Horton was removed to St. John's Hospital where she died without regaining consciousness. She received several injuries about the body and head.

The body was removed to the Delhomme Undertaking Parlors and prepared for burial. Funeral arrangements were being made this afternoon.

Mrs. Horton, who was 55 years and 10 months old, is survived by her husband, and by five children by a former marriage, including Monroe, D.W. and L.W. Higginbotham, of this city, E.W. Higginbotham, of Mobile, Alabama, and Mrs. E.B. Luckman, of Patterson, New Jersey.

The driver of the car in the fatal accident, after giving what aid he could went to police headquarters and reported the matter to officers. He said that Mrs. Horton stepped in the path of his car from behind another machine going in the opposite direction.

Chief of Police A.E. Chargols, after talking with the driver of the car and gathering information in regard to the accident, indicated that no charge would be filed.



Morehouse Enterprise (Bastrop, LA) 7/22/1929

Isabelle C. Norsworthy Higginbotham (1844-1929) LA

Funeral services were held Saturday morning for Mrs. Belle Higginbotham, aged 86, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jap Hughes of Mer Rouge at 2:50 p.m. Friday. She was a member of one of the oldest familes in this section and was well known throughout the city and parish.

About two weeks ago she fell and received a fractured hip, being confined to bed since that time.

In addition to her daughter, Mrs. Jap Hughes, she is survived by two sons, L.G. Higginbotham and Howard Higginbotham, both of Mer Rouge.

The funeral services took place Saturday morning at the family burial grounds on the Bonne Idee near Mer Rouge and interment took place there also.



Morehouse Enterprise (Bastrop, LA) 4/25/1930

Hazel Latta Higginbotham (1904-1930) LA

Funeral services were held here Wednesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock for Mrs. Fred Higginbotham, aged 26, who died at her residence on North Washington street here Wednesday morning at 1:00 o'clock following an illness of several months. The services were held at the First Methodist church and were conducted by Rev. Ellis Smith. Interment followed in Christ cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, who before here marriage, was Miss Hazel Latta, was well known in Bastrop and Morehouse parish, and her death came as a big shock to her many friends. Besides her husband, she is survived by one child, Fred, Jr., her father, Mr. G. W. Latta of Monroe, and two sisters, Mrs. Ed Briton and Mrs. B.F. Johnson, both of Monroe.



The Crowley Post-Signal 6/17/1930

Wilfred Monroe Higginbotham (1869-19300 LA

W. W. Higginbotham, familiarly known all over the parish as "Uncle Willie", died Monday night at his residence on Avenue F and Tenth street, after a brief illness. Although in delicate health for a long time, his death came as a distinct shock to his family and friends.

"Uncle Willie" Higginbotham was born in St. Landry parish between Church point and Opelousas on March 4, 1869. He married Miss Mary Rayon and five children were born to them. C.J. Higginbotham, Jake Higginbotham of Beaumont, Fred Higginbotham of Sabine Pass, Texas, B.A. Higginbotham of Crowley and Mrs. George Dorr of Crowley. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Higginbotham, each 85 years of age live in Crowley, and one brother, Ed Higginbotham also of Crowley, with a number of grandchildren, survive him together with his widow.

He has served in the parish and city in official capacity for many years. Coming to the locality of Crowley 45 years ago he has served as deputy sheriff of the parish, on the police force of the city and was jailer at the parish courthouse for 24 consecutive years. He was one of the best know residents of the city and parish.

Funeral services will be conducted from St. Michael's church Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, the Rev. Father George Mollo, officiating. Interment will follow in the Catholic cemetery of Crowley.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 12/7/1930

James Douglas Higginbotham Sr. (1863-19300 LA


Bastrop, Dec. 6 (Special) - James Higginbotham, Sr., 70 years old, the father of J.D. Higginbotham, Bastrop chief of police, died suddenly here Saturday night at 9 o'clock. He had been in ill health for the past several years.

Mr. Higginbotham was one of the pioneer citizens of Bastrop. He is survived by four sons, J.D., Fred and Ray Higginbotham of Bastrop, and Dan Higginbotham of Monroe; four daughters, Mrs. S.R. Thomas of Natchitoches, Mrs. Horace Rogers of Mangham, Mrs. Edward David of Bastrop and Mrs. Ned Ayraud of Alexandria. Funeral arrangements had not been made Saturday night.




Ida Lea Higginbotham Felps (1872-1931) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Felix R. Felps of Ogden Park who passed away Tuesday morning will be at the home, corner Oakwood Drive and North Boulevard, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment will be in Roselawn Memorial Park.

Mrs. Felps, formerly of East Feliciana parish but a resident here nine years, had been in failing health during the past three years. Her condition became serious last Saturday.

Mrs. Felps was formerly Miss Ida Lea Higginbotham, the daughter of David Pipes Higginbotham, one of the pioneer residents of East Feliciana. She had lived in that parish all her life until moving to Baton Rouge about nine years ago, and she has a host of devoted friends there, as well as in Baton Rouge. She was married to Mr. Felps November 12, 1893, and he and their five children survive her. The sons are John Wall Felps, Felix and Irwin Felps, and the daughters are Misses Edna and Myrtle Felps, all of Baton Rouge, and all of whom have watched by the beside of their mother during her final illness. She leaves also a son-in-law, Willie F. Crotwell of Walker, La., and four grandchildren, Herman, Mary, Ida Lea and Wardella Crotwell, and five brothers and sisters.

Mrs. Felps was a faithful member of the Methodist church, active in its services as long as he health permitted. She was always cheerful, and even during her illness maintained her eager and kindly interest in her friends. She was devoted to her home, and she was tenderly loved in return by members of her family. Her bright disposition, her unselfishness and sweetness made her a general favorite, and many friends grieve with her family in her passing.



The Daily Northwestern 1931

David Pipes Higginbotham (1908-1931) LA


Amite, La.,-Calmly fingering a worn Bible, Flint Higginbotham, 56, described by his family as “a prohibitionist of the sterner order,’ sat in district court here and heard his wife and children testify against him in his trial for slaying his son, David, 23, whom he accused of selling liquor.

Higginbotham was indicted for manslaughter after David was shot and fatally wounded in an argument which followed the father’s discovery of a jug of whiskey in a barn, leading the elder man to suspect his son was bootlegging.

As David fell, Lawrence Higginbotham, 12, another son, obtained a pistol and fired at the father several times, wounding him slightly.

Mrs. Higginbotham, who with her sons, Tom and Lawrence, testified against the father, said as she left the stand: “The killing of that boy was without cause.”



The Shreveport Journal 6/20/1932

Vera Estelle Higginbotham LaHood (1906-1932) LA

Seaman Charged With Murder for Killing of Wife

New Orleans, June 20 - John Lahood, 25-year-old seaman, today was formally charged with the murder of his estranged wife, following his arrest on Canal street last night, several hours after the wife, Mrs. Vera Higginbotham Lahood, was found fatally shot in her bedroom at the home of a sister.

Lahood maintained he knew nothing of the shooting.

He was arrested on the testimony of relatives of Mrs. Lahood that they heard his voice in her bedroom shortly before a single shot was fired. Mrs. Lahood died without making a statement.

The couple were married two years ago, and had been estranged two months. A few weeks ago, Mrs. Lahood instituted divorce proceedings. Friends said that the husband had tried unsuccessfully to effect a reconciliation, and had met his wife in a neighborhood park yesterday afternoon when he tried to engage her in conversation, but he was told to see Mrs. Lahood's lawyer.

Mrs. Lahood formerly lived at Kentwood, La.



The Rayne Acadian-Tribune 7/8/1932

Ernest Higginbotham (1856-1932) LA

Pioneer Settler Dies Saturday at Age of 77

Ernest Higginbotham, a pioneer settle of Ward Two of this parish succumbed to death Saturday at the age of 77.

Funeral services were held at the Catholic church in Church Point, interment in the cemetery there.

He is survived by nine children, all living, four boys and five girls. they are J.J. Higginbotham, John Higginbotham, Louis Higginbotham, Ernest Higginbotham Jr., Ernestine Higginbotham, Irene Higginbotham, Mrs. Juste LeBleu, Mrs. Eli Jagneaux and Mrs. Bertrand Miller.

Funeral arrangement were in charge of Adam Migues of the Farmers Hardware and Implement Co. of this city.



The Monroe News-Star 12/9/1932

Emma Philomen Bergeron Higginbotham (1854-19320 LA

Luling, La., Dec. 9 - Mrs. Emma Higginbotham, the mother of the Rev. Joseph Higginbotham of Thibodeaux, was dead today from an automobile accident that happened on the highway near here last night. She was 78 years old.

Mrs. Higginbotham was traveling from New Orleans to their home in the automobile with her son when the driver swerved  to avoid hitting another automobile and the car turned over, pinning the aged woman underneath.

The minister was unhurt.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/13/1933
Nelson N. Higginbotham (1843-1933) LA
Death today claimed one of Lafayette's oldest residents, and confederate veteran, Nelson N. Higginbotham, who died at 4:00 o'clock this morning at the home of his son, Robert Higginbotham, 610 Garfield Street.
Funeral services will be conducted at St. John's Cathedral at 9:30 Friday morning, followed by interment in St. John's Catholic cemetery. In accordance with a request which has been made by Mr. Higginbotham, the American Legion funeral home will be conducted by members of Stanley Martin Post.
Mr. Higginbotham, who died at thye age of 90 years, was a native of this parish. He was engaged in farming in the Youngsville section before coming to Lafayette where he resided for the past 34 years. He was twice married, and was the father of 26 children.
During the Civil War, Mr. Higginbotham served in the 18th Louisiana Regiment, under General Alfred Mouton.
The deceased is survived by five sons, O'Neil Higginbotham, Youngsville, James Higginbotham, Biloxi, Miss., Dave Higginbotham, St. Martinville, and William and Robert Higginbotham, this city; four daughters, Mrs. Joe Breaux, Mrs. Antoine Cormier and Mrs. Joe Valot, of Youngsville, and Mrs. Ward Domengeaux, this city; Three brothers, Dave Higginbotham, Point Brule, St. Landry parish, Canille Higginbotham, Port Arthur, Texas and Eddy Higginbotham, this city; one sister, Mrs. Jules Servat, this city, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The funeral arrangements are in charge of Rene Delhomme and Son.


Monroe News-Star 10/10/1933

James Douglas Higginbotham Jr. (1893-1933) LA

Bastrop, La., Oct. 10 - J. D. Higginbotham, 41, Bastrop chief of police for the past 12 years, and considered one of the best known and most fearless law enforcement officers in Louisiana, died in a local hospital early Tuesday morning following an illness of about two weeks. Cerebral hemorrhage was said to be the cause of death.

Mr. Higginbotham has an outstanding record of police service and Bastrop gained wide publicity because of its efficient police department.

The deceased was a native of Morehouse parish. Two years ago he ran for sheriff and received a large vote. The police chief suddenly became ill about two weeks ago and was removed to a hospital when his condition became worse.

The funeral will be held Wednesday morning. He is survived by his widow, three sons, three brothers, Fred Higginbotham, Ray Higginbotham and Dan Higginbotham, all of Bastrop, and four sisters, Mrs. Edward Davis, Bastrop, Mrs. E.F. Ayraud, Bunkie, Mrs. S.R. Thomas, Natchitoches and Miss Elizabeth Higginbotham, Natchitoches.



Morehouse Enterprise (Bastrop, LA) 1/24/1934

Mary Elizabeth Higginbotham (1862-1934) LA

Death Claims Miss Mollie Higginbotham of Mer Rouge

Funeral Services For Pioneer Citizen Held in Mer Rouge Monday

Miss Mary Elizabeth Higginbotham, better known to her friends throughout Morehouse parish as Miss Mollie Higginbotham, died at her home in Mer Rouge last Sunday night at 8:00 o'clock following a lengthy illness. She was 69 years of age.

Miss Higginbotham was born in Morehouse parish and was a member of one of the old pioneer familes of this section.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist church in Mer Rouge and the services were conducted by Rev. J.A. McCormick, pastor of the Methodist church at Mer Rouge, Rev. D.C. Barr of Oak Ridge, Rev. R.W. Vaughan of Ruston and Rev. Van Carter of Bastrop.

The large number of floral arrangements at the funeral attested to the love and esteem in which she was held. Interment followed in the family plot on the Bonne Idee.

Her nearest surviving relatives are first cousins and these are Miss Lizzie Higginbotham of Bastrop, Lawson Higginbotham of Mer Rouge, Mrs. J.S Hughes, L.G. Higginbotham, Celia Higginbotham and Mrs. A.C. White, all of Mer Rouge.



The Daily Advertiser 9/19/1934

David James Higginbotham (1840-1934) LA

David J. Higginbotham, Confederate War veteran, died at his home, near Grand Coteau at 8:20 a.m. today, at the age of 94 years.

Funeral services will be conducted at the First Baptist Church here Thursday morning at 9:00 o'clock, followed by interment in the local Protestant cemetery. Member of Mouton-Gardner Camp, United Confederate Veterans, of which the deceased was a member, are especially invited to attend the funeral. Military honors will be paid by the American Legion and the National Guards.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by a son, Perry Higginbotham, St. Landry Parish; a daughter, Miss Eliza Higginbotham, also of St. Landry; one sister, Mrs. Emma Higginbotham Servat, Lafayette; a brother, Eddie Higginbotham, Lafayette; 12 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.

The funeral arrangements are in charge of E. D. Melacon and Son.



Morehouse Enterprise (Bastrop, LA) 1/21/1935

Dan Barr Higginbotham (1906-1935) LA

Dan Higginbotham, age 31, well known local man, died at his residence on East Cypress avenue, early Thursday morning, following an illness of several weeks. Funeral services will be held Friday morning.

Mr. Higginbotham was born and reared in Bastrop and is a member of a pioneer Bastrop family.

His brother, J.D. Higginbotham, former chief of police, died here about two years ago.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow and two brothers, Fred and Ray Higginbotham of Bastrop, four sisters, Mrs. Ed Ayraud of Bunkie, Mrs. S.R. Thomas of Natchitoches, Mrs. Edward David of Bastrop and Miss Elizabeth Higginbotham of Natchitoches.



Morehouse Enterprise (Bastrop, LA) 1/31/1935

Howard D. Higginbotham (1864-19350 LA

Pioneer Citizen of Mer Rouge Passes Away Mon.

Howard D. Higginbotham, Prominent Planter Dies at Age of 71 Years

Funeral services for Howard D. Higginbotham, age 71 years, for many years a prominent planter of Mer Rouge and a pioneer resident of the parish, who died at the home of his sister, Mrs. J.S. Hughes in Mer Rouge Monday morning, were held Tuesday morning at the family cemetery on the Bonne Idee.

The services were conducted by Rev. J.A. McCormick, pastor of the First Methodist church of Mer Rouge.

Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Mer Rouge and was actively engaged in farming and planting up until a few years ago. He had been ill for about three months.

He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Miss Ida Belle Higginbotham, one sister, Mrs. J.S. Hughes, and one brother, L. Higginbotham.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 2/11/1935

Edward J. Higginbotham (1866-1935) LA

Funeral services for Eddy J. Higginbotham were held at 4:00 p.m. Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jules Emma Servat, 506 Garfield St., where his death occurred at 8:30 Sunday night. The Rev. R.H. Harper, pastor of the Furst Methodist Church, officiated. Interment took place in the Protestant cemetery.

The pallbearers were Clifton D. Guidry, Joe Vellot and Robert, J.A. Antoine and Lucien Higginbotham, nephews.

Mr. Higginbotham, who was 68 years of age, died after a long illness. He is survived by his sister, Mrs. Jules Emma Servat.

The funeral arrangements were in charge of Martin and Castille.



The Morning Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) Wednesday, October 23, 1935

Scott Pipes Higginbotham (1869-1935) LA

Funeral services for Scott P. Higginbotham, 66, who died at his home near Corbin yesterday, will be held at the Walker Methodist church at 10 a.m. today, Rev. J. P. Bonnecarre officiating. Burial will be in the cemetery there. Mr. Corbin [sic Higginbotham], who had been engaged in farming since his youth, had spent the greater portion of his life in the vicinity of Clinton, in East Feliciana parish. He moved to Corbin about a year ago, and he was active about his farm until four days ago, when he became ill. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maggie Higginbotham; a son, Jack Higginbotham, and five grandchildren.



The Monroe Morning World, Sunday, January 5, 1936

Carrie Travis Higginbotham (1861-1936) LA

DELHI, La., Jan. 4. — (Special) — Last rites for Mrs. Carrie Sims, 75, who died here early this morning, will be held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Rundell. Rev. H. M. Alexander, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Delhi, will officiate and interment will follow in the Masonic cemetery.

Besides Mrs. Rundell, Mrs. Sims is survived by three other children, Ed Higginbothan, Mrs. Lena Elmore and Charles Sims, all of Delhi.

Active pallbearers are B. Skidmore, John R. Golson, W. E. Dozier, Jodie Smith, George Koutezy, and C. B. DeMoss.

Honorary pallbearers are J. J. Kennedy, John Scott, Sr., F. A. Miles, F. G. Hulse, E. E. Rundell, Neal McEacharn, W. A. Fraser and J. W. Trezevant.



The Crowley Post-Signal 7/14/1937

Melinda Higginbotham Bergeron (ca1873-1937) LA

Mrs. P.U. Bergeron Dies Tuesday Night At Crowley Hospital

Last rites for Mrs. P. U. Bergeron, 63 years of age, who died at 11:10 Tuesday night at the American Legion hospital, will be conducted at 9:30 Thursday morning at St. Michael's Catholic church. Interment will be made in the local cemetery. Until the hour of service the body will lie in state at the Geesey-Ferguson Funeral home.

A resident of Crowley for the past 20 years, Mrs. Bergeron was a native of Church point.

Surviving, besides her husband, are three sons, Walter of Egan, Easton of Jennings, Newton of Crowley; three daughters, Mrs. Emile Lejeune, of Egan, Mrs. O.H. Viator, Crowley, and Mrs. Emmett Bobbitt of Basile; two brothers, Eddie Higginbotham of Orange, Tex., and Jim Frazer of Denham Springs, Tex.; and two sisters, Mrs. Leonard Spears of Red River county, Tex., and Miss Ida Higginbotham of Houston, Tex.

The Geesey-Ferguson Funeral home of Crowley has charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 9/2/1937

George Ernest Higginbotham (1904-1937) LA


New Orleans, Sept. 2 - George Ernest Higginbotham, 33, employee of the Public Belt Railroad, was killed accidentally today in a 95-foot fall from the Huey P. Long bridge across the Mississippi River here.

Higginbotham fell to the ground from the west railroad flange where he was handling a plumb line on one of the piers.

Dr. M.M. Odom, Jefferson parish coroner, after a preliminary autopsy, said the worker's plumb line might have come into contact with a power line under the bridge and shocked him, causing his fall.

Lieutenant Theophile Landry, of the state highway police, was investigating the accident.

Higginbotham is survived by his widow and a 22-months-old son.



The Acadian Signal (Crowley, LA) 9/16/1937

Leanna Louisa Curtis (1858-1937) LA

Mrs. Higginbotham of Church Point Succumbs Tuesday Morning

Funeral services were held at 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Sacred Heart of Mary church at Church point for Mrs. Edward Higginbotham, 79, of Church point, who died at 12:38 p.m. Tuesday. Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Miss Leanna L. Curtis of Bayou Boeuf, was born February 10, 1858.

Surviving are eleven children, six daughters and five sons, who are: Miss Leola, who made her home with her mother; Mrs. Jules Miller, Sunset; Mrs. Bennett Fontenot, Church Point, Mrs. Leonard Fontenot, Eunice; Mrs. Honore Beau, Opelousas; Mrs. A.F. Taylor, Houston, Tex.; and Monroe and Walter, of Ged; Charles of Bristol; Offeurd of Church point; Herschel, Lake Charles.

Thirty-five grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren also survive.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/11/1938

Marie Louise Young Higginbotham (1858-1938) LA

Funeral services will be conducted at 4 p.m. Tuesday at the St. Joseph Catholic church at Iota for Mrs. Adam Higginbotham, 79, of Iota, who died at 8 p.m. Monday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Breaux.

Born Louise Young at Mamou on December 18, 1858, Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, two sons, Wilson of Point Arthur and Nelson of Evangeline, and three daughters, Mrs. Breaux, Mrs. Frank Romain and Mrs. Demosthenes Romain, all of Iota.

Burial will be made in the Catholic cemetery at Iota with the Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.


The Daily Advertiser 10/7/1938

Dale David Higginbotham (1938) LA

Funeral Today For Higginbotham Infant

Dale David Higginbotham, two-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higginbotham of this city, died at the home of his parents Thursday.

Funeral services will be held at St. John's Cathedral at 3:00 p.m. today with interment in the Catholic cemetery.

Survivors besides the parents are two sisters, Dora Ann and Greta Fay, and one brother, Robert Higginbotham Jr.

Funeral arrangements are in charge of Delhomme's Funeral Home.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 2/9/1939

Ernest D. Hickingbottom (1885-1939) LA

Ferriday, La., Feb. 8 - Funeral services were held Monday for Ernest D. Hickingbottom, veteran Missouri-Pacific engineer of Ferriday, who died in Natchez Sunday following a brief illness. The Rev. Charles A. Schultz, pastor of the Jefferson Street Methodist Church, officiated.

The deceased is survived by his widow, three daughters: Ruby, Nan, and Catherine, all of Ferriday; and three sons, Billy of Natchez and Teddy and John of Ferriday.



The Crowley Post-Signal 11/11/1939

Sylania Elvina Laughlin Higginbotham (1851-1939) LA

Mrs. William Higginbotham, 87, died at her place of residence in Maxie at 3:25 a.m. Saturday. Funeral services will be conducted from the Methodist church of Maxie at 10 o'clock Sunday, the Rev. F.B. Roberts, pastor, officiating. Burial will follow in the Maxie cemetery.

A lifelong resident of the Maxie community, Mrs. Higginbotham was highly regarded by her circle of friends and was looked to for counsel and guidance by a large group of relatives and friends. Devoted to her home and family, she had led a retired but beautiful life.

She is survived by her husband, William Higginbotham; three daughters, Mrs. Day Farley of Maxie, with whom she lived; Mrs. Buck McNeil of Iota; Mrs. Marcus Broderick of Elton; three sons, Sidney Higginbotham of Maxie; C.A. Higginbotham of Angola; Bert Higginbotham of Iota; one brother, Allen Laughlin of near Eunice; and a large number of grandchildren and lesser relatives.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 3/16/1940

Lula Emily Higginbotham Fowler (1919-1940) LA

FOWLER - At the Charity Hospital in Pineville, La., at 12:10 o'clock p.m. Friday, March 15, 1940, Mrs. Lula Higginbotham Fowler, aged 19 years, 3 months and 12 days.

Deceased is survived by her husband, Oliver Fowler of DeRidder, one young daughter, Emily Fowler; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Higginbotham of DeRidder; three sisters, and five brothers, Misses Cintella, Olla and Eliza Higginbotham, Silas, Joseph, Elvin and Thomas Higginbotham, all of DeRidder and Wash Higginbotham of Leesville.

The funeral procession left the residence of her father, William F. Higginbotham R.F.D. DeRidder at 12:30 o'clock p.m. today, going to the Hopewell Baptist Church, where services were conducted at 2 o'clock by the Rev. Clarence Dees, Baptist minister of DeRidder, after which interment was made in the Hopewell Baptist cemetery, under the direction of Morgan Bros., local funeral directors.

The infant, who died Friday was buried at the side of her mother.



The Monroe News-Star 3/28/1940

Frances L. Cason Higginbotham (1885-1940) LA

Delhi, La., March 28 - Mrs. Frances Higginbotham of Delhi died in a Natchez hospital Wednesday as a result of injuries received in an automobile accident early Tuesday. Mrs. J.T. Scott, 70, another victim of the same accident, died instantly and her funeral was held in Baton Rouge. The two Delhi women had gone to Natchez to attend the spring pilgrimage when the accident occurred, their car crashing into a brick building when it went out of control near the ferry landing on the Natchez side of the Mississippi river.

Mrs. Higginbotham leaves her husband, J.E. Higginbotham; her father, H.P. Cason of Delhi; two brothers, J.N. Cason, of Baton Rouge and H.R. Cason, Jr., of Delhi; and also one sister, Mrs. M.C. Catchings, of Delhi.

Mrs. Higginbotham's funeral was held at the home of Mrs. Mabel Rundall in Delhi and interment was in the Masonic cemetery with Mulhearn Funeral home in charge.



The Opelousas Herald, Tuesday, 25 Jun 1940

Simon Higginbotham (1876-1940) LA

Funeral Held In Church Point For S. Higginbotham
Funeral services were held at 5 p.m. Monday in Church Point for Simon Higginbotham, 65, who died at 1 a.m. Monday at his home in Church Point, after an illness of several weeks. Services were held at the Church Point Catholic Church with Rev. Father Wilton Labbe in charge of the rites.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, the former Rose Smith, two daughters, Mrs. Jean Daugeraux and Miss Aline Higginbotham, his mother and several brothers and sisters.



The Acadian-Signal (Crowley, LA) 9/12/1940

Bernadette Richard Higginbotham (1912-1940) LA

Mrs. Vincent Higginbotham, 27, died at 1 o'clock Monday morning at her home four miles north of Church point. Funeral services were held at the Sacred Heart of Mary church with Rev. C.A. Bienvenu officiating. Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Miss Bernadette Richard, is survived by her husband, father, four sisters and four brothers.



The Daily Advertiser 3/8/1941

Emma Jane Higginbotham Guidry Servat (1860-1941) LA


Mrs. Jules Servat, nee Emma Higginbotham, 80, died at her residence in this city Friday evening.

Funeral arrangements are not complete.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Rene Deffez of this city; two sons, Cliff D. Guidry and James A. Guidry of this city. Five grandchildren and three great grandchildren also survive.

Funeral arrangements are in charge of Delhomme's Funeral Home.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 9/29/1941

Eliza Higginbotham Higginbotham (1877-1941) LA

Carencro, Sept. 29 - Mrs. Eliza Higginbotham, 63, died at her home near Grand Coteau Sunday evening.

Funeral services will be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Grand Coteau at 3:30 p.m. today and interment will be in the Grand Coteau Catholic cemetery.

Surviving are one son, Antoine Higginbotham and one brother, Perry Higginbotham.

Funeral arrangements are in charge of E.D. Melancon and Son.



The Shreveport Journal 3/17/1942

Walker Jefferson Higginbotham (1882-1942) TX/LA

Walker Jefferson Higginbotham, 59, well-known farmer of Greenwood, La., died at his home shortly before midnight Monday. He had been a resident of that town for 10 years.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Susan Higginbotham; his father, William Higginbotham, Ore City, Tex.; five sons, S. J. Higginbotham of Elmira, N.Y., R. C. Higginbotham of Taylor, Ark., Robert W. Higginbotham of Canal Zone, Joseph W. and Jessie, both of Greenwood; one daughter, Mrs. J. A. Chambers of Greenwood.

Other survivors are: six brothers, Charles, Clarence, Hubbard and Chester Higginbotham, all of Troup, Texas, Reuben Higginbotham, Ore City, Texas, H. Higginbotham, Gilmer, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Ora Phillips of Nacogdoches, Texas, Mrs. Della Wells of Ore City; one granddaughter, Barbara Ann Higinbotham of Elmira, N.Y.; one grandson, Jessie L. Chambers of Greenwood.

Funeral arrangements are in charge of Wellman funeral home, will be announced upon arrival of S.J. Higginbotham from Elmira. The body is at the family residence.



The Franklin Sun 06/11/1942

Thomas Elijah Higginbotham (1861-1942) MS/LA

Thomas Elijah Higginbotham, 81-year-old resident of Midway community, was buried Monday afternoon at Ogden cemetery in Liddieville community, with the Rev. A.C. Trapp, Chase Baptist minister, officiating. Funeral rites were at Sardis church. Pallbearers were Robert Cuave, Wade McCain, Kit McCain, Jim Cummins, J.O. Maynor and Bill McCassell. Mr. Higginbotham, who succumbed Sunday morning at his home, is survived by his wife, Mrs. Essie Higginbotham, and 12 children: G. W. Higginbotham, Swampers; Walter Higginbotham, Port Neches, Texas; Clarence Higginbotham, McComb, Miss.; Seaman Vencin Higginbotham, New Orleans; Thomas Higginbotham, Winnsboro; Monroe and Warren Higginbotham, New Orleans; Private (first class) Milburn Higginbotham, Camp Forest, Tenn.; Mrs. Bessie Stephenson, Baskin; Mrs. Clara Franks, Crowville; Dorothy and Myrtle Higginbotham, Winnsboro. Four half-brothers, Jay and Lee Cupit of Meadville, Miss., Dee and Jim Cupit of Crowville, and 36 grandchildren also survive. Final rites were conducted under direction of Mulhearn Funeral home.



Published in The Monroe News-Star (LA), Thursday, November 26, 1942

Mabel Claire Higginbotham Rundell (1884-1942) LA

TALLULAH, La., Nov. 26. — (Special) — Funeral services were conducted today from her residence in Delhi for Mrs. Mabel Rundell, widow of the late C. R. Rundell, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Craig, here Tuesday night. The Rev. H. N. Alexander of the Presbyterian church officiated at the services, assisted by members of the Woman's Auxiliary. Interment followed in the Delhi cemetery.

Mrs. Rundell is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Frank Craig, Tallulah, Mrs. Alvin Osborne, Monroe, and Mrs. Carol Crow, Tallulah; a son, George Rundell, Lake Providence; a sister, Mrs. Lena Elmore, Minden; two brothers, J. E. Higginbotham and Charles Simms, Delhi; an aunt, Miss Fannie Travis, Delhi; and seven grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 11/27/1942

William Air Higginbotham (1852-1942) LA

Friends from all walks of life were present at the Maxie Methodist church to pay final tribute to William A. Higginbotham, 90-year-old Acadia parish pioneer, who died at his home an the Maxie community at 12:30 Thursday noon.

Reverend T.D. Lipscomb, pastor of the Maxie church, officiated for the services. The Geesey-Ferguson funeral home, of Crowley, was in charge of the arrangements and the burial was in the Maxie cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was born January 1, 1852 and would have been 91 years of age had he lived to January 1, 1943. He spent practically all of his life in Acadia parish, which during the early days was St. Landry parish. He was born between Maxie and Opelousas.

He homesteaded his farm many years ago and continued in the work of farming practically all his life.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the former Elvina Laughlin and to them were born six children. Survivors included Mrs. Buck McNeil, Iota; Mrs. Marcus Broderick, Elton; and Mrs. Day Farley, Maxie; three sons, Sidney, Maxie, Capt. Curley Higginbotham, Angola, La., and Bert Higginbotham, Iota. Besides the children are 22 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/5/1943

Joseph Wilfred Higginbotham (1868-1943) LA

Wilfred Higginbotham, 74, died at the family residence in Church point Saturday, January 2 at 5 p.m. Funeral services were conducted for him at the Church Point Catholic Church Sunday, January 3 at 5 p.m., the Rev. Father Bienvenu officiating, and interment in the Church Point Catholic Cemetery, First National Funeral Home in charge.

Mr. Higginbotham was the husband of the late Josephine Miller and is survived by three sons, Gilbert of Opelousas; Ambrose and Clabert of Port Arthur and two daughters: Mrs. Leonce Fontenot and Mrs. Bertrand Colligan, both of Church Point.



State Times Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) Saturday, May 22, 1943
Sallie Hawsey Higginbotham (1869-1943) LA
Mrs. Lawson Higginbotham of Mer Rouge, the former Sallie Hawsey of Clinton, died at the age of 73. She attended Sillman College and later was graduated from Louisiana State Normal at Natchitoches. She was active in the work of the Methodist Church and the Order of Eastern Star.
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, Lawson, three stepchildren, Mrs. E.M. Clark, McVea Higginbotham and J. Higginbotham, all of Mer Rouge; two brothers, A.J. Hawsey of this city and W.W. Hawsey of Clinton.



The Billings (MT) Gazette 08/09/1943

Ernest Marvin Higginbotham (1921-1943) LA

B-26 Marauder Crew Dies in Accident

Dodge City, Kan., Aug. 8-A B-26 Marauder crashed near here Saturday during a routine training flight, killing all five members of the crew, the public relations office at the Dodge City army airfield announced Sunday night.

The dead...Private Ernest M. Higginbotham, 21, aerial engineer, son of Mrs. Mary E. Higginbotham, 936 Shirley avenue, Baton Rouge, La.



The Crowley Post-Signal 2/19/1944

Marie Celesie Eleda Guidry Higginbotham (1856-1944) LA

Mrs. Jules Bud Higginbotham, 88 years of age and life time resident of Church Point, died about 3 o'clock Saturday morning in Church point following a week's illness.

Funeral services are to be conducted at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Church Point Catholic church with burial in the cemetery there.

Mr. Higginbotham died on June 2, 1927.

Mrs. Higginbotham is the mother of Mrs. P.L. Bellard of Crowley. She is survived by seven other children. She is also survived by 51 grandchildren; 58 great-grandchildren and some six great, great grandchildren.

She was born in Church Point and hid spent her entire life there.



The Daily Advertiser 2/21/1944

Louis Perry Higginbotham (1870-1944) LA

Arnaudville, Feb. 21 - Perry Higginbotham, 73, died at his home here Saturday. Funeral services were held at a Requiem Mass at St. Francis Regis Catholic Church here this morning followed by interment in the Catholic Cemetery in Grand Coteau.

Surviving are his widow, nee Erminie Savoy, of St. Landry Parish; three daughters, Mrs. Rene Stelly of Carencro, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Raymond Marks of this city; three sons, J. A., C. P., and I. A. Higginbotham of Lafayette. Four grandchildren also survive.

The deceased was a member of the Holy Name Society of the local Catholic church and members of this organization attended the services in a body.

Funeral arrangements were in charge of Crouchet and Guchereau with the First National Funeral Home of Lafayette.



Morehouse Enterprise (Bastrop, LA) 6/24/1945

Fred Lee Higginbotham (1895-1945) LA

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at four in the Robinson funeral home for Fred Higginbotham, 49, local businessman, who died Wednesday as the result of a heart attack.

The Rev. Jolly Harper, pastor of the Methodist church, will officiate, and interment will be in the Christ church cemetery.

Pallbearers will be C.J. Jackson, Jack Tyler, James Madison, Leroy Mattison, J.O. McConathy, and O.W. Riley.

Survivors are his widow; two sons, Fred, Jr., and James Lofton of the Marine Corps, stationed on Saipan; three sisters, Mrs. Ned Ayraud of Woodville, Miss., Mrs. S. R. Thomas and Mrs. Sylvan Freeman of Natchitoches, and one brother, Ray, of Georgetown, S.C.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 8/10/1945

Katie Mae McGuire Higginbotham (1877-1945) LA

Mrs. Katie Mae Higginbotham, aged 68 years, died at the family residence at Kolin, La., at 8 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 9, 1945.

Besides her husband, J.E. Higginbotham, of Kolin, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J.M. Nalley of Kolin and two sons, Roscoe of Kolin and Carlos of Mena, Ark.

The funeral procession left the residence at Kolin at 10:30 a.m. today, Aug. 10, and proceeded to Philadelphia Church for services followed by interment in the Philadelphia cemetery under the direction of the Kramer Funeral Home.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 10/15/1945

David Walfred Higginbotham (1900-1945) LA/IL

Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 3:30 at Delhommes's Funeral Home for Walfred D. Higginbotham, who died in Illinois as a result of injuries sustained while at work. Rev. C.P. freeman of the northside Baptist church officiated at the services assisted by the choir of that church. Interment was in the Protestant Cemetery.

Disabled American Veterans services were held with J.P. Gerami, acting commander, Sidney Daigle, acting chaplain, J.B. Dugas, color bearer, Allen Dubois and Milton Pastor, Color guard and Howard Voorhies, bugler.

Pallbearers were James M. Higginbotham, Edwin Higginbotham, Charles P. Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham and Darius Ray.

Delhomme's Funeral Home had charge of the arrangements.



The Shreveport Journal 11/26/1945

William E. Higginbotham (1880-1945) LA

Funeral services for W.E. Higginbotham, 65, who died last Friday night at the home of a niece, Mrs. John B. Forbing, at Forbing, of a heart attack, were held Monday at 2:30 p.m. at the Forbing Community church, conducted by Rev. L. Willett. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery under direction of Rose-Neath Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham, who was a native of Morehouse parish, is survived by one sister, Mrs. S.R. Bridgers; two nieces, Mrs. John B. Forbing of Forbing and Mrs. Howell Flournoy of Shreveport, and a number of other nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers were J. Howell Flournoy, H. Laird, Hiram S. Forbing, E.H. Turner, Hiram Evans, George A. Bridgers, Robert Ledbetter, John Weiche, C.W. Bridgers and John C. Bridgers.



The Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/5/1946

Walter Higginbotham (1896-1946) LA

Walter Higginbotham, 53, brother of Mrs. J.H. Beaugh of this city, died at his home in Vinton Friday.

Services were held in Vinton, Saturday afternoon with Reverend R.E. Miller officiating, and interment was made in the Nebletts Bluff cemetery.

He is survived by his wife, two sons, two daughters, four brothers, and six sisters.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 5/2/1947

Essie Campbell Higginbotham (1893-1947) MS/LA

Higginbotham - Mrs. Essie Higginbotham, 54, died May 2, 1947, at 7:45 a.m. in a local hospital. She is survived by four sons, Thomas C. of Winnsboro, Albert M. and Warren L. both of Alexandria and James M. of Galveston, Tex., three daughters, Mrs.. Clara Franks and Mrs. Albert P. Johnson of Calvin, and Mrs. Dorothy M. Wilks, of Puerta Rica, two brothers, John H. Campbell of Wisnor, La., and James M. Campbell of Sicily Island, four sisters, Mrs. Idella Cotton, Jonesville, Mrs. Oliva Wactor of Sicily Island, and Mrs. Dellie Wentworth, of Bude, Miss., her mother, Mrs. Maggie Campbell, of Sicily Island. The funeral is incomplete pending the arrival of relatives. Interment is under the direction of Hixson's.



Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 3/19/1948

Ben Hickenbottom (1871-1948) LA

Death comes alike to any family, irrespective of race and creed, and brings sorrow when life of the deceased has been useful and helpful to others. Such can truly be said of Ben Hickenbottom, a well-know and highly respected colored farmer of Tensas parish.

Ben Hickenbottom located with his father of "Dickard" plantation in 1882, when quite a child, scarcely 10 years old, and lived there continuously until his death, on March 4, at age of 77 years. He was ever a good citizen and successful farmer and enjoyed all the respect of all who knew him. He is survived by his widow, and one sister, Cora Knapper, of Waterproof.

Always a consistent Christian, Ben held member ship in New Zion Baptist Church, from which he was buried, a number of white people to show their respect and esteem, attending the obsequies.

The widow and sister wish the Gazette to express their thanks for the kindness shown Ben during his long illness and the words of sympathy spoken to them in the hour of their grief.




James Sidney Higginbotham (1880-1949) LA

Crowley, La, Nov. 29 - Funeral services for J.S. Higginbotham, 69, were held at 10 a.m. Sunday in the Crowley Church of Christ. Burial was in the Maxie Protestant cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, retired rice farmer of the Maxie section and a lifelong resident of Acadia parish, died at the Legion hospital at 4:23 a.m. Saturday.

Surviving are his wife, the former Florence Vivian Taylor; two sons, V.T. Higginbotham of Beaumonth, operator of the Majestic photography shop, and H.G. Higginbotham of Abbeville; a daughter, Mrs. Meta Lou Cooley of Baton Rouge; two brothers, Curley Higginbotham of Maxie and Burt Higginbotham of Iota; two sisters, Mrs. Day Farley of Maxie and Mrs. Buck McNeil of Iota, and one grandchild.



The Church Point News 12/20/1949

Laura Leger Higginbotham (1887-1949) LA

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at our Lady of the Sacred HEart Church here for Mrs. Laura Leger Higginbotham, native of Church Point, who died at her home in Lake Charles Saturday night.

Mrs. Higginbotham has been residing in Lake Charles for the past four years. She was 64 years of age, and was well-known here where she had spent so much of her lifetime.

Interment followed Monday's funeral services, burial being made in the adjacent Catholic cemetery.

In addition to her husband, she is survived by one son, Thomas, of Opelousas; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Richard and Mrs. Gladys Howard of Lafayette; five brothers, Lawrence Leger of Opelousas; Albert Leger, Church Point; Lucius and Columbus Leger of Orange, Tex., and Oscar Leger of Alexandria; and three sisters, Mrs. Berchman Savoie, Sunset; Mrs. Florence Olivier, Church Point, and Mrs. Morris Bourgeois, Lake Charles.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 1/28/1950

Arthur A. Higginbotham (1890-1950) LA

Head of la., Miss. Movie Firm Dies

New Orleans, Jan. 27 - Arthur A. Higginbotham, 60 year old president and general manager of Dixie Theatres corporation, died here today in a hospital.

Higginbotham was well known in the movie industry throughout the South. He lived for many years in Baton Rouge before moving here 18 years ago. He had resided in Slidell for the last three years.

Dixie Theatres operated motion picture shows in Louisiana and Mississippi, and Higginbotham was in partnership with Paramount-Richards, inc., in Baton Rouge.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Catherine Clem Higginbotham, and one step-son, Don Stafford of New Orleans.

The body will be sent to Baton Rouge for funeral services at 2 p.m. tomorrow.



The Church Point News 1/31/1950

John Higginbotham (1882-1950) LA

Acadia parish relatives were called to New Prleans during the weekend by the death of John Higginbotham, 67, native of Church Point but a resident of New Orleans for the past 20 years, which occurred Sunday morning at 2 o'clock at his home at 133 South Rendon street.

Funeral services were held Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the auxiliary funeral home of Jacob Schoen 7 Son, with a requiem mass at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in New Orleans. Interment followed in the St. Vincent de Paul cemetery, also in the city.

Mr. Higginbotham, who was well-known in Church Point and Rayne where the family had lived for many years prior to their more recent residence in New Orleans, was married to the former Miss Emma Vienne, who survives him. He was the father of Mrs. Erroll Francis Broussard, Mrs. G.J. Vincent, Jr., and Iris J. Higginbotham, and of the late Frank Higginbotham, who preceded his father in death.

In addition, he is survived by three brothers, Jerry, Louis and Ernest Higginbotham; four sisters, Mrs. Juste LeBleu, Mrs. Bertram Miller, Mrs. Eli Jagneaux and Miss Irene Higginbotham, one sister, Ernestine Higginbotham having preceded him in death; and three grandchildren: Erroll Frances, Jr., and Seymour John Broussard and Jeanne Collette Higginbotham.

News joins in the many expressions of sympathy being voiced to the bereaved family at this sad hour.

Among those from Church Point going to New Orleans for the funeral were Mrs. Terrance Foux, Shine Mouillette, Jerry Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bergeron, and others.



The Shreveport Journal 5/25/1950

Effie Williams Higginbotham (1878-1950) LA/AR

Magnolia - Mrs. Effie Williams Higginbotham, 72, widow of the late W. I. Higginbotham, of Magnolia, died late Wednesday. She had been confined almost two years in City Hospital here. She was a native of Bienings Mill, La., but came here with her family in 1929. She was a Methodist.

Surviving are three sons, Marvin and Lester Higginbotham, Magnolia; Alvin Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; one daughter, Mrs. T.D. Johnson, Rogers, Ark., and four grandchildren.

Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at Lewis Funeral Home by the Rev. John M. McCormack, with burial in Magnolia cemetery by Lewis Funeral Services.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 8/11/1950

Philomene Higginbotham Richard (1882-1950) LA

Opelousas, LA, August 10 - Mrs. louis Richard, nee Phileoman Higginbotham, died at her home in Lawtell today following a brief illness.

Services are set for Friday morning at 11 o'clock at the St. Bridget Catholic church in Lawtell with Father D. Senneville officiating. Burial will be in the Church Point Catholic cemetery under direction of Lafond and son.

Mrs. Richard had been in ill health for several years but was confined to bed ony a few days prior to her death.

She is survived by her husband; a son, Lester of Port Barre, six daughters, Mrs. Charles Thibodeaux, Iote; Mrs. Elcin Lavergne, Prairie Ronde; Mrs. Elton Dejean, Lewisburg; Mrs. David Lanclos, Opelousas; Mrs. Helvin Fontenot, Eunice; four brothers, Pierre and Welman Higginbotham, Church Point; Giles, Port Arthur, Texas; Essex, Lewisburg; three sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Mott, Port Arthur, Mrs. Eldridge Higginbotham, Church Point, and Mrs. L. Ballard, Crowley.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 1/2/1951

Jerry E. Higginbotham (1870-1951) LA

Jerry Higginbotham, 80, of route 3, Alexandria, died at 7 a.m. today, Jan. 2, 1951. He is survived by two sons, Jerry R. Higginbotham of Kolin and Carlos Higginbotham of Richmond, Cal., one daughter, Mrs. J.M. Nalley of Kolin.

The funeral service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1951 in the Philadelphia Baptist church. Interment will be in the Philadelphia cemetery under the direction of Kramer Funeral home. The remains will be at the residence of Mrs. Nalley until time of service.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/7/1951

Pierre Monroe Higginbotham (1884-1951) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Sunday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heat Catholic church in Church Poiint for Monroe Higginbotham, 66-year-old retired oil field worker. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died Friday in Church Point following an illness of about two and a half years.

Survivors include his wife, the former Mathilda McBride; a daughter, Mrs. W.R. Berwick of Orange, Tex.; three brothers, Offord of Church Point, Charlie and Hunchel Higginbotham of Lake Charles; six sisters, Mrs. Jule Miller and Mrs. J.H. Beaugh of Sunset, Mrs. Leonard Fontenot of Church Point, Mrs. Hubert Dreagon of Houston, Tex. and Miss Olla Higginbotham of Church Point; and six grandchildren.

The David Estillette Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of burial arrangements.



The Eunice News  5/10/1951

Marie Melissare Thibodeaux Higginbotham Godeaux (1873-1951) LA

Funeral services were held Sunday for Mrs. Mary Thibodeaux Godeaux, 77, who died at her home in the Richard community Saturday morning. She had been ill for five weeks.

Services were read by Rt. Rev. C.A. Bienvenu at the Church Point Catholic church. Burial was in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Godeaux was a native of Church Point and a life-long resident of the Richard=Church Point section. She is survived by three sons, Afran, Coris and Elton Higginbotham all of Church Point; five daughters, Mrs. Remi McGee, Mrs. Ida Daigle, Mrs. Armir Thibodeaux, Church Point; Mrs. Felix Lavergne, Leonville, Mrs. Clarence McGee, Bridge City, Texas; two brothers, Mac and Theo Thibodeaux of Eunice; and a sister, Mrs. Smith of Opelousas.

Also surviving are 37 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.




Edward Higginbotham (1877-1951) LA

Funeral services were held this afternoon at two o'clock for Edward Higginbotham, 73 years, Church Point farmer, who died suddenly of a heart attack at his home yesterday at noon.

Msgr. Clay Bienvenu officiated services at the Church Point Catholic church and interment was in the adjacent cemetery with the First National Funeral home in charge.

Mr. Higginbotham was a life long resident of Church Point. He is survived by his wife, the former Eloize Bellard of Church Point; three sons, Berchman of Lake Charles, Iram and Abram of Church Point; six daughters, Mrs. Joe Lejeune, Mrs. Clifford Menard, Mrs. Ernest Smith all of Church Point, Mrs. Alphonse Rogers of Lake Charles, Mrs. Eddie Menard of Ville Platte, Mrs. Freddie Lawrence of Lawell; a brother, Giles Higginbotham of Church Point; 43 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 9/20/1951

Norman Bert Higginbotham (1889-1951) LA

Iota, La. - Norman Bert Higginbotham, Sr., 61, lifelong resident of the Maxie-Iota area of Acadia Parish, a retired farmer, succumbed at his home in Iota at 2:10 p.m. Wednesday after an illness of the past five years.

Funeral rites will be held in the Maxie Methodist Church at 3 p.m. today with the Rev. James Knight, pastor, officiating. Burial was to follow in the Maxie cemetery nearby.

 Mr. Higginbotham was born on Nov. 10, 1889 in Maxie.

Surviving are his wife, the former Nessie Robinson; a son, Norman Bert, Jr., of Flat River, Mo.; a daughter, Mrs. Kelly Parino of independence, La.; a brother, Curley Higginbotham of Maxie; three sisters, Mrs. Buck McNeil of iota, Mrs. Dave Farley of Maxie and Mrs. Marcus Broderick of Elton; and two grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Kelly Parino, Lee Stakes, Glynn Stakes, Melvin Hebert, Malcolm Stakes, and Hugh McNeil.

The Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home of Crowley conducted arrangements for burial.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/7/1951

Edna Higginbotham Joubert (1897-1951) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held today at 10 a.m. for Mrs. M.L. Joubert of Church Point, 54, the former Edna Higginbotham, who died suddenly at her home yesterday.

Survivors include her husband, M.L. Joubert; five sons, Percy of Opelousas, Andrew of Lewisburg, Roosevelt, Curley and L. Jubert of Church Point; six sisters, Mrs. MArtin Leger and Mrs. Theophile Daigle of Tyler, Texas, Mrs. Brisco of Church Point, and Mrs. Earnest Richard of Church point.

Also surviving are two brothers, Robert Higginbotham of Church Point, and Albert of Rayne.

First National Funeral Home of Opelousas was in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser 11/16/1951

Emma Higginbotham Pomier (1881-1951) LA

Youngsville, Nov. 16 - Mrs. Antoine Pomier, 70, died Thursday at 3 p.m. at a local hospital.

Mrs. Pomier was the former Emma Higginbotham. She was a resident of Youngsville, where she was a member of St. Anne's Catholic church and of St. Anne's Alter society.

Funeral services have been set for 4:30 Friday afternoon in Youngsville at St. Anne's church. Interment will take place in the Youngsville cemetery.

Survivors include, besides her widower, four daughters, Mrs. Wilton Melancon and Mrs. Joseph A. VAllot of Youngsville; Mrs. Joseph Jennura of Port Arthur, Tex., and Mrs. Freddie Giror of Arthur, Tex.; three sisters, Mrs. Joe Breaux and Mrs. Joseph Vallot Sr. of Youngsville and Mrs. Ward Domengeaux of Lafayette; four brothers, Oneal Higginbotham of Youngsville, Dave Higginbotham of Catahoula, and William and Robert Higginbotham, both of Lafayette; 16 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Delhomme's Funeral home has charge of the arrangements.



The Monroe News Star 12/11/1951

Agnes Clara Higginbotham Andrews White (1861-19510 LA

Mer Rouge, La., Dec. 11 - Mrs. Agnes Clara White, 90, a lifetime resident of Mer Rouge, died early Tuesday morning following a lingering illness.

Mrs. White was a member of the Methodist Church and had been active in civic and community affairs. She was born and reared in Mer Rouge and was the former Miss Agnes Clara Higginbotham before her marriage.

Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Methodist Church with the Rev. C.T. Shaw officiating.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. D.E. Wilson of Mer Rouge, two sons, E.W. and W.C. Andrews both of Mer Rouge and the following grandchildren: Mrs. Clara Winfree of Leesville; Mrs. J.M. Menefee and W.E. Andrews of Monroe; Capt. William C. Wilson of Korea; T. E. Wilson of Mer Rouge; Mrs. Mose Hall of New Orleans. In addition, she is survived by a number of great and great-great granchildren.



The West Carroll Gazette (Oak Grove, LA) 3/20/1952

Walter Frank Higginbotham (1886-19520 LA

Funeral services were held this morning from the First Church of God here for Frank Higginbotham, 65, who died Tuesday in a Monroe hospital.

The Rev. J.R. Tackett officiated at the services and interment was in the Oak Grove Cemetery under direction of Catron-Gay Funeral Home.

He is survived by his wife, Edna; six sons, Nolan, Warren and Walter, all of Fresno, Calif., Billy, Harold and John, all of Oak Grove; six daughters, Mrs. J.B. Ford, Delhi, Mrs. Frank Derick, Mrs. Don Zinzant, Fresno, Calif., Misses Pauline, Wilma and Thelma Higginbotham, all of Oak Grove, and a sister, Mrs. Lizzie Murphy, Hamburg, Ark.

Pallbearers were Leo Chatman, Floyd Borden, Troy Robertson, Luther Brown, Ed Ross and J.R. Boutwell.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 4/8/1952

Giles Higginbotham (1871-1952) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were to be held at 9 a.m. today in Church Point for Giles Higginbotham, 81-year-old retired farmer and lifelong resident of the Church Point area.

Mr. Higginbotham died Monday at 7:20 a.m. at this home in Church Point. He had been in poor health for several months, and sustained a stroke two weeks ago. He was hospitalized in Lafayette, but was returned to his home shortly before death.

The services were to be at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church with Msgr. C.A. Bienvenu officiating.

Survivors include Mrs. Agathe Thibodeaux Higginbotham, the widow; five sons, Theobert of Bunkie, Leo of Chicago, Ill., Joe of Lake Charles, Leroy of Baton Rouge, Jack of Port Barre; five daughters, Mrs. Alphonse Janise, Bunkie, Mrs. Cloud of Bunkie, Mrs. B. Doucet of Port Barre, Mrs. Eli Campbell of Opelousas, and Mrs. Lawrence Olivier of Church point.

Also surviving are 44 grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. First National Funeral Home of Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 8/15/1952

Garrie Burnham Higginbotham (1900-1952) AR/LA

Ruston, Aug. 14 - Funeral services for G.J. (Jack) Higginbotham, 52, of Wilmar, Ark., who died at a Ruston hospital Wednesday following a long illness, were held Thursday in Kilpatrick funeral chapel here.

The Rev. G. Avery lee officiated. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.

Higginbotham is survived by his widow, of Ruston; his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Higginbotham of Memphis, Tenn.; one sister, Mrs. J.D. Cassidy, of Memphis; two brothers, H.O. and Ed L. Higginbotham, both of Memphis.

Higginbotham was a railroad employee for 32 years.



The Crowley Post-Signal 11/11/1952

Anne Francoise Rayon Higginbotham (1888-19520 LA

Church point - Mrs. Jerry Higginbotham, nee Frances Rayon, 64, of Church Point died at 12 p.m. Monday at the Church Point Sanitarium of a heart attack.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a lifelong resident of the Church point community, was born September 15, 1888.

Time for funeral services have not been set and until the hour for last rites the body will remain at the Estilette Funeral Home in Church Point.

Surviving Mrs. Higginbotham are her husband, one son, Leander Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Mrs. Vincent Bergeron, Mrs. Cleopha Mouilliet of Church Point; seven brothers, Cyril Rayon of China, Tex., Andrew, Constant, and Thadium Rayon of Port Arthur, J.D. Rayon of Longview, Tex., Robert Rayon of Opelousas and Ferdinand Rayon of Nederland, tex.; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Vager of China, Tex., and Mrs. M.E. Daniels of Port Arthur, Tex., and two grandchildren.



The Shreveport Journal 11/14/1952

Edwin Marvin Higginbotham (1877-1952) LA

E. M. Higginbotham, 75, of 639 Dalzell, prominent local lumberman, died at a local hospital at 7 a.m. Friday following a short illness. Mr. Higginbotham was secretary of the Allen Millwork Manufacturing Co., of Shreveport.

Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday from the Osborn Funeral home, the Rev. John J. Rasmussen, pastor of the Noel Memorial Methodist Church, and the Rev. F.M. Freeman, former pastor of the Noel church, officiating. A Masonic service will be held at the graveside in Forest Park Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was born May 6, 1877, at Gilead, East Feliciana Parish, the son of Rachel Miller and Ira P. Higginbotham, early settlers in Louisiana. He came to Shreveport in 1914 and had been employed by the Allen company since early in 1919.

He was married to the former Miss Joy Smith of Alexandria in 1907. Mr. Higginbotham was a 50-year member of the Masonic Lodge, being affiliated with the Caddo Lodge here.

He was a member of the board of stewards of the Noel church and was a member of the Woodmen of the World. He had been active up until his recent illness and had never missed a meeting of the Noel stweards. At his side at the time of death were Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Cargill of Tulsa and members of the family.

Surviving are the widow; two sons, H.F. Higginbotham, manager of Dupree's, inc., in Shreveport, and E.M. Higginbotham Jr., Greenwood, who is connected with the Lee Dry Goods Co.; one brother, Serge P. Higginbotham, Baton Rouge and a number of nieces and nephews in the Baton Rouge area, including Baton Rouge Mayor Powers Higginbotham. Five grandchildren survive.

Active pallbearers will be W.E. Wheless, W.A. Compton, jones Hightower, M.W. Montgomery, Keener Williams, Ernest Ellington, Judge Chris Barnette and G.H. Bland. Honorary pallbearers will employees of the Allen Millwork Co. and the stewards of the Noel church.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 12/9/1952

Eliza Higginbotham Breaux (1872-1952) LA

Funeral services were held at St. Ann Catholic church at Youngsville at 4 p.m. yesterday for Mrs. Joseph Breaux, the former Eliza Higginbotham, 80, who died at her home Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Interment was in Youngsville cemetery.

Services were conducted by Rev. B.W. Neybors officiating. Assisting was Rev. Louis Olenforst.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Mendez Breaux, Youngsville; one brother, O'Neil Higginbotham, Youngsville; three half-brothers, William Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham both of Lafayette and Dave Higginbotham, Catahoula; two half-sisters, Mrs. Joseph Vallot, Youngsville, and Mrs. Ward Domengeaux, Lafayette, Lafayette; and several nieces and nephews.

The Martin and Castille funeral home was in charge of arrangements. She was a member of St. Ann's Altar society of Youngsville. The rosary was recited by the society at the funeral home at 2:30 p.m., yesterday.

Pallbearers were Robert Higginbotham, J.G. Higginbotham, Mendez Vallot, O.M. Vallot, O.P. Leleux, and Louis A. Breaux.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/5/1953

Edwin Manuel Higginbotham (1887-1953) LA/TX

Edwin Higginbotham, Sr., 65, retired merchant, former resident of Crowley, died at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Hughes in Beaumont.

Last rites were held in the Methodist church in Beaumont at 10 a.m. today.

Surviving are two sons, Edwin Jr., of Beaumont, and Robert, now in the Army; two daughters, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. grace Burgess, the latter of New Mexico.

Mr. Higginbotham left Crowley about 15 years ago.



The Crowley Post-Sugnal 2/4/1953

Jacques Wilford Higginbotham (1894-1953) LA

Jake Wilford Higginbotham, 58, veteran of World War I, died this morning in Crowley.

Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at the Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home, at a time to be announced later, with burial in Woodlawn Catholic Cemetery.

Survivors are two brothers, B.A. Higginbotham of Crowley and Fred Higginbotham of Shreveport, and a sister, Mrs. George Dorr of Crowley.



Deridder Resident (Monday, June 29, 1953, page - 5)

Roxie Ann Higginbotham Bailey (1865-1953) LA
Deridder, La. - Last rites for Mrs. Roxie Ann Bailey, 87, the wife of a confederate veteran and resident of DeRidder for 75 years, were held this morning in the Hopewell Baptist church with the Rev. Farley Green officiating. Burial was in the Hopewell cemetery under direction of Hixson's Funeral Home. Nephews were to serve as pallbearers.Mrs. Bailey died at 8 a.m. Sunday at her home on Route 2, DeRidder.
She was a native of Mobile, Ala.
Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Emma Cooley, Mrs. Nora Austin and Mrs. Wiley Miers of DeRidder, Mrs. Della Hester of Port Arthur, Tex., and Mrs. Ola Mahaffey of Dry Creek; six sons, Louis, George, Ab, Charley, Arthur and Albert Bailey, all of DeRidder; one sister, Mrs. Martha Bailey of Alexandria; three brothers, Frank Higginbotham of DeRidder, Simon Higginbotham of Leesville and Mid Higginbotham of Houston, Tex., and a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 6/29/1953

Lela B. Higginbotham Thomas (1889-1953) LA

Natchitoches, La. - Funeral rites were conducted Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Lela Thomas, 63, at the Blanchard Funeral Home chapel with Rev. B.A. Galloway, pastor of the First Methodist Church officiating. Interment was in Springhill Cemetery near Coushatta.

Mrs. Thomas, wife of the late S. R. Thomas, died in a local hospital Saturday morning following a brief illness. She was born December 17, 1889 at Bastrop, the daughter of the late James Higginbotham and Edna McElwee of Morehouse Parish.

Survivors included a daughter, Mrs. John Smith of Natchitoches; two sisters, Mrs. Sylvan Friedman, Natchez, La., Mrs. E.F. Ayrand, Harahan, and two grandsons.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/29/1953

Leola Higginbotham (1882-19530 LA

Church Point, July 29 - Funeral services will be held at Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point at 4 p.m. today for Miss Leola Higginbotham, 71, who died at 2:15 p.m. yesterday in a Lafayette hospital.

Interment will be in the church cemetery.

Services will be conducted by the Rev. Gene Spryer.

Survivors include three brothers, Offord of Church Point, Charles and Herschel, both of Lake Charles; five sisters, Mrs. Bennett Fontenot Sr. of Church Point, Mrs. Leonard Fontenot of Jennings, Mrs. Jule Miller of Sunset, Mrs. Nore Beaugh of Sunset and Mrs. H.M. Dragon of Houston.

The Esterlete-Dugas funeral home is in charge of arrangements.



The Times-Picayune 02/03/1954

Roberta Higginbotham Bickham (1889-1954) LA

BICKHAM-Of 4406 Rhodes Drive, on Saturday, January 30, 1954, at 8 o'clock a.m., MRS. ROBERTA BICKHAM, beloved wife of Mr. Ivory L. Bickham; mother of the late Miss Vera Olina; sister of Mrs. Shirley L. Fisher of Independence, La., Mrs. Lillie V. Bates of Peoria, Miss., Mrs. Ruby L. Bickham of Tuskegge, Ala., Mrs. Carrie Mae Marshall and Mrs. Grace M. White of Centralia, Ill., Mrs. Velma V. Brooks of Slidell, La., Mr. James Higginbotham of Greensburg, La., and Mr. George Higginbotham; also survived by five brothers-in-law, two sisters-in-law and a host of nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends of the family, also pastor, officers and members of St. James A.M.E. church and the John G. Lewis Chapter No. I. O.E.S., Prince Hall Affiliated, Mrs. Manuel Isaiah, W.M., Mrs. Emma C. Blond, Boy Scouts of America, John Albert Dibert, the Mount Olive Lodge No. 21, Prince Hall Masons, the Y.M.C.A., the Universal Life Insurance Company and N.A.A.C.P., are respectfully invited to attend the wake on Tuesday night, February 2, 1954, at the Louisiana Undertaking Company, Inc., 1449 North Claiborne Avenue, and funeral on Wednesday, February 3, 1954, at 9 o'clock a.m., from the parlor, followed by religious services at St. James A.M.E. church, 222 North Roman Street. Rev. S.H. Collins officiating. Interment in Turner's Chapel cemetery, Greensburg, La. Louisiana Undertaking Company, Inc., in charge.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/12/1954

Joseph Wilman Higginbotham (1895-1954) LA

Church point, La. - Last rites have been scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Tuesday for Joseph Wilman Higginbotham, 59-year-oldlifelong resident of Church Point who succumbed at 6:45 p.m. Sunday at a Lafayette hospital. He had been in ill health for about three months.

Rev. Michael Bakowski will conduct the rites at a requiem mass at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, the former Angele Guidry; two sons, Filton Higginbotham of Church Point, Garland Higginbotham of Eunice; two daughters, Mrs. Eula Higginbotham of Opelousas and Mrs. Rita Dunham of Springfield, Ohio; three brothers, Pierre Higginbotham of Lawtell, Essie Higginbotham of Lewisburg, Jiles Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Tex.; three sisters, Mrs. Pierre Bellard of Crowley, Mrs. Amy Matte of Port Arthur, Tex., and Mrs. Eldridge Higginbotham of Lewisburg; and 11 grandchildren.

Estillette-Dugas Funeral home is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/24/1954

John Dwight Higginbotham (1950-1954) LA

Church Point, La. - John Dwight Higginbotham, 3½-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Higginbotham, died at 10:20 p.m. Friday at the Church Point Sanitarium following an 8-month illness.

Funeral rites will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. C.A. Bienvenu, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in the adjacent cemetery.

Surviving, in addition to the parents are a brother, Thomas Douglas, and a sister, Mary Lee; The maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theobert Venable, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Higginbotham, all of Church Point.

The body will be at the Estillette and Dugas Funeral home until the hour of the rites.



The Monroe News-Star 4/29/1954

Leon Hickingbottom (1914-1954) LA

WINNSBORO, La., April 29 (Special) — Funeral services for Leon Hickingbottom, 40, were held Tuesday afternoon at the Kendrick Ferry Pentecostal church with the Rev. D. B. Kennon, assisted by the Rev. T. E. Ewing of Lake Charles, officiating.

Interment was in the Oakley cemetery under the direction of the First National Funeral home of Winnsboro.

A resident of Gilbert, Hickingbottom died Monday morning in a Pineville hospital.

He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Effie Hickingbottom of Gilbert; one sister, Mrs. Ethel Floyd, Gilbert; one daughter, Carol Juanita, of Olla, and two brothers, Ernest of Lisbon and J. C. Hickingbottom of Lake Charles.

Pallbearers were Charles Floyd, T. J. Maloney, Luther McMillan, Cecil Cheeks, Wilber Swindell and Alfred Booth.



American Press 07/26/1954

Everett Middleton Higginbotham (1921-1954) LA

E. Higginbotham Rites Held at Hopewell Church

Deridder, La.,-Funeral services for Everett M. Higginbotham, 32, of Leesville, were to be held at 3 p.m. today from the Hopewell Baptist church with the Rev. T.J. Cooley officiating. Burial directed by Hixson funeral home to be in the Hopewell cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 5:10 a.m. Sunday at the Veterans Hospital in Alexandria.

A native of DeRidder, he was a veteran of World War II and belonged to the Hopewell Baptist church of DeRidder.

Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Higginbotham, and one son, Everett M. Jr., all of Leesville; six sisters, Mrs. Edna Roberts of Longville, Mrs. Myrtle Roberts of Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Edith Williamson of Slagle, Mrs. Eunice Marshall and Mrs. Beulah Davis of Rosepine and Mrs. Laura Parker of Leesville; and two brothers, Jewes and Ernie Higginbotham, both of Leesville. 



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 2/4/1955

Melanie Prevost Higginbotham (1877-1955) LA

Rayne, Feb. 4 - Funeral services were to be held at 3:30 p.m. today, at the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Rayne for Mrs. Albert Higginbotham, 77, who died in a Lafayette hospital yesterday.

Burial follows in the church cemetery.

She had been ill for the past seven years. She was the former Melanie Prevost and was a life-long resident of Rayne.

Survivors include her husband, Albert Higginbotham, also 77; two brothers, Jimmie Prevost of Iowa and Martin Prevost of Gueydan and one sister, Mrs. Camille LeBlanc of Lafayette.

The Gossen Funeral Home of Rayne has charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 3/8/1955

David Higginbotham (1893-1955) LA

Breaux Bridge - Funeral services will be held for David Higginbotham, 63, of Catahoula, who died at 6:20 a.m. Yesterday in a New Orleans hospital, at St. Rita Catholic Church at Catahoula at 9 a.m. tomorrow.

Interment will be in the St. John Cathedral cemetery in Lafayette. The Rev. Marcel Dion will officiate at funeral services.

He is survived by his wife, the former Bernadette LeBlanc, of Catahoula; two sons, Lloyd of St. Martinville and Francis of St. Martinville; three daughters, Mrs. Whitney Douet, Mrs. Joseph Theriot, both of St. Martinville, and Mrs. Jack Derouselle of Lafayette; three brothers, William and Robert of Lafayette, and Oneil of Youngsville; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Vallot, of Youngsville and Mrs. Ward Domengeaux of Lafayette, and eight grandchildren.

Pellerin Funeral home is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/11/1955

Myrtle Mae Higginbotham Guidry (1932-1955) LA

Medical science lost a 24-hour battle with death Tuesday when a 22-year-old mother of two children died as she was being rushed to a Baton Rouge hospital to be placed in an iron lung.

Death was attributed to a brain hemorrhage.

Mrs. Claude Guidry of Baton Rouge, the former Myrtle Mae Higginbotham of this city, succumbed at 5 p.m. in an ambulance while a fireman was operating a respirator on her and two registered nurses were feeding her oxygen.

Mrs. Guidry, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Higginbotham of Opelousas, was here visiting her parents when she was stricken ill Monday afternoon. She was taken to St. Landry Clinic and lapsed into a coma that night.

Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. the fire company was asked to bring its respirator to the clinic. It was immediately put into operation. Mrs. Guidry showed no improvement.

At 2 p.m. it was decided to take her to Our Lady of Lake hospital in Baton Rouge and place here in an iron lung.

Accompanying her in the ambulance were Eddie Powers, fireman, who operated the respirator; Mrs. Philip Poulet and Miss Mary Quirk, registered nurses, who administered oxygen. Fire Chief Leo Lalfeur went as a police escort.

Mrs. Guidry died as the ambulance near the Mississippi River bridge. She was pronounced dead upon arrival at Our Lady of Lake. Her body was subsequently transferred to Baton Rouge General hospital, where Dr. Chester Williams, assistant East Baton Rouge parish coroner, determined that she died from a subaracliuoid (brain) hemorrhage.

Mr. and Mrs. Guidry and their two children, Claude, Jr. and Carla Marie, had resided for the past four years at 334 Ingleside Drive in Baton Rouge.

Her body is at LaFond and Son Funeral Home here. Services will be read at 9 a.m. Thursday at a requiem high mass at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic church. Interment will be in Bellevue Memorial Garden.

She is survived by her husband, two children and her parents.



American Press 07/14/1955

Kermit James Higginbotham (1940-1955) LA

Wreck Injuries Fatal to Boy

Lad Returning From Party is Struck by Car

Fourteen-year-old Kermit Higginbotham died early today of injuries received when his bicycle was struck by a car last night as he pedaled through the rain to his Gulf highway home from a birthday party a few blocks away.

The boy’s death was Calcasieu parish’s 13 traffic fatality since the first of the year. Parents of the wreck victim are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Higginbotham, Jr., of Route 2, Box 443-A.

The accident occurred at about 9:10 last night on the old Gulf highway (Louisiana 1385) about a mile and a half south of Lake Charles.

State police identified the driver of the car as Charles Milton Guillory, 25-year-old radio repairman, of Route 2, Box 440-B.

A preliminary investigation indicated the youngster was riding without lights on his bicycle as he cycled through the rain on the blacktop highway, State Police Trooper Gilbert Peshoff said.

Guillory called an ambulance which rushed the unconscious youngster to Memorial hospital where he died at about 3:25 this morning.

Family spokesman said the boy sustained serious head injuries and never regained consciousness.

The bicycle was declared a total loss and damage to Guillory’s car was estimated at about $100.

The body will be at the family home until 10 a.m. tomorrow when services will be held at St. Margaret’s Catholic church.

Burial in charge of Hixson funeral home will be in Graceland cemetery.

Born in Church Point on September 2, 1940, young Higginbotham had lived here with his family for the past seven years and was a student at LaGrange Junior high school.

A family spokesman said Kermit was returning from the home of an uncle, Howard Higginbotham, about five or six blocks from his own home when the accident occurred. He had attended a birthday party there for a first cousin, five-year-old Katherine Higginbotham.

Besides his parents he is survived by one brother, 17-year-old Gilbert Higginbotham, also of Lake Charles, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Higginbotham, Sr., of Lake Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Jules Begnauld of Church Point.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/18/1955

Elodie Higginbotham Talbot Domengeaux (1888-1955) LA

Funeral services will be held at a Requiem Mass at 9:30 Tuesday morning at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist for Mrs. Ward Domengeaux, the former Elodie Higginbotham, 65, who died at her residence in this city at 4 a.m. today.

Members of the Ladies Altar Society of the Cathedral Parish will recite the rosary at 7:30 tonight at the funeral home.

Interment will be in St. John's Catholic Cemetery.

the deceased, a native of Youngsville, has been a resident of Lafayette for many years. She was the daughter of the late Nelson Higginbotham and Irma Decoux.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. M.J. Hardy of Lafayette and Mrs. W.E. Brooks of St. Martinville; two brothers, William and Robert Higginbotham of Lafayette; one sister, Mrs. Joseph Vallot Sr. of Youngsville and one half-brother, Oncil Higginbotham of Youngsville.

Funeral arrangements are by the First National Funeral Home.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 10/25/1955

Elizabeth Agnes Higginbotham Daigle (1868-1955) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held Wednesday at Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic church here for Mrs. Armond H. Daigle, nee Agnes Higginbotham, 86, who died Monday at 10 p.m. at her home. She was a lifelong resident of Church point.

Interment will be in the church cemetery. The E.D. Melancon and Son Funeral Home of Carencro in charge of arrangements.

The body will rest at the Church Point Funeral Home until time of burial.

Survivors include two sons, Ben Daigle, Opelousas and Abbie Daigle, Church Point; one daughter, Mrs. Anthony Daigle.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 8/5/1956

Joseph Marion Higginbotham (1896-1956) LA

Paincourtville, LA., Aug. 4 - The Rev. Joseph Marion Higginbotham, 59, pastor of St. Elizabeth's Roman Catholic Church, was found dead today in the church rectory.

Father Higginbotham was a native of Thibodeaux. He was a member of the Benedict Order and served in churches at Chacahoula, Kenner and New Orleans.

Funeral services will be held at St. Elizabeth's.


Advocate 08/09/1956

Sergeant Prentiss Higginbotham (1866-1956) LA

Funeral Services Slated Today for S. P. Higginbotham

Funeral services will be held this morning at 10 o'clock for S. P. Higginbotham, father of former Mayor/President Powers Higginbotham and long-time resident of Baton Rouge.

Rites will be held at the Welsh Funeral Home and burial will be in the family plot in Magnolia Cemetery. Masonic rites will be held at the gravesite.

Higginbotham, 89, died Tuesday night at his home on Olive St. after a lengthy illness. He had been retired from the hotel and rooming house business since 1947.

Son of Ira M. Higginbotham and Rachel Ann Miller, early settlers in the Feliciana Parishes, Higginbotham was a native of Gilead. Well known in this area, he was associated with T&P railroad in Port Allen and New Roads prior to moving to Baton Rouge in 1911.

He was one of the founders of the First Methodist Church in New Roads and a member of the Blazing Star Lodge, F&AM, in Port Allen.

Pallbearers for the rites will be Roy Taylor, Robert L. Pruyn, Dr. Percy H. Christian, Jim Lane, Robert Higginbotham and L. J. Muse. The Rev. T.B. Lipscomb will officiate at the services.

Higginbotham is survived by three daughters, Mrs. E. P. Christian, Opelousas and Mrs. Roy R. Taylor and Mrs. Robert Pruyn, Baton Rouge; four sons, P. O., Goldsboro, N.C., and Powers, W. Gordon and Ed Lee, Baton Rouge; 14 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.




Ruston Daily Leader 09/10/1956

Walter Edwin Higginbotham (1921-1956) LA

Ruston Native is Wreck Victim Near Chestnut, Saturday

Ashland, La., Sept. 10-Walter E. Higginbotham, 34-year-old native of Ruston who had been making his home in Jonesboro, was one of two men who died as the result of a head-on automobile crash two miles north of Chestnut on Saturday.

The other victim was listed as Cleve Mazie, 53-year-old retired mechanic of Saline in Bienville Parish.

Higginbotham, the father of four children, died in a clinic at Hodge about half an hour after the two cars crashed on a bridge on Highway 9.

Natchitoches officials said Higginbotham, driving alone en route to Saline, apparently swerved across the center of the road just as the automobile driven by Rhodes approached.

Both vehicles met on the narrow bridge and were unable to avoid each other. Mazie and the two negroes were passengers in the Rhodes automobile. Both cars were heavily damaged.

The accident occurred near the Natchitoches-Bienville Parish line.

Funeral services for Higginbotham were incomplete today, but were to be held at the Full Gospel Church in Jonesboro, and burial will be in the Jonesboro Cemetery.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Peggy Wade Higginbotham; three sons, Eddie Higginbotham, Billy Higginbotham and Albert Higginbotham; one daughter, Joan Higginbotham; his mother, Mrs. Ina Mae Sisemore of Hodge, and his stepfather, John Sisemore.

Mazie’s body was taken to the Conger Funeral Home in Arcadia where funeral arrangements were incomplete this morning.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 9/19/1956

Ephram D. Higginbotham (1902-1956) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church point at 9 a.m. tomorrow for Ephram Higginbotham, 52, who died at his home in Church Point at 2 a.m. today.

The body will remain at the Church point Funeral Home until time for the services.

Survivors are his widow, the former Lillian Matt; one son, Clifford Higginbotham of Sunset; two daughters, Mrs. Robert Vincent of Sulphur and Mrs. Harold Clavelle of Church Point; two brothers, Elton Higginbotham of Opelousas and Corris Higginbotham of Lawtell; five sisters, Mrs. Rene McGee of Richard, Mrs. Armond Thibodeaux of Church Point, Mrs. Adieus Daigle of Church Point, Mrs. Felix Lavergne of Leonville, and Mrs. Clarence McGee of Bridge City, Texas; and eight grandchildren.

Mr. Higginbotham was a life-long resident and farmer of Church Point.

The E.D. Melancon and Son Funeral Home of Carencro are in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 11/12/1956

Mary Anne Higginbotham Sittig (1887-1956) LA

Crowley, La. - Mrs. Mary L. Higginbotham Sittig, 69, Iota housewife, died at 7:45 a.m. Sunday at her home after a long illness.

Rites will be held at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in the St. Joseph Catholic Church of Iota and burial will follow in the nearby church cemetery. Until the hour of services the body will be at the Geesey-Ferguson chapel in Iota.

Surviving are four sons, Albert Cormier of El Campo, Tex., Joseph Sittig of Iota; a daughter, Mrs. Joseph P. Breaux of Iota; two brothers, Wilson Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Tex., and Nelson Higginbotham of Vinton; a sister, Mrs. Lean Romine of Lake Charles; 20 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

Mrs. Sittig had been a lifelong resident of Iota.

The Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 12/5 1956

Martha Elizabeth Higginbotham Bailey (1871-1956) LA

Mrs. Martha Higginbotham Bailey, 85, died at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the family residence on Odom Street.

She is survived by three sons, S.L. of Pollock; E.B. of Lake Charles, and G.C. of DeRidder; two daughters, Mrs. W.H. Myers of Alexandria and Mrs. E.J. Miller of Dry Creek.

Also surviving are two brothers, Frank Higginbotham of DeRidder and Mid Higginbotham of Houston, Texas; and 11 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.

Remains were sent to the Hixson and Son Funeral Home of DeRidder.

Services will be in the Hopewell Baptist church today.



The Daily Advertiser 3/8/1957

James Monroe Higginbotham (1902-1957) LA

James Monroe Higginbotham, 54, of Lafayette, died of a heart attack at his residence at 2:30 a.m. today.

Known to thousands of Southwestern Louisiana institute as "Hicks", Higginbotham operated Hick's restaurant on St. Mary Blvd., near the campus for 18 years. Over the years, SLI students - now scattered throughout the state and the U.S. - made Hick's one of the favorite college eateries and meeting places. Higginbotham was a native of Arnaudville, but has resided in Lafayette for the past 45 years.

Survivors include his widow, the former Agnes Broussard, of Lafayette; one daughter, Mrs. Billy Ellis of Las Vegas, Nev.; one son, Jimmy Higginbotham of Lafayette; three grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Ernest J. Luckman of Patterson, N.J.; two brothers, Eldridge Higginbotham of Mobile, Ala., and Lucien Higginbotham of Lafayette.

The family has gratefully declined flowers and asks that all tributes to be made to the Heart fund.

Time for the funeral services has not been set pending the arrival of relatives. Until the funeral, the remains are resting at the Delhomme Funeral Home.



Monroe Morning World 7/13/1957

James Bowman Higginbotham (1890-1957) LA

Mer Rouge - James B. Higginbotham, 67, died at his residence in Mer Rouge at 9 p.m. last night.

Funeral services will be held today at 5 p.m. at the Mer Rouge Methodist Church with Rev. L.S. Jones officiating. Interment will follow in the Family cemetery about five miles south of Mer Rouge under the direction of Blackwell-Golden Funeral Home.

Survivors include one sister, Mrs. E.M. Clark of Mer Rouge; two nephews, Dr. Thomas M. Higginbotham and Clare M. Clark of Mer Rouge.



The Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/24/1957

Rose Marie Higginbotham (1957-1957) LA

Rose Marie Higginbotham, 10 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Higginbotham of Burr Lane, was found dead at 8:30 a.m. Saturday by her mother.

Deputies from the office of Sheriff D.J. Doucet said the mother picked up the child to bathe it and found the baby dead. Mrs. Higginbotham said the little girl had been ill with a cold.

Death was attributed to pneumonia. Dr. Suzanne Bourgeois performed an autopsy. Time of death was fixed at 6:30 a.m. Saturday.

The body is at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Higginbotham in Lottie. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. today at the Lottie Baptist Church. Burial will be in Cottonwood Cemetery there under the direction of Lafond and Son Funeral Home.

The child is survived by her parents, a brother and a sister, the paternal grandparents and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eduie Brown of Grosse Tete.

The baby's mother was the former Rose Marie Brown.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/4/1958

Nessie Vernie Robinson Higginbotham (1893-1958) LA

Crowley, La. - Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. today at the Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home chapel for Mrs. Norman (Bert) Higginbotham, 64, who dies in a Baton Rouge hospital at 7 a.m. Thursday.

Burial was in the Maxie Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the former Nessie Robinson. She was born in Acadia parish on Nov. 3, 1893, and had been a resident of Baton Rouge for the past six and a half years. She was a former resident of Iota, and a member of the Methodist church.

Survivors include a son, Norman, Jr., of Walker, La.; a daughter, Mrs. Kelley Parreno of Baton Rouge; five brothers, Brampton and L.B. Robinson, both of Maxie, Reece Robinson of Eunice, M.C. Robinson of Houston, Tex., and Guy Robinson of Kinder; five sisters, Mrs. Oscar Clark of Kinder, Mrs. Goldie Clark of Morgan City, Mrs. Jack Hunt of Eunice, Mrs. J.D. Lindsey of Maxie, and Mrs. W.R. Woodbury of Crane, Tex.; and three grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/24/1958

Rosella Nelida Faul (1931-1958) LA

Church Point, La. - Last rites were held here at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday for Mrs. Rosella Higginbotham, 27, resident of Lake Charles, who died Tuesday afternoon in the St. Patrick Hospital in Lake Charles.

Rites were in Out Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church and burial was in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Faul of Church Point; her husband, Abby Higginbotham of Lake Charles; a daughter, Linda Faye; a brother, Emery Faul of Port Arthur, Tex.; and three sisters, Mrs. Leander Touchet of Port Arthur, Mrs. Walter Hebert of Lafayette, and Miss Marjorie Faul of Church Point.

The Church Point Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser 5/30/1958

Edna Miller Higginbotham (1903-1958) LA

Church Point - Mrs. Marion Higginbotham, 55, the former Edna Miller, died yesterday at 9:50 p.m. at her home, 1617 Second St., Lake Charles, following an illness of eight months.

She was born in Church Point Feb. 26, 1903.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, with burial iin the church cemetery. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. C.A. Bienvenu will officiate.

Survivors include her husband, Marion Higginbotham of Church Point; three daughters, Mrs. Edward LeJuene and Mrs. Joseph Cormier of Lake Charles and Mrs. Vane LeBlue of Nederland, Tex.; six brothers, Cleopha Miller of Breaux Bridge, Charles, Curly and Remi Miller of Lafayette, Joseph Miller of Bosco and Henry Miller of Rayne; three sisters, Mrs. Romain Aucoin of Avoyelles Parish, Mrs. Orelias N. Aucoin and Mrs. Sidney Leger, both of New Orleans.

The body will remain at the Gossen Funeral Home in Rayne until time for services.



The Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 7/27/1958

Zoe David Higginbotham (1888-1958) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Monday for Mrs. Asa Higginbotham, 71, of near Church Point. Services will be at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Zoie David of here, died at 3:25 p.m. Friday following an illness of about two weeks.

Survivors are her husband; six sons, Vincent, Homer and Roosevelt Higginbotham, all of Church Point, Lloyd and Wilson Higginbotham of Jennings and Floyd Higginbotham of Opelousas; one daughter, Mrs. Onezime Richard of Morgan City; two sisters, Mrs. Homer Barrouse and Mrs. Jack Thibodeaux of Church Point, and 20 grandchildren.

Church Point Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/26/1959

Marion Higginbotham (1900-1959) LA

Rayne, La. - Marion Higginbotham, 58, of Lake Charles, died at 5:45 a.m. Saturday in a Lafayette hospital after an illness of about five months.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Monday in the Church point Catholic Church with burial in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Ed Lejeune and Mrs. Joe Cormier, both of Lake Charles, and Mrs. Vance LeBleu of Nederland, Tex.; two brothers, Jules Higginbotham and Curtis Higginbotham, both of Lake Charles, and ten grandchildren.



Crowley Signal 3/26/1959

Laura Julia Higginbotham McNeil (1882-1959) LA

Crowley, La. - Mrs. Buck McNeil, 76-year-old Iota housewife, died in the Acadia Hospital in Crowley early today following an illness of several months.

Funeral services have been set for 10 a.m. Friday in the Maxie Methodist Church, with burial in the church cemetery. The body will remain at the Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home Chapel in Iota until the time of rites.

Mrs. McNeil was the former Laura Higginbotham. She was born on Aug. 31, 1882, in Maxie, and had been a resident of of Iota for the past 44 years.

Survivors include her husband; one son, Hugh McNeil, of Iota; three daughters, Mrs. Frank Venable, Miss Fay McNeil, and Mrs. Eugene Henderson, all of Iota; a brother, Curley Higginbotham of Maxie; one sister, Mrs. Day Farley of Maxie; and six grandchildren.

The Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home of Crowley is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 3/30/1959

Joseph Cleveland Higginbotham (1905-1959) LA

Church Point, La. - Last rites will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here for Cleveland Higginbotham, 53, who died at 10:55 p.m. Sunday at his residence here.

Burial will be in the church cemetery. Until the hour of last rites the body will remain at the Church Point Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham ws=as a lifelong resident of Acadia Parish. He was an employee of the Church Point Wholesale Grocery Co.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Higginbotham of Mier; his wife; a daughter, Carol Higginbotham of Stewartville, Tex.; seven brothers, Maurice, Willery, Howard, Jack, Forrest, Armand, and Samuel Higginbotham, all of Church Point; two sisters, Mrs. John Barousse and Mrs. Adolph Daigle, both of Church Point.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/17/1959

Ernest Higginbotham (1892-19590 LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. this morning at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Ernest Higginbotham, 63, retired Church point farmer. Burial was in the Church Point Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham succumbed in a Lafayette hospital at 4:45 a.m. yesterday morning. He had been a patient at the hospital receiving medical treatment for the past two weeks.

Survivors include his widow, the former Bertha Latiolais; three sons, Clinton Higginbotham of Lafayette, Patrick and Lewis Higginbotham of Church Point; a stepson, Freddie Johnson, of Chicago, Ill.; five daughters, Mrs. Lewis Latiolais and Mrs. Avie Menard, both of Lake Charles, Mrs. John McMillan of Maplewood, Mrs. Albert Latiolais of Lafayette, and Miss Mary Ann Higginbotham of Church Point; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Preston Lavergne of Chicago, Ill.; two brothers, Jerry and Lewis Higginbotham of Church Point; four sisters, Mrs. Bertrand Miller, Mrs. Juste Lebleu, Mrs. Elie Jagneaux and Miss Irene Higginbotham, all of Church Point; 11 grandchildren and four step grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 5/21/1959

John Higginbotham (1888-1959) LA

Church Point - John Higginbotham, 70, a veteran of World War I and lifelong resident of Church Point, died at 5:30 p.m. yesterday in a Lafayette hospital following an extended illness.

Funeral services are scheduled for 9 a.m. tomorrow from the Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church with burial in the adjoining cemetery. The body will remain at the Acadia Funeral Home in Church Point until time of last rites.

Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Jerry Duplechin and Mrs. Joseph Lavergne, both of Church Point; and two brothers, Henry Higginbotham of Church Point and Louie Higginbotham of Port Barre.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/11/1959

Martha Florence Burns Higginbotham (1889-1959) LA

Funeral services will be held Friday for Mrs. James Higginbotham, 69, the former Martha burns, who was killed at 7:50 p.m. Wednesday when she was struck by a car.

Mrs. Higginbotham was hit as she crossed from the north to the south side of U.S. Highway 190 at Lottie, according to State Trooper Glenn McGee.

He identified the driver of the car as Eddie Anderson, 37, of Krotz Springs, who was driving west. No charges were filed against Anderson.

Trooper McGee said Mrs. Higginbotham sustained chest injuries, broken arms and legs.

Her body is at Niland Funeral Home in New Roads. It will be moved at 11 a.m. Friday to the Baptist Church in Lottie, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Burial will be in the Cottonwood Cemetery in Lottie.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Mississippi. She is survived by her husband of Lottie; five sons, Kenneth of Opelousas, Calvin and Howard of Livonia, Claude of Krotz Springs and Julian of Melville; five daughters, Mrs. Albert Chandler, Mrs. Julia Smith, Mrs. Ruby Tadler, all of New Orleans, Mrs. Daisy Guillory of Erwinville, and Mrs. Alma Sedina of Lottie; and 26 grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 6/23/1959

O'Neil Higginbotham (1870-1959) LA

Youngsville - Funeral services will be held at St. Ann Catholic Church, at a 10 a.m. requiem mass tomorrow for Oneil Higginbotham, 88, who died at the Lafayette Charity Hospital at 7:45 p.m. yesterday.

Interment will be in the St. Ann cemetery.

Survivors include two sons, Joseph Gilbert Higginbotham of Youngsville and Theodore Higginbotham of Lafayette; three daughters, Mrs. John Alphonse and Mrs. Minor Cabrol, both of Youngsville, and Mrs. Wilfred Langlinais of Lafayette; two half brothers, William Higginbotham and Robert Higginbotham, both of Lafayette; one half sister, Mrs. Joseph Vallot of Youngsville and seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Mr. Higginbotham, a native of the 9th Ward of Lafayette Parish, was the son of Nelson Higginbotham and Eliza Broussard, both natives of Lafayette Parish. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired farmer.

The body is at the Martin and Castille Funeral Home until time for religious services.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 6/28/1959

Robert Higginbotham (1894-1959) LA

Funeral services will be held at St. John's Cathedral at a noon requiem Mass for Robert (Bob) Higginbotham Sr., 64, who died at a local hospital, Friday at 7:25 p.m.

Interment will be in St. John's Catholic Cemetery.

Survivors include his widow, the former Florence Dugas; two daughters, Mrs. Clifford Pugh of Lafayette, and Mrs. Travis Shipp of Lake Charles; one son, Robert Higginbotham Jr. of New Iberia; one sister, Mrs. Joseph Vallot of Youngsville; one brother, William Higginbotham of Lafayette; and six grandchildren.

The First National Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Bishop DuBourg, General Assembly, 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, Lafayette Council No. 1286 Knights of Columbus, Holy Name Society, and the Ushers Society of the Cathedral Church. He was a veteran of World War I, and a retired postal carrier.



Enterprise News-American 07/16/1959
Earl Higginbotham (1894-1959) AR/LA

Last Rites Held Tuesday For Earl Higginbotham
Earl Higginbotham, 64, Goldonna, died Sunday in a Pineville hospital after a long illness.
Services were held Tuesday at Antioch Baptist Church, the Rev. R. Robinson officiating.
Burial followed in the church cemetery under direction of Southern Funeral Home of Winnfield.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Bertha Higginbotham, Goldonna; a daughter, Mrs. R. F. Carr, Shreveport, and three grandchildren.


The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 12/1/1959

Abner Higginbotham (1871-1959) LA

Church Point - Abner "Nap" Higginbotham, 89, retired farmer and lifetime resident of Church Point, died at 7:20 p.m. yesterday following a short illness.

Final arrangements for funeral services are not yet complete, but the funeral will be held sometime tomorrow morning.

Survivors include his widow, the former Electo Colligan; seven sons, Sam, Jack, Morice, Armond, Howard, and Willery, all of Church point, and Vorice of Baton Rouge; two daughters, Mrs. Adolph Daigle of Branch and Mrs. Jean Barousse of Church point; and one half-brother, Ophy Oliver of Church Point; 42 grandchildren, 91 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren.

The Church point Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/19/1960

Lewis Higginbotham (1886-1960) LA

Church Point - Lewis Higginbotham, 73, a retired farmer and a native of Acadia Parish, died at 10 p.m. Sunday at his home.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, followed by interment in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham's survivors include his wife, the former Lydia Mallet; one brother, Jerry Higginbotham of Church Point; and four sisters, Mrs. Juste LeBlue, Mrs. Ellie Jagneaux, Mrs. Bertrand Miller, and Miss Irene Higginbotham, all of Church Point.

The Church Point Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 3/23/1960

William J. Higginbotham (1885-1960) LA

Funeral services are incomplete for William Higginbotham, 75, who died at his residence, 607 E. Vermillion St., Lafayette, after a prolonged illness, last night at 9 p.m.

Mr. Higginbotham, at the time of his death, was retired from his work as a painting contractor. He was a lifelong resident of Lafayette.

Survivors include his wife, Philoman Bourgeois Higginbotham of Lafayette; one daughter, Mrs. Beulah Breaux of Lafayette; one Step-daughter, Mrs. Eddie Piczko of Stanford, Conn.; one sister, Mrs. Joe Vallot of Youngsville; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

A Rosary will be recited tonight at the funeral home.

The Delhomme Funeral Home has charge of the arrangements.



The Monroe News-Star 3/25/1960

Oches Case Boone Higginbotham (1913-1960) MS/LA

Winnsboro - Funeral services were held today for Mrs. Oches Higginbotham, who died at her home here Thursday following a brief illness.

Services were held at 2 p.m. at the Temple Baptist Church with the Rev. Joe Mongle officiating, with interment in the Myrtle Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Mulhearns Funeral Home of Winnsboro.

She was a member of the Temple Baptist Church, president of the Midway Home Demonstration Club, and a member of the state council of home demonstration clubs.

She is survived by her husband, Thomas Higginbotham; one daughter, Mrs. George Orr, Bastrop; one son, Major D. Boone, Winnsboro; her mother, Mrs. Mary D. Case, Winnsboro; two sisters, Mrs. Stanley D. McEacharn, Delhi, and Miss Agnes Case, Winnsboro; one brother, Dock Case, St. Joseph, and one grandson.

Pallbearers will be Turner Neal, Neil Womble, Floyd Brown, John A. Cuney, Edgar Lowery, and Elmer Wilson.



The Shreveport Journal 5/26/1960

Josephine Todara Higginbotham (1915-1960) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Josephine Higginbotham, 45, of 3723 Woodrow St., who died at 4:05 p.m. Wednesday in the P&S Hospital after a brief illness, will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in St. Theresa's Catholic Church.

The Rev. Gerald Bordelon, pastor, will officiate. Interment will be in Centuries Memorial Park. A rosary will be recited at 8:30 p.m. in Rose-Neath Chapel.

Pallbearers will be Bill Logan, Jack Jones, Pat Looney, Joe Lodestro, Don McCarty and Charles Hagood.

Honorary pallbearers will be E.H. Lamar, Dewey Yarbrough, Thomas Ferguson, Ed Garland, Homer Spence, Ed Roland.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a native and lifelong resident of Shreveport.

She is survived by her husband, J.W. Higginbotham; her father, Rosario Todaro; one son, James Larry Higginbotham; and a daughter, Mary Sue Higginbotham, all of Shreveport; three brothers, Joe, Frank and Anthony Todaro, all of Shreveport; four sisters, Mrs. Charles Greco, Mrs. F.W. Spence and Mrs. R.B. Johnson, all of Shreveport, and Mrs. A.L. Fromm of England.



State Times Advocate 06/25/1960

William Gordon Higginbotham (1902-1960) LA/MS

Higginbotham Services Set This Afternoon

Services for W. G. Higginbotham, retired LSU swimming coach, will be held at 4:30 this afternoon at the Rabenhorst Funeral Home.

The Rev. T. B. Lipscomb will officiate. Burial will follow in Magnolia Cemetery.

Higginbotham, who as 57, suffered a stroke a week ago. He died yesterday at Parker Hospital in Jackson.

He retired from LSU in 1958 after serving on the staff as swimming coach and health and physical education instructor. He also directed intramural sports at the University at one time.

Higginbotham, once manager of the City Park swimming pool here, had also directed swimming and recreation programs in Alexandria, Covington and Jackson, Miss.

Higginbotham made his home here at 2127 Hollydale Ave. He had been a Boy Scout executive and had worked in a number of Scout camps.

Pallbearers will be Francis G. Thibodeaux, W. Evens Howell, Stuart A. Wetzel, S. Allen Wetzel, Calvin W. Williams and Fran A. LaGrone.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mayme T. Higginbotham; one son, 1st Lt. William Gordon Higginbotham Jr., United States Air Force; one daughter, Miss Katherine Ann Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; three sisters, Mrs. Lorena Christian, Opelousas, Mrs. Sadye Taylor and Mrs. Ruth Pruyn, both of Baton Rouge; three brothers, Percy Higginbotham, Goldsboro, N.C., Ed Lee Higginbotham and Powers H. Higginbotham, both of Baton Rouge; one grandson, William Gordon Higginbotham III, and a number of nieces and nephews.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 9/5/1960

Myrtle Effie Thompson Hickingbottom (1893-1960) LA

Mrs. Myrtle Effie Hickingbottom, 66, died at 9:30 p.m. Saturday in a Lake Charles hospital.

Mrs. Hickingbottom, formerly of Olla, was a resident of Lake Charles.

She is survived by two sons, Ernest Hickingbottom of Alexandria and Jesse C. Hickingbottom of Lake Charles; one daughter, Mrs. C.D. Floyd of Lake Charles; three brothers, Izek Thompson of Colfax, John Thompson of Jonesville, and Mason Thompson of Monroe; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Parker of Gilbert and Mrs. Addier of Coliston; 16 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were to be held at 2 p.m. today from the Urania Pentacostal church, under the direction of First National Funeral Home here. Interment was to follow in the Harris Chapel Cemetery in Urania.



The Crowley Post-Signal 9/14/1960

Maurice Higginbotham (1899-1900) LA

Church Point, La. - Maurice Higginbotham, 61-year-old retired farmer, died of a heart attack at his home here at 6:30 p.m. Monday.

Funeral services will be held in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart here at 9 a.m. Thursday and burial will be in the church cemetery. Until the hour of services the body will remain at the Guidry Funeral Home. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today.

Surviving are his widow, the former Ida Bihm; his mother, Mrs. Abner Higginbotham; a daughter, Mrs. Burley Francois; six brothers, Sam, Jack, Armand, Howard, and Willery Higginbotham, all of Church Point, and Vorice Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; two sisters, Mrs. John Barousse and Mrs. Adolph Daigle, both of Church Point; and five grandchildren.



Lake Charles American Press 12/05/1960

Joseph Franklin Higginbotham (1910-1960) LA

DeRidder-Funeral services for Joe F. Higginbotham Sr. of Rt. 3, DeRidder, were set at 10 a.m. today at the Ferris funeral home chapel with Rev. Bert Mitchell officiating. Burial was to be in Hopewell cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 2 a.m. Sunday at his home, following a short illness.

He was a plumber. He was a member of the Baptist church.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Marie Higginbotham of DeRidder; four daughters, Mrs. Christine Garner of Bunkie, Mrs. Frances Babin of New Boston, Tex., Miss Joyce Higginbotham and Miss Bernice Higginbotham, both of DeRidder; two sons, Hildreth and Joe Higginbotham Jr., both of DeRidder; two grandchildren; four brothers, Silas, Tom and Elvin Higginbotham, all of DeRidder and Wash Higginbotham of West Lake; three sisters, Mrs. Sylvester Whittington and Mrs. Centellia Jarrells of DeRidder and Mrs. Eliza Waller of France.

Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/3/1961
Elizabeth Tweedel Higginbotham (1902-1960) LA
Funeral services were held at 9 a.m. Monday for Mrs. Elizabeth Tweedel Higginbotham, 58, of Opelousas. She died Saturday night at the home of a sister, Mrs. Sidney Edwards, in Lewisburg, following an illness of several months.
Mrs. Higginbotham operated a local cafe.
Services were conducted at St. Bridget Catholic Church in Lawtell. Burial was in the adjacent cemetery with First National Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by two sons, Felton of Church point, and Garland of Eunice, and two daughters, Misses Eula and Rita Higginbotham, both of Opelousas.
Also surviving are six brothers, Thomas, Oliver, Joseph and Bobby Tweedel, all of Lewisburg, Austin Tweedel of Church Point and Alden Tweedel of Mississippi; and three sisters, Mrs. Sidney Edwards of Lewisburg, Mrs. Dan Higginbotham of Church Point, and Mrs. A.D. Bernard of Baton Rouge.



The Monroe News-Star 1/30/1961

Earl Higginbotham (1920-1961) LA

Winnsboro - Funeral services for Earl Higginbotham Jr., 40, were held at 10 a.m. Monday in Sicily Island Baptist church with the Rev. J.C. Houston officiating.

Mr. Higginbotham, resident of Sicily Island, died in a Winnsboro clinic Sunday morning after suffering a heart attack.

He was stricken after being called to his daughter's residence in Sicily Island, which was on fire.

Interment was in the Crowville Masonic Cemetery under direction of Mulhearn Funeral Home, Winnsboro.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Bernice Higginbotham, Sicily Island; one daughter, Mrs. Joy Patton, Sicily Island; his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Haile, Sicily Island; two grandchildren; one brother, Otis Higginbotham, Crowville.



Advocate 02/01/1961

Mayme Thibodeaux Higginbotham (1910-1961) LA

Coach's Widow Dies at Home Following Attack

Mrs. Mayme T. Higginbotham, widow of Coach William G. (Hickey) Higginbotham of LSU, was fatally stricken Tuesday.

She expired at 10:45 a.m. following a heart seizure at her residence at 2127 Hollydale Ave. She was 56 years old and a native of Breaux Bridge.

Mrs. Higginbotham was assistant manager of the LSU Field House Coffee Shop.

Her husband, who was a retired swimming coach and physical education instructor at LSU, died several months ago.

Funeral services will be held for Mrs. Higginbotham at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the St. Aloysius Catholic Church, with burial to follow in Magnolia Cemetery.

The body will be at the Rabenhorst Parlors until 2:45 p.m. Wednesday.

Survivors include a son, William G. Higginbotham Jr., with the U.S. Air Force at Las Vegas, Nev.; a daughter, Miss Ann Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; four brothers, Louis, Francis, and Paul Thibodeaux, all three of Baton Rouge, and O.L. Thibodeaux of Shreveport; and one grandson, William G. Higginbotham III.

Mrs. Higginbotham had lived in Baton Rouge most of hr life. She attended Baton Rouge High. She has been assistant manager of the Field House shop for about 14 years.



Monroe Morning World 5/21/1961

Anna Leola Ellis Higginbotham (1880-1961) LA

Bastrop - Funeral services are scheduled for Mrs. Leola Higginbotham, 81, who died late Friday night in Morehouse General Hospital in Bastrop, after an illness of several weeks.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in Oak Ridge Methodist Church with the Rev. W.E. Nolan officiating, assisted by the Rev. W.L. Baker. Burial will be in Oak Ridge Cemetery under direction of Golden Funeral Home of Bastrop.

She is survived by one son, Van Lee, Bastrop; two sisters, Mrs. Ed Berry, Crossett, Ark.; Mrs. Eugene M. Lynn, Kansas City, Mo.; two grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Jack Ellis, Edwin Whetstone, Homer Valentine, Jack Millikin, Bill Smith, Dan Files.



Teche News 7/6/1961

Herminie Savoie Higginbotham (1878-1961) LA

Arnaudville - Funeral services were held at a Mass Monday morning at the St. Francis Regis Catholic Church for Mrs. Perry Higginbotham, 83, who died at her home in Arnaudville Saturday night. Interment was in the Grand Coteau cemetery.

Survivors include three sons, J. A., C. P. and I. A. Higginbotham, all of Lafayette; three daughters, Mrs. Rene Stelly of Carencro and Mrs. Raymond Marks and Mrs. Armand Mathieu, both of Arnaudville; six grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements were by the Pellerin Funeral Home.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/9/1961

Philomie Bourgeois Higginbotham (1886-1961) LA

Funeral services will be held at St. John Cathedral today at 3 p.m. For Mrs. William Higginbotham, 75, the former Philomene Bourgeois, who died in Alexandria Friday night at 10:45 p.m. after an extended illness.

Interment will take place in St. John Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a native and life-long resident of Lafayette and had been in Alexandria for the past six and one-half months. She was a member of St. John Cathedral Ladies Altar Society.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Beulah Breaux of Lafayette; one adopted daughter, Mrs. E.A. Pieczko of Stanford, Conn; one sister, Mrs. Rene Benoit of Lafayette; two grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

The Rosary was recited last night at 7:30 p.m. in the funeral home.

The Delhomme Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 10/14/1961

Albert Clayton Higginbotham (1896-1961) OH/LA

A 65-year-old Alexandria man drowned in Grant Parish Friday after he apparently fell ot of his outboard motorboat while fishing alone on Little River.

He was Albert Clayton Higginbotham of 1619 Shirland Avenue, retired service manager of Lanier Buick Co. here.

A member of the family said Higginbotham had gone fishing alone. A search was launched after his outboard motorboat was discovered empty, going in circles.

He body was recovered by a rescue unit from the Grant Parish sheriff's office at about 4 p.m. The accident occurred in the southeast portion of Grant Parish, near Colfax.

Grant Parish Coroner Dr. Webb Smith ruled death due to accidental drowning.

Higginbotham, originally from Columbus, Ohio, was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, a veteran of World War I and a member of Calvary Baptist Church.

The body will lie in state at First National Funeral Home here after 2 p.m. today.

Funeral services will be held at the funeral home chapel at 2:30 p.m. Sunday with Bryant Dean of Calvary Baptist Church officiating. Burial will be in the Greenwood Memorial Park Cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lola Higginbotham; two sons, John H. Higginbotham of Joplin, Mo., and Robert Higginbotham of Valley City, N.D.; a brother, Clarence E. Higginbotham of St. Clairville, Ohio and four daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Mitchell and Mrs. Billie Barron, both of Alexandria, Mrs. Genelle Foster of Baton Rouge, and Mrs. Lavergne Sullivan of Shippensburg, Penn.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 11/13/1961

Julius Benjamin Higginbotham (1905-1961) LA

Baton Rouge - Funeral services will be conducted here for J. Benjamin Higginbotham, 56, past grand master of Louisiana Masons and a supervisor at Humble Oil & Refining Co. here for 38 years.

Higginbotham, who was prominent in Louisiana and Mississippi Masonic circle, died Sunday of an apparent heart attack.

He was a member of the fire and police civil service board of Baton Rouge and was a member of a committee studying changes in the city-parish plan of government.

Survivors include his widow; a sister, Mrs. Rosa Waddell of Baton Rouge; and a brother, Oscar Higginbotham of Baton Rouge.



Lake Charles American-Press 12/23/1961

Electa Colligan Higginbotham (1872-1961) LA

Church Point-Mrs. Nap Higginbotham, 90, the former Electa Colligan of Church Point, died at 8:40 a.m. today at her home in Church Point.

Funeral services are set at 10 a.m. Saturday in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic church. Burial will be in the church cemetery under direction of Guidry funeral home.

Survivors are six sons, Simon, Jack, Armond, Howard and Willery Higginbotham, all of Church Point, and Voris Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; two daughters, Mrs. Jean Barousse of Church Point and Mrs. Adolph Daigle of Branch; one sister, Mrs. Albert Olivia of Church Point; 43 grandchildren, 96 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.



Lake Charles American Press 01/23/1962

John Raynold Higginbotham (1942-1962) LA

Church Point-Raynold Higginbotham, 19, died Monday at 12:10 p.m. at the Church Point hospital after a four day illness.

Funeral services were to be held at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic church today at 11:00 a.m. Burial was to be in the church cemetery under direction of the Guidry funeral home.

Survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willery Higginbotham of Church Point; three brothers. Donald, Elliott and Barry Higginbotham, all of Church Point; and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moise Daigle Sr. of Church Point.



Lake Charles American Press 02/28/1962

Irene Higginbotham (1894-1962) LA

Church Point-Miss Irene Higginbotham, 63, of Church Point, died at 7:40 a.m. Tuesday in Alexandria.

Funeral services were to be held at 10 a.m. today in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic church in Church point with burial in the church cemetery, under the direction of the Guidry funeral home of Church Point.

She is survived by one brother, Jerry Higginbotham of Church Point; three sisters, Mrs. J. LeBleu, Mrs. Bertrand Miller, and Mrs. Elie Jagneaux, all of Church Point; three nieces, Mrs. Ovey Menard, Mrs. Louis Latiolas, and Mrs. John McMillian, all of Lake Charles.



Lake Charles American Press 08/07/1962

Joseph Gerasin "Jerry Joseph" Higginbotham (1881-1962) LA

Church Point-Jerry J. Higginbotham, 81, a local barber and jeweler, died suddenly at his home Monday at 8 p.m.

Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Wednesday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic church. Burial will be in the church cemetery under the direction of Guidry’s funeral home.

Survivors include one son, Leander Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Mrs. Vincent Bergeron and Mrs. Cleopha Mouille, both of Church Point; three sisters, Mrs. Juste LeBleu, Mrs. Bertrand Miller and Mrs. Elie Jagneaux, all of Church Point; two grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of the Church Point community and a member of Woodmen of the World Society.



The Daily Advertiser 10/1/1962

Alida Higginbotham Vallot (1882-1962) LA

Youngsville - Funeral services were held at St. Ann Catholic Church at a 4:00 p.m. Funeral Mass Sunday for Mrs. Joseph Vallot Sr., the former Alida Higginbotham, 80, who died at her residence in Youngsville at 12:30 a.m. Saturday.

Interment was in St. Ann Cemetery, Youngsville.

Services were conducted by the Rev. Msgr. B.W. Neyboer, celebrant of the Mass, and the eulogy was delivered by the Re. J.W. Ohlenforst. Present in the sanctuary was Rev. Gerrard Smit.

Pallbearers were Claude J. Landry, Antoine Hebert III, W.R. Vallot, Joseph D. Vallot, Joseph Vallot Jr. and O.M Vallot.

The Martin & Castille Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Shreveport Journal 10/30/1962

William Warren Higginbotham (1878-1962) LA

Jonesboro - Funeral services for William W. Higginbotham, 84, will be held at 2 p.m. today in Hodge united Pentecostal Church with the Rev. Jimmie Miller officiating. Burial will be in Hodge Cemetery under the direction of Southern Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired gunsmith, died Friday at his home after a lengthy illness.

Survivors include his widow; three sons, Eddie, Johnny and Bud Higginbotham of Titan, Wash.; three daughters, Mrs. Lucy Dye, Mrs. Anna Pyles and Mrs. Rosa Brown, all of Jonesboro; 23 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/28/1963

Marie Lela Higginbotham LeBleu (1890-1963) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Church Point, for Mrs. Juste LeBleu, 72, the former Lela Higginbotham, who died at Church Point Sanitarium at 10:30 a.m. yesterday.

Interment will be in the church cemetery, under the direction of the Guidry Funeral Home.

Survivors include five sons, Leroy LeBleu, Church Point; Milton LeBleu, Slidell; Herman LeBleu, Opelousas; and Ray LeBleu and Vance LeBleu, both of Nederland, Texas; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Savoy, Port Barre; Mrs. Lily Gilbreaux, Opelousas; and Margie Arceneaux, Pasadena, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Bertrand Miller and Mrs. Elie Jagneaux, both of Church point; 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.



The Shreveport Journal 4/29/1963

Susan B. Parson Higginbotham (1889-1963) MO/TX/LA

Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. today for Mrs. Susan Higginbotham, 73, of 3954 Wells St., who died at 12:05 a.m. Sunday in Confederate Memorial Hospital following a long illness.

Services were held in the Rose-Neath Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. R.M. Bentley, pastor of Caddo Heights Methodist Church, officiating. Burial was to be made in the Salem Cemetery at Wright City, Tex., with graveside services at 2:30 p.m. today.

 A resident here for 35 years, Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Pine Hill, Mo.

Survivors include five sons, Sam Higginbotham, Alexandria; R.C., Robert, Joe and Woodrow Higginbotham, all of Shreveport; one daughter, Mrs. Loretta Chambers, Shreveport; one brother, Jim Parson, Kansas City, Mo; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Knox, Monroe; and Mrs. Billie E. Mills, Kansas City, Mo.; 15 grandchildren and four great-granchildren.



The Richland Beacon-News (Rayville, LA), Saturday, March 9, 1963

Lena Travis Higginbotham Hoag Elmore (1887-1963) LA

Mrs. Lena Elmore, 75, of Delhi died Tuesday night in the Delhi clinic after a long illness. Funeral services were held Thursday of last week. Mrs. Elmore was a life-long resident of Richland Parish. Final rites were conducted at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Mulhearn Funeral Home of Delhi with interment following in the Delhi Masonic Cemetery. Survivors include a son, Earl D. Elmore, Burlington, Iowa, and a brother, J. E. Higginbotham of Delhi. Pallbearers were Maurice McKinley, T. B. Hightower, Julian Thompson, Billy Bryan, George B. Bryan and John C. Bryan. Honorary pallbearers were doctors of the Delhi clinic.



The Crowley Post-Signal 5/6/1963

Simon Higginbotham (1897-1963) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Sacred HEart of Mary Church for Simon Higginbotham, 66, who died at 3:25 p.m. Saturday of a heart attack. Burial was in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of World War II, and military services were conducted at the graveside.

Pallbearers were Gabriel Bruce, Stafford Higginbotham, Roy Briscoe, Charles Briscoe, Clifford Higginbotham, and Wallace Higginbotham.

Survivors include one stepson, Clifford Higginbotham; four brothers, John, Jerry and Laurent Higginbotham, all of Church Point, and Stafford Higginbotham of Sulphur; one sister, Mrs. Walter Briscoe of Church Pont, and one grandson.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 10/7/1963

Eldridge Walker Higginbotham (1896-1963) LA/AL

Mobile, Alabama - Funeral services were held here recently for Capt. E. W. Higginbotham, retired merchant marine and the brother of a Lafayette man, L. W. Higginbotham.

Services were held at the Giggins Mortuary and interments was in the Pine Crest Cemetery.

A native of Arnaudville, Mr. Higginbotham was 67.

A 33rd Degree Mason, he was a member of the Mobile County Board of Registrars for one year and a former international president of the Masters, Mates and Pilots Union.

Survivors, other than his brother, include his widow, Mrs. Mina Davis Higginbotham and one sister, Mrs. Dora H. Luckman, Largo, Fla.



The State-Times, Thursday November 7, 1963

Cornelius Air Higginbotham (1887-1963) LA

C. A. (Curley) Higginbotham died Wednesday, November 6, 1963, in a Crowley Hospital at age 76. A native and resident of Crowley, he was a retired captain of Louisiana State Penitentiary staff, and a Presbyterian.

Arrangements entrusted to Feesey-Ferguson Funeral Home in Crowley, with services conducted by Rev. Carl Phillips and Rev. C. J. Matthews. Burial in Young family cemetery at The Plains.

Survived by his widow, the former Olive McGuffey; two daughters, Mrs. A. S. Pecobich and Miss Ruthe Higginbotham, both of Baton Rouge; and a sister, Mrs. Day Farley, Crowley.



The Monroe News-Star 1/28/1964

Columbia N. Knox Higginbotham (1876-1964) LA

Jonesboro - Funeral services for Mrs. Lumie Higginbotham, 83, who died Monday in a Hodge clinic after a long illness, were incomplete today.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the sister if Mrs. Lizzie McCall of Monroe. Burial will be in Hodge Cemetery under direction of Southern Funeral Home of Jonesboro.

Surviving are three sons, William, Eddie and Johnny Higginbotham, all of Jonesboro; three daughters, Mrs. Lucy Dye, Mrs. Annie Tyles and Mrs. Rosa Brown, also of Jonesboro; 23 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 3/10/1964

Sallie Higginbotham Wales (1874-1964) LA

Mrs. Richard Andy Wales, 90, a resident of Kentwood, La., for 65 years, died at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Parkview Clinic in Hammond, La., after a long illness.

Last rites will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday from Brown's Funeral Home in Kentwood, with burial in the Kentwood Cedarlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Wales, the former Sally Higgenbotham, was born Jan. 6, 1874, in Clinton, La. He husband preceded her in death 12 years ago. She was active in the Methodist Church in Kentwood for many years.

Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. A.V. Cefalu, Amite, La., and Mrs. Margaret Feltner, Kentwood; two sons, Jess A. Wales, McComb, and Norman Wales, New Orleans, La.; two grandsons, one granddaughter and two great-grandchildren.

Brown's Funeral Home of Kentwood is in charge of arrangements.



The Shreveport Journal 5/9/1964

Melissa Higginbotham Hayles (1894-1964) MS/LA

Mrs. Melissa Higginbotham Hailes, 69, died of a heart attack Friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Ruttle, 2922 Catherine St.

Mrs. Hailes had been on a visit here from New Orleans.

In addition to her daughter, Mrs. Hailes is survived by two sons, James T. and R. Wayne Hailes, both of New Orleans, and 11 grandchildren.

The body was sent to Water Valley, Miss., her former home, for services and interment, with Wellman's Funeral Home here in charge of the local arrangements.


The Church Point News 5/19/1964

Joseph Curtis Higginbotham (1887-1964) LA

Curtiss Higginbotham Sr., Lake Charles, formerly of Church Point, died Wednesday at 10:05 p.m. in a New Orleans hospital after  lengthy illness.

Funeral services were held Friday morning at Our Lady of the Sacred HEart Catholic Church and burial was in the church cemetery under the direction of Acadia Funeral Home.

Survivors are his widow; eight sons, Curtiss Jr., Lawrence, Thomas, Howard, Eddison, Abbie, Emery, and Percy of Lake Charles; four daughters, Mrs. Eddie Accain, Miss Edna Higginbotham, Mrs. Russell Broussard and Mrs. Odie Doucet, all of Lake Charles.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/20/1964

Eloise Bellard Higginbotham (1885-1964) LA

Church Point - Funeral services have been scheduled for 4 p.m. today in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Edward B. Higginbotham, 78, who died at 9:25 p.m. Sunday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ferdie Lyons, after an illness of three years. Burial will follow in the church cemetery.

She is survived by three sons, Berchman Higginbotham of Lake Charles, Iran Higginbotham of Church Point, and Abram Higginbotham of Scott; six daughters, Mrs. Joseph LeJeune, Mrs. Ferdie Lyons, Mrs. Ernest Smith, Mrs. Clifford Menard, Mrs. Eddie Menard, all of Church Point, and Mrs. Carl Stein of Sweet Lake; one sister, Mrs. Will Bazar of Point Barre; 48 grandchildren and 71 great-grandchildren.

She was a life-long resident of Church point.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/25/1965

Euphemie Miller Higginbotham (1879-1965) LA

Lawtell - Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at St. Bridgett Catholic Church for Mrs. Pierre Higginbotham, 85, the former Euphami Miller, who died at 3 a.m. today in her son's residence in Lawtell.

Interment will be in the church cemetery.

Survivors include a son, Jake Higginbotham, Lawtell; two grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

The Guidry Funeral Home, Church Point, is in charge of arrangements.



The Monroe News-Star 2/5/1965

Ellen Victoria Harvey Hickingbottom (1895-1965) MS/LA

Oak Grove (Special) - Funeral services for Mrs. Victoria Harvey Hickingbottom, 69, who died in Shreveport Wednesday night, were scheduled to be held 3:30 p.m. Saturday at Gay's Funeral Home here with the Rev. B.W. Paul officiating.

Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Surviving are her husband, Sim T. Hickingbottom of Oak Grove; five sons, Leo R. and Bill R. Hickingbottom, both of Shreveport, Sam H., John C. and Sim T. Hickingbottom Jr., all of Bastrop; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Neathery of Oak Grove; a brother, Sid Harvey of Oak Grove and two sisters, Mrs. Estelle Frith of New Orleans and Mrs. Viola Cox of Hernando, Miss.

Named pallbearers were Riley Williams, Odell Parden, Sedric Seamans, Kenneth McDaniel, John T. Fielder and Don L. Pruitt.



The Shreveport Journal 3/10/1965

Estelle Laverty Higginbotham (ca1886-1965) LA/AL

Word has been received here of the recent death of Mrs. Estelle Laverty Higginbotham, 79, Shreveport resident from 1934-1943, at her home in Birmingham, Ala.

While in Shreveport, she was a member of Highland Avenue Baptist Church.

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lynn Odom of Dallas, Tex., and Mrs. T.J. Lynn of Birmingham; one son, Maj. T.L. Higginbotham of San Francisco; nine grandchildren and five great grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 6/14/1965

Helena Higginbotham Romaine (1893-1965) LA

Crowley, La. - Mrs. Lena H. Romain, 72, of Lake Charles, died at 6:45 a.m. today in Lake Charles Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. She was formerly of Iota, moving to Lake Charles about 15 years ago.

The body will remain at Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home in Iota until time of rites which were incomplete as of noon today.

Surviving are one son, Leroy Romain of Iota; two daughters, Mrs. Joseph V. Gay of Lake Charles and Mrs. Lloyd Ray of Iota; one brother, Nelson Higginbotham of Vinton; eight grandchildren, and 20 great grandchildren.



Lake Charles American Press 07/09/1965

Jewes Augustus Higginbotham (1912-1965) LA

Leesville-Jewes August Higginbotham, 53, lifelong resident of Leesville, died at 1:50 a.m. today in a Shreveport hospital.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Hopewell Church at Dry Creek with the Rev. T.J. Crosby officiating. Burial will be in the Hopewell Cemetery under the direction of the Hixson Funeral Home of Leesville.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Effie Higginbotham of Leesville; his mother, Mrs. Minerva Higginbotham of Leesville; four sons, Milton Higginbotham of Merryville, Hilton, Roy and Troy Higginbotham, all of Leesville; two daughters, Mrs. Lydia Parker of Merryville and Mrs. Fairlean of Leesville.

Also six sisters, Mrs. Ennis Marshall of Rosepine, Mrs. Edith Williams of Slagle, and Mrs. Beulah Davis, Mrs. Edna Roberts, Mrs. Laura Parker and Mrs. Myrtis Roberts, all of Leesville; one brother, Ernie Higginbotham of Orange, Tex., and five grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 9/3/1965

Louis Hugh Higginbotham (1941-1964) LA

Church Point, La. - Louis H. Higginbotham, 24, Opelousas accountant, died at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Houston Methodist Hospital following heart surgery.

Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Church Point with burial to follow in the church cemetery.

The body will remain at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point until the hour of rites. A Rosary will be recited there tomorrow night at 7:00.

He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Ernest Higginbotham of Church Point; his wife, Ida Ruth Higginbotham of Opelousas; three brothers, Patrick of Moss, Clinton of Lafayette, and Freddie Johnson of Chicago, Ill.; six sisters, Mrs. John Allen Leleux of Crowley, Mrs. Preston Lavergne of Chicago, Mrs. Louis Latiolais, Mrs. Ovey Menard, and Mrs. Joan McMillian, all of Lake Charles, and Mrs. Albert Latiolais of Lafayette.

He was a member of the Opelousas Jaycees.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/13/1966

Ida Higginbotham Duplechine (1890-1966) LA

Church Point, La - Mrs. Jerry "Dago" Deplechain, 75, of Church Point, died at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday in the Opelousas General Hospital after an illness of about four months. She was the former Ida Higginbotham.

Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Friday in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church with burial to be in the church cemetery.

Until the hour of rites the body will remain at Acadia Funeral Home in Church Point. A Rosary will be recited there at 7:00 tonight.

Survivors include her husband; to daughters, Mrs. Berlin Guidry and Mrs. Alphonse Venable, both of Church Point; two sons, Weston Duplechain of Scott and Earl Miller of Sunset; one brother, Henry Higginbotham of Church Point; one sister, Mrs. Joseph Lavergne of Lake Charles; nine grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 2/4/1966

John B. Higginbotham (1895-1966) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services were to be held at 3 p.m. today in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Church Point for John Higginbotham, 69, who died at 11:40 a.m. Thursday after a brief illness. Burial was to be iin the adjoining cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, the former Louise Oliver; four sons, George, Austin, Harry and Ray Higginbotham; three daughters, Mrs. Nelson LeJeune, Mrs. John Bihm, and Miss Esther Higginbotham, all of Church Point; one sister, Mrs. E. Briscoe of Church point; three brothers, Stafford Higginbotham of Sulphur, and Laurent and Jerry Higginbotham, both of Church Point; 13 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

The Acadia Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 6/20/1966

Simon Abner Higginbotham (1893-1966) LA

Church point, La. - Funeral services will be conducted at 4 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Simon A. "Sam" Higginbotham, 72 retired parts clerk, who died at 6:40 p.m. Saturday at the Veteran's Hospital in Alexandria following an illness of one day.

Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham was a past member of American Legion Post 225, Veteran of World War I, and he was a life long resident of Church Point.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Beatrice Barousse Higginbotham; six sons, Carl and Robert Higginbotham, both of Church Point, Ward, Billy, Wilson, and Hamiel Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles; four daughters, Mrs. Raymond Daigle of Church Point, Mrs. C.C. Whittiker of Somerset, Kentucky, Mrs. Norman Standford of Opelousas, and Mrs. Larry LeBlanc of Rayne; five brothers, Jack, Howard, Armond, and Willery Higginbotham, all of Church Point, and Vorice Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; two sisters, Mrs. Adolph Daigle, and Mrs. Jean Barousse, both of Church Point; 32 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 7/16/1966

Cora Richard Higginbotham Tweedel (1899-1966) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services were conducted at 4:30 p.m. Friday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Mrs. Matthew Tweedel, 66, the former Cora Richard, who died at 4:45 p.m. Thursday in a Lafayette hospital following a short illness.

Burial followed in the church cemetery. Acadia Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include her husband, Matthew Tweedel of Church Point; four sons, Larry and Paul Higginbotham, both of Church Point, Wallace Higginbotham of Scott, and Alphonse Higginbotham of Port Acres, Tex.; two daughters, Mrs. L.E. Johnson of Texas City, Tex., and Mrs. T.E. Smith of Austin, Tex.; and 19 grandchildren.



Hattiesburg American 9/21/1966

John Preston Higginbotham (1883-1966) MS

Lumberton - Services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at Caney Baptist Church near Baxterville for John Preston Higgenbotham, 82, of Rt. 4, who died Tuesday at his home. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Bounds Funeral Home in charge.

The body will be at the family home until service time.

Mr. Higgenbotham was a farmer and had lived in the Bay Creek Community for 50 years. He was a native of Jackson County.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Savier Higgenbotham; three sons, Ellis and Kermit of Rt. 4, and D.W. of Dallas; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Herman of Jackson and Mrs. Patty B. Hand of Council Bluff, Iowa; a sister, Mrs. E.C. Murphy of Jackson; and five grandchildren.



Lake Charles American Press 11/11/1966

Silas Augusta Higginbotham (1908-1966) LA

DeRidder-Funeral services for Silas Higginbotham, 57, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Hixson Funeral Home chapel here.

Burial will be in the Old Cypress Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 11:50 p.m. Wednesday in a Lake Charles hospital.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Sarah Higginbotham; four daughters, Mrs. Iva Jean Pickett, Mrs. Rose Vivian Kaplan, Mrs. Mary Etta Simmons and Lillian Higginbotham, all of DeRidder; three brothers, George Higginbotham of Merryville, and Elvin and Thomas Higginbotham, both of DeRidder.

Also three sisters, Mrs. Liza Waller of Nevada, and Mrs. Centilla Jarrell and Mrs. Ollie Whittington, both of DeRidder; his mother, Mrs. Rachel Higginbotham, of DeRidder, and four grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/30/1966

Carrie Higginbotham Beaugh (1892-1966) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph H. Beaugh, 74, will be held at 9 a.m. Friday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Beaugh died at 5:50 a.m. today at Opelousas General Hospital following an illness of several months. Her body is at Lafond and Son Funeral Home.

A native of Church Point, Mrs. Beaugh was the former Carrie Higginbotham.

She is survived by three sons, Eddie Beaugh of Opelousas, Robert A. Beaugh, with the U.S. Army in San Francisco, Calif., and John R. Beaugh, Ft. Collins, Colo.; and five daughters, Mrs. Percy Vautrot of Sunset, Mrs. Charles Constantine of New Orleans, Mrs. Kossuth Racco of Lafayette, Mrs. Levi Kemp of Odessa, Tex., and Mrs. Harvey Faul of Church Point.

Also surviving are three brothers, Charlie and Herschell Higginbotham of Lake Charles, and Offord Higginbotham of Church Point; four sisters, Mrs. Jules Miller of Sunset, Mrs. Bennett Fontenot of Church Point, Mrs. Leonard Fontenot of Lake Arthur and Mrs. Maggie Dragon of Houston, Tex.; 39 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren.



The Port Arthur News 01/24/1967

Marie Onezida LeDoux Higginbotham (1887-1967) LA

Sulphur Rites for Mrs. Higginbotham

Sulphur, Jan 24-Funeral services for Mrs. Onezida Higginbotham, 80, of Sulphur, were held today at 1 p.m. in Immaculate Conception Catholic church.

Burial was to be today at 3 p.m. in Forest Lawn Memorial Park of Beaumont. Mrs. Higginbotham died Monday at 9:30 a.m. in a nursing home after a long illness.

Survivors include a son, Stafford Higginbotham, Jr. of Beaumont; and three daughters, Mrs. Gabriel Bruce and Mrs. Artemo Thibodeaux, both of Beaumont, and Mrs. M. Hebrand of Loeb.



The Shreveport Journal 2/6/1967

Pearle Louise Seaman Higginbotham (1902-1967) LA

Mrs. Pearle Louise Seaman Higginbotham of Waterproof, mother of Marvin E. Higginbotham Jr., a former Shreveporter who now lives in Ruston, died at 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the Concordia Parish Hospital at Ferriday after a long illness.

In addition to her son, Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, one brother, one sister and one grandson.

Funeral services were scheduled for 2 p.m. today in Young's Funeral Home Chapel, Ferriday, with the Rev. James Douglas, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church of Harahan, officiating. Burial will be in Natchez, Miss.



Lake Charles American Press 03/13/1967

Charles Higginbotham (1886-1967) LA

Funeral services for Charles Higginbotham, 80, of 1722 Katherine St., will be in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point at a date to be announced by Hixson Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 2:40 a.m. Sunday in a local hospital.

He was a native of Church point and had resided in Lake Charles 21 years.

Survivors are one son, Charles L. Higginbotham of Sunset; two daughters, Mrs. Grace H. Richard and Mrs. Gladys Touchet, both of Lake Charles; two brothers, Offord Higginbotham of Church Point and Hershel Higginbotham of Lake Charles; four sisters, Mrs. Jules Miller of Sunset, Mrs. Leonard Fontenot of West Lake, Mrs. Bennett Fontenot of Church Point, and Mrs. Alvater Dragon of Houston; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/30/1967

Antoine Higginbotham (1906-1967) LA

Grand Coteau - Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. today in Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Antoine Higginbotham, well known retired farmer of the Frozard community near Arnaudville, who died at 10:15 a.m. Monday at his home after an illness of five months. Burial was in the church cemetery, directed by Melacon Funeral Home of Carencro.

Survivors are his widow, the former Ida Meche; one son, James D. Higginbotham of Anchorage, Alaska, and two grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 9/28/1967

Alverda Joseph Higginbotham (1930-1967) LA

Crowley, La. - Alverda J. "Al" Higginbotham, 37, manager of the Crowley station of Holsum Bakery, died at 11:40 a.m. Wednesday in the Abrom Kaplan Memorial Hospital in Kaplan from injuries sustained in an auto-truck smashup two hours earlier in the Kaplan city limits.

Higginbotham, who had been employed by Holsum Bakery for 10 years, was a passenger in a company truck being driven by Clyde Navarre. Higginbotham was thrown from the truck by the impact of the collision and was pinned beneath the overturned vehicle. Navarre was not injured.

The crash victim had been promoted to the managership of the Crowley station on Sept. 20. He was well known to hundreds of young boys in Crowley for his long service as a coach in the Crowley Recreation Department athletic program. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus here and was a veteran of the Korean Conflict.

A native of Church Point, Mr. Higginbotham had lived in Crowley for the past 10 years.

Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point and burial will follow in the church cemetery under the direction of the First National Funeral Home of Crowley. Until the time of rites the body will remain at the Acadia Funeral Home in Church Point.

Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Higginbotham of Church Point; his wife, the former Gertie Henry of Crowley; two sons, Glenn and Jimmy Higginbotham, both of Crowley; two daughters, Debra and Rachelle Higginbotham, both of Crowley; and a sister, Mrs. Vera Perrodin of Opelousas.



The Crowley Post-Signal 11/11/1967

Henry Higginbotham (1892-1967) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services will be conducted at 4:00 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Henry Higginbotham, 75, of Church Point, who died at 6:66 p.m. Friday in the Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point.

Burial will follow in the church cemetery, with Acadia Funeral Home of Church Point in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include two sons, Percy Higginbotham of Lake Charles and Wilson Higginbotham of Opelousas; a daughter, Mrs. Homer Labbe of Church Point; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Lavergne of Lake Charles; 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild.



The Crowley Post-Signal 12/27/1967

Alice Tete Higginbotham Rogers Stine (1908-1967) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services for Mrs. Carl Stine, 59, of Lake Charles, were held at 10:00 today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Stine, the former Alice Higginbotham, died at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Lake Charles Memorial Hospital. She was a native of Church Point.

Survivors include two sons, Roy Rogers of Lake Charles and Alvin Rogers of Springfield, Maryland; a daughter, Mrs. Maxie LaBiche of Lake Charles; three brothers, Berchman Higginbotham of Lake Charles and Iram Higginbotham of Church Point, and Abram Higginbotham of Scott; five sisters, Mrs. Bertha LeJeune, Mrs. Lydia Menard, Mrs. Ernest Smith, and Mrs. Eddie Menard, all of Church Point, and Mrs. Louisiana Lyons of Lawtell; nine grandchildren; and one great grandchild.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 12/31/1967

Danny Ray Higginbotham (1953-1967) LA

Livonia, La. - Danny Ray Higginbotham, 14, was killed in a hunting accident Saturday afternoon near his home at Fordoche.

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Higginbotham.

Dr. J.C. Roberts, Pointe Coupee Parish coroner, said Higginbotham and two neighbor youths were hunting with a 410-gauge shotgun. Roberts said one of the other boys, Ray Doucete, 11, was holding the gun when Higginbotham was shot.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/10/1968

Joseph Asa Higginbotham (1885-968) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were to be held at 3 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Asa Higginbotham, 84, of Berwick, who died at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Jennings American Legion Hospital after an illness of five weeks.

A native of Church Point, he had moved to Berwick 2 1/2 years ago.

Burial was to be in the church cemetery, directed by Guidry Funeral Home.

Survivors are six sons, Vincent, Homer, Roosevelt and Floyd Higginbotham, all of Church Point; Lloyd Higginbotham, Jennings, Wilson Higginbotham, Eunice; one daughter, Mrs. Onezime Richard, Berwick; three sisters, Mrs. P.L. Bellard, Crowley; Mrs. Roland Matte, Port Arthur, Tex.; Mrs. Eldridge Higginbotham, Opelousas; 21 grandchildren and one great-granchild.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/15/1968

Agathe Thibodeaux Higginbotham (1874-1968) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services were conducted at 2:00 p.m. Sunday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Mrs. Jiles Higginbotham, 95, the former Agathe Thibodeaux, of Church Point, who died at 12:25 p.m. Saturday in an Opelousas nursing home.

Burial was in the church cemetery with Acadia Funeral Home of Church Point in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. Claudie Estilette, Mrs. Alphonse Jeanise, and Mrs. Elie Emphell, all of Opelousas, Mrs. Billizarre Doucet of Port Barre, and Mrs. Lawrence Oliver of Church Point; five sons, Theobert of Whiteville, Jack of Port Barre, Leroy of Baton Rouge, Mack of Church Point, and Leo of Chicago, Ill.; a brother, Thomas Thibodeaux of Church Point; 46 grandchildren; 69 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-granchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/18/1968

Florence Vivian Taylor Higginbotham (1884-1968) LA

Crowley, La. - Funeral services for Mrs. James S. Higginbotham, 83, of Maxie, will be held at 4:00 p.m. Friday in the Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home Chapel in Crowley. Burial will be in the Maxie Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Florence Taylor, died at 2:15 a.m. today in Heritage Manor in Crowley.

Survivors include two sons, Vernon Taylor Higginbotham of Beaumont, Tex., and Herman G. Higginbotham of Abbeville; a daughter, Mrs. Edmund D. Cooley of Maxie; two sisters, Mrs. Brampton Robinson of Maxie and Mrs. Howard McClelland of Basile; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 5/6/1968

Ruth Higginbotham Farley (1894-1968) LA

Maxie - Funeral services are scheduled for 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Maxie Methodist Church for Mrs. Day FArley, 73, the former Ruth Higginbotham, who died at 11 p.m. Sunday at the American Legion Hospital in Crowley. Interment will be in the church cemetery.

Rev. J.R. Hoffpauir and Rev. Beverly Bond will officiate.

Mrs. Farley, a native of Maxie, was a member of the Maxie Methodist Church.

Survivors include several nieces and nephews.

Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Shreveport Journal 5/16/1968

Bernard Alton Higginbotham (1904-1968) LA

Bernard Alton Higginbotham, 63, a retired baker who resided at 1003 Foster St., died Wednesday at 12:40 p.m. at his residence after a sudden illness.

He was a native of Crowley and a member of the Catholic Church and the American Legion. He had lived in Shreveport for eight years.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. R.E. Faure of Bay St. Louis, Miss.; a brother, Fred Higginbotham of Shreveport, and a sister, Mrs. GEorge Dorr of Crowley.

Funeral services will be held in Crowley at a time to be announced by Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home there. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/14/1968

Vincent Higginbotham (1913-1968) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Vincent Higginbotham, 54, who died unexpectedly at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital. Burial will be in the church cemetery, directed by Acadia Funeral Home.

Survivors are his widow, the former Edna Savoy; five brothers, Homer, Roosevelt and Floyd Higginbotham, all of Church Point; Lloyd Higginbotham, Jennings and Wilson Higginbotham, Eunice; one sister, Mrs. Onesime Richard, Berwick.



Minden (La) Press-Herald July 22, 1968

Annie Mae Higginbotham Langheld (1891-1968) LA

Services for Mrs. Langheld Were Saturday

Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Mae Langheld, 76, of Minden, who died Friday in a Homer hospital, were at 2 p.m. Saturday in Bethlehem Methodist Church near Minden. The Rev. John Lee and the Rev. Oliver Thomas officiated. Interment was in Bethlehem Cemetery under the direction of Green-Kleinegger Funeral Home. Survivors are three sons, H. E. Mason of Minden, L.D. Mason of Bossier City and W. C. Langheld of Minden; two daughters, Mrs. B. D. Hicks of Coushatta and Mrs. [K.] Martin of Minden, 14 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 8/27/1968

Francois Frederic Higginbotham (1890-1968) LA

Crowley, La. - Funeral services for Frank Frederick Higginbotham, 78, of Shreveport, were held at 10:00 a.m. today at the Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home Chapel in Crowley. Burial was in the Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired cook for the Crowley National Guard, died at 10:15 a.m. Friday in a Shreveport Hospital.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Rose Rodrigues of Brownsville, Tex., Mrs. Polly Brown of Bay City, Tex., and Mrs. Margaret Utley of Houston; and a sister, Mrs. George Dorr, Sr. of Crowley.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 9/4/1968

Elvina Higginbotham Fontenot (1890-1968) LA

Church Point - Mrs. Leonard Fontenot, 77, the former Elvina Higginbotham, died at Westlake at 2:50 a.m. Tuesday at St. Patrick's Hospital, Lake Charles.

Services will be held at 3 p.m. today at St. Edmund's Catholic Church, Branch.

Survivors include three sons, Leonard and Alton, both of Westlake, and Vernon of Lake Charles; three daughters, Mrs. Reva Brashear of Lake Charles, Mrs. Ellenis Rouen of Vinton, and Mrs. Horace Bourque of Baton Rouge; two brothers, Hershel Higginbotham of Lake Charles, and Arthur Higginbotham of Church Point; three sisters, Mrs. Bennett Fontenot of Church Point, Mrs. Jules Miller of Sunset, and Mrs. Alzeta Dragon of Houston; 15 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home, Church Point, is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 10/1/1968

Ann Lou Brown Higginbotham (1942-1968) LA

Lake Arthur, La. - Amy Lou Higginbotham, a 26-year-old Lake Arthur woman, died Sunday in the Jennings American Legion Hospital from gunshot wounds received on a street in Lake Arthur as she walked home from church.

A murder charge was filed Monday by the Jeff Davis sheriff's department with District Attorney Bernard Marcantel against the woman's estranged husband, Richard Higginbotham, 27, of Lake Charles.

The shooting occurred at approximately 5 p.m. Sunday as the victim was returning from church with her sister-in-law and three small children.

Officials of the Jeff Davis sheriff's department said that the fatal wounds were inflicted by a shotgun. The sister-in-law and children escaped injury.



The Port Arthur News 10/10/1968

Joseph Stafford Higginbotham (1886-1968) LA

Beaumont-Funeral services for Stafford Higginbotham 82, of Sulphur, La., father of Mrs. Gabriel Bruce and Mrs. Artemo Thibodeauz, both of Beaumont, were held today at 10 a.m. in the Immaculate Conception Catholic church in Sulphur. Burial was to follow in Forest Lawn Memorial Park under the direction of the Hammer Funeral Home in Sulphur.

Mr. Higginbotham died Tuesday at 12:55 p.m. in the Holly Hill Nursing home at Maplewood, La., following a long illness.



The Crowley Post-Signal 10/14/1968

Terry Lee Higginbotham (1946-1968) LA

Church Point, La. - Joint funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Patrick Dublechin, 17, of Church Point, and Terry Lee Higginbotham, 21, of Belle Chase, who were both killed at 2:00 a.m. Sunday in an automobile accident near Ville Platte.

Burial will follow in the church cemetery for the Duplechin boy and in the church mausoleum for Higginbotham.

Higginbotham, an employee of Freeport Sulphur Company, is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs Roosevelt Higginbotham of Church Point; three brothers, Rufus Higginbotham of Point Sulphur, and Wayne and Clinton Higginbotham, both of Church Point; and two sisters, Mary and Glenda Higginbotham, both of Church Point.

He was a member of the WOW and American Legion Post 225 of Church Point and the Dixie Baseball Legion of New Orleans. He had moved to Belle Chase two years ago.



The Times-Picayune 10/30/1968

Edward H. Higginbotham (1907-1968) AL/LA

Edward H. Higginbotham, on Tuesday, October 29, 1968, at 11:55 am., beloved husband of Anita Ferrara, father of James E. Higginbotham of Greenwood, Miss; son of Rose Hughes and the late James E. Higginbotham; brother of Philip Higginbotham and Mrs. Theo Edney; also survived by two grandchildren, age 61 years; a native of Talladega Springs, Ala., and a resident of New Orleans the past three years. Private funeral services were held from the funeral home of Jacob Schoen & Son, Inc., 3827 Canal Street at N. Scott, on Wednesday, October 30, 1968 at 8 am. Interment in Laketown Park Mausoleum. Donation to Cancer Fund.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/29/1968

Thobert Higginbotham (1898-1968) LA

Whiteville - Funeral services were held Monday in the Whiteville Catholic Church for Theobert Higginbotham, 70, of Whiteville, who died Sunday in Ville Platte Medical Center. Burial in the church cemetery was directed by Ardoin Funeral Home, Ville Platte.

Survivors include his widow, the former Laura Doucet, of Whiteville; two sons, Clary Higginbotham, New Orleans; Milburn Higginbotham, Pasadena, Tex.; two daughters, Mrs. Leonard Brown, Whiteville; Mrs. Allen Mounier, Ville Platte; four brothers, Matt Higginbotham, Church Point; Jack Higginbotham, Port Barre; Leroy Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; Leo Higginbotham, Chicago; five sisters, Mrs. Claude Estillette, Mrs. Elie Campbell, Mrs. Alphonse Janice, all of Opelousas; Mrs. Belezaire Doucet, Port Barre, and Mrs. Ferre Farrel Oliver, Church Point; and seven grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 2/12/1969

Josephine Higginbotham Higginbotham (1887-1969) LA

Church Point - Funeral services are scheduled to be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Josephine H. Higginbotham, 81.

A native of Church Point, recently moved to Opelousas, she died at 7:20 p.m. Tuesday after a short illness. Burial is to be in the church cemetery under the direction of the Acadia Funeral Home of Church Point.

Survivors include two sons, Curley Higginbotham of Sunset, Verice Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Mrs. Mae Meche of Sulphur, Mrs. Lloyd Cormier of Opelousas; two sisters, Mrs. P.L. Bellard of Crowley, Mrs. Amy Matte of Port Arthur, Tex.; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

A rosary will be said at the funeral home in Church Point today at 7:30 p.m.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 3/13/1969

Alida Faul Higginbotham (1886-1969) LA

Church Point - Funeral services are scheduled to be held at 3 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Curtis Higginbotham, 83, the former Alida Faul of Lake Charles.

She died at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the St. Patrick Hospital in Lake Charles following a long illness. Burial is to be in the church cemetery under the direction of Acadia Funeral Home of Church Point.

The former Church Point resident lived in Lake Charles for the last 20 years.

Survivors include eight sons, Curtis Jr., Lawrence, Thomas, Alison, A.B., Howard, Percy and Emery, all of Lake Charles; four daughters, Mrs. Eddie Aucoin of Golden Meadow, Mrs. Joe Jolie, Mrs. Edna Higginbotham and Mrs. Milton Fontenot all of Lake Charles; two brothers, Eugene Faul of Mire, Lesielaud Faul of Prairie Rhonde; two sisters, Mrs. Lee Richard of Lafayette, Mrs. J. O'Conner of Oberline; 41 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and 18 great-great-grandchildren.



The Monroe News-Star 5/2/1969

James Luther Higginbotham (1899-1969) LA

Vidalia - Funeral services for James L. Higginbotham, 70, of Vidalia, were to be held at 5 p.m. today in the First Baptist Church in Newellton with the Rev. Joe Wedder officiating.

Burial was to be in Legion Memorial Cemetery under direction of Crothers Funeral Home of Tallulah.

A native of Texarkana, Ark., he was a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion, Masons and the Baptist Church.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Fannie Higginbotham of Vidalia; two daughters, Mrs. Estelle Twiford of Nanteo, N.C. and Mrs. Jo Ann Campbell of Harvey.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 6/17/1969

Jerry Don Higginbotham (1946-1969) LA

DeRidder - Jerry Don Higginbotham, 22, drowned Sunday.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. today in the Hopewell Baptist Church. Burial will be in the Hopewell Cemetery under direction of the Hixson Funeral Home.

Survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Higginbotham; one brother, Bobby Ray Higginbotham; two sisters, Miss Mary Ruth Higginbotham and Miss Jo Ann Higginbotham; his grandparents, Mrs. W.F. Higginbotham, all of DeRidder and Jefferson H. Watson of Graham, Tex.



The Crowley Post-Signal 9/27/1969

Albert Higginbotham (1877-1969) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. today in St. Joseph Catholic Church in Rayne for Albert Higginbotham, 92, a native of church Point, who died Friday morning at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette.

Burial will be in the church cemetery under the direction of the Acadia Funeral Home.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Ben Daigle of Opelousas, Mrs. P.E. Daigle of China, Tex., and Mrs. Avar Bergeron of Rayne.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 9/30/1969

Eldridge Higginbotham (1906-1969) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Eldridge Higginbotham, 62, a retired farmer, who died of a self inflicted gunshot wound, Sunday at 9:30 p.m. at his home.

Burial was in the church cemetery under the direction of the Acadia Funeral Home of Church point.

Survivors include the widow, the former Margaret Stanford; one daughter, Mrs. Vorice Perrodin of Plaisance; his mother, Mrs. Robert Higginbotham, of Church Point; four brothers, Ben Higginbotham, Abram Higginbotham, Harry Higginbotham, all of Church Point and Hanoie Higginbotham of Eunice; six sisters, Mrs. Ray Richard, Mrs. John Ashford, Mrs. Elis Guidry and Mrs. Vorice Olivier of Church Point; Mrs. Saul Hebert of Rayne and Mrs. Junior Thibodeaux of Eunice.



Jennings Daily News 10/24/1969

Zelean Higginbotham Broussard (1889-1969) LA

Broussard rites will be held Sat.

LAKE ARTHUR, La. - Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church for Mrs. Zelen Higginbotham Broussard, 80, who died Wednesday at her home in Lake Arthur.

The funeral, at which the Rev. Charles Soileau will officiate, will be followed by burial in the church cemetery under the direction of the Good Shepard Funeral Home.

Survivors include her husband, Charlie Broussard of Lake Arthur.



American Press, Monday, November 10, 1969; Page: 2
Cintilla Leona Higginbotham Jarrell (1904-1969) LA

DERIDDER - Funeral services for Mrs, Cintilla Jarrell, 65, were to be at 2 p.m. today, (Nov. 10) in First United Pentecostal Church.
The Revs. Arlan V. Guidroz and L. M. Jeane were to officiate. Burial was to be in Hinson Cemetery under the direction of the Hixson Funeral Home.
Mrs. Jarrell died at 4 p.m. Saturday in her home.
Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Vera Hinson of Arcadia, Tex.; her mother, Mrs. W. L. Higginbotham of DeRidder; two sisters, Mrs. Ollie Whittington of DeRiddcr and, Mrs. Eliza Waller of Falon, Nev., three brothers, Elvin, Thomas and George Higginbotham, all of DeRidder and two grandchildren.



The Morning Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA), Wednesday, December 17, 1969

Jack Higginbotham (1895-1969) LA

Died at 10 a.m. Saturday at Independence. He was 74, a resident of Livingston and a native of Grangeville. Body at Hollabaugh-Spindle Funeral Home in Denham Springs from 11 a.m. Wednesday until 9:30 a.m. Thursday. Funeral services at Livingston Methodist Church at 10 a.m. Thursday with Revs. Fred Campbell, Charles Arnold and P. W. Sibley officiating. Military rites at graveside in Palmetto Cemetery. Pallbearers: Winson Smiley, Garvin Moore, Clyde Blount, Guy Sevario, Laverne Marchesseault and Metz Lee. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Willie Smart Higginbotham, Livingston; eight sons, Scott, Jerry, Lodney and Mark, all of Walker, Philip, Sterling and Julius, all of Livingston, and Charles, U.S. Army in Germany; four daughters, Mrs. Jackie Morales, Walker, Mrs. Rebecca Smith, Holden, Mrs. Martha Lee and Miss Maggie Higginbotham, both of Livingston; an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Booker, Clinton, and 25 grandchildren. He was a member of Livingston Methodist Church and a veteran of World War I.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/16/1970

Celeste Higginbotham Bellard (1900-1970) LA

Crowley, La. - Mr. P. L. Bellard, 67, of Crowley, did Wednesday at 10:30 p.m. in The American Legion Hospital here. She was the former Celeste Higginbotham.

Funeral services for Mrs. Bellard will be conducted Friday at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point. Burial will be in the church mausoleum.

Survivors include her husband, Acadia Deputy Sheriff P.L. Bellard; and a sister, Mrs. Roland Matte of Port Arthur, Tex.

Mrs. Bellard was a member of the Catholic church and St. Michael's Alter Society.

Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home of Crowley is in charge of arrangements.



The Monroe News-Star 2/27/1970

Canary Bell White Higginbotham (1890-1980) LA

WINNSBORO (Special) — Funeral services for Mrs. Canary Bell Higginbotham, 80, of Dotson [sic Dodson], formerly of Winnsboro, were held at 3 p.m. today at Lone Pine Baptist Church with the Revs. Fred Keyes and C. W. Jones Sr. officiating.

Burial was in Harris Cemetery under direction of First National Funeral Home here.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday in Winnfield General Hospital after a long illness.

Survivors include two sons, D. W. Young, Houma, and F. A. Higginbotham, Pineville; two step-daughters, Mrs. R. A. Crick and Mrs. Margaret Hayes, both of Baton Rouge; two step-sons, G. A. Higginbotham, Winnsboro, and J. F. Higginbotham, Delhi; 13 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 3/6/1970

Marie Inez Savoie Higginbotham (1918-1970) LA

Mrs. Howard Higginbotham, the former Inez Savoy, 51, of Church Point died Thursday afternoon in the Rayne-Branch Hospital. Services will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

She is survived by her husband, Howard Higginbotham of Church Point and one daughter, Priscilla Ann Higginbotham of Church Point.

Rosary will be recited tonight at 7 p.m. in the Guidry Funeral Home where the body is resting. Guidry Funeral Home will direct the funeral.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 3/30/1970

Melanie Anne Higginbotham (1954-1970) LA

Lake Charles - Funeral services for Melanie Ann Higginbotham, 17, will be at 2 p.m. today in the St. Henry Catholic Church. Burial will be in the Consolata Cemetery under the direction of the Hixson Funeral Home.

Miss Higginbotham, a student at Lake Charles High School died Saturday on a weekend camping trip to Bubdick's Lake with her family.

Survivors are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Higginbotham; one brother, Michael Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles and her grandmother, Mrs. Beatrice Higginbotham of Church Point.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/6/1970

Edna Higginbotham (1912-1970) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here for Miss Edna Higginbotham, 58, who died at 4:30 a.m. today at the home of a brother in Lake Charles. Burial will be in the Church cemetery.

Surviving are eight brothers, Curtis Jr., Lawrence, Thomas, Howard, Allison, Emery and N.B. Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles, and Percy Higginbotham of Golden Meadow; and three sisters, Mrs. Edda O-Quin of Cutoff, and Mrs. Milton Fontenot and Edmonia Higginbotham, both of Lake Charles.



The Crowley Post-Signal 5/16/1970

Mary Belle Higginbotham Olivier (1919-1970) LA

Church Point, La. - Mrs. Vorice Olivier, 50, of Church Point, died Friday at 6:30 p.m. in Lafayette General Hospital.

Funeral services for Mrs. Olivier, the former Mary Belle Higginbotham, will be conducted today at 4:30 p.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Survivors include her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Donald Deville of Opelousas and Miss Jeannie Marie Olivier of Church Point; her mother, Mrs. Robert Higginbotham of Church Point; four brothers, Ben, Harry, and Abram Higginbotham, all of Church Point and Horace Higginbotham of Eunice; six sisters, Mrs. Ray Richard, Mrs. John Ashford, and Mrs. Elie Guidry, all of Church Point, Mrs. Saul Hebert of Rayne, Mrs. Maurice Thibodeaux Jr. of Eunice, and Mrs. Jack W. Bergeron of Eunice; and one grandchild.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 7/30/1970

Agatha Higginbotham Guidry (1904-1970) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services for Mrs. Elie Guidry, 65, of Church Point, will be held at 9 a.m. Friday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point. Burial in the church cemetery will be under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point. There will be a rosary at 7 p.m. tonight in the funeral home.

Mrs. Guidry, the former Agatha Higginbotham, died at 7"30 p.m. Wednesday in the Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point.

Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Robert Higginbotham of Church Point; her husband, Elie Guidry of Church Point, four sons, Leo Guidry, all of Church Point, and Huey Guidry of Eunice; six daughters, Mrs. Ruth Higginbotham, Mrs. Arnold Thibodeaux, Mrs. Vial Thibodeaux, and Mrs. Melvin Cormier, all of Church Point, Mrs. Sosthen Brasseaux of Port Neches, Tex., and Mrs. Lucince Thibodeaux of Lafayette; Four brothers, Horace Higginbotham of Eunice, and Abraham Higginbotham, Ben Higginbotham, and Harry Higginbotham, all of Church Point; five sisters, Mrs. John Ashworth and Mrs. James Ray Richard, both of Church Point, Mrs. Maurice Thibodeaux, Jr., of Eunice, Mrs. Saul Herbert of Rayne, and Mrs. Jack Bergeron of Basile; 45 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/15/1971

Joseph Floyd Higginbotham (1918-1971) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, for Floyd Joseph Higginbotham, 52, who died in a Lafayette hospital at 7:10 p.m. Tuesday, following a short illness.

Burial was in the church cemetery under the direction of teh Acadia Funeral Home.

Survivors are his wife, Emelda R. Higginbotham; two daughters, Zoe Ann Higginbotham and Susan Marie Higginbotham, both of Church Point; one sister, Mrs. Onezime Richard of Berwick; four brothers, Homer and Roosevelt Higginbotham, both of Church Point; Lloyd Higginbotham of Jennings and Wilson Higginbotham of Eunice.




Rose Fanny Smith Higginbotham (1890-1971) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services for Mrs. Rose Higginbotham, 80, of Church Point, were held Thursday at 3 p.m. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point.

Burial followed in the church cemetery under the direction of the Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Rose Smith, died at the Eunice Nursing Home at 12:50 a.m. Thursday following a two year illness.

Surviving are numerous nieces and nephews.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/9/1971

Mary Maudria Higginbotham Fontenot (1926-1971) LA

Eunice - Funeral services were conducted at 3:30 p.m. Friday in St. Anthony Catholic Church for Mrs. Dallas Fontenot, 44, of Patterson, who died Thursday in a Lafayette hospital following an illness of nine days. She was the former Maudrie Higginbotham.

Burial was in Mount Calvary Cemetery, directed by Ardoin Funeral Home.

Survivors include her husband; one son, Harold Lee Daigle of Crowley; one step-son, Dale Fontenot of Lafayette; one daughter, Mrs. S.J. Veret Jr. of Amelia; one step-daughter, Mrs. Robert DeVille of Monroe; her mother, Mrs. Orphise Savoy of church Point; one brother, Berlin Higginbotham of Church Point; three half-brothers, Warren Joseph Higginbotham of Galveston, Tex., Irby Savoy of Church Point, and Alvin Savoy of Patterson; one sister, Mrs. J.B. Eaves of Lake Charles; one step-sister, Mrs. Milton Perrodin of Church Point; three half-sisters, Mrs. Beulah Benoit of Oberlin, Mrs. Mabel Fontenot of Opelousas and Mrs. Hillman Cormier of Church Point.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/1/1971

Joseph Anteal Higginbotham (1896-1971) LA

Arnaudville - Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Friday in St. Francis Regis Catholic Church for Joseph Antheol Higginbotham, 74, who died at 4 a.m. today at his home here.

Burial will be in St. John's Catholic Cemetery in Lafayette.

He was a member of the Woodmen of the World of Lafayette and the American Legion. He was a store clerk manager at Heymann's in Lafayette for many years.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, the former Elise Marks of Arnaudville; two brothers, Charles and Isaac Higginbotham, both of Lafayette; and three sisters, Mrs. Rene Stelly of Carencro and Mrs. Lula H. Mathieu and Mrs. Raymond Marls, both of Arnaudville.

The funeral home will close at 10 tonight and open at 8 a.m. Friday. Melancon Funeral Home of Arnaudville is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 8/28/1971

Jean Berchman Higginbotham (1905-1971) LA

Lake Charles, La. - Bercham Higginbotham, 66 a resident of Lake Charles for 42 years, died at 2:10 p.m. Friday in St. Patrick Hospital.

Services will be at 4 p.m. today at Christ the King Catholic Church. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery.

Higginbotham was a native of Church Point. He was a ferryman for the Louisiana Department of Highways.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Palmyre Rogers Higginbotham; four daughters, Mrs. Vito Tramonte, Mrs. Mary Trahan, Mrs. Ethel Trahan, all of Lake Charles, and Mrs. Florence Bible of Bakersfield, Calif.; two brothers, Irma Higginbotham of Church Point and Abraham Higginbotham of Lafayette; five sisters, Mrs. Lou Lyons, Mrs. Lelia Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Menard, Mrs. Lydia Menard and Mrs. Bertha LeJeune, all of Church Point; 21 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 9/17/1971

Jacques Higginbotham (1902-1971) LA

Lawtell - Final rites for Jacob Higginbotham, 68, of Lawtell, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Bridget Catholic Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Higginbotham died suddenly at 2:30 p.m. Thursday near his home as he was driving a vehicle. He was a retired farmer.

Survivors are his widow, the former Eve Meche of Lawtell; two daughters, Mrs. Leo Prejean of Lawtell and Miss Lucille Higginbotham of Beaumont, Tex.; one son, Bobbin Higginbotham of Lawtell; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers who will serve at the funeral include Donald Prejean, Kendrick Prejean, Roy Fontenot, Pat Prejean, Darryl Smith and "Chuck" Walkowiak. Named honorary pallbearers are Victor Savoy and Gilbert Vige.

Higginbotham's body is at the First National Funeral Home in Opelousas, where rosary will be recited at 8 tonight.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 10/15/1971

Barbara Sue Hickenbottom (1971-1971) LA

Funeral services will be held in St. Jules Church at 3:30 p.m. Saturday for Barbara Susan Hickenbottom, six months, who died in Lafayette General Hospital from injuries received at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday in an accident on the Carencro Highway.

Interment will be in the Gueydan Catholic Cemetery.

Survivors include her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel Hickenbottom of Lafayette; one half-sister, Carla Lee Hickenbottom, Pacoima, Calif.; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Mary Fermidge of Burbank, Calif; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hickenbottom of Lafayette; paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Artie Gaspard of Bridge City, Tex.; paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Adles Simon of Vinton; paternal great-grandfather, Hushell Hickenbottom of Lake Charles.

Visiting hours have been requested from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.




Joseph Abram Higginbotham (1916-1971) LA

Scott - Funeral services will be held in Sts. Peter and Paul Church Sunday at 11 a.m. for Abram Higginbotham, 55, who died at Lafayette General Hospital Friday night.

Interment will be in Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery.

Survivors include his widow, Zoe Clavier of Scott; four sons, Joseph Carroll, John Darrel, Milton Joseph, and James Terry Higginbotham, all of Scott; two daughters, Mrs. James Gates and Mrs. Jerry Teahan, both of Osseny; one brother, Iram Higginbotham of Church Point; five sisters, Mrs. Eddie Menard, Mrs. Joseph LeJeune, Mrs. Ferdie Lyons, Mrs. Ernest Smith, and Mrs. Clifford Menard, all of Church Point; and six grandchildren.

A rosary will be recited at 8 tonight.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home is in charge of funeral arrangements.



The Monroe News-Star 2/24/1972

Lawson Gilbert Higginbotham (1882-1972) LA

Mer Rouge - Funeral services for Lawson G. Higginbotham, 89, of Mer Rouge, formerly of Pioneer, were to be at Mer Rouge Methodist Church with the Rev. Larry Robertson officiating.

Burial was to be in Riverview Cemetery in Monroe under the direction of Golden Funeral Home of Bastrop. Time for services was to be announced today. He died around noon Wednesday at Morehouse General Hospital after a brief illness.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired merchant, was a lifelong resident of Mer Rouge and was very active in membership of the Mer Rouge Methodist Church, serving as Steward, and treasurer. He was active in numerous and various community affairs.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. C.D. Higginbotham of Mer Rouge; two daughters, Mrs. W.A. Cheshire Jr. of Mer Rouge and Mrs. C.K. Watson of Madison, N.C.; one granddaughter and a niece.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 3/16/1972

Margarete Marie Stanford Higginbotham (1907-1972) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held Wednesday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Mrs. Eldridge Higginbotham, 64, of Church Point. She died at the Church Point Hospital Tuesday.

Burial was in the church cemetery with the First National Funeral Home in charge.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Vuris Perrodin of Plaisance; one brother, Paul Stanford of Opelousas and 12 grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 6/2/1972

Joseph Gilbert Higginbotham (1897-1972) LA

Youngsville - Funeral services will be held in St. Anne's Catholic Church at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow for Gilbert Higginbotham, 74, who died today at 1:20 a.m. in the Erath Memorial Hospital.

Entombment will be in St. Anne's Mausoleum.

Survivors include his widow, the former Yvonne Broussard of Youngsville; three sisters, Mrs. Joan Alphonse and Mrs. Minor Cabrol, both of Youngsville, and Mrs. Heloise Langlinais of Lafayette; one brother, Theodore Higginbotham of Lafayette.

A rosary will be recited at 8:30 tonight.

David Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post Herald 7/12/1972

Roberta Marie Higginbotham (1961-1972) LA/TX

Church Point - An 11 year old Houston, Texas girl visiting near Church Point was killed instantly Wednesday afternoon when she rode her bicycle into the path of an automobile on La. 754 about 1-1/2/ miles south east of town. Roberta Marie Higginbotham was pronounced dead at the scene.

Investigators for State Police Troop I in Lafayette reported that the girl was riding her bicycle east on the highway when she suddenly turned out into the path of the auto. The car was also traveling east on La. 754, driven by Conrad Horecky.

The girl is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Higginbotham of Houston, paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Higginbotham of Port Barre; paternal great grandmother, Mrs. Ben Daigle of Opelousas; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Boudreaux of Lake Arthur; and one brother, Carl Vernon Higginbotham Jr., of Houston.

Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church with burial in the church cemetery. A rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock tonight. Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 11/22/1972

Elvina Higginbotham Miller (1898-1972) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Bertrand Miller, 74, the former Elvina Higginbotham, who died Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Elie Jagneaux of Church Point; and several nieces and nephews.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of all arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/3/1973

Laurent Higginbotham (1900-1973) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Laurent Higginbotham, 72, of Church Point, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery under direction of Guidry Funeral Home.

Higginbotham died suddenly at 12:30 a.m. today at his home.

The rosary will be recited at 7 tonight at the funeral home.

Higginbotham was a retired farmer. He is survived by his widow, the former Delia Olivier; three sons, Emery, Irby, and Leslie Higginbotham; one daughter, Mrs. Leonce Brasseaux; one bother, Jerry Higginbotham; a sister, Mrs. Inez Briscoe, all of Church Point; 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/5/1973

Lullian Reviere Higginbotham (1916-1973) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Emory Higginbotham, 56, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

Burial will be iin the church cemetery under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point.

Mrs. Higginbotham died at 2:10 a.m. today in the Rayne Branch Hospital following an illness of nine months.

As an employee of the Acadia Parish School Board, Mrs. Higginbotham worked in the lunchroom at Church Point High School for the past 27 years.

Survivors are her husband; three sons, Lawrence, Ollie and Bobby Gene Higginbotham, all of Church Point; a sister, Mrs. Ludie Reviere of Church Point, and five grandchildren.

A rosary will be said at the Guidry Funeral Home at 7 p.m. today.



The Crowley Post-Signal 7/13/1973

Fannie Lee Higginbotham Thibodeaux Bergeron Jeanise (1884-1973) LA

Rayne, La. - Last rites will be conducted in the chapel of Gossen Funeral Home for Mrs. Fanny Higginbotham Jeanise, 88, who died early today in then Rayne-Branch Hospital. Burial will follow in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Church Point.

Surviving are a son, Percy Bergeron of Rayne; two daughters, Mrs. Onezime Touchet of Rayne and Mrs. Gladys Galet of Estherwood; two sisters, Mrs. Ben Daigle of Opelousas and Mrs. Theo Thiel Daigle of China, Tex.; 14 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren.



The Church Point News 9/4/1973

Cecile David Higginbotham (1899-1973) LA

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Thursday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Offord Higginbotham, 72, the former Cecile David, who died Tuesday at 3:45 p.m. in a Lafayette hospital, after a long illness.

Burial was in the church cemetery under the direction of the First National Funeral Home of Church Point.

Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. J.B. Foster; four sisters, Mrs. Louis Bihm of Church Point, Mrs. David Guidry of Lewisburg, Mrs. Joe Savoy of Lake Arthur and Mrs. Preston Foster of Opelousas; and 4 grandchildren.


The Daily Advertiser 9/14/1973

Thomas Edward Hickenbottom Jr. (1973-1973) LA

Ronald Louis Hickenbottom (1973-1973) LA

Funeral services were held at Greenlawn Memorial Gardens at 4 p.m. Thursday for Thomas Edward Hickenbottom Jr. and Ronald Louis Hickenbottom, both infants, who died at a local hospital at 1:15 p.m. Tuesday.

Interment was in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.

Rev. Donald Pousson, assistant pastor of St. Jules Church, conducted graveside services.

Survivors include their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edward Hickenbottom of Lafayette; two sisters, Melinda Ann and Stephney Lynn Hickenbottom, both of Lafayette; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hickenbottom; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alleman of Cecilia; paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Adles Simon of Vinton; paternal great-grandfather, Mr. Hershel Hickenbottom of Big Lake; paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Artie Gaspard of Bridge City, Tex.; Maternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Alleman of Lafayette.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Monroe News-Star 9/19/1973

Louise Higginbotham Lavergne (1884-1973) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were to be held at 4 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Louise H. Laverne, 89, of Church Point.

Burial was to be at the church cemetery under direction of First National Funeral Home of Church Point.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Tuesday at Lake Charles Richaven Nursing Home.

Survivors include five sons, John Laverne of West Monroe, Luke Laverne of Westlake, Pierre Laverne, Houston Laverne, both of Lake Charles and Percy Higginbottom of Pennsylvania; one daughter, Mrs. Homer Lebbet of Church Point; eight grandchildren, 15 great-great-grandchildren and one great-great-great grandchild.



News Star (Monroe, LA) 10/3/1973

George Anguish Higginbotham (1922-1973) LA

Winnsboro - Funeral services were 2 p.m. today at Lone Pine Baptist Church for George Aunguish Higginbotham, 51, of Winnsboro.

The Rev. Charles Chapman officiated, assisted by the Rev. Sardis Bever and the Rev. Fred Keyes.

Burial was at Harris Cemetery under the direction of Adkins First National Funeral Home of Winnsboro.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 1:25 a.m. Tuesday in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Shreveport after a short illness.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Eddie Higginbotham of Winnsboro; two sons, Kenneth Higginbotham of Baskin and David Higginbotham of Winnsboro; one daughter, Mrs. Joycelyn Becker of Shreveport; one brother, John A. Higginbotham of Delhi; one half-brother, F. A. Higginbotham of Pineville; two sisters, Mrs. Eva Mae Crick and Mrs. Margurite Hayes, both of Baton Rouge; and one grandson.

Pallbearers were Tom Lochbrunner, Fay Stewart, Ray Magee, Julian Russell, Bilbo Ulmer and Donnie McMurray.



The Monroe News-Star 12/28/1973

Inez Anderson Higginbotham (1896-1973) LA

Bastrop - Funeral services for Mrs. Inez Higginbotham, 77, of Bastrop were to be at 10 a.m. today in the chapel of Golden Funeral Home of Bastrop, with the Rev. L.O. McCollough officiating.

Burial was to follow in the Bastrop cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday at the Cherry Ridge Nursing Home here following a long illness.

She was a lifelong resident of Morehouse Parish and a member of the First Baptist Church of Bastrop.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by three sons, James D. Higginbotham, Don O. Higginbotham and J.T. Higginbotham, all of Bastrop; and six grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser 3/10/1974

Robert Higginbotham Jr. (1925-1974) LA

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday at St. John Cathedral for Robert Higginbotham, Jr. 48, who died at 9:43 p.m. Friday at his residence in Baton Rouge after an extended illness.

Interment will be in the St. John-Fatima Cemetery on Johnston St.

Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Lafayette, the son of the late Robert Higginbotham, Sr. and Florence Higginbotham. He was employed by Shell Oil Co. as an auditor for the past 19 years, living in Baton Rouge for the past eight years. He was a veteran of World War II serving with the U.S. Army.

He is survived by: his widow, the former Annie Laura Pastor, of Baton Rouge; his mother, Mrs. Robert Higginbotham Sr. of Lafayette; four daughters, Mrs. Wayne Pettier of Lafayette, Connie Higginbotham of Knoxville, Tenn., Patti and Cheryl Higginbotham, both of Baton Rouge; and two sisters, Mrs. Travis Shipp Jr. of Sulphur and Mrs. William S. Bordelon Jr. of Lafayette.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 7 a.m. until service time Sunday.

The Delhomme Funeral Home, Bertrand Drive, is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 3/14/1974

Ruth Daigle Higginbotham (1915-1974) LA

Lake Charles - Mrs. Lawrence Higginbotham, 59, died Wednesday in a local hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the St. Margaret Catholic Church. Burial will be in the Consolata Cemetery under the direction of the Hammer Funeral Home.

Survivors include her husband; two sons, Johnny Higginbotham and Billy Higginbotham; a daughter, Mrs. Judy Bennie, all of Lake Charles; mother, Mrs. T.J. Daigle of Church Point; two brothers, Ambrose Daigle of Jackson and Harris Daigle of Church Point; four sisters, Mrs. Ivey Tweedle of Lewisburg, Mrs. Marjorie Carlin and Mrs. Ruby Latiolais, both of Crowley, and Mrs. Bertha Higginbotham of Lake Charles; and 11 grandchildren.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 6/20/1974

Joseph Waymen Higginbotham (1923-1974) LA

Lake Charles - Funeral services for Joseph W. Higginbotham, 51, will be at 4 p.m. Thursday in Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church. Burial will be in Consolata Cemetery under the direction of Hammer Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Tuesday in a local hospital.

Survivors include his widow; five sons, Robert Higginbotham, John Higginbotham, Raymond Higginbotham, James Higginbotham and Randy Higginbotham; two daughters, Janet Higginbotham and Glenda Higginbotham; one brother, James Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles; five sisters, Mrs. Elvie Vidrine, Mrs. Amy Hebert and Mrs. Marie Daigle, all of Iowa, Mrs. Eliza Yung of Lake Charles and Mrs. Lillian Fontenot of Bridge City, Tex.; and one granchild.



The Shreveport Journal 7/18/1974

R. C. Higginbotham (1910-1974) TX/LA

R. C. Higginbotham, 63, of 223 W. 68th St., died today in Plain Dealing Clinic following a lengthy illness.

A Shreveport resident since 1943, he was a native of Arp, Tex., and a retired foreman for Bossier Erection Co. He was a Mason, a veteran of World War II and a member of Southside Baptist Church, where he was a deacon.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. in Forest Grove Baptist Church with Dr. Billy E. Smith, pastor of Southside Baptist, officiating. Burial will be in Forest Grove Cemetery in Taylor, Ark., under the direction of Wellman Funeral Home.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Tressie Higginbotham; a daughter, Mrs. T. T. Slaughter of Shreveport; four brothers, Samuel Higginbotham of Sun City, Ariz., Robert Higginbotham of Marshall, Tex., and Joseph Higginbotham and Woody Higginbotham, both of Shreveport; a sister, Mrs. Loretta Chambers of Shreveport; and four grandchildren.



The Monroe News-Star 10/10/1974

Dianne Higginbotham (ca1952-1974) LA

Bastrop - Coroner Joseph Reynolds said the autopsy performed on the body of 22-year old Mrs. Dianne Higginbotham revealed strangulation as the cause of death.

The woman was killed in her home here late Tuesday night.

Mrs. Higginbotham's body was discovered by her husband, Albert, shortly before midnight Tuesday after he returned from a late work shift at the Georgia-Pacific plant in Crossett, Ark., police said.

Higginbotham hailed a Bastrop Police Department unit after finding his wife's body in a bedroom of their home of Folse Street, according to police reports.

The woman's body, clad only in a bra, was found behind a bed with a blood-soaked cloth around her neck, according to acting Police Chief L.C. Martin.

Dr. Reynolds said other than a few scratches about Mrs. Higginbotham's body, there were no other wounds. The estimated time of death was fixed by Dr. Reynolds at between 10:30 p.m. and midnight Tuesday.

Police officers investigating the apparent murder quoted the husband as saying the house was unlocked when he arrived home. Other than article of clothing scattered about, officials said there appeared to be no sign of a struggle.

The woman's two-year-old child was in the house at the time of the incident, according to police reports.

The police department is being assisted in the investigation by members of the parish sheriff's department.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete, but will be under the direction of Loche's Funeral Home in Bastrop.



The Monroe News-Star 10/16/1974

John Edgar Higginbotham (1890-1974) LA

DELHI — Funeral services for John Edgar Higginbotham, 84, of Delhi were to be held at 4 p.m. today in First Baptist Church of Delhi with the Rev. Paul Lipe and the Rev. Lewis Clark officiating. Burial was to be in Delhi Masonic Cemetery under direction of Mulhearn Funeral Home of Delhi. Mr. Higginbotham died Tuesday morning in the Richland Parish Hospital here after a short illness. Mr. Higginbotham was a cotton buyer and a native of Oak Ridge, but had lived in Delhi most of his life. He was also a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Mamie W. Higginbotham of Delhi; three stepsons, William L. Bryan, John Bryan, both of Delhi, and George B. Bryan of McComb, Miss.; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Mary B. Thomas and Mrs. Martha B. White, both of Delhi; 10 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Pallbearers were to be Bill Bryan Jr., Jim Thomas, Mike Thomas, Scott Bryan, Trip White, Bob Thomas, Benny Bryan and B. E. Pickett Jr.


The Shreveport Journal 11/5/1974

Joan Johnson Higginbotham (1926-1974) LA

Graveside services for Mrs. Joann Higginbotham, 46, of Houma will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Oaklawn Cemetery in Center, Tex.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the relative of several local residents, died Sunday at her residence.

Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. at the First Methodist Church of Houma.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 11/10/1974

Bessie Higginbotham Barousse (1903-1974) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held in Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church here at 10:30 a.m. Monday for Mrs. Jean Barousse, the former Betsy Higginbotham, 71, who died at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Lafayette General Hospital following a lengthy illness.

Burial will be in the church mausoleum.

Survivors include her husband, Jean Barousse of Church Point; four sons, Roy Barousse of Lafayette, John L. Barousse of Rayne, Charley C. Barousse of Church Point, and Harold Lloyd of San Jose, Calif.; six daughters, Mrs. Louis Miller and Mrs. Lincoln Briscoe of Church Point, Mrs. Ferdie Thibodeaux of Victoria, Texas, Mrs. Marion Cummings of Opelousas, Mrs. Alfred Aldridge of Mandeville, and Mrs. Alton Huckalby of Keesler Air Force Base, Gulfport, Miss.; six brothers, Armond Higginbotham, Adras Higginbotham, Jack Higginbotham and Willery Higginbotham, all of Church Point, Howard Higginbotham of Eunice, and Morris Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; two sisters, Mrs. Adolph Daigle and Mrs. Raymond Daigle, both of Church Point; 51 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Barousse was a member of the Ladies Alter Society of Our Lady of Sacred Heart Church in Church Point.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 11/29/1974

Joseph Jerry Higginbotham (1902-1974) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held today at 3 p.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Jerry Higginbotham, 72, who died Thursday at 11:30 a.m. at his residence.

Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Survivors include his widow, the former Francis Latiolais, of Church Point; two sons, Frank Higginbotham and J.C. Higginbotham, both of Church Point; one daughter, Mrs. Belva Anderson of Gonzales; one sister, Mrs. Inez Briscoe of Church Point; 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

First National Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser 1/12/1975

Lucien Wade Higginbotham (1908-1975) LA

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Delhomme Funeral Home chapel for Lucien W. Higginbotham, 69, who died at 4 p.m. Saturday at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital after a brief illness.

Interment will be in the Lafayette Protestant Cemetery.

He was a native of Arnaudville and had been a resident of Lafayette for the past 9 years, residing at 191 W. St. Mary Blvd. at the time of his death. He was employed by the Attakapas Iron Works of Lafayette as a salesman and manager of the machine shop and later worked for Ledco of Lafayette. He retired in 1962 as owner and operator with his brother of Hick's Restaurant adjacent to the USL campus.

He is survived by his widow, the former Jeanne Marie Landry of Lafayette; a son, Jack Higginbotham of San Antonio, Tex.; a sister, Mrs. Dora Luckman of California; five grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Monday in the funeral home.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 11 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. Monday and from 7 a.m. to time of services Tuesday.

The Delhomme Funeral Home, Bertrand Dr., is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser 1/27/1975

Jeanne Marie Landry Higginbotham (1908-1975) LA

Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the Delhomme Funeral Home chapel for Mrs. Lucien W. Higginbotham, 66, who died at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Belhaven Hospital in Houston following a brief illness.

Interment will be in the Lafayette Protestant Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Jeanne M. Landry, was a native of Broussard, the daughter of the late Megile Landry and Lucille Authement. She had residedin Lafayette for the past 54 years. Prior to her retirement she had worked for a number of years as an employee of Bechet's Pharmacy.

She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Megile Landry of Lafayette; one son, Jack Higginbotham of San Antonio, Tex.; two sisters, Mrs. Nerry (Agatha) Trahan and Mrs. Boyce D. (Anna Belle) Burts Sr.; grandchildren; He husband, Mr. Lucien Higginbotham died January 11, 1975.

A rosary will be recited at 6:30 tonight in the funeral home.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed until 9 p.m. tonight and from 7 a.m. to service time Tuesday.

The Delhomme Funeral Home, Bertrand Drive, is in charge of arrangements.



The (Port Arthur) News 08/11/1975

Cecille Higginbotham Guidry (1923-1975) LA

Funeral services were held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday in St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Rayne, La., for Mrs. Cecil Guidry, 52,m of Rayne who was killed early Friday in a camper truck trailer accident neat Crowley, La. Area survivors include her mother, Mrs. Bernadette Higginbotham of Port Arthur; sister, Mrs. H.P. Rodrigue and Mrs. D.W. Bescher of Port Arthur; and brothers Gervais Higginbotham of Orange, Patrick Higginbotham of Bridge City and J.B. Higginbotham of Port Acres.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/16/1975

Laura Higginbotham Daigle (1893-1975) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at Our Lady Of Sacred heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Ben Daigle, the former Laura Higginbotham, 82, who died Friday at her daughter's residence after an illness of 2 1/2 months.

Burial was in the church cemetery directed by Guidry's Funeral Home.

Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Howard Dangereaux, Church Point, Mrs. Maude Higginbotham, Port Barre, Mrs. Dennis Macip, Mrs. Wesley Johnson, both of Opelousas; one sister, Mrs. Louise Daigle, China, Tex.; six grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.



The Times-Picayune 03/12/1976

George W. Higginbotham (1883-1976) LA

George W. Higginbotham, on Tuesday, March 9, 1976 at 9 o'clock p.m., beloved husband of Mrs. Sarah A. Higginbotham, father of Luter Higginbotham, Paul Jesse, Dorothy Fairley, and the late Geraldine H. Jefferson, brother of James Higginbotham, Madames Velma Brooks, Grace White, Mae Marshall, Shirley Fisher, and Lillie Bates, also survived by grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other relatives. Relatives and friends of the family, also Christ Temple, House of Eternal and St. James AME Church, are invited to attend the funeral. Service from Louisiana Undertaking Co., 1449 N. Claiborne Ave., on Saturday, March 13, 1976 at 8:30 o'clock a.m. Religious services at the parlor. Elder Miller officiating. Interment Black Creek Cemetery, Greensburg, LA. Wake services on Friday, March 12, 1976 from 8 p.m. until 10 p.m. at the funeral home. Arrangements by Louisiana Undertaking Co., Bobby Francois, Director.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/27/1976

Rose Higginbotham Dorr (1897-1976) LA

Funeral services will be held Wednesday in St. Michael Catholic Church for Rose Higginbotham Dorr, 79, who died early Tuesday in her home. Burial will be in Woodlawn Mausoleum.

Survivors include her husband, George Dorr Sr. of Crowley; two sons, George Dorr Jr. of Crowley, and Arnold Dorr of Medville, Tex., one daughter, Mrs. Walker Schmid of Crowley; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren,

Geesey Ferguson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 6/25/1976

Rachel Nina Austin Higginbotham (1886-1976) LA

DeRidder - Mrs. Rachel Higginbotham, 90, died Wednesday.

The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday in the Hixson Funeral Home chapel. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery.

Survivors are three sons, George Higginbotham, Elvin Higginbotham and Thomas Higginbotham, all of DeRidder; two daughters, Mrs. Eliza Waller of Alexandria and Mrs. Ollie Whittington of DeRidder; a brother, Richard Austin of Anacoco; 41 grandchildren; 49 great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren.



The Shreveport Journal 8/16/1976

Margaret Agurs Simpson Higginbotham (1910-1976) TX/LA

Services for Mrs. Margaret Agurs Simpson Higginbotham, 65, of Greenwood, will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Greenwood United Methodist Church with the Rev. L.R. Bevill, pastor, Dr. Carl M. Lueg and Dr. Benedict Galloway officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery under the direction of Osborn Funeral Home.

A lifelong Greenwood resident, Mrs. Higginbotham died Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in Willis-Knighton Hospital after a short illness. She attended school in Greenwood and Centenary College and was an active member of Greenwood United Methodist Church. She was librarian of the Shreve Memorial Library Greenwood Branch and a member of Greenwood Women's Club.

Survivors include her husband, Edwin M. Higginbotham Jr.; a daughter, Mrs. Allan C. Richard Jr. of Slidell; a son, Maj. Edwin M. Higginbotham III of Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.; a sister, Mrs. Eugene W. Bryson of Greenwood; a brother, DeOrsay A. Simpson Jr. of Shreveport; and two grandsons.



The Crowley Post-Signal 10/5/1976

James Darrell Higginbotham (1958-1976) LA

Houma, La. - A Crowley man was killed in a crash of a twin-engine airplane near the Houma Municipal airport.

James D. Higginbotham, 17, of Crowley, was killed when the plane in which he was riding crashed into Bayou Terrebonne while attempting to land at the airport at 7:30 p.m. Monday. An unidentified woman reported the accident to police after seeing the accident.

The wreckage, nose imbedded in the mud and tail sticking out, was found by authorities about 8 p.m.

Funeral services for the Higginbotham youth will be held at St. Michael's church at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Gertie Mae Henry Higginbotham of Crowley; one brother, Glenn Higginbotham of Crowley; three sisters, Deborah H. Carboni, Rachel Higginbotham and Tammy Higginbotham, all of Crowley.

Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/4/1976

Eve Meche Higginbotham (1904-1976) LA

Lawtell - Funeral services are incomplete but will be held in the St. Bridget Catholic Church for Mrs. Jacob Higginbotham, the former Eva Meche, 72, of Lawtell, who died at 8:30 a.m. today at her residence.

Burial will be in the church cemetery directed by Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on North Main St.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Leo (Iris) Prejean of Lawtell and Miss Lucille Higginbotham of Beaumont, Tex.; a foster son, Boblyn Ray Higginbotham of Lawtell; three brothers, Albert, John and Adma Meche, all of Lewisburg; a sister, Mrs. J.J. Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Tex.; six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Ladies Alter Society of St. Bridget Catholic Church.

A rosary will be said at 7:30 tonight.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 11/8/1976

Albert Monroe Higginbotham (1913-1976) MS/LA/TX

Albert Monroe Higginbotham, 63, of Houston died Sunday in a Houston hospital.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Alice Holland Higginbotham of Holland; six daughters, Mrs. Nell Atwood and Mrs. Nita Fay Dupree, both of Alexandria, Mrs. Elaine Doughty of Jena, Mrs. Loraine Schaffer and Mrs. Gloria Clark, both of Houston, and Mrs. Mary Alice Higginbotham of Galveston, Tex.; three brothers, Warren Higginbotham of Alexandria, T.C. Higginbotham of Cleburne, Tex., and J.M. Higginbotham of Galveston; three sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Wilks of Little Rock and Mrs. Myrtle Trice and Mrs. Clara McCarthy, both of Cerez, Calif.; and 16 grandchildren.

Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel of John Kramer and Son. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Pineville.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 11/29/1976

Hilton Higginbotham (1939-1976) LA

DeRidder - Hilton "Donk" Higginbotham, 36, died Saturday at his residence after a short illness.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today in the Bethel Grove Pentecostal Church with the Rev. J.D. Fountain officiating. Burial will be in the Cannon Cemetery under the direction of the Hixson Funeral Home.

Survivors include his widow; his mother, Mrs. Effie Parker of Merryville; two sons, John P. Higginbotham and Hilton Ray Higginbotham, both of DeRidder; two sisters, Mrs. Fairlane Brister and Mrs. Lydia Mae Parker, both of Many; three brothers, Milton Higginbotham of Merryville and Troy Higginbotham and Roy Higginbotham, both of Leesville; his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Minerva Higginbotham of Rosepine and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Annie Brown of Leesburg.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 6/1/1977

George Washington Higginbotham (1912-1977) LA

DeRidder - George Washington Higginbotham, 65, died Monday.

Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Hixson Funeral Home with the Rev. Kelly Harper officiating. Burial will be in the Hopewell Cemetery.

Survivors include three sons, Dwaine Higginbotham of Beaumont, Tex., Donald Higginbotham of Rosepine, and Ronald Higginbotham of Vinton; five daughters, Mrs. Willa DeGraote of Riverdale, N.J., Mrs. Carolyn Jones of Lake Charles, Mary Evelyn Higginbotham, Mary Jennice Higginbotham and Mary Jennell Higginbotham, all of Vinton; two brothers, Tom Higginbotham and Elvin Higginbotham, both of DeRidder; two sisters, Mrs. Ollie Whittington of DeRidder and Mrs. Liza Waller of Alexandria; and four grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser 6/15/1977

Theodore Higginbotham (1903-1977) LA

Funeral services were held at St. Genevieve's Church Wednesday at 2 p.m. Mass for Theodore Higginbotham, 73, who died in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. after a brief illness.

Interment was in the St. John-Fatima cemetery.

Survivors include his widow, Ida Prejean Higginbotham of Lafayette; one son, Thomas Roy Higginbotham of Lafayette' five grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Heloise Langlinais of Lafayette, and Mrs. John Alphonse of Youngsville.

A native of Youngsville and resident of Lafayette most of his life, Mr. Higginbotham was the son of the late O'Neil Higginbotham and Agnes Landry Higginbotham, both natives of Youngsville. He was retired from Missouri Pacific Railroad with 26 years of service as a bridge tender.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 6/22/1977

Joseph Wallace Higginbotham (1917-1977) LA

Scott - Funeral services will be held at Sts. Peter and Paul Church Thursday at 11 a.m. Mass for Wallace Higginbotham, 59, who died in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Tuesday at 4:35 p.m. after a brief illness.

Interment will be in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.

Survivors include his widow, Mabel Meche Higginbotham of Scott; three brothers, Al Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Tex., Paul Higginbotham of Church Point, and Larry Higginbotham of Branch; and two sisters, Mrs. L.E. (Mary Lou) Johnson of Texas City, and Mrs. Thomas (Mattie Lee) Smith of Austin.

A native of Church Point and a resident of Lafayette for the past 27 years, Mr. Higginbotham was the son of the late Walter Higginbotham and Cora Richard Higginbotham. He was employed by Southern Pacific Railroad with 27 years of service.

Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of World War II serving with the United States Army. He was a member of the American Legion Post No. 69 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

A rosary will be recited at the funeral home at 7 p.m. and a joint military ritual will be held by the American Legion, Post No. 69 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Thursday at 10 a.m.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home of Lafayette is in charge of funeral arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 8/2/1977

Joseph Ray Higginbotham (1931-1977) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here for Joseph Ray Higginbotham, 46, of Church Point. He died Monday at 12:30 p.m. in the Acadia-St. Landry Hospital.

Burial was held in the old cemetery directed by the Duhon First National Funeral Home of Church Point.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Louise Olivier Higginbotham of Church Point; three brothers, Austin, Harry and George Higginbotham, all of Church Point; three sisters, Mrs. Ruby Bihm and Esther Higginbotham, both of Church Point and Mrs. Valarie LeJeune of Richard.



The Crowley Post-Signal 10/16/1977

Mary Enola Daigle Willery (1917-197) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Willery Higginbotham, the former Enola Daigle, age 60, who died Friday morning. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

She is survived by her husband, Willery Higginbotham of Church Point; three sons, Elliott Higginbotham of Rayne, Barry Higginbotham of Welsh and Donald Higginbotham of Miami; her mother, Moise Daigle of Church Point; six brothers, Nolton, Roosevelt, Ben, Lewis and Moise Daigle Sr., all of Church Point, and John Alvin Daigle of Crowley; three sisters, Mrs. N.O. Dickenson of Gretna, Mrs. James Daigle and Mrs. Rose Bell Faul of Church Point; and five grandchildren.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Ladies Alter Society of Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Church Point.



The Crowley Post-Signal 12/27/1977

Marie Mable Higginbotham Brasseaux (1935-1977) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. December 24 in the First Baptist Church in Church Point for Mrs. Leonce Brasseaux, nee Mable Higginbotham, 53, who died at 2 p.m. Friday at her residence. Burial was in the church cemetery.

Survivors include her husband, Leonce Brasseaux of Church Point; three daughters, Mrs. Merrick Aguillard of Eunice, Mrs. Glen Labbie and Miss Melanie Brasseaux, of Church Point; Three brothers, Emery, Leslie, and Irmy Higginbotham, all of Church Point; and two grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 2/12/1978

Ida Bihm Higginbotham (1904-1978) LA

Church Point, La. - Mrs. Maurice Higginbotham, the former Ida Bihm, died at 9:40 a.m. Friday at the Eunice Nursing Home. Services were held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Burley Francois of Church Point; one sister, Mrs. Lou Bihm of Opelousas; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 3/8/1978

Amon Marshall Higginbotham (1893-1978) AL/LA

Funeral services were held Thursday at two o'clock in the chapel of Young's Funeral Home at Ferriday for Mr. Amon Marshall Higginbotham.

Rev. A.D. Foster officiated at the services. Burial was held in Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery at Natchez, Miss.

A resident of St. Joseph for 47 years, Mr. Higginbotham was a retired farmer. He was a member of the Black Creek Baptist Church in Collinsville, Ala.

Mr. Higginbotham died Tuesday evening in Concordia Parish Hospital at Ferriday after a lengthy illness. He was 84 years of age.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Higginbotham of St. Joseph; four sons, William Hobart Higginbotham of Baytown, Texas, Earl H. Higginbotham of Waco, Texas and Carl E. Higginbotham of Spring, Texas; five daughters, Mrs. Ruby Breland of Natchez, Miss., Mrs. Thelma Chisholm, Raleigh, Miss., Mrs. Ivolee Breland, Clayton, Mrs. Monie Barfield, Vidalia, and Mrs. Kathryn Chisholm of Prairieville; one brother, Ulysses Higginbotham of Collinsville, ala.; three sisters, Mrs. Eva Taylor, Mrs. Audrey Gilbreath and Mrs. Lillian Broyles, all of Collinsville, Ala.; 36 grandchildren and 60 great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Wendall Breland, Parnell Barfield, Billy Barfield, Ricky Barfield, Levon Breland, Carl Williams, Ray Higginbotham and Paul Higginbotham.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 9/23/1978

Ruby Black Higginbotham (1914-1978) LA

Monroe - Ruby B. Higginbotham, 64, of Monroe died Thursday at her residence after a sudden illness. Mrs. Higginbotham was supervisor of admittance at E.A. Conway Hospital in Monroe.

The funeral will be at 2:30 p.m. today in Southern Funeral Home Chapel in Jonesboro with the Rev. Rod Kennedy officiating. Burial will be Liberty Hill Memorial Cemetery.

Survivors include her husband, W.D. Higginbotham and three sisters, Mrs. Iris Cathey of Castor, Mrs. Eugenia McKinney of Jonesboro and Audrey Black of Monroe.




Ida Meche Higginbotham (1904-1978) LA

Arnaudville - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in the St. Francis Regis Catholic Church for Mrs. Antoine Higginbotham, 73, the former Ida Meche who died at 5 p.m. Wednesday in St. Luke's Hospital in Arnaudville.

Burial will be in the St. Charles Catholic Church Cemetery in Grand Coteau.

She is survived by one son, J.D. Higginbotham of Arnaudville; five brothers, Edgar, Glaudy, and Murphy Meche, all of Arnaudville, Gussie Meche of Zachary and Marian Meche of Port Barre; two sisters, Mrs. Moise (Matilda) Speyrer of Opelousas and Mrs. Hazel Prejean of Baton Rouge; two grandchildren and four step-grandchildren.

The funeral home will close at 10 p.m. tonight and open at 9 a.m. Friday at the time of the funeral.

Melancon Funeral Home of Arnaudville is in charge.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 12/15/1978

Marie Louisiana Higginbotham Campbell (1900-1978) LA

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in St. Landry Catholic Church of Opelousas for Mrs. Eli Campbell, 78, of Opelousas. She was the former Louisiana Higginbotham, who died at 3 a.m. Thursday.

Burial will be in Bellevue Memorial Park Cemetery directed by Lafon-Ardoin Funeral Home on the old Sunset Highway of Opelousas.

Survivors include three brothers, Leroy Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, Jack Higginbotham of Port Barre and Joseph (Mac) Higginbotham of Church Point and four sisters, Mrs. Louvenia Estillette and Mrs. Duce Janice, both of Opelousas, Mrs. Una Doucet of Port Barre and Mrs. Evelyn Olivier of Church Point.

A rosary will be said at 7 tonight. The funeral home will open at 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. today and reopen at 7 a.m. Saturday.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 4/5/1979

Raphael Joseph Higginbotham (1942-1979) LA

Port Barre - Funeral rites were to be held for Raphael Higginbotham, 36, a farmer of Port Barre, at 2 p.m. today in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here. He died at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday as a result of a car accident.

The Lafon-Ardoin Funeral home of Port Barre is in charge of arrangements with burial in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, the former Barbara Campbell of Port Barre: two sons, Lucas and Zeke Higginbotham, both of Port Barre; two daughters, Donna Marie and Angele Higginbotham, both of Port Barre: five brothers, John Allen Higginbotham of Carencro, O'Neal Higginbotham of Opelousas, Alber, Chris and Dean Higginbotham, all of Port Barre; two sisters, Mrs. Harold (Martha) Knott and Mrs. James (Helen) Schexneyder, both of Arnaudville.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/31/1979

Inez Higginbotham Briscoe (1905-1979) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were to be held at 4 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred HEart Catholic Church here for Mrs. Walter Briscoe, 74, of Church Point, the former Inez Higginbotham, who died at 11:10 a.m. Wednesday in the Acadia-St. Landry Hospital after a three year illness.

Guidry's Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements with burial in the new church cemetery. Survivors include three sons, Roy, Hilton and Charles Briscoe, all of Church Point; one daughter, Mrs. Allen (Margaret) Boudreaux of Sulphur; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 6/19/1979

William Denman Higginbotham (1912-1979) LA

Jonesboro - William D. Higginbotham, 66, of Jonesboro died Sunday in Jackson PArish Hospital after a sudden illness.

The funeral will be at 10 a.m. today in Southern Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Rod Kennedy officiating. Burial will be in Liberty Hill Cemetery in Bienville Parish.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Tallie Higginbotham of Minden; one sister, Joy Wilson of Bastrop; and two brothers, Delton Higginbotham of Ringgold and A.C. Higginbotham of Springhill.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 7/8/1979

Philomena Higginbotham Janice (1904-1979) LA

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. today at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church for Mrs. Philomene Janice, 76, of Opelousas, who died Saturday at 8 a.m. after a lengthy illness. Burial will follow in the Bellevue Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas.

She is survived by one son, Paul Janice of Opelousas; five daughters, Mrs. Izy Doucet, Mrs. Levence Richard, Mrs. Henry Delafosse and Mrs. Burton Fontenot, all of Opelousas and Mrs. Bert Miller of Ville Platte; four brothers, Jack Higginbotham of Port Barre, Mac Higginbotham of Church Point, Leroy Higginbotham of Baton Rouge and Leon Higginbotham of Chicago, Ill.; three sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Olivier of Church Point, Mrs. Louena Estellete of Opelousas and Mrs. Euna Doucet of Port Barre; 21 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

A rosary will be said at 8 p.m. Saturday.



The Advocate July 24, 1979
Ada Wicker Higginbotham (1908-1979) LA

Died at 10:05 a.m. Wednesday, July 18, 1979, at Baton Rouge General Hospital. She was a native and resident of St. Helena Parish. Religious services at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Turner Chapel AME Church, Greensburg. Burial in the church cemetery. Survived by two sisters, Mrs. Imogene W. Knighten, Greensburg, and Mrs. Gladys W. Cotton, Hammond; a brother, Bennie L. Wicker, Greensburg; two foster children, Eural Hall, Baton Rouge, and Lena Kendrick. Amite; seven nieces, three nephews and a number of other relatives. Preceded in death by her husband, Fred D. Higginbotham. Friendly Service Funeral Home, Greensburg, in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Review (Morgan City, LA) 7/30/1979

Randy Leon Higginbotham (1960-1979) LA/TX

Houston - A tugboat crewman from Lake Charles, La., drowned in a weekend accident on the San Jacinto river.

Randy Leon Higginbotham, 19, was working for Cajun Marine when he jumped in the river from a barge and tried to swim to the tugboat Miss Carolyn.



The Church Point News 10/9/1979

Mary Mathilda McBride Higginbotham (1889-1979) LA/TX

Funeral services for Mary Mathilda Higginbotham, 89, of 124 Jerry Drive in Nederland will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, La., with burial in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home.

Local arrangements were handled by Nederland Memorial Funeral Home.

She died at 3:30 a.m. Sunday at the Golden Triangle Nursing Home.

A native of Church Point she lived in Nederland one year.

Survivors include her daughter, Priscilla Miller of Sulphur; and 6 grandchildren.



The Shreveport Journal 10/18/1979

Tallie Farley Higginbotham (1890-1979) LA

Ringgold - Services for Tallie Higginbotham, 88, of Ringgold were scheduled for 10 a.m. today at Rockett Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Ray Holt and the Rev. Kit Hathorn officiating. Burial was to be in Sharon Cemetery in Hico.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday in Meadowview Nursing Home in Minden after a brief illness.

Survivors include sons, Ernest D. Higginbotham of Ringgold and A.C. Higginbotham of Springfield; daughter, Joy Wilson of Bastrop; brothers, Cortis Farley of Shreveport, Morrel Farley of Dubach and Denson Farley of Ruston; sisters, Versie Napper of Hico, Letha Colvin of Dubach, Lozell Harper and Alma Caldwell, both of Ruston, and Avon Gremilion of Shreveport; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/7/1979

Lydia Higginbotham Menard (1909-1979) LA

Church Point - Last rites were held at 10:30 a.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here for Mrs. Clifford Menard, the former Lydia Higginbotham, 70, of Church Point, who died at 9:20 a.m. Tuesday at the Acadia-St. Landry Hospital following a long illness.

Burial was in the old church cemetery directed by Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point.

Survivors include one son, Lloyd Menard of Beaumont, Tex.; two step-sons, Lawrence Menard of Panama City, Fla., and Francis Menard of Sunset; one brother, Iram "Badon" Higginbotham of Church Point; four sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Bertha) Lejeune, Mrs. Ernest (Lelia) Smith, Mrs. Eddie (Elizabeth) Menard, and Mrs. Ferdie (Louisiana) Lyons, all of Church Point; 15 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/13/1979

Mary Wordner Higginbotham Fontenot (1889-1979) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here for Mrs. Bennett Fontenot Sr., 90, of Church Point, the former Mary Higginbotham, who died at 11:30 a.m. Sunday in the Rayne-Branch Hospital following a lengthy illness.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements with burial in the old church cemetery.

Survivors include two sons, Bennett Fontenot, Jr. and Warren Ray Fontenot, both of Port Sulphur;; three daughters, Mrs. Kermin J. Richard of Church Point, Mrs. Elvin Cormier and Mrs. Alvin Cormier, both of Lewisburg; one brother, Hershel Higginbotham of Lake Charles; two sisters, Mrs. Jules Millers of Sunset and Mrs. Maggie Dragon of Houston, Tex.; 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 2/12/1980

Annie Guthrie Hickingbottom Parker (1890-1980) LA

Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. today in Lone Pine Baptist Church near Winnsboro for Mrs. Annie Hickingbottom Parker, 89, of 6002 Old Mooringsport Road.

Mrs. Parker died at 2 p.m. Monday in Highland Hospital following a short illness. She was a native of Winnsboro and was a housewife.

Officiating at the services will be the Rev. Shelton Young and the Rev. David Mayo, both of the Lone Pine Baptist Church. Burial will be in Harris Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Winnsboro First National Funeral Home.

She is survived by five sons, William Parker and John Parker of Shreveport, Julian Parker of Mansfield, Lonnie Lee Parker of Gilbert, and Roy Parker of Crowville; two daughters, Adelle Shivers and Irene Jones of Shreveport; one sister, Sally Larkin of Arkansas; three brothers, Simon Hickingbottom of Bossier City, Bill Hickingbottom of Oregon and Pete Hickingbottom of California; 31 grandchildren, a number of great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/20/1980

Heloise Higginbotham Langlinais (1901-1980) LA

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Mass Monday at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church for Mrs. Wilfred Langlinais, 78, the former Heloise Higginbotham, who died at 1:40 p.m. Saturday at Opelousas General Hospital.

Burial will be in St. Anne Cemetery in Youngsville.

Survivors include one son, Joseph Howard Langlinais of Opelousas; one sister, Mrs. John Alphonse of Youngsville; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

A native of Youngsville, she resided in Lafayette for the past 30 years. She was the daughter of the late Oneil Higginbotham and Agnes Savoy.

Visiting hours will be from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Sunday and from 7 a.m. until time of the funeral on Monday. A rosary will be recited Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in the funeral home chapel.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 9/15/1980

Mary Hazel Higginbotham Lavergne (1908-1980) LA

Leonville - Last rites will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in St. Leo's Catholic Church here for Mrs. Felix Lavergne, the former Mary Hazel Higginbotham, 72, of Leonville, who died at 2:15 a.m. today.

Burial will be in Sacred Heart Cemetery in Church Point and directed by the Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the old Sunset Highway in Opelousas.

A rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. today at the St. Leo Church Hall.

Survivors include three sons, Alex, Collins and Berchman Lavergne, all of Leonville; one daughter, Mrs. Roland (Dorothy) Meche of Leonville; two brothers, Corris Higginbotham of Church Point and Elton Higginbotham of Opelousas; three sisters, Mrs. Remi McGee and Mrs. Adeus Daigle, both of Church Point and Mrs. Forrest (Lela) Dugas of Lafayette; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/13/1980

Joseph Emery Higginbotham (1921-1980) LA

Church Point - Last rites will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here for Emery Higginbotham, 58, a retired carpenter of Church Point, who died at 2:45 a.m. today in a Lafayette hospital; following a long illness.

Burial will be in the new Catholic Cemetery and directed by Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point.

Survivors include his wife, the former Mable Boudreaux of Church Point; three sons, Lawrence and Ollie Higginbotham, both of Church Point and Bobby Gene Higginbotham of Opelousas; two brothers, Irby Higginbotham and Leslie Higginbotham, both of Church Point; and eight grandchildren.

A rosary will be recited at 9 p.m. today in the funeral home chapel.



The Daily Advertiser 1/4/1981

Charles Preston Higginbotham (1904-1981) LA

Funeral services will be held at a 10 a.m. Mass Monday at St. John Cathedral for Charlie P. Higginbotham, 76, who died at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Saturday at 4:45 p.m.

Interment will be in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Arnaudville, the son of the late Perry Higginbotham and Hermine Savoy, and had been a resident of Lafayette for 50 years. He was a member of the Bishop Dubourg Assembly Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Lafayette Club, and served as an usher at St. John Cathedral. He was presented his 25-year pin as a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus in 1980. He was an agent for First National Life Insurance for 30 years before retiring in 1967.

Survivors include his wife, the former Cora Landry, of Lafayette; two daughters, Mrs. Patrick (Dolores) DuRouen of Rayne and Mrs. Ronald (Lois) Duhon of Lafayette; three sisters, Mrs. Clarence Steely of Carencro, Mrs. Virginia Marks and Mrs. Lula Matthieu, both of Arnaudville; one brother, Isaac Higginbotham of Lafayette; eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Sunday in the funeral home.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday and from 7 a.m. to service time Monday.

The Delhomme Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Clarke County Tribune 01/15/1981

Josephine Kufel Higginbotham (1912-1981) LA

Services for Mrs. Josephine Kufel Higginbotham, age 69, New Orleans, who died Wednesday, held at Wright Funeral Home Saturday morning. Interment in Quitman Cemetery. A 20 year New Orleans resident, she was the wife of the late Jim McDonald Higginbotham. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Wanda Burton, Meridian; Mrs. Francis Neal, Niceville, FL; four brothers, Paul, Pete and Carlis Kufel, Quitman; Anthony Kufel, Houma, LA.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) 1/18/1981

Merrett Higginbotham (1884-1981) LA

Died Monday, May 11, 1981, at Hood Memorial Hospital, Amite. He was a native and resident of Amite. Visiting at Yancy Frazier Funeral Home, Amite, after 6 p.m. Friday. Religious services at Roseland Church of God and Christ at 1 p.m. Saturday, Elder Alonzo Richardson, Pastor. Burial in Rocky A.M.E. Cemetery. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Eva Higginbotham; a stepson, Joe Nathan Topps; a stepdaughter, Mildred Topps; three step-grandchildren; three step-great-grandchildren, all of Amite.




Calton Joseph Higginbotham (1928-1981) LA/TX

Funeral services for Calton J. "Hick" Higginbotham, 52, will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 7, at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church.

The Rev. Whitney Miller will officiate.

Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery under direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

A rosary will be said at 7:30 p.m. today, Feb. 6, in the funeral home chapel.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 3:50 p.m. Wednesday in M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston after a lengthy illness.

A native of Church Point, he had been a supervisor for Borden's of Lake Charles for 25 years.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lula Mae Higginbotham; one daughter, Margaret Sonnier; and his mother, Mrs. Berchman Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles; four sisters, Mrs. Elda Tramonte, Mrs. Mary Trahan, and Mrs. Ethel Trahan, all of Lake Charles, and Mrs. Florence Bible of Sonora, Texas, and two grandchildren.



The Richland Beacon-News (Rayville, LA) Wednesday, July 8, 1981

Mamie Pearl Wood Higginbotham (1899-1981) LA

Services for Mrs. Mamie W. Higginbotham, 82, were at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 5 in the First Baptist Church with the Revs. Paul Lipe and Lewis Clark officiating.

Burial was in Delhi Masonic Cemetery under direction of Kidder Cox Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Friday in Richland Parish Hospital in Delhi after a short illness.

She was a lifelong resident of Delhi, a retired postmaster and a member of the First Baptist Church.

Survivors include three sons, W. L. (Billy) Bryan, Sr. and John C. (Penny) Bryan, both of Delhi, and George B. Bryan of Columbia, Miss.; two daughters, Mrs. C. L. (Dee Dee) Thomas of Delhi, and Mrs. Sidney (Mot) White of Longview, Texas; a sister, Mrs. John B. Snyder of Winnsboro; 10 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

Grandsons served as pallbearers.



The Crowley Post-Signal 7/31/1981

Hushel Higginbotham (1896-1981) LA

Lake Charles, La. - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today at the Hixson Funeral Home in Lake Charles for Hushel Higginbotham, 85, of Lake Charles, who died at 3:50 a.m. Thursday at a Lake Charles hospital. Burial will be in Highland Memory Gardens.

A native of Church Point, Higginbotham had lived in Lake Charles for 55 years and had worked for Calcasieu parish for many years.

Survivors include his widow, Mary Lou Higginbotham of Lake Charles; one daughter, Mrs. Elvin Israel of Katy, Tex.; two sons, Edward Higginbotham of Lafayette and James Roy Higginbotham of Sulphur; one sister, Julia Miller of Sunset; 16 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 8/9/1981

Beatrice Barousse Higginbotham (1900-19810 LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Sam Higginbotham, 80, will be held in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here at 10 a.m. Monday with burial in the old church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Beatrice Barousse, a resident of Church Point, died Saturday at 10:15 in Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home.

She was a member of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Ladies' Altar Society of Church Point.

Survivors include six sons, Carl Higginbotham of Church Point, Ward, Billy, Wilson and Hamiel Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles, and Bobby Higginbotham of Lafayette; three daughters, Mrs. Norman (Mattie) Stanford of Sunset, Mrs. Charles (Wilda) Whitaker of Summerset, Ky., and Mrs. Larry (Clara) LeBlanc of Rayne; a step daughter, Mrs. Raymond (Esther) Daigle of Richard; five brothers, Jean, Ferdie and Joe Barousse, all of Church Point, Linus Barousse of New Orleans, Homer Barousse III of Port Arthur, Tex.; three sisters, Mrs. Andrew Leger, Mrs. Ruth Guidry and Mrs. Loul Guidry, all of Church Point; 34 grandchildren, six step grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

A rosary will be recited at 6:30 p.m. Sunday in the Guidry funeral Home of Church Point which is in charge of arrangements.


The Times (Shreveport, LA) 8/22/1981

Aubrey Newton Higginbotham (1926-1981) AR/LA

Funeral services for Mr. Aubrey N. Higginbotham, 54, of Shreveport, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday August 22 at the Rose-Neath Marshall St. Chapel with Rev. Jim Brooks, pastor of Cherokee Park Baptist Church, officiating. Burial and graveside service will be at 4:30 p.m. Sat. at Rose Hill Cemetery in Texarkana, Tex.

He died Friday, August 21, 1981 at his residence after a short illness. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Texarkana, Ark. and a resident of Shreveport most of his life, having been a representative for Welding Supply & Service since 1949 and was formerly employed by Lund Oxygen Co. He was a member of the American Legion. Mr. Higginbotham was Baptist.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Betty Higginbotham of Shreveport; father, S.A. Higginbotham of Brownsville, Tex.; sons, Blake L. Higginbotham and Karl W. Higginbotham of Shreveport, La.; daughter, Marsha Dillman of Shreveport; brother, R.E. Higginbotham of Brownsville, Tex; and three grandchildren.



The Shreveport Journal 8/26/1981

Hal Ford Higginbotham (1914-1981) LA

Shreveport - Services for Hal Ford Higginbotham, 67, will be held at 3:00 p.m. Thursday, August 27 in Osborn Funeral Home Chapel, Rev. W. Murray Bullock officiating. Burial will be at Forest Park Cemetery.

He died Tuesday, August 25, 1981 after a short illness.

Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of Shreveport, well respected retail clothing salesman, where he retired from Selbers Bros. in 1979. He had enjoyed his retirement, by trveling and visiting with his children and his well loved hobby of photography.

Survivors include his wife, Pauline Higginbotham of Shreveport; one son, H.F. Higginbotham Jr. of NY; two daughters, Goldie Holt of Seattle, WA, Joy Sutton, of Atwater, CA; five grandchildren; and his brother, E.M. Higginbotham, of Greenwood, LA.

Pallbearers: D.W. Dupree, Woodrow McCullar, A. Nelson Barnette, Major E.M. Higginbotham, Judge Eugene W. Bryson, Thomas P. Fitzgerald, W.C. Sutton and Jack Merrill Shelton.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 12/29/1981

Gertrude Higginbotham Theriot (1922-1981) LA

Catahoula - Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the St. Rita Church Hall for Mrs. Joseph Theriot, 59, the former Gertrude Higginbotham of Catahoula.

Burial will be in the church cemetery.

She is survived by her husband, Joseph Theriot of Catahoula; one son, Paul Theriot of Lafayette; three daughters, Mrs. Mathilda Richard, Mrs. Mazel Sparings and Mrs. Patsy Broussard, all of Lafayette; two sisters, Mrs. Jeanette Higginbotham Douet of Catahoula and Mrs. Edith Derouselle Aycock of Lafayette; two brothers, Francis Higginbotham of Breaux Bridge, Lloyd Higginbotham of Catahoula and 12 grandchildren.

Marshal Huval Funeral Home of Breaux Bridge is in charge of arrangements.



Lafourche Comet 06/13/1982
Benjamin Higginbotham (1942-1982) LA
Benjamin Higginbotham, a native of Opelousas and resident of Houma, died Saturday at age 40. He was secretary-treasurer of Duplantis Truck Line.
Visitation will be from 1-10 p.m. today at Chauvin Funeral Home Chapel.
Funeral services will be at 9 a.m. Monday from the funeral home chapel.
Burial will follow at St. Francis No. 2 cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, June Duplantis Higginbotham; by his parents, Verlis Miller Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham; by three daughters, Jessica Higginbotham, Mrs. John (Melissa Charpentier) Roell, and Michelle Charpentier, all of Houma; by a brother, John Dalton Higginbotham of Opelousas; and by a sister, Mrs. Jerome (Deanna Gayle) LeBlanc of Houma.
Chauvin Funeral Home is handling arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser 10/7/1982

Isaac Auten Higginbotham (1907-1982) LA

Funeral services will be held at the Martin and Castille Chapel, Friday at a 3 p.m. Mass for Isaac A. "Hick" Higginbotham, 75, who died in Lafayette following an extended illness Thursday at 12:15 a.m. Burial will be in the St. Peter's Cemetery in Carencro.

Survivors include his wife, the former Laure Martin of Lafayette; one daughter, Mrs. Walter (Doris) Romero of Lafayette; five grandchildren and five grea-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Rene Stelly of Carencro, Mrs. Raymond Marks and Mrs. Lula Marks, both of Arnaudville.

He was preceded in death by two brothers, Charles and J. A. Higginbotham.

Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Arnaudville, a former resident of Carencro and currently resided in Lafayette for the past 54 years. The son of Perry Higginbotham and the former Herminie Savoy, he went to be a 1927 graduate of Carencro High School. Serving in the U.S. Navy, Hick became a veteran of World War II. His interest took a step into the life insurance industry of which he was a salesman for the majority of his life, making him well known to his community.

As a parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, Hick was a member of the Knights of Columbus Council #3470 and the Bishop Dubourg Assembly of Fourth Degree Knights.

Mr. Higginbotham was active in civic organizations of our community, as he was a former member of the Exchange Club. Enjoying the social affairs of his life, he was also a former member and past duke of the Southwest Louisiana Mardi Gras Association Krewe of Gabriel.

The church parish rosary will be recited for Mr. Higginbotham at 7:00 p.m. Thursday in the funeral home.

The family requests that visiting hours will be observed from 10:00 a.m. until 9 p.m. Thursday and from 8 a.m. Friday until time of the funeral mass.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home is in charge of funeral arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 12/20/1982

Michael Roy Higginbotham (1952-1982) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mr. Michael Roy Higginbotham, 30, were to be held at 3:30 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Here with burial in the new church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died Saturday night in Franklin.

Survivors include his wife, the former Michelle L. Baumann of Church Point; a daughter, Angela Christine Higginbotham of Church Point; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C.. Higginbotham of Church Point; his paternal grandmother, France L. Higginbotham of Church Point; three brothers, Joseph Glenn, Joseph Anthony and John Darryl Higginbotham, all of Church Point; three sisters, Mary Alice Sartelle of Church Point, Donna Marie Freeman of Syril, Okla., and Valarie Marie Higginbotham of Church Point.

Guidry funeral home of Church Point is directing.


Enterprise News-American 02/18/1983
F. A. Higginbotham (1930-1983) LA
F. A. Higginbotham, 52, 1609 Holloway Drive, Pineville, died Thursday, February 11, 1983 in Rapides General Hospital.
He was a pump superintendent for the City of Pineville and a member of Alpine Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Katie F. Higginbotham of Pineville; a brother, Arter Higginbotham of Crowville; two sisters, Eva Mae Cricks and Maggie Hebert, both of Baton Rouge.
Services were held at 10 a.m. Saturday in the chapel of Hixson Bros., Pineville, with the Revs. Charles Youngblood and James Hogan officiating.  Burial was in Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, Winnfield.



West Carroll Gazette (Oak Grove, LA) 3/9/1983

Harold Darwin Higginbotham (1937-1983) LA/MS

Services for Harold Darwin Higginbotham, 45, were held at 2 p.m. Friday in Trinity Baptist Church with the Revs. Rick Herrington and H.G. Hammonds officiating.

Interment followed in Oak Grove Cemetery under the direction of Cox Funeral Home of Oak Grove for Mr. Higginbotham who died Wednesday in Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, Jackson, Miss., after a long illness.

He was a lifelong resident of West Carroll parish and a member of Trinity Baptist Church in Oak Grove. He was employed by Louisiana Gas Co. for the past 25 years, worked with the Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department and served as auxiliary deputy for the West Carroll Sheriff's department.

He was a member of the Oak Grove Jaycees and a member of the Board of Adjustments on the Zoning Ordinance with the Town of Oak Grove.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ellen Higginbotham, of Oak Grove; two sons, Tommy Higginbotham and Gary Higginbotham, both of Oak Grove; a daughter, Mrs. Debra Lancaster, of Lake Providence; mother, Mrs. Edna Higginbotham, of oak Grove; three brothers, Billy Higginbotham, of Oak Grove, Johnny Higginbotham, of Burlingston, Texas and Warren Higginbotham, of Fresno, Calif.; five sisters, Mrs. Polly Collins of Fort Worth, Texas; Mrs. Wilma Little , of Swartz, Mrs. Thelma Snow, of Oak Grove, Mrs. Gladys Vinzane, of Fresno, Calif., and Mrs. Almedia Ford, of Delhi; and a granddaughter, Shelley Lancaster, of Lake Providence.

Pallbearers were Billy Hays, Gerald Littlefield, Shorty Crook, Roy Johnson, Albert Mizell and Lavelle Brown. Honorary pallbearers were John Ray, Joe Comeaux, Lynn Robertson, Lloyd Clements, Bobby Robinson and Red Netherland.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/3/1983

Armand Higginbotham (1901-1983) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mr. Armand Higginbotham, 81, will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the old church mausoleum.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 6:25 p.m. Monday at his residence.

Survivors include his wife, the former Winnola Rayon of Church Point; one son, Daniel Higginbotham of Church Point; three daughters, Mrs. Foch (Geraldine) Daugereaux of Church Point, Mrs. Ray (Willa Mae) Francois of Houston, Texas and Mrs. Murphy (Flo) Sweeney of Bunkie; three brothers, Jack and Willery Higginbotham, both of Church Point, Howard Higginbotham of Eunice and Dorice Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; one sister, Mrs. Adolph Daigle of Church Point; 16 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Church Point News 5/10/1983

John Asa Wilson Higginbotham (1925-1983) LA

Wilson J. Higginbotham, 57, died at 12:10 p.m. Wednesday in the Jennings American Legion Hospital.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 in the First Pentecostal Church.

The Rev. T.C. Alexander, pastor officiated. Burial was in the Greenwood Cemetery under the direction of Miguez Funeral Home of Jennings.

He was a native of Church Point and had resided in Jennings for the past 13 years. He was a pipeliner and Veteran of World War II.

Survivors are his wife, the former Irma Fontenot; one daughter, Mrs. Sandra Ardoin; three stepdaughters, Mrs. Brenda Fontenot, Mrs. Susan Leger and Mrs. Peggy Turner, all of Eunice; one son, James Higginbotham of Washington State; four stepsons, Donald, Joe, Ricky and Keith Deaville, all of Eunice; one sister, Mrs. Hazel Richard of Berwick; two brothers, Homer and Roosevelt Higginbotham, both of Church Point; three grandchildren and 12 stepgrandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/6/1983

Abraham Robert Higginbotham (1914-1983) LA

Eunice - Funeral services for Mr. Abraham Robert Higginbotham, 69, were to be held at 10 a.m. today in St. Anthony Catholic Church here with burial in St. Edward Cemetery of Richard.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Eunice, died at 9:35 a.m. Saturday in Moosa Memorial Hospital following a long illness.

Survivors include two sons, Alfred "Freddie" Higginbotham of Eunice and Verlin "Teta" Higginbotham of Collins, Miss.; four daughters, Mrs. Dorsey (Bernadine) Thibodeaux, Mrs. Joyce Rougeau, Mrs. Michael (Belva) Gaspard and Mrs. Tom (Gloria) Brandon, all of Eunice; three brothers, Ben and Harry Higginbotham, both of Church Point and Horace Higginbotham of Eunice; five sisters, Mrs. Maurice Thibodeaux Jr. of Eunice, Mrs. Amy Ashford and Mrs. Ray Richard, both of Church Point, Mrs. Jack Bergeron of Basile and Mrs. Saul Hebert of Rayne; 21 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Ardoin Funeral Home of Eunice is directing.



The Oakdale Journal 6/9/1983

David Merrell Higginbotham (1958-1983) LA

Services for David M. Higginbotham, 25, were held Wednesday at Lone Pine Baptist Church with the Rev. Houston Roberts officiating.

Burial was in Harris Cemetery under direction of Winnsboro First National Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham died Tuesday at the Parker Camp near Indian Lake.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Eddie Strickland of Crowville; one brother, Kenneth Higginbotham of Crowville; and two nieces and nephews.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/7/1983

Doris Higginbotham Becker (1893-1983) MI/LA

Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a.m. at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension for Doris Higginbotham "Honey" Becker who died Wednesday at Oakwood Village Nursing Home.

Interment will be in the Greenlawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery.

Born February 26, 1893, in Detroit, Michigan, the daughter of William F. Higginbotham, a prominat architect, and his wife Nettie Morphy, she spent her young life in Detroit.

In 1915 she married Carl Henry James Becker and moved to Atlanta, Ga. Her later married life was spent in Warrenton, Va., and Washington, D.C., until after the death of her husband.

In 1958 she became a resident of Lafayette to be near her daughter and son-in-law, Doris and Alan Shaw, both of whom preceded her in death.

Mrs. Becker is survived by her grandson and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Shaw III and two great-grandchildren, Amidie Ellis Shaw and Alan W. Shaw IV, all of Lafayette.

Visiting hours will be from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. today at Martin and Castille Funeral Home and from 9 a.m. until the funeral Friday at the Robson Room at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial contributions be made to the Episcopal Church of the Ascension.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Church Point News 8/16/1983

Rita Ella Higginbotham Barousse (1920-1983) LA

Funeral services were held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Johnson Funeral Home Chapel in Lake Charles for Ella Higginbotham, 62, a Church Point native who died at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital at 8:10 a.m. Friday.

Interment followed at Mimosa Pines Cemetery in Sulphur under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

She is survived by three sons, Reynold Barousse of Morgan City, Glyn Barousse of Meridian, Mississippi, and Paul Barousse of Moss Bluff; one daughter-in-law, Carolyn Sensat of Sulphur; her mother, Mrs. Bernadette M. Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Texas' five brothers, Gervais Higginbotham and Patrick Higginbotham, both of Orange, Texas, Ferdie Higginbotham of Lake Bundick, J.B. Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Texas, and Aaron Higginbotham of Garrison, Texas; two sisters, Dorothy Cotter and Georgia Rodriguez, both of Port Arthur; and six grandchildren.




Bessie Mae Watson Higginbotham Jackson (1922-1983) LA

DERIDDER - Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Mae Jackson, 60, will be at 2 p.m, today, Sept. 26, in Hixson Funeral Home. The Rev. Kenneth Hodges will officiate. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery. Mrs. Jackson died at 4:33 p.m. Saturday in Beauregard Memorial Hospital. A lifelong resident of Beauregard Parish, she was a housewife. Mrs. Jackson was a member of Temple Baptist Church. Survivors include one son Bobby Higginbotham of DesAllemands; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Albercht and Mrs. JoAnn Snapp, both of DeRidder; one brother, Harvey Watson of DeRidder; three sisters, Mrs. Eva Sturm of Copperas, Texas, and Mrs. Perrie Green and Mrs. Reval Manley, both of DeRidder; ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.



Basile Weekly 9/29/1983

Joseph Horace Higginbotham (1909-19830 LA

Funeral services for Horace Higginbotham, 74, of Eunice were held Tuesday, September 13 in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point. Burial was in the new church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, who was retired, died Monday, September 12 at 11:55 a.m. at his residence following a six months illness.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of all arrangements.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Leediana Faul Higginbotham of Eunice; five sons, Gurvis and Warren Higginbotham, both of Church Point, Preston and Shirley Ray Higginbotham, both of Eunice, and Warren Higginbotham of Cankton; two brothers, Harry Higginbotham and Ben Higginbotham, both of Church Point; five sisters, Mrs. Ray Richard and Mrs. John (Amy) Ashford, both of Church Point, Mrs. Jack Bergeron of Basile, Mrs. Saul Hebert of Rayne and Mrs. Maurice Thibodeaux Jr. of Eunice; 21 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 2/16/1984

Marie Higginbotham Alphonse (1895-1983) LA

Youngsville - Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Anne Catholic Church for Mrs. John Alphonse, the former Marie Higginbotham, 88, who died at 1:40 a.m. Wednesday in a Lafayette hospital.

Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Survivors are two sons, Anthony John Alphonse, Lafayette and Francis Huey Alphonse, Roseville, Mich.; one daughter, Mrs. Antoine (Agnes) Broussard, Youngsville; 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

She was a native and lifelong resident of Youngsville and a member of the St. Anne Altar Society. She was the wife of the late John Alphonse and the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil Higginbotham.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. tonight in the funeral home.

Visiting hours will be until midnight and reopen at 7 a.m. to service time.

David Funeral Home of Youngsville is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 3/4/1984

Michelle Lee Beauman Higginbotham (1954-19840 LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Mrs. Michelle Higginbotham, the former Michalle Beauman, 29, who died Friday.

Burial will follow in the new church cemetery.

She is survived by one daughter, Angela Christine Higginbotham.

She is preceded in death by her husband, Michael Higginbotham.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is handling arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 4/1/1984

Lydia Mallet Higginbotham (1896-1984) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held here at 10 a.m. Monday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Lydia Higginbotham, 88, a resident of Youngsville.

Burial will follow in the church mausoleum.

She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Annie Trahan of Grove, Texas, and Mrs. Rita Arney of Cottonwood, Calif.; and numerous nieces and nephews.

A rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point, which is handling arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/15/1984

Lelia Curtis Higginbotham (1902-1984) LA

Bayou Rouge - Funeral services for Mrs. Lelia C. Higginbotham, 81, will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday in First Pentecostal Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Lelia Curtis, died at 9 a.m. Monday in Avoyelles Manor Nursing Home of Dupont. She was a native of Woodside and a resident of Bayou Rouge.

Survivors include a brother, Ulice Curtis of Dupont; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Townsend of Lindsey, Calif., Mrs. Lorena Laborde of Turkey Creek and Mrs. Laura Stout of Coushatta; a sister-in-law, Mrs. John Curtis of Palmetto.

Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas was in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/18/1984

Rita Ann Noel Higginbotham (1947-1984) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Rita Ann Noel Higginbotham, 37, were to be held at 2 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 12:45 a.m. Sunday in Moosa Memorial Hospital.

Survivors include her husband, Lawrence Higginbotham of Church Point; four daughters, Rita Kristine Mier, Sonia K., Jennifer Lea and Rachel Nicole Higginbotham, all of Church Point; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Noel of Church Point; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Noel of Church Point; Maternal grandmother, Mrs. Ivy Lavergne of Washington; a brother, Michael Glen Noel of Lafayette; three sisters, Barbara Falcon and Beth Dupuis, both of Rayne, and Debra Viator of Carencro; and one grandchild.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/23/1984

Janelle Higginbotham Norman (1955-1984) LA

Scott - Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Mass Tuesday at St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Scott for Jeanelle Higginbotham Norman, 28, who died at 2:15 a.m. today at University Medical Center.

Interment will be in the church cemetery.

Ms. Norman was a native od Sunset, the daughter of Clifford Higginbotham and the former Helen Janise and had been a resident of Lafayette for the past 24 years.

Survivors include her parents, of Lafayette; one daughter, Holly Norman of Lafayette; two sisters, Mrs. Jerry (Brenda) Potter and Mrs. Michael (Marlene) Stearns, both of Lafayette; three brothers, Burton Higginbotham of Youngsville, Martin Higginbotham of Cankton and Danny Higginbotham of Milton.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today in the funeral home.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed until 10 p.m. today and from 7:30 a.m. to service time Tuesday.



The Crowley Post-Signal 8/21/1984

Hazel Fogleman Primeaux Higginbotham (1903-1981) LA/CA

Funeral services will be held at 5:30 p.m. in St. Margaret's Catholic Church in Estherwood for Hazel Primeaux Higginbotham, 81, the former Hazel Fogleman, who died on Saturday, August 18 at her son's residence in Burlingame, Calif. Burial will be held in the Old Crowley Cemetery.

Survivors include four sons, Kenneth Higginbotham of Burlingame, Calif., Daniel Primeaux of San Mateo, Calif., W.D. Higginbotham of Bakersfield, Calif. and Robert Primeaux of Calif.; one daughter, Mariam Primeaux McConnell of New Orleans; one brother, Joe Wright of Estherwood.

She is preceded in death by one son, Ray Primeaux.

Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 8/27/1984

Esther Higginbotham (1923-19840 LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Esther Higginbotham, 60, were to be held at 10 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Miss Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Rayne-Branch Hospital of Rayne following a short illness.

Survivors include her mother, Mrs. John (Louise) Higginbotham of Church Point; three brothers, Austin, George and Harry Higginbotham, all of Church Point; two sisters, Mrs. Ruby Bihm of Church Point and Mrs. Nelson (Valrie) Lejeune of Richard.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/12/1984

Anna Guillory Lamury Higginbotham (1907-1984) LA

Port Barre - Funeral services for Anna Guillory Higginbotham, 77, will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in the old church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Port Barre, died at 8:45 a.m. Sunday in Opelousas General Hospital following a long illness.

Survivors include her husband, Claude Higginbotham of Maringouin; five sons, Eldredge Lamury of Dallas, Texas, Robert Lamury of Port Barre, Antoine Lamury of New Orleans, George Lamury of Columbus, Ga., and Claude Higginbotham of South Carolina; three daughters, Mrs. Melvin (Mary Frances) McGee of Port Barre, Mrs. Norris (Margaret) Domingue of Columbus, Ga., and Mrs. S.V. (Barbara) Thompson of Houston, Texas; two brothers, Leon Guillory of Lawtell and Henrille Guillory of Abbeville; a sister, Nettie Cerio of New Roads; 20 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today in Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre, which is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 12/12/1984

Claude Higginbotham (1914-1984) LA

Port Barre - Funeral services for Claude Higginbotham, 69, were to be held at 2 p.m. today in Sacred Heart Church here with burial in the old church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 8 p.m. Monday at his residence in Maringouin.

He is survived by a son, Claude Higginbotham of Charleston, S.C.; four stepsons, Eldredge Lamury of Dallas, Texas, Robert Lamury of Port Barre, Antoine Lamury of New Orleans, George Lamury of Columbus, Ga.; a daughter, Mrs. S.V. (Barbara) Thompson of Houston, Texas; two step-daughters, Mrs. Mary Frances McGee of Port Barre and Mrs. Margaret Domingue of Columbus, Ga.; three brothers, Howard and Kenneth Higginbotham, both of Livonia, and Calvin Higginbotham of Miss.; four sisters, Mrs. Ruby Tadlock of new Orleans, Mrs. Daisy Mae Guillory of Irwinville, Mrs. Alma Segona of Baton Rouge and Julia Higginbotham of Livonia; five grandchildren, 15 step grandchildren, one great grandchild and nine step great grandchildren.

Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre was in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas LA) 12/27/1984

Charles Louis Higginbotham (1918-1984) LA

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the Lafond-Ardoin Funeral home Chapel on the old Sunset Highway for Charles L. "Bubba" Higginbotham, 66, of Sunset.

Burial was in Bellevue Memorial Park.

Mr. Higginbotham. a retired oil field worker, died at 9:45 a.m. Monday in Opelousas General Hospital following a short illness.

He is survived by wife, Mrs. Verlis Higginbotham of Sunset; a son, John Dalton Higginbotham of Opelousas; a daughter, Mrs. Jerome (Deanne Gail) LeBlanc of Morrero; a sister, Mrs. Grace Richard of Lake Charles, and five grandchildren.

The Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the old Sunset Road in Opelousas was in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 2/3/1985

Lela Higginbotham Daigle (1892-1985) LA

Church Point, La. - Funeral services were held Saturday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church for Mrs. Adolph Daigle, 92, the former Lela Higginbotham, who died at her residence. Burial was in the church mausoleum.

Survivors include one son, Russell D. Daigle of Church Point; one daughter, Mrs. Wilson Leger of Branch; four brothers, Jack Higginbotham, Willery Higginbotham and Howard Higginbotham, all of Church Point, and Dorhies "Cat: Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; 12 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Shreveport Times February 21, 1985

Jesse Woodrow Higginbotham (1919-1985) TX/LA

SHREVEPORT - Funeral services will be conducted at Centuries Memorial Funeral Home Chapel Thursday, February 21 for Jesse Woodrow "Woody" Higginbotham, 65, of Shreveport. The Rev. Wayne A. Stotz will officiate, with interment in Centuries Memorial Park.

Mr. Higginbotham entered into rest Monday, February 18, 1985 at Willis-Knighton Medical Center. He was born in Troup, Texas September 18, 1919 and had been a resident of the Shreveport area for the past 45 years. He was a graduate of Centenary College, attended LSU School of Law, and was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II, serving in the South Pacific. He was employed with Delta Foremost Chemical Corp. for 27 years, serving as District Manager for ten years. He was a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elk Lodge No. 122.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Josephine Todaro Higginbotham. He is survived by his son James (wife Ellie); daughter Sue (husband Allen Reynolds); one grandchild, Angela Rene' Fuqua; two brothers, Samuel J. Higginbotham of Sun City Ariz. and Joseph Walker Higginbotham; one sister, Lora Etta Chambers of Shreveport; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers: Don Curry, Thomas A. Powell, Donald P. Wright, Ray Martini, Joseph Lodestro, and R.F. Baker. Honorary pallbearers: Dr. Michael Futrell, J.Stacy Freeman, Roger Legault, Vernon Carlisle, Leo Schneider, and Henry Holmes.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 3/7/1985

Ada Higginbotham Miller (1888-1986) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Jules (Ada) Miller, 96, will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday in Sibille Funeral Home chapel here with burial in Bellevue Memorial Park.

Mrs. Miller, a resident of Sunset, died at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Doctor's Hospital following a long illness.

She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Gurshel (Evelina) Miller of Opelousas, Mrs. Ned (Christina) Pellerin of Sunset; a grandchild, 11 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today in Sibille's Funeral Home of Opelousas, which is in charge of arrengements.



The Daily Advertiser 5/5/1985

Clemence Perry Higginbotham Stelly (1897-1985) LA

Carencro - Funeral services will be held today at 5:30 p.m. at St. Peter's Catholic Church for Mrs. Clemence Higginbotham Stelly, 87, who died Friday at 11:05 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette.

Burial will be in Bellevue Memorial Park in Opelousas.

She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edna Fern Stelly Underwood, of Lafayette; two sisters, Mrs. Raymond (Virginia) Marks of Arnaudville and Mrs. Lua Marks of Arnaudville; and one grandchild.

She was a native and lifelong resident of Carencro. She was preceded in death by her husband, Rene Stelly, and by her parents, Perry and Hermine Savoie Higginbotham.

Visitation will be held from 11 a.m. today until time of service.

Melancon Funeral Home of Carencro is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/8/1985

Jacques Higginbotham (1910-1985) LA

Port Barre - Funeral services for Jack Higginbotham, 74, will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday in Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial with burial in Sacred Heart Mausoleum.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired farmer of Washington, died at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday in Doctor's Hospital following a short illness.

Survivors include his wife, the former Marie Doucet of Washington; five sons, Allen Higginbotham of Carencro, O'Neal Higginbotham of Opelousas, Albert and Dean Higginbotham of Washington and Christopher Higginbotham of Port Barre; two daughters, Mrs. James (Helen) Schexnayder and Mrs. Harold (Martha) Knott, both of Arnaudville; two brothers, Leroy Higginbotham of Baton Rouge and Mack Higginbotham of Opelousas; three sisters, Mrs. Euna Doucet of Port Barre, Mrs. Evelyn Olivier and Mrs. Luna Estillette, both of Church Point; 21 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Visitation will be until time of service Thursday and a rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today in Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre, which is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/13/1985

Homer Higginbotham (1915-1985) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Homer "Pete" Higginbotham, 70, were to be held at 10 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery of Church Point.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 3:45 p.m. Saturday in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital.

Survivors include his wife, the former Eula Guidry of Church Point; two sons, Patrick Higginbotham of Pine Prairie and John Pershing Higginbotham of Church Point; three daughters, Mrs. Donald (Lorita) Bearb of Mire, Mrs. Craig (Priscilla) Richard of Opelousas and Mrs. Steve (Linda) Dunn of Pearland, Texas; a brother, Roosevelt Higginbotham of Church Point; a sister, Mrs. Onezime (Hazel) Richard of Burwick; 17 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

He served as an usher for Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church and was a member of Knights of Columbus Council 2504 of Church Point.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.



The Church Point News 5/14/1985

Willa Mae Higginbotham Francois (1925-1985) LA

Funeral services were held for Mrs. Ray Francois, 60, the former Willa Mae Higginbotham of Houston, Texas at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 11 in the St. Mary Catholic Church in Raceland, La. with Father Albert Richardson officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Francois died Thursday at 1 p.m. after a long illness. She passed away in the Lake Charles Memorial Hospital in Lake Charles.

Survivors are her husband, Ray Francois of Houston; Four daughters, Mrs. Robert (Connie) Trosclair of Lake Charles, Mrs. Jerry (Melinda) Monier of Raceland, Mrs. Frank (Suzette) Olivier of Atlanta, Ga. and Mrs. John (Denise) Davis of Houma; her mother, Mrs. Armand Higginbotham of Church Point; one brother, Daniel Higginbotham of Church Point; two sisters, Mrs. Foch Dangereaux ofr Church Point and Mrs. Murphy Sweeney of Whiteville, La.

Falgout Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.




Guy Rudolph Higginbotham (1926-1985) MS/LA

Funeral services have been scheduled for Friday at 2 p.m. from the First Methodist Church in Houma for Guy Rudolph Higginbotham, 58, a native of Mississippi and resident of Lafayette, who died Wednesday at 9:05 p.m. He is survived by his wife, Judith Guidroz Higginbotham; his mother, Mrs. Mae Wright Mabry of Buna, Texas; one stepson, Dan Gray Jr.; three daughters, Mrs. Terry (Lisa) Guidroz of Schriever, Mrs. Ronnie (Susie) Guidry of Florida, Mrs. Lee (Julie) Nehrhoff of Baton Rouge; and one stepdaughter, Monica Gray of Lafayette. He is also survived by seven grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Guy Roland Higginbotham; and one stepson, Brandon Gray. Visitation will be held today from 6-10 p.m. and on Friday from 10 a.m. until funeral time at Falgout Funeral Home in Raceland. Interment will be in Terrebonne Memorial Park in Houma.



The West Carroll Gazette (Oak Grove, LA) 6/26/1985

Lilah Harkness Higginbotham (1897-1985) LA

Mrs. Lilah Higginbotham, 88, passed away Tuesday in Oakwood Home for the Elderly in Mer Rouge after a long illness.

Graveside services were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Higginbotham cemetery near Mer Rouge with Dr. Glen L. Green officiating.

Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Golden Funeral Home of Bastrop.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of Morehouse parish and the last living charter member of Mer Rouge Baptist church.

Survivors include a son, Dr. Thomas M. Higginbotham, of Mer Rouge; two grandchildren; and among other survivors a niece, Mrs. Kate McIntosh, of Oak Grove.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 9/16/1985

Marie Louisa Olivier Higginbotham (898-1985)

Church Point - Funeral services for Louise Olivier Higginbotham, 87, were to be geld at 2 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 11 a.m. Sunday in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital of Lafayette following a short illness.

She is survived by three sons, Austin, George and Harry Higginbotham, all of Church Point; two daughters, Mrs. Ruby Bihm of Church Point and Mrs. Valerie Lejeune of Richard; a brother, Dewey Olivier of Church Point; four sisters, Mrs. Ralph Lyons, Mrs. Lillian Briscoe, Mrs. Ada Briscoe and Mrs. Rose Briscoe, all of Church Point; 20 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.



The Church Point News 9/17/1985

Bertha Higginbotham Lejeune (1906-1985) LA

Funeral services were held on Monday, September 2 at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church for Mrs. Joe Lejeaune, 78 of Church Point, the former Bertha Higginbotham.

Mrs. Lejeune died at 5:30 a.m. on September 1 in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette following a long illness.

Burial was in the new cemetery under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home.

Survivors are one son, Joseph (Junior) LeJeune of Carencro; two daughters, Beulah Matte of Church Point and Viola Higginbotham of Lake Charles; one brother, Iram Higginbotham of Church Point; three sisters, Elizabeth Menard, Lelia Smith and Louisiana Lyons of Church Point; 18 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren.



Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 9/11/1985

Dolly Cloteal Higginbotham Stockstill (1938-19850 LA/MD

Services for Cloteal "Nan" Stockstill, 47, were held Saturday August 31, 1985, at 12 p.m. at Marvin Memorial Untied Methodist Church in Silver Spring, Maryland with the Reverend Elgart officiating. Eulogy was delivered by Bill McKenzie.

Burial was in Burtonsville Union Cemetery, Burtonsville, Maryland under the direction of Collins Funeral Home of Sliver Spring, Maryland.

Mrs. Stockstill died August 28 at Walter Reed Hospital after a long illness. She was a native of Newellton and a member of the First Baptist Church.

She is survived by her husband, LTC John D. Stockstill; two daughters, Angie Akau and Pam Stockstill; one son, John D. Stockstill III and one grandson, Jason Akau, all of Silver Spring, Maryland; her mother, Mrs. Frances Higginbotham of Newellton; two brothers, Ray Higginbotham of Newellton and Paul Higginbotham of Choudrant.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/17/1985

Jerry C. Higginbotham (1932-1985) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mr. Jerry C. Higginbotham, 53, of Church Point, are scheduled at 3 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Church Point.

Mr. Higginbotham, and Army veteran of the Koran War, died at 6:30 a.m. Saturday.

Burial will be in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Youth Cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, the former Thelma Marie Briscoe of Church Point; three sons, Joseph Glen Higginbotham, Joseph Anthony Higginbotham and John Darrell Higginbotham, all of Church Point; three daughters, Mary Alice Sartelle, Donna Marie Freeman and Valerie Marie Higginbotham, all of Church Point; a brother, Frank Higginbotham of Church Point; a sister, Balva Anderson of Gonzales; and seven grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Shreveport Journal 11/25/1985

Pauline Helen Pendergraft Higginbotham (1915-1985) TX/LA

Shreveport - Graveside services for Mrs. Pauline Pendergraft Higginbotham, 70, of Shreveport will be held at 11 a.m., Monday November 25 at Forest Park Cemetery. Mr. Ralph Whitman, Reader of First Church of Christ Scientist, will officiate. Services are under the direction of Osborn Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Canadian, Texas and a resident of Shreveport since 1946. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hal Higginbotham. She died at 5:09 a.m., Saturday November 23, 1985 at Schumpert Medical Center following a brief illness.

She is survived by one son, Hal Higginbotham of New York City, New York; two daughters, Goldie Maguire of Kirkland, Washington and Joy Sutton of Beale Air Force Base, California; four grandchildren, Melissa Holt, Cheryl Holt, Will Sutton an Chris Sutton.



The Crowley Post-Signal 1/14/1986

Joseph McKinley Higginbotham (1902-1986) LA

Services for Joseph "Mack" Higginbotham, 84, who died Monday at Senior Village Nursing Home in Opelousas, will be held at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will follow in the old church cemetery.

A rosary will be recited today at 7 p.m. at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point.

Visitation will be from 2 to 10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. until time for services on Wednesday.

Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Lillian Thibodeaux Higginbotham of Church Point; two sons, Calvin Higginbotham of Philadelphia, Pa., and Rodney Higginbotham of Slidell; one daughter, Mrs. Norris (Javalie) Woodson of Opelousas; one brother, Leroy Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; three sisters, Mrs. Louena Estillette of Opelousas; Mrs. Evelyn Olivier of Church Point and Mrs. Euna Doucet of Port Barre; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.



Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 1/15/1986

Fannie Higginbotham (1898-1986) TN/LA

Services for Mrs. Fannie Higginbotham, 87, were held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, at the Newellton First Baptist Church with the Rev. Fulton McGraw officiating.

Burial was in Legion Memorial Cemetery in Newellton under direction of Crothers Funeral Home of Tallulah.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday in Lakeshore, Miss., after a short illness.

She was a native of Chattanooga, Tenn. and a resident of Newellton for many years.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Jo Ann Campbell of Bay St. Louis, Miss., and Mrs. Estelle Twiford of Stumpy Point, N.C.; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/27/1986

Adrois Higginbotham (1897-1986) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Adrois "Jack" Higginbotham, 88, were to be held at 2 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired farmer of Church Point, at at 12:30 p.m. Sunday at his residence.

Survivors include his wife, the former Nora Barousse of Church Point; a son, J.B. Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Mrs. Paul (Lilburn) Cancienne of Kenner, Mrs. Clayton Guidry of Baton Rouge; three brothers, Voris "Cat" Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, Howard and Willery "Pete" Higginbotham, both of Church Point; 10 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

He was a member of American Legion Post 225 of Church Point.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is directing.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 2/9/1986

Angelina Bellard Higginbotham (1909-1986) LA

Funeral services for Angelina Bellard Higginbotham, 76, were held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday in Our Lady Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church here with burial in Bellevue Memorial Park.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Lawtell, died at 10:40 a.m. Friday in Opelousas General Hospital.

Survivors include her husband, Corise Higginbotham of Lawtell; three sons, Turlin Higginbotham of Lake Charles, Pat Higginbotham of Lawtell and Darrell Higginbotham of Lafayette; six daughters, Mrs. Alvin (Eva) Touchet and Mrs. Leon (Lela) Fruge of Lake Charles, Mrs. Harry (Jackie) Lavergne of Thibodeaux, Sherry Broussard of Opelousas, Mrs. John (Judy) Fruge of Iowa, Mrs. Ronnie (Dianne) Comeaux of Lafayette; two sisters, Mrs. Eldridge (Lidia) Johnson of Lake Charles and Mrs. Ervin (Minnie) Tweedel of Lawtell; 24 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren.

The Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home, Old Sunset Road, Opelousas, directed.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) - Friday, February 28, 1986

Janie Higginbotham Williams (1915-1986) LA

Died at 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24, 1986, at Baton Rouge Health Care Center. She was 71, a native of East Feliciana Parish and resident of Baton Rouge. Visiting at Miller & Daughter Mortuary, Zachary, 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday. Religious services at St. John Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Saturday, conducted by the Rev. George Clark. Burial in Southern Memorial Gardens. Survived by a foster daughter, Mrs. Joyce Hughes, Baton Rouge; two sisters, Mrs. Isabell Mack, Zachary, and Mrs. Elma Mitchell, Baton Rouge; two brothers, Ira Higginbotham, Zachary, and Charlie Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; a half-sister, Adelia Jones, Baton Rouge; a brother-in-law, Leonard Williams, Pride; nieces, great-nieces and great-nehphews. Preceded in death by husband, Asberry Williams. Pallbearers will be Andrew Cannon, Claude B. Patin, Alfred Wilson, Levi Jones, Ryan Clem and DeWayne J. Patin. Miller & Daughter Mortuary, Zachary, in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/26/1986

Curley Joseph Higginbotham (1916-1986) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Joseph Curley Higginbotham, 69, were to be held at 10 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Sunset, died at 5:15 a.m. Friday in the Veterans Administration Hospital in New Orleans.

Survivors include a son, Larry Davis of Sunset; a brother, Voris Higginbotham of Church Point; two sisters, Mrs. Lloyd Cormier of Opelousas and Mrs. Marie Meche of Sulphur; two grandchildren.

He was a veteran of World War II.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is directing.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/16/1986

James Martin Higginbotham (1964-1986) LA

Krotz Springs - A deputy for the Pointe Coupee Parish Sheriff Department drowned Father's Day while at Three-Mile Lake near Krotz Springs with his family.

The victim was identified as James Martin Higginbotham, 24, 506 Janice St., of New Roads. Higginbotham and his wife were the parents of a little boy.

Higginbotham, who was described as "fairly good swimmer" by his family, was a patrol officer for the Pointe Coupee Sheriff Department, said St. Landry Parish Sheriff Howard Zerangue.

The St. Landry Parish Sheriff Department received the call at 2:35 p.m. Sunday.

Zerangue said Higginbotham dove into the water to go meet friends who were on a raft floating in tubes in the lake.

"He dove in but didn't come up," said the sheriff.

When family members saw he did not come up, they went in after him, siad Zerangue.

Higginbotham was listed dead on arrival at Opelousas General Hospital, said Zerangue.

"It's been ruled as an accidental drowning," said Zerangue.

Zerangue said Sunday's drowning is the first one he can remember occurring at Three-Mile Lake.

"He was a young man dedicated to law enforcement," said Pointe Coupee Parish Sheriff Perston Chustz.

The news of his deputy's death came as a shock to his department, said Chustz.

"It's a tragedy, it's so sad," he said.

Chustz said he had spoken to with the victim's wife and she said her husband had been having leg cramps. The family believes his legs must have cramped on him when he dived in and this caused the tragedy, said the sheriff.

Higginbotham loved law enforcement and opted for the career instead of going into business with his father, said Chustz.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/20/1986

Mabel Boudreaux Higginbotham (1917-1986) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Emery Higginbotham, 68, the former Mabel Boudreaux of Church Point, were to be held 3 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

She died at 11:35 a.m. Thursday in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Gayle (Shirleen) Olivier and Mrs. Brian (Ann) LeMaster, both of Church Point; a brother, John U. Boudreaux of Carencro; two sisters, Miss Frances Boudreaux of Church Point and Mrs. Mildred Schexneider of Crowley; three grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point is in charge.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 7/3/1986

Joyce Elaine Tuttle Higginbotham (1932-1986) LA

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in Delhomme Chapel of the Flowers for Mrs. William G. Higginbotham, 53, the former Joyce Tuttle, who died in Hamilton Medical Center Hospital Wednesday 12:27 a.m.

She was the wife of Col. William G. Higginbotham of Lafayette who is chairman of the Lafayette Airport Commission.

Rev. St. Clair H. Bower, interim pastor of Northside Baptist Church will officiate.

Interment will be in Fountain Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of New Orleans, daughter of the late Fletcher C. Tuttle and the former Versie Hamilton. She had been a resident of Lafayette since 1979. Mrs. Higginbotham was a graduate of LaGrange High School in Lake Charles and was an education major graduating from SLI in 1954. While at SLI she served as Homecoming Queen in 1952, was a member of the Red Jackets, and the Southwestern Relays Queen in 1953.

Survivors include her husband, Col. William G. Higginbotham of Lafayette; one son, William G. Higginbotham III of Carencro; one sister, Mrs. William W. (Nancy) Boisture of Arlington, Texas and two grandchildren.

The family requests visiting hours be observed from 9 a.m. to service time Thursday.

Delhomme Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 7/23/1986

William Jennings Bryan Hickingbottom (1910-1986) AR/LA

Funeral services for William Jennings Bryan Hickingbottom, 76, of Winnsboro were held at 9 a.m. July 2, in the chapel of Winnsboro First National Funeral Home.

Interment was in Cherokee Memorial Cemetery, Lodi, Calif., with Lodi Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

The Rev. Sam Crowe officiated.

A native of Helena, Ark., he was born Jan. 25, 1910. He was employed by the city of Stoskton, Calif., in the records department. He died on June 30, 1986 following a lengthy illness.

Survivors include eight sons, Norman Hickingbottom and Alton Hickingbottom, both of Stockton, Calif., Roland Hickingbottom, Galt, Calif., Ralph Hickingbottom of Lodi, Calif., Harold Hickingbottom, Vancouver, Wash., Aubrey Hickingbottom and John Hickingbottom, both of Winnsboro and Paul E. Hickingbottom, Newellton; two daughters, Marie Bowlin, Lodi, Calif. and Beatrice Hickingbottom, Kerman, Calif., and Simon Hickingbottom, Bossier City; two sisters, Helen Parker, Winnsboro and Sallie Larkin, West Helena, Calif.; 25 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.




Howard Joseph Higginbotham (1922-1986) LA

Funeral services for Howard Higginbotham, 64, of 204 Pinecrest St. in Sulphur will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 18, from Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church.

The Rev. Irving LeBlanc will officiate. Burial will be in Haghland Memory Gardens Cemetery under direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

A rosary will be said at 6:30 p.m. today, June 17, at the funeral home.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 4:40 p.m. Monday in his home.

A native of Church Point, he lived in Lake Charles 38 years before moving to Sulphur nine years ago. He was an Army veteran of World War II, a member of VFW Post 8107 and American Legion Post 179, both in Sulphur.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Leona Higginbotham; one son, Bob Higginbotham of Sulphur; three daughters, Mrs. Catherine Cormier of Lake Arthur, Mrs. Theresa Roth of Moss Bluff and Penny Higginbotham of Lake Charles; five brothers, Percy Higginbotham of Golden Meadow, Emery Higginbotham of Houma, Lawrence, Thomas and A.B. Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles; two sisters, Mrs. Edmonia Jolie and Mrs. Eula Mae Fontenot, both of Lake Charles and seven grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/19/1986

Ferdinand Patrick Higginbotham (1936-1986) LA

Funeral services for Ferdinand Patrick Higginbotham, 49, were to be held at 11 a.m. today in Calvary Baptist Church here with burial in Bellevue Memorial Park.

Mr. Higginbotham died Monday at his residence in Opelousas.

Survivors include his wife, Marie Moore Higginbotham of Lawtell; three sons, James Curtis Higginbotham, David Louis Higginbotham, Katen Higginbotham, all of Lawtell; a daughter, Zelda Higginbotham of Lawtell; two brothers, Teurlin Higginbotham of Iowa and Darrell Higginbotham of Lafayette; six sisters, Eva Mae Touchet and Lela Mae Fruge of Lake Charles, Jackie Lavergne of Thibodeaux, Sherry Broussard of Opelousas, Diann Comeaux of Lafayette and Judy Fruge of Iowa.

The Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the Old Sunset Road in Opelousas is directing.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 1/11/1987

Ethel Gray Moore Higginbotham (1914-1987) LA

Homer, La. - Services for Mrs. Ethel Gray Higginbotham, 72, of Homer, will be held at 10 a.m. Monday Jan. 12 at the Rose-Neath Funeral Home Chapel in Homer. Dr. D. Glenn Simmons will officiate. Graveside service will be at 2 p.m. at City Cemetery in Magnolia, Ark.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Friday Jan. 9, 1987, at Homer Memorial Hospital after a long illness. She was retired as an accountant for the automobile industry. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Homer First Baptist Church and the Magnolia Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star.

She is survived by one son, William M. Higginbotham of Shreveport, and a brother, Billie Moore of Homer.

Pallbearers: James Melton, Burl McClung, James McKenzie, Roddy Dillon, David Tooke, Thomas Talley.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) - Wednesday, January 14, 1987

Theola Day Higginbotham (1908-1987) MS/LA

Died 10 p.m. Monday, Jan. 12, 1987, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center. She was 78, a native of Wilkerson County, Miss., and resident of Baton Rouge. Graveside services at Greenoaks Lakeside Mausoleum at 1 p.m. Wednesday, conducted by the Rev. Perry F. Webb Jr. Survived by two nephews, Dennis N. Day, Zachary, and Ben Louis Day, Baton Rouge; other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by husband, J.B. Higginbotham; parents, Lewis and Arie Day; and a brother, Louis Day. She was a member of First Baptist Church. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Disabled American Veterans.



The Delhi Dispatch 1/22/1987

Ethel Delia Higginbotham Reed (1906-1987) LA

Services for Mrs. Ethel Reed, 80, of Holly Ridge were held Thursday, Jan. 15, at Midway Baptist Church north of Holly Ridge with Rev. Bill Tate, rev. Carlton Harper and Rev. Bill Allen officiating.

Burial was in McKnight Cemetery in Holly Ridge under the direction of Cox Funeral Home in Delhi.

Mrs. Reed died Jan. 13 at Richland Parish Hospital in Delhi after a short illness.

Survivors include five sons, Edward Reed of Vicksburg, Wiley Reed of Jackson, Ms., Billy Reed of Wisner, Jerry Reed of Pascagoula, Ms., and Ernest Reed of West Monroe; six daughters, Ernestine Murray of Jackson, Ms., Peggy Turnbow of Crystal Springs, Ms., Nellie Thompson of Monroe, Alice Shaw of Winnsboro, Gracie Pryor of Sulfur and Janie Green of Amarillo, Tx.; one brother, Harold Robinson of Brooksville, Ms.; one sister, Deloise White of Brooksville, Ms.; 43 grandchildren and 43 great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Buddy Hendrix, Therrell Pierce, Gaddis Toney, Glen Brown, Rusty Reed, Don Toney, Robert Webb and Eddie Webb.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 7/29/1987

Thomas Clay Higginbotham (1963-1987) LA

Church point - Funeral services for Thomas Clay Higginbotham, 24, will be held at 3 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church here with burial in the new church cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham was a resident of Baton Rouge and a native of Church Point. He died at 2 a.m. Tuesday as a result of a drowning at his residence.

Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Higginbotham of Church Point; his paternal grandfather, Howard Higginbotham of Church Point; maternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Matte of Church Point; a brother, Shane Anthony Higginbotham of Church Point; a sister, Pixie Higginbotham of Church Point.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is directing.



The Shreveport Journal 8/13/1987

Edwin Marvin Higginbotham Jr. (1908-1987) AR/LA

Greenwood, La. - Services for Mr. Edwin Marvin Higginbotham, Jr. will be held at Greenwood United Methodist Church on Friday, August 14, at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. John Lavo will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Osborn Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday, August 12, 1987, after a lengthy illness. The son of Joy and Edwin Higginbotham, Mr. Higginbotham was born in Stamps, Ark., and moved to Shreveport at an early age. He was a charter member of Noel Memorial United Methodist Church and was educated at Shreveport High School and Centenary College.

Mr. Higginbotham was a resident of Greenwood for fifty-five years and a member of Greenwood United Methodist Church where he served in many capacities including Church Treasurer, Administrative Board Chairman and Sunday School Superintendent.

A Boy Scout in his youth, Mr. Higginbotham served as Scoutmaster of Troop 58 in Greenwood. He was a retired from Lee Dry Goods Co., Inc. where he was a buyer and department head.

Mr. Higginbotham was married first to the late Margaret Simpson Higginbotham and then to Barbara Melton Higginbotham, who survives him. Other survivors include a daughter, Mary Margaret Richard, a son, Edwin Marvin Higginbotham III and three grandsons, Russell Higginbotham, Allan Richard, III and James Richard, all of Shreveport.

Memorials may be made to the Greenwood United Methodist Church of Greenwood, La.



The Church Point News 12/23/1987

Louena Higginbotham Estilette (1896-1987) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Louena H. Estilette, 92, were held at 1 p.m. Saturday in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church in Morrow with burial in Whiteville Cemetery.

Mrs. Estilette was a resident of Opelousas. She died at 5 p.m. Thursday in Opelousas General Hospital.

Survivors are three sons, Vhories Estilette of Tampa, Fla., Alvin Estilette of Augusta, Ga. and Roy M. Estilette of Opelousas; a stepson, Eddie Estilette of Lafayette; two daughters, Margaret Fontenot of Crowley and Alcie Ortego of Opelousas; two brothers, Lee Roy Higginbotham of baton Rouge and Leo Higginbotham of Chicago, Ill.; two sisters, Una Doucet of Port Barre and Evelyn Olivier of Church Point; 25 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.


The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) 12/27/1987

Willie A. Smart Higginbotham (1904-1987) LA

Died 10:32 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 26, 1987, at Medical Center of Baton Rouge. She was 83, a native of Holden and resident of Livingston. Visiting at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, 2 to 11 p.m. Sunday, and 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday. Religious services at First Methodist Church, Livingston, at 1 p.m. Monday, conducted by the Rev. Lewis Morris. Burial in Palmetto Cemetery, Walker. Survived by four daughters, Willie O. "Jackie" Morales, Albany, Rebecca Smith, Holden, Martha Lou Lee and Maggie Higginbotham, both of Livingston; eight sons, Jack "Scott" Higginbotham and Louis Lodney Higginbotham, both of Walker, Phillip Higginbotham, Baton Rouge, Julius, Jerry, Mark, Sterling and Charles Higginbotham, all of Livingston; two sisters, Gladys Lovett, Walker, and Christina Roseman, Denham Springs; 33 grandchildren; 38 great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews. She was a member of First Methodist Church, Livingston, Eastern Star Lodge, Denham Springs, and Rebecca of Livingston.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/10/1988

Orphise Lejeune Higginbotham Savoy (1899-19889 LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. John Savoy, the former Orphise Lejeune, 88, of Church Point, will be held at 10 a.m. Monday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point.

Burial will be in the church cemetery.

She died at 1 a.m. Saturday in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point.

Survivors include two sons, Berlin Higginbotham of Church Point and Irby Savoy of Columbia, Te.; two daughters, Mrs. Hillman (Nellie) Cormier of Columbia, Te. and Mrs. J.B. (Joyce) Eaves of Kender; a sister, Mrs. Louis Richard of Church Point; 19 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 1/31/1988

Nellie F. Higginbotham Patterson (1898-1988) AR/LA

Shreveport - Services for Mrs. Nellie Higginbotham Patterson, 89, of Shreveport will be held at 1 p.m. Monday February 1, at Rose-Neath's Southside Chapel with the Rev. Louis Ketchum officiating. Burial will be in Centuries Memorial Park.

Mrs. Patterson died Friday January 29, 1988, at Virginia Hall Nursing Home following a lengthy illness. A native of Hamburg, Ark., she had been a resident of Shreveport since 1936. She was a member and former president of the W.M.U. of Lakeview Baptist Church.

She is survived by three sons, and four daughters, William Oneal Carpenter of Shreveport, Ella Dee Humphrey of Springhill, La., Marcelle Scully of Shreveport, Lela May Nugent of Alexandria, La., Franklin Patterson, Lura Mae Estill of Glen Burnie, Maryland, Harper Patterson of Shreveport; one sister, Willie Lee Ethridge of Hamburg; six grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; eleven great-great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers: Lon Brassel, Jock Peters, R.J. Scmitz, Gary Walker, W.C. Douglas, Mark Scully.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 4/12/1988

Mary Eulalie Higginbotham Marks (1900-1988) LA

Arnaudville - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at St. Francis Regis Catholic Church for Mrs. Lula Higginbotham Marks, 88, of Arnaudville, who died at 2:10 p.m. Monday at Opelousas General Hospital.

Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Norma Dautreuil of Arnaudville; a sister, Mrs. Virginia Marks of Arnaudville; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

The Rev. Keith Labauve will officiate. She was a member of Ladies Altar Society.

Pellerin Funeral Home of Arnaudville is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 4/23/1988

Ruby Louise Linscomb Higginbotham (1909-1988) LA

Abbeville - Funeral services will be held 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Vincent Funeral Home for Mrs. Herman Gessner Higginbotham, the former Ruby Linscomb, 79, who died 1:15 p.m. Thursday in Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

Interment will be in Graceland Cemetery. Rev. Scott Dutton, pastor, Vermillion Church of Christ, will officiate.

Survivors include her husband, Herman Gessner Higginbotham of Abbeville; one daughter, Mrs. Alvin (Lorraine) Geyer of Lafayette; one brother, Milton Stevens of Alaska; one sister, Ms. Gus (Violet) Soniat of Crowley; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Vincent Funeral Home of Abbeville is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 12/11/1988

Leander Higginbotham (1909-1988) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mr. Leander "Peanut" Higginbotham, 79, will be held at 3 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the Monsignor Bienvenue Cemetery here.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 8:30 p.m. Friday at University Medical Center in Lafayette. He was a retired employee of the Louisiana Department of Agriculture.

Survivors include a daughter, Cynthia Marie Bigham of Houston, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Vincent (Ethel) Bergeron of Church Point and Mrs. Elsie Mouille of Church Point; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Lake Charles American Press 12/10/1988

Catherine Higginbotham Cormier (1950-1988) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Clark (Catherine Higginbotham ) Cormier, 38, of Lake Arthur will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, from Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church.

the Rev. Joe McGrath will officiate. Burial will be in Highland Memorial Gardens under direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

A rosary will be said at 7:30 p.m. today, Dec. 10, in the funeral home.

Mrs. Cormier died at 9:15 p.m. Thursday in a local hospital.

A native of Lake Charles, she had lived in Lake Arthur 17 years and owned and operated Shop-a-Lot Stores 1 and 2.

Survivors are her husband; one son, Darrell Lane Cormier; two daughters, Shayne and Heather Rae Cormier, all of Lake Arthur; one brother, Bob Higginbotham of Sulphur, two sisters, Theresa Roth of Moss Bluff and Penny Higginbotham of Lake Charles, and her mother, Mrs. Leona Higginbotham of Sulphur.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/10/1989

Leediana Faul Higginbotham (1915-1989) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Leediana Higginbotham, 73, will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the new church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 1:20 p.m. Monday in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point.

Survivors include three sons, Gervais Higginbotham of Church Point, Preston Higginbotham of Eunice and Warren Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; a sister, Mrs. Eva Savoy of Thibodeaux; 15 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today.

Duhon Funeral home of Church Point is charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 5/16/1989

Bobblin Higginbotham (1940-1989) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning in the Guidry Funeral Home Chapel for Mr. Boblin Higginbotham, 49, who died at 4 p.m. yesterday at American Legion Hospital in Crowley. Burial will be in the St. Bridgett Catholic Church Cemetery in Lawtell.

A Rosary will be held tonight at 7 p.m. at Guidry Funeral Home. Visitation will be from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. tonight and from 8 a.m. til services tomorrow morning.

Survivors include Essie Prejean, Iris Prejean and Lucille Higginbotham, all of Lawtell.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of all arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/29/1989

Eula Mary Higginbotham Cushman (1926-1989) LA

Funeral services for Eula Cushman, 63, of Opelousas, will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at La. Memorial United Methodist Church in Opelousas with burial at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Washington.

A wake will begin at 11 a.m. today and end at 11 p.m. and will resume at 8 a.m. Tuesday.

Mrs. Cushman died at 3:55 p.m. Sunday, May 28, at Opelousas General Hospital.

Survivors include her husband, Luther Cushman of Little Teche; one son, Jonathan Cushman of Little Teche; one brother, Garland Higginbotham of Eunice; one sister, Rita Higg of Opelousas.

Mrs. Cushman was a native of Church Point and co-owner of the Sisters Cafe in Opelousas.

Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 8/22/1989

Ethel Ester Boudreaux Higginbotham (1923-1989) LA

Church Pt., La. - Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Vories "Sis" Higginbotham, 66, the former Esther Ethyl Boudreaux, who died in Doctor's Hospital Monday. Burial will be in the church mausoleum.

Survivors include four brothers, Frank Boudreaux of China, Texas, Austin Boudreaux of Port Arthur, Robert Boudreaux of Church Point and Ashton Boudreaux of Cankton; seven sisters, Delphine Richard of Church Point, Elsie Perrodin of Higginbotham, Bertha Comeaux of Lafayette, Eldina Meche of Higginbotham, Loretta Savoy of Pt. Acres, Texas, Leona Perrodin of Lafayette and Betty Savoie of Cankton.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/13/1989

Marie Doucet Higginbotham (1916-1989) LA

Waxia - Funeral services for Marie D. Higginbotham, 73, will be held at 10 a.m. today at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Port Barre. Burial will be in the church mausoleum.

Higginbotham, a resident of Waxia, died at 5 p.m. Saturday at the Opelousas General Hospital.

Survivors include: five sons, Albert Higginbotham and Dean Higginbotham of Washington, Allen Higginbotham of Carencro, Oneal Higginbotham of Opelousas, and Christopher Higginbotham of Waxia; two daughters, Mrs. James "Helen" Schexnayder of Arnaudville, Mrs. Harold "Martha" Knott of Arnaudville; three brothers, Narcise Doucet of Waxia, Al Duce Doucet of Opelousas, Alfred Doucet of Elizabeth; five sisters, Gertrude Stelly, Yvonne Soileau, Cecile LeBlanc of Waxia, Irene Guidroz of Port Barre, Marguerite Wyble of Opelousas; 23 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.

Sibille Funeral Home in Port Barre was in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 11/28/1989

Mertice Emily Higginbotham Roberts (1907-1989) LA

Leesville - Services for Mertice Emily Roberts will be at 10 a.m. today in the chapel of Hixson with the Revs. T.J. Crosby and John Littleton officiating. Burial will be in the Canaan Cemetery

Mrs. Roberts, 81, of Leesville died Sunday in St. Francis Cabrini Hospital, Alexandria.

Survivors include three sons, Howard Roberts and Harold Roberts, both of Leesville, and Horace Roberts of Anacoco; one daughter, Odessa Jones of Atlanta; one brother, Ernest Higginbotham of Leesville; four sisters, Edith Williams and Laura Parker, both of Leesville, Edna Roberts of Westlake and Beulah Strong of Lake Charles; 13 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Friends may call from 8 a.m. until time of service today in the funeral home.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 12/4/1989

Kleabert Higginbotham (1910-1989) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mr. Kleabert Higginbotham, 79, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Guidry Funeral Home Chapel here with burial in the Old Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Opelousas, died at 2 a.m. today in Opelousas General Hospital.

Survivors include his wife, the former Edolia Castille of Opelousas; a brother, Gilbert Higginbotham of Opelousas; two sisters, Mrs. Leonce Fontenot of Church Point and Mrs. Louisiana Colligan of Sulphur.

A rosary will be recited at 8:30 p.m. today.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/12/1990

Euphemie Higginbotham Lavergne (1919-1990) LA

Port Barre - Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Euphemie Higginbotham Lavergne, 70, who died at 2:40 p.m. Wednesday at Doctor's Hospital in Opelousas.

Burial will be in the old Scared Heart Cemetery.

Survivors include her husband, Jacque Lavergne, Port Barre; two sons, Austin J. Lavergne and Ashton Lavergne, Port Barre; three daughters, Mrs. James (Joyce) LaHaye, Port Barre, Mrs. Andrew (Cheryl) Landry, Washington and Mrs. Edmond (Debra) Godeaux, Texas City, Texas; one brother, Leonce Higginbotham, Port Barre; two sisters, Mrs. Eugene (Josephine) Doucet, Opelousas and Mrs. Curtis (Marcelette) Soileau, Port Barre; five grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Visiting hours will be observed today until time of services.

Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre is in charge of arrangements.



The Richland Beacon-News 1/18/1990

John Arthur Higginbotham (1910-1990) MS/LA

Delhi - Funeral services for John Arthur Higginbotham, 79, of Delhi, were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, January 16, 1990, in the chapel of the Winnsboro First National Funeral Home in Winnsboro with the Rev. Marion Collier officiating.

Burial followed in Harris Cemetery in Crowville under the direction of the First National Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham died Sunday, January 14, 1990.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rosa Mae Higginbotham of Delhi; two daughters, Mrs. Dorris G. McHenry of Dickenson, Tex., and Mrs. Phyllis Reid of Delhi; two sisters, Mrs. Eva Neal Crick of Baton Rouge, and Mrs. Margueriete Hayes of Mio, Mich.; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Pallbearers were Kenneth Higginbotham, Jerry Grant, Todd Tisdale, Bertrand McHenry, Kelvin McHenry and Heath McHenry.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/23/1990

Herman Gessner Higginbotham (19-6-1990) LA

Abbeville - Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Vincent Funeral Home Chapel for Herman Gessner Higginbotham, 83, Who died at 7:48 p.m. Sunday at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Alvin (Lorraine) Geyer, Lafayette; one sister, Mrs. Meta H. Cooley, Maxie; two grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Visiting hours will be observed from 4-9 p.m. Tuesday and from 9 a.m. Wednesday until time of service.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Acadiana, P.O. Box 3467, Lafayette 70502.

Vincent Funeral Home of Abbeville is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/25/1990

John Wilman Higginbotham (1939-1990) LA

Rayne - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Church of the Assumption in Mire for John W. Higginbotham, 50, who died Tuesday at 10:45 p.m. at his residence.

Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Norma Dien Higginbotham, Mire; two daughters, Daire Johnson, Higginbotham and Dana Higginbotham, Los Angeles, Calif.; mother, Mrs. Irene Higginbotham, Church Point; two brothers, Richard Higginbotham, Mire and Randy Higginbotham, Church Point; and two grandsons.

He was retired with the State of Louisiana as a real estate officer.

He was a member of the Knights of Columbus; Woodmen of the World; American Right of Way Association and American Society of Notaries.

Gossen Funeral Home of Rayne is in charge of arrangements.



The Rayne Acadian-Tribune 2/4/1990

Beatrice Young Higginbotham (1920-1990) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Mack Higginbotham, 69, the former Beatrice Young of Church Point, were held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 30, at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church in Lake Charles.

Msgr. Irving LeBlanc officiated and burial was in Highland Memory Gardens under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham died at 1:28 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Hospital in Lake Charles. She was a resident of Lake Charles for 43 years and was retired from employment with th Calcasieu Parish School Board.

Survivors are her husband, Mack Higginbotham of Lake Charles; one daughter, Patty Mazzo of Beaumont, Tex.; five sons, Darrell, Bernard, Ferlin and Ronald, all of Lake Charles, and Gerald "Tony" Higginbotham of China, Tex.; six sisters, Nora Rayon and Flo Stanley, both of Church Point, Wilma Fontenot of Branch, Jane Huckaby of Eunice, Emma Carlin of Rayne and Elverna Carrier of Opelousas; one brother, Floyd Young of Fall River, Mass; 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Lawrence "Beb" Young and Bernadette O'Pry; two brothers, Lawrence and Walter Young; one sister, Bernadine Y. Robinson; and also by one grandson and one great grandson.

Pallbearers were six grandsons.



The Advocate 06/26/1990
Linda Muse Higginbotham (1950-1990) LA

Died 6:50 a.m. Saturday, June 23, 1990, at Charity Hospital, New Orleans. She was 39, a native and resident of Greensburg. Visiting at M.J.R. Friendly Service Funeral Home, Greensburg, 5 to 10 p.m. Tuesday. Religious services at Turner's Chapel AME Church, Greensburg, 1 p.m. Wednesday, conducted by the Rev. Stanley Carter. Burial in church cemetery. Survived by husband, James E. Higginbotham; a son, James A. Higginbotham; two daughters, Antwyla and Katrena Higginbotham; and mother-in-law, Mary Higginbotham, all of Greensburg; two sisters, Vera Anderson and Mattie Higginbotham; and a brother, Ivy Muse, all of New Orleans; a grandson; five brothers-in-law; seven sisters-in-law; numerous other relatives and friends. She was a member of OES No. 113.



The Shreveport Times 6/29/1990

Ruby Hightower Higginbotham (1902-1990) LA

Ruston, LA - Services for Mrs. Ruby Hightower Higginbotham, 88, will be held at 10:30 a.m., Friday, June 29, 1990 at Kilpatrick Funeral home in Ruston, with the Rev. Richard Blue, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Ringgold officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery in Ruston, under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home of Ruston.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday, June 28, 1990 at the Ringgold Nurse Care Center in Ringgold, La. following a lengthy illness. She was a longtime resident of Ruston and member of the First Baptist Church of Ruston. She was a member of the KIT Club at The First Baptist Church of Ruston.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Higginbotham.

She is survived by numerous nieces and nephews.

Any planned memorials may be made to First Baptist Church of Ruston.

Her nephews will serve as pallbearers.

Visitations will be from 5 to 9 p.m., Thursday and after 8 a.m. of Friday at the funeral home.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 8/2/1990

Gertie Mae Higginbotham Deville Perrodin (1933-1990) LA

Plaisance - Funeral services for Mrs. Vuris Perrodin, the former Gertie Mae Higginbotham, 56, will be held (time pending) Friday in St. Andrew's Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Perrodin, a resident of Plaisance, died at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at her residence.

Survivors include her husband, Vuris Perrodin of Plaisance; three sons, Vuris Perrodin Jr. of Ville Platte, Ricky Perrodin of Bayou Chicot and Robert Perrodin of Galveston, Texas; eight daughters, Mrs. Michael (Billie) Red of Ville Platte, Ms. Toni Perrodin of Lafayette, Ms. Rita Perrodin of Opelousas, Ms. Kathy Perrodin of Plaisance, Mrs. Arrol (Dean) Lee of Metairie, Mrs. Gloria Downey of Lamar, Texas, Mrs. Cheryl Burn of Galveston, Texas, and Ms. Linda Perrodin of Houston, Texas; 19 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Ardoins Funeral Home of Ville Platte is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 8/17/1990

Maude Daigle Higginbotham (1914-1990) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Maude Higginbotham, 76, the former Maude Daigle, who died at 1:45 p.m. Thursday at Doctor's Hospital.

Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Visitation began yesterday and will continue until time of service.

She was a resident of Port Barre.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by two sons, Carl V. Higginbotham of Lake Arthur and Hubert Higginbotham of Port Barre; two sisters, Mrs. Howard Daugereaux of Church Point and Mrs. Wesley Johnson of Opelousas; and two grandchildren, Carl Vernon Higginbotham Jr. and Oscar Paul Higginbotham.

Guidry Funeral Home is Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 9/12/1990

Warren Lawson Higginbotham (1914-1990) LA

Services for Warren Lossen Higginbotham will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in the chapel of John Kramer & Son with the Rev.. Thomas C. Beeler officiating. Entombment will be in the Alexandria Memorial Gardens mausoleum.

Higginbotham, 75, od Alexandria die at 3:38 p.m. Tuesday in St. Francis Cabrini Hospital.

He was a retired switchman, serving 33 years with the Missouri-Pacific Railroad. He was a member of the UTU and Trinity United Methodist Church. He was a World War II Army veteran.

Survivors include his wife, Effie Smith Higginbotham of Alexandria; one brother, Milburn Higginbotham of Galveston, Texas; three sisters, Dorothy H. Wilks of Little Rock, Ark., and Clara McCartney and Myrtle Price, Both of Baton Rouge.

Friends may call from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. today and from 8:30 a.m. until time of services Thursday in the funeral home.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 10/31/1990

Gilbert Higginbotham (190801990) LA

Funeral services for Mr. Gilbert Higginbotham, 82, will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home Chapel on the Old Senset Road in Opelousas with burial in Bellevue Memorial Park.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Opelousas, died at 3:15 a.m. today in Doctor's Hospital in Opelousas.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Edna "Ed" Faul Higginbotham of Opelousas; two sisters, Mrs. LEonce (Lena) Fontenot of Church Point and Mrs. Bertrand (Louisiana) Colligan of Sulphur; and two grandchildren.

Visiting hours ar e from 3-10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. until time of services on Thursday. A rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m.

Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the Old Sunset Road in Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 1/20/1991

Rhonda Rehnee Smith Higginbotham (1950-1991) LA

Winnfield - Services for Rhonda Rehnee Higginbotham will be at 2 p.m today in the chapel of Southern with Dr. Calvin Phelps officiating. Burial will be in Yankee Springs Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, 41, of Denham Springs died Friday in Our Lady of the Lakes Hospital in Baton Rouge.

She was a member of Laurel Heights Baptist Church.

Survivors include one daughter, Angela Nicole Meadors of Baton Rouge; one brother, Randy Smith of Jonesboro; her maternal grandmother, Virgie Carter of Winnfield; and one grandchild.

Friends may call from 10 a.m. until time of services today in the funeral home.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/29/1991

Joseph Leslie Higginbotham (1933-1991) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mr. Leslie "Dooney" Higginbotham, 57, were to be held at 10:30 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 9 a.m. Monday in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point.

Survivors include: his wife, the Former Mary Lee Briscoe of Church Point; a daughter, Mrs. Robert (Carolyn) Stone of Church Point; a brother, Irby Higginbotham of Church Point; and four grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church point was in charge of arrangements.



The Delhi Dispatch 1/31/1991

Rosa Mae Ogden Higginbotham (1905-1991) MS/LA

Delhi - Services for Mrs. Rosa Mae Higginbotham, 85, of Delhi, were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, January 27, 1991, in the chapel of the Winnsboro First National Funeral Home of Winnsboro with the Rev. Marion Collier officiating.

Burial followed in the Harris Cemetery near Crowville under the direction of the funeral home.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Friday, January 25, 1991, following a brief illness.

She is survived by two daughters and one son-in-law, Doris Jean McHenry and Elric McHenry of Dickenson, Tex., and Mrs. Phyllis Darlene Reid, also of Dickenson, Tex.; three sisters, Mrs. Linnie Allison of Lyman, Miss., Ms. Alice Ogden and Mrs. Vera Chevalier, both of Delhi; one brother, Johnny Ogden of Delhi; four grandchildren, Bertran McHenry, Kelvin McHenry, Heath McHenry and Stacy Brant; and one great-granddaughter, Victoria Marie McHenry.

Pallbearers were Kenneth Higginbotham, Bertrand McHenry, Kelvin McHenry, Elric McHenry, Allen Ogden and Robert A. Crick.




Bernice Higginbotham Quiette (ca1889-1991) LA

Died 3:45 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, 1991, at Riverland Health Care Center, Lutcher. She was 93. Visiting at Lutcher Chapel United Methodist Church, 9 a.m. to religious services at 10 a.m. Monday, conducted by the Rev. William Jones. Burial in Southern Memorial Gardens, Baton Rouge. Survived by three sisters, Vada Hatfield, Georgia and Alma Higginbottom, all of Lutcher; a number of nieces; nephews; cousins; other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by parents, Martha Walls and Johnny Higginbottom; and husband, James Quiette. Brazier-Watson Funeral Home, Donaldsonville, in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/21/1991

Allen John Higginbotham (1935-1991) LA

Carencro - Funeral services for Mr. Allen Higginbotham, 55, will be held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday in St. Peter's Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Port Barre nd a resident of Carencro for the past 33 years, died at 10:10 p.m. Thursday at University Medical Canter in Lafayette.

Survivors include: his wife, the former Mary Ann Comeaux of Carencro; two sons, Glenn and Shane Higginbotham, both of Carencro; three daughters, Mrs. Raphael (Annette) Faul of Carencro, Mrs. Oveil (Sarah) Richard Jr. and Mrs. Derek (Kathy) Begnaud, both of Scott; four brothers, O'Neal Higginbotham of Opelousas, Albert, Dean and Chris Higginbotham, all of Port Barre; two sisters, Mrs. James (Helen) Schexnyder and Mrs. HArold (Martha) Knott, both of Arnaudville; and four grandchildren.

Visiting hours are from 10 a.m. today until time of services on Saturday. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m.

Melancon Funeral Home of Carencro is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 7/24/1991

Lola Nall Higginbotham (1901-1991) LA

Services for Lola Nall Higginbotham will be at 2 p.m. today in the chapel of Hixson Bros. with the Rev. David Boothe officiating.

Burial will be in Greenwood Memorial Park, Pineville.

Mrs. Higginbotham, 90, of Alexandria died at 12:10 a.m. Tuesday in Naomi Heights Nursing Home.

She was a native of Porch, Ala., and a retired supervisor for South Central Bell. She was a charter member of Calvary Baptist Church. She was a member of the Telephone Pioneers and the Communication Workers of America.

Survivors include two daughters, Dorothy Mitchell of Alexandria and Genelle Foster of Baton Rouge; 13 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren.

Friends may call from 10 a.m. until time of services today in the funeral home.



The Crowley Post-Signal 10/9/1991

Marie Ruby Higginbotham Bihm (1921-1991) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. John Bihm, the former Ruby Higginbotham, 70, who died at 1:45 p.m. Tuesday in an Opelousas hospital, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, with burial in the church cemetery.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Ferdie (Sherry) Miller and Mrs. Daniel (Donna) Guidry, both of Church Point; three brothers, Austin, George and Harry Higginbotham, all of Church Point; one sister, Mrs. Valerie LeJeune of Richard; and three grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 11/27/1991

Clifford Joseph Higginbotham (1927-1991) LA

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial Wednesday in the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Churchin Scott for Clifford J. Higginbotham, 64, who died Monday, Nov. 25, 1991 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

The Rev. Tommy Calais, associate pastor, will officiate. Entombment will be in the church mausoleum.

Higginbotham was a native of Church Point, son of the former Lillian Matte and the late Ephram Higginbotham, and had been a resident of Lafayette for the past 30 years. Before his retirement in 1986, he worked for over 26 years for the City of Lafayette Utilities System as an electrical service distributor. He was a veteran of World War II serving in the Army in Japan and in his spare time he spent many hours training horses.

Survivors include his wife, the former Helen Jenise of Lafayette; mother, Mrs. Ephram (Lillian) Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Mrs. Jerry (Brenda) Potter of Duson and Mrs. Mike (Marlene) Sterns of Lafayette: three sons, Burt Higginbotham of Youngsville, Martin Higginbotham of Lafayette and Danny Higginbotham of Scott; two sisters, Mrs. Joyce H. Boudreaux of Church Point and Mrs. Robert (Mildred) Vincent of Sulphur; 18 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

He was receded in death by his father and one daughter, Janelle Norman.

Pallbearers are Burt, Martin and Danny Higginbotham, Jerry Potter, Matthew Harmon, and john Anderson. Honorary pallbearers are Phillip Higginbotham, Hunter Norman, Chris Harmon and Greg Higginbotham.

Visitation will be held today from 8 a.m. to service time.

Delhomme Funeral Home, Bertrand Drive, is in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) - Monday, February 3, 1992
Vories Higginbotham (1908-1992) LA

Died 4:22 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 1, 1992, at his residence in Baker. He was 83, a native of Church Point. He was a retired Exxon USA Carpenter with 25 years service. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home East, 11000 Florida Blvd., 9 a.m. to religious services at 11 a.m. Monday, conducted by the Rev. Father Gary Belsome. Burial in Resthaven Gardens of Memory. Survived by wife, Anna Verdie d'Augereaux Higginbotham, Baker; five daughters, Mrs. A.M. (Patty) Ory, Baker, Mrs. Gene (Gloria "Bobbie") Cline,New Orleans, Mrs. John (Carolyn) Blanchard, Baton Rouge, Mrs. Evest (Ellen) Broussard, Baton Rouge, and Mrs. James (Cheryl) Cannon, Denver, Colo.; two brothers, Howard and Willary Higginbotham, both of Church Point; 15 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by parents, Abner and Electa Colligan Higginbotham; five brothers; and two sisters. Pallbearers will be grandsons, George R., Albert V. and Norman J. Ory, Evest A. Broussard III, Errol A. Broussard and John C. Blanchard. He was a member of St. Isidore Catholic Church of Baker.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 2/26/1992

Virginia Higginbotham Marks (1902-1992) LA

Arnaudville - Funeral services for Mrs. Raymond Marks, the Former Virginia higginbotham, 90, will be held at 4 p.m. today in St. Francis Regis Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

The Rev. Warren Broussard will conduct the services.

Mrs. Marks, a native and lifelong resident of Arnaudville, died at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday in Doctor's Hospital in Opelousas. She was a member of the V.F.W of Arnaudville Ladies Auxiliary.

Survivors include: a grandchild.

Melancon Funeral home of Arnaudville is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 7/15/1992

Amy Higginbotham Matte (1897-1992) LA

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. in St. Michael's Catholic Church for Mrs. Amy Higginbotham Matte, 95, who died Tuesday at 9:45 p.m. at Heritage Manor Nursing Home. Burial will be held in the Woodlawn Cemetery. Officiating for the services will be Father Mario Romero.

A rosary will be recited tonight at 7. Visitation hours are from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. today and on Thursday from 8 a.m. until time of services.

She is survived by three sons, Harvey Matte, A.J. Matte and Ken Matte, a;; of Crowley; one daughter, Mrs. Norman (Clorita Matte) Ladner of Port Arthur, Texas; nine grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Matte was owner of Matte Cleaners in Port Arthur for many years.

Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home is in charge of all arrangements.



The Bunkie Record 8/13/1992

Cora Rosa Landry Higginbotham (1908-1992) LA

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7, at the St. John the Evangelist Cathedral for Mrs. Charlie P. Higginbotham, 84, who died at 10:50 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1992, at the Medical Center of Southwest Louisiana.

The Rev. Lloyd Benoit, associate pastor, conducted the services. Interment followed in the St. John Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Cora Landry, was a native of Broussard, the daughter of the late Edgar Landry and Elise Guidry, a resident of Lafayette for the past 63 years. She was a member of the St. John Ladies Altar Society, St. Ann Society, Catholic Daughters of America, Immaculata Court 503, and the Myrtle Place Rosary Club.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Patrick (Dolores) DeRouen of Lafayette of Mire and Mrs. Ronald (Lois) Duhon of Lafayette; one brother, Aristile "Gee" Landry of Franklin; eight grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Charlie P. Higginbotham; one sister, Elza Bourque; five brothers, Zeus, Adonis, Ulysses, Norbert and Desire Landry; and two great grandsons.

Pallbearers were Pat DeRouen Jr., Stephen DeRouen, Brian Duhon, Wayne Scallan, Clint Laviolette and Paul Mouton.

Delhomme Funeral Home of Lafayette was in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 12/23/1992

Joseph Walker Higginbotham Sr. (1917-1992) TX/LA

Shreveport, LA - Services for Joseph Walker Higginbotham Sr., 75, will be held at 10 a.m., Thursday, December 24, 1992 at Rose-Neath's Southside Chapel. Officiating will be Rev. Jay Hoyt, pastor of Central Christian Church. Burial will be in Forest Park West.

Mr. Higginbotham died Monday, December 21, 1992 at Wills Knighton Medical Center after a brief illness. He was born in Troup, Texas and had resided in Greenwood and Shreveport most of his life. Mr. Higginbotham was retired from the City of Shreveport after 49 years. He was a member of the Greenwood United Methodist Church, attended Central Christian Church, was a member of the American Legion and Louisiana Wood Carvers Association.

He is survived by his wife, Mary Louise Shields Higginbotham of Shreveport; son, Joseph Walker Higginbotham Jr. and wife, Debbie, of Little Rock, Ark.; grandson, Joseph Walker Higginbotham III; one sister, Loretta Higginbotham Chambers of Shreveport; one brother, Samuel J. Higginbotham, Sun City, AZ; several nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be James Higginbotham, David Chambers, Ollie Johnson, Everett Cathey, Chris Thomas and Joe DeFatta.

Rose-Neath Funeral Home Southside Chapel, 687-1256



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/10/1993

Elise Marks Higginbotham (1902-1993) LA

Arnaudville - Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph Higginbotham, 90, the former Elise Marks, will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at St. Regis Catholic Church here with burial following in St. John Cemetery in Lafayette.

The Rev. John Israel will conduct services.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Arnaudville, died at 3 a.m. Saturday at Doctor's Hospital in Opelousas.

She was a member of the Ladies Altar Society of St. Francis Regis Catholic Church.

A rosary is scheduled for 7 p.m. today.

Melachon Funeral Home of Arnaudville is in charge of arrangements.



The Bunkie Record 1/21/1993

Beulah Higginbotham Breaux (1910-1993) LA

Lafayette - Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Saturday at Martin & Castille Funeral Home Chapel for Mrs. Beulah H. Breaux, 82, the former Beulah Higginbotham, who died at 3:15 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14, 1993, at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

The Rev. Lloyd F. Benoit, associate pastor, Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, was celebrant of the Funeral Mass. Interment was in the St. John Cemetery.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Stanley (Savannah) Viator of Duson and Mrs. Henry (Brenda) Sonnier of Scott; four grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Edward (Lula Mae) Pieczko of Stamford, Conn.

She is preceded in death by her parents ands her husband, Louis Breaux.

A native and lifelong resident of Lafayette, Mrs. Breaux was the daughter of the late William Higginbotham and the former Philomene Bourgeois, both Lafayette natives.

Pallbearers were Stanley and Kenneth Viator, Henry and Chad Sonnier, Jamie Clark and David LeBlanc. Honorary pallbearers were Kerry and Terry Clark.

Martin & Castille Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) 2/4/1993

Daisy Lee Higginbotham Guliiory (1924-1993) LA
Died 8:45 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1993, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. She was 69, a native of Lottie and a resident of Erwinville. Visiting was held at Niland's Funeral Home, New Roads, 5 to 10 p.m. Wednesday. Visiting at the funeral home, 8 a.m. until religious services at 10 a.m. Thursday. Burial in Chenal Cemetery. Survived by five daughters, Mary Guillory, Addis, Irene Allen, Baton Rouge, Patsy Wilson, Port Allen, Gloria Rowe, Chalmette, and Jeanette Thomason, Watson; five sons, Leonard Guillory, Lakeland, Robert Guillory, Baton Rouge, Roger Guillory, Denham Springs, George Guillory, Port Allen, and Louis Guillory Tadlock, Chalmette; two sisters, Alma Sagona, Baton Rouge, and Julia Smith, Mississippi; three brothers, Calvin Higginbotham, Mississippi, Irwin Higginbotham, Maringouin, and Howard Higginbotham, Lottie; 28 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by husband, Louis Verne Guillory; parents, Ivan and Martha Higginbotham; two sons, Harold and Raymond Guillory; and a grandchild, Tracy Guillory.


The Times (Shreveport, LA) 4/6/1993

William M. Higginbotham (194101993) AR/LA

Bossier City, LA - Services for W.M. (Bill) Higginbotham, 51, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 7, 1993 at Rockett Funeral Home Chapel in Ringgold. Officiating will be Rev. Robert Batchelor. Burial will be in Little Hope Cemetery.

Originally from Magnolia, Ark., a resident of Shreveport and Bossier City for 20 years, college degree in business, formerly worked at Bossier Bank & Trust Co. as a loan officer and was area supervisor for Liberty Loan Association for eight years; was presently self-employed as a managing general insurance agent.

He died of a lengthy illness on April 5, 1993 at his home in Bossier City, La.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Marvin and Ethel Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife, Betty Nunn Higginbotham; two step-children, Cyndy James of Castor, Sgt. Gregory Nunn of New Orleans, La.; three special grandchildren, Jeaneal, Mena and Cody.

The family gives special thanks to the doctors and nurses at LSU Medical Center and the Hospice of La. Team for all their kindness and support.

Pallbearers will be Walt Kenner, S.K. Clancy, Rusty LeBouef, Aubrey Riche, Ralph Mitchell and Bill Garrett.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 4/9/1993

Bertha Latiolais Higginbotham (1901-19930 LA

Crowley - Funeral services for Mrs. Bertha Latiolais Higginbotham, 91, will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in St. Michael's Catholic Church here with burial in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Cemetery in Church Point.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Crowley and a native of Church Point, died at 10 a.m. Thursday in Heritage Manor Nursing Home in Crowley.

Survivors include: two sons, Joseph Johnson of Chicago, Ill., and Patrick Higginbotham of Morse; a stepson, Clinton Higginbotham of Lafayette; a daughter, Mary Ann LeLeux of Crowley; three step-daughters, Mrs. Lizzi Latiolais of Lafayette, Mrs. Lena Latiolais and Mrs. Agatha McMillan, both of Lake Charles; a brother, Ovide Latiolais of Lafayette; two sisters, Mrs. Ora Johnson and Mrs. Aline Moreau, both of Church Point; 11 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; 13 step grandchildren; 29 step-great-grandchildren and nine step great-great-grandchildren.

Visitation will be held in Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home in Crowley. A rosary will be recited at 6 p.m.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 7/19/1993

Iris Higginbotham Prejean (1921-1993) LA

Lawtell - Funeral services for Mrs. Iris Higginbotham Prejean, 71, will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in St. Bridget Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

The Rev. Austin Leger will conduct the services.

Mrs. Prejean, a resident of Lawtell, died at 1:33 p.m. Sunday in Opelousas General Hospital. She was a retired school bus driver.

Survivors include: two sons, Kenneth Prejean of St. Louis, Mo., and Darold Prejean of Breaux Bridge; four daughters, Charlene Smith, Mona P. Prejean and Diana Walkowiak, all of Lawtell, and Glynda Fontenot of Lafayette; a sister, Lucille Higginbotham of Beaumont, Texas; 11 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Visiting hours are from 11 a.m.-11 p.m. today and from 7 a.m. Tuesday until time of services on Tuesday. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m.

Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the Old Sunset Hwy. in Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily World 7/20/1993

Ethel Higginbotham Bergeron (1907-1993) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Vincent Bergeron, the former Ethel Higginbotham, 85, will be held at 4 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church mausoleum.

Mrs. Bergeron, a resident of Church Point, died at 12:30 p.m. Monday in Lafayette General Medical Center. She taught school at Church Point Elementary for a number of years.

Survivors include: a sister, Mrs. Elsie H. Mouille of Church Point.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser 8/5/1993

Pearl Flavia Higginbotham Brant (1913-1993) TX/LA

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, August 5, 1993 in Delhomme Bertrand Chapel of the Flowers for Pearl F. Brant, 80, who died at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 4, 1993 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

Rev. Bruce Headley, associate pastor of First Assembly of God Church, will officiate. Interment will take place in Lafayette Memorial Park Cemetery.

Pearl, daughter of the late Jesse Higginbotham and the former Claudia Warren, was a native of Galveston, Texas. Having lived most of her life in Houston, she was a Lafayette resident for the past 15 years. She was and outstanding volunteer for Meals on Wheels, was employed by Lafayette Greenhouse and was a member of First Assembly of God Church.

Survivors include: two daughters, Mrs. Rick (Betty) Reynolds, Lafayette, Mrs. Jimmy (Evelyn) Bundy, Houston; two sisters, Helen Elam, Hattiesburg, MS, and Eva Bell, Houston; one brother, Maxwell Higginbotham, San Antonio, Texas; nine grandchildren, Wesley D. Janise, Mrs. Lyle (Sherry) Rogers, John Russell Janise and Rick R. Reynolds II, all of Lafayette, Amanda Louvier, Sulphur, Phillip W. Bundy and Stephanie D. Bundy, both of Houston, Robert A Reynolds, Banning, Calif., and William T. Reynolds, Carencro; 11 great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Ralph M. Brant; one sister, Ruth Wilcox; and one brother, Jack Higginbotham.

Pallbearers will be: Wesley Janise, Russell Janise, Ricky Reynolds, Bill Reynolds, Phillip Bundy and Lyle Rogers. Honorary pallbearers will be: Daniel Janise, Matthew Janise, Andrew Malaxonis, Brandon Malaxonis and Richard Reynolds.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 8:00 a.m. to services time today.

Delhomme Funeral Homes, 1011 Bertrand Drive, is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 12/8/1993

Shirley Mae Riegle Hickingbottom (1933-1963) PA/LA

Shreveport, LA - Funeral services for Mrs. Shirley M. Hickingbottom, 60, of Shreveport were held at 10 a.m., Tuesday, November 30, 1993 at Rose-Neath's Southside Chapel. Officiating was Dr. Howard Hall, pastor of Shreveport Baptist Temple. Burial was in Forest Lawn West.

Mrs. Hickingbottom, a native of Lebanon, PA and resident of Shreveport since 1952, died Friday, November 26, 1993 at 11:42 p.m. at Schumpert Medical Center after a lengthy illness. She was supervisor of the EKG Department at Schumpert Medical Center for 17 years, and prior to that was an EKG technician at Highland Hospital for 17 years. Mrs. Hickingbottom was a Methodist.

She was preceded in death by her father, Daniel Riegle.

She is survived by her husband, Rod Hickingbottom of Shreveport, LA; mother, Dorothy Riegle of Lebanon, PA; one son, Ricky Hickingbottom of Shreveport, LA; one daughter, Pam Perrin of Grand Cane, LA' six sisters; two brothers' four grandchildren' one great-grandchild and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and a host of friends.

Pallbearers were David Tucker, David McKenzie, Jimmy Don Preuett, Joe LaCaze, Gonnell Preuett and Kevin Johnson.

The family wishes to express a special thanks to Dr. John C. Hardin, III, Dr. James S. Shelby, Sisater rose Marie and the MICU staff at Schumpert Medical Center.

Rose-Neath Funeral Home  Southside Chapel  687-1256



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 12/13/1993

Marie Bernadette LeBlanc Higginbotham (1899-1993) LA

Catahoula - Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1993, at St. Rita Catholic Church for Bernadette L. Higginbotham, 94, who died Sunday, Dec. 12, 1993 at St. Martinville Nursing Home.

Burial will be in Our Lady of the Lake Cemetery, Catahoula.

Survivors include: two sons, Lloyd "Red" Higginbotham, Catahoula, and Francis Higginbotham, St. Martinville; two daughters, Edith H. Blanchard, Parks, and Jeanette Higginbotham, Catahoula; one brother, Antoine LeBlanc, Catahoula; 21 grandchildren; 41 great-grandchildren; and six great-great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Dave Higginbotham; one daughter, Gertrude Theriot; two great-grandchildren, Robby Derousselle and Ryan Richard; and one sister, Odile Barras.

A Rosary was recited Monday at 7 p.m.

Visitation will be at Dion Church Hall, Catahoula from 8 a.m. today until service time Tuesday.

Pellerin Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) - Monday, December 27, 1993

Woodrow Wilson Higginbotham Sr. (1916-1993) LA

Died Thursday, Dec. 23, 1993, at his residence. He was 77, a resident of Greenwell Springs, former longtime resident of Baton Rouge and a native of New Roads. He was a retired employee of Exxon Refinery with more than 30 years of service and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Visiting at Welsh Funeral Home, 6700 Florida Blvd., 4 to 9 p.m. Monday, with Masonic services at 7:30 p.m. Monday, and 9 a.m. until religious services at 11 a.m. Tuesday, conducted by the Rev. Carol Winn. Burial in Greenoaks Memorial Park. Survived by wife, Bernice Richey Higginbotham, Greenwell Springs; two daughters and sons-in-law, Charlene and Jack Alderman, Baton Rouge, and Gwen and Harvey Crenshaw, Greenwell Springs; a son and daughter-in-law, Woodrow Jr., and Camille Higginbotham, Watson; two sisters, Annie Lea Stoltz and Flora Rachel Cook, both of Baton Rouge; two brothers, Elmo Lynn Higginbotham, Santee, Calif., and Robert Leslie Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; nine grandchildren, Tarra A. Bueche, Jack and Michael Alderman, Harvey, Felicia and Richey Crenshaw, and Trey, Troy and Blake Higginbotham; and three great-grandchildren, James and Terry Bueche and Dean Higginbotham. Preceded in death by parents and three brothers. Grandsons will serve as pallbearers. He was a member of Evangeline United Methodist Church, St. James Masonic Lodge No. 47 where he was a 32nd degree Mason, Baton Rouge Consistory and Acacia Shrine Temple. Donations may be made in his memory to Shiners Hospital for Crippled Children, Samford Avenue at King's Highway, Shreveport, 71103.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/19/1994

Marcelite Higginbotham Soileau (1920-1994) LA

Marcelite Higginbotham Soileau, 73, of Port Barre, died 1:20 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1994 at Doctor's Hospital in Opelousas. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. today at Sacred Heart Church in Port Barre. Entombment will be in the new Sacred Heart Mausoleum. Visitation will be 8 a.m. today until time of services. The Sibille Funeral Home Inc. of Port Barre is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 3/9/1994

Ruby Mae Higginbotham Nalley (1898-1994) TX/LA

Services for Ruby Higginbotham Nalley will be at 10:30 a.m. today in the chapel of John Kramer & Son. Burial will be in Philadelphia Cemetery, Libuse.

Mrs. Nalley, 95, of Pineville, died at 12:45 p.m. Monday, March 7, 1994, in Oak Haven Nursing Home, Center Point.

Survivors include one son, Donald J. Nalley of Pineville; two daughters, Bonnie N. Poston of Pineville and Mary L. Ryland of Ruby; 10 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

Friends may call from 8:30 a.m. until time of services today in the funeral home.



Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 3/16/1994

Willie Leon Higginbotham (1919-1994) LA

Funeral services for Willie Leon Higginbotham were held on Saturday, February 26, at 1:00 p.m. at the Choctaw Chapel Baptist Church in Waterproof, Louisiana with the Rev. L.H. Harris officiating.

Interment was in the Gibson Cemetery.

Survivors include: wife, Susie Carter; three sons, Willie Higginbotham Jr., and Robert Higginbotham Sr., of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Eugene Higginbotham of Washington, D.C.; four daughters, Annie Harvey and Jacqueline Ratcliff of Washington, D.C., Erma Jackson of Geismar, Louisiana, and Vera Abrams of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; two daughters-in-law, Aurilla Higginbotham and Ursula Higginbotham; three sons-in-law, Clarence Jackson Sr., Anthony Ratcliff and Leonard Harvey; twenty-one grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; one brother, Elam Higginbotham, and two sisters, Rosa Lee Watts and Cora Wallace; a host of relatives and friends.

Pallbearers were Curtis Jackson, Clarence Jackson Jr., Eugene Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham Jr., Robert Higginbotham Sr., Willie Higginbotham Jr.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) Sunday, April 10, 1994

Jerry Pipes Higginbotham Sr. (1933-1994) LA

Died 3 p.m. Friday, April 8, 1994, in Plaquemine. He was 60, a native and resident of Livingston. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Visiting at Satsuma Baptist Church, Satsuma, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, until religious services at 9 a.m. Monday, conducted by the Rev. Greg Robbins, the Rev. Richard Wallace and the Rev. R.E. Clark. Burial in Satsuma Baptist Church Cemetery.

Survived by wife, Frances Johnson Higginbotham, Livingston; three daughters, Cynthia Mizell, Livingston, Janie Mizell, Holden, Lynn Jones,Livingston; two sons, John Monroe Saucier, Livingston, and Jerry Pipes Higginbotham Jr., Livingston; four sisters, Jackie Morales, Albany, Rebecca Smith, Martha Lou Lee and Maggie Higginbotham, all of Livingston; seven brothers, Scott Higginbotham, Walker, Julius Higginbotham, Livingston, Louis Lodney Higginbotham, Walker, Mark Higginbotham, Phillip Higginbotham and Sterling Higginbotham, all of Livingston, and Charles Higginbotham, Texas; 17 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Preceded in death by parents, Jack and Willie Smart Higginbotham.

Pallbearers will be grandsons, Curtis Mizell Jr., Nathan Mizell, Richard White, Sammy and John Saucier Jr., and Matthew Higginbotham. Honorary pallbearers are grandsons, Chris and Jimmy Mizell.

He was a member of and served over 25 years as a deacon at Satsuma Baptist Church.

In lieu of flowers, family requests donations be made to Satsuma Baptist Church, 29680 South Satsuma Road, Satsuma, 70754. Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, in charge of arrangements.



The Church Point News 4/13/1994

Anna Virdie d'Augereaux Higginbotham (1918-1994) LA

Funeral services were held Wednesday, April 6 at 12 noon in the St. Louis King of France Catholic Church for Anna "Verdie" Higginbotham, 81, a resident of Baker and a native of Church Point. She died Sunday, April 3, 1994 at Lane Memorial Hospital in Zachery. Burial was in Resthaven Gardens of Memories under the direction of Fabenhorst Funeral Home in Baton Rouge.

Survivors are five daughters, Mrs. Albert M. (Patty) Ory, Mrs. Gene (Bobbie) Cline, Mrs. John A. (Carolyn) Blanchard, Mrs Evest A. (Ellen) Broussard II and Mrs. James (Cheryl) Cannon; 15 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Vories Higginbotham, a native of Church Point, who was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Nap Higginbotham of Church Point.



Crowley Post Signal 14 June 1994

John Willery Higginbotham (1933-1994) LA

Willery (Pete) Higginbotham – CHURCH POINT – Funeral services were held this morning at 11 a.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Willery (Pete) Higginbotham, 80, who died Sunday, June 12, 7:30 p.m. in Doctors Hospital in Opelousas. Entombment followed in the Church Mausoleum. Fr. Hebert DeLauney officiated. Survivors include three sons, Donald and Barry Higginbotham of Church Point; and Elliott Higginbotham of Roberts Cove; one brother, Howard Higginbotham of Church Point; and seven grandchildren. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Woodmen of World Evergreen Camp 444. Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 6/28/1994

Laura Lee Higginbotham Parker (1916-1994) LA

Leesville - Services for Laura Higginbotham Parker will be at 2 p.m. today in Pine Hill Baptist Church with the Revs. Bobby McCullough and Bud McCullough officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery under direction of Beauregard-Vernon.

Mrs. Parker, 77, of Leesville died at 12:15 p.m. Sunday, June 26, 1994, in Community Care Center.

She was a native of Beauregard Parish. She was a member of Pine Hill Baptist Church and a homemaker.

Survivors include two sons, Marvin Parker and Bobby R. Parker, both of Leesville; one daughter, Mamie Jones of Simpson; one brother, Earnie Higginbotham of Leesville; one sister, Beulah Young of Lake Charles; nine grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Friends may call from 8-11:30 a.m. in the funeral home and from noon until time of services in the church.


The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) - Tuesday, July 5, 1994

Laura Pollet Higginbotham (1900-1994) LA

Died Sunday, July 3, 1994, at 3 p.m. at Baton Rouge General Medical Center. She was 94, a native of Lutcher, former resident of Central Espana, Cuba, and a resident of Baton Rouge. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government St., 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, and 9 to 9:45 a.m. Wednesday. Religious services at St. Joseph Cathedral at 10 a.m. Wednesday, conducted by the Rev. Frank Uter. Interment in Greenoaks Memorial Park. Survived by a son, Oscar Higginbotham Jr., River Ridge; two sisters, Nita McAdams and Hilda Hulbert, both of Baton Rouge; three grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild; and numerous nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by husband, Oscar Higginbotham Sr.. She was a member of St. Joseph Cathedral.



Times Picayune 08/16/1994

Norman Arthur Higginbotham (1943-1994) TX/LA

Norman Arthur Higginbotham, chairman of the chemistry and physics department at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, died Sunday of lung cancer at his home in Albany, La. He was 51. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Walker and lived in Albany for many years. He was an Air Force
Veteran of the Vietnam War. Survivors include his wife, Lucille Frey Higginbotham; two sons, Norman August Higginbotham of Orlando, Fla., and Wyatt Higginbotham of Albany; a daughter, Normandy Hood of Denham Springs; and a sister, Linda Ballard of Denham Springs. A funeral will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Harry McNeely & Son Funeral Home in Hammond. Visitation will be today from 6 To 10 p.m. Burial will be in Beechridge Cemetery, Denham Springs.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 9/7/1994

Ferdinand Higginbotham (1917-1994) LA

DeRidder - Services for Ferdie Higginbotham will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in Hopewell Baptist Church with the Revs. Bryan Williams and Chad Boone officiating. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery under direction of Beauregard-Vernon.

Higginbotham, 77, of DeRidder died at 2:25 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1994, in Beauregard Memorial Hospital.

He was a native of Church Point and a longtime resident of Westlake. He was a retired deputy tax assessor for Calcasieu Parish. He was also a veteran of World War II.

Survivors include his wife, Verna Mae Higginbotham of DeRidder; two sons, Jeffrey Higginbotham of Texas City, Texas, and Gary Mire of Moss Bluff; three daughters, Gloria Harlloe of Oraville, Calif., Gwen Broussard and Sandra Goodeaux, both of Westlake; two brothers, J.B. Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Texas, and Aaron Higginbotham of Garrison, Texas; one sister, Dorothy Cotter of Port Arthur; 11 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Friends may call from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. today in the funeral home and from 9 a.m. until time of services in the church.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 10/13/1994

Lorena Margaret Higginbotham Christian (1898-1994) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Lorena Christian will be held at 3:30 p.m. Friday in Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home Chapel on the Old Sunset Road in Opelousas with burial in Myrtle Grove Cemetery.

The Rev. Henry Blount will conduct the services.

Mrs. Christian, a native of Port Allen, raised in New Roads and Baton Rouge and a longtime resident of Opelousas, died at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 11, in Lafourche Home for the Aged in Thibodaux, where she resided for the past year. She would have been 96 on October 27.

She was Executive Secretary for St. Landry Chapter, American Red Cross from 1952 until retirement in 1977 and received a certificate of Appreciation from the National Red Cross. Mrs. Christian was a member of Louisiana Memorial United Methodist Church, Opelousas; past president of Opelousas Woman's Club and was presented an award as outstanding club member in 1971; Opelousas Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution; past Worthy Matron, Loraine Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star; and the Preservationist of St. Landry Parish. She was a recipient of the Servant to Mankind award presented by the Sertoma Club in 1972 and names Woman Citizen of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce in 1983. Her service to community included being organize the Parent-Teacher Organization at Opelousas High School and United Givers Fund in Opelousas in 1957.

Survivors include: a daughter and son-in-law, Joy Christian and James Lain of Baton Rouge; a son and daughter-in-law, Dr. Percy Hebert and Wilda Christian of Opelousas; three granddaughters and grandsons-in-law, Margaret Ann and Dr. Kenneth Gaddis of Thibodeaux, Christy Lynn and Howard Thomas of Parksville, Mo., and Christie Lain and Richard Cloy of Baton Rouge; two grandsons and granddaughters-in-law, Dr. Van and Karen Christian of Opelousas, and Mark Christian of Pecan Island; eight great-granddaughters and six great-grandsons.

Preceded in death by her husband, Errol P. Christian; parents, Sargent Prentiss and Alice Powers Higginbotham; two sisters, Sadye Taylor and Ruth Pruyn; and four brothers, Percy, Powers, Gordon and Ed Lee Higginbotham.

Visiting hours are from 5-8 p.m. today and from 11 a.m. Friday until time of services.

Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the Old Sunset Road in Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.



Lake Charles American Press 11/4/1994

Edmonia Higginbotham Doucet Jolie (1910-1994) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Edmonia Doucet Jolie, 84 will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, from St. Margaret Catholic Church.

Deacon Dan Landry will officiate. Burial will be in Consolata Cemetery under direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

Visitation will be from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday, with a rosary at 8 p.m.; and from 10 a.m. Sunday.

Mrs. Jolie died Monday, Oct. 31, 1994, in a Lafayette hospital.

A native of Church Point, she lived in Lake Charles since 1959. She was a member of St. Margaret Catholic Church.

Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Lovelace (Jane) Vincent of Lafayette; four brothers, Thomas and Abbey Higginbotham, both of Lake Charles, Emery Higginbotham of Houma and Percy Higginbotham of Galiano; one sister, Eula Mae Fontenot of Lake Charles; five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 11/29/1994

Mary Francis Hickingbottom Preuett (1944-1994) LA

Keithville, LA - Services for Mary Francis Preuett, 50, will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 30, 1994 at Rose-Neath's Southside Chapel. Officiating will be Dr. Shelton Young, pastor of Faith Tabernacle in Blanchard, La., assisted by Rev. Bill Parker. Graveside service will be held 12 p.m. Wednesday at Providence Cemetery in Ringgold, La.

Mrs. Preuett died Monday, November 28, 1994 after a long illness. She was born in Oak Grove, La. and had resided in Keithville, La. for 25 years. Mrs. Preuett was a retired mold poster for Libbey Glass Company and was a member of Faith Tabernacle.

She was preceded in death by a son, Keith Preuett.

She is survived by her husband, James D. Preuett of Keithville; son, Jimmy Don Preuett and wife, Stacey of Stonewall, La., mother, Verna Hickingbottom of Shreveport; father, Leo Hickingbottom of Doyline, La.; brother, Leo R. Hickingbottom, Jr. of San Diego, CA, Johnny Hickingbottom, Joe Hickingbottom; sisters, Patricia McMillan of Frierson, La. and Wanda Allen of Shreveport, numerous nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be Jim Shockley, Mike Shockley, Lance Shockley, Kenny McDaniel, Ronnie Hickingbottom, Johnny Hickingbottom and Tommy Preuett.

The family would like to express a special thanks to Dr. Michael Fleming, Dr. Christopher McDonald and the Schumpert Cancer Center for their loving care.



Times Picayune 12/22/1994

Kathryn Patricia Higginbotham Gros (1920-1994) CT/LA

Kathryn Higginbotham Gros, a homemaker, died Tuesday of a heart attack at her home in Harvey. She was 74. Mrs. Gros was born in New London, Conn., and lived in Harvey for 22 years. She was formerly employed by Southern New England Telephone Co. Survivors include her husband, Paul John Gros Jr.; a son, Paul J. Gros III; two daughters, Kathy Gros Faulkner and Karen Gros Kern; two sisters, Ethel H. Newcomb and Frances H. Lake; and three grandchildren. A funeral will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Mothe Funeral Home, 2100 West Bank Expressway, Harvey. Burial will be in Biloxi National Cemetery.



The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, December 30, 1994

Leroy Higginbotham Jr. (1922-1994) AR/LA

Leroy Higginbotham, Jr. age 72, of 4711 Westgarden, Alexandria, Louisiana, died December 28, 1994 at Rapides Regional Medical Center. He was born November 14, 1922, in Hamburg, Arkansas, the son of Leroy and Irene Worley Higginbotham who preceded him in death. He has been a resident of Alexandria 27 years.

A graduate of Hamburg High School, attended Arkansas A&M College, now the University of Arkansas at Monticello, and was a veteran of World War II. He was a member of Prairie Lodge #465 in Hamburg and was a 32nd Degree Mason and a Shriner. He was a member of the Pentecostals of Alexandria, and the Alpine Travelin' Sams Camping Club.
He was a retired automobile and timber equipment dealer. He was the owner and operator of Higginbotham Motor Company in Hamburg, Ark. and was co-owner of the HP Equipment Company in Pineville, Louisiana.

Survivors are his wife of 53 years, Margaret Ann Finch Higginbotham; one son, Leroy Higginbotham, III of Houston, Texas; one daughter, Anne Vincent of Alexandria; two grandsons; one granddaughter; and one great-granddaughter.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today, December 30, 1994 in the sanctuary of the Pentecostals of Alexandria with the Reverends G.A. Mangun and Anthony Mangun officiating. Burial will follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Park under the direction of Hixson Brothers Funeral Home.

The family will receive visitors Thursday between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. and after 8 a.m. until noon today at the funeral home.

Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 6054 Medical Center Drive, Alexandria, Louisiana 71301-8127 or to the Pentecostals of Alexandria, 2817 Rapides Ave., Alexandria, Louisiana 71301.



The Daily Advertiser 2/19/1995

Juanita Lorraine Higginbotham Geyer (1927-1995) LA

Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20, 1995 in the Delhomme Bertrand Chapel of the Flowers for Mrs. Alvin A. Geyer, the former Lorraine Higginbotham, 67, who died at 5:04 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17, 1995 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

Interment will take place in Lafayette Memorial Park Cemetery and Mausoleum. Johnny Shanklin, Misister of the Riverside Church of Christ will conduct the services.

Lorraine, daughter of the late Herman Higginbotham and the former Ruby Stephens, was a native of Abbeville and had been a resident of Lafayette for 25 years. A graduate of Abbeville High School, Mrs. Geyer received her Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Education from the U.S.L She worked for the Lafayette Parish School System for 30 years, teaching at Northside High School in Special Education for over 20 of those years. She was a member of the Riverside Church of Christ.

Survivors include: one daughter, Mrs. Gerald (Claire G.) Gouttefarde, Lyon, France; one son and daughter-in-law, David Scott Geyer and Linda Mandolini, Boston, Mass.; and one grandson, Sebastian Scott Lecollier, Lyon, France.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Alvin A. Geyer, and her parents.

Pallbearers will be: Larry Aucoin, Kerrie Lafleur, Henry Vautrot, Darrell Comb, Terry Girouard, and Roy Brown. Honorary Pallbearers will be: Ted Lavender ad J. Matt Sparkman.

The family requests the visitation be observed from 8 a.m. to service time Monday.

Delhomme Funeral Homes, 1011 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, is in charge of arrangements.


The Church Point News 2/22/1995

Mary Eve Higginbotham Foster (1928-1995) LA

Funeral services were held Tuesday, February 14, 1995 in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church of Mrs. Mary Eve Foster, 66, the former Mary Eve Higginbotham of Church Point. She died Sunday, Feb. 12 at 9:40 p.m. at her home.

Fr. Lloyd Benoit officiated at the funeral mass and services.

Burial was in the church cemetery under the direction of Duhon Funeral home of Church Point.

A rosary was recited at the funeral home Monday evening at 7:30.

Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Errol (Mary Ann) Sonnier of Broussard, Mrs. Herbert (Linda) Blanchard of Houston, Tex., Mrs. Byrne (Marie) Winn and Amy Foster, both of Church Point; four grandchildren.

Mrs. Foster was a loving mother. She passed away following a long illness.

She was preceded in death by her husband, J.B. Foster.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/13/1995

Eula Marie Guidry Higginbotham (1915-1995) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held today at 1 p.m. at Our Lady Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Homer (Pete) Higginbotham, 79, the former Eula Guidry, who died at 3:45 a.m. Wednesday, April 12, at Baton Rouge General Hospital.

Father Dan Edwards will officiate for the services. Burial will be held in Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery.

Visitation will be observed until the time of services.

Survivors include two sons, Patrick Higginbotham of Pine Prairie and John (Pershing) Higginbotham of Church Point; three daughters, Mrs. Donald (Lorita) Bearb of Mire, Priscilla Richard of Mire, and Mrs. Steve (Linda) Dunn of Alvin, Texas; five brothers, Evorell, Joe and Walter Guidry, all of Sulphur, Malcolm Guidry of Richard, and Edward Guidry of Lafayette; one sister, Mrs. Wesley (Agnes) Venable of Church Point; 17 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



American Press (Lake Charles, LA) 4/24/1995

Leona Estilette Higginbotham (193-1995) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Leona E. Higginbotham, 64, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, from Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church.

The Rev. Harry Gregg will officiate. Burial will be inn Highland Memory Gardens under direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

Visitation is from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. today, with a 6 p.m. rosary; and from 8 a.m. Tuesday.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Saturday, April 22, 1995, in her residence.

A native of Church Point, she lived in Lake Charles most of her life. She was a member of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church.

Survivors are one son, Bob J. Higginbotham; two daughters, Penny J. Parker, both of Lake Charles, and Theresa A. Roth of Moss Bluff; two brothers, Carlton and Huey Estilette; three sisters, Shirley Pulver and Janel Richard, all of Lake Charles, and Verla Mae Hebert of Jennings; nine grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/10/1995

Elsie Jewel Higginbotham Mouille (1911-1995) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Elsie Higginbotham Mouille, 84, will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the Church Cemetery I.

The Rev. James "Dan" Edwards will conduct the services.

Mrs. Mouille, a resident of Church Point, died at 7:30 a.m. today (Wednesday, May 10, 1995) in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point.

Survivors include: a son, Francis Norman Moille of Church Point; three grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Cleophas "Shine" Mouille; her father, Jerry J. Higginbotham; her mother, Ann Francoise Rayon Higginbotham; a sister, Ethel H. Bergeron; and a brother, Leander Higginbotham.

Visiting hours are from 4-9 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Thursday until time of services. A rosary will be recited will be recited at 7 p.m.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.




Edolia Castille Higginbotham (1910-1995) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held at 12 noon on Monday, May 15, at Our Lady Sacred Heart Church for Mrs. Kleabert Higginbotham, the former Edolia Castille, 84, who died at 9 p.m. on Saturday, May 13, at Doctor's Hospital in Opelousas.

Burial was held in Our Lady Sacred Heart Cemetery.

Survivors include three brothers, Clarence Castille of Opelousas, Alton Castille of Church Point, and Ernest Castille of Lake Charles; two sisters, Mrs. John (Eta) C. Venable of Church Point, and Mrs. Rita Bourgeois of Carencro; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Basile Weekly 5/18/1995

Mary Dula Higginbotham Arabie Fuselier Bergeron (1917-1995) LA

Funeral services were held at St. Augustine Catholic Church in Basile at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, May 13, 1995 for Mrs. Dula H. Bergeron, 77, with burial following in the St. Jules Cemetery in Tee-Mamou.

Mrs. Bergeron, a resident of Basile, died at 3:30 a.m. Friday, May 12, 1995 at Moosa Memorial Hospital in Eunice.

Mrs. Bergeron was a housewife.

Survivors include her husband, Jack Bergeron of Basile; three sons, Thomas J. Arabie of Lafayette, Joseph M. Arabie of Denham Springs, and Lee Arabie of Lafayette; three daughters, Mrs. Rodney (Geneva) Bellard of Opelousas, Ms. Bertha M. Arabie of Basile and Mrs. Fredrick (Jeanette) Young of Basile; two brothers, Ben Higginbotham of Church Point and Harry Higginbotham of Church point; four sisters, Mrs. John (Amy) Ashford of Church Point, Mrs. Maurice (Ella) Thibodeaux of Eunice, Mrs. Saul (Lita) Hebert of Rayne and Mrs. Ray (Duwilda) Richard of Church Point; 13 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

Ardoin's Funeral Home of Basile was in charge of arrangements.



Times Picayune 05/19/1995

Velma Higginbotham Brooks (1905-1995) LA

Velma "Vee" Higginbotham Brooks, a retired teacher, died Wednesday in Slidell. She was 90. Mrs. Brooks was born in Greensburg and lived in Slidell for many years. She was a member of Quillen Temple Church of God in Christ. She is survived by her husband, Robert Charles Brooks Jr.; a daughter, June B. Paul; a sister, Lillie V. Bates of Alexandria, Va.; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A funeral will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at Quillen Temple Church of God in Christ, 812 Stanley St., Slidell. Burial will be at Black Creek Cemetery, Louisiana 10, Greensburg. Freddie E. Doyle Funeral Home in Slidell is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/22/1995

Dennis Paul Higginbotham Sr. (1928-1995) LA

Branch - Funeral services for Mr. Paul Higginbotham Sr., 66, will be held at 11 a.m. Friday in St. Edmunds Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

The Rev. Francis Bourgeois will conduct the services.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 21, 1995, in Lafayette General Medical Center. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War and a member of American Legion Post 225 of Church Point. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired supervisor for 28 years at the Church Point Wholesale Liquor.

Survivors include: his wife, the former Emma Melancon of Church Point; three sons, Walt Higginbotham of Sunset, Paul "Polo" Higginbotham Jr. of Church Point and Marcus Higginbotham of Carencro; a daughter, Mrs. Tom (Charlotte) Bernaird of Lafayette; a brother, Larry Higginbotham of Branch; two sisters, Mattie Smith of Austin, Texas, and Mary Lou Johnson of Texas City, Texas; and nine grandchildren.

Visiting hours are from 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Friday until time of services. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/28/1995

Evelyn Higginbotham Olivier (1908-1995) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Lawrence "Fatty" Olivier, the former Evelyn Higginbotham, 87, will be held at 3 p.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery II.

The Rev. Dan Edwards will conduct the services.

Mrs. Olivier, a resident of Church Point, died at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 27, 1995, suddenly at her daughter's residence in Church Point.

Survivors include: three sons, Julian Guillory of Lake Charles; Huey Olivier of Church Point and Byron Olivier of Crowley; three daughters, Letha Briley, Beverly Quibodeaux and Judy Gooch, all of Church Point; a brother, Leroy Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; a sister, Euna Doucet of Opelousas; 19 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Lawrence "Fatty" Olivier; and two daughters, Shirley Matte and Cynthia Olivier.

Visiting hours were held from 6-10 p.m. Tuesday and from 8 a.m. today until time of services.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 7/10/1995

Ermina Higginbotham Jagneaux (1896-1995) LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Mrs. Ermina Higginbotham Jagneaux, 99, will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church mausoleum.

The Rev, Dan Edwards will conduct the services.

Mrs. Jagneaux, a resident of Church Point, died at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, July 9, 1995, in Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point. She was a homemaker.

Survivors include: a daughter, Mary Carmen Jagneaux House; three grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Visiting hours are from 2-9 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Tuesday until time of services.A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 7/13/1995

Katie Mae Higginbotham (1914-1995) LA

Winnfield - Graveside services for Katie Mae Higginbotham will be at 10 a.m. today in Pleasant Hill Cemetery with the Rev. Dick Enterkin officiating. Burial will be under direction of Southern.

Mrs. Higginbotham, 80, of Pineville died Tuesday, July 11, 1995, at her residence.

She was a native of Winn Parish and a member of Bethel Baptist Church.

Survivors include two sons, Russell Riley of Shreveport and Rayford Riley of Winnfield; 110 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Jimmy Riley, Kevin Riley, Chantry Riley, Dustin Riley, Joey Hand and Michael Hand.

Friends may call from 8:39-9:30 a.m. in the funeral home.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 12/1/1995

Joyce Jesslyn Higginbotham Ray (1927-1995) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Darius Ray, the former Joyce Higginbotham, 68, will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday in Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church in Opelousas with burial in Bellevue Memorial Park in Opelousas.

Mrs. Ray, a resident of Opelousas, died today (Friday, December 1, 1995) at her residence. She retired from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries after 21 years of service. Mrs. Ray also worked as the Night Hostess for Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Homes. She was a member of the Ladies Altar Society at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church.

Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Belle D. Martin of Opelousas; two sons, Dennis M. Ray and Jack M. "Skeeter" Ray, both of Opelousas; a sister, Wanda Francois of Opelousas; and two grandchildren.

She was preceded in death bu her husband, Darius Ray; her father; and a grandson in 1989.

Visiting hours will be held from 5-10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Saturday until time of services. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m.

Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home of the Old Sunset Highway i Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.




Florence Marie Dugas Higginbotham (1903-1995) LA

Funeral services will be held at a 4 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1995 in Delhomme Chapel of the Flowers for Mrs. Robert Higginbotham, Sr., 92, who died at 6:15 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 24, 1995, at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

The Rev. John DeLeeuw, retired, will celebrate teh Mass. Altar boys will be Stephen and Elliott Peltier. Readings will be by Sara Peltier and Laura Harris, and Gift Bearers will be Christian Teer, Shelly Teer and Jordan Harris. Several musical selections will be rendered by Clarisse Prescott, soloist, and Shawn Roy, organist.

Interment will take place in Holy Mary Mother of God Cemetery.

Florence was a native of Centerville, La., the daughter of the late Louis Dugas and the former Eugenie Romaine. She had been a resident of Lafayette for the past 72 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Parish and a resident of Heritage Manor Nursing Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survided by: two daughters and their husbands, Greta and William Bordelon Jr., Lafayette, and Dora and Travis O. Shipp Jr., Sulphur, La.; one sister, Mrs. Wilbur, (Maude) Robicheaux, Franklin; six grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; one step-granddaughter; and two step- great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by: her parents; her husband, Robert Higginbotham Sr.; two sons, Robert Higginbotham Jr. and Dale David Higginbotham; one sister, Mae D. Clements; and one brother, Faniel Dugas.

Pallbearers will be: Rano Harris, Wayne PEltier, Chad Richard, Lanny Robicheaux, Kenneth LaBry and Ricky Payment.

Visiting hours are to be observed Tuesday from 7 a.m. to service time will a Rosary at 11 a.m.

The funeral is under the direction of Delhomme Funeral Home, 1011 Bertrand Drive.



The Church Point News 1/10/1996

James Bernard Higginbotham Sr. (1933-1996) LA

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, January 6, 1996 in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church for J.B. Higginbotham, Sr., 62, of Church point. Mr. Higginbotham was born March 21, 1933 in Church Point and died at 9 a.m. on Friday, January 5.

Fr. Rex Broussard officiated at the funeral mass and graveside services. Burial was in the Msgr. C.A. Bienvenu cemetery under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired oil field gauger.

Survivors are two sons, James "Bozo" Higginbotham of Church Point and Joe Higginbotham of Pass Christian, Miss.; four daughters, Brenda Faye For of Picayune, Miss., Celise Ann Daigle of Church Point, Angela Higginbotham and Dawn Hinton, both of Lake Charles; one sister, Lilburn Cancienne of Kenner, La., 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild.



The Town Talk 2/15/1996

Julius Ira Higginbotham (1919-1996) LA

Manifest - Graveside services for Julius Ira Higginbotham will be at 2 p.m. today in Huffman Cemetery with the Rev. Bryan Taylor officiating. Burial will be under direction of Young's, Jonesville.

Higginbotham, 76, of Ferriday died Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1996, in Ferriday.

He was a native of Lottie.

Survivors include two sons, William Higginbotham and Clarence Higginbotham, both of Jonesville; two daughters, Judy Ellard of Monterey and Gladys Wiley of Jonesville; three brothers, Calvin Higginbotham of Columbia, Miss., Howard Higginbotham of Fordoche and Kenneth Erwin Higginbotham of Maringouin; two sisters, Alma Sagona of Baton Rouge and Julia Higginbotham of Columbia, Miss.; four grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.



The Crowley Post-Signal 4/5/1996

Lillian Thibodeaux Higginbotham (1917-1996) LA

Church Point - Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Friday, April 5 at Our Lady Scared Heart Church for Mrs. Lillian Higginbotham, 79, who died at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April3 at Lafayette General Hospital.

Father Rex Broussard officiated for the services. Burial was in the church cemetery.

Survivors include one son, Wallace Matte of Buford, Georgia; six sisters, Mrs. Clifton LeJeune, Mrs. Wilfred Smith and Mrs. Colone Guidry, all of Orange, Texas, Mrs. Elia Prudhomme of Lake Charles, Mrs. Steven Breaux of Lafayette, and Mrs. Melvin Hebert of Vinton; four grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and one great-great grandchild.

Guidry Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The West Carroll Gazette (Oak Grove, LA), Wednesday, April 10, 1996

Velma Almetia Higginbotham Ford (1914-1996) AR/LA

Services for Mrs. Velma Ford, 82, were held Friday, April 5, 1996 at 10 a.m. at Cox Funeral Home Chapel in Delhi with the Reverends Robin Hood, Alton Thompson, and Dwayne Bricker officiating.

Interment followed in Delhi Masonic Cemetery for Mrs. Ford who passed away Tuesday, April 2, in Monroe. Services were under the direction of Cox Funeral Home of Delhi.

Survivors include four daughters, Irene Walters, of Tallulah; Lyvonne Dulaney and Brenda Balof, both of Delhi; and Eloise Wright, of Lake Village, Arkansas; a son, Modell Ford, of Delhi; 12 grandchildren; 28 great grandchildren and nine great great grandchildren; three sisters, Gladys Stender, of Fresno, California; Wilma Little, of Swartz; and Thelma Snow, of Oak Grove; three brothers, W. B. Higginbotham, of Fresno, California; Billy Higginbotham, of Oak Grove; and Johnny Higginbotham, of Burleson, Texas.

Pallbearers were Floyd Bradley, Billy Williams, Percy Rainwater, Raymond Blake, Gary Godard, and William Till.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 5/6/1996

Jacob Brock Higginbotham (1993-19960 LA

Port Barre - Funeral services for Jacob Brock Higginbotham, 2 1/2, were held at 2 p.m. today in Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Jacob, a resident of Port Barre, died at 3:59 a.m. Sunday, May 5, 1996, in Opelousas General Hospital.

Survivors include: his parents, Corey and Brandy Savoie Higginbotham of Port Barre; a sister, Skyla Higginbotham of Port Barre; his paternal grandparents, Albert and Daisy Higginbotham of Port Barre; his maternal grandparents, Marion (Benny) and Barbara Savoie of Port Barre; and his maternal great-grandparents, Ella Savoie of Opelousas and Cydalise Marks of Port Barre.

He was preceded in death by his maternal great-grandfathers, Marion Marks and Gervais Savoie; and his paternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Broussard and Mrs. Jack Higginbotham.

A rosary was recited at 7 p.m. Sunday.

Sibile Funeral Home of Port Barre was in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 5/17/1996

Mary Lee Higginbotham Castille (1936-1996) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church for Mrs. Roderick Castille, 59, the former Mary Lee Higginbotham, who died at 1:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 16, at her daughter's residence.

Father Richard Vidrine will officiate for the services. Burial will be held in Our Lady Sacred Heart Mausoleum.

Visitation will be observed until time of services.

Survivors include he father, Howard Higginbotham of Church Point; two sons, her husband, Roderick Castille of Church Point; two sons, Duane Castille of Baton Rouge and Kevin Castille of Church Point; two daughters, Lisa Castille Azizi of Lafayette and Marla Trahan of Duson; one brother, Douglas Higginbotham of Church Point; one sister, Priscilla Credeur of Lafayette; and nine grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her mother, Aline Venable Higginbotham; one brother, Dwight Higginbotham; one sister, Shirley Higginbotham; and one grandson, Steven Castille.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 6/12/1996

Gerald Barry Higginbotham (1951-1996) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 10 a .m. on Thursday, June 13 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Barry Higginbotham, 45, who died at 5 p.m. on Monday, June 10 at Acadia-St. Landry Hospital.

Father Mike Guidry will officiate for the services. Burial will be held in Our Lady Sacred Heart Mausoleum.

Visitation will be observed today from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. and on Thursday from 8 a.m. until the time of services.

A rosary will be recited tonight at 7 p.m.

Survivors include his wife, Paula Sonnier Higginbotham of Church Point; three sons, Matt and Luke Higginbotham, both of Church Point and Elliott Higginbotham of Roberts Cove.

Mr. Higginbotham was employed as a U.S. Postal Service mailman. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus Council #2504 and a member of the Congregation Running Club of Lafayette.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Willery and Enola Higginbotham; and one brother, Reynold Higginbotham.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 6/19/1996

Edward Hickenbottom (1922-1996) LA

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, June 20, 1996 at a service in the Martin and Castille Funeral Home Chapel for Edward Hickenbottom, 74, who died at 7:22 a.m. Tuesday, June 18, 1996 in Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

Interment will be in the Greenlawn Memorial Gardens Cemetery.

The Rev. Wayne Duet, pastor of St. Jules Catholic Church, will conduct the funeral services.

Survivors include: his wife, the former Joyce Harrington of Lafayette; one daughter, Mrs. Herman (Maxine) Schexnayder of Iowa, La.; two sons, John D. Hickenbottom of Lafayette and Thomas E. Hickenbottom of Bridge City, Texas; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; three sisters, Alma Budzeye of Houston, Heneretta Isreal of Vidor, Texas, and Rita Snyder of San Antonio, Texas; and one brother, Joseph Simon of Vinton.

He was preceded in death by: his parents; and two brothers, Johnny Simon and Leon Simon.

A native of Vinton and a resident of Lafayette for 40 years, Mr. Hickenbottoom was the son of the late Hushel Hickenbottom, a native of Church Point, and the former Lovinia Courville, a native of Sour Lake, Texas.

Mr. Hickenbottom was a veteran of military service having served in the United States Army during World War II.

He was a member of the St. Jules Catholic Community.

Pallbearers will be: John Lee Hickenbottom, Christopher James Moody, Larry Broussard and Timothy Decuir.

A Rosary will be recited at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the funeral home.

The family request that visiting hours be observed from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Wednesday and from 8 a.m. Thursday until time of services.

Martin and Castille Funeral Home Inc. is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 6/24/1996

Berlin Joseph Higginbotham (1929-1996) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. on Monday, June 24, 1996 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Berlin Higginbotham, 66, who died at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, June 23, 1996 at Doctor's Hospital in Opelousas.

Burial will be in St. Edmund Catholic Cemetery in Branch.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired air conditioning repair serviceman. He had served in the United State Army during the Korean War, having been a recipient of the Bronze Star for valor under fire. He had been a member of Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 9903 and American Legion Post 225 of Church Point.

Survivors include: his wife, Joyce Thibodeaux Higginbotham of Church Point; five sons, Ray Higginbotham and wife Kerry of Ville Platte, Dennis Higginbotham and wife Jeanette of Kenner, Gerald Higginbotham of Lafayette, Thomas Higginbotham and wife Melissa of Church Point and Michael Higginbotham of Lake Charles; two daughters, Christine "Chris" Beslin and husband Matt of Rayne and Lynette Latiolais and husband Marcy of Church Point; one brother, Irby Savoy of Church Point; three sisters, Nellie Cormier of Church Point, Beulah Doucet of Rayne and Joyce Eves of Kinder; and 12 grandchildren.

Visitation begins at 8 a.m. Monday.

Guidry Funeral Home, Church Point, is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 7/26/1996

Meta Higginbotham Cooley 1910-1996) LA

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 26, at Geesey-Ferguson Funeral Home for Meta Higginbotham Cooley, 86, who died at her residence in Maxie of Tuesday, July 23.

Officiating for the services will be Rev. Bruce Runner. Burial will be held in the Maxie Cemetery.

Visitation will be observed on Saturday from 10 a.m. until the time of services.

She is survived by one son, J. Sid Cooley of Garden City, Kansas.

Mrs. Cooler was preceded in death by her parents, James and Florence Higginbotham and her husband, Edmund Cooley.

Geesey-Ferguson is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 8/23/1996

Earnie Andrew Higginbotham (1925-1996) LA

Leesville - Services for Earnie Higginbotham will be at 4 p.m. today in the chapel of Beauregard-Vernon with the Revs. M.C. Green and Bufford Cain officiating. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery, DeRidder.

Higginbotham, 71, of Leesville died Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1996, in St. Francis Cabrini Hospital.

He was a native of Vernon Parish and retired from Houston Shell and Concrete of Houston, Texas. He was a heavy equipment operator.

Survivors include his wife, Edna Higginbotham of Leesville; one son, Michael Higginbotham of Leesville; four daughters, Linda Reeks, Sandra Canady and Connie Quam, all of Leesville, and Dorothy Smith of Anacoco; one sister, Beulah Young of Lake Charles; 20 grandchildren; and 32 great-grandchildren.

Friends may call until time of services today in the funeral home.



The Advocate, Baton Rouge, La., Friday, September 27, 1996 page 8-B.

Kenneth Ervin Higginbotham Sr. (1933-1996) LA
Kenneth Ervin “Ponderosa” Higginbotham, Sr., a retired truck driver with H.M. Kimball Oil Co. and resident of Margingouin, died at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, September 25, 1996, at University Hospital, New Orleans. He was 63 and a native of Opelousas.

Visiting at Niland's Funeral Home, Livonia until religious services conducted by the Rev. Don E. Taylor. Internment in Cottonwood Cemetery.

Survived by four daughters, Carolyn H. Deal of Maringouin, Catherine Eiland of Livingston, Sharon Higginbotham and Christie V. Higginbotham, both of Livonia; two sons, Johnny Higginbotham of Greenwell Springs, and Kenneth E. Higginbotham, Jr., of Lovinia; two sisters, Alma Sagona of Baton Rouge, and Julia Higginbotham of Columbia, Miss.; two brothers, Calvin Higginbotham of Columbia, and Howard Higginbotham of Fordoche; and 11 grandchildren.

Preceded in death by a daughter, Little Rose Higginbotham.



The Crowley Post-Signal 9/27/1996

Joseph Roosevelt Higginbotham (1921-1996) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 28 at Our Lady Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Roosevelt Higginbotham, 75, who died Thursday, September 26 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette.

Father Curtis will officiate for the services. Burial will be held in Our Lady Sacred Heart Cemetery.

Visitation will be observed today from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. until the time of services.

A rosary led by Deacon Mitchell Guidry will be recited tonight at 7:30 p.m.

Survivors include his wife, Yvonne Guidry Higginbotham of Church Point; three sons, Rufus, Wayne and Clinton Higginbotham, all of Church Point; two daughters, Mrs. Bernice (Mary) Guidry of Lewisburg  and Mrs. Patrick (Glinda) Thibodeaux of Lewisburg; one sister, Mrs. Onezime (Aza) Richard of Berwick; and eight grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by one son, Terry Higginbotham.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of AFL-CIO Chemical Workers Union, a former member of Civilian Conservation Corporation, where he was a fire fighter in Oregon and Northern California. He was a U.S. Army veteran.

Guidry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 11/12/1996

Gervais Joseph Higginbotham (1932-1996) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1996 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church for Gervais J. Higginbotham, 64, who died at 8:29 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 10, 1996 at Lafayette General Hospital in Lafayette.

Interment will be in the new Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Church Point. The Rev. Rex Broussard will officiate at the funeral services.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by: his wife, Dorothy B. Higginbotham; five sons, Gordon Higginbotham and Roland Higginbotham, both of Houston, Michael Higginbotham of Church Point, Douglas Higginbotham of Atlanta, Ga., and Richard Higginbotham of Lafayette; four brothers, Preston Higginbotham and Shirley Ray Higginbotham, both of Eunice, Leander Higginbotham of Church Point and Warren Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; and nine grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Higginbotham.

A Rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the chapel by Deacon Ivy Miller.

Visitation began Monday and will continue until time of services today.

Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate 02/17/1997

David Marcus Higginbotham (1942-1997) LA

A retired carpenter, member of Carpenters Local Union No. 1098 and resident of Livingston, he died at 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, 1997, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. He was 54 and a native of Corbin. Visiting was held at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. Visiting at the funeral home 8 a.m. until religious services at 3:30 p.m. Monday, conducted by the Rev. Dwight Barber. Interment in Old Red Oak Cemetery. Survived by wife, Julia Higginbotham; a daughter and son-in-law, Michele and Lecil McFadden; three sons and daughters-in-law, Mark and Christi Higginbotham, Henry and Misty Higginbotham and Jack II and Joy Higginbotham; four sisters, Jackie Morales, Martha Lou Lee, Becky Smith and Maggie Higginbotham; six brothers, Scott, Julius, Lodney, Philip, Sterling and Charles Higginbotham; seven grandchildren, Tracy, Casey, Henry, Jesse Waylon and Chey Higginbotham, Geron and Sara McFadden; mother-in-law, Julia McCorkle; two sisters-in-law, Katie Langley and Nettie Toms; and two brothers-in-law, Jesse McCorkle and Donald McCorkle. Preceded in death by parents, Jack and Willie Higginbotham; a brother and sister-in-law, Jerry and Phoebe Higginbotham; and two brothers-in-law, Russell McCorkle and Butch Lee. Pallbearers will be John Saucier, Bo Lee, Mike Hughes, Sterling Joseph Higginbotham, Buck Higginbotham, Lee Taylor, Jessie McCorkle and Donald McCorkle. He was a member of Livingston Methodist Church.



The Daily Review (Morgan City, LA) 3/28/1997

Florence Ross Ponthie Higginbotham (1915-1997) LA

Florence Ross Higginbotham, 84, died Thursday at 3:30 a.m. in New Orleans.

Private services were held Thursday at Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Chapel in New Orleans.

Survivors include her daughter, Shirley Gauthier Ponthie; four grandchildren, Leslie Ponthie Gorman, Ross Ponthie, Neil Ponthie and John Ponthie; and six brothers and sisters, Aline R. Smith, Ruth R. Daigle, Cecil Ross, Charles Ross, Harris Ross and Bobbie R. Stansbury.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Sam Higginbotham; her parents, Effie Boudreaux Ross and Charlie Joseph Ross; two sisters and two brothers.

In lieu of Flowers, the family has requested donations to the Metairie Jehovah Witness Congregation, 4211 Downs St., Metairie, La.

Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The West Carroll Gazette (Oak Grove, LA) 5/21/1997

Gary Don Higginbotham (1964-1997) LA

Funeral services for Mr. Gary Don Higginbotham, 32, were held Monday, May 12, 1997 at 3 p.m. at Cox Funeral Home Chapel in Oak Grove with the Rev. Don Wright officiating.

Interment followed in Oak Grove Cemetery for Mr. Higginbotham, who passed away Friday, May 9 in Orange, Texas. Services were under the direction of Cox Funeral Home.

Survivors include two sons, Tyler Higginbotham and Gunter Higginbotham, both of Oak Grove; his mother, Ellen Crowe, and step-father, Kenneth Crowe, of Oak Grove; a brother and sister-in-law, Tommy and Suzanne Higginbotham of Forest; a sister and brother-in-law, Debra Kay and Brady Lancaster, of West Monroe; maternal grandmother, Thelma Graves, of Oak Grove; step-grandmother, Lela Crowe, of Oak Grove; step-brother and sister-in-law, Ken and Belinda Crowe, of Leesville; step-sister and brother-in-law, Polly and Ricky Durrett, of Simsboro; step-sister, Angela Crowe, of Simsboro; seven nieces and two nephews.

He was preceded in death by his father, Harold Higginbotham and his paternal grandmother, Edna Higginbotham.

Pallbearers were Greg Crook, M.A. McGaha, Randy Vining and Jeff Boutwell.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 7/6/1997

Louis Corise Higginbotham (1908-1997) LA

Lawtell - Funeral services for Mr. Corise Higginbotham, 88, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in St. BRidget Catholic Church here. Burial will be in Bellevue Memorial Park Cemetery in Opelousas.

The Rev. Austin Leger will officiate.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Lawtell, died at 8:50 p.m. Friday, July 4, 1997, in Columbia Doctor's Hospital of Opelousas. He was a farmer.

Survivors include: two sons, Terlin Higginbotham of Lake Charles and Darrell Higginbotham of Lafayette; five daughters, Lela Mae Fruge and Judy Bishop, both of Lake Charles, Jackie Lavergne of New Orleans, Sherry Broussard of Opelousas and Diann Comeaux of Lafayette; a brother, Elton Higginbotham of Opelousas; a sister, Lela Godfrey of Lafayette; 26 grandchildren; and 24 great-grandchildren.

Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his wife, Angelina Bellard Higginbotham; a son, Patrick Higginbotham; and a daughter, Eva Mae A. Touchet.

Visitation was from 4-10 p.m. Saturday and from 8 a.m. until the time of services Sunday. A rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.

Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the Old Sunset Road in Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 8/4/1997

Tyler Garrett Hickingbottom (1995-1997) LA

Keatchie, LA - Services for infant Tyler Garrett Hickingbottom, age 20 months, will be held at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, August 5, 1997 at Rose-Neath's Southside Chapel. Officiating will be Rev. David Parmenter, pastor of Grand Cane Baptist Church, assisted by Dr. Shelton Young, pastor of Faith Tabernacle. Burial will follow at Forest Park West.

Visitation will begin at 12 noon, Monday, August 4, 1997 at the funeral home.

Tyler died at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, August 2, 1997 at Willis-Knighton South after a sudden illness. He was born in Shreveport, LA.

He was preceded in death by his paternal great-grandfather, Charles Gaines Sr. and his maternal great-grandfather, Louis Crager.

He is survived by his parents, Johnny and Jamey Hickingbottom of Keatchie, LA; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Packer of Many, LA, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crager of Mansfield, LA; maternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green of Stonewall, LA; maternal great-grandmother, Lucille Herring of Kentucky; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols of Keatchie, LA, Johnny Hickingbottom, Sr. of Doyline, LA; paternal great-grandmothers, Velma Barth of Arkansas, and Ida Nichols of Lake Charles, LA; paternal great-grandparents, Leo and Verna Hickingbottom of Shreveport, LA; aunts and uncles, Alicia Wilson, Riley Wilson, Ronnie Hickingbottom, Angie Hickingbottom, Shannon Crager, Rachel Scogin, and Jessica Scogin; cousins, Reagan Wilson, Morgan Wilson, Lane Grager, Sarah Hickingbottom; special friends, Herman and Linda Nussman and Ashley Parker.

Pallbearers are William Parker, Wilson Baker, Jay Baker, and Harold Saintignan.

The family would like to express a special thanks to Dr. Do and the entire staff of the ICU at Willis-Knighton South and Larry Boyd with the Desoto Parish Sheriff's Department.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 10/29/1997

Hubert Wayne Higginbotham (1945-1997) MS/LA

Albany, La. - Hubert Wayne Higginbotham, 52, died of a brain tumor Sunday at General Hospital.

Services are 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Margaret Catholic Church with burial in the church cemetery. Rabenhorst Funeral Home in Baton Rouge is in charge,

Survivors include: wife, Sharon; and parents, Hubert and Wilma Higginbotham of Houston, Ms.



Baton Rouge Advocate 10/16/1997

Carrie Higginbotham Adams (1896-1997) LA
A retired seamstress with Goudchaux's with 30 years of service and a resident of Baton Rouge, she died Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1997, at Zachary Manor Nursing Home. She was 100 and a native of St. Francisville. Interment in Galilee Baptist Church cemetery.

Survived by grandchildren, Claudia Laperouse, Pride, and Boyd and Claude Adams, both of Baker; a daughter-in-law, Theda Adams, Baton Rouge; eight great-grandchildren, 11 great-great-grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by husband, Claude Daniel Adams Sr.; two sons, Boyd W. and Claude D. Adams; a daughter, Bertha Mae Adams; and a grandson, Karl R. Adams. She was a member of Rebecca Lodge No. 62 and a longtime member of Emmanuel Baptist Church, both in Baton Rouge.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 11/4/1997

Mildred Tison Gray Higginbotham Frazier (1910-1997) LA

Services for Mildred "Higgie" Tison Higginbotham Frazier will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the chapel of Hixson Bros., Pineville, with the Rev. Leland Briggs officiating. Burial will be in Frazier Cemetery, Prospect Community.

Mrs. Frazier, 86, of the Rockhill Community died Monday, Nov. 3, 1997, in Woodshaven Nursing Home.

She was employed as a Licensed Practical Nurse working at St. Francis and Baptist Hospitals. She was also a member of Bentley Pentecostal Church and Olive Chapter No. 50 Order of the Eastern Star, Colfax.

Survivors include her husband, the Rev. H.B. "Ben" Frazier of Rockhill Community; one son, Louis S. Gray of Rockhill Community; one daughter, Barbara Ann Higginbotham Gray of Peoria, Ariz.; two grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

Friends may call from 5:30-8:30 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. until time of services Wednesday in the funeral home.



The Courier 12/07/1997

Ruby Jewel Higginbotham Collum (1922-1997) TX/LA

Ruby Jewel Higginbotham Collum, 75, a native of Mexia, Texas, and resident of Houma, died at 12:50 p.m. today at Samart Funeral Home.  A second visitation will take place Tuesday in Kilgore, Texas, at Rader Funeral Home.  For more information, call (903) 984-2525.
She is survived by one son, James Edward Brown; one brother, Andrew Woodward Higginbotham Jr. of Longview, Texas; three grandchildren, Kim Rodrigue Champagne of Houma, Melissa LeBoeuf of Houma, and Jaime Brown of San Antonio, Texas; and six great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Russell Collum; one daughter, Margaret LeBoeuf; one brother, James Aubry Higginbotham; and two sisters, Myrtle Marie Higginbotham Oliver.
She was a Baptist.  She was a member of Eastern Star and served as the queen of the Krewe of Flames in 1966.



Opelousas Daily World 01/20/1998

Athalie Sonnier Higginbotham (1920-1998) LA

PORT BARRE - Funeral services for Mrs. Athalie Sonnier Higginbotham, 77, will be held at 3:30 p.m. today in Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the new church cemetery. The Rev. Mike Hebert will conduct the services.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Eunice and a resident of Port Barre for most of her life, died at 10:45 p.m. Tuesday, January 13, 1998, in Columbia Doctors' Hospital in Opelousas.
Survivors include: three sons, Billy Comeaux, Johnny Comeaux and Roy Comeaux Jr., all of Port Barre; a daughter, Mrs. Danny (Maxine) Stoute of Port Barre; a brother, Hilman (Edmond) Sonnier of Port Barre; a sister, Mary Ann Prudhomme of Port Barre; ten grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her first husband, James Roy Comeaux Sr.; and her second husband, Oscar Higginbotham.
Visiting hours began at 3:30 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and from 8 a.m. today until time of services. A rosary was recited at 6:30 p.m. Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre was in charge of arrangements.



Yola Mae Fisette Higginbotham (1921-1998) LA

Moss Bluff -- Funeral services for Mrs. Ward (Yola Mae) Higginbotham, 75, will be at 2 p.m. today, March 6, from St. Theodore Catholic Church.
The Revs. Charles Dubois and Joseph Bourque will officiate. Burial will be in Consolata Cemetery in Lake Charles.
Visitation is from 8 a.m. in Hixson Funeral Home of Moss Bluff. A rosary was said Thursday evening.
Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday, March 4, 1998, in her residence.
A native of Opelousas, she had lived in the Lake Charles area since 1950. She was a member of St. Theodore Catholic Church. She was a member of VFW Post 2130, Lady's Auxiliary past president, and past president of District V, VFW.
Survivors include her husband; one son, Michael Ward Higginbotham of Lake Charles; one granddaughter; and one step grandson.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 3/24/1998

May Higginbotham Ashford (1913-1998) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. May H. Ashford , 84, were held at 10 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

The Rev. Mitchell Guidry conducted the services.

Mrs. Ashford, a resident of Church Point, died at 2:20 a.m. Monday, March 23, 1998, in Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home in Church Point.

Survivors are two brothers, Harry Higginbotham and Ben Joseph Higginbotham, both of Church Point; three sisters, Ella Thibodeaux of Eunice, Leta Hebert of Rayne and Dewilda Richard of Church Point; and a host of nieces and nephews.

Mrs. Ashford was preceded in death by her parents, Robert and Maria Higginbotham; her husband, John Ashford; three brothers, Elridge, Horace and Abram Higginbotham; and three sisters, Mary Belle Olivier, Agatha Guidry and Dula Bergeron.

Visiting hours were observed from 2 to 10 p.m. Monday and from 8 a.m. today until time of services. A rosary was recited at 7 p.m. by Rev. Don Leger.

Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.



Lake Charles American Press 04/16/1998

Natalie Mae Vincent Higginbotham (1943-1998) LA
Funeral services for Mrs. Natalie Mae Higginbotham, 54, will be at 3 p.m. Friday, April 17, in Johnson Funeral Home.
Deacon Dan Landry will officiate. Burial will be in Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery.
Visitation is from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. today, with a rosary at 6 p.m.; and from 8 a.m. Friday.
Mrs. Higginbotham died at 11:50 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, 1998, in a local hospital.
A native of Lake Arthur, she was a resident of Lake Charles for many years and was a member of St. Margaret Catholic Church.
Survivors include her husband, Abbie Joseph Higginbotham; one son, John Mark Landry of Lake Charles; one daughter, Rose Keele of Dickson, Texas; one stepson, Edgar Higginbotham of Lake Charles; three stepdaughters, Linda Kingrey of Eunice and Connie Chesson and Edna Norris, both of Lake Charles; five brothers, Larry Landry of Baton Rouge, Billy Landry of Lake Charles; Allen and Norman Landry, both of DeRidder, and V.M. Landry of Memphis, Tenn.; four sisters, Doris Franklin of Lake Charles, Linda Woolford of Sulphur, Earline Pousson of Iota and Viola LeJeune of Jennings; 14 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.



Lake Charles American Press 04/20/1998

Florence Higginbotham Bible (1938-1998) LA/TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Florence (Higginbotham) Bible, 60, of San Angelo, Texas, will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 21, in Johnson Funeral Home.
The Rev. Edgar Stevens will officiate. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery. Visitation is from 2-10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Tuesday.
Mrs. Bible died at 7:10 a.m. Saturday, April 18, 1998, in her residence.
A native of Bell City, she lived in West Texas most of her life. She was a member of First Assembly of God Church.
Survivors include one son, Wayne Doucet of San Angelo; two daughters, Brenda Chaline of Lake Charles and Shelia Faulk of San Angelo; one step-son, Earl Trahan Jr. of Lake Charles; three sisters, Elda Tramonte, Mary Louise Trahan and Ethel Marie Arabie, all of Lake Charles; and six grandchildren.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 6/8/1998

Winnie Wynn Holladay Taylor Smith Higginbotham (1924-1998) AL

Gardendale, Ala. - Memorial services for Winnie Wynn Holladay Taylor Smith Higginbotham will be at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in Gardendale Chapel. Arrangements are under direction of Comer, Ferriday.

Mrs. Higginbotham, 74, of Gardendale died Saturday, June 6, 1998, in Gardendale.

She was a former resident of Sicily Island.

Survivors include her husband, James H. Higginbotham of Gardendale; three sons, Robert Holladay of Tucker, Douglas Holladay of Gardendale and Sam Holladay of Sarasota, Fla.; one daughter, Kay Laughlin of Miami, Fla.; one sister, Hazel Doshar of Dallas, Tex.; two brothers, Coy W. Wynn of Rome, Italy, and O.G. Wynn Jr. of Sicily Island; and seven grandchildren.



Times Picayune 06/18/1998

Jeanne Collette Higginbotham Landry (1934-1998) LA

Jeanne Higginbotham Landry, vice president of Pratt Landry Associates Inc. and a microwave cookbook author, died Wednesday of liver disease at Tulane University Medical Center. She was 63. Mrs. Landry was born in New Orleans and lived in Metairie. She graduated from St. Joseph's Academy. She was a former principal of St. Lawrence The Martyr High School in Kenner. In the early 1970s she began adapting Creole and Cajun recipes to the microwave oven and introduced many residents of Louisiana to this method of cooking through her work for Louis W. Howat and Son Distributors, McDonald Sales and General Electric. She wrote a cookbook, "Saute", containing many of her Creole and Cajun microwave adaptations. Survivors include her husband, Pratt Landry; three sons, Dave, Tim and Pratt Landry III; two daughters, Collette Landry Weaver and Amy Landry Bodet; her mother, Winona Robichaux Higginbotham; And 11 grandchildren. A mass will be said Friday At 11 a.m. at Our Lady Of The Rosary Catholic Church, 3368 Esplanade Ave. Visitation will be today from 6 To 9 p.m. at Jacob Schoen & Son
Funeral Home, 3827 Canal St., and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. at the church. Burial will be in Metairie Cemetery.


Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 7/21/1998

Theo Higginbotham Edney (1909-1998) LA/MS

Theo H. Edney, 89, of North State Street, a homemaker, died of heart failure Saturday at St. Dominic/Jackson Memorial Hospital.

Services are 2 p.m. today in Riverview Cemetery in Monroe, La. Mulhearn Funeral Home is handling arrangements.

Mrs. Edney was a West Monroe, La., native and was a longtime Greenwood resident before moving to Jackson. She was the widow of Frank Edney.

Survivors include: brother, P.R. Higginbotham of Crossett, Ark.; and nieces and nephews.



Lake Charles American Press 08/07/1998

Thomas Higginbotham (1920-1998) LA

Funeral services for Thomas Higginbotham, 78, will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 8, in Johnson Funeral Home. Burial will be in Consolata Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1998, in his residence.



Opelousas Daily World 01/29/1999
Edna Marie Faul Higginbotham (1910-1999) LA
Funeral services for Mrs. Gilbert Higginbotham, the former Edna Marie "Mamie" Faul, 88, will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday in Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church in Opelousas with burial in Bellevue Memorial Park.
The Rev. Jeff DeBlanc will conduct the services.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Opelousas, died at 2:50 p.m. Wednesday, January 27, 1999, in Doctors' Hospital of Opelousas. She was a housewife.
Survivors include: two grandchildren, Jay Guidry of Opelousas and Carla Dupuy of Tucson, Ariz.; six great-grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Marshall (Elia) Burleigh of Sunset.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband, Gilbert Higginbotham; a daughter, Myrtle Guidry; and her parents, Arcard and Melissa Venable Faul.
Visiting hours will be observed from 4 to 11 p.m. today and from 7 a.m. Saturday until time of services. A rosary will be recited at 6:30 p.m.
Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home on the Old Sunset Road in Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.


Lake Chares American Press 02/16/1999

Bertha Daigle Higginbotham (1919-1999) LA

Funeral services for Bertha Daigle Higginbotham, 80, will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, in Johnson Funeral Home.  The Rev. Dan Landry will officiate. Burial will be in Consolata Cemetery.
Visitation is 2-10 p.m. Wednesday, with a Scripture service at 7:30 p.m.; and from 8 a.m. Thursday.
Mrs. Higginbotham died at 8:20 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13, 1999, in a local hospital.
A native of Church Point, she was a Lake Charles resident for most of her life. She was a member of St. Margaret Catholic Church.
Survivors include one son, Jackie Higginbotham of Lake Charles; two sisters, Ruby Latiolais of Lake Charles and Ivy Tredell of Lewisburg; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.



Opelousas Daily World 02/23/1999

Gloria Jane Benoit Higginbotham (1939-1999) LA
CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Mrs. Gloria B. Higginbotham, 59, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery.
The Rev. Mitchel Guidry will conduct the services.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died Monday, February 22, 1999, in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette.
Survivors include: her husband, Harry Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Christine Higginbotham of Church Point and Stephanie Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; a son, Joseph Higginbotham of Church Point; two grandsons, Layton Higginbotham and Connor McDonald; and a sister, Lacy Benoit of Church Point.
Visiting hours will be observed from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Wednesday until time of services. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m.
Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Ida Matte Higginbotham Kidder (1911-1999) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Ida Matte Kidder, 87, will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church in Opelousas with burial in Bellevue Memorial Park.

Mrs. Kidder, a resident of Opelousas and a native of Church Point, died at 7:40 p.m. Tuesday, March 9, 1999, in Opelousas General Hospital. She was a cafeteria with the St. Landry Parish School Board System for 30 years.

Survivors include: two sons, Calvin and wife Ann Higginbotham of Hatfield, Pa., and Rodney and wife Paulette Higginbotham of Slidell; a daughter, Mrs.Norris (Javalie) Woodson of Opelousas; two sisters, Hazel Miller of Welsh and Rena Arabie of Eunice; four grandsons, Bobby Woodson, Dennis Woodson and Terry Woodson, all of Opelousas, and Johnny Higginbotham of Hatfield, Pa.; three granddaughters, Connie Landreneau of Washington, Sheryl Sharpless of Louisville, Ky., and Javalie Mitchell of Orlando, Fla.; 15 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.

Mrs. Kidder was preceded in death by her husband, Moise Kidder; her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Onezine Matte; a brother, Willie Matte; a sister, Hilda Matte;and a grandson, Roger Woodson.

Visiting hours will be observed from 1 to 10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Friday until time of services. A rosary will be recited at 6 p.m.

Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas is in charge of arrangements.



Lake Charles American Press 3/16/1999

Natrice Vital Higginbotham (1912-1999) LA

Funeral services for Natrice Higginbotham, 86, will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 17, from Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church.
The Rev. Karl Fuselier will officiate. Burial will be in Sacred Heart Cemetery under the direction of Combre Funeral Home. Visitation is from 8 a.m. Wednesday in the funeral home.
Mrs. Higginbotham died Sunday, March 14, 1999, in a local hospital.
A native of Lake Charles, she was a school teacher for 40 years. She was a member for the Christian Mothers.
Survivors include two sons, G.C. Higginbotham of Lake Charles and Clorenza Higginbotham of Perris, Calif.; one brother, Oliver Vital of New Orleans; two sisters, Matilda Higginbotham of Los Angeles and Olena Broussard of Lake Charles; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 04/07/1999

Barbara Ann Guidroz Higginbotham
CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Mrs. Archie Higginbotham, the former Barbara Guidroz, 54, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery #2.
The Rev. Tom Montelaro will conduct the services.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Church Point, died at 3:53 p.m. Wednesday,  April 6, 1999, in Doctors' Hospital of Opelousas. She was a homemaker.
Survivors include: her mother, Mrs. Hazel Marks of Prairie Ronde; her  husband, Archie Higginbotham of Church Point; three sons, David Nelams, Newton Nelams and Archie Higginbotham, all of Church Point; three daughters, Donna Arnaud of Opelousas, Catherine Faul and Amanda Bourque, both of Church Point; three brothers, Harold Guidroz of Port Barre, Camille Guidroz of St. Martinville and Joseph Guidroz of Prairie Ronde; two sisters, Rose Guidroz of Port Barre and Elaine Aymond of Prairie Ronde; and 17 grandchildren.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her father, Joseph Guidroz; her paternal grandmother, Angelle Guidroz; and her maternal grandparents, Hepolite and Ceraide Thibodeaux.
Pallbearers will be Tony Faul, Archie Higginbotham Jr., David Nelams, Mark Arnaud, Kevin Bourque and Newton Nelams. Honorary pallbearers will be Giles Faul, Timothy Nelams, Jeremy Nelams and Shane Lyons.
Visiting hours will be observed from 10 a.m. today until time of services on Thursday. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. by Jim Cormier.
Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 4/20/1999

Annette Marie Higginbotham Faul (1958-1999) LA

Carencro - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at a Mass in St. Peter Catholic Church for Mrs. Raphael Faul, 40, the former Annette Marie Higginbotham, who died at 1 a.m. Sunday, April 18, 1999, at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette.

Interment will be in St. Peter Catholic Cemetery in Carencro. The Rev. Gregory Downs, pastor of St. Pater Catholic Church, will officiate at the services.

A native of Church Point, Mrs. Faul was a lifelong resident of Carencro. She was a 1976 graduate of Carencro High School.

Mrs. Faul is survived by her husband, Raphael Faul of Carencro; her mother, Mary Ann Comeaux Higginbotham of Carencro; two brothers, Glenn Higginbotham and Shane Higginbotham, both of Carencro; and two sisters, Sarah Richard and her husband, Oveil Richard Jr., of Carencro and Kathy Marie Higginbotham of Lafayette.

She was preceded in death by her father, John Allen Higginbotham.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 8 a.m. today until time of the services.

Melancon Funeral Home of Carencro is in charge of the arrangements.



The West Carroll Gazette 5/12/1999

Billy Gene Higginbotham (1934-1999) LA

Funeral services for Billy Gene Higginbotham, 64, were held Saturday, April 24, 1999 at 2 p.m. at Brown-Holley Funeral Home with Rev. Paul Hunter officiating.

Interment followed in Oak Grove Cemetery for Mr. Higginbotham who passed away April 22, 1999 in West Carroll Care Center following a lengthy illness. Services were under the direction of Brown-Holley Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired custodian for the West Carroll Parish School System.

Survivors include his wife, Virginia Higginbotham of Oak Grove; daughter, Melissa Bridges and husband, Bobby, of Monroe; step-daughter, Dorothy Tabuchi and husband, Shoji, of Branson, MO; stepson, Nathan Bailey and wife, Kim, of Oak Grove; brother, Johnny Higginbotham and wife, Marion, of Texas; sister, Wilma Little and husband, Archie, of Monroe; sister, Thelma Snow and husband, Alfred, of Oak Grove; three grandchildren, Christian Tabuchi, of Branson, MO; Summer and Shawn Bailey, of Oak Grove.

Pallbearers were Tommy Higginbotham, Steve Brinson, Colin Curtis, Carlton Lee Miles Jr., Lavone Cook and Travis Brinson.



Farmerville Gazette 7/15/1999
Walter Edwin Higginbotham (1943-1999) LA
Graveside services for Mr. W.E. "Eddie" Higginbotham, age 55 of Monroe, were held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 11, 1999, at the Downsville Cemetery in Downsville.
Arrangements were under the direction of Farrar Funeral Home of Farmerville.
Mr. Higginbotham, an iron worker, died on Tuesday, July 6, 1999, after a sudden illness in Omaha, Nebraska. He was a member of the Iron-worker Union Local 710 for the past 32 years.
Survivors include his wife, Billie Higginbotham of Monroe; two sons, Terry Higginbotham and wife Colleen of Omaha and Mike Higginbotham of Monroe; mother-in -law, Madge Long of West Monroe; two brothers, Billy Paul Higginbotham all of Houston and Albert Higginbotham of Bastrop; one sister, JoAnn Brister of West Monroe; and five grandchildren, David, Erin, Daniel, Jon-Michael and Sierra Higginbotham.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) - Friday, July 30, 1999

Hazel Higginbotham Pecovich (1917-1999) LA

PECOVICH, HAZEL H. A retired employee of U.S. Selective Service and a resident and native of Baton Rouge, she died at 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 28, 1999, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center. She was 82. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government St., 4:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and after 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Religious services at the funeral home chapel at 10 a.m. Saturday, conducted by the Rev. Henry J. Bowden and the Rev. Samuel Maranto. Interment in Resthaven Gardens of Memory. Survived by a sister, Ruth H. Adams, Baton Rouge; cousins and numerous nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by husband, Andrew S. Pecovich. She was a member of St. Gerard Majella Catholic Church.



The Church Point News 8/18/1999

Paul Randy Higginbotham (1952-1999)
Funeral services were held in Our Lady of the Sacred HEart Church at 2 p.m. Monday, August 16, 1999 for Randy Higginbotham, 46, of Church Point.

He died at his home at 2 a.m. Sunday, August 15.

Burial was in the OLSH cemetery under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home.

Fr. Tom Montelaro officiated at the funeral mass.

Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Filton :Irene: Higginbotham of Church Point; one son, Jiles Higginbotham of Church Point; one daughter, Heather Higginbotham of Church Point; and one brother, Richard Higginbotham of Church Point.

He was a United States Air Force veteran.



Ashley County (AR) Ledger 09/05/1999

Joe Andrew Higginbotham, Jr. (1921-1999) AR/LA
Services for Joe Andrew Higginbotham, Jr., 78, of Monroe, LA, were at 2 p.m. Saturday, September 4, 1999, at Kilpatrick's chapel on Lamy Lane in Monroe with Rev. Jim Brown officiating. Burial was in Memorial Park Cemetery in Monroe. Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday, September 1, 1999. He was born July 24, 1921, in Hamburg to Joe and Estelle Higginbotham and grew up in Ashley County. He served his country in the Army Air Corps and married his high school sweetheart, Jean Anita Bradney Higginbotham, who preceded him in death. He spent 35 years in the finance business, mostly in Monroe, with Friendly Finance, retiring in 1983. He spent his retirement years with his beloved Mary Jo Williams Higginbotham hunting and fishing until her untimely death. He was a member of Graham Surghnor Masonic Lodge #383, F&AM, the Monroe Scottish Rite bodies, and was a York Rite Mason. He was a member of the Barak Shrine Temple where he served as a member of the provost guard and a member of the High Twelve Club of NLU. He regularly volunteered his time and energies to many worthwhile projects. He attended the Fist Baptist Church of Monroe as often as his health would allow. Survivors include his two sons, Joe and Brad Higginbotham of Grand Junction, CO; three stepchildren, James and Ken Williams and Karen Carnahan of West Monroe; 14 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren; a sister, Agnes Weldon of Chebeaque Island, Maine; and a brother, W. T. Higginbotham of Hamburg.



Opelousas Daily World 10/30/1999

Harry Joseph Higginbotham (1928-1999) LA
CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Harry Higginbotham, 71, will be held 2 p.m. Sunday at Duhon Funeral Home here with burial in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery.
Officiating will be the Rev. David McCraney.
Mr. Higginbotham died 5:31 a.m. Saturday, October 30, 1999, at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette.
Survivors include: his wife, Roberta Higginbotham of Church Point; two sons, John Higginbotham and Michael Higginbotham, both of Church Point; four daughters, Karen Richard of Church Point, Elizabeth Mire of Richard, and Rhonda Darby and Tiffany Boudreaux, both of Sunset; two brothers, Austin Higginbotham and George Higginbotham, both of Church Point; a sister, Valarie LeJeune of Richard; and 17 grandchildren.
Mr. Higginbotham is preceded in death by his parents, John B. and Louise Higginbotham; a brother, Ray Higginbotham; and two sisters, Ruby Bihm and Esther Higginbotham.
Visitation is 6 p.m. to time of service Sunday at the funeral home.
Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 11/13/1999

Lena Elenor Higginbotham Fontenot (1904-1999) LA

Church Point - Mrs. Leonce Fontenot, 95, the former Lena Higginbotham, of Church Point, died Thursday, Nov. 11, 1999, at a Church Point hospital. Funeral Services will be held at 10 a.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church. Entombment will be in the church mausoleum. Visiting hours will be from 8 a.m. today until service time. Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Lake Charles American Press 11/18/1999
Hildred Newton Higginbotham (1946-1999) LA

DERIDDER -- Funeral services for Hildred N. Higginbotham, 53, will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19, in Myers-Colonial Funeral Home. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham died Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1999, in a Lake Charles hospital.



Lake Charles American Press 11/27/1999
Marie Keel Higginbotham (1914-1999) LA

DERIDDER -- Funeral services for Mrs. Marie Higginbotham, 88, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 28, in Myers-Colonial Funeral Home. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery.
Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday, Nov. 25, 1999, in her residence.


Lake Charles American Press 12/30/1999

Vina Mae Gautreaux Higginbotham (1930-1999) LA

DERIDDER -- Funeral services for Vina Mae "Verna" Higginbotham, 69, will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 31, in Hopewell Baptist Church. The Rev. Byron Williams will officiate. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery under the direction of Beauregard-Vernon Funeral Home.
Visitation is 11 a.m.-10 p.m. today at the funeral home and from 9 a.m. Friday at the church.
Mrs. Higginbotham died at 5:20 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1999,, in a DeRidder hospital.
A native of Big Lake, she lived most of her life in Lake Charles. She moved to Bundick Lake 17 years ago and retired as a teacher aide at K.R. Hanchey Elementary School. She was formerly employed at the at the Calcasieu Association for Retarded Citizens in Westlake as a teacher aide. She was a member of Hopewell Baptist Church.
Survivors include two sons, Jeffrey Higginbotham of Dickenson, Texas, and Gary Mire of Moss Bluff; three daughters, Gloria Harlloe of Oroville, Calif., Gwen Broussard of Moss Bluff and Sandra Bostick of Haddock, Ga.; two brothers, Dae Gautreaux of Scott and Weston Gautreaux of Rayne; seven sisters, Ruby Cormier of Eunice, Laura Short of Broussard, Ruth Skipper and Hazel Cormier, both of Duson, Anna Benoit of Wadsworth, Texas, Anna Mae Simmoneaux and Sylvia Dominique, both of Rayne; 15 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.



Lake Charles American Press 01/03/2000

Mabel Lyons Higginbotham (1916-2000) LA

CHURCH POINT -- Funeral services for Mabel Lyons Higginbotham, 83, will be at 2 p.m. today, Jan. 3, in First Pentecostal Church. Interment will be in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home.
Mrs. Higginbotham died Friday, Dec. 31, 1999, in the Opelousas hospital.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 1/7/2000

Steven Wayne Higginbotham (1979-2000) LA

Higginbotham, Steven Wayne, 24, of Jonesboro died Wednesday; services at 2 p.m. today at Edmonds Funeral Home, Jonesboro; Burial in Mount Olive East Cemetery, Quitman.


Opelousas Daily World 02/14/2000

Lora Doucet Higginbotham (1910-2000) LA
WHITEVILLE - Funeral services for Ms. Lora Higginbotham, 89, were held at 2 p.m. today in Resurrection Church here with burial in the church cemetery.
Ardoin's Funeral Home of Ville Platte was in charge of arrangements.



Opelousas Daily World 03/27/2000

Winnola Rayon Higginbotham (1904-2000) LA
CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Mrs. Armand Higginbotham, the former Winnola Rayon, 95, were held at noon today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church mausoleum. Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 3/29/2000

Una Higginbotham Doucet (1906-2000) LA

Port Barre - Funeral services for Mrs. Una Higginbotham Doucet, 93, will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday in Sibille Funeral Home Chapel here with burial in the old Sacred Heart Cemetery.

Mrs. Doucet, a resident of Opelousas, died at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 28, 2000, in Senior Village Nursing Home in Opelousas.

Survivors include two sons, Howard Doucet of Broussard and J.B. Doucet of Port Barre; six grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and eight great-great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Doucet was preceded in death by her husband, Belazire Doucet; and a son, Hubert "Bada" Doucet.

Visiting hours will be observed from 1:30 to 10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Thursday until time of services.

Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre is in charge of arrangements.


Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 04/10/2000

Irene Godeaux Higginbotham (1918-2000) LA

CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Mrs. Irene Higginbotham, formerly Irene Godeaux, 80, will be held at 2 p.m. today at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church here with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, died 11:40 a.m. Sunday, April 9, at her residence.

Survivors include: one son, Richard Higginbotham of Mire; one sister, Aline Stewart of Bayou Vista; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Filton Higginbotham; two sons, John W. Higginbotham; Paul Randy Higginbotham; three brothers, Lawrence Godeaux, Alfred Godeaux, Henry Godeaux; and one sister, Clementine LeJeune.

Visiting hours were from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday and 8 a.m. until the time of service. A rosary was recited at 7 a.m. Sunday.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.


Opelousas Daily World 04/27/2000

Wilson Joseph Higginbotham (1916-2000) LA
GRAND COTEAU - Funeral services for Mr. Wilson Joseph "Hick" Higginbotham, 83, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Friday in Melancon Funeral Home Chapel here with burial in St. Charles Borromeo Cemetery in Grand Coteau. The Rev. Msgr. Paul Metrejean, a friend of the family, will conduct the services. Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Port Arthur, Texas, and a resident of Opelousas since early childhood, died at 2:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 26, 2000, in Opelousas General Hospital. He had been employed with Bertheaud Motors of Opelousas, St. Landry Tractor Company of Opelousas and Ortego Oil of Opelousas. Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of the military, having served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Survivors include: his wife, Josephine Soulas Higginbotham of Opelousas; two sons, Ronald James Higginbotham and his wife Denise of Kalamazoo, Mich., and Wilson John Higginbotham of Lafayette; two daughters, Judy Stanford and Fredrick Bastien of Lafayette and Cheryl Higginbotham Abdalla and her husband Robert Abdalla of Opelousas; three grandchildren, Michael Hernandez Stanford and April Ivy Kelly and her husband Jamie, both of Lafayette, and Joshua Caleb Higginbotham of Kalamazoo, Mich.; a great-granddaughter, Madeleine Jayne Kelly of Lafayette; and four sisters, Eva Lavergne, Odille Landry, Alice Leger and Mrs. Homer Labbe. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his parents, Henry Higginbotham and the former Louisa Bellard, both natives of Church Point; his adoptive mother, Honora Beaugh; seven brothers, Percy Higginbotham, Joseph Honore Beaugh, Leonidas Beaugh, Theodore Beaugh, Albert Beaugh, Frank Beaugh and Roaul Beaugh; and four sisters, Josephine Richard, Corinne Lavergne, Louise Auzenne and Louisiana Ruptier. Visiting hours will be observed from 8 a.m. Friday until time of services. A rosary will be recited at 3:30 p.m. Melancon Funeral Home of Grand Coteau is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 6/16/2000

Ernest Delton Higginbotham (1915-2000) LA

Higginbotham, Ernest D., 84, of Ringgold died Thursday; services at 2 p.m. today at Rockett Funeral Home, Ringgold; burial in Bistineau Cemetery, Heflin.


Teche News (St. Martinsville, LA) 6/28/2000

Gabriel Paul Higginbotham (2000) LA

Catahoula - Graveside services were held Wednesday, June 21, at our Lady of the Lake Cemetery for Gabriel Paul Higginbotham, infant, who died Monday, June 19, 2000, at a Lafayette hospital.

He is survived by his parents, Lloyd Higginbotham Jr. and Alison Mueller Higginbotham of Catahoula; three brothers, Lloyd Higginbotham III, Bastian Higginbotham and Ried Higginbotham, all of Catahoula; one sister, Emmaline H. Claire of Catahoula; and his grandparents, Lloyd "Red" and Mary Lee Higginbotham of Catahoula. Frank and Cheryl Mueller of Youngsville and Ann Valliere of West Palm Beach, Fla.

Evangeline Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.


Lake Charles American Press 7/7/2000
Cynthia Marie King Higginbotham (1961-2000) LA

JENNINGS - Funeral services for Cynthia Marie Higginbotham, 39, will be at 7 p.m. Sunday, July 9, in Immanuel Christ Sanctified Holiness Church.
Felton R. Joseph will officiate. Dismissal will be at 10 a.m. Monday. Burial will be in Southside Cemetery under the direction of Owens-Thomas Funeral Home of Eunice. Visitation will be from 4 p.m. Sunday in the church.
Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday, July 5, 2000, in the Jennings hospital.
Survivors include her husband, Eddie Higginbotham of Jennings; three sons, Randy K. Davis Jr., Gregory R. Livingston Jr. and Lance E. Higginbotham, all of Jennings; three brothers, Kevin J. King of Lake Charles, Arthur Etienne Jr. of Chicago and Travis D. Etienne of Jennings; one sister, Carolyn J. Simon of Jennings; her mother and stepfather, Betty Etienne and Arthur Etienne Sr. of Jennings; and one grandchild.



The Church Point News 7/12/2000

Joyce Marie Higginbotham Francois (1922-2000) LA

Funeral services were held Monday, June 19, 2000 at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Burley Francois, 77, the former Joyce Higginbotham of Church Point.

She was a homemaker and a member of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Immaculate Conception No. 1531.

Mrs. Francois died at 12 midnight, June 17 at the Acadia-St. Landry Hospital.

Burial was in the church cemetery #2 under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home.

Survivors are her husband, Burley Francois of Church Point; three sons, Leonard Francois of Lafayette; Carl Francois and wife, Maria of Lafayette and Keith Francois of Jacksonville, Florida; three daughters, , Jolene Comeaux and husband, Danny of Crowley; Peggy Francois of Lafayette and Christine Francois of Jacksonville, Florida; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.



The Church Point News 7/26/2000

Preston Higginbotham (1934-2000) LA
Funeral services were held at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Eunice at 3 p.m. Friday, July 14, 2000 for Preston Higginbotham, 66, with burial following in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Cemetery in Church Point.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Eunice died Thursday, July 13 at his home.

He is survived by his wife, Jeanette Higginbotham of Eunice; five sons, Gary, Dwayne, Timmy and Jamie Higginbotham of Eunice and Sherman Higginbotham of Houma; two daughters, Carolyn Martel Elton and Shirleen Lavergne of Richard; three brothers, Leander Higginbotham of Church Point, Warren Higginbotham of Baton Rouge and Ray Higginbotham of Eunice; 16 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by a brother, Gervais Higginbotham.

Quirk & Son Funeral Home of Eunice was in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA), Saturday, July 15, 2000

Martha Lou Higginbotham Lee (1931-2000) LA

Martha Lee, a resident of Livingston, died at 3:25 a.m. Friday, July 14, 2000, at her home. She was 68 and a native of Corbin.
Visiting at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, until religious services in the chapel, conducted by the Rev. Dwight Barber. Interment in Old Red Oak Cemetery.
Survived by three daughters and sons-in-law, Mitzie and Alton Taylor, Jacquelyn and Buddy Ballard and Christine and Darrell Breland; a son and daughter-in-law, Hollis Bo and Margie Lee; a special friend who was like a son to her, Michael D. Hughes; three sisters; six brothers; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by her husband, Hollis Butch Lee; parents, Jack and Willie Higginbotham; and two brothers.



The West Carroll Gazette (Oak Grove, LA) 7/19/2000

Sam H. Hickingbottom (1924-2000) LA

Funeral services for Sam H. Hickingbottom, age 75 years, were held Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 2 p.m. at Golden Funeral Home Chapel in Bastrop with Reverend Freddie Spears officiating.

Interment followed in Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Golden Funeral Home of Bastrop.

Sam. H. Hickingbottom died Thursday, July 6, 2000 at his residence in Bastrop.

Mr. Hickingbottom was a United States Army Veteran of World War II in the Alaska Command. He was retired from International Paper Company.

Survivors include his wife of 53-1/2 years, Lucille Hickingbottom; one daughter, Dr. Barbara Hickingbottom, of Palo Alto, California; one son, Danny E. Hickingbottom and Kathleen, of Kennesaw, Georgia; one sister, Mary Neathery, of Bastrop; three brothers, John Hickingbottom of Bastrop, Leo Hickingbottom of Doyline, and Roger Hickingbottom of Shreveport; and two grandchildren, Danny E. Hickingbottom and Leslee, of Bastrop; and Lt. J. G. Clark Hickingbottom and Charlotte, of San Diego, California.

Pallbearers were Ed White, Jerry Honneycutt, Kenneth Honneycutt, James Wislon, Percy Rodgers, and J. W. Tullos.

Honorary pallbearers were J. W. Knighton, David Kirby and James Jefferies.



The West Carroll Gazette (Oak Grove, LA), Wednesday, August 2, 2000

Thelma Ruth Higginbotham Snow (1941-2000) LA
Funeral services for Thelma R. Snow, age 59 years, were held Sunday, July 23, 2000 at 2 p.m. at Cox Funeral Home Chapel in Oak Grove with Reverend Eugene Haley officiating.

Interment followed in the Oak Grove Cemetery. Services were under the direction of Cox Funeral Home of Oak Grove.

Thelma R. Snow died Friday, July 21, 2000 at St. Francis Medical Center in Monroe.

Survivors include her husband, Alfred Snow, of Oak Grove; son and daughter-in-law, Larry and Karen Snow, of Oak Grove; grandson, Freddy Snow, of Oak Grove; and a brother, Johnny Higginbotham, of Ft. Worth, Texas.

Pallbearers were Donald Porter, Billy Sarotte, Scott Creech, Randy Thornhill, Randal Thornhill and Brady Lancaster.



Crowley Post-Signal 10/27/2000

Marie Lillian Matte Higginbotham (1908-2000) LA

CHURCH POINT - Lillian Matte Higginbotham, 92, died on Wednesday, October 25, 2000, at Acadia - St. Landry Guest House. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, October 27, 2000, at Our Lady of the Sacred Catholic Church. Burial will be held in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery. Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Opelousas World Daily 12/03/2000

Leonce Higginbotham (1917-2000) LA
PORT BARRE - Funeral services for Mr. Leonce Higginbotham, 83, will be held at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church here with burial in the church cemetery.
The Rev. Mike Hebert will conduct the services.
Mr. Higginbotham died at 6:30 a.m. Friday, December 1, at Opelousas General Hospital. He was a dozer Operator and an army veteran from World War II.
Survivors include: His wife, Rena Fontenot Higginbotham of Port Barre; one daughter, Mrs. Pam Higginbotham Devillier of Waco, Texas; three sons, Johnny Higginbotham of St. Louis, Mo., Kenneth Higginbotham of Port Barre, and Michael Higginbotham of Opelousas; one sister, Mrs. Josephine Doucet of Opelousas; nine grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Louis and Anna Bellard Higginbotham.
Visitation will be from 8:30 a.m. today until 10 p.m. and again from 8 a.m. until the time of services Monday.
A rosary will be recited at 6 p.m. tonight.
Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre is in charge of arrangements.



Opelousas World Daily 12/05/2000

Beaulah Higginbotham Benoit (1917-2000) LA

CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Mrs. Beulah Higginbotham Benoit, 83, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here with burial in the church cemetery. Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/7/2001

Howard Higginbotham (1908-2001) LA
CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Howard Higginbotham, 92, of Church Point will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. 8. 2001 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point.

Interment will be in the church cemetery.

Born Dec. 13, 1908, in Church Point, Howard Higginbotham died at 8:15 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 6, 2001, at Opelousas General Hospital in Opelousas. He was a retired farmer.

Survivors include one son, Douglas Higginbotham of Church Point; one daughter, Priscilla H. Credeur of Carencro; 11 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

He was preceded in death by his father, Abner "Nap" Higginbotham, his mother, Electa Colligan Higginbotham; his first wife, Aline Venable; his second wife, Inez Savoie; two daughters, Shirley Higginbotham and Mary Lee Castille; one son, Dwight Higginbotham; two grandchildren, Clay Higginbotham and Jeremy Credeur; one great-grandchild, Steven Wayne Castille; seven brothers and three sisters.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today.

Visitation hours will be observed at the funeral home from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. today, and from 8 a.m. Monday until service time.

Guidry Funeral Home Inc. of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.




Opelousas World Daily 02/09/2001

Josephine Soulas Higginbotham
GRAND COTEAU - Funeral services for Josephine Soulas Higginbotham, 79, will be held at Melancon Funeral Home (date and time are pending).
Interment will be in St. Charles Borromeo Church Cemetery in Grand Coteau.
A resident of Opelousas, Higginbotham died Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001, in her home.
Survivors include her four children, Cheryl Higginbotham Abdalla and her husband, Robert; Ronald James Higginbotham and his wife, Denise; Wilson John Higginbotham; and Judy Stanford and Fred Bastien. She is also survived by three grandchildren, April Ivy Kelly and her husband, Jamie; John Michael Hernandez Stanford and Joshua Caleb Higginbotham; and one great-grandchild, Madeleine Jayne Kelly. Other survivors include her brother, Lester; her nephew, Whitbury J. Stelly and his wife, Neva; and her niece, Vivian Alleman.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Wilson Joseph "Hick" Higginbotham; her parents, Laura Ivy Soulas and Victor Soulas and two sisters, Ida Soulas Lanclos and Dora Soulas Stelly; and three brothers, Calaway Soulas, Afred Soulas and Victor Soulas Jr. Melancon Funeral Home in Grand Coteau is in charge of the arrangements.



The Eunice News 2/11/2001

Marie Ella Higginbotham Thibodeaux (1922-2001) LA

Funeral services were held at St. Anthony Catholic Church at 11 a.m. Saturday, February 10, 2001 for Marie Ella Thibodeaux, 78, with burial following in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum in Church Point.

Mrs. Thibodeaux, a resident of Eunice, died Thursday, February 8, 2001 at Eunice Community Medical Center.

She is survived by her husband, Maurice Thibodeaux of Eunice; special niece and nephew, Joyce and Robert Richard of Scott; two brothers, Ben Higginbotham and Harry Higginbotham, both of Church Point; two sisters, Elita Hebert of Rayne and Dewilda Richard of Church Point.

Quirk & Son Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.


Lake Charles American Press 05/03/2001

Eula Mae Higginbotham Broussard Fontenot (1933-2001) LA
Funeral services for Eula Mae Fontenot, 67, will be at 2 p.m. today, May 3, in Johnson Funeral Home.
The Rev. John Giles will officiate. Burial will be in Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery. Visitation is from 8 a.m.
Mrs. Fontenot died at 4:35 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, 2001, in a local hospital.
She was a native of Bosco and had lived in Lake Charles for more than 50 years. She was a cashier at Kroger for many years. She was a member of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church.
Survivors include four sons, George Clayton Broussard of Laurel, Miss., and Warren Broussard, Stephen Broussard Sr. and Kermit Broussard, all of Lake Charles; one daughter, Wendolyn Lopez of Lake Charles; three brothers, Abbie Higginbotham and Percy Higginbotham, both of Lake Charles, and Emery Higginbotham of Houma; 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.



Sara Ellen Keel Higginbotham (1916-2001) LA
DERIDDER - Funeral services for Sara E. Higginbotham, 85, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 1, in Myers-Colonial Funeral Home. Burial will be in Old Cypress Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday, June 28, 2001, in DeRidder.



Opelousas World Daily 07/15/2001

Justine Blanchard Higginbotham (1911-2001) LA
RICHARD-Funeral services for Mrs. Justine B. Higginbotham, 89, will be at 11 a.m. Monday at St. Edwards Catholic Church here with burial in the St. Edward Cemetery.
Quirk and Son Funeral Home of Eunice is in charge of arrangements.




Howard Higginbotham (1927-2001) LA

Higginbotham, Howard

A former machine operator with Armco Steel Corp., and a resident of Fordoche, he died at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 18, 2001, at Baton Rouge Medical Center-Bluebonnet. He was 74 and a native of Lottie. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Visiting was at Niland's Funeral Home, Livonia, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday. Visiting at the funeral home from 8 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Friday. Religious services at St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Church, Livonia, at 11 a.m. Friday, conducted by the Rev. Joseph Nguyen. Interment in church cemetery. Survived by his wife, Lea S. Higginbotham, Fordoche; two daughters and son-in-law, Elaine and Daniel Ewing, Fordoche, and Sheila and Max Williams, Baker; two sons and daughter-in-law, Bobby and Lynne Higginbotham, Fordoche, and Lonnie and Rita Higginbotham, Port Allen; a sister, Alma Sagona, Baton Rouge; a brother, Calvin Higginbotham, Columbia, Miss.; and 10 grandchildren, Andrew, Angie, Farah and Kace Higginbotham, Shelby Ponchieux, Tonya, Tessa and Dustin Ewing, Courtney Bergeron and Chase Williams. Preceded in death by his parents, James and Martha Higginbotham; a son, Dannie Higginbotham; four sisters and three brothers. Pallbearers will be Dustin Ewing, Andrew Higginbotham, Max Williams, Daniel Ewing, Harry Leger II and Jeremy LaCombe. He was a member of St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Church.



Lake Charles American Press 10/11/2001

Ella Mae Cormier Higginbotham Bourque (1932-2001) LA
Funeral services for Ella Mae Cormier Higginbotham Bourque, 73, will be at 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12, from St. Margaret Catholic Church.
The Rev. Aubrey Guilbeau will officiate. Burial will be in Frye Cemetery in Mowata under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home.
Visitation is 11 a.m.-10 p.m. today, with a rosary at 7 p.m., and 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Friday in the funeral home.
Mrs. Bourque died at 9:25 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2001, in a local hospital.
She was a native of Eunice, and she had lived in Lake Charles for 66 years. She was a longtime agent for Security Industrial Insurance Co. She was a member of St. Margaret Catholic Church.
Survivors include her husband, Richard Bourque of Lake Charles; four daughters, Patricia Franklin of Buna, Texas, Kathy Higginbotham of Haughton, Vickie Trotter of Dayton, Texas, and Fay Leverkuhn of Ragley; four sons, Kenneth Higginbotham of Moss Bluff, James Higginbotham and Gary Higginbotham, both of Lake Charles, and Randy Higginbotham of Carlyss; one stepson, Ronnie Vassar of Morgantown, N.C.; one stepdaughter, Peggy Johnson of Peachtree, Ga.; 21 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 11/3/2001

Rita Jenkins Higginbotham (1925-20010 LA

Scott - Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Nov. 5, 2001, at a Mass of Christian Burial in Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Scott for Rita J. Higginbotham, 75, the former Rita Jenkins, who died at 10:34 a.m. Friday, Nov. 2, 2001, at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center.

Interment will be in Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery.

The Rev. Gilbert Dutel, pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, will be the celebrant of the funeral Mass and will conduct the services. Gerard Lancon, accompanied on the organ by Alberta Lyons, will sing for the services "Amazing Grace", "J'irai la voir un jour," "The Lords' Prayer" and "I Will Never Forget You."

Survivors include one daughter, Priscilla LeBlanc, of Lafayette.

A native and lifelong resident of Scott, Mrs. Higginbotham was the daughter of the late Frank Jenkins and the former Emilie Domingue, both natives of Scott.

Prior to her retirement, Mrs. Higginbotham was employed by Wolf's Sunbeam Bakery as a secretary for 18 years. She was a member of the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Community and the Sts. Peter and Paul Ladies Alter Society.

A rosary will be prayed at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in Martin & Castille Funeral Home in Scott.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Sunday and from 8 a.m. Monday until time of services.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Martin & Castille Funeral Home Inc., Scott, 234-2320.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 12/5/2001

Zoe Clavier Higginbotham (1917-2001) LA

Scott - Joint funeral services will be held at a 10 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial Thursday, Dec. 6, 2001, in Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church for Zoe Higginbotham, age 84, the former Zoe Clavier, who died at 12:15 p.m. Monday, Dec. 3, 2001 in the St. Martin Hospital in Breaux Bridge.

Interment will be in Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery.

The Rev. Monsignor Douglas Courville, pastor of St. Jules Catholic Church, will be celebrant of the funeral Mass and will conduct the services. Jodi Bollich, organist, will sing for the services, "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman," "The Lord's Prayer," "On Eagles Wings," "Just a Closer Walk With Thee," and "You Are Near."

Survivors include two daughters, Janet Gates and Bernadine Higginbotham, both of Scott; three sons, Joseph Carroll Higginbotham and his wife, Diane, of Destrehan, Milton Joseph Higginbotham and his wife, Sandra, of Breaux Bridge, and Terry Higginbotham and his wife, Judy, of Bosco; 15 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and one brother, Jack Clavier, of Lafayette.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Abram Higginbotham, on Dec. 10, 1971; her parents; two sisters, Dorina Lejeune and Amelie Jagneaux; three brothers, Felix Clavier, Amar Clavier and Leo Clavier; and one son who died the day following her death, John Darrell Higginbotham.

A native of Church Point and a resident of Scott for most of her life, Mrs. Higginbotham was the daughter of William Clavier and the former Amythe Daigle, both natives of Church Point.

She was the former owner/operator of the Triangle Club in Scott and also worked as a farmer with her husband.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today in the Martin and Castille Funeral Home in Scott.

The family requests visiting hours be observed from noon until 9 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. until time of services Thursday.

Pallbearers are Amy Higginbotham, Michelle Trahan, Toni H. Lejeune, Shawn Higginbotham, Brian Higginbotham and Derek Higginbotham.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Martin and Castille Funeral Home of Scott, 234-2320.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 12/27/2001

Alice Maple Holland Higginbotham West Wright (1920-2001) LA

Services for Maple Higginbotham West Wright will be at 2 p.m. Friday in the chapel of John Kramer & Son, Alexandria, with the Rev. James C. Edwards officiating. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Pineville.

Wright, 81, of Pineville died Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2001, in Huey P. Long Medical Center, Pineville.

She was preceded in death by one daughter, Mary Alice Higginbotham.

Survivors include her husband, George William Wright of Tioga; three sisters, Ada Holland Ross and Ruby Rabalais, both of Prospect Community, and Fanny Shaw of Tioga; two grandchildren and tw great-grandchildren.

Friends may call from 10 a.m. until time of services Friday in the funeral home.


The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 12/5/2001

John Darrell Higginbotham (1946-2001) LA

Scott - Joint funeral services will be held at a 10 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial Thursday, Dec. 6, 2001, in Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church for Darrell Higginbotham, 55, who died at 3:20 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2001 in the Lafayette General Medical Center.

The Rev. Monsignor Douglas Courville, pastor of St. Jules Catholic Church, will be celebrant of the funeral Mass and will conduct the services. Jodi Bollich, organist, will sing for the services, "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman," "The Lord's Prayer," "On Eagles Wings," "Just a Closer Walk With Thee," and "You Are Near."

Survivors include his wife, the former Gloria Ann Cloteaux, of Lafayette; one daughter, Toni H. Lejeune, of Rayne; two sons, Brent Higginbotham, of Church Point, and Edward Higginbotham, of Scott; 10 grandchildren; one great-grandchild; two sisters, Janet Gates and Bernadine Higginbotham, both of Scott; and three brothers, Joseph Carroll Higginbotham and his wife, Diane, of Destrehan, Milton Joseph Higginbotham and his wife, Sandra, of Breaux Bridge, and Terry Higginbotham and his wife, Judy, of Bosco; He was preceded in death by his parents, Abram and Zoe Clavier Higginbotham.



Ashley County (AR) Ledger 01/02/2002

Elizabeth Christine Higginbotham Sullivan (1914-2002) MS/LA

 Christine Higginbotham Sullivan, 87, of Jonesboro, LA, died Thursday, January 3, 2002, at the Memphis East Baptist Hospital in Memphis, TN. Born May 14, 1914, in Winston County, MS, she was preceded in death by her husband, Clyde S. Sullivan, Sr., a former mayor of Hamburg; her parents, Willie K. and Leona Clark Higginbotham; three brothers, William, Paul and Grady Higginbotham; and one sister, Bessie Reed. She is survived by a son, Clyde E. Sullivan, Jr., of Jonesboro, LA; two daughters, Pauline Lochala and husband Roddy of Hamburg and Louise Burnett of Memphis, TN; one sister, Annie White of Shuqualak, MS; two brothers, Brooks Higginbotham of Shuqualak MS, and Kittrel Higginbotham of Greenwood, MS. Her grandchildren are Roddy "Butch" Lochala, Dr. Richard Lochala, Michael Burnett, Chris Burnett, Karen Burnett, Shea Sullivan and Stacey Sullivan. Great-grandchildren are Dr. Rod, Stephanie, Nathan, Joshua, Whitney and Hannah Lochala and Joe Michael, John David, Stacy, Christy, Billy and Bobby Burnett. Great-great-granddaughters are Mary Mills Lochala and Abigail Lochala. Funeral services were January 5 at the Edmonds Funeral Home chapel in Jonesboro with Rev. Perry Lassiter and Bro. Dwayne M. Boudreaux officiating. Burial followed services at the Gayla Traina Cemetery in Jonesboro. Memorials may be made to the Ashley County Health Foundation, P. O. Box 400, Crossett, AR 71635 or to the Hamburg High School Honors Scholarship Fund, c/o Dorothy Higginbotham, 518 South Main, Hamburg, AR 71646.



The Daily Advertiser 2/8/2002

Georgia Patin Higginbotham (1915-2002) LA

Lafayette - Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 9, 2002, at a Mass of Christian Burial in Delhomme Chapel of the Flowers for Georgia Patin Higginbotham, who died at 1:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002, at St. Agnes Nursing Home in Breaux Bridge.

The Rev. O. Joseph Breaux, pastor os St. Theresa of the Child Catholic Church in Duson, will be celebrant of the Mass and will conduct the funeral services. Joni Hamilton will be the soloist.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Scott, was the daughter of the late Cleopile Patin and the former Leocadie Vial, both natives of Scott. She was a member of the St. Jules Catholic Community and St. Jules Ladies Alter Society.

She was formerly employed by Abdall's and La Parisienne stores as a seamstress. and for years was a seamstress for the Mardi Gras Carnival Krewes.

Survivors include her husband, Clinton J. Higginbotham, of Lafayette; one daughter, Carolyn H. Atkins, of Fort Worth, Texas; one son, Donald J. Higginbotham of Lafayette; five grandchildren, Jim Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Amy Higginbotham, Winn Atkins and Mitch Atkins; and four great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Gilbert and George Patin; and two sisters, Mable Doucet and Birdie Domingue.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today in the funeral home by Sylvia Conque.

Pallbearers will be Jim Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Winn Atkins, Mitch Atkins, Ted Latiolais, Carroll Patin and Carroll Comeaux.

Honorary pallbearers are Robert LeJeune, Amy Higginbotham, Albert Latiolais and Iggie Castille.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Saturday until time of services.



Lake Charles American Press 02/13/2002

Ethel Irene Hebert Davis Higginbotham (1901-2002) LA/TX
WELSH — Funeral services for Ethel Irene Hebert Higginbotham, 100, of Longview, Texas, will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, from Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church. The Rev. Herbert May will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery under the direction of Hixson Funeral Home. Visitation is 3:30-9 p.m. today, with a rosary at 7 p.m., and from 8 a.m. Thursday in the funeral home.
Mrs. Higginbotham died at 8:15 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002, in Welsh. She was a native of Welsh. She was a homemaker. She was a former town clerk and was Welsh's first librarian. She was a parade marshal for the Welsh Fourth of July parade. She was an oil painter and a member of the Oil Painting and China Painting Guild. She was a member of Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church, the Ladies Altar Society, Catholic Daughters of America and the church rosary group.



Lake Charles American Press 02/13/2002

Eunice Alma Phillips Higginbotham Parker (1917-2002) LA
DERIDDER — Funeral services for Effie Higginbotham, 84, of Junction, will be at 2 p.m. today, Feb. 13, in Myers-Colonial Funeral Home. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery.
Mrs. Parker died Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002, in her residence.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 3/1/2002

Yvonne Broussard Higginbotham (1916-2002) LA

Yvonne Higginbotham, 85, of Youngsville, died at 2:10 a.m. Friday, March 1, 2002, at a Lafayette hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. today at St. Anne Catholic Church. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Funeral home visiting hours will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today. Fountain Memorial Funeral Home of Lafayette is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 3/20/2002

Laure Martin Higginbotham (1910-2002) LA

Lafayette - Funeral services will be held at a 2 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial in La Chapelle de Martin & Castille for Laure Martin Higginbotham, 91, who died at 3:55 a.m. Tuesday, March 19, 2002, in IHS of Lafayette.

Interment will be in St. Peter Cemetery in Carencro. Committal services will be conducted by the Rev. Bill J. Melancon, pastor of St. Peter Catholic Church of Carencro.

The Rev. Monsignor Glen J. Provost, pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, will be celebrant of the funeral Mass and will conduct the services. Joni Hamilton, organist, will song for the funeral Mass "On Eagle's Wings," Yahweh Is My Shepherd," "Ave Maria," "Be Not Afraid," and "The Lord's Prayer."

Survivors include one daughter, Doris Romero-Hariu, of Lafayette; five grandchildren, Diane Romero Schomburg and he husband, Roger, Gail Romero Liggio and her husband, John, Wally Romero, Terry Romero Wofford and her husband, Sam, and Julie Romero Dupre and her husband, Kerry; eight great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; one sister, Lucille LeBlanc, of Lafayette; and one brother, Lionel Martin and his wife, Dorothy, of Carencro.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Isaac A. Higginbotham; her son-in-law, Walter J. Romero; two sisters, Gussie Romero and Yvonne Dupius; and three brothers, Aristide Martin, Shelby Martin and Felix Martin Jr.

A native of Carencro and a resident of Lafayette since 1927, Mrs. Higginbotham was the daughter of the late Felix R. Martin and the former Celemine Breaux, both natives of Lafayette Parish.

One of Louisiana's first business women, Mrs. Higginbotham was the former owner and operator of Laure's Hat Shop.

She was a member of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Community, Our Lady of Fatima Ladies Altar Society and St. Anne Society of St. Peter Catholic Community of Carencro.

A rosary will be prayed at 11:30 a.m. today in Martin & Castille Funeral Home.

Visiting hours will be held today from 9 a.m. until time of the funeral Mass.

Pallbearers will be Beau Wofford, Sam Wofford, Wally Romero, John Liggio, Matthew Fontenot and Kerry Dupre.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Martin & Castille Funeral Home Inc. of Lafayette, 234-2311.



Livingston Parish News 03/25/2002

Ava Lucille Comish Higginbotham (1912-2002) LA
Ava Lucille Comish "Maw Maw Pretty" Higginbotham died at 10:55 p.m. Saturday, March 23, 2002, at North Oaks Medical Center, Hammond. She was 89, a resident of Holden and a native of Denham Springs. She was a retired school bus driver with the Livingston Parish School Board. Visitation was at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, Monday. Religious services were at the funeral home chapel, Tuesday, conducted by the Rev. Jeff Hathorn. Interment was in Higginbotham Family Cemetery, Holden. She is survived by her three daughters and sons-in-law, Ava and Glenn Stevens, Mary and L.W. Trawick and Paula and Edward Green; her two sons and daughters-in-law, Austin Higginbotham, Michael and Linda Faye Higginbotham and Linda L. Higginbotham; a brother, Dr. Allen B. Comish, Macon, Ga.; 15 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Woodrow Austin Higginbotham Sr.; parents, the Rev. Henry T. and Lucy Tucker Comish; seven brothers and four sisters. She was a member of Holden Baptist Church and Order of the Eastern Star, and she served on the Livingston Parish Library Board.



Lake Charles American Press 04/28/2002
Odessia Mae Refitte Higginbotham (1925-2002) LA

DERIDDER - Odessia Higginbotham, 76, died Saturday, April 27, 2002, in a local hospital.
Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Monday, April 29, in Myers-Colonial Funeral Home. Burial will be in Hopewell Cemetery.



Texarkana Gazette 05/11/2002

Elizabeth Jane Braumiller Higginbotham (1928-2002) TX/LA
SHREVEPORT, La.--Betty Braumiller Higginbotham, 73, of Shreveport died Wednesday, May 8, 2002, in a local hospital.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Aug. 9, 1928, in Texarkana, Texas. She was retired from Hutches Sheet Metal and a member of Asbury Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Aubrey N. Higginbotham.
Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Blake and Julia Higginbotham of Tennessee and Karl and Nell Higginbotham of Bossier City, La.; one daughter and son-in-law, Marsha and Don Dillman of Shreveport; one sister and brother-in-law, Ann and Dale Chichester of Texarkana; one brother, Nick Braumiller of Shreveport; one brother-in-law, Randy Higginbotham; 11 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and a number of other relatives.
Services will be 10:30 a.m. today at Rose-Neath Funeral Home Bossier Chapel with Barry Hughes officiating. Graveside services will be 1 p.m. in Rose Hill Cemetery, Texarkana.


Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/30/2002

Mary Verlie Higginbotham Cormier (1917-2002) LA

CHURCH POINT - Funeral services for Mrs. Lloyd Cormier, the former Verlie Higginbotham, 84, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, in Guidry Funeral Home chapel here with burial in Bellevue Memorial in Opelousas.

The Rev. Nicholas Trahan conducted the services.

Mrs. Cormier, a resident of Opelousas and a native of Church Point, died at 5:35 p.m. Friday, June 27, 2002, in Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette.

Survivors include: two grandsons, Michael Arceneaux and Brian Arceneaux, both of Scott; a brother, Voris Higginbotham of Church Point; and a sister, Mary Meche of Sulphur.

Mrs. Cormier was preceded in death by her husband, Lloyd Cormier; and a daughter, Mary V. Arceneaux.

Visiting hours were observed from 8 a.m., Saturday, until time of services. A rosary was recited at 10 a.m., by Darren Eldridge.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of arrangements.



Lake Charles American Press 08/09/2002

Jean E. Chaney Higginbotham (1941-2002) LA/NC
Jean E. Higginbotham, 61, died at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, 2002, in Outer Banks Hospital in Nags Head, N.C.
She was born Jan. 5, 1941, in Lake Arthur to Verdner Chaney and the late Cora Chaney. She attended school in Lake Arthur and later became a certified nursing assistant, which was her occupation until the time of her illness. She was a kind, loving and caring person with a genuine personality, which displayed her uniqueness. She will be deeply missed and not forgotten by all who knew her.
Survivors include three sons, Gary D. Higginbotham of Lake Charles, Eddie Higginbotham III and wife Ella, both of Jennings, and Darrell J. Higginbotham and fiance Alicia, both of Lake Charles; three daughters, Dana Higginbotham of Greenville, N.C., Diane Higginbotham-Maybank and husband Michael, both of Greenville, and Melania Higginbotham of Vanceboro, N.C.; her father, Verdner Chaney of Lake Arthur; two sisters, Marjorie Jones of Lake Arthur and Norma Jean Johnson of Houston; three brothers, Howard Lee of Killeen, Texas, Gilbert Lee of Houston and Freddy Chaney of Lake Charles; 17 grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. She was preceded in death by one brother, Jerry Chaney; one son, Michael Higginbotham; her mother, Cora Chaney; and one sister, Elaine Benoit.
A memorial service will be at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, in the Jennings Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.



Livingston Parish News 08/24/2002

Jeanette Resetar Higginbotham (1947-2002) LA
Jeanette Resetar Higginbotham died Friday, Aug. 23, 2002, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge. She was 55 and a resident of Livingston. She was a retired teacher at Doyle Elementary School. Visitation was at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, Monday, with recitation of the rosary. Mass of Christian Burial was at St. Margaret Catholic Church, Albany, Tuesday. Burial was in the church cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Sterling Higginbotham of Livingston; a daughter, Dayna Jeanette Higginbotham; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Kenneth Ryan Higginbotham and Sterling Joseph and Rebecca Murphy Higginbotham; three sisters, Diane, Mary and Carolyn; two brothers, Donald and Theodore "Ted"; and a grandson, Ryan Joseph Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Mary Good Resetar; and a brother, Raymond. She was a member of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.




Ida Prejean Higginbotham (1908-2002) LA

Lafayette - Funeral services will beheld at a 1 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2002, in Delhomme Chapel of the Flowers for Ida Prejean Higginbotham, 94, who died Monday, Nov. 11, 2002, in Magnolia Place Nursing Home.

The Rev. Louis J. Richard, pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, will be celebrant of the Mass and will conduct the funeral services.

Interment will take place in Holy Mary Mother of God Cemetery in Lafayette.

Musical selections will be provided by Tammy Maturin.

Ms. Higginbotham, the daughter of the late Otis Prejean and the former Louisa Broussard, was a native of Milton.

Survivors include one son, Thomas Higginbotham and his wife, Therese, of Lafayette; one sister, Edea Prejean, of Lafayette; two grandsons, Kenneth Higginbotham and his wife, Sharon, of Broussard, and Don Higginbotham and his wife, Stephanie, of Lafayette; three granddaughters, Annette Hamman and her husband, Brad, of Lafayette, Donna LaCombe and her husband, Bryan, Lafayette, and Lisa Williams and her husband, Jerry, of Leesville; 11 great-grandchildren, Amy, Kory, Kelsey, Brennan, Erin and Megan Higginbotham, Lindsey and Matthew Hamman, Natalie and Zachary LaCombe, and Victoria Williams.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Theodore Higginbotham; and two sisters, Jeanne Woodard and Noella Belis.

Visiting hours were from 5 p.m. to 0 p.m. Tuesday and continue from 9 a.m. to the time of service today.

Pallbearers will include Kenneth Higginbotham, Don Higginbotham, Kory Higginbotham, Brennan Higginbotham, Brad Hamman and Bryan LaCombe. Honorary pallbearers will include Jerry Williams, Mike Belis, Phillip Cabrol and James Prejean.

The family would like to thank all the staff of Magnolia Estates and Dr. John C. Dugal.

Delhomme Funeral Home, 1011 Bertrand Drive, is in charge of all funeral arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 11/13/2002

Waldine Higginbotham Patin (1938-2002) LA

A celebration of life of Mrs. Waldine "Deanie" Higginbotham Patin will be held at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, November 14, 2002 in the chapel of Hixson Funeral home of Vinton with Rev. Billy W. Holifield officiating. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. until time of service. Interment will be in Nibletts Bluff Cemetery under the direction of Hixson Funeral Home of Lake Charles.

Our Lord and Savior freed Waldine from all pain and suffering and brought her home on November 11, 2002 at Rapides Regional Medical Center in Alexandria, La.

Waldine was born on October 23, 1938 in Vinton, La. She graduated from Vinton High School in 1957 and was employed by St. Judes Hospital from 1972-1975. She was also a devoted homemaker and mother. She traveled to many wonderful places with her husband who is retired from the Navy. She was a member of the Donahue Baptist Church in Pineville, La. and very much loved God and her Lord Jesus Christ, who she now sits with in joy eternal. The angels ate singing, for she is home.

She is survived by and married to Wilbert Joseph Patin for 42 wonderful years. She is also survived by one daughter, Tina Arabie; one grandson, Erik Arabie; and two granddaughters, Victoria Arabie and Meagan Lamartiniere, all of Alexandria; one sister, Lucille Wimbrow and brother-in-law, Roy Wimbrow; one aunt, Annie Bruce, all of Iowa, La.

She is preceded in death by her son, David Patin; mother, Irene Bruce Higginbotham; father, Walter Higginbotham; and two brothers, Charles Higginbotham and Dubb Higginbotham.

Pallbearers will be Frank Cormier, John Cormier, Chad Kilzar, Willie Cormier, Brad Patin, and Anthony Patin.

Alternate pallbearers will be Jimmy Primeaux, James Bertrand and Jake Bertrand.



Crowley Post-Signal 11/19/2002

John Pershing Higginbotham (1944-2002) LA

CHURCH POINT - John Pershing Higginbotham, 58, died Monday, Nov. 18, 2002, in a Lafayette hospital. Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church with burial in the church cemetery. Guidry Funeral Home in in charge of arrangements.


Baton Rouge Advocate 11/30/2002

Eldora Matthews Higginbotham (1924-2002) LA

She died Friday, Nov. 29, 2002, at Baton Rouge Health Care Center. She was 78. Visiting at Richardson Funeral Home, Clinton, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday. Religious service at Little Ezion Baptist Church, Slaughter, at 11 a.m. Saturday, conducted by the Rev. Donald D. Robertson Sr. Burial in Galilee Baptist Church Cemetery, Wilson. Survived by her husband, Louis Higginbotham.



Baton Rouge Advocate 01/01/2003

Cheryl Julia Higginbotham Cannon (1948-2002) LA/MI

Passed away Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002, in Canton, Mich. She was 54, Memorial service at St. Isidore Catholic Church Baker, at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, 2003. Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Thomas Becket Catholic Church, Canton, at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, 2003, celebrated by the Rev. Kelly. Survived by her husband, James M. Cannon Jr.



Times Picayune 01/09/2003

Velma Higginbotham Mellinger (1918-2003) LA

Velma Higginbotham Mellinger on Tuesday, January 7, 2003. Wife of the late Stephen J. Mellinger. Mother of Barbara Leblanc and the late Sandra Leblanc. Daughter of the late Samuel Higginbotham and Ida Badinger Higginbotham. Sister of the late Samuel 'Buddy' Higginbotham Jr. Grandmother of Melissa Thorne Fulton, Scott Thorne and Jason Thorne. Also survived by 6 great grandchildren. Mellinger was a homemaker and gifted ceramist. Age 84 years. A native of New Orleans, former resident of Mandeville and resident of Metairie for the past 2-1/2 years. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral. Services will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. from the funeral home of McMahon-Coburn- Briede, 600 Moss St. Interment in Green Wood Cemetery. Friends may visit after 11:00 a.m. Saturday.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 1/29/2003

Joyce Theresa Harrington Hickenbottom (1931-2003) LA

Carencro - Funeral services will be held at a 2 p.m. Mass on Wednesday Jan. 29, 2003, in Melancon Funeral Home Chapel for Joyce Theresa Hickenbottom, 71, the former Joyce Theresa Harrington, who died at 4:45 p.m. Monday, Jan. 27, 2003, in Lafayette General Medical Center in Lafayette.

Interment will be in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens in Lafayette.

Ms. Hickenbottom was a native of Gueydan and a resident of Lafayette for many years.

Survivors include two sons, John Daniel Hickenbottom and his wife, Lenat of Lafayette, and Thomas Ed Hickenbottom and his wife, Linda, of Baldwin, Mich.; one daughter, Maxine Schexnayder and her husband, Herman, of Iowa, La.; 13 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; her mother, Hazel LeBlanc Gaspard, of Orange, Texas; and one sister, Adley Brown and her husband, Gerald, of Orange.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Hickenbottom; her father, John Drewry Harrington; three brothers, Wilmer Harrington, Wilson Harrington and Dempsey Harrington; and one sister, Mary Agnes Harrington.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 8 a.m. until services today.

Pallbearers will be John Lee Hickenbottom, Thomas E. Hickenbottom Jr., Chris Moody, Daniel Perfitt, Larry Broussard and Joseph Simon.

Melancon Funeral Home of Carencro, (337) 896-6366, is in charge of arrangements.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 3/8/2003

Lucille Fox Hickingbottom (1930-2003) LA

Bastrop - Lucille Fox Hickingbottom, a homemaker, died Thursday. The funeral is 2 p.m. Sunday at Golden Funeral home chapel, Bastrop. Visitation is 5-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Burial is at Memorial Park Cemetery.


Natchez, MS Democrat 03/26/2003

Fredrick Loyd Higginbotham (1935-2003) LA
July 19, 1935 - March 21, 2003
WATERPROOF, La. - Services for Fredrick Loyd "Freddie" Higginbotham, 67, of Waterproof, who died Friday, March 21, 2003, at Camelot Leisure Living Nursing Home in Ferriday, will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Myrtle Grove Baptist Church with the Rev. Freddie Moore officiating.
Burial will follow in Good Samaritan Cemetery in Waterproof under the direction of Concordia Funeral Home of Ferriday.
Visitation is from 10 a.m. until service time Thursday at the church.
Mr. Higginbotham was born July 19, 1935, in St. Joseph, the son of Ben Higginbotham and Mary Ella Battle Carroll.
He was a retired longshoreman, a Baptist and served in the U.S. Army.
Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his father.
Survivors include his mother, Mary Ella Carroll of Waterproof; his wife, Annie Reed Higginbotham of New Orleans; one son, Dennis Higginbotham of Rowlett, Texas; one stepson, Lawrence Reed, and his wife, Debra, both of Long Beach, Calif.; three stepsisters, Mary Alice Carroll of New Orleans and Louise Brown and Ethel Walker, both of Waterproof; and one stepbrother, Henry Carroll of Chicago.



Leesville Daily Leader 04/16/2003
Mary Moveline Higginbotham Nein (1913-2003) MS/LA/TX
Mary Moveline (Higginbotham) Nein, 89, of Austin, Texas, went home to be with her precious Lord on April 14, 2003. She was born December 22, 1913, in Greenwood, Mississippi, to Burkett and Myrtle (Harden) Higginbotham. Until recently, she had been a resident of Leesville, La., for more than 30 years. She retired from the state as a laundry supervisor at the Leesville State School -- the residents of the school always held a special place in her heart. Preceded in death by parents Burkett and Myrtle, step-father Walter Watson, and nine brothers and sisters, her husband of 31 years August Eugene Nein, daughters, Doris D. (Bond) Gribbin-Mikell and D. Nadine (Bond) Sprinkle, grandson Robert Sprinkle, and great-grandson Chad Hyde. She is survived by her sister Kathryn Fielder of Harbor, Oregon, and brother Raymond Watson and wife Patricia of Cosmopolis, Washington, grandchildren, Kenneth Sprinkle and partner Alex Villalobos of Austin, Texas, Jeannie Hyde-Eft and husband John of Phoenix, Arizona, D. Kay Gribbin-Uchiyama and husband Elliott of Dallas, Texas; Jack Gribbin Jr. and wife Mary of San Antonio, Texas, and Delicia Gribbin of Garland, Texas, great-grandchildren Brady Kohler, Christopher and Else Hyde, Richard Driver, Jason and Dawn Driver, Kimberly and Kris Kremer, William Hartshorn, Kyle Uchiyama, Jack Gribbin III and Paul Gribbin, great-great- grandchildren, Elizabeth, Tristan, Mark, Nick, Jason, Kolton, Elijah and Isaiah, many loving nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. Our sweet grandma worked hard all her life. She loved her garden, especially the roses, and had a special knack for making things grow. She enjoyed fishing, was a wonderful cook, and always appreciated the simple things in life. She will live on in our hearts and we will never forget the love she had for her family and friends. Family visitation will be at the funeral home from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 16. Funeral services will be Thursday, April 17, at 10 a.m. in the Labby Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Leesville. The Rev. Benny Backlund will officiate. Burial will follow in the Canaan Cemetery in Leesville.



Houma Courier 04/17/2003

Joyce Jean Burke Higginbotham (1936-2003) TX/LA

Joyce Jean Higginbotham, 67, a native of Morton, Texas, and resident of Houma, died at 11:15 a.m. Sunday, April 13, 2003. Visitation will be from 5 p.m. to funeral time today at Falgout Funeral Home Chapel. Services will be at 6 p.m. today at the chapel. She is survived by one son, Thomas Wayne Higginbotham Sr.; one daughter, Mrs. Patrick (Cheryl) Parfait; one stepbrother, Alan Burke; four grandchildren, Mrs. Michael (Desiree) Melancon, Mrs. Ryan (Tennie) Ross, Thomas W. Higginbotham Jr. and Paul Leroy Higginbotham; and two great-grandchildren, KiLyn and Kinslee Ross. She was preceded in death by her parents, Coy T. and Marie Alexander Burke; one son, Mikel LeRoy Higginbotham; two grandchildren, Hollie and Eric Higginbotham; one brother, Jerry Josey; and one sister, Jimmy Carol. She was a U.S. Air Force veteran. Falgout Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 5/6/2003


Arlie Marie Wiggins Higginbotham (1921-2003) LA

Minden, LA - Services for Marie Wiggins Higginbotham, 81, will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 7, 2003 at Rose-Neath's Minden Chapel. Officiating will be Rev. J. Roddy Taylor. Burial will be in Gardens of Memory Cemetery.

Funeral home visitation will begin at 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 6, 2003.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Sunday, May 4, 2003 in Minden, LA. She was born in Jamestown, LA and was a resident of Minden, LA. Mrs. Higginbotham was a retired hairdresser and a member and officer of the Eastern Star.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Dennis C. Higginbotham and infant son, Dennis Ray Higginbotham.

Survivors are son, Dennis C. Higginbotham and wife, Sandra of Houma, LA; sister, Maxine Higginbotham of Springhill, LA; three grandchildren, Dennis Kevin Higginbotham and wife, Lisa of Houma, LA, Kelly Warren and husband, Glen of Heflin, LA and Kristi Hays of Sibley, LA; seven great-grandchildren, Haley Robinson and husband, Justin, Colby Higginbotham, Garrett Vaughan, Taylor Moreland, Harley Higginbotham, Ty Hays and Hutton Hays; and one great-great-grandchild, Frances Marie Robinson.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Shriners Childrens Hospital or to the Shriners Transportation Fund.



The Eunice News 5/15/2003

Wesley Dirk Higginbotham (1981-2003) LA

Funeral services were held at St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Eunice, LA, Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 3:30 p.m. for Wesley Dirk Higginbotham, 21, with burial following in Mt. Calvary Cemetery.

Officiating Clergy was Fr. Matthew Roussell.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Eunice, LA, passed away Sunday, May 11, 2003 in Eunice, LA.

He is survived by his wife, Laurie Bissenberger Higginbotham of Eunice, LA; his father, Timmy Higginbotham of Eunice, LA; his mother, Jessica Higginbotham of Eunice, LA; brother, Alex K. Higginbotham of Eunice, LA; a sister, Ashley Blackman from Alexandria, LA; and paternal grandmother, Jeanette G. Higginbotham of Eunice, LA.

Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Reginald and Janice Klein and paternal grandfather, Preston Higginbotham.

Quirk & Son Funeral Home of Eunice, LA were in charge of arrangements.




Corie L. Higginbotham (1950-2003) LA

A resident of Greensburg, she departed this life Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at St. Helena Parish Hospital, Greensburg. She was 53. Visiting at MJR Friendly Service Funeral Home Inc., La. 1042, Greensburg, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday. Religious service at Turner Chapel AME Church, 831 Turner Chapel Road, Greensburg, the Rev. Stanley J. Carter, pastor, at 11 a.m. Saturday. The service will be conducted by James Oden. Interment in church cemetery.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 6/9/2003

Ida Jane Higginbotham (ca1946-2003) LA

Jena - Ida Jane Higginbotham, a homemaker, died Saturday. Graveside services will be 2 p.m. today at Lynn Cemetery, Archibald, under the direction of Mulhearn Funeral Home, Winnsboro.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 6/18/2003

James Albert Higginbotham Jr. (ca1951-2003) LA

Breaux Bridge - James Albert "Sidewinder" Higginbotham Jr., 52, died Monday, June 16, 2003, at St. Martin Hospital in Breaux Bridge.

Survivors include his wife, Carolyn P. Higginbotham; his daughter, Jamie Mashburn; two brothers, Michael Aucoin, of Lafayette and Nolan Aucoin, of Carencro; two sisters, Bernice Higginbotham of Kenner, and Sally Higginbotham of St. Augustine, Fla.; and two grandchildren, James and Jessie Reece.

He was preceded in death by his mother, Anna Poche Higginbotham, his father, James Albert Higginbotham Sr.; and one son, David Higginbotham.

Pellerin Funeral Home of Breaux Bridge is in charge of arrangements.



The Crowley Post-Signal 6/29/2003

Dewilda Higginbotham Richard (1929-20030 LA

Church Point - Mrs. James Ray Richard, nee Dewilda Higginbotham, 73, died Thursday, June 26, 2003 at her residence. Funeral services were held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, June 28, at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Burial was in Msgr. Bienvenue Cemetery in Church Point under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) - Thursday, July 17, 2003

Caroll C. Burkett Higginbotham Bottomley (1944-2003) LA
A retired accountant, she died at 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at her residence in Baton Rouge. She was 59 and a native of Baton Rouge. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home East, 11000 Florida Blvd., from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday. Visiting in the funeral home chapel from 8 a.m. until religious service at 9 a.m. Friday, conducted by the Rev. Donald V. Blanchard. Interment in Resthaven Gardens of Memory. Survived by her son, Dirk Higginbotham; a sister, Elaine Smith; three brothers, Fred, Glen and Charles Burkett; a granddaughter, Hillary Higginbotham; and numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, whom she dearly loved. Preceded in death by her husband, Rodney Higginbotham; and mother and father, Rosalie Attuso Burkett and Cecil Burkett. Pallbearers will be Brad, Jason and Shane Burkett, Chad LaGrange, Freddie McClendon, Billy Johnson, Darren Burkett and Rick Smith. She was a member of St. Jean Vianney Catholic Church and a graduate of Istrouma High School. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or Hospice of Baton Rouge.


The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 7/18/2003

Aubrey Hickingbottom (1937-2003) LA

Winnsboro - Aubrey Hickingbottom, retired from the United States Air Force, died Thursday. The funeral is 9 a.m. Saturday at Community Memorial Funeral Home chapel, Winnsboro. Visitation is 5-8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Burial is at Lone Cedar Cemetery, near Winnsboro.



The Church Point News 7/23/2003

Daniel Joseph Higginbotham (1926-2003) LA

Funeral services for Dan Higginbotham, 76, were held July 19, 2003 at 11:00 a.m. at the Guidry Funeral Home Chapel Chapel. Interment followed in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum with Msgr. Fred Swenson officiating.

A rosary was recited at 7:00 p.m. on July 18.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired resident of Church Point. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and a member of American Legion Post 225. He died at 4:00 a.m. on July 17 at Acadia-St. Landry Hospital.

He is survived by his wife, Estelle Tweedel Higginbotham of Church Point; two sons, Danny Higginbotham of Opelousas and Blaine Higginbotham of Church Point; a daughter, Carla Ethridge of Lafayette; two sisters, Geraldine Dangereaux of Church Point and Flo Sweeney of Lebeau; and five grandchildren.



Leesville Daily Leader 08/10/2003
Edna Louise Alexander Higginbotham (1929-2003) LA
Funeral services for Mrs. Edna Louise Higginbotham, 73, of Leesville will be held at 2 p.m. today, Aug. 10, in the Pine Hill Baptist Church in Leesville with the Revs. M.C. Green and Paul Massey officiating. Burial will follow in the Pine Hill Cemetery under the direction of the Labby Memorial Funeral Home of Leesville. Visitation will be held from 8 a.m. to noon today in the funeral home and from 1 p.m. until time of service in the church. Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday, Aug. 7, in the Natchitoches Parish Hospital in Natchitoches. She was a member of the Pine Hill Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Earnie Higginbotham. Survivors include one son, Michael Higginbotham of Pirates Cove; four daughters, Linda Higginbotham, Sandra Canady and Connie Quam, all of Leesville, and Dorothy Smith of Anacoco; three brothers, Noel Alexander and Ear Alexander, both of Leesville, and James Alexander of Houston, Texas; one sister, Betty Parker of Leesville; 18 grandchildren and 29 great-grandchildren.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 8/11/2003

Tressie Lee Boyett Manning Higginbotham Sorrells (1910-2003) LA

Shreveport, LA - Services for Tressie Lee Boyett Sorrells will be conducted at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at Forest Grove Baptist Church, Walker Creek, AR. Officiating will be Dr. Scott J. Teutsch an d the Rev. Chet Johnson. Interment will follow at Forest Grove Cemetery. Visitation will be at 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tuesday, August 12 at Baily Mortuary, Springhill, LA.

Mrs. Sorrells was born October 4, 1910 at Sikes, Winn Parish, LA to William Daniel and Mattie Ola Higdon Boyett. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Jesse E. Manning; one infant daughter and her second husband, R.C. Higginbotham, her parents, four sisters and five brothers.

She is survived by her sister, Marie Tompkins Hodges, Springhill; daughter, Billie Jean Slaughter and her husband, Thomas T. Slaughter, Jr., Shreveport; two granddaughters, Lisa Slaughter Tarantola and her husband Bruce of St. Louis, Mo., and Theresa Slaughter Bennett, Corpus Christi, TX; two grandsons, Thomas Slaughter, Ill., and John Slaughter, Shreveport; three great-grandchildren, Melissa and Daniel Tarantola, St. Louis, Mo.; and Ronald D. Bennett Jr., Nemitz Aircraft Carrier, U.S. Navy.

Pallbearers will be her nephews: Tommy Lloyd Tomkins, Brandon McFadden, Jeffrey McFadden, Lee Hartley, Rual Davis and family friend, Leborn Tomkins.

Honorary pallbearers will be: Connie Ray Teutsch, Robert Hood and Dale Duke.


Times Picayune 08/30/2003

Lilburn Higginbotham Cancienne (1927-2003) LA

Lilburn "Bonnie" Higginbotham Cancienne on Friday, August 29, 2003 at 3:39 a.m. beloved wife of the late Paul Louis Cancienne, mother of Terry P. Cancienne and Linda C. Franz, mother-in-law of Karen McBee Cancienne and Val J. Franz, IV. Daughter of the late Celise Colligan and Jack
Higginbotham. Sister of the late James Bernard Higginbotham and Ruth Colligan. Grandmother of Tammy Merritt, Amanda Franz, Katie Jo, Jake, Kelley and Emelie Cancienne. Great-Grandmother of Ethan Jacob Cancienne. Also survived by nieces and nephews. Aged 76 years, a native of Church Point, La and a resident of Kenner for the past 42 years. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend a funeral mass from the Kenner Funeral Home of L.A. Muhleisen & Son, 2607 Williams Blvd on Saturday, August 30, 2003 at 1:00 P.M. Interment in Garden of Memories Cemetery. Friends may visit from 10:00 a.m. until time of service. In lieu of flowers, donations to Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250, Dallas, TX 75244, preferred.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 9/11/2003

Ena Doucet Higginbotham (1919-2003) LA

Lafayette - Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12, 2003, at a con-celebrated Mass in St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Lafayette for Mrs. Stephen Higginbotham, 83, the former Ena Doucet, who died at 6:05 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2003, in Cornerstone North Nursing Home in Lafayette.

Interment will be in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens in Lafayette. The Rev. Harold Trahan, pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Lafayette, and the Rev. Don Leger, pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church in Breaux Bridge, will con-celebrate the services.

Musical selections will be provided by Rendell James. The songs will be "Amazing Grace," "Gentle Woman," "One Bread, One Body," "Here I Am Lord" and "Ave Maria."

Mrs. Higginbotham was a native and lifelong resident of Lafayette. She had been employed at the University of Southwestern Louisiana Bookstore for more than 20 years as a clerk. Mrs. Higginbotham was a parishioner of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Lafayette and was a member of the Ladies Altar Society.

Survivors include her husband, Stephen "Nook" Higginbotham, of Lafayette; two sons, Danny Dale Thomas and his wife, Celsa, of Albany, Ind., and Gerald Joseph Thomas, of Lafayette; one daughter, Karen Maria Granger and her husband, Oneil, of Lafayette; one step-daughter, Earline Rose Bower, of Biloxi, Miss.; five grandchildren, Mia Granger, Laura Granger, Stephen Thomas, Kyle Thomas and Michelle Thomas; three step-grandchildren, Chad Bower, Tonya Bower and Dawn Bower; and one sister, Mary Lee Haywood, of Milton.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert Doucet and the former Mabel Patin, both natives of Lafayette; two brothers, Chester Doucet and Harry Doucet; and one sister, Joyce Guilbeaux.

A rosary will be prayed by the Rev. Harold Trahan at 7 p.m. today in the funeral home.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. Friday until service time.

Special thanks to the entire staff of Cornerstone North, Hospice of Acadiana, especially Joe Doucet and Dr. Nathan Landry.

Memorial contributions in the name of Ena Higginbotham may be made to Hospice of Acadiana, 2600 Johnson St., Suite 200, Lafayette, LA 70503-3240.

Melancon Funeral Home, Evangeline Memorial Gardens Chapel, 4117 N. University Ave., Carencro, (337) 896-3232, is in charge of arrangements.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 9/19/2003

Marie Joyceelain Higginbotham Rougeau (1939-2003) LA

Services for Joyce Higginbotham Rougeau will be held at St. Edward's Catholic Church on Friday September 19, 2003 at 12 p.m. with Father Dan Edwards officiating. Burial will be in St. Edward's Cemetery in Richard.

Visitation will be Friday from 8 a.m. until time of services at the funeral home.

Mrs. Rougeau, 64, of Eunice, died Wednesday, September 17, 2003 in her residence.

Survivors include two sons, Karl J. Rougeau of Oakdale and Jacob P. Rougeau of San Ramon, California; four daughters, Sherry Rougeau of Lake Charles, Karen Creasman of New Braunfels, Texas, Penny Ford of Kinder and Jodie LeJeune of Eunice; two brothers, Freddie Higginbotham of Eunice aqnd Verlin Pete Higginbotham; three sisters, Bernadine Thibodeaux of Eunice, Gloria Ann Habetz of Rayne and Belva Marrison of Lewisburg; and seven grandchildren, Anthony and Angela Duhon, Candace and Joshua Creasman, Kristian and Payton Frudge and Brett LeJeune.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 11/5/2003

August M. Higginbotham (1928-2003) MS/LA

Funeral services for August Higginbotham, age 75, of Swartz, LA will be Thursday, November 6, 2003 at 1:00 PM at the Loch Arbor Baptist Church, Swartz, LA with the Reverend Andy Myrick and Reverend Lynn Townsend officiating. Interment will be at Loch Arbor Cemetery under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home, Monroe, LA.

Mr. Higginbotham was born August 1, 1928 in Meadville, MS and passed away at his residence on November 3, 2003 in Swartz, LA.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Loch Arbor Baptist Church for over 65 years and served as deacon for 31 years and taught Sunday School. Mr. Higginbotham was retired from I.M.C. as a Lab Analyst after 42 years of service and served in the US Army during the Korean Conflict.

Survivors include his wife, Marie Higginbotham, Swartz, LA; children, Donna Oglesby and husband Gary of Swartz, LA; Mike Higginbotham and wife Nancy of Hixson, TN; grandchildren: Michael Oglesby, Christopher Higginbotham and Kelsey Higginbotham; Brothers, Roy Higginbotham and wife Patsy; Ben Higginbotham and wife India; J.T. Smith Jr. and wife Gladys; sister, Christine Crain; and numerous nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be Burl Stewart, Paul Clark, Dale Harris, Charles Roberts, Mike Phillips and Ronald Parker.

Honorary Pallbearers will be the men of the Loch Arbor Baptist Church and special friend Jim Webb.

Memorials may be made to the Loch Arbor Baptist Church , "We Care Fund."

Visitation will be held Wednesday, November 5, 2003 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM at Kilpatrick Funeral Home, Monroe, LA and noon until time of service Thursday at Loch Arbor Church, Swartz, LA.



Franklin County Times 11/06/2003

Tami Higginbotham Demoulin (ca1964-2003) AL/LA
PHILADELPHIA Services for Tami Higginbotham Demoulin will be today at 11:30 a.m. at McClain-Hays Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Gerald Butler officiating. Burial will be in Shuqualak Cemetery.
Mrs. Demoulin, 39, of Fordoche, La., died Monday, Nov. 3, 2003, in Port Allen, La.
Survivors include her husband, Mark Demoulin Sr.; step-sons, Mark Demoulin Jr. and Justin Demoulin, all of Fordoche; her mother, Seretha Hartness of Preston; grandmother, Loridia Williams of Preston; sisters, Debra Higginbotham and Amanda Higginbotham Cumberland, both of Philadelphia; and a brother, Mikel Higginbotham of Shuqualak.


Hammond Daily Star 11/07/2003

Lester E. Higginbotham Sr. (1948-2003) LA

GREENSBURG - Lester E. Higginbotham Sr., 55, died Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003, at his home.
He was a native of Wisner and a truck driver.
He is survived by his wife, Hazel Higginbotham of Greensburg; one daughter, Jennifer Higginbotham of Greensburg; one son, Lester Higginbotham Jr. of Greensburg; and one brother, Bill Higginbotham of Hayti, Mo.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Earl Higginbotham and Bernice Tillman Higginbotham; and one sister, Joy Ann Patton.
Visitation will be today from 5 to 9 p.m. at McKneely Funeral Home, Kentwood, and Saturday from 8 a.m. until the funeral at 11. The Rev. Gill Higginbotham and the Rev. Richard Brown will conduct the service. Burial will be in Evans Cemetery, Gillsburg, Miss.


Livingston Parish News 12/07/2003

Woodrow Austin Higginbotham Jr. (1937-2003) (LA)
Woodrow Austin Higginbotham Jr. died Friday evening, Dec. 5, 2003, at his residence in Holden. He was 66 and a native of Holden. He was a member of Sheet Metal Local 21. Visitation was at Seale Funeral Home chapel, Livingston, Tuesday until religious services, conducted by the Rev. Jeff Hawthorn. Burial was in Higginbotham Family Cemetery, Holden. He is survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Linda "Beth" and Bruce Stewart, Holden, and Sharon Higginbotham, North Carolina; a son, Charles Austin Higginbotham, Holden; three sisters, Ava Stevens, Mary Trawick and Paula Green, all of Holden; a brother, Michael Higginbotham, Holden; three grandchildren, Josh Stewart and his wife, Rachel, Jesse Stewart and Heather Higginbotham; four great-grandchildren; and former wife, Linda Higginbotham, Holden. He was preceded in death by his parents, Woodrow Austin Sr. and Ava Comish Higginbotham.



The Franklin Sun 12/10/2003
Frances Ella Barfield Higginbotham (1912-2003) LA
Funeral services of Frances Ella Higginbotham, 91, of Newellton were held Saturday at First Baptist Church in Newellton with the Rev. Fulton McGraw and Bro. Larry Foster officiating.
Burial followed at Legion Memorial Cemetery near Newellton under the direction of Gill First National Funeral Home in Winnsboro.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Oct. 1, 1912 in Fort Necessity and went to be with her Lord Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003. She was a member of Newellton First Baptist Church where she taught Sunday school for 58 years. She was a member of the Young at Heart Club in the church.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her daughter Cloteal Stockstill; her parents Henry and Annie Barfield; two brothers, Leonard Barfield and Buster Barfield.
Survivors include sons: Ray Higginbotham, Newellton; Paul Higginbotham, Mt. View, Ark.; sister, Lela Warren, Newellton; brothers, Bill Barfield and Bob Barfield, both of Newellton; David Barfield, LaPorte, Texas; and Quincy Barfield, Mt. View, Ark.; 10 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
Nephews served as pallbearers.
Honorary pallbearers were deacons of the church.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 12/12/2003

Lucille Lewis Hickenbottom (1924-2003) LA

Shreveport, LA - Ms. Lucille L. Hickenbottom departed this life at Doctor's Hospital on December 7, 2003. Family hour will be from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. Friday at Midway Baptist Church #2, 1535 Myrtle Street, Shreveport, LA. Interment will be held at Lincoln Memorial.

Funeral services will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, December 13, 2003 at Midway Baptist Church #2. Officiating will be Rev. James Smith, Pastor. Interment will follow at Lincoln Cemetery.

Sister Lucille Hickenbottom was a lifelong resident of Shreveport, a dedicated, Devout and faithful member of the Midway Baptist Church #2 for over forty years. She was faithfully involved in church activities: Pastor Aide, Willing Workers, Sunday School Department Superintendent for the Children's Division Youth Department, Chairperson for the Pastor Anniversary, member of the National Council of Negro Women Thirteen District Association and many other organizations.

She retired from Caddo Parish Schools. Sister Hickenbottom lived a beautiful life and will be remembered as one who loved God, humanity and the church.

Mrs. Hickenbottom was preceded in death by her husband, Y.V. Hickenbottom and her parents, Alberta Hill and Richard Lewis of Grand Cane, LA and one son, Larry "Hicks" Hickenbottom.

She is survived by one daughter, Ruth H. Addison (J.D.); five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, one sister, Ms. Irene Jackson, other relatives and friends.

The family of Mrs. Hickenbottom would like to express their sincere thanks to Dr. McFarland and Staff, Doctor's Hospital, Springlake and Shreveport Manor Guest Care and for all the hospitality and kindness shown during the illness and loss of our loved one. May God continue to bless you.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 12/20/2003

Thomas McVea Higginbotham (1927-2003) LA

Services for Dr. Thomas McVea Higginbotham, age 76, of Mer Rouge, LA, will be at 2:00 PM, Saturday, December 20, 2003 at the Higginbotham Cemetery with Rev. Bo Horne officiating. At the time of his death, we was a resident of the Northeast LA War Veterans home in Monroe, LA.

Dr. Higginbotham was born May 11, 1927 to McVea and Lilah Harkness Higginbotham. He passed away December 18, 2003 after a lengthy illness. Dr. Higginbotham was a retired Veterinary Medical Officer for the LA State Department of Agriculture. He attended Mer Rouge High School and Northeast Junior College before serving as a Military Policeman in the 707th Battalion of the U.S. Army in Europe. Upon his return, he attended Oklahoma A&M where he received BS and MS degrees. He received his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Auburn University, and went into private practice in Mer Rouge before joining the LA State Department of Agriculture. Dr. Higginbotham was a member of Kappa Alpha Order, the Mer Rouge Methodist Church, the American Legion, The Louisiana State Veterinary Medical Association, and the Northeast Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association.

Survivors include his wife, Ashley Hamilton Higginbotham of Monroe; son, Scott McVea Higginbotham and his wife, Ann Denise Rankin of Monroe; daughter, Charlotte Ashley Davis and her husband Christopher of Memphis, TN; and twin granddaughters, Charlotte Josephine and Lucille Nichols Davis.

Honorary pallbearers will be James Farrar, William Davenport, Dr. James Ogden, Bob Erie Clark, David McIntosh, James Standley, Edwards Barham, and John Davis McAdams, Jr.

Visitation will be from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, December 20, 2003 at Golden Funeral Home in Bastrop, LA. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to local Humane Societies of animal shelters.



Crowley Post-Signal 03/08/2004

Dennis Paul Higginbotham (1954-2004) LA

CHURCH POINT – Paul “Polo” Higginbotham, Jr., 49, died Sunday, March 7, 2004 at his residence in Church Point. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, March 9, at St. Edmund Catholic Church in Branch. Burial will be St. Edmund Cemetery in Branch under the direction of Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point.


Natchez, MS Democrat 04/04/2004

Eschol Ivalee Higginbotham Breland (1920-2004) AL/LA
July 11, 1920 - April 3, 2004
FERRIDAY, La. - Services for Iva H. Breland, 83, of Clayton, who died Saturday, April 3, 2004 in Alexandria, will be Monday, April 5, 2004 at 2 p.m. at Comer Funeral Home Chapel in Ferriday with the Rev. John Williams officiating. Interment will follow at Greenlawn Memorial Park in Natchez.
Visitation is today from 5 to 8 p.m. at Comer in Ferriday.
Mrs. Breland was born July 11, 1920, in Collinsville, the daughter of Amon M. and Myrtle W. Higginbotham. She was a resident of Clayton since 1938 and a homemaker. She was a member of the Clayton Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband J.C. Breland, a daughter, Kathy Joyce Breland, two brothers, Hobert and Roy Higginbotham and two sisters, Ruby Breland and Thelma Chisholm.
Survivors include four sons, Wendell Breland of Ridgecrest, Doyle Breland of Natchez, Marshall Breland of Alto, La., and Noel Breland of Gonzales, La.; two daughters, Evelyn Crawford of Sicily Island, La., and Carolyn Lushute of Ferriday, La.; two brothers, Carl Higginbotham of Avita Springs, Texas, and Herston Higginbotham of Bruceville, Texas; two sisters, Monie Jo Barfield of Newellton and Catherine Chisholm of Prairieville, La.; 20 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
Mrs. Breland's grandsons will serve as pallbearers.


Livingston Parish News 05/03/2004

John Everett Higginbotham (1942-2004) MS/LA
John E. Higginbotham died at 1:20 a.m. Sunday, May 2, 2004, at Lallie Kemp Regional Medical Center in Independence. He was 61 and a native of Calhoun City, Miss. He is survived by his daughter and son-in-law, Deborah and Robert Sparks, Grenada, Miss.; son and daughter-in-law, Kevin and Crissie Higginbotham, Denham Springs; a sister, Martha Kaye Hall, West Monroe; two brothers, E.J. Higginbotham, Walker, and Billy Higginbotham, Longview, Texas; and eight grandchildren, Tonya M. Mullen, Kayla D. Higginbotham, Sasha R. Mullen, Kayleigh E. Higginbotham, Kevin L. Hill, Crystal J. Higginbotham, Elizabeth B. Sparks and Marissa R. Sparks. He was preceded in death by his parents, W.E. and Eva Marie Vines Higginbotham; a sister, Nana Elizabeth Higginbotham; and two brothers, Robert and Kenneth Higginbotham.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 5/8/2004

Jeffie Mae Thacker Hickingbottom (1916-2004) LA

Graveside services for Mrs. Jeffie Hickingbottom, age 87, of West Monroe, LA, will be at 3:00 PM Sunday, May 9, 2004 in the Harris Chapel Cemetery, Olla, LA, with Ray Coker and J.W. Prince officiating. Services are under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home West Monroe, LA.

Mrs. Hickingbottom died Friday, May 7, 2004 in West Monroe, LA.

Mrs. Hickingbottom was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest Hickingbottom, three children, Edward Hickingbottom, Glenn Hickingbottom and Linda Jordan.

Survivors include: two children: Ernestine Coker and husband Billy Ray Sr., Calhoun, LA, and Ronald Hickingbottom and wife Penny Hickory, North Carolina; five sisters; twelve grandchildren; twenty-four great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Chad Coker, Tony Coker, Heath Davis, Steve Davis, Mark Copeland, and John Barrett.

Visitation will be Saturday from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Kilpatrick Funeral Home West Monroe, LA.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 5/28/2004

Katie Belle Adcock Higginbotham (1920-2004) LA

Bastrop - Katie Adcock Higginbotham, a homemaker, died Wednesday. The funeral is 2 p.m. today at Golden Funeral Home chapel, Bastrop. Burial is at Mulhearn Memorial Park.

Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husbands, Allen Lenard and Jerry Roscoe Higginbotham; her parents, Marshall Calvin Adcock and Margaret Isabelle "Belle" Perry Adcock; two sisters, Sadie Scoggins and Pearl McDonald; three brothers, Ernest C. Adcock, Elmer T. Adcock and Samuel Estus "Sam" Adcock.

She was survived by nine nieces, Hazel Lambert, Sybil Stevenson, Ann Eastepp, Regina Bolton, Nancy Sivils, Wanda Fuller, Sadie Strahan, Rita Evans and Renae Roberts; and eight nephews, Eldred Scoggins, Billy Scoggins, Jack Scoggins, Bobby Adcock, Harry Adcock, James Adcock, Hershel Adcock and David Adcock.




John Daniel Hickingbottom (1934-2004) LA

Mr. Hickingbottom was an auto mechanic and a member of the Baptist faith.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Bill and Beatrice Messenger Hickingbottom; two brothers, Alton Hickingbottom and Aubrey Hickingbottom; and one son, Russell Hickingbottom.

He was survived by his wife, Annette Hickingbottom; one son, Daniel Hickingbottom, both of Liddieville; two sisters, Kelly Bea Messenger of Elk Grove, CA and Marie Bowlin of Lodi, CA; five brothers, Norman Hickingbottom of Stockton, CA, Paul Hickingbottom of Newellton, Roland Hickingbottom of Galt, CA, Ralph Hickingbottom of Lodi, CA, and Harold Hickingbottom of Warren, OR.



Jace E. Higginbotham (2004-2004) LA
JONESVILLE - Services for Jace E. Higginbotham, of Jonesville, La., who died Monday, June 21, 2004, at his residence, will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Wallace Ridge Pentecostal Church with Bro. Norris Poole officiating.
Burial will be in the Huffmans Cemetery under the direction of Young's Funeral Home Jonesville.
Visitation is from 4 p.m. Thursday until time of service Friday at the church.




Sherrel D. Higginbotham (1941-2004) LA/AR

Funeral services for Sherrel D. "Boyd" Higginbotham, 63, of Big Flat, Ark., were held Saturday, July 17, at the Hixson Funeral Home Chapel with the Revs. James Glass and Lloyd Jeane officiating.

Burial followed in the Whitaker Cemetery of DeRidder under the direction of Hixson Funeral Home of DeRidder.

He passed away Monday, July 12, at his home in Big Flat, Ark.




Joshua Paul Higginbotham (1984-2004) CT/LA

SEAMAN JOSHUA PAUL "HIGGI" HIGGINBOTHAM, An electronic technician seaman apprentice in the U.S. Navy and a resident of Groton, Conn., he died in Groton.

He was 20 and a native of Baton Rouge.

Survived by his mother and stepfather, Frena Higginbotham Popps and Grover Popps, Addis; three sisters, Brittany Whitaker and Amber Popps, both of Addis, and Shawndell Downs, Dallas; a brother, Trevor Lockett, Addis; maternal grandparents, Robert E. and Sheila Sweeting, Geismar; paternal grandmother, Georgia Popps, Texas; great-grandparents, Floyd and Mercedes Chatagnier, Church Point; and numerous aunts and uncles.




William Garber Higginbotham (1920-2004) OH/LA

A retired journalist and editor of Linn's Stamp News, was 84, a resident of Baton Rouge and a native of Bellaire, Ohio. He was a U.S. Army Air Forces veteran of World War II, having served with the 8th Airborne Division. He was also a war correspondent and wrote for the Stars and Stripes. Survived by his wife, Phyllis Weiland Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; two daughters and a son-in-law, Beryl Higginbotham Parsons and Robert Parsons, Baton Rouge, and Diane Higginbotham, Houston; two granddaughters, Robyn Parsons, New York City, and Paige Parsons Gagliano and husband Louis Gagliano, Baton Rouge; and great-grandchildren, Bailey Wax and Ethan Wax. Preceded in death by his parents, Beryl Garber Higginbotham and Eugene Higginbotham. He was a member of Calvary Presbyterian Church. He was a graduate of Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. He was member of 8th Airborne Historical Society, a Mason, member of Scottish Rite and a Shriner.



Houma Courier 08/11/2004

Thomas Wayne Higginbotham Sr. (1960-2004) LA

Thomas "Tom Tom" Wayne Higginbotham, 44, a native and resident of Houma, died Saturday, July 24, 2004. Graveside services were held at Woolsey Cemetery in Loco. He is survived by his father, Thomas Leroy Higginbotham of Loco; two sons, Thomas Wayne Jr. and Paul Leroy, both of Houma; and one sister, Cheryl Parfait of Houma. He was preceded in death by his mother, Joyce Jean Higginbotham; and one brother, Mike Higginbotham. He was a welder. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to any Bank One in his name.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 9/9/2004

Odis Leroy Higginbotham (1925-2004) LA

Winnsboro - Odis Higginbotham, a retired farmer, died Tuesday. The funeral is 10 a.m. today at Crockett Point Baptist Church. Burial is at Crowville Masonic Cemetery, Crowville, under the direction of Young's Community Memorial Funeral Home, Winnsboro.



The Advocate 09/11/2004

Louis "Duke" Higginbotham (1922-2004) MS/LA

"DUKE" A retired production laborer for Gulf States Utilities and a resident of Zachary, he was 80 and a native of Meadville, Miss. Survived by a son, Robert Higginbotham; Lorrine Hayes, who he reared; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by his wife, Eldora Matthews Higginbotham; parents, Medric and Lucille H. Higginbotham; two brothers and five sisters.



Natchez, MS Democrat 10/09/2004

Donald Earl "Cowboy" Higginbotham Sr. (1951-2004) WV/OH/LA

Apr. 1, 1951 - Oct. 7, 2004

VIDALIA, La. - Services for Donald Earl "Cowboy" Higginbotham Sr., 53, who died Thursday, Oct. 7, 2004 at his residence, will be 11 a.m. today at Vidalia Riverside Baptist Church with Rev. Glen Harrigill officiating.

Burial will be in the Coax Baptist Church Cemetery in Winnsboro, La. under the direction of Laird Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham was born Apr. 1, 1951, in Rainelle, W.Va., the son of and Helen Mullins Higginbotham and the late Thomas Earl Higginbotham. He was a member of Vidalia Riverside Baptist Church. He was a beloved husband, father, grandpaw, and friend.

He was preceded in death by his father.

Survivors include his wife, Glenda Higginbotham of Ferriday, La.; three children, Donald Earl Higginbotham Jr., Sharon Wright and husband Robert Wright Jr., and Tanya Atkins and husband Billie Lee Atkins, all of Ridgecrest, La.; eight grandchildren, Christopher Higginbotham, Donald Higginbotham III, Brittany Higginbotham, Rebecca Atkins, Haley Atkins, Trey Wright, Dustin Wright, and Jason Wright; his mothers, Helen Dreher of Canton, Ohio and Clara "Maw" Seymour of Ferriday, La.; brother, Jerry Higginbotham and wife Linda Higginbotham of Waynesboro, Pa.; three sisters, Joyce Seigle of Gainesville, Fla., Terri Staats of Canton, Ohio, and Renee Beckman of East Sparta, Ohio.

Pallbearers will be Wayne Jenkins, Tom Vigil, Bobby Mulvihill, Juan Moreno, Amos Coley, and Michael Freeman.



Times Picayune 11/04/2004

Clary Peter Higginbotham (1942-2004) LA

Clary Higginbotham "Hick", age 61 died Tuesday, November 2nd 2004 at 12:20pm of pancreatic cancer at his home in Chalmette, Louisiana. He was born on December 19, 1942 in Lafayette, La. Son of the late Theobert Higginbotham and Lora Doucet. Mr. Higginbotham grew up in Whiteville, La. He graduated from Bunkie High School in 1961. He retired from Domino Sugar Corp. with 39 years of service. He was The Car Show and Cruise Night chairman for The Antique Auto Club of St. Bernard Parish. Mr. Higginbotham was the brother of the late Melvin Higginbotham of Palestine, Texas and the father of the late Toby Higginbotham of Chalmette. He is survived by his wife Evelyn Walker of Chalmette, La.; his
sons Rickey Higginbotham of Chalmette, La. and Jason Higginbotham, also Of Chalmette, La.; his grandchildren Timothy Higginbotham, Lora Higginbotham and Aidan Higginbotham; his sisters Jane Monier of Ville Platte, La. and Dessie Brown of Whiteville, La. Family, friends, employees of Domino Sugar Corp. and members of The Antique Auto Club of St. Bernard are invited to attend an evening visitation to be held at St. Bernard Memorial Funeral Home, 701 W. Virtue Street, Chalmette, La on Friday, November 5th from 5:00pm to10:00pm and again an Saturday November 6th from 8:30am  to 10:30am. A funeral mass will follow at Our Lady Of Prompt Succor Catholic Church, 2320 Paris Rd., Chalmette, La. at 11:00am. Internment will follow in St. Bernard Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers please consider a contribution to The Clary Higginbotham Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund at any Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co.


Minden Press-Herald 11/16/2004
Dennis Colby Higginbotham (1984-2004) LA

D. Colby Higginbotham
Funeral services for Mr. D. Colby Higginbotham, 20, will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004, at Samart Funeral Home in Houma. Visitation will be held from 2 until 9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17, at the funeral home. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and resident of Houma, passed away Saturday, Nov. 13,in Houma. He was born Oct. 28, 1984. He was employed with Rivette Services of Houma and was a Baptist. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Jerry D. Voorhies. He is survived by his father, Kevin Higginbotham and step-mother, Lisa; mother, Andrea House Higginbotham; uncle and aunt, Dan and Cyndi Rivette, Debbie Morgan and husband John Paul "J.P." Morgan, Kelly Higginbotham Warren and husband Glen and Kristi Higginbotham Hays; sister, Harley Marie Higginbotham; cousins, Danielle, Jeff, Brandon, Haley, Garrett, Taylor, Ty, Hutton, D.J. and Krysten; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Sandra Higginbotham; and grandmother, Mrs. Bobbie K. Voorhies.


Livingston Parish News 12/31/2004

Jack Higginbotham (1927-2004) LA
Jack "Scott" Higginbotham Jr. died in his sleep at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 30, 2004, at Golden Age Nursing Home, Denham Springs. He was 77 and a resident and native of Walker. He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War. Visitation was at Seale Funeral Home chapel, Denham Springs, Friday until religious services, conducted by the Rev. Carl Rushing. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Betty Higginbotham; three daughters and a son-in-law, Glenda and Timothy Milner Hodge, Cheryl Higginbotham and Audrey Higginbotham; a son and daughter-in-law, Scott Patrick and Janice Higginbotham; three sisters, Jackie Higginbotham, Rebecca Smith and Maggie Higginbotham; five brothers, Louis, Julius, Charles, Sterling, and Phillip Higginbotham; two grandchildren, Shaun and Alicia Higginbotham; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his mother, Willie Smart Higginbotham; father, Jack Higginbotham Sr.; a sister, Martha Lee; and two brothers, Mark and Jerry P. Higginbotham Sr.



Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 2/16/2005

Erma L. Higginbotham Jackson (1942-2005) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Erma Jackson, 62, were held on Saturday, January 22 at Christian Assembly Full Gospel Baptist Church in Gonzales at 11 a.m. with Reverend Richard Rayborn, Sr. pastor, officiating. Interment followed in the church cemetery under the direction of Hambrick Family Mortuary of Gonzales.

A native of Waterproof, Mrs. Jackson was a retired educator in Ascension Parish schools with more than 35 years of service. She died on Saturday, January 15 at her home in Geismar. She was a member of Christian Assembly Full Gospel Baptist Church where she was a church greeter.

Mrs. Jackson was preceded in death by her father, Willie Higginbotham, Sr. and brother, Willie Higginbotham, Jr.

She is survived by her devoted husband, Clarence Jackson, Sr.; three sons, Clarence Jr. and wife Ronetta, Corey and wife Alicia, all of Geismar, and Curtis and wife Katina of Pearland, Texas; grandchildren, Christian, Keresten, Trinity, Chloe, Caleb, Colby and Cameron; her mother, Susie Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; two brothers, Robert and wife Ursula Higginbotham of Baton Rouge and Eugene Higginbotham of Washington, D.C.; three sisters, Annie and husband Leonard Harvey, Jacqueline and husband Anthony Ratcliff, all of Washington, D.C. and Vera and husband Steve Watkins of Baton Rouge; godchild, Kristina Jackson; two sisters-in-law, Onedia Roberson and Bessie Jackson, both of Geismar; brother-in-law, Edward Jackson, Sr. of Geismar; and a host of nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends.



Rayne Acadian-Tribune 03/2005

Marie Elita Higginbotham Hebert (1925-2005) LA
Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Friday, March 18, 2005, at a Mass of Christian Burial in St. Joseph Catholic Church for Elita Higginbotham Hebert, 79, who died Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at her residence at 9:30 p.m..
Interment was in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery #2.
Survivors include her husband of 57 years, Joseph "Saul" Hebert, of Rayne; two daughters, Betty Hebert Bryan and husband Julius, of Houston, Texas, Brunella Hebert Borne and husband Curtis, of Perry, Ga.; one grandson, Thomas Edwards Bryan, of Houston, Texas; and one brother, Ben J. Higginbotham, of Church Point.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Robert Higginbotham and Marie Briscoe Higginbotham; four brothers, Elridge, Horace, Abram and Harry Higginbotham; and six sisters, Mary Belle Olivier, Agatha Guidry, Dula Bergeron, Ella Thibodeaux, May Ashford and Denilda Richard.
Mrs. Hebert was a housewife and enjoyed working in her flower bed.
A rosary was recited at 7:00 p.m. Thursday.
The family requested that the visiting hours be observed on Thursday from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. until service time.
The Hebert family would like to thank Southern Hospice and Dr. D. Thomas Curtis and many friends who helped in the time of their need.
Arrangements were entrusted to Gossen Funeral Home Inc. of Rayne.



Kilpatrick Funeral Home - Ruston, LA. 4/3/2005

Fred Lee Higginbotham Jr. (1924-2005) LA
Funeral services for Fred Higginbotham, 80, of Ruston, LA, will be 2:00 PM Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at Grace United Methodist Church of Ruston. Officiating will be Dr. Wayne Evans. Interment will be at Greenwood Cemetery in Ruston under the direction Kilpatrick Funeral Home of Ruston.
Mr. Higginbotham passed away on Saturday, April 2, 2005 in Ruston following a brief illness.
He was a lifelong resident of Ruston and long time active member of Grace United Methodist Church. He retired from Lincoln Parish Schools where he had been a teacher, coach, principal and superintendent. He was an officer of the Retired Louisiana Superintendent's Association and a longtime active member of the Ruston Lions Club.
He is preceded in death by his wife Mary Ross Higginbotham.
Survivors include his children Lawrence Higginbotham and wife Alice of Ruston, LA and Lora Hammons and husband Steve of Choudrant, LA; grandchildren Meg and Lauren Higginbotham of Ruston, LA, Hayden, Ross, John Cullen and Mary Conly Hammons all of Choudrant, LA.
Pallbearers will be Dr. Allen Herbert, Pat Moyers, Don Shows, Dr. Edwin Davis, Pat Garrett, Dr. George Smith, Bill Jones and James Gowdy. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Louisiana Tech Foundation for the Mary Ross Higginbotham Scholarship Fund or Grace United Methodist Church.



The Ville Platte Gazette 6/23/2005

Patrick Homer Higginbotham (1940-2005) LA

Pine Prairie - Funeral services were held for Patrick Homer Higginbotham, 64, of Pine Prairie, at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Pine Prairie at 2 p.m. Monday, June 20. Burial followed in the church cemetery.

A native of Church Point, Mr. Higginbotham died at 11:30 p.m. Friday, June 17, 2005, at Ville Platte Medical Center. He was an oilfield driller.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Helen Andrus Higginbotham of Pine Prairie; three sons, Patrick Mark Higginbotham of Beaver Creek, John Chad Higginbotham of Oakdale, and Eric Gerard Higginbotham of Florida; four daughters, Jessica Fontenot and Tammy Theriot, both of Pine Prairie, Rachel Hebert of Beaver Creek and Nicole Jordan of Easton; three sisters, Lorita Beau and Priscilla Richard, both of Mire, and Linda Dun of Alvin, Texas; 23 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Father Richard Broussard officiated.

LaVille Funeral Home of Ville Platte was in charge of arrangements.



News-Star (Monroe, LA0 07/01/2005

Billie Marie Long Higginbotham-Spillers (1944-2005) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Billie Higginbotham Spillers, 60, of Monroe, LA will be 10 AM, Saturday, July 2, 2005 at Kilpatrick Funeral Home, West Monroe. Dr. Charles Wesley will be officiating. Burial will follow at Downsville Cemetery, Downsville, LA under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home, West Monroe, LA.

Mrs. Higginbotham Spiller was born October 1, 1944 in San Angelo, Texas and passed away June 29, 2005 in Monroe, LA.

Mrs. Higginbotham Spillers was an insurance adjuster with Harvey Hales Shelter Insurance Company.

Mrs. Higginbotham Spillers is survived by her husband, Robert Spillers of Monroe, LA; children, Terry Higginbotham and wife Colleen of Houston, TX, Mike and wife Tammy Higginbotham of Monroe, LA; grandchildren: David, Erin, Daniel, Sierra, and Jon Michael Higginbotham of Monroe, La; sisters-in-law, Brenda Lambert, Diane Harris, Linda Allbritton; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Houston and Earline Harrison.

Memorial may be made to the American Cancer Society.

Visitation will be from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Kilpatrick Funeral Home, West Monroe, LA.


News-Star (Monroe, LA) 07/11/2005

Patsy Ann Meeks Higginbotham (1931-2005) LA

Mulhearn Funeral Home - Monroe, Louisiana Services for Mrs. Patsy Ann Meeks Higginbotham, 74, of Monroe, LA, will be at 2:00 PM Tuesday, July 12, 2005, at Loch Arbor Baptist Church with Rev. Andy Myrick, Rev. Lynn Townsend, and Rev. Shorty Leggitt officiating. Interment will follow in Loch Arbor Baptist Church Cemetery under the direction of Mulhearn Funeral Home, Sterlington Rd., Monroe. Mrs. Higginbotham passed away on July 10, 2005, at her residence. She was a lifelong member of Loch Arbor Baptist Church. Mrs. Higginbotham was very family oriented. She loved her husband, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Mrs. Higginbotham also enjoyed music and loved to play the piano and cook. She was a very outgoing person who never met a stranger. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents, Marcus and Gladys Meeks, and sister, Eula Mae Foster. Survivors include her husband "Love of Her Life", Leroy Higginbotham of Monroe, LA; children, Randy O'Neal and wife, Lisa of Monroe, LA; and Kaye Lee and husband, Philip of Pearl, MS; four grandchildren: Chris and Katie O'Neal and Corey and Chad Lee; and two great-grandchildren, Jace and Jared Lee. Pallbearers will be Corey Lee, Chad Lee, Chris O'Neal, Terry Higginbotham, Ronald Parker, and Justin Higginbotham. Visitation will be from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM Monday at Mulhearn Funeral Home.



Ashley County (AR) Ledger 08/15/2005

Margaret Ann Finch Higginbotham (1923-2005) AR/LA
Margaret Ann Finch Higginbotham, 81, of Alexandria, LA, died Saturday, August 13, 2005, at Lexington House. She was born December 2, 1923 in Crossett, Arkansas to William E. and Maggie Calhoun Finch. Margaret was a graduate of Crossett High School and attended the University of Arkansas at Monticello. She was married 54 years to the late Leroy Higginbotham, Jr. They resided in Hamburg for 26 years before moving to Alexandria where they lived for 38 years. She was a member of the First Methodist Church in Alexandria and former member of the Book Club of Alexandria and the Wilshire Garden Club.
She is survived by one daughter, Anne Higginbotham Berlin of Alexandria, one son, Leroy Higginbotham, III of Houston, Texas; one brother, William Finch of Crossett; two grandsons, Bruce Damon Armstrong of Alexandria and Bo Higginbotham of Crossett, one granddaughter, Ashley Taylor of Alexandria and five great- grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband.
Funeral services were held in the chapel of Hixson Brothers Funeral Home in Alexandria at 2 p.m. Monday, August 15. Burial followed at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Ball.



Times Picayune 08/21/2005

Winona Antonia Robichaux Higginbotham (1912-2005) LA

Winona Antonia Robichaux Higginbotham, a retired RN for The Louisiana State Health Department, passed away on Thursday, August 18, 2005 at the age of 93. Mother of the late Jeanne Higginbotham Landry, grandmother of George Pratt Landry, III, John David Landry, Collette Landry Weaver, Timothy James Landry, and Amy Landry Bodet, great-grandmother of George Pratt, IV, Alexis, Justin, Joseph, and Remi Landry, Gabrielle, Amelia, and Joshua Bodet, Stanley and Jeannette Weaver. Daughter of the late Odon Lee and Virginia Robichaux, sister of Mae Delaune and the late Jeanne Pippin, Virginia Addison, Louis, Whitney, Joseph, and Leo Robichaux. She is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Iberville Parish, former resident of Ponchatoula, La, and a resident of New Orleans since 1930. A graduate of Ponchatoula High School Class of 1930, graduate of Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in New Orleans, La Class of 1933. She served for the American Red Cross During WW II. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral. A funeral mass will be celebrated in the chapel of Jacob Schoen and Son Funeral Home, 3827 Canal Street, on Monday, August 22, 2005 at 11:00am. Interment to follow in Ponchatoula
Cemetery. Visitation will be held on Monday from 9:00 am until service time. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her name to Hammond Strawberry Fields, 116 West Thomas Street, Hammond, La 70401 or the Autism Society Of America Greater New Orleans Chapter, (504) 464-5733.



The Advocate 09/12/2005
James Edward Higginbotham (1948-2005) LA

A resident and native of Greensburg, he departed this life Friday, Sept. 9, 2005, at his home. He was 57. Religious service at Turner Chapel AME Church, 831 Turner Chapel Road, Greensburg, the Rev. Stanley J. Carter, pastor, at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13. The Rev. Marvin Schaffer Sr. will officiate the service. Interment in church cemetery. Arrangements by MJR Friendly Service Funeral Home Inc., Denham Springs. 


Houma Courier 09/28/2005

Betty Jane Farque Moss Higginbotham (1932-2005) LA
Betty Higginbotham, 74, a native of Lake Charles and resident of Houma, died Saturday, Sept. 24, 2005.
Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday at Samart Funeral Home in Bayou Blue.
She is survived by her husband, Emery Paul Higginbotham; two sons, Robert Kim Istre and Liton Paul Higginbotham; one daughter, Louise Marie Hebert; and four grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Gus and Louise Broussard Farque; one son, Donnie Lynn Moss; and one brother, Warren Farque.
She was retired and was Catholic.



Houma Courier 10/24/2005
Bobby Ray Higginbotham (1949-2005) LA
Bobby Ray Higginbotham, 56, a native of DeRidder and resident of Des Allemandes, died at 10:17 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, 2005.
Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at Samart Funeral Home in Raceland.
He is survived by two stepsons, Michael Burton and Jason Burton; one daughter, Valerie H. Bourgeois; four stepdaughters, Debra Perett, Paula Hymel, Dara Higginbotham and Heather Higginbotham; two sisters, Joann Snapp and Mary Ruth Higginbotham; 16 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Elvin and Bessie Watson Higginbotham; and one brother, Jerry Dan Higginbotham.



The Advocate 12/29/2005
Maggie Acenith Higginbotham (1937-2005) LA

A native of Corbin and a resident of Denham Springs, she passed away at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2005, at Golden Age Nursing Home in Denham Springs. She was 68. Visitation at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, on Thursday, Dec. 29, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Visitation resumes at the funeral home chapel on Friday, Dec. 30, from 9 a.m. until funeral service at 11 a.m. Interment in Palmetto Cemetery, Walker. She is survived by a daughter, Terri Higginbotham; sisters, Jackie H. Morales and Rebecca H. Smith; brothers, Julius Edward, Lodney, Phillip, Sterling and Charles Higginbotham; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her mother, Willie S. Higginbotham; father, Jack Higginbotham; sister, Martha Lou Higginbotham Lee; and brothers, Scott, Jerry and Mark Higginbotham.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 1/3/2006

Mary Rose Cobb Higginbotham (1917-2006) LA

Bastrop - Mary Rose Higginbotham died Monday. The funeral is at noon Wednesday at Cox Funeral Home, Bastrop. Visitation is from 11 a.m. until time of service at the funeral home. Burial is Christ Church Cemetery, Bastrop.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 5/16/2006

Billy Roger Hickingbottom (1931-2006) LA

Shreveport, LA - Mr. Billy "Rod" Hickingbottom, age 75, died at his residence Sunday, May 14, 2006 after a courageous battle with leukemia. The family will be receiving friends on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 from 5:00 to 9:00 PM at the Boone Funeral Home, Shreveport, LA. The funeral service will be held on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 11:00 AM in the Boone Chapel. Officiating the service will be Rev. A.P. Weaver, Radiant Life Assembly of God, Dr. Howard Hall, Shreveport Baptist Temple and Rev. Ron McLellen, Gloster Baptist Church. Interment will follow at Forest Park West.

Mr. Hickingbottom was a member of Radiant Life Assembly of God and practiced his true Christianity. He was a loving husband, Father, and grandfather and enjoyed being with his family. Rod was an excellent teacher to all of us and loved unconditionally, loved to work on cars, lawnmowers (anything that people needed repairing, they brought to Rod) and fishing with his brother Leo. He truly enjoyed riding his Harley. He had a great love for bikes - motorcycles and bicycles.

Mr. Rod was preceded in death by his wife Shirley Mae Hickingbottom, "the mother of his children", parents Sim and Victoria Hickingbottom, brothers Tom and Sam Hickingbottom and sister Mary Neatherly.

He is survived by his wife Jeanette Hickingbottom, daughter Pamela Perrin and husband James, son Ricky Lee Hickingbottom and wife, Sherry, three stepsons, Randy, Steve and James Thompson. Grandchildren: Lisa and Melissa Hickinbottom, Austin and Shawn Brian, Denise Parnell (he called "Outlaw"), and six step-grandchildren, Kristen, Stephen, Madeline, Bubba, Melena and Melody Thompson. Four great-grandchildren: Jessica and Jacob McKenzie, Michael Hickingbottom and Madison Brian and numerous nieces and nephews.

He is also survived by two brothers, Leo and wife Carol and John Hickingbottom and wife Louise, two sisters-in-law, Verna and Mattie Hickingbottom.

Pallbearers will be David McKenzie, Jonas (Droopy), Dillon Robbins, Lance, Travis Otwell, Stephen Thompson and Matt Gaskin.

The family would also like to express their sincere appreciation to Suzanne Wallace, a very special nurse that gave extra attention to him as well as his family, and Jan both with Willis Knighton Hospice. Also to Gage Meshell, a brave young man (11 year old friend) who called to check on him weekly and was there at his passing.

If you would like to share your condolences with the family online, please visit www.boonefh.com.

Boone Funeral Home  Shreveport Chapel  688-5509



John Thomas Higginbotham (1926-2006) LA

Funeral services for Mr. John Thomas, "J.T.", "Hot", Higginbotham, will be 3 p.m. Saturday, May 20, 2006 at the First Baptist Church of Bastrop with the Rev. Jim Ingram and Rev. L.H. McCollough officiating. Interment will follow at Christ Church Cemetery under the direction of Cox Funeral Home, Bastrop. The family will receive friends Saturday at the church beginning at 2 p.m. until services. Mr. J.T. Higginbotham was born April 14, 1926 in Bastrop Louisiana and passed away Thursday, May 18, 2006 at Morehouse General Hospital. He was preceded in death by his parents, James Douglas and Inez Anderson Higginbotham, and a daughter, Donna Kay Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong member and a deacon of the First Baptist Church of Bastrop. He was a Navy veteran of World War II where he served as a military observer after the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan. He was a retired dairyman and an avid fisherman. Surviving Mr. Higginbotham is his wife of 58 years, Joyce Chesnut Higginbotham, son, Mike Higginbotham and wife Debbie of Bastrop, daughter, Vickie Brown and husband Danny of Normal, Illinois, five grandchildren, Cory Price of Monroe, Kelly Murphy of Rayville, Kevin Brown of Normal, Illinois, Jarrod Brown of Bloomington, Illinois, Matthew Brown of Normal, Illinois, six great-grandchildren, and two brothers, Don Higginbotham and Doug Higginbotham both of Bastrop.



The Advocate 06/05/2006

Julius Edward Higginbotham (1928-2006)  

Higginbotham, Julius Edward A lifelong resident of Livingston, he passed away at 3 a.m. Sunday, June 4, 2006, at Ochsner Hospital in Baton Rouge. He was 77. Visitation at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, on Monday, June 5, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Tuesday, June 6, from 8:30 a.m. until service at 10 a.m. Burial in Palmetto Cemetery, Walker. Survived by his sisters, Willie O. Morales and Rebecca Higginbotham Smith; brothers, Lodney, Phillip, Sterling and Charles Higginbotham; and numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jack and Willie S. Higginbotham; sisters, Martha Lou Lee and Maggie Higginbotham; and brothers, Jack Jr., Jerry and Mark Higginbotham. He attended Judson Baptist Church in Walker and Livingston United Methodist Church in Livingston.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 6/11/2006

Tola Joyce Chesnut Higginbotham (1931-2006) LA

Bastrop - Joyce Chesnut Higginbotham, a retired school bus driver, died Friday. Services are 10 a.m. Wednesday at First Baptist Church of Bastrop. Visitation is 9 a.m. Wednesday until service time at the church. Burial will be in Christ Church Cemetery under the direction of Cox Funeral Home, Bastrop.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/21/2006

Elizabeth Higginbotham Menard (1918-2006) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, June 22, 2006 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Mrs. Eddie Menard Sr., the former Elizabeth Higginbotham, 88, who died at 5:50 a.m. Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at American Legion Hospital in Crowley.

Interment will be in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Church Point.

Mrs. Menard is survived in death by her children, Jean Boudreaux and husband Frank of Port Barre, Marx Menard and partner Brenda of Church Point, Michael Menard and wife Darlene of Church point, Eddie J. Menard, Jr. and wife Donna of Cedartown, GA., Elizabeth Dawson and husband Lee of Chattanooga, TN and Robert Menard of Austin, TX; two sisters, Lelia Smith and Louisiana Lyons both of Church point; 30 grandchildren, 49 great-grandchildren and 7 great-great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Eddie J. Menard Sr.; one daughter, Eldine "Marie" Menard Miller; one grandchild, Travis Menard; one great-grandchild, Blake Aaron Menard; her parents, Edward Higginbotham and Eloise Bellard Higginbotham; three brothers, Berchman, Iram and BAbraham Higginbotham; three sisters, Bertha Lejeune, Alice Roger and Lydia Menard.

Mrs. Menard was a loving mother and gandmother. She enjoyed dancing, gardening, baking and bingo. She will be dearly missed, not only by family and friends, but by all of those whose lives she has touched throughout the years.

She as a member of the Ladies Altar Society, American Legion Unit 225 Ladies Auxiliary; former member of the Cajun Ladies; past Poppy Queen of the American Legion Unit 225.

Pallbearers will be Robert Menard, Michael Menard, Keith Menard, Edward Menard, Ricky Fontenot and Jared Trahan.

Honorary pallbearers will be Marx Menard, Eddie J. Menard Jr., Chais Trahan and Trace Jones.

The family would like to give special thanks to the American Legion Hospital, Third Floor Nursing Staff for their loving and care during this difficult time.

The family requested that visiting hours be observed from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. Wednesday and continue at 7 a.m. Thursday until time of services.

A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Wednesday.

Guidry Funeral Home, Inc. is in charge of all arrangements, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point. (337) 684-5488.




Charles Wayne Higginbotham (1927-2006) LA

Funeral services for Mr. Charles Higginbotham, 79, will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, July 1, 2006, with a Mass of Christian Burial in Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Port Barre with burial following in the Cottonwood Cemetery in Lottie.

Father Nicky Trahan will conduct the services.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Port Barre, died at 8:16 p.m. on Thursday, June 29, 2006, at Opelousas General Health System. He was a native of Melville, a U. S. Navy Veteran, and previously worked in the oilfield as a roughneck.

Survivors include one daughter, Charlene Estes and husband, Brian of Port Barre; two sisters: Dorothy Landry of Lake Charles and Shirley Hurdle of False River; 3 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.

Mr. Charles was preceded in death by his son, Charles Wayne Higginbotham, his parents: Doc and Mable Weber Higginbotham, and two sisters: Mildred Toups and Novelle Conway.

Funeral arrangements was entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre, Louisiana.



The Lake Charles American Press 9/2/2006

Mary Ella Wilks Hickingbottom (1918-2006) LA

Ella Hickingbottom, 88, of Moss Bluff, died at 11:45 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006, in a local hospital. She was a native of Manifest, and she had lived in the Moss Bluff-Lake Charles area for 52 years.

Mrs. Hickingbottom was a longtime member of Eastwood United Pentacostal Church, teaching Sunday school for many years. She was a devoted Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend.

Mrs. Hickingbottom enjoyed gardening, vacationing in her motor home, and especially making Christmas a special occasion for her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and everyone who knew her.

Survivors include one son, Lynn Hickingbottom and wife Charlotte of Moss Bluff; four daughters, Jessie Mae Posey and husband Carl of Olla, Tessie Smith and husband Warren of Moss Bluff, Billye Ruth Lormand and husband Russell of Hot Springs, Ark., and Janet Griffin and husband Ed of Moss Bluff; 11 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren; step-sister, Elvie Wilks of Jena; and step-brother, J. D. Hall of Olla.

Her husband, Jessie Hickingbottom, preceded her in death.

Her funeral will be at 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 3, in Eastwood United Pentacostal Church. The Revs. Murrell Ewing, Landy Ewing and Russell Lormand will officiate. Burial will be in Ritchie Cemetery in Moss Bluff under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home. Visitation is 3-9 p.m. today in the funeral home and from noon Sunday in the church.



The Advocate 09/12/2006

Patricia Marie Braud Higginbotham (1936-2006) LA
Higginbotham, Patricia Marie Braud A loving wife, mother and grandmother, she passed away Sunday, Sept. 10, 2006, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. She was a resident of Gonzales since 1964 and a native of Baton Rouge. She was the executive director of La Maison Des Enfants for 37 years. Visiting at Welsh Funeral Home, Gonzales, on Wednesday, Sept. 13, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Visiting at St. Mark Catholic Church, La. 621, Gonzales, on Thursday, Sept. 14, from 9 a.m. until Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. Interment in Resthaven Gardens of Memory. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, Joe Higginbotham; two sons, Edmond P. Higginbotham and wife Jennifer of Alexandria and Michael C. Higginbotham of Gonzales; and two grandchildren, Ryan Higginbotham and wife Sarah and Lauren Higginbotham, all of Alexandria. She was preceded in death by her father and mother, Edmond P. and Mildred Trahan Braud. She graduated from St. Joseph Academy in 1955, and attended Grand Coteau College. She was a member of St. Mark Catholic Church.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 10/5/2006

Esther Higginbotham Daigle (1918-2006) LA

Richard - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 5, 2006, at St. Edward Catholic Church in Richard, La. for Esther Higginbotham Daigle, 87, who died at 8:25 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2006, at Oak Lane Wellness Center in Eunice, La.

Interment will be in St. Edward Cemetery in Richard, La.

The rev. Dan Edwards will conduct the services.

She was a member of the St. Edward Ladies Altar Society, St. Edward Legion of Mary and St. Edward Church Choir.

Survivors include two sons, James Richard Daigle, of Richard, La., and Michael "Mickey" Daigle and his wife, Beatrice, of Richard, La.; four daughters, Janell Bourgeois, of Richard, La., Dale Francois and husband, Herman, of Eunice, La., Louetta Labbie, of Richard, La., and Donna Barry and husband, Tom, of Richard, La.; five brothers, Carl Higginbotham of Church Point, La., Hamuel, Billy and Wilson, of Lake Charles, La., and Robert T. "Bob" Higginbotham of Lafayette, La.; three sisters, Wilda Whittaker, of Somerset, Ky., Mattie Stanford, of Sunset, La., and Clara LeBlanc, of Rayne, La.; 20 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Raymond Daigle; and infant son, David Daigle; a brother, Ward Higginbotham; and her parents, Simon Higginbotham and Belle Barousse Higginbotham.

Visitation was observed from noon until 10 p.m. Wednesday and will continue from 8 a.m. today until time of service.

A rosary was recited at 7 p.m. Wednesday.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point, (337) 684-5488, is in charge of arrangements.




Doris Higginbotham Romero Hariu (1929-2006) LA

Funeral services will be held on Sunday, October 22, 2006, at a 2:00 PM Mass of Christian Burial in Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church for, Doris Romero Hariu, 76, the former Doris Higginbotham, who passed away peacefully at 12:50 AM on Friday, October 20, 2006 at Lafayette General Medical Center.

Interment will be in Calvary Cemetery.

Survivors include her husband, Theodore "Ted" Hariu of Lafayette; four daughters, Mrs. Diane R. Schomburg and her husband, Roger of Sugarland, Texas, Mrs. Gail R. Liggio and her husband, John, Mrs. Terry R. Wofford and her husband, Sam, and Mrs. Julie R. Dupre and her husband, Kerry, all of Lafayette; one son, Walter "Wally" Romero of Lafayette; eight grandchildren, Matthew and Chad Schomburg, Jennifer Fontenot, Gina Maestri, Alexis Joubert, Beau Wofford, and Heather and Jake Dupre; eight great grandchildren, Tyler and Maverick Schomburg, Tatum, McKenzie and Matthew Fontenot, Ethan, Lillian and Grace Maestri; three step daughters, Karen Leger, Cindy Thibodeaux and her husband, Glenn, and Susan Kelley; two step sons, Todd Hariu and his wife, Sheila, and Stephen Hariu and his wife, Becky; step grandchildren, Cody and James Kelley, Jack and Onni Thibodeaux , Lana Hariu and Crystal Hariu and a special friend of the family, Kurt Boehm.

She was preceded in death by her first husband, Walter J. Romero, Sr. and her parents, Isaac and Laurie Martin Higginbotham.

A native and lifelong resident of Lafayette, Louisiana, Mrs. Doris was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend to all who knew her. She was a graduate of Mount Carmel School, and attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, formerly SLI. In 1953 along with her first husband, Walter J. Romero, Sr., she was instrumental in the formation of Walter J. Romero State Farm Insurance, and was well known for always attending to her family's needs. Doris' favorite passions included traveling, crafting, and playing cards.



The Advocate 11/18/2006
Alfred Edward "Freddie" Higginbotham (1943-2006) LA
EUNICE -- Services for "Freddie" Alfred Edward Higginbotham, 63, will be at 1 p.m. today at St. Thomas More Catholic Church. Burial will follow in the church cemetery under direction of Quirk & Son Funeral Home. Visitation will be at the funeral home from 8 a.m. today until the services. He died Friday at his residence.



The Advocate 12/01/2006
Clinton Joseph Higginbotham (1917-2006) LA
Higginbotham, Clinton Joseph "Hick" Funeral service will be held Saturday, Dec. 2, at 1 p.m. in the Delhomme Funeral Home Chapel of the Flowers, 1101 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, for Clinton Joseph "Hick" Higginbotham, 88, who passed away Thursday, Nov. 30, 2006, at his home. The Rev. O. Joseph Breaux, pastor of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, will conduct the funeral service. Interment will take place in St. Peter and St. Paul cemeteries in Scott. Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Lafayette, was the son of the late Ernest Higginbotham Jr., who was of Higginbotham, and the former Agatha Guidry, who was of Church Point. Hick was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He was retired from the University of Southwestern Louisiana (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) as an associate professor in the College of Agriculture. Hick was the manager of the ULL creamery for 35 years. During his career at ULL, Hick helped many young men through school to achieve their goal of completing a college degree. He assisted students financially unable to attend college by finding them jobs, clothing and a place to stay even if it meant housing students in his own home. Hick was always there when a young man needed encouragement, always there to act as a father, friend or older brother. Hick's greatest joys were fishing and cooking at the camp with his boureé friends. He always had a thriving garden and was always willing to share with neighbors and friends. He will be sadly missed by his family and many dear friends. The family would like to thank Hospice of Acadiana for their devoted service during his illness. The family would also like to especially thank Dr. Bill Bernard, who was not only his doctor but a very good and close friend. Survivors include a daughter, Carolyn Atkins of Fort Worth, Texas; son, Don Higginbotham and wife Sandy of Lafayette; five grandchildren, Jim Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Amy Carlin, Winn Atkins and Mitchell Atkins; eight great-grandchildren, Ross Higginbotham, Grant Higginbotham, William Hayes Atkins, Reed Atkins, Talmidge Atkins, Vanson Atkins, Mickey Atkins and Campbel Atkins; two sisters, Mrs. Albert Latiolais of Lafayette and Mrs. John McMillan; stepsister, Mrs. Mary Ann Leleux of Crowley; and a stepbrother, Patrick Higginbotham. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Georgie Higginbotham; two sisters, Alice Menard and Rena Latiolais; and a stepbrother, Louis Higginbotham. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at the funeral home on Friday, Dec. 1, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. until the time of service. A rosary will be recited in the funeral home Friday at 7 p.m. by Agatha McMillan. Pallbearers will be Norwood Meche, Ted Latiolais, Don Carlin, Harry Broussard, Jim Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Winn Atkins and Mitch Atkins. Honorary pallbearers are Roland Delahoussaye, J.E. Delahoussaye, Robert Delahoussaye, Amy Carlin and Henry Barker. Donations may be made in Mr. Higginbotham's name to Hospice of Acadiana, 2600 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 70503.



Rayne Acadian-Tribune 12/28/2006

Lilly Janelle Higginbotham (2002-2006) LA
Graveside services were held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, December 27, 2006, with burial in the St. Edmond’s Church Cemetery in Branch for infant Lilly Janelle Higginbotham, who died Sunday, December 24, 2006, at 3:45 p.m. in American Legion Hospital in Crowley.
She is survived by her mother, Frances (Patty) Thibodeaux of Branch, and her father, Jude Higginbotham of Church Point; paternal grandparents, Ben and Mary Lilly Higginbotham of Church Point; two aunts, Josette Thibodeaux, Branch, and
Mary and Ricky Guidry, Baton Rouge; six uncles, Andy and Laurie Thibodeaux, Branch, Troy and Darlene Thibodeaux, Glenmora, Cody Thibodeaux, Branch, Russell and Diane Higginbotham, Church Point, Benji Higginbotham, Church Point, and Kenneth Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; and a host of cousins.
Little Lilly was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Oday and Janelle Thibodeaux; her maternal great-grandparents, Foy and Wilma Fontenot; and her paternal great-grandparents.
Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point was in charge of funeral arrangements.



The Advocate 01/06/2007
Phyllis Marie Weiland Higginbotham (1922-2007) LA
HIGGINBOTHAM, PHYLLIS MARIE WEILAND "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name: you are mine." Isaiah 43:1. Phyllis, "De Da," 84, a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister and friend, passed away peacefully at her home in Baton Rouge with her family at her side on Thursday, Jan. 4, 2007. She was a native of Baton Rouge and an honored educator and member of Alpha Delta Kappa professional sorority. A student of Robert Penn Warren, she obtained bachelor's and master's degrees from LSU. Phyllis, a devout Christian, was a member of Calvary Presbyterian Church. Married for 59 years to Garber Higginbotham, her faith was expressed in her love for family and friends and the caring way that she lived her life. She is survived by a brother, William Weiland; her daughters, Beryl Marie Parsons and Diane Lee Higginbotham; a son-in-law, Bob Parsons; granddaughters and their spouses, Paige Parsons Gagliano and Louis Gagliano and Robyn Parsons Wood and Scott Wood; and her loving great-grandchildren, Bailey Christine Wax, Ethan Charles Wax and Grace Marie Gagliano. She was preceded in death by and will joyfully be reunited with her husband, William Garber Higginbotham; infant sister; brother and sister-in-law, Henry Boyd and Ida Weiland; sister-in-law Johnnie Weiland; and parents, Ella Lee Alsworth Weiland and Henry Boyd Weiland. Pallbearers, honored to be at her side, will be her grandchildren, Paige and Louis Gagliano and Robyn and Scott Wood, and her great-grandchildren, Bailey and Ethan Wax and Grace Gagliano, with whom she shared her phenomenal wit, spirit and wisdom. Visitation at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government St., on Sunday, Jan. 7, was from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Visiting continues at the funeral home on Monday from 9 a.m. until Christian burial service at 11 a.m., officiated by the Rev. Ted Roeling. She will be laid to rest with those who loved her so dearly in Buehler Plains Cemetery Zachary.




Louise Hodges Sales Hickingbottom (1918-2007) LA/NM

Funeral services for Mrs. Louise Hodges Sales Hickingbottom, 88, of Garfield, New Mexico, will be held at Young's Community Memorial Funeral Home on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 at 11:00 AM with Rev. Bill Nash, Rev. Sam Parker and Rev. David Kennon officiating. Interment will follow at Oak Grove Cemetery under the direction of Young's Community Memorial Funeral Home in Winnsboro

Mrs. Hickingbottom was born October 19, 1918 in Winnsboro, LA and passed away Monday January 15, 2007 at Memorial Medical Center Las Cruces, New Mexico. She was a resident of Garfield New Mexico, a Homemaker and a member of the Pentecostal Faith.

She was preceded in Death by:
Father-Henry Leon Hodges
Mother-Rachel Hodges
Daughter-Catherine Sales Lindsey

Survivors include:
4 Children-Lois Jordan of Garfield, NM
Robert Sales of Burney, Calif.
Theresa Escoto of Dequincy, La.
Debra Burnett of Dequincy, La.

She was also survived by 13 grandchildren 30 Great-Grandchildren and 15 Great-great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Joey Burnett, Roland Dale, Marvin Kemp, J.C. Escoto and Jeremy LeVrier.



The News-Star (Monroe, LA) 4/1/2007

Aline Jeanette Hickingbottom (1918-2007) MS/LA

Oak Ridge - Aline Hickingbottom, a retired seamstress, died Friday. Graveside services are 2 p.m. Monday at Natchez (Miss.) City Cemetery. Visitation is 6-9 p.m. today at Golden Funeral Home, Bastrop.



The Advocate 06/05/2007

Marie Natile Matte Higginbotham (1927-2007) LA
(July 31, 1927 - June 2, 2007)

Mrs. Frank Higginbotham, 79 Church Point, La. Funeral Services will be held on Monday June 4,2007 at 2:00 P.M. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Church Point, La. For Natile Matte Higginbotham, 79 who died at 11:15 a.m. on Sat. June 2,2007 at Acadia St. Landry Hospital in Church Point, La. Fr. Jefferson J. DeBlanc will conduct the services. Interment will be in the Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery, Church Point, La. Survivors include : Her husband Frank Higginbotham of Church Point, La., two sons; Early Lejeune and his wife Ivry of Church Point, La., Gilbert Lejeune and his wife Elaine of Church Point, La., one daughter, Raquel Elkins and her husband Roy of St. Amant, La., Grandchildren; Mark Anthony Lejeune, Terry Dale Lejeune, Ashley Elkins. Step- grandchildren; Michael DiLeonardo, Patricia Ann Shepard, Kenneth Boudreaux, Tina Lavergne, Angela Bourgeois, Scotty Boudreaux. The deceased was preceded in death by her parents, Mark and Ernestine Matte, a daughter, Carolyn Marie Lejeune, two brothers; Lloyd Matte, Melvin Matte, a sister, Yvonne Comeaux The family requested that visiting hours be observed from 9:00 A.M. Sunday June3,2007 until 10:00 P.M., and continue on Monday June 4,2007 from 8:00 A.M. until time of services at 2:00 P.M. Rosary will be recited on Sunday June 3, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. by Fr. Jefferson J. DeBlanc.



The Advocate 08/07/2007
Edward Eugene Higginbotham (1940-2007) LA
Sgt. Maj. Edward Eugene Higginbotham died Saturday, Aug. 4, 2007, at his residence in Zachary. He was retired from the U.S. Marine Corps and was a veteran of the Vietnam War, having received numerous awards and medals. Visiting at Charlet Funeral Home Inc., Zachary, on Tuesday, Aug. 7, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. until service at 10 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Tommy Higginbotham. Burial in Port Hudson National Cemetery, Zachary. Survived by a daughter, Judy Ann Carlton and husband Calvin, Wichita Falls, Texas; two sons, Richard "Bubba" Higginbotham and wife Freddye, and Brandon Higginbotham, all of Zachary; five sisters, Margaret McQueary and husband Carl, Denham Springs, Faye Corsentino, Walker, Gwendolyn Adams, Ethel, Marie Losavio and husband Denny, and Jackie Cashio and husband B.J., all of Baton Rouge; brother, Thomas Higginbotham and wife Eloise, Baker; two grandchildren, Rachel McWilliams and Cameron Higginbotham; and a great-granddaughter, Olivia McWilliams. Preceded in death by his parents, Ella and T.W. Higginbotham; and brother, Rodney Higginbotham.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 10/21/2007

Effie Lee Smith Higginbotham (1915-2007) LA

Services for Effie Lee Smith Higginbotham will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, October 21, 2007, in the chapel of John Kramer & Son with Rev. Robert Guth officiating. Entombment will be in Alexandria Memorial Gardens Mausoleum, Alexandria, under the direction of John Kramer & Son.

Effie Lee Higginbotham, 92, of Alexandria, born in Pollock on June 15, 1915, passed away Friday, October 19, 2007, in Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital.

She was a lifelong member of Trinity Methodist Church, Alexandria. She loved canning, gardening, quilting and crafts.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Warren Higginbotham; her parents, Homer Smith and Lucy Laningham Smith Muse; one brother, Elmer Smith and four sisters, Era Langley, Vivian Smith, Attie MArtin and Ellen Minges.

Those left to cherish her memory: six nieces, Nell and husband, Charles Atwood of Alexandria; Elaine and husband, Donald R. Doughty of Jena; Nita and husband, George Payne of Alexandria; Lorene and husband, Thomas Corder of Alexandria; Ruth Langford; Mary Alice Arnold; two nephews, Jimmie Langley and David Langley; three beloved sisters-in-law, Dorothy Wilkes of Little Rock, Arkansas; Myrtle Price of Baton Rouge; Irene Smith of Leitchfield, Kentucky.

Friends are asked to call from 8:30 a.m. until time of services Sunday at John Kramer & Son.

Pallbearers will be: Don Doughty, David Atwood, Jessie Turner, Quinten Landry, Blake Carter and Chuckie Atwood.



The Advocate 11/17/2007

Leola H. Higginbotham (1912-2007) MS/LA
A resident of Baton Rouge and a native of Fayette, Miss., she died at 3 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, 2007, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center-Mid City. She was 95. Visiting at New Light Missionary Baptist Church on Monday, Nov. 19, from 10 a.m. until religious service at 11 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Gil Wright. Interment in Southern Memorial Gardens. She is survived by two daughters, Rosalie S. Burgess and Annie Belle S. Ramsey; two sons, James Sr. and wife Sarah Stampley and John S. and wife Carolyn Higginbotham; 34 grandchildren, 73 great-grandchildren and 54 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Stanley Higginbotham; daughter, Bernetha G. Tate; parents and siblings. Pallbearers will be her grandchildren. Honorary pallbearers are family and friends. She was baptized at the age of 12. She was a member of New Light Missionary Baptist Church where she was president emeritus of the Deaconess Board. Scott's Bluff Morticians is in charge of arrangements.



Michael Joseph Higginbotham (1966-2007) LA

Funeral services will be held at a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Pius X Catholic Church for Michael Joseph Higginbotham, 41, who passed away Friday, November 30, 2007. The Mass will conducted by Reverend Steven C. LeBlanc, Pastor of St. Pius X Catholic Church, and Reverend Matthew Higginbotham, Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Crowley. Concelebrant will be Monsignor Harry Benefield. Interment will be held in Lafayette Memorial Park. Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of Lafayette. He was a member of St. Pius X Catholic Church. He graduated from USL in 1989 with a degree in Accounting. He was a drum major his senior year. He was a strong competitor and won many awards. He was an independent CPA in Lafayette. Michael's life revolved around his family. He loved cooking and music. He took great joy in cooking for his family – be it a Sunday afternoon or a holiday. He was a strong faithful loving husband and father. Michael loved to laugh. He was a positive vibrant person. His smile, kindness, and his giving spirit stayed with everyone he met. He is survived by his wife, Susan Patterson Higginbotham; his parents, James and Amelia Higginbotham; three daughters, Bree Higginbotham, Briley Rose Higginbotham, and Brennan Belle Higginbotham; four sons, Brandon Higginbotham, Brady Higginbotham, Brian Higginbotham, and Braxton Higginbotham all of Lafayette; three sisters, Lisa Higginbotham and companion, Patton Whittington of Tylertown, Mississippi, Hope Gajan and husband, Joseph Gajan, III of Lafayette, and Lorraine Boulet and husband, Peter of Crowley; three brothers, James Higginbotham, III and wife, Lori of Scott, David Higginbotham and wife, Gayle of Judice, and Reverend Matthew Higginbotham of Crowley; and numerous nieces and nephews. A rosary will be recited in the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Brandon Higginbotham, David Higginbotham, James Higginbotham, III, Steve LaBorde, Peter Boulet, and Andre Larriviere. Delhomme Funeral Home, 1011 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, will be in charge of the arrangements. 




Julia Wiley Higginbotham (1914-2007) LA
WATERPROOF, La. — Services for Julia Wiley Higginbotham, 93, of Waterproof, who died Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007, at Franklin Medical Center, in Winnsboro, La., will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Choctaw Chapel Baptist Church with the Rev. Frank Brown officiating.
Burial will follow at Gibson Cemetery, in Waterproof, under the direction of Concordia Funeral Home in Ferriday.
Visitation will be from 9 to 9:45 a.m. Saturday at the church.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Jan. 30, 1914, in Waterproof, the daughter of Ben and Isabella Scott Wiley. She was a retired teacher’s aide. She was also a Sunday school teacher, choir member and musician at Choctaw Chapel Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Ben Higginbotham; her parents; and son, Larry T. Higginbotham.
Survivors include her sons, Bobby Higginbotham and Edgar Higginbotham, both of Waterproof, Lee Dell Higginbotham and wife, Catherine, both of Baltimore, Ted L. Higginbotham and Leonard R. Higginbotham, both of Baton Rouge and Ozzie Mack Higginbotham and wife, Pearl, both of Temple Hill, Md.; daughters, Loester Foley and husband, Basil, both of Houston, Ida H. Love and husband, Richard, both of Atlanta and Berdia Higginbotham of Waterproof; stepdaughter, Maude Dominique of East Cleveland, Ohio; 33 grandchildren; 49 great-grandchildren; and eight great-great-grandchildren.



The Advocate 12/14/2007
John Wayne Higginbotham Sr. (1949-2007) MS/LA
A retiree from the Louisiana Division of Administration, he passed away Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007, at Ochsner Medical Center of Baton Rouge at age 59. He was a native of Bude, Miss., and a resident of Ventress. He is survived by his three sons, John Wayne Higginbotham Jr., Baton Rouge, James Todd Higginbotham, Walker, and Chad Jeremy Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; mother of his children, Frances Wells; four grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government St., Friday, Dec. 14, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Graveside service at Greenoaks Memorial Park on Saturday, Dec. 15, at 10 a.m.


The Advocate 12/27/2007

Alma Higginbotham Sagona (1930-2007) LA
A native of Lottie, she died Sunday, Dec. 23, 2007, at her home in Baton Rouge. She was 77. Visiting at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Hall, 11140 La. 77, Maringouin, on Thursday, Dec. 27, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Religious service at the church hall on Friday, Dec. 28, at 10 a.m. Interment in Cotton Wood Cemetery, Lottie. She is survived by two daughters, Mary Gonzales, of Baton Rouge, and Kathy Mouille and husband Donald, of Palmetto; three sons, Charles and wife Ann Sagona, of Fordoche, Joseph Sagona, of Baton Rouge, and John and wife Becky Sagona, of Denham Springs; a brother, Calvin Higginbotham, of Columbia, Miss.; 13 grandchildren, many great-grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by her husband, Tony; a son, Anthony; and two grandsons, Daniel and Donald Ray. Relatives and family friends will serve as pallbearers. Arrangements by A. Wesley Funeral Home, Maringouin.


The Advocate 12/30/2007

Eula Lea Savoie Higginbotham (1919-2007) LA
A very caring and loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and homemaker, she died at 2:40 p.m. Friday, Dec. 28, 2007, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center. She was 78, a resident of Fordoche and native of Church Point. Visiting at St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Church in Livonia on Monday, Dec. 31, from 8:30 a.m. until religious service at noon. Interment in St. Francis Cabrini Cemetery, Livonia. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Elaine and Daniel T. Ewing, of Fordoche, and Sheila Higginbotham Williams and Max V. Williams, of Baker; two sons and daughters-in-law, Bobbie Higginbotham and Lynne, of Fordoche and Lonnie J. Higginbotham and Rita Louise Higginbotham, of Erwinville; a sister, Leonie Smith, of Fordoche; a brother, Felton Savoie, of Fordoche; nine grandchildren, Tonya Ewing Franklin, Tessa Ewing Leger, Dustin Ewing, Angie Higginbotham, Andrew Higginbotham, Courtney Bergeron, Brooke Williams, Farah Higginbotham Deshotel and Kace' Higginbotham; three great-grandchildren, Lauren Leger, Bradain Higginbotham and Kami Deshotel; and two step grandchildren, Shelby Ponthieux and Chase Williams. She was preceded in death by her husband, Howard Higginbotham; parents, Azelina and Leonard Savoie; a son, Dannie Higginbotham; brothers, Lester Savoie and Alfred Roche; and a sister, Natalie Richard. Pallbearers will be Dustin Ewing, Andrew Higginbotham, Harry "Deuce" Leger, Justin Franklin, Roger Smith and Fred Smith. She was a member of St. Francis Cabrini Catholic Church in Livonia. Niland's Funeral Service Inc., New Roads, is in charge of arrangements.




Dessie Mae Higginbotham Dupre Brown (1928-2008) LA

Whiteville – Funeral services will be held for Dessie Brown, 79, in Church of the Resurrection Catholic Church in Whiteville. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Fr. Mike Guidry will officiate the services.

Mrs. Brown, a resident of Whiteville, died Thursday, January 3, 2008 at the Ville Platte Medical Center. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother who was devoted to her church and was a member of the Ladies Alter Society and Rosary Group. She also loved to cook and bake as well as spending time with her family.

Survivors include her husband, Leonard "Chunk" Brown of Whiteville; one son, Roger Brown and wife, Patricia of Bunkie; two daughters, Judy Gaspard and husband, Bruce of Whiteville and Diane Laborde and husband, Rayford of Hessmer; one sister, Jane Monier and husband, Allen of Ville Platte; six grandchildren, Derrick and Ashley Laborde, Steven and Lauren Brown, and Spencer and Amanda Gaspard; one great grandchild, Tara Laborde; numerous nieces and nephews.

She is preceded in death by a son, Vincent Brown; parents, Thobert and Lora Higginbotham and brothers, Melvin Higginbotham and Clary Higginbotham.

Ardoin's Funeral Home in Ville Platte is in charge of arrangements.




Lelia Higginbotham Smith (1912-2008) LA

Mrs. Ernest ‘Neg" Smith, the former Lelia Higginbotham, died at 2:35 A.M. Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home; Church Point. She was a native of Church Point.

Survivors include six sons, Norbort Mark Smith of Opelousas, La., Harry J. Smith and wife Ethel and Joseph Linus Smith and wife Ginger, all of Sunset, La. and Gerald Lynn Smith and wife Diane, James Allen Smith and Douglas Edward Smith and wife Debra, all of Church Point and a sister, Louisiana H. Lyons and a sister-in-law, Emmanine Burleigh and husband Willie, all of Church Point. She is also survived by 24 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Edward and Eloise Bellard Higginbotham; her husband, Ernest "Neg" Smith; two sons, Huby J. Smith and infant Leander Smith; two daughters, Eula Mae S. Gentry and infant Wilma Smith; a granddaughter and a grandson, Patricia Smith and Wayne Gentry; one great-great-grandchild, Daniel P. Istre; three brothers, Berchman, Iram and Abraham Higginbotham; four sisters, Bertha H. LeJeune, Alice H. Roger and Lydia H. Menard and Elizabeth H. Menard; a Godchild, Calton Higginbotham and a son and daughter-in-law, Gordon Gentry and Shirley B. Smith.



The Times-Picayune 03/13/2008

Luther A. Higginbotham (1915-2008) MS/LA

Mr. Luther A. Higginbotham Funeral services for Luther Higginbotham, 92, of New Orleans will be held at 11 a.m., Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at the Lake Lawn Funeral Home Chapel, 5100 Pontchartrain Blvd. in Metairie, under the direction of the Lake Lawn Funeral Home. Visitation will be held at the Lake Lawn Funeral Home from 6-8 p.m. on Monday, March 17, and before the service on Tuesday from 9:30-11 a.m. WWII Veteran, Exceptional Educator, Loving Father, and Devoted Husband are all words that describe Mr. Luther Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham, son of George and Willie Higginbotham, was born on August 11, 1915 in McComb, Mississippi. Higginbotham moved to New Orleans as a young boy, where he graduated from McDonough No. 35 High School and as class valedictorian from the Valena C. Jones Normal School. In 1941, he received a BA in Education from Xavier University of New Orleans. In 1942, Higginbotham was drafted into the U.S. Army and upon graduation from Officer Candidate School, was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Corps. Throughout the war, he served as leader of the Ground Crew of the 332nd Fighter Group, also known as the famed Tuskegee Airmen. During his four years of faithful service, Higginbotham was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and in November of 2007, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his exemplary leadership. After the war, Higginbotham returned to New Orleans, where he received his MA in Administration from Xavier University and began a teaching career that spanned over 40 years. For 35 years, he taught Sociology, Economics, and African American History at Booker T. Washington High School. Higginbotham was also a member of the Historic St. James AME Church for over 60 years. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife of 66 years, Ruby Higginbotham of New Orleans, LA; daughters Dr. Edith Higginbotham of Fresno, CA, Cecelia Higginbotham of Leesville, LA, and Dr. Eve Higginbotham of McDonough, GA; son-in-law Dr. Frank Williams, Jr. of McDonough, GA; cousin Harold Sims and wife Lana Sims of Newnan, GA; and granddaughter Lenora Higginbotham of Leesville, LA. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Mr. Higginbotham's name to the Historic St. James AME Church Restoration Fund, 222 N. Roman St, New Orleans, LA 70112.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 3/23/2008

Debra Jean Heinen Higginbotham (1952-2008) LA

Rayne - Funeral services will be held at St. Leo Catholic Church, Tuesday, March 25, 2008, at 2 p.m. for Debra Jean Heinen Higginbotham, 56, who died Thursday, March 20, 2008, at her residence.

Interment will be in the St. Leo Cemetery, Rayne.

Surviving are her husband, Elliot Jude Higginbotham, of Rayne; son and daughter-in-law, Boyd and wife, Wendy Higginbotham, of Rayne; daughter and son-in-law, Leah and her husband, Todd Viator, of Lafayette; son, Jake Higginbotham, of Rayne; four grandchildren, Madeline Higginbotham, of Rayne, Margaret Higginbotham, of Rayne, Lydia Higginbotham, of Rayne, Jack Viator, of Lafayette; brother and sister-in-law, John and wife, Jeanette Heinen, of Rayne; brother and sister-in-law, Bill and wife, Jean Heinen, of Welsh; sister and brother-in-law, Sherie and husband, Pat Hanley, of Welsh; brother and sister-in-law, Barry and wife, Kay Heinen, of Lafayette; brother and sister-in-law, Paul and wife, Patricia Heinen, of Lake Charles; brother, Keith Heinen, of Eunice; sister and brother-in-law, Sandra and husband, Brad Lavergne, of Crowley.

She was preceded in death by her parents, John Aloysius Heinen and Gerty Leger Heinen; one nephew, Matthew Paul Heinen.

She was born Friday, Feb. 1, 1952, in Rayne, daughter of the late John Aloysius Heinen Sr., and the late Gerty Leger Heinen.

She was a member of St. Leo IV Catholic Rosary Group.

Mrs. Debbie enjoyed volunteering at the schools her children attended, Rayne Catholic, Notre Dame and helped with all the school functions. Her hobbies were helping friends with interior designing, painting, and enjoyed working in her yard with flowers and plants.

Friends will be received 10 a.m. until 10 p.m., Monday, March 24, 2008, and 8 a.m. until services Tuesday, March 25, 2008, at Gossen Funeral Home, inc., Rayne.

Contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, 225 North Michigan Ave., 17th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601, in Memory of Debra Heinen Higginbotham.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Gossen Funeral Home, Inc., of Rayne, (337) 334-3141.



The Sun Herald 03/31/2008

Percy Pierre Higginbotham (1919-2008) LA

Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2008, at a 2:00 PM Mass of Christian Burial in La Chapelle de Martin & Castille in Lafayette, for Percy Pierre Higginbotham, 89, who passed away peacefully on Sunday, March 30, 2008 at Louisiana Extended Care Hospital in Lafayette. Interment will be in Lafayette Memorial Park. Reverend Floyd J. Calais will be the Celebrant of the Funeral Mass and will conduct the funeral services. Gift bearers will be Dixie Benoit and Sandra Higginbotham. Lectors will be Judy Laister and Pennye Huval. Judy Laister, soloist, accompanied by Pennye Huval, guitarist, will sing "On Eagles' Wings," "Amazing Grace," "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Here I Am Lord" for the services. Survivors include his beloved wife of 35 years, Dervine "Dee" B. Higginbotham; two daughters, Judy Laister and Patsy Martin and her husband Clarence "Jr"; two sons, Larry Higginbotham and his wife Elizabeth and Larry Benoit and his wife Dixie; eight grandchildren, Pennye Huval, Myra Mouton, Alan Huval, Larry Lee Higginbotham, Terry Higginbotham and his wife Amanda, Sherie Laake, Lonny Benoit and his wife Amie, and Jamie Benoit and his wife Crystal; eight great grandchildren, Kaleb, Dillon, Harli, Chelsey, Austin, Maxwell, Mason, and Brooke "Sugar Pie"; three sisters, Rose Mary Tiblier and her husband "Bootsy," Melba Ruth Higginbotham and Shirley Parker; two brothers, George Higginbotham and Dennis Higginbotham and his wife "Toot"; and his best friend, Beau, his dog. He was preceded in death by his parents, Nelson and Edna Delcambre Higginbotham; first wife, Marie Louise C. Higginbotham; one son, Randall Higginbotham; and two brothers, Curtis Higginbotham and Carey Higginbotham. A native of Youngsville, a resident of Biloxi, Mississippi for most of his life, after retirement Mr. Higginbotham returned to Lafayette to enjoy the place he called home. Percy was an avid golfer and bowler, having made four holes in one while playing golf and bowled a 300 game. He was a Semi-Pro Bowler for sixteen years, was the Mississippi State Singles Champion in 1963 and 1964, and was a founding member of Sr. Golf Association at Les Vieux Chenes. Mr. Higginbotham proudly served his country as a member of the Unites States Marines in WWII and the Pacific Theater and spent 10 years in Mississippi as a First Sergeant in the National Guard. He was an usher and a member of the Sr. Club at St. Pius Catholic Church in Lafayette. Percy Higginbotham had a great love for all of his family and enjoyed life thoroughly. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Pallbearers will be Larry Higginbotham, Larry Benoit, Lonny Benoit, Jamie Benoit, Alan Huval and Clarence "Jr" Martin. A Rosary will be prayed Monday, March 31 at 7:00 PM in Martin & Castille Funeral Home. The family requests that visitation be observed on Monday from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM and on Tuesday from 8:00 AM until time of service. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105 or Hospice of Acadiana, 2600 Johnston St., Suite 200, Lafayette, LA 70503. The family wishes to give special thanks to the 6th floor stroke unit at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, to the LHC Extended Care Unit at Lafayette General and Dr. Michael Alexander and his staff. View the obituary and guestbook online at www.mourning.com. Martin & Castille-Lafayette, (337) 234-2311.



The Advocate 05/13/2008

Thomas Weysinger Higginbotham (1933-2008) LA

Thomas W. Higginbotham A resident of Baker and native of Plaquemine, he passed away Monday, May 12, 2008, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center. He was 74. He graduated from Istrouma High School in 1951 and was a member of Blackwater United Methodist Church. He retired from the Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development, District 61, and was a U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home East, 11000 Florida Blvd., on Wednesday, May 14, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Visiting at Blackwater United Methodist Church, 10000 Blackwater Road, Baker, on Thursday from 9 a.m. until religious service at 11 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Dr. Tom Higginbotham and the Rev. Bill Moon. Interment in the church cemetery. Survived by his wife, Eloise Higginbotham; daughters, Joi Lohr and husband Pat, Gina Strong and husband David, and Erin Carroll and husband Jay; sons, Tom Higginbotham and wife Patti, and Bret Higginbotham and wife Zhanna; stepsons, Gary Richardson and wife Pat, Barry Richardson and wife Kathy, and Jim Richardson and wife Michelle; former wife and mother of his children, Beryl Higginbotham; sisters, Margaret McQueary and husband Lloyd, Faye Corsentino, Tucker Adams, Piper Losavio and husband Denny, and Jackie Cashio and husband B.J.; 16 grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ella and Thomas W. Higginbotham Sr.; and two brothers, Edward and Rodney Higginbotham.



The Times (Shreveport, LA) 7/6/2008

Verna Irene Fielder Hickingbottom (1924-2008) LA

Shreveport, LA - Verna Irene Hickingbottom, 83, born on December 9, 1924, in Dubach, LA, went to be with the Lord on July 3, 2008. Services will be held at 10:00 a.m., Monday, July 7, 2008, at Centuries Memorial Funeral Home. Officiating will be Rev. Shelton Young, assisted by Rev. Stan McGee. Interment will follow in Centuries Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation will be Sunday evening between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home.

Verna was a charter member of Faith Tabernacle Church. She loved her church family and serving God. She retired from Schumpert Hospital after 27 years of service.

She was preceded in death by her parents, John T. and Annie M. Fielder; son, Leo Hickingbottom, Jr. and daughter, Mary Pruett.

Left to cherish her loving memory are Leo Hickingbottom, Sr.; her children, Patricia McManus, Johnny James and Joe Hickingbottom and Wanda Guynes and numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers for Mrs. Hickingbottom will be her grandsons.

Centuries Memorial Funeral Home (318) 686-4334



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 8/25/2008

Janet Marie Higginbotham Gates (1942-2008) LA

Scott - Funeral services will be held Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2008, at an 10:30 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial in Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Scott for Janet Marie Gates, 66, who passed away peacefully Sunday, Aug. 24, 2008, at her residence in Scott.

Entombment will be in Sts. Peter & Paul Mausoleum in Scott.

The Very Rev. Monsignor J. Douglas Courville, JCL, will be the celebrant of the funeral Mass and will conduct the funeral services. Joni Hamilton, organist and soloist, will sing for the services, "Amazing Grace", "Ave Maria", "In the Garden", "On Eagles Wings", and "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman".

Survivors include one daughter, Nicole "Nikki" Hebert and her husband, John "Odie" Hebert; two grandchildren, Sophia and Olivia Hebert; one sister, Bernadine Higginbotham; and three brothers, Milton Higginbotham and his wife, Sandy, Terry Higginbotham and his wife, Judy and Carol Higginbotham and his wife, Diane.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Abram Higginbotham and Zoe Clavier Higginbotham, and one brother, Darrell Higginbotham.

A native of Church Point, Louisiana and resident of Scott for most of her life. Mrs. Gates was a loving Mother, Grandmother, sister and friend to all who knew her. She was the owner of the Triangle Club in Scott and was also employed with U.C. Lending for 21 years. Mrs. Gates enjoyed life and spending time with her family and friends, especially her daughter and her grandchildren. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

A rosary will be prayed Monday, Aug. 25, 2008, at 7 p.m. in Martin & Castille Funeral Home in Scott.

The family requests that visitation be observed Monday, from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. and will continue Tuesday, from 8 a.m. until time of services.

The family would like to give special thanks to the nurses and staff of Hospice of Acadiana for the kindness and gentle care given to Mrs. Gates during her time of need.

In lieu of flowers, Mass intentions may be made in Mrs. Janet Gates' name to the church of your choice.

Martin & Castille - Scott, 337-234-2320.



The Advocate 10/05/2008

Lucy Higginbotham Jones (ca1940-2008) LA

Lucy Higginbotham "Tee Bea" Jones, a retired librarian with the East Baton Rouge Parish school system and a resident and native of Zachary, she died at 2:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008, at Lane Regional Medical Center in Zachary. She was 68. She had also worked in the Madison, Washington and Baker school systems. Visiting at Miller & Daughter Mortuary, Zachary, on Tuesday, Oct. 7, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Visiting continues at New Providence Baptist Church in Zachary on Wednesday, Oct. 8, from 9 a.m. until religious service at 11 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Morris Jackson. Interment in Southern Memorial Gardens. She is survived by a son, Levi A. Jones, of Baton Rouge; daughter-in-law, Debra Ann LeBlanc, of Baton Rouge; three sisters, Juanita H. Cannon, of Baton Rouge, Gloria H. Patin and husband Claude Sr., of Zachary, and Flordia Higginbotham, of Baton Rouge; two aunts, Bernice Holmes, of New Orleans, and Viola Higginbotham, of Baton Rouge; three brothers-in-law, Howard Jones and wife Irma, and John Jones and wife Rosa Marie, all of Zachary, and Willie Lee Jones, of Baton Rouge; three sisters-in-law, Arlean Jones, of Zachary, Adlay Stokes and Vennie Wright, both of Baton Rouge; a host of nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, cousins and friends. She is also survived by Mrs. Leona Shoemaker, of Zachary, whom she thought of as a mother. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leon Jones; parents, Charlie and Pearl Holmes Higginbotham; a sister, Johnnie Mae Higginbotham; and maternal grandparents, Manuel and Martha Burton Holmes. 



The Advocate 10/16/2008

Thelma Marie Briscoe Higginbotham (1927-2008) LA

December 3, 1927 - October 15, 2008

Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 P.M. Thursday, October 16, 2008 at Guidry Funeral Home Chapel, Church Point for Thelma B. Higginbotham, 80, the former Thelma Marie Briscoe. Mrs. Higginbotham died at 1:55 A.M. Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home, Church Point. She was a life-long resident of Church Point. Monsignor Jefferson J. DeBlanc will conduct the services with interment following in the Monsignor Bienvenu Catholic Cemetery; Highway 35, Church Point. Survivors include three sons: Glen Higginbotham and wife Cheryl and Joseph “Doo” Higginbotham- all of Church Point and John Higginbotham of Atlanta, Georgia; four daughters: Mary Savoy, Donna Freeman and husband Jarold, Valerie Waters and Carolyn Stone- all of Church Point; two sisters: Mary and Wilma Higginbotham- both of Church Point; nine grandchildren and fifteen great- grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jerry “Chick” Higginbotham; a son, Michael Higginbotham; a grandson, Jarold Freeman III; two brothers and a sister. The family requested that visiting hours be observed from 4:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. on Wednesday and continue from 8:00 A.M. Thursday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday by Monsignor DeBlanc.




Wilma Frances Briscoe Higginbotham (1923-2008) LA




The Advocate on 12/03/2008

Johnnie B. Higginbotham (1932-2008) LA

A native of Greensburg, she departed this life on Thursday, Nov. 27, 2008, at her brother's home in Baton Rouge. She was 76. Visiting at MJR Friendly Service Funeral Home Inc., 87 Paddio Johnson Lane, Greensburg, on Thursday, Dec. 4, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Visiting at Greater Turner Chapel AME Church, 871 Turner Chapel Road, Greensburg, the Rev. Stanley J. Carter, pastor, on Friday from 9 a.m. until religious service at 11 a.m., with Superintendent J.J. Quillen officiating. Interment in Darlington Church of God in Christ Church Cemetery, Darlington. Survived by her sister, Dorothy H. LeBeau; and brother, Elder E.J. Higginbotham, both of Baton Rouge.



The Advocate 12/26/2008

Juanita Higginbotham Virdure (1922-2008) LA

A retired educator with 34 years of service with the Ascension Parish school system, she died at 8:47 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2008, at her home in Baton Rouge. She was 86. Visiting at New St. Luke Baptist Church, 538 South Blvd., on Saturday, Dec. 27, from 8 a.m. until religious service at 10 a.m., conducted by Bishop Pastor Joseph Armstrong. Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. Saturday. Interment in Southern Memorial Gardens, Blount Road. She is survived by four daughters, Sandra Williams Diggs, Brenda Williams Brown, Diane Williams Hamilton and Lander Virdure Stovall; two sons, Leonard Virdure Jr. and Bennett J. Virdure Sr.; 18 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by her father, Joseph Higginbotham; mother, Serena Dunn Fines; and husband Leonard Virdure Sr. Pallbearers will be Brandon Hamilton, James Moncrief, Bryan Moncrief, Jarred Johnson, Waymond Stovall III and Sehdeva Brown. Honorary pallbearers are Leonard Virdure Jr., Bennett J. Virdure Sr., Clifton L. Sanford Jr., Herman J. Hamilton, Leonard "Trey" Virdure III, Bennett "BJ" Virdure Jr. and Preston H. Lawless. She graduated from Southern University Laboratory School, Southern University with a bachelor's and master's degrees in education, was a member of the Louisiana Teachers Association, New St. Luke Baptist Church choir, Pastor's Aide and Women volunteer, avid NBA, NFL and LSU Tigers sports fan. Arrangements by Fraternal Funeral Home Inc., Clinton.



The Times-Picayune 02/05/2009

Josephine Mary Andrews Higginbotham (1943-2009) LA

Josephine Mary Higginbotham passed away, after a courageous battle with cancer, surrounded by family in her home on Tuesday, February 3, 2009. She was 65 years old. She is survived by her loving husband of 51 years, Edward Veazie Higginbotham; three children, James Higginbotham, Roxanne Winters (husband, Harry) and Nancy Pecot (husband, Lionel); 9 grandchildren, Terry J. (wife, Paula) and William E. Schneider IV (wife, Bonnie), Joseph E., Christopher J. and Harry A. Winters, Jr., Shannon L. and Lionel E. Pecot, Julian T. Hutcherson, James Jr. and Renee Higginbotham; and 2 great-grandchildren, Brooklyn and Jackson Schneider. She was preceded in death by her parents, Mary Neff and William Andrews; a daughter, Mary L. Schneider; siblings, Anthony, Joseph "Buddy", Althea and William Andrews, Jr.; and 2 grandchildren, Sherri and John A. Pecot. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral. Services from the Kenner Funeral Home of L. A. Muhleisen & Son, 2607 Williams Blvd. on Friday, February 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Friends may visit after 4:00 p.m.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 5/26/2009

Mae Rena Higginbotham Labbe (1919-2009) LA

Church Point - Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 26, 2009, at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Church Point for Mae Rena "Teet" Labbe, 90, who passed away on Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 12:05 p.m. in Lafayette.

Msgr. Jeff officiating.

A Rosary was said Monday, May 25, at 7 p.m., Duhon Funeral Chapel, burial will take place at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery (New), Church Point.

Visitation will begin at 11 a.m. on Monday with viewing all night until time of services on Tuesday.

Survivors include her son, Leander Richard of Church Point; companion, Lowray Chachere of Church Point; brother, Pierre Lavergne of Lake Charles; grandchildren, LeeAnn LeBouef, James and John Henry Richard; great-grandchildren, Alison, Melton, Devin and Shelby Lebouef and Godchild, Candace Bellard of Church Point.

Mrs. Labbe is preceded in death by her husband, Homer Labbe; her parents, Henry and Louisa Bellard Higginbotham; her adoptive parents, Joseph and Louise Higginbotham Lavergne; five brothers, Wilson and Percy Higginbotham, Luke, Houston and John Lavergne.

Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Shreveport Times 06/15/2009

Ruth Maxine Wiggins Higginbotham (1925-2009) LA

SPRINGHILL, LA - Funeral services for Mrs. Maxine Wiggins Higginbotham, age 83, will be held at 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at Central Baptist Church with Rev. Wayne Jenkins, Rev. Tim Everett and Rev. David Harrell officiating. Burial will be in the Springhill Cemetery under the direction of Bailey Mortuary. Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Jamestown, LA and resident of Springhill since 1950, died Saturday, June 13, 2009 in Shreveport after a short illness. She was an active and faithful member of Central Baptist Church where she taught Sunday School in the children's department for 35 years. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother and co-owner of H&B Drug Store for 40 years. She is survived by her husband of 65 years, Dr. A C Higginbotham; daughter, Leara Higginbotham of Houston, TX; son, Rodney Higginbotham and wife, Julie of Chicago, IL; grandchildren, Alice and Meg Higginbotham and a host of nieces and nephews. Serving as pallbearers will be Ray Burnham, Rex Morris, Phillip Carroll, James Colvin, Bill Evans and Johnny Herrington. Honorary pallbearers will be the deacons of Central Baptist Church and members of the Adult VI Sunday School Department. The family will receive friends from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, at Bailey Mortuary.



Lake Charles American Press 06/19/2009

Terlin Joseph Higginbotham (1931-2009) LA

Terlin Joseph Higginbotham, 78, of Lake Charles, LA died at 11:45 AM on Thursday, June 18, 2009 in a local care facility. Mr. Higginbotham was born February 1, 1931 in Pitreville, LA and has lived most of his life in Lake Charles. He worked for the Teamster's Local for many years and was a member of St. Raphael's Catholic Church. He was an avid bass fisherman; enjoyed growing his vegetable garden, but his passion in life was for his family. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his son, Ronald Dale Higginbotham and wife Peggy Barrios of Lafayette; daughters, Donna H. Appel and husband Charlie of Baton Rouge, JoAnn H. Becnel and husband Joe of Iowa, and Cheryl H. Bertrand and husband Randy of Lake Charles; brother, Darrell Higginbotham of Lafayette; sisters, Lela Mae Fruge and Judy Fruge, both of Lake Charles, Sherry Broussard of Opelousas and Diane Comeaux of Lafayette; six grandchildren, Matthew Becnel and wife Heather, Heidi LaFleur, Andre' Higginbotham, Michael Becnel, Todd Higginbotham, and Lauren Appel; three great-grandchildren, Braydan and Adryonna LaFleur and Gunner Becnel; and extended family, Anthony Piazza of Lake Charles, and the staff and residents of Grand Cove. He was preceded in death by his wife, Viola LeJeune Higginbotham; and brother, Patrick Higginbotham. His funeral service will be at 11:30 AM on Saturday, June 20, 2009 at St. Raphael's Catholic Church in Iowa, LA. Father Marcus Johnson will officiate. Burial will follow in Lacassine Cemetery. Visitation will be at Johnson Funeral Home on Friday from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM with a rosary being recited at 6:30 PM. Visitation will continue on Saturday at the funeral home from 8:00 AM to 10:45AM. The family would like to express a special word of thanks to Grand Cove and Brighton Bridge Hospice.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 06/21/2009

Sandra Lynn Huckaby Higginbotham (1943-2009) LA

Funeral services will be held Monday, June 22, 2009 at a 1:00 p.m. Mass in Melancon Funeral Home Chapel of Opelousas for Sandra Huckaby Higginbotham, age 66, the former Sandra Lynn Huckaby, who passed away Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 3:55 p.m. at The Carpenter House in Baton Rouge.
Interment will be in Bellevue Memorial Park. The Rev. Angelo Cremaldi, pastor of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church, will officiate at the services.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native and lifelong resident of Opelousas. She was a parishioner at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Opelousas.
Survivors include her mother, the former Essie Mae Danel, of Opelousas; three daughters, Stephanie Manuel and her husband, Kent, of Groves, TX, Donna Hanson of Tacoma, WA, and Kelly Marcus and her husband, Matthew, of Baton Rouge; one brother, Bobby Huckaby of Vallejo, CA; one sister, Debbie Landry and her husband, Bill, of Wilmington, N.C.; and nine grandchildren, Libbie Manuel, Connor Manuel, Allie Manuel, Travis Hanson, Cassie Hanson, Malcolm Marcus, Aaron Marcus, Zoe Marcus, and Ethan Marcus.
She was preceded in death by her father, Leon Huckaby.
A rosary will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday in the funeral home.
The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., Sunday and from 9:30 a.m. until service time on Monday.
Melancon Funeral Home of Opelousas, 4708 I-49 North Service Rd, Opelousas, (337-407-1907), is in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate 06/27/2009

Gwendolyn Higginbotham Adams (1929-2009) FL

She died at age 79 on Thursday, June 25, 2009, at Lane Regional Medical Center in Zachary where she retired as a surgical nurse with 37 years of service. She was a resident of Ethel and native of Plaquemine. Visiting at Charlet Funeral Home Inc. in Zachary on Sunday, June 28, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Visiting resumes at the funeral home on Monday from 9 a.m. until service at 10 a.m., conducted by Brother Ed Jelks. Burial in Azalea Rest Cemetery in Zachary. She is survived by three sons, Randy and wife Lucy Adams, of Ethel, Ronnie and wife Eva Adams, of Zachary and Donnie and wife Roberta Adams, of Spillman; four sisters, Margaret "Geetsy" McQueary and husband Carl, of Denham Springs, Evelyn Faye Corsentino, of Walker, Jackie Cashio and husband BJ, and Marie Losavio and husband Denny, all of Baton Rouge; grandchildren, Michelle Adams Escher, Kyle Adams, Nick Adams, Ashley Adams, Ron Adams and Luke Adams; and great-grandchildren, Macie Carruth, Hays Carruth, Harper Adams and Chandler Adams. Preceded in death by her husband, Earl Adams Jr.; parents, Thomas and Ella Higginbotham; and three brothers, Tommy Higginbotham, Sgt. Maj. Edward Higginbotham and Rodney Higginbotham. Pallbearers will be Ron Adams, Kyle Adams, Cody, Nick and Cary Cashio, Luke Adams and Richard Higginbotham. She was a member of Ethel Baptist Church, Friday Club and Lane Retiree's Club. Special thanks to doctors and medical staff at Lane Regional for all your special care. Share sympathies, condolences and memories and www.charletfuneralhome.com.



The Advocate 07/16/2009

Terrie Ann Higginbotham (1956-2009) LA

A resident of Denham Springs, she died at 1:44 p.m. Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at Golden Age Nursing Home in Denham Springs. She was 53 and a native of Livingston. Visiting at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, on Thursday, July 16, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Visiting continues at the funeral home chapel on Friday, July 17, from 9 a.m. until service at 10 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Dickie Davis. Burial will be in Palmetto Cemetery in Walker. Survived by aunts, Jackie Higginbotham Morales and Rebecca Higginbotham Smith; and uncles, Louis L. Higginbotham, Phillip M. Higginbotham, Sterling Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham. Preceded in death by her mother, Maggie A. Higginbotham; maternal grandmother, Willie Smart Higginbotham; maternal grandfather, Jack Higginbotham; uncles, Scott, Jerry P., Julius E. and Mark Higginbotham; and an aunt, Martha Lou Higginbotham Lee. She was a member of Livingston United Methodist Church.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 07/24/2009

Verlis Marie Miller Higginbotham (1915-2009) LA

November 10, 1915 - July 23, 2009

Funeral services for Verlis Marie Miller Higginbotham, age 93, will be held on Monday, July 27, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church with interment in Bellevue Memorial Park.  Rev. Austin Leger will officiate the services. Mrs. Higginbotham, a resident of Sunset, died at her daughter’s residence in Marrero, La. on Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 12:05 p.m.  She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She is survived by a son, John Dalton Higginbotham of Opelousas, La.; her daughter, Deanna Gail LeBlanc and her husband, Jerome, of Marrero, La.; her sister, Viola Leger Mello of Opelousas, La.; her 8 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Louis Higginbotham; her parents, Alteon and Marceline Miller; her son, Benjamin Higginbotham and her brothers, Forestier, Clovis, Arista, Jacques, Altheuse (Mit), Albin and Cyprien Miller. Visiting hours will be observed in the Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas on Sunday, July 26, 2009 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and will re-open on Monday, July 27, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. until service time. A rosary will be recited at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, July 26, 2009. Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas has been entrusted with the funeral arrangements (337-942-2638).




Lindsey Cecelia Higginbotham (1985-2009) LA

Funeral Services will be held Monday, July 27, 2009 at a 1:00 PM Mass of Christian Burial at Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Scott for Lindsey C. Higginbotham, age 23, who went to be with our Lord, Jesus Christ, on Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 12:23 AM in Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center. Interment will be in Sts. Peter & Paul Cemetery in Scott. Reverend Allen Breaux, Associate Pastor of Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church of Scott will be the Celebrant of the Funeral Mass and will conduct the Funeral Services. Lectors will be Robert Savoy and Rhonda Daigle. Musical Selections will be, "You Will Always Be A Child In My Eyes", "Be Not Afraid", "Amazing Grace" and "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman". Survivors include her wonderful loving parents, Stevie and Roberta Higginbotham; one sister, Ashley Higginbotham; her maternal grandmother, Marie L. Savoy and her paternal grandparents, Carl J. and Dovie Higginbotham; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandfather, Fred J. Savoy. Lindsey was born in Lafayette, Louisiana on November 16, 1985 and was a lifelong resident of Scott. She was an angel of special blessings in the Higginbotham family and was dearly loved by everyone. Lindsey enjoyed watching movies and listening to music. She was such a joy to be with and will be missed. The family would like to extend sincere appreciation to her two nurses, Annette Domingue and Brenda Vaughn for the excellent care given to Lindsey. Pallbearers will be Robert Savoy, Chris Higginbotham, Sammy Higginbotham and Carl M. Higginbotham. A Rosary will be prayed at 7:00 PM Sunday evening in the Martin & Castille Funeral Home in Scott. The family requests that visitation be observed Sunday from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM and Monday from 9:00 AM until time of the Funeral Mass.




Genevieve Higginbotham Ortego Monier (1932-2009) LA

Ville Platte – It is with great sadness that the family of Jane Monier, 77 announces her passing on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at the Heart Hospital of Lafayette. A Mass of Christian Burial will be Celebrated on Saturday, August 8, 2009 at 12:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Ville Platte. Rite of Committal will follow in the Sacred Heart Mausoleum with Fr. Gene Tremie Celebrant.

Jane was a life long employee of the Old Ville Platte Hospital and Maison de Sante Nursing Home. A loving wife, mother, and grandmother, Jane will be lovingly remembered by her husband of 55 years, Allen J. Monier of Ville Platte; one son, David Allen Monier and wife, Diana Sue of Ville Platte; and one grandson, Nicholas "Nick" Allen Monier.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Thobert and Lora Doucet Higginbotham; two brothers, Melvin Higginbotham and Clary Peter Higginbotham; and one sister, Dessie Mae Brown.




George Higginbotham (1927-2009) LA

(April 17, 1927 - September 4, 2009)

Funeral Services will be Monday, September 7, 2009 at 11:00 am at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church in Church Point, for George Higginbotham, 83, who passed away Friday, September 4, 2009 at Opelousas General Hospital in Opelousas, La. Officiating the services will be Very Rev. Msgr. Jeff DeBlanc. Survivors include his wife, Bertha L. Higginbotham, of Church Point, La., One Son, Randall & Dianne Higginbotham, of Church Point, La. Four Daughters, Sandy & Ricky Boudreaux, of Church Point, La., Christine & Glenn, Sr. Jacquneaux, of Duson, La., Karen Higginbotham of Church Point, La., Becky & Mark Lanthier, of Crowley, La. One Sister, Valerie Lejeune of Richard, La. Seven Grandchildren, Four Step Grandchildren, Six Great Grandchildren and Ten Step Great Grandchildren Mr. George is preceded in death by his parents, John & Louise Higginbotham, One Great Grandson, Christian Higginbotham, Three Brothers, Austin, Harry and Ray Higginbotham, Two Sister, Ruby Bihm and Esther Higginbotham. Visitation will be Sunday 10:00 am till time of services on Monday. A Rosary will be recited at 7:00 pm on Sunday Evening in the Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point, La. Burial will be in the Our Lady of The Sacred Heart Church Cemetery under the directions of Duhon Funeral Home, L.L.C. of Church Point, La 



The Advocate 09/14/2009

Henry L. Higginbotham (1970-2009) LA

A mechanic and a resident of Walker, he died at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 11, 2009, at Tulane Hospital in New Orleans. He was 39 and a native of Livingston. Visiting at Carroll Baptist Church, on the corner of La. 1024 and Friendship Road in Walker, on Tuesday, Sept. 15, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Visiting resumes at the church on Wednesday from 9 a.m. until service at 10:30 a.m., conducted by Dr. Richard Blue. Survived by his wife, Misty Killcrease Higginbotham; mother, Julia McCorkle Higginbotham; two daughters, Morgan, 11, and Tapanga, 8; three sons, Mark Lee, 5, Henry, 18, and Jesse, 16; a sister, Michele McFadden, Hammond; and two brothers, Mark, Livingston, and Jack, Walker. Preceded in death by his father, Mark Higginbotham; grandparents, Jack and Willie Higginbotham and Henry and Julia Kriz McCorkle; great-grandparents, Frank and Nettie Stafford Kriz, and Scott and Margaret Chaney Higginbotham; aunts and uncles, Russell, Donald and Mary McCorkle, Scott, Jerry and Phoebe, Julius, Maggie and Terrie Higginbotham, Martha Lou and Butch Lee. In lieu of flowers, the family request donations to help cover funeral costs. Pallbearers will be Russell McCorkle, Geron McFadden, Lee Taylor, Bo Lee, AJ Selders and Robert Toms Jr. Honorary pallbearers are Jesse McCorkle and Chris Higginbotham. He was a graduate of Doyle High School, and enjoyed chess, bridge, martial arts, track, baseball, football and computers. Arrangements by Church Funeral Services, St. Amant.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 10/09/2009

Josephine Higginbotham Doucet (1912-2009) LA

PORT BARRE - Funeral services for Josephine "Jo" Higginbotham Doucet, 97, will be held at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, October 10, 2009 in the Sibille Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow in Sacred Heart Cemetery. Mrs. Doucet was born in Church Point, and was a long time resident of Port Barre. She died on October 8, 2009, at Evangeline Oaks Nursing Home, in Carencro, LA.

Mrs. Doucet was owner and operator of Doucet's Grocery and Doucet's Market. Mrs. Doucet has one son, Charles Doucet, of Lafayette; and two daughters, Betty Davidson and her husband, Gordon, of Lake Isabella, Calif., and Patricia Stelly, of Port Barre. Mrs. Doucet has twenty-two grandchildren; twenty-seven great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Doucet loved gardening, she could make anything grow from a cutting, she was a "Great Cook". loved to cook for her family, and was an excellent seamstress, loved Crocheting, quilting and knitting. Mrs. Doucet enjoyed taking care of her grandchildren and helping her husband in the grocery store. She will be sadly missed by all.

Preceded in death by her parents, Louis and Anna Bellard Higginbotham; her two daughters, Anna Mae Desoto and Veronica Ann Ponton; her two sons-in-law, Frank Stelly and Phillip Desoto; and two brothers, Oscar Higginbotham and Leonce Higginbotham; and two sisters, Euphemie H. Lavergne and Marcelite H. Soileau.

Visiting hours will be observed in the Sibille Funeral Home on Saturday from 1 p.m. until time of service.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home f Port Barre.



The Advocate 02/01/2010

Myrtle Higginbotham Price (1929-2010) LA

October 10, 1929 - January 30, 2010

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His faithful ones." Psalm 116:15. A retired telephone operator and seamstress, Myrtle H. Price passed away at 7:15 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center-Bluebonnet. She was 80, a resident of Brownsfield and a native of Oak Grove. Visiting at Baker Funeral Home, 6401 Groom Road, Baker, on Tuesday, Feb. 2, from 11 a.m. until religious service at 2 p.m. Interment in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. She is survived by three daughters, Carolyn Manning, Terri Carney and husband Clay, and Linda Price; two sons, Tony Johnson and wife LaDonna, and Harold Price Sr.; a sister, Dorothy Wilks; and five grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild. Preceded in death by her parents, Essie and Thomas Higginbotham; two infant children, Kenneth and Melaine Price; four brothers and four sisters. Pallbearers will be Tony Johnson, Clay Carney, Robert Jones, Adam Price, Ian Carney and Harold Price Jr. Honorary pallbearers are Eric and Ethan Carney. You may sign the online guestbook at www.bakerfuneralhomeonline.com.




Wanda Faye Fountain Higginbotham (1943-2010) LA

Wanda Higginbotham 66 of Merryville, LA passed from this life on Friday, February 12, 2010. Funeral service were held on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 2:00 PM at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder, Louisiana. Interment followed at Hinson Cemetery, Knight Community, LA., Rev. James Midkiff officiated. Wanda Higginbotham is survived by; Daughter: Lisa and husband David Keel of Merryville, LA; Sons: Boyd and wife Janet Higginbotham of Merryville, LA, Brian Higginbotham of Merryville, LA, Shane and wife Amanda Higginbotham of Merryville, LA, Ricky and wife Melissa Higginbotham of Rosepine, LA and Terry and wife Ashley Higginbotham of Rosepine, LA; 13 Grandchildren. 




Southwest Daily News 02/24/2010

Andrew Charles Higginbotham (1984-2010) LA

Funeral services for Andrew C. Higginbotham, 25, of Sulphur, will be held on Friday, February 26 in Robison Funeral Home Chapel at 2 p.m. Burial will follow in Mimosa Pines Cemetery in Carlyss. Visitation will begin on Thursday, February 25 from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m., and continue on Friday from 8 a.m. until time of service. Mr. Higginbotham passed away on Sunday, February 21 in Lafayette. Service will be officiated by Sergeant John Autry, Minister of the Lafayette Salvation Army. Andrew participated in basketball, baseball, tennis and golf. He excelled in all his endeavors. He was always fun to be with and had the comic ability to make all around him laugh. He will be remembered and missed by all who knew and loved him. He is preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Charles and Jeanne Frensley. Survivors are his parents, David and Jeanne Higginbotham of Sulphur; brother, Reis Wesley Higginbotham of Sulphur; sister, Chelsea Michele Higginbotham of Lake Charles; paternal grandparents, Virginia and Ray Willis of Breaux Bridge; a dear cousin, Dr. John Noble, Jr.; and his uncle and aunt, Robert and Lillian Frensley, all of Lake Charles; and a host of other family and friends.




Marylene Russell Higginbotham Johnson (1925-2010) LA

Mulhearn Funeral Home. Sterlington Road, Monroe, LA

Funeral services for Mary Russell Johnson, 85, of Monroe, LA will be held at 2:00 PM Wednesday, March 3, 2010 in the chapel of Mulhearn Funeral Home, Sterlington Road, Monroe with Pastor Paul McComack officiating. Interment will follow at Mulhearn Memorial Park Cemetery.
Mrs. Johnson, affectionately known as "Little Mama", was born on February 6, 1925 in Oak Grove, LA and passed away February 28, 2010. She was a homemaker that loved her family and enjoyed reading, dancing, singing, and shopping. She was a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church.
She is preceded in death by her son, Don O. Higginbotham, Jr.; her parents, Robert E. Russell and Zona Russell; two brothers, Robert Clinton Russell and James Mavin "Big Jim" Russell; and two sisters, Alene Odgen and Melba Louise Russell.
Survivors include her husband, Arthur (Art) B. Johnson, Jr.; one son, James R. Higginbotham of St. Louis, MO; three stepsons, Chuck Johnson of Forsyth, MO, Arty Johnson of Memphis, TN , and Mike Johnson of Los Angeles, CA; two grandchildren, Lindsay Higginbotham and Andrew Higginbotham; step grandchildren, Adam Johnson and Samantha Hauck; two great grandchildren, David Higginbotham and Rhett Hauck; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Andrew Higginbotham, Steve Johnson, Eddie Johnson, Len Smith, Scott Russell, and Glenn Combs.
Visitation will be from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at Mulhearn Funeral Home, Sterlington Road, Monroe.
In lieu of flowers, please make memorials to Trinity Lutheran Church Organ Fund.




Jeanette Theresa Guidry Higginbotham (1936-2010) LA

Jeanette (Guidry) Higginbotham, age 73, of Eunice, La., died Tuesday, March 9, 2010, at Acadian Medical Center in Eunice, La. . She is survived by her two daughters, Shirleen Lavergne & Todd of Eunice, La. Carolyn Martel of Eunice, La.; five sons, Gary Higginbotham & Kay of Eunice, La. Dwayne Higginbotham of Eunice, La. Sherman Higginbotham & Charlotte of Houma, La. Timmy Higginbotham of Eunice, La. Jamie Higginbotham & Tiffany of Eunice, La.; four brothers, Albert Guidry, Alfred Guidry, Larry Guidry and Levance "Black" Guidry all of Eunice; two sisters, Lorraine Bertrand and Judy Gotreaux of Eunice; seventeen grandchildren; sixteen great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by her parents, Noel & Cecile Miller Guidry; husband, Preston Higginbotham; grandson, Dirk Higginbotham; 2 brothers, Clevance "Blanco" Guidry and Felton Guidry; a sister, Bernice Leger. Visitation is from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM Thursday, March 11, 2010 with a rosary pending. Funeral service (pending time) will be at Funeral Home Chapel at Friday, March 12, 2010 . Burial to follow at Our Lady of Sacred Heart Cemetery in Church Point, La. Quirk & Son Funeral Home, 121 S. 6th. Street of Eunice is in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate 03/12/2010

Susie Mae Higginbotham (1922-2010) LA

Susie Mae Higginbotham, a resident of Baton Rouge, she entered eternal life Thursday, March 4, 2010, at The Carpenter House of St. Joseph Hospice. She was 87 and a native of Waterproof. Visiting at Greater Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church, 3155 Victoria Drive, Saturday, March 13, from 8 a.m. until religious service at 9 a.m., conducted by S.C. Dixon, pastor. Interment in Winnfield Memorial Park. Survived by two sons, Eugene Higginbotham Sr. and Robert Higginbotham Sr.; three daughters, Annie Harvey, Vera Watkins and Jacqueline Ratcliff; grandchildren, great-grandchildren, family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, a son and daughter. Winnfield Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate 03/19/2010

Myrtis Hughes Higginbotham (1916-2010) LA

Myrtis "Aunt Murt" Higginbotham, 93, a resident of Baton Rouge and co-owner of L. Higginbotham Inc. passed away Tuesday, March 16, 2010, at Flannery Oaks Guest House. Visitation at Greenoaks Funeral Home, 9595 Florida Blvd., Saturday, March 20, from 10 a.m. until time of services at 2 p.m. Entombment will be in Greenoaks Memorial Park Mausoleum. Survivors include a son, Henry Rybolt and wife Sharon, of Baton Rouge; three stepdaughters, Patsy Fuselier, of Baton Rouge, Carolyn Higginbotham, of Colorado, and Kathy Higginbotham, of Baton Rouge; and foster daughter, Phouc Nguyen, of Baton Rouge. Also survived by numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by her husband, Leroy Higginbotham; nine brothers and sisters, and a stepdaughter, June Day.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 3/20/2010

Thomas Roy Higginbotham (1926-2010) LA

Lafayette - Funeral services will be held Monday, March 22, 2010, at an 11 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial, in St. Mary Catholic Church, for Thomas Roy Higginbotham, who died peacefully at Lafayette General Medical Center, on March 18, 2010, at the age of 83.

Reverend Harold Trahan, Pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church will be the Celebrant of the Funeral Mass and will conduct the funeral services. Lectors will be Carolyn Jourdan and Janet King. Giftbearers will be Claire Billeaud and Jody Chastant. Raymond Hebert, soloist, accompanied on the organ by Deborah Duhan, will sing for the services "On Eagles' Wings", "Psalm 23", "Ave Maria", "The Lord's Prayer", "Amazing Grace", and "Battle Hymn of the Republic".

Interment will be in Holy Mary, Mother of God Cemetery.

Survivors include his loving wife of 57 years, Therese Broussard Higginbotham and their five children, Kenneth James Higginbotham and his wife, Sharon, of Broussard, Annette Higginbotham and her husband, Brad Hamman, Donald Louis Higginbotham and his wife, Stephanie, Donna Higginbotham LaCombe and her husband, Bryan, all of Lafayette, and Lisa Higginbotham Williams and her husband, Jerry, of Leesville; and eleven grandchildren, Amy, Kory, Lindsey Mhire and her husband, Kyle, Brennan, Erin, Matthew, Victoria, Kelsey, Megan, Natalie, and Zachary.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Theodore and Ida Prejean Higginbotham.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Youngsville, Louisiana on April 21, 1926, and he entered the Army on June 26, 1944, where he served in World War II Battles in Central Europe and Rhineland. While in the service as a French interpreter and was honorably discharged as a Private First Class on April 24, 1946. After being discharged from the Army, he attended Spencer's Business College. Mr. Higginbotham was employed by Southern Pacific Railroad for thirty-seven years and retired in June 1986.

For many years, Mr. Higginbotham was an avid bowler and a member of various bowling leagues for several years. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and the American Legion Post 69. He also enjoyed working in his yard and sharing his beautiful flowers.

Mr. Higginbotham was a devoted husband, a caring father, adoring grandfather and a loyal friend. He enjoyed life to the fullest with his wife, children and grandchildren, who meant the world to him. He will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved him.

Pallbearers will be Kory Higginbotham, Brennan Higginbotham, Matthew Hamman, Kyle Mhire, Tony Venable and Terry Venable. Honorary pallbearers will be George Broussard, Presley Maturin, Benny Andrus, Donald Bejeaux, Paul Hebert, Claby Duhon, J.E. Guidry, Michael Belis, Charlie Langlinais, Roy Doucet and all the grandchildren.

A Rosary will be prayed at 6:30 p.m. Sunday by Mr. George Jourdan in the Martin & Castille Funeral Home.

The familt requests that visitation be observed in Martin & Castille's Downtown Lafayette location on Sunday from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. and Monday from 9 a.m. until time of service.

The family would love to thank all the Doctors and Nurses with Hospice of Acadiana for their wonderful care and compassion during these difficult times.

Memorial contributions in Mr. Higginbotham's name may be made to Hospice of Acadiana.

Martin & Castille - Lafayette - 234-2311.




Garland Joseph Higginbotham (1920-2010) LA

November 17, 1920 - April 4, 2010

EUNICE – It is with great sadness that the family of Garland J. Higginbotham, 89 announces his passing on Sunday, April 04, 2010 at Acadian Medical Center. Rite of Committal will follow in the Mt. Calvary Cemetery with Father Gil Dutel Celebrant. Garland was a Veteran of the United States Army and was a member of the Disabled American Veterans. He retired 33 years ago as owner and operator of Higginbotham Appliance Service, and especially enjoyed hunting and fishing. Garland was a loving husband, father, brother, grandfather and great grandfather. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 71 years, Thelma Bellow Higginbotham of Eunice. He is preceded in death by his parents, Wilman and Elizabeth Tweedel Higginbotham; brother, Felton Higginbotham; and sister, Eula Cushman.



The Advocate 04/23/2010

Mona Denise Higginbotham (1969-2010) LA

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16. Mona Denise Higginbotham, 41, a resident of Geismar and native of Church Point, passed away Wednesday, April 21, 2010. Visitation at Gonzales Baptist Temple, 2807 S. Hodgeson Ave., Gonzales, on Saturday, April 24, from 2 p.m. until memorial service at 3 p.m. Survived by her mother and stepfather, Sheila and Robert Sweeting, of French Settlement; lifetime soul mate, Shelly Stevens and their children, Maegan and Garrett Stevens; two sisters, April H. Pitre, of Maringouin, and Frena M. Popps, of French Settlement; a brother, Blaine A. Higginbotham, of Germany; maternal grandfather, Floyd D. Chatagnier and wife Mercedes Chatagnier, of Church Point; and numerous nieces and nephews and a host of other family members and friends. She was preceded in death by her father, John Pershing Higginbotham; nephew, Joshua Paul Higginbotham; paternal grandparents, Homer "Pete" and Eula Higginbotham; and maternal grandmother, Annabelle Chatagnier. The family would like to thank the staff of Generation's Hospice of Watson for making it possible for her to pass away in the care of her family. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to help with funeral cost. Arrangements by Church Funeral Services and Crematory, 13250 La. 431, St. Amant, LA 70774, (225) 644-9683.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 6/6/2010

Sherry Ann Higginbotham Broussard (1943-2010) LA

Opelousas - A funeral service for Sherry Higginbotham Broussard, age 66, will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 6, 2010 in Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church, followed by interment in the Bellevue Memorial Park Cemetery. Rev. Angelo Cremaldi will conduct the funeral services.

She is survived by whom she referred to as the light and love of her life, Kristine Broussard Harmon and her only grandchild, Caroline Kristine Harmon; a brother, Darrell Higginbotham of Carencro, La.; four sisters, Lela Fruge of Lake Charles, La.; Judy Bishop of Lake Charles, La.; Jackie Lavergne of Picayune, Mississippi and Diann Comeaux of Carencro, La.; She is also survived by her lifelong best friend and companion, Murphy Cormier, and her special friends, Elizabeth Boagni Lavergne, Myrtle Guidry Roussell, Sherry Landy, Rose Ann Mitchell, Alice Lazaro, Corrinne Pitre, Patricia Mills, Rosie Sonnier, Nora Bartlett and Dr. Mark Stephan.

Sherry was preceded in death by her little boy, Brian Broussard, her parents, Corise and Angelina Higginbotham, and three siblings. She was especially fond of her numerous nieces, nephews and godchildren. The family is deeply grateful to Carl Fruge, who unselfishly donated a kidney to her, and acknowledges his wife, Kay Fruge and son Aaron Fruge.

She had a longstanding friendship and spiritual relationship with Sister Dulce Maria of Baton Rouge and Father Manny Fernandez.

The family would like to express gratitude to Drs. Elizabeth Borrero, Luis Meza and Mark Stephan, Claire Levi, R.N., Jennifer Noel of OLOL Laboratory and the Staff OLOL 3 Central.

Visitation will be held in the Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas on Saturday, June 5, 2010 from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and will reopen on Sunday at 10 a.m. until time of services. A rosary service will be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday.

Pallbearers will be: Wayne Fruge, Kyle Fruge, Todd Cormier, Troy Cormier, Ronnie Higginbotham and Curtis Higginbotham.

Musical selections will be performed by Sherry Landry.

Donations can be made to Sister Dulce Maria Foundation, 17560 George O'Neal Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70817-1719.

Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas has been entrusted with the funeral arrangements (337-942-2638).



Southwest Daily News 07/07/2010

Abbie Joseph Higginbotham (1973-2010) LA

Abbie Joseph "A.J." Higginbotham, 36, of Sulphur died at 4:42 p.m. on Sunday, July 4, 2010 in a local hospital. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Lake Charles, LA on July 20, 1973 and lived in Sulphur for the past three years. He was a graduate of LaGrange High School. Mr. Higginbotham was employed for Turner Industries for the past ten years. He attended Our Lady of Lasalette Catholic Church. He was an avid fisherman and was known for his loving and caring character. He was willing to help anyone. His daughter, Kelsey, was the light of his life. Those left to cherish his memory are his daughter, Kelsey Beth Higginbotham of Moss Bluff; his companion, Denese LeBoeuf of Sulphur; his parents, Janell and Edgar Higginbotham of Lake Charles; paternal grandfather, Abbie Higginbotham of Lake Charles; maternal grandmother, Esther Durio of Kinder, LA; four siblings and their spouses, Jessica Moseley and Mark of Maumelle, of AR, Curtis Higginbotham and Stefanie of Sulphur, Jason Higginbotham and Christine of Sulphur, and JoAnne Thibodeaux and Patrick of Lacassine; six nieces; four nephews; a step son, Chad McMichael of Sulphur and his children, A.J.'s "Little Buddies", Grant and Gage. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 8, 2010 in the Johnson Funeral Home Chapel. Deacon Johnny Mounce will officiate. Burial will be in Big Woods Cemetery. Visitation will be on Wednesday from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. with a rosary being recited at 6 p.m. Visitation will continue on Thursday from 8 a.m. until time of services.



The Advocate 07/19/2010

Linda Lillian McManus Higginbotham (1941-2010) LA

A native and resident of Holden, she died at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, July 17, 2010, in Holden. She was 68. Visitation at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, Tuesday, July 20, from 9 a.m. until religious service in the chapel at 2 p.m., conducted by the Rev. Jeff Hathorne. Burial in the Higginbotham Family Cemetery, Holden. She is survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Beth and Bruce Stewart, and Sharon Higginbotham; son, Charles Higginbotham; half brother, Gary Rhodus; three grandchildren, Josh and Jesse Stewart, and Heather Hearon; and eight great-grandchildren. Preceded in death by her former husband, Austin Higginbotham. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations be made to a charity of your choice.



Deridder Daily News 08/31/2010

Roy Higginbotham (1953-2010) LA
Roy Higginbotham, 57, of Merryville, La. passed away Saturday, August 28, 2010 in Merryville, La. Visitation will be from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. Monday, August 30, 2010 and from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder, La. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder, La. Reverend Roy Hoosier and Vic Warwick will officiate. Interment will follow at Old Cypress Cemetery in DeRidder, La. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Glenda Higginbotham of Merryville, La.; two sons, Thomas Self and wife Joyce of Jasper, Texas, Troy Rhodes and wife Kyle of Snow Hill Md.; five daughters, Sandy La Land and husband Ronnie of Alexandria, La., Pam Mejia and husband Julio of Colfax, La., Susie Terry of Florien, La., Tricia Fowler and husband Darrell of Merryville, La., Kayla Mathews and husband Shane of San Augustine, Texas; one brother, Troy Higginbotham of Merryville, La.; one sister, Lydia Parker of Merryville, La.; fifteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Jewes Higginbotham; mother, Effie Parker; brothers, Hilton Higginbotham, Milton Higginbotham and sister, Fairlene Higginbotham Massengill. Services are conducted by Myers-Colonial Funeral Home.




Coralee Jeanise Higginbotham (1931-2010) LA

Funeral Services will be Friday, October 8, 2010, at 3:00 PM at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church in Church Point for Coralee J. Higginbotham, 79 who passed away Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 11:33 PM at Opelousas General Hospital in Opelousas. Very Rev. Msgr. Jeff DeBlanc will be officiating the services on Friday. Survivors include four sons, Paul and wife, Lana Higginbotham of West Palm Beach, FL., Mitchell and wife, Amy Higginbotham of Youngsville, Cecil and wife, Paula Higginbotham of Church Point, Clark and wife, Kelly Higginbotham of Dallas, TX.; one daughter, Linda and husband, Byron Hidalgo of Dallas, TX.; one step son, Mark and wife, Amber Shepard of Dallas, TX.; nine grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Visitation will be Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 11:00 AM till 10:00 PM then Friday, 8:00 AM until time of Services. A Rosary will be recited at 7:00 in the evening on Thursday. Burial will be in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Cemetery #2 in Church Point.




Lildred Ruth Higginbotham Wilson (1923-2010) LA/TX

Lildred Ruth Wilson, 87, of Orange, died Wednesday, October 27, 2010, at Harbor Hospice in Beaumont, Texas.

Funeral services will be 2:00 p.m. Saturday, October 30, 2010, at North Orange Baptist Church with Reverend Scott McIntosh officiating. Burial will follow at Big Woods Cemetery in Edgerly, Louisiana.

Visitation will be from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m., Friday at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange.

Ruth was born June 30, 1923, in Evangeline, Acadia Parish, Louisiana to Nelson Morris Gene Higginbotham and Eleonora "Maynora" Patin Higginbotham. She worked for Vinton Middle School in the lunchroom cafeteria, Delta Downs concessions, and was a preschool teacher for a number of years in Houston, Texas. Ruth taught Sunday School at Crossroads Baptist Church and also worked with Bible School in Vinton, Louisiana.

Ruth was also Chaplain for Starks V.F.W. Post and Ladies Auxiliary one year.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert William Wilson; grandsons, Johnny Glenn, Jr. and Christopher Wilson; and son-in-law, John D. Glenn.

Ruth is survived by her three daughters, Maynora Glenn of Rowlett, Alice Bridie-Granhold of Plano, and Debbie Mata and husband, Willie of Houston; and son, Ben Robert Wilson of Orange.

Ruth is also survived by her nine grandchildren, Tamera Power, Tom, Ron and Eric Granhold, Servaundo Mata, Jillena Mata-Flores, Isaiah Mata, Angie Perkins, and Ben Wilson, Jr.; nine great-grandchildren, Baileigh and Elliot Perkins, Isaiah Mata, Jr., Auriana Mata, Gianna Mata-Flores, Zack, Jake and Maddy Granhold, and Alexandra McCay; and sister, Gladys Brookins.

Serving as Pallbearers will be Tom Granhold, Ron Granhold, Eric Granhold, Zack Granhold, Servaundo Mata, Isaiah Mata, Ben Wilson, Jr., and Glyn Perkins.

The family would like to give a special thanks to Tom and Donna Glenn and Linda Gould.



The Advertiser 11/18/2010

Greta Fay Higginbotham Bordelon (1928-2010) LA

Funeral services will be held at 1:00 pm on Friday, November 19, 2010 in the Delhomme Chapel of the Flowers for Greta Bordelon, 81, who passed away on November 16, 2010 at 12:12 am at Lafayette General Medical Center. Reverend Michael Russo, Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church, will conduct the funeral services. Interment will take place in Holy Mary Mother of God Cemetery. Mrs. Bordelon, a resident of Lafayette, LA, was the daughter of the late Robert Higginbotham of Lafayette, Louisiana and the former Florence Dugas of Centerville, Louisiana. Greta passed away after a lifetime of love and laughter. She answered to many names; Mom, Nan, Da Da, "the cake lady" but the name she cherished most of all was Muzzy, which she was lovingly called by her grandchildren. She had an undying love for her family and friends. She traveled the world but always enjoyed coming back home to Lafayette. She was happiest around the table eating boiled crabs and crawfish or standing by the stove, frying a pan full of sac-a-lait or bream. An avid LSU fan, she held season tickets for over 40 years, her happiest moment came this year when LSU beat Alabama (and Nick Saban) in Death Valley. She cherished her time around the card table with her wonderful friends and looked forward to her Friday night jaunts to the casino. Greta will be fondly remembered and sadly missed by her children, Darlene Pugh, Pam and her husband Ken LaBry and Ruth and her husband Patrick Booker; her grandsons Nicholas LaBry, Michael Booker and his wife Linda and Patrick Booker and his wife Shelly; her great grandchildren, Emma, Mary Alice, Morgan and Mike Booker; her brother-in-law Travis Shipp; special "other sister" Jewel and a host of nieces and nephews, cousins and extended family. She was preceded in death by her husband William Bordelon, her parents Robert and Florence Dugas Higginbotham and her siblings, Dora Shipp and Robert Higginbotham, Jr. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Delhomme Funeral Home of Lafayette on Friday from 9:00 am until service time. A Rosary will be recited on Friday at 11:00 am in the funeral home. The family wishes to thank the staff at Lafayette General Medical Center, especially the 7th Floor Intensive Care Unit staff, for their excellent and compassionate care. Pallbearers will be Patrick Booker, Ricky Payment, Rano Harris, Steve Guidry, Lanny Robicheaux and Chad Richard. Honorary Pallbearers will be her grandsons. Personal condolences may be sent to the Bordelon family at www.delhommefuneralhome.com. Delhomme Funeral Home, 1011 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, LA, is in charge of funeral arrangements.




Daily World 12/13/2010

Martha Higginbotham Knott (1945 - 2010) LA

Funeral services will be held Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at a 2:00 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Francis Regis Catholic Church in Arnaudville for Martha H. Knott, age 65, the former Martha Higginbotham, who passed away Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 12:33 a.m. at Opelousas General Health System in Opelousas. Interment will be in St. Francis Regis Cemetery in Arnaudville. The Rev. Keenan Brown, pastor of St. Francis Regis Catholic Church, will officiate at the services. Mrs. Knott was a native of Waxia/Port Barre and a resident of Arnaudville since 1965. She was a parishioner of St. Francis Regis Catholic Church and was employed as a deli baker at Russell's Food Center in Arnaudville for five years. Survivors include four brothers, Albert Higginbotham and his wife, Daisy, of Waxia, O'Neil Higginbotham and his wife, Susan, of Opelousas, Dean Higginbotham and his wife, Gloria, of Waxia, and Chris Higginbotham and his wife, Jo Ann, of Waxia; one sister, Helen Schexnayder and her husband, James, of Arnaudville; and a host of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband of 43 years, Harold J. Knott; her parents, Jack Higginbotham and the former Marie Doucet; and two brothers, Allen John Higginbotham and Rayfield Higginbotham. A rosary will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. Monday in the funeral home. The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Monday and will continue from 8:00 a.m. until service time on Tuesday. Special thanks to Eva and Harris Knott, Erilda Arnaud, Dr. Paul Rees and Dr. Kirk Elliott for all their care and support during this time. Pallbearers will be James Schexnayder, O'Neil Higginbotham, Dean Higginbotham, Christopher Higginbotham, Harris Knott, and Kaleb Jack Higginbotham. Melancon Funeral Home of Arnaudville, 224 Main Street, (337) 754-5725, is in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate 12/25/2010

Jewel Sebern Higginbotham (1922-2010) LA

A wonderful and caring wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Jewel S. Higginbotham, a resident of Erwinville for more than 20 years and retired office manager of H&H Fabricators & Erectors Inc., passed away about 9:15 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010, in the Hospice of Baton Rouge Butterfly Wing of the Baton Rouge General Medical Center on Florida Boulevard, surrounded by her loving family and best friend, Janet Shook. Her 88 years of life allowed her to touch and influence many lives, leaving many memories and friends. She was loved for her quick wit and spiciness, especially by her pokeno club members. Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 28, 1922, to Alpha Louise and George Robert Sebern Sr. and was reared in Converse. She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers, George Jr., John Wesley and James Leroy; three sisters, Thelma S. Mann, Myrtis S. Edgar and Katie S. Gabriel; her loving husband of 50 years, James Monroe Higginbotham; and a grandson, James Martin Higginbotham. She is survived by a loving son, James Robert Higginbotham and his wife, Judy; two grandchildren, Bobby Ray Higginbotham and wife Annette, and Donna H. Corona and husband Tommy; five great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. She will also be missed greatly by her loving puppy and companion, Butch. Services will be at the Erwinville Baptist Church in Erwinville. Visitation will be Tuesday, Dec. 28, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., with a Christian service and burial following in the Erwinville Cemetery next to the church. Brother Willie Kennedy will be officiating. She was a member and past worthy matron of Fidelity Chapter 160, Order of the Eastern Star. An Eastern Star Service will be conducted at 1 p.m., officiated by past worthy grand matron of the State of Louisiana, Janet Shook. Pallbearers will be her Masonic brothers from Fordoche Lodge 292 and Livonia Lodge 220. Honorary pallbearers will be Bobby Ray Higginbotham, Colby Higginbotham, Tommy Corona, John Keith Corona, Joshua Jannise and Cameron Jannise. The family would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Boyd Helm, Dr. Phillip Padgett and the wonderful staff at the Butterfly Wing of the Baton Rouge General Medical Center for their professional and compassionate care. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Shriner's Hospitals for Children, 2100 Samford Ave., Shreveport, LA, 71103 (318) 222-5704 or to the charity of your choice.



The Advocate 01/14/2011

Ruth Higginbotham Adams (1920-2011) LA

A resident of Baton Rouge and native of Angola, she passed away Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011, in Baton Rouge. She was 90 and a retired accountant with the Louisiana Department of Education. Ruth was a lifelong Presbyterian and the wife of the late Jesse Adams. Survived by her step grandson, Mark Adams and wife Chantel; cousins, the Rev. Henry Bowdon Jr. and wife Virginia, Louise Mayo, and John Bowman and wife Mimi; and caretaker of 14 years, Connie Jackson, and her daughter, Ashley Turner. Preceded in death by her parents, Curley and Olive Young Higginbotham. Visiting at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government St., on Saturday, Jan. 15, from 9 a.m. until religious service at 10 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Henry Bowdon Jr. Interment in the Young Family Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Istrouma Area Boy Scouts Council.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 01/16/2011

Frances Thornbrugh Higginbotham (1932-2011) TX/LA

March 5,1932 - January 15, 2011

Funeral services for Frances Thornbrugh Higginbotham, 78, of Pineville, who died Saturday January 15, 2011 at The Oak Care Center in Pineville,, will be 2 pm. Monday January 17, 2011 at Laird Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. John Winedeart and Charles Carpenter officiating. Burial will follow at Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Laird Funeral Home. Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday and 1p.m. Monday until service time at Laird Funeral Home. Mrs. Higginbotham was born March 5,1932 in Kilgore, Texas the daughter of Lloyd Elmer and Mary Ida Stafford Thornbrugh. She is preceded in death by her parents, one brother, Bill Thornbrugh, one sister, Mary Lee Dianne Thornbrugh and a daughter, Bonnie Higginbotham Holloway. Survivors include her husband of 60 years, W. C. Higginbotham of Pineville; three daughters, Winnie Smigura and her fiancé, Steve Wall of Pineville, Mary Baxley and husband, Kenny of Pineville, and Pam O'Neal and husband John of Pineville; ten grandchildren, Twilla Buckles, Marcus Conn, Crystal Furniss, Lucas Conn, Tracy Sanders, Joey Foster, Shaun O'Neal, Brandi Thomas, Naomi Holloway, and James Holloway; three step grandchildren, Angela Wages, Raye Lynn Clanton, and Donia Wages; ten great grandchildren and six step great grandchildren;; one sister, Bonnie Spence of Walker. Pallbearers will be Steve Wall, Kenny Baxley, Joey Foster, Lynn Sanders, Wade Furniss and Seth Thomas. Memorials may be sent to the American Cancer Society Online condolence may be sent to the family at www.lairdfh.com




Hazel Fontenot Higginbotham (1925-2011) LA

October 22, 1925 - February 20, 2011

Hazel Higginbotham, 85, passed away on Sunday, February 20, 2011 in a local hospital. She was a member of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in Sulphur and a member of AARP. She was a volunteer for several years at Care Help of Sulphur. She loved camping and traveling and loved the old-fashioned courier du Mardi Gras. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, Joseph (Billy) Higginbotham of Sulphur; daughters, Peggy Jones and husband, Joseph of Moss Bluff, Brenda Manuel and husband, Gill of Sulphur, Elaine Dyer and husband, Craig of Lake Charles; brothers, Buckman Fontenot of Eunice, Tony Fontenot of Grand Prairie, TX, Dalen Fontenot of Moss Bluff, Rayford Fontenot of Moss Bluff; sisters, Helena Hebert of Snohomish, Washington, Geneva Thibodeaux and husband, Jane of Eunice, LA; 5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother, "Bee" Fontenot. Her funeral will be 2 p.m. Saturday, February 26, 2011 at Hixson Funeral Home of Lake Charles. Father Ernie will officiate. Pallbearers assisting in her service will be Troy Dyer, her only grandson Jamey Kendall, Adam Liuzza, Brett Lanier, Cass Fontenot and Michael Fontenot. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. Visitation will be 3 p.m.-9 p.m. Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. till time of service. Rosary will be prayed at 6 p.m. Friday evening.




Keagan Trent Fontenot-Higginbotham (2000-2011) LA

EUNICE~It is with the heaviest hearts and great sadness that the family of Keagan Trent Fontenot Higginbotham announces his sudden death on Sunday, March 13, 2011 in Baton Rouge at the age of 11. A Celebration of Life will be Celebrated at 10:00 am on Thursday, March 17, 2011 at Ardoin's Funeral Home in Eunice. Interment will follow in the Mt. Calvary Cemetery with Pastor Russell Cobb officiating.

Keagan was a fourth grade student at Spanish Lake Primary who loved anything outdoor including hunting, fishing and sports. He will be deeply missed by his loving father, Chris Higginbotham of Eunice; his brother, Aiden Higginbotham; his paternal grandfather, Dwayne Higginbotham of Eunice; his paternal grandmother, Brenda Higginbotham of Eunice; his maternal grandparents, Gary and Sue Fontenot of Dry Prong; his maternal great grandparents, Bruce and Kathy Fontenot of Breaux Bridge and Milburn and Jane Vidrine of Reddell; and his maternal great great grandmother, Irene Darbonne of Swords. His many friends and classmates will also mourn him. Keagan will be sadly missed but never forgotten.

Keagan now rests in Heaven with his beloved mother, Effie Elizabeth "Liz" Fontenot and his two brothers, Hunter Gauge Johnson, and Austin Brock Fontenot.

At the request of the family, visitation will be held at Ardoin's Funeral Home in Eunice on Wednesday, March 16th from 9:30 am until 10:00 pm and again on Thursday, March 17th from 7:00 am until time of services.

In lieu of flowers donation may be made to family.



Daily World 03/20/2011

Marie Louisiana Higginbotham Lyons (1922-2011) LA

CHURCH POINT - Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 P.M. Monday, March 21, 2011 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Church Point for Mrs. Ferdie ("Lou") Lyons, 88, the former Louisiana Higginbotham. Mrs. Lyons, a native and long-time resident of Church Point, died at 3:15 A.M. Friday, March 18, 2011 at Opelousas General Hospital; Opelousas, La. Monsignor Jefferson J. DeBlanc will conduct the services with entombment following in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum in Church Point. Survivors include two sons, Marx Kenneth Lyons and wife Linda and Dwaine Gerard Lyons and wife Janet-all of Church Point; four daughters: Norma Burleigh and husband Robert of Ragley, La., Eloise David and husband Pat of Rayne, La., Elaine Nations of Iowa, La. and Debra Mohajer and husband John of Houston, Tex.; a son-in-law, Curtis "Curt" Wimberly of Church Point; thirty-two grandchildren, seventy great-grandchildren and seventeen great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ferdie Lyons; a daughter, Gloria Wimberly; her parents, Edward and Elouise (Bellard) Higginbotham; three brothers and six sisters. The family requested that visiting hours be observed from 10:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. on Sunday, March 20 and continue from 8:00 A.M. Monday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Sunday by Monsignor DeBlanc. Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, La. (337) 684-5488.



The Advocate 04/07/2011

Nancy Eva Higginbotham (1929-2011) LA

A soul went to heaven today, Nancy Eva has passed away. "Nan" was born in Baton Rouge on Sept. 29, 1929, and was the eldest child of Leo P. and Madeline Crotty Higginbotham. Later, she was joined by sister Carolyn Chidester, and brother Leo Jr. She attended public school and graduated from Baton Rouge High School in 1950. Her fondest memories were of her memberships in the Order of the Eastern Star and the choir at First United Methodist Church. She was a tireless volunteer and gave generously to charities and political parties and served for many years as an elections commissioner. She is survived by her siblings as well as countless nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends at Heritage House who will deeply miss her quiet countenance. Memorial services will be held at the Aldridge Chapel of First United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 10, at 4 p.m. Visitation in the church library on Sunday from 3:30 p.m. until service.



The Advocate 05/01/2011

Sterling Higginbotham (1945-2011) LA

Sterling Higginbotham, 65, of Livingston, passed away Friday, April 29, 2011. Visitation at Doyle Elementary School, Livingston, on Monday, May 2, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Visitation at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston, on Tuesday, May 3, from 8 a.m. until service at 10 a.m. Burial at St. Margaret Catholic Cemetery, Albany.



The Advocate 05/19/2011

Ernestine Hills Higginbotham (1957-2011) LA

A resident and native of Zachary, she died at 4:45 a.m. Sunday, May 15, 2011, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. She was 54. Visiting at Greater Oak Grove Baptist Church, Zachary, Saturday, May 21, from 9 a.m. until religious service at 11 a.m., conducted by the Rev. Henry Frazier. Interment in the church cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Melvin Higginbotham, of Zachary; three children, Nicholas Brown and spouse Coletha, of Ethel, Cecole Hills and Trace Higginbotham, both of Zachary; five siblings, Leanna Brown and spouse Curtis, of Baton Rouge, Mary Lizzie Bethley and spouse James, and Gloria Banks, all of Zachary, Beatrice Harris and Eddie Hills, both of Baton Rouge; an adopted sister, Lucy Williams, of Zachary; three grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends, including Cora Elsey, of Zachary. She was preceded in death by her parents, grandparents and godmother. Arrangements by Miller & Daughter Mortuary, Zachary.




Lydia Mae Higginbotham Parker (1945-2011) LA

Lydia H. Parker, 66, of Merryville passed away on May 29, 2011 in DeQuincy, LA.
Visitation will be held on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 from 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder and from 10:00 AM until service time on Thursday, June 2, 2011 also at the funeral home.
Funeral Services will be held on Thursday, June 2, 2011 at 3:00 pm at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder. The Reverends Arlen Smith and George Glass, Jr. will officiate. Burial will follow at Cannon Cemetery in Merryville.
Mrs. Parker is survived by her husband, Charlie Parker, Jr. of Merryville; two daughters, Glenda Goodwin and husband Mike and Shelia Clayton and husband Joel all of Merryville; Grandsons, Joey Goodwin and Devan Goodwin both of Merryville and Granddaughter Morgan Verrette also of Merryville. She is also survived by a brother, Troy Higginbotham and wife Sharon of Merryville.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 7/12/2011

Jiles Paul Higginbotham (1979-20110 LA

Church Point - Funeral services for Jiles Higginbotham, 32, will be held at 11 a.m. today in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church here.

Higginbotham died Saturday.

Guidry Funeral Home of Church Point is in charge of arrangements.



Bastrop Daily Enterprise 07/19/2011

Albert Charles Higginbotham (1953-2011) LA

Graveside services for Mr. Albert Charles Higginbotham, age 58, are scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday July 19, 2011 at Pine Grove South Cemetery with Bro. Kevin Sanders officiating. Visitation will be from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Monday at Golden Funeral Home. Mr. Higginbotham passed away Sunday July 17, 2011 at his home. He is preceded in death by his mother Peggy Wade Higginbotham, his father Charles Edward Higginbotham, and his two brothers Billy Paul and Eddie Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Helen Tullis Higginbotham; his four children, Joshua Neil Higginbotham and wife Julianne, Jessica Nicole Buffington and husband Joshua, Scott Higginbotham, David Ritzell and wife Wendy; his sister, JoAnn Brister; and his eight grandchildren Jaylenn, Harley, and Kaylee Buffington, Faith, A.J., and Baylon Higginbotham, Keira Ritzell, and Justin Higginbotham.




Verna Richard Higginbotham (1925-2011) LA

Jennings - A mass of Christian burial for Verna Higginbotham, age 85 of Jennings, will be held at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on Saturday, July 30, 2011 @ 11 AM with Father Anthony Fontenot officiating. Visitation will be held at Matthews & Son Funeral Home in Jennings on Friday, July 29th from 3:30 PM - 10 PM with a rosary recited at 7 PM and resume on Saturday at 8 AM until the time of her services. Mrs. Higginbotham will be laid to rest beside her beloved husband, Lloyd Higginbotham, in Calvary Cemetery.

Verna was born in Church Point, LA to the late Robert and Delphine Richard and was called to heaven early Friday morning while in the Jennings American Legion Hospital. Verna and her husband were the owners of Higginbotham Grocery Store. She enjoyed gardening and flowers. Verna was survived by two children, Charles Kenneth Higginbotham and wife Nell of Evangeline and Norma Lee Istre and husband Fritz of Iota. She was also the loving grandmother to 3 grandchildren Michelle Higginbotham Kelley, Shannon Higginbotham, and Charles "Chip" Higginbotham, 4 great grandchildren Shelby Clement, Darion, Loren, and Tyler Higginbotham, and the sister to Louis James Richard and wife Patsy of Jennings and Joseph E. Richard and wife Myrna also of Jennings.

Verna was preceded in death by her parents, Robert and Delphine Richard; husband, Lloyd Higginbotham; and 3 brothers Ervin, Mervin, and Hilton Richard.



Shreveport Times 08/07/2011

Marvin E. Higginbotham Jr. (1924-2011) LA

RUSTON, LA - Mr. Marvin E. Higginbotham, Jr., age 86 of Ruston, LA and affectionately known as Bud, passed away August 6 ,2011. He was born in Waterproof, LA on October 31, 1924. Bud graduated from Waterproof High School and LA Tech University. He joined the United States Navy during World War II and served honorably until September 9, 1946. Mr. Higginbotham worked for the Department of Vocation Rehabilitation until his retirement and was a member of St. Joseph-Tensas Lodge #309 F&AM. He is preceded in death by his parents, Marvin E. Higginbotham, Sr. and Louise Seaman Higginbotham. Bud is survived by his wife Mary Lancaster Higginbotham; a son, John H. Laughlin, Jr. and wife Faith and great grandson Will, all of Roxie, MS; brother and sister in law, Scotty and Betty Lou Robertson of Ruston, LA; sister in law, Edna "Tut" Lancaster, of St. Joseph, LA and many nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Buddy Miller, Mike Chennault, Rob Lancaster, Mack Lancaster, Bob Seaman, Davide Seaman, and Patrick Daniel. Honorary pallbearers will be Colin Seaman and Trinity United Methodist Church R.O.M.E.O. group. The visitation will be held Monday August 8, 2011 at Trinity United Methodist Church in the Burkhalter Chapel from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. The funeral service will be held at 10:30 AM with Reverends Rolly Walker, Doug McGuire and Jerry Hilbun officiating. Bob Seaman will present the eulogy. Graveside services will be at 4:30 PM in the Natchez City Cemetery in Natchez, MS under the direction of Owens Memorial Chapel Funeral Home of Ruston. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Trinity United Methodist Church, Methodist Children's Home, Louisiana Tech Foundation or the charity of your choice.



Leesville Daily Leader 09/13/2011

Troy Higginbotham (1949-2011) LA

Funeral services for Troy "Butter" Higginbotham, 61, of Merryville, will be held at 2 p.m. Sept. 14, at Calvary Baptist Church in Merryville with Rev. Roy Hoosier, Rev. Bill Harrington, and Bro. Jim Miers officiating. Burial will follow in the Cannon Cemetery in Merryville under the direction of Myers Colonial Funeral Home of DeRidder. Visitation will be held from 5-9 p.m., Sept. 13, 2011 and from 9 a.m. to the time of service Sept. 14 at Calvary Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his mother, Effie Parker; father, Jewes Higginbotham; brothers, Dunk Higginbotham, Milton Higginbotham and Muss Higginbotham; and sisters, Fairlean Massengil and Lydia Parker. He is survived by his wife, Sharon Young Higginbotham of Merryville; daughters Jeanette McFatter (Danny) of Rosepine and Hayley Higginbotham of Merryville; stepbrother, Jr. Parker of Merryville; four grandchildren, two step grandchildren and one step great grandchild. Words of comfort may be expressed to the family at www.myers-colonialfuneralhome.com.



The Town Talk (Alexandria, LA) 9/15/2011

Jackie Doyle Higginbotham (1931-2011) LA

Jackie Doyle Higginbotham, 80, of Pineville, died August 14, 2011 at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Pineville.

Arrangements have been entrusted to Robinson Family Mortuary, Pineville.



Hixon Funeral Home 11/07/2011

Rose Vivian Higginbotham Kaplan (1937-2011) LA

August 6, 1937 - November 4, 2011

Funeral services for Rose Kaplan, age 74, will be held on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 2:00 PM in the Hixson Funeral Home Chapel of Deridder with Brother Greg Willis officiating. Burial will follow at Cypress Cemetery. Mrs. Kaplan a homemaker passed away Friday, November 4, 2011 at her residence surrounded by her family. She was born on August 6, 1937 in Deridder, La the daughter of the late Silas and Sarah Keel Higginbotham. Rose is survived by her daughter Kathy Clark and husband Billy of Deridder, La; two sisters Mary Etta Mitchell of Deridder, La; Denise Bailey of Deridder, La; one granddaughter Jolene Chamberlain of Deridder ,La ; two great grandchildren Jeffery Todd Chamberlain Jr. and Jaslynn Rose Chamberlain. She is also survived by a host of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband Elliott V. Kaplan, and her sister Iva Jean Pickett. The family will receive friends on Sunday November 6, 2011 at Hixson Funeral of Deridder from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM. Words of comfort may be shared with the family at www. hixsonfuneralhome.com



Daily World 12/08/2011

James David Higginbotham (1931 - 2011) LA

ARNAUDVILLE - Funeral services will be held Saturday, December 10, 2011 at an 11:00 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Francis Regis Catholic Church in Arnaudville for James "J.D." Higginbotham, age 80, who passed away Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 3:30 a.m. at Lafayette General Medical Center in Lafayette. Interment will be in St. Francis Regis Cemetery in Arnaudville. The Rev. Brian Taylor, pastor of St. Augustine Church in Basile, will officiate at the services. Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Arnaudville and resided in California, London, Anchorage and Louisiana throughout the course of his military service and employment. He was a veteran of the military having served in the U.S. Air Force. Mr. Higginbotham was a parishioner of St. Francis Regis Catholic Church in Arnaudville and was a Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus. Survivors include his wife of forty one years, Hilda Arnaud Higginbotham of Arnaudville; one son, James David Higginbotham, II and his wife, Carol, of Houston; one step son, Craig Stelly and his wife, Tina, of Arnaudville; one daughter, Stephanie Moldovan and her husband, Ray, of Sanford, NC; three step daughters, Cynthia Romero of Arnaudville, Deborah Barry and her husband, Gene, of Bossier and Angela Rinehart and her husband, John, of Marietta, GA; and twelve grandchildren, Emma Higginbotham, Kyle Higginbotham, Chad Higginbotham, Brett Romero, Meghan Romero, Jarrod Romero and his wife, Heidi, Chelsea Romero, Mathew Barry, Tiffany Barry, Lance Stelly, Andrew Olivier and Ashley Folds and her husband, Matt. He was preceded in death by his parents, Antoine Higginbotham and the former Ida Meche both of St. Landry Parish; and one son, Stephen Wayne Higginbotham. A rosary will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. Friday in the funeral home. The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 4:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Friday and will continue from 8:00 a.m. until service time on Saturday. Melancon Funeral Home of Arnaudville, 224 Main Street, (337) 754-5725, is in charge of arrangements.




Daphne Dahyle McClelland Higginbotham (1941-2011) LA

Mrs. Daphne Dahyle Higginbotham,70, passed away Monday, December 19, 2011. She was born in Crowley and grew up in Basile where she graduated High School. She lived most of her life in Lake Charles. Mrs. Higginbotham worked in the medical field profession for nearly 30 years and was currently employed by Lake Charles Memorial Hospital. She is survived by her three children, Lesa Dayle Higginbotham, James Shannon Higginbotham and wife, Michelle, Michele Trahan and husband Eric all of Lake Charles; one brother, Ralph McClelland of Lake Charles; 6 grandchildren, Ryan Billedeaux, Bethany Trahan, Kamryn Trahan, Abigael Higginbotham, Rachael Higginbotham, and Lauren Higginbotham. Preceded in death by her husband, James Dale Higginbotham. A memorial service will be held Friday, December 23, 2011 at 1PM at Johnson Funeral Home. Visitation will begin Friday from 12 noon until time of service. Rev. Steve James will officiate. Cremation is entrusted to Johnson Funeral Home.



The Times-Picayune 12/29/2011

Jennie Higginbotham Johnson (1935-2011) LA

Jennie Higginbotham Johnson entered into eternal rest on Saturday, December 24, 2011 at the age of 76. She was a faithful member of Central M.B.C. where she served as a Deaconess up until her health begins to fail. Beloved daughter of the late Ben Higginbotham and Georgia Bradley. Loving wife of Wilson Johnson, Sr. for 61 years. Mother of Mildred J. Zanders (The late James, Sr.), Emma Givens (Lenard), Elaine J. Franklin (Elder Lee), Dorothy J. Paul(Karbin, Sr.), Beaulah J. Casmere (Van), Denise J. Gatlin (Jo'Nathan), Wilson Johnson, Jr. (Faye) and the late James and Clyde Johnson. Sister of Jessie Pollard, James, Charles, Leon and Greg Bradley, Amanda Randall, Maude Higginbotham and the late Delicious Nelson, Johnnie Bee Britten and Jerry Evans. Also survived by 33 grandchildren, 67 great-grandchildren, 3 great-great-grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins other relatives and friends. Relatives and friends of the family also pastors, officers, and members of Central Missionary Baptist Church, Evening Star B.C. True Vine C.O.G.I.C. Franklin Ave. B.C. Employees and staff of Touro Infirmary, Veolia Transportation Co., and neighbors from the Pension Town Community are all invited to attend the Funeral Service at Central M.B.C, 1438 Alabo St. on Saturday, December 31, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Oliver P. Duvernay officiating. Visitation at 9:00 a.m. Burial will be private. Professional services entrusted to Majestic Mortuary 504-523-5872.



The Advocate 01/20/2012

Dorothy Higginbotham Lebeau (ca1929-2012) LA

Mrs. Dorothy Lebeau, affectionately known as "Dot," passed away peacefully on Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012, in the Butterfly Wing of Baton Rouge General Center-Mid City. Visitation at Greater Turner Chapel, Greensburg, on Saturday, Jan. 21, from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., with funeral service at 11 a.m. Interment in Darlington Cemetery. She leaves to cherish her memory and is survived by a brother, the Elder "E.J" Higginbotham Sr.; cousins, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. and Pearl I. Higginbotham; husband, Elder Samuel Lebeau; brother, Ralph Higginbotham; and a sister, Missionary Johnny B. Higginbotham.




The News Star 01/26/2012

Delilah JoAnn Higginbotham Brister (1944-2012) LA

Graveside services for Delilah "JoAnn" Brister, 67 of Monroe, LA will be held at 2:00 PM, Friday, January 27, 2012 at Kilpatrick's Serenity Gardens West Monroe under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home West Monroe. Mrs. Brister was born November 5, 1944 in Ruston, LA and passed away January 24, 2012 in Monroe. She worked for the Palace, ONB and Globe Life for many years. Mrs. Brister was preceded in death by her husband, Billy Brister and parents, Walter and Peggy Higginbotham. Mrs. Brister is survived by her son, Todd Hicks and a grandson, Wesley Hicks; several nieces and nephews. A special thanks to St. Francis Medical Center, MICU Staff and especially Courtney, Jeff, Dr. Fincher and Dr. Lee. Visitation will be held Thursday from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Kilpatrick Funeral Home West Monroe.



The Advocate 02/04/2012

Lila Erline Higginbotham Shelton (1913-2012) LA

Lila "Erline" Shelton, age 99 and a resident of Denham Springs, passed away on Friday, Feb. 3, 2012, at North Oaks Medical Center. She was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Albany Ward. Survived by her daughters, Marion Davis, and Sue Burkart and husband Ray; grandchildren, Donna Dewailly, Jan Stuckey, Ken Davis, Becky Hoyt, Tim Burkart and Jill Rayborn; along with 16 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild. Preceding Erline in death were her husband, James Edward Shelton; parents, Caleb and Lela Estelle Wascom Higginbotham; siblings, Herbert Higginbotham, Mildred Alonzo, Ruthie Mae Browning and Marshall Davis Jr.; and an infant brother, Caleb Higginbotham. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services from the chapel of Brandon G. Thompson Funeral Home, west of Hammond, on Saturday, Feb. 4, at 1 p.m., with visiting hours beginning at 10:30 a.m. Bishop Jason Hoyt will officiate the services. Interment will follow in Greenoaks Memorial Park Cemetery.




James Douglas Higginbotham (1918-2012) LA

BASTROP, LA. Funeral services for James Douglas Higginbotham, Jr. will be celebrated on Friday, March 9, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. at the First United Methodist Church with the Reverend Henry Stone officiating. Interment will follow at Christ Church Cemetery under the direction of Cox Funeral Home of Bastrop. Doug was born May 26, 1918 and passed away on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 of natural causes. He was preceded in death by his parents, Inez Anderson Higginbotham and James Douglas Higginbotham, and a brother, John Thomas Higginbotham. He is survived by his two sons, James Douglas Higginbotham, III and his wife, Mary Jean and Adrian Randolph "Randy" Higginbotham and his wife, Kay. He is also survived by his three grandchildren, Kellen Higginbotham Ranger and her husband, Justin, Douglas Randolph Higginbotham, Harris James Higginbotham, a great-granddaughter, Mary Rose Ranger, his brother Don O. Higginbotham and a number of nieces and nephews for whom he cared deeply. Doug was a lifelong resident of Bastrop, Louisiana. He retired from International Paper Company having worked there for over 40 years. He was a Veteran of the United States Army and served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. He was a member of the Optimist Club and First United Methodist Church in Bastrop where he served as their bookkeeper for most of his adult life. Doug truly loved Bastrop and all the people here. He had a great love for the Bastrop Rams and shared many stories with family in New Orleans. The family will receive friends beginning at 12 Noon until time for services Friday, March 9th, at the First United Methodist Church, Bastrop. Serving as pallbearers are Andy Anderson, John Bentley, Felix Brown, Jimmy Christmas, Mike Tubbs, and Danny McGrew. The family would like to extend their deep appreciation to Dr. E.D. Baker for his care and compassion during Doug's recent illness. Doug, a kind and gentle man, enjoyed his vegetable garden and his tomatoes. However, most importantly, Doug was a man of great faith who enjoyed his Sunday School classes and all the activities at his church. He will be missed by all. In lieu of flowers, the family suggest donations be made to the First United Methodist Church, 222 South Washington Street, Bastrop, Louisiana 71220.




Joseph Willard Higginbotham (1925-2012) LA

Joseph Willard "Billy" Higginbotham, 86, died Thursday, March 29, 2012, in a local care facility. Born in Church Point, Louisiana, to Simon Abner and Beatrice Barousse Higginbotham, Mr. Higginbotham lived most of his life in the Sulphur/Lake Charles area. He served his country during World War II in the U. S. Navy. He was a mechanic for forty-five years, working at All-Star GMC/Buick for the last years of his career. He was most generous with his talent as a mechanic, always willingly helping family, friends and neighbors when they had problems with their vehicles. Prior to his wife's death, he and she loved to dance. He was an avid camper and gardener, but his greatest joy was spending time with his grandchildren. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church in Sulphur. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his children, Peggy Jones and husband Joe, Brenda Manuel and husband Gill, and Elaine Dyer and husband Craig; grandchildren, Jan Kendall and husband Jamey, Amanda Liuzza and husband Adam, Christy Blouin and husband Justin, Amy Lanier and husband Brett, and his only grandson, Troy Dyer; nine great grandchildren; and siblings, Wilda Whittaker of Somerset, Kentucky, Wilson "Boy" Higginbotham and wife Ora of Westlake, Hamiel Higginbotham and wife Belle of Lake Charles, Mattie Stanford of Sunset, Carl Higginbotham and wife Dovie of Church Point, Clara LeBlanc and husband Larry of Rayne, and Bobby Higginbotham and wife Lorraine of Carencro. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife of sixty-four years, Hazel Fontenot; sister Esther Daigle; and brother, Simon Ward Higginbotham. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 2, 2012, at Johnson Funeral Home. Father Alan Trouille will officiate. Interment will be at Highland Memory Gardens. Visitation will be on Sunday from 4 until 9 p.m., with a rosary at 6 p.m. Memorial donations may be made to Harbor House Hospice, 2501 E. Prien Lake Road, Lake Charles, LA 70601. The family would like to express their grateful appreciation for the compassionate care given their father to the staff of DeQuincy Care Center.



The Advertiser 04/05/2012

Mary Lee Camille Higginbotham (ca1934-2012) LA

CATAHOULA - A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 am, on Friday, April 6, 2012, at St. Rita Catholic Church in Catahoula, for Mary Lee Camille Higginbotham, 78, who passed away on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at Lafayette General Medical Center. Rev. Richard Fabré will officiate at the Funeral Mass. The scripture readings will be read by Lloyd D. Higginbotham, Jr. and Tiffanie Bulliard. Interment will follow at Our Lady of the Lake Cemetery in Catahoula. Mrs. Higginbotham was the owner and operator of Red's Levee Bar and various other businesses for numerous years. Mary Lee was a loving, devoted, and supportive wife, mother, and grandmother. Although she was a mother to five, she was a second mother to many. She was especially proud and encouraging of her husband, Lloyd "Red", who was actively involved and held various positions in St. Martin Parish Government and the State of Louisiana for 43 years. In her free time she enjoyed reading, working outdoors, cooking for family gatherings and she occasionally enjoyed playing cards and going to the casino - she always enjoyed having a "shot" of coffee with her family and friends. It was known throughout Catahoula that her Lemon Meringue Pie was the best, by far. Like many others, she was an avid fan of the New Orleans Saints and looked forward to each and every season to cheer them on. Mary Lee observed the season of Lent with great reverence, with Good Friday being a most special day for her. It was on this day that she not only wanted for family and friends to come together spiritually, but to acknowledge the love each of them had for one another. She loved visiting with her customers in the bar and was genuinely concerned with what was going on in their lives. Mary Lee was very compassionate and had a heart of gold - she gave selflessly and would help anyone if they were in need. She will be sorrowfully missed by her family, friends, and the community which she held so dear to her heart. She is survived by her loving husband of 59 years, Lloyd Dave "Red" Higginbotham, Sr. of Catahoula; her son, Lloyd D. Higginbotham Jr. of Carencro; four daughters, Vicki Boudreaux and husband, Barry, Trudy Jetton and husband, Shawn, Arlene Higginbotham, Liz H. Breaux and companion, Wilton Gary, Jr., all of Catahoula; her brother, James Camille and wife, Gloria, of Catahoula; three sisters, Lories Dauphinet and husband, Richard, of Catahoula, Linda Pelous and husband, Robert, of Loreauville, and Velma Duplechien and husband, Billy, of Coteau Holmes; 22 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents, Walter J. and Emelina Johnson Camille; her brother, Jessie Camille; her sister, Amelinda C. Bergeron; and a grandson, Gabriel Higginbotham. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Dion Hall in Catahoula on Thursday, beginning at 10:30 am and continue until 10:30 am on Friday. A rosary will be recited at 7:00 pm on Thursday. Pallbearers will be Lloyd Higginbotham, Jr., Ridge Boudreaux, Rusty Latiolais, Lane Savoy, Darby Robicheaux, Lloyd Higginbotham III, Kagan Breaux, and Tanner Boudreaux. Honorary pallbearers will be her sons-in-law. Pellerin Funeral Home, (337.332.2111), is in charge of arrangements.




Charles Wayne Higginbotham (1950-2012) LA

Church Point, La. Funeral services will be held at 3:00 P.M. Friday, May 11, 2012 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Charles Wayne Higginbotham, 61. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and life-long resident of Church Point, died at 12:20 P.M. Wednesday, May 9 at Acadiana Regional Hospital in Lafayette, La. Father Cedric Sonnier, Pastor of St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Eunice, La., will conduct the services with interment following in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery on Highway 35 north of Church Point.

Survivors include his mother, Yvonne Guidry Higginbotham; his former wife and devoted friend, Jenny Guidry of Duson, La.; a daughter, Chrissie Higginbotham Benoit of Mire, La.; his brothers and sisters: Rufus and wife Belinda Joubert Higginbotham, Clinton and wife Carolyn Fontenot Higginbotham, Mary Higginbotham Guidry and husband Bernice and Glinda Higginbotham Thibodeaux and husband Patrick-all of Church Point- and his nieces and nephews: Erica Higginbotham Latiolais, Alison Higginbotham Matte, Riley Higginbotham, Father Mitchell Guidry and Jody Guidry, Jason, Jeremy, Alex, Gage and Gavin Higginbotham and Jacob and Lucas Thibodeaux .

He was preceded in death by his father, Roosevelt Higginbotham; his brother, Terry Higginbotham and a nephew, Nicholas Thibodeaux. The family requested that visiting hours be observed from 10:00 A.M. Friday until the time of services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held at 2:00 P.M. Friday by family members.

An employee of Coca-Cola Bottling for a number of years, Wayne was a past leader of the Boy Scout Troop 67 in Church Point and a past member of the Church Point Volunteer Fire Department.




Willie Ollie Higginbotham Morales (1925-2012) LA

Willie Ollie "Jackie" Morales passed away at 9:30 PM Friday, May 18, 2012 at Hammond Nursing Home.

She was 86 and a native of Walker.

Visitation will be held at Seale Funeral Home in Livingston On Monday, May 21, 2012 from 9:00 AM until religious services at 1:00 PM conducted by Lodney Higginbotham. Burial will be in the Old Red Oak Cemetery in Livingston.

Survived by 1 daughter and son-in-law, Phyllis and Joseph Tucker; 1 sister, Rebecca Smith; 3 brothers, Lodney, Phillip and Charles Higginbotham; 3 grandchildren, David Stafford, Caleb Stafford and Fiance' Edie and Danielle Stafford and Fiance' Josh Smith; 5 great-grandchildren, Destiny, Katelynn, Cheyenne, David and Cameron.

Preceded in death by her husband, Frank V. Morales; parents, Jack and Willie A. Smart Higginbotham.




Sally Gay Straughan Higginbotham (1953-2012) MO/LA

Mrs. Higginbotham, formerly of Union, Missouri and a resident of Port Barre, La., died at Opelousas General Health System on Sunday, May 27, 2012 after a lengthy illness.

She enjoyed reading, cooking and was a wonderful wife, mother, daughter and grandmother who will be missed by all who knew and loved her.

Survivors include her husband, Johnny Higginbotham of Port Barre, La.; her son, Johnny Keye Higginbotham of Port Barre, La.; her daughter, Kim Dawn Ball Wilson and her granddaughter, Mackenzie Dawn Wilson both of Union Missouri and her mother, Priscilla Israel of Port Barre, La.

She is preceded in death by her father, James Percy Straughan and her sister, Valli Dawn Straughan.

LaFond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas.



The Advocate 06/15/2012

Carolyn Pierce "Kakie" Higginbotham (ca1951-2012) LA

A native of New Orleans and a resident of Baton Rouge, she died of cardiac arrest at 6:03 a.m. Saturday, June 9, 2012 at Ochsner Medical Center. She was 59, a former short order cook. Visiting at Wilson-Wooddale Funeral Home on Saturday, June 16, 2012 from 9 a.m. until services at 11 a.m. conducted by Rev. Michael Dilworth. Survived by her husband, John Higginbotham; 1 daughter, Jolyn Pierce; 1 step-daughter, Takina Higginbotham; 1 son, Melvin 'Bo' Brown; 3 sisters, Janice Pierce, Thelma P. Baker and Mecho Alberton; 8 brothers, Leroy Haskell, Johnny R. Pierce, Graylon Pierce, James Pierce Jr., Julius Burns, Terry Burns, Jerry Burns and Paul Burns. Preceded in death by her mother, father, sisters, brothers and grandparents. Wilson- Wooddale Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. (225) 927-1640.



Shreveport Times 08/01/2012

Kira Lynn Woods Waltz Higginbotham (1965-2012) FL/LA

Elm Grove, LA-Kira Lynn Woods Higginbotham, 47 of Elm Grove, Louisiana passed away suddenly from complications with a long term illness on Friday, July 27, 2012 at Highland Hospital in Shreveport. She was born on February 19, 1965 in Panama City, Florida. She was a bookkeeper at Versa Finance. She enjoyed making beaded jewelry, working in her flower beds, and playing with her grandchildren. Kira was preceded by her Nephew, James Woods of Blountstown, FL. Kira is survived by her husband, Billy Higginbotham; daughter Cassie Waltz of Shreveport, LA; stepdaughter Allison Higginbotham Howell and husband Patrick Howell; two sons, Bradley Waltz of Elm Grove, LA and Daryl Waltz and wife Carmen Waltz, of Shreveport, LA; her mother and father, Ima Jean and Charles Woods of Blountstown, FL; brother James Woods of Hogansville, GA; two grandchildren, Savannah Waltz and Angel Texcucano; niece Cassandra Woods of Blountstown, FL and nephew Justin Woods of Hogansville, GA. Memorial services will be held on August 2, 2012 at 11am at Auld's Funeral Home in Shreveport with Reverend David Brice officiating. In lieu of flowers, please send memorials in the form of a donation to the local chapter of Shriner's Hospital on Kira's behalf . The family would like to send the deepest thanks to all friends and medical staff who loved, cared for, and supported Kira. We are forever grateful.



The Advocate 09/05/2012

Norma Cockrum Higginbotham (1972-20120 LA

(January 3, 1972 - August 31, 2012)

Norma "Freddye" Higginbotham, a resident of Zachary, LA, died on Friday, August 31, 2012 at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. She was currently employed with AMG of Feliciana in Clinton, LA. Visitation will be at Charlet Funeral Home, Inc. in Zachary on Thursday, September 6, 2012 from 5pm until 8pm and then on Friday, September 7, 2012 from 9am until services at 10am, conducted by Rev. Ed Jelks. Burial will be in Azalea Rest Cemetery in Zachary. She is survived by her husband of 16 years, Richard Higginbotham; one son, Cameron Ray Higginbotham; her mother, Norma Cockrum; one brother, Fred Cockrum Jr., nieces Janice Cockrum and Heather Cockrum and nephew Thomas Cockrum. She was preceded in death by her father, Fred Cockrum Sr. Pallbearers will be Richy Perry, Ricky "Chicken" Campbell, Chip LeCoq, Sean McDaniel, Ab Poole, and Kevin Deaton. Honorary pallbearers will be Monte Talley, Brandon Boggs, Hayden Mounce, Hunter Campbell, Stephen McGrath, Jacob Harvey, DJ Sullivan, Gage Stevens, Kyle Wilson and Kramer Pickett. The family would like to extend their thanks to the staff at the Lane Regional Medical Center Emergency Room and the Our Lady of the Lake for their loving care. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital . And she always encouraged her friends and family to donate their organs, as she did, so that others may live. Thanks to the Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency for their guidance.



The Advocate 09/19/2012

Herbert H. Higginbotham

A native and resident of Plaquemine, he passed away peacefully in his sleep with his children at his bedside on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at his residence. He was 70, a retired Offshore Laborer. Visiting St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Plaquemine on Friday, September 21, 2012 from 10am until Mass of Christian Burial at 12pm, celebrated by Father Cleo Milano. Cremation will follow with a private entombment of ashes at Grace Memorial Park. Survivors include his companion and caregiver, Rosalind Bueche; 1 daughter, Tracy Cook and husband Jason; their daughters, Brianna and Allison Cook of Laurel, MS; 3 sons, Michael Higginbotham and wife Natalie, their daughters, Alexis and Magdalene of Lafollette, TN; Robert Higginbotham and wife Jennifer, their children, Latisha and Landon of Lafollette, TN and David Higginbotham and wife Miki, their daughter Mollia of Yokohama, Japan; 3 brothers, Elton Higginbotham and wife Lucy; Melvin Higginbotham and wife Aggie and Gary Higginbotham. Preceded in death by father, Herbert Higginbotham; mother, Theresa Ruiz Morales; step- father, Burton "Coon" Morales. Pallbearers will be Michael and Robert Higginbotham, Jason Cook, Elton, Melvin and Gary Higginbotham. Honorary pallbearer is Travis Howell. He loved life, his children and grandchildren, and working out. He also loved boxing and was very proud of his achievements in the sport. Wilbert Funeral Home Plaquemine in charge of arrangements.



The Advocate 10/01/2012

Mable Jean Johnson Higginbotham (ca1962-2012) LA

Mable Jean Higginbotham, 50, passed away on Monday October 1, 2012 at North Oaks Medical Center in Hammond, LA. Visitation will be at Seale Funeral Home, Denham Springs, on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 from 8:00am until funeral services in the funeral home chapel at 10:00am. Burial will follow in Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Cemetery. She is survived by uncle, Ralph Thompson; cousins, Lisa Thacker and husband Corbin and Donnie Johnson and wife Bonnie. She is also survived by a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her father, Billy Johnson, and mother, Ella Mae Johnson.



Daily World 10/09/2012

Lawrence Higginbotham (1942-2012) LA

CHURCH POINT - Funeral Services will be Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church in Church Point at 2:00 PM for Lawrence "Curley" Higginbotham, 70 who passed away Monday, October 08, 2012 at 7:15 AM at his home in Church Point. Fr. Stephen Ugwu will be officiating for the services. Survivors include his wife, Mercy B. Higginbotham of Church Point; four daughters, Kristine and husband, Randy Bellard of Richard, Sonya and husband, Charles Richard of Church Point, Jennifer and husband, Chad Thibodeaux of Church Point and Rachel and husband, Shane Clavier of Church Point; two step daughters, Wendy and husband, Keith Turner and Debra Holden both of Church Point; two step sons, Larry Dan Hanna, Jr. and his wife Kathy of Dayton, TX. and Robert Wayne and wife, Tasha Hanna of Baytown, TX; two brothers, Ollie and wife, Evelyn Higginbotham of Church Point and Gene and wife, Cheryl Higginbotham of Lewisburg; twenty three grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Mr. Curley was preceded in death by his first wife, Rita Ann Noel Higginbotham; his parents, Emery and Lullian Higginbotham; one infant sister. Visitation will be Tuesday, 10:00 AM until the time of services on Wednesday. A Rosary will be recited at 7:00 PM on Tuesday in the funeral home chapel. Burial will be in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart #2 Cemetery under the direction of Duhon Funeral Home, LLC of Church Point.



Eunice Today.Com 10/17/2012

Jane Fuselier Higginbotham (1943-2012) LA

Jane F. Higginbotham was born on April 3, 1943 and passed away on October 13, 2012 at the age of 69. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday October 15, 2012 at 11 AM at St. Anthony's Catholic Church. Msg. Robert Romero will officiate. Jane is survived by three daughters, Sonya H. Fusilier and Paul La Combe of Eunice, LA; Dennine H. Mire and Barney of Grand Prairie, LA; Neysa Miller and Jeff of Eunice, LA; one brother, Lester "Spike" Fuselier of Lafayette, LA; eight grand children, Tre' Fusilier and wife Janie, Blaire Fusilier, Natalier Mire, Tyler Mire, Caroline Miller, John Ross Miller, Layne Miller, and Grace Miller. She is preceded in death by her parents, Leroy and Helen Vidrine Fuselier. The family will receive friends on Sunday October 14, 2012 from 4 PM to 10 PM. A Rosary will be prayed on Sunday at 7 PM by Deacon Chuck Ortego. The Funeral Home will reopen on Monday October 15, 2012 at 8 AM until service time. Quirk & Son Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.




Randel Scott Higginbotham (1964-20120 LA

Randel Scott Higginbotham, born 02/29/1964 at Cal Cam Hospital in Sulphur, LA, died November 02, 2012 @ Cal Cam Hospital after a long illness.

Randy worked in many trades, one being construction where he helped rebuild the destruction caused by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ivan.

Randy was preceded in death by his father Percy Higginbotham, mother Ella Bourque and brother James Darrell Higginbotham.
He is survived by his step-father, Richard Bourque and wife Patsy, brothers Kenneth Higginbotham and wife Rose of Moss Bluff, Gary Higginbotham and wife Belinda of Lake Charles. Sisters Patricia Franklin and husband Ronnie of Buna, TX, Kathy Whittington and husband Cody of Haughton, LA, Vickie Trotter of Dayton, TX, and Fay Leverkuhn and husband John of Ragley. Godchildren David Fruge of Bell City and Summer Landerneau of Ragley. Numerous nieces, nephews and great nieces and nephews.

His funeral will be at 10:00 AM, Monday, November 5, 2012 in the Johnson Funeral Home Chapel. Deacon George Carr will officiate. Visitation will be from 3:00 PM until 9:00 PM, today, with a rosary at 6:30 PM and continue from 8:00 AM until time of service in the funeral home. Graveside services will be at 1:00 PM, Monday, at Frye Cemetery in Mowata, LA under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home.

The family wishes to thank the Doctors and Nursing Staff of West Calcasieu Hospital in Sulphur, LA.



Shreveport Times 11/06/2012


Miriam Ruth James Higginbotham (1954-2012) LA

BOSSIER CITY, LA - Services for Miriam Ruth James Higginbotham will be 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at Rose-Neath's Bossier Chapel. Officiating will be Bro. Paul Murdock, pastor of Cross Creek Cowboy Church in Atlanta, TX. Interment will follow at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Mooringsport, LA. Visitation will be 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at Rose-Neath Funeral Home, Bossier City, LA. Miriam was born May 31, 1954 in Shreveport, LA and died November 4, 2012 in Shreveport, LA. She was preceded in death by her mother, Doris Solomon James. Miriam is survived by her father, John Ralph James of Shreveport, LA; daughters, Annie Cherry and husband Dave of Rodessa, LA, Brandi Higginbotham and fiancé Ryan Peek of Shreveport, LA; grandchildren, Paige Sumrall, Dave Cherry, Peyshance Higginbotham; great grandson, Colton Sumrall and siblings, Cheryl Bac of Houston, TX and Rusty James and wife Marianne, Jon James and wife Charla, Benny James and wife Pam and Troy James all of Shreveport, LA. She is also survived by a host of nieces, nephews, family and friends. Honoring Miriam as pallbearers will be Nathan Bac, Derek James, Scott James, Keith Rushing, Dave Cherry and Tyler James. Honorary pallbearers will be Nolan James and Hunter James. The family would like to thank the nursing staffs at Christus Schumpert and Grace Home for the love and care they showed our loved one.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 11/11/2012

Paul Rodney Higginbotham (1942-2012) LA/MS

Opelousas - Paul Rodney Higginbotham, age 70, of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, passed away in the comfort of his own home in the presence of family and friends on November 8, 2012.

He was the beloved husband of Diane Lisenbea Higginbotham, brother of Javalie Woodson, father of 12 children, grandfather of 23 grandchildren and great-grandfather of 16 great-grandchildren. He is also survived by numerous family and friends.

He was a native of Opelousas, Louisiana and resident of Hattiesburg, Mississippi for the past 7 years. He was a graduate of Opelousas High School, a highly decorated Cjief Warrant Officer of 25 years in the United States Coast Guard, worked at the Stennis Space Center, and for the City of Slidell. He was a former member of the Bayou Liberty Civic Club and St. Genevieve Church of Slidell, Louisiana.

He was preceded in death by Ida and Moise Kidder, "Mac" Higginbotham and PeeWee Higginbotham.

He was the life of the party, lived life to the fullest and never met a stranger. We will miss him dearly.

Visiting hours will be observed in the Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas, LA, on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, from 12 p.m. until 1:45 p.m.

Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, at Sibille Funeral Home Chapel in Opelousas, LA. Interment will follow in the Bellevue Memorial Park in Opelousas, LA.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas.





Eddie Higginbotham Jr. (1939-20120 LA

Eddie Higginbotham Jr. was a native of Lake Arthur, LA and a resident of Jennings, LA. He departed this life on Monday, November 26, 2012 at his residence at age 73. Eddie was a member of Love of Christ Ministries, where he served as a Deacon. He was a veteran of the United States Army and received an honorable discharge. He was a retired Operator in the Offshore Oil Field Production Industry.

Eddie is survived by his loving and devoted wife, Pamela Brown Higginbotham; his children, Eddie (Ella) Higginbotham Jr., Gary Higginbotham, Dana Higginbotham, Diane (Michael) Maybank, Melania Higginbotham, Lance (Malesia) Higginbotham, Darrell (Alicia) Higginbotham, and Journey Higginbotham; three step-children, Kamela Francis, Eldon Brown, and Gregory Livingston; two brothers, Robinson McZeal Jr. and Richard Higginbotham; four sisters, Velma Johnson, Dorothy Smith, Leatha Guillory, and Fannie Brush; sister-in-law, Carolyn Simon; twenty grandchildren and twenty-seven great-grandchildren.

Funeral services are scheduled for 11:00 am, Thursday, November 29th at Love of Christ Ministries with Reverend Roy Harman, Pastor officiating. Visitation will be in the church from 8:00 am in the church until the time of Funeral Services. Burial will be in Parkview Cemetery under the direction of Semien-Lewis Mortuary of Jennings.

Arrangements entrusted to Semien-Lewis Mortuary.




Norman Broussard-Higginbotham (1942-2012) LA

(January 6, 1942 - November 27, 2012)

A resident of Denham Springs, he died on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at his home. He was born January 6, 1942 in New Orleans and was 70 years of age. He is survived by his companion, Frances Heath, Denham Springs; 2 daughters, Patricia Broussard; Tori Falcon, Denham Springs, son, Jason Falcon, Baton Rouge; sister, Shirley Keyes, Michigan, brother, Raymond Sanders, Pride; 5 grandchildren, Jack, Teresa, Gage, Raven and Phoenix. Preceded in death by, mother, Vera Broussard; father, Woodrow Higginbotham, Sr.; grandmother, Myrtis Kirby Broussard. Visitation at McKneely Funeral Home, Kentwood, from 10 a.m. until religious services at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. Interment Woodland Cemetery, Kentwood.




Lilly Belle Cropper Higginbotham (1937-2012) LA

Lilly "Belle" Cropper Higginbotham, 75, of Lake Charles passed away Thursday, December 13, 2012 in a local hospital.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born, raised and educated in Opelousas, LA. She was a graduate of Opelousas High School and attended training classes at Louisiana Tech University. She worked thirty years in the Cafeteria, primarily at Oak Park Middle, before retiring with the Calcasieu Parish School Board. She was a member of Christ the King Catholic Church. Mrs. Higginbotham was a loving wife, mother and grandmother, devoting her life and her love to her family. She enjoyed sewing and cooking, especially for her Sunday family gatherings. She will be most remembered for her selflessness, always doing for others, never for herself.
She leaves to cherish her memory, her husband of fifty-seven years, Joseph Hamiel Higginbotham of Lake Charles; five children, John Mark Higginbotham and wife Pam; Ronald Dean Higginbotham and wife Nancy Sensat and Melissa LaBove, all of Lake Charles, Mary "Teedy" Vera and husband Neil of Lafayette and Joseph Chad Higginbotham and wife Julie of Lake Charles; twelve grandchildren, Seth, Jeremy, Shannon, John, Gary, Joey, Jamie, Matthew, Kaitlyn, Chris, Jake and Andrea and one sister, Joann Mitchell of Lake Charles.
She was preceded in death by her great-granddaughter, Payton Biddy; parents, Pierre and Lillian Stutes Cropper; one brother; Peter Cropper and one sister, Patsy Sonnier.
Funeral services will be at 2:00 PM Monday, December 17, 2012 at Christ the King Catholic Church under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home. Father Wayne LeBleu will officiate. Interment will follow in Consolata Cemetery. Visitation Sunday will be from 11:00 AM until 9:00 PM with a rosary beginning at 6:00 PM. Visitation Monday will be from 8:00 AM until the time of service in the funeral home.




Ricky Lee Hickingbottom (1951-2012) LA

Funeral services to celebrate the life of Ricky Lee Hickingbottom, 61, will be Thursday, December 27, 2012, at 12 Noon at Rose-Neath Southside Chapel. Officiating will be Dr. Howard Hall, Shreveport Baptist Temple. Interment will follow at Forest Park West Cemetery.

Visitation with family and friends will be from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 at the funeral home.

Ricky passed away December 22, 2012 after a sudden illness. He was born November 1, 1951 in Lebanon, PA. He enjoyed gardening, baseball (NY Yankee's), football (Cowboy's), spending time with his family and most of all cooking for all his family and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Billy "Rod" and Shirley Mae Hickingbottom. Ricky is survived by his loving wife of 42 years, Sherry Cagle Hickingbottom; daughters, Lisa Hickingbottom and Melissa Stephens and husband, Cody; grandchildren, Jessica McKenzie and fiancé JR Brooks, Jacob McKenzie, Michael Hickingbottom; great grandson, Ryder Brooks and sister, Pam Perrin and husband James; sisters-in-law, Sue Isbell and Gina Cagle and numerous nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers will be Scott Hickingbottom, Joe Hickingbottom, Jr., Dusty Brooks, D J Kimmel, Matt Kimmel and Gage Meshell.




Audrey Norma Young Higginbotham (1916-2013) LA

(July 29, 1916 - January 2, 2013)

Ringgold, LA – Funeral services for Audrey Higginbotham, 96, will be held at 10:00 am on Saturday, January 5, 2013 at Rockett Funeral Home Chapel in Ringgold, LA. Interment will follow at Bistineau Cemetery in Heflin, LA. Officiating the services will be Rev. Rhuel Young. Visitation will be held from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm on Friday, January 4, 2013. Mrs. Higginbotham was born on July 29, 1916 and passed away on January 2, 2013. She was preceded in death by her husband Ernest Delton Higginbotham. Left to cherish her memories are her son, Eddie Higginbotham and his wife Glenda of Ringgold, LA; two grandchildren, Bridget Higginbotham of Malvern, PA and Tallie Higginbotham of Ringgold, LA; great grandson, Eli Higginbotham of Ringgold, LA; sisters-in-law, Charlene Young of Fryeburg, LA and Lillian Young of Jonesboro, LA; brother-in-law, A.C. Higginbotham of Springhill, LA; along with a host of other relatives and friends.



TheAdvocate.com Feb. 11, 2013

Annie Higginbotham Roberts (1927-2013) MS/LA

Our special angel, Annie "Ann" Higginbottom Roberts, was called up to heaven to be with her Lord and Savior on Sunday, February 10, 2013 at the age of 85.
She was a native of Mississippi, and a resident of Baton Rouge.
Annie enjoyed needle point, crocheting, and loved to take on the challenge of a puzzle. She was a loving mother, sister, grandmother, and great grandmother who will be missed dearly by all who knew her.
She is survived by her daughter, Loxie Oufnac and husband James; son, Wesley E. Roberts III and wife June; sisters, Edna Parker, Bessie Thorton and Claudie Higginbottom; brothers, Sam Higginbottom, Paul Higginbottom, and Robert Higginbottom; three grandchildren, Allison Gulino, Rusty Roberts, and Darren Oufnac; six great grandchildren, Sheena Rogers, Danielle Mansur, Haley Roberts, Briana Roberts, Keilie Roberts, and Ciro Gulino.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Wesley E. Roberts Jr.; and parents, Cannie and Lettie Higginbottom.
Visitation will be held at Greenoaks Funeral Home on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 from 5pm until 8 pm and resume on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 from 9am until funeral service at 10am. Interment will follow in Greenoaks Memorial Park.



Tammy Marie Higginbotham Theriot (1970-2013) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial for Mrs. Tammy Marie Theriot will be celebrated at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 25, 2013 in St. Peter's Catholic Church, Pine Prairie with Father Richard Broussard officiating. Interment will follow in St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Rush Funeral Home, Pine Prairie.

Mrs. Theriot, 42, of Turkey Creek, entered eternal rest on Thursday, February 21, 2013.

She was preceded in death by her father, Patrick Homer Higginbotham and one cousin, Mona Denise Higginbotham.

Those left to mourn her loss and cherish her memory include her loving husband, of twenty-seven years, Wayne Joseph Theriot of Turkey Creek; three sons, Duggie Wayne Theriot and Tommy James Theriot, both of Turkey Creek and Zach Blood of Pineville; one daughter, Jennifer Ann Fortenberry and her husband, Nolan of Easton; her mother, Helen Andrus of Pine Prairie; three brothers, Patrick Mark Higginbotham of Beaver Creek, Chad Higginbotham and his wife, Brandy of Oakdale and Eric Higginbotham and his wife, Sandy of Bushnell, Florida; three sisters, Jessica Ann Fontenot and her husband, Paul of Pine Prairie, Rachel Hebert and her husband, Rodney of Beaver Creek and Nicole Jordan of Lake Charles; three grandchildren, Zoey Marie Fortenberry, Joseph Paul Fortenberry and A'lisse Jade Fortenberry and numerous nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews.

Friends may call at Rush Funeral Home, Pine Prairie on Sunday, February 24, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. and on Monday, February 25, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. until departure for St. Peter's Catholic Church for 2:00 p.m. services.

A rosary will be recited at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday in the funeral home.



The Advertiser & Daily World 03/13/2013

John Larry Higginbotham (1940-2013) LA

Church Point, La. Funeral Services will be held at 1:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at St. Edmund Catholic Church in Branch, La. for John Larry Higginbotham,72. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and long-time resident of rural Acadia Parish near Branch, died at 3:50 P.M. Sunday, March 10 at his residence. Father Paul Broussard will conduct the services with interment following in the St. Edmund Cemetery adjacent to the church.

Survivors include his wife Sabal ; a son, Joey and her grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Walter and Cora (Richard) Higginbotham; four brothers and two sisters.

A U.S. Army veteran of the Viet Nam Era, Mr. Higginbotham will be honored with a Flag Presentation Ceremony at the funeral home prior to services.



The Advertiser 03/16/2013

Lloyd Dave Higginbotham Sr. (1926-2013) LA

Nov 10 1926 - Mar 14 2013

Catahoula - A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 3:00 p.m., on Monday, March 18, 2013, at St. Rita Catholic Church in Catahoula, for Lloyd Dave "Red" Higginbotham, Sr., 86, who passed away on Thursday, March 14, 2013, at his residence. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Dion Hall in Catahoula from 11:00 a.m. on Sunday and continue until 2:30 p.m. on Monday. A Rosary will be prayed at 7 p.m. on Sunday. Fr. Richard Fabre will officiate at the Funeral Mass. Scriptures will be read by Lloyd Higginbotham, Jr. and Tiffanie Bulliard. Interment will follow at Our Lady of the Lake Cemetery in Catahoula. Lloyd, better known by his family and friends as 'Red,' was a veteran of the United States Army, having honorably served his country during World War II, and also served as a medic on the U.S.S. Comfort. He was the owner and operator of the well-known, Red’s Levee Bar and various other businesses for numerous years. Red was actively involved in politics, serving as an elected official for 42 years. During the span of his political career he served in the capacity as: Justice of the Peace, Parish Councilman, and was a past President of the Louisiana Policy Jury Association. Red was a renowned fortune teller and Cajun healer, otherwise known as a 'Traiteur' and was visited by patients from all parts of the world. In his free time, Red enjoyed going to the horse races and casinos, dancing to Cajun music, and he also enjoyed gardening. He was known by many as a generous man and always willing to assist anyone in need. Red especially loved visiting with his friends at the bar and spending time with his family. Survivors include his son, Lloyd D. Higginbotham, Jr. of Carencro; four daughters, Vicki Boudreaux and husband, Barry, Trudy Jetton and husband, Shawn, Arlene Higginbotham, and Liz H. Breaux and companion, Wilton Gary, Jr., all of Catahoula; his brother, Francis Higginbotham of St. Martinville; two sisters, Edith Higginbotham of Lafayette, and Jeanette Higginbotham of Catahoula; 22 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 59 years, Mary Lee Camille Higginbotham; his parents, Dave and Bernadette LeBlanc Higginbotham; and his sister, Gertrude Theriot. Pallbearers will be Lloyd Higginbotham, Jr., Ridge Boudreaux, Rusty Latiolais, Lane Savoy, Lloyd Higginbotham, III, Kagan Breaux, Tanner Boudreaux, and Francis Higginbotham. Honorary pallbearers will be Darby Robicheaux and Mark Lanerie.



Daily World 03/17/2013

Estelle Tweedel Higginbotham (1929-2013) LA

CHURCH POINT - Funeral services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Monday, March 18, 2013 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, La. for Estelle Higginbotham, the former Estelle Tweedel. Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Lewisburg, La. and long-time resident of Church Point, died at 10:25 A.M. Saturday, March 16 at Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home in Church Point. Monsignor Jefferson J. DeBlanc will conduct the services with entombment following in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Highway 35 north of Church Point. Survivors include two sons, Danny Higginbotham of Opelousas and Blane Higginbotham of Church Point; a daughter, Carla Ethridge and husband Marty of Youngsville, La.; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dan Higginbotham, Sr.; her parents, Joseph and Josephine (Gay) Tweedel and two grandchildren, Martin Allen Ethridge, Jr. and Scott Tyler Ethridge. She was also preceded by a sister and four brothers. Mrs. Higginbotham was an LPN at Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point for over forty years. The family requested that visiting hours be observed from 1:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. on Sunday, March 17 and continue from 8:00 A.M. Monday until the time of services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Sunday by Monsignor DeBlanc Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, La. (337) 684-5488.



Southwest Daily News 04/17/2013

Tami Fontenot Higginbotham (ca1972-2013) LA

A memorial service for Tami Fontenot Higginbotham, 41, will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 2 p.m. at the American Legion Post 407 located at 912 John Stine Rd., Westlake, LA 70669.




Steve Higginbotham (1925-2013) LA

Steve Higginbotham, Sr., 87, of Lake Charles, LA died at 9:02 AM on Friday, April 26, 2013 in a local care facility.
Mr. Higginbotham was born July 20, 1925 in Washington, LA and attended Second Ward High School. He served his country in the U.S. Army. He worked at PPG for over thirty-seven years, starting as a laborer, worked as an operator and retired in security. After retirement he worked as a courier for First National Bank for eleven years and for William B. Lawton Corp. for a number of years. He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church for over sixty years. Mr. Higginbotham enjoyed spending time in his garden and loved cooking and baking. He cherished the Saturdays spent with his family.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife of sixty-four years, Ethel Derouen Higginbotham; daughter, Lorraine Holmes of Lake Charles; three sons, Steve Higginbotham, Jr. and wife Cheré of Houston, TX, Darrell C. Higginbotham, Sr. and wife Daphne and Tyrone Higginbotham; daughter-in-law, Sylvia Ann Higginbotham, all of Lake Charles; thirteen grandchildren; twenty-two great-grandchildren; one great-great grandchild; and numerous nieces.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Steve and Viola Bradley Higginbotham; sister, Lula Mae Hayes Brown; and nephew Calvin.
His funeral service will be at 11:00 AM on Friday, May 3, 2013 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Rev. Father Clyde Thomas will officiate. Burial will follow in Sacred Heart Cemetery in Lake Charles. Visitation will be at Johnson Funeral Home on Friday from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.



The Advocate 04/29/2013

Myrtle Rebecca Higginbotham Smith (ca1936-2013) LA

Myrtle Rebecca Higginbotham Smith, 77, passed away peacefully at her home surrounded by her family on Sunday, April 28, 2013. She was a native and resident of Livingston. She was a devoted wife and loving mother. She is survived by her daughter, Deirdre LeCroy, her two sons, Keith and Stacy Smith and three brothers, Lodney, Phillip and Charles Higginbotham. She is also survived by nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hugh W. Smith, eight siblings, Willie "Jackie" Morales, Jack "Scott" Higginbotham, Jr., Julius Edward Higginbotham, Martha Lou Lee, Jerry Pipes Higginbotham, Maggie Acinith Higginbotham, David Marcus Higginbotham and Sterling Higginbotham and also one grandchild, Huey Smith. Visitation will be held at Seale Funeral Home, Livingston on Thursday, May 2, 2013 from 5:00 pm until 9:00pm and on Friday, May 3, 2013 from 9:00am until funeral services at 10:00am. Interment will follow in James Chapel Cemetery, Holden.



The Advocate 05/01/2013

Bernice Higginbotham (1919-2013) LA

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7. A loving wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Bernice was known to her family and friends as Aunt Bee, and Nannie. She was a great cook and loved her family above all. She was a resident of Central, and a native of Effie, La. She passed away Tuesday April 30, 2013 at the age of 93. Visitation will be at Greenoaks Funeral Home, 9595 Florida Blvd., on Thursday, May 2, 2013 from 5pm to 9pm. Visiting continues at the funeral home on Friday, May 3, 2013 from 11am till service time at 2pm. Interment will follow in Greenoaks Memorial Park. Bernice is survived by two daughters, Charlene Alderman, and husband Cracker, and Gwen Crenshaw, and husband Harvey Sr., son Woodrow Higginbotham Jr., and wife Camille, nine grandchildren Trey Higginbotham, Troy Higginbotham and wife René, Blake Higginbotham and wife Amy, Tarra A. Bueche and husband Mike, Jack Alderman and wife Nancy, Michael "Mick" Alderman and fiancée Brittany Cook, Harvey Crenshaw Jr., and wife Stacy, Felicia Lobrano and husband Blair, and Richey Crenshaw, and fifteen great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband Woodrow (Honey) Higginbotham, Sr., and parents. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Shriners Children Hospital, 6977 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77030.




Markus Wayne Higginbotham (1969-2013) TX/LA

June 11, 1969 - May 12, 2013

Mark Higginbotham, 43, of Bon Wier, TX, passed from this life on Sunday, May 12, 2013 in Alexandria, LA.  Those left to cherish his memory are his mother and stepfather, Susie and Don Low of Bon Wier, TX; sons, Markous W. Purdy Jr. and Timothy Purdy of DeRidder, LA; daughters, Maranda Purdy of Bon Wier, TX and LeeAnn Hughes of Houston, TX; brothers, Keith Higginbotham of Bon Wier, TX, Tristan Herrington of Bon Wier, TX, Jed Low of Jacksonville, TX, Jay Low of Midland, TX, Ben Low of Ingram, TX and Mark Ashworth of Bon Wier, TX; sister, Wanda Morgan of Pocahontas, AR; grandchildren, Cali Hughes of Houston, TX and Braxton Purdy of Raleigh, North Carolina.  He was preceded in death by his father, Hildred Higginbotham. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 from 5:00 until 10:00pm at Myers-Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder, LA.  A memorial service will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at 10:00am at Myers-Colonial Funeral Home.  Pastor Perfecto Serna and Kyle May will officiate.




Ben Joseph Higginbotham Sr. (1924-2013) LA

Church Point—A Mass of Christian Burial for Ben Joseph Higginbotham, Sr., 89, of Church Point will be celebrated on Friday, July 5, 2013 at 11:00 A.M. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Church Point. Father Mitchell Guidry will serve as celebrant. Entombment with military honors will follow in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery #2 Mausoleum, Church Point. Visitation will be held on Thursday, July 4, 2013 from 5:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. in Duhon Funeral Home of Church Point, with a rosary being recited at 7:00 P.M. Visitation will continue on Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 10:30 A.M. in the funeral home. Mr. Higginbotham passed away on Monday, July 1, 2013 in his Church Point residence. A native and lifelong resident of Church Point, Mr. Higginbotham served his country in the U. S. Army during World War II. His service included campaigns in Europe (Northern France, Ardennes, and Rhineland), as well as in Asia (Asiatic-Pacific and Philippine Liberation). Mr. Higginbotham retired as a driver for Church Point Wholesale after many years of service. He was a member of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Mr. Higginbotham was an excellent cook, and he loved cooking for his family and friends. His greatest joy in life was caring for and spending time with his family. Survivors include his wife of 67 years, May Lilly Doucet Higginbotham of Church Point; daughter, Mary Ann Guidry and husband, Richard of Zachary; sons, Ben Joseph Higginbotham, Jr. of Church Point, Russell James Higginbotham and wife, Diane of Church Point, Kenneth Higginbotham and wife, Ellen of Auburn, NE, and Jude Higginbotham and wife, Patty of Branch; grandchildren, Beth Allison Hembree and husband, Daniel of Zachary, Mary Ann Higginbotham of Zachary, Catherine Ann Travis and husband, Gavin of Ethel, Roger Guidry and wife, Tina of Warrington, PA, Jaret Michelle Guidry of Baton Rouge, Peyton Wyatt Higginbotham of Branch, and Braedon Trace Higginbotham of Branch; great-grandchildren, Mason Lane Rojas, Eli James Hembree, Asher Luke Hembree, Emerald Michelle Guidry, and Ethan McKenzie Guidry; and a host of other relatives and friends. Preceding Mr. Higginbotham in death were his parents, Robert and Marie Briscoe Higginbotham; granddaughter, Lilly Janell Higginbotham; sisters, Agathe Guidry, May Ashford, Mary Dula Arabie, Mary Belle Olivier, Marie Ella Thibodeaux, Marie Alita Hebert, and Dewilda Richard; and brothers, Elridge Higginbotham, Joseph Horace Higginbotham, Joseph Asa Higginbotham, Joseph Abraham Higginbotham, and Joseph Harry Higginbotham. Condolences may be expressed online at www.duhonfuneralhome.com Duhon Funeral Home, LLC of Church Point has been entrusted with arrangements.




Michael Higginbotham (1958-2013) LA

Funeral services for Michael Higginbotham of Leesville were held Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at Pine Hill Baptist Church on Highway 8 west of Leesville. The Rev. Bill Blackmon and Noel Alexander officiated. Burial followed in the Pine Hill Cemetery.

Michael 55, of Leesville passed away Saturday, at his residence after battling cancer. He was a life resident of Leesville and was a Heavy Equipment Operator in the Logging industry and a member of Pine Hill Baptist Church.

Preceding him in death was his parents; Ernie and Edna Alexander Higginbotham.

Survivors are his wife of 27 yrs. of Leesville; Children; two sons and one daughter-in-law; three daughters.
Four Sisters and Nine Grandchildren

Services were under the guidance of Jeane's Funeral Service of Leesville.




Southwest Daily News 10/09/2013

Mary Higginbotham Meche (1920-2013) LA

Mary Higginbotham Meche, 92, passed away on October 7, 2013 in a local hospital. She was born on November 14, 1920 in Church Point. Mary was a loving person who never met a stranger and was always helping everyone. She was beautiful inside and out and her family was the center of her life. Mary was a member of the "Nifty-Fifty," loved to line dance, and ran the "Sulphur Sweet Shop." She also loved flower gardening, telling stories, sewing and cooking. Her baked from scratch cakes were one of her specialties no one could touch. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2013, 11 a.m.. at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church in Sulphur with Father Thomas Huhn, M.S. officiating. Burial will follow in Mimosa Pines Cemetery in Carlyss under the direction of Johnson and Robison Funeral Home. The family will receive friends on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at the funeral home from 5 to 9 p.m. with a rosary at 6:30 p.m. and will resume on Thursday at 9 a.m. until time of the service. Mary is survived by her six children, Loretta Warren of Westlake, Betty Youngblood, James Meche, and Jody Higginbotham all of Lake Charles, Ella Meche Barbe of New Orleans, and Richard Meche of Richmond, Texas; one brother, Voris Higginbotham of Church Point; eight grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; and four great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, Eldridge and Josephine Higginbotham; daughter, Murella Meche; brother, Curley Higginbotham; sister, Verlie Cormier; and her only niece, Mary Lee Arceneaux.



Hixson Snider Funeral Home DeQuincy 10/30/2013

Mary Sybil Higginbotham LeJeune (1923-2013) LA

Sybil LeJeune, 90, passed away Wednesday, October 30, 2013 in a local care center surrounded by her loving family.

She was a native of Church Point, LA and had lived in DeQuincy for the past 33 years. Sybil was a member of Our Lady of LaSallette Catholic Church. She had a green thumb and loved flower gardening. She enjoyed family gatherings and loved watching humming birds.

She is survived by two sons, Robert LeJeune and companion Ramona Newman and Russell LeJeune and wife Paula all of Lake Charles; four daughters, Delores LeBleu of DeQuincy, Barbara Myers and husband Kenneth of Mauriceville, TX, Patricia Pharris of DeQuincy and Peggy Bourne and husband C.E. of Jefferson, TX; two sisters, Georgia Cormier of Lake Charles and Joyce LeBleu of Port Arthur, TX; 29 grandchildren and numerous great and great great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Edd LeJeune; her parents, Marion and Edna Higginbotham; two daughters, Virginia LeJeune and Lois Istre; and four son-in-laws, Oze LeBlue, Arvil LeDoux, Bobby Pharris and Rodney "Monk" LeJeune.

Her funeral will be at 12 noon Friday, November 1, in Our Lady of LaSallette Catholic Church in DeQuincy. Father Edward Brunnert will officiate.

Burial will be in St. Lawrence Catholic Cemetery in Mowata, LA under the direction of Hixson Snider Funeral Home of DeQuincy.

Visitation will be on Thursday, October 31 from 4pm until 9pm with a scripture service at 6:30pm and will resume at 9am until service time at the funeral home.



The Advocate 12/12/2013

Mary Elizabeth Cernich Higginbotham (1965-2013) LA

A celebration of life service for Mrs. Mary Cernich Higginbotham, 48, will be 3 pm Saturday at the chapel of Seale Funeral Home; visitation will begin at 10 am until time of the service; interment will follow at Evergreen Memorial Mausoleum. Mrs. Higginbotham was born on February 27, 1965 in Morgan City, LA to the union of Benjamin George Cernich Sr. and Althea Roig Cernich and departed from this life on Tuesday Evening December 10, 2013 at Ochsner Medical Center. She was a collector with City Credit; a member of the Catholic Faith; she was known to all her family and friends as "Roadrunner"; she was past president of the 6th district of the American Legion; current vice president of the 6th district and Unit 248 Secretary, and that was her passion; she had a heart of compassion always helping and giving to others. She is preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her husband of 17 years Troy Higginbotham; sisters Lori Ann Cernich and Holly Cernich Pellerin and husband Mark Sr., brothers Benjamin George Cernich Jr. and Jason Anthony Cernich; nieces and nephews Taylor, Sydni, Cameron, Logan, Abby, Mark Jr., and Braylynn. Memorials preferred to the American Cancer Society or to the American Legion.




Glenn Joseph Higginbotham (1956-2014) LA

Glenn Joseph Higginbotham, 57, passed away on Monday, January 6, 2014 surrounded by family and friends. He was a "roughneck" and a tugboat Captain for many years. He loved to fish, sit at the "point", and fill the breeze, listening to his music while watching the tugs go by. He loved his family and especially the children that filled his heart with love and happiness. "I am a "SIMPLE MAN". Survivors include mother, Dorothy Jane Higginbotham; one son, Glenn Derrick Higginbotham; two grandsons, Devan Ivory and Dakota Higginbotham; sisters, Mary and Russell Henry, Mona, Donna, Selina and husband Brian Holden, and Dorothy "DJ" Higginbotham; brothers, Davis and wife Cindy Higginbotham and Arvin and wife Melissa Higginbotham. He is preceded in death by his loving wife, Maxine Higginbotham; father, James Higginbotham; brother-in-laws, Charles "Moose" Bouillion and Steve Matte. A Memorial service will be held at 2:00 PM Saturday, January 11, 2014 at the Calcasieu Point, 3955 Henry Puhe Blvd, Lake Charles, LA.



The Times-Picayune 01/14/2014

Yvonne Denise Dunigan Higginbotham (1964-2014) VA/LA

Yvonne Denise Dunigan Higginbotham was born on December 16, 1964 in Newport News, VA to the late Theodore Roosevelt and Joyce Carol Dunigan. She departed this life on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 in Laplace, LA. She is survived by 3 sons: Dwight D. Jackson, Jr. (Tocorra), Theodore R. Jackson (Jasmine), and Kalep Higginbotham; 5 grandchildren: Miami, Raven, Gabrielle, Kaylee and Harmony; 3 sisters: Edith Dunigan of River Ridge, LA, Julie Duiguid of Institute, WV, and Alva Dunigan of Houston, TX; 1 brother, Jason Williams (Tiffany) of Charleston, WV, and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services on Friday, January 17, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, 147 E. 20th Street, Reserve, LA 70084. Pastor Forell Bering, Officiating Visitation will begin at 9:00 a.m. Interment: Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery, Reserve, LA. Richardson Funeral Home of Jefferson in charge of arrangements.



The Advertiser 03/02/2014

Lorita Ann Higginbotham Bearb

RAYNE - Funeral services will be held at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Monday, March 3, 2014 at 10:00 am for Lorita Higginbotham Bearb, 64, who died Saturday, March 1, 2014. Interment will be in the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church Cemetery, Church Point, LA. Surviving are her husband, Jules Donald Bearb of Rayne; two sons, Chris Bearb and wife JoAnn of Lake Charles, and Nick Bearb and wife Kylie of Rayne; five Grandchildren, Landon Bearb, Alaina Bearb, Jace Perry, Gracie Bearb and Hannah Bearb; two sisters, Priscilla Richard of Opelousas and Linda Dunn of Alvin, TX. She was preceded in death by her parents Homer and Eula Guidry Higginbotham; and two brothers, Patrick and Pershing Higginbotham. Friends will be received Sunday, March 2, 2014 from 2:00 pm until 9:00 pm & Monday, March 3, 2014 from 8:00 am until 9:30 am at Gossen Funeral Home, Inc., Rayne, LA. A Rosary will be recited at 7:00 pm Sunday, March 2, 2014. Arrangements have been entrusted to Gossen Funeral Home, Inc. of Rayne, LA, (337) 334-3141.


Daily World 03/06/2014

Lucille Higginbotham (1923-2014) LA

LAWTEL - A Mass of Christian Burial for Lucille Higginbotham will be held on Thursday March 6, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. at the St. Bridget Catholic Church in Lawtell. Rite of committal will take place at the St. Bridget Catholic Cemetery. Celebrating the Mass will be Reverend Ted Broussard. Ms. Higginbotham, age 91, a resident of Beaumont, TX, died on March 3, 2014 at Prompt Succor Nursing Home in Opelousas, LA. She was a retired C.P.A. from Eastman Industries. She enjoyed her dogs and horses and spending time at the beach. She is survived by her nieces, Glenda Fontenot of Carencro, Charlene Smith, Diana Walkowiak and Mona Prejean all of Lawtell, nephews, Darold Prejean of Butte LaRose and Kenny Prejean of Lawtell and also numerous great nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death was her parents, Jacob and Eve Meche Higginbotham, her significant other, Becky Thames and by a sister, Iris Prejean. The family has requested visitation be held on Thursday March 6, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. until time of services at 1:00 p.m., with a rosary being prayed at 10:00 a.m. Music will be provided by Randal and Stacey Caffery and family. Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas, (2845 South Union Street, Opelousas, La., (942-2638) has been entrusted with the funeral arrangements.



The Advocate 05/01/2014

Juanita Higginbotham Cannon (ca1939-2014) LA

Juanita Higginbotham Cannon Entered into eternal rest at her sister's (Dean) residence in Zachary, LA on Sunday, April 27, 2014. She was a 75 year old native of Zachary and resident of Baton Rouge, LA. A 1957 graduate of Northwestern High School and Southern University, she was a retired E.B.R. elementary school educator. Religious service will be held at New Providence B.C. on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 10am, conducted by Rev. Morris Jackson, interment, Southern Memorial Gardens. Survivors include her sisters, Gloria Dean H. Patin (Claude Sr.) and Florida Higginbotham; nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Andrew Cannon; parents, Charlie and Pearl Holmes Higginbotham; siblings, Johnnie Mae Higginbotham and Lucy Higginbotham Jones. Arrangements entrusted to Miller & Daughter Mortuary.



The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, LA) 5/11/2014

Clovis Dunn Higginbotham (1926-2014) LA/WA

Pullman, Wash. - Clovis Dunn Higginbotham died on May 5, 2014, his 88th birthday, in Pullman, WA after a brief illness.

He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Martha Kerby Higginbotham; daughter, Claudia Delgado of Pullman, married to Carmelo; son, Toby Higginbotham of Houston, married to Janie; and grandson, Garrett Higginbotham, Houston.

As a Marine of World War II, he was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries sustained on Iwo Jima. He was a 1951 graduate of Texas A&M and was a proud A&M football fan.

Clovis and Martha lived in Lafayette for over 40 years. He was in the oil service industry and owned Louisiana Wireline, Inc. He was a avid golfer at Oak Bourne Country Club, he was a member of First Presbyterian Church, and he volunteered for Meals on Wheels.

His children will honor him at a private memorial service in Pullman.




Ruby Clark Higginbotham (1915-2014) LA

July 29, 1915 - July 27, 2014

Ruby Clark Higginbotham, 98, passed away on Sunday, July 27, 2014 in Stockbridge, GA, two days short of her 99th birthday on July 29.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a loving mother and gifted educator, inspiring many generations of children including her own to excel beyond their dreams. She was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana where she graduated from McDonogh #35 High School and subsequently received a B.A. in Education from Xavier University of New Orleans. Mrs. Higginbotham then began an exceptional teaching career that spanned over 40 years, including 34 years with the New Orleans Public School System, most of those years at McDonogh #6 Elementary School. She completed her teaching career at Blessed Sacrament School in uptown New Orleans. In addition to her students, she also inspired her family as a devoted wife and mother of three daughters. She was an avid bridge player and a member of the TNT Bridge Club for over 50 years.

Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband of 66 years, Luther Higginbotham of New Orleans, LA, formerly a Tuskegee Airman in World War II. Both were celebrated teachers in their careers.

Those left to mourn her loss and cherish her memory are daughters, Dr. Edith Higginbotham of Henderson, Nevada, Cecelia Higginbotham of Leesville, LA, Dr. Eve Higginbotham-Williams and husband Dr. Frank Williams of McDonough, GA and Philadelphia, PA; cousin, Abner J. Claude, Jr. of Erwinville, LA; granddaughter, Dr. Lenora Ann Higginbotham of Baltimore, MD; and numerous friends and extended family.

Interment will be at 3 PM at Lake Lawn Park Mausoleum on Wednesday, August 6.

Lake Lawn Metairie Funeral Home



The News Star 06/30/2014

Amy Virginia Haywood Higginbotham (1939-2014) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Amy Virginia (Jenny) Haywood Higginbotham, age 75, of Newellton, La., will be Monday, June 30, 2014, at 11:00 A.M., at the First Baptist Church in Newellton, La., with Bro. Scott Byrd officiating, assisted by Bro. Don Thornton. Visitation will be one hour before the service at the church from 10:00 until 11:00 A.M. Burial will follow in Legion Cemetery in Newellton under the direction of Crothers-Glenwood Funeral Home. Mrs. Higginbotham died Saturday, June 28, 2014, at the Franklin Medical Center in Winnsboro, La., after a lengthy illness following a stroke. She was surrounded by her family. She was born May 20, 1939, in St. Joseph, La., to Sam and Amy Morgan Haywood. She was a lifelong resident of Newellton, La. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents, two brothers, O. J. and Doyle Haywood, and one sister, Imogene Bobo. Survivors include her loving husband of 53 years, Ray Higginbotham, 2 sons, Scott Higginbotham of Ridgeland, Ms., and Barry (Elizabeth) Higginbotham of Franklin, Tn., and 2 daughters, Kristi (Jay Roy) Mount of Longview, Texas, and Jill (Michael) Monsour of Neenah, Wisconsin, and 6 grandchildren, Andy Higginbotham of Oxford, Ms., Sam and Riley Higginbotham of Franklin, Tn., Jayden Mount of Longview, Tx., and Lainey Johnston and Mia Monsour of Neenah, Wisconsin, and 1 sister, Margaret (Carl) Higginbotham of Groesbeck, Tx., and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. Pallbearers will be deacons of the First Baptist Church of Newellton. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home or First Baptist Church in Newellton. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the medical staffs at Franklin Medical Center and Plantation Manor in Winnsboro, La., and Cornerstone Hospital in West Monroe, La. Crothers Glenwood Funeral Home Tallulah, LA.




Helen Louise Vail Hickingbottom (1935-2014) AR/LA

BASTROP, LA. Funeral services for Mrs. Louise Hickingbottom will be held 10:00 A.M. Thursday, July 3, 2014 at the Chapel of Cox Funeral Home of Bastrop. Reverends Paul Carter and Bodie Spicer will officiate the services.

Interment and committal will follow at Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Cox Funeral Home.

Helen Louise Hickingbottom was born January 1, 1935 at Wilmot, Arkansas to the late Jeremiah Samuel "Jerry" Vail and Norma Geane Foster Vail.

She passed away July 30, 2014 at Morehouse General Hospital in Bastrop, Louisiana following an extended illness.

She is preceded in death by her parents; a son-in-law, Carl Dean Reynolds; great-grandson, Gavin Lane Tidwell; and six siblings, Geane Martin, Muriel Finney, Marvin, Narvin, Junior, and D.W. Vail.

Mrs. Hickingbottom loved her Lord and she served him as a Sunday school teacher at Mt. Zion Baptist Church and later Faith Baptist Church, where she was a member. She enjoyed cooking, baking, sewing, and crocheting. Most of all she loved and enjoyed her family, especially the time spent with her great-grandchildren.

Louise Hickingbottom is survived by her husband of forty-two years, John Hickingbottom of Bastrop; five children, Carolyn Sykes and husband, Larry of Swartz, Louisiana, Cathy Parker and husband, Bobby of Mer Rouge, Louisiana, Joy Reynolds of West Monroe, Louisiana, Carlton Kelley of Texas, and John C. "Little John" Hickingbottom and wife, Staci of Bastrop, Louisiana; seven grandchildren, Stephanie Reynolds Tidwell and husband, James of Bastrop, Louisiana, Chad Reynolds and wife, Kristy of Bastrop, Louisiana, Bonnie Campbell and husband, Chris of Shreveport, Louisiana, Drew Kelley of Longview, Texas, Linzey Kelley of Crossett, Arkansas, Kiersten Hickingbottom and Kylee Hickingbottom, both of Bastrop, Louisiana. She is also survived by four sisters, Juanita Jeffery, Frances Jeffery, Ellen Gregory, and Arlene Straughn; a brother, David Vail; and seven great-grandchildren.

Serving as pallbearers are James Tidwell, Larry Sykes, Chad Reynolds, Coleton Reynolds, Kaleb Reynolds, Triston Reynolds, and Justin Reynolds.

Cox Funeral Home


The Town Talk 07/03/2014

Nell Higginbotham Atwood (1935-2014) LA

Services for Nell Higginbotham Atwood will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 5, 2014 in the chapel of John Kramer & Son Funeral Home with Rev. Larry Clark officiating. Interment will follow in Alexandria Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be held at the funeral home on Friday, July 4, 2014 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will resume on Saturday, at 8:30 a.m. until time of service. Nell Higginbotham Atwood, 79, of Alexandria passed away on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 in Rapides Regional Medical Center. She is preceded in death by her parents, Albert Higginbotham and Ellen Minges; her husband of 57 years Charles Elmo Atwood; one son Charles Monroe Atwood; one sister Gloria Clark and one son-in-law, Timothy J. Landry, Sr. Nell was a member of the Pentecostals of Alexandria for 24 years. She loved playing marble dice, crafts, fishing, gardening and spending time outdoors and with her dog "Mojo" ; but most of all she loved spending time with her family. Those left to cherish her memories include her daughter Catherine Ann Atwood Landry of Alexandria; her son David E. Atwood and his wife Christee, of Alexandria; four grandchildren, Timothy Joseph "T.J." Landry, Jr. and his wife Jen of Hattiesburg, MS; Quinten Thomas Landry and his wife Brandi of Alexandria; Charles Donald Atwood of Boyce and Erin LaNell Atwood of Boyce; three great grandchildren, Emma Lynn Landry, Timothy Joseph Landry, III and Rylie Elise Landry; one daughter-in-law, Ruth Jester of Pineville; three sisters , Elaine Doughty of Jena , Nita Payne of Alexandria and Lorene Corder and her husband Tom of Alexandria; along with numerous nieces and nephews. Pallbearers honored to serve will be Chucky Atwood, T.J. Landry, Jr., Quinten Landry, Don Doughty, Gary Atwood, and Tommy Havens. Honorary pallbearers will be James A Gabour, Sr., Erin Atwood, Stanley V. Atwood, and Jean Coody.



The Advertiser 08/15/2014

Stephen "Nook" Higginbotham (1924 - 2014)

LAFAYETTE - Funeral services will be held Saturday, August 16, 2014 at a 1:00 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Lafayette for Stephen "Nook" Higginbotham, age 90, who passed away Thursday, August 14, 2014 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette. Interment will be in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens in Lafayette. The Rev. Robert Higginbotham, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in D'Iberville, MS will officiate at the services concelebrated by Rev. Gary Schexnayder, pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Lafayette. Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Youngsville, raised in Biloxi, MS and a resident of Lafayette since 1958. He was previously employed with the University of Southwestern Louisiana for twenty-four years as a carpenter. Mr. Higginbotham was an usher and parishioner of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Lafayette and was a member of the Knights of Columbus Council 10293 at St. Edmond Catholic Church. Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of the military having served in the U.S. Navy with the Navy Seabees where he was stationed for 36 months in the Pacific during World War II. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World. Survivors include two daughters, Earline H. Bower of Lafayette and Karen H. Granger and her husband, Oneil, of Lafayette; six grandchildren, Mia Granger Begnaud and her husband, Kalen, Laura Granger, Stephen Thomas, Tonya Bearb and her husband, Chris, Dawn Bernard and her husband, Ray, and Chad Bower; eight great grandchildren, Mackenzie Begnaud, Lorelei Begnaud, Skylar Bearb, Wayne Bower, Ty Bower, Kaylie Bower, Gavin Bernard and Raylie Bernard; and numerous nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ena Doucet Higginbotham; his parents, James Higginbotham and the former Marie Verret, both natives of Youngsville; one step-son, Gerald Thomas; one great grandchild, Taylor Bearb; five brothers, Belin "Bill" Higginbotham, James "Jim" Higginbotham, Nelson Higginbotham, Charlie Higginbotham and Martin Higginbotham; and four sisters, Mary "Mimi" Seymore, Laura Ladiner, Mae Danise and Annette Williams. A rosary will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. Friday in the funeral home. The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Friday and will continue from 9:00 a.m. until service time on Saturday. The family would like to extend a special thanks to Georgette Judy Guillory, Monique Olivier, Mark Boudreaux, Carroll and Mary Katherine Higginbotham and Richard Higginbotham. Pallbearers will be Carroll Higginbotham, Jean Higginbotham, Johnny Higginbotham, Kevin Higginbotham, Billy Higginbotham and Richard Higginbotham. Honorary pallbearers will be Kalen Begnaud, Christopher Bearb, Oneil Granger, William Guins and Stephen Thomas.



TheNewOrleansAdvocate.com 08/29/2014

Patricia Higginbotham (????-2014) LA

Patricia Higginbotham went to be with Jesus on Monday, August 25, 2014. Daughter of the late James M. Higginbotham and Wilma L. Pace Higginbotham. Beloved wife of Robert J. Dabon Sr. Loving mother of Louis, Christopher, and Latasha Higginbotham, and Prentist Branch (Cherish). Sister of James (Bud) Higginbotham (Karen), Clifford Higginbotham, Norma Higginbotham (Snow), and Bonnie Narcisse (Jeffery). Grandmother of Amelia, Aniah, Jada, Prentist, and Charles. Also survived by a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Relatives and friends, also priest and parishioners of St. Jude Catholic Church and all neighboring churches are invited to attend the Mass of Christian Burial on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at St. Jude Catholic Church, 411 N. Rampart Street for 10:00 am. Father Anthony Rigoli celebrant. Church Visitation 9:00 am until hour of services. Entombment Garden of Memories Cemetery. In lieu of flowers please make donations to Professional Services Entrusted to: Littlejohn Funeral Home, 2163 Aubry Street, Cal K. Johnson, Manager/Funeral Director, Info: (504) 940-0045. Little John Funeral Home - New Orleans 2163 Aubry Street  New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 940-0045.



TheAdvocate.com 10/04/2014

Mary Belva Higginbotham Anderson (1927-2014) LA

A ceremony celebrating the life of Mary Belva Anderson will be held at 12:00pm on Monday, October 6, 2014 at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Prairieville. Service will be under the direction of Church Funeral Services, Walker. Interment will follow at Hope Haven Cemetery in Prairieville. Visitation will begin at 10:00am until time of the service at noon. Belva was born on June 5, 1927 in Church Point, LA to the union of Jerry and Mary Frances Latolais Higginbotham and departed from this life on Friday, October 03, 2014, at the age of 87 years. She was a homemaker, a resident of Gonzales and a member of the Catholic Faith. Her greatest passion was time spent with her family. She will always be remembered as a loving and devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and sister. She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Louis Anderson; daughter, Mary Jane Anderson; brothers, J.C. and Clifford Higginbotham; son-in-law, Donald Simoneaux and granddaughter Tina Anderson. Survivors include her children, Mike Anderson, Tim Anderson & wife Robin, Sherryl Harper & husband Steve, and Debbie Anderson; her brother, Frank "Son" Higginbotham; grandchildren, Chad Simoneaux (Camille), Joe Simoneaux (Shannon), Betsy Harper, Lindsay Jarreau (Joey), Cody Anderson, Ashley Stelly, John Stelly (Kristin), Misty Stelly, Tessa Frederic (Lane), Jeremy Anderson (Victoria); Fred Anderson and 15 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Chad and Joe Simoneaux, John Stelly, Fred and Jeremy Anderson and Cody Anderson. The family extends their heartfelt appreciation to Bridgeway Hospice and nurse, Shannon, for the compassionate care and support given to our mother. Arrangements by Church Funeral Services & Crematory, Walker (225) 271-4574.



TheAdvocate.com 10/12/2014

Carissa Leigh McDaniel Higginbotham (1981-2014) LA

Carissa Leigh McDaniel Higginbotham passed away October 12, 2014. A native of Baton Rouge and a resident of Denham Springs. Born April 14, 1981. A graduate of Denham Springs High School and attended Southeastern University. Visitation will be held at Seale Funeral Home, in Denham Springs, on Monday, October 13, 2014, from 6pm until 8pm. Visiting resumes on Tuesday at the funeral home from 11am until Celebration of Life Service at 2pm, conducted by Pastor John Holdiness. Burial will follow in Evergreen Memorial Park. Survived by the love of her life Jason Paul Higginbotham and two sons, Devon Paul and Conner Lee Higginbotham all of Denham Springs. Parents, Leroy and Annie Elaine McDaniel of Denham Springs. Sister, Annie McDaniel Foret and husband, Cody Foret. Also lifelong chosen sister, Ashley Elaine Wilson, all of Baton Rouge. Four nephews, Isaac Foret, Mahala and David Cropsey, Jocelyn Mayhone, Jordan and Tyler Kinchen. Carissa had an adventurous nature. She loved horses, white water rafting and hand gliding. She also leaves behind a large and caring family of numerous Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Friends. She will leave a big hole in our family and she will be forever young and beautiful. A very special thank you to the staff of The Crossing at Clarity Hospice. Funeral Home Seale Funeral Service, Inc. 1720 S. Range Ave. Denham Springs, LA 70726 (225) 664-4143.



TheAdvocate.com 11/08/2014

Kathryn Higginbotham Chisholm (1925-2014) AL/LA

September 25, 1924 - November 7, 2014

Kathryn Higginbotham Chisholm passed away on Friday, November 7, 2014, in Baton Rouge, LA, at the age of 90 yrs. Mrs. Kathryn was native of Tensas Parish, LA, and a resident of Prairieville, LA, where she retired as a private childcare provider for Carol and O.J. Louviere, whose children she cared for for over 20 Yrs. She is survived by 3 Daughters and 3 Sons-in-law ; Patricia and L.A. Drago, Nancy and Pat McBride and Mona and Rick Fonte. 2 Sons and 2 Daughters-in-law; Bobby and Pam Wallace and Braxton Craig and Ingrid Chisholm. 1 Sister; Monie Barfield, 1 Brother; Carl Higginbotham. Mrs. Kathryn was also survived by 7 Grandchildren and 10 Great Grandchildren. Mrs. Kathryn was preceded in death by her husband Braxton Chisholm; Parents, Amon Marshall and Myrtle Watson Higginbotham; 3 Sisters, Ruby Breland, Thelma Chisholm and Iva Lee Breland; and 4 Brothers, Hobert, Roy, Delmas and Herston Higginbotham. Mrs. Kathryn was a longtime member of Broussard Grove Baptist Church in Prairieville, LA. The family would especially like to thank the Dr.'s and staff of the Guest House Nursing Home for their loving care for the last 5 years. Visitation will begin at Ourso Funeral Home in Gonzales, LA, on Sunday, November 9, 2014, from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm and will resume on Monday, November 10, 2014, from 11:00 am until Religious services at 12:30 pm conducted by Rev. Nathan Luce. Burial will follow at Greenoaks Memorial Park in Baton Rouge, LA. Ourso Funeral Home, 13533 Airline Hwy., Gonzales, LA, in charge of arrangements. Funeral Home Ourso Funeral Home 13533 Airline Highway Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 647-8608.




Glenda Dale Hickingbottom Jones (1949-2014) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Glenda Hickingbottom Jones are scheduled for 2 PM, Tuesday, December 9, 2014, in the chapel of Golden Funeral Home with Rev. Joey Kennedy and Rev. Nelson Jones officiating.

Interment will follow in the Memorial Park Cemetery.

Mrs. Jones, age 65, passed away Saturday, December 6, 2014, at her residence surrounded by her family.

She is preceded in death by her father, Sim T. Hickingbottom.

Survivors include her husband of forty-five years, Gerald "Shorty" Jones; mother, Mattie Hickingbottom; one daughter, Angela Denise Jones and Justin Smalling of Bastrop; one son, Michael Wayne Jones and wife Lisa Whitley of Bastrop; twin sister, Linda Gail Roan of Bastrop; and grandchildren, Amanda Lee-Ann Pardue, Kellie Paige Jones, Savannah Isabelle Jones, all of Bastrop, and Tristen Dewayne Jones of Arkansas.

Mrs. Jones was a hard-working lady who loved her family and friends dearly.

Serving as pallbearers are, Kevin Vail, Danny Jones, Austin Trichell, Kenny Trichell, Daniel Kirby, and Josh Bostick. Honorary pallbearers are, Clay Robinson, Daniel Jones, and Dr. Allen Spires.

The family would like to say "thank you" to Dr. Allen Spires, Erin Hayden, and Premier Hospice. A special "thank you" is extended to Justin Smalling for the special care she received at home.

Golden Funeral Home.




Dorothy Jane Marie Verrett Higginbotham (1935-2015) LA

Dorothy Jane Marie Verrett Higginbotham, 79, of Lake Charles, LA, was called home by her Heavenly Father on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. She was surrounded by her family.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born October 28, 1935 and was a native of Lake Charles, LA. Dorothy loved spending time with her family, cooking, and traveling. She was affectionately known as “Maw Maw Dot” to all who knew her. She worked in the cafeteria at Memorial Hospital and retired from the Calcasieu Parish School Board after many years of service.

She is survived by her five daughters and two sons, Mary Henry and husband Russell of Sulphur, LA, Davis Harold Higginbotham and wife Cindy of New Braunfels, TX, Mona Boullion of Lake Charles, LA, Donna Matte of Sulphur, La, Selina Holden and husband Brian of Kinder, LA, Arvin Higginbotham and wife Melissa of Lake Charles, and Dorothy “D.J.” Higginbotham, of Sulphur, LA. She had twelve grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. She is also survived by six brothers, Milton, Davis, Leroy, Hilton, Morris and Willard; four sisters, Nita, Mabel, Dolores, and Debbie; along with numerous nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her husband, James Harold Higginbotham; her son, Glenn Joseph Higginbotham; parents, Eunice and Noles Verrett; and two sons-in-law, Charles “Moose” Boullion and Steve Matte.

Her funeral service will be held at 3:00 PM on Saturday, January, 24, 2015 at the Johnson Funeral Home Chapel. Deacon George Carr will officiate. Burial will follow in Prien Memorial Park. Visitation will be at the funeral home on Friday from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM with a rosary at 6:00 PM followed by a remembrance service. Visitation will continue on Saturday from 10:00 AM until the start of the service.

The family would like to express their grateful appreciation for the compassionate care given to their beloved mother from Amedisys Hospice.




Shreveport Times 02/08/2015

Rush Quinn Higginbotham (1938-2015) TX/LA

SHREVEPORT, LA - Services for Rush Quinn Higginbotham, 76, will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, February 9, 2015 at Trinity Heights Baptist Church. Officiating will be Rev. Keith Sanders, Rev. Kris Cheniere and Rev. Wayne Sanders. Visitation with the family will be prior to the service on Monday at the church from 10:00 a.m. until service time. Graveside service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Natchez, MS. Rush Higginbotham was born July 9, 1938 in Palestine, TX to Winfred and Mary Higginbotham and passed away February 7, 2015. He served his country in the U.S. Navy from 1957 to 1963. Rush retired from the International Paper. Rush was a Deacon for the Lord for over 50 years. He was a member of Shreveport Gideons International East Camp and Trinity Heights Baptist Church. Rush loved his God, his church and family and friends and will be missed by all who knew and loved him. Rush is preceded in death by his parents; first wife, Margie Gray Higginbotham; daughter, Connie Freeman; brothers, John Higginbotham and Walter Higginbotham. Left to cherish his memory are his wife of almost 50 years, Betty Joy Thatch Higginbotham; daughters, Ellen Densford and husband, Bruce of Grand Prairie, TX, Janet Gould and husband, Jerry of Bossier City, LA; son-in-law, Danny Freeman of Natchez, MS; grandchildren, Josh Freeman, Matthew Freeman, David Gould, Cameron Densford, Alexa Densford, Whitney Elliott and husband, Jason; great-grandchildren, Katelyn Elliott, Ashley Elliott; brother, W.C. Higginbotham; sister, Martha Johnson; and special neighbor Joe Randle. Also numerous cousins, nieces and nephews. Honoring Rush as pallbearers will be Mike Ryan, Johnny Whittington, Josh Freeman, Matthew Freeman, Cameron Densford and David Gould. Serving as honorary pallbearers will be the Gideons East Camp, Mike Ryan's Sunday School and Herb Hamoaka. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial donations may be made to Gideons International or Trinity Heights Baptist Church to Share the Way Ministries. Funeral Home Rose-Neath Funeral Home 1815 Marshall Street Shreveport, LA 71101 318-222-0348.




Lela Mae Higginbotham Fruge (1934-20150 LA

Lela Mae Higginbotham Fruge, 81, of Lake Charles, LA died at 12:28 AM on Saturday, February 14, 2015 in Covington, LA.

Mrs. Fruge was born January 4, 1934 in Lawtell, LA, where she graduated high school, and has lived most of her life in Lake Charles, LA. She worked as a sales clerk for Montgomery Wards for a number of years and at Catherine’s until her retirement. She was a member of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church. Mrs. Fruge never met a stranger and will always be remembered as an opinionated and very strong willed lady. She loved her family dearly and will be greatly missed.

Mrs. Fruge is survived by her sons; brother; sisters; grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, John Leon Fruge.

Her funeral service will be held at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church. Monsignor James Gaddy will officiate. Burial will follow in Consolata Cemetery. Visitation will be at Johnson Funeral Home on Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 12:40 PM with a rosary at 12:00 PM.



The Advertiser 02/26/2015

Erica Higginbotham Latiolais (1971-2015) LA

CHURCH POINT - "So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -- It's when things seem worst that you must not quit." A Memorial Service will be held at 3:00 P.M. Friday, February 27, 2015 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, La. for Mrs. Chris Latiolais, 43, the former Erica Higginbotham. Mrs. Latiolais, a native and life-long resident of Church Point and OLSH Parish, died Friday afternoon, February 20 at her parents' residence in Church Point. Reverend Mitchell Guidry will conduct the service with interment to be determined by family. Survivors include her husband of twenty years, Christopher Latiolais; her parents, CW4 Rufus Higginbotham, AUS (Ret.) and her mother, Belinda Joubert Higginbotham; her paternal grandmother, Yvonne Guidry Higginbotham and her beloved aunts and uncles, in-laws, cousins, nieces, nephews, friends and her extended family at the former University Medical Center in Lafayette, La. She was preceded in death by her paternal grandfather, Roosevelt Higginbotham; her maternal grandparents, Curley and Alma Tweedel Joubert and her step-grandfather, Warren Bourgeois. The family requested that visiting hours be observed from 1:30 P.M. Friday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held at 2:30 P.M. by Reverend Guidry. A valued employee of University Medical Center for twenty-one years, Erica was a loving wife and daughter and a friend to all. She was a great cook and she loved gardening and Nature and all its "critters". Her smile lit up a room. Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, La. (337) 684-5488. Funeral Home Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point 219 N. Broadway St.  Church Point, LA 70525 (337) 684-5488.




Vera Mae Higginbotham Hinson (1924-2015) LA/TX

Vera Mae Hinson, 90, of DeRidder, La., passed away Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 in Weatherford, Texas. Funeral services were held on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015 at Chaddick Funeral Home, the Rev. Curtis Evans officiated. Interment followed at Hinson Cemetery in Knight, La. Mrs. Hinson is survived by a daughter and son-in-law of Fort Worth, Texas; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; one aunt of Alexandria, La. Preceded in death by her husband, Spencer Hinson; and son, Vaughn Hinson.



Daily World 03/02/2015

Thelma Bellow Higginbotham (1920-2015) LA

OCTOBER 21, 1920 - FEBRUARY 28, 2015

EUNICE - It is with heavy hearts that the family of Thelma Bellow Higginbotham announces her passing on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at Oaklane Wellness and Rehabilitation Center with loving family by her side at the age of 94. A Mass of Christian Burial will be Celebrated at 10:30 am on Tuesday, March 03, 2015 at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Eunice. Rite of Committal will follow in the Mt. Calvary Cemetery with Msgr. Robert Romero Celebrant, with the assistance of homilist, Deacon Gary Gaudin . Thelma was a homemaker and devoted her life to the care of her family. Spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren brought a great deal of joy to her life. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her especially her three sons, Wayne J. Higginbotham and wife, Dru of Pearl River, Ray A. Higginbotham and wife, Jeanne of Eunice, and Gary J. Higginbotham and wife, Mona of Knoxville, TN; two daughters, Martha Higginbotham Orlando and husband, Donald of Eunice, and Brenda Higginbotham Bertrand and husband, Ted of Carencro; brother, Adam "Brother" Johnson and wife, Patricia of Eunice; sister, Rena Bellow Dupre of Eunice; eleven grandchildren, Wayne Jr., Donny, Luke, Michael and Danny Higginbotham, Allen Higginbotham, Joey Higginbotham, Melissa Vidrine, Nicole Voisey, William Higginbotham, and Celia Drury; and several great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her beloved husband, Garland J. Higginbotham; parents, Arthlus and Amilia Moreau Bellow; brothers, Lawrence, Leonce, Fred and Leo Bellow; sisters, Pearl Prudhomme, Bell Bellow, Mable Lafleur and Edith Bellow. At the request of the family, visitation will be held at Ardoin's Funeral Home in Eunice on Monday, March 2nd from 12:00 pm until 9:00 pm and again on Tuesday, March 3rd from 8:00 am until time of services. Deacon Gary Gaudin will recite a Rosary at 6:00 pm Monday evening. Ardoin's Funeral Home of Eunice, 1301 West Laurel Ave, (337)457.3371 is in charge of arrangements. Funeral Home Ardoins Funeral Home/Eunice 1301 Laurel Avenue Eunice, LA 70535 (337) 457-3371.




Pamela Gail Brown Higginbotham (1946-2015) LA

Funeral services for Pamela Gail Higginbotham, 58, will be held at 11AM on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at Union baptist Church in Jennings, LA. Rev. Gerald Perkins will officiate. Burial will be in Parkview Cemetery under the direction of Fondel Memorial Chapel. Visitation will be at 9AM in the church.

Mrs. Higginbotham departed this life on Monday, March 2, 2015 in Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, LA. She was a native of the Thornwell and Jennings area before moving to Baton Rouge, LA in August 2014. She was a member of Union Baptist Church and united with Faith Ministries Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, LA. She was a former employee of the Jeff Davis Parish School Board and was previously employed for twenty years at Boudin King.

She leaves to cherish her loving memories two daughters: Journey Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, LA and Kamela Francis of Welsh, LA; one son: Eldon Brown of Baton Rouge, LA; step-son: Lance Higginbotham of Jennings, LA; two sisters: Armajean Netty of Jennings, LA and Debra Benoit of Mansfield, MA; two brothers: Ronald Brown of Houston, TX and Charles Achane of Jennings, LA; seven grandchildren; four Godchildren: Tamu Gibson, Jamal Jones, Dawn Sonnier and Hasaani Williams.

She is preceded in death by her husband; Eddie Higginbotham: parents; Alma and Milton Brown; daughter: Patricia Gail Francis and grandchild: Brianna Francis.



The Acadiana Advocate 03/28/2015

Cody James Higginbotham I (1974-2015) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial for Mr. Cody J. Higginbotham I will be held at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, March 30, 2015, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Port Barre, LA. Rite of Committal and interment will follow in the Sacred Heart Cemetery with Fr. Daniel Picard as the celebrant. Cody passed away on Thursday, March 26, 2015, in Washington at the age of 40. He was a native of Port Barre and long-time resident of Washington. He worked in the oilfield profession as a QAQC consultant for Cobalt International of Houston, TX. Cody enjoyed spending time outdoors while he was camping, fishing, boat riding, playing golf, coaching baseball and football, shooting skeet, and assisting his sons with the Boy Scouts. He also loved to cook and enjoyed spending time with the family. He will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved him. Cody is survived by his wife of 20 years, Betty Hill Higginbotham of Washington; two sons, Cody J. Higginbotham II and Andrew J. Higginbotham, both of Washington; one daughter, Taylor M. Higginbotham Doyle of Jacksonville, NC; his parents, Albert Higginbotham and Daisy Broussard Higginbotham of Washington; his mother-in-law and stepfather-in-law, Gail LeJeune and Larry LeJeune of Livonia; two brothers, Brian J. Higginbotham, Sr. and wife, Toni of Arnaudville; and Corey C. Higginbotham and wife, Brandi of Port Barre; three brothers-in-law, Tommy E. Cutchall and wife, Patty of Marrero; D. G. Hill II of Beaumont, TX; and Marty Hill of Livonia; one sister-in-law, Tammy Yvonne Mougeot and husband, David Michael Mougeot of Geismar; his godchildren, Darian Michael Mougeot, Brian James Higginbotham, Jr. and Bryce Lavergne. He is also survived by numerous nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, and cousins. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Jack Higginbotham and Marie Doucet Higginbotham, maternal grandparents, Clarence Broussard and Ethel Cormier Broussard; father-in-law, Dan Hill; nephew, Jacob Higginbotham; and numerous aunts and uncles. Pallbearers will be Brian Higginbotham, Sr., Corey Higginbotham, C. J. Higginbotham, Drew Lagarde, Brian Higginbotham, Jr., and Shawn Myers. Honorary pallbearers will be Kevin Breaux and Ronald Hanks. Visiting hours will be held in the Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre on Sunday, March 29, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. A Rosary will be recited on Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the funeral home. On Monday, the visitation will resume in the funeral home beginning at 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre. Funeral Home Sibille Funeral Home 2309 George Drive Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 948-6523.



TheAdvocate.com 04/29/2015

Viola H. Higginbotham (1925-2015) LA

Viola H. "Ma, Aunt Bay" Higginbotham A resident of Baton Rouge, she died Wednesday, April 22, 2015, at Baton Rouge General Medical Center. She was 89. Visiting from 2-6 p.m. at Carney and Mackey Funeral Home and Friday from 9 a.m. until religious services at 11 a.m. at Jordan Stone Baptist Church, conducted by Pastor Raymond Plain. Interment in Louisiana National Cemetery. Survived by two daughters, Katie Trask and Helen Burrell (Noah); six grand children, Alycia Yates (Marvin), Pamela Burrell (Gerard), Odawa Turner (Burl, III), Jaworski Doucette (Chynna), Montrell Burrell and Patrice Trask (Ronald); seventeen great-grandchildren; five great-great grandchildren; one sister-in-law, Janie Hamilton; and a host of other relatives and friends. Carney and Mackey in charge of arrangements. Funeral Home Carney-Mackey Funeral Home - Baton Rouge 1576 Robin Street  Baton Rouge, LA 70807 (225) 774-0390.



The Town Talk 05/08/2015

Winfred Calvin Higginbotham Jr. (1930-2015) TX/MS/LA

W. C. "Dub" Higginbotham Jr. December 8, 1930 - May 2, 2015 Funeral services for W. C. "Dub" Higginbotham, 84, of Pineville, LA and formerly of Natchez, who died Saturday, May 2, 2015 in Pineville, will be at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Laird Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Mark Breland officiating. Burial will follow at Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Laird Funeral Home. Visitation will be from 11:00 a.m. Saturday until time of service at the funeral home. Mr. Higginbotham was born December 8, 1930 in Palestine, TX, the oldest of five children and the son of W. C. Higginbotham, Sr. and Mary Blanch Conaway Higginbotham. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1947-1950. He worked in the oil field and as a carpenter. His last job was at the Briars. He was preceded in death by his wife of 62 years, Francis Thornburgh Higginbotham, his parents, three brothers, John, Rush, and Walter Higginbotham, and a daughter, Bonnie Ann Holloway. Survivors include three daughters: Winnie Wall and husband, Steve, Mary Baxley and husband, Kenny, and Pam O'Neal and husband, John, all of Pineville; one sister: Martha Johnson and husband, Don, of Tyler, TX; thirteen grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren; and numerous other family members and friends. Pallbearers will be James Sanders, Shaun O'Neal, Brennan Buckles, Justin Ridgeway, Joey Foster, and Lynn Sanders. The family would like to thank the Oak Care Center, special nurses, Kellie Mayo and Jeanne Morace, other caregivers, and Gamble Hospice. Online condolences may be sent to lairdfh.com. Funeral Home Laird Funeral Home Chapel - Natchez 408 North Union Street  Natchez , MS 39120 601-442-3636.




John Daniel Hickenbottom (1947-20150 LA

John "Danny" Hickenbottom, age 68, passed away Monday, July 20, 2015 at Lafayette General Medical Center in Lafayette.

Mr. Hickenbottom was a native of Vinton and lived most of his life in Lafayette, where he was a parishioner of St. Joseph Catholic Church. He was employed as an over-the-road truck driver for many years. Mr. Hickenbottom was a veteran of the military, having served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War.

Survivors include his wife of forty-two years, Lenat Marie Morrow Hickenbottom of Lafayette; one son, John Lee Hickenbottom of Lafayette; four daughters, Paula Crawford of Carencro, Carla Lee Caskey and her husband, Steven, of California, Angie Hughes and her husband, William, of Leesville and Joyce Lynn Hickenbottom of Lafayette; thirteen grandchildren; four great grandchildren and one on the way; one brother, Thomas Ed Hickenbottom and his wife, Linda, of Baldwin, MI; one sister, Maxine Schexnayder and her husband, Herman, of Iowa; and his godchild, Christopher Moody.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward Hickenbottom and the former Joyce Harrington; and one daughter, Barbara Sue Hickenbottom.

Melancon Funeral Home of Carencro, 4615 North University Avenue, (337) 896-6366, is in charge of arrangements.



The Advertiser 07/23/2015

Thomas Higginbotham (1961-2015) LA

Church Point, La - Thomas Higginbotham, 54. Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 P.M. Friday, July 24, 2015 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, La. for Thomas Higginbotham, 54. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and long-time resident of Church Point, died Tuesday evening, July 21 at his residence. Monsignor Jefferson J. DeBlanc will conduct the services with entombment following in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Highway 35 north of Church Point. Survivors include his mother, Joyce Thibodeaux Higginbotham of Church Point; his wife, Melissa Guidry Higginbotham of Church Point; his son and daughter, Brad Higginbotham and Brittni Miller and husband Jeremy-all of Church Point; four brothers, Raphael Higginbotham and wife Kerry of Vidrine, La., Dennis Higginbotham and wife Jeanette of Youngsville, La., Gerard Higginbotham of Lafayette, La. and Michael "Buzz" Higginbotham and wife Kristi of Carlyss, La.; two sisters, Christine Beslin and husband Matthew of Rayne, La. and Lynette Benoit and husband Kent of LeBlanc, La. and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Berlin Higginbotham and his mother-in-law, Emma Guidry. The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 10:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 23 and continue from 8:00 A.M. Friday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there at 7:00 P.M. Thursday by Monsignor DeBlanc. Pallbearers will be Raphael, Dennis, Michael, Jeremy and Brad Higginbotham and Darrel Deculus. The family requested that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Heart of Hospice, Lafayette, La. Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, La. (337) 684-5488. Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point 219 N. Broadway St.  Church Point, LA 70525 (337) 684-5488.




Eula Savoie Higginbotham (1918-2015) LA

Church Point- A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated for Eula Savoie, 96, at 11:00AM on Friday, August 7, 2015 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA with Very Rev. Msgr. Jeff DeBlanc as Celebrant.

Visitation will be held at Duhon Funeral Home, LLC of Church Point Chapel beginning on Thursday, August 06, 2015 at 3:00PM, with a Recitation of the Holy Rosary at 7:00PM, until 9:00PM and will resume on Friday at 8:00AM until just prior to service time.

Interment will follow the church service and will be in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery “Old”, next to the church.

Ms. Savoie passed away on Wednesday, August 5, 2015.

She is survived by numerous nieces and nephews and was preceded in death by her husband, Vincent Higginbotham; parents, Philogene Savoy and Clarisse Miller Savoy; six brothers, A.B. Savoy, J. B. Savoy, J.P. Savoy, J.C. Savoy, Steve Savoy and Claiborne Savoy; two sisters, Ematile Guidry and Thelis Savoy.

Duhon Funeral Home, LLC of Church Point 701 South Broadway Street, Church Point, Louisiana was in charge of all of the arrangements.




Edith Eve Higginbotham Derousselle (1921-2015) LA

March 31, 1921 - August 17, 2015

Breaux Bridge - Heaven has received one of the most loving, faith-filled, complimentary, generous and compassionate souls ever! Mrs. Edith Derousselle slipped away, ever so peacefully, to meet her Jesus, face-to-face, on Monday, August 17, 2015, while at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. She remained such a spunky spirit, at ninety-four years young! Visitation and services will be held at Pellerin Funeral Home in Breaux Bridge. Visitation will be from 11 am to 2:15 pm on Thursday, August 20, 2015. A rosary will be recited at 1:30 p. m. by her son, George. Service time is at 2:30 pm on Thursday, provided by Fr. Ed Degeyter, in the funeral home. Scriptures will be read by Charmane Derousselle and Mary Boudreaux. Interment to follow at Calvary Cemetery. She is survived by one daughter, Elaine Richard (Kenneth), one son, George Derousselle (Charmane); grandchildren, Jacques Miller, Nicole Canulette (Kelly), Kristyn Derousselle Herbert and Christy Schell (Russell); great-grandchildren, Camrynn Canulette, Amber Schell-Smith (Shane), Autumn Schell and Shauna Dingman; great-great grandchildren, Bjorn Smith and Nathan Dingman; one brother, Francis Higginbotham, one sister, Jeanette Higginbotham and numerous nieces, nephews and many, many friends. She was united in heaven with her parents, Bernadette and Dave Higginbotham; her sister, Gertrude "Red" Theriot (Joseph "Tit"), and her brother, Lloyd "Red" Higginbotham (Mary Lee); her grandson, Robby Derousselle; her great-grandson, Michael Allen Schell; and a great-granddaughter, Itsy Canulette. She was blessed to outlive husbands Doria Judice, Jack Derousselle (father of her children), and Abel Blanchard. Pallbearers will be George Derousselle, Kenneth Richard, Shane Smith, L.D. Higginbotham, Johnny Boudreaux and Carrol Blanchard. The family wishes to give very special thanks to the staff, residents and volunteers of Camelot Nursing Home, the staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital and of Heart Hospice. In lieu of flowers, monetary donations towards funeral expenses will be greatly appreciated. Pellerin Funeral Home, 211 Berard St., Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 (337-332-2199) in charge of arrangements.




Elda Marie Higginbotham Tramonte (1929-2015) LA

Elda Marie Tramonte, 85, died at 7:25am, Friday, October 28, 2015 in her home surrounded by her loving family.

Born September 28, 1929 in Hayes, Louisiana to Burchman and Palmyre Rogers Higgenbotham, and was a lifelong resident of Lake Charles.

Ms. Tramonte is preceded in death by her beloved husband Vito Tramonte, son Randall Paul Demary, father Bercham Higginbotham, mother Palmyer Higginbotham, brother Carlton Higginbotham, and sister Florance Bible.

Survivors include a son Joseph Absie Demary, Lake Charles; three daughters Earline Corbello, Diana Sonnier and husband Joseph of Houston, and Sandra Woodard; a step son Tom Tramonte and wife Judy, Lake Charles; two sisters Mary Louise Trahan and Ethel Arabie; eight grand children, seventeen great-grandchildren, and seven great great-grandchildren.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be observed Monday, August 31, 2015 at 11:00am at St. Margaret Catholic Church. Visitation will be Sunday August 30, 2015 at Johnson Funeral Home from 5:00pm to 9:00pm with a rosary to be recited at 6:00pm. Visitation will continue Monday morning at 8:00am until 10:30am at Johnson Funeral Home. Burial will be at Graceland Cemetery. 




Marilyn Agnes Vincent Higginbotham (1937-2015) LA

June 18, 1937 - September 8, 2015

Visitation Thursday, September 10, 2015 | 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm Hixson-Sulphur Memorial Funeral Home 2051 East Napoleon Street, Sulphur, LA 70663. Funeral Service Friday, September 11, 2015 | 11:00 am - 12:00 am Our Lady of Prompt Succor Sulphur, LA.

Marilyn Higginbotham, 78, died Tuesday, September 8, 2015, in a local hospital. Marilyn was a native of Hackberry and had been a lifelong resident of Sulphur, where she graduated from Sulphur High School in 1956. She was a member of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church, the Catholic Daughters, and the American Legion Post #179. She had been employed by Sel-mart for 22 years and had previously been a dispatcher for the Sulphur Police Department. Marilyn enjoyed playing bingo and spending time with her family. She always had a good sense of humor and a smile on her face. Survivors include her children, Robbie Gardner of Sulphur, Sheryl Ortego of Zwolle, Steven Gardner and wife, Emilee of Sulphur, Karen Franklin and husband, David of Tallassee, Florida, Myra Culter and husband, Mark of Sulphur, Kenneth Gardner and wife, Barb of Franklin, Massachusetts, James H. Higginbotham and wife, Mary of Sulphur, and Dwayne Higginbotham of Sulphur; sixteen grandchildren; twenty-six great-grandchildren; and her first great-great-grandchild on the way. She is preceded in death by her husband, James Roy Higginbotham; her parents, John and Velma Vincent; and brothers, Robert and Calvin Vincent. Her funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday, September 11, in Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church. The Rev. Bino Francis, M.S. will officiate. Burial will be in Mimosa Pines Cemetery South in Carlyss under the direction of Hixson-Sulphur Memorial Funeral Home. Visitation is from 3-9 p.m. Thursday with a rosary service at 7 p.m. and from 8:30 a.m. Friday in the funeral home. The family would like to give a special thank you to the staff of High Hope Care Center for their excellent care of Marilyn.




Mary Louise Linder Hickingbottom (1937-2015) LA

Funeral services for Mary Louise Hickingbottom, 78 of Winnsboro will be held at 2 PM Monday, September 28, 2015 in Lone Cedar Baptist Church in Winnsboro with Rev. Johnny Magnusson officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery under the direction of Gill First National Funeral Home of Winnsboro. Visitation will be Sunday from 5-8 PM at Lone Cedar Baptist Church.

She was born to Claude Percy and Mary Frances Shirley Linder on June 7, 1937 in Mangham and passed from this life Saturday, September 26, 2015 at her residence.

Mrs. Hickingbottom was a member of Lone Cedar Baptist Church. She was a homemaker and a loving mother and “Maw-Maw” who took pleasure in crocheting, canning vegetables and cooking for family and friends.

She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Aubrey Hickingbottom, one sister and five brothers.

She is survived by three children Kenneth Hickingbottom and Sonja of Swartz, Karen McArater and Robert of Winnsboro and Gary Hickingbottom and Christy of West Monroe; six grandchildren Sara and husband Dolph, Katie, Cody and wife Beth Ann, David and wife Shelbi, Christina and husband Rodney and Austin and two great-grandchildren Tristan and Saylor.

Mrs. Hickinbottom is also survived by one sister Donnie Farrar of West Monroe, one brother Leonard Linder of Dripping Springs, TX, faithful canine companion Honey, many nieces, nephews, other relatives and a host of friends.



The Advocate 10/21/2015

Melvin Eugene Higginbotham (1944-2015) LA

Melvin Eugene Higginbotham, at his age of 70 years, went to be with his Lord and Savior on October 20, 2015. He was born November 7, 1944, in Plaquemine, LA and resident of Greenwell Springs for 20 years. He was preceded in death by his mother and stepfather Theresa and Burton Morales, father Herbert Higginbotham, Sr. and brother, Herbert Higginbotham, Jr. He was married to his soul-mate Aggie on April 16, 1966, and was a dedicated father to their three children. He is survived by brothers, Elton Wayne Higginbotham, sister-in-law, Lucy Higginbotham, brother, Gary Higginbotham, his loving wife Aggie Rosella Roppolo Higginbotham, daughter, Shelia Marie Bennett, son Gene Higginbotham, daughter-in-law, Deena Higginbotham, daughter, Melissa Gail Higginbotham-Williams and son-in-law Jarod Williams. He will be greatly missed by his nieces, Stephanie Higginbotham Pitre, Tracy Higginbotham Cook and nephews, Brian Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham, Michael Higginbotham and David Higginbotham. Melvin was a loving and adoring grandfather to his 11 grandchildren, Ashley, Savanna, Garrett, Jeremy, Benjamin, Hannah, Logan, Rebecca, Delaney and Charlotte. Melvin was a printer by trade but fisherman and hunter by heart. He enjoyed his family, football and working in his garden. Melvin knew no strangers in life and had the ability to make friends at ease. Although his battle with cancer robbed his of his physical energy, his heart was as big as a mountain for those in need. Visitation will be held Thursday, October 22, 2015, at Seale Funeral Home, Denham Springs, from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Visitation will resume on Friday, October 23, 2015, at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Plaquemine at 9:00 am. A Mass of Christian burial will be at 10:00 am. Our family would like to give thanks to The Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge for its support, the ICU staff at the Baton Rouge General, Bluebonnet for its understanding in a difficult time and the numerous extended family members and friends for their love and support. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to The Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge. Seale Funeral Service, Inc. 1720 S. Range Ave. Denham Springs, LA 70726 (225) 664-4143.



Shreveport Times 11/01/2015

Walter Allen Higginbotham (1959-2015) FL/LA

Walter Allen Higginbotham, age 56, passed away after a courageous battle against cancer Friday, October 30, 2015 at his residence. He was born in Tampa, Florida on August 2, 1959 to Boyd Higginbotham and Mary L. Anderson. He was a longtime resident of Pocahontas, Arkansas and later resided in Shreveport. He loved to hunt, fish, camp, and spend time with his family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; Daughter Charity M. Crawford and Brother John L. Higginbotham. He is survived by his loving wife of twenty-nine years, Ann Renee Perot Higginbotham of Shreveport; Step-Father Steve Anderson of Pocahontas, Arkansas; Two Daughters, Rachel Smith Warren of Bossier City and Mary Jane Smith Warren of North Carolina; Brother Michael Higginbotham and wife Brenda of Pocahontas, Arkansas; Two Sisters, Mary Collins of San Antonio, Texas and Susan Anderson of Pocahontas, Arkansas; Step-Brother Steven Anderson of Imboden, Arkansas; Seven Grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, November 2, 2015 at Aulds Funeral Home Chapel in Shreveport with Bro. Dave Lafrance officiating. Interment will follow at Forest Park Cemetery. Visitation will be held at Aulds Funeral Home on Sunday, November 1, 2015 from 1-3 p.m. Aulds Funeral Home 7849 E. Kings Hwy Shreveport, LA 71115 318-797-8124.




Gertie Mae Duplechain Higginbotham (1933-2015) LA

Born: October 29, 1933    Died: November 4, 2015

Church Point, La. Funeral Services will be held at 1:00 P.M. Friday, November 6, 2015 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, La. for Gertie Mae Higginbotham, 82, the former Gertie Mae Duplechain. Mrs. Higginbotham, a native and long-time resident of Church Point, died Wednesday afternoon November 4 at Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point. Monsignor Jefferson J. DeBlanc will conduct the services with interment following in the Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery on Highway 35 north of Church Point.
Survivors include two sons, James “Bozo” Higginbotham and wife Christi of Church Point and Joe Higginbotham and wife Natasha of Dedeaux, Miss; four daughters: Brenda Faye Ford and Tommy Hayes of Bay St. Louis, Miss., Celise Ann Daigle and husband Todd of Church Point, Angela Bellard of Lake Charles, La. and Dawn Malley and husband Drew of Dedeaux; a brother, J.D. Duplechain of Lake Charles and a sister, Enola Bourgeois of Lake Charles; nineteen grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Julius and Hysenth Thibodeaux Duplechain.
The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 6:00 P.M. until Midnight on Thursday, November 5 and continue from 8:00 A.M. Friday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there at 8:00 P.M. Thursday by Monsignor DeBlanc.
Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.




Mary Lee Briscoe Higginbotham (1937-2015) LA

Church Point, La. Funeral Services will be held at 1:30 P.M. Monday, November 16, 2015 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, La. for Mrs. Leslie “Dooney” Higginbotham, 80, the former Mary Lee “Mel” Briscoe. Mrs. Higginbotham, a native and long-time resident of Church Point, died Saturday Morning, November 14 at Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home in Church Point. Father Mark Melancon will conduct the services with interment following in the Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery on Highway 35 north of Church Point.

Survivors include her daughter, Carolyn Stone of Church Point; four grandchildren: Elizabeth, Christopher and Robert Stone, Jr. and April Thompson and husband Jodie and two great-grandchildren, Evan Averitt and Gavin Thompson.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Leslie “Dooney” Higginbotham, her parents, Will and Olivia Comeaux Briscoe and a son-in-law, Robert Stone, Sr.
The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 5:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. on Sunday, November 15 and continue from 8:00 A.M. Monday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there at 7:00 P.M. Sunday by Deacon Bryne Winn.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for many years.




Wilson Joseph Higginbotham (1930-2015) LA

December 12, 1930 - November 26, 2015

Wilson Joseph Higginbotham, 84, of Westlake peacefully passed away Thursday November 26th at his residence. Wilson was a loving husband for 60 years and a wonderful father. Wilson, "Budd", who was also known as Boye to his extended family. He was a very caring and generous person, an excellent example, and teacher with a great sense of humor. He worked at South Central Bell/AT&T for 33 years and enjoyed traveling, camping, and woodworking in his spare time. Left to cherish the memory of him are his loving wife, Mrs. Ora Higginbotham, daughters: Jeanne' Wolf and husband, Eddie, of Moss Bluff, La., Rita Gray and husband, Scott, of Carlyss, La., Paula Green and husband, Otha Jr., of San Antonio, TX., brothers: Carl Higginbotham and wife, Dovie, of Church Pointe, Hamiel Higginbotham of Lake Charles, La., Bobby Higginbotham and wife, Lorraine, of Lafayette, La., sisters: Wilda Whitaker of Somerset, Ky., Mattie Stanford of Sunset, La., Clara Leblanc and husband, Larry, of Rayne, La., grandchildren: Brandon Henson and wife, Dawn, of Moss Bluff, Brett Henson and wife, Krissy, of Sulphur, La., Caleb and Chloe Green of San Antonio, and great-grandchildren: Bryon Henson, Rylee Henson, Heidi Henson, Taylin Henson, and several step-great-grandchildren. Wilson is preceded in death by parents Simon Higginbotham and Beatrice Barousse Higginbotham, brothers, Ward Higginbotham and Billy Higginbotham, and sister, Esther Daigle. A memorial Mass will be held on Saturday November 28th at 11 am at St. John Bosco Church in Westlake and burial will follow at Fletcher Cemetery.



The Advocate 12/03/2015

Evelyn Faye Higginbotham Corsentino (1926 - 2015) LA

Evelyn Faye Corsentino, age 89, passed away on December 2, 2015. Evelyn is survived by her children, Toni Lockwood and husband, Terry Lockwood, Kathy Harding and husband, Larry Harding, Terry Leigh Lang and husband, Gerry Lang, and Sam Corsentino and husband, Dr. Sam McQuiston; 8 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and her sisters, Margaret McQueary, Marie Losavio and Jacqueline Cashio. She is preceded in death by her husband of 55 years, Sam Corsentino, Jr.; her daughter, Cynthia Fay Corsentino; her parents, Mary Ella Higginbotham and Thomas Higginbotham; her brothers, Rodney Wayne Higginbotham, Edward Higginbotham and Thomas Higginbotham, Jr.; and her sister, Gwendolyn Adams. Visiting hours will be observed on Saturday, December 5, 2015, at Resthaven Gardens of Memory and Funeral Home, 11817 Jefferson Hwy., from 11:00 AM until the time of services. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, December 5, 2015, at 2:00 PM. Interment will take place at Resthaven Gardens of Memory Cemetery. Active Pallbearers will be Britan Lockwood, Bleu Lockwood, Blake Lockwood, Gerry Lang, Dr. Sam McQuiston and Larry Harding. Honorary Pallbearers will be Heath McGuffee, Blaine Kerr, and Marshall Chandler. The family would like to thank Flannery Oaks and Baton Rouge General Bluebonnet for the care they showed to their mother, Evelyn. Funeral Home: Resthaven Gardens of Memory & Funeral Home 11817 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 753-1440.




Cecilia Higginbotham Delano (1940-2015) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 11:00 A.M. at St. Edward Catholic Church in Richard for Cecilia H. Delano, 75, who passed away on Saturday, December 19, 2015 at 11:35 A.M. at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette.
Fr. Wayne Duet, Pastor of St. Edwards Catholic Church will be officiating for the services. Burial will be in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart New Mausoleum in Church Point.
The family has requested the visitation to be held on Monday, December 21, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. in the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. A Rosary will be recited on Monday at 7 o’clock in the evening in the Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. Visitation will resume on Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. until time of services.
Survivors include her husband of twenty one years, Larry Delano of Church Point; two daughters, Mary Louise and husband, Larry Richard of Richard and Kim and husband, Ken LeJeune of Richard; four step daughters, Merila and husband, Ricky Ingram of Church Point, Paula Delano Lopez of Opelousas, Jennifer and husband, Michael Kennerson of Church Point and Kerrie D. Martin of Church Point; nine grandchildren, Blake, Lance, Heidi Richard and Lindsey Hollier, Taylor and Madison LeJeune, Brian Lopez, Zeb Kennerson and Ramsy Kennerson; nine great-grandchildren, Raileigh Richard, Hunter Richard, Kinsie Richard, Ellie Daigle, Ashton Hollier, Marley Landry, Brantlee Richard, Leigh Daigle and Lyla Richard ; two sisters, Sandi Aguillard of Eunice and Ruth and husband, Vern D’Heilly of Church Point; one brother, Archie and wife, Flo Higginbotham of Church Point and a host of nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Cecilia belonged to the American Legion Post 225 Auxiliary. She worked at the old Jack Daigle grocery store for three years, twenty two years at Western Auto and fifteen years at Theo Daigle Hardware as a clerk and floor manager. Mrs. Cecilia worked as a hostess and secretary for Duhon Funeral Home for twenty five years.
Mrs. Cecilia was preceded in death by one infant son; her mother, Emma Vasseur Bellard; her father and step mother, Austin and Wilma Higginbotham; one step son-in-law, Shawn Martin; four brothers, Lucien, Clarence, Levy and Wilson Bellard; three sisters, Joyceline Bellard, Julia and Violia Fontenot.
Pallbearers for the services will be Lance Richard, Taylor LeJeune, Brian Lopez, Zeb Kennerson, Adam Hollier and Ricky Ingram.



TheAdvocate.com 01/09/2016

Margaret Cecelia Higginbotham McQueary (1924-2016)

Margaret Higginbotham McQueary, age 91, a resident of Denham Springs, passed away on January 8, 2016. Margaret is survived by her three daughters, Dianne Kennedy, Sandra Haggard and husband, Joey, and Deborah Bata; her two sons, Thomas McQueary and wife, Anita, and Michael McQueary and wife, Mary; her seven grandchildren, Scott and Tammy Haggard, Tabitha Tourrere, Kellie Blakenship, Matthew McQueary, Kristen Retana, and Noah Bata; her fifteen great-grandchildren; and her two sisters, Jackie Cashio, and Piper LaSavio. She is preceded in death by her husband of 71 years, Carl McQueary; her parents, Thomas and Ella Higginbotham; her three brothers, and two sisters. Visiting hours will be observed on Monday, January 11, 2016, at Resthaven Gardens of Memory and Funeral Home, 11817 Jefferson Highway, from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Visiting hours will resume on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, from 9:00 AM until the time of services. Funeral Services will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, at 10:00 AM. Interment will take place at Resthaven Gardens of Memory Cemetery. Funeral Home Resthaven Gardens of Memory & Funeral Home 11817 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 753-1440.



Daily World 01/11/2016

John Dalton Higginbotham (1939-2016) LA

OPELOUSAS - Funeral Services will be held for John "Dalton" Higginbotham at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, February 12, 2016 at the Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home Chapel in Opelousas. Deacon Sammy Diesi will conduct the services. Burial will follow at the Bellevue Memorial Park cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham, age 76, a resident of Opelousas, LA, died at his home on Monday, February 8, 2016. Survivors include his daughters, Stephanie Manuel and husband, Kent, Donna Bailey and husband, Ken, and Kelly Marcus and husband, Matthew; his sister, Gail Leblanc and husband, Jerome. He is also survived by 9 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Verlis Miller Higginbotham; his ex-wife, Sandra Huckaby Higginbotham and his brother, Ben Higginbotham. Visitation will begin on Thursday, February 11, 2016 in the LaFond-Ardoin Funeral Home from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and will reopen on Friday at 8:00 a.m. A Rosary will be prayed on Thursday at 6:00 p.m. LaFond-Ardoin Funeral Home, 2845 S. Union St, Opelousas, LA, 70570, (337)942-2638, has been entrusted with the arrangements. Funeral Home Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home 2845 S Union Street Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 942-2638.



NYTimes.com Jan. 26, 2016 

Edith Arleane Higginbotham (1946-2016) LA/NV

Dr. Edith Arleane Higginbotham, daughter of Luther and Ruby Higginbotham, passed away at the age of sixty-nine on Saturday, January 23, 2016 in Henderson, NV following an acute illness.

Dr. Edith Higginbotham was a beautiful and vibrant woman who led an inspiring life as an accomplished physician, talented pianist, and loving companion, daughter, sister, and aunt. Dr. Higginbotham was born and raised in New Orleans, LA where she graduated from McDonogh 35 High School. She subsequently received her undergraduate, graduate, and medical degrees from Howard University in Washington DC and postgraduate training at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center in New York City, becoming one of the first African-American female radiologists board-certified in nuclear medicine in the United States.

Dr. Higginbotham served patients across the country including New York, New Jersey, Washington DC, Minnesota, South Dakota, and California. She was a member of the American College of Radiology, Radiological Society of North America, and the Society of Nuclear Medicine and received many honors and recognitions, including Who’s Who In America, Honorary Louisiana Deputy Attorney General, and Outstanding Working Woman in Glamour Magazine. After a successful decades-long career, she retired in Henderson, NV.

Those who wish to celebrate Edith’s life are invited to attend a Mass at LAKE LAWN METAIRIE FUNERAL HOME CHAPEL, 5100 Pontchartrain Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70124 on Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 1:00 PM. Interment will follow in Lake Lawn Park & Mausoleum. Visitation on Sunday from 12:00 PM until service time.




Emma Marie Melancon Higginbotham (1926-2016) LA

February 22, 1926 - February 12, 2016

Church Point, Louisiana - Emma was born on February 22, 1926 and passed away on Friday, February 12, 2016. Emma was a resident of Church Point, Louisiana at the time of her passing. She was married to Paul Sr. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2:00 pm on Tuesday February 16 2016 at St. Edmond Catholic Church for Emma Melancon Higginbotham 89 who passed away on Friday February 12 2016 at 10:45 pm. Msgr. Jefferson Deblanc Pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church will be the Celebrant of the Mass. Burial will take place in St. Edmond Cemetery. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home on Monday February 15 2016 from 1:00 pm until 8:00 pm and continue on Tuesday from 9:00 am until the time of service. A rosary will be recited Monday evening at 6:00 pm in the funeral home.



Daily World 03/13/2016

Rena Mae Fontenot Higginbotham (1927-2016) LA

Port Barre - A Mass of Christian Burial for Rena Mae Fontenot Higginbotham will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, March 14, 2016, in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Port Barre. Rev. Fr. Daniel Picard will celebrate the Mass. Rite of Committal and interment will follow in the Sacred Heart Cemetery. Rena was born in of Ville Platte on May 10, 1927, and was a longtime resident of Port Barre. She passed away on Saturday, March 12, 2016, at her home surrounded by her family after battling cancer at the age of 88. She worked as a Cook in the Cafeteria at Port Barre High School for over 33 years until her retirement in 1986. She was a very devout Catholic who attended Mass, prayed the Rosary, and was a parishioner at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. She enjoyed dancing, listening to music, and telling jokes. She enjoyed spending time outdoors tending to her flowers and growing vegetables in her gardens especially tomatoes and cucumbers. She would extend her love through her cooking for the family and spending time with the family and friends. She was a loving wife, and a caring mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She will be sadly missed by all who knew and loved her. Survivors include three sons, Kenneth Higginbotham of Port Barre; Michael Higginbotham and wife, Sharon of Opelousas; and Johnny Higginbotham of Opelousas; two daughters, Pamela H. DeVillier of Teague, TX; and Anna Davis and husband, Jason of Baton Rouge; 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years, Leonce Higginbotham; infant daughter, Penny Higginbotham; her parents, Orise Fontenot and Louisiana O'Pry Fontenot; two sisters, Belma Theriot and Eldie Majors; five brothers, Ellia Fontenot, Aurel Fontenot, Herbert Fontenot, Edward Guillory, and Essie Guillory; two daughters-in-law, Sally B. Higginbotham and Debra Jeffers; son-in-law, Larry DeVillier; and nephew, Larry Fontenot. Pallbearers will be Michael Higginbotham, Mikey Higginbotham, Josh DeVillier, Jason Stelly, Harold Woods, Jr., and Glenn Bergeron. Honorary pallbearers will be Kenneth Higginbotham, Johnny Higginbotham, Jason Davis, Jace Stelly, Chris Higginbotham, and John Keye Higginbotham. The visitation will begin on Sunday, March 13, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. A Rosary service will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. On Monday, visitation will continue from 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests monetary donations be made in her memory to the American Cancer Society . Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre.



The Advertiser 04/17/2016

Marie Janell Matte Higginbotham (1946-2016) LA

CHURCH POINT, LA - A Memorial Service will be held at 1:30 P.M. Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point, La. for Mrs. Douglas Higginbotham, 70, the former Marie Janell Matte. Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Church Point and currently a resident of Lafayette, La., died Thursday evening, April 14 at her residence after a courageous battle with lung cancer. Deacon Bryne Winn will conduct the services with interment to be determined by family. Survivors include her husband, Douglas Higginbotham of Lafayette; a son, Shane Higginbotham and wife Starlet of Branch, La.; a daughter, Pixie Carter and husband Jim of Lafayette, two brothers, John Matte and wife Gloria of Carencro, La. and Willie Matte of Morgan City, La.; a sister, Lola Lyons and husband Windsor of Carencro; and two grandchildren, Lauren Carter and fiancé Jonathon Guidry and his son, Braxton Guidry and Cameron Carter-all of Lafayette. She was preceded in death by her parents, Oscar and Amire Matte a son, Clay Higginbotham and a brother and sister, Elvie Matte and Elmire Richard. The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 10:00 A.M. until the time of the services on Tuesday. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there at 1:00 P.M. by Deacon Winn. Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, La. (337) 684-5488.



TheNewOrleansAdvocate.com 04/27/2016

Edward Veazie Higginbotham (1932-2016) LA

Edward Veazie Higginbotham passed away on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at his home in Kenner, Louisiana. Beloved husband of the late Josephine Andrews Higginbotham for forty-nine years. Loving father of James "Jimmy" Higginbotham, Roxanne Higginbotham Winters (husband, Harry), Nancy Pecot, and the late Mary Higginbotham Schneider. Grandfather of Jimmy, William, Harry, Terry, Shannon, Joseph, Christopher, Renee, Lionel, Julian, and the late Sherri Pecot and Johnny Pecot. Great-grandfather of Brooklyn, Jackson, Rowen, Wren, and Colin. Son of the late Lafayette Higginbotham and Birdie Meadows Higginbotham. Brother of Vera Ousley, Marion Higginbotham, and the late Monroe Higginbotham and Josephine Crowder. Also survived by many other loving relatives and friends. Edward worked as an engineer for King Cotton for many years, and then worked as a maintenance engineer for Sheraton. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend a Memorial Service at Celebration Church, 3550 Williams Blvd., Kenner, LA on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 3 PM, with a reception to follow at the family's home. Please check with the family for directions if needed. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the American Cancer Society in Edward's honor. Arrangements handled by NEPTUNE SOCIETY OF NEW ORLEANS, 3801 Williams Blvd., Kenner, LA 70065. 504-464-3095.



Shreveport Times 04/30/2016

Mary Lancaster Laughlin Higginbotham (1926-2016) LA

Funeral services for Mary L. Higginbotham, age 89 of Ruston will be held 2:00 PM, Saturday, April 30, 2016 at Trinity United Methodist Church with Rev. Rolly Walker and Rev. Gary Willis officiating the service. Burial will be 11:00 AM Monday, May 2, 2016 at Natchez City Cemetery in Natchez, MS. Mary was born on October 24, 1926 in Natchez, MS and died April 28, 2016 in Ruston. Mary was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church and Kappa Delta Sorority. She is preceded in death by her husbands: John H. Laughlin and Marvin “Bud” Higginbotham, Jr; Siblings: Mildred Lancaster McBride, Anne Lancaster Chennault, Robert James Lancaster Roderick Claude “Doc” Lancaster and Martha Lancaster Seaman. She is survived by her son: John H. Laughlin, Jr and wife Faith of Roxie, MS; grandson: Will Hutchins of Roxie, MS; sister: Betty Lou Lancaster Robertson of Ruston, LA; sister in law: Edna “Tut” Lancaster of St. Joseph, LA. Pallbearers will be Skip Russell, Rob Lancaster, Duane Toliver, Ayres Bradford, Mike Chennault and Patrick Daniel. Visitation will be held 1:00 PM until 2:00 PM Saturday, April 30, 2016 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Ruston.




Mattie Mae Harper Hickingbottom (1930-2016) LA

Funeral service for Mrs. Mattie Mae Hickingbottom are scheduled for 2 PM Friday, May 13, 2016 at the chapel of Golden Funeral Home, with Rev. Philip Burress officiating. Visitation will be Thursday, from 5 - 7 PM at the funeral home.

Mrs. Hickingbottom, age 85, passed away Wednesday, May 11, 2016. She was an awesome grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother and she lived for her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and her great-great-grandson.

She is preceded in death by her husband, Tom Hickingbottom; parents, Henry and Ella Touchstone Harper; daughter, Glenda Jones; son-in-law, James L. Roan; sister, Eddie Lee Ashley, and brothers, Charlie Harper, Vernon Harper, A.B. Arthur, and Arthur Harper.

Mrs. Hickingbottom is survived by her daughter, Linda Roan, of Bastrop; grandchildren, Tammy Kelly and husband William, of Bastrop, Tina Whitaker and husband Chuck, of Bastrop, Michael Jones and wife Lisa, of Bastrop, and Angela Jones, of Bastrop; great-grandchildren, Austin Trichell and fiancé, Victoria Wood, Maci Trichell, Madisen Wood, Carson Harrison, Tristen Jones, Kellie Jones, Savannah Jones, and Amanda Pardue; great-great-grandson, Ezra Wood; and numerous nieces, nephews and friends.



Deridder Daily News 05/20/2016

Hannah Amelia Higginbotham (????-2016) LA

Hannah Amelia Higginbotham of DeRidder passed away on Monday, May 16, 2016. Visitation at Chaddick Funeral Home will be from 5-9 p.m. Friday, May 20, 2016 at the funeral home. Graveside service all be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Pine Island Cemetery, Simpson, with the Rev. James Byrd officiating. Survivors include her parents, Jerry and Sarah Higginbotham of DeRidder; a sister, Rebekah Alden; a brother, Able Reece; maternal grandparents, Kenneth and Sybil Nash of DeRidder; paternal grandmother, Dorothy Hebere of DeRidder; an aunt, Shana Nash of DeRidder; four uncles, Jason Nash and Toni of Louisville, Texas; Jacky Higginbotham of DeRidder; Robert Higginbotham and Melanie of Oretta, Chris Higginbotham of Big Flat, Ark.; special friend Linda Goul of DeRidder and a host of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her paternal grandfather, Boyd Higginbotham. Funeral Home Chaddick Funeral Home 1931 N Pine St Deridder, LA 70634 (337) 460-5945.



The Advertiser 05/27/2016

Jean Warren Higginbotham (1939-2016) LA

CHURCH POINT - A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. at St. John Berchman Catholic Church in Cankton for Warren Higginbotham, 76, who passed away on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 9:10 P.M. at his home in Church Point. Very Rev. Msgr. Russell Harrington, Pastor of St. John Berchman Catholic Church will be officiating for the services. Burial will be in the St. John Berchman Catholic Church Cemetery. The family has requested the visitation to be held on Friday, May 27, 2016 at 9:30 A.M. until 9:00 P.M. A Rosary will be recited on Friday at 6 o'clock in the evening in the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. Visitation will resume on Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 8:00 A.M. until time of services. Survivors include his wife of forty eight years, Margaret C. Higginbotham of Church Point; two sons, Eric and wife, Angie Higginbotham of Port Allen, David Higginbotham of Church Point; one daughter, Laura and husband, Allyn Hollis of Church Point; two brothers, Leander and wife, Bernice Higginbotham of Church Point, Shirley Ray and wife, Linda Higginbotham of Eunice; six grandchildren, Mikeael Bradshaw, Kori Goldsby, Kristina Bradshaw, Thunder and wife, Beth Higginbotham, Dakota Higginbotham and Stormy Higginbotham; and one great-grandson, Zayden Bradshaw; several nieces and nephews. Mr. Warren was preceded in death by his parents, Horace and Leediana F. Higginbotham; two brothers, Preston Higginbotham and Gervais Higginbotham. The family wants to send many thanks to Serenity Home Help and Hospice. Especially his nurses, Kim and Crystal, who were always available and caring, also Rozina for all her help. Duhon Funeral Home, LLC-Church Point, LA, (337) 684-5552, 701 S. Broadway Street, Church Point, LA 70525 is in charge of all of the arrangements. Funeral Home Duhon Funeral Home 701 S Broadway St Church Point, LA 70525 (337) 684-5552.



The Advertiser 06/02/2016

Joseph Carrol Higginbotham (1939-2016) LA

CHURCH POINT - Carrol Higginbotham left this earth to be with our Lord on Monday, May 30, 2016. He died of natural causes at age 76 after a short illness. Visitation will be Friday, June 3, 2016 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Delhomme Funeral Home, 705 Marie Street, Scott, LA. After the prayer service at 3:00 p.m., he will be transported for cremation. He is survived by his wife, Diane Vincent; two sons, Jon Michael and Richard Joseph; daughter, Priscilla Higginbotham from his first marriage; sister, Bernadine Theresa; brothers, James Terry and his wife Judy and Milton Joseph and his wife Sandy; grandchildren, Brennen, Serenity, and Korbin. He was preceded in death by his father, Joseph Abraham Higginbotham; mother, Zoe Clavier; brother, John Darrel and sister, Jeanette Marie. Carrol proudly joined the Marines soon after he left Scott High School. He worked at Lafayette Steel Erectors for nineteen years and Reco Crane in New Orleans for twenty years. Carrol was a pure hearted soul; it showed in everything he touched. He had a love of music, passion for woodworking, devotion to gardening and a taste for cooking. You could feel warmth in his heart for his family. He will be deeply missed by all that knew him and never forgotten by those who loved him. We love you dad, husband and friend - then, now and forever.




Priscilla Marie Higginbotham Richard (1952-2016) LA
Funeral Services will be held on Thursday, July 7, 2016, at 5:00 P.M. in the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point for Priscilla “TeeTee” Richard, 63, who passed away on Monday, July 4, 2016 at 10:32 P.M. at Camolot of Broussard Nursing Home in Broussard.
Fr. Mitchell Guidry, Pastor at Our Lady of Queen of All Saints in Ville Platte will be officiating for the services.
The family has requested that visitation be held on Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. until time of services all in the Funeral Home Chapel. A Rosary will be recited at 4:00 P.M. in the Chapel in Church Point.
Survivors include one son, Bryan and wife, Natalie Richard of Youngsville; one sister, Linda and husband, Steve Dunne of Alvin, TX.; two grandchildren, Clay Padgett and Chloe Padgett both of Youngsville.
Ms. Priscilla was preceded in death by her parents, Homer P. and Eula Higginbotham; father of her son, Paul Craig Richard; one sister, Lorita Anne Bearb; two brothers, Patrick Higginbotham and John Pershing “Dodo” Higginbotham. 





Donald Oswald Higginbotham (1919-2016) LA

August 1, 1919 - July 14, 2016 Bastrop, Louisiana

Donald Oswald Higginbotham, widower of Betty Kyser Higginbotham, is predeceased by his parents, James Douglas and Inez Anderson Higginbotham and his two brothers, John Thomas Higginbotham and James Douglas Higginbotham, Jr. He is survived by his son, James Robert Higginbotham and wife, Margie; two daughters, Ginger Limerick and Nancy White and husband, Richard; six grandchildren, Andy White and wife, Michelle, Payton White and wife, Penny, Laney White and husband Greg; Claire Crownover and husband, Jeff, Lindsay Polley and husband, Doug, and Andy Higginbotham and wife, Ashley; seven great-grandchildren, Addison White, Trey White, Bailey Crownover, David Higginbotham, Brody White, Keaton Polley and Adalynn Polley. Mr. Higginbotham is also survived by his niece, Vickie Brown and husband, Danny and their sons, Kevin Brown, Jarrod Brown, and Matthew Brown; nephews, Mike Higginbotham and wife, Debbie and their daughters, Cory Price and Kelly Murphy, Jamie Higginbotham and wife Mary Jean and their son, Harris Higginbotham, and Randy Higginbotham and wife, Kay and their children Kellen Higginbotham Ranger and Douglas Randolph Higginbotham. Don was retired from AL&M Railroad and a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps, having served in World War II. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Bastrop where he served as a deacon and an elder. Funeral services will be held at Cox Funeral Home, Bastrop, Louisiana, on Monday, July 18, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Visitation will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Monday at the funeral home. Committal services with military honors will be at Christ Church Cemetery under the direction of Cox Funeral Home. Serving as pallbearers are Andy White, Payton White, Addison White, Greg White, Trey White, Andy Higginbotham, and Donald Ray Morris. Honorary pallbearer will be Andy Anderson. The family request that for those who wish, memorials be made to the First Presbyterian Church of Bastrop, the American Cancer Society, or a charity of your choice.





Ralph Carlton Higginbotham Jr. (1953-2016) LA/TX 

Ralph Carlton Higginbotham Jr., known by all as Carl, passed away Sunday July 24, 2016 at age 63. He was born on March 26, 1953 in Bossier City, Louisiana to Ralph Carlton Higginbotham Sr. (Pete) and Bernice (Chapman) Higginbotham from Hamburg, Arkansas. Carl’s family moved to Killeen, Texas in 1967 where Carl graduated from Killeen High School in 1971. He joined the Air Force in 1972 and was honorably discharged in 1977. He married Sandie (Vernon) Higginbotham on February 17, 1973 and they were married for 43 years. He studied Biology and Chemistry at Central Texas College and graduated from The University of Mary Hardin Baylor. He was also a proud retired Killeen Firefighter and Paramedic. He loved spending time with his grandkids, watching them play ball, fishing, riding his motorcycle (or any fast vehicle), and spending time with family and friends. The memories of his free spirit and loving nature will always be cherished. He will truly be missed and will forever be in our hearts. He was preceded in death by his parents Pete and Bernice, father’ n law Bobby Vernon and bother’ n law Stevie Vernon. Survivors include wife; Sandie, son; Nathan (Sara) Higginbotham, daughters; Jodie (Buddy) Hoadley and Cassidy (Preston) Meyer; six grandchildren, Kaylee, Rowdy, Aidan, Cade, Reese and Maverick, four sisters; Gay Smith, Karen Ann, Sonia Smith, and Leslie (Ron) Carey, mother ’n law Lillie Vernon, sister’ n law Debbie (Floyd) Seales, and brother’ n law Ronnie (Donna) Vernon. Further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Visitation will be held from 10:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday July 30, 2016 at the Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home in Killeen on Ft. Hood St. Funeral Service will follow at 1:00pm.In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Killeen Professional Fire Fighters’ Association. Arrangements under the direction of Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home, Killeen, TX. 



Shreveport Times 08/04/2016

Mary Louise Shields Higginbotham (1924-2016) OK/LA

SHREVEPORT, LA - Funeral services celebrating the life of Mary Louise Higginbotham, 91, will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, August 5, 2016 at Rose-Neath Southside Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow at Forest Park West Cemetery. Visitation will be held prior to the services beginning at 10:00 a.m. until 11:00. Mary was born September 24, 1924 in Tulsa, OK and went to be with her Savior on July 31, 2016. She was a retired registered nurse and enjoyed spending time with her family and doing needlework. She was preceded in death by her parents, her loving husband Joseph W. Higginbotham, Sr., son Joseph W. Higginbotham, Jr., sister, Blanch "Babe" Smith and older brother, Jimmy Shields. Mary is survived by her daughter-in-law, Debbie Higginbotham; grandson, J.W. Higginbotham III and his wife Melissa; great-grandson, Joseph Martin Higginbotham; nieces, Carol Keller and Debi Akins; nephew, Carl Smith.




Dorothy Lee Bellard Higginbotham (1933-2016) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 1:30 P.M. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Dorothy B. Higginbotham, 83, who passed away at her home surrounded by her family on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 10:05 P.M. in Church Point.
Msgr. Jeff DeBlanc, Pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point will be officiating for the services. Burial will be in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church New Cemetery in Church Point.
The family has requested the visitation to be held on Monday, August 29, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. at the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. A Rosary will be recited on Monday at 7:30 in the evening in the Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. Visitation will resume on Tuesday, August 20, 2016 at 8:00 A.M. until time of services.
Survivors include five sons, Gordon and wife, Oneida Higginbotham of Sugar Land, TX., Roland and wife, Gwen Higginbotham of Stafford, TX., Michael Higginbotham of Church Point, Douglas Higginbotham of Church Point and Richard and wife, Lisa Higginbotham of Eunice; nine grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.
Ms. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband, Gervais Higginbotham; her parents, Elie and Lorena L. Bellard; one sister, Annie Cormier; three brothers, Walter Bellard, Eula Bellard and Louis Bellard.



Daily World & The Advertiser 12/07/2016

Loretta Marie Thibodeaux Higginbotham (1944-2016) LA

CHURCH POINT, LA - A Funeral Prayer Service will be held at 11:00 A.M. Thursday, December 8, 2016 at St. Edward Catholic Church in Richard, LA for Loretta T. Higginbotham, 71, the former Loretta Marie Thibodeaux. Ms. Higginbotham, a long-time resident of Church Point, died early Tuesday morning at Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point. Father Wayne Duet will conduct the services with entombment following in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Hwy 35 north of Church Point.

Survivors include her companion, Gerald Dies of Church Point; her former husband, Linton "Hick" Higginbotham of Church Point; two sons, Guy Higginbotham and Kevin Higginbotham and companion Theresa Daigle-all of Church Point; a daughter, Kyla Dawn Higginbotham and companion Audie Boutte, Sr. of Church Point; her brothers, Reggie Thibodeaux and wife Robin of Church Point and Timmy LeJeune and wife Elaine of Richard; a sister, Cheryl Alleman and husband Elmo of Lafayette, LA.; six grandchildren: Heather LeJeune, Summer Hollier and Heidi, Tanner, Trenton and Trace Higginbotham and two great-grandchildren, Kenzie Guevera and Easton Durke.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph Bertrand Thibodeaux and Lorina Blanchard Thibodeaux and a sister, Ora Marie LeJeune.

The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 10:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. on Wednesday, December 7 and continue from 8:00 A.M. Thursday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there 7:00 P.M. Wednesday by Deacon Bryne Winn.

Pallbearers will be Reggie Thibodeaux, Timmy LeJeune, Elmo Alleman and Tanner, Trenton and Trace Higginbotham with Heather LeJeune and Tiffany Simmons delivering the readings.

Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, LA (337) 684-5488.




Archie Joseph Higginbotham (1943-2016) LA

June 29, 1943 - December 11, 2016

Church Point, LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mr. Archie Joseph Higginbotham, Sr., 73, who passed away on Sunday afternoon, December 11 at his residence. Fr. Godwin Nzeh, associate pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, will be the celebrant of the Mass and burial will take place in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery on Hwy 35. Archie, a resident of Church Point, Louisiana was the son of the late Joseph Higginbotham and the former Wilma Briscoe Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife, Florence F. Higginbotham of Church Point, LA; three daughters, Donna Haugen and husband Robert of Richard, LA, Catherine McGue and husband Benjamin of Grand Prairie, LA and Amanda Bourque and husband Kevin of Richard; three sons, David Nelams and wife Christine of Youngsville, LA, Newton Nelams of Grand Prairie and Archie J. Higginbotham, Jr. of Cecilia, LA; one stepdaughter, Nikki Jagneaux of Richard; one stepson, Chad Guillory and wife Kelly of Blanchard, LA; 24 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and one sister, Ruth D'Heilly of Church Point. He was preceded in death by his parents and his first wife, Barbara Guidroz Higginbotham. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home on Tuesday, December 13 from 10:00 AM until 9:00 PM and continue on Wednesday from 8:00 AM until the time of services. A rosary will be recited at 7:00 PM Tuesday evening in the funeral home. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.




Helen Ruth Laird Hickenbotham (1932-2016) LA

Helen Ruth (Laird) Hickenbotham Rockenbaugh passed away on Thursday, December 15, 2016 at the age of 85. She was born and raised in Ponchatoula, LA and a longtime resident of Harahan, LA. Helen was a proud, retired nurse and a member of Riverside Baptist Church.

Wife of the late Wesley Hickenbotham by first marriage and the late Jesse Rockenbaugh by second marriage.

Mother of Linda Diaz, Judith Pajares and Charles Hickenbotham.

Daughter of the late Virginius Wendell (Gene) Laird and Myrtle Laird.

Sister of Wilda Mayhall, Jean Oliphant, Richard Laird and the late Elison Laird, Mildred Riall, Evelyn Hardy and Wanda LeBlanc.

Grandmother of Dawn Kelly, Christiana Diaz, Brett Diaz, Andrew Diaz,Tony Pajares, Jay Pajares, Tiffany Pajares and Allison Lee.

Great-grandmother of Justin, Emily, Tori, Madeline, Evan, Jason, Logan, Caleb, Hayden, Brooke, Jesse, Chloe, Nathan, Alexa and Matthew.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend the Funeral Service at L. A. Muhleisen & Son Funeral Home, 2607 Williams Blvd., Kenner on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. Visitation from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Interment in Jefferson Memorial Gardens Cemetery.



The Advertiser 12/22/2016


Lorraine Frances Lyons Higginbotham (1944-2016) LA

LAFAYETTE - Funeral services will be held Friday, December 23, 2016 at an 11:00 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. Born on April 7, 1944 in Church Point and a lifelong resident of Lafayette, Lorraine peacefully passed into the eternal gates of Heaven on December 20, 2016. Interment will be in Evangeline Memorial Gardens in Carencro. The Rev. Gary Schexnayder, pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, will officiate at the services. Altar server will be her godson, Deacon Barry LeBlanc. Scripture readers will be McKenzi Bellard and Arienne Higginbotham. Giftbearers will be Dana Higginbotham, Ursula Elkins and her godchild, Tiffany Rosbury. Musical selections will be provided by vocalist and guitarist, Matt Higginbotham and flutist, Jenny Dupre. The songs will be Gentle Woman, The Old Rugged Cross, Ava Maria, Halleluiah, His Peace is Flowing Like A River and Here I Am Lord. Lorraine was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. She was a member of the bereavement committee and past member of God's Little Helpers at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. Survivors include her devoted husband of fifty-two years, Robert (Bob) Higginbotham, one daughter, Keysha Bellard and her husband, Marty; one son, Robbie Higginbotham and his wife, Dana; four grandchildren, McKenzi Bellard, Barron Bellard, Greyson Higginbotham and Arienne Higginbotham; two brothers, Chester Lyons and his wife, Vicki, and Winsor Lyons and his wife, Lola; and two sisters, Ursula Elkins and her husband, Don, and Rosalie Venable. She was preceded in death by her parents, Clarence and Lydia Lyons; two brothers, Floyd and Warren Lyons; and two sisters, Frankena Olivier and Bertha Guilbeau. A rosary will be prayed at 7:00 p.m. Thursday in the funeral home by Amanda Credeur. The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 11:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Thursday and will continue from 8:00 a.m. until service time on Friday. Pallbearers will be Barron Bellard, Marty Bellard, Don Elkins, Greyson Higginbotham, Robbie Higginbotham and Chester Lyons. Honorary pallbearers will be Gage Dugas, Winsor Lyons and her godchild, Gary Olivier. Melancon Funeral Home, Evangeline Memorial Gardens Chapel, 4117 N. University Ave., Carencro, (337) 896-3232, is in charge of arrangements.




Robert Wayne Higginbotham (1949-2016) LA

Robert Wayne Higginbotham passed away December 28, 2016. Robert Was born January 9, 1949 to Joseph and Gertie Higginbotham. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother Randy.

He leaves to mourn his memory, wife of 48 years Beverly, daughters Lorrie (Darren) Bertrand, Bobbie Simmons, Extra son Michael Champion (started as a son n law and became a son), Brothers John Higginbotham (Mildred) Dale Higginbotham (Susan) Jimmy Higginbotham, Joe Higginbotham (Vera) his companion, sisters, Glenda (Harvey) Granger, Janet (Dean) Arnold. His well loved grandchildren Darby and Shelby Bertrand and Devon Champion. His “adopted” grandchildren, Sam, Dylan, Tessa, Brittany, Desi and Cody, many more he treated as his grandchildren and was very close to.

He Graduated from LaGrange High School, then became a meat cutter/Market Manager for Kroger. He retired after 42 years. He was Kroger’s Top Gross Percentage Producer, overall Louisiana and Texas stores.
His “grandbabies” were his treat, they loved him almost as much, as he loved and adored them. He was so proud of them, with their good hearted attitudes, always had kisses and hugs for him, no matter how old they became.

He had to get to know you, but when he did, he pulled those pranks on everyone, especially his brothers. The Love he had for his brothers and sisters was unmistakable, always got along, never a cross word between them. They were there for him till the end bringing him to lunch, getting him out of the house, bringing him his sweets, he loved so much. Susie Thank you for that.

The family would like to thank Drs. Kahn, Looney, Turner, Williams and their staffs.
A very special thank you to his friend and fellow retiree Bob Murray, always there for him by calling, coming over and bringing him to lunch. He loved you as a brother.

Robert will be sorely missed, long after he’s gone. He affected a lot of lives in his own way, with his patience, and helpfulness. Just a really good man.

Friends are cordially invited to a visitation with the family on December 30, 2016 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. in the chapel of Lakeside Funeral Home. A rosary will be prayed at 6 p.m. and services will follow at 6:30 p.m. The Very Reverend Anthony Fontenot is to officiate. Cremation will follow the service.



TheAdvocate.com 01/03/2017

Patsy Marie Higginbotham Goff Fuselier (1938-2017) LA

Pat Fuselier passed away Monday, January 2, 2017 at the age of 79. Pat was born in Bunkie, LA and resided her entire adult life in Baton Rouge, LA. Pat's passion was in sales, and that was her lifelong career after completion of Draughn Business College. She and Harold loved cooking and entertaining friends and family. Pat loved life and was always happy and smiling. Pat is survived by her three children; Randy Goff (Laurie) of St. Francisville, LA, Donna Fuselier (Toni Aguilar) of Crosby, MS, and Gail Goff of Prairieville, LA; granddaughters, Paige and Kelly Goff which she enjoyed every minute spent with them; siblings, Floyd Davis of St. Amant, LA, Kathy Higginbotham of Denham Springs, LA, and Carolyn Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband of over 40 years, Harold Fuselier; sister, June Day; parents, Aline Ortego Davis and Leroy Higginbotham. Visitation will be held at Greenoaks Funeral Home on Thursday, January 5, 2017 from 11 a.m. until Funeral Service at 2 p.m. Pallbearers will be Jacob Davis, Cody Davis, Floyd Davis, Bubbe Day, Wade Evans, and Sullivan Clark. Interment will follow on the grounds of Greenoaks Memorial Park. A special heartfelt thank you goes out to Gloria Taylor, Melissa Cheatham, Ernestine Straughter, Shemeca Torrence, Tiffany Harrel and the staffs at Oakwood Village and Butterfly Wing at Hospice of Baton Rouge. Funeral Home Greenoaks Funeral Home 9595 Florida Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70815 (225) 925-5331.




Dervine Baudoin Benoit Higginbotham (1922-2017) LA
December 6, 1922 - January 12, 2017

Funeral services will be held on Monday, January 16, 2017 at a 10:00 AM Mass of Christian Burial in Martin & Castille's La Fleur de Lis Chapel in Lafayette for Dervine "Dee" Benoit Higginbotham, age 94, who died on Thursday, January 12, 2017at her residence in Lafayette.

Interment will be in Lafayette Memorial Park Cemetery.

Reverend Michael Keith Landry, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in New Iberia, will be the Celebrant of the Funeral Mass and will conduct the funeral services. Lector will be Judy Laister. Giftbearers will be Brooke and Reagan Benoit. Jodi Bollich, organist and soloist, will sing for the services, "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman", "Ave Maria", "On Eagles' Wings" and "Amazing Grace".

Survivors include two daughters, Patsy B. Martin and her husband, Junior and Judy B. Laister; one son, Larry Benoit and his wife, Dixie; five grandchildren, Pennye Huval, Alan Huval, Sherie Laake, Dr. Lonny Benoit and Jamie Benoit; and nine great grandchildren, Austin Huval, Brooke Benoit, Reagan Benoit, Lexington Benoit, Porter Benoit, Kaleb Broussard, Dillan Laake, Harli Laake and Chelcy Broussard.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Ulysse and Victoria Savoie Baudoin; her first husband, Linex Benoit; her second husband, Percy P. Higginbotham; her sisters, Elodge Baudoin, Alzina Boudreaux, and Oceana Benoit Hollier; her brothers, Eno, Thead, Gladu and George Baudoin; her paternal grandparents, Adelar and Azema Vallot Baudoin; and her maternal grandparents, Hypolite and Aurelia Dartez Savoie.

Dervine Baudoin Benoit Higginbotham was a native of Milton, Louisiana and a resident of Lafayette for most of her life.

"Dee" as she was known to friends and family, worked as a seamstress for Hub City Cleaners and was also employed at Our Lady of Fatima School. She was a parishioner of the St. Pius X Catholic Church Community in Lafayette. Dee enjoyed shopping, walking in the Mall with her friends and spending time with her family. She was a loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend to all, and will be dearly missed.

Pallbearers will be Dr. Lonny Benoit, Warren Baudoin, Jamie Benoit, Alan Huval, Austin Huval, Tommy Duhon and Lynwood Dronet. Honorary pallbearers will be Ray Benoit and Carroll Benoit.

A Rosary will be recited on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 4:00 PM in Martin & Castille's SOUTHSIDE Location.

Martin & Castille-SOUTHSIDE-600 E. Farrel Rd., Lafayette, LA 




Thomas Douglas Higginbotham (1944-2017) LA

July 11, 1944 - January 28, 2017 Church Point, Louisiana

Memorial services will be held at a later date for Mr. Thomas Douglas Higginbotham, 72, who passed away at 2:14 PM on Saturday, January 28, 2017 at Lafayette General Medical Center. Douglas, a resident of Church Point, was the son of the late Howard Higginbotham and the former Aline Venable Higginbotham. He is survived by one daughter, Pixie H. Carter and husband Jim of Lafayette, LA; one son, Shane Higginbotham and wife Starlet of Branch, LA; two grandchildren, Lauren Guidry and husband Johnathon and his son Braxton Guidry of Lafayette and Cameron Carter of Lafayette and one sister, Priscilla Credeur of Carencro, LA. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Janell Higginbotham; a son, Clay Higginbotham; two sisters, Shirley Higginbotham and Mary Lee Castille and one brother, Dwight Higginbotham. A loving husband, father and grandfather, Mr. Higginbotham was a truck driver for some fifty years. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.




Jessica Kristin Klein Higginbotham (1963-2017) LA

July 23, 1963 - February 7, 2017

Basile, Louisiana

Jessica Klein Higginbotham passed away on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, at the age of 53. Funeral Services will be held on Friday, February 10, 2017, at 2:00 PM. at Quirk and Son Funeral Home in Eunice with burial to follow at Mt. Calvary. Pastor Heather Ardion will officiate. Visitation will begin on Friday at 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Jessica is survived by her son, Alex Higginbotham and wife, Heather of Eunice; one sister, Sally Rozas of Eunice, and three grandchildren. Jessica was preceded in death by her son, Dirk Higginbotham, and her parents, Reginald and Janice Klein.





James Wilson Higginbotham (1949-2017) LA

Born: July 12, 1949    Died: February 25, 2017    Location: Eunice, Louisiana

Funeral services for James W. Higginbotham, age 67, will be held on Monday, February 27, 2017, at 12:00 PM at Quirk & Son Funeral Home with burial to follow at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Pastor Ron Lacombe will officiate. James passed away on Saturday, February 25, 2017. He is survived by his wife Gloria D. Higginbotham of Marksville; his daughter, Misty H. Couvillion and her husband Kyle of Marksville; his son, Nicky Higginbotham of Deridder; sister, Sandy Ardoin and her husband Donny; a grandson Seth J. Couvillion. James was preceded in death by his parents, Wilson Joseph Higginbotham and Maebell Reeves Ardoin; brother, Joseph W. Higginbotham; sister Elaine Matt. Visitation will begin on Sunday, February 26, from 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM. The funeral home will reopen on Monday at 8:00 PM until service time.



The Advertiser 03/07/2017

Mary Geraldine Higginbotham Guidry (1949-2017)

CHURCH POINT - Known to her family as "Deenie," to her husband's family as "Marie", to others in both families as "Aunt Mary," "Nanny" or "Nan". To her sons she was "Mama," to her grandchildren, she was "Nana Mary," to her husband she was "Beb," "Sweetheart," "Sugar Plum," "Honey Bee" and "Honey Baby." Born March 30, 1949 in Church Point to Joseph Roosevelt Higginbotham and Yvonne Anna Guidry, Mary attended Church Point Elementary, Jr. High and High Schools as well as Gueydan High School. A playful, tough, and imaginative child, she always enjoyed the company of her extended family. Growing up in a less then affluent household of six children, she learned the value of strong faith, cooperation, hard work, and determination. Always deeply religious, in her teenage years Mary was actively involved at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church teaching catechism and assisting the Grey Nuns of the Cross (presently the Sisters of Charity of Ottawa) in their duties as sacristans for the church, preparing what was needed by the priests for sacred worship. Sensing a possible call to the Religious Life, Mary entered the Postulancy of the Grey Nuns in Gueydan remaining with them from 1964-1966 until discerning that God had a different plan for her. Returning to Church Point, Mary graduated from Church Point High School in 1967, and on April 26, 1969 married Bernice Guidry, the son of Noe' Guidry and Evelina Richard of Church Point. To this union was born two sons, Mitchell Gregory and Jody Matthew Guidry. As a young wife and mother, Mary was active in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Choir, the Church Point French Choir, the American Legion Auxiliary and the Church Point Centennial. When her children were in school, Mary assisted both the Sisters of Charity and the Blessed Sacrament Sisters in their work at Our Mother of Peace Elementary School. She volunteered extensively as a substitute teacher and catechism teacher, Hi-God summer program coordinator, supervisor of the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Altar Servers, and "Come, Lord Jesus" leader. Along with her husband Bernice, Mary also served the church as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist distributing Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick and homebound. In 1984, Mary was asked by her pastor, Fr. Gene Tremie, to serve on the staff of Our Mother of Peace as Religion Administrator, a position she held for 30 years. "Ms. Mary" as she was known, supervised the religious education of hundreds of OMP students, taught religion classes, arranged and planned school Masses, and trained students and teachers to serve in various liturgical roles. This position would come to define who "Ms. Mary" was. A caring person with a loyal and loving heart, though she was a physical mother of two, she became a spiritual mother to countless more to whom she taught and showed the love of Christ. After her retirement in 2014, she took on the role of caregiver to her husband who would become seriously ill. Ms. Mary died suddenly of heart failure at mid-day Saturday, March 4, 2017 at Opelousas General Hospital. Mary enjoyed cooking for her family, family gatherings, making holidays and birthdays special, talking and keeping in touch on the phone, keeping in touch and sharing with family friends on Facebook, watching good movies, listening to good music, shopping for clothes and shoes, singing and reading stories to her children, telling stories and sharing memories from the past and just simply loved God and her family. She also loved flowers and plants and visiting new places on vacations. She had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Monica, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Blessed Francis X Seelos and the Infant Jesus of Prague. Mary is survived by her beloved husband and companion of nearly 48 years, Bernice Guidry of Church Point; her sons, Fr. Mitchell Guidry of Ville Platte and Jody Guidry and his wife Rachel of Opelousas; her grandchildren Tyler and Courtney Savoie of Sunset; her great grandchildren Kaden Alberado and Paisley LaHaye of Sunset; her mother Yvonne G. Higginbotham of Church Point; her brothers Rufus Higginbotham and his wife Belinda, Clinton Higginbotham and his wife Carolyn of Church Point; her sister and best friend, Glinda H. Thibodeaux of Lewisburg; her brother in law Paul Guidry of Baton Rouge; her sisters in law, Gladys G. Savoie of Church Point, Bernadine G. Richard of Plaquemine, Anna C. Guidry of Lake Charles, Jenny G. Higginbotham of Ridge, and Betty D. Levings of Baton Rouge; her Godchildren Melanie G. Jurlin of Church Point, Mark Thibodaux of Carencro, Lisa R. Arceneaux of Napoleonville and Jeremy Higginbotham of Lewisburg; numerous cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends; her grand dog Leo and new friend Kitty Kat. She was preceded in death by her father, Roosevelt Higginbotham; her grandparents Asa Higginbotham and Zoe David, Elie Guidry and Agathe Higginbotham, her niece, Erica Higginbotham Latiolais and great niece Rachel Lyons; her nephew Nicholas Thibodeaux and great nephew Tyler Thibodeaux; her brothers in law, Austin Savoie, Howard "Blue" Guidry, Russell Richard and Patrick Thibodeaux; her sister in law, Rita Guidry. Mary's family requests that visiting hours take place at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point beginning at 11:00 am Tuesday, March 7, and end at 9:00 pm. The rosary will be prayed at 7:00 pm led by her son Fr. Mitchell Guidry. Visitation will resume at 8:00 am on Wednesday March 8 until the time of service at Our Lady of Sacred Heart Catholic Church for her Funeral Mass at 11:00 am. Her body will be laid to rest in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Hwy 35 north of Church Point. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorial contributions be made in Mary's name to Our Mother of Peace Elementary, 218 N. Rogers St., Church Point, LA, St. Joseph Seminary College Flood Relief Fund, 75376 River Rd., St. Benedict, LA 70457, or to the Blessed Francis X Seelos Center, 919 Josephine St., New Orleans, LA 70130. Guidry Funeral Home, Inc. is in charge of final arrangements.



The Advertiser 03/10/2017

Jon Michael Higginbotham (1976-2017) LA

CHURCH POINT - Memorial services will be held Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in Landmark Church (1610 W Willow St, Scott, LA 70583) for Jon Michael Higginbotham, age 40, who left this Earth, of unknown causes, to take his place in Heaven. Mike was a native of Youngsville and moved to Metairie when he was four years old. He later attended Destrehan High School. He worked at a variety of companies laying tile and pouring terrazzo. He was a proud, hard-working man who found his passion in flooring. Mike moved back here in 2003. He was just beginning a new job and was very happy with his prospects for the future. Mike lived life to the fullest and celebrated with food and music. He was creative in the kitchen and loved to cook. He also wrote poetry to express his deepest emotions. Mike was a loving son who had a big heart and was always quick to offer help. He loved his family unconditionally and we loved him dearly. He will be greatly missed, but his memory will forever remain in our hearts. Survivors include his son, Korbin Higginbotham, 16, of Mississippi; his mother, Diane Vincent Higginbotham; his brother, Richard Joseph Higginbotham both of Church Point; and his sister, Karie Crooker of Florida. He was preceded in death by his father, Joseph Carrol Higginbotham. Melancon Funeral Home, Evangeline Memorial Gardens Chapel, 4117 N. University Ave., Carencro, (337) 896-3232, is in charge of arrangements. Funeral Home MELANCON FUNERAL HOME - Carencro 4615 N. University Ave. Carencro, LA 70520 (337) 896-6366.



Gossen Funeral Home 3/26/2017


Dolores Marie Higginbotham DeRouen (1934-2017) LA
Rayne--Funeral services for Dolores Marie Higginbotham DeRouen, 82, of Mire will be held on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 1:00 PM in Gossen Funeral Home Chapel, Rayne. Committal services and inurnment will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 10:00 AM in St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery No. 2 Mausoleum.
Visitation will be held on Monday, March 27, 2017 from 5:00 PM until 10:00 PM in Gossen Funeral Home, Rayne, and will continue on Tuesday, from 8:00 AM until service time in the funeral home.
Mrs. DeRouen passed away on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 1:50 AM in a Lafayette health care facility.
Mrs. DeRouen, along with her late husband, was owner and operator of Plastics, Inc. (later known as DeRouen Plastics), where she served as vice president.
Survivors include her daughters, Judy A. DeRouen of Mire, and Michelle R. DeRouen of Houston, TX; sons, Stephen C. DeRouen and wife, Brenda of Mire, and Patrick P. DeRouen, Jr. and wife, Jackie of Fordoche, LA; sister, Lois Duhon and husband, Ronnie of Lafayette; 12 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
Preceding Mrs. DeRouen in death were her husband of 52 years, Patrick Percy DeRouen, Sr.; daughter, Peggy M. DeRouen; and parents, Charley and Cora Rose Landry Higginbotham.
The family has requested that memorial donations be made in Mrs. DeRouen's name to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN, 38105-9959.
Arrangements have been entrusted to Gossen Funeral Home, Inc. of Rayne, LA, (337) 334-3141.




Lisa Marie Arabie Higginbotham ((1966-2017) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, May 1, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. in the Duhon Funeral Home in Church Point for Lisa A. Higginbotham, 50, who passed away at her home on Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 2:48 A.M. in Eunice. Msgr. Jeff DeBlanc, Pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point will be officiating for the services. Burial will be in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church New Cemetery in Church Point. The family has requested the visitation to be held on Monday, May 1, 2017 at 10:00 A. M. until time of services all in the Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. A Rosary will be recited on Monday just prior to the services. Survivors include her husband, Richard Higginbotham of Eunice; her son, Michael Scott and wife, Lorelia Higginbotham of Church Point; her mother, Kathy J. Duhon of Eunice; her father and step mother, Leroy and Lynn Arabie of Eunice; one brother, James Keith Arabie of Eunice; one sister; Mary Christina Arabie of Marietta, GA. ; one granddaughter, Trinti Faith Higginbotham of Church Point; two step brothers, Jared and wife, Amanda Arabie of Basile and Damien and wife, Erica Arabie of Jennings; one step sister, Amanda Arabie of Eunice. You may view the obituary sign the guest registry and express condolences online to Lisa’s family at www.duhonfuneralhome.com. Duhon Funeral Home-Church Point, LLC, (337) 684-5552, 701 South Broadway Street, Church Point, LA 70525 is in charge of all of the arrangements.


TheAdvocate.com 05/24/2017

Michael Caleb Higginbotham (1959-2017) LA

Michael Caleb Higginbotham, 57, died suddenly and quietly in his home in Gonzales, Louisiana on Friday, May 12, 2017. Michael was a United States Navy veteran who served his country honorably. Commissioned as Ensign in 1982, he served on active duty until 1984, transferring to the Naval Reserve as a Supply Corps Officer. Michael served for 12 years in the Navy, highlighted by deployment to Saudi Arabia for Operation DESERT STORM, backloading of all US Marine Corps unit equipment returning to the US after combat operations concluded. Known affectionately as "Magoo," he graduated from East Ascension High School in 1977 and received a degree in History from Louisiana State University in 1982. While at LSU, he was a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. After his active duty, he worked for Progressive Insurance Company as Regional Claims Officer. Michael was preceded in death by his mother Patricia Braud Higginbotham and his father Edmund Joseph Higginbotham. He is survived by his brother Edmund Paul Higginbotham, his nephew Ryan and his niece Lauren. The service is scheduled for Friday, May 26 at 2:00 P.M. at Resthaven Gardens of Memory & Funeral Home, 11817 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.



The Advocate 05/28/2017

Louis Lodney Higginbotham (1940-2017) LA

Hammond, Louisiana

Feb 20, 1940 - May 26, 2017

God-fearing and Godly…these are words used to describe Louis Lodney Higginbotham. He was a member of Judson Baptist Church where he served our Lord as Chairman of the Deacons as well as many other committees there. He was a faithful Sunday School teacher and a mentor to many throughout the church and community. His integrity meant everything to him, and he strived to maintain that in everything he did. He was a Professional Land Surveyor by trade and owned his own business doing just that for over 40 years. He loved his family and took care of all of them. He was the "caretaker" of many. He was known for his love of life and his laughter as he lived life to the fullest. He loved sports, especially those sports that involved his children and grandchild. He coached many softball players in the community and for the past 12 years has coached his grandson in the game of golf. He left his earthly family who surrounded him as he went to be with his Heavenly Father on Friday, May 26, 2017. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Mary Francis Courtney Higginbotham; his three girls, Patricia Ardell and Tereasa Darnell Higginbotham and Erin Dawn Woodrich; and his grandson, Jeffrey Andrew Woodrich. He is also survived by his brothers, Phillip Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham and his wife, Jayne; his brothers-in-law and sisters-in law, Zemly and Joe Ervin, Earline and Herbie Vinyard, and Juanita and Leslie Falks. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews, in-laws and close friends that he loved like his own. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jack and Willie (Bill) Smart Higginbotham; his father-in-law and mother in-law, Redrick and Winnie Courtney; his son-in-law, Jeffrey Lynn Woodrich; sisters, Jackie, Martha Lou and her husband Butch, Rebecca, and Maggie; his brothers, Scott, Julius, Jerry and his wife Phoebe, Mark, and Sterling and his wife Jeanette. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the visitation at Judson Baptist Church in Walker on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Visitation will resume on Wednesday, May 31, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. until the Funeral Service at 12:00 noon. Dr. David Lane will officiate the service and interment will follow in Judson Baptist Church Cemetery. Arrangements have been entrusted to Brandon G. Thompson Funeral Home.



The Times-Picayune 06/09/2017

Oscar Higginbotham Jr. (1924-2017) LA

Oscar Higginbotham, Jr. (93) of Metairie passed away June 5th. He leaves behind his wife of 67 years, Joan G Higginbotham, three children: Sally Prattini, Sharon Lewis and Steve Higginbotham and also nine grandchildren. Oscar was a retired USAF Major with service in WWII. He received his Mechanical Engineering degree from Southeastern LA Institute (USL). Thereafter he wore the uniform again during the Korean conflict. He was a local golf champion and longtime resident of River Ridge.




Ethel Mae Higginbotham Trahan Arabie (1934-2017) LA

Ethel Mae Higginbotham Trahan Arabie, 82, went to be with her Lord and Savior on June 9, 2017.   Mrs. Arabie was born in Bell City, LA to Berchman and Palmyre Rogers Higginbotham on July 8, 1934. She attended Bell City High School before marrying Alvin J. Trahan and moving to Lake Charles. Together, they opened Trahan’s Hardware on Common Street and worked hard to make it a successful business for over 50 years.   She will be remembered for the love she had for her family and many people she met along the way. Her love had no boundaries and she made a friend with everyone she met. She loved bingo, bowling, gardening, traveling and playing cards. She will also be remembered as an excellent cook, for her strong and faithful walk with her Lord, and for her love of mugs.   Those left to cherish her memory are her husband, Wilson Arabie; children, Deborah Bellard (Ricky) of Bell City, LA, Eugene Trahan of Starks, LA, Carolyn Trahan (Lesa) of Lake Charles, LA, Ruth Vaussine (Calvin) of Lake Charles, LA, Michael Trahan (Kitty) of Lake Charles, LA, Charles Trahan (Martha) of Lake Charles, LA, Vickie Thomas (Cary) of Lake Charles, LA; stepchildren, Pat (Evelyn) Arabie of Moss Bluff, LA, Mike (Beth) Arabie of Ragley, LA, Denise (Gary) Faul of Katy, TX, Deann (Frank) Smith of Houma, LA; 25 grandchildren; 46 great grandchildren; 7 great great grandchildren; sister, Mary Trahan; brothers in law, Felix Richard Trahan and Robert Arabie; sisters in law, Betty Purcell, Vena (Charles) Guillory and Jean Simon; numerous nieces and nephews; numerous step grand children, step great grandchildren, and step great great grandchildren; special family friend, Laura Lyles; and her beloved cat Caramel.   She was preceded in death by her parents; first husband, Alvin J. Trahan; brother, Calton Higginbotham; sisters, Elda Tramonte and Florence Bible; daughter in law, Emma Trahan; and grandsons, Shane Tommasi and Gerald Courmier.   Funeral Services will be held at Christ the King Catholic Church on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 1pm. Visitation will be held from 3pm to 9pm with a rosary at 6pm on Monday, June 12, 2017 and will resume Tuesday, June 13, 2017 from 9am until 12:30pm at Johnson Funeral Home. Burial will be at Highland Memorial Park. Father Wayne Lebleu will officiate services.





Milton Joseph Higginbotham (1948-2017) LA

Breaux Bridge - Milton Joseph Higginbotham, 68, passed away on Saturday, July 1, 2017.

He is survived by his wife, Sandra David Higginbotham; sons, Shawn Higginbotham and wife Michelle, and Derek Higginbotham; daughter, Darla Higginbotham; sister, Berna Higginbotham; brother, Terry Higginbotham and wife Judy; and 6 grandchildren.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Abram and Zoe Clavier Higginbotham; his son, Brian Higginbotham; brothers, Carol and Darrell Higginbotham; and sister, Janet Higginbotham.

Pellerin Funeral Home (337-332-2111) is in charge of arrangements.




Frances Louse Higginbotham Babin (1943-2017) LA

August 05, 1943 - July 20, 2017

Frances Louise Higginbotham Babin, 73, passed away on July 20, 2017 at 3:52AM. Frances was a native of DeRidder, LA and a resident of Houma, LA Visitation will be held on Monday, July 24, 2017 from 9:00AM until service time at Chauvin Funeral Home in Houma, LA. Funeral services will begin at 11:00AM on Monday, July 24, 2017 at Chauvin Funeral Home with burial to follow services in Garden of Memories Cemetery in Gray, LA. Frances is survived by her children, Irvin Babin Jr. (Angela); V. Lee Babin (Pam), Hope Babin (Marvin); brothers, Joseph Higginbotham, sisters, Joyce Dittman, Bernice Cobbs, grandchildren, Christopher and Austin Babin, Heather Billiot (Brent), Harley and Mason Babin; great grandchildren, Madison, Holland, and Kenna Billiot. She is preceded by her husband, Irvin Babin Sr.; parents, Joseph Higginbotham and Marie Keel Higginbotham; brother, Hildred Higginbotham; sister, Christine Keel. She is also survived by her K9 companion Baby. Chauvin Funeral Home, Inc. is honored to serve the Babin family.





Shirley Ray Higginbotham (1943-2017) LA

Eunice, Louisiana - Shirley Ray Higginbotham passed away on Monday September 25, 2017, at the age of 74. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday, September 27, 2017, at 10:00 AM. at St. Thomas More Catholic Church with burial to follow at St. Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Fr. Clinton Sensat will officiate. At the request of the family visitation will begin on Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 10:00 AM until 9:00 PM. and will reopen on Wednesday at 8:00 AM until time of services. A rosary will be prayed on Tuesday at 6:00 PM by Deacon Chuck Ortego. Ray is survived by his wife of fifty-three years, Linda M. Higginbotham of Eunice, one son; Eddie Higginbotham and wife Jennifer of Eunice, two daughters; Sherry H. Manuel and husband Kevin of Kinder, Sandy H. Leger of Eunice, brother; Leander Higginbotham and wife Bernice of Church Point six grandchildren; Danielle Daigle, Lauren Manuel, Ryan Higginbotham, Madison Leger, Carly Higginbotham, Michael Higginbotham, two great grandchildren.; Malayna Daigle and Kensley Daigle. Ray was preceded in death by his parents, Horace Higginbotham and Lediana Faul Higginbotham, three brothers; Gurvis Higginbotham, Preston Higginbotham, Warren Higginbotham. Ray worked as an auto parts salesman for forty years in the Eunice area. Quirk and Son Funeral Home in Eunice is in charge of the arrangements.



Daily World & The Advertiser 10/01/2017

Louise Helena Higginbotham Leger (1966-2017) LA

May 6, 1966 - September 26, 2017

Opelousas - Louise H. Leger, age 51, passed away Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 5:30 PM at Ochsner Hospital in New Orleans. A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered on Monday, October 2, 2017 at 10:00 AM by Reverend Monsignor Keith DeRouen at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church. Rite of Committal will be held at Bellevue Memorial Park Cemetery. Louise grew up as a member of Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church and attended school at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau. Following graduation, she moved to Lafayette where she attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette from which she received her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in counseling. She continued her schooling at ULL and became a licensed professional counselor (LPC). Louise is survived by her parents, Lezime and Ida Ruth Leger and by many caring uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. She was preceded in death by her natural father, Louis H. Higginbotham and her grandparents, Pancratius and Helena Burleigh, Onedas and Ena Leger and Ernest and Bertha Higginbotham. Visitation will be held on Sunday, October 1, 2017 from 3:00 PM until 9:00 PM at Lafond-Ardoin Funeral Home in Opelousas and will resume at 8:00 AM on Monday, October 2, 2017 and continue until the time of the funeral at 10:00 AM. A Rosary will be prayed at 6:30 PM Sunday, October 1, 2017. LaFond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas, 2845 South Union Street, Opelousas, LA 70570, (337-942-2638) has been entrusted with the funeral arrangements.




Glenn Ray Higginbotham (1947-2017) LA

August 26, 1947 - October 7, 2017

Quitman, Louisiana

Glenn was born on August 26, 1947 and passed away on Saturday, October 7, 2017. Glenn was a resident of Quitman, Louisiana at the time of passing. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired sheetrock finisher and was a veteran of the U.S. Army, proudly serving his country. Funeral services will be held 10:00 AM Tuesday in the chapel with Reverend Ron Lowe officiating. Interment will be in Mt. Olive East Cemetery under the direction of Southern Funeral Home of Jonesboro.




Charlotte Ashley Hamilton Higginbotham (1937-2017) LA

Ashley Hamilton Higginbotham passed away peacefully in her home Saturday, November 18, 2017. She was born September 10, 1937 to Dr. Andros Scott and Charlotte Breard Hamilton. When she was three years old, her family moved to Camp Claiborne, where her father was stationed before and during World War II until he was sent to the Pacific Theater, becoming Chief of Orthopedic Surgery for the Eighth Army. Ashley graduated from Neville H.S.in 1955, where she was a proud Tigerette. She attended Newcomb College and Tulane University where she earned an M.F.A. in Plastic Arts (sculpture) and an M.A. in Art History. After a brief period, teaching art at Lee Jr. High, Ashley married Thomas McVea Higginbotham, D.V.M. in 1964. Moving to Mer Rouge, LA, she raised a son and a daughter, and continued her teaching career as a teacher of Louisiana History at Prairie View Academy, retiring in 1988. One of her most rewarding pursuits was her work helping found the Kalorama Nature preserve in Collinston, LA. Following the death of her mother, she returned to Monroe, LA where she became active in many local organizations such as the Monroe Garden Club, the Monroe Beautification Board, and Friends of Black Bayou. Ashley was a member of the Monroe Garden Study League, following her mother, and her grandmother who was a charter member. She served as president of both the Monroe Garden Study League and the Monroe Garden Club. She was a judge of both horticulture and photography for the Study League and the Garden Club of America, Zone IX, and she also competed in both categories, winning several awards. She received a club appreciation award in May 2016 for her horticultural and photographic pursuits as well as her considerable contributions through her hard work on the monthly newsletter “The Potting Shed.” Anyone who knew Ashely knew of her passion for animals, especially cats. She actively rescued many cats over the years and contributed to numerous animal care agencies in both Morehouse and Ouachita Parishes. Ashley was preceded in death by her husband and her parents. She is survived by her son, Scott McVea and his wife Amber; her daughter, Charlotte Ashley and her husband Christopher Wade Davis; and granddaughters, Charlotte Josephine Davis, Lucille Nichols Davis, and Molly Rose Higginbotham. The family offers its deepest appreciation to Terri and James Kelly, and Angelea and Terrance Parker for their years of love and devotion. Visitation will be held Tuesday, November 21, 2017, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Mulhearn Funeral Home, Sterlington Road, Monroe. A graveside service will be held on Wednesday, November 22, 2017, at 11:00 a.m. in the Old Monroe City Cemetery on Desiard Street. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Monroe Garden Study League, the River City Humane Society for Cats, or to a conservancy or animal rescue of your choice.




Mary Ann Comeaux Higginbotham 1941-2017) LA

(February 11, 1941-November 30, 2017)

VATICAN - Funeral services will be held Monday, December 4, 2017 at a 10:30 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Peter Roman Catholic Church in Carencro for Mary Ann Higginbotham, age 76, the former Mary Ann Comeaux, who passed away Thursday, November 30, 2017 at her residence in Carencro. Interment will be in St. Peter Catholic Cemetery in Carencro. The Rev. Mark Ledoux, pastor of St. Peter Roman Catholic Church, will officiate at the services. Mrs. Higginbotham was a native and lifelong resident of Vatican. She was a parishioner of St. Peter Roman Catholic Church in Carencro. Survivors include two sons, Shane Higginbotham and his wife, Rachel, of Carencro and Glen Higginbotham and his wife, Cindy, of Charleston, AR; two daughters, Sarah H. Richard and her husband, Junior, of Carencro and Kathy H. Menard and her husband, Karl, of Lavaca, AR; one son-in-law, Rapheal Faul of Rayne; eight grandchildren; and twelve great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Allen Higginbotham; one daughter, Annette H. Faul and an infant grandchild; her parents, Cesar Comeaux and the former Anna Forestier both natives of Vatican; one brother, Caroll Dugas; and one sister, Lorraine Babineaux. The family requests that visiting hours be observed from 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. Sunday and will continue from 8:00 a.m. until service time on Monday. Pallbearers will be Ryan Richard, Dylan Richard, Chase Higginbotham, Chance Higginbotham, Joshua Royer and Chris Higginbotham. Melancon Funeral Home, Evangeline Memorial Gardens Chapel, 4117 N. University Ave., Carencro, (337) 896-3232, is in charge of arrangements.




Frances Virginia Miles Higginbotham (1938-2017) LA

(April 18, 1938 - November 29, 2017) Oak Grove, Louisiana

OAK GROVE, LA - Funeral services for Frances Virginia Miles Higginbotham, age 79 of Oak Grove, Louisiana, will be held at 2 PM on Saturday, December 2, 2017 at Cox Funeral Home Chapel in Oak Grove, Louisiana. Reverend Jimbo Herring and Brad Ellerbe will officiate. Interment will follow in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Oak Grove, Louisiana. Services are under the direction of Cox Funeral Home of Oak Grove. Visitation will be held from 2 to 8 PM on Friday, December 1, 2017 at Cox Funeral Home, 200 East Noble Street, Oak Grove, Louisiana. Mrs. Higginbotham passed away on November 29, 2017 at West Carroll Memorial Hospital in Oak Grove, Louisiana. She is preceded in death by her husband, Billy Higginbotham; father, Henry Franklin Miles; mother, Letha Ophilia Cupples Miles; and grandson, Thomas Jason Lingo. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Dorothy and Shoji Tabuchi of Branson, Missouri; son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Kim Bailey of Oak Grove, Louisiana; daughter, Melissa Higginbotham of Oak Grove; granddaughter, Christina Lingo-Tabuchi of Branson; granddaughter, Summer Bailey of Oak Grove; grandson, Shawn Bailey of Oak Grove; grandson, Scott Bridges of Oak Grove; great grandchild, Jorja June Bailey of St. George, Utah; great grandchild, Yukie Bailey-Jae Eaton of Branson; sister and brother-in-law, Syble and James Melton of Tallulah, Louisiana. Pallbearers are: Gabe Stutts, Sam Whitaker, Michael Jordan, David Jordan, Bide Brown, and B. A. Brown.




Charles Wayne Higginbotham (2012-2017) TX/LA

November 4, 2012-December 6, 2017

Mittie, Louisiana. Charles was born on November 4, 2012 and passed away on Wednesday, December 6, 2017. Charles was a resident of Mittie, Louisiana at the time of passing. Visitation will be held prior to the service at Watson & Sons Funeral Home, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Charles was born November 4, 2012, in Dallas, to Jim Higginbotham and Kandy Lynn Windham Nichols.




Linda Gale Hickingbottom Roan (1949-2017) LA

Graveside funeral services for Mrs. Linda Gale Roan are scheduled for 2 PM, Friday, December 29, 2017, at the Memorial Park Cemetery, with Bro. Phillip Burress officiating. Services will be under the direction of Golden Funeral Home.

Mrs. Roan, a resident of Bastrop, passed away Monday, December 25, 2017, at the Rapides Regional Medical Center, in Alexandria, LA, at the age of sixty-eight. She was a loving mother and grandmother. She is preceded in death by her husband, James L. Roan; parents, Sim T. Hickingbottom and Mattie Mae Hickingbottom; and sister, Glenda D. Jones.

She is survived by her daughters, Tina Whitaker and husband Chuck, of Bastrop, and Tammy Kelly and husband William of Bastrop; grandchildren, Austin Trichell, Madisen Wood, Carson Harrison, and Maci Trichell; and great-grandchildren, Ezra Wood and Annistyn Trichell.

Visitation will be from 12 Noon until 1:30 PM at Golden Funeral Home.





Audrey Lucille Higginbotham Wimbrow (1922-2017) TX/LA

February 8, 1922 - December 28, 2017

Audrey "Lucille" Wimbrow, 95, of Iowa, passed away on Thursday, December 28, 2017 at Golden Age of Welsh. She was born on February 8, 1922 in Daisetta, TX to parents Walter and Irene Higginbotham. She enjoyed cooking for her family and friends, and she loved to shop with her favorite place being S & M. Lucille loved her family and being a housewife. She is survived by her one son, John Wimbrow and wife Melinda of Iowa. Lucille leaves behind three grandchildren, John Wimbrow, II and wife Kimberly of Biloxi, MS, Jason Wimbrow and wife Brandy of San Antonio, TX, Elizabeth Ann of McComb, MS; seven great grandchildren; four great great grandchildren; and her favorite grandchild Yorkie, J.R. Lucille is preceded in death by her loving husband of 62 years, Roy V. Wimbrow; one son, Roy Wimbrow, Jr.; two brothers, Charles Higginbotham, Dub Higginbotham; along with one sister, Waldine Patin. Services will be held at 10:00am on Sunday, December 31, 2017 at Hixson Funeral Home of Lake Charles with Frank Courmier officiating. Visitation will be on Saturday, December 30, 2017 from 5:00-9:00pm and will resume on Sunday from 8:00am until the time of the service. Burial will follow at Nibletts Bluff Cemetery.



TheAdvocate.com 01/04/2018

Melvin E. Higginbotham (1946-2017) LA

Melvin E. Higginbotham entered into eternal rest at Lane Regional Medical Center on Friday, December 29, 2017. He was a 71-year-old native and resident of Zachary, Louisiana. Visitation at Miller & Daughter Mortuary, Friday, January 5, 2018 from noon-6pm; visitation resumes Saturday at 9am until service at 11am conducted by Minister Robert Williams; interment at Oak Grove Cemetery. Survivor include his children, Cecole, Iraca and Nicholas (Coletha); sister, Erma Watson, New Orleans, Louisiana; five grandchildren; cousin, Gloria Dean Patin (Claude), Zachary; two sisters-in-law; three brothers-in-law; other relatives and friends; preceded in death by his wife, Ernestine Hills Higginbotham; parents Ira and Tessie Higginbotham; brother, Napoleon Higginbotham. Funeral Home Miller and Daughter Mortuary - Zachary 5905 Hwy 19 Zachary, LA 70791 225-654-3802.




Dawn Higginbotham Brewster (1974-2018) LA

August 23, 1974 - January 4, 2018

Dawn Higginbotham Brewster, 43, passed away at 1:16PM on January 4, 2018. She was a native and resident of Houma, LA. Friends and family are invited for a visitation on Saturday, January 13, 2018 at Chauvin Funeral Home from 10:30AM until service time. Funeral Services will begin after visitation starting at 1:00PM. Burial will be held privately at a later date. Dawn is survived by her mother, Diana Michel, companion Johnny Redmond; sons, Brandon Brewster and companion Brittney Moore, Joshua Brewster; daughters, Heaven Pellegrin and husband Michael, Chere’ Brewster; brothers, Anthony Giroir, Jim Higginbotham, Terry Higginbotham; sisters, Donna Barton, Lindy Higginbothan, Frances Higginbotham; grandchildren, Braxton, Huggie, and Elijah. Dawn is preceded in death by her father, James Higginbotham, and grandchild Kylie. Dawn was an awesome mom and grandmother. She was so kind and very loving. She will be missed, greatly loved; but never, ever forgotten. Chauvin Funeral Home is honored to serve the Brewster family.



TheNewOrleansAdvocate.com 1/12/2018

Annie Lee Johnson Higginbotham (1939-2018) LA/CA

Mrs. Annie Lee Higginbotham was born December 19, 1939 to the late Willis Reed Johnson and Idella Johnson in Waterproof, Louisiana. She departed this earthly life on Monday January 1, 2018 in Long Beach, California surrounded by her loving family. She leaves to cherish her memories two sons Lawrence Jerome Reed and Dennis Loyd Higginbotham, 3 grandchildren Angela Perry, Marques Reed and Lawren Reed, 4 great grandchildren Aniyah Reed, Marques Reed II, Jailynn Perry and Jared Perry, 1 sister Glory Merchant, 2 brothers Willis Reed and Arthur Johnson and a host of other relatives and friends. Services will be Saturday January 13, 2018 at Austerlitz Street Baptist Church, 819 Austerlitz Street, New Orleans, LA at 10 am. Viewing from 9am - 10am. Repast immediately after services at the church. Pastor E. W. Parker. The burial will be Monday in Waterproof, Louisiana. Funeral Home Heritage Funeral Directors - New Orleans 4101 Saint Claude Ave  New Orleans, LA 70117 504-944-5500.




Anneliese Mueller Higginbotham (1942-2018) LA

July 6, 1942 - January 19, 2018

Anneliese Higginbotham, a resident of Denham Springs, passed away peacefully January 19, 2018, at the age of 75. She is survived by her husband of 39 years, Billy G. Higginbotham; daughter, Lisa Welch (Ronnie) of Springfield, LA; son, Alan Granier of Pride, LA; daughter, Lori Priest (Bobby) of Clinton, LA; son, Rick Granier (Sheri) of Clinton, LA; daughter, Heidi King (Paul) of Albany, LA; daughter, Julie Reed (Gregory) of Walker, LA; 13 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Arrangements have been entrusted to McLin & Manley Funeral Home and Cremation Services of Walker. Visitation is scheduled for Tuesday, January 23, 2018, at Walker Pentecostal, 9969 Florida Blvd, Walker, LA 70785 from 10:00 am until services begin at 12:00 pm. Burial will follow at Killian Chapel Cemetery, 33630 LA-16, Amite City, LA 70422.



Daily World 02/09/2018

Joseph Voris Higginbotham (1918-2018) LA

December 5, 1918 - February 6, 2018

Church Point A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, February 9, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church in Church Point, La for Voris Higginbotham, 99, who passed away on February 6, 2018 at his home in Church Point. Msgr. Jefferson J. DeBlanc will be the celebrant of the Mass. Burial will take place in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum. Voris Higginbotham was the son of the late Eldridge and Josephine Higginbotham. He is survived by four nieces, Loretta Warren of Westlake, La, Betty Youngblood of Lake Charles, La., Ella Barbe of Lake Charles, La, Jody Higginbotham of Lake Charles, La.; one nephew Richard Meche of Richmond, Tx., one sister-in-law Louise Boudreaux of Cankton, La.; special friends Lillia Benoit Dugas, Cade and Celina Benoit, Katie Prejean, Jacob Benoit, Jessie Mouton, Ann Richard, John Dale "Rascal" Latiolais and Derek Latiolais. Mr. Higginbotham was an avid gardener and a master carpenter. He never met a stranger. He loved to visit with family and friends and loved children. He loved to play the accordion. He will be missed by many. He was preceded in death by his wife Ethel "Sis" Higginbotham, his parents, Eldridge and Josephine Higginbotham, two sisters Verlie Cormier and Mary Meche, one brother Curley Higginbotham, one nephew James Eldridge Meche and one niece Mary Lee Arceneaux. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home on Friday, February 9, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. until the time of service. A Rosary will be recited at 1:30 p.m. on Friday afternoon in the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Cade Benoit, Roger Boudreaux, Harold Richard, Richard Meche, Allen Moore and Louie Barbe. Honorary pallbearers will be Donald Latiolais and John Dale Latiolais. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.




Agatha Higginbotham McMillan (1925-2018) LA

Agatha Higginbotham McMillan, 92, of Lake Charles, passes from this life Tuesday, February 20, 2018, in her home surrounded by her loving family.
She was born to her late parents, Ernest and Agatha (Guidry) Higginbotham in the Higginbotham community. She married the late John J. McMillan, on October 17, 1942, and they settled here in Lake Charles, from Opelousas, LA, in 1959.
She leaves to cherish her memories, seven loving children, Peggy McMillan Rosteet, of Lake Charles, Dr. John E. McMillan, of Ragley, Charles McMillan, with wife Ginnie, of Lake Charles, Gerald McMillan, of Lake Charles, Marleen McMillan Zakovich, with husband Paul, of Denver, CO, Lisa McMillan Verrett, with husband David, Kathy McMillan Armentor, of Biloxi, MS, 18 Grandchildren, and 18 Great-grandchildren.
Her surviving siblings, sisters, Liz Latiolais, of Lafayette, LA, and Mary Ann Leleaux, of Crowley, LA, and brother, Patrick Higginbotham of Morse, LA. She has been a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church for 47 years. As an avid Prayer Warrior, she was honored by the church as a Certified Participate of Heartworks.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church at Noon on Saturday, February 24, 2018. Burial will follow at Prien Memorial Park. Reverend Nathan Long will officiate.




Michael Higginbotham (1958-2018) LA

Church Point- Memorial Services will be held for Michael Higginbotham, 60, at 3:00 PM on Monday, March 5, 2018 in the Duhon Funeral Home- Church Point Chapel with Rev. David Rozas officiating. A gathering of family and friends will be held in the funeral home chapel from 1:00 pm until just prior to the time of service. Interment will be at a later date. Mr. Higginbotham passed away suddenly on Friday, March 2, 2018. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his sons, Jacob Higginbotham of Lake Charles and Trey Richard and his wife, Ahlea of Church Point, LA; daughter, Bethany Higginbotham of Lafayette, LA; four brothers, Gordon Higginbotham and his wife Oneida of Sugarland, TX, Roland Higginbotham and his wife, Gwen of Stafford, TX, Douglas Higginbotham of Branch, LA and Richard Higginbotham of Eunice, LA and two grandchildren Issac Higginbotham and Noah Richard. He was preceded in death by his parents, Gervais Higginbotham and Dorothy Bellard Higginbotham. In lieu of flowers the family is requesting that donations be made in memory of Michael to help defray the final expenses. You may view the obituary, sign the guest registry and express condolences online to Mr. Higginbotham’s family at www.duhonfuneralhome.com. Duhon Funeral Home, LLC- Church Point, (337)684-5552, 701 South Broadway Street, Church Point, LA 70525 is in charge of all of the arrangements.



TheAdvocate.com 03/11/2018

Joan Gleason Higginbotham (1928-2018) LA

Joan G Higginbotham, age 89, passed away peacefully March 8, 2018. Her children Sally Prattini (spouse -Emile Prattini Jr.), Sharon Lewis and Steven Higginbotham (spouse - Teresa Higginbotham) were with her when she passed at her residence the Sunrise Senior Center in Metairie, LA. Joan was born October 25, 1928, as the only child of Matthew and Katherine Gleason of San Diego. She attended Southwestern Louisiana University (now UL Lafayette) where she met Oscar Jr. They were married February 5, 1949, and made their home in River Ridge, LA. Joan was predeceased by her husband of 68 years, Oscar Higginbotham Jr., who passed June 2017. Joan is survived by her children as noted above and grandchildren; Christina Reeb, Gina Prattini, Rocky Prattini, Heather Lewis, Matthew Lewis, Steven Landry, Thomas Higginbotham, Andrew Higginbotham and Mary Higginbotham. Great-grandchildren include Leah Reeb, Tristan Reeb, Grafton Landry and Katey Landry. Joan and Oscar were longtime members of Colonial Golf and Country Club in River Ridge, LA where she enjoyed playing bridge and golf.




Joseph Hamiel Higginbotham (1933-2018) LA

Hamiel was the son of Simon and Beatrice and was born in Church Point, LA. He was a member of Christ the King Catholic Church. He enjoyed playing and listening to Cajun music, gardening, taking care of his farm animals. He was a very social man who loved to be around his family and friends joking and being the life of the party. Hamiel enjoyed gathering with his family every Sunday for lunch at the family home. He served in the United States Army, employed by Pan American Imports, VFW Post 2130, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Department. He married the love of his life, in 1956, Lilly Belle Cropper, and they were the parents of five children.
Those left to cherish his memory are Mark Higginbotham and his wife Pam, Ronald Higginbotham and his wife Nancy, Melissa and her husband Richard Conner, Chad Higginbotham and his wife Julie all of Lake Charles, LA, Mary and her husband Neil Vera of Scott, LA; twelve grandchildren and six great- grandchildren; brother’s, Carl and Bobby Higginbotham; sisters, Wilda ,Clara and Mattie.
Hamiel was preceded in death by his Wife of 56 years; parents; great-granddaughter, Payton; brothers, Ward, Billy and Wilson; and his sister, Esther Daigle.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at Christ the King Catholic Church on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 11am. Burial will follow at Consolata Cemetery.




Aurelia Lee Brinkley Higginbotham (1925-2018) OH/LA

September 24, 1925 - April 23, 2018

Services for Aurelia Lee Higginbotham, 72, of Olla, La., who died Monday, April 23, 2018, at her residence, will be 11 a.m. Thursday at Sandy Lake Pentecostal Church in Jonesville with the Rev. Joel Ford, the Rev. Bobby Bennette and the Rev. Tommie “Jr.” Cotton officiating. Burial will follow at Huffman Cemetery in Manifest, La., under the direction of Concordia Funeral Home. Visitation will be 4 p.m. at the church and will lay a rest until service time Thursday. Mrs. Higginbotham was born Sept. 24, 1945, in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Orville Brinkley and Mary Buttera. She was preceded in death by her parents; one brother, Robert Brinkley; four grandchildren, Clarence Scroggins, Jace Higginbotham, Starton Worley and Destiny Higginbotham; and one son-in-law, Douglas Scroggins. Survivors include her husband, Clarence Higginbotham; five sons, James Hay and Johnny Higginbotham and wife, Jennifer, all of Olla, La., Darrell Wise of Columbia, La., William Higginbotham and wife, Stephanie, of Deville, La., and Jerry Higginbotham of Springfield, La.; five daughters, Tracey McClure of Kelly, La., Debra Bennett and husband, Bobby, of Clarks, La., Mary Brendle and husband, Sam, of Columbia, LaVienna Mason and husband, Andy, and Cynthia Scroggin and husband, Gaylon, all of Jonesville; one brother, Raymond Penrod and wife, Lynn, of Dover, Ohio; a special sister-in-law, Gladys Wiley of Monterey; a special grandson, Gregory Hay; and a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other relatives.




Joyce Mae Higginbotham Clavelle Boudreaux (1934-2018) LA

Church Point, LA - A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2:00 PM on Monday, May 7, 2018 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church for Mrs. Joyce H. Boudreaux, 83, who passed away at 7:32 AM on Saturday, May 5 at her residence. Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc, Pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church will be the Celebrant of the Mass. Burial will take place in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery on Hwy 35.
Joyce, a life-long resident of Church Point, was the daughter of the late Ephram Higginbotham and the former Lillian Matte. She passed away very peacefully at her house surrounded by her family and the birds on her window sill that kept her company when she gently told her family members, 'okay that's enough visiting shug, y'all can leave now'.
She had her sharp witty mind til the very end and, during her final weeks, we as a family spent most of our time laughing with her. She told us secrets, she drank her Bud-thirty with her very special friends and family when she wanted to, ate what she wanted, kindly kicked people out when she wanted-basically did whatever she wanted because that's how our mother 'Muna' rolled!!! She reminded us how much she loved us and we showed our love for her by caring for her and giving her everything she needed and wanted when she could no longer care for herself. She'll be missed so much by everyone that knew her and loved her.
She is survived by five daughters, Kathleen Dimonde of Church Point, Sharline 'Charlie' Duckworth and husband Clay of Branch, Sheila Wright and husband Larry of Church Point, Bridgette Meche and husband Jim of Church Point and Malissa Pontif and husband Steve of Houma; twelve grandchildren, Rowdy Latiolais, Kallie Bergeaux, Jena Miller, Christina Duckworth, Slade Carrier, Jamie Tauzin, Blake Meche, James Meche, Blair Meche, Heidi Meche, Haile Meche and Ragen Pontif; 20 great grandchildren and 1great great grandchild. She was preceded in death by parents; two grandchildren, Phillip Latiolais and Laine Meche; one sister, Mildred Vincent; and one brother, Cliff Higginbotham. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the staff at Heart of Hospice and her two sitters, Delaine Richard and Adele Savoie.
Guidry Funeral Home, Church Point, LA



Daily World 06/28/2018

Kenneth James Higginbotham (1947-2018) LA

Port Barre - A Mass of Christian Burial will be held for, Kenneth "Hick" Higginbotham, on Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Port Barre. Reverend Daniel Picard will officiate the Mass. Rite of Committal will follow in the church cemetery. Hick, age 70, a resident of Port Barre, passed away on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, at his residence surrounded by his loving family. He was a proud member of Ducks Unlimited and the National Rifle Association. Hick was also a supporter for the American Cancer Society. He enjoyed spending time outdoors fishing, hunting and boating. Hick loved sitting by the campfire with a cold adult beverage while sharing stories with his family and friends. He will be greatly missed by his family, friends and all who knew and loved him. He is survived by his fiancé, Julie Lynn Thomas of Opelousas; son, Christopher James Higginbotham of Port Barre; daughter, Megan Avis Higginbotham Hale (Daniel) of Alexandria; brothers, Michael Joseph Higginbotham (Sharon) and Johnny Ray Higginbotham both of Opelousas; sisters, Pamela Higginbotham Devillier of Teague, TX, and Anna Higginbotham Davis (Jason) of Baton Rouge; and one grandchild, Sebastian Hale of Alexandria. He is preceded in death by his parents, Leonce and Rena Fontenot Higginbotham; sister, Penny Higginbotham; sister-in-law, Sally Higginbotham; and brother-in-law, Larry Devillier. The family requests visitation be held on Friday, June 29, 2018 from 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. in the Sibille Funeral Home in Port Barre. Reverend Daniel Picard will recite the rosary at 7:30 p.m. The funeral home will reopen on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Pallbearers will be Jason Stelly, Michael Higginbotham, Mikey Higginbotham, Keith Marks, Todd Grimmett and Harold "Scorpie" Woods. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre.




TheAdvocate.com 8/8/2018

Marie Theresa Higginbotham Guitreau Losavio (1935-2018) LA

"We do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him." 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14.

Marie "Piper" Theresa Higginbotham Guitreau Losavio, 83,of Baton Rouge, LA, passed away peacefully on Monday, August 6, 2018, surrounded by her children and family members. She was a beloved wife, mother and homemaker, attended St George and St Jude Catholic Church, was a member of Catholic Daughters and a passionate LSU fan. Piper was born on July 16, 1935, in Plaquemine, LA, to Thomas Weysinger and Mary Ella Alonzo Higginbotham as the fifth of eight children. She was married to JW "Billy" Guitreau for over 30 years. She is survived by Billy and her two children, David Todd Guitreau and Marilyn Richardson of Baton Rouge, and Ella "Deenie" Guitreau Chandler and husband Robert of Gonzales, LA. Piper was also blessed to share her life with Dominick "Denny" Losavio for 20 years. Denny and daughter, Margaret Losavio Jolly preceded her in death. Piper is survived by sons and spouses: Samuel and Rebecca Losavio, Dennis and Susan Losavio, Stephen and Cynthia Losavio, Thomas and Ava Losavio, and Bill Jolly. She is preceded in death by her parents and siblings, Rodney Wayne Higginbotham, Edward Higginbotham, Thomas Higginbotham Jr., Gwendolyn Adams, Evelyn Faye Corsentino and Margaret McQueary. She is survived by her sister, Jackie Cashio of Baton Rouge. Even when Piper was in declining health, her smile would brighten when seeing her grandsons: Robby and Billy Chandler, Rusty Allen, Andrew, Bradley, Stephen, Scott, Paul, Daniel, Matthew, Wayne, Mark, Timothy and David Losavio; and granddaughters Katie Chandler, Jennifer Allen, Rose, Sarah, Mary Grace and Catherine Losavio, Kaye McIntyre, Elizabeth Jolly, Claire Willis, Anna McEvers, Deana Meredith, Rose Dedon, Lauren St. Romaine and Lynn Highland. We wish to thank all of the caregivers and medical professionals at St. Clare Manor and Clarity Hospice for their selfless service to Piper. Services celebrating Piper's life will be held on Thursday, August 9 from 5:00 – 8:00pm at Resthaven Funeral Home. A rosary will be said at 7pm. Friday, August 10, from 8:30-10:30am, visitation will be held at Resthaven. At 11:00 am, a Mass of Christian Burial will be held at St George Catholic Church presided by Father Paul Gros. Interment will immediately follow at Resthaven Garden of Memory. Pallbearers will be her beloved grandsons, Robby and Billy Chandler, Preston Denn, Wayne, Drew and Scott Losavio. In lieu of flowers, the family respectfully asks to consider a donation in Piper Losavio's memory to St Jude Children's Research Hospital at 252 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105, stjude.org, or (800) 822-6344. Funeral Home Resthaven Gardens of Memory & Funeral Home 11817 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 753-1440.




Frank Floyd Higginbotham (1929-2018) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 1:30 P.M. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Frank Floyd “Sonny Boy” Higginbotham, 89, who passed away Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 8:46 P.M. at Acadia General Hospital in Crowley. Père Rozas, Associate Pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point will be officiating for the services. Burial will be held in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church New Cemetery in Church Point. The family has requested the visitation to be held on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 11:00 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. in the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. A Rosary will be recited Tuesday at 7 o’clock in the evening in the Funeral Home Chapel. Visitation will resume on Wednesday at 8:00 A.M. until time of services. Survivors include one daughter, Raquel Higginbotham of Church Point; one son, Joseph Gilbert and wife, Elaine LeJeune of Church Point; seven grandchildren, Ashley Elkins, Mark and wife, Hope LeJeune and Terry and wife, Sonya LeJeune, Kenneth Boudreaux, Scotty Boudreaux, Tina Lavergne and Angela Bourgeois; three great-grandchildren, Ariel Doucet, Michael Roy Dileonardo, Levi Coy LeJeune; one daughter-in-law, Ivry LeJeune of Church Point; one son-in-law, Roy Elkins of Church Point. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by wife, Natile Marie Higginbotham; one son, Joseph Early LeJeune, Jr.; one daughter, Caroline LeJeune; his parents, Jerry, Sr. and Francis Higginbotham; three brothers, Clifford, J.C., Will Higginbotham; one sister, Belva Anderson. You may view the obituary, sign the guest registry and express condolences to Mr. Higginbotham’s family online at www.duhonfuneralhome.com Duhon Funeral Home, LLC-Church Point, 701 S. Broadway St., Church Point, LA , 70525 is in charge of all of the arrangements.



TheNewOrleansAdvocate.com 11/25/2018

Drucilla Anne Guidroz Higginbotham (1942-2018) LA

On Thursday, November 22, 2018 Drucilla Anne Higginbotham of Pearl River, Louisiana passed away peacefully at the age of 76. She is survived by her husband Wayne Higginbotham, 5 sons; Wayne Higginbotham, Jr. (Nancy), Donnie Higginbotham (Tracy), Luke Higginbotham (Stephanie), Michael Higginbotham and Danny Higginbotham (Tiffany). She is also survived by 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents Milton and Elter Guidroz and brother Melvin Guidroz. Family and friends are invited to attend the visitation at D.T. Williams Funeral Home, located at 67525 Hwy 41, Pearl River, Louisiana on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 from 6:00pm until 9:00pm. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 11:00am with visitation from 9:00am until service time. Interment will follow at Hickory Memorial Gardens also located in Pearl River, Louisiana. Funeral Home Williams Funeral Home 67525 Highway 41 Pearl River, LA 70452 (985) 863-5733.




TheAdvocate.com 1/3/2019

Annie Laura Pastor Higginbotham (1928-2019) LA

Annie Pastor Higginbotham passed away peacefully at her home on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at the age of 90. She was born in Cottonport, LA on March 6, 1928 and resided in Baton Rouge. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Higginbotham, Jr.; her mother, Octavia Gaspard Pastor; and her eldest daughter, Constance Connelly. She is survived by her sister, Ola Lockhart; her brother, Oris Pastor; her daughters, Cathy Peltier, Patti Harris and husband Rano, Cheryl Payment and husband Ricky; her nine grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren. Annie was an avid reader and was happiest when she was spending time with her family. She also enjoyed exercising and socializing with friends over coffee. Visitation will be held at Delhomme Funeral Home in Lafayette on Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 11:00 AM with services at noon. She will be buried with her husband and family at Holy Mary Mother of God Cemetery. Funeral Home Delhomme Funeral Home-Lafayette 1011 Bertrand Drive Lafayette, LA 70506 (337) 235-9449.



The Advertiser on Jan. 22, 2019

Linton Joseph Higginbotham (1938-2019) LA

August 17, 1938 - January 19, 2019

Church Point - Funeral Services will be held at 11:00 A.M. Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA for Linton J. "Hick" Higginbotham, 80. Mr. Higginbotham, a long-time resident and businessman of Church Point, died Saturday morning, January 19 at Opelousas General Medical Center in Opelousas, LA. Monsignor Jefferson J. Deblanc will conduct the services with entombment following in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Hwy 35 north of Church Point. Survivors include his fiancée of thirty-seven years, Lydia Gonzalez; his children, Kevin J. Higginbotham and partner Teresa Daigle, Guy W. Higginbotham and Kyla Dawn Higginbotham and fiancé Audie J. Boutte; a stepson, Michael Mahfouz; a stepdaughter, Tami Bourque; his grandchildren: Heather Lejeune, Summer Hollier, Heidi Higginbotham, Tanner Higginbotham and partner Mia and Trenton and Trace Higginbotham; his step grandchildren, Kody and Serena Mahfouz and T.J., Danielle and Mary Beth Bourque; his great grandchildren, Kenzie Guevara, Easton Durke and Braxson Higginbotham and a step great-grandchild, Raelyn Bourque; his sisters: Annie H. Moak and husband Allen, Clara H. Burke, Evelina H. Smith and husband Leonard, Melba H. Vautrot and husband Jude and Mary H. Richard and husband Andy and two brothers, Donald P. Higginbotham and wife Lou T. Higginbotham and Mark "Bootsy" Higginbotham and partner Mary Beck. He was preceded in death by his parents, Iram J. and Mabel Lyons Higginbotham and his first wife, Loretta T. Higginbotham. Pallbearers will be Tanner, Trenton, Trace and "Bootsy Higginbotham; Kody Mahfouz and Terry Prejean. Honorary pallbearers will be Audie J. Boutte, Paul "Scooby" Guidry and Michael Mahfouz. The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 10:00 A.M until 9:00 P.M. on Monday, January 21 and continue from 8:00 A.M. Tuesday until the time of the services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there at 7:00 P.M. Monday by Monsignor Deblanc. Mr. Higginbotham will be honored with a Flag presentation and Honors at the time of services. An ambitious and energetic veteran of the U.S. Air Force; "Hick" was a self-made businessman for more than fifty years in the oilfield fabrication and heavy construction industry. He was most proud that his first company, Hick's Construction, remains in business today. Among the many companies he started or was a partner in were: L.J. Hicks, Acadiana Cranes, Oilfield Heavy Haulers, Morrison's Truck Sales, Mustang Safety, Bayou Land Safety and Local Agencies as he responded to the needs and changes in the oilfield and pile-diving, bridge construction, "rigging-up" and fabrication areas. A very giving man; he helped many to start their own companies, was on the board of directors of Acadia-St. Landry Hospital, donated equipment to Vo-Tech schools to train oil field workers, built and donated the water tower on Guilbeau Road in Lafayette, LA, a half-way house and other projects for communities over the years and built catfish ponds for his father. "Hick" even built his own "Camp" from discarded bridge materials, transported it to Hackberry and personally set it up! Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, LA (337) 684-5488.




Bernice Mary Babineaux Higginbotham (1944-2019) LA

August 27th, 1944 - March 7th, 2019

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 10:00 A. M. at St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Mowata, La for Bernice B. Higginbotham, 74, who passed away on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 9:11 A.M. at her home in Church Point surrounded by her family. Fr. Mitchell Guidry, Pastor of Our Queen of All Saints Catholic Church in Ville Platte will be officiating for the services. Burial will be held in the St. Lawrence Catholic Church Cemetery in Mowata. The family has requested the visitation to be held on Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 1:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. in the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. Deacon Jim Cormier will recite the Rosary on Sunday at 6:00 P.M. in the Funeral Home Chapel. Visitation will resume on Monday at 8:00 A.M. until time of services. Survivors include her husband of fifty four years, Leander Higginbotham of Church Point; one son, Randall and wife, Christine Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Kim and husband, Greg Authement of Carencro, Donna and husband, David Taylor of Eunice; her twin sister, Berna Mire of Eunice; two brothers, Moise and wife, Mildred Babineaux of Branch, Martin Babineaux of Mamou; eight grandchildren, Candace and husband, Hayden Godeaux, Casie and husband, Marty Hollier, Conner Higginbotham, Leah Authement, Hannah Authement, Alexis and husband, Nicholas Guidry, Allison Taylor and Seth Taylor; two great-grandchildren, Asher Godeaux and Ethan Guidry. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents, Tuise and Lorice C. Babineaux; two brothers, Preston Babineaux and Gus Babineaux. Duhon Funeral Home, LLC, (337) 684-5552, 701 S. Broadway Street, Church Point, LA 70525 is in charge of the arrangements.




Jeanette F. Higginbotham (1930-2019) LA

March 5, 1930 - March 31, 2019

Catahoula - A Funeral Service will be held at 11:00 am on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, at St. Rita Catholic Church in Catahoula for Jeanette F. Higginbotham, 89, who passed away on Sunday, March 31, 2019, at her home.

The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Dion Hall in Catahoula from 11:00 am until on Tuesday and continue until 10:30 am on Wednesday.

A rosary will be prayed at 7 pm on Tuesday.

Rev. Bill Melancon will officiate at the Funeral Service. Readers will be Ginny Boudreaux and Shirley Louviere.

Interment will follow at Our Lady of the Lake Cemetery in Catahoula.

Jeanette was born in Catahoula to the late Dave and Bernadette LeBlanc Higginbotham. She was a devoted and loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend. Jeanette will be missed by all who knew and loved her.

She is survived by her sons, Clyde Douet and wife Melanie, and Whitney Douet, Jr.; daughters, Mary Boudreaux and husband Johnny, Christine Smith and husband John, and Adeline Louviere and husband Gil; step-daughter, Whitnie Gail Miller and spouse Chad; brother, Francis Higginbotham; 22 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her father, Dave Higginbotham; mother, Bernadette LeBlanc Higginbotham; sisters, Edith Derousselle and Gertrude Theriot; brother, Lloyd Higginbotham; and grandson, Duke Douet.

Pallbearers will be Clyde Douet, Johnny Boudreaux, John Smith, Gil Louviere, Jamey Boudreaux, and Dave Louviere.

Honorary pallbearers will be her grandchildren.

Pellerin Funeral Home (337-332-2111) is in charge of arrangements.




Mae Lilly Doucet Higginbotham (1926-2019) LA

Wednesday, September 22nd, 1926 - Monday, April 1st, 2019

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 12:30 P.M. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Mae Lilly D. Higginbotham, 92, who passed away on Monday, April 01, 2019 at 8:30 A.M. at Acadia St. Landry Guest Home in Church Point.
Fr. Mitchell Guidry, Pastor of Our Queen of Saints Catholic Church will be officiating for the services. Burial will be held in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mausoleum New Cemetery.
The family has requested the visitation to be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. in the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. A Rosary will be recited on Wednesday at 7 o’clock in the evening by Deacon Jim Cormier in the Funeral Home Chapel. Visitation will resume on Thursday at 8:00 A.M. until time of services.
Survivors include four sons, Ben Joseph Higginbotham, Jr. of Church Point, Russell James and wife, Diane Higginbotham of Church Point, Kenneth and wife, Ellen Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, Jude and wife, Patty Higginbotham of Branch; one daughter, Mary Ann and husband, Richard Wayne Guidry of Zachary, LA; one sister, Rita Marks of Opelousas; seven grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
Ms. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband of sixty seven years, Ben Joseph Higginbotham, Sr.; one granddaughter, Lilly Jeanelle Higginbotham; one great-granddaughter, Lively Mae Hembree; her parents, Leo and Hermina Jeanise Doucet; eight sisters.
You may view the obituary, sign the guest registry and express condolences online to Ms. Higginbotham's family at www.duhonfuneralhome.com.
Duhon Funeral Home, LLC, (337) 684-5552, 701 S. Broadway Street, Church Point, LA 70525 is in charge of the arrangements.




Dana Jo Higginbotham (1975-2019) LA

August 16, 1975 – April 18, 2019
Dana Jo Higginbotham passed away after battling cancer on April 18, 2019 at the age of 43. She is survived by her son, Thomas Colomb (Tanya), mother Jolane Higginbotham, fiancé Tracy Burns, and her siblings, Debra Burton, Michael Burton, Paula Hymel, Jason Burton, Heather Loupe (Justin), and Valerie Higginbotham, as well as numerous nieces, nephews, and family members. She is preceded in death by her father, Bobby Higginbotham. Dana Jo loved music and singing karaoke. She lived her life to the fullest and will be missed by her family and friends. A memorial service will be held at a later date.



TheAdvocate.com 4/2/2019

Ellen Faye Higginbotham Broussard (1942-2019) LA

Ellen Broussard passed away April 20, 2019, surrounded by her loving family. "Topey" was born Nov. 6, 1942 in Church Point, La, the third of five girls born to Vorhies and Verdie Higginbotham. She was a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge, a graduate of Baker High School, and was employed at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Ellen was kind, loving, all-giving, and a fierce champion of her family's needs. She leaves to cherish her memory her husband Evest A. Broussard II, their children - Erroll, Ellen Arden, and Evest Broussard III, and Eva and Elena Broussard who adored their "Granny". She is also survived by her sisters Carolyn Blanchard of Walker, La and Gloria "Bobbie" Cline of River Ridge, La. Her parents and her sisters Patty Jean Ory and Cheryl Cannon predeceased her. A visitation will be held at Rabenhorst Funeral Home, 825 Government Street, on Friday, April 26 from 1:00 pm until a memorial service to begin at 3:00 pm.

Mary Jane Overton Higginbotham (ca1931-2019) LA
Jane Higginbotham, age 88, a resident of Greensburg, departed this life, Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at North Oaks Medical Center, Hammond. Visitation at MJR Friendly Service Funeral Home, 87 Paddio Johnson Lane, Greensburg from 5 pm to 8 pm Friday, April 26th. Visitation will resume at Turner Chapel AME Church, 875 Turner Chapel Rd., Greensburg from 10 am Saturday until religious service at 12 noon. Interment in Turner Chapel Church Cemetery.


Sally Maria Higginbotham Prattini (1950-2019) LA
January 18, 1950 – May 9, 2019
Sally H. Prattini passed away on Thursday, May 9, 2019. She was 69 years old. For 43 years, Sally was the devoted and cherished wife of Emile Prattini, Jr. Loving mother of Christina Prattini (Michael Myers), Gina Prattini, and Rocky Prattini. Grandmother of Leah Reeb, Tristan Reeb, and granddog Goose. She was the sister of Sharon Lewis and Steven Higginbotham (Teresa Higginbotham). Sister-in-law of Florence Rodriguez (Norbert), Chris Prattini (Jeanine), and Mickey Prattini (Nancy). She was preceded in death by her parents, Oscar Higginbotham, Jr. and Joan Higginbotham. Sally also leaves behind many nieces, nephews, other relatives, and dear friends. Relatives and friends are invited to attend a visitation to be held at ST. BERNARD MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME, 701 W. Virtue Street, in Chalmette, on Friday, May 17, 2019, from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. A funeral service will be held in her honor at 1:00 PM. She will be laid to rest in St. Bernard Memorial Gardens.


Donald Dwayne Higginbotham (1959-2019) LA
Donald “Dwayne” Higginbotham passed away on Friday, May 31, 2019 at the age of 59. A Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at 10:00 AM at Quirk and Son Funeral Home in Eunice. Deacon Gary Gaudin will officiate. Burial will follow at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Church Point.
At the request of the family, visitation will begin on Friday, May 31, 2019 at 3:00 PM until 10:00 PM at Quirk and Son Funeral Home in Eunice. A Rosary will be recited at 8:00 PM by Deacon Gary Gaudin. Visitation will resume at the same location on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at 8:00 AM until time of Service.
Donald is survived by his wife; Brenda Panni, two sons; Christopher Higginbotham, Dustin Higginbotham, one daughter; Kylia Higginbotham, four brothers; Gary Higginbotham, Sherman Higginbotham, Timmy Higginbotham, Jamie Higginbotham. two sisters; Carolyn Martel, Shirleen Lavergne, five grandchildren; Aiden, Daylen, Logan, Preston and Carson.
Donald was preceded in death by his parents; Preston Higginbotham and Jeanette Guidry Higginbotham, one grandchild; Keegan.

Stacci Lynn Stuart Hickingbottom (1981-2019) LA
Services celebrating the life of Stacci Stuart Hickingbottom will be held 10:00 a.m. Monday, June 24, 2019 at the New Life Church of God in Bastrop with Bro. Britt Dupree and Bro. John McGregor officiating. Committal services and burial will follow at Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Cox Funeral Home of Bastrop. Visitation with the family will be Sunday, June 23rd, beginning at 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at New Life Church of God.

Stacci was born March 21, 1981 in Monroe, Louisiana and she passed away unexpectedly at her home in Bastrop, Louisiana on June 19, 2019. Stacci was a member of the New Life Church of God and a stay-at-home mom to Kiersten and Kylee. She was also an active volunteer at her daughter's school, Beekman Charter School. She loved her dogs, Macy and Max, shopping trips with her daughters, joy riding in the Jeep, and spending time with family at the family camp. Her greatest treasure was the love she had for her husband and girls and their love for her.

Stacci is preceded in death by her father, Danny Bob Stuart; her sister, Crystalyn Brooke Stuart; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart; mother-in-law, Louise Hickingbottom; brother-in-law, Carl Dean Reynolds; and step-father, Bobby Lee.

She is survived by her husband of 18 years, John "Lil John" Hickingbottom, II and their two daughters, Kiersten and Kylee Hickingbottom all of Bastrop; her brother, Jeremy Stuart and his wife, Amy of Monroe, Louisiana; her mother, Donice Lee of Bastrop; father-in-law, John Hickingbottom of Bastrop; three sisters-in-law, Cathy Parker of Mer Rouge, Louisiana, Carolyn Sykes and husband, Larry of Swartz, Louisiana; Joy Reynolds of Arkansas; brother-in-law, Carlton Kelly of Texas; and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.

For those who wish, the family suggest planned memorial in memory of Stacci be made to the New Life Church of God, attn: Youth Group, 10091 Peach Orchard Road, Bastrop, Louisiana 71220.

The Acadiana Advocate 8/18/2019

Eliza Higginbotham Latiolais (1928-2019) LA
Funeral Services will be held at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, August 21, 2019, in the Delhomme Chapel of the Flowers for Lizzie Latiolais, 91, who passed away on August 18, 2019. Burial will take place in Holy Mary Mother of God Mausoleum. Lizzie, a resident of Lafayette, was the daughter of the late Ernest Higginbotham and the former Agatha Guidry. She is survived by her son, Ted Latiolais and his wife, Ellen; her grandchildren, Jeremy Latiolais and his friend, Kristan Cockerham, Joshua Latiolais and his wife, Alyse, Matthew Latiolais and his wife, Jasmine, and Benjamin Latiolais and his wife, Kelli; her great-grandchildren, Oliver, Avery, Reece, Kenly, Wyatt, Hudson, Vivienne and Ellisyn Latiolais; one sister, Mary Ann (Johnny) Leleaux and one brother, Patrick (Nita) Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her parents; her spouse, Albert Latiolais, and five siblings. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Delhomme Funeral Home - Bertrand on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 from 2:00 PM to 8:30 PM. A rosary will be recited at 7:00 pm. Visiting hours will continue on Wednesday from 8:00 AM until the time of service. Pallbearers will be Ted Latiolais, Ellen Latiolais, Jeremy Latiolais, Matthew Latiolais, Benjamin Latiolais, Reece Latiolais and Harold Felix. Delhomme Funeral Home, 1011 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, LA is in charge of funeral arrangements.

American Press 8/30/2019
Judy Higginbotham Bishop (1946 - 2019 ) LA
Judy Bishop, born April 15, 1946, in Lawtell, daughter of the late Corise and Angelina (Bellard) Higginbotham, passed away, Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019, at the age of 73.
Judy worked for Morgan Crop Services for many years, as well as being a bookkeeper and income tax preparer in the Iowa area. She enjoyed cooking, baking candy, cross word puzzle books and loved spending time with her family.
Judy is survived by her children, Mitchell Fruge (Angie), Chris Fruge (Holly), Sharon Hinton (Glynn); siblings, Darrell Higginbotham, Jackie LaVergne, Diann Comeaux; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Terlin and Patrick Higginbotham; sisters, Eva Touchet, Lela Fruge and Sherry Higginbotham.
Celebration of life will be in Johnson & Brown Funeral Home of Iowa, Saturday, Aug. 31, 2019, at 7 p.m. with the Rev. Bennie Wego officiating. Gathering of family and friends will begin Saturday in the funeral home from 4 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. with a rosary recited at 6:30 p.m. Cremation is under the direction of Johnson & Brown Funeral Home of Iowa.
The family would like to thank Dawn Kershaw with Christus St. Pat's Hospice for her compassion and care for Judy as well as being an angel for the family.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Colors for a Cause Louisiana Chapter.

TheAdvocate.com 9/8/2019

John Ernest Higginbotham (1952-2019) LA
John "Papa John" Ernest Higginbotham, 67, of Denham Springs, LA, gained his wings on Saturday, September 7, 2019 after a courageous battle with cancer. John served his country in the United States Army and worked for many years as a mechanic. But his true joy was spending time with his family, fishing and living the simple country life. John was a loving father, grandfather, brother and friend and will be missed dearly by all who knew him. He is survived by his children and their spouses, Lacy H. Edgens (Darryl), Tiffany Higginbotham (Sean), Dana, John Jr., and Kevin; grandchildren, Timothy Edgens and Trista Higginbotham; sister, Mary Behrnes (Jeff); nephews, Richard LeRay and Jason Behrnes; as well as many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Leo and Johnnie Higginbotham; and nephew, Michael LeRay. Private services will be held at a later date at Louisiana National Cemetery, Zachary.

American Press 9/11/2019

Jeanne Marie Frensley Higginbotham (1960-2019) LA
Jeanne Marie Frensley Higginbotham passed gently from this life to the next on Tuesday, Sept. 2, in the arms of her children. Jeanne was born in 1960 to Charles Frensley Sr. and Jeanne Marie Durand Frensley in Sulphur, La. Her father owned and operated a laundry and dry-cleaning service in Sulphur, and most of the town knew him.
Jeanne attended schools in Sulphur and would have graduated in 1978, however, the family moved to Lorrain Park near Hayes, La. She worked for the Southwest Daily News as a type setter (used before the printers were brought in) in the interim. After relocating to Hayes, she graduated from Bell City High as Salutatorian of the Class of 1979. Her mother was the caretaker of the park at Lorrain Bridge. Her father's boat is in Elton Louviere's celebrated Louisiana painting. Jeanne enjoyed wonderful days of fishing there.
Jeanne married David Higginbotham of St. Martinville, La. in 1986, beginning family life. She loved music, literature, technology and the arts, but had a penchant for play. Jeanne loved tennis, dancing, and especially pool; even as she aged, her heart stayed young enough to join Team Blue of Pokemon Go. Her personality was vibrant and colorful her entire life despite illness, and the tragic premature deaths of much of her family. In spite of these setbacks in life her spirit never waned.
Jeanne is preceded in death by her parents; two sisters, Charlene Prudhomme and Michele Noble; her youngest brother, Charles Frensley Jr.; and her eldest son, Andrew C. Higginbotham. She will rest now with her son at the family sight in Mimosa Pines Cemetery, according to her wishes.
Jeanne is survived by her husband, David C. Higginbotham; her children, Chelsea Michele Higginbotham, engaged to Steven M. Boulet II, and Reis Wesley Higginbotham; her brother, Robert Walter Frensley and wife Lillian; her nephew, Dr. John Noble; and many other special nieces and nephews.
The family will celebrate her life, Sunday, Sept. 15, at Johnson and Robison Funeral Home in Sulphur from 1-4 p.m. with a memorial service commencing at 4 p.m. Friends are invited to attend.
The family would like to thank.. Eula McArthur; Courtney and Jake of Heart of Hospice; the staff of M.D. Anderson; David O'Neil; Susan Kyle; "Aunt" Cecilia LeBlanc; Richard Meche; and everyone who visited her in her last weeks.

TheAdvocate.com 9/13/2019
Betty Lucille Kropog Higginbotham (1935-2019) LA
November 27, 1935 - September 10, 2019
Betty Lucille Kropog Higginbotham, aged 83, passed away peacefully in her sleep at Sterling Place Nursing Home on Tuesday, September 10, 2019. She was a resident of Walker for 60 years and a native of the Hungarian Settlement. She worked for the Livingston Parish School Board as a school bus driver, retiring in 2012, after proudly driving for 38 1/2 years. She is survived by her four children, Glenda Higginbotham-Roberts, Walker; Scott P. (Janice) Higginbotham, Pine Grove; Cheryl Higginbotham, Walker; Audrey Higginbotham, Killian; two grandchildren, Shaun Higginbotham and Alicia Higginbotham. She also leaves behind her spoiled but lovable fur-babies, Jake, Max, Lucy and Daisy. She is preceded in death by her husband Jack (Scotty) Higginbotham, Jr.; parents Joseph Eugene (Sr.) and Elizabeth Martin Kropog; three brothers, Joseph Eugene (Jr.), Robert James, and Glen Anthony Kropog; two sisters, Julia Wascom and Rose Ann Vicknair. Services are pending at this time. Betty's family would like to acknowledge and give thanks to the entire staff of Sterling Place, Life Source Hospice and Baton Rouge General Medical Centers for all of their help and care. They also give an extra-special thank you to Dee Achord for all the love, care, help and support she gave to Betty during her stay at Sterling Place Nursing Home.


Johnny Ray Higginbotham (1955-2019) LA
March 25, 1955 - September 28, 2019

PORT BARRE- A memorial services will be held for Johnny Ray Higginbotham  on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sibille Funeral Home Chapel. Fr. Clint Trahan will conduct the service.

Johnny, age 64, a resident of Port Barre, passed away on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at his home.

He is survived by son, Johnny Keye Higginbotham and his wife, Tara of Union Missouri; his daughter, Kimberly Wilson and her husband, Les of Union, Missouri; brother, Michael Higginbotham and his wife, Sharron of Opelousas; sisters, Pam Devillier of Teague Texas, and Anna Davis and her husband, Jason of Baton Rouge; grandchildren, Mackenzie Wilson, Trent Speyer, Trinity Higginbotham; and one great-grandchild, Brynlee Alcorn.

He is preceded in death by parents, Leonce and Rena Higginbotham; his wife of 31 years, Sally Higginbotham; brother, Kenneth Higginbotham.

Visitation will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the Sibille Funeral Home in Port Barre.

Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Port Barre.




James Monroe Higginbotham II (1929-2019) LA

December 8, 1929 - December 15, 2019

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11:00 am on Thursday, December 19, 2019 at St. Pius X Catholic Church for James Monroe Higginbotham II, 90, who passed away on December 15, 2019.
Reverend Matthew Higginbotham, Pastor of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church and Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington, LA, will be Celebrant of the Mass and will conduct the funeral services.
Burial will take place in Calvary Mausoleum.
James retired from the U. S. Air Force serving from 1948 to 1989. “Mr. Hicks” was a Band Director in the Lafayette Parish School System for over 30 years. James was the Director of the ROTC band at UL in the early 1960's. He was a member of the Lafayette and New Iberia Community Concert Bands.
James, a resident of Lafayette, was the son of the late James M. Higginbotham and the former Agnes Broussard.
He is survived by his beloved wife of 63 years, Amelia Broussard Higginbotham; children, James M. Higginbotham III and his wife, Lori, Lisa Higginbotham and her partner, Patton Whittington, Hope Gajan and her husband, Joseph, David Higginbotham and his wife, Gayle, Lorraine Richard and her husband, Freddie, and Father Matthew Higginbotham; twenty grandchildren, eighteen great-grandchildren, and sister, Barbara Ellis.
He was preceded in death by his parents and son, Michael Joseph Higginbotham.
The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Delhomme Funeral Home - Bertrand on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. A Rosary will be recited at 6:30 pm on Wednesday evening in the funeral home. Visiting hours will continue on Thursday from 9:00 am until the time of service.
Pallbearers will be James M. Higginbotham III, David Higginbotham, Brandon Higginbotham, James M. Higginbotham IV, Joshua Higginbotham and P. J. Boulet.
Delhomme Funeral Home, 1011 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, LA is in charge of funeral arrangements.


Arlene Eve Higginbotham (1959-2019) LA
May 31, 1959 - December 19, 2019
Catahoula - A Funeral Service will be held at 1:30 pm on Saturday, December 21, 2019, at St. Rita Catholic Church in Catahoula for Arlene Eve Higginbotham, 60, who passed away on Thursday, December 19, 2019, at Lafayette General Medical Center from injuries due to a car accident on Monday, December 16, 2019. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Dion Hall from 5:30 pm until 11:00 pm on Friday, and continue on Saturday at 7:00 am until 1:00 pm. A rosary will be prayed at 7:00 pm on Friday. Reverend Bill Melancon will officiate at the Funeral Service. Interment will follow at Our Lady of the Lake Cemetery in Catahoula. Arlene, also known as "Ta-Taunt", was born in St. Martinville to the late Lloyd and Mary Lee Camille Higginbotham. She loved horses, gardening, landscaping, flowers, and being in her yard. Arlene enjoyed spending time with her family and grandchildren. She will be missed by all who knew and loved her. She is survived by her daughters, Talya Doucet and husband Damon, and Bridget Robicheaux; son, Darby Robicheaux; brother, Lloyd Higginbotham, Jr.; sisters, Vicki Boudreaux and husband Barry, Trudy Jetton and husband Shawn, Liz Higginbotham and companion Don Huval; grandchildren, Kale, Saylor, Dru, Kaydyn, Rylee, Kyser, and Colton; great grandchild, Zion; 8 nephews; and 11 nieces. She was preceded in death by her parents, Lloyd Higginbotham, Sr., and Mary Lee Camille Higginbotham. Pallbearers will be Lloyd Higginbotham Jr., Lane Savoy, Kagan Breaux, Kale Patin, Lloyd "T-Boy" Higginbotham III, and Tanner Boudreaux. Honorary pallbearers will be Damon Doucet and Shawn Jetton. Pellerin Funeral Home of St. Martinville. (337-332-2111) is in charge of arrangements.

American Press Jan. 3, 2020

Beverly A. Trahan Higginbotham (1952-2019) LA
Beverly A Higginbotham passed from this life on Dec. 31, 2019, in a local hospital surrounded by her loving family at the age of 67.
Beverly was born on Aug. 28, 1952, to Dalton and Goldie Trahan/Elias T. Breaux. She was preceded in death by her parents. Sister Loyce Trahan and brothers Oddley, E.J. and Rodney. She was the general manager for Zee Medical for over 39 Years. Beverly never met a stranger and will be sorely missed but there is great comfort knowing she has been reunited with the love of her life, our sweet daddy, Robert Wayne Higginbotham.
She leaves to mourn her memory, daughters Lorrie (Darren) Bertrand, Bobbie Simmons (Wade Hardy) Extra; son Michael Champion (started as a son in law and became a son), her well loved grandchildren, Darby and Shelby Bertrand and Devon Champion; sisters, Leah Ledkins, Linda Thibodeaux (Carrol), Orlene Lopez (Perry) and Charlene LaBouve (Jimmy); brothers, Floyd Trahan (Darlene) and Snooky Trahan (Mary); half brothers, Ernest and J.C. Breaux; and half sisters, Irene LeDoux, Mary Lou Harrell and Lou Ethel East.
The family will receive friends on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020, from 9 a.m. until time of service in the chapel of Lakeside Funeral Home. Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Jan. 4, 2020, in the chapel of Lakeside Funeral Home. A Rosary will be recited at 11:30 a.m. Burial will follow at Consolata Cemetery.
Lorrie and Bobbie would like to express their gratitude to all of Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham's siblings and their cousins for being there for them during this difficult time. You are what family is about.

Duhon Funeral Home 1/30/2020

Mary Valerie Higginbotham LeJeune (1938-2020) LA
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, January 31, 2020 at 3:00 P.M. in St. Edward Catholic Church in Richard for Valerie LeJeune, 81, who passed away Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 4:58 A.M. at Acadian Medical Center in Eunice, after a courageous battle with cancer.
Fr. Wayne Duet, Pastor of St. Edward Catholic Church in Richard will be officiating for the services. Burial will be held in St. Edward Catholic Church Cemetery in Richard.
Survivors include four daughters, Delores and husband, Jessie Lennon, Jr. of Orlando, FL, Dianne and husband, Brian Heinen, Jr. of Eunice, Janet and husband, Chester Miller of Richard and Terry and husband, Judson Venezia of Eunice; five sons, Gregory LeJeune of Richard, Tyler and wife, Marilyn LeJeune of Richard, David, Ronald and Robert Perry of Crowley; twenty nine grandchildren; seventy seven great-grandchildren and one great-great-granddaughter; two sisters-in-law, Bertha Higginbotham of Church Point, Roberta Briscoe of Church Point.
Ms. LeJeune was preceded in death by her husband, Nelson LeJeune; one daughter, Angela Sellers; her parents, John and Louise Olivier Higginbotham; four brothers, George Higginbotham, Harry Higginbotham, Austin and wife, Wilma Higginbotham, Ray Higginbotham; two sisters, Ruby and husband, John Bihm and Esther Higginbotham.


Nella Rene Crochet McFarlain Higginbotham (1938-2020) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Nella Rene Crochet McFarlain Higginbotham, 81, will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, March 21, 2020 in HOPE Church of Evangeline with Bro. Thomas Patterson officiating.

Burial will be in the Grace Community Cemetery under the direction of Miguez Funeral Home of Jennings.

Mrs. Higginbotham passed away at 6:08 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, 2020 in her residence in Evangeline.

She was a lifelong resident of Evangeline and a graduate of the Iota High School class of 1957. She was a cake decorator and worked in retail sales. She enjoyed Facebook and watching her birds. She loved to go camping, playing cards and spending time with family and friends. She retired from A&P and Wal Mart. She was a member of HOPE Church of Evangeline.

Survivors include her husband Charles Higginbotham of Evangeline; daughter, Tiffany (Tony) Bertrand of Basile; step-daughters, Michelle (Shelton) Kelley of Evangeline, Shannon Higginbotham of Jennings; her sons, David McFarlain of Hathaway, Marlon (Tricia) McFarlain and Shannon (Cheryl) McFarlain both of Evangeline and; step-son, “Chip” (Shannon) Higginbotham of Jennings; 14 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

She is preceded in death by her parents, Edles and Viola Gott Crochet, son, Roderick Keith McFarlain; sisters, Hazel Bellard and Myrtle Theriot; brothers, Amos, Elroy, George and Olen Crochet.




Terry Orlando Higginbotham (1949-2020) LA

June 29, 1949 - March 16, 2020

A Private Family Graveside service for Mr. Terry O. Higginbotham, 70, of Orange, Texas will be held Saturday, March 21, 2020, at Loch Arbor Baptist Church Cemetery in Monroe, LA, with Rev. William Sikes officiating, under the direction of Mulhearn Funeral Home, Sterlington Road, Monroe, Louisiana.

Mr. Higginbotham was born June 29, 1949, in Monroe, Louisiana to Mr. Leroy and Mrs. Willene Deloris Higginbotham and passed away March 16, 2020, at the Medical Center of Southeast Texas in Beaumont, Texas. He proudly served his country in the United States Navy and worked as an electrical engineer in the papermill industry.




Donald Paul Higginbotham (1948-2020) LA

February 03, 1948 - April 09, 2020

Church Point, LA: In the interests of public safety and with regard for our families’ feelings, a private graveside service will be held at 11:00 A.M. Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Hwy 35 north of Church Point, LA for Donald P. “Nonc Don” Higginbotham, 72. Mr. Higginbotham, a long-time resident of Church Point, died Thursday evening, April 9 at his residence. Pastor Patrick Broussard will conduct the service with entombment immediately following. Survivors include his wife, Louella T. “Lou” Higginbotham of Church Point; his daughters, Sharyn L. Higginbotham and husband Ray Braddock of Catahoula, LA and Kathryn G. Higginbotham and wife Bethany Higginbotham of Church Point; a brother, Mark “Bootsy” Higginbotham and partner Mary Beck of Lafayette, LA; his sisters: Annie H. Moak and husband Allen of Baton Rouge, LA, Clara H. Burke of Breaux Bridge, LA, Evelina H. “Tatty” Smith of Deridder, LA, Melba H. “Benny” Vautrot and husband Jude of Church Point and Mary H. “Pampy” Richard and husband Andy of Eunice, LA; two grandchildren, Brailen R. and Shailey R. Marceaux and many nieces and nephews that he loved dearly. He was preceded in death by his parents, Iram Joseph and Mary Mabel Lyons Higginbotham; a brother, Linton “Hick” Higginbotham and a brother-in-law, Leonard Smith. A U.S. Navy veteran of the Viet Nam War and service in Korea, Mr. Higginbotham was a self-employed trucker for a number of years. A member of the American Legion Post 225 and VFW Post 9903 Honor Guard, he will be honored with a Flag Presentation with Honors at the time of the service. Extended family, friends and members of the public are encouraged to recite the Rosary and pray for the deceased in their homes.




James Terry Higginbotham (1951-2020) LA

Memorial Services will be held at a later date for the immediate family for James Terry Higginbotham, 68, who died on Saturday, May 2, 2020 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette.

Survivors include his beloved wife, Judy Benoit Higginbotham of Bosco; two daughters, Amy Higginbotham of Bosco and Ashley Higginbotham Cocozza and her husband, Francesco of Gretna; one son, James Abram Higginbotham of New Orleans; one sister, Bernadine Higginbotham of Scott; three grandchildren, Collin Higginbotham, Alice Cocozza, and Cooper Bush and godmother, Val Gillis of Lafayette.

Terry was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend to all. He loved to have a great time at his weekly board meetings. He loved to go to Henderson and catch brim, sacalait and have a cold one. Terry enjoyed his music especially when he could slow dance with his loving wife Judy, in the kitchen.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Abraham Higginbotham and Zoe Clavier Higginbotham; one sister, Jeanette Higginbotham; three brothers, Carrol Higginbotham, Darrell Higginbotham, and Milton Higginbotham.




Zeke Higginbotham (1968-2020) LA

Zeke Higginbotham, age 52, a resident of Arnaudville, passed away on May 5, 2020.

Zeke worked as a machinist in the oilfield. He loved listening to music and cooking especially BBQ. Zeke will be missed dearly by all who knew and loved him.

Zeke is survived by his mother, Barbara Campbell Hardy (John); his son, Tristen Layne Higginbotham (Savanah Webre); his brother, Lucas Higginbotham; his sisters, Angele Lanclos (Al), Donna Vidrine (Mike) and Jutta Codori (Ragis). He is also survived by two grandchildren, Karter James Higginbotham and Carson Alexander Stelly.

He is preceded in death by his father, Raphael Joseph Higginbotham; his paternal grandparents, Jack and Marie Higginbotham and his maternal grandparents, Martin and Angelle Campbell.

LaFond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas, 2845 South Union Street, Opelousas, LA 70570 (337-942-2638) has been entrusted with the funeral arrangements.



Jolane Beatrice Dawson Higginbotham (1943-2020) LA

Jolane Beatrice Dawson Higginbotham was born August 25, 1943 and passed away May 2, 2020 at 76 years old. She is survived by her children, Michael Burton, Paula Burton Hymel, Jason Burton, Heather Loupe (Justin), Valerie Higginbotham, and Debra Burton, she is also survived by 16 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.

Jolane is preceded in death by her daughter, Dana Jo Higginbotham; brothers Michael and Ernie Dawson, and her parents, Joseph and June Dawson.

A memorial service will be held at a later date.




Gertie Mae Henry Higginbotham (1935-2020) LA

Gertie Mae Henry Higginbotham died peacefully at home surrounded by her loving family on June 25, 2020. Gertie, 84, was born on September 17, 1935 to Nairy Henry and Enola Miller Henry.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 1:30 pm Monday, June 29, 2020 at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church. Fr. Mikel Polson, pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church will be officiating for the services. Interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.

She is survived by her four children, Glenn Higginbotham and his wife Liana of The Woodlands, TX, Debra Ann Higginbotham of Crowley, Rachel Cart and her husband Scooter of Prairieville, and Tammy Ledbetter and her husband Jimmy of Prairieville; one sister, Cheryl Vincent and husband Mike of Lafayette; and one brother, Herbert Henry of Thibodeaux; thirteen grandchildren, Brandon, Jessica, Kyle, Tyler, Melati, Seruni, Chris, Scott, Meghan, Ethan, Evan, Lainey, and Ross; twelve great-grandchildren; and lifelong friend, Agnes Primeaux who she loved as a sister.

Gertie devoted her entire life to her five children after being widowed at the age of 32. She felt the greatest gifts in life were her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
She enjoyed cooking and catered for many years in the Acadiana area. Gertie loved sharing this talent with her family. Anyone going to visit looked forward to the meals she prepared at her home.

Gertie is preceded in death by her husband, Alverda J.Higginbotham; one son, James D. Higginbotham; her parents, Nairy and Enola Miller Henry; and one brother, Elson Henry.




Edna Faye Higginbotham Norris (1966-2020) LA

September 24, 1966 - July 09, 2020

Edna Norris, 53, passed away Thursday, July 9, 2020 in a local hospital. She was born on September 24, 1966 in Lake Charles, LA to Abbie and Mary Higginbotham. She was a faithful member of the Salvation Army Church. She enjoyed coloring, listening to her old records from the 70’s and 80’s, crocheting, and spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren. She was a quiet person, but always kind to all. Those left to cherish her memory include her daughters, Mary Ann Norris, Karyn Norris, Ashlee Norris, and Laura Norris (Kameron Broussard); grandchildren, Prince Evan Norris, Draco Kade Norris, and one on the way; father, Abbie Higginbotham; brother, Edgar Higginbotham (Janell); sisters, Linda Kingery and Connie Chesson (Jessie); numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her mother. Cremation has been entrusted to Johnson Funeral Home.




A. C. Higginbotham (1927-2020) LA

Dr. AC Higginbotham, longtime resident of Springhill, LA, died May 13, 2020 in Houston, TX. He was 92. A private graveside service will be held on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 2:00 pm, at the Springhill Cemetery. Social distancing and masks will be required. Dr. Higginbotham's body will lie in repose inside the hearse, which will be parked in front of his church home, Central Baptist Church, between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm on May 22. Everyone is invited to drive by and pay their respects.

He was born on July 27, 1927, near Bienville, LA, son of Alfred Columbus Higginbotham and Tallie Farley Higginbotham. He lived on a farm during the Depression, with his parents working hard to provide for the family. He attended elementary school in Bienville and high school in Jamestown, LA. One of his earliest jobs was assisting M.C. Burnham in his drug store in Cullen, LA. Mr. Burnham later offered him assistance to attend Loyola University New Orleans, which opened the gateway for his further education and advancement.

Dr. Higginbotham married Ruth Maxine Wiggins of Jamestown on June 10, 1944, and the couple soon moved to New Orleans. She worked at a Walgreens to support the family while he attended school. His class set up the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum in the French Quarter, and he is still pictured there in a photo with his classmates. He and Maxine experienced many happy times in New Orleans. They read the Bible together at night, as their faith was growing even then. God had more plans for the young couple.

In 1946, during his junior year, Dr. Higginbotham was drafted. He served in World War 2, the army of occupation in Japan but was injured and received a medical discharge. He completed his degree at Loyola in 1949 and went on to pass the state board exam, after which he returned to Cullen to work at Burnham's drug store. Loyola honored him with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 1982.

In late 1950, Dr. Higginbotham became a co-owner of H and B Drug in Springhill, LA, a thriving local business with a soda fountain as well as drugs, gifts, and sundries. This business was formed in partnership with Jesse Boucher, who later sold his part to Dr. Higginbotham. He filled prescriptions and ran the store with Maxine's help until his retirement in 1989.

Dr. Higginbotham had a heart for serving the people of Springhill. He was a longtime member, Sunday School teacher and a Deacon at Central Baptist Church, serving on many committees. He was an active member of the Lions Club for more than 50 years. In 1996, he was honored with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award for his faithful service as a Lion. Dr. Higginbotham was also a member of the Masonic Lodge and the American Legion. He was a charter member of the Springhill Chamber of Commerce, receiving the group's Civic Service Award. He served as an alderman on the Springhill City Council from 1970 to 1974.

Dr. Higginbotham enjoyed people and made many friends over his long life. He is well remembered for his wonderful smile. He loved Springhill, his church, and his family. He also enjoyed traveling, woodworking, reading, photography, and ham radio. Studying history, including learning about America's past presidents and touring their homes and libraries, was a favorite pastime. He also worked tirelessly around his home and gardens with Maxine.

He was predeceased by his wife, his parents, and four brothers and one sister. Survivors include his son, Rodney (Julie) Higginbotham of Chicago; his daughter, Leara Higginbotham of Houston; two grandchildren, Alice and Margaret Higginbotham; and a host of nephews, nieces, and cousins.

Gifts in his memory can be sent to Central Baptist Church.




Abbie Joseph Higginbotham (1926-2020) LA

April 25, 1926 - August 24, 2020

Abbie Joseph Higginbotham, 94, of Lake Charles, LA, died at 12:35 PM on Monday, August 24, 2020 in a local care facility.

Mr. Higginbotham was born April 25, 1926 in Church Point, LA and lived all of his adult life in Lake Charles.  He worked a number of years at Highland Memory Gardens and retired from the Department of Transportation and Development with over twenty-five years of service.  Mr.  Higginbotham enjoyed his weekly Thursday “meetings” with his friends over breakfast.  He also enjoyed watching westerns and wrestling and loved playing card games, especially Cadillac, but his true passion in life was for his family.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his son, Edgar Higginbotham and wife Janell; daughters, Linda Kingrey and Connie Chesson and husband Jessie, all of Lake Charles; step-daughter, Rose Lines; twelve grandchildren; eighteen great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and his close friend, Jim Beam.

He was preceded in death by three wives; his parents; daughter, Edna Fay Norris; step-son, Johnny; eleven siblings; and five grandchildren.

His funeral service will be held at 2:00 PM on Monday, August 31, 2020 at the Johnson Funeral Home Chapel.  Reverend Marcus Wade will officiate.  Burial will follow in Highland Memory Gardens.  Visitation will be at the funeral home on Monday from 10:00 AM until the start of the service.

In compliance with the current COVID 19 order, we respectfully request gatherings be limited and all attendees wear face masks.



The Advertiser (Lafayette, LA)  10/22/2020

Clara Mae Higginbotham Burke (1940-2020) LA

Lafayette - Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 pm on Saturday, October 24, 2020 in the Sunrise Chapel at Walters Funeral Home in Lafayette, La. for Clara Mae L. Burke, 80. Mrs. Burke, a resident of Breaux Bridge, LA, passed away Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 7:02 a.m. in the comfort of her home. Jeff Ables, Pastor of Crossroads Church in Lafayette, will conduct the services. Following the services she will be laid to rest in Greenlawn Memorial Gardens.

Visiting hours be observed Saturday from 10:00 am until the time of service at Walters Funeral Home.

Survivors include her children, Donald P. LeBlanc, Jr. and wife Teresa A. LeBlanc, Donna L. Benoit, Christina A. LeMaire and husband Jeff J. LeMaire, P. Brennan LeBlanc and wife Jodie L. LeBlanc, and P. Marty LeBlanc and wife Tansy K. LeBlanc; her grandchildren, Michelle D. Bourque and husband Kit Bourque, Christy R. Woten and husband Joseph G. Woten, Shannon R. Dubuc and husband Mike S. Dubuc, Lauren N. Benoit, Elisabeth A. Gautreaux and husband Roman J. Gautreaux, Mariah L. LeBlanc, Josh P. LeBlanc and wife Heather M. LeBlanc, Chandler Iram LeBlanc, Cassie M. Jackson and her husband Caleb L. Jackson, and Kendall M. LeBlanc; step-grandchildren, Erin Masciarelli and her husband J. Andrew Masciarelli, Dustin J. LeMaire and fiancé Anne M. Baudoin, Evan L. LeMaire and fiancé Cameron Hebert, and Emma M. LeMaire; her great-grandchildren, Dylan A. Bourque, Kylie M. Bourque, Owen M. Dubuc, Josiah P. Woten, Anna-Claire E. Dubuc, Eliana R. Woten, and Jolie L. Dubuc; step great-grandchildren, Hayden J.M. LeMaire, Saylor G. LeMaire, Dawson A. Masciarelli, Wyatt G. Masciarelli, Rainna L. Kippers, and Clay A. Hebert; her siblings, Annie H. Moak, Evelina H. Smith, Melba H. Vautrot and husband Jude Vautrot, Mary H. Richard and husband Andy Richard, Lou T. Higginbotham (sister-in-law), and Mark "Bootsy" Higginbotham and his partner Mary Beck; and the father of her children, Donald P. LeBlanc, Sr.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Iram J. and Mabel L. Higginbotham; her husband, Harold N. Burke; her brothers, Linton J. "Hick" Higginbotham and Donald Higginbotham; and her brother-in-laws George E. Sanford and Leonard P. Smith.

Clara considered her greatest accomplishment to be her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She poured into them her love, guidance, and devotion. Her face lit up every time any one of them entered the room and she shared the love of Jesus with all of them. There was nothing she wouldn't do for her family.

She spent most of her life raising children while in the workforce and spent over 30 years with the Council on Aging in Lafayette. As Director, she led the construction of several apartment housing facilities for the elderly and directed the Council's involvement in multiple programs including Meals-On-Wheels, Senior Olympics, Foster Grandparent Program, Les Bons Jours Newspaper and so many more. The employees at the Council knew her to be kind and fair to all of them and never considered herself to be above anyone.

Mrs. Burke received several awards for her work during her time at the Council on Aging. For her dedicated service to the elderly in Acadiana, L. J. "Joey" Durel, Jr., City-Parish President declared July 17th as the Clara Burke Day. Upon her retirement, Mrs. Burke received special recognition from Governor Bobby Jindal, Carencro Mayor Glenn Brasseaux, Mayor Scott Hazel Myers and many others. She received multiple awards for the work she accomplished yet, Mrs. Burke always attributed any success to God and His guidance. She would often say, "I didn't know what to do so, I prayed, and God worked it out." Above all, her hopes and prayers were for everyone to know the love of God and come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. She was a blessing to our family and to this community, and all will miss her.

Pallbearers for the service are Chandler Iram LeBlanc, Dylan A. Bourque, Kendall M. LeBlanc, Joseph G. Woten, Mike S. Dubuc, and Roman J. Gautreaux. Honorary pallbearers include Josh P. LeBlanc and Kit A. Bourque.

Walters Funeral Home, 2424 N. University Ave., Lafayette, LA 70507; 337-706-7841 is in charge of arrangements.

Ferlin Joseph Higginbotham (1955-2020) LA
September 20, 1955 - October 27, 2020

Ferlin Joseph Higginbotham, 65, died Tuesday, October 27, 2020, following a brief illness.

A lifelong resident of Lake Charles, Mr. Higginbotham worked for more than twenty years as a janitor at M. J. Kaufman Elementary School.  “Mr. Ferlin,” as he was known there, loved his job because he loved the children at the school, and they loved him in return.    Mr. Higginbotham was a kind man and faithfully cared for his aging parents until their death.  He enjoyed watching wrestling on television and listening to country music.  He was of the Catholic faith.

He is survived by two brothers, Bernard and Ronald Higginbotham, both of Lake Charles.  He was preceded in death by his beloved parents, Amelca Joseph and Beatrice Young Higginbotham.

Cremation was entrusted to Simple Traditions by Johnson.  Private graveside services will be held at Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery.



Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/14/2020

Donna Marie Higginbotham Vidrine (1964-2021) LA
February 16, 1964 ~ January 11, 2021 (age 56)
Memorial services for Donna Higginbotham Vidrine will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 16, 2021, in the Skip Montet Memorial Chapel in the Lafond Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas, LA.   Deacon Dwayne Joubert will officiate the service. 
Visitation will be held from 1:00 p.m. until service time at 2:00 p.m. with visitation continuing until 3:00 p.m. in the Lafond Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas. 
Mrs. Vidrine, age 56, a resident of Arnaudville, passed away on Monday, January 11, 2021 at West Jefferson Medical Center in Marerro, La. 
Donna worked in retail at Stage for 23 years and was the top sales associate for the entire company in 2011.  She loved spending time with her family, friends and especially her grandchildren.  Donna will be greatly missed by those who knew and loved her.
She is survived by her husband of 27 years, Michael R. Vidrine; her parents, John and Barbara Hardy; her children, Cory J. Vidrine and Amber E. Vidrine-Rodriguez and husband, Bryan; her brother, Lucas Higginbotham and her sisters, Angele H. Lanclos and husband, Albert and Jutta H. Codori and husband, Ragrs.  She is also survived by her eight grandchildren, Raven Benoit, Devyn Savoie, Natalie Rodriguez, Kade Savoie, Hunter Vidrine, Allie Savoie, Aria Rodriguez and Savannah Rodriguez.
She is preceded in death by her son, Scotty M. Vidrine and her brother, Zeke Higginbotham.
LaFond-Ardoin Funeral Home of Opelousas (2845 South Union Street, Opelousas, La. 70570) has been entrusted with the funeral arrangements.




Glenda Gail Trauth Higginbotham  (1948-2021) LA

June 26, 1948 - January 1, 2021

Glenda Gail Trauth Higginbotham a native and resident of Des Allemands, passed away on Friday, January 1, 2021. She was 72 years old. She was born on June 26, 1948.

She is survived by her beloved husband of 51 years, Thomas J. Higginbotham; daughter, Monique Hinklin (Steven); grandchildren, Cole Dufrene (Sydney) and Elise Deimel; sister, Phyllis C. Trauth Whittington.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Cyril J. Trauth and Alphosine C. Trauth Dufrene.

Gail was a retiree of St. Charles Parish Schools and also an employee of the St. Charles Parish Sheriff Department. She was a very loving Wife, Mother, Aunt, Grandmother, Godmother and Friend. She loved spending time with her grandchildren and her friends. She also loved going on vacations. She will be dearly missed by everyone that knew her. The family would like to thank everyone for all the love, support and prayers during this very difficult time in our lives.

Visitation will be held at Des Allemands Mennonite Church, Des Allemands, LA from 9:00 a.m. until funeral time. Religious Services will be at 11:00 a.m. with burial to follow in Des Allemands Mennonite Cemetery.



Guidry Funeral Home 1/30/2021

Waltom James Higginbotham (1952-2021) LA

A Memorial Service will be held at 11:00 AM Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point, LA for Waltom James Higginbotham, 68. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and long-time resident of Church Point, passed away Friday morning, January 29 at Acadia General Hospital in Crowley, LA. Deacon Byrne Winn will conduct the service.

He is survived by his wife, Julie Lavergne Higginbotham of Church Point; a son, Toby Higginbotham and wife Karen of Leonville, LA; two daughters, Karliss Jo Daigle and fiancé Dirk Richard of Lafayette, LA and Mindi Daigle and fiancé Colt Seaba of Mire, LA; a brother, Marcus Higginbotham and wife Kathy of Carencro, LA; a sister, Charlotte Berniard and husband Tom of Lafayette and his grandchildren: Zachary and Brody Cason, Aubrey Higginbotham, Kaylie Jo Richard and Silas and Lucy Seaba. He was preceded in death by his parents, Paul Higginbotham, Sr. and Emma Melancon Higginbotham and a brother, Paul Higginbotham, Jr.

A construction dump truck operator for a number of years, Mr. Higginbotham was devoted to his family and loved his dogs, “Punky” and “Zuma”.




Mary Etta Higginbotham Mitchell (1945-2021) LA

Mary Etta Higginbotham Mitchell,75, of DeRidder, LA, passed from this life on Monday, February 1, 2021.
Those left to cherish her memory are her son, Winfred Simmons and Traci of Covington, TX; daughter, Sheila Snell and Cullen of Rosepine, LA; sister, Denice Bailey and Scott of DeRidder, LA; a host of grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, family and friends.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth Mitchell; parents, Silas and Sarah Higginbotham; sisters, Iva Jean Pickett, Rose Kaplan.
Visitation will be held on Thursday, February 4, 2021 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in Deridder, LA. Funeral service will be at 3:00 PM, Friday, February 5, 2021, also at Myers Colonial Funeral Home. Brother Rex Simmons will officiate the service. Pallbearers will be Johnny Pickett, Jr., George Pickett, B.J. Hicks, Percy Good, Wade Snell, Jacob McFarland. Honorary Pallbearers will be Kyle Hunter, Dan Smith. Burial will follow at Old Cypress Cemetery in Rosepine, LA.




Oscar Paul Higginbotham (1961-2021) LA
November 25, 1961 - February 08, 2021
Church Point, LA: A Memorial Service will be held at 2:00 P.M. Thursday, February 11, 2021 at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point, LA for Oscar Paul Higginbotham, 59. Mr. Higginbotham, a long-time resident of Port Barre, LA, passed away at his residence there. Deacon David Menard will conduct the service and disposition will be determined by family.
He is survived by his father, Hubert Higginbotham of Church Point; his stepmother, Sandra Venable of Opelousas, LA; his mother, Darlene Doucet of Baton Rouge, LA; his stepbrothers, Keith Venable and wife Cathy of Church Point and Toby Venable and wife Deverelle of Opelousas and his stepsister, Romney Venable of Sunset, LA. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Oscar and Maude Higginbotham; his maternal grandparents, Doris and Vivian Doucet and two stepbrothers, Ferdie and Kurt Venable. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 10:00 AM until the time of the service. A maintenance man at Bellard’s Poultry for a number of years, he will be missed by his extended family and friends. Personal condolences may be sent to the family at www.guidryfuneralhome.com. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.



Guy Wendell Higginbotham (1964-2021) LA

July 17, 1964 - April 07, 2021

Church Point, LA: A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 3:00 PM Monday, April 12, 2021 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA for Guy Wendal Higginbotham, 56. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and long-time resident of Church Point, passed away Wednesday morning, April 7 at his residence. Reverend Father Pére Rozas, parochial vicar of the church, will be the celebrant of the Mass and will conduct the committal services in the Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery on Hwy 35 north of Church Point.
He is survived by the mother of his children, Cindy Higginbotham-Kresta of New Braunfels, TX; his sons: Tanner Higginbotham and companion Mia Higginbotham of Church Point, Trent Higginbotham of Church Point and companion Aubre Berzas of Opelousas, LA and Trace Higginbotham of New Braunfels; a daughter, Heather “Hal” LeJeune of Richard, LA; a brother, Kevin Higginbotham, a sister, Kyla Dawn Higginbotham and fiancé Audie Boutte, a grandson, Braxson Higginbotham and his stepfather, “Uncle” Gerald Dies-all of Church Point-and his stepmother, Lydia Gonzalez of Mire, LA. He was preceded in death by his parents, Linton and Loretta Thibodeaux Higginbotham. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 10:00 AM until 9:00 PM on Sunday, April 11 and continue from 8:00 AM until the time of services on Monday. A rosary will be recited in the funeral home at 6:00 PM Sunday by Deacon Byrne Winn. Pallbearers will be Tanner, Trent, Trace and Brian Higginbotham; Charlie Noyola, John Berzas, Blake Thibodeaux and Doug Myers. Guy was a hard worker who felt that no job was too hard for him. He loved his fleet of Mack trucks and cranes and loved to be “the Boss”. The owner and operator of Guy Hick Trucking and a partner in Hick’s Heavy Haulers and Hick’s Construction; he was a generous and kind man with a “heart of gold” who would “give you the shirt off his back”. He loved hunting and spending time with his grandson. Guy was clean and sober for three years which was a huge milestone in his journey to sobriety. He will be sadly missed by his extended family and friends who were so proud of his victory over his personal demons and addiction. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.




Cecil Blake Higginbotham (1962-2021) LA

July 22, 1962 - May 15, 2021

Church Point, LA: A private family memorial service will be held at a later date for Cecil Blake Higginbotham, 58, who passed away Saturday, May 15, 2021 at his residence in Church Point. Cecil was a carpenter who worked in Afghanistan during the current war as a private contractor for a number of years. A very private person, he loved fishing and his dogs. He will be missed by his extended family and friends. He is survived by his sister, Linda Hidalgo and her husband Byron of Lafayette, LA; three brothers, Mitch Higginbotham and wife Amy of Youngsville, LA, Clark Higginbotham of Wichita Falls, TX and Paul Higginbotham and wife Lana of Port Barre, LA and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Joseph Irby Higginbotham and Coralee Jeanise Higginbotham. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA, is in charge of final arrangements.




Mary Helen Andrus Higginbotham (1943-2021) LA

June 10, 1943 - June 27, 2021

PINE PRAIRIE -  Funeral services for Mary Helen Andrus Higginbotham, 78, will be held at 1PM Thursday July 1, 2021 at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Pine Prairie with burial to follow in the St. Peter's Cemetery. Father Mitch Guidry will officiate the funeral mass. Helen, a resident of Pine Prairie, passed away at her residence Sunday June 27, 2021. She had a strong faith and was a very devout catholic.   She will be deeply missed by her loving family, sons Patrick Mark Higginbotham of Beaver Creek, John Chad Higginbotham and wife Brandy of Glenmora, Eric Gerard Higginbotham and wife Sandy of Bushnell, FL; daughters Jessica Ann Fontenot and husband Paul of Pine Prairie, Rachel Ann Hebert and husband Rodney of Beaver Creek, Nicole Marie Jordan of Pine Prairie; sister Mary Nell Bonnette and husband Havard of Pine Prairie; 24 grandchildren; 29 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents Fabian and Hattie Deshotel Andrus, husband Patrick Homer Higginbotham, and daughter Tammy Marie Theriot. Visitation will be held at La Vielle Eglise Hall in Pine Prairie on Wednesday June 30, 2021 from 3PM-10PM, with a rosary being recited at 6PM, and will resume again in the hall Thursday July 1, 2021 at 8AM. LaVille Funeral Home, 2353 East Main St., Ville Platte, LA 70586, 337-363-1100


Marie Benoit Higginbotham (1964-2021) LA
Friday, April 17th, 1964 - Thursday, July 22nd, 2021
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at Saint Joseph Catholic church for Marie Benoit Higginbotham, 57, who died at 3:15 p.m. Thursday, July 22, 2021 at her residence in Carencro, LA.
Fr. Benjamin Pitre will celebrate the mass and the burial will follow in the Saint Joseph Cemetery. Visitation may be observed on Monday from 2:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. and Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. until service time. The Rosary will be prayed at 6:30 p.m. Monday.
Marie is survived by her 2 daughters April Guidry Leger of Rayne and Tiffany Brunson of Carencro; 1 son Cody Higginbotham of Rayne; her dog and loyal companion, Gizmo; her brother, Paul Benoit, Jr. of Carencro; 6 grandchildren, Hunner Guidry, Harley Cormier, Carter Higginbotham, Kylee Armand, Khloe Armond and Kaisley Steiner and her fience, Waylon Roy of Carencro..
She was preceded in death by her parents, Paul Benoit and Marilyn Theriot Benoit and a brother, David Benoit.
Duhon Funeral Home-Rayne, (337) 334-3600, 900 East Texas Ave., Rayne, LA 70578 is in charge of all of the arrangements.




Shane Anthony Higginbotham (1967-2021) LA
August 09, 1967 - July 25, 2021
Church Point, LA: A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2:00 PM Wednesday July 28, 2021 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Rayne, LA for Shane Anthony Higginbotham, 53. Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Church Point, passed away Sunday, July 25 at Acadia General Hospital in Crowley, LA. Reverend Brent Smith, pastor of the church, will be the celebrant of the Mass and interment will be in the Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery on Hwy 35 north of Church Point.
He is survived by his wife, Starlet Charpentier Higginbotham of Church Point; his nieces and nephews: Lauren and Cameron Carter, Courtney Stone and Corey, Corbin and Gabi Charpentier; a brother-in-law, Raleigh Charpentier of Perth, Australia and a sister, Pixie Carter and husband Jim of Lafayette, LA. He was preceded in death by his parents, Douglas and Janell Matte Higginbotham; a brother, Clay Higginbotham and his mother-in-law, Frankie White.
The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM on Tuesday, July 27 and continue from 9:00 AM Wednesday until the time of services. A rosary will be recited in the funeral home at 7:00 PM Tuesday by Deacon Bryne Winn.  Pallbearers will be Shawn Charlot, Cameron Carter, Corbin Charpentier, Scott Garteman, Dwayne Miles and Roger and Josh Clavier. A member of the Church Point Auxiliary for a number of years and an avid camper, fisherman and cook; Mr. Higginbotham loved his horse “Co-Co”, his cat “Shrek” and his dogs “Tessie”, “T-Doug” and “Max”. He enjoyed the yearly “Silent Retreat in Grand Coteau”. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.



The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA) Aug. 5, 2021

Diane Lee Higginbotham (ca1948-2021) LA
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." John 14:18. Diane "Tia" Lee Higginbotham, 73, a beloved daughter, sister, aunt, great-aunt, and friend, passed away on Monday, August 2, 2021, with her sister and brother-in-law by her side. Diane attended Northwestern University and received her Undergraduate and Master's Degrees from LSU. She was a lifelong educator, loved by her colleagues and students alike. Diane spent most of her career teaching second grade at Rummel Creek Elementary School in Houston, Texas where she lived for many years. In 2003 the Spring Branch School District honored her as Teacher of the Year. Even in retirement she remained close to many of her students and their families, attending their weddings and baby showers long after they left her classroom. She was a founding sister of Lambda Alpha Honor Society and a member of Delta Zeta sorority. Diane's faith was expressed in the caring way that she lived her life. A devout Christian, she was a member of Jefferson United Methodist Church. Diane had many life-long friends she treated as family and enjoyed traveling, dining out and watching her beloved LSU Tigers. She is survived by her sister, Beryl Marie Parsons, and brother-in-law, Bob Parsons; nieces and their spouses, Paige Parsons Gagliano and Louis Gagliano and Robyn Parsons Wood and Scott Wood; and her loving great-nieces, Bailey Wax, Grace Gagliano and Samantha Wood and great-nephews Ethan Wax and Graham Wood. She was preceded in death by and will joyfully be reunited with her mother, Phyllis Higginbotham, and her father W.G. Higginbotham. We are eternally grateful to Compassus Hospice Care and Fidelis Care for their love and support. Due to the COVID outbreak, there will be a private graveside service for the family co-officiated by Bishop Cynthia Harvey and Pastor Leslie Stephens. A memorial celebrating Diane's life will be held at a future date. She will be laid to rest with those who loved her so dearly in Buehler Plains Cemetery Zachary.


Hubert Higginbotham (1940-2021) LA
August 21, 1940 - August 04, 2021
Church Point, LA
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 1:00 PM Saturday, August 7, 2021 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA for Hubert Higginbotham, 80. Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Port Barre, LA and currently a resident of Church Point, passed away Wednesday, August 4 at Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home in Church Point. Reverend Brian Harrington, pastor of the church, will be the celebrant of the Mass and interment will be in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery adjacent to the church in Church Point. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Venable of Opelousas, LA; two sons, Keith Venable and wife Cathy of Church Point and Toby Venable and wife Deverelle of Opelousas; a daughter, Romney Venable and friend Scott Malovets of Church Point; a brother, Carl Higginbotham and wife Pat of Lake Arthur, LA; ten grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents Oscar and Maude Daigle Higginbotham; three sons, Paul Higginbotham and Kurt and Ferdie Venable and a Godchild, Roberta Higginbotham. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 9:00 AM Saturday until the time of services. A rosary will be recited in the funeral home at 12:00 PM Saturday by Deacon Byrne Winn. A hard-working man who loved his extended family, Mr. Higginbotham will be missed by all who knew him. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.


Joseph Clark Higginbotham (1960-2021) LA

Joseph Clark Higginbotham, 61, of Burkburnett, passed away Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

The family will receive friends between 6 and 8 p.m. Thursday, August 12, 2021 at Owens & Brumley Funeral Home in Burkburnett.  Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Friday, August 13, 2021 in the chapel of Owens & Brumley Funeral Home with Rev. Gary Hibbs, officiating.  Interment will follow at Burkburnett Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Owens & Brumley Funeral Home in Burkburnett.

Joseph was born on August 4, 1960 in Church Point, Louisiana to Irby Higginbotham and Cora Jeanise Higginbotham.  On December 21, 1981, he married Kellina Smith.  He loved football and was an avid fan of the New Orleans Saints and the LSU Tigers.  He also loved the outdoors, especially fishing and hunting, and enjoyed cooking, attending Rodeo’s and listening to Cajun music.  Joseph’s greatest passion in life was his family.  He never met a stranger and will be dearly missed by all those who knew him.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Irby and Cora Higginbotham; his brother, Cecil Higginbotham; and his uncle, Paul Jeanise.

He is survived by his loving wife of 39 years, Kellina Higginbotham; his son, Justin Higginbotham; his daughter, Krystal Bellard all of Burkburnett; two brothers, Mitchell Higginbotham and wife Amy of Youngsville, Louisiana, and Paul Higginbotham and wife Lana of Port Barre, Louisiana; his sister, Linda Hidalgo and husband Byron of Lafayette, Louisiana; four grandchildren, Peyton Mozingo, Dakota Higginbotham, Noah Bellard, and Ryder Higginbotham; and several nieces, nephews, family and friends.



Billy Joe Higginbotham (1947-2021) LA
2/23/1947 – 8/14/2021
 Billy Joe Higginbotham, 74, of Moss Bluff, passed away peacefully on Saturday August 14, 2021.
 Billy graduated from LaGrange Highschool in 1965. After graduation he worked for Jake’s Produce as a truck driver. In 1966 he married his high school sweetheart Donna Yentzen, and then enlisted with the Army Reserves. He then went to work for Westinghouse Electric as a motor repairman for 11 years. He was an original employee of Eagle Electric as a motor repairman and was later promoted to inside sales. He retired in 2017.
 Billy was a family man. He was always having gatherings at his house and there were plenty of games to be played. In the summer, it was basketball in the driveway, volleyball in the side yard and horseshoes in the backyard. In the winter, there was always a boo-ray card game to play or football to watch.
 Billy loved sports of all kinds. As a child, he played little league baseball and was a boxer. As an adult, he played city-league slow-pitch baseball and basketball. In his later years, he took up golf, and would play as often as possible. After his retirement, weather permitting, he would play 3 to 4 times a week.
 Billy was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend that will be missed dearly by those that knew and loved him.
 He is survived by his wife of 54 years Donna Yentzen, son Trent Michael Higginbotham, sister Judy Murray, brother Johnny (wife Donna) Higginbotham, sister-in-law Ruth (husband Jay) Barrios, sister in law Pat Yentzen and Celina Yentzen, grandchildren Jade Higginbotham, Mia Higginbotham, Luke Higginbotham, Dylan Higginbotham, Lexi Arabie, Cole and Danielle Singletary, Tyler Hay, and Zack Streva.
 Billy is preceded in death by his parents Lawrence and Ruth Higginbotham, son Terry Joseph Higginbotham, and nephew Brandon Bennie.
 Celebration of life, led by Father Whitney Miller, will be on August 18th at Heritage Funeral Home in Moss Bluff. Visitation hours will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and funeral will begin at 2 p.m.




Carl Vernon Higginbotham (1938-2021) LA

Funeral services for Mr. Carl Higginbotham, Sr., 83, of Lake Arthur will be held on Sunday, September 5, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. at the Miguez Funeral Home Chapel in Lake Arthur. Burial will follow at St. Anthony Cemetery under the direction of Miguez Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham passed away at his residence on the evening of September 3, 2021, surrounded by his family.

Visitation will be from 10:00 a.m. on Sunday until the time of service at 2:00 p.m.  A Rosary will be recited at 12:00 p.m.

Mr. Higginbotham was born on January 17, 1938, to Oscar and Maude Daigle Higginbotham in Opelousas, LA. He attended school in Port Barre and then began his career at a very young age.  Mr. Higginbotham eventually traveled the country and the world as a superintendent in the Oil and Gas Industry constructing offshore platform jackets and production components.  He was a very accomplished fabricator and carpenter that just loved working on projects. Post retirement he loved to help at the family restaurant and talk to all the customers on the dining room floor.

Mr. Higginbotham was a loving husband, father, and friend that was quick to offer help to anyone in need.  He enjoyed hunting earlier in his life and being with his family, especially his three grandchildren.  He never met a stranger and loved to have conversations with all.

Those left to cherish his memory are his loving wife of nearly 64 years, Patricia Higginbotham of Lake Arthur; one son, Carl Higginbotham, Jr. of Lake Arthur; and three grandchildren, Madison Marie Higginbotham, Cain Marcus Higginbotham, and Carter John Higginbotham all of Lake Arthur.

Preceding him in death were his daughter, Roberta “Robin” Higginbotham; parents, Oscar, and Maude Daigle Higginbotham; and his brother, Hubert Higginbotham.

Pallbearers will be Troy Guidry, Chad Guidry, Brian Boudreaux, David Bellard, Marcus Leonard, and Jonathan Gary.

Honorary pallbearers will be Lester Boudreaux, Cain Marcus Higginbotham, and Carter John Higginbotham.

The family request memorials be made to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.




Sandra Joyce Boyter Higginbotham (1942-2021) LA

Sandra Boyter Higginbotham was born on June 14th, 1942 in Shreveport, LA.  Preceded in death by her parents Bob and Lorene Boyter of Minden and grandson Colby Higginbotham of Houma.  Sandra is survived by her husband of 62 years, Dennis Charles Higginbotham children Kevin Higginbotham and wife Lisa, Kelly Warren, and husband Glen, Kristi Garrett, and husband Tommy.  Grandchildren include Haley Robinson’s husband Justin, Garrett Vaughan, and wife Ashley, Taylor Moreland and husband Ryan, Ty Hays and wife Shannon, Harley Higginbotham, and Hutton Hays. Sandra had a host of great-grandchildren which includes Frances Robinson, Clara Robinson, Meredith Robinson, Henleigh Moore, Grant Moore, Greer Moore, and Jack Vaughan. Sandra grew up in Minden, graduated from MHS, and was a homemaker and single parent for most of her married life while Dennis worked overseas.  She held down the fort, issued discipline, provided taxi services, and completed home repairs as needed.  She enjoyed gardening, deer hunting, painting and was an accomplished artist. She was a voracious reader, loved her animals and was an avid PETA supporter.  Sandra loved politics and was always ready to debate issues.  Sandra was a tenacious fighter who survived both bladder and breast cancer and was surrounded by her family when she gained access to heaven.  The family would like to express their utmost gratification to the outstanding staff of Passages Hospice.  Special thanks to Carlie Day and Jesse McCain for their thoughtfulness and compassion.  A graveside memorial service will be held at a future date. Rose-Neath Funeral Home  211 Murrell Street Minden, Louisiana 71055.




Kevin James "Rufus" Higginbotham (1962-2021) LA
June 08, 1962 - September 28, 2021
Church Point, LA: A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11:00 AM Friday, October 1, 2021 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA for Kevin James Higginbotham, 59. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and lifetime resident of Church Point, passed away Tuesday, September 28 at Opelousas General Hospital in Opelousas, LA. Father Brian Harrington, pastor of the church, will be the celebrant of the Mass and interment will be in the Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery on Hwy 35 north of Church Point.
Kevin is survived by his wife, Ana Maria Higginbotham and their daughter, Heidi Maria Higginbotham; a sister, Kyla Dawn Higginbotham and fiancé Audie Boutte; his nieces and nephews, Heather “Hal” Lejeune, Summer Hollier and Tanner, Trenton and Trace Higginbotham; his great-nieces and nephews, Kenzie Guevara, Easton Durke and Braxson Higginbotham-all of Church Point, LA and his godchild Katherine Lemus, sister-in-law Haydee Lemus, brother-in-law Osvaldo Lemus and mother-in-law Juliana Lemus of Guatemala. He was preceded in death by his parents, Linton and Loretta Higginbotham; his brother, Guy Higginbotham; his “Parrain”, Donald Higginbotham and his brother-in-law, Lionel Lemus.
A kindhearted man who had never met a stranger; Kevin was a hard worker and was always willing to go out of his way to help his family. He met his wife in Guatemala in 1987, where he was working with his dad as businessmen for the oil and water well industries. Together they had a daughter whom he loved deeply and was always proud to watch her grow. He always loved visiting his family there and enjoying the culture and food. Kevin loved his family and enjoyed watching football, fishing, eating great Cajun foods and working alongside his dad for the family company, Hicks Construction. Kevin had a lot of struggles and health battles in life, but he had many good years surrounded by those who loved and cared for him. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 3:00 PM until 9:00 PM on Thursday, September 30 and continue from 8:00 AM Friday until the time of services. A rosary will be recited in the funeral home at 7:00 PM Thursday by Deacon Byrne Winn. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.




Beulah Grace Hamner Higginbotham (1919-2021) LA
June 20, 1919 ~ September 27, 2021 (age 102)
Beulah Grace Higginbotham, 102, was born June 20, 1919 in Haughton, Louisiana to Earl B. Hamner and Beulah Mae Hamner and passed away peacefully, Monday, September 27, 2021 in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Beulah loved to take care of children. She worked other jobs, but her heart was in babysitting and taking care of children from a number of different families. She was an active member of the Women’s Department Club and was on numerous committees. She was also a member of the Elks Lodge where she served as member of the Women’s Auxiliary . Beulah was a devout Christian who was very active in her church at Shreve City Baptist. She loved cooking for her church members and enjoyed more than anything her Thursday Night Group with whom she felt like family. She will always be remembered for her giant dishes of her loved one’s favorite foods and her famous rum and coconut cakes.
She is preceded in death by her daughter, Harriett Posey; son, Lynn McGarr; brothers, E.B. Hamner and L. “Sunny” Hamner; and sister, Harriette Litchfield.
Left to cherish her memory are her daughter, Mary Tracy; grandchildren, Billy Tracy, Edith McCabe, Alan McCabe, Kelly McCabe, Richard Smith, Virginia Randolph, Don Randolph, Beth Moon and Elliot Moon; nieces, Laurel Perkins, Jane Ruben and Earlene Darwin; nephews, Howard Litchfield and William Hamner; great-grandchildren, Aaron Westcott Tracy and wife, Torie, Nick Tracy, Amber Soule’ and husband, Victor, Travis Moon, Allison Kennaugh and husband, Sean, Christopher Randolph and wife, Hannah, Keith Randolph and wife, and great-great-grandchildren, Kobe Randolph, Kennedy Tracy, Khloe Tracy and Kiera Randolph.
Memorials may be made to Shreve City Baptist Church, 2810 Knight Street, Shreveport, LA 71104.
A Celebration of Beulah’s life will be held at a later date at Shreve City Baptist Church.




Wilson John Higginbotham (1951-2021) LA

LAFAYETTE ~ Memorial services will be held at a later date for Wilson John Higginbotham, age 69, who passed away at Ochsner Lafayette General on Tuesday, October 19, 2021.

Mr. Higginbotham, affectionately known as Johnny, was a native of Opelousas and a longtime resident of Lafayette.  He retired from the U.S. Postal Service on Moss Street after 35 years of employment.  A veteran of the military, Johnny proudly served his country in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War period.

Survivors include his life partner of 6 years, Julianna Sanford of Lafayette; a brother, Ronald James Higginbotham and his wife, Denise, of Kalamazoo, MI; his sisters, Cheryl Abdalla of Norco and Judy Bastien and her husband, Fred, of Lafayette; his nephew, Joshua Higginbotham; and his niece, Isabel Pacheco and her husband, Carlos, of Lafayette.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Wilson Joseph Higginbotham and the former Josephine Soulas.

Melancon Funeral Home of Opelousas, 4708 I-49 North Service Road, (337) 407-1907, is in charge of arrangements.




Ann Renee Perot Higginbotham (1958-2021) LA
A graveside service for Renée Perot Higginbotham, 63, will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at Forest Park West Cemetery in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Renée was born on August 22, 1958 in Shreveport, Louisiana to Louis “LO” Oscar Perot and Rosemary Morgan Perot and passed away Thursday, November 25, 2021 in Bossier City, Louisiana.
She attended St. Vincent’s Academy and then graduated Woodlawn High School. She went on to work alongside her father and husband, Allen, in the automotive industry for many years.
Renée is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Allen Higginbotham; brother, Jimmy Perot and sister, Paula Marie Perot.
Left to cherish her memory are her brother, Rick Perot and wife, Gloria; nephews, Parker Perot, Steven Johnson and husband, Mike Mullins, Dusty Johnson and wife, Lena and Powell Perot and wife, Nikki; niece, Monica Gilmore and husband, Richard and beloved furbaby, Chevy.
Honoring Renée as pallbearers will be Kenneth Dillard, Parker Perot, Steven Johnson, Powell Perot and Dusty Johnson.
The family wishes to express special thanks to Treena Morgan Covey for her endless dedication to her best friend and cousin.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.




Johnny Wayne Higginbotham, Sr.
February 23, 1954 ~ December 22, 2021 (age 67)
Johnny Wayne Higginbotham Sr., 67 years old, beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Friend was called to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on December 22, 2021, surrounded by his loving family. He entered this world on February 23, 1954, born to Rose Brown and Kenneth Higginbotham, in New Roads, Louisiana. He was a lifelong member of Life Tabernacle Church where he played many roles and served through the years and was faithful until the end. He made many charitable contributions to the church and provided years of services to the “Little Sprouts”.  He was always involved in cooking for the church, whether it be for Sunday School, or any other function. Johnny was a great man, whatever the need he stepped up to the plate and worked tirelessly to get it done. He loved being a grandfather above all, having doughnut days with the grandkids, taking them to dollar tree, and was always up for whatever adventure they wanted to have. He will be missed and always loved.
Johnny is survived by his loving wife of 41 years, Jackie Francois Higginbotham; son, Johnny Higginbotham, Jr. and wife, Courtney; daughter, Heidi Adams and husband, Jonny; grandchildren, Emma Adams, Beau Higginbotham, Liam Adams, and Jack Higginbotham; sisters, Carolyn Higginbotham, Catherine Griggs, and Sharon Clark; and a host of nieces and nephews.
Johnny is preceded in death by parents, Kenneth Higginbotham and Rose Higginbotham.
Serving as pallbearers will be Troy Francois, John G. Francois, Jonny Adams, Mike Cockerham, Gary McDonald, and Salvador Gomez.
Honorary pallbearers will be his grandsons, Beau Higginbotham, Liam Adams, and Jack Higginbotham.
Relatives and friends are invited to join the family for the visitation at Life Tabernacle Church, 9323 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Monday, December 27, 2021, from 9:30 AM until the Funeral Service at 12:00 PM, officiated by Reverend Tony Spell. A private graveside service and burial will be held at a later date.




Wayne Joseph Higginbotham (1942-2022) LA

On Wednesday January 5, 2022 Wayne Joseph Higginbotham Sr., age 79 of Pearl River, LA went peacefully to be with our Lord. Mr. Wayne was a parishioner of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Pearl River, he loved hunting, fishing, being outdoors, especially being on his tractor, and spending as much time as he could with his family and friends. He is survived by his sons; Wayne Higginbotham Jr., Donnie Higginbotham (Tracy), Luke Higginbotham (Stephanie), Michael Higginbotham (Dana), and Danny Higginbotham (Tiffany), his siblings Martha Orlando (Donald), Brenda Bertrand (Ted), Ray Higginbotham (Jeanne), and Gary Higginbotham (Mona), 10 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. He is now rejoicing in the lord with the love of his life Drucilla Anne Higginbotham, and his parents Garland and Thelma Higginbotham. He will be cherished by all that are left to mourn in his passing.
Funeral services for Mr. Wayne will be held on Monday January 10, 2022 at 3 pm from the chapel of Williams Funeral Home 67525 Hwy 41 Pearl River, LA 70452. Visitation will be held on Monday from 1 pm to 3 pm. Interment to follow at Hickory Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Pearl River, LA. Father Kevin DeLerno to be officiating.


The Advocate Mar. 2, 2022

Carolyn Higginbotham Chidester (ca1933-2022) LA
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die." Carolyn Leo Chidester, née Higginbotham, age 88, returned home Sunday, February 27, 2022, surrounded by loved ones. A native of Baton Rouge, La and a resident of Prairieville, La, Carolyn was a homemaker and former owner of Clay Things Ceramics. Carolyn was preceded in death by her loving husband of 53 years, Marvin G. Chidester, Sr. and sons, Marvin G. "Buddy" Chidester, Jr. and Thomas Patrick Chidester and great-grandchildren, Zane Ross Babin and Lauren Elizabeth Chidester. She was also preceded in death by her parents, Madeline C. and Leo P. Higginbotham, Sr. and sister, Nancy E. Higginbotham. Carolyn is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Madeline (Chuck) Babin and Carol (Keith) Babineaux, all of Prairieville, La; three sons and daughters-in-law, Alton "Butch" (Gael) Chidester of Clinton, La, A. Daniel (Robin) Chidester of Lincoln, Ar. and Mark (Tracey) Chidester of Zachary, La; 19 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren; a brother, Leo P. (Toni) Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, La. Carolyn loved reading, crafting, sewing, gardening, and her family. We would like to thank all the Baton Rouge General staff that cared for Carolyn. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church's Food Pantry, Prairieville, La. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11:00 am, Friday, March 4, 2022 at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Prairieville, La, celebrant Rev. Jerry Martin officiating. Burial to follow at Greenoaks Memorial Park, Baton Rouge, La.


Billy Gene Higginbotham (1946-2022) LA
October 17, 1946 - April 13, 2022

Bishop Billy Gene Higginbotham died peacefully at the age of 75 in Greensburg, Louisiana. He is survived by his daughter Misti Gaither, Lisa Welch, Lori Priest, Heidi King, and Julie Reed. He is also survived by his sons Rick Granier, Lester Higginbotham Jr., and his children Abby, Jake, Waylon, and Bethany. Lester Jr. had the honor of being the caregiver to his uncle for the past five years. Bishop Higginbotham was grandfather to numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his wife of 39 years, Anneliese Higginbotham, his mother Bernice Higginbotham, his father Earl Higginbotham, and his brother Lester Higginbotham. Pallbearers are Lester Higginbotham, Jake Higginbotham, Logan Wheat, Cody Wheat, Beau Dunn, Jacob Allen, and Erich Granier. Visitation is scheduled for Saturday, April 16, 2022, at New Life Tabernacle Jesus Name Church, 12012 Florida Blvd., Walker, LA 70785 from 9:30 AM until the services begin at 11:00 AM. Burial will follow at Killian Chapel Cemetery, 33630 LA-16, Amite City, LA 70422. Arrangements have been entrusted to McLin & Manley Funeral Home and Cremation Services.



Charlet Funeral Home, Inc., Zachary, LA on May 1, 2022

Ethel Mae Higginbotham Womack (ca1932-2022) LA

Ethel Mae Higginbotham Womack passed away peacefully on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at the age of 90. She was retired from Bank of Zachary with 35 years of service. Visitation will be at Galilee Baptist Church on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 from 9am until 11am. Burial will be in Galilee Baptist Church Cemetery, Zachary. She is survived by her children, Martha "Marty" Neilson and husband, Ronnie and Cathy Morace all of Plumner, Idaho, Jim Womack and wife, Tennie of Zachary and John Womack and wife, Donna of Greenwell Springs. 5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband, Frank Womack, her parents and 2 sisters and a brother. Pallbearers will be Wayne Allen, David Womack, Tony Mac, Randy Spurgeon, Justin Womack and Chester Mason. She was a lifelong member of Galilee Baptist Church. Memorial donations may be made to Galilee Baptist Church.




Marie Norsworthy Higginbotham (1932-2022) LA

September 23, 1932 - June 20, 2022
Funeral services for Marie Higginbotham, 89, of Monroe, will be held at 10:00 A.M., Friday, June 24, 2022 at Loch Arbor Baptist Church in Swartz, LA.  Rev. Will Sikes and Rev. Andy Myrick will officiate.  Interment will follow at Loch Arbor Baptist Church Cemetery.  Visitation will be held from 4:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M., Thursday, June 23, 2022 at Kilpatrick Funeral Home, Monroe, LA.
Marie was born on September 23, 1932 in Bastrop, LA and passed away on June 20, 2022 in Monroe, LA.  She was a member of Loch Arbor Baptist Church in Swartz, LA and was very active in the church for more than 65 years.  Marie was preceded in death by her husband, August Higginbotham; parents, Epp and Elizabeth Norsworthy; granddaughter, Kelsey Higginbotham; sisters, Ida Parker and Edith Dunn.
She is survived by her daughter, Donna Olgesby; son, Michael Higginbotham (Nancy); grandsons, Michael Oglesby (Jennifer) and Christopher Higginbotham; sisters, Ruby Nell Ojeda (Joe) and Bonnie Chronister (Jim); brother, Lou Norsworthy (Dianne); several nieces and nephews.



Legacy.com 10/12/2022

Dustin Dwayne Higginbotham (1983-2022) LA
December 16, 1983 - October 10, 2022

Dustin Dwayne Higginbotham passed away on Monday, October 10, 2022 at the age of 38. No Services have been planned at this time.
Dustin is survived by two sons, Logan Higginbotham, Preston Higginbotham; his mother, Brenda Bellard; the mother of his children, Tammy LaFleur; one brother, Christopher Higginbotham; one sister, Kyla Higginbotham.
He was preceded in death by his father, Donald D. Higginbotham.




Cecilia Dovie Bellard Higginbotham (1937-2022) LA
Tuesday, August 24th, 1937 - Thursday, October 20th, 2022

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022 at 1:00 P.M. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Cecilia Dovie Higginbotham, 85, who passed away at her home in Church Point surrounded by family on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 7:15 A.M.
Fr. Brice Higginbotham, her grandson will be officiating for the services. Burial will be held in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church New Cemetery in the Mausoleum in Church Point.
The family has requested the visitation to be held on Friday, October 21, 2022 at 4:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. A Rosary will be recited on Friday at 6:00 o’clock in the evening in the Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point by her nephew, Deacon Barry LeBlanc.  Visitation will resume on Saturday at 9:00 A.M. until time of services.
Survivors include her husband, of sixty five years, Carl Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Rhonda and husband, Jeff Daigle of Church Point; Renee and husband, Cullen Meche of Church Point; four sons, Stevie and wife, Roberta Higginbotham of Scott, Sammy and wife, Amber Higginbotham of Church Point, Carl “Bro” Higginbotham and Malinda of Church Point, Chris and wife, Nenna Higginbotham of Church Point; three sisters, Theresa and husband, George Plattsmier of Huntsville, AL, Elizabeth Guillory of Baton Rouge, Madeline Bellard of Baton Rouge; five brothers, Archie and wife, Margaret Bellard of Church Point, Jerry Lynn and wife, Betty Bellard of Church Point, Dale and wife, Gerri Bellard of Church Point, Randy and wife, Mary Lou Bellard of Church Point, Danny and wife, Charlene Bellard Prairieville, Albert and wife, Mindy Bellard of Austin, TX; eight grandchildren, Ashley and husband, Jon Bourgeois, Fr. Brice Higginbotham, Jeff Michael Daigle, Abbey and Zac Higginbotham, Frances, Alex and Reid Meche; two great-grandchildren, Adam and Mia Bourgeois; step grandchildren, Amelia and Maggie.
Pallbearers for the service will be her four sons, Stevie, Sammy, Carl and Chris Higginbotham, and her grandsons, Zac, Jeff Michael, Reid and  great-grandson Adam.
Mrs. Dovie was preceded in death by one granddaughter, Lindsey Higginbotham; her parents, Maurice and Aline O. Bellard; two sisters, Wanda Guilbeau and Jean Turnley; one brother, James “Jimmy” Bellard.
You may view the obituary, sign the guest registry, and express condolences online to Mrs. Higginbotham’s family at www.duhonfuneralhome.com or Duhon Funeral Home, LLC (337) 684-5552.



Osborn Funeral Home - Shreveport on Oct. 25, 2022

Ida Belle Higginbotham Hayden (1923-2022) LA/TX
February 23, 1923 - October 17, 2022
Ida Belle Higginbotham Hayden passed away in her sleep Monday, October 17, 2022, in Houston, Texas, at the age of 99. She joins her husband Dr. Harold Brock Hayden who passed away May 7, 2009. Ida and Harold lived most of their lives in Shreveport, LA and were both graduates of C. E. Byrd High School, where they met. They were married for almost 70 years. Her love of family, friends, roses, civic activities and church family was evident her entire life. She was a beautiful lady that loved beautiful things. She was always accepting new challenges and doing for others. Through her tenacity and the generosity of close friends, she was solely responsible for getting the land donated for the American Rose Center when it relocated from Tyler, TX to West Shreveport. She was a founding member of the Shreveport Garden Study Club which partnered with the City of Shreveport to restore the Greenwood Cemetery located on Stoner Ave. which has resulted in the restoration of monuments and the Gatehouse, the creation of pathways and the addition of gardens memorial benches and the planting of over one hundred native trees and thousands of flowering plants.
A very good friend of Ida’s, Larry Milford, authored a book entitled, “Touched by His Divine Appointments” that includes a Dedication to Ida. The following is an excerpt from the Dedication that perfectly describes her: “She’s always in a hurry to get all of her things done, Never seems to worry, she makes it seem so fun. She’s always had a love for life that keeps her heart a pumpin’, You don’t know when you see her, if she’s a comin’ or a goin’. She’s not afraid to work, especially when it’s roses, Spreading cow manure, and dragging water hoses. Diamonds on her fingers, rose spray up her nose,
She’d stay out working in her finest clothes. Crystal in her living room, like Queen Victoria’s palace, Sparkling from their finest cuts, reflecting how her heart is. Her filing system is quite unique piled on the bedroom floor, Mixed among her Lalique and antiques, She knows what’s there and more. An amazing ball of energy, certainly that, for sure, She’s chairman of this, juror of that, and volunteers galore.”
She and her husband, Harold, had a love of boating, and they went on numerous trips with their friends in the Shreveport Power Squadron including the Upper Bahamas, and many Louisiana streams and rivers. Ida is survived by her loving son David Lee Hayden and wife, Merle of Houston, TX; grandchildren Ashley Nicole Graham of Palm Springs, CA and Aaron Graham of Alexandria, LA; great grandsons, Cozy Winham Graham and Jaxon Rayne Graham; and a number of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents Lola Belle (Stephenson) Higginbotham and David Howard Higginbotham and brothers, Walter B. Mann and Henry R. Mann of West Monroe, LA and Jack E. Rutledge of Monroe, LA.
Ida will be missed by her family and the many friends who knew and loved her. 
The family will receive friends on Saturday, October 29, 2022, from 10-11 a.m. at Osborn Funeral Home, 3631 Southern Ave., Shreveport, Louisiana with services to follow.
Pallbearers will be Aaron Graham, Cozy Graham, Bill McSween, Jr. and John Pickens. 
In lieu of flowers, for those desiring, a memorial contribution may be made to the American Rose Society, P. O. Box 30000, Shreveport, LA 71130 or the charity of your choice.


Concordia Funeral Home 11/12/2022

Glenda Faye Seymour Higginbotham (1951-2022) MS/LA
June 17, 1951 - November 11, 2022
A visitation for Mrs. Glenda Faye Seymour Higginbotham, 71, of Ferriday, LA will be held Monday, November 14, 2022 from 6 to 8pm at Concordia Funeral Home in Ferriday. 
Mrs. Higginbotham, daughter of JB and Clara Thomas Seymour was born in Natchez, MS and died at her residence. 
She is survived by her children, Donald Higginbotham, Jr.  and his wife, Candie; Donald Higginbotham, III; Sharon Moreno and her husband, Juan; Tanya Atkins and her husband, Lee, all of Ferriday; Chris Higginbotham and his wife, Brittany of Clayton, LA; two sisters, Dianne Wallace and Pam Phillips both of Ferriday. Also,  numerous grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Preceding her in death are her husband, Donald Higinbotham, Sr. and one brother, Michael Seymour.



Duhon Funeral Home 12/28/2022

Leander Joseph Higginbotham (1938-2022) LA
Tuesday, March 15th, 1938 - Monday, December 26th, 2022

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, December 30, 2022, at 11:00 A.M. at St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Mowata for Leander J. Higginbotham, who passed away at his home in Church Point on Monday, December 26, 2022 at 10:25 P.M.
Fr. Mitchell Guidry, Pastor of Our Lady Queen of All Saints in Ville Platte will be officiating for the services. Burial will be held in St. Lawrence Catholic Church Cemetery in Mowata.
The family has requested the visitation to be held on Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 5:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. in the Duhon Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. A Rosary will be recited on Thursday at 6 o’clock in the evening in the Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point. Visitation will resume on Friday at 8:00 A.M. until time of services.
Survivors include one son, Randall and wife, Christine Higginbotham of Church Point; two daughters, Kim and husband, Greg Authement of Carencro, Donna and husband, David Taylor of Eunice; eight grandchildren, Candace and husband, Hayden Godeaux, Casie and husband, Marty Hollier, Connor Higginbotham and fiancé, Krista Romero, Leah Authement, and fiancé, Hayden McCleary, Hannah Authement, Alexis Taylor, Allison Taylor and fiancé, Casey Benoit, and Seth Taylor; four great-grandchildren, Asher and Charlotte Godeaux, Halli Hollier, and Ethan Guidry.
Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his wife, Bernice Higginbotham; his parents, Horace and Leediana F. Higginbotham; four brothers, Gervais, Preston, Warren, and Shirley Ray Higginbotham.
You may view the obituary, sign the guest registry, and express condolences online to Mr. Higginbotham’s family at www.duhonfuneralhome.com or Duhon Funeral Home, LLC (337) 684-5552.



Johnson Funeral Home 1/11/2023

Mary Louise Higginbotham Trahan (1932-2023) LA

Mary Louise Higginbotham Trahan, 90 years old, passed away Sunday, January 8, 2023.  She was born on April 1, 1932 to Berchman and Palymre Rogers Higginbotham in Bell City, LA.

Mary owned Earl’s Super Service Grocery, where she worked alongside her husband Earl for many years. Known by her family as “MawMaw,” but by so many locals as “Mrs. Earl,” she was a staple in the community where she was always ready for conversation and coffee.  Raised a child of a cotton and watermelon farmer, she would later become the owner of Travis’ Drive-in on Broad Street.  After this she would transition into the grocery business with Earl’s Super Service Grocery on Kirkman Street.  Because of her hard-working nature, she was a pioneer woman in the grocery store business.

Mary’s true love was her family.  She was the mother of five boys and a multitude of grandchildren.  She loved raising animals, as well as gardening, where she would produce vegetables for her family.  In her final years here on earth, she was treated like a queen by her grandson and caregiver, Aaron.  She spent her time making sure we all had enough stories to make us smile in years to come.  She taught her family to work hard for what you want in life and to give back and help along the way.  While there is no doubt, she will be deeply missed by many, we are overjoyed by the reunions taking place in heaven.

Those left to cherish her memory are her two sons, Darrell L. Trahan and Edward P. Trahan; her grandchildren, Eric, Rick, Terra Nicole, Todd, Aaron, Danielle, Amanda, Jamie and Jackie Trahan, Kresha Easton, Cynthia G. Cox, Kristine N. Vasquez, Cortney Perez and Sarah Burney; many great grandchildren, great-great grandchildren and nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband of over 40 years, Earl Joseph Trahan, Sr.; and three sons, Earl Joseph Trahan, Jr., Larry James Trahan, and Dennis Ray Trahan.

Her funeral service will be held at 2:00 PM on Thursday, January 12, 2023 in the Johnson Funeral Home Chapel.  Msgr. Daniel Torres will preside.  Burial will follow in Graceland/Orange Grove Cemetery under the direction of Johnson Funeral Home.  Visitation will be at the funeral home on Thursday morning from 9:00 AM until the start of the service at 2:00 PM.



The Advocate on Jan. 19, 2023

Woodrow Wilson Higginbotham III (1963-2023) LA
October 28, 1963 – January 14, 2023

Woodrow "Trey" Higginbotham III 59, a resident of Gonzales, LA passed away Saturday, January 14, 2023 at Our Lady of the Lake-Ascension. Trey was born in Baton Rouge, LA to Woodrow Jr. and Camille Andries Higginbotham. He was a graduate of Redemptorist High School. Trey worked as an ironworker and for Lightning Tree Service. Our Trey boy had accidents in his early years, too many to recall. With multiple surgeries and strong medications, he acquired an addiction to drugs. He went to many rehabilitation facilities to no avail. Trey loved his family and friends beyond measure and would lend a hand or a couch to sleep on for anyone in need. Many have attributed their recovery to Trey's help. Trey's ministry in life was helping others. He had the biggest heart, and the word "NO" was not in his vocabulary. He loved his Catholic Faith and tried, to the best of his ability, to live as God has asked of us, "Love one another as I have loved you." His family finds comfort in knowing his struggle has come to an end, and he is healed and at peace for all eternity. Trey is survived by his parents, brothers; Troy (Rene') Higginbotham, and Blake (Amy) Higginbotham. Nephews and niece Dean (Paige), Chris, Will, Carter, Evan, and Paige. Aunts and Uncles; Greg and Eileen Andries, Cynthia Litz, Harvey and Gwen Crenshaw, and Cracker and Charlene Alderman as well as numerous cousins and family members. He is preceded in death by his paternal grandparents; Woodrow and Bernice Higginbotham, and maternal grandparents; Will and Doris Andries. Trey's family will receive friends and family on Friday, January 20, 2023 beginning at 9:30 am until 11:00 am at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, 14040 Greenwell Springs Rd., Greenwell Springs, LA. A funeral mass and memorial service will begin at 11:00 am conducted by Father Mike Moroney. In lieu of flowers the family request that donations be made to St. Vincent de Paul homeless shelter P.O. Box 217, Baton Rouge, LA 70821, phone: 225-383-7837. The Family has in trusted Trey's care to Seale Funeral Home in Denham Spring, LA.



Myers-Colonial Funeral Home 1/22/2023

Jon Paul Higginbotham
Jon Paul Higginbotham, 56, of Merryville, LA, passed from this life on Thursday, January 19, 2023.
Those left to cherish his memory are his loving wife, Betty Higginbotham of Merryville, LA; daughters, Candise Schexnyder and Bill of Leesville, LA, Amber Foreman and Juston of Westlake, LA, Casey Sims and Nathan of Deridder, LA, Charity Higginbotham and Jonathan of Walker, LA; mother, Ella Loftin of Merryville, LA; brother, Ray Higginbotham of Vidor, TX; sisters, Misty Cole of Merryville, LA, Dana Loftin of Merryville, LA; eight grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, family and friends.
He was preceded in death by his father, Hilton “Dunk” Higginbotham; stepfather, Ray Rhudy.
Visitation will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder, LA. Funeral service will be at 2:00 PM, Sunday, January 22, 2023 at Myers Colonial Funeral Home in DeRidder, LA. Jared Riley and Terry Howard will officiate the service. Pallbearers will be Juston Foreman, Nathan Sims, Jonathan Knott, Brant Brack, Kenny Cole, Bill Schexnyder. Burial will follow at Cannon Cemetery in Merryville, LA.



Johnson Funeral Home 1/31/2023

Ronald Jean Higginbotham (1957-2023) LA

July 16, 1957 - January 29, 2023

Ronald Jean Higginbotham passed from this life into the arms of our Lord Jesus on Sunday, January 29, 2023, at the age of 65.
He was a native of Lake Charles, graduating from LaGrange High School, Class of 1976.  He worked for many years in the oilfield industry, eventually retiring from Precision Tools and Machinery.
Ronnie was an avid golfer.  He loved getting together with all of his golfing buddies and playing every chance he got.  The highlight of his years of golf was when he attended the 1999 Masters in Augusta, GA.  Another hobby of his was playing the accordion, and although he was not a professional musician, he played well enough to win Second Place in an amateur Cajun accordion contest in 2005.
He is survived by two children, Amanda Kaye Higginbotham and Tomi Gayle Moran; five grandchildren, Nathan, Camille, Caitlyn, Faith and Tyler; brother, Bernard Higginbotham; and numerous nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his son, Jason Aaron Higginbotham; parents, Amelca (Mack) and Beatrice Young Higginbotham; brothers, Darrell, Gerald, and Ferlin Higginbotham; and sister, Patty Ann Higginbotham Mazu.
His funeral service will be held at 2:00 PM on Friday, February 3, 2023 at Johnson Funeral Home of Lake Charles.  Father Wayne LeBleu will officiate.  Burial will follow in Highland Memory Gardens.  Visitation will be on Friday from 10:00 AM until the start of the service.




Linda Louise Higginbotham (1947-2023) LA
March 15, 1947 - January 30, 2023
Memorial Services for Linda Higginbotham, 75, of Anacoco, will be held at 1:00 P.M. on Friday, February 3, 2023 in the Pine Hill Baptist Church of Leesville with Rev. Todd Egan officiating.
Visitation will be Friday, February 3, 2023 from 11:00 A.M. until time of service at the church.
Linda was born on March 15, 1947 to her parents, Earnie and Edna Higginbotham in Leesville, LA. Linda went to have coffee with Jesus at 7:27 AM, January 30th 2023. She was surrounded by family and was never alone as she made her ascendance.
Daughter, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Cousin and Friend. She was all of these things and more. She counseled those that needed it, she said what was on her mind, she loved to laugh and get her hands dirty in the garden. Dancing, or poppin’ as she would say, around as she tidied up the kitchen or made some biscuits was her happy place. You couldn’t help but be in a better mood when you left her side when she was laughing and cuttin’ up.
She was a gifted artist, she drew hundreds of sketches, paintings and drawings. Some of the things she loved were morning glories, scripture, gardening, Gunsmoke, any western with Matt Dillon in it. She was a country girl with a rock and roll soul.
She loved her bible and to journal scripture, family events and thoughts. She left many hand written journal books dated back as far as the late 70’s.
She was preceded in death by her son: Kenny Baker, brother: Michael Higginbotham, mother: Edna Higginbotham, and father: Earnie Higginbotham.
She is survived by her Children: Jami Jeane of Evans, Janis Bridge and husband Mark of Anacoco, Joey Jeane of Enid, Ok, Julee Williams and husband Mark of Burr Ferry, Larry Schneider and wife Dana of Waukomis, OK, and Melanie Kerr and husband Dustin of Covington, OK.
Siblings: Sandra Canady of Leesville, Dorothy Roden and husband Kevin of Alexandria, La, Connie Irving and husband Brad of Leesville. Grandchildren: Jason, James, Jesse, Tangie, Terah, Stephanie, Josey, John, Mark, Casie, Jered, Sterlin, Tanee, Vanessa and Courtney.25 great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends who loved her dearly.



Kilpatrick Funeral Home - Monroe on Feb. 28, 2023

Lucille Higginbotham Calk (1926-2023) TX/LA

After a long, productive, well-lived life, Lucille Higginbotham Calk passed from this earth into the presence of her Lord, Jesus Christ on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at the age of 96. A memorial service will be held at First Baptist Church, Monroe at 11:00 A.M. on March 2, 2023, with a visitation prior to the service from 10:00 A.M. until 11:00 AM. Rev. Terry Slawson and Rev. James Doughty will officiate. A private graveside service will follow. Visitation will be from 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at Kilpatick Funeral Home-Monroe.
Lucille was born on August 19, 1926 in San Augustine, TX and is survived by her daughter Sandy Calk Swinney (Mike); son, Danny Calk (Rose); brother, Sam Higginbotham (Norma); sisters: Dorothy Kelley (Ken), Peggy Shannon and Kathryn McCauley; granddaughters: Michaela Cox, Mandi Moore (Brian), Sarah Calk, Kim Wallett (Mike); great grandchildren: Megan and Jesse Cox; Eli Moore; Nolan, Glenn and Lucy Wallett; Sarah Knepper (Devan) – an unexpected blessing to her life through her daughter Sandy and family; numerous nephews, nieces, great nephews and great nieces as well as many friends.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 28 years, Glenn Calk; her son, Randy Calk; her parents: Sam and Eula Mae Higginbotham; brothers: Edward, J.D., Floyd, Joe, Billy and S.G. Higginbotham; and sisters: Lorene Upshaw, Pauline Rash, and Faye Holmes.
Lucille grew up on a farm in east Texas, but upon graduating from high school, shook that red dirt off her feet and moved to Houston, where she continued her education and became very involved in First Baptist Church. Her heart's desire was to be a missionary to China but was prevented due to health reasons, so she did the next best thing – became active in missions organizations, even spending time with Native American Indians in Mississippi one summer. Her life-long devotion was to missions. She met her husband in Houston and they began their life in Texas but moved to Monroe, after a one year stopover in Pine Bluff, AR.
Lucille and Glenn bowled together until he started traveling with work, then she bowled on a league with her friends. She was an avid St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan, member of a garden club, worked at the polls on Election Day, member of Republican Women, member of Bible Study Fellowship for 7 years, volunteer at St. Francis North Monroe from its opening until she was no longer able to do so. She served so many hours that she received the Point of Light award for her service there. Lucille was a life-long Southern Baptist, belonging to Parkview Baptist Church, Monroe, then Emmanuel Baptist Church, Monroe and First Baptist Church, Monroe for the last 40 years. She worked at Kelso's Children's Shop for a number of years.
She and her husband made great friends wherever they lived because they knew how to be great friends. They were both people lovers. Wherever they lived, they quickly established domino parties, which became legendary! Lucille was a great cook and very hospitable – always opening her home for parties, showers, meetings, even hosting Chinese students who needed a place to stay while enrolled at ULM. She loved to travel and was fortunate to have friends and family with whom to travel. She was blessed in this life to see and do more than she ever dared dream, for which she was very grateful; but what she is seeing now is beyond our ability to imagine or comprehend! Glory to God!
Our family would like to thank her caregivers at Landmark Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and Ascend Hospice Care for the personal interest and attentiveness they showed in caring for her.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the First Baptist Church, Monroe Building Fund.



Rockett Funeral Home 4/11/2023

Betty Jean Nunn Higginbotham (1941-2023) LA

Funeral services for Betty Jean Nunn Higginbotham, 78, of Castor, LA (formerly of Bossier City) will be held Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in Rockett Funeral Home, Ringgold, LA.  Officiating will be Bro. Dave Rameriz.  Burial will follow in Little Hope Cemetery, Castor, LA.  Visitation will be at Rockett Funeral Home, Tuesday, April 11, 2023 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.   Betty was born May 30, 1944 and passed away on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023 in Shreveport, LA in the company of her two children.  Betty was a loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, sister and friend.  Betty was a 1963 Castor High School Graduate, a homemaker, substitute teacher, she worked with the Council on Aging and as a nursing assistant.  She enjoyed cooking, shopping, Elvis music and visiting with her friends and family.  Her favorite role was a being a “Mom” to her two children and “Nanny” to her three grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.  She loved a good family reunion and encouraged all of us to prioritize family and togetherness.   She is preceded in death by her husband, William “Bill” Higginbotham; mother, Dorothy Plunkett Griffey, and her adoptive parents, Aunt Mae and Uncle Nelson Rowell.   Left to cherish her memory include her son, Gregg Nunn; daughter, Cyndy James; granddaughter, Kera Ramirez (Dave); grandson, Cody Nunn (Kandi); granddaughter, Mena James Garrett (Jamie); nine great grandchildren, Wyatt, Waylon, Anabella, Lyla-Mae, Asher, Watson, Rustyn, Lucille and Austyn; uncle, Henry Lee Jordon; sisters, Norma Bruce and Nola Boyd; brother, Gary Griffey; nephew, Michael Bruce and many close nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and other family.   The family would like to thank the staff and doctors at Christus Medical Center and Fresinius Dialysis Center of Minden for helping to bring comfort to her during her brief, valiant fight.   Donations may be made in her name to the Methodist Church of Castor, LA for their wheelchair ramp ministry, The Narrow Door in Indio, CA (founded by her grandson-in-law) or the Amyloidosis Foundation.



Delhomme Funeral Home 4/20/2023

Judith Guidroz Gray Higginbotham  (1939-2023) LA
August 1, 1939 - April 18, 2023

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 1:00 PM on Monday, April 24, 2023 in St. Jules Catholic Church for Judith Ann Guidroz Gray Higginbotham, 83, who passed away on April 18, 2023.
Fr. Gregory Chauvin, Pastor of St. Jules Catholic Church, will be Celebrant of the Mass and will conduct the funeral services.
Inurnment will take place, following the Mass, in Bellevue Memorial Park Cemetery - Opelousas, LA.
Mrs. Judie, a resident of Lafayette, was the daughter of the late Richard Guidroz Jr. and the former Ethlyn "Pansy" Gautreaux. A native of Thibodaux, Judie played basketball and graduated from Terrebonne High School in Houma. She volunteered with St. Jude Children's Hospital and Meals-on-Wheels for many years. Judie enjoyed wind-surfing, fishing, hunting, and time with her family. Judie will be dearly missed by all who loved her.
She is survived by her son, Robert Dan Gray, Jr; grandson, Ford Clark; and three step-daughters, Lisa Higginbotham Guidroz, Suzie Higginbotham Guidry, and Julie Higginbotham Mehrhoff; and numerous cousins, loved ones & friends.
She was preceded in death by her children, Monica Gray Clark and Brandon Paul Gray; grandson, Max Dan Clark; parents, Richard and "Pansy" Guidroz; and husband, Guy R. Higginbotham.
The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Delhomme Funeral Home - Bertrand on Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. A Rosary will be prayed at 7:00 PM on Sunday evening in the funeral home. Visiting hours will continue Monday, April 24, 2023 from 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM.
Serving as ceremonious pallbearers will be: Brian Murphy, Steven Murphy, Christopher Murphy, B.J. Murphy, and Ford Clark.
Judith Guidroz Gray Higginbotham and her family were cared for and entrusted final arrangements to Delhomme Funeral Home, 1011 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, LA.



Fondel Memorial Chapel - Lake Charles on Apr. 20, 2023

Richard Higginbotham (1942-20230 LA

Richard Higginbotham was born June 26,1943 in Lake Arthur, Louisiana to the parentage of late Eddie Higginbotham Sr, and Viola (Richmond) Higginbotham. He is preceded in death by his wife Anna Lou (Brown) Higginbotham, one grandson Kevin KJ Jackson Ir., 3 brothers Eddie Higginbotham Ir., Herman Higginbotham, and Robinson McZeal Ir., 3 sisters Velma (McZeal) Johnson, Leatha (Higginbotham) Guillory, and Fannie (McZeal) Bush.
Richard was a jack of all trades. He loved welding and fixing anything he could put his hands to. Richard had an infectious smile and laugh that would light up any room. He was known as a ladies' man in his younger years. He loved his children and family.
He leaves to cherish his memories one sister Dorothy (McZeal) Smith, 4 sons Brian Higginbotham (Wylie TX.), Barry Higginbotham (Newport News, VA.), Benjamin Higginbotham (Houston, TX.), Chris Tate (Zachary, LA.), one daughter LaNetha Jackson (Keuin) Houston, TX., 7 grandchildren Dimtri (Hollie), Meagan, Maya, Dominique, Cameron, JaMya, and Chrislyn, six great grand children, a special nephew Walter Johnson and a host of nieces, nephews, and relatives.

Brandon G. Thompson Funeral Home - Hammond on May 10, 2023

Carl Eugene Higginbotham (1946-2023) LA

Carl, age 77, passed away on Monday, May 9, 2023. He was born in Baton Rouge and a lifelong resident of Holden. Carl graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University and supported his family working with IBM and Southeastern Louisiana University until his retirement. He met the love of his life Carolyn Faye Woods and they married on August 14, 1965. Carl was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend who is already dearly missed by all who knew and loved him.
Carl is survived by his wife of 57 years, Carolyn Woods Higginbotham; daughter, Mary H. Layton (Eric); son, Carl E. Higginbotham, III (Becky); granddaughter, Macey H. Higginbotham; and sister, Marion H. Law (Tim).
Carl is preceded in death by his parents, Carl and Marion Higginbotham.


The Times-Picayune on May 21, 2023

Bobby D. Higginbotham Jr. (1980-2023) LA

Bobby D. Higginbotham Jr. was born to Bobby D. Sr. and Kim White Higginbotham, October 18, 1980 in Destrehan, La. God called his child to take his eternal rest on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at the age of 42. Bobby was a graduate of Destrehan High School and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Florida A&M University. Bobby received his graduate degree from the University of New Orleans. Bobby leaves to cherish his memories, his loving parents Bobbie D. and Kim W. Higginbotham, wife Tameka Ingram, loving children Bobby III and Tatum B. Higginbotham, sister Lisa Henderson, brothers Jonathan D. and Brandon D. Higginbotham. Bobby was preceded in death by his loving sister Kisaharra Higginbotham. Relatives and friends, also Pastor, Officers and members of Pilgrim Baptist Church(Rev. Mitchell Stevens, Pastor) are invited to attend the Memorial Services, Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 11am. Visitation 10-10:45am. Lake Lawn Funeral Home, 5100 Pontchartrain Blvd., New Orleans, LA. 70124.



James Funeral Home - Lake Charles on May 23, 2023

Donna Faye Daniel Higginbotham (1946-2023) LA
February 18, 1946 - May 22, 2023

Donna Faye Higginbotham was born February 18, 1946 in Lake Arthur, Louisiana to Fannie Daniel.  A lifelong resident of Lake Arthur, she was a member of Antioch Baptist Church.  She worked as a certified nurse's aid at the Jeff Davis Living Center and Gueydan Memorial Guest Home.  Ms. Higginbotham departed this life Monday, May 22, 2023 in a local hospital.  
She leaves to cherish her memories two sisters, Rebecca (Isaac) Tyler and Bridget Norris; one brother, Larry (Sharon) Daniel; and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.  
She was preceded in death by her mother, Fannie Daniel; and brother, David Daniel.  
Her visitation will be Saturday, June 10, 2023 from 9AM with her funeral following at 11AM, at Antioch Baptist Church located at 625 Iowa Avenue in Lake Arthur.  Pastor Emeron Baty will officiate.



The Advocate from Jun. 8 to Jun. 9, 2023

Judy Meche Higginbotham (1943-2023) LA

Judy "JuJu" Meche Higginbotham, born Sept 6, 1943, passed away on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at the age of 79. She was a native of Lobdell and resident of Erwinville. Judy was a homemaker who was the happiest when she was with her great-grandchildren. Visitation will be at Erwinville Baptist Church, 4436 Poydras Bayou Drive, Port Allen, on Saturday, June 10th from 9 a.m. until religious service at 1 p.m., conducted by Rev. Larry Bossier. Burial will follow in Erwinville Baptist Church Cemetery. Judy is survived by her husband of 62 years, James R. Higginbotham of Erwinville; two children, Donna Higginbotham Corona (Tommy Jr.) and Bobby Ray Higginbotham (Annette); daughter-in-law, Vicki Laurent; four grandchildren, John Corona (Rachel Simmons), James Colby Higginbotham (Courtney), Meghan Bordelon (Jordan) and Amanda Vosburg (Brennan); seven great-grandchildren, Blake and Avery Corona, Audrey and Quinn Higginbotham, Josh and Cameron Jannise, Emarie Bordelon. Judy was preceded in death by her son, James Martin Higginbotham; parents, Martin and Odessia Billeaudeau Meche; brother, Terry Meche (Arlene). Judy enjoyed watching her soap operas, tending to her roses and her flower beds, caring for her fur babies, playing pokeno with her club, following LSU football and listening to Classic, Christian and Country music. Pallbearers will be John and Tommy Corona, James Colby Higginbotham, Peter John and Al Billeaudeau and Thomas Weber. Honorary pallbearers will be Billy Prestidge and Danny Johnson. The family would like to extend a special thanks to Joy Womack Ruckman and husband Mike. Memorial donations may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.



Johnson & Brown Funeral Home on Jun. 16, 2023

Michael Ward Higginbotham (1959-2023) LA

Michael Ward Higginbotham, born in Lake Charles on January 5, 1959, son of Simon Ward and Yola Mae (Fissette) Higginbotham, passed away Saturday, June 10, 2023, at the age of 64.
Michael was of the Catholic faith. He worked in the transportation industry and served in the U. S. Army. A member of the Gypsy M.C., he enjoyed fishing, sprint car racing, remote airplanes and horses. He coached Little League Baseball for many years.
He is preceded in death by his parents, sister, Melanie Ann Higginbotham, and grandchildren, Brooklyn and Devin.
Survivors are his wife, Rebecca Higginbotham; daughter, Nicole Renee Harrell (Tim); stepson, Nicholas Anthony Smith (Crissy); grandchildren, Madison, Jacob, Julie, and Bryce; great-grandchildren, Violet, and Rosaleigh.
A gathering of friends and family will be held Saturday, June 17, 2023 in Johnson & Brown Funeral Home of Iowa from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Cremation will follow the gathering under the direction of Johnson & Brown Funeral Home of Iowa.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to help with expenses.

Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas 6/20/2023

O'Neal Higginbotham (1951-2023) LA
April 22, 1951 — June 18, 2023
Opelousas- A Mass of Christian Burial will be held for O’Neal Higginbotham on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Opelousas. Fr. Clint Trahan will celebrate the mass. Rite of Committal will follow in the Bellevue Memorial Park in Opelousas.
Mr. O’Neal, age 72, a resident of Opelousas, entered into eternal rest on June 18, 2023, at the Heart Hospital of Lafayette surrounded by his loving family.
Mr. O’Neal enjoyed cooking and the thing that follows most of us when we are cooking. He liked being outside in his vegetable garden, riding his motorcycle and cruising along in his cars. He was a dedicated member of the Elks for many years. He loved taking trips, especially to Branson, MS; he and his wife had just recently traveled throughout Europe. 
Mr. O’Neal helped build Dixie Tractor from their sole location in Opelousas into the Progressive Tractor Implement (PTI) with multiple locations throughout Louisiana and Arkansas. He worked there for 45 years, becoming part owner throughout his career.
Mr. O’Neal was a very loved, successful, and generous man. He will be greatly missed by his friends and family. 
Mr. O’Neal is survived by his wife, Susan Richard Higginbotham; son, Adam Higginbotham and girlfriend, Lacie Olivier of Opelousas; daughter, Armisha Higginbotham of Opelousas; sister, Helen H. Schexnayder of Arnaudville; brother, Chris Higginbotham, Dean Higginbotham, Albert Higginbotham all of Waxia; grandchildren, Madison Higginbotham Smith and boyfriend, Adam, Malery Armand and Chase Kline; great-granddaughter, Iley Grae Smith.   
Mr. O’Neal is preceded in death by his parents, Jack and Marie Doucet Higginbotham; sister, Martha Higginbotham Knott; brother, Allen and Raphael Higginbotham. 
Visitation will be held on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. in the Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas. An Elks Service will be performed at 6:30 p.m.; the rosary will follow at 7:00 p.m. by recited by Deacon Jerome Collins. Visitation will resume on Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. in the funeral home.  
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas.


MJR Friendly Funeral Home 7/20/2023

Michele Higginbotham McFadden (1968-2023) LA
June 21, 1968 — July 15, 2023
Livingston , LA
Psalms 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
Michele was raised in Livingston, attended Doyle, married, finished College, worked in apartment management settled in Pontchatoula and worked as a care giver for a special child. She loved reading, exploring and her family. She lived her life to the fullest and savored every moment, the good and the bad. If she liked you she would let you know and if she didn't like you she would definitely let you know that too.
Michele passed away Saturday, July 15th, 2023 at North Oaks in Hammond, LA. She is survived by her children and the light of her life: Geron and Samantha McFadden, Sara, Elizabeth and Jacob McFadden Grandchild: Lilith McFadden Mother: Julia McCorkle Higginbotham, Brothers: Mark and Christi Higginbotham, Livingston and Jack Higginbotham, Walker Sister-in-law and best friend, Misty Clavier, Walker. Aunts and Uncles: Jesse McCorkle, Katie and Jim Langley, Nettie and Robert Toms, Elizabeth Ruth Nutefall, Rena McCorkle, Kelley Watts, Phillip Higginbotham, Charles and Janie Higginbotham, Mary Francis Higginbotham Many nieces and nephews Preceded in death by: Grandparents: Henry and Julia McCorkle, Jack and Willie Higginbotham Father: Mark Higginbotham Brother: Henry Higginbotham Aunts and Uncles: Angie McCorkle, John Nutefall, Russell McCorkle, Donald and Mary McCorkle, Scott and Betty Higginbotham, Jerry and Phoebe Higginbotham, Julius and Maggie Higginbotham, Rebecca and Hugh Smith, Jackie Morales, Sterling and Jeanette Higginbotham, Martha and Butch Lee, Louis Lodney Higginbotham Special Friends: Lecil, Jay, Bobby, Rachel and Connie
Pallbearers: Henry Higginbotham, Casey Higginbotham, T. J. Higginbotham, Mark Lee Clavier, Victor Clavier, Kelley Watts, Joseph McFadden
MJR Friendly Funeral Home 7803 Florida Blvd, Denham Springs, LA 70726 Friday, July 21, 2023 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Saturday, July 22, 2023 10:00am – Noon
Burial – Walker Baptist Cemetery Dr. Jason McNaughten – Pastor – Walker Baptist Church
In lieu of flowers, donations are appreciated


Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point on Aug. 4, 2023

George Randall Higginbotham (1955-2023) LA

Church Point, LA: Funeral Services will be held at 1:30 PM Monday, August 7, 2023 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA for George Randall Higginbotham, 67. Mr. Higginbotham, a native and resident of Church Point, died August 4 at Acadia-St. Landry Hospital in Church Point. Father Michael Vidrine will conduct the services with interment following in the Monsignor Bienvenu Cemetery on Hwy 35 north of Church Point.
Survivors include his wife, Dianne Comeaux Higginbotham and his mother, Bertha Lyons Higginbotham-both of Church Point; his daughters: Penny Leger and husband Randy, Melissa Deshotel and husband Andre, Christie Darby and husband Brian and Janet Turner-all of Church Point; his sons, Keith Turner and wife Wendy and Troy Higginbotham and wife Christi-all of Church Point; his grandchildren: Logan Leger, Tyler Elliott, Randy Elliott, Jr. and companion Sara, Kale Higginbotham, Kanon Weber and wife Allie, Kayla Boone and husband Andrew, Stevie Leger, Jr. Matthew Turner and wife Tesa, Tristan Turner, Michael Berzas and wife Lauren, Brock Cormier and wife Emily, Cody Cormier and Brittany Granger and husband Daniel; 17 great-grandchildren; his sisters: Sandy Boudreaux and Karen Higginbotham and companion John-all of Church Point, Christine Jacquneaux and husband Glenn of Duson, LA and Becky Lanthier and husband Marcus of Crowley, LA and his nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father, George Higginbotham.
The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 10:00 AM until 10:00 PM on Sunday, August 6 and continue from 8:00 AM Monday until the time of services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there at 7:00 PM Sunday by Deacon Byrne Winn. Mr. Higginbotham, a hard-working, family-oriented husband and grandfather, worked in the oil and gas industry for a number of years. Truly loved, he will be missed by all who knew him. Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, LA (337) 684-5488.



Aulds Funeral Home on Aug. 9, 2023

Sandra Faye Skains Higginbotham (1947-2023) LA
July 13, 1947 - August 5, 2023
With heavy heart and profound sadness, we announce the passing of our beloved, wife,mother,grandmother, sister and best friend on August 5th, 2023. Born Sandra Faye Skains on JULY 13TH, 1947 In Shreveport, LA to William L & Doris A. Skains. Sandi brought boundless love and happiness to all that had the priviledge of knowing her.
Sandi was employed for over 20 years with Barksdale Federal Credit Union. Throughout her life Sandi touched the life of countless people with her smile and compassionate spirit.  She had a unique way of making everyone feel valued and cherished.
She was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her devoted husband, James L. Higginbotham, her sons Sean A Smiley, wife Katie and their children William, Landry and
Andrew, son Kyle C. Smiley and wife Ginny and their children, Kayleigh, Dalton, Preston and Savannah.  Her brother William L. Skains, Jr. and wife Robin, Sister In Law Sue H Garner and husband James P Garner.


Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point on Aug. 22, 2023

Melba Higginbotham Dean Vautrot (1943-2023) LA
Church Point, LA: Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at Guidry Funeral Home in Church Point, LA for Mrs. Melba "Benny" Vautrot, 80, who passed away at 10: 12 PM Sunday, August 20 at her residence in Church Point. Rev. Joshua S. Carrier, Senior Pastor of Redemption Church Inc., will conduct the funeral services with burial immediately following in Bellevue Cemetery in Opelousas, LA.
Ms. Benny, a lifelong resident of Church Point, was the daughter of the late Iram Higginbotham and the former Mabel Lyons. Her servitude and love for the Lord came first and shined bright through her. It was evident in the way that she treated others with such compassion and kindness. She led her family by example, valuing a strong faith in God and unwavering love for those around her. In addition to her devotion to the Lord and her family, Ms. Benny loved to serve her community. She did so by owning and operating Vautrot's Mini Mart alongside her husband Jude, from February 1972 until March 2009, as well as volunteering for the kindergarten class at Branch Elementary, where she received the Acadia Parish A+PEL Volunteer of the Year award for 2013-2014. The family would like to express their sincere gratitude to her caregivers and Louisiana Hospice for their incredible care and compassion given to her throughout the years.
She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Frank Jude Vautrot, Sr. of Church Point; one daughter, Nancy V. Hayes and husband Scotty of Branch, LA; one son, Frank Jude Vautrot, Jr. and wife Angela of Church Point; four grandchildren: Trey Matthew Vautrot and fiancée Makenzie Duplechain, Morgan Dean Hayes, Alexis Paige Hayes and fiancée Connor Foti and Taylor Madison Vautrot; three sisters, Annie Sanford of Baton Rouge, LA, Evelina "Tattie" Smith of Deridder, LA and Mary "Pampy" Richard and husband Andy; one brother, Mark "Bootsy" Higginbotham and wife Mary; two sisters-in-law, Lou Higginbotham and Betty Vautrot and one brother-in-law, Jerry Vautrot. She was preceded in death by her parents; one sister, Clara Mae Burke and two brothers, Linton J. Higginbotham and Donald P. Higginbotham.
The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home on Tuesday, August 22, from 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM and continue on Wednesday from 8:00 AM until the time of services in the funeral home. Personal condolences may be sent to the Vautrot family at www.guidryfuneralhome.com. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.



Legacy 11/15/2023

Annie Lorene Higginbotham Corder (1940-2023) LA

March 14, 1940 - November 10, 2023

Annie Lorene Corder was born in Fort Necessity, LA to Monroe Higginbotham and Mary Ellen Smith Minges. She was preceded in death by her husband Thomas Corder; her parents - Monroe Higginbotham & Mary Ellen Minges; Sons - Danny McComick & Larry Schaefer, grandson Jerry Thomas Schaefer, and sisters - Gloria Clark & Nell Atwood. She is survived by her sisters - Nita Payne & Elaine Doughty; Granddaughters - Amber Shaefer & Angela Schaefer Lucas; seven great grandsons; numerous nieces and nephews; and many friends. She will be greatly missed by all. - Memorial Service: November 14, 2023 at 2:00 PM - Location: Pentacostal Church Of Alexandria Graveside Service: November 14, 2023 at 3:00 PM - Location: Alexandria Memorial Garden - Pallbearers: Jessie Turner, David Atwood, Josh Turner, Chris LaCroix, Danny Carter and Mike Matthews. Brother Larry Clark officiating.



Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point on Nov. 28, 2023

Barbara Ann Wills Higginbotham (1938-2023) LA
Church Point, LA: A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:00 AM Saturday, December 2, 2023 at Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA for Mrs. Barbara Higginbotham, 85, who passed away at 7:30 AM Saturday, November 25 at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Nursing Home in Opelousas, LA. Fr. Michael Vidrine, Parochial Vicar of the Church, will be the Celebrant of the Mass and will conduct the Burial Rite in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Hwy 35.
Barbara, a resident of Church Point, was the daughter of the late Prescott Wills and the former Etta Bergeron. She is survived by her husband of 65 years, Donald Higginbotham of Church Point; one son, John Kevin Higginbotham and wife Christina of Kenosha, WI; two grandchildren, Angelica and Nathan Higginbotham, both of Kenosha and a sister, Norma Belle Savoy of Church Point. She was preceded in death by her parents and two sisters, Norma Dell Venable and Cybil Calais.
Devoted to her family, Barbara loved watching her grandchildren grow through attending the sporting events and milestone events in their lives. An avid runner for many years, she also enjoyed ceramics, painting, camping and the outdoors.
The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home on Friday, December 1, from 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM and continue on Saturday from 8:00 AM until the time of the Funeral Mass. A Rosary will be recited in the funeral home Friday evening at 6:00 PM. Personal condolences may be sent to the Higginbotham family at www.guidryfuneralhome.com. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.



Fall Creek Funeral Home of Louisiana Jan. 11, 2024

Helen Elaine Higginbotham Doughty (1936-2024) LA

June 21, 1936- January 3, 2024

Wake for Helen Elaine Doughty from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. service at The Pentecostals of Alexandria in Alexandria, Louisiana followed by the burial at at Alexandria Memorial Gardens. ~ Rev. Larry Clark Helen Elaine Doughty was born June 21, 1936 to Albert M Higginbotham and Mary Ellen Minges of Sicily Island, Louisiana. Survived by a son Don Doughty, Grandson Brant (Tracy) Doughty; Granddaughters Crystal (Ronnie) Estes, Chandra (Dave) Autin; Multiple Nieces & Nephews; 1 sister Nita Payne; Predeceased by her husband Donald R Doughty; Parents Albert Monroe Higginbotham & Mary Ellen Minges; Sisters Gloria Clark, Nell Atwood, and Lorene Corder. Jessie Turner Mike Matthews David Atwood Josh Turner Chris Lacoix Danny Lynn Carter.



Dennard First National Funeral Home - Winnsboro on Feb. 3, 2024

Mattie Monie Jo Higginbotham Barfield (1922-2024) AR/LA

Funeral services for Monie Barfield, 101, of Darndanell, AR formerly of Newellton will be 2 pm Sunday February 4, 2024, in the chapel of Dennard First National Funeral Home with Rev. Kelly Wayne Clark officiating. Interment will be in Legion Memorial Cemetery. Visitation will be 12 noon until time of service Sunday at the funeral home.
Mrs. Monie was born September 25, 1922, to the union of the late Marshall A. Higginbotham and the late Myrtle Elizabeth Watson and passed from this life on February 1, 2024, at her residence.
Mrs. Monie was a longtime member of Bethany Baptist Church in Newellton. She was a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother.
She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband Willie Edward "Bill" Barfield.
Those left to cherish her memory include her three sons: Parnell Barfield and wife Vicki of Newellton, Billy Barfield and wife Geneva of Newellton, Ricky Barfield and wife Bernadette of Vidalia; one daughter, Ann Barfield Jackson and husband Tom of Dardanell, AR; eight grandchildren: Todd Barfield, Dawn Barfield, Tony Barfield, Kim Smith, Rebecca Crane, Amber Tinsley, Kyndal Peterson and Travis Barfield; 13 great grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren; a host of other relatives and friends.
Pallbearers will be Todd Barfield, Tony Barfield, Keith Crane, Austin Emfinger, Tom Jackson, and Tyler Stockstill.



Gossen Funeral Home 2/14/2024

Gloria Ann Cloteaux Higginbotham (1949-2024) LA
Rayne, LA - Memorial services will be held on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, at 2:00 pm at Gossen Funeral Home Chapel in Rayne, LA for Gloria Ann Cloteaux Higginbotham, 74, who died Saturday, February 10, 2024, at Southwind Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Nursing Home in Crowley, LA.
Deacon Denis LaCroix with St. Joseph Catholic Church will conduct the memorial services.
Survivors include her three children, Toni Lejeune, Edward Higginbotham, Brent Higginbotham, six grandchildren, Billy LeJeune, Jr., Heather LeJeune, Skyler LeJeune, Cody Higginbotham, Andrew Kondert, and Tyler Vestal, three great grandchildren, two brothers, David Cloteaux and spouse Lou Cloteaux, James Cloteaux and spouse Julie Cloteaux, brother-in-law, James Breaux.
She was preceded in death by father, John Cloteaux, mother, Emily Cloteaux, husband, John Higginbotham, great grandchild, Cambri Coleman, sister, Joan Breaux, sister, Beverly Cloteaux.
A Rosary will be prayed Wednesday, February 14, 2023, at 12:00 pm in Gossen Funeral Home in Rayne, LA.
The family requests that visitation be observed in Gossen Funeral Home in Rayne, LA on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm.
Arrangements have been entrusted to Gossen Funeral Home, Inc. of Rayne, LA, (337) 334-3141.



Duhon Funeral Home 3/24/2024

Carl Joseph Higginbotham (1935-2024) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 1:00 P.M. at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point for Carl J. Higginbotham, 88, who passed away on Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 9:25 P.M. at his home in Church Point. Fr. Brice Higginbotham, his grandson will be officiating for the services. Burial will be held in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church New Cemetery in the Mausoleum in Church Point. The family has requested the visitation to be held on Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 4:00P.M. until 9:00 P.M. A Rosary will be recited on Sunday at 6:00 o’clock in the evening in the Funeral Home Chapel in Church Point by his nephew, Deacon Barry LeBlanc. Visitation will resume on Monday at 9:00 A.M. until time of services. Survivors include two daughters, Rhonda and husband, Jeff Daigle of Church Point; Renee and husband, Cullen Meche of Church Point; four sons, Stevie and wife, Roberta Higginbotham of Scott, Sammy and wife, Amber Higginbotham of Church Point, Carl “Bro” and wife, Malinda Higginbotham of Church Point, Chris and wife, Nenna Higginbotham of Church Point; one brother, Robert “Bobby” and wife, Evelyn Higginbotham of Carencro; two sisters, Mattie Stanford of Sunset, and Clara and husband, Larry LeBlanc of Rayne; eight grandchildren, Ashley and husband, Jon Bourgeois, Fr. Brice Higginbotham, Jeff Michael Daigle, Abbey and Zac Higginbotham, Frances, Alex and Reid Meche; two great-grandchildren, Adam and Mia Bourgeois; step grandchildren, Amelia and Maggie. Pallbearers for the service will be his four sons, Stevie, Sammy, Carl and Chris Higginbotham, and his grandsons, Zac, Jeff Michael, Reid and  great-grandson Adam. Honorary Pallbearers for the service will be, Jeff Daigle, Cullen Meche, and Jon Bourgeois. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his wife, Cecilia Dovie Higginbotham; one granddaughter, Lindsey Higginbotham; his parents, Simon and Beatrice B. Higginbotham; four brothers, Simon Ward, Willard, Wilson, and Hamuel Higginbotham; two sisters, Esther Daigle, and Wilda Whitaker. You may view the obituary, sign the guest registry, and express condolences online to Mr. Higginbotham’s family at www.duhonfuneralhome.com or Duhon Funeral Home, LLC (337) 684-5552.


Legacy Apr. 15, 2024

Phyllis Darlene Higginbotham Reid (1958-2024) LA

Phyllis Reid Phyllis D. Reid was born July 10, 1958 and passed away April 12, 2024 at the age of 65. Phyllis was preceded in death by her parents, John A. and Rose O. Higginbotham; brother, Michael Goode. Left to cherish her memory is her daughter, Stacy Brent Ratcliff, Winnsboro; mother Judy Brooks, Madison, MS; sister, Doris Jean McHenry (husband, Elric), Friendswood, TX; grandchildren, Jordan Delaney, Friendswood, TX, Jada Jobe, Little Rock, AR, Shelby Ratcliff, Monroe, LA; special friends, Pamela Kubczak and Audrey Driggers. The family would like to thank the Staff at St. Francis Medical Center and Louisiana Hospice for their excellent care. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.


Wilbert Funeral Home 4/16/2024

Charles Sidney Higginbotham (1943-2024) LA

Charles “Pod” Sidney Higginbotham passed away peacefully at his home on Monday, April 15, 2024, at the age of 80. He was a retired superintendent with Sipco; resident of Addis and native of Plaquemine, LA. Pod was a veteran with the 82nd Airborne Division in the US Army. As per Pod’s wishes no services will be held. Sidney is survived by his wife of 60 years, Laura Lee Higginbotham; children, Troy Higginbotham and wife Chrystal, Crystal McKneely and husband Geno, Randall Jackson, Deidra Higginbotham and husband Charlie Horton; grandchildren, Taylor Baron, Sydni McKneely, Logan Graham and wife Chelsea, and Abby Shearer; great grandchildren, Cameron Ellis, Marleigh Walker, Nyla Nelson, Hollyn Graham, and Haddi Graham; siblings, Jimmy Higginbotham, Wayne Miller, and Syliva Erwin; and numerous nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by his great granddaughter, Haislee Graham; mother, Ellen Marionneaux Wright; father, Freddy Higginbotham. Sidney enjoyed hunting, fishing, and golfing. He also loved to work in his garden. Special thanks to Dr. Patrick Stagg and his staff, and Comfort Care Hospice for their loving care and devotion.


Melancon Funeral Home 4/24/2024

Shane John Higginbotham (1972-2024) LA

May 26, 1972  -  April 21, 2024

VATICAN ~ Memorial services will be held at a later date for Shane John Higginbotham, age 51, who passed away Sunday, April 21, 2024 at his residence in Carencro. Shane was a native and life-long resident of Vatican. He worked as a machinist for over twenty-five years, for various companies. A true country boy at heart he enjoyed fishing and hunting. Shane always took great pride in being able to work to support his family and be the one to fix things when they needed. Even as a young boy Shane was always mechanically inclined. He will be truly missed by his loved ones and his knowledge and lessons will be passed down to each generation. Survivors include his wife and friend of thirty-four years, Rachel Lynn Higginbotham; his sons, Shane A. Higginbotham, Chance M. Higginbotham (Whitney), and Chase Higginbotham; his daughter, Jamie Lynn Thibodeaux; his grandchild, Truett Michael Higginbotham; his brother, Glenn J. Higginbotham (Cindy); his sisters, Sarah Ann Richard (Oveil, Jr.), Kathy Menard; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, John Allen Higginbotham and the former Mary Ann Comeaux; his sister, Annette Faul; and his grandparents, Jack and Marie Higginbotham and Anna and Ceasar Comeaux; and a bother in law, Carl Menard. Memorial contributions can be made to Melancon Funeral Home to help Shane's family give him the proper memorial service he deserves. Melancon Funeral Home of Carencro, 4615 North University Avenue, (337) 896-6366, is in charge of arrangements.


Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point on May 1, 2024

Yvonne Anna Guidry Higginbotham (1924-2024) LA

"Lord, how the day passes! It's like a life; so slowly when you watch it, so quickly when you don't."--John Steinbeck.

Church Point, LA: Funeral Services will be held at 1:30 PM Friday, May 3, 2024, at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Church Point, LA for Yvonne G. Higginbotham, 99, the former Yvonne Guidry. Mrs. Higginbotham, a native and life-long resident of Church Point, died Wednesday morning, May 1 at Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home. Rev. Father Mitchell Guidry, Pastor of St. Leo IV Church in Roberts Cove, LA, will conduct the services with entombment following in the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum adjacent to the church. Survivors include her sons, Rufus Higginbotham and wife Belinda and Clinton Higginbotham and wife Carolyn; her grandchildren: Fr. Mitchell Guidry and Jody Guidry, Jeremy Higginbotham and wife Allison, Jason Higginbotham, Jacob Thibodeaux and Allison Matte and husband Travis; her great-grandchildren: Janson Matte, Lucas Thibodeaux and Alex, Riley, Gage, Gavin, Collin and Brooklin Higginbotham; her great-great-grandchildren, Cambree and Carson Lazzro; a brother and sister, Leo Guidry and Joyce Guidry Thibodeaux and her beloved sister-in-law, Aza H. Richard. She was preceded in death by her parents, Elie and Agathe Higginbotham Guidry; her husband, Roosevelt Higginbotham; her children: Terry Lee and Charles Wayne Higginbotham, Mary Geraldine H. Guidry and Glinda H. Thibodeaux; her grandchildren, Erica H. Latiolais and Nicholas Thibodeaux; a great-grandson, Tyler Thibodeaux and her sons-in-law, Bernice Guidry and Patrick Thibodeaux. The family requested that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home from 9:00 AM Friday until the time of services. A recitation of the Rosary will be held there at 12:30 PM by Fr. Guidry. Pallbearers will be Jeremy, Gage, Gavin and Alex Higginbotham; Janson Matte and Jody Guidry. Born "in the country" outside Church Point and educated in a two-room rural school and in Church Point; "Mrs. Yvonne" was a hard-working and loving wife, mother and grandmother who was central to her family's life for these many decades. Blessed with a sharp wit tempered by love and care for those around her she remained, through good times and bad, an example of the best of a unique culture that, sadly, seems to be passing from the scene. Arrangements are being handled by Guidry Funeral Home, Inc.; 219 N. Broadway, Church Point, LA (337) 684-5488.


Miguez Funeral Home 5/29/2024

Charles Kenneth Higginbotham (1945-2024) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial for Charles Kenneth “Hick” Higginbotham, Sr., 78, of Evangeline will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 12 Noon at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church with Rev. Trey Ange officiating. Entombment will follow in the Cavalry Mausoleum under the direction of Miguez Funeral Home. Visitation for Mr. Higginbotham will begin on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. and will close at 8:00 p. m. A rosary will be held at 6:30 p.m. Visitation will resume on Thursday morning, May 30, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. and will end at 11:30 a.m. for the procession to the church. Mr. Higginbotham was born on October 28, 1945, in Church Point, LA to Lloyd and Verna Richard Higginbotham. He worked for Cameron Construction Company as a Supervisor for over 30 years for the Amoco facility in Grand Chenier, LA until his retirement. He was known for his famous “Hellur”, and lit up every room he was in. He loved meeting his friends at Burger King; and visiting with his family and friends was always a special occasion. In his younger days, he enjoyed drag racing which led to a love for cars for the rest of his life. He also enjoyed playing cards. Those left to cherish his memory are his two daughters, Michelle (Shelton) Kelley of Evangeline and Shannon Higginbotham of Jennings; stepdaughter, Tiffany (Tony) Bertrand of Basile; son, Chip (Shannon) Higginbotham; stepsons, David McFarlain, Shannon (Cheryl) McFarlain and Marlon (Tricia) McFarlain; nine grandchildren, Shelby Clement, Darion Higginbotham, Tyler Higginbotham, Loren (Keeley) Higginbotham, Breanna Fields, Brevan Fields, Trent (Sara) McFarlain , Margaret (Clint) Fontenot, and Hanna McFarlain; nine great grandchildren, Tyler Higginbotham, Jr., Mason, Nicholas, and Natalie McFarlain, Hayden and Braydn Fontenot, Nathan, Abel and Grace Ann McFarlain. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Nella Crochet Higginbotham, his parents, Lloyd and Verna Higginbotham, and his stepson Roderick Keith McFarlain.


Dennard First National Funeral Home 6/18/2024

Eddie Eula Bradley Higginbotham (1931-2024) LA

Funeral services for Mrs. Eddie E. Higginbotham, 92, of Winnsboro, LA will be at 2 PM on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at Lone Pine Baptist Church with Rev. Mel Stephens and Bro. Dewey Donnell officiating, interment to follow in Harris Cemetery. Visitation will be from 12 noon till service time at 2 pm, all under the direction of Dennard First National Funeral Home, Winnsboro, LA.
Mrs. Eddie was born December 6, 1931, in Swampers, LA to the Union of the late John Denson Bradley and the late Hettie Stewart Bradley. A lifelong member of Lone Pine Baptist Church. She was a Homemaker at heart, loved mowing and working at Knights Crossroads. She also worked at Donnell's Cotton Gin for many years until it closed.
She is preceded in death by her parents, her first husband G.A. "Hickie" Higginbotham, a son, David Higginbotham, daughter, Joycelyn Becker, grandson, Mike Higginbotham, second husband Ray Strickland, and two sisters, Edith Elkins and Bernice Allen.
She is survived by her son, Kenneth Higginbotham; niece, Diane Elrod; grandchildren, Dara Hayes and her husband, John, and Kevin Higginbotham and his wife, Nicole; great- grandchildren, Daniel Higginbotham, Alania Wollerson, and Kara Higginbotham; stepchildren, Lynette Ward and Buddy Strickland and his wife, Cindy; great-great grandchild, Montana Riley.
Pallbearers will be David Blackwood, Charlie Franklin, George Nunnery, Dennis Poland, Cliff Rawls and Jeremy Sewell.


The Times-Picayune Jul. 2, 2024

Dolores Patricia Higginbotham Bernich Anguzza Mueller (1931-2024) LA

Dolores Patricia Higginbotham Mueller passed away on Friday, June 28, 2024. She was born March 31, 1931, in New Orleans, LA, to the late George W. Higginbotham and Marguerite Zelma Harrigan. She was the beloved wife of the late Herbert E. Mueller, Sr. and a wonderful mother to Melinda A. Mueller (Jimmy McGinity), Darcel C. Mueller and the late Kirby P. Mueller, Sr. She was the loving grandmother of Misty, Kirby, Kirvon, Brandon, Gretchen, and Meghan. She is also survived by her precious great-grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Dolores was a long-time resident of Metairie and a devoted parishioner of St. Christopher the Martyr Catholic Church. She enjoyed life, singing, dancing, entertaining and above all, she loved her family and was strong in her Catholic faith. She attended Sacred Heart High School where she received the "Quill & Scroll" pin in recognition of her journalism talent and the "Dramatic" pin in honor of her role in several plays. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend services on Saturday, July 6, 2024, at St. Christopher the Martyr Catholic Church, 309 Manson Ave. in Metairie, LA. Visitation will begin at 11:00 a.m. with a Rosary at 12:30 p.m. followed by a Funeral Mass at 1:00 p.m. Interment will follow in Greenwood Cemetery. "A life so beautifully lived deserves to be so beautifully remembered."


Jennings Matthew Funeral Home 7/6/2024

Patrick Ernest Higginbotham (1937-2024) LA

Patrick Ernest Higginbotham, 87, of Morse, LA passed away peacefully surrounded by his family. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, July 8th, 2024; at St. John the Evangelist at 10 AM. The family is requesting visiting hours at 3PM until 8 PM on Sunday July 7th, 2024, at JENNINGS Matthew Funeral Home. A rosary will be held at 6 PM, July 7th, 2024, at Matthews Funeral Home in Jennings, LA. Interment will follow the service in Hanks Cemetery in Morse, LA.
Those left to mourn his loss is his wife of 64 years Anita Trahan Higginbotham, his three daughters Yvette Higginbotham of Morse, LA; Patricia Zaunbrecher (Joel) of Gueydan and, Alice LaPointe (Nelton) of Lake Arthur, LA. Grandchildren Jason Myers (Crystal), Aimee Humble (Richie), Lyle Zaunbrecher, Justin Zaunbrecher, Cobie LaPointe (Lydia), and Shanel Lacombe (Joby); great grandchildren Christian Myers (Dylan Boudreaux), Gage Myers, Raleigh Breaux, Grant and Addison Humble, Eli, Emersyn, Jude Zaunbrecher, Hagen and Amelia Lacombe, and Carter and Aria LaPointe; and two great-great grandchildren Crue and Jadd Boudreaux. One sister Mary Leleux (John), and one sister-in -law Ida Ruth Leger. One brother-in-law Charles Trahan (Mona).
He is preceded in death by his parents Ernest and Bertha Higginbotham, brothers Clinton Higginbotham, Louis Higginbotham, and Joseph Johnson and sisters Agatha McMillian, Lizzie Latiolais, Rena Latiolais, Alice Menard and Ura Lavergne.
Mr. Patrick Higginbotham was a farmer for most his life, farming rice, wheat, and soybeans in Acadia and Vermilion Parish. Following his first unofficial retirement he went on to work for the ASCS office in Acadia Parish, then went on to work for the Acadia Parish Tax Assessors Office for 15 years. Finally, officially retiring to care for his wife Anita and his numerous fruit trees. He loved to garden and care for his plants. He loved caring for things and people which is what led to him filling or cluttering up his shop full of things. He cared for his children and grandchildren via facetime, placing a facetime calls to check in on those he loved and cared for, especially Jude. He enjoyed his time with Grant, when Grant came to help water his plants, but for Pawpaw Pat it was the "talks" when the watering was done. He enjoyed Gage playing his guitar for them. He was overwhelmed with pride of all his grandchildren and his children; he created memories and stories that will live one through his family and friends, to always cherish.
The Pallbearers honored to carrying him to his final resting place are Jason Myers, Gage Myers, Richie Humble, Grant Humble, Justin Zaunbrecher, and Lyle Zaunbrecher. Honorary pallbearers will be Joel Zaunbrecher, Nelton LaPointe, Hagen Lacombe, Carter LaPointe, Cobie LaPointe, Eli Zaunbrecher, Jude Zaunbrecher, Crue and Jadd Boudreaux.


Tyler Memorial Funeral Home 10/19/2024

Richard Vernon Higginbotham (1933-2024) TX/LA
SHREVEPORT, LA — Richard Vernon Higginbotham, Sr. Born August 5, 1933 in Tyler, TX, died August 14, 2024 in Shreveport, LA. Richard graduated from Tyler High School and received his BS and Masters degrees from the University of North Texas. He married his wife Geneva Jones in 1956. He served as a Sergeant in the US Army. He began his teaching career in Irving, TX then moved to Timpson, TX in 1968 where he served as Superintendent of Schools for Timpson ISD for 28 years, retiring in 1996. He taught and directed Language Camps for foreign exchange students through EF Education First for 25 years and hosted 13 foreign exchange students for their High School year in the United States. He was preceded in death by his parents, Robert Owen and Dovia Helen Higginbotham, wife Geneva Higginbotham, son Richard Higginbotham, Jr., brothers John Watt, James Mark, Roland, Nolan, and Charles Higginbotham, sisters Juanita Ward, Helen Chastain, Dovia Lamb, Edna Mullins, Dorothy Lamb, and Lillian Meriwether. He is survived by daughter Lisa Higginbotham, daughter-in-law Katrina Higginbotham, grandchildren Carmen Higginbotham and Walter Pond, and Kamren Higginbotham, great grandchildren Kelsey and Cade Laird, Kilynn Higginbotham and Logan Hammonds, and Kristian and Anthony Lake, and great great grandchildren London Laird, Marcus and Lillie Lake, and a host of nieces and nephews. His ashes will be interred in a graveside service at Tyler Memorial Funeral Home, 12053 State Hwy 64, Tyler, TX on Saturday, October 19 at 2pm.


Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point on Jan. 5, 2025

Mattie Ann Higginbotham Stanford (1938-2025) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church for Mrs. Mattie H. Stanford, 86, who passed away on Friday, January 3, 2025 at 11:55 PM at Eunice Manor. Fr. Brian Harrington, Pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church will be the Celebrant of the Mass and conduct the burial rite in Bellevue Cemetery. Mattie was the daughter of the late Mr. Sam Higginbotham and the former Mrs. Beatrice Barousse. Her great grandchildren knew her as "Maw Maw Pickles" due to the many jars of "bread and butter" pickles that were gifted to them through the years. Anyone who has ever been over for lunches or dinners knew that whatever was on the menu was going to be delicious, made with love, care and lots of laughter. She had many gifts but one of her best talents was bringing people together with her cooking. She baked for many years and her joy for life was expressed in her kitchen with her family and friends throughout the generations. Mrs. Stanford was a member of the Ladies Altar Society, the Catholic Daughters and the Hilda Daigle rosary group. She is survived by five daughters, Stephanie James of Humble, TX, Christine Benoit and husband Paul of Church Point, LA, Jessica Thibodeaux and husband Mike of Church Point, LA, Suzanne Stanford of Sunset, LA and Bridget Fontenot of Bunkie, LA; two sons, Daniel Stanford and wife Belinda of Sunset, LA and Derril Stanford and wife Tess of Church Point, LA; nine grandchildren, fifteen great grandchildren; her sister Clara Leblanc and husband Larry of Rayne, LA and her brother, Robert Higginbotham and wife Evelyn of Lafayette, LA. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Norman Stanford; her son in law, Troy Fontenot; two sisters, Esther Daigle and Wilda Whitaker and five brothers, Ward, William, Wilson, Hamiel and Carl Higginbotham. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home on Wednesday, January 8, from 9:00 AM until the time of the funeral mass at 2:00 PM. A rosary will be recited in the funeral home at 1:00 PM Wednesday by Deacon Barry Leblanc. Personal condolences may be sent to the Stanford family at www.guidryfuneralhome.com. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.


Guidry Funeral Home Inc. - Church Point on Jan. 5, 2025

Mary Geraldine Higginbotham Daugereaux (1923-2024) LA

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2:00 PM Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church for Mrs. Geraldine H. Daugereaux, 101, who passed away at 2:00 PM Saturday, January 4 at Acadia-St. Landry Guest Home. Fr. Mitchell Guidry, Pastor of St. Leo IV Catholic Church, will be the Celebrant of the Mass. Burial will take place in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Mausoleum on Hwy 35. Geraldine, a resident of Church Point, was the daughter of the late Armand Higginbotham and the former Winnola Rayon. Very meticulous, she loved to bake, to cook, to sew and to make quilts. She also made porcelain dolls and ceramics and planted flowers. A devout and faithful Catholic, she was a member of the Catholic Daughters, a local rosary group and a home demonstration club. She is survived by two daughters, Yvette D. Prather of Church Point and Darlene D. Martin and husband Wade of Keithville, LA; two sons, Don M. Daugereaux and wife Vickie of Broussard, LA and Jerome Daugereaux of Duluth, GA; five grandchildren, Nicole and Mitchell Daugereaux, Monique Harrington, Michael Prather and Sarah Carriere; twelve great-grandchildren and one sister, Flo Sweeney. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Foch Daugereaux; one son-in-law, Charles Prather; two infant great-grandchildren; one sister, Willie Mae Francois and one brother, Dan Higginbotham. The family requests that visiting hours be observed at Guidry Funeral Home on Tuesday, January 7, from 9:00 AM until the time of the Funeral Mass at 2:00 PM. A Rosary will be recited in the Funeral Home at 1:00 PM before leaving for the Funeral Mass. Personal condolences may be sent to the Daugereaux family at www.guidryfuneralhome.com. Guidry Funeral Home, 219 N. Broadway St., Church Point, LA is in charge of final arrangements.


Legacy on Jan. 20, 2025

Zoe Ann Higginbotham Lopez (1955-2025) LA

A Funeral Service will be held at 1:00 PM, Saturday, January 25, 2025, at Matthews Funeral Home Chapel in Jennings, La for Zoe "Ann" Higginbotham Lopez, 69, who passed away Saturday, January 18, 2025, at her home in Jennings, La surrounded by her family. A Visitation will be held Friday, January 24, 2025, from 3:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. at Matthews Funeral Home in Jennings, La. A rosary will be held on Friday, January 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM. Visitation with resume on Saturday, January 25, 2025, from 8:00 A.M. until the time of her service. Interment will follow in the Mermentau Cemetery. Reverend Mitchel Guidry will be officiating the service. Ann was born on February 17, 1955, in Opelousas, La to Floyd Higginbotham and Imelda Rogers. Ann was a native of Church Point, La and a long-time resident of the Jennings area for the majority of her life. Ann graduated from Midland High School in 1975. Soon after she married her husband, Ray A. Lopez, on November 22, 1975. Ann was a loving wife, home maker and beloved mother figure to her family. She will be dearly missed. Ann is survived by her husband of 49 years, Ray A. Lopez; her daughter, Lisa Lopez; her son, Ray "Allen" Lopez, Jr. (Victoria); her sister, Susan Broussard (Bryan); her twelve grandchildren, Chad "Eric" Dufrene (Kaeley), Brayden Oakes(Faith), Lynzie Oakes (Corey), Logan Lopez, Caden Lopez, Kali Lopez, Dustin Dean (Kaylee), Tyler Dean, Rodney Dean, Landon Dean, Angel Gill(Max), and Lilly Jackson; her three great grandchildren, Luke Oakes, Liam Oakes, and Wesley Dean. She was preceded in death by her parents, Floyd Higginbotham and Imelda Rogers Derise; her little sister, Debbie Lejeune. Arrangements have been entrusted to Matthews Funeral Home JENNINGS 511 North Cutting Avenue Jennings, LA 70546.


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