New York Obituaries



Ann Thornton Higginbotham (1822-1858) Indonesia/NY


In this city on Tuesday, July 20th, of consumption, Ann Thornton, wife of John Higginbotom, aged 36 years.

The friends of the family are respectively invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her father, Samuel Thornton, 114 York St., tomorrow afternoon, July 22, at 2 o'clock, without further invitation.



New York Tribune 5/1/1860

Lavinia Hicinbothem (1855-1860) NY

Hicinbothem - In this city, on Sunday, April 29, Lavinia Hicinbothem, youngest daughter of David and Elizabeth Hicinbothem, aged 4 years, 11 months and 25 days.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 10/11/1866

William Higenbotham (1866) NY

Higenbotham - At Gravesend, on Wednesday morning, 10th inst, William, youngest child of Samuel B. and Louise Higenbotham, aged 5 months and 22 days.

The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, Gravesend, on Friday, 12th inst, at 1 o'clock P.M.



Oneida Dispatch 09/18/1868

Sands Higinbotham (1790-1868) NY

The Late Sands Higinbotham. --- To the many friends of the late Sands it will be a satisfaction to recall, or to learn, some of the principal incidents of his life. He was born in March, 1790, in the County of Rensselaer, in this State, and a few years afterward removed with his parents to Central New York. In his youth he went to Utica (at that time a small village,) to reside in the family of his half brother, the first Watts Sherman, who was several years his senior. He spent the period of his residence there; first as an attendant of one of the schools, and then as a clerk in the store of Mr. Sherman; and some are now living in Utica, who still have pleasant memories of him in those days of his boyhood and youth. From Utica, in the year 1810, when he was twenty years of age, he went to Vernon to reside, and there commenced business for himself as a merchant. During his twenty-four years' residence in Vernon, he was known as an honorable and prosperous merchant, and as a wise and conscientious man, whom all esteemed. During this time, also, he became acquainted quite extensively with the leading minds, not only of his own County of Oneida, but of the State; and in many instances the friendships then formed were severed only by death. Many men now living will remember him at this portion of his life, with the greatest respect and affection. About the year 1830, he purchased several hundred acres of land where now is located the embryo city of Oneida, and in the autumn of 1834, he took up his residence upon it. In 1837, the Syracuse and Utica Railroad Company located their railroad across his farm, and made one of their important stations there. In July, 1839, the cars commenced to run; and from that date, under the fostering care of Mr. Higinbotham, the village of Oneida has steadily grown and improved, from year to year, without drawback or change, except to a greater and more rapid improvement as time went on. Here, in the last thirty-four years, (a generation in itself,) the crowning work of his life was done. His strict integrity, his sound sense, his genial spirit, his large heart, were elements of attraction which drew around him a circle, not only of citizens and business men, but of friends. Religion, good morals, education, all received the fullest aid in his power to give; and everything that was of interest to Oneida, also interested him. As his reward, he has lived to see his cherished home become one of the most thriving and beautiful villages of Central New York. Although always feeling an earnest interest in the politics of the country, and in his early years taking an active part in the movements of parties, he yet constantly and steadily refused to accept any political office or nomination. He was, however, a Trustee of Hamilton College for the last thirty years of his life, and until very recently continued his regular attendance at all meetings of the Board, giving them the benefit of his ripe counsel and great experience. For the last two years his growing infirmities made it necessary for him to retire from active labor; and now, in the evening of his busy life, his work being done, he has peacefully gone to his rest; the honored patriarch, the much loved husband, father, neighbor, friend.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 5/8/1873

George B. Higginbotham (ca1835-1873) Ireland/NY/CA

Dr. Geo. B. Higginbotham, a notice of whose death appears in another column, was for a number of years a resident and practicing physician in this city. At the commencement of the late war, Dr. Higginbotham was appointed an assistant surgeon in the navy, where remained until the close of the rebellion, when he reigned to accept a like appointment in the army. He had been stationed on the Pacific coast for the past six years, and died at military headquarters, San Francisco, California, on Friday, March 14, of rheumatism, contracted stationed at Sitka. The remains, embalmed and encased in a metallic casket, arrived here on Sunday last, and were buried from the residence of the family on Tuesday afternoon.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 5/12/1877

Sophia C. Heginbotham (ca1803-1877) NY

Heginbotham - May 11, Sophia C., widow of the late Charles Heginbotham, in the 74th year of her age.

Funeral from her late residence, No. 484 Marcy av., Brooklyn.

(Baltimore, (Md.) Charleston, (S.C.) and Washington (D.C.) papers please copy.)



Ontario County Journal May 14, 1880

Magdelena Mast Higinbotham (1842-1880) NY

DIED - In East Bloomfield, on Thursday, May 6, 1880, Madalene, wife of George Higinbotham, aged 37 years.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 7/29/1884

Frances Hall Higinbotham Rippier (1857-1884) NY

Rippier - On Monday morning, 28 inst., Frances H. Heginbotham, beloved wife of R.T. Rippier, Aged 26 years.

Funeral from her late residence, 232 Ninth St., South Brooklyn, on Wednesday, 30 inst., at 2 o'clock.



Geneva Advertiser Tuesday, October 11, 1887
Catherine Annie Higinbotham (1860-1887) NY
Anna Higinbotham of Bloomfield in this county, aged about 28 years, on the Sunday night of Oct. 2d arose, feeling unwell, and taking from a shelf what she supposed was a paper of quinine swallowed an ordinary dose. It proved to be strychnine, which she had purchased the day before for killing rats. She died on Monday.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 6/26/1889

Margaret E. Higginbotham (1867-1889) NY

Higginbotham - On Tuesday, June 25, Margaret E., daughter of Margaret and the late James Higginbothan, aged 22 years and 8 days.

Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, 470 Adelphi St., on Friday, June 28; thence to St. Joseph's Church, where there will be a requiem mass celebrated for deceased at 9:30.



The Rome Daily Sentinel Wednesday Evening March 19, 1890

Niles Higinbotham (1812-1890) NY

Oneida, March 19 - On Monday evening occurred the death of Niles Higinbotham, one of Oneida's oldest inhabitants. He was the son of Sands Higinbotham, the founder of Oneida. He was born in Vernon, March 9, 1813. In his early manhood he was engaged in business in the west. Mr. Higinbotham held the contract for the construction of 150 miles of the old Erie Canal and had nearly completed his task when the company failed. In 1849 he came to Oneida and engaged in the dry goods business with the late Sands Goodwin. A short time after he, in company with Mr. Breese and Mr. Goodwin opened a private bank, the first bank in Oneida. He was one of the original incorporators of the Oneida Valley National Bank, was one of its first directors and has served continuously as a director and as president of the back since its organization in December, 1851. He married Miss Ella Randall of Fayetteville who, with his three daughters, survives him. The funeral will be held from the late residence on Friday at 2 p.m.



Yonkers Statesman 6/14/1890

Thomas Higinbotham (1825-1890) NY

Higinbotham - In this city at his residence, 24 Summit street, on Thursday, June 12, Thomas Higinbotham, in his 65th year.

Funeral services at St. Paul's Church, Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.

Relatives and friends are invited.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12/3/1890

Georgette Monica Higginbotham (1866-1890) NY

Death of Superintendent Powers' Niece

Miss Georgerette Higginbotham, daughter of the late George B. Higginbotham, of the United States Army, died on Monday at the residence of her mother, at 425 Halsey street. Although for a long time a patient sufferer from nervous headaches, she was of a most cheerful disposition and was the life of her companions. She was most devotedly attached to her uncle, William A. Powers, the superintendent of steam boilers, who considered her one of his own household. Peritonitis was the immediate cause of death. Miss Higginbotham was a devout attendant at the Church of the Nativity, where the funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The interment will take place in the Holy Cross cemetery.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 1/26/1893

Frederick Higgenbotham (1819-1893) England/NY

Higginbotham - In this city Wednesday morning, January 25, 1893 at the resident of his son, Louis Higginbotham, No. 112 Ravine Avenue, Frederick Higginbotham, aged 73 years.

Funeral from the house Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.



Times Union (Brooklyn, NY) 11/17/1893

J. C. Hickinbottom (????-1893) NY

J. C. Hickinbottom, a wealthy real estate owner at Amityville, died suddenly in this city on Wednesday evening. A large and handsome summer home, costing about $5,000, is in course of erection for the family, and was to have been occupied by the owner upon its completion. The deceased was held in high esteem by the people in Amityville, with whom he had associated for several years.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 11/19/1893

Margaret Cousins Hicinbothem (1832-1893) Ireland/NY

Hicinbothem - On Friday, November 17, Margaret C., wife of James Hicinbothem.

Funeral services at her late residence, 484 Smith at Sunday 5 P.M.



The Buffalo Enquirer 9/26/1896

John H. Higginbotham (1829-1896) England/NY

John Higginbotham died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stephen Law, No. 249 First Street, aged 67 years. He was a marine engineer and had sailed for a good many years with the late Capt. Blodgett. He was on the Guiding Star when her boiler exploded in 1870 and narrowly escaped death. He was also on the Empire, the same year, when she was wrecked. He gave up sailing in 1880 and had lived a retired life since.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 4/24/1897

Ottewell Heginbotham (1837-1897) NY

On April 23, 1897, Ottewell Heginbotham, aged 60 years, beloved husband of Maggie Heginbotham.

Funeral from his late residence, 576 Gates av, on Sunday, April 25, at 2:30 P.M. Interment in Greenwood.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 9/4/1897

Anna Bella Hicinbothem Lightbody (ca1859-1897) NY

Lightbody - On Friday, September 2, Anna B. Lightbody, wife of Frank J. Lightbody and daughter of the late James and Margaret Hicinbothem.

Funeral services at her late residence, 492 Thirteenth St., Brooklyn, on Sunday, September 5, at 4 P.M.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 2/8/1902

Mary Virginia Powers Higginbotham (1841-1902) NY

Mary Virginia Higginbotham, mother of Magistrate E. Gaston Higginbotham of the Lee avenue court, died last night at her home, 425 Halsey street, after long suffering from the complication of ailments. She was 63 years old, and a native of Brooklyn, having been born at 133 Duffield street, in a mansion still standing and owned by her family. She is survived by one son and two daughters. The funeral services will be held on Monday.



The New York Times 3/15/1903

Robert Hicinbothem (1842-1903) NY

Hicinbothem - March 7, at 1192 Washington Avenue, Robert Hicinbothem.



Syracuse Journal Friday, March 20, 1903

Joseph Higginbottom (1871-1903) Canada/NY

Joseph Higginbottom died this morning at his home, 205 South Crouse-ave., aged 31 years. He had been ill for a long time. He leaves a mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbottom; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Wakefield of Racine, Wis., and Mrs. Arthur Derrick of this city, and two brothers, James of this city and Alfred Higginbottom of Racine. The deceased was a member of Syracuse lodge, Knights of Pythias. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday. Burial in Woodlawn cemetery.



New York Tribune 4/28/1903

Drusilla Eliza Randall Higinbotham (1823-1903) NY

Higinbotham - Entered into rest April 26, at Cottage Laws, Oneida, N.Y., in the 80th year of her age, Eliza Randall, wife of the late Niles Higinbotham, and daughter of the late Nicholas Phillips Randall, of Manlius. Funeral services at St. John's Church, Oneida, on Wednesday at 2 o'clock.


New York Tribune 1/3/1905

Mary Ross Higginbotham Gillet (1827-1904) VA/NY

Gillet - On Saturday, December 31, in her 78th year, Mary Higginbotham, widow of the late Joseph Gillet. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3, at her late residence, No. 158 East 38thth st. It is requested that no flowers be sent.



The Buffalo Times 9/22/1906

Sophie Higenbotham (ca 1878-1906) NY

New York, Sept. 22 - Miss Sophie Higenbotham, 28 years old, a graduate nurse and assistant superintendent of the Brooklyn City Hospital, was almost instantly killed when she was caught in a falling elevator in the building of the New York Hospital Nurses' Club in West 93d Street.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 7/23/1907

Carlotta Higginbotham Hardie (1865-1907) NY

After a long illness, Mrs. Carlotta Higginbotham Hardie, wife of John C. Hardie, of Schenectady, N.Y., died in that city on Friday, July 19. Mrs. Hardie had always been a resident of Brooklyn up to two years ago. She was the daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. George Brunswick Higginbotham. During the short time that she resided in Schenectady she made many friends. She is survived by her husband, John C. Hardie, of Schenectady and by one sister, Mrs. Rita Halligan, and a brother, Magistrate E. Gaston Higginbotham, Funeral services were held yesterday morning in the church of St. John the Evangelist of Schenectady. After the services the remains, accompanied by the immediate family, were brought to Brooklyn by special train for interment in the family plot in the Holy Cross Cemetery in this borough.



The Herald Statesman (Yonkers, NY) 11/13/1907

Matilda Higgenbotham (1830-1907) Ireland/NY

Mrs. Matilda Higginbotham died at her residence, 10 Jones Place, on Sunday, of apoplexy, aged 77 years.

She was born in Ireland, was a widow, and had resided in Yonkers 50 years. The funeral took place today, with interment in Oakland Cemetery.



The New York Times 02/16/1908

Annie E. Hickinbottom (ca1836-1908) NY

Hickinbottom-At her home, Amityville, L.I., on Friday Feb. 14, 1908, Annie E. Hickinbottom, widow of the late Alfred Hickinbottom. Services at her late residence Sunday, Feb. 16, 1908, at 2:30 p.m.. Interment in Pennsylvania at the convenience of the family.



Syracuse (NY) Herald Tuesday evening, March 1, 1910
Elizabeth Higginbottom (1842-1910) England/NY
Mrs. Higginbottom, Would Have Been 68 Years Old To-day.
Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbottom, 68 years old, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Derrick, No. 1104 East Fayette street, shortly after midnight last night. Mrs. Higginbottom would have celebrated her sixty-eighth birthday to-day. She had been ill for some time, but was up and about yesterday and ate supper with the family last night. She was taken suddenly worse after retiring and died while awaiting the arrival of a physician. Besides her daughter, a son, James Higginbottom also survives. The funeral will be held from the Derrick home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and burial will be in Oakwood.



Mount Vernon Argus 2/21/1911

Clara Drews Higenbotham (ca1865-2011) NY

In the same house in which she was born and had lived all her life, Mrs. Clara Higenbotham, aged 46 years, the wife of John Higenbotham, of No. 15 South Railroad avenue, died yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock from a clot of blood on the brain. Death came suddenly, while she was talking to her brother-in-law, Erland Anderberg.

Mrs. Higginbotham had just conducted some friends of her husband upstairs to see him. He had been confined to his home since last Tuesday suffering from a badly bruised forehead which he received by falling accidentally from a step ladder in the new Elks' club house.

After showing the visitors in the room where Mr. Higenbotham was, Mrs. Higenbotham went downstairs again and entered a living room on the first floor. She sat down and began to talk to Mr. Anderberg, but had hardly been converse in a moment when she suddenly fainted and almost in an instant was dead.

Efforts were made to get a physician, but none could be located. Her husband was informed of what had happened shortly afterward by members of the family.

Mrs. Higenbotham was born and brought up in Mount Vernon. She was very well known in West Mount Vernon and elsewhere in this city, and the many friends who heard of her death were made sorrowful today by the news.

She is survived, besides her husband, by three children - John, Harold and Jennie Higenbotham, and three sisters, Mrs. Erland Anderberg, Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. William Senigo, of Schenectady. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Drews.

The funeral will be held from the house on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the interment will be at Yonkers.

Coroner Boedecker, who was called, rendered a verdict that death was due to cerebral embolism, with chronic nephritis as a contributory cause.



The Standard Union (Brooklyn, NY) 1/6/1914

Mary Higginbotham (ca1829-1914) Ireland/NY

Miss Mary Higginbotham died last Saturday at the home of her sister, Miss Annie Higginbotham, 525 Washington Avenue. She was formerly a resident of Millbrook, N.Y. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 9:30 A.M. with requiem mass in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Pacific Street, near Vanderbilt Avenue. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 4/3/1915

Marie Louse Wells Higenbotham (1837-1915) NY

Mrs. Marie L. Higenbotham, 78 years old, widow of Samuel B. Higenbotham, formerly a well-known Manhattan lawyer, and daughter of John B. Wells, the first man to establish a cannery business in Brooklyn, died yesterday at her residence, 12 East Ninety-second street, Manhattan. She was formerly a resident of Brooklyn for many years and active in the work of the Washington Avenue Baptist Church.



The Syracuse Herald 06/08/1915

Eska Gaston Higginbotham (1869-1915) CA/NY

 Reconciled With Wife, then Dies in a Few Minutes

Strange Career of Former Magistrate Higginbotham of Brooklyn

Lived Among Derelicts

Resigned From Bench in 1910 and Dropped From Sight-Entered Hospital in Rags and When Told Death Was Near, Sent for Wife

New York, June 8-Just a few moments after being reconciled with his wife and three children from whom he had separated in 1911, former Magistrate E. Gaston Higginbotham of Brooklyn died in the charity ward of St. Mary’s hospital there.

Not until half an hour before his death today did the attendants know his identity. When they told him his case was hopeless, he told his real name and sent for his wife.

She came with their children and a reconciliation followed. Then Higginbotham died.

His passing marked the end of one of the strangest and most inexplicable careers in New York. A man of high education and refinement, the former magistrate abandoned his home four years ago and for two years had lived with tramps, derelicts whom once he judged from the bench.

Higginbotham was appointed to the bench in 1901 and resigned in 1910. In 1909 he was accused of misappropriating $500 bail money. A few days later the money was found in his desk, where his secretary had placed it without Higginbotham’s knowledge. In 1910 Mary O. Hickey, 19, accused the magistrate of attacking her. The charge was dismissed. In 1911, when the man broke with his family, his adopted daughter accused him of misappropriating funds of her $20,000 estate. A new guardian was appointed.



The New York Times 2/17/1917

Territt Tucker Higinbothom (1873-1917) Bermuda/NY

Higinbothom - Territt T., of St. Georges, Bermuda, Feb. 15, 1917, at St. Luke's Hospital, New York. Services in Bermuda.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle10/25/1918

Margaret E. Fox Hicinbothem (1888-1918) NY

Hicinbothem - On October 23, 1918, Margaret E., beloved wife of James W. Hicinbothem and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, in her 31st year, at Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Services Saturday, October 26, 8 p.m., at 352 74th st. Funeral Sunday, October 27, at 10 a.m. Interment Evergreens Cemetery.



Times Union (Brooklyn, NY) 11/30/1918

Ann Higginbotham (ca1845-1918) Ireland/NY

Miss Ann Higginbotham, 73 years old, of 174 Hall Street, a resident of Brooklyn many years and who was a member of the Queen of All Saints R.C. Church, was buried today in Holy Cross Cemetery, following a requiem mass. She was born in Ireland and leaves no immediate relatives.



Bridgeport (CT) Telegram 04/19/1919

Harlow Niles Higinbotham (1838-1919) IL/NY


NEW YORK. April 18.—Harlow Niles Higinbotham, a former partner in the firm of Marshall Field and company of Chicago, died tonight in the embarkation hospital at the Grand Central Palace where he had been taken earlier in the day after being run down by an automobile at Madison avenue and 45th street. He was 64 years old.

Mr. Higginbotham and his daughter, Mrs. R. P. Crane, had been guests for the past two weeks at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. He was crossing Madison avenue when he was knocked down by an automobile.



The Buffalo News 12/15/1919

Mary Eugenia Higginbotham (1865-1919) NY

Higginbotham - Sister M. Eugenia, December 14th, 1919, daughter of Mrs. Monina and the late John Higginbotham, sister of Rev. James Higginbotham of Tiffin, Ohio, Agnes and Anna of Tiffin, Ohio, Mrs. William J. O'Day of Lima, Ohio, Robert P. of Sapulpa, Okla., and Francis A. of Eastland, Tex., niece of Sister Angelica of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Funeral from Mount Saint Joseph, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.



The New York Times 10/14/1920

Lewis Higinbotham (ca1846-1920) NY

Higinbotham - Oct. 13, 1920, Lewis Higinbotham, aged 66 years. Funeral services Stephen Merritt's Harlem Chapel, 304 West 126th St., Friday evening, 8 o'clock.

Rochester (N.Y) papers please copy.



The Standards Union (Brooklyn, NY) 11/18/1920

Annie Elizabeth Wilson Hicinbothem (1857-1920) NY

Annie Elizabeth Hicinbothem, a lifelong resident of the Bay Ridge section and widow of William Hicinbothem, died Tuesday at her home, 536 Seventy-third street. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Helen Ellis; a daughter, Mrs. Alice Hock; two sons, James and William, and three grandchildren. The funeral services will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at her late home. Interment will be made Friday at 9 a.m. at Evergreen Cemetery under direction of Herbert L. Fitzpatrick, 5409 Fifth avenue.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 1/25/1921

Anna Beach Hamlin Higinbotham (1851-1921) NY

Wife of Banker is Dead

Victor, Jan. 24. - Mrs. W.A. Higinbotham passed away yesterday morning. For a week she had been sick with pleuro-pneumonia. Anna Beach Hamlin was born in East Bloomfield on February 18, 1851, the daughter of Henry W. and Sybil Sears Hamlin. Her father was a prominent business man in that community. The daughter attended the old academy in East Bloomfield and later a Brooklyn private school. On October 2, 1878, she was married to William A. Higinbotham, then a merchant in East Bloomfield.

In the spring of 1883 they moved to Victor, where her husband has since been a banker. Into the religious and social life of this village, Mrs. Higinbotham actively entered. Her religious life sought the fellowship of others in her church. She was for years a Sunday school teacher and the president of the Missionary Society. In appreciation of her services she was made the honorary president.

Mrs. Higinbotham is survived by four children and seven grandsons. He children are George W., Annie, and Mrs. Herbert C. Woolley, of Victor, and Robert G., of Caledonia. Of her own family she is survived by John S. Hamlin, Mrs. Sarah Hollister and Mrs. Agnes H. Steele, of East Bloomfield, and Frank H. Hamblin, of Canandaigua. The funeral will be held from the First Presbyterian Church on Wednesday at 2:30. The interment will be in the East Bloomfield Cemetery.



The New York Times 4/11/1922

Henry D. Higenbotham (ca1864-1922) NY

Higenbotham - Henry D. Campbell Funeral Church Tuesday, 11 A.M.



The New York Times 9/25/1922

Maria Louise Higenbotham (1859-1922) NY

Healy - Louise, widow of the late Joseph Healy, on Sept. 24. Services at the Funeral Church, Broadway and 66th St., on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 2 P.M.



The Standard Union (Brooklyn, NY) 4/15/1923

Mary Higginbotham (1844-1923) NY/NJ

Mary Higginbotham died Wednesday at Bayonne, N.J. She was born in the city of Brooklyn, the daughter of the late John and Ann Higginbotham. Funeral services at the home of her cousin, Harry D. Williams, 789 Halsey street, tomorrow at 8 P.M. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery at the convenience of the family, under direction of Louis W. Farrell, 302 Jay street.



The Brooklyn Citizen 11/6/1924

Margaret Higginbottom (ca1850-1924) NY

Requiem Mass was celebrated today at the R.C. Church of the Holly Family for Margaret Higginbottom, formerly of No. 196 Thirteenth Street, who died Monday. She is survived by a nephew, the Rev. James W. Higginbottom, of Tiffin, Ohio, and two nieces, Annie and Agnes Higginbottom.




Mary N. Jennings Higginbottom (1869-1928) Ireland/NY

Mary Higginbottom, widow of William Higginbottom, and a well-known resident of this city, died early today at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Farley, 32 White Street, Cohoes, after a brief illness.
Mrs. Higginbottom was born in Ireland but had resided in Cohoes for the past 45 years. She was a member of St. Agnes' Church and was affiliated with the Rosary Society of that church.
The survivors are seven daughters, Mrs. George Moran, Mrs. John Pappas, Mrs. Charles Farley, Mrs. Jane Fraser, Miss Veronica Higginbottom, Mrs. Selden L. Stiles and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, and two sons, Francis and Raymond Higginbottom, as well as eleven grandchildren, all of Cohoes. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Farley, and at 9:30 from St. Agnes' Church. Burial will be in St. Agnes' Cemetery, Cohoes.



The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12/4/1929

Rita Higginbotham Halligan (ca1873-1929) NY

Halligan - On Monday Dec. 4, 1929, Rita A., beloved mother of the late Sgt. Raymond B. Halligan and grandmother of Francis W. Kennedy. Funeral from the Fairchild Chapel, 86 Leffert pl. near Grand ave. Thursday, Dec. 5, at 8:30 a.,.; thence to Our Lady of Victory Church on McDonough st. and Throop ave. where a mass will be offered at 9 a.m.



Yonkers Statesman 2/24/1930

William Thomas Higgenbotham Jr. (1861-1930) NY

White Plains, Feb. 24. - William Thomas Higgenbotham, former Yonkers resident, died early this morning at his home, 211 South Lexington Avenue, after a brief illness. He was 69.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Yonkers and lived there for more than 25 years. He was the son of the late William and Mathilda Higgenbotham of that city. As a young man he was employed in the Alexander Smith Carpet Shop in Yonkers until he left that city to come here, when he became a carpenter and builder. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of the World.

He is survived by one daughter, Miss Mathilda Higgenbotham, of this city and a sister, Mrs. Clinton Taylor of Yonkers.

Funeral services will be held at his late home Wednesday at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Oakland Cemetery, Yonkers.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 5/29/1930

Clarence M Hickenbottom (1897-1930) PA/NY

Batavia, May 28 - Clarence M. Hickinbottom, 32, of this city, was killed instantly today when the car he was driving was struck by a westbound passenger train on the New York Central Railroad at the Swan Street crossing. The car was struck squarely in the center and rolled over several times before landing beside the track.

Mr. Hickinbottom was alone in the car, driving north, and witnesses stated that the gates on the south side of the crossing were up when he drove onto the tracks in front of the fast train. Coroner Edward M. Morgan was called and stated that apparently the gates had been left up, as they were not damaged. The gate tender, George H. Hoffman, was standing a few feet from the track, barely escaped being struck by the wreck.

Hickinbottom's body was thrown out of the car and struck between the rails of track 1 about 75 feet west of the crossing. Coroner Morgan ordered the body removed to a local mortuary and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hickinbottom of Rochester, Pa., parents of Mr. Hickinbottom, were notified. The train stopped at the Bavaria station and an investigation of the accident was made before it continued to Buffalo.

Mr. Hickinbottom, who was a World War veteran, came to this city a number of years ago, and had made his home here. Besides his parents, he leaves his wife, Susie Hickinbottom, of Batavia, and a sister, Mrs. Emma Stevenson of Rochester, Pa.



Mount Vernon Argus 7/2/1932

John W. Higenbotham (ca1862-1932) NY

John W. Higenbotham, a former resident of this city for about 40 years and former treasurer of the Elks' Club for a number of years died this morning at his home at Milton-on-Hudson, after a long illness. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Milton Lodge, Milton-on-Hudson.

Mr. Higenbotham was prominently identified with the activities of the Elks' Club in the city for a number of years. He was a member of an old Mount Vernon family.



The Post-Star (Glens Falls, NY) 12/2/1933

Fleming Higginbottom (ca1867-1933) VA/NY

Saratoga Springs - Fleming Higgenbottom, of New York city, died Wednesday afternoon at the Saratoga hospital where he was taken after suffering a collapse at a place on Woodlawn avenue. The body was taken to the funeral parlors of James Bortle and Miss Laura Higginbottom, a sister, notified in New York city by local police. Miss Higgenbottom was expected to arrive yesterday afternoon.



Poughkeepsie Eagle-News 3/30/1935

Edward Eugene Higinbotham (1899-1935) WV/NY

Funeral services for Edward Eugene Higinbotham were conducted at his home, 12 Davis Avenue, Arlington, last night by the Rev. William A. Hudson, pastor of the Methodist church of Wappingers Falls. Burial will be at the New Oxford, Pa., this afternoon under the direction of Willard C. Selfridge.



The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, NY) 2/20/1936

Agnes Higinbotham Woolley (1883-1936) NY/DC

Victor - Mrs. Agnes Higinbotham Woolley, a former resident of Victor, died Wednesday in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, after a long illness. Besides her husband, Dr. Woolley, a member of the hospital staff, she leaves two sons, Richard G. and Herbert C. Woolley, Jr. of Washington; her father, William A. Higinbotham, of Victor; a sister and two brothers, Mrs. Roy H. Outterson of Caledonia; the Rev. Robert G. Higinbotham of Palmyra and George W. Higinbotham, of Victor.

Funeral services and interment will be at Arlington Cemetery, Washington Friday at 3 o'clock.



Syracuse (NY) Journal Wednesday, August 26, 1936 Page 25, Column 2
Julia Jane Higginbottom Derrick (1867-1936) NY
Mrs. Julia Jane Derrick—Mrs. Julia Jane Derrick, 69, widow of Arthur Derrick, died at her home, 122 Ashworth pl., Wednesday morning. Surviving are a brother, James Higginbottom of Syracuse, and a nephew, Harry Wakefield of Milwaukee. Funeral services will take place at the rooms of A. C. Schumacher, funeral director, at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, with burial in Woodlawn cemetery.



Canandaigua (NY) Daily Messenger 01/11/1937

William Adsit Higinbotham (1852-1937) NY

Death Takes William A. Higinbotham, Many Years Leading Banker

Well known in Canandaigua, Victor and throughout the county, William A. Higinbotham, 84, banker, church and civic leader for 52 years, died suddenly at his home in Victor Saturday night following a brief illness. As late as the middle of the past week, he was able to drive to and from business.

Commenting today on Mr. Higinbotham’s many affiliations in the county, George W. Hamlin, president of the Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Company, said that Mr. Higinbotham was one of the original stockholders of the local bank and was elected to the Board of Directors Jan. 8, 1895.

It was after the death of Mr. Hamlin’s father, Frank H. Hamlin, that Mr. Higinbotham was elected chairman of the Board of Directors in 1926, a position he held until his death. Mr. Hamlin also recalled that it had been his father who helped finance the establishment by Mr. Higinbotham and Hiram T. Parmele of the State Bank of Victor. It was Mr. Higinbotham, the late Frank H. Hamlin and Mr. Parmele and other stockholders, Mr. Hamlin said, who established the Canandaigua National Bank Dec. 1, 1887.

In Victor, a partnership with the late Marvin A. Wilbur was formed and the Victor Bank became Higinbotham & Wilbur. This partnership lasted for 12 years and with the withdrawal of Mr. Wilbur the concern became W.A. Higinbotham Bankers, to be later known as W. A. Higinbotham & Company. In 1921 it became the State Bank of Victor.

For many years vice-president of the Canandaigua National Bank and chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Higinbotham also was a member of the Board of Education of Victor, served on the Ontario County Republican Committee and for over 40 years had been an elder of the Presbyterian church.

Mr. Higinbotham was born in Williamsburg, Nov. 20, 1852, but later removed with his family to East Bloomfield. There he engaged in the mercantile business with his brother until 1883, when they moved to Victor.

Mr. Higinbotham in 1878 married Miss Anna Beach Hamlin, daughter of Henry W. and Sybil Sears Hamlin, whose East Bloomfield home had been a station of the underground railroad prior to and during the Civil War. She died several years ago. They had five children, of whom three survive: The Rev. Robert Higinbotham, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Palmyra; Mrs. Roy Hugh Outterson, of Caledonia, and George W. Higinbotham, of Victor. A daughter, Jessie, died at the age of seven and another daughter, Agnes, wife of Col. Herbert C. Woolley, of Washington, D.C., died a year ago. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Leonard W. Hatch, of Pelham Manor; and nine grandchildren.

Funeral services will be from the Victor Presbyterian Church tomorrow at 2 o’clock, the Rev. George Van Artadalen, pastor, officiating. Bearers will be the following grandsons: William A. Higinbotham, of Cornell, Robert H. of Maplewood, N.J., Philip E. Frederick and John Sears, of Palmyra, and Paul S. Higinbotham of Victor. Interment will be in East Bloomfield. The family has requested that flowers be omitted.



The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, NY) 7/29/1937

Robert George Higinbotham (1880-1937) NY

The Rev. Robert G. Higinbotham, 56, pastor of the Palmyra Presbyterian Church and a summer resident of the East Lake Shore, died suddenly at a Rochester hospital yesterday afternoon as he was about to leave the institution following a recent serious operation.

Mr. Higinbotham was the son of William A. Higinbotham of Victor, former chairman of the board of directors of the Canandaigua National Bank, who died in January, and the late Anna Beach Higinbotham. He was a former pastor of the Caledonia Presbyterian Church, going from there to Palmyra several years ago.

Besides his wife, Mrs. Dorothea Schauffer Higinbotham, he leaves five sons and one daughter: William E. of Ithaca, Robert H., of Maplewood, N.J., Philip E., Frederick S., and John S. and Miss Dorothy Higinbotham, of Palmyra; a sister and brother, Mrs. Roy G. Outterson, of Caledonia, and George W. Higinbotham, of Victor.

Funeral services will be from the Palmyra Presbyterian Church Saturday at 2:30, with interment in East Bloomfield. The courtesy of no flowers has been requested by the family.



The Standard-Star (New Rochelle, NY) 4/1/1940

Leah Louise Sparks Hicinbothem (1845-1940) MY

Mrs. Leah Louise Hicinbothem of 446 First Avenue, North Pelham, died yesterday after an illness of about four months. She was a native of New York City.

Daughter of the late Judge William Sparks of Pelham, one of the Village's longtime residents. Mrs. Hicinbothem had moved to Pelham in 1861. A few years ago she moved to North Pelham.

Her mother was the late Hannah Smith Sparks.

The widow of Alexander Hicinbothem, she is survived by three sons, Emil M. Hicinbothem of Pelham, William Hicinbothem of Thornwood; George Hicinbothem of Dutchess County; a brother, Paul Sparks of Dobbs Ferry; a sister, Miss Sara Sparks of Pelham; nine grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.




Mary Higginbottom Stiles (1868-1942) England/NY

Mrs. Mary Higginbottom Stiles, widow of Selden L. Stiles, died yesterday at the Cohoes hospital following a brief illness. Born in England, she had resided in Cohoes most of her life. She was a member of St. Bernard's Church. Survivors are a son, Oscar B. Stiles; six sisters, Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. George Moran, Mrs. John Pappas, and Miss Veronica Higginbottom, all of Cohoes, Mrs. Roy Snyder of Schenectady and Mrs. Charles Farley of Rensselaer; a brother, Raymond Higginbottom of Schenectady, and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from the funeral home of John F. Looby and Son, at Howard and Remsen Streets and 9:30 o'clock from St. Bernard's Church where a high mass of requiem will be celebrated. Burial will be in Waterford Rural Cemetery.



The Victor Herald  June 5, 1942

Anna M. McCarthy McCann Higinbotham (1861-1942) NY

Woman Who Served Her Community Well Dies in 81st Year

A very useful and helpful life came to its earthly close on Monday, May 29, 1942, when Mrs. Anna M. Higinbotham died in the F. F. Thompson Hospital in Canandaigua, where she had been a patient since the preceding Friday. She was in her 81st year, and had been in failing health for several years. Anna McCarthy of East Bloomfield was married to George McCann in youth, and was widowed when her sons, Hugh and Charles, were only seven and five years old. Later she became the wife of Fred Higinbotham of Victor, who died in 1929. Throughout her life she was devoted to her family, a good neighbor, and a valuable member of the community. She was fond of flowers, and at one time specialized in dahlias, growing many beautiful and rare varieties of that flower. She was skilled in the culinary art, and for quite a few years was a very successful caterer. For at least two decades, Mrs. Higinbotham was an outstanding figure in public life in her community and county. She was an active member of Unity Club, and was sent as a delegate to Albany for a meeting of the State Federation of Women's Clubs. For many years she was a member of the Ontario County Commission on Tuberculosis and Public Health and a member of the Board of Directors of Oak-Mount Sanitarium. She also served as local Welfare administrator. During the World War, she was a leader in the work done by the women of this community, and a building on her premises served as headquarters for Red Cross activities , to which she gave untiring effort. At the close of the war, her work was recognized by the award of a special medal. She continued to be a local Red Cross chairman until a few years ago, when failing health caused her retirement. The surviving relatives are a son, Charles G. McCann of Victor, and two step-daughters, Mrs. Kate Williams of California and Miss Frieda Higinbotham of Baltimore. Funeral services were conducted from her home and from St. Patrick's Church, Monday morning. Interment was made in St. Patrick's Cemetery.



Mount Vernon Argus 3/1/1943

Meta Franke Higenbotham (ca1882-1943) NY

Meta Franke Higenbotham, formerly of this city, died yesterday at Cornwall-on-Hudson. She was the widow of John Higenbotham. She was born in New York City, the daughter of Gustave and Louise Schilling Franke.

Surviving are two brothers, Adolph Franke of Pleasantville and Gustave Franke of this city, and three sisters, Mrs. Otis Odell and Mrs. Louise J. Caine of Mount Vernon, and Mrs. Charles Barrett of Milford, Conn.

Funeral services will take place Wednesday at 2 P.M. at the Burr Davis Chapel. Interment will be at Ferncliff. Friends may call oat the mortuary.



Perry Herald (Perry, NY) August 9, 1944
Theresa Caryl Higginbotham (1881-1944) NY
Funeral services for Mrs. O. S. Higginbotham, 62, who died in Luzerne, N. Y. , Tuesday morning, were held in the home of her brother, Rozelle Caryl, Liberty St., this village, at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, the Rev. L. B. Randall Jr. pastor of the Methodist church, officiating.
Besides the husband she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Belle Allen of Geneva and two brothers Rozelle Caryl of Castile and M. J. Caryl of Silver Springs.
Burial was in Grace Cemetery, Castile.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 8/24/1944

Philip Edward Higinbotham (1916-1944) NY/France

Bloomfield Officer Killed in France

East Bloomfield - Second Lt. Philip E. Higinbotham, 27, has been killed in action, according to War Department notification received by his mother, Mrs. Robert G. Higinbotham of East Bloomfield. His death occurred in France Aug. 5, according to the communication. He was one of four brothers in the armed services.

In January, 1944, he went to England and recently had served with an armored division.

Born in Franklinville Oct. 16, 1916, he was the son of Mrs. Higinbotham and the late Rev. Robert G. Higinbotham, then the pastor of the Franklinville Presbyterian Church. Later he resided with his family in Caledonia where the Rev. Mr. Higinbotham was pastor of the Caledonia Presbyterian Church. While his father was in charge of the Western Presbyterian Church at Palmyra the youth attended the Classical High School in Palmyra, being graduated in 1934. He matriculated at Hamilton College in 1938 and then did graduate work in Geology at Tulsa University in Oklahoma. He later was employed by the Seismograph Service Corporation.

In the summer of 1942 he entered service in Ithaca and at the time of his death was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in that city.

Besides his mother he leaves four brothers, William of East Bloomfield, Capt. Robert H. with the field artillery in the South Pacific, Staff Sgt. Frederick S. at Atlantic City, N.J., on furlough from England, and Cpl. John S. Higinbotham at Keesler Field, Miss., and a sister, Miss Dorothy Ann Higinbotham of East Bloomfield. His father died in Palmyra in 1937.



The Victor Herald dated January 19, 1945

Frederick Schauffler Higinbotham (1920-1944) NY/Belgium
East Bloomfield Boy Dies in Plane Crash
Staff Sgt. Frederick S. Higinbotham, son of Mrs. Robert G. Higinbotham of East Bloomfield, died on December 6 in an airplane crash in Belgium. The 24-year-old youth, a radio operator on a C-47 plane of the U. S. Air Forces stationed in England, had been overseas 18 months. Last summer he passed a 30-day furlough with his mother after completing sufficient missions to merit the leave.
He is the second son of Mrs. Higinbotham to give his life for his country in this war. Word of the death of his brother, Lt. Philip E. Higinbotham of the amphibious engineers in France, August 5, came while the flyer still was in this country on leave.
Staff Sergeant Higinbotham was born in Caledonia, during the time his father, the late Rev. Robert G. Higinbotham, was pastor of the Caledonia Presbyterian Church. He attended Caledonia School and then the Palmyra School, while the father was pastor of the Western Presbyterian Church, and where the minister died in 1937. He graduated from Ithica High School in 1938. He attended Williams College for one year and then went to Garnville, Ohio, where he attended Denison University. It was in his senior year that he was inducted into the service in 1942.
He participated in the invasion of Sicily, Salerno and on D-Day in Normandy. He received the Air Medal for his part in the Sicilian invasion and the Presidential Unit Citation for flying on D-Day.
A talented musician, Sgt. Higinbotham organized and directed a choir during his stay in Sicily. While in England he had continued with his music, and had recently been assisting with services in an Episcopal Church there.
He received training at Scott Field, Ill., Sedalia Field, Mo., and finally at Lawson Field, Ga. Besides his mother, he leaves two brothers in service, Captain Robert H., in the Pacific area, and Cpl. John S. Higinbotham stationed at Keesler Field, Miss., and a brother and a sister, William A. Higinbotham and Miss Dorothy Higinbotham, both of East Bloomfield.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 12/11/1945

Bridget Hogan Higginbottom (1863-1945) NY

Higginbothan - Monday, Dec. 10, 1945, Bridget Higginbothan of 117 West High Terrace. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Fred L. Case and Mrs. Glenn DeMille; one son, Harry Higginbothan of St. Louis, Mo.; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Friends may call at Hedges Memorial Chapel, University Avenue at Main Street, where funeral service will be held Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock and 9 o'clock at Immaculate Conception Church. Interment, Auburn, N.Y.



The Reporter Dispatch (White Plains, NY) 8/17/1949

Anna May Roberts Hicinbothem (1905-1949) NJ/NY

Laurelton, Long Island - Mrs. William Hicinbothem, forty-four, of 460 Manville Road, Pleasantville, died here yesterday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mabel Hoffman, after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Hicinbothem had lived in Pleasantville for more than 25 years.

The former Anna Roberts, she was born February 4, 1905 in Jersey City, N.J., and was the daughter of the late Robert and Mabel Schaser Roberts.

Besides her husband and sister, she is survived by a son, William Hicinbothem Jr. of Pleasantville.

The body is reposing at the Stutzmann Funeral Home, 224-39 Jamaica Avenue, Queens Village, L.I.



The Troy (NY) Time Record 12/27/1949

Francis Leonard Higginbottom (ca1901-1949) NY

The funeral of Francis Leonard Higginbottom, a former resident of Cohoes, will be at 9:45 a.m. tomorrow from the John F. Looby & Son Funeral Home, 203 Remsen Street, and later from St. Agnes Church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated. Mr. Higginbottom died Saturday at his home in New York, where he had been living for the past twenty years. Son of the late William and Mary Higginbottom, he is survived by one brother, Raymond Higginbottom of Troy and six sisters, Mrs. George F. Moran of this city, Mrs. John Pappas of Troy, Mrs. Charles Farley of Albany, Mrs. Leroy Snyder of Schenectady, Mrs. Alfred Rentzel of Castleton, and Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Mechanicville. Interment will be in St. Agnes Cemetery, Cohoes.



The Reporter Dispatch (White Plains, NY) 2/26/1951

Albertina Gufstafson Hicinbothem (1869-1951) Sweden/NY

East View - Mrs. William Hicinbothem, eighty-one, of 62 Palmer Lane, Pleasantville, who died Saturday at Grasslands Hospital, had lived in Pleasantville 45 years.

The former Albertina Gustafson, she was born May 5, 1869, at Stockholm, Sweden. Her parents were the late Gustav and Johanna Larsen Gustafson. She was a widow.

Surviving are two sons, Emil and William Hicinbothem, both of Pleasantville; three daughters, Mrs. Andrew Gardella of White Plains, Mrs. Reginald Paulsen of New York and Mrs. Stafford Lake of Yonkers, and nine grandchildren.



The Reporter Dispatch (White Plains, NY) 5/2/1951

Florence Farrington Higginbotham (ca1885-1951) MN/NY

Mrs. Richard Anson Higgenbotham of 108 North Broadway died last night at her home.

The former Florence Farrington, she was the daughter of the late Gilson and Clara Rich Farrington. She was born in Minneapolis, Minn. She had resided in Westchester most of her life . She lived in White Plains 15 years and previously in Hartsdale.

Surviving is the husband.



The Troy Record 6/1/1951

Celia Russell Higginbottom (1883-1951) NY

Mrs. Celia Russell Higginbottom, 2220 Seventh Avenue, died yesterday at St. Mary's Hospital after a short illness. She is survived by her husband, Raymond Higginbottom; a daughter, Esther Curtis of Hudson; and a sister, Mrs. Margaret MacCubbin of Troy. Several nieces and nephews also survive. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow from the Morris Funeral Home, 2174 Fifth Avenue with Rev. William O. Homer, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, officiating. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery.



Kingsport (TN) Times 01/22/1954

Ruth Price Higginbotham (ca1916-1954) TN/NY

The body of Mrs. Ruth Higginbotham, 37, of Riverhead, N.Y., who died Tuesday at her home of a heart attack, will arrive in Johnson City by train at 10:30 a.m. Saturday.

The body will then be taken directly to Gunnings Cemetery, where graveside services will be conducted by Dr. E. Gibson Davis.

Survivors include her husband, Sgt. G. W. Higginbotham, with the US Army at Suffolk County Air Base, Riverhead, N.Y.; five brothers, Troy M. Price of Kingsport, Tam B. Price of Brooklyn, W.H. Price of New Albany, Ind., Thomas W. and Charles J. Price of Dayton, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Albert Hall of Hampton, Va., Mrs. Paul Onkoniz and Mrs. Henry Maupin of Kingsport.

Hamlett-Dobson Funeral Home is in charge.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 6/19/1954

Clinton M. Higginbottom (1895-1954) NY

Higginbotham - Wednesday, June 16, 1954, Clinton M. Higginbotham of 58 Vienna St. Besides his wife, Mrs. Dannie Higginbotham, he leaves one sister, Mrs. Zular Owens, and one brother, Frank Higginbotham. The deceased was a member of Empire Lodge, IOOF; also a member of New Bethel, C.M.E. Church.

Friends may call at the Myers Funeral Home, 14 Oregon St. Funeral service will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the New Bethel C.M.E. Church, corner Scio and Lyndhurst St. Interment, Mt. Hope Cemetery.



The Times Record (Troy, NY) 2/17/1955

Raymond Joseph Higginbottom (1903-1955) NY

Raymond J. Higginbottom of 2220 7th Ave., an employee of the New York State Department of Public Works, Barge Canal Terminal, Waterford, died last night at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Albany after a long illness.

Mr. Higginbottom was born in Cohoes but had lived in Troy for 16 years. He had been employed by the state for 18 years. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army in World War II and was a member of Noble-Callahan Post, American Legion.

His wife was the late Celia Curtis Higginbottom. Survivors are four sisters, Mrs. George Moran, Cohoes; Mrs. Anna Pappas, Green Island; Mrs. Charles Farley, Rensselaer; Mrs. Alfred Rentzel, Castleton, and Mrs. James Snyder, Schenectady, as well as several nieces and nephews.

The funeral will be conducted from the Loohy Funeral Home, Remsen and Howard Streets, Cohoes.



The Reporter Dispatch (White Plains, NY) 10/25/1955

Richard Anson Higginbotham (1882-1955) NY

Richard Anson Higginbotham, retired contractor and a resident of White Plains about 20 years died Sunday at his home, 108 North Broadway. Be fore his retirement he built many homes in Scarsdale and Hartsdale.

He was born Sept. 1, 1882 in Hopkinton, N.Y. His wife, Mrs. Florence Farrington Higginbotham, died about four years ago. Mr. Higginbotham was affiliated with the Congregational Church.

His only immediate survivors is a sister, Mrs. Alicia M. Gay of Fairhaven, Vt.


Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 6/8/1957

Winifred Higginbottom Case (1887-1957) NY

Case - Friday, June 7th, 1957, Winifred Case of 53 Heberle Rd. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Winifred Lawrence, Mrs. John (Lillian) Burke, Mrs. James (Pauline) Ferguson and Mrs. John R. (Joan) Hennekey; one son, John F. Case; one sister, Mrs. Glen DeMille; one brother, Harry Higginbothan of Kansas City; fifteen grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, also one niece.

Friends may call from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Hengsler-Menges Funeral Home, 2793 Culver Rd. Services Monday morning at 8:45 o'clock, and 9 o'clock at St. Cecelia's Church. Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.



Mount Vernon Argus 09/27/1957

Annie Hickinbottom Mills (1864-1957) NY

Eastchester - Mrs. Annie Hickinbottom Mills, Dean Emeritus of Hunter College, died Wednesday at her home in the Kenilworth Apartments on Garth Road. She was ninety-three.

Dean Mills was first appointed to the Hunter College faculty in 1889. She taught French for 14 years and served as head of the French Department in the Hunter High School for three years.

IN 1909, she became professor of French and two years later was appointed Dean of Women, a position she held until retiring in September, 1934.

Mrs. Mills also lectured at colleges and community institutions on the problems of young people and the importance of their outlook on life.

She was appointed Dean Emeritus just after her retirement. On her eightieth birthday, the college awarded her an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

Born in New York City, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree  in 1884 from what was then Normal College, Now Hunter.

In 1933 she was married to William H. Mills, a retired Connecticut real estate operator, who predeceased her.

There are no immediate survivors.



Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 1/2/1958

Allen Lee Higginbotham (1957) NY

Allen Lee Higginbotham, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higginbotham of the Ridge Rd, RD 2, Horseheads, Thursday Jan 2, 1958. Survived by sisters Donna, Diana and Nancy: grandparents, Mrs. Blanche Higginbotham and Burl Higginbotham, both of Elmira and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Corman of Chicago. Body at the Ballard Funeral Home. Burial at the convenience of the family, the Rev. Clyde Truax, Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.



Oshkosh (WI) Daily Northwestern 06/12/1958

Samuel H. Higginbottom (1874-1958) England/NY

Port Washington, N.Y.-Dr. Sam Higginbottom, who served as moderator of the Presbyterian Church in he United States in 1939-40, died here Wednesday. He was 83. The clergyman won fame as a missionary to India, where he served for a time as president of the Allahabad Christian College. He founded and headed the Allahabad Agricultural institute.



The Times Record, Troy NY, Thursday evening, August 21, 1958

Julia Higginbottom Moran (1888-1958) NY
Mrs. Julia Higginbottom Moran of 179 Remsen St., Cohoes, widow of George F. Moran and a lifelong resident of Cohoes, died suddenly this morning at her summer home at Bordens-on-the-Mohawk.
Mrs. Moran, a native of Cohoes, was a communicant of St. Agnes' Church, Cohoes. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Edgar L. Potter, Jr., and three sons, George W., Leo F., and Walter D. Moran, all of Cohoes; five sisters, Mrs. John [Anna} Pappas of Green Island, Mrs. Ellen Wilson of Cohoes, Mrs. Charles [Agnes] Farley of Rensselaer, Mrs. Jane Fraser of Schenectady and Mrs. Albert [Veronica] Reutzel of Castleton, and 13 grandchildren.
The funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday from the Dufresne Funeral Home, 216 Columbia St., Cohoes and at 9:30 a.m. from St. Agnes' Church, Cohoes, where a Solemn Requiem Mass will be celebrated. Interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Waterford.



Mount Vernon Argus 11/29/1958

Elizabeth H. McIntosh Higenbotham (1889-1958) NY

A resident of this city for 52 years, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Higenbotham, sixty-nine, of 408 Fourth Ave., died in Mount Vernon hospital yesterday after a long illness. She was the wife of John J. Higenbotham.

Mrs. Higenbotham was born in New York City, a daughter of the late Mark A. and Mary A. (Bryan) McIntosh. She was a member of the Sacred Heart Church.

Surviving, in addition to her husband are a daughter, Mrs. Mary Anne Bennett of Springfield, Mass.; two sisters, Mrs. Florence M. Klein and Miss Marguerite McIntosh of Mount Vernon, and four grandchildren.



Buffalo Courier Express  1/18/1959

Mary Eagleson Heginbotham (1897-1959) NY

Mary Eagleson Heginbotham, of 5409 Main St., Williamsville, Jan. 17, 1959; mother of Mrs. Elmer Hatfield and James Gillespie of Calif.; sister of Mark, Mrs. Jane Barr and Russell Eagleson. Funeral from Beach-Tuyn Funeral Home, 5541 Main St., corner Cayuga Rd., Williamsville, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends are invited.




Helen Higginbottom Wilson (1878-1961) NY

Mrs. Helen Wilson, widow of Thomas Wilson, died last night in the Albany Gardens Nursing Home following a long illness. A native of Cohoes, Mrs. Wilson had resided in Cohoes the greater part of her life, her home being at 28 White St. She was a communicant of St. Bernard's Church.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Mary Borden and a granddaughter, Miss Eileen Borden, both of Cohoes, as well as by four sisters, Mrs. Agnes Farley of Rensselaer, Mrs. Jane Fraser of Schenectady, Mrs. Anna Pappas of Green Island and Mrs. Veronica Reutzel of Florida, and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be conducted at 9 a.m. Monday from Marra's Funeral Home, Remsen and Columbia Sts., and at 9:30 a.m. from St. Bernard's Church where a Solemn Requiem Mass will be celebrated. Interment will be in St. Paul's Cemetery, Mechanicville.



The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, NY) 08/28/1961

Harry Henry Higginbotham (1893-1961) NY

Harry H. Higginbotham, 67, of 80 Bristol St., died Friday in Thompson Hospital, following a brief illness.

A native of Taunton, Mass., he was born Nov. 20, 1893, the son of the late Albert and Jane Hyde Higginbotham. He was a veteran of World War I.

Mr. Higginbotham had been employed at the Canandaigua Veterans hospital as purchasing agent, retiring Feb. 28, 1958 after 40 years of service in the Canandaigua and Staten Island Hospitals.

He was a member of Canandaigua Elks Club, the Charles H. Titles Lodge IOOF, of Taunton, Mass., and the Taunton Masonic Lodge, the Canandaigua Merrill Hose Co., and Canandaigua Post American Legion.

He is survived by his wife, Ethel, whom he married 39 years ago; a daughter, Mrs. Edward Gola and a grandson, Dennis Gola of Canandaigua; a brother and a sister in Taunton, Mass.

Friends may call from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. today at the John C. Johnson Funeral Home where the Elks Club will hold a service tonight at 7:30. The Merrill Hose Co. will hold a service at 8 p.m. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Harold D. Avery, rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church, will officiate. Interment will be in Arlington National Cemetery, Va.

Mount Vernon Argus 1/3/1962

John J. Higenbotham (1890-1962) NY

John J. Higenbotham, 71, of 408 Fourth Ave., died yesterday at Mount Vernon Hospital after a short illness.

He was born in this city, son of the late John and Clara (Drews) Higenbotham and was the widower of Elizabeth H. (McIntosh) Higenbotham. An electrical contractor, he was a communicant of the Church of the Sacred Heart. He was a veteran of World War I. He belonged to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 501, in White Plains.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Mary Anne Bennett and five grandchildren.

The Reporter Dispatch (White Plaines, NY) 1/30/1964

Matilda Higgenbotham Turnure (1890-1964) NY

Turnure, Matilda Higgenbotham on January 29, 1964. Widow of Giles H. Turnure. Services Lyon and Hartnett Funeral Home, 243 Main Street, White Plains, New York, Saturday 11 A.M. Interment Kensico Cemetery.



The Canandaigua Daily Messenger 02/04/1964

Ethel Elizabeth Jackson Higginbotham (1889-1964) NY/FL

Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. H. H. Higginbotham in Largo, Fla., Jan. 30, 1964. Mrs. Higginbotham died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward (Joyce) Gola. She was the widow of H.H. Higginbotham, retired chief of supply services at the Veterans Hospital here for several years.

Burial was in Arlington National Cemetery.



Poughkeepsie Journal 3/29/1964

Sarah Elizabeth Burton Higginbotham (1876-1964) GA/NY

Mrs. James Higginbotham, 88, of 128 N. Hamilton St., died yesterday at Vassar Hospital.

Born in Pendergraf, Ga., on March 10, 1876, she was the former Miss Sarah Elizabeth Burton, daughter of the late John and Priscilla Burton. The family moved to Nashville, Tenn., when she was 10 years old and she had resided here for 52 years. She was employed as a domestic.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the A.M.E. Zion Church and was a member of the board of stewards and the missionary society.

She is survived by her husband, a son, Melvin Jackson, New York City, and two stepchildren, Walter Higginbotham, city, and Hazel Higginbotham, Pittsburgh, Pa.

The funeral will take place Tuesday, 2 p.m., at the A.M.E. Zion Church, with the Rev. Belvie H. Jackson officiating. Burial will be in the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery.

Friends may call at the Jones Brothers Funeral Home, 19 Cottage St., tomorrow afternoon and night.



The Standard-Star (New Rochelle, NY) 12/15/1964

Emil Mitchell Hicinbothem (1882-1964) NY

In Show Business

Emil M. Higinbothem of 446 First Ave., Pelham, who was retired from the theatrical business, died Monday at Mount Vernon Hospital. He was eighty-two.

Mr. Hicinbothem, who was associated with the theater for most of his life in stage and stage settings work, was honored in 1960 by the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York City, when retired after 50 years. He also had been associated with the Hippodrome Theater in New York City and with D.W. Griffith Studio at Orienta Point, Mamaroneck, earlier in his career.

Born in Pelham, June 5, 1882, Mr. Hicinbothem was the son of the late Alexander and Leak Sparks Hicinbothem, and a grandson of the late William H. Sparks, who moved to Pelham during the Civil War in 1861 and for whom Sparks Avenue there is named. Mr. Hicinbothem was a communicant ofSt. Catherine's Church.

Surviving are his wife, the former Caroline Zinser, a son, John E. Hicinbothem of 860 Rushmore Ave., Mamaroneck, and a daughter, Miss Emily Hicinbothem of the home address, and two granchildren.



The (Syracuse) Post-Standard 03/13/1965

Mrs. Lina R. White Higginbotham (1879-1965) NY

Watertown-Services for Mrs. Lina Higginbotham, 86, formerly of this city, who died Friday afternoon in an Ogdensburg hospital, will be at 8:30 a.m. Monday at the Cummings Funeral Home, Watertown, and at 9 a.m. in Holy Family Church. Burial will be in the spring in St. Marys Cemetery, Canton. Friends may call 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.



Victor Herald June 11, 1965

Margaret Norton Spangler Higinbotham (1895-1965) MA/NY

Mrs. Margaret Higinbotham, wife of George W. Higinbotham, died Saturday, June 5th, 1965, in Rochester following a long illness. The family home is on Maple Avenue, Victor. Survivors besides Mr. Higinbotham, who is Chairman of the Board of Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Company and Vice President of the Victor Bank Branch, are a son, G. Paul of Washington, D. C.; and a daughter, Phyllis, of Eugene, Oregon Private funeral services and burial were held at the convenience of the family. The Cotton Funeral Home, Victor, was in charge of arrangements.



The Daily Messenger (Rochester, NY) 12/16/1965

George William Higinbotham (1892-1965) NY

George W. Higinbotham, chairman of the board of directors of Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Co., died Thursday, December 16, 1965, at his home, 143 Maple Avenue.
A banker for more than 50 years, Mr. Higinbotham was president of the State Bank of Victor until it merged in 1957 with the Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Co.
At the time of his death, he was a vice-president of the Canandaigua bank as well as its board chairman. His father, William W. Higinbotham, was founder of the bank in the village.
Mr. Higinbotham, a veteran of Army service in France, during World War I was a charter member of James Cooke Post, American Legion here. He also was a member of Milnor Lodge, F & A. M. Victor.
His wife, Margaret Spangler Higinbotham, died here last June.
Survivors include; One daughter, Mrs. Arnulf Zweig of Eugene, Ore: one son, G. Paul Higinbotham, of Washington, D. C.; a sister, Mrs. Anne H. Outerson of Caledonia; two grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services took place from the Cotton Funeral Home, Maple Avenue.



The Buffalo News 7/13/1967

Beverly Morris Higginbotham Jr.. (1914-1967) VA/NY

Funeral services will be held Saturday for Beverly M. Higginbotham Jr., 52, works engineer at the Linde Division of the Union Carbide Corp, Town of Tonawanda. He died Tuesday (July 11, 1967) at work.

Prayers will be at 11 AM at the Bury Funeral Home, 3070 Delaware Ave., Kenmore. Burial will follow in Elmlawn Cemetery, Town of Tonawanda.

Mr. Higginbotham lived at 112 Woodcrest Blvd., Town of Tonawanda.

He became works engineer at the Town of Tonawanda Laboratory in 1950 and has played an important part in the growth and development of the Linde plant.

Since joining the laboratory in 1940 as a chemical engineer, Mr. Higginbotham has worked in cryogenics, silicones, molecular sieves, process metallurgy and deep-sea diving.

He was a member of the Deerhurst United Presbyterian Church, Town of Tonawanda, and was active in the Boy Scouts. He was a member of the Kenmore Lions Club.

Born in Buena Vista, Va., Mr. Higginbotham was graduated from the University of West Virginia in 1940 with a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering.

Surviving are his wife, the former Patricia Keegan; three sons, James, Bruce and Beverly; his father, Beverly, of Lakeland, Fla.; five brothers, Henry, Richard and William of Lakeland, John of St. Albans, W. Va., and Mark of Ankara, Turkey; and a sister, Mrs. Harry L. Lloyd of Lakeland.



Caledonia Advertiser Thursday, June 27, 1968

Julia Dorothea Schauffler Higinbotham (1885-1968) NY
Funeral services were held for Mrs. Dorothea Schauffler Higinbotham, widow of Robert G. Higinbotham, in the Congregational Church, East Bloomfield, on Monday, June 24, 1968. Her death occurred June 21, in the Elm Grove Nursing Home, Canandaigua after a long illness.
Mrs. Higinbotham was born in New York City, March 12, 1885, the daughter of Alfred T. and Julia M. Schauffler. She was a graduate of Smith College, class of 1907.
She, was married in 1910 in Bronx, N.Y. to the Rev. Robert G. Higinbotham and they made their home for a time in Bridgeport, Connecticut until he accepted a call to serve the Presbyterian Church in Franklinville, N.Y.
They came to Caledonia in 1917 where Mr. Higinbotham began 14 years as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. They made many lasting friends in the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Higinbotham were the parents of six children; William, Robert, Philip, Frederick, John and Dorothy Anne. Two of the sons, Philip and Frederick made the Supreme sacrifice during World War II. Mrs. Higinbotham bore this great loss with Christian fortitude.
She became a member of the Caledonia Library Association in 1919.
Since her departure from Caledonia in 1931, she has always kept in contact with Caledonia, where she frequently visited her sister in law, Mrs. Roy Outterson and retained her membership of many years is Gan-eo-di-ya Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.
Mrs. Higinbotham is survived by her sons, William, Robert and John, and daughter, Dorothy Anne, wife of Theodore Osgood, her brother, Col. Henry A. Schauffler of Arlington, Virginia; her sister, Miss Clara Schauffler of Bloomfield, New Jersey; several grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
The Rev. Hugh Outterson of Indianapolis, her nephew, conducted her funeral service in the East Bloomfield Congregational Church. Burial was in East Bloomfield Cemetery.
Pall bearers were Richard Woolley, David Hamlin, Stewart Morse, Charles Bennett, John Hamlin and William Davison.



Poughkeepsie Journal 11/27/1968

James Higginbotham (1882-1968) VA/NY

James Higginbotham, 86, 128 N. Hamilton St., a retired state highway employee, died Tuesday at St. Francis Hospital after a brief illness.

Mr. Higginbotham retired in 1952 from the New York State Highway Department. He was a retired Deacon of Beulah Baptist Church.

Mr. Higginbotham was born April 10, 1882 in Lynchburg, Va., the son of the late Wyatt and Julia Higginbotham. His wife, Sarah, died in 1964. He lived in Poughkeepsie for the last 25 years.

He is survived by two sons, Walter, Poughkeepsie, and Hazel, Pittsburg, and two sisters, Mrs. Hilda Thomas and Mrs. Naomi Randolph, both of Trenton, N.J.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 3/4/1969

Louisa Hickinbottom Brady (1880-1969) England/NY

March 2, 1969 Mrs. Louise H. Brady of 509 Mount Hope Avenue, formerly of 1400 Plymouth Avenue So. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Warren (Dora) Case; one son, Harold Brady; eight grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren; one sister, Miss Flora Hickinbottom. She was a member of the Ascension Guild Church of the Ascension; Lincoln Sisterhood and Dames of Malta.

Friends may call Tuesday and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Charles L. Younglove Funeral Home, Inc., 1511 Dewey Avenue; Services at the Church of the Ascension. 2 Riverside Street, Thursday, March 6, 1969 at 2 p.m., Rev. Walter E. Muir officiating. Interment, Riverside Cemetery. Friends wishing may contribute to the Memorial Fund of the Church of the Ascension.



Mount Vernon Argus 5/20/1969

Charles Higgenbotham (1869-1969) VA/NY

Charles Higgenbotham of 141 Washington St. died early this morning at Mount Vernon Hospital, three months after celebrating his 100th birthday.

Mr. Higgenbotham was born in 1869 in Amherst County, Va., "four years after the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee and one day before the birthday of President Washington," as he once put it.

His parents died when he was very young and Charles was raised by an aunt. At the age of 12, he broke in horses for multimillionaire horse breeder H. L. Page, and continued this job for 25 years.

His next occupation was as a practical male nurse in Virginia and he continued in this work until he was 87.

A resident of Mount Vernon since 1953, Mr. Higgenbotham was a familiar attraction around the are of South Fulton Avenue as he walked this locale pushing a wheel carriage containing his great grandchild.

Survivng him are his wife, Lavinia (Anderson), a blind person, whom he married in 1911 when he was 42 years od in Virginia; a daughter, Mrs. Farrell Cumberbatch of 141 Washington St.; a grandson, Clement R. Cumberbatch, assistant manager of the nationally organized project in HArlem, HARYOU; three great-grandchildren.

Mr. Higgenbotham became interested in the Blind Group, organized by Pastor Robert A. Biegner of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter, 196 N. Columbus Ave., because of the blindness of his wife.

He was inducted Feb. 21, 1966 on his birthday to the Blind Group which has many sighted members working as volunteers.



The Buffalo News 8/25/1969

Charles R. Higenbothum (1899-1969) OH/NY

Higgenbothan - Charles R.

In Gowanda, N.Y., August 23, 1969. Brother of Mrs. Nancy Pankratz of Ohio, and Wilmont Higgenbothan of West Virginia. Services from the Mentley Funeral Home, 105 East Main, Gowanda, N.Y., Tuesday August 26, at 3 p.m. Burial in Collins Center Cemetery, Collins Center, N.Y. Family will be present 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.


The Troy Record, Troy NY, Fri., May 21, 1971

Anna Higginbottom Pappas (1894-1971) NY

Mrs. Anna Pappas, 77, of 85 George St., Green Island, died after a long illness. She moved to Green Island 20 years ago and was a communicant of St. Joseph's Church.
The widow of John Pappas, Sr., she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Alfred Lazzaro of Green Island; four sons, Joseph Pappas of Danbury Conn., John Pappas of Cohoes, William Pappas of Schenectady, and Leo Pappas of Troy; three sisters, Mrs. Agnes Farley of Rensselaer, Mrs. Jane Fraser of Schenectady and Mrs. Alfred Reutzel of Castleton, and 14 grandchildren.
Funeral services were held from the McNulty Funeral Home, 147 Hudson Ave., Green Island, and from St. Joseph's Church where a Mass of the Resurrection was celebrated.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 6/9/1971

Julie Ann Burritt Higinbotham (1921-1971) NY

Mrs. Julie Burritt Higinbotham of Bellport, a native of Rochester, died in Bellport June 2 after a long illness.

Mrs. Higinbotham attended Smith College at Northampton, Mass., and the University of Rochester.

During World War II, Mrs. Higinbotham was a Women's Army Corps captain and worked in Cryptography with the American and British air commands.

Mrs. Higinbotham is survived by her husband, William A.; two daughters, Julie Eileen and Robin Ann; a son, William B., all of Bellport, and her mother, Mrs. C.C. Burritt of Sarasota, Fla.



Poughkeepsie Journal 10/22/1971

Eva L. Allen Higginbotham (1909-1971) GA/NY

Mrs. Walter Higginbotham, 62, of 142 N. Hamilton St., died Wednesday at Vassar Hospital.

The former Eva L. Allen, she was born in Sparta, Ga., March 25, 1909, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Allen. She formerly had been employed at Smith Brothers. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Ebenezer Baptist Church and served on its Usher Board.

In addition to her husband, Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by two brothers, William Allen, Detroit, Mich., and Benjamin Allen, Jacksonville, Fla., and several nieces and nephews.

Friends may call at the Gilmore Funeral Home, 19 Cottage St., Sunday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

Funeral services will be Monday at 10 a.m. at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. The Rev. Walter R. Henderson will officiate. Burial will be in the Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery.



The Canandaigua Daily Messenger 07/21/1972

Anne Higinbotham Outterson (1887-1972) NY

Mrs. Anne Outterson, 85, died Tuesday. Formerly of Victor, she lived at 85 Main St., Caledonia.

She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William A. Higginbotham of Victor and had resided with her parents for many years.

An accomplished violinist who played with the predecessor of the Rochester Civic Orchestra, she was also past president of the Rochester Presbyterial and an active member and elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Caledonia.

She is survived by a son, the Rev. Hugh Outterson, who is pastor of Rochester’s Bethany Presbyterian Church, and five grandchildren.

A funeral service will be held at the First Presbyterian Church of Caledonia on Sunday at 2 p.m. followed by burial in Mumford Cemetery. Friends may call at the Alhart Funeral Home tomorrow from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m.

Memorial contributions may be made to the First Presbyterian Church of a favorite charity.



Mount Vernon Argus 12/7/1972

Caroline A. Zinser Hicinbothem (1884-1972) IN/NY

Pelham - Mrs. Carrie A. Hicinbothem, of 446 First Ave., died Wednesday in New Rochelle Hospital.

Born Jan. 30, 1884 in Lawrenceburg, Ind., she was the daughter of the late Frederick and Dorothea Deffner Zinser.

A 63 year resident of Pelham, Mrs. Hicinbothem was a communicant of St. Catherine's Church and a member of the Ladies Of Charity of the Church. She was also a member of the Catholic Women's Club of New Rochelle and the Westchester Women's Club of Mount Vernon.

Predeceased by her husband, Emil M. Hicinbothem, she is survived by two children: John E. Hicinbothem of Wellsley Hill, Mass and Miss Emily Hicinbothem of the home address; a sister, Mrs. Alexander Mary Hicinbothem; and two grandchildren.



Daily News (New York, NY) 5/28/1973

Jay Cee Higginbotham (1906-1973) NY

Jay Cee Higginbotham, 67, whose stylish trombone was featured by such jazz bands as Louis Armstrong's and Fletcher Henderson's in the '30s and '40s, died Saturday Night in Harlem Hospital following abdominal surgery three days earlier. Higginbotham lived at 152 W. 118th St. The recipient of awards from Esquire and Downbeat magazines, Higginbotham composed a number of tunes, including "Higginbotham Blues" and "Give Me Your Telephone Number." He is survived by his widow and sons Jay Cee Jr. and Henry.



The Standard Star (New Rochelle, NY) 6/8/1973

Mary M. Hicinbothem (1875-1973) NY

Hicinbothem, Mary M., on June 6, 1973, of 446 First Ave., Pelham, N.Y. Beloved wife of the late Alexander Hicinbothem, aunt of Emily and John E. Hicinbothem and great-aunt of Christine Rae and Jennifer Sue Hicinbothem, and cousin of Mrs. Meredith Jane Quinn. Reposing at the Pelham Funeral Home, 64 Lincoln Ave., Pelham, N.Y. Requiem Mass at St. Catherine's Church on Saturday 10:45 A.M. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-9 P.M.



The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua, NY) 10/5/1973

Freda Louise Higinbotham (1889-1973) NY

East Bloomfield - Freda L. Higinbotham, 84, a former East Bloomfield resident, died yesterday at the Presbyterian Home of Rochester.

She is survived by a niece, Mrs. Carl T. (Mildred) Wurzbachur of Yorba Linda, Calif., and several cousins.

Friends may call at the Wheeler Funeral Home in East Bloomfield Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. Services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the funeral home with the Rev. Robert Bareuz of the Caledonia Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in the East Bloomfield Cemetery.



The Buffalo News 4/22/1974

John G. Higginbotham (1922-1974) NY

Higginbotham - John G.

April 20, 1974, beloved husband of Norma P. Stelman; devoted father of John J., Patricia M. Higginbotham; dear brother of Herbert (Louise). Warwick, R.I., Donald, (Ethel), of Ventura, Calif., Robert (Dorothy), Jamestown, R.I.; dear son of the late Herbert and Mary Higginbotham. Funeral services Wednesday at 9:15 A.M. from Matthew C. Okoniewski Funeral Home, 1168 at Gaualbert, and Mass of Resurrection Most Holy Redeemer Church at 10 o'clock. Interment St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Lancaster, N.Y. Friends and relatives invited. Family will be present 2-4 and 7-9 P.M.



The (Syracuse) Post Standard 06/22/1974

Earle Henry Higginbotham (1900-1974) IL/NY

Earle H. Higginbotham, 73, of 707 Church St., North Syracuse, died yesterday at his home after a long illness.

A native of Waukegan, Ill., Mr. Higginbotham lived in the Syracuse area 42 years. He was a draftsman for Diebold Inc. before his retirement eight years ago.

He was a member of the International Bible Students.

Surviving are his wife, Caroline; a son, William J. of Clay; two sisters, Mrs. Beulah Munhall of California and Mrs. Elsie Calhoun of Illinois; three grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

Arrangements for services will be announced. Burial will be in North Syracuse Cemetery.

Calling hours will be 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow at Sears-Middleton Funeral Home, 209 N. Main St., North Syracuse.



Daily News (New York, NY) 9/19/1974

Geraldine Pearl Higginbotham Jefferson (1912-1974) NY

Jefferson - Geraldine (Pearl Higginbotham), Sept. 16, 1974. Beloved wife of Frederick Carl Jefferson, Sr. Survived by father, brother, 7 children, 11 grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. Funeral services at Epworth Methodist Church, 834 Morris Ave. (nr. 160th St.), Bronx, Thurs. Sept. 19th at 7:30 P.M. Interment Fri. Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx. In lieu of flowers, donations to Memorial Fund accepted by family. Reposing, Unity Funeral Chapels, 1018 Prospect Ave., nr. 165th St., Bronx.



The Buffalo News 11/6/1974

Nathan John Higinbotham (1883-1974) IL/NY

Memorial services for Nathan J. Higinbotham, 92, former president of the old W.A. Case & Son Manufacturing Co., will be held at 3 PM tomorrow in the Forest Lawn Chapel.

Mr. Higinbotham, born in Ill., died Monday (Nov. 4, 1974) in his home at 800 Ferry St.

Since retiring in 1954, Mr. Higinbotham and his wife, the former Mae Mannon, traveled to Europe several times and spent many winters in Naples, Fla. Married 67 years, they also maintained a summer home in Clarksburg, one of the first families in the area.

Mr. Higinbotham to Buffalo in 1926 as president of the W.A. Case & Son co., a wholesale distributing firm of plumbing, heating and industrial supplies.

Be fore moving here, he was the eastern sales vice president for the Wheeling Steel Co. and then president of the Fred Adee Corp. of New York City, of which Case & Son was the principal stockholder.

He was president of the Case Co. which also manufactured porcelain enamel plumbing fixtures from 1926 to 1953. He also became chairman of the board when Case Co. was bought by Allen & Co. of New York City in 1952. He retired to years later.

Mr. Higinbotham became the first president of the New York State Plumbing and Heating Supply Association in 1941. He later established the American Plumbing & Heating Supply Association and served as its chairman.

In Buffalo, he was former director of the Niagara Share Corp. and of Children's Hospital. He was a member of the Buffalo Club and former member of the Wanakah and Buffalo Country Clubs.

Surviving, in addition to his wife, are two daughters, Mrs. Walter S. Walls and Mrs. William R. Morris of Clarksburg; two sons, John M. and Theodore of Minneapolis, Minn.; 11 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren.



The Buffalo News 10/2/1978

Mae Mannon Higinbotham (1885-1978) IL/NY

Higinbotham - Mae Mannon

Sept. 30, 1978 in Buffalo, wife of the late Nathan J. Higinbotham, mother of Mrs. Walter S. Walls, John M. Higinbotham, Mrs. William R. Morris and Theodore Higinbotham. Funeral private. Flowers gratefully declined.



Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 12/31/1979

Marie Adeline Kincaid Higginbotham (1909-1979) AL/PA/NY

Higginbotham, Mrs. Marie K.

Age 70 of Horseheads, N.Y. (formerly of Hummelstown, Pa. and Birmingham, Ala.) Sunday, December 30, 1979 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Elmira. There will be no prior calling hours. Arrangements by Bowser Funeral Home, 2 E. Main St., Hummelstown, Pa. Burial in Gran View Memorial Park, Annville, Pa. Funeral Wednesday, January 2 at 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Survived by son, Edward of Horseheads, N.Y., daughters, Mrs. Jean Neidigh of Palmyra, Pa., Mrs. Gerry Horton of Painesville, Ohio; brothers, Clarence L. and Emmett H. Kincaid both of Birmingham, Ala. and five grandchildren. She was a member of the United Pentecostal Church in Elmira and a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, Birmingham, Alabama Chapter.



The Reporter Dispatch (White Plains, NY) 7/10/1981

William Henry Hicinbothem (1900-19810 NY

William Henry Hicinbothem of Pleasantville died Thursday at Westchester County Medical Center in Valhalla. He was 81.

Mr. Hicinbothem was born Feb. 4, 1900, in Chappaqua. He was a retired foreman for J.H. Evans and Sons, Inc., a moving and storage company.

He is survived by one son, William, of Largo, Fla.; a brother, Emil, of Pleasantville; a sister, Mrs. Carey Lake, Yonkers; a granddaughter; three great-grandchildren; nine nephews; and one niece.

He was predeceased by his wife, Anna May, and three sisters.



The Standard Star (New Rochelle, NY) 12/14/1981

Freda Heginbotham Dingee (1897-1981) NY

Freda Dingee, a former resident of New Rochelle, died Thursday at Todd Nursing Home in Southampton, N.Y. She was 84, and was living in North Haven, N.Y. before entering the nursing home.

Born July 2, 1897, in New York City, to William and Minnie Heginbutham Loroesch, she was married to Harold W. Dingee. A graduate of New York State Teachers College, she taught in New York City public schools. Mrs. Dingee was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Sag Harbor, Southampton Hospital Volunteers, and North Haven Village Improvement Society.

Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Jean Harold of Bronxville, and Carol Gibbs of Greenwich, Conn., three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.



The Buffalo News 3/30/1983

Donald Willis Higginbotham (1930-1983) OH/NY

Of Elma, N.Y., suddenly March 27, 1983, in Roanoke, Va., husband of the late Mary Ann Suzy Marut Higginbotham; father of David C., Kenneth W., Daniel L. and the late Kimberly Ann; son of Herman L. and Helen I. Willis Higginbotham; brother of Mrs. Betty Echnot. No prior visitation. Memorial Mass Mon. at 10 AM at Annunciation R.C. Church, Elma, N.Y. Interment in Elma Cemetery will be private. Memorial gifts may be made to Mercy Hospital. Arrangements by the Kenneth Howe Funeral Home Inc., East Aurora, N.Y.

Kimberly Ann Higginbotham (1971-1983) NY

Of Elma, N.Y., suddenly March 27, 1983, in Roanoke, Va., daughter of the late Donald W. and Mary Ann Suzy Marut Higginbotham; sister of David C., Kenneth W. and Daniel L.; granddaughter of Herman L. and Helen Willis Higginbotham and William and Mary Gretch Marut; niece of Mrs. Betty Echnot, Robert Marut and William Marut. No prior visitation. Memorial Mass Mon. at 10 AM at Annunciation R.C. Church, Elma, N.Y. Interment in Elma Cemetery will be private. Memorial gifts may be made to Children's Hospital. Arrangements by the Kenneth Howe Funeral Home Inc., East Aurora, N.Y.

Mary Ann Suzy Marut Higginbotham (1940-1983) OH/NY

Of Elma, N.Y., suddenly March 27, 1983, in Roanoke, Va.,, wife of the late Donald W. Higginbotham, mother of David C., Kenneth W., Daniel L. and the late Kimberly Ann; daughter of William and Mary Gretch Marut, sister of Robert and William. No prior visitation. Memorial Mass Mon. at 10 AM at Annunciation R.C. Church, Elma, N.Y. Interment in Elma Cemetery will be private. Memorial gifts may be made to Buffalo General Hospital. Arrangements by the Kenneth Howe Funeral Home Inc., East Aurora, N.Y.



The Reporter Dispatch (White Plains, NY) 5/23/1983

Emil Edward Hicinbothem (1905-1983) NY

Emil Edward Hicinbothem, a lifelong Pleasantville resident, died Sunday at home. He was 77.

Born Nov. 30, 1905, in Pleasantville, he was the son of the late William and Albertina Hicinbothem.

A former employee of the Pleasantville village water department, Mr. Hicinbothem retired in 1968. He had served on the village police force from 1941-45.

A past captain of the Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co., in Pleasantville, Mr. Hicinbothem was a member of the Volunteer Firemens Benevolent Association. He was also a former member of the Pleasantville Ambulance Corps.

He is survived by his wife, Grace Graham Hicinbothem of the home address; three sons, Robert of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Richard of Mount Kisco, and Ronald of Shokan, N.Y.; a sister, Caroline Blake of Yonkers; several nieces and nephews; nine grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.



The Buffalo News 8/23/1984

Kenneth W. Higginbotham (1962-1984) NY/Canada

Of Elma, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1984, suddenly in Bracebridge, Ontario; son of the late Donald W. & Mary Ann Suzy Marut Higginbotham; brother of the late Kimberly Ann; grandson of William & Mary Gretch Marut; nephew of William Marut Jr. & Robert Marut. No prior visitation. Memorial Mass Mon. at 10 AM at Annunciation R.C. Church, Elma, N.Y. Interment in Elma Cemetery will be private. Memorial gifts may be made to a charity of your choice. Arrangements by the Kenneth Howe Funeral Home Inc., East Aurora, N.Y.



Newsday (Hempstead, NY) 11/4/1984

John Graham Higginbotham (1918-1984) MO/NY/DC

Northport - John Graham Higginbotham, 66, a marketing representative for the Sperry Corp., who maintained a home here, died Friday in his Washington, D.C., apartment of complications from a perforated ulcer.

Mr.. Higginbotham, who worked for Sperry for 24 years, commuted weekly between its Washington office and his family's Northport home.

A native of Springfield, Mo., he grew up in Paterson, N.J., and had lived here for 34 years.

Mr. Higginbotham served for four years as a pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force and the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.

Survivors include his wife, Grace; two daughters, Sally of Cambridge, Mass., and Susan Gaughan of Northport, and two grandchildren.

Memorial service, 2 p.m. Wednesday, First Presbyterian Church, Northport. Cremation will be private.


The Akron (OH) Beacon Journal 4/28/1985

Fred Higginbotham (1910-1985) NY

Fred Higginbotham, 75, of Parker Rd., Sherman, N.Y., died April 26 in the Westfield Memorial Hospital, Westfield, N.Y.

He was the husband of Bessie Sholley Higginbotham of Sherman, N.Y.; father of Fred L. Higginbotham Sr. of Westfield, N.Y., Mrs. Norma Lyon, and Mrs. Bessie Endress, both of Sherman, N.Y., Mrs. Ethel Dragon of Portland, N.Y.; grandfather of 13; great-grandfather of 13; brother of Mrs. Virchie Kelley of Brocton, N.Y., Mrs. Edith Freeman of Portland, N.Y., and Jack Higginbotham of Ocean Springs, Miss.

Funeral services 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Westfield Baptist Church. Friends may call at the Spitzer Funeral Home, Sherman, N.Y., Monday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Burial Sherman Cemetery.


The Wellsboro (PA) Gazette 07/10/1985

Carrie Mae Higginbottom Cooper (1908-1985) AR/PA

Mrs. Carrie Mae Cooper, 76, of Campbell RD 2, N.Y., died Tuesday, July 2, 1985, in Carleton Nursing Home, Wellsboro.

Born Nov. 19, 1908, at Hoxie, Ark., she was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hickumbottom.

She retired as a legal secretary at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.

Surviving are nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

A graveside service was held Friday, July 5, at Rest Haven Park, Glendale, Ariz.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 5/21/1988

Florence Hickinbottom (1889-1988) England/NY

Hickinbottom, Florence

On May 20, 1988, age 98. Survived by her niece, Mrs. Harold Brady; several great-nieces and nephews. She was a member of Dames of Malta and the Episcopal Church of the Ascension.

Friends may attend a funeral service 11 a.m. Monday at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension (Lake Ave. at Riverside St.). Interment, Riverside Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, friends may contribute to St. Ann's Home or the Episcopal Church of the Ascension. Arrangements, Farrell-Ryan Funeral Home.



Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 7/19/1988

Blanche McGrew Higginbotham (1899-1988) WV/NY

Higginbotham, Blanche - Age 89, formerly of Villa Serene Apt., Elmira Heights, NY, Sunday, July 17, 1988 at Marriott Manor after an extended illness. Friends are invited to call at the Barrett Funeral Home, Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9pm. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1 am. Rev. George Brasser, her pastor, will officiate. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. She is survived by sons and daughters-in-law, Rev. J.B. and Aldine of Arden, NC, Robert L. and Marlene of Wellsburg, NY; son, Ray of Elmira, NY; daughters and sons-in-law, Fay and Lewis Schlick, Marie and Harold Schultz, Florence and Harry Marsh, all of Horseheads, NY; brother, Homer Crew of Red House, WV; 16 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Hillcrest Baptist Church.



Citizen Register (Ossining, NY) 9/17/1988

Irene Guilbault Hicinbothem (1926-1988) NY/FL

Irene Guilbault Hicinbothem, a homemaker and former Yorktown Heights resident, died of cancer Sunday at the Largo (Fla.) Medical Center Hospital. She was 62.

Mrs. Hicinbothem was born in Ossining on Jan. 19, 1926, to Laurence Noel and Elizabeth Bracken Guilbault. She attended Ossining schools.

In 1947 she married William Hicinbothem in Pleasantville. The couple moved to Yorktown Heights and lived there until 1970, when they moved to Largo.

Mrs. Hicinbothem was a parishioner of St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church while living in Ossining, and St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church while living in Yorktown Heights. At the time of her death, she was a parishioner of St. Patrick's Church in Largo.

Mrs. Hicinbothem was a member of the Sun Coast Singers in Largo.

Mrs. Hicinbothem is survived by her husband and a daughter, Holly M. Singleton, both of Largo; a sister, Lorraine Goewey of Ossining; and four grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements were handled by Serenity Gardens Funeral Home in Largo.



Evening Observer (Dunkirk, NY) Tuesday, May 30, 1989

Virchie V. Higginbotham Kelley (1912-1989) WV/NY

Brocton - Vircie V. Kelley, 76, of Webster Road, Brocton, died Saturday (May 27, 1989) at Brooks Hospital.

Born in Beatrice, W. Va., on July 17, 1912, she was the daughter of the late Lloyd and Maude (Lee) Higginbotham.

A resident of the Brocton area since 1947, Mrs. Kelley was formerly of Dewittville.

She was a former employee of the Kling Furniture Company of Mayville and a member of the First Portland Baptist Church in Brocton.

Survivors are five sons, Erwin F. (Pete) of Dawsonville, Ga., Edwin N, Ernest R. and Edgar F. Kelley of Scottsville; a brother, Jack Higginbotham of Oceans Springs, Miss.; a sister, Edith Freeman of Portland; 24 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband, Forest Kelley, in 1985; a son, Evan J. Kelley, in 1953; and three brothers, Fred, John and Francis Higginbotham.

Arrangements are by the Morse Funeral Home in Brocton.



Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 6/13/1990

Jesse Burl Higginbotham (1899-1990) WV/NY

Higginbotham, Jesse Burl - Age 90, of RD #1, Box 43, Troy, Pennsylvania, Monday, June 11, 1990 at Troy Community Hospital, Troy, PA. Friends are invited to call at the Barrett Funeral Home, Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 8pm. Funeral and Committal Services held at the conclusion of calling hours at 8 p.m. Rev. James Higginbotham, his son, will officiate. He is survived by sons and daughters-in-law, Rev. James and Aldine of Arden, NC, Robert L. and Marlene of Wellsburg, NY, Ray of Horseheads, NY; daughters and sons-in-law, Fat and Louis Schlick, Marie and Harold Schultz, Florence and Harry Marsh, all of Horseheads, NY; brother, Hansford Higginbotham; sister Sada Barnett, both of Glasgow, WV; 16 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; long time friends, Martha and Bradley Palmer, both of Troy, PA. Mr. Higginbotham was retired from Thatcher Glass Manufacturing Company.



Mount Vernon Argus 12/2/1990

Robert E. Hicinbothem (1927-1990) NY/FL

Hicinbothem, Robert E. of Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. Formerly of Pleasantville, NY, on November 29, 1990. Husband of Oleta Krey Hicinbothem; son of Grace Hicinbothem; father of Diane Stone, Barbara Rusbuldt & Gary Hicinbothem; brother of Richard and Ronald Hicinbothem; grandfather of 6. Funeral service Monday 1PM at Beecher Funeral Home, Pleasantville where family will receive friends Sunday 2-4 & 7-9PM. Interment Kensico Cemetery.



Syracuse Herald Journal 02/18/1992

Caroline M. Whyte Higginbotham (1905-1992) MN/NY

Caroline Higginbotham, 86, formerly of Church Street, North Syracuse, died Sunday at Park Ridge Memorial Hospital, Rochester.

A native of White Bear Lake, Minn., Mrs. Higginbotham lived 38 years in North Syracuse before moving to Rochester in 1976.

Surviving are a son, William of Brewerton; and three grandchildren.

Services will be private. Burial will be in North Syracuse Cemetery. There will be no calling hours.

Contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Disease Foundation.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 5/9/1993

Regina Coughlin Higinbotham (1910-1993) OH/NY

Higinbotham, Regina C.

Formerly of Buffalo, May 6, 1993. Survived by husband John M.; two daughters, Mrs. David (Jane) Loughborough, Mrs. Lawrence (Linda) Reineman; 5 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchildren.

Services at the convenience of the family. Arrangements by Richard H. Keenan.



The Buffalo News 5/10/1994

John Mannon Higinbotham (1909-1994) IL/NY

Higinbotham - John M.

Formerly of Buffalo, NY, May 2, 1994, father of Mrs. David (Jane) Loughborough of Rochester, NY and Mrs. Lawrence (Linda) Reineman of Boston, MA; brother of Jane Walls of Virginia, Margaret Morris of Clarksburg, NY and Theodore Higinbotham of Minnesota; also survived by five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Funeral services at the family's convenience. Arrangements by Richard H. Keenan Funeral Home, Fairport, NY.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 12/11/1994

William Alfred Higinbotham (1910-1994) CT/NY/GA

William A. Higginbotham, a physicist who developed electronic components for the first atomic bomb, then became a leading advocate of controlling nuclear weapons, died Nov. 10, of emphysema at his home in Gainesville, Ga.

He was 84 years old.

Born in Bridgeport, Conn., and reared in Caledonia, Livingston County, where his father was a Presbyterian minister. Higinbotham graduated from Williams College in 1932. He did graduate work at Cornell University, but transferred to a radiation laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when the United States entered World War II in 1941.

"He was a marvelous brother, who affected our lives as well as public policy on atomic energy. He was also a musician who played accordion and loved to sing." said his sister Dorothy  Osgood of Concord, Mass.

Higinbotham has also been called the grandfather of modern video games. In 1958, as a senior physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, he built for the laboratory's annual public show what was possibly the first video game - a tennis game that was displayed on a tiny cathode ray tube.

Higinbotham had more than 20 patents on electronic circuits to his credit, but he never patented his video game, which associates said was the forerunner of the early 1970's video game "Pong." Discussing his decision in 1983, he said, "It wasn't something the government was interested in" and that he "Didn't think it was worth it."

Higinbotham spect 47 years at Brookhaven from 1947 until his retirement in 1984 as a senior physicist, then serving as a consultant until his death.

"Willy was one of the outstanding scientists who shaped and made Brookhaven the great laboratory it is today," said BNL Director.

Having witnessed the first test detonation of an atomic bomb, Higinbotham became determined to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons. Thus at war's end, Higinbotham became a founder of the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), serving as its chairman, 1947-47 and lobbying for nuclear nonproliferation.

The organization is planning to honor him at its annual meeting by rededicating its Washington, D.C. headquarters as Higinbotham Hall on December 17.

Higinbotham is predeceased by his first wife, Julie Ann and his second wife Margaret. He is survived by his third wife Edna; two daughters, Julie Schletter of Largo, Fla., and Robin Clark of Brookhaven, N.Y.; a son, William, of Bellport, N.Y.; a brother, John; a sister, Dorothy Osgood and two grandchildren.



The Herald Statesman (Yonkers, NY) 1/12/1995

Farrell Higginbotham Cumberbatch (1906-1995) VA/NY

Farrell H. Cumberbatch, a 50 year resident of Mount Vernon, died Saturday at New Rochelle Hospital Medical Center. She was 88.

Mrs. Cumberbatch was born June 15, 1906, in Amherst, Va.

She was married to Doddridge R. Cumberbatch.

Mrs. Cumberbatch is survived by a son, Clement R.. Cumberbatch of Mount Vernon; three granddaughters, Stacey Cumberbatch and Lenore Pearson, both of Mount Vernon, and Colette Rogers of West Paterson, N.J.; and a great-grandson.

Her husband died earlier.

Camelot Funeral Home in Mount Vernon is handling the arrangements.



The Journal News (White Plains, NY) 3/18/2002

Richard A. Hicinbothem (1931-2002) NY

Hicinbothem, Richard A., 71. Died March 16, 2002. Arrangements by Cassidy Flynn Funeral Home, Inc., Mt. Kisco. (914) 666-4840



The Herald Statesman (Yonkers, NY) 6/13/1995

Kurt Higginbotham (????-1995) NY




The Buffalo News 7/18/1996

James Lee Higginbotham (1958-1996) NY

Higginbotham - James Lee

July 16, 1996, of the town of Tonawanda, beloved son of Eleanor (nee Keegan) and the late Beverly M. Higginbotham Jr.; dear brother of Beverly "Bud" L. (Susan) of Penfield, NY and Bruce E. (Linda) Higginbotham of Bristol, CT; uncle of Michael, Patricia, Sharon, Thomas, John and William Higginbotham. The family will receive friends at the C. Mertz & Son Funeral Home, Inc., 911 Englewood Ave., Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 PM, where funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:15 AM and a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. John the Baptist Church (Englewood Ave.) at 10:45 AM. Friends invited. In lieu of flowers, donations to the American Cancer Society, WNY Division. Jim was an administrator at P.C.B. Piezotronics, Inc.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 11/26/1996

Susan Mary Speth Higginbotham (1943-1996) NY/HI

Penfield: Nov. 22, 1996. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband, Bud; children, Mike Higginbotham of Fairfax, VA, Patti (Murray) Peet, Sharon Higginbotham and Tom Higginbotham; sisters, Ginny (Tom) McCollough and Pat (Paul) Sherman of OR; Brother, Rick (Trish) Speth of CA; nieces and nephews, Erin, Tim and Colleen McCollough, Eric Sherman of OR, Kelly and Blair Speth, Both of CA, John Higginbotham of CT, Bill Higginbotham of FL; mother-in-law, Eleanor Higginbotham of Kenmore.

Friends are invited to Nulton Funeral Home, 1704 Penfield Road Friday 2-4 and 7-9. Funeral Mass Sat. morning 9"00 at St. Joseph's Church, Gebhardt Road, Penfield. Interment, Oakwood Cemetery. Expressions of sympathy may be directed to the American Cancer Society or to St. Joseph's Church.



The Buffalo News 3/12/1997

Margaret Higinbotham Morris (1914-1997) NY

Margaret Higinbotham Morris, 82, died March 4, 1997, in her home in Eden after a long illness.

Born in Larchmont, she moved to Buffalo at an early age. She graduated from Park School of Buffalo and the National Park Seminary in Forest Glen, Md., where she was president of her senior class. She was also active in other student activities and sports, including basketball and field hockey.

She and her family moved to Minneapolis in the 1950s and returned to Eden with her husband, the late William R. Morris, in the early 1970s.

She was a former member of the Garrett Club and the Park School Alumni Association.

She is survived by four sons, Robert W. of Palos Verdes, Calif., Donald M. of Atlanta, Peter of Eden and David H. of Minnetonka, Minn.; eight grandchildren' and two great-grandchildren.

Funeral services are private. Burial is in Forest Lawn.



South Florida Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) 6/5/1997

Walter Higgenbotham (1921-1997) NY/FL

Higgenbotham - Walter, 76, of Tamarac passed away Sunday, June 1, 1997. He is survived by his wife, Josephine; two daughters, Julie and Oakley; two grandsons, Miles and Luke; and a granddaughter, Aimee. He served in the Air Force for 22 years ranked as Senior Master Sergeant. After the services he worked for Grumman Aircraft in NY until he retired in 1981 and moved to Florida. Those who were close to him in his life bear the loss with deep sorrow.



The Buffalo News 8/9/1997

Patricia Eleanor Keegan Higginbotham (1914-1997) NY

Higginbotham - Eleanor "Pat" (nee Keegan)

August 7, 1997, of the town of Tonawanda, beloved wife of the late Beverly M. Higginbotham Jr.; dear mother of Beverly L. "Bud" of Penfield, NY, Bruce E. (Linda) of Bristol, CT and the late James Lee Higginbotham; grandmother of Michael, Patricia (Murray) Peet, Thomas, John (Michelle) and William (Hiroko) Higginbotham; sister of the late Jean Ames. The family will receive friends at the C. Mertz & Son Funeral Home Inc., 911 Englewood Ave. Friday 4-8 PM, where funeral services will be held Saturday at 9:15 AM and a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. John the Baptist Church (Englewood Ave.) at 9:45. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.



Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 11/30/1997

James R. Higginbotham (1925-1997) WV/NY

Higginbotham, James R. Retiree Machinist

Age 72 of 305 Watkins Rd, Horseheads, NY went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1997 at St. Joseph's Hospital. He was predeceased by his parents, Jesse and Blanche Higginbotham; brother, Rev. James Higginbotham in May of 97. Survived by brother and sister-in-law, Robert and Marlene Higginbotham of Lakeland, FL; sisters and brother-in-law, Florence Marsh of Horseheads, NY; Twin sister, Fay and Lewis Schlick of Lakeland, FL, and A. Marie Schultz of Horseheads, NY; also several nieces and nephews.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired machinist from Bendix. Friends are invited to call at the Barrett Funeral Home on Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1997 for a 1 PM memorial service, followed by the interment at Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Rev. Larry Appenzeller will officiate the services. Contributions may be made in James memory to charities of ones choice.




George Paul Higinbotham (1920-1999) NY

G. Paul Higinbotham died in New York City on May 10, 1999 after a long illness.
Paul was born in Victor, N. Y. in 1920, the son of George and Margaret Spangler Higinbotham.
A gifted musician, Paul attended the preparatory department of the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N. Y., where he studied piano, theory and music history. He graduated in 1938 from Victor High School and briefly attended Hamilton College in Clinton, N. Y.
In 1939 he entered the Oberlin Conservatory of Music where he majored in piano and minored in harp. After serving in the U. S. Army overseas during World War II, Paul returned to Oberlin where he received his B. Mus. degree in 1949.
In the early 1950's he was a member of the Mozart Trio and toured Europe with that group. Later he served as rehearsal accompanist for ballet schools in Dallas, Texas and Washington, D. C. In 1965 he took up residence in New York City and continued work as ballet rehearsal accompanist and worked also as a vocal coach and accompanist for numerous professional singers in the New York area.
Paul is survived by a sister, Phyllis Higinbotham Zweig of Eugene, Oregon; a niece, Rebecca Zweig of Santa Barbara, California; and a nephew Jonathan Zweig of Pleasanton, California.
Interment will be in the Boughton Hill Cemetery in Victor, N. Y.



Syracuse Herald Journal 11/25/1999

William John Higginbotham (1935-1999) NY

William J. Higginbotham, 64, of Caughdenoy Road, Brewerton, died Tuesday at home.

A native of North Syracuse, he lived in Brewerton 40 years. He was a 1953 graduate of North Syracuse High School and a 1955 graduate of Alfred University. He retired in 1996 after 42 years as a manufacturing engineer with Carrier Corp.

Survivors: his wife of 40 years, the former Marlene Compo; two daughters, Kim Higginbotham of Manlius and Kelly Farley of Brewerton; a son, Scott of Baldwinsville; two brothers, Richard Taylor of Syracuse and Rollie Taylor of Honeoye Falls; two grandsons.

Services: 10 a.m. Saturday at Kruegar Funeral Home. Burial, Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, Clay. Calling hours, 4 to 7 p.m. Friday at the funeral home, 2619 Brewerton Road, Mattydale.

Contributions: Brewerton Volunteer Fire Department Station 1, Brewerton Road, Brewerton, 13029.



Newsday (Hempstead, NY) 12/15/1999

Florence G. Hicinbothem Pols (1905-1999) NY

Pols - Florence (nee Hicinbothem) on December 14, 1999. Devoted wife of the late Henry. Loving mother of Margaret of Mt. Sanai, Robert and his wife Anne of Holstville. Adored grandmother of Mary Ellen, Donna, Carol and Margaret and great grandmother of ten. Also survived by Mabel Hicinbothem, beloved sister of Bensalem, PA. Friends may call at O.B. Davis Funeral Home, 4839 Nesconset Highway, Port Jefferson Station Thursday, December 16th, 2-4 and 7-9PM. Funeral services at First Presbyterian Church, Port Jefferson, Friday at noon. Interment of cremains at Mount Hope Cemetery, Hastings-on-Hudson, Monday December 20th at 11 AM.



The Journal News on Jul. 7, 2001

Blanch Higginbotham Pollard (1910-2001) WV/NY

Blanche Higginbotham Pollard, 91, of Yonkers, formerly of Rand, WV, died June 24, 2001 in St. John's Hospital, Yonkers, after a long illness. Preceding her in death was her husband Nathan W. Pollard. Survivors include one sister Phyllis Higginbotham Meadows of Rand, WV and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins. The body was cremated. Burial will be in Charleston, WV at a later date. Brooks Funeral Home, Yonkers is in charge of arrangements.


The Buffalo News 9/14/2001

Theodore Higinbotham (1919-2001) NY/MN

Theodore Higinbotham, a journalist and advertising agency copywriter who once wrote speeches for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, died Sept 5, 2001, after a brief illness..

Higinbotham, who was 81, was at work on the Minnesota Veterans Home Journal in Hastings, Minn., at the time of his death.

As a youth, he moved with his family from Larchmont to Buffalo. He graduated from Nichols School and received a bachelor's degree in English literature from Colgate University. He did graduate work at the University of Buffalo.

Higinbotham enlisted in the Army in January 1942 and completed basic training in Florida and special training in Virginia and Washington. He was honorably discharged in March 1946.

He then went to work at the Buffalo Evening News as a reporter. Then it was on to the Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborne advertising agency in New York City and Buffalo. Later he worked for Rumrill-Hoyt Advertising.

He worked for a total of 16 years in the advertising business, writing advertising copy, and was involved in the broadcasting end. His clients included the "Today" show and writing for Dave Garroway; the Republican Party and speechwriting for New York Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Eisenhower. Many of the "On the Street" speeches were his creation. Other clients included National Gypsum, General Mills, Vicks VapoRub and Polaroid Camera.

In the late 1960s, he moved to Minnesota, where he became more involved in filmmaking and produced and wrote about 25 independent films. They included "The Monster of Loch Ness," "Trail to Alaska, " "Africa Thunder," "Wild Prairie," and "The Rip Van Winkle Syndrome."

Throughout his career, he wrote music, most recently a patriotic anthem, "Faces in the Flag." He carried the theme of Faces in the Flag through in a regular column in the veterans journal. He month, he focused on a resident of the Hasting home.

He is survived by two daughters, Eleanor Foster and Melinda McAndrew, both of Buffalo; a sister, Jane Walls of Virginia; a dear friend, Calla Higinbotham of Minnesota;; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. next Friday in St. John's-Grace Episcopal Church, 51 Colonial Circle.




Edith M. Higginbotham Freeman (1920-2002 OH/NY

Edith M. Freeman, 81, of Fuller Road, Portland, died March 26 in Westfield Memorial Hospital.

She loved quilting and computers, and also enjoyed reading, embroidering and gardening.

She is survived by her husband, Walter Freeman of Portland, whom she married March 7, 1936; three daughters, Marge Smith of Union City, Pa., Kathleen Marion of Hockley, Texas, and Debbie Morley of Spencerport; two sons, Dave Freeman of Hamlin and Andy Freeman of Houston; 18 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; and a brother, Jack Higginbotham of Mississippi.

She was preceded in death by a grandson, Randy Earl Howard, who died Sept. 28, 1958; three brothers, Francis Higginbotham, who died March 14, 1945, John Higginbotham, who died Oct. 15, 1970 and Fred Higginbotham, who died April 26, 1985; and a sister, Virchie Kelley, who died May 27, 1989.

Burial will be in the Sherman Cemetery.


Star-Gazette on Sep. 10, 2002

Alice Marie Higginbotham Schultz (1928-2002) WV/NY
Alice Marie Age 74 formerly of 256 Breesport Rd. Horseheads, NY passed away Sunday, September 8, 2002 at the Bethany Manor in Horseheads. Alice was born in Glasgow, WV, daughter of the late Blanche McGrew Higginbotham. Alice retired from the Horseheads School District as a bus driver after several years of service. Survivors include daughter, Patricia (Charles) Lowe of Oneonta, NY; sons, David (Karen) Schultz and Terry Schultz, both of Horseheads, NY; sisters, Florence Marsh of Horseheads, NY and Fay (Lewis) Schlick of Elmira, NY; brother, Robert (Marlene) Higginbotham of Ohio; grandchildren, Nathan and Travis Lowe, both of Oneonta, NY and Carly and Marisa Schultz both of Horseheads, NY; sister-in-law, Ann Schultz. Family and friends are invited to call on Thursday, September 12, 2002 from 2 to 4 PM at the James D. Barrett Funeral Home. Funeral Services will follow at 4 PM with Reverend Larry Appenzeller officiating. Interment will take place in Forest Lawn Memorial Park at the convenience of the family.



The Buffalo News 10/12/2002

Mary Jane Higinbotham Huber Walls (1908-2002) CA/NY/VA

Jane Huber Walls, a former Junior League president and longtime volunteer, died Sunday (Oct. 6, 2002) in her Charlottesville, Va., home. She was 94.

Mrs. Walls, who was born Jane Higinbotham in San Francisco, lived in Buffalo from 1920 to 1978 and left her mark on many organizations.

She was an active volunteer with Children's Hospital, the Red Cross, the Volunteer Services Bureau, the Travelers Aid Society and the United Cerebral Palsy Association, reflecting "her concern for the sick and those in need of Help," said her daughter, Marcy Forman of Buffalo.

In addition to serving as president of the Junior League of Buffalo, Mrs. Walls was a member of the Maria M. Love Convalescent Fund board and the Women's Committee of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, which honored her as its 1960 Woman of the Year. She was a docent at Albright-Knox Art Gallery.

She was married to John F. Huber Jr., now deceased. She later married Dr. Walter Walls, also now deceased, and continued to volunteer at the art gallery until they moved to Charlottesville.

Surviving besides Marcy Forman are two other daughters, Ellen Smith of Buffalo and Katherine Goddard of Cape Cod, Mass.; six grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

A memorial service will be announced.



The Buffalo News 4/24/2003

Joyce E. Higginbottom Mannix (1928-2003) NY

Mannix - Joyce E.

April 21, 2003,of Amherst, NY, beloved wife of Maurice R. Mannix; dear mother of Dawn Mannix and Gary (Deborah) Mannix; grandmother of Lindsay and Nicholas Mannix, Matthew Takach; step-grandmother of Stephen and Jason Townsend; sister of Maisie Jones and Vera Evans and the late George Higginbottom, all of England. Friends may call Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 PM at the Harry A. Wedekindt Funeral Home Inc., 280 Grover Cleveland Hwy at North Bailey. Services will be private. Burial will be made in England. If desired, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society or the American Lung Association.



Buffalo News May 23, 2003

John J. Higginbotham (1959-2003) NY

Suddenly May 20, 2003 of Amherst, NY; beloved husband of Linda (Bitikofer) Higginbotham; dear father of Michael Higginbotham; son of Norma and the late John Higginbotham; brother of Patricia (Michael) Sorrentino. Friends may call Thursday 7-9 PM and Friday 2-4 and 7-9 PM at the HARRY A. WEDEKINDT FUNERAL HOME, INC., 280 Grover Cleveland Hwy. at N. Bailey, where services will be held Saturday at 9:30 AM. Friends invited. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Promise Keepers. If desired Memorials may be made to American Heart Assoc.



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 7/13/2003

John Sears Higinbotham (1922-2003) NY

Bloomfield - John "J.C." Sears Higinbotham, a gentleman and eternal sophomore, died on Saturday July 5, 2003 at Thompson Hospital in Canandaigua. The July 22 memorial service, officiated by Rev. Hugh Outterson, will begain at 11:00 a.m. at the East Bloomfield Congregational Church. Arrangements are by the Kennedy & Son Funeral Home.

Survived by a loved companion, Doris Crossing; daughter Yvonne (Lawrence) Chavez; grandchildren Robert, Christina (Joseph) Eldredge, Andrew and David Chavez; sister, Dorothy (Tedd) Osgood of NH; cousin Bruce (Cynthia) Wooley.

Donations in his memory may be made to the Bloomfield or Honeoye Ambulance Service.

"Those who wish to sing will always find a song."



Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 7/28/2003

Lela Dianne Higginbotham Diedrich (1946-2003) MS/NY

Hilton. Peacefully, July 26, 2003, Dianne Diedrich,57, formerly of Macon, Miss. She is survived by her husband, Robert "Bob" Diedrich and her children, Jennifer and Dr. Jason Diedrich; her sister, Debra (Brad) Martin; two brothers, Charles (Dale) & Carl (Tessie) Higginbotham; her sisters and brothers-in-law, Linda (Ernest) Sanders, Mary (Dave) Schutte, Carol (Larry) Strauss, Joan Diedrich (Lennie Palmisano), Luther, Richard (Pat) & David (Kathy) Diedrich; many nieces, nephews and friends. She was predeceased by her parents, Paul and Ruth Higginbotham; her in-laws, Luther and Isabel; her sister-in-law, Betty Lou Diedrich.

Friends are invited to call Tues. (note time) 3-7 at the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Inc., 735 East Ave., Hilton. Funeral services Wed. at 11 am at St. Paul Lutheran Church. Interment Parma Union Cemetery. Those wishing may contribute o St. Paul New Sanctuary Fund or S. Edelman-H. Gardner C.R.F., Box 97, Hilton 14468 in Dianne's memory.



The Journal News on Feb. 26, 2006

Grace H. Graham Hicinbothem (1906-2006) NY

Grace H. Hicinbothem, of Pleasantville, on February 18, 2006. Beloved wife of the late Emil Hicinbothem. Devoted mother of Ronald and the late Robert and Richard. Survived by daughters-in-law, Oleta, Filomena and Karen, nine grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren, four great-great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends at the Beecher Funeral Home, Inc., Pleasantville on Monday, February 27 from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 pm. A 10 am Service will be held at the United Methodist Church in Pleasantville on Tuesday, February 28, followed by interment at Kensico Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the United Methodist Women of Pleasantville, United Methodist Church or the Charity of your choice.


The Journal News on Sep. 22, 2006

Mary Emily Hicinbothem (1912-2006) NY

Mary Emily Hicinbothem, a lifetime resident of Pelham, died on September 19, 2006. She was 93. Her parents were Caroline and Emil Hicinbothem, also of Pelham. Educated at St. Elizabeth College in New Jersey, Emily was a home economics teacher in the New York City School System for her entire career. Devoted to her family, Emily is survived by her nephews, John Hicinbothem, of Wayland, MA and Joseph Hicinbothem of Northport, N.Y. and their families as well as her sister-in-law, Sybil Hicinbothem, of Palm City, FL. Emily was an avid bridge player, an accomplished pianist and a talented painter. She was a member of the New Rochelle Women's Club. As a young woman, she enjoyed Trans-Atlantic travel. A dedicated genealogist, Emily devoted a great deal of time and care to maintaining family records. She will be remembered for her love of family and her devout faith. Visitation will be held at the Pelham Funeral Home on Friday, September 22, 2006 from 4 to 7 P.M. with the Funeral Mass on Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 10am at St. Catharine's Church in Pelham. PELHAM FUNERAL HOME, INC. 64 Lincoln Avenue Pelham, NY (914)738-1060


Albany Times Union 08/02/2007

Charles Higginbotham Sr. (1929-2007) NY
ALBANY Charles Higginbotham Sr., July 29, 2007 at Julie Blair Nursing Home. Funeral service Friday 11 a.m. at Garland Brothers Funeral Home, 75 Clinton Ave. Relatives and friends are invited and may call at the funeral home on Friday from 10-11 a.m.



Syracuse Post Standard 12/02/2008

Susan J. Lindsey Higginbotham (1950-2008) NY

November 29, 2008 Susan J. Higginbotham, 58, of Liverpool, passed away Saturday following an automobile accident. She was born on Wellesley Island and lived in Liverpool most of her life. Susan received her bachelor's degree from University of Buffalo and her master's degree from Syracuse University. She taught business education at C. W. Baker High School, Baldwinsville, for over 35 years, retiring this past year. She was currently a House Director at Kappa Kappa Gamma at Syracuse University. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Fineview. Susan was predeceased by her husband, Hershel R. Higginbotham. Survivors: two daughters, Carrie Higginbotham of Baldwinsville and Lindsay Higginbotham of Liverpool; a stepson, Ray Higginbotham Jr. of Memphis, TN; her mother, Jean Lindsey of Wellesley Island; her twin sister, Sally Hartman of Liverpool and sister, Carol Barton of Clayton; a brother, Douglas Lindsey of Stewartstown, PA; a granddaughter, Mariah Ellithorpe of Baldwinsville; and several nieces, nephews and cousins Calling hours will be 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday, December 6, 2008, at Falardeau Funeral Home, 93 Downer St., Baldwinsville. Private services will be at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Mariah Ellithorpe's College Fund, c/o James Barton, 17208 Barton Lane, Clayton, NY 13624 Falardeau Funeral Home.



Ithaca Journal 05/25/2011

Susan J. Higginbotham (1953-2011) NY

Higginbotham, Susan 1953-2011: Susan passed away peacefully on May 22nd, 2011 and will be very much missed by many loving friends and family. She is survived by her husband John Stetch. Born in Brooklyn on November 29, 1953, Susan graduated from the High School of the Performing Arts (Fame!) in New York, and subsequently from The Joffrey School of Ballet. Multi-talented, she later studied acting with the legendary Lee Strasberg (of the Godfather), and also trained to be a guitar-playing country singer songwriter which resulted in a hit single at a Tennessee radio station in the 80's. She eventually settled in Jacksonville, Florida to take care of her parents and worked for the local PBS station for several years. Her love for jazz music resulted in meeting pianist John Stetch in 1998. They married soon after, and she became a manager of several jazz musicians' careers while living in Brooklyn and eventually Ithaca. To those who knew Susan, she was a ray of sunshine who was boldly expressive, had an enormous compassion for animals, and a great appreciation for the arts, including her own more recent pursuit of writing and photography. In recent years, she worked as Marketing Director for Snow Lion Publications and became an active member of the Tibetan Buddhist community. May her sweet soul live on. In lieu of flowers, Susan would have appreciated that any donation be made to: Farm Sanctuary, P.O. Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891.



Saratoga Springs, New York 08/26/2011

Bertram R. Higginbotham (1941-2011) NY

December 22, 1941 - August 25, 2011

Bertram was born on December 22, 1941 and passed away on Thursday, August 25, 2011. Bertram was a resident of Saratoga Springs, New York.



Star-Gazette 02/28/2012

Erma Fay Higginbotham Schlick (1925-2012) WV/NY

SCHLICK, Erma Fay Was born September 23, 1925 in Charleston, WV the daughter of the late Jesse and Blanche (McGrew) Higginbotham. She went home to be with her Lord on Sunday, February 26, 2012 at St. Joseph's Hospital at the age of 86. Her brothers, James, Robert, and Ray, and sister Marie preceded her in death. She is survived by her loving husband of 65 years, Lewis E. Schlick; daughter, Glori (Charles) Cole of Sunbury, PA; son, Thomas Schlick of Vestal, NY; grandchildren, Jeannette (Paul) Brosious, Julie (Jason) Fikkert, Jodi Cole and Jeff Cole; great grandchildren, Emmalyn, Paul and Curtis Brosious; Megan and Justin Fikkert; sister, Florence Marsh. Fay enjoyed her family, church and her oil painting art work. Family and friends are invited to call at the Maple Avenue Baptist Church 1548 Maple Ave. Elmira, NY on Friday, March 2, 2012 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. A Memorial Service honoring Fay's life will follow the visitation at 2 PM. Interment will take place at a later date in the Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Olthof Funeral Home, Inc.



Buffalo News on Apr. 17, 2012

Melinda Higinbotham McAndrew (1949-2012) NY

McANDREW - Melinda (nee Higinbotham) April 15, 2012, dearest mother of Heather and Brendan McAndrew; beloved grandmother of Cameron Brooks, Joshaua, Angela, Jonel and Brendan McAndrew; loving sister of Ellie (Jon) Foster. The family will be present Thursday from 4-6 PM at the JOHN E. ROBERTS FUNERAL HOME, (West Chapel), 1357 Hertel Ave., near Colvin, where a funeral service will be held at 6:00 PM. Flowers gratefully declined.


Joseph J. Smith Funeral Home 7/18/2012

Albert F. Hicinbothem (1921-2012) NY

Albert F. Hicinbothem of Mahopac, NY passed away on Tuesday July 17, 2012. He was 91. He was born on June 11, 1921 in the Bronx, NY the son of Albert and Elsa Uthe Hicinbothem. On November 8, 1942 he married Helen Upham in Maryland. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his sons Robert and his wife Susan and Peter and his wife Denise, his daughter Judith Ellis and her husband Larry, his grandchildren Robert Jr., Heather, Erica, Kevin, Nicole and Kelli and his great-grandson Thaddeus. Albert retired in 1983 from IBM after 30 years. He was a Charter Member of the VFW Post # 5491 and a Life Member of the Mahopac Falls Volunteer Fire Department. He and Helen enjoyed traveling around the US and Alaska. Visiting will be held on Friday from 3-7 pm at Joseph J. Smith Funeral Home. A Funeral Service will be held at the Funeral Home on Saturday at 11am. A private cremation will follow.



Joseph J. Smith Funeral Home 3/4/2013

Helen D. Upham Hicinbothem (1922-2013) NY

Helen D. Hicinbothem of Mahopac, NY passed away on Saturday, March 2, 2013. She was 90. She was born on April 23, 1922 in the Bronx, NY the daughter of Otis and Helen (Graham) Upham. She worked for the US Post Office at the Mahopac branch for 25 years. On November 8, 1942 she married Albert Hicinbothem in Maryland and will now join him in Heaven. She is survived by her sons Robert and his wife Susan of Meridan, CT, Peter and his wife Denise of Hopewell Jct., NY; her daughter Judith Ellis and her husband Larry of Marana, AZ; her sister Marjorie Tompkins of Mahopac Falls, NY; her grandchildren Robert Jr., Heather, Erica, Kevin, Nicole and Kelli; and her great-grandson Thaddeus. Visiting will be held on Wednesday, March 6 from 3-7 PM at the Joseph J. Smith Funeral Home in Mahopac, NY. A Funeral Service will be held at the Funeral Home on Thursday, March 7 at 11 AM. A private cremation will follow.




Lina M. Higginbotham Martin Lowry (1935-2013) VA/NY

Lina M. Lowry, daughter of Edward Leslie Martin (an insurance salesman for North Carolina Mutual) and Rosebud Higginbotham (housewife and Episcopal Church Women president) was born in Danville, VA on May 31, 1935. She was the first child of Edward and the second child of Rosebud. Not long after her birth, she moved with her parents to Pittsburgh, PA and then on to Philadelphia, PA where she attended Girls High. She went to Temple University where she graduated with a B.A. in history; it is also where she met her future husband, Ralph J. Lowry, Sr. She then went to Drexel University where she got her masters in Library Science and married on December 30, 1961. She gave birth to her only child, a son, Ralph J. Lowry, Jr. On April 11, 1963 they moved to New York.

She started her career at Brooklyn Public Library and after working there for some years moved onto City University. At Trinity, Lina could be found most Wednesdays in the third floor library suggesting books she considered "must reads." She got a second masters degree from the New School of Social Research in art and literature while working at Borough of Manhattan Community College. She received her full professorship and worked for thirty years, ultimately retiring as their chief librarian.

She was very active at Trinity Wall Street serving on the Congregational Council, the Christian Education Committee (later named the Discovery Committee), and was president of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW.) As a founding member of the New Beginnings Ministry of Seniors, she held court every Thursday dishing out wisdom, wisecracks, humor and grace.

Her wisdom and intellect were among the finest anywhere, and she will be missed by all whose life she touched. So much can be said about this great lady, but the best thing is that she was a beautiful human being who brought joy to everyone and everything.

She is survived by her son, Ralph J. Lowery, Jr. and countless relatives and friends. She will be greatly missed.



The East Liverpool (OH) Review 28 Mar 2013

Aliece Loosman Higinbotham (1939-2013) NY/OH

EAST LIVERPOOL - Aliece Higinbotham, 73, passed away peacefully Tuesday morning, March 26, 2013, in the Heritage Valley Medical Center, surrounded by her family and friends by her side.
Born in Oneida, N.Y., on Nov. 23, 1939, she was the daughter of Joseph and Noreen Penner Loosman. A resident of the area until 1993, moving to East Liverpool, with her husband, she was a graduate of Oneida High School, Class of 1957. She married David Higinbotham on Oct. 29, 1966.
Aliece owned and operated Aliece's Beauty Shop in Oneida Castle from 1957-1966. She was employed at Callanan Industries in Canastota from 1979 until she retired in1993.
Surviving besides her husband, David, of 43 years are: one daughter and son-in-law, Daria and Adam Miller of Canastota; two sons, David and Daryl Higinbotham both of Canastota; one sister and brother-in-law, Eleanor and Robert "Butch" Vineall of McKeever; one brother and sister-in-law, Joseph and Judy Loosman Jr. of Oneida; four grandchildren, Brian and Cade Miller and Cody and Katie Higinbotham; several nieces and nephews; two special friends, Gary and Michelle (Young) Butler of East Liverpool; and best friend Buddy.
Interment will be made in St. Patrick's Cemetery.



Finger Lakes Times from Jul. 22 to Jul. 24, 2013

Patricia A. Searles Deal Higginbotham (1940-2013) NY

PENN YAN - Patricia A. Higginbotham, 73, of Penn Yan, passed away at the Homestead Nursing Home on Saturday (July 20th). Following Pat's wishes all services will be private.
She was born March 17, 1940, the daughter of Horace and Hildred VanZile Searles. She retired from the US Air Force and loved to play cards as well as bingo.
She is survived by a son, Allen Deal of Delaware; two daughters, Angela Yvonne Threatt of Virginia and Anne Yampierre also of Virginia; eight grandchildren and one great grandchild; two brothers, Harold (Norma) Searles of Penn Yan and Joe (Cathy) Searles of Geneva; as well as several nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by a brother Wayne in 1995.
Arrangements are with Weldon Funeral Home.



Tommie L. Hickenbottom (1947-2014) AL/NY

Saratoga Springs, NY - Tommie L. Hickenbottom , 67, passed away on Sunday March 16, 2014 with his two children at his bedside after being recently diagnosed with cancer. Born on January 21, 1947 in Camden, Alabama, he was the son of Mary (Craton) Hickenbottom and the late George Hickenbottom. Tommie married his wife of twelve years, Mylissa(Morris) on June 22, 2002 in Saratoga Springs where they raised their two children Justin and Rebecca. He was a dedicated and devoted worker, husband and father. Tommie recently retired on December 31, 2012 from Hollingsworth and Vose Company where he worked for 34 years as a machine runner. Tommie loved going to the racino with his wife, fishing, hunting and spending time with his granddaughter Neveah which is and always will be his pride and joy. In addition to his father, Tommie was predeceased by his mother-in-law Suzan Morris. Survivors include his wife Mylissa Hickenbottom; two children, Justin Morris and Rebecca(Alex) Morris and his beloved granddaughter Neveah Rios, all of Saratoga Springs; his mother, Mary Hickenbottom of Camden, AL; six brothers, John Henry(Bessie Mae) Hickenbottom of Camden, Alabama , George Hickenbottom Jr. of Pennsylvia, Author Hickenbottom and James(Jeanette) Hickenbottom, all of Camden, AL, Frank Hickenbottom of Saratoga Springs; Henry Hickenbottom of Camden, AL; four sisters, Alice Colston of Farockaway, NY, Thelma (Andre) Roach of Bloomington, IL, Merlene(Kevin) Etheridge of Farockaway, NY and Sarah Hickenbottom of Camden, AL; thirty-seven nieces and nephews and many more great nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends may call from 6-8 pm Sunday, March 23, 2014 at the William J. Burke & Sons/Bussing & Cunniff Funeral Homes of 628 North Broadway 584-5373. In lieu of flowers, donations in Tom's memory they can be made to the family or Community Hospice of Saratoga, 179 Lawrence St., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866.


Buffalo News 04/23/2014

Norma P. Stelman Higginbotham (1931-2014) NY

April 30, 1931 - April 19, 2014

HIGGINBOTHAM - Norma P. (nee Stelman) April 19, 2014, beloved wife of the late John G. Higginbotham; dearest mother of Patricia (Michael) Sorrentino and the late John J. (Linda) Higginbotham; dear grandmother of Sarah, Michael, Zachary and Joshua. Family will be present to receive relatives and friends on Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 PM at the MELVIN J. SLIWINSKI FUNERAL HOME, 85 George Urban Blvd., (west of Harlem Rd.). A Celebration of Norma's Life will be held on Friday at the World Prayer Tower of Full Gospel Tabernacle Church, 3210 Southwestern Blvd., Orchard Park, at 10 AM. (Please assemble at church). Interment St. Adalbert Cemetery. Norma was an alumna of Rosary Hill College.



Legacy Remembers on Oct. 3, 2014

Georgia Belle Higginbotham Davis Torres (1924-2014) WV/NY

Georgia B. Torres, 89, of Medina, NY, entered into rest on Thursday, October 2, 2014 at her home.
Born on October 28, 1924, in Morgan Town, WV, she was the daughter of the late Lindin and Genny (Ringo) Higginbothan.
Georgia was married to Thurman M. Davis until his passing and later married the late Santo Torres. She was employed as a housekeeper for 15 years at Orchard Manor Nursing Home and enjoyed reading and her flower garden.
She is survived by three children, Thurman C. Davis Sr. of Satillite Beach FL; Nora A. (Brian) Murray of W. Shelby, NY; William A. (Sue) Davis of Barker, NY; 12 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Dail (Connie) Higginbethan of Ohio; Eugene (Annabelle) Higginbothan of NC; two sisters, Virginia Balderama of WV; Rose Crites of NC and several nieces and nephews.
She is predeceased by two sons, Jimmy Lee and Ralph E. Davis.
Relatives and friends may call on Thursday Oct. 9, 2014 at the Bates & Tuttle Funeral Home, 226 Pearl St. Medina, from 11 AM- 2PM, with a funeral service being held at 2:00 PM. Burial will be in the Boxwood Cemetery, Medina.
Memorials may be made in Georgia's name to: Medina Memorial Hospital, 200 Ohio St. Medina, NY 14103



The Daily Gazette 02/08/2016

Nathan Michael Higginbotham (ca1991-2016) NY

Nathan Michael Higginbotham, 25, died tragically Sunday, January 31st while serving with the United States Army at Ft Wainwright, Alaska. Born and educated in Schenectady, Nathan was the son of William and Kimberley (Higginbotham) Vandenburg. A graduate of Schenectady High School, Nathan was an Iraq war veteran. He was a Sergeant with Troop B 5th Squadron 1st Cavalry 1st BCT at Ft. Wainwright, Alaska. SGT Higginbotham served in Lancer Platoon for over two years before moving to Headquarters. During his time in Lancer Platoon SGT Higginbotham served as a team leader and the platoon Javelin trainer. He deployed with the Platoon to NTC 15-03 and conducted numerous dismounted reconnaissance Operations in support of the Brigade. He took an active role in the Squadrons MACP and assisted in certifying over 100 Soldiers in Combative level 1 and 2. SGT Higginbotham was responsible for coordinating and running the Squadrons 2014 Combative tournament which had the largest Participation of all other tournaments before. As the Troop BOSS representative SGT Higginbotham boosted the morale of the single soldiers by always encouraging them to travel and take advantage of MWR trips. An avid football and Atlanta Falcon fan, Nathan was a volunteer at Northeast Parent and Child Society when home and a friend to everyone he met. He will be truly missed by the many people whose life he touched. Beside his Mom and Dad, Nathan is survived by his sisters, Amber Lei Simone of Scotia, Martia Marie Higginbotham and Ayesha Nicole Higginbotham both of Schenectady; step-sister, Jessica Vandenburg of Guilderland; step-brothers, Jason Vandenburg (Natasha) and Patrick Vandenburg (Stephanie) both of Rotterdam; his nieces, Scarlette Delorme, Zaniya Buess and Heaven Harrison; a nephew, Gerard Harrison; his aunt, Sherry Higginbotham of Schenectady; and cousins, Mckayla and Victoria. Funeral service will be held on Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 11 am at Bond Funeral Home, 1614 Guilderland Ave., Schenectady, NY. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. A visitation will be held at the funeral home on Wednesday evening, February 10th from 5 to 8 pm. Interment with full military honors will be in Parkview Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Nathan's memory to the Northeast Parent & Child Society, 530 Franklin Street, Schenectady, NY 12305. Funeral Home Bond Funeral Home Inc 1614 Guilderland Ave. Schenectady, NY 12306 (518) 346-8424.




Kathleen Valintis Higginbotham (????-2016) NY

Visiting: Sunday (2/14) & Monday (2/15) Monday 2-4 & 7-9 PM Mass: Tuesday (2/16) 10:30 AM @ Our Lady of Angels Church

Cemetery: Maple Grove Cemetery (Kew Gardens, New York)

HIGGINBOTHAM, Kathleen (nee Valintis) on February 11, 2016. Beloved wife of John. Loving mother of Brian, Kathleen, and the late Mark. Proud grandmother of Justin, James, Mathew, Joshua, Mark, Kaylin, and Kathryn. Dear sister of Veronica "Honey" Brodrick (Bob) and Thomas Valintis (Barbara).



Poughkeepsie Journal Apr. 17, 2017

Peter G. Hicinbothem (1953-2017) NY

HOPEWELL JUNCTION - Peter G. Hicinbothem, 63, an area resident for 25 years and formerly of Mahopac Falls, died on April 15, 2017 at Vassar Brothers Medical Center following a long illness.
Born in Mahopac on August 1, 1953, he was the son of Albert and Helen Hicinbothem. Peter had worked in the transportation industry, most recently for Arnoff Moving & Storage.
On September 17, 1988 in Mahopac, Peter married Denise Schendel who survives at home. He is also survived by his daughters, Nicole Hicinbothem of Hopewell Junction and Kelli Hicinbothem of Putnam Valley; his grandson, Lawrence Cobb III; and his siblings, Judy Ellis of AZ and Robert Hicinbothem of Meriden, CT.
Calling hours will be held on Wednesday from 4-7pm at the McHoul Funeral Home, Inc., 895 Route 82, Hopewell Junction.



New York Times on Jul. 11, 2021

Linda Higinbotham Young (ca1940-2021) NY

YOUNG--Linda Higinbotham. 81, passed peacefully into the arms of the Lord on July 7, 2021. Linda was an extraordinary woman whose light shone bright in this world. She lived a full life of loving and giving, extending a genuine warmth and friendliness to all she met. In addition to her abiding Faith, Linda took great joy in opera, piano, tennis, work, chocolate, and, above all, family. Linda was the beloved daughter of Norman and Anne Higinbotham; cherished wife of John Young for 58 years; devoted mother of Karen Young Hamel, Mark Young (Martha Livingston), and Christopher Young (Laura); treasured grandmother of Henry, Nicholas, Peter, Aidan, Claire, Theo, Theodore and Jamison; dear sister of Helen Sokolsky (George); aunt of Anne Sokolsky and Margaret Padilla; and great-aunt of Brian. Linda was predeceased by her son Timothy Young and her sister Norma Higinbotham. Linda attended high school at Convent of the Sacred Heart in Manhattan and received her BA from Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart and her JD from Fordham School of Law. She began her law career as an associate at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, and returned to Fordham School of Law as Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. She crowned her career practicing as appellate counsel in the Office of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York. While she made a lasting impact on all with whom she worked, her favorite vocation was her role as grandmother. Visitation on Monday, July 12, from 5 to 8pm at Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home, 1076 Madison Ave., Manhattan. Funeral Mass on Tuesday July 13 at 10am at Corpus Christi Church, 535 W. 121st St., Manhattan. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions be made to the Feerick Center for Social Justice of Fordham School of Law, 150 W. 62nd St., New York, NY 10023. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.



Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) 2/5/2022

Florence May Higginbotham Marsh (1931-2022) NY

Florence May Marsh, age 90, of Jacksonville, Florida passed away peacefully with family at her side on January 28, 2022, at McGraw Center for Caring. She was born in Dunkirk, New York on March 27, 1931, to the late Jesse Burl Higginbotham and Blanche McGrew Higginbotham.
Florence was raised in New York and graduated from Thomas A. Edison High School in Elmira Heights, NY. Following graduation, Florence married the love of her life, Harry E. Marsh and they lovingly raised their 4 children together. She enjoyed her time as a school bus driver with Horseheads School System as well as assisting in the chocolate production at the A&P Plant. Florence was able to help many with their skin care needs by selling Avon products. She also was a Hospice volunteer as she was a kind person who loved helping others. Some of her hobbies were sewing, swimming, and reading. She especially loved reading her Bible and was continually active in Hillcrest Baptist Church and Elmwood Baptist Church in New York where she was a long time member. More than anything, Florence loved being with her family and enjoyed family gatherings. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband of many years, Harry E. Marsh; brothers, James Higginbotham, Robert Higginbotham, and Ray Higginbotham; and her sisters, Fay Schlick and Marie Schultz.
Florence is survived by her loving children, Gary Marsh of Jacksonville, FL, Carolyn Marsh of Leesburg, VA, Marilyn (Larry) Marsh Longhi, and Sherry (Rob) Marsh Fischer, both of Jacksonville, Fl; grandchildren, Terri (Joe) Ruggiero, Lana Longhi, and Lila Longhi; and her great grandchildren, Joey Ruggiero, Bella Ruggiero, and Maggie May Haag.
A Celebration of Florence's life will be held in New York at a later date. Her final resting place will be Rural Home Cemetery in Big Flats, NY alongside her husband, Harry E. Marsh. The arrangements are under the care and direction of V. TODD FERREIRA FUNERAL SERVICES at Beaches Memorial Park, 1500 Main Street, Atlantic Beach, FL, 32233. 904-249-1166.



Freay’s Funeral Home 4/8/2023

Beverly Ann Brooks Higginbotham (1937-2023) LA/NY

WESTFIELD- Beverly Ann Brooks Higginbotham, 85, of Westfield, NY and formerly of Algiers and New Orleans, LA, went to Heaven to be with Jesus on Monday, April 3, 2023, following a long but unusual joyful battle with Alzheimer’s and a sudden diagnosis of Leukemia. Beverly was born August 13, 1937, in Algiers, LA, the daughter of the late Leslie P. and Mable E. Aucoin Brooks Sr.  Beverly grew up in New Orleans and was a 1956 graduate of Martin Berman High School.    Beverly met her husband, Fred Sr., on a blind date while he was on leave of absence from the Moody Air Force Base in Georgia. It was love at first sight!  Fred was known to walk & hitch hike 500 miles to New Orleans to be with his bride to be. Their love and courtship was unique.   Fred would ask Beverly, “How much do you love me?”  Her reply is and was always “Two-Cents.” 64 years later, they are a testament to the “Greatest value of Two-Cents”. While living in New Orleans, Beverly was employed by the State of Louisiana Court House, enjoyed outdoor activities such as, coaching girls’ softball, gardening and raising her three young children while being a housewife.  In 1975 they moved to Westfield, NY.   1976 the couple found their dream home on Chestnut St., one of the most beautiful homes on the Chautauqua Gorge.   In 1979 Fred & Beverly purchased the professional Cleaning Franchise & Disaster Restoration Company; “ServiceMaster by Higginbotham’s”, which they have owned and operated in their hometown of Westfield, NY servicing both Chautauqua County New York and Erie County Pennsylvania for the past 44 years.  Over time, the Company became known as Two Cents Inc. dba ServiceMaster Clean by Higginbotham’s.  The business had become a family affair and is currently managed by second generation family members.   Beverly was an active member of the First Baptist Church of Westfield where she participated in many activities, group leadership, choir, committees, and programs, until her disease took a tole, and she could no longer attend.  The Puppet Ministry, “Rays of Sonshine” was created by Beverly & Gerry Hammond. Which through the Youth, this ministry shared the story of Jesus; bringing love, life, and laughter to both the young and elders fortunate enough to enjoy their performances.  She had a spirit of Mercy and cared for elders that crossed her path.   Beverly had a green garden thumb & talent with flowers and plants.  She worked with Mr. Shelly Green in his greenhouses on Grove St., at The Westfield Nursery with Mrs. Bentley & Nancy Hanks, and at the Carriage House with Beverly Yeaney, where her joy of playing in the dirt was admired.   Our Southern Bell was the fastest Grape tier that the Andy & Sara Wolff Grape Farm ever saw!     The beauty of her home & gardens were the couple’s pride and joy. Always took the time to sit on the Beautiful Front Porch & Swing.   Beverly also had a secret talent; one that she claims she had to be “in the mood for” Acrylic & Oil painting.  Beautiful Treasures that grace their home.   Oh Momma, could she cook, Southern cooking at its best!  However during her golden years, she wanted the stove removed from the kitchen.  She was Retired and did not have to cook any more.  
God spelled backwards is Dog. No wonder Beverly loved dogs. Beverly shared her love for dogs of any breed, most fondly throughout her married life were Dachshunds.   There was Max, Noah, Obadiah, & Rusty, all lovingly long lived & spoiled.   Mr. Wiggles is here with us to Carry on.
Beverly is survived by her loving husband of 64 years; Fred Lloyd Higginbotham Sr., whom she married November 15, 1958, in Algiers, Louisiana.   Three children; Debra Kaye (Carrie Shank) Higginbotham of Westfield, NY, Fred Lloyd (Ivelisse) Higginbotham Jr, of Westfield, NY, and Terry Lee (Jeffrey) Freeman of Westfield, NY, six grandchildren; Ivan L. Torres, Gregory M.  (Jill Brockmeyer) Torres, Fred L. (Lynette) Higginbotham III, Cassidy B. Higginbotham, Nichole L. Freeman, and Bradley M.  (Anna) Freeman, and eleven great grandchildren; Giovanni, Francisco, Kit, Madison, Fred IV, Charlotte, Will, Mylin, Parker, Vida, and Walker. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a brother; Leslie “Sonny” Percy Brooks.
At Beverly’s request, all services will be private and concluded by Freay’s Funeral Home in Mayville, NY, and burial will be in the Westfield Cemetery on Thursday, April 13th, 2023.  Beverly’s favorite # 13. 
 Memorial donations can be made to the: Westfield Alzheimer’s Respite Support Group (c/o Westfield United Methodist Church, 101 Main St, Westfield, NY 14787).



Clavin Funeral Home 12/3/2023

John H. Higginbotham (1937-2023) NY
January 11, 1937 - December 1, 2023
John H. Higginbotham passed away peacefully on December 1, 2023.  Beloved husband of the late Kathleen (nee Valintis).  Loving father of Brian (Nadine), Kathleen (Javier), and the late Mark.  Proud grandfather of Justin (Lauren), James (Alyssa), Mathew, Joshua, Mark, Kaylin (Andy), Katie (Chris), and great-grandfather of Jameson and Connor.  Also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, and his best buddy bartender Mike.



Sharon Lynn Higginbotham (1970-2024) MT/NY

(September 25, 1970 April 27, 2024)

Sharon Lynn Higginbotham, of Macedon, NY passed away with family by her side under the kind and compassionate care at The Advent House in Fairport, NY. She was born in Great Falls, MT but grew up in Penfield. She graduated from Penfield High School in 1988 and then attended SUNY Oswego where she played varsity soccer for four years, earning a degree in Sociology. She honed her writing skills as a technical writer for Paychex until returning to school to earn her law degree from Albany Law School in 2004. Following law school, she dedicated the rest of her career to being a public servant and was a law clerk for several judges on the Supreme Court of the State of New York. There she assisted her judges with her meticulous legal research and analysis and drafting decisions, orders, and opinions. Sharon loved her annual trip to the Adirondacks with Tim where she rejuvenated her soul by fishing, relaxing, reading, and taking in the rustic camp and surrounding nature. She enjoyed taking early morning walks, watching birds that visited the feeders outside their backyard window, and exploring different areas of New York State. Sharon cherished spending time with family and treasured the moments she shared with her best friends from high school over the years. Her love for family and friends was fierce and unwavering. Sharon is predeceased by her mother, Sue Higginbotham; Uncle Jim Higginbotham; grandparents, and in-laws Mary Ann and Bill Kneuer. She is survived by her husband Tim Kneuer; her father Bud Higginbotham and wife Sally; brother Mike and wife Ashley and their children Elizabeth and Rush; sister Patti Peet and husband Murray and their sons Grant, Findlay, and Keegan; her twin brother Tom and wife Rachel and their daughters Mia, Emmy, and Gwen. Sharon is also survived by her Aunt Ginny McCollough and husband Tom and their children Erin, Tim, and Colleen; Uncle Rick Speth and his children Kelly Speth and husband Juan Marquez and Blair Speth and wife Bernadette; Aunt Pat Sherman and her partner Paul and their son Eric and wife Christine; Uncle Bruce Higginbotham and his sons John Higginbotham and Bill Higginbotham and wife Hiroko. Sharon requested that in lieu of flowers, please consider donations in her memory to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester, The Advent House, or any cancer research organization of your choice. A celebration of Sharon’s life will be announced in the future.


John F. Pfleger Funeral Home, Inc. on Jul. 18, 2024

Josephine Meehan Cassidy Higginbotham (1933-2024) Ireland, NY
Josephine Higginbotham, 91, of Brooklyn, NY, passed away on July 18, 2024 in Brooklyn, NY. She was born in Donegal, Ireland and lived in Brooklyn with her family. Josephine was a homemaker and raised 3 children.
Surviving is her son, Joseph Cassidy; daughter, Kathleen Cassidy; two sisters, Nan Normoyle and Peggy McNellis; and brother, Patrick Meehan.
Josephine was preceded in death by her husband, John Higginbotham; son, George Peter Cassidy; sister, Maureen Boyle; and brother, Joseph L. Meehan.
Visitation will be held Monday, July 22, 2024, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm at John F. Pfleger Funeral Home, 115 Tindall Road, Middletown.
A Funeral Mass will be offered Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 9:30 AM at St. Catherine's Church, 110 Bray Ave., N. Middletown.
Burial will follow at Fair View Cemetery, Middletown.
Arrangements are under the direction of John F. Pfleger Funeral Home, Middletown.


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