Missouri Obituaries


St. Louis Republican 1/14/1876

Sarah Ann Anderson Higginbotham (1850-1876) NC/MO

Higginbotham - on the 26th ult., in Lincoln county, Mo., Mrs. Sarah Higginbotham, of consumption, aged 26 years.



The Springfield Leader 5/13/1886

Samuel Higginbotham (ca1858-1886) IN/KS/MO

Samuel Higginbotham, lately from Neodesha, Kas., died of consumption last evening at his home, on Sycamore street, between Jefferson street and Benton avenue, aged 28 years. The remains will be taken tonight to Indiana for burial.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 5/25/1886

Joseph Higginbotham (????-1886) MO

Springfield, Mo., May 24 - A young man named Joseph Higginbotham, while in a fit, fell into the Finley river near Ozark, yesterday and was drowned.



Cole County Democrat (Jefferson City, MO) May 28, 1886

Sarah Higgenbotham (????-1886) MO

Sarah Hickenbottom, sister to Jackson Hickenbottom, a colored woman residing in this county died last week and was buried in this city on Saturday last, in the colored people's cemetery. She was a good woman and died in the full belief of a better world.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 1/20/1888

William Henry Higginbotham (1833-1888) MO

Brother William Henry Higginbotham, 54 years, Christian Brothers Academy - pneumonia.



St. Louis Globe Democrat 11/19/1894

Eliza S. Higginbotham Brolaski (1814-1894) PA/MO

Brolaski - In Philadelphia, November 17, Eliza S., widow of the late Henry L. Brolaski, in her 81st year.

Funeral services at St. John's Episcopal Church, Dolman and Hickory streets, Monday, November 19, at 2 p.m. Interment private. Please omit flowers.



Macon Times 1/10/1896

James Preston Higginbottom (1841-1896) KY/MO

It is with sad heart that we chronicle the death of an old neighbor, J. P. Higginbottom, which occurred at his home, 1-1/4 mile south of Kaseyville, on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1896, at 10 minutes past 5 o'clock, a.m., aged 54 years, 1 month, 27 days. Mr. Higginbottom, or Uncle Press as most everyone called him, has been an invalid for many years and a great sufferer from lung trouble and other maladies that have baffled the skill of the most eminent and experienced physicians far and near. He has also traveled a great deal and everything that could be done to prolong his life was done. His loving and devoted wife has borne up bravely through it all, always sacrificing her own pleasures in trying to make life happy for him. His health has been failing fast for several months. About two weeks ago he was compelled to give up and take his bed for the last time. Though suffering intensely all the time, he bore it with Christian fortitude, always saying that what was God's will was his. It was his request that Rev. W. R. Skinner, our pastor, preach his funeral discourse, but owing to circumstances unavoidable Rev. Skinner could not get here and a prayer and song service was conducted at the house Thursday and also at Hebron church by an old friend and neighbor, Brother Henry Johnson. There were present at his death bed his family, his brother, Anda, and his nephew, James Higginbottam, and wife, also a few of the near friends and neighbors. The summons found him ready to answer to the roll call of heaven and he peacefully fell asleep in Jesus, without a struggle. Though the weather was very cold Tuesday and the roads in bad condition a large concourse of friends and relatives followed the remains to their last resting place in Hebron cemetery. He leaves a wife, one brother, Anda Higginbottom of near Huntsville; an aged father, one half-sister and many relatives and friends to mourn him. They all have the sympathy of the entire community. The subject of this sketch, James Preston Higginbottom, was born in Wayne county, Kentucky, Nov.4, 1841; came to Macon county, Mo., 1859; was married to Miss Rebecca Nichol March 22, 1864; was converted and joined the Missionary Baptist church in the autumn of 1867 in a meeting conducted by Rev. F. M. Starke in Kaseyville school house and all who knew him knew him to be a true Christian, a kind and loving husband and good friend and neighbor. He was a member of the Odd Fellows' order and also of the G.A.R. We wish 'twere given us the power to say that which  would lighten the sorrow of those stricken hearts, but all we can do is to point to the sweet promise of that One who trod the wine press alone and through sorrow brought Himself to be our hope and comfort. The family and friends extend their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted them during the sickness and death of their loved one.



The Macon Republican 6/30/1899

Elizabeth R. Higginbotham Simpson (1824-1899) KY/MO

Mrs. Elizabeth R. Simpson died friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.M. Wainscott, north of town. She was 75 years of age and had gradually been failing for years. Deceased was born in Wayne County, Ky., but emigrated to this state with her parents when only a child. She was married to Ruben Simpson in 1841. She united with the Baptist church when quite young and lived a zealous and devoted Christian life, and was a good woman, esteemed by all her acquaintances. She was the mother of seven children, six of whom survive her, viz: Mrs. S.A. Moss, Mrs. E.M. Wainscott and W.W. Simpson, all of this vicinity, and Mrs. Ellis Perkins, John and Wayne Simpson, of Weatherford, Ok. Her funeral was preached at the Baptist church in this city by rev. J.W. Morrow, Saturday at 1 o'clock, after which her remains were laid to rest along side those of her husband, in the old cemetery.



Chariton Courier (Keytesville, MO) 9/28/1900

Granville H. Higginbotham (1833-1900) KY/MO

Ex-city Marshall G. H. Higginbotham of Brunswick died of erysipelas last Thursday night after an illness of about two weeks. Deceased was a native of Kentucky, but had lived in Brunswick for the past 18 years. He leaves a wife and two children. Unfortunately for his family Mr. .Higginbotham permitted a @,000 policy he carried in the Maccabees to lapse not long since.



The Kansas City Times 6/25/1901

E. A. Higginbotham (1900-1901) MO

E. A. Higginbotham, aged 7 months, 911 West Twenty-first, June 22, meningitis.



Dunklin Democrat (Kennett, MO) 6/28/1901

Francis Marvin Higginbotham (1865-1901) MO

Frank Higginbotham, a barkeeper, dropped dead at his place of business at Bernie, last Thursday, says the Dexter Messenger.



The St. Louis Republic 9/7/1902

Mary F. Bilbro Higginbotham (1855-1902) VA/MO

Bowling Green, Mo. Sept. 6 - Mrs. Mary F. Higginbotham, widow of the late H. H. Higginbotham, died here this afternoon of typhoid fever, aged 46 years.



The Macon Republican 8/1/1903

Edith Higginbottom (ca1899-1903) MO

Edith, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Higginbottom, died Sunday, July 26, with the whooping cough. Another flower has been called to bloom in heaven where it can have the tender care of its Maker. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction.



The Stanberry Headlight 3/16/1904

Rachel Ford Higginbottom (ca1790-1904) MO

"Aunt" Rachel Ford Higginbottom, a negro woman who died at Jefferson City, Tuesday, was said to be 114 years old.



Jefferson Democrat (Hillsboro, MO) 8/25/1904

Morey Fillmore Higginbotham (1869-1904) MO

De Soto

August 24, 1904 - Dr. M. F. Higginbotham died at the hospital in St. Louis last Friday morning at 7 o'clock, having undergone an operation for appendicitis two days before. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. B. North in the M. E. church, south, here on Sunday afternoon. Quite a number of relatives of the deceased were present. He was a thirty-second degree Mason, and a representative number from the De Soto, Hillsboro, Festus and Blackwell lodges as well as several Scottish Rite Masons from St. Louis were in attendance. Dr. Higginbotham was the only surviving child of Wilder Higginbotham and wife of this place. He was one of Southeast Missouri's leading physicians, and was very prominent in Democratic politics. His demise is cause for general mourning throughout the city and county.



The Journal Democrat (Warrensburg, MO) 9/2/1904

Hester Catherine Woodmancy Higginbotham (1842-1904) NY/MO

Mrs. Kate Higginbotham was born in 1842 at Varna, Tompkins county, N. Y. Her first husband was Geo. Woodmancy, a brother of W.W. Woodmancy. He died in 1872. Several years after, she married John Higginbotham, who with a son George, are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday, Aug. 25, 1904, and was buried Saturday. Funeral services were held at the residence.



The Cole County Democrat 05/21/1908

Baby Higginbotham (1907-1908) MO

Death of W. B. Higginbotham's baby

The 10-month-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Higginbotham died Wednesday afternoon at their home on McCarty street. The little one had been ill for two weeks and its condition would vary; sometimes it seemed to be getting better, but when the trouble finally developed into brain fever it went into a state of coma from which it never awakened. The funeral will take place sometime Friday afternoon and Rev. U. G. Foote will officiate.



The Potosi Journal 6/11/1909

Zachary Filmore Higginbotham (1848-1909) MO

Col. Z.F. Higginbotham, one of the best-known and most highly respected citizens of this county, died at his home at Fertile on Thursday, June 10th, of a complication of ailments induced by Bright's disease. He was a little over 61 years of age, and is survived by a widow and two children, Press G. Higginbotham and Mrs. Howard Brown; and three brothers, Thomas, Lytle B. and Cruise Higginbotham, all well-known citizens of this county.

His funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and was attended by the largest concourse of people ever gathered on such an occasion in this county, people coming from many of the adjoining counties to be present at the obsequies of the their old and esteemed friend. The funeral was conducted under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity, the deceased being a member of the Potosi lodge of that order. Divine services were conducted by Rev. J.E. Martin, pastor of the M.E. church of De Soto. The casket containing the remains were enclosed in a special steel vault, hermetically sealed and then interred in the mother earth.

Col. Higginbotham was the son of the late Thomas Higginbotham, one of the pioneer citizens of Washington county. He was born on March 4th, 1848, and always made his home in the community of his birth. He was married in 1874 to Miss Maggie, daughter of Augustus and Elizabeth (Pinson) Hawkins, both early settlers of this county. As success attended his business efforts he became a large land owner in Kingston township in the northern part of this county, and he called his productive acres "Fertile". There he built up a little community of which he was the titular lord, so to speak, since he owned all he surveyed. He had his own store, post office, supplied a school house, church, entertainment hall, etc. As his children grew up and married, instead of letting them go forth in the world to seek new homes and ties, he built them handsome homes near his own and kept them beside him. His methods of dealing with his numerous tenants and men he employed were peculiar to himself, and none ever felt himself called upon to complain of them. Each day those in his employ were paid their daily wage in cash. When the recent panic set in and work in the tiff mines there were discontinued, instead of letting the miners go to seek work elsewhere, he kept them at work on the farm improving the property. His enterprise and various interests made him a wealthy man. In politics he was a Democrat, but he never sought political preferment, and never permitted his political convictions to prejudice his personal friendships. He was the soul of genial, courtly hospitality to those visiting him upon his own broad heath, and anyone enjoying that hospitality ever held the man in kindly remembrance.

It was these generous attributes of a benign nature in the man that brought out the large attendance of friends at his funeral to attest thereof, and it is needless for us to add, that the death of this man is a great loss to the community. To his family, the Journal extends its sincere sympathy in their loss.



Warrenton Volksfreund, Warrenton, Mo. 11/19/1909

Henry Fontain Higginbotham (1856-1909) MO
Hy. F. Higgenbotham, for 34 years the station agent of the Wabash railroad in Foristell, died on Wednesday of last week in St. Luke's Hospital at St. Louis, where he had undergone a gallstone operation. The deceased, who reached the age of 53 years, was one of the longest residents of Foristell and was loved and respected by all. He leaves his wife, Emma, nee Schatz, and two grown children. Burial will be in the Wright City Cemetery. Rest in Peace!



The Potosi Journal 12/1/1909

Wilder Higginbotham (1842-1909) MO

Mr. Wilder Higginbotham of De Soto, a former and old citizen of Kingston township, this county, died suddenly last Monday, the 29th ult., while on a visit to relatives at Fertile. He was 67 years old and a brother of Judge Thomas Higginbotham of Blackwell, Mo., and Lytle and Cruise Higginbotham of this county.



The Western Call (Beloit, Kansas) 12/24/1909

Mabel Marie Higinbotham Robinson (1877-1909) MO

Mrs. Mabel Robinson, a patient in the Elliot Sanitarium in Independence, died there early last night from burns received that morning. Mrs. Robinson's room was on the second floor and when the furnace failed to heat it a fire was started in an open grate. While alone yesterday morning it is supposed that Mrs. Robinson's clothing caught fire. She was burned on the head and shoulders and did not recover consciousness.

Mrs. Robinson was 31 years old. She went to the sanitarium about three weeks ago for treatment for a nervous disease. - Kansas City Times

The above item tells of the death of Mrs. Draper Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Higinbotham, which was chronicled in yesterday's Daily Call. It was not until last night the the Higinbotham family was appraised of the cause of Mrs. Robinson's death.



The Journal-Democrat (Warrensburg, MO) 4/8/1910

John W. Higginbotham (1846-1910) MO

John Higginbotham, aged 63, who lived on his farm two and a half miles east of Knob Noster for many years, had a public sale of property about two months ago and decided to change his residence for a while. Accordingly he went to Benton county, near Frisco, and Wednesday of last week he was on a load of hay and going down a steep, rough place and the wagon of hay overturned and threw him violently among the rocks and brush some thirty feet, hurting him so badley that he died the following Tuesday.

His son George received a message to come to him last Sunday, and he arrived in time to see his father alive.

The body was brought to Knob Noster Wednesday afternoon and funeral services were held at the M.E. church, South, of which deceased was a member, conducted by the Rev. Welborn, of Lamonte.

Mr. Higginbotham was well known by most everybody around Knob Noster as an honest, upright man, and his death was a deep shock to his many friends and relatives. - Knob Noster Gem.



The Leavenworth Times 11/20/1910

George A. Higinbotham (1861-1910) KS/MO

George A. Higinbotham, cashier of the Union Avenue Bank of Commerce, died in Kansas City Friday morning. Mr. Higinbotham was married to Miss Kate Rossi of this city and was well known here. The family at one time lived in Leavenworth at Third and Pottawatomie streets.

Mr. Higinbotham was born in Manhattan, Kan., in 1860 and moved to Kansas City in 1898 to take a position with the Union Avenue Bank. Besides a widow, he leaves five children: Paul, John, Edward, Marie and Rossi. Three sisters and a brother, John, formerly of Leavenworth, also survive.



Jefferson Democrat (Hillsboro, MO) 12/1/1910

Lytle Bledsaw Higginbotham (1845-1910) MO

Word reached here last week that L. B. Higginbotham of Washington county died Nov. 12th. He was one of the most prominent citizens of that county, having served four terms as sheriff there.



The Troy Free Press 5/5/1911

James Walton Higginbotham (1848-1911) VA/MO

James W. Higginbotham, a well known citizen of the Louisville community, died last Friday evening at his home, at the age of 62 years. He had been in poor health for some time, but with the help of his son, Henry, continued to manage his large farm and mercantile interests almost to the time of his death. He was an enterprising, progressive citizen, well known throughout a large portion of Pike and Lincoln counties, and has many warm friends who will be sorry to learn of his death. He is survived by his wife and several children besides a number of other relatives, and leaves an estate said to be worth in the neighborhood of $100,000. His funeral took place Sunday.



The Dexter Statesman 02/14/1912

Tina Higginbotham (1909-1912) MO

T.J. Higginbotham and wife were bereft of their little child Tina last month. She was 2 years, 11 months, 7 days old. Interment at Bernie cemetery Saturday.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 2/29/1912

Alzonia Higginbotham Engledow (1840-1912) MO

Mrs. Alzonia Engledow died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Cole, on last Saturday. She was 72 years of age and was well known throughout Washington and Jefferson counties. She was a sister to Judge Thos. Higginbotham. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon.



The Kansas City Times 4/15/1912

Robert E. Lee Higginbotham (1868-1912) MO

Somewhere under the swirling eddies of the flood-swollen Missouri River lies the body of Robert L. Higginbotham, 43 years old, a cement contractor, who lived at 3037 West Prospect Place. He was drowned when the motor boat Zim-Zim, in which he, Charles Frank Matney, his brother-in-law, 1211 Aldine Court, and Gordon Lillis, 662 Park Avenue, were taking a trial trip, capsized at the foot of Main Street about 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon...

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Fleta, and three sons: Lawrence, 8 years old; Orvil, 4 years old; and Clifford, 2 years old.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 5/28/1914

Thomas F. Higginbotham (1835-1914) MO

Thomas F. Higginbotham died at his home near Blackwell on last Saturday morning, May 23, in the 79th year of age.

Mr. Higginbotham was one of the pioneers of this part of Missouri and had much to do with the development of this section of the state.

His death was not unexpected, as he had been in poor health for a long time, and those of his intimate friends who knew his real condition were not surprised when the announcement of his death came.

He was a man of high moral character and had come up through adversity until at the time of his death he was counted as one of the most influential as well as one of the wealthiest men of the community.

The funeral services were held at his late home on Monday and were in charge of the Masonic lodges of Blackwell and De Soto. Rev. J.E. Martin of Poplar Bluff preached the funeral sermon.

Judge Higginbotham leaves no children, but his aged wife and a host of friends survive him.



Ironton County Register 8/6/1914

Roy Arvil Hickinbotham (1913-1914) MO

Springfield - Arvill Hickinbotham, 19 months old, was struck by Frisco passenger train No. 6 at Anaconda, Mo., and killed. Engineer J. O. Thiel tried to stop the train, but failed. The child's mother witnessed the tragedy.



Moberly Weekly Monitor 02/09/1915

Sarah Ann Neal Higginbotham (1842-1915) MO

Mrs. Sarah A. Higginbotham, 72 years old, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Simpson, 545 1/2 West Contes Street.

Surviving are her two daughters, Mrs. Simpson, of this city, and Mrs. Mary Brown, of Garnette, Kansas; four sons, Thomas, of Portland, Ore., James and J. L. Higginbotham of Kansas City, and Press, of Scranton, Ohio, and one brother, Mat Neal, of near Moberly.

The remains have been taken to the home of Mrs. Bettie McKinsey, of south of town. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 8/10/1916

Caroline H. Madden Higginbotham (1839-1916) MO

Mrs. Caroline Higginbotham, aged 70 years, died at her home in this city last Saturday afternoon after an illness of several weeks.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the widow of the late Thomas F. Higginbotham, who died a year or more ago. She was a woman who counted her friends by the scores, and will be sadly missed by many.

Funeral services were held Monday and the remains laid to rest in the cemetery at Blackwell, her old home.



The Daily News and Intelligencer (Mexico, MO) 12/27/1916

Bertha Jane Wilson Higginbotham (1880-1916) IA/MO

Mrs. A.J. Higginbotham, 36 years old, whose home was two miles south of Thompson, died of a complications of ailments Tuesday. The body will be sent to Macon for burial. Mrs. Higginbotham left her husband and three children.



The Bloomfield Vindicator 1/25/1918

Sarah Elizabeth Higginbotham Riddle (1848-1918) MO

One of Stoddard County's Oldest Citizens is Dead

Mrs. Jas. Riddle, who was born in this county and was numbered among the county's oldest residents, died last week. The Bernie Star-News has the following to say of her:

"We are called upon to chronicle the sad news of the passing of another one of our oldest citizens, Mrs. Sarah Riddle (nee Higginbotham) who departed this life January 15th, after an illness of 5 weeks. Mrs. Riddle was a native of Stoddard county, having been born here in the year 1848. She was well known and loved by a large number of people here, who regret her loss. Her husband, James Riddle, died about twenty-five years ago, since which time she has resided in and near Bernie.

She is survived by six children, four girls and two boys, Harrison and Albert Riddle, Qulin, Mo.; Mrs. Frank Cunningham and Mrs. Frank Vincent of Cardwell, Mo., and Mrs. Nannie Breese of Bakersfield Cal. Her remains were laid to rest in the McMurty Cemetery Thursday afternoon, Elder J.C. Horton officiating."



The Neosho Times 2/21/1918

Oliver O. Higginbotham (1907-1918) MO

Died Feby. 12, 1918 - The Angel of Death swooped down and claimed for its victim Little Oliver Higginbotham, aged 11 years. Little Oliver was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Higginbotham of near Spring City. His death was unexpected as he died from rheumatic fever and was sick but a short time. Interment was in Hornet cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.D. Wright of Carthage.



The Albany Capital 3/28/1918

James Monroe Higginbotham (1833-1918) WV/MO

Jas. Higginbotham, another old and well-known citizen of Gentry county, died at 11:40 o'clock last Tuesday night at the home northwest of Albany. He had been in failing health for several years, and the last few months had given up that he could not last long, and had sunk rapidly since that time. He was 85 years, 2 months, and 18 days old, and his death was due to the breakdown of old age, complicated with ailments which had been giving him trouble for a good while.

James Monroe Higginbotham was born in Putnam county, West Virginia, Jan. 8, 1833, his parents moving to Ohio while he was yet a small boy. On Sept. 2, 1860, at Letart, Ohio, he was married to Miss Margaret A. Baker, who, with three of the six children born to this union, is left to mourn the loss of a true companion and father. One son died in infancy; one daughter died in 1878, at the age of 5 years, and another daughter, Mrs. O.R. Lefavor, died at Simmesport, La., last April. The three sons surviving are Charles and R.L.. Higginbotham, who lived with their parents in the home, and Wm. E. Higginbotham, who also resided near the old homestead in Huggins township.

In April 1870, Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham had come with their family from Ohio to Missouri, and had bought land which made a part of the fine farm which he owned at the time of his death. From St. Joseph they came to Albany on the same hack which brought Dr. M.M. Campbell here to locate. IN 1879 the Higginbotham family moved to Minnesota, where he and his sons worked as coopers, making barrels for one of the bill milling companies at Minneapolis until 1883, when they returned to Gentry county, and he had since been at home here.

During the civil war, Mr. Higginbotham had been a faithful soldier in the 140th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and he served his country up to the close of the war. Through life he held the same interest in the welfare of his country that he had displayed when he offered his life in its defense, and he was known as a loyal and true citizen, ever ready to stand for what he believed to be right.

In early manhood he had united with the Baptist Church, but about three or four years ago took member ship with the Christian congregation at the Old Brick Church, holding steadfast in that faith to the end.

Funeral services were conducted at the Old Brick by Rev. J.H. Coffey this afternoon at 2 o'clock, following which the remains of this sturdy old Gentry count citizen were laid to rest in the adjoining church yard.



The Journal Gazette (West Plains, MO) 6/13/1918

Charles Oscar Higginbotham (1870-1918) MO

The remains of Oscar Higginbotham, who formerly resided northwest of this city, were brought back to the scenes of his childhood last week and laid to rest in Mackey cemetery near Olden. Mr. Higginbotham, who was 47 years of age, died at Fredericktown, Mo., of pneumonia. For a number of years Mr. Higginbotham had made his home at Denver, Col., and early in the present year moved to Fredericktown. He leaves three small children and four brothers, Fitz. H. Higginbotham, northwest of West Plains; Mose Higginbotham of Koshkonong; William Higginbotham, Vandalia, Mo., and John Higginbotham, Carrollton, Mo.



Montgomery County Standard 1/20/1919

Thomas William Higgenbotham (1871-1919) MO

Thos. W. Higgenbotham Dead, Thomas W. Higgenbotham was born in Callaway county April 17, 1871, and died at his home near Wellsville January 11, 1919, aged 47 years, 9 months and 7 days. At the age of 18 he united with the Christian church at Antioch. In 1899 he was married to Miss Maud H. Davis, and to this union were born seven children, all of whom, with their mother, survive; also one sister. The funeral was held Sunday, conducted by C.K. Schilling of Wellsville.



The St. Louis Globe-Democrat 1/29/1921

John Henry Higginbotham (1848-1921) England/MO

Higginbotham - On Thursday, January 27, 1921, John H. Higginbotham, at his home, 6158 Simpson avenue, beloved husband of Harriet Higginbotham (nee Barber), and dear father of William B., John W., Mrs. John E. Mitchell, Mrs. Jessie Branch and Mrs. Frank Blinkard, and our dear grandmother, in his 73d year.



St. Louis Globe 3/14/1921

Harriet Barber Higginbotham (1847-1921) England/MO

Higginbotham - On Saturday, March 12, 1921, Harriet Higginbotham, at her residence, 6158 Simpson place, widow of John H. Higginbotham, dear mother of William B., John W., Mrs. John E. Mitchell, Mrs. Jessie Branch and Mrs. Frank Blinkard, and our dear grandmother, in her seventy-third year. Funeral Tuesday, March 15, 1921, at 2 p.m., from Dr. Fry M.E. Church, Clifton Heights, to Valhalla Cemetery. Interment private.



Cassville Republican 11/17/1921

Mary Ann Smith Higganbotham (1836-1921) IL/MO

Polly Higganbotham, wife of C. W. Higganbotham, died at the Higganbotham home in Cassville Wednesday evening, November 9, at the age of 85 years, 6 months and 25 days, following a lingering illness. Death was due to hardening of the arteries.

Funeral services were held at the home of her son, C. D. Higganbotham, friday afternoon, Nov. 11, and interment made in Oak Hill cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Ed Chappell, a close friend of the family.

Mrs. Higganbotham was born in Lawrence county, Illinois April 15, 1836 and was a woman of very strong traits of character. Her parents were among the pioneers of the State of Illinois. She was married to C. W. Higganbotham January 29, 1852. To them seven children were born, six of whom are living. She was converted in 1851 and had lived a consistent Christian life. The family have been residents of this community for the past twenty years or more. She had been a woman of an extraordinary constitution and had begun to fail rapidly in health only about a year or so ago. She was very much devoted to her home and while her acquaintance here was not wide she was loved by all who knew her. Her husband lately passed his 92 birthday.



Cassville Republican 8/17/1922

Charles Wesley Higganbotham (1829-1922) IL/MO

Aged Citizen Passed Away

Sunday August 13th Cassville and Barry County lost one of its most highly respected and aged citizens. One that had lived a true and devoted Christian life since early youth.

Chas. Wesley Higganbotham was born in Coles County, Illinois October 28, 1829. He was married to Miss Polly Smith January 29, 1852. To this union were born seven children, C.D. of Cassville, William and Lot of Kansas, Albert of Carl Junction, Mrs. Anna Vail of Idaho, Mrs. Eva Reedy of Cole Camp and Sarah who died in infancy.

Mr. Higganbotham enlisted in the Union Army in Company F, 60th Illinois Volunteers, serving three years and six months.

He was converted in early youth and was a member of the Congregational church. He lived a happy Christian life until his death and numbered his friends by his acquaintance. He died August 13th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eva Reedy of Cole Camp at the age of 92 years, 8 months, 15 days.

He moved from Illinois to Kansas in 1879 and there he homesteaded. He moved to Cassville in 1904 where he has since resided.

He was preceded by his wife, who died November 9, 1921. Has she lived until January they would have been married 70 years.

Funeral services were conducted at the residence in Cassville, Tuesday August 15, at 2 o'clock p.m., conducted by Rev. Edward Chappell. Interment was made in the Oak Hill cemetery.



Republican Tribune (Union, MO) 11/14/1924

Nancy Elizabeth Grasham Higginbotham (1854-1924) TN/MO

Nancy Elizabeth Higginbotham (nee Grasham) was born in Nashville, Tennessee, September 21, 1854. On February 16, 1872 she was untied in marriage to James Higginbotham and moved to Franklin County, Missouri, in 1879. To this union eight children were born, five of whom are living. They are Mrs. Chas. Moore of Moselle, Mo., Mrs. Mae Matthews of St. Louis, Mo., Clarence and Wesley of Banner Springs, Kansas and Joe of Calhoun, Oklahoma.

She united with the Baptist Church of Moselle in 1900, being baptized by Rev. B.S. Hutton, who also conducted the funeral services Saturday, November 8. She died at the age of 70 years, 1 month and 16 days.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 8/20/1925

Margaret Ann Hawkins Higginbotham (1854-1925) MO

Mrs. Margaret Ann Higginbotham, relict of the late Fillimore Higginbotham passed away at the home of her son, Gress Higginbotham, of Fertile, Monday, August 17 at the age of 70 years. Funeral services were held Wednesday, interment in the Masonic Cemetery of Blackwell.



Joplin Globe 12/3/1925

Frank Bird Higginbottom (1890-1925) MO

Funeral services for Frank Bird Higginbottom, 35 years old, who died at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Higginbottom, 1324 Hill street, will be held at the chapel of the Frank-Sievers Undertaking Company at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in Carterville cemetery. He is survived by his parents; one daughter, Mary D. Higginbottom, at home; two brothers, William Higginbottom, 911 West Sixth street, and J.P. Higginbottom of Carterville; three sisters, Mrs. Emma Mason, 1324 Hill street; Mrs. Effie Graham of Galena, and Mrs. Meda Walton of Tulsa, Okla.



The Daily News and Intelligencer (Mexico, MO) 12/22/1925

Mary Elizabeth Higginbotham Wells (1879-1925) MO

Mrs. Lem Wells of New Hartford, Mo., well known in this city, died at the Audrain hospital at 7:15 o'clock Monday night, after a several days illness of pneumonia. She was 46 years of age.

Mrs. Wells was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, and was before her marriage Miss Mary Higginbotham. She is survived by her husband, Lem Wells, a prominent farmer in the New Hartford section, one son, Lem Wells, Jr., aged 9, and five daughters, Jimmie Wells, who was born two weeks ago at the hospital here, Virginia Wells, Ann Wells, Dora Frances and Lucy Wells. She also leaves her mother, Mrs. J.W. Higginbotham of Bowling Green, Mo.

The body was taken to the Wells home Tuesday morning for funeral and burial services Thursday.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 2/7/1926

Ellen Anne Higginbotham Mitchell (1876-1926) England/MO

Mitchell - On Friday, February 5, 1926, Ellen Anne Mitchell, of 6205 Simpson avenue, beloved wife of John E. Mitchell, dear mother of John E., Jr., Orville, Donald F. and Marian Mitchell, dear sister of Mrs. Jesse Branch, Mrs. Frank Z. Linkard and William B., John W. Higginbotham, daughter of the late John H. and Harriett Higginbotham and sister-in-law of Joseph G. and Lida Mitchell, in her 49th year.

Funeral from Peetz funeral home, Lafayette avenue and Longfellow boulevard, on Sunday, February 7, at 3 p.m. Interment in Lake Charles Cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 5/26/1926

Cora Chase Higinbotham (1886-1926) MN/MO

Mrs. Cora Chase Higinbotham, 40 years old, died yesterday at her home, 3206 East Twenty-ninth street. She is survived by her husband, W.R. Higinbotham; two daughters, Miss Marjorie Higinbotham and Miss Mary Dee Higinbotham; a son, Stephen Chase Higinbotham; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Chase, all of the home, and a sister, Mrs. E.E. Allison, 4105 South Benton. The funeral will be at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the home. Burial in Forest Hill cemetery.



Joplin Globe 7/26/1927

Mary Josephine McGuire Higginbottom (1851-1927) IL/MO

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary J. Higginbottom, 77 years old, who died at 11:15 o'clock Sunday morning at her home, 1324 Hill street, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the chapel of Frank-Sievers Undertaking Company. The Rev. J.W. Moore, pastor of the Central Avenue Methodist Church, will officiate and a ritual service will be conducted by the Women's Relief Corps of which Mrs. Higginbottom was a member. Burial will be in Carterville Cemetery. She is survived by her husband, W.A. Higginbottom; three daughters, Mrs. Emma Mason, at home; Mrs. Effie Graham of Galena, and Mrs. Netta Walton of Bristow, Okla.; two sons, J.P. Higginbottom of Carterville and W.G. Higginbottom of Joplin; a sister, Mrs. W.B. Frederick of Tulsa; four brothers, B.S. McGuire of Tulsa; Frank McGuire of Wauweka, Okla.; W.E. McGuire of Pawhuska, Okla., and Joe McGuire of Dewey, Okla.; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.



Dunklin County News (Kennett, MO) 11/18/1927

Nettie C. Kimbrow Higginbotham (1893-1927) MO

Mrs. Luther Higginbotham, Born Oct. 19, 1893, died at her home in the Lulu neighborhood, aged 34 years. Funeral services were held at the Lulu church Monday, Nov. 14, the Rev. L.T. Carrington. Interment was made in the Lulu cemetery.



Jetta Geraldine Higginbotham (1915-1928) IL/MO

Higginbotham- Jetta Geraldine Higginbotham, 13 years old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Higginbotham, 911 West Sixth street, died at 6:15 o'clock yesterday morning at the residence. Funeral services were conducted a the residence this afternoon by the Rev. W.S. Butts, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, South. The body will be sent in the morning to Batesville, Ark., for burial.



The Kansas City Star 4/19/1928

Bessie Lee Higginbotham (1927-1928) MO

Higginbotham - Bessie Lee, age 15 months, passed away Wednesday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Higginbotham, Springfield and Bellefontaine aves. She is also survived by three half-brothers, Thomas, Henry and Elden Wright, all of the home. Funeral services from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Simpson, 2740 Madison ave., Kansas City, Mo. Burial Maple Hill cemetery. Daniels Brothers, funeral directors.



The Neosho Times (Neosho, Missouri) Thursday, 14 Jun 1928 Page 1

Oscar Higginbotham (1849-1928) VA/MO
Oscar Higginbotham, 79 years old, one of the oldest citizens of the county, died at his home in Five Mile township a mile south of Spring City last Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. He had been in failing health for some time due to the infirmities of age. He was one of the leading farmers of that section and bore his full share of the burdens of the community, taking an active part in civic and political affairs.
Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the Hornet church by Rev. W. H. Flippin, pastor of the Blendville Christian church. Burial was in the Hornet Cemetery.
Deceased leaves three sons, Edward, Robert and William D. Higginbotham, all of whom reside south of Spring City, and a daughter, Mrs. Lula Stroup, of Spring City. Mr. Higginbotham had resided on the farm where he died for 45 years.



The Sedalia Democrat 9/12/1928

Julia Higginbotham Mackler (1889-1928) MO

The body of Mrs. Julia Mackler, wife of George Mackler, who died in St. Louis Monday, in the St. John's hospital, from injuries received in an automobile accident last Labor Day, arrived this morning and was taken to the Gillespie Funeral Home. The body was accompanied by Mr. MAckler, his sister, Mrs. Ernest Gillespie, and Mr. Gillespie, also by Mr. Mackler's mother, Mrs. John Mackler.

An autopsy at St. Louis revealed a broken back, ribs and internal injuries.

Surviving besides the husband are, a sister, Mrs. Frank Draffen, of Kansas City, and five brothers, Bert Higginbotham, Quincy, Ill.; Boss, of Boonville, Robert of Blackwater, Wade and Sam Higginbotham, the two latter of Kansas City.

Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Gillespie Funeral Home, Rev. A.W. Kokendoffer, pastor of the First Baptist church, to officiate.

Mrs. Will Haynen will have charge of the music.

Pallbearers will be C.A. Smith, James W. Settles, J.L. Brooks, Jack Walden, E.C. Thompson and Dr. M.E. Gouge.

Interment will be in Crown Hill cemetery.



The Salem Post 2/13/1929

Mary Ann Higginbotham Johnson (1846-1929) MO

Old-Time Resident of Dent County Dies

Mrs. Mary A. Johnson, a native of this county, and for many years one of its residents, died Tuesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G.W. Reaves, of Steelville. Mrs. Johnson was a daughter of one of the early pioneers of Dent County, her father being a Higginbotham, which family located in this county shortly after 1830.

We understand the funeral will be conducted tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon and burial will take place at the Steelville cemetery. Mrs. Johnson was a cousin to Mrs. Alcey Love and Miss Emma McSpadden and an aunt of Mrs. Tom Young.



The Kansas City Times 3/30/1929

Jane Matilda Welker Higinbotham (186601929) MO/KS

Higinbotham - Mrs. Jennie Matilda, age 62 years, wife of H.C. Higinbotham, passed away at her home, 1706 South 21st St., K.C.K., March 29, 1929. Besides her husband, she is survived by one son, Blaine G.. Higinbotham, of the home; 1 daughter, Mrs. Blanche Benezette, 1714 South 21st St.; 2 sisters, Mrs. Susie Wilkinson, Olathe, Kans. and Ermongard Amozurrutia, Aguascalientes Aguas, Mexico; 3 grandchildren. Mrs. Higinbotham came to Argentine in 1890 and had resided there continuously since that time. Mrs. Higinbotham was a member of Tirzah Chapter No. 85, O.E.S.; also a member of the Ruby Avenue Congregational church. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Simmons & Sons, general directors.



The Kansas City Times 2/5/1930

Hannah C. Higginbottom (1871-1930) MO/CA

Higginbottom - Hannah C., of Sacramento, Cal., passed away Feb. 3, 1930, at the home of sister, Mrs. C.P. Schroeder, 3504 Chestnut ave. Funeral service from Mrs. C.L. Forster's funeral home Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.; burial in Memorial Park cemetery.



The Wentzville Union 6/20/1930

Edward Newland Higginbotham (1859-1930) MO/OK

Edward Newland Higginbotham was born July 14, 1859, at Foristell, Mo., and died June 14, 1930, at the home of his son, Fred, of Big Cabin, Okla., at the age of 70 years and 11 months.

He was united in marriage on Aug. 3, 1881, to Miss Mattie Hitch of Wentzville, Mo., and to this union were born four children, Fred G. of Big Cabin, Okla.; Clarence C. of San Juan, Texas; and Anna and Blanch of Bingham, Utah.

 Mr. Higginbotham united with the M.E. Church near Foristell in his early youth and throughout the remaining years tried to live a Christian life. He had been a resident of Big Cabin, Okla. since 1895.

Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist church of Big Cabin, at 3 p.m. Monday, June 16, 1930, by Rev. Foreman and interment was made in the city cemetery.

Besides the four children mentioned above, the deceased is survived by thirteen grandchildren, two brothers, Robert W. and Charles P. Higginbotham of Foristell, a host of other relatives and many friends who mourn his demise.

To the bereaved the Union extends sympathy.



The Kansas City Times 7/24/1930

William G. Higginbotham (1872-1930) MO

Joplin, Mo., July 23 - William Higginbotham, 57, of Rolla, Mo., recently of Joplin, was fatally injured in a motor car accident near St. Clair, Mo., according to a message received by his wife here tonight.



The Kansas City Times 11/20/1930

Lorne R. Higginbotham (1903-1930) MO

Higginbotham - Lorne R., passed away Wednesday morning at the age of 27. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Fleta Morrison, 1909 W. 47th st. terrace; 2 brothers, Orville Higginbotham, 1909 W. 47th st. terrace, and Clifford Higginbotham, 3603 Wayne. Funeral announcement later. J.P. Louis, funeral director.



The Albany Capital 1/22/1931

Ritchin Louis Higginbotham (1866-1931) OH/MO

R.L. Higginbotham, prominent Gentry county farmer, passed away at his home 3 miles northwest of Albany Sunday, being 64 years, 4 months and 3 days of age at the time of his death. Mr. Higginbotham had been in failing health for several months and visited several medical specialists but could not get relief from his suffering. His health continued to fail and for several weeks he has been hanging in the balance between life and death.

"Lou" Higginbotham, as he was fondly known by his host of Gentry county friends, was an outstanding citizen. He was a successful farmer and held other business interests and was known as a man who was honest in all of his dealings. He was admired and respected by friends, who he numbered by his acquaintances.

R.L. Higginbotham, son of James M. and Margaret (Baker) Higginbotham, was born in Letart Falls, Ohio, on Sept. 15, 1866. He came with his family to Missouri in 1870 and located in Gentry county. Practically the entire remainder of his life has been spent on the same farm, 3 miles northwest of here.

Mr. Higginbotham was never married and he and his brother, Charles, have resided together on the old home place, where his death occurred.

He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister and one brother and is survived by two brothers, Charles of the home place and William of near Darlington.

The funeral services were conducted at the Old Brick church Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock by Rev. Elmer Page, pastor of the Albany Baptist church. Burial was in the adjoining cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham will be sadly missed in the home community and the surviving brothers have the sympathies of their many friends.



St. Clair Chronicle 2/12/1931

Anna May Hickinbotham (1913-1931) MO

Anna May Hickinbotham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hickinbotham, was born May 27, 1912 and departed this life Feb. 6, 1931 at the home of her parents near Morrellton, at the age of 18 years, 8 months and 10 days.

She leaves to mourn her loss, her father, mother, three brothers, one sister and many other relatives and friends.

Anna May had been an invalid most of her life, having been kicked by a horse when a small girl and for the past year, had been confined to her home but she was always cheerful and patient.

Funeral services were conducted by Reverend Stephenson, Sunday afternoon at the church in Morrellton, after which the remains were taken to the cemetery near there and tenderly laid to rest in the presence of a large congregation of friends.

Anna May will be greatly missed in her home and community, for all who knew her, loved her.



The Democrat-News (Fredericktown, MO) 6/18/1931

Joseph Lenwood Higginbotham (1921-1931) MO

Joseph Higginbotham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Higginbotham, who reside at 4-Shono, 8 miles northwest of Potosi, was killed Saturday, June 6th, 1931, by being strangled to death. Joseph was driving a roller, and had the reins around his neck. In some way the reins became entangled in the roller and threw him to the floor board, at the same time tightening evvery time the roller went around. When his father found him, the team had stopped, and the little fellow was dead. - Potosi Independent



The Kansas City Star 9/17/1931

Katherine N. Rossi Higinbotham (1860-19231) MO

Higinbotham-Mrs. Katherine, passed away at her residence, 3912 Warwick blvd., early Thursday morning. Survived by her daughter, Miss Marie Higinbotham, and son, C.E. Higinbotham, both of the residence; her sons, Rossi Higinbotham, 5508 Tracey ave.; John J. Higinbotham, 3339 Monroe, and Paul A. Higinbotham, Santa Cruz, Cal.; her sister, Mrs. Theodore Hansen, 3119 Broadway, and brother, John A. Rossi, St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Higinbotham's remains lie in rest in the parlors of W.F. Mayberry's funeral residence awaiting the completion of her funeral arrangements.



Miami Daily News-Record (Miami, OK) 12/09/1931

John Alexander Higginbotham (1866-1931) MO

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock this after noon at the Chitwood Methodist Episcopal church for John A. Higginbotham, a resident of this district all his life, who died at 8:30 o'clock yesterday morning at his home, 117 North Oak street, Chitwood. Burial will be in Hornet cemetery. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Margaret Higginbotham; five daughters, Miss Iva May Higginbotham at home, Mrs. Will Sparlin of Miami, Mrs. Don Studsberry of Quapaw, Mrs. Roy Brooks of Houston, Tex., and Mrs. W. M. Welsh of Nashville, Ark.; a son, Jason Higginbotham of Grant's Pass, Ore.; four brothers, Charles Higginbotham of Seneca, John Higginbotham of Joplin, James Higginbotham of Montana and William Higginbotham of Arizona, and one sister, Mrs. Ida Flynn of Chicago.



The Springfield News-Leader 2/6/1932

Mary Taylor Higginbotham Cheek (1848-1932) MO

Mrs. Mary Taylor Cheek, 84, died at her Dallas county farm home near Buffalo, Thursday. Mrs. Cheek was born in Polk county, Mo., March 6, 1848, the daughter of Ruben Higginbotham, Confederate soldier. She was married to James J. Cheek of Buffalo, in 1869, and the two have lived in Dallas county ever since. Mrs. Cheek was widely known to friends and neighbors as "Aunt Mary". She was a lifelong member of the Macedonia Baptist church, from which she is to be buried.

Mrs. Cheek is survived by her husband and eight of their nine children - Mrs. Alice Clark and Mrs. Rosa Bennett of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Anna Clark of Los Angeles, Cal.; J. Claud Cheek of Buffalo, Mo.; and Mrs. Mattie Morris, Cassius F. Cheek, William T. Cheek and J. Leroy Cheek, all of Springfield.



The Kansas City Times 3/12/1932

Glenna Jean Higginbottom (1928-1932) MO

Glenna Jean Higginbottom, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Higginbottom, 2516 Harrison street, died yesterday at the home. She is survived also by a brother, Daniel Leon Higginbottom, of the home.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 5/2/1932

Erma Higginbotham (1908-1932) MO

Negro Found Wounded Dies in City Hospital

Erma Higginbotham, 24, a Negro, 1114A O'Fallon street, who was found with a bullet wound in her head late Saturday, died yesterday morning at City Hospital No. 2.

Police, who said an altercation has preceded the shooting, are holding three Negroes for further questioning.



Macon Chronicle-Herald 3/14/1933

John Thomas Higginbotham (1874-1933) KY/MO/IA

Jack Higginbotham passed away at the hospital in Ft. Madison, Ia., Sunday night, March 5. His body was brought home on Monday evening, accompanied by his son, Carl.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Presbyterian church, conducted by the Rev. Sapp. Burial was made in the Ethel cemetery.



Springfield, MO 4/3/1933

John James Higginbotham (1845-1933) KY/MO

Funeral Services for Pioneer Polk County Farmer to be Held at Pleasant Hill

Bolivar, Mo., April 3 - Funeral services for John J. Higginbotham, 88, well-known pioneer Polk county farmer, who died at 6:30 a.m. Sunday at his home, four miles east of Bolivar, will be held at Pleasant Hill Baptist church with burial in the cemetery there, under the direction of White & Erwin Funeral home. The time has not been set.

The elderly farmer had spent much time here Saturday shopping with his wife and visiting friends. Returning home, he ate a hearty supper and retired. A heart attack caused his death early Sunday.

Mr. Higginbotham was a son of Captain Henry Higginbotham, who settled in the same community in 1845. He had served during the Civil War with Company K, Eight Missouri Volunteers. He was a charter member of the Pleasant Hill church and for many years had belonged to the Masonic Lodge at Halfway, Mo.

In June, a867, Mr. Higginbotham was married to Miss Mary R. Simpson. His first wife died January 24, 1882, and he was married two years later to Miss Mary L. Hart, who survives him.

Three children survive by the first marriage, T. W. and W. H. Higginbotham and Mrs. Anna Lusk, all of Polk county. James C. Higginbotham survives from the second marriage.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 2/15/1934

George Howard Higginbotham (1876-1934) MO

Honorable G.H. Higginbotham, Washington county's Representative in the General Assembly at Jefferson City, former Mayor of Potosi, and one of our best known and highly respected citizens, died Sunday morning, February 4, 1934. Mr. Higginbotham was confined to his home several days last week, but able to be out Saturday. That evening about 11 o'clock he suffered a stroke of paralysis and death came at 10:15 Sunday morning. Mr. Higginbotham was in very poor health a year or so ago and his friends were much pleased when his health improved. Needless to say, his death was a great shock to all.

George Howard Higginbotham was born near Potosi in Liberty township, December 3, 1876, and was 57 years, 2 months and 1 day old at the time of his death. He was the son of the late Lytle B. and Josie Highley Higginbotham. His mother died when he was 8 months old and he was reared by his grandmother, Mrs. Highley. His education was obtained in the public schools of Washington county. Most of his life was engaged in the mercantile business.

In 1932 Mr. Higginbotham was elected as Washington County's Representative in the State Legislature where he served with distinction. Prior to that time he had mayor of Potosi two terms.

The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist Church in Potosi by the Rev. Walt E. Hill, pastor, assisted by the Rev. George McFarland of Salem, former pastor of the church here. Burial was in the new Masonic cemetery, under the auspices of the K.P. Lodge. The many floral offerings attested the esteem in which Mr.. Higginbotham was held in this county. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. - Potosi Independent



Springfield Leader and Press 3/22/1934

Joe Burney Higginbotham (1880-1934) MO

Joe Burney Higginbotham, 43, janitor of the courthouse at Bolivar, died of a heart attack this morning.

He had awaked his wife about midnight and when she was fully awake, she found him unconscious. He was a retired farmer and had been born and reared in Polk county. This was his second year as janitor.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Grace Higginbotham; four sons, Chester Higginbotham, who is at the CCC camp at Palace, Mo., Francis, Parker and J.B. Higginbotham, Jr., all of the home; three daughters, Dorothy, Nora Jean and Wilma Grace Higginbotham; his father, Joe Higginbotham; three brothers, Frank, Mart and George Higginbotham of Bolivar, and three sisters, , Mrs. Lee Tucker of Haven, Kan., Mrs. Nora Fuller of Bolivar and Mrs. Florence Brokeu of Stotts City, Kan.

An uncle of Higginbotham's, who is a retired minister, the Rev. Mart Higginbotham, will conduct the services at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in the Pleasant Hill church. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill cemetery under direction of Hutcheson & Blue of Bilivar.



Springfield Leader ad Press 4/2/1934

Thomas Franklin Higginbotham (1880-1934) MO

For the second time in two weeks death has taken an officer in the city of Bolivar. On MArch 22, Joe Burney Higginbotham, janitor of the Polk county courthouse, died of a heart attack, and Sunday, his brother, Thomas Franklin Higginbotham, 54, Bolivar constable, died of a ten-day illness.

Each man had been in office slightly more than a year and each had been a farmer until moving to Bolivar about five years ago.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his father, Joe Higginbotham; four sons, Ray, Walter and Willard Higginbotham of Bolivar and Claude Higginbotham of Satanta, Kan.; a daughter, Mrs. Lula Mitchel of Bolivar, and two brothers, George and Mart Higginbotham of Bolivar.

Funeral services will be at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the Pleasant Hill church with the pastor, Rev. Otis Hook, officiating. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill cemetery under direction of Hutcheson and Blue of Bolivar.



Springfield, MO 4/12/1934

Mary Louisa Hart Higginbotham (1860-1934) IN/MO

Mrs. Mary Louisa Higginbotham, 73, widow of John J. Higginbotham, Polk county farmer, died yesterday morning in her home at Bolivar. She was born in Sycamore, Ind., and came to Missouri with her parents at the age of 8. She married Mr. Higginbotham in 1884 and 15 years ago they moved to Bolivar from their home, six miles east of there. Survivors are a son, Jim Higginbotham, of Hafway, Mo; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Ben Lusk of Bolivar; four stepsons, J.C. and C.W. Higginbotham of Bolivar, J.T. Higginbotham of Flagstaff, Ariz., and W.H. Higginbotham of Filmore, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. George Hargis of Bolivar, and 15 grandchildren. Her husband died a year ago this month. Funeral arrangements are incomplete but services probably be at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the Pleasant Hill Baptist church, five miles east of Bolivar. Burial will be under the direction of White and Erwin of Bolivar.



Tri-County News (King City, MO) 8/10/1934

William Elmer Higginbotham (1864-1934) OH/MO

W. E. Higgenbotham, 70 died at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at his home 4-1/2 miles northwest of Whitesville after a prolonged illness which dated back to an apoplectic stroke four years ago. An attack of intestinal flu and the extreme hot weather were contributing causes of his death, it was said. The funeral will be held this afternoon at the Old Brick Church, 4-1/2 miles northwest of Albany, and burial will be in the cemetery nearby. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. May Gregory, Stanberry; three sons, John, at home; Ray, Albany, and Charles, Darlington; also by eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.



Jefferson City Post-Tribune 10/15/1934

Travis Joe Higginbotham (1915-1934) MO

Parker Raymond Higginbotham (1918-1934) MO


Brothers, 16 and 19, Fatally Seared in Cousin's Home at Bolivar

BOLIVAR, MO., Oct. 16- (AP) Two brothers were fatally burned shortly after midnight in a residence near here when the lamp they had filled by mistake with gasoline exploded. Parker Higginbotham, 16, and Travis, 18, had returned from a picture show and filled the lamp, using a can of gasoline they had for cleaning purposes. They were sons of the late Burney Higginbotham, janitor of the Polk county court house, and had been carrying on his work since his death six months ago. Parker fell before reaching the door and Travis, his clothes aflame, managed to run into the yard. Neighbors, attracted by the boys’ screams, ran to their rescue, picked up Travis, wrapped him in a blanket and started with him to a doctor's office. On the way he asked about Parker and several returned to the burning house and found the boy, burned beyond recognition, just inside the front door. Travis, before he died at 8o'clock this morning, gasped out the story of how, in the darkness, they had used the wrong can in filling the lamp. Travis had been at CCC camp at Sullivan, Mo., for two months recently. The fire occurred at the home of a cousin, Mrs. Lulu Mitchell, not three blocks from the Bolivar square. Mrs. Mitchell had gone to stay with the boy’s sisters, Dorothy, Nancy Jean and Wilma Grace Higginbotham, and the boys were staying in her home. The mother of the boys, Mrs. Grace Higginbotham, had been in Ventura, Cal., and had sent for the girls. They were to leave the first of November. The boys were expected to follow later in the fall.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 12/6/1934

Henry Louis Higginbotham Jr. (1869-1934) MO

Rev. H. Louis Higginbotham, aged 64 years, entered into rest at the St. Marys Hospital in Jefferson City, Tuesday, December 4th. Notice of funeral later.



The Albany Capital 2/14/1935

Orpha Blanche Guess Higginbotham (1898-1935) MO

Mrs. Higginbotham Died On Tuesday

Mrs. Ray Higginbotham passed away at her home in the Evona community Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock after an illness that lasted two years. She was 36 years of age.

Orpha Blanche Guess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Guess, was born in Gentry county of October 14, 1898. She has resided in this county all of her life.

She was united in marriage to Ray Higginbotham and to this union two children were born, both of whom survive. She leaves her husband, two children, her father, Tillman Guess of Albany, three sisters, Mrs. Maude Carter of Lone Star, Mrs. Clarence Beach of Olathe, Kan., Miss Genevieve of Albany and three brothers, Wayne, Orville and J. C. Guess, all of this community.

The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church here Wednesday afternoon at 2  o'clock by Rev. Cooper. Interment was made in the Grandview cemetery.

The many friends of the family extend sympathy in this great bereavement.



The Dexter Messenger 3/28/1935

Landon A. Higginbotham (1904-1935) MO

Funeral services were held for Laden Higginbotham at the family home a few miles east of Bernie on last Monday afternoon, by Rev. Frank Richardson, and the body was later brought here for interment.

Laden Higginbotham had recently passed his thirty-first birthday and his untimely death was due to tuberculosis, contracted while working in the car factories at Flint, Mich. He returned here about two years ago and for a time resided in Bernie but later settled on a farm near Lanprer's Chapel.

He was the son of Thomas and Cleotha (Johnson) Higginbotham. His mother died many years ago, but he is survived by his father, two brothers, Linus, of near Bernie and Louie, of Pontiac, Mich., and two sisters, Mrs. Lossie Grimes and Mrs. Iva Vaughn, both of Flint, Mich.

in 1928 he was married to Miss Leota Murphy and to this union were born three children, Jimmy, Billy and Doris, whom he leaves to mourn his departure. A few days before his death he was converted and had he lived longer would have probably become a member of one of the churches in this vicinity.

Besides his many relatives, a number of friends regret his early demise, some of whom came from a distance to pay the last rites to the deceased.



The Neosho Times 6/13/1935

Edward C. Higginbotham (1875-1935) MO

Ed. Higginbotham, 59 years old, died Monday afternoon at his home in Five Mile township. He had been sick for some time and had suffered a third stroke of paralysis. He leaves his wife, two sons and two daughters; also two brothers, Wm. D. and Robert, and a sister, Mrs. Straup. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at Hornet and was attended by a very large crowd.



The Kansas City Star 2/6/1936

Herbert D. Hickenbottom (????-1936) MO

Hickenbottom - Herbert D., 2819 North Mill st. Funeral services 2 o'clock Thursday in the drawing room of Eads Bros. Funeral Home, 1416 Minnesota ave. Interment Woodlawn cemetery.



St. Joseph Gazette 2/10/1936

Floyd O. Higginbotham (1902-1936) IA/MO

Floyd Higginbotham, thirty-four years old, 3415 Monterey street, a proprietor of the Mitchell Avenue garage at 3306 Mitchell Avenue, died yesterday at the home of a sister, Mrs. Ed Sheetz, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. Higginbotham had been ill a month. Born at Mystic, Iowa, he lived in St. Joseph five years. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Mrs. Armentia Higginbotham, his father, L.L. Higginbotham, Elmira, Mo.; two sisters, Mrs. R. Ringanburg, McCallsburg, Iowa, and Mrs. Spencer Wilson, Phoenix, Ariz.; and two brothers, Kenneth Higginbotham, Kansas City, Mo., and John W. Higginbotham, St. Joseph. The funeral will be Tuesday at Excelsior Springs, and burial will be at Mystic.



The Greenfield Vidette 2/13/1936

Joseph Milton Higginbotham (1849-1936) VA/MO

Joseph Milton Higginbotham was born April 11, 1849 in Virginia, and died Feb. 6, 1936, near Greenfield, Dade county, Missouri. He came to Missouri from Ohio more than 40 years ago, and made his home around Sylvania most of the time since. Six children preceded him in death.

He is survived by nine children, William of Sylvania, Delia Mitts of Rich Hill, Clarence of Bellwood, Neb., Fay Spears of Texarkana, Ark., Earl of Greenfield, Joe of Jasper, Edd of St. Louis, Beulah Bailey of Carthage, Esther of Drexel.

He passed away Feb. 6, 1936, at the home of his son Earl, which he had made his home the past six months.

Funeral services were conducted by Tom Proctor at Bethlehem Baptist church where the body was laid to rest.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch

William Heginbotham (1868-1936) PA/MO

Heginbotham, William - Mon., April 27, 1936, 11:15 a.m., dear father of Mrs. Frank Rittenbacher, Mrs. Frank Ricketts of Watertown, Tenn.; Mrs. Elmer Vogel, Mrs. Frank Midkiff, Charles, William, Herman and John Heginbotham, and our dear father-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle.

Remains will lie in state at family residence, 4704 Ray Av., until Thurs., April 30, 11 a.m. Services 2 p.m. same day, from Kreigshauser Mortuary, 4228 S. Kingshighway Bl. Interment Valhalla Cemetery.



The Troy Free Press 7/7/1936

America Davis Paxton Higginbotham (1856-1936) MO/KS

Mrs. J. W. Higginbotham, a long time resident of the Louisville community, died Thursday at the home of her son, Rufus L. Higginbotham, in Wichita, Kansas, where she was visiting.

The body was brought to her old home at Louisville Saturday and funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon in the Louisville Christian Church by Rev. J. D. Powell, assisted by Rev. Iva C. Whipple, of Bowling Green. Burial was in the Clarksville cemetery, beside her husband.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Ollie Johnson, of Bowling Green, and three sons, Rufus, of Wichita, and Henry and J. W., of near Louisville.



Springfield Leader and Press 7/22/1936

Constance Higginbotham (1936) MO

Funeral services were conducted this afternoon in the Bolivar cemetery for Constance Higginbotham, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Con Higginbotham of 1258 West Division street who died at 11 o'clock Tuesday night. Burial was under direction of F.C. Thieme.

Besides the parents, she is survived by the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Higginbotham of Camdenton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freeman of Springfield.



The Kansas City Star 7/23/1936

Emma Field Higginbotham Moberly (1857-1936) KY/MO

Mrs. Emma Frances Moberly, 79 years old, died early today at her farm two miles northeast of Lees Summit on the Colborn road. She leaves her husband, J.J. Moberly and a son, E.J. Moberly, both of the home; a daughter, Mrs. E.G. Kime, Salina, Kas., and a brother, William Higgenbottom, Waleston, Ky. Funeral services will be held Saturday at Coffeyville, Kas. Burial will be at Coffeyville.



The Bloomfield Vindicator 7/24/1936

Calla Byrl Higginbotham (1934-1936) MO

Little Call Byrl Higginbotham of Broseley, was buried here Wednesday, Rev. Waggoner of Broseley conducting the funeral. The little girl died Tuesday of enteritis. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Higginbotham, who was reared here, a brother to Mrs. Ray Lindsay.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7/28/1936

Susan Madden Higginbotham (1850-1936) MO

Higginbotham, Susan - Entered into rest at her home, 305 Boyd st., De Soto, Mo., July 28, 1936, beloved wife of the late Wilder Higginbotham, dear mother of the late Dr. Morie and Malcom Higginbotham, and our dear aunt.

Funeral service from the residence, Thurs., July 30, 1 p.m. interment City Cemetery. Mothershead service.



St. Louis Globe-Dispatch 2/2/1937

Eunice Ann Hickinbotham DeVaney (1865-1937) OH/MO

Devaney, Eunice Ann (nee Hickinbotham) - On Sat., Jan. 30, 1937, at 6:45 p.m., beloved wife of the late Charles Mitchell Devaney, dear mother of Mrs. Margaret Constant, Mrs. Charles Krueger and William R. and Walter H. Devaney and the late Daisy L. Devaney, grandmother and great-grandmother.

Funeral from Stuart & Sons Funeral Chapel, 1225 Union bl., Tues., Feb. 2, at 2 p.m. Interment St. Matthew's Cemetery.



The Albany Capital 2/4/1937

William Ray Higginbotham (1899-1937) MO

Merchant Died Here Monday

Ray Higginbotham Had Been Ill With Flu And Pneumonia For About One Week

Death Claimed W. R. (Ray) Higginbotham, popular young Albany bussiness man, Monday morning of this week after an illness of about a week. Mr. Higginbotham was taken sick with the flu that later developed into pneumonia. He was 37 years, 6 months and 16 days of age at the time of his passing.

William Raymond Higginbotham was born in this county near Albany on July 16th, 1899. He has lived his entire life in this community. He was engaged in farming until about two years ago when he became engaged in the produce business here, the firm now being Higginbotham Brothers.

On December 13, 1919 he was united in marriage with Orpha Guess, who passed away Feb. 12th, 1935. This union was blessed with one child, Helen Frances, who survives. In addition to the daughter he leaves his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbotham of Albany; one sister, Mrs. Mae Gregory of Stanberry; two brothers, John of Albany and Charles of Guilford. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends.

Ray was a quiet, unassuming fellow who bore his trials and tribulations without complaint. Although he had the misfortune to lose his wife a few years ago, he and his mother have maintained the home for the 11-year-old daughter. He made friends and held them. He was kind and considerate of all who came in contact with him, and his passing brings sadness.

The funeral services were held at the Albany Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Keys, pastor of the church. Interment was made in the Grandview cemetery under the direction of Clifford Brooks.



The St. Louis Star and Times 2/6/1937

Diedrick Higginbotham (1907-1937) MO

Diedrick Higginbotham, 30-year-old Negro, of 1005 North Fourteenth Street, died at City Hospital No. 2 at 4 a.m. today from gunshot wounds suffered at his home at 1 a.m. Police arrested Rachel Belle, Negro, 26, who said she was Higginbotham's common-law wife. She admitted shooting Higginbotham, police said, because he beat her when she protested against his spending her money.



Houston Herald, 3/4/1937 p.7

Sarah Katherine Higginbotham Adkins (1843-1937) KY/MO

Sarah Katherine Higginbotham was born in Wayne county, Kentucky, April 27, 1843, and died in Pierce township, Texas county, Mo., February 16, 1937, at the age of 93 years, 9 months, 19 days.

Sarah was united in matrimony to Austin Adkins in the year 1859. To this union were born ten children, of whom only four survive: Owen Adkins, Preston (Pet) Adkins, Ella Woolsey, and Martha Overlease. All were present except Owen.

Sarah gave her heart to God early in life, to whom she lived faithful until death.

Sarah and her family moved in ox wagons from Kentucky to Missouri in the year 1882, where she resided until death.

She was laid to rest in Houston rural school cemetery, funeral services by Rev. Jefferson Selby. She leaves a host of relatives and friends, who will miss her good influence and association.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 8/23/1937

William Henry Hickinbotham (1879-1937) MO

Find Watchman's Body on Frisco Tracks

The body of William H. Hickinbotham, 58-year-old watchman, was found early yesterday morning on the tracks of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad at Pacific, Mo., near the plant of the St. Louis Material and Supply Company, where he was employed.

Dr. John O'Connell, St. Louis County Coroner, said Hickinbotham's watch had stopped at 9:20 o'clock, presumably the time he was struck by the train. A check with railroad officials revealed a freight train passed the scene last night at 9:37 o'clock, although it was not determined whether it was the one which struck the watchman. Several trains were routed over the tracks before the body was found. An inquest will be held this morning at Ballwin, Mo.




Lewis Henry Higginbotham (1878-1937) MO

Higginbotham Rites Will Be Tomorrow

Funeral services for Lewis Henry Higginbotham, 59 years old, operator of the County Line garage, who died at 4:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home, 3023 Joplin street, will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal church, South, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. J. D. Prater will be in charge. Burial will be in Hornet cemetery.

The body will lie in state at the church from 1 to 2 o'clock. Pallbearers will be O. W. Cox, Clarence Martin, Harry Montgomery, A. W. Thomas, George Wiseman and Braz Craig.

Higginbotham was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, and the Seneca Masonic lodge. He had operated the shop for 14 years.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Higginbotham; three daughters, Miss Lois Higginbotham and Miss Delpha Higginbotham, both at home, and Mrs. Florence Thomas, 3102 Pearl avenue; a son, Sherman Higginbotham, 3435 Moffet avenue; three brothers, Charles Higginbotham of Seneca, James Higginbotham of Forsyth, Mont., and T. W. Higginbotham of Thayer, Kan., and a sister, Mrs. Ida Flynn of Chicago.



Moberly Monitor-Index and Democrat 02/03/1938

William Harold Higginbotham (1858-1938) TX


HIGBEE, Feb. 3-Word has been received here of the death of William Higginbotham at his home in Ennis, Tex., January 23. Funeral services were conducted there January 25.

Surviving are his widow; and two sons, Herbert and William, Jr. Mrs. Higginbotham is a sister of Mrs. Dorcas Cave and Mrs. W. D. Burke of Higbee, Mrs. William McGlothlin of New Franklin and Joel Rucker of Renick.



The Kansas City Star 7/8/1938

Charles Higginbotham (1871-1938) IA/MO

Higginbotham - Charles Higginbotham, 67 years old, 1321 Forest avenue, died today at the General hospital. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Carrie Higginbotham of the home; a daughter, Mrs. S.M. Brasfield, 5009 East Eighth street, and a brother, I.J. Higginbotham, Oklahoma City, Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Sunday at the home. Burial will be in Shawnee cemetery, Shawnee, Kas.



The Dexter Statesman 8/12/1938

David Higginbotham (1938) MO

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Higginbotham of Malden was buried in the Bernie cemetery last Wednesday morning. The baby only lived a few hours after birth. Rev. P.A. Kasey was in charge of the service at the home.



Macon Chronicle-Herald 8/24/1938

Ann Gertrude Higginbotham Cherry (1866-1938) MO

Gertrude A. Higginbotham was born in Macon County, Missouri, August 21, 1866, and passed away August 17, 1938, aged 71 years, 11 months, 26 days.

She was married to George O. Cherry, February 4, 1887. To this union two children were born, Earl S. Cherry, who preceded her in death December 27, 1921, and Ruby D. Cherry, who is now the wife of Minos HEaton.

At the age of sixteen she united with the Methodist church but later transferred her membership to the Presbyterian church where she remained a devoted member ever since.

She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Ruby, of the home; two grandchildren, J. R. Heaton Jr., and Robert Earl Cherry of Ethel; three half brothers, Roy and Carl Sunderland, of Atlanta, Joe Sunderland, Bozeman, Mont.; three half sisters, Mrs. Ida Epperson, Mrs. Elzora Nuhn and Miss Annie Sunderland, all of Atlanta and a multitude of friends.

The home loses one of the most kindly mothers, the community loses one of the most outstanding helpful Christian women this community has ever known.



The Kansas City Star 12/21/1938

William M. Higginbotham (1862-1938) IL/MO

HIGGINBOTHAM-William, 76 years, died Wednesday morning at his home, 3630 Chestnut. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Leora B. Higginbotham; 2 daughters, Miss Nelle Higginbotham; Mrs. Faye Hughs, and a son, C. C. Higginbotham, all of the home. Time of services later. Thomas E. Quirk funeral home, 4316 Troost Ave.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9/21/1939

Mary Clark Higginbotham (1866-1939) MO/CO

Funeral services for Mrs. Henry Higginbotham, who died Sunday in Trinidad, Colo., of heart disease, will be tomorrow at 3 p.m. at the Bopp undertaking establishment, 131 West Argonne drive, Kirkwood, with burial in Lake Charles Burial Park. Mrs. Higginbotham, who was 73 years old, resided with her husband, an attorney, at 210 South Clay avenue, Kirkwood.



The Journal-Gazette (West Plains, MO) 10/26/1939

Mose Morgan Higginbotham (1862-1939) MO

M.M. Higginbotham of Koshkonong, 76-year-old railroad employee, died in the Baptist Hospital in Springfield early Sunday morning after an illness resulting from an intestinal infection.

Mr. Higginbotham was brought to the hospital Wednesday when his condition became critical. He died at 2:30 o'clock in the morning on Sunday.

The railroad employee was born in Warrenton, Mo., Nov. 18, 1862. He moved to Howell County at the age of nineteen and became a construction engineer for the Frisco railroad.

Mr. Higginbotham was married to Laura Ellen Snodgrasson Dec. 4, 1904. Besides his wife, he is survived by a brother, F. Higginbotham of Pomona, and two sons, Thomas Higginbotham of Columbus, Miss., and Mose Higginbotham of Sikeston, Mo.

Funeral services for Mr. Higginbotham were held in the Koshkonong Methodist church Monday afternoon under the direction of the Rev. Gaston and Rev. Money. Burial was in the Koshkonong cemetery.

The Gazette extends its sympathy to members and friends of the bereaved family.



The Kansas City Times 12/1/1939

Henry Clay Higinbotham (1859-1939) WV/MO

Higinbotham, Harry C., aged 80 years, a former resident of Argentine, passed away Nov. 30th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Benezette, Pleasant Hills, Mo. Survived also by a son, Blaine G. Higinbotham, Kansas City, Mo.; brother, James Higinbotham, Fairmount, West Virginia; 2 grandchildren, Frank Engle Benezette and Helen Lynn Higinbotham. Services from the Simmons Funeral home 1 p.m. Saturday. Burial Maple Hill cemetery.



Springfield Leader and Press 1/28/1940

Martin Taylor Higginbotham (1859-1940) MO

The Rev. M.T. Higginbotham, 80, Baptist minister in Polk county for the past 30 years, died in his home near Bolivar after an illness of several weeks. He had lived in Polk county all his life.

In spite of his age the minister conducted services regularly in church near Bolivar. In addition to his church work he was an active farmer.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Susan Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Opal Murphy of Bolivar, and Mrs. Oakley Murphy of Ventura, Calif.; two sons, Hollis of the home, and Elmer of Ventura; 27 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Pleasant Hill church. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill cemetery under direction of the White and Ervin funeral home.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 2/10/1940

Ethel Ann Hickenbottom Roberts (1882-1940) England/MO

Roberts, Ethel Ann - of 7443 Canton av., on Fri., Feb. 9, 1940, at 10 a.m., dear wife of William Roberts, dear mother of Norman, William and Hilda Roberts, dear sister of Mrs. William Ashton and our dear grandmother.

Funeral from Kreigshauser Mortuary, 4228 S. Kingshighway bl., on Mon., Feb. 12, at 1:30 p.m. Interment St. Peter's Cemetery.



The Wentzville Union 4/5/1940

Robert W. Higginbotham (1868-1940) MO

Robert Higgenbotham, 71 yrs. old, died Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his home southwest of Wentzville. He had been in poor health for some time.

Mr. Higgenbotham was born on the home place near Foristell and lived in that vicinity practically all his life. He leaves one brother, Charles Higgenbotham, and other relatives.

Funeral services will be conducted at Linn Cemetery Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. A.J. Gearheard officiating. The body will lie in state at the Pittman funeral parlor.



Moberly Monitor-Index 4/24/1940

Mattie Higginbotham Greenup (1864-1940) MO

Paris, Mo., April 24 - Funeral services were held today at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, four miles east of here, for Mrs. Nettie Greenup of St. Louis, who was killed Monday in St. Louis when struck by an automobile. Services were conducted by the Rev. Roswell Henderson.

Mrs. Greenup, a former Paris resident, is survived by a sister, Mrs. Ella Higginbotham, who resides west of Paris, and a brother, Henry Higginbotham, Kirkswood.



The Kansas City Times 8/20/1940

John Lucas Higginbotham (1885-1940) MO

John Lucas Higginbotham, Sr., 55, died of a heart attack yesterday at his home, 3036 Park avenue. He was a bartender. surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nancy Ann Higginbotham of the home; five sons, Earl Higginbotham, 502 West Pennway, Roy Higginbotham, 2837 Holly street, John L. Higginbotham, Jr., 1023 West Twenty-seventh street, Francis Higginbotham, 1509 West Twenty-ninth street and Elmer Higginbotham, 61 William street, Kansas City, Kansas; a daughter, Mrs. Eldon Wright, 818 South Ninth street, Kansas City, Kansas; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Simpson, 4337 Woodland avenue, and two brothers, Thomas M. Higginbotham, St. Johns, Ore., and James O. Higginbotham, 917 Miami avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday at the Forster chapel; burial in Greenlawn cemetery.



The Twice-a-Week Dunklin Democrat (Kennett, MO) 9/6/1940

Harrison Hugh Higginbotham (1854-1940) MO

Harrison Hugh Higginbotham, born west of Malden, in Dunklin County, February 8, 1854, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gus Perry, at Europa September 2, 1940, at the age of 85 years, 5 months and 6 days.

The deceased had been in ill health for the past several years and had for the past four weeks been bedfast. He had suffered from old age infirmities and the past few weeks complications developed which were directly the cause of death. He had been a resident of the Cross Roads community for the past 50 years or more, except for a brief period spent in the Caldwell community. Mr. Higginbotham was more than a pioneer of Dunklin County - he was a native and spent all of his 85 years in this county, observing the change and helping to change this section from a dense wooded and swampy bottom to one of the richest and best farming sections of the state.

On July 4, 1874, he was married to Margaret Anne Bishop, who preceded him in death on Dec. 4, 1920. To them were born nine children, five daughters and four sons. Surviving daughters are: Mrs. Dora Butts of Europa; Mrs. Jane Skelton of near Hornersville, and Mrs. Lillie Perry of Europa; and 2 sons, Charley Higginbotham of Carwell; Luther, of near Senath. Mr. Higginbotham is also survived by 21 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren, and a host of friends that could be counted only by his acquaintances.

Funeral services were conducted Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at the Baptist Church at Lulu with the Rev. C.W. Griffin, pastor of the Senath Methodist Church, officiating. Interment was in the Lulu cemetery, Emerson service.

Pallbearers were grandsons of the deceased: Lester Higginbotham, Landon Higginbotham, Chester Johnson, C.L. Higginbotham, Rubin Davenport, Lloyd Skelton, Carlton Higginbotham, Elwood Higginbotham and Hugh Higginbotham.

Mrs. Albert Stoker, Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. Walter Rauls and Miss Frankie Atkins were flower bearers.



The Bloomfield Vindicator 10/11/1940

James Lawson Higginbotham (1865-1940) MO

James Lawson Higginbotham, son of Francis Marion and Agnes Higginbotham, was born in Dunklin County, Missouri, October 4, 1865. He departed this life October 3, 1940, being 74 years, 11 months and 29 days old.

Mr. Higginbotham was united in marriage to Miss Mary M. Cross October 18, 1883. To this union were born five children as follows: H.P. Higginbotham, Parlier, California; W.M. Higginbotham, Akron, Ohio; J.A. Higginbotham, Fresno, California; Mrs. Flora Flint, Fresno, California, and E.B. Higginbotham, Malden, Mo.

His wife, Mary M. Higginbotham, preceded him in death September 24, 1912.

During his early married life he was a member of the General Baptist Church, but in 1913 he became a member of the Methodist church of which he remained a member until his death.

On April 12, 1914 he was united in marriage to Miss Pearl E. Harrison of Dunklin County, and to this union two sons were born, James Lawson Higginbotham, Jr., Pontiac, Michigan, and Frederick Higginbotham, Bernie, Mo.

During his early married life Mr. Higginbotham was engaged in farming out on the farm west of town. He later moved to Bernie and was very active in various kinds of business for many years. In 1930, his health having failed, he moved with his wife and two young sons to the farm south of Bernie where he resided till his death.

His wife and all his children survive him, also one sister, Mrs. J.P. Ward of near Bernie.

He leaves many other relatives as well as a host of friends who mourn his going.

Funeral services were held in the Bernie Methodist Church with the pastor, Rev. J.R. Bullington, in charge. Burial in Bernie Cemetery.



The Bloomfield Indicator 11/28/1941

Amanda Higginbotham Ward (1870-1941) MO

Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon at the First Baptist church in Bernie for Mrs. Amanda Higginbotham Ward, wife of J.P. Ward, by the Rev. Tommy Davis of Parma.

Mrs. Ward was born Dec. 25, 1870 in Stoddard County near Bernie and passed away at her home near Bernie on November 22, 1941, at the age of nearly 71 years. She had resided in this community her entire life. She suffered a stroke of paralysis about three weeks ago and probably another stroke on Saturday before she passed away. She was a member of the First Baptist church in Bernie.

Surviving are her husband, J.P. Ward, whom she married April 1, 1888 and the following children, Lee Roy Ward of Bernie, Mrs. Bertha Davis of near Bernie, Mrs. Myrtle Harper of Pasa Robles, California, Mrs. Dolly Saunders of Christopher, Illinois. Two other children preceded her in death several years ago - William and Lawson Ward. Ten grandchildren and six great grandchildren also survive.

Interment was in the Bernie cemetery, with Blankenship-Stricklin service.



The Kansas City Star 5/19/1942

Wesley Owen Higginbotham (1873-1942) MO

Higginbotham-Wesley Owen, age 69 years, passed away May 18, 1942, at his home, 434 W. James, Independence, Mo. Services at the Geo. C. Carson Funeral Home, Pleasant and Lexington sts., Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Interment Mound Grove cemetery.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 6/4/1942

Noel G. Higginbotham (1913-1942) MO

Higginbotham, Noel G. - of De Soto, Mo., June 3, 1942, dear husband of Elizabeth Higginbotham (nee Thal), father of Gary, son of George and Nannie Higginbotham, brother of Melzo, Cruise, Rupert, Tom, Morie, Gertrude Harness, Leola Smith and Margaret DeGonia.

Services from Mothershead Funeral Home to Lutheran Church Fri. June 5, at 3 p.m.



The Springfield News 8/11/1942

Joseph Thomas Higginbotham (1855-1942) MO

Joseph Thomas Higginbotham, better known as "Uncle Joe", died at his home in Bolivar at 7:20 o'clock Sunday morning. "Uncle Joe" was 87. A member of a pioneer family, he was born in Polk county and spent his entire life there. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Pleasant Hill Baptist church. He is survived by two sons, George of Halfway, and Mart of Bolivar; three daughters, Mrs. Minnie Tucker of Miami, Okla., Mrs. Nora Fuller of Bolivar, and Mrs. Florence Brokay of Scott City, Kan.; 22 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are incomplete, but services will be held in the Pleasant Hill church. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill cemetery, under direction of the Hutcheson and Company funeral home of Bolivar.



LA PLATA HOME PRESS, La Plata, Missouri October 1, 1942
Rebecca Evaline Hunsaker Arment Higginbotham (1870-1942) MO

Rebecca Evaline, daughter of Joseph E. R. and Catherine Marie Hunsaker, was born March 3, 1870 at Novelty, Knox County, Missouri, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. B. Davidson, September 25, at the age of seventy-two years, six months and twenty-two days.

She was married to John W. Arment on March 3, 1885 who died March 21, 1898.

To this union five children were born, Arthur R. Arment of Macon, Lola, who died at the age of fourteen, Joseph M. Arment of McComb, Illinois, Mrs. Sylvia Davidson of Elmer and John Arment of Callao.

On February 22, 1906 she was married to J. L. Higginbotham who died April 3, 1930. To this union two children were born, Albert and Rosa, both dying in infancy.

She leaves fifteen grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Carrie Simmons of La Plata; two brothers, James Hunsaker of La Plata and E. L. Hunsaker of Elmer.

She united with the Methodist Church at Novelty when a young woman and was a consistent member and three years ago placed her membership with the Elmer Christian Church.

She also leaves a host of other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were conducted at the Elmer Christian Church Sunday afternoon. Services were conducted by Rev. Freeman of Kirksville. Music by quartette, Mrs. James Mock, Mrs. Ernest Bailey, J.O. Atteberry and Donald Dale, assisted by Mrs. J. O. Attebery, pianist. Pallbearers were Swanson Smith, Arthur Drake, Ralph Poston, Bernice Mock, Donald Dale. Burial was in the Bell cemetery.



St. Louis Post Dispatch 10/13/1942

Cora Higgenbotham Cox (1913-1942) MO

Cox, Cora(nee Higgenbotham) 7618 N. Broadway, entered into rest Mon., Oct. 12 1942, dearly beloved wife of Perry Cox, dear mother of Doris, Perry, Donald an Ronald, our dear daughter, sister, sister-in-law and aunt.
Funeral from Diedrich Funeral Home, 8319 Halls Ferry Rd., Fri., Oct 16, 2 p.m. Interment Frieden's Cemetery.



St. Louis Star and Times 12/14/1942

Valerie Dawn Higginbotham (1942) MO

Higginbotham, Valerie Dawn - 6246 Magnolia, Monday, December 14, 1942, darling infant daughter of William H. and Dorothy Higginbotham (nee Berg), dear sister of Ardith Higginbotham, our dear granddaughter and niece.

Funeral fromKriegshauser Mortuary, 4228 S. Kingshighway, Tuesday, December 15, 3 p.m. Interment Valhalla Cemetery. Funeral private. Please omit flowers.



Monitor-Index and Democrat (Moberly, MO) 12/15/1942

Mary Jane Sterne Higginbotham (1857-1942) IA/MO

Mrs. Higginbotham, Old Resident of Brunswick, Dies

BRUNSWICK, Mo., Dec. 16 - Funeral services will be held here Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Mary Jane Higginbotham, 85, one of Brunswick’s oldest and best known residents, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dan A. Baxley, early Monday morning following an illness of several weeks.

The services will be conducted at 2:30 o’clock from St. John’s Lutheran Church by the pastor, the Rev. W. J. Boehne. The Body will lie in state at the Myers Funeral Home until the time of services.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born November 27, 1857, in Fort Madison, Ia., the daughter of Edward and Melissa Sterne. She had been a resident of Brunswick ever since coming to this community with her parents in 1865. She received her early education in the Brunswick schools and later she graduated from a college in St. Louis.

Mrs. Higginbotham was confirmed in St. John’s Lutheran Church in 1872 by the Rev. F. G. Walther, who was also the officiating minister November 20, 1882, at her marriage to Granville Higginbotham. The wedding was the first to take place in St. John’s following the installation of a new church bell, which was rung for the first time during the service. Mr. Higginbotham died September 21, 1900.

Since becoming ill, Mrs. Higginbotham had been staying at her daughter’s home, where she had been attended by her sister, Mrs. Dora Bond and by Mrs. Baxley.

Surviving besides Mrs. Baxley and Mrs. Bond, are a son, Lafayette Higginbotham, Kansas City; a granddaughter, five grandsons, and one great-grandson. She also leaves two brothers, Arthur Sterne and Harold Sterne of Brunswick.

Burial will be in Elliott Grove Cemetery.



Springfield Leader and Press 1/9/1943

Mattie Laura Higginbotham Moffitt (1883-1943) MO

Mrs. Mattie Laura Moffitt, 59, wife of Levi Moffitt, died this morning at her home east of Bolivar. Mrs. Moffitt was born in Polk county, the daughter of a widely known preacher, the Reverend Gid Higgenbothem (sic), and lived her entire life in the county. She was a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist church.

Surviving her, besides her husband, are two daughters, Mrs. Zelma Richter of Bolivar and Mrs. Dorothy Sterling in Florida; two sisters, Mrs. Havre Holt and Mrs. John McReynolds, both of Bolivar, and one brother, Willie Higgenbothem (sic) of Carlyle, Kan.

Funeral arrangements, to be in charge of Hutchinson's at Bolivar, are incomplete.



The Dexter Messenger 4/22/1943

Paralee Ann Greathouse Higginbotham (1866-1943) IL/MO

Paralee Ann Higginbotham, aged 77 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Goff, of Broseley, April 14. Services were held there Friday. She is the mother of Mrs. Elmer Williams of Dexter.



The West Plains Journal 4/29/1943

Fitzhugh Lee Higginbotham (1864-1943) MO

Fitz Hugh Higginbotham was born October 28, 1864, at Warren County, Missouri. At the age of 17 he moved to Howell County. He married Minnie Graves and, until 14 years ago when he retired, farming had been his principal occupation. He became well known over the county as an operator of a threshing machine.

After leaving the farm, Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham made their home in Pomona. His wife preceded him in death 12 years ago.

His health had been failing the past number of years and he became seriously ill in February. Death occurred last Monday evening at eleven o'clock. Surviving him are two children, Mrs. Wilma Lee Hiler of Pomona and Charles Higginbotham of Thayer, Mo.

Funeral arrangements are in charge of Thornburgh Funeral Home.



The Kansas City Star 4/30/1943

William Rossi Higinbotham (1888-1943) KS/MO

William Rossi Higinbotham, 55 years old, a Kansas City resident fifty years, died early today at his home, 608 East Forty-third street. He was a plumbing supply salesman.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary Catherine Higinbotham, and two daughters, Miss Margery Higinbotham and Mrs. David Minton, all of the home; a son, Capt. Stephen C. Higinbotham of the Army Signal Corps, San Antonio; three brothers, Paul Higinbotham, Los Angeles; John J. Higinbotham, 2524 Brighton avenue, and Edward Higinbotham, 3 West Fortieth street way, and a sister, Miss Marie Higinbotham, 2524 Brighton.

Funeral services will be held at 8:30 o'clock Saturday at the Wagner chapel, Linwood boulevard and Wyandotte street, and at 8 o'clock at the St. James Catholic church.



Springfield Leader and Press 5/1/1943

Ellen C. Pate Higginbotham (1874-1943) AL/MO

Mrs. Ellen Higginbotham, 69, of Bolivar, who died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning in St. John's Hospital, is survived by her husband, Wilson, of Bolivar; two brothers, Cryalle Pate of Keystone, Okla., and Jim Pate of Coffeyville, Kan.; and three sisters, Mrs. Rusie Lamar and Mrs. Mabel Price, both of Texas, and Mrs. Nettie Manuel of Kansas City. Funeral services will be at 2:30 o'clock at the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church four miles east of Bolivar with the Rev. J.W. Gering, of Mt. Vernon, officiating. Burial will be in the cemetery there under the direction of Hutcheson and company of Bolivar.



The Kansas City Star 6/19/1944

Charles Edward Higinbotham (1895-1944) MO

Higinbotham-Charles E. (Ned), 48 years, 3 W. 40th way, died June 17. Survived by 1 sister and 1 brother, Miss Marie Higinbotham, John Higinbotham, both of 2524 Brighton. The Rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock Monday evening at the Parlors. Linwood and Main, from where the funeral will be held at 7:30 Tuesday morning. Services at Our Lady of Good Counsel church, 39th st. terrace and Washington at 8 o'clock. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. Quirk & Tobin Co.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 8/5/1943

Arthur Sanford Higginbotham (1900-1943) MO

Arthur Sanford (Jerry) Higginbotham, 38, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Higginbotham, Potosi Route One, and a nephew of Mrs. David Ford, De Soto, died July 16 as a result of multiple burns, following enemy action while in service of his country. Burial was at sea with military honors.

He enlisted last September and had advanced to motor machinist mate, second class, U.S. Naval Reserve. Immediate survivors are his parents and four brothers.




Charles Livingston Higginbotham (1869-1944) MO


Charles L. Higginbotham Stricken With Heart Attack While at Work in His Shop

Seneca, Mo., June 6 – Charles L. Higginbotham, 75 years old, who had been a blacksmith for many years, died unexpectedly in his shop here shortly before 3 o’clock this afternoon. Born in Cedar county, Missouri, Mr. Higginbotham come to this vicinity with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Higginbotham, pioneer resident of Hornet.

Mr. Higginbotham had operated a blacksmith shop here 45 years. On account of failing health, he had been inactive the last year, but recently resumed work. A son, Paul Higginbotham of Seneca, was with him in the shop when he suffered a heart attack, which caused his death.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lucy Cowan Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Golden of Seneca and Mrs. Ruth Mendenhall of Webb City; another son, Sam Higginbotham of Kansas City; a sister, Mrs. Ida Flynn of Lansing, Ill.; a brother, James Higginbotham of Forsyth, Mont., and five grandchildren. Sherman Higginbotham, operator of the County Line garage at Joplin, is a nephew.

Funeral services will be directed by the Buzzard Undertaking Company and burial will be in the Hornet cemetery.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8/30/1944

Margaret Carrico Higginbotham Broadhead (1873-1944) MO

Broadhead-Higginbotham, Margaret (nee Carrico) - 4332 Penrose, entered into rest Wed., Aug. 30, 1944, 3:14 a.m., dearly beloved wife of Charles Broadhead, dear mother of Arthur E. and Clifford D. Higginbotham, our dear sister, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, grandmother and great-grandmother.

Funeral Fri., Sept. 1, 1:30 p.m., from the Provost Mortuary, 3710 N. Grand, to Memorial Park Cemetery.



Albany Ledger 1/11/1945

Charles Neal Higginbotham (1861-1945) OH/MO

Charles Neal Higginbotham, oldest son of Margaret Baker Higginbotham and James Higginbotham, was born July 10, 1861, at Letart Falls, Ohio, and departed this life Jan. 5, 1945, at Albany, Mo. His age was 83 years, five months and 25 days.

In early childhood he came to Gentry County, Missouri, where he grew to manhood. Here, near Albany, he spent the greater part of his life.

His mother, father, one sister, Carrie, and two brothers, William Elmer and Richelieu, preceded him in death.

He is survived by his sister-in-law, Mrs. W.E. Higginbotham, his niece, Mrs. Sherman Gregory, two nephews, John and Charles Higginbotham, and their respective families.

He possessed a quiet and unassuming nature, and asked little of his family or his fellowmen.

During the last year he made his home with Mr. and Mrs. John Gregory where he was comfortably and ably cared for to the last.

He will be missed by the many friends he has made during his lifetime.

Funeral services were held from the Brooks Funeral Home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W.W. Long. Interment was in the Old Brick cemetery.



Macon Chronicle 2/24/1945

Chester Marion Higginbotham Jr. (1923-1945) MO/Belgium

Pvt. Chester Higginbotham, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Higginbotham, of Marceline, formerly of Macon County, was killed in action in Belgium on January 31, according to word received from the War Department by his parents.

Pvt. Higginbotham was born on September 11, 1923. He attended rural school and Marceline High School and graduated with class of 1942. He engaged in farming until his induction into the army in July, 1944. He received his training at Fort Hood, Texas. He landed in England just before Christmas and was then moved into Belgium.

Besides his parents, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Lucille Summers of Wichita, Kan., and many relatives in Macon County and elsewhere.



The Kansas City Times 4/4/1945

Jay W. Higginbottom (1864-1945) MO

Jay W. Higginbottom died yesterday at the home of a sister, Mrs. Bertie Schroeder, 3504 Chestnut, after an illness of more than a year. He was a cashier at the Carroll County Trust company in Carrollton, Mo., before his retirement seven years ago when he came to Kansas City. Surviving are also a daughter, Mrs. W.B. Clark, Salt Lake City, and another sister, Mrs. Ida Oliver, Rockford, Ill. Services will be at 4 o'clock Wednesday at the Newcomer chapel. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery.



The Kansas City Star 4/26/1945

Mary Florence Sivil Higginbotham (1872-1945) KY/MO

Mrs. Mary Florence Higginbotham, 72 years old, 3020 Harrison street, died this morning at her home. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Fredda Tilden of the home; a sister, Mrs. Jessie Moorhead, Henryetta, Ok.; two brothers, James Sivil, Hartshorne, Ok., and Richard Sivil, Detroit. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday at the Forster chapel, 918 Brooklyn avenue.



Springfield Leader and Press 6/13/1945

Emaline Hazeltine Burnes Higginbotham (1861-1945) MO

Mrs. Emaline Hazeltine Higginbotham, 83, familiarly known to her friends and neighbors as "Aunt Tine", died suddenly last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Glover, Halfway, Mo.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the widow of Dr. H. W. Higginbotham, who practiced medicine in Polk county for 25 years prior to his death in 1914. She had lived all of her life in Polk county.

Services will be under direction of Hutcheson-Turpin of Bolivar.



The Springfield News-Leader 1/31/1946

Marie Ellen Higginbotham Williams (1921-1946) MO/AZ

Mrs. Marie Williams, 24, formerly of Bolivar, died Saturday night at  her home in Yuma, Ariz. following a short illness.

She is survived by her husband, Curtis; two daughters, Betty Lue and Barbara Sue, both of the home; her mother, Mrs. Mabel Austin of Ogden, Utah; her father, Dan Higginbotham of Bolivar, and one brother, William A. Higginbotham of Jane Lew, W. Va.

The body was forwarded to Bolivar where funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Reynolds chapel, four miles west of Buffalo, with burial in the church cemetery under the direction of Hutcheson-Turpin of Bolivar.



Jefferson County Republican (De Soto, MO) 6/13/1946

Estella E. Higginbotham Brown (1876-1946) MO

Funeral services for Mrs. Howard E. Brown of Blackwell were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 8, 1946, at the chapel of Mothershead Funeral Home.

Mrs. Brown died Thursday at St. Francis Hospital, Cape Girardeau, at the age of 69 years, 7 months, 29 days, after an illness of several months.

Estella Higginbotham, daughter of the late Z. Filmore and Margaret Hawkins Higginbotham, was a descendant of two of the pioneer families of Washington County. Her maternal grandfather, John Hawkins, moved to Washington County in 1790 from North Carolina, after having served in the Revolution. On her father's side, her great-grandfather, Thos. Higginbotham, came to Missouri from Georgia in 1776, and was in the War of 1812. Her grandfather settled at Fertile, Mo., Washington County, before the Civil War, and established the homestead where she was born Nov. 7, 1876.

On June 8, 1898, she was married to Howard E. Brown of Bliss (then called Kingston), Mo. Mr. Brown became associated in the mercantile and tiff business, and farming at Fertile with her father, Z. F. Higginbotham, and her brother, Press G. Higginbotham, the firm being long known as Z. F. Higginbotham & Sons.

About 35 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Brown moved to Blackwell, where he was a partner of L.E. Cole in the firm of Cole & Brown, and where he served as postmaster until recently reaching the age of retirement.

Mrs. Brown leaves her husband and two sons, Roy T. (Chick) of Jackson, Mo., and Homer E. of Denver, Colo.; two grandsons, Robert Hodgen Brown, serving in the Navy, and John D., of Denver, Colo.; and one brother, Press G. Higginbotham, of De Soto.

The Rev. Dr. Morton, recently pastor of Potosi Presbyterian Church, conducted the funeral service at the Mothershead chapel in De Soto. Interment was in the Masonic Cemetery at Blackwell, where the Rev. L.L. Johnston of Fourth St. Methodist Church, De Soto, and the officers of Dillon Chapter No. 16, O.E.S., conducted the comforting burial ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Brown's funeral was on her 48th wedding anniversary.



Springfield Leader and Press 6/18/1946

Dora Rice Higginbotham (1881-1946) KY/MO

A long time resident of Polk county, Mrs. Dora Rice Higginbotham, 64, died at 1:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon at her home in Bolivar. She had suffered a stroke early yesterday morning.

A native of Kentucky, she moved to Polk county with her parents in 1896 and she had lived in and near Bolivar since.

She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Joe Dunham of Bolivar; one brother, Robert Rice of Roseville, Cal., and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete, pending arrival of relatives; services will be held in Erwin and Blue chapel of Bolivar with burial in the Greenlawn cemetery.



The St. Louis Star and Times 12/9/1946

Henry Higginbotham (1861-1946) MO

Higginbotham, Henry - 210 S. Clay av., Kirkwood, entered into rest on Saturday, December 7, 1946, in his 86th year, dear husband of the late Mary Virginia Higginbotham, father of Temple Higginbotham and Mary V. Rowe of Trinidad, Colo., brother Ella Higginbotham, grandfather of Gordon H. Rowe, Jr., and Temple C. Rowe and our father-in-law.

Funeral Wednesday, 2 p.m., from the Bopp Chapel, Kirkwood, Interment Lake Charles Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Law Library Association of St. Louis.



Miami (OK) Daily News-Record 02/03/1947

Evaline Nancy Gilstrap Higginbotham (1852-1947)

Mrs. Evaline Higginbotham, 94 years old died Jan. 25. She was born near Racine, Mo., Dec. 12, 1852, and was a pioneer resident of this community. In 1870 she was married to Charles Higginbotham who died more than 50 years ago, and she had since resided on the same farm where they had lived, until 2 or 3 years ago when she made her home with her son Walter Higginbotham and family. Besides this son she is survived by 3 sons, Joe of Waterloo, Neb., Fred of Kimberly, Idaho, and Arthur of Seneca, 2 daughters, Mrs. Dora Stelts of Joplin and Mrs. Amanda McKissen of Hood River, Ore., a sister Mrs. Ida Terrel of Bozeman, Mont., 25 grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren and great, great-grand-children. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Hornet church, north of Seneca, conducted by Rev. Warren Moore and Rev. C. C. Dilworth. Pallbearers were her grandsons, Jack, Lee, Charles, Herman and Harold Higginbotham and Charles Stelts. Burial was in the Hornet cemetery under direction of the Biddlecome Funeral home.



Albany Ledger 3/20/1947

Hannah Elizabeth Floyd Higginbotham (1871-1947) KY/MO

Dies At St. Joseph Hospital Monday

Hannah Elizabeth, daughter of Levi and Nancy Jane Floyd, was born at Somerset, Kentucky, on April 5, 1871. She passed from this life at a St. Joseph hospital on Monday, March 17, 1947, at the age of 75 years, 11 months and 12 days.

When a young child, she came with her parents to Barnard, Missouri, in a covered wagon. The family later moved to Gentry County.

On March 20, 1892, she was united in marriage with William E. Higginbotham at Gentry, Missouri. Throughout the years, they made their home northwest of Albany. Four children blessed this home. They were: Mrs. Nannie May Gregory, of Stanberry; John and Charles, of Albany; and Ray, who preceded her in death in 1937.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a life-long member of the Christian Church, her member ship having been at the Old Brick and Albany churches.

Whenever need for loving care arose in her family, she gave herself to the ministry of care. From 1928 to 1934, she made her home with her son, John, and cared for her paralyzed husband. Upon his death in August 1934, she continued to live with John and his wife for a year. At that time, she went to live with her son, Ray, and cared for her motherless grand-daughter until the passing of her son in 1937. She has continued to reside in Albany.

Besides her children, she is survived by a brother, Reuben T. Floyd, Sussex, Wyoming, who is the last survivor of a family of eleven children; 14 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren; other relatives and many friends of the years.

Funeral services conducted by Rev. George Manning were held at the Brooks Funeral Home on Wednesday, March 19th, at 2:00 p.m. and burial in the Old Brick cemetery, northwest of Albany.



The Joplin Globe 04/01/1947

Mary Etta Wilson Higginbotham (1869-1947) MO


Seneca, Mo., March 31-Funeral services were conducted this after noon for Mrs. Maryetta Higginbotham, 77 years old, wife of Arthur Higginbotham, at the Hornet Community church. The Rev. Mr. Campbell of Seneca officiated. Burial was in the Hornet cemetery under the direction of the Biddlecome mortuary.

Mrs. Higginbotham died at 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning at her farm near Hornet. She had lived on the farm since her marriage in 1904. She was a member of the Baptist church at Warren's branch.

The husband, a son, Jack Higginbotham, and a grandson survive.



The Springfield News-Leader 11/23/1947

Martin Price Higginbotham (1885-1947) MO

M.P. "Mart" Higginbotham, 62, cement block manufacturer and a lifelong resident of Polk county, died at his home in Bolivar about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon after an illness of about two weeks.

Survivors are a brother, George W., of Halfway and three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Tucker of Santa Barbara, Cal., Mrs. Nora Fuller of Halfway, and Mrs. Florence Brocha of Ventura, Cal.

Funeral arrangements will be under direction of the Turpin Funeral Home.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/4/1948

Gary Hickinbotham (1948) MO

Autopsy in Death of Child

Gary Hickinbotham, month old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hickenbotham, 10400 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Louis County, was pronounced dead early today at St. Louis County Hospital a short time after the mother found him bleeding from the mouth in bed.

Mrs. Hickinbotham told police she, her husband, Gary and a twin brother, Larry, were sleeping in one bed. She said she was awakened and found Gary bleeding. He had been in good health. Coroner Arnold J. Willman said an autopsy will be performed.



The Springfield News-Leader 2/1/1949

Lucy Alice Higginbotham Holt (1872-1949) MO

Mrs. Lucy Alice Holt, 76, died yesterday morning at her home in Bolivar. She suffered a heart attack while preparing breakfast yesterday morning. She was born east of Bolivar and had lived in Polk county all of her life. She was the daughter of the Rev. Gid Higginbotham, early day Baptist minister in Polk county.

Survivors include her husband, Harve M. Holt; three sons, Paul and Bill of Bolivar, Claude of Martinez, Cal.; two daughters, Mrs. Mary Summers and Mrs. Bert Moore of Martinez, four grandchildren, a brother, Willie Higginbotham of Carlyle, Kan., and a sister, Mrs. Lizzie McReynolds, of Bolivar.

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Erwin and Blue of Bolivar.



The Kansas City Times 4/7/1949

Nancy Ann Teegarden Brown Higginbotham (1886-1949) MO

Mrs. Mary Ann Higginbotham, 62, of 3036 Park, died last night at St. Mary's hospital. Surviving are a son, Ombra B. Brown, Sr., of the home, and a sister, Mrs. Sally Wiseley; a brother, Aaron Teegarden, Jr., and her mother, Mrs. Nancy Teegarden, all of Rayville, Mo. Services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday at the Forster chapel. Burial will be in Green Lawn cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 6/21/1949

Hazel Pauline Anderson Higinbotham (1903-1949) WI/MO

Mrs. Hazel P. Higinbotham, 45, of 2624 Brighton, died yesterday afternoon at the St. Joseph hospital, following a year's illness. She was born in Brooklyn, Wis. and had lived here twenty-six years. She was a member of the Altar society of St. Michael's Catholic church. Surviving are her husband, John J. Higinbotham of the home; her mother, Mrs. Carl E. Anderson, 2044 Denver; three sons, John Higinbotham, Neal Higinbotham, and David Higinbotham, of the home; a daughter, Carol Ann Higinbotham of the home; three sisters, Mrs. John R. Jones, 3522 Benton; Mrs. Bessie Stucker, 2044 Denver, and Mrs. Andrew J. Crader, 2024 Denver, and a brother, Gerald H. Anderson, Manhattan, Kas. Services will be at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning at St. Michael's church. Burial will be in St. Mary's cemetery. The rosary will be said at 8 o'clock this Thursday night at the Mellody-McGilley-Eylar chapel.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 7/3/1949

Nannie Mary Settle Higginbotham (1871-1949) MO

Higginbotham, Nannie (nee Settle) - July 1, 1949, of De Soto, Mo., our dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

Funeral Mon., July 4, from Mothershead Funeral Home, to First Baptist Church, De Soto, for 2 p.m. (D.S.T.) service. Interment Woodlawn.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8/18/1949

Walter O. Higginbotham (1880-1949) MO

Higginbotham, Walter O., 1504 Branch st., Wed., Aug. 17, 1949, at 9:20 p.m., beloved husband of Martha Higginbotham (nee Havener), dear father of Paul and Perry, beloved son of Anna and the late William Higginbotham, our dear grandfather, brother, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and uncle.

Funeral Sat., Aug 20, 2 p.m., from Math Hermann & Sons Chapel, Fair and West Flor issant ave. Interment New St. Marcus Cemetery.



The Daily Times (Davenport, Iowa) 9/6/1949

Audrey Olivia Bland Higginbotham (1932-1949) IL/MO

Lyndon, Ill. - (Special) - Mrs. Audrey Higginbotham, 16, former Lyndon resident, died Sept. 1 in Wessell hospital in Clinton, Mo., according to word received here. She had been ill for a short time.

The body was removed to the Gardner chapel, Clinton, Mo., where funeral services were held yesterday. Burial will be in Lyndon cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Nov. 12, 1932, in Indianapolis, Ind. She came to Lyndon at the age of six, receiving her education in that community, and in Rock Falls. She was married to Wayne Higginbotham in Rock Falls on Nov. 21, 1948, moving later to Clinton, Mo. She was a member of the Rock Falls Congregational church.

Surviving are the husband; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bland, Lyndon; and the maternal and paternal grandparents.



The Kansas City Star 10/2/1949

Arthur Clarence Higginbotham (1886-1949) MO

Arthur C. Higginbotham, Sr., 63 years old, Forest Avenue and Paul Street, Sugar Creek, a truck driver, died yesterday at the St. Joseph hospital. He was born in Moselle, Mo., and was a member of the Independence Masonic Lodge No. 76. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Rosetta Higginbotham, of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Madeline Dial, 8608 Roberts Street, Inter-City District; seven sons, Arthur C. Higginbotham, Jr., Charles S. Higginbotham, Dale A. Higginbotham, and Don L. Higginbotham, all of the home; Claude Higginbotham, Route No. 2, Independence; James L. Higginbotham, United States Navy, and Calvin G. Higginbotham, 3126 East Ninth Street; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Moore and Mrs. Mae Mathews, both of St. Louis; a brother, James Higginbotham, Hackett, Ark., and seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 o'clock Monday at the Carron Chapel in Independence.



The Kansas City Times 10/18/1949

Harry H. Higginbotham (1908-1949) TX/MO

Higginbotham - Mr. Harry H., 1618 Broadway, passed away Oct. 16, 1949, age 41 years. Services 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Chapel on the Paseo at Brush Creek. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery.

D.W. Newcomer's Sons LO 0024



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/18/1949

Sarah Ann Higginbotham Cooke (1857-1949) England/MO

Cooke, Sarah Ann (nee Higginbotham), 3800A Keokuk, entered into rest Fri., Dec. 16, 1949. Beloved wife of Alfred D. Cooke, our dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother, in her 92nd year.

Funeral Mon., 10 a.m., from Beiderwieden South Side Funeral Home, 3620 Chippewa St.



Springfield Leader and Press 2/26/1950

Elizabeth Rachel Lee Higginbotham McReynolds (1866-1950) MO

Mrs. Elizabeth Rachel McReynolds, 83, of Burns, a native of Polk County, where she had lived all her life, died yesterday at 1:55 p.m. at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Loah Abel, a half mile west of Halfway. She leaves 59 survivors.

Am invalid for the last three years, she was residing with her daughter. Her last illness was of three days duration.

In addition to Mrs. Abel, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Marude Burchett of Santa Cruz, Cal.; five sons, Ralph McReynolds of Buffalo, Guy McReynolds of Monument, Col., Gid McReynolds of Ventura, Cal., Clifford McReynolds of Springfield, and Johnnie McReynolds of Emlenton, Pa.; one brother, Willie Higginbotham of Carlyle, Kan.; 30 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.

Arrangements for services are incomplete, but will be under direction of Turpin Funeral Home of Bolivar.



Moberly Monitor-Index and Democrat 04/10/1950

Ella Higginbotham (1866-1950) MO

Aged Woman is Found Dead at Farm Home

Funeral Services Held at Paris for Miss Ella Higginbotham

Paris, April 10-Funeral serves were conducted at 11 o’clock this morning for Miss Ella Higginbotham, octogenarian recluse, who was found dead on the floor of her home, four miles east of Paris, shortly before noon Saturday.

Services were held at the Speed and Blakey Funeral Home. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

The rural mail carrier on Miss Higginbotham’s route noticed Saturday that mail had not been removed from her mailbox. He notified neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and Mrs. Henry Simon, who entered the house after getting no response. They found Miss Higginbotham lying on the floor before an overturned chair. She apparently had fallen to the floor from the chair when she died.

Sheriff Russell Wilkes and Coroner Russell Wilson were called. There was no indication there had been any violence in her death, and the coroner did not call an inquest.

Miss Higginbotham’s exact age is not known, but she is believed to have been between 80 and 85 years old. She had lived alone in her farm home on Highway 24 for many years and was seldom seen outside her home. It is believed the last time she was seen alive was on March 29 in Paris.

She is survived by a niece and nephew in St. Louis. There are no close relatives in this community.



Springfield Leader and Press 5/13/1950

George Wesley Higginbotham (1881-1950) MO

George W. Higginbotham, 68, was found dead about 7:15 this morning at his home, three miles northwest of Halfway, apparently the victim of a heart attack. Mr. Higginbotham's body was found in a barn by his son, Lovell. He had been doing the morning chores and apparently suffered the attack in the midst of them.

A native of Polk County, Mr. Higginbotham is survived by the son, two daughters, Mrs. Opal McCaslin of Ventura, Cal., and Mrs. Mary Dye of Kingsley, Kan.; three sisters, Mrs. Minnie Tucker and Mrs. Florence Brokaw of Santa Barbara, Cal., and Mrs. Nora Fuller of Halfway, and nine grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements are under direction of Turpin of Bolivar.



The Kansas City Star 6/27/1950

Mary Catherine Ryan Higinbotham (1894-1950) MO

Mrs. Mary Ryan Higinbotham, 56 years old, died this morning at a nursing home at 3918 Charlotte street, where she had been a patient seven years. She was the widow of William Rossi Higinbotham, a plumbing supply salesman who died in 1943. She was born in Kansas City and had lived here all he life. She leaves four brothers, Charles J. Ryan, Chicago; Edward J. Ryan, 119 South Chelsea avenue, Richard L. Ryan, Temple City, Calif., and Phillip S. Ryan, 705 East Sixty-third terrace. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 o'clock Thursday at the Wagner chapel and at 9 o'clock at the Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic church. The rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at the Wagner chapel.



The Kansas City Star 10/1/1950

Mattie Pearl Higginbotham Simpson (1874-1950) MO

Mrs. Mattie PEarl Simpson, 76 years old, 2838 Raytown road, died yesterday at the home where she had been ill for about three months. A native of Marshall, Mo., Mrs. Simpson had lived in Kansas City thirty-four years. She leaves four daughters, Mrs. Marian Van Winkle, 4312 Euclid avenue, Mrs. Pearl Hodson, 5225 Prospect avenue, Mrs. Beulah Sweeney, Garnett, Kas., and Mrs. Annabelle Carder, Detroit; five sons, Louis G. Simpson, Star, Idaho, Dean P. Simpson, 3040 Brooklyn avenue, James N. Simpson and Charles E. Simpson, both of the home, and Robert N. Simpson, 4115 Lane road, Jackson County; a brother, Thomas Higginbotham, Saint Johns, Ore., and nine grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Monday at the Kensington Avenue Baptist church.



Springfield Leader and Press 10/26/1950

Romie George Higginbotham (1941-1950) MO

Romie G. Higginbotham, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Higginbotham, 510 West Pacific, died at 1 p.m. today in St. John's hospital after a long illness.

The youngster underwent an operation about four weeks ago in Boston Children's clinic for a heart condition and was thought to be getting along fine until the fatal attack today.

Due to the boy's health, his parents had lived in Tucson, Ariz., for some time though they kept their permanent residence in Springfield.

In addition to his parents, the youngster is survived by his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Mae Hill of the home, and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Higginbotham of 1940 West Thoman.



Macon Chronicle-Herald 12/20/1950

Nancy Luiza Wallen Higginbotham (1875-1950) KY/MO

Funeral services were held here Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Lou Higgenbothan, who died at the home of her daughter in Marceline on Thursday. The Higgenbothan services were conducted at the Presbyterian Church, by the pastor, Rev. Henry F. Liebeck. Burial was in the family plot in Ethel Cemetery under direction of the Larson Funeral Service.



The Wheaton Journal 1/4/1951

Mary Lula Higginbotham Eastburn (1877-1950) MO

Mrs. Lula Higginbotham Eastburn, 73 years old, a native of Newton county and resident of Carl Junction four years, died at 4:45 o'clock Sunday morning in Freeman hospital at Joplin. She was the wife of Thomas A. Eastburn who survives. Other survivors are three sons, J.V. Pickens of Westville, Okla., R.E. Pickens of San Francisco, Calif., and F.W. Pickens of Tucson, Ariz., a brother, W.D. Higginbotham of rural Joplin; seven stepchildren and a grand daughter.

Funeral services were conducted at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Baptist church in Rocky Comfort, Mo. The Rev. O.B. Randall officiated and burial was made in Rocky Comfort Cemetery under the direction of the Roney funeral service. Nephews served as pallbearers and nieces as flower girls.

Brief services were conducted at 11:45 o'clock Tuesday morning at Carl Junction before the cortege left for Rocky Comfort.

Mr. and Mrs. Eastburn formerly resided in the Rocky Comfort community.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 2/26/1951

Thomas Frank Higginbotham (1871-1951) MO

Higginbotham, T. F., of Potosi, Mo., Sat. Feb. 24, 1951, beloved husband of Mamie Higginbotham, dear father of Fillmore, Bert, Neal, Bernard and the late Jerry, dear father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and cousin.

Funeral from Smith-Higginbotham Funeral Home, Feb. 27, 2 p.m. Interment Masonic Cemetery, Potosi, Mo.



The Kansas City Star 3/11/1951

Isaac James Higginbotham (1876-1951) IA/MO

Higginbotham, I'J., age 73 years, 1104 Jackson Court, passed away March 9, 1951. Survived by wife, Mrs. Essie P. Higginbotham of the home. Funeral services 1 p.m. Monday at the Chapel, 918 Brooklyn. Interment Mt. Washington cemetery.



Joplin Globe 08/08/1951

Lucy Gertrude Cowan Higginbotham (1869-1951) MO


Seneca, Mo., Aug. 7-Mrs. Lucy Higginbotham, 82 years old, a member of a widely known family in the Seneca community, died at noon today in her home here following a long illness.

Mrs. Higginbotham had resided in Seneca many years. She was a member of the Seneca Methodist Church. Her husband, Charles Higginbotham, died June 6, 1944. Surviving are two sons, Sam Higginbotham and Paul Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Golden and Mrs. Ruth Mendenhall, all of Seneca, and five grandchildren.

Funeral services will be at 2:30 o’clock Thursday afternoon in the Methodist church. The Rev. J. W. Campbell of Wyandotte will officiate, assisted by the Rev. D. E. Russell of Seneca. Burial will be in Hornet cemetery under direction of the Biddlecome funeral home.



St. Clair Chronicle 8/23/1951

Phillip Gibson Hickinbotham (1883-1951) KS/MO

Phillip Gibson Hickinbotham, son of William and Jo Anna Hickinbotham, was born August 7, 1883 at Wilson, Kansas and departed life at his home in Morrellton, Mo., August 18, 1951 being at the time of his death 68 years and eleven days of age. He was united in marriage to Charlottia Walters on March 16, 1907 and to this union eight children were born. One son, Paul, preceded him in death.

He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, Charlottia, four daughters, Delphia Schloss, of Mitchell, Ill., Emma Washburn, of St. Louis, Mabel Wideman, of Lemay, and Ruth May Hickinbotham of Morrellton; three sons, Oliver, of Maplewood, and Gibson and Edward, of St. Louis; 19 grandchildren, a host of other relatives and any friends.

He was born again in 1913 and united with the Methodist Church. He was a good husband, a loving father and a faithful friend.

Funeral services were conducted at the Morrellton Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Charles E. Clemmons, pastor of the First Baptist Church of St. Clair. Music was furnished by the choir of the First Baptist Church with Mrs. Maune at the piano. Burial was in the Morrellton cemetery. Kitchell Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

The Kansas City Star 10/14/1951

Leora Belle Frye Higginbotham (1863-1951) OH/MO

Mrs. Leora Belle Higginbotham, 88 years old, died last night at the home, 3630 Chestnut Avenue. She was the widow of W.M. Higginbotham, a salesman for a St. Louis barber supplies firm who died twelve years ago. Born in Mount Vernon, O., she had lived in Little Rock, Ark., before coming here thirty years ago.

She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Faye Isaacs, 7217 Baltimore Avenue, and Miss Nell Higginbotham of the home; a son, Clyde Higginbotham of the home; and a sister, Mrs. G.O. Steagall, Cowden, Ill.

Springfield Leader and Press 10/16/1951

Henry Hollis Higginbotham (1946-1951) MO

Funeral services will be held tomorrow for 5-year-old Henry Hollis Higginbotham, Springfield's first schoolchild fatality of 1951.

The youngster was hurt fatally at 4:25 p.m. yesterday as he ran from a City bus into the side of a slow-moving truck on South Campbell road.

The first grader at Sunshine school died two hours and 15 minutes later, at St. John's hospital, of a basal skull fracture, internal injuries, and a broken right leg.

Coroner D.E. Allen Pickens said no inquest will be held.

The tragedy, which occurred just south of Sunshine, was witnessed by the boy's mother, Mrs. Con Higginbotham, of 519 West Tracy (route 3).

Mrs. Higginbotham and a neighbor, Mrs. Selma McDaniel, of 516 West Tracy, had started to Sunshine school in the latter's car to see what delayed their children.

On South Campbell, at a point where construction work caused one way traffic, they met the bus, halted in a line of south bound traffic being held by a flagman for northbound cars.

The bus, a school extra operated every morning and evening, already had been delayed by a school play at Senior high school.

The mothers pulled into a service station driveway and motioned to their children.

Mrs. McDaniel's daughter spotted her mother first and got off the halted bus.

Then the Higginbotham boy saw his mother and asked bus driver Lloyd Bills, 26, of 1904 West Chestnut, to let him off.

Bills hesitated, saw the boy's mother motioning, and noticed no nearby northbound traffic. He opened the door, warned the boy to be careful, then glanced back at the road.

He saw a Greene county road department truck approaching just as the boy started around the front of the bus. Bills said he called out to the boy to "look out", but his eyes were on his mother and he ran into the road without looking either way.

He hit the truck just back of the cab just as it drew abreast of the bus.

The truck driver, William T. Willis, 62, of route 2, Rogersville, estimated his speed at 15 to 20 miles an hour when he felt an impact and stopped.

Officers found only a small mark on the truck's side to show the impact.

Mrs. McDaniels told officers she had sent her daughter back to help the younger child across to their car, but that the accident occurred before she got there...

In addition to his parents, the boy - an only child - is survived by his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Higginbotham, and by his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freeman, all of Springfield.

Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Dale Street Baptist church, with the Rev. Alvin Keith officiating.

Burial will be in Pleasant Hill cemetery, five miles east of Bolivar, under direction of Herman Lohmeyer.

Pallbearers, all teenage cousins of the Higginbotham boy, will be Larry and Gene Booth, Frank and Donald Breithaupt.



Fresno (CA) Bee Republican 11/29/1951

James Alva "Al" Higginbotham (1892-1951) MO/CA

J. A. Higginbotham, Former Truck Company Aide, Dies in Hospital

James A. (Al) Higginbotham, 59, of 5278 Inyo Avenue, formerly the auditor for the Valley Express Company and a well known Fresno golfer, died yesterday in a local hospital where he had been confined for more than two years.

A native of Bernie, Mo., he moved to Parlier in 1918, where he was an assistant cashier of the First National Bank and came to Fresno in 1930. He worked with Remington Rand, Inc., before joining the express company.

Higginbotham was a member of the Fort Washington Golf Club for 20 years.

He is survived by his widow, Luella; a sister, Mrs. W. B. Flint of Fresno; two sons, Jerry Higginbotham, an announcer for Radio Station KML, and Gene, with the Navy in Honolulu; a brother, E. B. Higginbotham of Malden, Mo., and two nephews.

The Lisle Funeral Home will announce the arrangements for final rites.

HIGGINBOTHAM-In Fresno, November 26, 1951, Al Higginbotham, a native of Missouri, aged 59 years. Beloved husband of Luella E. Higginbotham of, Fresno; loving father of Gerald N. Higginbotham of Fresno and Eugene K. Higginbotham of US Naval Air Corps; loving brother of E. B. Higginbotham of Malden, Mo., James L. Higginbotham and Frederick W. Higginbotham, both of Pontiac, Mich. He is also survived by his stepmother, Mrs. Pearl Higginbotham of Bernie, Mo. Friends are invited to attend funeral services to be held in the chapel of the Lisle Funeral Home, L and Calaveras Streets, on Friday morning, November 30, 1951, at 10 o’clock. The Rev. John H. Gregg, DD, officiating. Interment Mendocino Cemetery at Parlier.




William Barber Higginbotham (1873-1952) England/MO

Higginbotham, William B., 6165 Columbia, passed on Sat., Jan. 19, 1952, beloved husband of May Higginbotham, dear father of Mrs. A.G. MacNichols, Mrs. Paul Atkins, Mrs. Carl Mitchell, William H. Higginbotham and Mrs. Karl Seeley, our dear father-in-law, grandfather, brother and brother-in-law.

Services 10 a.m. Tues. at John J. Ziegenheim & Sons Funeral Home, 7072 Gravois. Interment Valhalla Cemetery. Member of Clifton Heights Lodge No. 520, AF&AM and Metropolitan Life Ins. Vets Assn. Masonic services will be held Mon. 8:15 p.m.



Springfield Leader and Press 2/1/1952

William Howard Higginbotham (1939-1952) MO

John Howard Higginbotham, 12, died at 4:20 a.m. today at the home of his step-father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hopkins, in Bolivar following a lingering illness.

Surviving are his father, Howard C. Higginbotham of Bolivar; a sister, Grace Marie of the home; a brother, Cecil Eugene of the home; his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Grace Hawkins of Braymer, Mo.; his maternal grandfather, Joseph Studenovsky of Kansas City, Kan., and his paternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Higginbotham of Ventura, Calif.

Funeral arrangements under direction of Turpin are incomplete.



Joplin Globe 03/15/1952

Lucy Benda Derigne Higginbottom (1871-1952) MO


Webb City, Mo., March 14-Mrs. Lucy Higginbottom, 84 years old, widow of J. P. Higginbottom, former mayor of Carterville, was found dead in a room at her home, 127 East Wilson street, at 3 o'clock this morning by occupants of other rooms in the home. It is believed that she died at about midnight last night.

Surviving are a son, J. B. Higginbottom of Wichita, Kan., and a niece, Mrs. Ethel Riley of Huntsville, Mo.

The Johnson-Arnce-Simpson funeral home will announce funeral arrangements.




Preston Graves Higginbotham (1875-1952) MO

Preston (Press) G. Higginbotham, 76, resident of De Soto since 1943, and for many years of Washington County, died at his home, 1205 South Third St., Sunday, following an illness of several years.

Services were Wednesday afternoon at the chapel of Mothershead Funeral Home, conducted by the Rev. L.L. Johnston, of Bonne Terre, followed by Scottish Rites services conducted by members of Missouri Consistory No. 1, A&ASR, of St. Louis. Burial was in the Masonic Cemetery at Blackwell.

Mr. Higginbotham, who was well-known in both Jefferson and Washington counties, was a merchant and farmer at Fertile until his retirement in 1943.

Member of a pioneer eastern Missouri family, he was born April 3, 1875, at Fertile, a son of Z. Fillmore and Margaret Ann Hawkins Higginbotham. He lived at Fertile on a homestead established by his grandfather before 1800.

Mr. Higginbotham attended rural schools in Washington County, an academy at Sullivan, and the Baptist College at Farmington.

He was married on June 8, 1897, to May Brown, member of a pioneer Washington family, and to them were born four children, of whom two died in infancy.

Mr. Higginbotham suffered a stroke in 1932, however, after making partial recovery, he continued as a merchant and farmer at Fertile for ten years. Because of a heart condition, he rarely was away from home since 1948.

Mr. Higginbotham was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason and a member of Missouri Consistory No. 1, St. Louis; Blackwell AF & AM. Lodge No. 535; Copestone Chapter No. 33, Royal Arch Masons; and Knights Templar Commandery No. 56, of De Soto.

Surviving are Mrs. Higginbotham, a son, Ray, Farmingdale, New York, a daughter, Miss Valle Higginbotham, De Soto; and two grandchildren. A sister, Mrs. Stella Higginbotham Brown, died in 1948.



The Springfield News-Leader 6/6/1952

Almeda Wilzona Brown Higginbotham (1890-1952) MO

Funeral services for Mrs. Allie Higginbotham, 63, who died Wednesday at her home six and a half miles southeast of Halfway will be conducted at 2 p.m. today in the Pleasant Hill Baptist church east of Bolivar by the Rev. Clarence E. Salsman. Burial will be in the church cemetery under direction of Erwin-Blue of Bolivar.



Springfield Leader and press 6/9/1952

Cecil Davis Higginbotham (1902-1952) MO

Cecil D. Higginbotham, 49, died at 3:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of his mother, Mrs. Louisa Heffington of Mountain Grove, after a lingering illness.

He lost both feet in a train accident when he was 15 years old. For 25 years he had been making artificial limbs, employed by a Cincinnati firm.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived also by one daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Paullus of Houston, Texas; three brothers, Edward of Dupo, Ill., Floyd of Knoxville, Tenn., Raymond of Hot Springs, Ark.; three sisters, Mrs. America Childress of Mountain Grove, Mrs. Verda Heathcott of Swifton, Ark., and Mrs. Inez Herrin of Bald Knob, Ark.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. today in the Bernie, mo., General Baptist church, near Dexter, with Grable-Windle of Mountain Grove in charge.



St. Joseph News-Press 7/5/1952

Ollie Grace Stroud Higginbotham (1880-1952) MO

Services for Mrs. Ollie Grace Higginbotham 72, Easton, who died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B.A. Boyer, 2105 Felix street, will be at 2 Monday at the Freeman Chapel Church near Hemple. Burial will be in Freeman Chapel cemetery.

The body of Mrs. Higginbotham will be removed from the Summerfield Funeral Home, Stewartsville, to the home of Mrs. Boyer tomorrow afternoon to remain until time for the services Monday.



 Warrenton Banner 7/10/1952

Lee Anna Stone Higginbotham (1962-1952) MO

Mrs. Annie Higginbotham (nee Anna Sone) was born in Warren County October 7, 1868 as the daughter of the late Charles and Frances Stone, and passed away at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones, with whom she had made her home since 1919. She attained the age of 89 years, 8 months and 23 days.

Mrs. Higginbotham had been blind for the past 10 years, and bedfast for two weeks, but she bore her afflictions with patience, never complaining.

On October 8, 1879 she was married to William Higginbotham, and to this union three children were born, a daughter, Mrs. Rowene Leek died in 1912, and a son, Walter, died two years ago. Mr. Higginbotham died in 1918, and after that she and her little invalid grandson, whom she had reared from babyhood, lived together until the grandson's death in 1919. Mrs. Higginbotham then came to live with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones.

She leaves to mourn her a daughter, Mrs. Lester Jones, a son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, three grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, a nephew, Lee Carrico, 3 nieces, an adopted niece, and a host of other relatives and friends.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Palmyra Baptist Church.

She will be sadly missed as she was so kind and loving to all with whom she had any contact.

Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at the Niebrug Funeral Home in Warrenton by Rev. George Hoech. Interment was made in the Warrenton Cemetery.



The Sedalia Democrat 7/25/1952

Eva Ettie Higganbotham Reedy (1867-1952) MO

Funeral services for Mrs. Eva E. Reedy, who died Tuesday at her home near Cole Camp, were held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Mt. Olivet Church, with the Rev. Steven Gardner and Rev. Ferrenburg officiating.

The Ionia choir sang "In the Sweet Bye and Bye", "Beyond the Sunset" and "No Night There."

She was born Dec. 6, 1867, the daughter of the late Charles and Polly Higginbotham.

At an early age she joined the Methodist Church. She was married to Noah B. Reedy, July 29, 1885, at Norton, Kan.

She was preceded in death by her husband and four children, three of whom died in infancy, and Charley, who died in 1946.

The following children survive: Mrs. W.C. Penny, Downey, Calif., Marion Reedy and Verlin Reedy of the home, Lafe Reedy, Selania, Calif., Carroll Reedy, Leeton, Arthur Reedy, Cole Camp, Mrs. George Biondi, Windsor, Mrs. Earl Davis, Sedalia, Mrs. Alfred England, Holt, Mrs. Roy Meier, Spring Fork; also 26 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and seven great-great-grandchildren, two brothers, C.D. Higginbotham, Racine, and Lot Higgenbotham, Blue Springs, Kan., and a number of nieces and nephews.

Four grandsons are in the armed services, Capt. Eugene Biondi and Pfc. Clarence Davis, who are in Korea, Sgt. Earl Davis, who just returned to the states from Korea, and Cpl. Roy Meier Jr., Louisian. Three of her sons served in World War I.

Pallbearers were: Merlin and Morris Fields, Milam Berry, Eldon and Robert Hesse and Daley Linville.

Burial was in the church cemetery.


Joplin News Herald, Saturday, October 18, 1952

William Daniel Higginbotham (1884-1952) MO

William D. Higginbotham, 68 years old, a lifelong resident of the district, died at 9:45 o'clock this morning in Freeman hospital.

He was born April 30, 1884, one mile south of Spring City, and had lived in the community all his life.

He was a member of the Masonic Lodge at Neosho, the Joplin Elks lodge and the Methodist church.

Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Corda Higginbotham; two sons, Vernon L. Higginbotham of Walnut, Kan., and William D. Higginbotham, Jr. of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Jewell Craig of rural Joplin and seven grandchildren.

The body was received by the Steve Parker mortuary.



THE MARCELINE NEWS & THE BUCKLIN HERALD, Marceline, Missouri, Friday, Dec. 12, 1952

Zelma Elizabeth Higginbotham Noah (1899-1952) KY/MO
Funeral services for Mrs. Oley G. Noah, who died Sunday afternoon at her home here, were Tuesday afternoon at the First Baptist Church. Burial was in Roselawn Cemetery.
Mrs. Noah, mother of eight children, seven of whom survive, dedicated her life to her family. She had been a widow since 1944 and assumed the added responsibilities with high courage.
Although Mrs. Noah had not been well for some time, she remained active and carried on her work as usual until about two months ago. Since then she had been a patient at the St. Francis Hospital here and at Ellis Fischel Hospital in Columbia, returning home from the latter hospital Thanksgiving Day. All of her children were with her at the time of her death.
Zelma Elizabeth Higginbotham, daughter of John T. and Nancy Louise Higginbotham, was born Aug. 18, 1899 in Wayne County, Kentucky. When she was two years of age, the family moved to Elmer, Missouri and the deceased spent the remainder of her life in this vicinity.
Miss Higginbotham and Oley G. Noah were married Dec. 14, 1919. Six daughters and two sons were born, one of whom, Robert, died May 31, 1938. Mr. Noah died Feb. 14, 1944.
Surviving are the six daughters, Mrs. Anna Cady of Brookfield, Mrs. Helen Kerby of the home, Mrs. Vonnie Sharkey of Kansas City, Mrs. Maxyne Wolf of Floyd, Mrs. Virginia Bailey of Marceline, and Mary Ann Noah of the home; a son, Oley Junior, also of the home; two brothers, George Higginbotham of Carrollton, and Carl Higginbotham of Denver, Colorado; and a sister, Mrs. Pearl Baker of Kansas City.
Mrs. Noah also leaves twelve grandchildren, several nieces and nephews, and many other relatives and friends.



The Springfield News-Leader 2/16/1953

Joel Arthur Higginbotham (1905-1953) MO

Seneca, Feb. 15 - A Newton county farmer collapsed and died of a heart attack late today while attempting to find someone to tow his car from a ditch.

Troopers said the victim, 46-year-old Jack Higginbotham of route 2, Seneca, had been refused help at one house because the occupant believed the motorist was intoxicated-a report still under investigation.

Higginbotham was driving his 1938 Pontiac coupe homeward about 4 p.m., headed west on a rural road five miles northeast of here, when the vehicle veered off one side, then careened into a ditch on the opposite side.

The auto was only slightly scratched and Higginbotham apparently escaped injury. Leaving the machine, he walked along to road to a nearby house, but was refused admittance because of "his condition," officers said.

Leaving the house, the motorist walked on a quarter-mile toward another farmhouse, but collapsed and fell face first into the road. He suffered a nose laceration, but otherwise was unhurt, according to Newton County Coroner Casey Thompson, Jr., who believed Higginbotham died almost instantly of a heart attack.

The body was found a short time later by another motorist and was taken to the Biddlecome funeral home here. Thompson said Higginbotham's condition immediately following the wreck, taken to be drunkenness, could have been shock, and a test is being made to establish the exact cause of death.

Higginbotham lived with his father, Arthur, on a farm near here, and also survived by a daughter, Eula, of Joplin.



The Kansas City Times 3/3/1953

Katherine Warren Higginbotham Zilley (1886-1953) TX/MO

Services for Mrs. Kate Zilley, 66, of 1618 Broadway, will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday at the Newcomer chapel. Burial will be in Memorial Park cemetery. Mrs. Zilley died Sunday at a convalescent home at 3200 Norledge. She was born in Keene County, Texas, and had been a resident of Kansas City forty-two years. Surviving are two sons, John F. Higginbotham, 408 West Eighteenth, and William A. Higginbotham, 4631 Chestnut.



Joplin Globe 5/9/1953

Ida Brown Higganbotham (1883-1953) MO

Webb City, Mo., May 8 - Mrs. Ida Higganbotham, 70 years old, a resident of Webb City 47 years, died at 11:45 o'clock last night at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Helen Moore at Minden Mines. She was born March 20, 1883 in Carl Junction. She had been ill seven months. She was a member of the Methodist church in Webb City. She was a member of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church, S.B.A lodge and War Mother's Club of Webb City.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Marie Williams of Springfield, Mrs. Ruth Hecht of Webb City and Mrs. Helen Moore of Minden Mines; a son, Linden Higganbotham of Joplin; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The body will lie in state at the family home, 1426 Nelson Street, Webb City.

Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church with the Rev. Leonard Westphal officiating assisted by the Rev. Coy Martin. Burial will be in the Carl Junction cemetery.



Moberly Monitor-Index and Democrat 11/23/1953

Della Mae Higginbotham (1939-1953) MO

Lamar, Mo. (AP)-A 14-year-old Carthage girl was killed and five youths injured, one seriously, in an accident northeast of here last night.

Linda Higginbotham was killed when the car in which she was a passenger blew out a tire and overturned on a country road 14 miles northeast of here.



The Springfield News-Leader 12/11/1953

Howard Cecil Higginbotham (1918-1953) MO

Howard C. Higgenbotham, 35-year-old Bolivar mechanic and native of Polk County, died at 9:45 p.m. Wednesday in Burge Hospital after an illness of several weeks.

Mr. Higgenbotham, who had a heart ailment, was born at Burns, near Bolivar, and spent most of his life in Polk County except for a time in the CCC. He had been employed at the Brock-Smith Motor Company at Bolivar since he was 16 years old.

A member of the Eagles at Springfield, Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Viola; four sons, Billy Keith, Kenneth Gene and Deryl Ray, all of the home, and Cecil Eugene of the state of California; a daughter, Miss Grace Marie Higginbotham of the state of California; his mother, Mrs. GRace Hawkins of Braymer, Mo., and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Higginbotham of Ventura, Calif.

Funeral arrangements are under direction of Erwin-Blue of Bolivar.



Joplin Globe 3/6/1954

Mable Frances Schick Higginbotham Austin (1898-1954) MO

Webb City, Mo., March 5 - Mrs. Mabel Frances Austin, 55 years old, of Buffalo, Mo., died at 6:20 o'clock this morning in Jane Chinn hospital where she had been a patient three days. She is survived by her husband, Luther Austin of the home in Buffalo; a son, William A. Higginbotham of Santa Paula, Calif., and a son-in-law, Curtis Williams of Oronogo.

The Body was received by the Hedge-Lewis funeral home, and will be returned to Buffalo for services in the Montgomery chapel Monday. Burial will be in the Reynolds Chapel cemetery, near Buffalo.



Linn County Leader 03/15/1954

Chester Marion Higginbotham (1892-1954) KY/MO

Funeral services for Chester Marion Higginbotham were Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist Church, conducted by Rev James Poe, of Bynumville, MO and Rev. Ray Barnes. Mr. Higginbotham died Friday at St. Francis Hospital, Marceline, MO. Burial was in the Peden Chapel Cemetery, southeast of Marceline, MO. Chester Marion Higginbotham, was Son of Abraham and Julia (Koger) Higginbotham, was born January 20, 1892, in Wayne County, KY. He and Miss Roxie Boring, daughter of Lafayette and Lucinda Olive Boring, of near Elmer, MO, were married June 19, 1918. Two children were born to this union, Lucille, now Mrs. K. D. Summers, and a son, Chester Marion Higginbotham, Jr., who gave his life in the service of his country, in January 1945, in Belgium. Surviving are his wife, of the home in Marceline, MO; His daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Summers; 8 grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Elmer Pyle and Miss Mary E. Higginbotham, of Kansas City, MO; a brother G. E. Higginbotham, of LaPlata, MO; a half-sister, Mrs. Raymond Prater, of Mexico, MO; a half-brother, Ira Higginbotham, of Tonganoxie, Kan.



Mexico Ledger 5/10/1954

Florence Adeline Higgenbotham Collier (1903-1954) MO/IL

Wellsville - On their way to Wellsville where they planned to make their home, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac R. Colliers of Indianapolis, Ind., died in an automobile accident at LaPlace, Ill., near Decatur, at 10:15 a.m. Friday. The body of Mrs. Collier, the former Florence Adeline Higgenbotham of Wellsville, was brought to the Wells Funeral Home here and services were conducted there at 2 p.m. Monday by the Rev. Harold Spickelmier of the Methodist Church. Burial was in the Old Bethel Cemetery west of Montgomery City.

Mr. Collier's body was taken to Tipton, Ind., where services will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

Florence Adeline (Addie) Collier was born in Montgomery County April 1, 1903. She was a daughter of the late Tom Higgenbotham and Mrs. Maude Higgenbotham Brown.

Survivors besides her mother are five children by former marriage, Lawrence Lewis of St. Louis, Mrs. Courtney (Ora May) Phillip of St. Louis, Raymond Stuart, Ralph Stuart and Roy Stuart, all of indianapolis, Ind.; three brothers, Clyde Higgenbotham and Walter Higgenbotham of Wellsville, George Higgenbotham of St. Louis; and 12 grandchildren.



The Kansas City Star 5/14/1954

Helen Large Higginbotham (1916-1954) MO

Higgenbotham - Mrs. Helen L. Kage Higgenbotham, 37 years old, 9154 Shope avenue, Intercity district, died today at the General hospital. She was a lifelong resident of Jackson County. She leaves a son, James E. Gilmore, 221 North Hardy avenue, Intercity district; a daughter, Michelle Higgenbotham, and he mother, Mrs. Jewell Large, both of the home; five brothers, Lloyd U. Large, 3028 Mason street, Independence; Harold Lee Large, Richmond, Calif.; Marvin R. Large, 568 Overton avenue, Intercity district and Charles E. Large and Robert W. Large, both of the home, and a sister, Mrs. Bonnie Bryant of the home. Funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Monday at the Carson chapel.



The Kansas City Times 10/4/1954   

Charles Sexton Higginbotham (1893-1954) KS/MO

Charles Higginbotham, 61, of 3510 Park, owner of Hig's Truck service, 1808 Jackson, died yesterday at the Osteopathic hospital. Mr. Higginbotham operated the truck repair garage the last three years. He operated a Reo truck garage on Truman road for many years. Mr.. Higginbotham was born at Harper, Kas., and had been a resident here thirty years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Emma Pearl Higginbotham of the home; five sons, George Higginbotham, 2717 Jackson; William Higginbotham, 3801 Olive; Joseph Higginbotham, 2634 East Eighth; Arthur Higginbotham, Raytown, and Edward Higginbotham, with the Navy; three daughters, Mrs. Josephine Stevens, Salisbury and Lacy roads, Jackson County; Mrs. Mary Patzer, 6020 Chestnut, and Mrs. Sally Bratton, 1001 Monroe; a brother, M.W. Higginbotham, Bentonville, Ark., and two sisters, Mrs. A.W. Fullerton, Neosho, Mo., and Mrs. Will Arbuthnot, Springfield, Colo.



The Kansas City Times 1/4/1955

Carrie Mae Smith Higginbotham (1876-1955) GA/MO

Mrs. Carrie Higginbotham, 78, of 919 Prospect, died yesterday at the General Hospital. Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Georgia and had been a resident of Kansas City sixty years. She was a member of the Troost Avenue Methodist church. A sister, Mrs. Cora Faibian, 3722 Brooklyn, survives. Services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday at the Shell chapel. Burial will be in Pleasant View cemetery, Shawnee.



The Kansas City Times 8/20/1955

Samuel Tilden Higginbotham (1875-1955) MO

Samuel T. Higginbotham, 80, of 4550 Nichols Parkway, a member of the police force twenty-eight years and later a special officer, died yesterday at the St. Joseph hospital. He suffered a stroke Sunday.

Mr. Higginbotham was on the force from 1911 to 1939, first as a traffic patrolman at Eleventh and Walnut streets and later as desk sergeant at the Sheffield station. He was released by Lear B. Reed, then chief, in 1939 in a revamping of the department.

He was subsequently employed as a special policeman by the Katz drug company, the Dixon hotel and the Hotel Baltimore. He retired in 1950 because of ill health. Mr. Higginbotham was born near Nelson, Mo., and had been a resident of Kansas City fifty years.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Blanche Higginbotham of the home; three brothers, Wade Higginbotham, 4127 Brooklyn avenue; Thomas Bert Higginbotham, Quincy, Ill., and William Floyd Higginbotham, Boonville, Mo., and a sister, Mrs. Frances Draffin, Columbia, Mo.

Services will be held at 2 o'clock Monday at the Mellody-McGilley-Eylar chapel. Burial will be at Nelson.



Warrenton Banner 1/26/1956

Charles Pressley Higginbotham (1873-1956) MO

Word was received here by friends of the death of Charles Higgenbotham of Winona, Mo., in Shannon County, who passed away sometime Saturday night. Funeral was held in Winona of Tuesday, January 24. Mr. Higgenbotham is a former resident of the Foristell community having resided on a farm ast of town for a number of years.



Joplin News Herald 14 Feb 1956

Meda Higginbottom Walton (1880-1956) MO

Funeral services for Mrs. Meda Walton, 75 years old, who died yesterday afternoon will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Steve Parker mortuary chapel. The Rev. Lon Presley will officiate and burial will be in Carterville cemetery.



The Kansas City Star 3/29/1956

William Floyd Higginbotham (1870-1956) MO

Boonville, Mo., March 29 - Funeral services will be conducted at the Goodman & Boller chapel here at 3 o'clock Friday for William F. Higginbotham, 85, of Boonville. Burial will be in Walnut Grove cemetery here.

He was assistant farmer at the Missouri Training School fo Boys here for more than a quarter century.

He leaves his wife, a daughter, Miss Julia Rosamond Higginbotham, of 1328 East Armour, and a brother, Wade Higginbotham, of 4217 Brooklyn, both of Kansas City; a sister, Mrs. Frank Draffen, of Columbia, and a brother, Bert Higginbotham, of Quincy, Ill.



The Lathrop Optimist 8/2/1956

Mary Elizabeth Hutchings Carrol Groomer Higginbotham (1869-1956) MO

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hutchings Higginbotham passed away at her home in Elmira Monday morning, July 23, at 2:00 at the age of 87. Mrs. Higginbotham would have been 88  November 11th. She was preceded in death by three husbands, George W. Carrol, who died in 1921, Charles W. Groomer of Lathrop, who died in 1928 and Lemuel L. Higginbotham who died in 1932. Mrs. Higginbotham united early in life with the Prairie Ridge Christian Union Church, later after moving to Elmira united with the Christian Church in Elmira. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Elmira Baptist Church with the minister Rev. Richard Ellis officiating. Mrs. Charles Chamblin sang "The Old Rugged Cross," accompanied by Miss Leona Pohl at the piano. Mrs. Kenneth Higginbotham of Topeka, Kans. and a step-son of Mrs. Higginbotham sang "Lead Kindly Light." Burial was in the Elmira cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 9/15/1956

Grace Harlan Brownlee Higginbotham (1878-1956) MO

Mrs. Grace Harlan Higginbotham, 77, of 4127 Brooklyn, died yesterday at Groose Nursing home, 3918 Charlotte, where she had been a patient 2-1/2 months. Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Nelson, Mo. and lived in Kansas City about 30 years. she worked 20 years as a saleswoman for the Jones department store. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church in Slater, Mo. Surviving are her husband, Wade H. Higginbotham, and a daughter, Mrs. Zora M. Barnes, of the home, and two granddaughters.



The Kansas City Star 2/13/1957

John Joseph Higinbotham (1898-1957) MO

John J. Higinbotham, 58, of 2524 Brighton avenue, died early today at St. Mary's hospital after an illness of three weeks. He was an employee of the meter repair department of the city water department.

Mr. Higinbotham was a life long resident of Kansas City. He was a member of St. Michael's Catholic church.

During World War I he served with battery D, 129th field artillery, and was a member of the Battery D Organization.

He leaves a daughter, Miss Carol Higinbotham, and two sons, John C. Higinbotham and NEal E. Higinbotham, all of the home; another son, David L. Higinbotham, 2204 Hardesty avenue; a sister, Miss Mary Higinbotham, 300 Benton boulevard, and a brother, Paul A. Higinbotham, Kenwood, Calif.

Funeral services will be held at 8:30 o'clock Friday at the Mellody-McGilley-Eylar chapel, and at 9 o'clock at St. Michael's church. Burial will be in St. Mary's cemetery. The rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock Thursday night at the chapel.



The Kansas City Star 3/1/1957

Marie C. Higinbotham (1886-1957) KS/MO

Higinbotham - Miss Marie C., age 70, of 2524 Brighton passed away Feb. 28, 1957. Rosary recitation 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home, Linwood blvd. at Woodland, from where funeral will be held 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Services St. Michael's church, 24th & Brighton, 9 a.m. Interment St. Mary's cemetery.

Mellody-McGilley-Eylar WA1-7717



The Kansas City Star 05/04/1957

Ella A. Dyster Higginbotham (1905-1957) MO

Mrs. Ella A. Dyster Higginbotham, 51, of 25 West Thirty-eighth, died last night at the Trinity Lutheran Hospital. She was born in Lenexa and had lived in Kansas City 25 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church. She leaves her husband, Roy M. Higginbotham of the home; four sons, David M. Higginbotham of the home; Howard A. Waldrop, 11222 Corrington, Ruskin Heights; Leroy Marvin Waldrop, 338 Cambridge, Kansas City, Kansas, and Paul Eugene Waldrop, St. Louis; a daughter, Mrs. Ray Fry of the Cambridge address; a brother, Elmer J. Dyster, Turner, Kas., and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock Monday at the Quirk & Tobin chapel; burial in the Shawnee cemetery, Shawnee.



St. Louis Globe-Dispatch 7/30/1957

Lillian Higginbotham Branch (1878-1957) MO/TN

Branch, Lillian H., of Memphis, Tenn., Thursday, July 25, 1957, wife of the late Jesse Branch, mother of Mrs. Harriet B. Hearn, sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Binkard and John W. Higginbotham, dear grandmother and aunt.

Services were held Mon. at Valhalla Cemetery. Alexander & Sons.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 1/18/1958

Emma Schatz Higginbotham (1862-1958) MO

Higginbotham, Emma, 3100 Bellerive dr., Fri., Jan. 17, 1958, 1:45 a.m., beloved mother of Florence and Burrell Higginbotham, dear sister of Lizzie Schatz, dear sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt and great-great-aunt, in her 96th year.

Funeral from White Chapel, 118 N. Florissant rd., Ferguson, Sat., Jan. 18, 1:30 p.m. Interment Wright City Cemetery, Wright City, Mo.



The Kansas City Times 4/5/1958

Gladys Maryann Higginbotham Wright (1917-1958) KS/MO

Wright - Mrs. Gladys Mary Ann Wright, 40, of 719 South Ninth, Kansas City, Kas., died yesterday at Research hospital after an illness of about six weeks. She was a member of the Shawnee Boulevard Christian church and the Women's Relief Corps. Mrs. Wright was born in Kansas City, Kansas and had been a resident of Greater Kansas City all her life. She leaves her husband, Eldon R. Wright, Sr.; a daughter, Miss Cheryl Diane Wright, and two sons, Charles E. Wright and Ralph E. Wright, all of the home; two other daughters, Mrs. Frances Richman, Anchorage, Alaska, and Mrs. Marvann Rohr, Colorado Springs; two other sons, Eldon R. Wright, Jr., 1879 South Tremont, and Elmer E. Wright, Navy, San Francisco; four brothers, Earl W. Higginbotham, 337 Douglas; Roy M. Higginbotham, 4043 Pennsylvania; Francis D. Higginbotham, 2735 Madison, and Elmer E. Higginbotham, 831 Miami, and five grandchildren.



New Cambria Leader 11/7/1958

Carl Higginbotham (1903-1958) MO/CO

Carl Higginbotham, 55, of Denver, Colo. passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack at his home on Tuesday October 28.

He was the son of John Thomas (Jack) Higginbotham and Nancy Louisa Wallen Higginbotham and was born at Ethel, Missouri in 1903. He was united in marrige to Miss Agnes Durbin in Macon of October 30, 1926.

He was preceded in death by his parents and one sister, Mrs. Zelma Noah.

He is survived by his wife, Agnes of the home, a sister, Mrs. Pearl Baker of Kansas City and a brother, George Higginbotham of Carrollton.

Funeral services were conducted at the Howard Mortuary in Denver, Thursday, when he was brought to the Larson Funeral Home in Bucklin and final rites were conducted Saturday afternoon at the Larson Funeral Chapel by Rev. Eugene Gebhart, pastor of Bucklin Christian Church. Mrs. Claude Lile and Mrs. C.A. Larson sang "Abide With Me" and :Rock of Ages" accompanied by Mrs. Lowell Brown.

The pallbearers were Victor Griffin, Sank Griffin, Muriel Griffin, Henry Burnett, Harold Cady and Oley Noah, Jr.

Interment was in the Masonic Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham formerly lived at Ethel and New Cambria and had resided in the west many years.



The Kansas City Times 11/18/1958

William Richard Higginbotham (1875-1958) MO

Duenweg - William R. Higginbotham, 86, retired miner; Walter Higginbotham of Kansas City is a son.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch 4/5/1959

Mary Emerin Higginbotham Cago Matthews (1874-1959) KY/MO

Matthews, Mary E. (Cago) (nee Higginbothan), 6419 Pasadena, Pine Lawn, Mo., April 2, 1959, dear mother of Edna Cobb, Ethel Wilson; Earl and Milton Matthews, sister of Alice Moore and Joe Higginbotham, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, great-aunt and cousin.

Funeral Sun., April 5, 1 p.m. from Albert H. Hoppe Funeral Home, 4911 Washington Bl. Interment Moselle, Mo.



The Sedalia Democrat 6/26/1959

Minnie Lee Martin Higginbotham (1880-1959) KY/MO

Mrs. Minnie Lee Higginbotham, 78, Sweet Springs, died at 4:15 p.m. Thursday at Bothwell Hospital.

Mrs. Higginbotham, daughter of Elizabeth Frances and James Robert Martin, was born Oct. 12, 1880, at Glasgow, Ky. She was married to George Higginbotham, who preceded her in death several years ago.

Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Anna Bell Dixon, Knob Noster, Mrs. May Grace Nace, Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Sadie Eckhoff, Warrensburg.

Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Christian Church, Sweet Springs, the Rev. Lennox Crockett to officiate.

Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery.

The body is at the Parker Funeral Home, Sweet Springs.



The Kansas City Star 10/10/1959

Kenneth Gene Higginbotham (1951-1959) MO

Fair Play, Mo., Oct. 10 - An 8-year-old boy was struck and killed by a car yesterday when he ran into the street from the grounds of the Fair Play grammar school.

Killed was Kenneth Gene Higgenbotham, son of Mrs. Viola Higginbotham of Fair Play. Driver of the car was Bob Harralson, who lives northwest of Fair Play.



The Kansas City Times 10/29/1959

Clarice Elizabeth Raiford Higginbotham (1903-1959) MS/MO

HIGGINBOTHAM-Mrs. Clarice E. Higginbotham, 58, of 3630 Chestnut, died yesterday after a 5-month illness. She was born in Mississippi and had lived in Kansas City 25 years. She was a member of the Methodist church. Surviving are her husband, Clyde C. Higginbotham of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Hart of Bartow, Fla., and Mrs. Daisy Roth Rock of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and four brothers, Noal Raiford of Jackson, Tenn.; Robert Raiford of Savannah, Ga.; Olliu Raiford of Barton and Cecil Raiford of Fort Lauderdale.



The Springfield News-Leader 12/2/1959

Nora Franklin Higginbotham (1882-1959) MO

Mrs. Nora Franklin Higginbotham, 78, Bolivar, died Tuesday morning at Burge Hospital. She was the daughter of the late John W. Franklin, onetime sheriff of Polk County.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, Wilson; four sisters and six nieces. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon with burial in Greenwood Cemetery under direction of Pitts of Bolivar.




Mildred Winsby Higginbotham (1910-1959) MO

Private funeral services were held today for Mrs. Mildred Winsby Higginbotham, wife of William H. Higginbotham, a vice-president of the Century Electric Com. Cremation followed.

Mrs. Higginbotham, 49 years old, died Tuesday at her home at 6 Rutherford Lane, St. Louis County. She had been ill about two months. Surviving in addition to her husband are three children, Cynthia, Pamela and Ronnie; three sisters and three brothers.



The Kansas City Times 02/09/1960

Lafayette E. Higginbotham (1889-1960) MO

HIGGINBOTHAM-Lafayette E. Higginbotham Sr., 70, of 4406 Main, died today at St. Mary's hospital. He was born in Brunswick, Mo. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired interior decorator. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ruth Higginbotham of the home; four sons, Lafayette E. Higginbotham, Jr., 4901 Neosho, Fairway; Howard Higginbotham, 4309 Askew; Eugene R. Higginbotham, 805 East Forty-second, and George Higginbotham of the home; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Baxley, Brunswick, and 12 grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2:30 o'clock Thursday at the Newcomer chapel, Brush Creek and the Paseo. Burial will be in Elmwood cemetery.



The Springfield News-Leader 2/11/1960

Susie Margaret Haden Higginbotham (1865-1960) MO

Mrs. Susie Margaret Higginbotham, 94, a lifelong resident of Polk County, died in Mercy Hospital Wednesday following a short illness. She was the widow of Martin T. Higginbotham who died in 1940. She was a member of the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church and the WPFA at Bolivar.

Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Oakley Murphy of Ventura, Calif., and Mrs. Opal Murphy, Bolivar; one son, Holace Higginbotham, Springfield; two brothers, Billy Haden, Red Top, and John Haden, California state; 17 grandchildren; and 32 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.

Arrangements are under direction of Pitts of Bolivar.



Post-Tribune 06/27/1960

Jerry Lynn Higginbotham (1951-1960) MO

Boy, 8, Found Dead With Rope Around Neck

St. Louis (AP)-An 8-year-old boy, a rope around his neck, was found dead in the basement of his home in suburban Mehlville Sunday night. His mother said the boy accidentally hanged himself while playing.

The boy was Jerry Lynn Higginbotham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Higginbotham. His mother found him in a sitting position in the basement with a rope hanging from a basement partition plank and tied around his neck.

She said the boy was in good spirits when last seen and apparently found the rope on a home construction site next door.



The Springfield News-Leader 8/11/1960

Nora Elizabeth Higginbotham Fuller (1887-1960) MO

Mrs. Nora E. Fuller, 72, Route 1, Halfway, died Wednesday evening at the home of a son, Truman, Route 1, Halfway, after a lingering illness.

Mrs. Fuller was a member of the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. She owned and operated a grocery store in Bolivar for 15 years before her retirement several years ago.

She is survived by another son, Andrew, Jr., of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Lee Tucker, Santa Barbara, Calif., and Mrs. Florence Broaku, Ventura, Calif.; and three grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements are under direction of Pitts of Bolivar.



The Kansas City Star 12/26/1960

Edward Gene Higginbotham (1960-1960) MO

Edward G. Higginbotham, 4-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higginbotham, Joplin, Mo., died in bed yesterday where he had been sleeping with two other children at the home of his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Langford Jr., Bonner Springs. An autopsy is scheduled to be made to determine the cause of death. The baby also leaves a 2-year old sister.



Springfield Leader and Press2/6/1961

Thomas Wilson Higginbotham (1869-1961) MO

Thomas Wilson Higginbotham, 91, retired farmer and stockman and lifelong resident of Polk County, died yesterday at the Pleasant View nursing home near Bolivar after a lingering illness.

Mr. Higginbotham was the operator of the Wolf Creek Angus farm near Bolivar. A number of years ago he had owned and operated a drug store in the Burns community. He moved to Bolivar about 16 years ago and was a deacon of the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.

He is survived by a half-brother, J.C. of Route 3, Bolivar, and a sister, Mrs. Anna E. Lusk of Bolivar.

Funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. Alpha Redford at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.

Burial will be in the church cemetery under direction of Pitts of Bolivar.



The Springfield News-Leader 7/12/1961

America Lee Higginbotham Beck (1884-1961) TN/MO/NM

Graveside services for Mrs. America Lee Beck, 76, will be at 10:30 a.m. today in the Cabool Cemetery with the Rev. C.O. Branson officiating. Burial will be under the direction of Elliott-GEntry.

Mrs. Beck, a former resident of Cabool, died Saturday in Raton, N.M., after a long illness. She was a member of the Baptist church in Raton.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Nathan Oldham, Raton; a son, Alva L. Beck, Rosemead, Calif.; a sister, Eunice; three brothers, Bill, Herman and X. Higginbotham, all of California; and five grandchildren.



The Kansas City Times    7/31/1961

Idabelle Smith Higginbotham (1886-1961) MO

Mrs. Idabelle Higginbotham, 75, of 11204 East Thirty-sixth, Independence, died yesterday at a nursing home at 5900 Swope Parkway. She was born in Potosi, Mo., and lived here three years. She was a member of the Potosi Methodist Church, the Women's Society of Christian Service and the Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Nickerson of the home, and two sisters, Mrs. Helen Sloan, and Mrs. Mary Latta Clarkson, both of St. Louis. Services at 2 o'clock Tuesday at the Potosi Methodist Church; burial in the New MAsonic Cemetery, Potosi. The family requests no flowers and suggest contributions to the building fund of the St. Paul Methodist Church, Independence.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/6/1961

Marjorie A. Higginbotham Mitchell (1906-1961) MO

Mitchell, Marjorie A. (nee Higginbotham), 3922 Hartford, passed on Thurs., Oct. 5, 1961, 5:48 p.m., beloved wife of Carl Mitchell, dear mother of Mrs. Ruth A. Aldridge, dear daughter of Mrs. May Pritchard and the late William B. Higginbotham, our dear sister, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, niece and cousin.

Funeral private Sat.



Franklin County Tribune (Union, MO) 11/30/1961

Alice Higginbotham Moore (1876-1961) KY/MO

Alice Moore was born near Monticello, Wayne County, Kentucky, on Dec. 27, 1876, the daughter of James A. and Nancy Gresham Higginbotham, in her 85th year.

She was untied in marriage to Charles D. Moore on Aug. 24, 1898. Sic children were born to this union, two having preceded her in death, an infant son, and Goldie Alice, who died at the age of two years.

Surviving are Mary M. Harris of Moselle, Joseph and William, and Myrtle M. Brandt of St. Louis; one brother, Joseph Higginbotham, of Ft. Smith, Ark., one son in law, two daughters-in-law, 11 grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren, nieces and nephews and many friends.

Mrs. Moore united with the Baptist Church at Moselle.

She was laid to rest at the family cemetery Monday, November 27.



St. Louis Globe-Dispatch 5/14/1962

Burrell Dillon Higginbotham (1886-1962) MO

Higginbotham, Burrell D., 3100 Bellerive dr., Sat. May 12, 1962, dear brother of Florence Higginbotham, dear cousin, nephew and friend.

Funeral from White-Mullen Chapel, 118 N. Florissant, Ferguson, Tues., May 15, 2:30 p.m. Interment Wright Cemetery. In parlor after 2 p.m. Mon.



Warrenton Banner 6/7/1962

Mary Melvina Higginbotham Jones (1885-1962) MO

Mrs. Lester L. Jones, 77, Died Thursday, May 31

Mrs. Mary Melvina Jones, daughters of the late William J. and Lee Anner Higginbotham, was born May 14, 1885 in Warren County, and passed away Thursday, May 31, after a severe heart attack of heart trouble and congestion of the lungs at Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, at the age of 77 years and 17 days.

On October 3, 1906, she was united in marriage to Lester L. Jones at High Hill. To this union one daughter, Frances (Mrs. Carlis Pope) was born. They established their home in Warren County, and lived there until 1953 when they moved to Truxton, where they have since resided.

In 1927, she and Mr. Jones joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Little Bethel Church where she remained a member until the church disbanded and they moved their membership to Elkhorn Church in Montgomery County, where she remained a faithful member until her death.

She is survived by her husband, Lester L. Jones; one daughter, Mrs. Frances Pope of St. Louis; seven grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, three nephews and two sister-in-law, Mrs. Floye Wheeler of Jonesburg and Mrs. Martha Higginbotham of Warrenton; and also a host of other relatives and friends. She was also preceded in death by her father and mother, two brothers, one sister and a nephew.

The funeral services were conducted by Elder Russell Keyes of Huntsville at Central Grove Church Sunday afternoon, and interment at the Central Grove Cemetery. The pallbearers were her three grandsons, Lester D., Richard E., Robert W. Houke and nephews John F. Wheeler, Pail Higginbotham and friend of the family Jess Shaw.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 8/11/1962

May Pritchard Higginbotham (1878-1962) NY/MO

Higginbotham, May P., 6158 Simpson, Thurs., Aug. 9, 1962, beloved wife of William B.. Higginbotham, dear mother of Mrs. Dolores MacNichols, Mrs. Grace Atkins, William H. Higginbotham, Mrs. Ruth Seely and the late Mrs. Marjorie Mitchell, dear sister, grandmother, great-grandmother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and aunt.

Private funeral service was held at Alexander & Sons Crestwood Chapel, 9801 Highway 66.



Springfield Leader and Press 8/27/1962

Dread Hollis Higginbotham (188601862) MO

Funeral services for D.H. Higginbotham, 76, of 1940 West Thoman, was dead on arrival at Burge-Protestant Hospital early Sunday after an apparent heart attack, will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday in Klingner Chapel with the Revs. Lawrence Watts and Alfred Grant officiating. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery east of Bolivar.

Mr. Higginbotham, a resident of Springfield the past 32 years, was a retired road contractor and a member of the Baptist church.

Surviving are his wife, Emma; two sons, Romie, 1329 East Sunshine, and Con, 3102 East Sunshine; three daughters, Mrs. Marie Booth, Sweet Springs, Mrs. Juanita Breithaupt, 2037 North Jefferson and Mrs.. Freda Brueur, Daleville, Ala.; a sister, Mrs. Opal Murphy, Bolivar; a half-sister, Mrs. Oakley Murphy, Ventura, Calif.; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.



The Kansas City Star 10/18/1962

Ernest Paul Higginbotham (1905-1962) MO


Owner and Assistant are Victims of Explosion at Seneca, Mo.

Seneca, Mo. (AP)-Two persons were fatally injured in an explosion in a Seneca blacksmith shop yesterday. Two other were injured.

Dead are Paul Higginbotham, owner of the shop, and his assistant, Charley Miller, 72.

Higginbotham died on the way to a hospital. Miller died in a Neosho hospital a few hours later.

Robert Marlow, Route 2, Seneca, was taken to a hospital in Miami, Okla. Ben Breeden, Kelleyville, Okla., who had just entered the blacksmith shop suffered facial cuts.

Officials said the explosion occurred when Higginbotham, who just recently went into semi-retirement, struck a piece of drill steel. The piece of steel apparently came from a mine and contained some explosive.

Seneca, a town of 1,500 population, is 13 miles west of Neosho and is in extreme southwestern Missouri.



The Kansas City Star 1/6/1963

Essie C. McKee Higginbotham (1885-1963) MO

Mrs. Essie C. Higginbotham, 77, 1531 North Pleasant, Independence, died yesterday at a nursing home at 416 East College, Independence, where she had been a patient five months. She was born in Victoria, Mo., and came to Independence 36 years ago from Bonner Springs. She was a member of the First Christian Church of Independence. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Helen Ketchum, 5131 Montgall, and Mrs. Ilene Herndon, Stilwell; three sons, Harold Higginbotham of the home, Carl Higginbotham, 6128 Ralston, Raytown, and Harvey Higginbotham, 9804 Independence, Independence; a stepson, Russell Higginbotham, Delray Beach, Fla.; a brother, Oscar McKee, Ocala, Fla.; 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Services will be at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday at the Carson chapel; Burial in Mound Grove cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 o'clock Monday at the chapel.



St. Louis Globe-Democrat 1/29/1963

Billy K. Higginbotham (1924-1963) MO

Higginbotham, Billy K., of 2211 Sims Ave., beloved husband of Sue Higginbotham, father of Rhonda, Tommy and Bradley Higginbotham, son of Ida Higginbotham, brother of Larry and Bobby Higginbotham, Jean Bufalo and Geraldine Hume, our dear uncle.

Funeral from McLaughlin's, 2301 Lafayette, Wed. 10 a.m. Interment Valhalla Cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 03/11/1963

Stella Pearl Camuthers Anderson Higginbotham (1878-1963) KS/MO

Mrs. Stella Pearl (Essie) Higginbotham, 82, of a nursing home at 504 Benton, died yesterday at the General hospital. She was born in Ottawa, Kas., and lived here 60 years. A half sister, Mrs. Nettie Burgoon, Ottawa, survives.



The Kansas City Times 5/27/1963

Martha Elizabeth Rogge Higginbotham (1917-1963) MO

Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Higginbotham, 46, of 4819 East Seventeenth, died of cancer yesterday at the home after a year's illness. She was born in Corder, Mo., and lived here 40 years. She formerly worked at the packing department of the Sears, Roebuck store at Truman and Cleveland. Surviving are her husband, George B. Higginbotham of the home her father, Herman H. Rogge, 520 South Quincy; three sisters, Mrs. Dorothy L. Hancock, 520 South Quincy, Mrs. George Stevenson, Santa Rosa, Calif., Mrs. Walter B. Stephenson, 2457 Lawn; and five brothers, Elmer Rogge, 8345 Douglas; C.C. Rogge, 513 South Brightson; Paul Rogge, 2313 East Fifty-second, North; Morris L. Rogge, 4503 Bell, and Raymond F. Rogge, Butler, Mo. Services will be held at 1 o'clock Wednesday at the Earp Chapel; burial in Memorial Park Cemetery. Friends may call after 6 o'clock tonight at the chapel.



Wentzville Union 7/4/1963

Charlotte Olive Ryker Pringle Higginbotham (1885-1963) IA/MO

Mrs. Charles Higginbotham, formerly of Foristell, died June 17 at a nursing home in Rolla at the age of 78.

Funeral services were held Sunday at Winona with burial at the Winona Cemetery.

Formerly Miss Lottie Ryker, she and her husband, who died about five years ago, lived in Foristell for many years before moving to southern Missouri. Prior to entering the nursing home at Rolla, Mrs. Higginbotham had been a patient in a Mountain View hospital.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Carl Shepherd; a brother, Carl Ryker; one sister and a sister-in-law Mrs. Gertie Ryker of Wright City.



The Kansas City Times 10/15/1963

Dorothy Aileen Smith Higginbotham (1914-1963) MO

Mrs. Dorothy A. Higginbotham, 49, of 4733 Woodend, Kansas City, Kansas, died yesterday at the Research hospital. She was born in Koshkonog, Mo., and lived in this area 33 years. Surviving are her husband, John F. Higginbotham of the home; four sons, Sgt. Gerald F. Higginbotham with the Air Force in Madrid, Spain; John F. Higginbotham, Jr., 3655 Pennsylvania; Sgt. Larry D. Higginbotham with the Air Force in Consentina, Spain, and David R. Higginbotham of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Deana L. Starlin, 11436 East Seventeenth, independence, and Miss Cheryle Kay Higginbotham of the home, and 13 grandchildren.



Moberly Monitor-Index 11/25/1963

Sandra Louise Higginbotham (1950-1963) MO

Sandra Louise Higginbotham, 13, Seneca, Mo., was fatally injured Sunday in a two-car accident six miles south of Joplin on M-43. Her father, Sam Higginbotham, was hospitalized at Joplin.



The Neosho Daily News 6/11/1964

Walter Herman Higginbotham (1876-1964) MO

Walter Higginbotham, 87, a lifelong resident of the Warren's Branch community of Seneca rte. 2, died at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Oak Hill Hospital in Joplin, where he had been a patient since June 5.

Mr. Higginbotham was born Sept. 28, 1876, in rural Seneca, about one mile from his present home. He was a retired farmer and stockman and a member of Warren's Branch Baptist Church.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Juanita Higginbotham; three sons, Charles, Seneca, Rte. 2, Herman, Stockton, Calif., and Harold, Boswell, Ind.; two brothers, Joe, Joplin, and Fred, Kimberly, Idaho; a sister, Mrs. Amanda McKissen, Hood River, Ore., and five grandchildren.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Biddlecome Funeral Home Chapel in Seneca. The Rev. Bob Vermillion will officiate and burial will be in the Hornet Cemetery.



Neosho News 12/27/1964

Joseph Luther Higginbotham (1879-1964) MO

Joseph Luther Higginbotham, 85, Seneca, Rte. 2, died at 2 p.m. Thursday in a Joplin rest home.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Hornet, Dec. 20, 1879. He was a retired stockman and farmer.

Surviving are a son, Edward Lee Higginbotham, Seneca; a step-son, Floyd Bilke, San Antonio, Tex. six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Services will be held today at 2:30 p.m. in the Biddlecome Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. J.M. Campbell will officiate. Burial will be in the Hornet Cemetery.

Pallbearers will be Charles Yust, John Yust, Ernest Gilman, Cecil Case, Walter Rakes and Henry Silvey.



The Kansas City Times 1/27/1965

Madeline Cullom Higinbotham (1893-1965) IL/MO/CA

Mrs. Madeline C. Higinbotham, El Cerrito, Calif., died yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Helen Lynn Snyder of the home. Mrs. Higinbotham was born in Illinois and lived in the Kansas City area 40 years before moving to California. She was graduated from Northwestern University and taught voice here several years. Mrs. Higinbotham was a Christian Scientist and a member of several music clubs in Kansas City. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Helen Shepard, Richmond, Calif., and two grandchildren. Services and burial will be in El Cerrito.




Roy Wesley Higginbotham (1929-1965) MO

Fair Play Man Killed By Falling Tree

A falling tree about 9 o'clock Wednesday morning of last week caused the death of Roy Wesley Higginbotham of Fair Play, 39 years old.

He and several other workmen were felling walnut trees on the Jack Dobbins Farm west of Eudora.

Mr. Higginbotham was cutting a tree down by himself when it "kicked back." He was trapped beneath the tree and received crushing injuries which caused his death.

Sidney Pitts, County Coroner, said no inquest was necessary, as it was plainly an accidental death.

Funeral services were at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Jan. 30, at the Assembly of God church in Bolivar, with the Rev. Clarence Wiegand officiating. Burial followed in Akard Cemetery near Fair Play under direction of Hutchins and Pitts of Fair Play.

He was a member of the Assembly of God Church in Bolivar.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Rosalee Higginbotham, two sons, Bobby Dale and Donald Gene; his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Higginbotham, of St. Joseph, Mo.; two brothers, Tory and Coy Lee, both of St. Joseph, Mo.; one grandmother, Mrs. Ann Hale of Polk, Mo.; and five sisters, Mrs. Marcia Dee Jones of Lebanon, Mo., Mrs. Silver Ra Fread of Imperial Beach, Calif., Mrs. Joyce Johnson of Liberty, Mo., and Misses Peggy and Judy Higginbotham of St. Joseph, Mo.



Neosho Daily News 6/28/1965

Rosa Ella Jones Higginbotham Bilke (1883-1965) MO

Mrs. Rosa Ella Bilki, 82, Rte. 2, Seneca, died suddenly at her home Saturday at 6:00 p.m. She was born in the same community Dec. 4, 1883.

Survivors include two sons, Lee Higginbotham, Seneca, Floyd Bilki, San Antonio, Tex.; six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

Services will be announced by Biddlecome, Seneca.



St. Louis Dispatch 7/18/1965

Garnet Cann Higginbotham (ca1889-1965) MO

Garnet Higginbotham (nee Cann), formerly of 7275 Kingsbury, Fri., July 16, 1965, beloved wife of John W. Higginbotham, dear mother of John W. Jr. (Jack) of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Richard C. of Tucson, Ariz., F. Cameron, Bruce S., and Cyrus W. Higginbotham, dear sister of Frank Cann, dear great-grandmother, grandmother, aunt and mother-in-law.

Funeral from Alexander & Sons Town Chapel, 6175 Delmar Bl., Mon., 1:30 p.m., to Valhalla Cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 02/07/1966

Wade H. Higginbotham (1877-1966) MO

Wade H. Higginbotham, 88, of 4127 Brooklyn, died yesterday at the home. He was born in Nelson, Mo., and lived here 35 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired special agent for the old Chicago & Alton railroad. He was a member of the Central Presbyterian church. Surviving are a stepdaughter, Mrs. Zora M. Barnes of the home; a sister, Mrs. Frances Daffen, Boonville, Mo.; two grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 o'clock Tuesday at the Floral Hills chapel; burial in Floral Hills cemetery. Friends may call after 7 o'clock tonight at the chapel.



Joplin Globe, Wednesday, February 16, 1966

Corda DeWeese Higginbotham (1887-1966) MO

Mrs. Corda D. Higginbotham, 79 years old, Joplin route 4, was pronounced dead on arrival at Freeman hospital at 12:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon after suffering an apparent heart attack at her home.

She was born January 24, 1887, in Newton county and was a lifelong resident of the area. She was a member of the Hornet Christian church and the Hornet Extension Club. Her husband, W.D. Higginbotham, preceded her in death, October, 1952.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Jewell Craig, Joplin route 2; two sons, Vernon L. Higginbotham, Golden City, Mo., W.D. (Bill) Higginbotham, Jr., Joplin route 4; a brother, Gil DeWeese, Victorville, Calif.; four sisters, Mrs. C.E. Gilman, Seneca, Mo., Mrs. Etta Buzzard, Fairland, Okla., Mrs. Delmus E. McAmis, Whittier, Calif., Mrs. Jay Ackerson, Seneca, Mo.; nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Thornhill-Dillon mortuary.


The Kansas City Times 8/26/1966

Josephine Marie Wethy Higginbotham (1886-1966) KS/MO

Mrs. Josephine Marie Higginbotham, 78, of 5530 North Virginia, died Tuesday at the North Kansas City Memorial Hospital. She was born in Miami County, Kansas, and lived here seven years. She was a member of the Clay County Rose Society. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Julia Boughn, of the home; a sister, Mrs. Louise Brymer, of Los Angeles. Services will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday at the Newcomer Chapel, North Kansas City; graveside services at 2 o'clock (daylight savings time) at the Walnut Grove Cemetery, Boonville, Mo. Friends may call after 3:30 o'clock today at the chapel.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9/29/1966

Dolores Higginbotham MacNichols (1903-1966) MO

Dolores H. MacNichols, (nee Higgenbotham), Tues., Sept. 27, 1966, beloved wife of A. G. MacNichols, dear mother of Laura Gasney and Peter C. MacNichols, our dear sister, sister-in-law, grandmother, aunt, niece and cousin.

Services were held at Hoffmeister Colonial Mortuary, 6464 Chippewa at Watson, Thurs., 2 p.m. to Valhalla Chapel of Memories. Should friends desire, contributions may be made to Peace Haven Assn.



The Springfield News-Leader 10/3/1966

Minnie Lee Higginbotham Pattison (ca1876-1966) MO/CA

Bolivar - Mrs. Minnie Lee (Higginbotham) Pattison, 90, of Santa Barbara, Calif., formerly of Polk County, died Saturday in Santa Barbara, following a lingering illness.

A member of a pioneer Polk County family, Mrs. Pattison moved to California in 1945. She resided in Bolivar.

Surviving are a son, Dowling, of Santa Barbara; 10 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.

Arrangements will be announced by Pitts of Bolivar.



The Kansas City Times 10/23/1967

Orval L. Higginbotham (1907-1967) CA/MO

Orval L. Higginbotham, 60, of 1615 East Thirty-fifth, died Saturday, apparently of a heart attack, at Trinity Lutheran hospital. He was born in Los Angeles and lived here 59 years. Mr. Higginbotha was a driver 22 years for Kansas City Transit, Inc., until he retired in July, 1967, and was a member of the Amalgamated Transit union. He was a member of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of World War II. He was a member of the Jackson Avenue Christian Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Agnes E. Higginbotham of the home; a son, William Robert Higginbotham, Belton; a stepson, Tedford Heaton, Houston; his mother, Mrs. Fleta Morrison, and a brother, Clinton G. Higginbotham, both of Greenwood in Jackson County, and three grandchildren. Services will be held at 1 o'clock Wednesday at the Floral Hills chapel; burial in the Floral Hills cemetery. Friends may call after 7 o'clock Tuesday night at the chapel.



The Kansas City Times 11/2/1967

Blanche L. Higginbotham (1889-1967) IA/MO

Mrs. Blanche L. Higginbotham, 87. of 4550 J.C. Nichols Parkway, died yesterday at a nursing home at 38 East Thirty-second. She was born in Shell Rock, Ia., and lived here 45 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a clerk at the Park Lane apartments and retired in 1962. She was a member of the Hotel Greeters association. Services will be held at 10 o'clock Friday in Forest Hill cemetery. Friends may call after 6 o'clock tonight at the Newcomer chapel, Brush Creek and the Paseo.



The Kansas City Star 12/15/1967

Lola Faye Higginbotham Hughs Isaacs (1890-1967) MO

Mrs. Lola Faye Isaacs, 77, of 7217 Baltimore, died yesterday at Research hospital. She was born in Sedalia, Mo., and lived here 50 years. She was a member of the First Baptist church here. She leaves a brother, Clyde Higginbotham, Sedalia, and a sister, Miss Nellie Rose Higginbotham of the home. Services will be at 10 o'clock Monday at the Newcomer chapel, Brush Creek and the Paseo; burial in Mount Moriah cemetery. Friends may call after noon Saturday at the chapel.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/29/1968

Eleanor Clementine Krull Higginbotham (1912-1968) MO

Eleanor Clementine Higginbotham (nee Krull), Fri. Dec. 27, 1968, beloved wife of Paul Higginbotham, dear mother of Mrs. Norman (Sandra) Berg, dear sister of Ernest Krull and the late Elmer Krull, dear daughter of the late Isabel and Ernest Krull, dear step-daughter of Jacob Doll, dear daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt and cousin.

Services at Hoffmeister Colonial Mortuary, 6464 Chipewa at Watson, Tues., 11 a.m. interment New St. Marcus Cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 1/3/1969

Fleta E. Gresham Higginbotham Morrison (1879-1969) MO

Mrs. Fleta E. Morrison, 89, Greenwood, died yesterday at the Jackson County hospital. She was born in Green ridge, Mo., and lived in the Kansas City area 73 years. Surviving are a son, Clifton G. Higginbotham, Greenwood; two grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 o'clock Saturday at the Mellody-McGilley-Eylar chapel, Linwood and Main; burial in Elmira, Mo. Friends may call from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight at the chapel.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/16/1969

John Wilson Higginbotham (1887-1969) MO

Funeral services for John W. Higginbotham, retired vice president of the real estate development firm of Cyrus Crane Willmore Organization, Inc., will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Alexander & Sons undertaking establishment, 6175 Delmar Boulevard. Burial will be in Valhalla Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, 81 years old, died yesterday of a heart attack at his home, 6 Devondale Lane, Frontenac. He was vice president of the firm 34 years and had been retired the last 10 years.

Surviving are five sons, John W. Jr., Richard C., F. Cameron, Bruce S. and Cyrus W. Higginbotham; 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.



The Kansas City Star 6/9/1969

Douglas Edward Higginbotham (1960-1969) MO

Douglas Edward Higginbotham, 8 years old, Lake Lotawana, died today at the home. He had been ill six months with a brain tumor. He was born in Independence. Douglas was a member of the First Christian Church at Blue Springs. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Higginbotham, and a sister, Teresa Higginbotham, all of the home; a half-brother, Arnold Harvey, 3340 Smalley; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Nola McMinn, Blue Springs, and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Rosetta Higginbotham, Jackson County Home for the Aged. Services will be at 2 o'clock Wednesday at the church; burial in the Blue Springs cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 o'clock Tuesday night at the Webb chapel, Blue Springs.



Springfield News-Leader 11/5/1969

Arthur Clarence Higginbotham Jr. (1911-1969) MO

Buffalo - Funeral services for Arthur C. Higginbotham, 58, of Route 1, Buffalo, will be at 2 p.m. today in the Montgomery Chapel here with the Rev. Wayne Jones officiating. Burial will be in the Church Grave Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was dead on arrival Monday evening at St. John's Hospital, Springfield, after suffering an apparent heart attack. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Independence.

Survivors include his wife, Pauline; one daughter, Mrs. Arthena Paradine, Coldwater, Mich.; his mother, Mrs. Rose Higginbotham, Independence; one sister, Mrs. Madeline Baker, Independence; six brothers, Lewis of Denver, Colo., Claude, Don Dale, Charles and Gene, all of Kansas City; and one grandson.



Springfield Leader 8/16/1969

Estella M. Higginbotham Blankenship (1880-1969) WV/MO

Branson - Funeral services for Mrs. Estella M. Blankenship, 88, of Hollister, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Whelchel Chapel with the Rev. Richard Claar officiating. Burial will be in Coble Cemetery near Cedar Creek.

Mrs. Blankenship died at 3:30 a.m. Friday at Skaggs Hospital here after a lingering illness.

Survivors are two daughters, Miss Daisy Blankenship, Hollister, and Mrs. Anna Blankenship, Springfield; 10 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/22/1970

Robert Burgess Higginbotham (1899-1970) MO

Bert R. Higginbotham, formerly of Valley Park, Mon. Jan 21, 1970, beloved husband of Josephine (nee Wuschke) Higginbotham, father of Robert Jr. and Lester J. Higginbotham, brother of Neil and Bernard Higginbotham and the late Fillmore Higginbotham, grandfather, father-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle and cousin.

Mr. Higginbotham at the BOPP Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., Kirkwood. Funeral Fri., 1 p.m. Interment National Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Lambskin Lodge No. 460, A.F.&A.M. and a past Roya Patron of Wellston Court No. 8 Order of Amaranth. Masonic service Thurs. 8 p.m.



The Kansas City Times 2/10/1970

Calvin Gene Higginbotham (1928-1970) MO

Calvin Higginbotham, 42, Lake Lotawana, died yesterday at the home after apparently suffering a heart attack. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Independence and was a lifelong resident of Jackson County. He was an employee of the parts department of the K-W Dart company 18 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a Baptist. He was a Navy veteran of World War II.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. LaVerne Higginbotham, and a daughter, Teresa Higginbotham, both of the home; a stepson, Ronald Harvey, 3340 Smalley; five brothers, Claude Higginbotham, Pleasant Hill, James L. Higginbotham, Denver, Dale A. Higginbotham, Seattle, Charles S. Higginbotham, Independence, and Donald L. Higginbotham, 12505 East Thirty-fourth, Independence, and a sister, Mrs. Effie M. Baker, Lenexa.

Services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday at the First Christian Church, Blue Springs; burial in Blue Springs Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 until 9 o'clock tonight at the Webb Chapel, Blue Springs.



Springfield Leader and Press 5/15/1970

James Hedrick Higginbotham (1926-1970) MO

Bolivar - James Hedrick Higginbotham, 44, of Bolivar, died at his home early Thursday following a lingering illness.

Mr. Higginbotham was a longtime resident of Polk County, and a veteran of World War II.

Survivors include his father, Jim Higginbotham of Bolivar, and two brothers, J. Perry of Spokane, Wash. and Joe of Springfield.

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Pitts of Bolivar.



The Kansas City Star 5/17/1970

Monty Lynn Higginbotham (1966-1970) MO

Lynn Higginbotham, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Higginbotham of 5488 North Venetian, who was killed Friday in a one car accident of Noland road near Fiftieth street, at 11 o'clock Monday at Newcomer chapel, Brush Creek and the Paseo; burial in Memorial Park Cemetery. He was born in Kansas City and lived in Savannah, Ga., before returning here three months ago. In addition to his parents, he leaves a sister, Darlene Higginbotham of the home; the paternal grandfather, John Higginbotham, 4733 Woodend, Kansas City, Kansas, and the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Virginia Taylor, 912 West Sixteenth.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch 5/29/1970

Neil Edward Higginbotham (1902-1970) MO

Neil Higginbotham, Imperial, Thurs., May 28, 1970, dear husband of Irma L. Higginbotham, father of Irma E. Wolff and Jead D. Hodges, brother of Fritz and the late Phil and Bert Higginbotham, grandfather of John and James Wolff.

Funeral services Mon., 11 a.m., at Pfitzinger Mortuary, 331 S. Kirkwood Rd. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. Visitation Sat., 7-9 p.m., Sun. 2-5 and 7-9.



The Sedalia Democrat 7/3/1970

Clyde C. Higginbotham (1893-1970) MO

Funeral services for Clyde C. Higginbotham, 76, 122-1/2 South Ohio, who died Wednesday, were held at 3 p.m. Friday at the Eqiing Funeral Home with the Rev. Walter P. Arnold officiating.

John Vandekamp sang "In the Garden" and "Beyond the Sunset", accompanied by Mrs. Rosalie DeLozier, organist.

Pallbearers were Marion Hall, John Swope, Fred Karigan, Ted Pohl, Ernest Heller and Joe Kowalski.

Burial was in Crown Hill Cemetery.



Springfield Leader and Press 11/28/1970

Helen Maxine Hyde Higginbotham St. John (1926-1970) MO

Waynesville - Funeral services for Mrs. Helen Maxine Hyde St. John, 45, of Waynesville, will be at 1 p.m. Sunday in Moss-Williams Chapel here with the Rev. Bill Dudley officiating. Burial will be in West Finley Cemetery, Fordland.

Mrs. St. John was killed in a car accident Thursday six miles east of Waynesville on I-44.

Surviving are her husband, Frederick, stationed in Korea; her mother, Mrs. Carrie Hyde, Fordland; two sons, Raymond Higginbotham, Hutchinson, Kan., and Jack Higginbotham, De Soto, Kan.; four sisters, Mrs. Lois Breedlove, Waynesville, Mrs. Eunice Campbell, state of California, Mrs. Kay Matthews, Houston, Texas,  and Mrs. Vivian Carter, Dallas, Texas; two brothers, Rex Hyde, Rogersville, and Jimmy Hyde, Kansas City; and four gradnchildren.



The Kansas City Times 2/22/1971

Carrie Mae Higinbotham Abrams (1898-1971) KS/MO

Mrs. Carrie M. Abrams, 72, Sedalia, Mo., formerly of Kansas City, died Saturday at a hospital in Columbia, Mo. She was born in Elsmore, Kas., and had lived here 45 years before she moved in 1969 to Sedalia. Mrs. Abrams was an employee of Nelly Don, Inc., 39 years before she retired in 1965. Mrs. Abrams was a Methodist. Surviving are a brother, Emerson K. Higginbotham, Moran, Kas., and three sisters, Mrs. Faye Bucklin, Sedalia; Mrs. Eunice M. Nelson, Centerview, Mo., and Mrs. Zona R. Collins, Irving, Tex. Services will be held at 1 o'clock Tuesday at the Newcomer Brush Creek chapel; burial in Forest Hill cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight at the chapel.



Joplin Globe 4/9/1971

Irene Mae Elvins Higginbotham (1904-1971) MO

A former Joplin resident, Mrs. Irene Mae Higginbotham, 67, 4641 Chestnut Ave., Kansas City, Mo., died April 6.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Joplin Oct. 3, 1904. She resided in Kansas City for the last 40 years.

Survivors include her husband, William A. Higginbotham; a daughter, Mrs. W. Lon Hutchison, Kansas City, and three grandchildren.

Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Forest Park Cemetery with the Rev. Reginald Cattell officiating. Burial will be under the direction of the D. W. Newcomers Funeral Home in Kansas City.



Jefferson City Post-Tribune 04/12/1971

Steven Bruce Higginbotham (1949-1971) MO

Clinton, Mo. (AP)-Stephen B. Higginbotham, 22, and David Cecil, 22, both of Kansas City, were killed Friday night when Higginbotham's car went off Missouri 7 about three miles west of Clinton, hit a utility pole and a large sign, then overturned, the highway patrol reported.



The Sedalia Democrat 12/27/1971

Ethel Julia Higginbotham Funk (1883-1971) MO

Warrensburg - Mrs. Ethel Julia Funk, 88, Montserrat, died Friday evening at the Johnson County Memorial Hospital here.

She was born Oct. 27, 1883, in LaMonte, the daughter of William W. and Priscilla Pirece Higginbotham.

On may 3, 1914, she was married to Thomas Benjamin Funk in LaMonte, who survives of the home.

She lived in Knob Noster from 1920 to 1939 then moved to Monserrat. She was a member of the Royal Neighbors and the First Baptist Church, Knob Noster.

She was a graduate of LaMonte High School and attended the Old Normal College here. She taught school in LaMonte and the old Anderson School in Pettis County for 14 years.

Also surviving are three sons, Walter Funk, Mesa, Ariz.; Oscar Pierce Funk, Craigmont, Idaho; Frank Funk, Middlesboro, Ky.; one daughter, Mrs. John E. (Jane) McGrath, Butte, Mont.; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Sweeney-Phillips Funeral Chapel here.

Burial will be in the Sunset Hills Cemetery, Warrensburg with the Rev. James Short officiating.

The family will receive friends from 7 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.



The Springfield News-Leader 2/7/1972

James Charles Higginbotham (1884-1972) MO

Bolivar - James C. (Jim) Higginbotham, 87, of Bolivar, died at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Foster's Nursing Home, Springfield, after a short illness.

He was a member of the Schofield Baptist Church and was a longtime resident of Halfway. He moved to Bolivar 10 years ago and was a retired farmer.

Surviving are two sons, Perry, of Bolivar, and Joe, of Springfield; a sister, Mrs. Annie Lusk, Bolivar; and three grandchildren.

Pitts of Bolivar will announce funeral arrangements.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 5/28/1972

Agnes Bernice Higginbotham Schaffer (1894-1972) IN/MO

Schaffer, Agnes (nee Higginbotham), Sat. May 27, 1972, beloved wife of the late Warren Schaffer, dearest mother of Pauline Erxleben, Doris Donaldson, Lillian Hoffman, Eileen Ogle, John, William, Claude, Robert and the late Lloyd Schaffer, our dear sister, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt and cousin.

Services at Hoffmeister Chapel, 7814 S. Broadway, Tues., 3 p.m. to Park Lawn. Friends may call Sun. after 4 p.m.



The Springfield News-Leader 5/30/1972

Blanche Barnhouse Higginbotham (1906-1972) MO

Bolivar - Mrs. Blanche Higginbotham, 65, lifelong resident here, died in Cox Medical Center, Springfield, at 9:15 a.m. Monday following  short illness.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Southern Hills Baptist Church of Bolivar.

Surviving are her husband, Walter; and one daughter, Mrs. Charles Johnson, of route 4, Bolivar.

Services will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Pitts Chapel with the Revs. Lloyd E. Morgan and Robert W. Webb officiating. Burial will follow in Greenwood Cemetery.



St. Clair Chronicle 6/7/1972

Floyd Clarence Hickinbotham (1953-1972) MO

Floyd Clarence Hickinbotham, of R.R. 2, St. Clair, Mo., son of Floyd E. and Letha Hickinbotham (nee Laubinger), passed away June 1, 1972, in St. Louis County, Mo., at the age of 18 years.

Floyd was born Oct. 17, 1953 in St. Louis, Mo. He has lived most of his life on Route Two, St. Clair, Mo.

He graduated from Anaconda Grade School, and later graduated from Sullivan High School class of 1971. Floyd was currently attending Linn Technical School, majoring in Electronic Technology. At Linn, he was on the Dean's List, and also participated competitively in weight lifting. He was baptized into the First Assembly of God of Sullivan as a teenager.

Surviving besides his parents are a brother, Scotty Lee; two sisters, Twila and Marjean Hickinbotham, all of the home; grandparents, Clarence and Gladine Laubinger of Route One, Leslie, Mo., Harry and Amelia Hickinbotham of Route Two, St. Clair, Mo.; great-grandparents, Adolph and Irene Helling of Union, Mo.; dear friend, Susan Mitchell of St. Louis; aunts, uncles, other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were conducted Sunday, June 4, 1972, from the First Assembly of God Church, with the Rev. Gene Waterman officiating. Interment was in Midlawn Memorial Gardens, Rural Route, Union, Mo. Arrangements by The Eaton Funeral Home of Sullivan.



The Kansas City Times 9/27/1972

Rossetta Atwood Higginbotham (1894-1972) KS/MO

Mrs. Rosetta Higginbotham, 78, of 911 Linwood, died Monday at Jackson County Hospital. She was born in Kansas and had lived in this area 44 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a Baptist. She leaves five sons, Don L. Higginbotham, 12505 E. 34th, Independence; Claude Higginbotham, Pleasant Hill in Cass County; James L. Higginbotham, Denver, and Dale Higginbotham and Charles Higginbotham, both of Sugar Creek; a daughter, Mrs. Effie Baker, Kansas City; a brother, Floyd Atwood, Jennings, Mo.; a sister, Mrs. Leona Duggin, Caddo, Okla.; 13 grandchildren, and 21 great-grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Carson Chapel, Independence; Burial in Mound Grove Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the chapel.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/1/1972

Gertrude Higginbotham Harness (1896-1972) MO

Harness, Gertrude (nee Higginbotham), De Soto, Mo., Sept. 29, 1972, beloved wife of the late Wilford Harness, dear sister of Melzo, Tom, Morie and Rupert Higginbotham, Leola Smith and Margaret DeGunia, dear aunt, cousin and sister-in-law.

Visitation at the Dietrich Funeral Home, 120 Boyd, De Soto, Mo. Funeral service Mon., Oct. 2, 2 p.m., from the First Baptist Church, 4th and Boyd, De Soto, Mo. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. O.E.S. services Sun., 8 p.m.



Springfield Leader and Press 10/17/1972

Cheryl A. Higginbotham (1947-1972) MO

Joplin - Mrs. Cheryl A. Higginbotham, 25, Joplin, died Monday evening in St. John's Medical Center, Joplin.

She was a former resident of Springfield, a member of the Joplin Blind Association and belonged to the Methodist Church.

Survivors include her husband, Rex; mother, Mrs. Eugene Evans, Joplin; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tim McGregor, Springfield; two brothers, Ronald Turner, Springfield, and Tim Ingrum, Irving, Tex.; two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Allen and Mrs. Bette Peterson, both of Joplin.

Funeral services will be at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in the Mason Mortuary Chapel, Joplin, with the Rev. Gerald Sappington officiating. Burial will be in the Ozark Memorial Park Cemetery.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 11/6/1972

Rosemary Farrell Higginbotham (1940-1972) MO/CA

Higginbotham, Rosemary (nee Farrell), fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, in Calif., Oct. 27, 1972, wife of Earnest Higginbotham, mother of Stephen, Rosemary, Theresa and Catherine, daughter of Catherine Flynn Farrell and the late John C. Farrell, sister of Catherine Antinora, Ellen Favazza, Joan Jekel, John C. Farrell Jr., Patricia Shanks, Marsha Cronin, Martha Burke and James Farrell, dear daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, cousin and aunt.

Funeral from Blessed Sacrament Church in Westminster, Calif., Mon. Oct. 30. Interment Good Shepherd Cemetery, Huntington Beach, Calif. Memorial Mass of the Resurrection to be held at St. Pius V Church, Grand at Utah, 7 p.m. Wed., Nov. 8, 1972.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/4/1972

Florence Eugenia Higginbotham (1881-1972) MO

Higginbotham, Florence E., Sat., Dec. 2, 1972, beloved daughter of the late Henry and Emma Higginbotham, dear sister of the late Burnell Higginbotham, our dear cousin and friend.

Funeral from White-Mullen Chapel, 118 N. Florrisant Rd., Ferguson, Tues. Dec. 5, 10 a.m. Interment Wright City Cemetery, Wright City, Mo. In parlors after 3 p.m. Mon.



The Sedalia Democrat 12/18/1972

Nona Mae Payne Hickenbottom (1940-1972) MO

Mrs. Harold (Nona Mae) Hickenbottom, 32, of 2512 South Ohio, died Sunday morning at St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, about 44 months after she had received a kidney transplant at that institution.

Attending physicians reportedly had not determined the exact cause of death by noon Monday. Mrs. Hickenbottom died at 5:30 a.m. Sunday.

She was the recipient of the kidney of a Kansas City, Kan., youth on April 29, 1969. The youth, Jon Merrit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jon Merrit, was involved in a bicycle-car accident and died the day of the operation in Bethany Hospital, Kansas City.

Mrs. Hickenbottom's operation was the second such surgery performed at St. Luke's and came after a kidney ailment diagnosed several months earlier grew progressively worse. She had been in poor health for the past ten years.

She was born at Lexington, Mo., April 8, 1940, the daughter of Joe and Leonra Snell Payne. The family moved to Sedalia when she was three. Mrs. Hickenbottom attended Horace Mann School and graduated from Smith-Cotton before attending Texas Women's University. Until her health failed she was employed as a Missouri State Bank teller.

She was married to Harold Hickenbottom in Sedalia, Dec. 19, 1959. He survives of the home.

Mrs. Hickenbottom was a member of the First Baptist Church and was the Mid-American representative for the National Kidney Foundation.

Also surviving are two daughters, Debbie Jo, 12, and Lynn Marie, 10, both of the home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Payne, 1200 State Fair Blvd.; one sister, Mrs. Bob (Carol) Benner, 2330 West Third; two grandmothers, Mrs. Mae Payne, 1711 South Moniteau and Mrs. Nona Davis, 318 West Fifth.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Ewing Funeral Home with the Rev. George Miller officiating.

Burial will be in the Hopewell Cemetery.

The body is at the funeral home.



St. Clair Chronicle 1/31/1973

Tressie Myrtle Ward Hickinbotham (1890-1973) MO

Tressie Myrtle Hickinbotham, daughter of the late Duke Ward and Carrie Carpenter Ward, was born near St. Clair, Missouri on February 6, 1890 and departed this life near her home at Anaconda, Missouri on January 22, 1973, having reached the age of 82 years, 11 months and 16 days.

Mrs. Hickinbotham was united in marriage to Jess Hickinbotham and to this union two children were born. She was preceded in death by one son in childhood, Roy Orville Hickinbotham.

She is survived by her daughter Maudie Kirk of St. Clair, Missouri; one granddaughter Joyce Adams of St. Clair, Missouri; one grandson Burl Enloe of Stanton, Missouri; four great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives and many friends.

Mrs. Hickinbotham became a Christian at an early age and was of the Baptist faith. A kind and loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt, she will be sadly missed by her loved ones and friends.

Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday January 25 at the Russell Colonial Chapel, Reverend Earl Sibole officiating. Interment was in the Anaconda Cemetery.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 4/7/1973

Lillian B.. Whitley Higginbotham (1899-1973) MO

Higginbotham, Lillian B. (nee Whitley), fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church Fri., April 6, 1973, beloved mother of Virginia Herkenhoff, dear mother-in-law of Bernard Herkenhoff, dear grandmother of Ray and Regina Stiffler, Thomas, Boots, Cathy and Christine Herkenhoff, our dear great-grandmother and aunt.

Funeral Mon., April 9, 1:30 p.m. from Fendler-Chulick Funeral Home, 5611 S. Grand at Bates. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery. Member of International Ladies Garment Workers Union Local 104. In parlors noon Sat.



Kansas City Star 10 Apr 1973

Lexa Ruth Higginbotham Weber (1902-1973) OK/MO

Mrs. Lexa Ruth Weber, 71, of Carrollton, died yesterday at a hospital in Waverly. She was born in Oklahoma and had lived in Carrollton most of her life. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. She leaves husband, Alfred Weber, Sr., of the home; a son Alfred Weber, Jr., 317 N. Geronimo Drive, Independence; a daughter Mrs. Janice Ruth Martin, Liberty; a sister, Mrs. Augusta Allen, Carrollton; six grandchildren and a step-grandchild. Services will be at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday at the church; burial in Oak Hill. The rosary will be said at 8 o'clock tonight at the Gibson chapel, Carrollton, where friends may call from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight.



St. Clair Chronicle 5/16/1973

Harry Hickinbotham (1896-1973) MO

Harry Hickinbotham, son of the late John Hickinbotham and Dora Hickinbotham, nee Hall, was born at Anaconda, Missouri, on April 13, 1896, and departed this life at Veterans Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday, May 7, 1973, having reached the age of seventy-seven years and twenty-three days.

He was united in marriage to Miss Amelia Wing on March 17, 1918, at St. Louis, Missouri, and eight children came to bless this union. He was preceded in death by one daughter, Frances Sanders, one sister and one brother.

Mr. Hickinbotham is survived by his wife, Amelia of Route Two, St. Clair, Missouri, three sons, Harry of Sullivan, Missouri, Floyd Eugene of Route Two, St. Clair, Missouri, and Lawrence of High Ridge, Missouri; four daughters, Berneice Watson of Lebanon, Missouri, Nellie King and Marie Fitzgerald of St. Louis, Missouri, and Betty Spencer of Sullivan, Missouri; twenty-five grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, brothers-in-law, cousins, and many friends.

He was united in fellowship with the Tabernacle of David, St. Louis, Missouri. He served his country during World War I for 14 months. A kind and loving husband, father and grandfather, he will be sadly missed by his loved ones and friends.

Funeral services were held on Wednesday, May 9, 1973, at 2:00 p.m. at the Russell Colonial Chapel, Rev. Eddie Oxedine officiating. Interment was in the Anaconda Cemetery, St. Clair, Missouri.



The St. Joseph News-Press 8/5/1973

Patricia Jo Mosser Higginbotham (1946-1973) MO

Mrs. Patty J. Higginbotham, 27, 5001 Red Barn Lane, died Saturday morning in a St. Joseph hospital.

A native of St. Joseph, she had resided here all her life. She was a member of the Mitchell Park Christian Church.

Surviving are her husband, Charles T. Higginbotham; a daughter, Troi Higginbotham; her mother, Mrs. Earnestine Mosser, St. Joseph; a sister, Mrs. Elaine Arnold, St. Joseph, and several nieces and nephews.

The body is at Heaton-Bowman's East Chapel.



Springfield Leader and Press 9/4/1973

Walter Higginbotham (1909-1973) MO

Bolivar - Walter Higginbotham, 64, a long-time resident of Bolivar, died at 2:30 a.m. today in Cox Medical Center, Springfield, following a short illness.

A member of the Southern Hills Baptist Church here, he was associated with the Bolivar IOOF Lodge.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Bolivar; one brother, Ray, of Springfield; and one sister, Mrs. Lula Mitchell, Oakland, Calif.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Pitts Chapel with the Revs. Lloyd Morgan and Robert W. Webb officiating. Burial will follow in Greenwood Cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 11/19/1973

Clifton Gresham Higginbotham (1910-1973) MO

Clifton J. Higginbotham, 63, of Greenwood in Jackson County, died Sunday at his home at the Nelson Resort near Barnett, Mo. He was born in Kansas City and had lived here most of his life. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired painter. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Eva Higginbotham of the home, and a granddaughter. Services will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the McGilley Midtown Chapel; burial in the Elmira, Mo., Cemetery. Friends may call after 4 p.m. today at the chapel.



The Kansas City Star 1/28/1974

James Lewis Higginbotham (1920-1974) OK/MO/CO

Denver - James L. Higginbotham, 53, Denver, formerly of Independence, died Saturday at Denver General Hospital after he was hit by a motor car.

He was born in Calhoun, Okla., moved to Independence in 1927 and to Denver in 1963. Mr. Higginbotham loaded trucks. He was a Baptist. He served in the Navy in World War II.

He leaves four brothers, Claude Higginbotham, Pleasant Hill; Charles S. Higginbotham and Dale A. Higginbotham, both of Sugar Creek, and Don L. Higginbotham, 12505 E. 34th, Independence, and a sister, Mrs. Madeline Baker, 13306 Park Hills Drive, Grandview.

Services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Carson Independence Chapel; burial in Mound Grove Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/6/1974

Clark Atwood Higginbotham (1892-19740 MO

Higginbotham, Clark, Sat. Oct. 5, 1974, beloved husband of Birdie Higginbotham, our dear brother, grandfather and great-grandfather.

Funeral Mon., Oct. 7, 10:30 a.m., from Jay. B. Smith Funeral Home, 7456 Manchester Av. Interment Mt. Hope Cemetery. In state Sun., 2:30 p.m.



Springfield Leader and Press, 10/13/1974

Ada Salone Higginbotham Glover (1883-1974) MO
Funeral services for Mrs. Ada Salone Glover, 91, a long-time halfway resident, will be at 2 p.m. today at Halfway Baptist Church with the Revs. Harlan Spurgeon and Alpha Redford officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Bolivar, under direction of Pitts of Bolivar. Mrs. Glover died at 1:50 p.m., Saturday at Maranatha Manor, Springfield, after a long illness. Mrs. Glover is survived by three sons, Dr. Kenneth of Mt. Vernon, Dale of Bolivar, and Max H. of Webb City; one daughter, Mrs. Norryn H. Teters, Bolivar; one sister, Mrs. Willa Thomson, Calimesa, California; nine grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren.



The Kansas City Times 1/6/1975

Mary Louise Higginbotham Patzer (1927-1975) MO

Mrs. Mary Louise Patzer, 47, of 9100 E. 84th, Raytown, died Sunday at Research Medical Center after a long illness. She was born in Kansas City and was a lifelong area resident. Mrs. Patzer was a food services employee at the Raytown South Junior High School until December 1973. She was a member of the Peace Lutheran Church. She leaves her husband, Carl G. Patzer, and a daughter, Mrs. Linda L. Patzer, both of the home; her mother, Mrs. Emma P. Higginbotham, Kansas City; five brothers, William C. Higginbotham, Independence; Joe W. Higginbotham, Arthur Higginbotham, Edward L. Higginbotham and George B. Higginbotham, all of Kansas City; two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Stevens, Independence, and Mrs. Sally Bratton, Grandview. Services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Wagner Chapel; burial in Greenlawn Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel. The family suggest no flowers and suggest contributions to the American Cancer Society.



Carthage Press 3/28/1975

Clifford R. Higginbotham (1935-1975) MO

Graveside services for Clifford R. Higginbotham, 39, Joplin, who died Tuesday were held at 3 p.m. Thursday at the Bethlehem Cemetery, east of Lamar. The Rev. Thurman D. Kelly, Joplin, officiated. Services were under the directions of The Knell Mortuary.



The Springfield News-Leader 6/2/1975

Anna E. Higginbotham Lusk (1879-1975) MO

Bolivar - Services for Mrs. Anna Lusk, 95, Bolivar, will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in Butler Chapel here with the Rev. Claud Mustain officiating. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, east of Bolivar.

Mrs. Lusk, a lifelong Bolivar and Polk County resident, died at 4 a.m. Sunday in Bolivar Nursing Home after a long illness.

She was a charter member of the First Baptist Church here and had been a member of WPFA for over 50 years.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Irma Roberts, Bolivar; three grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.

Memorial donations may be made to the building fund of the First Baptist Church here.



The Kansas City Times 6/3/1975

G. Howard Higginbotham (1928-1975) MO/KS

G. Howard Higginbotham, 46, of 6018 Larsen, Shawnee, died Friday at Shawnee Mission Hospital after a brief illness. He was born in Brunswick, Mo., and lived in this area most of this life. Mr. Higginbotham was a machinist for the Drive-In Theater Manufacturing Company in Kansas City, Kansas. He leaves his wife, Frances X. Higginbotham of the home; three sons, Mark H. Higginbotham, Christopher A. Higginbotham and John E. Higginbotham, all of the home; three stepsons, Patrick D. James, Uncasville, Conn.; Nicholas E. James, Pompano Beach, Fla., and Michael E. James, 11424 Manchester, Grandview; a daughter, Mrs. Susan L. Roesch, 13017 E. 39th, Independence; his mother, Mrs. Ruth Higginbotham, 911 McGee; three brothers, L. E. Higginbotham, 5919 Robinson Lane, Overland Park; George W. Higginbotham, 2001 New Jersey, Kansas City, Kansas, and Eugene R. Higginbotham, 5116 W. 66th Terrace, Prairie Village, and three grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Amos Chapel; burial in Elmwood Cemetery. Friends may call fro 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel.



The Bowling Green Times (Bowling Green, KY) 7/16/1975

Fannie Guy Thurmond Higginbotham (1893-1975) MO

Clarksville - Services for Mrs. Fannie Guy Higginbotham, 82, were held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday from Colliers Funeral Home, Louisiana. Mrs. Higginbotham died at Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Saturday after a long illness.

Rev. Howard C. Wortman conducted the rites with a brief service lead by Eastern Star members. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery, Clarksville.

Fannie Gut Thurmond was born May 10, 1893 to Ulysses E. and Louisa Isabelle Allison Thirmond near Louisiana and moved with them to a farm south of Clarksville. In 1927 she was married to Henry Higginbotham and they lived on his farm near Louisville until his death June 16, 1955. Their daughter, Mrs. Warren (Lou Belle) Kuntz, and three grandchildren survive. Also she leaves four sisters, Mrs. Fay Blair, Rockford, Il., Mrs. Erma Holliday, Louisiana, Mrs. Marjorie Nance, Hannibal and Mrs. James L. Cooper, Clarksville; a brother, Chalmer Thurmond preceded her in death.

She was a member of the Dover Baptist Church, a charter member of the Sorosis Club, the Pike County Chapter of the DAR and of Nightingale Chapter 177 of the Order of the Eastern Star.

Casketbearers were Robert O'Shea, Joe England, Charles Johns, Robert Meyer, L.C. Waite and W.E. Norton.



The Daily Standard 11/13/1975

Vicki Lynn Higginbotham (1951-1975) MO

Malden - Vicki Lynn Higginbotham, 23, died Wednesday at Dexter Memorial Hospital.

She was born Nov. 23, 1951 in Malden to the Rev. Luther and Pearline Eaker Higginbotham of Annapolis, who survive.

She was a member of Happy Zion General Baptist Church in Annapolis.

Other survivors include one sister, Deborah Higginbotham of Annapolis; maternal grandmother, Lisa Eaker of Malden; and paternal grandmother, Mrs. Lena Higginbotham of Campbell.

Friends may call at Bradshaw Funeral Home, where services are scheduled at 2 p.m. Friday. The Revs. Dewayne Francis and Cecil Winberry will officiate.

Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery.



Mexico Ledger 12/5/1975

George William Higgenbotham (1910-1975) MO

Montgomery City - George William Higgenbotham, 65, died at his home in Montgomery City this morning.

He was born May 24, 1910, in Montgomery County, the son of Thomas and Maude Davis Higgenbotham. He was retired from the railroad.

Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Corrine Housman of Joplin; two brothers, Walter and Clyde of Wellsville; 12 children, George of Rochester, Ill.; Charles L. of West Alton; Thomas of Montgomery County; Tony and Troy of Montgomery; Tim and Terry of New Florence; Mrs. Dana Trower and Juanita Burch of Montgomery City; Virginia Nelson of St. Louis; Debby Barnhill of Middletown; Barbara Jones of Montgomery City; 18 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; three step-children, John Carpenter of St. Charles; Sandra Smith of Montgomery County; and Judy Carpenter of the U.S. Navy.

He is preceded in death by his parents, three sisters, Cara Addie and Leta; and step-daughter, Pamela Miller.

Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at the Schlanker Funeral Home in Montgomery City. Burial will be in the Bethel Cemetery, five miles west of Montgomery City.

Visitation is after 2 p.m. Saturday.



St. Clair Chronicle 1/28/1976

Charlottia Walters Hickinbotham (1890-1976) MO

Lottie C. Hickinbotham, daughter of the late Samuel Walters and Delphia Showers Walters, was born at Richland Center, Wisconsin, on July 17, 1890, and departed this life at the Manchester Nursing Home in Manchester, Missouri, on Wednesday, January 14, 1976, having reached the age of 85 years, 5 months and 27 days.

She was united in marriage to Phillip Hickinbotham on March 16, 1907, at St. Louis, Missouri, and eight children came to bless this union. She was preceded in death be her husband, by one son, Paul Hickinbotham, by one brother and three sisters.

Mrs. Hickinbotham is survived by three sons, Oliver of Maplewood, Missouri, Gibson of Lemay, Missouri, and Edward of Fenton, Missouri, by four daughters, Delphia Schloss of Edwardsville, Illinois, Emma Washburn of DeSoto, Missouri, Ruth Mae Hickinbotham and Mabel Kargacin both of Lemay, Missouri; by 19 grandchildren, 38 great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren; by one sister, Gertrude Keller Hess of St. Clair, Missouri, one brother, Thomas Walters of Columbia, Missouri, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-inlaw, daughters-in-law, many nieces and nephews, and a host of friends.

Mrs. Hickinbotham accepted Christ as her Redeemer early in life and was united in faith with the Church of God. As a young girl, she moved with her parents from Wisconsin to Missouri. After marriage she and her husband lived in the Anaconda area, moving to St. Louis in later years. A kind and loving mother, grandmother and sister, and a treasured friend to many, she will be sadly missed by loved ones and friends.

Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, January 17, 1976, at the Russell Colonial Chapel, Reverend Herman McMullin officiating. Interment was in Anaconda Cemetery, St. Clair, Missouri.



St. Clair Chronicle 4/14/1976

Delphia A. Hickinbotham Schloss (1908-1976) MO

Delphia Schloss, daughter of the late Phillip Hickinbotham and Lottie Melton Hickinbotham was born at Morrellton, Missouri, on January 7, 1908, and departed this life at the Anna-Henry Nursing Home in Edwardsville, Illinois, on Monday, April 5, 1976, having reached the age of 68 years, two months ans 28 days.

She was united in marriage to Claude Schloss on February 25, 1931, at Belleville, Illinois. She was preceded in death by her parents and by one brother, Paul Hickinbotham.

Mrs. Schloss is survived by her husband, Claude of Edwardsville, Illinois; by two sons, William Schloss of Claremore, Oklahoma and Ray Schloss of Evansville, Indiana; by eight grandchildren; by two daughters-in-law; three brothers, Oliver Hickinbotham of Maplewood, Missouri, Gibson of Lemay, Missouri, and Edward of Fenton, Missouri; by three sisters, Miss Ruth Mae Hickinbotham and Mrs. Mabel Kargacin, both of Lemay, Missouri, and Mrs. Mose (Emma) Washburn of DeSoto, Missouri; by one uncle, Mr. Tom Walters of Centralia, Missouri; by one aunt, Mrs. Gertrude Hess of St. Clair, Missouri; by nieces, nephews, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, cousins and other relatives, and many friends.

She was a member of St. Clair Methodist Church. A kind and loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister, and a treasured friend to many, she will be sadly missed by all who knew and lover her.

Funeral services were held at the Pletcher Funeral Home in Edwardsville, Illinois at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 6, 1976, Reverend Jesse Gibson officiating. Services were also held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 7, 1976, at the Russell Colonial Chapel, Reverend Bennie Willsey officiating. Interment was in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery, St, Clair, Missouri.



The Kansas City Times 12/10/1976

Nellie R. Higginbotham (1896-1976) MO

Higginbotham - Miss Nellie R., age 80, of 11901 Belmont, Grandview, Mo., passed away Dec. 9. Funeral services Muehlebach Chapel, 1 p.m. Sat. Interment Mt. Moriah Cemetery. In state at the Muehlebach Chapel from 7 to 9 p.m.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/12/1977

Donald Wayne Higginbotham (1940-1977) AR/MO

Higginbotham, Donald W., on Sun. Dec. 11, 1977, beloved husband of Carol Higginbotham (nee Hammack), dear father of Donald Jr., Tonya and Jull Higginbotham, dear son of Iva F. and the late Louis Higginbotham, dear brother of Billy R., Jimmy, and Earnest Higginbotham, our dear son-in-law, uncle, great-uncle, nephew, cousin and friend.

Funeral from Michael Fitzgerald Mortuary, 4580 So. Lindbergh at Gravois, on Wed., Dec. 14 at 1:30 p.m. Visitation after 6 p.m. Mon.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/6/1978

Richard Cann Higginbotham (1915-1978) MO

Higginbotham, Richard C., Sat., March 4, 1978, husband of the late Jocelyn Higginbotham (nee Taylor), father of John T., Richard C. Jr., and Marie C. Higginbotham, brother of John W., F. Cameron, Bruce S., and Cyrus W Higginbotham, father-in-law of Lauren T. Higginbotham. Services 10:30 a.m. Wed., Alexander Crestwood Chapel, 9801 Jackson Rd. to Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. In state Tues. 5 to 9 p.m. Family suggest memorials to the Heart Assn of St. Louis, 4643Lindell Bl.



The Kansas City Times 9/11/1978

George B. Higginbotham (1913-1978) AR/MO

George B. Higginbotham, 64, of 3649 S. Park, Independence, died Saturday at the home. He was born in Rogers, Ark., and had lived in this are 55 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a mechanic for Nicholson Truck and Trailers six years before he retired in 1976. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Emma P. Higginbotham, Kansas City; four brothers, Edward L. Higginbotham and William C. Higginbotham, of Independence; and Joe W. Higginbotham and Arthur M. Higginbotham, of Kansas City; and two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Stevens, Lincoln, Mo., and Mrs. Sally Bratton, Grandview. Services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Park Lawn Chapel; burial in Green Lawn Cemetery.



Springfield Leader and Press 9/17/1978

Mary Ada McDaniel Higginbotham (1903-1978) MO/PA

OZARK Services for Mrs. Ada Higginbotham, 75, a former resident of Christian and Greene Counties, were at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Harris Chapel with the Rev. Bill Boyd officiating. Burial was in Fairview Cemetery near Sparta. Mrs. Higginbotham died Friday evening in Harrisburg, Pa. after a short illness. She was a former resident of Sparta and Fair View and a member of Fair View Baptist Church, Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Julia Burger., Lehigh Heights, Fla. and Mrs. Irene Green, Harrisburg,. Pa and two grandchildren.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/17/1978

Bernard Higginbotham (1912-1978) MO

Higginbotham, Bernard, fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, Oct. 16, 1978, beloved husband of Dorothy Higginbotham (nee Duly), dear father of Barbara Novatny, Pat Foan and Sue Byler, grandfather of Tanya and Matthew Novatny, Shawn Byler and Sara Foan, dear father-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle, nephew and cousin.

Funeral Wed., 8:30 a.m. from Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., Kirkwood to St. Mary Magdalene Church, Brentwood, for 9 a.m. Mass. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions to the American Cancer Society or charity of choice. Visitation from 5 p.m. Tues.



The Daily Journal (Flat River, MO) 1/30/1979

Lena Elizabeth Cresswell Higginbotham (1894-1979) MO

Lena Elizabeth Higginbotham, 84, Potosi, died Jan. 29 at Washington County Memorial Hospital. She was born July 6, 1894 in Aptus, a daughter of the late William and Sally Hudson Cresswell.

Surviving are a daughter, Elizabeth (Mrs. Ellis) Crowder, Potosi; a son, Lee Higginbotham, Rt. 1, Potosi; and a granddaughter, Barbara (Mrs. Ethan) House, Snyder, Okla.

Mrs. Higginbotham is in state at Gum Funeral Home in Potosi.

Services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Pleasant Hill Christian Church with the Rev. Rick Mosher officiating.

Interment will be at Pleasant Hill Cemetery.



The Daily Journal (Flat River, MO) 2/28/1979

Vivian Maybelle Higginbotham Franklin (1905-1979) MO

Vivian M. Franklin, 73, Potosi, died Feb. 27 at Mineral Area Osteopathic Hospital. She was born May 3, 1905 in Potosi. She was preceded in death by her mother, Eva Richards Wyrick. Her husband, John "Eddie" Franklin, preceded her in death in 1962.

Surviving are four daughters, Juanita (Mrs. Claude) Cole, Imperial, Judy (Mrs. Alva) Gilliam, Ruth, (Mrs. Leonard) Compton, and Pat (Mrs. Bud) Graves, all of Potosi; two sons, James Franklin, Rt. 1, Potosi, and Dale Franklin, Potosi; 19 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.

Visitation begins at 7 o'clock tonight at Gum Funeral Home in Potosi.

Services are scheduled for 1 p.m. Friday at Potosi Methodist Church with the Rev. Don Kuehle officiating.

Interment will be at New Masonic Cemetery, Potosi.



The Kansas City Times 6/1/1979

Evelena Ruby Loukx Higginbotham (1920-1979) VT/MO

Mrs. Evelena Ruby Higginbotham, 59, of 446 S. Leslie, Independence, died Thursday at a hospital in Liberty. She was born in Newport, Vt., and had lived in Independence 45 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a Baptist. She leaves a son, Richard L. Higginbotham, Independence; seven daughters, Mrs. Williameta A. Garrett, Sugar Creek, and Mrs. Claudetta M. Queen, Mrs. Karen R. Rainey, Miss Paula J. Rainey, Mrs. Marlene S. Hicks, Mrs. Ellen Hoover, and Mrs. Amy C. Hoskins of independence; two sisters, Mrs. Nora Bryant and Mrs. Viola Turcott of Lake Elsinore, Calif.; 22 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at the Carson Independence Chapel; burial in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Cass County. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the chapel.



St. Joseph News-Press/Gazette 9/7/1979

John Floyd Higginbotham (1895-1979) MO

Albany (Special) - John F. Higginbotham, 84, died Thursday at an Albany hospital. He was the former mayor of Albany.

Mr. Higginbotham resided most of his life in Albany, and a member of the Albany United Methodist Church. He operated a local auto dealership for many years.

He was past commander of the American Legion, and was a member of the World War I Veterans. He was also a member of the Albany hospital board and the American Legion.

Surviving are his wife, Marie Higginbotham; one daughter, Ruth Ann Rintel, Yonkers, N.Y.; two sons, Norman Higginbotham, Albany, and Harlan Higginbotham, Maryville; one sister, May Gregory, Stanberry; one brother, Charles Higginbotham, St. Joseph, and nine grandchildren.

Services will be Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the Cochell funeral home at Albany. Burial will be in Grandview Cemetery.



The Springfield News-Leader 4/9/1980

Sylvia Verble Hale Higginbotham (1907-1980) MO

Willard - Mrs. Verble Higginbotham, 73, Willard, died at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in Cox Medical Center, Springfield, after a short illness.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a former Bolivar resident, was a member of the Mountain View Missionary Baptist Church, Polk.

Survivors include her husband, Ray; two sons, Charles Troy, St. Joseph, and Coy Lee, Elwood, Kan.; five daughters, Mrs. Joyce Johnson, Liberty, Mrs. Dee Jones and Mrs. Sylvia Fread, both of Craig, Colo., Mrs. Peggy Rummel, Humansville, and Mrs. Judy Currie, Bolivar; three sisters, Mrs. Pearl West and Mrs. Dottie Hammer, both of Bolivar, and Mrs. Ann Stewart, Coultersville, Calif.; four brothers, L.D. Hale, Polk, Melvin Hale, Yucipa, Calif., and Raymond and Olen Hale, both of Redlans, Calif.; 23 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.

Pitts of Bolivar will announce arrangements.



The Kansas City Times 4/29/1980

Julia Daisy Bell Merritt Higginbotham Bryan (1912-1980) MO

Mrs. Julia Daisy Higginbotham Bryan, 68, Warsaw, Mo., formerly of Kansas City, Kansas, died Saturday at hospital in Clinton, Mo. She was born in Carrollton, Mo., and had lived in Kansas City, Kansas, most of her life before moving to Warsaw in 1975. Mrs. Bryan was a sales clerk for the Katz Drug Co. 12 years and earlier had been a machine operator for the Wilde Forge and Tool Co. She was a Baptist and a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, Warsaw. She leaves her husband, Robert Leroy Bryan of the home; two sons, Robert Lee Higginbotham, Kansas City, and Donald Ray Higginbotham, Warsaw; two daughters, Mrs. Doris McLaughlin, Buckner, and Mrs. Almeda Hodges, Shawnee; a brother, John Joseph Callahan, St. Louis; a sister, Mrs. Gladys Border, Lakeside, Calif.; 13 grandchildren; and a great-grandson. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Maple Hill Chapel; burial in Maple Hill Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the chapel.



The Daily Journal (Flat River, MO) 5/8/1980

Roy Bean Higginbotham (1925-1980) MO

Roy Bean Higginbotham, Potosi, died May 7 at Barnes Medical Center in St. Louis at the age of 54. He was the son of the late Walter and Emma Bean Higginbotham.

He is survived by his wife, Margaret Higginbotham of Potosi; two sons, Walter Higginbotham and Jeffrey Higginbotham, both of Potosi, and one sister, Hilda (Mrs. Art) DeClue of Potosi.

Friends may call at the Gum and Sons Funeral Home in Potosi after 7 p.m. today. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Pleasant Hill Christian Church with the Rev. Rick Mosher officiating, assisted by the Rev. Earl Hall. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.



Springfield Leader and Press 5/31/1980

George Lovell Higginbotham (1910-1980) MO

Halfway - George Lovell Higginbotham, 70, Kansas City, died at 11 a.m. Friday in New St. Joseph Hospital.

A native of Halfway, he had lived the past 24 years in Kansas City. He was a retired postal service employee.

Survivors include his wife, Robbie; three sons, Roger, Atlanta, Ga., Dallis, Springfield, and Kent "Vick", Lamar; a daughter, Mrs. Cheryl Barton, Chicago, Ill; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Dye, Yuma, Ariz., and Mrs. Opal McCaslin, Ventura, Calif.; and nine grandchildren.

Pitts of Bolivar will announce arrangements.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7/18/1980

Irma Lillian Chew Higginbotham (1901-1980) NY/MO

Higginbotham, Irma L., Thurs., July 17, 1980, dear wife of the late Neil E. Higginbotham, mother of Irma E. Wolff and Jean Doris Hodges, sister of Ina Evelyn Wolff, grandmother, great-grandmother, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt and great aunt.

Funeral service Mon., 9:30 a.m. at Pfitzinger Mortuary, 331 S. Kirkwood Rd. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. Visitation Sun. 2-9 p.m.



The Springfield News-Leader 7/22/1980

Opal Higginbotham Murphy (1900-1980) MO

Bolivar - Mrs. Opal Murphy, 80, Bolivar, died at 12:30 p.m. Monday in Bolivar Nursing Home after a long illness.

Mrs. Murphy was a member of the Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church east of Bolivar.

She is survived by her husband, Marion; four sons, Dale, Neosho, Doran, Columbus, Ga., Bob, Bolivar, and Donald, Springfield; a sister, Mrs. Oakley Murphy, Ventura, Calif.; 14 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Pitts will announce arrangements.



The Springfield News-Leader 10/2/1980

Daniel Ray Higginbotham (1964-1980) MO

Daniel Ray Higginbotham, 16, of 1500 W. Grand, died at 10:05 a.m. Wednesday at his home of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Survivors include his father, Jack Higginbotham, Eudora, Kan.; his mother, Mrs. Carolyn Turner, 2212 W. Madison; a brother, David, 2212 W. Madison; a half brother, Frank Turner, 2212 W. Madison; his aunt, Mrs. Polly Hyde, with whom he lived at 1500 W. Grand; and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Hyde, Fordland.

Herman Lohmeyer will announce arrangements.



Joplin Globe, Thursday, February 12, 1981

Katherine M. Higginbotham Osler (1910-1981) MO

Katherine M. Osler, 70, 602 E. 18th St., died at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at St. John's Medical Center her following a four-month illness.

She was born Aug. 22, 1910, in Neosho and had lived in the Joplin area all of her life. She was a member of the Christian Church.

Survivors include three sons, Herman Osler, 505 Park Ave., and Louis Osler and Dale Osler, both of Portland, Ore.; three daughters, Vera Hill, Seneca route 2, Lelia Bell, Kansas City, and Miss Mary Osler, Springfield; two brothers, Floyd Higginbotham, Seneca route 2, and Harmon Higginbotham, Cassville; one sister, Elsie Sprouse, Citrus Heights, Calif.; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Funeral service will be announced by the Mason-Woodard Mortary.



The Springfield News-Leader 4/23/1981

Wilford Montell Higginbotham (1903-1981) IA/MO

Aurora - Services for Wilford Montell Higginbotham, 77, Aurora, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in Aurora First Baptist Church with the Rev. George Steincross officiating. Burial will be in Mount Vernon IOOF Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday in the Aurora Hospital after a long illness.

He was a member of the First Baptist Church and the Lions Club.

Survivors include his wife, Gerture; a son, Charles William, Portland, Conn.; a daughter, Mary Ann Fisher, Everton; and eight grandchildren.

The family will be at the funeral home from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday.

Memorial contributions may be made to the First Baptist Church.



The Kansas City Times 8/6/1981

Charles S. Higginbotham (1932-1981) MO

Charles S. "Chuck" Higginbotham, 49, of 10517 Scarritt, Sugar Creek, died Wednesday at a hospital in Leavenworth. He was a lifelong area resident. Mr. Higginbotham was a truck driver. He was a Marine veteran of the Korean War, and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the Moose Lodge, all in Sugar Creek. He leaves his wife, Barbara Higginbotham of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Norma Boawright, Wanette, Okla.; two stepsons, Harry A. McLaughlin, Missouri, and Thomas McLaughlin of the home; two stepdaughters, Miss Gina Sparks, Altoona, Penn., and Mrs. Terri Sifuntes, Independence; three brothers, Dale Higginbotham and Don Higginbotham of Independence, and Claude Higginbotham, La Cygne, Kan.; a sister, Mrs. Madeline Baker, Belton; and eight grandchildren. Services will be at 10 a.m. Friday at the Emmanual Chapel, Leavenworth; burial in the National Cemetery, Fort Leavenworth. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the Larkin-Brown Chapel, Leavenworth.



The Kansas City Star 9/23/1981

Pearl Sylvia Higginbotham Baker (1905-1981) MO

Mrs. Pearl Sylvia Baker, 76, Brookfield, Mo., formerly of Kansas City, died Tuesday at a hospital in Brookfield. She was born IN Macon County, Mo., and had lived in Ethel, Mo., and in this area 30 years before moving to Brookfield in 1977. Mrs. Baker worked for the Luziers Personalized Cosmetics Co. before she retired. She was a member of the Ethel Presbyterian Church. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Juanita Flowers, Kansas City; four grandchildren; and a great-grandson. Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at the church; burial in Ethel Cemetery. Friends may call Friday at the Louis V. Scudiero Chapel, Ethel.



Springfield Leader and Press 2/5/1982

Romie George Higginbotham (1911-1982) CA/MO

Romie G. Higginbotham, 70, Springfield, was pronounced dead on arrival at 4:16 p.m. Thursday at Cox Medical Center after apparently suffering a heart attack in his home.

Born in Ventura, Calif., Mr. Higginbotham was a resident of Springfield most of his life. He was owner and operator of Higginbotham Florist. He was a member of the Baptist church, the Operating Engineers Association and the Florist Association.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Ellen; a brother, Con, Republic; two sisters, Mrs. Marie Booth, Springfield, and Mrs. Freda Bruer, Daleville, Ala.

Arrangements will be announced by Klingner Mortuary.



The Kansas City Times 4/6/1982

Robert Gerard Higginbotham (1952-1982) TX/MO

Robert Gerard Higginbotham, 30, of 308 S.E. Jackson St., Lee's Summit, died Monday at Baptist Memorial Hospital. He was born in Midland, Texas, and had lived in this area 22 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a numerical control programmer for the Harlan Corp., Kansas City, Kan., five years. He graduated from Lee's Summit High School in 1971. He was an air Force veteran. He was a member of the Our Lady of Presentation Catholic Church, Lee's Summit. He was a member of the Lee's Summit Junior Chamber of Commerce. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Laura Higginbotham, and a daughter, Briana Higginbotham, both of the home; two brothers, Mark Higginbotham, Lee's Summit, and Don Higginbotham, Camdenton, Mo.; his mother, Mrs. Marion Richards, Lee's Summit; his father, John W. .Higginbotham, Camdenton; a stepbrother, Ted Roofner, Camdenton; a stepsister, Mrs. Cindy Regan, Springfield, Mo.; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Higginbotham, Hico, Texas; and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.. Keller, New Orleans. Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Langsford Chapel, Lee's Summit; burial in Lee's Summit Cemetery. The rosary will be said at 8 p.m. today at the chapel, where friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today. The family suggests contributions to the Leukemia Society of America, Inc.




Melzo Malcolm Higginbotham (1894-1982) MO

Melzo M. Higginbotham of Route 1, Caledonia, passed away Wednesday, July 7, 1982 in the Washington County Memorial Hospital at the age of eighty-seven years, ten months and twenty-nine days. He was born August 8, 1894 in Cruise, Missouri, a son of the late George W. and Nannie Milsap Higginbotham.

On August 13, 1920 in Hillsboro, Mr. Higginbotham was united in marriage to the former Ada Harness and one son, Lindell M., was born to this union. Lindell preceded his father in death at the age of two years.

Mr. Higginbotham had accepted Christ as his Savior and became a member of the United Methodist Church in Caledonia on September 10, 1950.

Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham have owned and operated a farm near Caledonia form many years. He will be sadly missed by the many friends he and his wife have made in the community.

He leaves to survive his loving and devoted wife, Ada Higginbotham of Route 1, Caledonia; two sisters, Leola Smith of St. Louis and Margaret DeGunia of Lemay; three brothers, To Higginbotham of St. Louis; Morie Higginbotham of Phoenix, Arizona and Rupert Higginbotham of Hillsboro; one half-brother, William Higginbotham of Phoenix, Arizona; one half-sister, Hallie Wittee of St. Louis; and a host of other relatives and friends.

In addition to his son and his parents, Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by three brothers and three sisters.

Funeral services were conducted Saturday, July 10, 1982 at 2 p.m. at Gum and Son Chapel, Potosi, with Rev. Howard Miller and Rev. J. Wesley Thomas officiating. Interment was in the Blackwell Masonic Cemetery under the direction of Gum and Son Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri.

Serving as pallbearers were Victor Chapman, Bryan Cole, Howard Higginbotham, Wilford Higginbotham, Eddie Chandler and Robert Loughary.



Springfield Leader-Press 10/16/1982

John Wendell Higginbotham (1928-1982) TX/MO

Camdenton - Services for John W. "Bud" Higginbotham, 54, Camdenton, will be at 1 p.m. Sunday in Hedges Chapel. Burial will be in Dale Blair Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday evening at Lutheran Hospital in Houston, Texas, after a short illness.

He had been in the construction business locally and was a member of Community Christian Church, the Masonic Lodge and the Shrine.

Survivors include his wife, Betty; two sons, Don, Camdenton, and Mark, Lee's Summit; a stepson, Ted Roofener, New Orleans, La.; a stepdaughter, Cindy Ragain, Springfield; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Higginbotham, Hico, Texas; two sisters, Jean Van Voast, Dallas, Texas, and Lou Odom, Tennessee Colony, Texas; and four grandchildren.

The family will be at the funeral home from 7 to 8:30 p.m. today.




St. Joseph News-Press/Gazette 10/17/1982

Nannie May Higginbotham Gregory (1893-1982) MO

Stanberry, Mo. - May N. Gregory, 89, of Stanberry, Died Saturday morning at an Albany hospital.

Born April 13, 1893 near Albanay, Mo., Mrs. Gregory was formerly of Albany and Gebtry, Mo. In February 1912, she married Sherman W. Gregory, who preceded her in death in November, 1970. She was a member of the Albany Church of Christ.

Survivors include a daughter, Doris Howell, Stanberry; two sons, Marvin Gregory and Morris Gregory, both of Stanberry; a brother, Charles Higginbotham, St. Joseph; a niece, Frances Carrel, San Diego, Calif., who was raised by Mrs. Gregory; 13 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Monday at the Johnson Funeral Home in Stanberry. Burial will be in the Old Brick Cemetery, near Albany.

The family will receive friends this evening from 7 to 8 at the funeral home.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/19/1982

Anna Emma Hefflinger Chapman Higginbotham (1894-1982) MO

Higginbotham, Anna, Dec. 17, 1982, in her 87th year, of Potosi, Mo., dear mother of Victor (Buddy) Chapman and Harry Chapman, Hallie Witte and William Higginbotham, dear sister of Louise Mietchen, dear grandmother and great-grandmother.

Funeral 10:30 a.m. Mon., Mahn Funeral Home, DeSoto, Mo. to 11 a.m. Mass, Good Shepherd Church, Hillsboro, Mo. Interment Good Shepherd Cemetery. Visitation after 7 p.m. Fri.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 2/25/1983

Edward H. Higgenbotham (1905-1983) MO

Higgenbotham, Edward (Edd), Thursday, Feb. 24, 1983, beloved husband of Lenora Higgenbotham, dear father of Lorene Hester, Pauline Cooper, and Carol Moellenhoff, dear father-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend.

Funeral from Schrader Funeral Home, Ballwin, Mo., Sat., Feb. 26, 10 a.m. Interment Hiram Cemetery. Visitation Fri., 309 p.m. Clayton Lodge #601 A.F. & A.M. will conduct services Fri., 7:30 p.m. Contributions to Shriners Hospital preferred.



The Springfield News-Leader 4/25/1983

Ruth Evelyn McChesney Higginbotham (1918-1983) MO

Pittsburg - Services for Ruth Evelyn Higginbotham, 64, Pittsburg, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Vaughan-Cantlon Chapel in Urbana with the Rev. Eugene Roberts officiating. Burial will be in Antioch Cemetery near here.

Mrs. Higginbotham died at 7:45 p.m. Saturday in her home after apparently suffering a heart attack, according to Hickory County Coroner Rusty Boller.

She was a member of Missionary Baptist Church.

Survivors include a son, Edward Ahren, Kansas City; three daughters, Mrs. Pat Holmes, Pittsburg, Mrs. Kay Evens, Georgewest, Texas, and Mrs. Beverly Boucher, Enid, Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. Lillian Medley, Risen, Ark., and Mrs. Leilla Smith, Houston, Texas; and seven grandchildren.

The family will be at the funeral home from 7 to 8:30 p.m. today.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 5/8/1983

Louise Geiser Higginbotham (1914-1983) MO

Higginbotham, Louise (nee Geiser), Fri. May 6, 1983, daughter of the late Charles G. and Lillian Geiser, sister of the late George R. Geiser and dear cousin.

Funeral service Mon., 10:30 a.m. at Alexander & Sons Crestwood Chapel, 9801 Watson rd. to Sunset Cemetery. No visitation prior to service.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 5/17/1983

Birdie Laura Higginbotham (1886-1983) MO

Higginbotham, Birdie Laura, Mon., May 16, 1983, beloved wife of the late Clark A. Higginbotham, our dear grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt.

Funeral Wed., May 18, 10:30 a.m. from Jay B. Smith Funeral Home, 7456 Manchester Ave. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery. Visitation after 5 p.m. Tues.



The Kansas City Times 9/8/1983

Emma Peal Barnes Higginbotham (1891-1983) AR/MO

Mrs. Emma P. Higginbotham, 89, of a nursing home at 17451 E. Medical Center Parkway, Independence, died Wednesday at the Medical Center of Independence. Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Bentonville, Ark., and had lived in this area 60 years. She leaves four dons, E.L. Higginbotham and W.C. Higginbotham of Independence, A.M. Higginbotham, Raytown, and J.W. Higginbotham, Kansas City; two daughters, Mrs. Sally Bratton, Grandview, and Mrs. Josephine Stevens, Windsor, Mo.; 15 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Friday in Floral Hills Cemetery. The family suggests contributions to the American Heart Association.




Valle Higginbotham (1900-1983) MO

Valle Higginbotham departed this life on November 1, 1983 at the age of eighty-three years and three months at the Washington County Memorial Hospital. She had been a resident of Georgian Gardens Nursing Home, Potosi, for the past eight months.

She was the daughter of Press G. and Mary Brown Higginbotham and was born at Fertile, Missouri July 12, 1900. She had one brother, Ray, who preceded her in death in May, 1982. She was educated in the grade school at Fertile, attended Potosi High School, Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee; Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri, and Morse Scholl of Expression, St. Louis, Missouri.

Valle will be remembered for her great interest in genealogy and Daughters of the American Revolution activities, her exhaustive research in Washington County history, and her search for Revolutionary soldiers buried in Washington County. She did research for many families in Missouri to establish their eligibility for Daughters of the American Revolution membership.

She was the author of "John Smith T., Missouri Pioneer" published in 1968 She was active in the organization of Francois Valle' Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. She served the chapter as Historian and Librarian for many years. She was the Chapter Regent for the years 1958-1960.

During Potosi's 1963 Bicentennial she served as Museum Chairperson. She was a member of the Bellevue Presbyterian Church, Caledonia, Missouri.

A descendant of pioneer families of Washington County, Valle leave numerous cousins of the Howard, Hughes, Brown, Valle, Turley, and Higginbotham lineage.

She leaves to mourn her passing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ray (Peggy) Higginbotham of Bridgeport, West Virginia; one niece, Karen Higginbotham of New York; first cousin, Homer Brown of Lakeview, Arkansas; Margaret Brown, widow of Roy "Chick" Brown, of Perryville, Missouri; special friend, Dorothy Ann Casey Watson of Potosi, who cared for her last moths of illness; and numerous cousins and friends.

Funeral services were conducted Thursday, November 3, 1983 at 2 P.M. at the Gum and Son Chapel, Potosi, with Dr. Don Kuehle officiating. Interment was in the Family Cemetery Plot in the Blackwell Masonic Cemetery.

Preceding the service, Margaret Brown played an organ memorial to Valle. For the service, pianist, Joann Elsey, accompanied soloist, Holly Turner, as she sang "In the Garden."

Serving as pallbearers were John Higginbotham, Jack Bust, Robert Bryson, Larry Casey, Don Monroe and Leonard Boyer.



The Kansas City Star 1/6/1984

Donald L. Higginbotham (1936-1984) MO

Higginbotham - Mr. Don L., 47, of 12505 E. 34th, passed away Jan. 4th. Funeral services 10 a.m. Sat. Carson's Indep. Chapel. Interment Mound Grove Cemetery. Family will receive friends 7-8:30 p.m. Fri. Masonic services 7 p.m. Fri. Geo. C. Carson & Sons, Winner at Fuller 252-7900



The Springfield News-Leader 1/13/1984

Jackie Ray Higginbotham (1946-1984) MO/KS

Rogersville - Jacky Ray Higginbotham, 37, Eudora, Kan., formerly of Rogersville, died Wednesday at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, Lawrence, Kan. He apparently died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, said Dr. Alan Sanders of Lawrence Memorial Hospital.

Survivors include one son, David, Springfield; two daughters, Shana and Jamie, both of Eudora, Kan.; his father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. Omer Higginbotham, St. Robert; one brother, Ray, Springfield; and maternal grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Hyde, Fordland.

Greenlawn South of Springfield will announce services.



The Kansas City Times 30 Mar. 1984 Fri.

Eunice M. Higinbotham Nelson (1905-1984) KS/MO
Mrs. Eunice M. Nelson, 78, of 115 Spring St., Belton, died Thursday at a hospital in Butler, Mo. She was born in Elsmore, Kan., and lived in the Kansas City area 53 years. Mrs. Nelson was a Methodist. She leaves her husband, Primm K. Nelson of the home; a son, James J. Powers, La Tour, Mo.; a stepdaughter, Miss Marjorie J. Nelson, Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Zona R. Collins, Iola, Kan.; and eight grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Park Lawn Chapel. burial in Memorial Park Cemetery. Friends may all after noon Saturday at the chapel.



The Kansas City Times 6/20/1984

Arthur M. Higginbotham (192501984) MO/CO

Arthur M. Higginbotham, 59, Raytown, died Monday in Colorado Springs. He was a lifelong Kansas City resident. Mr. Higginbotham had been a driver for Ryder-PIE Nationwide for 23 years. He was an Army veteran of World War II. He attended the Spring Valley Baptist Church. He was a member of the Cleveland (Mo.) Masonic Lodge. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Gertie Higginbotham of the home; three brothers, William C. Higginbotham and Edward L. Higginbotham of Independence and Joseph W. Higginbotham, Kansas City; and two sisters, Mrs. Sally R. Bratton, Grandview, and Mrs. Josephine Stevens, Windsor, Mo. Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Floral Hills Chapel; burial in Floral Hills Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the American Heart Association.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8/31/1985

Hugh Festus Higginbotham (1899-1984) MO/AR

A funeral service for Uugh F. Higginbotham, a retired linotype operator at the Post-Dispatch, was held Thursday at Senath Methodist Church, Senath, Mo. Burial was in the Senath Cemetery.

Mr.. Higginbotham died Tuesday of kidney failure at his home in Fayetteville, Ark. He was 85.

He had moved to Fayetteville two years ago. He had been an avid fisherman after his retirement from the Post-Dispatch in 1966.

Mr. Higginbotham set type for the stock exchanges because of his accuracy, family members said. He came to the Post-Dispatch in 1959 when the newspaper contracted to print the Globe-Democrat. He had started working for the Globe-Democrat in 1943.

Surviving are his wife, Nola; two sons, Robert Lee, Bridgeton; and Dr. Hugh B. Higginbotham, Fayetteville; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7/25/1985

Nola Harkey Higginbotham (1899-1985) MO/AR

Higginbotham, Nola H., Sat. July 20, 1985, at Fayetteville, Ark., dear wife of Hugh F. Higginbotham, dear mother of Robert L. and Hugh B. Higginbotham, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, cousin, and friend.

Funeral was Mon., July 22, 1 p.m. from McDaniel Funeral Home, at Methodist Church, Senath, Mo. Interment at Senath Cemetery. Memorials to Senath Methodist Church, Senath, Mo. 63876.



The Springfield News-Leader 8/22/1985

Con Holace Higginbotham (1917-1985) MO

Republic - Services for Con H. Higginbotham, 67, Republic, will be 10 a.m. Friday in Greenlawn South Chapel, Springfield, with the Rev. Oran Cobb officiating. Burial will be in Maple Park Cemetery, Springfield.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday in Cox Medical Center North, Springfield, after a short illness.

A member of the Baptist church and Everton Masonic Lodge, he was a former resident of Springfield and a retired contractor and heavy equipment dealer.

Survivors include his wife, Jewell' a son, Charles L. Springfield; and two sisters, Freida Bruer, Daleville, Ala., and Marie Booth, Springfield.

Visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m. today in the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.



Rupert Carl Higginbotham (1911-1986) MO

Funeral services for Rupert C. Higginbotham, 74, Hillsboro, are to be held Tuesday, Jan. 14, 1986, at the Dietrich-Mothershead Funeral Chapel. Mr. Higginbotham died on Sunday at the St. Mary Health Center in Richmond Heights. Brother James Owens is to officiate the services. Mr. Higginbotham is to be buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was born on July 8, 1911 at Vineland to Nannie (nee Milsap) Higginbotham and George W. Higginbotham. He married Hattie (nee Agers) Higginbotham who survives him. He was a retired welder at the Wagner Electric Company in St. Louis.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by two brothers and one sister: Tom Higginbotham, Shrewsberry; Morie Higginbotham of Phoenix, Ariz.; and Leola Smith of St. Louis. He is also survived by one half-brother, one half-sister aand two step-brothers; Willie Higginbotham, Phoenix, Ariz.; Hallie Witte, St. Louis; Victor Chapman, St. Louis; and Harry Chapman, Potosi.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Joachim Lodge 164 A.F. and A.M. and Chapter 71 of the Order of the Eastern Star. A memorial service is to be held at the Joachim Lodge 164, A.F. and A.M. at the Dietrich-Mothershead Funeral Chapel today (Monday) beginning at 8 p.m. A memorial service also is to be held at the chapel of the Hillsboro Chapter 71 Order of the Eastern Star on Monday beginning at 8:30 p.m.

Mr. Higginbotham was a Navy veteran of World War II.



The Kansas City Times 1/13/1986

Geraldine V. Burleson Higginbotham (1917-1986) MO

Mrs. Geraldine V. Higginbotham, 68, Grandview, died Saturday at her home. Mrs. Higginbotham was a lifelong area resident. She leaves two sons, Gary DeMoss, Urbana, Mo., and Forest Wendel Jr., Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Jeanne Walker, Kansas City; her mother, Mrs. Ella Burleson, Independence; a brother, Bill Burleson, Raytown; 11 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Green Lawn Cemetery.




Dorinda Lucille Houchin Heginbottom (1897-1986) MO/KS

The funeral for Mrs. Nina Heginbottom, 89, Wichita, KS, sister of Edward Houchins, Vandalia, was held at 2 pm Thursday, March 27, at Clark Funeral Home, Hannibal. The Rev. E R Wall officiated and burial was in Grand View Burial Park.
Mrs Heginbottom died March 22 in Wealey Medical Center, Wichita, KS.
She was born April 25, 1897, in Pike County to James and Melisse Jane Ince Houchins. She was married April 25, 1949, to Herman Heginbottom. He preceded her in death April 17, 1969.
Mrs Heginbottom was a former bookkeeper for Webber's Wholesale and Ulen Construction Co., Lebanon, IN. She was a member of the New London Baptist Church, OES Chapter No 55, Loyal Star, No 129, Burlington Auxiliary of Hannibal and the Senior Citizens Club, New London.
She attended Rural Grove School and a business school in Bowling Green. She also was a former committeewoman for Spencer Township.
Surviving are three sons; Roy Smith, Wichita, KS, Gilbert Heginbottom, St Charles; and Isaac Heginbottom, Forn Morgan, CO; one stepdaughter, Mrs Imogene McCann of Harrisonville; two brothers, Edward Houchins of Vandalia, and Leonard Houchins of Bowling Green; four sisters, Mrs Erma Sisson of Bowling Green, Mrs Nellie McCormick and Mrs Floy Elliott, both of Louisiana, and Mrs Florence Connour of Roseville, CA; nine grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and 19 great-great-grandchildren.



Springfield Leader and Press 4/12/1986

Gertrude Helma Higganbotham McComas (1901-1986) KS/MO

Branson - Services for Gertrude McComas, 84, Branson, will be at 10 a.m. Sunday in Whelchel Chapel. Burial will be in Ozarks Memorial Park Cemetery.

Mrs. McComas died at 5 p.m. Friday in Skaggs Community Hospital.

The family will be at the funeral home from 7 to 8 p.m. today.




Mary Elizabeth Higginbotham (1895-1986) MO

Miss Mary E. Higginbotham, 90, died in a nursing home at 8575 Cosada Drive. where she lived. She was born in Missouri and lived in Kansas city most of her life. Miss Higginbotham was a civil service worker before she retired. Services and entombment will be Tuesday at the Forest Hill Mausoleum. Mary was never married.



The Kansas City Star 9/21/1986

Pearl Payton Higginbotham Bellows (ca1908-1986) MO

Roach - Mrs. Pearl P. Bellows, 78, Roach, died Friday in a home in Camdenton, Mo. She was born in Osceola, Mo., and lived in Roach the past 15 years. She leaves two sons, William PAyton, Raytown, and Jerry B. Higginbotham, Kansas City; three grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Floral Hills Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Newcomer Floral Hills Chapel.



The Kansas City Times 9/29/1986

Ruth Heller Kuntz Higginbotham (1899-1986) MO

Mrs. Ruth Higginbotham, 86, Downtown Kansas City, died Saturday at Trinity Lutheran Hospital. She was a lifelong area resident. Mrs. Higginbotham was a PBX operator at the Harzfelds Inc. Downtown store for 19 years and retired in 1970. She was a member of the Grand Avenue Temple United Methodist Church. She was a member of the PBX Club, Kansas City. She leaves three sons, L.E. "Ed" Higginbotham and GEorge W. Higginbotham of Olathe and Gene R. Higginbotham, Prairie Village; two sisters, Mrs. BEtty Taylor, Gardner in Johnson County, and Mrs. Louise Maxwell, Kansas City; 19 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Newcomer's Overland Park Chapel; burial in Elmwood Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. today at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the Arthritis Foundation.



Joplin Globe 11/14/1986

Jessie M. Higganbotham Chitwood (1890-1986) MO

Carl Junction, Mo. - Jessie M. Chitwood, 96, 205 Chitwood St., died at 12:30 p.m. Thursday at a Sarcoxie nursing home where she had been a patient three weeks.

Mrs. Chitwood was born Aug. 15, 1890, in Lawrence County, near Miller. She had lived in Carl Junction and Webb City most of her life. She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church, Joplin. Earlier this year, she was honored as Carl Junction's oldest citizen during the community annual Bingville celebration. Her husband, Galen Chitwood, precedes her in death.

There are no immediate survivors.

Graveside services will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Carl Junction Cemetery with the Rev. Paul Patton officiating.

Friends may call after noon today ay Parker Mortuary, Joplin.

The family will be at 2424 Joplin St., Joplin.



Montgomery Standard 1/9/1987

Walter Edward Higgenbotham (1906-1987) MO

Middletown Man, 80 Dies, Walter Edward Higgenbotham Sr., 80, of Route 3, Middletown, died Thursday at his home. He was a retired farmer and had also worked at Christy's General Refractories in Wellsville.

Until he moved to Middletown seven years ago, he had spent all his life on a farm on Route 2, Wellsville.

Services have been set for 2 p.m. Sunday at the Myers Funeral Home in Middletown. The Rev. Melvin Underwood will officiate and burial will be in Bethel Cemetery at Wellsville.

The following grandsons will serve as pallbearers: Richard Beau, Glenn T., James Edward, Cletus Wayne, Orville, LeRoy and Scott Higgenbotham.

Calling hours at the funeral home will be Saturday from 4 to 8 p.m.



The Kansas City Times 8/18/1987

Joe W. Higginbotham (1920-1987) AR/MO

Joe W. "Chub" Higginbotham, 66, northeast Kansas City, died Aug. 16, 1987 at the home. He was born in Rogers, Ark., and lived in this area most of his life. Mr. Higginbotham was a deliveryman for Tesco Delivery Parts for 10 years and retired in 1982. He had been a maintenance worker for the Atomic Spot Welder Manufacturing Co. He was a member of the Independence Avenue Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Susie Higginbotham of the home; two daughters, Joann S. Reinisch and Sharon Reinisch of Kansas City; two brothers, William Higginbotham Edward Higginbotham of Independence; two sisters, Sally Bratton, Grandview, and Josephine Stevens, Clinton, Mo; and six grandchildren. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Forest Hill Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the Blackman Guardian Chapel.



The Springfield News-Leader

Ida Blanche Swafford Higginbotham (1902-1987) MO

Ida B. Higginbotham, 85, Springfield, formerly of St. Louis, died Tuesday in St. John's Regional Health Center.

She was the beloved wife of the late Earl Higginbotham; beloved mother of Gerry Hume, New Jersey, Jean Havey, St. Louis, Bobby, Colorado, Larry, Springfield, and the late Billy K.; our dear mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-aunt, cousin, and our dear friend. She was a member of Southwest Baptist Church, St. Louis.

Services at Hoffmeister Colonial Mortuary, 6464 Chippewa, St. Louis, Mo., will be Friday at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be in Valhalla Cemetery, St. Louis.

Visitation will be after 1:30 p.m. today in the mortuary.

Memorial contributions may be made to Southwest Baptist Church, 6401 Scanlan, St. Louis, 63109.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/6/1988

William Henry Higginbotham (1909-1988) MO

A memorial service for William H. Higginbotham, an owner of a management consulting business and professional speaker and seminar leader, will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Road, Kirkwood. The body will be cremated.

Mr. Higginbotham, 79, of Town and Country died Friday at his home after a heart attack.

He was born in Jefferson City, Mo., and graduated from Washington University.

Mr. Higginbotham was a former vice president of industrial relations and a member of the board of directors of Century Electric Co.

In 1963, he started his own management consulting firm in Clayton. He served as president of the Association of Management Consultants and as a member of its board.

He was the founder and first president of the St. Louis chapter of the Institute of Management Consultants.

Mr. Higginbotham was a past president of Clayton Rotary Club and a board member of Junior Achievement. Mississippi Valley.

He was listed in Who's Who in America.

He served as a seminar leader at local colleges and universities, including St. Louis University and Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.

Surviving are his wife, Sue Guge Higginbotham; a daughter, Cynthia Goldstein of New Orleans; a son, Ronald Higginbotham of Columbia, Mo.; two sisters, Grace Atkins of Clayton and Ruth Bane of St. Louis; and four grandchildren.

Higginbotham, William H., Suddenly Fri. March 4, 1988, dearly beloved husband of Sue G. Higginbotham (nee Guge), dear father of Ronald Higginbotham of Columbia, MO., Cynthia Goldstein of Metairie, Louisiana and the late Pamela Higginbotham, dear brother, brother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather, uncle and cousin.

Memorial service Thurs., March 10th, 3 p.m. at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., Kirkwood. Interment private. In lieu of flowers memorials are preferred to the Polio Plus Campaign, c/o Clayton Rotary Club, 20 So. Central, Clayton, 63105.



Kansas City Star - Sunday, May 01, 1988 - Kansas City, MO - Page: 4
William C. Higginbotham (1918-1988) MO
William C. Higginbotham, 69, Independence, died April 30, 1988, at the home. He was born in Rogers, Ark., and lived in this area most of his life. Mr. Higginbotham was a mechanic until he retired from the Churchill Truck Lines, Inc. He was an Army veteran of World War II, and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was a member of the Mount Washington Masonic Lodge. Survivors include his wife, Hazel Higginbotham of the home; a son, Charles Higginbotham, and a brother, Eddie Higginbotham, both of Independence; two sisters, Sally Bratton, Grandview, and Josephine Stevens, Lincoln, Mo.; and two grandchildren. Services will be at 9 a.m. Tuesday at Newcomer's Floral Hills Chapel; burial in Floral Hills Cemetery. Friends may call from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday at the chapel.



The Kansas City Times 5/24/1988

Claude Higginbotham (1914-1988) MO

Claude Higginbotham, 73, Belton, died May 22, 1988, at the home. He was born in St. Louis County and lived in Kansas City and Pleasant Hill before moving to Belton in 1977. Mr. Higginbotham was head equipment operator for Grandview Street Maintenance Department before retiring in 1980. Survivors include a son, Richard Lee Higginbotham, Oakland, Calif.; six daughters, Amy Hoskins, Humansville, Mo., and Claudetta Queen, Karen R. Rainey, Paula J. Born, Ellen Boniedot and Marlene S. Hicks of Independence; a stepdaughter, Williametta Garrett, Sugar Creek; a brother, Dale Higginbotham, Independence; a sister, Madeline Baker, Belton; 24 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren. Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Wallace Chapel, Pleasant Hill; burial in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8 p.m. today at the chapel.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8/19/1988

Marie Elizabeth Coleman Higginbotham (1904-1988) MO

Higginbotham, Marie E., Mon. Aug. 15, 1988, beloved wife of Thomas Higginbotham, dear mother of Thomas, Robert Higginbotham and Suzanne Carroll, dear sister of Lucille Casey, dear mother-in-law of Jane Higginbotham, Edna Higginbotham and Eugene Carroll, dear grandmother and great-grandmother.

Funeral from Croghan Funeral Home, 7825 Big Bend, Webster Groves, Mon. at 10:45 a.m. to St. Michael Church, 7622 Sutherland, Mass 11 a.m. Interment Resurrection. Visitation Sun., 12 noon-9 p.m.



The Kansas City Times 1/13/1989

Mark Allen DuWayne Higginbotham (1988-1989) MO

Mark Allen DuWayne Higginbotham, infant son of Shelly Higginbotham of East Kansas City, died Jan. 11, 1989, at the home. He was born in Kansas City. Survivors also include his father, Mark Edward Parker, his maternal grandmother, Linda Higginbotham, his paternal grandfather, John Parker, and his paternal grandmother, Lanuna Parker, all of Kansas City. Graveside services will be at 2:30 p.m. today at Floral Hills Cemetery.



St. Joseph News-Press/Gazette 3/9/1989

Crystal N. Shepherd Higginbotham (1906-1989) MO

Crystal N. Higginbotham, 83, 6317 King Hill Ave., died Tuesday, March 7, 1989, at a local hospital.

She was born in King City, Mo., and moved to St. Joseph, retiring in 1973.

She was a member of the King Hill Christian Church, the Christian Women's Fellowship of the church, and the Hyde Valley Women's Social Club, all of St. Joseph.

She married her husband of 61 years, Charles Higginbotham, on Dec. 24, 1927, in Atchison, Kan. He survives of the home.

Additional survivors: a son, Roger, St. Joseph; five daughters, Jean Larson, Red Oak, Iowa, Lorraine Pierce, Memphis, Tenn., Carol Flammger, Houston, Texas, Doris Steele and Charlene Bachman, both of St. Joseph; a sister, Alma Arnold, St. Joseph; 17 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; a step-great-grandson; and two great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Services: 2:30 p.m. Friday, Clark-Sampson Chapel. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation: after 10 a.m. today and family visitation: 7 to 9 tonight, both at the chapel




Leola Higginbotham Smith (1898-1989) MO

The funeral services for Leola Smith, 90, formerly of De Soto, was held Apr. 6, 1989, in the chapel at Dietrich-Mothershead Funeral Home. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Smith was born June 25, 1898, in Cruise, Mo., a daughter of the late George W. Higginbotham and the late Nannie (nee Milsap) Higginbotham. She died on Apr. 4, 1989, at Normandy Osteopathic Hospital South.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Arch Smith. The couple were married on Aug. 1, 1918, in Vineland, Mo.

Survivors include a son, J.B. Smith of St. Louis; three brothers, Morie Higginbotham of Semolia, Fla., Thomas Higginbotham of St. Louis and William Higginbotham of Phoenix, Ariz.; and a sister, Hallie Wittie of St. Louis.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 4/13/1989

Irma Evelyn Higginbotham Smith (1921-1989) MO

Wolff, Irma (Evelyn) (nee Higginbotham), Wed. April 12, 1989, asleep in Jesus, dear wife of John Wolff, Dear mother of John L. and James R. Wolff, dear sister of Doris Jean Hodges, dear mother-in-law, grandmother, aunt and cousin.

Funeral service Fri., 10 a.m. at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 2211 Tenbrook, Arnold. Interment National Cemetery. Visitation Thurs. after 2 p.m. at Heilgtag-Pfitzinger Funeral Home, 1081 Jeffco (Hwy. 61-67 at 141), Arnold. Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society or Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7/9/1989

Thomas H.. Higginbotham (1905-1989) MO

Higginbotham, Thomas H., July 8, 1989, Fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, beloved husband of the late Marie E. Higginbotham (nee Coleman), dear father of Jim, Robert Higginbotham and Suzanne Carroll, brother of Morey Higginbotham, dear grandfather, great-grandfather, father-in-law, brother-in-law and uncle.

Funeral from Croghan Funeral Home, 7825 Big Bend, Webster Groves, Tuesday at 9:45 a.m., to St. Michael's Church, 7622 Sutherland. Mass at 10 a.m. Interment Resurrection. Visitation Monday, 12 noon to 9 p.m.



The Springfield News-Leader 1/28/1990

Robbie Pauline Scroggins Higginbotham (1915-1990) MO

Lamar - Robbie P. Higginbotham, 74, Lamar, died at 8:35 p.m. Friday in Cox Medical Center South, Springfield, apparently of a heart attack.

A former longtime resident of Halfway, she resided in Kansas City for approximately 25 years before moving to Lamar about two years ago. She was the widow of Lovell Higginbotham, who preceded her in death in 1980. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Cheryl Barton, Springfield; three sons, Dallas Higginbotham, Springfield, Victor Kent Higginbotham, Lamar, and Roger Higginbotham, San Diego, Calif.; 12 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday in Pitt Funeral Home, Bolivar, with the Rev. Dennis Spear officiating. Burial will be in Pleasant Hope Cemetery, Pleasant Hope.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/21/1990

Cameron Andrews Higginbotham (1943-1990) MO/CA

Higginbotham, Cameron Andrews (Ron), of Oakland, California, formerly of St. Louis, age 47, Oct.. 15, 1990, beloved son of F. Cameron and Isabelle Higginbotham, dear brother of Robert B. Higginbotham and Pamela H. Tvedt.

Services will be held at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 1166 South Mason rd. on Wed., Oct. 24 at 11:30 a.m. If desired memorial may be made to the Church of the Good Shepherd Expansion Fund.



St. Joseph News-Press/Gazette12/13/1990

Eva Christine Norman Higginbotham (1904-1990) MO

Kansas City, Mo. - Eva Christine Higginbotham, 86, Kansas City, formerly of Clinton County, Mo., died Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1990 at a health care center here.

A native of Clinton County, Mrs. Higginbotham had lived in the Kansas City Area since 1929. She was a seamstress and garment cutter for the Kansas City Custom Garment Co. for 20 years, retiring in 1973.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member the Greenwood, Mo., Christian Church.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Cliff, in 1973.

Surviving: a sister, Muriel Dean of Cameron, Mo.; and a step-grandchild.

Service: 11 a.m. Saturday, McGilley Antioch Chapel, North Kansas City, Mo. Burial: Elmira, Mo., Cemetery. Visitation: 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, at the chapel.



The Springfield News-Leader 6/27/1991

Lieselotte M. Wilzbach Higginbotham (1924-1991) Mo

Waynesville - Funeral Mass for Lieselotte "Lottie" Higginbotham, Waynesville, will be at 10 a.m. Friday in St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church. Burial will be in Resurrection Cemetery under direction of Waynesville Memorial Chapel.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a retired dry cleaning presser, died at 4:10 p.m. Tuesday in General Wood Army Community Hospital, Fort Leonard Wood.

Visitation will be after 5 p.m. today in the funeral home with Rosary services beginning at 7 p.m.



The Springfield News-Leader 9/30/1991

Marjorie Ann Higinbotham Vincent (1923-1991) CO/MO

Marjorie Ann Higinbotham Vincent, daughter of Arthur and Mary Higinbotham, was born March 21, 1923, in Denver, Colo., and departed this life Sept. 28, 1991, in her home in Springfield.

Marjorie was united in marriage to Robert Ralph Vincent on Sept. 15, 1945, in Denver, Colo., and had been a resident of Springfield for the last 10 years. She was an active member of First and Calvary Presbyterian Church, and also active in Chapter FU of P.E.O., Rachel Donelson Chapter of the D.A.R., and the American Home Department of Sorosis.

Marjorie is survived by her daughter, Carol Marie and her husband, Leo Joseph Fracolosy, Corona del Mar, Calif.; four grandchildren, Brian Robert, Jeffrey Leo, and twins David Roy and Scott Joseph Fracolosy, all of Corona del Mar, Calif.; a brother, Bennett Higinbotham and his wife, Esther, of Denver, Colo.; and a sister, Edna Ramsey, Aurora, Colo.

Marjorie was preceded in death by her husband, Robert,  in December, 1989; a brother, Kenneth Higinbotham, who died in 1943; and a sister, Barbara Higinbotham, who died in 1926.

Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1991, in First and Calvary Presbyterian Church with Dr. Gary Stratman officiating. Services are under direction of Gorman-Scharpf Brentwood Chapel. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery, Denver, Colo.

Memorial contributions may be made to American Heart Association or First and Calvary Presbyterian Church.



The Kansas City Star 11/13/1991

Gertrue Lavena Cameron Higginbotham (1906-1991) MO

Gertrue Lavena Higginbotham, 83, died Nov. 11, 1991, in the New Mark Care Center, 11221 North Oak Trafficway, where she lived. She was born in Mount Vernon, Mo., and lived in Detroit and in Aurora, Mo., before she moved to this area in 1982. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the First Baptist Church of Aurora. She was a member of the Mount Vernon High School Alumni Association. She attended a business college in Springfield, Mo. Her husband, Wilford Montell Higginbotham, died in 1981. Survivors include a son, Charles William Higginbotham, Middletown, Conn.; a daighter, Mary Ann Fisher, Edgerton in Platte County; and eight grandchildren. Services will be at 7:30 p.m. today at the Hanks Chapel, Smithville; graveside services will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Mount Vernon. Friends may call from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. today at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the Kansas City Hospice of the Northland.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/6/1992

Alice Arthenia Harlow Heginbottom (1915-1992) MO

Alice Arthenia Harlow Heginbottom, 76, of St. Charles, died Thursday (March 4, 1992) at Doctor's Hospital-Wentzville in Wentzville.

Before she retired, she owned the Heginbottom Snack Shack in St. Charles. She was a leader of the Weldon Spring 4-H Club for 25 years and received the Place in the Sun Award for that work. She was the second woman in the United States to become a certified tire recapper in World War II.

A funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Baue Chapel, 620 Jefferson Street in St. Charles. Burial will be at Grandview Cemetery, Hannibal, Mo.

Visitation will be from4 to 9 p.m. today at Baue.

Among her survivors are her husband, Gilbert H. "Shorty" Heginbottom; two children, Joyce Hanne of St. Charles and Sherry Mae Boese of Pflugerville, Texas; a brother, Ernest L. Harlow of Bellingham, Wash.; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Memorial contributions can be made to Butterfield Youth in Marshall, Mo.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/16/1992

Margaret Perry Hickinbotham (1905-1992) MO

Hickinbotham, Margaret (nee Perry), fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church on Sat., March 14, 1992, beloved wife of Gibson Hickinbotham, dear mother of Marie Zeitler and Charles Buss, our dear mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, aunt, great-aunt, cousin and friend.

Private funeral service from Hoffmeister South County Chapel, 1515 Lemay Ferry Rd., Tues., March 17, 9:30 a.m. with 10 a.m. Mass at St. Martin of Tours Church. Entombment Mount Hope Cemetery. Visitation Mon., 3 p.m. until 9 p.m.



The Kansas City Star 6/29/1992

Helen Beatrice Higginbotham Ketchum (1908-1992) OK/MO

Helen Beatrice Ketchum, 83, Kansas City in Clay County, died June 27, 1992, at the Independence Regional Health Center. Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Carson Independence Chapel; burial in Mount Washington Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the St. Labre Indian School, Ashland, Mont. Mrs. Ketchum was born in Calhoun, Okla., and lived in this area most of her life. She worked for the Rothenberg & Schloss Cigar Co. for 30 years, retiring in 1971. Her husband, Charles C. Ketchum, died in 1980. Survivors include a son, Wesley Gregg, Kansas City; three brothers, Harold H. Higginbotham and Harvey W. Higginbotham of Independence and Carl Higginbotham, Raytown; a sister, Ilene Herndon, Overland Park; three grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.



The Kansas City Star 7/25/1992

John Carl Higinbotham (1932-1992) KS/TX

John Carl Higinbotham, 60, Rockwall, Texas, formerly of Kansas City, died July 23, 1992, at the home. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Rowlett, Texas; burial in the church cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the Anderson-Clayton Brothers Chapel, Mesquite, Texas, where the rosary will be said at 6 p.m. Sunday. Mr. Higinbotham was born in Kansas City and moved to Texas in 1979. He worked for the city of Kansas City from 1`951 to 1979 and was principal traffic engineer for 19 years. He worked for the PAWA Inc. consulting form in Dallas and Nevada of traffic signal projects after 1979. He last was division head for traffic engineering and safety in the Department of Community Development of the city of Mesquite. He was a registered professional engineer in Missouri and Texas and attended the Findlay Engineering College. He served in the Army. Survivors include his wife for 40 years, Ruby Higinbotham of the home; two sons, Joseph Higinbotham, Kingsville, Mo., and James Higinbotham, Rockwall; five daughters, Debra Frazee and Denise Stawarz of Lee's Summit, Diane Higinbotham, Rockwall, Donna Wylie, Ennis, Texas, and Dawn Higinbotham, Dallas; two brothers, Neal Higinbotham, Plano, Texas, and David Higinbotham, Missouri; a sister, Carol Cranford, Mesquite; and eight granchildren.



The Springfield News-Leader 8/26/1992

Rebecca Marie Higginbotham (1953-1992) MO

Services for Rebecca Marie :Becky" Higginbotham, Springfield, will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in Greenlawn Funeral Home North. Burial will be in Eastlawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a homemaker, died at 10:30 p.m. Monday in Cox Medical Center North of heart failure.

Visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m. today in the funeral home.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/19/1993

Gilbert H. Heginbottom (1914-1993) KY/MO

Gilbert H. "Shorty" Heginbottom, 78, of St. Charles, died Friday (Jan. 15, 1993) at his home.

Prior to his retirement, he owned and operated the Heginbottom Snack Shack, a restaurant and service station in St. Charles. He was a member of Carpenters District Council 1987 and was active in 4-H activities in the Weldon Spring area.

A funeral service will be at 10 a.m. today at the Baue Funeral Home, 620 Jefferson Street, St. Charles. Burial will be in Garden View Cemetery in Hannibal, Mo.

Among survivors are two daughters, Joyce Hanne of St. Charles and Sherry M. Boese of Pflugerville, Texas; a brother, Isaac Heginbottom of LaPorte, Colo.; a sister, Imogene McCann of Harrisonville, Mo.; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Memorial contributions to the Butterfield Youth Center in Marshall, Mo. can be made in care of the funeral home.




Springfield News-Leader 3/26/1993

Lula Higginbotham Mitchell (1905-1993) MO/CA

Vacaville, Calif. - Graveside services and burial for Lula Higginbotham Mitchell, Vacaville, Calif., formerly of Bolivar, will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday in Slago Cemetery, south of Bolivar, under direction of Pitts Funeral Home, Bolivar.

Mrs. Mitchell, a homemaker, died Tuesday in Creekside Nursing Home.

Friends may call at their convenience Sunday in the funeral home.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 5/9/1993

Lela Bernice Phillips Higgenbotham Smith (1912-1993) IL/MO

Smith, Lela B. Higgenbotham, asleep in Jesus on Thurs., May 6, 1993, dear mother of Dona Trower, Juanita (Carl) Burch, George (Audrey) Higgenbotham, Charles (Betty) Higgenbotham, Virginia (Denzel) Nelson, Ted (Pat) Smith, dear sister, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother and aunt.

Funeral Mon., May 10, 11 a.m. at Memorial Park Cemetery Chapel, Lucas & Hunt Rd. at Hwy. 70. No visitation at funeral home. Memorials to Diabetes Assn. will be appreciated. Math Hermann & Sons Service.


Columbia Daily Tribune September 12, 1993

Craig A. Higginbotham (1975-1993) MO

Craig Higginbotham, 17, of Columbia, died Friday, Sept. 19, 1993, in Columbia,
Services are at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13, 1993, at Memorial Funeral Home with the Rev, Paul Jarrett officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation is from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12 at the funeral home,
Mr. Higginbotham was born Oct. 3,1975, in Joplin, the son of Rowland and Betty Jackson Higginbotham. He was a senior at Hickman High School. He was a Tribune carrier for six years, earning several awards, including carrier of the month. He also worked at Campus Dining Service at the University of Missouri-Columbia for two years, and had pre-enlisted for service in the U.S. Navy.
Survivors include his father, of Neosho; his mother, Betty Prather of Columbia; his paternal grandparents, Robert and Phyllis Higginbotham of Noel; a brother, Darin Higginbotham of Columbia; his stepmother, a brother and three stepsisters.
Hickman senior dies in afternoon motorcycle crash
By CHRIS CLAYTON of the Tribune's staff
Craig Higginbotham was excited about the idea of leaving Columbia to join the military. Though he was only 17, he'd already made a commitment to serve six years in the U.S. Navy.
But the Hickman High School senior's dreams were cut short when he was killed in a motorcycle accident early Friday afternoon.
Higginbotham was riding his motorcycle east on Mexico Gravel Road at a high rate of speed about, 2:30 p.m. Friday when he crossed the center lane on a curve, Columbia police said. His motorcycle slid to the pavement, and Higginbotham was immediately struck by a westbound car driven by Sherry Bare, 32 of 2200 Lakeland Drive.
Higginbotham was pronounced dead at the scene. Bare was uninjured.
Police officer Beth Small said she was unsure exactly how fast Higginbotham was traveling, but said there was no evidence that alcohol was a factor in the accident.
Higginbotham was not involved in many activities in school. Instead, he began to develop a strong work ethic at 9 years old, when he began working as a newspaper carrier for the Tribune.
His mother, Betty Prather of Columbia, said Higginbotham worked his newspaper route for more than six years and won several awards from the Tribune during his tenure, including carrier of the month.
Higginbotham spent the past two years working part-time as a student employee for Campus Dining Service at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
"He delivered in the Greenwood area and then the Lake of the Woods area for a long time," Betty Prather said of her son's newspaper routes. "He had good friends, and he worked a lot. That took up a lot of his time."
Riding his motorcycle was Higginbotham's favorite thing to do, Prather said. He also enjoyed science fiction and anything to do with flying.
"He knew all there was to know about jets," she said. "That was probably his biggest thing, jets, antique planes and helicopters."



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/30/1994

John H. Hickinbotham (1935-1994) MO

Hickinbotham, John H., Entered into rest, Mon., Jan. 24, 1994, father of John, Michael, Sandra, Kathy, Debra, Tracy and Donna.

Private services will be held.



St. Louis Post Dispatch 3/2/1994

Frank Cameron Higginbotham (1917-1994) MO

Frank Cameron "Cam" Higginbotham, a retired construction company executive, died Sunday (Feb. 27, 1994) at St. Luke's Hospital in west St. Louis County after suffering a heart attack. He was 76 and lived in Frontenac.

Mr. Higginbotham was president of Higginbotham Brothers, Inc. construction company from the mid-1950s until 1986. He founded the company in 1946 with his brothers, Bruce S. Higginbotham of Frontenac and the late Richard Higginbotham.

Frank Higginbotham was a senior warden at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Town and Country and a past president of the Kirkwood Rotary Club.

He graduated from the Washington University School of Business and was an officer in the Navy in World War II.

A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 1166 South Mason Road. His body will be cremated.

In addition to his brother, Bruce, among survivors are his wife of 51 years, Isabelle Andrews Higginbotham; a son, Robert Bruce Higginbotham of Kirkwood; a daughter, Pamela Higginbotham Tvedt of Town and Country; another brother, John W. Higginbotham of Lakeland, Fla.; and four grandchildren.

Contributions may be made to the Kirkwood Rotary Scholarship Fund, the Church of the Good Shepherd Expansion Fund of a charity of the donor's choice.



St. Louis Post Dispatch 3/15/1994

Melba Parente Higginbotham Golman (1933-1994) MO

Golman, Melba Parente (nee Higginbotham), March 11, 1994, dear mother of Milde Hollingsworth, dear sister of Geraldine Nelson and Patricia Savage, dear grandmother of Abilyn Hollingsworth.

Funeral service will be held Wed., 10 a.m. at Stumpff Funeral Home, Bartlesville, OK. Visitation Tues., March 15, noon until 9 p.m. at the funeral home. Interment Memorial Park Cemetery, Bartlesville. A memorial service will be held Sun., March 20, 2 p.m. at the Woods Memorial Chapel of the Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, 9450 Clayton Rd. Memorial contributions may be sent to Washington University Law School.



The Kansas City Star 4/19/1994

Frances Higginbotham Brown (ca1906-1994) AR/MO

Frances Brown, 87, died April 17, 1994, in the Swope Ridge Geriatric Center, where she lived. Graveside services will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Brooking Cemetery. Friends may call from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday at the E.R. Morris Chapel. Mrs. Brown was born in De Queen, Ark., and lived in this area most of her life. She worked for General Services Administration before she retired. She was a Baptist. Survivors include a brother, Otis Higginbottom, De Queen.



The Kansas City Star 7/7/1994

Robert Wesley Higginbotham (1947-1994) MO

Robert "Higgie" Higginbotham, 47, Sugar Creel, died July 5, 1994 in Independence Regional Medical Center. Memorial services will be at 7 p.m. Friday at the Carson Independence Chapel; cremation. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Thayer, Mo., and lived in Carrollton, Mo., before he moved to this area 20 years ago. He was an ironworker. He served on the board of Local 10 of the Iron Workers Union. He was a member of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Lee's Summit. He was a Navy veteran of the Vietnam War. Survivors include his wife, Elaine Higginbotham of the home; two daughters, Mellissa L. Carter of the home and Lesa L. Higginbotham, Bakersfield, Calif.; a stepson, Monty Mitchell, Pleasant Hill in Cass County; two brothers, Ernest L. Higginbotham, Lake City, Fla., and Donald R. Higginbotham, Smithville, Va.; a sister, Doris J. Richardson, Warsaw, Mo.; and two grandchildren.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 4/30/1994




St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/8/1994

Florence M. Boyer Higginbotham (1905-1994) MO

Higginbotham, Florence M. (nee Boyer), on Mon., Dec. 5, 1994, in her 89th year, fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, dear wife of the late Cruise J. Higginbotham, dear daughter of the late Edward J., and Mary A. (nee DeGunia) Boyer, dear mother of Glynn C. (Lydia) Higginbotham, Wendell L. (Doris) Higginbotham, and Margie (Robert) Dengler, dear grandmother of Greg, Don (Debbie), Scot (Chris), Charlie (Cindy Bauman), Lee, Ricky Higginbotham, Diana (Denny) Harrell, M. Tina (Jim) Ham, Joyce (Bryan) Meier, and Gail (Tim) Simpson, dear great-grandmother of 12, great-great-grandmother of 2, dear friend of Evelyn Bertsch, and Betty Rausch.

Funeral from Krieg-Shauser South, 4228 S. Kings Highway, on Fri., Dec. 9, 9:30 a.m. to St. Mary Magdalen Church (Kings Highway and Bancroft), for 10 a.m. Mass. Interment, Resurrection. Visitation Thurs., 2-9 p.m.

Past member of St. Pius V Church, and honorary member of Goodfellows Ruth Chapter. Donations to Incarnate Word Hospice Group, appreciated.



The Kansas City Star 2/23/1995

Martha Theresa Camerlinck Higginbotham (1910-1995) MO

Martha Theresa Higginbotham, 84, Independence, Mo., died Wednesday, February 22, 1995, at Independence Regional Health Center. Funeral services 10 a.m. Saturday, February 25, at Carson's Independence Chapel; Burial Woodlawn Cemetery, Independence. Friends may call 7-8:30 p.m. Friday, February 24 at the Carson's Independence Chapel. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Mrs. Higginbotham was born November 12, 1910, in Kansas City, Mo. She was a homemaker and member of the First Christian Church, Independence. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold H. Higginbotham, Sr., November 15, 1993. Survivors include son, Harold "Bud" Higginbotham, Independence; daughter, Joann Muckensturm, Independence; brothers, Bill Camerlynch, Gus Camerlynch and Maurice Camerlynch, all of Independence; three sisters, Anna Harrel, Hardy, Ark., Lucy Higginbotham and Margaret Verhulst, Independence; and three grandchildren.



The Kansas City Star 4/12/1995

David Carl Higginbotham (1950-1995) MO/CO/CA

David Carl Higginbotham, 45, of Parker, Colo., passed away Saturday, April 8, (95, in San Francisco, Calif., from a boating accident. Memorial services will be in Denver on Thursday, April 13. Burial in the Military Cemetery in Denver.

Survivors include his wife, Linda, Parker; two sons, Brett E. Higginbotham, Overland Park, Ks., Shawn M. Higginbotham, Kansas City, Ks.; two stepdaughters, Tina Perry, Corinna Perry, both of Parker; granddaughter Sierra Marie Higginbotham; Overland Park; step-grandson, Alexander Parry, Parker; parents, Ed and Gerry Higginbotham, Olathe, Ks.; brother and sister-in-law, Dennis E. and Karen Higginbotham, Bucyrus, Ks.; Steven R. and Ceil Higginbotham, Henderson, Tex. Mr. Higginbotham was born April 1, 1950, in Kansas City, Mo. He graduated from Shawnee Mission North and attended Emporia State University. He then joined and served in the Kansas National Guard. He was employed by United Airlines in San Francisco, and resided in Parker, Colo. He loved fishing, golfing, and playing softball. He will be greatly missed as a beloved son, father, husband, brother, grandfather, and uncle. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorials be made to the charity of choice. (Arrangements: Bullock Mortuary, Englewood, Colo.)



The Steele Enterprise Thursday, June 1, 1995

Rosaline Higginbottom Bingham (1905-1995) MS/MO

Mrs. Rosaline Bingham, 89, of Steele, Mo. died of natural causes Friday, May 26, 1995 at Kennett (Mo.) Health Care Center.

Born Sunday, October 15, 1905 in Burnsville, Miss., she was a daughter of the late Looney and Maude Higginbottom.

On January 6, 1924, in Mississippi, she was united in marriage with Charles T. Bingham, Sr., who preceded her in death.

Affiliated with the Nazarene Church, she was a homemaker.

She leaves one son, Retired General Billy J. Bingham, of Springfield, Va.; a daughter, Lena Sue Bishop, of Nashville, Tenn.; one sister, Beatrice Roland, of Burnsville; eleven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.

Funeral services for Mrs. Bingham were held at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, May 28, 1995, at Bradshaw Funeral Home in Steele with Rev. Michael Funderburk officiating.

Burial was at Mt. Zion Cemetery in Steele with arrangements by Bradshaw Funeral Home of Steele.

Pallbearers were William Larry Bishop, Keith Bishop, Bradford J. Bishop, Steve Bingham, Greg Bingham and Kevin Bingham.

Honorary pallbearers were Patrick Bishop, Greg Handley, and Roger Handley.



The Springfield News-Leader 8/7/1995

Jewell Elnora Freeman Higginbotham (1916-1995) MO

Republic - Jewell Elnora Higginbotham, 79, Republic, Mo., died at 6:45 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 6, 1995, in Primrose Place, Springfield.

The daughter of Henry and Ethel Freeman, she was born March 24, 1916, in Crane, Mo.

She is survived by a son, Charles I. Higginbotham, Republic.

At her request, no services will be held. Burial will be in Maple Park Cemetery under direction of Greenlawn Funeral Home South.


Joplin Globe, Sunday, August 13, 1995

Harmon Oscar Higginbotham (1912-1995) MO

Harmon O. Higginbotham, 83, Joplin, died at 4:15 p.m. Saturday at his home after seven months of ill health.

Mr. Higginbotham was born June 11, 1912, at Neosho. He lived in Joplin all of his life. He was a farmer and a truck driver for Allied Van Lines Co. until he retired. He also operated a service station and motel in Cassville for 12 years. He was an Army Veteran of World War II and a member of the Hornet Christian Church.

He married Anna Mae Swiers of Aug. 15, 1954, in Joplin. She survives.

Additional survivors include two sons, Bruce Higginbotham, Omaha, Neb., and Richard Higginbotham, Joplin; a stepson, Willard Hailey, Bellevue, Neb.; two step-daughters, Bonna Beth Enderle, Carthage, and Janie Walker, Carl Junction; a sister, Elsie Sprouse, Rocklin, Calif.; 22 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren.

Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Hornet Cemetery. The Rev. Johnny Wilkins will officiate.

Arrangements are under the direction of Parker Mortuary.



The Kansas City Star 12/15/1995

Richard L. Higginbotham (1961-1995) VA/MO

Richard L. Higginbotham, 34, Independence, MO, died Wednesday, December 13, 1995, at his home. Memorial services will be at 3 p.m. Saturday, December 16, at Speaks Suburban Chapel; cremation.

Mr. Higginbotham was born February 20, 1961, in Virginia, and had lived most of his life in Independence, MO. He was a computer technician with a computer hardware company in Beaverton, OR, until 1992. He graduated from the Missouri Institute of Technology. His survivors include his wife, Rene Higginbotham, and a son, David Jacob Higginbotham, both of Kansas Coty, MO; a brother and sister-in-law, Bill and Candy Higginbotham; a half-brother, Danny Crudele, all of Independence, MO; two half-sisters, Denise Crudele, Katy, TX, and Cathy Heater, Independence, MO; his mother, Irene Higginbotham, Independence, MO; a paternal grandmother, Bea Higginbotham; and a maternal grandfather, Don Barritt, Bethany, MO.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/7/1996

Oliver Bailey Hickenbotham (1912-1996) MO

Hickenbotham, Oliver B., Jan. 5, 1996, beloved husband of Lena Hickenbotham, dear father of Ima Jean (Richard) McBee, Harley (Maxine), David (Margie), Warren (Barbara), Ken (Debbie) Hickinbotham and Carol (Dan) Coplin, dear brother of Emma Washburn, Gibson Hickinbotham, Mabel Busch and Edward Hickinbotham, or dear father-in-law, brother-in-law, grandfather of 15, great-grandfather of 6 and uncle.

Funeral Mon., Jan. 8, 10 a.m. from Jay B. Smith-Maplewood Chapel, 7456 Manchester. Interment Anaconda Cemetery, St. Clair, MO. Mr. Hickinbotham was a member of Lindenwood Baptist Church and a retired member of Teamsters Local #600 from Sealtest Dairy. Memorials to Mary Queen and Mother Center. Visitation Sun. after 2 p.m.


The Jonesboro (AR) Sun 02/04/1996

Charles Lafayette Higginbotham Jr. (1919-1996) MO
C.L. Bishop Higginbotham, 76, of Cardwell MO, died Friday in the Senath MO, Nursing Home. Born in
Senath, he was a retired farmer and a member of the Calvary Full Gospel Church in Cardwell. Survivors include one brother, Landon Higginbotham of Hemet CA; and one sister, Jewel Garrard of Cardwell, with who he had made his home since 1935. He was preceded in death by one brother. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 in the Heath Colonial Chapel in Paragould, with Rev Royce Schanda officiating. Burial will follow in the Cardwell Cemetery, under the direction of the Heath Funeral Home, where visitation will be held Monday evening from 6:30 to 8:30. Persons wishing to leave a lasting memorial have been asked by the family to consider the Calvary Full Gospel Church in Cardwell.



St. Joseph News-Press 4/20/1996

Charles Franklin Higginbotham (1904-1996) MO

Charles F. Higginbotham, 91, St. Joseph, died Thursday, April 18, 1996, at a St. Joseph hospital.

Mr. Higginbotham retired from Dean Haynes Machinery in St. Joseph. He also farmed in the Gentry County, Mo. area for several years.

Born in Albany, Mo., he moved to St. Joseph in 1953. He was a member of the King Hill Christian Church of St. Joseph.

In 1927, he married Crystal Shepherd in Atchison, Kan. She died in 1989.

Mr. Higginbotham also was preceded in death by two brothers, John and Ray; a sister, May Gregory; and a grandchild.

Surviving: a son, Roger, St. Joseph; five daughters, Jean Carson, Red Oak, Iowa, Doris Steele and Charlene Bachman, both of St. Joseph, Lorraine Pierce, Hot Springs Village, Ark., and Carol Flammger, Houston; 17 grandchildren; two step-grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; seven step-great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild.

Service: 1:30 p.m. Monday, Clark-Sampson Funeral Home, St. Joseph. Burial: Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Joseph. Visitation: after noon Sunday at the funeral home, where family will receive friends from 7 to 8 p.m. Sunday.



The Springfield News-Leader 6/5/1996

Anna Mary Ellen Hill Higginbotham (1916-1996) MO

Lee's Summit - Memorial services for Anna Mary Ellen Higginbotham, Lee's Summit, formerly of Springfield, will be at 11 a.m. Friday in Pleasant Hill Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery. The body has been cremated under direction of Kansas City Funeral Directors, Kansas City.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a retired owner of a floral shop, died at 10:21 a.m. May 27 in Independence Regional Medical Center, Independence, Mo.



The St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/15/1996

John Thomas Higginbotham (1931-1996) MO/VA

John Thomas Higginbotham Sr., 65, of Virginia Beach, Va., and formerly of Elsberry, died Thursday (Oct. 10, 1996) after suffering a heart attack near Warrenton.

Mr. Higginbotham was retired after having been self-employed for many years as a carpenter.

The funeral was Monday at Carter-Ricks Funeral Home in Elsberry. Burial was at the Elsberry City Cemetery.

Among survivors are four sons, John Thomas Higginbotham Jr. of Wellsville, Mo., Cary W. Thoelke and George "Eddie" Thoelke, both of Pompano Beach, Fla., and Larry W.. Thoelke of Texhoma, Okla.; one daughter, Brenda Sue Fisher of Virginia Beach; 14 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Memorial contributions to the American Heart Association can be made in care of Carter-Ricks Funeral Home, 107 South Fifth Street, Elsberry, Mo. 63343.



The Springfield News-Leader 1/8/1997

Bobby Dale Higginbotham (1953-1997) MO

Fair Play - Graveside services for Bobby D. Higginbotham, Fair Play, will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in Pitts Funeral Home, Bolivar, with burial in Akard Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a wood cutter, died Monday in Mountain View from injuries suffered in an automobile accident.

Friends may call at their convenience in the funeral home.



Democrat Argus 1/20/1997

Eugene Victor Higginbotham (1922-1997) MO

Eugene V. Higginbotham, 74, died January 18, 1997 at the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Blytheville. Born August 2, 1922, he was the son of the late George and Ethel Parnell Higginbotham.
Gene as he was known by his friends, served his country during WWII in Egypt and Italy.
He was married to Helen Higginbotham for over 26 years.
He worked as a warehouseman until he retired.
He became a Christian and was baptized into the Baptist Church April 11, 1982.
Gene and Helen have lived in Caruthersville since 1987.
Survivors include: his wife, Helen Higginbotham of Caruthersville, Mo.; two sons, Jim Higginbotham and Don Higginbotham; three Step-Sons, Wayne, Gary and Don Gourley; one Step-Daughter, Phyllis Helms; one brother, Wyman Higginbotham; two sisters, Aileen Holliday and Elsie Easley.
Services were held January 22, 1997 at the Dean Funeral Home Chapel with Dr. James Pinkerton officiating. Burial was in the Little Prairie Cemetery.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7/26/1997

Thomas James Higginbotham (1931-1997) MO

Higginbotham, Thomas J. "Jim", on Fri. July 25, 1997, fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church; dear father of Rick (Chris) Higginbotham, Susan (Jerry) DeRousse, and Sally (Keith) Lynch; dear grandfather of Jacob DeRousse, Shannon and Tarah Lynch; dear brother of Bob Higginbotham and Suzanne Carroll; our dear brother-in-law, uncle, gret uncle, cousin and friend.

Funeral Mon. 9:15 a.m. from John L Ziegenhein & Sons South County, 4830 Lemay Ferry Rd., to St. Timothy Catholic Church for 10 a.m. Mass. Interment National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial would be appreciated to the American Cancer Society. Visitation Sun. 3-9 p.m.



St. Louis Post Dispatch Thursday, September 4, 1997
Charles Lee Higgenbotham (1935-1997) MO
Higgenbotham, Charles L., Tuesday, Sept. 2,1997, beloved husband of Betty Higgenbotham, dear father and father-in-law of Charles, Jr. and Steven (Joann) Higgenbotham, Deborah Pavia and Mark Heckman, dear grandfather of Tracy, Steven, Jr., Michael, Brian and Brandon, great-grandfather of Laura, dear step-son of Phyllis, our beloved brother, brother-in-law, uncle, nephew, cousin and friend.
Funeral services 10 a.m. Fri., Sept. 5 at Hutchens Mortuary, 675 Graham Rd., Florissant. Interment Salem Ev. Lutheran Cemetery. Visitation 3-9 p.m. Thurs.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9/10/1997

Jerry L. Higginbotham (1929-1997) MO

Higginbotham, Jerry L., Sept. 4, 1997; dear husband of Nancy C. Higginbotham (nee Starnes); dear father of Lee Ann Higginbotham and Gary Scott Higginbotham.

He was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War. Funeral service from Chapel Hill Mortuary, Cedar Hill, Mo., Thurs. Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. Interment, Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Visitation Wed. Sept. 10, 5-9 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials to Animal Control of Jefferson County, 7105 Shelter Rd., Imperial, MO 63052; of Humane Society of Mo., 1210 Macklind, St. Louis, MO 63110.


The Examiner 11/12/1997

Effie Madeline Higginbotham Baker (1925-1997) KS/MO
E. Madeline Higginbotham Baker, 72, Kansas City, died Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1997, at Research Medical Center.
Mrs. Baker was born Sept. 15, 1925, in Bonner Springs, Kan. She was a member of the auxiliaries of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7900 and American Legion Post 598. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas F. Baker in 1989.
Her survivors include a stepson, Tom Baker, Liberty, Mo.; a brother, Dale Atwood Higginbotham, Independence; and several grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
Services will be 9 a.m. Friday at D.W. Newcomer`s Sons Floral Hills Chapel, Kansas City. Burial will be in Floral Hills Cemetery, Kansas City. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the VFW Post 7900 cancer fund.



The Springfield News-Leader 11/23/1997

Marie Ellen Higginbotham Booth (1909-1997) MO

Marie Ellen "Mug" Booth, 88, went to be with her Lord at 9:20 p.m. in the Strafford Care Center, where she had lived for the past year.

She was the oldest child of Holace and Emma Higginbotham, born on April 24, 1909. She was a longtime member of High Street Baptist Church and attended regularly until sickness kept her home. Marie was in the Beacon class.

MArie was a skilled seamstress and had a very green thumb. She could grow anything and lover her flowers so much. Her love for horses came from her childhood. She loved to travel and had been many places.

She was preceded in death by her husband of 50 years, Roscoe, who passed away August 1997; her parents; a sister, Juanita Breighaupt; two brothers, Con and Romie Higginbotham; two granddaughters, Sherry Ann Highfill in 1970 and Dara Booth; and a daughter-in-law, Leona Booth.

She is survived by a sister, Freida Bruer of Daleville, Ala.; a daughter and her husband, Joan and Hunter Highfill, Springfield; three sons, Gene and Maxine Booth, Springfield, Larry Booth, Springfield, and Hollis Booth, Battlefield; five granddaughters and their spouses, Linda Marie and Kenny Bridges, Battlefield, Peggy Booth, Nixa, Kim Booth, Battlefield, Tammy and David Moody, Scotts Valley, Calif., and Tara and Brian Dorsey, Springfield; a grandson, Steve and his wife, Linda, Springfield; four great-grandchildren, Reggie Bridges, Amanda and Todd Highfill and Danielle Dorsey; and a host of nieces and nephews which are very special. Friends include the devoted staff at Stafford Care Center, who became like a second family to her, especially her buddy, J.C.

She will be missed so much, but we know she is with her Lord, where she wants to be and we know we will see her again.

Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in Greenlawn Funeral Home North with the Rev. A.R. Wilson officiating. Burial will be in White Chapel Cemetery.

Visitation will be from 2 to 3 p.m. today in the funeral home.



The Springfield News-Leader 1/2/1998

Jessie C. Fraser Fowler Higginbotham (1902-1997) MO

Services for Jessie (Fowler) Higginbotham, Springfield, will be at 11 a.m. in Pitts Chapel, Bolivar, with burial in Mount View Cemetery, Polk.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a mobile home park owner/operator, died Wednesday in Cox Medical Center South, Springfield. Visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m. today in the funeral home.



The Springfield News-Leader 4/24/1998

Peggy Jeanette Cavender Hickenbottom (1937-1998) MO

Jeanette Cavender Hickenbottom, 61, Ozark, Mo., died Wednesday, April 22, 1998, in Research Medical Center, Kansas City, Mo.

Mrs. Hickenbottom was born Feb. 14, 1937, in Aldrich, Mo. She grew up in Galena and Stockton. She was active in 4-H and played volleyball in Galena. She and her family moved to Stockton for her senior year of high school. She attended Southwest Missouri State College and worked as a bookkeeper in Springfield for many years. She was a long-time member of the Order of the Eastern Star and was active in the Crescent Chapter in Springfield. She was a past worthy matron and past district deputy. Her Eastern Star activities led to extensive traveling throughout the United States and Canada. She enjoyed traveling with her husband and spending time with her children and grandchildren.

She is survived by her husband, Bob; her parents, Clarence and Irene Cavender, Stockton; three daughters, Carol Wagner and her husband,  David, Blue Springs, Karen Haraldson and her husband, Mark Donovan, Springfield, and Glenna Ploeger, Greenwood; a step-daughter, Janet Hickenbottom, Springfield; a step-son, Jerry Hickenbottom, Joplin; six grandchildren, Ashley and Christopher Wagner, Blue Springs, Alexis and Arlyn Brown, Springfield, and Nicholas and Joshua Ploeger, Greenwood; one step-grandchild, Mallina Donovan, Kenali, Alaska; a brother, Burnell Cavender and wife, Charlotte, Redlands, Calif.; and a sister-in-law, Ima Jean Stapleton, Harrison, Ark.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 25, 1998, in Gorman-Scharpf Brentwood Chapel with the Rev. Fred Royer officiating. Burial will be in Lindley Prairie Cemetery in Bear Creek.

Visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m. today in the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Lois J. Newman Fund, c/o Crescent Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, 1930 West Catalpa, Springfield, MO 65807.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 6/4/1998

Wendell Lee Higginbotham (1932-1998) MO

Higginbotham, Wendell L., Fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, Wed. June 3, 1998, beloved husband of Doris L. Higginbotham (nee Livingston), dear father of Charles (Cindy) and Wendell "Lee" Higginbotham, Jr., Mary "Tina" Ham, Joyce (Bryan) Meier, Richard Higginbotham and Margaret Dengler, our dear grandfather, great-grandfather, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin and friend.

Funeral from Kutis Affton Chapel, 10151 Gravois, Fri., June 5, 11 a.m. interment Resurrection Cemetery. Contributions to American Cancer Society appreciated. Visitation Thurs., 2-9 p.m.



The Examiner October 6, 1998
Gregory Alan Higginbotham (1958-1998) KS/MO
Gregory Alan Higginbotham, 40, Kansas City, formerly of Independence, died Saturday, Oct. 3, 1998, at Truman Medical Center East.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Feb. 8, 1958, in Wichita, Kan., and had lived in Independence from 1973 until moving to Kansas City two months ago. He was a union brick layer and stone mason. He was a graduate of Fort Osage High School.
His survivors include a daughter, Holly Sue Journey, Linwood, Kan.; his mother, Catherine Holt, Independence; his stepfather, Deepwater, Mo.; two brothers, David Higginbotham, Kansas City, and John Higginbotham, Oklahoma City; and two sisters, Roberta Meyers, Joshua Tree, Calif., and Joyce Larege, Marina Del Ray, Calif.
Services will be 11 a.m. Friday at D.W. Newcomer's Sons Noland Road Chapel, Independence; cremation. Friends may call from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the chapel.



The Kansas City Star 2/20/1999

Agnes Elizabeth Higginbotham (1910-1999) MO

Agnes E. Higginbotham, 88, Laurie, MO (formerly of the Kansas City area), passed away Thursday, February 18, 1999, at the Laurie Care Center. Graveside services will be 1:30 p.m. Monday, February 22, at Floral Hills Cemetery. Friends may call 12:30-1:30 p.m. Monday at the Newcomer Floral Hills Chapel.



The Examiner March 29, 1999
William Robert Higginbotham (1946-1999) MO
William Robert "Bob" Higginbotham, 53, Independence, died Saturday, March 27, 1999, at St. Mary's Hospital of Blue Springs.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Feb. 25, 1946, in Kansas City. He was an over-the-road truck driver for Roadway Express for the past nine years, and a member of Teamsters Union Local 41. He was a member of the Plaza Heights Baptist Church.
His survivors include his wife, Kay Higginbotham of the home; one son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Jacque Higginbotham, Gravois Mills, Mo.; one son and daughter-in-law, James and Wendy Kaske, Independence; eight grandchildren, John, Jeremy, Amy, Christopher, Holly, Kayti, Amanda and Julia; and one great-grandson, Jeremy.
Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Royer Funeral Home, Grain Valley. Burial will be in Valley Memorial Gardens, Grain Valley. Friends may call from 6 to 8:30 tonight at the funeral home. The family suggests contributions to the Carondelet Hospice in care of St. Mary's Hospital of Blue Springs.



St. .Louis Post-Dispatch 5/20/1999

Isabelle Andrews Higginbotham (1919-1999) MO

Isabelle Andrews Higginbotham, a community volunteer, died Tuesday (May 18, 1999) at her home in Frontenac after a heart attack. She was 79.

Since the 1970s, Mrs. Higginbotham has been active in Meals on Wheels, the Wednesday Club, the Ladue Garden Club and the Junior League of St. Louis.

She was born and reared in St. Louis. She graduated from Washington University and briefly taught elementary school. She was the widow of businessman Frank Cameron Higginbotham.

A memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 1166 South Mason Road, Town and Country. The body was cremated.

Among the survivors are a son, Robert Bruce Higginbotham of Kirkwood; a daughter, Pamela Higginbotham Tvedt of Town and Country; a sister, Elaine Hahn of Cleveland; and four grandchildren.

Memorial contributions may be made to Children's Health Foundation in care of St. Louis Children's Hospital; the Church of the Good Shepherd Expansion Fund, 1166 South Mason Road, Town and Country, Mo. 63131; of to a charity of the donor's choice.


Daily American Republic 5/26/1999

Oneta Pearlene Eaker Higginbotham (1933-1999) MO
PILOT KNOB, Mo. - Pearlene Higginbotham, 65, of Pilot Knob, formerly of Malden, died Tuesday, May 25, 1999.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Dec. 15, 1933, in Hahn. She attended the First Baptist Church in Pilot Knob and worked at Town & Country Supermarket in Malden. She was married to Luther C. Higginbotham; he preceded her in death.
Survivors include one daughter, Deborah Kelley, of Pilot Knob; one brother, Earnest R. Eaker, of Campbell; one sister, Linda Kay Dorris, of Bernie; and two grandchildren.
Visitation will be at 5 p.m. Friday at Bradshaw Funeral Home in Malden. The funeral will be at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home chapel with the Rev. Dewayne Francis officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery in Malden.




Jessie Ray Higginbotham (1903-1999) MO

Jessie Ray Higginbotham, 95, Bolivar, died Monday, May 31, 1999, at Citizens Memorial Hospital following a lingering illness. He was born July 20, 1903, at Burns to Frank and Eve Higginbotham.

He was united in marriage to Verble Hale on May 19, 1927, in Bolivar. He had been a farmer.

Survivors include two sons, Charles Troy Higginbotham of Wathena, Kan., and Coy Higginbotham of Elwood, Kan.; five daughters, Marsia Dee Jones of Lebanon, Joyce Johnson of Stockton, Sylvia Fread of Criag, Colo., Peggy Rumble of Humansville and Judy Currie of St. Joseph; 27 grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren and 18 great-great-grandchildren. Also surviving are a brother-in-law, Raymond Hale of Redland, Calif.; four sisters-in-law, Pearl West and Dot Cox, both of Bolivar, Ann Steward, state of California, and Ugenia Hale of Polk; as well as numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Verble; an infant daughter, Freda; a son, Roy; two brothers, one sister, three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 3, in Pitts Chapel. Visitation will be from 1 p.m. until service time Thursday at the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made at the funeral home to All Children's Hospital of St. Louis.



The Kansas City Star 6/24/1999

Stephen Chase Higinbotham Sr. (1919-1999) MO/KS

Stephen Chase Higinbotham Sr., 80, Prairie Village , KS, died June 23, 1999. Memorial service will be 3:30 p.m. Friday, June 25, at Grace and Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Memorial contributions may be made to the cathedral of St. Luke's Hospital Foundation.

Mr. Higginbotham was born June 13, 1919, in Kansas City, MO. He graduated from Rockhurst High School and Rockhurst College, and was a member of the Rockhurst honorary board of directors. He served with General George Patton's Third Army Headquarters staff in World War II. He achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel before his discharge in 1946 at Fort Dix, NJ. He was formerly vice president and general manager of Stern, Slegman, Prins. He was a founder and former resident of the Kansas City Shipper Association, and served as president of the Kansas City Apparel Association. He was a member of the board of directions of St. Luke's Hospital for 38 years and the board of directors of Hospice Care of Mid-America. He served on the board of directors of the Barstow School. He was a member of Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and served on the vestry. He was a former member of Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church and served as senior warden of its vestry. He was for many years active in the Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri, where he served on the executive council and as deputy to several conventions of the Episcopal church. He was a member and past president of Mission Hills Country Club. Survivors include his wife of 43 years, Constance, of the home; daughter, Holly Higinbotham, Windsor, MA; son, Stephen Chase Higinbotham Jr.; two grandchildren; and two sisters. (Arrangements: D.W. Newcomer's Sons Stine & McClure Chapel)



Kansas City Star July 16, 1999

Lutie Josephine Higginbotham Stevens (1916-1999) AR/MO

Lutie Josephine Stevens, 83, Oak Grove, MO, passed away Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at St. Mary's Hospital, Blue Springs, MO. Graveside services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, July 17, at Mt. Tabor Cemetery, Odessa, MO. Friends may call 2-8 p.m. Friday at Ralph O. Jones Funeral Home, Odessa. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association. Mrs. Stevens was born January 26, 1916, in Rogers, AR, the daughter of Charles and Emma Higginbotham. She moved to Kansas City in 1925. In 1933, she married Glenn Stevens; he preceded her in death in 1992. They had made their home in Independence before moving to rural Windsor, MO, in 1977. She was a lifelong homemaker and a devoted mother and grandmother. She was also preceded in death by a sister, four brothers, and two daughters-in-law, Ocena V. Stevens and Nancy B. Stevens. Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Glenna and Charles Bisogno, of the home; five sons, Edwin Glenn Stevens Jr. and wife, Lorene, Higginsville, MO, Robert Lee Stevens, Bates City, MO, William Eugene Stevens, Centerview, MO, Gary Wayne Stevens and wife, Kay, Bates City, MO, and James Arthur Stevens, Independence, MO; sister, Sally Bratton and husband, Marshall, Grandview, MO; brother, Eddie Higginbotham and wife, Mona, Independence, MO; 12 loving grandchildren; 12 precious great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Arrangements: Ralph O. Jones Funeral Home, Odessa, MO.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9/9/1999

Donald Wayne Higginbotham Jr. (1964-1999) MO

Higginbotham, Donald Wayne Jr. passed away September 1, 1999 at the age of 35; beloved son of Carol Higginbotham; loving brother of Tonya (Keith) Macomber and Jill (Joseph) Reazor.

A memorial service will be conducted 2 p.m., Friday, September 10, 1999 at Mayer Funeral Home, 4356 Lindell Blvd. (533-0293). Family will receive friends from 12 noon until the hour of service.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 11/25/1999

Lena Ethel Gaugh Hickenbotham (1916-1999) MO

Hickenbotham, Lena E. (nee Gaugh), Nov. 23, 1999; beloved wife of the late Oliver B. Hickenbotham; dear mother of Ima Jean (Richard) McBee, Harley (Maxine), David, Warren, Ken (Debbie) Hickenbotham, and Carol Coplin; dear grandmother of 15, great-grandmother of 8, great-great-grandmother of 1; our dear sister-in-law and aunt.

Funeral Saturday, Nov. 27, 11 a.m. from the J.B. Smith Maplewood Chapel, 7456 Manchester. Interment Anaconda Cemetery, St. Clair, MO. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, or the Lindenwood Baptist Church. Visitation Friday, 3-9 p.m.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/4/2000

Lenora V. Weirich Higgenbotham (1917-2000) MO

Higgenbotham, Lenora V. (nee Weirich), Thursday, March 2, 2000; wife of the late Edward H. Higgenbotham; dear mother of Carol A. Moellenhoff; grandmother of John Edward Moellenhoff & Victoria Ann Glatt; great-grandmother of Samantha, John Edward Jr., Hadden & Olivia.

Funeral service at the Schrader Funeral home, 14960 Manchester Rd. at Holloway, Ballwin, Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Visitation 1 hour prior to service. Interment Bellerive Heritage Gardens. If desired, contributions may be made to Webster Groves Presbyterian Church Kid's Day Out Program, 45 West Lockwood, St. Louis, MO 63119.



The Springfield News-Leader 4/13/2000

Bobby Frank Higginbotham (1927-2000) MO

Cape Girardeau - Bobby frank Higginbotham, 72, Cape Girardeau, passed away at 1:50 p.m. Monday, April 10, 2000, in Missouri Veteran's Home, Cape Girardeau.

He was born May 22, 1927, in Broseley, Mo., the son of Earl J. Higginbotham and Ida B. Swafford Higginbotham. He married Roberta M. Nofsinger March 9, 1963, in Wray, Colo. She preceded him in death Aug. 24, 1998.

Bobby was a U.S. Navy veteran. He was a manager of a truck stop in Burlington, Colo., for 21 years, retiring in 1988. He moved to Cape Girardeau from Poplar Bluff, Mo., in 1998.

He was receded in death by his wife, his parents, two brothers and two sisters.

He is survived by a daughter, Billie Kay Slone, Poplar Bluff; a sister, Maude Belle Harvey, St. Louis; a brother, Larry E. Higginbotham, Springfield; and 17 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Arrangements are under the direction of Ford & Sons Funeral Home, Cape Girardeau.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8/24/2000

Robert Burgess Higginbotham Jr. (1923-2000) MO

Bob Higginbotham, beloved husband of 54 years to Wilma Laura Higginbotham (nee Powers-Tebbe) died on Wed., Aug. 23, 2000, at home. Cherished Dad to Cheryl (Gary) Price, Leslie Rahn, Rocky (Laura) and Scott (Vilma). He was a loving grandfather of 10 and great-grandfather of 1; dear son of Josephine (now 101) and dear brother to Lester Joseph (Gloria) Higginbotham.

Bob was born at home on Vista Avenue in St. Louis on July 20, 1923. A natural athlete, in 1941 he was quarterback and captain of Roosevelt High School's football team as well as captain of the All-City football team. He was also mayor of Roosevelt the same year. He became a proud Marine, serving in the South Pacific throughout the war. After his discharge, he married his high school sweetheart, Wilma Laura Powers-Tebbe.

He returned to his pre-war job at Edison Bros. Stores and continued his lifelong love of sports, playing rugby, baseball, softball and as an accomplished golfer. He spent his entire professional life, over 40 years, at Edison Bros., retiring in the 1980s as vice president. After spending 15 years in retirement in Florida, he returned to his hometown in St. Louis in 1999 to spend his final days with his loving family.

Funeral at Schrader Funeral Home, 14960 Manchester Road, Ballwin, Friday, 9 a.m. Interment at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. If desired, contributions may be made to Unity Health Hospice, 12409 Powers Court Drive, St. Louis, MO 63131. Visitation Thursday, 3-9 p.m.



St. Joseph News-Press 9/7/2000

Doris Irene Higginbotham Steele Sherer (1931-2000) MO

Doris I. (Higginbotham) Steele Sherer, 69, St. Joseph, died Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2000, at her home.

Mrs. Sherer was born in Darlington, Mo., on Jan. 29, 1931. She had lived in St. Joseph for the past 45 years.

She was manager of JC Penney's catalogue department in St. Joseph until retiring.

Mrs. Sherer graduated from Albany (Mo.) High School and was a member of Wyatt Park Christian Church. She was the sponsor of New Generations singers and was active in church groups.

On July 8, 1999, she married Raymond Sherer in Fairhope, Ala. He survives of the home.

Mrs. Sherer was preceded in death by her first husband, Bill Steele, in 1997; and her parents, Charles and Crystal Higginbotham.

Additional survivors: four daughters, Rhonda Adams, Gail Sears, and Lisa Schildknecht, all of St. Joseph, and Karen Moore, Platte City, Mo.; a son, Michael Steele, Union Star, Mo.; a step-daughter, Linda Starks, St. Joseph; four sisters, Jean Larson, Red Oak, Iowa, Lorraine Pierce, Hot Springs, Ark., Carol Flammger, Houston, Texas, and Charlene Bachman, St. Joseph; a brother, Roger Higginbotham, St. Joseph; eight grandchildren; 10 step-grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.

Service: 2 p.m. Saturday, Heaton-Bowman-Smith & Sidenfaden Chapel, St. Joseph. The body will be cremated following the service. Family visitation: 6 to 8:30 p.m. Friday at the funeral home where friends may call after 5 p.m. today. Memorials made to Wyatt Park Christian Church.



St. Joseph News-Press 5/23/2001

Helen Frances Higginbotham Carrel (1925-2001) MO/CA

San Diego - Helen F. (Higginbotham) Carrel, 76, San Diego, formerly of Albany, Mo., died Saturday, May 19, 2001.

Mrs. Carrel, a homemaker, also had been a dietician at the Scripps Medical Center in San Diego until retiring.

Born in Albany on May 6, 1925, she had resided in San Diego for 56 years.

Mrs. Carrel was a graduate of Albany high school and a member of the David Chapel Church of Christ in Albany.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Ray and Orpha Higginbotham; and an aunt and her husband, May and Sherman Gregory, who raised her.

Surviving: three daughters, Betty Hill, Peachtree City, Ga., Beverly James, Jemez Springs, N.M., and Mary Ehlers, Escondido, Calif.; and seven grandchildren.

Service: noon Thursday, Greenwood Mortuary, San Diego. Burial: Greenwood Memorial Park, San Diego. Family visitation: 4 to 8 p.m. today at the mortuary.



The Kansas City Star 7/15/2001

Carl Wesley Higginbotham (1917-2001) MO

Carl W. Higginbotham, 84, Raytown, MO, passed away July 13, 2001, at North Kansas City Hospital. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday, July 16, 2001, at D.W. Newcomer's Sons Floral Hills Chapel; burial in Forest Hill Cemetery. Friends may call 2-4 p.m. Sunday at the chapel. Memorial contributions may be made to Children's Mercy Hospital, 2401 Gilham Rd., Kansas City, MO.

Carl was born March 11. 1917, in Ft. Belfontaine, MO, near St. Louis. He was a veteran of WWII, serving in the Asiatic Pacific Theatre. He was a warded a Bronze Star. He was a life member of VFW Post #1829 and past member of the Masonic Lodge. Carl retired as a welder at Frisco Railway after 30 years of service. Survivors include his wife of 55 years, Louise, of the home; one brother, Harvey Higginbotham, of Independence, MO; plus numerous other relatives and friends.



The Kansas City Star 10/17/2001

Louis Jean Morgan Higginbotham (1913-2011) MO

Louise J. Higginbotham, longtime resident of Raytown, MO, died October 15, 2001. Services will be 3 p.m. Thursday at D.W. Newcomer's Sons Floral Hills Chapel; burial in Forest Hill Cemetery. Visitation will precede services from 2-3 p.m. at the chapel. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to North Care Hospice, 2900 Clay Edwards Dr., North Kansas City, MO 64116.

Louise was born  February 25, 1913, in rural Camden County, near Linn Creek, MO. She was born an only child to Susie and John Hunter and grew up in Camden County. Later she moved to Kansas City North area where she was a beauty operator. She went to work for John Deere Co. in 1941, retiring in 1969. She was preceded in death by her husband of 55 years, Carl Higginbotham. She met Carl while visiting her mother in Camdenton, MO, in 1941.They corresponded during World War II and were married when he returned from the war in 1946. They were longtime members of the First Christian Church of Independence, MO, where they were married. She will be missed by her many cousins and friends.


The Daily Journal (Flat River, MO) 9/16/2001

Hilda Nancy Higginbotham DeClue (1914-2001) MO

Hilda DeClue, 86, Potosi, passed away Sept. 13, 2001, in the Georgian Gardens Nursing Home.

Survivors are sons: Donald DeClue, Potosi, Stanley DeClue, Salt Lake City, Utah, Wayman DeClue, Potosi; daughter, Betty Ward, San Diego, Calif.; eight grandchildren; six great-grandchildren.

Visitation 6-9 p.m. Monday at Britton Funeral Home in Potosi. Funeral services 10 a.m. Tuesday in Britton Chapel. Burial in Souls Chapel Cemetery.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 11/26/2001

Janet D. Payne Hickinbotham (1937-2001) MO

Janet D. Hickinbotham, 64, of O'Fallon, died Thursday (Nov. 22, 2001) at St. Joseph Hospital West in Lake St. Louis.

Mrs. Hickinbotham was an accountant and clerk for the Brown Shoe Co. in St. Louis for 20 years.

A funeral was held Sunday at Baue Funeral Home in St. Charles.

Among survivors are five daughters, Sandra O'Neil of Wentzville, Kathy Mantle of St. Charles, Debby Pridemore of Florissant, Tracy A. Artensen of St. Louis and Donna Wade of O'Fallon; a brother, George W. Payne of Wentzville; two sisters, Gloria Ralston of St. Charles and Joyce Thrasher of St. Charles; 10 grandchildren and one great-grandson.

Memorial contributions can be made to the American Heart Association, in care of Baue Funeral Home, 620 Jefferson Street, St. Charles, Mo., 63301.




Ada Harness Higginbotham (1900-2001) MO

Ada Higginbotham of Farmington, Missouri, formerly of Caledonia, Missouri was born Tuesday, September 18, 1900 in DeSoto, Missouri, a daughter of the late Henriette (Ottomeyer) and John W. Harness. Ada departed this life in Farmington, Missouri on December 1, 2001 at the age of 101 years, 2 months and 13 days. Ada was united in marriage to Melzo M. Higginbotham on August 13, 1920 in Hillsboro, Missouri. They were blessed to have one son born to the union. Ada was preceded in death by her husband, Melzo Higginbotham, one son, Lindell Higginbotham, her parents, one sister, Verdie Moodstaw and one brother, Elzie Harness. Ada is survived by many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Ada and her husband owned and operated a farm near Caledonia for many years. They took great pride in the community and Caledonia Methodist Church. Visitation for Ada was held Monday, December 3, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri. Funeral services were held Monday, December 3, 2001 at the Moore Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Bob Bullock officiating. Burial was in the Blackwell Masonic Cemetery under the direction of the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri.



Miami News Record (Miami, OK) 3/29/2002

Charles Albert Higginbotham (1929-2002) OK/MO

Charles Albert "Al" Higginbotham of Seneca, Mo., died at 2:05 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2002, at his home after a short illness. He was 72.

Higginbotham was born Oct. 1, 1929, in Ottawa County to Sam and Josephine Higginbotham. He lived in the Seneca are his entire life and was a 1947 graduate of Seneca High School.

He was employed by the former Sperry Vickers Plant, Joplin, Mo., for 31 years retiring in 1985. He owned and operated the Flower Basket in Seneca from 1978 to 1992. He was a member of the Wyandotte Tribe. He was a member of the South Joplin Christian Church where he was a past member of the Fisher Class. He was also a past member and deacon of Seneca Christian Church.

He married Frances Earlene Holford Dec. 16, 1949, in Joplin. She preceded him in death Dec. 10, 2000. He was also preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Sammie.

Survivors include two daughters and their husbands, Cathy and Gary Gray of Joplin and Jenny and Gary Kramme of Broken Arrow; a son and his wife, Rob and Kathy Higginbotham of Seneca; two sisters-in-law, Darlene Bass of Nevada and Shirley Holford of Joplin; seven grandchildren, Ian Gray, Leah Gray, Craig Kramme, Sonya Higginbotham, Chelsea Higginbotham and Seth Higginbotham, a and great-granddaughter, Felecity.

The graveside service is 2 p.m. Monday at the Seneca Cemetery with the Rev. Jill Cameron and the Rev. Dan Wholenaus officiating.

Honorary pallbearers are his grandsons and sons-in-law.

The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the Campbell-Biddlecome Funeral Home, Seneca.



The Examiner 05/01/2002

Bazil Thomas Higginbotham (1923-2002) AZ/MO
Bazil Thomas Higginbotham, 78, Independence, died Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at his home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Dec. 6, 1923, in Mesa, Ariz., the son of Brown and Della May Higginbotham. He was an Army veteran of World War II. He worked for the Santa Fe Railroad for many years. He was a member of the Community of Christ and attended the Special Ministries Mission.
His survivors include his wife, Wilma Mae Higginbotham, of the home; four children, Linda Louise Benson and Ellen Kathleen Herndon, both of Independence, David Bazil Higginbotham, Phoenix, Ariz., and Thomas William Higginbotham, San Antonio, Texas; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a brother, Frank Donald Higginbotham, Cottonwood, Ariz.; and a sister, Ruth Dammann, Florida.
Services will be 10 a.m. Friday at the Speaks Midtown Chapel, Independence. Burial will be in Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to Special Ministries, in care of the Tri-Stake Mission Center.


Kansas City Star on Oct. 12, 2002
Harvey Walter Higginbotham (1919-2002) OK/MO
Harvey W. Higginbotham, 82, Independence, MO, died Thursday, October 10, 2002, at Independence Regional Health Center. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Monday, October 14, at George C. Carson & Sons Independence Chapel; burial in Mt. Washington Forever Cemetery. Friends may call 6-8 p.m. Sunday at the chapel. Mr. Higginbotham was born November 10, 1919, in Hartshorn, OK. He served a total of nine years in the U.S. Army and was a Bronze Star recipient in WWII. He retired from Armco Steel after 32 years. He is survived by Lucy Higginbotham, his wife of 62 years, son, Gregg Higginbotham, two daughters, Sharel Mawby and Jandra Birkes, eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

 Kansas City Star on Oct. 18, 2002
Sandra Jean Higginbotham Gillispie Smotherman (1945-2002) MO/KS
Sandra Smotherman, 57, of Shawnee, KS, passed away October 17, 2002, at her home. Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Monday, October 21, 2002, at Maple Hill Funeral Home. Burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery. Friends may call from 6-8 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Kansas City Hospice or the American Diabetes Foundation. Mrs. Smotherman was born September 17, 1945, in Kansas City, MO, to Elmer and Betty Jean (Gillum) Higginbotham. Sandra was a lifelong area resident and ran a Day Care out of her home for many years. Survivors include husband, Robert Neal Smotherman Sr., son, Robert Neal Smotherman Jr., both of the home, sister, Barbara Williamson, Spring Hill, KS. (Arrangements: Maple Hill Funeral Home, 913-831-3345)


The Kansas City Star 8/18/2002

Susie Jean Reinbolt Higginbotham Anderson (1925-2002) MO

Susie G. Anderson, 76, of Kansas City, MO, passed away August 8, 2002, at Truman Medical Center West. Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Monday, August 19, at Forest Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Anderson was born October 3, 1925 in Kansas City, MO. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joe Higginbotham and a granddaughter, Megan Jo. Survivors include her daughters, Joann Reinisch and Sharon Reinisch; six grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; and her beloved dog, Nikki. (Arrangements: Sheil-Blackman Funeral Home (816) 241-6665)


Atchison (KS) Daily Globe 10/28/2002

Michelle Parnell Higginbotham (1968-2002) KS/MO

Michelle "Shelly" Higginbotham, 34, Seligman, Mo., died Thursday, Oct. 24, 2002, in an automobile accident near Washburn, Mo.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 19, 1968, in Winchester, the daughter of Loye Lynn and Bethel Verleda Foster Parnell.

Shelly, as she was known to her family and friends, moved from Kansas to Arkansas, remaining there until moving to the Washburn and Seligman areas around 10 years ago. She had been a nurses aid and was employed at the Total Service Station in Seligman, Mo.

She was united in marriage to Terrill Clark and later married Richard Higginbotham.

Survivors include her mother, Bethel Parnell of Mountain Home, Ark.; a son, Brandon Michael Hund of Platte City, Mo.; two daughters, Elizabeth Marie Clark and Brandie-Nicoll Hund, both of Seligman, Mo., a brother, Larry Lynn and Kathy Parnell of Mount Pleasant, Mich.; and two sisters, Jo Ann and Pat Byrns of Bailey, Colo., and Carolyn Anita and Jimmy Requa of Exeter, Mo.

She was preceded in death by her father.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. today in Galatia Assembly of God Church, Northfork, Ark., under direction of Fohn Funeral Home, Cassville, Mo. Burial will be in Galatia Cemetery Northfork, Ark.



The Kansas City Star 10/12/2002

Harvey Walter Higginbotham (1919-2002) OK/MO

Harvey W. Higginbotham, 82, Independence, MO, died Thursday, October 10, 2002, at Independence Regional HEalth Center. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Monday, October 14, at George C. Carson & Sons Independence Chapel; burial in Mt. Washington Forever Cemetery. Friends may call 6-8 p.m. Sunday at the chapel.

Mr. Higginbotham was born November 10, 1919, in Hartshorne, OK. He served a total of nine years in the U.S. Army and was a Bronze Star recipient in WWII. He retired from Armco Steel after 32 years. He is survived by Lucy Higginbotham, his wife of 62 years, son, Gregg Higginbotham, two daughters, Sharel Mawby and Jandra Birkes, eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.



The Kansas City Star 10/18/2002

Sandra Jean Higginbotham Gillispie Smotherman (1945-2002) MO/KS

Sandra Smotherman, 57, of Shawnee, KS, passed away October 17, 2002, at her home. Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Monday, October 21, 2002, at Maple Hill Funeral Home. Burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery. Friends may call from 6-8 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Kansas City Hospice or the American Diabetes Foundation. Mrs. Smotherman was born September 17, 1945, in Kansas City, MO, to Elmer and Betty Jean (Gillum) Higginbotham. Sandra was a lifelong area resident and ran a Day Care out of her home for many years. Survivors include husband, Robert Neal Smotherman Sr., son, Robert Neal Smotherman Jr., both of the home, sister, Barbara Williamson, Spring Hill, KS. (Arrangements: Maple Hill Funeral Home, 913-831-3345)



The Springfield News-Leader 10/20/2002

Ertis Grace Vance Higginbotham Trotter Parker (1921-2002) MS/MO

The Shepherd has called home another member of His flock. Ertis Grace Trotter left this world for everlasting life on Thursday, October 17, 2002, at the age of 81.

Born June 30, 1921, in Dorsey, Mississippi, Ertis lived most of her life in Springfield as a homemaker and seamstress. She was active in the baking industry as an Auxiliarian member and secretary of the Bakers' Local 235. She was one of two daughters of the late Samuel and Lavada Vance and was preceded in death by husbands James Higginbotham, Earl Trotter and John Parker; and sister Verbie Reynolds.

Family and friends who are left behind are grateful for the precious gift given to them during these past 81 years. Ertis, affectionately known as "Memie" by her grandchildren, was known for her kind and gentle spirit and will forever be missed by those who were blessed to know her. During tha past few years of her courageous battle with cancer and diabetes, visits by her great-grandchildren Emily, Hailey, Jamie and Parker have been the foremost source of cheer and joy.

Ertis is survived by her daughter, Linda Cruber (Higginbotham), Nettleton, MS; her twin daughters, Jerrie Jane Trotter, Marshall, MO, and Jeanne and her husband JR Langston, Springfield; seven grandchildren, Dale Cruber II, Cindy Sullivan, Terry Sullivan, Randy Sullivan, all of Nettleton, MS, Kim Gardner and Jason Langston of Springfield, and Chris Langston, Raymore, MO; and nine great-grandchildren. She is further survived by nieces, nephews, and other relatives and many friends.

Funeral services for Ertis will be held at 1 p.m. Monday, October 21 at Greenlawn Funeral Home North, Springfield, with Alan Schmidt officiating.

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions be made to the American Diabetes Association.

We would like to thank all of the staff of Christian Health Care West for their support and loving care.




Janice Lee Higgenbotham Light (1940-2002) IL/MO

Janice Lee Light, of Rolla, passed away Thursday, October 31, 2002 at the Phelps County Regional Medical Center at the age of 62.

She was born in Joliet, Illinois on January 27, 1940 to the late Bernard and Vesta (Leonard) Higgenbotham. She was married to Charles Leroy Light Sr. November 30, 1963, who preceded her in death on June 27, 1990. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by her infant son, Charles L. Light Jr., a brother, Bernard Higgenbotham, and a sister, Stella Higgenbotham.

She will be greatly missed by her surviving family which includes four sons, Tom Light and wife Doris, of Rolla, James Light , of St. James, Charles Leroy Light Jr., of Rolla, and Willard Light and wife Becky, of Rolla; three brothers, Robert Higgenbotham, Glen Higgenbotham and wife Ellen, and Marvin Higgenbotham and wife Ruby, all of Illinois; one sister, Alta Wolfe and husband Bob, of Illinois; seventeen grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews, other extended family members and dear friends.

Funeral services for Janice Light will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 3, 2002 at the Null and Son Funeral Home with Pastor Tim Cook officiating. Interment will follow the service in the Rolla City Cemetery. A visitation for family and friends was held from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday evening.

All arrangements are under the direction of the Null and Son Funeral Home in Rolla, Missouri.



Kansas City Star on Jan. 1, 2003
LaVerne C. Glenn Higginbotham (1927-2002) MO
LaVerne "Vernie" Higginbotham, 75, of Lee's Summit, MO, died Monday, December 30, 2002, at home. She was born August 5, 1927, in Greenwood, MO. She was a member of the First Christian Church of Blue Springs. She was involved in Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 5789, Lee's Summit, and the Needle Guild at the Ararat Shrine, Kansas City, MO. She was preceded in death by her husband, Calvin Gene Higginbotham, son, Douglas Higginbotham, sister, Myrtle Zellner, and one brother. Survivors include her son, Ron Harvey, and daughter, Teresa Thomas, both of Lee's Summit, MO; sisters, Frances Baxter of Strasburg, MO, and Florene Miller of Henderson, TN; seven grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. Thursday, January 2, 2003, at Webb-Freer Funeral Home, 205 S.W. 17th St., Blue Springs, MO, where services will be 2 p.m. Friday, January 3; burial in Blue Springs Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Shriners Children's Transportation Fund, c/o Ararat Shrine, 5100 Ararat Dr., Kansas City, MO 64129-1998. (Arr.: Webb-Freer Funeral Home, Blue Springs, MO)



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/12/2003

Mabel Martha Hickinbotham Busch (1923-2003) MO

Busch, Mabel M. (nee Hickinbotham), asleep in Jesus on Wed., Jan. 8, 2003, beloved wife of the late Henry Vernon Busch; wonderful mother of Joan Caito, Jean (Dana) Chipperfield, Lawson G. (Peggy) Wideman, the late Daniel (Laura) Kargacin, Jo Ann (Dennis) Bengel and David (Nancy) Busch; our dear grandmother of 15, great-grandmother of 25, sister, sister-in0law, aunt, cousin and friend to many.

Donations to the New Life Evangelistic Centery, 1411 Locust (63103), appreciated. Services were held on Sat., Jan. 11, 2003 at Kutis South County Chapel.



The Joplin Globe 01/28/2003
Ethel Louise Nichols Higginbotham (1927-2003) ND/MO
Ethel Louise Higginbotham, 75, affectionately known as "Nana" died at 10:40 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003 in St. John's Regional Medical Center, Joplin, Mo.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born March 5, 1927 in Millerton, N.D., to Robert Nichols and Daisy Parfait Nichols. She was a member of the Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage,, Mo., serving on the St. Margaret's Alter Guild. She owned and operated Gay's Jewelry in Carthage from 1960 to 1971. She was a sales associate from Belk Simpson's Department store for three years; a nurse's aid for St. Luke's nursing Center for two years; nurse's aid for McCune-Brooks Hospital for 12 years and a care giver for private home care for several years.
Survivors include two daughters, Connie M. Alexander, Tulsa, Okla.; Lynette S. Gass, Carthage, Mo.; a son, John W. Higginbotham, Jr., Carthage, Mo.; four brothers, LeRoy Nichols, Wichita, Kan., Clifford Nichols, Rock, Kan., Lawrence Nichols, state of California, Harvey Nichols, state of Washington; four sisters, Laverne Richardson, state of California, Daisy Lusty, state of California, Hazel Redman, Jamestown, N.D., Gladys Riedman, state of California; five grandchildren ; and five great- grandchildren.
Prayer Vigil and Visitation will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, in the Common room of the Grave Episcopal Church, Carthage, Mo. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the Grace Episcopal Church. Rev. Steve Wilson and Deacon John Anderson will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery, Carthage, Mo. Memorial gifts may be made to the Palliative Care Unit, St. John's Regional Medical Center or the "Nana" Fund Grace Episcopal Church.
Arrangements are under the direction of the Knell Mortuary, Carthage, Mo.



 Kansas City Star on Feb. 9, 2003
Celia Mae Higginbotham McKinney (1915-2003) VA/WV/MO
Celia Mae McKinney, 87, of Charleston, WV, passed to Heaven, February 6, 2003, in Lee's Summit following a stomach cancer diagnosis in July 2002. She moved to her son's residence in August. She was born December 26, 1915 in Boissevain, VA, to Morris and Annie Mae Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harry Lee McKinney. She was a 1937 graduate of Charleston General Hospital School of Nursing and administered anesthetics there until the war. She worked at Charleston Memorial Hospital from 1963 until her retirement in 1978. Since 1951, she was a member of the Kanawha City Baptist Church, active in the women's circle, ABW Ministries, and the church choir. She started an exercise class at the church in 1979 and led it three times a week until July 2002. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Robert C. and Patty McKinney of Lee's Summit, MO; her grandson, Jason A. McKinney of Olympia, WA; brother, Kenneth and wife, Betty Higginbotham and sister, Pauline Hedrick. Service will be 11 a.m. Tuesday, February 11, at Kanawha City Baptist Church. Friends may call 6:30-8 p.m. Monday at the J.E. Johnson Funeral Home, Kanawha City, WV. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations to the St. Luke's Hospice.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 2/26/2003
Wilma Laura Powers-Tebbe Higginbotham (1925-2003) MO
Wilma Higginbotham (nee Powers-Tebbe) widow of Robert Burgess Higginbotham Jr.; loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, went to her final rest in heaven on Tuesday, February 25th, 2003; too soon for her devoted family, but we take great comfort in knowing she's now with Dad; through our grieving we are celebrating the wonderful years we had with her and know her love will always be with us.
Wilma (and twin sister, Velma) was born on April 22, 1925, at home in the then Prospect Hills area of North St. Louis County to James Oscar and Mabel Ellen (nee Avery) Powers. They grew up in North County, being raised by Grandma and stepdad, Ed Tebbe, where they were known to all as the "Tebbe Twins". both twins were cheerleaders and proud graduates of Normandy High School during the early years of WWII, graduating in the class of 1943. In 1946, she married Dad, her high school sweetheart, after his return from service as a Marine in the Pacific Theater. They lived their married lives in Florissant, Missouri, before retiring to Florida in the early 1980s. They returned to their family home of 36 years in 1999 to spend their final days with their loving family.
She was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years, Robert Burgess Higginbotham Jr., in August of 2000; as well as her twin, Velma Rudloff; sister, Charlotte Davis and brother, Ed Tebbe. She is survived and dearly missed by her four loving children, Cheryl (and Gary) Price of Ballwin, Leslie Rahn (and partner, Ed Brauchle) of St. Louis, Rocky (and Laura) Higginbotham of Arlington, Texas and Scott (and Vilma) Higginbotham of Bangkok, Thailand. She's also mourned by her 11 grandchildren, Todd, Colby and Lauren Price, Kerry (and Alex) Misthaven, Chris (and Tara), Courtney and Griffin Rahn, Kendra and Bert Higginbotham and Ty and Taylor Higginbotham, as well as her 6 great-grandchildren, Summer, Madison, Autumn, Dominic, Tyler and Eli. She is also survived by her loving brothers, Bill (and Shirley) Tebbe of St. Charles and David Tebbe of California; brother-in-law, Les (and Gloria) Higginbotham and mother-in-law, Josephine Higginbotham (now 104 years old) of St. Louis County.
Funeral at the Schrader Funeral Home, 14960 Manchester Road at Holloway, Ballwin, Friday, 10:00 a.m., after which she'll be laid to rest, alongside Dad, at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. If desired, contributions may be made to Unity Health Hospice. Visitation Thursday, 3-9 p.m.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/5/2003

Ruth Justina Higginbotham Seeley Bane (1911-2003) NJ/MO
Bane, Ruth, died March 1, 2003, in St. Louis; born Ruth Justina Higginbotham, in Newark, New Jersey, daughter of William B. Higginbotham and May Pritchard Higginbotham, the family moved to this city when she was a child.
Twice widowed, Mrs. Bane was a poet, homemeker and the mother of three children, William Seeley and grace Seeley, both of California and Douglas Norman Seeley (predeceased).
Burial at Valhalla Cemetery, St. Louis. Memorial will be at a future date.



Daily Journal June 21, 2003

Howard Cresswell Higginbotham (1916-2003) MO
POTOSI - Howard C. Higginbotham, of Potosi, passed away on Thursday, June 19, 2003, at the age of 86.
Howard is survived by: His wife, Pauline (Sprinkle) Higginbotham; daughter, Linda Schaller; sister, Hazel Weltch; nephew, Bruce Weltch; and granddaughter, Loren Schaller.
Visitation will be after 5:00 p.m., Sunday, at Moore Funeral Home, Potosi. Services will be held Monday, at 2:00 p.m., at Potosi Southern Baptist Church. Burial will be in the New Masonic Cemetery.
Memorials may be directed to Moses Austin Historical Society.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8/28/2003

Virginia E. Higginbotham Herkenhoff (1920-2003) MO

Herkenhoff, Virginia E. (nee Higginbotham), Wed. Aug. 27, 2003, baptized into the hope of Christ's resurrection; beloved wife of the late Bernard G. Herkenhoff; dear mother of Regina A., Thomas J. (Susan), Bernard G. (Cathy) Herkenhoff, Cathy A. (Ronald) Ernest and Christine A. Smith; dear grandmother, great-grandmother and friend.

Funeral from Calcaterra Funeral Home, 5142 Daggett Ave., Fri., Aug. 29th, 9:30 a.m. to St. Ambrose Church, 5130 Wilson Ave. for 10 a.m. mass. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Visitation Thurs., Aug. 28, 309 p.m.




William Audrey Higginbotham (1923-2003) MO

William Audrey "Buck" Higginbotham of Half Way was born July 19, 1923, in Dallas County, the son of Van Audrey and Mable Frances Higginbotham . He passed away Friday, Sept. 5, 2003, in his home at the age of 80 years, 1 month and 17 days.

Buck moved from the farm to California when he was 18 years old. In 1943 he married Audrey Norma Drennen, and in 1944 they moved to West Virginia where he stripped coal. In 1949 Buck and Audrey moved back to California where Buck started work for the Saticoy Sand and Gravel Co. He retired in 1985 and returned to the family farm in Half Way.

After moving back, Buck became president of the "Lost Higginbothams" and served in that capacity for a few years. When Buck took office there were 10 members; when Buck stepped down, there were 70 members of the group.

Buck was preceded in death by his parents, Van and Mable Higginbotham , a daughter, Sarah Jane, and a sister, Marie.

He is survived by his wife, Audrey Norma Higginbotham of the home; three sons, William Henry "Bill" Higginbotham and his wife, Janice, of Bolivar, Van Victor Higginbotham of Half Way and Fred Higginbotham and his wife, Terri, of Bolivar; two nieces, Barbara McMurray of Pittsburg, Kan., and Betty Lucky of Nixa; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and numerous cousins and friends.

Buck will be sadly missed by all who had the honor to know him.

Services were Monday, Sept., 8, in the Butler Funeral Home Chapel with Keith Lee officiating. Casketbearers were Paul Dunseth, Carl Dunseth, Hershel Taylor, Steve Reagan, Junior Everly and Don Carey. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or the Good Samaritan Boy's Ranch, in care of the Butler Funeral Home, PO Box 11, Bolivar MO 65613.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9/21/2003

Jane E. Reich Higginbotham (1933-2003) MO

Higginbotham, Jane E. (nee Reich) Fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church Sept. 20, 2003; beloved mother of Rick (Chris) Higginbotham, Susan (Jerry) DeRousse, and Sally (Keith) Lynch; dear grandmother of Jacob DeRousse, Shannon and Tara Lynch and Kruz Higginbotham; dear sister of Susan Baudrexl and Dan Reich; dear sister-in-law of Suzanne (Gene) Carroll and Bob Higginbotham; Our dear aunt, great-aunt, and friend.

Funeral from Kutis Affton Chapel, 10151 Gravois, Tues., Sept. 23, 9:30 a.m. to Our Lady of Providence Church for 10 a.m. Mass. Interment Parklawn Cemetery. Jane was a kind, compassionate, humanitarian, and nurse. She was a loving, giving caretaker with a humorous zest for life. In lieu of flowers, donations to Make a Wish Foundation appreciated. Visitation Mon. 4-9 p.m.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9/23/2003

Earnest L. Higginbotham (1937-2003) AR/MO

Higginbotham, Earnest L., baptized into the hope of Christ's Resurrection on Thursday, Sept. 18, 2003; beloved husband of Susan G. (nee Lingle) Higginbotham; dear son of Iva Higginbotham; dear father of of Steve (Cory) Higginbotham, Rosemary Higginbotham, Theresa (Michael) Torretti, Catherine (Kenneth) Behrendt; dear father-in-law of Neal Kilminster; dear grandfather of Rosemary and Thomas Shields, Athena, Anthony, Elisebeth and Ariana Torretti.

Services at the Old Town Chapel in Florissant, 646 Rue St. Francois, Wed., Sept. 24, 9:30 a.m. Interment Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials to the Parent Assoc. of Bellefontaine Habitation Ctr., 10695 Bellefontaine Rd., St. Louis, MO 63137 would be appreciated. Visitation Tues., 4-8 p.m. at the Old Town Chapel. A service of the Funeral Solution.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/1/2003

Nellie Louise Hickinbotham King (1926-2003) MO

King, Nellie Louise, on Tues., Sept 30, 2003; beloved wife of Harvey D. King; death mother of Harry and Mary Linthicum, Ron and Mary King, Sis, Bryan and Cheryl King; dear sister of Marie Fitzgerald, Betty Spencer, Harry, Floyd and Lawrence Hickinbotham and the late Frances Sanders and Bernice Hamby; grandmother of 23, great-grandmother of 14; our dear sister-in-law, aunt, cousin and friend to many.

Funeral from Hoffmeister Sut County Chapel, 1515 Lemay Ferry Rd., on Fri., Oct. 3, at 1 p.m. Interment J. B. National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the American Cancer Society would be appreciated. Visitation 4-8 p.m. Thurs.


Kansas City Star on Nov. 20, 2003
Juanita Newport Higginbotham (1924-2003) MO
Mrs. Juanita Higginbotham, 79, of Spickard, MO, formerly of Kansas City, MO, died November 18, 2003, at Liberty Hospital. Funeral service will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday, November 22, at Spickard Christian Church. Visitation 9:30-10:30 a.m. prior to service at the church. Burial in Martin Cemetery, north of Tindall, MO. Memorials to American Lung Association or Spickard Christian Church. (Arr; Slater Funeral Home)

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 11/21/2003
John W. Higginbotham (1927-2003) MO
John W. Higginbotham, 76, of Wentzville, died Wednesday (Nov. 19, 2003) at his residence.
Mr. Higginbotham was a retired electrical engineer for McDonnell Douglas Corp., now Boeing Co.
He was a member of the Lions Club in Wentzville.
He joined the Army Air Forces in 1946, which became the Air Force in 1947, and was discharged in 1949.
A gathering will be held from4 p.m. until the time of the 7 p.m. memorial service today at Baue Funeral Home, 1575 West Pearce Boulevard, Wentzville. The body was cremated.
Among survivors are his wife, Ann Higginbotham of Wentzville; and a son, John Michael Higginbotham of Wentzville.
Memorial contributions can be made to the Salvation Army in care of Baue Funeral Home, 1575 West Pearce Boulevard, Wentzville, Mo. 63385.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/30/2003
Bonnie P. Higgenbotham Paulos (1925-2003) MO
Paulos, Bonnie (nee Higgenbotham), Dec. 29, 2003; beloved wife of Louis Paulos; our dear sister-in-law and friend.
Funeral Wed., Dec. 31, 11 a.m. from the Jay B. Smith Maplewood Chapel, 7456 Manchester. Interment St. Marcus Cemetery. Visitation Wed. 9-11 a.m.

Kansas City Star Jan. 5, 2004
Constance Louise Crist Higginbotham (1922-2003) MO/KS

HIGINBOTHAM Constance Louise (Crist) Higinbotham, 81, of Prairie Village, KS, died December 31, 2003, at her home. She was the widow of the late Stephen Chase Higinbotham, who died in 1999, and the mother of Stephen Chase Higinbotham, Jr., of Lee's Summit, MO, and Holly Higinbotham of Windsor, MA. Born in 1922, Mrs. Higinbotham was raised in Kansas City, MO, the daughter of Mabel and Walter M. Crist. She attended both Culver-Stockton College in Canton, MO, and Kansas City University (now UMKC) before turning to a career in journalism. She was a reporter, layout editor, and advertising salesperson for The Independent, a Kansas City weekly social magazine. She then held a position in Dallas, TX, with that city's Chamber of Commerce, specializing in work for the American Fashion Association. When she returned to this area, she became Kansas City bureau chief for Fairchild Publications, which published a number of trade magazines, including Women's Wear Daily. She held this position from 1954 until 1959. Mrs. Higinbotham also volunteered her time with a number of organizations over the years, beginning with her service during World War II, in the Minuteer Corps of the Office of Civil Defense. She later contributed her journalism skills in her volunteer efforts. During the 1960s, she was active in publishing the newsletters of the Office of Volunteers of the local American Red Cross chapter and of the Research Hospital and Medical Center volunteers. In later years, she edited the newsletters of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Mission Hills Country Club, and the Saint Luke's Hospital Auxiliary. She is fondly remembered by the Auxiliary for establishing its newsletter, The Auxiliary Presence, in 1987, and serving as its editor for a number of years. Mrs. Higinbotham was an active member of two churches in her lifetime, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral. She served on both the Vestry and Altar Guild of St. Andrew's, and she was active in diocesan affairs. Mrs. Higinbotham and her husband were also members of Mission Hills Country Club. In her later years, Mrs. Higinbotham particularly enjoyed seeing her grandchildren, Alex and Chloe, here in Kansas City, as well as visiting her daughter in Massachusetts. Besides her children and grandchildren, Mrs. Higinbotham leaves her brother, Walter M. Crist, Jr., of Leawood, KS. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, 13th & Broadway, Kansas City. A reception will follow the service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to a charity of one's choice. (Arrangements: D.W. Newcomers Son's Stine & McClure Chapel, 816-931-7777)

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/21/2004
Russell Laws Higginbotham (1925-2004) MO
Higginbotham, Russell L., Sat. Jan. 17, 2004; beloved husband of Leola Higginbotham (nee Meeks); dear father of Jeffrey Higginbotham, Donna (Patrick) Kriegh and Judy Gilbert; dear grandfather of Roslyn Kriegh and Jasmine Kaasa; dear brother-in-law, uncle and friend.
Mr. Higginbotham was a proud member of Operating Engineers Local 513.
Memorial service at Kutis Affton Chapel, 10151 Gravois, Sat., Jan. 24, 3 p.m.


Kansas City Star 04/16/2004

Cecil Robert Higginbotham (1939-2004) WV/MO
Cecil Robert "Hig" Higginbotham - Cecil Robert "Hig" Higginbotham, 65, of Loch Lloyd Village, passed away April 14, 2004, at home. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, April 17, 2004, at McGilley State Line Chapel. Friends may call 6-8 p.m. Friday, April 16, at the chapel. Entombment in Mt. Moriah South Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the American Heart Association. Hig was born February 20, 1939 in Point Pleasant, WV. He attended West Virginia Institute of Technology, served four years as a Navy Pilot, and 31 years with American Airlines based out of New York Airports. He was preceded in death by his father, mother and two brothers. He is survived by his wife,
Judith, of the home; two sons, Bob Higginbotham and wife, Amy, Shawnee, KS and Todd Higginbotham, Atlanta, GA; two grandsons, Ben and Drew; dear family members, Virginia Snodgrass, Henry and Alma Cline; brother, Paul Higginbotham and sister, Delores Jones. (Arrangements: McGilley State Line Chapel (816) 9426180)




Wilma Marie Decker Higginbothom (1938-2004) MO
Wilma Marie Higginbothom, 65, daughter of Wilford and M. Hazel Williams Decker, was born June 13, 1938, at Kinderpost. She died April 20, 2004, at Texas County Memorial Hospital in Houston. She accepted the Lord as her savior early in life at her grandmother's knees. She attended the one-room school at Mooney Hollow and graduated from Licking High School in 1957. After high school, she moved to Carthage and was a bookkeeper. Her daughter was born in 1961. In 1963, Mrs. Higginbothom and her family moved to California, where she managed the Edwards Theatre for the next 30 years and attended the Sonlight Chapel. She married Adrian Higginbothom May 14, 1977. She later moved back to Missouri and attended Faith Fellowship. She had many friends and returned several times to California for women's retreats. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband and an infant granddaughter.
Surviving are her daughter, Patsy; adopted son, Mathew McCubbin; three stepdaughters, Cathy, Jo Evelyn and Christina; two sisters, Mary Ebert and Sharon Russell; one brother, Lindall Decker; two grandsons, two great-grandchildren, eight step-grandchildren and four step-great-grandchildren.
Services were April 23 at Faith Fellowship. Burial was in the Craddock Cemetery at Licking under the direction of Evans Funeral Home of Houston.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 6/17/2004

Hattie F. Agers Higginbotham (1912-2004) MO

Hattie F. Higginbotham, 92, of De Soto, died Saturday (June 12, 2004) at Jefferson Memorial Hospital in Crystal City.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a homemaker. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 71 of Hillsboro for 39 years, served as Matron in 1971 and Grand Representative of Arizona from 1973 to 1976.

The funeral was Monday in Dietrich-Mothershead Chapel in De Soto.

Burial was at Woodlawn Cemetery in De Soto.

There are no immediate survivors.



Kansas City Star on Jun. 22, 2004

Robert E. Heginbottom (1938-2004) MO/NV

Robert E. "Bob" Heginbottom, 65, Las Vegas, NV, died June 18, 2004, of Cancer. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Friday, June 25, 2004, at D.W. Newcomer's Sons White Chapel, 6600 N. Antioch, Gladstone, MO. Interment will be in White Chapel Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 1 p.m. Friday until service time at the chapel. Bob was born June 29, 1938, in Hannibal, MO. He was a 26 year USAF veteran who served in Vietnam, retiring in 1979. He then began his career teaching electronics in Las Vegas, NV, at Clark County Community College, retiring in 2003 after 23 years. He is survived by his wife Marcia; son Robert; daughters Traci and Kenna; and seven grandchildren. He was a wonderful husband, father, and Grandfather, and will be greatly missed. (Arr. D.W. Newcomer's Sons White Chapel, 816-5610024)



Kansas City Star from Jul. 16, 2004
Eugene R. Higginbotham (1934-2004) MO
Gene Higginbotham, 70 years old, died Tuesday, July 13, 2004, at St. Luke's Hospital. He leaves his wife, Shirley. They shared 47 years of marriage. He also leaves two sons, Kevin and wife, Marian, Daron and wife, Jean. Other survivors are four grandchildren, Ryan, Courtney, Matthew and Erik; two brothers reside locally, Ed Higginbotham and George Higginbotham. Gene was a ranking officer in the United States Air Force for four years. He and his brothers owned and operated a successful theatre business in K.C., KS. The family would appreciate donations be made to the Prader Willi Syndrome Assoc., 5700 Midnight Pass Rd., Sarasota, FL 34242. Visitation will be held 6-8 p.m. Friday, July 16, 2004, at Mt. Moriah & Freeman Funeral Home, I-435 at Holmes Rd. Graveside service will be 11 a.m. Saturday, July 17, 2004, at Mt. Moriah Cemetery. (Arrangements: Mt. Moriah & Freeman Funeral Home, 816-942-2004)



The Joplin Globe 09/16/2004
Faye N. Cummings Higginbotham (1915-2004) MO
Faye N. Higginbotham, age 89, Joplin, passed away at 8:55 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004, at Medicalodge of Neosho, Mo., following an illness.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 15, 1915, in Spring City, Mo., to the late John Cummings and Nellie Johnson Cummings and had lived in the Joplin area all of her life. She and her husband owned and operated the former Higginbotham Grocery Store in both Spring City and later in Neosho. She was a Baptist.
Her husband, Carl Higginbotham, preceded her in death in 1969.
Survivors include her daughter-in-law, Nina Higginbotham, Neosho; a sister, Verna Franco, Chico, Calif.; sister-in-law, Helen Lynch, San Francisco, Calif.; granddaughter, Jodi Ketron; four great-granddaughters; five great-great-grandchildren; and two great-great-great grandsons.
Faye was also preceded in death by an infant son, Bobby Higginbotham; and son, Rex Higginbotham, in 1995.
Services will be Friday at 11 a.m. at Parker Mortuary Chapel. Rev. Keith Jackson will officiate. Interment will follow at Hornet Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Rick Tracy, Rickie Tracy, Randy Shellenbarger, Robert Edwards, Michael Vincent and Aaron Stiver.


The Joplin Globe 11/16/2004
Ruth Ora Garlow Higginbotham (1926-2004) WV/MO
Ruth O. Higginbotham, 78, Seneca, Mo., passed from this life Nov. 14, 2004, at the Seneca House Nursing Home.
Ruth was born Oct. 24, 1926, at Fairmont, W.Va., to William L and Nellie B. Garlow. She attended Central Christian Center for several years. She retired from Smith Food in 2003. She also worked at Tyson Foods, Lazy Boy and CFI.
She married Samuel Robert Higginbotham Sept. 28, 1946. He preceded her in death June 14, 1980. She was also preceded in death by a daughter, Sandra Louise Higginbotham, Nov. 24, 1963.
Survivors include a son, Samuel Charles Higginbotham and wife, Laura; a daughter, Mary Lea Lett, all of Seneca; four grandchildren, including, Cara Sue Higginbothom, Diamond, Mo., Brandi (Lett) Brand, Chapel Hill, N.C.; four brothers, Howard C. Garlow, Neosho, Mo., James W. Garlow, Rialto, Calif., Dan L. Garlow, June Lake, Calif., and Lewis G. Garlow, Fullerton, Calif.; two sisters, Irene M. Rosiere, Seneca, and Frances M. Garlow, Cathedral City, Calif. Graveside services, under the direction of Campbell-Biddlecome Funeral Home, Seneca, will be held at the Seneca Cemetery, with George Lett officiating.
Memorial contributions may be made to Community Hospices of America, in care of Campbell-Biddlecome Funeral Home, P.O. Box 380 Seneca, Mo., 64865.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 1/23/2005

John Allen Higginbotham (1917-2005) MO

Higginbotham, John A., Thursday, January 25, 2005; beloved father of Audrey (Robert) Poindexter & Phyllis (John L.) Poindexter-Jones; dear grandfather of Robert (Laura) Poindexter III, Terrance Poindexter, Darryl (Monica) Poindexter & Denise Poindexter; dear great-grandfather of Teren, William, Mia, Brittney, Taylor, Alexa, Corey & Chanel; loving uncle and great-uncle; to many very best and closest friend of Charles (C.G.) Paschall.

John attended Vashon High School and worked for General Motors Corporation for many years. He served in the United States Army.

Visitation Tuesday January 25 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. with funeral services Wednesday morning January 26 at 11 a.m. at Wade Funeral Home-Twin Chapel 4800 Natural Bridge Boulevard. Burial will follow with military honor in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery.


Kansas City Star on Jan. 29, 2005
Lucy L. Higginbotham (1921-2005) MO
Lucy L. Higginbotham, 83, Indep. MO, passed away, Thurs. Jan. 27, 2005. Services are 2 p.m., Mon., Jan. 31, at Carson-Speaks Chapel, 1501 W. Lexington Ave., with interment, in Mt. Washington Cemetery. Visitation, Sun. 7-8:30 p.m., at the Chapel. (Arr; Carson-Speaks Chapel)


The Joplin Globe 05/04/2005
Leo Leroy Higginbotham (1936-2005) MO/FL
Leo Leroy "Buddy" Higginbotham, of Orlando Fla., passed away Wednesday, April 27, 2005.
Born in Joplin Mo., Feb. 27, 1936, Buddy was a lifelong resident of Seneca, Mo., before moving to Orlando in 1984. He was a veteran of the US Air Force from 1955 to 1957, receiving an honorable discharge.
Buddy was proceeded in death by his wife, Carolyn.
He is survived by three sons, Jamey, Phillip and Jeff; eight grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Buddy was laid to rest at Woodlawn Memorial Park in Gotha, Fla., on April 30, 2005.



The Joplin Globe 06/20/2005
William Daniel Higginbotham, Jr. (1922-2005) MO
William D. “Bill” Higginbotham Jr., went to his heavenly home at 9:30 p.m. Friday, June 17, 2005, at his home following a short illness. Bill was born on April 30, 1922, in Spring City, Mo., the son of the late Corda and William D. Higginbotham Sr.
He has been a lifetime area resident. He served in the United States Navy and was a veteran of World War II. He served in the South Pacific on the USS Banner. He was a stock farmer for many years and he worked as a foreman for Vickers Manufacturing, retiring in 1982. He was a member of Southside Baptist Church, where he served as church trustee. He was also a member of the Joplin Masonic Lodge No. 335 A.F. & A.M.
He married Jewel Day in 1941, in Columbus, Kan. She preceded him in death in 1990. He married Wilda M. Workman in 1991.
He was preceded in death by two brothers, Oliver and Vernon Higginbotham; and one sister, Jewell Craig.
Bill is survived by his loving wife, Wilda Higginbotham, Joplin; three daughters, Sharon Stuart and husband, Mike, Joplin, Nancy Webb and husband, Dennis, Baxter Springs, Kan., and Pamela Newburn and husband, Dale, Tulsa, Okla.; one step-daughter, Pamela Jones and husband, David, Burlington, N.C.; one step-son, Stephen Workman and wife, Pam, Riverwalk-Gaborne, Botswana; four grandchildren, Michael Stuart, William Van Webb, Suzanne DeLaney and Ryan Newburn; five step-grandchildren, Amanda Workman, Matthew Jones, Derek Workman, Devin Workman and Andrew Jones; and six great-grandchildren, Michael Stuart II, Matthew Stuart, Veronica Webb, Justin Stuart, Katy Webb and Ali DeLaney.
Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Mason-Woodard Chapel. Rev. Calvin Ackerson will officiate. Burial will be in Osborne Memorial Cemetery. The pallbearers will be Jerry Newcomb, Ron Seward, Howard Brown, Bob Hosp, Jim McNett, Allen Harris and Jack Seward. The family will receive friends 6 to 7 p.m. Monday at the mortuary.
Memorial contributions may be made to Baptist Bible Fellowship International Missions Steve Workman or St. John’s Hospice.
Arrangements are under the direction of Mason-Woodard Mortuary.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7/21/2005

Ann M. Green Higginbotham (????-2005) MO

Higginbotham, Ann M. (nee Green), Wentzville, MO, July 19, 2005; beloved wife of the late John Wesley Higginbotham; loving daughter of the late Frank C. and Rosalie M. (nee Tagg) Green; devoted mother of John (Kathy Smither) Higginbotham; dear sister of Samuel S. Green and the late Leroy A. Green.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Christian Woman's Club and Faith United Church of Christ, Wentzville, MO. She was an accomplished painter and gardener.

The family is being served by the Baue Funeral Home, 311 Wood St., O'Fallon, MO. Visitation will be held Friday, July 22, 2205, 4:00-7:00 pm at Faith United Church of Christ, Wentzville, Missouri. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society or World Wildlife Fund.



Kansas City Star on Oct. 5, 2005
Jaye Ann Higginbotham (1955-2005) MO/KS
Inurnment services for Jaye Ann "Jann" Higginbotham, 50, Lawrence, will be 11  a.m. Saturday at Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens in Olathe. Miss Higginbotham died Sunday, Oct. 2, 2005, at home, of ovarian cancer. She was born Sept. 21, 2005, in Dallas, Texas, the daughter of George William and Mary Jane "Janey" Hulings Higginbotham. She graduated from Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, KS, in 1973. After attending Kansas State University, she received her Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from Washburn University in Topeka in 1978 and an Associate of Arts degree in physical therapy from Penn Valley Community College in Kansas City, MO. She moved from Olathe to Lawrence in 1995. Miss Higginbotham worked as a physical therapy assistant at the University of Kansas Medical Center for 10 years and was a member of the Physical Therapy Assistants Assn. She previously worked with young people in the criminal justice field. She was proceeded in death by her mother, Janey, and by a brother, Charles Higginbotham. Survivors include her partner, Ann Alexander, Lawrence; her father, George, Olathe; two brothers, George Higginbotham and wife, Kathy, Olathe, and Jaren Higginbotham and wife, Shelly, Shawnee; three sisters, Michele Curran and husband Mike, Redlands, CA, Jill Britton and husband Mark, Sterling, and Jenny Leiker and husband Dan, Olathe; 16 nieces and nephews; and 4 great-nieces and great-nephews. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials to the Jann Higginbotham Memorial Fund for the Physical Therapy Department at the University of Kansas Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160 or sent in care of Lawrence Funeral Chapel.




Omer Aaron Higginbotham (1919-2005) CA/MO

Omer Aaron Higginbotham was born February 21, 1919 in Ventura, California to Elmer T. and Matilda (Earhart) Higginbotham. Omer grew up in California and attended school there. As a young boy, Omer and his family made several trips to Missouri where his parents were from and he enjoyed visiting his family here.

In 1944, Omer enlisted into the United States Army at the age of 20. He served in World War II and attained the rank of Master Sergeant before retiring after 20 years of honorable service to his country in 1964 while stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

After retiring from the military, Omer stayed in Waynesville and became employed by the United States Post Office on Fort Leonard Wood and worked there for 20 years before retiring a second time in 1981.

Omer was united in marriage to Lieselotte Wilzbach and she preceded him in death on June 25, 1991.

In his spare time, Omer enjoyed spending time with his family at family reunions every year. In 29 years of reunions, Omer only missed three. He had many friends, some of which he bowled with in the Bowling League at Buckhorn Lanes and they traveled to several competitions together. He loved meeting with his friends at McDonalds for coffee, lunch at the Senior Center, or at the annual Waynesville Frog Festival that he loved so much. He enjoyed being outdoors, whether it was feeding the stray cats and watching them play, working in his flower gardens to attract butterflies and birds, fishing and taking RV trips. He was very talented with his hands doing woodcarvings and painting. He was a member of the American Legion Post 331.

Omer passed away at 4:30 A.M., Saturday, November 19, 2005 in the Life Care Center of Waynesville at the age of 86 years, 8 months and 29 days.

Omer will be sadly missed, but fondly remembered by one brother: Ted Higginbotham of Branson, Missouri; three grandchildren; five great grandchildren; special friend and companion: Angela Bertini of Waynesville, Missouri; along with several other relatives and friends.

In addition to his parents and his wife, Omer was preceded in death by three brothers, Nolan, Ben and Ned and one grandchild.

Funeral services were held at 1:00 P.M. Wednesday, November 23, 2005 in the Memorial Chapel of Waynesville with Rev. Elmer Turnbough officiating. Macy True read a beautiful eulogy that she had written. Soloist Becky Lercher sang "Amazing Grace" and "How Great Thou Art". Serving as escorts were Ted P. Higginbotham, Ted L. Higginbotham, James Bowen and Leonard Fetterhoff.

Burial with military honors followed in the Resurrection Cemetery of St. Robert, Missouri. Military honors were provided by the United States Army of Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Services were under the direction of Memorial Chapel of Waynesville.

Memorial contributions are suggested in memory of Omer Higginbotham and may be left at Memorial Chapel of Waynesville.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Dec. 1, 2005
Russell C. Higginbotham (1921-2005) MO
Higginbotham, Russell C. baptized into the hope of Christ's resurrection, Tues., Nov. 29, 2005. Beloved husband of Josephine T. Higginbotham (nee Rinderer); cherished father of Sharmon Zielinkski, Jeffrey (Valerie) Higginbotham, Anne Skidmore, Mary (Mark) Unterreiner and Christine (Dale) Hollis; reunited in spirit with his parents, 5 sisters and 3 brothers; beloved grandfather of Matthew (Christina) Zielinski, Andrea, Alicia, Daniel, Darrah Higginbotham, Russell Skidmore, Ian, Jessica and Rachael Unterreiner, Thomas, Kali, Bobbie Jo Nolan, Tori and Rachael Hollis; our dear brother-in-law, uncle, great-uncle, friend, W.W.II Veteran, and golf buddy to many. Services: Funeral Sat., Dec. 3 9:30 a.m. from BUCHHOLZ SPANISH LAKE Mortuary, 1645 Redman Ave. to Our Lady of the Rosary Church (Spanish Lake), for Mass at 10 a.m. Interment Sacred Heart Cemetery. Should friends desire, donations to Alzheimer's Association, 9374 Olive Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63132 would be appreciated. VISITATION FRIDAY 4-9 P.M.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/5/2005

Josephine Catherine Wuschke Higginbotham (1898-2005) MO

Higginbotham, Josephine (nee Wuschke), Saturday December 3, 2005. Beloved wife of the late Burt Higginbotham; dear mother of Lester (Gloria) Higginbotham & the late Robert (Wilma) Higginbotham Jr.; grandmother of 6; great-grandmother of 13 & great-great-grandmother of 9.

Services: Funeral service at the Schrader Funeral Home, 14960 Manchester Road at Holloway, Ballwin Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Interment Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. Visitation Tuesday 10:30-11:30 a.m.



Kansas City Star 12/17/2005
Hazel L. Smith Higginbotham (1918-2005) KS/MO
Hazel L. (Smith) Higginbotham, age 87, of Independence, MO, passed away Thursday, December 15, 2005, at Truman Lakewood Care Center. Graveside services will be 2 p.m., Monday, December 19, at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens. Hazel was born January 23, 1918, in Fuller, KS, to William and Edna Smith and had lived in this area most of her life. She was preceded in death by her husband, William C. Higginbotham, in 1988; her son, Charles W. Higginbotham, in 2000; her parents, two brothers, and three sisters. Survivors include two grandchildren, Steve and Michelle Higginbotham; a sister, Wanda Norris; a brother-in-law and his wife, Edward L. and Mona Higginbotham; a sister-in-law and her husband, Sally and Marshall Bratton; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews. (Arrangements: D.W. Newcomer's Sons, Floral Hills Chapel, 7000 Blue Ridge Blvd., KCMO, 64133, 816-353-1218)


The Joplin Globe 12/27/2005
Anna Mae Swiers Hailey Higginbotham (1912-2005) MO
Anna Mae Higginbotham, age 93, Joplin, passed away at 9 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005, at Whispering Pines Residential Care Center.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born May 1, 1912, in Springfield, Mo., and had lived in Joplin most of her life. She owned and operated the former Ann’s Cafe in Joplin for several years. She was a member of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.
She married Harmon Higginbotham on Aug. 15, 1954, in Joplin. He preceded her in death on Aug. 12, 1995.
Survivors include Bruce Higginbotham, Omaha, Neb., Richard Higginbotham, Joplin, Bill Hailey, Omaha, Janice Walker, Carl Junction, Bonnabeth Enderle, Carthage; 19 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Robert Chad Hailey.
Graveside services will be Tuesday at 3 p.m. at Ozark Memorial Park Cemetery. Rev. Bob Simon will officiate.
Arrangements are under the direction of Parker Mortuary.



Kansas City Star on 01/05/2006
David M. Higginbotham (1935-2006) MO
David M. Higginbotham went peacefully at home on January 3, 2006. He was born on November 18, 1935, in Kansas City, MO. He is survived by his wife, Anita Higginbotham; his daughters, Patricia A. Hayden, Diana L. Wilson, Rachel R. Welch; sons-in-law, Mark Wilson and Christopher Welch; and grandchildren, Brent A. Higginbotham, Matthew C. Hayden, Nicholas A. Pressler, Danielle L. Jacobson, Patrick D., Shawn M. and Alyson A. Welch; a sister, Velma L. Frye; and a brother, Leroy Waldrop. He was preceded in death by his mother, Ella; his father, Roy; his brothers, Paul and Howard Waldrop. After high school he served in the US Air Force from 1952-1956. He immediately went to work at the National Weather Service in 1956 and retired from there in 1994. He then worked from 1994 to 1998 at PRC and from 1998 to 2002 at RDC and retired to the home at that time. He was a devoted husband, loving father, and grandfather, patriotic, sports-loving and hardworking. Visitation will be from 1011 a.m., Saturday, January 7, 2006, at the Porter Funeral Home, Lenexa, KS. Immediately followed by a memorial service. Burial of cremated remains at Resurrection Cemetery, Lenexa, KS. (Arr. Porter Funeral Homes & Crematory, 8535 Monrovia Lenexa, KS (913) 438-6444)


The Missourian 02/22/2006
Stephanie M. Aulgur Higginbotham (1940-2006) MO

Stephanie M. "Steve" Higginbotham, 65, Washington, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006, at Cedarcrest Manor in Washington.
Mrs. Higginbotham, the daughter of Raymond Aulgur and wife Elizabeth, nee Winans, was born Aug. 28, 1940, in St. Louis.
She was united in marriage to Wilfred Higginbotham May 27, 1971, in Clayton.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her husband, Wilfred Higginbotham; two daughters, Lisa Apprill and husband Curt, and Karen Mazzocchio, all of Washington; two stepsons, Daniel Higginbotham and wife Karen, Ballwin, and Donald Higginbotham and wife Beth, Cedar Hill; one stepdaughter, Deborah Quicke and husband Joseph, Oakville; her stepmother, Metta Bailey, Washington; one brother, Harvey Aulgur and wife Peggy, Seattle, Wash., eight grandchildren, Tara Higginbotham, Tory Higginbotham, Dustin Quicke, Mark Regna, Hope Chambers, Hollie Apprill, Nicole Apprill and Tony Moecklie; other relatives and many friends.
Funeral services were held Saturday, Feb. 11, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Washington, with the Rev. Bill Debo officiating.
Burial was in Woodlawn Park Cemetery, De Soto.
Memorials to the American Cancer Society are preferred.
The family was served by Miller Funeral Home, Washington.



St. Joseph News-Press 3/11/2006

Augusta Marie Zimmerman Higginbotham (1908-2006) MO

Albany, Mo. - Augusta Marie Zimmerman Higginbotham, 98, of Albany, passed away Thursday, March 9, 2006, at the Albany hospital.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Worth, Mo., on Jan. 30, 1908, to Samuel P. and Zerilda (Baker) Zimmerman.

She graduated from Albany High School, attended Palmer College, and received a B.S. in education from Northwest Missouri State College.

While teaching in Darlington, Mo., she met and married John F. Higginbotham on Feb 11, 1933.

Mrs. Higginbotham was very active in the Albany United Methodist Church, American Legion Post, and other civic and charitable organizations. In 1970, she was honored as the State of Missouri Mother of the Year.

Mrs. Higginbotham taught and retired from the Albany R-III Elementary School.

She was preceded in death by her husband, John; sister, Lorraine Sheller; twin sister, Mabel Cunningham; and brother, Martin Zimmerman.

Survivors include her sons, Norman and Harlan Higginbotham; daughter, Ruth Ann Gallagher; nine grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren.

Funeral service: 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 13, at Roberson-Polley Chapel, Albany. The family will receive friends from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday, March 12, at the chapel, where friends may call after 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial: Grandview Cemetery, Albany.



Daily Journal 4/27/2006

Nancy Sue Braden Higginbotham (1944-2006) MO
POTOSI - Nancy Higginbotham, age 61, of Potosi, Missouri, died Tuesday, April 25, 2006. She is survived by Husband, John Higginbotham; Mother, Marjorie Braden; One Son, Timothy Higginbotham; One Sister, Martha Sanford; Two Brothers, Stanley Braden, Jr., Robert Braden.
Visitation at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday. Funeral service will be at Moore Memorial Chapel, Potosi at 2 p.m. Saturday. Arrangements by Moore Funeral Homes, Potosi, Missouri.



The Star Herald (Belton, MO) 8/24/2006

Timothy Earl Higginbottom (1965-2006) MO/AR

Timothy Earl Higginbottom, 40, El Dorado, Ark., died Aug. 20, 2006, at the Medical Center of South Arkansas in El Dorado.

He was born Oct. 22, 1965, in Butler. He attended school in Grandview and Belton and graduated from Belton High School. During the following years, he worked at Hardee's and as a veterinary assistant. He attended college and attained a degree in tourism, then served as a flight attendant for Braniff and TWA airlines. He went to work in school bus transportation where he spent many years serving as a substitute driver, dispatcher training officer and vehicle accident investigating officer until moving to El Dorado in 2003. He loved animals, enjoyed helping people and participating in charity events.

Timothy is survived by his parents, Maurice and Patricia Higginbottom, Belton; his grandparents, Paul and Violette Raps, Butler; his brother, Dan and his wife, Kimberly, and son, Brandon Higginbottom, Freeman; uncles and aunts, Betty and E. C. Lemon and Doris and Marvin NUll, all of Butler, and Albert and Bobbi Raps, Siebert, Colo.; long time friends, Gary Mann, El Dorado; many nieces and nephews and a host of friends and associates.

He will be greatly missed by all those who were touched by his love and kindness. Services will be at 10 a.m. Aug. 24 at the Chapel of Young's Funeral Directors, 508 Champagnolle Road, El Dorado. Burial will be in Liberty Cemetery, Louann, Ark.



Kansas City Star 12/27/2006

Geraldine D. Elliott Higginbotham (1923-2006) MO

Geraldine D. Higginbotham, 83, Bucyrus, KS, passed away December 24, 2006 at Good Samaritan Center, Olathe, KS. Graveside services will be 11:30 a.m. Thursday, December 28, at Mt. Moriah Cemetery, 10507 Holmes Rd. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to a charity of donor's choice. Mrs. Higginbotham was born August 11, 1923 in Kansas City, MO, daughter of Carl and Erlene (McGinty) Elliott. She retired from American Hereford Association. She was preceded in death by her son David and three brothers Jim, Bob and Gene. She is survived by sons Denny (Karen) Higginbotham, Steve (Ceil) Higginbotham and their father Ed Higginbotham; sister Barbara Coe; grandchildren Greg, Scott, Brett, Shawn, Jarrett, Jaclyn and Tucker Higginbotham; great grandchildren Sierra, Averi and Kelsey Higginbotham; brother-in-law George Higginbotham; sisters-in-law Rita Elliott and Shirley Higginbotham; and many nieces and nephews. (Arr: Mt. Moriah & Freeman 816-942-2004)



The Monett Times 12/27/2006

Mark William Higginbotham (1959-2006) AR/MO
Mark William Higginbotham, 47, of Brookline Station, died at 3:32 a.m. December 25.
Mr. Higginbotham was born November 4, 1959, in Harrison, Arkansas. He was a truck driver and a member of the First United Methodist Church in Mt. Vernon.
Survivors include his parents, Eugene and Lou Woods Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon; one brother, Steve Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon; two sisters, Jennifer Smith of Mt. Vernon and Debbie Thompson of Republic; five nephews, two nieces, and two great nieces.
Private services are under the direction of Fossett-Mosher Funeral Home of Mt. Vernon Burial will be in Mt. Vernon IOOF Cemetery.
Visitation will be from 6 to 7:30 p.m. today, December 27, at the funeral home.
Memorials may be made to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.



The Daily Journal 01/16/2007

Cynthia M. Bauman Higginbotham(1963-2007) MO
STE. GENEVIEVE - Cynthia M. (Bauman) Higginbotham, 43, of French Village, passed away January 13, 2007, at St. Louis University Medical Center in St. Louis. She was born September 16, 1963, at Bonne Terre. She was preceded in  death by her father-in-law, Wendell Higginbotham.
She is survived by: husband, Charles Higginbotham of French Village; daughter, Madeline Higginbotham of French Village; brother, Col. Mitchell Bauman, United States Marine Corps, California; sister, Rebecca (Brian) Barley of Ft. Worth, Texas; parents, Francis and Helen (Gidley) Bauman of French Village; mother-in-law, Doris Higginbotham of Pacific; aunt and uncle, Margie and Bob Dengler of St. Louis; niece and nephews, Jacqueline and Clayton Bauman, and Brandon and Blake Barley.
Visitation will be at 4 - 8 p.m., Wednesday, January 17, 2007, at St. Lawrence in Lawrenceton. Services will be 10 a.m., Thursday, January 18, 2007, at St. Lawrence with Rev. Raymond Oge officiating. Burial will be at St. Lawrence in Lawrenceton.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch Mar. 8, 2007
Lester Joseph Higginbotham (1925-2007) MO
Higginbotham, Lester J. passed away, Sunday, February 25, 2007. Beloved husband of Gloria Higginbotham (nee Link); dear father of Robert & Gregory Higginbotham; grandfather of Alex & Nicole Higginbotham; son of the late Burt & Josephine Higginbotham; brother of the late Robert Higginbotham; dear uncle, great-uncle, cousin & friend to many.Services: Services were privately held. If desired, contributions may be made to American Heart Assn. A service of the SCHRADER Funeral Home. Friends may sign the family's on-line guestbook at Schrader.com.


The Sedalia Democrat 05/23/2007

Michael Eugene Higginbotham (1957-2007) IN/MO

May 22, 2007 - 9:02PM
Michael Eugene Higginbotham, 49, of Concordia, died Sunday, May 20, 2007, from injuries suffered in an automobile accident.
He was born Oct. 23, 1957, in Marion, Ind., a son of Carol Eugene and Norma Jean Jackson Higginbotham.
He was raised and educated in Marion.
He served in the Army. He was a painter and he remodeled houses. He enjoyed karaoke, pool, fishing and dancing.
Surviving are his fiancée, Debra Lueck, of the home; his mother, Norma Blankenship, of Sedalia; his stepfather, John Billingsley, of Concordia; a son, Kevin Travis; seven daughters, Angie McDonald, Crystal Higginbotham, Rebecca Lange, Heather Lange, Corina Means, Allica Dawn Spady and Amy Lueck; three brothers, Donald Higginbotham, David Higginbotham and John Billingsley Jr.; two sisters, Debra Higginbotham and Tina Hall; and 16 grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his father, grandparents and a stepbrother.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at McLaughlin Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Dutch officiating. Pallbearers will be members of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2591. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery, with military rites by VFW Post 2591.
The family will receive friends from 12:30 p.m. until service time Thursday at the funeral chapel.
Memorial contributions may be sent to the family, in care of the funeral home.



West County Journal 07/24/2007
Shirley Ann Wildebrandt Higginbotham (1951-2007) MO
Shirley Ann (Wildebrandt) Higginbotham of St. Louis, Mo., died July 14, 2007. She was 55.
Ms. Higginbotham is survived by her mother, Alice Wildebrandt.
She was preceded in death by her father, Rudolph Wildebrandt.
Arrangements were made by Jay B. Smith Funeral Home Maplewood Chapel.




Robert Lee Higginbotham (1929-2007) MO

Robert Lee "Bob" Higginbotham, 78 years, of Noel, Missouri, departed this life on Thursday evening, November 1, 2007 at the home of his son in Welch, Oklahoma.
Bob entered this life on September 10, 1929 in Omaha, Nebraska one of four children born to the late Lee and Helen (Morris) Higginbotham. He was raised near Seneca, Missouri. He served his country faithfully in the United States Army during the early 1940's . In the spring of 1949 he was united in marriage to Phyllis Marie Dorsey and to this union three sons and one daughter were born. In 1963 he and Phyllis moved their family to Noel, Missouri and purchased a farm. Bob loved traveling the open road. He spent over 40 years in the field of trucking in conjunction with running several head of cattle. Bob was a devoted father and husband. He loved being with his family and making memories they will cherish forever. Bob will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by all his family and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a daughter, Sharon Largent; a son, Larry Higginbotham; and a grandson, Craig Higginbotham.
Bob is survived by his loving wife of 58 years, Phyllis Higginbotham of the home; two sons, Rowland Higginbotham and wife, Diane, of Welch, Oklahoma and Bob Higginbotham of the state of Texas; six grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; two brothers, Jack Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon, Missouri and Gary Higginbotham of Dover, Delaware; a sister, Rose Noacker of Berlin Center, Ohio; several nieces and nephews; as well as a host of other family and friends.
Born: September 10, 1929, Place of Birth: Omaha, Nebraska , Death: November 1, 2007, Place of Death: Welch, Oklahoma , Occupation: Retired Trucker & Cattleman
Survivors: Phyllis Higginbotham, Spouse, Rowland Higginbotham, Son, Bob Higginbotham, Son, 6 grandchildren 7 great grandchildren Jack Higginbotham, Brother, Gary Higginbotham, Brother, Rose Noacker, Sister
Preceded in Death By: Sharon Largent, Daughter, Larry Higginbotham, Son, Craig Higginbotham, Grandson
Services/Visitation: Sun. November 4, 2007 , 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm at Ozark Funeral Home, Noel
Graveside: Mon. November 5, 2007 , 11:00 am at Hornet Cemetery.



Kansas City Star 11/30/2007

Donald Stanley Higginbotham (1923-2007) PA/MO
Donald S. Higginbotham, 84, passed away November 28, 2007. Donald was born October 21, 1923 in Port Vue, PA to Edward and Bessie Higginbotham. He graduated with the class of 1942 from McKeesport High School. Donald was in the U.S. Army, 116th Infantry, 29th Division during WWII. He received the Purple Heart for being wounded at Omaha Beach. Donald retired after 40 years as customer service agent with Continental Airlines. He was a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Donald was preceded in death by his parents, 3 sisters and 1 brother. Survivors include his wife of 43 years, Rose Marie; daughter, Lucinda "Cindy" McCaffrey (Patrick); his son, Scott "Scotty" Higginbotham (Teresa) and 4 grandchildren, Ryan Teich and Daniel, Grace and Brennan Higginbotham. Services will be 11:00 a.m. Monday, December 3 with visitation one hour prior to services at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church; 5409 NW 72nd St; Kansas City, MO. Interment in Mt. Moriah Terrace Park Cemetery. (Arr. Mt. Moriah Terrace Park (816) 734-5500)

The Monett Times 12/10/2007

Martha Neff Higginbotham (1927-2007) MO
Martha Higginbotham, 80, of Cassville, died December 7 at Red Rose Inn in Cassville following a long illness.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born June 3, 1927, in Oronogo, the daughter of Joseph and Martha Ellen Carey Neff. She had owned several cafes and attended the Assembly of God in Pittsburg.
She married Joe Higginbotham on October 23, 1971, in Harrison, Arkansas, and he survives.
Additional survivors include one daughter, Millie Spence of Cassville; eight grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren, and three great great grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by one son, Ira Bryant; two brothers and one sister.
Services will be 10 a.m. tomorrow, December 11, at White Funeral Home in Cassville with Chaplain Jack Betts officiating. Graveside services will be 3 p.m. tomorrow at Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Cemetery east of Bolivar.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today, December 10, at the funeral home.


News Tribune 12/19/2007

Bob Maxie Higginbotham (1923-2007) MO

Bob M. Higginbotham, 84, of Dixon, died Monday, December 17, 2007, in the Dixon Nursing and Rehab Center, Dixon. Survivors include: his wife, Mrs. Effie Higginbotham; four sons, Robert Higginbotham, William Higginbotham, Ronnie Higginbotham and Steven Higginbotham; two daughters, Barbara Schmidt, and Bonnie Son; two sisters, Virginia Davis, and Sara Henke; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. A memorial visitation will be held from 1-2 p.m., Thursday, December 20, in the Church of Christ, Crocker. Funeral service will be at 10 a.m., Thursday, December 20, in the Long-Gilbert Funeral Home, Dixon. Interment in the Dixon Cemetery.




Pauline A. Sprinkle Higginbotham(1919-2008) MO

Pauline Sprinkle Higginbotham, a well-known teacher of thousands of Washington County students, passed away on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at Washington County Memorial Hospital. She was the wife of the late Howard Higginbotham.

Pauline was born January 23, 1919 in Ebo, Missouri where she grew up on a small farm with her parents, Charles and Anna Sprinkle and her brother, Homer. She graduated from Potosi High School during the depression and remembered doing her homework by kerosene lamp. To help her parents with expenses, she started teaching at 17 years old in a one room schoolhouse in Clifton, Missouri – where she had to ride horseback to get there. After a few years of gaining teaching experience, she left Potosi to work in the small munitions plant in St. Louis during WWII. She worked there until her brother, Homer, was killed as a pilot in 1943.

She came home to be with her parents and began her teaching career again in Potosi Elementary School. During the summers she took correspondent courses and went to Southeast Missouri State for her teaching certificate. In 1944 the superintendent suddenly assigned her to the eighth grade class that had already run off three teachers. She had no books or desks! She moved with that class into Potosi High School where she remained for 30 years and later became the head of the English Department. Altogether she taught 44 years.

In August 1947 Pauline married Howard Cresswell Higginbotham. She continued to teach while he began his career in the funeral home business. In 1950 he was recalled to the Korean War to reopen Fort Leonard Wood for troop training. That same year their first child, Linda Anne was born. Their second child, Charles Alonzo, was born in 1954 with Downs Syndrome. Because of Charles, Pauline and Howard accepted positions on the State Board of Handicapped Children and helped establish a school for the handicap in Washington County. Charles died in 1961, the year the school opened. About this time, Howard started his banking career in the Washington County Commercial Bank (now US Bank).

Pauline received her BS and Master of Arts in English from Southeast Missouri State University. Her efforts in teaching generations of Potosi students won her many awards and honors. In 1972 she was chosen by Southeast Missouri Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa as its first Teacher of the Year. The Outstanding Secondary Educators of America, Washington, D.C., selected her as an Outstanding Secondary Educator of America in 1975. In 1979, The Southeast Missouri District Teachers Association presented her with its award for Meritorious Service in Education. She was the sponsor of the Moses Austin National Honor Society for 25 years, received a citation from the Missouri Department of Education for contributions to the Curriculum Development Committee and was elected Retired Teachers of Missouri State Representative for Southeast Missouri. Her legislative efforts in the Retired Teachers Association helped to establish pay increases for retired teachers throughout Missouri.

Pauline was an active member of many community, school and church activities: the Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs, Potosi Lady Lioness, the Mine au Breton Historical Society where she sponsored the festival pageants, Daughters of the American Revolution, the gourmet club and a choir member and Sunday school teacher at the Potosi Southern Baptist Church for decades.

Pauline is survived by her daughter, Linda Schaller, son-in-law, Tim Schaller and granddaughter, Loren Schaller who reside in San Francisco, California. Howard Higginbotham passed away in June 2003 and her sister-in-law, Hazel Weltch in 2006. She is also survived by her nephew, Bruce Weltch of Louisville, Kentucky, Sally Cresswell Adams, Ruth Nickerson and several close Higginbotham relatives in Potosi and Sprinkle family relatives throughout Missouri.

She will be remembered by many of her students for her unwavering standards of excellence and as the teacher who made a difference in their lives. To her family and friends - her selfless love for others, endless generosity, inspiring support and wit will remain with them forever.

Visitation was held Friday, March 21, 2008 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri and Saturday, March 22, 2008 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Potosi Southern Baptist Church, Potosi, Missouri.

A Funeral Service was held Saturday, March 22, 2008 at the Potosi Southern Baptist Church, Potosi, Missouri with Reverend John Edwards and Pastor Lee Miller officiating. Serving as pallbearers were Tim Schaller, Bruce Weltch, Jeff Higginbotham, Jerry Sansegraw, Dale Sansegraw, and Larry Quinton.

Final prayer and burial took place in the New Masonic Cemetery, Potosi, Missouri.

Services were Entrusted to the Care and Direction of the Moore Funeral Homes, 105 Clark Street, Potosi, Missouri.


Seneca News-Dispatch 06/02/2008

Ralph Julius Higinbotham (1914-2008) OK/MO

Ralph “Higgy” Higinbotham, age 93, former resident of Fairland, OK, died at Claremore Indian Hospital late Wednesday, May 28, 2008 after a sudden illness. Ralph was born September 13, 1914 at Sulphur Bend, OK to John and Lottie (Blalack) Higinbotham. He graduated from Hickory Grove School with the Class of 1934. He married Georgia Querry on December 6, 1938 at Miami, OK. She preceded him in death in 1997. Mr. Higinbotham was a welder and auto mechanic and had worked for B&M Auto in Miami. He was a member of the First Assembly of God Church in Fairland, OK. Ralph is survived by two sons and their wives, Don and Judy Higinbotham of Seneca, MO and Ralph Dale and Faye Higinbotham of Broken Arrow, OK, seven grandchildren, twenty-one great-grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Roger, a daughter Sharon, two brothers, Frank and James, and five sisters, Sarah, Sylvia, Margie, Belva and Wanda. The funeral was held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 31, 2008 at the First Assembly of God Church in Fairland. Grandsons served as pallbearers. Burial was in Sulphur Bend Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family request donations be made to the American Cancer Association, in care of the funeral home. Arrangements were provided by Adcock Funeral Home, Fairland, OK.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/19/2009

Jimmy Kent Hickinbotham (????-2009) MO

Hickinbotham, Jimmy Kent, on Tuesday, March 17, 2009.

Dear husband of Cassie Hickinbotham (nee Willette), dear father of Marjorie Hickinbotham; dear son of Sara A. Hickinbotham; dear brother of Joe Hickinbotham and Carol Bond; our dear brother-in-law, uncle, son-in-law and friend.

Services: Visitation at Krieghauser West Mortuary, 9450 Olive Blvd., Friday, March 20, 2009, 4-9 p.m. with a Service of Remembrance at 7:30 p.m.

Memorials appreciated to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 225 S. Meramec Ave., #400 (63105).



Independent Journal (Potosi, MO) Thursday, April 2, 2009

Margaret M. Boyster Higginbotham Gilliam (1939-2009) MO

Margaret Higginbotham Gilliam of Potosi, Missouri was born on June 6, 1939 in Potosi, Missouri a daughter of the late, Bacy Brenetia Emily Jane (Stuthers) Wade and John McKinley Boyster. Margaret departed this life on March 25, 2009 at the Missouri Baptist Hospital having reached the age of sixty-nine years, nine months and nineteen days.

Margaret was united in marriage to Roy Higginbotham on December 10, 1960. Roy preceded her in death on May 7, 1980. She later married James Gilliam on February 18, 1984 and James passed away on November 21, 1999.

Margaret is survived by two sons, Walter Higginbotham of Potosi, Missouri, Jeffrey Higginbotham of Potosi, Missouri; two grandchildren, Jeremy Higginbotham and fiancé, Jessica of Fenton, Missouri, Justin Higginbotham of Rolla, Missouri; special friend and caregiver, Tammy Lawson; also surviving are other relatives and friends. Margaret was preceded in death by her parents, Bacy Wade and John Boyster and two husbands, Roy Higginbotham and James Gilliam.

Margaret enjoyed crocheting, doing word searches and reading all different types of recipes. She loved to visit with family and friends talking and reminiscing of times passed. She was a member of the Pleasant Hill Church, Potosi, Missouri. Margaret was a wonderful woman that will truly be missed by her family and many friends.

Visitation was held Friday, March 27, 2009 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM and Saturday, March 28, 2009 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri.

A Funeral Service was held Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 11:00 AM at the Moore Memorial Chapel, Potosi, Missouri, with Brother Carl Wilson officiating. Serving as pallbearers were: Jerry Sansegraw, Wayman DeClue, Sid Rasnic, Todd Moyers, Jeremy Higginbotham and Justin Higginbotham.

Final prayers and burial took place in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Potosi, Missouri.

Services were entrusted to the care and direction of the Moore Funeral Homes, 105 Clark Street, Potosi, Missouri.


The Rolla Daily News 04/15/2009

Joycelyn Lee Higginbotham Hamilton (1925-2009) OK/MO

Joycelyn Lee Hamilton, of Rolla, formerly of Grand Junction, Colo., passed away Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at the age of 84. She was born in Miami, Okla., on Jan. 20, 1925, to the late Ernest Paul and Marjorie Evadean (Sparlin) Higginbotham. On Aug. 31, 1947, she married Charles V. Hamilton Jr. who preceded her in death on Sept. 13, 2005. Mrs. Hamilton was an active member of the Northeast Christian Church in Grand Junction, Colo., prior to moving to Rolla. She was an avid baker and seamstress, and many benefited from her acts of kindness. She was always focused on her loving family which  includes two daughters, Mary Ann Peaslee and husband Kent, of Rolla, and Vicki Cochran and husband Calvin, of Grand Junction, Colo.; 12 grandchildren, including Mike Peaslee and wife Debbie, of Overland Park, Kan., Sarah Wiggins and husband Bill, of Rolla, and Matt Peaslee, also of Rolla; two half sisters, Judy, of Seneca, Kan., and Paulette, of Galena, Kan., and 12 great grandchildren. A memorial service for Joycelyn Hamilton will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 16, 2009, at the Null & Son Funeral Home with Pastor Tim Cook officiating. A visitation for family and friends will be held prior to the service beginning at 6 p.m. Thursday. Interment will take place at a later date in the Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery in Grand Junction, Colo. Memorial contributions are suggested to the First Christian Church in Rolla or Alzheimer’s Research. All arrangements are under the direction of the Null & Son Funeral Home of Rolla.



The Rolla Daily News 06/16/2009

William J. Higginbotham (1937-2009) NJ/MO

Rolla, Mo. - William J. Higginbotham was born Jan. 16, 1937, in Newark, N.J., to the late William and Elizabeth (Millen) Higginbotham and passed away May 29, 2009, in Rolla, Mo., at the age of 72.
William was united in marriage to Judith (Laidig) Higginbotham on Jan. 15, 1977.
He was a member of the Central Community Church of God and was active on the board of trustees; he was also a member of the Rolla Moose Lodge.
William loved all types of outdoor activities with friends and family, such as baseball, football, and whiffle ball.  He also bowled in two leagues.
He retired in 1981 from butchering but often helped out during deer season.
William was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend and he will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him.
He is survived by his wife Judith Laidig Higginbotham of Rolla; children Tom Higginbotham of Seaford, Del., Patrick Higginbotham and wife Carol of Millsboro, Del., John Higginbotham of Neptune City, N.J., JoAnne Enlow of Rolla, Ryan Moats and wife Kathleen of Omaha, Neb., Dave Moats and wife Kathryn of Cave Springs, Ark., Mike Moats and wife Michele of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Joseph Higginbotham and wife Sarah of St. James, Mo.; brother John Yowpa and wife Jean of Piscataway, N.J.; sister Marybeth Heaney and husband Frank of North Plainfield, N.J.; sister-in-law Rosemarie Higginbotham of Rolla; 13 grandchildren, and five great grandchildren, along with several nieces, nephews, extended family and friends.
William is preceded in death by his brother Frank Higginbotham and sister Nancy Roberts, in addition to his parents.
A memorial service for William J. Higginbotham will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 20, 2009, at the Central Community Church of God in Rolla with Pastor Dan Phillips officiating.
In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to the Central Community Church of God or the American Cancer Society.  Cards are available at all James & Gahr locations. All arrangements are under the direction of James & Gahr Mortuary of Rolla, Mo.




Katherine B. Higginbotham (1947-2009) MO

Jul. 27, 1947 - Jul. 10, 2009

Birthplace: St. Louis, MO

Resided in: Wentzville, MO

Kathy Higginbotham, died on Friday July 10, 2009 at the age of 61. Loving wife of John Higginbotham and adoring mother of Chris and Andrea Fowler.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/12/2009

Robert Lee Higginbotham (1926-2009) MO

Robert L. "Bob" Higginbotham, age 82, of Bridgeton, Missouri, died Thursday, July 9, 2009, at St. Luke's Hospital, Chesterfield. A Son of the late Hugh Festus Higginbotham and the late Nola Higginbotham, Bob was born on August 12, 1926, at Senath, Missouri. Bob was married to his wife, Constance W. Higginbotham on June 20, 1949 in Fulton, Missouri. Bob entered into service of his country on Friday, July 14, 1944 as a member of the U.S. Navy during WWII. He was discharged Tuesday, March 18, 1947. Bob was a teacher with the Clayton School District and was a member of National Education Association. Bob is survived by his wife, Constance W. Higginbotham and children, Michael Lee (Karen) Higginbotham, Lee Ann (Larry) Hottelman and Andrew Robert (Anita) Higginbotham; Brother, Hugh B. (Donna) Higginbotham, M.D., Grandchildren, Matthew Barrett, Jennifer Dipley, Melanie Nolker, Robert, Zachary, Darby Higginbotham, Matthew and Alexander Hottelman, Shawn, Nicholas and Victor Higginbotham. Great-Grandchildren, Annabel and and David Nolker and Kaitlynne Barrett.




William Henry Higginbotham (1944-2009) WV/MO

Mr. William " Bill " Henry Higginbotham, age 65 of Bolivar, MO passed away at his home on October 14, 2009.

He was born in Clarksburg, West Virginia on February 19, 1944, the son of William Audrey Higginbotham and Audrey Norma (Drennen) Higginbotham.

He was a Heavy Equipment operator in the sand and gravel business retiring in 2000. He was a former resident of Oak View, CA before moving to Bolivar 8 years ago.

Bill loved working on cars, fishing, panning for gold and football, especially the Oakland Raiders.

He was preceded in death by his father and a sister Sarah Jane Higginbotham.

Surviving is his wife Janice M. (Walker) Higginbotham of the home, two daughters, Joell D. Moreno and husband Hector of Urbana, MO and Cindy J. Camacho and husband Carl Butler of Halfway, MO; two brothers, Van V. Higginbotham of Halfway, MO and Fred A. Higginbotham and wife Terri of Bolivar, MO. His mother Audrey Higginbotham of Halfway, MO. Also 5 grandchildren, Jordan Camacho, Mikee Camacho, Sydnie Hall, Ken Hall and Audra Moreno.

Visitation will be on Sunday, October 18, 2009 from 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM at the Butler Chapel in Bolivar. Arrangements are under the care and direction of the Butler Funeral Home in Bolivar, MO

Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude's in Memphis, TN.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 3/4/2010

Michele Rene Gray Hickinbotham (1957-2010) MO

Hickinbotham, Michele Rene fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church on Sat., Feb. 27, 2010.

Dear mother of Marjorie "Mimi"; beloved daughter of Marjorie "Mimi" Gray (nee Shortal) and the late Gene Gray; sister of Deborah Wilson, Dennis Kevin (Gayle), Hank (Amy), Scott (Colleen) and Darren; Cherished by the extended family and friends who loved her.

Services: Fri., March 5 at St. Peter's Catholic Church, 2nd and First Capitol Dr., St. Charles at 9 am with Mass of Resurrection at 9:30. Calvary Cemetery interment to follow. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to the family for college fund appreciated. Send to: 2317 St. Robert Ln., St. Charles, MO 63301.



Mt. Vernon Register-News 04/06/2010
Martha L. Higganbotham Dock (1920-2010) IL/MO
MT. VERNON — Martha L. Dock, age 90, of Lee’s Summit, Mo., and formerly of Kell, passed away at 2:20 p.m. Thursday, April 1, 2010, at Lee’s Summit Medical Center. She was born in LaSalle on March 21, 1920, the daughter of Herschel and Julia Ann (Hill) Higgonbotham. On May 17, 1940, she married Irvie William Dock in Troy Grove, and he preceded her in death on Nov. 11, 1980. Martha was Postmaster at Kell until her retirement and spent her retirement time quilting with the ladies quilting group at Donoho Prairie Christian Church and making afghans for family and friends. She was a longtime member of Donoho Prairie Christian Church until moving to Lee’s Summit, Mo., where she became a member of Calvary Chapel Church.  Martha is survived by son, Robert Gene Dock and wife Sharon of Marion and daughter, Marcia Ann Hudson of Lee’s Summit, Mo.; nine grandchildren, Tim Dock of Marion, David (Melody) Dock of Colorado Springs, Colo., Allen (Susie) Dock of Columbia, S.C., Jewleigh Wantland of Arnold, Mo., Allyssia and Mike Hudson of Lee’s Summit, Mo., and Sheree (Robert) Morrison, Mike (Kim) Dock, Jimmy Dock, all of Mt. Vernon; 11 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Jerry Dock; and one great-grandson, Michael S. Morrison A memorial service will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Donoho Prairie Christian Church with Pastor Wayne Tate officiating; burial will follow at Donoho Prairie Cemetery.  As per the family’s wishes there will be no visitation. Memorials may be made to the Donoho Prairie Ladies Quilting group and will be accepted at the church.




Judith Ann Higginbotham Fain (1959-2010) MO/AR

Miss Judith Ann Fain was born on Sunday, June 28, 1959, daughter of the late Lester and Alene Higginbotham.

She died Monday, April 26, 2010, at Trumann Health and Rehab, at the age of 50 years 9 months and 29 days.

She was born in Kennett, MO, and had lived in Trumann for the past 41 years and was formerly of Cardwell, MO.

Miss Fain was a member of the Viva Dr. Church of Christ in Trumann.

She was preceded in death by one nephew, Terry Fain, II and her parents.

Survivors include one brother, Terry Fain of Trumann, Ark. and one sister Kathryn Hutchison of Paragould, Ark.

Graveside service will were held in the Cardwell Cemetery in Cardwell, MO., with Rev. Kenny Guy McMahan officiating.

Active pallbearers were; Jim Fain, Tyler Miller, Chris Miller, Mike Mabe, Jake Bookout, David Hensley, and Keith Hutchison.




Jean Doris Higginbotham Hodges (1923-2010) MO

Born: August 16, 1923 Died: July 17, 2010

Hodges, Jean D. (nee Higginbotham) born on Aug. 6, 1923 in Affton, Mo. and passed away on Sat., July 17, 2010 at the age of 86. Formerly of Oracle Junction (Tucson) Az. Beloved wife of the late Fred J. Hodges. Loving daughter of the late Neal and Irma Higginbotham (nee Chew). Dearest sister of the late Evelyn (John) Wolff. Our dear aunt, great aunt, great great aunt, cousin and dear friend to many. The family wishes to thank the staff of Delmar Gardens of Meramec Valley and Pathways Hospice for their care and kindness given to Jean in her time of need. Memorial service to be held at Heiligtag-Lang-Fendler Funeral Home, 1081 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, Mo. on Fri., July 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Family and friends may gather from 4:00 p.m. until time of service. Inurnment will be at a later date in Tucson, Az. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the charity of your choice appreciated. Arrangements under the direction of Heiligtag-Lang-Fendler Funeral Home, Arnold, MO.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/22/2010

Bruce Sala Higginbotham (1919-2010) MO

Higginbotham, Bruce S. Tues. July 20, 2010. Beloved husband of Sally Higginbotham (nee Alexander); dear father of Elizabeth Higginbotham, Cam (Jerry) Niederman and Kent (Victoria) Higginbotham; dear grandfather of Emily (Chris) Carroll, Sarah, Max and Toby Niederman, Kent, Jr., Erin and Kacey Higginbotham; step grandfather of David (Katie) Truxton and Amanda Truxton; Dear brother-in-law, uncle, great- uncle and friend to many. Services: Memorial service Sat. July 24, 2:00pm at Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, 9450 Clayton Road. Interment private. The family will greet friends after the service in the Gathering Place. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, Washington University, Donald H. Danforth Plant Science Center, or Heartland Hospice Care.




Jessie Lee Craig Higginbotham (1935-2010) MO

Jessie Lee Higginbotham, 75, died Friday, at Heritage Gardens Nursing Home in Senath, MO. She was born January 27, 1935 in Cardwell, Missouri the daughter of the late Virgil and Onie Mae Jackson Craig. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Gaylon Parker, five brothers and one sister. Survivors include her daughter: Dana Moran of Krotz Springs, LA; sister: Jean Grady of Cardwell; brother: Estes Craig of Paragould and granddaughter Haleigh. Her life was celebrated at Heath Colonial Chapel, with burial was at Cardwell Cemetery.



Kansas City Star 09/21/2010

Sally R. Higginbotham Bratton (1922-2010) AR/MO

Sally R. Bratton, 87, of Grandview, Mo., passed away Saturday, September 18, 2010, at Carondelet Manor in Kansas City, Mo. Sally was born Dec. 16, 1922, in Bentonville, Ark., to Charles Sexton and Emma Pearl Higginbotham. She graduated from Northeast High School in 1939. She had five brothers, George Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Joe Higginbotham, Arthur Higginbotham, and Eddie Higginbotham and two sisters, Josephine Stevens, and Mary Patzer. She is survived by two sons, Marshall E. Bratton, Jr. and wife Deborah of Brandon, Vt., and Michael E. Bratton of Kansas City. There will be no services. In lieu of flowers, donations to Catholic Community Hospice, 9740 W. 87th Street, Overland Park, KS 66212 are suggested. Arr.: D.W. Newcomer's Sons Floral Hills Chapel, 7000 Blue Ridge Blvd., KCMO 64133 (816) 353-1218. D.W. Newcomer's Sons Funeral Homes, Cemeteries, Crematories.



The Joplin Globe 11/20/2010

Steven Ray Higinbotham (1952-2010) CO/MO/OK

Mr. Steven Ray Higinbotham, age 58, formerly of Joplin, passed away Friday, November 19, 2010 at 4:20 AM at the Integris Grove Hospital. Steven was born on August 26, 1952 in Colorado Springs, CO. Mr. Higinbotham served his country in the US Army. Survivors include his sister Vickie Brixey of Jay, OK and a brother Brad Higinbotham of Joplin. Mr. Higinbotham has been taken for cremation with no further service at this time. Arrangements under the direction of the Simpson Funeral Home of Webb City.



Sedalia Democrat 12/28/2010

Carol Jane Dorris Higginbotham (1965-2010) MO

Carol Jane Higginbotham, 44, of Calhoun, Missouri, died December 26, 2010, at her home in Calhoun. She was born December 28, 1965, at Whiteman Air Force Base, Knob Noster, Mo., the daughter of Raymond Ellis Dorris and Jane Louise (Miller) Dorris. On June 5, 2003, at the Calhoun Baptist Church, Calhoun, she married Don Lee Higginbotham, Jr., who survives of the home. Carol was a 1984 graduate of Pea Ridge High School, Pea Ridge, Arkansas. She was a Returns Department manager at the Wal-Mart Distribution Center in Bentonville, Arkansas for 11 years. She enjoyed gardening and growing things, being outdoors riding horses, and she loved visiting with family and friends. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Don L. Higginbotham, III, of the home; 2 daughters, Sarah M. McIntyre, and Jane N. Fletcher, both of Pea Ridge, Arkansas; 3 brothers, Billy N. Dorris, Bentonville, Arkansas; Thomas W. Dorris, and Jeffery L. Dorris, both of Calhoun, Mo.; 2 sisters, Bobbi R. Barton, Calhoun, Mo.; and Sandra Briggs, Windsor, Mo.; a grandson, Don L. Higginbotham, IV, “on the way” and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents. Memorial services will be 11:00 a.m., Friday, December 31, 2010, at the Hadley Funeral Home, Windsor, with Pastor Margie Briggs officiating. The family will receive friends one hour before the service at the funeral home. The family suggests memorial contributions to the family for funeral expenses, and contributions may be left at the funeral home.



Kansas City Star 02/26/2011

Margaret White Higginbotham Brown (1925-2011) CA/FL/MO

Margaret White Brown passed away on February 24, 2011. Memorial Services will be held Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 2 p.m., Raytown Christian Church, with visitation beginning one hour prior. The family requests no flowers. Donations may be directed to Harvesters. Margaret was born in Wasco, California, on October 8, 1925. Her family returned to Missouri two years later and she lived here until 1946, when she moved to Winter Haven, Florida. There she married Roy Herbert Higginbotham, Jr. He passed away in 1947. Margaret returned to Kansas City and was married to Robert Allen Brown in 1952. He passed away in 1999. She was active in her children's lives with PTA, Camp Fire Girls, and being Room Mother. She was past president and long-time member of the Christian Women's Fellowship, Four Seasons Senior Group, Shepherd's Center, and the Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group of Kansas City. In addition, she volunteered at the Raytown Christian Church Food Pantry. She leaves four children: Suzanne Brown, of Tonganoxie, KS; Linda Cook and husband Bill, of Sharpsberg, GA; Robert A. Brown, Jr., and wife Patricia, Lake Winnebago, MO; and Merrie Batson and her husband, Glenn, of Lee's Summit, MO. She also leaves five grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren, and her brother-in-law, Ted Hawkins. Fond memories and condolences for the family may be left at www.dwnewcomers.com. (Arrangements: D.W. Newcomer's Sons Floral Hills Chapel, 7000 Blue Ridge Blvd., KCMO 64133, 816-353-1218) D.W. Newcomer's Sons Funeral Homes, Cemeteries, Crematories.



St. Louis Dispatch 5/6/2011

Margaret Mary Higginbotham Dengler (1935-2011) MO

Dengler, Margaret Mary (nee Higginbotham) Fortified with the Sacraments of holy Mother Church, Thursday, May 5, 2011, at the age of 75.

Wife of late Robert Dengler; mother of the late Jerald Dengler; sister of Glynn (Lydia) and the late Wendell (survived by Doris) Higginbotham; dear aunt to 21 nephew and nieces; aunt to special nephew Charlie and niece Mary Tina; dear great-aunt, great-great aunt, and friend to many.

A special thanks to neighbors Ritter's and Longo.

Services: Funeral Mass at Assumption Catholic Church Sat. May 7 at 12:30 p.m. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. No flowers please. Memorials may be made to the deGreeff Hospice House.

Kutis South County Service.



News-Leader 07/27/2011

Van Victor Higginbotham (1947-2011) WV/CA/MO

(September 6, 1947 - July 25, 2011)

Mr. Van “Butch” Victor Higginbotham, age 63, of Halfway, Missouri passed away on Monday, July 25, 2011 at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. He was born September 6, 1947 in Clarksburg, West Virginia to William “Buck” Audrey Higginbotham and Audrey (Drennen) Higginbotham. Butch moved to California in 1949 and then to Halfway, Missouri in 1985. He spent seven years in the United States Military beginning in 1964 and was a three time Vietnam War Veteran. He was a welder by trade working in the carpentry and construction business. He enjoyed traveling and loved his family very much. Butch was preceded in death by his father, William “Buck” Audrey Higginbotham, his sister, Sarah Jane Higginbotham and a brother, William “Bill” Higginbotham. Butch is survived by his mother, Audrey Higginbotham of Halfway, Missouri, his five children, William Jack Higginbotham and his wife Sethanne of Halfway, Missouri, Christopher Wayne Higginbotham of Terre Haute, Indiana, Shiloh Dalton Higginbotham and her husband Ray Lynn of Vero Beach, Florida, Sarah Samantha Higginbotham of Louisburg, Missouri, Jamie Ray Higginbotham of Santa Paula, California, his brother, Fred Higginbotham and his wife Terri of Bolivar, Missouri, his sister-in-law, Janice Higginbotham of Bolivar, Missouri, 14 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 2:00pm, Friday, July 29, 2011 at the Butler Funeral Home in Bolivar, Missouri. Musical selections will be "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe, "When I Get Where I'm Going" by Brad Paisley & Dolly Parton, and "The Old Rugged Cross" by Alan Jackson. Burial will follow at Pleasant Hill Cemetery just East of Bolivar. A visitation will be held from 1:00-2:00pm just prior to service time on Friday afternoon at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be William Higginbotham, Hector Moreno, Scott Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Dustin Higginbotham, Justin Higginbotham and Richard Moore. Friends and family may sign the guest book or send private condolences at www.butlerfuneralhome.com



News-Leader 08/30/2011

Lou Alma Woods Higginbotham (1926-2011) OK/MO

Lou Alma Woods Higginbotham, 84, passed away in Lawrence County Manor in Mt. Vernon, Mo. on Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011. She was born Sept. 4, 1926 in Fort Gibson, Okla. to James and Clyde Ellen Woods. She was preceded in death by her parents, a brother, James R. Woods and her youngest son, Mark. She is survived by her husband, Gene, whom she married in 1947, 3 children, Jennifer Smith and husband Steve, Steve Higginbotham and wife Lisa and Debbie Thompson, all of Mt. Vernon; 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Visitation will be Tuesday, Aug. 30th from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Peterson Funeral Home, Aurora with Pastor Jack Betts officiating. Graveside services Wed, Aug. 31st at 2 p.m. in IOOF Cemetery in Mt. Vernon.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 09/04/2011

Donna Lee Elliott Higginbotham Harper (ca1925-2011) MO/CO

Higginbotham, Donna Lee (nee Elliott), went to be with the Lord on Thursday, August 18, 2011 in Denver, Colorado. Preceded in death by her husband Cyrus Willmore Higginbotham and second husband Robert Hart Harper. Mother of Anne (Bill) Griffith and Lee (Larry) Seidl; grandmother of Brad (Emily) Griffith, Lara Griffith, Abigail Seidl and Christian Seidl; sister of John Clifton Elliott; sister-in-law, aunt and friend. A native of St. Louis, Donna, 86, relocated to Denver in 2001 to be with her family. A graduate of Washington University, Donna will be fondly remembered as a teacher, former active member of Central Presbyterian Church, volunteer at the Paducah, Kentucky Art Museum and avid genealogist. Services: A private family Memorial Service was held in Denver, Colorado. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to: The Enlighten Foundation, 1830 West Littleton Blvd., Littleton, CO., 80120 (303) 800-5194.




James David Higinbotham (1958-2012) MO/KS

James D. Higinbotham passed away peacefully on February 18, 2012 at the Olathe Medical Center in Olathe KS.  He was born on February 6, 1958 to John and Ruby (Koup) Higinbotham in Kansas City, MO.  James enjoyed playing baseball, shooting pool, camping, and following sports.  He enjoyed being around his family. James was preceded in death by his parents.  Survivors include his five sisters, Debra K. Cole (Roger) of Oak Grove, MO, Denise S. Stawarz (Tom) of Lone Jack, MO, Diane L. Higinbotham of Dallas, TX, Donna L. Wylie (Jody) of Ennis TX, Dawn T. Drake (Lewis) of Dallas TX; one brother Joseph G. Higinbotham (Pam) of Lansing, KS; as well as several nieces and nephews. The Celebration of life will be held Tuesday, February 21, 2012 from 4-6:00 p.m. at the Meyers Funeral Chapel, 1600 W. Main St., Blue Springs, MO with the memorial service starting at 6:00 p.m.  The inurnment for James at the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Rowlett, TX that will be set at a later date. Memorial contributions are suggested to Olathe Medical Center and may be left in care of the Meyers Funeral Chapel, 1600 W. Main St., Blue Springs, MO64152.  Memories of James and condolences may be left with the family at www.meyersfuneralchapel.com



Kansas City Star on Mar. 4, 2012

David Lee Higinbotham (1936-2012) MO

HIGINBOTHAM David Lee "Shorty" Higinbotham, 76, Tipton, MO, passed away Friday, February 24, 2012. He was born February 22, 1936, in Kansas City, MO, to John Joseph Higinbotham and Hazel Pauline Higinbotham. He graduated from East High School in Kansas City in 1953. On December 31, 1955 he married Billie Weisenberger. Shorty worked at Kansas City Power & Light for many years, then he ran his own custom car shop. After moving to Lake of the Ozarks, he was the Morgan County R2 school bus mechanic and worked at Caterpillar in Boonville for five years. In his younger years, he enjoyed spending time at race tracks with friends, and everyone always ended up hanging out in his garage. He loved cars and built many even in retirement. Kids always loved being around him. He always had a good joke and something to teach the kids. Shorty was a good friend, a good coworker, a good husband, and a good father. Shorty was a good time! Shorty is survived by his devoted wife of 56 years, Billie; sister, Carol Cranford and husband Jack; brother, Neal Higinbotham and wife Hope; daughter, Carol Higinbotham; sons, Michael Higinbotham and wife Sheri, David Higinbotham, and Robert Higinbotham; six grandchildren; six great grandchildren; and many other loving family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; and brother, John Carl Higinbotham. A memorial mass for Shorty will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, March 10, at St. Andrews Catholic Church, in Tipton, MO. In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to Siteman's Center of Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO, the American Cancer Society, or your local Relay For Life organization. 




Wanda Nina Lee Lackey Higginbotham (1933-2012) AR/MO

Wanda Nina Lee Higginbotham, age 78, of Cardwell, MO., widow of Jerry Higginbotham, died Tuesday, April 10, 2012, at the Twin Rivers Regional Medical Center in Kennett. Born at Strawberry, Arkansas, she was the daughter of the late R. E. and Marie Collins Lackey and had lived most of her life in Cardwell. She was a 1952 graduate of Childress High School and a member of the Cardwell United Methodist Church. In addition to her parents and husband she was preceded in death by 2 brothers, Vernon and Carl Lackey. Survivors include; 1 son, Mike Higginbotham of Paragould 1 daughter and son-in-law, Vickie and Steve Jackson of Cardwell 2 sisters; Lillian Pittman of Paragould Mena Jenkins of Jonesboro She also leaves 3 grandchildren; Andrea McDaniel and husband, Chris, of Misaswa, Japan, Matthew Jackson and wife, Somer, of Cardwell, and Taylor Higginbotham of Jonesboro. 5 great-grandchildren; Payton, Addison, Jackson Claire, Matti, and Jake. Graveside funeral service was at the Cardwell Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were by Howard Funeral Service of Leachville.



Quincy Herald-Whig 05/29/2012

Winn D. Higginbotham (1950-2012) MO

September 24, 1950 - May 25, 2012

Winn Higginbotham, 61, of Winfield, Mo., formerly of Quincy, died on Friday (May 25, 2012). Survivors include his daughter, Becky Higginbotham; his son, Cory Higginbotham; his grandson; and his siblings, Robert Higginbotham, Alex Higginbotham and Heather Valencia. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward and Anna Higginbotham. SERVICES: He will be cremated with a private family service at a later date. ARRANGEMENTS: Baue Funeral and Memorial Center, St. Charles, Mo.



The Daily Journal (Flat River, MO) 6/25/2012

Lee Cresswell Higginbotham (1922-2012) MO

Potosi - Lee Cresswell Higginbotham, 89, of Potosi passed away Thursday, June 21, 2012.

He is survived by his wife, Margaret Higginbotham, and daughter, Barbara House.

Visitation will be 6 p.m. Monday, June 25, 2012, at Moore Funeral Home, Potosi. A funeral service will be held 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 26, 2012, at Moore Memorial Chapel.

Arrangements Moore Funeral Homes, Potosi, Mo.




Margaret Emma Crowder Higginbotham (1927-2012) MO

Margaret Emma Higginbotham of Potosi, Missouri was born on May 17, 1927 in Potosi, Missouri a daughter of the late, Ruth Jane (Bouse) Crowder and Otis H. Crowder and departed this life on July 14, 2012 at the DeGreeff Hospice House, St. Louis, Missouri having reached the age of eighty-five years, one month and twenty-seven days.

Margaret was united in marriage to Lee Cresswell Higginbotham on June 2, 1945 in Farmington, Missouri.

Margaret is survived by her daughter, Barbara Lee House of Dittmer, Missouri; also surviving are other relatives and friends. In addition to her parents, Margaret was preceded in death by her husband, Lee Cresswell Higginbotham, sister, Zelma Reese, brother, Ellis Crowder, son-in-law, Ethan House, sister-in-law, Elizabeth Crowder, nieces, Lena Mae Grossmann and Louise Reese.

Margaret attended the Pleasant Hill Christian Church, Potosi, Missouri and accepted Jesus as Her Lord and Savior when she was baptized on February 25, 1940. She loved spending time with her husband and daughter, raising flowers and working in her garden. Margaret enjoyed sewing, cooking, playing with her cats and watching birds. She loved life and lived it to the fullest.

Visitation was held Tuesday, July 17, 2012 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM and Wednesday, July 18, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri.

A Funeral Service was held Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM at the Moore Memorial Chapel, Potosi, Missouri with Pastor Casey Reed officiating.

Final Prayers and Burial took place in the Pleasant Hill Christian Cemetery, Potosi, Missouri. Serving as Pallbearers were Gary Williams, Jeff Higginbotham, Cory Franklin, Chad Govero, Todd Moyers and Ron Wood. Honorary Pallbearers were Eddie Ray LaChance and George DeDen.

Services were Entrusted to the Care and Direction of the Moore Funeral Homes, 105 Clark Street, Potosi, Missouri.



News-Leader 11/29/2012

Dorothy Doran Higginbotham (1936-2012) MO

June 20, 1936 - November 27, 2012

Dorothy Doran Higginbotham , 76 , Springfield, passed away on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 in Cox South Medical Center, She is survived by her husband, Deryl; two sons: Michael Lane and Dennis Lane; and a daughter, Renee Dawson; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. A visitation will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday evening in Greenlawn Funeral Home North. Graveside Services will be Friday at 10:00 a.m. in White Chapel Memorial Gardens.




Lafayette Edwin Higginbotham Jr. (1923-2013) MO

January 31, 1923 - April 11, 2013

Ed Higginbotham, 90, of Raytown, Missouri, passed away April 11, 2013. Visitation will be from 10:00-11:00 a.m. followed by funeral services at 11:00 a. m. Monday, April 15, at Mt. Moriah & Freeman Funeral Home, 10507 Holmes Road. Burial in Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Vitas Hospice, 13316 W. 98th Street, Lenexa, Kansas 66215. Mr. Higginbotham was born January 31, 1923 in Brunswick, Missouri, son of Lafayette Edwin, Sr. and Ruth (Heller) Higginbotham. He served his country in the United States Army during World War II. He was preceded in death by his son David, infant sister, and brothers Gene and Howard. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by sons Dennis (Karen) of Bucyrus, Kansas and Steve (Ceil) of Henderson, Texas; daughter-in-law Linda Higginbotham of Denver, Colorado; brother George Higginbotham of Olathe, Kansas; seven grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, extended family and friends.



Press-Enterprise 06/05/2013

William Henry Higginbotham III (1980-2013) AZ/MO

WILLIAM HENRY HIGGINBOTHAM III Age 32, died tragically Friday, May 24, 2013 in a helicopter accident near Cross Timbers in Hickory County, Missouri. Will was born in Mesa, Arizona on December 26, 1980. He grew up in Coolidge and Florence, Arizona, graduating from Florence Unified High School in 1999 and joining the U.S. Army soon after. Sgt. William Higginbotham was first stationed in Alaska and then transferred to the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vicenza, Italy. He served in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and was part of a combat jump into Northern Kirkuk. He also served in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. He completed his military service after 7 years. Will studied aviation science at Utah Valley University. He was employed by Lucas Oil as their chief helicopter pilot, a profession that allowed him to spend time doing one of the things he loved best, flying. Those who knew Will remember him as a model of genuine kindness, thoughtfulness, and optimism. Whether helping a stranger stranded on the side of the road, calling to check in on one of the many who were privileged to call him family or friend, or soaring across the desert sharing his passion for flying with new friends; Will exemplified unending kindness. He was loyal, a master at keeping in touch with family and friends regardless of where life led him. Once Will was a part of your life, you could count on him being there whenever he was needed, and would find yourself looking forward to his next phone call or post, illustrating his most recent adventure. Will lived his life to the fullest, brave and wise beyond his years, never letting fear prevent him from fulfilling his dreams. An accomplished climber, artist, writer and pilot, Will loved the time he spent in nature, often surrounded by family and friends. He noticed more than most people do, and had learned to see the good in all. Life provided Will with obstacles, but his courage, faith, eternal optimism, and humor led him to an inner peace, allowing him to heal the wounds he'd incurred. He had become a man a friend described best as, "Good to the core." Remembering his sense of humor, various pranks, eye opening adventures, and unwavering love and support will continue to serve those who loved him as a source of healing. His mantra, "Life is good" will forever resonate in the hearts of those he touched as they strive to view the world as openly as Will did. Preceding him in death were Will's biological father, William Henry Higginbotham; grandparents, Bill and Dorothy Higginbotham and Joan Kennedy; uncles, Jerry Higginbotham and Randy Kennedy; and great-grandparents, James and Arlie Stone, Claud and Jane Williams, Fay and Bill Higginbotham, and William and Ida Laughlin. He is survived by his parents, Tim and Terri Kennedy; sisters, Heather Garcia (three children) and Stephanie Mena (two children); brothers, Aaron Higginbotham, Bryan Maracle, Marcus Jones (two children), Josh Felix, Joe Leatham, Derek Huss (two children), Nolan Bousquet and Scott Sprague (three children). The love of his life was Kari-Lyn Molles. He is also survived by grandparents, Bill Williams, Jack and Donna Ovitt, and Barney Kennedy; aunts and uncles, Karen and Gary Romines (Jamie Sue, Krissy & Missy), James and Michele Higginbotham (Danielle & Devin), Patty Burton (Shonn, Amber & Brian); and cousins: Audra Higginbotham (Daniel, Seth & Victoria), Fallon Kennedy, Kayla Stegman, Megan Kennedy, and Jessica Kennedy. He has many other cousins and relatives that he always held close to his heart. Will's thoughtful nature led him to consider his death in spite of his youth. In a letter to friends, Will outlined his wishes, should he pass from this earth prematurely. He loved his mom and did his best to ensure she would be taken care of when he was gone. The final word Will wished to have communicated to all was "Peace". In lieu of flowers, Will's family and friends request donations towards a memorial foundation that is being created in Will's honor. All donations can be made at any Wells Fargo Branch to the William Higginbotham Memorial Fund, just mention that the account was created in Washington. Friends are invited to join Will's family for a sunset memorial to celebrate Will's life, which will be held at the Coolidge Airport in Coolidge, Arizona on Monday, June 10, 2013 at 6PM.




Linda Gail Higginbotham Brabant (1951-2013) MS/MO

Linda Gail Brabant, age 62, daughter of John and Murtice (Woodall) Higginbotham was born August 11, 1951 in Houston, Mississippi. She passed away August 17, 2013 in her home, Plato, Missouri.

Linda grew up moving from military base to military base since her Father was in the military for 20 years. She spent time in Germany, Fort Hood, TX, Fort Dix, NJ and even Fort Leonard Wood, MO.

She attended school on many of these military bases, but started high school in Houston, Mississippi. She attended college at Fort Leonard Wood, MO and completed two Associate Degrees. She worked for Central Texas College as an Administration Assistant for 20 years and retired from there in 2008. She helped many young students start their education and attain their goal of receiving their degrees. She encouraged students to get an education while in the military and many wives went on to finish their education and obtain satisfying jobs. Linda helped them receive the financial help and counseling they needed to complete the courses that would lead to their degrees.

She joined the military August 1977 and completed her duty August 1980. She was very proud to serve her country following in the footsteps of her Father and Sister.

She married her husband Warren Brabant in Fort Belvoir, VA in June of 1978.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her brother Bill Higginbotham, her sister Kay Trent and Lucy Trent and Joan Howell all of Houston, MS.

She is survived by her husband Warren of the home in Plato; her sons: Billy Moore of Houston, MS and John Brabant of Plato, MO; her daughter Rosanna Jemes of Grovesprings, MO; 4 grandchildren; one sister, Mary Jean Nabors of Houston, MS, several nieces and nephews.

Linda loved her family and gardening, but most of all she loved cleaning. She enjoyed her flowers and home grown tomatoes. She always liked living in the country and hunting with her husband. She was very proud of being a wife, Mother and Grandmother. She was very happy when surrounded by family and friends. She enjoyed traveling around Missouri seeing all its beauty. She always wanted her family and friends to be safe and happy.

She will be missed but we know she is enjoying her flowers in bloom in heaven. She has always said this is not good-by but, "see you soon in heaven with our Heavenly Father."




Opal Lucille Jackson Orton Higginbotham (1930-2013) AR/MO

Opal Lucille Higginbotham, 82, peacefully passed away Friday October 11, 2013 at her home after a long illness.

Lucille was born November 27, 1930 in Ponca, Arkansas to the late Robert and Geneva George Jackson. Her family moved to Joplin when she was a child and she remained a lifelong Joplin resident.
Lucille married John W. Orton in 1948. They had two sons, Richard and David. John died in 2009.

Lucille married John W. Higginbotham Sr. in 1971. They owned and operated Higginbotham Jewelers in Joplin until her retirement and his death in 1992.

She was a member since 1951 and past president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W. She attended First Community Church of Joplin.

Lucille is preceded in death by her parents, husbands, and three brothers, Howard Jackson, Layton Jackson and Bill Curtis.She is survived by her brother, James Hmilton, Pairie Grove, Ark. two sons, Richard Noble Orton, New York City N.Y. David Scott Orton, Joplin, many nieces and nephews ad her best friend, Berniece Matchell and her family.

Lucille loved her family and her home. She will be remembered and missed by all who knew and loved her.

Graveside services are planned for Wednesday at 1p.m. at Ozark Memorial Park Cemetery. The family will receive friends Tuesday from 6-7p.m. at Parker Mortuary.

Memorial contributions may be made to Mercy Hospice, in care of Parker Mortuary.




David Lee Higinbotham (1961-2013) MO

May 30, 1961 – October 29, 2013

DAVID LEE HIGINBOTHAM, II David Higinbotham , 52, of Belton, MO died Oct. 29, 2013. Memorial visit 3-5 pm, Sat. Nov. 2 at McGilley & George Funeral Home in Belton. Memorials to Bikers for Babies % March of Dimes. David was born May 30, 1961 in Kansas City, MO. He was a 1979 Belton High School graduate. David was a metal worker for 20 yrs at Metcraft in Grandview. He currently worked at B.E. Aerospace in Lenexa. He was a fan of the Chiefs and MU football, NASCAR and loved to BBQ. David was an avid hunter and loved spending time at the lake. Preceded in death by his father, David Higinbotham. Survived by daughter, Samantha Higinbotham, Nashville TN; mother, Billie Higinbotham, Tipton MO; 3 siblings, Carol Higinbotham, Tipton MO, Mike & Sheri Higinbotham, Versailles MO and Robert Higinbotham, Belton MO; nephew, Craig; 4 nieces, Jennifer, Brandy, Sara & Holly. Condolences may be left at www.mcgilleygeorgebelton.com Arr: McGilley & George 611 Chestnut, Belton MO 64012 (816-322-2995)



SedaliaDemocrat.com 03/19/2014

Donald Lee Higginbotham (1960-2014) IN/MO

SEDALIA - Donald Lee Higginbotham age 54 of Sedalia passed away on Monday morning March 17, 2014 at his home. He was born March 5, 1960, in Marion IN, son of Gene Carrol and Norma Jean Jackson Higginbotham. He Married Dovie Jean Brassield who survives. He was a Baptist. Donald worked construction and worked as a builder most of his life. He is survived by his wife Dovie J. Higginbotham, a son Donald Higginbotham, Jr of Sedalia, a daughter Dawn Lange, Sedalia, a step daughter, Carlenna Lange, Sedalia, four sisters, Debra Higginbotham, Sedalia, Tina Hall, Independence, Mo, Gina Higginbotham, Russell Springs, Kentucky, Carol Dawn Moore, Kentucky, two brothers, John Billingsley, Calhoun, Mo, David Higginbotham, Independence, Mo, his mother, Norma Jean Jackson, Independence, Mo, his significant other, Marlenna Lange of the home, and ten grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father and a brother Michael Higginbotham. Funeral services will be held at a later time.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 04/08/2014

Hallie L. Higginbotham Witte (ca1928-2014) MO

Witte, Hallie L. (nee Higginbotham) Fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church on Sunday, April 6, 2014 at the age of 86. Beloved wife of the late Herbert J. Witte, Sr.; beloved mother of Janice (Bill) Miller, Beverly Liszewski, Karen (Paul) McGrew, Diane (Paul) Gerber, Mary (Rick) Bentrup, Herbert J. (Chris) Witte II, Linda (Jim) Marshall, Judy (Tom) Lowell and Stephen F. Witte; dear sister of Victor Chapman and the late William Higginbotham, Harry Chapman and Harold Chapman; dear grandmother of 18, great grandmother of 14, sister-in-law, aunt and second mom to many. Services: Funeral Thursday 10:30AM from JOHN L. ZIEGENHEIN & SONS 7027 Gravois to St. James the Greater for 11:00AM Mass. Interment: National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to Alzheimer's Association would be appreciated. VISITATION: WEDNESDAY 4-8PM.




Sally Ann Higginbottom Cox (1932-2014) MI/MO

Sally Ann Cox, age 82 of Lowry City, MO, died at Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare on Saturday, August 16, 2014. Sally was born on March 26, 1932 to John Higginbottom and Amy Lou ‘Hensley' Higginbottom of Ecorse, MI. She married James ‘Jim' Cox on January 30, 1971. Sally was a homemaker who loved knitting, crocheting, reading, playing bingo and was a member of the Catholic Church. Surviving Sally is her husband, Jim Cox of the home; five children, Michael Webb (Irene) of Providence, RI, Darcey Campbell (Guy) of East Rockwood, MI, Bonnie Primak of New Boston, MI, Steve Webb (Kathy) of Lowry City, MO, and Linda Bergman of Rockwood, MI; fifteen grandchildren, twenty-eight great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death were her parents, a sister, Jonnie Zamenski and a grandson, Pauley Campbell. Under the direction of Consalus Funeral Home, a graveside service will be conducted at Englewood Cemetery, Clinton on Thursday, August 21, 2014 at 10:00 AM. Condolences may be left online at this website.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/01/2014

Lorene Higginbotham Hirsch (1931-2014) MO

Hirsch, Lorene (nee Higginbotham) Tuesday, September 30, 2014.

Beloved wife of the late Gary Hirsch Sr.; dear mother of Gary Jr. (Lisa) and Steve Hirsch; dear grandmother of Kerrie (Greg) Kelly, Andy, Amy and Steve Jr.; dear great-grandma of Aubrey and Isla; our dear sister-in-law, aunt and cousin. Services: Funeral from KUTIS AFFTON CHAPEL, 10151 Gravois, Friday, October 3, 11 a.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. Contributions to deGreeff Hospice program appreciated. Visitation Thursday 3-9 p.m. Funeral Home Kutis Funeral Home 10151 Gravois Road Affton, MO 63123 (314) 842-4458.


Pitman Funeral Homes 1/2/2015

Mary Elizabeth Karrenbrock Higginbotham Lee (1930-2015) MO

Wife of Billy Lee of Wright City, MO; She is survived by her daughter, Karen (Donald) Brink; two sons, Keith (Maggie) Higginbotham, Kent Higginbotham; brother, Leroy Karrenbrock; four grandsons, Andrew (Amanda) Brink, Michael (Nichole) Higginbotham, James Daly, Russell Daly; two granddaughters, Crystal (Gary) Carver, Jennifer (Shamus) Nutter; She is preceded in death by her father, Theodore Karrenbrock, mother, Viola Karrenbrock, sister, Theodore "Teddy" Cox. Mary and Billy Lee were married on Febuary 14, 1994. Mary enjoyed collecting and had a beautiful collection of cookie jars. She enjoyed attending auctions, going to dances and bluegrass festivals. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.




Ruby Jane Stubbs Higginbotham (1941-2015) MO

In Memory of Ruby Jane Higginbotham May 25, 1941 - January 29, 2015

Ruby Jane Higginbotham, 73, passed away January 29, 2015. Funeral service will be 12 Noon, Wednesday, February 4, 2015, at Floral Hills. Burial will follow. Visitation will be at the funeral home Tuesday evening from 6-8pm. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Larry; 4 children; 26 grandchildren and 5 siblings. Memorial tributes may directed to Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.




Elizabeth Ann Higginbotham Mahony (1966-2015) MO/IL
October 19, 1966 - February 03, 2015
Elizabeth Ann (Higginbotham) Mahony, 48, of Champaign, Illinois and a former resident of Albany, Missouri passed away on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 in Champaign. Elizabeth, the daughter of Norman and Carolyn (Boner) Higginbotham was born on October 19, 1966 in Albany, Missouri. Elizabeth graduated from Albany RIII High School in 1985. She was a member of the Albany United Methodist Church. On July 24, 1999, she was united in marriage to Michael Mahony. They made their home together in Champaign, Illinois, where Elizabeth worked as a Pharmacy Technician. Survivors: husband, Michael of the home; parents, Norman and Carolyn Higginbotham; sisters, Norma Hill; Cindy (Larry) Wilson; nephew, Carson Wilson, all of Albany; aunts, uncles and cousins. A Visitation will be held on Saturday, February 7 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM at the Roberson-Polley Chapel, Albany. The body will be cremated following the visitation. Memorial Contributions-Albany United Methodist Church or Pineview Manor Activity Fund in care of the Roberson-Polley Chapel, 403 N. Hundley, Albany, MO 64402.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Nancy C. Starnes Higginbotham (1932-2015) IL/MO

Higginbotham, Nancy C. (nee Starnes) born June 28, 1932 in East Saint Louis, Illinois. Died peacefully on February 19, 2015 surrounded by family, in Saint Louis, Missouri.

Daughter of Claude C. Starnes and Beatrice A. Graham. Dear sister of Jeanne Beatty and Alene Foster (deceased). Loving mother of Lee Ann Higginbotham (Stan Piekarski) and Gary Scott (Valarie) Higginbotham. Beloved grandmother of Lydia Piekarski and Alexander Piekarski.

Services: Memorial celebration on Thursday February 26, 3-7 p.m., at Mile 227 Restaurant, 10701 Watson Road. Private funeral on Saturday February 28 at 1 p.m., Our Lady of Providence Church, 8874 Pardee Road. In lieu of flowers, donations to Our Lady of Providence Church of St. Jude Children's Hospital.

Soar with the angels, mom.



The Washington Post 05/10/2015

James Edward Higginbotham (????-2015) MO

On May 6, 2015, JAMES "JIM" EDWARD HIGGINBOTHAM passed away in Columbia, MD after a long illness. He leaves his wife of 51 years, Theadus Ann; his daughter, Ashley and her husband Eric Holmberg of Pennsylvania; his son, Robert and his wife Sharon of Maryland; two grandchildren, Jack and Ryan; and his sister, Ruth Wilcoxen of Ohio. Family will receive friends on Thursday, May 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. at WITZKE FUNERAL HOMES, INC., 5555 Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, MD 21045; where a funeral service will follow at 4 p.m. Interment will be at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations made to a military charity of choice . Funeral Home Witzke Funeral Homes, Inc. 5555 Twin Knolls Road Columbia, MD 21045 (410) 992-9090.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 06/30/2015

Constance Lee Wise Higginbotham (1928-2015) MO

October 3, 1928 - June 28, 2015

Higginbotham, Constance of Bridgeton, MO, died on Sunday June 28, 2015, at the age of 86. Loving wife of the late Robert Lee Higginbotham; beloved daughter of the late Russell and Wilmoth Wise; devoted mother of Michael L. Higginbotham, Lee Ann (Larry) Hottelman, Andrew (Anita) Higginbotham; cherished grandmother of Matthew (Jennifer) Barrett, Jennifer (David) Dipley, Melanie (Mark) Nolker, Robert (Sara) Higginbotham, Zachary Higginbotham, Darby Higginbotham, Matthew (Jackie) Hottelman, Alexander (Melissa) Hottelman, Shawn Higginbotham, Nicholas Higginbotham, and Victor Higginbotham; treasured great-grandmother of Annabel Nolker, David Nolker, Kaitlyn Barrett, Jessica Barrett, Landon A. Higginbotham, Karsyn Hottelman, and Aubree Hottelman; dear sister of Carolyn Daugherty. Services: The family is being served by the BAUE Funeral and Memorial Center, 3950 West Clay Street, St. Charles, MO. Visitation will be held on Thursday July 2, 2015 from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm at the funeral home. Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 2:00pm at Baue Funeral and Memorial Center. Interment will be held at St. Charles Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to Community Helping Ministries of Arlington Methodist Church. Baue Funeral & Memorial Center 3950 W. Clay St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 946-7811.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7/16/2015

Edward J. Hickinbotham (1927-2015) MO

Hickinbotham, Edward J., Wednesday, July 15, 2015. Beloved husband of the late Ruth J. and Christine Hickinbotham; dearest father of Eddie (Ornette) Hickinbotham and Linda (Michael) Russell; loving grandfather of Becky (Travis) Tyler, Matthew Jamieson and Kimberly (Austin) Carriger; great-grandfather of Callie, Abbie, Brooklyn, Rylie, Asher, Adalynn, Xander and Isaac; our dear uncle, cousin and friend.

Services: Funeral at Kutis South Country Chapel, 5255 Lemay Ferry Rd., Monday, July 20, 10:00 a.m. Interment J. B. National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials to Baptist Home of Ironton appreciated.

Visitation Sunday 4-8 p.m.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/19/2015

Dorothy Marie Duly Higginbotham (1916-2015) MO

Higginbotham, Dorothy Dottie 98, on Friday, July 17, 2015. Beloved wife of the late Fritz Higginbotham. Cherished mother of Barb Novotny, Pat (Ron) Foan, and Susie (Larry) Byler. Loving grandmother & great grandmother. Services: Memorial Mass Wed 7/22, 10am at St. Mary Magdalen, Brentwood. Interment Private. Memorial Contributions preferred to Franklin County Humane Society. Visitation Tues 3-7pm at Bopp Chapel. Funeral Home BOPP CHAPEL 10610 MANCHESTER RD Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 965-7680.




Pauline Marie Higgenbotham Cooper (1927-2015) MO

Pauline Cooper (nee Higgenbotham) born September 24, 1927 in St. Louis, MO passed away September 27, 2015 in Chesterfield, MO. She is preceded in death by her parents, Edward Higgenbotham and Nancy (Tourville) Yope; and her husband, Carl Cooper. She is survived by her daughters, Patti (Stan) Gregowicz and Janis Ferguson; son, Michael (Donna) Phelan; granddaughters, Traci (Albert) Stix and Robin Halterman; grandsons, Timothy (Carolyn) Phelan, Jeffrey (Erin) Phelan; 7 great grandchildren; and sister, Loraine Hester.
Friends may visit on Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 10 a.m. until time of service at noon at Alexander White Mullen Funeral Home, St. Ann, MO. Inurnment at Mt. Lebanon Cemetery.



News-Leader 10/31/2015

Eugene Carl Higginbotham (1923-2015) AR/MO

Eugene Carl Higginbotham, 92, of Mt. Vernon passed away Thursday, October 29, 2015 in the Missouri Veterans Home in Mt. Vernon. He was born to Carl and Thelma Higginbotham on October 14, 1923 in Lonoke, AR. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran and a retired educator. Survivors include 1 son, Steve Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon; 2 daughters, Debbie Thompson of Mt. Vernon and Jenny Smith of Mt. Vernon; 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Lou; 1 son, Mark Higginbotham; 5 brothers and 1 sister. Graveside services will be held Monday, November 2 at 2:00 p.m. in the Fayetteville National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR. under the care of Peterson Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be held Monday from 10-11 a.m. in the funeral home.



News-Leader 05/03/2016

Lenora Mae Hedrick Higginbotham (1921-2016) MO

Born: August 14, 1921 Died: May 01, 2016

Lenora Mae (Hedrick) Higginbotham, Nixa, MO, daughter of Fred and Mary (Hopper) Hedrick, was born on August 14, 1921 in Darke County, Ohio and departed this life on May 01, 2016 in Nixa, MO at the age of 94. Lenora was a lifelong resident of the area and worked at Haggle Garment Factory in Reeds Spring, MO. She was a member of Calvary Bible Church, Nixa, MO. Lenora was preceded in death by her parents and six sisters, Eulas, Vera, Beulah, Neoma, Berdine and Betty. Survivors include: her husband, Herman Higginbotham of Nixa, MO; three sons, Carol Mease and his wife, Patti of Hollister, MO, Lonnie Mease and his wife, Judy of Hurley, MO and Dale Mease and his wife, Phylis of Reeds Spring, MO; three brothers, Kenneth Hedrick of Kansas, Carl Hedrick of Kansas City, MO and Kirby Hedrick of Reeds Spring, MO; two sisters, Reba Hendryx of Gore, OK and Della Ellingsworth of Chillicothe, MO; nine grandchildren; thirteen great grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 6, 2016 in Stumpff Funeral Home, Crane, MO with Bill Rice and Rodney Mease officiating. Burial will be in Yocum Pond Cemetery, Reeds Spring, MO under the direction of Stumpff Funeral Home, Crane, MO.



Kansas City Star 05/22/2016

Emma Gertrude Hall Higginbotham (1921-2016) WV/MO

HIGGINBOTHAM Emma Gertrude (Gertie) Higginbotham, age 95, went to be with the Lord and her beloved husband, Art, on May 4, 2016. The youngest of eight children, Gertie was born in West Virginia to Roscoe Stanton Hall and Fay Bailey Hall. She was affectionately called "Tudie" by her brothers and sisters, since as a small child, this was her own pronunciation of her name. Gertie was married to the love of her life, Arthur (Art) Higginbotham in 1950, and resided much of her life in the Raytown, MO area. Gertie and Art were married 34 years until his death in 1984. She was baptized July 6, 1973, at Spring Valley Baptist Church, where she was actively involved for many years. She had many interests in her life including, cake decorating, candy making, dog training, sewing, gardening, becoming an artist, traveling, and golfing. She was a marvelous cook and loved preparing elegant gourmet meals for her friends and family. Whatever her endeavor, it was done with excellence! Gertie is survived by siblings Carmen Massey of Fountain Hills, Ariz., Clifton Hall of Roanoke, Va., and Ruth Whittaker of Fairless Hills, Pa. She is also survived by many nieces, nephews, and friends. The family is especially grateful to Garden Terrace of Overland Park, for their excellent care in the last phase of her life. A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 11:30am, at Spring Valley Baptist Church, 8801 E. 79th St., Raytown, Mo., 64138. In lieu of flowers, contributions are suggested to The Alzheimer's Association , 3846 W. 75th St., Prairie Village, Kans., 66208; The Parkinson's Foundation Heartland, 8900 State Line Rd., Suite 320, Leawood, Ks., 66206; or Garden Terrace of Overland Park, 7451 Switzer, Overland Park, Kans., 66214. Newcomer's Floral Hills Funeral Home & Cemetery.



SedaliaDemocrat.com May 31, 2016

Dee Cleotta Higginbottom Olsen (1924-2016) AR/MO

SEDALIA — Cleotta "Dee" Olsen, 92, of Sedalia, died Sunday, May 29, 2016, at Rest Haven.

She was born April 20, 1924, in Poughkeepsie, AR, a daughter of the late Cleo and Virgie (Butts) Higginbottom. On May 5, 1966, she was married to Darrell Olsen, who preceded her in death on September 21, 2001.

Mrs. Olsen graduated from high school in 1943 at Poughkeepsie, AR, and attended college in El Centro, CA. She was employed at Bothwell Hospital as Executive Director of Housekeeping, Laundry and Linen. She enjoyed her job, loved the people she worked with, and under her leadership of 40 people, kept the hospital spotless.

She was a lifetime member of the Church of Christ and enjoyed gardening, sewing and quilting. She lovingly gave to her children and family. She enjoyed spending time with her family and friends.

She is survived by three sons, Tommy Himes, of Fort Worth, TX, Marty Himes, of Sedalia, and Rick Himes, of Uruguay; one step-son, Jerry Olsen; daughters-in-law, Peggy Himes and Patricia Himes; seven grandchildren, Tammie, Kathy (Grant), Amber (Craig), Kellie (Johnny), Vance, Adam (Jessica), Aaron (Roxy); 12 great-grandchildren, Spencer (Tara), Shelby, Marshall, Mitchell, Mairette, Lucas, Kindle, Cooper, Stetson, Daniel, Chandler and Chance; and two great-great grandchildren, Temperance and Holland.

In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by four brothers, Gordon, Bart, H.B. and Bill Higginbottom.

Funeral service will be 10 am, Saturday, June 4, 2016 at McLaughlin Funeral Chapel with Minister Everette Bohrer officiating. Pallbearers will be grandchildren Adam Himes, Aaron Himes, Vance Himes, Kathy Lowe, Kellie Parish, Craig Holmes, Amber Holmes; great-grandchildren Marshall Parish and Mitchell Parish. Honorary pallbearers will be Kaye Mills, Freida Morrison, Velda Hale, Ruth Kehl and Lina Faye Mahnken. Burial will follow in Memorial Park Cemetery.

Visitation will be 5pm-7pm, Friday, June 3, 2016 at McLaughlin Funeral Chapel.

Memorial contributions may be given to a charity of the donor's choice in care of the funeral chapel.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch 05/30/2016

Suzanne Higginbotham Carroll (ca1935-2016) MO

Carroll, Suzanne (nee: Higginbotham) of Saint Charles, MO, was fortified with the Sacraments of the Holy Mother Church on Sunday, May 29, 2016, at the age of 81. Loving wife of Eugene Gene Carroll; beloved daughter of the late Thomas and Marie Higginbotham; devoted mother of Laura Suzanne Gallagher, Eugene (Lisa) Carroll, Diane (Mike) Boerding, Ann (Jim) Butler, and Kathleen (Mike) Parvis; cherished grandmother of Eugene Gallagher, Katherine Gallagher, Andrew Gallagher, Molly Carroll, Jack Carroll, Gretta Boerding, Elliot Boerding, Claudia Parvis, Zoe Parvis, and a special grand-dog Sophie Butler; and dear sister of Robert Higginbotham. Also survived by many Higginbotham and Carroll nieces and nephews, other extended family, and friends. She is preceded in death by her son-in-law Rene Gallagher; brother, James (Jane) Thomas Higginbotham; and sister-in-law, Edna Higginbotham. Services: The family is being served by the Baue Funeral Home, 620 Jefferson Street, St. Charles, MO where visitation will be held Thursday, June 2, 2016 4:00-8:00 p.m. Visitation prior to Mass on Friday, June 3, 2016 9:00-10:00 a.m. at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. Funeral Mass Friday, June 3, 2016 10:00 a.m. at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, 610 N. Fourth Street, St. Charles, MO. Interment St. Charles Borromeo Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the Academy of the Sacred Heart Endowment Fund in memory of Suzanne Carroll. Funeral Home Baue St. Charles 620 Jefferson St St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 940-1000.




Glendola Higginbotham Wright (1934-2016) MO
(August 22, 1934 - June 8, 2016)
Campbell – Glendola Wright, 81, of Campbell, passed away on Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at Landmark Hospital in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Mrs. Wright, daughter of Luther Cleveland and Mary Lena Garrard Higginbotham, was born on Wednesday, August 22, 1934, in Cardwell, Missouri.
She was a Homemaker and a member of the South Canaan General Baptist Church.
On December 31, 1955, in Hernando, Mississippi, she was united in marriage to Harold Lewis Wright. He preceded her in death on January 22, 2010.
Her survivors include three daughters, Cindy Hays and husband, Stanley of Campbell, Lori Kayser and husband, Glen of Jackson, Sherri Vancil and husband, Mike of Piggott; two grandsons, Justin Paul Hays and wife, Lauren of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Nicholas Guy Hays and fiancée, Cathryn Chapman of Memphis, Tennessee; two great-granddaughters, Hadley Elizabeth Hays and Harper Grace Hays.
She was preceded in death by her parents; five brothers and three sisters.
Visitation will be from 12 - 2 p.m., Sunday, June 12, 2016 at the Landess Funeral Home in Campbell, with services beginning at 2 p.m., at the funeral home chapel with Mr. Randall Baker officiating. Burial will follow at Woodlawn Cemetery in Campbell.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/08/2016

Wilfred E. Higginbotham (1931-2016) MO

Wilfred E. “Bill” Higginbotham, age 84, of Washington, passed away on Wednesday July 6, 2016.  He was born on November 14, 1931 to the late Morrie and Pearl (nee Agers) Higginbotham in De Soto, Missouri.  Wilfred enjoyed golfing and hunting, and was very active in the Washington Elks Lodge 1559. A visitation will be held on Saturday, July 9, 2016 from 2pm until time of Service at 6pm at Miller Funeral Home.  Interment will be on Sunday, July 10, at 11 am at Woodlawn Cemetery, 1402 S. 5th St, De Soto, MO 63020.  Memorial donations are appreciated to the Elks Lodge 1559, 1459 W. 5th, Washington, Missouri 63090.  Bill is survived by five children, Daniel and wife Karen Higginbotham of Ballwin, Debbie and husband Joseph Quicke of Oakville, Donald and wife Beth Higginbotham of Cedar Hill, Lisa and husband Curt Apprill of Washington, and Karen Mazzochio of Washington; eight grandchildren, Tara, Tory, Dustin, Tony, Mark, Hollie, Nicole, and Hope; one great grandchild Rory; other relatives and many friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, Stephanie Higginbotham, and one brother, Roy Higginbotham.




Nina Pearl Wasson Higginbotham (1928-2016) OK/MO

June 15, 1928 - September 21, 2016

Nina Pearl Higginbotham, age 88, formerly of Joplin, passed away at 11:55 a.m. Wednesday, September 21, 2016 in Altoona, Kansas.

Nina was born June 15, 1928 in Miami, Oklahoma to the late Albert Wasson and Ninnie Reeves Wasson and had lived in the Joplin area most of her life before moving to Altoona ten years ago.

She owned and operated two restaurants in Joplin, Rex and Nina's and Tumble Inn for several years. She also owned and operated the former Higginbotham Grocery for several years. Nina served as treasurer and sexton at Hornet Cemetery for many years. She will be missed by all that knew her.

Nina married C.R.'Rex' Higginbotham on July 1, 1961 in Joplin. He preceded her in death on December 21, 1995.

She was also preceded in death by a granddaughter, Tammy Mahan; a great granddaughter, Faith Ann; one sister, Susie; and a brother, Jimmy Wasson.

Survivors include a daughter, Jodi Ketron, Joplin; grandchildren, Tracy Mitchell, Terri Farmer, Shawna Ketron; one brother, Monroe Wasson, Altoona; a sister, Stella Waller, Council Grove, Missouri; great grandchildren, Aaron Stiber, Matt Stiber, Drew Mitchell, Gabriele Christophel, Felisha Drake; and nine great great grandchildren.

Graveside services are planned for Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. at Hornet Cemetery. Rick Tracy will officiate. Pallbearers will be Robert Edwards, Zack Mahaffey, Wyatt Raida, Larry Raida, Hunter Mahaffey, Jesse Mahaffey and Rod Wasson.



Kansas City Star on Dec. 1, 2016

Marcia Ann Renne Hickenbottom (1960-2016) KS/MO
The world lost a dearly loved soul, Marcia Ann Renne Hickenbottom, age 66 on Nov. 28, 2016. Marcia passed away at home in Joplin, MO, surrounded by her loved ones. She began life's journey August 25, 1950, in Kansas City, KS, the daughter of William and Bonnie Renne, and grew up in the Kansas City area, where she lived until her marriage to Jerry Hickenbottom in 2002. In her 43-year banking career, she made many lifelong friends of both co-workers and customers. She started as a bookkeeper and worked her way up through the ranks and was admired for her honesty and ethics. She raised two great children, basically on her own and lived her life with quick wit, humor, and compassion for others and for animals. Whether biking across Missouri (or Italy), laughing with her many friends, or fishing in Canada, she embraced life. Her seven grandchildren loved and adored her dearly. Her father and a brother, R. Michael Renne, preceded her in death. Those dedicated to carrying on her memory include her husband, Jerry, daughter, Amy Alaiwat of Kansas City, son, Joey (Amy) Reardon of Council Grove, KS, seven grandchildren, brother, Billy (Allie) Renne of Climax Springs, MO, her mother, Bonnie Dickens of Kansas City, and extended family and friends. A memorial visitation will be 12-2:00 pm with a memorial service at 2:00 pm, Sunday, Dec. 4 at the Amos Family Funeral Home, Shawnee, KS. Inurnment will be in the Resurrection Cemetery. A Celebration of Life will be held in Joplin at a time and place yet to be determined. This celebration will be published in the Joplin Globe as well as Marcia's Facebook account. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations go to ALS Association or the Joplin Humane Society. Online condolences may be expressed at www.amosfamily.com. (arr. Amos Family Chapel of Shawnee, 913-631- 5566) The Amos Family Funeral Home, Crematory, Chapels. 913-631-5566.




Mary Melba Higginbotham DeWane (1936-2017) NJ/MO

Mary Melba DeWane 80, Springfield, Missouri passed away Saturday, January 14, 2017, in Springfield, Missouri. She was born August 26,1936, in Camden, New Jersey. Mary had a passion with Branson and friends with the Baldknobbers.
She was preceded in death by her mother Anna Melba Bramley Williams, her father Raymond Edward Higginbotham and a brother Charles Thomas Williams.
Survivors include one daughter Teresa Kim Helms and husband John, her fiancée Ralph Bowman and by two grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Burial in Robberson Prairie Cemetery.



The News-Leader 04/04/2017

Cecil E. Higginbotham (1945-2017) MO

Cecil E. Higginbotham, 72, Collins. Arrangements: Sheldon-Goodrich Funeral Home, Collins, MO.




Effie Jean Due Higginbotham (1929-2017) MO

February 22, 1929 - August 5, 2017

Effie was born on February 22, 1929 and passed away on Saturday, August 5, 2017. Effie was a resident of Dixon, Missouri at the time of passing.




Francis Allen Higginbotham (1960-2017) MO

September 22, 1960 - October 28, 2017

Francis Allen Higginbotham, 57, passed away on Saturday, October 28, 2017, in Knob Noster, Missouri.   A celebration of life will be announced at a later date.   Arrangements: Sweeney-Phillips and Holdren Funeral Home (660) 747-9114.




Alice Catherine Hickingbottom Baker (1931-2017) MS/MO

Alice Catherine “Boots” Baker (nee Hickingbottom) of O'Fallon, MO, passed away on Tuesday November 21, 2017, at the age of 86 years. Loving wife of the late Max Lyle Baker; beloved daughter of Ernest and Alice Hickingbottom; devoted mother of David L. Baker, deceased (Kathy), Steven W. (Dedie) Baker, Michael A. Baker, deceased, and Donald W. Baker.  Cherished grandmother of Shawn (Erin), Keith (Meghan), Steve (Renee), Angie, Jenny (Matt), Brian, Sarah (Chris), Patricia, Mike Jr., Brandy, Billy, Bobby, and Catherine (Jeff).  Treasured great-grandmother of Riley, Jimmy, Mary Kate, Ellie, Calvin, Piper, Patria, Lonnie, Sebasten, Sabrina, Alex, Ryan, Evan, Elise, Claire, Jon, Jacob, Brittani, Chase, Tanner, Nathan, Austin, Brandon, Kaylie, Caleb, and Lilly. Dear great-great grandmother of  Max, and Fox. Preceded in death and loving sister of Ernest, Andrew, Ruby, Nancy, and Jack. Beloved sister-in-law of Douglas,(Sylvia), Baker, both deceased, and Mary (Joseph, deceased) Griffith.  Alice was a dear  aunt, niece, cousin and friend to many. Alice enjoyed many things in life, a few of them were gardening, fishing, camping, playing cards, needle work, and most of all, spending time with her family. Alice was dearly loved and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.




Teddie Paulus Higginbotham (1926-2017) CA/MO

Teddie “Ted” Paulus Higginbotham, age 91, of Branson, Missouri, passed away peacefully at home with family by his side on Wednesday, December 6, 2017. He was born March 20, 1926, in Ventura, California, the son of Elmer and Matilda (Earhart) Higginbotham. Arrangements and burial are under the direction of Cremations of the Ozarks. Proudly serving our country in the U.S. Army, Ted loved his country and loved veterans, handing out 63 Veteran WWII Medallions in Branson. His deepest love was for Christ and his family. Ted appreciated the beauty of God’s creation, especially bluebirds, and would feed ducks at the Landing. He also traveled all over California and Montana, collecting Indian and Western relics and pottery. During his working years, Ted was a hydraulic engineer for ESCO. He will be remembered for his fun, loving heart. While on this Earth, Ted never missed church, and now he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. ​He is preceded in death by his parents and four brothers: Nolan, Ben, Ned, and Omar Higginbotham. Known as “Papaw Cowboy” to many, Ted is survived by his son, Ted (Carol) Higginbotham of North Little Rock, Arkansas; two grandchildren: Bruce Higginbotham of Springfield, Missouri, and Stacy (Brent) Higginbotham-Begin of Overland Park, Kansas; and four great-grandchildren: Bailey, Avery, Gage, and Harmony. Burial with full military honors will take place 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 11, 2017, at Missouri Veterans Cemetery in Springfield, Missouri, with Brother Dave Hamner officiating.



Kansas City Star on Jan. 16, 2018

Maurice Raymond Higginbottom (1942-2018) MO

October 20, 1942 - January 12, 2018 Belton, Missouri

Funeral services for Maurice "Moe" Raymond Higginbottom of Belton, Missouri will be 11 a.m. Friday, January 19, 2018 at the Southview Christian Church in Grandview, Missouri with Pastor Tom Worstell officiating. Visitation prior to services from 10 to 11 a.m. Friday, January 19 at the Southview Christian Church. Arrangements under the direction of the Schowengerdt Funeral Chapel (660-679-6555) in Butler, Missouri.
Moe is survived by his wife, Patty Higginbottom of the home in Belton, Missouri; a son, Dan Higginbottom and wife Kim of Cleveland, Missouri; a daughter, Linda Higginbottom of Ontario, Canada; and three grandchildren, Brandon, Daniel Geordon and Hunter. He was preceded in death by a son, Timothy Earl Higginbottom in 2006.




Norma Jean Jackson Higginbotham-Billingsley-Blankenship (1936-2018) IN/MO

Norma passed away in February 2018. Norma was a resident of Missouri at the time of passing.  Heartland Cremation and Burial Society.




Carol Lee Mann Higginbotham (1965-2018) Canada/MO

Carol Lee Higginbotham, 52, a resident of Blue Springs, MO passed away on Thursday, March 1, 2018.  She was born December 8, 1965 in Regina Saskatchewan Canada to Richard Mann and Patricia Ryder. Carol owned and operated a construction cleanup company in Blue Springs.  She enjoyed cooking, dancing, shopping, crafting and watching tigers and lions on National Geographic.  Carol was known for doing everything in her own silly and goofy way.  Carol truly enjoyed helping the less fortunate. Survivors include daughters, Danielle Guzman-Querry (Dino), Johnna Higginbotham, Kyla Higginbotham and their father John Higginbotham all of Blue Springs, MO; father, Richard Mann (Sandra) of Grand Forks British Columbia and their children; adopted parents, Paul and Carolyn Burt of New Cambria, KS and their children; sister, Robyn Cart and her son, Joshua Hayes of Kansas City, MO; grandson, Dalton Querry.  She is preceded in death by her mother, Patricia Ryder. The family will receive friends from 5-7:00 p.m., on Thursday, March 8, 2018 at the Summit Park Church, 2818 N.E. Independence, Ave, Lee’s Summit, MO. Funeral Service will be held on Friday, March 9, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., at the church. Arrangements have been entrusted to Meyers Funeral Chapel in Blue Springs.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 04/25/2018

Gloria B. Link Higginbotham (1925-2018) MO

February 1, 1925 - April 23, 2018

Higginbotham, Gloria B. (nee Link), Passed Away, Monday, April 23, 2018. Beloved wife of the late Lester J. Higginbotham; Loving Mother of Robert (Kerry) and the late Gregory Higginbotham; Dear Grandmother of Alex and Nicole Higginbotham; Daughter of the late Robert and Eleanor Walker; Dear Aunt, Great Aunt, Cousin and Friend of many. Services: Services were privately held by the family. A service of the SCHRADER Funeral Home and Crematory.




Thomas Edward Higginbotham (1937-2018) MO

Thomas Edward Higginbotham, age 81, passed away on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, at his home with family by his side after a lengthy illness.

Tom was born March 9, 1937, in Lamar, Mo., son of the late Joe Higginbotham and Bertha Bell Higginbotham. He attended Carthage, Mo. schools.

Tom joined the Army and served his country in Korea. He returned to Joplin, Mo., worked at Eagle Picher for over 40 years. He was a loving father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather.

Tom married Velma Langford in 1958 to 1976. They were blessed with six children, Glenda Denison and husband, Dan, of Sabine Pass, Texas, six children, 19 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; Thomas Edward, deceased, Edward Gene, deceased, Carla Higginbotham, of Seneca, Mo., two children and one grandchild; Jimmy and Angie Higginbotham, Diamond, Mo.

Tom married Doris Laurance, February 1977-1992. He gained two more children who adored him. Terry Greer and wife, Suzanne, five children, 10 grandchildren; Teresa Greer, four children and 16 grandchildren.

He is survived by his brother, Joe Higginbotham and wife, Linda, of Avilla, Mo.; sister, Linda, of Oklahoma. He is preceded in death by his sister, Dorothy Greer; brother, Clifford Higginbotham; sister, Della May Higginbotham.



News-Leader 06/27/2018

Mary Ann Hobbs Higginbotham

Springfield - Mary Ann Higginbotham, 68, of Springfield, passed away on June 22, 2018 after a long struggle with Parkinson's disease. On March 20, 1982, she married her loving husband, Larry, and they shared 36 wonderful years of marriage. Mary Ann was a graduate of Missouri Baptist School of Nursing and received her BSN at Drury University. Mary Ann was a dedicated nurse for 45 years, retiring from Mercy Health System in 2016 after 34 years of service. Her loving spirit and compassion for others continues after her death, with the donation of her brain to Parkinson's research. She is survived by her loving husband, Larry; daughter, Michelle St. John, Springfield; daughter Beth Higginbotham, Portland, OR; son Bill Higginbotham, Leland, NC; granddaughter, Taylor St. John, grandsons, Walt and Gabe Higginbotham; brothers, Charles and James Hobbs; and her loyal dog, Gracie. Mary Ann was preceded in death by her parents, Charles and Mary Hobbs. A celebration of life service will be held at 3:00 P.M. on Friday, June 29, 2018, at Wesley United Methodist Church, Springfield. Visitation with family and friends will be immediately after. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Parkinson's research at Washington University. Checks should be made out to Washington University, with "For Dr. Perlmutter's Parkinson's disease research" written on the memo line. Mail to the following address: Susan Donovan Administrative Professional Movement Disorders, Dept. of Neurology Washington University School of Medicine Box 8111, 660 So. Euclid Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110.




Herman Dale Hickinbotham (1944-2018) MO

Herman Dale Hickinbotham, age 74 of Alton, MO, the son of the late Tom Hickinbotham and Alma Tadlock-Hickinbotham, was born November 24, 1944 in Oregon County, MO and passed away November 25, 2018 at Ozarks Medical Center.

Survivors include: his wife, Jerri Hickinbotham; son, Danny Hickinbotham; step-children, Christopher (Krystal) Smith and children Ashlee and Christopher, Terri Smith, Tammy Crews and children Jeremy and Stanton, Tim Hull (Lori) and their children Mathew (Christina) and Christian; two brothers, Doil (Fern) Hickinbotham, Boyd (Barbara) Hickinbotham; numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.

Services will be 2pm Saturday, December 1, 2018, at the Clary Funeral Home in Thayer, MO, with Bro. Edward Casey officiating. Interment with follow in the Oak hill Cemetery in Alton, MO. Visitation will be Friday, 6pm-8pm at the funeral home. Arrangements are under the direction of the Clary Funeral Home of Thayer, MO.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Dec. 2, 2018

Sheila M. Early Higginbotham Kina (1934-2018) MO

Shirley Kina of St. Louis, Missouri, was born to Martin and Nora (nee McLean) Early.

She is preceded in death by her parents, and one sister-in-law, Mary Kay Early.

She is survived by three children, Dan (Karen) Higginbotham, Debbie (Joe) Quicke and Donald Higginbotham; four grandchildren, Tara Higginbotham, Tory Higginbotham, Dustin Quicke and Mark (Stacy) Regna,; and one) great grandchild. She is also survived by a brother, Donald Early

Services: Visitation Friday Dec. 7, 4 p.m. until time of Service at 5 p.m. Chapel Hill Mortuary- Kirkwood.




Josephine T. Rinderer Higginbotham (1926-2018) MO

Josephine T. Higginbotham, age 92 passed away peacefully on Tuesday, December 19, 2018 in O’Fallon, MO. She was preceded in death by her husband, Russell C. Higginbotham. She is survived by their five children: Sharmon Zielinski, Jeffrey (Valerie) Higginbotham, Anne Skidmore, Mary (Mark) Unterreiner, Christine (Michael Baird) Higginbotham; her grandchildren, Matt (Christina) Zielinski, Andrea (Brian) Klarich, Alicia (Kevin) Merritt, Dan Higginbotham, Darrah Higginbotham, Russ Skidmore, Ian (Will) Unterreiner, Jessica (Jason) Bulva, Rachel Unterreiner, Tom (Ali) Nolan, Kali (Ryan) Buddenhagen, Bobbie Jo (Johnny Scott) Nolan; and great grandchildren, Stella and Ellen Zielinski, Max and Millie Klarich, Sawyer and Savvy Merritt, Liam Unterreiner, Dylan and Jude Bulva, Maysen and Charlee Buddenhagen. Josephine’s devotion, selflessness, and love for her family will forever leave a legacy deeply rooted in each of them.
The memorial service will begin at 12:30 and mass will begin at 1:00 on Friday, December 28, 2018 at the Immaculate Conception of Dardenne Prairie Chapel with a luncheon to follow.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to SSM Health at Home Hospice. A BUCHHOLZ West Mortuary Service.




Jessie Marsia Dee Higginbotham Jones (1927-2019) MO

Jessie Marsia Dee Jones, daughter of Jessie Ray and Sylvie Verbal Hale Higginbotham, was born April 13, 1927, in Polk County, Missouri. She departed this life Sunday, May 12, 2019, in Lebanon South Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, in Lebanon, Missouri.
She was preceded in death by her parents; a daughter, Kathleen Marie Jones Booth; two sons, Kenneth Wayne Jones, and Richard Gene Jones; a brother, Roy; and three sisters, Sylvie Ray Fred, Freida Darlene, and Peggy Faye.
Marsia Dee is survived by two daughters, Janice Kay Williams, and her husband, Ron, and Virginia “Bunnie” Gay Lemery, and her husband, Bennie; two sons, Walter Ray Jones, and his wife, Sue, and Martin Dale Jones, and his wife, Judy; eleven grandchildren; twenty-five great-grandchildren; six great-great-grandchildren; two brothers, Cory and Troy; three sisters, Joyce, Judy, and Peggy.
She was born and raised in Polk County, Missouri. During World War II, Marsia Dee worked as a welder in an airplane factory in California. She was part of the group called “Rosie The Riveter Girls”. She lived in the Lebanon area, and worked as a housekeeper and house sitter for the John T. Russell family.
Marsia Dee had made her profession of faith in Christ and was an active member of Unity Freewill Baptist Church in Lebanon.
In her spare time she enjoyed working Jigsaw puzzles and watching John Wayne movies. Her legacy was one of concern and caring for others, whether it was her own family, a neighbor or within the affairs of her church.




James Higginbotham IV (1959-2019) KS/MO

January 18, 1959 - May 16, 2019

James Higginbotham IV (Jim) of Russellville, MO passed away Thursday, May 16, 2019 at Cleveland Clinic Foundation, in Cleveland OH. He was born January 18, 1959 in Kansas City, KS, the son of James Higginbotham II, whom has preceded him in death and Donna (Booher) Zaring of Russellville MO. Jim attended Lamar High School in Lamar MO. He joined the army in 1977 and was discharged in 1980. He was also a member of the Missouri National Guard for several years. Jim was united in marriage February 1, 1991 in Jefferson City, MO to Ronda Whittle, who survives of the home. He was employed as a correction officer for the Missouri Department of Corrections until his retirement. Jim was a member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church, NRA, 1MMAGC and TAYBOTHAM hunting camp. He enjoyed hunting, camping, fishing, being outdoors, animal rescue, handyman, firearms instructor and enjoyed family time. He will be sadly missed and forever remembered. Survivors include: two sons; Sheldon and Shelby Higginbotham of the home. Three daughters; Myla Collins, Fort Scott, KS, Amanda (Josh) Batye, Russellville, MO, and Ashley (Kurt) Birdsong, California, MO. Two brothers; Steve Crabtree, Warsaw, MO and Danny Higginbotham, Russellville, MO. Seven sisters; Pam (Alvin) Winkler, Clinton, MO, Tish (Rick) Findley, Shirley (Tom) White, St. Peters, MO, Peggy (Larry) Crabtree-Berry, Warsaw, MO, Vikki Chadd, Nevada, MO, Janice (Brian) Kitrel, St. Louis, MO, and Shanna (Ron) Crabtree-Arney, Russellville, MO. Nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, friend, Jeff Taylor, brother from another mother. In addition to his father, Jim was preceded in death by his step-father, Pat Crabtree, one brother, Eddie Crabtree, and one grand-daughter, Bella Batye. Visitation will be Wednesday May 22, 2019 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Russellville, MO. Funeral service will follow at 11:00 AM with Brother Alan Earls officiating. Burial will be in the Enloe Cemetery, Russellville MO. Memorials are suggested to Fallen Outdoors of Missouri, 2177 Milton Street, Republic, MO 65738. Arrangements are under the direction of Weber Funeral Home, Russellville, MO.




Doris Lee Livingston Higginbotham (1933-2019) MO
December 26, 1933 - June 20, 2019

Higginbotham, Doris Lee (nee Livingston), of Pacific, Missouri, passed away, Thursday, June 20, 2019, at the age of 85.

Doris was born on December 26, 1933 in Gideon, Missouri to Frank Livingston and Beatrice Livingston (nee Hall) who proceed her in death.

Beloved wife of the late Wendell Higginbotham. Dear mother of Charles C. Higginbotham, Mary T. (Dale) Winebaugh, Joyce M. (Bryan) Meier, Richard J. (Lisa) Higginbotham, Gail L. (Tim) Simpson, and the late Wendell L. Higginbotham, Jr. Dear grandmother of Wendy, Jamie, Jimmy, Amanda, Alan, Nick, Erin, Emily, Ethem, Madeline, Lindsey, Devin, Jason, Jerry, and Adam. Great-grandmother of Crystal, Ryan, Ashley, Elliot, Makala, Alea, Evelyn, and Logan. Great great-grandmother of Albree, Hudson, Aunnahbella, and Dexter. Loving sister, sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt, cousin, and friend to many.

Doris retired from J.C. Penny and Meramec Valley R-III school District. She loved to playing cards and spend time with her family and friends.

Services: Funeral service at the SCHRADER Funeral Home - Eureka, 108 N. Central Avenue, Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 10:00 a.m. Interment to follow Resurrection Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Alzheimer's Association. Visitation Monday 4-8 p.m.




Donna Bertha Higginbotham Guthrie (1943-2019) MO

Donna Bertha Guthrie, age 76, of Moberly, MO entered the Kingdom of Heaven surrounded by family, on July 10, 2019 at University Hospital, Columbia, MO. “Donnie” was born February 1, 1943 in Kansas City, MO to Ira and Essie (Vanderbilt) Higginbotham. She graduated from Tonganoxie High School, Tonganoxie, KS. Donna married Larry Guthrie on February 26, 1966 in Reno, KS. She was a member of Sweet Springs Baptist Church for over 50 years, serving the Lord as a Sunday School teacher for many of those years and other areas as she was called. She enjoyed attending church and ladies’ missionary meetings.

She was the matriarch of her family. Donna loved each one of her family members beyond measure and would do whatever she could to help them. She worked tirelessly as her children grew up to ensure the needs of everyone around her were met. She was an intricate part of her grandchildren’s life and assisted as a caregiver when their parents worked to help guide them in God’s path. She enjoyed sewing and took great pride making clothes for her children and grandchildren. The girls all had detailed Barbie and dolls clothes made with love. She got a big chuckle out of watching the boys sew on a button or mend up a pair of pants because they had a unique style. She followed the grandchildren in all their sports including watching softball games, tennis matches, wrestling, football and all others as they grew up. She made sure to get a picture of every deer or fish the kids, grandkids or Daddy, would bring home. She never missed calling in a birthday to the KWIX radio show. Donna was a multi-year State Archery Champion. She taught her grandchildren how to shoot a bow. She spoke of her annual trips to the Archery Tournament with either Shanna or Trevin until the very end. She loved to travel and took many trips and even visited Graceland. Her last was to Ryman Auditorium a Museum and the Grand Ole Opry for an all-girls family trip.

She proudly served in several roles with the OATs of Randolph County.

Donna is preceded in death by her father Ira Higginbotham, mother Essie Higginbotham, in-laws Orville and Norine Guthrie, sibling Neil Alvin Higginbotham, niece Geneva Bruch and dear friend Suzie Hulett.

Donna is survived by her husband, Larry Guthrie, daughter Deborah (Andy) Willis, son Orville (Amber) Guthrie, siblings Elsie Waln-Cordle, Loren (Ivana) Higginbotham, Keith Higginbotham, sisters-in-law Judy (Norman) Shoemate and Mary Higginbotham, grandchildren Shanna (Sean) Garrett, Victoria (Shane) Gutmann, Andrew Lewis, Trevin Guthrie, Dominick Guthrie, Kyler Guthrie, great grandchildren Ava and James Garrett and soon to arrive Baby Gutmann, Clayton and Chase Gutmann along with several nieces, nephews and friends.

Services were July 16 2019 at Pathways Memorial Funeral Home, Moberly, MO.

Her final Earthly resting place will be Missouri Veterans Cemetery, Jacksonville, MO.

If desired, donations may be sent to OATS or family choice in her memory.




Sharon Ann Higgenbotham Fears (1946-2019) MO

Sharon Ann Fears (nee: Higgenbotham) of Foristell, MO, passed away Monday, July 29, 2019 at the age of 73. Beloved wife of Kenneth Fears; cherished daughter of the late George and Audrey Higgenbotham; devoted mother of Kenny (Ashleigh) Fears, and David (Rae Ann) Fears; loving grandmother of Caitlyn (Trevor) Locke, Abby (Danny) Frohock, Sam Fears, Madelyn Fears, Kameron Fears, and Kwaid Fears; treasured great-grandmother of Maverick, Emmett, Shiloh, and one great granddaughter, Lucy, on the way; dear sister of Linda (Nate) Karlen, John Higgenbotham, George Higgenbotham, Harry Higgenbotham, Michael Higgenbotham, and Carol (Terry) Havard; cherished aunt, relative, and friend to many.

Sharon was a faithful member of the First Baptist Church Wentzville. She enjoyed quilting and sewing and made clothing to donate to church missions to other countries. Most of all, Sharon enjoyed spending time with her family and grandchildren. She was dearly loved and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in Sharon’s name to the American Cancer Society or First Baptist Church Wenztville--Hemmed in Prayer.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 9/1/2019

Jerry Lee Higginbotham (ca1935-2019) IN/MO

Jerry Lee Higginbotham, of Webster Groves, birdied his last hole before walking to the clubhouse to rehash the round with his golf buddies, on August 27, 2019. A lifetime player, he often shot below his age of 84 years.

Jerry was the devoted husband of Mona Stevens Higginbotham for 62 years; father of Lisa Gayle Sherrill (Steve), Julie Lynn Mallette (Kent), and Neal Brian Higginbotham (Alyson). He was the biggest fan of, and devoted, loving grandfather to Casey Sherrill, Luke Sherrill, and Austin Sherrill; Adam Mallette (Karri) and Emily Gohdes (Paul); and Ryan Higginbotham. He was the great-grandfather to Mavrik Mallette. Jerry was the oldest brother to Linda Longerbone (Richard) and Tim Higginbotham (Debbie).

A native of Indiana, graduate of Ball State University and Washington University, Jerry retired from Special School District of St. Louis County where he served as a district administrator and school Principal.

He was a long-time member of Eliot Chapel in Kirkwood, and loved singing in the choir, and found beauty in the classics and classical music. Jerry had a lifetime passion for golf. He was a competitive player, and worked or volunteered in many aspects of the game, including United States Golf Association rules official and golf course rater, as well as the Metropolitan Amateur Golf Association.

Arrangements will be private.




Glynn Cruise Higginbotham
(1929-2019) MO

June 16, 1929 - October 2, 2019

Glynn Higginbotham age 90, of Festus, Missouri, passed away Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at Mercy Hospital Jefferson in Festus. He was born June 16, 1929 in St. Louis, Missouri, the son of the late Florence (nee Boyer) and Cruise James Higginbotham.
He is survived by his wife Lydia (nee Saunders) Higginbotham; sons Greg Higginbotham of Strafford, Missouri, Donald (Greta) Higginbotham of Bloomsdale, Missouri, and Scot (Christine) Higginbotham; daughter Diana (Dennis) Herrell of Festus; grandchildren Robert (Shanna) Higginbotham, Cheryl Higginbotham, Kristen (Matt) Bradley, Kevin Higginbotham, and Phaedra Kesel; and great-grandchildren Megan, Nicole, Makayla, Marissa, Mylee, Josh, Kaden, Kenzi, Kalee, Ryan, and Aaron.
In addition to his parents he is preceded in death by a brother Wendell Lee (the late Doris) Higginbotham; and a sister Margie (the late Bob) Dengler.
He was a retired project estimator for Union Electric; member of Joachim Golf Club; and enjoyed travelling and camping.
Memorial gathering from 3:00 P.M. until the time of memorial service at 5:00 P.M. Saturday, October 5, 2019 at Vinyard Funeral Home in Festus, officiated by Rev. Leslie Limbaugh, pastor of Selma Baptist Church of Festus. Memorials in his memory are preferred to the Presbyterian Children's Home in Farmington, Missouri.




Audrey Norma Drennen Higginbotham (1946-2019) WV/CA/MO

March 9, 1926 - November 13, 2019

Audrey was born in Clarksburg, West Virginia on March 9, 1926. She married William “Buck” Higginbotham, May 19, 1943, in Ventura CA, together they had 4 children and lived in Santa Paula CA, until 1986 when they moved back to Halfway, MO to enjoy retirement.

Audrey saw herself as a daughter, sister, aunt, wife, mother, grandmother and friend.

Audrey is preceded in death by her husband “Buck” Higginbotham, daughter Sarah Jane, two sons – “Bill” and “Butch” Higginbotham, along with her 3 brothers Bill, Neil and Jack Drennen and her 3 sisters Margaret, Inus and Edith Drennen and one great-great grandson Harley Johns.

Audrey is survived by son, Fred Higginbotham his wife Terri, daughter-in-law Janice Higginbotham, 9 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren and 13 great-great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

Memorials may be made to St. Judes.

Services for Audrey will be held 11:00 AM Friday, November 22, 2019 at the Butler Funeral Home of Bolivar, MO. Visitation will be held one hour prior to services at the funeral home. Burial will be in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery.


Sybil Ann Sims Higginbotham (1937-2020) OH/MO

MARYVILLE, Mo. - Sybil Ann Higginbotham, 82, of Maryville, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020, at the Mosaic Health Care emergency room, Maryville.

Sybil was born in Lima, Ohio, on Dec. 5, 1937.

Her parents were Earle and Mary Louise Sims. They preceded her in death.

She graduated from Fairfax High School, Fairfax, Missouri, in 1955.

She got her teaching degree from Northwest Missouri State University in 1959, and had taught home economics.

In 1959, at the Christian Church in Fairfax, Sybil was united in marriage to Harlan Keith Higginbotham. They had lived in Ames, Iowa, from 1959 to 64. Then they moved back to Maryville.

She worked at the Social Security Administration, and then the Farmers Home Administration, in Maryville, retiring in 1999 after 35 years.

Sybil was a member and attended the First United Methodist Church, Maryville, and was involved with a Bible study group, the Deborah Circle, and the FUMC Church Women's Group. She had also been the church funeral coordinator.

She was a PEO member for over 50 years in Maryville. She was a book club member and loved to play bridge.

She was a member of the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority at Northwest, and had remained active with the group over the years.

Her survivors include: her husband, Harlan, of the home; four children: Malinda Sue (Brent) Owens, Lexington, Kentucky, Julia Marie (Eric), Horton, Kansas City, Missouri, Dr. Harlan Keith Higginbotham Jr., Santa Barbara, California, and Dr. Mary Lynn (Jonathan) Mahorney, Manhattan, Kansas; 10 grandchildren: Jillian (Sam) Liebl, Bradley and Mason Owens, Curtis, Kyle and Irene Horton, Zachary and Kayla Higginbotham, Alexander and Emerson Mahorney; one great-grandson, Adam Liebl; her sister, Susie Dollar, Springfield, Missouri; as well as cousins; and lots of friends.

Sybil has been cremated under the direction of the Bram Funeral Home, Maryville.

Memorial services will be at 1 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020, at the First United Methodist Church, Maryville.

The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020, at the Bram Funeral Home.

Memorials can be directed in Sybil's name to the First United Methodist Church, Maryville.




Ricky Lee Higginbotham (1961-2020) MO

Pevely, Missouri Oct 1, 1961 – Mar 3, 2020

Ricky Lee Higginbotham was born on Sunday, October 01, 1961 and passed away on Tuesday, March 03, 2020. Ricky Lee Higginbotham was a resident of Pevely, Missouri at the time of passing.



Post - Dispatch on Jun. 7, 2020

Sarah Alexander Higginbotham (1919-2020) MO

Higginbotham, Sarah "Sally" A. born August 5, 1919, to Ruth and Harvey Alexander, died peacefully in her sleep at home, on May 31, 2020. She is preceded in death by Bruce Sala Higginbotham, her adoring husband of 67 years, her sister Ruth (Teedee), and brothers Jim and Bill Alexander. A native St. Louisan, Sally graduated from Soldan High School and Washington University. She attended graduate school at Columbia University in New York. In 1942, she married the love of her life, Bruce, and they had 3 children. Sally was an active volunteer in the St. Louis community and was a recipient of the Ageless Remarkable St. Louisans award in 2005 (along with Bruce), in recognition of her volunteer work, which included: St. Louis Children's Hospital Auxiliary: St. Louis Symphony; a Brownie/Girl Scout Troup leader; Talking Tapes for the Blind; Literacy Council of Greater St. Louis; Meals on Wheels; Forest Park Forever; Washington University; Reach For Recovery; a longtime member of The Wednesday Club of St. Louis and PEO. She was an active member of the local Pi Beta Phi Chapter and Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church. Sally was an accomplished and beautiful embroiderer, especially of Italian cutwork! She and Bruce enjoyed many years of world travels; but she especially loved being with her family. Sally was a gracious, loving, intelligent lady and she will be greatly and dearly missed by her family and many friends. She is survived by her children, Liz Higginbotham, Cam (Jerry) Niederman and Kent (Victoria) Higginbotham; 9 beloved grandchildren and 12 adored great-grandchildren. Services: A celebration of her life was held when she turned 100. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church; Washington University in St. Louis; The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.



Kansas City Star on Dec. 1, 2020

Nanci Higginbotham (1957-2020) MO/FL

November 30, 1957 - November 20, 2020
Blue Springs, Missouri - Our beloved and devoted wife, mother, and Gram passed away unexpectedly Friday, November 20th while visiting her vacation home in Spring Hill, FL. Nanci was an Army Veteran who retired from the Corps of Engineers in Kansas City, MO. She graduated from the University of Notre Dame and was a sports enthusiast. She leaves behind her husband of 38 years, Travis Jr., her daughter, Kathleen (Matt), her son, Travis III, her grandchildren (Avery and Ella), along with her siblings, Mary (Richard), Thomas, Michael (Lori, Kim, Michael Jr.), Patrick, and Terrance. Funeral is scheduled for Friday, December 4th at St. Robert's Bellarmine Church in Blue Springs, MO. Visitation will start at 9:30 a.m. with family remarks and memorial mass to follow.







Carolyn Jean Boner Higginbotham (1939-2021) MO

Carolyn Jean Higginbotham, 82, of Albany, Missouri, passed away March 8, 2021 at Pineview Manor in Stanberry.

Carolyn, the daughter of Leona Fern (Pratt) and Homer Wesley (Jim) Boner Jr. was born February 1, 1939 in Albany.

She graduated from Albany RIII High School and from Northwest Missouri State in Maryville.  For a short time, she taught physical education at Albany RIII High School.

On August 6, 1962, she was united in marriage to John Norman Higginbotham.  To this union three daughters were born: Norma, Elizabeth, and Cindy.

After raising her daughters, Carolyn worked for the local drug store.

She was a member of the Albany United Methodist Church, Athena, Delta Theta Tau, Beta Sigma Phi and Sigma, Sigma, Sigma at Northwest, where she received the Who’s Who Award.

She was preceded in death by her parents, daughter Elizabeth, son-in-law Bill Hill and her brother Max Boner.

Survivors: husband, John Norman Higginbotham; daughters, Norma Hill (Byron Crawford); Cindy (Larry) Wilson, grandson, Carson Wilson, all of Albany; son-in-law, Mike Mahony, Champagne, IL; granddaughters, Alisha (Winston) Dodd, Kansas City, MO; Chelsey (JR) Washburn, Albany; Brooke Wilson, Liberty, MO; 8 great-grandchildren and all the staff and residents at Pineview Manor.

Funeral Service:  2:00 PM Friday, March 12 at the Roberson-Polley Chapel, Albany.  Cremation will follow the service. Inurnment will be in the Grandview Cemetery in Albany at a later date. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service on Friday at the chapel, where friends may call anytime after 10:00 AM Friday morning.  Masks are required.  Memorial Contributions:  Pineview Manor or Albany United Methodist Church in care of the Roberson-Polley Chapel, 403 N. Hundley, Albany, MO  64402.




Herman W Higginbotham (1922-2021) MO

July 27, 1922 - May 17, 2021

Herman Higginbotham, Mount Vernon, MO, son of Walter and Jaunita (Meyers) Higginbotham, was born on July 27, 1922 in Seneca, MO and departed this life on May 17, 2021, at the age of 98.

Herman served his country in the US Army during WWII and he worked as a switch man for the railroad.

Herman was preceded on death by his parents; wife, Lenora Higginbotham and two brothers.

Survivors include: three step sons, Carol Mease, Lonnie Mease and Dale Mease; a step granddaughter, Kathy Robertson; brother in law, Charlie Brown and a host of other relatives and friends.

Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 25, 2021 in Stumpff Funeral Chapel, Crane, MO. Burial will be in Yocum Pond Cemetery, Reeds Spring, MO under the direction of Stumpff Funeral Home, Crane, MO.




Carol Ann Higgenbotham Moellenhoff (1938-2021) MO

Carol Ann Moellenhoff (nee Higgenbotham) passed Saturday, September 4, 2021, surrounded by loved ones. Carol was the daughter of Edward and Lenora (nee Weirich) who preceded her in death. Carol is survived by her children John Edward (Cara) Moellenhoff and Victoria Anne (Lynn) Glatt. Carol was a loving grandmother to Samanatha and Jack Moellenhoff, Hadden (Holly) Glatt, Olivia Glatt (Trevor Schlueter), and Juli and Stella Moellenhoff. Carol was also blessed with three great-grandchildren, Blake Glatt, Brooks Hasenmueller and Jackson Schlueter.

Carol was happiest cooking and entertaining her family and friends. Carol was an elegant lady who spent many years in the fashion industry. She touched many lives as a life-long volunteer and never met a dog she did not love. Carol loved to travel, learning about different cultures, and appreciating history. Her deep love of the arts remained a constant throughout her life. Carol was a cherished mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunt, godmother and treasured friend to so many.

Services: A memorial service will be held on Saturday, September 11, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. The family will receive guests one hour prior to her service beginning at 1:30 p.m. at Schrader Funeral Home and Crematory, 14960 Manchester Road, Ballwin, MO. In honor of Carol’s great love of animals, the family has asked that donations be made in her honor to Open Door Animal Sanctuary, PO Box 870, House Springs, MO 63051.





Mark Wade Higginbotham (1967-2021) MO
June 06, 1967 - September 06, 2021

Mark Wade Higginbotham, 54, of Farmington passed away September 6, 2021 as a result of a motorcycle accident. He was born June 6, 1967 in Festus to the late William Higginbotham and Cynthia Ann (Boyer) O’Neal. Mark was a long-time commercial electrician and belonged to the I.E.C. He loved his job and was a perfectionist with his work. His wife and two sons were his world. He loved spending time with his family, especially going to his sons’ baseball games. He was a huge Notre Dame fan, loved playing golf, always the loudest in the room and the life of the party.

He is survived by his loving wife of 20 years, Michelle (McCoy) Higginbotham; two sons, Garrett Thomure and Grant Higginbotham both of Farmington; seven sisters, Belinda (Shay) Everett of Highland, IL, Mary (Marshall) Burbridge of Hypoluxo, FL, Sheila (Robert) Sanders of Mesa, AZ, Tina Mueller of Bonne Terre, Jean (Mark) Sherrill of Cape Girardeau, Jan (Dale) Hawkins of Bonne Terre, Marsha (Ted) Calvert of St. Joseph, MO; mother-in-law, Annabell (Rasnic) McCoy of Farmington; brother-in-law, Rick (Regina McCoy of Bonne Terre; two sisters-in-law, Nedra (Mark) Harrington and Melissa (James) Daniels both of Farmington. Numerous nieces, nephews and a host of friends also survive.

A memorial visitation will be held Thursday, September 16, 2021 from 4:00 PM until the time of a Celebration of Life service at 7:00 PM at the C.Z. Boyer & Son Funeral Home – Taylor Chapel in Farmington. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Mark Higginbotham Memorial Fund through any First State Community Bank location or C.Z. Boyer & Son Funeral Home.




Timothy Lee Higginbotham (1968-2021) MO
Tuesday, August 13, 1968 - Thursday, October 28, 2021

Timothy "Gomer" Lee Higginbotham, 53 of Potosi passed away Thursday, October 28, 2021.
He is survived by, Father, John Higginbotham Partner Diane Bryant
Visitation will be Sunday, October 31 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Ozark Fire Fighter Service 7PM, at Moore Funeral Home, Potosi and Monday, November 1, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Moore Funeral Home, Potosi.
Funeral Service at Moore Funeral Home at 1:00 PM, Monday, November 1, 2021.




Rickie Dale Higginbotham (1946-2022) AL/MO

Rickie Dale Higginbotham, of Lake Saint Louis, MO, passed away Saturday, January 22, 2022 at the age of 75. Beloved husband of 42 years to Gail Higginbotham; cherished son of the late James and Vergie Higginbotham; dear uncle of 8 nieces and nephews; great-uncle of 22 great nieces and great nephews.
Growing up, Rick was a talented pitcher in high school becoming an All-Star pitcher for Pell City High School. He later received a Bachelor's degree from Auburn University and then began his career at McDonnell Douglas. He was soon called to military service where he honorably served in the United States Army earning the Army Commendation Metal as well as multiple good conduct metals. Before retiring from McDonnell Douglas/Boeing in April of 2002, he gained a reputation of being an incredible Business Manager with everyone in the workforce respecting him and his work ethic.
It has been said that Rick had two personalities, work Rick and play Rick. Having a sense of humor and enjoying friendships, he loved to gather in social settings. Rick always had a drink recommendation for every occasion, and often, you would find Rick mixing a drink called “Fragile Babies” to toast with his friends. He loved to dance, mastering infamous disco moves earning him the name of “Disco Rick.” He was a storyteller, loved to entertain, and an avid grill master, using his Big Green Egg to grill up delicious meals. Rick’s love of cars led him to his ownership of many red sports cars. He was a great neighbor and friend, one who was unforgettable. Rick enjoyed life, but above all, cherished the life he and his wife, Gail, of 42 years built together. Rick was dearly loved and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in Rickie's name to FACT (Family Advocacy and Community Training), 2240 Bluestone Drive, St. Charles, MO 63303 or Wentzville - St. Louis Crisis Nursery, 700 Medical Drive, Wentzville, MO 63385.
Graveside services will be held privately at Bellefontaine Cemetery.
Baue Funeral Homes is currently following CDC recommendations regarding mask and social distancing policies.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Mar. 13, 2022

Ruth Frances Higginbotham Nickerson (1920-2022) MO

On Saturday, March 5, 2022, Ruth F. Nickerson passed away peacefully in her Webster Groves, MO home with family and friends near. Born February 18, 1920, Ruth's 102 years were ones of musical talent and education, care for others and generosity to many. Born in Potosi, MO (nee Higginbotham). She attended Central Methodist College to study music and English.

Ruth taught music, served as an organist for various congregations in the St. Louis area and enjoyed working for Florissant Valley Junior College. She was honored to sing with the St. Louis Metros for over 25 years.

Her philanthropic gifts extended to many non-profit organizations such as endowing a music library at Central Methodist College. She has been honored by both the Salvation Army and the Missouri Humane Society for her numerous gifts. Volunteering for Meals on Wheels also brought her great enjoyment after her retirement.

She is survived by her cousins, Mary Lee Swift, Laura Swift, Casey Ann Merriman and family of St Louis, MO, Jay Swift of Chicago, IL, and Amy Swift Wade of Winston-Salem, NC and Linda Higginbotham Schaller and family of San Francisco, CA and innumerable loving, caring friends who she loved dearly.

Services: Moore Funeral Home of Potosi, will be conducting a grave side service on March 15th, 11 a.m., at the New Masonic Cemetery in Potosi, MO. There will be no viewing. In lieu of flowers, donations to the St. Louis Humane Society in her name would be appreciated.

Legacy on Aug. 23, 2022

Linda Kathryn Moore Higginbotham (1940-2022) MO

Linda Kathryn Higginbotham, age 81, of Warrensburg, Missouri, passed away on Friday, August 19, 2022, at the Warrensburg Manor.
She was born September 25, 1940, in Warrensburg, Missouri to Francis Moore and Marie (Easterwood) Moore.
Linda and Fred were united in marriage on June 1, 1958 and spent 64 wonderful years together.
She is survived by her husband Fred Higginbotham II; sons Fred Higginbotham III (Cathy) and Russ Higginbotham (Mary Kay); grandchildren Wass, Colton, Lacy, Dillon, Rocky, Jessi, Lacey, Ashleigh, Ian, Megan, and Melanie; and 15 great-grandchildren
Linda retired from FCC in 2001, after which, she and Fred returned to the farm in Warrensburg. She loved helping and giving tips to Fred on planting their garden and flowers. She also loved cooking and baking with Fred.
Linda was preceded in death by her parents Francis and Marie Moore; one son Allen Higginbotham; and one brother Willis Dale Moore.
The family will receive friends on Saturday, August 27, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Sweeney-Phillips & Holdren Funeral Home at 617 N Maguire St., Warrensburg, Missouri.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Shriner s Hospital for Children and may be left in care of the funeral home.
To plant Memorial Trees in memory of Linda Kathryn Higginbotham, please click here to visit our Sympathy Store.


The Missourian on Sep. 28, 2022

Mary Sue Higginbotham Byler (1952-2022) MO

Mary Sue Byler, nee Higginbotham, 70, Union, beloved wife of Larry Byler, died peacefully, Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022, at Mercy Hospital.
Sue was born June 10, 1952, in St. Louis, daughter of the late Bernard Higginbotham and wife Dorothy, nee Duly. Sue grew up in Brentwood and graduated from Brentwood High School in 1971. She met and married the love of her life, Larry, March 18, 1972, and together they moved to Union, where they owned and operated 47 Mini Market.
She worked as a customer service representative for different companies, the most recent working for her friend, Lyn Havin, at Havin Material. She enjoyed thrift shopping, especially garage sales; planting flowers; traveling; and most of all, spending time with friends and family. She was a member of the Union Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary and Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Union.
Sue is survived by her loving husband, Larry Byler; treasured sister of Barb Novotny and Pat (Ron) Foan; devoted mother of Shawn (David) Pehle, Jeremy (Adriah) Byler and Jennifer (Harry) Frost, all of Union; loving grandmother of Vanessa Pehle, Cameron (Karlie) Frost, all of Gerald, and Brad Frost, Union; many bonus kids who grew up at her house; sister-in-law of Susan Hertel (Virgl), June (Mike) Ronsick, Terry Byler, Becky (Keith) Bauer and Debby (Bill) Talarski; aunt of Tanya (Jim) Shaughnessy, Sara Oliver, Sherry (Rudy) Via, Elizabeth (Fred) Hodgman, Bob Hertel, Rick (Christine) Hertel, Christopher (Stefanie) Talarski and Matthew Talarski; great-nieces and -nephews; special friends, Tom and Bridgett Stahlman; many, many other family members and friends.
Sue, known as Momma Sue, was a very gracious, loving and generous soul who always had a smile on her face, and she befriended everyone. But above all, her great love was her family and friends. Momma Sue was dearly loved and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
Sue had a very fulfilling life, enhanced by the people she's leaving behind. If you knew her, you knew she loved absolutely everyone, saw goodness in everyone and was a a devoted Christian who served her community and supported her church. She was someone who enjoyed every minute she had with you. I know she was so very proud of all her children and grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Franklin County Humane Society or the family, in memory of Momma Sue.
A memorial service will be held Saturday, Oct. 29, from 1-6 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, Union.
Arrangements are in care of St. Louis Cremation, Ballwin.



Legacy on Dec. 27, 2022

Frederick Waas Higginbotham (1958-2022) MO
Frederick "Fred/ Butch" Waas Higginbotham III took the Stairway to Heaven on December 20, 2022 when his Savior called him home at the age of 63.
Fred was a jack of all trades, The Man, The Myth, The Legend! He would give the shirt off of his back for anyone. He wouldn't put up with anyone's crap and would set people straight. In that, everyone loved him and respected him wholeheartedly. He loved his children deeply. When it came to his grandkids all he wanted to do was spoil them, love on them and spend time with them.
He was born to Fred Jr. and Linda Higginbotham at Whiteman Airforce Base on December 31, 1958. In his lifetime he had many accomplishments. The birth of his 2 sons, Waas and Colton. He followed the footsteps of his dad by becoming a Mason and a Shriner. He has been a construction superintendent for the past 30 years.
He married the love of his life, Cathy Higginbotham, on June 24, 2000. The two have been traveling and working side by side, 24/7 for the past 27 years. Though like any marriage, there may have been a few bumps in the road, but they shared a love like no other. They enjoyed taking vacations with their children, grandchildren and friends. When he had spare time, he enjoyed listening to sports radio, watching his favorite sporting events, playing golf and fishing.
Not only was he an amazing family man, he was the number one go to mentor for his road crew whom he loved and cared for dearly.
He is survived by his wife Cathy Higginbotham; father Fred ; brother Russ and wife Mary; sons Waas and Colton; son Rocky and wife T-Anne Whiteley; daughter Jessi and husband Christian Voss; daughter Lacey and husband Kodee Robertson; grandsons Brandon, Dylan and Kyler Whiteley, Lane and Cole Voss; granddaughters Rowan Higginbotham and Rhyan Robertson; niece Lacy and husband Luke Greco; nephew Dillon Higginbotham; great nephew Lincoln Greco and great niece Layton Greco along with other family and friends. He is preceded in death by his brother Allen Higginbotham and mom Linda Higginbotham.
Visitation will be at 2:00 pm on Thursday, December 29, 2022 at Sweeney-Phillips & Holdren
Funeral Home in Warrensburg, MO. The funeral service will follow at 3:00 pm.



Schrader Funeral Home And Crematory 2/16/2023

Shirley Sur Hardin Higginbotham (1936-2023) KY/MO

Higginbotham, Sue H. (nee Hardin), passed away, Sunday, February 12, 2023. She was born in Louisville, Kentucky, the daughter of Samuel and Lucille (nee Harp) Hardin. Sue received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Maryville University and worked at Manchester United Methodist Church for 27 years and retired as Church Business Administrator in 1999. Sue was an avid bridge player and member of the ACBL. She enjoyed traveling with her family, especially in the summer and fall. Favorite trips included Myrtle Beach, New England, Colorado, and many National Parks. Sue had many philanthropic interests including Midway University, Circle of Concern, Kingdom House, and the Alzheimer’s Association. Sue was an amazing wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, and friend. She touched the lives of so many people. She will truly be missed and will never, ever, be forgotten. Sue was the beloved wife of Nathan L. Higginbotham for over 65 years; dear mother of Lori (Michael) Pauk, and Tom (Beth) Higginbotham; loving grandmother of Courtney Pauk, and Parker Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her parents, and a brother Edward Hardin. Services: Memorial service at the SCHRADER Funeral Home and Crematory, 14960 Manchester Road at Holloway, Ballwin, Saturday, May 6, 2023, 1:00 p.m. Interment Manchester UMC Columbarium/Niche. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Midway University, Midway Kentucky.


Butler Funeral Home of Bolivar on Mar. 22, 2023

Rosalie Currie Higginbotham Combs (1933-2023) MO
Rosalie Combs, 89, passed away surrounded by family, Tuesday evening, March 21, 2023, at her home in Fair Play, Missouri. Rosalie was born to Fred and Lucy (Miller) Currie on June 13, 1933, in Fair Play, Missouri. Rosalie married the love of her life, Roy Higginbotham and were wed until his passing. To this union, two sons were born, Bobby Dale and Donald Gene. Later, she fell in love with and married Joe Combs and the two were together until his passing. Rosalie was a wonderful homemaker and worked for Oxford home care until she retired. She served many families in need of the help she provided. Rosalie loved and enjoyed her family. Her favorite activities always revolved around her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She went to ball games and other sporting events to support them. When they came over to see her she would often bake cookies or a cake just for them. She loved her family with all her heart. Rosalie is preceded in death by her parents, Fred and Lucy Currie, her husband Roy Higginbotham, her husband Joe Combs, her son Bobby Higginbotham, and her two brothers, Leo and William Currie. Rosalie is survived by her son Don Higginbotham, several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren, many nieces, nephews, other relatives, and caring friends. Graveside services for Rosalie will be held Friday, March 24, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at Akard Cemetery in Fair Play, Missouri.



Bopp Chapel on May 1, 2023

Suzanne Guge Higginbotham (????-2023) MO
At rest, 28th of April, after a happy and fulfilled life. Survived by stepson and daughter-in-law, Ron and Chrys Higginbotham; grandson, Will Higginbotham; granddaughter, Katie Darling (Jesse); great grandchildren, Daniel and Aubrey Darling; and stepdaughter Patricia (Penny) Ackerman (Mark) of Grand Junction, Colorado. Preceded by husband, William H. Higginbotham; loving sister, Betty Lou Johnson of Rockville, Maryland. Two nephews survive, Christopher Johnson (Kimberly) and Stephen Johnson (Shannon); and several cousins.
Sue graduated from Roosevelt High School as valedictorian and attended Washington University. As a businessperson, she was Personnel Director of two insurance companies. She was also Metropolitan Executive Director of the St. Louis YMCA before becoming a registered investment advisor for several security companies, most recently Vestech Securities, Inc.
Sue was active in several business organizations as President of the Insurance Women of St.Louis, President of the Personnel Women of St.Louis, and one of the first women to join Rotary International in Clayton Ladue Rotary Club.
She was a needlepointer for over 40 years, creating many beautiful pieces for her home and as gifts to others. She loved the arts and was a long-time season ticket holder for the St. Louis Symphony; attended ballet, theatre, and opera.
She was a good hostess, cook and baker preparing Holiday dinners for her family for many years.
An animal lover, having four beautiful dogs- Pierre, Andy, Bonnie, and Laddie. She contributed to many organizations, including animal groups, conservation organizations, and veteran groups.
She was a lifelong metaphysician, studying the infinite way of Joel Goldsmith. Above all, Sue loved her family, co-workers, friends and was a happy friend to everyone she met in her personal and business life.
In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Clayton Ladue Rotary Club in her honor. P.O Box 16592, Clayton, MO 63105
Memorial service, Tuesday, May 9, 1:00 p.m. at Bopp Chapel, 10610 Manchester Rd., Kirkwood.


Null & Son Funeral Home 5/19/2023

Judith Laidig Higginbotham (1943-2023) NY/MO

Judith L. Higginbotham, 80, of Rolla, MO, passed away on March 16, 2023. She was born on March 8, 1943, in New York, New York, to the late John Franklin and May Esther (Tippin) Laidig. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by husbands, William J. Higginbotham, Sr. and Ryan D. Moats, Jr.; one brother, John Raymond Laidig; and one sister, Jean Laidig.

Judith was generous, loving, hard-working, very intelligent and fiercely independent. She enjoyed wildflowers, songbirds, and a good book. Judith was a long-time member of the Central Community Church of God, served in many roles, and cared deeply for their childcare ministry, All God’s Children.

Judith taught for many years in the Licking, MO school district as a junior high and high school math teacher and East Central College as an adjunct instructor. She was known as “Mrs. H” by her students, and she made a lasting impact on countless students. Judith had degrees from the University of Kansas (B.A.) and Oklahoma State University (M.S.) in mathematics.

Judith will be greatly missed by her surviving family, siblings Margaret Chatham of Falls Church, VA, Susan Dansand of Milwaukee, WI, Thomas Laidig and wife, Helen Evans, of Point Richmond, CA; children, William Higginbotham, Jr. and wife, Betty, of Chesapeake, VA, Thomas Higginbotham of Fort Myers, FL, Patrick Higginbotham of Fort Myers, FL, JoAnne Enlow and friend, Greg Gant, of Rolla, MO, John Higginbotham of Fort Myers, FL, Ryan D. Moats, III and wife, Kathleen, of Omaha, NE, David Moats and wife, Kathryn, of Bentonville, AR, Michael Moats and wife, Michele, of Rolla, MO, and Joseph Higginbotham and wife, Sarah, of St. James, MO; thirteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

A memorial service for Judith L. Higginbotham will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, June 2, 2023, at the Central Community Church of God in Rolla with Pastor Dan Phillips officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to the Central Community Church of God.



Basler Funeral Home 9/16/2023

Charles Cruise Higginbotham (1954-2023) MO

Charles "Charlie" Cruise Higginbotham 69 years old of Bloomsdale, MO died Thursday, September 14, 2023 at his home in Bloomsdale, MO He was born July 3, 1954 in St. Louis, MO Survived By: Daughter, Madeline (husband Kyle) Fallert of Kansas City, formerly of Bloomsdale, MO; Sisters, Mary "Tina" Winebaugh, Joyce Meier, Gail Simpson; Many nieces and nephews Preceded in Death By: Wife, Cynthia M. (Bauman) Higginbotham; Father, Wendell Higginbotham; Mother, Doris (Livingston) Higginbotham; Two Brothers, Wendell "Lee" Higginbotham, Richard "Rick" Higginbotham; There will be a Graveside Service at St. Lawrence Cemetery on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 3:00 pm. with Deacon Jim Basler officiating. Celebration of Life will follow the graveside service around 4 pm on Thursday, September21, 2023 at KC Hall in Bloomsdale, MO. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to family use for funeral expenses. Charlie was a member of Knights of Columbus in Bloomsdale. He enjoyed driving and traveling for Husky Trailways. Later on, he was also a proud driver for Fallert Bus Service. Charlie was an avid fisherman and loved cooking and baking for all.



Weber-Millard Funeral Home - Russellville on Sep. 21, 2023

Donna Marie Booher Higginbotham Crabtree Zaring (1939-2023) MO

Donna Marie Zaring, 84, of Russellville died Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at Capital Region Medical Center. She was born April 29, 1939, in Capilinger Mills, Missouri, a daughter of the late Lee and Mary (Anderson) Booher. At a very early age she would marry James Higginbotham.
She would later marry Pat Crabtree and rear five children Steve, Tish, Shirley, Peggy, and Eddie.
In 1981, Donna would again marry, this time to George Zaring. She would help raise his kids Sheila, Roger, and Robbie.
Donna worked as a self-employed barber in Jefferson City for over 30 years. She was the first ever female barber to be appointed to the Missouri State Barber Board. She was appointed by both Governor Ashcroft and Governor Mel Carnahan. She would serve this roll for three terms.
She loved attending church, attending family gatherings, playing cards with her friends at Hyder Apartments, calling bingo for the church at the festivals, yard work (especially her flowers and plants), reading, but most of all spending time with her family and attending her grandkids sporting events.
Survivors include her son: Danny Higginbotham; daughters, Vikki Chadd, Janice (Brian) Kitrel, and Shanna (Ron) Crabtree-Arney; daughter-in-law, Ronda Higginbotham, sister, Linda Burris; twenty grandchildren; thirty-five great-grandchildren; thirteen great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son James Higginbotham IV and her sister Cathy Tummon.
Expressions of sympathy may be made to St. Michael Catholic Church of Russellville.
Friends will be received on Friday, September 22, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Weber-Millard Funeral Home. A Funeral Service will immediately follow at 12:00 p.m. officiated by Father Medina. Burial will be at St Micheal Cemetery in Russellville.
Arrangements are under the direction of WEBER-MILLARD Funeral Home, 13415 Route C, Russellville, Missouri 65074 (573) 782-3525.



Speaks Buckner Chapel 10/5/2023

Doris Earlene Higginbotham McLaughlin (1937-2023) MO
July 31, 1937 — October 2, 2023
Doris Earlene McLaughlin passed away peacefully Sunday October 2nd after a graceful seven year battle with lung cancer when all odds were against her. She kept a positive attitude and fought to the end, until SHE was ready.
Doris was born July 31st 1937 in Kansas City MO to Earl and Julia (Merritt) Higginbotham.
She is survived by her children, Don Morris, Kansas City KS, Mistee Baldus, Lexington MO, and Tim McLaughlin, Deepwater MO. Grandchildren Jeff, Kristy, Ernie, Tommy, Aaron, Kelly, Makaela, Reid, and Dakota. Her sister, Almeda Hodges (Darrell), Daughter in laws Susan and Marie and nieces and nephews.
She was proceeded in death by her husband, Tom, sons Michael and Terry and grandson Zach, parents and brothers, Robert and Don.
She was selfless - ALWAYS doing for others. She enjoyed genealogy, writing stories and poems-one was even published. Enjoyed sewing and going to the casino. When she was no longer able to go to the casino, she enjoyed word search puzzles and became an AVID Missouri Lottery ticket scratcher. A celebration of life will be held at a later date.
- Rest Easy Mom - We Love You -



Ferry Funeral Home 1/18/2024

Victoria Gay Higginbotham Chadd (1957-2024) KS/MO
October 30, 1957 ~ January 15, 2024 (age 66)
Vikki G. Chadd, age 66, passed away on January 15, 2024, in Nevada, MO.  She was born on October 30, 1957, to James Higginbotham and Donna Booher (Zaring) in Kansas City, KS.
Vikki was raised in multiple towns in Missouri, with her big, blended family made up of her mom, Donna, stepdad Pat Crabtree, her brothers, Steve and Eddie Crabtree, Danny and Jimmy Higginbotham, her sisters, Tish (Findley), Shirley (White), Peggy (Berry), Janice (Kitrel) and Shanna Crabtree.  As a kid growing up, she was one of the “boys”.  She spent her time following her brothers everywhere.
Vickki was a mother to four kids, Jennifer, Shane (Tami) Smith, Alicia (Dan) Barmann, and Kristine (Jake) Gammon. Vikki was the proud grandma to eight grandkids: Olivia, Caleb (Kayla), and Abbigail Smith, Natasha and Zackary Gardner, and Coby, Hailey and Kinley Gammon; three great-granddaughters, Fayelea and Haislyn Underwood and Navy Gardner.
Vikki was preceded in death by her father, James Higginbotham, her mother, Donna Booker (Zaring), stepfather Pat Crabtree, stepbrother, Eddie Crabtree and a little brother, aka best friend Jimmy Higginbotham.
A celebration of life will be held on a date in the future, which will be announced by her children.
A special thanks to ALL the employees and residents at Medicalodges of Nevada, for treating our mom like your family and for all the love and compassion you gave all of us in her final days.
Memorials are suggested to the Medicalodges of Nevada Activities Fund, with the funeral home serving as custodian.



Schrader Funeral Home 2/27/2024

Cheryl Sue Higginbotham Price (1947-2024) MO

Cheryl Sue (Higginbotham) Price, beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Sister has left us. She slipped away peacefully at home surrounded by loving family on Saturday, February 24, 2024. Cheryl was the eldest of 4 children; Born August 18, 1947, to the late, Robert Burgess Higginbotham, Jr. and Wilma Laura (Powers-Tebbe) Higginbotham. She grew up and lived in the St. Louis area her entire life, from Oakland Avenue to Florissant, Rock Hill, Chesterfield, and finally, Ballwin where she and Gary have resided for over 46 years. She was a proud 1965 Graduate of Parkway Central High School.  She is certainly at peace after many health-related challenges over the last 9 years. Through it all, she had strong support, maintained her love of family, and always had a smile on her face. Left to remember Cheryl are Gary, her loving husband of 53 years, 3 adult children and their spouses, Todd (Shonelle), Colby, and Lauren (Clayton), and 7 adoring grandchildren Summer, Teagan, Kennedy, Madison, Charley, Asher, and Stevie. She is survived by her 3 siblings Leslie, Rocky (Laura), and Scott (Vilma), and a host of nieces and nephews, cousins, and great-nieces and great-nephews.  Services:  Visitation at the FAMILY CENTER at SCHRADER Funeral Home and Crematory, 14960 Manchester Road at Holloway, Ballwin, Friday, March 1, from 4-8 p.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Gateway Chapter.



Mathis Funeral Home 2/27/2024

Herbert Richard Higginbotham (1934-2024) AR/MO

Herbert Richard Higginbotham, son of the late Herbert Russell Higginbotham and Evelyn Long Higginbotham, was born on June 18, 1934, in Carroll County, Arkansas, and departed this life on February 25, 2024, at Mercy Hospital Stoddard, in Dexter, Missouri, at the age of 89 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a Veteran of the United States Army. He had worked as an airplane mechanic and inspector. He attended Liberty Hill General Baptist Church in Aid, Missouri, and was a resident of Dudley, Missouri. He enjoyed growing his garden and working in the yard. On June 18, 2005, in Dudley, Missouri, he was united in marriage to Dorothy Northington. Mrs. Higginbotham survives of their home in Dudley. Along with his wife, he is survived by his son, Ricky Higginbotham Sr. of Nuevo, California; by his daughter, Rachelle Elkins of Pasadena, Texas; by twelve grandchildren, Diana Plamondon, Corey Higginbotham, Ricky Higginbotham Jr., Tristen Higginbotham, Dustin Higginbotham, Preston Higginbotham, Kellen Higginbotham, Ryan Elkins, Vanessa Elkins, Brayden Elkins, Ashton Elkins, and Lexi Elkins; and by several great grandchildren. Other than by his parents, he was preceded in death by his son, Kenneth Higginbotham, and by two sisters, Joyce and Doris. Visitation will be held at Mathis Funeral Home in Dexter on Friday, March 1, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Funeral services will then be conducted in the Mathis Funeral Home Chapel on Friday, March 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. Interment will follow in the Missouri State Veterans Cemetery in Bloomfield. Mathis Funeral Home in Dexter is assisting with arrangements.



Midwest Cremation & Funeral Services, LLC - Springfield on Mar. 12, 2024

Janice Mae Walker Higginbotham (1947-2024) MO

Janice Mae Higginbotham, 76, of Bolivar, MO passed away Friday, March 8, 2024. She was born June 25, 1947, to Chester and Annabell Walker in Ventura, CA. Janice loved the beach, collecting seashells and rocks, crocheting, working in her garden and growing flowers. She was the best at making tie-dye cheesecake and she really enjoyed making big breakfasts for her family. Janice had a special bond with her great granddaughter, Vannessa. She enjoyed their time together. She was preceded in death by her husband, William "Bill" Henry Higginbotham; her parents; her sisters, Kathy Kilmer and Peggy Walker; and her great grandson, Harley Johns. Janice is survived by her daughters, Joell Hall and husband Hector and Cindy Comacho and husband Carl Butler; five grandchildren, Sydnie Johns and husband Johnathan; Kenneth McBride and wife Amber, Audra Moreno, Jordan Comacho, and Mike Comacho; four great grandchildren, Vannessa Johns, Arya Newman, Annie Newman, and Wade Comacho; sister, Paula Walker; niece, Lynsie Walker; and a host of family and friends. Services will be held at a later date. Arrangements have been entrusted to Midwest Cremation and Funeral Services of Springfield, MO.



Clark Funeral Home - Neosho on Mar. 26, 2024

Velma Jean Langford Higginbotham (1940-2024) KS/MO

Velma Jean Langford, age 84, passed away on March 22, 2024. She was born to Walter and Nellie (Williams) Langford on February 5, 1940, in Bonner Springs, KS. Velma loved her beautiful flowers and found joy in cultivating them. She was also an avid reader and cherished spending time outdoors. Velma is survived by her children Glenda Denison, Carla Higginbotham, Roxanna Garrett, and Jimmy (Angie) Higginbotham, as well as nine grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her siblings Doris Wilson, Ray (Donna) Langford, and Bill Langford, along with many other family members and friends. She is preceded in death by her parents, two infant sons Thomas and Edward Higginbotham, and five siblings. A graveside service to honor Velma's life will be held at 10:00 am on Friday, March 29, 2024, at Bethlehem Cemetery in Lockwood, Missouri. Pastor Doug Gripka will officiate the service. Velma will be remembered fondly for her love of nature, her passion for reading, and the cherished moments shared with her family and friends. May her memory bring comfort to all who knew and loved her. Online condolences may be posted at www.clarkfuneralhomes.com Services are under the direction of Clark Funeral Home, Neosho, MO.


Schrader Funeral Home 5/26/2024

Nathan L Higginbotham (1934-2024) VA/MO

Higginbotham, Nathan L. (89), passed away on Thursday, February 29, 2024 unexpectedly at home. He was born in Amherst County, Virginia a son of Lee and Louise (nee Loving) Higginbotham. Nathan received his Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute (now Virginia Tech) and his MBA from Xavier University. He worked for McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) for 35 years in Business Development, retiring in 1997. Upon his retirement he was an integral member of the Building Committee at Manchester United Methodist Church, which oversaw the expansion of the current sanctuary and office areas. Nathan was an amazing husband, father, grandfather, uncle, cousin, and friend. He touched the lives of so many people. He will be truly missed and will never be forgotten. Nathan was a quiet and patient man. He was an avid reader, having most recently completed reading all of Louis L’Amour’s westerns. He enjoyed traveling with his family, especially in the summer and fall. Favorite trips included Myrtle Beach, Colorado, many National Parks, and Germany. He was an active member of Manchester United Methodist Church since 1966. Nathan liked to garden and do little projects around the house. He liked to play bridge and was a member of the ACBL. He enjoyed spending time with his kids and grandkids going to museums, baseball games, school events, or simply watching tv with them Nathan was the dear father of Lori (Michael) Pauk, and Tom (Beth) Higginbotham; loving grandfather of Courtney Pauk and Parker Higginbotham. He was preceded in death by his parents, his brother L. Dale Higginbotham, and his beloved wife Sue. Services: At his request no memorial service was held. His ashes have been interred at Manchester UMC Columbarium/Niche. Friends may sign the family’s on-line guestbook at Schrader.com.  


Kidwell-Garber Funeral Home - Versailles Chapel on Jul. 3, 2024

Jacqueline K. Susan Ray Higginbotham (1968-2024) MO

Jacqueline K. Susan Higginbotham, age 55, of Gravois Mills, passed away June 29, 2024, at her home in Gravois Mills. She was born September 15, 1968, in Lake Ozark, a daughter of Johnie I. and Julia Fern (Markum) Ray. On March 16, 1996, at her parents' home in Gravois Mills, she was united in marriage to her surviving husband, Bill Higginbotham. Jacque's love of animals led her to the Versailles Veterinary Clinic where she was the kennel manager for several years. In her spare time, she enjoyed crafting, especially wreaths. In addition to her husband, Bill, she is survived by daughters, Amanda Wood and husband Dylan of Jefferson City, Missouri and Julia Knipp and husband Calen of Gravois Mills, Missouri; four grandchildren, Levi Higginbotham, Sophia Wood, Natalie Grace Headrick and Beckham Knipp; her father, Johnie Ray of Gravois Mills, Missouri; sisters, Sherry Christiansen and husband Steve of Gravois Mills, Missouri and Anita Blakley and husband John of Laurie, Missouri; brother, Johnie "J.R." Ray and wife Sachel of Versailles, Missouri and many other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her mother, Julia Ray and her sister, Tina Waddell. A celebration of Jacque's life will be held at a later date. Memorial contributions are suggested to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital or to an animal shelter of the donor's choice. Cremation arrangements are under the direction and care of the Kidwell-Garber Funeral Home of Versailles.


Speak Chapel 7/23/2024

Ellen Kathleen Higginbotham Herndon (1953-20240 AZ/MO

November 24, 1953 — July 17, 2024

Independence - Ellen Kathleen Herndon of Independence, Missouri, passed away on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, she was 70. Ellen entered this world on November 24, 1953 in Tempe, Arizona, the daughter of Bazil and Wilma Higginbotham.  In August of 1965 she moved from Phoenix, AZ with her family to Independence, MO. She attended Palmer Junior High School and graduated from Truman High School in Independence, MO. She received a Bachelors degree in Communication, a minor in Theatre, and a certificate in Billing and Coding at Central Missouri University in Warrensburg, MO. She worked for the Federal Income Tax Agency in Kansas City, MO as an IRS supply clerk for 20 years. She leaves many friends from SCA and was semi active with them until her death. She was a member of the Good Shepherd Community of Christ Church.  Ellen leaves behind her husband, John Herndon and her daughter Amanda Kathleen Herndon of the home, and son Austin Cushing of Raytown, MO; her sister, Linda Benson and brother, Thomas Higginbotham of Independence, MO and her brother, David Higginbotham of Marshall, MO; and her mother Wilma Higginbotham of Independence, MO. She also leaves behind 2 granddaughters and 11 nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her father, Bazil Higginbotham.  Cremation is planned with a Celebration of Life to take place at a later date.


Clark Funeral Home - Neosho on Dec. 10, 2024

Anna Lois Higginbotham Brumback (1929-20240 TX/MO

Anna Lois Brumback, age 95, of Neosho, Missouri, passed away peacefully on December 8, 2024. She was born on December 6, 1929, in McKenney, Texas, to R.V. "Higg" Higginbotham and Florence Hardcastle. After graduating from high school, Anna attended Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College (NEO) for two years. She married the love of her life, Glenn Brumback, on May 20, 1949, in Miami, Oklahoma, beginning a beautiful partnership that spanned decades. Anna dedicated her career to caring for others as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) at Oakhill for Neosho Senior Center. She was also a devoted member of the Seneca Church of Christ, where her faith and kindness were an inspiration to many. Anna's passions included gardening and spending time with children, pursuits that reflected her nurturing and gentle spirit. She is survived by her seven children: Robert Brumback, Cathy (Barry) Ruddick, Connie (Larry) Clack, David (Sandy) Brumback, Cheryl (Lonnie) Lawson, Lori (Tom) Stith, Chris Brumback, five grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, as well as numerous extended family members. Anna was preceded in death by her beloved husband Glenn, her parents, one brother, and two sisters. Anna's love, warmth, and devotion to her family and community will forever be remembered and cherished by those who had the privilege of knowing her.


Eaton Funeral Home & Cremation Center - Main Chapel on Dec. 27, 2024

Hazel Ann Butler Johns Higginbotham (1940-2024) MI/FL/MO

Hazel A. Higginbotham, 84, of Sullivan, Missouri, passed away on Monday, November 4, 2024 at Meramec Nursing Center of Sullivan. Hazel Ann Higginbotham was born on May 29, 1940, in Detroit, Michigan, to the late Leonard and Mary (Rand) Butler. Hazel's early years were spent between Garden City in Jacksonville, Florida, and the vast landscapes of Arizona. Hazel was employed as a supervisor for many years at the King Edwards Factory in Jacksonville, Florida. Hazel loved horses, music and dancing. She especially loved and enjoyed spending time with her many grandchildren, great – grandchildren, and great – great grandchildren. She is survived by her four children: Charlotte Perry of Jacksonville, FL, Williams Johns of Jacksonville, FL, Mary Kilpatrick of Jacksonville, FL, and Lisa Johns of Sullivan, Missouri; two family friends whom she loved like her own children, Joy Ramos of Bryceville, FL, and Raven Tackett of Sullivan; her brother, Vernon Solomon; a sister, Frances Godwin; a host of grandchildren and great – grandchildren; other relatives and many friends. She was preceded in death by a son, Freddy Johns, a daughter in infancy, Sylvia Johns; four siblings: Sunny and Kenny Solomon, Linda Watkins and Ernestein; and her parents, Leonard Butler and Mary Rand. Arrangements for cremation have taken place. No services are planned at this time. All arrangements are under the care and direction of the Eaton Funeral Home and Cremation Center of Sullivan.


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