California Obituaries
The Jackson (IA) Sentinel 11/26/1891
John Higginbotham (????-1891) CA
Flames in San Francisco did $100,000 damage. John Higginbotham was burned to death.
Woodland Daily Democrat 06/06/1905
John Cecil Higginbotham (1838-1905) VA/UT/CA
Death of J. C. Higginbotham
John Cecil Higginbotham, a native of Virginia, aged 67 years, died at his home in Barber Sunday morning, after a long illness. Mr. Higginbotham had been a resident of this section for about three years. The funeral took place from the family home Sunday afternoon, and the remains were shipped yesterday morning to Lodi, where interment was had in the Woodbridge cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham leaves a widow, two sons, a daughter and one brother. Mr. Higginbotham resided in Knights Landing for several years.
Oakland Tribune 09/23/1905
George West Hickinbotham (1866-1905) CA
Missing Man Dead at Stockton
George W. Hickinbotham Passes Away at the Home of His Mother
STOCKTON, CAL., Sept. 23-Word was received here today by Mrs. S. M. Hickinbotham, a wealthy woman of this city, announcing the death of her son. George W. Hickinbotham of Oakland. He is thought to have met with foul play, or to have committed suicide, but members of the family here profess to have no knowledge of how he met his death, and will not discuss it.
The Hickinbotham case seems to be involved in a deep mystery. The young man disappeared from his home, 429 San Pablo Avenue last Tuesday afternoon, and since that time not a word has been heard from him by his his family until this afternoon.
Shortly before 3 o'clock today his wife received a telegram from the young man's mother at Stockton, stating that Mr. Hickinbotham was dead, but giving no particulars whatever.
The widow was completely prostrated by the news. When a Tribune reporter called at the home this afternoon, the widow stated that she was unable to give any details except to say that she had received a telegram from her mother-in-law announcing the death of her husband at Stockton.
The telegram gave no particulars as to whether it was a case of suicide, accident, foul play or natural death.
It is stated that Hickinbotham did not have any trouble with his wife when he left home, but went away saying goodbye in his usual manner and adding that he was going to Stockton to visit his mother.
The San Francisco Call 12/7/1908
Jean Higginbotham (ca1852-1908) MA/CA
College Matron Dies
Oakland, Dec. 6 - Miss Jean Higginbotham, matron of California college, died suddenly of heart failure in the college dormitory at 9 o'clock last evening. The attack came so swiftly and unexpectedly that life was extinct before a physician could be summoned. Miss Higginbotham was 56 years of age. She was a native of Massachusetts.
Omaha (NE) World-Herald 8/1/1920
Lydia Stewart Higginbotham (1846-1920) IA/CA
Mrs. Lydia Higginbotham, 74 years old, died July 23 at the home of her son, E.D. Higginbotham, at Crofton, Cal. She came to California a year ago, following the death of her husband, R.M. Higginbotham, who had been prominent in business and political life in Eldora, Ia. The body of Mrs. Higginbotham is now on its way to Eldora for interment. Besides the son at Crofton she leaves a son, R.S. Higginbotham, at Pasadena, Cal.
Visalia Daily Times 11/15/1926
Ambrozine S. Higginbotham Williams (1848-1926) MO/CA
Former Well-Known, Active Church Worker, Resided Here
Intelligence reached Visalia today of the death in Oakland yesterday of Mrs. Ambrozine Williams, former resident of Visalia, and mother of A.C. Williams of Visalia, former county supervisor.
A native of Salem, Missouri, she would have been 78 years of age next April, having come to California 25 years ago. Her husband passed away nearly 40 years ago, in Missouri. She lived on Houston Avenue, Visalia, until five years ago when she went to Oakland to live with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Kenney. She was ill but four weeks.
The deceased was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, in Visalia, and took an active part in the Western Star Rebekah Lodge before her departure for Oakland.
Eight children survive: two sons, A. C. Williams of Visalia, Cruze Williams, of Los Angeles; and daughters as follows: Mrs. Fred Kenney and Mrs. William Barnes, Oakland, Mrs. T. H. Young, Salem, Missouri, Mrs. Nellie Mattison, Battle Mountain, Nevada, Mrs. William Sutherland, Lexington, Kentucky, and Mrs. E. H. True, Fresno.
Mrs. Young is on her way here to attend the funeral services, to be conducted from the A. E. Brooks Chapel, Visalia, at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, the Episcopal service to be used. Interment will be made in the Visalia cemetery.
The body will arrive in Visalia Wednesday morning, and will be accompanied by relatives of Oakland and Fresno.
Woodland (CA) Daily Democrat Friday 05/18/1934
Anna M. Lavelle Higginbotham (1864-1934) WV/CA
Glenn Pioneer Dead
Orland-(VNA)-Mrs. Thomas J. Higginbotham, 66, wife of a local farmer, died Friday.
The Fresno Bee 04/30/1935
Leonard Mac Higginbotham (1880-1935) MO/CA
L. M. Higginbotham Dies
Leonard M. Higginbotham, 55, of 140 Valeria Street, a resident of Fresno for twenty-nine years, died today in a local hospital. He was a native of Missouri.
He is survived by his father, Martin T. Higginbotham of Missouri; three daughters and three sons, Cleo Higginbotham, Mrs. Ora Oakley Murphy of Ventura and Mrs. Opal Murphy of Missouri. Funeral services will be arranged by the Sullivan Funeral Home.
Oakland Tribune 6/25/1936
Gideon Franklin Higginbotham (1875-1936) MO/CA
Funeral services for the Rev. Gideon F. Higginbotham, 61, will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. in Melrose Baptist Church, 47th Avenue and Bond Street.
The Rev.. Higginbotham, who died yesterday, lived at 5681 Ocean View Drive. As an evangelist he had conducted services in most of the American states and in Canada. For the last 11 years he had lived in Oakland, having previously been a resident of Red Bluff. He was a native of Missouri.
Higginbotham entered the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago in middle life and was connected with that school for a time after his graduation. He was an ordained minister of the Baptist church.
Surviving in addition to the widow, Mrs. Ora Higginbotham, are three sisters and a brother in the Middle West, and six children, Vesta, Robert, Wallace, Rachael, Betty and Emily, Oakland.
Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Carlton Lewis Kirk and the Rev. Edwin Johnson. The body is at Truman's.
The San Bernardino County Sun 4/3/1938
Eva Mayzetta Higginbotham Albertson (1874-1938) IA/CA
Mrs. Eva Albertson Is Victim Of Death
Death yesterday claimed Mrs. Eva Mayzetta Albertson, 63 years old, a resident of the Redlands district for 19 years.
Funeral services will be conducted at the F. Arthur Cortner chapel at 2:30 p.m. Monday with the Rev. Recter W. Johnson, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Hillside cemetery.
Mrs. Albertson is survived by her son, Lester C. Albertson, of Mentone; two grandchildren, Lester C. Albertson, Jr., and Florence Eva Albertson; two brothers, H. W. Higginbotham, Steamboat Rock, Iowa, and A. E. Higginbotham, Kingsley, Iowa.
The Sutton Register (Sutton, NE) 5/19/1938
Jessie Higinbotham Schaefle (1875-1938) NE/CA
Mrs. Schaefle died at Berkeley, Calif., May 12, 1938. She is survived by two sons. Mrs. Schaefle was Miss Jessie Higgenbotham, a Clay county pioneer, and resided in Sutton for a number of years before and after her marriage.
The Los Angeles Times 11/5/1941
Rudolph Sayre Higginbotham (1901-1941) WV/CA
Rudolph S. Higginbotham, beloved husband of Lucille C. Higginbotham, loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Higginbotham of Charleston, West Va.
Services Thursday, 2 p.m., at the chapel of B. E. Dayton, Inc., 417 North Maple Drive, Beverly Hills.
Oakland Tribune 04/09/1942
Joseph Cameron Hickingbotham Sr. (ca1882-1942) NJ/CA
Hickingbotham Dies at 60 in S.F.
Joseph C. Hickingbotham Sr., 60, of
Born in
The family home is at
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Winifred
Hickingbotham, and two sons, Joseph C. Hickingbotham Jr., former University of
California football player and Rhodes scholar who married Diana Dollar; he is
secretary-treasurer of the jewelry firm; and Howard Hickingbotham, a Stanford
graduate, husband of the former Betsy Dyer of Burlingame.
Funeral services are being arranged by the
Albert Brown Company,
Holdenville Daily News (Holdenville, OK) 6/11/1942
Renice Harwell Hickenbottom (1910-1942) OK/CA
Former County Resident Dies
Mrs. Alpha Byrd and Miss Ada Harwell, the latter of Wetumka, have returned from Los Angeles where they attended the funeral services June 2 for their sister, Mrs. Renice Harwell Hickenbottom, 32.
Mrs. Hickenbottom died suddenly May 28 in Los Angeles General Hospital.
Funeral rites were held at the chapel of Olive Lawn cemetery, Long Beach, where burial was made.
The young matron was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Harwell of Wetumka and was reared and attended school there. Sje lived in Enid for several years before moving to California a year ago. She and her husband, Harry Hickenbottom, owned a dry cleaning establishment.
Mr. and Mrs. Harwell were unable to attend the funeral services.
Oakland Tribune 11/26/1942
John Uriah Higinbotham (1867-1942) KS/CA
San Jose, Nov. 26 - Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow in Melvin Mortuary in Los Gatos for John J. (J.U.H.) Higinbotham, 75, lawyer, world traveler, teacher and newspaper columnist. Higinbotham died in San Jose Hospital yesterday from injuries received October 13 when he was struck by an automobile at Second and Fountain Streets here.
Higinbotham had resided in Saratoga for the past 20 years. Surviving is a widow, Mrs. Bernardine Higinbotham.
The Indianapolis News 6/22/1943
Myrtle E. Helms Higenbotham (1882-1943) IN
Higenbotham - Myrtle, of 1371 West 27th st., entered into rest Sunday, age 61 years, wife of Louis D. Higenbotham, sister of Mrs. Hattie Conger and Arthur O. Helms. Services Wednesday, 3 p.m. at Harry W. Moore Peace Chapel. Burial, Crown Hill.
Oakland (CA) Tribune 07/8/1944
Paul Higginbotham (1920-1944) WV/CA
Lieut. Higginbotham Dies in Air Crash
The death of Lieut. (jg) Paul Higginbotham, 24, U. S. N. R. of 3935 Agua Vista Street, Oakland, in a South Pacific airplane crash has been reported to his widow, Frances Cahill Higginbotham, of the Oakland address.
Besides his widow, he leaves a 5-months-old son, Paul II, whom he never had seen, and his mother, Mrs. May Higginbotham, of Wickham, W. Va. He was graduated from Beckley College in West Virginia, and received his commission as a naval aviator in the Navy in Pensacola.
The San Bernardino County Sun 11/14/1945
James Kerns Higginbotham (1870-1945) KY/CA
Funeral Services for the Rev. James Kerns Higginbotham, father of Mrs. Neville S. Redmon, 2877 Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, will be held today at 2 p.m. in Grace chapel at Inglewood Park cemetery, where interment will be made.
He was 75, and died Nov. 9 at Loma Linda hospital after a lingering illness. Born in Williamsburg, Ky., he graduated from Williamsbury academy and Oberlin college, and was an educator and minister, serving as secretary-treasurer of the Los Angeles Ministers union for more than 15 years. During his 22 years of residence in California, he served churches at Hyde Park, Pico Heights and Willowbrook.
He and Mrs. Higginbotham celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Aug. 1. Beside the widow and daughter, two grandsons, Roland and Norman Redmon, survive.
San Francisco Examiner 4/2/1946
Lillian Edna Keagle Higginbotham (ca1870-1946) CA
Higginbotham - In Berkeley, April 1, 1946, Lillian Edna Higginbotham, beloved wife of the late Henry Toland Higginbotham, and mother of Hugh T. Higginbotham and Vivienne H. Nichels of Berkeley, sister of Margaret Keagle and Mrs. Jane Austin, both of Redlands; a native of Woodbridge, California.
Private services will be held Wednesday, April 3, 1946, at 10:30 o'clock a.m., from the chapel of B. C. Wallace & Son, Stockton, California.
Oakland Tribune 06/23/1946
Mary Belle Sanders Higginbotham (1886-1946) TX/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-In Oakland, June 20, 1946, Mary Higginbotham, beloved wife of Oscar Higginbotham; dear mother of Ethyl Black; loving sister of Mrs. Mae Frier, Mrs. Bernice Dunn, Mrs. Hazel Wager of Davis, California; Mrs. Mercury Franzel of El Paso, Texas; Andrew Sanders of San Antonio, Texas and Harry Sanders; Loving aunt of nieces and nephews; a native of Texas. Texas papers please copy.
Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday, June 25, 1946, at the East Lawn Chapel, 5th Avenue at East 14th Street at 2 p.m. Interment, Mountain View Cemetery.
Long Beach Independent 4/30/1948
Charles E. Higinbotham (1861-1948) WI/CA
Higginbotham-Charles, of 5437 The Toledo. Survived by three daughters, Mrs. Herbert F. Neu, Mrs. Arthur G. Ball and Mrs. Victor L. Phillips; four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Services Tuesday, May 4, in the First Presbyterian Church in Hastings, Neb. B. W. Coon Funeral home in charge of arrangements.
Santa Maria Times 3/10/1949
Kirk Calvin Higginbotham (1895-1949) OK/CA
Death Takes Higginbotham In Fresno
Kirk C. Higginbotham, 63, of leave from his post as captain in the sheriff's office here and a former acting chief of police in Santa Maria, died early this morning in a Fresno hospital.
Higginbotham had been in failing health for some time, and had taken a leave of absense from his duties here in an effort to convalesce in the valley.
Masonic funeral rites will be conducted in the chapel of Dudley Mortuary Saturday at 10 a.m.
Higginbotham joined the city police force in 1937, and in 1942 when Chief of Police W. T. Feland entered the Navy, he assumed that post. While on the department he attended the Federal Bureau of Investigation's police chief's school in Washington, D.C. Shortly after Feland returned to duty, Higginbotham accepted a post with the sheriff's department in this area.
A veteran of World War I, Higginbotham had been active in the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Prior to associating with the police force here, he had been engaged in the produce industry here and in Imperial valley.
Deceased was a native of Oklahoma. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Birdie Higginbotham of Santa Maria, and his mother, Mrs. Beulah Higginbotham of Oklahoma.
He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Eileen Fahring and Mrs. Clinton Hardy, both of Oklahoma, and four brothers, Benjamin of Santa Maria, and O. L., E. M. and Edgel Higginbotham, all of Oklahoma.
Interment will be in Santa Maria Cemetery. Lyle Funeral Home of Fresno has charge of preliminary arrangements.
The Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Bulletin 3/22/1949
Thomas Higginbotham (1879-1949) Ireland/HI/CA
Former HRT Man Dies in California
Thomas Higginbotham, 69, a former Honolulan, died Thursday in Corona, Calif., according to word received Monday by The Star-Bulletin from the Bell-Thomas mortuary in California.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Ireland. In 1912 he joined the Honolulu Rapid Transit Co., and for three years in a row won a free uniform from the company for having a clear accident record.
He retired from the Rapid Transit Co. in 1937 and went to the mainland in 1943.
Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Annie Higginbotham; one daughter, Mrs. Ann Porterfield, both of Corona; and two grandchildren, Gail Ann and Roberta Louise Porterfield. Also surviving is a brother in Ireland.
Oxnard Press-Courier 06/18/1949
Elmer Taylor Higginbotham (1883-1949) MO/CA
Services Told for Mr. Higginbotham
Funeral services for Elmer Taylor Higginbotham of Saticoy will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday by the Rev. Ethel J. Singleton at Reardon's Mortuary in Ventura. Burial will follow at Ivy Lawn.
Mr. Higginbotham was found dead in his home Thursday with two bullets through his heart. The coroner's office reported that he had apparently shot himself twice.
The Whittier News 3/9/1951
Sarah Elizabeth Higginbottom Howell (1861-1951) KY/CA
Sarah E. Howell, 89, passed away March 8, 1951, at her son's home, 7914 Grady Ave., Whittier. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Alta M. Spear of El Monte, Mrs. Florence Cornell of Riverside; three sons, Elmer Howell of Whittier, C.B. Howell and J.L. Howell of Grants Pass, Oregon; four grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, March 13, 1951 at Acheson and Graham Funeral Home, Main and 4th, Riverside at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Olivewood Cemetery, Riverside.
The San Bernardino County Sun 10/14/1951
Edgar DeWitt Higginbotham (1871-1951) IA/CA
Edgar D. Higginbotham Succumbs in Redlands
Edgar DeWitt Higginbotham, 80, well known resident of Mentone, died in Redlands Friday following a short illness. He was a native of Eldora, Iowa, and a resident of Mentone for 49 years.
One brother, Robert S. Higginbotham of Los Angeles, survives the deceased.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday from the F. Arthur Cortner chapel. Interment will be in Hillside cemetery.
Fresno Bee Republican 11/29/1951
James Alva Higginbotham (ca1892-1951) MO/CA
J. A. Higginbotham, Former Truck Company
Aide, Dies in Hospital
James A. (Al) Higginbotham, 59, of 5278 Inyo
Avenue, formerly the auditor for the Valley Express Company and a well known
A native of
Higginbotham was a member of the Fort Washington Golf Club for 20 years.
He is survived by his widow, Luella; a
sister, Mrs. W. B. Flint of
The Lisle Funeral Home will announce the arrangements for the final rites.
HIGGINBOTHAM-In Fresno, November 26, 1951. Al Higginbotham, a native of Missouri, aged 59 years. Beloved husband of Mrs. Luella E. Higginbotham of Fresno; loving father of Gerald N. Higginbotham of Fresno and Eugene K. Higginbotham of U. S. Naval Air Corps; loving brother of E. B. Higginbotham of Malden, Mo., James L. Higginbotham and Frederick W. Higginbotham, both of Pontiac, Mich. He also is survived by his stepmother, Mrs. Pearl Higginbotham of Bernie, Mo. Friends are invited to attend funeral services to be held in the chapel of the Lisle Funeral Home, L and Calaveras Streets, on Friday morning, November 30, 1951, at 10 o'clock. the Rev. John H. Gregg, DD, officiating. Interment Mendocino Cemetery at Parlier.
Long Beach Press-Telegram 09/19/1952
Myrtle Annie Perry Higginbotham (1879-1952) NE/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-Mrs. Myrtle A Higginbotham, 72, of 619 E. Ocean Blvd, died Thursday in an Orange hospital. Born in Howells, Neb., she lived in Norfolk, Neb., prior to moving to Long Beach in 1946. She was a member of First Congregational Church at Norfolk. Surviving are her son, Lloyd Higginbotham, Los Angeles; a daughter, Mrs. Martha Horocek, Omaha, Neb.; three brothers, Perry, Long Beach, and Milo and Earl Perry, Norfolk, and a grandson, Gregg Higginbotham, Rochester, N. Y. Funeral service will be in Norfolk with interment in Prospect Hill Cemetery there. Mottell's Mortuary will direct the arrangements.
Oakland Tribune 07/25/1953
Hilary Strong Hickingbotham (1952-1953)CA
Tot Drowns in Swim Pool at Hillsboro Home
Girl Wanders From Play Pen in Absence of Nurse
Tragedy struck the Hillsborough estate of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Hickingbotham, 12 El Cerrito road, yesterday when their youngest child, Hilary
Strong Hickingbotham, 16 months old, wandered away from her playpen and toppled
into the swimming pool where she drowned.
The child's body was found floating in the eight-foot-deep
section of the pool shortly after 5 p.m. by Miss Elizabeth Knibbs, 24, the
child's nurse who had left her in the play pen while she went in the house
to-tend to her duties.
Miss Knibbs told San Mateo police that she had seen the baby
playing in her pen at 4:30 p.m. Thirty minutes later she asked the oldest
daughter, Diane, 9, to check on the baby. When Diane said she could not find the
child, the nurse ran to the pool and found the Infant floating face down. She
pulled the child to shore and attempted artificial respiration after calling San
Mateo police and firemen.
Firemen made a vain attempt to save the child. The girl was
pronounced dead by Dr. Hartzell Ray
The baby's mother, the former Betsy Dyer, was in San Francisco
at the time with the third child, Howard Jr. and collapsed on her arrival home a
few minutes later.
The father, vice-president of Shreve & company, San Francisco
jewelers, was enroute home from his office and arrived with no advance warning
of the tragedy.
The toddling girl apparently had strayed through an open gate
in the play area and tumbled into the pool.
Mrs. Hickingbotham is the daughter of Mrs. Douglas Alexander.
Hickingbotham is the brother of Joseph Hickingbotham Jr., also a vice-president
at Shreve & company, and whose wife is the former Diana Dollar. Funeral services
are pending at Crosby-N. Gray chapel in Burlingame.
Oakland Tribune 07/22/1954
Herbert Higginbotham (ca1899-1954) CA
Probe Set in Gunshot Death Of Man Found on Lonely Beach
A coroner's investigation was scheduled
today to attempt to determine if the gunshot death of a
The victim, Herbert Higginbotham, 55,
retired newspaper circulation supervisor of
When he was found by Vincent Swift, 27, of
Higginbotham's wife, Edith, told sheriff's deputies that he left his home early in the afternoon, taking with him the rifle he recently bought for a grandson.
The officers said that eight spent cartridges were found on the ground near Higginbotham. Four punctured beer cans were found nearby, indicating he had been target shooting.
The (Pasadena) Independent 10/20/1955
Carrie Koza Higginbotham (1883-1955) CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-Carrie Koza, age 72, of 210 E. 3rd St. Service will be Thursday 4:00 p.m. at Christensen-Pino Chapel, 244 Redondo. Interment, Iowa City, Iowa.
Fresno Bee 04/03/1956
Grady P. Hickambottom (ca1922-1956) OK/CA
Car-Truck Crash Near Traver Kills
TULARE, Tulare Co.-A truck and double semi
trailer slammed into the rear of a slow moving automobile on Highway 99 a mile
south of Traver at 3:20 AM today, fatally injuring Grady P. Hickambottom, 34, of
Pasadena, the driver of the car.
Hickambottom died about an hour later in the
Robert Lee Whisler, 28, of
Highway patrolmen and division of forestry
firemen pried open the cab with crowbars, but it was necessary for a doctor to
give Whisler a pain deadening injection before he could be removed.
The firemen were called to extinguish a
blaze in one trailer section. They had it out before the arrival of a patrol
The automobile, which patrolmen believe was running on a flat tire, was hurled across a railroad spur, landing with its wheels in the air.
The (Pasadena) Independent 04/07/1956
HICKAMBOTTOM - Grady Hickambottom,
Yucaipa News-Mirror 7/5/1956
Lizzie Hickinbottom Lloyd (1872-1956) England/NJ/CA
Mrs. Lizzie Lloyd, 83, a native of England and a Yucaipa resident for 10 years, died here July 3. She lived at 171 West Avenue E.
She leaves six children - Mrs. Betty Roberts and Dave Lloyd of Yucaipa; Mrs. Edith Ratzloff of Pasadena; Allen H. Lloyd of Temple City; Mrs. Mabel Bennett of Laguna Beach; Mrs. Myrtle Smith of Costa Mesa; and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. May Worden, Mrs. Amy Dorrmann and Alford Hickinbottom, all of Washington; Mrs. Mary Guiham and Mrs. Edith Totten, both of Pasadena, and Mrs. Anna Potter of San Jacinto.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 10 a.m., at Emmerson's Yucaipa Chapel, with Elder L.E. Niermeyer of the Seventh Day Adventist Church officiating. Interment will be in Hillside Cemetery.
Oakland Tribune 01/28/1957
Winifred Bahr Hickingbotham (1889-1957) NJ/CA
Mrs. Hickingbotham
Services have been set at 2 p.m. tomorrow
for Mrs. Winifred Hickingbotham, 66, social leader and widow of a jewelry
executive who died here yesterday.
Mrs. Hickingbotham came to
A native of
She is survived by two sons, Howard, of
Hillsborough, and Joseph C. of
The Albert Brown Mortuary,
Salinas, CA 03/31/1958
Thomas Daniel Higginbotham (1874-1958) MO/CA
Book Lists Aged Man's Last Wishes
Strangers have at last read Thomas D. Higginbotham's little black book. He wrote it for them.
"When I die," he told friends in the Castroville-Moss Landing area, "There'll be no guessing about what to do with me. This book tells all the answers."
Today authorities at Monterey County Hospital confirmed the octogenarian's statement. He died Friday at 8:50 a.m. When they opened the book a short time later, all the answers were there.
A veteran of the Spanish-American War, Mr. Higginbotham could have a military burial. He specified, however, that he wished to be interred in the Pajaro Valley Memorial Park where his wife was buried nearly 12 years ago.
The book also informed its readers that there would be no fuss over who would pay the funeral bills. He paid them long ago.
Mr. Higginbotham, his wife, and their foster son, Loren McCalla of Elkhorn, moved to Monterey county 29 years ago from Arizona. But before that, they had lived in Oklahoma and Colorado and among the Black Foot and Crow Indians as missionaries. He was born in Missouri.
After Mrs. Higginbotham died, the old gentlemen relished his memories more and more, among them his stint as a bareback-rough-and-hurdle in a Wild West show that featured Buffalo Bill Cody.
Considered by many acquaintances in the north county to be the personification of serenity and peacefulness, Mr. Higginbotham moved slower in later years. His brown suit and hat and his handlebar mustache were familiar parts of him.
He liked to talk about anything and to anyone. He was especially fond of dropping in on storekeepers or county officials. To get where he was going he usually walked. At other times, if he were so inclined, he'd accept a ride if one were offered him.
Sometime this week a funeral procession will leave White's mortuary in Watsonville. When Mr. Higginbotham is laid to rest, he will be wearing the same brown suit he always wore. "It's what I want to buried in."
Though his final resting place is in Santa Cruz county, he met his end in Monterey county. That, he decided long ago, was where he wanted "to end a career with a colorful beginning."
Long Beach Press-Telegram 07/03/1958
Hazel Ellen Higginbotham (1892-1958) CA
HIGGINBOTHAM (Seal Beach)-Mrs. Hazel Ellen, 65, of 1011 Electric Ave., died Tuesday. Surviving are husband, Bert F.; sister, Mrs. Ruth Nunes. Service Saturday, 11 a.m., First Brethren Church of Seal Beach. Mottell's & Peek Mortuary directing.
San Mateo Times 07/18/1958
Challace Clifford Higinbotham (1896-1958) IA/CA
Challace Higinbotham, 61, died yesterday at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Melvin Fenster,
A resident of
Higinbotham was a member of Little House of
Menlo Park and
was a World War I
In addition to his daughter, Mrs. Fenster,
he leaves two other daughters, Yvonne Bolef,
Funeral services were held today from
Redwood Chapel,
Hardin County (Iowa) Index 03/06/1959
Robert Stewart Higginbotham (1886-1959) IA/CA
Former Eldoran Dies in Calif.
Word has been received that Robert Stewart Higginbotham, 73, one time Eldora resident, has died in a Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Higginbotham has been a resident of California for the past 49 years. Burial was in the Redlands Hillside Cemetery. He leaves his widow and son Robert Jr. and two grandchildren. Mr. Higginbotham was born on a farm north of Eldora and graduated from Eldora High School and Drake University.
The Press Democrat 8/11/1959
Paul Aloysisus Higinbotham (1890-1959) MO/CA
Sonoma - Funeral services will be held Wednesday for Paul A. Higginbotham, 2001 Adobe Canyon Road, Kenwood, who died Sunday after a short illness.
Mr. Higinbotham, a long-time valley resident and employee of the Sonoma State Hospital was a member of the American Legion Bear Flag Post Number 489, and belonged to the California State Employees Association.
He is survived by his wife, Pearl Higinbotham of Kenwood; by his son, Capt. Hugh Higinbotham of the United States Air Force, and his daughters Paula and Julia Higinbotham of Kenwood.
Services will be held at 11:30 a.m. at the Duggan's Mission Chapel, Sonoma, and will be conducted by Bear Flag Post Number 489 of the American Legion.
Burial will be in Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno.
Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram 07/10/1960
James H. Higginbottom (????-1960) CA
HIGGINBOTTOM-James H., of 626 E. 5th St., died Friday. Service Monday, 10 a.m., Sheelar-McFadyen Chapel.
The Custer County Chief (Callaway, NE) 9/8/1960
Stephen Arthur Hickenbottom (1890-1960) IA/NE/CA
S.A. Hickenbottom, 70, former Custer county resident, died at San Luis Obispo, Calif., Wednesday morning.
Funeral services will be held in San Luis Obispo Monday.
Survivors include sons, Velda of Jacksonville, Fla., Wayne of Los Angeles, Steven, Maynard, Bill and Richard, all of San Luis Obispo, and Jim of Escondido, Calif.; and daughters, Margaret Moore of Billings, Mont., and Mary Shea of Huron, S.D.
Fresno Bee-Republican 01/11/1961
Edna Chapman Higginbotham (1907-1961) CA
Edna Higginbotham
Mrs. Edna Higginbotham, 53, of
Mrs. Higginbotham became ill two weeks ago.
She is believed to have suffered a hemorrhage of the brain.
She was born in
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her
husband, Martin of Fresno; two daughters, Mrs. Roberta Joyce Bier and Linda Rae
Higginbotham, both of
Stephens & Bean is in charge of arrangements.
The San Francisco Examiner 8/21/1961
Hugh Toland Higginbotham (1891-1961) CA
Higginbotham - In San Francisco, Aug. 19, 1961, Hugh T., dear husband of Jessie W. Higginbotham, father of Dorcas C. Higginbotham, a native of Fresno, Calif., aged 70 years. Past Commander of Insurance Post 404, American Legion, a member of Morning Star Lodge, F&AM, Stockton, Calif., the 91st Division, VFW, Aahmes Temple, Oakland, Knights Templar Commandery No. 11 and National Sojourners.
Private services held. B. C. Wallace & Son, Stockton. (Contributions to Cancer Society or Shriners Hospital preferred)
The Press Courier 08/29/1961
Nolan Taylor Higginbotham (1907-1961) MO/CA
Nolan T. Higginbotham
OAK VIEW-Graveside funeral services for
Nolan T. Higginbotham, 54, of
The Rev. Forrest W. Carter will officiate.
Burial will follow there.
Mr. Higginbotham died Sunday in an auto
accident near Taft. He was born Aug. 29, 1907 in Bolivar,
Surviving are his wife, Gracie of Oak View;
four brothers, Ben of Oxnard, Homer of
The Press-Courier 09/20/1961
Leslie Wilson Higginbotham (1897-1961) MO/CA
Leslie W. Higginbotham
Born Jan. 29, 1897, in Bolivar, Mo., Mr.
Higginbotham had lived in this county 40 years. He was formerly a ranch worker
on the Rudolph Pfielar Ranch.
He leaves his wife, Nancy Jane; two sons,
Robert L.,
The Rev. W. A. Waggoner will conduct funeral
services at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Joseph P. Reardon Chapel. Burial will be at
The Los Angeles Times 2/20/1962
Mack Kay Higginbotham (1877-1962) OK/CA
Higginbotham, Mack Kay, beloved husband of Grace V. Higginbotham, father of Mack Kay Jr., William C. and Bertram H. Higginbotham.
Services 11:30 p.m. Wednesday at Pierce Brothers Little Church Around the Corner, 3443 West Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood. Pierce Brothers Inglewood, directors.
Pasadena Independent 3/8/1962
Clara Higginbottom Panner (1901-1962) MA/CA
Clara H. Panner of 2206 Oakwood St. passed away March 6, 1962. A native of Lowell, Mass., resident of California 43 years, she is survived by her husband, Walter S. Panner; son, Earl M. Panner; grandchildren, Ronald and Denise Panner, sisters, Alice Lippiatt, Mary Wright and Dorothy Fern. Services 3 p.m. Friday in Memory Chapel of Ives & Warren Co., 100 N. Hill Ave. The Rev. Dr. James Henry Hutchins officiating. Interment in Mountain View Cemetery.
The Press-Courier 03/17/1962
Willard Franklin Higginbotham (1911-1962) MO/CA
Willard Franklin Higginbotham
OJAI-Willard Franklin Higginbotham, 60, of
Mr. Higginbotham, a retired employee of
Tidewater Oil Co., had been associated with his wife as a real estate salesman
for the Higginbotham Realty.
A member of the First Baptist Church of
Slagle, Mo., Mr. Higginbotham was also a member of the Ojai Masonic Lodge, and a
special deputy sheriff.
He leaves his wife, Bessie; a son, Dick and
a daughter, Mrs. Kay Midkiff, both of Ojai; three brothers, Walter and Ray of
The Rev,
The Los Angeles Times 8/25/1962
Kenneth Higginbotham (1960-1962) CA
Kenneth Higginbotham, 2-1/2, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Higginbotham, 1039 E. Fairview Blvd., Inglewood, was killed Friday when struck by a car near his home. Police said the 18-year-old driver was not held or cited.
The Californian 9/4/1962
Mary Katherine Higginbotham (1919-1962) TX/CA
Wife of Retired Army Man Dies in Fort Ord Hospital
Mrs. Mary K. Higginbotham, 42, passed away in Fort Ord hospital Sunday following a short illness. She resideded with her husband, Lt. Col. William R. Higginbotham (USA Ret.) in San Benancio Village for the last 15 months. Four children, John Michael, James Robert, Timothy Steven, and Kathleen Ann Higginbotham also survive and reside at that address, 49 Paseo de Vaqueros.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of El Paso, Tex. Her services will be held in Muller's mortuary chapel Thursday at 9 a.m., thence to Sacred Heart Catholic church for a requiem mass at 9:30 a.m. interment will follow in Golden Gate National Cemetery at San Bruno at 1 p.m.
Rosary will be recited in the mortuary chapel tomorrow at 8 p.m.
The Bakersfield Californian 4/13/1963
William Thomas Higginbottom (1889-1963) MO/CA
Funeral Services will be conducted in the Memorial Chapel at Greenlawn Mortuary at 11:30 a.m. for William Thomas Higginbottom, 73, 4915 Shirley Lane, who died April 10 in Bakersfield. The Salvation Army will officiate and interment will be in the Veteran's Section at Union Cemetery. Mr. Higginbottom was a native of Missouri and had resided in California and Kern County for 13 years. Before retirement, he had been owner of a mattress factory for 30 years. He was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, Oklahoma, the Masonic Lodge, Oklahoma, and the American Legion, Oklahoma. Survivors include his widow, Sallie; two sons, William Higginbottom, Jr. of Bakersfield and Robert C. Higginbottom of Oklahoma; two daughters, Beulah Gammill of Williams and Jean DeArman of Santa Maria, and 15 grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Ernest Covington, Joe C. Phillips, Jessie Collins.
The Fresno Bee Republican 07/25/1963
Walter Frank Higginbotham (1926-1963) LA/CA
W. F. Higginbotham
Funeral services were held this week in
Higginbotham, a painter for a
His survivors include his widow, Opal, of
The Press-Courier 05/18/1964
Nancy Jane Bauer Higginbotham Mitchell (1900-1964) CA
Mrs. Nancy J. Mitchell
OXNARD-Mrs. Nancy Jane Mitchell, 63, of 3464
Nyeland Road, died Saturday at her home after a long illness.
Mrs. Mitchell, Born Mat 22, 1900 in Dinuba
had been a resident of
She leaves her husband, Clifford of Oxnard;
two son, Robert Higginbotham of Oxnard and Adrian Higginbotham of Santa Paula;
two daughters, Deloris Jackson of Simi, and Mrs. Evajean Pearson of Taft; and
nine grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow
at 11 a.m. at the Ted Mayr Loma Vista Chapel by the Rev. John DeYoung. Burial
will be in the
Star News 01/15/1965
Justin Blair Higginbotham (1962-1965) CA
Arcadia Boy Drowns in Kin’s Pool
A 2-year-old
Justin Higginbotham, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Sanford G. Higginbotham Jr.,
Link ran to the pool and dived into the deep
end to recover the youngster's body. The Fire Department Rescue unit attempted
first aid, but the child was pronounced dead by Dr. Kenneth Dole of
Santa Cruz Sentinel 3/15/1965
Robert Eugene Hickenbottom (1922-1965) IA/CA
Operator Of Drive N' Eat Dies Sunday
Robert E. Hickenbottom, manager of the Drive N' Eat at Soquel Avenue and Ocean Street since 1955, died in a local hospital yesterday following a long illness. He was 42.
Mr. Hickenbottom was a native of Iowa and moved to San Luis Obispo in 1930. During World War II he served in the submarine service. He came her in 1955 to start operating at the drive-in. He also developed the Shoreline Mobile Estates, Inc.
Funeral services will be at White's Chapel Wednesday at 8:45 a.m. with requiem low mass following at Holy Cross Catholic Church. Entombment will be in Holy Cross mausoleum.
Survivors include his wife, Vareen Hickenbottom of Santa Cruz; a daughter, Terri, and a son, Thomas, both of Santa Cruz; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickenbottom of Salinas; two brothers, Aubrey of Seaside and Clarence of Salinas; a sister, Eileen Sherbeck of Anlsey, Neb.; several aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews also survive.
Rosary will be recited at the White's Chapel tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock.
Pasadena Star News 04/01/1965
Mary ???? Higginbotham (1890-1965) NJ/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-Mary Higginbotham of 1241 Solita Rd. passed away March 30, 1965 at a local hospital. A native of New Jersey, she had been a resident of this vicinity the past 15 years. Survived by three daughters, Mrs. Robert Turner of Pasadena, Mrs. Eleanor Dickerson of Banning and Mrs. Thomas Aston of Pennsylvania. Friends may call today, April 1, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at Lamb Funeral Home, 415 East Orange Grove Blvd. Services and interment Sewickley, Pa.
The Oakland Tribune 10/29/1965
George W. Higginbotham (1901-1965) CA
Ex-Probation Officer Dies In 50-ft. Fall
A retired
His daughter-in-law, Mrs. Margaret
Higginbotham, washing windows below saw him plummet past her to land on a
concrete areaway.
A bucket of nails and a hammer remained on
the rooftop of his home at
Higginbotham, who retired from the adult
probation department in April, 1964, after 30 years service, was pronounced dead
at the scene.
Police said he either slipped or tripped on the steeply sloping rooftop and tumbled off at about 10 a.m.
San Francisco Examiner 10/30/1965
Higginbotham, George W. - in this city, Oct. 29, 1965, George W. Higginbotham, beloved husband of Charlotte Higginbotham, devoted father of Robert G. Higginbotham and Mrs. Jean Duhon, a native of San Francisco. An alumnus of the University of California and a member of the State Bar Association of California and the Trinity Methodist Church.
Friends are invited to attend funeral services Monday, Nov. 1, at 2 p.m. at the Maneely-Matthews Chapel, Divisadero St. at O'Farrell. Interment, Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland.
Redlands Daily Facts 08/01/1966
Luther Eddy Higginbotham (1889-1966) IN/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-Died in Banning, Calif., Luther Higginbotham, 1038 Magnolia Street, Cabazon, aged 76 years, native of Indiana, and resident of Cabazon for 4 years.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Emmerson Calimesa Mortuary chapel, Rev. I. Mobley officiating. Interment in Desert Lawn Memorial Park.
Independent 09/30/1966
Gertrude Melissa Stokes Higginbotham (1876-1966) England/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-Gertrude Higginbotham of 1909 W. Heilman Avenue, Alhambra, passed away Sept. 27, 1966. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Jane M. Burke of Alhambra; brother, Ernest Stokes, England; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, San Gabriel; two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Services Saturday, 1 p.m. at the Memorial Chapel. Rose Hill Cemetery. Cabot & Sons, directors.
Oakland Tribune 01/31/1967
Joseph Cameron Hickingbotham Jr. (ca1909-1967) CA
Joseph C. Hickingbotham Jr., Rites Set at
Funeral services wi11 be held tomorrow for
Joseph Cameron Hickingbotham Jr., 58, board chairman of Shreve & Co., a former
Mr. Hickingbotham died near
He and his wife were to have returned to the
Bay Area yesterday. She was flown to
Mr. Hickingbotham was brought up In Oakland,
where his parents lived al
He was a member of the Associated Students
executive committee, and this combination of academic, athletic and student
government leadership brought him a Rhodes Scholarship. He was a member of Phi
Delta Theta fraternity.
After completing work at
During World War II he was an Army
lieutenant colonel on the staff of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in
The Hickingbotham's first made their home on
His daughter, Heidi, now Mrs. Robert Todd
Cary, returned to
In addition to his wife and daughter Mr.
Hickingbotham is survived by a son, Joseph III, and a brother, Howard, who is
president of Shreve's.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m.
tomorrow at the San Rafael First Presbyterian Church, at Fifth and E streets.
Friends may call until 9 p.m. today at Keaton's Mortuary in
The Fresno Bee 04/21/1967
Devenie Higginbotham (????-1967) CA
Devenie Higginbotham
Graveside services Saturday 9:00 a.m. I.O.O.F. Cemetery
Whitehurst Chapel, Fresno in charge.
The Muscatine Journal (Muscatine, Iowa) 7/24/1967
Vinnie Alice Coder Higginbottom (1886-1967) IA/CA
Letts - Mrs. Vinnie Higginbottom, 80, Torrance, Calif., died Thursday, following an illness of 10 days. Funeral services were held in California.
Mrs. Higginbottom was born Sept. 27, 1886 in Letts, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coder. She was a resident of Letts until moving to California several years ago.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Esther Waterhouse, Wapello; a brother, James, Glen Ellyn, Ill.; a daughter-in-law and a grandson in California.
Mrs. Higginbottom was preceded in death by her son, Aubrey, who died a few years ago.
The Fresno Bee 10/06/1967
Nolan O'Neal Higginbotham (1916-1967) AR/CA
Nolan Higginbotham
Funeral services for Nolan Higginbotham, 50,
Higginbotham was found dead in his wrecked
station wagon Wednesday about 16 miles northeast of Los Banos. The vehicle had
gone off the road and landed in an empty irrigation ditch. The
Higginbotham was a native of
He is survived by his widow, Ruby; two
daughters, Mrs. Geraldean Dostalik of
California News Service 10/30/1967
Earl Raymond Higginbotham (1916-1967) CA
McFarland - Services for Earl Raymond Higginbotham, 51, World War II Air Force
captain and longtime McFarland area farmer, who died Sunday in a San Francisco
hospital, are slated for 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the B.C. Wallace and Son Funeral
Chapel, 520 North Sutter Street, Stockton. Burial will be in Harmony Grove
Cemetery, an historic site near Lodi where his great-grandmother is also
Mr. Higginbotham was born Sept. 5, 1916, in Los Angeles and came to McFarland as
a youth in 1925 when his father, Enos M. Higginbotham, was named superintendent
of the McFarland School District. He attended community schools, graduating from
McFarland High School in 1933. A University of California alumnus, Mr.
Higginbotham earned a bachelor of science degree in agriculture in 1938.
His wartime service was during the years 1940 to 1946. He entered the air corps
as a lieutenant and attained the rank of captain. Most of his service duty was
in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska.
Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Lutheran Church in Delano, Delano Saddle
Club and the Delano Chamber of Commerce.
Survivors include the widow, Harriet; a son, of McFarland; a daughter, of
Tehachapi; parents Bessie and Enos M. Higginbotham of McFarland and Santa Cruz;
two sisters, Mrs. Marion Caldwell of Soquel and Mrs. Dorothy Lawson of La
Crescenta; a brother, James Higginbotham of McFarland, and four grandchildren.
Anaheim Bulletin 7/5/1968
Bonnie May Sterling Higginbotham (1915-1968) CA
Higginbotham, Bonnie M., 53, 284 S. Cypress St., Orange, California. Passed away July 3, 1968 in a local hospital. Services will be held 10:00 a.m. Monday, July 8 1968 in the La Palma Chapel, Backs-Kaulbars Mortuary, 1617 W. La Palma Ave., Abaheim.
The Independent 08/21/1968
Bonnie Irene Blair Higginbotham (1940-1968) CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-Bonnie I. Higginbotham, passed away August 16, 1968. She is survived by her husband, Sanford G. Higginbotham, Jr.; three children, Jennifer, James and Jeffrey Higginbotham; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Blair; two brothers, Bruce E. Blair and Forest E. Blair; and a sister, Beverly Blair. Services 2:00 p.m. Thursday at the chapel of the First United Methodist Church, 500 E. Colorado Blvd. Dr. Lance Marti officiating. Private interment, Forest Lawn, Glendale. Turner & Stevens Co., Pasadena, directors.
Tulare Advance Register 3/5/1969
Larry Gene Higginbotham (1948-1969) CA
Lindsay GI Killed in Vietnam
A Lindsay man, Larry Higginbotham, 21, was killed in action in Vietnam March 1, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Higginbotham, Lindsay, learned late Monday.
Also surviving are Higginbotham's widow, the Former Debbie Hilliard of Porterville, and about a five month old daughter born about the time he was sent to Vietnam and whom he had never seen. He was stationed near Chu Lai as a member of the First Battalion, 52nd Infantry.
The Los Angeles Times 8/13/1969
Terry Lee Higginbotham (1950-1969) CA
Higginbotham, Terry Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Higginbotham, brother of Gary R. Higginbotham and Miss Lori A. Higginbotham, grandson of Mrs. Faye B. Higginbotham and Mr. and Mrs. George L. Blanchard.
Services 1 p.m. Thursday in The Church of the Recessional, Forest Lawn-Glendale. Forest Lawn Mortuary.
The Modesto Bee and News-Herald 09/08/1969
Harriet Shaw Higginbotham (1883-1969) UT/CA
H. S. Higgenbotham
Graveside services for Harriet Shaw
Higgenbotham, 85, a resident of
She was a native of
Survivors are four sons, Eugene E.
Higgenbotham of
The family requests remembrances be made to
the Building Fund of the Modesto Stake,
Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 1/6/1971
Stephen Wayne Higginbotham (1955-1971) CA
Arnaudville - Stephen Wayne Higginbotham, 15, son of James D. Higginbotham of Arnaudville and Mrs. Ruby Higginbotham of Yuba City, Calif., was killed Tuesday when he was struck by a car in Yuba City.
His father left Tuesday for Yuba City. Funeral arrangements are incomplete but services will be held at the Ullery Memorial Chapel in Yuba City.
No details of the accident were available.
In addition to his parents, Stephen is survived by one brother, James David Higginbotham II of Yuba City; his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Antoine Higginbotham of Arnaudville; and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Whitfield of Yuba City.
The Modesto Bee and News-Herald 04/04/1971
Toni Irene Cenbrano Higginbotham (1942-1971) CA
James A. Higginbotham (1969-1971) CA
Accident Kills Escalon Baby And Mother
Mrs. Higginbotham's car crashed into a west
The infant was taken in critical condition
Funeral arrangements are pending at the
Deegan Funeral Home, Escalon.
Mrs. Higginbotham leaves her widower,
Ronald; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cenbrano of Escalon and her grandmother,
Mrs. Genevieve Harris of Escalon.
The infant James in addition leaves his
paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Higginbotham of Escalon.
The Escalon Junior Women's Club has started a scholarship fund in honor of Mrs. Higginbotham, who was president of the organization.
San Mateo Times 05/04/1971
Julia Isabelle Krill Higginbotham (1881-1971) MO/CA
Isabelle Higginbotham, 89, of 23 Wilms Avenue, South San Francisco, died Sunday in Burlingame. She was a Missouri native.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday in Joplin, Mo.
Survivors include her daughters, Mrs. Louise Lynch and Mrs. Helen Lynch, both of South San Francisco.
The (Van Nuys) Valley News and Green Sheet 06/22/1971
J. T. Higginbotham (1928-1971) AR/CA
Services were held Monday, June 21, at 1
p.m. at Lorenzen Mission Chapel, Reseda. Interment at
Independent Press-Telegram (Long Beach) 11/20/1971
Blanche Josephine Higinbotham Canaday (1889-1971) KS/CA
Canaday, Blanche J., survived by grandson, Chris Canaday, grand-daughter, Sally Schmuck, 2 great-grandchildren. A member of Hall of Centennial Chapter No. 58, O.E.S. Colorado Springs, Colorado, Long Beach Kennyettes. She was active in real estate in Long each for many years. Service Sunday 3:00 P.M. Dilday Family Chapel, 1250 Pacific Ave. Friends may call Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.m. Interment will be in the Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa) 6/8/1972
Ora Rathja Higginbotham (1886-1972) CA
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday for Ora Higginbotham, 86, who died in a Santa Rosa convalescent hospital Wednesday after a long illness.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Red Bluff, lived in California all her life. She came to Santa Rosa in 1964, and was residing with her daughter, Vesta Cornelius, at 102 Jessie St., Kenwood, prior to her death.
Besides Mrs. Cornelius, she is survived by her daughters, Mrs. Rachel Ryan, Richmond; Mrs. Betty Ryan, Oroville; Mrs. Emily Wall, Modesto; a son, Wallace Higginbotham, Tulare; her brothers, Bert Rathja, Harry Rathja; and a sister, Mrs. Henrietta Crotzer, all of Red Bluff; 16 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren.
Services will be held at Santa Rosa Memorial Park, with the Rev. Robert Graves of the Santa Rosa Bible Church officiating. Burial will be in Santa Rosa Memorial Park.
Contributions are preferred to the Memorial Fund of the Santa Rosa Bible Church, 697 Benicia Dr.
Long Beach Press-Telegram 01/17/1973
Elmer Adams Hickenbottom (1906-1973) WA/CA
HICKENBOTTOM, Elmer. Survived by son,
Robert; 2 daughters, Lola Parson and Joyce Shinn; brother, Frank; sister, Miss
Bernice Hickenbottom. Friends may call Wednesday 12 to 9 p.m. at the Chapel of
Dilday Family Funeral Directors,
Santa Cruz Sentinel 7/22/1973
Bessie Evelyn Dean Higginbotham (1884-1973) CA
Bessie Dean Higginbotham, who came to Santa Cruz in 1944 and became involved with her daughter and son-
in-law in the operation of Kennolyn Camp north Soquel in 1956, died Saturday in her Soquel home. She was 88.A
native of Lodi, Mrs. Higginbotham moved to McFarland when she was six before coming to Santa Cruz. She was active in Kennolyn Camp activities until her illness.Mrs
. Higginbotham was a member of First Church of Christ Scientist, the Eastern Star chapter in Delano. and the California Grange in McFarland.She is survived by two daughters
, Mrs. Dorothy E. Lawson of La Cresenta and Mrs. Max Caldwell of Soquel; a sn James M. Higginbotham of McFarland; a brother, Everett Dean of Visalia, 11 grand-children, 22 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren.Graveside services
will be Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Charokee Memorial Park Cemetery on Harney Lane in Lodi, and interment will follow in the family plot there. Friends may call at White's Chapel, 138 Walnut Ave., from 9 a .m. to 9 p.m. today and Monday to pay their respects
Long Beach Independent 09/11/1973
Mancel Randolph Higginbotham (1918-1973) MS/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Mancel R. Service Friday, 10 a.m. Veterans Administration Chapel, Los Angeles. Directed by Mottrell's Mortuary.
Times-Advocate (Escondido, CA) 11/23/1973
James Franklin Hickenbottom (1911-1973) NE/CA
Escondido - James Franklin Hickenbottom, 62, died Wednesday at his home, 506 Nancy St., Escondido.
Born Feb. 8, 1911, in Ansley, Neb., he came to Escondido in 1938. He operated Escondido Tree Service before his retirement in 1968.
Surviving are his wife, Lyle; one daughter, Debi McCoy of Chula Vista; three sons, Robert R., James L. and Douglas L. Hickenbottom, all of San Marcos; 14 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, sic brothers and one sister.
A memorial service will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday at Escondido's Kingdom Hall, 1331 S. Orange St. Alex Wahley, a minister of the Escondido Jehovah's Witnesses, will officiate. Cremation is planned. The Allen Brothers Mortuary of Vista is in charge of arrangements.
The Anniston (AL) Star 06/02/1974
Alice Welch Higginbotham (ca1895-1974) AL/CA
Alice Hickenbottom, 79, of
Services and burial will be in
Survivors include four sons, Lonnie
Higginbotham of
Mrs. Hickenbottom was the sister of the late
Marshall, Lon and Coleman Welch of
Ukiah Daily Journal 03/10/1975
John Shirley William Higginbotham (1899-1975) MO/CA
Higginbotham rites Tuesday in Oroville
FORT BRAGG – Funeral services are scheduled
tomorrow in Oroville for John Higginbotham, 75, of Fort Bragg, who died
Wednesday evening in a coastal hospital .
A native of Bolivar,
The deceased was a 50-year member of F&AM,
Masonic Lodge 103 of Oroville and the
Services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Scheer Memorial Chapel in Oroville, with private inurnment to follow. Local arrangements were under the direction of Cain-Grove and Haverfield.
The Modesto Bee 05/06/1976
Eugene Ernest Higginbotham (1902-1976) UT/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM-In Modesto, May 4, 1976. Eugene Ernest Higginbotham. Father of Ronald Higginbotham, Arizona, Gladys Webb of Tucson, Arizona, Joan LeVa of Southern Calif.; brother of Ray S. Higginbotham of Escalon, Paul Higginbotham of Hollister, Katherine Alexander of Fox Island, Wash. 15 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren also survive. A native of Ogden, Utah, aged 74 years. Graveside services Friday, May 7 at 1 p.m. in the Acadia Memorial Park. Salas Brothers Chapel, 419 Scenic Drive Directors.
The Fresno Bee 01/07/1978
Martin Taylor Higginbotham (1902-1978) MO/CA
Martin T. Higginbotham
Private services for Martin T. Higginbotham,
75, a retired landscape gardener were held in the Stephens & Bean Chapel.
Higginbotham died Thursday in a convalescent
A native of
Survivors include two daughters, Roberta
Bier of
Inurnment was in the Chapel of the Light.
Santa Cruz Sentinel 6/6/1978
Enos Marion Higginbotham (1881-1978) CA
Enos Higginbotham, School Leader, Dies
Enos M. Higginbotham, 97, former school superintendent, died Saturday in his home at Kennolyn Camp near Soquel.
A native of Calaveras County, he was the son of pioneer parents who came to California in a covered wagon. He began teaching in a one-room schoolhouse in that area, later becoming teacher and principal in San Andreas.
In 1915, Higginbotham became superintendent of schools in Westmoreland, Imperial County and from 1924 until his retirement in 1947, he served in the same capacity in McFarland, Kern County. He served public schools for 42 years.
Later he became involved with his daughter and son-in-law in the operation of Kennolyn Camp. A replica of a one-room schoolhouse from Calaveras has been erected at the camp and dedicated in his name. He was a member of Delano Masonic Lodge, F&AM.
Survivors include his daughter, M. H. Caldwell of Soquel; a son, James Higginbotham of Delano; a step-daughter, Dorothy Lawson of La Crescenta; two brothers, Cecil Higginbotham, of orange, and Thompson Higginbotham of Mariposa; 11 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren, and 4 great-great-grandchildren.
Masonic services will be at Historical Harmony Grove Church Friday at 1 p.m. in Lockeford. Interment will be in the adjoining Harmony Grove Cemetery. A eulogy will be read by his granddaughter, Carolyn Caldwell.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Harmony Grove Church Trust Fund, account 50267, in care of San Joaquin Parks and Recreation Department, Mike Grove, Lodi, 94520; preference, trees and landscaping.
Friends may call at White's Chapel until 9 o'clock this evening and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday.
The Los Angeles Times 5/30/1979
Florence Jase Higginbotham (????-1979) CA
Higginbotham, Florence Jase, resident of Los Angeles for many years, died May 27, 1979.
Funeral services Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. at Harrison & Ross Crenshaw Chapel.
Santa Cruz Sentinel 7/5/1979
Tedford Lynn Higginbotham (1916-1979)
In Santa Cruz, California, June 27, 1979, Mr. Tedford L. Higginbotham. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Anita Higginbotham of Honolulu, Hawaii; a sister, Mrs. Thomas Lynn of Talladega, Ala. Native of Louisiana, aged 63 years.
Services will be conducted at John Rideouts Elmwood Chapel, 800 Dennison Ave. SW, Birmingham, Alabama. Norman's Family Chapel, (Norman Benito, Director) 3620 Soquel Drive, Soquel in charge of local arrangements. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. Interment in Elmwood Cemetery, Birmingham, Alabama.
Ventura County Star 12/27/1979
Edgar Lewis Higginbotham (192201979) IA/CA
Services for Edgar L. "Ed" Higginbotham, 57, Ventura, will be at 4 p.m. Friday in the Ted Mayr Loma Vista Chapel, Ventura, with the Rev. Alfred Van Selow of the First Baptist Church of Ventura officiating. Burial will be in Riverside National Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham died Sunday in a hospital after a long illness.
He was born March 17, 1922, in Sac City, Iowa, and was a seven year county resident. Mr. Higginbotham was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was employed by the Southern Pacific Railroad for 15 years and had also been a farming instructor at Nevada State Prison.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by sons Scotty of Bremerton, Wash., and Lloyd of Ventura; daughter, Edna Lou Clark of Waco, Ga.; stepson John Wright of Simi Valley; and stepdaughter, Kathy Riddle of Chowchilla.
Friends may call until 9 tonight and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at the chapel.
The Desert Sun 2/8/1980
Virginia Louella Gilmore McMahon Higginbotham, (1934-1980) CA
Services were conducted today at FitzHenry Funeral Home for Virginia Louella Higginbotham, 46, of Indio, who died Monday in Indio.
She was a resident of the community for 23 years and of the state for 39 years.
She was a member of the Eagle Lodge Auxiliary 2594 of Coachella and a charter member of the Indio Ladies Par 3 Golf Association.
Besides her husband, Don E. Higginbotham of Indio, she is survived by a daughter, Mickey Yvonne Negerette and a son, Vernon Ray McMahon, both of Bakersfield. Her father, James Gilmore, and brother, Jess Goodman, both of Oklahoma and three grandchildren also survive.
Bud Higginbotham of the Grapevine Fellowship Church in Las Vegas and the Rev. Austin Crager of the Foursquare Church, Indio, officiated.
Burial was in Coachella Valley Cemetery.
The San Francisco Examiner 6/16/1981
LeRoy Harry Higenbotham (1911-1981) IN/CA
In this city, June 14, 1981, beloved husband of Norma Higenbotham, loving brother of Hilda Markle and Frances Herron; also survived by numerous nieces and nephews; a member of Alta Vista Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 464 F&AM; aged 70 years.
Friends may call at the Mortuary of W.C. Lasswell & Co., 654 Mission St., cor. Wilson, Wednesday, June 17 after 1 p.m., and are invited to attend the funeral service Thursday, June 18 at 7 p.m. at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, 777 Southgate Ave., Westlake, Daly City. Memorial contributions to St. Martin's Episcopla Church, preferred. Inurnment, private.
Santa Maria Times 1/11/1983
Donald Thomas Higinbotham (1930-1983) WV/CA/Japan
Donald T. Higginbotham, 52, a resident of Lafayette, died Sunday, Jan. 2 in Sasebo, Japan of natural causes. Services will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday and Catholic Prayer Service will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday, both in the Chapel of Magner-Maloney Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Santa Maria Cemetery with military honors conducted by Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Mr. Higginbotham was born May 10, 1930 in Fairmont, W. Va. He was a former resident of SanatMAria, moving to the Bay Area in 1965. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy holding the position of first officer on the U.S.N.S. Navasota.
Survivors include his widow, Anita Higinbotham, Lafayette; daughter, Donna Ann Higinbotham, Lafayette; brothers, Robert Higinbotham, Edward higinbotham and James Higinbotham, all of Warren, Ohio; sisters, Wanda Sapp, Fairmont, W. Va., Helen Shores, Bay Ridge, Md. and Viola Dunn, Warren, Ohio; mother-in-law, Rose Avalos, Santa Maria.
Friends may visit from 2 p.m. until service time Wednesday at Magner-Maloney Funeral Home.
The Los Angeles Times 2/6/1983
Earl Robson Heginbotham (1898-1983) UT/CA
Heginbotham, Earl R., passed away February 2, 1983 at the age of 84. He was the beloved husband of Louise; adored brother of Ruth H. Sturgeon and J. Howard Heginbotham; also survived by 5 nephews.
No services. Turner & Stevens, Alhambra.
The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa) 6/30/1985
Vesta Adele Higginbotham Cornelius (1912-1985) CA
Cornelius - In Santa Rosa, June 27, 1985, Vesta H. Cornelius, loving wife of the late Robert C. Cornelius, loving mother of Sharon Lintz of Kennewick, WA., and Joann Lirkpatrick, of Santa Rosa, beloved sister of Wallace Higginbotham of Oroville, Betty Ryan of Truckee, Rachael Ryan of El Sobrante, and Emily Wall of Riverbank, loving grandmother of Kathy Simmons of Geyserville, and Tom Kirkpatrick of Healdsburg, also survived by 4 great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. A native of Red Bluff, CA, aged 73 years. Mrs. Cornelius was an active member and clerk for Santa Rosa Bible Church.
Friends are invited to attend graveside services on Monday, July 1, 1985, at 2 p.m. at Santa Rosa Memorial Park. Friends are also invited to attend memorial services on Monday evening, July 1, 1985, at 7:00 p.m. at the Santa Rosa Bible Church, Pastor Robert Graves officiating. Interment Santa Rosa Memorial Park. Friends may pay their respects at the Eggen and Lance Mortuary, after 9:00 a.m. on Sunday until noon on Monday. Those desiring may make memorial contributions to the missions Fund, or Church Building Fund, of Santa Rosa Bible Church, 4575 Badger Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 96405.
Los Angeles Daily News 12/21/1986
Louise M. Kirchner Heginbotham (190501986) MI/CA
Heginbotham, Louise M., 81, of Canoga Park, bookkeeper, won
1926 National Charleston Championship.
Funeral Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday at Church of The Hills,
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills.
Burial will follow immediately at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills.
Quad-City Times (Davenport, Iowa) 9/18/1987
Evelyn Jane Kline Higginbottom (1915-1987) NE/CA
Norwalk, Calif. - Services and burial for Jane Kline Higginbottom, of Norwalk, Calif., formerly of Davenport, will be Saturday in Norwalk.
Mrs. Higginbottom died Wednesday at her home.
Jane Kline married Lewis Higginbottom.
She was a Navy veteran of World War II.
Survivors include her husband; a daughter, Karen Higginbottom, Bellflower; a son, Jerry, LaCrescenta; and a sister, Hazel Williamson, Davenport.
The Press Democrat 10/22/1987
Pearl Eileen Wilson Higinbotham (1912-1987) Canada/CA
Kenwood - Pearl Wilson Higinbotham, a longtime teacher of the blind at Sonoma State Hospital, died Oct. 2 at a Napa convalescent hospital. She would have been 75 next month.
A 40-year resident of Kenwood and Santa Rosa, she started working at Eldridge with the blind and visually impaired in 1955.
Co-workers remember her as a good teacher who helped her charges increase their mobility through orientation with their physical environment.
"She was very interested in the welfare of clients and that continued after she left", said Cynthia Fox, a nursing coordinator at the center.
After her retirement in 1974, Higinbotham continued to work at the hospital as a volunteer with the visually handicapped, enlisting outside organizations to stage parties and coordinating drives for donations of furniture and clothing to be used on the blind wards.
She was an avid traveler and was active in community volunteer work with organizations such as Post 489 of the American Auxiliary.
She is survived by her daughters Julia May, Napa, and Paula Lazaruk, Springfield, Va.; her sisters, Vera Cooper, Woodland Hills, and Marjorie Van Ness, Hunting Station, N.Y.; four grandchildren and nieces and nephews.
Burial was at Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno.
The San Francisco Examiner 6/9/1988
Tracy Wayne Higginbotham (????-1988) CA
Higginbotham, Tracy Wayne - Passed away June 7, 1988, in S. F. surrounded by his loving family of friends.
Viewing Friday, June 10, 1988, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Neptune Society Columbarium, 1 Loraine Court, S. F. A gathering of friends will take place at his home Sunday, July 10, 1988, at 4 p.m.. All are welcome. Donations to S. F. Hospice in lieu of flowers.
The Des Moines Register 8/20/1988
Georgia L. Satterlee Higginbottom (1912-1988) IA
Maxwell, IA. - Georgia L. Higginbottom, 75, of Maxwell died of cancer Thursday at Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at Elkhart Christian Church in Elkhart. Burial will be in Elkhart Cemetery.
Mrs. Higginbottom was born in rural Polk County and had lived in the Maxwell and Elkhart are most of her life. She had worked for Employers Mutual Insurance Co., retiring in 1977. She was a member of Elkhart Christian Church and Order of the Eastern Star Isabelle Chapter No. 271 in Colo.
Surviving are a son, A. J. of Bluffon, Ind.; four daughters, Catherine Floto of Chula Vista, Calif., Caroline Lamberti of West Columbia, Texas, and Alice Hubbard of Ankeny; two brothers, Leo Satterlee of Hawthorne, Calif., and Raymond Satterlee of Urbandale; a sister, Edith Frederick of Des moines; 17 grandchildren; 13 great0grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.
Friends may call fro 1 to 9 p.m. Sunday at Ankeny Funeral Home in Ankeny, where the family will mett with friends from 3 to 7 p.m.
The Los Angeles Times 11/4/1988
Henrietta Driggers Higginbotham (1903-1988) SC/CA
Higginbotham, Henrietta "Dolly", loved wife of S. Louis Higginbotham, (deceased); born on July 14, 1903 in Summerville, SC, the daughter of Henry Kapers Driggers and Martha Harmon, made her transition on October 31, 1988.
Mother of 4: Stuart Earl Stadley (buried in Manila), Diane S. Blake-Ohman and husband, Ernest Ohman of North Hollywood, Louis R. Higginbotham and wife, Anita of Littleton, CO, Leslie Higginbotham Savage and husband, Dr. Nevin Savage of Scottsdale, AZ; grandmother of 3: Dolly Lou Walkup and husband, Don of Ventura, Alissa H. Croft and Robbie Jeff H. Croft of Colorado; great-grandmother of 2: Leslie Ann Johnson and husband, Rollin of Montrose and Patrick Michael Benton and wife, Tina and great-great-grandmother of Heather Marie Benton of Canyon Country; 4 surviving brothers in South Carolina: Kay, A. T., Mathew and Frank Driggers.
She moved to Washington in 1920 and to Los Angeles in 1922 with brief residences in Idaho, Utah and Arizona. Years of community service were given as Brownie and Girl Scout Leader, Past President of Junior and Senior High School PTA's; American Legion Auxiliary, Gold Star Mothers, Daughters of Nile, Carol Mae Jensen Assoc. and Past Worthy Matron of Order of Eastern Star with over 50 years active membership. In her early 70's she completed high school education and graduated with honors as class valedictorian. In her late 70's she contributed over 1000 hours work as a volunteer at Centinela Hospital. She will be missed.
The San Francisco Examiner 8/28/1989
Howard James Hickingbotham (1917-1989) CA
Hickingbotham, Howard James - In Hillsborough, August 26, 1989, Howard James Hickingbotham; beloved husband of Helen Elizabeth Dyer Hickingbotham; devoted father of Diane Hickingbotham McNabb, Howard James Hickingbotham Jr. and Deven Dyer Hickingbotham, loving grandfather of Mercedes Hotle, Phoebe Hickingbotham and Chelsea McNabb; aged 71 years; past president of Shreve & Company; member of Burlingame Country Club, Pacific Union Club and a graduate of Stanford University, class of 1940.
Memorial services will be Tuesday, August 29, 1989 at 4:30 p.m. at St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Baldwin Ave. & El Camino Real, San Mateo. Arrangements by Crosby N. Gray & Co., Burlingame. Contributions to Children's Hospital, SF, or your favorite charity preferred.
The Los Angeles Times 7/31/1990
Faye Bell Adams Higginbotham (1894-1990) KS/CA
Faye Higginbotham, who worked in the banking business in Glendale for 32 years, has died in Glendale. She was 96.
A resident of Glendale since 1922, Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday of natural causes, said her son, William Higginbotham. She had lived at the Windsor Manor in Glendale since the early 1980s.
A native of Kansas, she worked for Bank of America in Glendale from 1942 to 1954 as a new accounts supervisor. She later worked for Glendale Federal Bank in the same capacity until she retired in 1974 at age 80, her son said.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Hollywood chapter of the PEO Club and Circle No. 3 of the Glendale Presbyterian Church.
She is survived by her son, William Higginbotham of Fallbrook; three grandsons and one granddaughter. A private service will be held Wednesday. Kiefer & Eyerick Mortuary in Glendale are handling the arrangements.
Times-Advocate (Escondido, CA) 6/26/1991
Lyle Naoma Crist Hickenbottom (1911-1991) NE/CA
Poway - Lyle Naoma Hickenbottom, a three-year Poway resident, died June 24 at a local hospital. She was 79.
Born Sept. 12, 1911, in Arcadia, Neb., she moved to San Marcos in 1936 and lived in Escondido for 20 years before moving to Poway.
She was a missionary for the Jehovah's Witnesses since 1938.
A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. July 6 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 520 Imperial Drive, Escondido.
Poway-Bernardo Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.
The San Bernardino County Sun 2/12/1992
David Michael Higginbotham (1991-1992) CA
David Michael Higginbotham, 3-1/2 months, of San Bernardino died Friday at St. Bernardino Medical Center. The cause of death is unknown, pending a coroner's report.
He is survived by his parents, Tony Higginbotham and Tina M. Holloway; a brother, Albert J. Renteria of San Bernardino; a sister, Crystal Renteria of San Bernardino; his grandparents, Elenore and Bob Gubany of Fontana and Margaret Lujan and Elenore Stiensin, both of San Bernardino; and his great-grandparents, John and Pauline Masscarro of Ontario and John C. Rodriguez of San Bernardino.
Visitation is 6 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, with a rosary at 7 p.m. at Mark B. Shaw Mortuary Slumber Room, 1525 N. Waterman Ave. San Bernardino.
Mass is 10 a.m. Friday at Christ the King Catholic Church, 272 E. Rialto Ave., San Bernardino. Burial will follow at Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, 211 E. Ninth St., San Bernardino.
Sioux City Journal 10/22/1993
Mary Higginbottom (1993-1993) IA
Mary Higginbottom, one-day-old daughter of Nancy and Norman Higginbottom of West Des Moines and formerly of Sioux City, died Oct. 17, 1993, at Mercy Hospital Medical Center of complications due to prematurity.
A memorial service will be 5 p.m. Sunday at Hamilton's Funeral Home in Des Moines. Visitation will follow the service.
Survivors include the parents; grandparents, Darlene and Richard Higginbottom of Maxwell, Iowa, and Doris and Doug Miller of Sioux City; and great grandparents, Vernal Higginbottom of Elkhart, Iowa, and Alice Pace of Nevada, Iowa.
Santa Maria Times 11/4/1993
Leonard Higginbotham (ca1930-1993) CA
Memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Santa Maria Foursquare Church for Leonard Higginbotham, 63, of Santa Maria who died Sunday at a Santa Maria hospital of natural causes. Private inurnment will be held at a later date.
Mr. Higginbotham enlisted in the Navy in 1948 and was commissioned and received flight wings in 1951. He was assigned to Fighter Squadron 63 on USS Boxer and USS Yorktown until June 1954 serving in Korea with Taughter Jet fighter tactics 1954-1956. He served on USS Intrepid, USS Independence and USS Saratoga in several key positions. He was Senior Instructor NROTC at Tulane University and commander in Chief Pacific Airborne Command Post and Executive Officer and Commanding Officer Reconnaissance Attack Squadron thirteen. He served on USS Kittyhawk and USS America with 42 combat missions over North Vietnam. He served on USS Midway and was Senior War Plans Officer, Commander in Chief Pacific until June 1972 and was Deputy Chief, Navy Section Joint Military Assistance Group in Turkey and was Chief East Asia Security Assistance Programs, Commander in Chief Pacific and Chief of Staff, Joint US Military Assistance Group in Korea and retired to Honolulu, Hawaii in March 1981. He was active in VFW and had a real estate brokerage until moving to Santa Maria in July 1990. He had been President of Lake Maria Homeowners Association and a member of Santa Maria Foursquare Church. He had also been active with Meals on Wheels and other groups.
Survivors include his wife, Joni Higginbotham of Santa Maria; son, Bill Higginbotham of Fresno; daughters, Shannon Kelly of Hawaii and Erin Kelly Higginbotham of Santa Maria; sister, Dolores Nielsen of Groveland; mother, Virginia Higginbotham of Fresno; and several nieces and nephews.
In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Santa Maria Foursquare Children's Life School Funds, 709 N. Curryer St. Santa Maria, Calif. 93454
Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary will direct arrangements.
The Los Angeles Times 5/15/1995
Clarice B. Higginbotham (1899-1995) CA
Higginbotham, Clarice B., passed away on June 9, 1995 at age 95.
Memorial service 2 p.m., Thursday, June 15 at Spalding Mortuary Chapel, 3045 La Brea.
The Los Angeles Times 7/21/1996
Herschel Austin Higginbotham (1904-1996) CA
Higginbotham, Herschel A. 91, of Ventura, retired diesel mechanic at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.
Placerville Mountain Democrat 03/20/1997
Rhylma A. Hartley Higginbotham (1902-1997) NC/TX/CA
Rhylma A. Higginbotham
Rhylma A. Higginbotham, 94, died March 17 in
She loved to play bridge and enjoyed music
and singing in the choir. She was not only born a “Southern Lady” but lived up
to the title with her cheerful personality and southern mannerisms.
Rhylma was also known in
She is survived by her daughter Mary
Catherine Linn, brother Agnew “Duke” Hartley, six-grandchildren and four
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday,
March 24 at Green Valley Mortuary in Cameron Park. A graveside service win be
held at
Santa Maria Times 6/28/1997
Birdie May Miles Higginbotham (1903-1997) TX/CA
Inurnment will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Santa Maria Cemetery for Birdie May Higginbotham, 93, of Fresno.
She died March 6, 1997 in Fresno. Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 2, 1903 in Hill County, Texas.
She moved to Santa Maria in 1926. Mrs. Higginbotham worked for Pacific Freight Lines, which was located at the southwest corner of Thornburg and Main streets, for many years. She later worked for the Santa Maria Railroad, and the city clerk's office. She was the wife of Santa Maria Police Chief Kirk C. Higginbotham. He was chief of police from 1944-1945 when he joined the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's staff to take charge of the Santa Maria office.
She moved to Fresno in approximately 1955 where she worked at Children's Hospital, various Fresno county and city offices, and at Yosemite National Park. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Wesley United Methodist Church, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, and Woodmen of the World.
Survivors include her sisters, Mabel Ross and Nan McKee of Fresno; many nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband, Kirk C. Higginbotham in 1949; sisters, Mrs. Joe Townsend, Thelma Betts, Mildred Carter, and brothers Lee and Clay Miles.
The Los Angeles Times 10/1/1997
Sanford Gregory Higginbotham (1914-1997) GA/CA
Higginbotham, Sanford Gregory, Died Saturday evening, September 27, 1997, at the Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena. He was the beloved husband of Joanna Olson; and father of Sanford G. Jr., Susan Rehm, Sarah, Ann and Stephen. He is also survived by 5 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
Gregory was born in Madison, Georgia, September 17, 1914. He was married in 1939 to the mother of his children, Hanson Hayes, who preceded him in death 20 years ago. He resided in Pasadena 31 years, and moved to Arcadia at the time of his marriage to Joanna in 1980.
He was a manufacturers representative in the oil refinery equipment business for 45 years. An active member of the First United Methodist Church of Pasadena 48 years, serving on the Board of Trustees 6 years, and also a trustee of the School of Theology at Claremont 7 years. Family, friends and associates loved and admired this charming southern gentleman.
Memorial funeral services will be held Friday, October 3, 997 in the Chapel of the First United Methodist Church of Pasadena, at 10:30 a.m. Slumber Room visitation is Thursday, October 2, 1997 from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Forest Lawn-Glendale.
In lieu of flowers, friends may send memorial gifts to the Huntington Memorial Hospital Building Fund, or the charity of their choice.
The Los Angeles Times 9/1/1998
Charles Carl Higginbotham (1913-1998) OR/CA
Higginbotham, Charles, 85, of Mesa, died of natural causes on Friday, August 21, 1998. Charles was born in Myrtle Creek, Oregon, and was raised in Venice, California. He worked for Douglas Aircraft and Hughes Tool Company. In the mid fifties, his family relocated to Portland, Oregon area where he and his wife, Mille, owned Oregon Stamp and Stationery. They retired in 1978. Survivors include his daughter, Carole Myers; son, Kenny Higginbotham; nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
The Escalon Times 12/2/1998
Ray Shaw Higginbotham (1918-1998) UT/CA
Services were held Monday, Nov. 30 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Modesto, for Ray S. Higginbotham, who died at Casa de Modesto on Nov. 25. He was 80.
Born in Ogden, Utah, he had lived in Modesto for four years and previously lived and owned a dairy in Escalon for 40 years. He served in the Army Air Corps in World War II.
He was a member of the LDS Church in Oakdale, member of Western Dairy Association, FFA and National American Farmer, played the clarinet, led the choir and was active in music in the LDS Church. He also piloted his own plane, a Cessna 120.
Burial was at Burwood Cemetery, River Road, Escalon with arrangements by Deegan Funeral Chapel of Escalon.
Higginbotham is survived by his wife Ella of Modesto, children Ronald Ray Higginbotham of King City, Shirley Virginia Leonard of Salt Lake City, Utah, Norma Jean Bowerbank of Concord, Gerald Ernest Higginbotham of Fresno; a sister, Virginia Howitt of Utah; 17 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
Remembrances may be made to the Missionary Fund, LDS Church, 1105 W. Orangeburg Ave., Modesto, CA 95350.
The Los Angeles Times 5/26/1999
Hazel Lee Hall Reynolds Higginbotham (1911-1999) AR/CA
Higginbotham, Hazel Lee, 88, of Ventura, homemaker. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.
The Salt Lake Tribune 01/19/2000
Lavon Edith Ferguson Johnson Higginbotham (1906-2000) UT/CA
Lavon Ferguson Johnson Higginbotham, 93, died January 12, 2000 in La Habra, Calif. Born January 26, 1906, Fort Union, Utah to George W. and Edith Thorum Ferguson. Graduate Granite High School and LDS Business College. Left Utah 1927 for secretary post with Paramount Pictures. Married Eldon Johnson, Nov. 17, 1928. In 1948, they founded a furniture/appliance business in Maywood, Calif. which they operated 17 years. He died in 1970. Married Bert Higginbotham, 1972. He survives her. Pianist and officer many years for service clubs in her beloved Maywood area. Respected her Utah pioneer heritage. During visits her optimism and humor were greatly enjoyed. Also survived by sons, Bevan (Diane) Johnson, La Mirada, Calif.; Gayle Johnson, Maywood; 11 grandchildren; sister, Donna L. Swanson; and brother, George J. (Martha) Ferguson, both of Murray; and several loving nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by three sisters. Burial in Whittier, California.
The Los Angeles Times 2/19/2000
Robert Louis Higginbotham (1928-2000) CA
Higginbotham, Robert Louis, 72, of Oxnard, retired clerk at Southern California Edison. Payton Mortuary, Oxnard.
Nancy Annette Tade Higginbotham (1946-2000) CA
Higginbotham, Nancy Annette-In San Francisco March 9, 2000.
Loving mother of David Bruce Higginbotham, Debra Gay Froedge and Douglas Ray
Higginbotham cherished grandmother of Diane Higginbotham, Joshua, Kevin and
Jessica Froedge, Taylor, Ashley, Kendall and Jackson Higginbotham; beloved
daughter of Wanda May Tade; loving sister of Carol Ann Tade, Sharon Elaine
Sanders and Charles Arthur Tade. Age 53 years.
Friends and family are invited to attend memorial services Sunday 1:30 p.m. at
Sunset Ministries Church, 3010 Noriega St. (Noriega & 37th Ave). Following the
memorial service burial will take place at Woodlawn Cemetery, Colma at 3:15 p.m.
Sunday. Memorial donations to Sunset Ministries.
The Star News 4/27/2001
Thelma Higginbotham (1916-2001) IL/CA
Thelma Higginbotham died April 19 in National City. She was 84. Thelma was born May 16, 1916, in Harrisburg, Ill. She was a homemaker.
Thelma is survived by her sons, Michael Higginbotham of Spring Valley and Patrick Higginbotham of Coronado, and her granddaughter Denise Higginbotham of Spring Valley.
Visitation was held at Berge-Roberts Mortuary on Tuesday with graveside services on Wednesday at Glen Abbey Memorial Park.
Myrtle Doles Clawson Cable Higginbotham (1930-2001) TN/CA
Myrtle Cable Higginbotham, formerly of Carter County, died after an extended illness of cancer. She was the daughter of the late William and Edna Clawson Guy of Elk Mills. Survivors include two daughters, Helen and Kay, both of California, four sons, Dean of Memphis, Gene of Elizabethton, David and Rick, both of Modesto, Calif., two sisters, Pina Anderson of Elk Mills, Brenda Pollak of New Jersey, two brothers, Archie Clawson, Elizabethton, Maynard Clawson, Elk Mills, and eight grandchildren. The family will receive friends from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 11, 2001, and funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 12, 2001, at Lake Wood Memorial Park, 900 Santa Fe Ave., Hughton, Calif. Courtesy of Tetrick Funeral Home, Elizabethton, 423-542-2232.
Florida Times-Union 3/21/2002
Dessie Cecelia Lord Higginbotham (1909-2002) FL/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM Dessie C. Higginbotham, 92 years of age,
originally from Fort White, Florida, entered into rest March 17, 2002 in San
Jose, California. She is survived by sons, David Higginbotham of San Jose, CA;
James Bell (Carmela) of San Jose, CA; Zeno Bell (Vera) of St. Augustine and
daughters, Vaudine Slota (Walt) of Phoenix, AZ; and Vernice Wynn (Jamie) of Star
City, Arkansas and stepchildren Alvin Higginbotham of Jacksonville and Wilma
Willoughby of Chiefland. She is predeceased by her husbands Raymond Bell and Tom
Higginbotham and sons Ernest Bell and Robert Bell. Services and burial are in
Lima Family Mortuary in Fremont, CA. The family has requested donations to
Church of God, P. O. Box 385, Whitehouse, FL 32220 in lieu of flowers.
The San Diego Union-Tribune December 11, 2002
Ralph Higginbotham (1934-2002) LA/CA
Feb. 7, 1934-Dec. 6, 2002
Ralph Higginbotham Sr., 67, of San Diego died Friday. He was born in Greensburg,
La., and was a mail handler for the U.S. Postal Service. He served in the Navy.
Survivors include his wife, Betty Rose Higginbotham; daughter, Jilanda
Higginbotham; sons, Ralph Higginbotham Jr., Jerald Higginbotham and Byron
Higginbotham; sisters, Johnie Bea and Dorothy Higginbotham; brother, E.J.
Higginbotham; and two grandchildren.
Viewing and services: 11 a.m. tomorrow, Faith Chapel Church of God in Christ,
4999 Holly Drive, San Diego.
Interment: La Vista Memorial Park, National City.
Arrangements: California Burial Chapel.
Modesto Bee 03/14/2003
Virginia Higginbotham Howitt (1910-2003) UT/ID/CA
Virginia Howitt
March 20, 1910-March 11, 2003
Virginia Higginbotham Howitt, 92, of South
Mrs. Howitt was a native of
She is survived by her children, Virginia
Mulkin of
No services. Burial at
The Waldron (AR) News 06/11/2003
Kyle Wayne Higginbotham (1998-2003) CA
Kyle Wayne Higginbotham was born on September 17, 1998 in Merced, California and passed away May 22, 2003 in Madera, California. Kyle was a very strong boy and put up a fight all the way through. He touched everybody's life that he met and is so deeply loved by all his family and friends. He will be deeply missed by all. He enjoyed being surrounded by his family & friends. He loved planting, picking & smelling his flowers. He would go out in the gardens and plant his flowers. He loved carrying his family pictures, mum-mum, alcohol pads, stuffed animals and stickers, he also loved writing letters to family and friends. Kyle always considered Children's Hospital as a second home. He always enjoyed being with the staff and patients there. Everybody at Children's Hospital considered him family. Kyle even named the hospital Debbie's House after his favorite nurse's assistant (PCT.) Kyle is survived by his parents Thomas & Kelly Higginbotham, and a sister Emma Dawn Higginbotham all of Merced, California. Grandparents Donovan Wayne & Annabelle Higginbotham of Winton, California. He is also survived by his grandfather Revis Grisham & step-grandmother Carole Grisham. Also a great- aunt & great-uncle Betty & Earl Craig of Waldron, Arkansas. Godparents Bryan & Sue Hofman of Modesto, California. Moreover, numerous aunts, uncle, cousins, family and friends. Kyle is preceded in death by his grandmother Dawn Gail Grisham and great- grandfather Calvin Grisham. He is also survived by his great grandmother Lillian Rushton of Mariposa, CA & a great grandmother Peggy Grisham of Planada, CA. A funeral service was held Friday, May 30, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. at the Church of Christ in Merced, CA followed by burial at Plainsburg Cemetery. All services were under the direction of Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home in Merced, CA.
Ashland (OR) Daily Tidings 01/16/2005
Robert Scott Higginbotham (1953-2005) OR/CA
Robert Scott Higginbotham, 51, of San Jose, died January 1,
Robert was born on May 15, 1953 in Medford to Orland and Donna Higginbotham.
After attending Grants Pass schools, he attended from Southern Oregon University
and Pacific University at Forest Grove for 2 years before entering the Peace
Corps for 2 years, traveling to India. In 1978, he graduated from Portland
State, and was chosen outstanding Political Science Student of the Year.
He was the Human Resources Director for Harmonic Light Waves in San, Jose, CA.
He is survived by his wife of 24 years, Sharon; daughter June (15), parents
Orland and Donna of Central Point; brother Max of Brookings; and sister Julie
Ann of Williams.
Memorial services have been held. Inurnment was at Los Gatos Memorial Park, San
Jose, CA.
The Los Angeles Times 1/16/2005
Joanna Pouncey Olson Higginbotham (1924-2005) TX/CA
Higginbotham, Joanna Pouncey Olson passed away January 12, 2005. The daughter of Amos J. and Mamie Price Pouncey, she was born February 8, 1924 in Corpus Christi, TX. She was raised in Texas until he family moved to the Pasadena area in 1947. She worked several years for Olson Lumber Co. before marrying Frank T. Olson in 1955. They made their home in Arcadia , where she continued to live after he passed away in 1977.
In 1980, Joanna married Sanford Gregory Higginbotham. Their marriage lasted until his passing in 1997. She was a devoted member of the First United Methodist Church and volunteered many hours at the Huntington Memorial Hospital's gift shop. Joanna also enjoyed her membership at Annandale Golf Club.
She is survived by her daughter, Elizabeth Olson Newton (Frank) of Centennial, Colo.; sister, Lorene Pouncey of Houston, TX, Sanford Higginbotham of Kauai, HI, Susan Higginbotham Rehm (Lynn) of Houston, TX, Sarah Higginbotham of Pasadena and Stephen Higginbotham (Jennifer) of Pasadena. She is also survived by her grandchildren, Betty Newton Mills (Andrew), Fran Newton (Beverly Maison), Jennifer Higginbotham Prince (William), Jeff Higginbotham (Katy), Elizabeth Rehm Richmond (Gary), Sarah Rehm Roberts (Keith) and MArgaret Higginbotham, as well as 10 great-grandchildren and many friends.
Visitation will be held Sunday, January 16 from 3-5 p.m. at Cabot & Sons Mortuary, 27 Chestnut St. Pasadena. Her memorial service will be Tuesday, January 18, at 10 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 500 East Colorado Blvd, Pasadena.
Interment will follow at San Gabriel Cemetery, 601 Roses Road, San Gabriel 91175. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory may be made to the Huntington Memorial Hospital, 100 West California Blvd, Pasadena 91101, USC/Andrus Gerontology Center, 3715 McClintock Avenue #110, Los Angeles 90089-0191 of United Methodist Church Overseas Relief, 475 Riverside Drive, #330, New York, NY 10115.
Cabot & Sons, Pasadena Directors
Visalia Times-Delta 3/9/2005
Roberta M. Rains Higginbotham (1915-2005) CA
Roberta M. Higginbotham, 90, of Orange Cove died March 4, 2005. She was a packinghouse worker.
Visitation will be 4-8 p.m. Thursday at Dopkins Funeral Chapel, Dinuba. Services will be 1 p.m. Friday at the Chapel. Interment will be at Smith Mountain Cemetery, Dinuba.
San Bernardino Sun on May 3, 2005
Dorothy Mary Higginbotham Burton (1921-2005) KY/CA
DOROTHY BURTON 84, a resident of San Bernardino for 41 years,
passed away Saturday, April 30, 2005.
She was predeceased by her husband of 52 years, Romie, in 1996.
Survivors include: 2 sons, James W. Burton of Elk Grove and Steve Burton of San
Bernardino; 5 daughters, Janice Grushka of San Jose, Celetta Bond of Clovis,
Irma Lowman of Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, Marilyn Gers an d Susan Burton, both of San
Bernardino; 3 brothers, Raymond and Frank Higginbotham, both of Monticello,
Kentucky and Jack Higginbotham of Shelbyville, Indiana; 3 sisters, Bertha Hurt
and Barbara Black, both of Monticello, Kentucky, and Kathryn Kelly of Dayton,
Ohio; 19 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.
Viewing will be held Tuesday, May 3, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and funeral services
will be Wednesday, May 4, 9:00 a.m., both at Bobbitt Memorial Chapel, 1299 E.
Highland Avenue.
Interment will follow at Riverside National Cemetery at 10:30 a.m., staging area
Bakersfield Californian 10/13/2005
James Marvin Higginbotham Sr. (1913 - 2005) CA
James M. Higginbotham Services: Fri., Oct. 14, 12 Noon Graveside service
Tee-Time will be held Friday, October 14, 2005, at 12:00 Noon, at North Kern
District Cemetery, in Delano, CA. James M. Higginbotham was born November 1,
1913, in Atwater, CA and passed away on October 11, 2005, in Delano, CA. He is
survived by his children, James (Skip) Higginbotham of Pahrump, NV, Robert
Higginbotham of Delano, CA, Jeanie of Caldwell, Idaho; his sister, Marian
Caldwell of Soquel, CA; 3 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Jim was a
longtime member of the United States Golfers Association. Lane Family Funeral
Sacramento Bee 03/29/2006
Beverlee Betty Hood Higginbotham (1920-2006) CA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Beverlee Betty - Born in
Santa Rosa, CA September 8, 1920, she passed away in Sacramento on March 26,
2006 at the age of 85 years. A longtime resident of Sacramento, she was a 1938
graduate from Sacramento High School, worked for the State of California as an
Employment Analyst for 30 years. She and her late husband, Bill, were members of
the Elks Lodge #6 with friends in Elks Lodge #2103. She is the wife of the late
William D. "Bill" Higginbotham; mother to Lesla Ann Higginbotham of Florida and
David Higginbotham of El Dorado Hills; sister to Sally Scribner and grandmother
to Amy and David Jr. Beverlee joined late brothers, Thomas D. Hood and William
Leslie Hood, mother and father, Grace and Les, in everlasting peace. Friends are
invited to attend services on Saturday, Apr. 1, at 10:00am at NICOLETTI, CULJIS
& HERBERGER FUNERAL HOME, 5401 Folsom Blvd., (916) 451-7284. Interment, Camellia
Memorial Lawn Cemetery. Remembrances may be made in Beverlee's name for research
to Alzheimer's Aid Society of Northern CA, P.O. Box 1824, Sacramento, CA 95812.
Long Beach Press-Telegram 6/5/2006
Ruth Lois Higginbotham (1923-2006) CA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Ruth Lois, age 82, passed away May 31, 2006 in Downey, CA. She is
survived by her daughters, Carolyn Brown of Fullerton, CA, and Barbara
Higginbotham of Tustin, CA; and her grandchildren David, Gregory, Philip, Lauren
and Brendan. Visitation will be held Tuesday, June 6, 2006 from 6-8pm and the
Funeral Service on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 at 11:00am, both to be held at Chapel
of Memories Funeral Home in Norwalk, CA. Interment will immediately follow at
Rose Hills Memorial Park in Whittier, CA.
San Diego Union-Tribune 07/08/2006
Betty Rose Mondy Higginbotham (1937-2006) LA/CA
July 4, 1937-July 7, 2006
Betty Rose Higginbotham, 69, of San Diego died Friday. She was born in New
Orleans and was a certified nurse's assistant.
Survivors include her daughter, Jilanda Higginbotham; sons, Ralph Sr., Gerald
and Byron Sr.; sisters, Margarite Montrel, Helen Holden, Evelyn West and Grace
Barbarin; brothers, George Mondy and Peter Mondy; and three grandchildren.
Services: 1 p.m. today, Faith Chapel Church of God in Christ, 4999 Holly St.,
San Diego.
Interment: La Vista Memorial Park, 3191 Orange St., National City.
Arrangements: California Cremation & Burial Chapel.
Bakersfield Californian 7/23/2006
8, 1920 - July 20, 2006
Lorraine Virginia Hope Higginbotham (1920-2006) KS/CA
Lorraine Higginbotham passed away peacefully on July 20, 2006 at her
daughter's home. Lorraine was born to Ralph and Evea Hope on March 8, 1920 in
Topeka, Kansas. She married Tadix "Red" Higginbotham On July 4th, 1945. They
made their home in DiGiorgio, Ca with their 2 children, Gary and Peggy. Mom
retired from the Department of Water Resources, Lost Hills Division at the young
age of 71.Mom had a keen sense of humor. She always had a joke to tell. Whenever
one of her friends in Wasco needed a ride to the doctor or elsewhere, she was
always up to the task. She loved to play cards and loved to go out to eat.
Lorraine was preceded in death by husband Red Higginbotham, Mother and Father,
Ralph and Evea and brother James Hope. She is survived by son, Gary
Higginbotham, daughter, Peggy and husband, Ron Womble. Grandchildren, Brian
Womble, Jill Roland, Jennifer Hewes, Alex Higginbotham, Michelle Higginbotham
and 3 great grandchildren. Special thanks to Hoffman Hospice (especially Lupe
and Anne) for their guidance during this difficult time. Thanks to Dr. Tommy Lee
who took such good care of Mom. Also special thanks to Arletta Norman who
faithfully took mom to the Beauty Shop to get her hair and nails done. Mom-we
love you and wish you peace. Mom I wouldn't have missed the last weeks journey
with you for anything. At Mom's request, her service will be private. In lieu of
flowers, donations can be made to the American Heart Association.
Long Beach Press-Telegram 10/04/2006
Bertram Higginbotham (1921-2006) IL/IN/CA
Bertram "Higgy" Higginbotham 1921-2006 Bertram "Higgy" Higginbotham, 85,
died on September 28, 2006 in Norwalk, CA. He was born on April 23, 1921 in Oak
Park, IL to Mack Kay Higginbotham of Arkansas and Grace Truman Voyles of Kansas.
Higgy was an honor student at Anderson High School in Anderson Indiana. He
joined the US Army and served as Tech 5 Grade Medical Core and was a Pearl
Harbor Survivor. He moved to Los Angeles in 1943 and graduated with honors from
University of Southern California. He married the love of his life, LaVon
Johnson, in 1972. They entertained and volunteered for many service clubs in the
Maywood area. He was a great singer and always had a joke to tell. He retired
from the US Postal Service after 27 years. He was a generous man and a strong
supporter of our environment and many other charity organizations. He wished to
bid farewell to his friends at Casa Mobile Home Park in Bell Gardens and the
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2830. He is survived by his brother, Bill (Olivia)
Higginbotham; nieces, Diane Diyorio, Jeannette Higginbotham, Grace Forman and
Mary Lawrence; great niece, Michelle Parsons (David); brother Mack Kay
Higginbotham's wife Jeanne Higginbotham and niece, Linda Higginbotham Leftwich
of Bloomington, Indiana; and great-great nieces and nephews, Michael, Jeffery,
Seth, Brittany, Nicholas and Katie. Open Burial Services will be held at
Inglewood Park Cemetery, 3803 W. Manchester Blvd, Inglewood CA on October 5,
2006 at 11 am.
The (Barstow) Daily Press 11/25/2006
Steven Paul Higginbotham (1956-2006) PA/CA
Steven Paul Higginbotham, a resident of Barstow for four years, passed away Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006. He was born Feb. 9, 1956, in Philadelphia, Pa. Steven graduated from the E. E. Smith High School at Fort Bragg, N. C. in 1974. Steven was a paratrooper in the U.S. Army at Fort Bragg. He belonged to the Bill Collins Post # 2143, Veteran's of Foreign Wars in Barstow. Steven is survived by his wife, Marla of Barstow; father, Karl E. Higginbotham of Barstow; sister, Karla Jenkins of Atlanta, Ga.; brother, Michael Higginbotham of San Antonio, Texas; children, Steven P. Higginbotham II of Fayetteville, N.C., Ivette Marie Garrett of Fayetteville, N.C., Brenda Haggard of Montgomery, Ala., Anna Jackson and Willie Jackson of Atlanta, Ga., and Johnny Jackson of Huntsville, Ala.; mother in-law, Siutu Tai of Barstow; sister-in-law, Anna Tai of Long Beach, 18 grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at 2 p.m. at Mead Mortuary, 36930 Irwin Road.
The Santa Cruz Sentinel 03/06/2007
Vareen Hansen Hickenbottom (1922-2007) CA
(Jan. 29, 1922 - Feb. 28, 2007)
On February 28th, Vareen Hansen Hickenbottom passed away from this earthly
plane. She died of natural causes in her home, surrounded by family and friends.
Hospice Caring Project of Santa Cruz was also in attendance. She was 85 years
Mrs. Hickenbottom was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Hickenbottom, and
her brother, Vernon Hansen. Vareen was a third generation central coast native,
hailing from San Luis Obispo. Her former family ranch and birth place is
presently the site of Camp San Luis Obispo and Cuesta College. She was born in
one of the oldest buildings still standing in California, now known as the
Hollister Adobe. During steelhead season she, her brother Vernon and her cousin,
Marvin Manfredi, would go down to the Chorro Creek, which ran through the ranch
and scoop up steelhead with pitch forks as they swarmed up stream.
As a young girl she enjoyed animals, had many friends and was very popular and
active in school. She was involved in many sports and played trumpet in the
band. She graduated from San Luis Obispo High School and then went on to receive
an AA degree from San Luis Obispo Junior College, where she majored in Physical
Education. She married Robert "Bob" Hickenbottom and moved to Santa Cruz in
1954. They opened up three popular "drive in" restaurants in the Monterey Bay
area, called Driv 'N' Eat, which served the Santa Cruz community from 1955 to
1965, on the corner of Ocean and Soquel Avenues. After her husband's death in
1965, she left the restaurant business and pursued a career with Thomas J.
Lipton Company, from which she retired.
She was widely respected as one of the "Westside moms," who allowed many local
60's surfers to store their boards in her garage, a few blocks from Cowells
Beach. She also offered hot showers and chicken and spaghetti dinners to them
when they returned from the chilly surf. The Santa Cruz Surfing Association
would often hold meetings in her home and she could be seen at Steamer Lane
during contest cheering on her many, "number two sons"
Mrs. Hickenbottom was a perky and independent woman who was an outspoken critic
of the way Santa Cruz had changes so dramatically due to the opening of UCSC.
She gained reputation as "the sheriff of Gharkey Street" One day in the early
1980's, she came home to find two burglars in her house. She yelled at them to
get out and chased them down the street, calling out for help. The two men were
tackled by various neighbors and then arrested.
Vareen was very active in the local volunteer community, especially with the
California Grey Bears. She also cooked Thanksgiving meals in her own kitchen
then delivered them to less fortunate families in the community. She could be
seen driving her silver 1968 Buick Riviera all over town for nearly four
Her favorite avocation was gardening. One could say she lived in her garden.
Although very friendly and outgoing, she loved the peace and tranquility of her
yard and would spend hour's everyday attending to her various trees and plants.
Neighbors and friends would drive by, honk their horns and wave. She also loved
spending time with her two grandchildren, Tristan and Bryce Hickenbottom who
knew her as "Grammers" She is survived by her two children, Thomas Hansen
Hickenbottom and Terry Reed, both of Santa Cruz.
She will be greatly missed by her many friends on the Westside and in the
community at large. A neighborhood-style open house and memorial celebrating her
life will be held on Saturday, March 10th at the family home, 303 Gharkey
Street, Westside Santa Cruz, from 1 to 4 p.m. Call 423-0803 or 588-3858 for more
info. Contributions to Hospice Caring Project, 940 Disc Dr, Scotts Valley, Ca
San Jose Mercury News 0 4/22/2007
Harold Houston "Hal" Hickenbottom (1921-2007) WA/CA
April 12, 1921 - April 9, 2007
Harold Houston "Hal" Hickenbottom died at the age of 85 on April 9, 2007, of
causes related to age in Tigard, Oregon.
He was born April 12, 1921 in Zillah, Washington to Frank Houston and Mae
Elizabeth (Gray) Hickenbottom.
He attended school at Zillah until 1935, and then graduated from Sunnyside
Washington High School in 1939. He played American Legion Baseball for five
years and was on the varsity baseball, basketball, track and football teams.
He served during World War II in the US Army Air Corps from 1939 through 1945.
He spent three years in Panama; then as an Air Force Lieutenant, served with the
513th Bomb Squadron, 376th Bomb Group, 15th Air Force in Italy as a Bombardier
flying missions in B-24's over Germany and Austria from January through May
He retired from Carpenter's Union Local #22 in San Francisco in 1986 and then
moved to Corvallis, Oregon in 1990 and to Beaverton, Oregon in 2003.
Hal was very active in the Sunnyvale, California area coaching Little League
Baseball for many years. He also coached AYSO Soccer and was an avid high school
baseball and football fan. He was also a very active bowler and golfer.
He was married in 1960 to Patricia Ruth Miller in Reno, Nevada. Hal is survived
by his daughter Barbara Alison Graham of Salem, Oregon, and sons Philip Frank of
Friday Harbor, Washington and Houston Harold of Tigard, Oregon. Other survivors
are his sister Doris Mullin of Walnut Creek, California and his grandchildren
Alison, Erin, Melissa, Parker and Cole. He was preceded in death by Patricia
Ruth in 2002 and his brother Kenneth in 2005.
At his request, no funeral or memorial services will be held. Disposition by
cremation. Interment in the Hickenbottom Family Plot at the Zillah, Washington
Harold "Hal" requested that contributions be made to: Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, P.O. Box 19024, Seattle, Washington 98109.
Modesto Bee 05/04/2007
Leonard Wayne Higginbotham Sr. (1945-2007) CA
SEPT. 15, 1945 - MAY 2, 2007
Leonard Wayne
Higginbotham Sr. passed away in Visalia, CA on May 2, 2007. He is survived by 2
sons and 1 daughter, Leonard Higginbotham Jr. of Modesto, Tharen Higginbotham of
Madera and Melissa Gray of Turlock, 2 brothers, 2 sisters and 5 grand children.
Leonard served 25 years as a Deputy Sheriff for Stanislaus County. He was a
loving husband, brother, father, grandfather, uncle and friend. Services will be
held Saturday, May 5th, 1:00 PM, Davis Park Church of Christ.
Orange County Register 05/16/2007
Raymond Lester Higginbotham (1936-2007) CA
Higginbotham, Raymond Lester, 70, passed away May 10, 2007 in Garden
Grove, CA. He is survived by his daughters Melody Sonnier and Linda
Higginbotham, sons Randy and Chris, 12 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren.
Services are private. Fairhaven Memorial.
San Francisco Chronicle 05/20/2007
Jessie Wilhelmina Bailey Higginbotham (1909-2007) CA
August 1909 - April 2007
Jessie Wilhelmina
Higginbotham lived her first 10 years in Redwood City, CA, with her parents,
Dora and Joseph Bailey, and her beloved sister, Genevieve. Jessie loved San
Francisco for 87 years, reveling in city life, fashionable clothes, and the
nightlife. After graduating from Commerce High School, she was head bookkeeper
in insurance companies. Office decorum was often disturbed with her clever wit
and practical jokes. She had fond memories of participating in every historical
event, as well as dancing to the big bands in nightclubs, the Larkspur outdoor
dances, speakeasies, brewing bathtub gin, her mother's boarding houses, great
parties, and living every moment to the fullest. A major highlight was attending
the Worlds Fair on Treasure Island every night. In her 40s, Jessie had a new
life as wife to Hugh T. Higginbotham, and mother to Dorcas. She was active with
leadership positions in P.T.A. and volunteer work and a 35-year member of Golden
Gate Chapter #1, OES. When Dorcas joined Job's Daughters, Jessie met her "gang,"
Club 52, and her most cherished friend, June. For over 30 years this group of
friends laughed raucously and partied heartily. She never tired of recalling her
joyous memories of these spirited times. Forever loyal to her large circle of
lifelong friends, Jessie loved life and was enthusiastic for the latest news.
Cheerful, optimistic and quick witted, she had an engaging personality and
infectious laughter. She was often the life of the party and an instigator of
pranks and jokes. She remained sharp and curious and always amazed everyone with
her keen memory. A woman of many talents, bringing laughter and exuberance to
people was her greatest gift. Jessie is survived by Dorcas and her companion
John Copeland; her nieces Pat Reynoso and June Harmon; and nephews. A Memorial
Service will be held on June 8: 415-221-7579. Memorial contributions to Shriners
Hospital for Children, 2425 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95817; Make a Wish
Foundation, or other charity.
Register Parjaronian 06/11/2007
Bonnie Joyce Higginbotham (1925-2007) OK/CA
Bonnie Higginbotham died Monday, May 14, 2007 at her home in Placerville
after a long illness. She was 81.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Hollis, Okla.
She is survived by her companion of 22 years, Guy Hart; children, Fanette (Jim)
Donahue of Placerville, Tami Collier of McKinney, Texas, and Earl and Darl
Higginbotham of Tucson, Ariz.; five grandchildren; and numerous nieces and
nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Earl Higginbotham, in 1979.
A graveside service will be held June 22 at 1 p.m. at the Pajaro Valley Memorial
Park on Hecker Pass Road.
San Jose Mercury News 08/17/2007
Helen Elizabeth Dyer Hickingbotham (1920-2007) HI/CA
Helen Elizabeth Dyer Hickingbotham, a long time San
Francisco Peninsula resident, died peacefully August 8, 2007 in Burlingame.
Known as Betsy to her family and friends, she was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in
1920 to Phoebe Carter and Vivian Oxenham Dyer. Her great-grandfather, Colonel
Henry A. Strong was the co-founder of Eastman Kodak Company and its first
president. Her maternal grandparents were Helen Strong and George Robert Carter,
the second territorial governor of the Hawaiian Island who was appointed by
President Theodore Roosevelt. Her paternal grandparents were Louise Sewall
Jackson and John Edward Dyer of England. Betsy moved from the Hawaiian Islands
to the Peninsula with her mother and stepfather, Douglas Alexander in 1930. She
was educated in Paris under her Grandmother Carter's watchful eye. Upon her
return in 1939, she made her debut in both Honolulu and Hillsborough where she
met her future husband, Howard J. Hickingbotham. Together they traveled
extensively and enjoyed summers at their house at Lake Tahoe and winters at
their chalet in Sugar Bowl. Howard and his brother Joseph C. Hickingbotham
co-owned the family business, Shreve & Company in San Francisco. Betsy and
Howard were married forty-nine years until his death in 1989. Known to her many
friends for her magnificent gardens and horticultural knowledge, she was also a
talented and accomplished artist who was incredibly creative, a passionate
skier, and she enjoyed being the family historian. She was unendingly generous
in sharing her splendid gardens with many charitable organizations. Betsy was a
member of the Burlingame Country Club, The Francesca Club, The Hillsborough
Garden Club, and St. Mathews Episcopal Church Garden Guild. She supported the
arts and horticulture through her continuing interest in The Hillsborough Garden
Club, San Francisco Opera, and The Bishop Museum in Honolulu, The Palace Legion
of Honor, the Nation Tropical Botanical Garden Fund, and The Bishop Museum. She
is survived by her brother Robert Alexander and his wife, Anne; children Diane
McNabb, Howard J. Hickingbotham, Jr. and his wife, Sandy, Deven Hickingbotham
and his wife Renee and four grandchildren whom she adored. She was predeceased
in death by her daughter Hilary Carter Hickingbotham and her granddaughter
Mercedes Elizabeth Jackson Hotle. A Memorial Service will be held Wednesday,
August 22, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. in Betsy's Garden. In lieu of flowers, the family
has asked that contributions be made to The Hillsborough Garden Club, The Sugar
Bowl Ski Team, The San Francisco Opera, The Hawaiian Missionary Children's
Museum, The Mercedes Elizabeth Jackson Hotle Fund, or a charity of your choice.
Daily Press 09/14/2007
Karl Elliott Higginbotham (1934-2007) WV/CA
Karl E. Higginbotham, 75, a resident of Barstow, passed away Tuesday,
Sept. 11, 2007.
Visitation will be held Monday, Sept. 17, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. at Mead Mortuary,
36930 Irwin Road. Funeral services will be held Monday, Sept. 17, 2007 at 2:15
p.m. at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside.
Merced Sun Star 10/11/2007
Annabelle Lee Ryburn Higginbotham (1923 - 2007) OK/CA
Annabelle Lee Higginbotham (Ryburn) passed away October 7, 2007 in Merced,
California at the age of 84.
She was born January 1, 1923 in Howe, Oklahoma to George and Eunice Ryburn. Ann
was a resident of Winton, CA for over 40
years. She was the loving wife of 50 years to the late CMSGT (RET) USAF Donovan
Higginbotham. Ann devoted her life to her family. Her greatest joy was being a
Mother of 6 Children, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. She enriched our lives
with her wisdom and integrity. She leaves a legacy of love, laughter and
wonderful memories. We will forever miss her beautiful and generous spirit.
Annabelle is preceded in death by her husband Donovan in 2006, Grandson Kyle
Wayne Higginbotham in 2003.
Those left to cherish her memory are children Dee Martin, Gary and Margaret,
Michael and Janice, Daniel and Carol, Thomas and Kelly Higginbotham, Sue and
Bryan Hofmann, 10 adored grandchildren, Bill and Tripp Martin, Steven, Jeffrey,
Chase, Laurie Ann, Emma and Jena Higginbotham, Mary Mason and Mark Shaw; five
great-grandchildren, Courtney, Matthew, Sydney and Brianna Mason; Camden Shaw
and two more Great Grandchildren on the way, her sister Betty Craig and
brother-in-law Earl Craig of Arkansas, brother Don Ryburn and sister-in-law
Darlene Ryburn of Texas.
Visitation will be held Saturday, October, 13, 2007 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Memorial Services immediately following visitation 2:00 p.m. at Ivers and Alcorn
Funeral Home in Merced. A burial is to follow at Plainsburg Cemetery.
All services are under the direction of Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home in Merced,
Albany OR Democrat Herald 02/01/2008
John Elliot “Bill” Higginbottom (1924-2008) OR/CA
July 23, 1924 — Jan. 28, 2008
J.E. “Bill” Higginbottom, formerly of Lebanon, was called home to heaven Monday. He is survived by wife Frances, daughter Cheryl, two grandsons and one great-grandson. Per Bill’s request, no services will be held. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Alzheimer Aid Society, 2641 Cottage Way Ste. 4, Sacramento, CA 95825, or a charity of your choice. Frisbie-Warren & Carroll Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Merced Sun-Star 03/05/2008
William Renfro Higginbotham (1913-2008) AR/CA
June 28, 1913-March 2, 2008
A private graveside service will be held at a later date in the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, California.
All funeral arrangements are under the direction of Ivers & Alcorn Funeral Home located 901 West Main Street in Merced, California.
Published by The Reno Gazette Journal and Lyon County News Leader from Jun. 25 to Jun. 29, 2008
Joseph Cameron Hickingbotham III (1938-2008) CA
December 4, 1938 - June 17, 2008
Known to his family and friends as Jody or Joe, he passed away Tuesday, June 17
while hiking in Palm Desert. Born December 4, 1938 in Oakland, CA to Diana
Dollar Knowles and Joseph Cameron Hickingbotham, Jr. Joe is the great-grandson
of Captain Robert Dollar, famed owner of the Dollar Steamship Line.
Joe worked for many years at his family's companies, the Robert Dollar Company
and Shreve & Company. He enjoyed giving back to his community and especially
liked the arts. He loved the San Francisco Opera and while living in Reno, NV he
was president of the Nevada Opera.
Joe's life was one of love and service, as he was very involved in many
community organizations including Menlo Presbyterian Church where he served as a
deacon and later as an elder, SpiritCare Ministry to Seniors, Sine Ministries
and projects with Father Navarro in Mexico. Through these organizations Joe
worked locally and in different countries, providing service to those in need.
Lake Tahoe was a favorite place for him from the time he was a small boy until
his death. As a child, he would spend most of his summers at the Lake, boating
with his sister and parents in the family Gar Wood, “Tamarack“ and picnicking on
the Lake's beautiful East Shore. His passion for boating grew out of these
experiences. He raced small boats as young man, winning many trophies and
contests, following in the footsteps of his uncle R. Stanley Dollar, Jr. and his
famous boat-racing career. Joe recently bought a new boat and was looking
forward to racing around Lake Tahoe this summer with family and friends.
Joe was a wonderful, gentle man who made friends everywhere he went. He had an
extraordinarily fine character and an exceptionally kind and warm personality.
He will be missed so much by all. The world is a lesser place without him, and
yet a better one. He was gifted in his ability to communicate with those around
him and could strike up conversation with anyone, even if their views or
background were quite different than his own. He truly made the people he met
feel special. He was greatly loved for this. He had a unique and dry sense of
humor with a laugh that was infectious and bigger than life. Joe's passing came
much too soon and we are so deeply heartbroken by the loss of our son, father,
brother, grandfather and friend.
He is survived by many people who love him: his mother, Diana Dollar Knowles of
San Francisco; sister, Heidi Hickingbotham of Marin; son, Joseph Cameron
Hickingbotham IV (“J.“), and his wife Jessica of Lake Tahoe; daughters, Darayn
Esther Hickingbotham of Redwood City, Katherine Diana Borden of South
Burlington, VT and Amy Dollar Simone and her husband, Anthony of Ashburn, VA.
Jody had seven grandchildren whom he greatly loved, Jacqueline May
Hickingbotham, Joseph Cameron Hickingbotham V (“Jody“), Skylar McGarry
McLaughlin, Matthew Raymond Borden, Taylor Joseph Simone, Nicholas Andrew Simone
and Chloe Ann Simone.
A Memorial Service will be held at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco on Monday,
June 30 at 2 p.m. He will be buried with members of the Dollar Family at the
Mount Tamalpais Cemetery in San Rafael, CA. The internment will be private. In
lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the UCSF Foundation. Please note in
the memory line “In memory of Joseph Hickingbotham III“ and mail to UCSF
Cardiology, c/o Dr. William Grossman, UCSF Cardiology Division, 505 Parnassus
Ave., Rm M-1182, San Francisco, CA 94143-0124.
Ventura County Star 10/12/2008
Charlotte Higginbotham Butterfield (1924-2008) MO/CA
Charlotte Butterfield, 83, passed away on Thursday, Oct. 9, 2008, at home in Ojai, after a lengthy illness. She was born on Oct. 16, 1924, in Bolivar, Mo., and had been a resident of Ventura County for 65 years. She was a retired clerk supervisor for the city of Ventura. Charlotte loved to play bunko and enjoyed crafts and painting until she could no longer do so because of Parkinson's disease. She is survived by her son, Dick Butterfield; grandsons, Richard Guthrie and Devin Butterfield; brother, Wayne Higginbotham and wife Angelina; sister, Beverly Boucher and husband Gary; nephews, Adrian Higginbotham; and good friend, Trena Neese. At Charlotte's request there will be no service and her ashes will be laid to rest in Ivy Lawn Memorial with her husband, Richard S. Butterfield Sr., and her daughter, Sherilyn Butterfield, who preceded her in death. Charlotte was a devoted wife, wonderful mother and good friend. She will be dearly missed by everyone who knew her. Arrangements are entrusted to the care of Charles Carroll Funeral Home, Ventura.
Press-Enterprise 12/07/2008
Naomi Augustine Ward Higginbotham (1924-2008) CA
NAOMI A. HIGGINBOTHAM Passed away in Los Angeles, CA at the age of 85 years. ARRANGEMENTS Entrusted To The Care Of 500 W. Seventh St. CORONA, CA. (951) 737-3771
Bakersfield Californian 01/04/2009
Alice Chambers Higginbotham Freemon (1921 - 2009)
Peters Funeral Home - Alice Freemon was born June 5, 1921 in Winton, California to David McCurdy and Georgine N. (Marcussen) Chambers. Alice married Earl Raymond Higginbotham in 1940 and they moved to McFarland in 1945 to the Higginbotham family farm. Alice served her family as a homemaker and was known for her outstanding baking, sweets and desserts were the favorites of family and friends. Earl passed away in 1967 and Alice married Arthur L. Freemon in 1973, he also preceded her in death in 1978. She enjoyed playing cards at the Golden Age Clubs, pinochle and canasta; and traveling to Hawaii which she was able to do several times. Alice was a lifetime member of the McFarland PTA and was room mother for her children Norman and Nancy, in charge of all the parties at school and wonderful birthday parties at home. She also helped establish the Golden Age Clubs in McFarland and Wasco and baked lots of cakes for them. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Wasco. She will be remembered as a person who loved taking care people and devoted herself to her family, friends and others. If someone was in need, she did what she could to help always baking cakes or cookies for someone. Surviving family members include her son, Norman Higginbotham; daughter, Nancy Longcrier; son-in-law, Charlie Longcrier all of Tehachapi; brother Leslie Chambers of Vista; grandchildren, Charles Longcrier & wife Toni, Julie Heaslet, Michael, Kathy and Lindsay Higginbotham; great-grandchildren, Heather Heaslet, Rhean Longcrier, Hannah Higgins and Skyler Higginbotham; and great great-granddaughter, Ginger. Alice was preceded in death by her husbands, parents, and two brothers, Elmer and Harry Moller. Funeral services will be held Monday, January 5, at 1pm at Peters Funeral Home, Wasco for Alice Freemon, age 87, of Tehachapi who passed away December 30, 2008 in Bakersfield. Interment will follow at Wasco Memorial Park. Visitation will be held Sunday, January 4, from 2pm - 8pm. Donations may be made in Alice's name to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
The Sacramento Bee 03/27/2009
Evangeline Jan Higginbotham (1951-2009) CA
Evangeline Jan Higginbotham, PhD., Industrial Psychology. Born in Martinez, California 10-21-51. Survived by Joe Stratton, husband; Jordan Stratton, Jason Stratton, Janell Stratton, offspring; Evangeline P. Higginbotham, mother; Justice Stratton, Morgan Marton, Luke Marton and Kurt Marton, grandchildren. Education: Pleasant Hill High School; BA, Northern Arizona University; MA, Sacramento State University and PhD., Professional School of Psychology. Career: Director Mental Health Association, Sacramento; Director Leukemia Society, Sacramento and Director, Discovery Museums, Sacramento. Board Member: Sacramento Convention Visitors Bureau; Officer, Sacramento Area Museums.
The Washington Post 03/29/2009
Allen Bane Higginbotham Jr. (1955-2009) VA/CA
ALLEN BANE HIGGINBOTHAM, JR. Naval Officer, Business Owner Allen Bane Higginbotham, Commander, United States Navy, Retired, died on Saturday, February 28, 2009 at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego. He was 53 years old. Commander Higginbotham was born on October 24, 1955 in Portsmouth, Virginia. After graduating from James Madison High School in Vienna, he attended Virginia Military Institute, graduating in 1979. A career Naval Officer, CDR Higginbotham spent the 1980's serving the US Navy in the North Atlantic on the following ships: USS Koontz, DDG 40; USS Edward McDonnell, FF 1043; and USS Sellers, DDG 11. CDR Higginbotham retired from the Navy in 2003. With his wife, Vicki Fredericks, he purchased a local company, Trident Bottled Water Accessories in San Diego, which they expanded into an on-line nationwide business, and then sold it after four years to embark on a year long around-the-world tour. An avid world traveler and scuba diver, CDR Higginbotham enjoyed visiting new places and meeting new people. Wherever he went, his keen wit and dry sense of humor quickly endeared him to acquaintances that usually became lifelong friends. Commander Higginbotham is survived by wife, Vicki Fredericks of San Diego, California, and his two daughters, Julia Engel of Minneapolis, Minnesota and Claire Higginbotham of Apple Valley, Minnesota. He is also survived by his parents, Allen and Linda Higginbotham of Sarasota, Florida; one sister, Ann Prohoniak of Charlotte, North Carolina; and two brothers, David of Manassas, Virginia and Robert of Fairfax, Virginia. Services were held in San Diego, CA on March 5, 2009.
Santa Cruz Sentinel 04/01/2009
Marion Helene Higginbotham Caldwell (1912-2009) CA
Marion Caldwell, known as “Aunt Marion” to thousands of Kennolyn Camps’ campers, died peacefully at her home on Saturday, March 21st. She was 96 years old. Born in Winton, CA on September 1st, 1912 Marion was raised in California’s Central Valley on the family’s homesteaded ranch with sister Dorothy and brothers Earl and James Higginbotham. Her father was a teacher, eventually a superintendent of schools, and she too was called to a career in education. After attending Bakersfield Junior College and graduating from UC Berkeley, she taught Drama and Public Speaking to the diverse agricultural population at Fowler High School. At night she taught English to the immigrant Portuguese farm workers. It was in Fowler, in 1937 that she met, and 8 months later married, the love of her life -- another young teacher named Max Caldwell. In 1944, Marion was raising their two children (Kenneth and Carolyn) when Max joined the Navy during World War II. Through extensive correspondence they kept their spirits up by making plans to open a summer camp for kids upon his return from active service. That dream became a reality in 1946 when they opened Kennolyn Camps on land they purchased in a redwood forest above the town of Soquel. The first summer the couple invited their nieces and nephews to the camp to supplement the small group of paying customers. These young relatives naturally called them “Aunt Marion” and “Uncle Max.” The names stuck and for generations of Kennolyn campers and staff it is how they will forever be remembered. Marion was a visionary and with her determination, keen business sense, and willingness to take the occasional risk, she was a natural entrepreneur. Their camp began to thrive, attracting campers from around the world. 2009 will be Kennolyn’s 64th summer and the camp will continue to operate under the guidance of Max and Marion’s family. Marion was honored many times for her work with children and summer camps. She was a founding member of the Western Association of Independent Camps and Board Member of the Northern California Section of the American Camp Association, was honored as a “Super Pioneer” by her camp director peers, and was recognized by the US Congress, the California Legislature and the Governor of California for her achievements. In 2000, the Aptos Chamber of Commerce listed her and Max as “People of the Century.” Former California Secretary of State & State Senator Bruce McPherson commended them for “influencing the lives of thousands of young people.” In 2003, a non-profit charity was created in their names by Kennolyn alumni and family to perpetuate Marion and Max’s great legacy. The Max and Marion Caldwell Foundation provides pre-paid camperships to deserving youth at accredited Northern California camps. Marion is survived by her son Ken of Lafayette and daughter Carolyn Folmar of Watsonville, daughter-in-law Candy, son-in-law Roger, granddaughters Pam Nootbaar of Menlo Park (General Manager of Kennolyn) and Lindsey Johnson of Capitola, grandson Stephen Caldwell of Hermosa Beach, and many great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband Max. Family was her greatest love. A private family funeral was held on March 28th with a public memorial celebration scheduled at Kennolyn for Saturday April 25th. Please contact Kennolyn for information – 831-479-6714 or In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made in Aunt Marion’s honor to the Max and Marion Caldwell Foundation.
Ruth Rebecca Higginbothom Erwin (1921-2009) OK/CA
Ruth Rebecca Erwin (88) was born January 7, 1921 in Hulbert, OK, and passed peacefully on Wednesday June 10, 2009. As a young woman, Ruth followed the trail of jobs and crops for work when the drought and depression took its crippling toll on the farming communities of the plains. After meeting and marrying Jack Erwin in Arizona, the two became part of the historic Okie exodus to California is search of work and a better life. After surviving the Depression, the Erwin's moved up and down the West Coast raising their six children. They settled in Brisbane, CA in 1962 where Ruth worked for the Post Office for 20 years. It was upon retiring that Ruth and Jack began their lives in Palermo, CA. Ruth immediately dove into community activities and furthered her personal hobbies which included: Palermo Baptist Church, Avon, Senior Bowling Leagues, TOPS, Palermo Grange, NARFE, helping to staff polling places, gardening, and quilting. Ruth was greeted in heaven by her husband, Jack Erwin; her daughter, Christine Estrada Farris; and her granddaughter, Amber McCorkle. Those whom she left include her sisters, Mary Bradby of Spokane, WA and June Solomon of Paradise, CA; her brother, Dale Higginbothom of Oregon; her daughters, MurieI Daggett of Castle Rock, WA, Loretta E. McCorkle of Leadville, CO, Jackie Hellickson of Oroville, CA; and her sons, Charles "Bud" Erwin of Vallejo, CA and Thomas Erwin of Sumner, WA. She will be greatly missed by her grandchildren, Chuck Daggett, Ted Daggett, Jennie Davis, Laurie Coffin, Steve Daggett, Jeff Daggett, Tricia Andersen, Richard Estrada, Robert Estrada, Frank Estrada, David Estrada, Autumn Bell, Mike Erwin, Rebecca Hellickson and Staney Erwin, as well as a prolific number of great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Ruth's life will be honored in a service at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, June 19, 2009 at the Palermo Baptist Church; this will be followed by a graveside service at the Oroville District Cemetery on Lincoln Boulevard.
The 07/17/2009
Gary Lane Higginbotham (1945-2009) AL/CA
Gary Lane Higginbotham died in Roseville on July 2. He was 65
years old.
Private services have been held.
He was born February 27, 1945, in Cleveland, Ala., to Robert O.D. and Vallie
(Marsh) Higginbotham.
He graduated from high school in California and attended Mason Technical
Education. He retired after 34 years as a brick mason. He married Linda Sue
Arnswald in Reno, Nev., on Aug. 9, 2000.
He enjoyed fishing and riding his motorcycle.
He is survived by his wife, Linda, of Nevada City; daughters Laurie and Nicole
Higginbotham; step-son Matthew Higginbotham; son Jeff Fochs; step-children
Jenna, Deanne and Matthew Vance; and 12 grandchildren.
Arrangements are under the direction of Chapel of the Angels Mortuary and
Crematory, Grass Valley.
Inyo Register 08/13/2009
David Carl Higginbotham (1949-2009) CA
Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15 at the East Line Street Cemetery in Bishop for David Carl Higginbotham. Born May 10, 1949 in Santa Monica to Caroll and Mabel Higginbotham, David died Aug. 9, 2009 at his home in Bishop. David moved to Bishop in 1965 where he graduated from Bishop Union High School on June 9, 1967. David enlisted in the U.S. Navy in June of 1969. During his enlistment, David served as a radarman aboard the USS Niagara Falls. While he was serving his second tour of duty off the coast of Vietnam, David saved the lives of three people that were lost in the Pacific Ocean. He discovered a blip while on radar watch and convinced his captain to alter their course and investigate. They soon discovered the vessel Galilee with three men that had spent 49 days without food. David received the Navy Commendation Medal of Sept. 14, 1970. The award stated that, "Petty Officer Higginbotham's inspired leadership, professionalism and devotion to duty reflected great credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service." David was honorably discharged January 1973 as a radarman second class. David became a lifetime member of the VFW Post No. 8988 in 2007. David returned to Southern California where he began his career with the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power on Nov. 4, 1974. He worked for the LADWP for 28 years before retiring from his final position as a heavy equipment operator on Oct. 1, 2002. While working for LADWP, David graduated from Los Angeles Pierce College with an Associate's in Science degree in June of 1978. He had a son, Christopher, on Oct. 19, 1976, while residing in Southern California. After college, David returned back to Bishop for the remainder of his life. His daughter, Brandie, was born in Bishop on July 20, 1979. During his life, David enjoyed many outdoor activities such as fishing, hunting, skiing and golfing. As a child he learned how to play the accordion. He and his father, Caroll, a violinist, would play music during many of the family gatherings. The most important things in David's life was the love for his son Christopher, daughter, Brandie, and grandchildren, Michael and Morgan. He was preceded in death by his mother, Mabel Higginbotham. He is survived by his son, Christopher Higginbotham; daughter, Brandie and her husband Jeff Boothe; father, Caroll Higginbotham; brother, Mike Higginbotham and his wife Barbara; grandchildren, Michael and Morgan Boothe; and nephews, Evan and Grant Higginbotham.
Bakersfield Californian 12/01/2009
Frances Verna Higginbotham Barrett-Dungan (1938 - 2009) OK/CA
Frances Barrett- Dungan went home to be with the Lord Wednesday, November 24, 2009. Frances was born on June 7, 1938 in Oklahoma to Verna and Walter Higginbotham. Frances grew up in Bakersfield where she graduated from East High School. After graduating high school Frances married John Barrett, they moved back east to Baltimore, Maryland for 10 years. They returned back to Bakersfield to be close to her family. Frances and John opened their own Hearing Aid business. After the passing of her husband John she continued to stay busy in the Hearing Aid business and moved into the Real Estate business. Before retiring from the Hearing Aid business she met her longtime companion Bruce Dungan where she spent the rest of her days enjoying life with him. Frances is survived by her one and only son, Robert, "her favorite saying was she got it right the first time she didn't need to have anymore kids" and his wife Jeannette Barrett; loving sister, Donna White and husband Don; loving sister, Kathy Moyer and husband Jerry; loving brother, Donnie Higginbotham and wife Juanita; her grandchildren she loved dearly, Aaron, Brynn, Nicole, Derek and Jessica; great grandchildren, Trey, Harley, Keylee, Jayden, Bailey and Kaitlyn; many nephews, nieces, cousins and friends. Frances did not want any services. We would like to thank all her family and friends that made this life special for her. Special thanks to Dr. James Chang and staff, and to Mercy Hospital Infusion Room.
Fresno Bee 12/09/2009
Evelyn Roth Higginbotham (1917-2009) NE/CA
Evelyn Roth Higginbotham was born in Scottsbluff, Nebraska on July 30, 1917. She passed away on Thursday, December 3, 2009. Evelyn attended Fresno High School graduating in 1935. She went on and attended Fresno State College and became a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. On December 8, 1945, Evelyn married Henry Preston Higginbotham of Parlier, her husband of 40 years. Two sons, John and Jeff soon followed. Evelyn was a charter member of the Fresno Service League which later became the Junior League of Fresno. She was one of the six founding member of the Holiday Guild of Fresno benefiting the Valley Children's Hospital. Evelyn was on the first organizing committee that founded the Metropolitan Museum of Fresno. She was a community supporter all her life. Evelyn was an avid sports fan and enjoyed all kinds, especially golf and listening to Bulldog Sports on the radio. She was a member of Sunnyside Country Club for 60 years. She also looked forward to and cherished family summer vacations in Santa Cruz for many years. Besides knitting, Evelyn's other favorite passion was dancing. She was a founding member of the Friday Dance Group many years ago. Evelyn's family especially wish to thank Dr. Dickran Gulesserian, and Dr. Mei Hwang for their care and treatment of Evelyn and also the many wonderful people at the Windham and Nancy Hinds Hospice for their care. She is preceded in death by her parents, John G. Roth and Elizabeth Roth; her husband, Henry Preston Higginbotham Jr.; her brother, Arthur R. Roth; and sisters, Bernice Roth and Eldora Roth Cooney. Evelyn is survived by sons, John Higginbotham and his wife Mary Lynn of Fresno, and Jeffrey Higginbotham and his wife Frances of Lafayette, Ca.; brother, Norman J. Roth and his wife Claire of Moraga, Ca.; and grandchildren, Jenay Higginbotham, Johnny Higginbotham Jr., and Lindsay Higginbotham. Evelyn was endeared to her two nieces, Peggy Ellithorpe, and Patty Folsom, both of Fresno. A Graveside Service will be held at Belmont Memorial Park on Friday, December 11, 2009, at 12:00 p.m. A Celebration of Evelyn's life will be held at her sons home afterward. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Children's Hospital Central California, 9300 Valley Children's Place, Madera, Ca. 93636; or Hinds Hospice, 1616 E. Shaw Ave. Suite C-1, Fresno, Ca. 93711. STEPHENS & BEAN CHAPEL 202 North Teilman Avenue Fresno, California (559)268-9292.
San Diego Union-Tribune 01/06/2010
Philip Arthur Higginbottom (1947-2010) MD/CA
Phil Higginbottom was born March 29, 1947, in Easton, Maryland to Art and Robbie Higginbottom. On the same day, fifty years later, his step-daughter was born, whom he affectionately called "Maggie-Waggie" and she referred to him as "Philly-Willy." Graduating as Valedictorian of his high school class, Phil received his undergraduate degree in engineering from Princeton University in 1969. After a year of teaching Biology at Landon School in Bethesda, Maryland and being accepted in the Business Program at Stanford University, he chose to attend Columbia Medical School in New York. He completed his Internal Medicine Residency and then his Infectious Disease Fellowship at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). In 1973, at the urging of his mentor, the brilliant Dr. Stanley Freedman, he joined the Division of Infectious Diseases at Scripps Green Clinic and remained there until his death on December 31, 2009. Dr. Freedman stated that, "Dr. Phil Higginbottom was a respected and admired physician and colleague at Scripps Clinic." Dr. Higginbottom became Vice President of the Scripps Clinic Medical Group. He was also a valued and inspirational teacher for over 15 years at the Scripps Clinic/Green Hospital Residency Program and it remained one of his greatest daily joys until his last breath. Upon being presented the Faculty Teaching Award in 2008 at the annual dinner, the chief resident was honored to introduce Phil as, "The resident's rock, our anchor, a mentor to every single one of us, and someone we can all call a good friend. When the going gets tough, he's our lifeline. When the going's good, he's our biggest fan. And when it seems that all the odds are stacked against you, he's by your side, every single step of the way." "Dr. Phil Higginbottom was clearly the most beloved and revered member of the residency teaching faculty who will leave an indelible and positive mark on the countless young physicians he influenced and trained," states Dr. Joel Diamant, head of the residency program. Dr. Higginbottom was honored when his peers and colleagues recently voted him as being San Diego Magazine's Best Doctor of the Year in Infectious Diseases for 2009. Phil's wife, Terry Holladay, says his greatest joy at Scripps was teaching the young doctors in the residency program, taking care of his life-long patients who became family to him, and seeing his beloved colleagues and fellow employees at Scripps Green Clinic. Those who were fortunate enough to know Phil, always described him as one of the most humble, brilliant individuals as well as a very kind soul-an angel. These qualities were exemplified by his enormous amount of philanthropic work and contributions throughout the community, as well as in his adopted second home of Fiji. Phil's favorite thing in life was to help people. He loved sailing with his great friends, Tony and Tom, cheering on the Chargers with his profound loves, Terry and Barbara, fascinating dinner chats with Bob and Dr. Black, beach parties with the Holladay gang and friends, and visiting his first family and his childhood home in Tunis Mills, Maryland. But nothing was greater to him then chatting on the phone or seeing his beautiful daughter, Heidi. During his semi-annual humanitarian trips to Fiji, he would spend hundreds of hours treating extremely poor people in the remote villages, and this is what he called a true vacation! Phil and Terry Higginbottom are the founders of The Dina Humanitarian Foundation. Their mission is to better the lives of children and families in the remote, impoverished villages of Fiji. Dina in the Fijian language means trust and integrity and it is this human quality that is the cornerstone of their work and the value that drives them both. They provide medicine, primary health education/ care, basic household items and education material, supplies and support for the natives. "Our purpose is to encourage health, facilitate childhood education, demonstrate trustworthiness, and provide items of real benefit to remote village life," says Terry. This project will only become stronger in the honor and spirit of this great man. Phil is survived by his daughter Heidi Higginbottom of Boulder, Colorado, his stepchildren, Tasha Holladay, Louis Holladay, and Maggie-Waggie Foster, and his wife, Terry Holladay. In addition, Dr. Higginbottom has three siblings, his brother, Dr. Mark Higginbottom and his wife Rhonda, (Easton, Maryland), his sisters; Claudia Parsons and her husband Rich, (West Chester, PA), and Pam Carey and her husband, Hugh (Baltimore, Maryland). The Service will be held on Friday, January 8, 2010, at 1:00 p.m. at the Solana Beach Presbyterian Church located at 120 Stevens Ave. in Solana Beach, California 92075. (858) 509-2580. Please feel free to wear your favorite Fijian attire or casual beach wear! In honor of Philly, we are calling the wake following the service "Bula Bula," which means "Love Life" in Fijian. In lieu of flowers, he would appreciate your donation instead to The Dina Humanitarian Foundation (501©3), at 308 Hillcrest Drive, Encinitas, California 92024. Vanika Vakalevu!
The Union 02/10/2010
Paul William Higginbotham (1939-2010) IL/CA
Paul W. Higginbotham died Feb. 3. He was 70. A celebration of life will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, at the Lake Wildwood Cedar Room. He was born to William and Louise Higginbotham in Chicago, Ill., on Oct. 3, 1939. He received a bachelor of science degree from Northern Illinois University in 1961, where he was a member of Alpha Phi Omega. He earned a master's degree in economics from California State University, San Jose, in 1991. Mr. Higginbotham served in the United States Navy and Coast Guard from 1962 to 1965, as a lieutenant, JG, and was stationed in Cordova, Alaska. In 1964, his ship was engaged in the search and rescue effort following the 8.6-magnitude Great Alaska Earthquake. He later worked as a computer programmer for IBM in San Jose, Calif., and retired after 25 years. Mr. Higginbotham married Connie Jean Peterson in 1991, and they moved to Lake Wildwood in 1996, starting the dynasty that now includes many extended family members. He was an active member of Lake Wildwood and Grass Valley. He served on the Nevada County Civil Grand Jury in 2003; he served on various Lake Wildwood committees and established and maintained the association's Web site. He was passionate about bridge, attended many tournaments, and attained the rank of bronze life master. His love of the game inspired him to re-establish the Duplicate Bridge Group in Lake Wildwood, and he became a certified bridge director and instructor. His “bridge family” included the Nevada County Duplicate Bridge Group. Mr. Higginbotham was an accomplished pianist and loved playing during family gatherings and community events. But his greatest love was his family. He enjoyed spending time with his children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, who will miss his engaging smile and sense of humor. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his best friend and loving wife Connie; children Amy Wright and Andy Higginbotham; grandchildren, Chris and Sarah Wright, and Aidan and Brett Higginbotham; and sisters, Jean Lucas and Linda Netherland. He was preceded in death by his parents and sister, Sue Gaubatz. Memorial contributions in Mr. Higginbotham's name can be made to the Nevada County Library “Save the Penn Valley Branch.” Arrangements are by Chapel of the Angels Mortuary and Crematory, Grass Valley.
Frances Margaret Bay Fregien Higginbottom (1919-2010) CA
Frances Margaret Higginbottom, was born November 29, 1919 and passed away on November 30, 2010. She is survived by three sons, Ken Fregien (Marilyn), Jerry Fregien (Sharon), Jim Fregien (Lori). A step-daughter, Cheryl Sutton (Harlan) ten grandchildren, and numerous great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband of 41 years, "Bill" Higginbottom and her first husband, Fred Fregien. No services will be held per her request. Arrangements under the direction of Frisbie-Warren & Carroll Mortuary, Stockton, CA.
Santa Maria Times 12/3/2010
Anna Maria Avalos Higinbotham (1932-2010) CA
Anna Higinbotham passed away on Saturday, November 27th. She
was 78 years old. Born Anna Avalos in 1932, "Anita," grew up in Santa Maria,
attending local schools and graduating from Santa Maria High School in 1950. She
married after serving in the US Air Force and relocated to the San Francisco Bay
Area. After retiring from accounting in 1991 she returned to Santa Maria, where
she began her second and favorite career as a Bilingual Teacher's Aide at
Battles School where she continued working before her passing.
Anna was a long - time member of the Santa Maria Women of the Moose, the Orcutt
Garden Club and member of Saint Louis DeMontfort Church. Active in the
community, she loved animals and adored her job and students.
Anna was preceded in death by her parents, Rosa Meza and Fructuoso Avalos and
husband, Donald. She is survived by a daughter Donna; brothers Thomas Avalos and
Anthony Avalos; sisters: Marie Stice and Andrea Avalos, of Santa Maria and
Barbara Zeppa of Danville, CA; and many beloved cousins, extended family members
and friends.
In lieu of flowers, Anna's family suggests any donations be made to the Santa
Maria Valley Humane Society where Anna volunteered for several years.
Visitation will begin 5:00 P.M., Monday, December 6, 2010 followed by the
Recitation of the Holy Rosary at 7:00 P.M. at Magner- Maloney Funeral Home.
Funeral Mass will begin 10:00 A.M, Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at St. Mary's
Catholic Church in Santa Maria; graveside service to follow immediately at the
Santa Maria Cemetery District.
Arrangements are in the care of Magner-Maloney Funeral Home and Crematory.
Imperial Valley Press 01/23/2011
Alta Elizabeth Phipps Higginbotham (1907-2011) TN/CA
June 9,1907 - Jan. 15, 2011
Alta Higginbotham, 103 of El Centro passed away on Saturday, January 15, 2011. She was born June 9, 1907 in Surgoinsville, Tenn. to Luther and Mary Phipps. The family moved to the Imperial Valley in August of 1917 arriving in Niland by way of the railroad. Alta attended El Centro schools and graduated from Wilson Jr. High and Central Union High School class of 1925. After she became a Librarian at El Centro Public Library. On Saturdays she held reading circles for children in the basement ending every session with saying, "Learn More by Reading." Alta stayed with the library until 1954 taking 3 years off to work in the library at Mare Island in the war effort. Alta married Nick Higginbotham August 5, 1928 and together they started El Centro Travel Trailer Lodge in 1964 which they operated for 42 years and served 22,000 winter visitors. Alta continued to run the park at the age of 98 and learned to operate the computer at 88 and was still sending e-mail at 98. Alta was a life time member of Eastern Star 276 and the Pioneer Museum, she was also a long time square dancer. Each summer they attended seminars to learn ethnic dancing, which they shared with many dancers in the valley. At the age of 103 Alta left a legacy that will continue for generations. Alta was still telling the children, "read and learn all you can and go out and live." She will be missed dearly by family and friends.
Billie Dean Martin Higginbotham (1930 - 2011) OK/CA
Fresno resident Billie Martin Higginbotham passed into the arms of her Lord on February 8, 2011. Born in Fairland, Oklahoma, the seventh of eight children of William Martin and Valera Belle Brown and orphaned at a young age, she was raised in the care of Sherman and Maggie Chappell and their three daughters. Working as a bookkeeper for many years, she dedicated the majority of her life to being a wife, mother and homemaker. Billie is survived by her loving husband, Richard V. Higginbotham; children Mike and Stefanie Higginbotham, Teena and Ken Shields and Lynne and Floyd Lollis; grandchildren Maggie, Andrew and Kadie Higginbotham, and Travis and Rachelle Lollis; and great-grandchildren Ethan and Aiden Lollis; as well as two sisters, Francis Davis and Ruth Daneshmayah. She will be remembered and missed by numerous cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. The family is comforted in the belief that Billie is joyfully reunited with the loved ones that preceded her in death. Interment will be in Fairfield, Oklahoma under the arrangement of Boice Funeral Home in Clovis, California and Cooper Funeral Home of Miami, Oklahoma. The family is grateful for the kindness and care of the Golden Living Center in Clovis.
Press-Enterprise 06/10/2011
Emma Mel Higginbotham (1921-2011) AR/CA
Mel was called home by her Heavenly Father on May 27, 2011. She was born Aug. 25, 1921 in Arkansas. Moved to California in 1944 with her husband of 58 years, who preceded her in death on April 12, 1997. A long time resident of Hemet. She is survived by her two sons; Dwayne (Katie) of Nuevo, CA, and Ron of Pyote, TX, 6 grand children, and 6 great-great grandchildren. Memorial service will be at Hemet Valley Baptist Church on Saturday June 11, 2011 at 3:00 PM.
Modesto Bee 07/16/2011
Chung Suk Higginbotham (1946-2011) Korea/CA
CHUNG S. HIGGINBOTHAM FEB 4, 1946 - JUL 13, 2011 of Waterford. Born in Korea, Private Burial Ceres Memorial Park. Eaton Family Funeral & Cremation Service - Modesto, Directors.
Long Beach Press-Telegram 08/24/2011
William Calvin Higginbotham (1918-2011) IL/CA
William died August 17, 2011 in Bellflower, California at the age of 93. Born May 30, 1918 in Oak Park, Illinois to Mack Kay Higginbotham of Arkansas and Grace Gertrude Voyles of Kansas. Bill attended Anderson High School in Anderson, Indiana, graduating in 1938. He became involved in the YMCA's Young Peoples Club in 1939 where he met the love of his life, Olivia Estella Charlebois. They were married June 26, 1942. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1943 and was trained in San Francisco in medical x-ray. He served overseas in England during WWII as a sergeant tech 4 with the 117th General Hospital Unit where he was responsible for x-raying and caring for injured combat soldiers. He was honorably discharged in 1946 with citations and decorations for Good Conduct Medal, American Theater Ribbon and a WWII Victory Ribbon. In 1950, Bill and Olivia settled permanently out West in Downey, California where they raised their five daughters. Bill worked as an industrial radiographic interpreter for Alcoa Aluminum at their Vernon and Corona plants until his retirement in 1980. He was instrumental in developing unique and specified centering lights and other innovations for x-ray equipment, which made the process more efficient at all Alcoa plants. The Higginbotham family's faith centered on St. Dominic Savio Church in Bellflower. Bill converted to Catholicism in 1966, and eventually became a Eucharistic minister and lector. In their retirement years, Bill and Olivia bicycled miles toward healthy living before settling down to the senior bowling league at Keystone Lanes. In recent years Bill could also be heard calling Bingo for the Savio Seniors. He will always be remembered for being a constant inventor, designer, and builder. Tinkering in the garage or pounding out the keys on his computer, he was creative and fearless at trying something new and having numerous projects going at the same time. He is survived by his wife, Olivia; and his daughters, Diane Diyorio, Jeannette Higginbotham, Grace (Ron) Forman, and Mary (Dennis) Lawrence; his granddaughter, Michelle (David) Parsons; and great-grandchildren, Michael (Bridget) Preiss, Jeffrey Preiss, Brittany Grossman, Nicholas Grossman, Kati Forman; and many other nephews, nieces, and relatives. A rosary will be recited on Friday, August 26, 7:00 p.m., and a Mass on Saturday, August 27 at 3:30 p.m. at St. Dominic Savio Catholic Church, 13400 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that a donation be made to the church's "SDS Video Projection Screen" fundraising project in Bill's name. Please sign the guestbook for William at
News Tribune (Tacoma) on September 18, 2011
Um Jun Kim Higginbotham (1933-2011) Korea/CA
Um Jun (Kim) Higginbotham Born in Seoul, Korea on May 12, 1933, was the third daughter in a family of nine children. The early years were tumultuous ones for her family as it was for all Koreans, but her memory served her well with many heart-warming stories of survival and kinship. From a young age, Kim, as she was called here in the US, was headstrong, often going against the grain in a strict Confucian society. True to her renegade style, Kim agreed to be wooed by James E. Higginbotham, a sergeant stationed at Yong San Army base in the heart of Seoul, after her best friend arranged a meeting. Actually, it was love at first sight, and they married on July 12, 1959. From that moment, Kim became a dedicated Army wife and went on a journey that took her from Seoul to Orcutt, California, with the longest stop in Lakewood, Washington. Residences and cities visited as a result of military postings and her love of travel are too numerous to tally. She lived a rich, full life, with one of her greatest legacies being a mother who loved deeply and in return was deeply loved by her two children, John and Liz. Kim was famous for her generosity to close friends and dedication to family. She is credited for helping several of her siblings and her nephew, Han Soo Chong, immigrate to the US. Kim's passions were gardening and landscaping - she had a veritable green thumb. She left behind a thriving garden of roses, tomatoes, hydrangeas, lemons, and succulents when she passed before her time on August 23rd, 2011. She is survived by James, her loving husband; John, her son, Suzzette, her daughter-in-law, and their children Ryan and Russell; and Liz, her daughter, Greg, her son-in-law, and their children Maneth and Tona. Also living are her sisters Kim Boon Im, Chong Pu Chon, Chon Sun Cha, and Sun Ok Weatherhogg; as well as her brothers Kim Kwang Soo and Kim Kwang Chun. We all miss her terribly. She will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery at 1100 on September 21st, 2011, following a chapel service at Murphy Funeral Home in Arlington, VA at 1300 on September 20th. Donations only to the National Osteoporosis Foundation.
Imperial Valley Press Online 09/25/2011
Gary Edward Higginbotham Sr. (1948-2011) CA
July 3, 1948 - Sept. 20, 2011
Gary passed away in the comfort of his family September 20, 2011 at the age of 63. He was a long time resident of El Centro. He was a generous, kind and devoted husband, father, grandfather, nephew and friend. Gary was esteemed for his intellect, strong character, patriotism and his unforgettable sense of humor. He enjoyed fishing with his family and friends and he was a proud member of the American Legion. Nothing made Gary happier then being with his wife Sylvia and their children and grandchildren. Gary is survived by his wife, Sylvia Higginbotham; children, Gary and Chad Higginbotham; daughter-in-laws, Elisabeth, and Maria Higginbotham; uncle, Fred Higginbotham; grandchildren, Edward, Emily, Natalie, Izea, Mia, Eli, Logan and Julia Higginbotham.
Wayne Higginbotham (1926-2011) MO/CA
January 31, 1926 - December 16, 2011
Wayne Higginbotham was born Jan. 31, 1926 to Charlie and Elsie Higginbotham in Bolivar, MO. He passed away December 16, 2011 in Ventura, CA. Wayne was retired after 22 years as an oil technician on offshore oil rigs. Wayne also served in the United States Navy during WWII. He loved watching documentaries about wild life on T.V. and loved anything related to mechanics. He was an excellent handyman. Wayne now leaves behind his wife Angelina Ferreri Higginbotham, their son: Peter Higginbotham; daughter: Sandi Higginbotham and stepsons: Felipe and Gino Ferreri A memorial service will be held at 1:30 p.m., Wed. Dec. 21, 2011 at Charles Carroll Funeral Home, 15 Teloma Dr. Ventura, CA 93003. Arrangements were entrusted to the care of Charles Carroll Funeral Home. 805-642-8134.
Lompoc Record 02/23/2012
James E. Higginbotham (ca1923-2012) CA
JAMES E. HIGGINBOTHAM, 89, of Lompoc, died Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at Lompoc Skilled and Rehab Center. Arrangements are pending at Starbuck-Lind Mortuary.
The Sacramento Bee 11/03/2012
Hugh Ronald Higginbotham (1936-2012) AL/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Hugh Ronald In Sacramento, October 28, 2012, at age of 76. Hugh was born in Anniston, Alabama, on February 1, 1936. He is survived by his loving wife, Florence, and two children, Tracey and Brian (Kimberley) and two grandchildren, Brian II and Ashley. His parents and one brother predeceased him. He has a surviving brother, Samuel Higginbotham (Dee). He leaves an extended family and many good friends. After graduating from High School, he enlisted in the United States Air Force for four years. He was stationed at McClellan Air Force Base where he met and married Florence Clare Tingey. After his honorable discharge, he worked at Pacific Neon where he became a Journeyman Electrician. Hugh joined the Sacramento City Police Department where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant and retired on December 31, 1989, after 25 years of service. He passed away after a lengthy illness. Hugh was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. At his request, there will be no services.
Merced Sun Star 02/28/2013
Pauline Pruitt Higginbotham (1922 - 2013) KS/CA
April 14, 1922-February 24, 2013
Pauline Higginbotham was born April 14, 1922 in Kansas and passed away on February 24, 2013 at the age of 90. Pauline has lived in the Merced area since 1952. She was active in the Cub Scouts (Den Mother), the Merced Garden Club and Square Dancing. Pauline is preceded in death by her mother Margaret Pruitt, father Merton Creed (Pop) Pruitt, brothers Wilbur (Marion) Pruitt of Kansas, Luther (Lee) Pruitt of California, Arthur Pruitt of California, twin sister Irene (Palmer) Cooper of California, grandson Bill Higginbotham of California. She is survived by her husband Dale Higginbotham of Merced, sons Roger (Barbara) Higginbotham of Atwater and Bob Higginbotham of Merced, granddaughters Kymn Higginbotham of California, Stacy Callarman of California and Laura (Ray) Perkins of Georgia, 5 great grandkids and 4 great great grandkids. Pauline was a great wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great great grandmother. She will be deeply missed. May God bless and keep her always. At Pauline's request, there will be no memorial services. Internment will be private.
Chico Enterprise-Record 04/17/2013
Louise Peter Higginbotham (1922 - 2013)
Louise Higginbotham, 90, of Orland, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, April 9, 2013, at Enloe Hospital. Louise was born on September 6, 1922, to Andrew and Rosa Peter of Orland. She was the eldest of four daughters growing up on a small farm. She attended Walnut Grove Elementary School in the country and graduated from Orland High School. In 1940 Louise married Harry Higginbotham in the Catholic Church. They had three children, Pat, Harry, and Ann, and farmed in the Lake District northeast of Orland. Louise enjoyed raising her family and working outdoors with her husband Harry. After her husband's sudden death in 1966, Louise continued farming with her son Harry and sister-in-law Mary Higginbotham. Mary passed away in 1981, and Louise moved to the town of Orland. Son Harry died in a tragic car accident in 1982. Louise was an active member of St. Dominic's Catholic Church and Altar Society. She helped with church bazaars, hospitality, rummage sales, and other church activities. She was also a member of the Orland Women's Improvement Club. Louise is survived by her daughter Ann and Mike McDonald, son Pat and Patty Higginbotham, daughter-in-law Patty Higginbotham, grandchildren John, Anthony, Mary, Jenny, Liz, Greg, Cindy, Sandy, and thirteen great-grandchildren. Viewing will be Friday, April 19, 2013, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. with rosary starting at 7:00 p.m. at F.D. Sweet and Son, Orland. Funeral Mass will be held at St. Dominic's Catholic Church, Orland, On Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Donations in her memory may be made to St., Dominic's Catholic Church in care of F. D. Sweet and Son, Orland.
Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Adv-Register 09/05/2013
Jeanette Higginbotham (ca1952-2013) CA
Jeanette Higginbotham, 61, of Visalia passed away Sat., Aug. 31, 2013. Private services will be held. Webb Sanders Funeral Home is in charge of all arrangements.
Contra Costa Times 09/20/2013
Virginia Eileen O'Malley Higginbotham (1959-2013) CA
August 21, 1959 - September 14, 2013
Resident of Pollock Pines - Virginia (Ginger) O'Malley Higginbotham, 54, passed away peacefully at home following a courageous two-year battle with cancer. Born in Walnut Creek, CA, she attended Carondelet High School in Concord and graduated from California State University, Chico. A part-time substitute teacher, Ginger will be remembered for her gentle spirit, her devotion to her family, her loyalty to her friends, and her special affection for the community in which she lived. Ginger is survived by her husband Terry Higginbotham and their three children, Johanna, Elizabeth, and Jake, as well as seven brothers and sisters, 17 nieces and nephews, and a large extended family and circle of loving friends. A memorial service will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 5, 2013, at the Chapel of the Pines, 2855 Cold Springs Road, Placerville, CA. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions to the Ginger Higginbotham Memorial Fund at Sierra Ridge Middle School, 2700 Amber Trail, Pollock Pines, CA 95726.
Visalia Times-Delta 09/26/2013
Jesse Lewis Higginbotham (1925-2013) AR/CA
Minister Jesse Lewis Higginbotham, 88, of Visalia passed away on September 22, 2013 surrounded by his loving family. Jesse was born July 28, 1925 in Hartford, Arkansas the 9th of 10 children to John & Venie Higginbotham. Jesse grew up in Wewoka, Oklahoma and then in 1943, joined the US Navy and went off to war. He was a proud American and was eager to serve his country. He spent time on the Destroyer USS De-Haven and during his time he became an amateur boxer and eventually won the fleet championship, earning the nickname Bulldog Higginbotham. Then in 1947, he married the love of his life, Jean Seeba, after they skated into each other's hearts while meeting at the ice rink in San Mateo, California. During their early years of marriage, Jesse heard the calling of the Lord and went on to Bethany Bible College, becoming an ordained minister. He Pastored many churches and spent most of his time ministering to others. His greatest joy came from winning lost souls to Christ and studying his Bible. Jesse and his wife Jean, during their 66 years of marriage, had 4 children, Steven, Deborah, Bethel, and Jill, 8 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren. During his life, he loved spending time with those closest to him, especially his grandchildren. Jesse, always had something to teach them, whether it was the Word of God, life values, or even to stand at attention and salute the flag. He was definitely a man of strength and faith and will be dearly missed by his family, and those he has touched in his life. He is survived by wife, Jean Higginbotham; son, Steven & wife Sue Higginbotham of Chico; daughters, Deborah & husband Rodney Lundberg of Chico, Beth & husband Ruben Ramirez of Napa, Jill & husband Ken Mickelson of Visalia. Chapel service will be 10 a.m. Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 10:00 AM at Salser and Dillard Funeral Chapel. Burial on Friday, October 4, 2013, 2:00 PM at the Gridley-Biggs Cemetery, Gridley, CA.
Merced Sun Star 12/13/2013
Robert Dale Higginbotham (1922 - 2013)
October 20, 1922 - December 10, 2013
Dale Higginbotham was born October 20, 1922 in Rogers, Nebraska and passed away December 10, 2013 at the age of 91. Dale has lived in the Merced area since 1952. He was a General Contractor and built a lot of homes in the Merced area. He enjoyed square dancing with his wife Pauline. Dale was preceded in death by his wife of 70 years, Pauline. Daughter-in-law Charlotte Higginbotham, grandson Bill Higginbotham. He is survived by sons Roger (Barbara) Higginbotham and Bob Higginbotham. Granddaughters Kymm Higginbotham, Stacey Callarman, Laura (Ray) Perkins. 5 great grandkids and 4 great great grandkids. Dale was a great husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and great, great grandfather. He will be deeply missed. May God bless and keep him always. At Dale's request there will be no memorial Service. Under the direction of Whitton Family Funeral Service.
Springfield News-Sun 01/12/2014
Leroy Higginbotham (1929-2013) OH/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Leroy (84) formerly of Springfield Ohio passed away on Thursday, December 12, 2013 in Los Angeles, CA. He was born on May 4, 1929 the son of Leroy Edgar and Mary (Woods) Higginbotham. Preceded him in death were his wife Joanne Kennette, daughter Joan Louise, siblings Marie, Richard and Robert. Those remaining to cherish his memories are: His children: Sharon Ann Reeves (Jervis), Pamela Lea Pittmon (Lonnie), Leroy Edward Higginbotham (Londy), twins Lisa Rene Bush (Cedell), Lori Lynette Smith (Rudy) and Howard Trotter (Son-In-Law); His siblings: Shirley Speakes, Patricia Kenerly, Juanita Robinson, Donna Perkins, Walter and Donald Higginbotham; His 12 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
The Porterville Recorder 02/07/2014
Margie Louise Daniel Higginbotham (1924 - 2014)
Margie Louise Higginbotham age 89 and a resident of Porterville passed away on February 1, 2014. Margie was born on September 4, 1924 in Blanchard, Oklahoma to James and Lois Daniel. Margie was predeceased by her husband Ira Higginbotham, a son Harry Higginbotham and four brothers. She is survived by one son Gary Higginbotham of Visalia, CA. One daughter Shirley Wells of Springville, CA., three brothers , five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Graveside Service will be at 1:00 pm on Friday, February 7, 2014 at Home of Peace Cemetery in Porterville.
Contra Costa Times 05/20/2014
Shirley Jane Henry Higginbotham (1932-2014) OK/CA
Sunrise Jan 5, 1932 Sunset May 15, 2014
Former resident of Martinez, CA Our dear Mother, Nana, Sister and Aunt passed into God's arms quietly and peacefully at Spyglass Sr Villa in Brentwood, where she had been lovingly cared for by the staff since Dec 2013. Shirley was the granddaughter of Hugh Henry, founder of Henryetta, OK. She was born in Shawnee OK, and lived in many different cities in Oklahoma as a child, as her father was an oil field worker. In 1947 during the "dust bowl of the Midwest" her family moved to Rodeo, CA. She attended school there and graduated from John Swett High School and shortly after married J.C. "Jake" Higginbotham, they were married for 34 years until his passing in July of 1983. She worked for many years in the dry cleaning business in both Martinez and Walnut Creek retiring from St Paul's cleaners on Newell Ave. Waiting to greet her in heaven where her loving husband Jake, her parents Mico & Naomi Henry, sisters Norma Hinshaw, Ruth Grout, brother Bob Henry, and her daughter-in-law Ginger Higginbotham (Terry). Left to keep her in our hearts and memories are her daughter Vickie Vier (Ken) of Oakley, son Terry Higginbotham of Pollock Pines, CA. Grandchildren Scott (Joy) of Maysville, NC, Jeff (Angie) and Kevin (Lisa) of Martinez, CA. Johanna, Lizzie, and Jake of Pollock Pines. Great Grandchildren Kyle, Jessica, Justin, Kaitlyn, Hailey, Keira and Ally. She is also survived by sister-in-law Ilene Henry of Galt, CA, Jerry Henry of FL, sister Betty Ellis of NV, and many nieces and nephews. We would like to thank the wonderful staff at Spyglass Sr. Villa, especially her caregivers Arnie and Alice. If so inclined donations in her memory can be made to Sutter Hospice 4071 Port Chicago Hwy Ste. 120 Concord CA 94520, who gave such loving care to Mother during her final days with us. Friends and family are invited to a visitation on Thursday May 22, 2014 from 5-8 p.m. at Connolly & Taylor Chapel 4000 Alhambra Ave, Martinez CA which will be followed at the same location with a funeral service at 12:30 p.m. on Friday May 23, 2014. Burial will follow at Memory Gardens Cemetery in Concord after which there will be a reception at Pacheco Community Center 5800 Pacheco Blvd, Pacheco CA. Connolly & Taylor 925-228-4700
James Taylor Higginbotham (1941-2014) TN/CA
James T. Higginbotham, USC Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics, Linda Hilf Chair in Philosophy at USC Dornsife College, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Fellow of the British Academy, died at 72 after complications from pneumonia surrounded by family and friends on April 25 and was buried April 29 at Woodlawn Cemetery, Santa Monica, CA. “Putting together the work of Chomsky and Davidson and juxtaposing it in ways that both would probably object to,” Higginbotham authored nearly 100 papers on the philosophy of language, philosophical logic and theoretical linguistics. Naturalizing philosophy of language, Higginbotham inspired and goaded a generation of philosophers towards the empirical investigation of natural language. For linguists studying meaning and understanding, Higginbotham expanded and articulated a foundation for descriptive and theoretical semantics as a cognitive science. Higginbotham left little in semantics untouched, including seminal papers on propositional attitudes, tense and aspect, indexicals and demonstratives, reference to events in linguistic semantics, compositionality, conditionals, disjunction, perception verb complements, higher-order logic and natural language, plurals and reciprocals, the nature of concepts, pronouns and anaphora, control, mass and count quantification, generalized quantifiers, crossing co-reference, interrogatives, indefinites, and meta-semantics. In 1995, Higginbotham was elected to the British Academy. In 2011, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in recognition of his nearly four decades' contributions to linguistics and philosophy. Since 1999, Higginbotham was professor of philosophy and linguistics at USC, holding the Hilf Chair since 2004 and a Distinguished Professorship since 2008. Prior to USC, he was professor of general linguistics at Oxford University from 1993 to 2000, Prior to Oxford, Higginbotham was professor of linguistics and philosophy at MIT. Born Aug. 17, 1941, in Chattanooga, Tenn., Higginbotham spent his first five years in Jefferson City, Mo. From ages 5 to 10, he and his family lived in England, then Maryland and a New Jersey suburb of New York, among other places. After serving in the Vietnam War as a military policeman for the U.S. Army, Higginbotham earned his PhD at Columbia University in 1973 under the direction of Charles Parsons. Higginbotham is survived by a former spouse Nancy Higginbotham, current partner Alessandra Giorgi, and his children David Maayan, William Higginbotham, Eva Higginbotham, Joseph Higginbotham, Eleanor Higginbotham, and Enrico Higginbotham.
Ventura County Star 07/11/2014
Doris Evelyn Higginbotham Fisher (1926 - 2014) AL/CA
Doris passed away on June 27, 2014. At the time of her death she was living at the Yuba Skilled Nursing Center, Yuba City, CA where she had been for the past two years. Prior to that Doris was a long time resident of Ventura County. Doris was born in Kimberly, AL on December 27, 1926 to Ruby and Charles Higginbotham. Doris is survived by four of her six children, Sue (Ed) Tavares, Brad Russell, Debbie Upton, and Ronda Keaton; eight grandchildren, numerous great-grandchildren and would have been a great-great grandmother very soon. She was preceded in death by her sons Steve Russell and Rick Russell. Doris enjoyed reading, making quilts, dancing, and listening to music. She was a great cook and would take plates of food to the Port Hueneme Police Department for them to enjoy. No services will be held. Final arrangements are being handled by the Chapel of the Twin Cities in Yuba City, CA.
Orange County Register 01/08/2015
Daniel H. Higginbotham (1935-2015) CA
Higginbotham, Daniel H., 79, of Hunt. Bch., died 1/15/15. Omega Society Funeral Home Omega Society 1577 North Main St. Orange, CA 92867 (714) 754-7781.
Ventura County Star 03/22/2015
Eugene G. Higginbotham (1937-2015) KS/CA
Gene or "Higgy" as he was known passed away on Saturday March 14, 2015 in Ojai, Ca. due to a long illness. Gene was born on March 24, 1937 in Satanta, Kansas to parents Claude and Fannie Pearl Higginbotham. In his early childhood, Gene's family lived in Kansas until WWII. During the war they moved frequently and lived in several different states. His father was employed by the U.S. Govt. during WWII and the family moved from military base to military base as they were built and enlarged. After the war, on the advice of Claude's aunt, the family moved to Ojai in 1946. Gene loved growing up in Ojai. He graduated from Nordhoff High School in 1955. While still in high school, Gene joined the U.S Marine Corps Reserves and also started working for the U.S. Forest Service. He met his wife, Barbara, at Wheelers Gorge where she was camping with her grandmother and he was working at the campground. Gene and Barbara were married June 16, 1957 at Santa Clara Church in Oxnard. For the first years of their marriage they lived on Pine Mountain during the summer and Ojai in the winter. They then lived in Upper Ojai where Gene was the Forest Patrolman. Gene and Barbara welcomed their first of three sons, Michael in 1958, then Terry in 1961 and Daniel in 1964. The family enjoyed many camping and backpacking trips, trips to Baja and summer vacations waterskiing at Tulloch Lake and San Antonio Lake with other firemen families. August 16, 1962 Gene started his 30 year career with the Ventura County Fire Department. He was stationed at Station 14 in Upper Ojai, Station 22 in Meiners Oaks, Station 56 in Malibu, Station 51 in El Rio then Station 23 in Oak View where he spent the majority of his career. He later transferred back to Station 14, now called Station 20, and retired from there in 1992 with 7 years with the Forest Service and 30 years with the Ventura County Fire Department. After retirement, Gene and Barbara travelled extensively. They enjoyed taking many cruises and trips with friends. Gene was proud to say he had been to 41 countries. Gene was a member of the Ojai Lions Club, Ojai Optimists and the Knights of Columbus. He did volunteer work for Ojai Day, Ojai Music Festival, The Ojai Tennis Tournament and the Fourth of July where he loved to do security for the fireworks. Gene was also a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Gene was an outgoing, friendly character who talked to everyone and loved to joke and laugh. He was a loving husband, father, brother and friend who was much loved and will be greatly missed. Gene is survived by his wife of 57 years Barbara, his son Michael of Bakersfield, son Terry of Colorado and son Daniel (Valerie) of Ojai. He is also survived by his sister Virginia Black of Turlock, brother Don Appleton of Texas and sister Katherine McLaurine of Oklahoma. The family would like to thank Nicki Perez, her family and the staff of Mountain Vista Manor for their excellent care, kindness, friendship and support. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated Tuesday March 24, 2015 at 11:00 AM at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Ojai. Funeral Arrangements are entrusted to the JOSEPH P. REARDON FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICE, Ventura. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Humane Society of Ventura County 402 Bryant Street Ojai Ca. Funeral Home Joseph P. Reardon Funeral Home & Cremation Service 757 E. Main Street Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 643-8623.
Tulare Advance-Register & Visalia Times-Delta 01/16/2016
Robert Martin Higginbotham (1926-2016) CA
Aug. 13, 1926 - Dec. 29, 2015
Visalia - Robert M. "Bob" Higginbotham, 89, passed away on December 29, 2015. Bob was a great teacher at Green Acres Middle School. He was also a good friend, who loved the outdoors, loved music and cared for many stray animals. He will be sorely missed by all his friends. There will be no service. Donations may be made in his name to our local SPCA. Funeral Home Miller Memorial Chapel 1120 West Goshen Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-8371.
Long Beach Press-Telegram 01/21/2016
JoAnn Cockrill Higginbotham (1926-2016) OK/CA
JoAnn Higginbotham of Bellflower, California passed away on Tuesday, January 5, 2016. JoAnn was born in Oklahoma in 1926, moving to California at the young age of six. She has been a loyal resident of Bellflower for more than 60 years, and a long time active member of the Messiah Lutheran Church of Downey, where she spent a great deal of time assisting the elderly and people unable to leave their houses. JoAnn married her best friend, Jerry on Dec. 10, 1961 and has not left his side in over 55 years. She is survived by her loving husband, Gerald; her son, Douglas Higginbotham and his wife, Kathleen of Massachusetts; her two grandsons, Garrett Higginbotham of California and Wyatt Higginbotham of Massachusetts; her brother, Donald Cockrill and his wife, Shirley of Arizona; along with many nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, January 23 at Rose Hills in Whittier at 10am. The memorial service will follow at noon at Messiah Lutheran Church of Downey. There will be a reception after the service in the Parish Hall. Funeral Home Rose Hills Company 3888 Workman Mill Rd Whittier, CA 90601 (562) 699-0921.
Mitchell Higginbotham (1921-2016) PA/CA
Longtime Dana Point resident and World War II Tuskegee Airman, Mitchell “Mitch” Higginbotham, died on Sunday, Feb. 14 in Rancho Mirage. He was 94 and would have celebrated his 95th birthday on March 2. A 16-year resident of The Fountains at Sea Bluff, the popular and civically active veteran moved to a nursing home in Rancho Mirage about two years ago to be closer to his brother Robert, also a Tuskegee Airman. Mitch Higginbotham enjoys a Feb. 8 visit at his Rancho Mirage nursing home from longtime Dana Point friend Willa Porter. Pete Hammer was also along for the visit and snapped this picture. “Mitch was well-thought-of and highly-regarded by everyone here at The Fountains,” said Terry Brown, executive director at The Fountains. “He always had a moment for anybody who wanted to talk with him and would never hesitate to have an opinion on any topic, whether politics, the Lakers—which he loved—or his experiences during the war. He was missed from the moment he left Dana Point.” As a member of the Tuskegee Airmen, the United States’ first all-black aerial combat unit trained in Tuskegee, Ala. at the Tuskegee Institute Airfield, 2nd Lieutenant Higginbotham was one of 450 of the airmen, nicknamed Red Tails, whose service played an early role in breaking down the racial segregation of African Americans in the Armed Forces. He was assigned to the 477th Bomber Group and served in active duty from 1942 to 1946 and then in the reserves until 1962. Higginbotham served as a consultant to movie director George Lucas for the 2011 movie, Red Tails, a historical fiction film telling the stories of Tuskegee Airmen. A 1995 HBO movie also chronicled the Red Tails’ story and was promoted with the tagline: “They fought two wars: One against the Nazis abroad/One against racism at home.” WWII Tuskegee Airman and longtime Dana Point resident passed away on Feb. 14 in Rancho Mirage. Higginbotham proudly donned his red Tuskegee Airman jumpsuit for a 2010 interview with the Dana Point Times for a cover story written about him. Following WWII, Higginbotham earned a master’s degree in labor relations from the University of Colorado and then went to work at the Urban League of Pittsburg. He was also employed at the Greater Pittsburgh Airport before relocating to Los Angeles where he worked as an LA County probation officer until retirement. “Mitch was a walking piece of history and a hero we in Dana Point were fortunate to have in our midst for so many years,” said friend Pete Hammer. “He will be sorely missed. May Mitch fly high with the angels and rest in peace—my hero.” Higginbotham is survived by his brother Robert (also a Tuskegee Airman), sister-in-law Margaret and two nephews, Robert and Michael. Higginbotham will be buried at the Tuskegee Airmen Memorial of the Greater Pittsburg Region in the Sewickley Cemetery in his hometown of Sewickley, Penn. Seven Tuskegee Airmen hailed from Sewickley. Higginbotham will be the first to be buried at the memorial. A formal Tuskegee Memorial service will be held there in May. A private memorial service will also be held in Rancho Mirage. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that donations in memory of Mitchell L. Higginbotham be made to the Tuskegee Airmen National Scholarship Fund, he and his brother helped found.
Orange County Register 02/05/2017
Sharon L. Higginbotham Gerber (1949-2017) CA
July 7 , 1949- January 26, 2017
Sharon passed away on January 26, 2017 in Palm Desert, CA. She was born on July 7, 1949 in Long Beach, CA to Lois and Alan Higginbotham. Sharon graduated from Marina High School in Huntington Beach, CA in 1967, where she met her high School Sweetheart Bill Gerber, and they later married in 1969. They were happily married for 47 years living all over Southern California from Simi Valley, Orange, and eventually retiring in Palm Desert. Sharon developed a career in HR that lasted over 20 years; she loved her job, loved her work, loved helping people, and took pride in it. Sharon is survived by her loving husband of 47 years, Bill Gerber of Palm Desert; her son, Greg Gerber and wife Margie of Fontana, CA; and daughter, Julia Pycior and husband Mike of Seal Beach, CA. She is also survived by her brothers, Dennis Higginbotham and wife Linda of Cape Coral, FL, Steve Lodge and wife Beth of Rancho Mirage, CA; sister, Carol Edwards and husband Gary of El Cajon, CA; including four grandchildren, CJ and Keira Pycior, Tyler and Natalia Gerber; along with nieces, nephews and cousins. Sharon enjoyed crocheting, going to the movies, playing golf, and spending time with her grandchildren. Those who knew her know how special she was; she had such a big heart and touched the lives of so many. A Casual Service will be held, Saturday February 11th, at 11:00am located at the Ivey Ranch Country Club (Main Ballroom) 74580 Varner Rd, Thousand Palms, CA. 92276. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Susan G. Komen Foundation in Memory of Sharon Gerber.
India Clarissa Blackburn Westfall Higginbotham (1925-2017) CA
July 23, 1925 - February 10, 2017
Wildomar, California
India Clarissa Westfall, died peacefully on February 10, 2017 at the age of 91 in Wildomar, California, in the home of her daughter, Cheryl Westfall Rogers, who had taken care of her for many years. India Clarissa Blackburn was born in Pocatello, Idaho to Jonathan Franklin Blackburn and Orpha Simmons Blackburn on July 23, 1925. She went by the names of Chris and Clarissa for much of her life. She was the youngest of seven children. Her four brothers and two sisters - Roscoe, Glen, John Wiley, William, Alice and Thelma, all of whom have preceded her in death. She attended Jerome High School during her sophomore year and graduated from Oakland High School in California in 1944. She became the bride of James “Jim” Hall Westfall in the Little Chapel of the Flowers, in Berkeley, California on January 17, 1945. Their marriage was sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on February 9, 1945. She and Jim were homesteaders on the Hunt Project near Eden, Idaho. They raised about 60 dairy cattle for a living. During times when their debts from farming got too high, they did other things such as spending a year working a Church farm in Kaysville, Utah and working for Boeing Aircraft in Washington. They would return to farming in Jerome and eventually Wendell, Idaho. When her youngest child, Virginia, was ready to start college in 1978, India decided to go with her. She earned two Associates Degrees – in Elementary Education and Library Science from the College of Southern Idaho. James Westfall died September 19, 1987. Later in life she married James Higginbotham of West Valley, Utah. They moved to Pocatello, Idaho and then to Wendell. He preceded her in death. India was an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She played the piano for the primary starting when she was 12 years old. She has served in many Church callings, as Relief Society President and in the Mutual Presidency among other things. She is survived by her children - Dorothy (Dave) Krueger of Norman, Oklahoma; William (Judy) Westfall of Salt Lake City, Utah; Richard (Betty) Westfall of Lebanon, Oregon; Vernelle (Robert) Massey of Avondale, Arizona; Janine (Raymond) Perkins of Orem, Utah; Cheryl (Robert) Rodgers of Wildomar, California; and Virginia Westfall of Wendell, Idaho; 38 grandchildren; 93 great grandchildren and 8 great great grandchildren. Her daughter, Afton (Roy) Diemart preceded her in death. A visitation will be held on Monday, February 20, 2017 from 9:00 to 11:00 am at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wendell; with a funeral service to start at 11:00 am. Burial will follow at the Jerome Cemetery. Funeral arrangements are under the care and direction of Demaray Funeral Service – Wendell Chapel.
East Bay Times 02/19/2017
Terrill Lee Higginbotham Williamson (1942 - 2017) CA
July 15, 1942 - Feb. 11, 2017
Resident of Pleasant Hill - Terri Williamson, an outspoken individualist who served a record 27 years on the Pleasant Hill City Council, died of a heart attack on February 11. She was 74 years old. Terri was born in Berkeley, to parents Dorothy and Glenn Higginbotham. Despite becoming a mother at the age of 20 and a divorcee soon after, she pursued a college education and earned a B.S. in Marine Zoology from UC Berkeley in 1968. Daughter Shawna in tow, she then conducted graduate research at the Bodega Marine Laboratory. An early feminist and trailblazer, Terri became one of the first few female zookeepers in the United States when she was hired by the Knowland Park Oakland Zoo in 1974. In 1976, Terri moved to Pleasant Hill. Her involvement in local politics began when she fought the closure of Pleasant Hill High School. She then co-founded PH Citizens for Responsible Growth to fight big development and preserve local neighborhoods. After a short stint on the Planning Commission, she was elected to the City Council in 1985. She was reelected six times, and appointed once, and sat on the Council for a total of 27 years. During that time, she was Mayor for three terms, chair of the Redevelopment Agency, and an outspoken and devoted advocate for quality of life. In an era characterized by explosive growth of strip malls and box stores elsewhere, she persevered as a champion for a central, walkable downtown in Pleasant Hill, and is in significant part responsible for the existence of the current downtown. She continued to fight hard for local schools, mental health, and the environment. Terri was a biologist, naturalist, and non-conformist at heart. In Pleasant Hill, on her own initiative, she conducted primary research on local steelhead and salmon runs under the aegis of graduate study at CSU Hayward, and was known to carry an unconcealed handgun when doing remote fieldwork while also sporting the statement jewelry she loved to collect. An avid gardener, she became a Certified Nursery Professional and for many years managed local garden centers, and routinely spent too much of her income on the expansion and care of her large beautiful garden. After 35 years in Pleasant Hill, Terri moved to the Grass Valley area in 2012 to be closer to family. In recent years, her health suffered due to repeated strokes. Survivors include her daughters Shawna Shaffer (m. Jim Shaffer) of Hilmar and Jennifer Williamson Burt (m. Andrew Burt) of Grass Valley, grandchildren Elsa and Evan Burt, and sister Adrienne Sue Raymond of Vallejo. A celebration of her life will be held at the Pleasant Hill Senior Center, on Sunday March 12 at 3PM.
The Burbank Leader 03/22/2017
Harley Edward Higginbotham Jr. (1931-2017) CA
November 20, 1931 - March 6, 2017
Harley Edward Higginbotham, Jr. passed away on Monday, March 6, 2017 in Burbank at the age 85. A memorial service will be held at Burbank First United Methodist Church, Friday, March 24th at 11:30am. Harley was born on November 20, 1931 in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from Fremont High School in 1950. Following graduation, he enrolled in Los Angeles City College and received his Associate of Arts Degree in 1953. Later that year, Harley entered the United States Air Force, and served his country proudly until 1957. He was stationed in Germany for three years of his service. After returning home, he enrolled in San Fernando Valley State College graduating in 1959 with a Bachelor of Science degree. In1962, Harley began a career at Stainless Steel Products, Inc. that would span thirty five years. While working there, a beautiful applicant named Alice Nielsen came looking for a job, and Harley hired her. On December 28, 1963 they married, Harley hired Alice for life. Harley is survived by his wife of 53 years, Alice, son Mark and his wife Michele, daughter Karen and her husband Pete and three grandsons, Matthew, Michael and Maxwell. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his honor to Kiwanis Cares About Children.
Ventura County Star 04/27/2017
Denny Higginbotham (1931-2017) CA
Ventura, CA
Denny Higginbotham suddenly passed away in her daughter's home on April 20, 2017. She was born in Fillmore, California on March 20, 1931. She had worked at VCMC as Supervisor of Admissions, and later as a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor at the Ventura Main Street Center. Denny loved to care for her plants, she loved animals, especially her dog, Allie who recently passed away. She was an avid home redecorator. She loved to read and share books, and loved great food and going out to lunch with her friends and family. Denny is survived by her son Peter and daughter-in-law Donna, her daughter Sandra, step children Jennifer and Mike Pack and her "grand poodle", Rooster. She will now be free from all that slowed her physical being in life. A private service will be held. In lieu of flowers, please donate to ASPCA in memory of Denny and Allie.
Los Angeles Times 11/11/2017
Olivia Estella Charlebois Higginbotham (1919-2017) ND/CA
April 26, 1919 - October 30, 2017
Beloved mother and Grammy, 98, died peacefully in her Bellflower home. She was born in Minot, North Dakota, to Arthur J. Charlebois and Ellen Charlebois (Vollan). Though her 6 brothers and sisters are deceased, she remained close to their families. She moved to Anderson, Indiana, to continue her business education, and later achieved her AA degree in CA. She married the love of her life Bill, dancing throughout their 69-year marriage. They moved to Los Angeles and later Downey to raise their 5 girls, Diane Diyorio, Pamela Preiss (deceased), Jeannette Higginbotham, Grace Forman, and Mary Lawrence. Her family was centered around love of God, holiday fun and St. Dominic Savio Catholic Church. She is survived by her daughters, grandchildren, close relatives, dear neighborhood and church friends. We have been blessed to share her joy for life and love of nature. Vigil and Rosary Sunday, Nov. 12, 7pm, and Funeral Mass and reception Wednesday, Nov. 15, 10am, both at Saint Dominic Savio Church, 13400 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706.
The Monterey Herald 12/22/2017
Jane Ellen Higginbotham Strauch
(1927-2017) SC/CA
April 29, 1927 to November 27, 2017
Greenville, SC formerly of Carmel & Pacific Grove. CA
Our beautiful and talented Mom passed away peacefully with family by her side.
Jane was born to Lucille and Ernest Higginbotham in Jackson Michigan. Her family
later moved to Memphis Tennessee.
She graduated from Gulf Park School for Girls in Gulf Park MS majoring in voice
and music.
She met her beloved husband, Merle W Strauch, while she was doing service as a
Gray Lady at Kennedy Veterans Hospital, singing for the returning wounded
soldiers. Merle was assigned back to the states after flying soldiers from our
ports to the hospital. Shortly after he met her, he said "I'm going to marry
you" and 6 months later they married. They had an extraordinary life together in
Memphis where they raised their 5 children. They built many businesses and
traveled the world. One of the most spectacular events in the family life was a
63 day Around the World trip with all 5 children. They later moved to CA in 1969
where Jane continued her acting and singing career and Merle continued his many
business ventures. Later they started Patrick's Consignment store in Pacific
Grove and Mom continued to operate the store for many years.
Mom was blessed to have wonderful knowledge about health and nutrition that she
so willingly shared with her family and others.
They also were very community oriented and contributed in so many ways to
include Guide Dogs for the Blind. Also, they commissioned an artist to sculpt
the John Steinbeck bust that is significantly displayed on Cannery Row.
They were very active in the theater community. In addition to Mom's many acting
and singing roles, they helped produce many plays for the Barnyard Theater and
Wharf Theater.
Jane was always seeking to learn and advance her career and was very proud to be
accepted into the American Conservatory Theater's summer acting program in San
Francisco. Among her letter of recommendations from previous directors, Mom was
described as an enormously talented lady. Her theater discipline is
professional, her talent is always creative and she is blessed with the great
gift of imagination.
Jane had starring roles in Front Street Theatre, Memphis Little Theatre and
Memphis Opera Theater and she always sang in the choirs at Second Presbyterian
Church in Memphis, Mayflower Church in Pacific Grove and Carmel Presbyterian
Church in Carmel.
Some of her starring soprano roles were: Anna in" The King & I", Mama Rose in
"Gypsy", Flora in Verdi's opera, "La Traviata", Mimi in "La Boheme", Prinz
Orlofsky in "Die Fledermaus", Fiona in "Brigadoon", Irene in "Say, Darling" and
the very fun production of B Sharp Follies at Sunset Center in Carmel.
During her rehearsal for "La Traviata", she received a call from Jimmy Stroud of
the Memphis Union Mission and he asked her to make a Gospel record album to
benefit the Mission and their work with the indigent. The album, "The Time is
Now" was produced in 1965 and since then has been enjoyed by so many over the
Up to the end of her life she was spreading joy with her beautiful voice and was
affectionately known as Joyful Jane. Mom is now singing with the Angels.
Her love and devotion was for her family. Our Mom was predeceased by her husband
of 53 incredible years, Merle Strauch, son Scott Strauch of St Petersburg FL and
son-in-law, Gene French of Naples FL. She leaves behind her 4 daughters, Valerie
Miller (Chuck) of Greenville SC , Carole Strauch Heinrich (Ben) of Carmel Valley
CA, Pamela Merle French who recently moved to Greenville, Stacy Ellen Strauch
Dubree of Forbestown CA, and former son-in-law, George Duffey, of Pacific Grove,
8 grandchildren Bronson Miller (Melinda) Clint Miller (Barbi) Grant Heinrich,
Justin and Brian French, Spencer and Jessica Duffey and Mindy Nelson. Our Mom
was affectionately known as GG Jane to her great grandchildren Nathan, Lane,
Tyler, Jackson and Cole of Greenville, Ava and Dylan Heinrich of Arlington VA
and Ruthie and Molly of Grand Lake, CO.
Our Mom wrote to us on her 80th birthday "The best I could ever have as a mother
would be to know that all my family would come to know the Lord, which requires
an action step, and be assured that the greatest reunion yet will be in Heaven.
Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
except through me" John 14:6 NIV
A life so beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered.
A Celebration of Life will be held at Carmel Presbyterian Church at 4pm January
13, 2018 and at a later date in Greenville SC.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Carmel Presbyterian
Church, PO Box 846, Carmel CA 93921 or the Salvation Army, 1491 Contra Costa,
Seaside CA 93955.
Modesto Bee 02/05/2018
Judy R. Higginbotham Hackett (1940-2018) CA
Dec 21, 1940 - Feb 1, 2018
Judy R Hackett left to be with her husband Ronald Hackett and will join her mother Winnifred Clark, father Pete Higginbotham, step-father Fred Clark, son John Gregory Jones and her brother Pete Higginbotham. Leaving behind sisters Janice Roney and Kay (Don) Moser, brother Don (Rhonda) Clark, sons Chris (Sue) Hackett, Brad Hackett, Stuart Hackett, daughter Pamela (Denny) Guevara, grandsons Robert Jones, Travis Hackett granddaughter Alyssa Wallace, great grandson Abram Donham, great granddaughters Natalie and Aubrey Cope. Judy, taken on Feb. 1 2018 was born in Westwood Ca on December 21, 1940. After growing up in Portola Ca she moved to this area 60 years ago. First in Denair, then Turlock and settling here in Modesto in 1960. Here she met the love of her life and married him for the rest of her life. Judy worked in the Modesto restaurant industry for 60 years: Laffis', Hotel Covel and Monicos. Judy and Ron also had their own catering business. She also belonged to the native daughters. Judy, loyal, hard working, honest and loving, never met a stranger. Besides loving and spending time with her family and friends, Judy really loved to go! Whether it was in their motorhome with the good timers or family, on cruise ships, floating down the Rhine riverboat, or visiting her foreign exchange students' families in Japan. Judy with a lion heart, loved helping others. She was the life of the party and will be missed but all the good times will be forever remembered. A memorial service is scheduled for Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 10:00am at Franklin & Downs Funeral Home McHenry Chapel 1050 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA. Following the conclusion of the memorial service will be an interment at Lakewood Memorial Park 900 Santa Fe Avenue Hughson, CA. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Judy's name to Community Hospice. Funeral Home Franklin & Downs Funeral Homes 1050 McHenry Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 529-5723.
Richard Higginbotham (1941-2018) OR/CA
Sept. 1941 - Mar. 25, 2018
Richard Higginbotham, longtime teacher at Modesto Junior College, died March 25, 2018. He was 76. The cause of death was prostate cancer. Richard's teaching career at MJC spanned 42 years, beginning in 1968 and ending with his retirement in 2010. Together with his students and colleagues, they explored topics ranging from American Politics, International Relations, Diplomacy, War and Peace, and Terrorism. Dick was devoted to sharing history with his students and engaging them in current events with the goal of creating an informed citizenry to participate in our Democracy. Both his hobby and his teaching benefitted from his love of bookstores, magazines, newspapers, movies and travel. Richard was born in San Francisco. His early years were spent in Oregon where he attended a two-room schoolhouse with mixed ages in Rose Lodge where he excelled in class spelling bees. His family moved to Stockton, California, where he graduated from Lincoln High School. It was at Lincoln High that he met his future wife, Vickie Hickey. He received his B.A. from University of San Francisco and his M.A. from Stanford. In 1965, Vickie and Dick married in Canby, Oregon, and then drove to New York where Dick attended Columbia University, worked in Social Services, and Vickie taught fifth grade. In 1968 they moved to Modesto when Dick was hired by MJC to teach Political Science. Dick is preceded in death by his parents, Gertrude and Charles Higginbotham and his sister, Barbara Clark. Survivors include his wife of 52 years, Vickie; two sisters, Carole King and Susan Montana (Daniel) of Washington and one brother, Dennis Higginbotham of Oregon. He also leaves two sons, Bradford Higginbotham (Jennifer) and Brian Higginbotham (Andrea). His grandchildren and nieces have provided him great happiness. They are Max, Haley, Ewan, Paul, Thea, Sydney, Maddie, and Gabby. The family wishes to thank English Oaks for their excellent care. A Memorial service will be held on Friday, April 13, at 11 am at the First United Methodist Church, Modesto. Remembrances may be made to the Modesto Junior College Foundation, 435 College Avenue, Modesto, 95350; First United Methodist Church, 850 16th St, Modesto, 95354; Modesto Symphony Orchestra, 911 Thirteenth St. Modesto, 95354.
Fresno Bee 09/26/2018
Richard Vance Higginbotham (1931-2018) TX/CA
RICHARD VANCE HIGGINBOTHAM The only son of four children born to R.V. and Florene Hardcastle, Richard was born in Sherman, TX, and raised in the rural outskirts of Miami, OK. He told his children stories of his life on the farm, cutting and carrying stove wood, feeding animals, and doing his studies by the light of an oil lamp. Richard attended Wyandotte High School but left to join the United States Army at 17. He was a Corporal in the 99th Field Artillery Battalion, First Cavalry Division, and a decorated Korean Conflict Veteran, serving with the Military Police and in communications during his time in Korea. He was employed at the B.F. Goodrich Tire plant in Miami, OK, and by the Bayly Corporation in Sanger, CA, where he repaired industrial sewing machines and invented attachments to improve the process. After his retirement, Richard was a product development consultant for Macro Plastics, Inc. where he designed a cross-tire iron to secure stacks of MacroBins on trucks, and a prototype sealing lid for the Macro T-Bin. Richard loved his family. He was a great fisherman and loved telling stories to his famly. He was deeply loved by his family and will be missed by all. Richard was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Jackie Essex, and Polly Edwards; and his wife, Billie Martin Higginbotham. He is survived by a sister, Ann Brumback and husband Glenn of Goodman, MO; his children, Lynne Lollis and husband Floyd of Cypress, TX, Teena Shields and husband Ken of Powell Butte, OR, and Michael Higginbotham and wife Stefanie of Clovis, CA; grandchildren, Travis Lollis, Maggie, Andrew, and Kadie Higginbotham; great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, very dear friends, and colleagues. A Visitation will be held at Boice Funeral Home in Clovis, CA, on Saturday, September 29, 2018, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. A Graveside Service with Military Honors will be held in Fairland, OK, on Saturday, October 6, 2018, at 11:00 a.m., under the care of Brown-Winters Funeral Home in Miami, OK, and Fairland, OK. Funeral Home Boice Funeral Home 308 Pollasky Ave Clovis, CA 93612 (559) 299-4372.
Press Democrat 8/16/2019
Vaughn Aaron Higginbotham (1968-2019) CA
May 6, 1968 - August 2, 2019
Vaughn passed away peacefully at age 51 surrounded by family. He was born and raised in San Francisco and attended Mission High School. He will forever be loved and missed. He was predeceased by his parents Ronnie and Marianne. He is survived by his service dog Honey, many family members and hundreds of friends. Donations may be made to Redwood Gospel Mission. May he rest in peace.
Merced Star Sun 7/15/2020
Robert Dean Higginbotham
(1946-2020) WA/CA
NOV 10, 1946 - JUL 6, 2020
Robert Dean "Bob" Higginbotham, 73 Passed away July 6,2020 at Mercy Medical
Hospital in Merced . Bob was born in Yakima , Washington. Five years later the
family moved to Merced County, Where he attended Franklin Elementary, Herbert
Hoover Junior High and Graduated from Atwater High School in 1964. In October of
1964, he married his wife Charlotte. For many years Bob worked as a building
contractor in and around Merced. He even traveled as far as Saudi Arabia in the
1980's to work in construction there. At Atwater High, he played football and
was a member of the FFA. Over the course of his life he had numerous interests
and hobbies Which included racing cars at the Merced Speedway, drag boating,
hunting, trap shooting, street rods and Harley Davidson's, raising cattle and
attending local brandings. He enjoyed spending time with friends and family at
Lake McClure, in the Sierras and the Dunes at Pismo Beach. He was also a member
of the Elks Lodge 1240.
He is preceded in death by his wife Charlotte (Friesen) Higginbotham; his
nephew, William "Bill" Higginbotham and his parents, Dale and Pauline
Bob is survived by his daughters, Kimberlee Pamplona Prine (Chris) of Merced and
Stacey Callarman of Paso Robles; his grandsons Dustin Pamplona (Crystal) and
Joshua Pamplona (Nekane) both of Twin Falls, Idaho, his granddaughter Chloe
Callarman of Paso Robles; his great grandchildren, Clayton Casey Jo, Lydia
Pamplona, Caleb Pamplona; his brother, Roger Higginbotham (Barbara) of Atwater
and his niece Laura Perkins (Ray) of Newnan, Georgia.
Lori Jean Higginbotham
Prange (1956-2020) CA
1956 - 2020
Lori Jean Prange, after a difficult battle with early-onset Alzheimer’s,
departed this life for her eternal one with her Savior, Jesus Christ, on
Tuesday, December 1, 2020. Lori was born April 7, 1956, in Long Beach, CA. She
was preceded in death by her parents, William and Joyce Higginbotham. Lori is
survived by her children, Justin Rimmer; Jessica (David) Nash, Robert (Katlyn)
Prange III; Vanessa Prange; grandchildren, Dillon, Wyatt, Tristen, Jordan,
Ethan, Evan, Tyler, Robert IV, Benjamin, Grace, Abram, Annabelle, Joseph and
Maurice; her siblings, David (Kathleen), Kevin, Jeffery, and Mark Higginbotham;
and her devoted partner, Clem Krzeczkowski.
Lori loved laughter, sugar, music, adventure, gardening, crafts, fresh air and
sunshine; but above all, she loved her family. Her biggest hope as a child was
to be a Mommy. Her greatest care and concern in life was for those she loved,
and she loved with all of her big heart. For her children, the light of the
family has gone out and their sole source of unconditional love on this Earth
has left them. While they mourn their loss and face this void, they celebrate
that Lori’s soul is finally free of Earth’s trials.
Cremation has taken place and a private memorial for family will take place in
California. Arrangements were handled by the Eagle-Marry Funeral Home in Hudson.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations in Lori’s honor, made to the Alzheimer’s
Association and Hospice of Lenawee, would be greatly appreciated. The family
wishes to thank Hospice of Lenawee and Michelle from Home Instead Senior Care,
for their care and support.
“And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart
shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.” - John 16:22
Jean Anne Seeba Higginbotham (1928-2020) CA
Jean Anne Higginbotham, born June 2, 1928 passed away Saturday, December 5, 2020 at the age of 92, surrounded by her loving family. Jean was born to Walter & Estelle Seeba in San Francisco in 1928. Her younger days were spent with sun and fun and outdoor activities, such as swimming and tennis. In 1947, she married the love of her life, Jesse Lewis, when they met and skated into each other’s hearts. They attended Bethany Bible College together from 1955-1956. Jean was an exceptional wife, mother, and pastor’s wife. They moved around California and Oregon, pastoring and evangelizing God’s word, and created many friends and close relationships. Jean was preceded in death by her loving parents and her husband of 66 years. She is survived by her 4 children, son Steven and wife Sue of Kentucky, daughter Deborah of Chico, CA, daughter Beth and Husband Ruben of Sparks, NV, and daughter Jill and Husband Ken in Visalia, CA. Jean had 8 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren who loved her immensely and gave her many titles such as Grandma, Granny, Lil Grandma and Meemaw. Our mother and grandmother will be GREATLY missed and our holidays, birthdays and big life events will not seem complete without her here. We have the assurance, through Jesus Christ, that we will see her again. WE LOVE YOU MOM!!! Arrangements entrusted to Gridley-Block Funeral Chapel.
Maurice Neil Higinbotham
(1931-2022) MN/CA
Maurice Neil Higinbotham, age 91 of Ukiah passed away peacefully
in his home on Sunday, September 18, 2022.
Maurice (Hig) was born in Thief River Falls, Minnesota on April 13, 1931. He and
his family moved to California when he was 16 years old. He graduated from Analy
High School in Sebastopol in 1949.
Hig had many passions. He had a love for piano,
academics (a scholar at heart), gymnastics, pool, knife throwing, archery and
kite flying along the Mendocino Coastline.
When Hig was very young his grandfather taught him carpentry which was something
he enjoyed his entire life. He was a member of the San Joaquin Council of
Hig graduated from the California Highway Patrol
Academy March of 1957 and proudly served Mendocino County for 29 years.
After retirement, Maurice shared 37 years with his loving wife, Colleen Dulaney-Higinbotham
traveling all over the world together and making many new friends along the way.
Hig joined the Sonoma County Bowmen Club to continue
his passion for archery with his wife Colleen right by his side sharing the same
Hig will be deeply missed by the many lives he has
touched with his warm, larger than life presence.
Hig is survived by his loving wife, Colleen, his
sisters, Gwen Brown (Mal), and Gail Urge. His daughters, Deborah Lovett-Herreshoff
(Robert) and Alice Higinbotham Ryan (Glen). His son, Richard Higinbotham. His
stepdaughters, Sandra Malvesti Fuqua (Andy) and Sheila Malvesti McCann (Larry),
along with numerous nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
Hig was predeceased by his loving parents, Clifford
and Birdine Higinbotham and brother-in-law Michael Urge.
Rest in Peace Hig. There’s a pool table waiting for you in Heaven where those
that know you can all hear you saying in your larger-than-life voice… “Rack ‘em
Sharon Paulette Rosen
Higginbotham (1954-2022) CA
February 27, 1954 ~ October 4, 2022 (age 68)
Sharon Paulette Rosen passed away on Monday, October 4, 2022 from cancer at the
age of 68. She fought extremely hard for more time with her loved ones. She was
beloved by her family and community and will be dearly missed.
Sharon was born in Los Angeles, California and graduated from Rolling Hills High
School in Rolling Hills, California. She received a Bachelor of Music Education
from Pacific University Forest Grove in Forest Grove, Oregon where she graduated
with high honors. She received a Master of Arts in Teaching with a specialty in
Music from Oregon State University in Portland, Oregon.
Sharon dedicated her life to instilling a love and appreciation of music in
children. She taught music for 46 years.
While living in Oregon, Sharon taught at North Plains Elementary in North Plains
(1976-1979), Chehalem School in Beaverton (1979-1980), and Minter Bridge
Elementary School in Hillsboro (1980-1984). While living in California, Sharon
taught at Montebello School in Cupertino (1985-1988), Hillbrook School in Los
Gatos (1984-1988), Evergreen School District (1988-1991), St. Martin of Tours
(1988-1993), San Jose Unified School District in San Jose (1991-1993), and
Campbell Union School District in Campbell, where she taught for the last 28
years (1994-2022). Sharon also taught piano from her home for 38 years
using the Suzuki Method (1984-2022). She put on recitals for her students in her
Sharon married her husband, Robert Higginbotham, in 1982. In 1984, they moved
from Oregon to San Jose, California where they lived out the rest of their
lives. Sharon was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Higginbotham. She is
survived by her daughter, June Berton (Mara) and her brothers Lee Rosen (Linda)
and Frank Rosen (Cheryl).
Sharon was a vibrant person who enjoyed dancing, bowling, puzzles, a good cup of
coffee, a glass of Chardonnay, keeping in touch with her many friends and loved
ones, and spending time with her daughter, daughter-in-law, and “granddoggy.”
She was the life of the party and made friends with people everywhere she went.
Friends and family are invited to a funeral service on Monday, October 10th,
2022 at 10:00am at Darling and Fischer Memorial Chapel, 231 E. Campbell Ave in
Campbell. Burial at Los Gatos Memorial Park and a Reception at her home to
Mehl's Colonial Chapel Dec. 15, 2022
Irene Ann Gregory
Higginbotham (1946-2022) CA
September 11, 1946 ~ November 12, 2022 (age 76)
Irene Ann Higginbotham passed peacefully with family at her home in Aptos,
California on November 12, 2022. Irene was born September 11,1946, in
Sacramento, California the daughter of Grace and Louis Gregory. She is survived
by her husband of 57 years, Bill; three daughters Julie and son-in-law Garrett
Wood, Barbara Feeney Higginbotham, and Leslie Delorie; two brothers Brian and
Robin Gregory; five grand children Renee’ Laska, Megan Wood, Jordan Delorie,
Gregory Feeney and Sean Feeney; two great grandchildren Garrett and Kelsie Wood;
and numerous nieces and nephews.
Irene grew up in Sacramento in River Park as it was first being developed in the
early 1950’s then moved to U Street, near the old fair grounds in the early
1960’s. She attended Sacramento High School, graduating in 1964 then soon after
she began raising her family and traveling throughout California with Bill as he
worked surveying for the State Park System. In 1970 the family settled in South
Sacramento as the children became school age. It was here that she became a
young member of her beloved ‘Bunco Girls’, a group of 8 women who began meeting
together monthly and making annual trips for the next 50 years.
In 1976 the family moved to Wilton where Irene gave ceramic classes to 4H
children and to her neighborhood friends. Once her children graduated from
school in the 1980’s Irene began working as a loan processor for a mortgage
company, then working for the State Franchise Tax Board and moving on to the
Housing Finance Agency. In 1997 Irene moved to Aptos, California and began
working for the Dept. of Justice finally retiring from the State in 2002. In
Aptos Irene continued her artwork and ceramics thru the Adult Education Programs
along with making clothes, quilts and blankets for all her family as they grew
Irene was a skilled cook and seamstress. She enjoyed knitting, crocheting, art,
ceramics, reading and most of all her family. She was always there for them,
devoting her time and energy to their wellbeing. She was diagnosed with
Pulmonary Fibrosis in 2016 which slowly began to impact her life, but she never
complained. Her gentle spirit and kindness will be missed by all of us who knew
and loved her.
Funeral Mass will be held for Irene on Friday, January 20, 2023 beginning at
10:00 am at St. Mary’s Cemetery (6509 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, CA 95820)
interment service will follow after the Mass. In lieu of flowers please
donate in Irene’s honor to her favorite charity St Jude’s Children’s Research
Hospital or to Hospice of Santa Cruz County who greatly assisted us with their
expertise and compassion during her final weeks with us.
Evelyn Margaret Downes
Hickenbottom (1926-2022) England/CA
Sept. 5, 1926 — Oct. 12, 2022
Our beloved mother, grandmother, Margaret “Margie” Hickenbottom, of Cameron
Park, Calif., died peacefully at the age of 96, on October 12, 2022. She was
born September 5, 1926, in Wem, England, in the County of Shropshire, to Albert
and Eleanor (Thorley) Downes.
Born the youngest of 10 siblings, Margaret worked at the family newsstand in Wem
as a young girl. While she was working for the Auxiliary Fire Department, she
met the love of her life, Army Sergeant, Forrest Hickenbottom during WWII in
England. A year later, they married in Wem and she later traveled to America
with the other War Brides to join her husband, Forrest. They moved to Ohio in
1946 and had their 3 sons, Keith, Barry and Jeffrey.
They lived in Ohio for over 15 years before moving to Simi Valley, California in
1962, where art became her passion along with flower gardening. When Forrest
retired in 1987, they moved to Clearlake Oaks because of many KOA trips, and
eventually to Cameron Park in 1999.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Forrest, and her youngest son,
Jeffrey. Though a widow, Margaret lived the remainder of her life with a quick
wit, and a strong love of family and cooking.
She is survived by her sons Keith and Barry; daughter-in-laws Chris Brandies,
Kathryn VanDenBerg, and Gerri Hickenbottom; along with grandchildren Brett,
Kelsey, Joel, Jon, Sara, and Jessi; and great-grandchildren James, Cayden,
Addison and Calvin.
A Celebration of Life will be held at 1 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2023, at
Green Valley Church, located at 3500 Missouri Flat Road, Placerville, CA 95667.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Alzheimer’s Association for
Alzheimer’s Research.
Charleston WV Gazette Mail 2/14/2023
Gary Wayne Higginbotham (1941-2022) WV/CA
GARY WAYNE HIGGINBOTHAM, 81, of Riverside, California, passed
away on December 31, 2022.
He was predeceased by his parents, George Alvin and Allie Rutledge Higginbotham,
his sisters, Sadie Estep, Arlene Smith, Pauline Joachim and Helen Miller,
brother George William (Bill) Higginbotham.
He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Janet Sue (Glenn) Higginbotham, his two
sons, Gregg Higginbotham and Steve Higginbotham, wife Ilicia. His brother,
Harold Higginbotham and sisters, Opal Hunley, Carolyn Slater, and Charlotte
Perry. His nieces, nephews and seven grandchildren who he dearly loved.
Gary was born in Cedar Grove, West Virginia in 1941 and attended Cedar Grove
High School. After high school, he joined the Marines for four years, then he
attended West Virginia Tech College in Montgomery, WV. In 1965, he married and
moved to California.
Gary began his career with the Los Angeles Police Department in 1971, where he
worked for 32 years. He had experience in many departments and, along with his
fellow officers, he did what he was proud to do as a Police Officer. He retired
as Detective III. After retirement he was active with Civil Air Patrol.
Gary lived a very full life and enjoyed his family, friends, and activities. He
loved living in Southern California and got his private pilot license, rode
Harley Davidson motorcycles, riding with various Harley clubs. He rode horses,
parachuted out airplanes, ran marathons, and enjoyed boating and camping.
His cause of death was complications from a stroke. His funeral arrangements
were handled by Arlington Mortuary in Riverside, Ca. He was buried at Riverside
National Cemetery on January 23, 2023, with military and LAPD honor guards.
Idaho Statesman on May 27, 2023
Janise S. Higginbotham Miller Dunn (1953-2022) ID/CA
July 11, 1953 - August 10, 2022
La Quinta, California - Jan Higginbotham passed away on August 10, 2022 in La Quinta, CA. Jan was born in 1953, daughter of Bill and Olethia Higginbotham. Growing up in Wendell and described herself simply as an Idaho Farm Girl. Summer would find her hiking or fishing in the Ketchum area. Jan was a graduate of Boise State University, a real estate broker, working in Ketchum and Boise. Jan was preceded in death by her husband, James Dunn of Boise.
The Porterville Recorder on Jan. 27, 2024
Kerry L. Higginbotham (1968-2024)
Kerry L. Higginbotham was born to Deborah and Larry Higginbotham
October 3, 1968 in Porterville, Ca. On March 1, 1969 Larry was declared a
casualty of the Vietnam War before he got the chance to meet his daughter. When
Kerry was 3 years old, her mother Deborah's life was taken by a drunk driver in
Hanford, Ca. It was at this time she was adopted by her grandparents Bishop and
Cordia Hilliard.
When Kerry was 21 years of age, she suffered a brain aneurism. With
determination and perseverance she regained strength and learned to walk and
talk again. To know Kerry was to love her. She loved frogs, anything green or
purple, hot chocolate, electric blankets, making cards on her computer for all
her loved ones, her church (First Southern Baptist, Porterville) and above all
Kerry and her mom Cordia were two peas in a pod. They would wake up before
sunrise to read their Bibles and go for walks in the walnut orchard. After the
passing of her parents, she lived out the rest of her days with her brother,
family and cat.
Kerry went to be with her Lord and Savior January 21, 2024 after suffering a
hemorrhagic stroke. At the end of her life, she was able to save others by being
an organ donor.
She is survived by family and many friends. There will be no services at this
time. You can remember Kerry when flashing a big smile and giving two thumbs up.
Merced Sun Star from Aug. 17 to Aug. 19, 2024
Barbara Ellen Stivers Higginbotham (1950-2024) CA
March 22, 1950 - August 15, 2024
Atwater, California - Barbara passed away at home after a long battle with multiple sclerosis. She was a CPA and was active with the Merced Rotary Club for many years. She was preceded in death by her parents William and Marilyn Stivers, her son Bill Higginbotham, and sister Charlene Lumzer. She is survived by her amazing husband Roger who has diligently taken care of her. Her daughter Laura Perkins (Ray), two grandchildren Seth and Sadie Perkins, Carol Brockmeyer (sister) and a handful of nieces and nephews. The family will be having a private burial.
Inyo Register on Sep. 7, 2024
Barbara Jean Oman Higginbotham (1957-2024) CA
Barbara Jean Higginbotham, passed away peacefully June
23, 2024 at her home in Bishop, California with her family at her side. Barbara
was born on November 15, 1957 in Lancaster, California to her parents Harry and
Ruth Oman. Barbara graduated from Quartz Hill High School in 1975 before
furthering her education at California State University, Chico. She then went on
to complete her Masters Degree at UC Berkley in Dietetics.
A dedicated and caring registered dietitian, Barbara served the community of
Bishop at Northern Inyo Hospital for 28 years, bringing both professional
expertise and genuine kindness to all her interactions. Throughout her life, she
was an enthusiastic supporter of the Anaheim Ducks and found joy in traveling –
especially when it involved exploring various destinations and visiting her
beloved grandchildren.
A loving wife of 41 years to Michael Higginbotham and devoted mother to her sons
and daughter-in-law, Evan, Grant and Caitlin. Barbara's warmth extended to her
entire family, including sisters Christine Lynch (Stanley) and Patti Del Bondio,
and sister-in-law Rita Oman. Her life was enriched by her grandsons, Connor and
Ethan, and she was a cherished aunt to numerous nieces and nephews. Barbara was
preceded in death by her brothers, James and Robert.
In accordance with her wishes, no memorial services will be held. Barbara's
legacy of love, care and joyful spirit will continue to live on through the many
lives she touched.
Turlock Memorial Park & Funeral Home on Oct. 10, 2024
Shaun Ryan Higginbotham (1986-20240 CA
Shaun Ryan Higginbotham, born on March 6, 1986, in Santa
Cruz, California, left this world too soon on October 2, 2024. A devoted son,
partner, brother, uncle, and friend, Shaun was a beacon of light to all who knew
Raised in Turlock, Shaun graduated from Archway Academy High School and attended
Modesto Junior College, where he nurtured his passion for helping others. He
held various roles throughout his career, from a dedicated Dairy Queen Manager
to a Community Coordinator and Instructor for developmentally disabled adults.
His compassion extended to his work as a guitar instructor, relay operator for
the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and as a caretaker - embodying the spirit of
service in every aspect of his life. He also spent many years as a Mail Carrier
with the United States Postal Service.
Shaun was deeply loved by his longtime partner, Rae Alexis Ricafort; and is
survived by his parents, Diana Kaysen and Jeffrey Higginbotham; his sister,
Carissa (Garrett) Lucas; his cherished nephew, Ethan Beaudette; and his niece,
Stevie Lucas. He is also preceded in death by beloved grandparents.
Shaun's passions included art, beach trips, playing guitar, disc golf,
skateboarding, gaming, mycology, and running. Whether he was strumming a tune,
hitting the trails, or enjoying a round of disc golf, Shaun approached every
moment with an easygoing smile and good humor.
Shaun's warmth, kindness, and humor will be profoundly missed by all who had the
privilege of knowing him. In honor of his spirit, let us carry forward his
legacy of compassion and joy, celebrating the beautiful moments he shared with
A memorial service will be held to honor Shaun's life, where friends and family
can gather to share stories, laughter, and love. In lieu of flowers, the family
kindly requests donations to local charities that support disabled individuals
and their families, reflecting Shaun's commitment to service and community.
Rest in peace, Shaun. Your light will forever shine in our hearts.