Georgia Obituaries
The Daily Constitution 06/11/1876
Daniel T. Higginbotham (ca1833-1876) GA
Died in Georgia
D. T. Higginbotham of Elbert county.
Rome Daily Courier 12/18/1881
William Barton Higginbotham (ca1818-1881) VA/GA
(Rome, Ga., Dec. 16) William B. Higginbotham, who was probably the wealthiest
colored man in this State, died at his residence in this city yesterday, having
been in bad health for several weeks. He was free born, and a native of
Virginia, though moving to this city in the year 1848.
Meriwether County Vindicator 07/16/1886
Henry Mitchell Higginbothem (1806-1886) GA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Henry, of Luthersville, died July 3rd and was
buried at Providence Church on July 4th.
The Atlanta Constitution 06/24/1902
Dorothy May Higginbotham (1902-1902) GA
Dorothy May, the 5-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Higginbotham, was buried this morning. The interment was in Rose Hill cemetery. Rev. Mr. Harrison conducted the services.
Elberton Star 01/14/1913
Martha Elizabeth Higginbotham Bond (1830-1913) GA
Mrs. Martha Bond, aged 80 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. O. Davenport in Elberton this morning about 7 o'clock. She had been sick about six months. Mrs. Bond was one of the best women of the county, and was loved by all who knew her. She will be buried at Concord church Wednesday morning. She was the mother of J. W. Bond, Mrs. E. O. Davenport, B. R. Bond, B. F. Bond, Jep W. Bond and Jack Bond.
Atlanta Constitution 3/15/1913
John Thomas Higginbothem
(1840-1913) GA
J. T. Higginbothem, Police Chief, Dies
West Point, Ga., March 14-(Special)--The death of J. T. Higginbothem at his home
last night removed one of the oldest and best loved citizens of West Point. He
was in his usual health all day until the evening when he fell ill. He was a
veteran of the Twenty-first Georgia regiment and of Company F, and served
through the war being wounded seven times.
He was born in Harris county, Georgia, and was 73 years old. He was, at the time
of his death, chief of police of West Point. He had never voted for a president
since the war till he voted for President Woodrow Wilson. The funeral services
were held at the home this afternoon and were conducted by Rev. Graham
Forrester, pastor of the First Baptist church, followed by interment in Pinewood
He is survived by his wife, one son, Ward Higginbothem of Atlanta; two
daughters, Mrs. Sidney Fuller and Miss Lucy Higginbothem of West Point; also by
three sisters, Mrs. J. S. Horseley, Sr., Mrs. C. Strong of West Point, and Mrs.
G. Henderson of LaGrange.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/27/1915
George Scoville Higginbotham (1902-1915) VA/GA
George Scoville Higginbotham, aged 1, died at a local hotel Sunday morning at 3 o'clock. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Higginbotham; one sister, Miss Leonora Ruth Higginbotham. The body was removed to Patterson's chapel.
The Madisonian 01/14/1916
Martha J. Stanton Higginbotham (1848-1916) GA
On Saturday night last at her home near Centennial church, occurred the death of
Mrs. Rufus Higginbotham, Sr. She had been in failing health for several months,
but had been confined to her bed only about two weeks.
The funeral occurred from Centennial church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock and
was attended by a large concourse of people. The services were conducted by
Elder Cook, of Social Circle, assisted by Rev. S. E. Rogers. A choir composed of
Mrs. Dave Dickson, Miss Clyde Dickson, Messrs. Fayette Nunn, John Hutchison and
John Oxford, sang, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," "Nearer, My God to Thee," and
"Shall We Gather at the River?"
There were many beautiful floral offerings. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. W.
and H. W. Atkinson, W. A. Oxford, D. M. Dickson, W. H. Morris and W. P. Beardes.
Mrs. Higginbotham was before her marriage Miss Martha Stanton, and was born
about sixty-nine years ago in Newton county. For over thirty years she had lived
where she died. She is survived by her husband and five sons -- Will, Millard,
Dump, Rob and Mat Higginbotham. Two girls died in infancy. Two brothers and two
sisters survive her -- Mrs. Hill Cooper, of Newton county, Mrs. Sallie Folds, of
Broughton, W. H. Stanton, of Social Circle, and L. S. Stanton, of Montgomery.
Another sister, Mrs. John Stanton, died at Newborn a few weeks ago.
The deceased was a member of Harris Springs Primitive Baptist Church, in Newton
County, and was a pious, consecrated, good woman, who will be remembered for the
good life she lived.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/15/1918
Cora Victoria Sullivan Higginbotham (1882-1918) GABU
Mrs. E. J. Higginbotham, 24 years old, of 62 Jett street, died Wednesday night
at 11:45 o'clock at a private hospital. The body is at the undertaking parlors
of Harry G. Poole.
The Madisonian, 06/06/1919
Rufus S. Higginbotham (1845-1919) GA
Passing Away of A Splendid Citizen
Saturday last at the home of his son, Mr. J. W. Higginbotham, near Centennial
church, occurred the death of Mr. Rufus S. Higginbotham. He had been growing
feeble for a number of years and was confined to his bed two weeks.
The funeral occurred from Centennial church on Sunday afternoon, and was largely
attended. The services were conducted by Elder Cook, of social Circle, and
interment was in the churchyard beside his wife, who died nearly four years ago.
The deceased was in his seventy-fourth year, and was born in Walton county,
moving to Morgan county forty years ago. Early in life he married Miss Martha
Stanton, of Newton county. Five sons survive them -- Messrs. J. W., M. H. and R.
H. Higginbotham, of Morgan county, R. S. Higginbotham, Jr., of Taliafero county,
and M. O. Higginbotham, of Atlanta. Two daughters died in infancy.
The deceased served in the civil war as a private in Gibson's Battery, Army of
Tennessee. He was one of the best men and best citizens who ever lived in Morgan
county. He has left to his stalwart and manly sons the priceless heritage of a
good name.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/7/1922
Joseph Clinton Higginbotham (1910-1922) GA
Joe Higginbotham, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Higginbotham, died Thursday at the residence, 311 Spring street, Decatur. Besides his parents, he is survived by three sisters, Frances, Marian and Nelcie, and three brothers, Howard, Sterling and Jim. Turner & Everett in charge.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 8/16/1922
Louis Wesley Higginbothan (1922) GA
Louie Wesley, the seven months old son of Sgt. and Mrs. Durrett Higginbotham, died yesterday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock at the Station Hospital at Fort Benning after an illness of about five days. Sgt. and Mrs. Higginbotham have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of their little one. The remains will be shipped on the 7:30 Central train this morning to Florala, Ala., for the funeral and interment.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/30/1924
Violet E. Higginbotham Hull (1903-1924) GA
Mrs. Violet H. Hull, 20, 123 Wellington street, died Tuesday at her home. She is survived by her husband, E.B. Hull; her mother, Mrs. Fannie Higginbotham; two brothers, H.C. and Marcus Higginbotham; a sister, Mrs. J.S. McMullin, all of Atlanta. Awtry & Lowndes, funeral directors in charge of the body.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/23/1924
Andrew Jackson Higginbotham (1870-1924) GA
Andrew Jackson Higginbotham, 54, died Thursday at the residence, 480 Griffin street. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lilly Higginbotham; a son, C.F. Higginbotham, and a brother, J.H. Higginbotham.
T.C. Bazemore in charge.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/3/1924
George A. Higginbotham (????-19240 GA
Funeral services for Mr. George A Higginbotham, of 99 McMillan street, were held yesterday evening at 7 o'clock, at the residence. Interment will be in Warsaw Cemetery, near Norcross, Ga., today.
H.M. Patterson & Son.
The Madisonian, 03/05/1926
Willie Stanton "Stanley" Higginbotham (1905-1926) GA/FL
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will Higginbotham sympathize with them in the
death Sunday in a Florida hospital of their second son, Stanley, who went to
Florida last fall to work at Miami. He had been in failing health for
several months.
The remains were brought to Madison and interred at Centennial church
Wednesday afternoon, the services conducted by the pastor, Rev. S. E. Rogers.
The funeral was largely attended and there were beautiful floral offerings.
The deceased was one of the best boys ever reared in this county, and was
thought much of by everyone who knew him. He would have been twenty-one
years of age March 19th. He was a member of Centennial Baptist church.
He farmed with his father near Madison last year and went to Florida in the fall
where he secured a good position at Miami.
Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister, Miss Ludie, and two
brothers -- J. R. and Robert Higginbotham, and many other relatives and friends.
The family came with the remains. Morgan has never had better
citizens than Will Higginbotham and his family and their many friends sympathize
with them in their bereavement.
W. C. Hemperley was the undertaker in charge.
The Covington News 02/18/1927
Lula Florence Higginbotham Loyd (1863-1927) GA
Mrs. J. M. Loyd Dies
Mrs. John Milton Loyd, widow of the late J. M. Loyd who died in January, passed
on Thursday, Jan. 17th at 3 a. m., and was buried at three p.m., the same day
from the Methodist Church, Rev. J. Lee Allgood officiating.
The pall bearers were from the Baraca Class.
Mrs. Loyd was Miss Lula Higginbotham of Morgan county, a woman of sincere
Christian character and was greatly beloved by all who knew her.
The mortician in charge was Mr. J. W. Tong of the Harwell Company.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 10/17/1928
Maud Wiler Higginbothan (1923-1928) GA/AL
Maud Wiler Higginbotham, 5, died at the home of her parents, 701 Thirteenth Avenue, Phenix City, at 3:25 o'clock Tuesday morning of pneumonia.
Beside the parents, Mr. and Mrs. C,N, Weaver, she is survived by two brothers, Luther Weaver and Ilmon Dempsey Higginbotham of Phenix City, and a sister, Leona Weaver, of Phenix City. The body will probably be carried sometime Wednesday to Hacoda, Ala., for funeral and interment.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/15/1928
Mary Florence Green Higginbothem (1867-1928) GA
Mrs. W. H. Higginbotham, 61, died Friday at her residence, 626 Killian street. She is survived by her husband; two sons, Frank Bowling of San Francisco, and W. H. Higginbotham, Jr.; a sister, Miss Fannie Green, and a brother, Roy L. Green. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Trinity Methodist church, of which Mrs. Higginbotham was an active member for many years. The Rev. Homer Thompson will be in charge, assisted by the Rev. Wallace Rogers. Burial will be in West View cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/17/1929
Mary Baxter Winston Higginbothem (1853-1929) GA
Mrs. Higginbothem Funeral Services Held at Woodlawn
LaGrange, Ga., Dec. 16 (Special) - Funeral services for Mrs. mary Winston Higginbothem, 76, who died at her house at Woodlawn, near West point, Sunday night, were held from the residence Monday afternoon. Mrs. Higginbothem had been ill for several months.
The Rev. Jones, pastor of the First Methodist church, and Rev. S. P. Speigel, pastor of the Christian church, officiated and burial took place in the family cemetery at Woodlawn.
Mrs. Higginbothem was one of the best know women in the state, having served as president of the North Georgia Missionary conference of the M.E. church for 27 years. She was president of the Fort Tyler Chapter, U.D.C. and a member of the D.A.R. She was the daughter of George Henry and Ann Whitaker Winston, pioneer settlers of Troup county, and the widow of William Buford Higginbothem.
She is survived by four nieces, Mrs. E.T. Moon, LaGrange, Miss Ann Winston, Miss Jessie Winston and Mrs. Winifred Fulcher, West Point, and one nephew, George Winston, also of West Point.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/20/1931
Ward Henry Higginbothem (1873-1931) GA
Higginbothem - The friends and relatives of Mrs. and Mrs. Ward Henry Higginbotham, of 1719 Rogers Avenue; Mr. W. H. Higginbothem Jr., Mrs. S. M. Fuller and Miss Lucy H. Higginbothem, of West point, Ga.; Mrs. Annie H. Higginbothem, Misses Frances H., Augusta, and Mrs. Mary Higginbothem, and Mr. John H. Higginbothem are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Ward Henry Higginbothem this (Thursday) afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Trinity M. E. church. Dr. Homer Thompson will officiate. Interment will be in West View Cemetery. The following named gentlemen will please serve as pallbearers and meet at the residence at 2:30 o'clock: Mr. Louie W. Thomason, Mr. Fal Thomason, Mr. Guy Melchor, Mr. Chas. L. Ashley, Mr. T. S. Florence and Mr. Shannon. The stewards of Trinity M. E. church will act as honorary escort and meet at the church. Brandon-Bishop Co. funeral directors in charge.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/14/1932
Frances R. Wray Higginbotham (ca1883-1932) GA
Madison, Ga., March 13 - Mrs. R. S. Higginbotham died at her home here Sunday. Funeral services will be held from the First Baptist church here at 2 p.m. Monday, with the Rev. Adams, assisted by the Rev. Ivey, officiating. Interment will be in the Rutledge cemetery.
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, R. S. Higginbotham; a son, R. T.. Higginbotham; a daughter, Mrs. C. E. Dukes, Norcross; a sister, Mrs. S. S. Perkins, Stone Mountain, and three brothers, J. L. Wray, of Augusta; James and Evans Wray, both of Texas.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/23/1932
Agnes Duncan Higginbotham (1917-1932) FL/GA
Funeral services for Mrs. H. C. Higginbotham, 17 years old, of 572 Lee street, who died Thursday in an ambulance while on the way to a hospital, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the chapel of Awtry & Lowndes. Interment will be in the Greenwood cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband and her mother.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/16/1932
Robert Toombs Higginbotham (1856-1932) GA
Final rites will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the graveside in East View Cemetery for R. T. Higgenbotham, 75, who died Thursday at his residence at 116 Warren street, N.E., following an extended illness. The Rev. W.T. Hamby will officiate. He is survived by a son, M.C. Higgenbotham, and several grandchildren, all of Atlanta. A.S. Turner is in charge.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/27/1933
Julia Laura Higginbotham Banks (1870-1933) GA
Banks - Died, Mrs. George F. Banks, of 703 State street, N.W., November 26, 1933. She is survived by her daughters, Mrs. J.C. Martin, Daytona Beach, Fla.; Mrs. W.S. Allen, Birmingham, Ala.; sons, Mr. P.A. Banks, Mr. L.R. Banks; brother, Mr. William Higginbotham. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, November 28, 1933, at 11 o'clock ay Spring Hill. Rev. W.A. Duncan will officiate. Interment Hollywood cemetery. H.M. Patterson & Son.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/13/1935
Peggy June Higginbotham (ca1885-1935) GA
Royston, Ga., March 12 - Mrs. B. R. Higginbotham, 50, prominent woman of near here, died at her home near Royston following an illness of two weeks. Funeral services were held from Allen's church with Rev. J.W. Lee, of Carnesville, officiating.
She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Miss Susie Higginbotham, Carnesville.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/9/1935
Nettie Morphy Higginbotham (1862-1935) MI/GA
Higginbotham - Died, Mrs. William E. Higginbotham, of the Biltmore apartments, June 8, 1935. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. C.H. Becker, Washington, D.C.; son, Mr. Bruce F. Higginbotham; brother, Mr. John D. Morphy, Detroit, Mich. The remains were taken last night (Saturday) at 7:30 o'clock to Detroit, Mich., for services and interment. Detroit papers please copy. H.M. Patterson & Son.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/12/1935
Mary Frances Pannell Higginbotham (1893-1935) GA
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Higginbotham, Bill, Leland and Master James Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Pannell, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Pannell. P.D., Robert H. and J.B. Pannell, all of Atlanta, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Marvin Higginbotham, 1:30 o'clock This (Thursday) afternoon, from Inman Park Baptist church, on Hurt street. Dr. S.F. Love will officiate. Pallbearers selected will please assemble at the church. Ida Rhodes Bible Class will act a honorary escort, and also assemble at the church. Interment Greenwood cemetery. Awtry & Lowndes.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/15/1937
Lilla Ellen McCall Higginbotham (1872-1965) GA
Mr. J.H. Higginbotham, 65, who died Sunday at her home after a long illness were held this afternoon at Southwest LaGrange Baptist church. Rev. C. Goforth, pastor, officiating, assisted by Rev. W.P. Cofield and Rev. Garrett Wilson, of Columbus. Burial was in Hillview cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, two daughters, Mrs. J.D. Lyle of Cochran, and Mrs. Otis Cannon, of Canton; a granddaughter, Mrs. Carlton Woodson; four sons, J.C. Higginbotham of Winston-Salem, N.C.; R.J. Higginbotham of Mooresville, N.C.; Clarence G. Higginbotham and J.T. Higginbotham Jr., of LaGrange; her father, R.C. McCall, of Atlanta; two brothers, R.C. McCall Jr. and H.C. McCall, of Atlanta; 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 8/5/1938
George Emmett Higginbotham (1938) GA
George Emmett Higginbotham, four-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Higginbotham, of 1332 Sixteenth street, died last night at 11:10 o'clock at the city hospital after an illness of four weeks.
Besides his parents, the child is survived by a sister, Barbara Ann.
Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock at Briton and Dobbs Mortuary chapel, with Rev. G.N. Rainey officiating. Interment will be in Riverdale cemetery.
The following will serve as pallbearers, Calvin Burch, Billy Broderick, Johnny Broderick, and Buck McClusky.
Elvin Patrick Higginbotham (1892-1938) GA
Funeral services were held at Hickox Saturday for Elvin Patrick Higginbotham, 46, who died in a Macon hospital Thursday night following a heart attack.
Mr. Higginbotham was a World War Veteran. He was a native of Hickox but was employed by the State Highway Department and was located at Fort Valley at the time of his death.
Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Bob Cochran of Quitman and Miss Hazel Higginbotham of Hickox; one son, Elvin, of Miami, Fla.; his mother, Mrs. Annie Higginbotham of Hickox; six brothers, James of Brunswick, Arnold of Lulaton, Earnie of S.C., Hilton of Folkston, and Flurnay and Stanley of Thomasville; two sisters, Mrs. R.A. Griffin of Hickox, and Mrs. Leonard Jones of St. Marm's; besides a host of other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Register of Waycross, and pallbearers were Messrs. Hodges, J.F. Johns, B.D. Johns, Arl Johns, Mallory Johns, J.W. Sundy, Glen White, and Woodrow Wildes.
Interment was in Hickox cemetery.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 5/24/1939
Georgia Alabama Higginbothem Horsley (1854-1939) AL/GA
West Point, Ga., May 23 - Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. J.S. Horsley, 85, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of West Point, who died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N.L. Atkinson. Rev. John W. Faulkner and Mrs. Horsley's former pastor, Rev. Hope Shirley, of Elberton officiated.
Mrs. Horsley had lived in West Point for 60 years. Recently she was honored by the congregation of the West Point Baptist Church as its oldest member, having been affiliated with this congregation for 70 years. Before her marriage to Dr. John S. Horsley, who died in 1919, she was Miss Georgia Higginbotham, one of the pioneer families of Troup county.
She is survived by five children, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Eunice Winston, Mrs. E.L Henderson and Mrs. Amos Huguley, of West Point; Mrs. Frank Bolan of Atlanta; and John H. Horsley, of West Point.
Burial was in the Pinewood cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/2/1940
Annie Belle Bailey Higginbotham (1898-1940) GA/IN
Funeral services for Mrs. Fred C. Higginbotham, 42, former Atlantan,who died
Saturday in Terre Haute, Indiana, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at
the chapel of J. Austin Dillon Company. The Rev. W. M. Albert will officiate and
burial will be in Hollywood cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her
husband; one daughter, Mrs. J. C. Christian, of Terre Haute; four sisters, Mrs.
Irene Robinson, Mrs. R. H. Griffith, Mrs. Mamie Mitchell and Mrs. A. R. Myers
and four brothers, E. A., A. D., J. M. and W. K. Bailey.
The Madisonian, 01/02/1941
John William Higginbotham (1868-1941) GA/FL
Former Citizen Passes In Miami
On Monday of last week at his home in Miami occurred the death of Mr. J. W.
Higginbotham. He had been in failing health for a long while.
The remains with members of the family reached Madison Wednesday morning, and
the body was placed in state at the Hempeley funeral home until afternoon, when
it was taken to Centennial church, where Rev. W. T. Booth conducted a simple and
appropriate funeral service.
The church choir sang several favorite hymns and there were many beautiful
floral offerings.
Pall bearers were Messrs. Troy and Herman Mitchem, J. C., Millard Hill, Raymond
and Addison Higginbotham.
Interment was in the churchyard, W. C. Hemperley undertaker in charge.
The deceased was the oldest of several sons of the late Rufus and Martha Stanton
Higginbotham, and was 73 years old. He was born near Rutledge, in Walton county.
In 1890 he was married to Miss Beatrice Murray, in Morgan county, who survives
him with three children -- Robert and J. R. Higginbotham and Mrs. Ludie Ashurst,
all of Miami. Mr. R. H. Higginbotham, of Madison, is a brother.
Two children are dead -- a girl in infancy and Stanton at the age of twenty.
Honorary pall bearers were Messrs. Jac, Jim and Will Jones.
There are a number of nieces and nephews.
He was a member of Centennial Baptist church.
He moved with his family to Miami more than fifteen years ago.
The Madisonian man mourns the death of Will Higginbotham. We became friends some
forty years ago, in his early married life, while he lived at the Morrison
We liked him for the sterling qualities of his mind and heart. He pursued the
even tenor of his way, and his heart was full of the milk of human kindness. He
had a high sense of honor and integrity and had the confidence and esteem of all
who knew him.
We knew him well and liked him much, and a feeling of sadness comes over us when
we realize that he has gone to return no more.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/12/1941
William Percy Higginbotham (1871-1941) GA
Brunswick, Ga. - William Percy Higginbotham, 70, prominent Glynn county resident, died at his suburban home Tuesday night after a long illness. He was born in this county and had lived here all of his life. He engaged in farming and other interests. He is survived by his wife and five children: J.P and Oscar Higginbotham, Mrs. J.T. Edwards, Mrs. Ernest Cribb and Mrs. J.O. Inman, of Brunswick; a sister, Mrs. E.C. Miller, of Tampa. Funeral services were held this morning at the home conducted by the Rev. J.R. Webb, Methodist minister, with interment in Taylor's Chapel Cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/4/1942
Reuben Carter Higginbotham (1860-1942) GA
R. C. Higginbotham Dies at Age of 82
R. C. Higginbotham, 82, of Elberton, father of Thomas B. Higginbotham, of 557 Lawton street, S.W., died last night at his residence.
He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Maud Slaton, Mrs. Cleora Cleveland, and Mrs. Frank Brown, and four other sons, J.E., E.G., L.P., and L.W. Higginbotham
Funeral services will be held tomorrow in Elberton.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/5/1942
Lettie Cleland Higginbotham (1884-1942) GA
Church Worker Is Dead; Rites Tomorrow
Mrs. J. D. Higginbotham Was Prominent In religious Societies
Mrs. J. D. Higginbotham, 58, of 489 Moreland avenue, S.E., died yesterday in a private hospital.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Martha Brown Memorial Methodist church. She wwas a member of the Women's Missionary Society and the Women's Society of Christian Service. She was born in Hartwell, and had been living in Atlanta for the past 40 years.
Her husband, J. D. Higginbotham, is a retired conductor for the Southern Railway Company.
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. H.A. Caraway and Miss Kate Higginbotham; two sons, Clyde and J. D. Higginbotham Jr., of Atlanta; her mother, Mrs. S. C. .Cleland, of Atlanta; four sisters, Mrs. G. D. Byrd, of Chamblee, Mrs. L. W. Lee, of Greenville, S. C., and Mrs. Frank C. Tinsley and Mrs. W. H. Cheek, of Atlanta; and two brothers, P. P. Cleland, of Panama, and W. A. Cleland, of Chehalis, Wash.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Martha Brown Memorial Methodist church. The Rev. Horace S. Smith, the Rev. T. T. Davis, and the Rev. Robert W. Burns will officiate. Burial will be in West View cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/16/1945
Jettie Mae Higginbotham Tanner (1886-1945) GA
Tanner, Mrs. Fred - of Oxford, Ga., passed away at her home Aug. 14. She is survived by her husband; 3 children, Mrs. N.C. Baker, Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. E.W. Whitmire, Canton, Ga.; T, Sgt. Freddie F. Tanner; mother, Mrs. Maranda Higginbotham, Oxford, Ga.; 4 grandchildren, C.O. Baker, fireman second class, U.S. Navy; Wilba, Ruby and Edna Whitmire, Canton, Ga.; 4 brothers, B.H. Higginbotham, Canton, Ga.; H.G., J.B. and G.A. Higginbotham, Monroe, Ga. Funeral services will be conducted today, Aug. 16, at 4 p.m., from the Macedonia Baptist church, Rev. Ernest Crowe officiating. Interment churchyard. G.W. Caldwell & Son, funeral home, in charge.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/3/1946
Sam Haynes Higginbotham (ca1912-19460 GA
Atlantan Killed As Auto Plunges From Highway
Sam Haynes Higginbotham, 33, of 424 Hood street, S.W., an employee of the Atlanta Woolen Mills, was killed yesterday when the automobile which he was driving apparently ran off the road and turned over twice on state highway 7, three miles north of Perry, Georgia.
Higginbotham was en route to Baxley, Ga., to seek employment and begin negotiations for leasing a tract of farmland...
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, the former Mrs. Doris Bramlett; four sons, Marshall Bramlett, Eugene, Carl and Jack Higginbotham, all of Atlanta; a daughter, Miss Annie Laura Bramlett; four brothers, T.E. and W.C. Higginbotham, both of Atlanta, Ben of Toccoa, Ga., and Roy Higginbotham, of Greenwood, S.C.; and five sisters, Mrs. Mary McCrary, Mrs. Center Sasby and Mrs. Collins Kirby, all of Atlanta, Mrs. Dave Gray, of Jonesboro, and Mrs. Lamb Cordell, of Toccoa.
Funeral arrangements will be announced by J. Austin Dillon.
The West Point News 6/19/1947
Annie Shealy Higginbothem (1871-1947) AL/GA
Beloved Woman Laid to Rest in West Point
Mrs. Annie Shealey Higginbotham Died Thursday, June 12
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at ten-thirty o'clock at the First Baptist church, West point, for Mrs. Annie Shealey Higginbothem, member of a pioneer East Alabama family, who died at her home Thursday evening following a serious illness of several weeks.
Her pastor, the Rev. C. Douglas Jackson, assisted by the Rev. George M. Acree, pastor of the First Methodist church, conducted the sad rites.
Interment was in the local cemetery.
Pall-bearers were J.C. Murphey, Walton Montgomery of Opelika, Roy Pirkle, D.P Cook, Frank Norman, Sr., Frank Williams, W.P. Jackson, and R.S. Heard.
Born in Cusseta, Ala., the daughter of the late Mr.. and Mrs. George W. Shealey, Mrs. Higginbothem had lived in West point for 45 years, where she was active in social and religious life of the community. She was the widow of W. J. Higginbothem.
The survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Giles Myers, Atlanta, Mrs. John C. MacGregor, and Miss Frances L. Higginbothem, both of West point; one son, John T. Higginbothem, West point; five grandchildren; two nieces, Mrs. L.W. Montgomery, Opelika, and Mrs. Homer Howell, Roanoke; and a nephew, C.S. Shealey, Opelika.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/22/1948
Mattie Lee Allen Higginbotham (1919-1948) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. John W. Higginbotham will be held today, (Monday) at 3 p.m. at the Pleasant Valley Methodist Church with the Rev. Jesse Warwick and Rev. J.T. Payne officiating. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Allen, Monroe, Ga.; brother, Mr. Thomas Eugene Allen; sisters, Mrs. Elmer Malcom, Mrs. Billie Daws and Mrs. A.D. Jones, Monroe, Ga., and Mrs. C.M. McCleskey, Atlanta. Interment, Monroe, Ga. The E.L. Almand Co., Funeral Directors, Monroe, Ga.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 3/26/1949
Lillie Pearl Nickens Higginbotham (1905-1949) AL/GA
LaGrange, Ga., March 25 - Funeral for Mrs. Lillie Pearl Higginbotham, 44, who died Wednesday at the residence after an illness of a few days, was held yesterday at the Southwest LaGrange Baptist Church with the Rev. Jesse J. Ray, pastor, officiating.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Pell City, Ala., and had lived in LaGrange for five years. She was an employee of a local textile plant and member of the Southwest LaGrange Baptist Church.
She is survived by her husband, B.W. Higginbotham, LaGrange; three sons, Ralph L. Higginbotham, Warner Robins; Robert W. Higginbotham, Porterdale; and Claude Higginbotham, LaGrange; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Nickens, Post, Tex., four sisters, Mrs. Hattie Barrett, Hogansville; Mrs. Ruio Davis, Lakeside, Calif.; Mrs. Mildred Bowen, Lovick, Tex.; and Mrs. Imogene Fields, Patterson, Ark.; six brothers, Lonie and Richard Nickens, Lovick, Tex.; Charles Nickens, New Mexico; Ralph Nickens, Post, Tex.; Duggan Nickens, Birmingham, Ala.; and Claude Nickens, LaGrange.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/21/1950
Jeptha D. Higginbotham (1882-1950) GA
Funeral services for J. D. Higginbotham, 68, of 489 Moreland Ave., S.E., retired railroad conductor, who died Tuesday, will be held at 12:30 p.m. Thursday at Spring Hill. The Rev. B.W. Hancock and the Rev. Lawrence V. Bradley, Jr., will officiate. Burial will be in the West View Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham, who died in a private hospital, was born in Elbert County, but had lived in Atlanta for more than 50 years. A Southern Railway conductor for 30 years, he was a member of the Brotherhood of Railwat Conductors and Martha Brown Memorial Methodist Church.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Kate Higginbotham and Mrs. H.A. Caraway; two sons, J.D. Higginbotham, Jr., all of Atlanta, and C.J. Higginbotham of Miami; a brother, L.T. Higginbotham, of Atlanta, and two grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/10/1951
Fannie Bailey Higginbotham Wood (1883-1951) GA
Wood - The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus B. Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wood, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Shaw, Mrs. J.W. Woolley, the seven grandchildren and the nieces and nephews are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. George W. (Fannie Higginbotham ) Wood this (Thursday) afternoon, May 10, 1961, at 3:30 o'clock from the chapel of Henry M. Blanchard & Son. Dr. Robert W. Burns will officiate and interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Pallbearers selected will meet at the chapel at 3:15.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/2/1952
Rufus Hough Higginbotham (187901952) GA
Funeral services for Mr. R. H. Higginbotham who died at his home in Madison, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the First Baptist Church in Madison. The Rev. Earle Stirewalt, pastor, and the Rev. W.S. Adams of Cartersville, Ga., will officiate. Interment, Madison City Cemetery. Survivors include three sons, Mr. Addison Higginbotham and Mr. Hugh Higginbotham, both of Atlanta; Mr. Walter Higginbotham, West Palm Beach, Fla.; one daughter, Miss Martha Higginbotham, New York. W.C. Hemperly Funeral Home, Madison, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/30/1952
Frances Coker Higginbotham (1873-1952) GA
Mrs. Frances F. Higginbotham passed away Oct. 28 in Winder, Ga. Surviving are her sisters, Miss Leila and Miss Claude Coker and Mrs. G. C. Mosley, all of Winder; Mrs. J.W. Bone, Atlanta; brothers, M.A. Coker, Statham; H.A. Coker, Atlanta, and Joe E. Coker, Winder; also a host of nieces and nephews. Services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o'clock from the chapel of the Wise Funeral Home, with Rev. E.H. Collins and Rev. J. Walker Chidsey officiating. interment, Rose Hill Cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/3/1953
Jessie Leona Prather Higginbotham (1875-1953) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie Prather Higginbotham of 1034 McMillan St., M.W., Atlanta, will be held Tuesday afternoon, March 3, at 2 o'clock at Bethebara Baptist Church. She is survived by sons, Mr. T.M. Higginbotham, Statham, Ga.; Mr. J.P. Higginbotham, Bogart, Ga.; Mr. W.R. Higginbotham, Redan, Ga.; Mr. R.F. Higginbotham, Atlanta, Ga.; daughters, Mrs. James A. Stepp, Bogart, Ga.; Mrs. Side Yoshinuma, Jonesboro, Ga.; Mrs. Lois Martin, Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Hoke Norris, Bogart, Ga.; brothers, Mr. Emory Prather, Mr. Freddie Prather, Good Hope, Ga.; sisters, Mrs. E.S. Gordon, Monroe, Ga.; Mrs. Mary Blasingame, Atlanta, Ga.; 11 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Interment, church cemetery. The E.L. Almand Co., Funeral Directors, Monroe, Ga.
The Madisonian 09/10/1953
Beatrice Mae Murray Higginbotham (1872-1953) GA/FL
Funeral services were held Sunday, September 6, at 2 p.m. for Mrs. J. Will
Higginbotham of Miami, Fla., at Centennial church with Rev. Elliot officiating.
Burial followed in Centennial cemetery with W. C. Hemperly, funeral director in
charge. Pallbearers were her nephews, Addison, Everett & Raymond Higginbotham,
Herman, Raymond and Vester Mitcham.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Morgan County, October 19, 1872, the daughter of
James M. and Theney Ann Shelton Murray. She was married in November 1890 in the
Centennial Baptist church of which she was a member for over 50 years. She
passed away Sept. 3 at the age of 80, after two years illness with heart
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by three children, Mrs. Guy Ashurst, J. R. and
Robert, C. H. Higginbotham of Miami, Fla.; one brother, Homer Murray, Madison;
and one sister Mrs. Alice Mitcham of Swords. At the time of her death she was a
member of the Stanton Memorial Baptist church in Miami, Fla.
One daughter, one son and husband preceded Mrs. Higginbotham in death. She left
Morgan county in 1925 for Miami. Her husband died December 22, 1941.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/13/1954
Alice C. Gregory Higginbotham (1879-1954) GA
Mrs. M.H. Higginbotham of Madison, Ga. Survived by three children, Millard Hill Higginbotham, South Carolina; Gregory Higginbotham, Pasadena, Calif.; Mrs. Sarah Alice Foreman, Athens, Ga. Funeral services will be held at the First Methodist Church, Madison, a 2 p.m. Saturday, the Rev. Zack Hayes and the Rev. John Maxwell officiating. Interment, City Cemetery. Please omit flowers. Those desiring may send contributions to the First Methodist Church, Madison, Ga. W.C. Hemperley Funeral Home, Madison, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/24/1954
Martha Kate Higginbotham (1912-1954) GA
Miss Martha Kate Higginbotham of 962 Blue Ridge Ave., NE, a comptometer operator, died Sunday afternoon in a private hospital after a lengthy illness.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Peachtree Memorial Mortuary. The Rev. Jesse D. Booth will officiate. Burial will be in Hollywood Cemetery.
A native Atlantan, Miss Higginbotham had been an employee of the Armour Fertilizer Co. for the past 19 years.
She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Emily Higginbotham; a sister, Miss Virginia Belle Higginbotham; two brothers, J.C. and E.O. Higginbotham, both of Atlanta.
The Columbus Enquirer 6/30/1954
Clarence Grady Higginbotham (1907-1954) GA
LaGrange, Ga., June 29 - Funeral services for Clarence G. Higginbotham, assistant treasurer, HDV Division, Callaway Mills Company, well known civic leader, who died unexpectedly last night at his home on Pine Woods Drive, will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the First Baptist Church.
The Rev. Thomas S. Field, pastor, will officiate, and will be assisted by Dr. John A. Wilson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.
Burial will follow in Shadowlawn with Arthur B. Edge Jr., A.U. Priester Jr., Glem M. Simpson, R.D. Brawner, G.E. Bryant, J.K. Boatwright, Robert J. Gwinn Jr. and R.E. McTigue of Albany serving as pallbearers.
The board of deacons of the First Baptist Church will serve as an honorary escort.
Mr. Higginbotham was born July 25, 1907 in Canton and came to LaGrange with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Higginbotham, in 1915. He had made his home here since that date except for several years residence in Social Circle with his parents.
He attended Gordon Military College in Barnesville where he was a four year letterman, and Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, where he studied business administration and finance. He had been associated with the Callaway organization for the past 28 years.
Mr. Higginbotham was active in civic affairs, having served on the LaGrange City Council, as past president of the LaGrange Lions Club, as Lions district governor and international councilor. He was a member of the board of deacons of the First Baptist Church at the time of his death and was active in various phases of the church program.
Surviving are his wife, the former Rosalie Wood of LaFayette, Ala.; two daughters, Miss Ellen Higginbotham and Miss Susan Higginbotham; his father, J.H. Higginbotham, all of LaGrange; two sisters, Mrs. J.D. Lyles of Cochran and Mrs. Otis Cannon of Canton, and three brothers, J.H. Higginbotham Jr. of Greenville, S.C., Robert J. Higginbotham of Charlotte, N.C., and J.C. Higginbotham of Winston-Salem, N.C.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/15/1956
Alice W. Dean Higginbotham (1870-1956) GA
Mrs. Alice Higginbotham of Danielsville, Ga., Rte. 2, at Fort Lamar, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1956, in her 86th year. She is survived by seven daughters, Mrs. Vesta H. Holbrook, Montgomery Co., Ala.; Mrs. Leland McWhirter, Royston, Ga.; Mrs. Grady Bone, Commerce, Ga.; Miss Lucille Higginbotham, Athens, Ga.; Mrs. Harold Cooper, Est Point, Ga.; Mrs. Reid Vaughn, Augusta, Ga.; Mrs. James E. Bradley, Knoxville, Tenn.; three sons, Mr. Howard B. Higginbotham, Athens, Ga.; Mr. Cleo B. Higginbotham, South Bay, Fla.; Mr. James D. Higginbotham, Carnesville, Ga.; one sister, Mrs. Oscar Sartin, Royston, Ga.; two brothers, Mr. Obe Dean, Comer, Ga.; Mr. Charlie Dean, Danielsville, Ga.; 16 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held today (Wednesday), Feb 15, at 11 o'clock from the Liberty Methodist Church at Fort Lamar, Rev. Buren Hancock officiating. Interment in churchyard. The body will be taken to the church at 10:15 o'clock and will lie in state until funeral hour. Little-Ward Funeral Home, Commerce, Ga., in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/12/1957
Eugenia Elmira Hansard Higginbotham (1881-1957) GA
Mrs. George D. (Eugenia Elmira) Higginbotham of 3325 Stillwood Dr., Hapeville, died Monday at her residence. She had been ill about 18 months.
Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Mitchell Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Hite will officiate. Burial will be in College Park Cemetery.
A native of Elberton, Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the First Baptist Church in Hapeville.
Surviving are her husband; two sons, Fred P. Higginbotham of Black Mountain, N.C., and G. Leon Higginbotham of Tampa, Fla.; a daughter, Mrs. Sarah H. Hale of Hapeville; two sisters, Mrs. Liza Dobbs of Atlanta and Mrs. Eunice Crabbe of Los Angeles, Calif.; and three brothers, R. W. Hansard of Atlanta, Dr. J.R. Hansard of Casper, Wyo., and Sam Hansard of Los Angeles, Calif.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/6/1957
Sara Elizabeth Higginbotham Gray (1887-1957) GA
Mrs. Sara Elizabeth Gray of Jonesboro passed away Thursday evening. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Dave Gray; daughters, Mrs. Eleanor Perkins, Jonesboro; Mrs. A.H. Perkins, McDonough; son, Mr. Lewis Gray, Jonesboro; sister, Mrs. Mary McCurry; brother, Mr. Tom Higginbotham; two half-sisters, two half-brothers, 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Zion Hill Baptist Church. Rev. T.J. Balliew will officiate. Interment in the old Philadelphia Cemetery. Abercrombie-Patterson, Jonesboro.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/13/1958
Margaret Cleveland Higginbotham (1887-1958) GA
Elberton, Jan. 12 - Mrs. Margaret (Maggie) Cleveland Higginbotham, 70 died Saturday at an Elberton hospital.
She was born in Hart County.
She is survived by her husband, James E. Higginbotham; one son, Carter C. Higginbotham, Yokyo, Japan; one daughter, Mrs. Hugh Carithers, Decatur; one brother, D.M. Cleveland of Elberton; one sister, Mrs. J.W. Crawford, College Park, and four grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 3p.m. Monday from the First Methodist Church. The Rev. C.L. Middlebrooks, the Rev. J.C. West and the Rev. C.M. Marsh will officiate. Burial will be in Elmhurst Cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/19/1958
Annie Cleora Higginbotham Cleveland (1889-1958) GA
The friends and relatives of Mrs. Woodfin A. (Cleora) Cleveland of Elberton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sanders of Elberton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melton, Atlanta' Mr. and Mrs. Emory Cleveland, Elberton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cleveland, Inglewood, Colo.; Mrs. Bernice brown, Greenville, S.C.; Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Higginbotham, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Higginbotham, Mr. J.E. Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Higginbotham, all of Elberton' and the grandchildren, are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Woodfin A. Cleveland, Sunday afternoon, April 20, 1958, at 3 o'clock from the Ruckersville Methodist Church near Elberton. The rev. W.A. Williams, Rev. Clifford Wheells and Rev. C.W. Davis will officiate. Interment church cemetery. Martin Funeral Home, Elberton, in charge.
Rome News-Tribune 6/13/1958
Melton Eugene Higginbotham (1893-1958) AL/GA
Milton Eugene Higginbotham, 64, of Route 3, passed away at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Talmadge Memorial Hospital, Augusta, Ga., following an illness of several months.
Mr. Higginbotham was born in Pell City, Ala., August 26, 1893, son of the late Sam and Katherine Higginbotham but had been a resident of Rome and Floyd County since 1932, coming here from Alabama. He was a former employee of the A.D. Juilliard Company and a member of the New Zion Baptist Church.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by the widow, the former Pearlie Bell McKnight; two daughters, Mrs. Annie Cantrell, Douglasville, and Miss Roberta Higginbotham, Rome Rt. 3; two sons, Charles and Milton Eugene Higginbotham Jr., both of Rome Rte. 3; three sisters, Mrs. J.W. Hurst, Mrs. Lila Merryman and Mrs. Crochet White, all of Pell City, Ala. A number of Nieces and nephews and nephews also survive.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the Mark McDonald Baptist Church with the pastor, The Rev. J.M. Cranford, the Rev. Leroy Perry, of Rossville, and the Rev. Dennis Nelson, pastor of New Zion Baptist Church, officiating. Interment will follow in East View Cemetery.
Six nephews will serve as pallbearers. Jennings Funeral Home of Rome has charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/27/1958
Henry Grady Higginbotham (1890-1958) GA
Funeral services for Mr. Henry Grady Higginbotham, Monroe, Ga., will be held this (Saturday) afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Monroe Presbyterian Church with remains placed in state in the church at 3. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Clyde Allen Higginbotham; children, Mr. Mahlon Higginbotham, Mrs. John Towler, Mr. Ben Higginbotham, Mrs. James F. Simons, Monroe, Ga.; Mr. Robert Higginbotham, Madison, ga., Rte.1; and eight grandchildren; brothers, Mr. Herschel Higginbotham, Campton; Mr. Blanton Higginbotham ad Mr. Garvin Higginbotham, Monroe, Ga. The Rev. David Daniels and Elder W.L. Allen will officiate. Interment in Rest Haven Cemetery. The E.L. Almand Co. Funeral Directors, Monroe, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/16/1959
Bessie Lee Warren Higginbotham (1890-1958) GA
Dalton - Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Warren Higginbotham, 67, who died Tuesday at her home, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Sugar Valley Baptist Church. The Rev. Arthur Smith will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
Born in Sugar Valley, Mrs. Higginbotham lived in Dalton for 22 years. She was the widow of J. Ralph Higginbotham.
Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. T.W. Wilson, Duluth; Mrs. S. W. Wilson, Atlanta; Mrs. R.O. Brown, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Mrs. A.R. Russ, Orlando, Fla.; a son, Donald R. Higginbotham, Dalton; two sisters, Mrs. H.A. Ray, Atlanta, and Mrs. H.H. Moss, Chattanooga, and two brothers, J.H. Warren, Milledgeville, and R.T. Warren, Atlanta.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/24/1959
Jeptha D. Higginbotham Jr. (1908-1959) GA/LA
Funeral services for J.D. (Jake) Higginbotham Jr., former Atlanta railroad man who died Wednesday in a New Orleans hospital, will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in Westview Abbey Chapel. the Rev. D.B. Shelnutt and the Rev. John A. Lasater will officiate. Burial will be in Westview Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Atlanta, was a veteran of World War I. He was retired from the car service department of the Southern Railway System.
Survivors include two sisters, Miss Kate Higginbotham and Mrs. Dorothy Caraway, and a brother, C. J. Higginbotham, all of Atlanta.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/22/1960
Frederick Benjiman Higginbotham (????-1960) GA
The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Benjiman Higginbotham, David Wayne Higginbotham, Robert Brian Higginbotham, Stephen Henry Higginbotham, all of Jacksonville Beach, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Higginbotham, Tate, Ga., are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Frederick Benjiman Higginbotham Monday August 22, 1960, at 11:30 o'clock at Spring Hill, Rev. Joe Parham officiating. Interment, Westview.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 9/23/1960
Joseph Lee Higginbotham (1869-1960) TX/GA
Joseph Lee Higginbotham, 90, 105-E Wilson Apartments, passed away Thursday morning at the Veteran Hospital in Montgomery, Ala. after a long illness. Mr. Higginbotham had resided in this area for the past 10 years. He was born in Salem, Tex., Nov. 28, 1869, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Higginbotham. Survivors include his wife, Dovie Taylor Higginbotham of Columbus; one son, William Higginbotham of Albany, Ga.; three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Rogers, Gatesville, Tex., Mrs. Eunice Livingston, Stevensville, Tex., and Miss Mae Belle Higginbotham, Denning, N.M.; one brother, Oscar Higginbotham, Denning, N.M. and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 11:00 A.M. from the graveside in Evergreen Memory Gardens with full military honors.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/22/1961
Mason Clinton Higginbotham (1882-1961) GA
Mace Clinton Higginbotham, 79, died Friday afternoon in a private hospital in
Decatur. He lived at 2128 Tilson Road, Decatur.
He was a native of Newton County, but had lived in Decatur 30 years.
His daughter, Miss Marion Higginbotham, is an employee of Atlanta Newspapers,
He is survived by his wife; four sons, Sterling T., W. Howard, James P. and
Samuel L. Higginbotham and four daughters, Mrs. B. F. Tant, Mrs. R. E. Little,
Mrs. Mary Segrest and Miss Marion Higginbotham.
Funeral plans will be announced later by Horace Ward Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/13/1961
Mary Frances Higginbotham McCrary (1876-1961) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Frances McCrary, 86, of 468 Pryor St. SW, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Dillon's Chapel, followed by burial in Hillcrest Cemetery.
Mrs. McCrary died Saturday in a private hospital.
Born in Franklin County, she was the widow of William Henry McCrary and was a Methodist.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Joseph H. Keller, Atlanta; a stepson, John Henry McCrary, Atlanta; two half-brothers, W.C. Higginbotham and Roy Higginbotham, both of Atlanta, and three half-sisters, all of Toccoa.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/28/1963
Thomas Benson Higginbotham (1880-1963) GA
Thomas B. Higginbotham, 82, of 1112 Zimer St. NE, died Monday oin a private hospital. A native of Elbert County, he had lived in Atlanta 35 years. He was a member of the Grace Methodist Church and was retired.
Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Spring Hill with the Rev. Dwight Nysewander officiating. Burial will be in Westview Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, the former Beulah Meyers of Atlanta; a sister, Mrs. Bernice Brown of Greenville, S.C., and four brothers, J.E., E. Glen, and Lovic P. Higginbotham, all of Elberton, and Lester W. Higginbotham of Atlanta.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/26/1964
Henry Mahlon Higginbotham (1914-1964) GA
Mr. Mahlon Higginbotham, Monroe, Ga., passed away Dec. 24. He is survived by his wife; son, Master Terry Higginbotham, Monroe, Ga.; mother, Mrs. Clyde Higginbotham, Monroe, Ga.; sisters, Mrs. Irene Towler and Mrs. Lucile Simons, both of Monroe; brothers, Mr. Ben Higginbotham and Mr. Robert Higginbotham, both of Monroe. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday, Dec. 26, at 3 p.m. from the First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Edward LaMotte officiating. West Lawn Cemetery. Williams & Smith, Inc., Monroe.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/5/1965
Ira H. Higginbotham (1905-1965) GA
Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Higginbotham, Athens; Miss Elaine Higginbotham, Athens, Mr. Ira H. Higginbotham, Jr., U.S. Air Force; Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Carmack Jr,, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Mr. Howard Higginbotham, Raleigh, N.C., are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Howard (sic) H. Higginbotham Saturday morning, June 5, 1965 at 11 a.m. from Bernstein's Chapel. Dr. Howard P. Giddens and Rev. Newt Saye will officiate. Interment in Oconee Hill Cemetery. Bernstein Funeral Home, Athens.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/1/1966
Lucile Higginbotham Simons (1919-1966) GA
Mrs. Lucile H. Simons of 1215 South Madison Ave., Monroe, died May 31, 1966. Surviving are daughter, Mrs. Bill Sorrells, Huntsville, Ala.; mother, Mrs. Clyde Higginbotham, Monroe; sister, Mrs. Irene Towler, Monroe; brothers, Mr. Robert Higginbotham, Madison, Ga. and Mr. Ben Higginbotham, Monroe; two nieces, five nephews, sister-in-law, Mrs. Mahlon Higginbotham, Madison, Madison. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, June 1, 1966, at three o'clock at the First Presbyterian Church, Monroe, Dr. Bonneau H. Dickson officiating. Interment, Resthaven. The Pallbearers will be Mr. Allen Higginbotham, Mr. Benny Higginbotham, Capt. Johnny H. Towler, Mr. Tommy Dickerson and Mr. Bobby Bridges, Mr. Marvin Brown. Williams & Smith, Inc. Monroe.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/15/1966
William Henry Higginbotham (1891-1966) AL/GA
The friends and relatives of Mr. William Henry Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Higginbotham, Mrs. A.Z. Heard, Auburn, Ala.; several nieces and nephews ar invited to attend the funeral of Mr. William Henry Higginbotham Saturday, July 16, 1966, at 1 p.m. from the graveside, Oxford Cemetery, Oxford, Ala. J. Dustin Dillon Co.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/5/1966
James Elbert Higginbotham (1882-1966) GA
Elberton, Ga. - Jim E. Higginbotham, 84, of Elberton, a retired grocer and farmer, died thursday in a private hospital.
A lifelong resident of Elbert County and Elberton, Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Elberton First Methodist Church.
Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Friday at the Hicks Funeral Home, Elberton. The Rev. George O. King will officiate and burial will be in Elberton Cemetery.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. W. Hugh Carithers, Decatur; a son, Cran Higginbotham, USAF, Viet Nam; a sister, Mrs. Bernice Brown, Greenville, S.C. and three brothers, Lester W. Higginbotham, Atlanta, and E. Glen and Lovis P. Higginbotham, both of Elberton.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/10/1966
Sally Elizabeth Greer Higginbotham (1892-1966) GA
Mrs. J. Blanton (Sally) Higginbotham, Rte. 2, Monroe, Ga. died Sept 8, 1966. Surviving are husband, J. Blanton Higginbotham; daughters, Mrs. Edward Fambrough, Mrs. Minnelle Cofield; sons, Mr. J.B. Higginbotham Jr., Mr. Hal Higginbotham; nine grandchildren; one great-grandchild, Moroe; sisters, Mrs. Minnie Knight, Social Circle; Miss Bobbie Greer, Monroe; brother, Mr. Bay Greer, Monroe; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Sept. 10, at 3 o'clock at Pleasant Valley Methodist Church with remains placed in state at 2 o'clock, Rev. Dean Milford and Rev. Harold Braswell officiating. interment, Resthaven. the pallbearers will be Messrs. Gene Perkins, Johnny Greer, John R. Greer, Robert Knight, Lee Hook, Ben Higginbotham. Williams & Smith, Inc., Monroe, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/3/1967
George Daniel Higginbotham (1880-1967) GA
Mr. George D. Higginbotham of 831 North Central Ave., Hapeville, passed away Jan. 2, 1967. He is survived by daughter, Mrs. Sarah H. Hale, Hapeville; sons, Mr. Fred Higginbotham, Black Mountain, N.C.; Mr. Leon H. Higginbotham, Tampa, Fla.; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Private funeral service will be held Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1967, at 2 o'clock in the chapel. Mr. Hubert White will officiate. Interment, College Park Cemetery. Pallbearers please meet at the chapel at 1:45 p.m. Mitchell Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/30/1967
James C. Higginbotham (1906-1967) GA
Mr. James C. Higginbotham, of 2150 Sylvan Circle SW died June 29, 1967. Surviving are his wife; daughters, Mrs. E.D. Darnell, Atlanta; Mrs. Michael Alloca, New York City; mother, Mrs. Emily Higginbotham; sister, Miss Virginia Higginbotham, Atlanta; brother, Mr. E.O. Higginbotham, Decatur; nine grandchildren, nieces and nephews. H.M. Patterson & Son, Spring Hill.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/12/1967
Clyde James Higginbotham (ca1913-1967) GA/PA
Higginbotham, Mr. Clyde James, of Philadelphia, formerly of Atlanta, died Oct. 9 1967. Surviving are his sisters, Mrs. H.A. Caraway, Miss Kate Higginbotham, Atlanta; two nieces. Private interment services were held Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 3 o'clock at Westview. Dr. J.W. Veatch St. officiated. H.M. Patterson 7 Son, Spring Hill.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/24/1968
Joseph Blanton Higginbotham (1891-1968) GA
Funeral services for Mr. Blanton Higginbotham, age 76, of Rte. 2, Monroe, will
be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in Pleasant Valley Methodist Church with remains placed
in state at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Harold Braswell, Rev. Dean Milford will officiate.
Interment, Resthaven Cemetery. Surviving are daughters, Mrs. Minnelle Cofield,
Mrs. Edward Fambrough; sons, Mr. J.B. Higginbotham Jr., Mr. Hal Higginbotham;
brother, Mr. Garvin Higginbotham, all of Monroe; nine grandchildren, two
great-grandchildren. Pallbearers selected please meet at 2:15 at Williams-Smith
Funeral Home, Monroe.
Beckley (WV) Post-Herald and Register 02/16/1969
Elizabeth Jessie Auld Higginbotham (1866-1969) GA/WV/TN
Mrs. W. B. Higginbotham, 102, Kingston, Tenn., formerly of Ansted, died Saturday morning in the home of a daughter, Mrs. J. R. Heffner, Kingston.
A native of Georgia, she was born Feb. 27, 1866. She was a member of the Presbyterian church.
Also surviving are two other daughters, Mrs. Rachel Ferguson, Maryville, Tenn., and Mrs. John A. Martindale, Ansted; four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Funeral services and burial will be held in Kingston.
Garvin Anderson Higginbotham (1896-1969) GA
Funeral services were conducted Monday from union Chapel Methodist Church for Garvin Anderson Higginbotham, 73, of Rt. 2, Monroe, who died July 5, at Walton County Hospital after a several month's illness.
Rev. Harold Braswell officiated and burial followed at the church cemetery under the direction of E.L Almand Co.
Pallbearers were Joe Higginbotham, John Higginbotham, Hal Higginbotham, J.B. Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham, and Ben Higginbotham.
Born June 18, 1896, in Morgan County, the deceased was the son of the late Ben and Maranda Walker Higginbotham. He was a retired farmer and his wife is the former Miss Myrtice Peters.
In addition to his widow, he is survived by daughters, Mrs. Robert Langley of Tucker, Mrs. Eugene Perkins and Mrs. Joe Malcom, both of Monroe; and seven grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/17/1969
Elizabeth Jane Danner Higginbotham (1891-1969) GA
The friends and relatives of Mrs. Leonard J. Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Brannan, Mr. W.NB. Brannan Jr., Atlanta, Miss Elah Danner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danner, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Danner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danner, all of Washington, Ga.; the great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Leonard J. (Elizabeth Jane Danner) Higginbotham Thursday, July 17, 1969, at 3 o'clock at Spring Hill, Dr. James P. Wesberry officiating. interment, Westview. As pallbearers, Mr. A.W. Duke, Mr. Cyrus Timmons, Mr. Jack Market, Mr. E.J. Moyle, Mr. C.M. Johnson, Mr. Odis M. Smith.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/31/1969
Sara Rowland Higginbotham (1904-1969) GA
Mrs. Horace (Sara Rowland) Higginbotham, Rte. 2, Buford, passed away Dec. 29. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Horace Higginbotham, Buford; 2 sisters, Mrs. Emmitt Blessitt, Buford; Mrs. Minnie Hooks, Milledgeville, Ga.; 1 brother, Mr. Tom Rowland, Buford; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Dec. 31, at 2:30 o'clock from the Zion Hill Baptist Church. Rev. Ed Holcomb and Rev. Herman Everett will officiate. The remains will lie in state at the church from 1:30 until the funeral hour. interment, Gwinnett Memorial Park. Tapp Funeral Home, Buford.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/19/1970
Minerva Talley Higginbotham (1920-1970) GA
Mrs. Minerva Higginbotham of Jasper, passed away Sunday morning. She is survived by her husband, Mr. John Higginbotham and her mother, Mrs. Mae Talley, Jasper. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1970, at 2 o'clock at Friendship Baptist Church in Jasper, with Rev. J.W. Dargan and Rev. E.D. Pinkard officiating. Interment, Norton Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham is at our chapel and will lie in state at the church from 1 o'clock until the funeral hour. Chapman Funeral home, Jasper.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/2/1970
Thomas Mell Higginbotham (1899-1970) GA
Funeral services for Mr. Mell Higginbotham, 79, of Rt. 1, Statham, will be held at 3 p.m. Monday in Hebron Christian Church, Barrow County with remains placed in state at 2:30 p.m. Rev. John Davis will officiate. Interment will be in Barrow Memorial Gardens. Surviving are widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore Higginbotham; daughter, Mrs. Grady Thompson, Campton; sons, Mr. Tom Higginbotham, Statham; Mr. Gene Higginbotham, Jackson, Miss.; sisters, Mrs. J.A. Stepp, Watkinsville; Mrs. Hoke Norris, Bogart; Mrs. Lois Martin, Decatur; Mrs. Grace Youshinuma, Jonesboro; brothers, Mr. Joseph P. Higginbotham, Watkinsville; Mr. Robert Higginbotham, Redan; Mr. Forrest Higginbotham, Atlanta; seven grandchildren. Pallbearers selected please meet at 2 p.m. at Williams-Smith Funeral Home, Monroe.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/8/1970
Jane Ora Breedlove Higginbotham (1886-1970) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Ora Breedlove Higginbotham, age 84, Rte. 1, Campton, Ga., will be held at 4 p.m. Monday, in Center Hill Baptist Church with remains placed in state at 3:30 p.m. Rev. Verner Wheeler will officiate. Interment in the church cemetery. Surviving are two sons, Mr. John Higginbotham, Monroe; Mr. Joe Higginbotham, N. Augusta, S.C.; one sister, Mr. J.C. Gordon, Winder; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Pallbearers selected please meet at 3 p.m. at Williams-Smith Funeral Home, Monroe.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/9/1970
William Marvin Higginbotham (1890-1970) GA
Services for William Marvin Higginbotham, 80, of Conyers will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Ward's Glenwood Chapel, the Rev. Jack Norris officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham, a retired electrician for the Atlanta Joint Terminal, died Thursday in a private hospital. He was born in Cobb County and was a member of the Oakhurst Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his widow, three sons, two daughters and a sister.
Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Higginbotham, Route 3, Conyers, formerly of Decatur; Mr. and Mrs. W.O. (Bill) Higginbotham, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Higginbotham, both of Decatur; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Protsman, Stone Mountain; Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. Bradley, Conyers; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hawkins, Social Circle; eleven grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Marvin Higginbotham, Saturday, Oct. 10, 1970, at 11 a.m. from Ward's Glenwood Chapel. Rev. Jack Norris will officiate. Interment, Greenwood Cemetery. Pallbearers will assemble at the chapel, 10:45 a.m. Horis A. Ward, Inc.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/5/1971
Louvennia Jane Higginbotham Kuykendoll Kalb (1905-19710 GA
Mrs. Janie Kuykendoll Kalb, 4433 Bankhead Hwy., Lithia Springs, died Tuesday. She is survived by children, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kuykendoll, El Cajon, Calif.; Rev. and Mrs. Ernest McCray, Acworth; Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Sweatmon, Daytona Beach, Fla.; Mrs. Lucille Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. W. T Pair, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kuykendoll, Rev. and Mrs. O. O. Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Campbell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ranson, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Pope, all of Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kuykendoll, Mrs. Jane Williams, both of Douglasville; Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Underwood, Marietta; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hurlbert, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Shuler, Stockbridge; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Lela Jones; brother, Abe Higginbotham, Douglasville. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. Oak Grove Baptist Church, Acworth. Rev. Howard Walker officiating. Interment in church cemetery. Pallbearers please meet at the residence at 12:30 p.m.. Roy Davis Funeral home, Austell.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/30/1971
Tony Ray Higginbotham (1970-1971) GA
Friends and relatives of Little Tony Ray Higginbotham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Higginbotham, Mrs. Nellie Mae Taylor, Mrs. Lillian Dougherty, are invited to attend the funeral of Little Tony Ray Higginbotham, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the McDonough Heights Baptist Church with remains placed in state at1:30. Rev. Grady E. Sanford will officiate. interment, Hillcrest. The remains are at the residence, 1306 Eastland, Rd., S.E.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/5/1972
Sharon Lee Higginbotham (1962-1972) GA
Services for Sharon Lee Higginbotham, 10, of 2675 Cove Circle NE will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at All Saints Episcopal Church, burial in Westview Cemetery. Sharon died Monday from injuries suffered when she was struck by a turning airplane propeller. Survivors include her mother, Mrs. William G. Williamson of Atlanta; father, David Higginbotham of Decatur, and sister, Michelle Higginbotham of Atlanta.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/3/1972
Raymond Travis Higginbotham (1905-1972) GA
Raymond T. Higginbotham of Madison, Ga. Funeral will be Tuesday at 3 p.m. Madison Baptist Church, Rev. David Bookout officiating. Interment Rutledge Cemetery. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Marjorie R. Higginbotham, Madison, Ga.; son, Raymond T. Higginbotham Jr., Greenwood, S.C.; daughter, Mrs. Reuben Harrelson, Chattanooga, Tenn.; sister, Mrs. C. E. Dukes, Norcross, Ga. Simmons Funeral Home, Madison, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/24/1972
Jessie Hugh Higginbotham (1904-1972) GA
Services for Jessie H. Higginbotham, 67, of 1249 Druid Place NE will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Turner's Chapel, burial in Westview Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham, who retired from Georgia Railroad in 1961 after 35 years, died Sunday of cancer. He had attended Madison A&M College and Oglethorpe University and was a member of Joseph C. Greenfield Lodge No. 400 F&AM. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Williams Higginbotham; daughters, Mrs. Randolph Daley of Chamblee and Mrs. O.N. Harden of Lilburn; brothers, Addison Higginbotham of Atlanta and Walter Higginbotham of West Palm Beach, Fla., and sister, Mrs. M.H. Phillips of Bowie, Md.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/10/1973
Beulha Oliver Miers Higginbotham (1888-1973) GA
Mrs. Thomas B. (Beulha) Higginbotham, of 350 Boulevard S.E. died June 9, 1973. Survivng are her nephew, Mr. Robert E. Blake, Alexandria, La., nieces, Mrs. Bertie M. Haynie, Stone Mountain, Mrs. Mary F. Blevins, Franklin, La., Mrs. Vivian Collier, Denver, Colo. interment services will be held Monday June 11, at 11 o'clock at Westview, Rev. W.B. Hollingsworth officiating. H.M. Patterson & Son, Spring Hill.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/31/1973
Nelse Higginbotham Little (1919-1973) GA
Memorial services for Mrs. Nelse Higginbotham Little, 54, of 101 Crestland Court, Stone Mountain, will be at 4:30 p.m. Friday at Mt. Carmel Christian Church. Mrs. Little, a former secretary with the First National Bank of Atlanta, died Wednesday. Survivors include her son, Roger E. Little of Commerce; daughter, Mrs. Thomas McDonald of Lavonia; mother, Mrs. Frances Higginbotham of Decatur; sisters, Miss Marion Higginbotham of Decatur, Mrs. Frances Tant of Avondale Estates and Mrs. Mary McCord of Stone Mountain, and brothers, Sterling Higginbotham and Howard Higginbotham, both of Decatur, Samuel Higginbotham of Cumming and James Higginbotham of Gainesville.
Lottie Howell Higginbotham (1916-1973) GA
Fernandina Beach - Mrs. Lottie Higginbotham, 58, died Sunday. Surviving are 8 sisters, Mrs. Myra Crews, Fernandina Beach, Mrs. Maebell Griffin, Nahunta, Ga., Mrs. Corine Gunter, Jacksonville, Mrs. Julia Gunter, Mrs. Lorraine Clark and Mrs. Marie Strickland, Waycross, Ga., and Mrs. Zeffie McSwain, Shellmans Bluff, Ga., and Mrs. Pauline Fulford, Blackshear, Ga.; 2 brothers, John Powell, Waycross, and Lester Powell, Yulee. Funeral will be at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Miles-Odum Funeral Home at Waycross. Burial will be in Thomas Cemetery in Brantley County.
Waycross Journal-Herald 11/20/1973
Minnie Michael Higginbotham Sweat (1895-1973) GA
Mrs. Minnie Michael H. Sweat, 78, died early this morning in the Medical Arts
Convalescent Home in Lawrenceville following an extended illness.
A native of Charlton County, she made her home in Waycross for a number of years
and had resided in Doraville for the past several years.
She was the former Miss Minnie Michael Higginbotham, daughter of the late
Hampton Thomas Higginbotham and Millie Wainwright Higginbotham and wife of the
late Martin A. Sweat.
Mrs. Sweat was a member of the Jamestown United Methodist Church.
Survivors include three sons, Harold Sweat, Donaville; Lamar Sweat, Flowery
Branch, and Cecil M. Sweat, Waycross; four sisters, Mrs. Helen Colson, Mrs.
Mable Stephens and Mrs. Lovie Selph all of Waycross, and Mrs. Lillian Wilson,
Augusta; two brothers, Eustice Higginbotham, Waycross, and Lewis Higginbotham,
Folkston; seven grandchildren; nine great grandchildren and numerous nieces and
nephews and other relatives.
Friends may call at the home of her son, Cecil M. Sweat, on the Alma Highway.
Funeral service will be held tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the Miles-Odum Chapel.
Burial will be in the Kettle Creek Cemetery.
Miles-Odum Funeral Home is in charge.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/11/1974
Joseph Paul Higginbotham (1901-1974) GA
Mr. Joseph Paul Higginbotham of Rt. 2, Bogart, Ga., passed away Jan. 9.Funeral services will be held Saturday, Jan. 12, at 2 p.m. the remains will be at Almand Funeral Home until 10 a.m. Saturday. the remains will be carried to the residence from 10 until 1 p.m. The body will lie in state from 1 until 2. Bethabera Church, Oconee County. Rev. John H. Davidson, Jr. officiating. Interment in the church cemetery. Survivors are wife, Mrs. Eula Murray Higginbotham; daughter, Mrs. Hazel Westfall, Bogart, Ga.; three granddaughters, Miss Vicki Scott, Miss Donna Scott, Miss Lisa Westfall, all of Bogart; four sisters, Mrs. Add Stepp, Watkinsville, Ga., Mrs. Hoke Norris, Bogart, Mrs. Grace Yoshnuma, Jonesboro; Mrs. Lois MArtin, Avondale; two brothers, Mr. Robert Higginbotham, Redan; Mr. Forrest Higginbotham, Atlanta; one sister-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbotham. Almand funeral Home of Monroe.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/23/1974
George Leon Higginbotham (1906-1974) GA
Friends and relatives of Mr. George Leon Higginbotham: Mr. George Leon Higginbotham Jr., Mr. John James Higginbotham, Mrs. Sarah H. Hale, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. George Leon Higginbotham at 11 o'clock Tuesday, at the chapel of Howard L. Carmichael & Sons. Rev. Ronald M. Hinson officiating. Interment College Park.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/25/1974
Robert Jackson Higginbotham Jr. (1920-1974) NC/GA
Services for Robert J. Higginbotham Jr., 53, of 981 Six Flags Drive, Austell, will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Cascade hill, burial in Holly Hill Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham, a machinist, died Wednesday. He was a deacon of Venetian Hills Baptist Church. Survivors include his widow; daughters, Mrs. Hugh O'Neill of Atlanta and Mrs. H.T. Smith of Decatur; son, Paul L. Higginbotham of Lilburn; sister, Mrs. Ralph Allen of Lanett, Ala.; stepfather, Robert C. Eason Sr. of Lafayette, Ala., and brother, R.C. Eason Jr. of Dallas, Tex.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/10/1974
Frances Graves Paine Higginbotham (1883-1974) GA
Services for Mrs. Frances Paine Higginbotham, 91, of 2128 Tilson Road, Decatur, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Ward's Chapel, burial in Eastview Cemetery. The widow of Mason Clinton Higginbotham, she died Friday. Survivors include two sons, Sterling T. Higginbotham and Howard Higginbotham, both of Decatur, James Higginbotham of Gainesville, and Sam Higginbotham of Cumming, and daughters, Miss Marion Higginbotham of Decatur, Mrs. B.F. Tant of Avondale Estates and Mrs. Richard F. McCord of Stone Mountain.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/17/1975
Annie Evelyn Peacock Higginbotham (1911-1975) GA
Services for Mrs. Evelyn Peacock Higginbotham of Valdosta will be at 5 p.m. Saturday at Cascade Hill, burial in Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham, formerly of Atlanta, died Friday. She was retired from Davison's at Lenox Square. Survivors include her sons, Wallace Higginbotham of Valdosta and Earl Higginbotham of Miami; sister, Mrs. Fred B. Hand of Pelham and brothers, John W. Peacock and Harold M. Peacock, both of Atlanta, and Harry Peacock of New Providence, R.I.
Fletcher Harold Higginbotham (1909-1975) GA
Graveside services for Fletcher Harold Higginbotham, 65, of 5113 McCaghren Drive, Columbus, who died last Wednesday were held Friday at 4 p.m. in Parkhill Cemetery in Columbus.
Higginbotham was born August 26, 1909 in Madison. He was the son of the late Millard H. and Alice Robertson Higginbotham. He had lived in Columbus for forty-four years.
Higginbotham was retired manager abd District Supervisor of the Colonial Food Stores, a member of St. Luke Methodist Church and a Navy veteran of World War II.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Bearden Higginbotham of Columbus; one sister, Mrs. John W. Francisco of Revena, New York; one half-sister, Mrs. Mary Alice Higginbotham of Athens; two half-brothers, Gregory Higginbotham of California and Millard Hill Higginbotham of Florida; several nieces and nephews.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/29/1975
Dorothy Crosby Higginbotham (1922-1975) GA
Services for Mrs. William O. (Dorothy) Higginbotham, 53, of 2524 Ferndale Lane in Snellville will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Ward's Glenwood Chapel, burial at Greenwood Cemetery. A retired secretary with the Fulton County Department of Family and Children Services, Mrs. Higginbotham died Sunday. Survivors include her husband; daughter, Mrs. Julia Higginbotham of Snellville; son, W.E. Higginbotham of Snellville.
The Anniston Star 01/11/1976
Otis Wesley Higginbotham (1915-1976) GA
CENTRE - Otis Wesley Higginbotham. 60. of Centre died Saturday in Atlanta after
a long illness. Services will be Monday at 11 a.m. at Perry Funeral Home Chapel
with the Rev Frank Teal officiating. Burial will be in Cherokee Memorial
Gardens. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Joe Strawn Higginbotham four brothers.
Carl W. Higginbotham of Chicago, Ill, R B Higginbotham of Gadsden, Junis A
Higginbotham of Leesburg and John Roy Higginbotham of Detroit. Mich.; and two
sisters. Mrs. Juanita Gomez of Chicago, Ill. and Mrs. Lois Watkins of Detroit.
Mich. Pallbearers will be W L Roberts. Kenneth Hale. J W Pollard. Leonard Coker.
Troy O'Neal. Kell Chandler. Alfred Bobo and Charlie Sommers. Mr Higginbotham was
a native of DeKalb County and a veteran of World War II. The family will receive
friends today from 6-9 p m.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 6/11/1976
Oliver Randall Higginbotham (1906-1976) GA
Oliver Randall Higginbotham Sr., 69, 1858 Spring Circle, Columbus, died Thursday at the Medical Center.
Funeral will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Stiffler-Hamby Mortuary's 13th Street Chapel with burial in Riverdale Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Aug. 9, 1906, in Canton, Ga., son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Higginbotham. He had lived in Columbus for the past 45 years and was a retired paint contractor. He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Jessie; a son, O. Randall Higginbotham Jr., Christianburg, Va.; brothers, William F. Higginbotham, Cottondale, Ala., and R. Otto Higginbotham, Phenix City; and two grandchildren.
Carolyn Easter Higginbotham Griffin (1896-1976) GA
Carolyn Easter "Carrie" Higginbotham Griffin, 80, born 6 May 1896, of Route 2,
Nahunta, died early Wednesday morning, 14 Jul 1976, at Memorial Hospital in
Waycross after a short illness.
A native of Charlton, she was a member of Little Buffalo Primitive Baptist
Church near Hickox. She was the widow of Raiford Avant Griffin and the daughter
of the late Willie Goodman Higginbotham and Anna Ansford "Annie" Wainright
Survivals are three daughters, Mrs. Loy W. Morgan of Tifton, Mrs. J. B. Stone of
Abilene, TX, and Mr. William l. Smith Jr. of Hampton, VA; one sister, Leila H.
Jones of Thomasville; five brothers, Arnold L Higginbotham of Nahunta, E. F.
Higginbotham of Waycross, E. H. of Floral City, FL, and James & Stanley
Higginbotham of Brunswick; 11 grandchildren; and several nieces, nephews, and
other relatives.
The funeral was held Friday at 3 p.m. at Little Buffalo Primitive Baptist Church
with Elder D, Fish officiating, assisted by Rev. Lester J. Edgy. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/6/1976
Carrie Lee Wilson Higginbotham (1900-1976) GA
Mrs. Carrie Lee Wilson Higginbotham of 1214 Tuckawanna Dr. S.W., expired Nov. 3, 1976, the daughter of the late Ernest Wilson; survivors are daughter, Mrs. Violet Freeman; son, Mr. and Mrs. Garnett R. Higginbotham, Washington, D.C.; grandchildren, Marc Freeman, Stephen & Brenda Higginbotham; sister, Mrs. Ernestine Mack, Cincinnati, Ohio; brother, Mr. Clyde Wilson & family, Americus, Ga.; cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hall, Ms. Peggy Hall, a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held today, Saturday, Nov. 6, 1976, 11:00 A.M., Big Bethel A.M.E. Church, 220 Auburn Ave., N.E., Rev. Reuben T. Bussey, officiating. Interment West View Cemetery. The remains will lie in state at the church from 10:00 AM until the hour of service. The cortege will assemble at the residence at 10:00 AM. Sellers Bros.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/1/1977
Laura Evelyn Higginbotham Brown (1918-1977) GA/TX
Granbury, Tex. - Services for Mrs. Evelyn H. Brown, 59, of Granbury will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the First Baptist Church in Granbury, with burial in Holly Hills Memorial Park. Mrs. Brown died Tuesday. She was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Ralph O. Brown; a daughter, Mrs. Don Shumer of Arlington, Tex.; a son, W. Neal Brown of Arlington; sisters, Mrs. Margaret Wilson of Duluth, Mrs. Alma Wilson of Doraville and Mrs. Rita Russ of Orlando, Fla.; and a brother, Donald Higginbotham of Dalton.
Ethel Irene Highsmith Higginbotham (1901-1977) GA
Ethel Irene Highsmith Higginbotham of Nahunta, passed away Sunday, May 8, 1977
at Glynn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital following a lengthy illness. Her demise
brings personal sorrow to a host of relatives and friends throughout this and
other sections.
A native of Pierce, now Brantley County, Mrs. Higginbotham was the daughter of
the late Jasper Dilworth and Fannie Herrin Highsmith.
She received her education in the public school system of her native county and
was a devoted
member of the Zion Rest Primitive Baptist Church. She had been a resident of
Nahunta for the past 14 years.
Survivors include her husband, Arnold L. Higginbotham of Nahunta; one son, L. E.
Higginbotham of Brunswick; two sisters, Mrs. Kathleen Anderson of Blackshear and
Mrs. Macy Walker of Patterson; one Brother, R. DeWitt Highsmith of Hoboken, also
surviving are 3 grandchildren, several nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Funeral services were held at four o'clock Tuesday afternoon, May 10, from the
chapel of the Chambless Funeral Home with the Rev. Fred E. Blanton officiating,
assisted by the Rev. W. L. Carter.
Interment followed in the family plot in New Hope Cemetery.
Serving as casketbearers were the Messrs. James E. Thomas, Eugene Highsmith, J.
D. Walker, James W. Highsmith, lvy Lee, Johnny Davis, Loy Morgan and Ronald Lee.
The many beautiful floral tributes attested to the esteem felt for the deceased.
The family has the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement.
The Chambless Funeral Home of Nahunta was in charge of arrangements.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 8/5/1977
Lillian Lee Smith Short Higginbotham (1897-1977) AL/GA
LaGrange, Ga. - Mrs. Lillian Lee Higginbotham, 79, of Old West Point Road, died early Thursday morning in Cobb Memorial Hospital in Phenix City.
The funeral will be 4 p.m. today at Shadowlawn Cemetery, according to Myhand Funeral Home of LaGrange.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Oct. 6, 1897, in Tallapoosa, Ala., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F. Smith. She was a member of Hillside Congregational Christian Church in LaGrange, and had lived in LaGrange most of her life. She was a retired employee of Callaway Mills Company and the widow of James Henry Higginbotham.
Survivors include a son, Douglas Short, LaGrange; five sisters, Mrs. Elma Gordon, Mrs. Emma Moore, Mrs. Janie Podlewski and Mrs. Alvie Jones, all of LaGrange, and Mrs. Christine Rowe, Griffin; four brothers, Howard Smith, LaGrange, Charlie Smith, Columbus, Elbert Smith, Newark, N.J., Malcolm Smith, Manchester, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/30/1977
Agnes W. Higginbotham (1900-1977) GA
Mrs. Agnes W. Bone, Commerce, Ga., died Monday, Nov. 28, 1977, in her 77th year. Survived by her husband, Mr. William Grady Bone, Commerce; 1 daughter, Mrs. Mary Alice Moore, Houston, Tex., 1 son, Mr. Aubrey W. (Buck) Bone, Stone Mountain, 7 grandchildren, 1 great-grandson, 1 brother, Mr. Howard Parks Higginbotham, Athens, Ga., 5 sisters, Mrs. Leland McWhirter, Royston, Miss Lucille Higginbotham, Athens, Mrs. Robert Woodside, College Park, Mrs. Gordon Huff, Augusta, Mrs. Jimmy Bradley, Knoxville, Tenn. Funeral services Wednesday, 3 p.m. from the Tommy Conn Memorial Chapel of Little-Ward Funeral Home. Rev. Art Snead officiating. Interment, Gray Hill Cemetery, Commerce. the body, now at the funeral home, will be placed in state in the Chap at 2:30. Little-Ward Funeral Home, Commerce, in charge.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/14/1978
William Horace Higginbotham (1899-1978) GA
Mr. Horace Higginbotham, Buford, Ga., passed away May 13. Surviving are his sisters, Mrs. Roy Hayes, Buford, Mrs. Frank Ford, Athens, Mrs. Earl Tebeau, Marietta, Mrs. Ralph Sanders, Danielsville, Mrs. Irma Stephens, Atlanta, brother, Mr. Clarence Higginbotham Sr., Royston, sisters-in-law, Mrs. Allen Higginbotham, Thomasville, Mrs. Lee Higginbotham, Cornelia, Mrs. Guy Higginbotham, Athens, Mrs. Anna Lou Blissett, Buford, brother-in-law, Mr. Tom Roland, Buford. Funeral services Sunday, May 14 at 2 o'clock from the Zion Hill Baptist Church with the remains placed in state at 1:30. Rev. Ron Tyndall will officiate. Interment, Gwinnett Memorial Gardens, Lawrenceville. Tapp Funeral Home, Buford.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/6/1978
Howard Berry Higginbotham (1895-1978) GA
Howard Berry Higginbotham of 145 Henderson Ave., Athens, Ga. Graveside services, Oconee Hill Cemetery, Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. Oct. 6. Rev. Wesley Stephens, First Methodist Church, officiating. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Allene Little Higginbotham, Athens, Ga.; daughters, Mrs. Sidney L. Patrick, Lakeland, Fla., Mrs. Walter H. Burt Jr., Albany, Ga., five sisters, Mrs. Leland McWhirter, Royston, Ga., Miss Lucille Higginbotham, Athens, Ga., Mrs. Robert Woodside, East point, Ga., Mrs. Gordon Huff, Augusta, Ga., Mrs. James Bradley, Knoxville, Tenn., five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; a number of nieces and nephews. Mr. Higginbotham was connected with the Metropolitan Life Insurance So. for over 35 years. He was a veteran of World War I, past member of the Athens Rotary Club, member of the First Methodist Church, served as past chairman of the administrative board of the trustees ans also taught a Sunday School class. Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham celebrated their 59th anniversary on Sept. 24, 1978. Bridges Funeral Home, Athens, Ga.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 10/23/1978
William Edward Higginbotham (1914-1978) GA
William Edward Higginbotham, 64, of No. 38, Douglas Street, died Sunday at the Medical Center.
Graveside services will be held at 3 p.m. in Parkhill Cemetery, according to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary's 13th Street Chapel.
Mr. Higginbotham was born July 10, 1914, n Birmingham, Ala., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Higginbotham. He was a member of the Wynnton United Methodist Church. He was retired from a managerial position with the R.E.A. after 39 years. Prior to his death, he was working as a Wackenhut security officer at Swift Spinning Mill.
Survivors include his wife, Ursula; two daughters, Mrs. Barbara Ann Fisher, Miss Ruth Teresa Higginbotham, both of Columbus; three sons, Edward R., John W., and William E. Higginbotham Jr., all of Columbus; and a sister, Mrs. Thelma Tully, Birmingham.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/2/1979
Frances Lucy Higginbothem Causey (1898-1979) GA
West Point - Services for Mrs. Frances H. Causey, 80, of West Point, will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday at Schnedl-Jones-McCarthy chapel, burial at Pinewood Cemetery, West Point. She was the owner and operator of Green Gardens Floral Shop, a pioneer citizen of West point, and member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Chattahoochee Historical Society and the First Baptist Church of West Point. Survivors include her sisters, Mrs. Giles Myers of Atlanta and Mrs. John MacGregor of West Point, and several nieces and nephews.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/12/1979
Harry Hamilton Higginbotham (1893-1979) AL/GA
Services for Harry Hamilton Higginbotham, 84, of 570 Park Ave. S.E. will be at 3 p.m. Monday at Assembly of God Tabernacle, burial in Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham, retired owner of the Higginbotham Garage and Service Station, died Sunday. A native of Oxford, Ala., he was a member of Glenwood Hills Lodge no. 703 F&AM and the Grant park Chapter No. 178 OES. Mr. Higginbotham was a U.S. Army veteran of World War I. Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Margaret Turner Higginbotham.
The friends and relatives of Mr. nd Mrs. Harry Hamilton Higginbotham, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGarvin, Miss Leena McGarvin, Miss Robin McGarvin, Mr. Chip McGarvin, Mr. Charles McGarvin, III, College Park; Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Ware, Auburn, Ala.; Mr. William A. Higginbotham, Overland Park, Mo., are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Harry Hamilton, Monday, March 12, 1979 at 3 p.m. from the Assembly of God Tabernacle with remains placed in state at 2 p.m. Rev. Jerry Bray, Rev. James G. Mayo, Sr. officiating, interment, Greenwood. Pallbearers will meet at the church at 2:45. Messrs. Jerry Clinton, Gene Jacobs, Jerry E. Vaughan, L.W. Roach, W.T. Eleazer, E.A. Minor Memorial Club will have charge of services at the grave with Glenwood Hills Lodge No. 703 F&AM in charge. J. Austin Dillon Co.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/20/1979
Evelyn Shill Higginbotham (1910-1979) AL/GA
Funeral arrangements for Mrs. L.W. (Evelyn) Higginbotham, 68, of 723 Willivee Drive, Decatur, will be announced later by H.M. Patterson and Son, Spring Hill. Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Birmingham, Ala., died Thursday. She was a member of Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church. Survivors include her husband, L.W. Higginbotham; sister, Mrs. Margaret Lloyd of Birmingham, Ala.; and brothers, Gerald Shill of Memphis, Tenn., and Jimmie Shill of El Paso, Tex.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/21/1979
Higginbotham, Mrs. L.W. (Evelyn) of 723 Willivee Dr. Decatur, died April 19, 1979. Surviving are her husband, sister, Mrs. Margaret Lloyd, Birmingham, brothers, Mr. Gerald Shill, Memphis; Mr. Jimmy Shill, El Paso, Tex., several nieces and nephews. Interment services will be held Saturday, April 21, 2 o'clock, Decatur City Cemetery. Rev. Orion Hunt officiating. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Heart Fund or Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church Altar Fund. H.M. Patterson & Son, Spring Hill.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/19/1979
Dorothy Higginbotham Caraway (1914-1979) GA
Services for Mrs. Dorothy Caraway, 64, of 1334 Milton Place S.E. will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at Ward's Glenwood Chapel, burial in Westview Cemetery. Mrs. Caraway, a practical nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital, died Wednesday. Survivors include her husband, Huston A. Caraway; daughters, Mrs. Diane Palmer and Mrs. Donna Wagner, both of Lilburn; and sister, Miss Kate Higginbotham of Atlanta.
The Atlanta Constitution 12/23/1979
Robert Corbett Higginbotham (1906-1979) AL/GA
Services for Mr. Robert Corbett (Higg) Higginbotham, 73, of 1180 Land 'O Lakes Drive, Roswell, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in the chapel of the Roswell Funeral Home, with burial Monday at 3 p.m. at Elmwood Cemetery in Birmingham, Ala.
Mr. Higginbotham died Friday. A former resident of Birmingham, Ala., Mr. Higginbotham was retired from the Shell Oil Co., and he was a member of the Roswell Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Higginbotham of Roswell; sons, Ronald Higginbotham of Sechelt, British Columbia, and Richard Higginbotham of Birmingham, Mich.; a brother, Robert N. Higginbotham of Birmingham, Ala. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contribution be made to The Heart Association of to respiratory research.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/23/1980
Marcus B. Higginbotham (1909-1980) GA
Mr. Marcus B. Higginbotham, age 70, of Blairsville, Ga., formerly of St. Petersburg, Fla., passed away Monday. He was a member of Blairsville First Baptist Church and was a WWII veteran, and a member of Allegheny Masonic Lodge No. 114, and was a retired parts manager for Ross Chevrolet Co., St. Petersburg, Fla. He is survived by one son, Mr. Patrick Higginbotham, Atlanta, Ga.; one sister, Mrs. Nina Shaw, Tampa, Fla.; one brother, Mr. H.C. Higginbotham Sr., Atlanta; mother-in-law, Mrs. Pay Cearley, Blairsville, Ga. Funeral services will be Wednesday, 2 p.m. from the chapel of Akins-Nix Funeral Home, with Rev. B.A. Buchanan officiating. Interment in Mt. Zion Baptist Cemetery. Atkins-nix Funeral Home of Blairsville, Ga. in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/13/1980
Mae Higginbotham McIntosh (1890-1980) GA
Mrs. Mae McIntosh, of Route 3, Covington, died April 12, 1980. She is survived by sons, Mr. J. William McIntosh, Glencoe, Ala., Mr. Robert S. McIntosh, Mansfield, Mr. Parks M. (Pete) McIntosh, Covington, Mr. John A. (Alei) McIntosh, Warner Robins, daughters, Mrs. Ollie (Louise) Stowe, Monroe, Mrs. Ottis (Mattie) Casper, Oxford, Mrs. Howard (Ina) Davenport, Mrs. Hulan (Hazel) Pullin, Mrs. Edward (Dot) Hooten, all of Covington, sister, Mrs. Nel (Ina) Simons, Social Circle, 11 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday, April 14 at 2 p.m. from Alcovy United Methodist Church with remains placed in state at 1 p.m. Rev. Larry McIntosh and Rev. W.A. Childers, Jr. officiating. Interment Walnut Grove Cemetery. J.C. Harwell & Son, Covington.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/17/1980
Barbara Ann Biddy Higginbotham (1938-1980) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Barbara Ann Higginbotham, 42, of Jonesboro, Ga., will be today from The Way of the Cross Baptist Church, Conley, Ga. with rev. Jerry Henden officiating. Interment to follow in Hillcrest Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, Mr. Charles Higginbotham, Jonesboro, Ga., her mother, Mrs. Lillian Daugherty, Jonesboro, three sisters, Mrs. Betty Smith, Forest Park, Ga.; Mrs. Marion Sanford, College Park; Mrs. Shirley Eaves, Riverdale, Ga.; four brothers, Mr. Bobby J. Biddy, Jonesboro; Mr. Charles W. Biddy, East Point; Mr. W. Leon Biddy, Atlanta; and Mr. Ronald E. Biddy, Stockbridge, nieces and nephews. Pallbearers selected please assemble at the church at 1:30 p.m. Donehoo-Lewis Funeral Home, Inc.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/1/1980
Myrtice Peters Higginbotham (1903-1980) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Myrtice Peters Higginbotham, age 76, of 937 East Church St., Monroe, Ga., will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Union Chapel United Methodist Church with remains placed in state at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Harold Lyda and rev. Aleck Poolos will officiate; interment church cemetery. Surviving are 3 daughters, Mrs. Gene (Evelyn) Perkins, Mrs. Joe (Jean) Malcom, both of Monroe; Mrs. Robert (Sheila) Langley, Tucker; 2 sisters, Mrs. Agnes Adcock, Monroe; Mrs. Clara Bell Hawk, Social Circle; 7 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild. Arthur Bowick, inc., Funeral Directors, Monroe, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/17/1980
Harvey Clinton Higginbotham Sr. (1907-1980) GA
Mr. Harvey C. Higginbotham, Sr. of Atlanta, died July 16. Survived by wife, daughter, Mrs. Sherry Winburn, Atlanta, sons, Mr. Ron Higginbotham, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mr. Clinton Higginbotham, Decatur; Mr. George Higginbotham, Atlanta; sister, Mrs. Nina Shaw, Tampa, Fla.; 11 grandchildren, one great-grandchild. Funeral services Thursday, 2 p.m., chapel of Howard L. Carmichael & Sons. Rev. George O. King officiating, interment, Crest Lawn.
The Atlanta (GA) Constitution 10/30/1980
Leland Jack Higginbotham (1926-1980) GA/OK
Services for Leland Jack Higginbotham, 53, will be at 3 p.m.
Thursday at Ward's Glenwood Chapel, burial in Fairview Memorial Gardens. Mr.
Higginbotham, a maintenance supervisor for Brown Department Store in Tulsa, died
Monday. A native of Atlanta, he was a Navy veteran and member of American Legion
Post No. 1. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Northside Christian Church.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Katie Jackson Higginbotham; daughter, Mrs. Pam
Carter of Broken Arrow, Okla.; son, Keith Higginbotham of Broken Arrow; mother,
Mrs. Annie L. Higginbotham of Conyers; sisters, Mrs. Carrie Bradley of Conyers
and Mrs. Elizabeth Protsman of Decatur; and brothers, Bill Higginbotham of Stone
Mountain and Jim Higginbotham of Lawrenceville.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/2/1981
Marjorie Mae Chafin Higginbotham (1918-1981) GA
Mrs. Marjorie Chafin Higginbotham, widow of the late Harvey C. Higginbotham Sr., died Feb. 1, 1981. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Sherry Winburn; sons, Mr. Ron Higginbotham, Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. Clint Higginbotham, Jr., Decatur; Mr. George Higginbotham, Atlanta; sisters, Mrs. Jeanette Stearman, College Park, Mrs. Kathleen Kopp, Bon Secour, Ala., Mrs. Mary Shelton, College Park, brothers, Mr. Claude Chafin, Gainesville, Ga., Mr. Joe Chafin, Forest Park, Mr. Charles Chafin, Forest Park; grandchildren, Randy Harrington, Jr.; Todd, Jason and Sean Winburn; Kellie, Heather, Sherry Ann, Lisa, George, Jr., David and Mickey Higginbotham; great-grandchild, Natalie Nicole; sister-in-law, Mrs. Nina Shaw, Tampa, Fla. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 1:00 o'clock at Spring Hill. Rev. Bob Price officiating. Interment, Crestlawn. Jacksonville, Fla., Ocilla and Monroe, Ga. papers please copy. H.M. Patterson and Son.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/25/1981
Joe Hershel Higginbotham (1918-1981) GA
Funeral services for Mr. Joe H. Higginbotham, age 62, of Dublin, Ga., formerly of Monroe, Ga., will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the chapel of Arthur Bowick Funeral Home, Dr. James Ramsey will officiate. Interment, Center Hill Baptist Church Cemetery. Surviving are one son, Mr. Bobby Higginbotham, Dallas, Ga., one brother, Mr. John Higginbotham, Monroe, two grandchildren, Beverly Higginbotham and Stephen Higginbotham. Arthur Bowick, Inc., Funeral Directors, Monroe, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/7/1981
Mamie Inez Cole Higginbotham (1902-1981) GA
Higginbotham, Mrs. Inez, age 79 of 6201 Beaver St., Douglasville died Sunday. Survived by husband, Asbury Higginbotham, son, Howard Higginbotham, daughters, Mrs. Jewell Kennedy, Douglasville, Mrs. Clara Bolden, Gainesville, Mrs. Dottie Fleming, Savannah, Mrs. Doedee Holbrook, Trion, 13 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, sisters, Mrs. H.W. Cook, Lithia Springs. Funeral Tuesday, 11 a.m. in our chapel. Rev. Jim Pritchett, Rev. Terry Marbut officiating. Interment, Sweetwater Baptist Churchyard. Roy Davis Funeral Home, Austell.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/7/1981
Birdie C. Higginbotham (1910-1981) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Birdie C. Higginbotham will be held 2:30 Wednesday at Carmichael Chapel. Rev. H.L. Phillips officiating; interment Eastlawn Memorial Gardens. D.T. Carmichael & Son, McDonough, Ga.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 1/2/1982
John Bruce Higginbotham (1939-1981) GA
John Bruce Higginbotham, 42, of 858 Inglewood Drive, died Thursday at Talmadge Memorial Hospital in Augusta, Ga.
The graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Riverdale Cemetery, according to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary's Macon Road Chapel.
Mr. Higginbotham was born July 10, 1939, in Columbus, son of the late George E. Higginbotham and Mrs. Eleanor Ridenhour Debrosky of Columbus. He had lived in Columbus all his life.
Survivors besides his mother include his stepfather, John Debrosky of Columbus; two sisters, Mrs. Barbara Clark of San Bernardino, Calif., and Mrs. Francis Jordon of Columbus; two brothers, Tom Debrosky of York, Pa., and Ed Debrosky of Atlanta.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/6/1982
Clarence Marvin Higginbotham Sr. (1896-1982) GA
Higginbotham, Marvin M., former State Senator, of rt. 2, Canon, Ga., died Friday. Survivors, Naomi Elizabeth Davis Higginbotham; 2 sons, Clarence Higginbotham, Jr., Marlton, N.J.; Jon Davis Higginbotham, Kennesaw; 1 daughter, Mrs. Gwen Moore, Snellville; 5 sisters, Mrs. Irma Stephens, Cornelia; Mrs. Dallis Tebeau, Marietta; Mrs. Ann Hayes, Buford; Mrs. Alline Sanders, Danielsville; Mrs. Nelle Ford, Athens; 8 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren. Funeral services Sunday afternoon, 2:30, Royston United Methodist Church; burial in Rose Hill Cemetery, Royston. the body is at the funeral home. Family will receive friends Saturday night from 7-9 p.m. Pruitte Funeral Home, Royston, in charge.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/13/1982
Inez Kendley Higginbotham (1894-1982) GA
Mrs. Inez Kendley Higginbotham, of 2589 Old Hapeville rd., S.W., Atlanta, died March 12. Survived by daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Newman, Sr., Atlanta' grandchildren, Mrs. Nina Culbertson, St. Petersburg; Mr. Lloyd E. Newman, Jr., Mr. Stephen M. Newman, Atlanta, two great-grandchildren. Funeral services Sunday, 2 p.m., chapel of Howard L. Carmichael & Sons. Dr. Lewis Martin officiating. Interment, Davis Chapel Cemetery.
Services for Mrs. Inez Higginbotham, of 2589 Old Hapeville, Rd. S.W. will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Carmichael's Chapel, burial in Davis Chapel Cemetery, Mableton. Mrs. Higginbotham, a retired clerk with Southern Bell, died Friday. Surviving is her daughter, Mrs. L.E. Newman Sr. of Atlanta.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/9/1982
Addison Key Higginbotham (1913-1982) GA
Mr. Addison K. Higginbotham of 850 Briarcliff rd., Atlanta, died June 8. Funeral services will be held at the graveside Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Meriwether Memory Gardens, Manchester. Rev. John Mackey officiating. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Florence Bryan Higginbotham, Atlanta; sister, Mrs. Martha Phillips, Bowie, Md.; nieces, Mrs. Jackie Harden, Lilburn, Mrs. Gwen Baley, Atlanta. Cox Funeral Home, Manchester.
The Palm Beach Post (FL) 6/6/1982
John Walter Higginbotham (1905-1982) FL/GA
John Walter Higginbotham, age 75, 401 Park Drive, Waynesboro, Ga., formerly a resident of West Palm Beach died after an extended illness in Waynesboro. He was a native of Morgan County, GA, and was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Waynesboro. He was a veteran of WWII serving in the US Navy. Also a member of the Waynesboro Rotary Club.
Survivors include his wife, Alice Lowery Higginbotham, Waynesboro; one sister, Mrs. Martha H. Phillips, Bowie, MD; one brother, Addison Higginbotham, Atlanta, GA.
Graveside services at 3 pm today at Magnolia Cemetery in Waynesboro with the Rev. John Quillan officiating.
Deloach Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/4/1982
Henry B. Higginbotham (1891-1982) GA
The funeral for Henry B. .Higginbotham, 91, of Tate, will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Spring Hill, with burial at Westview Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham, a retired agent for L&N Railroad, died Thursday.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sammie Putnam Higginbotham; sister, Miss Annie Laura Higginbotham of Royston; and a brother, Norman Higginbotham of Washington, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/31/1982
Berta Dora Shiflet Higginbotham (1889-1982) GA
The funeral for Mrs. Bertha Shiflet Higginbotham, 92, of Atlanta will be Sunday at 4 p.m. at Cokesbury United Methodist Church with burial in the church cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham, formerly of Hartwell, died Friday. She was a homemaker and member of the Cokesbury united Methodist Church. She was the widow of Jessie B. Higginbotham.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. J.C. Lewis of Atlanta and Mrs. J.H. Cooley of Elberton; sister, Mrs. Mack Carter of Elberton. six grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/4/1982
Clidie Mae Allen Higginbotham (1895-1982) GA
Mrs. Clyde Higginbotham of Monroe, died Nov. 2. Surviving are daughter, Mrs. John (Irene) Towler, Monroe; sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Higginbotham, Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higginbotham, Route 1, Madison; daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mahlon (Middie) Higginbotham, Monroe; sister-in-law, Mrs. Dock (Alma) Allen, Monroe; nine grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, one great-great-grandchild, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Nov. 4 at 3 p.m. from the chapel of Meadows Funeral Home. Rev. Greg Butler officiating, interment, Resthaven Cemetery. Meadows Funeral Home, Monroe.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/22/1983
Sammie L. Putnam Higginbotham (1906-1983) GA
The graveside services for Mrs. Sammie Higginbotham of Tate, Ga., will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Westview Cemetery.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a retired first-grade teacher at Tate Elementary School, died Wednesday. She was the widow of Henry B. Higginbotham.
There are no immediate survivors.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/22/1983
Naomi Elizabeth Davis Higginbotham (1896-1983) GA
Mrs. Naomi Elizabeth Davis Higginbotham, age 87, Rt. 2 Cannon, Ga., died Thursday. She was born in Madison Co., Ga. Daughter of the late William Milton and Martha Carithers Davis. Wife of the late Clarence M. Higginbotham. She was a member of the Royston United Methodist Church, The Naomi Circle, A charter member of the Bell Bennett Sunday School Class and a charter member of the Franklinia Garden Club. Surviving are two sons, John D. Higginbotham, Kennesaw, Clarence M. Higginbotham, Marlton, N.J.; one daughter, Mrs. Gwen H. Moore, Snellville; two half-brothers, Edward H. and James A. Divis, both of Atlanta; two sisters, Mrs. Estelle Dancy, Mrs. Francis Mattox, both of Kanappus, N.C.; eight grandchildren, six great-grandchildren. Funeral services Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Royston United Methodist Church, Rev. Newton Scott and Rev. Malcolm Paterson officiating. Burial Rose Hill Cemetery. Body is at the Pruitte Funeral Home, Royston, Ga. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the Royston United Methodist Church Organ Fund.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/31/1983
Everett Oliver Higginbotham Sr. (1908-1983) GA
The funeral for Everett O. Higginbotham Sr., 75, of Decatur will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the Decatur Heights Baptist Church, with burial at Westview Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham, a retired employee of Baltimore Business Forms Co. in Atlanta with 40 years' service, died Friday after a long illness.
A member of the Morningside Masonic Lodge No. 295 F&AM, Mr. Higginbotham was also a member of the Decatur Heights Baptist Church and was an Army Air Corps veteran of World War II.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mary P. Higginbotham; son, Everett O. Higginbotham Jr. of Lithonia; mother, Mrs. Emily H. Higginbotham of Atlanta; and sister, Miss Virginia Higginbotham of Decatur.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/27/1984
Barbara Aileen Hale Higginbotham (1946-1984) GA
Mrs. Barbara Aileen Higginbotham, age 37, of 2453 Elizabeth Ann Lane, Atlanta, passed away Wednesday. She is survived by husband, Patrick B. Higginbotham of the home; two brothers, Jerry Hale, Gadsden, Al., Billy Earl Hale, Jr., Buford. Funeral services will be 10 o'clock Friday from the Westminister Presbyterian Church, with Rev. John Montgomery officiating. Graveside services will be held 2 o'clock from the Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery in Blairsville, Ga., with Rev. B.A. Buchannan officiating. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. The family will receive friends at the church, thirty minutes prior to service. In lieu of flowers, request donations be made to the American Cancer Society. Cochran-Akins-nix Funeral Home, Blairsville, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/25/1984
Emily Cordelia Whitaker Higginbotham (1886-1984) GA
Mrs. Emily Higginbotham, age 97, of Atlanta, died March 24, 1984. She is survived by her daughter, Miss Virginia Higginbotham, Atlanta; sister, Mrs. Monnie Harding, Jacksonville, F;.; grandson, Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Higginbotham, Jr., great-granddaughter, Miss Kimberly Ann Higginbotham, daughter-in-law, Mrs. E.O. Higginbotham, Sr., several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held 2 o'clock Monday in the chapel of A.S. Turner & Sons. Rev. Arnold Davis officiating. Interment, Hollywood Cemetery. A.S. Turner & Sons.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/29/1984
Alton Marlin Higginbotham (1919-1984) MS/GA
Mr. Al M. Higginbotham, age 64, of Lawrenceville, died March 27, 1984. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. France Higginbotham, Lawrenceville; daughter, Mrs. Terry Debski, Norcross; sons, Mr. EErnie Chatham, Norcross, Mr. Michael D. Chatham, Lilburn, Mr. Charles R. Chatham, Norcross; mother, Mrs. Myrtle Higginbotham, Chicago, Ill.; sister, Mrs. Jean Amerson, Chicago; brothers, M. J.D. Higginbotham, Tupelo, Miss., Mr. Wayne Higginbotham, Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. William Higginbotham, Scotland. Funeral services will be held Friday 2 p.m. at Warsaw Methodist Church, Rev. Donald Herndon officiating. Interment, Peachtree Memorial Park. The family will receive friends Thursday evening at Peachtree Chapel 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Peachtree Chapel & Mortuary, Norcross, 448-5757.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/15/1985
Mary Sue Higginbothem Myers (1907-1985) GA
The Funeral for Mrs. Mary Higginbothem Myers, 77, of Chamblee will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Oglethorpe Hill with burial at Westview Cemetery.
Mrs. Myers, a retired clerk of the Fulton County Probate Court, died Sunday at Shallowford Community Hospital.
She was a graduate of Southern Business College in Atlanta and a member of Bethany Presbyterian Church in College Park.
Survivors are her son, Giles M. Myers Jr. of Marietta; daughter, Mrs. Monnie Sellars of Chamblee; and sister, Mrs. Augusta MacGregor of West Point.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/15/1985
Benjamin Asbury Higginbotham (1907-1985) GA
Higginbotham, Mr. B.A., age 78 of Douglasville, died Sunday. Funeral Tuesday at 11 a.m. in our chapel. Rev. Lamar Parsons, Rev. Jerry Vann officiating. Interment, Sweetwater Cemetery. Survived by daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Jewel) Kennedy, Lithia Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Clara) Bolden, Flowery Branch; Mrs. Doris Fleming, Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Bobby (Dorothy) Holbrook, Trion; son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Higginbotham, Douglasville; 13 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. Roy Davis Funeral Home, Austell.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/4/1986
Eva Claire Higginbotham Dukes (1907-1986) GA
Eva Claire H. Dukes, age 79, of Norcross, died Sunday, March 2, 1986. She is survived by son, Earl Dukes Jr., Gainesville; two daughters, Francis Brooks, Gainesville; Eva Ponder, Albuquerque, N.M.; nine grandchildren, three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held 2 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, March 4 at the Norcross First United Methodist Church, with Rev. Linda Jones and Rev. Grafton Pressley officiating. Interment, Peachtree Memorial Park. Mrs. Dukes was a member of the Norcross Garden Club and a Sunday School teacher at the First United Methodist Church. Arrangements by R.T. Patterson Funeral Home, Norcross.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/18/1987
Clyde Thomas Higginbotham (1896-1987) GA
Clyde T. Higginbotham of Atlanta, retired owner of Higginbotham Insurance Co., died Monday at his home after a short illness. He was 91.
A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Cathedral of St. Phillip. The body was cremated.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice McClelland Higginbotham; a son; a sister; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/16/1987
Ruby May Higginbotham Roesel (1898-1987) GA
Mrs. Theodore F. (Ruby) Roesel, Atlanta, Died September 14, 1987. She is survived by her son, Mr. John C. Roesel, Atlanta; four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren. Graveside services will be held Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at Westover Cemetery, Augusta, Ga. Pastor Paulwyn Boliek will officiate. A.S. Turner & Sons.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/6/1987
James T. Higginbotham (1930-1987) GA
Higginbotham, Mr. James T, (Jim), age 57, of Smyrna died Monday. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday from the Bethel Baptist Church in Smyrna with the remains placed in state at 1 p.m. Revs. E.L. Stephens and David Watson will officiate. Interment, Georgia Memorial park. Surviving is wife, Irene Higginbotham, of Smyrna; daughters, Linda Fischer, of Powder Springs; Debbie Higginbotham, of Smyrna; Vickie Newell, of Mableton; sons, Jimmy Higginbotham, of Arcadia, FL; Chris Higginbotham, of Smyrna; sister, Doris Westenbarger, of Waterford, MI; brothers, Bill Higginbotham and Tom Higginbotham, both of Clarkston, MI; seven grandchildren, one great-granddaughter, numerous nieces and nephews. If you wish contributions may be made to the Bethel Baptist Church Building Fund. J. Randy Carmichael Funeral Home, Smyrna is in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/27/1987
Paul Dean Higginbotham (1941-1987) GA
Mr. Paul Dean Higginbotham, age 46, of Lilburn died October 26, 1987. Survivors include his wife, Paula Kearbey Higginbotham; one son, John Stephen Higginbotham; three daughters, Donna Beth Higginbotham, Laura Jean Higginbotham, Gale Marie Higginbotham, all of Lilburn; his father, John David Higginbotham, Batesville, AR.; one sister, Johnita H. LeBow, Houston, TX. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Lilburn First Baptist Church, Sweetwater Lodge No. 421, F&AM. He was presently employed as a salesman for the Grass Valley Group and had worked for RCA Sales of Broadcast T.V. systems for 20 years. Funeral services Wednesday, 2 p.m. from the Lilburn First Baptist Church with Dr. Rick Forester and Rev. Richard King officiating. Interment, Lilburn First Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends Tuesday evening 7 until 9 p.m at the R.T. Patterson Funeral Homes, Inc., Lilburn Chapel.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/22/1987
Cleo Belle Allen Higginbotham (1914-19870 GA
Funeral services for Cleo Higginbotham, age 73, of Jonesboro will be 1 p.m., Tuesday, November 24 at the Fellowship Baptist Church, Riverdale. Rev. Bill Brannon officiating. Interment, Forest Hills Cemetery. She is survived by her husband, William Arthur Higginbotham; one daughter, Mrs. Joan Lord, of Ellenwood; four sons, Albert Shadburn, of Rex; Paul Higginbotham, William Higginbotham and Bobby Higginbotham, all of Jonesboro; 19 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. The remains will be at home 7878 N. Main St., Apt. 7-J, Jonesboro. Pope Dickson & Son, Jonesboro Chapel. 478-7211.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/28/1987
Virginia Belle Higginbotham (1911-1987) GA
Miss Virginia Higginbotham of Decatur, a homemaker, died of respiratory failure Thursday at DeKalb General Hospital. She was 76.
The funeral will be at 11 a.m. today at the A.S. Turner & Sons with burial at Hollywood Cemetery.
Surviving is a nephew.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/13/1988
Ina H. Higginbotham Simons (1904-1988) GA
Mrs. Mell (Ina) Simons, of Social Circle, died April 12. She is survived by her husband, Rev. Mell Simons, Social Circle; sons, Mr. Jimmy Simons, Mr. Ken Simons; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday, April 14 at 1 p.m. from the First United Methodist Church of Social Circle, with remains laced in state at 12 noon. Rev. Shelby Cook and Rev. Albert Bruce officiating. Interment, Social Circle Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Wednesday evening from 6 til 9 p.m. J.C. Harwell & Son.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/17/1988
Estelle Simpson Higginbotham (1906-1988) GA
Mrs. Estelle Simpson Higginbotham, a retired owner of Higginbotham Furniture, died of heart failure Thursday at her home. She was 82.
The funeral will be at 3 p.m. today at Chapel Woods Presbyterian Church with burial at Resthaven Garden of Memories.
Surviving are her husband, Sterling T. Higginbotham; a son, Joe Higginbotham of Covington, Ga.; a daughter, Mrs. Mitzi Haynes of Decatur; a brother, Robert Simpson of Decatur; two sisters, Mrs. June Duncan of Tucker and Mrs. Katherine Cartin of Decatur, nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/20/1989
Lucy Grace Higginbotham Yoshinuma (1903-1989) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Grace Yoshinuma, 85, of Jonesboro, will be held Thursday, 2 p.m. at the chapel. Rev. Philo McKinnon officiating. Interment, Westview Cemetery. Surviving are brothers, William Robert Higginbotham, Redan, GA; Rufus Forrest Higginbotham, Fayetteville; sisters, Lois Martin, Tucker; Louise Norris, Bogart, GA; several nieces and nephews. Pope Dickson & Son, Jonesboro Chapel. 478-7211.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/29/1989
Jessie Lois Higginbotham Martin (1905-1989) GA
Mrs. Lois Higginbotham Martin of Tucker, a homemaker, died Saturday at DeKalb Medical Center. She was 83.
The funeral will be at 11:30 a.m. today at A.S. Turner & Sons with burial at Bethabara Baptist Church Cemetery in Watkinsville.
Surviving are a daughter, Doris Johnston of Tucker; two brothers, Forrest Higginbotham of Fayetteville and Robert Higginbotham of Redan; a sister, Louise Norris of Bogart; four grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.
Rome News-Tribune 8/2/1990
Milton Eugene Higginbotham (1952-1990) GA
Milton Eugene Higgenbotham, Jr., 37, of 3850 Mulberry Drive, Columbus, formerly of Rome, died Sunday in Columbus.
Mr. Higgenbotham was born in Floyd County, Sept. 16, 1952, son of the late Milton Eugene Higgenbotham Sr. and the former Pearl Lambert.
He was employed by Dolly Madison Bakery Co. in Columbus as a production line manager. He had been employed by Pet Bakery here.
Survivors include: his wife, Cathy Higgenbotham, Columbus; son, Corey Higgenbotham, Homestead Air Force Base, Miami, Fla.; two daughters, Brandi Higgenbotham and Amber Higgenbotham, both of Columbus; his mother, Leslie, Ark.; a sister, Mrs. Roberta Gardner, Bessemer, Ala.; a brother, Charles Higgenbotham, Rome; a half-sister, Mrs. June Cantrell, Silver Creek; nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Friday at the chapel of Henderson-Frazier Funeral Home. Interment will be at East View Cemetery.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/21/1990
Arnold K. Higginbotham (1922-1990) GA
Arnold K. Higginbotham, 67, of Norcross died June 18, 1990. He is survived by his wife, Louise Warbington Higginbotham of Norcross; Son, Donald G. and Karen Higginbotham of Doraville; granddaughter, Cristin Higginbotham of Norcross; brothers, Talmadge Higginbotham of Toccoa; Joe Higginbotham of Flowery Branch and Royce Higginbotham of California; sisters, Audrey Stowe of Toccoa, Ga., Doris Hicks of Greenwood, S.C. and Sarah Ertzberger of Bowersville, Ga.; father-in-law, Clarance Warbington of Duluth. Funeral services are at 2:00 June 21, 1990 at chapel of R.T. Patterson, Norcross. Rev. E.G. Hutchins and Rev. W.T. Booth officiating. Interment White Chapel Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers donations to American Cancer Society.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/16/1990
Annie Lee Cox Mitchell Higginbotham (1898-1990) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Lee Higginbotham, Conyers, will be held Tuesday, July 17, 1990 at 11 a.m. from the chapel of Harry L. White Funeral Home, Conyers, Dr. John Wyatt will officiate. Interment, Social Circle Cemetery, Social Circle, Ga. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Conyers First Baptist Church, Conyers, Ga. She is survived by sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Higginbotham, Snellville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Higginbotham, Lawrenceville, daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Protsman, Stone Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley, Conyers, sister, Mrs. Louise Oliver, Decatur, 11 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 3 until 5and 7 until 9 p.m. today (Monday). Harry L. White Funeral Home, Inc., Conyers.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/15/1990
Kathryn Jean Bloodworth Higginbotham (1922-1990) TX/GA
Mrs. Jean B. Higginbotham of Atlanta, a homemaker, died of cancer Friday at Piedmont Hospital. She was 68.
The funeral will be at 11:30 a.m. today at Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church with entombment at Arlington Mausoleum.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Ranger, Texas, attended Texas Christian University. She was a member of the Junior League and the Order of the Eastern Star and had worked to support the Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School.
Surviving are her husband, Fred R. Higginbotham; two daughters, Kay H. Leavell of Dallas, Texas, and Jan H. Mason of Great Falls, Va.; and three grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/27/1990
Lester William Higginbotham (1897-1990) GA
Lester W. Higginbotham, 93, died October 26, 1990 at Piedmont Hospital. He was born February 1, 1897 on a farm in Elbert County, Ga., the ninth and last child of R.C. and Annie Slayton Higginbotham. He came to Atlanta in 1921 and started working in the telephone industry. He retired in 1962 at the age of 65 from the Southern Bell Headquarters with over forty years service in Atlanta, Macon and South Carolina. He was a member of Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church, The Optimist Club of Atlanta, Telephone Pioneers, Past Master of W.D. Luckie Masonic Lodge #89 and Eastern Star Martha Chapter. Surviving are his wife, Lillie Owens Henry Higginbotham; step-son, Lem Henry and Step-daughter, Frances Almand, all of Atlanta; sister-in-law, Mable Higginbotham and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at Spring Hill, Saturday, October 27 at 1:00 o'clock. Rev. Renfroe Watson and Rev. Sanford McDonald will officiate. Interment will be at Decatur City Cemetery. The family will receive friends Friday evening from 7:00 until 9:00 p.m. at Spring Hill. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church Building Fund. H.M. Patterson & Son.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/14/1991
Bobby G. Higginbotham (1937-1991) GA
Mr. Bobby Higginbotham, age 53, of Powder Springs died Wednesday, June 12 1991. Funeral services will be held Saturday, 1 p.m., Bellamy Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Tommy Chapman officiating. Interment, Powder Springs Memorial Gardens. Survivors include his wife, Lois Higginbotham; daughter, Kristine Higginbotham; three sisters, Pat Higginbotham, Marie Higginbotham, Louise Higginbotham; one brother, Richard Higginbotham; nieces and nephews. Bellamy's Powder Springs Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/14/1991
James Hal Higginbotham (1927-1991) GA
Mr. Hal Higginbotham of Monroe, died July 13, 1991. Funeral services will be held Monday, 11 a.m. from the chapel of Meadows Funeral Home. Rev. Neil Stich and Rev. Stiles Cobb officiating. interment, Resthaven Cemetery. Surviving, daughter, Mrs. Jamie (Connie) Hicks, Monroe; son, Mr. and Mrs. Skippy and Sabra Higginbotham; sister, Mrs. Edward (Bert) Fambrough, Monroe, Mrs. Minnelle Cofield, Monroe; three granddaughters. Meadows Funeral Home, Inc.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 7/19/1991
Ruth Mae Tucker Higginbotham (1909-1991) AL/GA
Ruth Mae Higginbotham, 82, of 613 32nd St., Columbus, died Wednesday at her home.
A graveside funeral will be 2 p.m. today at Parkhill Cemetery, according to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, Columbus.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born May 8, 1909, in Lanett, Ala., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malchia Tucker. She retired from West Point-Pepperell Mills.
Survivors include a sister, Mary Burrell Tucker of Colubus.
The Palm Beach (FL) Post 8/7/1991
Theda Miriam Higginbotham Smith (1921-1991) FL/GA
Mrs. Theda Smith, age 70, of Newnan, Ga., formerly of Okeechobee, Fla., died August 6, 1991 at Humana Hospital-Newnan.
Survivors include her husband, Mr. Robert F. Smith Sr., of Newnan; a daughter, Miriam S. Williams of Sarasota, Fla.; a son, Robert F. Smith Jr., of Newnan; two sisters, Mrs. Betty Ahmiller and Mrs. Omeria Higginbotham, both of Jacksonville, Fla.; four brothers, Mrs. Robert P. Higginbotham, Mr. Timothy T. Higginbotham, Mr. Russell Higginbotham and Mr. M.G. Higginbotham, all of Jacksonville, Fla.; grandchildren, Dawn Williams, Rhonda Kapusia, Charles Smith and Robbie Smith, III; three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted Thursday, August 8, 1991 at 11 a.m. from the chapel of McKoon Funeral Home with the Rev. Ron Howard officiating. Interment will be in Forest Lawn Memorial park in Newnan.
Huntsville Times 09/19/1991
Stephen R. Higginbotham (1959-1991) GA
Stephen R. Higginbotham, 32, of 523 Eastbrook Drive, died Monday at an Atlanta hospital. The funeral will be Saturday at 1 p.m. at Lakeside United Methodist Church with the Rev. Frank J. Lee officiating.
Burial will be in Valhalla Memory Gardens with Royal Funeral Home in charge.
Survivors include his mother, Pearl Horton Higginbotham of Huntsville; his father, Garnett Higginbotham of Atlanta; and a sister, Brenda Richardson of Huntsville.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/28/1992
Margie Kent Higginbotham (1920-1992) GA
The funeral for Margie Kent Higginbotham of Decatur, a homemaker, will be at 2 p.m. today at A.S. Turner & Sons Funeral home, with burial at Resthaven Garden of Memories.
Mrs. Higginbotham, 72, died of cancer Saturday at Decatur Hospital.
Surviving are her husband, William H. Higginbotham; two daughters, Margaret Garren of Locust Grove and Marsha Stratham of Wilson, N.C.; two sisters, Hester Goodwin of Ellenwood and Laura Wilson of Loganville; and three grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/30/1992
Everett Oliver Higginbotham Jr. (1948-1992) GA
Mr. Everett O. Higginbotham, Jr., age 44, of Lithonia, died November 28, 1992. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Debbie Brock Higginbotham; daughter, Miss Kimberly Higginbotham' mother, Mrs. Mary Higginbotham, Decatur. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Tuesday at Decatur Heights Baptist Church. Mr. Bob Bailey and Mr. Henry Mainor officiating. Interment, Westview Cemetery. A.S. Turner & Sons.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/26/1993
Oliver Higginbotham (1972-1993) GA
Mr. Oliver Higginbotham, of 1749 Pryor Rd., Apt. 1, funeral services will be held Wednesday, January 27, 1993 at 12 noon from the Free Gospel Interdenominational Church. Apostle James S. Prothro, pastor, officiating, with remains placed in state at 10 a.m. Interment, Chestnut Hill Cemetery. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Barbara Ann Bryson, one brother, Anthony Higginbotham, one sister, Alicia Bryson, two step-brothers, James and Maurice Bryson, one step-sister, Emma Flowers, one niece, Barbara Sullins, four aunts, Mrs. Carolyn Murray, Dorothy Miles, Beatrice Newton, Shirley Smith, uncles, Abraham Murray and George Miles and a host of other relatives and friends. Everyone please assembly at the above address at 11 a.m. Pollard Funeral Home.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 6/17/1993
James Ellis Higginbotham (1933-1993) GA/AL
Opelika, Ala. - James E. Higginbotham, 60, of Opelika, died Wednesday at his home.
A graveside funeral will be 1 p.m. Tuesday in Alta Vista Cemetery, Gainesville, Ga., according to Frederick's Funeral Home, Opelika.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Feb. 28, 1933, in Georgia. His parents' names were not available. He retired from the U.S. Army after 22 years.
Survivors include a son, Darrell J. Higginbotham of Marietta, Ga.; a daughter, Donna K. Higginbotham of Gainesville; a sister, Louise Norrell of Opelika; and two grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/4/1994
Lawrence Elmon Higginbotham Jr. (1959-1994) GA
Mr. Lawrence E. (Larry) Higginbotham Jr., 34, died in Atlanta from complications of Aids on January 2, 1994. He is survived by his parents, L.E. (Elmon) and Martha Higginbotham; sister, Pam Barnett and niece, Tracey Barnett, all of Brunswick, Ga. A resident of Atlanta since 1979, he was formerly employed by American Express. A communicant of the Cathedral of St. Philip, he was a member of the Cathedral and Evensong Chorus, Chamber Chorus, and the Robert Shaw Festival Singers. Memorial services will be held Wednesday, January 5 at 10 o'clock at the Cathedral of St. Philip Episcopal Church. the family will receive friends Tuesday evening from 7 until 9 o'clock at Spring Hill. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Music Department Performance Club, c/o The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Rd. N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30327. H.M. Patterson & Son.
Waycross Journal-Herald, 3/28/1994
Lovie Cleo Higginbotham Popham Selph (1910-1994)
Mrs. Lovie Popham Selph, 84, died Sunday morning at the Satilla Regional Medical
Center after an extended illness.
She was a nurse's aide at the old Ware County Hospital and was employed for many
years at Dr. C. M. Massey's office. She was a native of Charlton County but was
a Ware County resident most of her life. She was a member of Kettle Creek
Southern Congregational Methodist Church. Her parents were Hampton T. and Mollie
Wainwright Higginbotham. Her first husband was the late Lester C. Popham. After
his death she was married to the late Joe M. Selph.
Her survivors are three sons, Clarence Popham of Tampa, Fla., Maitland Popham of
Waycross and Dale Popham of Taraboro, N.C.; two daughters, Shirley Roberts of
Inverness, Fla. and Rose Westberry of Tampa, Fla.; one sister, Mrs. Lillian
Wilson of Snellville; 15 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and other
The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Kettle Creek Church, with burial
in the church cemetery. The body will be placed in the church at 10 a.m.
The family will receive friends tonight from 7 until 9 o'clock at Miles-Odum
Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/5/1994
Billie Annette Gray Higginbotham (1915-1994) GA/FL
Former Insurance Executive
The funeral for Billie Gray Higginbotham of St. Petersburg and formerly of East Point, a former auditor, cashier and vice-president for Southern Life Insurance Co., will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at H.H. Patterson & Son's Spring Hill Funeral Home, with burial at Westview Cemetery.
Mrs. Higginbotham, 78, died Saturday.
Surviving are her husband, Dr. William L. Higginbotham; two children, John G.
Higginbotham of Gulfport, Miss., and William L. Higginbotham Jr. of Long Beach,
Miss.; two siblings, Jacqueline Boggs and Georgianna Cotton of Atlanta; and a
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer 11/06/1994
Rosalie Wood Higginbotham (1906-1994) LA/GA
Rosalie Wood Higginbotham, 88, of LaGrange, died Saturday at Providence Nursing Home, Thomaston, Ga. The graveside funeral will be 11 a.m. Monday at Shadowlawn Cemetery, LaGrange, according to Hunter-Allen-Myhand Funeral Home, LaGrange. Mrs. Higginbotham was born Sept. 10, 1906, in Arcadia Parish, La., daughter of Marion Otis and Caroline Liles Wood. She retired in 1962 from City-County Hospital, LaGrange. A resident since 1926, she was a member of First Baptist Church, was a former member of the Women's Club and had been prominent in the Girl Scouts. Survivors include two daughters, Ellen Shular of LaGrange and Susan H. Briggs of Newport, R.I.; three grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Chicago Daily Herald 11/20/1994
William A. Higinbotham (1910-1994) GA
William A. Higinbotham, a physicist who worked in the first atomic bomb and later advocated nuclear safeguards, died of emphysema Thursday in Gainesville, Ga. He was 84.
Higinbotham joined the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y., in 1947, retiring in 1984. Higinbotham was electronics director for the Manhattan District Project in Los Alamos, N.M., where the first atomic bomb was developed during World War II.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/4/1995
Winslow Lamar Higginbotham (1940-1995) GA
Memorial services for W. Lamar Higginbotham of Stockbridge, GA will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the First Baptist Church of Riverdale. Survivors include his wife, Rodie Higginbotham, a daughter, Joni Tuttle, Lawrenceville, GA; a son, Stan Higginbotham, Smyrna, GA; a brother, Jimmy Higginbotham, his mother, Helen Higginbotham, both of Yulee, FL; two grandchildren. Additional services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the First Baptist Church of Callahan. Arrangements by Callahan Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/15/1995
Henry Lee Higginbotham (1925-1995) GA
Mr. Henry Lee Higginbotham (Hick) of 2610 M.L. King Jr. Dr. SW entered into rest March 12, 1995. Funeral services Thursday, March 16, 1995 at 1 p.m. from Murray Bros. Cascade Chapel, 1199 Utoy Springs Rd SW, Rev. Cassius Ellis officiating. Family and friends are asked to assemble at Murray Bros. Funeral Home, 12:45 p.m. Survivors two sisters, Mrs. Aramintha Copeland, Mt. Clair, CA; Mrs. Dorothy Harlston, Detroit, MI; two brothers, Mr. Aaron Higginbotham, Mr. Ernest Higginbotham, both of Jacksonville, FL; nephew, Rev. and Mrs. Caffius Ellis, other nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Murray Bros. 349-3000.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/17/1995
Richard Edwin Higginbotham Sr. (1920-1995) NY/GA
Mr. Richard E. Higginbotham Sr. of Dunwoody, died May 16, 1995. Surviving are his wife, Margaret C. Higginbotham, Dunwoody; daughters, Ann Duke, Peggy Coulter, Sarah Hove; sons, Rick Higginbotham, Edwin Higginbotham and J.F. Higginbotham, all of Atlanta; sister, Jane Fosbre, Olympia, WA; and 12 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday, May 18 at 10 o'clock at All Saints Catholic Church. Monsignor R. Donald Kiernan officiating. Interment, Arlington Memorial Park. the family will receive friends Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock with the rosary being said at 7:30 o'clock at H.M. Patterson & Son, 4550 Peachtree Rd.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/20/1995
Sterling Tombs Higginbotham (1905-1995) GA
Mr. Sterling T. Higginbotham of Decatur, passed away Saturday, August 19, 1995. He was the founder of Higginbotham Furniture Store in Decatur. A charter member of South Dekalb Kiwanis Club and Glenwood Hills Business Association. Survivors include daughters, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Haynes, Conyers; Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Higginbotham, Monticello; brothers, James P. Higginbotham, TN; W. Howard Higginbotham, Decatur; Samuel L. Higginbotham, Cumming; sisters, Frances Tant, Avondale Estates; Mrs. Marian Higginbotham, Lithonia; Mary McCord, Stone Mountain; nine grandchildren, thirteen great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Monday, August 21, 1995 at 11 a.m. from Wards Rockdale Chapel. Rev. Paul H. Norris III will officiate. Interment Resthaven Garden of Memory. Family will receive friends today from 2-4 and 7-9 at the funeral home. Horis A. Ward Inc. Rockdale Chapel 918-8851.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/28/1995
Dorthy L. Higginbotham (1934-1995) GA
Mrs. Dorthy L. Higginbotham of Fayetteville died September 26, 1995. She is survived by: Husband, Mr. Robert W. Higginbotham, Fayetteville; children, James W. Higginbotham, Griffin; Sherri McClain, Ala.; Connie Weatherby, Atlanta; Curtis Higginbotham, Griffin; Danny Higginbotham, S.C.; five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held today at 4 o'clock p.m. at the Pine Grove Baptist Church with remains placed in state at 3 o'clock p.m. Reverend Gaines Wise will officiate. Interment, churchyard. In lieu of flowers, those desiring may make contributions to the Pine Grove Baptist Church. Carl J. Maxwell and Son, Fayetteville.
Bashie Mae Higginbotham Smith Carter (1908-1995) GA
BRUNSWICK - Mrs. Bashie Mae Higginbotham Carter, 83, died Monday at Brunswick Health Care Nursing Home, She was born in Ware County and lived in MacClenny, Fla. for many years before moving to Glynn County 27 years ago. She was a member of the United Pentecostal Church and was a homemaker. SURVIVORS: four daughters, Sarah R. Crews and Joyce P. Specht, both of Brunswick, Louise E. Phillips of Melrose, Fla., and, Betty J. Lawrence of Fort Pierce, Fla.; a son, Charles G. Smith of Jacksonville, Fla.; several grandchildren: great-grandchildren; and great-great- grandchildren. VISITATION: 7-9 p.m. today at Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home, Brunswick. FUNERAL-.11 a.m. Friday at the United Pentecostal Church/burial in Evergreen Cemetery, Jacksonville, Fla.
Mary Priscilla Saines Higginbotham (1941-1996) GA
Mrs. Mary "Pat" Higginbotham, 54, died Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1996, at Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center.
The funeral will be at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Elliott Sons Funeral Home, Lumpkin Road, with the Rev. James R. Stady officiating. Burial will be in Westover Memorial Park.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Columbus, Ga., had lived in Augusta for 23 years. She was the manager of Vogue Cleaners and a member of Lumpkin Road Baptist Church.
Survivors include her husband, Osborn Higginbotham; a son, David Higginbotham, Appling; two daughters, Tara Higginbotham and Shirlene Newsome, both of Augusta; her mother, Elizabeth Saines, Columbus; a sister, Cindy Weeks, Columbus; and four grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Harry Bly, Charles Rogers, Ed Cody, Charles Guldenschuh, Ricky Weeks and Tommy Swain.
Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 325 Eighth St., Augusta, 30901.
The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/27/1996
Alice McClelland Higginbotham (1910-1996) GA
Alice McClelland Higginbotham, Atlanta, GA., age 87, a resident of Lenbrook Square died June 25, 1996. She is survived by niece and nephew John and Betty Roesel of Atlanta and a stepson, Clyde Higginbotham, Jacksonville, FL. A memorial service will be Held at 2 p.m. Friday, June 28, 1996 at St. Mary's Chapel at the Cathedral of St. Phillip, Atlanta. Wages & sons, 770-469-9811.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/24/1996
Rufus Forrest Higginbotham (1914-1996) GA
Rufus Forrest Higginbotham, 82, of Fayetteville, died Wednesday. Funeral, 11 a.m. today, Carl J. Mowell & Son Funeral Home, Fayetteville.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/27/1996
Annie Kate Higginbotham (1911-1996) GA
Annie Kate Higginbotham of Lilburn died Sunday. She was 85.
The graveside service will be at 1 p.m. today at Westview Cemetery in Atlanta.
Miss Higginbotham was retired from Southern Railroad's Communications and Signal Department after 37 years of service.
There were no immediate family members among the survivors.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/16/1996
Florence Bryan Higginbotham (1913-1996) GA/FL
Florence B. Higginbotham, 83, of Ormand Beach, Fla., formerly of Atlanta, died Thursday. Graveside service, 9 a.m. Tuesday, Volusia Memorial Park and Funeral Home, Ormand Beach.
Athens Daily News 01/07/1997
Reba Mills Higginbotham (1920-1997) GA
Elberton - Reba Mills Higginbotham, 76, of 1639 Anderson
Highway died Sunday, Jan. 5, 1997.
A native of Elbert County, Mrs.
Higginbotham was a daughter of the late William Rucker and Lois Rice Mills. A
homemaker, she was retired from Prestolite Automotive Co. and was a member of
Bethel "E" Baptist Church.
Funeral services will be at 3
p.m. today at Berry Funeral Home Memorial Chapel with the Revs. Rand Freer and
Connie Ivester officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hills Memorials Park
Survivors include her husband,
Grady C. Higginbotham; three daughters, Joyce Alewine, Greenwood, S.C., Martha
Ann Booth, Elberton, and Kathy Smith, Fortsonia community, Elberton; four sons,
William Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham and Grady M. Higginbotham, all of
Elberton, and Amos H. Higginbotham, Grandy, N.C.; three sisters, Eunice Hughes,
Augusta, and Jewell Madden and Betty Albertson, both of Elberton; two brothers,
W.R. Mills, Augusta, and Grady Mills, Anterville, S.C.; 12 grandchildren; and 10
Pallbearers will be Alan "Pete"
Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham, John Alewine, Stacy Smith, Glenn Higginbotham
and Travis Higginbotham.
Athens Daily News 01/24/1997
Frances Louella Dooley Higginbotham (1912-1997) GA
Cornelia - Fannie Dooley Higginbotham, 84, of Galloway Street died
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1997.
A native of White County, Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late Jim and
Laura Allen Dooley and was the widow of James L. Higginbotham. She was a retired
supervisor at Carwood Manufacturing Co. and worked in food services at
Clarkesville Elementary School.
She was a member of Habersham Chapter 480 OES and Cornelia First Baptist Church
where she was a member of Volunteer Sunday school class and the Susan Anderson
WMU Group.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the church with the Rev. Gary
Morris officiating. Burial will be in Yonah Memorial Gardens.
Survivors include a daughter, Barbara Bennett, Jacksonville, Fla.; a son, Joe
Higginbotham, Cornelia; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
The family will receive friends 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. today at Whitfield Funeral
Flowers are optional; memorials may be made to the church, P.O. Box 96,
Cornelia, Ga. 30531.
Gladys Jacobs Higginbotham (1915-1997) GA
Gladys Jacobs Higginbotham, 91 (b. 15
Aug 1915), of Nahunta, died Sunday morning (2 Feb 1997) at Bayview Nursing Home
following a long illness.
A native of Wayne County, she was the daughter of the late Edmond "Ed" Franklin
Jacobs and Janie Thomas Jacobs and the widow of Earnest Tilman "Ernie"
Higginbotham, her sisters, Mary Harrison and Nora Highsmith, her brothers, Alvin
Jacobs, Dan Jacobs and Leon Jacobs.
She was a member of Southside Baptist Church and was a retired clerk for the
city of Nahunta.
Survivors are two daughters, Vera Strickland (husband Rev. Marshall Strickland)
and Carolyn Thomas (husband Jimmy), both of Nahunta; one son, Omer E.
Higginbotham (wife Jeanette) of Brunswick; two sisters, Lana Strickland of
Nahunta and Macie Colvin of Hoboken; two brothers, Horace Jacobs of Nahunta and
Dr. Ivey Jacobs of Alma; 6 grandchildren, Barry Strickland, Edith Sheffield,
Omer Higginbotham, Jr., Janice Lane, Ernie Thomas, and Cara Highsmith; 14
great-grandchildren and other relatives.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at Southside Baptist
Church with Rev. Russ Graham officiating. Burial was at New Hope Cemetery in
Pallbearers were Barry Strickland, LaRue Sheffield, Omer Higginbotham, Ernie
Thomas, Bruce Lane, and Simeon Highsmith.
Memorials may be made to Southside Baptist Church Building Fund.
Chambless Funeral Home of Nahunta was in charge of
The Atlanta Constitution 2/8/1997
Carl Milton Higginbotham (1936-1997) GA
Carl Milton Higginbotham, 60, of Douglasville died Thursday, February 6, 1997. He is survived by his mother, Celia Higginbotham. Graveside services will be Saturday at 4 p.m. in the Douglasville City Cemetery with rev. Jesse Mapoli officiating. Whitley Garner Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
The Decatur Daily 3/3/1997
James Paine Higginbotham (1913-1997) GA/AL
Graveside service for James Paine
Higginbotham, 84, of Decatur was to be today at 2 p.m. in Roselawn Cemetery with
Charles Littrell officiating and Roselawn Funeral Home directing.
Mr. Higginbotham died Saturday, March 1, 1997, at Huntsville Hospital. He was
born February 4, 1913, in Georgia. He was a member of the Church of Christ and
was a World War II U.S. Army veteran. He worked in construction.
He is survived by his wife, Gwen Higginbotham; two brothers, Samuel Higginbotham
of Cummings, Ga.; and Howard Higginbotham of Decatur, Ga; and three sisters,
Mary McCord of Stone Mountain, Ga.; Marion Higginbotham of Tucker, Ga.; and
Frances Tate of Hartwell, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/24/1997
Lou Jim Higginbotham Carithers (1910-1997) GA
Mrs. Loujim H. Carithers, of Decatur, died Sunday. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Sundgren of Atlanta; one son, Mr. Robert H. Carithers, St. Simons Island; four grandchildren, Mrs. Patricia Williford, Mrs. Beverly Sylvester, Mr. William Carithers, Mr. Graham Carithers, and several great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10:00 in the Chapel of A.S. Turner and Sons. Dr. Phil Esty will officiate. Interment, Floral Hill Memory Gardens. The family will receive friends Monday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at A.S. Turner & Sons.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/5/1997
Sarah Alice Higginbotham Hale (1908-1997) GA
Sarah Higginbotham Hale, 89, of Marietta died Tuesday. Graveside service, 11 a.m. Monday, College Park Cemetery; Harris Funeral Home, Kings Mountain, N.C.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 9/9/1997
Ursula Louise Burnside Higginbotham McMahan (1940-1997) East Prussia/GA
Albany, GA - Ursula Louise Higginbotham McMahan, formerly of Columbus, died Monday, September 8, 1997, in Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany, GA.
Graveside funeral services will be held 10:00 a.m. Thursday in Parkhill Cemetery in Columbus. Visitation will be today from 3:00 until 9:00 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mrs. McMahan was born May 16, 1940 in Sdunkein, East Prussia, the daughter of the late John Burnside and Ruth Sulimma Burnside of Columbus.
Survivors other than her mother include her husband, Bob McMahan of Albany; two daughters, Barbara Ann Morris and Ruth Theresa Higginbotham, both of Columbus; two sons, Edward Randolph Higginbotham and John William Higginbotham, both of Seale, AL; a stepson, Robert McMahan and a stepdaughter, Debbie Brunner, both of Albany; three grandchildren; and eight stepgrandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/8/1997
Beatrice Bradley Higginbotham (1913-1997) GA
Funeral services for Mrs. Beatrice Bradley Higginbotham will be held Wednesday, October 8, 1997, 3 p.m., in the chapel of Carl J. Mowell & Son, Fayetteville. rev. Chris Perkins will officiate, interment, Camp Memorial Park. Carl J. Mowell & Son, Fayetteville.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/20/1997
Violet B. Higginbotham Simmons (1922-1997) FL/GA
Violet B. Simmons, 75, of Acworth, formerly of Lithia
Springs, died Tuesday. Funeral, 2 p.m. Friday, White Columns Chapel, Lithia
Athens Daily News 12/05/1997
Inez Mildred Higginbotham Sheriff (1911-1997) GA
Carnesville - Inez Mildred Higginbotham Sheriff, 86, formerly
of Carnesville, died Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1997.
A native of Stephens County, Mrs. Sheriff was a daughter of the late Leverette
and Sarah Vesta Hunter Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by two daughters,
Rudene Burnette and Mae Blakely, and three sons, Bobby Sheriff, Dewey Sheriff
and Dwight Sheriff. She was a homemaker and a member of Tom's Creek Baptist
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. today at Ginn Funeral Home with the Rev. Paul
Creason officiating. Burial will be in Tom's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.
Survivors include her husband, Robert Sheriff, Comer; two daughters, Joyce
Henderson, Carnesville, and Barbara Neese, Duluth; three sons, Johnny Sheriff,
Ellijay, Paul Sheriff, Cumming, and Bruce Sheriff, Lavonia; two sisters, Mable
Lane, Maryville, Tenn., and Viola Anthony, Royston; 18 grandchildren; 19
great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.
The family is at the home of Roger and Barbara Neese, 325 Bow Court, Lavonia.
Athens Daily News 12/24/1997
Grady Cleveland Higginbotham (1916-1997) GA
Elberton - Grady Cleveland Higginbotham, 81, of 1639 Anderson
Highway died Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1997.
A native of Elbert County, Mr. Higginbotham was a son of the late Ace and Carrie
Beasley Higginbotham. He was a member of Bethel "E" Baptist Church and was
retired from the granite industry.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. today at Berry Funeral Home with the Revs.
Rand Freer and Donald Mulkey officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hills
Memorial Park Cemetery.
Survivors include three daughters, Kathy Smith, Fortsonia Community, Elberton,
Joyce Alewine, Greenwood, S.C., and Martha Ann Booth, Elberton; four sons,
William A. "Bill" Higginbotham, Robert C. "Bob" Higginbotham and Grady M.
Higginbotham, all of Elberton, and Amos H. Higginbotham, Grandy, N.C.; 12
grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be grandsons Alan "Pete" Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham,
John Alewin, Stacy Smith, Glenn Higginbotham and Travis Higginbotham.
The family is at the residence.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/18/1998
Patrick B. Higginbotham (1938-1998) FL/GA
Mr. Patrick B. "Duke" Higginbotham, age 59, of Atlanta died February 16, 1998. A native of Saint Petersburg, FL, Mr. Higginbotham had been an Atlanta resident for the past 35 years. He retired in 1994 as an accountant with the U.S. Forest Service. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Westminister Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. He was predeceased by his wife, Barbara Hale Higginbotham. Surviving are his cousins, Ron Higginbotham, Lawrenceville, GA, Clinton Higginbotham, Woodstock, GA, Baxter Higginbotham, Atlanta and Sherry Higginbotham Pacella, Lilburn, GA and many, many friends. Funeral services will be held Thursday, February 19 at 11:00 a.m. at Spring Hill with interment following at 3:00 p.m. at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery in Blairsville, GA. The family will receive friends Wednesday evening from 6-8 p.m. at Spring Hill. Arrangements by H.M Patterson & Son Spring Hill Chapel, 404-876-1022.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/24/1998
Nancy Elizabeth Nelms Higginbotham (1928-1998) GA
Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth (Bettie) Higginbotham, age 70 of Snellville, GA, died March 23. She is survived by husband, Bill Higginbotham, daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Ed Tate, all of Snellville; brother, Ralph Nelms, Stone Mountain, GA; grandchildren, Beau Martin, Beth Tate, Sam Tate, Sarah Scanlan, Kathleen Scanlan, and Grace Higginbotham; step-children, Bill Higginbotham, Atlanta, GA; Julia Scanlan, Norcross, GA. Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of DeKalb County, GA., member of Snellville United Methodist Church and Adult Sunday School Class. She was retired from Emory University after 30 years service and was loved and will be missed by all. Funeral services will be held Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 11 a.m. at Snellville United Methodist Church with remains placed in state at 10:30. Dr. James Mooneyhan, Rev. John Ozley officiating, interment, Floral Hills Memory Gardens. the Adult Sunday School Class of Snellville UMC are asked to serve as honorary escort. the family will receive friends Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home. Tom M. Wages Funeral Service, Inc., Snellville Chapel, 770-979-3200.
Athens Daily News 04/14/1998
Clara Fulghum Bridges Higginbotham (1931-1998) GA
Colbert - Clara Bridges Higginbotham, 66, of 149 Peachtree St., died Monday,
April 13, 1998.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fulghum and was
the widow of James C. Bridges. She was a homemaker and had attended Salvation
Army Church.
Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Lord & Stephens Madison Chapel,
Danielsville, with the Rev. Dennis Kesler officiating.
Burial will be in Evergreen Memorial Park.
Survivors include two daughters, Kathy Tittle, Danielsville, and Elaine Payne,
Colbert; a sister, Etta Sosbee, Athens; five grandchildren; four
great-grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.
The family will receive friends 7-9 p.m. today and 10-11 a.m. Wednesday at the
funeral home.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/29/1998
Louise H. Higginbotham (1916-1998) GA
Mrs. Louise H. Higginbotham, age 82 of Hampton, died April 28, 1998. Survived by husband, Mr. Warren C. Higginbotham, Hampton; sons, Mr. Robert W. Higginbotham, Fayetteville; Mr. Michael E. Higginbotham, Sr., Conley; Mr. Carroll M. Higginbotham, Carrollton; daughter, Mrs. Barbara L. Cooke, Cartersville; four sisters, one brother, 13 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, April 30, 1998 at 1 o'clock from the Ford-Stewart Funeral Home Chapel. rev. Joe Arthur officiating, interment, Sherwood Memorial Gardens. Family will receive friends from 4 until 9 p.m. Wednesday evening at the funeral home. Ford-Stewart Funeral Home, Inc., Jonesboro/Stockbridge. 770-210-2700.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/4/1998
Marion R. Higginbotham (1907-1998) GA
Longtime Journal Employee
Marion r. Higginbotham, 90, of Stone Mountain began working as a clerk at the Atlanta Journal in 1926, but by the time she left, she had earned a reputation for her kindness and skill at dealing with the public. She also had served as an inspiration for a newspaper comic strip.
Ms. Higginbotham started in the newspaper's circulation department and ran the information booth when the Journal was at 10 Forsyth St. She later worked in classified advertising.
Ms. Higginbotham died at DeKalb Medical Center April 29 of complications from a stroke. The funeral was Friday at Horis A. Ward, Stone Mountain Chapel.
During her 46 years at the Journal, Ms. Higginbotham earned respect for her kindheartedness and rapport with the public, said her sister, Mary McCord of Stone Mountain. She took classified ads over the phone, but also answered reader's questions, gave directions and was a gentle liaison between reporters and editors and people who were upset by something in the newspaper.
Ms. Higginbotham was the inspiration for "Pam," a comic strip about a working woman by late Journal cartoonist A.W. Brewerton. She cherished her years at the Journal, her sister said, and fondly recalled greeting celebrities and well-known columnists as they came and went from the newspaper.
"She knew all the old-timers at the paper," her sister said. "Everyone was fond of Marion."
Born in Newton County, Ms. Higginbotham moved to Atlanta as a teenager and began working for the Journal. "That was her first and only job," her sister said. She read the Atlanta Journal-Constitution "from cover to cover" until suffering a series of strokes several years ago, she said. An avid football and baseball fan, Ms. Higginbotham enjoyed going on fishing trips at Georgia lakes and along trout streams in the Appalachians.
"She loved to cook and used to cook for the family on Sundays," her sister said. "She was an extremely good cook, and you had to get there early."
Ms. Higginbotham, who never married, was a longtime member of Mount Carmel Christian Church.
Survivors other than her sister include another sister, Frances H. Tant of Hartwell; and two brothers, Sam L. Higginbotham of Cumming and W. Howard Higginbotham of Decatur.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/22/1998
Jim Higginbotham (1935-1998) GA
Jim Higginbotham, 63, of Lawrenceville died Thursday.
A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Gwinnett Memorial Park. Visitation will be from 6 to 9 p.m. today at Horis A. Ward Funeral Home in Stone Mountain.
Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Social Circle, owned his own commercial cleaning business and worked previously as an executive with Swan Services.
Survivors include his wife, Pat Higginbotham; three sons, Mike Higginbotham of Alpharetta, Mark Higginbotham of Suwanee and Bret Higginbotham of Charlotte; two siblings, Bill Higginbotham of Snellville and Elizabeth Protsman of Lithonia; and six grandchildren.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/5/1998
William Howard Higginbotham (1916-1998) GA
Mr. William H. Higginbotham of Decatur, died Thursday. He is survived by daughter, Mrs. Margaret Garren, Decatur, Ga.; grandchildren, Mrs. Tina Oakley, Mrs. Tisha Lewis and Mrs. Sheila Sesan, great-grandson, Tyler Aaron Sesan; sisters, Mrs. Mary McCord, Stone Mountain, Ga.; Mrs. Francis Tant, Hartwell, Ga.; brother, Sam Higginbotham, Cumming, Ga.. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Chapel of A.S. Turner & Sons. Rev. J.D. Smith will officiate. Interment, Resthaven Garden of Memories. the family will receive friends Friday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at A.S. Turner & Sons.
Norma Higginbotham Hughes (1921-1998) VA/GA
Gordon, Ga.-Mrs. Norma H. Hughes, 77, of Wright’s Hollow Road community, died Sunday (Oct. 18. 1998) in Gordon Hospital. She was born Aug. 28, 1921, in Nelson County, Va., a daughter of the late George Robert and Elsie I. Patteson Higginbotham. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Harry W. Hughes; a sister, Capitola Hughes; and two brothers, Fred and Chester Higginbotham. She was formerly employed by E.I. DuPont and was a member of First Baptist Church of Calhoun. She is survived by a son, George D. “Dickie” Hughes of Calhoun; a daughter, Brenda Black and he husband, Gary, of Calhoun; one brother, Bobby D. Higginbotham and his wife, Genevieve, of Piney River, Va.; and two grandchildren, Heather and Chase Black of Calhoun. A service was conducted Tuesday (Oct. 20, 1998) and burial was in Fain Cemetery. Thomas Funeral Home of Calhoun was in charge of arrangements.
Athens Daily News 11/15/1998
Mary Burgess Higginbotham (1910-1998) GA
Washington - Mary B. Higginbotham, 88, of Oak Grove Road died Friday,
Nov. 13,1998.
A native of Wilkes County, Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late John M.
and Mary Carolyn Bentley Burgess and was married to the late Norman
Higginbotham. She was a retired school teacher, a member of Rehoboth Baptist
Church, and helped organize the Metasville Farm Bureau.
Services will be 11 a.m. Monday at Rehoboth Baptist Church Cemetery with the
Revs. Chester Hall and George Hollis officiating.
Survivors include three daughters, Carolyn H. Simpson, North Augusta, S.C.,
Norma H. Sanders, Winterville, and Lanoy H. Cole, Charlotte, N.C.; a son,
William Higginbotham, Washington; and six grandchildren and four
Memorials may be made to the charity of your choice.
The family will receive friends 6-8 p.m. today at Hopkins Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/16/1998
Jettie Minnelle Higginbotham Cofield (1919-1998) GA
Mrs. Minelle Cofield of Monroe died November 14, 1998. Funeral service will be held Monday, November 16 at 2:00 P.M. from Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church, Rev. Tom Drake officiating. Interment, Resthaven Cemetery.
Surviving sister, Mrs. Bert Fambrough, Monroe; nieces, Mrs.
Connie Hicks, Mrs. Nancy Nunnally and Mrs. Joyce Kirk, all of Monroe; nephews,
Mr. Skip Higginbotham and Mr. Jimmy Fambrough, both of Monroe; Mr. Kent
Fambrough, Bostwick, and Mr. Jere Higginbotham, Snellville. Meadows Funeral
Home, Inc., Monroe, GA.
Athens Banner-Herald 12/15/1998
Joe D. Higginbotham (1931-1998) GA
Joe D. Higginbotham, 67, died Monday, Dec. 14, 1998.
A native of Habersham County, Mr. Higginbotham was a son of the late James
Lee and Fannie Dooley Higginbotham. He was retired after serving 40 years as an
appliance serviceman. He was a graduate of Cornelia High School and the North
Georgia Technical Institute. He was a United States Navy veteran of the Korean
Conflict and was a member of Grant Reeves Post No. 7720, Veterans of Foreign
Wars. He was a member of Cornelia First Baptist Church.
Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Cornelia First Baptist Church with the
Revs. T. Logan Smith, Phil Smith and Mathilda Scroggs officiating. Burial will
be in Yonah Memorial Gardens.
Survivors include his wife, Anita Caudell Higginbotham; three daughters,
Susie Cantrell and Elaine Higginbotham, both of Cornelia, and Lisa Watts, Mount
Airy; two sons, Don Higginbotham, Turnerville, and David Higginbotham, Athens; a
sister, Barbara H. Bennett, Jacksonville, Fla.; and five grandchildren.
The family will receive friends from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. today at Whitfield
Funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church
Building Fund, P.O. Box 96, Cornelia, GA 30531.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/20/1999
William Thomas Higginbotham (1932-1999) GA
William T. "Bill" Higginbotham, 67, of Dawsonville, died February 19, 1999. Surviving are his wife, Betty Higginbotham, Dawsonville; daughters, Karen Lea Byrd, Jo Anne Legacki, Winston-Salem, NC; sons, William T. Higginbotham III, Cartersville; Jim Higginbotham, Powder Springs; Alan Higginbotham, Cumming; step children, Kip Burnette, Douglasville; Shelly Melton, Kennesaw; Melanie Pringle, Woodstock; sisters, Mildred Griffin, Kitty Hawk, NC; Louise Burch, Elizabeth City, NC; Edna Miles, Harlem, GA; and 18 grandchildren Memorial services will be held on Sunday, February 21, 1999 at 2:30 p.m. at Bearden Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. Phil Holder officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Eagle Ranch, P.P Box 7200, Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502-0050. Bearden Funeral Home, Dawsonville.
Athens Daily News 05/03/1999
Doris Mildred Freeman Higginbotham
Elberton - Doris Mildred Freeman Higginbotham, 81, of 1050 Petersburg
Road, died Friday, April 30, 1999.
A native of Elbert County, Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late Luther
Lee Freeman and Buford Missouri Davis Freeman. She was a homemaker and a member
of Calvary Presbyterian Church, Elberton.
Services will be at 11 a.m. today at the Calvary Presbyterian Church, with the
Rev. Bill Lowe officiating. Burial will be in Elmhurst Cemetery, Elberton.
Survivors include her husband, Carl Talmadge Higginbotham, Elberton; a daughter,
Ann Higginbotham Looney, Elberton; two sons, Glenn Rodney Higginbotham, Athens,
and Carl Lee Higginbotham, Atlanta; a brother, Roy Lee Freeman, Yucca Valley,
Calif.; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Eric Higginbotham, Jason Vincent, Jason McCannon, Joe
Freeman, Lee Freeman, and Roy Cornell.
The family will be at the residence of Don and Ann Looney, 1800 Chipshot Lane,
Berry Funeral Home, Elberton, is in charge of the arrangements.
Macon Telegraph 6/19/1999
Emma Higginbotham Lyles (1902-1999) GA
Cochran-Services for Emma H. Lyles will be at 3 p.m. Sunday
in Cochran First Baptist Church with burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Lyles,96,died Friday, June 18, 1999. Born in Atlanta, she was the daughter of the
late J.H. and Rose Ellen McCall Higginbotham. The widow of Joe D. Lyles, Sr.,
she lived most of her life in Cochran and was a homemaker. She was a member of
Cochran First Baptist Church, Rebekah Sunday School, the WMU and orchestra.
Survivors include her children, Lilla Lee Purser, Louise Smith,
and Joe D, Lyles, Jr., all of Cochran, Louis Lyles of Miami Springs, Fla.; eight
grandchildren;12 great- grandchildren; and two great-great grandchildren. The
family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. today in Mathis Funeral Home and
may be contacted at 806 Third St., Cochran. The body will be placed in the
church at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Athens Daily News 07/06/1999
Audrey L. Higginbotham Stowe (1910-1999) GA
Toccoa - Audrey Higginbotham Stowe, 88, of Anderson Road, died
Monday, July 5.
A native of Stephens County, Mrs. Stowe was the daughter of George W. and Pearl
Bailey Higginbotham and was the widow of Charlie Kermit Stowe. She was a member
of the Toccoa Creek Baptist Church, a member of the Garden Club, a 4-H leader
and a homemaker.
Memorial services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel of Whitlock
Mortuary, with the Rev. Eugene Powe and Mr. Lee Sullens officiating. The body
will be placed at the mortuary where the family will receive friends from 3-5
p.m. and 7-9 p.m. today.
Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Mack and Chris Stowe, Douglasville;
two sisters, Sara Ertzberger, Hartwell and Doris Hicks, Greenwood, S.C.; also a
number of nieces.
Whitlock Mortuary is in charge of the arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/2/1999
James Higginbotham (????-1999) GA
Mr. James Higginbotham of 843 Shaol Ct., College Park, GA, passed July 31, 1999. His funeral will be announced by Gus Thornhill's Funeral Home, Inc., (404) 768-2993-4.
Odessa (TX) American Online 09/10/1999
Rhonda Myra Keys Higginbotham (1962-1999) GA/TX
STANTON-Rhonda Keys Higginbotham, 36, of Midland, a convenience store
assistant manager, died Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1999, near Sterling City.
Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in Evergreen Cemetery with the
Rev. Robert Frazier officiating. Arrangements by Gilbreath Funeral Home.
She was born in Atlanta, Ga.
SURVIVORS: Son, Ricky Higginbotham of Midland; daughter, Amber Higginbotham of
Midland; mother, Sandra Keys of Midland; brother, Randy Keys of Odessa; sisters,
Tori Keys Steen and Staci Keys Baker, both of Odessa; and one granddaughter.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/6/2000
William T. Higginbotham Sr. (1937-2000) GA
Mr. William T. Higginbotham Sr., age 62, of Marietta died January 4, 2000. Surviving are sons, William Higginbotham Jr., Danny Higginbotham, Johnny Higginbotham, Marietta; sister, Joan Lord, Forest Park; brother, Bobby Higginbotham, Forest Park; 15 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday, January 8, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Interment Forest Hills Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends Thursday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Pope Dickson & Son, Jonesboro Chapel. 770-478-7211.
Fort Myers (FL) News-Press 1/6/2000
Wilma Jean Higgenbottom Sillett (1944-2000) TN/FL/GA
Mrs. Wilma Higgenbottom Sillett, 55, of Dalton, Ga., and formerly of Fort Myers, Fla., died Tuesday morning Jan. 4, 2000, in the local hospital. Mrs. Sillett was born Nov. 21, 1944, in Rhea County, Tenn., daughter of Dewey and Bernice Hicks Higgenbottom. Mrs. Sillett attended the Swamp Creek Baptist Church.
She is survived by daughters and sons-in-law, Sharon and Michael Isaacs, Elaine and Shuan Engle, all of Dalton; grandchildren, Natalie Isaacs, Maura Isaacs, Jenifer Engle, Gregory Engle; sisters, Diane Banks of Cleveland, Tenn., Carolyn Kay Huckeba of Rocky Face; brothers, Don Higgenbottom, Scotty Higgenbottom, all of Soddy-Daisy, Tenn.; father of her children, Walter Carl Tinsley of Chattanooga, Tenn.; and several nieces and nephews and cousins.
Funeral services will be held Friday, Jan. 7, 2000, at 2 p.m. from the Chapel of Ponders Funeral Home with the Revs. Wayne Marcus and Terry Jumper officiating.
Interment will follow in the Delano Cemetery in Polk County, Tenn.
Pallbearers will be Gene Ramsey, Billy Thomas, Toby Huckeba, Dale Huckeba, Jeff Higgenbottoom and Eddie Dobbs.
Arrangements by Ponders Funeral Home, Melrose Drive Chapel, Dalton, GA.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/14/2000
William Otis Higginbotham (1917-2000) GA
Mr. W.O. "Bill" Higginbotham, age 82, of Snellville, GA. died January 12, 2000. He is survived by daughter, Julia A. Higginbotham, Norcross; son and daughter-in-law Bill and Elizabeth Higginbotham, Atlanta; step-daughter and step-son-in-law Nancy and Ed Tate, Snellville; grandchildren Sarah Elizabeth Scanlan, Margaret Kathleen Scanlan and Grace Crosby Higginbotham, step-grandchildren Beau Martin, Elizabeth Lauren Tate, former daughter-in-law and mother of Grace - Janice Higginbotham, and sister-in-law Patricia Chambers Higginbotham of Alpharetta. Mr. Higginbotham was born October 18, 1917 in Walton County, Social Circle, GA. and was educated in the city of Atlanta school system. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps and served in the Eighth Air Force During WWII. He and his crew were shot down over Germany and he was a German prisoner of war for 19 months. Upon repatriation, Mr. Higginbotham married Dorothy Crosby, fathered two children and had a long and successful career in sales and sales management with Gordy Tire Company. He later retired from Kitchen & Haynie Tire Company in 1982 and became active in political and civic affairs in Snellville. In 1977 he married Bettie Batey Higginbotham, who preceded him in death in March of 1998. He was a member and deacon at Snellville united Methodist Church, Adult Bible Class, a Master Mason, a Scottish Rite Mason and belonged to the Yaarab Shrine Temple. Funeral services will be held Friday, January 14 at 10:00 a.m. at Wages Snellville Chapel with Rev. John Ozley officiating. interment Greenwood Cemetery. Tom M. Wages Funeral Services, Inc., Snellville Chapel, 770-979-3200.
Athens Daily News 01/20/2000
Mae Bell Higginbotham Caudell (1904-2000) GA
Mae Bell Higginbotham Caudell, 95, of Georgia Highway 17 S.
died Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2000.
A native of Franklin County, Caudell was a daughter of the late William Martin
and Sara Glenn Higginbotham and was the widow of L.M. ''Lam'' Caudell. She was
preceded in death by a stepson, J.D. Caudell. She was a member of Toms Creek
Baptist Church, was a homemaker, and was employed by Caudell's Grocery for
several years.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Whitlock Mortuary with the Rev. Clack
Stubbs officiating. Burial will be in Toms Creek Baptist Church cemetery.
Survivors include two sons, Bill Caudell, Eastanollee, and Carl Caudell,
Titusville, Fla.; two stepdaughters, Bessie Kirby, Toccoa, and Blondine Leverett,
Lula; four stepsons, Emory Caudell, Fred Caudell, Dwain Caudell and Gene Caudell,
all of Toccoa; a sister, Beulah Kirby, Martin; two brothers, Roy Stephenson,
Greenwood, S.C., and Chandler Higginbotham, Hampton; two grandchildren; a
great-grandchild; 20 step-grandchildren; 38 step-great-grandchildren; and nine
The family is at their respective residences and will receive friends from 7-9
p.m. today at the mortuary.
The Madison County Journal 03/01/2000
Allene Higginbotham Sanders (1909-2000) GA
Mrs. Allene H. Sanders, 90, of Danielsville, died Thursday, February 24,
A native of Franklin County, Mrs. Sanders was a daughter of the late Charlie and
Susan Fowler Higginbotham.
She was a homemaker and a member of Danielsville United Methodist Church. Mrs.
Sanders was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph A. Sanders.
Funeral services were held Saturday, February 26, in the chapel of Lord &
Stephens Funeral Home, Danielsville, with the Rev. Ray Jenkins officiating.
Burial was in Danielsville Memorial Gardens. Ricky Higginbotham, Randolph Moore,
Kelly Paul, Dwayne Jordan, Michael Jordan, Pete Porterfield, James Patton and
Clarence Higginbotham Jr. served as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers were Joe
Sanders and Larry Pierce.
Survivors include sons and daughters-in-law, Albert and Shirley Sanders,
Watkinsville, Edward and Faye Sanders, Danielsville, and Bobby and June Sanders,
Athens; one sister, Dallis Tebeau, Marietta; four grandchildren and three
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the American Cancer
Society, 1060 Gaines School Road, Athens, GA 30605.
Lord & Stephens Funeral Home, Danielsville, was in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/3/2000
Warren Candler Higginbotham (1911-2000) GA
Mr. Warren C. Higginbotham, age 88, of Hampton died Wednesday, March 1, 2000. He is survived by his children, Mrs. Barbara L. Cooke, Cartersville, Mr. Robert W. .Higginbotham, Fayetteville, Mr. Michael E. Higginbotham, Sr., Conley; Mr. Carroll M. Higginbotham, Carrollton; brother, Roy Stephens, Greenville, S.C.; sister, Beulah Kirby, Carnesville; 13 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 4, 2000 in the chapel of Ford-Stewart Funeral Home with Rev. Joe Arthur officiating. Interment Sherwood Memorial Park. the family will receive friends Friday from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Ford-Stewart Funeral Home, Inc. Jonesboro/Stockbridge 770-210-2700.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 6/8/2000
Cecil Owen Higginbotham (1927-2000) AL/GA
Columbus, GA - Cecil Owen Higginbotham, 72, of 3239 Glen Street, Columbus, died Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at the VA Hospital in Tuskegee, AL.
Funeral services will be held 10:00 a.m. Friday, June 9, 2000 in Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, MAcon Road Chapel, Columbus, with burial to follow in the Main Post Cemetery, Ft. Benning, GA. The family will receive fiends from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. this evening at the funeral home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born December 10, 1927 in Jefferson County, AL, son of the late Woodie and Ruby Self Higginbotham. He was an Army veteran of Korean and Vietnam with over 20 years service and a member of the Rock Presbyterian Church.
Survivors include his wife, So Soon Higginbotham of Columbus; seven brothers and sisters, Bernon Higginbotham of Benson, AL, Robert Higginbotham of Warrior, AL, Oliver Higginbotham of Cragford, AL, Dennis Koss of Hueytown, AL, Norma Allison of Graysville, AL, Brenda Serio of Adamsville, AL and Mary McComks of Crosston, AL.
Laure Jeter Dixon Higginbotham (1912-2000) GA
Laure Dixon Higginbotham, 88, of St.
Simons Island died July 1 at Courtney Springs Nursing Home in Merritt Island,
The funeral will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Christ Church, Frederica, with the Rev.
Curtis Mears officiating. Burial will follow in Christ Church Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to Christ Church, Frederica, P.O. Box 1185,
St. Simons GA, 31522.
Surviving are three sons, William S. Higginbotham of St. Simons Island, Thomas
S. Higginbotham of Hammond, La., and John A. Higginbotham of Litchfield, Ariz.;
a sister, Olive Swilley of Jacksonville, Fla.; four grandchildren and four
A native of Camilla, Mrs. Higginbotham has lived in Glynn County since 1934. She
was a seasonal resident of Florida. She was a member of United Daughters of the
Confederacy and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was also a member
of the American Association of University Women and a member of Christ Church,
Athens Daily News/Banner-Herald 07/16/2000
Lillian Kelley Moon Higginbotham (1921-2000) GA
Lillian Kelley Moon Higginbotham, 79, of 2204 Indian Hill Road, died Saturday,
July 15, 2000.
A native of Franklin County, Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late Henry
Dilliard and Mayo Westmoreland Kelley, was preceded in death by her stepmother,
Elvie Kelley, and was the widow of Joseph Marion Moon and W.W. Higginbotham. She
was a homemaker and a member of Falling Creek Baptist Church.
Services will be at 3 p.m. today at Hicks Funeral Home with the Revs. Jack
McVeigh and Steve Forsythe officiating. Burial will be in Falling Creek Baptist
Church cemetery.
Survivors include seven daughters, Mae M. Hill, Vernell M. Rhodes, Roosa M.
Huff, Betty Jane M. Huff, Susie M. Dixon and Edna Joyce M. Franklin, all of
Elberton, and Violet M. Payton, Carlton; three sisters, Dorothy Belle K. Brown
and Carolyn K. Fleeman, both of Bowman, and Pearl K. Roach, Easley, S.C.; a
brother, Henry H. Kelley, Elberton; 53 grandchildren; 107 great-grandchildren;
and several great-great-grandchildren.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
The families are at their respective homes.
The Brunswick News 09/28/2000
Ethel Merritt Higginbotham (1923-2000) GA
Ethel Merritt Higginbotham, 76, of the Atkinson Community died Tuesday
(09/26/2000) at the Wayne Memorial Hospital.
The funeral will be 3 p.m. Sunday at King Memorial Baptist Church in the
Atkinson Community with the Revs. Mike Yawn and John Strickland officiating.
Burial will follow in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Camden County.
Pallbearers are Kim Carter, Sam Miller, Greg King, Richard Miller, Joe Miller
and Tom Miller.
Honorary pallbearers are Charles Chaney, Bo Hendricks, J.C. Proctor, Claude Edgy
and Z.H. Tillman.
The family will receive friends Saturday at Chambless Funeral Home in Nahunta.
Memorial contributions may be made to King Memorial Baptist Church.
Surviving are a daughter, Janice Johns of Jacksonville, Fla.; a sister, Edna Mae
Cribbs of Miami, Fla.; three brothers, J.W. Merritt of Odum, Fred Merritt of
Leuklton, Calif., and E.W. Merritt of Brunswick; a granddaughter and two
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Wayne County. She was a retired school bus
driver for Brantley County Board of Education and a member of King Memorial
Baptist Church.
The Brunswick News 10/31/2000
Juanita Handley Higginbotham (1925-2000) GA/TX
Juanita Handley Higginbotham, 75, of Crosby, Texas, and formerly of Brunswick,
died Tuesday.
A funeral service was held 11 a.m. today at the New Hope Cemetery in the Hickox
community with the Rev. Randy Wainright officiating.
Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or Alzheimers
Surviving locally are a daughter, Judy Baker of Brunswick; a step-daughter,
Charlotte Ricks of Brunswick; a sister, Mildred Mixon of Blackshear; and a
brother, James Johns of Nahunta.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a native of Glynn County. She graduated from Milby High
School in Houston, Texas. She lived in Brunswick from 1946 to 1991 when she
moved back to Crosby, Texas, until her death. She was a bookkeeper and a member
of Northside Baptist Church.
Chambless Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Athens Daily News, Monday, Nov. 20, 2000
Carl Talmadge Higginbotham (1916-2000) GA
Carl ''Talmadge'' Higginbotham, 84, of Springvalley Health Care Center, died
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2000.
A native of Elbert County, Mr. Higginbotham was a son of the late Carl Pomeroy
and Mae Edwards Higginbotham, and was the widower of Doris Freeman Higginbotham.
He was a retired quarry foreman with Harmony Blue, was a World War II army
veteran serving in the 163rd Engineer Combat Battalion and was a member of
Calvary Presbyterian Church.
Services will be at 11 a.m. today at Calvary Presbyterian Church with the Rev.
Rob Lohmeyer officiating. Burial will be in Elmhurst Cemetery.
Survivors include a daughter, Ann Looney, Elberton; two sons, Glenn Rodney
Higginbotham, Athens, and Carl Lee Higginbotham, Atlanta; a sister, Geraldine H.
Smith, Elberton; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Eric Higginbotham, Jason Vincent, Rhett Calhoun, Jason
McCannon, Tommy McGarity and Robert Johnson.
The family is at the home of Ann Looney, 1800 Chipshot Lane, Elberton.
Memorials may be made to Calvary Presbyterian Church.
Athens Daily News, Monday, Nov. 27, 2000
Mary Helen Higginbotham Cooley (1914-2000) GA
Mary Helen Higginbotham Cooley, 86, of 1737 Washington Highway died Sunday, Nov.
26, 2000.
A native of Hart County, Mrs. Cooley was a daughter of the late Jesse and Bertie
Mae Shiflet Higginbotham. She was a homemaker, was retired as a nursing home aid
and was a member of Forest Hills Assembly of God.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Berry Funeral Home with the Revs. Wade
Palmer and Tim Gaines officiating. Burial will be in Cokesbury United Methodist
Church cemetery, Hart County.
Survivors include her husband, the Rev. J. Haskell Cooley; a daughter, Mary Ann
Drake, Decatur; two sons, Joel Edwin Cooley, Stockbridge, and Newton Byon
Cooley, Vista, Calif.; a sister, Doris ''Kate'' Lewis, Atlanta; seven
grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.
The family is at the residence and will receive friends from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday at
the funeral home.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/4/2001
Bobby Earl Higginbotham (????-2001) GA
Mr. Bobby E. Higginbotham, Forest Park, died February 1, 2001. He is survived by wife, Rochelle, son, Robert Earl Higginbotham, Jr., daughters, Barbara Lynn Higginbotham, Stacie Dozier, Tracie Hollis and Diane Murphy, 14 grandchildren, and sister, Joan Lord. Funeral services will be held Monday at 11:00 a.m. in the chapel of the funeral home. Interment in Forest Hills Memorial Gardens. the family will receive friends Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Southside Chapel Funeral Home, Lee and Matthews, Morrow. 770-971-2828.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 03/05/2001
Doris Katherine Higginbotham Lewis (1919-2001) GA
Doris Lewis, passed away suddenly after
injuries resulting from a fall, March 3, 2001 in Hendersonville, TN. She was a
native of Atlanta. She was a member of Druid Hills United Methodist Church and
she retired from Georgia Baptist Hospital after 30 years of service. She
continued as a volunteer for the hospital until her passing. Surviving are sons,
John C. Lewis, William B. Lewis, George Kenneth Lewis; 7 grandchildren, and 6
great grandchildren. The family will receive friends from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Monday evening at Spring Hill. Funeral services will be 11:00am Tuesday March 6,
2001 at the Spring Hill Chapel, interment will be 3:30pm Tuesday at Cokesbury
Methodist Church Cemetery, Hartwell, GA. Arrangements made by H.M. Patterson &
Son Spring Hill Chapel 404-876-1022.
Athens Daily News 03/07/2001
Hythan Margaret Bray Higginbotham (1919-2001) GA
Toccoa - Hythan Margaret Bray Higginbotham, 82, of Mitchell Street
died Tuesday, March 6, 2001.
A native of Hart County, Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late John
Belton and Pansy Whitworth Bray and was the widow of Tyrus Talmadge
Higginbotham. She was a member of Toccoa First Baptist Church, the Joy Sunday
School Class and the WMU. She was a homemaker and was a member of the Garden
Club and the Woman's Club.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Whitlock Mortuary with Dr. Henry Fields
and the Rev. Joel Bradberry officiating. Burial will be in Stephens Memorial
Survivors include a son, Douglas Higginbotham, Eastanollee; a brother, Owen
Bray, Cordele; and three grandsons.
Honorary pallbearers will be members of the Joy Sunday School Class.
Memorials may be made to Toccoa First Baptist Church, 601 Tugalo St., Toccoa, GA
The family will receive friends from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday at the mortuary.
The Atlanta Constitution 4/23/2001
Ada Elizabeth Malcom Higginbotham (1929-2001) GA
Elizabeth M. Higginbotham, 71, of Monroe died Sunday. Funeral 2 p.m. Tuesday. Meadows Funeral Home.
Athens Banner-Herald 05/30/2001
Viola Higginbotham Anthony
(1916-2001) GA
Viola Higginbotham Anthony, 84, formerly of Lavonia, died Monday, May 28, 2001.
A native of Stephens County, Mrs. Anthony was a daughter of the late Levertt and
Vesta Hunter Higginbotham, and was a widow of Richard Lee Anthony. She was
preceded in death by a daughter, Loretta Anthony Herring. She was a homemaker
and a member of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.
Services will be at 11 a.m. today at Pruitt Funeral Home with the Revs. Gary
Thompson, Johnny Ashworth and Steven Hamby officiating. Burial will follow in
Franklin Memorial Gardens-North.
Survivors include two sons, L.T. Anthony, Royston, and Kenneth Don Anthony,
Lavonia; a sister, Mable Lane, Maryville, Tenn.; three granddaughters; and six
Pallbearers will be Greg King, Jeff Floyd, Will Singleton, Dan Freeman, Henry
Freeman, and Harold Henderson.
The Brunswick News 7/2/2001
Laure Dixon Higginbotham (1912-2001) GA
Laure Dixon Higginbotham, 88, of St. Simons Island died July 1 at Courtney
Springs Nursing Home in Merritt Island, Fla.
The funeral will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Christ Church, Frederica, with the Rev.
Curtis Mears officiating. Burial will follow in Christ Church Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to Christ Church, Frederica, P.O. Box 1185,
St. Simons GA, 31522.
Surviving are three sons, William S. Higginbotham of St. Simons Island, Thomas
S. Higginbotham of Hammond, La., and John A. Higginbotham of Litchfield, Ariz.; a
sister, Olive Swilley of Jacksonville, Fla.; four grandchildren and four
A native of Camilla, Mrs. Higginbotham has lived in Glynn County since 1934. She
was a seasonal resident of Florida. She was a member of United Daughters of the
Confederacy and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She was also a member
of the American Association of University Women and a member of Christ Church,
Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/12/2001
Mary Isabelle Higginbotham Haynes (1928-20010 GA
Mrs. Mary (Higginbotham) (Mitzi) Haynes of Conyers, died July 10, 2001. She was retired from Sterling Furniture Company - formerly Higginbotham Furniture Company. She is survived by husband, James Haynes, daughter, Terri and Bruce Denson, Conyers; sons, Ronnie and Debbie Haynes, Lawrenceville; Bo and Betsy Haynes, Oxford; Ricky and Jennifer Haynes, Conyers; brother, Joe Higginbotham, Monticello, 8 grandchildren, Ronnie and Kevin Haynes, Kelly Waldo, Jason Haynes, Casey and Chad Haynes, Chelsea and Cameron Denson, four great-grandchildren, Austin, Logan and Reagan Haynes and Haynes Waldo. Funeral services will be held Friday, July 13 at 12:30 p.m. at Ward's Rockdale Chapel. Rev. Paul H. Norris III, Rev. Jim Martin officiating. Interment, Resthaven Cemetery. Visitation Thursday, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Horis A. Ward, Rockdale Chapel. 770-918-8851.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/3/2001
William Robert Higginbotham (1911-2001) GA
William Robert Higginbotham, age 90 of Lithonia died August 1, 2001. He is survived by his wife, Gladys Phipps Higginbotham, daughters, JoAnn McWaters and her husband Donald, Lithonia; Sandra McConnell and her husband, Mason, Stone Mountain; Joyce Berger and her husband John, Lilburn; grandchildren, Andrea Weatherford, and her husband Tony, Loganville; David and Robert McConnell, Stone Mountain; Jake and Blair Berger, Lilburn; great-grandchildren, Anthony and Andrew Weatherford, Loganville. Funeral services will be held Saturday, August 4that 11:00 a.m. Wages and Sons Stone Mountain Chapel. Rev. Charles Barnes will officiate. Burial, Redan Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to DeKalb Medical Center Skilled Nursing Unit, 2701 N. Decatur rd., Decatur, GA. 30033 of Odyssey Hospice of GA, inc., 1140 Hammond Dr., Suite No. B-2270, Atlanta, GA 30328. the family will receive friends Friday from 6:00 until 9:00 at Wages & Sons, Stone Mountain Chapel. 770-469-9811.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/14/2001
Bobby Gene Higginbotham (1935-2001) GA
Bobby G. Higginbotham, 66, of Hiram died Wednesday. Funeral, 3 p.m. Saturday, Jeff Eberhart Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/12/2002
Dallis Higginbotham Tebeau (1911-2002) GA
Dallis Higginbotham Tebeau, 90, of Marietta died Thursday. Funeral, 2 p.m. Sunday, Marietta First United Methodist Church; Mayes Ward-Dobbins Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/8/2002
Clara Mae Higginbotham Lewis (1930-2002) GA
Mrs. Clara Mae Lewis, age 71 of Riverdale, passed away on February 6, 200. Mrs. Lewis was born on June 20, 1930, daughter of the late Ollie D. and Mary Ellen higginbotham. Mrs. Lewis is survived by her loving husband, Ernest A. Lewis; daughter and son-in-law, Leona and John Caudle, McDonough; son, E; Wayne Lewis, Jonesboro; daughter and son-in-law, Myra and Don Gilbert, Columbia, SC; sister, Ruth Niblett, Trafford, AL; brothers, James H. Higginbotham, Gardendale, AL and Billy Higginbotham, Columbus, GA; 4 grandchildren, 3 step-grandchildren and 4 step-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held in the chapel of Cannon-Cleveland Funeral Directors on Saturday, February 9th, at 11:00 a.m. Interment will follow at Sherwood Memorial Park in Jonesboro. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Friday from 7-9 p.m. Those who wish may send the family special condolences via the online guest registry. Cannon-Cleveland Funeral Directors, McDonough/Stockbridge (770-914-1414) in charge of arrangements.
Anderson Independent-Mail 4/20/2002
Wilda Ariail Higginbotham (1916-2002) GA
COMMERCE, Ga. — Wilda Ariail Higginbotham, 86, of 30 Amber St. died
Thursday, April 18, 2002, at BJC Hospital in Commerce.
Born in Franklin County, she was a homemaker, a member of the Bold Spring United
Methodist Church and was past secretary of the UMW.
Surviving are daughter, June Blankenship of Commerce; one grandson; one
granddaughter; and one great-grandson.
She was the widow of James D. Higginbotham and the daughter of the late Robert
and Ruby Mize Ariail. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Elsie Neal and
Loise Bramlett.
Services are at 4 p.m. Saturday at Bold Spring United Methodist Church by the
Revs. Stephen Horne and Stewart Lang; burial will be in the church cemetery. The
family received friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at Ginn Funeral Home,
Carnesville. The body will be placed in the church at 3:30 p.m. Saturday.
The family will be at the home.
Flowers are welcome. The family suggests memorials be made to the Bold Spring
United Methodist Church Cemetery Fund, c/o Sybil Franks, 1970 Holbrook Road,
Carnesville, Ga. 30521.
The Atlanta Constitution 7/15/2002
Fannie Oliver Hunt Higginbotham (1899-2002) GA
Fannie Higginbotham, 102, of Snellville died Saturday.
Graveside service, 2 p.m. today, Glegg Family Cemetery; Arthur Bowick Funeral
Directors, Monroe.
Athens Banner-Herald, Sunday, Aug.
4, 2002
Harrison Dwain Higginbotham (1934-2002) GA
Harrison Dwain Higginbotham, 67, of 102 Robin Place, Toccoa, died Saturday, Aug.
3, 2002.
A native of Stephens County, Mr. Higginbotham was the son of the late Waymon
Guynell Higginbotham and the late Mary Whitehead Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham
retired from Morgan Concrete Company and was a paint and body worker for many
years. He served in the National Guard and was of the Christian faith.
Funeral services will be held 11 a.m. Monday at the Whitlock Mortuary chapel
with the Revs. Jerrell Beatty and Albert Hudson officiating. Burial will be at
Roselane Cemetery.
Survivors include two sons, Richard Milton ''Mitty'' Higginbotham, Toccoa, and
Allan Parker Higginbotham, Cleveland; two daughters, Lesia H. Thomas,
Carnesville, and Jennifer Lynn H. Denton, Toccoa; two brothers, William Terrell
''Ted'' Higginbotham, Toccoa, and James Milton Higginbotham, Turnerville; four
The body is at the mortuary where the family will receive friends 7-9 p.m.
The family will be at the home of Mitty and Teresa Higginbotham, 117 Fern Valley
Circle, Toccoa.
Whitlock Mortuary has charge of the arrangements.
The Brunswick News August 16, 2002
Connie Dale Woods Higginbotham (ca1957-2002) GA
Connie Dale Higginbotham, 45, of Brunswick died Aug. 8 at the local
The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Saint Andrews Holiness church
with the Revs. Charles Mitchell and Diane Harris officiating. Burial will follow
in Greenwood Cemetery.
The funeral procession will depart from 125 Yorktown Dr.
Surviving are her husband, Charles Higginbotham Sr. of Brunswick; two sons,
Torrey Hicks and Charles Higginbotham, both of Brunswick; three daughters,
LaShanda Hicks, Sharon Freeman and Charlene Ingram, all of Brunswick; her
stepmother, Mary Ruth Woods of Brunswick; two sisters, Helen Roberts and Lydia
Miller, both of Brunswick; four brothers, Mark Woods Jr. and Ronnie Woods, both
of Jacksonville, and Anthony Woods and Corey Woods, both of Brunswick; 12
grandchildren; several nieces and nephews; and other family.
Collins' Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Constitution 11/10/2002
Margaret Ann Kent Wilbanks Higginbotham (1945-2002) GA
Margaret Ann Kent Wilbanks Higginbotham, age 56, of Lithia Springs died November 8, 2002. Mrs. Higginbotham was a Stephen Minister for Mt. Paran Church of God. Survived bt her husband, Donald Higginbotham, sons, Lee Wilbanks, Villa Rica; Jeff Wilbanks, Villa Rica; Chris Wilbanks, Villa Rica; mother, Gladys Kent, Weldon, AL; brothers, Ron Kent, Chulafinnee, AL; Don Kent, Oxford, AL; step-brother, Danny Weldon, step-sisters, Reniae Farrish, Kim Owens, half-brothers, Ed Kent, Billy Wright, half-sister, Wanita James and 7 grandchildren. Service 2:00 p.m. Monday, White Columns Chapel, Lithia Springs. Rev. Greg Morris officiating. Interment, Mozley Memorial Gardens. Visitation Sunday 6-9 p.m.
The Brunswick News
Jadine Higginbotham (1931-2002) GA
The funeral for Jadine Higginbotham, 71, of Brunswick will be held at 11 a.m.
Friday in the chapel of Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home with the Rev. Edlridge
Willis officiating. Burial will follow in Chapel Park Cemetery.
Mr. Higginbotham died Monday at Hospice of the Golden Isles.
Pallbearers will be Levi Willis, William Nash, William Allen, Denny Bennett,
James Ball and Wayne Coleman.
The family will receive friends from 6 until 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral
home. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial contributions be made to
Hospice of the Golden Isles, 1692 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick, GA 31525.
Surviving are four children, Linda Willis (Sam), Dean Higginbotham (Terrie),
David Higginbotham (Leasia), all of Brunswick, and Janet Smith (Robbie) of
Hortense; two sisters, Tempy Waldeck (George) of Summerfield, Fla., and Mildred
Harrison (Hilly) of Tucker; eight grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and
numerous other family members and friends.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Wayne County. He had been a resident of Glynn
County for most of his life. He was preceded in death by his wife of 40 years,
Edna Marie Higginbotham, who shared with him a love for traveling thousands of
miles over the United States and Canada on the back of a motorcycle. He served
with the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War and was a past member of the
Goldwing Club. He retired from Georgia-Pacific with over 30 years of service.
The Brunswick News
Joe Nathan Higginbotham (1925-2002) GA
Joe Nathan "Frog" Higginbotham, 77, of Brunswick died Monday at his residence.
The funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at Haven-Sheffield United
Methodist Church with the Revs. B.G. Roberts and Marcelle Myers officiating.
Burial will follow in Sheffield Cemetery, Clay Hole Community, Brunswick.
Pallbearers will be members of the Everett City Hunting Club.
Honorary pallbearers will be the brothers of Haven-Sheffield United Methodist
Church and Mount Olive Lodge No. 228.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 7 p.m. Friday at Collins' Funeral
Surviving are his wife, Mattie Higginbotham of Brunswick; five daughters,
Justine Taylor, Rosetta Townsend, Carletha Lee, Lynn Higginbotham and Leah
Owens, all of Jacksonville; a son, Joe Higginbotham; a brother, Henry
Higginbotham of New York City; 17 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren;
several nieces and nephews; and other family.
The Atlanta Journal 1/10/2003
Tressie Higginbotham (ca1929-2003) GA
Tressie Higginbotham, 74, of Smyrna died Wednesday. The body was cremated. Memorial service, 1 p.m. Sunday, Iron Hill Baptist Church; Jeff Eberhart Funeral Home.
Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, GA) 3/7/2003
Fortson, GA - Jesse Lee Higginbotham, 87, of Fortson, Ga. died Thursday, March 6, 2003 at her residence.
Graveside funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 8, 2003 at Riverdale Cemetery, with Rev. Odell Jones officiating, according to McMullen Funeral Home, 3874 Gentian Blvd., Columbus, Ga. Visitation will be this evening from 6-8:00 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born November 17, 1915, the daughter of the late Dollie Welch Baxley and Lee Baxley. She was a homemaker and a member of Calvary Baptist Church. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband, Oliver R. Higginbotham Sr.
Survivors include a son, Oliver R. Higginbotham Jr., and daughter-in-law, Myra, both of Fortson, Ga.; a sister, Hazel Taylor of Fortson, Ga.; and two grandchildren, Shannon Rhodes of Hamilton, Ga. and Scott Higginbotham of Columbus, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/9/2003
John Oliver Higginbotham (2015-2003) AL/GA
Mr. John O. Higginbotham, 88, of Douglasville, passed away Wednesday, May 7, 2003. He was born April 10, 1915 in Blount County, AL, the son of the late James Martin Higginbotham and the late Nancy Elizabeth Huffstutler Higginbotham. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Lithia Springs and the Anglers Sunday School Class. He was retired from Hotel Management. He was preceded in death by brothers, A.C. Higginbotham, Woody Higginbotham, Arthur Higginbotham, James Higginbotham and Luther Higginbotham; sisters, Pherbie Knight and Leola Lee. Survivors include wife of 57 years, Edna Fehrman Higginbotham, Lithia Springs; daughters, and sons-in-law, Olivia and Bob Howard, Montgomery, AL and Janice and Bobby Butler, Mobile, AL; 6 grandchildren, Daryl Hanners, Barry Hanners, Cheri Renfroe, Leslie Burton, Emily Butler, Nancy Hamilton; 5 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services Friday, May 9, 2003 at 2:00 PM from the First Baptist Church of Lithia Springs with Dr. Robert Whitmire and Dr. Marion Beaver officiating. He will lie in state at the church at 1:00 PM. Interment at Mozley Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers contributions to the First Baptist Church of Lithia Springs Building Fund, 3566 Bankhead highway, Lithia Springs, GA 30122. Jones-Wynn Funeral Home, Douglas Chapel of Douglasville 770-942-2311.
The Atlanta Constitution 5/14/2003
Mary Barbara Pope Higginbotham (1915-2003) GA
Mrs. Mary Barbara Higginbotham, age 88 died Monday, May 12, 2003. She was a retired Sales Associate with Sears in the cosmetic department. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Church at Decatur Heights. She is survived by a granddaughter, Kimberly A. Higginbotham of Lithonia; sisters, Elsie Andrew of Tennessee, Thelma Fleischer of Fayetteville, GA; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Thursday, 3 p.m. at the Church of Decatur Heights, Dr. Alan D. Smith officiating. Interment Westview Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at A.S. Turner & Sons.
The Atlanta Constitution 10/8/2003
Ricky Columbus Higginbotham (1956-2003) GA
Ricky Columbus Higginbotham, 47, of
Gainesville died Monday. Funeral, 2 p.m. Friday, Memorial Park Funeral Home.
The Brunswick News
Louise Higginbotham Ferguson Harman (1920-2003) GA
Louise Higginbotham Ferguson
Harman, 82, of Brantley County and Inverness, Fla., died Monday at her residence
in Nahunta.
Mrs. Harman, a native of Wayne County, had lived in Brunswick for many years and
retired from the Southeast Georgia Regional Medical Center, where she had worked
as an administrative clerk. She was a member of Southside Baptist Church in
Nahunta and a past member of the Nahunta Garden Club.
The funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Southside Baptist Church with
the Revs. Russ Graham and Michael Gibbs officiating. Burial will be in the
family plot in New Hope Cemetery in Hickox.
Pallbearers will be Charles Ricks, David Ricks, Wayne Dykes, Linton
Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham and Elmon Higginbotham.
The family will receive friends starting at 6 p.m. today at Chambless-Frye
Funeral Home in Nahunta.
Survivors include her husband, Harold J. Harman of Inverness; four daughters,
Patricia F. Harley of Madison, Ala., Marsha F. Singleton and Carol F. Wood, both
of Nahunta, and Sharon Ferguson of St. Simons Island; two stepdaughters, Becky
Worthington of Crystal River, Fla., and Sandy Mann of Tampa, Fla.; nine
grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; several step-grandchildren and step-great-grandchildren;
and nieces, nephews and other relatives.
Mrs. Harman was preceded in death by her first husband, G.K. Ferguson.
The Atlanta Constitution 1/17/2004
Clara Eloise Higginbotham Bolden (1931-2004) GA
Clara Eloise Bolden, 72, of Flowery Branch died Thursday.
The funeral is 3 p.m. Sunday at Tapp Funeral Home and Crematory, Buford.
The family will receive friends from 2 to 3 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
Survivors include a daughter, Florine Johnson of Flowery Branch; four siblings, Jewell Kennedy of Lithia Springs, Howard Higginbotham of Villa Rica, Johnny Fleming of Metter and Bobby Holbrook of Trion; and a granddaughter.
Memorial gifts may be sent to Embracing Hospice Care, 2160 Fountain Drive, Snellville, GA 30078.
The Augusta Chronicle January 25, 2004
Ruth Elizabeth Higginbotham Blackwood (1920-2004)
HARLEM, Ga. - Entered into rest Saturday, January 24, 2004 at
Doctors Hospital. Mrs. Ruth Higginbotham Blackwood, 84, wife of the late Mr.
Claude F. Blackwood of 1106 Rolland Rd. Funeral Services will be held Tuesday,
January 27, 2004 at 1 p.m. at Cliftondale United Methodist Church in College
Park, Ga. with the Rev. Sally Oakes and Terry DeLand officiating. The internment
will follow at the Highland Cemetery in Anniston, Alabama. Other family members
include his daughter, Kay Blackwood Doby; a son, Joe A. Blackwood, of Cumming
Ga.; a sister Alice Key of Anniston, Ala. and a brother Ralph Higginbotham of
Jacksonville, Ala.; two grandchildren Edward Lee Doby of Harlem, Ga. and Brent
A. Blackwood of Oxford, Ala. Two great-grandchildren, Edward Jacob Doby and
Jessica Ann Doby. The family will receive friends from 12 Noon until 1 p.m. at
the church. Memorials may be made to the Cliftondale United Methodist Church,
Stonewall Tell Road, College Park, Ga.
The Atlanta Constitution 2/8/2004
Jewell Aselene Higginbotham Kennedy (1928-2004) GA
Jewell Aselene Higginbotham Kennedy, 75, of Lithia Springs died Friday. Funeral, 2 p.m. today, Jones-Wynn Funeral Home, Douglas Chapel.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/19/2004
Frances Elizabeth Higginbotham Tant (1903-2004) GA
Frances Elizabeth Higginbotham Tant, 100, of Hartwell, GA died Thursday, March 18, 2004 at Odyssey Hospice in Decatur, GA. Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 20th at Westview Cemetery with Mrs. C. Kay Fuino of Avondale Pattillo United Methodist Church officiating. The eldest of nine children, Mrs. Tant was born in Social Circle, GA, December 4, 1903 to Mason Clinton and Frances Paine Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bernard Franklin Tant, Sr. She is survived by a son, Bernard Franklin Tant, Jr. of Hartwell, GA; a daughter, Betsy Tant Leebern (Donald) of Columbus, GA; a sister, Mary Higginbotham McCord (Richard) of Stone Mountain, GA; a brother, Samuel Lamar Higginbotham (Nita) of Cumming, GA; grandchildren, Bernard Franklin Tant III (Sherry), Steven Mark Tant, Tracey Diane Tant of Hartwell, GA, Donald Melwood Leebern III (Stacey), Gantt Leebern Shadburn (Christopher) of Columbus, GA; great-grandchildren, Nicole, Brian and Katy Tant, Paris Fender, Donald IV, Lily, and Lawson Leebern, Christopher and Nicholas Shadburn; and many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the "Relay for Life" in your are. A.S. Turner & Sons.
Elvin Patrick Higginbotham Jr. (1914-2004) GA
Elvin Patrick "Pat" Higginbotham, 93, of Nahunta died Monday,
April 5, 2004, at the Wayne Memorial Hospital.
A native of Charlton County, Mr. Higgins was employed by the city of Miami as a
firefighter and paramedic for 25 years. He continued to work in the security and
first-aid business for a number of years before his final retirement. Mr.
Higginbotham was a member of Hickox Baptist Church.
The funeral service will be at 4 p.m. Thursday in the chapel of Chambless-Frye
Funeral Home in Nahunta with Dr. W. Darrell Rentz officiating. Burial will
follow in New Hope Cemetery in Hickox.
Pallbearers will be Virgil Rowell, Norris Strickland, Alvin Lee, Johnnie Tripp,
Gene Burch and Ivey Johns.
The family will receive friends beginning at 7 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Survivors include his wife, June E. Nofzinger Higginbotham of Albany; a
stepdaughter, Marilyn Cooks of Albany; a sister, Belle Cochran of Nahunta; two
grandchildren; three great-grandsons; several nieces and nephews; and other
Florida Times-Union 07/25/2004
Everett Earl Higginbotham (1950-2004) FL/GA
Everett Earl Higginbotham passed away Wednesday in
Perry, Georgia. He was a member of Southside Baptist Church, a member of
American Ballroom and Jacksonville Ballroom and also a member of the German
American Club. He was retired from the United States Air Force and was an
Aircraft Electrician. Survivors include his wife, Cherry Higginbotham, 2 sons,
Everett Clay Higginbotham (Debbie) and Fred Blake Higginbotham (Dominique). Also
surviving is his mother Doris Holton and his step-mother Shirley Higginbotham.
He is also survived by 3 brothers, Michael Higginbotham (Maria),Brad
Higginbotham and Gregg Mundt. Also 2 sisters, Brenda Wasserman (Jeff) and Angela
Spofford (Nicky). Also surviving is his grandchildren, Nikolas, Blake, Levi,
Christian Gray, and expected grand-daughter in November. Funeral Services will
be held at 10 AM Monday, July 26th, at the Hardage-Giddens Funeral Home, 6940
Atlantic Blvd., with Dr. Wayne Stacy officiating. Graveside services will be
held Monday at 2PM in Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah Georgia with military
honors at the graveside. A visitation will be held Sunday between 6PM and 8PM at
the funeral home. Pallbearers will be Red Nicoli, Burt Pringle, Bill Jenness,
Buddy Packham, Vernon Jackson, and Curtis Holmes.
The Brunswick News
Justine V. Higginbotham Taylor (1954-2004) GA/FL
Justine V. Higginbotham Taylor, 49, of Jacksonville, formerly of Brunswick. died
Oct. 14 at Shands, Jacksonville.
Ms. Taylor was a 1972 graduate of Glynn Academy.
The funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Haven Sheffield United
Methodist Church in the Sterling Community with the Revs. Mabel Waye and
Marcelle Myers officiating.
Burial will follow in Clayhole Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Theodore Brunner, Malcolm Brunner, Michael Sheffield, Andrew
Curry, Jarrod Reynolds and Jermel Higginbotham.
Honorary pallbearers will be William Cash, Albert Cash, Clarence Spencer and the
Glynn Academy Class of 1972.
Ms. Taylor's body will be placed in the church one hour prior to the service.
The family will receive friends from 5 to 6 p.m. Friday at Collins' Funeral
Survivors include one son, Termaine Taylor of Brunswick; two daughters,
Stephanie Taylor of Orlando, Fla., and Kishara Taylor of Jacksonville; her
mother, Mattie L. Higginbotham of Brunswick; four sisters, Rosetta Townsend;
Carletha Lee, Lynn Higginbotham and Leah Owens, all of Jacksonville; one brother,
Joe Higginbotham; five grandsons; one granddaughter; and other relatives.
The Elberton Star 10/26/2004
Marshall Rhodes Higginbotham(1918-2004) GA
Marshall Rhodes Higginbotham, 85, of Valdosta died
Oct. 25, 2004.
A native of Elberton, he was a son of the late E.G. and Lizzie Mae Higginbotham.
He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was retired as district manager
with United Insurance Company of America after 45 years of service in the
insurance industry. He was a charter member of Park Avenue United Methodist
Church, where he served in several positions including head usher. He was a
member of the Valdosta Country Club. He was preceded in death by a brother, E.G.
Higginbotham Jr.
Survivors include his wife of 64 years, Frances Janelle Higginbotham of
Valdosta; three daughters and sons-in-law, Diane and Walter Schroer of Valdosta,
Marsha and Charles Allison of Charlotte, N.C., and Jennifer and Jim Connelly of
Valdosta; two brothers, Joe Higginbotham and Stanley Higginbotham, both of
Elberton; 10 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Thursday at Park Avenue United Methodist Church with
Dr. Craig Rickard and the Rev. V.L. Daughtery officiating. Burial was in McLane
Riverview Memorial Gardens.
Carson McLane Funeral Home in Valdosta was in charge of arrangements.
The Valdosta Daily Times 10/26/2004
Marshall Rhodes Higginbotham,
85, of Valdosta, went to be with the Lord on Oct. 25, 2004. He was born on Dec.
8, 1918, in Elberton to the late E.G. and Lizzie Mae Higginbotham along with
three other brothers, E.G. Higginbotham Jr., who passed away in the battle of
Midway during World War II, and Joe and Stanley Higginbotham of Elberton.
Marshall was a veteran of the U.S. Army during World War II. He moved to
Valdosta in 1949, and retired as district manager with United Insurance Company
of America after a 45-year career in the insurance industry. He was a charter
member of Park Avenue United Methodist Church where he served in several
leadership roles including head usher for many years. He was a member of
Valdosta Country Club and an avid golfer. He was a true people person who never
met a stranger and blessed everyone he came in contact with. He was a beloved
husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.
He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Frances Janelle Higginbotham of
Valdosta; three daughters and their husbands, Diane and Walter Schroer of
Valdosta, Marsha and Charles Allison of Charlotte, N.C., and Jennifer and Jim
Connelly of Valdosta; grandchildren, Kelly and Bill Kelly of Little Compton,
R.I., Laurie and Michael O'Hara of Winston-Salem, N.C., Leslie and Tripp Gandy
of Mt. Pleasant, S.C., Chip and Carla Schroer of Valdosta, Michael and Laura
Walker of Valdosta, Heather and Todd Kreamer of Morehead City, N.C., Chad Walker
of Atlanta, Heidi Coggins of Valdosta, Chazz Allison of Las Vegas, Nev., and
Megan Connelly of Valdosta; and 12 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004, at Park Avenue
United Methodist Church with Dr. Craig Rikard and the Rev. V. L. Daughtery
officiating. Burial will follow at McLane Riverview Memorial Gardens. The family
will receive this evening from 6-9 p.m. at the Carson McLane Funeral Home.
Carson McLane Funeral Home
The Elberton Star 12/22/2004
Mae Geraldine Higginbotham Smith
(1918-2004) GA
Geraldine Higginbotham Smith, 86, of 651 Rhodes Drive in Elberton died Dec. 20,
2004, at Elbert Memorial Hospital.
A native of Elbert County, she was a daughter of the late Carl Higginbotham and
Mary Edwards Higginbotham. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of
Elberton, the Elks Club and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Elberton. She was a
retired secretary at Elbert Memorial Hospital. She was preceded in death by her
husband, David Hamilton Smith, and two brothers, MonJet and Talmedge
Survivors include two daughters, Rita Smith Milkey of Florence, Ala., and Judy
Wright of Kennesaw; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and one
Funeral services will be held today at 11:30 a.m. at the Memorial Chapel of
Berry Funeral Home with the Rev. Bill Mounts officiating. Burial will be in
Elmhurst Cemetery.
The family will receive friends from 10-11:30 a.m. today at Berry Funeral Home
just prior to the service.
Pallbearers will be David Wright, John Rigsby, Jamie Paul, Alex Milkey, Wesley
Dibson and Wayne Cameau.
The family will be at the home of John Rigsby at 1032 Ruckersville Road in
Berry Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Athens (GA) Banner-Herald, Friday 02/04/2005
Lyle Wilton Pinckard Higginbotham (1919-2005) WV/GA
Hull - Lyle Wilton Higginbotham, 85, died February 2, 2005. A native of Berwind (McDowell) County, West Virginia, she was a resident of this area since 1978. Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late Anne Dishman and Charles Leonard Pinckard, and the widow of Guy Higginbotham. Funeral services will be Saturday, February 5, 2005, at 11:00 AM at the chapel of Lord and Stephens, EAST. Rev. Ray Jenkins will officiate. Interment will be in Evergreen Memorial Park. Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Richard L. and Wanda Higginbotham of Hull; grandchildren, Ricky and Tammy Higginbotham of Colbert; one great-grandchild, Ben Higginbotham; a number of nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends Friday from 6:00 until 8:00 PM at the funeral home. Lord and Stephens, EAST, is in charge of arrangements.
The Index Journal 02/15/2005
Doris Virginia Higginbotham
Hicks (1929-2005) GA
Doris Virginia Higginbotham Hicks, 75, of 1408 E. Cambridge Ave., widow of
Arthur Griffin Hicks, died Monday, Feb. 14, 2005 at the National Health Care
Center in Greenwood.
Born in Stevens County, Ga., she was a daughter of the late George Washington
and Pearl Bailey Higginbotham. She retired from Oxford Industries and was active
in city league and Oxford softball. She was a member of Crossroads Baptist
Church, Hartwell, Ga.
Survivors include a daughter, Deborah Lucas of Hartsville; a sister, Sarah
Ertzberger of Hartwell; three grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Services are 11 a.m. Wednesday at Harley Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev.
Michael Lewellyn.
Burial is in Crossroads Baptist Church Cemetery, conducted by the Rev. Ben
Pallbearers are John Timmerman, Griffin Fender, Michael Guest, Jamie Grubbs, Tom
Fender, Jeff Hanley and Jon Lucas.
Visitation is 6-8 tonight at the funeral home.
The family is at the home.
Memorials may be made to the Greenwood Humane Society, P.O. Box 242, Greenwood,
SC 29648.
Harley Funeral Home is in charge.
The Brunswick News
Lawrence Elmon Higginbotham Sr. (1931-2005) GA
Lawrence Elmon Higginbotham Sr., age 73, of Brunswick, died February 23, 2005,
at the local hospital.
A native of Brantley County, he had made his home in Glynn County for the past
49 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a graduate of Brantley County High School and
attended the Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton. He served with the
Georgia Army National Guard for 40 years, retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer.
After retiring from the National Guard, he was associated with O'Berry Timber
Company and Paulk Timber Company. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Ocean Masonic
Lodge No. 214 F. and A.M. and was a member of Glyndale Baptist Church, where he
served as a Deacon and was a member of the Fishers of Men Sunday School Class.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Arnold and Irene Higginbotham; a
brother, Wendell Higginbotham; a niece, Suzanne Higginbotham; and a son, Larry
E. Higginbotham Jr.
Surviving are his wife, Martha Higginbotham of Brunswick; a daughter and
son-in-law, Pam and Nathan Barnett of Brunswick; a granddaughter and
grandson-in-law, Tracy and Adam Burgstiner of Brunswick; a great-grandson,
Austin Parke of Brunswick; a nephew and his wife, Mark and Bonnie Higginbotham
of Blackshear; and several cousins, nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at Glyndale Baptist Church with
the Rev. Ken Creekmore officiating. Inurnment will follow in New Hope Cemetery
in Brantley County.
Honorary pallbearers will be Banner Wainright, David Parke, Carl Morgan, Deacons
of Glyndale Baptist Church and the Fishers of Men Sunday School Class, Jesse
Eason and employees of Paulk Timber Co., Pete O'Berry and employees of O'Berry
Timber Co. and members of the Georgia National Guard, 1st Battalion, 230th Field
Artillery Service Battery.
The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at Edo Miller and Sons
Funeral Home.
Memorial contributions may be made to Glyndale Baptist Church, Transportation
Fund, 132 Butler Drive, Brunswick, GA 31523 or to a charity of the donor's
The Northeast Georgian Friday, July 29, 2005
Barbara Higginbotham Bennett
(1933-2005) GA
Graveside services for Barbara Higginbotham Bennett, 72, of Cornelia will be
held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 30, at Yonah Memorial Gardens with Randy Caudell
and David Higginbotham officiating.
Mrs. Bennett died Wednesday, July 27, 2005, at her home following an extended
Born July 7, 1933, in Habersham County, she was the daughter of the late James
Lee and Frances Louella Dooley Higginbotham. She also was preceded in death by
her brother, Joe Higginbotham.
Mrs. Bennett was retired from State Farm Insurance Company as a life underwriter
with 18 years of service. She was of the Baptist faith.
Survivors include her husband, Paul Bennett of Cornelia; and numerous nieces and
The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6-9 p.m. today, July
Whitfield Funeral Home, North Chapel, Demorest is in charge of arrangements.
The Brunswick News September 08,
Joe Nathan Higginbotham Jr. (1965-2005) GA
Graveside services for Joe "Frog" Higginbotham, 39, of Brunswick will be held at
1 p.m. Saturday, September 10, 2005, at Sheffield Cemetery in Everett, Georgia,
with the Rev. Mable Waye officiating.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Glynn County. He attended Brunswick High
Surviving are his children, Shaletta, Ronisha and Brandon Higginbotham, and
their mother, Kim Leggett, all of Brunswick; his daughter, Jonae Higginbotham,
and her mother, Devita Irvin, both of Atlanta; his very loving and devoted
mother, Maggie Higginbotham of Brunswick; four sisters, Rosetta Townsend,
Carletha Lee, Lynn Higginbotham and Leah Owens, all of Jacksonville, Florida;
three grandchildren; one uncle; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and many
friends; and his godmother, Shirley Blue of Brunswick.
The Elberton Star 10/21/2005
William Ace Higginbotham (1938-2005) GA
William “Bill” Ace Higginbotham, 67, of 1746 Anderson Highway in Elberton died Oct. 19, 2005, at Athens Regional Medical Center in Athens.
A native of Elbert County, he was a son of the late Grady C. Higginbotham and Reba Mills Higginbotham. He was of the Baptist faith, was retired owner and operator of Bill's Radiator and Repair and was a U.S. Navy veteran.
Survivors include his wife, Janet Guest Higginbotham of the home; two daughters and sons-in-law, Karen and Bill Carey of Royston and Gina and Rob Starrett of Elberton; a son and daughter-in-law, Alan “Pete” and Kim Higginbotham of Elberton; three sisters, Joyce Alewine of Greenwood, S.C., Martha Ann Booth of Elberton and Kathy Smith of Elberton; three brothers, Bob Higginbotham of Elberton, Mickey Higginbotham of Elberton and Amos Higginbotham of Grande, N.C.; six grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and four step-great-grandchildren.
Graveside funeral services were held Saturday at Elmhurst Cemetery with the Rev. Terry Phillips and the Rev. Calvin Ward officiating.
Pallbearers were Jeffery Starrett, Reid Higginbotham, Morgan Fry, Robert Higginbotham, Stacy Smith and Johnny Alewine.
Berry Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Mark Alan Higginbotham (1964-2005) GA
Mr. Mark Alan Higginbotham, 41, died suddenly Tuesday
(November 1, 2005) at his residence in Blackshear.
He was a native of Americus but had resided most of his life in Waycross. He was
a son to the late Marquis Wendell Higginbotham. He was also preceded in death by
a sister, Suzanne Higginbotham.
He was a member of Faith Temple.
The survivors include his wife, Bonnie Higginbotham of Blackshear; a daughter,
Morgan Williams of Blackshear; a son, Tyle Williams of Blackshear; his mother,
Eula Jean Higginbotham of Waycross; an aunt, Martha Higginbotham of Brunswick;
two uncles, LeRoy Fals (wife Joan) of Pennsylvania and Ernie Fals (wife Mary) of
Waycross; and a cousin, Pam Barnett of Brunswick.
A funeral service will be held 11:00 a.m. Friday (November 4, 2005) at the Music
Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in New Hope Cemetery. The family will be
receiving friends at the funeral home Thursday evening from 6 until 8 o'clock.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution 11/3/2005
Garnett R. Higginbotham (1925-2005) GA
Mr. Garnett Higginbotham of Atlanta, passed October 31, 2005. His funeral service will be held Friday, November 4, 2005 at 11 a.m. at Friendship Baptist Church, 437 Mitchell St., SW, Reverend Dr. William V. Guy, Pastor, officiating. Interment Westview Cemetery. His remains will be placed in state at the church at 9:30 am. He leaves to cherish his memory, a sister, Violet E. Freeman, a nephew Marc Freeman, numerous cousins from the Wilson and Higginbotham family, great nieces and nephews, a life long friend, Mrs. Mary Tillman, and devoted friends James and Wanda Smith and Mr. and Mrs. George Adams. He will be missed by many former co-workers and friends. A son, Stephen Higginbotham preceded him in death. The Visitation will be held November 3, 2005 from 7-8 pm (This Evening), at our chapel. The cortege will assemble at 2999 Centennial Colony Parkway, SW at 10 am. Carl M. Williams Funeral Dirs., Inc., 492 Larkin St., SW.
The Dalton Daily Citizen 11/15/2005
Martha Dempsey Higginbotham
(1914-2005) GA
Martha Dempsey Higginbotham, 90, of Dalton, died Monday, Nov. 14, 2005.
She was the daughter of the late Elder and Mrs. J.W. Dempsey Sr., and was
preceded in death by her brothers, Ralph Dempsey, Reuben Dempsey, Bunyan “Red”
Dempsey, J.H. “Sam” Dempsey, Joseph W. Dempsey Jr., and Robert Dempsey. Martha
is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Marguerite and Lebron Caylor of
Marietta; grandchildren, Meredith and Doug Jackson of Murfreesboro, Tenn., Amy
and Warren Caylor of Acworth; great-grandchildren, Spencer and Riley Jackson and
Evan and Brady Caylor; nephews and nieces. Services are Thursday at 2 p.m. in
the chapel of Love Funeral Home with the Rev. Ray Camp officiating. Burial will
be in Whitfield Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends at Love
Funeral Home today from 5 to 8 p.m. Words of comfort may be sent to the family
at Love Funeral Home, 1402 N. Thornton Ave., Dalton,
is in charge of arrangements.
The Elberton Star 11/20/2005
Leora Hammond Higginbotham
(1911-2005) GA
Leora H. Higginbotham died Nov. 18, 2005, at Spring Valley Health Care Center.
A native of Elbert County, she was a daughter of the late James E. Hammond and
Ida Elizabeth Jones Hammond. She was a member of the Elberton First Baptist
Church and the local Eastern Star chapter. She ran a beauty shop in Elberton for
more than 50 years and was a long-time resident of Magnolia Estates. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Herbert S. Higginbotham.
Survivors include several nieces and nephews.
Graveside funeral services were held Sunday at Elmhurst Cemetery with the Rev.
Steve Fenlon and the Rev. Terry Phillips officiating.
Memorials may be made to the Elberton First Baptist Church, 132 Heard St.,
Elberton, GA 30635.
Hicks Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Gwinnett Daily Post 01/08/2006
Thomas M. Higginbotham
(1941-2006) GA
Thomas M. Higginbotham, age 64 of Lawrenceville, died Friday, January 6,
2006. Arrangements by Tim Stewart Funeral Home, 300 Simonton Road,
Lawrenceville, GA 30045, 770-962-3100.
Athens Banner-Herald on 02/10/2006
Idyrene Bray Higginbotham
(1915-2006) GA
Higginbotham, Idyrene B., 90, of St. Augustine, FL; 2 p.m. at
First Baptist Church, interment in Oconee Hill Cemetery. Bernstein Funeral Home,
Athens, has charge of arrangements.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer 2/22/2006
Hazel Ruth Brewer Higginbotham (1927-2006) AL/GA
July 19, 1927- February 20, 2006
COLUMBUS, GA— Ruth Higginbotham, 78, of Columbus, GA died at her residence Monday, February 20, 2006. Funeral services will be held at 11:00AM on Thursday, February 23, 2006 in the Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, Macon Road Chapel with Reverend Vernon Prather and Reverend Chris Davis officiating. Burial will follow in Parkhill Cemetery. The family will receive friends this evening from 5:00 until 7:00PM at the funeral home. Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 19, 1927 in Birmingham, AL daughter of the late Harvey Simeon Brewer and Pearl Abigail Peoples Brewer. She had retired from the State as a bus driver for the Senior Citizens Center. Mrs. Higginbotham was an active member of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Her love and interest in life were her grandchildren. Survivors include her husband of 62 years, Andrew Y. Higginbotham of Cataula, GA; one daughter, Patricia Huff of Cataula, GA; one sister, Margaret Barnes of Birmingham, AL; seven grandchildren, Rhonda Jones, Brian Huff, Chad Rogers, Melissa Mahama, Michael Skeen, Jay Skeen and Yvette Skeen; eight great-grandchildren, Tara Jones, Rebecca Jones, Jennifer Jones, Zach Norris, Zo Huff, A.J. Skeen, Annabelle Skeen and Dalton Rogers. In lieu of flowers the family request donations be made in Mrs. Higginbotham's memory to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Georgia at 3715 Northside Parkway, Building 400 Northcreek, Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30327.
Athens Banner-Herald on 02/26/2006
David M. Higginbotham (1956-2006) GA
Higginbotham, David M., 49, of Bishop; 3 p.m. at Simmons Funeral Home Chapel, interment in Bostwick City Cemetery; Simmons Funeral Home, Madison, has charge of arrangements.
Marietta Daily Journal 04/12/2006
Faye Florence
Perry Higginbotham
Alewine (1932-2006) GA
Acworth resident
Faye Florence Higginbotham Ale Wine, 73, of Acworth died Monday, April 10, 2006.
Services will be 1 p.m. Thursday at SouthCare Funeral Home in Marietta. Burial
will be in Mount Harmony Memorial Gardens cemetery.
Mrs. Ale Wine was employed in the insurance industry as a field liaison.
Survivors include her husband, Johnie V. Alewine; and one daughter, Beverly A.
Rider of Kennesaw.
The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. today at the funeral home.
Clayton News Daily 08/12/2006
Catherine Kay Jordan
Higginbotham (1928-2006) GA
Catherine Kay Higginbotham, age 77 of Forest Park passed away Thursday,
August 10, 2006.
A funeral service will be held at 2 PM Sunday, August 13, 2006 at the chapel
with Pastor Dennis Brown officiating. Interment will follow at College Park
Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Saturday from 2
till 4 and 6 till 8 PM.
She is survived by her husband, James T. Higginbotham; daughter and son in law,
Cathy and Dennis Brown; son and daughter in law, James H. and Yvonne
Higginbotham; sister, Virginia Mae Clark; brother, Andy Jordan; five
grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
Pope Dickson and Son Morrow Chapel 770-961-2700.
Index-Journal 08/23/2006
James Daniel Higginbotham (1930-2006) SC/GA
KENNESAW, Ga. — James Daniel “Jim” Higginbotham, 76, of 4150 George Busbee
Parkway, died Saturday, Aug. 19, 2006, at North Fulton Hospital in Roswell.
Born in Anderson County, S.C., he was a son of the late Alvin C. and Fannie
Crocker Higginbotham. He was a graduate of Greenwood High School, Lander
College, Greenwood, S.C., and John Marshall Law School, Atlanta. A Navy veteran,
he formerly owned and operated B & H Interiors and EEE Interiors in Woodstock.
He was a member of VFW and American Legion and was of the Presbyterian faith.
Survivors include three sons, James Tamarack, of Savannah, Dr. Bruce W.
Higginbotham, of Seattle, and Gary A. Higginbotham, of Alpharetta; two sisters,
Bernice H. West of Greenwood ,and Beatrice H. Entrekin, of Easley; 15
grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren.
Services are 2 p.m. Thursday at Blyth Funeral Home, Greenwood, conducted by the
Rev. Furman Entrekin. Burial is in Kennesaw Memorial Park, Marietta, Ga.
Visitation is 1-2 Thursday at the funeral home.
Memorials may be made to a charity of one’s choice.
Blyth Funeral Home & Cremation Services is in charge.
Milton Wallace Higginbotham Sr. (1908-2006) GA
May 20, 1908 - September 7, 2006
Milton W. “Slick” Higginbotham, Sr., 98, of Brunswick passed away Thursday, September 07, 2006 at Hospice of the Golden Isles. He had been a resident of Glynn County since 1948 having come from Camden County. He was a retired construction superintendent for Savannah Machine and Foundry. Prior to which he worked for the Seaboard Railroad. He was a charter member of Altama Presbyterian Church and was affectionately known as the “Tootsie-Roll Man” at that church. He was also a member of the Poole Sunday School Class. He is survived by his wife of fifty-five years, Jewel D. Higginbotham of Brunswick; two sons, Milton Wallace Higginbotham, Jr. of Jacksonville Beach, FL and Manson Earl Higginbotham of Cooper City, FL; two daughters, Linda H. Bloodworth of Haddock, Georgia and Sandra Tolin of Summerfield, North Carolina; eleven grandchildren, seventeen great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two grandchildren, Stacye Tolin and Bryan Higginbotham. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial contributions be made to Altama Presbyterian Church, 4621 Altama Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520 or Hospice of the Golden Isles, 1692 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick, GA 31525. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Brunswick Memorial Park Funeral Home. A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday with Dr. Albert Cramer officiating in the chapel of the funeral home. Interment will follow in Brunswick Memorial Park Cemetery in the Garden of Rose Hill.
The Augusta Chronicle from 11/9/2006
Ellen Higginbotham Boulet (1923-2006) AL/GA
Retired Caregiver AUGUSTA, Ga. - Mrs. Ellen Higginbotham Boulet entered
into rest Wednesday, November 8, 2006. Graveside services will be held Saturday,
November 11, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. at Bellevue Memorial Gardens with Father Frank
Martin officiating. Family and friends will assemble at the grave. Pallbearers
will be Jackie McClure, Teryn Simmons, Nathan Simmons, Wayne Guilfoyle, Tray
Asbell, and Mike Higginbotham. Family members are two daughters, Annette Brooks
(Terry) Simmons, Harlem, Ga. and Shirley Brooks (Jackie) McClure, Harlem, Ga.;
two brothers, Hick Higginbotham, Tyrone, Ga. and Wayne Higginbotham,
Douglasville, Ga.; one sister, Jackie Fell, Gardendale, Ala.; one son-in-law,
Tommy Brooks; seven grandchildren, Cindi Brooks (Wyman Brown), Augusta, David
Brooks (Elaine), Sparta, N.C., Shawn S. Hall, Augusta, Teryn Simmons (Kelly),
Augusta, Nathan Simmons, Brandi McClure, Hunter McClure of Harlem; and eight
great-grandchildren, Brett, Courtney, Emily, Ethan, Sara, Grace Ann, Tyler, and
Jessica. Mrs. Boulet was preceded in death by a daughter, Sharon H. Brooks. Mrs.
Boulet was born in Cullman, Ala. and was a retired caregiver at Gracewood State
Hospital and School. If so desired, contributions may be made to St. Joseph
Hospice Program, 2260 Wrightsboro Rd., Augusta, Ga. 30904. The family will
receive friends Friday evening from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Thomas L. King
Funeral home, 124 Davis Rd, Martinez. 706-863-6747 Florist: Saturday, 8:30 a.m.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 12/8/2006
Doris H. Higginbotham (1913-2006) GA
Doris H. Higginbotham, 93, of East Point died
Wednesday. Funeral, 2 p.m. Saturday, Benson Funeral Home.
Albany Herald 01/22/2007
Ruth Higginbotham Siler (1911-2007) GA
BRUNSWICK — Ruth Higginbotham Siler, 95, of St. Simons Island died January 21,
2007, at Mattie Marshall Center of Magnolia Manor in Americus, GA.
The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, January 24, 2007, at
First United Methodist Church, Brunswick, with burial to follow at Brunswick
Memorial Park Cemetery. The Reverend James Rush and the Reverend Jennifer
Sherling will officiate.
Pallbearers will include M.T. Rape, W.S. Miller, J. David Miller, Ernest M.
Cribb, Lyle H. Certain, E. Neil Strickland, and Richard L. Russell. Members of
the Together Sunday School Class will serve as honorary pallbearers.
A Glynn County native, Mrs. Siler was preceded in death by her husband, Weimar
Clark Siler; parents, Loretta Beasley Higginbotham and Elliot Francis
Higginbotham Sr.; brothers, Ballard L. Higginbotham, E.F. Higginbotham Jr. and
sister, Mary E. Higginbotham.
Mrs. Siler graduated from Glynn Academy in 1929 and Georgia State College for
Women in 1933. She taught high school English and French in Toomsboro, Leah, and
Stapleton prior to WWII. After the war, she and her family returned to Glynn
County, where she became an active member of First United Methodist for over 60
years. Mrs. Siler was a member of the Julia Sherman Sunday School Class and the
Together Class, the Keenagers senior group, and Circle {pound}6 of United
Methodist Women. For 25 years, Mrs. Siler was a substitute teacher at Glynn
Academy, retiring at age 82.
Survivors include her daughter, Patricia Siler Simpson and husband, Ron of
Albany; step- grandchildren, Sherry C. Simpson of Atlanta, and Jeffrey R.
Simpson of Athens; nieces, Lynda H. Rape of Brunswick, Linda M. Langer of East
Chatham, N.Y., Paula J. McCracken of Stickney, IL, and Nancy M. Sutton of San
Clemente, CA; nephews, William S. Higginbotham of St. Simons Island, Dr. Thomas
F. Higginbotham of Hammond, LA, John A. Higginbotham of Phoenix, AZ, and
Lawrence N. Morris of Tustin, CA. Numerous great nieces, nephews, and cousins
also survive, as well as special caregivers Dorothy Walthour, Brunswick, and
Cynthia Miller of St. Simons.
Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service in the Parlor of First
Flowers will be accepted, while those desiring may make memorials to Hospice of
Americus/ Sumter County, P.O. Box 1434, Americus, GA 31709, Mattie Marshall
Center, 2001 S. Lee St., Americus, GA, 31709, or First United Methodist Church,
1400 Norwich St., Brunswick, GA 31520.
Eula Belle Higginbotham Cochran (1917-2007) GA
Mrs. Eula 'Belle' Higginbotham Cochran, 89, of Nahunta died
late Friday evening in the Satilla Regional Medical Center in Waycross after a
brief illness.
The life long Brantley County native was the daughter of Elvin Patrick and Cora
Johns Higginbotham.
A member at Southside Baptist Church in Nahunta, she had worked as a supervisor
at an undergarment factory in her earlier years, and was a homemaker. Mrs.
Cochran was a member of the Eastern Star for 50 years.
Her parents, her husband, Robert Lee Cochran, a brother, Pat Higginbotham and a
sister, Hazel Phillips, preceded her in death.
Survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Jerry Vinson and Jennie Cochran, of
Slidell, Louisiana and a daughter, Jacqueline Lavender, of Dallas, GA,
6-Grandchildren Stephanie (Randy) Treadway, Deb Cochran, Christopher Cochran,
Jennifer (Jeff) Wyrick, Cynthia (Ken) Enfinger and Gilda Goss,
9-Great-Grandchildren, Lauren and Kaitlin Treadway, Emerson Vinson Wyrick,
William, Rebeka and Douglas Enfinger, Hamilton Goss, Faythe (Spec. Brannen)
Murphy and Brandon (April) Goss, 5-Great-Great-Grandchildren, also several
Nieces, Nephews and other relatives and a host of friends.
Visitation will be Sunday evening starting at 6:00PM at Chambless-Frye Funeral
Home of Nahunta.
Funeral services will be held Monday morning (Feb. 26,2007) at 11:00AM from
Southside Baptist Church in Nahunta, with Rev. Michael Gibbs officiating.
Interment will follow in the New Hope Cemetery in Hickox.
Pallbearers will be Brandon Goss, Hamilton Goss, Linton Higginbotham, Ronald
Lee, Nathan Barnett and Charlie Ricks.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/19/2007
Berta Lee Higginbotham Fambrough (1914-2007) GA
Berta Fambrough, 92, of Monroe died Sunday. Funeral, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Meadows Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04/05/2007
Lillie Owens Henry Higginbotham (1905-2007) GA
Lillie Owens Henry Higginbotham, age 101, died on April 2, 2007. She was born on
December 17, 1905 to Sarah Frances and Wesley Owens. She was a long time and
active member of Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church where she was a member
of the Fellowship class and a member of the Young at Heart Group and the Women's
Missionary Union. She was former president of the Opti Mrs. Club and the Durand
Garden Club. She was also a member of the Sunshine Club. She is survived by her
son Lem L. Henry, Jr. and wife Ann, daughter Frances Almand and husband Richard
Henry Almand, Jr., four grandchildren, Sally Almand Northcutt, Richard Henry
Almand III, Brian D. Henry of Atlanta and Linda Henry Beck of Columbus, Georgia.
She is also survived by five great grandchildren, Lollie Henry, Isoline
Northcutt, T.J. Northcutt, Bradley Almand and Kathryn Almand. There will be a
private graveside service. Donations may be made to Haygood Memorial United
Methodist Church. Arrangements by H. M. Patterson & Son, Spring Hill Chapel,
1020 Spring Street Atlanta (404) 876-1022.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution 05/04/2007
George Baxter Higginbotham Sr. (1940-2007) GA
George Baxter Higginbotham, Sr. died May 2, 2007. He was born May 2, 1940 at
Georgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta, GA. He was preceded in death by his parents
H.C. Higginbotham and Marjorie Chafin Higginbotham. He grew up in Atlanta where
he attended school at Fowler Street and O'Keefe High School As a young man he
worked in sales. He was a top salesman for Western Auto in the early 1960's. The
family is appreciative and grateful to Jackie Holmes and everyone at NurseCare
of Buckhead for the wonderful care and attention he received during his last
years and also the Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter for friendship and
love. He is survived by a sister, Sherry H. Pacella, brothers, Ron Higginbotham
and Clinton Higginbotham, all of Atlanta, children, George Baxter, Jr., Lisa Joy
Watkins of Stockbridge, and Sherry Eaves of Destin, and several grandchildren.
Graveside services will be held Saturday, May 5, 2007 at 3 PM at Greenwood
Cemetery in Atlanta. Wages & Sons, Stone Mountain, 770-469-9811.
Savannah Morning News 05/2007
Georgia Wainright Higginbotham Murphy (1911-2007) GA
Brunswick - Mrs. Georgia
Wainright Higginbotham Murphy, 96, died Tuesday. Survivors: daughter, Lynda
Rape; sister, Margarette L. Johnson and other relatives. Funeral: 2 p.m., Friday
in the Chapel of Edo Miller & Sons Funeral Home. Interment: Palmetto Cemetery.
Edo Miller & Sons Funeral Home
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 06/19/2007
Lucille Avo Higginbotham Langley (1921-2007) AL/GA
Lucille Avo Higginbotham Langley of Palmetto, passed away June
17, 2007. She was born September 18, 1921 in Anderson, Alabama and was the
daughter of Mattie Mae McGraw and Charlie Tillman Higginbotham. After graduating
from high school. Lucille moved to Atlanta and worked for Continental Insurance.
In addition to being a homemaker, Lucille ran her own income tax service in
Hapeville, Georgia for many years. Mrs. Langley was preceded in death by her
husband of 50 years. Rev. Renard W. Langley and is survived by her children,
Glenda Gamblin and her husband Ralph of Palmetto; Nonnie Christopher and her
husband Joe of Newnan; Boyd Langley and his wife Andrea of Buford; Marie
Carswell and her husband Carew of Decatur; Kevin Langley and his wife Kim of
Norcross; 18 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. Funeral Services will
be held Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 2 o'clock at the Chapel of Parrott Funeral
Home. Rev. Ralph Bobo and Rev. Al Busby will be officiating. Interment will
follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, those desiring may
make donations to Southwest Christian Care, 7225 Lester Road, Union City,
Georgia 30291. Those wishing may send an online condolence at The family will receive friends Tuesday evening from
2:00 until 4:00 and 6:00 until 8:00 PM at Parrott Funeral Home, Fairburn,
Rockdale Citizen 06/21/2007
Mary Catherine Norton Higginbotham (1931-2007) GA
Mary Catherine Higginbotham passed away on June 19, 2007 at Rockdale
Medical Center. She was 75 years young. She was the daughter of the late Tobe
and Evie Norton Sr., and lived in Rockdale County all of her life. She is
survived by her husband C. Lee Higginbotham, son Kenneth Michael Higginbotham;
daughter Debra Ellerbee; daughter and son-in-law Vickie and Kenneth Richardson;
grandsons Joe, Tyler, and Hunter; great-grandchildren Alexa, Halie, and Caleb;
brothers Tom, Gene, and Dood; many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be
held at 2:00 PM on Friday, June 22, 2007 in the Chapel of Wheeler Funeral Home
with Rev. James Hall officiating. Interment will be in Green Meadow Memorial
Gardens. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Thursday evening
from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The family will always love her. Wheeler Funeral Home and
Crematory is in charge of the arrangements, 770-786-7111.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Willena Valena Higginbotham Adams (1915-2007) GA
Mrs. Willena Higginbotham Adams, passed away July 2, 2007 at the age of
92. Funeral services will be held Thursday, July 5, 2007 at 11 AM from the Horis
A. Ward Tara Chapel. Interment, Forest Hills Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Adams is
preceded in death by her husband Martin Pearce Adams, parents, Larry B. and
Florie Goss Higginbotham, nephew, Norman Higginbotham, and son-in-law, Billy
Shedd. She is survived by daughter, Shirley Shedd Gordon (John) of Fayetteville,
sister, Betty Jo Adams (Horace), Elberton, GA; brother, Bruce Higginbotham
(Lois), Greenwood, SC; grandson, David Shedd (Jill), granddaughter, Denise Shedd
Carroll (Derek), five great-grandchildren, Gregory and Geoffrey Shedd, Benjamin,
Adam, and Amy Carroll, many nieces, and nephews. Mrs. Adams was a lifelong
member of Friendship United Methodist Church of Fayetteville. The family will
receive friends Tuesday, July 3, from 2-4 and 6-8 PM. Horis A. Ward Tara Chapel,
Jonesboro, 770-471-7171 in charge of arrangements.
Albany Herald 07/05/2007
Helen Higginbotham Burt (1924-2007) GA
Helen Higginbotham Burt, a longtime resident of Albany, died at her home
on Tuesday, July 3, 2007.
Mrs. Burt was born in Commerce, GA. She moved to Athens at an early age,
graduated from Athens High School and the University of Georgia. She married
Walter Burt, Jr. and moved to Albany in 1946. They had 51 wonderful years
Mrs. Burt is a member of Porterfield United Methodist Church and attended the
Alpha Sunday School Class. She had been a longtime member of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church where she served as a Sunday School teacher and Chapter
Chairman of the Altar Guild.
She was very active in the community serving as President of the Hospital
League, which became the Junior League of Albany, was Town Chairman of the
National Society of Colonial Dames in the State of Georgia, and President of the
Town and Country Garden Club. She was an avid bridge player. Mrs. Burt was
preceded in death by her husband, Walter Burt, Jr.
She is survived by her daughter, Judy Burt Campbell, and her husband Edgar
Campbell; a son, Walter H. Burt, III, and his wife Nancy Burt; five
grandchildren, Burt Allen Sorrells, Lauren Gray Chandler, and her husband H. J.
Chandler, Callie Harbin Burt, Kathleen Anne Burt, and Molly Holton Burt; a dear
friend, Dr. Grey Rawls; a sister, Mrs. Sydney Patrick, Lakeland, FL; a brother
in law, Hilliard Pace Burt.
Mrs. Burt was an inspiration to all who knew her for her courage, her faith, her
love of friends, and her fighting spirit.
She will be greatly missed by all of her family and friends.
There will be a private family graveside service at Riverside Cemetery. A
memorial service will be held at Porterfield United Methodist Church at Twelve
noon on Friday with the Reverend Nathan Godley and the Reverend Nancy Scarbrough
The family will receive friends at Kimbrell-Stern Thursday, July 5 from 4:30 PM
until 6 PM.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Porterfield United Methodist
Church, 2200 Dawson Rd., Albany, GA 31707, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 212 N.
Jefferson St., Albany, GA 31701, or the Albany Community Hospice, P.O. Box 1828,
Albany, GA 31702.
The Macon Telegraph 08/01/2007
Julia Lynn Higginbotham Evans (1948-2007) WV/FL/GA
HAWKINSVILLE - Julia Lynn Higginbotham Evans entered into rest July 30,
2007 at Medical Center of Central Georgia. Julia was born July 17, 1948 in
South Charleston, West Virginia, daughter of Belva Rae Cunningham and Richard
Hargrove Higginbotham. She graduated from Lakeland Senior High School in
Lakeland, Fla. in 1966, Western Carolina University in 1971 and received her
Masters in Education from Georgia Southern University in 1976 and her
Educational Specialist Degree in 1979 from Georgia Southern University. She was
an English teacher and school psychologist for 35 years. She was a member of
Delta Kappa Gamma and Beta Sigma Phi. Julia was also an active member of the
Georgia Association of School Psychologists and served as membership chairman.
She taught the Joy Adult Sunday School at Hawkinsville First United Methodist
Church for many years and participated in the Anna Rachel UMW Circle. Julia also
was very active in the Pulaski County Little theater, serving as director for
several productions. She was survived by her husband, Elliott Leary Evans, Sr.
of 32 years and her two children, Margaret Rae Evans of Washington and Elliott
(Brandy) Leary Evans, Jr. of Hawkinsville; two grandchildren, Madison Jade Dye
and William Richard Evans; sisters, Janet Kay (Jim) Reynolds of Leesburg, Va.,
Rachel Ann (John) Baxter of Pensacola, FL; brothers, Richard Hargrove
Higginbotham and Shawn Allen (Robyn) Higginbotham, both of Houston, TX; and
several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Thursday, at 11A.M.
at Hawkinsville First United Methodist Church in Hawkinsville with interment
following at 4P.M. at Westover Memorial Cemetery in Augusta. Visitation will be
at Clark Funeral Home in Hawkinsville, Ga. on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 from
6:00 until 8:00 P.M. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be
made to First United Methodist Church, William Richard Evans Medical Fund in
Hawkinsville at 401 Merritt Street, Hawkinsville, Ga. 31036. -Clark Funeral
Home, Inc., Hawkinsville is in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 10/05/2007
Alex Monroe Higginbotham (1938-2007) GA
Funeral services for Alex Monroe Higginbotham of Stone Mountain will be held
Saturday October 6, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. from Victory Worship Center, 4190 Cedar
Ridge Trail, Stone Mountain, Pastor Tony Roberts officiating. Interment, Mt.
Harmony Cemetery. The remains will lie in state at the church at 12 noon. He is
survived by wife Vivian Higginbotham; children; brother and a host of other
relatives and friends. Family and friends will assemble at 4340 Bexley Dr.,
Stone Mountain at 12 noon. Hines Home of Funerals Inc., 404-792-2400.
Athens Banner-Herald 10/12/2007
Douglas M. Higginbotham (1938-2007) GA
Eastanollee - Douglas Higginbotham, 69, of Eastanollee, died October 9,
2007. Services will be 11:00am, Saturday, October 13, 2007 at Grace Baptist
Church. Interment will be at Stephens Memorial Gardens. Survivors include: wife,
Jane Higginbotham; sons, Douglas Higginbotham, Jr., Tyrus Higginbotham, and
Robert Higginbotham. Whitlock Mortuary, Toccoa, has charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 10/23/2007
Ruth Bettis Higginbotham (1927-2007) GA
Ruth Bettis Higginbotham, age 79, of Dallas, passed away on Sunday,
October 21, 2007. She was born in Pickens County, GA, on December 18, 1927. Mrs.
Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents, Ralph and Minnie Bettis; and
brothers, Robert, John and Frank Bettis. She was a member of East Point Avenue
Methodist Church and also attended Bethany Presbyterian in Covington. Survivors
include her sons and daughters-in-law, David Higginbotham and wife Deborah of
Locust Grove and Kenneth Higginbotham and wife Christi of Dallas; brothers and
sisters-in-law, Glenn Bettis and wife Dolores of Blue Ridge and Clyde Bettis and
wife Patricia of Palmetto; sisters and brothers-in-law, Violet Cowan of
Covington, Louise Cowan and husband Bernie of Covington, Evelyn Williams and
husband Bob of Newnan, Mildred Moncrief and husband Billy of McDonough, Ethel
Stephens of Rutledge and Joy Hawkins of Covington; six grandchildren; four
great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be
held on Thursday, October 25, 2007, at 2:00 pm, Clark Funeral Home, with Brother
Tony Cowan and Brother Troy Bettis officiating. The family will receive friends
at the funeral home on Thursday, from 11:00 a.m. until the service time. Clark
Funeral Home, Hiram, GA, is in charge of the arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 11/03/2007
Heather Skillings Higginbotham (ca1970-2007) GA
HEATHER HIGGINBOTHAM, 37, of Marietta died Friday. The body will be
cremated. Memorial service plans will be announced; Cremation Society of the
South, Marietta.
The Gadsden Times 01/15/2008
Doris Jennings Higginbotham (1935-2008)
Doris Jennings Higginbotham, 72, of Rome, Ga., formerly of Cherokee
County, died Sunday, Jan. 13, 2008.
She is survived by her husband, Clarence Higginbotham Jr.
Funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Perry Funeral Home Chapel, with the Rev.
Melvyn Salter officiating. Burial in Pleasant Valley No. 2 Cemetery.
Margaret N. Kammerdiener Higginbotham (1941-2008)
Waycross, GA
Mrs. Margaret N. Kammerdiener Higginbotham, 66, passed away Thursday, January
17, 2008, at the Satilla Regional Medical Center following a sudden illness.
Born in Pennsylvania, she had lived in Brantley County for many years before
moving to Waycross two years ago. She was a housekeeper with Satilla Regional
Medical Center and was of the Catholic faith. Mrs. Higginbotham loved to crochet
and make bibs for the nursing home. She also enjoyed making Christmas gifts for
the nursing home. Mrs. Higginbotham loved her family and her dogs and also
enjoyed reading and playing board games with her husband. She was a daughter of
the late Clinton Jay & Laura Larue Holowell Kammerdiener.
Survivors are her husband, Michael R. D. Higginbotham of Waycross; two sisters
and a brother-n-law, Evelyn L. & John Davis of Savannah and Deborah Rhodes of
Waycross; a brother, James L. Kammerdiener of Oil City, PA; a niece, Cindy; a
nephew, Paul M. Rhodes of Waycross and several other relatives.
The family will have a memorial service for Mrs. Higginbotham at a later time.
Memorialization is by cremation. The family asks that in lieu of flowers
contributions be made to the Memorial and Honor Program, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105 or to the Muscular
Dystrophy Association, P. O. Box 78960,Phoenix, AZ 85062-8960.
Pearson-Dial Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
The Reidsville Review 02/26/2008
Rose Allen Higginbotham Matthews (1918-2008) VA/NC/GA
GAINESVILLE, Ga. - Mrs. Rose Higginbotham Matthews, 89, of Smoky Springs
Retirement Residence of Gainesville, passed away on Saturday, Feb. 23.
A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Higginbotham of Tazewell, Va., Mrs.
Matthews is preceded in death by her husband, William R. Matthews of Eden, N.C.;
daughter, Mrs. Ann M. Purdy of Gainesville; and granddaughter, Miss Kari Black
also of Gainesville.
A former teacher, Mrs. Matthews received her education at Longwood University in
Virginia and was a former member of the Junior Service League, Thursday Study
Club, and the D.A.R.
Survivors include daughter and son-in-law, Rosalind and Frank Black of
Gainesville; granddaughter and husband, Rosanne and John Alex Mason of Colorado
Springs, Co.; great-granddaughter, Ruth Mason, also of Colorado Springs, Co.;
grandson and wife, Scott and Katie Black of Columbus, Ga.
A private graveside service will be held at Alta Vista cemetery with Rev.
Parrish Myers of Pine Crest Baptist Church officiating.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Pine Crest Baptist Church
building fund, 2520 Mountain View Road, Gainesville, Ga. 30504.
Ward's Funeral Home of Gainesville, Ga. in charge of arrangements.
The Marietta Journal 03/10/2008
Cora Leona Higginbotham Huddleston (1944-2008) GA
Mrs. Cora Higginbotham Huddleston, age 63, of Austell died Saturday, March 8, 2008. Cora was a member of Calvary Baptist Church. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Daniel and Alice Huddleston of Marietta, Brother, Burnice Higginbotham of Union City and nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, 11 am at the Davis-Struempf Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Chris Humphries and Rev. Bill Rorie Officiating. Interment will be at Shady Grove Cemetery. The family will receive friends Monday 4-8 pm at the Davis-Struempf Funeral Home, Austell.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 05/04/2008
Patsy Higginbotham Smith (1953-2008) GA
PATSY HIGGINBOTHAM SMITH, 54, of Social Circle died Wednesday. Funeral, 3 p.m. Monday, Meadows Funeral Home.
Barbara Louise Higginbotham Cooke (1954-2008) GA
Mrs. Barbara Louise Cooke, age 54, of Cartersville died Sunday, June 8, 2008 at Cartersville Medical Center. Born in Jonesboro, Georgia on March 13, 1954, she was the daughter of the late Warren Higginbotham and Louise Herndon Higginbotham. She worked as a secretary for a repo company. She enjoyed crocheting, sewing and NASCAR racing. Preceding her in death are her parents and a daughter, Jennifer Davidson.
Survivors include her husband of 20 years, Lowell T. Cooke of Cartersville; her sons, Dale Dyer of Cartersville; Kevin McGinty of Thermopolis, Wyoming; her brothers, Robert Higginbotham of Griffin, Ga.; Michael Higginbotham of Conley, Ga.; and Carroll Higginbotham of Carrollton, Ga.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, June 12, 2008 in the chapel of Parnick Jennings Funeral Home and Cremation Services with the Reverend Joe Nix officiating. Interment will follow in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers are Virgil Prather, Herschel Weaver, Kenny Ledford, Jerry Davis, Doug Hunt and Tim Hamilton. Pallbearers are asked to meet at the funeral home at 1:15 p.m.
The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Wednesday from 6-9 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made to St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 39105.
Parnick Jennings Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 430 Cassville Road, Cartersville is in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 06/19/2008
Gladys Phipps Higginbotham (1911-2008) GA
Gladys Phipps Higginbotham, age 96, died June 18, 2008. She was born in Redan, Georgia on November 24, 1911. She is preceded in death by her husband, William Robert Higginbotham. Her ancestors were charter members of Redan United Methodist Church, of which she was a dedicated and active member for many years. A lifelong resident of DeKalb County, Gladys was a homemaker and devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. She especially enjoyed entertaining and cooking for her family and friends. She is survived by her three daughters - JoAnn McWaters and husband, Donald; Sandra McConnell and husband, Mason; Joyce Berger and husband, John; grandchildren - Andrea Weatherford and husband, Tony; David and Robert McConnell; Jake and Blair Berger; great grandchildren - Anthony and Andrew Weatherford; and many nieces and nephews. The funeral service will be held on Friday June 20, 2008, at 3:00 p.m. at Wages & Sons Funeral Home, Stone Mountain Chapel. Rev. Owen Skinner officiating. Interment to follow at Redan Cemetery. The family will receive friends on June 19, 2008, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Wages & Sons Funeral Home, 1040 Main Street, Stone Mountain, GA, (770) 469-9811.
The Atlanta Constitution 8/9/2008
Amy Terrelle Higginbotham (1972-2008) GA
Amy Terrelle Higginbotham, 37, of Calhoun died Aug. 3. Funeral 1 p,m, Tuesday, First Corinth Christian Church; Willis Funeral Home.
The Atlanta Constitution 9/27/2008
Dora Mae Higginbotham Ellis (1919-2008) TX/GA
Dora Mae Ellis, 89, of Fairmount died Thursday. Funeral, 2 p.m. Sunday: Ponders Funeral Home, Fairmount Chapel.
Anderson Independent-Mail 12/14/2008
Marvin Wayne Higginbotham (1938-2008) GA
ELBERTON, GA -Mr. Marvin Wayne "Coot" Higginbotham, age 70, of Elberton, died December 13, 2008. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Elbert County to Lovic Pierce Higginbotham and Sara Alma Moon Higginbotham. He was a lifetime member of the NRA and a member of First Presbyterian Church in Elberton for 23 years. He began working in the granite industry as a stone cutter and in 1986 became owner/operator of Moon Rock Granite Quarry and later Very Best Blue Granite Quarry. He retired from the Army Reserve National Guard after 21 years of service. He was preceded in death by his father and his grandson, Garrett Wade Segars. He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Charlotte Higginbotham of Elberton; daughters, Marvine (husband, Ricky) Brown of Elberton, Vickie Laine Peppers of New Fane, NY, Angela (husband, Buck) Segars of Elberton, Kristal (husband, Dan) Schroeder of Panama City, FL, Kathie (husband, Bryan) Segars of Elberton; grandchildren, Jim Ed Brown, Amanda Brown, Josh Brown, Courtney Dewberry, Corbin Dewberry, Caitlin Peppers, Eric Segars, Anna Katherine Jaudon, Keelei Segars, Tyler Segars, Braydon Segars; great-grandchildren, Brock Brown, Haley Brown, Jacob Brown, Brittany Brown, Cadence Carlton, Garrett Segars, Reese Segars; mother, Sara Alma Moon Thomas of Thompson, GA. Funeral services will be held Monday, December 15 at 3:00 PM in Hicks Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. Mike Woods, Rev. Peter Yuh, and Rev. Bill Mounts officiating. The family will receive friends Monday afternoon 1:00 - 3:00 PM at the funeral home prior to the service. Those desiring may make contributions to First Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 185 Elberton, GA 30635. Hicks Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements for Marvin Wayne "Coot" Higginbotham.
The Elberton Star 01/02/2009
Milford Howard Higginbotham (1933-2009) GA
Milford Howard Higginbotham, 75, of 1183 Longstreet Road in Elberton died Jan. 1, 2009. A native of Elbert County, he was a son of Willie Jewette Mauldin Higginbotham and the late Rufus Howard Higginbotham. He was a member of Elberton Pentecostal Holiness Church and the NRA. He was retired as a self-employed mausoleum erector. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran who served in the Korean Conflict. He was preceded in death by a son, Milford Edmund Higginbotham. Survivors, in addition to his mother, include a son, Eric Higginbotham of Elberton; a sister, Bernice Wood of Elberton; a brother, Raymond Higginbotham of Elberton; three step-children; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home. Burial was in the Bethlehem United Methodist Church cemetery. Pallbearers were Wayne Gafford, Kennon Wood, Brian Higginbotham, Johnny Herndon, Adam Higginbotham and Eddy Higginbotham. Berry Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 01/25/2009
Myrtle Williams Higginbotham Hollingsworth (1905-2009) GA
Myrtle Higginbotham Hollingsworth, age 103, of Stone Mountain, passed away on January 23, 2009. She was a great mother, mother-in-law, and took great interest in her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was a wonderful cook; loved to shop; loved horses and never missed watching the Kentucky Derby. She was a member of the Corinth Baptist Church and the Eastern Star Grace Chapter 551. She retired after 32 years of service as a secretary with the Georgia State Highway Department. Survivors include her daughters and son-in-law, Gwen & Randolph Daley, Snellville, Jackie & Bud Harden, Lilburn, 5 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren. The funeral service will be held at 11:00 am, Tuesday, January 27, 2009 in the Eternal Hills Chapel with Pastor David Cook officiating. Interment, Eternal Hills Memory Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donation may be made to Embracing Hospice, 3180 Presidential Dr., Suite G, Atlanta, GA 30340. Visitation with the family will be held on Monday, 6 to 8 pm at Eternal Hills Funeral Home, Snellville, 770-972-3155.
Anderson (SC) Independent-Mail 03/05/2009
Mary Jim Higginbotham (1942-2009) SC
Miss Mary Jim Higginbotham, age 66, of 67 Hart Terrace, Hartwell, GA, died March 4, 2009 at Hart County Hospital. Born December 9, 1942 in Stephens County, GA, she is the daughter of Allene Marett Higginbotham of Hartwell, GA and the late James Byron "Jim" Higginbotham. She was a graduate from University of Georgia with a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism. She was formerly employed by Davidson Department Store and Retired as a Real Estate Agent. She is survived by her mother and several aunts. Graveside Services will be held on Friday, March 6, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. at Nancy Hart Memorial Park. The family is at their respective homes. Memorials may be made to the charity of one's choice.
Florida Union-Times 04/04/2009
Dennis Lee Higginbotham (1933-2009) GA
Dennis Lee Higginbotham, 75, of Folkston, passed away April 1, 2009. He was a native and life long resident of Charlton County. His parents were the late Lewis Ancil and Rosa Lee Popham Higginbotham. He retired from the Charlton County School System Maintenance Department and was a veteran of the United States Army serving in Germany from 1953-1955. Denny was an avid gardener, hunter and fisherman. He was preceded in death by a sister: Betty Willene Murrah of Live Oak, FL. He is survived by his daughter: Heidi Higginbotham, of Folkston, GA; and two sisters: Dora Nell Brown of Waycross, GA and Cheryl (L.E.) H. Stokes, of Folkston, GA. The family will receive friends Sunday, April 5 at Shepard Funeral Home in Folkston from 6-8 PM. Funeral services will be held Monday, April 6 at 11:00 AM at First Baptist Church of Folkston with Rev. Gene McCullough officiating. Burial will follow in Burnt Fort Chapel Cemetery off of Bailey Mill Road in Burnt Fort, Georgia. Condolences may be expressed by signing the guest book at . Arrangements are under the direction of Shepard Funeral Home in Folkston, GA.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer 04/08/2009
Andrew Young Higginbotham (1925-2009) AL/GA
CATAULA, GA — Andrew "Drew" Y. Higginbotham, 83, of Cataula died Monday, April 6, 2009 at St. Francis Hospital. Funeral services will be held 10:00 am Thursday, April 9, 2009 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Cataula with Rev. Chris Davis and Rev. Vernon Prather officiating according to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, Columbus. Interment to follow in Parkhill Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 5 pm until 7 pm on Wednesday, April 8, at the funeral home. Mr. Higginbotham was born June 25, 1925 to the late Rodolphus and Sara Higginbotham in Jefferson County, AL. He was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church and Masonic #144 Midland Lodge. Mr. Higginbotham served his country during WWII in the U.S. Navy. After 36 years with Southern Natural Gas he retired as the Compressor Station Superintendent and 12 years with Callaway Gardens. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Hazel "Ruth" Higginbotham; a daughter, Kathy Skeen; seven siblings; and a son-in-law: William Huff. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by a daughter: Patricia Huff of Cataula, GA; a brother: Burnie A. Higinbotham, Sr. of Mt. Olive, AL; a sister: Helen Ervin of Tupelo, MS; 5 grandchildren; 2 step grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; and one great great grandchild; and multiple nieces and nephews. Those so desiring may contribute to Columbus Hospice House, 7020 Moon Road, Columbus, GA 31909.
The Telegraph 05/03/2009
Van Buren Higginbotham (1935-2009) MS/GA
WARNER ROBINS-Van Higginbotham, 74, entered into rest on Friday, May 1, 2009. Mr. Higginbotham was born on February 2, 1935 in Tutwiler, Mississippi. With pride and honor he served his country in the United States Air Force retiring as a civil servant. He was a member of Cagles Crossroad Baptist Church in Clarksdale, Mississippi. His parents, William Lloyd Higginbotham and Helen Higginbotham, preceded him in death. Van was a "proud" member of International City Golf Club and has been associated with every golf club in the area. He was an avid sportsman, a member of the Tyrian Lodge #3 and was also a dedicated Mason. His memory will forever be treasured by his loving wife Edwena Williams Higginbotham, Warner Robins; son Paul L. Higginbotham (Diana), Byron; three grandchildren, Amy M. Higginbotham, Jo Lynn Walters, and Samantha Elizabeth Higginbotham; three step grandchildren, Stephanie Perdue, Shannon Edwards, Scott Carlson; special son, Bobby James Brantley; great grandchild, Chandler Ray and two step brothers, Edward Manasco, Grand Rapids, Michigan and Junior Manasco, Dothan, Alabama. Visitation will be Monday, May 4, 2009, from 5:00 until 7:00 P.M. at McCullough Funeral Home with Funeral Services immediately following in the chapel. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations be made to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 1011 Corder Road, Warner Robins, Georgia 31088 or to a Junior Golf league of choice. McCullough Funeral Home has charge of arrangements.
Atlanta Journal Constitution 07/26/2009
Adam Kenneth Higginbotham (1982-2009) GA
July 26, 1982 - July 24, 2009
Adam Kenneth Higginbotham, age 26, of Dallas, GA, passed away on Friday, July 24, 2009. He was born in Atlanta, on July 26, 1982. Adam was a veteran of the U. S. Air Force and he worked for Lockheed. Survivors include his father, Ken & Christi Higginbotham of Dallas; mother, Tammy Higginbotham of Tennessee; brothers, Aaron Higginbotham of Dallas and Bill Doerr of Dallas; sisters, Lori Doerr of Dallas and Jennifer Doerr of Hemp Hill, TX; nieces & nephews, Jaiden Doerr, A’Lia Davenport, Sydney Murphy, Makenna Murphy and William Baker; uncle, David & Lynda Higginbotham of Fayetteville; cousins, Tommy Adams of Hiram and Dustin & Rachel Higginbotham of McDonough; assorted aunts and uncles. Funeral services will be Monday, July 27, 2009, at 3:00 pm, from Clark Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow in Peaceful Meadows Memorial Cemetery, with Chris Dorough, Sean Roberts, Tommy Adams, Dustin Higginbotham, Aaron Higginbotham, and Bill Doerr serving as pallbearers. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Monday from 1:00 pm until the service time. Clark Funeral Home in Hiram, GA, is in charge of arrangements.
Anderson (SC) Independent-Mail 10/21/2009
Allene Marett Higginbotham (1920-2009) GA
November 27th, 1920 - October 19th, 2009
Mrs. Allene Marett Higginbotham, 88, of 67 Hart Terrace, Hartwell, died Monday,
October 19, 2009 at Rainey Hospice House, Anderson SC. Born on November 27, 1920
in Hart Co. GA, she was the daughter of the late William Inman Marett and Myrt
Icie Welborn Marett. She was a graduate of Hartwell High School, Class of 1938
and Monroe A & M in Monroe GA. She was a retired cloth inspector from Newton
Mills and a member of the Cedar Creek Baptist Church. Survivors include her
sisters, Martha Jo M. Carlton of Canon and Clara M. Young-Lance of Marion NC;
several nieces and nephews also survive. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death
by her husband, James Byron “Jim” Higginbotham; daughter Mary Jim Higginbotham
and a brother, Hugh Dallas Marett. Graveside services will be Wednesday, October
21 at 2:00 p.m. at the Nancy Hart Memorial Park with Rev. Chris Wagoner
officiating. The family is at their respective homes. Memorials may be made to
the Rainey Hospice House, 1835 Rogers Rd, Anderson SC, 29621.
Athens Banner-Herald 01/11/2010
Willie Jewette Maudlin Higginbotham (ca1912-2010) GA
Elberton - Jewette Higginbotham, 98, of 410 East Church St. Apt. B., Elberton, wife of the late Rufus Howard Higginbotham died Sunday January 10, 2010 at the Elbert Memorial Hospital. Born in Elbert County, GA., she was a daughter of the late John William and Matte Wansley Mauldin. She was a member of the Light House Church and retired from Emory University Hospital. Survivors include her daughter, Bernice Wood, of Elberton. Son; Willie Raymond Higginbotham, of Elberton. Sisters; Frances Dixon, Jean Herndon both of Elberton. 6 grandchildren, 8 great-grandchildren, 12 great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 11 AM Tuesday January 12, at the Chapel of Berry Funeral Home with Rev. Bill Jones officiating. Burial will follow in Bethlehem United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 10 to 11 AM before services at Berry Funeral Home. The family will be at the home, 410 East Church St. Apt. B. Pallbearers will be; Kennon Wood, Eric Higginbotham, Brian Higginbotham, Wayne Gafford, Eddie Higginbotham, Adam Higginbotham, David Gafford, Chris Reagin, Johnny Herndon, Michael Herndon. Berry Funeral Home in charge of the funeral arrangements for Jewette Higginbotham.
The Macon Telegraph 01/15/2010
Tommy Benjamin Higingbotham (1946-2010) AL/GA/CA
LASELVA BEACH, CA-Tommy Benjamin Higingbotham, 63, died Thursday, January 14, 2010 in McRae, Georgia. Funeral services will be held 2P.M. Sunday, January 17th at the chapel of the Lowe's Funeral Home. Interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery in Eastman, Georgia. Visitation will be from 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. Saturday, January 16th at the funeral home. Mr. Higingbotham, born on April 17, 1946, had lived in Eastman and Montgomery, AL before moving to California. He was the son of the late Curtis B. and Nancy Lou Batts Higingbotham. He had retired from the United States Postal Service after 40 years in Macon, GA and Montgomery, AL. Survivors include his wife Lori Anne Brenchley Higingbotham of LaSelva Beach, CA; children, Aaron Turner of Aptos, CA, Kayson Taylor Turner of LaSelva Beach, CA; two grandchildren, Jacob Higingbotham and Matthew Turner; one brother, Johnny (Ann) Higingbotham of McRae; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by three children, Stanley Paul Higingbotham, Stephanie Lee Higingbotham, Jason Matthew Turner; one brother, Charles Ira Higingbotham. In lieu of flowers, donations may be given to Serenity Hospice, 304 W. First Street, Vidalia, GA 30474. Lowe's Funeral Home of Helena, Georgia has charge of the arrangements.
James Harold Higginbotham Jr. (1953-2010) GA
Mr. James Harold Higginbotham, Jr., 56, died Wednesday afternoon (January 24, 2010) at Pierce County Nursing Home after an extended illness. He was a native of Waycross, where he has lived most of his life. He was formerly employed by Altima Transport and Scott Trailers, but he has been disabled for several years. He also served in the United States Army. He is the son of the late James Harold Higginbotham, Sr. and Rosa Lee Howell Higginbotham. Survivors include two daughters, Jennifer Chambless of Eagle Lake, FL, and Jamie Charles (husband Robert) of Auburndale, FL; one son, Justin Higginbotham (wife Cally) of Carribelle, FL; three grandchildren, Mason Chambless, Jaylin Charles and Brett James Charles; one brother, Johnny Higginbotham of Blackshear; one sister, Virginia Mishoe of Nahunta; and numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held 11 a.m. Wednesday (January 27, 2010) at the Music Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in Waters Cemetery in Pierce County. The family will receive friends 6 until 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 02/22/2010
David Ronald Higginbotham (1938-2010) GA
David Ronald Higginbotham, age 72, of Lawrenceville, Ga. died February 21, 2010, as a result of complications from Polycythemia Vera. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Sharon Lee Higginbotham, his grandson, Abraham Wilson Higginbotham; his parents, Harvey and Marjorie Higginbotham, and brother, Baxter Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Snellville United Methodist Church, Southern Wings Bird Club, and the Model A Club, and earlier was a Boy Scout Leader. He graduated from O'Keefe High School in Atlanta and was a graduate of Georgia State University and served in the U.S. Air Force. He was employed by First National Bank of Atlanta, Barnett Banks, and retired from Emory University in 1999. He is survived by wife, Bobbie R. Higginbotham; daughter, Mickey Gramig and husband Joseph; son, David E. Higginbotham and wife Emily; granddaughters, August and Josie Gramig; grandson, Thomas Higginbotham; sister, Sherry Pacella and husband Jerry; brother, Clinton Higginbotham; and other family members. Memorial services will be held Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. at Snellville United Methodist Church with Dr. Richard Hunter officiating. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the American Red Cross in Atlanta or Snellville United Methodist Church. Interment will be held at a later date at Brightwater Cemetery in Butler, Alabama. Arrangements by Wages & Sons, Stone Mountain Chapel 770/469-9811.
Athens Banner-Herald 02/27/2010
Thomas Mell Higginbotham Jr. (1938-2010) GA
Statham - Thomas M. Higginbotham Jr., 72, of Statham, died Friday, February 26, 2010. A native of Oconee Co., Ga., he was the son of the late Thomas Mell Higginbotham and Elizabeth Moore Higginbotham. He served in the armed forces from 1956-1959 while stationed in Germany. He retired from a career in residential building and development. He had a great love for his grandchildren, a passion for rabbit hunting and raising beagles. He was a member of Hebron Christian Church where he served as a deacon and later as an elder. Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Emily Dean Higginbotham; son, Chris Higginbotham of Statham; daughter, Melody Higginbotham of Athens; grandchildren, Heather, Caitlin and Wade Higginbotham; brother, Gene Higginbotham of Athens and sister, Elna H. Thompson of Campton; along with many nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends 4-7 p.m., Saturday, February 27, 2010, at Smith Funeral Home. Funeral services will be 2 p.m., Sunday, February 28, 2010, at Smith Memory Chapel with the Rev. Gordon Griffin and Rev. Danny Shoemaker officiating. Interment will be in Barrow Memorial Gardens. Memorial contributions may be made to Christian City Home for Children, memorial for Thomas Higginbotham, 7345 Red Oak Road, Union City, GA 30291-2338; or a charity of your choice. Smith Funeral Home, Winder, has charge of arrangements.
Florida Times-Union 03/05/2010
Donald Edward Higginbotham (1947-2010) FL/GA
Donald Edward Higginbotham, 62, passed away in a tragic accident on Sunday, February 28, 2010. A native of Jacksonville, FL, he made GA home for the past 20 years. He was a Veteran serving combat duty in the U.S. Army during the Viet Nam conflict and was decorated for bravery with the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and more. He was a long time employee of Gerdau- Ameristeel in Baldwin, FL. He was a hard-working, dedicated son, husband, father, grandfather and friend. He loved spending time with family and fishing. There was nothing he would not do to lend a helping hand for anyone. He was adored by everyone who knew him. He was always full of life and knew how to solve every problem. Donald is survived by his wife of 39 years, Marsha Durant Higginbotham; children, Donald Robert Higginbotham and Hollie Higginbotham Parrott, and step-daughter, Christina Costa; grandchildren, Isaac Dean Higginbotham, Hunter Higginbotham, Danielle Parrott and step-grandchildren Carla Morgan and Antonio Delgado, all of Georgia; mother and father, Norma and Alvin Higginbotham, brother, Glenn Higginbotham, sister Beatrice Brown, and additional extended family of Florida. A Celebration of His Life will be held Sunday, March 7, 2010, 2 P.M., at the American Legion Post 316, 1127 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-2516 (904) 249-0202. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to either his daughter, Hollie H. Parrott, 5095 Lampadoshia Rd.; Waverly, GA 31565 or to his wife at their farm at 158 Web Falls Ln., Nicholls, GA 31554.
Anderson Independent-Mail 03/28/2010
Stanley Leon Higginbotham (1917-2010) GA
ELBERTON - Stanley Leon Higginbotham, Sr., 92, of 421 Elm Street, Elberton, widower of Martha Jacks "Jackie" Higginbotham, died on Saturday, March 27, 2010 at his residence. Born on April 6, 1917 in Elbert County, he was a son of the late Edgar Glenn "E.G', Sr. and Lizzie Mae Rhodes Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was involved in the trucking and granite industries and a member of the Eliam United Methodist Church. Stanley was a WWII Veteran serving in the Pacific Theatre and a 65 year member of the Elberton Philomathea Masonic Lodge # 25. He was also a lifelong member of the Yaarab Shriners. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife of 65 years, Martha Jacks "Jackie" Higginbotham, who passed away on December 1, 2009; and brothers, E.G. Higginbotham, Jr., and Marshall Higginbotham. Survivors include his daughters and son-in-law, Gwen and Carroll Childs and Libby Higginbotham Love, all of Elberton; sons and daughter-in-law, S. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., of Littleton, CO., and Keith and Mandy Higginbotham, of Athens; grandchildren, Kevin Childs, Katie Childs Brown, Janson Teasley, Cory Grimes, and Lyle Higginbotham; great-grandchildren, Allie Brown and Emma Hernandez; and brother, Joe Higginbotham. Several other nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends also survive. A graveside service will be held on Monday, March 29, 2010 at 4PM in Forest Hills Memorial Park with Reverend Wes Privett officiating. The family is at the home, 421 Elm Street, and will receive friends from 2-3:45 Monday just prior to the service at Hicks Funeral Home. Pallbearers will include, Kevin Childs, Janson Teasley, Cory Grimes, Carroll Childs, Lyle Higginbotham, and Terry Stowers. Flowers are optional, and memorials may be made in Mr. Higginbotham's memory to Eliam United Methodist Church. Online condolences may be sent to the family at Hicks Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements for Stanley Leon Higginbotham.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 05/25/2010
James Tillman Higginbotham (1920-2010) GA
Mr. James Higginbotham, age 89, of Forest Park, passed away, May 24, 2010. He was preceded in death by his wife Catherine. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Forest Park. He is survived by his daughter and son-in-law Cathy Ann and Dennis L. Brown of Max Meadows, Va.; son and daughter-in-law James H. and Yvonne Higginbotham of Forsyth, Ga., five grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Graveside services will be held, Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 11 AM at College Park Cemetery. Dr. Reed Crumbliss will officiate. The family will receive friends Tuesday, May 25, 2010 from 6-8 PM at the funeral home. Ford-Stewart Funeral Home, Inc., 770-210-2700.
Marianne Chupp
Higginbotham (1952-2010) GA
Marianne (Ann) Higginbotham, age 57, of Lilburn, died
Wednesday, August 11, 2010. A memorial service will be held at 7:00 PM Saturday,
August 14, 2010 at Bill Head Funeral Home, Lilburn/Tucker Chapel. A native of
Athens Banner-Herald 11/20/2010
Anita Caudell Higginbotham, age 76, of Cornelia, GA passed away on Friday, November 19, 2010. Mrs. Higginbotham was born on August 6, 1934, in Banks County, to the late Hershel and Margie Mealor Caudell. She was preceded in death by her husband Joe Higginbotham. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member at First Baptist Church of Cornelia, having served as a nursery worker in her church for a number of years. She was a retired employee of Community Bank and Trust with 25 years of service. Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, Susie and Randy Cantrell, Cornelia, GA, Elaine and Joe Kenyon, Cornelia, GA, and Lisa and Pete Watts, Clarkesville, GA; sons and daughters-in-law, Don and Nancy Higginbotham, Turnerville, GA and David and Karen Higginbotham, Watkinsville, GA; brother and sister-in-law, Randy and Rhonda Caudell, Toccoa, GA; 7 grandchildren, Amber Higginbotham, Amanda Cantrell Mitchell, Ashley Kenyon, Haley Watts, Cari Watts, Caitlyn Higginbotham, and Joseph Higginbotham; and 1 great-grandchild Adalyn Grace Mitchell. Funeral services will be held 3:00 p.m., Sunday, November 21, 2010, at Whitfield Funeral Home, North Chapel, Demorest, GA with Rev. Gary Morris officiating. Interment will follow in the Yonah Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Saturday, November 20, 2010, at the Whitfield Funeral Home, North Chapel, Demorest, GA. Arrangements are in the care of Whitfield Funeral Home, North Chapel, Demorest, Georgia. (706) 778-1700.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 11/27/2010
Betty Kilgore Higginbotham (1925-2010) GA
Betty Higginbotham, 84, of Monroe died on November 24, 2010. She was born in Monroe to the late Marion Kilgore and the late Inez Grizzle Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband: the late Ben A. Higginbotham. Surviving are daughter and son-in-law: Susan and Malcom Evans of Taylor, SC; son and daughter-in-law: Benny and Ann Higginbotham of Monroe; sister: Ruth Zielinski of Macon; grandchildren: Ben and Debbie Evans of Anderson, IN, Jon Evans of Greenville, SC; great grandchildren: Lincoln Evans and Mariana Evans; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at 2:30 pm on Saturday, November 26th at chapel of Meadows Funeral Home with the Rev. George Rogers officiating. Interment will follow at Social Circle City Cemetery.
The Telegraph 12/09/2010
Johnathan Michael Higginbotham (1976-2010) TX/GA
WARNER ROBINS - Johnathan Michael Higginbotham, 34, passed away on Thursday, December 2, 2010. Funeral services will be held at 11A.M. Thursday in the chapel of Heritage Memorial Funeral Home. Burial will be private. Minister Gene Stillwell will officiate. Mr. Higginbotham was a lifelong resident of Houston and employed at Frito-Lay. Survivors include his daughter Brianna Higginbotham of Warner Robins; Mother, Hazel Higginbotham of Warner Robins; Sister, Michele Higginbotham of Beaumont, TX. The family will greet friends following the memorial service. Heritage Memorial Funeral Home has charge of arrangements.
Florida Times-Union 01/07/2011
Edith Norvelle Wall Higgenbotham (1916-2011) GA
Edith Wall Higginbotham, 94, of Woodbine, GA, passed away Wednesday, January 5, 2011. She was born July 25, 1916 in Sylvester, GA, had been a resident of Camden County, GA, since 1945, was a Homemaker and a member of the First Baptist Church in Woodbine, GA. She was preceded in death by her husband, Condrey C. Higginbotham, Sr., and a daughter, Jan Higginbotham. Survivors include a son, C.C. Hank Higginbotham, Jr. (Clara) of Woodbine, GA; two daughters, Beverly Chadwick (Jeff) of Ponte Vedra Beach, FL and Dayle Melvin of Jacksonville, FL; 11 grandchildren, Jamie (Karen), Laurie (Josh), Corey (Amber), C.C. III, Jody, Robbie (Elizabeth), Jonathan, Shelly, Melissa (Chris), Leigh and Ross. Special niece, Nell Waldron and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held from the graveside at Oak Grove Cemetery in St. Marys, GA, Friday, January 7, 2011 at 2:00 pm with Pastor Chip Strickland officiating. The family requests the Memorial Contributions in Memory of Mrs. Higginbotham be made to the Camden County Humane Society or Hospice of the Golden Isles in Brunswick, GA. Allison Memorial Chapel of St. Marys, GA, is in charge of arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 03/04/2011
Violet Ernestine Higginbotham Freeman (1929-2011) GA
Services in Loving Memory of Mrs. Violet Higginbotham Freeman will be Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 120 Greene Street, Fairburn, GA 30213, The Reverend Robert Stanley, pastor, officiating, with remains placed in state at 9:30 a.m. Interment, Westview Cemetery, Atlanta. The family will receive friends tonight, Friday, March 4, 2011 in Elizabeth's Chapel, Dawson Mortuary, 7-8:00 p.m. She leaves to cherish her memory her son, Marc W. Freeman, Sr. (Siray); granddaughter, Porscha Johnson Freeman; grandsons, Marcus Dede and Marc Simar Freeman and a host of other relatives and friends. Alfonso Dawson Mortuary, Inc. 404-691-3810.
Athens Banner-Herald 03/14/2011
Sara Higginbotham Ertzberger (1920-2011) GA
May 17th, 1920 - March 13th, 2011
Mrs. Sara Higginbotham Ertzberger, 90, of Bowersville Hwy, Bowersville, died Sunday, March 13 at Hartwell Health Care Center. Born on May 17, 1920 in Martin, GA, she was the daughter of the late George Higginbotham and Pearl Bailey Higginbotham. She was a retired seamstress for Hartwell Mfg. Co., member of the Cross Roads Baptist Church, former member of the Molly Williams WMU group and Sunshine Club and former Sunday School teacher. She was a member of Nancy Hart Order #398 of the Eastern Star. Survivors include her son, George Ertzberger and his wife Jan of Lavonia; two grandchildren, Jim Ertzberger and Georgia Chatham; three great-grandchildren, Harley Floyd, Jason Floyd and Blake Floyd also survive. Mrs. Ertzberger was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Jake Ertzberger; two sisters, Audrey Stowe and Doris Hicks; five brothers, Arnold Higginbotham, Jim Higginbotham, Joe Higginbotham, Talmadge Higginbotham and Royce Higginbotham. Funeral services will be Tuesday, March 15 at 11:00 a.m. at the Cross Roads Baptist Church with Rev. Ben Coleman and Rev. Connie Mack Bowers officiating. Burial will be in the Cross Roads Baptist Church Cemetery. The body will be placed in the church at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, where the family will receive friends until the funeral hour. The family is at the home of the granddaughter, Georgia Chatham, 43 Locust St, Hartwell. In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to the Cross Roads Baptist Church, 3636 Lavonia Hwy, Hartwell, GA 30643.
Rockdale Citizen 05/14/2011
Joseph Cabell Lee Higginbotham (1920-2011) VA/GA
Mr. Joseph Cabell Lee Higginbotham, age 90 of Conyers, GA, passed away on Friday, May 13, 2011. He was preceded in death by his wife of 57 years, Catherine Norton Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was born on October 5, 1920 in Montvale, VA. He was the son of Raymond Clyde Higginbotham and Katie Lee Wright Higginbotham. He proudly served with the United States Army Air Force 326th Aircrew, 104th Infantry and the 414th Division (Timberwolf) from 1942 - 1946. He left the service with the rank of Corporal, which he became in 1943. After working 37 years with Southern Railway in Atlanta, he worked at Winn Dixie on Sigman Road for 16 years. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his son, Kenny Mike Higginbotham, Conyers, GA; daughters and son-in-law, Debra Ellerbee, Conyers, GA, Vickie and Kenneth Richardson, Social Circle, GA; grandchildren, Joe and Codie Richardson, Social Circle, GA, Tyler Higginbotham, Tuscaloosa, AL, Hunter Ellerbee, Conyers, GA; great-grandchildren, Alexa, Halie, Caleb Richardson, Social Circle, GA; sister, Virginia Daniel, Mableton, GA; many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Monday, May 16, 2011 at 11 a.m. at Scot Ward's Green Meadow Chapel with Rev. Mark George officiating; interment will follow at Green Meadow Memorial Gardens. Family will receive friends Sunday, May 15, 2011 from 3 until 5 p.m. at the funeral home. Scot Ward Funeral Services, 699 American Legion Road, Conyers, GA 30012.
The Atlanta Constitution 6/13/2011
Benny Higginbotham (1950-2011) GA
Walton County - Benny Higginbotham, 60, of Monroe, died Saturday. Memorial service, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Meadows Funeral Home.
Anderson Independent-Mail 07/22/2011
Lesia Joy Higginbotham Thomas (1959-2011)
Mrs. Lesia Joy Higginbotham Thomas, age 51, of Carnesville, died Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at her home. Born November 14, 1959 in Stephens County, she was a daughter of Joyce Sullen English and the late Harrison Dwain Higginbotham. She was a member of New Bethel Baptist Church and was a hairdresser. Family members include her mother, Joyce Sullens English; her husband, Larry Thomas; son, Logan Thomas; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Gomer and Frances Thomas; brother and sister-in-law, Mitty and Teresa Higginbotham; sister and brother-in-law, Lynne and Phillip Brady; brother, Allan Higginbotham; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Billy and Brenda Hallford and David and Sandra Marchman; nieces, Autumn Higginbotham, Mattie Higginbotham and Amy Higginbotham Crunkleton; a friend, Rebecca Thomas. Funeral services were held at four o’clock Friday from the Chapel of Whitlock Mortuary with the Rev. Tommy Childress, Mr. Mitty Higginbotham and Miss Autumn Higginbotham officiating. Burial followed in New Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family respectfully ask that donations by made to the family to help with the funeral expenses. The family will be at the home of Larry Thomas in Carnesville and Joyce English in Toccoa.
Atlanta Journal Constitution 08/17/2011
Virginia Pettice Higginbotham Daniell (1923-2011) VA/GA
Virginia Pettice Higginbotham Daniell, age 88, of Mableton,
passed away Tuesday, August 16, 2011. Born on July 12, 1923 in Montvale,
Virginia to Katie and Raymond Higginbotham, she retired from Southern Railway in
1980 after 38 years of service. A member of the First Baptist Church of
Mableton, Virginia enjoyed Braves baseball and crocheting.
Preceded in death by her husband, of 50 years, Frank G. Daniell, and her
brother, Lee Higginbotham; survivors include daughter, Becky and husband Jim
Calvert, grandchildren: Jeffrey Calvert, Jennifer and husband David Curry, great
grandchildren: Woods and Chase Curry.
The family will receive friends from 5:30-7:30 pm today with funeral services at
10 am Thursday at White Columns Funeral Chapel in Mableton with Rev. Steven Byrd
officiating. Interment will follow at Mount Harmony Memorial Gardens.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to First Baptist Church of Mableton.
The family expresses gratitude for her care to: Ann, Betty, Jane, Lois, Pat, Dr.
Wayne Templeton and Cobb Wellstar Hospice.
Jon Davis Higginbotham (1934-2013) GA
Jon Davis Higginbotham, Colonel, USAF (Ret.), 76, of Blairsville, GA, passed away on Thursday, September 1, 2011. Mr. Higginbotham graduated from UGA in 1956. Upon graduation he entered the United States Air Force and retired in 1980 after 24-years of a distinguished and decorated career. He started another career with NISH (National Industry for the Severely Handicapped) in 1982 as the Southeastern Regional Director. In this position he was instrumental in the creation of career opportunities for our disabled citizens. After 17 years with NISH, he retired and continued to promote his mission for these individuals. Through out his life, Jon was an advocate for our veterans. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife of 54 years, Camille R Higginbotham, children Joni & Ken Hinton of Kennesaw, GA, Russ & Jean Higginbotham of Bonaire, GA, Beth & Goodwin Bryan of Watkinsville, GA and 7 grandchildren. Also brother Clarence & Yvonne Higginbotham Jr of Bogart, GA and sister Gwen & Randy Moore of Lavonia, GA. and sister in law, Wanda Phillips of Young Harris, GA. Funeral service is 5:00pm Sunday, September 4, 2011 at Mountain View Funeral Home Chapel, Blairsville, GA with visitation from 3:00pm to 5:00pm at the funeral home. Internment is 2:00pm Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at the Georgia National Cemetery, Canton, GA. In lieu of flowers the family requests memorial donations in Jon's name to Wounded Warrior Program or Hope House of Blairsville GA. Charity information is available from Mountain View Funeral Home 706-745-3456. Mountain View Funeral Home of Blairsville is in charge of the arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 09/19/2011
Juanita Syble Crawford Higginbotham (1927-2011) GA
Juanita C. Higginbotham, age 84 of Cumming, passed away Saturday, September 17, 2011. Juanita was an awesome wife who loved to camp, enjoyed painting, playing tennis and playing cards with her bridge club. Survivors include her husband of 64 years, Sam Higginbotham of Cumming; sons and daughters-in-law, Steve and Teresa Higginbotham of Cumming, Bill and Becky Higginbotham of Cumming; sister, Sandra Hagerty; brother, John Crawford; 6 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren, and a number of other relatives also survive. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, September 21st at 2:00 pm at Ingram Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Larry Deckard officiating. Interment will follow at Sawnee View Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends at Ingram Funeral Home one hour prior to service. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory, Cumming, Georgia is in charge of arrangements.
Florida Times-Union 11/29/2011
Patricia Yvonne Steedley Higginbotham (1953-2011) GA
Patricia Yvonne Steedley Higginbotham, 58 of Homeland passed away November 27, 2011 at Charlton Memorial Hospital. She was born January 4, 1953 to William R. Buddy and Willie Pearl Eunice Steedley in Folkston, Georgia. She was employed as the Director of Medical Records at Charlton Memorial Hospital. A lifelong resident of Charlton County, she was a member of the First Assembly of God, Folkston. Survivors include her Children: Dr. Catrena P. Lisse (John); Stanley Wildes (Carrie); Ransel Wildes (Pam); Sisters: Sue Soles (Billy), Denise Minnick (Craig); one brother: Randall Steedley(Pam); Her mother Willie Pearl Steedley; Five Grandchildren: John Dorsey Lisse, Hamp Wildes, Cody Wildes, Brent Wildes and Cheyenne Wildes; Five Nieces: Sherri Lewis, Ashley Hartman, Jennifer Minnick, Jessica Minnick and Miranda Steedley.; Two Nephews: Bill Lee and Andy Lee and several other relatives. The family will receive friends Wednesday, November 30 at Shepard Funeral Home beginning at 6 PM. Funeral Services will be Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 11:00 AM at the First Assembly of God with Bishop Eric McClellan and Rev. Tommy Sikes officiating. Burial will follow in Pineview cemetery. Condolences may be expressed by signing the guest register at Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Shepard Funeral Home, Folkston, Georgia.
William P. Hickenbottom (1934-2012) GA
October 16, 1934 - March 14, 2012
Bill Hickenbottom, age 77, of Dallas, GA, passed away Wednesday, March 14, 2012. The son of the late, Velda Philip Hickenbottom and the late, Reva Leota Hickenbottom, he was born October 16, 1934, in Broken Bow, Nebraska. Mr. Hickenbottom was a U. S. Marine veteran of the Korean War and a member of American Legion Post #111. He was retired from Atlanta Provision Company as a shipping clerk. Mr. Hickenbottom enjoyed woodworking, gardening, telling stories and he loved his dogs. Survivors include his wife of 58 years, Doris L. Hickenbottom; children, Valarie Hickenbottom of Dallas, GA, Barney & June Hickenbottom of Dallas, GA, Celeste Vickery & Glenn Potter of Acworth, GA and Mike Hickenbottom of Dallas, GA; brother & sister-in-law, Larry & Jo Hickenbottom of Broken Bow, NE; grandchildren, Matthew Vickery, Paul Vickery, Stephanie Cagle, Randy Hickenbottom, and Kathleen Hickenbottom; great-grandchildren, Nicole Vickery, Brayden Vickery, Addelyn Hickenbottom, Schyler Runyun and Frances Runyun; several nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be Saturday, March 17, 2012, at 3:00 PM, from Clark Funeral Home, with Reverend Joe Condra officiating. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Saturday, March 17, 2012, from 1:00 PM until the service time. Clark Funeral Home in Hiram, GA is in charge of arrangements.
Carter Funeral Home 04/02/2012
Howard Ronald Higginbotham (1941-2012) GA
03/24/1941 - 04/02/2012
Frankie Waden Poore Higginbotham (1933-2012) SC/GA
Frankie Poore Higginbotham, 79, of 1698 Flatwoods Road, Elberton, wife of Joseph C. Higginbotham, Sr., passed away Saturday evening, April 7, 2012, at Athens Regional Medical Center. Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Greenwood, South Carolina, March 20, 1933, to the late Frank and Pauline Childs Poore. She was a homemaker and a member of Eliam United Methodist Church. Left to cherish her memories are her husband, Joseph C. Higginbotham, Sr. of the home; three children, Judy H. Albertson, Bobbie H. and Ron Fortson, and Joseph C. "Joe" Higginbotham, Jr., all of Elberton; siblings, Grace Opal Boozer of Ninety Six, South Carolina, Dixie and LaVern Fernandez of North Augusta, South Carolina, Jean P. Greenway of Greenwood, SC, and Eddie C. Poore of North Augusta, South Carolina; sister-in-law, Crystal Poore of Greenwood, South Carolina; grandchildren, Jason Albertson, Scott and Joann Albertson, Angie and Brandon Dye, Bridgette Beckham, Casey Higginbotham, Carter Higginbotham, Greyson Higginbotham, and Shannon Higginbotham, who was raised in the home; four great-grandchildren; nephew, E.G. Higginbotham, III; great-niece, Beth Higginbotham Seymour; and several other nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents; son-in-law, Don Albertson; and brother, Jack Poore. Graveside services celebrating her life will be held at 2PM Monday, April 9, in Forest Hills Memorial Park with the Rev. J. Wesley Privett officiating. Music will be provided by Marty and Rose Walker. Jason Albertson, Scott Albertson, Casey Higginbotham, Shannon Higginbotham, Brandon Dye, Frank Poore, and Austin Albertson will service as pallbearers. The Higginbotham family will receive friends at the funeral home from 1-1:45PM Monday, just prior to the service. The family respectfully requests flowers be omitted, and expressions of sympathy may be donations in her honor to a charity of one's choice. Condolences may be sent to the family at Berry Funeral Home & Crematory, Elberton, is respectfully in charge of arrangements for Frankie Poore Higginbotham.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04/23/2012
Kay Elizabeth Higginbotham Ayers
Kay Elizabeth Higginbotham Ayers, 63, of Conyers died Friday. Memorial service, 2 p.m. Tuesday, First Baptist Church, Hartwell. Metro Embalming & Crematory.
Savannah Morning News 07/24/2012
Irvin S. Higginbotham (1939-2012) GA
BAXLEY - Irvin Buddy Higginbotham, Sr., 73, died Saturday. Survivors: wife, Judie P. Higginbotham; sons, I.S. Bubba, Brian L., M. Dean, Al Campbell; sister, Judy M. Rewis, and other relatives. Visitation: 12 Noon Wednesday until funeral hour. Funeral: 2 pm Wednesday at the funeral home. Interment: Deen Cemetery, with Military-Masonic Rites. Swain Funeral Home, Inc. Baxley, GA.
Eula Micky Higginbotham Thomas Stickler (1930-2012) GA
Mickie H. Thomas Stickler of Leesburg, GA died Sunday, September 16, 2012 at
Phoebe North Medical Center. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday,
September 18, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. at Mathews Funeral Home. Rev. Don Adams will
officiate. The family will have a private interment at Crown Hill Cemetery.
A native of Jesup, GA, Mrs. Stickler had resided in the Albany, GA and Leesburg,
GA area for the past sixty three years. She was retired from the Lee County
Health Department, a member of Ladies of Nasah, an emeritus member of the Order
of Eastern Star, Crepe Myrtle Chapter # 163, Loyal Order of Moose, Phoebe
Putney's Golden Key Club and First United Methodist Church. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Melvin Andrew Stickler, father, Eugene Hilton
Higginbotham, mother, Rubie Betty Wainwright Mobley and her step-mother, Vivian
Survivors include her daughter, Darlene (Dollie) Patalivo and husband Patrick,
Brunswick, GA, step-son, Charles Stickler and wife Cindy, Coco Beach, FL,
sister, Peggy Thompson and her husband Bernie, Albany, GA, grandson, Rob
Blaylock, Douglasville, GA, step-granddaughter, Christy Stickler, Coco Beach,
FL, great-grandchild, Tristan Malcolm, Douglasville, GA, and a number of nieces
and nephews.
The family will receive friends Tuesday (September 18, 2012) from 2:00 p.m.
until the funeral hour at Mathews Funeral Home.
Those desiring may make memorials to First United Methodist Church, 307 Flint
Ave., Albany, GA, 31701.
Jewel D. Higginbotham (1923-2012) GA
Jewel D. Higginbotham, 89, of Brunswick, died Thursday at
Hospice of the Golden Isles. A native of Jesup, Mrs. Higginbotham moved to
Brunswick in 1944. She worked at the ship yard as a secretary for the U.S.
Maritime Commission during WWII. She was also a secretary/bookkeeper for many
years for Edgy Wooten Timber Company. Mrs. Higginbotham was a charter member of
Altama Presbyterian Church.
She is survived by two step sons, M.W. (Peggy) Higginbotham, Jr. and Manson Earl
(Ellen) Higginbotham; two daughters,
Linda H. (Albert) Bloodworth and Sandie H. (Fred) Tolin; 11 grandchildren and 20
great grandchildren.
Funeral Services will be Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at Altama Presbyterian Church
with Rev. Bert Cramer officiating. Private Interment will be Monday at Brunswick
Memorial Park. Honorary pallbearers are the members of the Poole Sunday School
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Altama Presbyterian Church, 4621
Altama Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520.
Mary Nell Malcom Higginbotham (1928-2012) GA
Mary Nell Malcom Higginbotham, age 84 of Monroe, died on October 27, 2012. She was born in Monroe, GA on February 15, 1928 to the late Golden Malcom and the late Nellie Studdard Malcom. She was preceded in death by her husband, the late Robert Higginbotham, and her brother, the late Carl Malcom, Sr. Surviving are: Sons and Daughters in Law: Allen and Lisa Higginbotham of Suwannee, Gary and Rita Higginbotham of Monroe, Mike and Wendy Higginbotham of Monroe; 9 grandchildren, 12 Great Grandchildren, and 4 Great Great Grandchildren. Funeral Services were held on Monday October 29th at 11:00 A.M. at the Chapel of Meadows Funeral Home with Elder Willie Hatfield officiating. Interment followed at Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery. 11/17/2012
Alice Louise Higginbotham Adams (1928-2012) GA
Alice Louise Higginbotham Adams, age 84, of Gainesville passed away on Thursday, Nov. 15, 2012, at The Oaks at Limestone Nursing Home following an extended illness. Funeral services are scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012, at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Memorial Park Funeral Home with interment to follow in Memorial Park Cemetery. The Rev. Pierce Ashmore will officiate. The family will receive friends on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, from 2-4 p.m. and 6–9 p.m. at the funeral home. Mrs. Adams was born March 15, 1928, in Monroe, Ga., to the late Claude Howard Higginbotham and Minnie Lee Morton Higginbotham. She was retired from New Holland Textile Mill and attended New Holland Congregational Holiness Church. Alice was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, John Mauldin Adams Jr. Mrs. Adams is survived by her daughter, Gerene Adams Cole of Gainesville and daughter and son-in-law, Jackie and Steve Carter of Flowery Branch. grandson and wife, Scott and Kristy Nix, granddaughter and husband, Lisa and Jason Baker, grandson, Jason Dick, great-granddaughters, Jessica Baker, Rachel Baker, Ashleigh Allison, Kaleigh Allison and Kim Nix, great-grandsons, Andrew Nix, Jake Nix and Bo Nix, great-great-granddaughter, Braelyn Taylor, special sister-in-law, Katherine Adams, sister-in-law, Vera Adams, nephews and their wives, Gary and Nancy Adams and Gene and Brenda Adams, niece, Donna Alexander and a number of great-nieces and great-nephews. Memorial Park Funeral Home, 2030 Memorial Park Road, Gainesville, GA 30504 is in charge of arrangements.
The Telegraph 01/03/2013
Gladys Faye Smith Higginbotham (1924-2013) GA
July 10, 1924 - January 1, 2013
Warner Robins, GA- Faye Higginbotham, 88, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on January 1, 2013. Mrs. Higginbotham was born on July 10, 1924 in Hogansville, Georgia to the late Warner Hill Smith and Cludie Gable Smith. A faithful servant of the Lord, she was a longtime member of Green Acres Baptist Church where she attended the Ruth Sunday School class and was active with the Senior Saints. Faye loved her church and enjoyed being a homemaker for her loving family. In addition to her parents, her husband, Ralph Higginbotham, and eight brothers and sisters, all preceded her in death. Her memory will forever be treasured by her loving children, Robert Higginbotham (Brenda), Bonaire; Benjamin Higginbotham (Teresa), Covington; Susan Tennille, Jennifer Lowe (Andrew), all of Warner Robins; Marilyn Basto (Ruben) Decatur; sister, Martha Dupree, Marietta; ten grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Visitation will be Thursday evening, January 3, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at McCullough Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 4, 2013 at Green Acres Baptist Church with interment following in Magnolia Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family respectfully suggests that donations be made to Green Acres Baptist Church Building Fund, 901 Elberta Road, Warner Robins, Georgia 31093.
Dora Nell Higginbotham Brown (1928-2013) GA
Dora Nell Higginbotham Brown, 84 of Waycross, Georgia passed away February 25,
2013 at Mayo Clinic Health Systems in Waycross, Georgia. She was born in
Waycross on August 8, 1928 to Lewis A. and Rosa Lee Popham Higginbotham.
She graduated Folkston High School and was a graduate of Jacksonville college of
Cosmetology. She worked a number of years as a Cosmetologist in Folkston and
Waycross. She was the very first Miss Shilofohaw in Charlton County, a member of
the Queens Court in 1954 Charlton County Centennial, active in the Ware County
Exchangettes, and was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church of Waycross.
Survivors include: a son: Holland Brown (Suzie) of Waycross, Georgia; Two
grandchildren: Evie Rebecca Brown, Ethan Holland Brown; one sister: Cheryl
Stokes (Lewis) of Folkston, Georgia; Sister-in-law: Juliette Brown McCoy of
Folkston and a Brother-in-law: Billy Clark of Folkston, Georgia; Nieces and
Nephews: Carolyn Kaye Holmes of St. Augustine, Florida; Johnny Murrah of Live
Oak, Florida; Betty Ann Kinard of Live Oak, Florida; Heidi Higginbotham of
Folkston, Georgia; Molly S. Gowen of Folkston, Georgia; Jamie Clark of Hilliard,
Florida; Holli Lee of Folkston, Georgia; Tara Jones of Nashville, Georgia and
Warren McCoy of Folkston, Georgia and several other relatives.
She was preceded in death by her husband: James Holland Brown, Jr.; Sister:
Willene H. Murrah and a brother Dennis Lee Higginbotham.
The family will receive friends Wednesday, February 27 at Shepard Funeral Home
from 6 until 8 PM. Funeral services will be Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 2:00
PM at Folkston United Methodist Church with Rev. Dave Willett officiating.
Burial will follow in Pineview Cemetery.
Arrangements are under the direction of Shepard Funeral Home, Folkston, Georgia.
Claudette Jean Higginbotham Helms (1934-2013) GA
April 17, 1934 - March 5, 2013
Claudette Jean Helms, age 78, of Roswell, GA, passed away March 5th, 2013. She is survived by her husband of nearly 60 years Roger Helms, daughter Vicki Riggs, daughter Dana Pendley her husband Phillip, son Scot Helms, daughter Paige Slappey her husband Scott and the beloved grandmother of Loni, Kurt, Matt, Scott, Sam, Lauren and great-grandmother of Kamden. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, March 9th, 2013, 11:00 a.m., at Cross of Life Lutheran Church, 1000 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Cross of Life Lutheran Church. Arrangements by SouthCare Cremation & Funeral Society in Alpharetta, GA (678) 735-5500.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 05/04/2013
Phillip Edward Higginbotham (1954-2013) GA
July 14, 1954 - April 29, 2013
Phillip Edward Higginbotham, 58, passed away April 29, 2013. He is survived by his son Phillip “Adam” (Channa) Higginbotham of Fayetteville; daughter Kelsey Higginbotham of Dallas, TX; grandchildren Brooke Anderson of Fayetteville and Branson Higginbotham of Fayetteville; parents Hick and Estell Higginbotham of Tyrone; brothers Mike (Sylvia) Higginbotham of Fayetteville, Byron (Becky) Higginbotham of Brooks, Roger (Jan) Higginbotham of Hudson, FL; and several nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends Friday, May 3, 2013 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Mowell Funeral Home, Fayetteville. A funeral service will be held Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 11:00 AM at the Chapel of Mowell Funeral Home, Fayetteville. Rev. Greg Nash will officiate. A graveside service will follow on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 1:00 PM CST at New Prospect Cemetery, 5805 County Road 38, Cullman, AL 35055. Rev. Wayne Chappell will officiate. Those desiring may make donations to the American Kidney Foundation, 72 Edgewood Ave., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30303. Carl J. Mowell & Son, Fayetteville.
Athens Banner-Herald 05/16/2013
Clarence Marvin Higginbotham Jr. (1924-2013) GA
Clarence M. Higginbotham, Jr., 89, died May 14, 2013. A native of Franklin County, he was a son of the late Naomi Davis and Clarence M. Higginbotham, Sr. Mr. Higginbotham lived in the Athens area for the last eight years and was an active member of Chapelwood United Methodist Church. Mr. Higginbotham was employed for many years as a Civil Engineer with Griffin Pipe Products in both Milledgeville and New Jersey. He was a founding partner of Higginbotham and James Land Surveyors (Now dba/Hayes and James) in Gwinnett County. He also served as the first County Engineer for Gwinnett County. Mr. Higginbotham was a proud veteran of the United States Army with service during World War II in the European Theatre. For his distinguished service, he received eight medals including the Purple Heart. He was an active member of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 92/Oconee County, a Shriner, Mason, Knights Templar and a former member of the Lions Club. After retirement, he worked for AARP as a tax volunteer. Funeral services will be Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 1:00 PM at the chapel of Lord and Stephens, WEST with Rev. Richard Moeller officiating. Entombment will be at White Chapel Memorial Gardens, Duluth, GA with Rev. Tom Elliot officiating. Survivors include his wife of thirty-nine years, Yvonne Wellborn Higginbotham; three children, Claire H. (Jim) Smith, Demorest, GA, Gayle H. Carr of Lawrenceville, GA, Dina (Terrance) Herrington-Chant of Philadelphia, PA; sister-in-law, Camille (deceased brother, Jon) Higginbotham of Blairsville, GA; sister, Gwendolyn Higginbotham (Randy) Moore of Lavonia, GA; six grandchildren; three great grandchildren; a number of nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends Saturday from 11:00 AM until service time. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 100 Janice Drive, Athens, GA 30606 or Disabled American Veterans Chapter 92, PO Box 7878, Athens, GA 30604. Lord and Stephens, WEST, is in charge of arrangements.
Gladys Fay Johnson Higginbotham (1944-2013) GA
Mrs. Fay Higginbotham, 68, died Friday morning (June 7, 2013) at the Mayo Clinic
Health System in Waycross.
She was a native of Pierce County and had lived most of her life there. She was
formerly employed with King Edward Cigar in Waycross and retired after many
years of service from Scapa Dryer as a supervisor of Y seaming. She was also a
member of Youmans Chapel Baptist Church and a former Foster Parent.
Mrs. Higginbotham is a daughter of the late John Wesley Johnson, Sr. and Emily
Susan Fowler Johnson. She was preceded in death a son, Johnny Higginbotham, Jr.;
and two brothers, Leo Johnson and John Wesley Johnson, Jr.
She is survived by her husband of 52 years, Johnny Higginbotham of Blackshear;
four daughters, Carol King (husband Mike) of Waycross, Pam Studstill (husband
Charles) of Blackshear, Sandra Thrift (husband Tony) of Blackshear, and Sherry
Martin (husband Chris) of Columbus, TX; a son, John Walker Higginbotham of
Blackshear; 13 grandchildren; 9 great grandchildren; four sisters, Carolyn Tuten
of Blackshear, Louise Rowell (husband Alvin) of Blackshear, Joy Dixon (husband
Gene) of Waycross, and Merinda Bennett (husband Carl) of Sargent, TX; two
brothers, Buddy Johnson (wife Carolyn) of Hoboken and Ed Johnson (wife Mary) of
Cummings, GA; and numerous nieces and nephews.
A funeral service will be held 2:00 p.m. Sunday (June 9, 2013) at Youmans Chapel
Baptist Church. Burial will follow in Waters Cemetery. The family will be
receiving friends at Music Funeral Home Saturday evening from 6 until 8 o'clock.
Members of the Pierce & Ware County Foster Parent Association are asked to
gather at 1:30 p.m. at the church on Sunday to serve as honorary pallbearers.
Sympathy may be expressed by signing the online registry at
Music Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Carl Edward Higginbottom (1957-2013) FL/GA
April 14, 1957 - June 27, 2013
Carl Edward Higginbottom, 56, formerly of Bainbridge, passed away June 27, 2013, at the home of his parents, in Hiram, Ga. Carl was born April 14, 1957, in Quincy, Fla. A private memorial service will be held for the family. Carl is survived by his parents, Foy E. “Bud” Higginbottom and Nell Glover Higginbottom of Hiram, formerly of Bainbridge and Lake Seminole, Ga.; brothers, Steve Higginbottom and his wife Elise of Powder Springs, Ga., and Grant Higginbottom and his wife Carolina of Tallahassee, Fla.; sister, Sandi Martin and her husband Allen of Powder Springs; nephew, Stephen Deuble of El Paso, Texas, and niece, Babs Higginbottom of Cheyene, Wyoming, children of Steve and Elise; and nephew Matt Martin and niece Molly Martin of Powder Springs, children of Sandi and Allen. Arrangements are by Georgia Funeral Care & Cremation Services.
Ella Louise Higginbotham Phillips (1943-2013) GA
Mrs. Ella Louise Phillips - AGE 70, - Of Calhoun, Georgia passed away Sunday,
August 25, 2013. She was formerly employed by Venture Carpet for 20 years and
Sample Factory in Dalton, Georgia, and was a member of Porch Chapel United
Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Alphonso
Phillips, parents, C. B. and Ira Pearl Heard Higginbotham, brother, William
Sylvester Higginbotham, three sisters, Barbara Ann Higginbotham, Annette
Kennedy, and Mary LaBella McElrath, and stepmother, Oteel Curtis Higginbotham.
Survivors are her three children, Devery Lamont Higginbotham of Cartersville,
Georgia, Glenese (Nina) Phillips of Calhoun, Georgia, and Christopher Alphonso
(Sonya) Phillips of Decatur, Georgia; two sisters, Avinell Howell of Calhoun,
and Patricia Denise Aker of Armuchee, GA; brother, Jearl Higginbotham of
Calhoun; four grandchildren, Christian Phillips and Sydnei Phillips, both of
Decatur, Asha Higginbotham of Cartersville, and Brianna Higginbotham of Rome,
Georgia; special friend, James Albert Austin of Dalton; special thanks to
Heartland Hospice of Cartersville; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other
relatives, and friends.
Funeral Service will be Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 1:00 p. m. from the Allen
Chapel A.M.E. Church with Rev. Charles Dotson, eulogist, Minister Wayne Curtis
presiding, and Rev. Joseph McKibbins officiating. The family will receive
friends on Friday evening at the funeral home from 6:00 - 7:00 p. m. and at the
church one hour before the funeral. Interment, Chandler Cemetery. Arrangements
by Willis Funeral Home, Inc., Dalton, Georgia.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer 10/30/2013
Jean Halliday Higginbotham (1931-2013) TN/GA
Jean Halliday Higginbotham, 86, of Lumpkin, GA, died on Monday, October 28, 2013, at Gentiva Hospice in Columbus, GA. Jean was born August 20, 1931 in Nashville, TN to the late William Halliday and Claudia Kelly Halliday. After her marriage, Jean worked for the University of Alabama School System as a secretary. When her family moved back to Lumpkin, she worked at Bedingfield Inn and Westville. Jean is preceded in death by both of her parents and her husband, Billy Edward Higginbotham. Survivors include her son, William “Bill” (Jayme Loudermilk) Higginbotham; and two sisters, Claudia Maxwell of Birmingham, AL and Pat Davis of Montgomery, AL. She has many nieces and nephews. The Halliday family is remembered for its long history of citizenship in Stewart County GA beginning in the 1840’s. A Visitation Service with the family will be held on Tuesday evening, October 29, 2013, from 6:00 – 7:00 PM, at Baldwin Funeral Home in Richland, GA. A Chapel Service is to be held on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, at 2:00 PM, at Baldwin Funeral Home Chapel with burial in the Eastside Lumpkin Cemetery, in Lumpkin, GA.
Charleston (WV) Gazette 11/23/2013
Cynthia Zee Higginbotham Leaman (1950-2013) WV/GA
Mrs. Cynthia Leaman, 63, of Winston, Georgia, died Thursday, November 21, 2013, at her residence. Ms. Leaman was born in Charleston, W.Va., on March 12, 1950, the daughter of the late Virginia Cole Higginbotham and the late Thomas Higginbotham. Ms. Leaman was a homemaker, a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church and she enjoyed playing bingo with her friends and reading. Survivors include her husband, William Leaman; daughters and son-in-law, Maria Leaman, Winston, Ga.; Cara Leaman, Dallas, Ga.; Wendy Tristan, Victoria, Texas; Cheryl and Mitch Vaughn, Buchannan, Ga.; son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Debra Leaman, Villa Rica, Ga.; sister, Renee Bevino, Charleston; one brother, Thomas Higginbotham, Curtice, Ohio; eight grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday, November 23 from Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church with the Reverend Joe Condra and the Reverend Frank Boone officiating. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, November 22 at the funeral home. Interment will follow the service in the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery. Pallbearers include: John Streetman, Dustin Streetman, Bradley Coleman, Mitch Vaughn, Rick Pace and Christopher Leaman. To send condolences to the family, please visit our website at J. Collins Funeral Homes & Cremation Service in charge of arrangements.
Tallahassee (FL) Democrat 12/7/2013
Nell Glover Higginbottom (1930-2013) GA
Nell Glover Higginbottom, 83, of Hiram, GA and formerly of Bainbridge, GA, passed away Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at Tranquility at Kennestone Hospice. The funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at Lake Seminole Baptist Church with Bobby Glover officiating. Interment will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at Roselawn Memory Gardens with Marlon Glover, Edward Adams, Ellis Odom, Charles Ingram, Carlton Gainous and James "Catfish" Argo serving as active pallbearers. The family will receive friends from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6, 2013 at Ivey Funeral Home. Online visitors may sign the guest register at Mrs. Higginbottom was born June 2, 1930, in Bainbridge, Ga., the daughter of George and Molly Glover. She was a homemaker and member of Lake Seminole Baptist Church. She and her husband, Foy Edward "Bud" Higginbottom, were married December 13, 1955, in Colquitt, GA. In addition to her husband, Foy Edward "Bud" Higginbottom, survivors include her children, Steve Higginbottom and his wife, Elise, of Powder Springs, GA, Sandi Martin and her husband, Allen, of Powder Springs, GA, and Grant Higginbottom and his wife, Carolin, of Tallahassee, FL; her siblings, Olga Woodward of Bainbridge, GA and Marlon Glover and his wife, Betty, of Dallas, GA; her grandchildren, Molly and Matt Martin of Powder Springs, GA, CPT Stephen Deuble of El Paso, TX, and 2nd Lt. Babs Higginbottom of Cheyenne, WY; numerous nieces and nephews; and several great-nieces and great-nephews. She was preceded in death by her son, Carl Higginbottom; and her siblings, Cullen Glover, Lenton Glover, Velma Adams, Cecil Mechum, Sara Argo; and her parents George and Molly Glover.
Frances Janelle Busby Higginbotham (1922-2014) GA
Mrs. Janelle (Nell) Higginbotham, 91, of Valdosta, GA went home to be with the
Lord Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at Langdale Hospice House after a long illness.
Nell was born May 28, 1922 in Elberton, GA to Zelia and P.W. Busby.
She and her late husband Marshall R. Higginbotham made their home in Valdosta in
1950 where they lovingly raised three daughters. They were active, longtime
members of Park Avenue United Methodist Church where it was their joy to serve
and to be a part of their beloved Sunday School class, the Fellowship Class.. In
addition to her parents, Nell was preceded in death by her husband of 64 years,
Surviving are her children, Diane Schroer and her husband Walter, Jennifer
Connelly and her husband Jim all of Valdosta, Marsha Allison and her husband
Charlie of Charlotte, NC, and her sister Jo Beth McCarty, her nephew Rod McCarty
and brother-in-law Joe Higginbotham all of Elberton, GA. Nell is survived by her
10 grandchildren, Kelly S. Kelly and her husband Bill of Portsmouth, RI, Leslie
B. Gandy and her husband Tripp of Charleston, SC, Laurie B. O'Hara and her
husband Mike of Winston-Salem, NC, Chad Walker of Atlanta, GA, Chazz Allison and
his wife Lilie of Henderson, NV, Heather A. Kreamer and her husband Todd of
Greenville, NC, and Chip Schroer and his wife Carla, Michael Walker and his wife
Laura, Heidi S. Cox and her husband Gary, Megan C. Roden and her husband Chuck
all of Valdosta. Her surviving 20 great-grandchildren are Mary Madeline and
William Kelly of Portsmouth, RI, Margaret Ann Carter of Columbia, SC, Jonathan
O'Hara of Charlotte, NC, Emily O'Hara of Raleigh, NC, Marshall and Ava Kreamer
of Greenville, NC, Drake Allison of Henderson, NV, Carter, Camille, Mary
Elizabeth and Catherine Schroer, Kiep and Brinson Coggins, Alden, Abigail and
Anna Kate Walker, and Dixon, Rachel and Zelia Ann Roden all of Valdosta.
The family wishes to thank all the nurses and staff of Fellowship Home where
Nell resided before transferring to Hospice House and especially the nurses and
staff at Hospice House who cared for her lovingly. Nell was a beautiful woman
inside and out. She gave generously of her time, energy, laughter, hugs and
love. She loved to travel and was always ready for a party. She was a lifelong
homemaker. Her home was the gathering place for all holidays and family
celebrations. She will be greatly missed and was beloved by all who knew her.
Visitation will be held Sunday, January 26, 2014, at Carson McLane Funeral Home
located at 2215 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.
with a memorial service beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the chapel. Dr. Craig Rikard
and Reverend V.L. Daughtery will officiate. Burial will follow at McLane
Riverview Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Park
Avenue United Methodist Church, 100 E. Park Avenue, Valdosta, GA 31602 and
Langdale Hospice House, 2263 Pineview Drive, Valdosta, GA 31602. Carson McLane Funeral Home
is serving the family.
Barbara Ann Higginbotham Ferrell (1937-2014) GA
August 24, 1937 - January 27, 2014
Barbara Ferrell, 76, of Brunswick, Georgia passed away Monday, January 27, 2014 at Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. Funeral services will be held at 2PM Friday, January, 31, 2014 in the chapel of Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home with Rev. David Hudson and Rev. Tim Ferrell officiating. Interment will follow in Palmetto cemetery with Ryan Ferrell, Raef Ferrell , Reese Taylor, Ridge Ferrell, Trey Taylor, Ray Thomas, Tony Rodenberry, and Chris Carlisle serving as pallbearers. Born August 24, 1937 in Glynn County, Georgia to the late James Percy and Dixie Lee S. Higginbotham, she was a former sales associate with Sears and a homemaker who worked hard raising four children. Mrs. Ferrell was a graduate of Glynn Academy Class of 1955 and a graduate of Perry Business College. She was a lifelong resident of Glynn County and was a member of Lighthouse Baptist Church. She enjoyed the simple things in life like spending time with her family and church family, as well as cooking and, when she was able, going to the beach. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Charles Edward Ferrell, Sr. Survivors include three sons, Charles Edward Ferrell, Jr. and wife Melissa of Brunswick, James Timothy Ferrell and wife Reida of Thompson, Robert Howard Ferrell and wife Susan of Metter, a daughter, Alicia Ferrell Rosenbaum and husband Lance of Brunswick, 11 grandchildren, Michael Ryan Ferrell and wife Erin, Brittney Marie Ferrell, Raef Ferrell, Ridge Ferrell, Elaine Carlisle, Lindy Ferrell, Reese Taylor, Trey Taylor, Hope Taylor, Zane Rosenbaum and Elijah Rosenbaum, six great grandchildren, and one sister, Judith Gaskins of Brunswick. A special thanks to Dr. Raymond Lee, the nurses at St. Vincent's Hospital and the Critical Care Unit nurses at Memorial who provided wonderful, compassionate care to Barbara and understanding to her family. The family will receive friends Thursday evening from 6PM until 8 PM at Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home.
Athens Banner-Herald 02/27/2014
John Eric Higginbotham (1959-2014) TX/GA
Mr. John Eric Higginbotham, 54, of Middleton Church Road, Elberton, husband of Lisa Anderson Higginbotham, passed away on Sunday, February 23, 2014, in Mount Airy, North Carolina as a result of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Mr. Higginbotham was born on May 29, 1959, in Texas to Faye Dixon McCannon and the late Milford Howard Higginbotham. He was the owner and operator of Specialty Stone Services. Left to cherish his memories are his wife, Lisa Anderson Higginbotham of the home; sons and daughter-in-law, Eddy Higginbotham and Adam and Amber Higginbotham; grandchildren, Ashton, Alex, and Alijah Higginbotham; and his mother, Faye Dixon McCannon. In addition to his father, he was preceded in death by a brother, Eddy Higginbotham. Funeral services to celebrate his life will be 3:30PM, Saturday, March 1, at the Elberton Church of God with Reverend Sharon Coley officiating. Interment will follow in Middleton United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12-3PM Saturday at Elberton Church of God just prior to the service. The family is at the home on Middleton Church Road. The family has requested in lieu of flowers to please make memorials in his honor to TJ & Friends Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 6161 Elberton, Georgia 30635. Share your stories and photos in Eric's Book of Memories online at Berry Funeral Home & Crematory, Elberton is respectfully in charge of the arrangements for Mr. Eric Higginbotham.
Edith Mae Higginbotham Woodall (1926-2014) AL/GA
Edith Woodall, 87, of Rossville went home to be with her Lord Friday March 21,
2014. She was the wife of her late husband Rayburn (Woody) Woodall. She has
lived in the North Georgia area for the past 62 years.
Mrs. Woodall was a member of the Fairview Baptist Church for the past 58 years
where she taught kindergarten for 24 years. She also taught Children's Sunday
School and faithfully served on the hostess committee for many years.
Survivors are daughters Debbie (Harold) Downs of Ringgold and Kathy ( Ronnie)
Moss of Lawrenceville, GA. She was the proud grandmother of 2 very special
grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Her grandchildren are Ashley Downs
Reaves (Jamie) of Houston, TX, and Caleb Moss of Lawrenceville, GA, and her
great granddaughter Miss Madelynn Grace Reaves of Houston, TX. She is also
survived by brother Jessie Higginbotham of Scottsboro, Alabama sister Mattie
Pearl Bush of Anniston, AL, and several nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Woodall was preceded in death by her parents and several brothers and
The family will receive friends from 2-6 p.m. Sunday at Heritage Funeral Home,
Battlefield Parkway. The Body will lie in state at the Church from 1-2 p.m.
Funeral services will be 2:00 p.m. Monday at Fairview Baptist Church with Rev.
Jim Bennett officiating. Interment in Lakewood Memory Gardens South.
Memorial Contributions may be made to Fairview Baptist Church Kindergarten
Program 108 Jenkins Rd, Rossville, GA 30741.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 04/06/2014
Sylvia Jean Kirkpatrick Higginbotham (ca1936-2014) AL/GA
Sylvia Jean Kirkpatrick Higginbotham, age 78, died peacefully on April 3, 2014 surrounded by her loved ones and her caregivers whom she loved so dearly. A native of Birmingham Alabama, Sylvia has resided in the Atlanta area for 46 years. Most of those years were spent in her beloved East Cobb where she was active in ALTA tennis and her Women's Sunday school class at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church. Among Sylvia's greatest gifts she leaves behind are the countless hours of loving guidance and selfless ministry that she shared with young women struggling with addiction issues...she truly left her mark in that special way. Sylvia is survived by her daughter Cathy and her husband Richard Adams of Alpharetta, Georgia. Her granddaughters Jennifer and her husband Jason Vasquez, and Christy and her husband Steven McKie. Also her 4 great grandchildren, Christian and Pierce Vasquez and Cooper and Parker McKie. A memorial service will be held at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, 955 Johnson Ferry Road, Marietta, GA on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at 11:00 AM. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made in memory of Sylvia Higginbotham to the National Stroke Association. Her beauty, her charm, her quick wit and that infectious twinkle in her Irish eyes will be missed by all! Arrangements by SouthCare Cremation and Funeral Society, Alpharetta. (678) 735-5500.
Willie Raymond Higginbotham (1935-2014) GA
Mr. Willie 'Raymond' Higginbotham, 78, of Willie Black Road, Elberton, longtime companion of Barbara Hammond, passed away on Friday, June 6, 2014, at Elbert Memorial Hospital. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Elbert County on July 27, 1935, to the late Rufus Howard Higginbotham and Willie Jewette Mauldin Higginbotham. He was the oldest living charter member of Elberton Pentecostal Holiness Church and was retired from Sears and GE as a mechanic. Raymond served his country in both the U.S. Air Force and Navy. Left to cherish his memories are his children and their spouses: Patricia and Teddy Campbell of Statesville, North Carolina and Brian and Sonya Higginbotham of Hope Mills, North Carolina; longtime companion and special friend, Barbara Hammond of Elberton; a grandson, Caleb Higginbotham; sister, Bernice Lancaster of Dewy Rose; aunt, Jean Herndon and family; nephew and nieces, Kennon and Norma Wood, Mary and Wayne Gafford, and Lisa Higginbotham and families. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his brother, Milford Higginbotham; grandson, Wayne Blackburn; nephews, Eric Higginbotham and Eddy Higginbotham; and grandparents, John William Mauldin and Mattie Evelyn Mauldin. Funeral services celebrating his life will be held on Sunday, June 8, at 3:00p.m. in the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home with the Rev. Gary Purvis officiating. Interment will follow in the Bethlehem United Methodist Church cemetery with Kennon Wood, Johnny Herndon, Wayne Gafford, Teddy Campbell, Adam Higginbotham, and Eddy Higginbotham honored as pallbearers. Robert Weston, James Lord, David Worley, Larry Guest, Alex Nelms, and Bob Higginbotham will serve as honorary pallbearers. The family is at the residence and will receive friends at Berry Funeral Home from 1:30-3:00p.m. on Sunday afternoon prior to the service. Flowers are greatly appreciated by the family and those desiring may make contributions in Mr. Higginbotham's memory to the Wayne Blackburn Fund at Camden Military Academy or to the charity of one's choice.
Mary Inez Higginbotham Courtney (1924-2014) GA
Nahunta - Inez Higginbotham Courtney, Passed away June 29, 2014, 90 years of age
at her home on Creek View Farms Road following an extended illness.
Mrs. Courtney was born in Nahunta, GA in 1924, to E Flurnoy and Mary Dowling
Higginbotham.She was also preceded in death by her loving husband, Bruce W
Courtney, brother Earl Higginbotham and grandson J Campbell May.
Mrs Courtney and her sisters Juanita Spears, Marian Morgan and Ann Timmerman
dedicated many years to school children of Brantley County. Inez also served as
School Board Chairman after retiring as vice-principal of elementary and middle
Surviving immediate family members include their daughter Delena C May and son B
Whitner Courtney Jr., and sister, Pamela McElroy, of Florida.
Funeral Service will be held Wednesday (July 2, 2014) at 10 AM at Southside
Baptist Church with Rev. Jerry Johns officiating.
Burial will follow in New Hope Cemetery.
Arrangements are with Frye Funeral Home, Nahunta. 07/31/2014
Ruby Clark Higginbotham (1915-2014) LA/GA
Ruby Clark Higginbotham, 98, passed away on Sunday, July 27, 2014 in Stockbridge, GA, two days short of her 99th birthday on July 29. Mrs. Higginbotham was a loving mother and gifted educator, inspiring many generations of children including her own to excel beyond their dreams. She was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana where she graduated from McDonogh #35 High School and subsequently received a B.A. in Education from Xavier University of New Orleans. Mrs. Higginbotham then began an exceptional teaching career that spanned over 40 years, including 34 years with the New Orleans Public School System, most of those years at McDonogh #6 Elementary School. She completed her teaching career at Blessed Sacrament School in uptown New Orleans. In addition to her students, she also inspired her family as a devoted wife and mother of three daughters. She was an avid bridge player and a member of the TNT Bridge Club for over 50 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband of 66 years, Luther Higginbotham of New Orleans, LA, formerly a Tuskegee Airman in World War II. Both were celebrated teachers in their careers. Those left to mourn her loss and cherish her memory are daughters, Dr. Edith Higginbotham of Henderson, Nevada, Cecelia Higginbotham of Leesville, LA, Dr. Eve Higginbotham-Williams and husband Dr. Frank Williams of McDonough, GA and Philadelphia, PA; cousin, Abner J. Claude, Jr. of Erwinville, LA; granddaughter, Dr. Lenora Ann Higginbotham of Baltimore, MD; and numerous friends and extended family. Visitation will begin on Tuesday, August 5, at noon until 1 PM followed by Mass at ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH in New Orleans. Interment will be at 3 PM at Lake Lawn Park Mausoleum on Wednesday, August 6. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations should be sent in honor of Mrs. Ruby Higginbotham to either St. James Catholic Church, 1000 Decatur Road, McDonough, Georgia 30252 or St. Stephen's Catholic Church, 1025 Napoleon Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana 70115.
Athens Banner-Herald 08/09/2014
Richard Lee Higginbotham (1947-2014) FL/GA
Richard Lee Higginbotham, 69, passed away Thursday, August 7, 2014. A native of St. Petersburg, FL, he was the son of the late Guy and Lyle Pinckard Higginbotham. Richard was the owner and operator of Piedmont Azalea Nursery for 35 years and retired from the USDA after 31 years of service. He served his country in the US Navy. As a hobby he collected old cars, antiques, especially toys. He truly loved his family and spending time with them. Survivors include his wife, Wanda Arnold Higginbotham, son and daughter in law, Ricky and Tammy Higginbotham of Colbert and grandson, Ben. Visitation will be from 4pm-6pm Sunday at Lord and Stevens EAST funeral home. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation, c/o Gift Processing Center, P.O. Box 6012, Albert Lea MN 56007 or Gideons International, P.O. Box 238, Hull, GA 30646. Lord & Stephens East is in charge of arrangements.
Savannah Morning News 08/17/2014
Randy Edgar Higginbotham (1956-2014) FL/GA
September 8, 1956 - August 15, 2014
BROOKLET - Mr. Randy Edgar Higginbotham, age 57, died Friday at his residence. The Yulee, Florida native was a graduate of Fernandina Beach High School. He worked for many years as a construction worker and also worked for Rayonier for several years while living in Nahunta. Randy moved to Bulloch County in 1994. Before his retirement in 2003, he worked as a correctional officer with Ware C. I. and Emanuel County C.I. Randy was a member of Emit Grove Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his father, Robert Edgar Higginbotham. Randy loved fishing and hunting, but most of all the time he spent with his grandchildren. Surviving are his wife of 26 years, Linda Taylor Higginbotham of Brooklet; twin sons and their wives, Kevin and Angela Higginbotham and Eric and Katie Higginbotham all of Jacksonville, FL; his step children Renee and Brian Callahan of Statesboro and Wendy Ivey of Brooklet; nine grandchildren, Ashley, Tyler, Taylor, Caitlyn, Hayden, Ethan, Cole, Kate and Lauren; his mother, Cora Lee Higginbotham of Yulee, FL and two brothers and sisters-in-law, Mike and Lois Higginbotham of Yulee and Tim and Lynn Higginbotham of Fernandina Beach, FL. The family will receive visitors on Monday from 1:00pm until 2:00pm in the chapel of Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home in Statesboro. Funeral service will follow at 2:00pm in the chapel with Bro. Jesse Wise officiating. Interment will be in Bulloch Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers will be Steve Bath, Wendell Freeman, Brian Callahan, Daniel Purcell, Bruce Purcell and Greg Futch. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to Safe Haven, P.O. Box 2494, Statesboro, Ga. 30459. Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory of Statesboro is in charge of the arrangements. 09/27/2014
Florence Evelyn Westbrook Higginbotham (1931-2014) GA
Florence Evelyn Westbrook Higginbotham of Forsyth County, passed away peacefully on Sept. 24, 2014, in the Westbrook family farmhouse where she was born on March 15, 1931. Evelyn traveled the world as an Army wife and lived in Germany and France before returning to "The States" and then moving back home to the Gainesville area. Evelyn ran a paper route on Dawsonville Highway delivering The Times from 1975 to 1993, before helping start and managing Share-A Home in Gainesville for seniors. She was a lifelong member of New Hope Methodist Church where she could be found singing in the choir every Sunday morning. Evelyn is preceded in death by her parents, Gildy Roy and Cynthia Forrest Westbrook; her sisters, Willie Westbrook, Winnie Bell Westbrook and Margaret Westbrook Bennett; her brother, Wiley Roy Westbrook; her daughter, Donna Kay Higginbotham. She is survived by her sister, Elizabeth Westbrook Smith; son, Daryle James Higginbotham (Becky); and grandchildren, Bryan Michael Higginbotham (Laura) and Kathleen Cynthia Higginbotham. Evelyn would tell it like she saw it and always seemed to have simple words of truth to share. "You can't live forever - the world would be an awful crowded place" Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 29, 2014, at New Hope United Methodist Church. The Rev. Larry Patton will officiate. Interment will be in New Hope United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Little & Davenport Funeral Home on Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014, from 6-8 p.m. and following the services at the church fellowship hall. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to New Hope United Methodist Church. Little & Davenport Funeral Home, 355 Dawsonville Highway, SW, Gainesville, Ga. 30501 is in charge of arrangements.
William Keith Higginbotham (ca1958-2014) FL/GA
Miles-Nobles Funeral Home announces the death of William Keith Higginbotham, 56, who passed away Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at St. Joseph’s Hospital. He was a native of Florida and had lived most of his life in Baxley. Survivors include two sons, Sean Higginbotham of Baxley and Brian Lockstead of Little Rock, AR.; one daughter, Elizabeth Higginbotham of Baxley; one brother, Larry Gilcris; one sister, Regina Burns and two grandchildren, Blake Higginbotham and Brian Lockstead, Jr. Memorial services will be held Friday, November 28, 2013 from 3-5pm at Oasis Church of God in Lyons with the Reverend Gilbert Womack officiating. Miles-Nobles Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements for William Keith Higginbotham.
The Sun Herald 11/23/2014
Betty E. Higginbotham Johnson (1934-2014) FL/GA
Gainesville, GA Mrs. Betty E. Johnson age 80 of Gainesville passed away on Tuesday November 18, 2014 at her residence following an extended illness. Mrs. Johnson was born on February 27, 1934 in Miami, FL to the late Aaron Higginbotham and Lillian Calloway Higginbotham. She was a retired telecommunications supervisor for Parkway Hospital and was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Mrs. Johnson is survived by her daughter, Betty Lomazzo of Gainesville, son, Harry Lee Johnson Jr. of Biloxi, MS, grand-daughter and husband, Michelle and Daniel Goodson of Ocean Springs, MS, great grand-daughter, Katelyn Goodson, grandson, Michael Johnson of Biloxi, MS, great-grandson, Michael Alexander Johnson and a number of nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends from 10 to 11 a.m., Monday, November 24, 2014 with the funeral service to follow at 11 a.m. at RIEMANN FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 274 Beauvoir Road, Biloxi, MS 39531. Interment will follow at Crestlawn Memorial Park, Ocean Springs. Riemann Family Funeral Home 274 Beauvoir Road Biloxi, MS 39531 (228) 388-9516.
Brett Oneal Higginbotham (1965-2014) WV/GA
January 25, 1965 - December 19, 2014
Brett Higginbotham, age 49, of Stockbridge, GA died Friday, December 19. He was born in Morgantown, WV to the late Benny and MaryAnn Ross Higginbotham., Brett is survived by his wife, Robyn Lynn Higginbotham, Stockbridge, GA; mother, MaryAnn Higginbotham; children, Vaneesha Higginbotham, McDonough, GA, Valeesha Higginbotham, Stockbridge, GA, Amanda Harstvedt, McDonough, GA, R.J. Winslett, Newnan, GA; siblings, Benny Higginbotham, Jr., Cloressa Higginbotham, Matthew Higginbotham, Veronica Higginbotham; six grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, and loved ones. Funeral Services will be held at 3:00pm on Sunday, December 21, 2014 at the Chapel of Cannon Cleveland Funeral Directors with Rev. Robert Vines officiating. Interment will follow at Fairview Memorial Gardens. Cannon Cleveland Funeral Directors, 770-914-1414.
Coastal Courier 01/13/2015
Sherron Ann Godfrey Higginbotham (ca1955-2015) NC/GA
Sherron Ann (Godfrey) Higginbotham, 59, passed away on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015, from a sudden illness. She was born on Ft. Bragg, NC, to Irene Parker and James Godfrey. She was a longtime resident of Long County. She was preceded in death by her mother and father, and grandmother, Connie Avant. She is survived by her three daughters, Andi Floyd of Long County, Sandra Knapp of Killeen, Texas, and Crystal Martineau of Gum Branch; a goddaughter, Tina Owens of Glennville; four grandchildren, Joshua Wells, Kameron Mitchell, James Wells and Megan Martineau; and her brother, Alvin Godfrey of Lehigh, FL. Sherron was a carrier for the Savannah Morning News for 10 years. She loved to bake and crochet. She also loved to spend time with family and friends. She was a lifetime member of the VFW and its ladies auxiliary. She was dearly loved by many and will be missed greatly. Sandford Carter handled all funeral arrangements. Her family will receive relatives and friends at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 17, at the Hinesville VFW. They will also accept donations to help with final expenses. Funeral Home Carter Funeral Home - HINESVILLE 308 WEST OGLETHORPE BLVD HINESVILLE, GA 31313 (912) 368-3780.
March 20, 2015
Foy Edward Higginbottom (1921-2015) MI/GA
Foy Edward “Bud” Higginbottom, 93, of Powder Springs, Ga., passed away March 20, 2015, at WellStar Cobb Hospital in Austell, Ga. He was previously a resident of Bainbridge and Lake Seminole, Ga. Bud was born December 4, 1921, in Detroit, Michigan, to Samuel and Erma Higginbottom. He is a decorated World War II veteran, serving as a fighter pilot in the U.S. Army Air Forces, 83rd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force. Bud was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action while participating in a large number of fighter missions of the 8th Air Force over Germany and occupied Europe from 27 April 1944 to 3 November 1944. He was a Purple Heart recipient, and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross; the Air Medal with 14 Oak Leaf Clusters; the Distinguished Unit Badge; and the American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with six Bronze Service Stars, and World War II Victory Medal. He flew for Southern Airways and instructed pilots during the Korean and Viet Nam wars. Bud was preceded in death by his wife Janell Glover Higginbottom, son Carl Edward Higginbottom, parents Samuel and Erma, and brother Frank Higginbottom. He is survived by sister Clara M. Wing of Berkley, Michigan; sons Steve Higginbottom and wife Elise of Powder Springs, Ga, and Grant Higginbottom and wife Carolina of Tallahassee, Fla.; daughters Sandi Martin and husband Allen of Powder Springs, and Patricia Zumpfe and husband Bill of Williamsburg, West Virginia; grandson CPT Stephen D. Deuble and wife Dasha of Fort Benning, Ga., and granddaughter 1st Lt. Barbara Higginbottom of Cheyenne, Wyoming, children of Steve and Elise; and granddaughter Molly Martin and grandson Matthew Martin, children of Sandi and Allen. A private service will be held for the family.
Emily Dean Higginbotham (1938-2015) GA
Emily Dean Higginbotham, 77, went home to be with the Lord Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Born in Oconee County, GA, she was the daughter of the late Lonnie Carlton and Arizona Turk Dean. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas Mell Higginbotham, Jr.; her brothers, Lonnie Dean and Byron Dean; sisters, Ruth Whitehead and Helen Gordon and grandson, Clint Higginbotham. Survivors include her daughter, Melody Higginbotham of Athens; son Chris (Dian) Higginbotham of Statham; grandchildren, Heather, Caitlin and Wade Higginbotham; many nieces and nephews. Mrs. Higginbotham lived a beautiful life. She was always there when someone needed her help in any way. Her kindness and loving care for others touched many lives. She had a great love for her grandchildren who called her "Gram". She was known for her chocolate pound cakes and chicken casseroles. She was a member of Hebron Christian Church and a staunch supporter of Christian City Home for Children. Services will be held on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 2:00 PM at Lord and Stephens West Chapel. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 2:00 PM prior to the service. Interment will follow at Barrow Memorial Gardens, Winder. Flowers are joyfully welcomed or memorials may be made to Christian City Home for Children-Memorial for Emily Higginbotham, 7345 Red Oak Road, Union City, GA 30291-2338 or a charity of choice . The family would like to thank all the staff at Arbor Terrace, Christopher's Bridge and St. Mary's Hospice Care for the wonderful love and care given to "Mrs. Emily" while she was there. Lord and Stephens, West is in charge of arrangements. Lord & Stephens Funeral Home - West Chapel 1211 Jimmy Daniel Road Watkinsville, GA 30622 (706) 549-3342.
Athens Banner-Herald 08/30/2015
Wiley Eugene Higginbotham (1939 - 2015) GA
9/15/1939 - 8/30/2015
Wiley Eugene (Gene) Higginbotham, 75, of Athens, passed away Sunday, August 30, 2015. The family will receive friends Monday, August 31 from 5-8 p.m. and Tuesday, September 1 from 6-9 p.m. at Bernstein Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, September 2 at 3 p.m. at Beech Haven Baptist Church. The passing of Mr. Gene Higginbotham leaves an extensive void in the Athens/Oconee area. Having established many of the essential pieces of our community, the people of Clarke and Oconee County's should be forever indebted to his sacrifice and resolve in elevating his family, friends, and community. Please join the family and friends to celebrate the life of Mr. Gene Higginbotham at Beech Haven Baptist Church, Atlanta Highway, Wednesday, September 2nd at 3:00PM. In lieu of flowers, the family is respectfully requesting that you send a donation to the: Elizabeth Higginbotham Educational Foundation P.O. Box 6467 Athens, Georgia 30604 The fund supports children's education throughout the Athens/Oconee area. Bernstein Funeral Home and Cremation Service has charge of arrangements. Bernstein Funeral Home and Cremation Services 3195 Atlanta Highway Athens, GA 30606 (706) 543-7373.
Martha Ann McDonald Higginbotham
October 28, 1931 - August 31, 2015
Martha McDonald Higginbotham, 83, of Brunswick, passed away on Monday August 31, 2015 at Hospice of the Golden Isles. A visitation will be held at Edo Miller and Sons Funeral home from 6 until 8 pm Thursday September 3 and a celebration of her life will be held at 11am Friday September 4 at Glyndale Baptist Church. Honorary Pallbearers will be Members of Glynn Academy Class of 1949 and their spouses, Ricky McDonald, Marty Higgins, Bill McDonald, Fred Carroll, David Parke, Chris Futch, Price McLain, Spec (Steven) Thompson, and Clint Burgstiner. Interment will follow at 2pm in New Hope Cemetery in Hickox, GA. A native Brunswickian, Martha was born October 28, 1931 to Hoke and Renna McDonald. She attended Sidney Lanier Grammar School, Prep High and Glynn Academy graduating as the class valedictorian in 1949. Her monthly luncheons with the 49er's and class reunions were high priorities in Martha's life. She was a member of the National Honor Society and a member of the Pirates of the Spanish Main during her high school years. After High School Martha began working at Brunswick Pulp and Paper then moved to the Bestwall division and retired from Georgia-Pacific, Bestwall Division where she started her career as a Billing Clerk; moved to Purchasing Clerk and retired as Senior Accounting Clerk. She also attended Perry Business School. She won the Golden Isles Chapter of the American Business Women's Association Woman of the Year Award in 1981. Martha was a member of Glyndale Baptist Church serving in several ministries including teaching Sunday School, Department Director, Bible Study Leader for Children's Worship services, Benevolence Committee, Church Secretary a member of the Golden Harvest and any other place where she felt led to lend a helping hand. Everyone that knew Martha saw that she was a beautiful, hilarious, and witty person (and many would recognize her as one of the most opinionated people they knew). She never met a stranger, could make conversation with anyone, always kept everyone entertained with her stories and antics and always offered up a smile to everyone she met. She was faith-filled, family-focused, feisty, and she always colored life with humor and goodwill. One of her greatest joys was her family. She loved spending time with her daughter Pam Barnett (Nathan); She enjoyed spoiling her only grand-daughter, Tracy Burgstiner(Adam) and her two great-grand children, Austin Parke and Carley Burgstiner. She also leaves behind many other cherished family members; her sister Betty Higgins, sister in laws, Elaine McDonald and Eula Higginbotham; Several Nieces, Nephews and Cousins and a special friend, Bev. In addition to her parents, Martha was preceded in death by her husband, Elmon Higginbotham, her son, Larry Higginbotham, and her brothers, Bobby McDonald and Billy McDonald. Throughout her life, Martha had a passion for reading. She also loved sending cards for every special occasion to all of her loved ones. Her other passions included bargain shopping, visiting garage sales, word searches, and vacationing in Franklin, NC. Martha touched the lives of many and will be greatly missed by all who loved and knew her. By Martha's personal request donations should be made in lieu of flowers "To a cause of your choice, at a time of your convenience, and only when your spirit moves you." Martha Higginbotham's care and arrangements have been placed into the care of Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home and Oglethorpe Crematory.
Kathleen Higginbotham Harper (1929-2015) GA
Kathleen Higginbotham Harper, 86, of Ruckersville Road, Elberton, GA wife of
Frank Harper passed away Saturday, September 26, 2015 at her home.
Mrs. Harper was born July 5, 1929 in Elberton, GA to the late Frank Higginbotham
and Verna Haynie Higginbotham. She was a member of Bethel E Baptist Church and
was retired from Sears.
Left to cherish her memories are her husband Frank Harper; sister Elizabeth
(Donald) Higginbotham Hudson of Elberton, GA; sister-in-law Mary Jean
Higginbotham Ginn of Elberton, GA; nieces Debra Robertson and Connie Andrews of
Elberton, GA; nephews Steve Higginbotham, Donnie Hudson, Billy Hudson of
Elberton, GA and many more nieces and nephews.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by brothers Dewey
Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham, niece Sheila Hudson and great-nephew
Scott Robertson.
Funeral services to celebrate her life will be held 3PM, Monday September 28 in
the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home with Rev. Tim Adams and Shane
Robertson officiating. Interment will follow in Elmhurst Cemetery with Steve
Higginbotham, Mark Higginbotham, Shane Robertson, Brad Robertson, Owen
"Buckshot" Robertson, Trey Andrews, Keith Andrews, Donnie Hudson, Billy Hudson
and Chris Hudson serving as pallbearers. The family will be at the homes of
Debra Robertson 1125 Sutton Way, Elberton and Elizabeth Hudson 2368 Hudson Road,
Elberton and will receive friends from 2-3PM Monday just prior to the service at
Berry Funeral Home.
Flowers are optional and memorials may be made in her honor to a charity of
one's choice.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory, Elberton is respectfully in charge of the
funeral arrangements for Mrs. Kathleen Higginbotham Harper.
Johnny Jasper Higginbotham (1943-2015) GA
June 10, 1943 - December 22, 2015
Blackshear, Georgia - Mr. Johnny Jasper Higginbotham, 72, died Tuesday night (December 22, 2015) at his residence in Pierce County following an extended illness. He was a native of Ware County but had lived the past 30 plus years in Pierce County. He was the husband of the late Gladys Fay Johnson Higginbotham and son of the late James Harold Higginbotham, Sr., and Rosa Lee Howell Higginbotham. He was also preceded in death by a son, Johnny J. Higginbotham, Jr, and a brother James Harold Higginbotham, Jr. He was formerly employed with King Edward Cigar Co as a machinist and with Allied Timber Co as a heavy equipment operator for many years. He was a member of Youmans Chapel Baptist Church and a former member of Bennett Bay Hunting Club for many years. Survivors include 4 daughters, Carol King (husband Mike) of Waycross, Pam Studstill (husband Charles) of Blackshear, Sandra Thrift (husband Tony) of Blackshear, and Sherry Martin (husband Chris) of Sargent, TX; a son, John Walker Higginbotham of Blackshear; 13 grandchildren 9 great grandchildren; a sister, Virginia Mishoe of Nahunta, numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives. A funeral service will be held at 2:00 PM Sunday (December 27, 2015) at Youmans Chapel Baptist Church. Burial will be in the Waters Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Saturday at Music Funeral Home. Music Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Martha Faith Tatum Higginbotham (1940-2016) GA
December 23, 1940 - January 29, 2016
Martha Faith Tatum Higginbotham passed away in the presence of her loving family at Hospice of the Golden Isles on January 29, 2016 after an extended illness resulting from the insidious effects of Lewy Body Dementia (LBD). She fought the good fight but eagerly anticipated meeting her Lord and Savior and was more than ready when he called her home. Martha was preceded in death by her loving parents; Gaynor Pickett and Ruby Lee (Mozo) Tatum; a brother Gaynor Lee (Bug) Tatum; and a very special nephew Douglas Eugene Hall Junior who GOD called home when he was only 11 years old. Martha is survived by her adoring Family: her husband of 55 years-James Linton Higginbotham Sr.; daughters Sheri Dawn Smith ( David) and Stacey Leigh Ahl ( Tom); and one son-James Linton Higginbotham Jr. (Barbara); nine grandchildren-Olivia Dawn Smith; Emily Michelle Smith; Tatum Len Higginbotham; Jackson Hart Higginbotham; Madison Faith Ahl; Sara Marie Higginbotham; Mason Wright Smith; Thomas Riley Ahl; Samuel Linton Higginbotham and one great-grandchild-Aubree Rose Durham; two sisters-Nan Colleen (Tatum) Morrell (Don) and Glenda Ann (Tatum) Hall; one brother-Jerry Earnest Tatum (Sue) and a plethora of nieces and nephews all of whom she adored. Martha was born in Moultrie. Georgia on December 23, 1940. Her parents were the best sharecroppers in the area and they instilled in her at an early age the need for Faith (her middle name) in GOD; church; family; country; and herself. The sharecropping business was a family affair and Martha enjoyed talking about her experiences on the farm-i.e. picking cotton, suckering tobacco, hoeing peanuts, lugging irrigation These early teachings would become the hallmark for her life's journey. Upon graduation from Moultrie High School in 1958, her family moved to Pelham, Georgia where she entered the business world as a private secretary for the owner of an Insurance agency in her new hometown. The owner was so impressed with her secretarial skills, poise, confidence, and dedication to her work that he encouraged her to represent his agency in the annual Miss Pelham contest. After resisting his pleas for several weeks, she finally agreed and won the pageant that had 52 participants. She subsequently went on to represent the city of Pelham in the 38th Annual Rose Show parade in Thomasville, Georgia, where 50,000 people lined the streets for this major regional event. Martha also made many appearances as Miss Mitchell County and represented the Mitchell County Forestry Association in a state wide contest for Miss Georgia Green. Martha and Linton were married on a "rainy night in Georgia" on April 2, 1960 and began an odyssey that included 35 moves in 55 years that found her living : on a house boat in Dahlonega, Georgia; a mobile home and duplex in Gaffney, South Carolina; an apartment complex is Alexandria, Virginia; her parent's home in Pelham, Georgia, Government housing at Fort Wolters, Texas , a Deutsche family in Heimbach, Germany, a tent while camping in the Swiss Alps and Rome Italy and a hotel in Paris, France. All of this in her first four years of marriage. This was an omen of things to come. Martha was the consummate Army wife as she balanced her career and family activities, often by herself, while Linton was on several long term deployments with the Army. In addition to working full time, she was always an active participant in all Army wives club activities to include modeling; arts and crafts; aerobics; performing voluntary services; and hosting parties where she was known as the "hostess with the mostest" Martha made a significant career change while they were stationed at Fort Rucker, Alabama. She decided to go into the real estate profession, where her personality, confidence, poise and innate sales ability made her an instant success. During her second year she was the top producer in Coffee County selling a house every week. She also became an officer of the Board of Realtors and was the publicity chairman where her "Private Property Week" entry won first place in the state. Her confidence, which was at an all-time high, coupled with her phenomenal success as an agent, led her to establish, open, and manage her own company, appropriately known as THE Real Estate Company. One year after opening her company, her sales were greater than four times the amount of her investment. After retiring, Martha and Linton moved to Brunswick, Georgia to be near their family. Martha immediately started looking for a new venture and came up with the idea to build a Bridal Barn on the old Higginbotham homestead in Brantley County, where we could host weddings, reunions, church groups and other activities. She worked with the architect to finalize the design, and the builder to ensure compliance with the design. She was THE interior decorator and created a masterpiece which everyone who uses the facility enjoys. Due to her creativity and business acumen, this also proved to be a very successful endeavor. Martha also wrote a biography of her life entitled "A Hill of Beans" which documented her life from birth to the start of construction of the Bridal Barn. Her book consists of 250 pages, complete with pictures that documents her life's journey. She got a copyright for the book and was in the process of editing it for publication when she was diagnosed with the physically and mentally crippling disease known as Lewy Body Dementia. This ravaging disease never impaired her spirituality and love for her savior. She was a beautiful and graceful lady who was loved and adored by all who came in contact with her, but that outer beauty was pale in comparison to the inner beauty of the love for her Lord and family. The Lord broke the mold when he placed her in this temporal life. Visitation will be held at the Edo Miller Funeral Home in Brunswick, Georgia on Tuesday, Feb.2, from 6p.m. to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be held at Glyndale Baptist Church 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 3, February 2016 with the Reverend Ken Creekmore officiating. The music will be provided by her niece, Leann Owens. Burial will be in New Hope Cemetery, Hickox, Georgia. Pallbearers will be her nephews-- Donnie Morrell, Mike Higginbotham, Scottie Morrell. Ron Lee, Jim Morrell, and Marty Owens. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Glyndale Baptist Church, The Parkinson Foundation or a charity of your choice.
The Atlanta Constitution 3/18/2016
Dalvin Higginbotham (ca1971-20160 GA
Dalvin Higginbotham, 45, of Riverdale, passed on Tues. 3/15/2016. Hope Funeral Home, (770) 461-9222.
Howard William Higginbotham (1943-2016) GA
May 27, 1943 - April 24, 2016
Mr. Howard William Higginbotham, age 72, of Villa Rica, passed away Sunday, April 24, 2016. He was born May 27, 1943 in Douglasville the son of the late Mr. Benjamin Asbury Higginbotham and the late Mrs. Mami Inez Cole Higginbotham. He worked for RMDS of Rayloc for many years. Mr. Higginbotham enjoyed Nascar, art, and music, especially the drums. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his sisters, Clara Higginbotham, Jewell Higginbotham, Doddie Higginbotham, and Dottie Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife, Beverly Higginbotham of Villa Rica; daughter, Stephanie Bires of Dallas, TX; son, Nicholas Aaron Higginbotham of Villa Rica; five grandchildren, Macie, Jamie and Hannah Bires of Villa Rica, Corey Higginbotham of Villa Rica, and Kendall Cowart of Villa Rica; Several nieces and nephews also survive. The family will receive friends at Jones-Wynn Funeral Home in Villa Rica, Wednesday, April 7, 2016 from 4:00 PM until 9:00 PM. Funeral Services will be conducted Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 11:00 AM from the Chapel of Jones-Wynn Funeral Home with Pastor Lamar Parson and Pastor Donald Collett officiating. Interment will follow at Meadowbrook Memory Gardens in Villa Rica. Jones-Wynn Funeral Home, Inc. and Cremation Services of Villa Rica in charge of arrangements. 770-459-3694.
Athens Banner-Herald 05/28/2016
Joseph Casey Higginbotham (1982-2016) GA
Mr. Joseph Casey Higginbotham, 34, of Elberton, entered into rest on Friday, May
27, 2016, at his residence.
Casey was born in Elbert County on January 21, 1982, to Joseph Carter
Higginbotham, Jr. and Gwendolyn Pulliam Scarborough. He was a talented
stonecutter in the granite industry, was a member of Fortsonia Baptist Church,
and attended Believers Baptist Church. A pure country boy at heart, Casey
enjoyed being outdoors deer hunting and target practicing, and enjoyed working
out. His greatest accomplishment in life was his daughter, Kaytlyn.
Surviving are his daughter, Kaytlyn Higginbotham of Elberton; parents, Joe
Higginbotham, Jr. and Gwen Scarborough, both of Elberton; siblings: Shannon
Higginbotham of Elberton, Carter Higginbotham of Dewy Rose, and Grayson
Higginbotham of Dewy Rose; grandfather, Joe Higginbotham, Sr. of Elberton; and a
host of friends and other relatives.
He is preceded in death by his brother, Jody Thomas Moore and grandparents:
Carzie and Eva Pulliam and Frankie Higginbotham.
The family will receive friends at Berry Funeral Home from 5:00-7:00p.m. on
Sunday, May 29. Funeral services celebrating his life will be held on Monday,
May 30, at 2:00p.m. in Believers Baptist Church with the Rev. Wade Dotson
officiating. Interment will follow in Deep Creek Baptist Church Cemetery. Casey
will be placed in the church at 1:00p.m. on Monday. The family is at the home.
Flowers are optional. Contributions may be made in his memory to Believers
Baptist Church, 89 Clairmont Avenue, Elberton, GA 30635.
Fred Hoyt Higginbotham III (1941-2016) FL/GA
Saint Marys, Georgia - Fred H. Higginbotham III, 74, of St. Marys passed away
Tuesday, May 31, 2016, at his residence.
Born June 27, 1941, in Jacksonville, Fla., he was the son of the late Fred H.
Higginbotham Jr. and the late Edith Hernandez Higginbotham. He was also preceded
in death by a brother, Dennis McMillan.
A lifelong resident of Camden County, he was a 1959 graduate of Camden County
High School, played all varsity sports and a member of the Wildcat Quarterback
Club. He was a 1963 graduate of Georgia Southern University where he received
his bachelor's degree. Mr. Higginbotham retired from Gilman Paper Company with
39 years of service. He was an avid fisherman, gardener, trapper and loved
Memorial services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 4, at Allison Memorial
Chapel in St. Marys with Pastor Devin Schultz officiating.
Survivors include his son, John Higginbotham (Tina), and daughter, Lisa
Higginbotham Torres (Pete) both of Kingsland; brother, Johnny Higginbotham;
sisters, Dianne Chapple and Nell Warren; two grandchildren, Joshua Degen and
Josey Higginbotham; several nieces and nephews.
Allison Memorial Chapel and Funeral Home of St. Marys is in charge of
Cecil Frederick Higginbotham (1925-2016) GA
Born: August 25, 1925 Died: July 9, 2016 Location: Hilliard, Georgia
Cecil was born on August 25, 1925 and passed away on Saturday, July 9, 2016. Cecil was a resident of Hilliard, Georgia at the time of his passing. He was married to Jean. The family will receive friends Sunday July 10 at Shepard-Roberson Funeral Home in Folkston GA from 5-8 PM. A graveside committal service will be held Monday July 11 at 10:00 AM in Pineview Cemetery. Funeral service will be held Monday July 11 at 11:00 AM at the First Baptist Church of Folkston with Rev. Josh Hinson Elder David Crawford and Dr. Randy Jacoby officiating.
Clarence Gordon Higginbotham Jr. (1934-2016) AL/GA
Mr. Clarence Gordon Higginbotham Jr. age 82 of Rome, Ga. passed away Sunday August 14th at Kindred Floyd Medical Center. Funeral services will be 1 PM Tuesday August 16th at Perry Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Randy Lambert officiating, burial will follow in Pleasant Valley Cemetery with Masonic Graveside. The family will receive friends from 11 AM until 1 PM Tuesday. Pallbearers include Gary Burkhalter, Michael Skeen, Cary McCullough, Nevin Baker, Jerry Stoker and Stephen Owen. Survivors include son, Jerry (Katie) Higginbotham of Rome, Ga.; daughter, Sherry Higginbotham Thrasher of Rome, Ga.; brother, James Merle Higginbotham of Acworth, Ga., Bobby Higginbotham of Sand Rock; grandchildren, Felicia Paige (Mike) Causey, Timberly Cheyene Matthews; great-grandchildren, Ryland and Taylor Causey; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife Doris Jennings Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Cherokee County and the son of the late Clarence Gordon and Ruby Emaline Brock Higginbotham Sr. and was a Mason.
The Post-Searchlight 09/02/2016
Charles Edward Higginbotham (1943-2016) GA
Charles Edward Higginbotham August 31, 2016 Charles Edward Higginbotham, 73, of Bainbridge, Ga., died peacefully on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at Memorial Hospital. Charles has requested that there be no local services or visitation. A private family celebration of his life is being scheduled. In lieu of food or flowers, memorials may be made to a charity of your choice. Charles was born February 5,1943 in Birmingham, Ala., the son of Horace Dunam Higginbotham, Jr. and Helen Marie West Higginbotham. He received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama and was a Maintenance Manager in the industrial manufacturing field for Alcoa, Engelhard, Ausimont, and Carrier. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church, Bainbridge Country Club, and the Charter House Coffee Club. Charles loved to play golf and watch Alabama football games. Survivors include his wife of 48 years, Cathy Moore Higginbotham of Bainbridge; his brothers, Horace D. Higginbotham, III and his wife, Lynda, of Pelham, Ala. and Ray Higginbotham and his wife, Betsy, of Calhoun, Ga.; his sisters, Sandra Voss of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Patricia McKinney and her husband, Mike, of Ocean Ridge, Fla. and Nancy Shanklin of Auburn, Ala.; his furry friend, Pepper; and several nieces and nephews.
Belynda Moon
Higginbotham (1969-2016) GA
Belynda Moon Higginbotham, 47, of Glenwood, died on Tuesday,
September 13, 2016, in Glenwood.
She was married to John Thomas Higginbotham and was the daughter of Sylvia Yawn
Moon of McRae and the late Pete Alvin Moon. She was a homemaker.
Graveside services will be held at 3:00 P.M., Sunday, September 18, 2016, in the
Trinity Cemetery, McRae.
The Rev. Ray Harris and the Rev. Ronny Saxton will officiate.
Survivors include her husband, John Higginbotham of Glenwood; 2 children, Jason
Ledford and Brandi Funderburk both of McRae; mother, Sylvia Yawn Moon of McRae;
step-children, Linda Kay Dinkins and John Anthony Higginbotham both of Glenwood;
grandchildren, Kayla Ledford and Bethany Ledford; step- grandchildren, Noah B.
Higginbotham and Andrew Dinkins both of Glenwood.
You may express your online condolences at
Lowe’s Funeral Home of Helena has charge of the arrangements.
Published at
Rebecca Annette Hammett Higginbotham (1958-2016) GA
August 20, 1958 - November 17, 2016
Mrs. Rebecca Annette “Becky” Higginbotham, age 58 of Brooks, passed away on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at Northside Hospital. Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Atlanta, Georgia on August 20, 1958. She is preceded in death by her parents, Edward Hammett and Louise Overton Hammett; sister, Mary Hammett; brother, James Hammett; sister-in-law, Judith Simmons and husband, Ted. Mrs. Higginbotham attended church in Fayetteville, Georgia. Survivors include her husband, Byron H. Higginbotham; sons, Scotty Higginbotham of Colorado Springs, Co, Alan Higginbotham of Griffin; 5 grandchildren; 1 great grandchild; brother, Edward Hammett and wife, Sylvia of Jonesboro; sisters, Barbara Gardner of Barnesville, Marie Rhyne and husband, Roger of Miami, FL, Melissa Eagle and husband, Jerry of Stockbridge; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Hick and Estell Higginbotham of Fayetteville; brothers-in-law and sister-in-law, Mike and Sylvia Higginbotham of Fayetteville, Roger Higginbotham of Hudson, FL; several nieces and nephews. Visitation for Mrs. Becky Higginbotham will be Saturday, November 19, 2016 from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm at Conner-Westbury Funeral Home. A funeral service will be conducted on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 2:00 pm in the Chapel of Conner-Westbury Funeral Home. Pastor Dave Rogers will officiate. Interment will follow in Forest Lawn Cemetery, College Park, Georgia.
Joseph Carter Higginbotham (1928-2016) GA
Mr. Joseph Carter “Joe” Higginbotham, Sr. died peacefully on Monday, December 5,
2016, in the comfort of his home at the family farm on which he was born. He was
Born on July 12, 1928, to Edgar Glenn “E.G’, Sr. and Lizzie Mae Rhodes
Higginbotham, Mr. Higginbotham was a lifetime resident of the Flatwoods
Community in Elberton. He was a US Navy Veteran having served aboard the
Battleship USS Wisconsin BB-64 during WWII and a US Navy Reserves Veteran having
served during the Korean Conflict. He worked at Milliken for over twenty years.
“Mr. Joe” began working for the US Army Corp of Engineers at Hartwell Lake and
Dam in 1978 and retired in 2007 after twenty nine years of service. Mr.
Higginbotham was a member of Eliam United Methodist Church and a longtime member
of Philomathea Masonic Lodge #25 where he was a York Rite and Scottish Rite
mason and shriner. He enjoyed spending time with his family, farming, and was
always up for a good conversation!
He is survived by his children: Judy Albertson Gaines and her husband Richard of
Elberton, Bobbie Fortson and her husband Ron of Hartwell, and Joseph C.
Higginbotham, Jr. and his significant other Cathy Gibson of Elberton;
grandchildren: Jason Albertson, Scott and Joann Albertson, Angie and Brandon
Dye, Carter Higginbotham, Grayson Higginbotham, and Shannon Higginbotham, who
was raised in the home; five great-grandchildren: Kaytlyn Higginbotham, Austin
Albertson, Breanna Higginbotham, Emily Higginbotham, Averie Dye, and Kip
Albertson; nephew raised in the home, E.G. Higginbotham, III; and a host of
nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends.
He is preceded in death by his wife, Frankie Poore Higginbotham; grandchildren:
Bridgette Saxon Davis and Casey Higginbotham; and brothers: E.G. Higginbotham,
Jr., Stanley Higginbotham, and Marshall Higginbotham.
Funeral services celebrating his life will be held on Thursday, December 8, at 2
o’clock in the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home with the Revs. J. Wesley
Privett and Scott Mize officiating. Interment will follow in Forest Hills
Memorial Park with Masonic rites provided by Philomathea Masonic Lodge #25.
The family is at their respective homes and will receive friends at Berry
Funeral Home from 6:00-8:00p.m. on Wednesday evening.
Flowers are accepted; contributions may be made in his memory to Eliam United
Methodist Church, 2130 Dr. George Ward Road, Elberton, GA 30635 or to Bethel E
Baptist Church, 2576 Calhoun Falls Highway, Elberton, GA 30635.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is respectfully in charge of
William Scarlett Higginbotham (1934-2017) GA
June 4, 1934 - April 1, 2017
Arrangements under the direction of Edo Miller and Sons Funeral Home, Brunswick, GA.
Athens Banner-Herald 04/22/2017
Glenn Rodney Higginbotham (1942 - 2017 GA
January 1, 1942 - April 21, 2017
Mr. Glenn Rodney Higginbotham, age 75, of Athens, passed away on Friday, April 21, 2017 surrounded by his family. A native of Elberton, Georgia, he was the son of the late Carl Talmadge Higginbotham and Doris Freeman Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham retired from BellSouth in 2002. In retirement he enjoyed golf, working outdoors, and spending time with his family, especially his three grandchildren. Survivors include his wife of 52 years, Patsy Welborn Higginbotham of Athens; son, Eric and Brittany Higginbotham of Watkinsville; daughter, Audra and Jim Edwards of Braselton; sister, Ann and Don Looney of Elberton; brother, Carl and Pam Higginbotham of Doraville; grandchildren: Trevor Higginbotham, Lindsey Higginbotham, and Mason Edwards; and his beloved dog, Gizmo. The funeral service will be held on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at 2:00 PM in the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home, 1 Berry Lane, Elberton, GA 30635. A private entombment will be in Elmhurst Cemetery. Visitation at the funeral home will directly precede the service at 1:00 PM. The family is at the home of Don and Ann Looney, 1800 Chip Shot Lane, Elberton, GA 30635. Those wishing to honor Mr. Higginbotham may send flowers or donate in his memory to either the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank, the American Red Cross, or Calvary Presbyterian Church, Elberton, GA. Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is respectfully in charge of arrangements for Mr. Glenn Rodney Higginbotham.
John William Higginbotham (1931-2017) GA
Mr. John William Higginbotham, 85, of Washington, Ga. entered into rest on Friday, May 5, 2017 at his residence. He was a native of Wilkes County and spent his entire life there as a dairy farmer and cattleman. He was a member of the Wilkes County Farm Bureau serving as president for sixteen years, a member of the Georgia Milk Producers serving as a director for twenty years and as president for two of those years, a director of both the Dairy Farmers of America and the Southeast United Dairy Association. He was appointed to the Commodity Commission for Milk by then Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture, Tommy Irvin and appointed by the US Secretary of Agriculture to the Board of Directors of the United Dairy Industry Association where he served on the Research and Promotional Committee. Additionally he was an active member of Rehoboth Baptist Church. Survivors include his daughters, Susan H. Echols & husband, Billy; Joan H. Bowen and husband, George of Washington. He is further survived by his grandchildren Jon Echols (Allison), Jenny Standard (Jason), Michael Bowen, and Nathan Bowen., as well as his great-grandchildren Lexi Land, Bella Echols, Case Echols, and Brock Standard all of Washington. Additional survivors are his sisters Carolyn Simpson of North Augusta, SC, Norma Sanders of Winterville, GA, and Lanoy Cole of Charlotte, NC. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his wife, Lillie Holloway Higginbotham and his great-granddaughter, Ally Grace Standard. Graveside services will be conducted at 3:00 pm on Sunday, May 7, 2017 at the Rehoboth Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends immediately following the service in the sanctuary of the church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Rehoboth Christian Life Center c/o Alan Ivey, 3028 Lovelace Road, Lincolnton, GA 30817. Beggs Funeral Home 200 May Ave., Lincolnton, GA 30817, Phone: 706-359-4117.
Cindi Lea Higginbotham Behrmann (1959-2017) GA
Cindi Lea Higginbotham Behrmann passed away Friday, May 12,
2017 at the age of 58. She was born in Atlanta, April 15, 1959 to Joseph &
"N.A." Higginbotham. She is preceded in death by her father Joseph & her brother
J. Sterling Higginbotham.
Cindi is survived by her mother N.A. Higginbotham, sister Debi O'Hara, her
childhood bestfriend and cousin Robin Landers, Aunt B.J. Newton and loving
husband Richard C. Behrmann of 32 years. She is also survived by her "boys"
(sons): Michael D. Behrmann (daughter-in-law Libby Behrmann), Joe S. Behrmann &
Richard L. Behrmann with 2 grandsons Skyler E. Behrmann & Kristers E. Behrmann.
Cindi was faithful and devoted to: Jesus, attended Gateway Community Church, her
"boys" (husband and 3 sons), close friends, country music and football -
especially UGA and the Atlanta Falcons.
Cindi was known to be carefree, to be "peachy keen", to love, to serve, to be
loyal and to be compassionate to family, life and the love of Jesus. Her example
shined strong and solid even though Multiple Sclerosis took a hold of her body
for over 30 years. She will be missed by family and loved ones.
Funeral service will be held Saturday, May 20, 2017 at Gateway Community Church.
Interment will follow at Lawnwood Memorial Park.
Paul Eric Higginbotham (1962-2017) GA
Mr. Paul Eric Higginbotham, age 54, of Lavonia, GA passed away on June 10, 2017 at his residence. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 at Holy Calvary MRF Church, 10555 GA 17, Lavonia, GA at 2:00 p.m. Burial will follow in the New Light Baptist Church Cemetery, Hwy 59, Lavonia, GA.
The Brunswick News Friday, June 30, 2017
Charles Higginbotham Jr. (????-2017) GA
Charles Higginbotham Jr., of Brunswick, died June 23 at
Southeast Georgia Health System.
The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at First Jordan Grove
Missionary Baptist Church, with burial to follow in Greenwood Cemetery.
The body will be placed in the church one hour prior to the service.
The family will receive friends from 1 to 7 p.m. today at R.L. Jones and Sons
Funeral Home.
R.L. Jones and Sons Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 07/18/2017
Margaret Callahan Higginbotham (1922-2017) IN/GA
Margaret C. Higginbotham, 94, died peacefully surrounded by loved ones on June 20, 2017 in Atlanta, GA. Margaret was born on July 23, 1922 in Ft Wayne, IN to Frank & Mary (Moran) Callahan. She was the eighth of their ten children. She attended Central Catholic High School in Ft Wayne and then went to Rosary College in Chicago, Il. She graduated in 1944 with a degree in Chemistry. Margaret was married in 1947 to Richard E. Higginbotham, who preceded her in death in 1995. Together they raised six children while living in Ft Wayne, In, Cincinnati, OH, Jacksonville, FL, Chicago, IL, and finally settling in Atlanta for good in 1974. She was a loving, dedicated mother who enjoyed the active role she took in the many school, sports, and neighborhood activities of her children. When her children were grown, she began a working career at First National Bank of Atlanta (Wells Fargo) in 1975 at their operations center on Piedmont Ave. She retired in 1992. After retiring, she volunteered her time for over 15 years at St Joseph's Hospital in the gift shop. She enjoyed reading, bridge, ND football, and travel long into her later years. The beach in Florida and Clear Lake in IN were two of her favorite destinations. She was a charter member of All Saints Catholic Church in Dunwoody, GA since its founding in 1979. She is survived by her six children, Rick (Peg) Higginbotham, Ann (Dwight) Duke, Peggy Coulter, Ed (Lana) Higginbotham, Jack (Mary) Higginbotham, Sarah (Bob) Hove; also 13 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren; sister Helen Shank; and many loving nieces and nephews. A funeral Mass will be celebrated on Friday, July 21, 2017 at 10:30 am at All Saints Catholic Church in Dunwoody, GA.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 08/06/2017
Marilyn Faye Higginbotham Basto (1946-2017) GA
Marilyn Higginbotham Basto passed away July 26, 2017, after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Services will be held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses (5130 Covington Hwy., Decatur, 30035), August 12th at 2:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to help with Marilyn's medical and final expenses. There is a GoFundMe account called "Marilyn's Medical Fund."
Vera Higginbotham Strickland (1929-2017) GA
Nahunta - Vera Higginbotham Strickland, 88, of Nahunta passed
away Thursday night (August 31, 2017) at Hospice of the Golden Isles of
Brunswick after an extended illness.
Born in Nahunta, GA her parents were Earnest Tillman Higginbotham and Gladys
Jacobs Higginbotham. She is also preceded in death by her husband, Marshall
Brugler Strickland; daughter, Edith Carole Sheffield; and a brother, Omer E.
Higginbotham, Sr.
Mrs. Vera was a retired Brantley County School teacher and a member of Southside
Baptist Church. For many years, her and Mr. Marshall served in the ministry and
she was an active member of the Georgia Retired Educators Association for. She
loved her family, music, reading, and had a host of friends.
Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Barry Marshall Strickland (Lou)
of Whigham, GA; 4 grandchildren and their spouses, Rev. Christopher L. Sheffield
(Courtney) of Douglas, Leigh Anne Strickland of Nashville, TN, Lauren Carole
Martone (J.J.)of Springfield, TN, and Joseph Barry Strickland, of New York City,
NY; 3 great grandchildren, Everly Grace Sheffield, Isla Faith Sheffield, Willa
Florence Sheffield, and one on the way, Rowan Edith Sheffield; a sister and
brother-in-law, Carolyn Thomas Crews (Leonard) of Nahunta; 2 sisters-in-law,
Jeanette H. Higginbotham of Brunswick and Lois S. Saye of Baton Rouge, LA; and
also several nieces, nephews, other relatives, and a host of friends.
Visitation will held Sunday afternoon (September 3, 2017) from 2:30PM-4PM at
Southside Baptist Church.
A funeral service will be held Sunday afternoon (September 3, 2017) at 4PM at
Southside Baptist Church with Rev. Christopher Sheffield and Rev. Jerry Johns
officiating. Burial will follow in New Hope Cemetery.
Honorary pallbearers will be The Joy Sunday School Class.
Pallbearers are asked to be at the church by 3:30PM Sunday at the Southside
Baptist Church.
The family will receive friends at Mrs. Vera residence, 218 Satilla Ave. Nahunta
GA 31553.
Arrangements are with Frye Funeral Home, Nahunta.
Angela Higginbotham Pilcher (1963-2017) GA
Angela Higginbotham Pilcher, age 54, of Dalton, passed away
on Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at her residence.
She is survived by two daughters and a sons-in-law, Tasha and Aaron Utley of
Waycross and Tiffany and Bobby Proman of Dalton; two sons, Chad Pilcher and Marc
Pilcher, both of Dalton; parents, Teddy and Ann Higginbotham of Tunnel Hill;
sisters and brothers-in-law, Shayron and Jeff Dunham of Kimberly, AL, and Regena
and Ross West of Tunnel Hill; brother, Teddy Higginbotham, Jr., of Tunnel Hill;
9 grandchildren; nieces and nephews also survive.
The funeral service will be held Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at the
Rocky Face Chapel of Julian Peeples Funeral Home with Rev. Dewey Boyd and Rev.
Tyson Griffin officiating.
Burial will be in Tunnel Hill Cemetery.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 10/20/2017
Paul Higginbotham (ca1954-2017) GA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Paul Age 63, of Jonesboro, passed away Oct. 14, 2017. Private services. SouthCare Cremation and Funeral Society, Stockbridge, GA.
Dr. James Craig Higginbotham (1949-2017) MO
March 7, 1949 - November 9, 2017
Private graveside funeral services for Dr. James Craig
Higginbotham, 68, of Bainbridge, GA, will be held in Greenwood Cemetery, Cairo,
GA. Rev. Rod Brinkley will officiate. Dr. Higginbotham passed away at his home
in Bainbridge, GA, on Thursday, November 9, 2017.
Dr. Higginbotham was born on March 7, 1949, in Jacksonville, FL, to the late
James C. Higginbotham and Geneva Turner Higginbotham. A graduate of Bainbridge
High School and Valdosta State University, he went on to serve as a Georgia
State Trooper. From there he proceeded to pursue his passion of medicine and
graduated as a Physician's Assistant from the Medical College of Georgia, and
later as a Doctor from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine. He
practiced medicine with Grady Primary Care in Cairo, and was of the Christian
Survivors include: children, James Chad Higginbotham (Angie), Amy Higginbotham
Hume, Joshua Ryan Higginbotham , Ashley Higginbotham Weed (Troy), AL;
grandchildren, Quint Hume, Elizabeth Gay, Kinley Higginbotham, IN, Brantley
Higginbotham, Mary Thomas Weed; brother, John Higginbotham (Kathy); nephews,
Scott Higginbotham, Seth Higginbotham; and special friends, Joe Moye, Lisa
McLendon, Brenda Harrell.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Donna Higginbotham.
Memorials may be made in Dr. Higginbotham's memory to: Archbold Foundation,
Attention Vann Middleton, Designate Lewis Hall Singletary Oncology Fund, 910 S.
Broad St., Thomasville, GA, 31792; or the Georgia State Lodge of the Fraternal
Order of Police, Designate GA State Trooper Lodge #100, 80 Whitlock Place Suite
200, Marietta GA. 30064.
The family will receive friends at the home of John and Kathy Higginbotham on
Sunday, November 12, 2017, from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. (Courtesy of Clark
Funeral Home.)
Robert C. Higginbotham (1939-2018) GA
May 25, 1939 - February 14, 2018
Robert “Bob” Higginbotham, 78, of Thompson Dr. Elberton, GA
passed away Wednesday, February 14, 2018.
Mr. Higginbotham was born in Elberton, GA on May 25, 1939 to Grady C.
Higginbotham and Reba Mills Higginbotham. He was a member of Francis Asbury
United Methodist Church, a U.S. Navy Veteran and was a retired plant foreman
from Hillcrest Granite Company.
He is survived by his wife: Reba Jean Scoggins Higginbotham; son and
daughter-in-law: Robert and Lisa Higginbotham of Elberton, GA; sisters: Joyce
Alewine of Greenwood, SC, Martha Ann Booth of Elberton, GA, Kathy Smith of
Elberton, GA; brothers: Amos Higginbotham of Grandy, NC, Michael Higginbotham of
Elberton, GA; and a granddaughter: Taylor Higginbotham.
In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a brother: Bill
Funeral arrangements are incomplete at this timed will be announced later.
Internment will be in Elmhurst Cemetery with Pete Higginbotham, Stacy Smith,
Johnny Alewine, Steve Higginbotham, Mark Hill and Dwain Brown serving as
pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers will include Barry Witcher, Reuben Smith,
Billy Booth and Haley Fortson.
Edgar Glenn Higginbotham III (1941-2018) GA
Mr. Edgar Glenn "E.G." Higginbotham, III, 76, of Pine Hill
Rd., Elberton, GA passed away Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
Mr. Higginbotham was born in Elberton, GA on July 3, 1941 to Edgar Glenn
Higginbotham and Mary Frances Barrett Higginbotham. He was a member of Deep
Creek Baptist Church, Elberton Country Club, the Elberton Philomathea Masonic
Lodge #25, a shriner and was retired from the granite industry. After retirement
E.G. worked at the Elberton Country Club with the grounds maintenance crew.
He is survived by his wife: Beverly Howe
Higginbotham; daughters: Lisa Hamilton of Greer, SC, Fran H. Riggs of
Greenville, SC, Beth Seymour of Elberton, GA; son: Pete Higginbotham of
Elberton, GA; stepdaughter: Jodi Rowland of Hartwell, GA; step-son: Micheal
O'Conner of Los Angeles, CA; sisters: Faye Smithers of Fayetteville, GA, Jackie
McDaniel of Tallahassee, FL, Susan Valquez of Jacksonville, FL, Mary Jo Roberts
of Tallahassee, FL; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren and a host
of nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends.
In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a special aunt and uncle:
Joseph Carter “Joe” Higginbotham, Sr. and Frankie Poore Higginbotham.
A celebration service of E.G.'s life will be held 11AM, Wednesday, March 28 in
the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home with Rev. Scott Mize officiating.
Interment will follow in Forest Hills Memorial Park. The family will receive
friends from 10-11AM just before the service at Berry Funeral Home. A
celebration reception will follow the service at the Elberton Country Club.
Honorary pallbearers will be Larry Blackmon, Elliott Paul, Mike Brady, Phillip
Brady, Rusty Burdette, Robert Andrews, Clay Norman and Skippy Cade.
In lieu of flowers please make memorials in E.G.'s memory to the Shriners
Hospitals for Children of Greenville 950 W. Faris Road Greenville, SC 29605.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is in charge of the arrangements.
Harriett Couch Higginbotham (1939 - 2018) GA
Harriett Couch Higginbotham passed away peacefully on Sunday, July 22, 2018 in her home surrounded by her loving family. Harriett was born in Athens on December 11, 1939 to Harry Richard Couch and Reba Cook Couch. During her childhood her family moved several times. Her first three years in high school were spent in Vidalia, GA where she competed in five beauty pageants and was crowned Miss Vidalia. She graduated from Athens High School in 1957 where she was a cheerleader and a competitive jitterbug dancer. She was an avid reader and lover of all kinds of music. Harriett was the oldest of six children. A blind date and a three month courtship with handsome, young Gene Higginbotham from Statham, GA was the beginning of a love affair that lasted fifty-seven years. They were wed on August 10, 1958 at Lovers Lane Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. They gave birth to a daughter, Laurie in Dallas before moving back home to Athens. Harriett stood by her husband as they began a journey to make a life together from childhoods where they had both experienced great lack and financial struggle. As Gene attended UGA while working at Westinghouse, Harriett worked as a clerk at the Clarke County Courthouse. When Gene began his career at Orkin Exterminating, Harriett became a dedicated wife and mother. They gave birth to a son, Scott, in Athens in 1967. Over a period of eight years the family moved twelve times while Gene was moving up the corporate ladder with Orkin. After the death of both her parents and the death of Gene's father the couple lovingly brought Harriett's baby sisters, Fran and JerriLynn Couch under their wings. They loved them and raised them as their own. Longing to remain in Athens they founded American Pest Control in Athens in November 1971. Gene built the business and began developing real estate. Everywhere she lived Harriett had wonderful friends who loved her. She is remembered as a very classy lady who was beautiful and kind. She enjoyed playing tennis and later loved her trips to Biloxi with her husband and friends. She served on the Athens General Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital Auxiliaries. She loved being a member of the Athens Roadrunners. At age 53, Harriett began the most difficult journey of her life with Huntington's Disease. The genetic, neurodegenerative disease was discovered when Harriett's nephew, Richard Couch and her brother, Darrell Couch died with Huntington's. Harriett commented to her loving husband that if it were to ever strike her she would not want to know. When she became symptomatic her family elected to treat her with the best of care and it was never mentioned. Huntington's is labeled "the cruelest disease known to man" and there is currently no cure. Over a period of 10-25 years it robs one of the ability to walk, talk, chew and swallow. Metabolism is sped up, yet choking is a constant struggle in the late stages. The patient is held hostage in their body as the brain shrinks and they suffer from chorea (jerky, involuntary movements) yet as there is cognitive decline the long term memory and present day mental function remains. The love, care and research by her family and the Huntington's Disease Society of America blessed Harriett with the very best of medical care. Although she was plagued by HD, she never stopped smiling and expressing great joy and gratitude for her family, friends and all her many blessings. She never stopped reading her daily Athens Banner-Herald, Oconee Enterprise along with all her magazines and her cherished cup of coffee. She was truly a remarkable work of God. Harriett's family wishes to express appreciation to Margaret Henderson, Lillie Taylor and niece, Eli Peck Rice who were dedicated caregivers and to staff at Bridgeway Hospice. Harriett was preceded in death by her husband, Wiley Eugene Higginbotham, and brother, Doug Couch. She is survived by her daughter, Laurie Higginbotham and son, Scott (Angela) Higginbotham of Bishop, GA, six granddaughters, Victoria, Savannah, McKay, McKenzie, Gabriella and Jocelyn and her cherished brother, Connie Couch, sisters Fran (Wayne) Dean, JerriLynn (Jerry) Peck, many loving nieces and nephews and her beloved Maltese, "Sugar." Funeral services will be held at Bernstein Funeral Home Chapel on Thursday, July 26 at 3:00 pm. Visitation will be at Bernstein's on Wednesday, July 25 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Pallbearers are Wayne Dean, Jr., Travis Dean, Todd Couch, Chris Couch, David Butler and Matthew Gordon. Donations may be made in her memory to the Georgia Chapter of the Huntington's Disease Society of America at P. O. Box 3651, Eatonton, GA 31024. Bernstein Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
James Kevin Higginbotham (1972-2018) GA
August 14, 1972 - July 24, 2018
Mr. James Kevin Higginbotham, age 45, of Toccoa, passed away Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at his parent's home. Born August 14, 1972 in Toccoa, he was the son of William Terrell (Ted) and Valerie Peyton Higginbotham He was employed with A M B Transportation, T L C, and Palmetto State Transportation. Kevin was a Christian and attended Liberty Baptist Church. Family members include his parents, Ted and Valerie Higginbotham; daughters and a son-in-law, Madi and Steven Loudermilk and Skyeler Higginbotham; brother, Keith Higginbotham; aunt, Virginia Brown; nephew and his wife, Caleb Higginbotham and Victoria; great-niece, River Grace Higginbotham. Funeral services will be held at three o'clock Saturday, July 28, 2018 at Liberty Baptist Church with the Rev. Stacy Penland and the Rev. Albert Hudson officiating. Burial will follow at Roselane Cemetery. The following gentlemen will serve as pallbearers; Matt Williams, Scott Rumsey, Brad Whitfield, Matt Calvin, Scott Payne, and Heavy Banks. The family will receive friends at the mortuary from 12 noon until 2:00 pm Saturday. Flowers are optional. Those desiring may make memorial donations to the Toccoa-Stephens County Humane Society, P. O. Box 2182, Toccoa, GA 30577 or Habersham Humane Society, P. O. Box 1442, Clarkesville, GA 30523, EARL's Hope Rescue, P.O. Box 26, Turnerville, GA. 30580,, or Liberty Baptist Church, 127 Fairground Rd., Toccoa, GA. 30577 Condolences may be sent to the family at Whitlock Mortuary is in charge of the arrangements.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 08/08/2018
Raymond Lee Higginbotham Sr. (1944-2018) AL/GA
Raymond Lee Higginbotham Sr., age 74, passed away August 3, 2018. A celebration of his life will be held Friday August 10 at Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church. Family will receive friends at 10:00 a.m. and the service will begin at 11:00 a.m. Ray was born in Birmingham, Alabama , lived in Smyrna, Georgia, Clear Lake City, Texas and Marietta, Georgia for the past 33 years. Survivors are his loving wife of 33 years Lynn Bartels Higginbotham, his daughter Kimberly Rene Madison, his son Raymond Lee Higginbotham Jr., his grandson Christian Duerr Royer, his sister in laws Mabry Higginbotham and Phyllis Bartels, his brother in law Clifford Bartels, his son in law Craig Royer, his cousins, his nephews David Higginbotham, Dan Higginbotham, Mike Higginbotham, Bob Wise, Don Wise, Lanty Bartels, his niece Colette Muncher, and his great niece Charlee Grace. He is preceded in death by his parents, his brothers, his sister and his nephews. Ray was retired from the Federal Aviation Administration and worked previously for Beers Construction, Houston Lighting and Power, Southern Company Services and L.J. Hooker Developments. He was a long standing member of the Institute of Internal Auditors, the Institute of Management Accountants, and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. He has been involved with the Cobb County Commission meetings and was appointed to the SPLOST Citizens Oversight Committee. He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle. Love of his family and his church were the two most important interests in his life. He was a member of Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church and Marietta First United Methodist Church. He had a genuine concern for the wellbeing of others, no matter their ages or circumstances. Some of his volunteer work included MUST Ministries, the Homeless, Syrian refugees, Walk to Emmaus, Sunday school treasurer, the church choir, Habitat for Humanity and helping students, the disabled or the unemployed find internships and jobs. Although Ray graduated from Jacksonville State University in Alabama he was an enthusiastic "Roll Tide" fan. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or the American Heart Association. Higginbotham, Raymond Lee Funeral Home Cremation Society Of Georgia, Inc. 1826 Marietta Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30318 (404) 355-7627.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 08/23/2018
Hick Higginbotham (1927-2018) AL/GA
Hick Higginbotham, 91, of Tyrone passed away on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 in Atlanta, GA. He was born on August 16, 1927 in Cullman, AL to Nellie Bell and William Gardner Higginbotham. He proudly served his country in both the United States Army and the United States Air Force. He was a member of Fayetteville Church of Christ for many years. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his parents; his son, Phillip Higginbotham; and his daughter-in-law, Rebecca Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife of almost 68 years, Estell W. Higginbotham; his sons, Michael (Sylvia) Higginbotham, Byron Higginbotham and Roger Higginbotham; eight grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren; his brother, Wayne Higginbotham; and a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral service for Mr. Higginbotham will be at 11:00 AM on Saturday, August 25, 2018 at Fayetteville Church of Christ, 870 Redwine Road, Fayetteville, GA, with Rev. David Rogers and Rev. Wayne Chappell officiating. He will lie in state at the church from 10:00-11:00 AM prior to the service. Burial will follow the service at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, College Park, GA. The family will receive friends from 5:00-8:00 PM on Friday evening, August 24, 2018 at Carl J. Mowell & Son Funeral Home, Fayetteville, GA.
Bessie Juanita Higginbotham
Spears (1920-2018) FL/GA
October 16, 1920 - August 23, 2018
Nahunta – Juanita Higginbotham Spears, 97, of Nahunta passed away Thursday
afternoon (August 23, 2018) at Bayview Nursing Home where she had resided for 6
Born in Dyal, FL, in 1920, her parents were Everett Fluornoy Higginbotham and
Mary Lovdia Dowling Higginbotham. She is also preceded in death by her husband,
Erwin Spears; a son, Lewis Spears; 2 grandsons, Michael Peace and Josh Spears; a
great granddaughter, Kayla McLeod; a brother, Earl Higginbotham; and a sister,
Inez H. Courtney.
Mrs. Juanita retired as a teacher at the age of 79 from Brantley Co School
System and was a member of Southside Baptist Church and the Joy Sunday School
Class. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of South Florida
at the age of 49, modeled for Maas Brother in Lakeland, Fl and was Georgia State
president for Junior Women’s Club.
She is survived by her 4 children and their spouses, JoAnn S. Peace (Lamar) of
Lakeland, FL, Karen S. Forfar (Ken) of Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, Lance M. Spears
(Patti) of DeBarry, FL, and Mark K. Spears (Jodie) of Groveland, FL; widow of
Lewis Spears, Kristina Spears Popwell of Kingsland; 13 grandchildren; numerous
great grandchildren; 3 sisters and brothers-in-law, Marian H. Morgan of Nahunta,
Ann H. Timmerman ( Bob) of Woodbine, and Pam H. McLeroy (Clayton) of Trenton,
FL; and also several nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service Saturday (August 25, 2018)
starting at 11am at Southside Baptist Church.
A celebration of life will be held Saturday (August 25, 2018) at 12PM at
Southside Baptist Church with Rev. Jerry Johns officiating. Burial will follow
in New Hope Cemetery. Visitors are welcome one hour prior to the service
beginning at 11am.
Pallbearers will be Lance Spears, Mark Spears, Wayne Peace, Justin Forfar,
Daniel Spears, and Brian McLeod.
Arrangements were made by Frye Funeral Home, Nahunta
Annie Mozelle Higginbotham Timmerman (1933-2018) GA
Annie Mozelle “Ann” Higginbotham Timmerman, 85, of Woodbine
died Monday morning (Sept. 10, 2018) at the Hospice of the Golden Isles after a
short illness. She was born in Jesup, GA to the late Everett Flurnoy and Mary
Lovdia Dowling Higginbotham. Mrs. Timmerman graduated from Waycross High School
in 1950, attended Georgia Teachers College in 1950-1951 and graduated from
Georgia Baptist Hospital as a Registered Nurse in June 1955. On September 10,
1955, she married Charles Robert “Bob” Timmerman. The couple lived in Atlanta
for four years where she worked at Piedmont Hospital and later moved to
Thomasville, GA for thirteen years where she was a member and past president of
the Thomasville Junior Service League. She was a volunteer nurse at the crippled
children’s clinic for many years. In Thomasville, she worked for Camelia Gardens
Nursing Home. In 1975, they moved to Marietta, GA for seven years where Mrs.
Timmerman worked for Hill Haven Nursing Home. In 1982 they moved home to
Brantley County where she worked for the Georgia Department of Family and
Children Services and Charlton Visiting Nurses. She became the first school
nurse in Brantley County and helped set up the school nurse program in the
county. Mrs. Timmerman retired in 1998. Ann loved the Smokey Mountains and
Fernandina Beach. She played tennis well into her sixties. In her later years
she enjoyed quilting. It gave her great joy to sing in her church choirs and was
known to break into song at the drop of a hat.
Mrs. Timmerman was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church, John Wesley
Sunday School Class, Chancel Choir and Keenager Choir. She served on multiple
church committees throughout the years. In December 2017 Mr. and Mrs. Timmerman
moved to Woodbine and became members of Woodbine United Methodist Church.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by one brother, Earl
Higginbotham; two sisters, Inez H. Courtney and Juanita H. Spears.
Survivors include her husband of 63 years, Charles Robert “Bob” Timmerman, Sr.
of Woodbine; four children, Kim Timmerman Baird (husband Rob) of Woodbine, GA,
Christina Timmerman Peeples (husband John David) of Collierville, TN, Charles
Robert Timmerman, Jr. (wife Barbara) of Landrum, SC, Mary Lee Timmerman Carter
(husband Albert) of Brunswick; twelve grandchildren, Greta Carter, Andrea Price,
Drew Stover, Jeffery Baird, Josh Peeples, Ashley Coffer, Hannah Peeples, Caleb
Timmerman, Stephen Timmerman, Brandi Slover, Luke Bozich, Tawney Evelyn; five
great-grandchildren, Jordan Price, Daniel Peeples, Emily Ann Peeples, Ryker
Slover, and Sawyer Price; two sisters, Marian H. Morgan of Nahunta, Pam H.
McLeroy (husband Clayton) of Trenton, FL; numerous nieces, nephews and other
A funeral service will be held Thursday morning at 10:30 at Trinity United
Methodist Church in Waycross. Burial will follow in New Hope Cemetery in Hickox.
The family will receive friends Thursday morning beginning at 9 am at Trinity
United Methodist Church in Waycross.
The family requests the John Wesley Sunday School Class of Trinity United
Methodist Church to serve as honorary pallbearers and should meet at the church
Thursday morning by 10 a.m. for the service.
Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of the Golden Isles, 1692 Glynco
Parkway, Brunswick, GA 31525 or Trinity United Methodist Church, 1005 Church
Street, Waycross, GA 31501 or Woodbine United Methodist Church, 405 Bedell
Avenue, Woodbine, GA 31569.
Robert Hershel Higginbotham (1943-2018) GA
December 25, 1943 - September 20, 2018
On the evening of Thursday, September 20, 2018, Robert H. “Bobby” Higginbotham, 74, joined his Lord and Savior in heaven. Mr. Higginbotham was born on December 25, 1943, in Hogansville, Georgia to the late Ralph Lewis and Gladys Faye Smith Higginbotham. He was a graduate of Warner Robins High School, Georgia Southern University, and Mercer University where he received his master’s degree. A proud member of the United States Air Force Reserve, he was also a former teacher and principal for a Christian school in Cumming, Georgia and a former teacher at Northside High School in Warner Robins before returning to work on Robins Air Force Base where he retired as a Manpower Specialist. Proud of his Southern heritage, he was a member and former chaplain of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. He was an excellent woodcarver, detailed craftsman, and an avid hunter. A long-time faithful member of Second Baptist Church and the Upper Room Sunday School class, Mr. Higginbotham had served in many capacities through the years including Sunday School teacher, AWANA leader, and RA director. He was a wonderful husband, Deddy, PawPaw, and brother who was deeply loved by his family and friends. He was preceded in death by his sister, Marilyn Basto. His memory will forever be treasured by his loving wife of forty-nine years, Brenda Merritt Higginbotham; his daughter, Anae Ferguson (Chuck) of Tampa, Florida; his grandchildren, Kelsee Ferguson, Chaz Ferguson, Lydia Ferguson, Abbey Lauritsen (Joshua), and Justin Rothstein (Savannah); his great-grandsons, Jack Dallas Rothstein and Declan Lauritsen; his brother, Benjamin Higginbotham (Teresa) of Covington; his sisters, Jennifer Lowe (Andy) of Warner Robins and Susan Tennille of St. Petersburg, Florida; his brother-in-law, Ruben Basto of Decatur, Georgia; many beloved nieces and nephews; and a host of other loving family members and friends. Visitation with Mr. Higginbotham’s family will be Sunday, September 23, 2018, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Second Baptist Church. The funeral service celebrating his life will follow at 3:00 p.m. at Second Baptist Church with Reverend Jim Perdue officiating. Following the service, Mr. Higginbotham will be laid to rest in Magnolia Park Cemetery. Flowers will be accepted, or memorial contributions may be made to the Building Fund at Second Baptist Church, 2504 Moody Road, Warner Robins, Georgia 31088. McCullough Funeral Home and Crematory has the privilege of being entrusted with Mr. Higginbotham’s arrangements.
Ted L. Higginbotham, Sr. (ca1953-2018) GA
Ted L. Higginbotham, Sr., of Social Circle, passed away September 24, 2018, at the age of 65. Ted was a former member of Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula. An outdoorsman in every sense of the word, Ted was an expert hunter and fisherman - some would say that him “loving the outdoors” would be an understatement. His love and passion for hunting was shown through his memberships with the National Rifle Association, National Wild Turkey Federation and Ducks Unlimited. Ted will be remembered as a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle. He was preceded in death by his father, Bob Higginbotham; and grandson, Zane. Survivors include his loving wife of 42 years, Lynne Higginbotham; daughters and sons-in-law, Nicole and Steven Gibbs, Amy and William Barron, Taylor Higginbotham; son, T.L. Higginbotham, Jr.; mother, Dorothy Higginbotham; grandchildren, Thea, T.J., Jerele, Ashley, Dex, Piper, Qourtney, Justin; great-grandchild, Brett; sisters and brothers-in-law, Janie and Jerry Roberts, Judy and Larry Herrington, Eve and Bob Reynolds; in-laws, Vicki Johnston, Troy Brown, Jeff Brown, Doug Maddox; as well as many nieces and nephews. Memorial Services for Ted will be announced at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The National Rifle Association, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030.
Marian Higginbotham Morgan (
1930-2018) GA
April 7, 1930 - October 31, 2018
Nahunta – Marian Higginbotham Morgan, 88, of Nahunta passed away Wednesday
morning (October 31, 2018) at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Jacksonville, FL after
an extended illness.
Born in Jesup, GA her parents were Everette F. Higginbotham and Mary Lovdia
Dowling Higginbotham. She is also preceded in death by her husband, Irvin
Morgan; 3 sisters; and a brother.
Mrs. Marian was a retired educator for Brantley County School System and was a
member of Southside Baptist Church. She was a very loving person who enjoyed
taking care of people and making them happy.
Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Thomas Irvin Morgan (Dianne) of
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL; a daughter and son-in-law, Monica Morgan Seeger (Ken) of
Charleston, SC; 4 grandchildren and their spouses, Ashley Morris (Michael
Morris) of Marietta, GA, Beth Anne Lazaro (Ralph Lazaro) of Chagrin Falls, OH;
Courtland Morgan Seeger (Rachel Mills Seeger) Stamford, CT, and Katharine Trubee
Seeger (Ian Wilson Muir) of Redwood City, CA; 7 great grandchildren; a sister
and brother-in-law, Pam McElroy (Clayton) of Trenton, FL; and also several
nieces, nephews, other relatives, and a host of friends.
Visitation will be held Friday afternoon (November 2, 2018) from 3:30pm-4pm at
Southside Baptist Church.
A funeral service will be held Friday afternoon (November 2, 2018) at 4PM at
Southside Baptist Church with Rev. Jerry Johns officiating.
Burial will follow in New Hope Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donation can be made In Memory of Marian Morgan to Southside
Baptist Church; 550 School St. Nahunta, GA 31553.
Arrangements are with Frye Funeral Home, Nahunta.
Barbara Jo Higginbotham Boleman (1954-2018) SC/GA
Ms. Barbara Jo Higginbotham Boleman, age 64 of 389 New
Prospect Road, Hartwell, Ga., entered into rest on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at
her home following a sudden illness.
She was born on November 14, 1954 in Anderson S.C. She was a homemaker and a
member of The First Baptist Church in Hartwell Ga.
She is survived by her mother; Elizabeth "Libby" Kay Higginbotham, daughters;
Joanna Brafford of Royston, Ga. and Courtney Costa of Hartwell, Ga.,
Grandchildren; Justin and Blake Brafford and Olivia and T.J Lewis and brother;
David Higginbotham of Hartwell, Ga. She was proceeded in death by her father;
Seth Higginbotham and two sisters; Kay Ayers and Suzanne Norton.
Memorial services for Ms. Barbara will be held Saturday, November 24, 2018 at
two o'clock in the afternoon in the Chapel of Coile and Hall Funeral Directors
with Rev. Steve Patton officiating. The family will receive friends prior to the
service at one o'clock. Burial will be in the Northview Cemetary. The family
will be at their respective homes.
Doris Higginbotham Campbell (1929-2018) AL/GA
December 23, 1929 - November 15, 2018
Doris H. Campbell, age 88 of Canton, passed away on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at the Brian Center in Canton. A graveside service is scheduled for 11:00AM Monday November 26, 2018 in Tabernacle Cemetery, Remlap, Alabama. She is survived by: Son - Lynn Alan (Karen) Campbell of Woodstock Brother - Harold Higginbotham of Marietta Sister - Jewel Staten of Cleveland, AL. Sister - Jeaneatte Higginbotham of Birmingham, AL. Sister - Reva Jo Salter of Birmingham, AL. Grandson - Bryant W. Campbell of Woodstock The caring staff of Darby Funeral Home is honored to serve the Campbell family.
The Augusta Chronicle 2/18/2019
Carolyn Higginbotham Simpson (1935 - 2019) GA
Funeral Services for Mrs. Carolyn H. Simpson, 84, who went home to be with her Heavenly Father on February 16, 2019, will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Posey Funeral Chapel. Reverend Ty Lochridge officiating. Entombment in Pineview Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Simpson was a native of Washington, Georgia, having made North Augusta her home for the past 26 years. She was a graduate of Washington Wilkes High School and devoted much of her life working for ASCS in Washington, Georgia. Mrs. Simpson was a member of the First Baptist Church of North Augusta. In her early life living on a farm, she loved showing her award winning jersey cows and developed a lifelong passion for flowers and birds. She will be missed by loving family and friends in Washington and North Augusta as well as friends at her Brookdale residence. Mrs. Simpson was predeceased by her parents, J.N. and Mary Higginbotham, husband, Daniel Simpson and a brother, William Higginbotham all of Washington, Georgia. Survivors include her daughter, Norma (Stephen) Newell, North Augusta; four grandchildren, Rachel (Tom) Rutherford, Baltimore, MD, Taylor (Cristal) Gann, Brunswick, GA, Drew Newell, Moab, UT and Brittney Newell, North Augusta; two sisters, Norma (Billy) Sanders, Winterville, GA and Lanoy (Fred) Cole, Charlotte, NC. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Tuesday evening from 5 until 7. Memorials may be made to Jude C. Hickey Center for Alzheimer's Care, 1901 Central Avenue, Augusta, GA 30904. Posey Funeral Directors of North Augusta is in charge of arrangements (803-278-1181).
Wayne Higginbotham (1930-2019) AL/GA
February 5, 1930 – February 17, 2019
Wayne Higginbotham, age 89, of Douglasville, GA passed away Sunday, February 17, 2019. He was born February 5, 1930 in Cullman, AL. Mr. Higginbotham enjoyed working and had a very strong work ethic. He also enjoyed being outside, whether cutting grass or working in the garden. Wayne liked working with wood in his wood shop. His favorite pastime however, was spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents, William and Nellie Higginbotham; his sisters, Ellen, Mildred and Jackie as well as his brothers, Hick and Don. Surviving him is his wife, Betty Vaughn Higginbotham; sons, Tim, Ken (Terri), Ben (Stacy) and Rodney; daughter, Jan (Allen); 9 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews and other family members. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 from 5 until 8 o’clock pm. A funeral service will be held on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 2 o’clock pm in the Rosehaven Chapel. Interment will follow in the Rose Haven Cemetery. Arrangements by: Whitley-Garner at Rosehaven Funeral Home, Douglasville, GA 30134, 770-942-4246.
Mary Jane Higginbotham (1931-2019) GA
Mary Jane Higginbotham, age 88, a resident of Greensburg, departed this life, Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at North Oaks Medical Center, Hammond. Visitation at MJR Friendly Service Funeral Home, 87 Paddio Johnson Lane, Greensburg from 5 pm to 8 pm Friday, April 26th. Visitation will resume at Turner Chapel AME Church, 875 Turner Chapel Rd., Greensburg from 10 am Saturday until religious service at 12 noon. Interment in Turner Chapel Church Cemetery.
Savannah Morning News 5/21/2019
Dana Deloris Coley Higginbotham (ca1964-2019) GA
Dana Deloris Coley Higginbotham, 55, died Monday May 27, 2019
after a long, hard-fought battle with Diabetes. Dana loved to laugh and had a
quirky sense of humor. But more than anything, Dana loved children. Many foster
children (three of whom she eventually adopted) passed through her home and were
loved as if her own. She loved to travel to fun destinations with her kids and
to view the world through their eyes—she was a big kid at heart.
Dana had a huge heart of gold and was generous with love and assistance to those
in need. To say she was an animal lover is an understatement and she was
unconditionally and relentlessly devoted to her three children. Dana loved God
and we look forward to the day we see her again.
Dana is survived by husband, Ronnie Higginbotham and their three children
Robert, Kayla & Makenzie. Also, her parents, Barbara and Buford Coley as well as
many Aunts, Uncles and cousins.
She leaves a huge hole in our hearts, but we are all the stronger for having
witnessed her brave fight against such a cruel disease. Her life was not easy
but she lived it exactly how she wanted—full of children having fun.
There will be a memorial gathering on Saturday, June 1, 2019 from 1:00 pm to
3:00 pm at Baker McCullough Funeral Home (Hubert C. Baker Chapel).
Dorothy Kite Higginbotham
(1925-2019) GA
Dorothy Kite Higginbotham of
Covington, passed away Friday, June 28, 2019, at the age of 93. Mrs.
Higginbotham attended services at the Baptist Tabernacle, where she was a
devoted Christian, enjoyed teaching Sunday school classes and was known for
bringing brownies every Sunday. In addition, she also attended services at
Belmont Baptist and Trinity Baptist in Madison. Church was very important to her
and her family. In her earlier years, she delighted in listening to preachers’
sermons on the radio. Mrs. Higginbotham worked at the Bibb Manufacturer in
Porterdale. She enjoyed yard sales and baby sitting her grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. Mrs. Higginbotham was always a genteel lady and taught her
daughters to be the same. She will be remembered by her family and friends as a
loving, dependable and caring woman. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by
her husband, Robert (Bob) Higginbotham; son, Ted Higginbotham; parents, Nora and
William Kite; and sister, Christine Capell.
Survivors include her daughters and sons-in-law, Janie and Jerry Roberts, Judy
Herrington, Eve and Bob Reynolds; grandchildren, Jerry Lee Roberts, Jr., Todd
Roberts, Shelly Betts, Bobby Reynolds, Charles Reynolds, Cleat Herrington, Beth
Ann Henley, Nikki Gibbs, T.L. Higginbotham, Amy Barron; 14 great-grandchildren;
11 great-great-grandchildren; as well as several nieces, nephews and beloved
A Funeral Service for Mrs. Higginbotham will be held Monday, July 1, 2019, 1:00
P.M., at the Chapel of Caldwell & Cowan Funeral Home, 1215 Access Road, in
Covington, with Rev. Jerry Lee Roberts, Jr., Pastor Tony Howeth, Charles
Reynolds and Cleat Herrington officiating and interment following in Lawnwood
Memorial Park. Friends may visit with the family at the funeral home, Sunday,
June 30, from 4:00 – 6:00 P.M. and again on Monday, prior to her service, from
11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Kayla Marie Higginbotham (1987-2019) SC/GA
February 16, 1987 - August 6, 2019
Miss Kayla Marie Higginbotham, 32, of Anderson Highway,
Elberton, passed away on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, at Piedmont Athens Regional
Kayla was born in Anderson, SC on February 16, 1987, daughter of Grady Michael
“Mickey” Higginbotham and Margaret Margie Tillman.
Family members in addition to her father of the residence and mother of Iva, SC,
she is survived by her brothers, Glenn and Gail Higginbotham of Bluesville, W.
VA, and Travis Higginbotham of Pendleton, SC; nephews:
Jackson Higginbotham, Carter Higginbotham, Allen Mullins, David Mullins, and Joe
Mullins; grandparents: JW and the late Edna Tillman and the late Grady and Reba
Higginbotham; uncles and aunts: Janet and the late William Higginbotham, Reba
and the late Robert Higginbotham, Joyce and the late Waymon Alewine, Amos and
Fran Higginbotham, Martha and William Booth, and Kathy and Reuben Smith; and a
host of cousins.
Private funeral services will be held on Friday, August 9, at Berry Funeral
The family is at the home of William and Martha Booth, 318 West Tate Street,
Contributions may be made in her memory to Shriner’s Hospital.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is respectfully in charge of
arrangements for Miss Kayla Marie Higginbotham.
Barbara Faye Mize Higginbotham (1932-2019) GA
Barbara Faye Mize Higginbotham, age 86 of Midland Drive, Clarkesville, Georgia passed away Monday, May 27, 2019 at her residence. A daughter of the late Fabian Robert Mize and Marjorie Wiley Mize, she was born August 11, 1932 in Stephens County, Georgia where she lived most of her life. She was employed in Hotel Management for a number of years. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a sister, Sandra Sosby and by a brother, Robert Mize.
Early County News 12/10/2019
Gary Lee Higginbotham (1940-2019) WV/GA
Gary Lee “Lucky” Higginbotham Sr., 79, of Blakely, Ga., passed away Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019, at Southeast Health. Lucky, as he was known to all of his friends, was a truck driver for 41 years and proudly finished the last 17 years of his career with Wal-Mart. Lucky was an artist, a carpenter, a mechanic and much more, literally a jack of all trades. Lucky was a veteran, a patriotic supporter of our troops, but most of all he was the biggest fan of his children and grandchildren – so proud of his greatest legacy. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his parents, Charles Morgan Higginbotham and Henrietta Oleta Westfall; beloved wife, Shirley Higginbotham; and two brothers, Wayne Higginbotham and Willard Jenkins. Survivors include his children, Sylvia Howell, Gary Higginbotham Jr. and wife Diane, Nina Richardson, Michael Higginbotham and wife Amanda; 11 grandchildren; one great-grandchild; brothers, Lloyd Higginbotham and wife Barbara, and Charles Higginbotham and wife Donna; brother-in-law, David Elkins; and sister in-law Gloria Shiver. The family will hold a Celebration of Life in January.
The Walton Tribune Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Evelyn Higginbotham Perkins (1923-2020) GA
Evelyn Higginbotham Perkins, 97, of Monroe, passed away on Friday, Sept. 11, 2020. She was born on April 3, 1923, to Garvin Higginbotham and Myrtice Peters Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Gene Perkins; and a sister, Jean Malcom. She is survived by her daughter, Pat Flack; son and daughter-in-law, Gene and Barbara Perkins; a sister, Sheila Langley; grandchildren, Colie Perkins, Matt Perkins and Lauren Scruggs; and great-grandchildren, Branson, Addalyn, Dalton, Riley and Amelia. A funeral service began at 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 14, at First United Methodist Church of Monroe with the Rev. Dr. Dane Wagner officiating. Burial followed at Rest Haven Memorial Cemetery in Monroe. In lieu of flowers, the family ask for anyone wishing to make a donation in Ms. Perkins’ name to either give to First United Methodist Church, 400 S. Broad St. Monroe, GA 30655; or the Alzheimer’s Association. Meadows Funeral Home Inc. of Monroe is in charge of arrangements.
Betty Jo Higginbotham Adams (1929-2021) GA
Mrs. Betty Jo Higginbotham Adams, 91, of Elberton, wife of 74 years to Horace
Smith Adams, passed away on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at Magnolia Estates.
Mrs. Adams was born in Elberton on July 8, 1929, daughter of the late Larry
Benson Higginbotham and Annie Florie Goss Higginbotham. She was a member of
Harmony Baptist Church where she was a member of the WMU and choir, and served
as Sunday school secretary. She loved singing, and according to her family, was
a great seamstress and an even better cook!
Survivors, in addition to her husband Horace, include her children: Susan and
John Fernandez and Steve and Mary Adams, all of Elberton; and son-in-law, Mike
Ward of Martinez. She was the proud “Grandma” of Jennifer Edmonds, Lori Tom,
Scott Adams, Matthew Adams, Wes Ward, Ashley Ward, and Daniel Edmonds; and “GranGran”
to nine great-grandchildren.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by two daughters: Beverly
Jo Ward and Brenda Joy Adams; and siblings: Bruce Higginbotham and Willena
Funeral services celebrating her life will be held on Saturday, June 19, at 11
o’clock in the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home with the Rev. Taylor Tom
officiating. Interment will follow in Elmhurst Cemetery.
The family is at the residence of Susan and John Fernandez on Melody Lane and
will receive friends at Berry Funeral Home from 10:00-10:45a.m. on Saturday
prior to the service.
Flowers will be accepted and contributions may be made in her memory to the
charity of one’s choice.
Those wishing may sign the online guestbook at
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is respectfully in charge of
arrangements fo Mrs. Betty Jo Higginbotham Adams.
Esther Brown Higginbotham (1928-2021) KS/GA
May 6, 1928 - June 22, 2021
Esther Brown Higginbotham, age 93, a longtime resident of Marietta, GA passed
away peacefully on June 22, 2021. Known as “Granma Esther” to her many
grandchildren and great-grands or the “Littles” as she sweetly called them. She
was born in Wichita, KS, attended Sheridan High School in Wyoming and was a
graduate of Phillips University (Enid, OK) majoring in Journalism.
Esther B worked as a Recreation Leader, Girl Scout Director, Kindergarten
Teacher at Holy Trinity Lutheran; Faith Lutheran; and Eastside Baptist Churches.
She gave 26 years of committed and dedicated service in her career as a Cobb
County Child Protective Services and Probation Officer for the State of Georgia.
Esther was also known for her “Rent-A-Grandmother” and supervising many children
in court ordered home visits. She was a CASA Volunteer for afterschool programs
and faithful member of the Women’s Fellowship Circle at John Knox Presbyterian
Church. She also played the French horn in the Marietta Community Symphony.
Her love and commitment to her family and friends was endless. Esther worked a
second job as a librarian to help her sons’ get through college and always had
an open door policy hosting those traveling from out of town. She loved
organizing and giving individualized theme parties as well as writing stories
for friends and family. Her warm heart and generous love was given openly to
those that knew her. She will be missed immensely but her kind and loving
example of how to live a happier and more charitable life will be remembered by
Esther is survived by sons: James L Tamarack, Savannah, GA, Dr. Bruce (Linda)
Higginbotham, Anderson Island, WA, Gary (LeAnn) Higginbotham, Cumming, GA;
nephew: Robert (Linda) Bailey, St. Joseph Township, WI; daughter-in-law: Nancy
Tamarack, Savannah, GA; 15 grandchildren; Lea Marie (David) Tamarack, Dai Mar
(Heidi) Tamarack, Jon Higginbotham, Joshua (Maranda) Higginbotham, David (Erica)
Higginbotham, Matthew (Janette) Higginbotham, Melody (Tom) Jensen, Ben (Sarah)
Higginbotham, Daniel Higginbotham, Hannah Higginbotham, AnnaLea Higginbotham,
Jenean (Kevin) Waterhouse, Alan (Crystal) Higginbotham, Janessa Higginbotham,
Alyssa Higginbotham, and 23 great grandchildren; sister: Lorna (Jimmy Regan)
Eakin, Greenwood, SC; brother: Donald (Jerri) Brown, Lomita, CA; sisters-in-law:
Laura Higginbotham, Macon, GA, Beatrice Entrekin, Easley, SC, and numerus nieces
and nephews.
A memorial service will be held at John Knox Presbyterian Church, 505 Powers
Ferry Rd SE Marietta, GA on Saturday, July 17th at 6:00 PM. In lieu of flowers,
a donation can be made to John Knox Presbyterian Church, Children’s Healthcare
of Atlanta (Eggleston-Scottish Rite) or MUST Ministries. A reception in the
Fellowship Hall will be held immediately following the service.
Darlene Higginbotham (1962-2021) GA
MS. DARLENE HIGGINBOTHAM – Age 58, of Calhoun, GA passed away Saturday, June 26, 2021. She was born September 15, 1962. She was a member of Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church in Calhoun, GA. She was a hard worker, enjoyed playing the board game scrabble, and making others laugh. She is preceded by her parents, Janet Higginbotham and William Higginbotham, and sister, Amy Higginbotham. She is survived by her children, Kassidy Sermons of Columbus, GA and Tyler Higginbotham of Calhoun, GA; 7 grandchildren; sisters, Cora Bailey, Alesa Higginbotham, Sara Higginbotham, and Paula Curtis; brothers, Melvin Curtis, William Higginbotham Jr., Anthony Higginbotham, Phillip Higginbotham, Bryan (Aubrey) Higginbotham; a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, and friends. Arrangements will be forthcoming at a later date by Willis Funeral Home, Inc., Dalton, Georgia.
Donald Robert Higginbotham (1973-2021) FL/GA
Donald “Dony” Robert Higginbotham of Waverly had a sudden and fatal heart attack on Aug. 6, 2021, at his mother’s home at 19 Holly Oak Trail, Waverly, GA 31565.
He was 47 years old. Although born Oct. 23, 1973, and raised in Jacksonville, Florida, the son of Marsha (Durant) Higginbotham and the late Donald E. Higginbotham, he had lived in his beloved Georgia for more than 30 years.
Dony suffered much strife throughout his life, as well as physical pain. But, he never lost his great spirit and huge heart. He was a generous and loving human being. He will be greatly missed.
Dony is survived by his two beloved sons, Isaac Dean Higginbotham and Hunter Ryan Higginbotham, his two adored dogs, two grandsons by Isaac, as well as two sisters, Christina Costa of Folkston and Hollie Higginbotham of Waverly, and nieces, a nephew and cousins.
A celebration of life ceremony is being planned for the future. Date, time and location to be determined.
Joyce Cameron Higginbotham (1934-2021) FL/GA
Mrs. Joyce Cameron Higginbotham, 87, of Blackshear,
Georgia died Monday, October 18, 2021 at her residence from a brief illness.
She was born in St. Petersburg, Florida to the late Chester Cameron and
Jennie Porter Cameron. She lived in St. Petersburg until 1970 then
moved to the Florida Keys where she met and married Lauren Higginbotham.
She was Vice President and Branch Manager of First Federal of the Florida
Keys Marathon Branch, where she processed mortgage loans and worked in
marketing. She and her family then moved to Jacksonville, Florida,
where she worked for various mortgage companies and Watson Realty. She
was a member of First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, and later, Dunns Creek
Baptist Church. She taught Sunday school for twenty years, loved
gardening, sewing, oil painting and reading mysteries. In 2017, she
and Lauren moved to Blackshear, Georgia where they enjoyed their retirement,
and attending First Baptist Church of Blackshear, where they were members.
Along with her parents, she was preceded in death by her sister, Carolyn
Jewel Cameron.
Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by two children, Carolyn Jean Nelson and her
husband Peter of Millwood, Georgia, Frank Alan Stiles and his wife Liddy of
Pensacola, Florida, seven grandchildren, ten great grandchildren an numerous
other relatives.
A memorial service will be held at 4:00 p.m., Saturday, November 6, 2021 at
First Baptist Church in Blackshear. Interment will follow at a later
date in Brandy Branch Cemetery in Baldwin, Florida.
Lowrenzy Eugene Higginbotham (1940-2021) GA
Mr. Lowrenzy Eugene Higginbotham, age 81, of Rockmart,
Georgia (Polk County), passed away on Thursday, November 11, 2021, at his
Mr. Higginbotham was born on September 12, 1940, in Atlanta, Georgia to Sam
Hanes and Doris Hortense. He was married to Mrs. Eloise (Landrum)
Higginbotham for 51 years. He owned his own roofing company. He was a loving
husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, son and brother.
He was preceded in death by his daughters, Carol Jean Higginbotham, Rachel
Kay Higginbotham and Janet Eloise Higginbotham; his father, Sam Hanes; his
mother, Doris Hortense; his sister, Annie Bramlett; his brother, Marshall
Bramlett and his sister, Dona Young.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his loving wife, Eloise Higginbotham; his
sons, Arnold Stevens (Michelle) and Lynn Higginbotham (Cindy); his
daughters, Teresa Hackler (Tommy), Tammy Kurhansky and Annisa Higginbotham -
Harings (Marty); his grandchildren and great grandchildren and his brother,
Jack Higginbotham.
Funeral Services for Mr. Lowrenzy Eugene Higginbotham will be held on
Sunday, November 14, 2021, 2:00 P.M. at Benson Funeral Home. He will be
interred at Paulding Memorial Gardens.
The Higginbotham family will be receiving friends on Friday, November 12,
2021 from 5:00 P.M. - 8:00P.M., Saturday, November 13, 2021 from 11:00 A.M.
- 3:00 P.M. and Sunday, November 14, 2021 from 12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. All
visitations will be held at Benson Funeral Home.
Beverly Tolbert Higginbotham (1948-2021) GA
Beverly Higginbotham, 73, of McDonough, passed away on
Tuesday, December 14, 2021. She was born on September 3, 1948, in Atlanta,
Georgia to the late Joel Marcus Tolbert and Juanita Mae Gray Tolbert
Beverly was a devoted mother and an exceptional grandmother to her 5 angels
(how she lovingly referred to her grandchildren). She was a sports
enthusiast and she loved watching her grandchildren play sports and cheering
them on. She was also proud to be from Georgia and loved Georgia sports. She
was a dedicated fan always cheering on the Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Falcons,
and Georgia Bulldogs. Other hobbies she enjoyed include gardening,
decorating, reading, and crafting.
Beverly began her career at Southern Bell, which later became AT&T, where
she worked for over 20 years. After leaving AT&T, she worked as a highly
respected residential closing professional. She loved working as a closer
and made many special friendships with co-workers and colleagues over her 30
years of working in the industry.
Visitation will be held at Cannon Cleveland Funeral Directors in McDonough,
Georgia, on Sunday, December 19, 2021 from 1-4 pm. Funeral services will be
held Monday, December 20, 2021 at 1pm with Dr. Mark Tolbert and Pastor Brady
Howard officiating. Graveside service to follow at Fairview Memorial
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Henry County
Animal Initiative in support of Beverly's love for animals.
Those who wish may sign the online guest registry at Cannon Cleveland Funeral Directors,
The Walton Tribune |
January 15–16, 2022
Elna Elizabeth Higginbotham Thompson
(1931-2022) GA
Elna Elizabeth Higginbotham
Thompson passed away on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022, after a short illness.
She had been a resident of the Park Place Nursing and Rehab Facility and
before that she had lived with her family in the Campton community.
She was born on Nov. 21, 1931, to parents Mell and Elizabeth Higginbotham.
Passed family includes her two brothers, Tom Higginbotham and Gene
She was married to
William Grady Thompson and is survived by her children, David Thompson with
his wife, Suzanne; Mike Thompson and Sharon Thompson; grandchildren, Will
Thompson, Clay Thompson, Chris Smith with his wife, Heather and Michael
Thompson; and five great-grandchildren, Grady, Sloane, Sophia, Koa and Liam.
She was a member of the Campton United Methodist Church.
Her accomplishments
were varied from a den mother to the Cub and Boy Scouts Troop 505 in
Campton, last official postmaster for the Campton community, primary school
assistant teacher, private bookkeeper and a public tax preparer.
Our mother was devoted to her family, was a professional with her clients,
and enjoyed each of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
A private family viewing will be Friday, Jan. 14, before a graveside service
at 2 p.m. at Barrow Memorial Gardens. Jim Ross will officiate.
Smith Funeral Home is in charge of her service.
The family has respectfully requested in lieu of flowers, please make
donations in her honor to the local Monroe Boy Scout Troop 705, P.O. Box
832, Monroe, GA 30655.
Johnny Lee Higginbotham
(1968-20220 GA
May 4, 1968 ~ January 21, 2022 (age 53)
Johnny Lee Higginbotham, age 53 of Demorest, Georgia passed away on Friday,
January 21, 2022.
Born in Atlanta, Georgia on May 04, 1968, he was a son of the late William
Higginbotham Sr. & Roxanne Knight Gravitt. Johnny will be missed deeply by
his family and friends.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sons, Stephen
Higginbotham & Donald Higginbotham; brother, Preston Higginbotham, & sister,
Katherine Higginbotham Jackson.
Survivors include his son, Jonathan Higginbotham of Oklahoma; brothers,
William Higginbotham, Jr. of Alto, GA; & Danny Higginbotham of Demorest, GA;
5 grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives, & friends.
Johnny’s wishes were to be cremated and a private family celebration of life
will be held later.
Arrangements by Hillside Memorial Chapel, Clarkesville, Georgia. (706)
Tribune & Georgian (Camden Co., GA) 3/2/2022
Catherine Wynell Higginbotham Giddens (1944-2022) FL/GA
Mrs. Catherine Wynell Giddens, 77, passed away on the
morning of Monday, Feb. 28, 2022, at the Senior Care Center in St. Marys.
Mrs. Giddens was born on April 7, 1944, in Jacksonville, Florida, to the
late Edward “Cab" and Leotha Higginbotham.
Some people call them angels, some people call them heroes, we call her our
wife, our mother, our grandma. Through her true honest nature, strong
religious beliefs and solid family structure, she helped us build the
discipline to make the right decisions, taught us to believe in ourselves,
be acceptance to our own truth and lead us to only expect the best at
everything that we set out to accomplish. She is a person who challenged you
and inspired you, brought the family together, made everyone feel like they
were part of the family and changed our lives forever. We shared many
laughs, many tears, amazing home cooked meals and lots of love. She is a
mother who could take the place of all others, but who's place no one could
ever take. She was the solid foundation to our family, taught us strong
values and always stood by our sides no matter what life happened to throw
our way. There are many stars in the sky, but they will never shine as
bright as her smile!
Mrs. Giddens is survived by her husband, Carl Giddens of Kingsland; her
daughter, Brenda (Jeff) Blackstock of Kingsland; her sons, Mike Giddens and
Mark Giddens, both of Kingsland, and Matt Giddens of North Carolina.; her
sister, Peggy “Peg” Lynn of Oceanway, Florida; her brothers, Edward
Higginbotham of Jacksonville, Florida, and Tom Higginbotham of Eufaula,
Alabama; her grandchildren, Tabatha (Chris) Brazell, Joe (Kristy) Fisk,
Maelah Giddens, Keith Giddens, Cameron (Stephanie) Giddens, Donnie Giddens,
Garrett Brazell, Arrietty Giddens, Bryan Brazell and Hailey Fisk.
A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, March 3 in Lawnwood
Cemetery in Kingsland, with Pastor Brian Parker presiding.
Coastal Camden Funeral Home in Kingsland is entrusted with Mrs. Giddens’
William Terrell
Higginbotham (1936-2022) GA
September 15, 1936 - March 21, 2022
Mr. William Terrell “Ted” Higginbotham, age 85, of Toccoa, passed away
Monday, March 21, 2022 at his home.
Born September 15, 1936 in Toccoa, he was the son of the late Guy and Mary
Whitehead Higginbotham.
He was a member of Liberty Baptist Church and was a United States Air Force
Ted worked at Larry Dodd’s Service Station for many years.
Family members include his wife, Valerie Peyton Higginbotham; son, Keith
Higginbotham of Toccoa; granddaughters, Madi Loudermilk and Steven and
Skyler Higginbotham; grandson, Caleb Higginbotham and Victoria; three
great-grandchildren, River Grace Higginbotham, Willow Rose Higginbotham, and
Stevie James Loudermilk; brother, James Milton Higginbotham; sister-in-law,
Virginia Brown; and several nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his son, James Kevin Higginbotham.
The family will receive friends at the mortuary from 2pm – 4pm and 6pm – 8pm
Thursday, March 24, 2022.
Funeral services will be held at two o’clock Friday, March 25, 2022 at
Liberty Baptist Church with the Rev. Stacy Penland and the Rev. Jerrell
Beatty officiating.
Cremation will follow.
Charles Cheek, Pudden Rumsey, George Neal and David Simon will serve as
Flowers are optional. Those desiring may make memorial donations to
the Liberty Baptist Church.
Whitlock Mortuary, Funerals and Cremations is honored to be serving the
family of Mr. William Terrell “Ted” Higginbotham.
Camille Richardson
Higginbotham (1938-2022) GA
August 11, 1938 - April 01, 2022
Mrs. Camille R. Higginbotham age 83 of Blairsville passed
away peacefully on Friday April 1, 2022 at her home following an extended
illness. Mrs. Higginbotham was born on August 11, 1938 in Toccoa, GA., the
daughter of the late Jack Richardson and the late Grace Hitt Richardson.
Camille was a member of First United Methodist Church of Blairsville. She
loved playing cards, mahjong and going to FUMC Oasis where she was very
active. She was a social butterfly who never met a stranger. She was a
loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
Surviving Mrs. Higginbotham are her three children, Joni and Ken Hinton of
Blairsville, Russ and Jean Higginbotham of Bonaire, GA., Beth and Goodwin
Bryan of Blairsville., seven grandchildren, Adam Norman, April Norman, Kenny
Higginbotham, Maggie Higginbotham, Evan Bryan, Patrick and Laura Hinton,
Stephen Hinton, three great grandchildren, Daisy, Colton and Lucas Hinton.
Funeral services will be held 3:00pm Wednesday April 6, 2022 at Mountain
View Chapel with Rev. Mack Riley officiating. The family will meet with
friends from 2-3:00pm prior to the service. Interment and graveside services
will be held on Friday April 15, 2022 at 11:00 am at the GA National
Cemetery in Canton, GA where she will rest with her beloved husband Jon. The
following will serve as pallbearers, Russ Higginbotham, Ken Hinton, Adam
Norman, April Norman, Goodwin Bryan, Evan Bryan, and Michael Cole. In lieu
of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the First United
Methodist Church or Hope House in Camille’s memory.
Mountain View Funeral Home of Blairsville is in charge of the arrangements.
Judith Gail Higginbotham
Albertson Gaines (1950-2022) GA
March 10, 1950 - October 15, 2022
Mrs. Judith Gail “Judy” Higginbotham Albertson Gaines,
72, of Washington Highway, Elberton, passed away peacefully on Saturday,
October 15, 2022, at Piedmont Athens Regional Hospital.
Judy was born in Elberton on March 10, 1950, daughter of the late Joseph
Carter Higginbotham, Sr. and Frankie Wadene Poore Higginbotham. She was a
1968 graduate of Elbert County High School and furthered her educational at
Truett McConnell College. Judy dedicated her life to caring for others. She
worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse at Abbeville Nursing Home and finished
out her career as a MDS/Care Plan Coordinator at Nancy Hart Nursing Center.
Judy wore many hats at the nursing home, and completed each task diligently,
professionally, and compassionately.
Judy was a longtime active member of Fortsonia Baptist Church, where she was
involved with many activities as long has her health permitted. She will be
lovingly remembered as the “card lady”, often sending out as many as twenty
greeting cards a day to friends, family, neighbors, and strangers alike.
Judy celebrated 39 years of marriage to Don LeGare Albertson until his death
in 2009. They were blessed with two sons, Jason LeGare Albertson (Kelly) of
Elberton and Scott Glenn Albertson of Taylors, SC; and two grandchildren:
Austin Albertson and Kip Albertson.
Judy married Richard Strouther Gaines, III in 2016 and enjoyed 6 years of
marital bliss. In doing so, she gained three additional children: Thomas
Gaines (Courtney) of Cumming, Heather Kolodin (Adam) of Canton, and Richie
Gaines (Jane) of Atlanta; and seven additional grandchildren: Alexis,
Peyton, Sophia, Rylee, Zoe’, Jeffrey, and Jezell.
Additionally, she is survived by her siblings: Barbara H. Fortson (Ron) of
Hartwell and Joe Higginbotham, Jr. (Cathy Gibson) of Elberton; and numerous
nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Memorial services celebrating Judy’s life will be held on her and Richard’s
anniversary, Saturday, October 22, at 3 o’clock at Fortsonia Baptist Church
with the Rev. Al Butler officiating. Burial will be in the Fortsonia
Community Cemetery.
The family is at the residence of Jason and Kelly Albertson, 2120 Washington
Highway, Elberton, and will greet friends at the church immediately
following the service on Saturday.
Flowers are accepted and contributions may be made in her memory to
Fortsonia Baptist Church, 2616 Washington Highway, Elberton, GA 30635 or to
T.J. & Friends Foundation, PO Box 6161, Elberton, GA 30635.
Those wishing may sign the online guestbook at
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is respectfully in charge of
arrangements for Mrs. Judith Gail “Judy” HIgginbotham Albertson Gaines.
Jones-Wynn Funeral Home Dec. 13, 2022
Nicholas Aaron Higginbotham (1986-2022) MS
Nicholas Aaron Higginbotham, 36, passed away on November
26, 2022. He was born on June 24, 1986. He is the son of the late Howard
William Higginbotham and Beverly Gilreath.
He was hard worker, who loved his family and enjoyed spending time with his
children. Nicholas loved to go fishing and liked listening to music.
In addition to his mother, Nicholas is survived by his daughter, Kendall
Cowart and his son Corey Higginbotham, both of Dallas; sister Stephanie
Bires of Virginia; several nieces and nephews also survive.
The family will receive friends on Thursday, December 15, 2022, from 9:30 AM
until 11:00 AM from Jones-Wynn Funeral Home Villa Rica Chapel. The funeral
service will follow at 11:00 AM at Jones-Wynn Villa Rica Chapel.
Interment will be at Meadowbrook Memory Gardens.
Messages of condolence may be sent to Jones-Wynn Funeral
Home Inc., and Cremation Services of Villa Rica is in charge of the
arrangements. 770-459-3694.
Crowell Brothers Funeral Homes & Crematory Dec. 27, 2022
Annie Louise Warbington Higginbotham (1924-2022) GA
Annie Louise Warbington
Higginbotham, age 98, of Norcross, GA, peacefully passed away on Monday,
December 26, 2022.
Born March 12, 1924, to parents Clarence and Carrie Warbington, she was the
oldest of 7 children. Louise was a long-time resident of Gwinnett County and
Norcross, Georgia. She was preceded in death by her husband Arnold K.
Higginbotham, parents Clarence and Carrie Warbington. sisters Geraldine
Majors, Annette Chatham, brothers Guinn Warbington, Elroy Warbington, and C.
L. Warbington.
Louise is survived by her sister Imogene Mullinax and by her son Donald
Higginbotham (Karen), granddaughter Cristin Dillard (Jason),
great-grandchildren Jordan Dillard, Cole Dillard, Reece Dillard, as well as
several nieces and nephews.
Louise had a long career as a teller at Bank of Norcross, C&S National Bank
and Bank of America, before retiring in 1994. She enjoyed gardening, cooking
for family, and socializing with friends. After retirement, she enjoyed
traveling with the church group to many places, including the Holy Land.
A dedicated Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother she was loved and
respected by all.
Funeral services for Louise will be held on Friday, December 30, 2022, at
1:00 p.m. in the Peachtree Corners Chapel of Crowell Brothers Funeral Homes
& Crematory with Rev. Jimmy Dillard officiating. Burial will follow at White
Chapel Memorial Gardens in Duluth, GA. The family will gather with friends
on Thursday, December 29, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. and on
Friday, December 30, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. until the time of the service at
the funeral home.
Online condolences may be expressed at Arrangements
entrusted to Crowell Brothers Funeral Homes & Crematory, 5051 Peachtree
Industrial Blvd, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092. (770) 448-5757.
To send flowers to the family of Annie Louise, please visit our floral
Legacy 1/8/2023
Bernice Higginbotham Lancaster (1937-2023) GA
Mrs. Bernice Higginbotham Lancaster, 85, of
Elberton, GA passed away at Heardmont Nursing Home on Saturday, January
7, 2023.
Mrs. Lancaster was born December 14, 1937 in Elberton, GA to Rufus
Howard Higginbotham and Jewette Mauldin
Left to cherish her memories are her daughter and son-in-law: Mary Evelyn Gafford and Wayne Gafford of Dahlonega, GA, son and daughter-in-law: Russell Kennon Wood and Norma Wood of Dewy Rose, GA, six grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents Rufus Howard Higginbotham and Jewette Mauldin Higginbotham and her husband John Lancaster. Private memorial services to celebrate her life will be held at a later date.
Berry Funeral Home and Crematory of Elberton is in charge of the funeral arrangements for Mrs. Bernice Higginbotham Lancaster.
Beggs Funeral Home - Lincolnton on Jan. 19, 2023
Mary Susan Higginbotham Echols (1959-2023) GA
Mrs. Mary Susan Echols, 63 of Oak Grove Rd.,
Washington, Ga. entered into rest on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at Piedmont
Funeral services are planned for Sunday, January 22, 2023, at 3:00 PM at
Rehoboth Baptist Church with interment following in the church cemetery. The
family will receive friends from 2:00 PM until the time of the service on
Sunday afternoon in the church sanctuary.
Beggs Funeral Home 200 May Avenue Lincolnton,
is honored to serve the family of Mrs. Mary Susan Echols.
Shepard-Roberson Funeral Home Feb. 20, 2023
Russell Frederick Higginbotham (1956-2023) GA
Russell “Rusty” Frederick Higginbotham, 66, of
Folkston, GA passed away Thursday, February 16, 2023 at his residence.
He was born August 9, 1956 in Folkston, GA to the late Cecil F. Higginbotham
and Jean Opal Grooms Higginbotham. He was a 1975 graduate of Charlton
County High School. He was employed with St. Regis Paper Company for
many years and was a member of Camp Pinckney Baptist Church.
He is survived by his wife of 26 years: Dottie Higginbotham;
5-children: Kristy Conway, Mark Wheeler, Heidi (Tim) Brown, Holly
(Wally) Flack, Bridgette (Thomas) Wilson; sister: Wanda (Jimmy)
Conner; brother: Terry (Tanya) Higginbotham; 9-grandchildren; 17-great
grandchildren; aunt: Cornelia Huggins; uncle: Walter (Willene)
Duggan; best friend: Michel Smith and several nieces, nephews and
Memorialization will be by cremation and a
private graveside service will be planned at a later date.
Condolences may be expressed by signing the guest registry at Arrangements are under the direction of
Shepard-Roberson Funeral Home, 526 Oakwood Street, Folkston, GA 31537.
Whiddon-Shiver Funeral Home on May 2, 2023
Ernestine Coulliette Higginbotham Brooks (1944-2023) FL/GA
Ernestine "Tina" Brooks, cherished Mom, Grandma, and
Granny passed away April 28, 2023 at home in North Carolina. She was only 78
years old. Tina was a kind and thoughtful soul and will be missed by the
many lives she touched.
Born at her grandfather's farm, Jim Grantham, in Taylor County, Florida to
Wiley Solomon and Ila Mae (Grantham) Coulliette on September 26, 1944. She
grew up in the middle of 8 children and credited her early life with
instilling a love for the Lord, family, and community. She graduated from
Taylor County High School (1962) where not only did she excel at academics,
she was a cheerleader, basketball player, and an active member of Beta Club.
After graduation she left behind her familiar roots for the big city of
Tallahassee, Florida, to work for Senator Pete Gibson. It was in Tallahassee
where she met and fell in love with her husband Art Higginbotham. They
married, lived in Orlando, Florida, and had one daughter, Reba. Around 1972
Tina came to settle in and call Bainbridge, GA her home. After her husband
Art's death she continued to raise her daughter Reba as a single mother. She
later met and was married to Jimmy Brooks for 45 years. Upon coming to
Bainbridge, Tina worked many years for First Port City Bank before becoming
a trusted and valued staff member at The State of Georgia Department of
Probation and Parole, where she dedicated 37 years of service.
Tina loved her family dearly and they were the light of her life. Her
relationships with her siblings were cherished. She was an amazing mother,
grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin, colleague, and friend. She touched the
lives of so many people. She will be truly missed and never, ever be
forgotten. She looked forward to visits from her grandchildren, family,
nieces, nephews, and friends. She instilled a passion for the outdoors and
wildlife, love for FSU, and most importantly the need to cultivate and
nurture a relationship with Christ. Her legacy will carry on forever
reminding us we control our attitudes. We choose to live a life of
meaningful acts of love and service, like Christ modeled for us.
Tina is survived by her daughter Reba Huffman, and husband Todd Huffman.
Forever remembered by her granddaughters, Chelsie Dee Owens, Amber Dudley
and husband Kevin Dudley, great-grandchildren, Teaghan Grace Dudley and
Severin Dudley. She is also loved and remembered by her sisters, Juanita
Sever, Reba Aman, and Deborah Paulling. Her memory lives on in the many
nieces and nephews, whom she adored and loved dearly. Her beloved Caregiver,
Nancy Wingrove, will forever be remembered for the love and dedication she
In addition to her parents and spouse she was preceded in death by her
brothers; Malcolm Ray (Mack) Coulliette, James Edwin "Jimmy" Coulliette, and
Lessly Coulliette, and sister Martha Renaud.
Flowers are appreciated or in Tina's memory contributions can be made to:
Wildlife Turkey Federation – Graveside Services will be held at
Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Greenville, Florida on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at
11:00 am with Lee Coulliette officiating.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory on Jun. 26, 2023
Grady Michael Higginbotham (1948-2023) GA
Mr. Grady Michael "Mickey" Higginbotham, 74, of
Anderson Highway, Elberton, GA, passed away on Sunday, June 25, 2023, at
Heardmont Nursing Home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born in Elberton, GA on July 26, 1948, the sixth of
seven children of Grady Cleveland Higginbotham and Reba Leona Mills
Higginbotham. He worked the pulpwood business with his brother, Bill, at
Higginbotham Logging. Mickey was a simple man who enjoyed fishing and
spending time with his family. He proudly served his country in the United
States Army, having been stationed in Korea during Vietnam.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Dianne
Bradshaw Higginbotham; daughter, Kayla Marie Higginbotham; and brothers:
William A. "Bill" Higginbotham and Robert C. "Bob" Higginbotham.
Surviving are his sons: Glenn Higginbotham of Bluefield, WV and Travis
Higginbotham of Anderson, SC; grandchildren: Jackson Higginbotham and Carter
Higginbotham, both of Anderson, SC; siblings: Amos Higginbotham of Grande,
NC, Joyce Alewine of Greenwood, SC, Martha and William Booth of Elberton,
GA, and Kathy and Reuben Smith of Elberton, GA; sisters-in-law: Janet
Higginbotham and Reba Higginbotham, both of Elberton, GA; and numerous
nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Graveside services celebrating his life will be held on Wednesday, June 28,
at 11:00a.m. at Forest Hills Memorial Park with the Rev. Douglas Huff
Flowers are accepted and contributions may be made in his memory to the
charity of one's choice.
Those wishing may sign the online guestbook at
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton, GA is respectfully in charge of
arrangements for Mr. Grady Michael "Mickey" Higginbotham.
To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Grady, please
visit our floral store.
Mattie Lee Day Higginbotham
(1933-2023) GA
February 1, 1933 ~ July 28,
2023 (age 90)
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent
from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians
Because I could not stop for death, death kindly stopped for me. When that
train of death stopped for me after toiling this earth for ninety years, I
welcomed my departure from this land because life has been great to me. I
was once told that great souls die and sometimes memories fade away, but I
am leaving each of you my legacy because God Almighty has set me free.
There’s peace and serenity on this train. I took this train because my
Master was on board. I knew that the train of death would take me to that
land of eternal life.
Mattie Lee Day Higginbotham was born on February 1, 1933, to Mulvin Day and
Everlina Mays in Everette, Georgia. She received her formal education at
Risley High School in Sterling, Georgia. Mattie Lee Higginbotham accepted
Christ as her Savior at an early age and was united with Sheffield United
Methodist Church, which later became Haven-Sheffield United Methodist
Church, where she served as a member.
Mattie Lee Day was united in holy matrimony with Nathan Higginbotham. Their
union was blessed with eight children: Joyce Reynolds, Justine Taylor,
Rosetta Townsend, Carletha Lee, Lynn Graham, Leah Higginbotham, Ralph
Higginbotham, and Joe Higginbotham.
She was employed by First Baptist Church, Brunswick, Georgia as a
housekeeper for over 35 years and was a member of the Eastern Stars. Her
beautiful loving spirit attracted others who enjoyed being in her presence.
Mattie was a strong-willed individual.
There is an open gate at the end of the road, which each must go alone, and
in that light that we cannot see, our loving Father claims his own. Beyond
the gate our loved one finds happiness and rest and they will meet other
loved ones. Mattie Lee Higginbotham departed this life on July 28, 2023. She
was preceded in death by her husband, Nathan Higginbotham, and children,
Joyce, Justine, Rosetta, Carletha, Ralph, and Joe.
She leaves to cherish her memories: daughters, Lynn (Santonio) Graham of
Jacksonville, FL and Leah Higginbotham of Brunswick, GA; seventeen
grandchildren, sixty great grandchildren, three great- great grandchildren;
three nephews; four nieces; a god daughter, Alvita McWhite and a host of
cousins and friends.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory on Nov. 13, 2023
Beverly Jo Howe
Higginbotham (1945-2023) KS/GA
Mrs. Beverly Jo Howe
Higginbotham, longtime resident of Elberton, GA entered into rest peacefully
on Friday, November 10, 2023, at Brown Health & Rehab, with her daughter and
granddaughter at her side. She was 78. Born in Wichita, KS,
Beverly grew up in Lompoc, CA where she graduated high school with the class
of 1963. In Georgia, she worked as a school bus driver for the Elbert County
School System and also managed the Elberton Moose Club. She is preceded in
death by her parents, Paul Clarke Howe and Edith Martha Lack Howe; and
husbands: Danny Perez and Edgar Glenn "E.G." Higginbotham, III.
Beverly is survived by her children: Jodi and Robert Rowland of Hartwell, GA
and Michael and Alexis O'Connor of Los Angeles, CA; sister, Paula Foster of
TX; grandchildren: Jake Rowland, Randi R. Davis, Indigo O'Connor, and Piper
O'Connor; and great-grandchildren: Ty Rowland, Talyn Rowland, and Gryffin
At her request, no services will be held. Beverly's cremated remains will
return to California where she will be laid to rest.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is assisting the family of Mrs.
Beverly Jo Howe Higginbotham.
Tom M. Wages Funeral Service 11/16/2023
Author L.
Hickenbottom, Jr. (1977-2023) NY/GA
Author Hickenbottom, Jr. was
born December 09, 1977, in Far Rockaway, New York to the late Mr. Author
Hickenbottom, Sr. and Ms. JoeAnn Hickenbottom (living). He peacefully
transitioned in his sleep on Monday, November 13, 2023.
Author was nurtured in a God-fearing home. He accepted Christ early in life.
He loved sharing the Gospel, sharing time with family and friends, having a
good laugh, taking pictures, and swapping football stories with others.
Author leaves behind treasured work family and friends. As a professional
driver, he had a strong work ethic and loved traveling. He was a caring,
kind, and loving person.
To cherish his memories, he leaves a loving family: JoeAnn Hickenbottom,
April Woods (sister), Cheryl Hickenbottom (sister), Shaliyah
Turner-Walker (daughter) (Juan Walker, Jr, son-in-law), and a host of loving
aunts, uncles, cousins, other relatives and friends.
The funeral service to celebrate the life of Author Hickenbottom will be
held on Friday, November 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM at Tom M. Wages Snellville
Chapel, Snellville, GA. Burial will follow at East Shadowlawn Memorial
Gardens, Lawrenceville, GA. The family will receive friends on Thursday,
November 16, 2023 from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM at the funeral home.
Tom M. Wages Funeral Service, A Family Company, 3705 Highway 78 West,
Snellville, Georgia 30039 (770-979-3200) has been entrusted with the
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory on Feb. 5, 2024
Ruth Janet
Higginbotham Obituary (1940-2024) GA
Mrs. Ruth ‘Janet’ Guest
Higginbotham, 83, of Anderson Highway, Elberton, wife of 45 years to the
late William Ace “Bill” Higginbotham passed away peacefully, with her
children at her side, on Sunday, February 4, 2024, at her residence.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Elberton on May 18, 1940, daughter of the late Lester Benjamin Guest and Mary Kelly Guest. She was a 1958 graduate of Elberton High School. Janet went to work at Elberton Manufacturing Company at the age of 18, and worked there until the plant closed in 2005, retiring as a seamstress.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of First Methodist Church of Elberton where she was a member of the Mary Freeman Sunday school class. She looked forward to helping organize the class’s monthly meals and working with the church’s blood drive and various activities. Never one to stay idle, Janet enjoyed her work as a pink lady with the Elbert Memorial Hospital Auxiliary and meeting with the Deep Creek Baptist Church’s Widow’s group.
Above all, “Grandmama” loved her family and never missed an opportunity to support them in any of their endeavors.
Surviving are her children and their spouses: Karen and Bill Cary of Royston, Gina and Rob Starrett of Elberton, and Alan “Pete” and Kim Higginbotham of Elberton; grandchildren and their spouses: Jeffrey and Lori Starrett, Reid and Courtney Higginbotham, Jennifer and Bryce Coble, Morgan and Kara Fry, Emily Cary, Lila Higginbotham, Leah Higginbotham, Greg and Kim Cary, and Leigh Ann and Rex Norton; several great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
Along with her husband and parents, Janet is preceded in death by her sister, Paula Bradford; and half-siblings: Maude, Essie, Nell, Mack, and Frank.
The family is at the residence and will receive friends on Tuesday, February 6, from 6:00-8:00p.m. at Berry Funeral Home.
Funeral services celebrating Janet’s life will be conducted on Wednesday, February 7, at 2:00p.m. at First Methodist Church of Elberton with Layman Dave Heydinger and Rev. Rick Cox officiating. Interment will follow in Elmhurst Cemetery with Jeffrey Starrett, Brady Starrett, Morgan Fry, Conner Holland, Randy Holland, and Austin Williams honored as pallbearers.
Flowers are accepted and contributions may be made in her memory to First Methodist Church of Elberton, 132 E. Church Street, Elberton, GA 30635 or to T.J. & Friends Foundation, PO Box 6161, Elberton, GA 30635.
Ivie Funeral Home - Commerce on Feb. 8, 2024
Thomas Wayne Higginbotham (1961-2024) FL/GA
Thomas Wayne Higginbotham, age 62 of Lilburn, GA passed
away on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024.
Born on Oct. 9, 1961 in Palatka, FL, Mr. Higginbotham was the son of Roxie
Huntley Higginbotham and the late James Higginbotham, Sr. He was a
self-employed landscaper and was preceded in death by a son, Nicholas
Survivors in addition to his mother include his daughters, Davina Johnson,
Brittany (Sam) Martus; sister, Susan Rogers; brother, James Higginbotham,
Jr.; seven grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held 3 pm Friday, Feb. 9, 2024 at Ivie Funeral Home
Chapel with Rev. Chad Rising officiating with cremation to follow. The
family will receive friends 2:30 pm Friday until the funeral hour at the
funeral home.
Online condolences may be made at
Arrangements are in the care of Ivie Funeral Home, Commerce, GA.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory on Feb. 12, 2024
Myra Faye Dixon
Higginbotham McCannon (1939-2024) GA
Mrs. Myra Faye Dixon McCannon, 84, of Petersburg Road, Elberton, GA passed
away Monday, February 12, 2024, at Nancy Hart Nursing Center.
Mrs. McCannon was born October 17, 1939, in Elberton, GA to John C. Dixon
and Jamie Lee Mauldin Dixon. She was a member of Flatwoods Pentecostal
Holiness Church and retired from the U.S. Army National Guard after 24 1/2
years of dedication and service.
She is survived by her sister, Mabel Payton of Elberton, GA; sister-in-law,
Norma Dixon of Elberton, GA; one daughter-in-law; two grandchildren; three
great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Dennis
McCannon; sons: Eddy Higginbotham and Eric Higginbotham; and brother, Col.
Charles L. Dixon.
Funeral services to celebrate her life will be held 11AM, Thursday, February
15, in the Memorial Chapel of Berry Funeral Home with Rev. Bobby Dunnaway
officiating. Interment will follow in Flatwoods Pentecostal Holiness Church
The family is at their respective homes and will receive friends from 10AM
to 11AM just prior to the service at Berry Funeral Home.
Memorials may be made in her memory to Flatwoods Pentecostal Holiness
Church, 2353 Dr. George Ward Road, Elberton, GA 30635.
Berry Funeral Home and Crematory of Elberton is in charge of the funeral
arrangements for Mrs. Myra Faye Dixon McCannon.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory on Mar. 4, 2024
Gloria Marvine Higginbotham Brown (1957-2024) GA
Mrs. Gloria ‘Marvine’ Higginbotham Brown, 66, of Brewers Bridge Road, Elberton, wife of 48 years to Ricky Joe Brown, passed away on Sunday, March 3, 2024, at her residence. Marvine was born in Elberton on November 29, 1957, and was a 1974 graduate of Elbert County High School who furthered her education at North Georgia Technical College. Being very artistic, she spent her career as a draftsperson in the granite industry. Marvine loved her family dearly and enjoyed fishing and drawing in her spare time. Above all, she loved the Lord dearly. Surviving, along with her husband Ricky, are her children: Jim Ed Brown, Amanda Brown, and Josh Brown; grandchildren: Brock Avery Brown, Brittany Elizabeth Brown, Haley May Brown, and Jacob Taylor Brown; great-grandchildren: Athens Ariona Brown; step-mother, Charlotte Harper Higginbotham; step-father, Henry Hendon; siblings: Kristal Schroeder, Kathie Brown, Angela Segars, and Vickie Freeman; and a host of nieces, nephews, and other relatives. She is preceded in death by her parents: Marvin Wayne “Coot” Higginbotham and Gloria Hopkins Hendon. At Marvine’s request, no services will be held. Those wishing may sign the online guestbook at Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is assisting the family of Mrs. Gloria ‘Marvine’ Higginbotham Brown.
Meadows Funeral Home 3/8/2024
Nannette Guinn Higginbotham Davis (1926-2024) NC/GA
Visitation Friday, March 8, 2024 From 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Graveside Service Friday, March 8, 2024 at 11:30 AM The Landing Strip at Fair Weather Farms
Nannette Guinn Davis, age 97 of Monroe, passed away on February 28, 2024. She was born in North Carolina on October 16, 1926 to the late Thomas Dewitt Guinn and the late Alma Thompson Guinn. She was preceded in death by her grandson, the late Cy Nunnally; her son-in-law, the late John Nunnally; her sisters, the late Burnette Guinn Peppers, the late Ruth Guinn Doster, and the late Lois Guinn Walters; her brothers, the late Thomas Leonard Guinn, and the late Max Haygood Guinn. Surviving are daughter, Nancy Nunnally; son, Jere Higginbotham; grandchildren, Jessica Nunnally Rosenthal (Paul); Morgan Blaine Higginbotham, and Lee Pendleton Nunnally (Jennifer), Nichole Hanson Nunnally; great grandchildren, Isabella Keyt Rosenthal, Emmaline Guinn Rosenthal, Penny James Nunnally, Gunner Bray and Kylee Bray. A graveside service will be held on Friday March 8th at 11:30 AM at the Landing Strip at Fair Weather Farms with the Rev. Brian Krawczyk officiating. A visitation will be held on Friday March 8th from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM at Meadows Funeral Home.
Berry Funeral Home 9/7/2024
Martha Elizabeth
Higginbotham Love (1957-2024) GA
Ms. Martha Elizabeth “Libby” Higginbotham Love, 66, of
Edwards Street, Elberton, passed away on Wednesday July 3, 2024, at Piedmont
Athens Regional Hospital.
Born on September 8, 1957, in Elberton, Libby completed the family of
Stanley Leon Higginbotham, Sr. and Martha Alma “Jackie” Jacks Higginbotham.
She was a graduate of Elbert County High School. Libby began working as a
monumental drafter at the age of 16, and was presently employed in that
position at Century Granite Company. She was a very talented person and used
her talents helping others design beautiful memorials – many often done
freehandedly. Libby loved her family dearly, and always looked forward to
getting together for holidays.
Along with her parents, she is preceded in death by her son, Tory Janson
Surviving are her son, Cory Grimes of Elberton; siblings: S. Leon
Higginbotham, Jr. and his wife Kathy of Littleton, CO, Gwen and Carroll
Childs of Elberton, and Keith and Angela Higginbotham of Athens; grandson,
Ason Grimes; and a host of other relatives and friends.
At Libby’s request, no services will be held. Burial will be alongside her
son and parents at Forest Hills Memorial Park.
Contributions may be made in her memory to T.J. & Friends Foundation, PO Box
6161, Elberton, GA 30635.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory of Elberton is respectfully in charge of
arrangements for Ms. Martha Elizabeth “Libby” Higginbotham Love.
Berry Funeral Home of Elberton 9/11/2024
Reba Jean Scroggins Higginbotham (1937-2024) SC/GA
Mrs. Reba Jean Scoggins Higginbotham, 86, of
Thompson Drive, Elberton, GA, wife of 56 years to the late Robert Cleveland
"Bob" Higginbotham, passed away on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at her
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Abbeville, SC on October 12, 1937, daughter of
the late Henry Lindsey Scoggins and Flora Williams Scoggins. She was a
retired seamstress and a member of Francis Asbury Methodist Church. She was
an avid gardener and enjoyed shopping and decorating.
Surviving are her son and daughter-in-law, Robert Mark and Lisa McCall
Higginbotham of Elberton, GA; granddaughter, Lauren Taylor Higginbotham and
her fiancé Kyle Whitlow of Colbert; sister, Jackie Brown of Abbeville, SC;
and a host of nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
She is preceded in death by her husband; parents; and siblings: Jimmy
Scoggins, Sybil Hall, Mary Frances Strawhorne, Billy Scoggins, Alvin
Scoggins, Marion Scoggins, and Mildred Scoggins.
The family is at the residence and will receive friends on Thursday,
September 12, from 10:00-10:45a.m. at Berry Funeral Home. Funeral services
will follow at 11:00a.m. in the funeral home chapel. Rev. Tim Savelle will
officiate, and burial will be in Elmhurst Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers
will include Pete Higginbotham, Steve Higginbotham, Stacey Smith, Haley
Fortson, Shane Robertson, and Rueben Smith.
Flowers are accepted, and if desired, contributions may be directed to
Francis Asbury Methodist Church, Post Office Box 553, Elberton, GA 30635.
Berry Funeral Home of Elberton, GA is respectfully in charge of arrangements
for Mrs. Reba Jean Scoggins Higginbotham.
Higgins Funeral Home Hillcrest Chapel on Nov. 1, 2024
Edward Warren Higginbotham (1960-2024) AL/GA
Edward Warren Higginbotham, 63, of Newnan, GA, passed away, on Thursday, October 31, 2024, at his residence. Ed was born on November 9, 1960, in Birmingham, AL, and grew up in Autaugaville, AL. He was the son of the late Emmett Higginbotham and the late Verna Marie Yeager Higginbotham. Edward made his living as an air traffic controller for the FAA and had a Bachelor of Arts degree in Industrial Technology. He enjoyed gardening and growing Japanese maple trees. He loved his 7 dachshunds, especially Zephyr, who was awarded a dual championship title. Zephyr was a loyal dog to Ed and watched over him religiously as he worked around his home. He was even known to take motorcycles rides with Ed. He was also preceded in death by his sister, Kaye McRee (Gene). Survivors include his wife of 40 years, Valerie Higginbotham; sons, Daniel Higginbotham (Taylor Rice) of Las Vegas, NV and Michael Higginbotham (Emilie) of Lithia, FL; grandchildren, Ashton Rice of Las Vegas, NV and (due in January) Wren Higginbotham of Lithia, FL; brothers, Wayne Higginbotham (Stephanie) of Madison, AL, Bradly Higginbotham (Dagmar) of San Antonio, TX, Dennis Higginbotham (Joanie) of Pittsburg, KS, and Lynn Higginbotham (Tracy) of Madison, AL; brother-in-law, Steve Harlow (Linda Pearn) of Bonney Lake, WA; and numerous nieces and nephews. A celebration of Ed's life will be held in the spring of 2025 and will be announced then. In lieu of flowers the family requests, a donation to Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, buy a stranger lunch, or plant a Japanese maple tree in memoriam of Ed. Higgins Funeral Home Hillcrest Chapel is honored to serve the family of Edward Higginbotham.
Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services 11/5/2024
Ida Nell Higginbotham Love (1942-2024) LA/MO/GA
September 1, 1942 – November 4, 2024
Ida was the fifth child of ten born to the late Ben G. Higginbotham and the late Julia Wiley Higginbotham of Waterproof, Louisiana. She attended public schools of Tensas Parish, where she graduated from the Tensas Parish Training School in 1959. In1961, She married the love of her life, Rev. Richard E. Love. Their union brought forth 2 daughters. She attended Grambling State University where she received her Bachelors in Education, she attended University of Central Missouri where she received her Masters and Specialists degrees, she attended University of KCMO where she received her PHD. She was a trailblazer and held many high level positions throughout her illustrious career within the Kansas City Missouri School district. She began her career as a classroom teacher, quickly progressing to Reading Coordinator, Principal culminating in her being named Acting Interim Superintendent. She achieved her life long dream of becoming Superintendent, in 1997 when she was voted in as the First African American woman to be appointed as Superintendent for the City Schools of Decatur GA. Later making history again, as the first African American woman to be named Deputy Superintendent for the Department of Education for the State of Georgia. Ida was preceded in death by her Father and Mother, her brothers Larry T Higginbotham, Ted Higginbotham, Edgar J Higginbotham. Ida leaves to mourn her loving Husband, Richard E Love of 63 years. Her eldest daughter, Yolonda C. Love, Youngest daughter Jennifer L. Gant. 2 Beloved Grandchildren Jaron Richard and Madison Janelle Gant. Ida leaves to mourn 4 brothers: Lee Dell Higginbotham of Baltimore Md, Ossie Mack Higginbotham of Temple Hill Md, Bobby D. Higginbotham of New Orleans, La, and Leonard Ray Higginbotham of Baton Rouge, La. She also leaves 2 sisters: Loesther Higginbotham Foley of Houston, TX and Berdia Mae Higginbotham of Waterproof, La. Along with a host of nieces and nephews and other relatives and friends.
Julian Peeples Funeral Home 12/4/2024
Marguerite Higginbotham Caylor (1939-20240 GA
Marguerite Caylor, age 85, of Dalton, passed away Wednesday, December 4, 2024. She is preceded in death by her husband, Lebron Caylor; and parents, Donald Higginbotham and Martha Higginbotham. She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Meredith and Doug Jackson of Knoxville, TN; son and daughter-in-law, Warren and Amy Caylor of Acworth; and grandchildren, Spencer (Jordan) Jackson, Riley (Amanda Simpson) Jackson, Evan Caylor, and Brady (Alexis) Caylor. The family will receive friends Saturday, December 7, 2024, at the Pleasant Grove Chapel of Julian Peeples Funeral Home from 11:00 AM until the service hour at 1:00 PM. A funeral service to celebrate Marguerite’s life will be held at 1:00 PM in the chapel with Rev. Darey Kittle officiating. Burial will follow in Varnell Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Dalton High School Library - 1500 Manley St. Dalton, GA 30720. Messages of comfort may be sent to the family at Arrangements are by Julian Peeples Funeral Home of Dalton. For more information, please call 706-259-7455.
Dukes-Harley Funeral Home 1/15/2025
Esther Elizabeth Jordon Higginbotham (1934-2025) GA/SC
Esther J. Higginbotham, 90, of Orangeburg, SC, passed away peacefully at her daughter’s home in Athens, Georgia on Sunday morning, January 12, 2025. She was the widow of W. Clarence Higginbotham, Jr., her husband of 59 years. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 pm, Friday, January 17, 2025, at St. Andrews United Methodist Church, with Rev. Dr. Cindy Muncie officiating. Burial will follow at New Hope Cemetery in Rowesville, SC. The family will receive friends at 1:00 pm, same day as the service, in the church fellowship hall. Honored to serve as pallbearers will be her grandsons, Boone, Forrest and Wilkes; grandson-in-law, Kyle; and as well as Taylor Garick and Russ Hewitt. Esther was born in Appling, Georgia, a daughter of the late Jack Dorsey Jordan and Norma Kelley Jordan. She was raised one of eight siblings in a loving, faithful family. Clarence and she were married on January 2, 1958, after meeting at Fort Gordon, where she was a civilian secretary, and he was in the U.S. Army for a short while after graduation from Clemson University. He often said that meeting Esther was the best luck of his life. In her deep, yet quiet, faith in Jesus, she was always a selfless example of kindness, patience, consideration, and grace. Her focus was her family, without exception, and she became the best homemaker upon the birth of their children. Saint Andrews United Methodist Church was a focal point in their lives, and she often said that church and congregation “helped us raise our children well.” There was rarely a time the church doors opened without the Higginbothams’ presence. As an active member for seven decades, she was a member of Aldersgate Sunday School Class, UMW Treasurer for over 4 decades, retiring at 88 years old, UMW President more than once, and was honored as Saint Andrews UMW woman of the year twice. She served on the Worship Committee, was Bazaar chairman, taught VBS, worked in the Shepherds Ministry, and valued her church family highly. She was also active in her community, enjoying gardening and flower arranging with her Hoe and Hope Garden Club, family history with her local DAR chapter, served on the Orangeburg Arts Council board, and enjoyed the social fun of her “Card Club” ladies in later years. She also highly valued education. Clarence and she were strong supporters of Clemson University for their children, as well as any other young person they could encourage. She loved easily and was easy to love. She was predeceased by six of her seven siblings. Esther is survived by her brother, Joseph Jordan, of North Augusta, S.C.; three children, Rose Marie Craft (Jim) of Orangeburg, Carol Elaine Johnson (Tim) of Athens, Georgia, and W.C. “Billy” Higginbotham III (Mary) of Chapin, each of whom she adored as her favorite. She is also treasured by six grandchildren: William Boone Johnson (Jenny,) Dorsey Craft Olbrich (Kyle,) Lainee Rosemarie Craft, Forrest Tillman Johnson (Lexi,) W. C. “Wilkes” Higginbotham IV, and Landry Kenneth Higginbotham. Six great grandchildren, Ila Kate, June, August, Eason, Tillman, and Gillis, all fell in love with her the minute they were held in her lap. It was always, indeed, the best seat in the house. Memorials may be made to St. Andrews UMC, 1980 Columbia Road, Orangeburg, SC 29118 or New Hope Methodist Church, P.O. Box 54, Rowesville, SC 29133.
The Brunswick News, January 30, 2025
Brandon J. Higginbotham (1988-2025) GA
The funeral service for Brandon J. Higginbotham will be
held at noon Saturday at Abysinia Baptist Church, 2501 Albany St., in
Brunswick. Interment will follow in Greenwood Cemetery. A walk-through
viewing will be from 5-7 p.m. Friday at Martin Funeral Home, 2005 G St., in
Brunswick. Masks will be required. Martin Funeral Home,, is in charge of the arrangements.