Mississippi Obituaries




Permelia A. Higginbotham Thornton (1814-1885) GA/MS

Mrs. Permelia Thornton died March 12, 1885 and was born December 16, 1814 in Elbert County, GA. She professed religion in her 16th year of age and joined the Baptist Church. Permelia is buried at the Eavenson Graveyard near Georgia Ridge, Tate County, MS.



State Ledger (Jackson, MS) 12/17/1887

Reuben Walter Higginbotham (1867-1887) MS

Palo Alto, Miss., Dec. 9, 1887

Reuben W. R. Higginbotham, while bird hunting on the 1st inst., accidentally shot himself, shattering his underjaw and lodging the whole load of shot, wads, etc., in his eye and ear, causing death on the 7th inst. He was the youngest child of aged parents, and his good habits and industrious qualities caused them to rely upon him as their main dependence in their declining days. It is sad, but equally true, that death has struck upon a shining mark in the prime of his manhood.

He was in his 22nd year and leaves a young wife, whom he had recently married, to mourn his loss with his bereaved parents. He was a youth of promise, but he is gone. He died on Gen Burkitt's farm near this place.



The Port Gibson Reveille 8/20/1903

Mack Higganbotham (ca 1894-1903) MS

Boy Dies From Injuries

While swinging to a switch engine in the railroad yards at Meridian, Mack Higganbotham, a lad of nine years, fell under the wheels of the locomotive and was so badly mangled that amputation of his legs was necessary. He died.



Macon Beacon 1/4/1908

Mary Elizabeth Gray Higginbotham (1864-1908) MS

Mrs. C. C. Higginbotham, wife of a well-known citizen of southwest Noxubee, died Friday morning. He remains will be interred in the White's cemetery this Saturday morning.



Macon Beacon 5/16/1908

Joseph Higginbotham (ca1894-1908) MS

Joseph, the fourteen year old son of Mr. Tom Higginbotham, was killed by lightening on his father's place, six miles southwest of Mashulaville Thursday afternoon. His brother was knocked insensible at the same time, and two mules killed. The boys were working in a field when the storm came up and started to the house. The rain caught them before they got there and they stopped in a negro cabin and Joseph was standing in the door holding the mules when the bolt struck with the above fatal effect. The brother suffered no serious effect of the stroke, which knocked him insensible.



Macon Beacon 8/5/1910

Harriett Elizabeth Higginbotham Whitehead (1825-1910) GA/MS

On Sunday, July 24, Mrs. Betsy Whitehead passed away. She was the oldest person in this neighborhood, her age being 88 years, 5 months and a few days.

She was the mother of Ben F. and P.G. Whitehead. She was a sister of Mr. J.L Higginbotham who is in his 84th year. Her remains were laid to rest in the White Cemetery on the day following.



The Roanoke Leader 03/17/1913

John T. Higginbotham (????-1913) MS

Mrs. Homer Wilson was called to West Point last Thursday by the death of her uncle, Chief of Police John T. Higginbotham.



The Roanoke Leader 04/02/1913

William Locland Higginbotham (1853-1913) MS

After long months of illness, Mr. W. L. Higginbotham died at his home in this city last Friday. The deceased was 62 years of age, employed by Central Lumber Company, a member of the Methodist Church, leaves a wife and one grown son, also a little orphan girl, the daughter of the late Ben G. Larkin, who has been cared for in the home.



Macon Beacon 6/6/1913

James Larkin Higginbotham (1828-1913) AL/MS

We learn from Mr. George Russell, who was in town Tuesday, of the death last Thursday, May 20th, of Mr. Larken Higginbotham, at his home near Fearn Springs. He was in his eighty-sixth year, and old age and infirmity was the cause of his death. He was a Confederate veteran, having been a member of the 14th Mississippi Regiment, Loring's brigade. He was an upright, honest man and was held in high regard by all who knew him.



The Senatobia Democrat 7/8/1915

Frances Beard Higginbotham (1846-1915) AL/MS

Mrs. Fannie Higginbotham died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W.B. Hall, last Tuesday morning, July 6. Mrs. Higginbotham was the widow of J.P. Higginbotham. She is survived by her son, Jess, of Como, and two daughters, Mrs. W.B. Hall and Myrtle Higginbotham. Services were conducted at the residence by Rev. Lee. The remains were interred at Singleton Springs.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 11/10/1919

E. J. Higginbotham (1848-1919) AL/MS

Mrs. J.H. Higginbotham, 71 years old, who had been a resident of this county for the past eighteen years died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Josie Fellows, five miles northeast of Greenwood. Death was due to heart trouble. Mrs. Higginbotham had been ill for two months. She suffered an attack of influenza last fall and had never entirely recovered from same.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Josie Fellows and Mrs. C. W. Baas of Greenwood and Mrs. J. H. Roberts and Mrs. Maggie Lefler of Sumner.

The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Baas of South Mississippi Ave. Interment will be made in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery.



The Central Record (Lancaster, KY) 8/24/1922

Anna Elizabeth Cochran Higginbotham (1866-1922) KY/MS)

Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbotham, wife of George T. Higginbotham, formerly of this county, died at her home in West Point, Miss., last Saturday morning, after an illness lasting almost a year.

She was a daughter of Sarah and William Walker Cochran, of this county, where she was born May 13, 1855. In 1874 she was married to George T. Higginbotham and the early years of their married life was spent in Garrard county, both families being prominently connected with the most influential families in the county. In later years they moved to Lexington, from which place they moved to West Point, Miss., about seven years ago.

Surviving her are a devoted husband and the following children: Mr. B. W. Chaappeleau, of Virginia; Mrs. J. P. Smith, of Louisville, Ky., Mr. W. W. Higginbotham, of Lexington, Ky., Mr. J. E. Higginbotham, of West Point, Miss., and Mrs. Tom Floyd, of Danville, Ky., and several grandchildren, who rise up and call her blessed.

After a short service at her home in West Point, the remains were accompanied to Danville by her son, J. E. Higginbotham, the devoted husband being ill and could not travel, and were met at Danville by a large company of friends and relatives and carried to Lancaster and laid beside the loved son, John, who was buried there many years ago.

Services were conducted by R. E. B. Bourland. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Christian church and was a devout member, always attending the services when her health would permit.

she ran the journey of her life in sixty-seven years. It is a path marked with deeds of kindness and cheer. Flowers, not thorns, sunshine, not shadow, did she scatter everywhere. Truth was the inspiration of her life, and by kindness she exemplified its great worth. She leaves many friends in Garrard who will mourn her passing, all remembering her so pleasantly and all extending to the bereaved husband and children their sincere sympathy and condolence.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 10/27/1925

C. A. Higginbottom (1855-1925) MS

C. A. Higginbottom died at the King's Daughters Hospital Monday night at 9 o'clock. Mr. Higginbottom had been a patient at the hospital for the past eight years. He died at the age of 70 years. Funeral services were conducted at 4:30 this afternoon from the Rieman chapel with interment in Evergreen cemetery, Rev. Wiley Ferguson officiating.



The South Reporter Newspaper (Holly Springs, MS) February 17, 1927
Evelyn M. Higginbotham (1927) MS

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Higginbotham was buried at Asbury last Monday.



The South Reporter Newspaper (Holly Springs, MS) June 16, 1927
Sarah Ann Moore Higginbotham (1870-1957) MS

Mrs. Sallie Higginbotham Dies
The death Friday of Mrs. Sallie Higginbotham, though expected, was
a shock to her many friends and relatives. Burial services, held at Bethlehem
Saturday in the presence of a number of people who had known her, was
conducted by Rev. J. P. Rogers.
Mrs. Higginbotham was 84 years old and had been in the hospital at New
Albany about two weeks following a fall and broken hip. She made her home
with Mrs. W. W. Garner.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 11/13/1930

Erin Higginbotham Stuart (1895-1930) MS

Mrs. W. G. Stuart, 1007 Strong Avenue, died at the King's Daughters' Hospital at 3:00 o'clock this morning after a short illness.

Mrs. Stuart leaves to mourn her death her husband, two small children, Joanne, age four years and an infant daughter, Erin, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Higginbotham, of Lyons, Miss., and a number of other relatives and sorrowing friends.

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the First Baptist Church, with interment following at the Odd Fellows Cemetery. The services here conducted by Rev. E. J. Caswell and Rev. Hearn, pastor of Lyon, Miss. Baptist Church.

Mrs. Stuart was endowed with many fine traits of character, and unselfish devotion and loyalty to her family and friends, and a kindliness that made her see only the good in others. Her death in the midst of a life of usefulness and service comes as a distinct shock to her loved ones, and friends.

The following friends served as pallbearers: E. C. Sutton, L. S. Rogers, H. B. Haley, S. S. Wood, C. C. Whittington, H. Y Caruthers, J. M. Pybass and W. C. Williams.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 12/8/1930

Ruth Higginbotham Baas (1874-1930) MS

Mrs. Ruth Baas, wife of C. W. Baas, died at her residence, 1213 Mississippi Avenue, Saturday afternoon.

Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Christian Church, and interment followed ai the Odd Fellows cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. W. K. Clements and Noble Lucas.

Mrs. Baas is survived by her husband.

Mrs. Baas had been a resident of Greenwood for many years and possessed a wide circle of friends who will mourn her death.



Blytheville (AR) Courier News 03/26/1932

Rebecca Higginbotham (ca1922-1932) MS

Nora Higginbotham (ca1926-1932) MS

Investigate Drowning of Mississippi Girls

Anguilla, Miss., Mar. 26-Investigation of the drowning of two small girls, 6 and 10 years old, which closed yesterday to permit burial, may be reopened at any time.

B.S. Jones, justice of the peace, told the United Press today the girls, Rebecca and Nora Higginbotham, drowned in a drainage ditch about 10 miles east of here near the farm of their father, Randolph Higginbotham. Jones said physicians examined the girls bodies and found no mark of violence. He said officers accepted the man's version of the accident, that he heard screams of the children but was unable to reach them. The three had been fishing.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 6/28/1933

Samuel Dean Higginbotham (1887-1933) MS

Clarksdale, Miss. - S. D. Higginbotham, 46, Dublin blacksmith and farmer was dead today as a result of being struck by an ice truck, police said, that was driven by Mack Howard, Clarksdale negro.

Higginbotham had alighted from his wagon and walked in front of the truck which was said to have been proceeding at a moderate rate of speed. He was fatally injured and died a few minutes later at the home of his father.


The Winona Times 8/3/1934

William Theodore Hickingbottom (1856-1934) MS

Prominent Citizen Called By Death

Natchez, Miss., Aug.3 - The Funeral of W.T. Hickingbotham, well-known citizen of the county, who died here Monday morning after an illness of several weeks was held from Foster's Funeral Home with Rev. W.M. Sullivan officiating.

The deceased was born in Meadville, Miss., December 29, 1956. He was the son of the late Lawson Hickingbotham and Mrs. Mary Rogers Hickingbotham and the husband of the late Nannie Farr Hickingbotham.

He is survived by five sons, E. Hickingbotham, of Natchez; W.T. Hickingbotham Jr., of Roxie, Miss; M.T. Hickingbotham and R.C. Hickingbotham, both of Magee, Ark.; C.N. Hickingbotham of Monroe, La.

Five daughters, Mrs. J.R. Clark of Madison Station, Miss., Miss Laura Hickingbotham, of Myles, Miss.; Mrs. Maude Boswell , of Winona, Miss.; Mrs. Lennie Deering, of Flagstaff, Ariz.; Mrs. Paul Booth, of Myles, Miss., and a number of grandchildren. Active pallbearers: Everett Ratcliff, Sidney Bunch, R.M. Crevitt, Jim McCrea, A.K. Ellis, and Joe Kaiser.



Centralia (WA) Daily Chronicle 09/18/1935

Elwood Higginbotham (ca1907-1935) MS

Lynched While Jurors Ponder

Negro Murder Defendant Taken from Jail by Mississippi Mob and Executed

Oxford, Miss., Sept. 18-Elwood Higginbotham, negro defendant in a murder Trial here, was taken from the Lafayette county jail last night by a mob and lynched.

Higginbotham was seized and hanged while the jury was deliberating his case. He was on trial for the slaying of Lyn Roberts, a white man, last May.

Officers estimated that between 100 and 150 persons were in the mob.

The leaders demanded the jail keys, and when a jailer named Pritchard refused to comply with their demands, they took charge and searched the jailer’s office.

When the jailer refused to identify keys to the negro’s cell from a number found in his desk, the mob became violent and began breaking in doors.

Reaching the door to the negro’s cell, the mob discovered one of the keys would unlock the door.

Higginbotham, 28 years old, was dragged from the cell, screaming, and placed in a waiting car outside. A large crowd milled around the jail as the negro was being seized, and followed the mob leaders out of town to a lonely countryside road where the victim was hanged to a tree.

Later in the night, Sheriff S.T. Lyles and three deputies went to the scene and cut down the body.

Officers said no members of the mob were identified.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 1/8/1936

William T. Higginbotham (1869-1936) MS/TN

Water Valley, Jan. 7 - the body of W.T. Higginbotham, 69, who died in Memphis Saturday night was brought here for interment in the Oak Hill Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham spent practically all of his life here, where he was once an employee of the Illinois Central Railroad in the local shops, but a few years ago he moved to Memphis. He is survived by his widow and only one sister, Mrs. Teat, of Oxford, and a number of nieces and nephews.



The Miami (FL) News 6/28/1936

Monroe Earl Higginbotham (1914-1936) MS

Meridian, Miss., June 27 - Helplessly held on the track when his foot caught, Earl Higginbotham, 21, was run over by a Yazoo & Mississippi Valley train near here today and died in a hospital. The youth was waking along the rails on a curve near his home at Meehan. He heard the train whistle and tried to jump. Instead, a foot became wedged between the ties. Both legs were severed as he fought to free himself.



New Press (Fort Myers) 7/23/1936

Alfred C. Higginbotham (1908-1936) FL

Alfred Higginbotham, 29-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Higginbotham of Buckingham, died of appendicitis yesterday at the Lee Memorial hospital after a three-week's illness. He is survived by his parents, three brothers and one sister.

Funeral services will be held at the Higginbotham residence in Buckingham at 4 o'clock this afternoon with the Rev. C. T. Tew officiating. The pallbearers will be John D. Powell, Robert Neal, Louis Flint, L. Stallings, Henry Daniels and Henry Carter. Interment will be at the Buckingham Cemetery with Lawrence A. Powell in charge of arrangements.



Sun-Herald (Biloxi, MS) 10/5/1936

Gruda Cadilla Higginbotham Partridge (1887-1936) MS

Mrs. Gruda Partridge, 48, native of Meadville, Miss., who had been in Biloxi 17 days, staying at the Kennedy Apartments, coming here to be near the Veteran's Administration Facility to receive treatment, died at 10:16 a.m. Sunday at the Biloxi Hospital, where she had been since Thursday. She is survived by her husband, Lee; two daughters, Velma, 16, and Mary, 10; her mother, Mrs. Forrest Higginbotham; four sisters and two brothers, including the Rev. C.Y. Higginbotham, Crystal Springs.

She was a nurse during the World War and was stationed at Camp Shelby, being mustered out after 90 days because of ill health. She was a member of the Franklin County Post No. 40 American Legion and the World War nurses. He oldest daughter also belonged to the Legion Auxiliary and her husband was a member of the Legion. Five years ago she received treatment at Hinds (Ill.) Veterans Facility and 2-1/2 years ago at the Tuscaloosa government hospital. She received her nursing training at Bellvue Hospital and took post-graduate work in New York. During a spinal meningitis outbreak in Cairo, Ill., prior to the World War she volunteered her services. The funeral probably will be tomorrow in Meadville, where the body was shipped from the Bradford Parlors.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 12/6/1937

James Joseph Higginbotham (1878-1937) LA/MS

James Higginbotham, 59, 922 Main Street, died at 5:30 a.m. today. He was a native of Lafayette Parish, La., and had lived in Biloxi over 11 years. He leaves his wife, Marie Verrett Higginbotham; six sons, Nelson, Charles, Martin, Belin, James and Stephen, Biloxi; four daughters, Mrs. Willie Ladnier, Mrs. Oris Denise, Mrs. E, Dartez and Miss Anastia Higginbotham, Biloxi; four brothers, O'Neil, Wm., David and Robert Higginbotham, Biloxi; Mrs. Joe Breaux, Mrs. Joe Vallot, Mrs. Antoine Polmea and Mrs. Ward Domengeaux.

the funeral will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday from the home with services by Father, J.P. McGlade.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 8/29/1938

William Stephen Higginbotham (1867-1938) MS

W. S. Higginbotham, 69, died at his home in Minter City Saturday. Funeral services were held yesterday morning at the Methodist Church in Minter City at 9 o'clock and interment was made at the Beulah Cemetery, at Myrtle, Miss. Rev. Pearson and Rev. H. M. Collins conducted the service.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lola J. Higginbotham, grandchildren Joanne and Erin Stuart, of Greenwood, and two sisters, Mrs. G. W. Brooke and Mrs. G. W. Dorman of Myrtle survive.

Following the funeral services at Minter City the funeral cortege went overland to Myrtle where a short service was held in the Methodist Church. Lee-Knight Funeral Home was in charge of the services.

Mr. Higginbotham was a prominent planter of Minter City and had a host of friends who will mourn his death.

At the services yesterday the following friends served as pallbearers: H. D. Boyce, Norris Truitt, Frank Pearson, Frank Herron, A. Y. Sturdivant, D. E. Reynolds, Mr. A. Q. Quinn.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 10/29/1938

Mary Ann Higginbotham Carroll (1871-1938) MS

Mrs. Mary Carroll, wife of Albert R. Carroll, native of Jackson County, aged 69, died yesterday. She was a lifelong resident of Ocean Springs. The funeral was this afternoon with services by Rev. Sullivan.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 9/23/1943

Jesse Jackson Higginbotham (1868-1943) AL/MS

Jesse Higginbotham, 75, well known and liked in this community, died early Wednesday. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jessie Higginbotham; a daughter, Mrs. Karl Weisenberg; two sons, P.J. and Jessie of Pascagoula; one brother, E.F. Higginbotham, Birmingham. The funeral will be from Fails undertaking establishment in Pascagoula Thursday at 4:30 p.m. The burial service will be conducted by a life long friend of the family, the Rev. W.I. McInnis of Moss Point Presbyterian Church, with interment at Krebs cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham retired from active business a few years ago, his last employment being with the Mississippi Power Company, where he was a manager for 12 years. While he had not been in good health for some time his last illness had been for only a week.



The Winona Times (Winona, MS) August 23, 1946

Mary Ellen Higginbotham (1929-1946) MS
Miss Mary Ellen Higginbotham, 17, died at her home in the Huntsville community, August 12th. Surviving her are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Higginbotham and five brothers and one sister, all of the Huntsville community. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
Funeral services were held at Bethel Church August 14th at 3 p. m. and conducted by Rev. G. R. Long of Harding, Ky. Interment was in the church cemetery with Lee Funeral Home in charge arrangements.


The Greenwood Commonwealth 3/18/1947

Lola Jessie Collins Higginbotham (1874-1947) MS

Mrs. W. S. Higginbotham of Myrtle, died suddenly last night at her home.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at Myrtle at 10 o'clock with burial in Myrtle Cemetery.

She is survived by two grandchildren, Mrs. Joe Guyton, Oxford, and Miss Erin Stuart, Greenwood, also several brothers and sisters.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 3/27/1947

James Clarence Higginbotham (1887-1947) MS

Rites For J. C. Higginbotham Held In City

Last rites were said at two 0'clock Thursday afternoon, Mar. 27, from Hartman Chapel for James Clarence Higginbotham, 60-year-old retired farmer who is mourned by a great host of friends and a loving immediate family.

Mr. Higginbotham passed away at his home at 501 North Locust street, McComb, at 2:15 Wednesday afternoon, after having been in failing health for some time.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. C. Edwards, pastor of East McComb Baptist church, with Rev. R. I. Moore, pastor of LaBranch street Methodist church assisting, and friends of the family serving as pallbearers.

The deceased was a devoted member of the East McComb church and had lived in this vivinity for the past 25 years.

He is survived by his wife; by five daughters, Mrs. Douglas Kelley, Misses Jenetter, Dorothy, Verena and Peggy Higginbotham, all of McComb; a son, James Alfred Higginbotham, McComb; one sister, Mrs. Bessie Stephens, Swampus, La.; three brothers, Vince, New Orleans, La; George, Winnsboro, La.; and Walter, Port Neches, Texas; and two grandchildren.

Interment was in Hollywood cemetery with Hartman Funeral home in charge of services.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 10/5/1948

Elijah Monroe Higginbotham (1884-1948) IL/MS

Meridian, Oct. 4 - Monroe Elijah Higginbotham of Meehan, RFD, Goodwater Community, was found dead Monday. He dropped dead following a heart attack.

The Coroner's jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 10/5/1949

Manie Higinbotham Jonte (1881-1949) AR/MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Manie Higginbotham Jonte, 68, were held on Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the chapel of Fails Funeral Home, in Pascagoula and from St. John's Episcopal church. Rev. Albert J. Ettling of Stillwater, Okla., a nephew of the deceased, assisted by Rev. Cyril Vlannyck, officiated at the religious services. Interment was in Griffin Cemetery, in Moss Point.

Surviving are he husband, Armand D. Jonte Sr.; one daughter, Miss Dorothy A. Jonte, both of Pascagoula; one son, Armand D. Jonte Jr., of New Orleans; one sister, Mrs. Maude Tanlunson, of Pascagoula and other relatives.

Mrs. Jonte was a native of Camden, Ark., and a resident of Pascagoula for the past 16 years. She was a member of St. John's Episcopal church.

Pallbearers were William Marre, Robert Carter, Valsin DeJean, Easton King, Albert Irving and Albert Delmas.



Times Post (Houston, MS) Jan. 26, 1950
Richmond Lee Higginbotham (1912-1950) MS
Richard Lee Higginbotham, 37, who resided near Thorn, died at the Houston Hospital Tuesday morning, Jan. 24.
Services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm, with interment in the Ellzey cemetery.
Besides his wife, he leaves five children, Etoyle, Eloise, Shelby Jean, Hurley Lee and Glenn Allen; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgie Higginbotham and two sisters, Erlene and Malene.
Rev. Bud Gore and the Rev. Flenoy Clark officiated at the funeral services.



The Daily Herald (Biloxi, MS) 6/29/1950

Mary Grace Higginbotham (1950) MS

Mary Higginbotham, day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Higginbotham, died at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at Biloxi Hospital. Funeral was held this morning from the residence, 1074, Lameuse Street. Services were by Father Pater Killen, pastor St. John's Catholic Church. Burial was in Biloxi Cemetery.

Besides the parents, the child is survived by two brothers, Alvis and Robert; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higginbotham, and Mrs. Clodie Menard.



Monitor Herald 2/5/1951

James William Higginbotham (1884-1951) MS
Vardaman, Miss, Feb. 7-Services for J. W. Higginbotham, who died of a heart ailment Friday morning at Houston Hospital, were held Saturday at Ellzcy. Rev. Flenoy Clark officiated. Burial was in Ellzey cemetery under the direction of Thornton Funeral Home. Mr. Higginbotham was 66.
Mr. Higginbotham operated a blacksmith shop at Vardaman for a number of years, also operated a blacksmith shop at Marks.
He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ioma Higginbotham, of Vardaman; two sons, Earl Higginbotham, Marks, and Fonzo Higginbotham, Olive Branch; four daughters, Mrs. J. H. Dye, of Vardaman; Mrs. B. P. Pettit, of Vardaman; Mrs. C. C. Stone, of Pyland, and Mrs. H. H. Dye, of Marks.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 2/7/1951

Willie Lee Higginbotham Spruill (1884-1951) MS

Mrs. Willie Lee Spruill, 66, of Minter City, died yesterday at 3 o'clock following a lengthy illness.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Ruleville Church of Christ with Rev. Jack Moore officiating. Burial will be in Ruleville cemetery with Williams and Lord in charge.

Mrs. Spruill had resided at Minter City for 18 years. She was a member of the Church of Christ.

She is survived by her husband, Ed Spruill, and the following children: Mrs. Ben Canter, Jackson Heights, New York; O.L. Spruill, J.E. Spruill, J.R. Spruill, all of Minter City and E.H. Spruill, rector, Ark.; also two sisters, Mrs. W.J. Ramsey, Birmingham, Ala., and Mrs. H.O. Jackson, Monticello, Fla., also six grandchildren.


The Winona Times April 13, 1951

Mary Dora Higginbotham (1880-1951) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Lou Higginbotham who passed away on April 5 were held on April 8th at two o'clock at the Bethel Church. The Rev. Clarence Burden conducted the services. Interment was in Bethel Cemetery under the direction of Lee Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were Vercie Criswell, Edd Donahoo, Duell Johnson, Wilson Donahoo, Russell McClurg and Calvin Stewart.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Montgomery County on June 14, 1879. She was married to John G. Higginbotham who survives in 1900.
Besides her husband she leaves three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Rushing and Mrs. Ethel Donahoo, both of Winona, and Mrs. Lena Stewart of Poplar Creek, three sons, Walter Higginbotham of French Camp, Elton Higginbotham of Memphis, and J. I. Higginbotham of Winona, one sister, Mrs. Lena Braswell of French Camp and five brothers, John Donahoo of French Camp, Barksdale Donahoo and Joe Donahoo of Leland, Walter Donahoo of Kosciusko and Julius Donahoo.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 9/24/1951

Marie Louise Carron Higginbotham (1914-1951) MS

Mrs. Marie Louise Higginbotham, 37, wife of Percy Higginbotham, died at 4 p.m. Saturday at Biloxi Hospital following a long illness. She was a native of Biloxi and resided in Biloxi all he life except the past year during which she lived at 55 Ward avenue, Ocean Springs.

She is survived by her husband; two sons, Larry Emile and Randall Lynn; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Carron; three brothers, Louis, Fred and Donald Carron, Biloxi; and a sister, Mrs. Charles McFall, Biloxi.

Funeral services were held this morning from Bradford Funeral Home and at St. John's Catholic Church by Father Peter Killen. Burial was in Biloxi Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Dennis, Curtis, George and Bellin Higginbotham, Lionel Mire and Lucius Delcambre.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 11/14/1951

William Ralph Higginbottom (1885-1951) MS

Tunica Logger is Electrocuted

Tunica, Miss., Nov. 14 - One man is dead and another badly burned as the result of a log truck crane swing against a high tension power line.

William R. Higgenbotham, about 65, Clarksdale, was killed when he touched the truck yesterday after bringing a physician to aid his injured companion, Charles Melton.

Melton, 42, partner in a West Helena, Ark., log hauling firm, drove the truck alongside a log pile and the loading crane touched a 13,000 volt line.

But because the rubber tires prevented the current from grounding, neither man felt the current while sitting in the truck cab.

Melton jumped to the ground without injury but suffered the full force of the current when he touched the truck. He was knocked clear but not until much of his left arm was burned away.

Higginbotham, who jumped to the ground safely, dragged Melton away from the truck and raced for medical aid. He touched the truck and was killed while Dr. Hal Johnson of Tunica gave Melton first aid.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 9/24/1952

Thomas Clinton Higginbotham (1905-1952) MO/MS

Thomas Higginbotham, 47 year old resident of 603 Welch Street in Moss Point, died in the Jackson County Hospital at 7:30 a.m. today. The body is at the Fails Funeral Home and will be shipped by train to West Plains, Mo., at 4:45 p.m. Thursday.



The Star-Herald (Kosciusko, MS) 8/5/1954

Tandy Elijah Higginbotham (1879-1954) MS

Services were held at the Hope Baptist church in Neshoba county Monday, Aug. 2, for Tandy E. Higginbotham, farmer of the Nile community, who died Sunday at the East Central Mississippi hospital where he had been a patient for the past 15 months.

Burial was in the church cemetery with Rev. Jodie Moore and Rev. C.C. Cornelius, of the Hope Baptist Church, officiating. Jordan's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Higginbotham was 74 and a native of Lauderdale county. His parents were Thomas and Mary Snowden Higginbotham.

He leaves four daughters, Mrs. Bill Withers and Mrs. Floyd Jolly, both of Dossville; Mrs. Hayden Culpepper, of Canton; and Mrs. Eugene Swain, of Holly Ridge, La.; two sons, Thomas Higginbotham and James Higginbotham of Dossville; and one brother, Bama Higginbotham, of Philadelphia.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 8/20/1957

Mattie Theda Higginbotham Flurry (1880-1957) MS

Mrs. Theda Higginbotham Flurry, 76, died at the Patrick Nursing Home, Handsboro, Monday night following an extended illness.

Mrs. Flurry was a native of George County, where she was born Oct. 31, 1880, daughter of the late Augustus Higginbotham and Mrs. Ellon Cates.

Prior to her illness, Mrs. Flurry made her home in the Daisy Vestry community in Jackson County for about eight years. Before that time she resided in Gulfport for about 18 years.

Mrs. Flurry is survived by two sons, Otto W. Flurry, Perkinston, and Homer L. Flurry, Dallas, Texas; two daughters, Mrs. Eva F. Porter, Sacramento, Cal., and Mrs. Julia McNider, Morvin, Ala.; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; one brother, Preston Higginbotham, Baxterville, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Murphree, Jackson.

The body will remain at Riemann's Funeral Home, Gulfport, until Wednesday afternoon when it will be taken to the Otto Flurry residence in the Daisy Vestry community. Funeral service will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Red Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. Gale Anderson will officiate and interment will be in the church cemetery.



The Star-Herald (Kosciusko, MS) 1/30/1958

Ruby McBeath Higginbotham (1910-1958) MS

Accident Victim Buried Thursday At Pleasant Grove

Services were held last Thursday afternoon at 3 at Pleasant Grove Methodist Church in Leake County for Mrs. Thomas E. Higginbotham, who was killed Wednesday morning in an accident on highway 35 about 17 miles south of Kosciusko.

Burial was in the church cemetery directed by Jordan Funeral Home of Kosciusko.

Mrs. Higginbotham, who was 47, was the former Ruby McBeath and a native of Neshoba County. She made her home in the Singleton community for 12 years and was a Baptist.

The accident occurred when Mrs. Higginbotham apparently lost control of the '52 Dodge pickup she was driving north, with the vehicle leaving the pavement. When she steered it back onto the highway her car collided with a transport truck headed south, driven by Mr. Mars of Grenada. Mrs. Higginbotham was thrown out of her car by the impact. She was brought to Monfort Jones Memorial hospital in Kosciusko, where she was pronounced dead on arrival. Driver of the truck was not seriously injured.

Besides her husband, Thomas E. Higginbotham of the Singleton community, she leaves a son, Thomas Charles Higginbotham, Gulfport; two daughters, Mrs. Annie Minshew, Tifton, Ga., Mrs. Ruby Gail Scribner, Carthage; two brothers, Floyd McBeath, Philadelphia, Carl McBeath, Carthage; four sisters: Mrs. Pauline Hardy and Mrs. Bert Sharp, Forest; Mrs. Maxine Donald, Delhi, La., Mrs. Jewel Goldman, Noxapater; two grandchildren.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 3/17/1958

Marie Verret Higginbotham (1878-1958) LA/MS

Mrs. Marie Higginbotham, 78, native of Youngsville, La., and Biloxi resident 32 years, died at 2:45 p.m. Sunday at Biloxi Hospital. Mrs. Higginbotham lived at 927 Main Street. She was the widow of James Higginbotham and is survived by six sons, Nelson, Charles, Belin, Martin, James, Stephen, Biloxi; four daughters, Mrs. Willie Ladnier, Mrs. Oris Danise, and Mrs. Mrs. Mack Williamson and Mrs. Norha Seymour, Biloxi; three sisters, Mrs. Eugene Malagarie and Mrs. Elodie V. Prejean, Youngsville, La., and Mrs. V.J. Vollot, Port Sulphur, La., 39 grandchildren, and 33 great grandchildren.

The funeral will be at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday from Bradford Funeral Home followed by 10 a.m. Mass at St. John's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Biloxi Cemetery. There will be a rosary tonight at 8 o'clock.



Times Post (Houston, MS) Jan. 15, 1959

Maggie Earline Higginbotham Hill (1915-1959) MS

Services for Mrs. William Boyd Hill, 43, who died Sunday, Jan. 11 at 10 am, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Higginbotham, Houston Star Route, following an 11 month illness, were conducted from the Ellzey Methodist Church at 2 pm, Monday with the Rev. R. V. Mathis and the Rev. Flenoy Clark officiating.
Interment was in the Ellzey Cemetery in Calhoun County with Houston Funeral Home in charge. Pallbearers were James Higginbotham, Robert Moore, Grover Moore, Joe Nabors, Tom Moore and Hubert Higginbotham.
Mrs. Hill was born Dec. 16, 1915 in Chickasaw County. She was the former Miss Maggie Erline Higginbotham.
She is survived by her husband, W. B. Hill of Montpelier; a daughter, Mrs. John Hill of Montpelier and two sons, James Sykes of Peoria, IL and John Sykes with the Navy in San Diego, CA; her parents; a sister, Mrs. Jessie Foster of Houston and four grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 2/14/1959

Emmett Higginbotham (1907-1959) MS/LA

Meridian - Last rites for Emmett Higginbotham, 51, former resident of Meridian, who was killed in an auto accident Saturday near Slidell, La., were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Webb Funeral Home here. Dr. B.M. Hunt officiated. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery.

Deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Myra Higginbotham of New Orleans; a son, Emmett Higginbotham, Jr.; a daughter, Miss Nancy Sue Higginbotham of New Orleans; a brother, J.M. Higginbotham of Meridian; two sisters, Mrs. Bonnie Peium of New Orleans and Mrs. Minnie Armstrong of Los Angeles, Calif.



The Winona Times 6/26/1959

Beatrice Earl James Higginbotham (1874-1959) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Beatrice James Higgenbotham, who died suddenly at the Kilmichael Hospital on Monday, were conducted at Oliver Funeral Chapel Tuesday afternoon, June 23, at 2 o'clock with the Rev. C.E. Burden officiating. Interment was in a Morehead, Miss., cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born November 13, 1874. In 1951 she married J.G. Higgenbotham, who survives. She was a member of the Salem Methodist Church near Weir.

Other survivors are four step-daughters, Miss Beatrice James, California, Mrs. George Tellos, Belzoni, Mrs. Ed Donohoo and Mrs. Laner Stewart, both of Winona; seven step-sons, Lester James, Vaiden, Jay James, Starkville, Frank James, Sturgis, Doyle James, Weir, Iris Higgenbotham and Elton Higgenbotham, Memphis, and Walter Higgenbotham, Nashville, and a host of other relatives.

Pallbearers were W.D. Price, R.V. Price, James Grant, Robert Charest, Charles Price, Clinton Kemp and Walter Pennebaker.



Times Post 10/29/1959

Jo Ann Higginbotham Nabors (1880-1959) MS

Mrs. Jake Nabors Dies Here

Mrs. Jo Ann Nabors, wife of the Rev. Jake Nabors, died at her home in Houston at 7:15 am, Wednesday following an illness of 17 weeks. She was 79. Funeral arrangements were incomplete Wednesday afternoon. Services will be held Friday afternoon at the Thorn Church of God with burial in the Houston Cemetery. Norman Funeral Home is in charge. Pallbearers will be nephews of the deceased. The Rev. Mr. Lombard and the Rev. Flenoy Clark will officiate. Mrs. Nabors was born in Clay county May 12, 1880, the daughter of Joe Edward Higginbotham and Delia Higginbotham. She was a member of the Thorn Church of God. Besides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Tishie Bell Lewis of Houston, and a son, Joe Nabors of Houston; two sisters, Mrs. Savilla Moore and Mrs. Jeanette Hamby, both of Houston; seven brothers, George, Ed, Virgie, Burean, Jack and Bill Higginbotham, all of Houston and Joe Higginbotham of Memphis, Tenn. Four grandsons a granddaughter and one great granddaughter also survive. 



Laurel Leader-Call 01/04/1960

Melvin Sylvester Higginbotham (1888-1960) MS

Traffic accidents killed five Mississippians over the New Year's holiday period and a sixth drowned.

M.S. Higginbotham, 72-year-old Water Valley Man was hit by a car and killed while walking along State Route 32 west of Bruce last night...



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 2/2/1960

Anirah Denise White Higginbotham (1884-1960) LA/MS

Mrs. Anirah Higginbotham, 75, a native of New Orleans and a resident of Pascagoula, died Monday night at her residence at 529 N. Pascagoula St. She was born on May 23, 1884.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Denise Wiesenburg, Pascagoula; two sons, P.J. Higginbotham and W.J. Higginbotham, both of Pascagoula' two brothers, D.P. White, California, and G.W. White, Pascagoula; and one sister, Mrs. Georgia Hill, Moss Point.

The body will be at Fails Funeral Home in Pascagoula at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Rosary will be said tonight at the chapel at 8 o'clock. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church in Pascagoula. Interment will be in the Krebs Cemetery in Pascagoula. The Rev. Patrick Quinn will officiate.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 12/31/1961

James McDonald Higginbotham (1895-1966) MS/LA

Meridian - Final rites were held Saturday for Jim McDonald Higginbotham, 66, who died in New Orleans. Burial was in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Survivors include his widow, two sons, James Higginbotham, New Orleans, and Adrian Higginbotham, Tonopah, Nev., two sisters, Mrs. Bonnie Pelous, New Orleans, and Mrs. Minnie Armstrong, Los Angeles, Calif., and two grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 1/4/1962

Jeanette Higginbotham (1947-1961) MS

Philadelphia - Jeanette Higginbotham, 14 died in a Macon hospital from burns. Jeanette was born in Kemper County and made her home with her mother, on Route 3, Macon. She was a member of the ninth grade class of Macon High School. She was standing before an open fire at her home Saturday afternoon when she caught on fire. She ran from the room out into the yard, fanning the flames and causing her to receive burns that proved fatal.

Funeral services were held from the Spring Hill church in Kemper county. Interment followed in Spring Hill Cemetery.

Jeanette is survived by her mother, Mrs. Lillie Higginbotham, one brother, William Lee Higginbotham of Truman, Arkansas; and one sister, Mrs. E.L. Flake of Gholson; two half-sisters, Mrs. A.B. Robertson of Louisville, Mrs. L.A. White of Gholson; one half brother, George Higginbotham of Truman, Arkansas, and her maternal grandfather, Charlie Green of Gholson.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 4/18/1962

Ada Eaves Higginbotham (1899-1962) MS

Mrs. Ada E. Higginbotham, a 62-year-old native of Kemper (Miss.) County and a resident of Jackson County for seven years, was fatally stricken Tuesday at 10:10 p.m. at the B.D. Spann residence on Dantzler Street in Moss Point.

Mrs. Higginbotham was at the Spann home in her capacity as a paid companion to Spann's sister when she was stricken.

An inquest jury, after hearing testimony today from Spann and R.T. Higginbotham, one of Mrs. Higginbotham's sons, returned a verdict of death by natural causes.

Jackson County Coroner J. Leslie Nelson, who empanelled the jury at Fails Funeral Home at Moss Point, said Mrs. Higginbotham was pronounced dead Tuesday by a physician summoned to the Spann home.

The body will be at Fails Funeral Home today at 3 p.m. and will be taken to the Escatawpa home of Ben Higginbotham Jr., another son, at 2 p.m. Thursday.

Funeral services will be conducted Friday at 9 a.m. from the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at Helena, Miss., with the Rev. J.T. Mouchette, pastor, officiating, assisted by the Rev. John Drewey. Interment will be 4 p.m. Friday at the Sugurlot  Cemetery, Sugurlot, Miss.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, Ben Higginbotham Sr., Escatawpa; six sons, J.C. Higginbotham, Kent, Ohio; T.W. Higginbotham, Seibern, Fla.; R.T. Higginbotham, Meridian, Miss.; Ben Higginbotham Jr. and J.W. Higginbotham, both of Escatawpa and Bobby Lee Higginbotham, Pascagoula; one daughter, Mrs. Ada Bell Reed, Detroit, Mich.; one brother, David Eavers, Little Rock, Ark.; three sisters, Mrs. Hattie Bell Davis, Escatawpa; Mrs. Lillie Crume and Mrs. Minnie Vaughn, both of Meridian and 17 grandchildren.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 8/9/1962

Mabel Gentry Higginbotham (1914-1962) TN/MS

Mrs. Mable Higginbotham, 47, died late Wednesday night at Singing River Hospital where she had been confined for the past two weeks. She was a native of Knoxville, Tenn., and a resident of 1307 School St. Pascagoula. She was a member of Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church.

She is survived by her husband, C.L. Higginbotham; one daughter, Candace Lynn Higginbotham' two sons, Paul L. Higginbotham, Pascagoula, and Charles W. Lovejoy, Knoxville; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Gentry, also of Knoxville; four brothers, Paul and Jess Gentry, Elizabethtown, Tenn., James Gentry, Akins, S.C., and Fred Gentry, Hartford, Conn.; and one sister, Mrs. Edna Clark, Knoxville.

The body will be at Fails Funeral Home at 4 o'clock this afternoon where Rosary will be said tonight at 8 o'clock. The funeral service will be held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the chapel. The Rt. Rev. P.J. Carey, pastor of Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church will officiate. The body will be sent to Knoxville, Tenn., for burial.




Clarence Cleveland Higginbotham (1907-1962) AL/MS/LA

Monticello - Funeral services were held in the Antioch Baptist Church near Monticello for Clarence Higginbotham, 55, a native of Pell City, Alabama and a resident of New Orleans, La., for the past four years.

He was buried in the Antioch church cemetery.

Higginbotham was employed by the Sanitation Department of the City of New Orleans. In 1960, he was married to the former Mrs. Inez Lambert Button of the Center community in Lawrence County, who survives with two sons by a previous marriage, one stepson and four stepdaughters. Sons are Grady Lee Higginbotham of Montgomery, Ala., and Sterling Cleveland Higginbotham of St. Petersburg, Fla.; stepdaughters are Mrs. Aubrey CeCorte and Mrs. Teresa Cabral, both of New Orleans; Mrs. Fay Steadman, North Carolina and Mrs. Betty Driver of Childersburg, Ala.; and the stepson Leroy Button of New Orleans, La. Mr. Higginbotham also leaves two brothers, Howard Higginbotham and Woodrow Higginbotham, both of Childersburg, Ala., and four sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Ann Kellar, Gainesville, Miss., Mrs. Geneva Cradduck, Pearl River, La., Miss Lillie Mae Higginbotham and Mrs. Johnnie Mae Phillips, both of Childersburg, Ala.




Margie M. Gray Higginbotham (1936-1963) MS

On Sept. 13th, 1963 at about 7:10 p.m., God called home Margie Gray Higginbotham. Margie was 26 years old and born on October 7th, 1936. She was survived by husband Rush and daughter Connie, mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gray of Washington , Miss.; six brothers, Leroy, Robert, Clarence, Alton, Hubert and David. Two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Breithupand Mrs. Eddie Benito.
Funeral services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. from the Washington Baptist Church with burial to follow at Greenlawn Memorial Park. Pallbearers are Lon Booker Jr., John A McGuire, H.D. Porter, R.C. Brewer, M.D. Nettles and E.W. Mooney.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 3/8/1964

Sylvester Marvin Higginbottom (1914-1964) MS

Belmont - Marvin Sylvester Higginbottom of Belmont was found dead at his home early Saturday morning. He died of an apparent heart attack.

He would have been 59 years old Sunday.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Belmont Methodist Church, with burial in Lindsey Cemetery. Deaton Funeral Home of Belmont in charge.

He leaves his wife; a son, Cletus Edward Higginbottom of Florence, Ala.; two sisters, Mrs. Amy Smith of Burnsville and Mrs. Dixie Hudson of Iuka.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 4/12/1964

Quantrell Higginbotham (1884-1964) MS

Hominy Ridge - Authorities reported Saturday Quantrell Higginbotham, 85, was found dead late Friday after a three-day search for the victim.

The elderly farmer had left his home near Meadville to repair a fence and apparently died of natural causes.

The body was discovered in a thicket four miles from her by National Guardsmen, part of a search team of 60 men.



Houston Times Post 06/25/1964

Flora Blansett Higginbotham (1913-1964) MS

Mrs. Higginbotham Dies in Memphis

Funeral services for Mrs. Jack Higginbotham, 50, who died at the Baptist Hospital, Memphis, at 8:55 am, June 18, were conducted from the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ at 10 am, Saturday. The Rev. R V Mathis officiated. Burial was in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery with Houston Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Miss Flora Blansett, daughter of Harve and Katie Norwood Blansett, resided with her family on Highway 15, North of Houston. She was born June 20 1913, and was a member of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. She leaves her husband, Jack Higginbotham of Houston; five daughters, Mrs. Kathryn Shuler, Mrs. Eardale Foster, Mrs. Ruby Joyce Long, and Mrs. Melba Griffin, all of Houston, and Mrs. Maxine Winsett of Vardaman; five brothers, Walter and Bill Blansett, both of Houston, Ricey Blansett of West Point, Aron Blansett and Quitman Blansett, both of Pheba; two sisters, Mrs. Loma Walters and Mrs. Ida Clemons of Houston and eight grandchildren. Pallbearers were: Billy Ray Higginbotham, Kenneth Higginbotham, Billy Dean Blansett, J D Walters and Claud Brasfield.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 21 Sep 1964, Mon • Page 1

Gilbert Estes Higginbotham (1894-1964) MS

Higginbotham Services Tuesday
Gilbert Estes Higginbotham, 69-year-old resident of Itta Bena died yesterday at the Greenwood Leflore Hospital after a short illness.
Mr. Higginbotham was a retired farmer. He was a native of Calhoun County and had been living, in Itta Bena for the past 29 years. He was a member of the Schlater Masonic Lodge and the Itta Bena Baptist Church.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday from Williams and Lord Funeral Home with Rev. J. R. Nanney officiating. Interment will be at Bethlehem Cemetery near Calhoun City.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife. Mrs. Lillie Higginbotham of Itta Bena; three sons, T C. Higginbotham of Norfolk, Nebraska, Aubrey Higginbotham and Billy Higginbotham, both of Itta Bena; one daughter, Mrs. H. R. Reynold of Ruleville; one brother, Anderson Higginbotham of Lakeland, Florida and two sisters, Mrs. George Chandler and Mrs. Alva Weeks, both of Clarksdale.
Pallbearers will be members of the Schlater Masonic Lodge.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 4/26/1966

Josie Higginbotham Fellows (ca1863-1966) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Josie Higginbotham Fellows were held at 2 p.m. today from the Williams and Lord Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. W.M. Jones officiating. Burial was in Odd Fellows Cemetery.

Mrs. Fellows, who was 82, died Monday at the Greenwood-Leflore Hospital following a short illness.

She was the widow of Edward Fellows and had been a resident of Greenwood for the past 50 years. She was a member of the Methodist Church.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 5/26/1966

Carolyn Minerva Higginbotham Byrd (1897-1966) MS

Meadville - Services were held at 2 p.m. today at Meadville Methodist Church for Mrs. Pyronel R. (Carolyn) Byrd of Rt. 1, Meadville.

Mrs. Byrd died Tuesday at Franklin Hospital. She was born Dec. 7, 1898, the daughter of Alford and Forest Adams Higginbotham of Franklin County.

Mrs. Byrd was a lifelong resident of Franklin County. She was a housewife and member of Oak Grove Methodist Church.

Rev. James L. Turnage was in charge of the final rites, assisted by Rev. Otis Jones. Burial was in Midway Cemetery with Franklin Funeral Home in Charge of arrangements.

Survivors include three sons, Edgar Ray Byrd and John L. Byrd, both of Meadville, and Forrest Byrd if Vidalia; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Hutto, Meadville, and Mrs. R.R. Adams, Natchez; one brother, Rev. C.Y. Higginbotham, Hillsboro; three sisters, Mrs. F. A. Cain, Wiggins, Mrs. Emma Cain, Poplarville, and Mrs. Vallie Jones, Natchez, and six grandchildren.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 7/1/1966

Ida Lennie Higginbotham Mann (1901-1966) MS

Mrs. Ida H. Mann, 64, wife of the late David Mann, died at 10:45 p.m. Thursday at Foundation Hospital in New Orleans.

Mrs. Mann was a resident of 11 East St., Waveland. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Mrs. Mann was born Aug. 25, 1901, in Kentwood, La.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W.S. Yunker, Mobile; Mrs. Michael Kneidinger and Mrs. R.J. Meyers, New Orleans; two sons, David Mann Jr. and John K. Mann, HArbor City, Calif.; 10 grandchildren, and several brothers and sisters.

The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. at Riemanns' Fahey-Whitfield Funeral Home Chapel in Bay St. Louis with the Rev. Lamar Martin, pastor of the Main Street Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Garden of Memory in Bay St. Louis.



Times Post, Houston, MS, Oct. 13, 1966
George Walter Higginbotham (1886-1966) MS
Funeral services for George Walter Higginbotham, 80 year old retired Chickasaw County farmer and timber cutter, who died at 7:05 am, Monday, Oct. 10, at the Houston Hospital following a stroke, were conducted from the Elzy Church at 2 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 11, with the Rev. W. F. Clark and the Rev. Dempsey Neese officiating. Interment was in the Elzy Cemetery with Memorial Funeral Home in charge.
Mr. Higginbotham, who resided on Houston, Star Route, was born April 28, 1886, the son of Joe Edward Higginbotham and Delie Higginbotham. He was a member of the Thorn Methodist Church.
He leaves three brothers, Edd, Virge and Buren Higginbotham, all of Houston; a sister, Mrs. Sevellar Moore of Houston; three half-brothers, Jack and Bill Higginbotham, of Houston and Joe E. Higginbotham of Memphis; a half-sister, Mrs. Jeanette Hamby, of Houston and a number of nieces and nephews.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 5/13/1967

Ada Ora Maxwell Higginbotham (1892-1967) MS

Philadelphia - Funeral services for Mrs. Ada Ora Maxwell Higginbotham, 74, will be at 3 p.m. Sunday from the Beacon Street Baptist Church with burial in Cedarlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Friday in the Neshoba County General Hospital after a long illness.

Born in Lauderdale, she moved to Philadelphia 49 years ago. She was a member of the Beacon Street Baptist Church.

She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. C.W. Hollyfield of Newton, Mrs. J.T. Burrage of Enterprise, Mrs. Home Malone of Sturgis, Mrs. Gene Young of Forrest and Mrs. Ben Lewis of Philadelphia; three sons, Leroy of Philadelphia, Leonard of Union, and MSgt. Lewis of Ft. Campbell, Ky.; 34 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Bunnie Harrison of Louisville; two brothers, George Maxwell of Enterprise and Luther Maxwell of Chunky.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 10/11/1967

Lillie Mae Green Higginbotham (1909-1967) MS

MACON - Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie Higginbotham, 57, will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Assembly of God Church at Shuqualak. Burial will be in the Springfield cemetery in Kemper county with Daws Funeral Home in charge.
She died Monday morning in the Kemper County Hospital.
Survivors are one son, William B. Higginbotham, Preston; one step-son, George Higginbotham, Shuqualak; one daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Flake, Shuqualak; two step-daughters, Mrs. Florie White and Mrs. Flora Robertson, both of Louisville; one brother, Homer Green, Shuqualak; 17 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.



Times Post (Houston, Mississippi) 12/7/1967

William Edd Higginbotham (1948-1967) MS

Cleaning Shotgun, Houston Senior Killed by Gun

William E Higginbotham, 19-year-old Houston High School senior, was killed about 10 am, Monday, Dec. 4, at his home when the shotgun he was cleaning accidentally discharged.

Young Higginbotham had not been feeling well that day and had gone home from school. When the gun discharged, hitting him in the chest, he managed to crawl to a telephone and get the operator. His father, a retired veteran who was working at M-P Felt Co., rushed home. Young Higginbotham was dead before he reached the hospital. He told his father he had been cleaning the gun.

Funeral services were conducted from the New Parkersburg Baptist Church at 2:30 pm, Tuesday, Dec. 5, with the Rev. Marshall Grisham officiating. Burial was in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery with Memorial Funeral Home in charge.

Pallbearers were: Allen Carter, Jackie Morris, Troy Hinton, Jerry Hancock, Jamie Adams, Randy Kendall, Bobby Sledge and Bobby Baine.

Young Higginbotham was born in Houston Oct. 25, 1948. He was a member of the Church of the Nazarene.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D Higginbotham of Houston; five sisters, Mrs. Minnie Wesson and Mrs. Virginia Hardin, both of San Diego, Calif., and Misses Linda, Kaye, and Mary Jean Higginbotham, all of Houston.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 6/27/1968

William Kellis Higginbotham (1892-1968) MS

Funeral services were held for Willie K. Higginbotham, June 20 at 11 a.m. at the Butler Baptist Church in the Gholson community, with the pastor, James L. Lowery, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Rush of the Mashulaville Baptist Church. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon was in charge of the arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham was a life-long resident of Noxubee County where he was a farmer. He died, at the age of 86, in the Winston County Community Hospital after suffering a stroke.

He was a Baptist and a member of the Mashulaville Baptist Church.

Beside his wife, Mrs. Leona Clark Higginbotham, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. James Reed of Louisville, Mrs. Clyde Sullivan of Castro, La., and Mrs. Willie Ben White of Gholson; five sons, William Higginbotham of Mashulaville, Grady Higginbotham of Macon, Brooks Higginbotham of Shuqualak, Paul Higginbotham of the Butler community, and Kittrell Higginbotham, who is with the armed forces in Saigon, South Vietnam; one sister, Mrs. Tobitha Crocker of Winston County; and one brother, Jimmy Higginbotham of Mobile, Ala.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 9/20/1968

Tabithia Higginbotham Reed Crocker (1885-1968) MS

Philadelphia - Funeral services for Mrs. Tabitha Crocker, 79, will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at Butler Church in Noxubee County. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Daws-Nowell Funeral Home is in charge.

She died Wednesday at Winston County Hospital in Louisville.

She was a native of Noxubee County, was a member of the Fern Springs Methodist Church.

She leaves two sons, James Reed, of Louisville, Randolph Reed, Shuqualak; three daughters, Mrs. Homer Burkes of Macon, Mrs. O.P Barnet, Louisville, Mrs. J.D. Clark, Crawford; 11 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren; one brother, Jim E. Higginbotham, Mobile.



The Winston County Journal 3/13/1969

Glenda Ruth Haggard Higginbotham (1944-1969) MS

Funeral services were held March 10 for Mrs. Glenda Ruth Higginbotham at the Mashulaville Baptist Church with Rev. George Butler, pastor, officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Harris Funeral Home in charge.

Mrs. Higginbotham, 24, was a resident of Winston County and an employee of Spartus Corp.

Survivors are her husband, Joe Lee Higginbotham; a daughter, Glenda Jo; her mother, Mrs. Margaret H. Haggard; one brother, Larry Haggard of Macon; two half-brothers, James Haggard of Macon and Dennis Haggard of Louisville; two sisters, Mrs. Polly Moore of Macon and Miss Faye Haggard of Alsip, Ill.; and two half-sisters, Mrs. Corrine Peters of Virginia Beach, Va., and Mrs. Barbara Mordecai of Macon.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 3/3/1970

Bertha Bateman Higginbotham (ca1924-1970) MS

Mrs. Bertha Higginbotham died Monday night at Singing River Hospital.

She was 46 years old and a native of Knoxabee County, Miss. She resided at 1225 Gregory St., Moss Point.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by 3 sons, Billy Joe and James of Moss Point and Wayne of Sebring, Fla.; a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Weeks, Ft. Myers, Fla.; her father, Minor Bateman, Sebring, Fla.; 4 brothers, Minor Jr., Edward and Roy of Sebring and Harold of Wachula, Fla.; 3 sisters, Mrs. Barbara Thomas, Sebring; Mrs. Clara Robinson, Meridian; Mrs. Annette Conner, Knoxabee, Miss.

Friends may call after 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at Fails Funeral Home in Moss Point.

Funeral services will be at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon from the Fails Funeral Chapel with interment in MacPaelah Cemetery.



The Daily Herald (Biloxi MS) Sun. May 17, 1970 p. 2

Nita Dessa Higginbotham Cain (1889-1970) MS

Mrs. Nita Higginbotham Cain, 90, a resident of Ramsey Springs community, died Friday at Stone County Hospital. She was born November 12, 1889, in Franklin County, Miss. The widow of the late Flavius A. Cain. She was a member of the New Zion United Methodist Church for about 45 years.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday at Dees Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will be in the Midway Cemetery at Meadville, Miss. at 3 p.m. Sunday, Rev. Don L. Fillingame, pastor officiating.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Gruda Mae Sharp, Perkinston; a son, Winton Burrell Cain, Lebanon, Ill.; a brother, Rev. C.Y. Higginbotham, Brookhaven; two sisters, Mrs. Vallie Jones, Natchez; and Mrs. Emma Cain, of Lucedale; six grandchildren; and eight great grandchildren.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 6/25/1970

Polly Lollice Higginbotham Goodin (1893-1970) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Polly Lollice Goodin were held on June 5 at the Butler Pentecostal Church with the Rev. Owen Gordon, Jr., and Rev. T.M. Roberts officiating.

Burial was in the Butler Cemetery with Harris Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Goodin was born in Noxubee County, the daughter of Commie and Margaret Gray Higginbotham, and had lived in Louisville a number of years. She was 76 years old.

She died in Winston County Community Hospital following a short illness.

She leave two daughters, Mrs. Claudie Adcock of China Grove, N.C., and Mrs. Joe Butler of Gholson; two sons, R.C. Gooding of Enterprise, and James R. Goodin of Roseville, Mich.; one sister, Mrs. Maggie Chambliss of Louisville; 21 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.



Times Post (Houston, MS) Oct. 1, 1970

Buren Smith Higginbotham (1898-1970) MS
Buren Smith Higginbotham, retired Chickasaw County farmer, who resided on Houston star route, died at 11:35 pm, Friday, Sept. 25, at the Houston Hospital. He was 71
He was a lifelong resident of Chickasaw County.
Funeral services were conducted from the Houston Funeral Home chapel at 2 pm, Sunday, Sept. 27, with the Rev. Loyce Walker officiating, assisted by the Rev. Hal Rushing. Interment was in the Elzey Cemetery. Pallbearers were John, Hubert, James and William Higginbotham and Robert and Tom Moore.
Mr. Higginbotham was the son of Joe and Delia Higginbotham, and was born Feb. 24, 1898.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Birdie Doss Higginbotham of Houston; a son, Henry Higginbotham of Houston; a daughter, Mrs. James Carter of Houston; two brothers, Ed and Virgil Higginbotham, both of Houston; three half-brothers, Jack and Bill Higginbotham, both of Houston and Joe Higginbotham of Memphis, TN; a sister, Mrs. Sevella Moore of Houston; a half-sister, Mrs. Jeanette Hamby of Houston; five grandchildren and one great grandchild.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 10/12/1970

Randall Lynn Higginbotham (1947-1970) MS

Funeral services for Randall Lynn Higginbotham, 23, Mississippi National guardsman from Ocean Springs Killed during weekend training Saturday, were held this morning in Biloxi.

The funeral was at 10:45, followed by 11 a.m. Mass at St. John Catholic Church. Burial was in Biloxi Cemetery.

Higginbotham, a corporal in Headquarters Detachment, Mississippi National Guard, was dead on arrival at the USAF Hospital, Keesler AFB, after being run over by a truck.

The accident happened in DeSoto National Forest near the Keesler AFB firing range north of Biloxi about 7:45 p.m., a National Guard spokesman said.

During a training problem, Cpl. Higginbotham was acting as an aggressor. He attempted to jump into the back of a truck, and he fell from the truck, apparently when the driver began backing up the vehicle.

The truck then backed over the Ocean Springs resident who had been in the National Guard for more than four years.

Higginbotham was a native Biloxian, and Notre Dame High School graduate and he had attended the University of Mississippi for three years. He was employed by Seaway Seafood Company of Biloxi.

He is survived by his father, Percy Higginbotham of Ocean Springs; a brother, Larry Higginbotham; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higginbotham and Mrs. Emile Carron, all of Biloxi.

He was a member of the Fleur de Lis Society.

Pallbearers were Wayne and Don McFall; Don, David, Johnny, Richard, Kenny and Alvis Higginbotham.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 5/27/1971

Ann Marie Higginbotham (1969-1971) MS

Funeral services for Ann Marie Higginbotham, 17 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Higginbotham, were held May 25 from the Harris Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Brister officiating.

Burial was in the Concord Cemetery in Choctaw County under the direction of Harris Funeral Home.

Ann Marie died suddenly on May 24.

Survivors include her parents; one sister, Belinda Watkins; and her grandmothers, Mrs. Louise Higginbotham and Mrs. Mary Andrews, both of Louisville.



Hattiesburg American 7/20/1971

Lela Myrtle Saucier Higginbotham (1896-1971) MS

Lumberton - Services were to be held at 2 p.m. today at Caney Baptist Church for Mrs. Myrtle Saucier Higginbotham, 74, of the Bay Creek Community, who died Monday afternoon at Marion County Hospital. Rev. Wiley Johnson was to officiate. Burial was to be in the church cemetery. Nephews were to be pallbearers. Bounds Funeral Home is in charge.

She was a lifelong resident of Lamar County and a member of Bay Creek Baptist Church. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Herman of Jackson and Mrs. Tabbie Hand of Council Bluff, Iowa; three sons, Ellis and Kermit Higginbotham of Rt. 4, Lumberton and B.W. Higginbotham of San Antonio, Tex.; one sister, Mrs. Joe Dearman of Lumberton; six brothers, Rev. N.V. Saucier of Biloxi, Talmadge Saucier of Rt. 4, Lumberton, Herbert Saucier of Lumberton, Bernard, Marshall and Leroy Saucier of Purvis; and five grandchildren.



The Star-Herald (Kosciusko, MS) 11/18/1971

Thomas Emanuel Higginbotham (1913-1971) MS

Services for Thomas Emanuel Higginbotham, 58, of the Barnes community of Leake County, were held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Pleasant Grove Congregational Methodist Church with burial in the church cemetery.

Higginbotham, an employee of Superior Coach Corp. died unexpectedly Sunday at Montfort Jones Memorial Hospital. He was a native of Neosho County, a member of the Hope Baptist Church and a member of Woodmen of the World.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Clemmie Tullos Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Warnette Dutton of Decatur, Ill., and Mrs. Gale Scrivner of Carthage; a son, Thomas Charles Higginbotham with the USAF in Italy; four sisters, Mrs. Willie Culpepper of Brandon, Mrs. Mary Withers, Mrs Ethel Swain of Barnes and Mrs. Lura Jolly of Forest; a brother, James Higginbotham of Barnes; seven grandchildren.

The Rev. Lester Janes and the Rev. Lavone Hollifield were the officiating ministers. Jordan Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 1/18/1972

Margaret Francis Higginbotham Chambliss (1885-1972) MS

Louisville - Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Frances Chambliss, 86, will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Good Hope Baptist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Chambliss died Sunday at the Noxubee General Hospital in Macon after a long illness.

A life-time resident of Winston County, she was a member of the Mt. Hebron Methodist Church.

Survivors include one son, Charles Chambliss, Louisville; and five daughters, Mrs. Jewel Ferguson, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. J.V. Tolbert, Livingston, Texas' and Mrs. Clem Chappell, Mrs. William Kirk, and Mrs. Bernard Whitehead, all of Louisville. There were 22 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 3/31/1972

Willie Olena Higginbotham Culpepper (1909-1972) MS

Braxton - Funeral services for Mrs. Willie O. Culpepper, 62, will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from Gum Springs Baptist Church. Burial will be in Braxton cemetery. The body will be at Upton Funeral Home until service time.

She died Thursday morning at Simpson General Hospital.

Survivors are one son, Olin Culpepper, Braxton; three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Ainsworth, Braxton, Mrs. Julia Thompson, Morgan City, La., Mrs. Betty Buffington, New Orleans; one brother, James Higginbotham, Carthage; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Swain and Mrs. Mary Withers, both of Carthage, Mrs. Laura Jolly, Forest; 19 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 6/2/1972

David W. Higginbotham (1948-1972) MS

Funeral services for Biloxi Police Ptn. David Higginbotham, 24, fatally injured early Friday in a "quick draw" shooting accident at police headquarters, will be held Saturday afternoon.

Rites will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home followed by a Mass at 3 o'clock at St. John's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Biloxi Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 o'clock tonight. A prayer service will be held at the funeral home at 8 o'clock.

Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Higginbotham, Biloxi; two brothers, Don Higginbotham, Biloxi, and C.J. Higginbotham, Nashville, Tenn.; two sisters, Mrs. Carol Beaulier, Crystal Springs, Miss., and Mary Jean Higginbotham, Biloxi; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higginbotham, Biloxi; and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Anthony Pickrich, Biloxi.



Greenville (MS) Delta Democrat-Times 06/07/1972

Clarence Hickenbottom (1896-1972) MS

Clarence Hickenbottom, 75, of 413 Persimmon St., Greenville, died Monday at the Washington County General Hospital after an illness.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Dillon-Steverson Funeral Home chapel of Greenville with the Rev. T.R. Clay officiating. Burial will follow in the Delta Memorial Gardens.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 10/20/1972

Lille Bell Neeley Higginbotham (1906-1972) MS

Lille N. Higginbotham Services Set

Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie N. Higginbotham, 66, will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday in Locust Street Baptist Church.

Mrs. Higginbotham died this morning at Southwest General Hospital following a short illness.

Born Jan. 10, 1906, she was a native of Bassfield. She made her home on Locust Street in McComb at the time of her death.

She was a member of the Locust Street Baptist Church.

Survivors include one son, James Higginbotham, McComb; five daughters, Mrs. Ruby Kelley, Mrs. Gennetter "Pete" Magee, Mrs. Verena Barr, all of McComb, Mrs. Dorothy Fortenberry, Mrs. Peggy Holmes, both of Tylertown; one brother, Emmitt Lee Neeley, Bogalusa, La; one sister, Mrs. Gilbert Lenard, Houston, Tex.; 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Rev. Lester Hill will officiate. Burial will be in Hollywood Cemetery with Hartman Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 5/24/1973

George Dennis Higginbotham (1960-1973) MS

Funeral services for George Dennis Higginbotham, 13, were held on May 23, at Mashulaville Baptist Church with the Rev. George Butler officiating. Burial was in Mashulaville Cemetery under the direction of the Harris Funeral Home.

George, an 8th grade student at Nanih Waiya School, died on May 21, in a drowning accident while fishing at his grandmother's home, Mrs. Mattie L. Jackson of Bradley, near Starkville.

He was the son of George L. Higginbotham and Mary Nell Young Higginbotham of Rt. 4, Macon.

Survivors other than his parents are one brother, Jimmy Higginbotham of Macon; two sisters, Miss Vicky Lynn and Miss Marjorie Higginbotham, both of Macon; and grandparents, Mrs. Mattie L. Jackson of Bradley and R.P. Young of Scooba.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 7/10/1973

Susan Rose Page Higginbotham (1890-1973) MS

Meridian - Mrs. Sudie Rose Higginbotham, 82, died late Friday in St. Joseph Hospital. Funeral: 10 a.m. Monday in Webb Funeral Home. Burial: Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Edyth Dearman, Mrs. Pauline Rosales, Mrs. Sallie Taylor, all of Meridian, Mrs. Ruby Vaughn of Jackson; 13 grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Arrie Conner of Jackson, and Mrs. Ollie Warren of DeKalb; and one brother, George Page of Jackson.



The Winona Times August 2, 1973

James Walter Higginbotham (1901-1973) MS
James Walter Higginbotham, retired farmer, died July 23 at the Greenwood Leflore Hospital. He was 72 years old, and a resident of Greenwood.
Dan S. Beardain officiated at the service, held at 2 p.m. July 25 at Lee Funeral Home chapel. Burial was in Bethel cemetery, Lee in charge.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bessie Henning Higginbotham, Greenwood; his father. Johnny Higginbotham, Winona; six children, Mrs. Willie Mae Coleman, Itta Bena: Mrs. Evelyn Grace, San Antonio, Texas: James E. Higginbotham, Leland: Clayton D. Higginbotham and Walter D. Higginbotham, Nashville, Tennessee; and Charles R. Higginbotham, Sidon.
Also, two brothers, Jessie Higginbotham and Elton Higginbotham, Memphis; three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Dodd, Mrs. Lena Stewart, and Mrs. Ethel Donahoo, all of Winona; 18 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Thomas Henning, Boyce Coleman, Junior Donahoo, James Henning, Cecil Henning and Emory Barrentine.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 11/11/1973

James Thomas Higginbotham (1890-1973) MS/AL

Meridian - Jimmy Higginbotham, 82, of Rt. 1, Grand Bay, Ala., and a former resident of Gholson, died Thursday in Mobile, Ala. Infirmary. Funeral: 11 a.m. Saturday in Butler Tabernacle, Noxubee County. Burial: White Cemetery.

He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. L.L Taylor of Baskin, La.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 11/12/1973

Edna Delcambre Higginbotham (1898-1973) LA/MS

Mrs. Edna Delcambre Higginbotham, 75, 1044 Lameuse St., Biloxi, died Sunday at 9:25 a.m. at Howard Memorial Hospital in Biloxi, where she had been a patient for one month.

Born in Youngsville, La., June 22, 1898, she had been a resident of Biloxi for 44 years. She was a member of St. John's Catholic Church and St. John's Altar Society.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, Nelson Higginbotham; five sons, George J. Curtis, Dennis and Carey Higginbotham, all of Biloxi, Percy Higginbotham, Ocean Springs; three daughters, Mrs. Rose Mary Tibilier, Mrs. Shirley Parker and Miss Melba Higginbotham, Biloxi; five brothers, Essie Delcambre and Avery Delcambre, New Iberia, La., Lucius Delcambre, Broussard, La., Harry Delcambre, Pointe La Hache, La., and Amicar Delcambre, Jenerett, La.; 32 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.

The funeral service will be held Tuesday morning at 9:45 o'clock from Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home followed with a 10 o'clock Requiem Mass in St. John's Catholic Church. Interment will be in the Biloxi Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 6 p.m. Monday. Recitation of the Rosary will be at 8 p.m.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 1/25/1974

Thelma Marie Blanchard Higginbotham (1920-1974) MS

Mrs. Thelma Higginbotham, 53, of 109 Fort Bayou St., Ocean Springs, died at 10:10 a.m. Thursday at Howard Memorial Hospital in Biloxi, where she had been a patient six months.

A resident of Ocean Springs 13 years, she was born in Biloxi on May 21, 1920. She was a member of St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Ocean Springs.

Survivors include her husband, James Higginbotham, Ocean Springs; four sons, Gary Higginbotham, Carroll Higginbotham and Eugene Higginbotham, Biloxi, John Wayne Higginbotham, Ocean Springs; one daughter, Miss MAry Grace Higginbotham, Ocean Springs; her mother, Mrs. Eva Blanchard, Biloxi; one brother, Albert Blanchard, Ocean Springs, and two grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. Saturday from the Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Biloxi. Mass will be said at 10 a.m. at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Interment will be in the Biloxi Cemetery.

Friends may call after 6 p.m. Friday. The Rosary will be recited Friday night.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 2/27/1974

Bobby Lee Higginbotham (1938-1974) MS

Philadelphia - Funeral services for Bobby Lee Higginbotham, 36, were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday morning from McClain-Hays Funeral Chapel with burial in Shuqualak Cemetery.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Bobby Williams Higginbotham of Preston; three daughters, Debra Lynn, Tommie Gayle and Amanda Carol Higginbotham, all of Preston; one son, Michael Higginbotham of Preston; his father, Ben Higginbotham of Pascagoula; one sister, Mrs. Ada Bell Akers of Warren, Mich.; five brothers, J.C. Higginbotham of Ohio, T.W Higginbotham, Bennie Higginbotham, both of Pascagoula, R.T. Higginbotham of Collins and J.W. Higginbotham of Shuqualak.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 1/26/1975

James Ralph Higginbotham (1920-1975) MS

Capt. James Ralph Higginbotham, 54, long-time resident of the Coast, died at 10 a.m. Saturday at Memorial Hospital at Gulfport where he had been a patient two weeks.

A resident of 1630 Nichols Court, Gulfport, he was a retired merchant marine captain and a pilot for the Port of Gulfport from 1954 until 1971 when he retired due to illness.

Born Oct. 30, 1920, in Philadelphia, Miss., he was a 1943 graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y., and was active in the Merchant Marines during World War II and cited for bravery in action.

A member of the Elks Lodge in Gulfport and the International Organization Mates and Pilots Association. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Gulfport.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Fanny King Roder of Gulfport and two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Dawson of Nederland, Tex., and Mrs. Beatrice Zumo of Port Arthur, Tex.

Friends may call at Riemann Funeral Home in Gulfport after 2 p.m. Sunday.

The funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Monday from the funeral home chapel with Dr. John Traylor, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Gulfport, officiating.

Burial will be in Floral Hills Memorial Park.



The Sun (Biloxi, MS) 2/21/1975

Jerry Wayne Higginbotham (1955-1975) MI/MS/AL

Jerry Wayne Higginbotham, 19, of Wolf Ridge Road, in the Big Point community, died Thursday at the Doctors Hospital in Mobile, Ala. Friends may call from 5 to 10 p.m. Friday at Holder-Wells Funeral Home. Funeral services will be Saturday at 2 p.m. from the funeral home chapel, followed by burial in Serenity Memorial Gardens. Born in Warren, Mich., he was a member of the Holiness Church. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Higginbotham; two brothers, Bennie Lee Higginbotham and Gary Ray Higginbotham; his grandfather, Ben Higginbotham, all of the Big Point community; and his grandmother, Mrs. Hida Miller of Bowling Green, Ky.



Times Post 02/27/1975

Ruben Edd Higginbotham (1888-1975) MS

Ruben Edd Higginbotham, retired farmer, who resided on Hall Street in Houston, died at 2:25 pm, Monday, Feb 24, at the Houston Hospital. He was 85 and had resided in Chickasaw County all of his life. Funeral services were conducted at 1 pm Tuesday, Feb 25, from Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. E M Gordon officiating. Interment was in Chickasaw Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers were: Robert Moore, James Moore, Henry Higginbotham, David Higginbotham, James Carter and Herley Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was born May 5 1889, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Higginbotham. He was a Baptist. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary Higginbotham; two sons, John and Hubert Higginbotham, both of Houston; one brother, Virgil Higginbotham of Houston; a sister, Mrs. Sevellar Moore of Houston; three half brothers, a half sister, nine grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.



Times Post dated April 17 1975
Lillian E. Higginbotham Thompson (1900-1975) MS
Mrs. Thompson Dies at 75
Mrs. Lillian H Thompson, 75, of West Madison Street in Houston, died at 6:15 pm, Sunday, April 13 in the Houston Hospital. Services were held at 2 pm, April 15, from the Houston Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. W F Clark officiating. Interment was in the Houston Cemetery.
She was the daughter of the late William Franklin Higginbotham and Loudsky Matilda Tadlock Higginbotham, and was born in Houston, Jan 30 1900. She had resided here all her life. She was a Baptist. She was the wife of Robert C Thompson, who preceded her in death.
She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Lula Andrews of Houston, Mrs. Dessie Mae Gatlen of Miles, Mich., and Mrs. Daisy Battaglia of Memphis.



Times Post 05/15/1975

Mary L. Smith Higginbotham (1890-1975) AL/MS

Higginbotham Rites Held

Funeral services were held for Mrs. Mary Higginbotham, 85 wife of the late R. E. Higginbotham, at 10 am, May 9 1975. She died at 6:15 pm May 7 at the Hillcrest Nursing Home in Aberdeen. Services were held at Memorial Funeral Home chapel with the Rev. H B Rushing officiating. Interment was in Chickasaw Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers were David Higginbotham, Wayne Higginbotham, Herley Higginbotham, Don Howell, Rudolph Clemmons and Nathan Shuler. Mrs. Higginbotham, a retired housewife, was born in Birmingham, Al., the daughter of John Smith and Nancy Hudson Smith. She had spent most of her life in Chickasaw County and had resided at 389 Hall Street in Houston. She is survived by two sons, John and Herbert Higginbotham, both of Houston; two half sisters, Mrs. Ruby Roe Alma of Amory and Mrs. Victoria Doss of Houston. Also surviving are nine grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.



The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN, on May 31, 1975

Fletcher Higgenbottom (1893-1975) MS

FLETCHER HIGGENBOTTOM - May 27, 1975, at his late residence in Coldwater, Miss. Husband of Mrs. Izoria Higgenbottom, father of Mr. Eddie F. Higgenbottom of Senatobia, Miss., and Mrs. Annie M. Dean of Chicago, Ill. Father-in-law of Mrs. Jim E. Higgenbottom, Mrs. Oweclia Higgenbottom, Mrs. Josephine Higgenbottom, and Mr. Richard Dean. He leaves 34 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, two nephews, four sisters-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends. Visitation will be Saturday, May 31, 1975 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Fredonia M.B. Church, Coldwater, Miss. Funeral services Sunday, June 1, 1975, at 12:30 p.m. same church. Rev. Coleman Crawford, Pastor. Interment and final tribute, church cemetery. VICTORY FUNERAL HOME, Memphis, Tenn.



The Winona Times January 7, 1976

John Green Higginbotham (1881-1976) MS
Mr. Jack G. Higginbotham, 94, of Winona passed away Tuesday, January 6, at Tyler Holmes Memorial Hospital. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Mrs. Zannie Higginbotham of Winona; by three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Dodd, Mrs. Lena Stewart, and Mrs. Ethel Donahoo, all of Winona; two sons, Elton Lee Higginbotham and Iris Higginbotham, both of Memphis. He is also survived by 32 grandchildren, 88 great-grandchildren and 35 great-great grandchildren.
Funeral services conducted by Rev. C. E. Burden, at Lee Funeral Home Chapel at 2:00 Wednesday, January 7. Burial was in Bethel Cemetery with Lee Funeral Home in charge.
Pallbearers were Kenneth Higginbotham, Darrell Donahoo, William Higginbotham, Dennis Donahoo, Clayton Higginbotham and Dylynn Higginbotham.


Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 6/26/1976

Charles Wendell Higginbotham Jr. (1959-1976) MS

Moss Point - Funeral services for Charles Wendell Higginbotham Jr. will be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. from Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point, followed by burial in Serenity Gardens. The 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Higginbotham Sr., of 1516 Charles St., in Moss Point, died Thursday at Singing River Hospital. In addition to his parents, he is survived by three brothers, DeWayne Higginbotham, Andy Higginbotham and Tommy Higginbotham, all of Moss Point; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Manning of Loveland, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higginbotham of Moss Point. Friends may call Saturday from 6 to 10 p.m. at Holder-Wells Funeral Home Chapel. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Muscular Dystrophy or to St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 6/15/1977

George Benjamin Higginbotham (189601977) MS

Benjamin Higginbotham, 80, a retired farmer and a resident of Route 5, Wolfe Ridge Road, Pascagoula, died Tuesday at his home.

Born IN DeKalb, Miss., he had resided in Jackson County for the past 20 years.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Al Akers of Warren, Mich.; five sons, J.C. Higginbotham of Canton, Ohio, T.W. Higginbotham of Baytown, Tex., R.T. Higginbotham of Collins, Bennie Higginbotham of Escatawpa, and J.W. Higginbotham of Shuqualak, Miss.; two brothers, Cannie Higginbotham of Laurel, and Chester Higginbotham of Forest, Miss.; two sisters, Mrs. Ola Haskins, and Mrs. Alice Stevens, both of DeKalb; 25 grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren.

Friends may call Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. at Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point.

The funeral will be conducted Thursday at 10 a.m. from the funeral home chapel, followed by graveside services at 4 p.m. in Shuqualak Cemetery in Shuqualak, Miss.




Ruby Page Higginbotham Vaughn (1903-1977) MS

Funeral services were held for Mrs. Ruby Vaughn July 17th at 2:00 p.m. from Dripping Springs Baptist Church in Winston Co. Rev. William Walker and Rev. Eugene Johnson officiated with burial in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Vaughn, age 74, resident of Union, died at Riley Hospital July 14th. She was a member of New Plesent Dale Baptist Church.

McClain Funeral Home was in charge of burial.

Survivors include 5 daughters, Mrs. Margaret Inez Sells of Cicero, Ill., Mrs. Sue Adams and Mrs. Pearl Dunn, both of Philadelphia, Mrs. Mae Carby of Union and Mrs. Alice Robinson of Forest; 5 sons, Bill and Norman Vaughn of Memphis, Tenn., Joe and Wallace Vaughn of Carthage and James Vaughn of Jackson; 3 sisters, Mrs. Edith Dearman and Mrs. Pauline Rosales and Mrs. Sally Taylor of Meridian; brother, A.W. Higginbotham of Union and twenty five grandchildren.

Pall bearers were grandsons of the deceased.



Houston Times Post, Nov. 10, 1977
Sevellar Higginbotham Moore (1893-1977) MS
Funeral services were held on Nov. 6 at the Houston Funeral Home for Mrs. Sevella Moore, who died Nov. 5 at age 84. Services were conducted by D. G. Butler and Grady Williams and interment was in Ellzey cemetery.
She was the daughter of Joe Edmund and Delia Higginbotham, and she was a native of the county. She was affiliated with the Thorn Church of God.
She was the widow of Ezekial Moore and is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Rena Johnson and Mrs. Sarah Brooks both of Houston, Mrs. Ruby Walker and Mrs. Virginia McMinn; five sons, Robert and James of Houston, Tom of Okolona, John of Woodland and Bill of West Point; three half-brothers and a half-sister.
Pallbearers included Tom Moore, Jr., Danny Moore, William Osburn, Ricky Moore, Raymond Moore, Kenneth Moore, Randy Brooks and Mike Moore.



Holmes County Herald 06/06/1978

Lester Jane Higginbottom (1893-1978) MS

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Higginbotham attended the funeral of Miss Lester Higginbotham of Burnsville. While there they visited her father, S.J. Bobo.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 9/19/1978

Fannie King Higginbotham Roder (1895-1978) MS

The funeral for Mrs. Fannie Roder, 83, Gulfport, who died Sunday, was held Tuesday afternoon at the Riemann Funeral Home chapel in Gulfport.

Burial was in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens.

Mrs. Roder is survived by two daughters, Mrs. BEatrice Zumo, Port Arthur, Texas and Gulfport, and Mrs. Agnes Dawson, Nederland, Texas; a brother, R.J. King, Philadelphia, Miss.; seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.



Hattiesburg American 1/8/1979

Annie Ruth Simms (1940-1979) MS

Laurel - Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Evangel Temple Assembly of God for Mrs. Sam (Ruth) Higginbotham, 38, of Rt. 2, Laurel, who died Sunday at Jones County Community Hospital.

Officiating ministers will be the Rev. F.S. McManus and the Rev. Larry Meadows. Burial will be in Hickory Grove Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham id survived by her husband, Sam. B. Higginbotham; three sons, Randy, Greg and Gerald Higginbotham, all of Laurel; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Sims of Meridian; two brothers, Jerry of Columbia and Mark Sims of Meridian; three sisters, Mrs. Freda Morton of North Carolina, Mrs. Patricia McMullen and Miss Janet Sims, both of Meridian.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 3/13/1979

Linda Marie Higginbotham Williams (1943-1979) MS

Mrs. Linda Marie Higginbotham Williams, 35, died at 1:30 p.m. Monday at her residence, 927 Strangi Ave., Biloxi.

Mrs. Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Higginbotham of Biloxi, was born Nov. 9, 1943, in Biloxi, and was a life-long resident. She was employed at Michel Junior High School and was a member of St. John Catholic Church in Biloxi.

In addition to her parents, she is survived by two sons, Carlton Williams Jr. and Stephen Williams; a daughter, Miss Tina Louise Williams, all of Biloxi; her husband, Carlton Williams of Gulfport; two brothers, Billy Higginbotham and Michael Higginbotham; two sisters, Mrs. Dane (Sylvia) Fallo and Miss Claire Higginbotham, all of Biloxi; and her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Eulege Dartez of Kaplan, La.

Friends may call at the Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral home in Biloxi from 6 to 10 p.m. today, where a Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m.

The funeral will be held at the funeral home chapel at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, followed by a 10 a.m. Mass at St. John Catholic Church, celebrated by the Rev. Robert Higginbotham, Mrs. William's cousin.

Burial will be in Biloxi Cemetery.



Tensas Gazette (St. Joseph, LA) 4/11/1979

Myrtle Elizabeth Watson Higginbotham (1897-1979) AL/LA/MS

Services for Mrs. Myrtle E. Higginbotham, 81, were at 2 p.m. Friday, April 6th, in Young's Funeral Home Chapel in Ferriday with the Rev. W.C. Guice officiating.

Burial was in Greenlawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Natchez, Miss.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday, April 4, in Concordia Parish Hospital after a brief illness.

She was a native of Collinsville, Ala., a resident of St. Joseph for the past 48 years and a member of the Baptist church.

Survivors include four sons, William H. Higginbotham of Glendora, Calif., Roy M. Higginbotham of Baytown, Texas, Earl H. Higginbotham of Waco, Texas, Carl E. Higginbotham of Spring, Texas; five daughters, Mrs. Ruby Breland of Natchez, Miss., Mrs. Thelma Chisholm of Raleigh, Miss., Mrs. Ivalee Breland of Clayton, Mrs. Monie Barfield of Newellton, Mrs. KAthryn Chisholm of Prairieville; Three brothers, Wilfred Rooks of Jacksonville, Eral Rooks of Rome, Ga., Milford Rooks of Salinas, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Eschol Patty of Arab, Ala.; 36 grandchildren, 63 great-grandchildren and one great -great-grandchild.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 8/27/1979

Carl DeWayne Higginbotham (1960-1979) MS

Carl DeWayne Higginbothan, 19, of 4415 Charles St., Moss Point, died Sunday at Singing River Hospital.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Higginbothan; two brothers, Tonny and Andy Higginbothan, all of Moss Point; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higginbothan of Moss Point, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Manning of Loveland, Colo.

A visitation will be held Tuesday from 6 until 9 p.m. at Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point, where services will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Ken Pittman and the Rev. A.J. Pace officiating. Burial will be in Serenity Memorial Gardens.



The Times Post (Houston, MS) April 17, 1980
Lula Ann Higginbotham Tittle Andrews (1902-1980) MS
Mrs. Lula Higginbotham Andrews, 78, of Houston, died Tuesday, April 8. Funeral services were held at the Houston Funeral Home Chapel on Thursday with burial at Rhodes Chapel Cemetery. The Rev. James Cannon of Parkway Baptist Church officiated.
A native and lifelong resident of Chickasaw County, Mrs. Andrew was the daughter of Frank Higginbotham and Tilda Tadlock Higginbotham. She was married to the late John Andrews and was a member of the Baptist Church.
Surviving are a son, Lavert Tittle, Houlka; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Lizzie Woods of Ruleville; two sisters, Mrs. Daisey Lee Phillips, Memphis and Mrs. Dessie Mae Gatlin of Norfolk, Va.
Six grandchildren and five great grandchildren also survive.
Pallbearers were Jimmy Bailey, Junior Black, William Tittle, Adie Sykes, Bud Dotson and Ray Bevels.



Hattiesburg American 6/25/1980

Cathy Jeanette Franklin Higginbotham (1956-1980) LA/MS

Columbia - Services are tentatively set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Thomas Funeral Home in Ponchatoula, La., for Mrs. Cathy Jeanette Franklin Higginbotham, 24, of Rt. 1 Kokomo, who was killed in an automobile accident Tuesday.

Burial will be in Springfield Cemetery. Colonial Funeral Home was in charge of local arrangements.

Survivors include her husband, Darrell Paul Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; a son, Jason Paul Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; a daughter, Tiffeny Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook of Columbia; a sister, Edith Franklin of New Orleans; and a half-sister, Susan Cook of Columbia.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 10/31/1980

Sarah Emaline Chandler Higginbotham Westbrooks (1887-1980) MS

Mrs. Sarah Emaline Westbrook, 94, died Thursday at her residence at 5519 Grierson St., Moss Point.

The Calhoun County native had resided in Moss Point for the past 10 years and was a member of East Moss Point Baptist Church.

She is survived by two sons, Floyd Higginbotham of Moss Point and O.D. Higginbotham of Greenwood; three daughters, Mrs. Katie Pickel of Walnut Grove, Miss., Mrs. Lucille Adams of Escatawpa and Mrs. Thelma Moore of Clarksdale; two brothers, George Chandler of Vance, Miss., and Abbie Chandler of Vardaman, Miss.; a sister, Mrs. Maybelle Higginbotham of Walter Valley, Miss.; 28 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

Friends will be received tonight from 6 until 9 at Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point, where services will be conducted Saturday at 3:30 p.m.

Burial will be in Serenity Memorial Gardens.



Scott County Times (Forest, MS) 12/31/1980

Boss Chester Higginbotham (190901980) MS

Funeral services for B. C. Higginbotham, 75, were held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, December 28, 1980, from the Ott & Lee Chapel in Forest. Rev. Roe Ballow officiated. Interment was made in the Zion Cemetery in Kemper County.

Higginbotham passed away on Friday evening at the St. Dominic Hospital in Jackson, following an auto accident about three weeks earlier. He was a poultry farmer and had lived in the Pulaski are for the past 15 years, and formerly lived in Kemper County. He was a member of the Homewood Baptist Church.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Higginbotham, Route 1, Pulaski; two sons, B.L Higginbotham, Mobile, Ala., and Dennis Alexander, Route 1, Raleigh; four daughters, Mrs. Wayne (Mary) Porter, Rose Hill, Mrs. Kenneth W. (Kathy) Coley, Morton, Mrs. Billy Joe (Marie) Coley, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Ray (Diane) Hardy, South Carolina; one sister, Mrs. Andy Stephens, DeKalb, and ten grandchildren.

Pallbearers were James Reed, J.W. Haskins, Terry Turbville, Wayne Coley, Billy Coley, Chuck Clark, and C.P. Wiggins.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 2/2/1981

Rudolph Larry Higginbotham (1940-1981) MS/LA

The funeral for Rudolph Larry Higginbotham, 40, Baton Rouge, who died Friday night, will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Biloxi, followed by 2 p.m. service in the First Baptist Church of Biloxi. Burial will be in the Biloxi.

Friends call Sunday night at the funeral home.

Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Biloxi and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Higginbotham of Biloxi, had resided in Baton Rouge since 1964.

A graduate of Biloxi High School, he served in the Navy from 1958 to 1961. He was employed as a pipefitter and he was a member of the First Baptist Church and the Fleur de Lis Society, Biloxi.

In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jessie Geautreaux Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; one son, Michael Higginbotham, Baton Rouge; one daughter, Mrs. Yvette Whitfield, Baton Rouge; one brother, Russell Higginbotham, San Francisco, Calif.; and one sister, Mrs. Beatrice Nobel, Biloxi.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 6/5/1981

Flora Ann Higginbotham Robinson (1924-1981) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Flora Ann Robinson, 57, were held June 5 at the Westbrook Chapel with the Rev. Noel Palmer officiating. Burial followed in Spring Hill Cemetery under the direction of Westbrook Funeral Home.

Mrs. Robinson died June 3 at the Winston County Hospital.

She was a native of Kemper County and was the widow of the late Archie B. Robinson. Mrs. Robison was a housewife and a member of Crystal Ridge Baptist Church.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Ann Azevedo of Memphis, Tenn. and Mrs. Linda Key Stevenson of Louisville; three sons, Billy Earl Robinson and Junior C. Robinson, both of Louisville and George A.. B. Robinson of Carthage; two sisters, Mrs. Margie Flake of Pontotoc and Mrs. Florrie Ann White of Louisville; two brothers, George Higginbotham of Preston and Will Higginbotham of Philadelphia and eight grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 7/16/1981

T. W. Higginbotham (1924-1981) MS

Shuqualak - T. W. Higginbotham, 56, died Monday at his home. Funeral service ar 11 a.m. today from Cockrell Funeral Home in Becker and burial in Shuqualak Cemetery.

Survivors include his wife, Jeanette Higginbotham; two daughters, Dorothy H. Lassiter of Pascagoula and Marie Higginbotham of Shuqualak; a stepdaughter, Margaret Massey of Shuqualak; five sons, Billy J., James E., and Tim Higginbotham, all of Baytown, Texas, Ronnie and Keith Higginbotham, both of Avon Park, Fla.; a sister, Ada Akers of Warren, Mich.; four brothers, J.C. Higginbotham of Louisville, R.T. Higginbotham of Collins, Benny and J.W. Higginbotham, both of Shuqualak; and six grandchildren.



The Clarksdale Press Register 7/27/1981

Lela Mae Higginbotham Chandler (1892-1981) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Lela Mae Higginbotham Chandler, 88, of Vance, were Sunday at 2 p.m. at McNeil Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. Floyd Higginbotham, of Batesville, and the Rev. Jimmy Moore, of Walnut Baptist Church, in Vance, officiated and burial was at Lambert.

Mrs. Chandler, a housewife, died Friday at the South Panola Hospital in Batesville.

She was a native of Webster County and a member of Walnut Baptist Church.

Survivors are her husband, George F. Chandler, of Vance; one son, G.D. Chandler, of Lambert; four daughters, Mrs. L.B. Shipp, of Oakland, Mrs. L.A. Moore, of Blakley, Ga., Mrs. Marian Knight, of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. D.L. Ivy, of Vance; 13 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.

McNeil Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 9/17/1981

Alfred Eugene Higginbotham (1914-1981) MS

Meadville - Services for Alfred Eugene Higginbotham, 67, retiree of Herring Gas Co., will be at 2 p.m. today at Franklin Funeral Home Chapel in Meadville with interment in the Midway Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bessie Higginbotham; a stepson, Lingford Kerben of Meadville; two brothers, Hugh Higginbotham and Elmer Higginbotham; a sister, Mrs. E.W. Langford of Meadville; two grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 10/17/1981

C. Q. Higginbotham (1924-1981) MS

Macon - Services for C. Q. Higginbotham, 47, are at 2 p.m. today at Mashulaville Baptist Church with burial in the Mashulaville Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife, Judy Higginbotham; two daughters, Gail H. Hollinger of Columbus and Shelia H. King of Brooksville; three sisters, Alice Coleman of Macon and Mrs. John W. Holdiness and Earline Richardson, both of Louisville; three brothers, A. G. Higginbotham, Clay Higginbotham and Bennie Higginbotham, all of Macon; and a grandchild.



Scott County Times (Forest, MS) 23 Dec 1981, Wed; Page 21

Frances Lura Higginbotham Jolly (1916-1981) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Frances L. Jolly, 65, were held at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 22, 1981, from the Ott & Lee Chapel in Morton. Rev.. Ed Griffin officiated. Interment was made in the Ebenezer Cemetery in Leake County.

Mrs. Jolly died Monday morning at the Scott County Hospital, following a short illness. She was a former resident of Forest and Edinburg, and had lived in Morton for the past year. She was a member of the Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Survivors include five sons, James Jolly, Ridgeland; Van Jolly, and Rudolph Jolly, both of Morton; Robert Jolly, Delhi, Louisiana; and Jessie Jolly, Ridgeland; three daughters, Mrs. Horace (Bonnie) Ross, and Mrs. Bill (Jeanette) Thomas, both of Ridgeland; and Mrs. Billy (Carolyn) Bouunds, Delhi, Louisiana; one brother, James Higginbotham, Carthage; two sisters, Mrs. Bill (Mary) Withers, Carthage; and Mrs. Eugene (Ethel) Swain, Elizabeth; 27 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Ott & Lee Funeral Home in Morton was in charge of arrangements.



Enterprise Journal (McComb, MS) 12/29/1981

Dorothy Prestridge Higginbotham Gauthe (1917-1981) MS

Services for Mrs. Dorothy Prestridge Gauthe, 64, of Route 3, Bogue Chitto, were held at 2 p.m. Monday in Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, with the Rev. James Case officiatin.

Burial was in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery, with Catchings Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Gauthe died Saturday in McComb. She was born March 16, 1917, Lincoln County. She was a desk clerk for the Holiday Inn.

Survivors include two sons, David Higginbotham of McComb and James Higginbotham of New Orleans; one daughter, Mrs. Shirley H. Dawson of Bogue Chitto; one brother, C.L. Prestridge of Denham Springs, La.; one sister, Mrs. Beverly Rials of Bogue Chitto; seven grandchildren.



Hattiesburg American 2/7/1982

Emma Higginbotham Cain (1903-1982) MS

Services will be held at 3 p.m. today at Hulett-Winstead Funeral home chapel for Mrs. Emma Cain, 79, of Lucedale, who died Friday evening at George County Hospital in Lucedale.

The Rev. H.J. Hedgepeth and Father Liam Pentony will officiate. Interment will be in Roseland Park Cemetery.

A former resident of Forrest County, Mrs. Cain had lived in Lucedale for the past 13 years. She was a member of Broad Street United Methodist Church.

Survivors are a son, Donald F. Cain of Beeville, Tex.; three daughters, Mrs. Shirley Sparks of Denison, Tex., Mrs. Mattie Walne Knight and Mrs. Patricia Michel, both of Hattiesburg; 11 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Vallie Jones of Natchez; and a brother, the Rev. C.Y. Higginbotham of Brookhaven.

Visitation will be after 4 p.m. today at the funeral home.



The Sun (Biloxi, MS) 4/3/1982

Denise Higginbotham Wiesenburg (1911-1982) MS

Pascagoula - Mrs. Denise Higginbotham Wiesenburg, 70, wife of Karl Wiesenburg Sr. and a resident of 525 Spanish Ave. in Pascagoula, died Friday in Pascagoula. Visitors may call Sunday from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. at O'Bryant-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Pascagoula. Her funeral will be conducted Monday at 9:10 a.m. at the funeral home chapel, followed by a 9:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church in Pascagoula. Burial will be in Krebs Cemetery.

Mrs. Wiesenburg, a retired school teacher, was former principal of Lake Elementary and Central Elementary in Pascagoula. The native and lifelong resident of Pascagoula, attended Mississippi State College for Women and was a graduate of the University of Mississippi. She was a member of Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church.

She is also survived by two sons, Karl Wiesenburg Jr. of Richmond, Va., and Denis A. Wiesenburg of Long Beach; two daughters, Mrs. Martha W. Reed and Mrs. Anirah Alexander; two brothers, P.J. Higginbotham and W.J. Higginbotham, all of Pascagoula; and four grandchildren.



The Northside Sun (Jackson, MS) 5/13/1982

Olive Geneva Higginbotham Clark (1886-1982) MS

Services for Mrs. John Reubin (Olive Geneva) Clark Sr. of 141 Hoy Rd. Madison, were held Saturday, May 8, at Montgomery Memorial United Methodist Church in Madison. The Rev. W.M. Hamp Stevenson and the Rev. A.M. Ellison Jr. officiated.

Mrs. Clark, 96, died Friday, May 7, at St. Dominic Hospital.

A native of Adams County, Mrs. Clark was preceded in death by her husband and three sons, John Reubin Clark Jr., George Irvin Clark and Edward Lewis Clark. She had lived in Madison for a number of years and was one of the oldest members of Montgomery Memorial United Methodist Church where she taught the Olive Clark Bible Class and was a member of United Methodist Women.

Survivors include four daughters, Miss Kathryn Clark of Madison, Mrs. Tom (Mary Alice) Breitling of Salt Lake City, Ut., Mrs. Ellis (Ruby) Adcock of Madison and Mrs. Emmett (Geneva) Morgan od Ashville, N.C.; one son, W.T. Clark of Madison; a brother, Monroe T. Higginbotham of McGehee, Ark.; 18 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren.

Burial was in the Pearl River Cemetery.

Memorial may be made to Montgomery Memorial United Methodist Church.



The Clarksdale Press Register 5/10/1982

Helen Juanita Broadway Higginbotham (1916-1982) MS

Tutwiler - Funeral services for Mrs. Helen Juanita Higginbotham were held today at 2 p.m. at National Funeral Home with burial iin Cherry Hill Cemetery near Clarksdale. Dr. F.K. Horton of Clarksdale and Brother Hil Bates of Belzoni officiated.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Saturday at the Delta Medical Center in Greenville. A retired telephone operator, she was 65.

She is survived by a son, Van. B. Higginbotham of Warner Robins, Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. Herman Waid of Belzoni and Mrs. Ed Muse of Dublin; a brother, Rev. E. Paul Broadway of Belzoni; and one grandchild.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 5/25/1982

Lola B. Hickingbotham (1893-1982) MS

Roxie - Mrs. Lola Hickinbotham, 88, died Saturday in Franklin County Memorial Hospital in Meadville. Services are 10 a.m. today at Franklin Funeral Home with burial in Natchez Cemetery.

Survivors are two daughters, Edith H. Pollard and Wilma H. Wentworth, both of Natchez; nine grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren.



The Clarksdale Press Register 6/4/1982

Elizabeth E. Higginbotham Law (1887-1982) MS

Marks - Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbotham Law, 94, of Memphis, formerly of Marks, widow of James Riley Law, died Wednesday at Methodist Hospital North in Memphis.

Services were today at 11 a.m. at Hernando Funeral Home. Burial was in Longtown Cemetery near Crenshaw.

She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Mae Harris of Memphis and Mrs. Lorene Costilow of Grenada; and a sister, Mrs. Alma Weeks of Memphis.



Hattiesburg American 6/22/1982

William Weldon Higginbotham (1916-1982) MS

Heidelberg - Services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Heidelberg Presbyterian Church for W.W. (Bill) Higginbotham, 66, of Heidelberg, who died unexpectedly Monday at his residence.

The Rev. Odell Fish and the Rev. Gene Reid will officiate. Interment will be in Heidelberg Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired self-employed oil producer.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Marion Sopher Higginbotham; two sons, W.F. (Joe) Higginbotham of Columbus and Robert T. (Bob) Higginbotham of Jackson; a daughter, Mrs. Anna Rogers of Semmes, Ala.; his mother, Mrs. Willia Higginbotham, of Dallas; two brothers, James Higginbotham of Scurry, Tex. and Van K. Higginbotham of Garland, Tex.; two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Lee Konkle of Dallas and Mrs. Mildred Patton of Eden, Tex.; and six grandchildren.

Visitation will be after 10 a.m. today at Memory Chapel Funeral Home in Heidelberg.



The Houston Times Post 08/05/1982

Joseph Jackson Higginbotham (1909-1982) MS

Funeral services for Joseph Jackson Higginbotham, age 72, were Friday, July 30 at Houston Funeral Home. Burial was in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham died Thursday, July 29 at Houston Community Hospital. The son of the late Joe Edward Higginbotham and the late Minnie Youngblood, he was a retired employee of the City of Houston. He was born in Chickasaw County and was a member of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruth Roman Higginbotham of Houston; five daughters, Mrs. Melba Bishop of Tupelo, Mrs. Katherine Shuler of Randolph, Mrs. Maxine Winsett of Vardaman, Mrs. Joyce Long of Houston and Mrs. Eardeal Foster of Amory; one step-daughter, Mrs. Norman Parker of Houston; one step-son, Robert Tallent of Okolona; two brothers, Joe Higginbotham of Vardaman and Bill Higginbotham of Houston; one sister, Mrs. Jeanette Reeves of Houston; 17 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Pallbearers were Ray Parker, Billy Ray Higginbotham, Hurley Higginbotham, Paul Ward, Dan Allen and Don Reedy. Houston Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.




Johnny F. Higginbottom (1947-1982) MS

Services for Johnny F. Higginbotham, 35, of Red Bay, were held Monday afternoon from Dean Deaton Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Gene Cooley officiating.

Burial followed in Ridge Cemetery.

Higginbotham was employed by Anvil Homes, Inc., in Guin. He died Sunday morning in Halltown, located five miles east of Red Bay.

Survivors include his wife, Reggie Higginbottom of Red Bay; two sons, Jason Higginbottom and Chris Higginbottom, both of Red Bay; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Higginbottom of Belmont, Miss.; one sister, Joann Johnson of Red Bay; one brother, Jimmy Higginbottom, also of Red Bay; and grandparents, Mrs. Ollie Higginbottom of Dennis, Miss.; and Mackie Smith of Belmont, Miss.

Dean Deaton Funeral Home of Red Bay was in charge of arrangements.



The Clarksdale Press Register 9/28/1982

Carmen Ercille Higginbotham Yeager (1891-1982) AL/GA/MS

Mrs. Carmen Higginbotham Yeager, widow of William Earnest Yeager, 90, died Monday at the Northwest Regional Medical Center.

Born Dec. 26, 1891 in Cordova, Ala., Mrs. Yeager lived most of her life in Carrollton, Ga. She had lived in Clarksdale for the past five years, and was a member of the Church of Christ.

She leaves a son, Eldred Yeager of Lyon; a grandson, Michael "Tag" Yeager of Moon Lake; and a sister, Mrs. Agnes Huffeker of Birmingham, Ala.

Services will be Wednesday at 4 p.m. at Martin-Hightower Funeral Home in Carrollton, Ga. The Rev. Jack Nash will officiate, and burial will be in Carroll Memory Gardens there. McNeil Funeral Home is in charge.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 10/12/1982

Alton H. Higginbotham (1935-1982) AL/MS

Alton Higginbotham, 47, of 345 Daniel Lake died Sunday at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. Services are 2 p.m. today at Baldwin Lee & Barnes Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Floral Hill Memory Gardens Cemetery.

A native of Alabama, he had lived in Jackson for 12 years.

He is survived by his wife, Mae Higginbotham; a son, Jerry Higginbotham of Jackson; daughters, Debbie, Dona and Lisa Higginbotham, all of Jackson; brothers, Doyce Higginbotham and Kenneth Higginbotham, both of Hartselle, Ala., Billy Higginbotham of Fairmont, W. Va., William Higginbotham of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and Donald Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Texas; sisters, Bobbie Lee of Hartselle, Ala, and Carol Lenon of Muscle Shoals, Ala.; and two grandchildren.



The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) 10/28/1982

Margaret Louise Higginbotham Newcomb (1931-1982) MS

Mrs. Margaret Higginbotham Newcomb, 51, of Vardaman, Miss., wife of Winston Newcomb, died yesterday at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. Services will be at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at Elzey United Methodist Church in Vardaman with burial in the church cemetery. Anthony-Parker Funeral Home of Vardaman has charge. Her Memphis survivors are a son, Dale Bell, and a brother, Carl Higginbotham.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 4/29/1983

Asberry William Higginbotham (1913-1983) MS

Philadelphia - Asberry Higginbotham, 69, died Wednesday in the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Jackson. Services are 10 a.m. today at McClain-Hays Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Shephard Cemetery.

He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Petty of Philadelphia; a son, Gene Higginbotham of Philadelphia; sisters, Mrs. Edith Dearman, Mrs. Pauline Rosales and Mrs. Sally B. Taylor, all of Meridian; and five grandchildren.



The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) 6/8/1983

Loretta Alice Higginbotham Tackett (1920-1983) MS/AR

Clarksdale - Mrs. Loretta Alice Tackett, 62, widow of W.H. Tackett, died Monday in Pocahontas, Ark. Services at 2 p.m. today at National Funeral Home; burial in Cleveland (Miss.) Cemetery. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Steven Ring of Pocahontas; three sons, Zeaburn Higginbotham of Cleveland, Cecil Tackett of Pocahontas and David Tackett of Midland, Texas; three sisters, Mrs. W.A. Presley of Clarksdale, Mrs. Minnie Joseph and Mrs. Mae Butler, both of Meadville; a half-sister, Mrs. William Hamlin of Peach Orchard, Ark.; two brothers, D.A. Trusty of Burmingham, and L.B. Trusty of Bascom, Fla., and two brothers, Henry Higginbotham of Pocahontas and Vern Higginbotham of Indiana.



Sun  Herald (Biloxi, MS) 7/8/1983

Annette Higginbotham Dartez Williams (1911-1983) LA/MS

Biloxi - Mrs. Annette Dartez Williams, 71, a resident of Biloxi, died Friday in Biloxi.

Visitors may call tonight from 6 until 10 at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Biloxi, where a rosary will be recited at 7. The funeral procession will leave the funeral home Saturday at 2:45 p.m. and go to Sacred Heart Catholic Church in North Biloxi for a 3 p.m. Mass. Interment will be in Swetman Cemetery in North Biloxi.

Mrs. Williams was born in Youngsville, La., and had lived in Biloxi sonce 1925. She was the widow of Mack J. Williams.

Mrs. Williams is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Annette Dartez Smith of New Orleans; three sons, E.A. "Brother" Dartez of Woolmarket, Curtis J. Dartez and P.J. "Putsey" Dartez, both of Biloxi; three sisters, Mrs. Laura Ladnier, Mrs. Mae Danise and Mrs. Noah "Mimi" Seymour, all of Biloxi; six brothers, James Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, Stephen Higginbotham of Lafayette, La., Nelson Higginbotham, Charles Higginbotham, Martin Higginbotham and Bill Higginbotham, all of Biloxi; 15 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren.



The Sun (Biloxi, MS) 7/26/1983

Laura Higginbotham Ladnier (1901-1983) LA/MS

Biloxi - Mrs. Laura Higginbotham Ladnier, 81, of 789 Croesus St., Biloxi, died Sunday in Houma, La.

Visitors may call tonight from 6 until 10 at Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral home in Biloxi, where a rosary will be recited at 7:30. The funeral procession will leave the funeral home Wednesday at 9:45 a.m. and go to St. John Catholic Church in Biloxi for a 10 a.m. Mass. Interment will be in Biloxi Cemetery.

Mrs. Ladnier was born in Youngsville, La., and had lived in Biloxi since 1925. She was the widow of Willie E. Ladnier.

Survivors include a foster son, Jerry Goilett of Biloxi; two sisters, Mrs. Mae Danise and Mrs. Norah "Mimi" Seymour, both of Biloxi; six brothers, Jim Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, Stephen Higginbotham of Lafayette, La., Nelson Higginbotham, Martin Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham, all of Biloxi; and a granddaughter.



The Holmes County Herald (Lexington, MS) October 20, 1983

John Theodore Higginbottom (1918-1983) MS
Funeral services for John Theodore Higginbottom, Sr. of Lexington were held from the Southern Funeral Home chapel on Tuesday, October 18 at 1:00 p.m. with Rev. Mike Steen officiating. Interment followed in Odd Fellows Cemetery in Lexington.
Mr. Higginbottom, 65, died unexpectedly at the Holmes County Hospital in Lexington on Sunday, October 16. He was a retired insurance salesman and Clarion Ledger carrier and a native of Tishomingo County. He was a member of Beulah Baptist Church.
Mr. Higginbottom is survived by his wife, Helen Bobo Higginbottom of Lexington; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane Bassett of Jackson, Tennessee; one son, John T. Higginbottom, Jr. of Birmingham, Alabama; and two grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Billy Joe Gilmore, Billy Causey, Mills Heard, Virgil King, Jr., Reuben Netherland and Billy Zeigler.


Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 22 Dec 1983, Thu • Page 14

Zinnie Ellen Hawkins Higginbotham (1900-1983) MS
CANTON - Mrs. Zinnie H. Higginbotham, 83, died Wednesday at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. Services are 10 a.m. today at Breeland Funeral Home chapel with burial at 2 p.m. today at Nation Poplar Creek Cemetery near Kilmichael.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Amory and had lived here for eight years, she was a member of the Church of Christ.
She is survived by her sons, William Walker and Alvin Springer, both of Canton; daughters, Mrs. Icie Mae Kronmuller of Ironwood, Mich., Mrs. Maxine Barham of Columbus and Mrs. Faye Crowder of Canton; and 21 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren.


The Sun (Biloxi, MS) 3/8/1984

Thomas Andrew Higginbotham (1961-1984) MS

Moss Point - Thomas Andrew "Andy" Higginbotham, 22, 4415 Charles St., Moss Point, died Tuesday in Pascagoula.

Visitors may call tonight from 6 until 9 at Holder Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point. The funeral will be Friday at 10 a.m. from the funeral home chapel, followed by burial in Serene Memorial Gardens.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Clarksdale, Miss., and was a member of the Assembly of God Church.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Higginbotham; a brother, Tony Higginbotham, all of Moss Point; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Manning of New Albany, Miss., and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higginbotham of Lucedale.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 4/27/1984

Beatrice Higginbotham Zumo (1916-1984) MS

Gulfport - Mrs. Beatrice Zumo, 67, 1725 Third St., Gulfport, died Thursday in Biloxi.

Visitors may call tonight from 6 until 10 at Riemann Funeral Home in Gulfport, where a rosary will be recited at 7. The funeral procession will leave the funeral home Saturday at 1:45 p.m. and go to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church for a 2 p.m. Mass. Burial will follow in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens.

Mrs. Zumo was a native of Philadelphia and was a longtime Gulfport resident. She was a member of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.

Survivors include her husband, Carlo Zumo of Gulfport; a son, Frank James Sumo of Simi Valley, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Beverly Caldwell of Gulfport and New Orleans and Miss Theresa Zumo of Gulfport; and four grandchildren.



Hattiesburg American 8/23/1984

Mary C. Johnson Higginbotham Ware (1907-1984) MS

Philadelphia - Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at McClain-Hays Funeral Home for Mrs. Mary C. Ware, 77, of Hattiesburg, who died Tuesday at Methodist Hospital.

The Rev. Bobby Ferguson and the Rev. Shelton will officiate. Interment will be in the Greenland Cemetery in Union.

Mrs. Was was a native of Philadelphia and had lived in Hattiesburg since 1966. She was a former employee of the Union Truck Factory. She was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church of Hattiesburg.

Survivors include two sons, James D. Ware of Biloxi and C.A. Higginbotham of Hattiesburg; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Allen Stephens of Hattiesburg; and three brothers, William Henry Johnson and Hooper Johnson, both of Philadelphia, and Sam Johnson of Seattle, Wash.

Moore Funeral Home is in charge of local arrangements.



Houston Times Post 9/5/1984

Minnie Lucille Higginbotham Trent (1942-1984) MS

Mrs. Minnie Lucile Higginbotham Trent, age 43, of Starkville, died Tuesday, August 28 at Oktibbeha County Hospital. Funeral services were held Friday, August 31 at Houston Nazarene Church. Burial was in Wesley Chapel Cemetery with Rev. Dan Minnix officiating.

The daughter of John Higginbotham and Mavis Dodson, she was a housewife. She was born in Chickasaw County.

Survivors include her husband, Anthony Trent of Starkville; two sons, John David Trent and Adam Trent, both of Starkville; her father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. John Higginbotham of Houston; her mother, Mrs. Mavis Dodson Brock of California and four sisters, Mrs. Joann Howell and Mrs. Mary Jo Moore, both of Houston, Mrs. Linda Bradant of Fort Polk, Louisiana and Mrs. Kay Tedford of Boise, Idaho.

Pallbearers were Curtis Woodall, John Woodall, Warren Bradant, Don Howell, Eddie Brassfield and J R Blansett.

Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 3/15/1985

Eula Tallent Higginbotham Cardwell (1911-1985) MS

Vardaman - Services for Mrs. Eula T. Cardwell, 72, who died Wednesday at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo after a short illness, were at 2 p.m. today at Pryor-Wilson Funeral Home in Calhoun City.

She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Andrews and Mrs. Marie Logan, all of Vardaman, and Mrs. Wynette Buckley of Greenwood; two sons, Junior Cardwell of Vardaman and Lee Higginbotham of Greenwood; four sisters, Mrs. Irene Morphis of Epps, Ala., Mrs. Marie Clark of Memphis, Mrs. Fay McCollough of Derma and Mrs. Birdie Westmoreland of Houlka; two brothers, Press Tallent of Houlka and Lee Otis Tallent of Pascagoula; 18 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

Burial was in Elzey Cemetery.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 6/27/1985

James Alvin Higginbotham (1946-1985) MS

Noxapater - James Alvin Higginbotham, 39, died Monday. Services are 2 p.m. today at Butler Pentecostal Church with burial in White's Cemetery near Louisville. Nowell Funeral Home of Louisville is handling arrangements.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Alice Higginbotham; daughter, Miss Cindy Renee Higginbotham of Lovington, N.M.; sons, Thomas Scott Higginbotham of Lovington, N.M., and James Allen Higginbotham and Alfred Coley Higginbotham, both of Noxapater; stepdaughter, Mrs. Carol Marie Coffer of Lovington, N.M.; sister, Mrs. Alma Jean Wilkerson of Forest; brothers, Clyde Higginbotham and Alka Higginbotham, both of Louisville; and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilkerson of Morton.



The Winston County Journal 12/18/1985

Earline Higginbotham Richardson (1931-1985) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Earline Higginbotham Richardson, 54, were held Dec. 17 at Nowell Chapel with Rev. Bobby Joe Butler officiating. Burial was held in the Jackson Field Cemetery under the direction of Nowell Funeral Services.

Mrs. Richardson died Dec. 15. She was a housewife and a member of Ebenezer Pentecostal Church.

Survivors include her husband, H.F. (Buster) Richardson of Preston; a daughter, Mrs. Wanda Russell of Preston; two sons, Jerry Richardson and Larry Richardson, both of Preston; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Coleman of Macon and Mrs. Gaddie B. Holdiness of Preston; three brothers, Clay Higginbotham, Bennie Higginbotham, and A.G. Higginbotham, all of Macon and four grandchildren.

Her nephews served as pallbearers.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 1/11/1986

Fannie G. Higginbotham (1898-1986) TN/MS

Bay St. Louis - Mrs. Fannie G. Higginbotham, 87, of Lakeshore, died Thursday, Jan. 9, 1986, in Lakeshore.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Chattanooga, Tenn., and had lived in Lakeshore for three years.

The funeral will be Tuesday at 1 p.m. at Newellton First Baptist Church in Newellton, La., where friends may call an hour before services. Burial will follow in Tensa Memorial Cemetery in Newellton. Riemann Funeral Home in Bay St. Louis is in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. JoAnn Campbell of Bay St. Louis and Mrs. Estelle Twiford of Stumpy Point, N.C.; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.



The Clarksdale Press Register 3/7/1986

Myrtle Alma McClurg Higginbotham (1902-1986) MS/IL

Graveside services for Mrs. Myrtle McClurg Higginbotham, 83, will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Oakridge Cemetery with the Rev. Dr. Thomas Tudor, pastor of Oakhurst Baptist Church, officiating. National Funeral Home has charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham, widow of Thomas M. .Higginbotham, died Wednesday, March 5, 1986, at the Columbus Hospital in Chicago. A former Clarksdale resident, she had lived in Chicago the past 14 years.

She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Norma Jean Amerson of Chicago; three sons, James D. Higginbotham of Tupelo, Charles W. Higginbotham of Ofedinburgh, Scotland, and Thomas W.. Higginbotham of Jacksonville, Fla.; on brother, H.A. McClurg of Irving, Texas; 11 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.



The Clarksdale Press Register 3/17/1986

Samuel Floyd Higginbotham (1912-1986) MS

Lucedale - Samuel Floyd Higginbotham, 73, retired carpenter and construction worker, died Saturday, March 15, 1986, in Pascagoula. Visitation is from 6 to 9 p.m. tonight at Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point with funeral services at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Barton Baptist Church in George County. Burial will be in the church cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was born Nov. 4, 1912 in Webster County. He was a former resident of Clarksdale and Moss Point.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lillian Higginbotham; five sons, Floyd Higginbotham of Bogue Chitto, Charles W. Higginbotham and Carlton E. Higginbotham, both of Lucedale, Wesley D. Higginbotham of Alexandria City, Ala., and Hilton L. Higginbotham of Pascagoula; one brother, Otis D. Higginbotham of Brookhaven; three sisters, Mrs. Lucille Adams of Escatawpa, Mrs. Thelma Moore of Clarksdale and Mrs. Kattie Pickell of Walnut Grove, 16 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 5/8/1986

John Thomas Higginbotham (1906-1986) MS

Shuqualak - Johnny T. Higginbotham, 80, died May 7, 1986, at home. Services are 2 p.m. today at Butler Pentecostal Church with burial in the church cemetery. Cockrell Funeral Home is handling arrangements.

A native and lifelong resident of Noxubee County, Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Butler Pentecostal Church. He was a logging foremen at Prince Lumber Co. for 26 years.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Flora B. Higginbotham; daughter, Mrs. Virginia H. Vernon of Shuqualak; sons, Lamar Gilbert Higginbotham and Reginald Higginbotham, both of Shuqualak; 10 grandchildren and eight freat-grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger 8/30/1986

Joseph E. Johnson Higginbotham (1906-1986) MS

Shuqualak - Joe "Corney" Higginbotham, 80, died Aug. 27, 1986, at home. Services are 11 a.m. today at Macedonia Methodist Church with burial in the church cemetery. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is in charge.

Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of Noxubee County. He was a farmer and a member of Macedonia Methodist Church.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margaret C. Higginbotham; daughters, Mrs. Virgia Ruth Thomas, Mrs. Marie Holiness and Mrs. Joyce White, all of Preston, Mrs. Vivian I. Beasley of Canton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Randazzo of Shuqualak; sons, Dan Higginbotham of Gore Springs, Keith C.. Higginbotham of Stafford, Texas, Homer H. Higginbotham of Puerto Rico, Ralph J. Higginbotham of Shuqualak, Lanny Higginbotham of Meridian; and 36 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.



The Clarksdale Press Register 12/18/1986

Mallie Augusta Lucius Higginbotham (1902-1986) MS

Tutwiler - Funeral services for Mrs. Mallie Lucius Higginbotham, 84, will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Brazil Baptist Church with burial in Brazil Cemetery. Avent Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham, wife of J.I. Higginbotham, died Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1986, at Greenwood-Leflore Hospital after a long illness.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Brazil Baptist Church.

Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. MArtha Lepart of Southaven Mrs. Edna Weeks, Mrs. Frances Hardy, Mrs. Vivian Robertson, and Mrs. May White, all of Greenwood; a sister, Mrs. Ruth JEnkins of Richmond, Va.; and a brother, Greer Lucius of Clarksdale, 12 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 1/2/1987

Cole Younger Higginbotham (1894-1987) MS

Brookhaven - The Rev. Cole Y.. Higginbotham, 92, retired United Methodist minister, died Jan. 1, 1987, at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. Services are 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Jackson Street United Methodist Church with burial in Midway Cemetery in Meadville. Hartman-Henderson Funeral Home is in charge.

He is survived by his sons, The Rev. John A. Higginbotham, Cole Y. Higginbotham Jr. and Ralph A. Higginbotham, all of Jackson; daughters, Mrs. M.O. (Wilena) Stark of Lexington and Mrs. Wayne (Sarah Pearl) Halford of Tyler, Texas; sister, Mrs. Vallie Jones of Natchez; and 11 grandchildren and a great-grandson.



The Clarksdale Press Register 1/14/1987

James Durwood Higginbotham (1922-1987) MS

Tupelo - Funeral services for James Durwood Higginbotham, 64, were at 2 p.m. today at McGrath-Rasberry Funeral Home Memorial Chapel here with Dr. John Armistead officiating. Burial was in Lee Memorial Park in Verona.

Mr. Higginbotham, who was born in Clarksdale, died here Monday at North Mississippi Medical Center after a brief illness.

He was a veteran of World War II and a member of Calvary Baptist Church of Tupelo.

Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Virginia Burns Higginbotham of Tupelo; two sons, Thomas Higginbotham of Atlanta, Ga., and James Higginbotham of Tupelo; a daughter, Mrs. Lynn Palmertree of Tupelo; two brothers, Wayne Higginbotham of Jacksonville, Fla., and Charles Higginbotham of Scotland; a sister, Mrs. Jean Amerson of Chicago, Ill., and seven grandchildren.



The Clarksdale Press Register 5/6/1987

James Ira Higginbotham (1901-1987) MS

Tutwiler - Funeral services for Ira Higginbotham, 85, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Brazil Baptist Church near here where he was a member. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Avent Funeral iin charge.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired farmer, died Tuesday, May 5, at Greenwood Leflore Hospital after a long illness.

Surviving him are five daughters, Mrs. Edna Weeks, Mrs. Vivian Robertson, Mrs. Frances Hardy and Mrs. Mae White, all of Greenwood, and Mrs. Martha Lepard of Southaven; a brother, John Higginbotham of Parkin, Ark.; 12 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandson.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 9/5/1987

J. W. Higginbotham (1942-1987) MS

Shuqualak - J.W. Higginbotham, 45, died Sept. 2, 1987, at his residence. Services are 10 a.m. today at Butler Pentecostal Church with burial in Shuqualak Cemetery. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Mrs. Eileen Higginbotham; sons, Timothy W. Higginbotham, U.S. Navy, of Concord, Calif., and Kevin A. Higginbotham of Collins; sister, Mrs. Ada Bell Akens of Hale, Mich.; brothers, J.C. Higginbotham of Collins and Bennie Higginbotham Jr. of Pascagoula; and one granddaughter.



The Winona Times May 5, 1988

Bessie Mae Henning Higginbotham Frank (1911-1988) MS
Mrs. Bessie Mae Frank, 76, of Winona died Monday morning, May 2, 1988, at Kilmichael Hospital.
She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Willie Mae Coleman of Itta Bena; four sons, James E. Higginbotham of Leland, Dotson Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham, both of Winona, and Dylynn Higginbotham of Murfreesboro, Tenn.; a brother, Walter Henning of Nashville, and 19 grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted from Lee Funeral Home Chapel at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 3. Dan Beardain preached. Interment was in Bethel Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jimmy Watson, Jimmy Higginbotham, Wayne Coleman, Jerry Coleman, Roy Coleman and Floyd Marsh. Lee Funeral Home handled arrangements.


Hattiesburg American 11/25/1988

Kermit W. Higginbotham (1920-1988) MS

Lumberton - Services are scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday at Hulett-Winstead Funeral Home in Purvis for Kermit W. Higginbotham, 68, of Lumberton, who died Nov. 24, 1988 at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Jackson.

The Rev. Sam Rayburn and the Rev. Ricky Gieger will officiate. Interment will be in Caney Cemetery with Masonic graveside services.

Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of World War II and a Master Mason. He was a member of the Baxterville Post of the DAV and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a Baptist.

Survivors include two brothers, Ellis Higginbotham of Lumberton and D.W. Higginbotham of Gulfport; and two sisters, Dorothy Herman of Jackson and Mrs. Marvin Hand of Purvis.

Visitation will be from 4:30 to 10 p.m. today at the funeral home.



Hattiesburg American; 05 Feb 1989, Sun; Page 22

Claude Allen Higginbotham (1925-1989) MS

Glendale - Services are schedules for 10 a.m. Monday at Moore Funeral Home Chapel for Claude Allen Higginbotham, 63, of Glendale, who died Feb. 2, 1989 at his home.

The Rev. Emmett Boone will officiate. Graveside services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Greenland Cemetery in Union with the Rev. Bobby Ferguson officiating.

Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Philadelphia, had lived in Glendale since 1967. He retired in 1979 as a kilnman with Hattiesburg Brick Works after 20 years of service. He was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church.

Survivors include two daughters, Gloria Murphy of Glendale and Inanda Fullen of Hattiesburg; four sons, Claude Higginbotham of Glendale, Roy Higginbotham of Hattiesburg, Henry Allen Higginbotham of Greenville, Ala., and Timothy Higginbotham of Petal; one brother, James Douglas Ware of Biloxi; and seven grandchildren.

Visitation will be from 6 until 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.



Hattiesburg American 3/4/1989

Gerald Wayne Higginbotham (1963-1989) MS

Laurel - Services are scheduled for 4 p.m. today at Memory Chapel Funeral Home for Gerald Wayne Higginbotham, 25, of Laurel, who died March 2, 1989 at South Mississippi State Hospital in Laurel.

The Rev. Paul Wetzel will officiate. Interment will be in Hickory Grave Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham attended Evangel Temple Assembly of God Church. He was preceded in death by his mother, Ruth Higginbotham.

Survivors include his father and stepmother, Sam and Katie Higginbotham of Laurel; two brothers, Randy Higginbotham and Greg Higginbotham, both of Laurel; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Sims and Lettie Higginbotham of Laurel.



Hattiesburg American 3/12/1989

Ellis E. Higginbotham (1915-1989) MS

Services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at Hulett-Winstead Purvis Chapel for Ellis Higginbotham, 73, of Route 4, Lumberton, who died March 10, 1989, at Veterans Administration Hospital in Jackson.

The Rev. Ricky Geiger will officiate. Interment will be in Caney Cemetery with Masonic graveside service.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Caney Baptist Church and Purvis Masonic Lodge. He was a Master Mason, a veteran of World War II and a member of Disable American Veterans.

Masons will serve as pallbearers.

Survivors include two sisters, Dorothy Herman of Jackson and Mrs. Marvin Hand of Purvis' and one brother, D.W. Higginbotham of Gulfport.

Visitation will be from 4:30 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.



The Star-Herald (Kosciusko, MS) 3/23/1989

Mary Lena Higginbotham Withers (1920-1989) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Higginbotham Withers, 68, of Carthage, were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Jordan Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Parkway Cemetery.

Mrs. Withers died Mar. 20, 1989, at Montfort Jones Memorial Hospital following a long illness. She was a native of Neshoba County and a member of the Rocky Point Baptist Church.

She is survived by her husband, Bill Withers of Carthage; three sons, Jim B. Withers, Roy Withers of Pearl, and Joe Withers of Hattiesburg; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Swain of Leland; a brother, James Higginbotham of Carthage; six grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

The Rev. Robert Parrish officiated.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 6/9/1989

Jo Ann Higginbotham Campbell (1930-1989) LA/MS

Lakeshore - Mrs. Joanne Higginbotham Campbell, 58, of Lakeshore died Wednesday, June 7, 1989, in Bay St. Louis.

Mrs. Campbell was a member of the First Assembly of God in Waveland and was preceded in death by her husband, Wilbur Guy Campbell.

Survivors include two sons, James Pilgrim of Evans, Ga., and John Campbell of Bay St. Louis; a daughter, Nina Juneau of Bay St. Louis; a sister, Mrs. Estelle Twiford of Stumpy Point, N.C.; and two grandchildren.

Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at Thompson Cemetery in Hancock County.

Riemann Funeral Home in Bay St. Louis is in charge of arrangements.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 7/30/1989

Anthony Joe Higginbotham (1969-1989) MS/West Germany

Grafenwoehr, West Germany - Services are incomplete for Army Pfc. Anthony Joe Higginbotham, 19, who died Friday, July 28, 1989, from injuries sustained in a military accident involving the collision of two military vehicles on the base where he was stationed in Grafenwoehr, West Germany.

Pfc. Higginbotham was a native of Philadelphia, Miss. He was a 1988 graduate of Neshoba County Central High School.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Deborah Phillips and step-father, Rubert Phillips of Coila; his father, George Larry Higginbotham and step-mother, Kitty Higginbotham of Philadelphia; one brother, Allen Higginbotham of Philadelphia; two sisters, Mrs. Stephanie Condom of Greenville and Nickie Phillips of Coila; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Beatrice Bond of Colon, Mich.; and paternal grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Higginbotham of Shuqualak, Miss.

The accident that resulted in his death is under investigation by the U.S. Army.



The Winston County Journal 9/13/1989

Paul Wesley Higginbotham (1927-1989) MS

Funeral services for Paul Higginbotham, 61, wee held September 8, 1989 at Butler Pentecostal Church with Rev. W.E. Odom and Rev. Rayburn Druey officiating. Interment was held in Butler Cemetery with Masonic Rites performed. The funeral was under the direction of Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon.

Higginbotham died Sept. 6 at his home in Macon. He was a farmer and member of Butler Pentecostal Church. He was a member of the Masons and Summerville Lodge #133. He is survived by his wife, Violet Higginbotham of Macon; his mother, Mrs. Leona Coleman of Macon; five daughters, Dianne Diedrich of Hilton, N.Y., Barbara Bean of Harlingen, Texas, Brenda Butler of Shuqualak, Debra Martin of Jackson and Paula Higginbotham of Macon; two sons, Charles Higginbotham of Meridian and Carl Higginbotham of Louisville; three sisters, Christine Sullivan of Jonesboro, Annie White of Shuqualak and Bessie Barnett of Louisville; four brothers, William Higginbotham and Grady Higginbotham, both of Macon, Brooks Higginbotham of Shuqualak and Kittrell Higginbotham of Greenwood and 11 grandchildren.

Serving as pallbearers were Ray Higginbotham, Leon Higginbotham, Charlie Brooks Higginbotham, Rodney Higginbotham, Jerry Adams, Tommy Dale Coleman and Bobby Joe Reed.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 9/22/1989

Floyd Anthony Higginbotham (1965-1989) MS

Lucedale - Floyd "Tony" Higginbotham, 24, of Lucedale, died Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1989, in Lucedale.

Survivors include his parents, Charles and Margaret Higginbotham of George County; and his grandparents, Lillian Higginbotham of George County and Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Manning of New Albany.

Visitation will be held tonight from 6 until 9 at Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point. The funeral will be 10 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home chapel, with burial in Singing River Memorial Gardens.



The Winston County Journal  29 Nov 1989

Florrie Ella Higginbotham White (1919-1989) MS

Flowood - Mrs. Florrie Ella White, 70, a homemaker, died of heart failure Wednesday at her home.

Services are 10 a.m. today at Westbrook Funeral Home of Louisville with burial in Springhill Baptist Church Cemetery.

Mrs. White, a Kemper County native, was a member of First Assembly of God Church.

Survivors include: daughters, Mary Beasley of Flora, Evelyn Luke of Flowood, Helen Holder and Connie Copeland, both of Louisville; sons: Jimmy White and Johnny White, both of Flowood; sister, Margie Flake of Pontotoc; brothers, George Higginbotham of Preston, William Higginbotham of Neshoba; and 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 1/23/1990

Nelson Higginbotham (1898-1990) LA/MS

Biloxi - Nelson Higginbotham, 91, of Biloxi, died Sunday, Jan. 21, 1990, in Biloxi.

Mr. Higginbotham was a longtime Coast resident and owned and operated Higginbotham Grocery on Back Bay for many years. He was a member of St. John's Catholic Church, the church's Altar Society and served as a church usher. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mrs. Edna Delcambre Higginbotham.

Survivors include three daughters, Rosemary Tibilier of D'Iberville, Shirley Parker of North Biloxi and Melba Ruth Higginbotham of Biloxi' five sons, Percy Higginbotham of Lafayette, La., George Higginbotham of Woolmarket, Curtis Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, Dennis Higginbotham and Carey Higginbotham, both of Biloxi; two sisters, Mae Danise and Mary "Mimi" Seymour, both of Biloxi; five brothers, Charles Higginbotham, Martin Higginbotham and Bill Higginbotham, all of Biloxi, James Higginbotham of Ocean Springs and Stephen Higginbotham of Lafayette; 33 grandchildren; 48 great-grandchildren; and five great-great-grandchildren.

Visitation will be held tonight from 6 until 10 at the Howard Avenue chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Biloxi, with recitation of the rosary at 7:30. A procession will leave the funeral home and go to St. John's Catholic Church in Biloxi for Mass to be celebrated at 9. Burial will be in Biloxi Cemetery.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 25 Mar 1990, Sun • Page 2

Willie Mae Higginbotham Coleman (1926-1990( MS
Services for Mrs. Willie Mae Coleman, 63, of Schlater, who died of cancer Saturday, March 24, 1990, at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, will be 11 a.m. Monday at Williams and Lord Funeral Home chapel. The Rev. Doyle Cummings will officiate. Burial will be in the Bethel Cemetery near Kilmichael.
Mrs. Coleman was born in French Camp She had been a resident of Schlater for the past two years, and had previously lived in Greenwood and in Itta Bena, where she was a member of the First Baptist Church. She was a homemaker.
Survivors include her husband, Clifton Coleman of Schlater; seven sons, Ricky Coleman and Frankie Coleman, both of Itta Bena, Wayne Coleman and Jerry Coleman, both of Belmont, Jimmie Coleman of Schlater, Roy Coleman of Hattiesburg and Boyce Coleman of Cleveland; four brothers, Clayton Higginbotham and Dylenn Higginbotham, both of Nashville, James Higginbotham of Greenville and Charles Higginbotham of Winona; 21 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Her sons will serve as pallbearers.
Visitation will be from 2-9 p.m. today at Williams and Lord.


The Greenwood Commonwealth 15 Apr 1990, Sun • Page 2

Lilly Idella Andrews Higginbotham (1900-1990) MS

Mrs. Lillie I. Higginbotham
Services for Mrs. Lillie I. Higginbotham, 89, of Ruleville, who died Friday, April 13, 1990, at North Sunflower County Hospital, will be 2 p.m. today at the Ruleville Baptist Church. Burial will be at 4:30 p.m. at Bethlehem Methodist Cemetery near Calhoun City. The Rev. Mickey Reynolds and the Rev. Jackie Cooke will officiate.
Mrs. Higginbotham was the widow of G.E. Higginbotham. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Odean Reynolds of Ruleville; three sons, Aubrey Higginbotham and Billy Higginbotham, both of Itta Bena and T.C. Higginbotham of Norfolk, Neb.; one sister, Ms. Lela Andrews of Schalter, 13 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Gideons International or the donor's favorite charity. Williams & Lord Funeral Home of Ruleville has charge of arrangements.



Commercial Appeal(Memphis, TN) - Thursday, October 18, 1990

Helen Virginia Bobo Higginbottom (1923-1990) MS/TN

LEXINGTON - Mrs. Helen Virginia Higginbottom, 67, sales clerk for Ben Franklin Store in Lexington, died Monday at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital in Jackson, Tenn. Services will be at 1 p.m. today at Southern Funeral Home with burial in Odd Fellows Cemetery. She was a member of Beulah Baptist Church.
Mrs. Higginbottom, the widow of John T. Higginbottom, leaves a daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane Bassett of Jackson, Tenn.; a son, John Higginbottom of Atlanta; three sisters, Mrs. Willa Woodruff and Mrs. Betty Wood, both of Corinth, and Mrs. Evelyn Rinehart of Rienzi; three brothers, Harold Bobo of Jackson, Rufus Bobo of Burnsville and Bill Bobo of Columbia, S.C., and two grandsons.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 3/6/1991

Flora G. Butler Higginbotham (1908-1991) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Flora G. Higginbotham, 82, were held March 3 at the Butler Penecostal Church in Shuqualak with Rev. James Earl Lowery, Rev. Gerald Butler, Rev. Bobby Joe Butler and Rev. Rayburn Druey officiating. Interment was held in the Butler Cemetery with Cockrell Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham died March 1 at the Riley Hospital in Meridian. She was a lifelong resident of Noxubee County and was a member of Butler Pentecostal Church. She was a homemaker and is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Virginia H. Vernon of Shuqualak; three sons, Lamar Higginbotham, Gilbert Higginbotham and Reginald Higginbotham, all of Shuqualak; three sisters, Susie Bell Coleman of Cleveland and Mary Pendergrass and Rachel Weaver, both of Shuqualak and 10 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and one great grandchild.



The Orlando (FL) Sentinel 8/3/1991

Earl Shelby Higginbotham Jr. (1920-1991) WV/MS

Earl Shelby Higginbotham Jr., 71, 2150 Harrow Road, Jackson, Miss., died Wednesday. Born in Bluefield, W/Va., he moved to Jackson from Deland. He served in the U.S. Navy for twenty years. Survivors: sons, John, Spokane, Wash., James, Jackson; daughter, Louise Smith, San Diego; brother, Bill, Jacksonville; eight grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Allen-Summerhill Funeral Home, Deland.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 8/14/1991

Annie Mae Conner Higginbotham (1903-1991) MS

Funeral services for Annie Mae Higginbotham, 87, were held Aug. 8 at the Butler Pentecostal Church in Shuqualak with Rev. John Drury and Rev. James Lowery officiating. Interment was held in the Butler Cemetery with Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon in charge of the arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Aug. 6 at the Noxubee General Hospital. She was a homemaker and member of Butler Pentecostal Church. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mary H. Coleman of Shuqualak; two sons, Ernest C. Higginbotham and Alton E. Higginbotham, both of Columbus; two sisters, Mrs. Orie Flake of Starkville and Mrs. Margaret Higginbotham of Shuqualak; 11 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 8/21/1991

Imogene Higginbotham Schaller (1954-1991) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Imogene Higginbotham, 37, were held Aug. 18 at Butler Pentecostal Church with Rev. Bobby Joe Butler and Rev. Gerald Butler officiating. Interment was held in the White Cemetery with Cockrell Funeral Home, Inc. in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Aug. 16 at the Delta Burn Center in Greenville. She was a homemaker and attended Butler Pentecostal Church. She is survived by a daughter, Melissa Schaller of Finley, Ohio; a son, Larry Schaller of Finley, Ohio; two brothers, Clyde Higginbotham of McColl and Alka Higginbotham of Sebastopol; and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilkerson.



The Winston County Journal 12/25/1991

Effie Garvis Reed Higginbotham (1933-1991) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Effie Higginbotham, 58, were held Dec. 21 at Mashulaville Baptist Church with Rev. George Butler and Rev. Wilburn Matthew officiating. Interment was held in the Mashulaville Cemetery under the direction of Cockrell Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a lifetime resident of Noxubee County, died Dec. 19 at the Anderson Memorial Hospital in Meridian. She was a homemaker and member of Mashulaville Baptist Church. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Edna A. Reed of Mashulaville; her husband, A.G. Higginbotham of Macon; three daughters, Betty Chappell of Louisville, Rita Higginbotham of Columbus and Sherri Conner of Macon; a son, Phillip Higginbotham of Louisville; three sisters, Mrs. Helen Richardson, Mrs. Dean Freshour, and Miss Doug Reed, all of Macon; a brother, C. V. Reed of Macon; and four grandchildren.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 5/20/1992

Mattie Grace Weaver VanDevender Higginbotham (1912-1992) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Grace Higginbotham, 80, were held May 12 at 11 a.m. at Vernon Baptist Church with Rev. Bobby Joe Butler, Rev. Wilburn Matthews and Rev. Gerald Butler officiating. Burial was held in the Vernon Cemetery under the direction of Cockrell Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a retired seamstress, died May 10 at the Kemper County Hospital. She was a graduate of Kirk Central School in Winston County and attained a teaching certificate from MSU in 1939. She taught in one room schools for several years. She retired from Macon Pants Corp. after 25 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Vernon Baptist Church and is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Haggard of Preston; five step-daughters, Mrs. Doris Goodin, Mrs. Katherine Moore, Mrs. Sallie Walker, all of Macon, Mrs. Dean Vandevander of Preston and Mrs. Clytee Kinard of Shuqualak; two sisters, Mrs. Betty Parkes and Mrs. Lena Mae Parks, both of Louisville; two brothers, J.W. Weaver of Preston and Henry Weaver of Macon; 14 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.



The Commercial Appeal, The (Memphis, TN) - Tuesday, July 28, 1992

Lacheria A. Higgenbottom (1975-1992) MS/TN

LACHERIA A. HIGGENBOTTOM, 17, of 6018 Elk Grove died Thursday at Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center. Graveside services will be at 1 p.m. today at Fredonia Baptist Church Cemetery in Coldwater, Miss. M. J. Edwards & Sons Funeral Home has charge. She leaves her parents, Eddie and Millie Higgenbottom; a sister, Kristen R. Higgenbottom, and a brother, Eddie J. Higgenbottom Jr., all of Memphis, and her grandparents, Oweda Higgenbottom, Eddie F. Higgenbottom and Isaac Deberry, all of Senatobia, Miss.



The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN, on April 18, 1992

Ruby May Higginbottom Wright (1908-1992) MS

BURNSVILLE - Ruby M. Wright, 83, former employee of Iuka Hospital, died Monday at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Liberty Hill Baptist Church near here, where she was a member, with burial in the church cemetery. Cutshall Funeral Home in Iuka has charge. Mrs. Wright, the widow of Herbert Wright, leaves two daughters, Reba Cox of Selmer, Tenn., and Betty Rose Thompson of Cartersville, Ga.; three sons, Russel Wright of Iuka, Julian Wright of New York state and Tommy Wright of Burnsville; a sister, Vinnie Nixon of Corinth, 15 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 6/10/1992

Sally Kate Higginbotham Walker (1933-1992) MS

Funeral services for Sally H. Walker, 59, of Macon, were held Wednesday, June 3, at 2 p.m. at Cockrell Funeral Home Chapel in Macon. Rev. Bobby Joe Butler and Rev. Gerald Butler officiated. Burial was in Oddfellows Cemetery with Cockrell Funeral Home in charge.

Mrs. Walker, a homemaker and pharmacy clerk, died from heart failure Tuesday, June 2, at Noxubee General Hospital in Macon.

She was a member of Elon Baptist Church and a lifetime resident of Noxubee County. She warked as a nurse at Noxubee General Hospital and for City Drug Store for over 17 years.

Survivors include her husband, Robert M. Walker of Macon; a daughter, Mrs. Kay W. Hailey of Macon; two sons, R. M. "Butch" Walker Jr. of Macon and Larry Walker of Macon; four sisters, Mrs. Doris Goodin of Macon, Mrs. Katherine Moore of Macon, Mrs. Dean Vandevender of Preston, and Mrs. Clytee Kinard of Macon; a step-sister, Mrs. Ruth Haggard of Preston; and six grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.


Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) Feb. 6, 1993

Martin Higginbotham (1909-1993) LA/MS

Martin Higginbotham, 83, of Biloxi, died Friday Feb 5, 1993 in Biloxi.

Mr. Higginbotham moved to Biloxi 67 years ago from New Iberia, LA. After moving here from LA., he worked in the seafood industry until they began building the Keesler Air Force Base where he was a construction worker. Leaving Keesler he worked for Ingalls where he retired. From 1962 to 1968 he owned and operated Drive Inn Restaurant in Jackson, LA. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Biloxi. He was a lifetime member of the Carpenters Local and member of the Magnolia Chapter of the Mason and Eastern Star.

He was preceded in death by his son Rudolph 'Rudy' Higginbotham.

Survivors include his wife, Violet Quave Nobles Higginbotham; a son, Russell Higginbotham; a daughter, Beatrice Nobles; and daughter in law, Jessie Rudolph Higginbotham; one grandson, Michael Higginbotham; two granddaughters, Mrs. Joe (Yvette)Whitfield and Mrs. Rick (Rhonda) Rowe; and five grandchildren, Ashley, Adam, and Bradley Whitfield, and Megan and Wesley Rowe.

Visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. tonight at the Howard Avenue Chapel of the Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Biloxi with recitation of the rosary at 7:30 p.m. Services will be Sunday at 3 p.m. at the funeral home chapel with burial in Biloxi City Cemetery.


Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 2/21/1993

Ira Mae Higginbotham Arledge (1927-1993) MS

Louisville - Ira Mae Arledge, 65, a homemaker, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound Saturday at her home.

Services are 11 a.m. Monday at Westbrook Funeral Home with burial in New Hope Cemetery near Louisville. Visitation is 2:30-9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

She was a member of New Hope Methodist Church.

Survivors include: sons, Johnny Arledge of Louisville and Make Arledge of Columbus; daughters, Judy Robertson and Charlotte Fulcher, both of Louisville; brothers, Odell Higginbotham of Macon and Hubert Higginbotham of Philadelphia; sister, Gladys Weeks of Ackerman; and four grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 4/25/1993

Laburra Birl Nichols Higginbotham (1919-1993) MS

Houston - Birl Nichols Higginbotham, 73, a homemaker, died of heart failure Friday at Trace Regional Hospital.

Services are 2:30 p.m. today at First Assembly of God with burial in Ellzy Cemetery in Vardaman. Houston Funeral Home is handling arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a Houston native, was a member of First Assembly of God.

Survivors include: husband, Bill; sons, Billy Ray Higginbotham of Woodland and Kenneth Higginbotham of West Point; daughter, Ruth Ann Reedy of Vardaman; brother, Elvin nichols of Ponchatoula, La.; sisters, Frances Booker of West Point, Marie Cozart of Southaven and Virginia Knighton of Grenada; and 12 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 6/22/1993

William Thomas Higginbotham (1914-1993) MS

Macon - William T. Higginbotham, 78, a retired Mississippi Highway Department employee, died of heart failure Monday at his home.

Services are 10 a.m. Wednesday in Mashulaville Baptist Church with burial in Mashulaville Cemetery near Macon. Visitation is 6:30-8:30 today at Cockrell Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham, a lifelong Noxubee County resident, was a member of Mashulaville Baptist Church. He was involved in farming and dairy farming.

Survivors include: wife, Louis; sons, Travis Higginbotham and Leon Higginbotham, both of Macon and Randy Higginbotham of Dyersburg, Tenn.; daughters, Linda Brookhart of Memphis, Nita Royal of Winston-Salem, N.C., Janice Windham of Chattanooga and Yvonne Barge of Macon; sisters, Christine Sullivan of Jonesboro, La., Annie White of Shuqualak and Bessie Barnett of Louisville; brothers, Grady Higginbotham of Macon, Brooks Higginbotham of Shuqualak and Kittrell Higginbotham of Greenwood; and seven grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to a favorite charity.



Times Post 08/04/1993

Earlie Higginbotham (1906-1993) MS

Earlie Higginbotham, age 78, of Houlka died Tuesday, July 27, 1993 at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. Graveside services were held Wednesday, July 28 at Rose Hill Cemetery with the Rev. Rick Burton officiating. Houlka Funeral was in charge of arrangements. The son of the late Will Higginbotham and the late Iomey F. Higginbotham, he was a lifelong resident of Houlka. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Ola Wiggs Higginbotham of Houlka; one daughter, Frances Vance Bryant, AR; three sons, Billy Higginbotham of Corinth, Jimmy Higginbotham of Houlka and Delance Higginbotham of Harrisburg, AR and two sisters, Vera Pettit of Vardaman and Alma Dye of West Point. Pallbearers were Mickey Smith, Tim Turner, Rex Smith, Gary Turner, Danny Joe Chapman and Tommy Davis.



Clarion Ledger (Jackson, MS) 11/29/1993

Ethel Ilene Higginbotham Swain (1911-1993) MS

Louisville - Ethel Ilene Higginbotham Swain, 82 a homemaker, died of heart failure Friday at Winston County Community Nursing Home.

Services are 10 a.m. today at Nowell Funeral Home with burial in Lakeview Gardens in Greenville.

Mrs. Swain, an Oktibbeha County native, was a member of the First Baptist Church.

Survivors include: daughters, Anna Pettie of West Monroe, La., Glenda Cox of Brandon, Inez Smithey of Longview, Texas, and Marlene Harrell of Leland; sons, Thomas Swain of Charlotte, N.C., Carl Swain of Carthage, Edgar Swain of Louisville, Rodney Swain of Leland and Benford Swain of Greenville; brother, James Higginbotham of Carthage; and 20 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.



Hattiesburg American 12/26/1993

Roy Albert Higginbotham (1929-1993) TX/MS

Picayune - Services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday at Picayune Funeral Home for Roy Albert Higginbotham, 64, of Picayune, who died Dec. 25, 1993, at his resident.

The Rev. James Brock will officiate. Interment will be in the New Palestine Cemetery in Picayune.

Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Troup, Texas, and was retired from Martin Marietta Aerospace Division as a transportation supervisor. He was also retired from the U.S. Air Force. He was a member of Roseland Park Baptist Church in Picayune.

Survivors include his wife, Helen Carter Higginbotham of Picayune; two sons, Robert Higginbotham of Austin, Texas and Roy Higginbotham Jr. of Picayune; four daughters, Dell Raybello of Las Vegas, Nev., Carolyn Faye Hays of Houston, Texas, Theresa Sylvester of Twin Falls, Idaho, and Diana Freely of Picayune; one sister, Lois Davis of Pottsville, Texas; and 14 grandchildren.

Visitation will be from 6 to 10 p.m. Monday at Picayune Funeral Home, which is in charge of the arrangements.



Clarion Ledger (Jackson, MS) 1/1/1994

Doris Evelyn Higginbotham Wilson (1930-1993) MS

Philadelphia - Doris Evelyn Wilson, 63, a homemaker, died of heart failure at Laird Hospital in Union.

Services are 2 p.m. today at Rocky Hill Church of God with burial in Rocky Hill Memorial Cemetery. Visitation is after 1:30 p.m. today at the church. Nowell Funeral Services is handling arrangements.

Mrs. Wilson was a Noxubee County native.

Survivors include: husband, Austin; sons, Johnny G. Wilson of Philadelphia and Jimmy Wilson of Union; and four grandchildren.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 2/19/1994

James Emery Higginbotham (1948-1994) MS

James Emery Higginbotham, 45, of Pascagoula died Thursday, Feb. 17, 1994, in Pascagoula.

Mr. Higginbotham was born Dec. 7, 1948, in Gholson and was a resident of Baytown, Texas, for 15 years before moving to Pascagoula in 1993. He worked as a machinist and was a member of the Baytown Optimist Club.

He was preceded in death by his parents, T.W. and Bertha B. Higginbotham; two sisters, Shirley Higginbotham and Marie Rigdon; and one brother, Danny Higginbotham.

Survivors include two sisters, Dorothy F. Lashley of Pascagoula and Sandra K. Odom of Cedar Springs, Ga.; and four brothers, Billy Joe Higginbotham of Baytown, Timothy Wayne Higginbotham of Franklin, Ala., Ronnie D. Higginbotham of Columbus, Ga., and Keith Higginbotham of Cedar Springs.

A service will be today at 2 p.m. at O'Bryant-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Pascagoula, with burial in Machpelah Cemetery in Pascagoula.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 6/21/1994

Myrtle Lela Higginbotham Tullos Harwell Dodd (1903-1994) MS

Greenwood - Myrtle Lela Dodd, 90, a homemaker, died of heart failure Sunday at Greenwood Leflore Hospital.

Services are 10 a.m. today at Oliver Funeral Home in Winona with burial in Bethel Cemetery in Montgomery County.

Mrs. Dodd, a former Montgomery County resident, was a member of Bethel Methodist Church. She was the widow of Charlie Dodd.

Survivors include: daughters, Inez Watson of Greenwood, Viola Havard of Centerville and Betty Oswalt of Schlater; sisters, Lena Harvey of Memphis and Ethel Donahoo of Winona; brothers, Irse Higginbotham and Elton Higginbotham, both of Memphis; and 15 grandchildren, 38 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.



The Clarksdale Press Register 8/1/1994

Bille Higginbottom Stevens (ca1923-1994) AR/MS

CLARKSDALE -- Billie Higginbottom Stevens, 71, of Clarksdale, formerly of Huntsville, Ala., retired cotton office clerk in Memphis, died of heart failure Sunday at Northwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. today in Oakridge Cemetery. McNeil-Nowell Funeral Home has charge. She was a member of Faith Chapel in Huntsville. Mrs. Stevens, the widow of Bennett Stevens, leaves two sisters, Floy Brady of Clarksdale and June Higdon of Pensacola, Fla. The family requests any memorials be made to Faith Chapel Pentecostal Church.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 10/31/1994

Edna Augusta Higginbotham Weeks (1924-1994) MS

Funeral services for Edna Higginbotham Weeks, 70, of Greenwood, who died of a stroke, today, Oct. 31, 1994, at Methodist Central Hospital in Memphis, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Williams & Lord Funeral Home in Greenwood.

Born in Chickasaw County, Mrs. Weeks had been a resident of Greenwood for the past 40 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, William P. Weeks.

She was a retired employee of Conmar Zipper Co., and a member of the Calvary Baptist Church.

Survivors include three sisters, Vivian Robertson and Frances Hardy, both of Greenwood, and Martha Lepard of Southaven; and a granddaughter, Tabitha Weeks Bramlett of Greenwood.

Burial will be in Greenwood Memorial Park Cemetery in Greenwood. The Rev. Jeff Floyd will officiate the ceremony.

Visitation will be held from 6 until 9 tonight at the funeral home.



Times Picayune 12/22/1994
Kathryn Patricia Higginbotham Gros (1920-1994) CT/LA/MS
Kathryn Higginbotham Gros, a homemaker, died Tuesday of a heart attack at her home in Harvey. She was 74. Mrs. Gros was born in New London, Conn., and lived in Harvey for 22 years. She was formerly employed by Southern New England Telephone Co. Survivors include her husband, Paul John Gros Jr.; a son, Paul J. Gros III; two daughters, Kathy Gros Faulkner and Karen Gros Kern; two sisters, Ethel H. Newcomb and Frances H. Lake; and three grandchildren. A funeral will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Mothe Funeral Home, 2100 West Bank Expressway, Harvey. Burial will be in Biloxi National Cemetery.



The Winston County Journal 3/15/1995

Joe Lee Higginbotham Sr. (1939-1995) MS

Joe Lee Higginbotham Sr., 56, died Saturday, March 11, at the Anderson Hospital Medical Center.

Services were held Monday, March 13 at 3 p.m. at the Mashulaville Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery. Bro. Leon Adams officiated and Nowell Funeral Services was in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham was a welder and a member of Mashulaville Baptist Church. He was also a Mason, a member of the Moose Lodge, Eastern Star and a Hamas Shriner.

Survivors include his daughter, Glenda Joe Jones of Fort Bragg, N.C.; his son, Joe Lee Higginbotham Jr. of Fort Bragg; his two sisters, Elsie F. Parney and Mattie Mae West of Louisville; his three brothers, William Thomas Higginbotham and George Higginbotham of Macon and Charles Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, and three grandchildren.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 3/22/1995

Margurite Delia Conner Higginbotham (1905-1995) MS

Margaret C. Higginbotham, 89, homemaker, died March 4 at her home in Shuqualak.

Funeral services were held March 7 at Macedonia United Methodist Church with Rev. Del Blackmon and Rev. Earl Cooper officiating. Interment was in the Macedonia Cemetery with Cockrell Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a lifetime resident of Noxubee County and a member of the Macedonia united Methodist Church.

Survivors include five daughters, Virgie Ruth Thomas, Winford Joyce White and Margaret Marie Holdiness, all of Preston, Vivian Inez Beasley of Jackson and Betty Lou Randazzo of Shuqualak; five sons, Dnitious Higginbotham of Dolan Springs, Ariz., Keith Conner Higginbotham of Stafford, Texas, Homer H. Higginbotham of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Ralph J. Higginbotham of Shuqualak and George Larry Higginbotham of Philadelphia; 37 grandchildren' 52 great-grandchildren and one great-great- grandchildren.



Clarion Ledger (Jackson, MS) 5/1/1995

Eunice Mary Thelma Higginbotham Chisholm (1918-1995) AL/TN/MS

Bartlett, Tenn. - Thelma Higginbotham Chisholm, 76, a homemaker, died of heart failure Saturday at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis.

Services are 2 p.m. today at Boone-Wells Funeral Home in Greenville with burial in Greenville Cemetery in Glen Allan.

Mrs. Chisholm, a Keener, Ala., native, was a member of Grace Methodist Church in Grace.

Formerly of Glen Allan, she moved to Bartlett in 1993.

Survivors include: daughters, Betty Dyann Harris of Raleigh, Bonnie Jo Sanders of Bartlett and Sharyon Gayle Key of Jackson; sisters, Ruby Breland of Natchez, Iva Lee Breland of Clayton, La., Monie Joe Barfield of St. Joseph, La., and Cathryn Chisholm of Prairieville, La.; brothers, Carl Edward Higginbotham and Roy Higginbotham, both of Baytown, Texas, and Herston Higginbotham of Waco, Texas; and 10 grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 9/25/1995

Dorothy M. Higginbottom (1928-1995) MS

Raleigh - Dorothy Higginbottom, 62, a retired poultry farmer, died of emphysema Saturday in Mississippi Baptist Medical Center in Jackson.

Services are 2 p.m. today at Ott & Lee Funeral Home in Forest with burial in Lorena Baptist Church Cemetery in Smith County. Visitation begins at 8 a.m. today.

Mrs. Higginbottom was a member of Sharon Baptist Church. She had lived in the Burns community in Smith County and the Wicker Mill community in Scott County. She was the widow of Chester "Boss" Higginbottom and D. L. Alexander.

Survivors include: daughters, Mary Ann Porter of Rosehill, Kathy Coley and Marie Coley, both of Morton, and Diane Hardy of St. Stephen, S.C.; son, Dennis Alexander of Raleigh; stepfather, James Lamar Platt of St.. Stephen, S.C.; and 12 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 12/8/1995

Violet L. Quave Higginbotham (1909-1995) MS

Mrs. Violet Quave Higginbotham, 86, of Biloxi died Thursday, Dec. 7, 1995, in Vancleave.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of the Gulf Coast. She worked in the seafood industry for many years before becoming a dietician for the Biloxi School System before retiring. She and her husband owned and operated a Drive Inn restaurant in Jackson, La., from 1962-1968. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Biloxi and a member of the Ann Grayson Chapter of the Eastern Star.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Martin Higginbotham; and a son, Rudolph "Rudy" Higginbotham.

Survivors include a daughter, Beatrice Noble; a son, Russell Higginbotham; a foster son, Brian Ferriere, all of Vancleave; two sisters, Ethelyn Hamm and Eula Noyes, both of Ocean Springs; and eight grandchildren.

A graveside service will be at 11 a.m. Friday in the Biloxi City Cemetery.

The family prefers memorials to the First Baptist Church of Biloxi or Fory Bayou Baptist Church.

The Howard Avenue chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 5/25/1996

Ollie Mae Patterson Higginbotham (1923-1996) MS

Macon - Ollie Mae Higginbotham, 72, a retired retail store manager, died of leukemia Thursday at F.G. Riley Memorial Hospital in Meridian.

Services are 11 a.m. today at First Baptist Church, with burial in Salem Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a Gholson native. She grew up in Winston County, where she attended Central High School. She was a member of First Baptist Church, where she was a member of the Ageless Wonders group. She managed the TWL Store for 14 years, then became a homemaker.

Survivors include: husband, Grady; daughters, Marie Vernon of Macon, Nancy Andre of Collierville, Tenn., and Peggy Jemigan of Centerville, Ala.; brothers, E.C. Patterson of Macon, L.J. Patterson of Preston, James Earl Patterson of Akron, Ohio, and Elbert Patterson of Tullahoma, Tenn.; and 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS)

Bessie Thornton Higginbotham (1913-1996) MS

Meadville - Bessie Higginbotham, 82, of Meadville, died Sept. 29, 1996, at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Meadville.

Services were at 2 p.m. today at Franklin Funeral Home of Meadville, with the Rev. Roy Myers and the Rev. Pat Sullivan officiating. Burial will be in Midway Cemetery in Meadville.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Oct. 1, 1913, in Franklin County. She was the daughter of Sidney N. Thornton and Annie Mullins Thornton.

She was a homemaker and member of Meadville Baptist Church.

She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother and one sister.

She is survived by one son, Linford Kerben of Meadville; two brothers, James R. Thornton and Herbert Thornton, both of Meadville; five sisters, Pearl Kent Holland, Annie Sumerall and Lucille Leonard, all of Meadville, and Mae Ivey and Ernestine McCartney, both of Centreville; four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews.

Pallbearers were Robert Thornton, Bobby McCartney, Roger Jones, Jerry Wayne Ivey, Allan Langford, Larry Thornton, James Leonard and Frank Wilkinson.



The Winston County Journal 11/27/1996

A. G. Higginbotham (1929-1996) MS

A. G. Higginbotham, 67, of Louisville, died Nov. 17, 1996 at North Miss. Medical Center.

Funeral services were held Nov. 19 at Mashulaville Baptist Church under the direction of Cockrell Funeral Home. The Rev. Bobby Joe Butler and Olyn Roberts officiated.

Burial was in Mashulaville Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Noxubee County but had lived the last four years in Louisville. He was a member of the Mashulaville Baptist Church. He was self employed as a pulpwooder, logger and farmer. He was preceded in death by his first waife, Mrs. Effie Reed Higginbotham in 1991.

Survivors include his wife, Shirley W. Higginbotham of Louisville; three daughters, Betty Chappell of Louisville, Rita Higginbotham of Columbus, and Sherry Conner of Macon; one son, Phillip Higginbotham of Louisville; two step-sons, Billy Higginbotham of Conway, Ark., and Larry Higginbotham of West point; one step-daughter, Sandra Howard of Weir; five grandchildren; two sisters, Alice Coleman of Macon and Gaddie B. Holdiness of Louisville; and two brothers, Clay Higginbotham of Macon and Bennie Higginbotham of Macon.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 12/10/1996

William Henry Higginbotham (1923-1996) MS

Houston - William Henry Higginbotham, 73, a strawberry farmer, died of heart failure Sunday at Trace Regional Hospital.

Services are 2 p.m. today at Thorn Church of God with burial in Ellzey Cemetery. Visitation is 1 p.m. today at the church. Houston Funeral Home is in charge.

Mr. Higginbotham was a Houston native and a member of Thorn Church of God. He was a song leader at thorn Church of God for 32 years.

Survivors include his wife, Ruth; daughter, Betty Holder of Houston; sons, Jimmy Higginbotham and Danny Higginbotham, both of Houston; Mother, Birdie Higginbotham of Houston; sister, Jean Carter of Houston; and five grandchildren.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 1/2/1997

Halei Elizabeth Higginbotham (1996) MS

Halei Elizabeth Higginbotham, infant daughter of David Keith and Lei Hunt Higginbotham, died at birth Dec. 31, 1996, at King's Daughters Hospital in Brookhaven.

Graveside services were at 11 a.m. today in Hollywood Cemetery in McComb with Dr. Jimmy Porter officiating. Hartman Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

Halei's survivors include her parents; one sister, Alex M. Higginbotham; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David E. Higginbotham; maternal grandparents, Patsy Hunt and Bennie Hunt; and great-grandmothers, Dorothy Johnston and Jessie Hunt.



The Star-Herald (Kosciusko, MS) 2/27/1997

Thomas Charles Higginbotham (1939-1997) MS

Services for Thomas Charles Higginbotham Jr., 58, of Columbus were held Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. at Nowell Funeral Home in Kosciusko with burial in Smyrna Cemetery with full military rights.

Higginbotham, a native of Attala County, died Feb. 15, 1997 at the Southwest Medical Center in Oklahoma City, Okla. He was a member of Ridgecrest Missionary Baptist Church. He retired from the U.S. Air Force as a staff sergeant.

 He is survived by his wife, Margaret Ferguson Higginbotham; a son, Thomas W. Higginbotham; a daughter, Angie J. Woodard; two sisters, Waunette Rundix and Gale Scrivner; his step mother, Climmie Higginbotham; nine grandchildren.

Rev. Hoyt Moore and Rev. Danny Dodds officiated.

Pallbearers were members of the Columbus Air Force Base honor guard.



The Newton Record 4/16/1997

Bettye June Higginbotham Lewis (1934-1997) MS

Sixty-three year old Meridian homemaker, Mrs. Bettye Higginbotham Lewis, died at her residence April 14, 1997. Funeral services for her were held at Barham Chapel Wednesday, April 16, with Rev. Frank Thomas officiating. Burial took place in the Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Her survivors include her husband, Glenn Lewis of Meridian; two daughters, Angela Thomas of Meridian and Lisa Marchland of Demopolis, Alabama; two sons, Greg Lewis of Columbus, MS and Anthony Lewis of Meridian; sixteen grandchildren; three sisters, France Burrage of Meehan Community, Pearl Holy field of Newton and Agnes Alexander of Meridian; one brother, Lewis Higginbotham of Philadelphia; and several nieces and nephews.

Barham Funeral Home, Meridian, handled funeral plans.




Bernie Lee Higginbotham (1953-1997) MS

Bernie Lee Higginbotham Sr., 43, a native of McComb, Mich., a former resident of Pascagoula, Miss., and resident of Robertsdale, died July 11, 1997.

Survivors include his wife, Charlotte C. Higginbotham of Robertsdale; one son, Bernie Higginbotham Jr.; one daughter, Elizabeth Griffin of Robertsdale; two sisters, Brenda Butler of Shuqulak, Miss., and Barbara Bean of Harlington, Texas; his parents, Bennie and Mary Higginbotham of Loxley; one brother, Gary Higginbotham of Loxley; and two grandchildren.

Graveside services were held July 14 at Serene Memorial Gardens in Escatawpa, Miss, with Rev. Ray Bennett officiating.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 8/2/1997

Mack Arthur Hickinbottom (ca1965-1997) MS

Oxford - Mack Arthur Hickinbottom, 32, a laborer, died Sunday of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident at the intersection of Mississippi 7 and Mississippi 30 in Oxford.

Services are 11 a.m. today at East St. Peter's Missionary Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery in Abbeville. Delta Burial Corp. is handling arrangements.

Mr. Hickinbottom was a Lafayette County native. He was a member of West St. Peter's Missionary Baptist Church.

Survivors include: wife, Juanita; daughter, Crystal Townsend of Oxford; sons, Darrie Townsend and Marcarell Hickinbottom, both of Oxford; mother, Rosie Hickinbottom of Oxford; brothers, Robert Hickinbottom of California and Johnny R. Hickinbottom of Oxford; grandmother, Doris Quarles of Oxford; and grandfather, Mack I. Quarles of Oxford.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 9/19/1997

Paul Lambert Higginbotham (1948-1997) TN/MS

Pascagoula - Paul Lambert Higginbotham, 49, died Thursday, Sept. 18, 1997, in Pascagoula.

Mr. Higginbotham was born June 16, 1948, in Knoxville, Tenn., and was an Army Veteran. He was employed at Halter Maure.

He was preceded in death by his mother, Mable Irene Gentry Higginbotham.

Survivors include his wife, Cynthia C. Higginbotham of Pascagoula; two sons, Paul L. Higginbotham Jr. and Stephen Z. Higginbotham of Pascagoula; his parents, Charles and Madge Higginbotham of Pascagoula; a brother, Charles Loveday of West Palm Beach, Fla., a step-brother, Tommy Franklin of Long Beach; a sister, Candy Amos of Pascagoula.

Visitation will be from 6 to 9 tonight at the Apostolic Temple on Mississippi 63  in Moss Point. A service will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at the church with burial in Serene Memorial Gardens in Jackson County. Holder Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point is in charge of arrangements.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 10/29/1997
Hubert Wayne Higginbotham (1945-1997) MS/LA
Albany, La. - Hubert Wayne Higginbotham, 52, died of a brain tumor Sunday at General Hospital.
Services are 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Margaret Catholic Church with burial in the church cemetery. Rabenhorst Funeral Home in Baton Rouge is in charge,
Survivors include: wife, Sharon; and parents, Hubert and Wilma Higginbotham of Houston, Ms.


Daily Journal 12/31/1997

Mable Pauline Turner Higginbotham (1919-1997) MS

VARDAMAN Mable Pauline Higginbotham, 78, died Monday, Dec. 29, 1997, at the Floy Dyer Manor in Houston. She was born Nov. 28, 1919, in Calhoun County to Robert and Ida Mixon Turner. She was a homemaker and a member of Vardaman Baptist Church. She was the widow of Joe Edward Higginbotham. Services will be at 2 p.m. today at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Houston with the Rev. Dale Easley and the Rev. Tim Loden officiating. Burial will be in Pittsboro Cemetery. Survivors include a foster son, Kelly Wayne Barnes of Olive Branch; four brothers, James Turner of Monterrey, Calif., Wilburn Turner and Wayne Turner, both of West Point, and Billy Joe Turner of Montpelier; several nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Doug Bishop, Billy Ray Higginbotham, Don Reedy, Frank Billion, Frank Billion Jr., Chad Higginbotham and Billy Foster. Honorary pallbearers will be J.R. Penick, Bill Nabors, Kenneth Higginbotham, Billy Wayne Barnes and Jay Huffman.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 3/5/1998

Aubrey Lee Higginbotham (1924-1998) MS

Services for Aubrey Lee Higginbotham, 73, of Itta Bena, who died of heart failure Wednesday, March 4, 1998, at Greenwood Leflore Hospital, will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at Wilson and Knight Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired mechanic for Three Rivers Ford of Greenwood, was a member of First Baptist Church of Itta Bena and a World War II U.S. Army Air Corps veteran.

He was preceded in death by a brother, Thomas Cleveland Higginbotham.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Mattie Suddeth Higginbotham of Itta Bena; five sons, Jessie Bennett of Madden, Aubrey Higginbotham Jr. of Meridian, David Franklin Higginbotham of Baden, Pa., John Thomas Higginbotham of Winfield, La., and Gary Higginbotham of Memphis; one brother, William E. Higginbotham of Itta Bena; one sister, Odean Reynolds of Ruleville; and 12 grandchildren.

The Rev. Higdon Herrington will officiate at the services.

Burial will be in McNutt Cemetery..

Visitation will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday at Wilson and Knight Funeral Home.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 6/29/1998

Hugh C. Higginbotham (1981-1998) MS

Hugh "Tiger" Higginbotham, 16, of South Ridge Road, a student at Terry High, died of cancer Saturday at Methodist Healthcare.

Services are 2 p.m. today at Davis Road Baptist Church with burial in Rosemont Gardens Memorial Park. Visitation is 1 p.m. today at the church. Rosemont Gardens Funeral Home is handling arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham was a Jackson native. He played football for Terry High, where he was a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and was awarded the citizenship award, Terry High's Hugh Award, given to the athlete who shows the most courage and determination, was named in his honor. He was a member of Terry Road Baptist Church.

Survivors include: mother, Betty Higginbotham of Jackson; brother, Kenneth Foster of Jackson; sister, Kathy Higginbotham of Jackson; and maternal grandfather, Charles Fosters of Jackson.

Memorials may be made to the Children's Cancer Clinic of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39216



The Sun Herald July 17, 1998

Prieur Jay Higginbotham (1913-1998) MS

Prieur Jay ''P.J.'' Higginbotham Sr., 85, died Tuesday, July 14, 1998, in Pascagoula.
Mr. Higginbotham was born July 1, 1913, in Pascagoula and attended Lake Elementary School, Pascagoula High School and Perkinston Junior College. He was formerly employed with the Mississippi State Highway Department and was self-employed as an electrical contractor. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Pascagoula where he was a Sunday School superintendent and chairman of the Board of Deacons.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Jesse Higginbotham and Anirah Denise White Higginbotham.
Survivors include his wife, Vivian Higginbotham; two sons, Prieu Jay Higginbotham of Mobile and Richard Dale Higginbotham of Natchitoches, La.; a daughter, Mary Kay of Shawnee, Okla.; a brother, W.J. Higginbotham; seven grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 7 to 9 tonight at O'Bryant-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Pascagoula. A service will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Pascagoula with burial in the Old Spanish Fort Cemetery [Krebs Cemetery].


Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 7/21/1998

Theo Higginbotham Edney (1909-1998) LA/MS

Theo H. Edney, 89, of North State Street, a homemaker, died of heart failure Saturday at St. Dominic/Jackson Memorial Hospital.

Services are 2 p.m. today in Riverview Cemetery in Monroe, La. Mulhearn Funeral Home is handling arrangements.

Mrs. Edney was a West Monroe, La., native and was a longtime Greenwood resident before moving to Jackson. She was the widow of Frank Edney.

Survivors include: brother, P.R. Higginbotham of Crossett, Ark.; and nieces and nephews.



Times Post, Houston, Mississippi dated September 2, 1998
O'Dell Jeanette Higginbotham Hamby Reeves (1926-1998) MS
Houston - Odell Jeanette Reeves, age 72, died Monday, August 31, 1998 at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. Funeral services were Tuesday, Sept. 1 at Southern Funeral Chapel in Houston. Burial was in Elzy Cemetery, Vardaman, with Bro. Harvey Dale Barnett, Bro. Roy Childress and Bro. Grady Williams officiating.
The daughter of the late Joe and Minnie Youngblood Higginbotham, she was a native of Chickasaw County. She was a housewife.
Survivors include her husband, Marvin L Reeves of Houston; three sons, Jerry Higginbotham and wife, Cheryl, and Bobby Hamby and wife, Barbara, all of Okolona and Stanley Hamby and wife, Deborah, of Houston; three daughters, Barbara Reeves and Janice Reeves and husband, Carl, all of Houston, and Brenda Adams and husband, Roger of Woodland; five step children; one brother, Bill Higginbotham of Houston; 12 grandchildren; 15 step grandchildren; five great grandchildren and nine step great grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Jamie Reedy, Donnie Reeves, Hurley Higginbotham, Ed Chapman, Pete Alford, David Alford, Ottis Miller, Nona Taylor and Larry Moore. Honorary pallbearers were her grandchildren.
Southern Funeral Chapel of Houston was in charge of arrangements.



North Mississippi Daily Journal, Monday October 26, 1998

Alma Higginbotham Dye (1914-1998) MS
WEST POINT Alma Higginbotham Dye, 84, died Saturday, Oct. 24, 1998, at Clay County Medical Center in West Point. She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church in West Point. She was a machine operator at Knickerbocker Manufacturing and also co-owner of Dye’s Lion Oil in West Point. She was a native of Calhoun County and lived in Clay County since 1937. She was the daughter of the late Will and Ioama Free Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Hiram Hillard “Pete” Dye who died May 14, 1984.
Services will be at 2 p.m. today at Calvert Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. James Young and the Rev. Terry Partin officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Survivors include two daughters, Bobbie Jean Dye Redus of West Point and Jo Ann Dye Fox of Starkville; one son, Billy Joe Dye of West Point; eight grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be her grandsons, Robert Mercier, Tommy Redus, Greg Fretz, Ricky Weathers, Jason Tatum and Mickey Reed.
Honorary pallbearers will be the nursing staff at Clay County Medical Center.
Memorials may be made to American Diabetes Association, 16 Northtown Drive Suite 100, Jackson, Miss., 39211.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 12/21/1998

Julia Marie Crook Higginbotham (1928-1998) AR/MS

Marie C. Higginbotham, 70, of Meadville, died of cancer Dec. 20, 1998, at her residence.

Services were 11 a.m. today at Franklin Funeral Home in Meadville with the Rev. Cletus Moak officiating.  Burial is in Midway Cemetery in Meadville.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 21, 1928, in Eudora, Ark. She was the daughter of Earl Crook and Sadie Chappel Crook.

She was a retired cosmetologist, and a member of Providence Baptist Church.

Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, Hugh Higgintoham.

Survivors include one son, Derrell Higginbotham of Meadville; three daughters, Judy Jackson of Denham Springs, La., and Kathy Warren and Francine Frith, both of Meadville; one sister, Dot Taylor of Bouge Chitto; and other relatives and friends.

In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to the Hospice of Central, MS, 224 S. First St., Brookhaven, MS 39601.



The Magee Courier (Magee, MS) 12/31/1998

Rady Oscar Higginbotham (1938-1998) VA/MS

Rady Oscar "Big Man" Higginbotham, 64, died December 24 in an automobile accident/heart attack on St. John Road in Braxton.

Born on Lil' Piney Mountain in Lewesville, Virginia, he lived and worked in Virginia until 1988 when he moved to Mississippi. He made many friends acquaintances and was said to be a "a truly unforgettable character" He was a logger and lover of life, said to have never met a stranger, never missed a day from work and was never late for work.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete, but his wish was to be cremated and the ashes scattered on No Business Mountain in Charlottesville, Virginia.

He was a "logger and lover of life", said to have never met a stranger, never missed a day of work and was never late for work. He was described as a "big man who could still work a 20-year-old man in the ground," and was strong enough, in his own words, "to pull hell of hinges."

Survivors include one daughter, Meghan McLeod, and estranged wife in Virginia, six children, 16 grandchildren, four sisters, many lifelong friends and relatives; and one brother in New Jersey.



The Sun Herald February 26, 1999

Scott James Higginbotham (1957-1999) MS

WOOLMARKET --- Scott James Higginbotham, 41, died Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1999, in Woolmarket.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Biloxi and a resident of Woolmarket for 21 years. He was employed with the Del's Seaway Seafood, Inc., as a supervisor in the packing room. He was a graduate of Biloxi High School. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Woolmarket and was involved with the Catholic Youth of the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi. He was a lector and a C.C.D. Instructor. He was a 4th degree member in the Knight's of Columbus 2347 in Orange Grove where he held the office of treasurer. He was an original charter member and the first vice president of the Mississippi Sea Wolves Booster Club. He was also involved with several Carnival Associations and Mardi Gras set and costume designing. He was a past member of the D'Iberville Community club.
Survivors include his parents, George and Jewel Higginbotham of Woolmarket; five brothers, Kenneth Higginbotham of Houston, Texas, Johnny Higginbotham of the St. Martin Community, Richard Higginbotham of D'Iberville, Keith Higginbotham and Greg Higginbotham, both of Woolmarket; five sisters, Brenda Legrone of Gautier, Donna Brightman of Woolmarket, Sandra Higginbotham of Long Beach, Debbye Higginbotham of Biloxi and Lori Jacquet of Woolmarket.
A procession will leave the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes in Biloxi at 9:45 a.m. today for a 10 a.m. service at St. John's Catholic Church in Biloxi. Burial will be in Biloxi City Cemetery.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 3/4/1999

Eva Lucille Higginbotham Adams (1918-1999) MS

Pascagoula - Mrs. Eva Lucille Adams, 80, died Tuesday, March 2, 1999, in Pascagoula.

Mrs. Adams was born May 16, 1918, in Tallahatchie County and was a homemaker. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Moss Point.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Samuel D. and Emaline Higginbotham.

Survivors include her husband, Thomas Clarence Adams of Pascagoula; three sons, Raymond Adams of Baton Rouge, Bill Adams of Pearl and Wayne Adams of Hurley; two sisters, Thelma Moore of Clarksdale, and Katie Pickel of Walnut Grove; and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

A service will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Holder-Wells Funeral Home in Moss Point where friends may call from noon until service time. Burial will be in Serene Memorial Gardens in Escatawpa.



Jerry Wayne Higginbotham (1961-1999) MS/WV

PRINCETON, W.Va. Jerry Wayne Higginbotham, 37, died Tuesday, April 13, 1999, in Princeton, W.Va., as the result of an automobile accident. He was born June 8, 1961, in Calhoun County, the son of David and Ethelene Brassfield Higginbotham. He was a construction worker and a Baptist.
Services will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Houston with Bro. Al Gaspard officiating. Burial will be in Pinecrest Memorial Gardens in Calhoun City.
Survivors include his wife, Linda Perivue Higginbotham of Princeton, W.Va.; his mother, Ethelene Higginbotham; one sister, Alice Moore of Houlka; one brother, David E. Higginbotham of Greenwood; two nieces; one nephew.
He was preceded in death by his father, David Higginbotham.
Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 5/27/1999

Ben Wiley Higginbotham (1940-1999) MS

Macon - Ben W.. Higginbotham, 58, a retired Forestry Service employee, died of heart failure Sunday at his home.

Services were Tuesday at Mashulaville Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery. Porter Funeral Home in Louisville handled arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham was a Noxubee County native. He was a crew chief with the U.S. Forestry Service. He was a member of the Mashulaville Baptist Church.

Survivors include: son, Ben Edward Higginbotham of Macon; daughter, Roxie Lynn Higginbotham of Southport, N.C.; brother, Henry Clay Higginbotham of Macon; sisters, Alice Coleman of Macon and Caddie B. Holdiness of Louisville; and two grandchildren.



Times Post 06/07/1999

Clara Blansett Higginbotham (1927-1999) MS

HOUSTON Clara Blansett Higginbotham, 71, died Sunday, June 6, 1999, at the Trace Regional Hospital. She was born Nov. 7, 1927, in Chickasaw County to Walter Blansett and Neasy Hollis Blansett. She was a homemaker and a member of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Houston with the Rev. Mike Childs and the Rev. Elkin Heair officiating. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Survivors include her husband, John D. Higginbotham; five sons, Kirkham Dendy Jr. of Houston, Kirkham Hugh Dendy of Atlanta, Sam McQuire of Manila, Ark., and Steve McQuire and Bob McQuire, both of Jonesboro, Ark.; one sister, Opal Goodwin of Water Valley; two brothers, Walter Blansett of Murfreesboro, Ark., and Evans Blansett of Anniston, Ala.; 14 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Ricky Finley. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. today. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Houston First United Methodist Church Family Life Center.



Tuesday, June 22, 1999 Printed in the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

Ruth Frances Roman Higginbotham Tallant (1915-1999) MS

HOUSTON Ruth Frances Roman Tallant, 83, died Sunday, June 20, 1999, at the Trace Regional Hospital in Houston. She was a retired seamstress for Delta Trousers.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 22 at Houston Funeral Home. Burial will be in Houston Cemetery.

Survivors include one daughter, Norma Parker of Houston; one son, Robert E. Tallant of Okolona; one sister, Anna Lou Dillard of Oxford; six grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Higginbotham, in 1983 and her husband, James E. Tallant, in 1990.



The Sun Herald 7/7/1999

Lois Ann Migues Higginbotham (1933-1999) MS/FL

PENSACOLA --- Lois Ann Higginbotham, 65, died Sunday, July 4, 1999, in Pensacola.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native and lifelong resident of the Coast.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Alton and Martha Migues.
Survivors include her husband, Thomas Higginbotham of Pensacola; a daughter, Josselyn Webb of Pensacola; a son, Vincent Higginbotham of Ocean Springs; five sisters, Geneva Carroll of Baker, La., Louethel Montgomery of Ocean Springs, Dale Burgin of Ocean Springs, Sherry Hankins of Biloxi, and Pamela Robinson of Biloxi; four brothers, Rudy Migues of Vancleave, Warren Migues of Gulfport, Arnold Migues of St. Louis and Alton Migues of Pensacola; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Visitation was 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes. A service will be at 10 a.m. today in the funeral home chapel, where friends may call one hour before service time. Burial will be in the Biloxi City Cemetery.



The Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) July 7, 1999

Jessie Ann Gautreaux Higginbotham (1942-1999) MS

Jessie Ann Higginbotham, 57, died Saturday, July 3, 1999, in Gulfport.
Mrs Higginbotham was a native and longtime resident of Biloxi. She formerly resided in Baton Rouge. She was baptized a Catholic at St. Michael's Catholic Church. She was a member of the Fleur de Lis Society Auxiliary and Les Petites Women's Organization. She was formerly employed with the Isle of Capri as a pit clerk.
She was preceded by her husband, Rudy Higginbotham; her father Gautreaux; and her mother, Ida "Toot" Boudreaux.
Survivors include a daughter, Yvette Whitfield of Vancleave; a son Mike Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; her stepfather, Hank Boudreaux of Biloxi; a sister, Sarah Foto of North Biloxi; a brother, Henry "Hankie" Boudreaux of Biloxi; and three grandchildren.
A visitation will be from 2 to 3 p.m. today at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes in Biloxi. A procession will leave the funeral home at 3 p.m. for graveside services at 3:15 p.m. in the Biloxi City Cemetery.



The Clarksdale Press Register 9/2/1999

Etoyce Higginbotham Chrestman Largent (1910-1999) MS

Etoyce Chrestman Largent, 89, of Indianola and formerly of Marks, died of heart failure Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1999, at Yarborough Total Care in Arcola.

Her funeral was held at 2 p.m. today at Kimbro Funeral Home with the Rev. Mike Smithey presiding. Burial followed at the Marks Cemetery. Kimbro Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.

Mrs. Largent, retired owner of Gulf Oil and Pure Oil stations in Marks, was born on Nov. 9, 1910, in Calhoun County. She was a member of Ellendale Primitive Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husbands, Dero Chrestman and Sam Largent.

Survivors include one son, Bobby Chrestman of Indianola; two grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandson.



Times Post 9/22/1999

Murtice Woodall Higginbotham (1931-1999) MS
Houston – Murtice Higginbotham, age 68, died Saturday, Sept. 18, 1999 at Trace Regional Hospital. Funeral services were held Monday, Sept. 20 at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in Wesley Chapel Cemetery near Houston with Bro. Doug Reid officiating.
The daughter of Jeanie McBrayer Woodall and the late William Marin Woodall, she was born July 5, 1931 in Chickasaw County. She was retired from Wal-Mart in Houston and was a member of Saxon Memorial Church of the Nazarene in Houston.
Survivors include four daughters, Joann Howell and Mary Jean Nabors of Houston, Linda Brabant of Plato, Mo., and Kay Trent of Starkville; her mother, Jeanie McBrayer Woodall of Okolona; five sisters, Pauline Tuz of Jackson, Tenn., Irene Earnest and Ann Blansett of Okolona, Charlotte Roberts of Verona and Inez O'Barr of Houston; two brothers, Curtis Woodall of Vardaman and John Woodall of Fulton; seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her father, her son, Bill Higginbotham, one brother, James Gore Woodall; three sisters, Charlene Cooper, Jeanette Carrier and Faye Autry and one daughter, Lucy Trent.
Pallbearers were Billy Moore, Thomas Howell, Kevin Moore, Travis Pitts, Paul Trent and Ted Brassfield.
Memorials may be made to the Floy Dyer Manor Activity Fund, 1000 East Madison Street, Houston, Miss., 38851.
Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Greenwood Commonwealth 11/14/1999

Ruth B. Taylor Williams Higginbotham (1924-1999) LA/MS

Graveside services for Ruth B. Higginbotham, 75, of Greenwood, who died of congestive heart failure Thursday, Nov. 11, 1999, at Greenwood Leflore Hospital, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Odd Fellows East.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Louisiana and lived in the Greenwood area most of her life. She was a homemaker and a member of Calvary Baptist Church.

She was preceded in death by her first husband, Roy Williams. She is survived by two sons, Hubert and Albert Williams, both of Greenwood; two sisters, 10 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.

The Rev. Jeff Floyd officiated.

Pallbearers were Bubba Williams, Hubert Williams Jr., Keith Prestage, David Higginbotham, James Prescott and Michael Costilow.

Williams & Lord Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



The Clarksdale Press Register 12/14/1999

Heather Dawn Higginbotham (1980-1999) MS

Heather Dawn Higginbotham, 19, of Lyon, died of injuries sustained in an automobile accident Sunday, Dec. 12, 1999, on U.S. Hwy 61 in Tunica County.

Her funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at National Funeral Home Chapel with the Revs. Carl Morris and Wesley Higginbotham presiding. Burial will follow at Memorial Gardens Cemetery. Visitation will be held today from 6-9 p.m. at the funeral home.

Miss Higginbotham, a student at Northwest Community College, was born July 9, 1980, in Clarksdale. She was a member of Lyon Baptist Church. She was a 1999 graduate of Delta Academy.

Survivors include her parents, Mike and Rita Higginbotham of Lyon; one brother, Michael Higginbotham of Lyon; her grandparents, Harold and Pauline Cloninger Morris of Lyon; Betty Jo Crocker of Brandon and Hilton Higginbotham of Dublin; one-great0grandfather, Odis Cloninger of Lyon; one great-grandmother, Lillian Higginbotham of Lucedale; and many aunts, uncles and cousins.

The family requests memorials be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis.



Enterprise-Journal 01/16/2000

Verena Higginbotham Barr (1937-2000) MS
Verena Higginbotham Barr, 62, of McComb, died Jan. 15, 2000,at Baptist Medical Center in Jackson.
Visitation is at Hartman Funeral Home in McComb today from 4-9 p.m. and Monday from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Services are at 2p.m. Monday in the funeral home chapel. Dr. Jimmy Porter will officiate, and burial will be in Pike Memorial Gardens in McComb.
Mrs. Barr was born Aug. 23, 1937, in Pike County. She was the daughter of James and Lillie Bell Neely Higginbotham.
A homemaker, she was a member of First Baptist Church of McComb. Mrs. Barr had served as a Girl Scout and Cub Scout leader, taught Sunday school and was active in the PTA.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
Survivors include her husband, Joel R. Barr of McComb; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Joey and Robbin Barr of Magnolia and Kevin Barr of McComb; one daughter, Phyllis Barr of McComb; a brother, James Higginbotham of Jackson; an aunt, Maggie Leonard of McComb; four sisters, Ruby Kelly and Jennetter Williams, both of McComb, Dorothy Fortenberry of Tylertown and Peggy Holmes of Lexie; and three grandchildren, Dusty, Brooke and Nicky Barr.
Pallbearers will be Wilson Barr III, Walter Temple, Jeff Fortenberry, Richard Boreham, Jonathan Keenze and Chuck Lambert.



The Sun Herald 1/17/2000

Mae Higginbotham Danise (1906-2000) LA/MS

BILOXI --- Mrs. Mae Higginbotham Danise, 93, died Saturday, Jan. 15, 2000, in Ocean Springs.
Mrs. Danise was born in Youngsville, La., and had been a resident of Biloxi since 1921. She was retired seafood worker for Southern Shell and Taltivou Seafood Companies. She was a member of St. Johns Catholic Church in Biloxi, the Fleur de Lis Auxiliary, and the Biloxi Senior Citizens Association.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Oris "Shorty" Danise; one child; her parents, James and Marie Verrett Higginbotham; two sisters, Laura Ladnier and Annette Williams; and three brothers, Nelson Higginbotham, Martin Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham.
Survivors include two daughters, Nora Wyble of Groves, Texas, and Opal Girouard of Biloxi; two sons, James "J.T." Danise of National City, Calif., and L.J. "Bugga" Danise of Ocean Springs; a sister, Mary "MIMI" Higginbotham Seymour of Biloxi; three brothers, Bill J. Higginbotham of Biloxi, James "Jim" Higginbotham of Ocean Springs and Stephen Higginbotham of Lafayette, La.; nine grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 6 to 9 tonight at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes in Biloxi with recitation of the rosary at 7 p.m. A service will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Johns Catholic Church where friends may call one hour before service time. Burial will be in Biloxi City Cemetery.



The Sun Herald 07/01/2000

Vera Clara Ramsay Higginbotham (1913-2000) MS

OCEAN SPRINGS --- Vera Ramsay Higginbotham went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday, June 30, 2000. She was born in Biloxi on October 15, 1913, to the late Oscar and Amelia Ramsay and remained a lifelong resident of the coast. She worked in the seafood industry for several years and in the 1940's was a co-owner and operator of the Tip Top Cafe in Biloxi. She lived the last decades of her life as a contented homemaker. Mrs. Higginbotham was a charter member of Epworth United Methodist Church in Biloxi, where she served the Lord faithfully until her illness. She and her husband were the first couple to be married at the church on November 28, 1928. Mrs. Higginbotham was also a charter member of the Epworth United Methodist Women's group. She was preceded in death by her husband of 62 years, Charles Joseph Higginbotham; her parents, Oscar and Amelia Ramsay; three sisters, Verna Ladnier, Beryl Orr and Winnie Campbell; and three brothers, Carl Ramsay, Lester Ramsay and Elliott Ramsay. Survivors include her son, Oscar Higginbotham and his wife, Floy McAllister Higginbotham, of Vancleave; her daughter, Myrta Faye Williams and her husband, John A. Williams of Gulfport; two sisters, Iris Stanovich of Biloxi and Eunice Youngblood of D'Iberville; a brother, Elvin Ramsay of St. Martin; five grandchildren, Chuck Higginbotham of Foley, Alabama, Cindy Singleton of Ocean Springs, Cheryl Martino of St. Martin, Alison Madigan of Long Beach and Joy Hird of Conway, S.C.; and 11 great-grandchildren. A service will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, July 2, at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes in Biloxi where friends may call an hour before service time. Burial will be in Southern Memorial Park.



The Daily Sentinel Star 07/17/2000

Lena Pearl Higginbotham Stewart Harvey (1906-2000) MS
WINONA - Lena Pearl Stewart Harvey, age 93, died Thursday, July 13, at Appling Wood Nursing Home in Memphis.
Ms. Harvey was a homemaker. She was also a member of Raleigh Primitive Baptist Church.
Ms. Harvey is survived by 2 daughters, Ruby Nell Enok of Lakeland, TN., and Mary Sue Hutchinson of Memphis, TN.; 2 sons, C.L. Stewart of Memphis and George Donald Stewart of West, MS.; 1 sister, Ethel Donahoo of Winona; 1 brother, Lee Higginbotham of Memphis; 28 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.
Funeral Services were held Saturday, July 15, at 2:00 p.m. at Oliver Funeral Home in Winona. Burial was held in Oakwood Cemetery in Winona.
Oliver Funeral Home of Winona was in charge of arrangements.



 Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 7/21/2000

William Thomas Higginbotham (1934-2000) MS

Wahalak - Will Higginbotham, 65, a retired construction worker, died of heart failure Wednesday at home.

Services are 4 p.m. today at Mashulaville Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery. Visitation is 3 p.m. today at the church. Tilghman Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Mr. .Higginbotham was a member of Mashulaville Baptist Church.

Survivors include: daughter, Sandra Stuart of Hazlehurst; sons, Billy Higginbotham of Magnolia, Ark., and Larry Higginbotham of West Point; sisters, Elsie Parny of Preston and Mattie West of Louisville; brothers, George Higginbotham of Macon and Charles Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; mother, Mattie Louise Jackson of Louisville; and four grandchildren.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 7/27/2000

William Robert Higginbotham (1911-2000) MS

Houston - William "Bill" Robert Higginbotham, 88, a retired watchman for Gulf States Ceramic, died of heart failure Wednesday at Hillcrest Hospital in Calhoun City.

Services are 4 p.m. Friday at Houston Funeral Home with burial in Ellzey Cemetery in Vardaman. Visitation is 5-8 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Mr. .Higginbotham was a member of First Assembly of God Church. He was the widower of Birl Nichols Higginbotham.

Survivors include: daughter, Ruth Ann Reedy of Vardaman; son, Billy Ray Higginbotham of Mathiston and Kenneth Evans Higginbotham of West Point; and nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.



The Daily Sentinel Star 08/04/2000

Wilburn Everett Higginbotham  (1920-2000) MS
COFFEEVILLE - W. E. Higginbotham, age 79, died Tuesday, August 1 at Beverly Health.
Mr. Higginbotham was a retired carpenter, an Army veteran and a member of Sherman Baptist Church.
Services were held Thursday, August 3 at 10 a.m. at Sherman Baptist Church with Rev. Forrest Poindexter officiating. Burial will be in Raper's Chapel Cemetery in Bruce.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife - Lima Higginbotham of Coffeeville; a daughter - Martha Kay Hall of West Monroe, LA; a step-daughter - Myrtice Scott of Tacoma, WA; three sons - John Everette Higginbotham, E. J. Higginbotham both of Walker, LA, and Billy Ronnie Higginbotham of Longview, TX; six stepsons - Bobby Joe Kemp of Tennessee, Billy Edd Kemp of Coffeeville, John Kemp of Calhoun City, Calvin Kemp of Tennessee, Preston Kemp and Jeff Kemp both of Houston; two sisters - Lola Mae Collins of Bruce and Evelyn DiMeelio of San Diego, CA; 11 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons - Kenneth Paul Higginbotham and Robert Earl Higginbotham; one daughter - Nina Elizabeth Higginbotham; his parents - Melvin S. Higginbotham and Clara Mabel Chandler Higginbotham; and his first wife - Eva Marie Higginbotham.
Pryor Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.



Winston County Journal 9/6/2000

Bessie Marvis Higginbotham Reed Barnett (1925-2000) MS

Funeral services for Bessie Reed Barnett, 75, Louisville, were held Friday, September 1, 2000 at Zion Chapel Pentecostal Church.

Mrs. Barnett died on August 30, 2000 at her residence in Louisville of heart failure. She was a seamstress with Macon Pants Factory, a member of Zion Chapel Pentecostal Church, an avid gardener, hunter and fisher.

Survivors include a son, Bobby Joe "Billy" Reed of Louisville; daughter-in-law, Mary Jane Reed of Ackerman; sisters, Christine Sullivan of Jonesboro, LA and Annie White of Dekalb; brothers, Grady Higginbotham of Macon, B.B. "Brooks" Higginbotham Sr., of Shuqualak and Kittrell Higginbotham of Greenwood; grandsons, Keith Reed of Ackerman, Bobby Wayne Reed and James Clinton Reed of Louisville and seven great-grandchildren.

Rev. Bobby Joe Butler officiated at the service with Rev. Burlon Commer and Rev. Arnold Davis, assisting. Burial was in Butler Cemetery in Noxubee County.

Memorials may be made to the Zion Chapel Pentecostal Church Missionary Fund. Tilghman Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



Northeast Mississippi Journal 10/24/2000

Mildred A. Pickle Higginbotham West (1928-2000) MS
ABERDEEN - Mildred Pickle Higginbotham West, 72, died, Monday, Oct, 23, 2000, at Gilmore Memorial Hospital in Amory after a long illness. She was born June 11, 1928, in Splunge community of Monroe County to Virdo and Emma Spann Pickle. She attended Greenwood Springs School. She lived in the Pine Grove community before moving to Westville. She married James E. Higginbotham, who died in 1982. In 1986 she married Howard Murff West, who died in 1999. She was a homemaker and a member of West Chapel Church of Christ. She enjoyed reading.
Services will be at 3 p.m. today at E.E. Pickle Funeral Home in Amory with Hoyet Hathcock and James Nivens officiating. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery.
She was preceded in death by her parents and both husbands.
Memorials may be made to the David Westbrook Trust Fund, c/o Security Bank of Amory, P.O. Box 270, Amory MS 38821



Franklin County Times 11/29/2000

Grady Tilton Higginbotham (1918-2000) MS
MACON Services for Grady T. Higginbotham will be held Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at Cockrell Funeral Home Chapel, with the Revs. Bobby Joe Butler and Kim Wolverton officiating. Burial will be in Salem Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham, 82, of Macon, died Monday, Nov. 27, 2000, at Noxubee General Hospital. He was a self-employed service station and used car dealership owner and operator.
Survivors include three daughters, Marie Vernon of Macon, Nancy Andre of Collierville, Tenn. and Peggy Jernigan of Ethelsville, Ala.; two sons, Ray Higginbotham of Macon and Elmer Higginbotham of Ellisville; two sisters, Annie White of Shuqualak and Christine Sullivan of Jonesboro, La.; two brothers, Brooks Higginbotham of Shuqualak and Kittrell Higginbotham of Greenwood; 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Ollie Mae Higginbotham.
The family requests memorials be made to Macon Central Academy or Noxubee County Nursing Home.
Visitation will be today from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.



Franklin County Times 12/19/2000

Alice Higginbotham Stevens (1897-2000) MA
PHILADELPHIA Services for Alice Higginbotham Stephens will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Damascus Freewill Baptist Church in Kemper County, with the Revs. Robert Higginbotham and Bill Freeman officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. John E. Stephens Chapel Funeral Services is in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Stephens, 106, died Sunday, Dec. 17, 2000, at the Kemper Community Nursing Facility in DeKalb.
Survivors include three daughters, Earlene Wiggins and Mattie Fern Stevens Pinkham, both of Collinsville, and Lena Smith of Dalewood; a son, J.K. Stephens of Bailey; 23 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be today beginning at 5 p.m. at the funeral home and 30 minutes prior to the service at the church.


The Daily Leader Newspaper Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 16, 2001

Louis Hickingbottom (1926-2001) MS

Services for Louis Hickingbottom of Meadville are 1 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 17, at St. Paul United Methodist Church with burial in Old Sixteen Cemetery.
Visitation is today from 4-7 p.m. at Rollins Funeral Home.
Mr. Hickingbottom, 74, died Jan. 11, 2001, of heart failure at Franklin County Hospital. He was born in Franklin County on Nov.20, 1926, to Tom Hickingbottom and Ida Nelson Hickingbottom.
He was a truck driver. He was a member of St. Paul United Methodist Church. He was a veteran of WWII.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his brothers, Joe Hickingbottom and Kenneth Hickingbottom; his sisters, Lula McFell, Sadie Weathersby, and Faye Milton; and his daughter, Carolyn Hickingbottom.
Survivors are his wife, Johnnie Mae Thomas; his brothers, Henry Hickingbottom of Meadville, James Hickingbottom of New Haven, Bob Hickingbottom of Jackson, and Elmo Hickingbottom of Indianola; his sisters, Guynell Hickingbottom of Meadville, Ruby Reed of Natchez, Joan Frye and Garyl Eachols of East Chicago, Ind.; and a host of other relatives.


The Sun Herald, January 22, 2001, p. A-5

John Nelson Higginbotham (1944-2001) MS

St. Martin - John N. "Johnny" Higginbotham, 56, of St. Martin, died Saturday, January 20, 2001, in Biloxi.

Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of the Coast and a graduate of Biloxi High School. He was a member of St. John's Catholic Church and employed as plant manager at Del's Seaway Shrimp & Oyster Co., Inc. Mr. Higginbotham served in the U.S. Army National Guard.

He was preceded in death by a brother, Scott Higginbotham; his paternal grandparents, Nelson and Edna Higginbotham, and his maternal grandparents, John Krohn and Ada Bounds Mims.

Survivors include his wife, Susan Higginbotham of St. Martin; one daughter, Kim Duncan Rodgers and her husband, Eddie, of Jacksonville, FL; two sons, Josh Duncan and his wife, Joy, of Moss Point, and Michael Duncan and his wife, Michelle, of St. Martin; his parents, George and Jewell Higginbotham of Woolmarket; five sisters, Brenda LeGrone of Gautier, Donna Brightman, Sandra Higginbotham and Lori Jacquet, all of Woolmarket and Debbye Higginbotham of Biloxi; four brothers, Kenny Higginbotham of Houston, Texas, Keith Higginbotham and Greg Higginbotham of Woolmarket and Richard Higginbotham of D'Iberville.

The funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, January 23, 2001, at St. John's Catholic Church in Biloxi where friends may call one hour before service time. Burial will be in D'Iberville Memorial Park.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 7/20/2001

Magdaline Sessums Franklin Higginbotham (1917-2001) MS

Madge Sessums Franklin Higginbotham, 83, died Thursday, July 19, 2001, in Gulfport. Visitation is 1:30-2:30 p.m. Saturday at Rieman Funeral Home in Long Beach. Services are 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home with burial in Gulf Pines Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Morton, where she was a long time resident with her late husband, Newt Franklin. They owned and operated Franklin's Grocery and Market there for many years. She and her husband of 36 years, Charles L. Higginbotham, were also residents of Pascagoula for 36 years, where she was a member of First Baptist Church, before recently moving to Long Beach.

Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her first husband, N.F. "Newt" Franklin; daughter, Ramona Franklin Williams; step-son, Paul Higginbotham; parents, Jake and Edna Sessums; brothers, George, Vance, Tillman, Edward and Lauris Sessums; and sister, Nannie Bell Dunn.

Survivors include: husband of 36 years, Charles L. Higginbotham of Long Beach; son and daughter-in-law, Tommy and Christy Franklin of Long Beach; step daughter and son-in-law, Candy and Walter Amos of Escatawpa; brother and his wife, David and Edith Sessums of Jackson; seven grandchildren, Nikki Franklin Thompson, Laura Williams Smith, Clay, Brian and Rev. Scott Williams, and Sara and Catherine Franklin; nine great-grandchildren; four step-grandchildren, Pam and Kim Amos, Paul "P.J." Higginbotham Jr. and Steven Higginbotham, and one step-great-grandchild.

The family prefers memorials be made to First Baptist Church of Long Beach, 506 Jeff Davis Avenue, Long Beach MS 39560.



Franklin County Times 12/20/2001

Myrtice Ray Syring Higginbotham (1932-2001) MS
Registered nurse
MACON Services for Myrtice Ray Higginbotham will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at Mashulaville Baptist Church with the Revs. Hugh Poole and Allen Mapp officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Cockrell Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Higginbotham, 69, of Macon, died Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2001, in her home.
Survivors include her husband, Odell Higginbotham of Macon; a daughter, Carol Faye Pruitt of Macon; two sons, Larry Higginbotham of Shuqualak and Raymond Higginbotham of Waskom, Texas; two sisters, Elizabeth Rutledge of Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Bernice Brown of Kissimmee, Fla.; her mother, Ovie K. Syring of Macon; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The family requests memorials be made to MUW Foundation, Garrett/Higginbotham Nursing Scholarship, P.O. Box W-1618, Columbus, MS 39701 or Columbus Lowndes Humane Society, 13 Airline Rd., Columbus, MS 39702.
Visitation will be today 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. at the funeral home.


Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 1/21/2002

Martha Annie Higginbotham White (1916-2002) MS

Annie White, 85, a retired housekeeper, died of heart failure Saturday, January 19, 2002, at Mississippi Care Center of Dekalb. Services at 2 p.m. today at Butler Pentecostal Church with burial in Butler Cemetery. Cockrell Funeral Home is handling arrangements.


Franklin County Times 02/06/2002

Roger Lamar Higginbotham (1947-2002) MS
Disabled veteran
MACON Services for Roger L. Higginbotham will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Butler Pentecostal Church with the Revs. Bobby Joe Butler, Gerald Butler and Rayburn Druey officiating. Burial will be in Coy Cemetery with Cockrell Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Higginbotham, 54, of Shuqualak, died Monday, Feb. 4, 2002, in his home. He was a native and lifelong resident of Noxubee County. He attended Shuqualak Public Schools. Mr. Higginbotham served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam Conflict and was awarded the Air Medal and Bronze Star for his service. He coached little league baseball for 10 years.
Mr. Higginbotham loved his grandchildren, Mississippi State University and the Saint Louis Cardinals. He was a member of Macedonia United Methodist Church and an avid hunter who served as secretary and treasurer of the White House Mountain Hunting Club.
Survivors include his wife, Judy Higginbotham; a daughter, Lynn Payne and her husband, Ronnie, of DeKalb; a son, Rocky Higginbotham and his wife, Julie, of Little Rock; five grandchildren, Jessica Payne, Justin Payne, Amber Payne, Meagan Higginbotham and Jordan Higginbotham; his parents, Lamar and Mildred Higginbotham of Shuqualak; four sisters, Barbara Largio of Witt, Ill., Janice Martin of Shuqualak, Debbie Evans of Preston and Lisa Abraham of Trenton, Ga.
Pallbearers will be James Sciple, Eddie Coleman, Tommy Coleman, Jimmy Coleman, Joel Cumberland, Willis Jones, Woody Moody and Wayne Eaves.
Honorary pallbearers will be John Hailey, Billy Brown, Pete Boykin and Ralph Taylor.
Visitation will be today 6 p.m.-9 p.m. at the church.



Times Post 2/27/2002

John Darrell Higginbotham (1918-2002) MS

Services for John D Higginbotham, 83, who died Feb. 20, 2002, at his home, were held Saturday at the Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Houston, with the Rev. James Richardson officiating.

Burial followed in the Chickasaw Memorial Gardens under the direction of the funeral home.

Mr. Higginbotham was born Nov. 1, 1918, the son of Ed and Mary Higginbotham.

He was a member of First Baptist Church and a retired master sergeant of the United States Army and a veteran of World War II and the Korean War.

He was preceded in death by his parents; one daughter, Lucy Trent; one son, Bill Higginbotham; and one brother, Rubin Higginbotham.

He is survived by four daughters, Joann Howell and Mary Jean Nabors, both of Houston, Linda Brabant of Plato, Mo., and Kay Trent of Starkville.



Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS) 5/16/2002

Elmer L. Higginbotham (1917-2002) MS

Meadville - Elmer L. Higginbotham, 85, a retired inspector, died Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at home. Services are 3 p.m. today at Franklin Funeral Home with burial in Midway Cemetery.



The Clarion-Ledger 07/05/2002

Charles Lambert Higginbotham (1917-2002) TN/MS
Charles L. "Charlie" Higginbotham, 85, died Thursday, July 4, 2002, at home. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Sunday, July 7, at Riemann Funeral Home in Long Beach, where friends may call after 1 p.m. Burial will be in Gulf Pines Memorial Gardens and Mausoleum in Long Beach.
Mr. Higginbotham was born and reared in La Follete, Tennessee, and was a resident of Pascagoula for 36 years prior to moving to Long Beach. He was a graduate of Morehead State University in Kentucky, which he attended on a basketball scholarship. He served in World War II in Special Services and traveled through Europe and England entertaining troops with his abilities as a musician. Mr. Higginbotham retired as a cost engineer in the cost accounting department of Ingall's Shipbuilding Corporation. He was a member of First Baptist Church in Pascagoula, a former member of the Miss. Gulf Coast Jazz Society, and in the past had been a member of VFW and American Legion in Pascagoula. He was a well known entertainer on the Gulf Coast, playing with this band, Ambassadors of Rhythm and many others.
Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his first wife, Mabel Gentry Higginbotham; his second wife, Madge Sessums Franklin Higginbotham; a son, Paul Higginbotham; a stepdaughter, Ramona Franklin Williams; parents, William Adison and Exie Anna Farmer Higginbotham; a brother, Oshea Higginbotham; and two sisters, Addie Jewell Higginbotham and Louis Higginbotham.



Franklin County Times 07/06/2002

Annie Pearl Higginbotham Holyfield (1913-2002) MS/TX

NEWTON Services for Annie Pearl Holyfield will be held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at James F. Webb Funeral Home Chapel with the Revs. Curtis Cain and John Cash officiating. Burial will be in Lawrence Cemetery in Lawrence.
Mrs. Holyfield, 88, of Newton, died Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at Tomball Hospital in Tomball, Texas. Born in Neshoba County, she was a supervisor with Newton Company and was a member of Newton United Methodist Church and Ruth Circle. She served as treasurer of Newton P&B Womens Club and the Lawrence Homemakers Club.
Survivors include a daughter, Irma H. Dennis of Hockley, Texas; a sister, Frances Burrage of Meehan; a brother, Lewis Higginbotham of Philadelphia; two granddaughters, Deborah Myers of Newton and Deana Crosby of Atlanta; two grandsons, Ted Johnson of Lake and Steve Dennis of Hockley; and several great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents, A.B. and Ada Maxwell Higginbotham; a daughter, Ora Belle Johnson; a son-in-law, Cecil Dennis; three sisters, Jean Smith, Betty Lewis and Agnes Alexander; and three brothers, Leroy Higginbotham, Leonard Higginbotham and Leon Higginbotham.
Pallbearers will be her great-grandchildren, Ryan Myers, Reed Myers, Jothan Crosby, Drew Crosby, Brian Johnson and Lee Crosby.



Sun Herald (Biloxi, MS) 9/11/2002

Myrta Faye Higginbotham Williams (1936-2002) MS

Gulfport - Myrta Faye Williams, 66, died Monday, Sept. 9, 2002, in Gulfport.

Mrs. Williams was born in Biloxi and was a lifelong resident of the Gulf Coast. She was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church in Gulfport and sang in the choir. She was a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg and received a masters degree from the USM-Gulf Park Branch in Long Beach.

She retired in 1994, having taught in the Gulfport School System, 20 years at Gaston Point Elementary. She also taught at St. Martin in Jackson County, Biloxi schools and in Tupelo. She was a member of Moms in Touch in Long Beach.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Vera Higginbotham.

Survivors include her husband, John A. Williams of Gulfport; two daughters, Allison Madigan of Long Beach and Joy Hird of Conway, S.C.; a brother, Oscar Higginbotham of Ocean Springs; and six grandchildren.

There will be a memorial service Thursday at 5 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church in Gulfport.

The family prefers memorials be made to Trinity United Methodist Church, 5007 Lawson Ave., Gulfport, MS 39507.

Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Gulfport is in charge of arrangements.




James Edward Higginbotham (1931-2002) MS

Funeral services for James Edward Higginbotham, 70, of Leland, were held December 18,2002 at Lee Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Lanny Haley officiating. Burial was held at Bethel Cemetery near Kilmichael with Lee Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements. Mr. Higginbotham died December 15, 2002 at Hospice Ministries in Ridgeland. He was a Presbyterian and U. S. Army Veteran. Survivors include his wife, Etta W. Higginbotham of Leland; daughters, Sheila Goss of Carrollton and Debra Willhite of Carrollton; sons, Jimmy Higginbotham, Johnny Higginbotham and Wayne Higginbotham, all of Carrollton and James Lynn Higginbotham of Calhoun City; brothers, Clayton Dotson Higginbotham of Murfreesboro, TN, Charles Higginbotham of Winona and Walter Dylynn Higginbotham of Bell Buckle, TN; twenty-two grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. Pallbearers were Hubert Willhite, Wayne Minga, Wayne Goss, J.R. Haley, Frank Bowers, Sr., Timothy Shelton, Jimmy Watson, Robert Haley and Johnny Higginbotham.



Clarion-Ledger 12/23/2002

Edith Hickingbottom (1921-2002) MS

Edith Hickingbottom, 81, died Monday, December 16, 2002, at Beverly Healthcare. Services are 11 a.m. Monday at St. Luther Missionary Baptist Church with burial in Garden Memorial Cemetery. Cook Funeral Home of Jackson is handling arrangements.



Franklin County Times 12/26/2002

Edna Marcella Gibbs Higginbotham (1940-2002) MS/AR
PHILADELPHIA Memorial services for Marcella Higginbotham will be held today at 3 p.m. at McClain-Hays Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. David Richardson officiating. Burial will be in Trumann, Ark.
Mrs. Higginbotham, 62, of Philadelphia, died Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2002, at Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center.
Survivors include her husband, William Higginbotham of Philadelphia; sons, Gregory Lynn Green and Jimmy Dean Green of Trumann; seven grandchildren; a sister, Vera Louise Green of Trumann; brothers, Robert Earl Gibbs of Harrisburg, Ark., and Ray Gibbs of Jonesboro, Ark; a step-daughter, Charlotte Alford of Philadelphia; and two step-sons, Brad Higginbotham and Brian Higginbotham, both of Philadelphia.
She was preceded in death by her former husband, James Lee Green.



The Sun Herald, Biloxi, Mississippi, Thursday, January 16, 2003

Elizabeth Pickich Higginbotham (1921-2003) MS

BILOXI - Elizabeth Pickich Higginbotham, 81, died Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003, in Biloxi. Mrs. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of Biloxi. She was a homemaker and a member of Sacred Heart Parish in North Biloxi. She was preceded in death by a son: David Higginbotham; parents, Anthony Pickich Sr. and Marie Hedges Pickich. Survivors include two sons, Curtis (C.J.) Higginbotham Jr. and wife Lyndene of Edgewood, Wash., and Don Higginbotham and wife Lynne of Missouri City, Texas; two daughters, Carol Beaulier and husband Dale Sr. of Biloxi, and Mary Rogers and husband Henry of Biloxi; two sisters, Genevie Alley of Biloxi, and Anna Mae Ladner of Ocean Springs; a brother, Anthony (Nu-Nu) Pickich Jr.; 11 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. Services are at 11 a.m. Thursday at Sacred Heart Church in Biloxi, where friends may visit 90 minutes prior to Mass. Burial will be in Biloxi City Cemetery. Service is arranged by Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes in Biloxi.


New Albany Gazette 01/17/2003

Linda Reese Nix Higginbotham (1939-2003) MS
Linda Higginbotham, 63, formerly of Southaven, died Monday, Jan. 13, 2003, at her home in New Albany.
She was born Jan. 19, 1939, in Coahoma County. She was a retired quality control operator for Smith & Nephew and a member of the New Albany Church of Christ.
Services were at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16, at Twin Oaks Funeral Home in Southaven. Burial was in Twin Oaks Memorial Gardens in Southaven.
Survivors include two daughters, Sherry Nix of New Albany and Hope Nix of Twin Oaks, Calif.; a son, Jeff Nix of Pontotoc; two step-daughters, Joyce Glover of Southaven and Donna Harris of Olive Branch; two step-sons, Kenneth Higginbotham of Arlington, Tenn. and William Higginbotham of Brownsville, Tenn.; a grandson; her mother, Kathleen Kemp of Indianola; two sisters, Wadie Lepard of New Albany and Patsy Rowland of North Carolina; a brother, Kerry Reese of Jasper, Ala.
She was preceded in death by her father, Roman Odell Reese.



Hattiesburg American 2/13/2003

Pattie Bea Higginbotham Hand (1930-2003) MS

Purvis - Services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Friday at Hulett-Winstead Funeral Home in Purvis for Pattie B. Higginbotham Hand, 72, of Purvis, who died Feb. 12, 2003, at her residence.

Burial will be in the Seneca Cemetery in Lumberton.

Mrs. Hand was a retired nurse and a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Marvin Hand.

Survivors include a son, Mike Hand of Purvis; a daughter, Dorothy Moreland of Omaha, Neb.; a sister, Dorothy Herman of Jackson; a brother, D.W. Higginbotham of Purvis; two grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Visitation will be 5-8 p.m. today at the funeral home.



Leesville (LA) Daily Leader 04/16/2003
Mary Moveline Higginbotham Nein (1913-2003) MS/LA/TX
Mary Moveline (Higginbotham) Nein, 89, of Austin, Texas, went home to be with her precious Lord on April 14, 2003. She was born December 22, 1913, in Greenwood, Mississippi, to Burkett and Myrtle (Harden) Higginbotham. Until recently, she had been a resident of Leesville, La., for more than 30 years. She retired from the state as a laundry supervisor at the Leesville State School -- the residents of the school always held a special place in her heart. Preceded in death by parents Burkett and Myrtle, step-father Walter Watson, and nine brothers and sisters, her husband of 31 years August Eugene Nein, daughters, Doris D. (Bond) Gribbin-Mikell and D. Nadine (Bond) Sprinkle, grandson Robert Sprinkle, and great-grandson Chad Hyde. She is survived by her sister Kathryn Fielder of Harbor, Oregon, and brother Raymond Watson and wife Patricia of Cosmopolis, Washington, grandchildren, Kenneth Sprinkle and partner Alex Villalobos of Austin, Texas, Jeannie Hyde-Eft and husband John of Phoenix, Arizona, D. Kay Gribbin-Uchiyama and husband Elliott of Dallas, Texas; Jack Gribbin Jr. and wife Mary of San Antonio, Texas, and Delicia Gribbin of Garland, Texas, great-grandchildren Brady Kohler, Christopher and Else Hyde, Richard Driver, Jason and Dawn Driver, Kimberly and Kris Kremer, William Hartshorn, Kyle Uchiyama, Jack Gribbin III and Paul Gribbin, great-great- grandchildren, Elizabeth, Tristan, Mark, Nick, Jason, Kolton, Elijah and Isaiah, many loving nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. Our sweet grandma worked hard all her life. She loved her garden, especially the roses, and had a special knack for making things grow. She enjoyed fishing, was a wonderful cook, and always appreciated the simple things in life. She will live on in our hearts and we will never forget the love she had for her family and friends. Family visitation will be at the funeral home from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 16. Funeral services will be Thursday, April 17, at 10 a.m. in the Labby Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Leesville. The Rev. Benny Backlund will officiate. Burial will follow in the Canaan Cemetery in Leesville.



Franklin County Times 11/06/2003

Tami Gail Higginbotham Demoulin (ca1964-2003) AL/LA
PHILADELPHIA Services for Tami Higginbotham Demoulin will be today at 11:30 a.m. at McClain-Hays Funeral Service Chapel with the Rev. Gerald Butler officiating. Burial will be in Shuqualak Cemetery.
Mrs. Demoulin, 39, of Fordoche, La., died Monday, Nov. 3, 2003, in Port Allen, La.
Survivors include her husband, Mark Demoulin Sr.; step-sons, Mark Demoulin Jr. and Justin Demoulin, all of Fordoche; her mother, Seretha Hartness of Preston; grandmother, Loridia Williams of Preston; sisters, Debra Higginbotham and Amanda Higginbotham Cumberland, both of Philadelphia; and a brother, Mikel Higginbotham of Shuqualak.



Franklin County Times 12/06/2003

Ollie Kate Page Higginbotham (1926-2003) MS
PHILADELPHIA Services for Kate Higginbotham will be held today at 3:30 p.m. at Mt. Olive Baptist Church with the Rev. Medrick Savell officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery in the House Community of Neshoba County. McClain-Hays Funeral Service is in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Higginbotham, 77, of Philadelphia, died Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003 at Neshoba County General Hospital. She was a lifelong resident of the House Community of Neshoba County and she was a member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church.
Survivors include her daughter, Linda Spears and her husband, Hilton; grandson, Shannon Goforth; great-grandchildren, Kaitlyn Goforth and Allison Goforth, all of Union; brothers, Jimmie Page of Philadelphia, Bernell Page and W.A. Page, both of Union, Ardell Page of Mendenhall and Marzell Page of Pearl; and several nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Leonard Higginbotham.
Pallbearers will be Keith Page, Dwight Page, Jay Spears, Jerry Winstead, Glen Fry and Terry Penson.



Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, 12/18/2003

Ethelene Brassfield Higginbotham (1932-2003) MS

HOUSTON - Ethelene Brassfield Higginbotham, 71, died Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003, at the North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. She was born Jan. 15, 1932, in Calhoun County to the late Lenard Brassfield and Bertha Lester Brassfield. She was a homemaker and a Baptist.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Memorial Funeral Home of Houston with Bro. Robert Alexander officiating. Burial will be in the Pinecrest Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Calhoun City.

Survivors include one daughter, Alice Moore of Houlka; one son, David Higginbotham of Greenwood; one sister, Betty Voyles of Calhoun City; two brothers, Charles Brassfield of Calhoun City and Howard Brassfield of Mathiston; three grandchildren, Donna Evans, Christie Cantrell and Nathaniel Sims; seven great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, David Higginbotham; one son, Jerry Higginbotham; and one great-granddaughter, Summer Cantrell.

Visitation will be from noon until 2 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.



The Commercial Appeal (Memphis TN) on Monday, February 2, 2004

Lela Thelma Higginbotham Moore (1920-2004) MS

CLARKSDALE - Lela Thelma Moore, 83, homemaker, died January 30, 2004, at her home.
Mrs. Moore, the widow of I.B. Moore, leaves her daughters Glenda Stacy of Farrell MS, Alice Dunn of West Helena AR, and Elaine Townsend of Rogers AR; sons Lonnie Moore of Grenada MS, James Moore of Nesbit MS, and Larry Moore of Clarksdale; 17 grandchildren; and 22 great-grandchildren.
Services will be at 2 p.m. today [February 2, 2004] at National Funeral Home with burial in Memorial Gardens.


The Natchez Democrat 04/04/2004

Eschol Ivalee Higginbotham Breland (1920-2004) AL/LA
July 11, 1920 - April 3, 2004
FERRIDAY, La. - Services for Iva H. Breland, 83, of Clayton, who died Saturday, April 3, 2004 in Alexandria, will be Monday, April 5, 2004 at 2 p.m. at Comer Funeral Home Chapel in Ferriday with the Rev. John Williams officiating. Interment will follow at Greenlawn Memorial Park in Natchez.
Visitation is today from 5 to 8 p.m. at Comer in Ferriday.
Mrs. Breland was born July 11, 1920, in Collinsville, the daughter of Amon M. and Myrtle W. Higginbotham. She was a resident of Clayton since 1938 and a homemaker. She was a member of the Clayton Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband J.C. Breland, a daughter, Kathy Joyce Breland, two brothers, Hobert and Roy Higginbotham and two sisters, Ruby Breland and Thelma Chisholm.
Survivors include four sons, Wendell Breland of Ridgecrest, Doyle Breland of Natchez, Marshall Breland of Alto, La., and Noel Breland of Gonzales, La.; two daughters, Evelyn Crawford of Sicily Island, La., and Carolyn Lushute of Ferriday, La.; two brothers, Carl Higginbotham of Avita Springs, Texas, and Herston Higginbotham of Bruceville, Texas; two sisters, Monie Jo Barfield of Newellton and Catherine Chisholm of Prairieville, La.; 20 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
Mrs. Breland's grandsons will serve as pallbearers.


The Sun Herald 04/20/2004

Jack Higginbotham (1931-2004) OH/MS

Mr. Jack Higginbotham, age 73, of Ocean Springs, MS., died Saturday, April 17, 2004, in Ocean Springs. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Akron, Ohio, and was raised in Sherman, New York. He was a longtime resident of Ocean Springs. He retired from the U.S. Air Force as a Master Sergeant, having served during WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. He was of the Christian faith. Mr. Higginbotham was survived by his wife, Maria Higginbotham, two daughters, Brigitte Higginbotham and Elizabeth Higginbotham Adams, all of Ocean Springs, MS, a son, Jack A. Higginbotham and wife, Sharon, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, two grandchildren, Kristy Adams Turner of Ocean Springs, MS., and Jacklyn Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, LA, and two great-grandchildren, Kaitlan and Kelli Turner, both of Ocean Springs. Visitation will be Tuesday, April 20, 2004, from 6-8 p.m., with a 10 a.m. chapel service on Wednesday, April 21, 2004, all at the Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home. Burial will be in Crestlawn Memorial Park with full military honors.



The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN, on April 22, 2004

Shirelle Antionette Higgenbottom (1985-2004) MS/TN

Coldwater, Miss. - Shirelle Antionette Higgenbottom, 19, student at Northwest Mississippi Community College, died Tuesday at the Regional Medical Center at Memphis. Services will be at noon Saturday at Thyatira Family Life Center in Tyro with burial in Freedonia Cemetery in Coldwater. Gillespie Funeral Home in Olive Branch has charge. She leaves her parents, Shirley and Curtis Earl Higgenbottom, and a sister, Charnice Elyse Higgenbottom, all of Coldwater; her grandparents, Clara Mae and Willie Fort Jr. of Chicago and Jim Ella Higgenbottom of Coldwater, and her great-grandfather, Willie Fort of Chicago.



The Sun Herald on May 25, 2004

Mary Anastasia Higginbotham Seymour (1920-2004) LA/MS
Mrs. Mary "Mimi" Higginbotham Seymour, 83, of Biloxi, MS died Sunday, May 23, 2004 in Biloxi. Mrs. Seymour was born in Youngsville, LA, and was a lifelong resident of Biloxi. She was a member of St. John Catholic Church in Biloxi, where she served as a member of the Altar Society and Rosary Group. Mrs. Seymour was a member of the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary. She was formerly employed with Southern Shell Seafood, where she worked for over 45 years. Mrs. Seymour was preceded in death by her husband, Norah Seymour; her parents, Marie Verrett Higginbotham and James Higginbotham; 3 sisters, Laura Ladnier, Mae Danise, and Annette Williams; and 3 brothers, Nelson Higginbotham, Charles Higginbotham, and Martin Higginbotham. She is survived by 3 special nieces, Earline Bower, Opal Girouard, and Dayna Baker; 2 special nephews, Larry Baker and L.J. "Bugga" Danise; and 3 brothers, Belin "Bill" Higginbotham of Biloxi, MS, James "Jim" Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, MS, and Stephen "Knute" Higginbotham of Lafayette, LA. Services will be held Tuesday, May 25, 2004, 12:30 p.m. at St. John Catholic Church in Biloxi, where friends may visit from 10:30 to 12:30. The Rosary will be said at 12:00 p.m. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Leader 06/09/2004

Sarah Patricia Higginbotham Berry (1952-2004) MS
Services for Sarah Patricia Berry of Brookhaven are 2:30 p.m., Thursday, June 10, at Brookhaven Church of God with burial in Easthaven Cemetery. Community Funeral Services is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Wednesday from 5-9 p.m., at the church.
Mrs. Berry, 52, died June 7, 2004, at University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. She was born in Rome, Miss., on May 29, 1952, to Otis and Eunice Higginbotham.
Preceding her in death was her father.
Survivors are her mother, Eunice and husband Dan "Pops" Pierce; her husband, Mike Berry; her daughter and son-in-law, Jenny and Frank Nations; her son, Danny Rowe; her sisters and brothers-in-law, Carole and Wayne Boyte, Sue and Roy Barnett, and Marilyn Cotton, all of Brookhaven, Nan and Toby Grice of Pearl, and Wanda and Danny Rowe of Midland, Texas; her grandchildren, Katie and Eli Nations, Jordon Ledoux and Emily Carithers, all of Brookhaven; her stepsons, Jonathon and wife Karyn and child Kayla Berry, all of Destin, Fla., Michael and wife Missy and child Christin, all of Brandon; Shane and wife Jody and children Cody and Tanner Berry, all of Pearl; and numerous nieces and nephews.



Lola Mae Higginbotham Collins (1915-2004) MS

Lola Mae Collins, 88, died Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2004, at her daughter's home in Maben. She was born Aug. 27, 1915, in Calhoun County to Melvin Sylvester Higginbotham and Clara Mable Chandler Higginbotham. She lived in the Old Field community for about 30 years. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Bruce. She was a nurse's aide at Baptist Memorial Hospital for 14 years and a seamstress at Big Yank for 16 years. She was the widow of Omer M. Collins.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Parker Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Bruce with the Rev. Harpole McMullin and the Rev. Jim Threadgill officiating. Burial will be in Rapers Chapel Cemetery in Water Valley.

Survivors include a daughter, Oma Jean Threadgill and husband, Jim, of Maben; a sister, Jerra Evelyn DeMeglia of El Cajon, Calif.; seven grandchildren, Lynne Harris and husband, Floyd, Billy Wayne Walls, Chuck Walls and wife, Jeannia, Donna Jenkins and husband, Ricky, Tonya Camp and husband, Keith, Doug Threadgill and wife, Alecia, and Tim Threadgill and wife, Sue; 12 great-grandchildren, 10 great-great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be grandsons and great-grandsons, Wayne Walls, Chuck Walls, Ricky Jenkins, Floyd Harris, Keith Camp, Ryan Jenkins, Jeremy Harris, Jason Jenkins and Derrick Walls



The Times-Post 08/26/2004

Pearlie May Barnett Higginbotham (1935-2004) MS
Houston- Services for Pearlie M. Higginbotham, 68, who died on Aug. 18, 2004 at her residence in the Thorn Community were held on Aug. 21, 2004 at the Thorn Church of God at 2 p.m. with Bros. Frank Samples and Allen Smith officiating. Internment followed in Ellzey Cemetery in Vardaman.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born on Nov. 25, 1935 in Houston to Fred Barnett and Emmie O. Gibson. She was a member of the Thorn Church of God and was retired from Gulf State Ceramic Tile.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her husband, Herley L. Higginbotham of Houston; two sons, Roger E. Barnett of Houston and Richard A. Higginbotham of Jackson, Tenn.; one daughter, Penny T. Garcia of Houston; three sisters, Verna Dees of Kosciusko, Evelyn Pettit of Houston and Mavis Collums of Houlka; two brothers, Addren Barnett and Harvey Barnett, both of Houston; five grandchildren, Eric Shane Barnett, Tiffany Jordan Rios, Danielle Aquiline, Ray Laney and Brenda Wheat.
Pallbearers were Robert, Danny, Ricky and Jerry McClain, and William and Jerry Barnett.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Thorn Church of God Life Center, 1513 CR 405, Houston, Miss. 38851 or the Ellzey Cemetery Fund.



The Times-Post 09/22/2004
Hubert E. Higginbotham (1916-2004) MS
Houston - Services for Hubert E. Higginbotham, 88, who died Sept. 20, 2004 at Magnolia Personal Care Home will be held Thursday, Sept. 23, 2004 at Houston Funeral Home with Rev. Grady Williams officiating. Interment will be in Chickasaw Memorial Gardens.
Mr. Higginbotham was a retired auto body repairman and a Nazarene.
Survivors include his wife, Wilma Robertson Higginbotham of Houston; one daughter-in -law, Sharon Higginbotham of Lewisburg, Tenn.; five nieces, Dorothy Black, Patsy Gore, Joan Howell, Mary Nabors, Linda Higginbotham and Kay Higginbotham.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Ruben Edd and Mary Smith Higginbotham.



The Neshoba Democrat 1/12/2005
Nettie M. Dunn Higginbotham (1925-2005) MS
Services for Nettie Higginbotham were held Monday, Jan. 10, 2005, at 11 a.m. from the chapel of McClain-Hays Funeral Home. The Rev. Bill Mangrum and the Rev. Danny Chaney officiated. Burial was in Mt. Olive Cemetery in the Stephenstown community of Neshoba County.
Mrs. Higginbotham, 79, of Hattiesburg, died Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005, in Bedford Care Center of Hattiesburg.
She was a native of Neshoba County and had lived in Union and Hattiesburg. Mrs. Higginbotham, a retired nurse’s aide, had received her GED at 60 years of age and had completed two years of nursing school.
She was a member of Lynn Ray Road Baptist Church in Petal.
Survivors include two daughters, Gloria Murphy of Hattiesburg and Wanda Fullen of Saucier; four sons, Roy Higginbotham of Forest, Timothy Higginbotham of Hattiesburg, Henry Higginbotham of Prattville, Ala. and Claudie Higginbotham of Biloxi; six grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and two brothers, Matthew Eugene Dunn of Canton and Lavern Dunn of Louisville.
Pallbearers were Jimmy Murphy, Jr. Jimmy Murphy, Sr., Brian Higginbotham, Ed Beckham, Bobby Ishee, Johnny Cutrer and Bo Barnett.



Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 1/12/2005

J. C. Higginbotham (1922-2004) MS/OH

J. C. Higginbotham, age 82, of Canton, went to be with the Lord on Tuesday Morning, December 28, 2004. He was born November 13, 1922, in DeKalb, Mississippi, to the late Benjamin and Ada Higginbotham. He worked in the CCC Camps and then entered the Marines in 1940, and during WWII he served in the Pacific Theater of Operations and participated in action at Guadal Canal BSI, Tarawa Atoll, Saipan, and Tinian, MI. He went to school under the GI Bill studying farming and moved to Hartville in 1950. He retired from Monarch Rubber Co. in 1981 after over 30 years of service. J.C. was a member of the Hartville Apostolic Gospel Church where he was one of the first officers. He loved gardening with his family. Preceded in death by four brothers, he is survived by his wife of 57 and a half years, Helen; daughter, Glenda Sellers of Hartsville, SC; son and daughter-in-law, Ronald and Tine Higginbotham of Dover; three grandchildren, Kirsten and Carlos Chavez of SC, Donald II and Liz Sellers of Canton, and Katrina Danielson of Dover; two great-grandchildren, Trenton and Nicolas Chavez; sister and brother-in-law, Ada and Al Akers of MI; brothers and sisters-in-law, R.T. and Kathryn Higginbotham of MS, and Benny, Jr. and Mary Higginbotham of AL. Friends may call two hours prior to services Thursday, December 30, 12:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. in the Arnold Funeral Home Hartville. Funeral services will be in the funeral home at 2:00 P.M. December 30th with Minister Anthony Zupancic officiating. Final resting place is Mount Peace Cemetery.



The Winston County Journal (Louisville, MS) 1/19/2005

Violet Eddie Sullivan Higginbotham (1929-2005) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Violet Sullivan Higginbotham, 75, were held at 2 P.M. Friday, January 14, 2005, at Soul Harbor Pentecostal Church in Shuqualak, MS. Rev. Gerald Butler, Rev. Bobby Joe Butler, and Rev. Allen Eaves officiated. Burial followed in Jackson Field Cemetery.

A native of Gholson, MS, Mrs. Higginbotham was a homemaker. She was a member of Soul Harbor Pentecostal Church in Shuqualak. Mrs. Higginbotham Died Wednesday, January 12, 2005, at the Jeff Anderson Medical Center in Meridian, MS.

Survivors include her four daughters, Barbara Bean of Preston, Brenda Butler of Shuqualak, Paula McDaniel of Preston, and Debra Martin of Brandon; sister, June Triplett of Preston; brothers, Opal Sullivan of Madison Heights, Michigan, and Doyle Sullivan of Preston; 11 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Memorial may be made to the American Cancer Society of Soul Harbor Pentecostal Church Building Fund.

Porter Funeral Home of Louisville was in charge of arrangements.



The Times-Post 03/04/2005

Shelby Jean Higginbotham Rhodes (1938-2005) MS
Mrs. Shelby Higginbotham, age 67, died Friday, Mar. 4, 2005 at her home in Houston. Funeral services were held Sunday, March 6 at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Houston. Burial was in Ellzey Cemetery with Bro. Johnny Cherry officiating.
The daughter of the late Richmond L. Higginbotham and the late Myrtle Rucker Higginbotham, she was a retired office manager for Gold Medal and was a member of Faith Bible Church.
Survivors include her husband, James Rhodes of Houston; one son, Michael Griffin of Decatur; one daughter, Renee Ingram of Malvern, Ark.; two sisters, Etoyle Little of Grenada and Eloise Thomas of Brandon; two brothers, Herley Higginbotham of Houston and Glen Higginbotham of Guntown; three grandchildren, Angel Dunlap, Emily Ingram and Savannah Griffin and two great grandchildren, Caleb Dunlap and Conner Dunlap.
Pallbearers were Richmond Higginbotham, Billy Little, Bobby Little, Terry Smith, Edwin Hancock and Dewayne Weaver.
Houston Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.


The Bolivar Commercial 04/15/2005

Carsie Zeaburn Higginbotham (1940-2005) MS
Carsie Zeaburn Higginbotham, 64, of Cleveland died Wednesday, April 13, 2005, in Greenville.
Memorial services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church in Cleveland with the Rev. Wayne Sistrunk officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Ray Funeral Home of Cleveland. Visitation is from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born on Nov. 6, 1940, in Sunflower. He was a resident of Bolivar County for 61 years. He married Barbara Ann Turner on Aug. 30, 1997. He was the owner/operator of auto, marine and industrial coating businesses. He enjoyed fishing, camping and living with his wife, Barbara.
He was preceded in death by his mother, Loretta Alice Higginbotham Tackett.
Survivors include his wife, Barbara Ann Turner of Cleveland; a son, Arnold Zeaburn Higginbotham of Crestview Hill, Ky.; a daughter, Elizabeth Higginbotham Stroker; a stepson, Trey McCurdy of Branson, Mo.; two stepdaughters, Chase Clark of Teoc and Christen Smith of Skene; two brothers, Cecil Tackett of Pocahontas, Ark. and David Tackett of Dallas; a sister, Ann Tackett King of Pocahontas, Ark.; eight grandchildren, Strom Stroker, Rhys Stroker and Marlow Stroker, all of Olathe, Kan., Ashley Denton and Anna McCurdy of Springfield, Mo., Brianna Smith of Boyle, Madison Clark of Teoc and Mary-Margaret Forbes of Inverness.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the "Zabe Higginbotham Memorial Fund," Cleveland State Bank, Main Office, 110 Commerce Ave., Cleveland, MS 38732.



Clarksdale Press Register 07/06/2005

Virginia Burns Higginbotham (1927-2005) MS

Virginia Higginbotham, 78, died following a lengthy illness July 3, 2005 at Homeplace Nursing Facility in Saltillo.
She was born Jan. 30, 1927 in Lyon to Henry Arnold Burns Sr. and Verna Vanlandingham Burns. She was a retired office manager for Wilma's House of Fashion in Tupelo and also worked for Uniforms Unlimited in Tupelo.
She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Tupelo. Before retirement, she was active in Al-Anon. She loved spending time with her family, reading and working crossword puzzles.
Survivors include one daughter, Lynn Palmertree and husband Robert of Saltillo; two sons, James Higginbotham and wife Pamela of Amory and Thomas Higginbotham of Stone Mountain, Ga.; two sisters, Dot Baker and Sue Burns; one brother, Wilton Simpson; five granddaughters; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband, J.D. Higginbotham and two brothers.
Private graveside services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Lee Memorial Park with Bro. Andy Dozier officiating. Lee Memorial Funeral Home of Verona was in charge of arrangements.




Carey F. Higginbotham (1939-2005) MS

Born on January 11, 1939 Died on July 16, 2005

Mr. Carey F. Higginbotham, 66, of Biloxi, MS, died Saturday, July 16, 2005, in Biloxi. Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of the coast and a graduate of Biloxi High School. He was employed at the Veterans Administration of Biloxi and served in the U. S. Army National Guard. Mr. Higginbotham was member of Gulf Hills Country club, and Biloxi Elks Lodge #606. He was preceded in death by his parents, Nelson and Edna Higginbotham. Survivors include his wife, Gloria Bonner Higginbotham of Biloxi; three daughters, Kim Higginbotham Meeker and her husband, Dan, of Slidell, LA, Karee Higginbotham Broom and her husband, Brian, of Crystal Springs and Kyra Higginbotham Monk and her husband, Lance, of Ocean Springs; two sons, Kevin Higginbotham of Gainesville, FL and Kyle Higginbotham of Biloxi; four brothers, Percy of Lafayette, LA, Curtis, George and Dennis Higginbotham; three sisters, Rosemary Tiblier, Marie Shirley Parker and Melba Ruth Higginbotham, all of Biloxi; his grandchildren, Hartwell "Trey" Gex, Brian, Brittany and Max Meeker, Danaher Broom, Kristina "Niki", Clinton "CC" and Aaron Higginbotham, Allyson and Jared Monk, and two great grandchildren, Ashli Higginbotham and Travis McKee. Carey's friends and family knew him as an avid golfer and prankster who had a wonderful gift of making people laugh. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. A memorial service will be held 5 p.m. Thursday, July 21, 2005, at St. John Catholic Church in Biloxi where friends may visit one hour before service time. In lieu of flowers, the family prefers memorials be made to the American Cancer Society, ATTN: Dennis Warren, 417 Security Square, Gulfport, MS 39507.



Hattiesburg American 9/8/2005

Delmar Wade Higginbotham (1928-2005) MS

Lumberton - Graveside services were to be held at 2 p.m. today at Caney Baptist Church Cemetery for D.W.. Higginbotham, 77, of Lumberton, who died Sept. 6, 2005, at Wesley Medical Center in Hattiesburg.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired barber and a member of Caney Baptist Church. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II.

Survivors include a son, Tim Mosley of San Antonio, Texas; a sister, Dorothy HErman of Jackson; and one grandson.

Hulett-Winstead Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.




Beatrice Higginbottom Roland (1907-2005) MS

Beatrice Roland, 98, of Iuka, MS, died Saturday, December 31, 2005, at the Iuka Hospital. She was a homemaker that enjoyed the singers at the Senior Center and quilting. Visitation is scheduled for 11 AM until service time on Monday, January 2, 2006 at Cutshall Funeral Home - Iuka. Funeral services are scheduled for 1 PM on Monday, January 2, 2006, at Cutshall Funeral Home Chapel – Iuka, officiated by Rev. Jimmy Rich. Interment will follow in Burnsville Cemetery. Cutshall Funeral Home of Iuka, MS is entrusted with arrangements. Survivors include 1 Son , James Roland of Iuka, MS; 1 Daughter , Bonnie Rice and husband, William, of Guntown, MS; and she is also survived by numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, J.T. Roland; her parents, Looney and Fannie Higginbottom; her brother, Ezra Higginbottom; and her sister, Rosaline Bingham. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the church or charity of one’s choice.



The Vicksburg Post 01/17/2006

James Ward Higginbotham (1949-2006) FL/MS
JACKSON - A memorial service for James Ward Higginbotham, 56, will be held today, Jan. 17, 2006, at 6 p.m. at Restoration Church on Highway 49 South in Florence. Glenwood Funeral Home is handling arrangements. A celebration of life will be held immediately following the service at Martin's on State Street.
Jim, who was born in Jacksonville, Fla., died Saturday. He was a resident of Jackson for 25 years.
Jim owned and operated Heritage Jewelers in Jackson and was a certified jeweler and gemologist. As a young man he enlisted in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. He attended seminary in California at God's Army. In Jackson, he developed an interest in Celtic music and was a self-taught percussionist. He played percussion in several bands locally and nationally including Spirits of the House, Dreamer and Key West. He was an avid reader. Not only did he play adult softball and soccer, but he greatly enjoyed watching his children and grandchildren play sports.
Survivors include: son, Dustin Higginbotham of Jackson; daughters, Laura Garrett of Pensacola, Fla., Jenny and Leanne Higginbotham, both of Jackson; brother, John Higginbotham of Spokane, Wash.; sister, Louise Smith of San Diego, Calif.; grandchildren, Corey and Keir Garrett of Pensacola; and numerous relatives and friends.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.



The Conservative (Carrollton, MS) 1/19/2006

Lee Higginbotham (1932-2006) MS

Graveside services for Lee Higginbotham were held January 18, 2006, at Odd Fellows East Cemetery with Rev. Bob Blakely officiating. Williams & Lord Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham, 73, of Greenwood, died of pneumonia January 16, 2006, at Greenwood Leflore Hospital. He was a retired landscaper and member of Church of God in Calhoun City.

Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his wife, Ruth Higginbotham and his parents, Ruben Higginbotham and Eula Mae Tallent Higginbotham.

Survivors include his sons, Albert Williams, Hubert Williams and David Higginbotham, all of Greenwood; sisters, Mary Buckley of Greenwood, Marie Logan of Vardaman and Ruth Andrews of Calhoun City; brother, William Herbert Caldwell, Jr. of Vardaman; 10 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.



The Sun Herald 02/23/2006

Vivian Inez Perez Higginbotham (1912-2006) AL/MS
Vivian Higginbotham, a native of Pascagoula and widow of Prieur Jay Higginbotham, Sr., died on Tuesday, February 21 2006 in Mobile, AL in her 94th year.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Pascagoula on November 18, 1912, daughter of Vincente Pe'rez and Maude Irene Davis of Pascagoula. On her father's side she was descended from the earliest settlers of Mobile, Ocean Springs, Gautier, Dauphin Island and Pascagoula.
She attended the Pascagoula Public Schools, excelling in drama, music and athletics. She spent her youth in Pascagoula and in Mobile where her grandmother, sister and numerous relatives lived.
In 1931, she entered Mississippi Woman's College in Hattiesburg, where she majored in music and foreign languages. She was president of her class and president of the Spanish Club, and was selected by the student body as "Most Versatile," and "Most Popular."
After her graduation, she began her teaching career in the public schools. From 1935 until 1968, she taught English, Spanish and French, while directing numerous plays, musicals and operettas, as well as the Pascagoula High School Chorus. In the 1950's she founded and was the first director of Choraliers.
In 1936 she married Prieur Jay Higginbotham, Sr. and had three children Prieur Jay, Mary Kay and Richard Dale.
"Miss Higgy" as she was fondly known, was active in numerous civic activities, such as the Woman's Club and Anola Club, of which she served as President. She also served on the library board for nearly a quarter-century, and as chairman for several years. She ran several times in the Azalea Trail Race in Mobile during the early 1980's.
She began as pianist for the Baptist Church in Pascagoula in 1924 at the age of 12. Later, she became organist and served in that capacity for 73 years. In addition, she played for hundreds of weddings, funeral and social functions and played for the Pascagoula High School graduation exercises until 1996.
An ardent feminist, she was among the first women in Jackson County to run for public office and was only narrowly defeated in 1965 for the Pascagoula City Council.
In 1996, she appeared on NBC's "Today Show" playing the piano and speaking about one of her long-time friends and former pupils, Trent Lott.
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her three children, Jay Higginbotham of Mobile, AL; Mary Kay Parrish of Shawnee, OK; and Dale Higginbotham of Natchitoches, LA; seven grandchildren: Jeanne-Mercier, Denis Prieur, Robert, John Michael, Robin, Amelia, and Julia; three great-grandchildren, Carson, Holly and Kerrie, as well as numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives.
Visitation will be Friday, February 24 , 2006 at O'Bryant-O'Keefe Funeral Home in Pascagoula from 7-9 pm. Funeral Services will be Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 2:00pm from the First Baptist Church of Pascagoula with visitation one hour prior to service. Interment will follow at Old Spanish Fort Cemetery also known as Krebs Cemetery in Pascagoula.
Mike Flechas, Gary Greenough, John Wilkinson, Bill Lambert, Joe Webb, Gary Holland, Bobby Canty, and John Corlew will serve as pallbearers.
Arrangements by O'Bryant-O'Keefe Funeral Home , Pascagoula, MS.



Clarion Ledger; 31 Mar 2006, Fri; Page 20
Arrie Edyth Higginbotham Dearman (1920-2006) MS
Edyth H. Dearman, 85, died Thursday, March 30, 2006 in Union. Visitation is 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday at Barham Funeral Home in Meridian. Services are 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home chapel with burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Meridian. Rev. Claude Fleming will officiate.
She was a member of Highland Methodist Church.
She is preceded in death by: her husbands, John Smith and Bryant Dearman; three sisters, Ruby Vaughn, Pauline Rosales and Sallie Taylor; and two brothers, Asberry and Willie Frank Jackson Higginbothan.
Survivors include: a host of nieces and nephews.
Donations may be made to the Alzheimer's Association.



The Meridian Star 04/02/2006

Edyth Higginbotham Smith Dearman (1920-2006) MS
Services for Edyth H. Dearman will be held today at 11:30 a.m. at Barham Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Claude Fleming officiating. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Mrs. Dearman, 85, of Union, died Thursday, March 30, 2006, in Union. She was retired from the State Employment Agency. She was a member of Highland Methodist Church.
Survivors include her nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husbands, John Smith and Bryant Dearman; sisters, Ruby Vaughn, Pauline Rosales and Sallie Taylor; brothers, Asberry Higginbotham and Willie Frank Jackson Higginbotham.
Memorials may be made to The Alzheimer’s Association.
Visitation will be today from 10 a.m. until service time at the funeral home.



The Sun Herald 05/24/2006

Myrtis Harriett Marshall Morrison Higginbotham (1920-2006) AL/MS 
Mrs. Myrtis Morrison Higginbotham, age 86, of Ocean Springs, MS., died Tuesday, May 23, 2006, in Ocean Springs.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of the coast and a native of Alabama. She was a former member of the Les Femmes Mardi Gras Association.
She was preceded in death by parents, Charles and Mae Ethridge Marshall, first husband, Charles Morrison, four sisters, Violet, Eva, Helen and Vera, and brother, Charles Marshall.
Survivors include her husband of 32 years, James J. Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, MS., a son, Robert E. (Barbara) Morrison of Nashville, TN., one stepdaughter, Mary Grace Klobe, four stepsons, Gary (Carolyn) Higginbotham, Carroll J. (Mary K.) Higginbotham, Johnny Higginbotham and Eugene P. (Ila) Higginbotham, a brother, George (Helga) Marshall, two granddaughters, Wendy (Van) Kussrow and Andria Morrison, one great-granddaughter, Emily, five step grandchildren, and six step great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be on Thursday, May 25, 2006, from 5-8 PM, at the Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home. On Friday, May 26, 2006, there will be a 10:30 AM chapel service in the funeral home. Burial will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery.
The family would like to thank the Alternative Personal Care Home, Melissa and Brian Webster, June, Kristy, Victoria, Eva, Fay, Meeka and Southern Care Hospice.



The Natchez Democrat Newspaper Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Charles Anthony Hickingbottom (1962-2006) MS
October 6, 1962-June 6, 2006
BUDE-Services for Charles Anthony Hickingbottom, 43, of Bude, who died Tuesday, June 6, 2003, at his residence, will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Bude United Methodist Church.
Burial will follow at Old Sixteen Cemetery under the direction of Marshall Funeral Home.
Mr. Hickingbottom was born October 6, 1962, in Franklin County, the son of Joe Louis Hickingbottom Sr. and Leslie Middleton Hickingbottom.
He was preceded in death by his father; and one son, Alex Charles Hickingbottom.
Survivors include his mother, Leslie Middleton Hickingbottom; daughter, Charlesette Hickingbottom; four sisters, Connie Hickingbottom, Edna Champion, Shanna Jackson and Vondia Harris; seven brothers, Joe Louis Hickingbottom Jr., Larry Hickingbottom, Patrick Hickingbottom, Sedrick Middleton, Juan Middleton, Demechery Hickingbottom; and a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends.



Patricia Dean Weeks Higginbotham (1939-2006) MS

HOULKA - Patricia Dean Weeks Higginbotham, 67, died Wednesday, June 28, 2006, at her home in Houlka. She was born April 27, 1939, in Chickasaw County to Leonard Weeks and Pauline "Polly" Riley Weeks, who preceded her in death. She was a retired employee of the shipping department at Delta Trouser in Okolona and a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Okolona. Services will be at 10 a.m. today at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Okolona with Minister Billy Butler officiating. Burial will follow in Rose Hill Cemetery in Houlka. Houston Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. Visitation will continue from 9 a.m. to service time today at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Okolona.



Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, 9/20/2006, section A, page 4
Wilma Robertson Higginbotham (1916-2006) MS
HOUSTON - Wilma Robertson Higginbotham, 89, died Monday, Sept. 19, 2006, at the Magnolia Personal Care Home in Houston. She was born Dec. 10, 1916, to John Christopher Robertson and Maggie Lee Kitchen Robertson. She was retired from Wal-Mart in Houston.

Services will be at 11 a.m. today at the Houston Funeral Home. The Rev. Johnny Cherry will officiate. Burial will follow at Chickasaw Memorial Gardens in Houston.

Survivors include a daughter-in-law, Sharon Higginbotham of Lewisburg, Tenn.; one sister, Lela Ray of Houston; two nieces, Dorothy Black and Patsy Gore, both of Houston; one nephew, Robert Ray of Columbus.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Hubert E. Higginbotham; a son, Hubert Wayne Higginbotham; and her parents.



The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN, on October 3, 2006

Lurlene Higgenbottom Coger (1948-2006) MS/TN

LURLENE H. COGER, 58, beauty salon owner, died September 28, 2006 at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Memphis. Visitation will be from 1-6 p.m. Wednesday, October 4 at Gillespie Funeral Home, and Thursday from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., with service to follow on Thursday, October 5 at Fredonia Missionary Baptist Church, Coldwater, MS. Burial in Fredonia Cemetery. She leaves her husband, Clyde C. Coger, Jr.; a daughter, Kisha D. Pickford of Southaven, MS; two sons, Keon D. Pickford of Memphis, TN and Kelvin D. Pickford of Walls, MS; four sisters, Dorothy Davis and Turessa Knox, both of Coldwater, MS, Palestine Dean of Byhalia, and Debbie Knox of Memphis; 10 brothers, Curtis Higgenbottom and Louis Higgenbottom, both of Coldwater, MS, Veluster Higgenbottom of Como, MS, Arluster Higgenbottom, Norage Higgenbottom, Roger Higgenbottom, Hoover Higgenbottom, Gary Higgenbottom, Lucious Higgenbottom, all of Memphis, TN, Bryant Higgenbottom of Byhalia, MS; and her mother, Jim Ella Higgenbottom of Coldwater, MS. Gillespie Funeral Home




Debra Jo Higginbotham Eaves (1959-2007) MS

PRESTON - Debbie Jo Eaves, 47, died Jan. 25, 2007, at St. Dominic-Jackson Memorial Hospital in Jackson. Services are today at 2 p.m. at Butler Pentecostal Church near Macon with Rayburn Druey, Gerald Butler, Jesse Cutrer and Bobby Joe Butler officiating. Burial will follow at Butler Cemetery. Cockrell Funeral Home Inc. of Macon is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Eaves was born Feb. 9, 1959, in Macon to Lamar and Mildred Eaves Higginbotham of Shuqualak. She grew up in Gholson and attended Shuqualak Attendance Center and Nanih Waiya. She was a member of Butler Pentecostal Church and was a homemaker and bookkeeper. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Emily Danielle Eaves; and brother, Roger Higginbotham. In addition to her parents, she is survived by her husband, Daniel Eaves of Preston; son, Todd Eaves of Preston; sisters, Barb Largio of Witt, Ill., Janice Martin of Shuqualak and Lisa Abraham of Trenton, Ga.; and two granddaughters. Pallbearers are Tony Largio, Randy Martin, Rick Abraham, Phillip and Allen Eaves, Gaylon Little, Kenneth Lowrey, Evans Thomas and Todd Fulcher. Memorials may be made to Butler Pentecostal Church, 6258 Butler Road, Macon, MS 39341.



The Sun Herald 04/13/2007


Marie Dartez Higginbotham (1922-2007) LA/MS
Mrs. Marie Higginbotham, 84, of Ocean Springs died Wednesday April 11, 2007 in Ocean Springs.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Kaplin, LA. and has been a resident of Biloxi since 1941.
She was a member of Blessed Seelos Catholic Church (St. John Catholic Church 910 Lameuse St. Biloxi ). She was a member of the Fleur de Lis Ladies Auxiliary, former employee of Gorenflo Elementary School in the cafeteria.
Mrs. Higginbotham is preceded in death by a daughter, Linda Williams.
She is survived by her husband Belin "Bill" Higginbotham SR; two daughters, Sylvia Fallo, and Claire Kingsland, both of Las Vegas, Nevada; two sons Billy Higginbotham of Birmingham, Alabama, and Michael Higginbotham, of Colorado Springs, Colorado; two brothers, Sidney Dartez of Kaplin, Louisiana, and Whitney Dartez of Houston, Texas, 13 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be on Saturday, April 14, 2007 at the Blessed Seelos Catholic Church from 11:00 until 1:00. Services will be at 1:00 p.m. with burial to follow at Biloxi City Cemetery.
In Lieu of flowers the family prefers a donation to be made to the Alzheimer's Association MS Gulf Coast Chapter P.O. Box 4361 Biloxi, Ms. 39533.


The Daily Journal 06/29/2007

Velma Phillips Higginbotham (1916-2007) AL/MS
WEST POINT - Velma "Whitie" Higginbotham, 91, died Thursday, June 28, 2007, at the North Mississippi Medical Center in West Point. She was born April 29, 1916, in Montgomery, Ala. She was a homemaker and a member of Gospel Lighthouse Pentecostal Church of God.
Services will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at Robinson Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Jerry Allen officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery in West Point.
Survivors include three sons, Gerald "Jerry" Higginbotham of West Point, Huey Higginbotham of Aberdeen and Benny Bentley of Tampa, Fla.; one daughter, Patricia Clinton of West Point; four granddaughters, Vicki Busbin, Bit Strickland (Elvis) and Resa Hannah (Doug), all of West Point, and Ellen Williams (Tim) of Columbus; two grandsons, Jimmy Higginbotham (Tina) of Nashville and Chad Bentley of Tampa; eight great-grandchildren, six great-great-grandchildren; a host of nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Nelson E. Higginbotham; her parents, Rosa Ellen Kenney and George Newt Phillips; a son, Ted Higginbotham; a granddaughter, Heather Zaragoza; a grandson, Joseph Higginbotham; four brothers, William Phillips, Val Phillips, W.C. Phillips and David Phillips; and three sisters, Maude Moore, Almer Jefferies and Thelma "Blackie" Bentley.
Pallbearers will be grandsons and great-grandsons: Jimmy Higginbotham, Jamie Busbin, Jason Hannah, Treavor Hill, Joshua Busbin, Beau Strickland, Brandon Hannah and Chad Bentley.
Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. T.N. Braddock, Elvis Strickland, Doug Hannah and Tim Williams.
Visitation will be from 5 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Memorials may be made to Gospel Light House Building Fund, 512 Old White Road, West Point, MS 39773.


The Daily Journal 06/30/2007

Eva Neal Higginbotham (1929-2007) MS
NETTLETON – Eva Neal Higginbotham, 78, died Thursday, June 28, 2007, at Gilmore Memorial Regional Medical Center in Amory after a long illness. She was born March 27, 1929, in Lee County to Mabry and Mattie Edwards Neal. She was a lifelong resident of Nettleton. She was a homemaker and a member of Limestone Baptist Church. She enjoyed cooking for her family and friends.
Services will be at 2 p.m. today at the Chapel of Tisdale-Lann Memorial Funeral Home in Nettleton with Bro. Tommy Whaley and Bro. Don Sparks officiating. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery.
Survivors include two daughters, Glenda Jones (Jerry) of Nettleton and Brenda Grayson (Buddy) of Petal; two sisters, June Mann (Buddy) of Nettleton and Carlene Loveless of Red Bay, Ala.; one brother, William Neal (Marcelle) of Nettleton; two sisters-in-law, Barbara Neal and Ann Neal, both of Nettleton; two grandchildren, Leigh Anne Eaton (Kenny) and Jason Jones; two stepgrandchildren, William Grayson and Jacob Grayson; one great-granddaughter, Shelby Lyn Eaton.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 50 years, William Edward Higginbotham; her parents; and two brothers, Lee Albert Neal and Herman Dorrist “Red” Neal.
Pallbearers will be Bobby Neal, Junior Neal, Larry Stacy, Bobby Barron, Rickey Higginbotham and Thomas Neal.
Honorary pallbearers will be Kenny Wayne Eaton, Jason Jones, Chuck Jones, Jacob Grayson, William Grayson II, Brandon Grayson and Bryson Stacy.
Visitation will continue from 10 a.m. to service time today at the funeral home.



The Sun Herald 09/26/2007
Mary Jewell Krohn Higginbotham (1925-2007) LA/MS

Jewell Higginbotham, 82, of Biloxi, died Monday, September 24, 2007 at Ocean Springs Hospital.
Mrs. Jewell was born February 21, 1925 in Bayou La Batre, LA but spent most of her life in Biloxi, MS. She was the daughter of John Franklin Krohn and Ada Krohn Mims. Jewell was a loving wife for 66 years, a devoted mother, grandmother and great grandmother of eleven children, twenty grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren as well as a friend to all. Her entire married life was devoted to her family. She was a homemaker, a teacher, a health care provider, counselor and disciplinarian with many threats seldom carried out. Mrs. Jewell was a parishioner of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Woolmarket and a long time supporter of Blessed Seelos Parish, formerly St. John's of Biloxi.
She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother, Franklin Cecil Krohn, one sister, Ada Mae Krohn and sons, Johnny Nelson and Scott James.
She is survived by her husband, George Joseph Higginbotham, five daughters, Brenda (James) LeGrone, Donna (Walter) Brightman, Sandra, Debbye, Lori (Clyde) Jacquet Jr., and four sons, Kenneth (Donna), Richard (Diane), Gregory (Cozy), Keith and long time friend, Becky Phillips. Her grandchildren are Walter and Jamie Brightman, Kenny (Linda), Kweens, Julie Stone, Archie (Stephanie) LeGrone, Kim (Eddie) Rodgers, Josh (Joy) Duncan, Michael (Michelle) Duncan, Amber (Chris) Thibodeaux, Ashley (Sonny) Seymour, Angie (Ricky) Hood, Christina and Matthew Compton, Shawn Jacquet, April (Nick) Gruich, Amanda (Johnny) White, Drew Higginbotham, Amy Higginbotham, Bayleigh Thornton, Sydney Cannette, great grandchildren, Abby Yocom, Aaron and Adam Stone, Mikey and Jack Duncan, Hunter Rodgers, Cole and Greyson Thibodeaux, Aubrey and Aiden Seymour, Jaylin White.
Family prefers memorials to St. Vincent DePaul Pharmacy, 735 Division St., Biloxi, MS 39530.
Visitation is Thursday, September 27, 2007 at Blessed Seelos Catholic Church (St. John's), Biloxi from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 1:00 p.m. Interment at Biloxi City Cemetery.



The Sun Herald 12/09/2007

Curtis James Higginbotham Sr. (1922-2007) LA/MS
Mr. Curtis James Higginbotham, Sr., age 85, of Ocean Springs, MS., died Friday, December 7, 2007, in Ocean Springs.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Youngsville, LA., and a lifelong resident of the coast. He was in the U.S. Marine Corps and was a veteran of WWII and the Korean War. He was formerly employed at Ingalls Shipbuilding and retired from the City of Biloxi as a Supervisor in the water department. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church and a former member of the B.P.O.E. in Biloxi.
He was preceded in death by his son, David Higginbotham, his parents, Edna and Nelson Higginbotham, and a brother Carey Higginbotham.
Survivors include his wife of thirty years, Sandra B. Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, MS., three daughters, Carol (Dale) Beaulier of Biloxi, MS., Mary (Henry) Rogers of Vancleave, MS., and Kathy (Randy) Brewer of Ocean Springs, MS., three sons, Curtis J. (Lyndene) Higginbotham, Jr. of Vail, AZ., Don (Lynne) Higginbotham of Houston, TX., and Lynn Higginbotham of Fort Walton Beach, FL., three sisters, Rose Mary (Milton) Tiblier, Melba Ruth Higginbotham, Shirley Parker, three brothers, Percy (Dee) Higginbotham, George Higginbotham, and Dennis (Alta Mae) Higginbotham, seventeen grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews, and his loving pets, Taco, Gizmo, and Nacho.
Visitation will be on Monday, December 10, 2007, from 11 AM - 1 PM, with a 1 PM Mass of Christian Burial, all at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. Burial will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers the family prefers donations be made to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Attention: Memorial/Honor Program, #1 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN. 38148-0552 or to St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, 4900 Riley Rd., Ocean Springs, MS. 39564.
The Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Natchez Democrat 12/23/2007

Connie Rena Higginbotham Freeman (1960-2007)
NATCHEZ — Services for Connie Freeman, 47, of Natchez, who died Friday, Dec. 21, 2007, at Natchez Community Hospital, were 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 23, 2007, at First Baptist Church, in Natchez, with the Rev. Bart Walker officiating.
Burial followed at Greenlawn Cemetery under the direction of Laird Funeral Home.
Mrs. Freeman was born Oct. 13, 1960, in Natchez, the daughter of Rush Higginbotham and Margie Gray. She was employed by the Natchez Public School System as a teacher until her retirement in 2007.
She was preceded in death by her birth mother; her grandparents, W.C. and Blanch Higginbotham, W.A. and Mary Gray and Robert Lee and Mary Thatch.
Survivors include her husband, Danny Freeman; sons Joshua and Matthew Freeman, all of Natchez; father, Rush Higginbotham and mother, Betty Higginbotham, both of Shreveport, La.; sisters, Ellen Densford and husband, Bruce, both of Grand Prairie, Texas and Janet Gould and husband, Jerry, both of Shreveport; nephews, Cameron Densford and David Gould; niece, Alexa Densford; and a number of aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
Pallbearers were Kyle Ketchings, Clint Eason, Parker Brumfield, Jeremy Waldrop, John Griffey and Mark Harveston.
Honorary pallbearers will be the varsity and junior varsity football teams of Trinity Episcopal Day School.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Parkway Baptist Church building fund or Parkway Baptist Church Relay for Life Team.
The Freeman family would like to thank Dr. Jack Rodriguez and staff for their care and support.



Enterprise Journal 01/23/2008
Willie Dean Higginbotham (1959-2008) AR/MS
Dean Higginbotham, 48, of Tylertown, died Jan. 20, 2008, from injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident in Pike County.
Visitation is 10 a.m. Thursday at Hartman-Hughes Funeral Home in Tylertown until services there at 1 p.m. The Rev. Craig Wells will officiate. Burial will be in Tylertown Cemetery II.
Mr. Higginbotham was born June 2, 1959, in New Port, Ark. He was the son of Jimmy Delane Higginbotham and Lena Mae Watson.
He was a self-employed plumber and a member of House of Faith Church in Slidell, La.
He was preceded in death by a son, Brian Edward Higginbotham.
Survivors include his wife, Marcianna Parker Higginbotham of Tylertown; a son, Jared Robert Dean and wife Katie Higginbotham of Virginia Beach, Va.; two daughters, Britany Ochs and her mother Janet of Detroit, and Jennifer Lynn Dupuy and husband Wesley of Slidell, La.; his mother and stepfather, Lena Mae and Bill Watson of Miami, Texas; mother-in-law, Dinah Miller of Slidell; two brothers, Billy Wayne Higginbotham of Monroe, La., and Jimmy Earl Higginbotham of Memphis, Tenn.; two sisters, Delores Higginbotham of Oklahoma and Honey MaeAnne Stinson and husband Max of Tylertown; two grandchildren, Haley and Brooke Ochs; and an extended family of brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, in-laws and friends.
Pallbearers are Max Stinson, Neal Stinson, Ricky Kennedy, Michael Grubbs, Jeffrey R. Parker and Wesley A. Dupuy. Honorary pallbearers will be Jeff Fairburn, Terry Boyd, Gary Harvey and Patrick Salina.
In lieu of flowers, contributions to the family are requested.




Mae Ethel Higginbotham Donahoo (1910-2008) MS
(August 21, 1910 - January 29, 2008)
Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel Donahoo of Winona, formerly of Kilmichael, are scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Friday, February 1, at Oliver Chapel in Winona. Burial will follow in the Community Baptist Church Cemetery near Kilmichael. Elder B. T. Strum and Elder Bobby Howell will officiate the services. Mrs. Donahoo died Tuesday, January 29, at Winona Manor in Winona. She was 97.
Mrs. Donahoo was a homemaker and a contributor for 35 years to the Winona Times. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jack Higginbotham and the widow of Ed Donahoo.
She was preceded in death by three sons, Ed Donahoo, Jr., Dell Donahoo, and William Donahoo; and a grandson, William Ledell Donahoo. Mrs. Donahoo was a longtime member of Friendship Primitive Baptist Church near Winona.
Survivors include four daughters, Euna Mae Miller (Billy) of Winona, Katherine Cross of Winona, Shirley Hodges Beam (J.D.) of Stewart, and Linda Rogers (Gale) of Kilmichael; four sons, Thomas "Toad" Donahoo (Peggy) of Kilmichael, Dennis Donahoo (Joanne) of Winona, Harold Donahoo (Brenda) of Kilmichael, and Darrell Donahoo (Donna) of Eupora; a daughter-in-law, Mae Donahoo; twenty-five grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; sixty-five great-grandchildren; eight step-great-grandchildren; thirty great-great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers will be Eddie Miller, David Miller, Jeff Hodges, Ronnie Donahoo, Dewayne Donahoo, Steve Donahoo, and Roy Donahoo. Honorary pallbearers are Tommy Wilder, Johnnie Huckabee, Jerry Johnson, Darren Milner, Bennie Steed, Milton Mann, Sugar Mullins, David Ware, Daniel King, Jackie Vance, Mark Burton, and Larry Fields.
Visitation will be Thursday, January 31, from 5:00 until 8:00 p.m., at Oliver Funeral Home.
Memorials may be made to the Friendship Primitive Baptist Church, c/o Dennis Donahoo, 43 Lower Bethlehem Road, Winona, MS 38967; or to the Community Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Jerry Stafford, 1865 Highway 407, Kilmichael, MS 39747



Daily Journal 04/20/2008

Jeanette Moree Higginbotham Ridings Smothers (1923-2008) MS

ABERDEEN - Jeanette Ridings Smothers, 84, died Friday, April 18, 2008, at Darlington Oaks Community Hospice in Verona. She was born Sept. 14, 1923, in Houston to Harry Higginbotham and Kizzie Foster Higginbotham. She graduated from Pine Grove High School. She was a resident of Aberdeen for the past 65 years. She was a homemaker and a member of Friendship Baptist Church. She was a retired supervisor for Sharp Manufacturing, where she worked for 30 years. She was the owner of a fabric store. Services will be at 2 p.m. today at Tisdale-Lann Memorial Chapel in Aberdeen with Bro. Mark Thornton officiating. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery. Survivors include her husband, Robert E. Smothers of Aberdeen; one daughter, Faye Lusby (Gene) of Nesbit; two sons, Eddie Ridings (Debra) of Aberdeen and Joey Ridings (Kim) of Millport, Ala.; one stepdaughter, Donna Scarbrough (Brent) of Chandler, Ariz.; two stepsons, Jerry Smothers (Ann) of Aberdeen and Larry Smothers (Debra) of West Point; 14 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren; two nieces, Eva Sprayberry and Barbara Parker; her caregivers, Billy and Iva Nell Pruett, and Ruth Coy. She was preceded in death by her parents; her first husband, Will Ed Ridings; and five brothers and sisters. Pallbearers will be deacons of Friendship Baptist Church in Aberdeen. Donations may be made to Community Hospice Inc., P.O. Box 333, Sherman, MS 38869.



Daily Journal dated April 24, 2008

Samuel Liburn Higginbottom (1927-2008) MS
BOONEVILLE -Samuel “Sam” Liburn Higginbottom, 81, died Tuesday, April 22, 2008, at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Booneville. He was born Jan. 8, 1927, in Golden to Arthur Ervin Higginbottom and Ollie Jewel Reno Higginbottom. He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, where he was stationed aboard the USS Biloxi and the USS Vulcan. He worked for TVA. He enjoyed fishing.
Services will be at 4 p.m. today at the Unity Broadcasting TV Station auditorium next to Booneville Funeral Home. Burial will be in House of Prayer Cemetery. Booneville Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.



Clarion Ledger 06/08/2008

Daniel Vurlin Higginbotham (1946-2008) LA/MS

COLLINS - Services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Wade-Nowell Funeral Home chapel in Collins for Pete Higginbotham, 61, of Collins, who died June 6, 2008, at University Medical Center in Jackson. Burial will be in McDonald Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired plant manager for D&L Veneer Mill, funeral director and member of McDonald Chapel Presbyterian Church. He also was a member of the Huddle House Coffee Club and Okatoma Cruisers Car Club. He was preceded in death by his parents, Abraham and Justine Blanchard Higginbotham. Survivors include his wife, Cathy Higginbotham of Collins; a son, Brent Wilson of San Francisco; three daughters, Lee Higginbotham of San Francisco, Lisa Burger of Maryville, Tenn., and Hope Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Texas; three sisters, Gloria Habetz of Rayne, La., Bernadine Thibodeaux of Eunice, La., and Belva Jean Morrison of Lewisburg, La.; and two grandchildren. Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home with a rosary mass following the visitation.



Neshoba Democrat 06/11/2008 

Mary Christine Long Higginbotham (1933-2008) MS

Services for Christine Higginbotham were held Friday, June 6, 2008, at 11 a.m. from the chapel of McClain-Hays Funeral Home. The Rev. Duaine Morgan and the Rev. Tom McCurley officiated. Burial followed in Eastlawn Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham, 75, died Wednesday, June 4, 2008, in Rush Foundation Hospital in Meridian. She was a native of the Forestdale community in Neshoba County but had been a resident of the Burnside Community for the past 32 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a Methodist by faith. Survivors include her husband, William L. "Bill" Higginbotham of Philadelphia; daughters, Debra Johnson of Rio Rancho, N.M. and Denise Butler of Philadelphia; son, Byron Higginbotham of Philadelphia; two grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; sister Earline Eubanks; and brother, Jay Long, both of Philadelphia. Pallbearers were Lee Dennis, Bennie Dennis, Jeb Stewart, Ted Long, Rocky Parks, Rick Parks and Johnny Stuart.



Leader Call Sep. 3, 2008

Marian Elizabeth Sopher Higginbotham (1919-2008) PA/MS/AL

Marian Higginbotham, 89, a long-time resident of Heidelberg, passed away Monday, September 1, 2008, at Cogburn’s Nursing Home in Mobile, Ala. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, September 5, at Heidelberg Presbyterian Church with burial to follow in Heidelberg Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham was born Marian Elizabeth Sopher on August 18, 1919, in Erie, Penn. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Royal Sopher, of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas preceded her in death, along with her brother, James Matthew Sopher. Her mother was a member of the Beers family in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Additionally, her husband, William Weldon Higginbotham, formerly of Howe, Texas, preceded her in death. “Bill” Higginbotham and his young family came to the oil fields in Heidelberg from Oil City and Tinsley, Miss., and Kilgore, Texas. Marian Higginbotham spent tenure as bookkeeper for an oil company in Heidelberg. She also managed property and over-saw production in selected oil wells in Jasper County. The Higginbotham’s were the proud parents of three children, Weldon Francis “Joe” (Sylvia) Higginbotham of Columbus, Robert T. “Bob” (Doyleen) Higginbotham of Madison, and Anna Elizabeth Higginbotham (Larry) Rogers of Mobile, Ala. She enjoyed six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. Friday until service time at Heidelberg Presbyterian Church in Heidelberg. Memory Chapel in Heidelberg is in charge of services.


Florence Times Daily 11/14/2008

Billy D. Higginbotham (1937-2008) MS

GOLDEN, MISS. Bill Higginbotham, 71, died Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008. There will be no visitation or funeral. Deaton Funeral Home, Belmont, is assisting the family. He was the son of the late William Dillard and Thelma Pauline Creed Higginbotham.




Eunice Beatrice Kiger Higginbotham Pierce (1931-2008) MS

Services for Eunice Kiger Mueller, of Brookhaven, are 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 26, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel on Natchez Drive with burial in Easthaven Cemetery. Visitation is Tuesday from 5 until 9 p.m. at the funeral home. Mrs. Mueller, 77, entered into her eternal home on Nov. 23, 2008, at Select Specialty Hospital in Ridgeland. She was born in Dublin on June 24, 1931, to Lindsey Boyd Kiger and Gertie Mae Hatfield. She was in the field of nursing. She attended Brookhaven Church of God. Preceding her in death were her parents; her former husband, Otis Higginbotham; and a daughter, Patricia Berry. Survivors are her five daughters and sons-in-law, Martha Grice and husband, Toby, of Pearl, Carole Boyte and husband, Wayne, Sue Barnett and husband, Roy, Marilyn Cotton and husband, Steve, all of Brookhaven, and Wanda Rowe and husband, Danny, of Midland, Texas; her loving husband and companion, Danny Pierce, of Columbus; and her loving pet of 14 years, Susie.




Wilson Hickenbottom (1929-2008) MS

Services for Wilson "Hicks" Hickenbottom, of Bude, are 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 4, at New Bethel M.B. Church in Franklin County with burial in the church cemetery. Marshall Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Sunday from 1 p.m. until the time of the service at the church.
Mr. Hickenbottom, 79, died Dec. 31, 2008, at Franklin Memorial Hospital. He was born in Franklin County on Sept. 3, 1929, to Wilson Hickenbottom Sr. and Anna Whitney Hickenbottom.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his sisters, Margie Cameron and Mary Johnson; and his brothers, Willie Fleming and Bates Fleming.
Survivors are his wife, Bertha Mae Hickenbottom; eight daughters; four sons; one sister; and many nieces and nephews.



Chickasaw Journal 01/14/2009

Jimmy Dale Higginbotham (1941-2009) MS

HOULKA – Jimmy Dale Higginbotham, 67, died Monday, Jan. 12, 2009 at his home in Houlka. He was born in Vardaman to Earlie Higginbotham and Ola Frances Wiggs Higginbotham. He was a disabled U.S. Navy veteran and a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Okolona. Services will be held Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009 at 10 a.m. at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Okolona with Mr. Billy Butler officiating. Burial will follow at Rose Hill Cemetery in Houlka. Survivors include one sister, Frances Vance and husband, Johnny, of Conway, Ark.; one brother, Billy Higginbotham and wife, Josephine, of Houlka. He was preceded in death by his wife, Patricia Weeks Higginbotham on June 28, 2006; his parents.



The Panolian 01/23/2009

Peggy Sue Doty Higginbotham (1933-2009) MS

BATESVILLE-- Peggy Sue Doty Higginbotham, 75, died Wednesday, January 21, 2009, at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Desoto. Services are today at 2 p.m. at Wells Funeral Home. Rev. Terry Floyd will officiate. Visitation is today noon until service time at the funeral home. Burial will be in Forrest Memorial Park Cemetery. Wells Funeral Home has charge. Higginbotham, born July 3, 1933, in Boyle, to the late Tallmage and Ita Ray Doty, was a homemaker and a member of First Faith Baptist Church. Survivors include: her husband, Charlie F. Higginbotham of Batesville; one daughter, Debbie Higginbotham Richardson of Southaven; one son, Charles Lynn Higginbotham of Batesville; two brothers, Irby Doty of Kosciusko and David Doty of Wellington, S.C.; three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



The Mississippi Press 03/01/2009

George Benjamin Higginbotham Jr. (1929-2009) MS

HIGGINBOTHAM Mr. Bennie Higginbotham, Jr.- 79, died Friday, February 27th, at his home in the Nanih Waiya community. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 A.M. Monday, March 2nd, at Porter Funeral Home with Rev. Gerald Butler officiating. Interment will be in Serene Memorial Garden in Moss Point, MS. Visitation is from 4:30 to 8:00 PM Sunday at the funeral home. Mr. Higginbotham was born December 9, 1929, in Kemper County. He was a retired welder. He is survived by his wife, Mary Miller Higginbotham; two daughters, Barbara Bean Hitt of Preston, and Brenda Butler of Shuqualak, MS; a son, Gary Ray Higginbotham, Sr. of Hurley, MS; a sister, Ada Akers of Michigan; a brother, R. T. Higginbotham of Collins, MS; 8 grandchildren, and 22 great grandchildren.



Sun Herald 03/04/2009

Belin Joseph Higginbotham Sr. (1914-2009) LA/MS/NV

Mr. Belin (Bill) Higginbotham, Sr., age 94, passed away peacefully in his home February 25, 2009 in Las Vegas, NV with his daughters and grandchildren by his side. Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Youngsville, LA, and a lifelong resident of the Coast until recently he moved to Las Vegas, NV to live with his daughters. He served in the US Coast Guard and was a veteran of WWII. He was a boat builder and retired from Ingalls Shipbuilding. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Blessed Seelos Catholic Church and of the Fleur de lis Society. A loving husband and devoted father, he was born May 31, 1914 in Youngsville, LA. He was the seventh of ten children of James and Mary Verret Higginbotham. He enjoyed working with wood and was passionate about his garden. He was preceded in death by his wife of 65 years, Marie Dartez Higginbotham and daughter, Linda Higginbotham Williams. Survivors include two daughters, Sylvia Fallo, Claire Kingsland, her husband Gary, of Las Vegas, NV, two sons, Billy Higginbotham, Jr., his wife Lori, of Birmingham, AL and Michael Higginbotham of Colorado Springs, CO, two brothers, James Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, MS and Stephen Higginbotham of Lafayette, LA, and 14 grandchildren Tina Marshall, her husband Jesse, Carl Williams, Jr., his wife Mary of Biloxi, MS, Stephen Williams of TN, Maria Fallo Strong, her husband Jimmy of Biloxi, MS, Fabian Fallo, his wife Heather of Spokane, WA, Angela Fallo Warren, her husband Jason of Deville, LA, Hilary Higginbotham of Birmingham, AL, Jeremiah Kingsland, Hollywood, CA, Gary, Jr., Jonathan, and Maren Kingsland, of Las Vegas, NV, Justin, Jozi and Jared (Elmo) Higginbotham of Colorado Springs, CO, 10 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Bill's name to Creekside Hospice, 3675 Pecos McLeod, Suite #900, Las Vegas, NV 89121. A Mass of Christian Burial will be 12 noon Saturday, March 7, 2009, at Blessed Seelos Catholic Church in Biloxi where friends may visit from 10 a.m. until service time. Interment will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery. Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home, Howard Avenue, in Biloxi is in charge of arrangements.



Clarion Ledger 04/10/2009

James William Higginbotham (1946-2009) MS

Billy Higginbotham 62, died Thursday, April 9, 2009, in Leake Co. Services were at 2 p.m. Saturday at Jordan Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in Center Hill Baptist Church Cemetery in the Conway Community.



The Daily Star 05/01/2009

Charles Ray Higginbotham (1940-2009) MS

Funeral services for Charles Ray Higginbotham, 68, native of Montgomery County, and currently of Grenada, are at 11 a.m. Saturday at Robinson Chapel in Grenada. Burial will follow in Bethel Cemetery in Kilmichael. Mr. Higginbotham died April 29, 2009, at Grenada Lake Medical Center. He was born Nov. 24, 1940, to the late J. W. Higginbotham and Bessie Henning Higginbotham. Survivors include his wife, Mary Higginbotham of Sidon, Miss.; two daughters, Mary L. Armstrong of Grenada and Geneva Higginbotham Vaughn of Jacksonville, Ark.; two brothers, C. D. Higginbotham of Murfreesboro, Tenn., and W. D. Higginbotham of Bell Buckle, Tenn.; an aunt, Ethel Donahoo of Winona; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Eddie Robinson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.




Gladys Alma Case Gentry Higginbotham (1931-2009) AL/MS

BOONEVILLE – Gladys Alma Case Higginbottom, 77, died Thursday, May 14, 2009, at her home. She was born Nov. 12, 1931, in Grassy, Ala., to Ben Fred Case Sr. and Dora Ann Hollander Case. She was a homemaker and a member of The House of Prayer. She enjoyed flowers, gardening, fishing and going to yard sales.
Services will be at 2 p.m. today in the Unity Broadcasting Auditorium with Bro. Michael Williams, Bro. Tim Dixon, Bro. Robert Chumley and Bro. David Baker officiating. Burial will be in The House of Prayer Cemetery. Booneville Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Survivors include one daughter, Dora Baker of Booneville; one sister, Jewel Owens of Booneville; one stepson, Ray Higginbottom of Fulton; three stepdaughters, Shelia Gentry (Jackie) of Fulton, Kaye Morphis (Tony) of Belmont and Donna Salter (Robert) of Florence, Ala.; two granddaughters, seven stepgranddaughters, five stepgrandsons, two great-grandsons, and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Samuel Higginbottom, on April 22, 2008; her parents; a son and daughter-in-law, Dennis and Rebecca Gentry; four brothers, Buford Case, Clendy Case, Cecil Case and Ben Case; a stepson, David Higginbottom; a stepdaughter, Betty Reeves; two nephews, Billy Wayne Lambert and Dual Don Case.
Pallbearers are Billy Franks, Jeff Davis, Steven Baker, Buddy Baker, Kelly Baker and Ken Case



The Sun Herald 07/13/2009

Maria Anna Higginbotham (1930-2009) Germany/MS

Mrs. Marianne Higginbotham, age 79, of Ocean Springs, MS., died Saturday, July 11, 2009, in Ocean Springs. Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Dorfen, Germany and moved to the states in 1955. She settled on the coast in 1961 and traveled for many years with her husband who served in the US Air Force. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Higginbotham.

Survivors include two daughters, Brigitte Higginbotham and Elizabeth Adams, both of Ocean Springs, MS., son, Jack (Sharon) Higginbotham of Denham Springs, LA., two sisters, Paula Brock of Washington State and Irmgard Paudler of Dorfen, Germany, two grandchildren, Kristyn (Christopher) Turner of Ocean Springs, MS., and Jacklyn Higginbotham of Denham Springs, La., and three great-grandchildren.

Visitation will be on Tuesday, July 14, 2009, from 5-7 PM, at the Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home. On Wednesday, July 15, 2009, there will be a 10 AM chapel service in the funeral home. Burial will follow in Crestlawn Memorial Park.



The Meridian Star 08/08/2009

Aubrey Lee Higginbotham Jr. (1950-2009) MS

Memorial services for Aubrey L. "Sonny" Higginbotham Jr. will be held Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Collinsville with Rev. Hal Bates officiating. Mr. Higginbotham, 58, of Meridian, died Thursday, August 6, 2009, at Rush Hospital. He was a member of First Baptist Church in Collinsville. He was retired from Mississippi Power Company and was most recently employed with Lowes Building Supply. He was very proud to be a member of Builders for Christ and many other mission works. Survivors include his wife, Katheryn Drake Higginbotham, of Meridian; son, William "Bill" T. Higginbotham, of Meridian; daughter, Amy L. Higginbotham Baker, of Collinsville; three granddaughters, Hannah Marie Larkin  Jackson, Katelynn Ashley Jackson, and Rebecca Elizabeth Baker; mother, Mattie Higginbotham, of Pittsburg, Pa.; brothers, Jessie Bennett, of Madden, David Higginbotham, of Pittsburg, Pa., John Thomas Higginbotham, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Gary Higginbotham, of Cartersville, Ga.;  mother-in-law, Thelma Tucker Drake, of Greenwood; brother-in-law, Gregory A. Drake, of Lexington, Ky.; sister- in-law, Mary F. Drake, of Bartlett, Tenn.; and numerous nieces, nephews, and in-laws. He was preceded in death by his father, Aubrey L. Higginbotham Sr.; father- in-law, John Thomas Drake; and brother-in-law, Dr. Robert Earl Drake. Visitation will be Sunday, from 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the church.



The Neshoba Democrat 10/07/2009 

Clyde Higginbotham (1957-2009) MS

Services for Clyde "Buddy" Higginbotham were held Friday, Oct. 2 at 10 a.m. The Rev. Gerald Butler officiated with burial following at the Contrell Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham, 52, died Tuesday, Sept. 29 at his home. He was preceded in death by stepson, Gary Jones, Jr. He is survived by his wife, Lora Higginbotham of Lena; son, Clyde Higginbotham, II of Philadelphia; four step-sons: Jeffrey Allen of Mt. Olive, George Allen of Morton, Johnny Allen of Morton and Michael Carrol of Lena and stepdaughter, Michelle Kilpatrick. Pallbearers were William Kilpatrick, Keith White, Jimmy Dale Watts, Jeffrey Allen, Michael Carrol, Joe Stevens and Luke Steward.



The Commercial Appeal October 10, 2009

Martha Higginbotham Lepard (1939-2009) MS

Southaven - MARTHA LEPARD, 70, office worker for Tri State Therma King, died Thursday, October 8, 2009 at Baptist Memorial Hospital-DeSoto in Southaven. Mrs. Lepard was born May 11, 1939 in Stover, MS to the late James Ira and Mallie Higginbotham and was a member of the First Baptist Church of Southaven. Visitation will be Sunday, October 11 from 1 p.m. until the service begins at 3 p.m. at Twin Oaks Funeral Home in Southaven. Burial will follow in Twin Oaks Memorial Gardens in Southaven. She is survived by two stepsons, Phillip Lepard of Byhalia, MS and Ron Lepard of Southaven; one sister, Vivian Robertson of Greenwood, MS; five grandchildren; two nephews, Jimmy Hawkins of San Diego, CA and Kerry Hawkins of Olive Branch, MS; two nieces, Rita Inmon of Sarah, MS and Cindy Brewer of Senatobia, MS; and her long time companion, Mr. Gene McPherson of Whitehaven, TN. Twin Oaks Funeral Home



The Neshoba Democrat 10-21-2009

Seretha Maureen Williams Higginbotham Hartness  (1942-2009) MS

Services for Seretha Maureen Hartness were held Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 from John E. Stephens Chapel.
The Rev. Greg Franklin and Bishop Joe Robbins officiated. Burial was in North Bend Pentecostal Cemetery in Philadelphia.
Hartness, 67, died Monday, Oct. 12, 2009 in Hospice in his Hands in Madden.
She worked for several factories and sat with the elderly. She also worked the gate at Battlefield Raceway for many years. She was a member of Freedom Through Christ Ministries.
She was preceded in death by her father, Carl "Buddy" Williams; her daughter, Tammi Gail Demoulin; her sister Naydean Huston; first husband, Bobby Lee Higginbotham and second husband, Jerry Hartness.
She is survived by her mother, Loridia Williams of Preston; daughters, Debra Higginbotham of Preston, and Amanda Cumberland of Philadelphia; a son, Mikel (Betty) Lee Higginbotham of Shuqualak; sisters, Roxie Richardson of Preston, Reda McDonald of Preston, Barbara Kay Fanning of Philadelphia, Rachel Malone of DeKalb, Becky Smith of Union, nine grandchildren, five great - grandchildren, and a host of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Doug McDonald, Allen McDonald, Ronnie Malone, Marty Malone, John Fanning, Bobby Cumberland, Luke Higginbotham, Dexter Jenkins, Everett McBayer and Mikel Higginbotham, Jr.


North Mississippi Daily Journal, May 24, 2009

Ruby Joyce Higginbotham Long (1939-2009) MS
TUPELO - Ruby Long, 70, died Friday, May 22, 2009, at the Tupelo Nursing and Rehab Center.
Services will be at 2 p.m. today at the Southern Funeral Chapel with cremation to follow at a later date. Southern Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements.
Visitation at Southern Funeral Chapel, Sunday, May 24, from 1 pm until 2pm



Marilyn M. Higginbotham Cotton (1954-2010) MS

Services for Marilyn M. Cotton, of Brookhaven, are 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 17, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel on Natchez Drive with burial in Easthaven Cemetery.
Mrs. Cotton, 55, died Jan. 15, 2010, at Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center. She was born in Dublin on April 3, 1954, to Otis D. Higginbotham and Eunice Kiger Higginbotham.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of the Church of God.
Preceding her in death were her parents; and her sister, Patricia Berry.
Survivors are her son, Samuel Higginbotham and wife, Rachael, of Chesapeake, Va.; her sisters, Martha Grice, of Pearl, Carol Boyte and Sue Barnett, both of Brookhaven, and Wanda Rowe, of Midland, Texas; her grandchildren, Austin, Samuel Jr., Christen, Elijah and Levi Higginbotham; and her companion of 11 years, Lee Allen, of Brookhaven.



Hattiesburg American 2/19/2010

Ether Mae Cox Hickingbottom (ca1935-2010) MS

New Hebron - Services are 11 a.m. Saturday at Springhill Missionary Baptist Church in Prentiss for Ether Mae Hickingbottom, 75, of New Hebron, who died Feb. 10, 2010, at Forrest General Hospital.

Burial is in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Hickingbottom was a laborer and member of Springhill Missionary Baptist Church.

Survivors include her husband, James Hickingbottom of New HEbron; two sons, James Wilks of Prentiss and Calvin Wilks of New Hebraon; three brothers, William Cox, Albert Cox and Phillip Cox, all of Duluth, Minn.; six sisters, Mary Cox, Linda Cox, Louise Cox, Morenda Cox, Anna Grace Cox and Edith Cox, all of Duluth; nine grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.

Visitation is 1-8 p.m. today at Johnson Funeral Home in Prentiss.




Shirley Gwendolyn Higginbotham Lewis Dawson Smith (1944-2010) MS

Mrs. Smith, 65, died Feb. 24, 2010, at her residence. She was born on Oct. 20, 1944, to Lawrence Dana Higginbotham and Dorothy Prestridge Higginbotham Gauthe. She was a retired private duty sitter for 22 years and a member of Gum Grove Baptist Church. Preceding her in death were her parents; and her stepfather, Claude Gauthe. Survivors include her husband, Charles "Keith" Smith, of Brookhaven; her sons, Clay Lewis and Clint Lewis and wife Fran; her daughter Lee Dawson Wilson and husband, Joey; her brothers, David and Jimmy Higginbotham; her five grandchildren, Millane, Sidney and Sawyer Lewis and Olivia and Dawson Wilson; a host of nieces and nephews;and a special friend, Jessie Carwyle.




James Marlin Higginbotham (1958-2010) MS

James "Jamie" Higginbotham, 51, died Wednesday, March 17, 2010 in North Chickasaw County as a result of an automobile accident.
He was born July 4, 1958 to J.D. Higginbotham and Virginia Higginbotham. He was a Navy Seabee serving from 1975 to 1979 serving in Port Hueneme, CA, Puerto Rico, Rhoda, Spain and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. He worked as a local letter carrier in Tupelo from 1984 to 2000, the Tupelo Coliseum as local crew from 1993 to 1996. He was an avid Frank Zappa fan. He loved fishing and his dog Wilber. He enjoyed the 'Military Channel' and watching 'Days of our Lives' with his wife and best friend Pam. He truly enjoyed life to the fullest. He was a loving husband and father and loyal to his many friends.
Memorial Services will be at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, March 21, 2010 at the Lee Memorial Funeral Home. Lee Memorial Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Survivors include his wife of 24 years, Pam Higginbotham; two sons, Justin Higginbotham of Bowling Green, OH and Steven Higginbotham of Amory, MS; one brother, Tommy Higginbotham of Tupelo, MS; one sister, Lynn Palmertree (Robert)of Saltillo, MS; and several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents J.D. Higginbotham and Virginia Higginbotham.



Commercial Dispatch 04/14/2010

Joseph Lamar Higginbotham (1926-2010) MS

SHUQUALAK - Joseph Lamar Higginbotham, 83, died April 12, 2010, at his residence. Services will be today at 2 p.m. at Butler Pentecostal Church with Bros. Gerald Butler, Bobby Joe Butler and Rayburn Druey officiating. Burial will be in Butler Cemetery. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is in charge of arrangements. Mr. Higginbotham was born Aug. 21, 1926, in Shuqualak to the late Johnny T. and Flora Butler Higginbotham. He attended Shuqualak Attendance Center and was a member of Butler Pentecostal Church. He worked at Macon Pants Factory in the shipping department for 23 years and retired from Boral Brick as a clay miner. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by daughter, Debbie Jo Eaves; son, Roger Higginbotham, and a granddaughter. Survivors include his wife, Mildred Eaves Higginbotham, of Shuqualak; daughters, Barb Largio, of Witt, Ill., Janice Martin, of Shuqualak, and Lisa Abraham, of Trenton, Ga.; sister, Virginia Vernon, of Shuqualak; brothers, Gilbert Higginbotham, of Louisville, and Reginal Higginbotham, of Shuqualak; seven grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Pallbearers will be Rocky Higginbotham, Todd Eaves, T.J. Randall, Ronnie Higginbotham, John David Higginbotham, Wayne Eaves and Bill Jones. Honorary pallbearers will be Wayne Eaves, Phillip Eaves, Allen Faves, Willis Jones, Jimmy Coleman, Tommy Coleman and Eddie Coleman. Memorials may be made to Butler Pentecostal Church, 3125 Butler Road, Macon, MS 39341.



George County Times (Lucedale, MS) May 6, 2010

Lillian Early Higginbotham (1916-2010) MS

Funeral services were held for Lillian Higginbotham, 93, of Lucedale on Saturday, May 1, 2010, at 12 p.m. at Barton Baptist Church.
Interment followed at Barton Cemetery with Rev. Billy J. Howse and Rev. John Henry officiating the services.
Retired from active service at the Singing River Hospital, she worked at King's Daughters Hospital in Yazoo City and Coahoma County Hospital in Clarksdale. An active member of Barton Baptist Church where she served faithfully and enjoyed her senior adult group, she died April 29.
She is survived by her five sons Floyd Ferrell (Effie) Higginbotham of Bogue Chitto, Charles Wendell Sr. (Charlene) Higginbotham of Lucedale, Wesley Dean (Dorothy) Higginbotham of Sylacauga, Ala., Hilton Ray (Linda) Higginbotham and Carlton Earley (Ellen) Higginbotham, both of Lucedale; fifteen grandchildren Sammy Higginbotham of Clinton, Tim Higginbotham of Bogue Chitto, Benita Johnsey of Clinton, Beth Wicker of McComb, Teresa Reynolds of DeKalb, Wesley D. Higginbotham, Jr., Anthony W. Higginbotham and David Higginbotham, all of Sylacauga, Ala.,and Ginger Crocker of Rainbow City, Ala., Michael Higginbotham of Clarksdale, "Bubba" Dean Higginbotham of Bozzier City, LA., Randy Higginbotham of Plantersville, Michelle Emmons of Florence, Sandy Fallon of Md., Brenda Lyon of Southaven; two step granddaughters, thirty four great grandchildren and eight great great grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband Samuel Floyd Higginbotham; parents Benjamin Earley and Mary Viola Lucius; five brothers Jack Earley, Herbert Earley, Earl Earley, Willis Earley and J. D. Earley; two sisters Mildred Lauderdale and Rena Ferguson; four grandsons Charles Wendell Jr., Carl Dewayne, Thomas Andrew :Andy"" and Floyd Anthony "Tony" Higginbotham; one great granddaughter Heather Higginbotham and one great grandson Timothy Randall Johnsey.
Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105-9959.
Riverwood Family Funeral Home of Brookhaven was in charge of arrangements.



The Sun Herald 06/24/2010

Mary Diane Rose Higginbotham (1951-2010) TN/MS

Mrs. Mary "Diane" Rose Higginbotham, passed from this life peacefully by her family's side on June 22, 2010 in Ocean Springs, MS. Diane was born January 13, 1951, in Clinton, TN. to Zenith and Nava Lou Rose. She was of the Catholic faith. She was a graduate of Biloxi High School class of 1969. She loved the simple things in life: family, friends and her faith. Before her illness, she loved doing for others. She always looked forward to the holidays, family gatherings and being with her nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her father, Zenith Rose; grandparents, Charlie and Tempy Rose; Ira Jewel Dunaway and Lillie Dunaway. Her mother-in-law Jewell Higginbotham, brothers-in-law, Johnny and Scott Higginbotham. Grandparents -in-law Nelson (Edna) Higginbotham, Ada Mims. She is survived by her loving husband of 39 years, Richard Higginbotham. He was her devoted caregiver for 35 years. Her precious daughter, Amber Rose (Christopher) Thibodeaux and her two adorable grandsons, Greyson and Cole Thibodeaux; her mother Nava Lou Rose; sister, Betty Rose (Jim) Hinton; four brothers, Zenith R. (Freda) Rose , Kenneth M. Rose, Richard (Debbie) Rose, David (Patty) Rose ; father-in-law George Higginbotham ; six sisters-in-law; Maria Hamilton Brenda (James) LeGrone, Donna (Walter) Brightman, Sandy Higginbotham, Debbye Higginbotham, Lori (Clyde) Jacquet, Susan Higginbotham; brothers-in-law, Kenneth (Donna) Higginbotham, Keith (Ann) Higginbotham, Greg (Cozy) Higginbotham, and numerous nieces and nephews. Her very special uncle, Doyle (Marjorie) Dunaway and special friend and caregiver, Rebecca Phillips. The family would like to thank all her caregivers, doctors, nurses, family and friends. A special thanks is given to deceased caregiver and friend Ms. Marcella Covacevich. Funeral services will be held Friday, June 25, 2010 at the Blessed Seelos (St. John's) Catholic Church. Friends may visit at 11:00 a.m. until mass time at 1:00 p.m. Burial will be at Biloxi City Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Diane's memory to St. Vincent De Paul Pharmacy, P.O. Box 1228, Biloxi, MS. 39533, or to St Jude's Hospital, P.O. Box 50, Memphis, TN. 38101-9929.



Commercial Dispatch 08/01/2010

Gerald Leroy Higginbotham (1938-2010) MS

WEST POINT - Gerald L. "Jerry" Higginbotham, 72, died July 29, 2010, at North Mississippi Medical Center in West Point. Services are Monday at 3:30 p.m. at Robinson Chapel with the Revs. Monte Crosswhite and Robert Henley officiating. Burial will follow in Greenwood Cemetery. Visitation is Monday from 1 p.m. until service time at Robinson Funeral Home. Higginbotham was born June 17, 1938, in West Point to the late Iola Smith and John Higginbotham. He served in the U.S. Army and retired from B&W. He was a minister and member of the Gospel Light House Pentecostal Church of God. He is survived by his brothers, John Huey Higginbotham, of Aberdeen, and Benny Bentley, of Tampa, Fla.; and a sister, Pat Clinton, of West Point.



The Choctaw Plaindealer 8/22/2010

Ben Edward Higginbotham (1966-2010) MS
Mr. Ben "Bud" Edward Higginbotham, 44, died Saturday, August 21, at Noxubee County Nursing Home. Funeral services were held at 2 P.M. Monday, August 23, at Mashulaville Baptist Church, with Bro. Bobby Joe Butler and Bro. Bobby Parish officiating. Interment was in Mashulaville Baptist Cemetery. Porter Funeral Home of Louisville was in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Higginbotham was born May 28, 1966, in Macon, MS. He was a member of Mashulaville Baptist Church.
He is survived by his mother, Mary Campbell of North Carolina, a sister, Roxie Higginbotham of North Carolina, two nieces, and numerous other aunts, uncles, and cousins who cared for him.
Pallbearers were Trey Taylor, Eddie Gaylord, Richard Gaylord, Robert Holdiness, Phillip Higginbotham, Mike Slawson, and Jackie Holdiness.
Memorials may be made to Mashulaville Baptist Church, 7260 Hwy 14, Macon, MS 39341.




Mattie Mae Higginbotham Hemphill West (1932-2010) MS

Mrs. Mattie Mae Higginbotham West, 78, died Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010, at Winston Medical Center in Louisville, MS.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 PM Tuesday at Good Hope Baptist Church, with Rev. Sammie McMillen and Rev. Larry Ferris officiating. Interment will be in Good Hope Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5:00 to 8:00 PM Monday at Porter Funeral Home.
Mrs. West was born July 28, 1932, in Noxubee County, MS.
She was a cosmetologist, and a member of Good Hope Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Mattie Louise Vaughn and James Larkin Higginbotham; a son, Jeffrey Donald Hemphill; and two brothers, William Higginbotham and Joe Higginbotham.
She is survived by her husband, Paul West of Louisville; two daughters, Cathy Ferris of Monroe, LA, and Paula McCluskey of Ripley, MS; six sons, Randy Hemphill, Danny Hemphill, John Hemphill, and David Hemphill, all of Louisville, MS, James Hemphill of West Point, MS, and Eugene Hemphill of Arizona; a sister, Elsie Parney of Louisville, MS; two brothers, George Higginbotham of Macon, MS, and Charles Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, LA; 27 grandchildren, and numerous great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren.
Pallbearers are Jay Moore, Anthony Miles, Jimmy Higginbotham, William Shepheard, Kevin Bishop, Jimmy Hemphill, Dennis Hemphill, and Ronnie Lee. Honorary pallbearer is Shannon Foskitt.
Memorials may be made to Gideons International or the Baptist Children's Village.



Clarion Ledger 03/01/2011

Gilbert Evans Higginbotham (1930-2011) MS

Mr. Gilbert Higginbotham, 80, passed away on Monday, February 28, 2011, at Winston Medical Center in Louisville, Mississippi. Visitation will be at Butler Pentecostal Church in Noxubee County, on Tuesday, March 1, 2011, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Funeral services will be at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2, 2011, at Butler Pentecostal Church with Rev. Gerald Butler and Rev. Allen Eaves officiating. Interment will follow in Butler Cemetery in Shuqualak, Mississippi. He was born June 14, 1930, to Johnny T. and Flora Butler Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham, a retired logger, was a member of the Butler Pentecostal Church. During World War II, he answered the call to serve his country in the U. S. Army. He is survived by his wife, Doris Collins Higginbotham of Louisville, Mississippi; one daughter, Carolyn Rogers of Brandon, Mississippi; one son, Laverne Collins of Houston, Mississippi; one sister, Virginia Vernon and one brother, Reg Higginbotham both of Shuqualak, Mississippi; four grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Johnny T. and Flora Butler Higginbotham and a brother, Lamar Higginbotham. Pallbearers will be Robert Higginbotham, Wayne Eaves, Billy Rogers, Randy Martin, Ronnie Higginbotham, and John David Higginbotham. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association. Nowell-Massey Funeral Home, 724 North Columbus Avenue, Louisville, Mississippi, is handling local arrangements.



Clarion Ledger 06/01/2011

Louie Mae Lee Higginbotham (1917-2011) MS

Macon-Mrs. Louie Mae Higginbotham, 94, of Macon, MS passed away Sunday, May 29, 2011 at Noxubee County Nursing Home. She was born on February 25, 1917 to Fulton Ervin and Annie Woodfin Lee of Mashulaville, Mississippi. She was a graduate of East Mississippi Junior College. She taught school and later retired from the Mississippi Department of Social Services where she was a case worker and director of the Noxubee County Food Stamp Division. She was very dedicated to her church, Mashulaville Baptist Church, all her life and led the music there until she moved to Macon in 1995, where she then joined First Baptist Church. She was very civic minded and belonged to the Macon Pilot Club, which she served as President for two terms. She was also a member of the Noxubee Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and was the granddaughter of Fulton Monroe Lee, who served as a soldier for the Confederacy. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, William T. Higginbotham. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her seven children: Travis Higginbotham(Gary Lois); Linda Brookhart; Leon Higginbotham (Coleene); Nita Royal (Mike); Janice Windham (Phil);Yvonne Barge (David);and Randy Higginbotham (Mona). She is also survived by seven grandchildren: Ashley Windham; Haley Montgomery (Mike); Don Higginbotham; Rhonda Cooper (Joey); Jason Higginbotham (Laycee); Laura Byrd (Bryan)and Christopher Davis (April). Also left to mourn her passing are nine great-grandchildren: Kyle, Sam and Justin Cooper; Jaycee and Kaylee Higginbotham; Will Higginbotham; Travis, Elisha, and Maggie Montgomery and Lillian Madison Byrd. She also has one surviving brother: Charles Lee of Columbus, MS. Mrs. Higginbotham's funeral will be held at Mashulaville Baptist Church on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 11:00 A.M with Bro. Bill Duncan officiating. Interment will follow in Mashulaville Cemetery. A visitation will be held Tuesday evening from 5:00 until 7:00 P.M. at Cockrell Funeral Home in Macon. Memorials may be made to a favorite charity.



The Sun Herald 07/03/2011

Marie Shirley Higginbotham Parker (1934-2011) LA/MS

Marie Shirley Higginbotham Parker, 76, of Biloxi, MS passed from the bonds of this earth into the arms of our Lord on Thursday, June 29, 2011. Shirley was born on November 29, 1934 in New Iberia, LA, moved to Biloxi as a young girl and spent the rest of her life here. She retired Civil Service from Keesler Air Force Base in 1993, was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Woolmarket and was a loving and devoted mother. She will be dearly missed. Shirley was preceded in death by her parents, Nelson and Edna (Delcambre) Higginbotham and three brothers, Percy, Curtis and Carey Higginbotham. She is survived by her four children, three daughters, Suzanne Crawford and husband, Harry of Sierra Vista, AZ, Janine Vonderhaar and husband, Jim of Sugarland, TX, Jaime Denmark and husband, George of Biloxi and her son, John E. Parker, Jr. of Biloxi along with nine grandchildren, Heather Zimmerman, Harry Crawford III, Chase Denmark, Heidi Crawford, Jordan Vonderhaar, Lindsey Parker, Sean Crawford, Tyler Parker and Abby Crawford; three great-grandchildren, Brennen, Bryce and Brandt Welsh; two sisters, Rose Mary Tiblier and Melba Higginbotham and two brothers, George and Dennis Higginbotham. The family would like to thank Dr. Wall and Memorial Oncology Staff, Deaconess Home Health Care and Hospice for all their love and care they gave. It was greatly appreciated. A Mass of Christian burial will be on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Woolmarket. Friends may visit from 10:00 a.m. until service time. Interment will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family prefers donations in honor of Shirley be made to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, www.pancan.org Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home, Howard Avenue, Biloxi is in charge of arrangements.



Hattiesburg American 7/3/2011

Helen Higginbotham Elam (1911-2011) TX/MS/AR

Graveside services will be held at 10:00 AM Tuesday at Roseland Park Cemetery for Mrs. Helen H. Elam, 100, of Russellville, AR.

She died on Thursday, June 30, 2011 in Russellville, AR.

Mrs. Elam retired from Methodist Hospital and was a former member of Central Christian Church.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Dan Elam.

She is survived by a daughter, Charlotte Elam Tullos of Ellensburg, WA; two grandchildren, Shannon Tullos Fulton of Russellville, AR and Kristi L. Tullos of Ellensburg, WA, and two great-grandchildren.



The Commercial Appeal 07/16/2011

Charlie Fonzo Higginbotham (1932-2011) MS

December 21, 1932 - July 15, 2011

Mr. Charlie F. Higginbotham, age 78, died July 15, 2011 at his daughter's home in Southaven, MS. Funeral service will be 11:00 A.M. Monday, July 18, 2011 at Wells Funeral Home Chapel with interment in Forrest Memorial Park. Reverend Terry Floyd will be officiating. Visitation will begin one hour to services at 10:00 A.M. Charlie was born December 21, 1932 to the late Charlie Funzo and Verdie Bea Higginbotham. From 1951 to 1955, Charlie served our country in the U.S. Air Force, being stationed in Greenland. When Charlie returned from service, he began his career in painting and retired over fifty years later, having owned his own painting business. Charlie was a member of First Faith Baptist Church. He is survived by a daughter, Debbie Higginbotham Richardson of Southaven, MS; son, Charles Lynn Higginbotham of Batesville, MS; sister, Lillie Mae Clark of Memphis, TN; three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



Hattiesburg American 07/28/2011

Elmer Jewel Higginbotham (1943-2011) MS

Elmer J. Higginbotham, 68, of Ellisville, MS, died Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at Forrest General Hospital in Hattiesburg, MS. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m., on Friday, July 29, 2011 at First Baptist Church of Ellisville in Ellisville, Ms with Dr. Alan Woodward and Dr. Frank Gunn officiating. Burial will be in Ellisville City Cemetery. Ellisville Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements, 601-477-3797 Visitation will be held on Thursday, July 28, 2011 from 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at Ellisville Funeral Home . Mr. Higginbotham was a Deacon of the First Baptist Church of Ellisville, an active Gideon, Member of the Lions Club, and MSU Bulldog Club. In 2004 he was inducted into the East Mississippi Community College Sports Hall of Fame Class, and elected to the 2011 JCJC Sports Hall of Fame Class. He was a faithful supporter of JCJC and Miss. State athletics. He coached football for 26 years, and was a local business owner until his retirement in 2008. His favorite retirement hobbies were spoiling his grandsons, gardening with his wife, attending sports events, having coffee with his buddies and serving in his church. He was preceded in death by his parents, Grady T. Higginbotham and Ollie Mae Patterson Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife: Sandra Perkins Higginbotham of Ellisville Daughters: Michele Whittle (Tim) of West Point and Mary Boleware (Garland) of Hattiesburg Brother: Ray Higginbotham (Jean) of Macon Sisters: Marie Vernon (J.W.) of Macon; Nancy Andre (Lenny) of Collierville, TN and Peggy Jernigan (David) of Millport, AL 3 Grandchildren: Tanner Boleware, Hunter Boleware and Brock Walley Numerous nieces and nephews Pallbearers will be Jay Scoggin, Kellis Higginbotham, Dr. Charlie Guest, Ric Perkins, Dr. Daryl Guest, Scott Guest, Dr. John King, Dr. Heath King Honorary Pallbearers are John Flynt, B.J. Walters, Clarence Putnman ,Mike Robertson, Charles Smith, Martin "Popcorn" Beech, Bobby Glaze, Eddie Pierce, Brad Adkins, Wayne Easterling, Scotty Smith and Deacons of First Baptist Church of Ellisville In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Growing in Faith Building Fund of First Baptist Church of Ellisville or Elmer Higginbotham Memorial Fund at JCJC Foundation.



The Columbian Progress 09/29/2011

Calvin Higginbotham (1926-2011) MS

Funeral services were held Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 3 p.m. in the Goss Baptist Church for Mr. Calvin Higginbotham, 85, of Columbia who died Sunday, Sept. 25 in Columbia. Interment was in the Society Hill Cemetery. The Rev. Mark McArthur and the William Wright officiated at the services. Visitation was held Monday, Sept. 26 after 5 p.m. at the church. A native of Lottie, La., he was a self employed at the Old Time Donut Shop. She was preceded in by his parents, James Ira and Martha Burns Higginbotham; four brothers, Howard, Kenny, Mann and Claude and five sisters, Ruby, Frances, Julie, Daisy and Alma. Survivors include his wife, Yvonna "Sammie" Sampson Higginbotham of Columbia; two daughters, Dorothy Taylor (Ronnie) of Columbia and Linda Higginbotham of Pensacola, Fla.; one stepdaughter, Novelyn Broom (Howard) of Columbia; three sons, Donald Higginbotham (Linda) of Livonia, La., Darrell Higginbotham (Brenda) of Denham Springs, La., Joey Higginbotham (Amanda) of Raleigh, N.C.; one stepson, Jimmy Diffee, Little Rock, Ark.; 17 grandchildren; numerous grandchild and great grandchildren and a number of nieces, nephews, friends and family. Colonial Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements.



Clarion Ledger 10/10/2011

Mary Frances Coleman Higginbotham (1940-2011) MS

(May 2, 1940 - October 8, 2011)

Wilson & Knight Funeral Home Greenwood, MS 38930 Greenwood, MS 662-453-3636 Mary Frances Higginbotham,71, of Greenwood passed away Saturday, 8, 2011 at her residence. Services will be 2p.m. Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at Wilson & Knight Chapel. Visitation will be 12p.m. to 2p.m. Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at Wilson & Knight Funeral Home. Burial will be in Centerville Cemetery in Carroll County. Rev. Kevin Smith will officiate. She lived in Greenwood since 1971. She loved her family, gardening, cooking and friends. She attended North Carrollton Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents Gray and Mary T. Coleman. Brothers Herman Coleman, Billy Coleman, James Coleman and sisters Dot Whitfield and Bessie Jo Weaver. She is survived by her husband Kit Higginbotham of Greenwood. Daughter Robin Carlisle and husband Wayne of Flowood. Son Rodney Higginbotham of Greenwood. Two brothers Melvin Coleman of Shuqualak, MS and Harold Coleman of Slaughter, MS. Four Grandchildren Racheal Burnett of Kansas City, MO, Sara Beth Everett of Brandon, MS, Gray Higginbotham of Greenwood, MS, and Daniel Higginbotham of Greenwood, MS. One Great granddaughter Nora June Burnettt of Kansas City, MO. Pallbearers will be T. J. Coleman, Kelly Coleman, Shane Whitfield, Cole Whitfield, Matthew Whitfield, Jason Whitfield, James Melvin Coleman and Louis Coleman. In lieu of flowers please make memorials to Baptist Health Foundation – Cyberknife Mississippi Baptist health Systems P.O. Box 2002, Jackson, MS 39215-9927.



Clarion Ledger on 10/19/2011

Tammy Price Higginbotham (1964-2011) MS

(November 11, 1964 - October 17, 2011)

Funeral services for Tammy Price Higginbotham of Winona will be at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, at North Winona Baptist Church in Winona, with burial following in the Winona Garden of Memory.  Rev. Rusty Fair will officiate the services. A visitation will be held at Oliver Funeral Home on Tuesday, October 18, from 5:00 until 8:00 p.m.; and on Wednesday, from 12:30 until 1:30 p.m., at the funeral home. Ms. Higginbotham died of cancer at Mississippi Baptist Medical Center in Jackson on Monday, October 17.  She was 46 years old. Ms. Higginbotham was a clerk with Mid-Delta Home Health in Greenwood and attended North Winona Baptist Church in Winona.  She was a wonderful mother, daughter, and sister, and one of the sweetest people in the world.  To know her was to love her. She was preceded in death by her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Dee Smith, and her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elmer Price. Survivors include her sons, Gray Higginbotham of Greenwood and Daniel Price Higginbotham of Greenwood; her parents, Robert E. Price, Jr., and Beatrice Smith Price of Belzoni; her sister, Stephanie Bergeron and her husband, Troy, of Canton; her fiance, Jason Allan Eskridge and his son, Chris Eskridge, both of Winona; one niece, Amy Bergeron of Canton; one nephew, Chase Bergeron of Canton; and a host of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Pallbearers will be Trey Smith, Randy Henson, Gene Smith, Lawrence Braswell, Lance VanHorn, and Tim McBride.  Honorary pallbearers will be Rodney Higginbotham, Justin Jones, and Hunter Wall. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or to a church of the donor's choice.




Henry Hickingbottom (1922-2011) MS

Oct. 13, 1922 – Nov. 8, 2011
ROXIE — Services for Henry "Hoss" Hickingbottom, 89, of Meadville, who died Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011, at his residence, will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Mount Olive Baptist Church.
Burial will follow at the Natchez National Cemetery under the direction of Marshall Funeral Home.
Visitation will be from 9 a.m. until time of service at the church.
Mr. Hickingbottom was born Oct. 13, 1922, in Franklin County, the son of Tom and Ida Bell Nelson Hickingbottom.
He was a member of the U.S. Army and served during World War II.
Mr. Hickingbottom was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, Joe Louis Hickingbottom, James Lewis Hickingbottom and Kenneth Hickingbottom; and three sisters, Lula McPhail, Sadie Weathersby and Fay Middleton.
Survivors include his daughter Regina Rene Davis and husband, John P.; three grandchildren, Ashley, Kajohna and John Jr. Davis; two brothers, Bobby Hickingbottom and Elmo Hickingbottom; four sisters, Guynell Hickingbottom, Ruby Reed, Joan Frye and Garyel Echols; and a number of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.



djournal.com 1/23/2012

Alice Faye Higginbotham Moore (1957-2012) MS

HOUSTON – Alice Faye Moore, 54, died, Sunday, Jan. 22, 2012, at Trace Regional Hospital in Houston. She was born October 18, 1957, in Calhoun County to Willie David Higginbotham and Ethelene Brassfield Higginbotham. She was a member of Faith Bible Church in Houston.

Services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Faith Bible Church with Bro. Johnny Cherry officiating. Burial will be in Pine Crest Cemetery in Calhoun County. Memorial Funeral Home in Houston is in charge of the arrangements.

She is survived by her husband Marvin Moore of Houston; one daughter, Donna Hamblin (C.J. Jackson) of Tupelo; one stepdaughter, Beth Moore of Houston; five grandchildren, Alexis Hamblin, Patrick I. Evans, James T. Evans, Jordan G. Evans, and Jayden Moore; a niece Christie Higginbotham and a host of nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, James "Nate" Sims; a grandson Peyton Sims and a brother, Jerry Higginbotham.

Honorary Pallbearers will be her grandsons.

Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. today at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel and from 10 a.m. until service time Tuesday at Faith Bible Church.



The Star Herald 01/25/2012

Edna Catherine Carroll Higginbotham (1928-2012) MS

KOSCIUSKO - Catherine C. Higginbotham, 83, of Barnes, a factory worker for Carthage, Corp., died Jan. 22, 2012 at Leake County Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were held Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 10 a.m. at Jordan Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Center Hill Baptist Church Cemetery in the Conway Community. Rev. Marshall Lum and Rev. Shane McGivney officiated. She was a member of Rocky Point Baptist Church. She is survived by a daughter, Jean Tolleson and husband, Edwin of Florence; grandchildren, Brian Carpenter and wife, Tommie Kay, of Carthage and Brad Carpenter of Carthage; great-grandchildren, Dylan, James, and John; sister, Mary Collins of Kosciusko. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Higginbotham; son, James William "Billy" Higginbotham; and parents, George and Edna Huggins Carroll.




Billy Joe Higginbotham Sr. (1943-2012) MS

Billy Joe Higginbotham Sr., 69, died Tuesday, March 13, 2012, at Sanctuary Hospice House in Tupelo. He was born February 6, 1943, in Vardaman to Earlie Higginbotham and Ola Frances Wiggs Higginbotham. Services will be Friday, March 16, 2012, at 1:00 PM at Houston Funeral Home in Houston with the Rev. William Montgomery, assisted by Mr. William Burdine, officiating. Burial will follow at Wesley Chapel Cemetery in Houston. Houston Funeral Home of Houston, MS is in charge of the arrangements. Survivors include his wife, Josephine Peden Higginbotham of Houlka; his daughters, Beth and Bud Davis of Okolona, Nelda and Donnie Bell of Fulton; his son, B.J. and Christy Higginbotham of Pontotoc; his sister, Frances and Johnny Vance of Conway, AR; his grandchildren, Kristi White, Trey Davis, Dallas Davis, Savannah Davis, Paden Bell, Abbie Bell, Jeremiah Bell, Blake Hill, and Eli Stallings. He was preceded in death by his parents and his brothers, Jimmy Higginbotham and Dewayne Higginbotham. Pallbearers are Roy Harrell, Billy Fred Wiggs, Mike Peden, Josh Peden, B.G. White, and Billy Fred Wiggs Jr. Visitation is Thursday, March 15, 2012, from 5:00-7:00 PM at Houston Funeral Home.



The Sun Herald 03/21/2012

Larry Lee Higginbotham (1969-2012) MS

Born on February 01, 1969 Died on March 17, 2012.

Visitation: Friday, March 23, 2012 Service:  Friday, March 23, 2012

Larry Lee Higginbotham, 43, of Biloxi, MS passed away doing what he loved, cave diving. He was born on February 1, 1969 in Biloxi, MS and went home to the Lord on March 17th at Vortex Springs, Ponce De Leon, FL. He was preceded in death by his uncle Randy Higginbotham, his paternal grandfather, Percy Higginbotham, and his maternal grandfather, Robert (Paw) Loomis. He is survived by his two wonderful sons, Maxwell Higginbotham and Mason Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, MS, his mother Patricia Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, MS, father Larry E. Higginbotham (Elizabeth) of Janice, MS, a brother, Terry Higginbotham (Amanda and niece Emily) of San Diego, CA, and his grandmother, Joan Loomis of Ocean Springs, MS, three uncles Mike Loomis (Sue) of Virginia Beach, VA, Robert Loomis (Barbara) of Tucson, AZ and Timothy Loomis (Janet) of Mountain Home, ID, his former wife Sheri Vilski Quezada (Roque) of Ocean Springs, MS, a number of cousins, innumerable friends and two very special friends, Louise O'Brien of Gulfport and Stormy Stark of VA. Larry served his country for 20 years as a United States Marine. Duty stations include Parris Island, SC as administrative aide to the Commanding General, Camp Lejeune, NC, Twenty Nine Palms, CA, Okinawa, Keesler AFB, MS, and as a Military Aide to the command staff of NATO headquarters, Oslo, Norway and aboard the USS Guam during the Persian Gulf War. While stationed in California, he competed in and finished the Isuzu Ironman Triathlon. Larry also loved soccer and coached his sons in various leagues and had just started as a defensive coach for Maxwell's premier league team. He was also an avid fan of the Mississippi Surge and Saints football. After retirement, Larry went to work for International Game Technology (IGT) in Gulfport, where he worked as a Systems Engineer, a job he thoroughly loved. He was a graduate of St. Martin High School, class of 1987 and was the drum major his senior year. He also attended the University of Phoenix where he earned a Business Management Degree. Larry was a member of Rodenberg Church of Christ in Biloxi and often led singing, led prayers and other duties. Services are scheduled for Friday, March 23, 2012 at Rodenberg Church of Christ, 173 Rodenberg Avenue, Biloxi, MS. Visitation will be from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, followed by a 12:00 pm service. Brother Bill Denton, minister, will be leading the service along with others of the church. In lieu of flowers, the family request donations made to the Mississippi Honor Flight, MGC Honor Flight c/o Kiwanis Division 14, FEN. 516 Brandi Lane, Gulfport, MS 39507 or donations can be made at any Hancock Bank for the Honor Flight or St. Jude's Children Hospital online at www.stjude.org in his name. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Mississippi Press 05/06/2012

William Jesse Higginbotham (1915-2012) MS

July 2, 1915 - May 3, 2012

W.J. “Biddie” Higginbotham age 97 of Gautier, MS died Thursday May 3, 2012 in a local care center. Born July 2, 1915 in Pascagoula, MS to the late Jesse and Anirah White Higginbotham, he had been a lifelong resident of Jackson County. Biddie was an electrician by trade. He helped build many vessels, but his real passion was being on the water. He and his wife Eugenia ran their own shrimp boat from April thru December. He was well liked and respected by all who knew him. On September 12, 1954 he married the love of his life Eugenia Randall in Bay St. Louise, MS. He was preceded in death by his parents, his first wife Juanita Higginbotham, one brother P.J. Higginbotham, and one sister Denise Weisenburg. Among his survivors are his wife Eugenia Higginbotham of Gautier, MS, three sons Bill Higginbotham and his wife Sarah of Jackson, AL, Peter Higginbotham of Pascagoula, MS, Randy Sonnier and his wife Louann of Ocean Springs, MS; six daughters Joanna Jones of Grand Bay, AL, Helen Burton of Grand Bay, AL, Mary Virginia Massey and her husband Wayne of Gautier, MS, Carol Cannon and her husband Dennis of Pascagoula, MS, Genia Pino and her husband Carmelo of Atlanta, GA, Anirah Ceconi-Watson and her husband Brian of Houston, TX; 18 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren. A memorial mass will be celebrated Friday, May 11, 2012 at 10:00 AM from Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church in Pascagoula, MS. Inurnment will follow at Krebs Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 9:00 to 10:00 AM at the Church. Those who desire may make memorial contributions to the St. Vincent DePaul Society.



Hattiesburg American 05/13/2012

Lucy Kathryn Buckalew Higginbotham (1924-2012) MS

(July 4, 1924 - May 11, 2012)

Funeral services will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at the Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home for Lucy Kathryn Buckalew Higginbotham, 87 of Collins who passed away on Friday, May 11, 2012 at the Arrington Living Center in Collins. Reverend Anthony O’Neal, Reverend Rocky Holston, and Reverend Gerald Butler will officiate at the services with interment to follow at the Collins City Cemetery. Billy M. King Colonial Chapel Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Lauderdale County, Mississippi residing in both the Whynot and Vimville communities. She moved with her husband and two sons from the Vimville to Collins, Mississippi in 1965. She was a member of the First Baptist church of Collins. Mrs. Higginbotham had a love of gardening, sewing, and cooking but her greatest pleasure was caring for her family. She leaves a legacy of love and joy which she instilled in every member of her family. Pallbearers will be Richard Higginbotham, Michael Higginbotham, Neil Higginbotham, Roger Higginbotham, Robert Rasberry, and Mikel Higginbotham. Honorary pallbearers will be Angela Jones, Deanna Miller, John W. Jones, Terry Miller, and Mikel Higginbotham Jr. She was preceded in death by her parents, T.J. and Lucy Means Buckalew of Whynot, Mississippi and her brothers, Grady and Jim Buckalew of Meridian, Mississippi. Survivors include her husband of sixty five years, R.T. Higginbotham; two sons, Russell Higginbotham of Collins and Roger Higginbotham and his wife, Maria of Alabaster, Alabama; five grandchildren, Sergeant First Class Richard Higginbotham of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, Angela and John Jones of Mendenhall, Deanna and Terry Miller of Collins, Michael and Amanda Higginbotham of Calera, Alabama, and Neil Higginbotham of Collins; eight grandchildren, Jeffery Higginbotham of New Orleans, Louisiana, Dustin and Mia Higginbotham of Chicago, Illinois, Kylee Miller of Collins, Johnna Jones of Mendenhall, and Benjamin Higginbotham, Jack Higginbotham, and Jude Higginbotham, all of Calera Alabama; one niece, Jane Buckalew Griffin of Hattiesburg; two nephews, Thomas Buckalew of Meridian and Jim Buckalew of Montgomery, Alabama. Visitation will be held on Monday, May 14, 2012 from 6:00-8:00 P.m. at Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home.



Mississippi Press 05/19/2012

Mary Elizabeth Miller Higginbotham (1934-2012) KY/MS

Mary E. Higginbotham Age 77 of Moss Point, Mississippi. Passed away at her home Friday, May 13, 2012. Mary was born August 10, 1934 in Kentucky to Milburn and Ida Pearl (Wilson) Miller. She is survived by her son Gary R. Higginbotham. Proud grandmother of 8 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband Bennie Higginbotham, Jr., and 2 sons Bernie, Sr. and Jerry Higginbotham. Funeral Services will be Monday May 21, 2012 at 1:00 P.M. at Coastal Funeral Home, 12800 Hwy 613, Moss Point, MS. Visitation will be 11:00 A.M. until time of service. Burial to follow at Serene Memorial Gardens.



Clarion Ledger 10/23/2012

William Elzie Higginbotham (1931-2012) MS

William E. Higginbotham, "Billy", of Itta Bena, Mississippi, died October 21, 2012 at the Baptist Hospital in Jackson, MS. Funeral services are 2 P.M. Tuesday October 23 at Wilson & Knight funeral home with interment in McNutt cemetery near Schlater. A longtime resident of Itta Bena, Billy served in the US Army during the Korean War and was a faithful member of First Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Dorothy, three children, Linda H. Williams (Ronnie) of Jackson, Mississippi, Byron Higginbotham (Kay) of Searcy, Arkansas, and Karen H. Ashley (Jeff) of Madison, Mississippi, five grandchildren, Stephanie H. Williams (Steve) of Searcy, Arkansas, Joshua Higginbotham (Lesley) of Searcy, Arkansas, Wayne Higginbotham of Searcy, Arkansas, McKayla Ashley of Madison, Mississippi, Anna Leigh Ashley of Madison Mississippi, and five great-grandchildren , Chastin Reed of Searcy, Arkansas, Channing Williams of Searcy, Arkansas, and Caden, Carver, and Olivia Higginbotham of Searcy, Arkansas. Billy is survived by one sister, Odean Reynolds as well as many nieces and nephews who loved him dearly. Memorials may be made to First Baptist Church of Itta Bena, Mississippi.




Allie Odean Higginbotham Reynolds (1927-2012) MS/TX

Allie was the third child born to Gilbert Estes Higginbotham and Lilly Idella Andrews Higginbotham. She was reared near Schlater Mississippi and attended school there. While growing up she lived with her family in a genuine Log House. She married Henry Raymond "Shorty" Reynolds on August 26,1944 in Greenwood Mississippi. She worked as a seamstress all her life. She worked for Ruleville Manufacturing Company, sewing jackets and other garments. She also ran a business out of her home, making cheerleader uniforms for all of the Old Miss Squad and other youth groups. She also made many wedding dresses and Maid of Honor dresses. She did not like alterations but would do them for friends when prevailed upon. In addition to her parents and husband she was preceded in death by her brothers T.C., Aubrey and Billy Higginbotham. Following cremation, memorial services were held at The Caney Creek Church with Mickey Reynolds officiating on October 24,2012. Interment services were held on Friday October 26,2012 at he Ruleville Baptist Church in Ruleville, Mississippi. Survivors include her daughters Carol Ann Reynolds of Gulfport Miss, Leslie Joan Horta (Rudy) of Wharton Texas, sons Henry Raymond Reynolds Jr. (Joyce) of Ocean Springs, Mississippi and Mickey Donald Reynolds(Vicky) of Wharton Texas; 18 Grand children and 19 Great grandchildren. She will also be remembered by her Brother-in-law, Robert D. Reynolds and wife Estelle of Titusville Florida and Sister-in-law Annie Pearl Olauson of Seattle Washington. along with many nieces and nephews that loved her dearly. Funeral services under direction of Wharton Funeral Home.



The Times-Picayune 11/11/2012

Paul Rodney Higginbotham (ca1942-2012) LA/MS

Paul Rodney Higginbotham, age 70, of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, passed away in the comfort of his own home in the presence of family and friends on November 8, 2012. He was the beloved husband of Diane Lisenbea Higginbotham, brother of Javalie Woodson, father of 12 children, grandfather of 23 grandchildren and great grandfather of 16 great grandchildren. He is also survived by numerous family and friends. He was a native of Opelousas, Louisiana and resident of Hattiesburg, Mississippi for the past 7 years. He was a graduate of Opelousas High School, a highly decorated Chief Warrant Officer of 25 years in the United States Coast Guard, worked at the Stennis Space Center, and for the City of Slidell. He was a former member of the Bayou Liberty Civic Club and St Genevieve Church of Slidell, Louisiana. He was preceded in death by Ida and Moise Kidder, "Mac" Higginbotham and PeeWee Higginbotham. He was the life of the party, lived life to the fullest and never met a stranger. We will miss him dearly. Visiting hours will be observed in the Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas, LA, on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, from 12 p.m. until 1:45 p.m. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, at Sibille Funeral Home Chapel in Opelousas, LA. Interment will follow in the Bellevue Memorial Park in Opelousas, LA. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Sibille Funeral Home of Opelousas.



Clarion Ledger 11/20/2012

Etta Wilson Higginbotham (1929-2012) MS

(November 29, 1929 - November 18, 2012)

Graveside funeral services for Etta Wilson Higginbotham of Carrollton will be at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 20, at Bethel Cemetery near Kilmichael, with burial following. Rev. Eddie Carpenter will officiate the service. Visitation will be from 1:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday at Lee Funeral Home in Winona. Mrs. Higginbotham died at Greenwood Leflore Hospital in Greenwood on Sunday, November 18. She was 82 years old. Mrs. Higginbotham was the daughter of the late Robert Howard and Rainey Lou Elizabeth Beard Wilson and the widow of the late James Edward Higginbotham. She was a homemaker and attended Malmaison Baptist Church near Carrollton. She was preceded in death by four siblings. Survivors include two daughters, Shelia Goss of Carrollton, Debra Willhite of Carrollton; four sons, James Higginbotham of Calhoun City, Jimmy Higginbotham of Carrollton, Johnny Higginbotham of Carrollton, and Wayne Higginbotham of Carrollton; one brother, Tom Wilson of Columbia, TN; twenty-two grandchildren; twenty-seven great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; and a host of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Shaun Higginbotham, Jonathan Higginbotham, Zack Story, Timothy Skelton, Brandon Daves, Johnny Higginbotham, Zack Underwood, Frank Bowers, Mike Brewer, and Phillip Jones.




Huey Edward Higginbottom (1923-2012) MS

Edward Higginbottom, 89, of Iuka, Mississippi, died Thursday, December 13, 2012, at North Mississippi Medical Center - Iuka. He was a member of Iuka Gospel Chapel. Visitation is scheduled for 6:00 until 9:00 p.m., Saturday, December 14, 2012, at Iuka Gospel Chapel in Iuka. Funeral services are scheduled for 1:00 p.m., Saturday, December 15, 2012, at Iuka Gospel Chapel in Iuka officiated by Bro. Encil Edmonds. Interment will follow in Sardis Cemetery. Cutshall Funeral Home of Iuka, MS is entrusted with arrangements. He is survived by his wife of 69 years, Geneva Higginbottom of Iuka, MS; six sons, Charles Higginbottom of Dennis, MS, Ben Higginbottom of Iuka, Ricky Higginbottom of Iuka, Mike Higginbottom of Iuka, Anthony Lee Higginbottom of Iuka and Greg Higginbottom of Houston, TX; one sister, Maxine Cooper of Red Bay, AL; 11 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.



djournal.com, Tupelo, MS 12-26-2012

Alice Katherine Higginbotham Shuler (1932-2012) MS

PONTOTOC – Alice Katherine Shuler, 80, died Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012, at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. She was born March 28, 1932, to Flora Blansett Higginbotham and Jack Higginbotham of Houston. She worked all her life as a seamstress in the garment and furniture industries. She loved flowers, quilting, gospel music and her family.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Tutor Memorial Funeral Home in Pontotoc with Bro. Bennie Randolph officiating. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery.
Survivors include her best friend of 51 years, Ollie Vaughn; three sisters, Melba Higginbotham Bishop (Doug) of Tupelo, Eardeal Higginbotham Foster of Pontotoc and Maxine Higginbotham Winsett of Vardaman; three grandchildren, Stacie Shuler Whitten (Alan) of Blue Springs, Terri Shuler Sanders (Tracy) of Ecru and David Shuler (Rhonda) of Pontotoc; seven great-grandchildren, Glenda Carr Mixon (Joseph) of Pontotoc, Allicia Carr of Blue Springs, Tiffany Shuler, Brandon Shuler, Billy Sanders, Brianna Sanders and Nathan Sanders, all of Pontotoc, Gary Shuler and Lela Shuler of Cleveland, Tenn.; two special nieces, Vicki Griffin Ferguson (David) of Oxford and Michelle Vaughn Bryant (Mike) of Houlka; and great-great-grandchildren, Matt Mixon and Isabella Mixon of Pontotoc and Nathan Carr of Blue Springs.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her son, Nathan Shuler Jr.; her husband, Nathan Shuler; a daughter-in-law, Glenda Gregory Shuler; a sister, Ruby Higginbotham Long; and a stepson, Franklin Shuler.
Pallbearers will be David Ferguson, Billy Foster, Jerry Carr, Larry Young, Billy Tackett and Frankie Paepke. Doug Bishop will be an honorary pallbearer.
Visitation will be from 5 to 9 p.m. today and from noon to 2 p.m. Thursday.
Memorials may be made to Pontotoc Apostolic Church.




Rebecca McKee Higginbotham (1965-2013) MS
(January 22, 1965 - January 4, 2013)
Mrs. Rebecca Higginbotham, 47, of Shuqualak, MS passed away at her residence on Friday, January 4, 2013. Her funeral service will be held on Sunday January 6, 2013 at 2:00 P.M. from Cockrell Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Allen Eaves officiating. Interment will follow in Shuqualak Cemetery. The visitation will be held from 1:00 until 2:00 P.M. Sunday at the funeral home. Any memorials are requested to be made to your local animal shelter. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is entrusted with the funeral arrangements. Mrs. Higginbotham was born on January 22, 1965 to Frances Bishop McKee and the late Duane McKee in Neshoba County, MS. She grew up in Kemper County, MS and graduated from Kemper County High School. She married Kevin Higginbotham on June 24, 1983. She worked for several years at the Texaco in Laurel, MS as store manager until the need for her to care for her husband, who was in poor health, forced her to retire. Mrs. Higginbotham was of the Methodist faith. She loved and enjoyed taking care of her family and also extended her love and care to animals in need. She was an accomplished painter who embraced life and brought joy to all who knew her. In addition to her husband, Kevin, of Shuqualak, Rebecca McKee Higginbotham is survived by her mother: Frances McKee of Dekalb, MS as well as by one sister: Connie Harbour; and two brothers: Drexel McKee and Randy McKee, all of Dekalb, MS. and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her father: Duane McKee.



Meridian Star 02/23/2013

Mary Frances Higginbotham Withers Burrage (1917-2013) MS

MERIDIAN-Funeral services for Mary Frances Higginbotham Burrage age 95 of Meridian will be held Sunday at 2 p.m.  in the chapel of Stephens Funeral Home with the Rev. John Sweeney officiating. Burial will follow in Goodwater Cemetery. Mrs. Burrage passed away Thursday at J.T. Champion Nursing Home. She was a long time resident of Meehan and a retired seamstress. She is survived by children James Carl Withers and wife Brenda of Cochranton, Pa., June Collins Hopper, Janice Lee Allen Wood, nine grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren, all of Meridian and a brother Lewis Higginbotham of Philadelphia. Frances was preceded in death by her husband Jimmy Poncit Burrage Sr., son Jimmy Poncit Burrage Jr., four brothers and four sisters. Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. today at Stephens Funeral Home.



Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal March 14 2013

Mattie Lean Higginbottom Young (1947-2013) MS
ECRU – Mattie Lean Higginbottom Young, 65, died Friday, March 8, 2013, at North Mississippi Medical Center in Pontotoc. A native of Lafayette County, she was the daughter of Newt and Blanchie Parham Higginbottom. She was a lifelong member of Ecru Second Baptist Church, where she served as Sunday School teacher and Sunday School superintendent, choir member and past president of the usher board. She loved people and always wore a smile. She love to bake from scratch.
Celebration of life services will be 1 p.m. Friday at Ecru Second Baptist Church. The Rev Terry Baber will officiate. Burial will be in Pontotoc City Cemetery. Kenneth I. Roberson Funeral Home of Pontotoc is in charge of the arrangements.
She is survived by her husband, Prettis Young Sr. of Ecru; three sons, Prettis (Tasha) Young and Patrick (Christina) young, all of Ecru, and Perry (Hope) Young of Noxapater; five sisters, Lucy Jenkins of Ecru, Ora Lee Vaughn, Helen Ivy and Beatrice Griffin, all of St. Louis, Mo., and Connie Anderson of Chicago; five brothers, Willie Chester Higginbottom of Fayettevillle, N.C., Arthur Lee Higginbottom of Ft. Madison, Iowa, Oscar Higginbottom of Racine, Wis., Robert Higginbottom of Atlanta, Ga., and Gene Higginbottom of Chicago; and eight grandchildren.
Visitation will be from noon to 7 p.m. today with family present from 6 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home.



Henry Clay Higginbotham (1937-2013) MS

Mr. Henry Clay Higginbotham, 75, passed away on June 25, 2013, at his resident Mashulaville, Mississippi. Visitation will be Friday, June 28, 2013, from 10 a.m. until service time at Mashulaville Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. at Mashulaville Baptist Church on Friday, June 28, with Rev. Bobby Parrish officiating. Interment will follow in Mashulaville Baptist Church Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was born on September 20, 1937, to John Jackson and Addie Comens Higginbotham. He was a member of Mashulaville Baptist Church and he retired from the Mississippi Forestry Commission.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife of 54 years, Peggy Sue Vaughn Higginbotham of Mashulaville; his son, Ricky Higginbotham of Nanih Waiya; and three daughters: Tammy Cade of Mashulaville, Kim Garret of Meridian, Mississippi, and Tina Buchanan of Crawford, Mississippi. He is also survived by his sister, Gaddie B. Holdiness of Preston, Mississippi; and by eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Mr. Higginbotham is preceded in death by his parents; by three brothers, A. G. Higginbotham, Benny Higginbotham, and C. Q. Higginbotham; and by two sisters, Alice Coleman and Earline Richardson.

Serving as pallbearers will be Shane Baty, Allen Higginbotham, Mike Randazo, Bryan Dill, Buddy Chappell, and Michael Chappell. Memorials may be given to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Tribute Program, P. O. Box 1000 Department 142, Memphis, TN 38148-0142.

Arrangements are under the direction of Nowell-Massey Funeral Home, 724 N. Columbus Avenue, Louisville, MS.




Mary Ruth Walls Higginbotham (1927-2013) MS

Houston- Mary Ruth Walls Higginbotham, 85, died Friday, July 5, 2013, at Trace Regional Hospital in Houston, MS. She was born Dec. 18, 1927, in Vardaman to Albert Franklin Walls and Minitia Ethel Burgess Walls.
She was a homemaker and a farmer. She was a member of Thorn Church of God.
Services will be at 4:00 PM Sunday, July 7, 2013, at Houston Funeral Home in Houston, MS with Bro. Arnold Amason and Bro. Frank Samples officiating. Burial will follow at Ellzey Cemetery in Vardaman. Houston Funeral Home of Houston is in charge of the arrangements.
Survivors include her daughter, Betty and Bobby Holder of Houston; her sons, Danny Higginbotham of Houston and Jimmy and Linda Higginbotham of Houston; her sister, Tarlene Thompson of Amory; her sister-in-law, Zelda Walls of Houlka; her grandchildren, Alisha Holder, Chris and Alisha Higginbotham, Brad Higginbotham, Jennifer and Josh Chandler, Cory Higginbotham; her great-grandchildren, Carlie Higginbotham, Taylor Higginbotham, Brodie Chandler, Mary Ella Chandler, James William Higginbotham, and Griffin Higginbotham.
She was preceded in death by her husband, William Henry Higginbotham on Dec. 8, 1996, her parents and her brother, Arlis Lee Walls and L. H. "Gus" Walls.
Pallbearers are Shawn Carter, Dennis Washington, Danny Suggs, Brad Higginbotham, Chris Higginbotham and Cory Higginbotham.
Visitation will be Sunday, July 7, 2013 from 2:00 PM until the 4:00 PM funeral service time at Houston Funeral Home.



Daily Journal 07/08/2013

Virginia Joann Higginbotham Hardin Howell (1947-2013) MS

Virginia Joann Higginbotham Howell, 65, died Sunday, July 7, 2013, at Sanctuary Hospice House in Tupelo. She was born Oct. 27, 1947, in Chickasaw County to John D. Higginbotham and Murtice Woodall Higginbotham. She was a retired truck driver. She attended Macedonia Methodist Church in Houston. Services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday, July 9, at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Steve Lampkin officiating. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery in Houston. Memorial Funeral Home of Houston is in charge of arrangements. She is survived by her husband, Lowell Don Howell of Houston; one daughter, Jennifer Carter of Dyer, Ark.; one son, Thomas Howell (Leigh Ann) of Houston; two sisters, Linda Brabant (Warren) of Plato, Mo., and Mary J. Nabors (J.D.)of Houston; and three grandsons, Ethan Hardin of Fort Campbell, Ky., Dalton Carter of Pontotoc, and Garrison Howell of Houston. She was preceded in death by her parents; her brother, Bill Higginbotham; and her two sisters, Lucy Trent and Kay Trent. Pallbearers will be Ethan Hardin, Dalton Carter, Garrison Howell, Kevin Moore, Billy Moore, and Paul Trent. Honorary pallbearers will be all of her truck driving family. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Macedonia Methodist Church in Houston.



The Mississippi Press 08/29/2013

Cynthia Rebecca Collins Higginbotham (1957-2013) MS

Sept. 2, 1957 - Aug. 18, 2013

Cynthia Collins Higginbotham lost a lengthy battle with cancer on August 18, 2013. Cindy was born Cynthia Rebecca Collins on September 2, 1957 in Leland, Mississippi to Charlie W. Collins and Ellie V. Goodin. She was preceded in death by her parents and her late husband Paul Lambert Higginbotham, a brother Frankie G. Collins and a sister Alice Jean (Collins) Neese. Cindy is survived by her sons Steven Zachary Higginbotham and Paul Lambert Higginbotham Jr. of Lumberton, Mississippi and four brothers Charles D. Collins of Lumberton, Allen Bragg (Brad) Collins and William Dwight Collins of Jackson County and Paul B. Collins of New Orleans, La. Cindy was a graduate of East Central High School and a long time resident of Jackson County before moving to Union, Ms. A memorial service will be held at Family Life Church on Highway 63 in Escatawpa at 11:00am on Saturday September 7, 2013.



The Sun Herald 09/28/2013

James Joseph Higginbotham (1917-2013)

Ocean Springs James J. "Jim" Higginbotham, age 95, of Ocean Springs, MS passed on Friday, September 27, 2013 in Pass Christian, MS. He was born November 3, 1917 in Youngsville, LA as the 8th child of 13 children of James and Marie Higginbotham. Jim was preceded in death by his parents; his brothers, Nelson, Charles, Martin, Belin (Bill); his sisters, Laura, Mae, Annette, Marie (MiMi); 3 siblings who died at birth; his 1st wife Thelma; and 2nd wife Myrtis. He is survived by his 5 children from his 1st wife Thelma: sons, Gary, Carroll (Mary K.), John, all of Ocean Springs, Eugene (Ila) of Saucier; and daughter, Mary Grace (John) Watts of D'Iberville; 5 grandchildren; 7 great grandchildren; his brother, Stephen "Nook" of Lafayette, LA; & numerous nephews & nieces. As a youth he worked the cane fields of South, LA before the family moved to Biloxi to work in the seafood industry. He later became a master boat builder on the Gulf Coast. During WWII he was pulled from the draft along with other master boat builders from the Gulf Coast to work in different yards along the Gulf Coast on Defense projects. Jim built 11 Texas trawlers & 2 Biloxi lugers in his own boat yard in Biloxi in the 1940's & early 1950's. He began his career in the shipbuilding industry in 1953 with Ingalls, where he worked until he retired. He was a long standing member of the French Club in Biloxi and served as president several times. He was a lifetime member of Knights of Columbus and lifetime member of 4th Degree. Jim loved dancing at the French Club, VFW and Mardi Gras Balls. After his retirement he spent most of his time on his farm tending to his pecan trees and cattle. He was a devout Catholic and member of Christ the King Mission Church in Latimer. He is best known by family and friends for his delicious pecan pies. The family would like to thank Dr. William Striegel & his staff at Bienville Medical Clinic in Ocean Springs, Pinnacle Hospice of D'Iberville and especially Kim Zuilly and her wonderful staff at Pass Oaks Assisted Living in Pass Christian for all their care and understanding during his illness. Visitation will be held at the Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home on Sunday, September 29, 2013 from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. with Rosary at 7:00 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Monday, September 30, 2013 at Christ the King Mission Church in Latimer at 10:00 a.m. Interment will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery.




Geneva Garrett Higginbottom (1926-2013) MS

Geneva Higginbottom, 86, of Iuka, Mississippi, died Friday, December 13, 2013, at the Tishomingo Manor Nursing Home. She was a member of Iuka Gospel Chapel.

Survivors include 6 sons – Charles H. Higginbottom of Dennis; Ben H. Higginbottom, Ricky H. Higginbottom, Mike H. Higginbottom, and Anthony H. Higginbottom, all of Iuka; and Greg H. Higginbottom of Houston, TX; 4 sisters – Christine Bryant, Jewel Cowan, and Nell Garrett, all of Atwood, TN; and Helen Cowan of Jacksonville, FL; 11 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Higginbottom.

Visitation is scheduled for 5 until 9 PM on Sunday, December 15 at Iuka Gospel Chapel. Funeral services are scheduled for 1 PM on Monday, December 16, 2013, at Iuka Gospel Chapel, officiated by Bro. Encil Edwards. Interment will follow in Sardis Cemetery.

Cutshall Funeral Home of Iuka, MS is entrusted with arrangements.



Clarion Ledger 02/09/2014

Sylvia Ann Robbins Higginbotham (1941-2014) MS

November 2, 1941 - February 8, 2014

Sylvia Robbins Higginbotham, age 72, of Columbus, MS, passed away February 8, 2014, at Baptist Memorial Hospital. A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, at 2:00 PM at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd with Rev. Sandra Depriest officiating. Visitation will be Monday, February 10, 2014, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at Gunter & Peel Funeral Home and also Tuesday, one hour prior to the memorial service at the church. Mrs. Higginbotham was born November 2, 1941, in Laurel, MS, to the late Frank and Floye Temple Robbins. She was a graduate of Ellisville High School and she attended the University of North Carolina in Greensboro and the University of Louisiana in Lafayette. Mrs. Higginbotham worked in various media outlets locally and out of town including TV, radio, and print. She also worked in tourism serving as the former executive director for both the Columbus Historical Foundation and the Columbus Arts Council. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church and attended the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brother, Fr. Joel Robbins, and sister, Marlene Sumrall. Survivors include her husband, Weldon F. "Joe" Higginbotham of Columbus, daughters, Saxonie Eicholtz and her husband Tim of Louisville, KY, and Shay Erazo and her husband Dave of Miami, FL, and grandchildren, Sarah "Sunny" Eicholtz, Cosmo Erazo, and Enzo Erazo. In lieu of Flowers, memorials may be sent to the American Diabetes Association, 16 Northtown Dr., Jackson, MS, 39211.



The Commercial Appeal 02/15/2014

Tyler D. Higginbotham (1973-2014) MS

West Point - TYLER D. HIGGINBOTHAM, 42, died February 14, 2014. Calvert, (662)494-2833.



The Sun Herald 02/17/2014

Alta Mae Menard Higginbotham (1927-2014) LA/MS

April 29, 1927 - February 14, 2014

Mrs. Higginbotham was born on April 29, 1927 in Henry, Louisiana to the late Clodie Peter and Alma Lee Menard. She  She is preceded in death by her parents, Clodie Peter and Alma Menard; her daughter, Mary Grace Higginbotham; brothers, Peter “L.J.” and A.J Menard; and her great grandson, Miles Joseph Epperly. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her loving husband of 69 years, Dennis Paul Higginbotham; two sons, Al (Diane) Higginbotham and Father Robert “Bob” Higginbotham; daughter, Nancy Hayden; sister-in-law, Betty Menard; four grandchildren, Sharon Camille Higginbotham, Josh (Beth) Hayden, Brooke (Travis) Epperly, and R.J. Hayden, and five great grandchildren, Jackson Moore, Ella Hayden, Reese Epperly, Harloe Hayden, and Phoebe Epperly. The family will receive friends from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, 20, 2014 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in D’Iberville. The Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. with Father Robert “Bob” Higginbotham and Father Tony Arguelles officiating. Interment will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery all under the direction of Southern Mississippi Funeral Services in Ocean Springs. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Vincent de Paul at Sacred Heart Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart Elementary School, 10446 LeMoyne Blvd., D’Iberville, MS 39540 or The March of Dimes, 205 Lambert Street, Suite A, Mobile, AL, 36604.



Mobile Register 03/04/2014

Rita Higginbotham (ca1934-2014) AL

Age 79, died 3/3/14. Service 3/5/14 Serenity Funeral Home 2 pm with visitation starting 12 noon until service time. Interment Serenity Memorial Gardens.




William Lewis Higginbotham (1929-2014) MS

(February 20, 1929 - March 27, 2014)


Mr. William L. "Bill" Higginbotham, 85, of Philadelphia, died Thursday, March 27, 2014 at Mississippi State Veterans Home in Kosciusko. He was a native and longtime resident of Neshoba County.  He retired after 30 years from the U.S. Army as Command Sergeant Major, having served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.  He formerly worked as a security guard for Weyerhaeuser in Philadelphia.  Mr. Higginbotham was Baptist by faith. He was an avid golfer for many years. Survivors include his daughters, Debra Johnson of Rio Rancho, New Mexico and Denise Butler (Bobby) of Philadelphia; son, Byron Higginbotham of Philadelphia; granddaughters, Lisa Roskos (John) of Rio Rancho, New Mexico and Molly Butler of Philadelphia; great-granddaughters, Olivia Roskos and Taylor Roskos; and numerous nieces, nephews and their families. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Christine Higginbotham; parents, Bama and Ada Higginbotham; sisters, Annie Pearl Holyfield, Agnes Alexander, Frances Burrage, Jean Smith and Betty Lewis; and brothers, Leroy Higginbotham, Leonard Higginbotham and Leon Higginbotham.



The Sun Herald 05/08/2014

Brenda Ann Higginbotham LeGrone (1941-2014) MS

Gautier - Mrs. Brenda Higginbotham LeGrone, age 72, of Gautier, MS, passed away on Wednesday, May 7, 2014, in Ocean Springs. Mrs. LeGrone was a lifelong resident of the coast. She graduated from Biloxi High School in 1959 where she was a cheerleader. She was very active and involved in St. Mary's Catholic Church in Gautier and was also a Lector and Eucharistic Minister. She loved children and worked in the daycare at St. Mary's for many years. She taught CCD classes and loved teaching the Catholic faith. She loved to cook for the senior lunches at the church and for the St. Mary's fair booth. Mrs. LeGrone also worked at the President Casino for ten years in the Food and Beverage department. She was preceded in death by her mother, Jewel Higginbotham, two brothers, Johnny Higginbotham and Scott Higginbotham and a sister-in-law, Diane Higginbotham. Survivors include her husband of 53 years, James LeGrone, daughter, Juli LeGrone (Hubert) Callahan, son, Archie (Stephanie Chase) LeGrone, father, George Higginbotham, four sisters, Donna Kay Higginbotham (Walter) Brightman, Sandy Higginbotham, Debbye Higginbotham and Lori Higginbotham (Clyde) Jacquet, four brothers, Kenneth (Donna) Higginbotham, Richard Higginbotham, Keith (Ann) Higginbotham and Greg (Cozy) Higginbotham, sisters-in-law, Susan Higginbotham and Wanda (Nicholas) Haas, four grandchildren, Abby Yocom (Brett) Allred, Aaron Stone, Adam Stone and Archer Chase LeGrone and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles. Visitation will be on Saturday, May 10, 2014, from 9:30 am until 11am, with an 11 am Mass of Christian Burial, all at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Gautier. Burial will follow in Crestlawn Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers the family prefers donations be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital , 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105. The family would like to thank Hospice of Light and Kammy Goff for their very special care and compassion. The Ocean Springs Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.




Weldon Francis Higginbotham (1939-2014) TX/MS

(October 2, 1939 - June 9, 2014)

Weldon F. "Joe" Higginbotham, age 74, of Columbus, MS, passed away June 9, 2014, at Baptist Memorial Hospital. A memorial service will be Saturday, June 14, 2014, at 2:00 PM at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd with Rev. Anne Harris officiating. Visitation will be Friday, June 13, 2014, from 6:00 until 8:00 PM at Gunter & Peel Funeral Home. Mr. Higginbotham was born October 2, 1939, in Kilgore, TX, to the late William Weldon and Marion Sopher Higginbotham. He was a veteran of Vietnam serving in the United States Navy for 13 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi. He was a past member of the National Association of Accountants and the Broadcast Financial Association. Mr. Higginbotham was and avid golfer and was past president of the Columbus Country Club. He attended the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd and in addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Sylvia Robbins Higginbotham. Survivors include his daughters, Saxonie Eicholtz and her husband Tim of Louisville, KY, and Shay Erazo and her husband Dave of Miami, FL, brother, Robert Higginbotham of Madison, MS, sister, Anna Rogers of Mobile, AL, and grandchildren, Sarah "Sunny" Eicholtz, Cosmo Erazo, and Enzo Erazo. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Baptist Memorial Hospice Program, P.O. Box 1307, Columbus, MS, 39703.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 07/10/2014

Donnabel Higginbotham Langford (1923-2014) MS

Donnabel Higginbotham Langford, 91 of Meadville, MS, passed from this life Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at home in Meadville, MS. Visitation will be on Thursday, July 10, 2014 from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM and will continue on Friday, July 11, 2014 from 10:00 AM until the time of service at 11:00 AM at Franklin Funeral Home. Rev. Dale Linton will be officiating the services. Franklin Funeral Home will be handling the arrangements.
Pall Bearers will be Nathan Orr, Jamie Matthews, Jeff Mullins, Bill Halford, David Scarbrough and Kirk Williamson. Honorary pallbearers will be Danny Oglesby, Jimmy Torrey and Tommy Hutto.
Mrs. Langford is preceded in death by her husband of 52 years E.W. (Tiny) Langford; parents, Quantrell (Tont) Higginbotham and Nelie Cunningham Higginbotham; son, Allen (Badge) Langford; brothers, Alfred, Hugh, and Elmer Higginbotham.
Mrs. Langford is survived by her daughters, Eva L. Guice (Mike) of Meadville, Daisy L. Arnold (Scotty) of Meadville, and Jo Nell Griffith (Larry), of Meadville; Eight Grandchildren, Michelle Orr, Cindy Ashmore, Melinda Arnold, Kristi Matthews, Donna Brewer, Tommy Arnold, Allison Kirkendall and Jennifer Griffith; Daughter in Law, Dee Langford; Eight great Grandchildren and two step great grandchildren.



The Sun Herald 07/13/2014

Oscar James Higginbotham (1930-2014) MS

July 24, 1930 ~ July 8, 2014

Ocean Springs - Oscar James Higginbotham, age 83, went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, July 8, 2014. A Biloxi native, Oscar grew up on Fountain Street near Back Bay during the Great Depression and was the son of a bridge tender. His mother (a seafood factory worker and housewife) and younger sister were known to have spoiled him shamelessly. Oscar delivered papers at age 12 and graduated from Biloxi High School at 17 after being voted Most Friendly. A month before his 18th birthday he talked his parents into signing the papers that allowed him to join the United States Navy. After spending time aboard ship in Japan and Hawaii, Oscar met his lifelong love, Floy Mae McAllister, who was renting a room next door to his aunt in Biloxi. The two fell in love and were engaged to be married three weeks after their first date. Oscar and Flo celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary on June 13. Oscar's 21 year Navy career took him to Florida, Pakistan, California, Washington DC and Spain. After his retirement, he worked as an insurance claims adjuster and lived in Ocean Springs and Vancleave. He and Flo travelled extensively, scheduling timeshare vacations all across Europe, Canada, Mexico and many parts of the US. He delighted in his children and grandchildren and spent most of his time with his family. Oscar was a 32nd Degree Mason and a member of the Joppa Shrine Temple and Tin Lizzie unit. He was a member of St Paul United Methodist Church in Ocean Springs where he sang in the choir for many years. He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Vera Clara (Ramsay) Higginbotham; and his sister, Myrta Faye (John) Williams. Besides his wife, Oscar is survived by three children: Chuck Higginbotham, Cindy (Mike) Singleton and Cheryl (Steve) Martino; six grandchildren: Jessica (Lee) Hill, Alyssa (Sam) Taylor, Lia (Caleb) Brasher and Eldon, Ethan and Dyllan Martino; six great-grandchildren: Parker, Ramsey and Ellie Hill and Mac, Drew and Clara Mae Taylor. Visitation will be on Monday, July 14, from 11 am until 1 pm, with a 1 pm church service, all at St. Paul UMC Downtown in Ocean Springs. Burial will follow in Biloxi National Cemetery.




George Joseph Higginbotham (1921-2014) LA/MS

Woolmarket-George Joseph Higginbotham, 93, died at his home in Woolmarket on Monday, July 28, 2014. George was born on May 17, 1921 in Youngsville, LA but spent most of his life in Biloxi and Woolmarket, MS. He was the son of Nelson Higginbotham and Edna (Delcambre) Higginbotham. He was of the Catholic faith. George was a past president of the Fleur de Lis Society, lifetime member of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, and was a lifetime member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2434. He served as Biloxi Shrimp King with his granddaughter as Queen in 1998. George was a loving husband for 66 years, a devoted father of eleven children, 22 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. PFC George Higginbotham served as a Marine in WWII from 1944 to 1945 with the 1st Marine Division seeing combat in the invasion of Okinawa, Japan. He was wounded on June 19, 1945 and 50 years later received his Purple Heart Medal during a special presentation in July of 2004. He spent most of his life working in the seafood industry. Starting out working on oyster and shrimp boats with his dad and retiring as co-owner of Del's Seaway Shrimp and Oyster Company with his cousin Paul J. Delcambre, Sr. located on Biloxi's Back Bay. He was preceded in death by his wife, Jewell Higginbotham; daughter, Brenda (Higginbotham) LeGrone; sons, John and Scott Higginbotham; and daughter-in-law Diane (Rose) Higginbotham; his parents; 3 brothers, Percy, Curtis and Carey Higginbotham; and sister, Shirley Parker. George is survived by four daughters, Donna (Walter) Brightman, Lori (Clyde) Jacquet, Debbye and Sandy Higginbotham; four sons, Kenneth (Donna), Keith (Ann), Gregory (Cozy), and Richard Higginbotham; daughter-in-law, Susan Higginbotham; son-in-law, James LeGrone; two sisters, Melba R. Higginbotham and Rose Mary Tiblier; brother, Dennis Higginbotham; longtime friend of the family and care giver, Rebecca Phillips; longtime and loyal friend, Jerry Ellis; grandchildren, Juli (Hubert) Callahan, Archie (Stephanie) LeGrone, Kenny Kweens, Amber (Chris) Thibodeaux, Josh (Joy) Duncan, Kim (Eddie) Rodgers, Mike (Michelle) Duncan, Ashley (Sonny) Seymour, Angie Hood, Walter W. Brightman, Jamie (Jimmy) Mathews, Christian (Daniel) Preston, Matthew (Melody) Compton, Shawn Jacquet, April Gruich, Amanda (Johnny) White, Andrew Higginbotham, Josh (Krystal) Ellis, Kyle (Emileigh) Ellis, Amy (Dylan) Hauge, Bayleigh Thornton, Sydney Cannette and 30 great-grandchildren. The family would like to thank Deaconess Home Health Care, Dr. Bradley Heitzman, Dr. Eva Magarios and Dr. Charles Gruich. The family prefers memorials be sent to the Wounded Warriors Veteran Program, PO Box 758517, Topeka, KS 66675 or the St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy, 735 Division St., Biloxi, MS 39530. Visitation is Saturday, August 2, 2014 at Blessed Seelos Catholic Church (St. John's) on Lameuse St, Biloxi from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be at 12:00 noon. Interment will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Commercial Appeal 09/18/2014

Arlie Dewayne Higginbotham (1960-2014) MS

July 11, 1960 - September 16, 2014
GREENWOOD-A memorial service for Arlie Dewayne Higginbotham will be 4:00 PM Saturday, September 20, 2014 at Lotts Trailer Park in Greenwood.
Mr. Higginbotham, age 54, died Tuesday September 16, 2014 at Greenwood Leflore Hospital from heart failure.
He was born July 11, 1960 in Nashville, TN to the late James E. and Etta Wilson Higginbotham. He attended the Greenwood Public School system and was a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
He is survived by one daughter, Christine Storey of Greenwood, two sons, Jonathan Higginbotham of Greenwood and Dewayne Higginbotham of Yazoo City, two sisters, Sheila Ann Watson of Greenwood and Debra Elizabeth Wilhite of Carrollton, three brothers, Johnny Howard Higginbotham of Greenwood, James Lynn Higginbotham of Calhoun City and Jimmy William Higginbotham of Carrollton and eight grandchildren.



Clarion Ledger 10/02/2014

Doris Holdiness Collins Higginbotham (1930-2014) MS

February 25, 1930 - September 29, 2014

Doris Holdiness Collins Higginbotham, 84, passed away on Monday, September 29, 2014, at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo, Mississippi. Visitation will be on Thursday, October 2, 2014, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Nowell-Massey Funeral Home in Louisville, Mississippi. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, October 3, 2014, in the Nowell-Massey Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Franklin Smith officiating. Music will be provided by Linda Fortune and Sherry Clay who will be accompanied by Jewel Johnson; and by Emily Rogers accompanied by Dr. Angela Willoughby. Interment will follow in Indian Springs Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham was born on February 25, 1930, to Mack and Mary Burnham Holdiness. She was a member of Indian Springs Assembly of God Church, and she was a seamstress at Wells Lamont Glove Factory in Philadelphia, Mississippi, for more than 40 years. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her daughter, Carolyn Collins Rogers and husband, Billy Wayne, of Brandon, Mississippi; and by her son, William Laverne Collins and wife, Tricia, of Saltillo, Mississippi. She was “Grandma Doris” to four granddaughters, Jennifer Claire Nash, and husband, Claude; Amanda Carol Ferguson and husband, Lane; Emily Nicole Rogers; and Carla Jane Elkins and husband, Lance. She was also “Grandma Doris” to eight great-grandchildren: Joshua Cole Ferguson, Collin Lane Ferguson, Alyssa Jade Ferguson, Cayman Owen Rigdon, Whitney Mae Rigdon, Zane Marshall Rigdon, William Gregory Elkins, and Parker Stuart Elkins. Doris is also survived by four sisters: Marie Blount of Richland, Mississippi; Mary Pittman of Pearl, Mississippi; Dotsy Thomas and husband, Cecil, of Richland; and Jewel Johnson and husband, Eugene, of Maryville, Tennessee; as well as, numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husbands, William Washington Collins and Gilbert Higginbotham; her parents; and her siblings: Elbert Holdiness, Nona Drury, Gladys Parker, Mack Holdiness, Ruth Boatner, and Mabel Guy. Serving as pallbearers will be Gene Clay, Lance Elkins, Collin Ferguson, Joshua Ferguson, Lane Ferguson, Danny Fortune, Claude Nash, and Cayman Rigdon. Memorials may be given to the American Cancer Society, c/o Penny’s From Heaven, 532 East Main Street, Louisville, MS 39339. Services are under the direction of Nowell-Massey Funeral Home, 724 North Columbus Avenue, Louisville, MS.




Dorothy Faye Higginbotham Sloan (1947-2014) MS

Dorothy Faye Sloan, age 67 of Vancleave passed away on Saturday, Dec. 20, 2014. She was born Dec. 1, 1947 in Noxabee County, MS to T. W. and Bertha Higginbotham and was a long time resident of this area. She was known as the neighborhood mother willing to open her heart and what resources she had to others. Dorothy was a wonderful caring person that showed us that you can smile through any situation and who could forget the many, many friendship cakes she baked over the years.

In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, David Sloan; son, Gerald Fondren; brother, Jimmy Higginbotham; sister, Marie Higginbotham.
She is survived by three sons and four daughters, Russell Lashley, Biloxi, MS; Matthew Sloan, Vancleave; David L. Sloan, Jr., Las Vegas, NV; Victoria Tribble (Phillip), Moss Point; Audrey Fondren (Christopher), Barnes, AL; Amanda Cheryl Lashley (Adam), Vancleave; Laura Sloan, Grenada, MS; Tiffany Lynd, Vancleave; four brothers and two sisters, Billy Higginbotham, Wayne Higginbotham, Ronnie Dale Higginbotham, Keith Allan Higginbotham, Betty Higginbotham, and Sandra Kay Higginbotham, all of Cedar Springs, GA; 15 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Memorial Service will be Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014, 10:00am, at O’Bryant-O’Keefe Funeral Home in Pascagoula with visitation one hour prior to service.



The Sun Herald 01/13/2015

Dennis Paul Higginbotham (1925-2015) LA/MS

Dennis Paul Higginbotham, 89, of Latimer, formerly of Biloxi, died Sunday, January 11, 2015. Mr. Higginbotham was born on March 15, 1925 in Youngsville, Louisiana to the late Nelson and Edna Higginbotham. He served his country in the Army Air Corp during World War II. Upon his return from the war, Dennis graduated high school in D’Iberville. He owned H&B Refrigeration and Air Conditioning for forty years until his retirement. He and his late wife were devout members of St. John’s Catholic Church in Biloxi until 2005 when they became members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in D’Iberville. Mr. Dennis will be best remembered as being a loving husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, and uncle who enjoyed the company of others. He would often have coffee at Big B.’s, Fayard’s, and Hardees with his friends. He is preceded in death by his loving wife of 69 years, Alta Mae Higginbotham; daughter, Mary Grace Higginbotham; brothers, Percy, George, Curtis, and Carey Higginbotham; sister, Shirley Parker, and great grandson, Miles Joseph Epperly. Dennis is survived his sons, Al (Diane) Higginbotham and Father Robert “Bob” Higginbotham; daughter, Nancy Hayden; sisters, Rose Mary Tiblier and Melba Ruth Higginbotham; grandchildren, Sharon Camille Higginbotham, Josh (Beth) Hayden, Brooke (Travis) Epperly, and R.J. Hayden; great grandchildren, Jackson Moore, Ella Hayden, Reese Epperly, Harloe Hayden, and Phoebe Epperly; sisters in law, Betty Menard, Gloria, Sandra, and Dee Higginbotham, and a host of nieces and nephews. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11 a.m. on Friday, January 16, 2015 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in D’Iberville. Friends are invited to visit from 9-11 a.m. prior to service time. Interment will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery all under the direction of Southern Mississippi Funeral Services. The family wishes to extend special gratitude to Canon Hospice, the staff of Memorial Hospital, and Eddie Parker for their care and support during Mr. Higginbotham’s illness. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Vincent de Paul at Sacred Heart Catholic Church or Sacred Heart School, 10446 LeMoyne Blvd. D’Iberville, MS 39540, or The March of Dimes, 205 Lambert Street, Mobile, Alabama 36604.




Clemmie Christine Frazier Higginbotham (1922-2015) MS

Clemmie Christine Higginbotham 92, of Kosciusko, MS passed this life January 18, 2015 at The Windsor Nursing Home in Columbus Mississippi after a brief illness.
Graveside services were 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at Pleasant Grove Congregational Methodist Church Cemetery with Rev. Jerry Meggs officiating.
Survivors include Sisters: Myrna Belsom of Columbus, MS, Dean Overstreet of Hurley, MS and brother Edd Frazier of Kosciusko, MS. And a host of nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by one sister: Shirley Smith.



Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal 01/28/2015

Margie Ann Higginbotham Flake (1939-2015) MS

PONTOTOC – Margie Ann Higginbotham Flake went to be with her Savior on Monday, January 26, 2015, at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo surrounded by her family. She was born April 11, 1939, in DeKalb to William Henry and Lillie Mae Higginbotham. She was a member of Oak Dale Baptist Church. She spent her life seeing to the needs of her family, church and community. The celebration of her life will be Thursday, January 29, 2015, at 11 a.m. at Tutor Memorial Funeral Home in Pontotoc. Burial will follow in the Friendship Cemetery. Tutor Memorial Funeral Home of Pontotoc is in charge of the arrangements. Survivors include her husband of nearly 60 years, Elvin; four children, Ronald (Janet), Donald, Travis (Sarah) and Glenda Flake Hill (Tom); 10 grandchildren, Amber and Alex Hill (Melissa), Anna Claire Flake White (Nathan), Ethan and Whit Flake, Roy and Tyler Flake, Jimmy Flake (Johnna), Lisa Phillips (Todd) and Carl Breedlove; 13 great-grandchildren; two brothers, George Higginbotham (Mae) of Preston and Will Higginbotham (Claudia) of Philadelphia. She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Lenard Ray Higginbotham and Jim Henry Higginbotham; three sisters, Jeanette Higginbotham, Flora Robertson and Florrie White. Pallbearers are her grandsons. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. today, Jan. 28, 2015, and from 10 to 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015. Funeral Home Tutor Memorial Funeral Home 270 Coffee St. Pontotoc, MS 38863 (662) 489-2828.




Robert Lee Higginbotham (1942-2015) MS

Funeral services for Robert Lee Higginbotham will be held Monday, February 16, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. at Robert Barham Family Funeral Home Chapel with Dr. Reid Whittington and Jerry Marlow officiating. Burial will be at Forest Lawn Cemetery with Robert Barham Family Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements.
Mr. Higginbotham, age 72, of the Center Hill Community passed away Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at his residence.
Mr. Higginbotham was the pastor of Bluff Springs Baptist Church. He retired from McPhails Grocery where he was the market manager for 30 years. He was a veteran of the United States Navy.
Survivors include his wife of 50 years, Geraldine Higginbotham; daughters, Danette Robbins (Chris) of Meridian, and Tammie Triplett (Tim) of Bangkok, Thailand; son, Lee Taylor Higginbotham (Brandi) of Collinsville; his fur baby, Bella; grandchildren, Traci Triplett, Taylor Triplett, Christin Robbins, Chloe Robbins, Laighton Higginbotham, and Bryson Higginbotham; sister, Edna Parker of Raleigh, Mississippi; brother, Paul Higginbotham of Meridian; brother, Sam Higginbotham of Laurel; sister, Claudia Higginbotham of Philadelphia; sister, Bessie Thornton of Laurel; numerous nieces, nephews, great nieces, and great nephews; mother-in-law, Beatrice Taylor of Meridian; sister-in-laws, Cherryl Marlow (Jerry) of Meridian and Faye Woodard of Meridian; and brother-in-law, Robert Taylor (Wanda) of Enterprise.
He was preceded in death by his father, Cannie Higginbotham; mother, Lettie Higginbotham; oldest sister, Ann Roberts; and father-in-law, Grady Taylor.
Pallbearers will be Mike Marlow , Steve Marlow, David Taylor, Randy Higginbotham, Josh Higginbotham, and Donnie Scrivner. Honorary Pallbearers will be Tommy Gully, Hal Harbour, and David Roberts.
Visitation will be held Sunday, February 15, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Robert Barham Family Funeral Home.



Clarion Ledger 02/20/2015

Clarence Odell Higginbotham (1924-2015) MS

(April 7, 1924-February 18, 2015)

Mr. Clarence Odell “Papaw” Higginbotham, 90, died Wednesday, February 18, 2015, at Noxubee General Hospital in Macon, MS. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, February 21st, at Mashulaville Baptist Church, with Rev. John Burkes officiating. Visitation will be at Mashulaville Baptist Church on Saturday from 10:00 AM until service time. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Porter Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Mr. Higginbotham was born April 7, 1924, in Neshoba County, MS. He was a retired heavy equipment operator for the Mississippi State Highway Department; and he ministered at the Noxubee County Jail for 40 years, missing only seven Sundays during that time. He was an Army veteran of World War II, and was a member of Westside Baptist Church in Macon. He was preceded in death by his wife, Myrtis Ray Higginbotham; his parents, Minnie and Walter Higginbotham; and one sister, Mae Arledge. He is survived by two sons, Larry Higginbotham of Mashulaville, MS, and Raymond Higginbotham of Waskom, TX; a daughter, Carol Pruitt of Macon, MS; a sister, Gladys Kelley of Sebastopol, MS; a brother, Hubert Higginbotham of Philadelphia, MS; eight grandchildren, and twelve great grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Michael Higginbotham, Joseph Pruitt, Chris McCullough, Les Hailey, Taft Baker, Robert Hall, Christopher Merritt, and James Pruitt.



The Sun Herald 02/25/2015

Elsie Mae Higginbotham Moore (1917-2015) MS

Gulfport- Elsie Mae Higginbotham Moore, 97, of Gulfport, passed peacefully on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at her home and is now with her husband, Melton, the love of her life. Mrs. Moore was a native and grew up in Meehan, MS and following her husband's death moved to Gulfport to be nearer family. She is a member of Goodwater Baptist Church in Meehan. Mrs. Moore was preceded in death by her husband, Claude M. Moore (retired Southern Railroad), her parents, Elijah Monroe and Pearl Lena Pond Higginbotham, her two sons, Claude M. Moore, Jr. and Donald Earl Moore, and her seven siblings. Survivors include her son, Jerry Wayne Moore (Sharon) and daughter, Claudia L. Webb; her sister, Gloria Allen; 8 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild. Visitation will be held from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., Friday, February 27, 2015 at RIEMANN FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 11280 Three Rivers Road, Gulfport. The Graveside Service will be held at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, February 28 at Goodwater Baptist Church Cemetery in the Meehan Community. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or to one's favorite charity. Funeral Home Riemann Family Funeral Home 11280 Three Rivers Road Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 539-9800.



Ruby Jane Higginbotham Kelley (1923-2015) MS

Ruby H. Kelley, 91, passed away March 30, 2015 at McComb Nursing and Rehab.

Visitation will be Thursday, April 2, 2015 from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Jones Family Funeral Services and will continue on Friday from 10:00 AM until 10:45 AM at the funeral home. Graveside services will be in Hollywood Cemetery at 11:00 AM, Dr. David Millican will officiate.

Mrs. Kelley was born July 28, 1923 to J.C. Higginbotham and Lillie Belle Neely Higginbotham.

She was a former longtime member of St. Andrews United Methodist Church. She retired from Kalif and Todd after many years as a sales clerk. Mrs. Kelley was active in MICA and rang bells for the Salvation Army as long as her health permitted.

She is preceded in death by her parents, her husband; former McComb Fire Chief, Douglas "Buster" Kelley, and a sister Verena Barr.

She is survived by her daughter, Sherrill Kelley of Summit; a son, Doug Kelley of Vicksburg; three sisters and two brothers-in-law, Jennetter "Pete" Williams of McComb; Dorothy Fortenberry of Tylertown; Peggy and Bill Holmes of Tylertown and Rodney Barr of Magnolia; a brother, James Higginbotham of McComb, grandchildren: Teisha (Brad) Williams of Summit; Douglas (Carol) Kelley of Vicksburg; Tommy Kelley of Vicksburg; David (Christina) Kelley of Kiln, MS; great grandchildren: Ross and Rebecca Williams; Andrew and Allye Kelley and Brooklyn Lanford; Amberlyn and Braxton Kelley; and Jasmine Kelley; a special long time friend Joey Mass of Baton Rouge, LA, along with numerous nieces, nephews, family and friends.

Pallbearers and Honorary Pallbearers will be the current and retired members of the McComb Fire Department.



Hattiesburg American 04/11/2015

Sandra Perkins Higginbotham (1945-2015) MS

Ellisville, MS Sandra Perkins Higginbotham, 69, of Ellisville, Mississippi, died Wednesday, April 8, 2015, at Forrest General Hospital in Hattiesburg. Mrs. Higginbotham was born May 20, 1945, in Macon, Mississippi. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, April 13, 2015, at the First Baptist Church of Ellisville, with Rev. Paul Brashier officiating. Interment will follow in the Ellisville City Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham graduated from Noxubee County High School in Macon and married her high school sweetheart, Elmer Higginbotham, on July 28, 1963. She received her bachelor's degree from Livingston University (Alabama) and her master's degree from the University of Southern Mississippi and then pursued a long and successful career as an educator. She retired from Jones County Junior College after twenty-two years in the vocational business department. After retirement, she and her husband became local entrepreneurs, operating several businesses in the area. They were ardent Mississippi State fans and spent much time attending sporting events with their grandsons, who were the joy of her life. Additionally, she enjoyed reading, gardening, and cooking for family and friends. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of First Baptist Church, Ellisville. Mrs. Higginbotham is preceded in death by her parents, Thomas Hardin Perkins and Mary Kate VonKohn Perkins, of Macon; her husband, Elmer Higginbotham of Ellisville; and her brothers, Charles Thomas Perkins of Lauderdale, Mississippi, Larry Hardin Perkins of Niceville, Florida, and Donald Earl Perkins of Carrollton, Mississippi. Survivors include daughters, Michele Whittle, and her husband, Dr Tim Whittle, of West Point, and Mary Boleware and her husband, Garland Boleware, of Hattiesburg; three grandsons, Brock Walley, Tanner Boleware, and Hunter Boleware; sisters Rubye Guest of Starkville and Lisa King of Brooksville; and a host of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be nephews, Dr. Charles L. Guest, Dr. Daryl Guest, Scott Guest, Kellis Higginbotham, Dr. Heath King, Dr. John King, Ric Perkins; and a dear friend, Clarence Puttnam. Memorial donations may be made to Coach Elmer and Sandra Higginbotham Memorial Scholarship at the JCJC Foundation Office, 900 South Court Street, Ellisville, MS 39437, or a charity of the donor's choice . Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday, April 12, 2015, at Ellisville Funeral Home, which is in charge of arrangements.




Mary Gloria Higginbotham Murphy (1945-2015) MS

(August 8, 1945 - April 24, 2015)

Mary G. Murphy, 69, of Hattiesburg, died April 24, 2015, at Stone County Nursing Home. Services will be at 1:30 p.m., Monday, April 27, 2015, at Moore Funeral Chapel in Hattiesburg, followed by burial in Old Fellowship Cemetery in Jones County. Mrs. Murphy was a cashier for 27 years and of the Baptist faith. She loved to cook, meet people and window shop and she never met a stranger. Mrs. Murphy was preceded in death by her parents, Claud and Nettie Higginbotham. She is survived by her husband, Jimmy R. Murphy, Sr. of Hattiesburg; son, Jimmy R. Murphy, Jr. of Hattiesburg; sister, Wanda Faye Fullen of Ocean Springs; brothers, Timothy Higginbotham of Hattiesburg, Roy Martin Higginbotham of Oak Grove, Claudie Lavern Higginbotham of Biloxi and Henry Allen Higginbotham of Prattville, AL; sisters-in-law, Brenda Gale Williams of Denim Springs and Francis Bruce of Colorado Springs; brother-in-law, Danny Murphy (Kwuan) of Killeen, TX; and numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation will be Sunday from 5-8 p.m. at Moore Funeral Home in Hattiesburg.



Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MS) 9/25/2015

Tanya Hickingbottom (1958-2015) MS

Tanya Hickingbottom, 57, of Meadville, died Sept. 20, 2015, at Glenburney Nursing Home in Natchez after a lengthy illness. Visitation is 10 a.m. Saturday at Mount Olive M.B. Church in Kirby community in Franklin County until services there at 11. Dr. Steve Harrison will officiate. Burial will be in the Old 16 Cemetery in the Oldenburg community. Tanya was born Sept. 24, 1958, in Franklin County.



The Sun Herald 10/21/2015

Russell Martin Higginbotham (1937-2015) MS

Russell M. Higginbotham, Vancleave, age 78, passed away on Tuesday, October 20, 2015. Mr. Higginbotham, 78, died Tuesday, October 20, 2015. He was a lifelong resident of Biloxi. Services will be held Saturday, October 24, 2015 at 2:00pm at Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford O'Keefe Funeral Home. Friends may visit one hour prior to service. Burial will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery.




Helen Clara Higginbotham Ervin (1928-2016) MS

TUPELO — Helen "Honey" Ervin, 87, died Jan. 17, 2016, at Sanctuary Hospice House. Services will be Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Tisdale-Lann Memorial Funeral Home in Aberdeen with Rick Ervin officiating. Burial will follow in Oddfellows Rest Cemetery. Visitation will be one hour prior to services at the funeral home. Mrs. Ervin was born Feb. 23, 1928, to the late Rudolphus Stryder and Sally Gurley Higginbotham. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by five brothers and three sisters. She is survived by her daughter, Salli Long of Tupelo; sons, Rick Ervin of Nicaragua and Tim Ervin of Amory; brother, Bernie Higginbotham of Birmingham; five grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Chad Ervin, Jess Faulkner, Wilson Long III, Benje Bailey, Tony Giachelli and Kenneth Tisdale.



Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal on Feb. 11, 2016

Ira Thomas Hickinbottom (1937-2016) MS
November 22, 1937 ~ February 4, 2016 (age 78)
Mr. Ira Thomas "I.T." Hickinbottom, 78 years old of Oxford, MS was the son of the late Roy Hickinbottom and Lottie Houston Hickinbottom. He was a logger for Ed Rockette for many years and hunting and fishing were his favorite activities. He married Sarah Wortham and five children were born to this union, three preceded him in death. He later married Rachel Phillips Hickinbottom and they lived happily for 32 years.
He leaves to cherish memory his loving wife, Rachel, three sons, Ira Lee Hickinbottom and Leonte Thompson, Oxford, MS, and Thomas (Gloria) Hickinbottom, Batesville, MS; two daughters, Celissa Hickinbottom and LaShetta Hickinbottom, Oxford, MS; one sister, Evelyn (Willie C.) Hudson, Oxford, MS; three brothers, Joel Hickinbottom, and Aron Hickinbottom, Oxford, MS; Indianapolis, IN, and Noel (Jacquelyn) Hickinbottom, Fayetteville, NC; one daughter in-law, Jeanette Phillips; nine grandchildren; one great grandchild and a host of nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.




Mary Lou Higginbotham Wales (1939-2016) MS/TX
After a long battle with cancer, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mary Lou Wales on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016.
Mary Lou was 76 years of age and was born in Edinburg, Ms.
She was preceded in death by her son, James Herman "Bubba" Wales, Jr. and her parents, Edia Pearl and Leroy Higginbotham.
She is survived by James Wales, her husband of 57 years, a son, Sherman Wales (Terra), a daughter, Mechelle Player (Jan), four grandchildren, Carrie, Olivia, Savannah and Dalton, two great-grandchildren and three sisters, Marilee Lear, Mary Ruth Dennis, Camille Gray, one brother, Roy Mack Higginbotham, plus numerous nieces and nephews.
Mary Lou and James resided in League City, Texas and operated Wales' Signs for the last 30 plus years.
We find comfort in the knowledge that she is in the arms of our Lord and reunited with our loved ones that have passed.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Mary Lou's memory to the American Cancer Society.




Gladys Higginbotham Kelley Weeks (1926-2016) MS
Gladys Higginbotham Kelley Weeks, 90, passed away surrounded by her loving family on Friday, April 8, 2016, at her residence in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Visitation will be Sunday, April 10, 2016, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. at Nowell Massey Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 11, 2016, in the Nowell Massey Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. David Keen officiating. Interment will follow in Mashulaville Cemetery in Noxubee County.
Mrs. Weeks was born January 22, 1926, to Walter and Minnie Comans Higginbotham. She was a member of Steam Mill Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Neshoba County and she was a homemaker. She enjoyed attending church, walking, gardening, and most of all she loved visiting with her family and friends.
Gladys is survived by four sons: Clarence Kelley and wife, Beverly, of Louisville; Paul Kelley and wife, Diane, of Philadelphia; Joe Kelley and wife, Cynthia; and Davis Kelley and wife, Pam, all of Louisville. She is also survived by ten grandchildren: Lisa Kelley; Tracey Steed and husband, Chris; Stephanie Kelley; Brandi Meacham and husband, Kevin; Josh Kelley and wife, Amelia; Jodi Woods and husband, Freddie; Doug Kelley and wife, Kristin; Cody Kelley and fiancé, Neely Hester; Brittney Fedrick; and Daphne Kelley and fiancé, Brett Kitchens; as well as eleven great-grandchildren. Also left to mourn her passing is one brother, Hubert Higginbotham and wife, Adele, of Philadelphia; numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins; and special friends, Brenda and Mildred. She was preceded in death by her husbands, Preston Clark Kelley and Howard Weeks; her sister, Ira Mae Arledge; and her brother, Clarence Odell Higginbotham.
Serving as pallbearers will be Cody Kelley, Doug Kelley, Josh Kelley, Brett Kitchens, Kevin Meacham, and Freddie Woods. Memorials may be given to Winston-Choctaw Gideon Camp, P. O. Box 556, Louisville, MS 39339.



 Deaton Funeral Home Belmont, MS 6/2/2016

Jacqualine Jane Timbs Higginbottom (1932-2016) AL/MS

BELMONT, MS. – Jacqualine Higginbottom, 83, died Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at her residence. She was born in Franklin County, Al. and had worked at Golden Manufacturing in Golden, Ms. She was a member of Old Union Baptist Church.
Services will be Friday, June 3, at 3 p.m. at Deaton Funeral Home Chapel, Belmont, Ms. with Bro. Jerry Ginn officiating. Burial will be in Old Union Cemetery, Belmont, Ms. Deaton Funeral Home, Belmont, Ms. will be in charge of arrangements.
She is survived by a daughter, Janie Massey and husband, Phillip Massey, of Belmont, Ms.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Dexter Higginbottom and her parents, Charlie and Mae Timbs.
Pallbearers will be Phillip Massey, Steve Cain, Phillip Cain, Larry Fancher and Chuck Hall. Honorary pallbearer will be Ray Paden.
Visitation will be Thursday, June 2, 6-9 p.m. at Deaton Funeral Home, Belmont, Ms.




Sam Bell Higginbotham (1936-2016) MS

Sam Bell Higginbotham, 80, of Laurel, passed away Friday, August 26, 2016, at Care Center of Laurel. Visitation will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, August 28, at Memory Chapel with graveside services to follow at 2 p.m. at Hickory Grove Cemetery. Rev. Scott Stringer will officiate. Mr. Higginbotham was retired from the oil field and was a member of Evangel Temple. He was also a veteran of the U. S. Army. He was preceded in death by his wife, Annie Ruth Higginbotham and two sons, Gerald Higginbotham and Glenn Higginbotham. Survivors include two sons, Randy B. Higginbotham (Regina) and Greg Higginbotham all of Laurel; four grandchildren; twelve great grandchildren, brother, Paul J. Higginbotham of Meridian; and three sisters, Claudia Shelton of Meridian and Bessie Thornton and Edna Parker both of Laurel.




R.T. Higginbotham (1927-2016) MS

January 20, 1927 - August 31, 2016

Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, September 3, 2016 at the Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home in Collins MS for R T Higginbotham, 89 of Collins, who passed away Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at his residence.
Rev. Gerald Butler and Reverend Joseph Bird will officiate at the services with interment to follow in the Collins City Cemetery. Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home in Collins will be in charge of the arrangements.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Friday, September 2, 2016 at the Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home.
Pallbearers will be Mikel Higginbotham, Michael Higginbotham, Roger Higginbotham, Neil Higginbotham, Richard Higginbotham, and Robert Raspberry. Honorary pallbearers will be Maria Higginbotham, Angela and John W. Jones, Deanna and Terry Miller, Amanda Higginbotham, CJ Higginbotham, Raquel Gabriela Varela, Dustin Higginbotham, and Shirley McDonald.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Kemper County Mississippi. He moved from Meridian, Mississippi where he had been the Production Manager for Robinson Heil Manufacturing Company in 1965 to start up the Fontaine Truck Equipment Company’s new Dump Body Manufacturing Plant in Collins, Mississippi.
He retired as President of Fontaine Body & Host Co. in 1986.
He was a member and Deacon of First Baptist Church of Collins, and a member of the St. John’s Masonic Lodge Post Number 507. He was a founding member of the Covington County Chamber of Commerce and served on the Board of Directors where he was a two term President.
He was preceded by his parents, Ada Eaves and George ‘Bennie’ Higginbotham; his wife of sixty nine years, Lucy Kathryn Buckalew Higginbotham; and five brothers, P J, J C, J W, Bobby, and Bennie Jr.
Survivors include two sons, Russell Higginbotham of Collins, Mississippi, and Roger Higginbotham and his wife Maria of Alabaster, Alabama; one sister, Ada Akers of Fraser, Michigan; five grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; two great great-grandchildren; and a host of other family members and friends.



The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) on Oct. 6, 2016
Mary Frances Thompson Higginbotham Griffin (1921-2016) MS
Southaven, MS
Mary Frances Griffin, 95, of Southaven, MS went to be with the Lord Monday, October 3, 2016. Mrs. Griffin is preceded in death by her husbands: Monroe Higginbotham and Robert Griffin and her brother, Howard Thompson. She is survived by her daughter, Frances L. Johnston; son, Jerrell Higginbotham(Ann); son, Thomas Higginbotham(Joe Ann); Carl Douglas Griffin; 7 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Mrs. Griffin was a good mother and grandmother who loved her family very much. Mary Frances was as an excellent cook and she loved gospel music. It was a great joy for her to cook for the gospel group The Inspirations Quartet when they came to Memphis. She retired from Wallace C. Reed Custom Shirts as a seamstress. She was a long time member of Boulevard Baptist Church. A visitation will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2016 from 1-2 with a funeral service to follow at 2:00. All services and interment will be held at Forest Hill, South on Holmes Rd.



Kemper County Messenger 12/21/2016

George Leslie Higginbotham (1940-2016) MS

Mr. George Higginbotham, 76, passed away surrounded by his loving family on Thursday, December 15, 2016.  Visitation will be Saturday, December 17, 2016, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Nowell-Massey Funeral Home in Louisville, Mississippi.  Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, December 18, 2016, in the Nowell Massey Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Larry Ferris officiating assisted by Bro. Michael Hemphill.  Interment will follow in Mashulaville Cemetery in Macon, Mississippi, with Bro. Chris Gully officiating. George was born November 3, 1940, to James “Jimmy” and Mattie Vaughn Higginbotham in Noxubee County, Mississippi.  Before retiring, he worked for many years as a grain elevator operator for Tom Soya Grain.  Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Kemper County Camp of Gideon International; he served as president of the Mashulaville Volunteer Fire Department and he served as a board member of the Noxubee Fire Association.  An avid outdoorsman, he loved to hunt and fish. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife of 57 years, Mary Nell Young Higginbotham of Macon, Mississippi; two daughters, Vickie Richardson and husband, Doug, of Louisville; and Margie Higginbotham Ronyak of Macon; and son, Jimmy Higginbotham and wife Nancy, of the Nanih Waiya community.  He is also survived by his sister, Elsie Parny of Louisville; and his brother, Charles Higginbotham and wife, Bettye, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  One of his greatest joys was being “Paw Paw” to four grandchildren:  Dennis Ronyak, Courtney Richardson, Karla Higginbotham and Ashley Higginbotham, and one great-granddaughter, Hartley Richardson.  He was preceded in death by his son, Dennis Higginbotham; his parents; his son-in-law, Garry Ronyak; and his siblings, Joe Lee Higginbotham, William Thomas Higginbotham, and Mattie Mae West.  Serving as pallbearers will be Carl Gilbert, David Hemphill, Johnny Hemphill, Ronnie Lee, Dennis Ronyak and Ransom Earl “Dinky” Young.  Memorial contributions in honor of Mr. Higginbotham may be given to Kemper County Gideon Camp, P. O. Box 650, DeKalb, MS 39328.




Adell Yancey Phillips Higginbotham (1934-2017) AL/MS

(August 26, 1934 - January 3, 2017)

Adell Phillips Higginbotham, 82, of Philadelphia, Miss., died Jan. 3, 2017. She was born August 26, 1934, near Greenville, Ala., to the late William and Lena Yancey. She moved to Philadelphia in 1951 and worked more than 20 years at Wells Lamont before retiring to be a full-time Granny. She was a member of Bloomfield Congregational Methodist Church. She loved being surrounded by her family and spent many Sundays bustling in the kitchen while visiting with her children and delighting in the squeals and play of her grandchildren. She was an efficient and talented Southern cook whose table was famous for chicken nuggets, potato soup, creamed corn, fresh sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, red velvet cake and fried apple pies. She could serve up a pan of cornbread and piping hot vegetables from her garden before you even realized you had agreed to stay for dinner. She is remembered with love by her best friend and husband of 43 years, Hubert Higginbotham, as well as her daughter Kathy Irons (Ricky) and son Tommy Phillips (Vickie) from her first marriage to the late Richard Phillips. Other survivors include six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her parents, sister Nell Jones, and brothers Ray Phillips, Donald Phillips, Henry Yancey, A. D. Yancey, and James Yancey. She leaves behind a family and friends that are saddened by her loss but joyful that she is free of her earthly limitations in her heavenly home.  Pallbearers are Richard Phillips, Payden Phillips, Jacob Phillips, Ricky Irons, Jon Riley, and John Cleckler. SERVICES: FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 2017 11:00 A.M. BLOOMFIELD METHODIST CHURCH VISITATION: THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2017 5:00-8:00 P.M. MCCLAIN-HAYS FUNERAL HOME AND ON FRIDAY 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE SERVICE AT THE CHURCH INTERMENT: BLOOMFIELD CEMETERY OFFICIATING: REV. BUDDY COVINGTON.



Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal 01/12/2017

Josephine Peden Higginbotham (1944-2017) MS

Mrs. Josephine Peden Higginbotham, 72, died Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at Dogwood Plantation Assisted Living in Fulton, MS following an extended illness. She was born December 10, 1944 in Houlka, MS to Joe Hugh Peden and Grace Ruthell Austin Peden. She grew up in Houlka and was a graduate of Houlka High School. Josephine worked for the Social Security Administration for 43 years. She retired as the manager of the Corinth Social Security Office. After retiring she served as Mayor of Houlka. She was very active in community service on the local, state and federal level. She was a Christian where her faith showed through her service to others. A celebration of her life will be today (Thursday) at 3:00 p.m. in the Tupelo Chapel of Holland Funeral Directors with Bro. Jim Wismer officiating. Burial will follow at Wesley Chapel Cemetery in Chickasaw Co. Visitation will be from 1:00 p.m. to service time today. Survivors include her son, Billy Joe "BJ" Higginbotham, Jr. (Kristy) of Pontotoc; two daughters, Beth H. Davis (Bud) of Okolona and Nelda Bell (Donnie) of Fulton; brothers, Raymond Paden (Kathy) and Walter Paden, all of Houlka, and one sister, Thelma Davis (Travis), all of Houlka; brother-in-law, Tommy Davis of Houlka; grandchildren, Kristy White (B.G. White), Trey Davis, Savannah Davis, Paden Bell, Abbie Bell, Jeremiah Bell, Julia Hope Higginbotham, and Bo Hill Higginbotham; great-grandchild, Easton Parker White. She was preceded in death by her Parents and husband, Billy Joe Higginbotham who died March 13, 2012; two brothers, Hugh Stanley Paden and Robert Earl Paden; grandson, Dallas Davis, and sister, Wilma Davis who died the same day on January 10, 2017. Pallbearers will be Robbie Paden, Mike Paden, Jess Davis, Trey Davis, Josh Paden and Tom Paden. Funeral Home Holland Funeral Directors 5281 Cliff Gookin Blvd Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 840-5000.



Clarion Ledger on Mar. 11, 2017

Edna Ruth Cole Higginbotham (1941-2017) MS
Mrs. Higginbotham, age 75, died on Thursday, March 9, 2017 at her residence of heart failure.
She was born on October 2, 1941 in Avalon, MS, to the late James and Estelle Blansett Cole and was a resident of Tutwiler, MS. She lived in Chicago, IL, for 50 years where she worked as a waitress before relocating back to the Mississippi Delta. She was of the Baptist faith. She is preceded in death by her parents, a daughter, Joanne Higginbotham, and several brothers and sisters.
She is survived by two sons, Henry Higginbotham of Chicago, IL, and Toby Higginbotham of Chicago, IL; three daughters, Rita Simon of Chicago, IL, Billie Sanchez of Chicago, IL, and Ginger Higginbotham of Starkville, MS; one brother, Charles Cole of Tutwiler, MS; one sister, Martha Campbell of Tutwiler, MS; and 17 grandchildren.
Williams & Lord Funeral Home is in charge.  



The Daily Journal 03/13/2017

Merdie Higginbotham Foster (1934-2017) MS

Merdie "Eardeal" Foster, 82, passed away on Friday, March 10, 2017, at Sanctuary Hospice House in Tupelo, Mississippi. She was born on October 15, 1934 in Houston, Mississippi and was a child of the late Jack Higginbotham and Flora Blansett Higginbotham. She attended Houston Schools. She married Grady Foster on October 11, 1952. Together they had 2 daughters and 1 son. She was a member of the Thaxton United Pentecostal Church. She was employed as an inspector for Indian Creek. Her family gave her the greatest enjoyment throughout her lifetime. She cherished her children, grandchildren and her church family. Merdie was known to keep an immaculate house and prided herself in being a true Southern lady. She was very independent lady. Shopping with her family was a favorite pastime along with going on trips with her sisters. She was known as a wonderful cook and made the best chocolate gravy. Merdie loved to go out to eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken. When listening to music, she listened to Southern Gospel and Blue Grass. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Grady Foster; a grandchild, Rita Foster; Great-grandchild, Miciah Cooper Bullock; sisters, Katherine Shuler and Ruby Long. She is survived by her daughters, Trudy Lane, Shannon, Kathy Southard, Blue Mountain; son, Billy Foster (Sheryl), Aberdeen; sisters, Melba Bishop (Doug), Tupelo, Maxine Winsett, Vardaman; grandchildren, Jason, Timothy, and Candice Foster, Brandon Scott, Lana Bullock, David Randall, Jr., Brandi Allen, Leslie Elam, Joshua Southard; 11 great-grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews. Services for Mrs. Merdie Foster will be at 1:00 P.M., on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at E.E. Pickle Funeral Home Chapel in Amory. Bro Coy Hill will be officiating. Burial will follow at Wesley Chapel Cemetery in Houston, MS. Pallbearers will be: Randy Griffin, David Ferguson, Justin Elam, Brandon Scott, David Randall, Jr., John Mask. Honorary pallbearers will be: Doug Bishop, Robbie, Butch, Jason and Timothy Foster, Phil Smith, and Jason Allen. Visitation for Mrs. Foster will be on Monday night, March 13, 2017 from 4:00 - 8:00 P.M. at E.E. Pickle Funeral Home in Amory. Memorials may be sent to St. Jude's Children Research Hospital, 500 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105 or to the American Cancer Society . Funeral Home E.E. Pickle Funeral Home 500 Third Avenue South Amory, MS 38821 (662) 256-2644.



Sharkey Funeral Home 5/13/2017

James Higginbotham (1944-2017) MS
March 25, 1944 - May 12, 2017
James A. "Hawkeye" Higginbotham passed away on May 12, 2017 at McComb Nursing and Rehabilitation. James was born in McComb, MS on March 25, 1944. He was the son of James Clarence and Lillie Belle Neely Higginbotham. James worked for many years in maintenance at Polyflex M in Summit, MS. He was an avid fan of old western and science fiction movies. He enjoyed watching sports also. James was well known as an excellent Jeopardy player. He is preceded in death by his parents and two sisters: Ruby Kelly and Verena Barr. He is survived by three sisters, Jenetter "Pete" Williams, Dorothy Fortenberry and Peggy Holmes and husband, Bill. He also leaves behind a host of nieces and nephews and many close friends who loved him and will miss him deeply.




Starkville Daily News 06/03/2017

Wilena Higginbotham Stark (1923-2017) MS

Wilena Higginbotham Stark passed away Wednesday morning, May 31, 2017, at Hospice Ministries in Ridgeland, Mississippi. She was born in 1923 in the Methodist parsonage in Louise, Mississippi, the daughter of the Rev. C.Y. and Fannie Sarah Whittington Higginbotham. Wilena grew up in a number of towns where her father served as minister for the Mississippi Methodist Conference. She graduated from Johns High School in Rankin County in 1940. After completing studies at Clark Business School in Jackson, she was employed by the Mississippi Forestry Commission for ten years as Secretary to the State Forester. It was here that she met Meredith Osborn (Mike) Stark, a Forestry graduate of Louisiana State University and a native of Bunkie, Louisiana, and Gulfport, Mississippi. Wilena and Mike were married in September 1945 at Galloway United Methodist Church in Jackson. After four years as a district forester for the state Mike was employed with International Paper Company, while Wilena remained at the Forestry Commission. They moved to Lexington, Mississippi, in 1952 to establish Stark Timber Company. During her 41 years in Lexington, Wilena (Wil) was active in the First United Methodist Church, serving as president of the United Methodist Women, as a member of the church's Administrative Board, as chairman of various committees, and as a Sunday school and vacation Bible school teacher. She was also a member of the Lexington Garden Club and the Lucky 12 Club. In addition to helping her husband in his business throughout the years, she was a caring wife, mother, aunt, and grandmother and a talented hostess and homemaker. Her children remember fondly her seafood gumbo, shrimp creole, beef and pork roasts, delicious pound cake, and fresh vegetables from Mike's garden. Wil and Mike enjoyed traveling, and she continued to do so after his death in 1986. She especially liked visiting the National Parks and several Elderhostels, including two weeks in Austria. Upon returning to Jackson in 1993 Wilena joined St. Luke's United Methodist Church where she was active in the United Methodist Women, Wednesday for Adults, and an adult bible study class. She spent her last years at The Orchard retirement home in Ridgeland, where she renewed friendships with prior acquaintances from around Mississippi and made many new friends, played bridge, enjoyed music performances and bingo and other activities, and read on her iPad. Mike and Wil were blessed with three children, Rebecca Stark (David Sachs) of Manhattan, Kansas; John Meredith Stark (Christy) of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; and Katherine Landrum (Larry) of Florence, Mississippi. "Mama Wil" was grandmother to Benjamin Stark-Sachs and Jonathan Stark-Sachs of Manhattan, Kansas, and Ann Stewart-Sachs of Stockholm, Sweden. Additional survivors include Christy's children and grandchildren in Tennessee, Texas, and Colorado; Larry's children and grandchildren in Washington and Idaho; her older brother John (Evelyn) Higginbotham of Brandon; younger siblings Sarah Halford of Meadville, Cole (Clara) Higginbotham, Jr., of Pearl, and Ralph (Kay) Higginbotham of Clinton; and her Higginbotham and Stark family nieces and nephews in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, and Maine. She was preceded in death by her husband M.O. Stark and her brother-in-law Wayne Halford of Meadville. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, June 3, at 2:00 PM at St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 621 Duling Avenue, Jackson, Mississippi, in the Fondren neighborhood. Visitation will precede the service from 1:00 - 2:00 PM in the St. Luke's sanctuary and welcome center. A graveside service will be held at 3:00 PM the following day, Sunday, June 4, at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Starkville, Mississippi. Parkway Funeral Home in Ridgeland, Mississippi, is in charge of arrangements. The family is thankful for the wonderful service provided by Wilena's many caregivers at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, The Orchard, Sta-Home Health, St. Joseph Hospice outpatient care, and Hospice Ministries.




Regina Shepperd Higginbotham (1963-2017) MS

September 24, 1963 - June 7, 2017

Mrs. Regina Shepperd Higginbotham, 53, passed away surrounded by her loving family on Wednesday, June 7, 2017, at her residence in Louisville, Mississippi. Visitation will be Friday, June 9, 2017, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Nowell Massey Funeral Home in Louisville, Mississippi. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 10, 2017, in the Nowell Massey Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Mark Thompson officiating. Interment will follow in Mashulaville Baptist Church Cemetery. Regina was born September 24, 1963 to Troy and Joyce Hemphill Shepperd. She is a member of New Covenant Assembly of God Church. Regina is a 1981 graduate of Louisville High School. She earned an Associate’s degree from East Central Community College and her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. She was currently employed as the County Director of the Department of Human Services in Winston County. Regina loved to cook, read, watch the hummingbirds swarm around the feeders, and she enjoyed her pet chickens having them so tame they would eat blueberries from her hand. She loved the Lord and her church family. She was a devoted wife and mother and took great pleasure in the time spent with them. Regina is survived by her husband of 27 years, Ricky Higginbotham; her son, Andrew Higginbotham; her mother, Joyce Shepperd, all of Louisville; and her mother-in-law, Peggy Sue Higginbotham of Mashulaville, Mississippi. She is also survived by four sisters-in-law: Tammy Cade, Tina Buchanan and husband, Richey; Kim Yates and husband, Nathan; and Darlene Shepperd; as well as a host of nieces, nephews, and friends. She was preceded in death by her father; and her brother, Emmett Shepperd. Serving as pallbearers are Tim Adair, Dale Buchanan, Christopher Dill, Jimmy Lovorn, Tim Shepperd, and Will Shepperd. Honorary pallbearers are Freddie Eaves and Terry Shepperd. Memorial contributions in honor of Regina may be given to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, P. O. Box 1000, Dept. 142, Memphis, TN 38148-0142 or to Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children, Office of Development, 2500 N. State Street, Jackson, MS 39216. Services are under the direction of Nowell-Massey Funeral Home, 724 North Columbus Avenue, Louisville, MS.



The Daily Journal 06/18/2017

James Richard Higginbotham (1953-2017) MS

James Richard (Ricky) Higginbotham, 63, passed away on Friday, June 16 at Merit Health Gilmore Hospital. Born on September 2, 1953, in Amory, he was a son of the late James E. and Mildred Pickle Higginbotham. He was of the Methodist faith and graduated from Nettleton High School. He married Martha Lynn Armstrong on October 20, 1973. Affectionately known as "Railrider", he worked for the BNSF railroad for 42 years. He retired on September 1, 2013. He was a founding board member of the Standifer Creek /Cross Creek Hunting Club. He served as treasurer and secretary for the hunting clubs. He was an avid supporter of the National Rifle Association. Hunting was his sport. He loved to hunt with his son and grandchildren. Ricky loved to walk his dogs and listen to them run while hunting. Ricky's life was centered around his loving family. He loved to grill for them and loved to make memories as he spent time with his grandchildren. Before hunting season would start, Ricky would store up all kinds of snacks for those who wanted to hunt. He was known as the "Mobile Grocery Store". His family and hunting community will miss him in that he was a generous and loving man who took care of everyone. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his grandparents: James Perry and Kizzy Higginbotham and Virdo and Emma Pickle. Ricky is survived by his loving wife, Lynn; daughter, Masha Laney (Neal), Nettleton; son, Jake Higginbotham (Leah), Amory; sisters, Linda Cruber, Nettleton and Deb Nash (Bert), Smithville; grandchildren: Jacob, Sara, Easton and Riley Higginbotham, Mason and Cooper Laney; nieces and nephews: Poppy Cruber, Terry Sullivan, Cindy Sullivan, Randy Sullivan, Rusty Burroughs and Kendi Hitt. Graveside services will be at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, June 20, at Pine Grove Cemetery. Bro. Rob Sargent will be officiating. Pallbearers will be his grandchildren and Neal Laney, Michah Bauch and Jason Dean. Honorary pallbearers will be the Standifer Creek/ Cross Creek members. Visitation for Ricky Higginbotham will be from 5:00 - 8:00 PM on Monday, June 19, 2017 at E.E. Pickle Funeral Home, Amory. Memorials may be sent to LeBonheur Children's Hospital, PO Box 41817, Memphis, Tn 38174-1817.



The Sun Herald 06/25/2017

Melba Ruth Higginbotham (1932-2017) MS

Melba Ruth Higginbotham, age 85, entered her heavenly home in the loving arms of God on Thursday, June 22, 2017. She arrived on her mother's birthday. What a joyful celebration must have taken place! Ruth was born in Biloxi to Nelson and Edna (Delcambre) Higginbotham on February 25, 1932. She was a lifelong resident of Biloxi and a member of Blessed Francis Seelos (St. John) Catholic Church. In 1949, she graduated from Biloxi High School, where she participated in various clubs and was a member of the band. Ruth graduated from Charity Hospital of Nursing in New Orleans, LA. After receiving her nursing degree, she dedicated 37 years of her professional life to the Veterans Administration Hospital. Because of her strong will to lead and her desire to serve, she was placed in a management position as a head nurse. She served her church as a lector and Eucharistic Minister for numerous years. Ruth was a C.Y.O. sponsor for St. John Catholic Church and led the youth of the Biloxi Diocese for 25 years to the mission of Saltillo, Mexico to serve the poorest of the poor. She was presented the Father Patrick Quinn Award for continuous years of service to the youth. She also donated her time to tutoring students at Gorenflo School and D'Iberville Middle School. Melba is preceded in death by her parents, Nelson and Edna Higginbotham; sister, Shirley Parker; brothers, Percy, George, Curtis, Dennis, and Carey Higginbotham; nephews, Randy, David, Johnny, and Scott Higginbotham; and nieces, Brenda LaGrone and Mary Grace Higginbotham. Survivors include a special sister, Rose Mary Tiblier; nephew, Eddie Parker; caregivers and friends, Nellie and John Cruso; and many nieces and nephews. We would like to thank Bay Cove Memory Center for the care they provided in her later years. In lieu of flowers, the family would prefer donations be made to St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy, 715 Division Street, Biloxi, MS 39530, (228) 374-9097, or Blessed Seelos Catholic Church, 360 Lameuse St, Biloxi, MS 39530, (228) 435-0007. Visitation will be held Monday, June 26, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., with a 12:00 Noon Mass of Christian Burial, all at Blessed Seelos Catholic Church. Interment will follow at Biloxi City Cemetery. The Howard Avenue Chapel of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Natchez Democrat Newspaper December 29, 2017

David Wayne Hickingbottom (1952-2017) MS

KIRBY — Services for David Wayne Hickingbottom, 65, of Meadville, who died Monday, Dec. 25. 2017, at Franklin County Memorial Hospital in Meadville, will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Kirby with the Rev. Alvin Pernell officiating.
Mr. Hickingbottom was born Feb. 28, 1952, in Franklin County, the son of Noland Booker and Garynell Hickingbottom.
He was preceded in death by his father; three sisters, Tanya Hickingbottom, Johnnie Mae Sykes and Nora Lee Green; and one brother, Patrick Hickingbottom.
Survivors include his mother of Meadville; two brothers, Tyrone Hickingbottom and wife, Shelia, of Natchez, and Noland Walls and wife, Juanita, of Alexandria, La.; 10 sisters, Joyce Campbell of Texas, Folanda Faye Brown, Nancy Ann Robinson and Dorothy O'Neil, all of Meadville, Debbie Kay Brown of Hamburg, Carolyn Booker and husband, Eddie, and Veronica Jordan, all of Louisiana, Catherine Booker of Rochester, N.Y., Emma Jean O'Quinn and husband, James, of Bude, and Evelyn Peters and husband, Clifton, of Port Gibson; and a number of nieces, nephew, other relatives and friends.


Clarion Ledger 02/02/2018

Rev. John A. Higginbotham (1921-2018) MS

Flowood - John A. Higginbotham, 96, passed away Thursday, February 1, 2018 at the State Veteran's Home. Visitation will be Saturday, February 3, 2018 from 12pm - 2pm at St. Mark's United Methodist Church, Brandon with funeral services beginning at 2pm. Interment will follow at Puckett Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Evelyn; son, J. Michael Higginbotham (Caroll) from Venice, FL; daughter, Deborah Kirby of Greenville, S.C.; brothers, C.Y. Higginbotham (Clara) and Ralph Higginbotham (Kay); sister, Sarah Pearl Halford; grandson, Greg Izard (Corrine); and great-granddaughter, Madelyn Izard; and numerous nieces and nephews.



Starkville Daily News Feb. 2, 2018

Leman Higginbottom (1936-2018) MS
February 4, 1936 - January 27, 2018
Leman Higginbottom, 81, of Sturgis, MS died January 27, 2018 in Starkville, MS.
Visitation will be held Friday, February 2, 2018 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm @ West Memorial Chapel, Starkville, MS.
Funeral will be held Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 2:00 pm at West Memorial Chapel, Starkville, MS.
Interment will be at Spring Valley Cemetery, Mathiston, MS.
West Memorial is in charge of the arrangements. Mr. Leman “Jim” Higginbottom Jr. leaves to cherish his memories, his children Adrian Higginbottom, Hamilton, MS; Betty Gamble, Eupora, MS; Clara and Yvette Higginbottom both of Boston, Massachusetts; Lease Wordlaw of Starkville; MS and Shanlake Higginbottom of West Point , MS; He leaves behind 16 grandchildren; Two brothers Freddy and John Higginbottom both of Boston, Massachusetts.



Kittrell Higginbotham (1936-2018) MS

Kittrell Higginbotham, age 81, died on February 12, 2018 surrounded by his loved ones.
Kit is preceded in death by his wife of 54 years, Frances Higginbotham. Kit is survived by his wife of 4 years, Carolyn Higginbotham, two children: Robin Carlisle (Wayne) and Rodney Higginbotham. He will also leave behind four grandchildren and three great grandchildren: Racheal Burnett, Sara Beth Everett, Gray Higginbotham, Daniel Higginbotham, Nora Burnett, Eli Burnett and Kit Everett; 2 step sons Tim Fondren (Myra), Jeff Fondren (Amanda); 2 step daughters, Reba Cook (David), Jill Terrell (David); 10 step grandchildren, 2 step great-grandchildren, and a brother Charlie Brooks Higginbotham.
Kit is a veteran of the Vietnam War and Korean War, where he earned several medals. He served with the United States Army for 20 years before he retired. Upon retirement, Kit spent a great deal of his life building magnificent homes for people in the community of Greenwood. He was born at the old home place in Mashulaville, MS. He was one of 8 siblings born to the late Willie Kellis and Willie Leona Clark Higginbotham.
Kittrell Higginbotham was a genuinely kind, remarkably funny and intriguingly intelligent man. His humble nature left everyone he came in contact with feel better about themselves. Kit truly changed the world for the better.  Even in Kit’s last days, he praised the nurses for their work and made jokes to lift everyone’s spirit. Kittrell Higginbotham was a true example of love.
Visitation will be held on Thursday, February 15, 2018 from 5:00pm till 7:00pm at Wilson and Knight Funeral Home in Greenwood, MS. Services will be 11:00am Friday, February 16, 2018 in the Wilson and Knight Chapel with additional visitation from 10:00am until service time on Friday. Interment will follow in Centerville Baptist Cemetery. Military burial rites will be performed by American Legion Post #29.
Memorial may be made to Immanuel Baptist Church in Greenwood or Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital.




David Earl Higginbotham (1952-2018) MS

October 11, 1952 - February 19, 2018

David Earl Higginbotham, 65, of Greenwood, MS, died Monday, February 19, 2018 at Greenwood Leflore Hospital. Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at Odd Fellows East Cemetery. Rev. Dennis McKay will officiate the service. Visitation will be 12:30 p.m. until 1:30 p.m.  Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at Williams & Lord Funeral Home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born October 11, 1952 in Calhoun County to David Higginbotham and Ethelene Brassfield, he grew up there before settling in Greenwood. He was of the Baptist faith and a devout believer. He enjoyed Nascar Racing, football at Ole Miss and wrestling. He was loved by many and will be dearly missed. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother, Jerry Higginbotham, and sister, Alice Faye Moore.
He is survived by his wife, Ida Faye Higginbotham of Greenwood, MS; daughters, Teresa Lee Bullard and husband, Jerry of Bruce, MS and Christy Higginbotham of Calhoun County, MS; sons, Virgil Earp of Mountain Grove, MO, Sherman Rape III of Greenwood, MS, John Rape of Greenwood, MS, and Mickey Rape of Greenwood, MS, and numerous grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be friends and family. Williams & Lord Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Journal 03/30/2018

Michael Ray Higginbotham (1971-2018) MS

Michael Higginbotham, 49, passed away at his home on Thursday, March 29, 2018. He was born on April 21, 1968 in Okolona to Betty Barnes Higginbotham and Billy Ray Higginbotham. Michael had worked many years in health care as a certified nursing assistant. He had worked at Trace Regional Hospital in Houston and was currently employed by Aberdeen Health Care. He attended Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Houston. He enjoyed helping his patients and doted on his nieces and nephew. He leaves behind his mother, Betty Higginbotham of Houston; his father, Billy Ray Higginbotham of West Point; a sister, Michelle Moore (Zero) of Calhoun City; a brother, Dewayne Higginbotham of Houston; special friend, John Heard of West Point; his nieces, Teletha Sansing (Chris) of Calhoun City, Jessica Laster (Chris) of Van Vleet, Magnolia "Princess BooBoo" Higginbotham, a nephew Colton Moore (Candance) of Calhoun City, and nine great-nieces and great-nephews. He was preceded in death by his grandparents. Funeral services will be Saturday, March 31, 2018 at 2:00 at Southern Funeral Chapel in Houston with Brother Bobby Brock officiating. Burial will follow in Wake Forest Cemetery in Dancy. Visitation with the family will be Friday, March 30 from 5:00 until 7:00 at Southern Funeral Chapel. Funeral Home Southern Funeral Chapel 1012 Hwy 15 N Houston, MS 38851 (662) 456-5584.



The Daily Journal 06/15/2018

Glenda Joyce Higginbotham Jones (1955-2018) MS

Glenda Joyce Higginbotham Jones, 62, passed away suddenly, Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at North MS Medical Center. She was born on September 4, 1955 in Amory to William and Eva Neal Higginbotham. She had lived most all of her life in Nettleton, was a graduate of Nettleton High School, was a secretary for the Lee County Board of Supervisors and was an exchange student coordinator, and was a member of Bigbee Baptist Church. Glenda enjoyed going to church, gospel singings, traveling, was an avid MS State Fan, and enjoyed being with her grandchildren. A memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Chapel of Tisdale-Lann Memorial Funeral Home in Nettleton with the Rev. James Rutledge, the Rev. Justin Haynes, & the Rev. Matt Long officiating. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery. Survivors include one daughter, Leigh Anne Eaton (Kenny Wayne) of Nettleton; one son, William Jason Jones (Pam) of Nesbit; one sister, Brenda Grayson (Buddy) of Nettleton; three granddaughters, Shelby, Kassidy, & Sarah Eaton. She was preceded in death by her parents. Visitation will be Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. at the funeral home.




Margaret Higginbotham (1942-2018) MS

Mrs. Margaret Higginbotham, 75, of Alabaster, AL passed away June 12, 2018. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 pm Saturday, June 16th at Culpepper Funeral Home Chapel; burial to follow at Smyrna Cemetery. Visitation is 1:00 – 2:00 pm Saturday at the funeral home. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Ridgecrest Baptist Church; and a Homemaker. She is survived by her children, Angie Woodard and T.W. Higginbotham; 10 grandchildren; 9 great grandchildren.



Clarion Ledger 8/1/2018

Cole Younger Higginbotham Jr. (1934 - 2018) MS

Pearl, MS - Cole Younger Higginbotham Jr., 83, passed away Mon. July 30, 2018 at St. Dominic Hospital in Jackson, MS. Visitation will be held on Wed. Aug. 1, 2018 from 5pm-7pm at Ott & Lee Funeral Home in Brandon, MS and on Thurs. Aug. 2, 2018 from 10am-10:45am at Crossgates United Methodist Church in Brandon, MS. Funeral Services are 11am on Thurs. Aug. 2, 2018 at Crossgates United Methodist Church with graveside services to follow at 2:30pm at the Mississippi State Veterans Cemetery in Newton, MS. C Y, as he was referred to by his family was born in Walnut Grove, MS to Reverend C. Y. and Sarah Fannie Higginbotham on Dec. 23, 1934. The son of a minister he moved many times during his early years. He talked often about "My Days" in school at Collinsville, MS. He graduated from Roxie High School in Roxie, MS, served in the U.S. Air Force and retired after many years of employment with General Service Administration. Mr. Higginbotham is preceded in death by his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Higginbotham; brother, Rev. John Higginbotham; sister, Wilena Stark and 2 brothers in law, Mike Stark and Clarence Wayne Halford. He is survived by his wife, Clara Jane Parker Higginbotham; two children, Jayne Kavanaugh (Michael) and Cole Younger "Tripp" Higginbotham III (Sonya R.); 6 grandchildren, Anna Beth Higginbotham, Patrick Cole Higginbotham, Austin Corey Suits, Brett Parker Suits, Clayton Kavanaugh and Trent Kavanaugh; sister, Sarah Pearl Halford; brother, Ralph Higginbotham (Kay); sister in law, Evelyn Higginbotham and numerous nieces, nephews and in laws. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Crossgates United Methodist Church at 23 Crossgates Dr. Brandon, MS 39042 or Alta Woods United Methodist Church at 109 Alta Woods Blvd. Jackson, MS 39204. Funeral Home Ott & Lee Funeral Home - Brandon 1360 W. Government St.  Brandon, MS 39042 601-824-6018.




Lilbren Ray Higginbottom (1963-2018) MS
February 19, 1963 - August 9, 2018
Ray Higginbottom, 55, passed away Thursday, August 9, 2018 because of a vehicle accident. He was born February 19, 1963 to the late Samuel Lilbren Higginbottom and the late Girley Wood Higginbottom. He was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church. He enjoyed fishing, racing, and especially spending time with grandkids. He was a hard worker and enjoyed his time working at Discount Grocery that he owned and operated in Fulton and Hamilton, AL.

There will be a visitation Saturday, August 11, 2018, at Senter Funeral Home from 9:00 am - 11:00 am. Graveside service will be at 11:30 am at Belmont City Cemetery with Bro. Robert Wood officiating. Senter Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include his wife, Linda Higginbottom; sons: Chaise (Morgan) Higginbottom and Seth (Sissy) Higginbottom all of Fulton; grandsons: Chandler Higginbottom, Tayton Puckett, Noah Higginbottom, Madden Puckett, Rylan Higginbottom, and Kyler Higginbottom; granddaughter, Trinity Higginbottom; sisters: Sheila (Jackie) Gentry, Kay Higginbottom, and Sister-in-law, Cathy (Pete) Brandon; and a host of nieces and nephews.

Preceded in death by his parents; brother, David Higginbottom, sisters: Betty Reeves and Donnia Pardue.




Sherman Lee Higginbotham (1939-2018) MS

Sherman Lee Higginbotham, 79, of Banner, passed away on Thursday, August 9th, 2018 at his home. Sherman was born on February 19th, 1939 in Vardaman to Charlie Higginbotham and Verdie Collums Higginbotham. A Master Carpenter by trade, he enjoyed woodworking in his spare time along with outdoor activities that included hunting and fishing. Sherman leaves behind his Wife, Peggy Ann McCord Higginbotham; Sons Donnie Lee Higginbotham of Nashville, Tennessee and Gary Dean Higginbotham of Sarah, Mississippi; Daughters Pat Fortune of Cedar Bluff, Alabama and Pam Eckles of Leesburg, Alabama; Brother Carl Dean Higginbotham of Millington, Tennessee; Sister Lilly Clark of West Memphis, Arkansas; and several Grandchildren and Great-Children. There will be a visitation with the family on Saturday, August 11th, 2018 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Parker Memorial Funeral Home in Bruce. A funeral service honoring Sherman’s life will be held immediately following visitation in the chapel of the funeral home. The Reverend Jeff Dalton will officiate the service, with The Reverend Lannis May assisting. Sherman will be laid to rest after funeral services in the cemetery of Shady Grove Methodist Church, where he was a member. Pallbearers include Jerry Bryant, Zachary Hall, Gary Higginbotham, Michael Higginbotham, Chris McCord, and Kenneth Phillips. Sherman was preceded in death by his Mother and Father; Son Keith Higginbotham, Brothers Charlie Fonzo Higginbotham and Bill Stone; and Sister Margaret Newsome. Parker Memorial Funeral Home of Bruce is honored to be entrusted by the Higginbotham family in arranging services honoring Sherman’s life.




William Warren Higginbotham (1931-2018) LA/MS

August 3, 1931 - November 15, 2018

Carriere, Mississippi

Memorial Services for William "Bill" Warren Higginbotham, age 87, of Carriere, MS, who passed away Peaceful in his sleep Thursday, November 15, 2018, will be held at a later date.

Arrangements are under the direction of McDonald Funeral Home.

A native of Jonesboro, LA. William moved to Washington in 1951 where he was an orchardist.

William enjoyed fishing, working on his cars and growing fruits and vegetables.

He was preceded in death by his wife Jackie Higginbotham and later Virginia Higginbotham, his parents, John Higginbotham and Ora Dark Higginbotham; his daughter, Margaret Ann Higginbotham; and his brothers, Herman Higginbotham, and Bobby Ray Higginbotham and his sister Ella Mae.

Left to cherish his memory are his children, Linda Thomas, Debbie (Derek) Henreid, Tami (Robert) Spencer, and Walter (Charlene) Higginbotham; 7 grandchildren, Karri Espinoza, Tony Armijo, Brandy Swanson, Joey Higginbotham, Riley Higginbotham, Robby Higginbotham, and Daniel Spencer; numerous great grandchildren; several great great grandchildren; and his sisters, Evalene Neal and Gladys Dixon.

Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.



Clarion Ledger 12/9/2018

Ralph Auburn Higginbotham (1938-2018) MS

Clinton - Ralph Auburn Higginbotham, 79, passed away on December 6, 2018. Visitation will be held on Monday, December 10, 2018 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. with a memorial service beginning at 2:30 pm at Galloway United Methodist Church in Jackson.

A graduate of Mississippi State University, Ralph was a certified public accountant and a partner in the firm of Hagaman, Higginbotham and Roper. He went on to found and serve as president of Commercial Services Corporation, providing accounting and data processing services to clients throughout the United States. Later in his career, he served as finance officer of Christ United Methodist Church.

Ralph was proud of his military service, first in active duty with the United States Army and later as a member of the Mississippi Army National Guard as a financial officer.

Ralph was a longtime member of Galloway United Methodist Church where he enjoyed singing with the chancel choir.

He had a deep abiding love for his parents, his four brothers and sisters and his many nieces and nephews. The love of Ralph's life was his wife Kay, whom he married on Sept 12, 1959, and who took care of him steadfastly during the last years of his life. His four grandsons were his pride and joy.

Ralph was preceded in death by his parents, Rev. C. Y. Higginbotham and Fannie Whittington Higginbotham; brothers, Rev. John Higginbotham and C. Y. Higginbotham; and sister, Wilena Higginbotham Stark.

Ralph is survived by his wife, Kay Heck Higginbotham; sons, David Higginbotham (Kristi) and Mark Higginbotham (Amanda); grandchildren, James "Clay" Higginbotham, John "Brooks" Higginbotham, Judson "Burke" Higginbotham and James "Bennett" Higginbotham; and his sister, Sarah Higginbotham Halford.

Memorials in Ralph's memory may be made to the music fund of Galloway United Methodist Church, 305 N Congress Street, Jackson, MS 39201.

Funeral Home: Wright & Ferguson Funeral Home, 106 Cynthia Street Clinton, MS 39056, (601) 924-9308.




Diane Elaine Lisenbea Higginbotham (1947-2018) MS

Services for Diane Elaine Lisenbea Higginbotham will be held at 1:30 on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, at Hardy Street Baptist Church chapel in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, with visitation at 1:00 and a graveside service at 4:00 at New Palestine Cemetery, Picayune, MS. Mrs. Higginbotham passed away on December 20, 2018, after a battle with an aggressive form of ALS. She was born November 11, 1947, in Picayune, MS. She was preceded in death by her parents James Costello Lisenbea and Emma McCarty Lisenbea, her husband Rodney Paul Higginbotham, her brother James Costello Lisenbea (Jimmy), and her son James Lynn Jones. She is survived by her son Richard A. Carroll, II, from Baton Rouge, LA; her brother Michael Lisenbea from Picayune, MS; and her granddaughters Olivia Carroll from Baton Rouge, LA; Ashlan Jones and Abigail Jones from Purvis, MS; and Amelia Jones from Hattiesburg, MS; and by a great-grandson, James Tyler Curtis, from Purvis, MS. She was retired from careers in bookkeeping and cosmetology, along with a lengthy service with American Cancer Society. She was a Christian and a longtime member of Temple Baptist Church, where she helped start a singles ministry (TNT) for older singles that was active for many years, and where she was an active member of the Encouragers Bible Fellowship Class. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the ALS Association, PO Box 379022, Boone, IA 50037-0022, alsa.org, or to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22478, Oklahoma City, OK 73123.




Gary James Higginbotham (1944-2019) TX-MS

Mr. Gary James Higginbotham, 74, of D'Iberville, died Thursday, January 3, 2019.
Mr. Higginbotham was a a devout catholic. He attended Christ the King Catholic Church in Latimer where he was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He attended Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and later the University of Southern Mississippi. He received the Spirit of the Gulf Coast Award from MCGGG in 2006. He was worked at Ingalls Shipbuilding where he retired as a Marine Design Engineer. Mr. Higginbotham also served as a baseball historian for the Biloxi Shuckers.
He is preceded in death by his parents, James J. and Thelma Marie (Blanchard) Higginbotham.
Survivors include his siblings, Carroll (Mary Katherine) Higginbotham, John W. Higginbotham, Eugene P. (Ila Ann) Higginbotham, and Mary Grace (John) Watts; nieces, Kathy Dorsey, Kevin Higginbotham, Angel Klobe, Justin Klobe, and Ila Marie Stuart, and a host of great nieces and nephews.
The Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 12 noon on Thursday, January 10, 2018 at Christ the King Catholic Church in Latimer. The family will receive friends from 11- 12 pm prior to the service.
Entombment will follow in Biloxi City Cemetery.




Jewell Katherine Higginbotham Moore (1928-2019) MS

Mrs. Katherine Moore, 90, of Macon, MS passed away Saturday, January 12, 2019 at Noxubee General Hospital in Macon, MS. A funeral service is planned for Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 2 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Macon, MS. Interment will follow in Moore Cemetery. Visitation will be held at the church one hour prior to the service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Dementia Society, P.O. Box 600, Doylestown, PA 18901 or online at dementiasociety.org or First United Methodist Church, P. Box 162, Macon, MS 39341.
Mrs. Katherine Higginbotham Moore was born in Gholson, MS on September 4, 1928 to the late Albert Lenton and Annie Kate Butler Higginbotham. She attended Shuqualak School. After graduation, she married Fred Moore on her birthday in 1947. Katherine worked at Cal-Jac for twenty five years after which she retired to spend more time with her family. She was a member of First United Methodist Church and enjoyed her church family and her special visit each week with Ray Penick. Katherine love working in her yard and sitting on the porch to enjoy the “fruits” of her labor. She would bundle up for the coldest weather to be outside, however she refused to wear shorts when it was sweltering hot, ”because my legs are too ugly”! . She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Fred Moore and sisters; Sally Walker and Clytee Kinard.
Mrs. Moore is survived by her sons: Freddie Moore of Tupelo, MS and Gene Moore of Macon, MS; sisters: Doris Goodin of Macon, MS and Dean Vandevender of Louisville, MS; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.




Elizabeth Ann Sitton Higginbotham (1947-2019) MI/MS

Elizabeth Higginbotham, 71, of Janice, Mississippi, formerly of Biloxi, died Sunday, February 3, 2019 in Gulfport after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Higginbotham is preceded in death by her parents: Robert and Margaret Sitton; sister, Frances Buckwold; stepson, Larry Lee Higginbotham, and granddaughter, Baby Holy Angel. Survivors include her loving husband of 30 years, Larry Higginbotham; daughter, Elizabeth Petitfils; son, John Mark Petitfils; stepson, Terry (Amanda) Higginbotham; sisters, Patsy Horton; Mary Worth, and Anna Rogers; grandchildren, John Micheal (Jillian) Petitfils,Courtney and Angel Petitfils, Emily, Sarah, Madison, Maxwell, and Mason Higginbotham, and great grandson, Zachary Petitfils. The family will receive friends from 9-10 on Saturday, February 9, 2019 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 1026 E Central Ave, Wiggins, MS 39577 in Wiggins with a Mass of Christian Burial following at 10 am. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be made in Elizabeth's name to The Poor Fund, C/O, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 1026 E Central Ave, Wiggins, MS 39577, 601-528-1393.




Ben F. Higginbotham (1941-2019) AR/MS

October 16, 1941 - March 16, 2019

Born in Little Rock, Arkansas

Resided in Nesbit, Mississippi

Ben F. Higginbotham, 77, of Nesbit, Mississippi passed away on Saturday, March 16, 2019. He was born on October 16, 1941 in Little Rock, Arkansas, to the late Olin and Dollie Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was a Fork Lift Parks and Service Manager for many years, US Marine and attended Hinds Chapel United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife, Cheryl Rush Higginbotham; children, Mike Higginbotham of Sherwood, Arkansas, Michelle Higginbotham Grisham of Cabot, Arkansas; two step children, Zane Boxx of Lake Cormorant, MS, Kelly Livingston of Nesbit, MS;sister, Anita Coffey of Little Rock, Arkansas; eleven grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. A memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Sunday, March 24 at Hinds Chapel United Methodist Church, 5105 Church Road, Lake Cormorant, MS, 38641. High Point Funeral Home & Crematorium 901-454-5795




Annie Ernestine Coleman Higginbotham (1927-2019) MS

February 14, 1927 - April 17, 2019

Annie Ernestine Higginbotham, age 92, passed quietly at her home Wednesday morning surrounded by her loving husband of 76 years and her children.  She entered through Heaven’s Gates on April 17, 2019! A funeral service is planned for Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 2 p.m. at Butler Pentecostal Church near Shuqualak, MS with Bro. Gerald Butler and Bro. Jared Glover officiating.  Interment will follow in Butler Cemetery. Visitation will be held at the church Friday from 6-8 p.m.  Memorials may be made to Soul Harbor Pentecostal Church, P.O. Box  474, Shuqualak, MS  39361 or Butler Cemetery, 991 Johnny Higginbotham RD., Shuqualak, MS  39361. Cockrell Funeral Home is honored to be entrusted with arrangements.  Pallbearers will be  Al Hannah, Jonathan Hannah, Tyler Higginbotham, Erik Adams, Tony Moore, Chip Hines, James Harlow, Austin Hannah, and Chaffin Upchurch. Honorary pallbearers will be all member of the Soul Harbor Pentecostal Church and nurses and staff of Kindred Hospice.
Ernestine was born on February 14th, 1927 in Gholson, MS.  She was one of five siblings born to Thomas Howard and Lela Tommie Butler Coleman.  She is survived by her husband, Charlie Brooks Higginbotham, Sr. and three children, Carolyn (Junior) Jones, Charlie (Merl) Higginbotham, Jr., Cindy (Ralph) Skipper all of Shuqualak, MS and one Son-in-law, Tom Hannah (Lou) from Piedmont, SC.
She has nine Grandchildren, Charlotte Conner, Dawn Harlow (James), Al Hannah (Kim), Jonathan Hannah, Tyler Higginbotham (Amy), Kendrick Adams (Erik), Candice Hines (Chip), Kellis Moore, Tony Moore (B.J.)
She has fourteen Great Grandchildren, Maria Walton (Tyler), Boddie Harlow, Austin Hannah, Katie Rose Ricks (Casey), Maridee Higginbotham (Stephen Robertson), Sadie Higginbotham, Sophie Hines, Sam Hines, Isabella Moore, Sawyer Ross, Chaffin Upchurch, Isaac Adams, William Walton Adams and Sutton Adams.
She has  four Great -Great Grandchildren, Conner Walton, Zander Walton, Anna Tyler Ricks and Butler Brooks Ricks plus numerous nieces and nephews that she loved as her children. 
Ernestine is preceded in death by her daughter, Lillie “Lou” Hannah and a stillborn son, Ronnie Higginbotham.  She is also preceded in death by all her siblings, Cleveland Coleman, David Coleman,
Willie Mae Green and Ruth Higginbotham.  She has one sister-in-law, Mary Coleman left to maintain the Coleman name. 
Ernestine and Brooks married when she was only 15 years old.  Brooks left for the Army shortly after their marriage.  After the birth to their first child, Carolyn, she boarded a train with a two week old baby and went to Monroe, Virginia to be close to her husband.  After their second daughter, Lou, and was born they bought a small farm in Gholson, MS and made it their home for 11 years.  Mama took a job as a seamstress at the Pants Factory in Macon, MS.  They moved to Shuqualak in February 1957, two weeks after their last child, Cindy was born and shortly afterwards they built a small country store in front of their home and she managed the store every day for 18 years. 
Ernestine was a loving mother and homemaker but her favorite title was being a Grandmother or “MawMaw” for her!  She loved to cook and enjoyed preparing meals for all her family.  It gave her great pride to have her family around her kitchen table at mealtime.  She especially took great pride in her holiday meals.  No matter what holiday it was, the table was covered in dishes and there wasn’t an inch of space left on the counter top that didn’t have food prepared for that special day.  She knew the favorites of every member of the family and she made sure that those dishes were prepared especially for them. 
Her next favorite occupation was cleaning house.  She loved her home and the flowers in her yard.  She would spend hours working on each.  Whether it was polishing hardwood floors or pulling weeds from her flower beds, she was happy as could be doing each chore.   
Her absolute favorite thing to do was taking care of her grandchildren.  All of her children worked, so all the grandchildren ended up at MawMaw’s each day during the week and after school.  Even though she had children under her most of her day, she continued to maintain a spotless house and a beautiful yard, which by the way was awarded “Yard of the Month” countless times!  Her discipline for her grandchildren was with more love, hugs and candy. The Grandchildren preferred to be at MawMaw and PawPaw’s house more than their own house.  The Grand Kids always knew that MawMaw kept candy hid at her house and would sneak each one of them a piece during the day.  
Ernestine was a charter member of Soul Harbor Pentecostal Church in Shuqualak, MS.  She loved her church, her pastor, Bro. Gerald Butler and each member of the church held a special place in her heart.
Every member knew that if they needed something to be prayed for that she was the go to person.  Her church members and every member of her family considered her to have a direct line to Jesus and I’m not sure that she didn’t.  She was a faithful member of her church until her health just would not permit her to go anymore but she continued to read her bible until her eyes were too weak to read anymore.  I am sure there was not a day that went by that she did not lift every single person in her family and extended family up in prayer.  She loved the days that Bro. Gerald Butler would come by and check on her, which he did often or if he didn’t come by in person, he called to check on her.  Her spirit was always lifted when he would stop by and have prayer with her.
Ernestine loved everyone that entered her door.  There were no strangers at her house.  She welcomed them with open arms, hugs and kisses and food when she was still able to do so. 
The last four years of Ernestine’s health was on a gradual decline.  She knew her days were numbered but up until her last breath, she showed more love and affection to her family than you could ever dream possible!   She was loved by many and will be missed every day.  We love you Mama!



Ott & Lee Funeral Home, Morton, Mississippi 4/28/2019

Ruby Gale Scrivner (1941-2019) MS

Mrs. Gale Scrivner, age 77, a resident of Carthage passed away on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Highland Home in Ridgeland. Graveside services will be held 11am Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at Pleasant Grove Methodist Cemetery in Carthage. Bro. Larry Savell will officiate the services. Arrangements were entrusted to the care of Ott & Lee Funeral Home in Morton.

Mrs. Scrivner was born in Attala County on June 9, 1941. She loved to sew and made lots of clothes for people and always put a label in them that said, "Made with love by Gale." Gale was a animal lover and even had a pet bull as a child. She loved to fish and be with her family. Gale will be greatly missed by all who loved and knew her.

She is preceded in death by her parents, Thomas Higginbothan and Ruby McBeth Higginbothan; son, Stanley Gene Scrivner; sister, Ann Gaither; brother, Thomas Higginbothan Jr.; ex-husband, Billy Gene Scrivner.

She is survived by her children, Billy Scrivner of Carthage, Stephanie Scrivner Crapps (Mike) of Coal Bluff, Martin T. Scrivner (Melissa) of Philadelphia; grandchildren, Jesse Ingram (Jeremy), Tandy Scrivner-Breazeale, Kristina Scrivner-Denton, Stan Scrivner and Anna Crapps; great grands, Ethan & Ellie Breazeale, Kayson Denton, Paisley Price & Zachary Ingram; a host of friends.




Erlene Tims Higginbotham (1932-2019) MS
Funeral services for Erlene Higginbotham will be held Friday, September 27, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. at Robert Barham Family Funeral Home with Reverend Bill Webb officiating. Burial will be at Meridian Memorial Park. Robert Barham Family Funeral Home is honored to be entrusted with arrangements.
Ms. Higginbotham, age 87, of Jacksonville, FL passed away September 21, 2019 following a long illness.
Erlene was a wife and homemaker. She loved to work in her yard and enjoyed beautiful flowers. In Meridian, she belonged to the Women's Garden Club and was an active member of Midway Baptist Church. She treasured the lifelong friendships made in her Sunday School class. After her husband passed, she moved to Jacksonville, FL. Her house backed up to a lake, and she enjoyed watching the birds, geese, and ducks that frequented the area. She joined Westside Baptist Church and participated in many of their programs until her health declined. She entered Brookdale/Avondale Asst Living and enjoyed the loving care provided by the staff and Community Hospice.
Survivors include her daughter, Ann Baranski and husband, Larry of Oklahoma City; daughter in law, Ngoc Higginbotham; brother, Buddy Tims of Meridian; grandchildren, Steven Baranski and wife, Kris of Portland, Oregon; Michael Baranski and wife, Lacy of Jenks, Oklahoma; Thanh Hogan and husband, Jonathan of Jacksonville, FL; and Hoang Nguyen and wife, Tuong of Jacksonville; great grandchildren, Emily, Sam, Carter, and Charly Baranski; Kimberly and Jessica Hogan, Loan, Phung and wife, Emily Nguyen; and great-great grandchild, Jameson Nguyen.
She was preceded in death by her husband, B.T. Higginbotham; son, Tom Higginbotham; parents, William Bartley and Lucy Tims.
In lieu of flowers the family requests memorials be made to the American Heart Association, 4830 McWillie Circle, Jackson, MS 39206.
Family and friends may sign the online guestbook at robertbarhamffh.com.
Visitation will be held Friday, September 27, 2019 at the funeral home an hour and a half before the service.




Paul Johnson Higginbotham (1934-2019) MS

April 29, 1934 - October 3, 2019

Services for Mr. Paul J. Higginbotham will be held on Monday, October 7th, 2019, at 11 a.m., at graveside with Bro. Jason Castle officiating. Interment will be in Long Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, 85, of Merdian, passed away on Thursday, October 3, 2019 at Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center. He was a veteran of the Army National Guard and retired from the Mississippi State Hospital. He enjoyed working in the yard and cutting fire wood for himself and family.

He is survived by Son, Bobby Higginbotham (Ashley); Daughter, Paula Cullum; Grandchildren, Brandon Cullum, Haleigh Cullum, Breanna Cullum, and Elizabeth Higginbotham; Sisters, Edna Parker, Claudie Higginbotham, and Bessie Thornton; numerous nieces and nephews.

He was preceded by his parents, Cannie and Lettie Higginbotham; Wife, Fay Higginbotham; Sister, Ann Roberts; Brothers, Sam Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham.




Dorothy Sue Castles Higginbotham (1937-2019) MS

January 20, 1937 - October 31, 2019

Services for Dorothy Sue Higginbotham will be held Sunday, November 3, 2019 2:00 p.m. at Wilson and Knight Funeral Home in Greenwood, MS.

Dorothy Sue Higginbotham went home to be with her Lord and Savior surrounded by her family on Thursday, October 31, 2019. She was the daughter of William Benjamin and Pearlie Lee Castles and was born on January 20, 1937, in Schlater, MS.

Dorothy loved spending time with her family, caring and cooking for others, working in her yard, listening to gospel music, shopping, and traveling.

She continued to work at Scott Petroleum even after her retirement through September 2019. She worked there just shy of 53 years. Dorothy loved her extended work family. She was also blessed by special neighbors and longtime friends, Robert and Sandra Joiner, that have been her extended family.

Dorothy was preceded in death by her husband, William E. “Billy” Higginbotham, and her parents. She was married to Billy for 57 years. Dorothy actively served the Lord and was a member of First Baptist Church of Itta Bena, MS, for 64 years.

Surviving Dorothy are her three children, Linda H. Williams of Jackson, MS, Byron Higginbotham (Kay) of Searcy, AR, and Karen H. Ashley (Jeff) of Madison, MS; five grandchildren, Stephanie H. Williams, Joshua Higginbotham (Lesley), and Wayne Higginbotham, all of Searcy, AR, McKayla Ashley, and Anna Leigh Ashley, both of Madison, MS; five great grandchildren, Chastin Reed, Caden Higginbotham, Carver Higginbotham, Olivia Higginbotham, and Channing Williams, all of Searcy, AR; sister, Octavie Gravois of Venice, FL; as well as many nieces and nephews who loved her dearly.

Visitation will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the funeral home. The Rev. Andrew Kappenman will officiate. Pallbearers will be Robert Joiner, Bo Prestidge, Wayne Aldridge, Richie Fulgham, Vince McDaniel, and Randall Makamson. Honorary Pallbearers will be Kimble Kelly, Solon Scott, Sr., Larry Bennett, and Larry Kelly. Interment will follow in McNutt Cemetery.

Memorial may be made to First Baptist Church of Itta Bena. Wilson and Knight Funeral Home is in charge.



Cockrell Funeral Home 11/25/2019

Virgie Ruth Higginbotham Thomas (1932-2019) MS

Mrs. Virgie Ruth Higginbotham Thomas, 89, of Preston, MS passed away peacefully on Sunday November 24, 2019 at Elderly Care in Macon, MS. Her funeral service will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 11:00 A.M. at Cockrell Funeral Home chapel with Bro. Gerald Butler and Bro. Allen Eaves officiating. Interment will follow at Vernon Baptist Church Cemetery near Preston. Visitation will be held from 10:00 A.M. until service time Tuesday. The family requests that donations be made to the Parkinson’s Foundation, 200 SE 1ST Street, Suite 88, Miami, FL 33131 or to Sta-Home Hospice, 1300 Sunset Drive #N, Grenada, MS 38901. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is honored to be entrusted with the service arrangements.
Virgie Ruth Higginbotham was born on April 5, 1932 in Noxubee County, MS to the late Joseph E. Johnson Higginbotham and Margurite Delia Conner Higginbotham. She attended the Shuqualak school and also the Mashulaville School. She married Boyd Thomas (who preceded her in death) in 1949 and they made their home in the Gholson, MS area for many years before moving to the Preston, MS area. Mrs. Thomas worked in a factory all of her working life, going from basic worker at the beginning all the way to being a supervisor when she retired. At the same time that she was working at the factory, she was also working on the family farm as well as taking care of her growing family. Mrs. Thomas enjoyed needle-work, especially quilting and crocheting. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, and by one brother: Ditious Higginbotham.



Clarion Ledger 11/30/2019

Betty Ellen Foster Higginbotham (1948-2019) IA/MS

September 12, 1948 - November 28, 2019

Mrs. Betty F. Higginbotham, 71, of Turtle Rd., Byram, MS, died Thursday, November 28, 2019 at St. Dominic Hospital in Jackson, MS. Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Council Bluff, Iowa and a resident of Byram, MS for 27 years. She was retired after working from Walmart for 20+ years. Survivors include her daughter, Kathy E. Godbold of Meadville, MS; two sisters, Sandra J. May of Terry, MS and Cindy L. Scott of Byram, MS; four grandchildren, Donovan Foster and Amanda Foster of TN, Aden Smith & Haley Godbold of Meadville, MS; several nieces & nephews and great nieces & nephews She is preceded in death by her parents, Charles R. Foster & Ellen K. Foster, her sister, Robbie Doherty and two sons Kenneth D. Foster and Hugh (Tiger) Higginbotham. Services will be held at Chancellor Funeral Home in Byram, MS. Visitation will be Monday, December 2, 2019, 5-8pm with service Tuesday, December 3 at 2pm with burial at Rosemont Gardens.



Commercial Dispatch 12/23/2019

Charlie Brooks Higginbotham (1922-2019) MS

C. B. “Brooks” Higginbotham Sr., 97, died Dec. 22, 2019, at his residence. Services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at Shuqualak Baptist Church. Burial will follow at Butler Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5-7 p.m. Friday at the church. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be made to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, 848 Adams Ave., Memphis, TN 38103 or to St. Jude Children’s Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105.



William Lee Higginbotham (1940-2020) MS

Funeral services for Mr. William Lee Higginbotham will be held 1:00 PM Friday, January 3, 2020 at John E. Stephens Chapel with Rev. Wesley Lovern, Rev. Chris Richardson and Rev. Michael Harper officiating. Interment in Spring Hill Methodist Cemetery in Dekalb, MS. Visitation 5-8 Thursday, January 2, 2020 at John E. Stephens Chapel Funeral Services.
Mr. Higginbotham, 79, passed away Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at his residence in Neshoba County. He was a U.S. Army Veteran and worked many years at U.S. Electrical Motors. His hobbies include reading, westerns, football and joke telling. He was a member of Faith Tabernacle Church.
Preceded in death: Parents, William Henry Higginbotham and Lillie Mae Green Higginbotham; (4) Sisters, Janette Higginbotham, Flora Robertson, Florrie White and Margie Flake; (2) Brothers, Lenard Ray Higginbotham and Dennis Jim Henry.
Survivors: Wife, Claudia Higginbotham of Philadelphia; Daughters, Charlotte Alford (Kevin) of Philadelphia, Jo Ann Gable (Richard) of Meridian, Dianne McCollum (Donald) of Toomsuba and Ashley Benson (Chad) of Philadelphia; Sons, Brian Higginbotham of Philadelphia, Brad Higginbotham of Philadelphia, Billy Shelton (Dianna) of Toomsuba and Eric Shelton of Meridian; Brother, George Higginbotham of Macon; (14) Grandchildren; (7) Great-Grandchildren; Several nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers: Kory Alford, Tom Hill, James Melvin Higginbotham, Ronald Flake, Josh Haskins and Zach Shelton.
Honorary pallbearers: Logan Shelton, Donald Flake, Travis Flake, Kyler Alford and William Youngblood.




Shirley Faye White Higginbotham Gunter (1940-2020) MS

Shirley Faye Gunter, age 79, passed away Wednesday, January 1, 2020, at St. Dominic Memorial Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Saturday, January 4, 2020, in the Nowell Massey Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Billy Higginbotham officiating. Visitation will be the day of the service from 12:00 p.m. until service time at Nowell Massey Funeral Home in Louisville, Mississippi. Interment will follow in Sardis Cemetery.
Shirley was born February 17, 1940, to James and Betty Haggard White in Louisville. She was one of the last known living members of Sardis Baptist Church. Shirley retired from Cal-Jac Factory in Macon, Mississippi, where she worked for 40 years. She was an avid reader and gardener; she loved her flowers; and collecting angels and tea pots.
Mrs. Gunter is survived by her husband Sammy Gunter of Lena, Mississippi; and her children: Sandra Ann Stewart and husband Ricky of Hazlehurst, Mississippi; Billy L. Higginbotham and wife Patsy also of Lena; and Larry T. Higginbotham and wife Anita Kay of West Point, Mississippi. One of her greatest joys was being “Granny” to her four grandchildren: Ashley (Sumer) Howard, Summer Burkes, Cindy (Lee) Vreeland, and Natalie Kay Higginbotham; and her nine great-grandchildren: Nicholas Howard, Heaven Howard, Autumn Howard, Ali Montgomery, Dawson Butler, Carson Butler, Stoney Burkes, Hudson Boykin, and Kruz Vreeland. She is also survived by her nieces and nephew Bettye and Charlie Higginbotham; Bobby (Dorothy) White; and Ethel Hunt as well as a host of great-nieces, great-nephews, and friends. Shirley is preceded in death by her parents; and her siblings: J. C. (Christine) White, Gerald White, R. A. (Addie Lee) White, Lamar (Anna Belle) White, and Sylvia White Vowell.
Serving as pallbearers are Dawson Butler, Johnny Hemphill, Ashley Howard, Nicholas Howard, Ricky Stewart, and Lee Vreeland. Honorary pallbearers are Charlie Higginbotham and Bobby White. Memorials in honor of Mrs. Gunter may be given to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Tribute Program, P. O. Box 1000 Department 142, Memphis, TN 38148-0142.
Services are under the direction of Nowell Massey Funeral Home, 724 North Columbus Avenue, Louisville, MS.




Dorothy Katherine Higginbotham Warren (1953-2020) MS

Funeral services for Mrs. Dorothy Katherine "Kathy" Warren, will be on Saturday, January 25, 2020, at Franklin Funeral Home in Meadville, MS at 11:00 AM, with burial to follow in the Midway Cemetery in Meadville, MS. Rev. Tony Mullins will be officiating the services, with Franklin Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements. Visitation will be at Franklin Funeral Home in Meadville, MS on Saturday, January 25, 2020, from 9:00 AM until time of service at 11:00 AM.
Mrs. Warren, 66, of Meadville, MS, passed from this life on Monday, January 20, 2019, at Meadville Nursing Home in Meadville, MS. She was born on October 26, 1953 in Meadville, MS to Mr. Hugh Higginbotham and Mrs. Julia Marie Crook Higginbotham.
Kathy, as she was known by her friends, was a retired License Practical Nurse. She was known for her care and compassionate care of all she cared for. She loved her family very much and cherished the time she would spend with them.
Preceding her in death were her parents, Hugh and Marie Higginbotham; husband, Raymond Warren; infant sister, Mary L. Higginbotham; brother Hugh Darrell Higginbotham and son in law, Jason Haley.
Survivors are her two daughters, Billie Haley of Meadville, MS and Julia Warren of Meadville, MS; two sisters, Francine Smallwood Of Bude, MS and Judy Jackson of Walker, LA; four grandchildren, and a host of family and friends.




Russell Turner Higginbotham (1949-2020) MS

(January 12, 1949 – March 7, 2020)

Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at the Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home in Collins for Russell Turner Higginbotham, 71 of Collins, who passed away on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at the Hattiesburg Health and Rehab in Hattiesburg.

Dr. Joseph Bird and Reverend Gerald Butler will officiate at the services with interment to follow in the Collins City Cemetery in Collins.  Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home in Collins will be in charge of the arrangements.

Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, and from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at the Billy M. King-Colonial Chapel Funeral Home in Collins. Pallbearers will be family and friends.

Mr. Higginbotham was born on January 12, 1949 in Meridian, Mississippi.  He was a loving father, grandfather, and brother.  Mr. Higginbotham was a retired electrician.  He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Collins.  Mr. Higginbotham enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren and working in his yard.

He was preceded in death by his parents, R T and Lucy Kathryn Buckalew Higginbotham.           Survivors include two daughters, Angela Higginbotham Jones, and her husband, John W. of Mount Olive, and Deanna Higginbotham Miller, and her husband, Terry of Collins; one son, Neil Higginbotham, and his wife, C.J. of Sumrall; one brother, Roger Higginbotham, and his wife, Maria of Alabaster, Alabama; five grandchildren, Kylee Miller, Johnna Jones, Makenzie Hathorn, Braxton Hathorn, and Lucy Higginbotham; and a host of nieces, nephews, and other family members.



The Sun Herald Apr. 3, 2020

Larry Emile Higginbotham (1940-2020) MS

Janice - Mr. Larry E. Higginbotham, 79, passed away peacefully on Saturday, March 28th, 2020 in Janice, MS after a nearly five year battle with cancer. He was born 2 Aug 1940 in Biloxi, MS. He was a devoted Catholic and attended St Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Wiggins, MS. Words cannot adequately begin to describe him. He was a business owner, a founding member of the West Jackson County Volunteer Fire Dept., a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus, an avid Civil War re-enactor with the 3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment, he was a classic car collector, he loved to do wood working and could create works of beauty from seemingly scraps, he rarely met a stranger and yet he claimed to be immensely shy. He was a jokester and loved to laugh. He was truly a man of character and was a character. Mostly though he was a good man, the likes of which are rarely seen. He was preceded in death by his wife, Elizabeth Higginbotham, his parents, Percy and Marie Louise Higginbotham, his brother, Randall L. Higginbotham, and his son, Larry L. Higginbotham. He is survived by his son, Terry (Amanda) Higginbotham, Encinitas, CA and his stepdaughter Elizabeth C. Petitfils, Janice MS, his granddaughters Emily, Sarah, and Madison Higginbotham, his grandsons Maxwell and Mason Higginbotham, and his step grandson John (Jillian) Petitfils. He is also survived by his ex-wife Patricia Higginbotham, Ocean Springs, MS A memorial service will be held at an appropriate time later.



Clarion Ledger 4/25/2020

Linda Higginbotham Brookhart (1942-2020) MS

April 06, 1942 - April 21, 2020

Linda Higginbotham Brookhart, 78, of Macon, MS passed away Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at Elderly Care Center in Macon, MS. A graveside service was held Saturday, April 25, 2020 at Mashulaville Cemetery near Macon, MS with Bro. Steve Galloway officiating. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 1380 Livingston Lane, Jackson, MS 39213 or online @www.cancer.org. or ST. Jude Children Research, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105 or online @ ww.stjude.org. Cockrell Funeral Home is honored to be entrusted with arrangements.

Linda Higginbotham Brookhart was born April 6, 1942 to William and Louie Mae Higginbotham. She graduated from Shuqualak High School, EMCC and attended Mississippi State University. Linda worked as a phlebotomist for the State of Mississippi and later for Lab Corp in Southhaven, MS for many years. While living in Macon she attended First Baptist Church until she became ill. Mrs. Brookhart is preceded in death by her husband, Jack Brookhart.

Linda is survived by six siblings: Travis Higginbotham (Gary Lois), Leon Higginbotham (Coleene) Nita Royal (Mike), Janice Windham (Phil), Yvonne Barge (David) and Randy Higginbotham (Mona). There are six nieces and nephews, as well as, nine great nieces and nephews to mourn her loss.

The Commercial Appeal May 3, 2020

Reverend Elwood W. Higginbottom Sr. (1931-2020) MS
Reverend E. W. Higginbottom Sr. passed away April 29, 2020 at the age of 89. E. W. Higginbottom was born in Oxford, MS on March 29, 1931 to parents, Melissa and father, Elwood Higginbotham. His father was a sharecropper in Oxford, MS and was lynched in the year 1935 at the age of 29. On October 27, 2018, Reverend Higginbottom and his family attended a ceremony in remembrance of his father. A marker stands as dedication to him at Molly Bar Road and North Lamar Boulevard in Oxford - near the spot where he was lynched. Rev. Higginbottom was a major asset in the South Memphis area. He has pastored over 3 decades at New Abundant Life Church. He leaves in his memory 6 children, 25 grandchildren, 61 great grandchildren and 13 great- great grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends.


Charlie Brooks Higginbotham, Jr. (1947-2020) MS

October 09, 1947 - May 06, 2020

Charlie Brooks Higginbotham, Jr., 72, passed away May 6, 2020, at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.  Charlie Brooks, as he was affectionately called, was born October 9, 1947, in the Gholson Community of Noxubee County near Shuqualak, the son of the late Charlie Brooks, Sr. and Earnestine Coleman Higginbotham.  He was a 1965 graduate of Noxubee County High School in Macon and briefly attended East Mississippi Junior College in Scooba prior to entering the United States Navy and serving his country for two tours of duty during the Vietnam War.  After returning to Shuqualak from Vietnam, Charlie Brooks went to work learning the skill and trade of brick masonry from Brother Richard Proffitt. The relationship of apprentice and master brick mason went far beyond brick and mortar; it was a lifelong friendship that continued for many years.  In 1978, Charlie Brooks went to work for the Mississippi Game and Fish Commission as a game warden.  Throughout the years and with the support of many of his peers and colleagues, Charlie Brooks was promoted to Supervisor with The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, covering Noxubee, Winston, Clay, Lowndes, and Oktibbeha Counties, a position he held until he retired in 2004. Throughout his law enforcement career, Charlie Brooks continued to work part-time for Brother Proffitt laying brick for countless projects across East Mississippi and West Alabama. After his law enforcement retirement and at the urging of his brick masonry mentor, Charlie Brooks owned and operated Higginbotham Bricklaying, a small brick masonry company that he operated until his health wouldn’t allow it anymore.  He was an avid outdoorsman who thoroughly loved to hunt and fish. He loved to share his love of the outdoors with others.  He was a member of Shuqualak Baptist Church. He was also a member of West Point Masonic Lodge #40 F&AM.  Charlie Brooks was a master story-teller.  Whether it was telling a joke, pulling a harmless prank, or capturing the attention of an audience, Charlie Brooks enjoyed making people smile and laugh.  Through his character and wit, he was often found being the center of attention.  He loved people.  In addition to his parents, Charlie Brooks was preceded in death by his infant brother, Joseph Ronald Higginbotham; and his sister and brother-in-law, Thelma “Lou” Hannah and husband Tom.

Due to current COVID 19 guidelines and for the health concerns of family and friends, a private family graveside service will be held Saturday, May 9, 2020, from Butler Cemetery near Shuqualak with Reverend Don Tew officiating.  Cockrell Funeral Home, Inc. of Macon is honored to be entrusted with the arrangements.

Survivors include his wife, Merl Higginbotham of Shuqualak; daughter, Kendrick Higginbotham Adams and husband, Erik of Mathiston; son, Tyler Higginbotham and wife, Amy of Starkville; seven grandchildren, Katie Rose Ricks and husband, Casey of Starkville, Maridee Moreland Robertson and husband, Stephen of Flowood, Chaffin Elijah Upchurch of Starkville, Sadie Sanders Higginbotham of Starkville, Isaac Holman Adams, William Walton Adams, and Sutton Dane Adams all of Mathiston; two great grandchildren, Anna Tyler and Butler Ricks both of Starkville; two sisters, Carolyn Jones and husband, Junior and Cindy Skipper and husband, Ralph all of Shuqualak; and numerous nieces, nephews, and other extended family.

Pallbearers will be Johnny Brandy, Erik Adams, Chaffin Upchurch, Levi Hailey, Curtis Gandy, Casey Ricks, Stephen Robertson, and Larry Higginbotham.

The family would like to recognize as honorary pallbearers all the current and former employees of the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks.

Memorials may be made to Butler Cemetery Fund, C/O Mr. Willis Jones, 991 Johnny Higginbotham Road, Shuqualak, MS 39361.




Joshua Higginbotham (1991-2020) MS

March 7, 1991 ~ June 22, 2020

Joshua Higginbotham passed away June 22, 2020 at the age of 29. He enjoyed spending time with his children and family as much as he could. He was a loving husband, father, friend, son and brother. His kind spirit will be greatly missed. As he would say, let the Roll Tide Roll.     He is preceded in death by his father, Richard Eugene Sasser; brothers, Charles Richard Sasser and Justin Half. Those left to cherish his memory include his wife, Alysa Lynn Higginbotham; children, Joshua “JJ”, Jr., Presley, Alexander and Addilyn; parents, Vickie and Johnny Higginbotham; siblings, Krickett (Kyle) Kelley, Chris (Erica) Higginbotham, Jesse Higginbotham, Little Johnny Higginbotham, Roger Bolen, Beth (Ronnie) Worsham, Nancy (Raul) Hernandez, Brent Cartwright, Matthew (Amber) Cartwright, Tabitha Cartwright, Katherine Cartwright, Patsy Cartwright and Big Roger Bolen; Heather “Tori” Smith; numerous other relatives and friends.   The Visitation for Joshua Higginbotham will be Wednesday, June 24, 2020 from 3:00 PM until the Funeral Service begins at 5:00 PM in the chapel at Moments Funeral Home. Family and friends are encouraged to wear their Alabama gear in his honor. Bro. Stephen Crigler will be officiating. Moments Funeral Home, locally owned and operated in Lucedale, Mississippi is honored to be in charge of arrangements.




Mary Elizabeth Higginbotham Coleman (1936-2020) MS

Mary E. Coleman, 84, of Shuqualak, MS, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 with her family by her side. A graveside (drive-in) service was held at Butler Pentecostal Church in Shuqualak, MS on Saturday, December 19, 2020 with Bro Gerald Butler and Bro Ronnie Cartwright officiating. Interment was held in Butler Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Butler Cemetery Fund, 991 Johnny Higginbotham Rd, Shuqualak, MS 39361. Cockrell Funeral Home is honored to be entrusted with arrangements.
Mary Elizabeth Higginbotham Coleman was born on May 19, 1936 to the late Earl and Annie Mae Higginbotham in Noxubee County, Mississippi. She graduated from Shuqualak High School in 1955. Mary married David Coleman on May 21, 1954 and she worked thirty years at Shuqualak Manufacturing, all the while being a home maker and mother. Mary was a dedicated member of Butler Pentecostal Church for her entire life, where she served as a Sunday school teacher for many years.
Mary enjoyed gardening, deer hunting, quilting, and reading. She loved raising produce and going to the local farmer’s market. She believed that you had to take care of the pastor and local ministers and she always made sure they were stocked with her home-grown goods. Mary was an avid hunter until her health prohibited it, but then encouraged the younger generation to be involved.
Being with her family was the highlight of her life. Mary loved her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren with everything within her. She looked forward to weekly visits from her niece, Virginia. Her generosity was apparent and she would go out of her way to help anyone in need. Mary is preceded in death by her parents, her husband of forty-eight years, David Coleman, son: Tim Coleman, grandson, Tim Coleman, Jr. and great granddaughter, MaKayla Runnels.
Mary is survived by her children: Joe Coleman of Shuqualak, MS, Earl (Karen) Coleman of Florence, MS, Danny Ray (Janie) Coleman of Shuqualak, MS, Ann Coleman of Shuqualak, MS and Kay James of Shuqualak, MS; two brothers: Earnest (Rochelle) Higginbotham of White Bluff, TN, and Alton (Bell) Higginbotham of Columbus, MS; nine grandchildren and twelve great- grandchildren.



Starkville Daily News Dec. 21, 2020

Brenda Lee Moreland Higginbotham Baker (1949-2020) MS
March 24, 1949 - November 30, 2020
Brenda Lee Moreland Baker, 71, of Starkville, MS passed away Monday, November 30, 2020, at OCH Regional Medical Center in Starkville, MS. A private service was held Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at Cockrell Funeral Home in Macon, MS. Interment was held in Adaton Baptist Church Cemetery in Starkville, MS. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Oktibbeha Humane Society, 510 Industrial Rd, Starkville, MS 39759 or LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, 848 Adams Ave., Memphis, TN 38103. Cockrell Funeral Home is honored to be entrusted with arrangements.
Brenda Lee Moreland was born in Oktibbeha County, MS on March 24, 1949, to the late Jesse Dee Moreland and Mary Lou Sanders Moreland. Brenda was always immensely proud of her Moreland and Sanders families’ lineages. When Brenda was eight years old, her father passed away. Her mother met and married Malcolm Kendrick when she was thirteen years old and they moved to the Deerbrook Community in Noxubee County, MS. She graduated from Noxubee County High School in the Class of 1967 and then attended Mississippi State University. She worked for Presley Construction Company for several years before becoming the Manager of First Financial Services in Macon, a position that she held until she retired. Brenda always dressed very professionally for her job and enjoyed “dressing to the nines” for all occasions. For most of her adult life, Brenda lived in Shuqualak, MS but in 1999 she moved to the Longview Community near Starkville. On November 25, 2005, she married Jackie Baker. Brenda was a member of the Longview Baptist Church. She enjoyed many pastimes, some of which included listening to Adrian Rogers’ sermons, taking pictures, reading, and listening to music. She loved all of her family but especially doted on her grandchildren. Brenda loved all wild and domestic animals and would even stop her car to rescue a turtle from the road. If it was winter, she would take them home and care for them until it was warm enough to release them back into the wild. Brenda a selfless person who always puts others before herself.
Brenda is preceded in death by her father, Jesse Dee Moreland; mother, Mary Lou Sanders Moreland Kendrick, step-father, Malcolm Kendrick, and the father of her children, Charlie Brooks Higginbotham, Jr.
Brenda is survived by her spouse: Jackie Baker of Starkville, MS; a daughter, Kendrick Adams (Erik) of Mathiston, MS: a son: Tyler Higginbotham (Amy) of Long Beach, MS; seven grandchildren: Katie Rose Ricks (Casey), Maridee Moreland Robertson (Stephen), Sadie Sanders Higginbotham, Chaffin Upchurch, Isaac Adams, William Walton Adams, and Sutton Adams; two great-grandchildren: Anna Tyler Ricks and Butler Brooks Ricks; three stepchildren: Troy Baker, Jodie Baker Fortenberry (Doug), and Taft Baker(Lynsey); six step-great-grandchildren: Gracey and Ansley Baker, Jackson and Arlin Kate Dollar, Baker Fortenberry, and Townes Baker.




Carol Faye Higginbotham Pruitt (1953-2021) MS

Carol Faye Pruitt, 67, passed away on Saturday, January 2, 2021, at the Elderly Care Center in Macon, Mississippi. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Thursday, January 7 in the Nowell-Massey Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Tim Horton officiating. Visitation will be the day of the service from 1 p.m. until service time at Nowell-Massey Funeral Home. Interment will immediately follow the service in Mashulaville Cemetery in Mashulaville, Mississippi.
Carol Faye was born August 19, 1953, to Clarence Odell and Myrtice Syrine Higginbotham in Noxubee County. She attended Westside Baptist Church until it was closed. Carol Faye was a nurse for many years at Noxubee General Hospital and later was the owner of the Elderly Care Center in Macon. She loved to travel especially during the Christmas season to see Christmas lights. She also enjoyed listening to country music, watching her television shows, and reading.
Carol Faye is survived by two sons Charles Higginbotham and Joseph Pruitt and wife Sara all of Macon. One of her greatest joys was being “Mimi” to her grandchildren: Luke, Adalee Rae, and Waylon Pruitt and Preston and Payton Higginbotham. She is also survived by two brothers Larry (Carolyn) Higginbotham of Macon and Raymond (Sharon) Higginbotham of Waskom, Texas; and two nephews Chris (Leah) Higginbotham of Meridian, Mississippi, and Christopher (Dana) Merritt and their children Blake, Kaylee, Allie Brooke, and Jax all of Waskom. She also leaves behind special friends Nancy Ashford, Ruby Harmon, and Lisa and Mike Eades; as well as her loving nieces, nephews, and friends. Carol Faye was preceded in death by her parents.
Serving as pallbearers are Charles Higginbotham, Joseph Pruitt, Preston Higginbotham, Luke Pruitt, Taft Baker, and Jacob Gilbert. Memorials in honor of Carol Faye may be given to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, www.stjude.org.
Services are under the direction of Nowell-Massey Funeral Home, 724 North Columbus Avenue, Louisville, MS




Merl Clark Higginbotham (1966-2021) MS
June 21, 1966 - May 5, 2021
Merl Clark Higginbotham, 54, of Shuqualak, MS passed away at her residence Wednesday, May 5, 2021.
There will be a private service held at a later time. 




Gilbert J. Higginbotham (1979-2021) MS

September 28, 1979 - May 09, 2021

Gilbert J. Higginbotham, 41, of Ft. Washington, died Sunday, May 9, 2021 at Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia.  He was the husband of Lauren (Oates) Higginbotham. Born September 28, 1979 in Greenwood, MS, he was the son of John and Beverly “Suzanne” Higginbotham.  He grew up playing football and played in the marching band in Winnfield, LA.  After high school, he attended the University of Arkansas Monticello on a football scholarship.  He was blessed with a son named Alexander Giovanni in 2004.  In 2007, he moved to Philadelphia to attend the Aviation Institute of Philadelphia.  He graduated at the top of the class and started working for Parec Properties.  In 2017, he met his wife, Lauren, and they were married in 2019.  He enjoyed being outdoors, fixing things, treasure hunting, spending time with his family and friends, and playing pool. He is survived by his beloved wife, Lauren; son, Alex and Alex’s mother, Crystal; parents, John and Suzanne Higginbotham Sr. of Madden, MS; maternal grandmother, Mary Ellen Woodard; brother John Higginbotham Jr. (Karla) of Winnfield, LA; sister, Jennifer Martin (Sidney) of Leesville, LA; nieces, Emily, Andi, Ella, and Milly; and numerous aunts and uncles. A memorial service will be held at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, May 11th at Brookside Community Church, 3800 Brookside Rd, Macungie, PA.



The Commercial Appeal Jul. 24, 2021

Vivian Peggy Higginbotham Ross  (1930-2021) MS
Olive Branch, MS - Peggy Ross passed away Wednesday July 21 after a fall and brief illness. For many years she told her family and friends that she wouldn't live past 80 but instead made it to an impressive 91! Peggy was born on February 7, 1930, to Walter and Clarice Higginbotham in Darden, MS, a small community outside of Myrtle, MS. During her childhood her family moved to Memphis TN where Peggy attended Messick High School graduating in 1948. After high school she worked at the GE Lamp plant in Memphis where she met a young engineer named Ray Ross. They married in 1949 and briefly moved to Cleveland before returning to Memphis where they remained for the rest of their lives. Peggy had two children early in her marriage, Lloyd and Cindy, and became a lifelong mother and home maker. During her life in the Memphis area, she lived in Midtown, East Memphis, Fox Meadows, Collierville, and finally Olive Branch. Peggy's passion was her home and yard. She loved to be outside working in the yard and flower beds and could often be found there many nights well after dark! She had the qualities of endurance, perseverance, and tenacity. Whatever she set her mind to do, usually got done. She liked to read and up to the time of her passing, kept abreast of current political, social, and cultural events.
Peggy was a believer in God and His son Jesus Christ. She attended and volunteered in churches for most of her life. During her life she attended Buntyn Street Baptist, Prescott Memorial Baptist, White Station Baptist, and Ridgeway Baptist. In her later years when she was physically unable to attend services, she listened weekly to sermons on her radio and read the Bible she kept beside her recliner.
Peggy was predeceased in death by her husband Raymond Lloyd Ross, daughter-in-law Lilly Ross, brother Charles Higginbotham, sister-in-law Carolyn Higginbotham, and nephew Michael Higginbotham. She leaves behind a son, Lloyd Ross of Houston, TX, a daughter, Cindy Littlefield (David) of Germantown, TN, two brothers, George Higginbotham (Betty) of Pontotoc, MS, Randy Higginbotham (Laurie) of Memphis, TN, and four grandchildren, Katie Bilek (Beau) of Washington DC, J.D. Littlefield (Paige) of Memphis, TN, Walt Littlefield of Germantown, TN, and Seth Littlefield of Memphis TN, three great grandchildren, Jackson Bilek, Brooke Bilek, and Aaliyah Powell, as well as a nephew who was more like a grandson to her, Allen Higginbotham of Memphis, TN. As well, Peggy leaves behind 3 nieces and one nephew, and many great-nieces and nephews.
The family would like to thank immensely the management and staff of Silver Creek Senior Living in Olive Branch, MS - Denise, Leslie, Annette, Christy, Tess and all the rest as well as Felichia and her staff at F&J Homecare. You all made the last several years enjoyable and easy for both Peggy and her family. We cannot thank you enough, especially the care during the pandemic. May God bless all of you!
The family will receive relatives and friends on Wednesday, July 28 from 12:30 pm until the time of the funeral service at 2:30 pm at Memorial Park Funeral Home and Cemetery, 5668 Poplar Avenue in Memphis. The committal service will immediately follow.
For anyone wanting to honor Peggy with a donation, the family asks that those be made to either St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, The Parkinson's Foundation, or the local church of your choice.




Reginald Allen Higginbotham (1940-2021) MS

January 24, 1940 - August 04, 2021

Reginald Higginbotham, 81, of Shuqualak, MS passed away on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at Neshoba County Nursing Home in Philadelphia. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, August 7 at 10:00 AM at Macedonia Methodist Church cemetery near Shuqualak with Robert Higginbotham and Bro Gerald Butler officiating. There will be no visitation. The family requests no flowers, please. All memorials should be made to the Mississippi Fellowship of Christian Athletes P.O. Box 449 Ridgeland, MS 39158. Cockrell Funeral Home of Macon is honored to be in charge of arrangements. Reginald Allen “Reg” Higginbotham was born to Johnny and Flora Butler Higginbotham on January 24,1940 during the worst snowstorm that Mississippi has ever experienced. He passed away from this earthly life on Wednesday August 4,2021 at the age of 81. He was the youngest of four children. His siblings were Lamar, Gilbert, and Virginia. He was a graduate of Shuqualak High School. He married Betty Jean Bateman right here in Macedonia Church 61 years ago on December 27, 1959. He had several jobs during his life but was best known for his expertise in operating a bull dozier.  He was an avid Ole Miss Rebel fan, and he always supported his children and grandchildren in their athletic endeavors. He loved walker dogs and beagles. He was a turkey hunter, a fox hunter, a deer hunter, and a rabbit hunter. Simply put; he was a hunter. He leaves behind a legacy of hunters, future hunters, and families. Those are Robert (Carol) Higginbotham, Kiel (Lara), Jett and Lake Higginbotham. Josh McNeill, Maci-Jane McNeill, Julee (Benny Ray) Watkins, JD McNeill (Katelin), Maggie–Leigh McNeill. Ronnie (Tina) Higginbotham, Ethan   Higginbotham, John David (Kristi) Higginbotham, Ty (Dakota Colville), Cohen Higginbotham, Hanna Higginbotham, Rhett Estes, Taylor Higginbotham.




Stephen Lamar Higginbotham (1964-2021) MS

Stephen Higginbotham passed away August 19, 2021 at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle at the age of 57. He was born August 18, 1964 in Louisville to Shirley Norman Higginbotham and the late Joseph Lamar Higginbotham. He drove a truck for Vince Clay Trucking for many years.
He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Higginbotham of Cedar Bluff; his mother, Shirley Higginbotham of TN; a daughter, Cierra Higginbotham of West Point; brothers, Tommy Higginbotham of Louisville, Michael Higginbotham of TN, John David Higginbotham of Cedar Bluff, Tim Higginbotham of TN; sisters, Sandy Blackwell, and Lucinda Oakes both of Lebanon, TN; numerous nieces and nephews, and his furry friend, Chuck Norris.
Graveside services will be 4 PM Saturday at Cedar Bluff Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers will be Tommy Higginbotham, Michael Higginbotham, John David Higginbotham, Tim Higginbotham, Dennis Oakes, Patrick Elam. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association at act.alz.org. Robinson Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements.




Dorothy May Ryan Higginbotham (1961-2021) MS

Mrs. Dorothy Mae Higginbotham, age 59, of Moss Point, MS, passed away, Saturday, August 21, 2021, in Pascagoula, MS.
She is preceded in death by her parents, Raymond and Marion Virginia Tompkins Ryan; brother’s, Lawrence Ryan, Earnest Ray (Red) Ryan, Danny Lee Ryan and Robert Kevin Ryan.
Dorothy is survived by her loving husband, Gary Ray Higginbotham; brother’s, Anderson Earl (Nicky) Ryan
Serving as pallbearers; Tyler Ryan, Brett Ryan, Gary Higginbotham Jr, Floyd, Robert Ryan and Patrick Ryan.
A visitation will be held Wednesday, August 25, 2021, from 10:00AM-11:00AM at Holder-Wells Coastal Funeral Home, 12800 highway 613 Moss Point, Ms 39562. The funeral service will follow at 11:00AM in the chapel, with Gerald Butler officiating.
Interment will conclude in Serene Memorial Gardens.
Holder-Wells Coastal Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.



Pamela Ruth Moore Higginbotham (1963-2021) MS

Pamela Ruth Higginbotham, age 57 of Tupelo, passed away Friday, October 01, 2021, at her home. She was born December 11, 1963, to Jim Moore and Patricia Stanley Rewis. She was loved by many and had a kindred and old soul. She loved murder documentaries. She loved her husband and son more than words can describe. Mrs. Pam will truly be missed by the many souls who got to cross and meet her on her path.
Memorial service will be Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at Lee Memorial Funeral Home. Visitation will be one hour prior to the service. Lee Memorial Funeral Home is entrusted with the arrangements.
She is survived by her son, Steven Higginbotham (Stephany) of Tupelo; step son, Justin Higginbotham; grandchildren, Hayden White, Presleigh White, Anna Claire White, and Addie Higginbotham; mother, Patricia Rewis of Florida; and sister, Jennifer Collins (Art) of Florida.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Jamie Higginbotham; father, Jim Moore; and brothers, David Moore and Jimmy Moore.




Kenneth Lee Higginbotham (1957-2021) MS/AL
March 26, 1957 ~ December 14, 2021 (age 64)
Kenneth "Kenny" Lee Higginbotham passed away on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at his residence.  He was born March 26, 1957, in Mississippi,  to Kenneth Lavon Higginbotham and Mary Lois Slater Higginbotham.  He was retired from his trade of Carpentry and was preceded in death by his parents and a sister: Betty Niebres. 
Survivors include Wife - Peggy Harvel Higginbotham, Hartselle, AL; Brother - Dan Higginbotham (Debbie), Falkville, AL and Several Nieces and Nephews.  No services are scheduled at this time. Peck Funeral Home 1600 Hwy 31 SW P.O. Box 427 Hartselle, AL  35640 256.773.2541




George Melvin Higginbotham (1927-2021) MS
April 21, 1927 - December 28, 2021
George M. Higginbotham was born on April 21, 1927 in Kemper County, MS to the late William Henry and Mary Onie Green Higginbotham. He attended local schools and moved with his family to Meridian, MS when he was fourteen. He married Mae White in 1952 and they moved to Arkansas. To this union was born two children: Georgia and James Melvin. Soon they moved to Shuqualak, MS where they made their home.
George worked at the Garment Plant for most of his working life and retired from there. He was a member of the Macedonia United Methodist Church near Shuqualak.  He enjoyed spending his free time fishing and going to flea markets on the weekends. George was a great cook and was a faithful parent and caregiver who always made sure that his children were off to school on time and that they always had something to eat.
A private family-only service will be held for Mr. George. Please may any memorials to the Shriner’s Children Hospital  2900 Rocky Point Drive  Tampa, Fla. 33607. Cockrell Funeral Home is honored to be entrusted with the service arrangements.



The Natchez Democrat 1/12/2022

Margaret June Patterson Higginbotham (1929-2022) OK/MS
“Whether we live therefore or die; we are the Lord’s.” Romans 14:8
Our precious mother, Margaret June Higginbotham of Gloster, MS, passed away at Field Health System in Centreville, MS. on the morning of January 11, 2022.
June was born on June 9, 1929 in Waunika, OK to Joseph Allen Patterson and Cassie Lee Holman Patterson. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband Billy Robert Higginbotham; sisters Lois Salyer and Inez Salyer, and brothers Wayne Patterson and Ralph Patterson.
Survivors include two children, Robert Ralph Higginbotham and wife Rebecca of Gloster, Ms., and Rebecca Ann Higginbotham Cutrer and husband Buddy of Petal, Ms.; six grandchildren, Kristie Higginbotham Holliday and husband Patrick, Rhonda Higginbotham Lemoine and husband Petie, Robert Higginbotham and Candace, Brent Cutrer, Brandon Cutrer and wife Kelly,  and Brittany Cutrer DiVincent and husband Mike; eleven great grandchildren, Kallie  Davis, Cade  Davis, Lexie Davis, Caleb Lemoine, Colby Lemoine, Cailyn Lemoine, Kyla  Higginbotham, Zayd Higginbotham, Gabriel Cutrer, Michael Cutrer, and Blake DiVincent;  two sisters Glenda Garrett  and Doris Harris.
A widow of forty-eight years, June devoted her life to telling all who would listen about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His saving Grace. She and a small group of prayer warriors successfully pioneered and established the Gloster First Assembly of God Church. Affectionately known as Sister June, she was a positive influence in the lives of so many.
Our mother’s earthly body will be laid to rest at Roseland Cemetery in Gloster, Ms. at 10:30 AM Friday January 14, 2022. A graveside memorial will be conducted by the Rev. Ken Ensminger and Brenda Dicky PhD.



Hubert Higginbotham (1934-2022) MS

January 18, 1934 - July 29, 2022
Services for Mr. Hubert Higginbotham will be held at 11 am, Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at Bloomfield Congregational Methodist Church. Bro. Buddy Covington and Bro. Dennis Duvall will officiate. Interment will be held in the church cemetery.
Visitation will be held 5-8 pm Monday, August 1, 2022 at McClain-Hays Funeral Home.
Hubert Higginbotham, 88, of Philadelphia, Miss., died peacefully with his children by his side on July 29, 2022.
He was born January 18, 1934, in Noxubee County to the late Walter and Minnie Comans Higginbotham. He spent 30 years employed with the Tennessee Valley Authority until his retirement in 1992. He was an avid vegetable gardener and enjoyed trips to the Smokies with his late wife Adell and his grandchildren. He was a member of Bloomfield Congregational Methodist Church and was known in his time for providing catfish and his famous stew for many church suppers.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by three children: Kathy Irons (Ricky), Tommy Phillips (Vickie), and Martha Anderson. He is also survived by seven grandchildren, seventeen great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his loving wife of 43 years Adell Higginbotham, as well as two sisters, Ira Mae Arledge and Gladys Weeks, one brother, Clarence Odell Higginbotham, one granddaughter and one great-grandson.
Pallbearers are Ricky Irons, Richard Phillips, Payden Phillips, Jacob Phillips, Jon Riley, John Cleckler, Ronnie Lofton and Tony Hardy.




Andrew Raymon Higginbotham (1991-2022) MS

Andrew ("Andy") Raymon Higginbotham was born in Jackson, Mississippi on May 25, 1991. His parents are Janet Wintrone Howard and Ronald Scott Higginbotham. Andy met his Savior in the early morning hours on August 20, 2022. The Lord allowed him to pass very peacefully in his sleep. After Andy left this earth, his wife, Georgia, delivered their son just under 48 hours later. Oh what a beautiful example of the circle of life!
Georgia and Andy became husband and wife on April 9th of this year in a beautiful setting on Lake Bruin, Louisiana. Andy worked as RN Supervisor at The Madison Health and Rehab in Madison, MS. He took so much pride in his work and labored diligently to make sure residents were well taken care of. He loved and had much respect for his co-workers. Andy graduated from Ridgeland High School in 2009 and finished his education at the University of Mississippi where he graduated as a RN, BSN. Nursing was his passion.
This gentle giant will be greatly missed by so many. His friends affectionately called him "bear." His smile would light up the room and his personality was larger than life. Andy was known for his humor and quick wit. Once you met him, you never forgot him! It was his nature to make friends easily and never meet a stranger. It is no surprise that nursing and caring for others became his life's career.
Andy trusted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and sealed his eternity. It is that assurance and hope that we lean on and know that we will one day be reunited with him and others who are already seeing the face of Jesus. If you do not have this assurance, the family is ready to show you how you can have that assurance also. Please reach out to one of us.
Andy is survived by his wife, Georgia Higginbotham, his son, Bruin Andrew Higginbotham, his parents, Janet Howard and Scott Higginbothan, his step parents, Lynn Higginbotham and Johnny Howard, his maternal grandfather, Ray Wintrone, his paternal grandfather, Ray Higginbotham, his grandfather in law, Michael Allday, his grandmother in law, Claudia Allday, his step sister, Addie Howard Stanford, his step grandmother, Christine Howard, three aunts that he adored, Misty Evans, Jill Monsour and Kristi Mount, his uncle, Mark Wintrone, his uncle, Barry Higginbotham and a host of cousins, aunts and uncles.
He is preceded in death by his paternal grandmother, Virginia Haywood Higginbotham, his maternal grandmother, Mary Williams Wintrone, and his step grandfather, Dorris Ray Howard.
Andy's wish was to be cremated and his ashes spread over Lake Bruin, his most happy place. His body will be in view at the celebration of his life on Saturday, August 27 at Colonial Heights Baptist Church, 444 Northpark Drive in Ridgeland, MS. Visitation is 9:30 to 10:30 followed by the service at 11:00.



Southern Funeral Chapel on Oct. 26, 2022

Betty Sue Barnes Higginbotham (1944-2022) MS

Betty Sue “MaBetty” Barnes Higginbotham, 77, passed away at Baptist
Nursing Home in Calhoun City on Friday, October 21, 2022. Born December 3,
1944, in Mantee, she was the daughter of the late Lether Swindle Barnes, and her
late grandparents who helped raise her, Elick and Dolly Swindle. She attended
Cumberland High School, and was a member of First Assembly of God in
Houston. She loved to be working in her flower garden, or mowing and keeping
her yard up. She loved crafts and sewing, and making clothes for family. She also
loved to cook for her grandkids and any of the other kids in the neighborhood who
showed up. A very sweet and kind woman, she will be missed dearly by all who
knew her.
Southern Funeral Home is honored to serve MaBetty’s family.
A Funeral Service celebrating her life will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2022 at
3:00pm at Southern Funeral Home. There will also be a visitation on Sunday from
1:00pm until service time at the funeral home. Bro. Bobby Brock will be
officiating, with interment to follow at Wake Forrest Cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers will be Colt Moore, Dewayne Higginbotham, Chris Laster,
Chris Sansing, Jaxon Laster, and Tony Rowzee.
She leaves behind her son, Dewayne Higginbotham of Houston; daughter,
Michelle Moore and her husband Benton “Zero” Moore of Calhoun City; brother,
Charles Eiland of Starkville; grandchildren, Teletha (Tony) Rowzee of Oxford,
Jessica (Chris) Laster of Van Vleet, Colt (Candace) Moore of Vardaman, and
Magnolia Higginbotham of Houston; and 9 great-grandchildren, Jaxon Laster,
Brianna Laster, Cheyenne Sansing, Jagger Sansing, Jocelyn Sansing, Addison
Moore, Jaelynn Moore, Charlee Moore, and Gatilyn McGregor.
She was preceded in death by her parents; brother, Floyd Eiland; sister, Susan
Anderson Jones; son, Michael Ray Higginbotham; and special friend, Howard Harrell.



Cockrell Funeral Home 11/20/2022

Doris Higginbotham Vernon (1926-2022) MS
November 10, 1926 - November 18, 2022
Mrs. Doris Vernon, 96, of Macon, MS passed away Friday, November 18, 2022 at Noxubee County Nursing Home. Graveside services will be held Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Butler Cemetery, Shuqualak, MS. Memorials may be made to St Jude's Children's Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105.



Wright & Ferguson Funeral Home 12/14/2022

Karen Ann Kitchings Higginbotham (1956-2022) TX/MS
January 30, 1956 - December 9, 2022
Karen Ann Kitchings Higginbotham, 66, of Brandon was called home by her Lord and Savior on December 9, 2022.  She was born in Dallas, Texas on January 30, 1956 to Dr. Harold T. Kitchings and Ann Overstreet Kitchings.
Karen was preceded in death by her parents and her sister Kathy Kitchings Nowell.
She is survived by her husband of 15 years, James Anthony Higginbotham; her sons, Arthur Neil Hitchcock, Jr. “Jay” and his wife Randa and Robert Blake Hitchcock and his wife Lindsey; her two stepdaughters, Amber Michelle Higginbotham and Brittney Elizabeth Higginbotham; her grandchildren, Bailey Claire Hitchcock, Kennedy Leigh Hitchcock, Skylar Marie Demick, Mary Adley Hitchcock, and twins, Anna Katherine and Stetson Blake Hitchcock expected in March of 2023.  One brother, Dr. Harold “Hal” Kitchings and his wife Kellie.
Karen graduated from Kosciusko High School, and she attended Mississippi College and graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Kiki, as she was called by her grandchildren, was a strong woman of faith.  She offered acceptance without judgement to everyone she met.  She was known for her eccentric personality, her love of crazy costumes and was the first person to be on the dance floor. 
In her 25 years of teaching, she enjoyed participating in gifted problem solving competitions.  This included two teams of students going to Odyssey of the Mind and Future Problem Solving World Competitions.
She was an active member of Pinelake Church where she made a recommitment of her faith by baptism in 2020. Kiki loved Jesus with all her heart. As an educator she would not hesitate to witness for Jesus to her students. She would witness about Jesus at every opportunity when it presented itself. She was unashamed to say she loved Jesus and not afraid to say so. 
She always had a beautiful smile, loving heart and always tried to live by the code "WWJD" What Would Jesus Do. She was a rock to some and had a huge forgiving heart. She was the epitome of a Christian. 


Nowell-Massey Funeral Home on Mar. 3, 2023

Robert Allen Higginbotham  (1962-2023) MS
July 19, 1962 - March 2, 2023

Robert Allen Higginbotham, 60, passed away on Thursday, March 2, 2023, at Winston Medical Center Nursing Home in Louisville, Mississippi, with his loving family by his side. Visitation will be Sunday, March 5 from 4 until 6 p.m. at Nowell-Massey Funeral Home in Louisville. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. on Monday, March 6 at First Baptist Church of Louisville. Interment will immediately follow the service in Poplar Flat Cemetery.
Robert was born July 19, 1962, to Reginald and Betty Bateman Higginbotham in Macon, Mississippi. He was a faithful follower of Christ, an avid outdoorsman, and community servant. Known as “Bobby” by his family, he lived life at a fast pace and was always on the go. He loved his church, First Presbyterian Church of Louisville, where he served as an elder. As an outdoorsman he loved to encourage others to hunt and enjoy the outdoors. He helped lead the National Wild Turkey Federation at the highest volunteer level, the National Board; where he served as the most recent Board President. He loved his hometown of Louisville and Winston Medical Center, where he worked as an X-ray Tech in the radiology department for 40 years and retired as the Director of Radiology. He loved watching the Ole Miss Rebels play any sport and traveled the country with family watching games. He was never scared to interject and stand up for a person or cause and fight for what was he thought was right. He will be remembered as a great friend who loved his family and would share whatever he had with anyone in need.
Robert is survived by his loving wife, Carol Merritt Higginbotham; his children: Kiel Higginbotham and wife, Lara, of Brandon, Mississippi; Josh McNeill of Memphis, Tennessee; Julee McNeill Watkins and husband, Bennie, of Mount Juliet, Tennessee; and J. D. McNeill and wife, Katelin, of Louisville; and his mother, Betty Bateman Higginbotham of Shuqualak, Mississippi. One of his greatest joys was being “Bobby” to his four grandchildren: Jett Higginbotham, Lake Higginbotham, Maci McNeill, and Maggie McNeill. He is also survived by two brothers, Ronnie (Tina) Higginbotham and John David (Kristi) Higginbotham; as well as his nieces, nephews, other family members, and numerous friends. Robert was preceded in death by his father, Reginald Allen Higginbotham.
Serving as pallbearers are Tommy Boydstun, Speedy Calvert, Roger Caperton, Gary Hilhouse, Will Hill, Robert McCool, Matt Norwood, Richard Randall, and Wendell Womack. Memorials in honor of Robert may be given to NWTF, 770 Augusta Road, Edgefield, SC 29824 or to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, P. O. Box 321397, Flowood, MS 39232.
Services are under the direction of Nowell-Massey Funeral Home, 724 North Columbus Avenue, Louisville, MS.



Holder-Wells Coastal Funeral Home 5/18/2023

Margaret Carlene Manning Higginbotham (1936-2023) MS

Mrs. Margaret Carlene Higginbotham 86 years old, passed away Monday May 15th, 2023.
She is preceded in death by her sons, Wendell, Dwayne, Andy and Tony Higginbotham; parents, Laura Ezell Manning and Carl Blain Manning.
Carlene cared for their four boys with Muscular Dystrophy until the last one passed away. For her second career, she looked after children at the schools at Rocky Creek Elementary and George County High School keeping things clean. She kept her school bus straight as well as the students on it.
In retirement, Carlene enjoyed tending her pets and plants and working outside in her yard. She loved services at Salem Full Gospel Church and any other prayer group she could find. Carlene never met a stranger and shared her faith with everyone she met. She will be missed at home by her husband, Charles, as they enjoyed 67 years of marriage.
She enjoyed Bible Study and flower gardens.
She is survived by her husband Charles Higginbotham of Lucedale; sisters, Linda (Ronnie) Campin and Martha Brewer (Gordon). A multitude of nieces, nephews, other family and friends.
A visitation will be held on Thursday, May 18, 2023, from 10:00AM-11:00AM at Holder-Wells Coastal Funeral Home chapel, 12800 Highway 613 Moss Point, MS 39562, the funeral service will follow at 11:00AM in the chapel with Mike Sawyer and Wesley Higginbotham officiating. Interment will conclude at Serene Memorial Gardens.
Holder-Wells Coastal Funeral Home served The Higginbotham Family.



Webb & Stephens Funeral Home-DeKalb 7/4/2023

Brenda Alice Jenkins Higginbotham (1946-2023) MS
May 6, 1946 — July 3, 2023

Brenda Alice Higginbotham
A visitation for Brenda Alice Higginbotham will be held Wednesday, July 5, 2023, at Webb & Stephens Funeral Home-DeKalb from 2:00-6:00 p.m.
Mrs. Higginbotham, 74, of Greenwood, MS, formerly DeKalb, MS, passed away Sunday, July 2, 2023, at her residence.
She is survived by her husband, George Higginbotham; children, Misty Higginbotham, Chris Higginbotham (Leah), Larry Allen Higginbotham (Amy), and Stephanie Wiggins; nine grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; and brother, Bobby.
She is preceded in death by her son, Jeffrey Jenkins; and her parents.



Cockrell Funeral Home 8/17/2023

William Travis Higginbotham (1941-2023) MS

February 2, 1941 - August 15, 2023

Mr. William Travis Higginbotham, 82, of Macon, MS passed away at Elderly Care in Macon, MS. on Tuesday, August 15, 2023.  Funeral services will be held Friday, August 18, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at Cockrell Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Steve Reynolds.  Interment will be held in Salem Cemetery. Visitation will be held one hour before the service. In lieu of flowers, Memorials may be made to Elderly Care Center, 496 Magnolia Drive, Macon, MS  39341. Cockrell Funeral Home is in honored to entrusted with arrangements.



Hartman-Jones Funeral Home - McComb on Jan. 18, 2024

Jennetter Higginbotham Williams (1927-2024) MS
Jennetter "Pete" Williams, 96, of McComb MS, passed away at Beacham Memorial Hospital Magnolia, MS on January 16, 2024.
Visitation will be Saturday, January 20, 2024 from 10 AM until 10:45 AM at Hartman-Jones in McComb, MS, followed by an 11:00 AM graveside service at Hollywood Cemetery in McComb, MS. Dr. David Millican will officiate. Services will be under the direction of Hartman-Jones Funeral Home of McComb.
Pete was born February 27,1927 in McComb, MS to the late James Clarence Higginbotham and Lillie Bell Neely Higginbotham.
Pete retired from the Department of Human Services and was a member of Central Baptist Church. She was a loving wife, mother, grand and great-grandmother. She loved walking, sewing and had many friends. She will be sadly missed by her family and friends.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Elvyn R. Williams, three sisters, Ruby Kelly, Verena Barr and Dorothy Fortenberry, and one brother James "Hawk" Higginbotham.
Survivors include one son Mitchell Williams (Dale) of Magnolia, one daughter Dianne Temple (Walter) of Summit, one sister Peggy Holmes (Bill) of Lexie, MS., two grandchildren Summer Williams of Panama City Beach, FL and Brittney Brumfield (Shane) of Pearl, MS and one great-granddaughter, Skyla Brumfield of Pearl, MS.
Pallbearers will be Kevin Barr, Joey Barr, Shane Brumfield, Walter Temple and Jeff Fortenberry.


Roller-Crouch Funeral Home 6/5/2024

Lisa Robin Wall Higginbotham (1961-2024) MS

Lisa Wall Higginbothom went to be with her heavenly father on June 2, 2024, after years of health-related issues and a short battle with cancer. She was a devoted wife for 36 years, a mother for 34 years, and a loving grandmother to three cherished grandchildren. Lisa was born in Clarksdale, Miss., on December 12, 1961, to the late Harold and Shirlene Wall. She leaves behind her husband, Mark Higginbotham of Batesville, Ark.; daughter, Amanda Ruth Higginbothom Ray (Tanner) of Fayetteville, Ark.; granddaughters, Ruth Taylor Ray and Olivia Grace Ray; and grandson, Collier James Ray. She is also survived by her brothers, Chris Wall (Cheri) of Bartlett, Tenn., Mark Wall (Dianna) of DeSoto Lake, Miss., and Barry "Buffy" Wall, of Bobo, Miss.; her nephews, Robert "Bobby" Connor, Christopher Wall, Josh Wall, and Zack Wall; and nieces, Jamie Sheilds, Rebekah Center, and Buffi Adair Wall. Lisa was preceded in death by her parents, Harold and Shirlene Wall; sister, Sandra Terese Connor; and niece, Jennifer O'Connor. The family would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the medical doctors and staff of University of Arkansas Medical Science as well as her work family at Grass Roots Equipment, who have all gone over and beyond to provide care and support to her over the last several years. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions to be made in Lisa's name at the Humane Society of Independence County. Memorial services will be held at a later date. Arrangements were made with Roller-Crouch Funeral Home of Batesville.


Cutshall Funeral Home 7/20/2024

Ben Arthur Higginbottom (1948-2024) MS

Ben Arthur Higginbottom, 75, of Iuka, Mississippi, passed away Thursday, July 18, 2024, at home surrounded by his loving family. Ben was born in Belmont, MS. He was a U. S. Army veteran, having served time as an electronics instructor prior to his deployment to Vietnam for 15 months as a field repairman for the artillery computers. He retired from the engineering department of Commonwealth Edison Nuclear Generating Station in Zion, IL. His greatest joy was his family, especially his “boys.” Over the years, Ben coached his son and grandsons through Little League baseball and football. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Peggy Blackard Higginbottom; one son, Gary Arthur Higginbottom (Deb); two grandsons, Derek Arthur Higginbottom (Monica) and Dylan Gary Higginbottom (Anna); two amazing great-grandchildren, Lillian Arthur Higginbottom (Pa’s little girl that stole his heart) and Cooper Dean Higginbottom (Pa’s little buddy); four brothers, Rick Higginbottom (Pam), Mike Higginbottom (Pam), Lee Higginbottom (Jill), and Greg Higginbottom; and a sister-in-law, Amelia Higginbottom. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward and Geneva Garrett Higginbottom; his brother, Charles Higginbottom; his father and mother-in-law, Hershel and Geneva Blackard; and a brother-in-law, Hershel Wayne Blackard. Cutshall Funeral Home of Iuka, MS is entrusted with arrangements. Funeral services are scheduled for 3:00 p.m., Sunday, July 21, at Cutshall Funeral Home Chapel in Iuka, officiated by Bro. Stanley Magill. Interment will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery. Visitation is scheduled for 2:00 until 3:00 p.m., Sunday, July 21, at Cutshall Funeral Home in Iuka.


Sebrell Funeral Home on Sep. 16, 2024

Samuel Jason Higginbotham (1977-2024) MS

Samuel Jason (Jay) Higginbotham passed away on September 15, 2024, after a brief illness.
Jay, as he will be quick to tell you to call him, was born on February 21, 1977, to Sam and Shirley Higginbotham, on his Aunt Bo's 18th birthday, in Durant, Mississippi.
Jay lived his awesome life as a special needs. In his early years he attended Dogwood Speech School. At age 5, he was moved to the Clinton School District where he remained until the age of 21. He graduated from life skills Little White House where his teachers helped him reach his best potential. He was an active member of the Morrison Heights Baptist Church Special Needs Adult Sunday School class.
Jay lived the majority of his 47 years at home with his parents with the exception of almost 2 years at the Boswell Rehabilitation Community for special needs adults.
Jay wanted to love people and did with his whole soul. If he ever met you, he would not forget you. He always wanted to speak to you and may holler all the way across the church worship center or parking lot to say hey. He loved his phone and spent hours calling his friends young and old.
His passion was music. He mainly loved church choirs and orchestras when they presented Christmas, Easter, and Fourth of July programs. If you were a music director, you more than likely heard from Jay, as he wanted you to use one of his many conductor batons during those
Jay is survived by his parents, his sister Sonia Wells (James David) of Clinton, MS. His nephews Cayden & Grayson Wells and his niece Adalyn Wells all of Clinton, MS. His grandmother Rowena Hill of Durant, MS and his grandfather Rev. Floyd Higginbotham of Bogue Chitto, MS, Uncle Tim Higginbotham (Wanda) of Bogue Chitto, MS, Uncle Joey Hill (Jackie) of Durant, MS, Aunt Benita Johnsey (Tommy) of Clinton, MS, and Aunt Sara Beth Wicker of Bogue Chitto, MS and many cousins.
Jay was preceded in death by his paternal grandmother Effie Leviner Higginbotham and maternal grandfather Charles S. Hill.
We are so grateful for all the prayers for our family during this difficult time. They have been and are felt.
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to any church music ministry of your choice.


Meredith-Nowell Funeral Home on Oct. 12, 2024
Pam Gordon Higginbotham (1961-2024) MS
Pam Gordon Higginbotham, 63, a Bookkeeper at Clarksdale Public Schools Systems, died October 10, 2024, at The Med in Memphis, TN. Visitation is Monday October 14, 2024, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm at Meredith Nowell Funeral Home in Clarksdale, MS. Funeral services are 2:00 pm Monday October 14, 2024, at Meredith Nowell Funeral Home in Clarksdale, MS with burial in the Memorial Gardens Cemetery. Meredith Nowell Funeral Home in Clarksdale, MS is handling the arrangements.
Survivors include her mother Sue Gordon of Clarksdale, MS; son Timothy (Allie) Gordon of Clarksdale, MS; sisters Sandy (Terry) Runnels of Moon Lake, MS, Missy (Vernon) Jackson of Clarksdale, MS, Nan (Gary) Hines of Greenville, MS; granddaughters Amelia Lee Gordon and soon to arrive Addyson Sue Gordon.
Preceded in death by her father Jimmy Gordon, nephew Chris Jackson.


Massey Funeral Home on Jan. 15, 2025

Mary Neel Young Higginbotham (1940-2025) MS

Mary Nell Young Higginbotham, 84, passed away with her loving family at her side on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at the Noxubee County Nursing Home in Macon, Mississippi. Visitation will be Thursday, January 16, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Massey Funeral Home in Louisville, Mississippi. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, January 17, in the Massey Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Glynn Barker and Bro. Jerry Lundy officiating. Interment will immediately follow the service in Mashulaville Cemetery in Macon with Bro. Glynn Barker officiating. Nell was born December 21, 1940, to Ransom and Tennie Vaughn Young in Kemper County, Mississippi. She was a member of Mashulaville Baptist Church. Nell had a passion for quilting and was an excellent seamstress. She also enjoyed gardening and she was a member of the Gideons Ladies Auxiliary of Kemper County. Nell dearly loved her family and she especially enjoyed visits from her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Nell is survived by two daughters, Vickie Richardson and husband, Doug, of Louisville; and Margie H. Ronyak of Macon; and son, Jimmy Higginbotham and wife, Nancy, of the Nanih Waiya community. She is also survived by her sister-in-law, Elsie Parny; and her brother-in-law, Charles Higginbotham and wife, Bettye. One of her greatest joys was being "Maw Maw" to her four grandchildren: Dennis (Jessie) Ronyak, Courtney (Ben) Clark, Karla Higginbotham and Ashley Higginbotham, and four great-grandchildren: Hartley Richardson, Lux Clark, Garry Ronyak, and Wrenley Clark. She is preceded in death by her husband, George Higginbotham; son, George Dennis Higginbotham; parents; son-in-law, Garry Ronyak; and her siblings, Grady Young, Ransom Young, Jr., Ruby Jackson, Christine White, Addie Lee White, and Hattie Trosper. Serving as pallbearers will be Carl Gilbert, David Hemphill, Eugene Hemphill, Billy Higginbotham, William Shepheard, Ransom "Dinky" Young. Honorary pallbearers are Danny Hemphill, Randy Hemphill, James Hemphill, Michael Hemphill, and Larry Higginbotham. Memorial contributions in honor of Ms. Nell may be given to Kemper County Gideon Camp, P. O. Box 650, DeKalb, MS 39328. Services are under the direction of Massey Funeral Home, 724 North Columbus Avenue, Louisville, MS.

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