Michigan Obituaries
Detroit Free Press 10/9/1880
Susan Field Higginbotham (1822-1880) England/MI
Higginbotham - Thursday, October 7th, 1880, Susan, beloved wife of John Higginbotham, aged 58 years. Funeral from residence, 89 Willis Avenue, Saturday, October 9, at 2:30 p.m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend.
Detroit Free Press 3/9/1900
John H. Higinbotham (ca1838-1900) Canada/MI
Higinbotham - March 7, 1900, at his late residence, 40 Selden avenue, John H. Higinbotham. Funeral from house Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Burial private.
Detroit Free Press 8/11/1912
Jesse H. Higginbotham (ca1858-1912) England/MI
J.L. Higginbottom Dead
Employe of Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Since Its Inception
Jesse H. Higginbottom, 54 years of age and a resident of Detroit for the last 26 years, died at his home, __ Seventeenth street, from a complication of diseases Saturday.
Mr. Higginbottom, who is survived by his widow and son, Hugh Higginbottom, was an employee of the Detroit & Toledo Shore Line railroad since its inception. Previous to taking his position with the Shore Line road he was connected with the Grand Trunk.
Funeral services will be held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Detroit Free Press 4/10/1923
William Edward Higginbotham (1859-1923) MI/GA
William E. Higginbotham, for nearly a half century a practicing architect in Detroit, and for 32 years a member of the firm of Malcomson, Higginbotham & Palmer, died Sunday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carl Becker, in Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. Higginbotham had suffered an attack of influenza at his home, 3049 West Grant boulevard, and on what was believed to be his recovery went to Atlanta two weeks ago. He contracted pneumonia shortly afterward. His wife and son, Bruce F. Higginbotham, as well as Mrs. Becker, were with him at the time of his death.
Mr. Higginbotham was educated in the Detroit schools and began his training in the office of J.V. Smith, 46 years ago. He continued in that office five years and then spent a year with Dunham and Clark, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Returning to Detroit, he took charge of the architectural department of Hubbard and king, a position he relinquished eight years later, in 1890, to form a partnership with William F. Malcomson.
Twenty-eight years ago, he became identified with the Detroit school system as consulting architect and almost every school erected since that time has been of his design. He specialized in schools and hospitals. He also had been architect for the Flint public schools for the last eight years.
Mr. Higginbotham was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal church, Detroit commandery, Knights Templar, the Detroit Athletic club, the Michigan Society of Architects and Engineers and the American Institute of Architects.
Funeral arrangements will be announced Tuesday after the arrival of the body in Detroit.
Kenosha (WI) Evening News 1925
Ethel Elizabeth Higginbotham Pease (1901-1925) FL/MI
Mr. and Mrs. James Pease were called to Pontiac, Mich., Saturday on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Delos Pease. She lived but a short time after their arrival. In company with their son they returned to this village Monday morning.
Ethel Elizabeth Higginbotham was born at Baldwin, Florida, June 11, 1901, the daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. J. E. Higginbotham. Amid the scenes of her childhood she grew to young womanhood. On May 30, 1920, she was united in marriage with Delos H. Pease and came with him to Wisconsin. Some months ago they located at Pontiac, Mich., and there, on April 4, 1925, following a siege of pneumonia, she passed to her eternal rest.
She is survived by her husband and three children: Ellen Elizabeth, aged 4 years; Delos Jr., aged 2, and Thomas, 7 days; her parents, four brothers and two sisters: Fred, Luther, St. Elmo, Thomas, Maud and Eva, all residing in Florida.
Funeral services will be held at the James Pease home Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Glen James officiating. Interment will follow in the family plot at Liberty Corners Cemetery.
The deceased made many friends during her residence here, and her untimely demise is greatly regretted.
Sault Evening News on Friday 31 May 1929
Jane Warr Hickenbottom (1847-1929) England/MI
Mrs. Jane Hickenbottom, 82, died Thursday, May 30, 1929, at 11 a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur B. Cracknell, 350 Maple street.
Mrs. Hickenbottom had been in failing health for some time. In January, 1928, she had a stroke of apoplexy and for the past eight months had been confined to her bed.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at St. James church. Burial will be at Riverside cemetery.
Mrs. Hickenbottom is survived her daughter, Mrs. Cracknell of the Sault and by several brothers and sister in England.
Born in England April 28, 1847, Mrs. Hickenbottom removed to Canada and for 45 years was a resident of Manitoulin Island. When her husband, Walter Hickenbottom, died 12 years ago she came to the Sault to live with her daughter.
During her years in the Sault, Mrs. Hickenbottom, despite her advanced age, was active in church affairs and was a devoted member of St. James church.
Detroit Free Press 3/6/1931
Evelyn H. Creswell Higginbottom (1889-1931) MI
Mrs. Evelyn Higginbottom, 41 years old, of 059 Kenesaw avenue, Birmingham, died in Grace hospital at 9"25 p.m. Thursday night. Born and raised in Detroit, she was the wife of Hugh Higginbottom, assistant sales manager of the Oakland Motor Car company. She had been a patient in Grace hospital since March 1.
Detroit Free Press 6/11/1935
Nettie Morphy Higginbotham (1862-1935) MI/GA
The Very Rev. Kirk B. O'Ferrall, D.D., dean of the St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, conducted funeral services for Mrs. Nettie Morphy Higginbotham at Elmwood Cemetery at 10:30 a.m. Monday.
Mrs. Higginbotham, who died Saturday at Atlanta, Ga., was a native of Detroit, but had lived in Atlanta for several years. She was the widow of William E. Higgenbotham, widely known architect here, who died several years ago. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Doris Becker, and a son, Bruce F. Higgenbotham, both of Atlanta, and a brother, John D. Morphy, of Detroit.
Detroit Free Press 12/30/1939
Bruce Field Higginbotham (1895-1939) MI/VA
The Very Rev. Dean Kirk B. O'Ferrall will conduct services at 12 noon Saturday at the grave in Elmwood. Mr. Higginbotham died Thursday at Gainesville, Va., where he lived with his sister, Mrs. C. H. Becker. He was born in Detroit 44 years ago and lived here until the death of his mother, Mrs. William E. Higginbotham, 15 years ago.
Detroit Free Press 5/21/1945
Lillian Campbell Higinbotham (1870-1945) MO/MI
Christian Science services for Mrs. Lillian Higinbotham, wife of George K. Higinbotham, of 5132 Underwood, will be held at the Harper and Mulligan Funeral Home, 16450 Hamilton, at 3 p.m. Wednesday.
Mrs. Higinbotham was a Christian Science practitioner in Detroit for 30 years.
The News-Palladium (Benton Harbor, MI) 6/28/1945
Anna May Higinbotham Newnham (1853-1945) MI/PA
Former Saugatuck Woman Dies in East
Saugatuck, June 28 - Mrs. Anna Newnham, nonagenarian, widow of the late Judge Richard Newnham of Grand Rapids, died Saturday night in the East where she had been residing since the death of her husband.
The body will be brought to Saugatuck where she resided in her early married life, and funeral services will be held Friday morning at 11 at All Saints' Episcopal church, the ev. Father J. Ethan Allen officiating. Burial in Riverside cemetery, Saugatuck.
Survivors are one son, Stephen L. and three daughters, the former Alice, Laura and Lucy Newnham.
Detroit Free Press 2/10/1946
Hugh Higginbottom (1888-1946) MI/CA
Hugh Higginbottom - Services for Mr. Higginbottom, Detroit manufacturer's representative who died Feb. 4 in Los Angeles, will be held at 2:30 Monday at the chapel of William R. Hamilton Co., 3976 Cass.
He was a member of Orchard Lake Country Club and City of Straits Lodge.
He is survived by his wife, Anna and his father, Hugh E. Higginbottom, Sr. Interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Detroit Free Press 5/18/1947
Herbert H. Higginbottom Jr. (1893-1947) NJ/MI
Services for Mr. Higginbottom, 53, who died Friday at his home, 5793 Yorkshire, will be at 1 p.m. Monday at the Verheyden Funeral Home, 16300 Mack. Burial will be in White Chapel Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbottom had been employed by the Fruehauf Trailer for 28 years, and was export engineer at the time of his death.
He was a member of the Detroit Yacht Club, the South east Exchange Club, Straits Lodge, No. 452, F&AM, and a deacon in First Congregational Church.
Surviving are his wife, Lucile; a daughter, Janet; a son, James; a brother and sister.
Detroit Free Press 11/9/1947
Roy Clark Higginbotham (1883-1947) MI
Higginbotham - Nov. 7, Roy C., of 12811 Robson Ave., beloved brother of Miriam J. McKelvey; dear uncle of Robert and William McKelvey. Services Monday, 2 p.m., from the F. B. Hunter Funeral Home, 13903 Terry, cor. Schoolcraft.
Detroit Free Press 8/9/1951
Mabel Anna Wittmarck Higginbotham Sacquety (1909-1951) IA/MI
Sacquety - Aug. 6, Mabel, of 19381 Washtenaw, beloved wife of Richard, Mother of Barbara Higginbotham, Wallace Higginbotham, Richard and Anita Sacquety; dear daughter of Mrs. Edna Wittmarck; sister of Charles and Mrs. Josephine Hollander. At A.H. Peters Funeral Home, 12057 Gratiot, until Thursday, 10 a.m. In state at Faith Ev. Lutheran Church, Jefferson at Philip, from noon until time of service, Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
The (St. Joseph) Herald Press 02/08/1955
Georgene Higgenbottom (1955) MI
Hartford, Feb. 8-A prayer service will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Maple Hill Cemetery for Georgene Higgenbottom, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Higgenbottom who died at birth in the Millburg hospital Sunday.
Detroit Free Press 3/15/1955
Dwight A. Higinbotham (1911-1955) MI
Services for Mr. Higinbotham, 44, of 17347 Evanston, a Detroit Fire Department sergeant will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Home, 15251 Harper.
Mr. Higinbotham was the husband of Mrs. Georgina Higinbotham, a social service director for the YWCA. He is also survived by a son, Richard.
Mr. Higinbotham died Saturday in Cottage Hospital of Grosse Point.
Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Lansing State Journal 1/13/1958
Edward F. Higginbotham (1943-1958) MI
Funeral services for Edward Higginbotham will be held at 2:30 Tuesday from the Gorsline-Runciman Funeral Home. Rev. David Lawson of DeWitt Community Church officiating. Interment in DeWitt Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Russell Ridge, James Holliday, Roy Beal, Mike Ray, Paul Ray, and Kenneth Nichols.
Detroit Free Press 6/7/1962
Lorena Louise Higinbotham Adams Cottrell (1896-1962) TX/MI
Cottrell, Louise Higinbotham, June 5, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George K. Higinbotham; sister of Mrs. Randall E. Clark. Funeral services Friday 10 a.m. from the Haley Funeral Home, 16055 Hamilton at Puritan.
The Morning News (Wilmington, DE) 4/12/1963
Robert Wesley Higginbotham (ca1957-1963) MI
Birmingham, Mich. - Six-year-old Robert W. (Buzzy) Higginbotham Jr. died in a fire in a neighbor's doghouse Wednesday as his mother and girl tried vainly to save him.
Buzzy perished while his mother, Mrs. Kathryn Higginbotham, and Cathy Michael, 14, member of the neighbor family, tried to beat out the fire. Both suffered arm burns.
Buzzy and Teddy Michael, 5, brother of Cathy, had been playing together. Teddy said Michael (sic) had found some matches and entered the 2-1/2 foot high doghouse alone. The next thing teddy knew, fire broke out and he ran for help.
The doghouse, its flood covered with straw, had been unused sine the Theodore Michael family dog disappeared a month ago.
Petoskey News-Review 6/15/1964
Gertrude May Hickingbottom Beloungea (1888-1964) Canada/MI
Mrs. Beloungea Rites Tuesday
Services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., at the Erwin Funeral Parlors, for Mrs. James (Gertrude May) Beloungea, 76, of 440 W. Third St., who died late Saturday at Little Traverse Hospital, where she had been a patient for a month. The Rev. A.H. Keesler will officiate and interment will be in Lakeview Cemetery.
She was born in Ontario, Canada, on January 5, 1888 and was married to Mr. Beloungea at Harbor Springs on May 31, 1910. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge and Past Noble Grands Club. For a number of years she taught in Emmet and Iosco county schools.
She is survived by her husband; a brother, John R. Hickingbottom of Flint; two sisters, Mrs. Allen J. MacLeod of Flint and Mrs. Roy Hickingbottom of Toronto; several nieces and nephews.
Friends may call tonight from 7:30-9 p.m. at the Erwin Funeral Parlors.
Detroit Free Press 8/12/1965
Estelle Hickenbottom (1907-1965) MI
Hickenbottom, Estelle, Aug. 7, 1965; beloved wife of Robert. To lie in state at Stinson Funeral Home, 1540 W. Grand Blvd. at W. Warren. Funeral services Saturday 12 noon from the New West Side Central Baptist Church.
Niles Daily Star, Tuesday, January 2, 1968
Lena E. Cotherman Higginbottom Lauder (1883-1967) MI
Mrs. Lena Lauder, 84, of 40 Marmont St., died Sunday at 8:25 a.m., in Pawating Hospital, after being a patient there for a day. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 10 a.m., with the Rev. Lloyd Schloop of the First Methodist Church, of which she was a member, officiating. Moving here from Three Rivers in 1911, she was born in Constantine, March 7, 1883. Her husband, Charles Lauder, died in 1944. Her survivors include two sons, Joseph of Niles; and Vern of Tujunga, Calif.; three daughters, Mrs. Rosalie Kirkwood and Mrs. Lorraine Steiner, both of Niles; and Mrs. Kathleen Atkinson of Michawaka, Ind.; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7:00 p.m. today. Burial will be in Constantine.
Detroit Free Press 3/6/1975
Anne Juliet Olmstead Higginbottom (1897-1975) MI
Higginbottom, Anne J., March 3, of Royal Oak. Beloved wife of the late Arthur; dear mother of Richard Higginbottom, Mrs. Grace Holappa and Mrs. Lois Page; dear sister of Harry and Charles Olmstead and Mrs. Ruth Trombley; also leaves nine grandchildren. Services 1 a.m. Friday at the Heeney-Sundquist Funeral Home, 23720 Farmington Rd., Farmington.
The Terre Haute (Indiana) Tribune 7/27/1975
William Wren Higginbotham (1922-1975) IN/MI/NE
Monroe, Mich. - William W. Higginbotham, 53, 3749 W. Dunbar Rd., formerly of Terre Haute, died Friday morning in Cozad, Neb. He was director of Quality Control Auto Equipment in Michigan. He was a graduate of Purdue University. Surviving are the wife, Marion Robeson; two daughters, Carol and Susan, at home; one son, William, Ann Arbor, Mich.; and the mother, Mrs. Alice Higginbotham. Services will be at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at Thomas Funeral Home, where friends may call after 4 p.m. Monday. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Park. The Rev. James Courtney will officiate.
South Bend Tribune 9/29/1975
Pearl Diamond Higginbotham Mitch (1897-1975) KY/MI
Buchanan - Services for Mrs. Pearl D. Mitch, 78, of 204 N. Front, Buchanan, who died at 5 a.m. Sunday in the Paul Stephan Nursing Home, Niles, will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Swem Chapel of Swem-Smith Funeral Home. Rev. Robert Hudson, pastor of the Church of Christ, will officiate and burial will be in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Friends may call after 7 p.m. today.
She was born on Jan. 10, 1897 in Cabell, Ky. and moved to Buchanan from North Liberty 46 years ago. Surviving are two sons, Joseph and Francis, both of Buchanan; three daughters, Miss Marjorie Mitch of Las Vegas, and Mrs. Pauline Raven and Mrs. Shirley Patton, both of Buchanan; four brothers, William, Charles and Robert Higginbotham, all of South Bend, and Orville Higginbotham of Buchanan; three sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Stopper and Mrs. Eva Skiles, both of South Bend, and Mrs. Terry Walters of Buchanan; 14 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Church of Christ.
Detroit Free Press 4/1/1977
Florrie Higginbottom Mustoe (1885-1977) MI
Mustoe, Florrie, March 30. Beloved wife of Hubert C.; dear mother of Mrs. George F. (Elsie) Brown, and Miss Ruby Mustoe; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren also survive. In state at Harper-Mulligan Funeral Home (7 Mile Memorial Chapel), 19530 W. 7 Mile, until Friday 9 p.m. Funeral from Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 18420 John R., Saturday 11 a.m. Memorials may be made to above mentioned church.
Battle Creek Enquirer 1/14/1979
Janet Lucile Higginbottom DeVendorf (1924-1979) MI
Services for Mrs. Janet L. DeVendorf, 54, of 4116 Council Crest Circle will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the chapel of the First Congregational Church. She died Saturday in Leila Hospital, where she had been a patient one month.
Mrs. Devendorf was a dietician, associated with school and community programs. She has been director of the senior citizen's nutrition program for the Calhoun Community Action Agency in Barry, Branch and Calhoun counties.
She was a former food service director for the Harper Creek Community Schools. She held a degree in commercial food service from Michigan State University.
Mrs. Devendorf also was active in the mobile meals program and was a dietician at Marshall Manor in 1970-71.
She was a member of the Reach for Recovery Volunteers Program and had served five years as its coordinator. She was a member of First Congregational Church.
Surviving are her husband, Donald N.; a son, Craig L. of Midland; daughters, Mrs. James (Kimberly L.) Wiljanen of East Lansing, Miss Karen L. DeVendorf of Port Arthur, Texas, and Cary L. and Kristin L. DeVendorf, both at home; her mother, Mrs. Lucile Higginbottom, and a brother, James H. Higginbottom, both of Detroit.
Arrangements are by Farley Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to the chemotherapy unit at Leila Hospital.
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 5/15/1979
Joanne L. Becht Higginbottom (1931-1979) MI
Watervliet - Mrs. Joanne L. Higgenbottom, 48, of Route 2, Box 62, Red Arrow Highway, Watervliet, died at 7:49 p.m. Monday at Community Hospital, Watervliet, following a long illness.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Davidson Chapel of Florin Funeral Service, Coloma, where friends may call after 3 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in North Shore Memory Gardens. Memorials may be made to the donor's choice.
Mrs. Higgenbottom was born March 21, 1931, in Coloma and was a former employee of Harding's Watervliet Market, Inc.
Survivors include her husband, Claude; two sons, Claude Jr., and Donald, both at home; three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Becky) Rinks, Watervliet, Brenda and Valarie, both at home; two grandchildren; and two brothers, Richard and Ingar Becht, both of Coloma.
Mrs. Higgenbottom was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Watervliet.
Lansing State Journal 9/22/1982
Elizabeth Lucile Higginbotham Pell Smith (1917-1982) IN/MI
Smith, Elizabeth Lucile
500 S. Pine Lansing
Age 64, died Sat., Sept. 18, 1982 at her home. She was a member of the Plains Bible Church. Surviving are 3 sons, Jimmie Pell, Jerry Pell both of Eaton Rapids, Jayke Pell of St. Johns; 1 daughter, Janet Kesson of Diamondale; 7 grandchildren; and a brother, Donald Higginbotham of Lansing. Funeral services will be held Thurs., 1 p.m. at the Shelly Funeral Home, Eaton Rapids. Interment will be in Plains Cemetery.
The Paducah (KY) Sun 1/30/1983
Wesley David Higginbotham (1939-1983) KY/MI
Gibraltar, Mich. - Services for Wesley David Higginbotham, 43, formerly of Paducah, will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at Querfeld Funeral Home in Dearborn.
Mr. Higginbotham died at his home Thursday night.
He was chief engineer of heating and air conditioning at the Ford Motor Co. headquarters building in Dearborn.
Survivors include three sons, David and Lee Higginbotham, both of Canton, Mich., and Michael Higginbotham of San Diego, Calif.; his parents, Mrs. Evelyn Chinchak of Dearborn and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Udell (Bill) Higginbotham of Paducah, Ky.; a grandmother, Mrs. Vera Higginbotham of Lowes, Ky.; a brother, Donnie Ingle of Michigan; two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Tucker and Mrs. Beverly Clark, both of Paducah; two grandchildren, and several aunts, uncles, and cousins in Paducah.
Detroit Free Press 10/2/1983
Lucile Edna Grant Higginbottom (1890-1983) MI
Higginbottom, Lucile Edna (nee Grant), age 92. Wife of the late Herbert; dear mother of James H. and the late Janet L. DeVendorf; grandmother of seven; great-grandmother of one. Memorial services at the First Congregational Church of Detroit, Woodward Ave. at Forest, 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1983 Memorial contributions to Luther Haven of First Congregational Church of Detroit would be appreciated. Arrangements by the Eppens-VanDeweghe Funeral Home, 881-7700.
Detroit Free Press 9/3/1984
Frances S. Brackett Higginbotham (1897-1984) KY/MI
Higgingbotham, Frances S. Age 86. Dear mother of James of Troy, Kenneth, Mrs. Frances Griffin, and Mrs. Virginia Kemp; sister of May Knecht and Emma Boatman; 12 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Funeral 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Wm. R. Potere Funeral Home, 4th and Walnut, Rochester. Committal service Thursday in Cincinnati, OH. Memorials to Shults-Lewis Children's Home, Valparaiso, Ind, would be appreciated.
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 11/3/1984
Wyley Alexander Higginbottom Sr. (1897-1984) AR/MI
Watervliet - Funeral services for Wyley A. Higginbottom Sr., 86, of 313 Elm St., Watervliet, who died Friday morning at Martin Luther Memorial Home, South Haven, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in the Davidson Chapel, Coloma, of Florin Funeral Service.
Burial will be in North Shore Memory Gardens, where military rites will be conducted by Stoddard American Legion Post No. 93 of Hartford, of which he was a life member. Friends may call at the funeral home between 2 and 9 p.m. Sunday. Memorials may be made to the Easter Seal Crippled Children's Society.
Mr. Higginbottom was born Dec. 22, 1897, in Barrettsville, Ark. He was a U.S. Army World War I veteran and retired in 1965 from Kaywood Corp., Benton Harbor.
Survivors include his wife, the former Rosella Furnish, whom he married Jan. 8, 1927; three sons, Claude and James, both of Watervliet, and Wyley Jr. of Coloma; a daughter, Mrs. James (Paulette) Lynch of Watervliet; 13 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren.
Battle Creek Inquirer 3/28/1986
Ila M. Dailey Higgenbotham (1928-1986) MO/MI
Ila M. (Dailey) Higgenbotham, 59, died Tuesday in Sunnybrook Foster Care Home at 39 Bennett St., where she had been a patient one month. She formerly lived at 4329 W. Columbia Ave.
She was born in Poplar Bluff, Mo., and moved to Battle Creek in 1949. She had worked in a laundry.
She was a member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Surviving are her mother, Doye Louise Dailey of Doniphan, Mo.; brothers, Wilbur Dailey of Flat River, Mo., Leon Dailey of Inglis, Fla., and Vernon Dailey of Doniphan; sisters, Stella Winzler of Rosamond, Calif., and Flora Tilley of Poplar Bluff; and a step-daughter, Betty Boydston, address unknown.
Services were scheduled at 1 p.m. today at Oak Hill Cemetery. Arrangements are by Richard A. Henry Funeral Home.
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 5/18/1987
Ralph Carlton Higginbotham (1914-1987) MO/MI
Bangor - Ralph C. "Pete" Higginbotham, 73, of Bangor, died Saturday at Borgess Medical Center. Kalamazoo.
The funeral will be held Tuesday at the Bangor Bible Church, of which he was a member. Friends may call Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Bangor Chapel of the D.L. Miller Funeral Home. Burial will be in Arlington Hill Cemetery, Bangor. Memorials may be made to the church.
Mr. Higginbotham was born April 29, 1914, in Senath, Mo. He had resided in Bangor for 28 years. He retired in 1977 as custodian for Bangor Public Schools. He was a veteran of World War II.
Survivors include: his wife, the former Floy Dees; a son, Joseph, of Houston, Texas; a daughter, Mrs. Paul (Karen) Crawford of Longview, Texas; five grandchildren; two sisters - Mrs. Christine Baker of Malden, Mo. and Mrs. Harold (Glendola) Wright of Holcomb, Mo.; two brothers - Wayne Higginbotham of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and Luther Higginbotham Jr. of Breckeridge, Texas; two step-brothers - Everett Adkins of Abilene, Texas and Woodrow Adkins of Dyersberg, Tenn.; and two step-sisters - Mrs. Frank (Grace) Stanley of Campbell, Mo. and Mrs. Frankie Richardson of Abilene, Texas.
Walter H. Heginbottom (1914-1987) MI
Heginbottom, Walter H. - Age 73, died Thursday, August 20, 1987, at Munson Medical Center, Traverse City. Funeral services will be held 1 PM Tuesday at the Sunset Chapel of Reigle Funeral Home, Dr. Theodore E. Doane officiating. Burial in Sunset Hills Cemetery.
Family will receive friends at the funeral home where suggested visitation will be from 2-4 and 7-9 PM on Monday and until time of service on Tuesday. Memorial contributions may be made to the Court Street United Methodist Church or to the American Heart Association.
Mr. Heginbottom was born in Flint, Michigan, January 9, 1914, and had been a lifelong resident of Flint until moving to Elmira, Michigan. He was a member of the Court Street United Methodist Church, GMI Alumni Association, Lakes of the North Association, Gaylord Council for the Arts and the Warren Symphony Association. He was employed by Marvel Carburetor Company and Rochester Products before retiring from General Motors Proving Grounds.
Surviving are: Wife, Marjorie; daughters, Susan and husband Douglas Goering of Flint, Maryanna Heginbottom of Berkeley, California, Marjorie and husband, Dennis Munger of Ann Arbor, Ruth and husband Edward Balow of Sterling Heights; 4 grandchildren, Marjorie and Shannon Goering, Carolyn and Steven Munger; sisters, Ruth and husband Rey Holmen; brother, Robert and wife Imogene Heginbottom; brother-in-law, Harold Martlew; sister-in-law, Leone Somes. He was preceded in death by his sister, Dorathea Martlew.
Reigle Funeral Home Sunset Chapel 4305 Clio Rd. 787-6565
Emmett B. Higginbotham (1914-1988) VA/MI
"Lift up your hearts to the heavens, there's a loving and kind
father there. Who officer loose and comfort and peace in the solid communion of
Mr. Emmett B. Higginbotham was the second child born to Ulysses and Cruzetta
Higginbotham in Arrington, Virginia, on June 15, 1914.
Emmett received his education and graduated from Morristown High School in New
Jersey. He lettered in baseball, football and golf.
Emmett joined his father and family in Detroit in 1935. He was employed by the
Borin Ice Company.
Emmett married his sweetheart of many years, Luphilia Wicks, in 1940. to this
Union of marriage there were born two sons, Emmett E. and Nathaniel U.
Mr. Higginbotham was inducted into the US Army in 1942, where he served during
World War II for four years. He was honorably discharged in 1946 and was
employed by the city of Detroit from where he retired after 35 years.
Emmett was a past president of the Nacirema club, serving two terms. He was also
a member of the Golden Tee Golf League and a member of the Garden Bowl retirees
bowling league.
Emmett's mother, father and two brothers preceded him in death. After a very
long illness, God received Emmett on January 5, 1988.
He leaves to cherish his memory his beloved wife two sons Emmett (Spike) and
Nathaniel (Nate) three granddaughters, two daughter's in-laws, one sister and a
host of nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
Lansing State Journal 5/20/1990
Joan R. Higginbotham Casper (1925-1990) OK/MI
Casper, Joan R.
Age 64, died May 26, 1990 at a local hospital. Mrs. Casper was a resident of Lansing for 45 years. She was born in Drumright, OK October 13, 1925, the only child of Lawrence Higginbotham and Mabel Irene Sturge. She married Robert Chester Casper September 17, 1944. Mrs. Casper was a cosmetologist and homemaker. She is survived by her 4 children, Nicholas Casper of Lansing, Mrs. Karyl (Edward) Zarick of Toledo, Ms. Jeaneen Porco of East Lansing and Mrs. Deborah (Craig) Henry of Owosso; 7 grandchildren, Emilio, Matthew, Joanna, Ryan, Jeffrey, Kyle and Diana; many dear friends and relatives.
Her smile, laughter and love touched all our hearts; She was deeply loved and will be greatly missed. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Tiffany Funeral Home where the family will receiving friends from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Interment will be in Deepdale Memorial Park. For those wishing, contributions ma be made to the American Hear Association.
Detroit Free Press 8/10/1990
Thomas Jefferson Higginbotham Jr. (1926-1990) MI
Higginbotham, Thomas Jefferson Jr. Age 63. Died Wednesday at Henry Ford Hospital of heart failure. He is survived by his wife Yoshita. 7 Children, 10 grandchildren and 2 sisters. Funeral services incomplete.
Lansing State Journal 10/19/1990
Floretta Edna Chipman David Higginbottom (1920-1990) MI
Higginbottom, Floretta
Age 70, died October 18, 1990 at a local hospital. Mrs. Higginbottom was a resident of Lansing for 62 years. Surviving are 4 sons, Alvin David Jr. of Eagle, Lynwood Patrick David of Lusby, MD,, Michael Don David of Denver, CO and James Donald Higginbottom of Lansing; 7 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; brother, Allie Chipman of Boyne City; sisters, Alice DeMoss of St. Johns, Nina Sohn of Lansing; many nieces and nephews. Memorial services will be held 3 p.m. Saturday in the Tiffany Funeral Home. There will be no visitation. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Lung Association.
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 5/17/1991
Gladys M. Hollis Grigsby Higginbottom (1944-1991) AR/MI
Mrs. Claude R. (Carolyn M.) Higginbottom, 47, of Benton Harbor, died Wednesday at Borgess Medical Center, Kalamazoo, of a sudden illness.
The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Davidson Chapel of Florin Funeral Service, Coloma, where friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be in Watervliet Cemetery. Memorial may be made to the charity of the donor's choice.
Mrs. Higginbottom was born Feb. 19, 1944, in Paragould, Ark. She was employed by DeGroot Nursery, Coloma.
Survivors include her husband, Claude; a son, Larry Grigsby of Watervliet; two daughters - Mrs. Michael (Glenda) Taylor of Coloma, and Lori Howard of Benton Harbor; two step-children - Keith Higginbottom and Jessica Higginbottom, both of Kalamazoo; two brothers - Richard Hollis and Junior Hollis, both of Arkansas; three sisters, Mrs. Raymond (Sandy) Jinkins of Watervliet, Mrs. Clarence (Alma Louise) Bird of Harrold, Ohio, and Mrs. Roy (Pearl May) Harrell of Truman, Ark.; and five grandchildren.
Battle Creek Inquirer 2/17/1992
Pauline Isabell Pitts Higginbotham (1920-1992) MO/MI
Pauline I. Higginbotham
Pauline I. (Pitts) Higginbotham, 71, of 410 E. Lockwood Road, Coldwater, died Saturday, Feb. 15, 1992, at Maple Lawn Medical Care Facility after a long illness.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 21, 1920, in Carleton, Mo., daughter of William and Ruth (Stanton) Pitts.
She came to Coldwater in 1955 from Independence, Mo.
She retired in 1982 after 25 years at Coldwater Regional Medical Care Facility. After her retirement, she moved back to Missouri and returned to Coldwater in 1991.
She married Arthur Higginbotham in 1950. He died in 1969.
Surviving are her mother, Ruth Pitts of Sugar Creek, Mo.; a daughter, Artie Paradine of Colwater; a sister, Berniece Buell of Ft. Scott, Kan.; two grandsons and one great-grandson.
She also was preceded in death by her brother, George Pitts.
Visitation: 7-9 today at Dutcher Funeral Home.
Services: 3 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, the Rev. Mikel Meringa officiating.
Burial: 11 a.m. Thursday at Church Grove Cemetery, Buffalo, Mo.
Memorials: Gideon Memorial Bible Fund of Assembly of God Church.
Lansing State Journal 4/16/1992
Andy Conley Higginbotham (1911-1992) WV/MI
Age 81, died April 15, 1992. Mr. Higginbotham was born January 1, 1911 in Big Run, WV to a family of 16 brothers and sisters. He was a member of the Operating Engineers Union Local #324 for 50 years. Preceded in death by 1 son, Edward in 1958, he is survived by his wife of 52 years, Louise; 1 son, Andy C. Higginbotham of Ann Arbor; 4 daughters, Mary Felts of Riverview, FL, Judith Harris of Vermontville, Brenda Underwood of Lansing and Margo Higginbotham of Pontiac; 5 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; and 1 sister, Lillie Fluharty of Pine Grove, WV.
Funeral services will be held Friday, April 17, 1992 at 10 a.m. at the Gorisine-Runciman Co., Lansing Chapel with the Rev. Howard A. Belknap officiating. Interment will follow in DeWitt Cemetery. Friends may call at the Chapel beginning Thursday, 2 p.m. where the family will receive friends from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Those desiring may make contributions to the Hospice of Lansing, Inc. in memory of Mr. Higginbotham.
The South Bend Tribune 1/16/1993
Alice E. Cronkhite Higginbotham (1911-1993) IN/MI
Nov. 8, 1911 - Jan. 15, 1993
Buchanan - Alice E. Higginbotham, 81, of 1880 Bakertown Road, died at 12:15 a.m.
Friday in Pawating Hospital, Niles. Mrs. Higginbotham was born Nov. 8, 1911, in
Fort Wayne and lived in Buchanan over 50 years. On May 13, 1934, in Angola, she
married Orvel C. Higginbotham. He died June 30, 1991. Surviving are a daughter,
Diana Malecki of Dallas, Texas; two sons, Richard of Walled Lake, Mich., and
Larry of Buchanan; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two sisters,
Dolly Harris of Fort Wayne and Gene Hursh of Huntington, Ind.; and two brothers,
Frank Cronkhite of Fort Wayne and Delmar Cronkhite of New Carlisle.
Services will be at 11:30 a.m. Monday in Welsheimer Funeral Home, 521 N. William
St., South Bend. Burial will be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, South Bend. Friends
may call from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday in the funeral home. Memorial
contributions may be made to Bertrand Township Fire Department.
Detroit Free Press 6/26/1993
Carol Ilene Whan Higginbotham (1939-1993) MI
Carol W. Higginbotham, 54, an accountant for a Troy accounting firm, died of cancer Thursday at her home.
She was an accountant for Derderien, Kann, Seyferth & Salucci in Troy from 1987 until February, when she became ill.
Mrs.. Higginbotham received her undergraduate degree from Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., and a master's degree from Butler University in Indianapolis.
Mrs. Higginbotham a president of the Parent Teacher Association at Schroeder Elementary School from 1985-86 and active with Cub Scouts and her church's Sunday school.
Survivors include her husband, Marcus; sons, Marcus and David; and two sisters.
Visitation will be from 2-4 p.m. Sunday at William R. Hamilton Co. Bell Chapel, 820 E. Maple, Birmingham. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Christ Church Cranbrook, 470 Church Road, Bloomfield Hills. Burial will be in Huntertown Cemetery, Huntertown, Ind.
Memorial tributes may be sent to the American Cancer Society.
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 9/29/1993
Fred Tickle Hickinbotham (1915-1993) MO/MI
Fennville - Fred T. Hickinbotham, 78, of Fennville died Sunday at Mercy Memorial Medical Center, St. Joseph.
There will be no funeral or visitation. The body will be cremated. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Chappell Funeral Home, Fennville, is in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Hickinbotham was born May 24, 1915, in St. Clair, Mo. He was a pipe fitter, a Navy veteran of World War II and a life member of the Pullman Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Survivors include a son, Fred Jr., of Riverdale, Ill. He was preceded in death by his wife, the former Ruby Welsh, in 1982.
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 9/11/1995
Larry Gene Higginbotham (1936-1995) MI
Buchanan - Larry G. Higginbotham, 59, of Buchanan died Friday at Oasis of Hope Hospital, Tijuana, Mexico.
The funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at Hoven Funeral Home, Buchanan, where visitation will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, South Bend, Ind.
Mr. Higginbotham was born July 25, 1936 in Buchanan and was a lifetime resident. He was employed for 39 years as a set-up man for Raco Manufacturing. He was a Marine veteran and a member of the South Bend American Legion Post 284.
Survivors include: his wife, the former Vicki Meyers; one son, Larry J. Higginbotham of Buchanan; one step-son, Timothy Mann of South Bend, Ind.; one daughter, Shelli Higginbotham of Berrien Springs; two step-daughters, Tina Szymanski and Kim Mann, both of South Bend; two grandchildren; one brother, Richard Higginbotham of Walled Lake, Mich.; and one sister, Diane Malecki of Dallas, Texas.
The Akron (OH) Beacon Journal 5/20/1998
Katie Mae Higginbottom Mee (1927-1998) MS/OH/MI
Katie Mae Higginbottom-Mee, 72, went home to be with the Lord on May 1, 1998, at Fairlane Nursing Home in Detroit, Mich., after a long illness.
Born in Oxford, Miss., she had lived in this community for 15 years, and in Detroit, Mich., for the last 20 years.
She is survived by sons, Larry L. Smith of Detroit, Mich., and "Doc" James L. Higginbottom of Washington, D.C.; daughter, Gertrude (Jerome) Clayton of Detroit, Mich.; 14 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren; sisters, Lula (Elder Samuel) Hampton, Daisy L. Blackson, Priscilla K. (Ben M.), all of Akron, Barbara A. (Allen) Sims of Little Rock, Ark., and Cathy K. Feaster of Peachtree, Ga.; brothers, Bishop Alex (Gracie), Curtis, Bishp James T. (Esther), and Elder Ronald L. (Evelena) Higginbottom, all of Akron; a host of relatives and friends.
Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, May 22, 1998, at Stewart & Calhoun Funeral Home Chapel, Elder Ronald Higginbottom officiating. Interment at Lakewood Cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel from 12:30 to 1 p.m. Procession will form at 936 Dover. Condolences may be sent to Larry Smith, 127 Seward, Apt. B4, Detroit, Mich. 48202. (Stewart & Calhoun, 535-1543)
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 6/5/1998
Wyley Alexander Higginbottom Jr. (1933-1998) MI
Watervliet - Wyley Higginbottom Jr., 65, of Watervliet died Thursday, June 4, 1998, at his residence.
The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Davidson Chapel, Florin Funeral Services, Coloma, where friends may call from 3 to 8 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be in North Shore Memory Gardens, Hagar Shores. Memorials may be made to South Haven Area Hospice.
Junior was born April 19, 1933, in Leachville, Ark. He retired from Kaywood in Benton Harbor with 40 years services as maintenance supervisor. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II and a member of the Coloma American Legion Post 362.
He is survived by two daughters: Lori (Perry) Williams of Hartford and DeAnna (Steve) Eisen of Watervliet; four grandchildren; his mother, Rosella Higginbottom; two brothers - Claude (Rose Marie) Higginbottom of Watervliet and James (Carol) Higginbottom of Hemet, Calif.; a sister, Paulette (James) Lynch of Watervliet; a half-sister, Connie Denney Proffier and half-brother, Ronnie Denney, both of Bangor; former wife and still a loving friend, Karen K. Higginbottom and a close and caring friend, Phyllis Kling.
He was preceded in death by his father, Wyley Higginbottom Sr., in 1984.
Lansing State Journal 11/29/1998
Francion Louise Roe Higginbotham (1922-1998) OH/MI/FL
Higginbotham, F. Louise
Passed away Wednesday, November 25, 1998, at Florida Regional Hospital in Kissimmee, FL.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born August 8, 1922, in Lowell, OH, and has resided in Lansing for the pasy 60 years. Surviving are 4 daughters, Mary Felts of Florida, Judy Harris of Vermontville, Brenda Underwood of Lansing, and Margo Higginbotham of Pontiac; 1 son, Andy Higginbotham Jr. of Ann Arbor; 5 grandchildren, Diana Forsyth, Teresa Durio, Ginger Senko, Cindy Senko and Daniel Verhougstraete; 7 great-grandchildren; 2 brothers, Frank Roe of Ohio and William Roe of California; and 2 sisters, Martha Courtland of DeWitt and Joanne Morris of Florida.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 52 years, Andy C. Higginbotham Sr. and her son, Edward F. Higginbotham.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday, December 1, 10 a.m. at the Gorsline-Runciman Co. Lansing Chapel, 900 E. Michigan Ave., with the Rev. Howard Belknap and Dr. Tom Malone Sr., of Pontiac, officiating. Interment will follow in DeWitt Cemetery, DeWitt. The family will receive friends at the Chapel on Sunday from 7-9 p.m. and on Monday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m.
Detroit Free Press 9/13/1999
Lee E. Higginbotham (1967-1999) MI
Higginbotham, Lee E. (Higgy), Age 32. Beloved husband ofDawn (nee Maloney). Dear father of Brandy Lee and Rachel Lynn. Son of Patricia and the late Wesley. Brother of Michael and Divid. Love of the Superbee. Forever in our hearts. Visitation Monday 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. at Querfeld Funeral Home 1200 Oakwood, Dearborn. Service time on Monday evening pending. For further information call 313-561-0002. In lieu of flowers memorials are suggested to the family.
Wallace Herman Higginbotham (1930-2000) MI
HIGGINBOTHAM,WALLACE H. Age 69. March 7, 2000. Beloved husband of Mary. Dear father of Richard (Kimberly) Higginbotham and Susan (Raymond) Polovich. Grandfather of Mike and Chris Higginbotham and Lauren Polovich and the late Jennifer. Great grandfather of Alexander. Brother of Barbara Becker and Anita Fingler. Funeral at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, 2225 E. 14 Mile, Birmingham, Saturday 11 a.m. Visitation at Lynch & Sons Funeral Home, 1368 N. Crooks Rd. (bet. 14-15 Mile Rds.) Thursday 6-9 and Friday 2-9. Memorials: Love for Others Fund, c/o Our Shepherd Lutheran church.
Battle Creek Enquirer 5/11/2000
Lavern Higginbotham (1923-2000) AR/MI
Lavern Higgenbotham, 77, of Battle Creek died Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at home.
He was born March 16, 1923, in Brookens, Ark. to Danial and Sarah (Williams) Higgenbotham.
He was raised in Poplar Bluff, Mo., and graduated from Poplar Bluff High School. He moved to Battle Creek in the early 1950s.
He served in the U.S. Army during World War II in the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre with the 745th Antiaircraft Gun Battalion and received two Bronze Stars.
He was employed by Potosi Lumber Co. after high school and as a truck driver before entering the U.S. Army. After the service, he was employed for 26 years as a department manager by Battle Creek Health System, retiring in 1988. After retiring, he worked part-time at Mercy Pavilion.
Also surviving are sons, Hugh R. and Thomas Parrish, both of Battle Creek; a foster daughter, Brenda Moore of Independence, Mo.; six grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and a brother, Henry Higgenbotham of Pocahontas, Ark.
He was preceded in death by a daughter, Betty Boyston; and 11 brothers and sisters.
Community involvement, hobbies: Member and former elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Enjoyed fishing, yard wok and helping people.
Visitation: After 6 p.m. today at Farley-Estes & Dowdle Funeral Home, where family will be present from 6 to 8 p.m.
Services: 1 p.m. Friday at the funeral home with Bishop Steven Armstrong officiating.
Burial: Fort Custer National Cemetery.
Memorials: Good Samaritan Hospice Care.
The Herald-Palladium 7/20/2002
RoseMarie Davis Richardson Higginbottom (1938-2002) MI
Watervliet - RoseMarie Higginbottom, 64, of Watervliet, died Thursday, July 18, 2002 at Community Hospital in Watervliet.
RoseMarie's life began January 4, 1938, Watervliet. She spent her childhood growing up here. RoseMarie was manager of the Golden Brown Bakery and had worked in each of the Watervliet, South Haven, and St. Joseph bakeries.
Outside of work, RoseMarie enjoyed being a part of the Watervliet Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. She served as secretary of the Even Dozen Bowling League, and enjoyed ceramics, knitting, crafts, and collecting Beanie Babies.
Her greatest love was spending time with her family which includes: her husband, Claude Higginbottom whom she married Nov. 2, 1985; sons, Brian (Cyndi) Richardson of Coloma, Donald Higginbottom of Watervliet, and Claude Higginbottom Jr. of Benton Harbor; daughters, Vickie (Terry) Head, Dianna Richardson, Carol (Greg) Saubier, Brenda (Bob) Stineman, all of Watervliet, Becky (Ken) Rinks of Cameron, Okla., and Valorie (Chuck) Tucker of Coloma; 17 grandchildren; a brother, Robert (Alora) Davis of Coloma; two nephews; many friends; and all the customers of Golden Brown Balery.
Her parents, George and Gladys (Disbrow) Davis, and a nephew, Kevin Davis, preceded her in death.
Friends may visit with RoseMarie's family from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, July 21 at Hutchins Funeral Home in Watervliet, where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday. Burial will follow in Fairview Memorial Cemetery. Memorials may be directed to the Watervliet Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary.
Detroit Free Press 7/27/2002
Elsie I. Higginbottom Brown (1912-2002) MI
Brown, Elsie, Age 90, July 26, 2002. Beloved wife of the late George F. Brown. Loving mother of Barbara Grasel, Doreen Brown and Marilynn Yeikowski. Dear grandmother of four and great-grandmother of five. Visitation Sunday 2-9 p.m., at the A.H. Peters Funeral Home, 32000 Schoenherr (13 1/2 Mile), Warren. Funeral Monday 10 a.m. at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 340 N. Main St., Clawson.
Detroit Free Press 10/13/2002
Edith Norah Ferriss Higginbottom (1919-2002) MI
Higginbottom, Edith Nora, age 83 of Royal Oak died October 11, 2002. She was born May 21, 1919. Surviving are her husband of 60 years, Hugh E.; children, Thomas A. (Frances), Grace (Eric Moody) and Richard (Kim) and five grandchildren. Mrs. Higginbottom was a 1941 graduate of the University of Michigan and a longtime educator in the Oakland County schools. Memorial service 5 p.m. Sunday at St. John's Episcopal Church, 26998 Woodward Avenue, Royal Oak, 48067. Memorial contributions suggested to Oakland Literacy Friends, 17 S. Saginaw, Pontiac, 48342 of the church.
Baton Rouge (LA) Advocate 01/01/2003
Cheryl Julia Higginbotham Cannon (1948-2002) LA/MI
Passed away Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002, in Canton, Mich. She was 54,
Memorial service at St. Isidore Catholic Church Baker, at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan.
25, 2003. Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Thomas Becket Catholic
Church, Canton, at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, 2003, celebrated by the Rev.
Kelly. Survived by her husband, James M. Cannon Jr.
The Herald-Palladium (St. Joseph, MI) 1/30/2003
Rosella Furnish Higginbottom Denney (1910-2003) AR/MI
Bangor - Rosella "Rose" Higginbottom-Denney, 92, of Bangor died Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2003, at Community Hospital, Watervliet.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31, at Bangor Chapel, D.L. Miller Funeral Home, where funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 1. Burial will be in North Shore Memory Gardens, Hagar Shores.
Rose was born April 28, 1910, in Monette, Ark., and resided here the majority of her life.
Survivors include: five children - Claude Higginbottom of Watervliet, James (Carol) Higginbottom of Hemet, Calif., B. Paulette (James) Lynch of Watervliet, Connie Proffer of Bangor and Ronnie (Gwinn) Denney of South Haven; 16 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by two husbands, Wyley Higginbottom and Jack Denney; a son, Wyley Jr.; and grandson, James H. Lynch Jr.
The Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, ND) 04/17/2003
Carrie Higginbotham Walters (1901-2003)
Carrie Walters, 101, Bismarck, died April 15, 2003, at her son's home.
Services will be held at 10 a.m. EDT Tuesday at Bethel Apostolic Church,
Buchanan, Mich. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Three Oaks, Mich.
Visitation will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. today at Boelter-Eastgate Funeral
Service, 200 W. Turnpike Ave., Bismarck, where a prayer service will be held at
7 p.m., with her son, the Rev. David Walters officiating.
Mrs. Walters was born Oct. 2, 1901, at Cable, Ky., the daughter of Joseph L. and
Ona (Cook) Higginbotham, and has lived in several states. As a child, her family
moved to New Mexico where she lived on the desert in an adobe house. Later, they
moved to Texas, and then from Texas to Oklahoma in a covered wagon. She often
commented that she had gone from ox carts to jet planes.
While living in the LaPorte, Ind., area she met and married Ernest Walters on
Aug. 30, 1920. Before moving to Buchanan they lived in New Carlisle, Ind., Three
Oaks and Galien, Mich.
Mrs. Walters lived in the Buchanan area for over 70 years. She made her home on
Walnut Street for over 50 years, before moving to Millpond where she lived for a
number of years.
Because of a date given during the 1920 census, she was told by the Social
Security Administration that her birth-date was 1899. For many years this has
been a topic of discussion and fun among her family and friends. In keeping with
the information on Oct. 2, 1999, family and friends gathered at Bethel Apostolic
Church in Buchanan, to be with her as she celebrated her "100th birthday".
During this time while visiting in Buchanan for a few weeks, Mrs. Walters was
able to be with all of her children and to be present at the dedication of one
of many great-great-grandchildren. Five generations were present for the
birthday and dedication celebrations. She went on to celebrate two more 100th
birthdays with lots of fun and family; she loved a party. She loved life until
the very last breath and just a few days before her passing she wrote a note of
the sunshine and blue sky and the birds singing.
Because of failing health she moved to Aberdeen, S.D., to live with her daughter
and son-in-law, Barbara and Carl Thurston. For the past several years, she has
divided her time between Aberdeen and Bismarck, and for the past year has made
her home with her son in Bismarck.
She is survived by her two daughters and three sons, Barbara (Carl) Thurston,
Aberdeen, Janiece (Marvin) Arnold, Utica, Mich., Charles R. (Ann) Walters,
Byron, Ga., David O. (Atha) Walters, Bismarck, and Paul (Esther) Walters,
Statesville, N.C.; 22 grandchildren; 59 great-grandchildren; 20
great-great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Eva Skiles, South Bend, Ind.; and
many nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Joyce Emily; her husband; her
parents; and several brothers and sisters.
Niles Daily Star, Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Lorraine Isabelle Higginbottom
Steiner (1901-2004) MI
Funeral services for Lorraine I. Steiner, 103, of Tomahawk Lane, Niles, are 11
a.m. Thursday, at the Graveside Silverbrook Cemetery by the Rev. Lloyd A.
Phillips of Niles.
Steiner died Saturday, Nov. 6 at Lakeland Hospital, Niles, of natural causes.
She was born Nov. 3, 1901, in Kalamazoo.
On May 31, 1924, in Battle Creek, she married Ollie J. Steiner, who preceded her
in death.
Steiner retired after 37 years as an Executive Secretary for Simplicity Pattern
She was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church, the Business and
Professional Women's Club, and the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter No. 332.
Survivors include, several great nephews and nieces.
Steiner was also preceded in death by one sister, Kathleen Atkinson.
There will be no visitation.
Memorial contributions may be made to Wesley United Methodist Church.
Lansing State Journal 10/15/2006
Andy Conley Higginbotham Jr. (1941-2006) WV/MI
Andy Conley Higginbotham Jr.
Lansing, MI
Age 65, died October 11, 2006; born June 4, 1941 in Elkview, West Virginia. Andy was preceded in death by his father, Andy Sr., mother, Franchon Louise, and brother, Edward.
Surviving are four sisters, Mary S. Felts (Dick Carrel) of Florida, Judith A. Harris of Vermontville, Brenda (Barry) Underwood and Margo Louise Higginbotham, both of Lansing and several nieces and nephews.
Graveside services will be held Monday, October 16, 11:00 a.m. at the DeWitt Cemetery, DeWitt, with the Rev. Errol Jameson, Pastor Emeritus of Calvary Baptist Church, officiating. Those desiring may make to the Michigan Parkinson Foundation, 30161 Southfield, Ste. 119, Southfield, MI 48076-9775 in memory of Andy Higginbotham. The family is being served by the Gorsline-Runciman Funeral Homes, DeWitt, Michigan.
Flint Journal on Feb. 12, 2007
Marjorie J. Hadley Heginbottom (1915-2007) MI
HEGINBOTTOM, Marjorie J. - Of Flint, age 91, died Sunday,
February 11, 2007 at Avalon Hospice. Funeral service will be held at 11AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at Court Street United Methodist Church, 225 West
Court Street, Reverend Marjorie H. Munger officiating. Burial in Sunset Hills
Cemetery. Those desiring may make contributions to Court Street United Methodist
Church or Avalon Hospice. Visitation 2-5PM and 7-9PM Tuesday at the Swartz
Funeral Home, 1225 West Hill Road. Mrs. Heginbottom will be at the church from
10AM Wednesday until the time of the service. Marjorie was born in Holly,
Michigan on June 19, 1915, the daughter of the late Charles and Mary Jane
(Shire) Hadley. She loved sewing, cooking, gardening and reading. Marjorie found
joy in bird watching and observing nature. She was an avid golfer and bridge
player. Marjorie was a member of the P.E.O, Court Street United Methodist Church
Loyalty Circle and Lakes of the North Friends of Music. After many years of
teaching, Marjorie retired from Michigan School for the Deaf. Surviving are
daughters, Susan (Douglas) Goering of Flint, Maryanna Heginbottom of CA,
Marjorie (Dennis) Munger of Lake Orion, Ruth Heginbottom (Stephen Schwarz) of
Troy; grandchildren, Marjorie (James) St. Onge of Bloomfield, MI, Shannon
Goering of N.Y., Carolyn (William) Sisco of N.J., Steven (Katheryn) Munger of
OH; great-grandchildren, Katrin and Genevieve St. Onge; many nieces, nephews and
cousins. She was preceded in death by Walter, her husband of 49 years.
Royal Oak Daily Tribune 09/02/2007
Hugh Emery Higginbottom (1917-2007) MI
Hugh E. Higginbottom, 90, of Novi, formerly a longtime resident of Royal
Oak, died Monday, Aug. 27, 2007, at home.
Mr. Higginbottom served in the U.S. Navy during WWII in the Atlantic and Pacific
theatres. He earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the
University of Michigan and was a member of the Sigma Phi Society. He worked for
Ford Motor Co. for 26 years.
His beloved wife, Edith, whom he married in 1942 in Detroit, died in 2002.
Surviving are his loving children, Thomas A. (Frances) Higginbottom of Chicago,
Grace (Eric Moody) Higginbottom of Woodbridge, Va. and Richard (Kim)
Higginbottom of Farmington Hills; grandchildren, Stacey, Steven, Claire and
Scott Higginbottom and Ingrid Moody LaRiviere.
A memorial service will be held at a later date. A contribution to the charity
of your choice will be appreciated. For further information, Kinsey-Garrett
Funeral Home, Royal Oak, (248) 541-4400.
Lansing State Journal 9/29/2007
Julie Lynn Woods-Higginbotham (1959-2007) MI
Woods-Higginbotham, Julie Lynn, 48, died Tuesday. Memorial gathering 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. today at Palmer, Bush & Jenson Family Funeral Homes, Lansing Chapel.
Lansing State Journal 5/5/2008
James Hudson Higinbotham (1929-2008) PA/MI
Higinbotham, James Hudson, 78, IBM customer service manager, died Saturday. Visitation 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. today, and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday at Skirpan Funeral Home, Brownsville, Pa. Arrangements by Gorsline-Runciman Funeral Home, Lansing.
Floy Dees Higginbotham (1917-2009) AR/MI
Mrs. Floy Higginbotham, age 91, passed
away to be with the Lord early Wednesday morning, March 11, 2009. Mrs.
Higginbotham was born October 24, 1917 in Marmaduke, Arkansas to Edd and Lucy
Dees. On August 16, 1949 she married Ralph Carlton Higginbotham of Seneth,
Missouri. Mrs. Higginbotham was a longtime resident of Bangor and an active
member of Bangor Bible Church for many years. She moved to Katy, Texas in 1987
after the death of her husband, Ralph, to be near their two children. Survivors
include her son and daughter-in-law, Joseph and Ruth (Kimmel) Higginbotham;
daughter and son-in-law, Karen and Paul Crawford; grandchildren Tim Crawford and
his wife Nicola; Tony Crawford and his wife Grace; Tracy Crawford Eckerdt and
her husband Louis; Brad Higginbotham and his wife Christina; and Megan
Higginbotham; 8 great grandchildren; her brother Lawrence Dees of Piggott,
Arkansas; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her
husband Ralph; sisters Pearl Pruitt of Malden, Missouri; Opal Huneycutt, Mary
Lee Gardner, and Lois Nadean Hensley all of Bangor, Michigan. Funeral services
will be held at D.L. Miller Funeral Home in Bangor, Michigan at 11:00 a.m. on
March 16, 2009. Officiating the service will be her son-in-law, Paul Crawford,
with burial at Arlington Cemetery, Bangor, Michigan.
Patricia Ann Nowak Rondeau Higginbotham (1949-2009)
Born in Detroit, MI on Oct. 21, 1949 Departed on Apr. 19, 2009 and resided in Troy, MI. PATRICIA ANN (RONDEAU) HIGGINBOTHAM, age 59, died peacefully at home on Sunday, April 19, 2009, in Troy, Michigan. She was born Patricia Ann Nowak on October 21, 1949, in Detroit, to Clarence and Rita Nowak, and was raised in Southfield. She had been a resident of Troy for 14 years. Education: Pat was a graduate of St. Gerard School (Detroit) and a proud graduate of Marian High School (Birmingham). She thought very fondly of Marian, and was a supportive alumna. Following graduation from high school, she went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Business from Northwood University. Occupation: Mrs. Higginbotham had a 30 year career with General Motors, retiring in 2000 as a Brand Quality Manager for Chevrolet. Pat loved life, faith and her family, and she enjoyed spending time with them on the beach Up North, or out on the Peace River in Florida. Surviving Husband of 14 years: Marcus "Marc" Higginbotham Surviving Daughter: Kimberly Molnar (Brian) Surviving Son: Michael Rondeau (Kristen) Step-sons: Marc Higginbotham (Kristen) and David Higginbotham Grandchildren: Mikayla, Elaina and Alexander Rondeau, Katelyn and Adam Molnar, and Avery and Katherine Higginbotham She is also survived by her mother, Rita Nowak, her sisters, Deborah Liphardt and Therese Carter (Gary), her brother, David Nowak (Debbie), and her sister-in-law, Mary Nowak Predeceased by her father, Clarence, and her brother, John Nowak Visitation: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, from 6-8 PM and Wednesday, April 22, 2009, from 2-8 PM at A. J. Desmond & Sons Funeral Home, 2600 Crooks Road, Troy, MI 48084 (between Maple and Big Beaver Roads), with an evening Rosary Service Wednesday at 7 PM Funeral Mass: Thursday, April 23, 2009 - 10:00 AM at Sacred Heart of the Hills Church, 3400 S. Adams Road, Auburn Hills, Michigan, with Reverend James Mayworm officiating. Visitation at church begins Thursday at 9:30 AM Private Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, in Southfield, Michigan In Lieu of Flowers Memorial Tributes may be made to: Nutritional Research & Education Foundation (Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.), 36 East 36th Street, New York, NY 10016 -or- Capuchin Soup Kitchen, 1820 Mt. Elliott Street, Detroit, MI 48207
Saginaw News 11/06/2010
Nina Higginbotham Vrable (1924-2010) MI
VRABLE, Nina, a life-long resident of St. Charles passed away Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at Covenant Cooper in Saginaw. Nina was born October 13, 1924 in Whittenmore, Michigan to the late LeRoy and Sarah (Maxwell) Higginbotham. She was married 53 years to Albert "Pat" Vrable, who preceded her in death on April 18, 1996. Nina graduated from St. Charles High School and attended Ferris State College, Delta and John Wesley Colleges. She was employed by St. Charles Community Schools, the Saginaw Intermediate School District and worked as a U.S. Congressional Aide before retiring. Nina was a member of St. Charles United Methodist Church. She enjoyed creative endeavors, was a talented artist and enjoyed sewing and crafts. A beloved mother, grandmother, and sister, Nina is survived by three children; Patricia Sands, St. Charles, Daniel (Terry) Vrable, Del Mar, California and Michael (Hester) Vrable, Boise, Idaho; six grandchildren, Laura Anderson, Boise, Idaho, Saralyn Sands, Houston, Texas, Michael Vrable, San Diego, California, Matthew Vrable, Los Angles, California, Ian Vrable, Bozeman, Montana, Allie Vrable, Bellingham, Washington; one step-granddaughter, Hannah Anderson, Boise, Idaho; one brother, Vernon Higginbotham, Tempe, Arizona and several nieces and nephews. A brother, John Higginbotham predeceased her. Cremation has taken place and a memorial service will be held 11:00 a.m. Monday, November 15, 2010 at Kendall Funeral Home, St. Charles. Rev. Ernesto Mariona will officiate. The family will receive visitors at the funeral home on Sunday, November 14 th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and on Monday from 10:00 a.m. until time of service. Those planning an expression of sympathy may wish to consider memorials to St. Charles United Methodist Church , St. Charles District Library or a charity of their choice.
Lansing State Journal 12/07/2010
Luphilia Wicks Higginbotham (1915-2010) TN/MI
Luphilia Higginbotham, Lansing, Age 95, passed away Saturday, December 4, 2010 in Lansing. Luphilia was born in Huntland, Tennessee, the daughter of Nathan and Susie Anna (Staples) Wicks. From her humble beginning as the daughter of former slaves, she used her dedication and hard work to rise from working as a domestic, to street car conductor during WW II, to a job at the post office, where she ended up retiring as a Tour Superintendent at the main post office in Detroit. In retirement she could be found in the summer on any golf course in and around any where she lived and in the winter bowling on multiple leagues. She traveled to the Senior Olympics many years, always bringing home medals in golf and bowling in her age group. Making friends wherever she went just came natural for her. She is preceded in death by her husband, Emmett B.; brother, Nathaniel Wicks; and sister, Mattie Williams. She is survived by her sons, Emmett E. and Nathaniel; grandchildren Carmen Higginbotham, Lisa Higginbotham, Tiffany Pennington, Tara Moore, Frederick Moore, Sanquita Higginbotham, and Michelle Golan; 13 great-grandchildren; and a host of close friends in Lansing, Detroit and wherever she spent any time. The Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Friday, 12:00 noon at St. Casimir Catholic Church, Lansing with Rev. Fr. Bill Lugger as celebrant. Family will receive relatives and friends one hour prior to the service. Interment will be in Metropolitan Memorial Park, Belleville, MI.
Battle Creek Enquirer, Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Johnny Aline Millsap Higgenbotham (1935-2011) TN/MI
Johnny Aline Higgenbotham, 76, of Battle Creek passed from
loved ones on Monday, March 28, 2011 at Battle Creek Health System. She was born
in Dayton, Tennessee on March 20, 1935 the daughter of Mary Emaline and Earl
Millsap. Johnny retired in 2009 after 39 years of faithful service in the
Dietary Department at Community Hospital and Battle Creek Health System. She
enjoyed traveling, shopping, casinos and flower gardening, but her true passion
in her life was spending time with her family and friends who will miss her very
Johnny married Lavern Higgenbotham in Battle Creek on July 1, 1972; he preceded
her in death on May 9, 2000. She is survived by her sons, Rick (Leona) Parrish
and Thomas E. (Renee Powers) Parrish of Battle Creek; her daughter, Brenda J.
Moore of Independence, Missouri; her brother, Gordy Dale Millsap; 5
grandchildren; 4 step-grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. Johnny was
also preceded in death by her parents and a brother, Jim Millsap.
At the request of the family, they will receive friends 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.,
Thursday, March 31, 2011 at the Farley-Estes & Dowdle Funeral Home. Funeral
services to celebrate Johnny's life will be held 12:30 p.m., Friday, April 1,
2011 at the funeral home with Pastor David L. Morton, officiating. Interment
will follow at Fort Custer National Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made
to Lifespan Good Samaritan Hospice.
Saginaw News 04/07/2011
Cosby E. Higginbotham Watson (1918-2011) VA/MI
WATSON, Cosby Higginbotham, of Saginaw, Michigan passed away Sunday, April 3, 2011 at the age of 92 years. She was born to the late Mary Harless and John W. Higginbotham on May 3, 1918 in Boissevain, VA. She was the first female from her valley to graduate from high school and a graduate of the nursing program at Charleston (WV) General Hospital. She joined the Army Nurse Corps in 1941 and achieved the rank of Captain during WWII. She was in England during the Normandy Invasion and helped to treat soldiers injured during the assault. Cosby met the late Burton T. Watson in 1943 at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas, and they were married on March 12, 1946. He died March 21, 1979. Together they enjoyed time spent with family at the Higgins Lake cottage and the Hutchinson Island condo. Cosby was a devoted mother and grandmother, but she also had time to serve her community as a VA Hospital Volunteer and a Lifetime member of the Saginaw General Hospital Auxiliary. She was also a lifetime member of the VFW, and a charter member of the WWII Memorial and Women's War Memorial in Washington, DC. Her interest in family history led her to membership in many historical societies, including DAR, Colonial Dames of America and Daughters of Colonial Wars. She was particularly interested in the DAR supported Mountain Schools in North/South Carolina, and made several visits there. Cosby was also a member of First United Methodist Church, First Circle of The King's Daughters and Sons, and National Farm and Garden Club. In addition to her husband and parents, Cosby was predeceased by brothers John, Bernard, Roger and Bill, and a son-in-law, Jeffrey Wallace. Left to carry on her legacy are her children: Mary Alice Goedert (Rick) and Richard T. Watson (Linda) of Saginaw, and Carolyn Sue Watson of Novato, CA; her grandchildren: Melissa Wallace Calice (Tony) of Royal Oak, Sarah Wallace (fiancé Jeff Shelden) of Chicago, Lillian and Anna Nickelson of Novato, CA, Hannah and Richard Watson of Saginaw, and Hillary (Brett) Henderson of E. Lansing; her siblings: Alma Steendam, Joyce Nicolas, Shirley Robertson, Freda Cameron and Jack Higginbotham, and many nieces and nephews. Cosby especially loved her role as "Super Nana" to her four little GREAT - grandchildren, Rocco and Mia Calice and Beckett and Lola Henderson. Funeral services, with military honors, will be held at 10: 00 Saturday, April 9 at WL Case Funeral Home (Mackinaw) with Reverend Kathryn Snedecker officiating. Private burial will take place at Roselawn Memorial Gardens. Friends may call at the funeral home where the family will be present on Friday, from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. and again on Saturday, April 9 from 9:00 until the time of the service. Those planning an expression of sympathy are invited to consider the Saginaw Community Foundation - "Cosby H. Watson Nursing Scholarship", the Higgins Lake Foundation, or First United Methodist Church.
Lansing State Journal 04/26/2011
Margo Louise Higginbotham (1949-2011) MI
Margo L. Higginbotham, PhD. Lansing Age 61, was born July 18, 1949 to Andy and Louise Roe Higginbotham. She was a graduate of Sexton High School in 1967. She received Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate Degrees of Religious Education from Midwestern Baptist Bible College/Seminary, Pontiac, MI. She worked for Allstate Insurance from 1978-1996 and Midwestern Baptist Bible College from 1996-2004 as Secretary/Office Manager for the President and Vice-President. Margo wrote hundreds of poems for family and friends. She received Golden Poet awards in 1989 and 1990 from the World of Poetry. She will be missed by all. Margo was preceded in death by her parents and brothers Edward and Andy, Jr. Survivors include: 3 sisters, Mary Felts (Dick Carrel) of FL, Judy Harris of Vermontville, MI and Brenda (Barry) Underwood of Lansing; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held Wednesday, April 27, 11 a.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, 14769 Wood Rd., Lansing. The family will receive friends 1 hour prior to service. Donations may be made to Hospice of Lansing, 4052 Legacy Pkwy., Suite 200, Lansing, MI, 48911. Arrangements by Riley Funeral Home.
Phyllis M. Haskins Higginbottom (1922-2011) MI
Phyllis M. Higginbottom, age 89, of Albion passed away Friday,
August 19, 2011 at Allegiance Hospice Home in Jackson, Michigan. She was born
1922 in Albion to James H. and Emma. (Moore) Haskins. In 1945 she married Samuel
S. Higginbottom who survives.
Phyllis was a member and active in the St. James Episcopal Church in Albion, she
enjoyed bowling, quilting, reading, traveling and especially spending time with
her grandchildren and great grandchildren
Phyllis is survived by: Husband, Samuel S. Higginbottom of Albion; daughters,
Mary (Dick) Porter of Albion and Becky TerHaar of Houston, TX; five
grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; sister, Marjorie King of Albion; and
brother, Jim Haskins of Albion.
She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother, four sisters, and a
Visitation for family and friends will be Sunday, August 21, from 2-4 p.m.. and
6-8 p.m. at the J. Kevin Tidd Funeral Home, 811 Finley Drive, Albion, Michigan
Funeral Service will be Monday, August 22 at 1:30 p.m. at St. James Episcopal
Church, 119 W. Erie St., Albion with Rev. John Morse officiating. Burial will be
at Albion Memory Gardens, Albion Township, Michigan
Assistance with Memorial Contributions to St. James Episcopal Church or
Allegiance Hospice is available at the funeral home.
Arrangements made by the J. Kevin Tidd Funeral Home. For more information, call
(517) 629-7050.
Canton Observer 02/02/2012
Barbara J. Higginbotham (1956-2012) MI
11/14/1956 - 01/26/2012
Age 55 of Redford Twp. Cherished Daughter of Florence and the late Curtis. Beloved Sister of Curtis (Mary), Leigh Anne (Tony) Swirple and Laura (John) Denski. Proud Aunt of Deanna and Katie. Memorial Service Fred Wood Funeral Home 36100 5 Mile Rd. Livonia (E. of Levan) Wed. Feb 8 at 3pm with memorial gathering 4-9pm. Proud owner of the Dogs Bow Wow for over 25 years in Livonia.
Battle Creek Enquirer on 01/03/2013
Vivian Diane Higginbotham Whitman (1951-2012) MI
Vivian Diane "Keener" (Higginbotham) Whitman, 61, of Charlotte, MI. passed away Monday, December 31, 2012 at McLaren Hospital in Lansing, MI. surrounded by her family. Vivian was born October 6, 1951 in Jackson, MI to Clyde Donald Higginbotham and Helen Theresa (Tyler) Higginbotham. Vivian graduated from Olivet High School and worked as a bartender at CB's Bar and American Legion in Charlotte, MI for many years. She enjoyed going to garage sales, entertaining family and friends especially and spoiling her dog Misty. Survivors include children: Dennis, Timothy and Jeffery Allen from Ionia, MI. Mother Helen Higginbotham, Charlotte, MI. Sisters: Linda Greathouse, Nebraska, Cindy Piper, Sherwood, MI. Brothers: Dale and Gary Higginbotham from Eaton Rapids, MI. and several grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her father Donald Higginbotham and grandson Timothy Scott Allen. Memorial Services, Saturday, January 5, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at Spencer Family Funeral Home 310 Capitol Ave. Athens, MI. with Pastor David Mackaluso officiating. Following the services family and friends are invited to the family home in Sherwood, MI. Memorials may be made to the family. Arrangements by Spencer Family Funeral Home, Athens.
Emily Higginbottom Johnson
(1913-2013) England/MA/FL/MI
December 9, 1913 – July 17, 2013
Emily Johnson, 99, died on July 17, 2013 in Hazel Park, Michigan.
Born in Sheffield, England, she had previously lived in Stuart, FL before moving
to Michigan.
Before retiring Emily worked as a bookkeeper for Mechanics National Bank in
Worcester, MA for 11years.
She was a former member of the 1st United Methodist Church of Stuart where she
was active with the Church Fellowship Group. She was also a member of the Garden
Club and the Over 55 Club in Ft. Pierce, FL.
She is survived by her son, Larry Johnson (Donna) of Port St. Lucie, FL;
daughters Debra Goodell (David) of Cranston, RI, Lisa Johnson of Hazel Park, MI;
grandson, Jeremy Donaldson, granddaughters Kara Gaye and Kimberly Evans; Great
granddaughters, Emily, Sirra, Kebba Gaye, and Isabelle Evans; sister, Margaret
Welker of N. Grafton, MA; and, brother, Kenneth Higginbottom of Millbury, MA.
She is predeceased by her husband Paavo A. Johnson and her sister Vera Lekberg.
Visitation will be on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 from 12:30 to 2:30 followed by a
service at 2:30 at Aycock Funeral Home in Stuart, FL.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in her honor to Millbury Federated
Church, 20 Main Street, Millbury, MA or the 1st United Methodist Church of Hazel
Park, Michigan, 315, East 9 Mile Road, Hazel Park, MI 48030.
All arrangements are entrusted to Aycock Funeral Home, Stuart, FL.
Brenda Lee Higginbottom Stineman (1959-2014) MI
Brenda L. Higginbottom Stineman, 54, the daughter of Claude
Higginbottom, Sr. and the late Joanne Hecht Higginbottom was born June 4, 1959
and passed away February 19, 2014 at Watervliet, Michigan.
Brenda graduated from Watervliet High School, Watervliet, Michigan and was an
Accounting Clerk for Pri Mar in St. Joseph, Michigan.
Survivors include her husband, Bob Stineman; daughter, Marcie Stineman; son, Lee
(Chrystal) Stineman; Father, Claude Higginbottom, Sr.; brothers, Claude
Higginbottom, Sr. and Donald Higginbottom; sisters, Becky (Ken) Rinks and
Valarie (Chuick) Tucker and many nieces and nephews.
Brenda was preceded in death by her Mother, Joanne Becht Higginbottom and her
Father & Mother-in-law, Howard and Virginia Stineman
Funeral services were held Saturday, February 22, 2014 at Hutchins Funeral Home,
Watervliet, Michigan.
Burial followed at Watervliet Cemetery, Watervliet, Michigan
Detroit Free Press 5/22/2014
Harriet Grace Higginbotham Sparks (1938-2014) WV/MI
Harriet (Susie) Higginbotham Sparks Born in War Eagle, West Virginia on April 16, 1938 Departed on May 20, 2014
Harriet (Susie) Higginbotham Sparks - Loving Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Friend While her given name is Harriet Grace Higginbotham, she was best known to her friends and family as "Susie" which seemed to better reflect her zest for life and fun loving personality. Born in West Virginia, she had a simple childhood and later fell for her next door neighbor Lucian Sparks. Susie and Lucian shared 57 years of marriage, raised three children and have five grandchildren. Susie cherished her family, supported many charitable organizations and assisted her husband Lucian in building the Lucian Sparks Company - Electrical Contracting Company. She also worked for over 20 years at Lucido-Morris Associates - The Guardian Life Insurance all while raising her children and enjoying her friends and numerous activities. Most important to Susie was her family, kids and grandkids. She was loving wife to Lucian, Mother of Lutricia and the late Wayne Widener, Kelli and Bob Biehl, Allen and Julie Sparks. She was Grandmother of Ryan and Haley Biehl, and Lydia, Colette and Adam Sparks. She was daughter of Helen Cole Higginbotham, and the late I.G. Higginbotham. Sister of Mary Jane Lester (Johnny) and Nancy Smith (Paul). She was also loving aunt of many nieces and nephews. Susie was passionate about children and kids of all ages. Her home was warm and cozy, and often a second home for many of the neighborhood kids. She believed in letting the young express themselves, and was interested in what they were doing and thinking. She was always ready with a smile and an ear to sit down and listen. The pool was always open. She was very special and will always be remembered for her easy going nature and caring soul. In addition to taking care of her family, Susie was an avid golfer and loved to travel. She was a member of the Pontiac Elks Club and enjoyed bowling. She was very social and she coordinated many charitable events mainly for children's organizations (St. Jude) as children were her passion. The family will receive friends Friday 4-8 p.m. with Memorial Service Saturday 11 a.m. at A.J. Desmond & Sons Funeral Home, 2600 Crooks Road (Between Maple & Big Beaver), 248-362-2500. Memorial tributes may be made to: American Heart Association, 3816 Paysphere Circle, Chicago, IL 60674.
Claude Richard Higginbottom Sr. (1927-2014) AR/MI
Claude Higginbottom, 73, the son of the late Wiley & Rose
Furnish Higginbottom was born October 20, 1927 in Monette, Arkansas and passed
away on August 31, 2014 in Watervliet, Michigan.
Claude worked as a Forman for Industrial Rubber for 25 years and drove truck for
Golden Brown Bakery for 17 years.
Claude is survived by two sons, Claude Higginbottom Jr and Donald Higginbottom;
two daughters Becky (Ken) Rinks and Valerie (Chuck) Tucker; four stepchildren
Carol Saubier, Dianna Richardson, Brian (Cindy) Richardson, and Vicki (Terry)
Head; 15 grandchildren; five great grandchildren; a bother Jim (Carol)
Higginbottom; a sister Brenda Paulette (Jim) Lynch; a half-brother Ronnie Denny;
a half-sister Connie Phiefer; and many nieces and nephews.
Claude was preceded in death by two wives Joanne Becht Higginbottom and Rose
Marie Higginbottom; a daughter Brenda Stineman; a brother Wyley Higginbottom;
his parents Wyley and Rose (Furnish) Higginbottom. Friends may visit with
Claude’s family Wednesday, September 3,2014 from 6 to 8 PM at Hutchins Funeral
Home in Watervliet were funeral services will be celebrated Thursday, September
4,2014 at 11:00 a.m.
Burial will follow in North Shore Memory Gardens, Hagar Township, Coloma,
Constance Willene Higginbotham Schacht (1921-2015) AL/MI
Constance Willene Schacht was born on July 31, 1921 in Bradford, Alabama to the late William Syrus and Martha Elizabeth Higginbotham. She passed away on January 3, 2015 at the age of 93. She previously lived in Northville. Constance was the beloved wife of the late Walter (married 50 years) and loving mother to Linda (William) Bozgan, the late Steven, and Timothy (Alice). Devoted and adoring grandmother of 4, revered and caring aunt of many nieces, nephews and their families, true and lasting friend. Predeceased by 4 sisters and 2 brothers. She retired as co-owner from a successful career at Burcaw-Cowan Company. Generous and selfless volunteer to Caro Parents Association, the Lioness Club, Hospice of Michigan, Kings Mill Cooperative, and Faith Lutheran Church. Constance's family will receive friends for visitation on Wednesday January 7, 2015 from 3-8pm at the Harry J. Will Funeral Home, 37000 Six Mile Road (east of Newburgh and I-275), Livonia. Her life will be celebrated with a Funeral Services on Thursday January 8, 2014 at 11am with viewing 10am at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 30650 Six Mile Road (east of Merriman Rd.) in Livonia. Burial Glen Eden Memorial Park 35667 Eight Mile Rd., Livonia, Michigan 48152.
Lansing State Journal 01/27/2015
Helen Theresa Tyler Higginbotham (1930-2015) MI
Passed away on Saturday, January 24, 2015 at age 84. Born February 23, 1930 to George and Theresa Tyler in Jerome, Michigan. Helen was a lifelong resident of Eaton Rapids and a former member of the Plains Road Bible Church. Helen enjoyed spending time with her family and her three dogs, Mikey, Bandit and Tippie. Preceding her in death were her husband, Donald Higginbotham; daughter, Vivian Whitman; brother, Elwood Tyler and her parents. Surviving are her daughters, Cynthia Piper, Linda (Jim) Greathouse; sons, Dale Higginbotham, Gary Higginbotham; 5 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; 14 great-great grandchildren as well as many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 30, 2015 at Skinner Funeral Home, Eaton Rapids Chapel. Family will receive friends at the funeral home from 11:00 am – 1:00 p.m. on Friday.
Toledo Blade 04/01/2015
Timothy Earl Higginbotham (1969-2015) OH/MI
August 20, 1969 - March 30, 2015
Timothy Earl Higginbotham was born in Trenton, Michigan on August 20, 1969. He was the son of Sarah (Carey) Jones and attended Monroe schools. Timothy married the former Diana C. Rigley on March 3, 2011 in Toledo, Ohio. Timothy was a hard worker and for more than thirty years, he supported his family as a self-employed roofer. As a very talented tattoo artist, he shared his creativity with many. To his friends he was known as “Tattoo Tim.” Timothy was the greatest man his family ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was a wonderful, devoted and loving husband; a great father and cherished time spent with his grandchildren. Timothy had a huge heart and was willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. He was known to have never met a stranger and he was a great friend to all. As an avid Harley Davison rider, Timothy appreciated his many outdoor adventures and was a vast supporter for “Bikers Against Child Abuse Organizations.” Timothy, age 45, of Jackson, Michigan passed away peacefully at home on Monday, March 30, 2015. In addition to his parents, his passing was preceded by one son: Brian Thomas. To cherish his memory, Timothy leaves his loving wife Diana; his step-father: Edward LaFountain of Florida; seven children: Scott Higginbotham of Tennessee, Samantha (Mike) Everett of Tennessee, Nicholas and Jacob Higginbotham of Monroe, Chanon Foley of Jackson, Miranda and Hunter Hill of Jackson; one brother: Tony Jones of Monroe; two sisters: Stacy (Kevin) Garner of Florida and Melissa Taylor of Tennessee; one step sister: Amber of Florida; and two grandchildren: Jonas Rogers and Adilynn Foley. Friends may gather from 3:00pm until 8:00pm on Friday, April 3, 2015 at Merkle Funeral Service, 14567 South Monroe (734)241-7070. A Celebration of His Life will take place at 11:00am on Saturday April 4, 2015 also at Merkle’s with Pastor Mike Anthony of The House of Restoration officiating.
The Oakland Press 12/15/2015
Thomas L. Higginbotham (1937-2015) MI
October 30, 1937 - December 14, 2015
HIGGINBOTHAM, THOMAS L. of Waterford; December 14, 2015; age 78; Beloved father of Lisa (Tim) Holmes, Mary Anne (Danny) Johnston, Pat Cook and Amy Gatton (Perry) Groleau; Dear brother of Bill (Virginia) Higginbotham. Also cherished by eleven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. Higginbotham owned and operated Higginbotham Roofing and Siding. Funeral Services will be held Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. at the Riverside Chapel, Simpson-Modetz Funeral Home, 5630 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Wednesday 3 to 8 p.m. Interment Ottawa Park Cemetery.
Samuel Stanley Higginbottom Jr. (1922-2016) MA/MI
Samuel S. Higginbottom "Higgy", age 93, of Albion passed away
Friday, February 5, 2016 at his home under the loving care of his family and
Allegiance Hospice. He was born June 19, 1922 in New Bedford, MA the son of
Samuel and Mabel (Anderson) Higginbottom Sr. He married Phyllis Haskins in 1945
and she preceded him in death August 11, 2011. He served our country in the US
Navy as a Navy Chief and was a member of the American Legion, the VFW and St
James Episcopal Church. Higgy enjoyed hunting, fishing, gardening, spending time
with his family and his special pet, Jake.
Besides his loving wife of 66 years, he was also preceded in death by his
parents, his grandmother who raised him, Mary Anne Higginbottom and 2 sisters,
Doris Riley, Ida Madruga and son-in-law, Richard TerHaar.
Higgy leaves to cherish his memory 2 daughters, Mary (Dick) Porter and Becky
TerHaar; 5 grandchildren: Samuel (Denise) Porter, Andrew (Connie) TerHaar,
Matthew (Leslie) TerHaar, Katherine (Carl) McDonald, Jeremy (Candyce) TerHaar; 9
great-grandchildren: Nathan, Colum, Katie, Cami, Sydney, Nevan, Alex, Cassie,
Deacon and sister, Frances Fails.
Higgy's family will celebrate his life on Monday, February 8, 2016 at 11 AM at
St. James Episcopal Church 119 W. Erie St. Albion, MI with Interment following
in Albion Memory Gardens. The family will receive friends for visitation on
Sunday from 1-4 PM at J. Kevin Tidd Funeral Home, 811 Finley Dr., Albion,
Michigan 49224.
Memorial contributions may be made to the St. James Episcopal Church or to
Allegiance Hospice.
Arrangements made by the J. Kevin Tidd Funeral Home. For more information, call
(517) 629-7050.
Flint Journal Mar. 16, 2016
Modeen Higginbottom (1939-2016) MI
Higginbottom, Modeen (Modine) Passed away Sunday, March 13, 2016 at her residence. Funeral service will be held 5 pm, Saturday, March 19, 2016 at Dodds Dumanois Funeral Home and Cremation Center, 901 Garland St. Family will receive visitors from 3-8 pm Friday at the funeral home. Cremation will take place after funeral. She is survived by her children Anita (William) Frierson Jr., Mary Higginbottom, Barbette (Robert) White, Tesia Higginbottom, Norine (Michael) Crawford and Joyce Higginbottom.
Herald-Standard Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Ruth Ann Bakewell Higinbotham
(1930-2016) PA/MI
Ruth Ann (Bakewell) Higinbotham, R.N., age 85, of South Haven, Michigan
(formerly of East Lansing, Michigan, Conway, South Carolina, Birmingham,
Michigan and Bethel Park, Pa.) died Friday, March 25, 2016 in the company of her
loving family.
She was born on Wednesday, December 24, 1930, in West Brownsville, Pa., and was
the first-born child of Boyd Bakewell and Ruby (Pritts) Bakewell.
Ruth Ann graduated from the Washington (Pa.) Hospital School of Nursing in 1951.
She practiced nursing for close to fifty years while working as an Registered
Nurse at the F.E. Warren Air Force Base Hospital in Cheyenne, Wyoming, the Booth
Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa., William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan
(from where she retired), and the Conway Hospital in Conway, South Carolina.
Ruth and Jim enjoyed traveling the world over (logging over 200,000 miles) and
spending time with their children and grandchildren.
They retired to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and lived there from 1989 until
2005. They then moved to Michigan in 2005 to be closer to family.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband of 56 years, James H.
Higinbotham; and three brothers, Robert Bakewell, Donald Bakewell and James
Ruth is survived by her beloved sister, Susan McVey and her husband Floyd of
North Carolina; two loving sons: Kim James Higinbotham and wife Mary of Shelby
Township, Michigan, and Thomas Hudson Higinbotham and wife Patti of South Haven,
Michigan; friend and daughter-in-law, Sue Frey of East Lansing, Michigan; four
adoring grandchildren: Holly Maino and husband Tony Emma Higinbotham and her
husband John Kirn, Rachel Higinbotham, and Mady Higinbotham; and two beautiful
great granddaughters: Olivia Maino and Bella Maino.
Friends will be received at the NOVAK FUNERAL HOME, 515 Front Street,
Brownsville, Pa., on Wednesday, March 30, from 6 to 8 p.m. and on Thursday March
31, 2016 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., the hour of the Service with the Reverend
Floyd McVey officiating.
Interment will follow in Lafayette Memorial Park, Brier Hill, Pa.
Memorial contributions in lieu of flowers can be made to: Hospice at Home, South
Haven, Michigan
Jessie Marie Higginbottom Niebrzydowski (1928-2017) KY/MI
Age 89 - Marie Niebrzydowski of Southgate - Wife of the late
Chester Niebrzydowski.
Mother of Richard (Chari) Niebrzydowski, Daniel (Lisa) Niebrzydowski, Sharon
(Bruce) Cislo and the late Dennis Niebrzydowski.
Grandmother of 9 and great-grandmother of 16.
Sister of Dorothy Williams and the late Betty Fry.
Marie Niebrzydowski was born in Clinton Kentucky as Jessie Marie Higginbottom on
May 25th, 1928. Named after her father Jessie, she spent a life time correcting
people that her name was actually Marie.
She and her sisters Dorothy and Betty lived in the south until father Jessie
moved the young family north, to Wyandotte, Michigan, where he found work at
Great Lakes Steel in Ecorse.
Marie attended Roosevelt High school in Wyandotte, and during her senior year
worked at a local drug store, Cahalan Drugs as a cashier where she met her
future husband Chester. After Chester served in the army during World War II,
Marie and Chester were married in the rectory of St. Mary Magdalene Church in
Melvindale on March 15th, 1947. They would be married well past their 50th
golden anniversary until Chester's passing in 2001.
Interment at Michigan Memorial Park, Flat Rock, Michigan.
Muskegon Chronicle 04/01/2018
Nettie Alma Higginbotham Steendam (1920-2018) VA/MI
Muskegon Nettie "Alma" Steendam, age 97, passed away March 28, 2018 at the Poppen Residence. She was born on July 4, 1920 to John and Mary (Harlass) Higginbotham in Boissevain, VA. Alma has been a member of Bethany Church, in Muskegon, since 1945. She served her country with the US Navy WAVES during WWII working at the White House helping to decipher German and Japanese code. She worked 30 years at United Way and retired as the office manager in Muskegon. Later in life Alma did extensive traveling, with her sisters, which she truly loved. On November 4, 1944 she married Judge Harold "Jake" Steendam and he preceded her in death in 1983. SURVIVORS include 2 children, Dennis (Denise) Steendam and Sharon (Michael) Skodack; 5 grandchildren, Chad Steendam, Jill (Jason) MacClaren, Jeff (Quinn) Steendam; Joshua (Bernadette) Skodack and Jennifer (Joseph) Pleva; 5 great-grandchildren; brother, Jack Higginbotham and sisters, Shirley Robertson and Freda Cameron. She was also preceded in death by her parents; brothers and sisters Cosby Watson, Bernard, Roger, John and Bill Higginbotham; and Joyce Nicolas. A FUNERAL SERVICE will be held for Alma at 2:00PM on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at The Lee Chapel, 6291 S. Harvey St., 231-798-1100 with Rev. John DeBoer officiating. VISITATION with the family will be one-hour prior to the service. MEMORIALS may be directed to Bethany Church or Harbor Hospice Foundation. Interment will take place at Evergreen Cemetery. Funeral Home Sytsema Funeral Homes, The Lee Chapel 6291 Harvey St. Norton Shores, MI 49444 (231) 798-1100.
Katherine Ann Higginbotham
(1935-2019) MI
February 9, 1935 - May 23, 2019
Born in Highland Park, Michigan
Katherine Ann Higginbotham 84, of Birmingham, Michigan passed
away at home peacefully on May 23, 2019 surrounded by her loving family.
She was married to Robert for 65 years enjoying winters in Delray Beach, Florida
and summers at Walloon Lake, Michigan. She was an avid bridge player and loved
to play golf. Katherine is survived by her husband Robert, three daughters:
Karin, Kristin (John), Heidi (Jeff), and five grandchildren: Taylor, Lexie,
Veronica, Hailey, Robert Jefferson and one great granddaughter Nell. She was
preceded in death by a son Robert Wesley and a grandson Kyle Thomas.
Family will receive friends Saturday, May 25, 2019 from 11am until the time of
Service, 1pm, at A.J. Desmond & Sons (Vasu, Rodgers & Connell Chapel), 32515
Woodward Ave. (between 13-14 Mile), (248) 549-0500.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Hospice of Michigan or Christ
Church Cranbrook.
Lori Ann Higginbottom Murphey (1965-2020) MI
Daughter of Larry C. and Shirley M. (Higginbottom) Lang. She lived in Southgate, Michigan before moving to Howell, Michigan in 1969. Baptized February 28, 1965 at United Presbyterian Church in Wyandotte. Confirmed December 7, 1980 at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Hartland. Lori graduated from Hartland High School and went on to graduate from Western Michigan University. She married on April 9, 2000 on Hanalei Beach in Princeville, Hawaii. Lori was a loving, devoted mother to her children giving them Godly guidance. She was a gymnastic and soccer "Mom". A loving daughter and sister who enjoyed family gatherings and camping. Family was very important to her. Travelling with her husband and children, seeing America and spending time at their cottage; boating and kayaking on the lake. Lori was also dedicated to Bible Study, genealogy, playing golf as well as Bunco.
Skinner Funeral Home 1/9/2021
Loren Dale Higginbotham (1950-20210 IL/MI
Loren, 70, of Eaton Rapids, MI passed away on Thursday,
January 8, 2021. Dale was the son of Clyde Donald and Helen (Tyler)
He is preceded in death by his parents and his sister, Vivian Keener Whitman.
Dale was known as a “junkman” and would often fix up items and sell them at
Turkeyville where he was well known and made many friends. He also did odd jobs
for people from working on vehicles to doing work around the house.
He is survived by his sisters, Linda (Jim) Grouthouse, Cynthia Piper; brother,
Gary Higginbotham; beloved dog, Tippy and numerous nieces and nephews.
No services will be held at this time. A graveside service will be held at Perry
Cemetery in Brookfield Township at a later date.
Robert Wesley Higginbotham
(1932-2022) MI
August 15, 1932 - February 26, 2022
Robert Wesley Higginbotham, 89, of Birmingham, Michigan passed away at home
peacefully on February 26, 2022, surrounded by his loving family.
He graduated from Michigan State University and was in the ROTC. After college,
he was stationed in Little Rock Arkansas and served time in the Air Force in
England. He was married to Katherine for 65 years, spending winters in Delray
Beach, Florida and summers in Walloon Lake, Michigan. He enjoyed following
sports, business, and politics, and was an avid golfer.
Robert is survived by three daughters; Karin, Kristin (John), Heidi (Jeff), and
five grandchildren: Taylor (Michael), Lexie, Veronica, Hailey, Robert Jefferson,
and one great granddaughter Nell. He was preceded in death by his wife
Katherine, a son Robert Wesley and a grandson Kyle.
Funeral service for family and friends at A.J. Desmond & Sons (Vasu, Rodgers,
Connell Chapel), 32515 Woodward Ave. (btwn 13-14 Mile) Saturday March 5th at
11:00 am. Gathering begins at 10:30 am.
In lieu of flowers, donation can be made to Christ Church Cranbrook or Hospice
of Southeast Michigan.
Gregory Leon Higginbotham Sr. (1967-2022) MI
March 22, 1967 - April 10, 2022
HIGGINBOTHAM, Mr. Gregory Sr.-age 55, of Flint, passed away Sunday, April 10,
2022 at Hurley Medical Center. Funeral services will be held 2:00pm
Thursday, April 21, 2022 with a 1:30pm family hour at Sheldon T. Banks Funeral
Chapel, 3021 S. Dort Hwy., Flint, MI 48507. Calling hours are 1:00pm-6:00pm
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at Sheldon T. Banks Funeral Chapel.
Richard Leon Higginbotham
(1935-2022) IN/MI
March 30, 1935 - August 3, 2022
Richard L. Higginbotham died Wednesday, August 3, 2022,
surrounded with the love of his family, in his 88th year.
Dick was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, son of Orville and Alice Higginbotham, and
grew up in Bakertown, Michigan, where he enjoyed the rural splendor of Americana
that shaped his stoic personality.
After graduation from Buchanan High, he enlisted in the United States Army and
trained at Camp Chafee Arkansas, ending his service while stationed in Germany.
Through his service to his country, he was able to attend Michigan State
University, class of 1959, with a degree in History Education, where he also
met, pursued, and married his love, Roberta Davison.
He entered public education, tutoring sleepy students that “you can’t soar with
us eagles during the day, if you hoot with the owls at night.”
After attaining his master’s degree in Administration, he was employed with
Waterford Public Schools where he served as Assistant Principal of Pierce Junior
High, Principal of Crary Junior High, and Director of Employees and Personnel.
Awarded with a C. S. Mott Fellowship, Dick also earned his Specialist degree
through MSU.
Dick was a member and past president of the American Association of School
Personnel Administrators and was also a member of the Michigan Negotiators
Association, as well as its Executive Director in retirement. His motto
“friendly and fair” could serve us all well in our own interactions.
Dick and Roberta raised their family, and each other, in Walled Lake/Commerce
Township, Michigan starting in 1965, where he served as a Commerce Township
Trustee for 28 years.
Dick loved history, travel, politics, farming, theatrical productions, anything
to do with our magnificent Upper Peninsula, and old-timey music of twang, big
band, fiddle, harp, bodhran, tin whistle, and cowboy saddles. He was also a
founding member of the International “Dad Joke” Society.
He was extremely proud of his American heritage and no 4th of July Hill-N-Dale
celebration would be missing 1776 THE MUSICAL(on replay), bike and wagon
decorations, mimosas, and the sub picnic at Hawk Lake – “Vote for Independency!”
MSU Spartan pride ran deep with Dick and his family for over three generations,
sparked by his first date with Roberta at the site of the old band shell on
campus. Later, upon the same spot, he was the founder and host of the pre-game
libation at the HAW tailgate for over a decade, under the shade of the old gum
Our Pater Familias, Uncle Dick, Honey, Dad, Grampa, GGP is survived by his
loving wife of 65 years Roberta Higginbotham, his sister Diane Malecki,
sister-in-law Beth Goerlitz, and the families of his two sons, Rick and
Bernadette Higginbotham; John and Julie Higginbotham; Kelly, Kyle, Palmer and
Zelda Sanborn; Natalie, Chad, Aurora and Boden Britten; Jessica and Eric
Largent; Andrew and Lauren Higginbotham,
his many loving nieces and nephews, and many friends.
The family invites all to celebrate Dick’s life and love with visitation Monday,
August 8, 2022 at Lynch and Sons Funeral Home, 340 N. Pontiac Trail Walled Lake,
Michigan 48390, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Funeral Mass at St. William Catholic
Church, 531 Common Street, Walled Lake, Michigan on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at
10 a.m. (Visitation at church after 9:30 AM).
Burial with Military Honors will take place on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 10:00
AM in Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly, Michigan.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation in Dick’s name to any of the
Michigan State University College of Education, Department of Educational
Administration, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and Shriners Hospitals.
Sheldon T. Banks Funeral Chapel 10/28/2022
Gregory Leon Higginbotham
Sr. (1967-2022) IN/MI
March 22, 1967 - April 10, 2022
HIGGINBOTHAM, Mr. Gregory Leon Sr.-age 55, of Flint, passed away Sunday, April
10, 2022 at Hurley Medical Center. Funeral services will be held 2:00pm
Thursday, April 21, 2022 with a 1:30pm family hour at Sheldon T. Banks Funeral
Chapel, 3021 S. Dort Hwy., Flint, MI 48507. Pastor Michael Pettigrew
officiating. Calling hours are 1:00pm-6:00pm Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at
Sheldon T. Banks Funeral Chapel.
Mr. Gregory Leon Higginbotham was born March 22, 1967 in Terre Haute, Indiana
the son of Phyllis Jordan and Bobby Higginbotham, Sr. Gregory moved to Flint,
Michigan at a young age and attended Flint Community Schools. He worked
security until retirement. Gregory loved the Lord and read his Bible daily.
His laugh could light up a room. In his spare time he enjoyed fishing, playing
cards, dancing and watching U of M sports and he loved Lebron James. Most of
all he enjoyed spending time with his family.
Mr. Gregory Leon Higginbotham Sr. leaves to cherish his memory: wife, Jean
Higginbotham; 3 children, Mozezetta (Joshua) Moore of Clarksville, TN, Angelya
Higginbotham of Waterford, MI and Gregory (Mayra) Higginbotham, Jr. of Flint,
MI; 6 grandchildren, Malyk, Martin, Malahkai, Micah, Zetta and Zoey; mother,
Phyllis Jordan of Flint, MI; 3 brothers, Bobby (Cherri) Higginbotham, Jr.,
Adrian (Yvette) Higginbotham and David Hatfield all of Flint, MI; 1 sister,
DeLaina Marie Hatfield of Flint, MI; many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and
great-nephews; special cousin, Jay DeBouse and several other cousins; in-laws,
Otis Tucker, Michael Robinson, Daniel Pitts, Eddie D. Robinson, Joyce Dunson and
Laverne (Charles) Mordica; and a host other relatives and friends.
Mr. Gregory L. Higginbotham, Sr. was preceded in death by his: father, Bobby
Higginbotham, Sr.; grandmother, Merline Allen; grandfather, William Lee Jordan;
uncle, William "Sonny" Jordan; mother-in-law, Mozella Robinson; and
father-in-law, Eddie Robinson.
The Herald-Palladium on Dec. 15, 2022
Claude Richard Higginbottom
Jr. (1954-2022) MI
Claude's life began on May 2, 1954,
in St. Joseph.
He grew up in Watervliet with his parents and four siblings where he graduated
high school.
Claude was skilled at car body work. He enjoyed working on cars – it was not
only his profession but also his hobby. When Claude wasn't working you could
find him solving a puzzle book, fishing and in his younger years hunting.
Claude leaves behind a loving family to cherish his memory including two
children: Keith (Erin) Higginbottom and Jessica (Travis) Hampton; six
grandchildren; three siblings: Becky (Ken) Rinks, Valerie (Chuck) Tucker, and
Donald Higginbottom; a brother-in-law, Bob Stineman; his girlfriend, Linda
Hayhurst; and many nieces and nephews.
Claude died on Monday, Dec. 12, 2022, at home.
He is preceded in death by his parents: Claude and Joanne (Becht) Higginbottom,
and his sister Brenda Stineman.
Friends may visit with Claude's family from 4-6 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 18, at
Hutchins Funeral Home in Watervliet.
Hampton Funeral Home 6/14/2024
Alberta Hickenbottom Fleeharty (1935-2024) IL/MI
8/14/1935 - 6/12/2024
Jerome, MI.
Alberta "Tony" Fleeharty (Hickenbottom), age 88, of Jerome, Michigan, passed
away on June 12, 2024, under the loving care of her family. She was born on
August 14, 1935, in Utica, Illinois, to Walter and Ruth (Hunt) Hickenbottom.
Tony is survived by her loving children Mary Crawford, Mitzi Warren, and
son-in-law Alex Warren; four grandchildren Justin (Jaime) Warren, Aisling
Warren, Will Crawford, and Jenna Crawford; four great-grandchildren Tobin
Warren, Gavin Warren, Audrey Warren, and McKenna Crawford; four brothers Ronnie
(Trudy) Hurd, Eddy (Linda) Hurd, Russell Hurd, and Harold (Julie) Hurd, as well
as many nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in passing by her beloved husband of 65 years, Willie Fleeharty;
parents Walter and Ruth Hickenbottom; two brothers David Hickenbottom and Elwood
Hurd; two sisters Barbara Cannon and Beverly Davis.
Originally from Southern Illinois, Tony and Willie settled their family in
Michigan in 1959. Tony started working as a midwife, a factory worker, a
beautician, and a salon owner. Later on, she worked in the post office as well
as the township treasurer and clerk. She was active with Community of Christ
Church and enjoyed helping with potlucks. She loved to be in the kitchen frying
chicken or baking her famous pies. Her favorite past time was watching the
Tigers and Cardinals games, golfing, playing cards with her husband, and
friends. Her family and friends will always remember her having lived life to
the fullest.
To honor Tony's life, a funeral service will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024,
at 12 p.m. at Hampton Funeral Home, 3380 W. Carleton Road, Hillsdale, Michigan.
Interment will follow at Northlawn Cemetery, North Adams, Michigan. The family
will receive friends at the funeral home from 11 a.m. until the time of service.
Memorial contributions can be made to Henry Ford Allegiance Hospice Home.