Ohio Obituaries


The Massillon Evening Independent 06/07/1869

Lutticia Higginbotham (1807-1869) Ireland/OH

Died on the 7th inst., Mrs. Lutticia Higginbotham, wife of Mr. Robert Higginbotham, in the 63rd year of her age. She was born in the city of Dublin, Ireland on the third day of March in 1807, and was married to her husband, who survives her, on the 22nd of February, 1828. In 1836 they moved to Massillon, then a small hamlet, and can lay claim to being pioneer settlers. She was a most exemplary and worthy woman and was one of the first members of St. Timothy's Episcopal church organized in 1836, and until the day of her death never neglected her duties as a member.


The Sidney Journal Friday, January 25th, 1884 page 8

Lavica Line Higginbotham (1823-1884) OH 

Pemberton. Mrs. Lavina Higgenbotham, who has been afflicted with consumption for the past two years, departed this life on Monday night. Her remains were interred at Logansville on Wednesday.

Massillon Independent 03/30/1893

Charles Timson Higginbotham (1836-1893) NY/OH

Suddenly Stricken With Apoplexy Tuesday Morning

Overtake by Death while Walking on North Street-The End Comes Without Warning-The Main Events of an Honorable Career thus cut short

Charles T. Higginbotham was stricken with apoplexy shortly after 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, directly in front of the residence of D.T. Frank, between Mill and Hill streets. Some lads saw him fall and ran to his assistance. Dr. T.C. Miller happened to be making a call only a few steps below, and reached Mr. Higginbotham before the action of the heat had entirely ceased. He was virtually dead, when he fell upon his face, however, and nothing whatever could be done.

The body was carried to the private office of Dr. Groff, a short distance down the street, and in an incredibly short time the news was generally known, and had reached the various members of Mr. Higginbotham’s family. The sad intelligence caused widespread sorrow, and created the deepest sympathy for the family, subjected to such sudden bereavement. Mr. Higginbotham had been out and about as usual, before his death this morning, and was in personal charge of a contract being executed in the residence of J.F. Pocock. He was attending to some matter connected with this work when the summons came. After an interval of about an hour the body was conveyed to the home, which he left in the morning apparently a sound and robust man. Mr. Higginbotham would have been 56 years old had he lived until the 19th of next July. His parents, together with their daughter, left their home in Medford, Ireland and sailed for Quebec, Canada. While leaving the vessel the elder Mr. Higginbotham sustained an injury to his back through the slipping of the gang plank. The accident caused the family to embark on a steamboat for New York, and shortly after their arrival to that city Mr. Higginbotham was born.

A little more than one month later the family moved to Massillon and as records of St. Timothy’s Episcopal church show, Charles Higginbotham was the first child baptized within the walls of that edifice. Mr. Higginbotham was educated in the Massillon school, and when he had finished his course he obtained employment in the hat and fur store of N. Minich, where he remained for several years. He then learned the trade of painting, but laid aside his brushes in 1862 to join Company E, 104th Regiment, O.V.I.  His war record was most admirable and he figured bravely in a number of important battles and engagements.

When he returned from the war he resumed his trade of painting, and continued in that work up to the time of his death. Beside a wife, three children survive him, namely: Ella, wife of Charles Sinsser, now of Buffalo, N.Y.; Robert Higginbotham of Cleveland, and George Higginbotham, of Massillon. A sister, Mrs. Anna Stevens, of Massillon, and two brothers, Richard and John Higginbotham, of Delphi, Ind., are also living. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The fact that his associates placed implicit confidence in his honesty and judgment is evident from the fact that he was, at the time of his death, the financial secretary of the two branches of that order, Eureka Encampment and Sippo Lodge, and also held the same position in the Daughters of Rebekah, a lodge auxiliary to the Odd Fellows.

Mr. Higginbotham was one of those men, the very quietness of whose demeanor attracted friends and the suddenness of his death was received with a feeling as sad as it was surprising. Especially among the members of the organizations to which he belonged does this sentiment exist, and by them his loss is keenly felt.

The funeral will be held from the house at 2 o’clock on Thursday afternoon.


The Sidney Journal 1/25/1884

Lavinia Higginbotham (1823-1884) OH

Higginbotham - At Pemberton, on Monday, January 21, 1884, Mrs. Lavinia Higginbotham, of consumption, aged 61 years.


The Lima News 7/28/1890

William Higginbotham (1813-1890) Ireland/NY/OH

The funeral of Wm. Higginbotham took place from St. Rossia Church this morning to the Catholic cemetery, He died on Sunday morning at 3 o'clock. The deceased was born on April 11, 1813, in the county Donegal, Ireland, and was consequently in his 78th year. He was never married, and shunned women so much that when one came into the room he would retire. For the last sixteen years he had made his home with his brother, John. They came here from New York state about four years ago, and have lived at No. 123 West McKibben street, where William died. Between Christmas and New Year he pared a large corn on the bottom of his foot very closely. Blood poisoning resulted, and a big hole was eaten in the foot, and emitted quantities of a very offensive matter. He was a devout Catholic, and went to church every morning as long as he was able.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 7/16/1893

Harry Allcroft Higginbottom (1873-1893) OH

Massillon, July 15 - Harry Higginbottom, aged nineteen years, was killed on Ft. Wayne road near Tremont street bridge at 2:40 this afternoon. Young Higginbottom and Meyrick Evans, both of North Lawrence, five miles west, had been to Canton and had alighted from a freight train while in motion without injury. While running alongside the track the unfortunate lad stumbled and fell under the cars, causing instant death.


The Steubenville Herald 05/25/1897

James Higginbotham (ca1852-1897) OH

James Higginbotham died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Davis Cochran, No. 430 South Sixth street, at 8:30 o'clock this morning, aged 45 years. His death was due to consumption. Deceased was formerly employed in the clay works at Toronto and New Cumberland, but was compelled by ill health to resign his position some time ago.


The Dayton Herald 9/8/1900

Benjamin Higgenbottom (1832-1900) GA/OH

Benjamin Higgenbottom, a colored man, died suddenly last evening at his residence, Homestead avenue and Campbell street. Coroner Hatcher was called, as he died without the attention of a physician. The coroner is of the opinion that a gastric ulcer was the cause of death.


The Zanesville Signal 5/5/1902

Susanna Redman Higinbothom (1857-1902) OH

Mrs. T.H. Higginbotham of Nashport, aged about forty-five years, died Sunday evening from an illness of several month's duration. She was one of the most estimable women of the Nashport community and leaves a husband and nine children to mourn her death. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at Bulah church, Cottage Hill, the cortege to leave the house at 9:30 o'clock.


Massillon Independent 05/08/1902

John L. Higginbotham (ca1831-1902) Ireland/OH

Died of Dropsy

John L. Higginbotham’s Death Occurred Sunday

John L. Higginbotham, aged 70 years, died at his home in the rear of  162 West Main street, at 10:30 o’clock Sunday morning, of dropsy, after an illness of more than a year.  He had been unconscious the greater part of several days immediately preceding death.  Funeral services will be held at the Meek residence, at 162 West Main street at 1:30 o’clock, and at the Christian church at 2 o’clock  Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. George Darsie will officiate.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Wexford, Ireland. He came to this country with his parents in 1836, in which year they located in Massillon. His parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higginbotham, lived in this city to the time of their death. Mrs. Daniel Stevens, of this city, and Richard L. Higginbotham, of Delphi, Ind., area and sister-brother, respectively, of the deceased. He was a widower, and leaves no children.

Mr. Higginbotham was one of the oldest members of the Church of Christ, and for a number of years was the superintendent of the Sunday school. At one time he was connected with the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities. He was a bricklayer and was known throughout this section of the state as an expert workman. He was of an inventive turn of mind, and his chief diversion was the working out of ideas. He invented a smoke consumer and other appliances and apparatus.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 5/17/1904

John Alexander Higinbothom (1830-1904) OH

Death of Farmer

John Higginbotham, Prominent in Hopewell Township

After a short illness of quick consumption, John Higginbotham, a prominent farmer, of Hopewell township, died Monday morning at his home in Mt. Sterling. He was 72 years of age and leaves his widow, and three sons, one of Nashport, and the other two of Hopewell township. The funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the residence. Rev. J.W. Jewett will officiate. The interment will be made in Gratiot cemetery.


The Allen County Republican-Gazette 2/10/1905

William M. Higginbotham (1844-1905) VA/OH

At 10 o'clock last night occurred the death of William Higginbotham, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Allen, 706 Linden street. He was 61 years of age and had been sick about a week, although he had long been more or less a sufferer from a complication of diseases. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Virginia and had been a farmer all his life. The funeral arrangements have not been made, but the remains will be taken to Allentown for burial.


The Evening Review (East Liverpool, OH) 12/14/1906

David Davis Higinbotham (1859-1906) OH

David Davis Higinbotham, a potter, aged 48, died this morning at his home in Daisy Alley, after three days' illness. He was married but had no children. The funeral will occur tomorrow at 2:30, the interment being in Spring Grove cemetery.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 7/16/1907

Alta L. Higinbothom Devine (1884-1907) OH

Mrs. George Devine, aged 23 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Higginbottam, died at the home of her father-in-law, Thomas Devine, in Nashport, at 4:20 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The deceased had been ill for some time from tuberculosis. She had been married less than a year. Surviving besides the parents and husband, are six sisters and two brothers. The later are: Mrs. Frank Francis of Colorado, Mrs. James Sidle of Cottage Hill, Miss Alta, Hazel, Hallie and Dollie Higginbottam, and Herbert and Foster Higginbottam of the Higginbottam home. Funeral services were conducted from the Nashport Baptist church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock; interment in the Beulah cemetery near Cottage Hill.


The Zanesville Signal 3/26/1908

Nellie C. Higinbothom Sidle (1887-1908) OH

Nashport Woman Taken by Death

Mrs. Nellie H. Sidle Dies from Tuberculosis Early Last Evening

Mrs. Nellie Higgenbothem Sidle, wife of James Sidle, of Nashport, died at the family residence at six o'clock last evening after a lingering illness of tuberculosis. She enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew her and her many friends will be grieved to learn of her death. She was 21 years of age and had been married but one year.

She is survived by a husband, a father, five sisters, Mrs. Frank Francis of Columbus, Alta, Hazel, Hallie and Dollie of the home, and two brothers, Foster Higgenbothom of this city and Herbert of the home.


Elyria Evening Telegram 11/26/1908

Infant Son Heginbotham (1908-1908) OH

Many Visitors Throng Home of Tiny Infant

A tiny mite of humanity arrived at the home of Albert Higginbotham, 115 Heighton avenue on Tuesday, the baby boy weighing but two pounds at the time of birth, but was correctly formed.

The child lived for six days and many neighbors visited the house to gaze upon the smallest baby that any of them had ever seen.


Massillon Evening Independent 03/09/1909

Anna Maria Higginbotham Meek Stephens (1830-1909) Ireland/OH

Mrs. Maria Stephens, aged 79 years, one of the oldest and best known residents of this city, died at the home of her son, Charles R. Stephens, 59 Wabash avenue, Tuesday morning. Death was due to infirmities of age. Mrs. Stephens was born in Dublin, Ireland, came to this country at the age of six, and had lived here practically all of her life. Her first husband was George Meek. By this marriage she had one son, the late John Meek. Her second marriage to Daniel Stephens occurred in 1854. Charles R. Stephens is a son by this marriage. Mrs. Stephens is also survived by five grandchildren, Hershey Meek, of Columbus; Miss Bessie Meek, Miss Florence Stephens, Daniel Stephens and Mrs. Perry McConnaughey, of Massillon. A brother, R. L. Higginbotham, live in Delphi, Ind. The funeral will be held from the residence of Charles Stephens Thursday afternoon at 1:30.


The Lima Times-Democrat 05/15/1909

John T. Higginbotham (1868-1909) NY/OH

John T. Higginbotham, who has been a great sufferer from injuries sustained ten years ago, met a happy relief in death last night at 11:45. The demise occurred at the home of his venerable parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Higginbotham at the corner of McKibben and West streets, where he had been hovering between life and death for several days past.

The deceased was the victim of a terrible accident which befell him at Saltville, Va., ten years ago last December. While engaged in drilling a salt well a large pump weighing a ton and a half, fell on him crushing him in an awful manner. Since then he has been a helpless invalid and a constant sufferer. He was born at Rexville, N.Y., February 1, 1868 and came to Lima with his parents 22 years ago. Miss Margaret Mullen, of Cleveland, became his wife twelve years ago and she has remained a faithful helpmate to him in his misfortune. Surviving him are his devoted wife and venerable parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Higginbotham, three brothers, the Rev. James Higginbotham, of Youngstown; Robert P. Higginbotham, of Montpelier, Ind., and Frank Higginbotham, of Texas, together with four sisters, Sister Eugenia, a sister of charity, of Buffalo, Mrs. Will J. O’Day and the Misses Anna and Agnes Higginbotham, of Lima.

The funeral services will take place Monday a.m. at 8:30 from St. Rose Church. The High mass of requiem will be sung by the Rev. James Higginbotham, brother of the deceased and interment will be made in Gethsemane.


 The Lima Daily News 06/02/1910

John Higginbotham (1833-1910) Ireland/OH

Weakened by the infirmities of old age, John Higginbotham, an esteemed and respected resident of the North Side died at the family home at 512 North West street at 6:45 Thursday morning. For the past year or more Mr. Higginbotham has been in declining health and he has been compelled to give up active duties. For the past five weeks his condition has been regarded as serious, and Thursday morning life left the enfeebled body and returned to God that gave it.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Inver, Donegal County, Ireland, on May 1, 1833. When a young man he came to this country and for the past twenty-three years he has been a resident of Lima. Previous to coming to this city, Mr. Higginbotham was a resident of Olean, N.Y.

A widow and seven children are left to mourn. The children are Sister Eugenia, of Dunkirk, N.Y., R.P. Higginbotham of Van Buren, Ind., Rev. Father James H. Higginbotham, of West Toledo, Frances A. Higginbotham of Corsicana, Tex., Mrs. William J. O’Day, Miss Anna H. Higginbotham and Miss Agnes Higginbotham of Lima. No other near relatives survive.

Funeral services will be held at St. Rose Church, beneath whose shadows the deceased had lived for many years, Monday morning at 8:30 0’clock. The son, Rev. James H. Higginbotham, will have charge of the obsequies. Interment will be made in Gethsemane.


Newark (OH) Advocate, 08/14/1911

Theodore Hison Higinbothom (1857-1911) OH

Theodore Higginbotham of Nashport died at his home there about 11 o'clock Sunday morning after an illness of about one year with cancer. The funeral services will be held at the late home of the deceased Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, and the interment, which will be private, will be made in the Beulah Cemetery


The Xenia Daily Gazette 06/18/1912

Lee Higginbotham (ca1895-1912)

Colored Society

Lee Higginbotham, aged 17, a former Xenia boy, died Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Cora Higginbotham, in Dayton, of typhoid fever. The body was brought to Xenia and taken to the home of the lad's grandmother, Mrs. Wadsworth, on Park avenue, where the funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock.


The Democrat Banner (Mount Vernon, OH) 6/28/1912

Nancy Higginbotham Goodell (1839-1912) OH

Mrs. B. D. Goodell, mother of Mr. R. S. Goodell of this city, died at her home in Columbus Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock, her death being due to diseases incident to old age. She was a widow, over 73 years of age, and is survived by one son.


Dayton Daily News 7/20/1912

Charles Higginbottom (1866-1912) OH

The funeral of Charles Higginbottom, who died Thursday morning at the Miami Valley Hospital, will be held at the residence, 261 Homestead avenue. Burial will be made in Woodland cemetery.

The deceased was well-known in this city. He is survived by his mother, Mary Jane Higginbottom and one son, Wilson, well-known colored pianist.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 1/14/1913

Miles Hobart Higinbothom (1896-1913) OH

Miles Hobart Higinbothom, aged 17 years, son of the late T.H. Higinbothom of Nashport, died at an early hour Monday at the home of a sister, Mrs. F.B. Francis, of Columbus. Five other sisters survive.

Funeral services will take place at 10 o'clock Wednesday at Beulah (O.), the funeral train leaving Columbus at 6:35 a.m. over the Baltimore & Ohio. Mr. Higinbothom was a victim of tuberculosis.


The Dayton Herald 9/22/1913

Oscar C. Higginbotham (1873-1913) OH

Funeral services for Oscar Higginbotham, who died Saturday afternoon, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Amanda Payne, 49 Mead street. Interment will be in Woodland cemetery. He is survived by his mother and two sisters.


The Evening Review (East Liverpool, OH) 11/2/1914

Kenneth Dale Higinbotham (1914) OH

Kenneth Dale, the four-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Higginbottom of Norton Street, died this morning at 6:15 o'clock of complications of diseases. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. E.P. Wise, pastor of the First Christian Church, officiating. Interment will be made in Spring Grove Cemetery.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 10/7/1915

Lydia Clark Higginbotham (ca1895-1915) OH

Mrs. Lydia Higginbotham, 20, died yesterday at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Caroline Clark, in Bonnie Leslie, after a lingering illness. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon.


Newark Advocate 01/18/1917

John Alexis Hickinbotham (1851-1917) OH

Mt. Vernon, Jan. 18-John A. Hickinbotham, well-known retired farmer, of Morgan township, died suddenly Wednesday morning about 8:45 o'clock of heart trouble.

Mr. Hickinbotham had not been well recently, but on Tuesday, in company with his wife, spent the day in Newark. Wednesday morning he was seated in front of the fire, reading a paper, when he was suddenly stricken.

Members of his family heard him gasp and ran to his side, but he was dead before they reached him. Mr. Hickinbotham was 66 years of age. He is survived by his wife and five children. Harrison Hickinbotham, who resides on the home place, Simon Hickinbotham of Kansas, Mrs. A. B. Devore and Mrs. John Vance of Fairview, and Jesse Hickinbotham of Bladensburg.

The deceased was a 32d degree Mason, a Shriner and a member of the three higher Masonic bodies in Mt. Vernon. He was a member of the Odd Fellows order.


The Massillon Evening Independent 04/02/1917

Elva E. Barnett Higginbotham (ca1864-1917) OH

Mrs. M.I. Stock, Mrs. Home Moke, and Mrs. Logan Porter attended the funeral of Mrs. George Higginbotham at Massillon, Saturday afternoon.


Massillon Evening Independent 07/17/1917

Ella Frances Higginbotham Slusser (ca1857-1917) OH

Mrs. Ella Frances Slusser, 59, died of pneumonia at her residence, 1113 West Main street, Monday evening at 6 o’clock. Mrs. Slusser was taken ill Friday.  She was born in Massillon but later moved to Buffalo, N.Y., where she lived until twelve years ago.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. George Mong, of Bedford; Mrs. Harry Dielhenn and Mrs. Carl Sagner; a son, Perry Slusser; her mother, Mrs. Anna L. Higginbotham, with whom she lived, and two brothers, Robert and George Higginbotham, both of Massillon. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the residence, the Rev. H. E. Stafford officiating. The body will be placed in Dielhenn vault.


The Dayton Herald 3/8/1919

Mary Jane Bealer Higginbottom (1846-1919) OH

Mrs. Jane Higginbottom, 75, colored, 261 Homestead avenue, died at St. Elizabeth hospital Friday night as a result of burns sustained when her clothing caught fire from a small gas stove in the kitchen of her home. Neighbors heard her screams and rushed to her assistance. When they reached her, she was a mass of flames.

Dr. Cox was called and rendered first aid, after which she was taken to the hospital, where she died a few hours later. She was the widow of the late Benjamin Higginbottom, and lived with the family of her brother-in-law, Henry Higginbottom.


The Lima News 12/16/1919

Mary "Sister Eugenia" Higginbotham (????-1919) NY

Sister of Lima Woman is Dead

Mrs. W.J. O’Day of West McKibben street has been called to Buffalo, New York, by the death of her sister, Sister Eugenia, which occurred at the convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Sunday morning. Sister Eugenia had been ill for several weeks. She had been a member of the order for more than 20 years, and in the world was known as Miss Mary Higginbotham.

Besides her mother, Mrs. Monica Higginbotham, formerly of Lima, now of Toledo, she leaves three brothers, Father James Higginbotham of Tiffin; Robert of Oklahoma; Frank of Kansas; and three sisters, Mrs. O’Day, Lima; Agnes and Anna Higginbotham of Toledo.


The Lima News 01/26/1920

Monina Higginbotham (1843-1920) NY/OH

Aged Woman Dies

Mrs. John Higginbotham Succumbs at Tiffin Monday

Mrs. John Higginbotham, 77, mother of Rev. Father James Higginbotham, former Lima resident, died suddenly Monday morning at the parochial residence of the Rev. Father Higginbotham in Tiffin. She resided with her son who is pastor of St. Marys church there.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Rexville, N.Y. Besides the priest, surviving children are the Misses Anna and Agnes Higginbotham, who reside with their brother; Mrs. W.J. O’Day, formerly of Lima, but now of Clarksburg, West Va.; and Robert and Frank Higginbotham. Her husband died nine years ago.

The body will be accompanied to Lima. Funeral services have not been completed.

(The body was laid to rest at Gethsemane, beside the grave of her husband)


Sidney Daily News 7/14/1920

Ruth Anna Higginbotham Kerr (1897-1920) OH

Death of Shelby County Resident

Mrs. Grant Kerr Dies at the Home of Her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Higgenbotham at Pemberton

Friends in this city are very grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Grant Kerr, of Bellefontaine, formerly Miss Ruth Higgenbotham, which occurred Tuesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Higgenbotham, near Pemberton. She had been ill for almost two years following an attack of influenza. She was taken to the home of her parents two weeks ago.

The deceased was twenty-three years of age and was a beautiful and lovely young woman. She was well known in this city having been a student at the Sidney high school and later has a position with the Sidney Telephone Company. Her sweet disposition endeared her to everyone who knew her and her early death brings much sorrow.

Three years ago she was united in marriage to Grant Kerr and since then had made her home on a farm near Bellefontaine.

She is survived by her husband, her parents, one sister, Mrs. Harry Ratterman, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., and three brothers, Forest, Kramer and Robert, of Pemberton.

The funeral services will be held Thursday after noon from the home of her parents and interment will be made at Bellefontaine.


The Akron Beacon Journal 9/11/1920

Mary Josephine Welch Higginbotham (1842-1920) NY/OH

Higginbotham - Mrs. Mary J., age 78 years, died suddenly at the residence of her son, P.R. Higginbotham, 863 Bloomfield av. Surviving her, in addition to her son, are 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral services at South Bend, Ind., Monday, Sept. 13.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 11/23/1920

Julia Ellen Varner Higinbothom (1835-1920) OH

Mrs. Julia E. Higginbotham, aged 85, died at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon at the home of her son, William Higginbotham, one mile east og Gratiot, on the National pike. Death was due to infirmities. She is survived by her son, William, with whom she made her home, and Charles, of near Cincinnati. Funeral services will be held at the home at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Burial will be in the Gratiot cemetery.


Dayton Daily News 9/24/1921

Henry Higginbottom (ca1860-1921) GA/OH

Funeral services for Henry Higginbottom, 61, who died Friday at the county home were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Reynold Jackson funeral parlors. Burial was made in Woodland cemetery.


New Journal (Mansfield, OH) 7/3/1923

Harrison Hindley Hickenbotham (1888-1923) OH

Newark, Ohio, July 3 - Harrison Higginbotham, aged 34 years, married and two children, died in the sanitarium here today at an early hour this morning from injuries sustained when the auto in which he was riding from Utica, Ohio, to this city, collided with another machine throwing him into the ditch.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 8/24/1923

Samuel A. Higginbotham (1891-1923) WV/PA/OH

Akron, O., Aug. 23 - Samuel Higgenbotham, 30, a fireman for the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, died at the city hospital here today of scalds suffered when a steam pipe in his engine cab burst when it was rammed last night by a swith engine in the railroad yards here. His body, which now lies at Billows chapel, will be removed to Elgood, W.Va., for burial.

Higgenbotham, who was single, lived at Newcastle, Pa. He was employed on the Willard-Newcastle division of B & O.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 9/1/1923

Samantha Cornelia Higinbothom Drumm (1834-19230 OH

Mrs. Samantha Drumm, aged 89 years, widow of Harrison Drumm, died at 7:10 o'clock Friday morning at the home of her son, William Drumm, 806 Hall avenue, following an illness due to infirmities. She is survived by the son, William, and five grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Olive Branch church, where she had been a life-long member. Rev. J.H. Kinney will officiate. Interment in the church cemetery.


Zanesville Signal 12/14/1925

John Jesse Hickinbotham (1874-1925) OH

Funeral services for J. J. Hickinbotham, aged 52, who died of apoplexy Saturday at his home in Frazeysburg, will be conducted at the Methodist church there at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and interment will be made in the Frazeysburg cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.

Mr. Hickinbotham was a member of the Masons and the Odd Fellows and is survived by his widow and three children, one brother, and two sisters.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 10/22/1926

Ella Hickenbottom Dement (1879-1926) OH

Mrs. Ella Dement, 45, former resident of this city passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Thornberry, at Somerton Tuesday evening. She had been in poor health for several months and death was due to cancer. The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Thornberry and Mrs. Mary Broomhall of Somerton, one son, Royden of the home. She was an active member of the Church of Christ and Barnesville lodge Daughters of America. Services were conducted at Somerton this afternoon. Interment was made in a Somerton cemetery.


The Zanesville Signal 10/6/1927

Velma Hazel Higginbotham (1910-1927) OH

Barnesville, O., Oct. 6. - The death of Miss Velma Hazel Higginbotham occurred at the Martins Ferry hospital saturday morning from the effects of a broken arm which she received in an automobile accident Saturday evening, Sept. 24, near Tacoma. Following the accident medical attention was given her and later taken to the hospital where tetanus developed which resulted in her death.

Miss Higginbotham was 17 years old and a member of the First M.E. church. Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higginbotham, she is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Edna Travis, Miss Ester and Miss Alice, all of this city.

Services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home on North Lincoln avenue, conducted by Rev. J.M. Wolfe of the First M.E. church and burial was made in Greenmont cemetery.


Pomeroy, OH 12/29/1928

Joseph Higginbotham (1837-1928) WV/OH

Death Summons Civil War Vet

Joseph Higginbotham, 91, Dies Sunday at His Home in Letart Falls; Sick a Short Time

Pomeroy, Dec. 24. - Joseph Higginbotham, 91, one of the best known Civil War veterans in Meigs County, died Sunday at his home at Letart Falls. He was apparently one of the most vigorous among the old soldiers who were still here, but he recently became ill.

Mr. Higginbotham served throughout most of the period of the Civil War in the Union Army and engaged in some of the hottest notions, and was cited for bravery on several occasions.

For many years he was active and influential in politics in Meigs County and served in a number of minor political offices. At the time of his death he was a member of the Soldier's Relief Commission of Meigs County.

Funeral services have not been announced.


Springfield News-Sun 2/28/1929

Marie Higginbotham (1927-19290 OH

Marie Higginbotham, 15-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Higginbotham, died at the home of her parents, 376 Raffensberger av., at 12:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1929, of Pneumonia after an illness of 170 days. The child leaves her parent and four grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Higginbotham. Funeral will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Patterson funeral home. Burial will be in Ferncliff cemetery.


The Galion Inquirer 12/27/1929

Oscar Higginbotham (1890-1929) OH

Cleveland, Dec. 27 - Despondent over work, Oscar Higginbotham, 37, a painter, tied a rope around his neck and committed suicide by hanging himself from the second story window of his home here today.


Charleston (WV) Daily Mail 09/28/1930

Laura L. Ramsey Higginbotham (1858-1930) OH

The following from Nitro attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Higginbotham at Addison, Ohio, Thursday afternoon:

Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Higginbotham, Mrs. Ora Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Goodall, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frasier, A.Q. Wiley, J.A. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Briggs, J.C. Higginbotham, S.D. Lyons, Homer Harris, Rev. O.L. Hawkins, N.T. Goodall, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Casto, Mr. and Mrs. Hansford Bailey and Frank Shank. Mrs. Higginbotham died Monday of injuries received last June when she was struck by an automobile.


The Evening Independent (Massillon, OH) 10/27/1930

Abbie June Higginbottom (1925-1930) PA/OH

June Higginbottom, six, granddaughter of Mrs. Sarah Higginbottom, of Bowdil, died Sunday evening at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Higginbottom, of Aspinwall, Pa. The funeral will be held at the home Tuesday at 3 p.m. The body will be removed to the residence of the grandmother, where short services will be held Wednesday afternoon. Interment will be made in the Newman Creek Cemetery,

Besides the parents and the grandmother, two sisters, Jane, a twin, and Helen, and a brother, Logan, all at home, survive.


Springfield News-Sun 5/7/1931

Jesse James Higginbotham (1896-1931) GA/OH

Following an illness of three weeks of pneumonia, Jesse J. Higgenbotham, 35, died at 8 p.m. Wednesday at his home, 739 W. Liberty St.

He was a World War veteran and a member of the Mount Zion Baptist Church.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eva Higgenbotham, one daughter, Cora Bell, and one son, Eugene; two sisters, Mrs. Flora Sims of Saginaw, Mich., and Mrs. Carrie Wiley, of Mansfield, O., and two brothers, John Higgenbotham of Springfield and Oliver Higgenbotham of Calhoun, Ga.

The body was taken to the Patterson funeral home.


Springfield News-Sun 10/11/1931

Howard Higginbotham (1931) OH

Howard Higginbotham, four-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Higgenbotham of 825 W. Liberty St., died at 10 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9, 1931, at the City Hospital. The body was taken to the Patterson Funeral Home, where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday. Burial will be made in Ferncliff Cemetery. Besides his parents he leaves his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, and Mrs. Eva Higginbotham, all of this city.


The Zanesville Signal 01/13/1932

Ada Florence Higinbothom Boomer (1897-1932) OH

Death Comes to Hopewell Woman

Mrs. Florence Higinbothom Boomer, 34, died early Wednesday at her home near Hopewell, following a lingering illness. She was the mother of two infant daughters and also is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Higinbothom of the home; one sister, Mrs. Samuel Francis, Pleasant Valley; and two brothers, Raymond and Hilbert Higinbothom of the home.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the residence. Burial will be in Poplar Fork Cemetery.


The Evening Independent (Massillon, OH) 10/5/1932

Anna Louise Dunning Higginbotham (1834-1932) NY/OH

Mrs. Anna L. Higginbotham, 98, a resident of Massillon for 95 years, died shortly after noon today at her residence, 705 Lincoln Way, W., following an illness of eight years.

Mrs. Higginbotham came here when three years of age and for many years has been known as the oldest resident of this city. She was born in Palmyra, N.Y., later moving to this city with her parents, where the family took up residence in a small house on the McDonaldsville rd. The house is still standing.

She had lived in her present residence since 1870.

Mrs. Higginbotham was known to have been very active until eight years ago when her leg was broken in a fall. She had been confined to her bed since that time.

She is survived by two sons, George and Robert Higginbotham, both of Massillon; and seven grandchildren, Jesse Higginbotham of Massillon, Mrs. Carl Segner, Mrs. Harry F. Dielhenn, Perry Slusser and Mrs. Herman Albright, all of Massillon, Mrs. A.J. Roos, of Canton, and Mrs. Warner Doyle, of Akron.

Funeral arrangements have not been complete and will be announced later.


News-Journal (Mansfield, OH) 1/31/1934

Dudley Higginbotham (1883-1934) WV/OH

Reedsville Man Ends Own Life

Father of Three Shoots Self at Home Today; Rites Saturday

Jeromeville - Dudley Higginbotham, father of three daughters, ended his life at his home in Reedville, five miles east of here early today, by shooting himself.

He is survived by his widow, Jessie, his three daughters, Katherine of Elyria and Phyllis and Erie at home, a brother, Hoadley of Clarksburg, W. Va. and a sister, Mrs. Donald Baker of Jeromeville.

Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at Oak Grove, southeast of Jeromeville, with Rev. B.E. Leevers officiating. Arrangements are in charge of W.S. Fickes.


Spirit of Democracy, Woodsfield, Ohio, dated, July 4, 1935

Glen Tyson Hickinbotham (1913-1935) OH
Glen T. Hickenbotham, aged about 22 years, passed away at his home on Jackson Ridge at 8:00 o'clock Friday morning, June 28th, following an extended illness. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hickenbotham of Alton, Mo., former residents of the Jackson Ridge community.
Surviving are his widow, the former Miss Freda Crawford and two children Jean and Tommy, together with his parents, a sister, Mrs. Fern Copenhagen, of Alton, Mo., and one half-brother Vernon Keefe, of Pawhuska, Okla. Many other relatives and friends also mourn his death. Mr. Hickenbotham will be sadly missed, not only in the home but by all who knew him.
Short funeral services were held at the home at 1:00 o'clock Monday afternoon followed by final rites at the Moffett M. E. Church in charge of Evangelist R. E. Taylor assisted by Evangelist J. V. A. Traylor. Burial was made in the church cemetery.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 1/8/1936

Charles Franklin Higinbothom (1866-1936) OH

Charles F. Higinbothom, 69 years old, prominently known farmer of Pleasant Valley, died at 1:15 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home after a year's illness which resulted in an apoplectic stroke.

He was born in Muskingum county Dec. 29, 1866, and had spent his entire life in this county. He was well known and highly esteemed at Pleasant Valley where he had made his home for the last 14 years.

Surviving are his wife, Lucy B.; a daughter, Mrs. Emmons Dick of Gratiot; three sons, J. Dewey, and employee of the Clossman Hardware Co., of 722 Echoe avenue, Britton of Springfield, and Frank of the home; a brother, William of Hopewell; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emmons Dick. Rev. W.C. Faires will officiate and burial will take place in Poplar Forks cemetery.


Sidney Daily News 1/18/1936

Amorette A. Stephenson Higginbotham (1866-1936 (OH)

Amorette Stephenson Higginbotham, the beloved daughter of Wm. and Sarah Stephenson was born April 1, 1868 near Jackson Center, O.

Some few years later, she moved with her parents to Perry twp. and since that time, has always resided in Pemberton and the vicinity, and at an early age united with the Pemberton M.E. Church.

On Aug. 4, 1912 she was united in marriage to J.H. Higginbotham, also of Pemberton, and proved herself an ideal wife and mother to her husband and children.

Soon after her marriage to Mr. Higginbotham, and under the pastorate of Rev. Furrow, she united with the Pemberton Baptist Church, and was a devoted member to both her church and Sabbath school. Her greatest earthly treasures being her home, family and friends, which were many. She loved nature and flowers, and saw a magnificent beauty in all of God's creation.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the last of a family of nine children. Five brothers and three sisters having preceded her in death. Namely John, David, James, Arthur Edward, Mary, Henrietta and Arminta.

After a lingering illness Mrs. Higginbotham departed this life, Jan. 13, 1936, at the age of 67 years, 9 months, 12 days, leaving here to mourn their sad loss, a kind and affectionate husband and a loving family of four step children, three sons and one daughter; namely, Mrs. H.F. Ratermann, Cramer and Robert Hickenbotham, all of Sidney and Forest Higginbotham of Pemberton, one daughter Ruth passing away several years ago. Also nine grandchildren.

Thus in the passing of Mrs. Higginbotham, the community loses a beautiful example of a Christian character and a worthy friend.

There is no death, only a change,

that blinds our narrow sight;

Could we but see the other side

And look of friends we may have died,

What joys would fill our night.

Funeral services conducted by Rev. A.W. Denlinger at Baptist Church on Thursday afternoon. Interment at Cedar Point cemetery.


Lima News 03/06/1936

Lucinda Belle Higginbotham Dysert (ca1871-1936) KS/OH

Mrs. George Dysert

ALGER, March 6 - Mrs. George Dysert, 65, died at 7:45 a.m. today following an illness of six weeks. She was a member of the Methodist Protestant church. Surviving, besides her husband, are four daughters, Mrs. William Dearth, Mrs. E. J. Kelly, both of Detroit, Mrs. Walter Johnson of Alger, and Miss Rhea Dysert of Alger; two sons, Jess Dysert and Francis Dysert, both of Alger. Funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Methodist Protestant church. The Rev. C. S. Thompson will be in charge. Burial in Roundhead cemetery.


The Times Recorder 10/19/1936

Mary Jane Mellott Higginbotham (1878-1936) OH

Last rites for Mrs. Charles Higginbotham, aged 58 years, of Barnesville, who died Friday night following a two weeks' illness, will be conducted at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon in the Campbell funeral home in Barnesville by Evangelist Thomas Butterfield. Burial will be at Barnesville.

Surviving are three daughters, a sister, and seven brothers.


Sidney Daily News 2/17/1937

Minnie Alta Moore Hickenbotham (1873-1937) OH

Mrs. Alice Hickenbotham, wife of C. H. Hickenbotham, died Sunday afternoon at the family home a short distance north of DeGraff. Death followed an illness lasting several months.

Mrs. Hickenbotham, who was 63 years of age, was born in the same neighborhood in which she died and spent the greater part of her life. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moore.

She was married Dec. 19, 1901 to C.H. Hickenbotham, at DeGraff. Mr. Hickenbotham, one so, Hugh, of Bellefontaine, and two brothers, John W. Moore, of Genoa and Rev. C.D. Moore, of Toledo, survive.

Mrs. Hickenbotham was a member of the Evangelical Mt. Tabor church, where funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 P.M. Rev. A.W. Denlinger, pastor of the Pemberton Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be made in the DeGraff cemetery.


Massillon Evening Independent 03/03/1937

George M. Higginbotham (1862-1937) OH

George M. Higginbotham, 75, of 522 Lincoln Way, W., dean of Massillon printers, died early this morning at then city hospital after an illness of several months.

For 47 years Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the composing room force of The Independent, being the oldest employee both in age and in years of service.

A history of Mr. Higginbotham’s career with The Independent would be a veritable history of the development of newspaper printing during the past half century.

When Mr. Higginbotham at 28 first became an employee of The Independent, the newspaper was a four page six column paper filled with accounts of local events and news from elsewhere. Advertisements covered half the front page. Type was set by hand.

Many changes were witnessed by Mr. Higginbotham in the years which followed. The newspaper became larger and thicker, and mechanical devices were introduced in the composing room.

For a number of years Mr. Higginbotham was a foreman of the composing room. He worked until stricken with his final illness.

Prior to becoming an employee of The Independent, Mr. Higginbotham worked as a printer at Canal Fulton.

He was a lifelong resident of Massillon. He was a member of Lawrence lodge, I.O.O.F. at Canal Fulton for 50 years and held an honorary degree in the lodge. He was also a member of the International Typographical Union.

Two daughters, Mrs. Warren L. Doyle, of Akron and Mrs. Herman D. Albright, of Massillon; and a brother, Robert Higginbotham, of Massillon, survive.

The funeral will be held Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the Griffiths funeral home. The Rev. Joseph Mackenzie, pastor of the First Christian church, will officiate. Interment will be made in the Massillon cemetery. The body will remain at the funeral home where friends may view it any time Thursday.


The Cincinnati Post 3/12/1937

Sarah J. Higginbotham Carringer (1866-1937) KY/OH

Carringer - Sarah (nee Higginbottom), beloved wife of William Carringer, Thursday, March 11, 1937. Funeral Saturday, March 13, at 3:30 p.m., from the Wrassmann & Barfknecht Funeral Home, 1421-23 Main St.


The Zanesville Signal 03/22/1937

Lucy Belle Fink Higinbothom (1867-1937) OH

Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Belle Higginbotham, 69, Pleasant Valley, who died at her home Saturday afternoon following a four month illness of heart trouble, will be held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emmons Dick, Gratiot, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Burial will be in Poplar Fork cemetery.

Her husband, Charles F. Higginbotham, preceded her in death one year. Surviving are three sons, Frank, of the home; Brit C., of Springfield, and J. Dewey, Echo avenue, city; one daughter, Mrs. Dick; nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She was a member of Pleasant Valley Baptist church.


The Evening Independent (Massillon, OH) 5/20/1937

Sarah Hine Cardwell Higginbottom (1851-1937) England/OH

The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Hine Higginbottom, 86, of North Lawrence, who died Monday morning, was held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the North Lawrence M/E/ church. The rev. Mr. Taylor officiated. Interment was made in Clover Hill cemetery.

The pallbearers were Charles Jenkins, Logan Higginbottom, Clyde Jorden, Robert Jorden and Roy Bourn.


The Coshocton Tribune 2/21/1938

Donald Wiley Hickenbottom (1938) OH

Funeral rites were held at 2:30 p.m. today for Donald Wiley, three-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hickenbottom, who died at 4:30 a.m. yesterday at the family home of E. State St., Newcomerstown. H.E. Taylor, pastor of the Church of Christ, was in charge of the services which were held at the home.

Surviving are the parents, a sister, Delores and a brother, David.


The Newark Advocate and American Tribune 02/25/1938

Harriett Heginbotham Smith (1860-1938) OH

Mrs. Harriett Smith, 77, wife of George W. Smith, 21 Fairmount avenue, died during the night in a Columbus hospital.

She was born Sept. 12, 1860, in Licking county, the daughter of John and Mary Heginbotham of Mary Ann township. She had lived the greater part of her life in Newark but for a time resided in Zanesville, where she became a member of the Church of Christ.

Surviving are her husband and two sons, Willard Smith of Columbus and J. Wayne Smith of Zanesville; also seven grandchildren and a sister, who resides in Los Angeles, Calif.

The body was brought to the Gutliph & Henderson funeral home. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


The Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, OH) 03/28/1938

John Heginbotham (1876-1938) PA/OH

John Heginbotham, 61, died at his home, 123 Fairmont Street, Sunday morning at 4:45 after a brief illness.

Mr. Heginbotham was born in Pennsylvania November 3, 1876, and had lived in Elyria for twenty-five years. He was a member of St. Paul’s Evangelical church.

Surviving are his wife, the former Minnie Scheffler of Amherst; two sons, George of Cleveland, and Gilbert of Elyria; a daughter, Mrs. A.L. Wilson of Elyria; two grandchildren; four brothers, Albert of Elyria, Gilbert and Will of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, and Pressley of Valencia, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Lindsey of Dixon, Missouri, and Mrs. Clara Kingan of Valencia, Pennsylvania, besides several nieces and nephews.

Friends may call at his home until noon Tuesday when the body will be taken to St. Paul’s Evangelical church for services at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. Ernst Irion will officiate.

The Akron Beacon Journal 7/27/1938

Martha Catherine Wagner Higginbotham (1872-1938) WV/OH

Mrs. Margaret Catherine Higgenbotham, 66, died Tuesday at her home, 356 Union Pl. Friends may call at the Gardner funeral home until this evening. Funeral services and burial will be at Big Run, W. Va.


The Chronicle Telegram 06/16/1939

Bertha A. Bonnell Higginbotham (1870-1939) OH

Oberlin, O., June 16-Mrs. Bertha B. Higginbotham, wife of the Rev. T.M. Higginbotham, passed away Tuesday evening at her home, 203 North Pleasant street, after a lingering illness.

Bertha A. Bonnell was born November 14, 1870, on a farm north of Oberlin, the daughter of J.B. and Fannie Bonnell. She attended the Oberlin schools, graduating from Oberlin High School with the class of 1890. Following her graduation she received an appointment as teacher in an American Missionary school at Morehead, Mississippi, an industrialized school for colored girls.

She was united in marriage to T.N. Higginbotham, a student in the Oberlin Theological Seminary, December 5, 1894. They came to Oberlin to make their home following Rev. Higginbotham’s retirement in the fall of 1936.

Besides her husband, she leaves one son, Alfred Leslie Higginbotham, professor of journalism at the University of Nevada, one daughter, Helen, at home; one sister, Mrs. Mary Tinkey of Springfield, Mass., and one granddaughter.

Funeral services will be held on Monday at 2:30 from the Sedgeman Funeral parlors, with the Rev. J.E. Richards, pastor of the First Church, officiating. Interment will be made in Westwood Cemetery.


The Zanesville Signal 09/23/1939

John William Higginbotham (1874-1939) OH

Barnesville-John William Higginbotham, 65, died Friday night in Martins Ferry hospital following a brief illness. He was admitted to the institution Monday evening and underwent an operation.

He was a prominent farmer in Belmont county, and for many years he was farm superintendent of the Belmont county children’s home at Tacoma. He resided near Lamira on the Lloydsville Road.

Born in this vicinity, he spent the greater part of his life here, excepting for a few years in Minnesota. He was a son of Samuel and Susan Dennis Higginbotham.

Surviving are his widow, the former Leona Bryant; three daughters, Mrs. Cora Kleinkle and Mrs. Trella Rick, of Minnesota; and Mrs. Frances White, of Wheeling; three sons, Clarence and Elias, of this community, and Albert, of Louisiana; two brothers, Will, of Pennsylvania and Jefferson, of Barnesville; and four sisters, Mrs. Anna Evans, Olivet; Mrs. Louisa St. John, of Neffs; Mrs. Lulu McVay and Mrs. Tillie Day, both of Pennsylvania. Sutton Funeral.

Lancaster Eagle-Gazette 4/9/1940

William Burdette Hickenbottom (1859-1940) OH

William Hickenbottom, 76, died Monday at 4:30 p.m. at his home in West Rushville after a long illness.

He leaves the widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Hickenbottom, six daughters, Mrs. Otis Folden, Thurman, O., Mrs. Lindley Hines, Massillon, Mrs. Sherman Poling, Logan, Mrs. Charles Fort, Morristown, O., Mrs. Frank Reese, Shanksville, Pa., and Mrs. Nick Stringer, Cleveland; four sons, John and Orrin Hickenbottom, Miles, Ia., Alonzo of St. Clairsville, O., and Lewis of Fairport, O.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Dorris L. Baker funeral home in Rushville with Rev. Halley Smith of Bremen and Rev. Leroy Wilkin of Rushville officiating.

Interment will be made in West Rushville cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home anytime.

Chillicothe Gazette 7/16/1940

Zelpha Catherine Willey Higginbotham (1853-1940) VA/OH

Beaver - Mrs. Catherine Higginbotham, 87, died at the home of her son, J.P. Higginbotham, near Cove, Jackson County, Monday at 8:45 p.m.

Her husband, Mr. Thomas J. Higginbotham, died about 20 years ago. She is survived by two sons, J.E. and J.P. Higginbotham.

Funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Davis-Hammerstein Funeral Home in Beaver with burial in the Beaver Chapel Cemetery.


The Zanesville Signal 05/14/1941

Mary Hickenbottom (ca1913-1941) OH

Police today are investigating the mysterious circumstances in the death of Miss Mary Hickenbottom, 28, of 135 North Seventh street, who died early this afternoon at Bethesda hospital.

She was found unconscious Sunday and was removed to the hospital Monday morning.

Miss Hickenbottom is believed to have taken an overdose of sleeping powder.

Police sought to determine if the young woman had taken the powder in an attempt to end her life.

Miss Hickenbottom failed to regain consciousness and later developed pneumonia. Coroner S.S. Daw was called this afternoon to investigate.

She worked at several homes in the rural areas and had been employed at a South Sixth street restaurant since February.

Among the survivors is her mother, Mrs. Lela Vickers, of Frazeysburg.


The Lima (OH) News 07/23/1941

James H. Higginbotham (1877-1941) OH

Solemn requiem mass was celebrated Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary cathedral, Toledo, for Rt. Rev. Msgr. James H. Higginbotham, formerly of Lima, who died early Sunday at his home in Perrysburg. The Most Rev. Karl J. Alter, D.D. bishop of Toledo, was celebrant of the mass which was attended by a large number of diocesan clergy. Burial was in the section reserved for priests, at Calvary cemetery, Toledo.

Msgr. Higginbotham, who was 63, retired a year ago because of illness, and moved to Perrysburg after serving 22 years as pastor of St. Marys church, Tiffin. The priest officiated at a daily mass in the chapel at his home in behalf of the suffering and the dead. He lived with his sisters, Misses Anna and Agnes Higginbotham and brother, Robert Higginbotham, all former Lima residents. Another sister is Mrs. William J. O’Day, Clarksburg, W. Va. For many years the Higginbotham family home was in N. West St.

Msgr. Higginbotham was ordained on June 17, 1905, following studies at Niagara University and St. Marys Seminary, Cleveland. He served at churches in Cleveland and Youngstown, and was later organizer an founder of St. Agnes church, and St. Theresa's church, both of Toledo. He was raised to the rank of domestic prelate with the title of Right Reverend on Aug. 18, 1938. The priest maintained his Tiffin pastorate until his retirement.

A number of Lima clergy attended the services.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 09/15/1941

Elias William Higginbotham (1901-1941) OH

St. Clairsville, O.-Funeral services for Elias William Higginbotham, 41, Morristown businessman, who drowned in Lake Hamilton, Hot Springs, Ark. Friday, where he was vacationing, will be held Wednesday afternoon a 2 o’clock at the Johnson Funeral home, this city. The body will arrive here Monday night.

Time of the funeral is only tentative pending the arrival of a relative from Minnesota.

Deceased operator of Wain’s Filling Station at Morristown, was fishing on the lake at the time he met death. The boat he was in capsized. The body was recovered Saturday morning. He was born at Lloydsville, June 17, 1901, a son of John William and Adelia Martin Higginbotham, and was a lifelong resident. He was a member of Bellaire Elks lodge and attended the Presbyterian church.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice McKinnon Wain Higginbotham, a son, John William, a step-son, Thomas Wain. He also leaves the following brothers and sisters: Albert, Alexandria, La.; Clarence, St. Clairsville; Mrs. Trella Rick, Wadena, Minn.; and Mrs. Cora Kleinkle, Sebeca, Minn.


The Massillon Evening Independent 09/24/1941

Robert J. Higginbotham (1858-1941) OH

Robert J. Higginbotham, 82, of 439 11th St., NE, died early this morning at his residence after an illness of three weeks. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alice Higginbotham, a son, Jesse M. Higginbotham, of Massillon; and a grandchild survive. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of St. Timothy’s Episcopal church and the Jr. O.U.A.M.

The funeral will be held Friday at 4 p.m. at the Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger funeral home. The Rev. John R. Stalker, rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal church, will officiate. Interment will be made in Rose Hill Memorial park. The body is at the funeral home where friends may call Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.

The Newark Advocate 5/15/1941

Marian Rose Arnold Hickinbotham (1913-1941) OH

Frazeysburg , May 15 - Mrs. Marian Hickinbotham, 28, daughter of Mrs. Lela Vickers of Frazeysburg, died Wednesday afternoon in Bethesda Hospital, Zanesville. She had been seriously ill four days.

The deceased was formerly Marian Arnold and a native of Frazeysburg. Surviving are a son, Billy Jean Hickinbotham and her mother, Mrs. Vickers.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the family home here, conducted by Rev. H.C. Gunnett and Rev. William H. Koopert, and burial will be made in Frazeysburg cemetery. Funeral director, D.B. Baughman.

The Akron Beacon Journal 10/10/1941

Melissa Lavina Higginbotham Harrison (1855-1941) NY/OH

Funeral services are being arranged today for Mrs. Melissa L. Harrison, 86, widow of Sextus Harrison, who died this morning at the hole of her daughter, Mrs. Walter F. Bailey of Streetsboro. She also leaves a son, Harry L. Harrison. Friends may call at the Cunningham's mortuary after Sunday noon.

Lancaster Eagle-Gazette 11/17/1941

Elizabeth Ruth Soliday Hickenbottom (1851-1941) OH

Elizabeth Soliday Hickenbottom, 90, died Sunday, 3 p.m., at her home in West Rushville. Mrs. hickenbottom spent the greater part of her life in Basil.

She is survived by two nephews, A.A. Miller and S.E. Miller, both of Basil, and one niece, Mrs. Ida Koontz, Carroll.

Funeral services will be held at the A.E. Johnson Memorial funeral home, Basil, at 3 p.m. Tuesday with the Rev. Arthur Harsh officiating. Burial is to be made in Basil cemetery.

Springfield News-Sun 3/7/1942

Eva Belle Blackwell Higginbotham (1896-1942) GA/OH

Mrs. Eva Higgenbotham, 45, of 1226 S. Yellow Springs St., died at 5:15 p.m. Friday in the City Hospital after an illness of four months.

Born in Rome, Ga., Mrs. Higgenbotham had been a resident of Springfield for 19 years. She was a member of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Clara Belle of Springfield; a son, Eugene of Palesta, Tenn.; and a sister, Mrs. Ruby Penson of Orlando. Fla. The body was removed to the Patterson Funeral Home.

Chillicothe Gazette 3/24/1942

Albert Sylvester Higginbotham (1916-1942) OH

Albert Sylvester Higginbotham, Route 2, Frankfort, died at University hospital, Columbus, Monday at 2 p.m.

He was a native of Ross county and was born March 25, 1916, the son of Emanuel and Susie Smith Higginbotham.

He is survived by his parents, his wife, Eva, three children, Albert Eugene, Edna Virginia and May Ellen all at home; six sisters, Mrs. Roy Lemaster, R 2, Frankfort; Mrs. Austin Diles, Rout 1, Chillicothe; Mary Alice, Lucinda and Mildred at home; three brothers, Kelsey, Frankfort; Emanuel Franklin, Bainbridge and William James of Frankfort.

Funeral will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at the Concord Presbyterian church, the Rev. R.L. Reynolds officiating. Burial will be made in Greenlawn cemetery at Frankfort in charge of the Fisher funeral home of Frankfort. Friends may call at the residence.

The Daily Times (New Philadelphia, OH) 8/3/1942

John H. Hickenbottom (1854-1942) OH

John Hickenbottom, 87, retired farmer from the vicinity of Uhrichsville, died at 2:30 a.m. yesterday at the county home for the aged from infirmities. He had been an inmate of the institution for the past seven months.

He was born October 5th, 1854.

Surviving are his wife, Myrtle, Uhrichsville, and seven children, Roy, Newcomerstown; Robert, Uhrichsville; Mrs. Mary Maun, Chicago; Mrs. Charles Huff, Flushing; Mrs. Ethel McKee, and Mrs. Kittie Windham, both of California; and Lena Ruth Hickenbottom, Uhrichsville.

Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Broadhurst Funeral Parlors with Rev. Henry Toogood officiating; and burial will be made in East Avenue cemetery.

The Newark Advocate 5/31/1943

Helen Bonnell Higginbotham (1897-1943) OH

Miss Helen Higginbotham

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Higginbotham, 90 West Main Street, received word of the death Saturday night in Oberlin of their niece, Miss Helen Higginbotham.

She was the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. T.M. Higginbotham, former Newark residents, when Rev. Mr. Higginbotham was pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church. Details of her death have not been learned.

Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham left today for Oberlin to attend the funeral.

The Dexter Messenger (Dexter, MO) 6/10/1943

Walter Marshall Higginbotham (1890-1943) MO/OH

Walter M. Higginbotham, age 53, of Akron, Ohio and a former resident of Bernie, died at Akron, May 24th.

Mr. Higginbotham was outstanding in equestrian circles in Akron and was serving as a member of a committee planning the Summit County Horseman's Association annual show when he died. He was once a cowboy associated with the family of "Buffalo Bill" Cody. His Akron business position was managing agent for Remington-Rand. He will be remembered in Stoddard County as he was born in Bernie and resided there 21 years. In former years he was employed by the Dalton Adding Machine Company at Poplar Bluff.

Honoring his memory, the Hickory Riders of Akron, of which he was president, donated a memorial trophy to the horse show which was held there last week.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Thelma M. Higginbotham, one daughter, Mrs. Bette Rogers, one sister, Mrs. W.B. Flint of Fresno, Calif.; three brothers, E.B. Higginbotham, cashier of the Malden State Bank, H.P. Higginbotham of Parlier, Calif.; J.A. Higginbotham of Fresno, Calif.; two half-brothers, F.W. Higginbotham of Bernie, J.L. Higginbotham Jr., of Pontiac, Mich.; and step-mother, Mrs. J.L. Higginbotham.


Dayton Daily News 10/9/1943

Jennie Higinbothom Cooper (1873-1943) IN/OH

Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Cooper, 69, of 1400 E. Second St., who died at 7:30 a.m. Friday, will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Charles W. Moore funeral home, 2206 E. Third St. Burial will be in Willowview cemetery. A native of Indianapolis, Mrs. Cooper resided in Dayton 40 years. She was formerly associated with the Utter Studios, Fifth and Jefferson Sts., and was a member of the Presbyterial church, Charleston, W.Va. She is survived by her husband, the Rev. William F. Cooper, and a son, William F. Jr. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 p.m. Saturday until time of services.


The Oberlin Chronicle-Telegram 10/22/1943

Thomas Matison Higginbotham (1868-1943) KY/OH

Oberlin, Oct. 22-Rev. Thomas Matison Higginbotham died suddenly at his home, 203 North Pleasant street, Wednesday afternoon, October 20, after a brief illness.

Rev. Higginbotham was a graduate of Oberlin Theological Seminary with the class of 1898. Following his graduation he had held pastorates in Waukegan and Batavia, Illinois, Lake View, Sioux City, Council Bluffs and Newell, Iowa, and in Evarts, Ky. He returned to Oberlin in 1936 to make his home.

Rev. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Whitley county, Ky., November 28, 1868. On December 5, 1894, he married Bertha A. Bonnell, who died in Oberlin June 16, 1939. Their daughter, Helen, died on May 23 of this year. A son, Professor A. Leslie Higginbotham, of the University of Nevada, survives.

Funeral services will be held Sunday, October 24, at 2 p.m. in Sedgeman’s Funeral parlors with Rev. Joseph F. King of First church officiating. Burial will be in Westwood cemetery.


The Lima News 01/20/1944

Harriet C. Higginbotham O'Day (1873-1944) OH

Mrs. Harriett O’Day, former widely known Lima resident, died Wednesday afternoon in Mercy hospital, Toledo, after an illness of several months. She was the wife of William J. O’Day, retired oil man. For the past several years they have made their home in Perrysburg.

Mrs. O’Day was a member of Branch 1053 Ladies Catholic Benevolent assn and a past president of the Lima branch. Surviving in addition to the husband are two sons, William J. O’Day Jr., of Toledo and John, of Glendale, Calif.; two sisters, Misses Agnes and Anna Higginbotham and a brother, Robert, all of Perrysburg. The late Rev. Msgr. James H. Higginbotham, of Perrysburg, was a brother.

Funeral services will be Friday at 9 a.m. in St. Rose church, Perrysburg, and at 10 a.m. Saturday in St. Rose Catholic church, Lima. Burial will be made in Gethsemane cemetery.

Wilmington News-Journal 4/26/1944

Mary Higgenbotham Adae (1861-1944) NY/OH

Mrs. Mary H. Adae, 83, died of complications at her home near Midland, Tuesday at 2:45 p.m., following an illness of one week.

The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Higgenbotham, she was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., August 28, 1861, and was a member of the Episcopal Church. She was the last of her family.

Funerals services will be conducted by Rev. H.G. Holcombe at the Eichelberger Funeral Home, Blanchester, Fridat at 10 a.m. Interment will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati.

Friends may call at the funeral home after Thursday at 2 p.m.

The Akron Beacon Journal 10/21/1944

Glen Elmer Higginbotham (1889-1944) WV/OH

Higginbotham, Glen, age 55, of Cincinnati, passed away Wednesday a.m. Survived by wife, Lula; son, James, U.S. Navy; daughter, Mrs. Harry Oyler, Georgetown, S.C.; sisters, Mrs. Beulah Hanna, Mrs. Hallie Givens, both of Akron; brothers, Howard Higginbotham, Lakemore, and William of Toledo. Funeral services Saturday, 3 p.m. from the Hopkins Funeral Home, Rev. C.D. Martin officiating. Burial East Akron Cemetery.

The Newark Advocate 1/29/1945

Thomas Samuel Hickinbotham (1882-1945) OH

Thomas Samuel Hickinbotham, 62, oil well driller and farmer, died at 8 a.m. today in his home in St. Louisville, following a heart attack suffered Sunday.

He was a native of Monroe county, born Dec. 28, 1882, the son of John and Margaret Hickinbotham. As an oil well driller, he was in the employ of several firms and for a time operated his own business in Kansas. He was a former employee of the Pure Oil Company, and also engaged in farming.

Surviving are his widow, the former Hallie Jones, whom he married Sept. 8, 1909; also one son, Lt. Robert N. Hickinbotham with the U.S. Air Force in England; two sisters, Mrs. Mary E. Vance of Utica, Mrs. Everetta Devores of Mt. Vernon.

The body is at the Householder funeral home, and later will be returned to the home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.


Sidney Daily News 1/14/1946

Charles Stevens Hickenbotham (1867-1946) OH

Charles Stevens Hickenbotham, 78, Shelby county native, died Saturday evening in the Mary Rutan hospital, Bellefontaine, after a three-week illness with double pneumonia. His home was in Bellefontaine.

Services are to be held for the retired farmer Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Reeder funeral home in DeGraff. The Rev. A.W. Denlinger will officiate at the services with burial to be made in Greenwood cemetery, DeGraff.

Friends may call at the funeral home at any time.

He was born in Perry township February 5, 1867, the son of Joseph and Levisa Line Hickenbotham. He was married to Miss Minnie Alta Moore December 19, 1901, and she preceded him in death.

A son, Hugh Hickenbotham, of Troy, former Sidney resident, is surviving with a brother, John Higgenbotham, of Pemberton.

The deceased was a member of the Mount Taber church.


Springfield News-Sun 2/24/1946

Hattie Peaks Higginbotham (1884-1946) GA/OH

Mrs. Marion Higginbotham, of 226 E. North st., died at 7 p.m. Saturday in her home after a year's illness. Born at Rome, Ga., she had been a Springfield resident the past 24 years and a member of Mt. Lula Baptist Church.

Her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Lenora Hargroves and Mrs. Emma Smith, four sons, John, Robert, Carvin and Willis, and three grandchildren, all of Springfield, survive.

The body was taken to the C.M. Patterson funeral home.


Springfield News-Sun 4/14/1946

Dorothy Susan Higginbotham (1938-1946) OH

Seven-year-old Dorothy Higgenbotham died at 4:15 p.m. Saturday in the home of her foster mother, Mrs. Ruth Gomer, 339 Fair St., following a six-week illness.

The girl was in the second grade at Garfield School and attended the Fair Street Christian Church Sunday School.

In addition to her foster-mother, John H. Higgenbotham, 723 Piqua Pl., her foster-father, also survives.

The body was removed to the John W. Patterson funeral home.


The Athens Messenger 11/01/1946

Bessie Geraldine Jones Higginbotham (1880-1946) OH

Gallipolis-Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Higginbotham, 67, who died at her home, 730 Fourth Ave., Wednesday evening, will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Paint Creek Baptist Church with burial in Pine Street Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband; a sister, Mrs. Chester Williams of Youngstown; a brother, Alvin Jones of Dayton; a sister, Mrs. Laura Harris, Bluefield, W.Va., two daughters and a son in Columbus, and several nephews and nieces. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Paint Creek Baptist Church.

Friends may call at the Higginbotham residence Saturday evening.


Athens Sunday Messenger 12/29/1946

Mary Margaret Warner Higginbotham (1859-1946) WV/OH

Rutland-Mary M. Higginbotham, 88, died early Monday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. W.O. Kersey, Langsville, after a short illness.

Surviving are her husband, William A. Higginbotham; three daughters, Mrs. Kersey, Mrs. Frank Anania, Charleston, W.Va., and Mrs. Judy Warren, Seaman, Ohio; a son, R.D. Higginbotham, Dresden, Ohio; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were to be conducted in Langsville Tuesday, 2:30 p.m., and burial was to be at Miles Cemetery, Rutland.


Gallipolis Daily Tribune Gallipolis, Gallia Ohio Monday March 10, 1947

Nancy Ann Higginbotham Craft Boggess Benson (1866-1947) WV/OH


Mrs. Nancy Ann Benson, 2075 Chatham Avenue, Gallipolis, died at11p m Saturday at the age of 80 years. She was born December 18, 1866 to Mr. and Mrs. Odal Hickenbotham, married Curt Benson January 23, 1914, and was a member of the Gallipolis Church of God. Mrs. Benson is survived by three brothers and a sister George Hickenbotham, Middleport, Homer Hickenbotham, Walbridge, O, Mrs. Mina Ewing and Elija Hart, both of Cheshire. Funeral services will be held at 10 a m Tuesday in decedent's late residence, with the Rev H M smith officiating. Interment will be made by J L Coleman in Poplar Ridge cemetery.


The Cincinnati Post 1/28/1948

Minnie M. Higginbotham Snowden (1890-1948) WV/OH

Snowden - Minnie (nee Higginbotham), age 57 years, beloved wife of Walter Snowden. Tuesday, January 27, 1948, at 12:05 a.m. Funeral from Busse & Borgmann Mortuary, 1517 Freeman av., Thursday, January 29, at 2:30 p.m.


Lancaster Eagle-Gazette 12/27/1948

Luvernia Amitis Higginbotham Whittington (1880-1948) WV/OH

Mrs. Isaac Whittington, 68, formerly of Baltimore-Basil community, died Sunday, 1 a.m., in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Francis Bowman, Amanda, following a long illness.

Besides her husband, she leaves six daughters, seven sons, 58 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, four brothers and one sister.

The surviving daughters are Mrs. Alice Stover, Mrs. Elsie Tucker, Mrs. Edith Poston, Mrs. Dot Poston, all of Baltimore, Mrs. Rheda Ford, Sunbury, and Mrs. Bowman; sons, Orville, William and Everett, all of Baltimore, Cecil of Columbus, Thomas of Newark, Jesse of Thornville, and Andrew of Lancaster; the sister, Mrs. William Craig, Charleston, W. Va.; Brothers, Abraham, Ernest and Reuben Higginbotham, all of Arbuckle, W. Va., and Allen Higginbotham of Tallahassee, Fla.

Funeral services are arranged for Tuesday, 2 p.m. in the Harold E. Weaver funeral home, Basil, with the Rev. Carl Butterbaugh and the Rev. B.C. Peters officiating. Burial is to be made in Maple Grove cemetery at Baltimore. Friends are calling at the funeral home.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 1/28/1949

Anna May Higginbotham Evans (1870-1949) PA/OH

Anna May Evans Rites Saturday

Barnesville - Funeral services for Mrs. Anna May Evans, 78, of Barnesville, will be conducted from the Campbell funeral home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in charge of Rev. Ashton of Washington, D.C., assisted by Rev. Virgil Jump, pastor of the First Methodist Church. Burial will be made in the Northern cemetery.

Mrs. Evans, widow of W.C. Evans, died Thursday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Austin McBride on Bond avenue. She was born October 6, 1870, in Green county, Pa., the daughter of Samuel and Suzzanah Higgenbotham.

She was a member of the Seventh Day Adventists at Mt. Vernon. Her husband preceded her in death in1935.

Surviving are nine children, Roy Evans, Philadelphia, Pa.; Rev. I.M. Evans, Decatur, Ga.; Rev. L.C. Evans, New York City; Mrs. Betty Magill, Los Angeles, Calif.; Miss Grace Evans, Washington, D.C.; Clinton Evans, Mrs. Clyde Outland and Mrs. Austin McBride, all of Barnesville; Hubert Evans of the home at Mount Olivett; one sister, Mrs. Charles McVay, Pittsburgh, Pa.; two brothers, J.T. Higgenbotham, Willoughby, William H. Higgenbotham, Smithfield; 15 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.


The Akron Beacon Journal 2/27/1949

William Cruse Heginbotham (1876-1949) England/OH)

Heginbotham, William C., age 72. Passed away Feb. 25, City hospital, Akron. Survived by one son, William H. of Akron; two daughters, Mrs. Rosina Marie Dague of Kent, Miss Eva Arlne of Akron; two grandchildren. Services Tuesday, 2 p.m., Bissler's Funeral Home, where friends may call after 7 p.m. Sunday. Burial Standing Rock cemetery. (S.C. Bissler & Sons, Inc., Kent)


Gallipolis Tribune 29 March 1949

John Mathew Higginbotham (1873-1949) VA/OH

John Higginbotham, who had served as sexton of the Pine Street Cemetery at different periods, died Monday afternoon in a Columbus hospital.

Because of failing health due to a heart ailment, he was taken from his home at 730 Fourth Ave. to Columbus six weeks ago. His three children live there.

Decedent was 76 years old and a native of West Virginia. His wife, who was a sister of Alvin Jones of 740 Fourth Ave., died two years ago. Their children are Ulysses Higginbotham, Benna Hunter and Rose Mason and he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Laura Harris of Bluefield.

Funeral services will be held at the old Higginbotham home on Fourth Ave. at 1 p.m. Friday. Burial will be in Pine Street Cemetery by Undertaker William McNabb of Columbus. A Columbus minister will conduct the services.

John Higginbotham was an industrious man and worthy citizen. He commanded the respect of all those among whom he he had lived here for many years.


Springfield News-Sun 6/25/1950

John Higginbotham (1890-1960) GA/OH

John Higginbotham, 60, of 728 W. Liberty Street, died at 4:20 P.M. Saturday in the Dayton Veterans Hospital, where he had been a patient for one week.
He was born in Calhoun County, Georgia
Surviving are the widow, Lydia; two sisters, Mrs. Carey Wylie of Mansfield and Mrs. Flora Simms of Chicago and a brother, Oliver.
The body was taken to the Webb Jackson Funeral Home.
Services 1 P.M. Wednesday by Rev. S. C. Smith.
Burial World War I Soldiers Mound, Ferncliff Cemetery.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 11/25/1950

Albert Heginbotham (1882-1950) PA/OH

Elyria, O., Nov. 24 - Funeral services will be held here Saturday afternoon for Albert Heginbotham, 68, who died in Memorial Hospital here.

He was an employee of the Colson Corp. He belonged to St. Paul's Church. His widow, Augusta, and two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Renkel and Mrs. Alice Pitman, survive.


Chillicothe Gazette 2/13/1951

James Thurman Higginbotham (1876-1951) PA/OH

Beaver - J. Thurman Higgenbotham, 74, Jackson, died at 12:15 a.m. Tuesday at the Holzer Hospital, Gallipolis, where he had been confined since breaking a hip in a fall five weeks ago.

He was born in Washington, Pa., on Nov. 3, 1976, son of Thomas Jefferson and Katherine Willey Higgenbotham. He and his family moved to a farm near Beaver in 1912 where they resided until moving to Jackson in 1921.

He is survived by his widow, Bessie Reese Higgenbotham, three daughters, Mrs. Marie Potts, Kenton, Mrs. Nellie Scott, Jackson, and Miss Ruth Higgenbotham, at home; three sons, Luke Higgenbotham, Waynesburg, Pa., Mark and Paul Higgenbotham, Jackson; one brother, John E. Higgenbotham, New Concord; and four grandchildren.

Service will be conducted at the Davis-Hammerstein funeral home at 2 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in Beaver Chapel cemetery.


The Newark Advocate 12/19/1951

Ida Mae Higginbotham Stephens Ode (1882-1951) OH

Mrs. Ida Ode, 72, wife of William Ode, Pataskala vicinity, died at 5 a.m. Wednesday in Grant Hospital, Columbus.

Her husband and two daughters survive: Mrs. Alta Satler of Cincinnati and Mrs. Gay Fox in West Virginia; also three step-sons, Roy Ode of Etna, the Rev. Ernest Ode of Youngstown, and Robert ode, U.S. Army.

The body is at the Vinton D. Morrow Funeral Home in Pataskala, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday. The Rev. G. R. Belchar of Columbus will officiate and burial will be made in Swisher Cemetery, northwest of Pataskala. Friends will be received at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Friday.


The Cincinnati Post 2/23/1952

Bertha May Rowland Higginbotham (1901-1977) OH

Higginbotham - Bertha (nee Roland), beloved wife of Palestine Higginbotham, devoted mother of Earl Higginbotham, Mrs. Evelyn Bockhorst, and Mrs. Anna Leece, Friday, February 22, 1952; residence, 2503 Beekman St. Friends may call at the Wrassman & Barfnecht Funeral Home, 2625 Gilbert Ave. north of Taft Rd., on Sunday after 3 p.m. Services Monday, February 25, at 2 p.m.


Troy Daily News 3/6/1952

John Haze Higginbotham (1863-1952) OH 

John Higginbotham, 88, of Pemberton, and uncle of Hugh Hickenbotham of 309 South Cherry street, Troy, died Wednesday at 3:30 a.m. at the Wilson Memorial hospital, Sidney. He had been a patient at the hospital for the past three weeks. Death was due to pneumonia and complications.

A native and lifelong resident of Shelby county, Mr. Higginbotham had married twice and both wives had preceded him in death. Mr. Higgenbotham, a retired painter, was a member of the First Baptist church in Pemberton.

Surviving are three sons, Forest of Pemberton, Robert of Columbus, and Cramer of Sidney; and one daughter, Mrs. Ed Wonderly of Dayton.

Funeral services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. at the First Baptist church in Pemberton. Burial will be in Pasco cemetery near Sidney. Friends may call at the Reeder funeral home, DeGraff, until time of services.


Chillicothe Gazette 4/28/1952

Minnie Marie Bapst Higginbotham (1912-1952) OH

Beaver - Mrs. Minnie M. Higgenbotham, 39, wife of Martin Higgenbotham, Jackson, died at 11:30 p.m. Saturday at the residence, 50 Carr Street, following a two-year illness.

Born in Pike County at Beaver May 29, 1912, she was a daughter of Philip and Margaret Offenbaker Bapst. On June 28, 1937, she was married to Mr. Higgenbotham, who, together with her parents, survives.

Also surviving are the following brothers and sisters: Wilson Bapst, Philip Bapst Jr., George Bapst, Ronald Bapst, Foster Bapst, Mrs. Leona Swan, Mrs. Mildred Pidgeon and Miss Linnie Bapst, all of Beaver; Mrs. Millicent Kinnison, New Holland, Mrs. Wilma Walters and Darrel Bapst, of Washington C.H.; William and Johnnie Bapst, both of Jackson. A brother, Pvt. Orlando Bapst, was killed in action in Germany in World War II.

The body was taken to the home of the parents in Beaver where it will remain until the funeral hour. Service will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Beaver Methodist church with the Rev. Frank Harding and the Rev. C.E. Eyre officiating. Burial will be in the Beaver-union cemetery by the Davis-Hammerstein Co. funeral home.


The Cincinnati Post 5/9/1952

Dwayne Earl Higginbotham (1950-1952) OH

Higginbotham - Duane, dearly beloved infant son of Earl and Thelma Federle Higginbotham, Thursday, May 8, 1952, residence, 2012 Sutter av. Friends may call at the Wrassmann & Barfknecht Funeral Home, 2625 Gilbert av. north of Taft rd. on Friday after 7 p.m. Services Saturday, May 10, at 10:15 a.m.


The Evening Independent (Massillon, OH) 6/18/1952

Sarah C. Higginbottom Evans (1884-1952) OH

Mrs. Sarah Higginbottom Evans, 67, of 1111 Smith Ave. SW, Canton, died Tuesday afternoon in her residence after a long illness.

She is survived by her husband, Albert Evans; two daughters, Mrs. Roy Bowman of Canton and Mrs. Eugene Mueller of Akron; a son, Albert Evans of Canton; three sisters, Mrs. Jane West of Stockton, Cal., Mrs. Catherine Jenkins of Flushing and Mrs. Mary Jorden of Bridgeport; two brothers, Samuel Higginbottom of New York City and William Higginbottom of Harrisburg, Pa.; and three grandchildren.

The funeral will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. at Don Williams funeral home in Canton with the Rev. Dennis Forman, pastor of the united Brethren Church of Canton, officiating. Interment will be made in the Newman Creek Chapel cemetery at North Lawrence.

The body is at the funeral home where friends may call Thursday after 2 p.m.


Bryan Times 9/11/1952

Marion Ray Higginbotham (1906-1952) OH

Edgerton, Sept. 11 - Marion R. Higginbotham, farmer residing seven and one half miles southeast of Edgerton, died unexpectedly at his home, after suffering a heart attack. He was 46 years of age.

The body was taken to the Krill Funeral Home in Edgerton where friends may call.

Services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the First Brethren Church at Bryan, and burial will be in Six Corners Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Violet; a son, Clyde, Edgerton; three daughters, Mrs. Juanita Deck and the Misses Mary Lou and Leah Higginbotham, all at home; his father, John Higginbotham, Hicksville; his mother, Mrs. Joseph Hurni, Warren; and four brothers, Lamar and Dean, both of Kendallville, Ind., Lester of Warren and Harry Gillen, also of Warren.

The Zanesville Signal 09/23/1952

Britton Carlos Higinbothom (1895-1952) OH

Graveside services for Brit C. Higinbotham, 57, of Springfield, will be held at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Poplar Forks cemetery at Gratiot.

Mr. Higinbotham died in Springfield City hospital Monday.

He had resided in the city for 25 years.

Surviving are his widow, Mabel; two daughters, a son, three grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. E.F. Dick of Gratiot, and two brothers, Frank Higinbotham of Pleasant Valley and Dewey Higinbotham of Zanesville.


Springfield News-Sun 3/19/1953

Martha Ann Woods Higinbothom (1930-19530 MO/OH

Mrs. Martha Ann Higinbothom, 22, of Springfield, Mounted Route 71, wife of John Higinbothom, died at 3:08 p.m. Wednesday in Mercy Hospital, following an illness of six months.

A resident of Clark County 16 years, Mrs. Higinbothom was born in New Franklin, Mo., Sept. 28, 1930, a daughter of Raymond and Lena Connor Woods.

She was employed by the International Harvester Co. and was a member of the First Christian Church.

Surviving besides her husband are a daughter, Susan; her parents; a sister, Miss Sara Woods, all of Springfield, and her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Anna Connor of Fort Smith, Ark.

The body was taken to the Richards Memorial Home. Services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Saturday by the Rev. John Wilson, pastor of First Christian Church. Burial will be in Enon Cemetery.


The Akron Beacon Journal 1/19/1954

Clarissa Gilmore Higginbottom (1872-1954) MS/OH

Higginbottom, Clarissa 82 years, 354 Frank St., Barberton, Died Jan. 18 at her residence. Funeral services and burial in Oxford, Miss. Friends may call at Wilson's after 6 p.m. today.


The Marion Star 3/10/1954

Loretta Alice Higginbotham (1953-1954) OH

Upper Sandusky - Funeral services for Loretta Higgenbotham, 11-month-old daughter of John and Dorothy Meck Higgenbotham, of Columbus, were held from St. Peter's Catholic Church in Upper Sandusky. Burial was in the church cemetery.

The child died at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at her home in Columbus. Death was attributed to pneumonia. She was born April 25, 1953, in Wyandot Memorial Hospital here.

Surviving with her parents are: one brother, John Higgenbotham Jr.; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbin Higgenbotham of Grimms Landing, W.Va.; and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. frank Lambrite, Upper Sandusky.

Bringhman & Co. funeral directors of Upper Sandusky, were in charge of arrangements.


News Journal (Mansfield, OH) 3/22/1954

Carrie Higginbotham Phillips Wylie (1893-1954) GA/OH

Mrs. Carrie Wylie, 60, a Mansfield resident for 30 years, died at her home, 283 Fern Ave., Saturday afternoon after a lingering illness.

Born July 6. 1893, in Calhoun, Ga., Mrs. Wylie was a member of the Mt. Herman Baptist church.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Flora Mae Rimblert; one son, John Phillips, Detroit, Mich., and three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at Mt. Herman Baptist church, Rev. M.C. Stephens, officiating. Friends may call at the William Jones funeral home tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in Mansfield cemetery.


The Newark Advocate  9/20/1954

Everetta Leslie Hickinbotham Devore (1886-1954) OH

Utica - Funeral services for Mrs. Alexander Devore, who died Saturday in Mercy Hospital, Mt. Vernon, will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in a funeral home in Newark Road, Mt. Vernon. The Rev. Barclay Walker will officiate and burial will be made in Southlawn Cemetery, Utica.

The Devore family lived on a farm 7 miles northeast of Utica for the past 34 years. Miss Everetta Hickinbotham and Alexander Devore were united in marriage March 17, 1903, in Knox County and observed their golden anniversary in their home March 17, 1953. They lived in Homer a year and the rest of their married life has been spent in the Morgan Center vicinity. Mrs. Devore was a member of the Milford Church of Christ.

Surviving, beside the husband, are six daughters, Mrs. Winifred Walker, Mrs. Juanita Hogle, Mrs. Nola Briscoe, all of Mt. Vernon; Mrs. Ila Gaylord of Vallejo, Calif; Mrs. Lila Frazier of Centerburg and Mrs. Ruth Ryan of Utica; five sons, Cecil and James of Mt. Vernon, Wilfred of Centerburg, John of Danville, and Edson of Mankto, Minn; a sister, Mrs. Mary Vance of Washington, D.C.; 33 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Twin daughters and one son are deceased.


The Urbana Daily Citizen 12/20/1954

Samuel Hindley Hickinbotham (1871-1954) OH

Last rites and services were held Friday 2 p.m. at the Troyer-Lynn Funeral Home for S.H. Hickinbotham, who died at 3:10 a.m. Wednesday.

Rev. George Pohlman officiated and pallbearers were Everett Woodruff, Addison Hamilton, Wilbur Tuttle, Max Miller, David Hickinbotham and John Wolfe.

The body was taken to the Fairview Cemetery where it was buried.


The Athens Messenger 02/21/1955

Doy O'Dell Higginbotham Jr. (1953-1955) OH

Pomeroy-Doy Higginbotham, Jr., two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Doy Higginbotham, Sr., of Antiquity, died Saturday evening at the St. Mary's Hospital in Huntington, W.Va.

Besides his parents, the child is survived by two sisters, Louise and Gloria, and two brothers, Paul and Roger, all at home, and his grandparents, Mrs. Laurie Smith of Racine, and Mr. and Mrs. Enos Higginbotham of Albany.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoon at the Racine Mission in Racine with burial to be in Letart Falls Cemetery. Friends may call at the residence in Antiquity until time of service.


The Coshocton Tribune 06/13/1955

Bruce Higginbotham (1949-1955) OH

Bruce Higginbotham, 6, Columbus, died in White Cross Hospital at Columbus Saturday several hours after suffering severe burns when gasoline accidently upset when he entered the basement of his home and ignited.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 6/27/1955

Charles Higginbotham (1881-1955) OH

Barnesville, O. - Charles Higgenbotham, 73, died at the Barnesville Hospital Saturday evening at 10 o'clock following a long illness. He was a resident of N. Lincoln Avenue, Barnesville, formerly employed at Watt Co.

He was born in Monroe County, Nov. 12, 1881, the son of Jefferson and Jane Higginbotham.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. George Watkins, Brownsville, Mrs. Esther Johnson, of the home, Mrs. Clifford Dailey, Barnesville; 8 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. H.H. Davis, Willoughby; 2 brothers, John Higgenbotham, Willoughby and William Higgenbotham, Barnesville Rt. 2.

Loyal Order of Moose will hold services Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the Campbell Funeral Home.

Services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 (EST) from the Campbell Funeral Home in charge of Rev. Byron B. Evans, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Burial will follow in Northern Cemetery.


The Massillon Evening Independent 08/01/1955

Jesse M. Higginbotham (1879-1955) OH

Jesse M. Higginbotham, Wellman Ave., SE, died Sunday night in the Mary Day nursing home. He had been in ill health for some time. Before retiring, he had owned and operated a real estate business in Massillon.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mabel D. Higginbotham and a son, Robert K. Higginbotham, of Massillon.

He was a member of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church and an honorary member of the Massillon Club.

The body is at the Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger Funeral Home where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. John C. Hughes, Episcopal minister from Coshocton, will officiate. Interment will be made in the Massillon Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m.


The Journal Herald (Dayton, OH) 12/20/1955

Thomas Eugene Higginbotham (1955) OH

Thomas Eugene Higginbotham, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Higginbotham, of 2901 West Second street, died yesterday morning at St. Elizabeth hospital. Besides the parents, surviving include four grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. August Higginbotham of Somerset, Ky. and Mrs. and Mrs. James King of Dayton. Private services will be conducted at 2 p.m. today at the Banta funeral home, 3419 West Third street. Burial will be in Memorial Park cemetery.


The Newark Advocate 12/22/1955

Eva Pearl Higginbotham Francis (1881-1955) OH

Mrs. Eva P. Francis, Columbus, a native of Muskingum County, and widow of Frank D. Francis, died Wednesday in her home following a three-month illness.

A resident of Columbus 40 years, Mrs. Francis is survived by three sons: Albert T. Francis of Harbor Hills, Frank D. Jr., of Whitehall and Robert Francis of Reynoldsburg; also grandchildren' four sisters, Mrs. James F. Mahoney and Mrs. Carl Behnlein of Columbus, Mrs. F.W. Kind and Mrs. Harold Lutz, of Zanesville. Burial will take place in Columbus.


The Evening Independent (Massillon, OH) 2/7/1956

Samuel Bradlaugh Higginbottom (1891-1956) OH/NY

Samuel B. Higginbottom, 65, a native of North Lawrence, died suddenly Monday at 5 p.m. in his residence at Hollis, Long Island, N.Y.

Mr. Higginbottom had lived for 20 years in Hollis where he was superintendent of the signal division of the Long Island railroad, a subsidiary of the Pennsylvania railroad. He had been an employee of the Pennsylvania railroad for 44 years. He was a member of the Hollis Presbyterian church and the Masonic lodge of Sewickley, Pa.

Mr. Higginbottom is survived by his widow, Mrs. Vera Higginbottom; two daughters, Mrs. Helen Smith and Mrs. Jane Brewer of Hollis; two sons, James Higginbottom of Hollis and Logan Higginbottom of Kansas City, Kan.;two sisters, Mrs. Mary Jorden of Bridgeport, O., and Mrs. Catherine Jenkins of Flushing; a brother, William Higginbottom of Harrisburg, Pa.; and 13 grandchildren.

The body is expected to arrive in Massillon Thursday morning and will be taken to the Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger funeral home where the funeral will be held at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. D.W. Foreman, pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical United Brethren church of Canton, will officiate. Interment will be made in Newman Creek chapel cemetery.


The Oberlin Chronicle-Telegram 02/18/1956

Sarah Belle Hanna Heginbotham (1883-1956) PA

Mr. and Mrs. A. Heginbotham of 329 Louisiana Avenue have received word of the death of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Pressly Heginbotham of Valencia, Pa., who died Friday in Magee Hospital, Pittsburgh. Several relatives here left today for Valencia.


Springfield News-Sun 2/29/1956

Craig Eugene Higginbotham (1955-1956) OH

Craig Eugene Higginbotham, five-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higginbotham, rear 361 Raffensperger av., stricken at home was pronounced dead on arrival City Hospital 9:32 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1956. Surviving besides parents are a sister, Denise, and two brothers, Keith and Richard. Body to Webb Jackson funeral home.


Mansfield News Journal 06/11/1956

Dorothy H. Weber Higinbotham (1905-1956) OH

Services will be conducted tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the Wappner Funeral Home for Mrs. Dorothy Higinbotham, 50, of 317 Bartley Ave., wife of Barton K. Higinbotham, who died Saturday at University Hospital, Columbus.

Mrs. Higinbotham had been ill several months. She was born Oct. 22, 1905, in Mansfield, and spent her entire life here. Surviving besides her husband is one son, Gary, at home; her father, Fred Weber; and one brother, Carl Weber of Mansfield.

Rev. Samuel U.J. Peard, pastor of Grace Episcopal Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Mansfield Cemetery.


The Zanesville Signal 11/25/1956

Theodosia R. Higinbothom Dick (1890-1956) OH

Funeral services for Mrs. Theodosia Dick, 66, widow of Emmons Dick of Gratiot, will be held at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon at the residence with Rev. E.C. Jenkins officiating. Burial will be in Poplar Fork Cemetery at Gratiot.

Mrs. Dick died Thursday from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and the body has been removed to the residence from the William Thompson and Son Funeral Home at White Cottage.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Russell Buchanan with whom Mrs. Dick resided, Mrs. Arthur Ardrey of Pentwater, Mich., and Mrs. Russell Smart of Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; two brothers, Frank Higinbotham of near Gratiot and Dewey Higinbotham of Pinkerton Lane; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.


The Daily Reporter (New Philadelphia, OH) 12/1/1956

Mary Hickenbottom Brokaw (1881-1956) OH

Mrs. Mary H. Brokaw of Flushing, mother of Earl J. Brokaw of 148 2nd St. NE, New Philadelphia, died at 8 a.m. today at her home in Flushing.

She was a former resident of New Philadelphia and is also survived by three other sons, Wilford R. of Columbus, Ben B. of Mesa, Ariz., and Herman W. Brokaw of Cadiz and a daughter, Mrs. Gladys Taylor of Flushing. Her husband, Allen W. Brokaw, is deceased.

Services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church n Flushing.


The Akron Beacon 9/3/1957

Beulah Benton Higginbotham (1882-1957) WV/OH

Hanna, Beulah B., age 75 years, of 909 N. Monroe rd., Tallmadge, passed away Monday morning. Survived by son, Harry; daughters, Mrs. Eunice Westfall, Mrs. Bernade Thompson, Mrs. Virginia Evans, all of Akron; seven grandchildren, one great-grandchild; brothers, William Higginbotham in California, Howard Higginbotham and sister, Mrs. Hallie Given, both of Akron. Funeral services Wednesday, 3 p.m. from the Hopkins Funeral Home, 547 Canton rd., Rev. Carl Burnham officiating. Burial East Akron Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 until 9 p.m. Tuesday.


The Journal Herald 10/2/1957

Cramer A. Higginbotham (1891-1957) OH

Sidney - Cramer A. Higginbotham, 66, retired rural mail carrier, died yesterday at his home, 629 Johnson drive. He drove a mail route for 37 years and was postmaster of Pemberton for one year. Surviving are his wife, Agnes; a son, Victor of Decatur, Ga.; one daughter, Mrs. Virgil Schrolucke of Richmond, Ind.; two brothers, Forest of Pemberton and Robert of Columbus; a sister, Mrs. Edward Wonderly of Dayton.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Baptist church at Pemberton. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at Cromes and Sons funeral home with burial in Cedar Point cemetery, Pasco. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow and on Friday.


The Newark Advocate 03/05/1958

Paul W. Higginbotham (1905-1958) OH

In failing health six months and seriously ill a week, Paul W. Higginbotham, 53, of 93 Westmoor Ave., who was admitted to Newark Hospital March 1, died at 8:25 a.m. Wednesday.

A former employee of the Pharis Rubber Co., in late years he had been an employee of the State Highway Department.

Born in Newark Dec. 23, 1904, he was the son of Andrew C. Higginbotham and Goldie (McLaughlin) Higginbotham.

Surviving are his widow, the former Dorothy Williams, whom he married Feb. 20, 1926; one daughter, Mrs. James Null of Newark; also three grandchildren; his parents of Newark; two brothers, Edward of Newark and Rev. John Higginbotham of Cleveland; one sister, Mrs. Karl Hackney of Cambridge.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Central Church of Christ and the Masonic Order.

The Rev. Joseph A. Garshaw will conduct services at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Ross Henderson Funeral Home and burial will be in Williams Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Thursday.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 3/24/1958

William Watson Hickenbottom (1936-1958) OH

William Watson Hickenbottom, 21, Newcomerstown Route 1, an employee of the Western Electric Co., died of suffocation in an automobile accident at 3:40 a.m. on North Cross St., Newcomerstown.

Mr. Hickenbottom was pinned beneath his 1956 Ford sedan after it rolled over near the intersection of North Cross St. and Park Hill Dr.

Patrolman Bill Ludwig and Auxiliary Patrolman Arthur Studd, who investigated, said Mr. Hickenbottom, driving alone, lost control of the car and it skidded about 200 feet and overturned into a yard.

Deputy Coroner W. Agricola, Newcomerstown, who examined the body at the Bonnell Funeral Home, Newcomerstown, said death was due to suffocation.

Mr. Hickenbottom had been employed by the Western Electric Co. to install equipment in the new Ohio Bell Telephone Co. building at Coshocton.

He was born Sept. 7, 1936, in Guernsey county, a son of Joe and Therma Longsworth Hickenbottom. For the past few years he had been a member of the Washington Grange and Hartwood Methodist Church.

The young man graduated from Newcomerstown High School in 1954.

Surviving besides the parents are two sisters, Mrs. Owen Ward, Newcomerstown Route 2, and Miss Sandra Hickenbottom of the home; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. W. F. Longsworth, Newcomerstown Route 1, and paternal grandfather, David W. Hickenbottom, Kimbolton Route 1.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Hartwood Methodist Church in charge of Rev. Norman Nightengale. Burial will be in West Lawn Cemetery at Newcomerstown.

Friends will be received at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today and at the residence after 5 p.m. Tuesday.


The Lima News 09/26/1958

Virginia O. Higginbotham Allen (1874-1958) KS/OH

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the Grace Methodist Church for Mrs. Jennie Allen, who died at her home Wednesday after an extended illness.

She was born Aug. 1, 1874 in Howard City, Ka., and had lived in the Lima area 60 years.

She was a member of the Grace Methodist Church and the Lookout class of the church.

Her husband, Amos, died in 1944.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. James Cheney Jr., of 739 S. Elizabeth; three sons, Merritt J. of 1062 W. Market, Norman D. of 1111 Latham and Orphy F. of 1001 Holmes; 21 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren; a brother, John Higginbotham of Hicksville.

Burial will be in Allentown Cemetery.

The family will receive visitors from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Silerd and Son Funeral Home.


The Zanesville Signal 11/10/1958

Elizabeth Leota Runion Higinbothom (1870-1958) OH

Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbotham, 88, died at 12:10 o'clock Sunday morning at her home, Hopewell Route 1, after a lingering illness. She had suffered a stroke in July.

She was born in Springfield township on March 8, 1870, the daughter of Joseph and Eliza Worthington Runion. a life-long resident of Zanesville vicinity, she was a member of the Mount Sterling Methodist Church. He husband, William, died in August, 1953.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. S.L. Francis of Hopewell Route 1; two sons, Raymond, at home, and Hilbert of Fayetteville, Ark.; two brothers, Harry and Frank Runion of Nashport Route 1; two sisters, Mrs. Lois Hensley of Rose Farm, and Mrs. Myrtle Minett of Evansville, Ind.; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

The body was removed to the Forest avenue chapel of the Bolin-Bryan funeral home where friends may call after 6 o'clock Monday evening.


Springfield-News-Sun 2/21/1959

Marion Higginbotham (1884-1959) GA/OH

Marion Higginbotham, 74, of 510 E. Rose st. died at 4:30 p.m. Friday in City Hospital, where he was admitted Feb. 9.

Mr. Higginbotham retired in 1953 from the White Diesel Engine Division of the White Motor Co.

He was a member of the Mt. Lula Baptist Church, and was formerly a deacon there.

Survivors include his widow, Eva; two daughters, Mrs. Emma Smith of Springfield, and Mrs. Lenora Ball of Flint, Mich.; four sons, John Henry, Robert W. and Carben of Springfield and Willis of Dayton; five grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Hessie Ross and Miss Selena Higginbotham, both of Detroit, and a brother, Soloman Higginbotham of Chattanooga, Tenn.

Mr. Higginbotham's body was taken to the John W. Patterson funeral home, where friends may call from 1 to 10 p.m. Monday. The Rev. C.B. Sims will conduct last rites at 1 p.m. Tuesday in Mt. Lula Baptist Church. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.


Springfield News-Sun 2/24/1959

Herbert Higgenbotham (1898-1959) TN/OH

Herbert Higginbotham, 61, of 923 Wheldon av., died at 2:10 a.m. Tuesday in City Hospital where he was admitted Feb. 19.

Mr. Higginbotham, a construction worker, was born in Chattanooga, Tenn. He moved to Springfield in 1943.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Onie Higginbotham; six brothers, Bennie, John and Lawrence, all of Springfield, Roy and James of Chicago, and Hazel of Chattanooga, and three sisters, Mrs. Omalee Hamilton of Detroit, Mrs. Vivian Weaver of Bardstown, Ky., and Mrs. Helen Craven of Chattanooga.

His body was taken to the Robert C. Henry funeral home where friends may call after 4 p.m. Thursday. The body will be sent to Chattanooga for services and burial there Sunday.


Chronicle-Telegraph 04/06/1959

Augusta Scheffler Heginbotham (1885-1959) OH

Mrs. Augusta Heginbotham, nee Scheffler, 74, formerly of 321 Louisiana Ave., was dead on arrival at Elyria Memorial Hospital in 9 a.m. yesterday, following a heart attack. She was the widow of Albert.

Mrs. Heginbotham was born in Amherst, Mar. 10, 1885, and was a resident of Elyria 80 years. She was a member of St. Paul United Church of Christ.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Renkel and Mrs. Alice Pitman Johns, both of Elyria; three grandchildren, Mrs. Jack Beal and Donald Renkel, both of Elyria and Alan Pitman, Gathersville, Ala.

Services will be Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the Sudro-Curtis Funeral Home. The Rev. Walter Relf will officiate and burial will be in Ridgelawn Cemetery.


Dayton Daily News 5/3/1959

Orah Ellen Smith Higginbotham (1882-1959) WV/OH

Mrs. Orah Higginbotham, 76, of 7820 Dog Leg Rd., died Friday.

Survivors: husband, Brady L.; three daughters, Mrs. Geanne Sieferman of Dayton; Mrs. Ernestine Holmes of Charleston, W.Va., and Mrs. Claudie Abbott of Blanchester, O.' five sons, Clair, Charles and Paul of Dayton, Arnold and Clifton of Charleston.

Services: 2 p.m. Monday, Baker funeral home, Philadelphia Dr. at N. Main St. Burial: Maple Grove cemetery. Friends may call: 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, funeral home.


The Times Recorder 05/25/1959

Leona Bryant Higginbotham (1874-1959) OH

Bethesda-Mrs. Leona Higginbotham, 85, of Bethesda died at noon Saturday in a Cambridge hospital.

Born near St. Clairsville, March 28, 1874, she was a daughter of Jeremiah and Rebecca Robinson Bryant. She was married to John W. Higginbotham, who died in 1939.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Richland Methodist Church and taught school in Belmont County for several years.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Francis White of Belmont; two step-daughters and two step-sons; a brother, Elmer Bryant of Deerfield.

The body was removed to the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home, Bethesda where services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Tuesday. The Rev. Paul Greenwood will officiate with burial in the Richland Cemetery.


The Zanesville Signal 7/7/1959

William H. Higginbotham (1884-1959) OH

Barnesville - William Higginbotham, 74, of Mt. Olivet, died at Barnesville General Hospital at 12:20 a.m. Monday following several weeks' illness.

He was born Dec. 17, 1884, in Monroe County, a son of Jefferson and Jane Higginbotham.

Surviving are his widow, Edna, and one son, John W. of Willoughby, in addition to several nieces and nephews.

He was a member of the Advent Church at Willoughby.

The body is at Campbell Funeral Home where friends may call after noon on Tuesday. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. (DST) at the funeral home and burial will be in Northern Cemetery.


Wilmington News-Journal 10/3/1959

William Estell Higginbotham (1883-1959) WV/OH

William Estell Higginbotham, 76, of Panther, W.Va., died Friday at 12:30 p.m. at Clinton Memorial Hospital. His wife, Goldie Stanley Higginbotham, whom he married June 2, 1910, survives. Death ended a two-day illness.

A native of War Eagle, W.Va., he was born April 18, 1883, the son of Ben and Mila Allison Higginbotham. He was a retired employee of the West Virginia State Road Commission.

Also survivng are four daughters, Mrs. Edna Mae Cox of Grove City, Mrs. Wilma Wood of Columbus, Mrs. Etta Williams of Taylorsville, W.Va., and Mrs. Elsie Lee Gilliam of Wilmington. A sister, Mrs. M.K. McCormick of Grove City, also survives.

Graveside services will be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. at Wharncliff, W.Va., and burial will be in Wharncliff. Friends may call at the Reynolds funeral home in Wilmington today from 3 to 9 p.m.


The Newark Advocate 2/17/1960

Mary Esther Hickinbotham Vance (1881-1960) OH

Utica - Mrs. Mary Esther Vance, 78, of Utica, widow of John S. Vance, died at 5 a.m. Wednesday in Mercy Hospital, Mt. Vernon, where she had been a patient two weeks.

Mrs. Vance, who had lived most of her life in Utica was admitted to the hospital from the Arlington Nursing Home in Newark.

Born April 14, 1881, in Monroe County, she was the daughter of Jhn A. and Margaret (Daugherty) Hickenbotham, and was the last of her immediate family. She was a member of the Church of Christ of Utica.

Her husband preceded her in death iin 1930 and she leaves a son, Adrian Vance of Utica, and two daughters, Mrs. Desmond Foster of Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Doris Shaffer of Columbus; also two grandchildren.

The Rev. Jack Six will officiate at services at 2 p.m. Friday in the C.C. Law & Sons Funeral Home in Utica and burial will be in Fairview Cemetery, Know County. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Thursday.


The Daily Reporter (Dover, OH) 8/22/1960

Dean Hickenbottom (1944-1960) OH

Services for Dean Hickenbottom, 16, who drowned Saturday morning in a strip mine pond, will be held Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Uhrich & Son Funeral Home, Uhrichsville. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hickenbottom of RD 3, New Philadelphia.

The body was recovered by Clyde Kerns of RD 3, a resident of the area and a skin diver. He found the body at about 12:45 p.m., after a one-hour search.

Born in Uhrichsville in 1944, Dean was a student at Gnadenhutten High School and was a member of the Church of Christ.

Besides his parents and 2 brothers, Roy and John, who were swimming with him, he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Ann Swihart of RD 1, Sugarcreek, and 3 other brothers, Gene of RD 1, Sugarcreek, and Allen and Michael at home.

Rev. Russell Bankes will officiate at the services. Burial will be in union Cemetery, Uhrichsville. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today.


The Daily Sentinel-Tribune (Bowling Green, OH) 8/29/1960

Anna L. Higginbotham (1872-1960) OH

The funeral of Miss Anna L. Higginbotham, 88, of 202 E. Front St., Perrysburg, was held this morning in St. Rose Church. She died Thursday in Mercy Hospital, Toledo.

Survivors include a sister, Miss Agnes E. Higginbotham, Perrysburg, and a nephew, William O'Day, Maumee.

Burial was in Gethsemane Cemetery, Lima.


The Newark Advocate 09/05/1960

Andrew C. Higginbotham (1882-1960) KY/OH

Andrew C. Higginbotham, 78, former employee of the State Highway Garage 11 years, died early Monday morning in his home, 720 Camp St., following a heart attack.

The resuscitator squad from the Fire Department responded to a call and he was pronounced dead on arrival of the squad. He had been under the care of a physician.

A resident of Newark most of his life, he was born Jan. 17, 1882, in Williamsburg, Ky., the son of William W. and Anna Higginbotham. He also was a former employee of the Pharis Rubber Co., 17 years.

A member of the Central Church of Christ, he also was affiliated with the Modern Woodmen and Knights of Pythias.

His widow, the former Goldie McLaughlin, whom he married in 1902, survives; also one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hackney of Cambridge; two sons, Edward of Newark and the Rev. John Higginbotham of Cleveland; also six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. John Foley of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. Wheeler Baird of Jellico, Tenn. A son, Paul, is deceased, also two brothers.

The body is at the Ross Henderson Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements have not been made.


The Newark Advocate 10/8/1960

Retha Mary Clutter Hickinbotham Abbott (1889-1960) OH

Utica - Mrs. Retha Mary Abbott, 71, widow of Fred Abbott, resident of Utica, died Friday night in Mercy Hospital, Mt. Vernon, where she had been a patient two weeks.

Born Jan. 18, 1889, in Monroe County, she was the daughter of David and Virginia (Smith) Clutter. She was a member of the Church of Christ of Utica.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Merle Ridnour of Utica, three sons, Harold Hickenbotham of Crestline, John Hickenbotham of Tampa, Fla., and Leslie Hickenbotham of Richmond, Calif.; also 14 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; two brothers and one sister: Lee Clutter of Home, Mich., Varney Clutter of Eaton Rapids, Mich., and Mrs. Lillian Chopson, Utica RFD 1. He first husband, Harrison Hickenbotham died in 1923.

Friends may call at the C.C. Law & Sons Funeral Home, Utica, after 2 p.m. Sunday. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in the funeral home with the Rev. Harold Prong conduction the service. Interment in Southlawn Cemetery, Utica.


The Daily Reporter (Dover, OH) 11/7/1960

William Edward Higgenbotham (1933-1960) OH

Uhrichsville - William E. Higgenbotham, 27, of Canton, brother of Uhrichsville assistant coach Lewis Higgenbotham, was killed instantly Saturday night at 11:30 when his car hit another vehicle head-on north of U.S. 40 on Route 331 near Bannock, O.

According to State Patrol, Higgenbotham was returning to Canton after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Higgenbotham of Fairpoint, O., near St. Clairsville.

A Navy veteran of the Korean Conflict, Higgenbotham was born at Fairpoint, and is survived by his parents, his wife, Evelyn, and one daughter, Evelyn. In addition, 5 brothers, Lewis of Dennison, Allen, John, Benny and David, all of Fairpoint, survive.

Services will be Wednesday in the Beck Funeral Home Chapel at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Union Cemetery at St. Clairsville. Friends will be received at the Beck Chapel after 7 p.m. tonight.


Chillicothe Gazette 3/31/1961

Paul A. Higginbotham (1924-1961) OH

Jackson - Service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Sperry Funeral Home for Paul A. Higginbotham, 36, Jackson Route 1, who was killed in a two truck collision on Interstate Route 71, near Mansfield, Wednesday night.

He is survived by his mother, Jesse Reese Higginbotham of Jackson; his wife, Itle White Higginbotham; three children, Paulette, Geoffrey and Susan, all at home; two brothers, Mark of Jackson and Sam of Waynesburg, Pa.; and three sisters, Mrs. George Colvin of Jackson, Mrs. Glendon Scott of Jackson, and Mrs. Robert Potts of Canton.

Burial will be in Fairmount Cemetery. Friends may call at funeral home.


The Massillon Evening Independent 05/10/1961

Mabel Dielhenn Higginbotham (ca1880-1961) OH

The funeral for Mrs. Mabel D. Higginbotham, 81, of 509 Wellman Ave. SE, will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 in St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, with the rector, the Rev. James Millar, officiating. Interment will be made in the Massillon Cemetery.

The body has been taken to the Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger funeral home, but there will be no calling hours.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Tuesday evening at 7:45 after a long illness.

Born in Massillon and a life resident here, she was a member of St. Timothy’s church. Her husband, Jesse Higginbotham, died in 1955.

Her only survivor is a son, Robert H. Higginbotham of Massillon.


The Portsmouth Times 06/09/1961

Eugene Higginbothan (1918-1961) OH/TN

Peebles, Ohio-Graveside services are arranged for 2 p.m. Sunday at Locust Grove Cemetery for Eugene Higginbothan, a former Adams County resident, who died at Chattanooga, Tenn.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Higginbothan.

Burial is under direction of Trefz Funeral Home.


The Akron Beacon Journal 8/14/1961

Francis H. Higginbotham (1900-1961) WV/OH

Francis H. Higginbotham, 60, of 31 Byers av., a clerk in cigar stores most of his 38 years in Akron, died Sunday in City Hoapital after a five year illness.

He was a native of Big Run, W.Va. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. Maude Cutting of Akron and Mrs. Audrey Cooper of Big Run, and a brother, L.J. of Mount Pleasant, Mich.

Mr. Higginbotham had donated his eyes to the Akron Area Eyebank, a United Fund agency.

Friends may call after 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Cox Funeral Home, where services will be at 4 p.m. Further services and burial will be in Big Run.


Dayton Daily News 11/4/1961

Marie Nunn Higginbottom (1890-1961) OH

Higginbottom, Mrs. Marie, age 71, of 261 Homestead Ave., Dayton, passed away 5:30 a.m. Thursday after a lengthy illness. Survived by husband, Wilson, sister, Mrs. Louise Wooster, Detroit, Mich., brother, James Dunn, Dayton, a cousin, Dr. James Mosee, Detroit, Mich., and other relatives. Member of St. Margaret's Episcopal Church. Services 11 a.m. Monday at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Father M. Bartlett Cochran officiating. Burial Woodland cemetery. Friends may call at the Jones Bros. Funeral Home, 455 W. Fifth St., Sunday from noon until 1 p.m. Omit flowers and send donations to National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Miami Valley Ohio Chapter, 221 E. Dorothy Lane, Dayton 19, Ohio.



Catherine Higginbottom Jenkins (1875-1961) OH

Mrs. Catherine Jenkins, 87, formerly of North Lawrence, died Sunday morning in the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Richard Dale, of Flushing, Ohio, with whom she made her home.

Mrs. Jenkins spent most of her life in North Lawrence. She left there for Flushing about 20 years ago when her husband, Samuel, died.

Surviving besides Mrs. Dale are a son, William H. Jenkins of North Lawrence, another daughter, Mrs. Sarah Byrne of Cincinnati; a brother, W.C. Higginbottom of Philadelphia, Pa.; a sister, Mrs. Mary Jordan of Bridgeport; 15 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

The funeral will be held Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Flushing Methodist Church. Interment will be made later Tuesday in Newman Creek cemetery in North Lawrence.

The body is at the Romich Funeral Home in Flushing.


The Marion Star 11/30/1961

Deward Anthony Higginbotham (1907-1961) WV/OH

Carey - Deward A. Higgenbotham, 54, of 328 E. North St. here died of cancer Wednesday in Wood County Hospital at Bowling Green. He entered the hospital four weeks ago.

He was born Jan. 7, 1907, in Grimms Landing, W.Va., to A.L. and Sophie Devine Higgenbotham. His father survives in Grimms Landing.

Mr. Higgenbotham was married Nov. 7, 1929, to Imogene Gore, who died Dec. 8, 1943. On June 13, 1953, he married Delores Jacques, who survives.

Also surviving are 3 sons, Burton of Carey and Larry David and Jerry Lee at home; daughters, Mrs. Richard Hotelling and Miss Judy K. Higgenbotham of Carey, Mrs. James Simonis of Vista, Calif., and Gaylene Marie at home; 6 brothers, Lawrence and William of Alvada, Earl and Ezra of Buffalo, W.Va., Dencil of Grimms Landing and Robert of Point Pleasant, W.Va.; 3 sisters, Mrs. Roy Hayes of Grimms Landing, Mrs. Pearl Weaver of Buffalo and Mrs. Dellard Bowers of Lancaster, and 13 grandchildren.

Two sisters preceded him in death.

Mr. Higgenbotham, a retired C&O Railroad employee, was a member of the EUB Church.

Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Bristol Funeral Home here by Rev. Charles Corey. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 tonight.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 6/20/1962

Hallie Floral Higinbothom Behnlein (1894-1962) OH

Mrs. Hallie Floral Behnlein, 67, of Columbus, died Monday in Grant Hospital, Columbus, where she had been a patient for eight weeks. Death resulted from a long illness following spinal meningitis.

A native of Zanesville, she had lived in Columbus for a number of years. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and past president of the American Legion Auxiliary in Columbus. In addition she was a member of Gideon International and Ohio Avenue Evangelical United Brethren Church.

Mrs. Behnlein is survived by her husband, Carl P.; two daughters, Mrs. E. Janis Wilson and Mrs. Donna J. Brown, both of Columbus; four grandchildren, and three sisters, Mrs. James Mahoney of Columbus, Mrs. F.W. King of Roosevelt Avenue, and Mrs. Harold Lutz of the Dresden Road.

Services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday from the Ohio Avenue EUB Church with private entombment later in Forest Lawn Mausoleum.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 7/12/1962

Mary Hickenbottom Mann (1876-1962) OH

Barnesville - Mrs. Mary Mann, 85, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Bradfield, at 520 North Chestnut Street at 4:30 a.m. Wednesday after a long illness.

She was born in Monroe County, August 3, 1876, a daughter of John and Elizabeth King Higginbotham. She married F. Carroll Mann in 1898 who died in 1938.

Surviving are two other daughters, Mrs. Max T. Bolotin, Los Angeles, Calif. and Mrs. Frederick Hasbrouck of Toledo; one son, Ralph Mann of Seattle, Wash.; six grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Mann was a member of First Methodist Church.

Services will be held in Campbell Funeral Home here at 3 p.m. (DST) by the Rev. Fred A. Shultz. Burial will be made in Southern Cemetery.


Springfield News-Sun 8/23/1962

Pearl E. Higginbotham Thomas Centers (1894-1962) OH

Mrs. Pearl L. Thomas Centers, 68, of 18 E. Mulberry St., died at 1:30 a.m. Thursday en route to Mercy Hospital. She had been ill for the last six weeks.

Mrs. Centers was born July 9, 1894, in Pomeroy, O., and had been a resident of Springfield for the last 50 years.

Survivors include a son, William C., of Springfield; two daughters, Mrs. Freely G. Downing and Mrs. Donald Burkepile, both of Springfield; six grandchildren; one great-grandchild; a sister, Mrs. Lester Bottrell of Detroit, Mich.; one niece and one nephew.

Her body was taken to the Littleton funeral home where friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the funeral home with the Rev. Lawrence Rugh, pastor of First Lutheran Church, officiating.

Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.


The Mansfield News-Herald 01/18/1963

Carlton J. Higginbotham (1908-1963) OH

Services for Carlton J. Higginbotham, 54, of Smith Rd., Waite Hill, will be tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. at the Davis Funeral Home, 4154 Clark Ave., Willoughby.

Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday at West End Hospital. He worked as a carpenter on a large estate and was a member of the Elks.

Surviving are his widow, Rose; a daughter, Carol; a sister, Mrs. Bernice Spraggins of California; and two brothers, Herman of Waite Hill and Lysle of Eastlake.

Friends may call today from 4 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be in Waite Hill Cemetery.

Rex Mason, elder of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, will officiate.


The Journal Herald (Dayton, OH) 4/19/1963

Laura Pauline Higginbottom Hurston (1900-1963) OH

Hurston, Mrs. Laura Pauline, 62, of 935 Danner Ave., died Wednesday. A life-long resident of Dayton, she was a member of the Missionary Circle, Asst. Secretary of Senior Citizens, Desota Bass Courts. She is survived by her husband, James, 2 daughters, Monteena Dowdell and Charlotte Jackson, both of Dayton, 3 sons, Donald Fee and Wilbur Hurston, both of Dayton, Robert Hurston of New York City, 1 sister, Helen Smith of Los Angeles, Calif., 1 brother, Wilson Higginbottom of Dayton and 7 grandchildren. Services 1:30 p.m. Monday, Bethel Baptist Church, Rev. G. W. Lucas officiating. Burial in Greencastle Cemetery. Friends may call at the Bowman Funeral Chapel, 3223 Hoover Ave., after 1 p.m. Sunday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 5/10/1963

Commie Tyson Higginbotham (1911-1963) MS/OH

Hartville - Commie T. Higginbotham, 51, of 2252 Hazel St., died Thursday at his home after a long illness.

Mr. Higginbotham, a shipping department employee of the Monarch Rubber Co., came here eight years ago from Louisville, Miss. He was a member of the Apostolic Gospel Church.

He leaves his wife, Lona; five sons, Eugene of Chicago, Ralph and Benny of Hartville, and Kellis and Tyson of the home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Higginbotham of Gholson, Miss.; a sister, and two grandchildren.

Services will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at the church, the Rev. Eugene White and the Rev. Travis Reed officiating. Burial will be at Mount Peace Cemetery. Friends will be received at the Stull Funeral Home Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. and at the church an hour before time of services.


Warren Tribune Chronicle 21 August 1963

Beverly Leah Higinbotham (1962-1963) OH

An 18-month-old Woodland NE girl was killed, apparently instantly, about 7:25 last night when she was run over by a taxicab backing out of the driveway next door to her home.

Warren police reported the victim was Beverly Higinbotham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Higinbotham, 1247 Woodland NE.

Mrs. Higinbotham had gone out to help a passenger in the cab and the child followed her without being noticed.

Trumbull Memorial Hospital officials said the child was dead on arrival at the emergency room after being rushed there by ambulance.

Dr. Joseph Sudimack Jr., Trumbull coroner, listed the death as accidental and said the toddler suffered a skull fracture and brain damage.

Funeral services for the child will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m. at the Carl W. Hall Funeral Home. Burial will be in Champion Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.

Born here Feb. 26, 1962, she was the daughter of James F. and Margaret Satterfield Higinbotham.

Besides her parents, she leaves a sister, Patricia Ann, and a brother, Dan Vernon, both at home, maternal grandparents and paternal grandparents.


The Daily Sentinel-Tribune (Bowling Green, OH) 10/19/1963

Agnes E. Higginbotham (1876-1963) NY/OH

Miss Agnes E. Higginbotham, 87, formerly of Perrysburg, died Friday in the St. Francis Home, Tiffin.

She was born in Elmira, N.Y., and was a school teacher in Lima before moving to Toledo to work as a housekeeper for her brother, Msgr. James Higginbotham, at St. Agnes Church. In 1920 she moved from Toledo to St. Mary's Parish, Tiffin, with her brother.

In 1940 she retired, and moved to Perrysburg to live with a sister and her brother. Until two years ago she worked as a part-time housekeeper at St. Joseph's Church, Maumee.

The funeral will be Monday at 9:30 a.m. in St. Rose Church, Perrysburg, with burial in Gethsemani Cemetery, Lima. The Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Dowling Funeral Home, Perrysburg.


The Cincinnati Enquirer Wednesday, 3 Jun 1964

Jerry Dale Higginbotham (1951-1964) OH/CA

HIGGINBOTHAM. Dale, beloved son of Mrs. Michael Tarter and Mr. Kenneth E. Higginbotham, beloved brother of Kenneth, Jr. and Phillip Richard Higginbotham, grandson of Mrs. Jane Dick and the late Jake Dick and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Higginbotham; Monday, June 1, 1964, in Van Nuys, Calif., in his 13th year; residence, 18329 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, Calif. Services Friday Morning, June 5, at the Ferris-Morris-Hiflope Funeral Home, Science Hill, Ky., at the convenience of the family. Burial in the Vaught Ridge Church of Christ Cemetery.


The Chronicle Telegram 07/17/1964

Evelyn Gex Higginbotham (ca1917-1964) MI/OH

Sheffield-Funeral services for Mrs. Evelyn Gex Higginbotham, 47, of 3805 Denver Ave., have been tentatively set for 11 a.m. Monday at the Finley-Brown Mortuary, Lorain. The Rev. W.G. McKenzie, pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, Lorain, will officiate. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery, Lorain.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday in St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland. She was born in Detroit and had lived in the Cleveland and Lorain area the last 16 years. Survivors are her husband, Bratton; a daughter, Mrs. Jim Roley, Sylva, N.C.; a son, Bertram Johnson, Charlotte, N.C.; her father, Gilbert Gex of Hollywood, Calif.; and a brother, Harold Gex of Dayton.

The House of Wills, Cleveland, has charge of arrangements.


Springfield News-Sun 8/18/1964

Cecil Joseph Higginbotham (1901-1964) TN/OH 

Cecil J. Higginbotham, 62, of 2149 Shrine Rd., died at 6 p.m. Monday in City Hospital.

Mr. Higginbotham, a 42 year of Springfield, was born in East Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept 19, 1901, a son of Tyree and Tenny Henry Higginbotham. He had been employed as a crane operator by the White Diesel Engine Division, The White Motor Co., for 39 years. He was a member of the St. John Baptist Church and of the Senior Usher Board of the parish. He also was a member of Knights of Pythias; Spear Club; Frontiers of America, Inc., and was the correspondent representative of International Molders and Allied Workers Union No. 72.

Survivors include his wife, Martha; four daughters, Mrs. Irene Davenport of Cleveland; Mrs. Florine Harrison of Dayton, Mrs. Elizabeth Young and Mrs. Celena Cole, both of Springfield; two sons, Richard J. and Cecil L., both of Springfield; 10 grandchildren; a brother, Clarence and a sister, Miss Irene Higginbotham, both of Chattanooga, and a number of uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews.

The body was taken to the Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 10/7/1964

Sarah Higginbotham Joynson (1887-1964) South Wales/OH

Mrs. Sarah Joynson, 77, of Bergholz, Jefferson County, mother of a Zanesville resident, died Sunday at her home after a short illness.

Mrs. Joynson and her husband, John, who died Aug. 28, 1963, had operated a flower shop at Bergholz for 47 years.

She was born Feb. 23, 1887 in Ebbowvale, South Wales and came to the united States 50 years ago.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamlin of East Springfield; three sons, Ivor Joynson of 818 Chester street and William and Arthir of Bergholz; 15 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.

The body was taken to Robbins Funeral Home in Bergholz where it will remain for services at 2 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in Bergholz Cemetery.


Springfield News-Sun 11/15/1964

Mary Woods Higginbotham (1912-1964) OH

Mrs. Mary Higginbotham, 52, of 1018 S. Center St., died in her residence at 10 p.m. Saturday.

She was born in Springfield, O., on Jan. 24, 1912, the daughter of Nelson and Celesta Woods, and was a member of the Church of God, 1819 Washington St.

Survivors, in addition to her mother, are her husband, Leroy Higginbotham Sr.; five sons, Leroy Jr. of Los Angeles, Richard in the Air Force, Tucson, Ariz., Robert of Newark, N.J., Walter and Donald, both of Springfield; four daughters, Mrs. Shirley Jackson, of Urbana, Mrs. Patricia Kenerly, Mrs. Juanita Robinson, Mrs. Donna Applin, all of Springfield; three brothers, Lewis and Enoch Woods, both of Springfield, Sam of Los Angeles; three sisters, Mrs. Helen Newsome of Springfield, Mrs. Janice Hill of Columbus, Mrs. Gladys James of Newar, N.J.; 22 grandchildren, one nephew and a number of cousins.

Body to Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 1/7/1965

Chloe E. Hickinbotham McPherson (1884-1965) OH

Mrs. Chloe McPherson, 80, a native of Monroe County, died at 4:05 p.m. Wednesday (Jan. 6) at Twilight Nursing Home, 750 Findlay Avenue, where she had been a patient three years.

She was the widow of Enoch McPherson and was a member of Woodlawn Avenue Church of Christ. She was born Jan. 22, 1884, at Woodsfield, a daughter of Abner and Mary Wisson Hickinbotham, and had lived in Zanesville 15 years.

She is survived by five sons, Theodore of Beechrock Drive in South Zanesville, Joseph of Canton, Robert of Pataskala, John of Mansfield and Virgil of Clairmont, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Dora Bates of Tiltonsville and Mrs. Hazel Lantz of Marietta; 10 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Two sons, two daughters, a brother and a sister are deceased.

Friends may call at DeLong and Baker Funeral Home after 7 p.m. today.


The Evening Review (East Liverpool, OH) 2/10/1965

Bradford Cash Hickenbottom (1886-1965) OH

Services for Cash Hickenbottom, 78, of near Flushing, father of Clarence Hickenbottom of Calcutta, were to be held this afternoon at the Warren Funeral Home at Flushing with burial in Rock Hill Cemetery.

Mr. Hickenbottom died at his home Monday.

He was born near Flushing Nov. 30, 1886, to the late George Hickenbottom and Hattie Staub Hickenbottom.

In addition to his son, he leaves his widow, Mrs. Edna Hickenbottom at home; two other sons, two daughters, a brother, a sister and 21 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.


The Evening Review (East Liverpool, OH) 5/3/1965

Donna Marie Higginbotham (1955-1965) WV/OH

Donna Marie Higginbotham, 9-year-old daughter of Evangelist Frank Higginbotham of the Chester Church of Christ, and Mrs. Rose King Higginbotham, 205 Virginia Ave., Chester, died this morning at City Hospital after a brief illness.

She was born Oct. 10, 1955, in Fairmont, W.Va.

Other survivors include a brother, Steven F. Higginbotham, and a sister, Amy Jane Higginbotham, both at home; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Higginbotham of New Martinsville, W.Va.; the paternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Postlewaite of Pine Grove, W.Va.; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. King, and the maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Celia Kicher, all of Reader, W.Va.

Services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Steelton (W.Va.) Church of Christ, by Evangelist Walter Sexton. Burial will be in the New Martinsville Cemetery.

Friends may call at the Chester Arner Funeral Chapel tonight and Tuesday afternoon and evening.


The Athens Messenger 06/01/1965

George Allen Higginbotham (1875-1965) WV/OH

Middleport-George A. Higginbotham, 89, died Tuesday at his Middleport residence after a several weeks’ illness.

Born in Leon, W.Va., he was a retired car repairman with the New York Central Railroad.

Surviving are his wife, Mattie; a daughter, Mrs. Cecil Evans, Middleport, two sons, Ernest of Richmond, Va. and Autta, Akron; a stepson, Melvin C. Roush, Parkersburg, W.Va.

A son, Herbert, preceded him in death.

Friends may call after 6 p.m. at the Rawlings-Coats Funeral Home, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday. The Rev. Frank Cheesebrew will officiate. Burial will be in the Leon, W.Va. Cemetery.


The Times Reporter (Zanesville, OH) 3/12/1966

Marjorie Alice Keyser Higginbotham Powell (1888-1966) OH

Barnesville - Mrs. Margie Powell, 77, of Barnesville died at 5:30 p.m. Thursday (March 10) at Barnesville Hospital following a long illness.

Mrs. Powell was born in Beallsville July 5, 1888.

Surviving are her husband, William; four daughters, Mrs. Mildred Clary of Canton, Mrs. Hilda Rebich of Aliquippa, Pa., Mrs. Wilma Arnold and Mrs. Ruth Whitsell, both of Canton; two stepchildren, Donald Powell of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Jean Carpenter of Barnesville; a brother, Frank Riley of Beallsville; a sister, Mrs. Effie Blowers of Barnesville; 12 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Her first husband, Elias Higgenbotham, died in 1918.

The body was taken to Campbell Funeral Home here where friends may call.

Services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home with Dr. Byron B. Evans officiating. Burial will be in Northern Cemetery.


The Times Recorder 04/09/1966

Bessie Rebecca Reed Higginbotham (1902-1966) OH

Barnesville-Mrs. Bessie Reed Higginbotham, 63, of Barnesville died unexpectedly of an apparent heart attack at 12:15 p.m. Friday (April 8) at her home.

Born July 19, 1902, in Noble County, she was a daughter of William and Louise Stephens Reed.

She was employed in the office of Pomco Company in Barnesville, and was a member of Barnesville First Methodist Church, a member and past president of Barnesville Business and Professional Women’s club. She served two years as auditor and two years as treasurer of Ohio Federation of Business and Professional Women’s club.

Surviving are a son, John, of St. Louis; a brother, Nelson Reed of the home; a nephew, William D. Reed of Payne Field Air Force Base, Washington, D.C.; two nieces, Mrs. Richard Shepherd of Barnesville and Miss Becky Reed of the home; and three grandchildren.

The body was taken to Campbell Funeral Home here where friends may call after 10:30 a.m. Sunday.

Services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Monday at the funeral home with Rev. Roy Hilliard officiating. Burial will be in Crestview Cemetery here.


The Athens Messenger 06/27/1966

Abraham Lincoln Higginbotham (1882-1966) WV/OH

Grimms Landing-Last rites for Abraham Lincoln Higginbotham, 84, Gallipolis, formerly of Grimms Landing, will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Oma Chapel EUB Church in Mason County. Burial will be in the Tucker Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired New York Central Railroad employee, died Saturday in Holzer Hospital.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Mary Hayes and Mrs. Emma Weaver, both of Grimms Landing, and Mrs. Loretta Bowers, Lancaster; six sons, William and Lawrence, Alvada; Earl and Ezra, Buffalo; Robert, Point Pleasant, and Dencil, Grimms Landing; and a brother, Ruben, Point Pleasant.

Friends may call at Raynes Funeral Home in Buffalo.


The Newark Advocate 12/12/1966

William Sylvester Higginbotham (1939-1966) OH

Cincinnati-A fire that gutted the top floor of an Avondale section rooming house Sunday took the life of William S. Higginbotham, 27.


The Urbana Daily Citizen 12/14/1966

Hazel May Firtch Hickinbotham (1894-1966) OH

Mrs. Hazel May Hickinbotham, 73, of 250 Lexington Ave., Dayton, O., former resident of Urbana, died Tuesday in her residence.

She is survived by her husband, Denzel H. Hickinbotham, Dayton; her mother, Mrs. George Firtch, Delaware, O.; one son, Denzel H. Hickinbotham Jr., Dayton; a daughter, Mrs. Julia Anne Wolfe, Wapakoneta, and two grandchildren.

The body was removed to the Bennett-Brown Funeral Home, Delaware, O., where friends may call after Thursday Noon. Funeral services will be conducted in the funeral home at 1 p.m. Friday. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware.


Telegraph-Forum (Bucyrus, OH) 1/3/1967

Elsie Farley Hickinbotham (1911-1966) OH

Crestline-Services for Mrs. Elsie Hickinbotham, 55, wife of Harold Hickinbotham, 210 Park Rd., were held Monday at 2 p.m. in the Law and Son Funeral Home in Utica. The Rev. John Dudgeon officiated and burial was made in the Wilson Cemetery in Utica.

Mrs. Hickinbotham entered the local hospital Oct. 17, 1966 for observation and x-ray. She was transferred to Riverside Hospital in Columbus, where she submitted in surgery Oct. 24, after which she never regained consciousness.

Born Sept. 9, 1911 in Washington Township, Lincoln County, a daughter of Guy and Flo Glover Farley, she married Harold Hickinbotham Dec. 9, 1921. He survives with two daughters, Mrs. Lucille Wilton, North Canton, and Mrs. Erma Holton and a son, Eugene Hickinbotham, both of Louisville; her father, Guy Farley of Utica, a sister, Mrs. Kate Carpenter of Utica; and two brothers, John Farley, Mt. Vernon, and William Farley of Lima.


Sidney Daily News 2/9/1967

Forest Heber Higginbotham (1895-1967) OH

Pemberton - Forest H. (Dutch) Higginbotham, 72, of R.R. 5, Sidney, near Pemberton, died at 8:30 a.m. today at his home of an apparent heart attack.

He was born in Pemberton on April 24, 1894 to John and Margaret Cannon Higginbotham. He was married in 1918 to Millie Caroline Frantom.

Survivors are his wife, a son, Howard of R.R. 5, Sidney; a brother, Robert of Columbus; a sister, Mrs. Agnes Wonderly of Dayton.

Mr. Higginbotham was a life-long member of the Pemberton Baptist Church and a trustee at the time of his death. He beloned to Unity Grange there.

He was a former employee of Sidney Aluminum Co. and a farmer. He was a former coach and custodian at the old Pemberton school.

Rev. Clarence Younker will conduct services at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Reeder and Son Funeral Home in DeGraff with burial in Cedar Point Cemetery at Pasco.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Friday.


The Zanesville Times-Recorder 05/16/1967

Francis Paul Higinbothom (1888-1967) OH

Frank P. Higginbotham, 78, of Putnam Nursing Home, formerly of Pleasant Valley, died at 7:30 a.m. Monday (May 15) in Good Samaritan Hospital where he had been a patient 10 days. He had been in failing health for approximately five years.

Born June 14, 1888, in Hopewell Township, Muskingum County, he was a son of Charles F. and Lucy B. Fink, and had been an area resident all his life.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired farmer and sportsman. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church and the Society for Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA). He was also responsible for the organization of the Sweet Adelines Chorus in November in 1960, and was past president of the Senior Citizens Club.

Surviving are one brother, J. Dewey Higginbotham of Pinkerton Lane and several nieces and nephews.

One sister and one brother preceded him in death.

Friends may call at the Blue Avenue Chapel of Bolin Funeral Home from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Wednesday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 6/9/1967

Eliza Jane Kirby Higginbotham (1892-1967) TN/OH

Norton - Mrs. Eliza Jane Higginbotham, 74 years, of 376 Hazelwood Av., died Thursday at Green Cross General Hospital, Cuyahoga Falls, after a long illness.

Born in Tennessee, she resided in this area 19 years.

She leaves her husband, Autta; a daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Killfoil of Lakewood; a sister, Mrs. Effie Mae Rice of Pittsburgh; a brother, Carter Kirby of Lansing, Kan., and four grandchildren.

Services will be at 1 p.m. Monday at the Prentice Kenmore Funeral Home in Akron, where friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be at Lakewood Cemetery.


The Elyria Chronicle Telegram 06/23/1967

Alfred Leslie Higginbotham (ca1896-1967) OH/NV

Noted Journalism School Head Dies
Reno-Prof. Alfred Leslie Higginbotham, who built the University of Nevada Department of Journalism up from a single class room to one of the nation's best journalism schools, died in St. Mary's Hospital yesterday at 71.
At his own request there will be no funeral services, and his body will be sent to the University of Utah Medical center to help research into multiple sclerosis, a disease from which he suffered all his life.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Oberlin, Ohio, and was graduated from Oberlin College in 1920, working for the Cleveland Plain Dealer until 1923 when he joined the English Department at the University of Nevada.
He taught a single class in journalism, but persisted in efforts to establish a journalism department, succeeding in 1940. He headed the department until he retired in 1966.
He made it one of the top college journalism schools in the nation, with more than 100 students in 1966. The department was named for him-the only University of Nevada department named for a faculty member. Prof. Higginbotham helped found the Nevada State Press Association and Nevada newspaper Hall of Fame. The NSPA named him its "Man of the Year" in 1966, praising him as "a tireless scholar and teacher." He was the association's president in 1957.
He earned the first distinguished teacher award ever given by Sigma Delta Chi, the national professional journalism society, in 1967. He helped found the American Society of Journalism School Administrators and was its president in 1952-53.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, Mrs. Marie Taylor Higginbotham of Reno, and a daughter, Mrs. Sally Graham of New York City.


Springfield News-Sun 7/26/1967

Robert W. Higginbotham (1907-1967) GA/OH

Robert (Chip) Higgenbotham, 50, of 1575 Snyder Rd., died at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday in his residence.

He was born in Rome, Ga., March 5, 1907, the son of Marion and Hattie Peaks Higgenbotham and had been a resident of Springfield for the past 44 years.

Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Emma Smith of Springfield and Mrs. Lenora Bell of Flint, Mich.; three brothers, John H., Carvin and Willis L., all of Springfield and a number of aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.

His body was taken to the John W. Patterson Funeral Home where friends may call after 3 p.m. Friday. Funeral services will be held in the funeral home at 10:30 a.m. Saturday with the Rev. W.E. Richardson officiating. Burial will be in Fercliff Cemetery.


The Akron Beacon Journal 11/9/1967

Luella E. Higinbotham Dearth (1860-1967) PA/OH

Copley Twp. - Mrs. Luella H. Dearth died Wednesday at the Health Haven Nursing Home in Coventry Twp. at the age of 106.

Born in Fayette County, Pa., she moved to the Akron area in 1918 with her husband, Dr. Orlando P. Dearth. He died in 1928 at the age of 71.

Mrs. Dearth would have been 107 on Dec. 29.

She was a member of the High St. Christian Church and lived at 2519 Falmouth Rd.

She leaves daughter, Mrs. Charles D. Updegraff of Akron, four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Services will be 11 a.m. Friday at Billow Falls chapel. Burial will be in Rose Hill cemetery.

There will be no calling hours.


Springfield News-Sun 12/3/1967

Dorletha Higginbotham (1967-1967) OH

Dorletha Higginbotham, 8-months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Higginbotham, of 1918 S. Center St., was dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital at 7:10 p.m. Saturday.

She was born in Springfield, O., on March 20, 1967, the daughter of Donald and Lucy Tucker Higginbotham.

Survivors, in addition to the parents, are one brother, Donald Jr.; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Tucker of Springfield; the paternal grandfather, Leroy Higginbotham, of Newark, N.J.

Her body was taken to the Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home.


Sidney Daily Sun 12/14/1967

Helen Louise Beck Hickenbotham (1908-1967) OH

DeGraff - Mrs. Helen Louise Hickenbotham of Troy, 59, wife of Hugh Hickenbotham, died at 3:15 p.m. Wednesday at their residence there.

Mrs. Hickenbotham was born Jan. 1, 1908 to the late German Beck and Mrs. Eva Doren Beck Sergent of Lewistown.

She was married in 1924 and the couple moved to Troy from Sidney in 1945.

Survivors besides her husband and her mother are a step-mother, Mrs. Walter (Stella) Harris of New Albany, Ind., and several brothers and sisters.

Rev. Wilburn Martin will conduct services at 2 p.m. Saturday in the First Baptist Church, Troy, with burial in Greenwood Cemetery, DeGraff.

Friends may call at the Reeder and Son Funeral Home, DeGraff, after noon Friday.

Calling hours at the Troy church are from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.


Newark Advocate 12/21/1967

Alexis "Red" Hickinbotham (1907-1967)

Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday in the chapel of Ross Henderson Funeral Home for Alexis Hickinbotham, 60, of 105 N. 11th St. Elder Maurice Chapman will officiate, with burial in Poplar Fork Cemetery, Gratiot.

Mr. Higginbotham died early today in Licking County Memorial Hospital.

He was born March 18, 1907 in Morgan Twp. Knox County to J.J and Maggie Nichols Hickinbotham.

He came to Newark in 1940 and had been employed at Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp for 21 years as a supervisor in the acoustical department. He also worked as a salesman for White Motors and Merchant Motors and was a member of Brushy Fork Methodist Church.

Surviving are his wife, Lorna, of the home; his mother, Mrs. Maggie Boney of Newark; a son, William of Ankorage, Alaska; three step-daughters: Mrs. Garold Mills of Harbor Hills, Mrs. Ernest Wolfe of Newark and Kenneth Walsh of Heath; two sisters: Mrs. Charles Warden of Newark and Mrs. Henry Ledger of Portland, Ore; 14 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. this evening and from 20 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday.


The Daily Reporter (Dover, OH) 3/5/1968

Joseph E. Hickenbottom (1903-1968) OH

Newcomerstown - Joseph E. Hickenbottom, 64, of RD 1 died yesterday morning in Guernsey Memorial Hospital where he had been a patient 3 weeks.

Born in Belmont County, he was a son of David W. Hickenbottom and the late Matilda Wells Hickenbottom.

A retired Heller Tool Co. employee he was a member of the Hartwood Methodist Church where he was a former teacher of the Men's Bible Class. He was a director of the Guernsey-Muskingum County Electric Co-Op, and agent for Eastern Ohio Mutual Fire and Tornado Insurance and a member of Washington Grange.

Surviving besides his father are his widow, the former Therma Longsworth; 2 daughters, Mrs. Owen (Betty) Ward and Mrs. James (Sandra) Dobson of RD 1, West Lafayette; 2 sisters, Mrs. Carl (Tillie) Tuttle of Columbus and Mrs. Alvie (Mary) Hannahs of RD 1 here; 7 brothers, B.F. of here, James and Lake of Kimbolton, Rodney of Guernsey, Odis and Ross of Somerton and O.F. of Huntington Park, Calif.; and 3 grandchildren. A son and a brother are deceased.

Services will be Thursday at 1 p.m. in Addy Funeral Home with Rev. Charles Sellers officiating. Burial will be in West Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 to 9.


The Journal Herald (Dayton, OH) 3/9/1968

Brady Lawrence Higginbotham (1881-1968) WV/OH

Higginbotham, Brady Lawrence, age 87, of 7820 Dog Leg Rd., passed away March 7 at Thomas Memorial Hospital, Charleston, W. Va., after a brief illness. Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Charleston, W. Va., was a member of one of Charleston's earlier families, he was the son of Emma Jane Pierce and Samuel Peyton Higginbotham and for many years was engaged in the contracting business with his father and brothers in Charleston. He is survived by 2 daughters, Katherine Higginbotham, Grimms Landing, W. Va., and Geanne Sieferman, Dayton; 2 step-daughters, Claudia Abbott, Dayton, Ernestine Holmes, Evanston, Ill.; 5 sons, Samuel C. and Arnold, Charleston, Albert of Pittsburgh, Pa., Clayton and Clair of Dayton; 5 brothers, Rev. Gilbert Higginbotham and Charles of Charleston, Clyde, Kennet and Bernard of Buffalo, W. Va.; 1 sister, Mary Higginbotham, Charleston, W. Va.; 16 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Snodgrass Funeral Home in Charleston, Saturday afternoon with burial at Polk Grove Cemetery near Vandalia, O. Monday afternoon 1 p.m., by Rev. Merrill Warren. Visitation at Morton Funeral Home, in Vandalia, Sunday 7 to 9 p.m.


The Cincinnati Inquirer 8/16/1968

Martha Surelda Higginbotham Trammell (1877-1968) KY/OH

Trammell - Reldia (nee Higginbotham ), beloved mother of Mrs. Carrie Webb of Cincinnati, Mrs. Ora Lee Conley of Ironton, Ohio, Mrs. E.C. Unseld of Forest Grove, Oreg., and C.R. Trammell of Strunk, Ky., also leaves 20 grandchildren and 45 great-grandchildren; Tuesday, August 13, 1968; residence, 5117 Montgomery Rd., Norwood. Friends may call at the Tredway Funeral Home, 2131 Cameron Ave., Norwood. Thursday, 6 to 9 p.m. Funeral Friday at 1 p.m.


The Akron Beacon Journal 9/17/1968

Robert Lee Higginbotham (1950-1968) WV/OH

Hold Rites For Crash Victim

Barberton - Services for Robert L. Higginbotham, 18, killed in an auto crash in Coventry Twp., will be at 1 p.m. Thursday in Calvary Wesleyan Church. Burial will be Greenlawn Cemetery.

The youth's body was found in the wreckage of his car early Monday in a ravine beside Interstate 77 about 250 feet north of the new bridge over U.S. 224. A passing motorist saw the car and called Sheriff's deputies.

Higginbotham, a June graduate of Barberton High, had worked three months as a machine operator for the B & C Machine Co. He was a member of Calvary church. Born in Charleston, W.Va., he came with his family top Barberton as a year-old baby.

He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Higginbotham Sr., with whom he lived at 711 Fairview av., brothers, Willie Jr., Barberton, and Arley with the U.S. Army at Fort Knox, Ky., and sister Margaret Ann, at home.

Friends may call at the Hahn funeral home after 6 tonight.


The Akron Beacon Journal 12/2/1968

Hazel M. Higgenbotham Doyle (1888-1968) OH

Services for Mrs. Hazel Doyle, 80, of 457 Carroll Av., will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the Gordon-Shidnagle-Hollinger funeral home, Massillon. Burial will be in Massillon cemetery.

She died Saturday at Rose Lane Nursing Home, Massillon, where she had been a patient one year.

Born in Canal Fulton, she lived in Akron 50 years. Her husband, Warner L., was employed in Firestone's purchasing department before his death in 1957/ She was a member of Portage Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.

Mrs. Doyle leaves a sister, Mrs. Helene Albright of Massillon.

Friends may call at the funeral home until 4 p.m. today and from 7 to 9 tonight.


The Delaware Gazette 3/10/1969

Denzel Hilton Hickinbotham Jr. (1917-1969) OH

Denzel H. Hickinbotham Jr., 50, of 250 Lexington Ave., Dayton, died unexpectedly of heart attack early today at his home.

He was a former resident of Delaware.

Surviving are the father, Denzel Hickinbotham Sr., of Dayton, and a sister, Mrs. Julia Wolfe, Wapakoneta.

Friends may call from 2 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the Bennett-Brown Funeral Home, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery.


The Cincinnati Post 4/26/1969

Judy Bell Morgan Higginbotham  (1899-1969) KY/OH

Higginbotham - Judy Bell (nee Morgan), beloved wife of Herbert Higginbotham; dear mother of Mrs. Evelyn Deguid and Mrs. Audrey Padgett; also seven grandchildren; sister of Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Mrs. Marie Bird, Mrs. Georgia Mentrupt of Milford, Dodo and Ernest Morgan; Friday, April 25, 1969; in her 70th year; residence, 2342 Glenside av., Norwood. Friends may call at the Hodapp Funeral Home, 7401 Vine St., Carthage, Sunday, April 27, 3 to 9 p.m. Funeral services, Monday at 1:30 p.m.


The Evening News (Harrisburg, PA) 4/30/1969

William Cardwell Higginbottom (1880-1969) OH/PA

W. C. Higginbottom, 89, of 236 Willow Ave., Camp Hill, died Monday in the Polyclinic Hospital. Retired in 1945 as assistant vice president of the Eastern Region Penna. Railroad, with 50 years service. Was general manager of the Eastern Region for 14 years; was superintendent of Penna. Railroad, Harrisburg, in 1926-1927; Member of Bala-Cynwyd Methodist Church; member of Traffic Club of Chicago; Union League of Philadelphia; Avalon Lodge #657 F&AM. Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edward H. Bower, with whom he resided; 1 granddaughter, Mrs. Clifford E. Wells of Clinton, Connecticut; 2 nieces, Mrs. G. Edward Morelock of Hanover, Mrs. Rodman Moulinier, Phoenix, Arizona; 6 great-grandchildren. Funeral services Thursday 10:30 a.m. from the Myers Funeral Home, 1903 Market St., Camp Hill, the Rev. Spencer B. Smith officiating. Interment Friday at 10 a.m. in Pleasant View Mennonite Church Cemetery, North Lawrence, Ohio. There will be no viewing. In lieu of flowers it is requested contributions be made to the Pleasant View Mennonite Church.


Zanesville Times Recorder May 31, 1969

Eva Gertrude Bethel Hickenbottom (1894-1969) OH

Barnesville - Mrs. Eva E. Hickenbottom, 74, of 177 Kennard avenue, Barnesville, died at 12:35 p.m. Friday (May 30) at Barnesville Hospital, shortly after she was admitted after suffering an apparent heart attack.

She was born Oct. 24, 1894, in Flushing, a daughter of Clinton A. and Margaret Gilmer Bethel.

Mrs. Hickenbottom was a member of First Christian Church at Barnesville.

She is survived by her husband, John H. Hickenbottom; three daughters, Mrs. Archie (Marilyn) Findley and Mrs. Dean (Carolyn) Campbell, both of Hagerstown, Md. and Mrs. Ray (Dorothy) Motter of Albuquerque, N.M.; two sons, Everett and Paul Hickenbottom, both of Barnesville; 18 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; and a brother, Willis W. Bethel of Mineral Ridge.

Campbell-Plumley Funeral Home in Barnesville is in charge of arrangements.


The Akron Beacon Journal 6/8/1969

Horace Edward Higginbottom (1952-1969) OH

Service for Horace E. Higginbottom, 17, of 970 Dover Av., who was killed Friday night when his car hit a tree of Romig Rd. in Southwest Akron, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at First Apostolic Faith Church.

Mr. Higginbottom, a sophomore at Central High School, was dead on arrival at General Hospital.

Born in Barberton, he lived in Akron 10 years. He was a member of the Gospel Temple in Jesus Christ Church, Barberton and the YMCA.

He leaves his parents, Elder and Mrs. Alexander Higginbottom Sr.; six sisters, Mrs. Katie Smith, Detroit, Mrs. Lula Mae Hampton, Barberton, Mrs. Daisy Blackson, Akron and Barbara, Priscilla, Cathy and Luvina, all of the home; and five brothers, Alexander Jr., Curtis, James, Ronald and Robert, all of Akron.

Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at the Stewart-Calhoun & Black Funeral Home. Burial will be in Lakewood Cemetery.


Sidney Daily News 7/9/1969

Mary Odith Higginbotham Cook (1902-1969) KY/OH

Mrs. Mary Odith Cook, 66, wife of Charlie M. Cook, of 607 Park Street, died at 1:40 p.m. Tuesday at her home of a heart attack. She had been in failing health for four years.

Born in Pulaski County, Ky., Dec. 25, 1902, she was a daughter of James and Nellie Freeman Higgenbotham. She was married May 25, 1918, and the family moved here in 1951 from McCreary.

Survivors beside her husband are three sons, J.D. Cook and Warren E. Cook of Sidney, Charlie S. Cook of RR 2, Sidney, a daughter, Mrs. Silas (Girlene) Murphy of Sidney; 12 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren.

Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. F.M. Heith, and a brother, Ancil Higgenbotham, both of Somerset, Ky.

Mrs. Cook was a member of the Franklin Township Baptist Church.

Rev. William Hatfield will conduct services at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at the Cromes and Sons Funeral Home, with burial in Graceland Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home this afternoon and tonight and until noon Thursday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 10/9/1969

Vada Etta Chapman Higginbotham (1899-1969) WV/OH

Mrs. Veda E. Higginbotham, 70, of 827 W. Exchange St. Died Wednesday in City Hospital.

Born in Canvas, W. Va., she lived in Akron 47 years. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church.

She leaves her husband, Howard; son, Clyde and daughter, Mrs. June Estes, both of Akron; another daughter, Mrs. Eileen Nagy, Suffield; three brothers, Esmer and John Chapman, both in West Virginia, and Leonard Chapman, Cuyahoga Falls; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Reeder and Mrs. Stossle Young, both in West Virginia; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at Adams Funeral Home, where friends may call after 4 p.m. Friday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 12/29/1969

Gertrude Hood Higginbottom Dukes (1912-1969) OH

Dukes, Mrs. Gertrude of 272 Euclid Ave., passed away December 28. Survived by husband, James; daughter, Mrs. Katie Smith; sons, Alex and Curtis Higginbottom, all of Akron, O.; 11 grandchildren; 7 great-grandchildren. Funeral services Tuesday 1 p.m. at the Stewart-Calhoun & Black Funeral Chapel. Burial Lakewood Cemetery. Friends may call Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. Condolences may be sent and procession will form at 938 Bissom Ave.


Portsmouth Times 01/02/1970

Bessie Reese Higginbotham (1883-1970) PA/OH

Jackson, Ohio - Mrs. Bessie M. Higginbotham, 86, of Jackson died Thursday morning in Oak Hill Hospital.  A native of Washington, Pa., she was preceded in death by her husband, James Higginbotham, in 1951.  Surviving are two sons, Mark of Wellston Rt. 2 and Sam of Adrian, Mich.; three daughters, Mrs. Nellie Scott and Mrs. Ruth Colvin, both of Jackson, and Mrs. Marie Potts of Canton; three brothers, William Reese of Sabina, Sandy Reese of Scenery Hill, Pa. and Ersel Reese of Washington, Pa.; two sisters, Mrs. Dale Locy and Mrs. Isy Kenimond, both of Washington, Pa.; ten grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.  Services are to be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. at Eisnaugle Funeral Home in Jackson, with Rev. O. C. Cooper officiating.  Interment is to be in Beaver Chapel Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 1/19/1970

Mary Magdalena Kelwig Higginbotham (1892-1970) Germany/OH

Mary Higginbotham, beloved wife of the late Oscar, dear mother of Margaret Roehl, James, Gertrude Chambers, Grandmother, sister of Ann Krems, Theresa Berger, Gertrude Kay and John Kehrig. Funeral Wednesday, Jan. 21, at St. Patrick's Church (Bridge Ave.) at 11 a.m. Interment Ashland, O. Friends may call at the Schuster Funeral Home, 5904 Ridge Rd., Parma, from 7-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday.


The Logan Daily News 3/17/1970

Callie Blanche Tankersley Higginbotham (1900-1970) WV/OH

Mrs. Callie B. Higginbotham, 70, of 910 E. Main St., died at 2 a.m. today in Hocking Valley Community Hospital, where she had been a patient for the last three days.

Born Feb. 18, 1900, in Bluefield, W.Va., daughter of the late Chester and Minnie Harvey Tankersley, she had lived in and around Logan for the past 23 years, moving here fromCanal Winchester. She was a member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Survivors are her husband, Milford M. Higginbotham to whom she was married in 1925 at Princeton, W.Va.; a sister, Mrs. Beulah Copenhaver of Columbus; two half-sisters, Mrs. Pauline Morheart of Canal Winchester and Mrs. Geneva Kyser of Columbus and a half-brother, Maynard Lusk of Grove City.

Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Heinlein Funeral Home. Burial will be in Lithopolis Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 tonight.


Troy Daily News 3/30/1970

Franklin Hugh Hickenbotham (1901-1970) OH

Franklin Hugh Hickenbotham, 68, of East Main St., Troy, died Sunday afternoon at his residence.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Helen Louise Beck Hickenbotham Dec. 13, 1967.

He is survived by several cousins.

A member of the First Baptist Church, he was a retired clerk at Montgomery Ward in Troy.

Services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Reeder and Son Funeral Home in DeGraff. The Rev. Douglas Peters will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery in DeGraff.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday and until time of services Wednesday.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) - 7 July 1970 Page B-1

Hattie D. Hickenbottom Daniel (1886-1970) WV/OH
Mrs. Hattie DANIEL-Mrs. Hattie D. DANIEL, 84, of Barnesville, former Boston, Ohio, resident, died at 7:45 p.m. Sunday in a Cambridge hospital.
Born Feb. 5, 1886, in West Virginia, she was a daughter of Joe and Mary Ellen Sampson Hickenbottom. She had been a resident of Barnesville for the past 17 years.
Mrs. Daniel was a member of the Boston Church of Christ.
Surviving are one son, William S. of Clearwater, Fla.; one brother, David of Newcomerstown; nine grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.
Her husband, Fred and one son, Enoch, preceded her in death.
Friends may call at Campbell-Plumly Funeral Home in Barnesville after 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Service will be held at 1 p.m. Friday in the funeral home. Evangelist Fred Bennett will officiate and burial will be in Boston Cemetery.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 8/16/1970

Esther Juanita Higginbotham Johnson (1908-1970) OH

Barnesville - Mrs. Esther J. Johnson, 62, of 311 Harrison Street, whose husband Miles died in 1952, died at 9:45 a.m. Saturday (Aug. 15) at her home. She had been ill for some time.

Born June 21, 1908, in Barnesville, she was the daughter of Charles and Mary Jane Mallott Higgenbotham. She was a member of the First Methodist Church here.

Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Delbert (Rita) Huntsman and Mrs. Marvin (Marlene) Hanlon, both of Barnesville, Mrs. J.M. (Juanita) Epley of Virginia Beach, Va., and Mrs. John (Sue) Altizer Jr. of Woodsfield; a son, Charles Johnson of Barnesville; two sisters, Mrs. John Bailey of Barnesville and Mrs. G.D. Watkins of Brownsville; 12 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.

The body was taken to Campbell-Plumly Funeral Home here where services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday with Evangelist James Gallagher officiating. Burial will be in Crestview Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday.


News Journal (Mansfield, OH) 8/26/1970

Mary Agnes Riehl Higinbothom Bronkar (1884-1970) OH

Mrs. Mary A. Bronkar, 89, of 317 Bartley Ave., widow of Henry Bronkar, died Tuesday afternoon in People's Hospital following a tw-year illness.

Mrs. Bronkar was born Sept. 11, 1880, in Zanesville and had lived here since 1916. She was a member of Grace Episcopal Church.

Survivors are one son, Barton K. Higinbotham of 317 Bartley Ave.; one grandson, and three great grandchildren.

The body is at the Wappner Funeral Home where services will be held Friday at 9:30 a.m. by her pastor, Rev. David Sipes. Burial will be at 1 p.m. Friday in the Greenwood Cemetery, Zanesville.

Friends may call at the funeral home tonight from 7 to 0 and Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.


The Times Recorder 10/11/1970

Rollin Raymond Higinbothom (1900-1970) OH/AR

Rollin Raymond (Ted) Higginbotham, 70, of Fayetteville, Ark., formerly of Hopewell, a retired farmer, died at 8:30 p.m. (Thursday Oct. 8) at a nursing home in Huntsville, Ark. He had been in failing health for a year. Mr. Higginbotham was born June 13, 1900, in Muskingum County, a son of William and Elizabeth Runion Higinbothom. He never married. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Samuel (Olive) Francis of Gratiot; a brother, Hilbert Higinbothom of Farmington, Ark., six nieces and two nephews. A sister, Florence, is deceased. The body was taken to the Blue Avenue chapel of Bolin Funeral Home where friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at the Blue Avenue chapel with Rev. Ralph E. Sagle officiating. Burial will be in Poplar Fork Cemetery, near Gratiot.


Springfield New-Sun 10/13/1970

Martha Cassady Higginbotham (1902-1970) OH

Mrs. Martha Higginbotham, 64, of 524 W. Clark St., died at 11:39 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 27, in her residence. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Irene Davenport, of Cleveland, Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels and Mrs. Selena Cole of Springfield and Mrs. Florine Harrison of Dayton; one son, Richard J.; a stepson, Cecil L. Higginbotham, Jr.; two brothers; one sister; ten grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

Burial was in Ferncliff Cemetery.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 10/22/1970

Calvin Jay Hickenbottom (1951-1970) OH

Barnesville - Calvin J. Hickenbottom, 19, of 931 North Chestnut Street, Barnesville, died at 8:55 p.m. (Oct. 20) at his home after a long illness.

He was born July 1, 1951, in Barnesville, a son of Everett and Dorothy Kern Hickenbottom.

A graduate of Barnesville High School in the class of 1969, Mr. Hickenbottom received a medical discharge from the Army at Fort Jackson. He was a member of Barnesville First Christian Church.

In addition to his parents, he is survived by a brother, John Hickenbottom with the Army in Germany; three sisters, Mrs. Elaine Morris and Mrs. Paula Triplett, both of Barnesville, and Mrs. Jean Brocius of Mount Marion, N.Y.; his grandfather, John Hickenbottom of Barnesville; and two nieces and a nephew.

Friends may call 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today at Campbell-Plumly Funeral Home here where services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday with Rev. William Worcester officiating. Burial will be in Union Cemetery at Flushing.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 12/26/1970

Gayle Christine Wertman Hickenbottom (1949-1970) OH

Mrs. Gayle Christine Hickenbottom, 21, of Grove City died at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday (Dec. 23) at Mount Carmel Hospital in Columbus of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Franklin County deputy  sheriffs said the investigation is continuing, and no coroner's ruling has been given in the case.

Mrs. Hickenbottom was born Feb. 4, 1949, in Ashland, a daughter of Mrs. Florence Haney Wertman Lewis of Ashland, and the late David W. Wertman.

Surviving in addition to her mother are her husband, Stanley Hickenbottom; her step-father, Carl Lewis of Ashland; a brother, David Wertman, and four sisters, Marcia, Linn and Retta, all of Ashland, and Janice of Phoenix, Ariz.

Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. today at Campbell-Plumley Funeral Home here with Rev. William Worcester officiating. Burial will be in the Crestview Cemetery.


Springfield News-Sum 8/22/1971

Emma Mae Hickenbottom Folden (1893-1971) OH

Mrs. Emma Mae Folden, 78, died at 2:30 a.m. Saturday in the Compton Nursing Home.

She was born May 26, 1893, in Belmont County, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Higgenbotham and had been a resident of Springfield for the past 11 years.

Her husband, Otis, preceded her in death in April of 1969.

Survivors include two sons, Robert McCoy of Springfield and William McCoy of Dayton; a step-daughter, Mrs. Ralph (Helen) Bethards of Springfield; a step-son, Charles Folden of Springfield, several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

Her body was taken to the O'Brien-Fenney Funeral Home, where friends may call from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday.

Services are to be held in the funeral home at 9 a.m. Tuesday in charge of the Rev. Wesley Stedefeld of the Northside Christian Church officiating.

Burial is to be in Fairmount Cemetery, Jackson. Graveside services are to be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 8/23/1971

William Bruce Higginbotham (1919-1971) WV/OH

Barberton - Services for Willie B. Higginbotham Sr., 52, of 711 Fairview av., will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Calvary Wesleyan Church. Burial will be in Greenlawn cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died Friday at Barberton Citizens Hospital after a three year illness.

He retired two years ago from B&C Machine Shop.

Born in Comfort, W.Va., he had lived in Barberton 21 years.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Calvary Wesleyan Church, a World War II Army veteran.

He leaves wife, Kitty; two sons, Willie Jr. and Arley, both of Barberton; daughter, Margaret Ann, also of Barberton; three brothers, Hubert, Decota, W.Va., Arle, Barberton, and Percy, Florida; sister Mrs. Macel Skinner, Barberton; two grandchildren.

Calling hours will be 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Hahn funeral home.


Chronicle Telegram (Elyria, OH) 09/21/1971

Earl Higginbotham (1916-1971) WV/OH

The Funeral service for Earl Higginbotham, 55, of 635 Stanford Ave., will be Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Harold Dicken Funeral Home. The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Hamilton and the Rev. Dr. Earl R. Henderson will officiate. Burial will be in Brookdale Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, native of West Virginia and resident of Elyria 18 years, was pronounced dead Saturday at 5 p.m. at Elyria Memorial Hospital after he was stricken with a heart attack at his work at Larson Consolidated Foundry, Grafton, where he was chief security officer. He was a member of First United Methodist Church.

Surviving are his wife, Lulu J., to whom he was married 35 years; two sons, Larry G. of Madison Heights, Mich., and Donald E. of Hefling, Ala., a daughter, Mrs. Jerry E. (Linda) Taylor of Amherst; five grandchildren; four brothers, Carl of Pittsburgh, Ray of Florida and Dale and Ross, both of West Virginia, and two sisters, Mrs. Elmer Gump of Farmington, W.Va., and Mrs. Ruth Jones of Mannington, W.Va.

Friends will be received at the funeral home tonight from 7 to 9 and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.


The Journal Herald (Dayton, OH) 1/3/1972

Hazel Claire Higginbotham Magill (1892-1972) FL/OH

Magill, Mrs. Hazel Claire, age 79, of 2510 Edenhill Ave., Kettering, passed away Saturday. She is survived by 1 daughter, Mrs. Hazel Lee, of Kettering; 1 son, Francis Magill, Coco Beach, Fla.; a half-brother, Henry Carlton, Memphis, Tenn.; 5 grandchildren. Funeral services 1 p.m. Tuesday from the Tobias Funeral Home, 648 Watervliet Ave., interment Mount Zion Shoup Cemetery. There will be no calling hours prior to service.


The Akron Deacon 1/22/1972

Pearl Lena Gibson Higginbotham (1896-1972) FL/OH

Higginbotham - Mrs. Pearl, 718 Euclid av., passed away Jan. 19, Akron City Hospital. Funeral services Monday 10 a.m. from Stewart-Calhoun & Black Funeral Chapel, Rev. Stanley Lynton officiating. Burial Glendale Cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel Sunday 7 to 9 p.m. Condolences may be sent to 718 Euclid av.

Born in Milton, Fla., Mrs. Higginbotham lived in Akron 54 years and was a member of Second Baptist church.

She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Mary Steard and one sister, Mrs. Ruth Meminger, both of Akron; two grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.


Sidney Daily News 3/27/1972

Robert G. Higginbotham (1927-1972) OH

Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Woodyard East Chapel for Robert G. Higginbotham, 44, of Bexley, who died unexpectedly Friday night in University Hospital, Columbus.

He was a native of Pemberton, born Dec. 20, 1927, to Robert B. and Mabel Higginbotham.

Survivors are his wife, Peg, and a daughter, Vicki Lynn, 13.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired small business administrator for North American Rockwell Corp. in Columbus. He belonged to the Masonic Lodge and Buckey Lake Yacht Club.

Rev. John Kennedy, pastor of Peace Lutheran Church, Gahanna, will conduct the services and burial will be in Cedar Point Cemetery, Pasco, about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today.


The Delaware Gazette 5/1/1972

Denzel Hilton Hickinbotham Sr. (1894-1972) OH

Denzel H. Hickinbotham, 78, formerly of Dayton, died Saturday in Wapakoneta Manor, Wapakoneta, following an extended illness.

Before retiring,  Hickinbotham was manager of several paints stores in the Dayton area.

Surviving are the daughter. Mrs. John Wolf, 816 W. Auglaize St., Wapakoneta; two grandchildren; a brother, Clarence of Springfield; three sisters, Mrs. Iva Miller, West Liberty, Mrs. Edna Nash and Miss Hattie Hickinbotham, both of Urbana. He was preceded in death by the wife, Hazel (Firtch), in 1966, and a son, Denzel Jr., in 1969.

Friends will be received at the gravesite, 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday in Oak Grove Cemetery, where services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday with the Rev. Richard Teller of William Street United Methodist Church officiating. Local arrangements are in charge of the Bennett-Brown funeral home.



Herbert C. Higginbotham (1900-1972) KY/OH

Herbert Higginbotham, 71, Williamsburg, formerly of Cincinnati, died at 3:15 p.m. Friday at the Williamsburg Clinic.

He is survived by his wife, Lula Higginbotham, Williamsburg; two daughters, Mrs. Audrey Padgett, Cincinnati, and Mrs. Evelyn Duguid, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; four sisters, Mrs. Zora Jones, Williamsburg; Mrs. Lula Jeffers, Norwood, Ohio; Mrs. Ruth Murphy and Mrs. Mary Wood, Cincinnati; four brothers, Azrie Higginbotham, Williamsburg; Bert Higginbotham, Cincinnati; Roscoe Higginbotham, Loveland, Ohio, and Paul Higginbotham, Norwood, Ohio; seven grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Sunday at the Croley Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Harold Robinson. Burial will be Monday in the Rest Haven Cemetery in Blue Ash, Ohio.


The Cincinnati Post 6/29/1972

James Arnold Higginbotham (1896-1972) WV/OH

Services for James A. Higginbotham, 76, retired employee of Cincinnati Milling Machine Co. and former electronics teacher, will be 2 p.m. tomorrow at Vitt & Sterner Funeral Delhi Hills.

Mr. Higginbotham, of 5386 Hillside Avenue, Delhi Township, died Tuesday at St. Francis Hospital. A native of Earnshaw, W.Va., he came to Cincinnati in 1916 and lived here since that time. He served in establishing the Shultz-Lewis Children's Home in World War I and in his early years worked for the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.

He later taught electronics in the Kentucky State Vocational School in Covington and at Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., where he was an instrument man in the power house until he retired 11 years ago.

He was a singer with the Orphan's Club choral group in the 1920s and '30s and was instrumental in Valparaiso, Ind., and the Mid Western Children's Home in Pleasant Plains, Ohio.

He was an elder in the Clifton Church of Christ.

He leaves his wife, Frances Brackett Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Herman (Rose) Giffin of Troy, Mich., and Mrs. John (Jo) Kemp of Milford; and two sons, James J. and Kenneth Higginbotham.

Friends may call from 4 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 12/24/1972

Orabel Hickinbotham McGarry (1884-1972) OH

Barnesville - Mrs. Orabel McGarry, 88, of Lewisville, died at 10 a.m. Saturday in Barnesville, Hospital.

Mrs. McGarry was born August 29, 1884 in Woodsfield, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hickinbotham. She was a member of the Plainview Church of Christ.

Survivors are her son, John H. of Lewisville; two daughters, Mrs. Alice Lumbatis of Howard and Mrs. VEra Hines of Lewisville; four brothers, Thomas Hickinbotham of Alton, Miss., Ray Hickinbotham of Barndoll, Okla., Harper Hickinbotham of Borger, Tex. and Paul Hickinbotham of Lucas; two sisters, Mrs. Isie Morris of Alderado, Ill., and Mrs. Mary Young of Caldwell; 10 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Service will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Gardner Funeral Home in Woodsfield. Minister T.A. Christy will officiate. Burial will be in Friendship Cemetery in Lewisville.

Friends may call at the funeral home 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday.


Van Wert Times Bulletin 01/05/1973

Fern Virginia Jordan Higginbotham (1928-1973) OH

Chillicothe, Ohio-Fern Higginbotham, 44, of Rt. 2, Beaver, was killed late Thursday when the pickup truck in which she was riding and a car collided on U.S. 23, three miles north of Chillicothe.


Zanesville Times Recorder 02/09/1973

Mary E. Burns Higginbotham (1899-1973) OH

Mrs. Mary E. Higginbotham, 73, of Pinkerton Lane Route 2, died at 10 a.m. Thursday in Good Samaritan Medical Center. She had been ill for three weeks, but death was unexpected.

Born Feb. 21, 1899, in Muskingum County, she was a daughter of Amos and Clara Edwards Burns and had been a lifelong resident of Zanesville.

She was a member of the Fair Oaks Baptist Church.

Surviving are her husband, J. Dewey Higginbotham; one son, Donald of White Cottage; two daughters, Mrs. Junior (Elaine) Tredway of 705 Rock Road and Sue Higginbotham of the home; two brothers, Herbert Burns of Phoenix City, Ala., and Archie Burns of St. Petersburg, Fla.; and four grandchildren.

One son, Paul, died in infancy. A brother is also deceased.

Friends may call 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the Blue Avenue Chapel of the Bolin Funeral Home.


Springfield News-Sun 3/9/1973

Miriam Morgan Higginbotham (1937-1973) OH

Mrs. Miriam (Peaches) Higgenbotham, 36, of 664 W. Mulberry St., died Friday morning at 1116-1/2 S. Yellow Springs St., where she was visiting.

She was born Jan. 23, 1937, in Springfield, the daughter of James and Miriam Daniel Morgan. She attended the Faith Baptist Church.

Survivors other than her parents of Springfield include two daughters, Wanda Kay and Kim Denise, both at home; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Williams of Springfield and Mrs. Barbara Adams of Oxnard, Calif.; one brother, James F. Morgan of San Francisco, Calif.; her mathernal grandfather, the Rev. John Daniel of Springfield, and several nieces and nephews.

Her body was taken to the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home.


Washington Court House Record-Herald 5/14/1973

Emanuel Christopher Higginbotham (1884-1973) WV/OH

Greenfield - Emanuel Christopher Higginbotham, 88, of Rt. 2, Frankfort, died at 8:30 a.m. Sunday in his residence.

Born in Putnam County, W.Va., he was married in 1911 to Susie Smith, who survives, along with three sons, Kelsey Lewis, Bowling Green, Emanuel Franklin, Rt. 2, Frankfort, and William J., of Rt. 1, Frankfort; six daughters, Mrs. Ray (Lillie) Lemaster, Rt. 2, Frankfort, Mrs. Howard (Willie) Yates, Rt. 5, Chillicothe, Mrs. Clifford (Mary) Fyffe, Roseville, Calif., Mrs. Harold (Naomi) Ours Sr., Rt. 8, Chillicothe, Mrs. Ted (Lucinda) Current, Rt. 6, Chillicothe, and Mrs. Denver (Mildred) Jeffers, Rt. 2, Frankfort; 50 grandchildren and 79 great-grandchildren. One so is deceased.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Frankfort Methodist Church with the Rev. Howard Fannon officiating. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery at Frankfort under the direction of the Murray Funeral Home.

Friends may call at the residence near Frankfort any time after 4 p.m. Monday and until time of service on Wednesday.


The Advocate (Newark, OH) 07/02/1973

Goldie Laura McLaughlin Higginbotham (1885-1973) OH

Services for Mrs. Goldie L. Higginbotham, 88, of 108 W. Main St., will be 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the chapel of the Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home, with the Rev. Dr. Joseph Garshaw officiating. Burial will be in Wilson Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Sunday morning in the hospital. She was born June 24, 1885, to the late John and Sarah McLaughlin.

She was a member of the Central Church of Christ for 80 years, the Pythian Sisters and the Homemakers Class.

Her husband, Andrew C., died in 1960.

Surviving are two sons: Edward Higginbotham and Rev. John Higginbotham, both of Newark; one daughter, Mrs. Carl Hackney of Carmel, Ind.; a sister, Mrs. Blanche Glausinger of Newark; six grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. One son and brothers and sisters are dead.

Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tonight.


Chillicothe Gazette 7/21/1973

Susie Jemiah Smith Higginbotham (1884-1973) WV/OH

Mrs. Susie J. Higginbotham, 80, Route 2, Frankfort, died at 4 p.m. Friday in Chillicothe Hospital.

The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Frankfort United Methodist Church with the Rev. Leon Cook officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort, under direction of Murray Funeral Home of Greenfield.

Friends may call at the Higginbotham residence after 4 p.m. Sunday.

The daughter of Frank Sr. and Lucinda Davis Smith, she was born on Sept. 24, 1892, in Mason County, W.Va.

Her husband, E.C. Higginbotham, died May 13, 1973.

Surviving are nine children, Kelsey Lewis Higginbotham, Bowling Green, Emanuel Franklin Higginbotham, Mrs. Ray (Lillie) Lemaster and Mrs. Denver (Mildred) Jeffers, all of Route 2, Frankfort, Mrs. Howard (Willie) Yates, Route 5, William J. Higginbotham, Route 1, Frankfort, Mrs. Clifford (Mary) Fyffe, Roseville, Calif., Mrs. Harold (Naomi) Ours Sr., Route 8, Mrs. Ted (Lucinda) Current, Route 6; 50 grandchildren; 81 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Henry Smith, South Salem and Arthur Smith, Route 1, Greenfield; and two sisters, Mrs. Dollie Cokonougheh, Route 2, Frankfort, and Mrs. Ollie Wisecup, Route 1, Lyndon. She was predeceased by a son, two sisters and three brothers.


Warren Tribune Chronicle 15 Sep 1973

Eugene Foster Higinbotham Sr. (1919-1973) WV/OH

Lordstown - Eugene F. Higinbotham Sr., 53, 6907 Highland SW, died of a kidney ailment at 8 a.m. Friday in the Cleveland Veterans Hospital, following a seven-year illness.

He was born Nov. 21, 1919, in Watson, W.Va., the son of Samuel and Minnie Bartholow Higinbotham.

A World War II Navy veteran, he was employed by Republic Steel Corp., Warren, for 14 years. He was a member of the United Steelworkers Union.

Survivors include his wife, Frankie Stonebraker Higinbotham, whom he married June 5, 1945; four sons, David of Pittsburgh, Pa., Eugene Jr. of Youngstown, Randy and Joe, both of Lordstown; two daughters, Mrs. Melia Kripchak of Aurora, Laura at home; three sisters, Mrs. Viola Dunn of Warren, Mrs. France Shores of Bayridge, Md., Mrs. Wanda Sapp of Fairmont, W.Va.; five brothers, Edward of Leavittsburg, Joseph of Albany, N.Y., Robert of Warren, Donald of San Francisco, Calif, James of Champion; and seven grandchildren.

Services will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Lane Funeral Home, Austintown Chapel, where friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 1/29/1974

Charles Donald Higginbotham (1946-1974) OH

Columbus - a 2-year-old Columbus boy killed his father and wounded his mother with one shot from a .38-caliber revolver Monday afternoon as they slept in bed.

The boy, Philip Higginbotham, picked up the fully-loaed revolver from a night stand near his father's side of the bed and squeezed the trigger, the mother told police.

Charles Higginbotham, 27, shot in the back, died in Mt. Carmel Medical Center about 2 p.m., an hour after the shooting. The mother, Brenda, 21, was in serious condition today in the Medical Center's intensive care ward with a bullet wound to her chest.

She told detectives she heard a shot, heard her husband scream, and then felt a sting as the bullet struck her.

Higginbotham, a second shift mail handler for the post office, normally slept late. Police said he kept the loaded gun on top of the stand to protect his home and had other handguns and rifles around the house.

The boy apparently emulated his father, a gun enthusiast, police said.

According to neighbors, Mrs. Higginbotham ran downstairs and stood at the front door crying for help. Philip is their only child, but she is six months pregnant.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 5/29/1974

Kathern G. Higginbotham Murphy (1912-1974) WV/OH

Mansfield - Services for Mrs. Richard L. Murphy, 62, registered nurse and administrator for 20 years at Rosemont Home for the Aged, will be at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Wappner funeral home. She died Monday at her home, 1159 Wyandotte Ave.

Mrs. Murphy, who was a graduate of the Johnson School of Nursing in Elyria, has formerly worked at People's Hospital here.

She is survived by two sons, four daughters, her mother, a sister, 15 grandchildren, one great-grandchild and several nieces and nephews. He husband died in 1971.


Springfield News Sun 6/10/1974

Allean Benson Higginbotham (1927-1974) OH

Mrs. Allean Higginbotham, 47, of 248 E. Main St., died Sunday morning in the Ridgewood Nursing Home.

She was born in Springfield on Jan. 19, 1927, a daughter of Mrs. Bertha Temple.

Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Lee of Warrensville Heights and Mrs. Mary Jane Evans of Dayton; a brother, Daniel Hardin, serving with the U.S. Navy, and several nieces and nephews.

Her body was taken to the Porter Funeral Home.


The Newark Advocate 7/4/1974

Patricia Louise Higginbotham Null (1927-1974) OH

Services for Patricia L. Null, 47, of 1502 Pleasant Valley Rd., will be 2 p.m. Saturday in the chapel of the Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home with the Rev. Joseph A. Garshaw officiating. Cremation will follow.

Mrs. Null died Wednesday in Doctors Hospital North in Columbus. She was born Feb. 27, 1927 in Newark, to Dorothy Williams Pine and the late Paul Higginbotham.

Mrs. Null was a member of Central Church of Christ, Lions Auxiliary and Monday Talks.

Surviving are her husband, James E.; two sons, Spencer of Washington, D.C., and Scott of Columbus; one daughter, Miss Julia Null of the home; mother and step-father Paul Pine of Newark.

The family will be present after 7 p.m. Friday.


Massillon Independent 07/18/1974

Rex William Higginbotham (1952-1974) OH

A 22-year-old Louisville man was killed Wednesday when the motorcycle he was riding was hit by a car in the 2200 block of Bolivar Rd. SW, Canton.

According to Canton police, Rex Higginbotham of 5629 Mowry St., Louisville, was travelling northeast on Bolivar Rd. at a high rate of speed when he went left of center and was struck by a car driven by Donald P. Guag, 46, of 1709 Amdale Ave., Sugarcreek Township.

Higginbotham was pronounced dead on arrival at Aultman Hospital at 12:52 a.m.

The Stark County coroner ruled Higginbotham’s death a traffic fatality due to compound skull fractures and fractures to the left knee and right arm. The death brings to 31 the number of traffic fatalities in Stark County this year, compared to 37 a year ago.

Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Christine. He was a member of the Louisville Baptist Church.

Other survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit H. Higginbotham of Minerva; a sister, Mrs. Beverly D. Facemire, of Minerva; two brothers, Robert of Minerva and Roger of Minerva.

The funeral will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Paquelet Funeral Home in Louisville with the Rev. Harold Henniger, of the Canton Baptist Temple, officiating. Interment will be in the Evergreen Cemetery near Louisville.

Friends may call at the funeral home Friday from 7 to 9 p.m.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 7/23/1974

Alta L. Higinbothom King (1889-1974) OH

Mrs. Alta Higinbothom King, 84, of 1156 Roosevelt Avenue died at 6:45 p.m. Monday in Good Samaritan Medical Center where she had been a patient the past four days. She had been in failing health the past several years.

She was born Sept. 26, 1889, in Nashport. She was a member of the Immanuel United Church of Christ. Her husband, Fred W. King, died May 25, 1974.

Surviving are two sons, Wayne F. King of 1055 Blue Avenue and Emerson J. of 717 Homewood Avenue; a daughter, Mrs. Franklin (Emily) Vanderbark of 2144 Norwood Boulevard; two sisters, Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Lutz of 2101 Dresden Road and Mrs. James (Hazel) Mahoney of Columbus; five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Friends may call at Bolin Funeral Home of Blue Avenue 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.


The Times-Recorder 04/08/1974

Mable Grace Musser Higinbothom (1896-1974) OH

Mrs. Mabel Grace Musser Higginbotham, 79, of Springfield, relative of several residents, died Saturday in a Springfield hospital. She had been in failing health a year.

She was born Jan. 12, 1896 in Meigs County. Her husband, Brit, died in 1952.

Surviving are a son, John, of Vandalia; two daughters, Mrs. Iris Bernie and Mrs. Julia Harris, both of Springfield; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Graveside service will be held 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Poplar Forks Cemetery near Gratiot.


The Urbana Daily 2/5/1975

Iva Myrtle Hickinbotham Miller (1896-1975) OH

Mrs. Iva M. Miller, 78, of West Liberty, died at 10:55 a.m. Tuesday in the Urbana Care Center.

Born on May 16, 1896, in Monroe County, Mrs. Miller was a daughter of Samuel H. and Elizabeth Jane Daugherty Hickinbotham, and was a member of United Church of Christ.

Survivors include a son, Max Miller of West Liberty; a brother, Clarence Hickinbotham of Springfield; two sisters, Miss Mattie Hickinbotham of Urbana and Mrs. Edna Nash of Urbana; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Miller's husband, James K., died in 1953, and a son, J. Robert, died in 1972.

Her body was taken to the Kauffman Funeral Home, for services at 10:30 a.m. Friday by the Rev. Milton Sunerel, pastor of United Church of Christ.

Friends may call in the funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday.

Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery.


Chronicle Telegram (Elyria, Ohio) Thursday, July 24, 1975 Page 32

May Edna Twining Hickenbottom (1893-1975) OH

Mrs. May Edna Hickenbottom, 82, of 41869 Oberlin Rd., died early today at Elyria Memorial Hospital. She had been ill since February.

A native of Henrietta Township, Mrs. Hickenbottom was a resident of this area most of her life. She was a member of the Church of the Open Door.

Surviving are her husband, Doyle, to whom she was married 58 years; two sons, Ralph and Russell, both of Elyria, and a brother, Lloyd Twining, of Wellington.

Friends will be received tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Cowling Funeral Home, Oberlin, where the funeral will be conducted Saturday at 1 p.m. The Rev. Ralph Neighbour will officiate. Burial will be in Camden Cemetery.


Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 9/11/1975
Rose Ruth Mersing Higginbotham (1910-1975) WV/OH
Higginbotham. Rose M. Higginbotham, wife of the late Carlton, mother of Carol Phelps and grandmother, sister of Stanley Mersing, Thursa Thomas and Ida Schmit. Services Friday, 10 a.m. at Davis Funeral Home 4154 Clark Ave. Willoughby, O., where friends may call Thursday 7-9 P.M.


The Cincinnati Post 10/29/1975

Ola Stigall Worthen Higgenbotham (1890-1975) OH

Higgenbotham-Ola, nee Stigall, dear mother of Melvin and Eugene Worthen, also survived by four grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and a host of nieces and nephews. Monday, Oct. 27, 1975, at Bethesda Hospital. Friends may call at the Thompson Funeral Home, 820 Lincoln Ave. Thursday Oct 30 from 6 to 9 p.m. Services will be held Friday Oct. 31 at 11 a.m. from the Immanuel Tabernacle Church, 3108 Savoy Pl. Elder Paul L. Bauers pastor, officiating. Interment Beech Grove Cemetery.


The Cincinnati Post 10/31/1975

Roger D. Higginbotham (1949-1975) OH

Amelia - Services for Roger D. Higginbotham, 26 of 120 Front Street, New Richmond, will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Amelia Church of the Nazarene. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. today at the E.C. Nurre Funeral Home, with burial in Pierce Township Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was killed Wednesday in a traffic accident.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Donna Bates Higginbotham; two sons, Roger Dean and Robert Chad; his mother, Mrs. Velva Higginbotham; a sister, Mrs. Mary Agnes Snow, and four brothers, Osborn Lewis, Paul Monroe, Phillip Dale and Ronnie G.


The Akron Beacon Journal 5/9/1976

Selma Marie Webb Higginbotham (1894-1976) OH

Selma Marie Higginbotham )Nana), 81, of1952 White Pond Dr., died at Akron General Medical Center, May 7, after a long illness.

She was born near Coshocton, O., and had lived in the Akron area for 64 years. She retired from the Danner Press 16 years ago as secretary.

She leaves a daughter, Bette J. Rogers, of Akron; granddaughter, Mrs. Russell (Judy) Masturzo, of Akron; two great-grandchildren.

No calling hours. Services 11 a.m. Monday, at Carr Fairlawn Chapel. Interment Rose Hill Burial Park. (Carr Memorial Homes, Fairlawn Chapel, 867-7306)


Findlay Courier 05/22/1976

Jossie S. Ward Higginbotham (1929-1976) KY/OH

CAREY—Mrs. Jossie S. Higginbotham, 46 , 425 Findlay St., Carey, died at 7:20 a.m. Friday in Blanchard Valley Hospital, where she had been hospitalized the past six months. She was born in Paintsville, Ky., Dec. 17,1929, to John and Martha (Blair) Ward. She married Burton Higginbotham, Nov. 17, 1948, and he survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Sharon Hackworth, Carey; Mrs. Debbie Soto, Jessup, Ga.; three sons, Rick, Steven and Ronald, all of Carey; four grandchildren; two brothers, Zollie, Paintsville, Ky.; Hager, Vanlue; three sisters, Mrs. Ed (Gladys) Tackett, Mount Blanchard; Mrs. Margaret Wickham, Carey; Mrs. John (Bonnie) Pepnickey, California. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church, north of Carey, the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Fostoria and the Carey Conservation Club. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in the church, the Rev. William Mahan officiating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery. Visitation will be after 7 p.m. today in the Bristoll Funeral Home, Carey.


The Advocate 06/12/1976

Hallie S. Jones Hickinbotham (1889-1976) OH

Arrangements are incomplete for Hallie S. Hickinbotham, 86, of Lorain, formerly of Newark.

Mrs. Hickinbotham died Thursday evening in St. Joseph Hospital, Lorain. She was born Sept. 6, 1889, in Licking County, to the late William B. and Alcindy (McMullin) Jones.

She had been a resident of Lorain for two months. He husband, T. Samuel Hickinbotham, died in 1945.

Surviving are a son, Robert, of Teheran, Iran; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Moxley of Louisville and Mrs. Louise Leanard of Sun City, Calif.; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Services will be announced by Criss Brothers Funeral Home.


Chillicothe Gazette 6/28/1976

Howard Wilson Higginbotham (1912-1976) WV/OH

Howard Higginbotham, 63, of 306 S. Lock St., Waverly, died at 6:42 a.m. Sunday at Pike County Hospital, where he had been taken by the county emergency squad.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Boyer Funeral Home, Waverly, with the Rev. R.G. Humble officiating. Burial will follow in Evergreen Cemetery.

Friends may call after 2 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.

Mr. Higginbotham, a welder at the Goodyear Atomic Corp., was born Sept. 4, 1912, in Kanawha County, W.Va., to Charles and Amy Asbury Higginbotham. On Oct. 17, 1934, he married the former Orpha Akers, who survives.

Also surviving are four daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Betty) Jones, Prosperity, W.Va., Mrs. Kenneth (Judith) Rodgers, Wakefield, Mrs. Leroy (Carolyn) Jennings, Circleville, and Miss Helen Higginbotham, Portsmouth; one son, Howard Douglas, Route 1, Blanchester; 15 grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Bertha Parsons, Brounland, W.Va., Mrs. Nora Hudson and Miss Mary Higginbotham, both of Charleston, W.Va.; and one brother, Wilbur, South Charleston, W.Va.


The Uniontown, PA Morning Herald 09/30/1976

Clarence J. Higginbotham (1907-1976) PA/OH

Higginbotham, Clarence J.-Age 59 years of 4771 West 130 St., Cleveland, Ohio, died Wednesday September 29, 1976 at 5:15 a.m. in the Fairview Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. He was born February 2, 1907 in Amwell Twp., Washington County and was the son of the late William B. and Hannah Craig Higginbotham. Surviving is his wife, Nannie Piper Higginbotham; a son, Lloyd H., Los Angeles, California; three daughters, Mrs. Lewis (Thelma) Gazanick, Jackson, California, Mrs. Charles (Mary) Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Charles (Geraldine) Wheaton, Cleveland, Ohio; twelve grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; twin brothers, Silas B., Carmichaels, and Charles, Sylvania, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Florence Williams, Elmira, N.Y. He was predeceased by four sisters, Rosella Hoge, Annie Martin, Mary Higginbotham, and Catherine Allison; three brothers, Gary, Sherman and William. He was an inspector for the Kirwood Commutator Co., Cleveland, Ohio. He was a resident in Cleveland, Ohio for twenty years prior to living in Greene and Fayette County. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Friends will be received in the Paul Lesako Funeral Home, Carmichaels, Friday 3 to 9 p.m. and Saturday 12 noon to 3:30 p.m., the hour of service. Elder Gerald R. Green will officiate. Interment in Bethlehem Cemetery, Ruff Creek, Pa.


The (Newark) Advocate 10/20/1976

Ruth Evelyn Higginbotham Hackney (1916-1976) OH/IN

Graveside services for Ruth Hackney, 44, Sherman Dr., Carmel, Ind., formerly of Newark, will be 11 a.m. Friday in Wilson Cemetery, with the Rev. Dr. John Halsey officiating.

Mrs. Hackney died Tuesday in Indianapolis Memorial Hospital. She was born to the late Andrew and Goldie (McLaughlin) Higginbotham.

She was a former choir director and music teacher in the Cambridge area. She was a member of Orchard Park Presbyterian Church in Carmel.

Surviving are her widower, Karl; two sons, Terry of Venice, Calif., and Randy of Indianapolis; two brothers, Edward Higginbotham of Newark and John Higginbotham of Cleveland; and three grandchildren. One brother is dead.

The family will be present from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday in Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 12/3/1976

Kate V. Higginbotham Busby (1897-1976) AL/OH

Busby - Kate V., (nee Higginbotham), widow of Junius E. Busby, devoted mother of Margaret Caudill, Mildred Maisch, Hoyt, Leonard, Robert, Milton and Eugene Busby, dear sister of Frank Higginbotham, Velma Dunbar and Lucille Wilder, also survived by ten grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. No visitation. Funeral services private. Chas. A. Miller Sons serving the family. If so desired, memorials may be directed to the Heart Fund.

The Times Recorder 06/04/1977

Hazel Frances Higinbothom Mahoney (1891-1977) OH

Mrs. Hazel Frances Higinbothom Mahoney, 85, of 2595 Summit St., Columbus, a native of Nashport, died at 9 a.m. Thursday in Alum Crest Nursing Home where she has been a patient the past 15 months. Mrs. Mahoney was a member of Market Street Baptist Church when she lived in this area and was most recently a member of Broad Street Baptist Church in Columbus. She moved from this area about 40 years ago. She was born Nov. 20, 1891. Surviving are her sister, Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Lutz of 2101 Dresden Rd., whom she visited last week; and several nieces and nephews, including one niece, Mrs. Franklin (Emily) Vandenbark of 2144 Norwood Blvd., and two nephews, Wayne King of Blue Ave., and Emerson King of Adams St. Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. today in Woodyard Funeral Home in Columbus with burial in a Columbus cemetery.


The Akron Beacon Journal 6/5/1977

Autta Allen Higginbotham (1902-1977) WV/OH

Autta A. Higginbotham, 75 years, of 871 Merton Av., formerly of Hazelwood Av., Barberton, died Saturday a.m.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Mason County, W. Va., a resident of Akron about 45 years, and retired as a tire builder from the B.F. Goodrich Co. after 30 years. He was a member of the B.F. Goodrich Twenty Year Club.

He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. James Kilfoyle, Cleveland, O.; sister, Mrs. Dorothy Evans, Middleport, O.; brothers, Ernest of Farmville, Va., Melvin Roush, Parkersburg, W.Va.; three grandchildren' one great-grandchild.

Funeral services will be held at the Prentice Funeral Home, 1154 Kenmore Blvd., Tuesday 1 p.m., Rev. D. Phillip Hulgin officiating. Interment Lakewood Cemetery/

friends may call at the funeral home, from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 6/22/1977

George Bradford Hickenbottom (1916-1977) OH

Cambridge - George Bradford Hickenbottom, 61, of Cambridge Rt. 5, died at 9:45 a.m. Monday in Guernsey Memorial Hospital after a long illness.

He was born May 21, 1916, in Flushing, and was a retired bridge inspector for Guernsey County.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Charlotte Tomer Hickenbottom; seven sons, Wayne of Kimbolton, Herman, Clarence, John and David, all of Cambridge, Ronald of Holloway and Richard of the home; three daughters, Mrs. Howard (Beverly) Shartzer of Stephensport, Ky., and Mrs. John (Penny) Ayers of Warren and Mrs. Ronald (Georgina) Pollock of Cambridge; two sisters, Mrs. Frank (Virginia) Unsold of Mentor and Mrs. Edna Green of Wheeling, W.Va.; two brothers, Clarence of Flushing and Lawrence of Rock Hill; and 29 grandchildren.

Friends may call at Scott-Atkinson Funeral Home in Cambridge 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today. Service will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Rock Hill Church near Flushing. Burial will be in Rock Hill Cemetery.


The Newark Advocate 8/8/1977

Margarette J. Nichols Hickinbotham Boney (1884-1977) OH

Services for Maggie J. Boney, 93, of 151 N. Cedar St., will be 2:30 p.m. in the Chapel of Criss Brothers Funeral Home with Dr. Joseph A. Brannon officiating. Burial will be in Frazeysburg Cemetery.

Mrs. Boney died Friday afternoon in Arlington Nursing Home. She was born Jan. 8, 1884 in Licking County.

She was a resident of Newark for 17 years and was formerly of Frazeysburg.

Her first husband, J. Hickinbotham, died in 1926. Her second husband, L.W. Boney, died in 1960. Surviving are five daughters: Mrs. Charles B. (Helen) Warden of Newark, Mrs. Henry (Aletha) Leger of Newport, Ore., Mrs. Freda Oliver of Farmdale, Ohio, Mrs. Hilda Seacrist of Columbus, Mrs. Albert (Mary) Pepple of Lower Salem, Ohio; six sons, Homer Boney of Nashport, Howard Boney of Cincinnati, Raymond Boney of Somerset, Elmer Boney of Canton, Ernest Boney of Inglewood, Calif., Wayne Boney of Helmit, Calif.; and 35 grandchildren. One son, Alexis Hickinbotham, is deceased.

The family will be present 7 to 9 tonight in the funeral home.


Wheeling News-Register, Tuesday 08/16/1977

Pearl Marie Gamble Hickenbottom (ca1917-1977) OH

Hickenbottom, Pearl Marie, 60, of Route 3, Pogue Road, St. Clairsville, died Monday in Ohio Valley General Hospital, Wheeling. She was a former employee of Belmont County Sanitarian and a Methodist by faith. Surviving are her mother, Hazel Kettlewell Gamble of Glencoe; her husband, George Hickenbottom; two sons, George Elmer Jr. of St. Clairsville and Marvin Eugene at home; two daughters, Mrs. Yvonne Neuhart of St. Clairsville and Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Elder of Columbus, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Howard (Thelma) Groce of Lancaster, Ohio and Mrs. Raymond )Alma) Wiley of Glencoe. Friends received at the Toothman Funeral Home, St. Clairsville, 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, where services will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment in Union Cemetery, St. Clairsville.


Chronicle-Telegram 10/08/1977

Alice Deletta Heginbotham Pitman Johns (1907-1977) OH

Mrs. Alice Pitman Johns, 69, of 225 Pasadena Ave., who owned Pitman Realty, died in Elyria Memorial Hospital yesterday after a long illness. She had been in real estate 35 years.

She was the first woman in Ohio to serve as a board of realtors president and was a past president of the Elyria Board of Realtors.

Born in Elyria, Dec. 4, 1907, she was a lifelong area resident and served on the board of trustees for the Center for the Sightless 23 years. She was currently an honorary trustee of that board.

Mrs. Johns was a member of the First Congregational Church, the American Legion Auxiliary, the YWCA, and the American Association of Retired People.

Surviving are her husband, Ralph H.; a son, Alan J. Pitman, Cleveland; two grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Renkel, Elyria.

Friends may call at the residence.

Services will Monday at 1 p.m. in the First Congregational Church with the Rev. Ronald K. Marmaduke officiating. Burial will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park.

The family suggest memorial contributions, if desired, be made to the Presbyterian Home for Children, Talladega, Ala., or to the Center for the Sightless, Elyria.

The Harold Dicken Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


The Akron Beacon 11/7/1977

Anna M. Davis Hickinbotham Brehm (1901-1977) NY/OH

Anna M. Brehm, 76, of 441 W. Thornton St., Died Saturday.

Born in New York state, Mrs. Brehm moved to the Akron area from Washington, D.C. in 1953. She was a member of the Christian Church of Akron.

She is survived by husband, William Sr.; son, William Jr., of Akron; sisters, Minnie Surgison, Wheeling, W.Va., Miss Elizabeth Davis, of Warwood, W.Va.; brother, Carl Davis of Cameron, W.Va.

Visitation in Akron 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today. Further visitation Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fields Funeral Home, 823 Main St., Wheeling, W.Va., where funeral services will be held Wednesday 1 p.m. Rev. Donald Cover officiating. Interment Rose Hill Cemetery, Bellaire, O.


Naples (FL) Daily News 12/09/1977

Lucy Mae Clark Higginbotham (1907-1977) OH/FL

Lucy M. Higginbotham, 70, of Tropical Air, Bonita Springs, died Thursday at Naples Community Hospital. Born in Bethesda, Ohio, she had been a winter resident for 12 years coming from St. Clairesville, Ohio. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Lloydsville United Methodist Church, Lloydsville, Ohio.

Survivors include her husband, C.E. Higginbotham; two daughters, Vivian Simpson, Greenville, Ohio and Wilma Suprynowicz of Marlborough, Conn; two brothers, Paul Clark, San Bernardino, Calif. and George Clark, Bethesda, Ohio; three sisters, Mable Zaleski, Bethesda, Ohio, Mary Louge, Glendale, Calif. and Hallie Hearn, Titusville, Fla., and seven grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held in Bethesda, Ohio, with burial in the Richland Township Cemetery, Richland, Ohio.

Pittman’s Bonita Springs Chapel, 2115 Old 41 Road, is in charge of arrangements.


Chillicothe Gazette 12/22/1977

Mary Maxine Higginbotham Jones (1928-1977) WV/OH

Mrs. Mary Maxine Jones, 49, of the Owl Creek Community, Route 3, Lucasville, died at 5:30 a.m. Thursday at the Elmwood Village, Near Portsmouth. She had been in failing health for several months.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Boyer Funeral Home, Waverly. with the Rev. Lowery Wiseman officiating. Burial will follow in Germany Cemetery, near Beaver.

Friends may call after 2 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.

Born April 20, 1928, in West Virginia, she was the daughter of Clarence O. and Tressie Shivertaker Higginbotham.

She is survived by her husband, Cinnet Jones, whom she married Aug. 10, 1942; five sons, David Jones, Route 2, Beaver, Jackie Jones, Langsville, Charles Jones, Route 1, Waverly, Roger and Jerry Jones, both of Route 3, Lucasville; three daughters, Mrs. Leroy (Mary) Rigsby, Route 3, Lucasville, Mrs. Franklin (Susan) Montgomery, Route 2, Beaver, and Mrs. Douglas (Patty) Montgomery, Route 1, Waverly; four brothers, Clarence Higginbotham, Route 2, Beaver and Harold, Charles and Donald Higginbotham, all of Columbus; a stepmother, Mrs. Mary Higginbotham, Columbus; two half brothers, Ronald and Russell Higginbotham, both of Columbus; five half sisters, Mrs. Edward (Barbara) Beahner, Mrs. John (Betty) McKibben, Mrs. Robert (Carolyn) Dillon, Mrs. Kenneth (Marilyn) McNealey, and Mrs. Delman (Sheila) Robinette, all of Columbus; and six grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents and one sister.


The Akron Beacon Journal 12/30/1977

Luvina N. Higginbottom (1956-1977) OH

Luvina Higginbottom, 21, of 970 Dover Av., died suddenly December 28 at Bellevue Hospital, Bellevue, O.

Born in Barberton, O. she was a lifetime resident of the Barberton-Akron area. She was employed as a nurses' aide at the Middlebury Manor Nursing Home. Mrs. Higginbottom was a member of the Gospel Temple Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ, Inc., of Barberton, O. She had also attended the University of Akron.

She is survived by children, Tavia, Jason Earl; parents, Bishop and Mrs. Alex Higginbottom Sr.; brothers, Dr. James, Elder Alex, Minister Curtis, Minister Ron and Mr. Robert, all of Akron; sisters, Mrs. Katie Mae Mee, of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Lula Mae Hampton, Mrs. Daisy Blackson, both of Akron, Mrs. Barbara Thomas, of Little Rock, Ark., Mrs. Priscilla Owens, of Akron, and Miss Kathy Higginbottom, of Bowling Green, O.; a host of other relatives and friends.

Funeral services Saturday, 12 p.m. noon, from the First Apostolic Faith Church, Bishop Francis L. Smith officiating. Burial Lakewood Cemetery. Friends may call at the church Saturday morning, 10 a.m. until time of service. (Stewart and Calhoun, 535-1543)


The Akron Beacon Journal 2/20/1978

Masel Victoria Higginbotham Skinner (1914-1978) WV/OH

Barberton - Masol V. Skinner, 63, of 1228 Grand Blvd., died February 17, at Citizens Hospital, after a lingering illness.

Born in West Virginia, she lived the last 25 years in Barberton. She was employed as a prictical nurse at various nursing homes in the area.

She is survived by her husband, Dallas W.; son, William Howard Smith, of Millersburg, O.; 2 grandchildren' 5 great-grandchildren; brother, Arley Higginbotham, of Barberton.

Funeral services Tuesday, 2 p.m. from the Hahn Funeral Home, Inc., Rev. Paul Ankrim officiating. Interment Greenlawn Memorial Park. Friends may call today, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.


The Cincinnati Post 2/20/1978

Roscoe Higginbotham (1918-1978) KY/OH

Higginbotham - Roscoe, beloved husband of Marie Higginbotham (nee Bowling). Devoted uncle of many nieces and nephews. Devoted son of the late J.C. and Hannah Higginbotham. Devoted brother of Bert, Azrie and Paul Higginbotham and Zora Jones, Mary Wood, Lula Jeffers, Ruth Murphy and the late Herbert Higginbotham and Thomas Higginbotham. Saturday February 18, 1978. Residence 9101 Columbia Road. Friends may call from 4 to 9 p.m. Monday at the Strawser Funeral Home, 9503 Kenwood Road, Blue Ash. Services 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.


Springfield News Sun 4/12/1978

Bennie Frank Higgenbotham (1926-1978) TN/OH

Bennie F. Higginbotham, 52, of 1806 York St., died at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Community Hospital.

He was born Jan. 4, 1926, in Chattanooga, Tenn., a son of Solomon and Onie McCamey Higginbotham. He was a repairman for the International Harvester Co.

He is survived by his wife, Mildred; four daughters, Carla, Cheryl, Natalie and Mrs. Lynda Young, all of Springfield; two sons, Larry of Springfield and Bennie F. Jr., of Okinawa; his mother of Chattanooga; four brothers, John of Springfield, James of Chicago, and Leroy and Hazel, both of Chattanooga; three sisters, Mrs. Vivian Weaver, Bardstown, Ky., Mrs. Helen Craven, Chattanooga and Mrs. Omalee Hamilton, Detroit, and one grandson.

His body was taken to the Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home.


The Galion Inquirer 5/22/1978

Leota Ruth Higginbotham Hern (1889-1978) WV/OH

Bucyrus - Mrs. Virgil (Ruth) Hern, 88, of Oceola, died at 7:28 a.m. Sunday, at Bucyrus Community Hospital. She had been iin ill health for about the past five months.

Mrs. Hern was born June 16, 1889 at Buffalo, W.Va. and lived in the Bucyrus are for the past 65 years. Her parents were Frank and Emma Shank Higginbotham, both deceased. She married Virgil Hern Sept. 23, 1913, who died May 8, 1968.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. William (Virginia) Hahn and Mrs. Robert (Helen) Trucks, both of rural Bucyrus; Mrs. William (Mary Kay) Immel of Bucyrus; one son, Charles F. Hern of Bucyrus; seven grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one brother and two sisters.

Mrs. Hearn attended the Oceola United Methodist Church and was a member of its Delta Alpha Sunday School Class.

Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, from the Wise Funeral with the Rev. Lynn Trutt officiating. Burial will be in Oceola Cemetery.

Calling hours at the funeral home will be from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday.


News-Journal (Mansfield, OH) 12/24/1978

Barton Kenneth Higinbotham (1904-1978) OH

Barton K. Higinbotham, 74, of 317 Bartley Ave. died early Saturday morning in Mansfield General Hospital following a brief illness.

He was born Jan. 11, 1904, in Zanesville and moved to Mansfield in 1916. Mr. Higinbotham was a postal employee since 1931 and retired in 1964 as superintendent of mail. He attended the First Lutheran Church and was a member of the N.A.R.F.E. Association.

Surviving are his wife, Lillian Sandel Higinbotham; a son, Bary B. of Marysville, Ohio; and three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Diamond Street Home of Wappner Funeral Directors by Dr. Jerry Schmalenberger. Burial will be in Mansfield Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 p.m. both today and Monday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 1/25/1979

Arley Roscoe Higginbotham (1922-1979) WV/OH

Barberton - Arley R. Higginbotham, 56, of 48 Diamond Av., died Jan. 24.

He is survived by sons, Roy, Troy, Forest and Kenneth; daughter, Theresa, all of Akron.

Funeral services Friday, 1 p.m., at the Hahn Funeral Home, Rev. Robert Combs officiating. Interment Greenlawn Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today.


Sidney Daily News 3/12/1979

Ruth Agnes Higginbotham Ratermann Wonderly (1900-1979) OH

A former Sidney woman, Agnes Ratterman Wonderly, 78, East Third Street, Dayton, died Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the home of a daughter, Ruth Curtner of Kettering.

She was born Dec. 2, 1900, in Ohio, daughter of John and Mae (Cannon) Higginbotham.

She was twice married, first to Dr. Harry F. Ratterman, and later to Edward J. Wonderly. Both preceded her in death.

Surviving are two daughters, Jane Studevant of Dayton, and Mrs. Curtner; three sons, John, Joe and Richard Ratterman, all of Dayton; 14 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; and a brother, Robert Higginbotham of Columbus.

Mrs. Wonderly was a member of the Holy Family Catholic Church in Dayton where services will be held Tuesday at 11:15 a.m.

Graveside services will be held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Graceland Cemetery.

Friends may call at the Meyer-Boehmer Funeral Home, 1733 Brown, St., Dayton, Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. until time of services.


The Akron Beacon Journal 3/15/1979

Alexander Higginbottom (1900-1979) MS/OH

Bishop Alexander (Alex) Higginbottom Sr., 78, of 970 Dover Av., died March 13 after an extended illness.

Born in Oxford, Miss., he had been a resident of the Akron-Barberton are for 37 years. He had been employed by Firestone Tire and Rubber Company for 20 years, retiring in 1964. He had been a member of the Firestone URW Local 7. Bishop Higginbottom had been a minister since 1949 and was the founder of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church in Jesus Christ organization. He was also the pastor of the Gospel Temple Church of Barberton from 1953 to 1976.

Bishop Higginbottom is survived by his wife, Atlee; daughters, Mrs. Katie M. Mee, of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Lula M. Hampton, Mrs. Daisy L. Blackson, Mrs. Priscilla K. Owens, all of Akron, Mrs. Barbara H. Thomas, of Little Rock, Ark., Mrs. Cathy K. Feaster, of Cleveland; sons, Rev. Alex Jr., Dr. James T., Rev. Ronald L., Robert T., all of Akron, Rev. Curtis, of Memphis, Tenn; 48 grandchildren, 43 great-grandchildren, 10 great-great-grandchildren; brothers, Lemon, of Mathiston, Miss., Horace, of Oxford, Miss., Newton, of Ecru, Miss.; sisters, Mrs. Ila Luster and Mrs. Nora Collins, both of Akron, Mrs. Della Boles, of Oxford, Miss.; a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

Funeral services Friday 2 p.m. from the First Church of the Nazarene, 10 W. Tallmadge Av., Akron, Dr. James T. Higginbottom, officiating, assisted by Elder Joseph Nevels and Bishop Azell Colston. Interment Lakewood Cemetery. Friends may call at the Gospel Temple Church, 376 Elson Av., Barberton, Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and at the Church of the Nazarene Friday 10 a.m. until time of service. (Stewart & Calhoun, 535-1543)


The Cincinnati Post 4/18/1979

Jeanne A. Faulhaber Higginbotham (1927-1979) OH

Higginbotham - Jeanne (nee Faulhaber), beloved wife of Paul Higginbotham, dear mother of Thomas Higginbotham, dear sister of Bert Faulhaber, grandmother of Kimberly Higginbotham; Monday, April 16, 1979; residence, 8278 Williams Ave., Rossmoyne. Friends may call Wednesday, 6 to 9 p.m. at the Quentin K. Staley Funeral Home, 7140 Plainfield Rd., Deer Park. Mass of Christian Burial, Thursday, 11 a.m., St. Savior Church, Rossmoyne. Family requests memorials to the American Heart Association.


Springfield News-Sun 9/25/1979

Willis Louis Higginbotham (1922-1979) GA/OH

Willis L. "Bill" Higgenbotham, 56, of 1414 W. Perrin Ave., died in the Dayton Veterans Administration Center at 2:30 p.m. Monday.

A veteran of World War II, he was born in Rome, Ga., Oct. 14, 1922, the son of Marion and Hattie Peaks Higgenbotham, and was a former member of St. John Baptist Church.

Survivors include his wife, Pearlie; two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Warfield, Springfield, and Mrs. Sharon Johnson, Flint, Mich.; three sons, Willis Jr. of Columbus, Charles and Michael, both of Springfield; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Smith, Springfield, and Mrs. Lenora Bell, Flint, Mich.; two brothers, John and Carven, both of Springfield; three grandchildren; one aunt.

His body was taken to Robert C. Henry Funeral Home.


Warren Tribune Chronicle 3 Oct 1979 9-3

David Higinbotham (1945-1979) WV/OH

A 34-year-old Warren man died Tuesday at Trumbull Memorial Hospital from injuries suffered in a one-car crash, officials said this morning.

David Higinbotham of 2635 Donora NE died at 9:43 a.m. Tuesday. The Trumbull County Coroner ruled the death an accident.

Higinbotham was injured on North Park Avenue Saturday morning when he drove a light truck into a parked construction shovel. Police said the street was blocked off for the construction on the Red Run Sewer project and detours were marked clearly.

Funeral services will be Friday at 11 a.m. at the Robert H. Roberts Memorial Home. Burial will be in Crown Hill Burial Park.

Friends may call at the funeral home from7 to 9 p.m. Thursday.

He was born Aug. 26, 1945, in Fairmont, W. Va., the son of Robert W. and Frances Martin Higinbotham, who survive.

A resident here sine 1956, Mr. Higinbotham was employed as a surveyor apprentice for Ontarion Pipeline Co.

He was a 1964 graduate of Howland High School and a veteran of the Marine Corps.

Besides his parents of Warren, he leaves his wife, Virginia Ann Tibbs Higinbotham; a daughter, Sue Ann, and two sons, David Lee and Dennis Allen; a sister, Mrs. Larry (Connie) Littell of Warren; and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Martin of Miami, Fla.


The Journal Herald (Dayton, OH) 10/13/1979

Barbara Jane West Higinbotham (1924-1979) OH

Higenbotham, Barbara Jane, age 55, of 2948 Peony Pl., Kettering, passed away Wednesday at her residence. She was a member of the Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church and a former service station clerk with Sohio. She is survived by her husband, George; 1 daughter, Susan Marie Hendrickson, Kettering; 1 sister, Mary W. Krahn, Dayton; 1 brother, Donald E. West, Independence, Mo.; 1 grandson, Anthony. Services 11 a.m. Monday, Morris Son Funeral Home, 1771 E. Dorothy Lane, Rev. Richard Aubry officiating. Burial David's Cemetery. Family will receive friends Sunday, 5 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.


Springfield News-Sun 3/3/1980

Thelma Johnson Higginbotham Quick (1911-1980) IA/OH

Mrs. Thelma Quick, 68, of 1215 S. Limestone St., died at 12:15 a.m. Monday in the emergency room of Mercy Medical Center.

She was born June 14, 1911, in Des Moines, Iowa, a daughter of Robert and Vinia Turk Johnson. She was employed as a practical nurse at the IOOF Home and attended the Church of God Sanctified.

Survivors include her husband, Ernest; seven daughters, Mrs. Sally Higgenbotham, Dayton, Mrs. Joanne Sims, Cincinnati, Mrs. Norma Oliver, Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Arlene Slay, Jersey City, N.J., Miss Geraldine Quick, Miss Ernestine Quick and Miss Maxine Quick, all of Springfield; five sons, John Higgenbotham, Los Angeles, Calif., Robert, Donald, Ernest Jr. and Richard Quick, all of Springfield; one sister, Mrs. Arlene Caldwell, Springfield; a brother, Carl Johnson, Springfield; 16 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.

Her body was taken to Robert C. Henry Funeral Home.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 8/20/1980

Leta Irene Higginbotham Cunningham (1908-1980) PA/OH

Mrs. Leta Irene Cunningham, 71, of 2281 Chandlersville Road, died Tuesday evening at her after being in failing health several months.

She was a retired employee of Mosaic Tile Co.

Born Oct. 26, 91908, in Green Co., Pa., Mrs. Cunningham was a daughter of John and Louise Day Higgenbotham.

Her husband, George Cunningham, died in 1963.

Surviving are a son, Robert, of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Irene Mount of Highland, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Charles (Bessie) Ruby of Bloomfield; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

DeLong and Baker Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


The [Cambridge, Ohio] Daily Jefferson; 30 Sep 1980

James Oliver Hickenbottom (1918-1980) OH

James O. Hickenbottom, 62, of Kimbolton R. D. 2, died at noon Monday (Sept. 29, 1980) at his home.

He was born Aug. 12, 1918, at Malaga, son of the late David W. and Matilda J. Wells Hickenbottom. He was an Army veteran of WorldWar II, a member of Newcomerstown Church of Christ, a Cambridge school driver for 23 years, a former employee of Heller Tool Co., a mail carrier for 24 years out of the Kimbolton post office and a farmer.

He leaves his wife, Sarah Loretta Coss Hickenbottom, whom he married April 26, 1947; six brothers, Frank of Newcomerstown, Rodney of Guernsey, Lake of Kimbolton, Ollie of Watsonville, Calif., Otis of Somerton and Ross of Barnesville; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hannahs of Newcomerstown and Mrs. Tillie Tuttle of Columbus; and several nieces and nephews. Two brothers are deceased.

Friends may call at Thorn Funeral Home Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The funeral will be Thursday at 1 p.m. at the funeral home with Evangelist Gale Yoho officiating. Burial will be in Guernsey Memorial Gardens.


The Daily Jeffersonian (Cambridge, OH) 26 October 1980

Amanda K. Hickenbottom (1980) OH

Amanda K. Hickenbottom, 1011 Gomber Ave. died at 10:24 a.m. Friday (Oct 24, 1980) at Children's Hospital in Columbus. She was born Oct. 20 at Bethesda Hospital, Zanesville, the daughter of John and Kay Selby Hickenbottom. She also leaves her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Selby, Cambridge, and Mrs. Charlotte Hickenbottom, also of Cambridge, several aunts, uncles and cousins. Graveside services will be Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Rock Hill Cemetery near Flushing with the Rev. Robert Merritt officiating. Scott-Atkinson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


The Chronicle Telegram 11/04/1980

Bratton Penrose Higginbotham (1909-1980) DC/OH

Bratton P. Higginbotham Sr. 70, of 426 12th St., Lorain, died Friday afternoon at Lorain St. Joseph’s Hospital after a long illness.

Born in Washington D.C., he lived in Lorain 32 years, He was a member of the Second Baptist Church in Detroit, Mich.

A retired employee of United States Steel, Mr. Higginbotham worked 25 ½ years at the Lorain-Cuyahoga Works as a bridge operator in the dock and pressure slag department.

He is survived by his wife, Ruth Patrice; two sons, Bratton Jr., and Darryl, both of Lorain; a daughter, Candice, Lorain; a brother, Thomas, Detroit; two sisters, Mrs. Eloise Guy and Mrs. Thelma Hunter, both of Detroit; and three grandchildren.

Friends may call at the Brown Funeral Home in Lorain today 7-9 p.m. and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.. Funeral services are 1 p.m. Thursday in the funeral home with the Rev. LaFord Young officiating. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 2/6/1981

David Higginbotham (1907-1981) GA/OH

Higginbotham - David, beloved husband of Ella Bernice Higginbotham (nee Alexander), beloved father of Charles, David Jr. and William Higginbotham, Mrs. Beatrice Thomas, Mrs. Flora Talley, Mrs. Jean Higgins and Mrs. Bernice Brooks, dear brother of C.B. and Henry Higginbotham and Mrs. Mildred Lovett and Mrs. Sarah Pentrup, 27 grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. February 3, 1981. Funeral service will be held Monday at 8 p.m. at the Hall-Jordan Funeral Home, 2625 Gilbert Ave. Interment Walnut Hills Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday. 


The Newark Advocate 2/24/1981

Dorothy M. Williams Higginbotham Pine (1909-1981) OH

Services for Dorothy M. Pine, 71, 5800 Forest Hills Blvd., Columbus, formerly of 298 Questin Rd. South, were 11 a.m. today in the chapel of Henderson, Van Atta and Johnson Funeral Home with the Rev. James Cline officiating.

Mrs. Pine died Saturday afternoon in Friendship Village. She was born July 16, 1909, in Licking County to the late Harry Williams and Maybelle (Chilcote) Williams.

She retired in 1971 from Cherry Valley Clinic as an office nurse, a member of the Central Church, Lions Auxiliary and Pythian Sisters.

She is survived by her husband, Paul Pine.


Sidney Daily News 5/4/1981

Robert B. Higginbotham (1902-1981) OH

A former Sidney resident, Robert B. Higginbotham, 78, 2345 Berwick Blvd., Columbus, was dead on arrival Sunday about 1 p.m. at St. Anthony Hospital in Columbus, of an apparent heart attack.

He was born July 9, 1902, in Pemberton, son of John and Margaret M. (Cannon) Higginbotham.

Survivors include his wife, the former Mabel A. Struble, and a granddaughter.

A son, two brothers and two sisters are deceased.

Mr. Higginbotham was a former member of the Pemberton Baptist Church. He retired from the North American Rockwell Corp. in Columbus, where he had been a supervisor.

Services will be held at 1 p.m. at the Cromes Funeral Home with the Rev. Samuel Davis officiating. Burial will be in Cedar Point Cemetery, Pasco.

Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday until the hour of service.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 5/12/1981

Eliza Anna Slack Higginbotham (1892-1981) WV/OH

Higginbotham - Ann (nee Slack), beloved wife of Alanzo Higginbotham, devoted mother of Mrs. Walter (Peggy) Ellis, Jesse Higginbotham, and the late Hazel and Marshall Higginbotham, dear sister of George, Charles and Arthur Slack, Fanny Abel and he late Ellen Burgess and Netty Witaker, also survived by four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. May 11, 1981 in her 89th year of Oakley. friends may call Friday from 4 to8 p.m. at the Elk Funeral Home, Charleston, West Va. Services Saturday 10 a.m. Albert L. Boehmner & Son Funeral Home serving the family.


Sidney Daily News 11/13/1981

Millie Caroline Frantom Higginbotham (1899-1981) OH

Millie C. Higgenbotham, 83, State Route 706, died today at 5:30 a.m. at the home of Veda Rader where she had resided the past six months.

She was born March 29, 1899, in Osgood, daughter of John H. and Hettie (Brown) Frantom.

On May 2, 1918, she was married to Forest A. Higgenbotham n Pemberton. He died in February 1967.

Survivors include a son, Howard of Pemberton; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; a half-brother, James Brown of Piqua.

A brother preceded her in death.

Mrs. Higgenbotham was a member of the Pemberton Baptist Church.

Services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Rexer-Riggin-Madden Funeral Home in DeGraff, with the Rev. Robert Newman officiating. Burial will be in Cedar Point Cemetery, Pasco.

Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.


Sidney Daily News 1/4/1982

Mabel A. Struble Higginbotham (1903-1982) OH

Mable A. Higginbotham, 78, 2345 Berwick Blvd., Columbus, a native of Pemberton, died Saturday at 1 p.m. at Mount Carmel East Hospital in Columbus.

She was born Sept. 17, 1903, daughter of Harley and Grace Fern (McMillen) Struble.

Her husband, Robert B. Higginbotham, died May 5, 1981.

Survivors include a sister, Mary Evans of Lynchburg, Va., and a granddaughter.

A son preceded her in death.

Services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Woodyard East Chapel, 2300 E. Livingston Ave, Columbus, with the Rev. John Kennedy officiating.

Graveside services will be held Tuesday at 12:30 p.m., at Cedar Point Cemetery, Pasco.

Friends may call at the funeral home today from 7 to 9 p.m.



Roscoe David Hickenbottom (1912-1982) OH

Ross D. Hickenbottom, 70, of RD 1, Barnesville, died at his home Saturday. He was born Feb. 1, 1912 at Boston, Ohio, a son of the late David and Matilda Wells Hickenbottom.

He was a member of the Boston Church of Christ.

He was preceded in death by three brothers.

Surviving are his wife, Wilma Montgomery Hickenbottom; three sons, Richard of Woodsfield, Harold of Barnesville, and Jim of Cambridge; one daughter, Shirley McCarthy of Buena Park, Calif.; five brothers, Frank of Newcomerstown, Ollie of California, Otis of Somerton, Lake and Rodney, both of Kimbolton; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hannas of Newcomerstown and Mrs. Tillie Ann Tuttle of Columbus; 10 grandchildren.

Friends will be received at the Campbell-Plumly Funeral Home, Barnesville, today 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where services will be held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. with the Evangelist James Gallagher officiating. Burial will be in Crestview Cemetery, Barnesville.


Springfield News-Sun 5/26/1982

Irene Joann Harris Higginbotham (1930-1982) OH

Services for Mrs. Irene Joann Higginbotham, 51, of 328 Oakwood Place, who died Tuesday, will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Friday in the Trinity AME Church by the Rev. William Walker, assisted by the Rev. J. Lewis and the Rev. J. Gilmore. Her body will be at the church for two hours prior to the services. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.

Visitation at the Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home will be after noon Thursday. The family will be present from 7 to 9 p.m.


The Newark Advocate 9/28/1982

Lorna Campbell Hickinbotham (1900-1982) OH

Services for Lorna Hickinbotham, 82, 74 Ramona Ave., will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at Henderson, VanAtta and Johnston, with the Rev. Joseph Mullenix officiating. Burial will be in Poplar Forks Cemetery, Gratiot.

Mrs. Hickinbotham died Monday morning in Hopewell Skilled Villa. She was born June 8, 1900 in Muskingum County to the late Lon Campbell and Minnie (Chatman) Campbell.

She was a lifetime resident of Licking County and a member of the Brushy Fork United Methodist Church.

Her husband, Alexis Hickinbotham, died in 1967. She is survived by three daughters: Mrs. Ernest (Ellen) Wolfe of Heath, Mrs. Gerald (Betty) Mills of Newark and Mrs. Kenneth (Jane) Walsh of Cincinnati; 11 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

Friends may call 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in the funeral home.


Chillicothe Gazette 1/26/1983

Emanuel Frank Higginbotham (1913-1983) WV/OH

E. Frank Higginbotham, 69, of 7583 State Route 28, Frankfort, died in his home 10:20 a.m. Jan. 25, following a lingering illness.

He was married October 31, 1936 to the former Bernice V. Cottrill, who survives.

Also surviving are three sons, Teddy H. and Emanuel L. Higginbotham, both of Frankfort, and John L. Higginbotham, Warsaw, Ind.; five daughters, Mrs. Dixie Harvey, Mrs. Thomas (Susan) Smith, Mrs. Dean (Diane) Smith, Mrs. Ray (Beverly) Corey, and Mrs. Wyatt (Robin) Corey, all of Frankfort; 24 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; one brother, Lewis Higginbotham, Miami, Fl.; seven sisters, Mary Alice Fyffe, Citrus Heights, Ca., Lilly Lemaster, Frankfort, Naomi Ours, Chillicothe, Willie Yates, Massieville, Lucindi Current, Londonderry, Millie Jeffers, Frankfort.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired construction worker.

His funeral will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Murray Funeral Home, Greenfield, with the Rev. Leonard Cook officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort. Calling hours are after 4 p.m. Thursday at the Higginbotham residence, and after 4 p.m. Friday at Murray's.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 3/13/1983

Margaret Lucille Higginbotham Ellis (1915-1983) WV/OH

Ellis - Margaret L. (Peggy) (nee Higginbotham), beloved wife of Walter K. Ellis, devoted mother of Kenneth and Dolores Ann Ellis, step-mother of Dorothy Jean and Nancy Huff, dear sister of Jesse Higginbotham and the late Hazel and Marshall Higginbotham. March 11, 1983, formerly of St. Bernard. Friends may call Monday 4 to 8 p.m. at the Albert L. Boehmer and Son Funeral Home, 4617 Vine Street, St. Bernard. Funeral Mass, St. Clement Church, Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Burial St. Mary Cemetery.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 6/19/1983

Charlotte Alice Tomer Hickenbottom (1919-1083) OH

Cambridge - Charlotte Hickenbottom, 63, of 1277 Byesville Road, Cambridge died at 2:37 p.m. Friday, June 17, at Guernsey Memorial Hospital.

She was born Oct. 18, 1919 in Belmont County, a daughter of Herman and Georgia Horsley Tomer.

Her husband, George Hickenbottom, whom she married June 1, 1937, died in 1977.

Surviving are seven sons, Clarence, Herman, Richard, all of Cambridge, Wayne of Kimbolton, John of Kipling, David of Stockdale and Ronald of Halloway; three daughters, Mrs. Ronald (Georgina) Pollock of Cambridge, Mrs. Howard (Beverlee) Shartzer of Lodiburg and Mrs. John (Penny) Ayres of Warne; two brothers, Robert and Paul Tomer of Halloway; a sister, Mrs. Barbara Taylor of St. Clairsville; 34 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Friends may call 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at Scott-Atkinson Funeral Home here.

Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Monday at Rock Hill Church where friends may call one hour before services. Rev. Robert Meritt will be officiating. Burial will be in Rock Hill Cemetery.


Chillicothe Gazette 11/7/1983

Bernice Virginia Cottrill Higginbotham (1916-1983) OH

Bernice V. Higginbotham, 67, of7583 Ohio 28, Frankfort, died 7 p.m. Nov. 5 at her residence.

She was born March 2, 1916, in Ross County to Herbert and Rebecca Chaney Cottrill.

She was the widow of E. Frank Higginbotham, who died Jan. 25, 1983.

Surviving are three sons, Teddy H. and Emanuel L. Higginbotham, both of Frankfort, and John L. Higginbotham, Warsaw, Ind.; five daughters, Mrs. Dixie Harvey, Mrs. Thomas (Susan) Smith, Mrs. Dean (Diane) Smith, Mrs. Ray (Beverly) Corey, and Mrs. Wyatt (Robin) Corey, all of Frankfort; 25 grandchildren; two brothers, Lawrence Cottrill, Chillicothe, and Myron Cottrill, Greenfield; four sisters, Mrs. Alice Kelly, Bainbridge, Mrs. Arthur (Imogene) Smith, Greenfield, Mrs. Margaret Pollock, and Mrs. Ruth Smith, both of Chillicothe.

Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Murray Funeral Home, Greenfield, with the Rev. Willis Chaney officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery.


Springfield News-Sun 12/14/1983

Minnie Edna Mae Brank White Higgenbotham (1912-1983) KY/OH

Minnie E. (Brank) White Higgenbotham, 71, of 568 Catherine St., died Sunday in Community Hospital. She was born Aug. 8, 1912, in Henderson, KY, a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Brown) Brank. Mrs. Higgenbotham was a member of the St. John Missionary Baptist Church and was a member of the Sprig of Myrtle Court No. 17 for 24 years. Survivors include her beloved and devoted husband, John; four daughters, Mrs. Mary E. Mason, Amityville, NY, Mrs. Lottie Hibbler and Mrs. Carolyn White, both of Springfield, and Mrs. Vivian Murphy, Detroit; five sons, John Jr. and Hence, both of Springfield, Thomas, Huntington, NY, Joe, Detroit, Robert, Columbus; two brothers, Henry and Hence Brank, both of Henderson, KY; four sisters, Mary Frances Vinson, Henderson, KY, Ella Spencer, Detroit, Sally L. Parker, Springfield, Gladys Dixon, St. Louis; 28 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; a host of nieces, nephews amd cousins. Friends may call in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home from 3-9 p.m. Thursday with lodge services at 7:30 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Friday in the St. John Missionary Baptist Church with Dr. Jacob L. Chatman officiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.


Chronicle-Telegram 12/30/1983

Ruth E. Heginbotham Renkel (1915-1983) OH

Ruth E. Renkle, 68, a lifelong Elyria resident, died at her home Thursday after suffering an apparent heart attack.

Mrs. Renkel was a retired employee of General Industries, Elyria, and a member of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Elyria.

She is survived by a daughter, Carlyn Beal of Elyria; a son, Donald of Anchorage, Alaska; 12 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

A sister, Alice Pitman Johns, died in 1977.

Services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Dicken Funeral Home, Elyria.

The Rev. Martin G. Waidmann, pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, will officiate.

Memorial contributions, if desired, should be made to the Lorain County Board of Mental Retardation or to the Hearing Impaired Services of Lorain County.


Bryan Times 2/7/1984

Chapri Elaine Higginbotham (1984) OH

Hicksville - Chapri Elaine Higginbotham was stillborn at Hicksville Community Memorial Hospital at 5"40 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 5, 1984. She was the daughter of Robin and Laura (Whitman) Higginbotham.

Surviving in addition to her parents are maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Scott of Hicksville; a maternal grandfather, Jerry Whitman of Paulding; a maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Helen Whitman of Payne; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higginbotham of Hicksville; paternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Higginbotham of North Lewisburg; a paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Frances Barry of Plain City; a maternal step-great-grandmother, Mrs. Irene Scott of Hicksville; and maternal step-great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Scott of Huntington, Ind.

Graveside services are to be conducted at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Forest Home Cemetery, Hicksville, with Robert Osborne, pastor of the Hicksville First Church of Christ, officiating.

The Brown Funeral Home, Hicksville, is in charge of arrangements.


Clinch Valley News (Bristol, VA) 3/14/1984

Ulysses Rowling Higginbotham (1897-1984) VA/OH

Ulysses Higginbotham, 82, of Columbus, OH, formerly of Mudfork and Bluefield, VA, died March 11 in a columbus hospital after a long illness.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lucille Higginbotham of Columbus; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Harris of Bluefield, VA and Mrs. Martha Montgomery of Bluefield, VA.

Funeral services will be conducted March 15 at 8 p.m. at White and Son Funeral Home at 1217 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, OH.

The family may be reached at 400 Eldridge St. in Columbus.


Dayton Daily News 7/17/1984

John F. Higginbotham (1904-1984) OH

Higginbotham, John F., age 79, of Englewood, passed away Monday. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife Margaret, daughters, Connie Neef of Brookville, Ohio, & Dorothy Arold of Fairview, PA, sisters, Lillian Mooers of Wildwood, NJ, & Virginia Thompson of Newport News, Virginia, also survived by six grandchildren.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired ship builder at the Newport News & Drydock Co., with over 42 years of service, and a member of Concord United Methodist Church. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at the Carrigan & Mains Funeral Home, 675 Wenger Rd., Englewood, with Rev. Rod King officiating. Visitation 1 hour before service. Burial private at Royal Oak Memorial Gardens.

If desired, contributions may be directed to the Randolph Twp. Rescue Squad.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 8/28/1984

Mona I. Duvall Higginbotham (1899-1984) KY/OH

Higginbotham - Mona I. (nee Duvall), beloved wife of the late Dr. Hobert Higginbotham, dear sister of Mrs. Lilly Howe and Mrs. Della Debruber and the late Ethel Newbern, Leona Trask, Essie Armstrong and James and Walter Duvall, also survived by several nieces and nephews. Sunday, August 26, 1984. Age 85 years. Funeral service Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Bolton and Lunsford Funeral Home, 3042 Harrison Ave., Westwood. Visitation Wednesday from 9 to 10 a.m. Memorials may be given to the Lincoln Park Baptist Church. There will be visitation Wednesday evening and funeral service Thursday morning at Sewell Funeral Home, Albany, Ky.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 9/5/1984
Frances S. Brackett Higginbotham (1897-1984) KY/MI
Higginbotham, Frances S. Age 86. Dear mother of James of Troy, Kenneth, Mrs. Frances Griffin, and Mrs. Virginia Kemp; sister of May Knecht and Emma Boatman; 12 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Funeral 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Wm. R. Potere Funeral Home, 4th and Walnut, Rochester. Committal service Thursday in Cincinnati, OH. Memorials to Shults-Lewis Children's Home, Valparaiso, Ind, would be appreciated.


Chillicothe Gazette 10/11/1984

Enos Bly Higginbotham (1895-1984) WV/OH

Mr. Enos B. Higginbotham, 89, of 307 Wetzel Dr., died 1:07 a.m. Oct. 11 in the Veterans Administration Medical Center following an extended illness.

He was born in Kanawha County, W.Va., to Addison and Emma Slater Higginbotham. On June 28, 1919, he married the former Stella E. Smith, who survives.

Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Darrell (Iona) Ross, Albany, and Mrs. Texie Powers, Laurelville; two sons, Coy D., Albany, and Cody J., Wheelersburg; 14 grandchildren; several great and great-great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Alma Phillips, Sissonville, W.Va., and Mrs. Sadie Dean, Charleston, W.Va.; a brother, Sidguel, Sissonville, W.Va.

Mr. Higginbotham was a former Veterans Administration Medical Center employee and a World War I U.S. Army veteran. He was a member of VFW No. 108.

Funeral service will be 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Fawcett-Oliver and Glass Funeral Home with Rev. Gary A. Norris officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home 4-9 p.m. Friday.


Warren Tribune Chronicle 17 Dec 1984 B2-1

Ethel Viola Higinbotham Messman Dunn (1917-1984) WV/OH

Mrs. Ethel "Vi" Dunn, 67, 2300 Plaza Drive, N.E., died at 8:50 p.m. Saturday in St. Joseph Riverside Hospital after a short illness.

She was born Nov. 23, 1917, in Fairmont, W. Va., the daughter of Samuel and Minnie Batholow Higinbotham.

Her husband, Raymond A. Dunn, died in 1973.

A former resident here since 1952, coming from West Virginia, Mrs. Dunn had worked at United Foods Canteen at Republic Steel Corp.

Survivors include two daughters, Judie Messman of Stow, Mrs. Karen Poling Thomas of Warren; two sons, Thomas Messman in California, Michael Dunn in Michigan; two sisters, Mrs. Wanda Sapp of Fairmont, Mrs. Helen Frances Shores of Bay Ridge, Md.; three brothers, Edward, Robert and James Higinbotham of Warren; five grandchildren, and a great-grandchild. Three brothers, Eugene, Joseph and Donald preceded her in death.

The funeral will be Tuesday at 11 a.m. at Carl W. Hall Funeral Home. Burial will be in Lordstown Township Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today.

Material tributes may be made to American Cancer Society.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 3/22/1985

Helen I. Willis Higginbotham (1906-1985) OH

Helen I. Higginbotham of Kirtland, beloved wife of Herman, dear mother of Betty R. Echnat, sister of Harland B. and Howard Willis, grandmother of three, great-grandmother of two, mother of the late Donald W. Services Saturday, March 23, 1 p.m., at the Davis Funeral Home, 4154 Clark Ave., Willoughby, where the family will receive friends Friday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 3/29/1985

James Bert Higginbotham (1904-1985) KY/OH

Higginbotham - James Bert, beloved husband of Mary Higginbotham (nee Frank), dear father of Mrs. Robert (Margaret) Larson, also survived by four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; dear brother of Zora Jones and Azrie Higginbotham of Williamsburg, Ky., Mary Wood, Lula Jeffers and Ruth Murphy of Cincinnati and Paul Higginbotham of Armond Beach, Fla., brother-in-law of Marie, Harriet and Virlie Higginbotham and Robert Jeffers, dear uncle of several nieces and nephews and great-nieces and nephews. Funeral service Friday, 8 p.m. at the Dalbert and Woodruff Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Avenue at Queen City. Visitation 6 until 9 p.m. Burial Cullman, Ala. In lieu of other remembrances, memorials may be made to the Price Hill Baptist Church.


Akron Beacon Journal, Thurs. April 11, 1985

Anabel K. James Heginbotham (1924-1985) OH

Anabel K. Heginbotham, 61, died April 9 at Akron General Medical Center, following a long illness. She was born in Bidwell, Ohio, and had lived in Akron most of her life. Mrs. Heginbotham was a member of the Meade Ave. Christian Church. She is survived by her husband of 44 years, William; sons, Donald W. of Falls Church, Va.; brother, Harold James of Bainbridge Center, Ohio; sisters, Mary Knepp of Kent, Betty Labell of Norton; sisters-in-law, Jean James of Cuyahoga Falls, Eva Heginbotham of Akron, Marie Dague of Kent; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services Friday, 1 p.m. from the Hopkins Funeral Home, 547 Canton Rd., Akron, Rev. Larry T. West officiating. Burial Standing Rock Cemetery, Kent.


Springfield News-Sun 6/29/1985

Lydia Beatrice Lay Higginbotham (1897-1985) GA/OH

Lydia B. Higginbotham, 89, of 528 Liberty St., Spfld., OH, died in Mercy Medical Center at 5 A.M. Fri., June 28, 1985. She was born June 13, 1897 in Chickamauga, GA, a daughter of Steve and Maggie (Scott) Leigh. She was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Survivors include a daughter, Inez Watkins; a son, John Evans; a granddaughter, two great-grandchildren; two sisters-in-law; a brother-in-law; nieces; nephews; and cousins including Henrietta Evans. Friends may call in the Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home after noon on Sun. with family present from 7-9 P.M. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 P.M. Mon. in the funeral home with Rev. W.E. Richardson officiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 7/11/1985

Lucy Ellen McQuitty Higginbotham (1909-1985) OH

Higginbotham, Lucy E. (nee McQuitty) Wednesday, July 10, 1985. Paul R. Young Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 12/10/1985

John Dewey Higginbotham (1898-1985) OH

John Dewey Higginbotham, 87, of 2895 Pinkerton Lane and 5930 Fern Hill Road, died at 8:15 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at Bethesda Hospital.

Having resided at Cedar Hill Nursing Home for two years, Mr. Higginbotham was a lifetime resident of Muskingum County. He was a former school teacher and retired salesman for Clossman Hardware and Dura Corporation.

He was born April 25, 1898, in Pleasant Valley, a son of Charles and Lucy Fink Higginbotham.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Fair Oaks Baptist Church, Springfield Grange, Senior Citizens Club 1 and Pomona Grange. He was also active in SPEBSQSA.

His wife, Mary Burns Higginbotham, died Feb. 8, 1973.

He is survived by two daughters, Guy (Sue) Morris of 5930 Fern Hill Road and Mrs. Junior (Elaine) Tredway of Maysville Pike; a son, Donald Higginbotham of White Cottage; four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Friends may call 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today at Bolin Funeral Home, where services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Charles Stevens officiating. Burial will follow in Poplar Forks Cemetery near Gratiot.


The Akron Beacon Journal 1/6/1986

Howard Cecil Higginbotham (1899-1986) WV/OH

Howard C.. Higginbotham, 86, died Jan. 4 at Akron City Hospital.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Akron, and worked at Goodyear Aerospace in the Wheel & Brake Depart. until retiring in 1965.

He is survived by son, Clyde of Akron; daughters, Eileen Nagy of Suffield, and June Estes of Akron; eight grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and sister, Hallie Givens of Akron.

Calling hours Tuesday, from 11 a.m. until service time at 1 p.m., with Rev. Douglas Denton officiating. Interment Hillside Memorial Park.


Dayton Daily News 1/21/1986

Margaret E. Taylor Higginbotham (1911-1986) OH

Higginbotham, Margaret E., age 74, of 7112 Cranlyn Drive, Englewood, died Monday. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband John F. in 1984 and is survived by her daughters & sons-in-law, Connie & Robert Neef of Brookville, Dorothy & Robert Arold of Fairview, PA, sister, Myrtis Outten of Florida, six grandchildren. She was a member of Concord United Methodist Church. Services will be held Thursday 12 noon at Carrigan & Mains Funeral Home, 675 W. Wenger Rd., Englewood with Rev. Elwood Rose officiating. Burial Royal Oak Memorial Gardens. Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday from 11 a.m. until time of service. If desired contributions may be made to the Randolph Twp. Rescue Squad of Concord Church.


Springfield News-Sun 3/14/1986

Mae Watson Higginbotham (1912-1986) GA/OH

Mae Higginbotham, 73, of 520 Catherine Street, died Wednesday morning in her residence. She was born October 31, 1912 in Atlanta, Georgia, the daughter of James and Lillie (Watts) Watson. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Carven; two daughters, Lillie Higginbotham of Springfield and Andrea High of Sierra Vista, Arizona; a niece, Mrs. GRace Keller, Cincinnati; and a nephew, Albert C. Watson, Middletown; and a number of great nieces and nephews. Her body was taken the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home. Visitation Friday 3-5 and 7-9. Funeral services will be conducted 10 AM Saturday in the Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church with the Rev. Harry Marshall officiating. Burial will be in the Ferncliff Cemetery.


The Akron Beacon Journal 6/7/1986

Delma Lucilee Crisp Higginbotham (1933-1986) WV/OH

Delma L. Higginbotham, 52, died June 5, 1986.

Born in Kanawha County, W.Va., Mrs. Higginbotham had been an area resident for the past 13 years, and had been employed by the Cardinal Plastics Co., for the past 12 years.

Preceded in death by husband, Marshall; she is survived by daughter, Shelvadean Vera of New York City; mother, Mrs. america Crisp of Akron; sisters, Faye Skyles of Linden, W.Va., Pauline Mapes, and Gladys St. Clair, both of Akron, Elsie Skinner of Ravenna; brothers, Clinton, James and Donald Crisp, all of Akron and Jerome of Massillon; and one granddaughter, Bernadette Higginbotham.

Calling hours 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, at the Dunn-Quigley-Ciriello & Carr Funeral Home, 811 Grant St., where funeral services will be held Monday (tim to be announced). Interment Tyler Mountain Memory Gardens, Tyler Mountain, W.Va.


Marysville Journal-Tribune 7/17/1986

Nadia Marie Shuran Higinbotham (1934-1986) OH

Nadia M. Higinbotham, 52, of 19136 Collins ave., died suddenly today, July 17 at Memorial Hospital of union County. She was a graduate of Marysville High School and was an R.N. at Memorial Hospital, receiving her degree from Mt. Carmel School of Nursing. She was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church.

She was born Feb. 17, 1934 in Cleveland to Walter V. and Joan V. (Dzikowski) Shuran who preceded her in death.

On Dec. 11, 1963 she married Gary B. Higinbotham in Delaware and he survives. Also surviving are three children, Eric B., Paula A. and Erin B., at home, and a brother, Walter I. Shuran, Florissant, Mo.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday at the Ingram Funeral Home with the Rev. Patrick Kelly officiating and interment in Oakdale Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday. Contributions in her memory may be made to the Union County Heart Fund or to the Nursing Scholarship Fund of Memorial Hospital. Cards will be available at the funeral home.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 12/16/1986

Mary L. Hickinbotham Young (1896-1986) OH

Mary L. Young, 90, of New Concord Nursing Center, formerly of Caldwell, died at 5:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 15, 1986, in Guernsey Memorial Hospital.

She was a member of First Presbyterian Church in Caldwell and the Amazon Chapter 30 OES.

She was born June 15, 1896, in Monroe County, the daughter of William and Sarah Knowlton Hickenbotham.

Surviving are one son, Lewis Young Jr. of Caldwell Route 6; two grandchildren, Mrs. Dan (Candy) Baldwin of Salem, Ore. and Larry Young of Knoxville, Tenn.; one great-grandchild and one brother, Roy Hickenbotham of Barnstall, Okla.

Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at McVay Funeral Home in Caldwell, where OES services will be held at 6 p.m. today. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home with the Rev. Charles I. Moore officiating. Burial will be in Olive Cemetery.


The Chronicle-Telegram 12/18/1986

Gilbert Allen Heginbotham (1914-1986) OH

Gilbert A. Heginbotham, 72, of Elyria, died at Elyria Memorial Hospital Wednesday afternoon following a brief illness.

He was born in Elyria and lived there most of his life.

He retired in 1973 from U.S. Steel division of USX, Lorain, with 36 years of service.

He was a member of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Elyria, and a 28-year member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

His hobbies included fishing and hunting.

Surviving are his wife, Rose (nee Kasik), to whom he was married 50 years; two sons, James Heginbotham of Elyria and Wayne Heginbotham of Strongsville; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; a sister, Grace Guyeska of Elyria.

Visitation will be today from 7-9 p.m. and Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Curtis-Scheuffer Funeral Home, Elyria.

Services will be Saturday at 10 a.m. at the home with Rev. Martin Waidmann officiating.

Interment will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, Elyria.

Members of AA will conduct a memorial service Friday at 7 p.m.

Memorials may be made to the St. Paul UCC of the American Horse Assn.


The Newark Advocate 12/26/1986

Kenneth Allen Higginbotham (1924-1986) WV/OH

Private Masonic services for Kenneth Allen Higginbotham, 62, of 193 Indianhead Drive, Heath, will be Saturday.

Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday morning in Licking Memorial Hospital. He was born May 15, 1924, in New Martinsville, W.Va., to the late Oscar and Edith Higginbotham.

He was a division inspector with Jobs Development for the city of Columbus. A World War II Navy veteran, he was a Shriner and a member of Crusaders Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, American Legion Post 85, Druids, Eagles, Maennerchor and Columbus Federation of Musicians 103.

Surviving are one brother, John E. Higginbotham of North Hills, Parkersburg, W.Va.; and several nieces and nephews.

Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


Dayton Daily News 2/16/1987
Nellie Harper Higginbotham (1911-1987) WV/OH/FL
Higginbotham, Nellie, 75, of Gulfport Blvd., St. Petersburg Beach, died Monday (Jan. 26, 1987) at Bayfront Medical Center. Born in Charleston, W.Va., she came her in 1978 from Dayton, Ohio. She was a member of the Golden Age Club of South Pasadena. Survivors include her husband, Clair "Red"; two daughters, Marian E. Chenoweth, St. Petersburg Beach, and Joan Kroger, Troy, Ohio; two sisters, Ruby Higginbotham and Kate Taylor of Charleston; and three grandchildren. Beach Memorial Chapel, St. Petersburg Beach.


Dayton Daily News 8/22/1987

Nancy Lee Rowell (1923-1987) MI/OH

Higginbotham, Nancy Rowell, age 63, of Washington Twp., died Thursday, August 20, 1987 at her home. She was a member of Southminster Presbyterian Church & served at 3 levels of Judicatory in the Presbyterian Church (USA). A graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University and member of the College Women's Club of Dayton. Also a member of the D.S. Chapter of P.E.O. Survivors include her husband, George R. (married 40 years Sunday, August 23); daughter, Ann R. Higginbotham of Connecticut; son and daughter-in-law, Richard T. & Debby C. Higginbotham of Mason, OH; & 3 grandsons. Memorial services will be held on Monday 11:30 a.m. at the Southminster Presbyterian Church, 7001 Far Hills Ave. Friends may visit with the family Monday from 11 a.m. till time of service at Southminster. In lieu of flowers, friends may make donations to the charity of their choice. Arrangements by Routsong Funeral Home, Centerville Chapel.


The Akron Beacon Journal 10/4/1987

Rosemary Higginbotham (1969-1987) OH

Rosemary Higginbotham 18, of 1975 Eloise Circle, Hartville, died Saturday morning in Timken Mercy Medical Center due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident on Sept. 27.

She was a sales clerk for Higbee's and previously worked for Walkers Restaurant. She was a life resident of Hartville, a 1987 graduate of Lake High School, and had done some modeling for the Michael Paul Agency.

She is survived by parents, Benny and Dorothy Higginbotham of Hartville; sisters, Mrs. Rick (Betsy) Pasko of Cuyahoga Falls, and Kelly Ann Higginbotham of the home; brother, Airman 1st Class Kevin, stationed with the U.S. Air Force in the United Kingdom; grandparents, Mrs. Lona Higginbotham of Hartville, Pauline and May Mong of Louisville; aunts and uncles, Mrs. Joey (Betty) Adams of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Higginbotham of Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Higginbotham and Mr. and Mrs. Kellis Higginbotham, all of Hartville, Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Higginbotham of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. James Loney of mount Vernon, Ohio.

Services will be Monday at 11 a.m. in the Arnold Funeral Home, Hartville, with Rev. Marvin Thomas officiating. interment in Mt. Peace Cemetery. There are no calling hours.


The Daily Jeffersonian (Cambridge, OH) 10/9/1987

Emily Kay Hickenbottom (1987) OH

Emily Kay Hickenbottom infant daughter of John and Kay Selby Hickenbottom, Kipling, died shortly after birth Wednesday (Oct 7, 1987) at Ohio State University Hospital, Columbus. In addition to her parents, she is survived by a maternal grandmother, Christine Selby of Cambridge, and several aunts and uncles. She was preceded in death by one sister, and grandparents Charles Selby and George and Charlotte Hickenbottom. Graveside services will be at 2:30 p.m. Friday with Rev. Bob Meridith officiating. Burial will be in Rock Hill Cemetery, Flushing. Scott Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


Springfield News-Sun 10/25/1987

Pearlie Jackson Higginbotham (1928-1987) MS/OH

Pearlie Higginbotham, 58, of 1414 West Perrin Avenue, died Friday afternoon in Mercy Medical Center. Ms. Higginbotham was born on November 25, 1928 in Scott, Mississippi, the daughter of James and Cora (Boone) Jackson. She attended the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. She is survived by two sons, Charles and Michael; one daughter, Mildred Jean Smith; one brother, Joseph Jackson Sr., all of Springfield; her fiancé, James Holtz of Springfield; a number of nieces and nephews. He body was taken to the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home where friends may call Sunday after 3:00 PM with the family present from 7:00-9:00 PM. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:00 PM Monday in the funeral home with the Rev. C.B. Sims officiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.


Springfield News-Sun 12/20/1987

John Paul Higgenbotham (1932-1987) OH/CA

John Paul Higgenbotham, 55, of Los Angeles, California, died Sunday, December 13, 1987 in Los Angeles. He was born on May 2, 1932 in Springfield, Ohio. He was a veteran of the Korean Conflict serving in the United States Army and was a construction worker. He is survived by a daughter, Drucella Higgenbotham of Los Angeles; a number of brothers and sisters. His body was taken to the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home where friends may call Sunday from 4:00-6:00 PM with funeral services held at 6:00 PM in the funeral home with the Rev. N.H. Beavers officiating. Burial will be Monday at 11:00 AM in Soldiers Mound in Ferncliff Cemetery.


Springfield News-Sun 1/31/1988

Iris Jean Higinbothom Bernie (1925-1988) OH

Iris Jean Bernie, 62, of 3168 Upland Drive, died unexpectedly at 4:22 PM Friday, January 29, 1988 in Mercy Medical Center. She was born on April 26, 1925 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio the daughter of Brit and Mabel (Musser) Higinbothom and was a Clark County resident most of her life. Mrs. Bernie was formerly employed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. She attended St. John's Lutheran Church and was active in the Clark County Chapter of the 4-H Club as an advisor for 25 years. She was the past president of the clothing committee of 4-H and belonged to the Mad River Green School District Mothers Club. She is survived by her husband of 40 years, Earl T. Bernie; two sons, Master Sergeant Robert Bernie and his wife, Gloria serving in the United States Air Force in Italy, Earl T. Bernie II and his wife, Oka Cha of Salina, Kansas; two daughters, Julia Goodfellow of Springfield and Sarah Jean Hill and her husband, Al of Newark, Ohio; one brother, John Higinbothom of Enon; one sister, Julia Harris of Columbus; eight grandchildren; many nieces and nephews, friends and neighbors. Friends may call from 5:00-8:00 PM Monday in the Austin Richards and Raff Memorial Home. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM Tuesday in the memorial home with the Rev. Alden Towberman officiating. Burial will be in Enon Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Enon Emergency Squad.


The Urbana Daily Citizen 2/4/1988

Clarence D. Hickinbotham (1905-1988) OH

Springfield - Clarence D. Hickinbotham, 82, of Springfield, died Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1988, at 5:19 p.m. in Heartland of Springfield.

He was born Fe. 28, 1905, in Delaware, a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Daugherty) Hickinbotham.

He was a retired meat cutter and real estate salesman. He was a member of Story-Hypes Memorial United Methodist Church in Springfield.

He is survived by his wife, Irene; a son and daughter-in-law, David and Shirley of Springfield; two sisters, Mattie Hickinbotham and Edna Nash, both of Urbana; two grandsons, James Ake of Springfield and Chuck Ake of Cincinnati; and several nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by  sister, Iva Miller and a brother, Benzil.

Funeral services will be held Friday at 11 a.m. in Littleton Funeral Home, Springfield, with the Rev. Robert Webb of Storey-Hypes Memorial United Methodist Church officiating.

Friends may call one hour prior to service at the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made to Storey-Hypes Church, Springfield, or the Moorefield Township Fire Department.


The Tampa Tribune 2/16/1988

Antoinette Hunter Higginbotham Hedick (1896-1988) FL

Antoinette H. Hedick, 91, of Brooksville, died Sunday. She was a lifelong resident of Brooksville and a member of the Lake Lindsey Methodist Church.

She is survived by a daughter, June Matthews of Brooksville; a brother, Terry Higginbotham of Bonfield, Ill.; a sister, JoElla Anderson of Tampa; three grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

Turner Funeral Home, Brooksville Chapel.


The Newark Advocate 6/20/1988

Edna Bernice Higginbotham Travis Watkins (1906-1988) OH

Services for Edna Watkins, 81, of 10302 Brownsville Road, Brownsville, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the chapel of Henderson, Van Atta and Johnson Funeral Home. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Brownsville.

Mrs. Watkins died Sunday evening at Licking Memorial Hospital. She was born June 22, 1906 in Barnesville, Ohio to the late Charles and Mary Jane (Mellott) Higginbotham.

She was a member of the Brownsville Methodist Church.

Her husband, George Watkins, died July 10, 1981. Surviving are a daughter, Geneva DeMent of Newark; two grandchildren; one sister, Alice Bailey of Barnesville; and seven grandchildren.

Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.


The Urbana Daily Citizen 8/2/1988

Mattie A. Hickinbotham (1901-1988) OH

Mattie Hickinbotham, 87, of 305 E. Church St., Urbana, died Monday morning, Aug. 1, 1988, in her residence.

She was born March 24, 1901, in Delaware, Ohio.

She was a graduate of Kingscreek High School and Moore's Business College in Urbana.

She was a civil service employee.

Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Edna Nash of Urbana; two nieces and three nephews.

She was preceded in death by two brothers, Denzell and Clarence Hickinbotham, and a sister, Ivy Miller.

Graveside services will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. in Fairview Cemetery, West Liberty.

Friends may call Wednesday from 3 to 5 p.m. in Walter-Schoedinger Funeral Home.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 10/16/1988

Olive Grace Higinbothom Francis (1894-1988) OH

Services for Olive G. Francis, 94, of 20 Poplar Fork Road, who died Friday, Oct. 14, 1988, will be held at 1 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17, at Bolin Funeral Home with Rev. G. Roger McElfresh officiating.

Burial will follow in Poplar Fork Cemetery near Gratiot.

Friends may call 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Mrs. Francis was a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Runion) Higinbothom.

Also surviving is a brother, Hilbert H. Higinbothom of Farmington, Ark.


The Akron Beacon Journal 11/8/1988

Herbert Lee Higginbotham II (1944-1988) OH

Herbert I. Higginbotham, 44, died Nov. 6. A life resident of Akron, he retired from Babcock & Wilcox in 1984, and was a member of Grace Baptist Church.
He is Survived by sons, Herb Jr., David and Doug, all of Akron; daughter, Debra Esque of Akron; four grandchildren; one sister; one brother; and mother.
Funeral services 1 p.m. Thursday at the Campfield-Hickman Funeral Home, Rev. Robert Webb officiating. Burial at Greenlawn Cemetery. Visitation Wednesday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.



Marylee Jean Bondy Higginbotham (1935-1988) OH

Adena - Marylee Jean Bondy, 53, of 73637 Morgan Hill Road died Sunday in the East Ohio Regional Hospital, Martins Ferry.

She was a Lutheran by faith.

Surviving are a son, Sgt. David Higginbotham Jr. of North Carolina; four daughters, Mrs. James (Cathy) Kuruc of Richmond, Mrs. Donald (Verena) Graham and Betty Jo Higginbotham, both of Cadiz, and Mrs. Kenneth (Carol) Clark of Wintersville; her mother, Grace M. Roberts Bondy of Adena; a brother, Clyde F. Bondy Jr. of Unionville, Mo.; three sisters, Mrs. Thomas (Verena) Reasbeck of Adena, Mrs. George (Bettyann) Fairbanks of Uniontown, Pa., and Mrs. Michael (Claudia) Brown of Fairfield, Pa.; and 11 grandchildren.

She was born Aug. 12, 1935, in Martins Ferry. She was preceded in death by a son, Mark, and a daughter, Lisa; and her father, Clyde F. Bondy Sr.

Friends may call at the Heslop Funeral Home, Martins Ferry, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday; services there Thursday at 1 p.m., the Rev. Calvin Sigmon; Holly Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Grove.


Springfield News-Sun 4/16/1989

John Higgenbotham (1912-1989) TN/OH

John Higgenbotham, 76, of 1025 S. Center St., died Wednesday morning, April 12, 1989 in Mercy Medical Center. He was born June 24, 1912, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a son of Solomon and Onie (McCamey) Higgenbotham. Mr. Higgenbotham was a retired self-employed brick mason and was a member of the Little Zion Holiness Church. He is survived by his loving wife, Marie, to whom he was married for 58 years; one son and daughter-in-law, John Robert and Linda Higgenbotham; three daughters and two sons-in-law, Donna Sue Williams, Geraldine Marie and Clarence Martin, and Diane and Norman West, all of Springfield; three sisters, Vivian Weaver, of Bardstown, Kentucky, Helen Craven, of Chattanooga, and Omalee Hamilton, of Detroit; one sister-in-law, Mary Nell Higgenbotham, of Chicago; ten grandchildren, John Eric Higgenbotham, Ricky, Lenney and Sheri West, Chris Williams, and Vicki Williams, Gerald Martin, Monica Poling, Jackie Bentley, and David Bentley; two great-grandchildren; a number of nieces, nephews, and cousins; and a very good friend, Melvin Southern. Friends may call in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home Sunday after 3 p.m. with the family present from 7-9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted 1 p.m. Monday in the Christ Community Fellowship Church with the Pastor Phillip C. Baisley, Pastor of the Springfield Friends Church, officiating. Burial will be in Rose Hill Burial Park.


Chronicle Telegram (Elyria, Ohio) Friday, June 23, 1989 Page 14

Doyle Claude Hickenbottom (1896-1989) OH

Doyle C. Hickenbottom, 92, of Elyria, died Wednesday in Villa Camillus Nursing Home, Columbia Station, after a year of failing health.

Born in Boston, Ohio, he resided in the Lorain County area most of his life.

Mr. Hickenbottom was a farmer and self-employed painter.

He was a member of Church of the Open Door, Elyria.

Mr. Hickenbottom is survived by sons, Ralph and Russell, both of Elyria.

His wife, May, preceded him in death in July 1975.

Services were to be 1 p.m. today in Cowling Funeral Home, Oberlin, with the Rev. Robert Schroyer officiating.

Burial will be in Camden Cemetery, Camden Township.


The Newark Advocate 7/3/1989

Edward Lincoln Higginbotham (1907-1989) OH

Services for Edward Lincoln Higginbotham, 82, of 37 Homewood Ave., will be 1 p.m. Thursday in the chapel of Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home, with the Rev. Mark Richardson officiating. Burial will be in Wilson Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died Sunday afternoon in the Licking Memorial Hospital. He was born Feb. 12, 1907, in Newark, to the late Andrew and Goldie (McLaughlin) Higginbotham.

He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, serving during World War II, and was a glass worker for the A.H. Heisey Co. He was a member of Central Christian Church, KOP Lodge, American Legion and VFW.

Surviving are: his wife, Aleta (Jones) Higginbotham; and one brother, John Higginbotham of Cleveland. One brother and one sister are deceased.

Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday and from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday in the funeral home.


News Journal (Mansfield, OH) 9/4/1989

Lillian Sandel Higinbotham (1910-1989) OH

Lillian Higinbotham, age 78, of 317 Bartley Ave., widow of Barton K. Higinbotham, died Saturday. Born Dec. 25, 1910 in Muskingum Co., OH. Surviving are 1 stepson, Gary B. Higinbotham; 3 grandchildren, Eric, Paula & Erin; 2 brothers, Walter R. & Robert W. Sandel; several nieces & nephews. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. in the Diamond St. Home of Wappner Funeral Directors, conducted by Rev. Michael Goldner. Burial will be in Mansfield Cemetery.


The Press Gazette (Hillsboro, OH) 11/7/1989

Judy Viola Higginbotham Jenner Warren (1898-1989) WV/OH

Judy V. Warren, 91, died Saturday at Valley Nursing Home in St. Marys.

Born June 10, 1898, in Putnam County, West Virginia, she was the daughter of William and Mary Margaret (Warner) Higginbotham.

She was preceded in death by husbands, Oren Jenner in 1930 and James E. Warren in 1976. Also preceding her in death were two sons, Raymond and Orville, a stepson, Lewis, two brothers and two sisters.

Survivors include three sons, Roy Jenner of St. Marys, Charles Jenner of Kettering and Bill Warren of St. Marys; two daughters, Mrs. William (Mary) Greathouse of Hillsboro and Mrs. Elmer (Ludy) Storer of St. Marys; a brother, Romeo Higginbotham of Zanesville; 16 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Miller Funeral Home in St. Marys with Rev. Judy Morelock officiating. Burial will follow in Elm Grove Cemetery.

Friends may call on Tuesday at the funeral home from 12 until time of service.



Warren Tribune Chronicle 6 Mar 1990 A7-2

Robert Wilbur Higinbotham (1925-1990) WV/OH

The funeral for Robert W. Higinbotham, 64, 2635 Donora Ave. N.E. who died of heart failure Sunday, will be Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Girts Funeral Home, Vienna. Burial will be in Crown Hill Burial Park, Vienna.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today and an hour before the service.

Mr. Higinbotham was born May 24, 1925, in Fairmont, W. Va., the son of Samuel and Minnie Bartholow Higinbotham.

He had lived here 35 years and was employed in supervision at Republic Steel Corp. for 29 years, retiring in 1985.

Mr. Higinbotham was a Navy veteran of World War II. He was an avid bowler, golfer and hunter.

Survivors include his wife, Frances Martin Higinbotham, whom he married March 12, 1945; a daughter, Mrs. Connie Littel of Warren; a brother, James; two sisters, Mrs. Wanda Sapp of Fairmont, Mrs. Frances Shores of Baybridge, Md.; and eight grandchildren.

A son, David; four brothers, Edward, Joseph, Eugene and Donald; and two sisters, Mrs. Viola Dunn and Rosemary Higinbotham, preceded him in death.


Sidney Daily News 3/23/1990

Agnes M. Stephenson Higginbotham (1899-1990) OH/FL

A former Sidney resident, Agnes M. Higginbotham, 90, Bradenton, Fla., died March 15 about 8 a.m. at a hospital in Bradenton. She moved from Sidney in 1964 to Bradenton.

She was born March 29, 1899, in Shelby County, and was married to Cramer Higginbotham who preceded her in death.

Survivors include a daughter, H. Virginia Schrolucke of Bradenton, Fla., and a son, Victor L. of Augusta, Ga.; six grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Pemberton Baptist Church.

Her body was cremated and burial will be in the Cedar Point Cemetery, Pasco.

A memorial service will be held at a later time.


Chillicothe Gazette 4/23/1990

Stella Elizabeth Smith Higginbotham (1900-1990) WV/OH

Stella E. Higgenbotham, 89, formerly of Wetzel Drive., died 4:20 p.m. Saturday, April 21, 1990 in Medical Center Hospital.

She was born Oct. 28, 1900 in Kanawha County, W.Va. to Mance and Iona Fisher Smith. On June 28, 1919, she married Enos B. Higgenbotham, who died in 1984.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Darrell (Iona) Ross, Albany and Mrs. Texie Powers, New Port, N.C.; two sons, Coy D., Albany, and Cody J., Portsmouth; 14 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; 15 great-great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Garten, Iowa and Mrs. Fritz (Rittie) Kaur, Florida; two half-sisters, Mrs. George (Beatrice) Garrett and Mrs. Paul (Genevieve) Monday, both of Florida; two brothers, Hasco Smith, Dunbar, W.Va. and Flowery Smith, Iowa; She was predeceased by a son, Doy; two daughters, Althea and Kittie; a grandson, Doy Jr. and four sisters.

Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Fawcett-Oliver and Glass Funeral Home with Rev. John Burris officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 10 a.m. until the hour of service on Tuesday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 11/20/1990

Carol Frances Griffin Higginbottom (1964-1990) OH/FL

Carol Frances Griffin Higginbottom passed away Sat. Nov. 10, 1990 in Jacksonville, Fla.

Funeral services Tuesday, Nov. 20, 7 p.m., at Stewart & Calhoun Chapel, Rev. Dr. Ronald Fowler officiating, assisted by Rev. Reginald Young. Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery. Friends may call at the chapel Tuesday, 6 p.m. until time of service. Procession will form, and condolences may be sent to 878 Fried St.


The (Elyria) Chronicle Telegram 02/21/1991

Joanne Elizabeth Caputo Higginbotham (1936-1991) OH

Joanne E. Higginbotham (nee Caputo), 54, retired Rini Rego deli manager, died Tuesday at her Lorain home after a long illness.

Born in Everettville, W.Va., she lived 40 years in Lorain.

She retired as deli manager of the Vermillion Rini Rego in 1990 after 30 years with the company.

Survivors include sons, Dale and Marion, both of Lorain; daughters, Debbie Miller and Marilyn Tucker, both of Lorain; brothers, Frank Caputo Jr. of Lorain and Joey Caputo of St. Paul, Minn.; and sisters, Patty Calabreese of Saginaw, Mich., and Mary Costin of Lorain.

Friends may call 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday at Richard J. Reidy Funeral Home, 1783 E. 31st St., Lorain, where services will be Friday at a time to be announced.

Burial will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, Lorain.


Greenfield Daily Times 3/11/1991

Lucinda Higginbotham Current (1928-1991) OH

Lucinda (Cindy) Current, 63, of Sugar Run Rd., Chillicothe, died at 9:05 p.m. March 9, 1991 at her home.

A homemaker, Mrs. Current was a 1946 graduate of Frankfort High School and a member of the Mt. Logan Riding Club.

Born Feb. 11, 1928 in Frankfort, she was the daughter of Emanual and Susie J. Smith Higginbotham.

On August 7, 1965 she married Theodore L. Current, who survives.

Other survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Daniel (Lynda) Rhoads of Londonderry, Mrs. Roderick (Denise) Bowman of Westerville and Susan Current at home; two sons, Garrett Ford and Carl Ford, both of Chillicothe; seven grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; five sisters, Lilly Lemaster and Mildred Jeffers, both of Frankfort; Naomi Ours and Willie Yeats, both of Chillicothe and Mary Alice Fyffe of California; two brothers, William Higginbotham of Kentucky and Lewis Higginbotham of Florida.

She was preceded in death by a daughter, Karen Lee Ford, and a son, Teddy Lee Current, and by two brothers, Albert and Frank Higginbotham.

Service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Fisher-Anderson-Ebright Funeral Home in Frankfort with Pastor Roger Webb officiating. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Hospice of Ross County, 272 Hospital Rd., Chillicothe 45601.


Bryan Times 4/8/1991


Lois Arlene Blair Higginbotham (1929-1991) OH

Edgerton - Lois A. Higginbotham, 61, died Sunday, April 7, 1991 in Community Hospitals of Williams County-Bryan, after an extended illness. A native of Edgerton, she was born April 14, 1929, the daughter of DeVilla C. (Apple) and J. Arthur Blair.

Mrs. Higginbotham was married to Clyde L. Higginbotham Sept. 30, 1951, in Bryan. He survives. Also surviving are two sons, Duane of Bryan and David of Edgerton; four daughters, Mrs. Lee (Marilyn) Opdyke, Fayette; Mrs. Chris (Marcia) George, Rossford; Mrs. Chris (Marlene) North, Rossford and Ms. Myra Stedt, Denver., Colo. Also surviving are seven grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. John (Nancy) Altman of Edgerton.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Trinity Luther Church in Bryan where she was a member of the Esther Circle and also was active in the adult Sunday School.

Services will be Wednesday in the Trinity Lutheran Church at 1 p.m. With Pastor Richard Buchsteiner officiating.

Visitation will be in Krill Funeral Home, Edgerton, after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Edgerton.

Preferred memorials are to the American Cancer Society.


Springfield News-Sun 4/14/1991

Idabelle Sally Higginbotham (1933-1991) OH

Idabelle Sally Higgenbotham, 58, of 340 Walton, Dayton, and formerly of Springfield, died in St. Elizabeth Medical Cener of Tuesday morning, April 9, 1991. She was born on October 15, 1933 in Springfield, Ohio, the daughter of Eugene and Thelma (Johnson) Higgenbotham. Mrs. Higgenbotham is survived by one son, Ernest Lee Higgenbotham; two daughters, Lavonda Higgenbotham and Barbara Thompson, all of Springfield; four brothers, Bobby Quick, Ernest Quick, Donnie Quick, and Richard Quick, all of Springfield; five sisters, Norma Oliver of Atlanta, Joanne Sims of Cincinnati, Arlene Slay of Orange, New Jersey, Geraldine and Ernestine Quick, both of Springfield; 10 grandchildren; a devoted friend, June Harrison of Dayton; and a number of nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. Friends may call in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home on Monday morning from 10-11 a.m. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. in the funeral home with the Rev. N.H. Beavers officiating. Burial will be in Rose Hill Burial Park.


Chillicothe Gazette 6/25/1991

Willa L. Higginbotham Diles Yates (1920-1991) OH

Willie L. Yates, 71, of Dry Run Rd., died 11:10 a.m. June 24, 1991 in Medical Center Hospital following an extended illness.

She was born February 20, 1920 in Ross County to Manuel and Susie J. Smith Higginbotham. She was married December 24, 1966 to Howard R. Yates, who survives.

Also surviving are daughters and sons-in-law, Arlene and Verna Strasbaugh, Musgrove Rd., Jessie and Roger Shoaf, Elyria, Juanita and Derek Wolfe, Dry Run Road; daughter, Garnet Davis, Dry Run Road; son and daughter-in-law, Austin and Janet Diles, Greenfield; two step-daughters and three step-sons, 17 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, sisters, Lillie LeMaster and Mildred and Mildred Jeffers, both of Frankfort, Naomi Ours, Chillicothe, and Mary Fyffe, California; brothers, Louis Higginbotham, Florida, and William Higginbotham, Kentucky, and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a son, James Diles, and infant daughter, a sister, and two brothers.

Mrs. Yates was a member of the Happy Valley Church of Christ in Christian Union and was retired from the U.S. Shoe Corporation.

Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Friday in the Ware Funeral Home with Rev. John A. Tipton officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery in Frankfort. Friends may call at Ware's from 5 to 9 p.m., Thursday.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Medical Center Hospice Program, 272 Hospital Rd., Chillicothe.


Springfield News-Sun 7/28/1991

Edna Pearl Hickinbotham Yoder Nash (1898-1991) OH

Edna P. Nash, 92, formerly of 126 Madison Aveneu, Urbana, Ohio, passed away at 5:50 p.m. Friday, July 26, 1991, in Oakwood Village, Springfield. She was born on August 25, 1898 in Delaware, Ohio, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Daugherty) Hickinbotham and was  a member of the Urbana United Methodist Church. She is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Charlotte Y. and Raymond Schiff of Yellow Springs; a grandson, Carl "Toby" Gray of Santa Cruz, California; and a special friend, Jane Pingel of Springfield. She was preceded in death by her first husband, John W. Yoder in 1964 and her second husband, Edward R. Nash in 1970. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday in Kingscreek Cemetery, Kingscreek, Ohio, officiated by Rev. R.J. Davis. Friends may call from 305 p.m. Sunday in the Walter-Schoedinger Funeral Home, 642 South Main Street, Urbana, Ohio.


Lancaster Eagle-Gazette 9/18/1991

Nellie Agnes Higginbotham Jewett (1906-1991) WV/OH

Nellie Agnes Jewett, 85, formerly of Columbus, went home to be with the Lord and her Savior Monday, Sept. 16, 1991, at Lancaster-Fairfield Community Hospital.

She was born Jan. 12, 1906, in Grimms Landing, W.Va. She attended Eastbrook Baptist Church in Reynoldsburg.

She is survived by daughters, Marjorie Hoy of New Straitsville, Anna Brinser of Ocala, Fla., Virginia and son-in-law Carl Smith of Columbus, Donnabelle and son-in-law Richard Regan of Lancaster, with whom she resided; sister-in-law, Rachel Jones of Columbus; 13 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; six step-great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

She was preced in death by her parents, Mattie and Dora Higginbotham; husband, Oliver; and brothers, Elbin and Roy Higginbotham.

The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Jerry Spears Funeral Home in Columbus with Rev. Walter Lucas officiating. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery.

Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.


Chillicothe Gazette 11/18/1991

Goldie Johnson Higginbotham (1926-1991) KY/OH

Goldie Higginbotham, 64, of Ivel, Kentucky, formerly of Greenland, died 7:05 a.m. Sunday November 17, 1991 in the Methodist Hospital, Pikeville, Ky.

She was born December 11. 1926, in Morgan County, Ky. to William and Myrtle Trusty Johnson. On June 2, 1940, she married William Higginbotham, who survives.

Also surviving are two sons, William Higginbotham, Paintsville, Ky., and Farrell Higginbotham, Catlettsburg, Ky.; three grandchildren, Robert, William Brandon and Brittany; two sisters, Ethel Keaton, Keaton, Ky. and Nora Kelly, Greenland. She was predeceased by by three brothers and one sister.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Shelliana, Kentucky United Methodist Church and was a member of the United Methodist Women.

Funeral services will be 2:30 p.m., Wednesday in the Fisher-Anderson-Ebright Funeral Home, Frankfort with the Rev. Jesse J. Luster officiating. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday.


Dayton Daily News 2/20/1991

Charles Clayton Higginbotham (1919-1991) WV/OH

Higginbotham-Charles C., age 71, died January 17, 1991, Good Samaritan Hospital. A native of Charleston, W.Va., the son of B. Lawrence Higginbotham and Ora Ellen Smith. A member of one of Charleston's first families. He was a weather expeditor for the USAF until retirement. He was also connected with Chessie System. He is survived by a daughter, Ellen Higgenbotham Holley; a sister, Geanne Sieferman. This belated obituary is for his many dear friends, his co-workers & his business associates.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 3/6/1992

Dorothy Blanche Higinbotham Lutz (1898-1992) OH

Dorothy B. Lutz, 94, of 2102 Dresden Road died at 12:40 a.m. Thursday, March 5, 1992 at the Helen Purcell Home.

Mrs. Lutz was a lifetime resident of Muskingum County. She was a retired bookkeeper and a member of Market Street Baptist Church.

Born Jan. 5, 1898 in Nashport, she was a daughter of Theodore and Susanna Redman Higinbotham.

Surviving are three nieces, Mrs. Franklin (Emily) Vandenbark of Zanesville, Mrs. David (Janis) Wilson of Columbus and Mrs. Paul (Donna) Bartsch of Baltimore, Ohio; and one nephew, Wayne F. King of Zanesville.

Her husband, Harold D. Lutz, died Oct. 26, 1973. Six sisters and two brothers also preceded her in death.

There will be no calling hours. Private services will be held Saturday at Bolin Funeral Home with Pastor Larry Kudart officiating.

Burial will be in Memorial Park.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, Ohio) 3/12/1992

Evajean Ricer Higginbotham (1917-1992) OH

Evajean M. Ricer Higginbotham, 74, of 1136 Adaie Ave., died at 4:25 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, 1992, at Good Samaritan Medical Center.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a retired seamstress for Royal Dry Cleaning Co., and spent most of her lifetime in the Zanesville area, was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and was an avid antique deal and collector.

Born April 4, 1917 in Woodsfield, she was a daughter of Charles and Pearl Atwood Moose Ricer.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Robert (Sherry J.) Keener of Pickney, Mich.; Mary Jane Boykin of Zanesville and Mrs. Keith (Theresa Renee) Long of Roseville; two brothers, Jack Ricer of Woodsfield  and Lawrence T. Ricer of Tampa, Fla.; and three grandsons.

She was preceded in death by two brothers, Harry D. Ricer and Ray Ricer, and two sisters, Frances Baker and Violey McBride.

Calling hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at Bolin Funeral Home.


The Times Reporter (Zanesville, OH) 03/13/1992

Alonzo Earl Hickenbottom (1896-1992) OH

CADIZ - Alonzo Earl Hickenbottom, 95, of 75920 McFarland Rd., died Tuesday at the Carriage Inn of Cadiz. Born in Barnesville, he was a son of the late William and Rosabelle Street Hickenbottom. He was a retired logger, farmer and construction worker and a member of the Cadiz Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Surviving are his wife, the former Susie Monohan; four sons and five daughters, Edmond of Bethesda, Alonzo Jr. of Summerville, S.C., Gary of Cumberland, Md., and Brad K. of McKinney, Texas, Sue F. Gillote of New Albany, Norma Jean Mehok of Heath, Helen Anne Hanna of Jacksonville, Fla., Mary Abel of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Merle E. Nester of Holloway; 23 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Four brothers and five sisters are deceased. Services will be Saturday at 1 p.m. in Clark-Kirkland Funeral Home at Cadiz with Brad Hickenbottom officiating. Burial will be in Holly Memorial Gardens at Pleasant Grove. Calling hours are 11 to 1 Saturday.


The Akron Beacon Journal 1/8/1993

Ila Higginbottom Luster (1900-1993) MS/OH

Minister Ila (Higginbottom) Luster, 92, passed away Jan. 4, 1993 at Akron General Medical Canter after a long illness.

Born in Oxford, Miss., she had lived in this community since 1965. She was a minister for 55 years, a school teacher, and retired principal for the Mississippi School System in 1965 after 40 years of service. She was a former member of Gospel Temple Apostolic Church, a member of the Mississippi Retired Teachers Association, and graduated from Rust College in Holly Springs, Miss.

Preceded in death by husband, L. C. Luster, mother, father, four sisters and six brothers, she is survived by daughters, Idessa Williams and Pastor Ila M. (Willie B.) Solomon; goddaughter, Evangelist Hilda Cole; son, Horace L. Luster; sister-in-law, Altee Higginbottom, all of Akron; 14 grandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

Funeral service Saturday, 1:30 p.m., at the First Apostolic Faith Church, Bishop F.L. Smith officiating. Interment at Lakewood Cemetery. Fiends may call Saturday, 12:30 p.m. until time of service at the church. Procession will form and condolences may be sent to 531 Edgewood Ave. (Stewart & Calhoun, 535-1543)


The Akron Beacon Journal 2/27/1993

William H. Heginbotham (1917-1993) NY/OH

William H. Heginbotham, 76, passed away Feb. 25, 1993 at St. Tomas Medical Center.

He was born in Buffalo, N.Y., and lived in the Akron area all of his life. Mr. Heginbotham was a custodian with the Board of Education for many years, retiring in 1977. He was a member of the German-American Club and a former member of the Meade Avenue Christian Church, and served in the U.S. Army during World War II.

Preceded in death by his wife, Anabel K., in 1985, he is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Donald W. and Jan of Falls Church, Va/; sister, Eva Heginbotham of Akron; niece, Judy Dague of Kent; sister-in-law, Jean James of Cuyahoga Falls; and four great-nephews.

Funeral service Monday, 12:30 p.m. at the Hopkins Lawver Funeral Home, 547 Canton Rd., Akron, with Pastor Marty Boyd officiating. Burial at Standing Rock Cemetery in Kent. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday.


News Journal (Mansfield, OH) 5/9/1993

Allen D. Higgenbotham (1936-1993) OH

Mansfield - Funeral services for Allen D. Higgenbotham, 56, of 563-1/2 Davidson St., who died unexpectedly Friday at his home, will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Diamond Street Home of Wappner Funeral Directors by the Rev. Carl Cunfer.

Calling hours at the funeral home are one hour prior to the service. Burial will be in Colonial Memorial Gardens.

Mr. Higgenbotham was born May 12, 1936, in Fairpoint, Ohio, and had lived in Mansfield for the past 28 years. He was retired from DSL Corporation.

Surviving are his wife, Juanita Singhaus Higgenbotham; a daughter, Robbin K. Higgenbotham, at home; a grandson, Chad Allen; his mother, Laura Higgenbotham of St. Clairsville, Ohio; three brothers, David and John Higgenbotham, both of St. Clairsville, and Lewis Higgenbotham of Sherrardsville, Ohio.

He was preceded in death by his father, Lewis Higgenbotham, and two brothers, Bennie and Bill Higgenbotham.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 7/10/1993

Bessie Belle Higginbotham Ruby (1903-1993) PA/OH

Cambridge - Bessie Belle Ruby, 90, formerly of 5720 Cambridge Road, New Concord, died at 8:10 p.m. Thursday, July 8, 1993, in New Concord Nursing Home.

Mrs. Ruby was born Jan. 1, 1903 in Pennsylvania.

Surviving are several nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Preceding her in death were her parents, John E. and Louise Day Higginbotton; her husband, Charles C. Ruby, on May 4, 1992, whom she married July 28, 1954; and one sister.

Calling hours will be observed one hour prior to services at 2 p.m. today at Bundy-Law Funeral Home with the Rev. Eldon Wilson officiating. Burial will be in Bloomfield Presbyterian Church Cemetery.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 7/13/1993

David Franklin Hickenbottom Jr. (1934-1993) OH/AR

Delight, Ark. - David Franklin Hickenbottom, 58, formerly of Newcomerstown, died Sunday, July 11, 1993, at Hope Hospital after an extended illness.

Born Nov. 10, 1934, in Newcomerstown, he was the son of Frank and Nellie (Shepherd) Hickenbottom.

Survivors include one sister, Dolores Alexander; and three nephews.

Graveside services at 10 a.m. Friday at the West Lawn Cemetery in Newcomerstown.

Calling hours are 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the Addy Funeral Home in Newcomerstown.


Springfield News-Sun 9/13/1993

Richard Joseph Higginbotham (1931-1993) OH

Richard (RJ) Higginbotham, 62, of 123 Catherine Street, died Thursday, September 9, 1993, in Mercy Medical Center. He was born January 2, 1931 in Springfield, the son of Cecil and Martha Cassidy Higgenbotham. He was a veteran of the Korean Conflict, member of the American Legion Post 517 and retired from Wright Pratt Air Force Base. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Higginbotham, two daughters, Dawn (Mike) Gaines of Springfield, Bobbie Toliver of Buffalo, New York; one son, Delmer Jones of Springfield; four sisters, Irene Davenport, Elizabeth (Smith) Daniels of Springfield, Florine Harrison of Dayton, Selena (Gene) Cole of Worthington, Ohio; one brother, Cecil Higginbotham of Springfield; grandmother, Nannie Belle Higginbotham of Memphis, Tenn.; mother-in-law, Jane McCormick of Springfield; eight grandchildren; one great-grandchild; special friends, Edward and Delores Craig; nieces, nephews and cousins. His body was entrusted to the Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home, Inc. Where friends may call Monday from 12-5 p.m. and at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church from 5:30 p.m. until time of service at 7 p.m. with the family present from 6 p.m. until time of services. Reverend Ernest Brown officiating. Burial will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Rose Hill Burial Park, Soldiers section. Funeral procession will form at hisresidence at 9:45 a.m. American Legion Post 517 will have services at 6 p.m. at the church.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 9/20/1993

J. Therma Longsworth Hickenbottom (1908-1993) OH

Newcomerstown - J. Therma Hickenbottom, 85, of 4826 SR 258, died Saturday, Sept. 18, 1993, at the Union Hospital in Dover, after an extended illness.

Born April 30, 1908, in Newcomerstown, she was the daughter of the late Frank and Clendora (Hall) Longsworth.

A 1926 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a graduate of Coshocton Business College, she worked for the former Peoples National Bank for 20 years before her retirement in 1972. She also worked for Attorney Robert Mowbray and Alchrome Products, all of Newcomerstown.

She was a member of the U.M.W. Club, a pianist for her Sunday school and worship service, a member of the Tabitha Club, Business Womens Club, and a former member of the Washington and Buckhorn granges.

On Feb. 1, 1929, she married Joe Hickenbottom, who preceded her in death March 4, 1968.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Owen "Gene" (Betty) Ward of West Lafayette, and Mrs. Jim (Sandra) Dobson of Newcomerstown; a brother, Dale Longsworth of Newcomerstown; six grandchildren, Clenda, Brad, Sonda, Sharla, Sharma, and Don; two great-grandchildren, Christopher and Dylan; and a special friend, Sarah.

She was preceded in death by a son, Bill Hickenbottom; a brother, and a granddaughter, Cara.

Services are 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Hartwood United Methodist Church with the Rev. Pat Spriggel and the Rev. Gene Miller officiating. Burial will be in West Lawn Cemetery.

Calling hours are 4 to 8 p.m. today at the Addy Funeral Home.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Hartwood United Methodisat Church, Sue Brown, 1590 Sleepy Elm Road, Newcomerstown, Ohio, 43832.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 11/3/1993

Evelyn Higginbotham Bockhorst (1928-1993) OH

Evelyn Bockhorst (nee Higginbotham), beloved wife of Vincent G. Bockhorst, devoted mother of Gregory, Dennis R. and Steven Bockhorst and Terri Scanlan, loving grandmother of seven grandchildren; dear sister of Earl Higginbotham and Anna Gowan. Monday, November 1, 1993, age 65 years. Funeral services Friday, 10 A.M. at the Dalbert & Woodruff Funeral Home, 2880 Boudinot Ave. at Queen City. Visitation Thursday 6-8 P.M. If so desired, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.


Journal-Tribune 02/11/1994

Letcher Monroe Higginbotham (1912-1994) WV/OH

Letcher M. Higginbotham, 81, of Charleston died Feb. 9, 1994 at the home of his son, Ray of Richwood. He had been in failing health for several months.
He was a retired farmer and a member of Moose Lodge #0565 and Community Church of Nitro, W.Va. He was born April 15, 1912, in Putnam Co., W.Va., to the late Clinton and Mamie Slater Higginbotham. He was predeceased by a brother.
Surviving: wife, Ruth Walker Higginbotham; sons, Clinton of Florida, Roy of Circleville, Ohio; daughters, Linda Piper and Christine Higginbotham, both of Cocoa, Fla.; brothers, Elmer of Nitro, Robert of Black Betsy, Lonzose of Cabin Creek, Kermit of Canton, Ohio; sisters, Vivian Lett of Charleston, Juanita Cable; 19 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; 4 great-great-grandchildren.
Service will be 11 am Saturday at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, with the Rev. Franklin Lett officiating. Burial will be in Legacy Memorial Gardens, Cross Lanes. Friends may call from 7 to 9 pm today at the funeral home. Donations may be made to Hospice of Marion, 180 Ottawa St., Richwood, Ohio, 43344.


The Marion Star 3/27/1994

Anna Belle Jeffers Higginbotham (1923-1993) WV/OH

Carey - Anna Belle Higginbotham, 71, 12212 W. Seneca County Road 10, Alvada, died at her residence Thursday morning after an extended illness.

Born Feb. 19, 1923, in Mason County W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Perry and Ida (Oldaker) Jeffers. She married Lawrence M. Higginbotham on Oct. 9, 1941 in Radnor.

He survives along with a son, Lawrence C. Higginbotham, Marion, three daughters, Mrs. Terry (Shirley) Shafer, Delta, Mrs. David (Donna) Miller, Upper Sandusky, and Laura Jean Higginbotham, Pittsburgh, Pa.; three sisters, Dorothy Scraggs, Upper Sandusky, Mrs. Raymond (Mary) Sisk, Letart, W.Va., and Mrs. Charles (Margaret) Lockard, Franklin, W.Va.; a brother, John Jeffers, Letart, W.Va.; two half-sisters, Anna May Brocksmite, Risingsun, Barbara Meadows, Henderson, W.Va.; two half-brothers, Junior Lee Jeffers New Haven, W.Va., and Donald Roy Jeffers; four grandsons and three great-grandchildren.

One grandson is deceased.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a homemaker and attended Our Masters Chapel, Sycamore.

The funeral is 2 p.m. Monday at Stombaugh Funeral Home, Carey, with the Rev. Charlie McGlone officiating. Burial is in Spring Grove Cemetery. Friends may call 2-5 and 6-9 today Sunday at the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made to Cancer Patient Care Services of Findlay or Visiting Nurses of Seneca County Health Department.


The Akron Beacon Journal 4/6/1994

Altee Wheeler Higginbottom (1920-1994) MS/OH

Believing in God Almighty, and trusting His promise, our beloved Altee (Wheeler) Higginbottom traded her earthly life for eternal life, and is now with our Lorad and Savior Jesus Christ.

Altee Wheeler Higginbottom passed away April 4, 1994 at Akron General Medical Center.

Born in Stovall, Miss., she had lived in this community since 1943. She was a member of Gospel Temple in Barberton.

She is survived by daughters, Mrs. Katie M. Mee of Cotton Plant, Ark., Mrs. Lula M. (Samuel) Hampton, Mrs. Daisy L. Blackson, Mrs. Priscilla K. (Ben M.), all of Akron, Mrs. Barbara A. (Allen) Sims of Little Rock, Ark., Mrs. Cathy K. (Stanley) Feaster of Peachtree, Ga.; sons, Bishop Alex Jr. (Gracie), Curtis (Carrie), Bishop James T. (Esther), Elder Ronald L. (Evalena) and Robert T., all of Akron; special grandchildren, Tavia and Jason Higginbottom of Akron; grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren; sisters, Iodia Johnson and Ann Marie Wheeler, both of Howardville, Mo., Priscilla Lloyd of Akron, Elizabeth Kindred and Rosy Wheeler, both of Flint, Mich.; brothers, Sam (Mattie) Wheeler of Akron, Isaac (Cecil Doris) Wheeler and Billy Ray (Pearl) Wheeler, both of Howardville, Mo., Willie B. (Arcie) Wheeler and Joe H. (Lorraine) Wheeler, both of Flint, Mich.; sister-in-law, Dorothy Wheel of Akron; and a host of nieces, nephews and friends.

Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, April 8, at First Apostolic Faith Church, with Dis. Elder Samuel L. Hampton officiating. Interment at Lakewood Cemetery. Friends may call at the church Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; the family will receive friends from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Procession will form and condolences may be sent to 970 Dover Ave.

(Stewart & Calhoun, 535-1543)


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 4/27/1994

Nellie Arabella Shepherd Hickenbottom (1907-1994) OH/AR

Delight, Ark. - Nellie A. Hickenbottom, 86, formerly of Newcomerstown, died Tuesday, April 26, 1994.

Born Oct. 18. 1907, near Sewellsville, she was the daughter of the late Eldee and Maude Estelle (Calhoun) Shepherd.

She was a homemaker and Church of Christ member.

Surviving are her husband, David Franklin Hickenbottom Sr. of Delight, Ark.; a daughter, Dolores Alexander of Delight; a brother, Robert West of Monroe, Mich.; a sister, Bertha Turner of Coshocton; three grandsons and two great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by a son, David Franklin Hickenbottom Jr.

Graveside services are 10 a.m. Friday at the West Lawn Cemetery, Newcomerstown.

Calling hours are 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the Addy Funeral Home.

The Latimer Funeral Home, Murfreesboro, Ark., is in charge of arrangements.


The Times Recorder 06/23/1994

Merlie Agnes Warner Higginbotham (1903-1994) WV/OH

Zanesville – Merlie A. Higginbotham, 91, of 1120 Schlaegel Drive, died at 1:54 am Wednesday, June 22, 1994, at Bethesda Hospital.
Born May 9, 1903, in Tribble WV, she was a member of Northside Church of the Nazarene and had been president of the Missionary Society for 10 years.
She is survived by her husband, Romeo D. Higginbotham, whom she married Sept 15, 1924; one daughter, Ruth Higginbotham Gist of Zanesville; two sons, Lonnie Higginbotham of Zanesville and Romeo J. Higginbotham of Nashport; seven grandchildren; six great grandchildren; two step grandchildren; four step great grandchildren; one step great, great grandson; and one sister, Eddie Casto of Nitro WV
Preceding her in death were her parents, Robert and Nancy Jividen Warner; one daughter, Louise Marie Higginbotham; one granddaughter and several brothers and sisters.
Calling hours are from 7 to 9 pm today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Friday, June 24, at Bryan Funeral Home, 2318 Maple Avenue.
Services will be at 11 am Saturday, June 25, at the funeral home with the Rev. James Honaker and the Rev. Vernon Stimpert officiating. Burial will be in Dresden Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Northside Church of the Nazarene.


The Urbana Daily Citizen 9/13/1994

Evelyn Irene Black Hickinbotham (1906-1994) OH

E. Irene Hickinbotham, 88, Springfield, died Monday, September 12, 1994, in Heartland of Springfield.

She was born on August 4, 1906, in Champaign County, the daughter of John and Ruth Bee (Hinton) Black.

She was a member of Story-Hypes United Methodist Church and United Methodist Women's Group.

She is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, David and Shirley Hickinbotham, Northridge; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Kathryn and Lionel Grauman, North Lewisburg, Joan and John Anderson, Urbana; grandchildren, Charles Ake III, James Ake, and his wife Penny, all of Springfield; four great-grandchildren, Kristen, Erin, Caleb, Michael; and several nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Clarence Hickinbotham, in 1988; one sister, Leota Lane; and a brother, Walter Black.

The fuenral service will be held at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the Littleton & Rue Funeral Home, Springfield, with a Pastor William Bushong officiating.

Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery, West Liberty.

Friends may call from 5 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, in the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Moorefield Township Fire and Emergency Squad Fund.


The Akron Beacon 9/21/1994

Hallie Hilda Higginbotham Given (1901-1994) WV/OH

Hallie Given, 92, died Sept. 20, 1994.

Born in Elkins, W.Va., Mrs. Given lived in the Akron area for the past 51 years. She retired from the M. O'Neil Co. after 25 years.

Preceded in death by her husband, Charles A., she is survived by daughter and son-in-law, Inez and Angelo Rizzo of Akron; son, James Given of Newtown, Conn.; grandchildren, Ross Rizzo, Robin (Steve) Williams, Dan Rizzo, Ron (Lisa) Rizzo, Marc (Tricia) Rizzo, all of Akron, Kim (Gary) Chandler of Canton, Kris (Chad) Snyder of Kennesau, Ga.; and 12 great-grandchildren.

Graveside service and inurnment will take place Thursday, 1 p.m. at East Akron Cemetery, Rev. Lawrence Shaw officiating. Memorial donations may be made to Colonial Gardens Care Center. (Dunn-Quigley-Ciriella & Carr, 253-8121)


Dayton Daily News 11/3/1994

George Richard Higginbotham (1919-1994) MS/OH

Higginbotham,, George Richard, 75, of Washington Township. A good and faithful servant called home to the Lord on All Saint's Day, November 1, 1994. He was born in West Point, MS on May 25, 1919 and graduated from Mississippi State University with an electrical engineering degree. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II from July 1940 to January 1946 and the Korean Conflict, receiving the rank of Lt. Col. During his service years he served as an anti-aircraft operations officer in the European African Middle Eastern Campaign and received the Bronze Star and from the French Army, the Croix De Guerre. He was employed by DPL and retired from the Chrysler Airtemp in January 1977. He was an active member and Elder of Southminster Presbyterian Church, past moderator of Miami Presbytery and served on many church and Presbytery committees.

He was preceded in death by his first wife of 40 years, Nancy Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife, Susalee (Wildason); daughter and son-in-law, Ann Higginbotham and Emil Pocock (CT); son and daughter-in-law, Richard and Debby Higginbotham (NC); step-daughters and sons-in-law, Debbie and Like Yosick (Dayton), Becky and Mark DeVol (TN), Jennifer and Robert Heimach (IN); sister and brother-in-law, Maizie and Harold Mintern, (FL), Joe and Mary Ann Higginbotham (Newark, OH); eight grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. A worship service to celebrate George's life will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Robert B. Smith at Southminster Presbyterian Church on Saturday, November 5, 1994, at 11:00 A.M. The family will greet friends at 10:00 A.M. before the services. Memorial contributions may be made to Southminster Presbyterian Church Building Fund, 7001 Far Hills Ave., Dayton.


Springfield News-Sun 1/13/1995

John Henry Higgenbotham (1905-1995) GA/OH

John Henry Higgenbotham, 89, of 568 Catherine Street, died Tuesday afternoon January 10, 1995 in Community Hospital. He was born November 19, 1905, in Rome, Georgia, the son of Marion and Hattie Higgenbotham. Mr. Higgenbotham was a retired employee of the Schaefer Bakery. He was a member of the St. John Missionary Baptist Church where he was on the trustee's board and was a member of the Male Chorus. He is survived by five sons, John W. White, Jr., Hence White of Springfield, Ohio, Thomas White of New York, New York, Joe White of Detroit, Michigan, Robert White of Columbus, Ohio; three daughters, Mary Mason of New York City, Lottie Hibler of Springfield, Ohio, Vivian Murphy of Detroit, Michigan; A brother, Carven Higgenbotham of Springfield, Ohio; two sisters, Emma Smith of Springfield, Ohio and Lenora Bell of Flint, Michigan; 28 grandchildren; 40 great-grandchildren; 29 great-great-grandchildren; three great-great-great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives; and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Minnie E. Higgenbotham; and a daughter, Carolyn White. Friends may call in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home Friday from 3-5 p.m. and from 6-8 p.m. in the St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Funeral services will be conducted at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in the church with Rev. Ernest Brown officiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 2/8/1995

Marjorie DeWitt Higginbotham Fish (1928-1995) WV/OH

Margie D. Fish, (nee DeWitt), beloved wife of the late Frank A., dear mother of Jim Higginbotham, Larry Fish, Frank Fish, and Celia Gibson (William). Grandmother of J.D. Higginbotham, great-grandmother of Anthony. Passed away February 6. Memorials may be forwarded to Westlake Free Methodist Church, 1810 Columbia Rd., Westlake, OH 44145. Services at the Funeral Home, Thursday, Feb. 9 at 11 a.m. Friends may call at the Busch Family Chapel, 4334 Pearl Rd. from 2-4 and 7-9 pm, Wednesday.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 2/26/1995

Elizabeth Beatrice Withrow Higginbotham Johnston (1914-1995) WV/OH

Libby B. Johnston, (nee Withrow) age 80, beloved mother of Glen Higginbotham, Sr., Joyce Baptiste, Lola Bea Asbury and the late Bobby, Otto and Olin, grandmother of 10, great-grandmother of 16, dear sister of Christine Dingess, Jane Davis and the late Carl, Robert, Nellie Bailes, Preston, Johnny, Pedroe and Thelma Skeen. Friends may call at the Vodrazka Funeral Home, 3315 E. 55 St. (at Broadway) where services will be held Monday, Feb. 27 at 11 a.m. Interment West Park Cemetery. Visiting hours, Sunday 2-4 and 7-9 pm.


The Cincinnati Post 3/24/1995

Mary Higginbotham Wood (1902-1995) KY/OH

Wood - Mary H. (nee Higginbotham), widow of Andrew J. Wood, beloved mother of Frieda Phillips, Imogene Wood and Jack C. Wood, dear grandmother of five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, dear sister of Azerie and Paul Higginbotham, Lula Jeffers, Ruth Murphy and the late Zora Jones. Thursday, March 23, 1995, age 92 years, resident of Northside. Friends may call at Chas. A. Miller Sons Funeral Home, Hamilton Ave. at Knowlton St., Northside, Monday 9:30 A.M. until time of funeral service at 11 A.M.


The Newark Advocate 9/15/1995

Aleta Sarah Jones Higginbotham (1906-1995) OH

Funeral services for Aleta Sarah Higginbotham, 88, formerly of Homewood Avenue, Newark, are at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Brucker & Kishler Funeral Home with the Rev. Mark Richardson officiating. Burial will follow in Wilson Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a homemaker, was a member of Central Christian Church since 1940, and a member of Newark Chapter 305 OES since 1926.

Her husband, Edward L. Higginbotham, preceded her in death.

She is survive by a foster daughter, Mrs. Catherine (Wayne) Eddleblute of Frazeysburg, with whom she made her home; two nieces, Mrs. Vivian (John) Lahmon and Mary F. Hottinger, both of Newark; and four grandchildren.

She was also preceded in death by her foster parents, William B. and Margaret (Nethers) Williams, with whom she lived with from age 3, following the death of her parents.

Friends may call from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home, 985 N. 21st St., Newark.

Memorial contributions may be made to Good Samaritan Hospital Hospice, 800 Forest Ave., Zanesville, Ohio 43701.


Springfield News-Sun 10/4/1995

Eva Bradfield Craddock Higginbotham (1908-1995) AL/OH

Eva C. Higginbotham, 87, of 501 East Rose Street, died Friday, September 29, 1995, in Good Shepherd Village. She was born May 24, 1908 in Eufaula, Alabama, a daughter of John and Sylvia (Davis) Craddock. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Full Gospel Church of God in Christ, where she was a member of the Mother's Club and the Missionary Society. She is survived by a sister, Mary F. Carter of Brooklyn, New York; a special nephew and Niece, Johnnie D. and Ola Craddock of Birmingham, Alabama; devoted nieces and nephews, Ruby and John Hodge, Virginia and Alexander McCarty, Lee and Juria Akram, all of Springfield, and Rosie Kate Singleton of Columbus, Ohio; and a number of other nieces and nephews, and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marion C. Higginbotham' two brothers, Foy Cradddock and Johnnie Craddock; three sisters, Beatrice Bell, Sylvia Craddock, and Martha Stanford. Visitation will be Wednesday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home. Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Thursday, in the Full Gospel Church of God in Christ with the pastor Mattie M. Brantley officiating. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Family will receive friends at 109 Delcourt.


Chillicothe Gazette 11/18/1995

Esta Lemaster Higginbotham (1917-1995) KY/OH/FL

Esta Higginbotham, 78, of Miami, Fla., died Thursday, Nov. 16, 1995 at Parkway Regional Medical Center in Miami.

She was born Jan. 4, 1917, in Morgan County, Ky. to Isaac and Louisa Johnson Lemaster. She was the wife of Kelsey "Louie" Higginbotham, who survives.

Also surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Charles (Kate) Newland, Frankfort; three grandchildren; one great-grandchild; a special niece, Wanda Vance, Miami, Fla.; and a sister, Lena Cotton, Marion, Ohio. She was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters.

Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Tuesday, at Fisher-Anderson-Ebright Funeral Home, Frankfort. Burial in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort. Friends may call at the funeral home 4-8 p.m. Monday.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 12/3/1995

Martha Jane Wade Higginbotham (1940-1995) OH

Jane Higginbotham 55,  of 430 S. Third St. died at her home Saturday, Dec. 2, 1995, after extended illness.

Born Sept. 5, 1940, in Logan, she was the daughter of the late Raymond and Rose Crippen Wade.

She was a hostess at Old Warehouse Restaurant in Roscoe Village for four years.

She was a member of Central Christian Church and the Christian Women Fellowship.

She was married August 1963 to Jesse Higginbotham who survives.

Also surviving are two sons, Michael W. Higginbotham of Conesville and James Ray Higginbotham of Canton; a step-father, Ralph Gwilym of Glouster; a stepson, Robert L. Higginbotham of Lima; six grandchildren; two brothers, William Wade of Franklin Furnace and Ralph D. Wade of Buckeye Lake; and a sister, Jean (no surname of city of residence available).

Funeral services are Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Given-Dawson Funeral Home with the Rev. Brad Beyer officiating.

Calling hours are Monday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and until time of services Tuesday.

Contributions may be made to Hospice of Coshocton County or Central Christian Church in Coshocton.


The Cincinnati Post 1/6/1996

Belva Irene Higginbotham Whittington (1909-1996) WV/OH

Whittington, Belva I. (nee Higgimbotham), wife of the late Alfred E. Whittingoton, beloved mother of Frances Shaffer, Barbara Spresser, Shirley Mider, Alfred L. and Basile Whittington, dear sister of Stanley A. Nelson, also survived by 20 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren. January 4, 1996. Aged 86 years. Residence Anderson Township. Service at T.P. White & Sons Funeral Home, 2050 Beechmont Ave., Mt. Washington on Monday, January 8 at 10:30 A.M. Friends may call Sunday from 6 to 8 P.M. Memorials to the American Cancer Society of American Heart Association.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 2/9/1996

Aleatha B. Hickinbotham Fairall Leger (1905-1996) OH

Frazeysburg - Aleatha B. "Lea" Leger, 90, of 9310 Black Run Road, Nashport, died at 5:55 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6, 1996, at Good Samaritan Medical Center after a brief illness.

Born April 17, 1905, in Bladensburg, she was a retired sales clerk for the Ben Franklin Stores in Newport, Ore. She was a member of Frazeysburg Presbyterian Church and former member and deacon of the First Presbyterian Church of Newport. Ore. She was past noble grand of Rhododendron Lodge of Rhebeka, Newport, past worthy high priestess of the White Shrine of Jerusalem No. 18 and a member of Golden Court No. 30, Order of the Amaranth, both of Newwark and a member of the Frazeysburg Lions Club annual musicals.

Survivors include a daughter, Lueva Lauer of Nashport; a sister, Helen Warden of Newark; two grandchildren, Hunda Audrey and Leon Lauer, both of Nashport; and four great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents, John Jesse and Maggie Jane Nichols Hickinbotham; her husband, Henry Leger, who died in 1962; and a brother, Alexis Hickinbotham.

Calling hours are 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10, 1996, at Baughman-Vensil-Orr Funeral Home, 110 Third St., Frazeysburg, where the White Shrine of Jerusalem No. 18, Newark, will conduct services at 4 p.m. Friday.

Services are 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11, 1996, at the Frazeysburg Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Philip W. Sanders and Dr. Richard Olsson officiating. Burial will be in Frazeysburg Cemetery.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Frazeysburg Lions Club, American Heart Association of American Cancer Society.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 10/29/1996

Marie Bowling Higginbotham (1916-1996) WV/OH

Higginbotham - Marie (nee Bowling), beloved wife of Roscoe Higginbotham, dear aunt of Ruth Bobo, Kenneth Bobo, John Bobo, Gordon Bowling and six great-nieces and nephews. Monday, October 28, 1996. Friends may call from 10 to 11 A.M. Thursday at Strawser Funeral Home, 9503 Kenwood Rd., Blue Ash. Services 11 A.M. immediately following visitation. Burial Rose Hill Cemetery, Hamilton, OH.


The Richwood Gazette 10/30/1996

Ruth Marie Walker Higginbotham (1916-1996) WV/OH

Ruth M. Higginbotham, 80, died Monday, Oct. 28 at Memorial Hospital of Union County following a brief illness.

The daughter of Mat and Lou Slater Walker was born February 23, 1916, in Eskdale. She married Letcher Higginbotham November 4, 1934. He preceded her in death February 9, 1994.

Surviving are three sons, Clinton of Ocala, FL., Ray of Richwood and Roy of Circleville; two daughters, Linda Piper and Christina Higginbotham, both of Cocoa, FL.; eighteen grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.

Also surviving are a brother, Vincent Walker of Marengo and a sister, Nancy Jett of Melbourne, FL. Five brother and three sisters are deceased.

Funeral services will be held Thursday, Oct. 31 at 2 p.m. at Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar, WV. Interment will be at Legacy Memorial Cemetery near Cross Lanes, WV.

Memorial contributions may be made to Milcrest Nursing Center where she was a resident.


Chillicothe Gazette 11/21/1996

Orpha Lee Akers Higginbotham (1917-1996) WV/OH

Orpha L. Higginbotham, 79, U.S. 23 South, Piketon, formerly of Rose Drive, Waverly, died 11:23 p.m. Tuesday, November 19, 1996, in Pleasant Hill Manor, Piketon.

She was born March 12, 1917, in South Charleston, W.Va., to Charlie and Vergie Snodgrass Akers. On October 17, 1934, she married Howard Higginbotham, who preceded her in death June 27, 1976.

She is survived by one son, Howard D. Higginbotham, of Blanchester, Ohio; four daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Elizabeth) Jones, of Beckley, W.Va., Mrs. Tom (Judith) Lucas, of Laurel, Del., Mrs. Leroy (Carolyn) Jennings, of Chillicothe, and Helen Williams, of Waverly; 15 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Golden Akers and Adair Akers, both of Charleston, W.Va.; and four sisters, Elnora Lipscomb and Mrs. Barney (Alberta) Haga, both of Sophia, W.Va., Nellie Parsons, of South Charleston, W.Va., and Eva Gragg, of Scott Depot, W.Va. She was predeceased by her parents, husband, two sisters, Naomi Roberts and Aileen Pauley; and one great-granddaughter.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a retired sales clerk from Stiffler Storein Waverly and was a member of McKibban Memorial Church of Christ in Christian Union.

A private service will be held 10:30 a.m. Saturday, November 23, 1996, in Boyer Funeral Home, Waverly, with Rev. Raymond O'Brien officiating. Burial will follow in Evergreen Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 6-8 p.m. Friday.


The Cincinnati Post 12/30/1996

Anthony Higginbotham Jr. (1996)

Higginbotham - Anthony Jr., beloved son of Tracy Foley and Anthony Higginbotham Sr., dear grandson of Paul and Linda Higginbotham, Jeannie and David Hill, and Kenny and Linda Foley. Saturday, December 28, 1996. 2 weeks old. Residence Amelia. Friends may call at the E.C. Nurre Funeral Home, 177 W. Main St., Amelia, Tuesday, December 31 from 10 A.M. until time of service at 11 A.M. Interment Pierce Township Cemetery.


Sidney Daily News 1/3/1997

Victor Lisle Higginbotham (1922-1996) OH/GA

A former Sidney resident, Victor L. Higginbotham, 74, died Monday, Dec. 30, 1996, at 7:05 p.m. at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Augusta, Ga. He had been a resident of the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home in Augusta for 16 years.

He was born Aug. 11, 1922, in Pemberton, son of Cramer A. and Agnes Marie (Stephenson) Higginbotham.

On Feb. 1, 1947, he married the former Fifi Laux at Holy Angels Catholic Church in Sidney. She survives at 3151 Lake Forest Drive, Apt. 65, Augusta, Ga.

Other survivors include a daughter, Joyce Higginbotham of Anchorage, Alaska; two sons, Alan, also of Anchorage, and Brad of Macon, Ga.; six grandchildren; and a sister, Virginia Schrolucke of Bradenton, Fla.

Mr. Higginbotham graduated from Sidney high School in 1940, and served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.

He had worked for the U.S. Department of Defense in Atlanta, Ga., as a pre-award monitor in the purchasing department.

His body was cremated and memorial services will be held later at Cedar Point Cemetery, Pasco.

Memorials may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.


Springfield News-Sun 1/23/1997

Donald Lee Higgenbotham (1976-1997) OH

Donald Higgenbottom, 21, of 1711 S. Fountain Ave., died at 7:45 p.m. Monday in Mercy Medical Center. Visitation 9 a.m. Saturday until time of service at 10:30 a.m. in Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home; burial Ferncliff Cemetery.


Sidney Daily News 1/23/1997


Howard Vincent Higginbotham (1919-1997) OH

Howard V. Higginbotham, 77, 21406 State Route 705, died Wednesday Jan. 22, 1997, at 6:30 a.m. at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Dayton.

He was born March 22, 1919, in Pemberton, son of Forest and Millie C. (Fantom) Higginbotham.

On Oct. 30, 1948, he married the former Eva Jeannette Platfoot.

She survives with three daughters, Mrs. Stephen (Bonnie) Watkins and Mrs. Steven (Carol) Kinninger, both of Sidney, and Mrs. Alvis (Lisa)Tucker of Botkins; six grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.

Mr. Higginbotham served in the 17th Airborne Division of the U.S. Army during World War II. He was a member of the Pemberton Baptist Church and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Quincy. He retired from the former Consolidated Metco Co. in Sidney.

Services will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at the church with the Rev. Leo J. Sheffel officiating. Burial will be in Cedar Point Cemetery, Pasco.

Friends may call at the Adams Funeral Home on Friday from 4 to 8 p.m.

Memorial may be made to the Veterans Administration Hospice Fund, 4100 W. Third St., Dayton, Ohio 45428.


The Newark Advocate 4/10/1997

Rita M. Hickinbotham Ridenour (1917-1997) OH

Funeral services for Rita > Ridenour, 79, of Utica, are at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Law-Baker Funeral Home with Alan Pratt officiating. Burial will follow in South Lawn Cemetery.

Mrs. Ridenour, a member of the Utica Church of Christ, died on April 9, 1997, at Knox Community Hospital in Mount Vernon. She was born on Sept. 1, 1917, in Know County to the late Harrison H. and Retha M. (Clutter) Hickinbotham.

Her husband, Merle E. Ridenour, died in June of 1995.

She is survived by two sons and daughters-in-law, Dan Merle and Roberta Martin Ridenour of Utica and Larry David Ridenour of Newark; three daughters and sons-in-law, Roxina Thomas of Mount Vernon, Marlene and Raymond Marvin of Fredericktown, and Andrea and Robert Mayer of Newark; Brother, John E. Hickinbotham of Tampa, Fla.; 12 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.

A brother preceded her in death.

Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at the funeral home, 34 N. Main St., Utica.


The Newark Advocate 5/6/1997

Hilbert Hison Higinbothom (1916-19970 OH/AR

Feb. 12, 1916 - April 29, 1997

Hilbert Hison Higinbothom, 81, of Farmington, Ark., died April 29, 1997, at his home.

Mr. Higinbothom, a veteran of World War II, was born Feb. 12, 1916, in Hopewell Township, Muskingum County, to the late William and Elizabeth Runion Higinbothom.

During the war, Mr. Higinbothom served in the Army in the South Pacific, New Guinea and Australia.

Before entering the service he was employed by the Decatur Foundry in Decatur, Ill., and following a medical discharge in April 1945, he was employed by the Timken Roller Bearing Company in Zanesville. After moving to Arkansas he had a TV repair shop and was on the janitorial staff at the University of Arkansas until his retirement in 1981.

He is survived by his wife, Cassie Hardesty Higinbothom, whom he married Sept. 1, 1945; two sons and daughters-in-law, Charles H. and Margaret Higinbothom of Brookfield, Mo., and Will R. and Patricia Higinbothom of Ft. Smith, Ark.; two daughters and sons-in-law, Joyce and Gary Nielson of Fayetteville, and Carolyn and Donnie Perkins of West Fork, Ark.; 18 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; four nieces including Florence McClain and Marguerite Reese of Newark, and Marjorie Ridenour of Gratiot.

He was preceded in death by two grandsons; one brother, and two sisters.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 5/20/1997

Glenn W. Higginbotham (1934-1997) WV/OH

Glenn W. Higginbotham Sr., age 62. Beloved husband of Virginia (nee Goodson), devoted father of Lance (wife, Carolyn) and Glenn W. Jr. (wife, Ella), grandfather of Jason, Eric, Elizabeth, Amber and Rebecca, brother of Joyce Baptiste, Lola Bea Asbury and the late Bobbly, Otto and Olin. Friends may call at eh Vodrazka Funeral Home, 3315 E. 55 St. (at Broadway), where services will be held Wednesday, May 21 at 11 a.m. Interment West Park Cemetery. Visiting hours Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.


The Lima News 8/16/1997

Helen Higginbotham Mann (1908-1997) NE/OH/UT

Helen Higginbotham Mann, 89, formerly of Bluffton, died Aug. 13, 1997, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

She was born April 4, 1908, in Lincoln, Neb., to George Simpson and Carrie Lenore Woodhead Higginbotham. She married Maynard L. Mann, who died in 1968.

Mrs. Mann worked for the secretary of state for 20 years. She was a member of the First Methodist Church.

Survivors include a son, Maynard, of Park City, Utah; a brother, George Higginbotham of Mechanicsburg, Pa.; a sister, Carmen Hinez of Athens, Texas; two grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Graveside services will begin at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Maple Grove Cemetery, Bluffton.

Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Larkin Mortuary, 260 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Local arrangements are by Chiles & Sons-Laman Funeral Homes, Bluffton Chapel.


Dayton Daily News 9/23/1997

Clarence E. Higginbotham (1928-1997) KY/OH

Higginbotham, Clarence E. "Doc", age 69 of Miami Twp., passed away Sunday, September 21, 1997 a Miami Valley Hospital. A U.S. Army veteran of the Korean Conflict. A retired employee of Delco Moraine with 33 years of service. A member of the West Carrollton Masonic Lodge #737 F&AM, Scottish Rite Valley of Dayton, Antioch Temple, Stewards Committee and the VFW, Northridge and a transplant recipient since 1986. Preceded in death by his parents, August and Ida Mase Higginbotham. He is survived by his dear friend of 23 years Martha Arnott; a son and daughter-in-law, Steve & Kristy Higginbotham of Scottsdale, Arizona; a daughter and son-in-law Vikki & Clay Moore of W. Carrollton; a sister, Jennie McCoy of Danville, KY; special friend, Terry Douglas of W. Carrollton and 9 grandchildren, PJ & Leah Mayberry, Clay Moore Jr., and Nicholas Earl Higginbotham, Cassie Ralston, Matt, Brittany, Seth & Krystie Douglas. Memorial service 7:00 P.M. Tuesday at the Moraine City Baptist Church, 2478 Gladstone St., Moraine, OH 45439. Pastor Bill Stanley officiating. Friends may call from 6 to 7:00 P.M. at the church. Final services will be conducted at the Pulaski Funeral Home in Somerset, KY at 2:30 P.M. Wednesday. Burial Somerset Cemetery, Somerset, KY. Friends may call from 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Kidney Foundation. Arrangements by Swart Funeral Home, W. Carrollton.


Springfield News-Sun 11/8/1997

Mildred Kathryn January Higgenbotham (1925-1997) OH

Mildred Katherine Higginbotham, 71, of Springfield, died Monday, November 3, 1997 in the home of her daughter, Linda Young at 11:30 a.m. She was born December 10, 1925 in Springfield, Ohio, the daughter of Ersell and Helen January, and was the loving wife of the late Bennie F. Higginbotham for 24 years. She was a foster grandparent of Springview Development Center and was a member of the House of Prayer. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her loving family, including her two sons, Larry (Dora) Higginbotham of Delaware and Benny (Ellen) Higginbotham of Sandusky; four daughters, Linda (Edwin) Young of Springfield, Carla (Alvin) Burton of Columbus, Shelly (Anthony) Johnson of Middletown and Natalie Higginbotham of Xenia; her sisters, Delores Wells of Springfield, Dorothy (Robert) Franklin, Betty Morris, both of Detroit and Caroline (Sanford) Mebane of Springfield; 17 grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, aunts, cousins, relatives and other friends. She was preceded in death by her mother and father. Her body was entrusted to the Dennis L. Porter Funeral Home, Inc., 823 South Yellow Springs Street, where friends may call after 12 noon on Friday until 9 p.m. with her family present from 7-9 p.m. Funeral services will be held Saturday November 8, 1997 at 10 a.m. in the House of Prayer with Elder Lawyer Walls officiating. Interment will follow in Ferncliff Cemetery. Her body will lie in state in the church for one hour prior to the services. Her family will receive friends at 514 Catherine Street, where the funeral procession will form Saturday at 9:15 a.m.


Lancaster Eagle-Gazette 11/24/1997

Georgia Elizabeth Higginbotham Whittington (1903-1997) WV/OH

Georgia Elizabeth Whittington, 94, a longtime resident of the Canal Winchester/Lithopolis are, died Saturday, Nov. 22, 1997, at the Willow Brook Christian Home.

She was born June 27, 1903, in Buffalo, W.Va., to Minnie Jackson and O.O. Higginbotham. She was a member of Faith United Methodist Church.

She is survived by her daughters, Meredith W. Farmer of Worthington, and Agnes and Bill Poteet of Columbus; sisters, Clara Reedy, Mildred Jeffers, Naomi Glassburn, all of Ohio; Brothers, Charles, Harold, and Arnold Higginbotham, all of West Virginia; 10 grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by husband, Howard; son, Raymond; daughter, Marjorie Zieher; three sisters, and three brothers.

Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Dwayne R. Spence Funeral Home, Canal Winchester, wit the Rev. Dean Feldmeyer officiating. Interment will be at Lithopolis Cemetery.

Friends may visit from 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.

Friends who wish may contribute to Willowbrook Christian Home, 55 Lazelle Road, Columbus, Oh. 43235, in Georgia's memory.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 3/5/1998

Mary N. Higginbotham Farmer (1938-1998) OH

Mary N. Farmer, age 59, of Brunswick. Beloved wife of Charles Farmer, dearest mother of Edward John (Fay) Higginbotham, Jim Ed (Ann) Farmer, Charlotte Marie (Bruce) Finkler, Rick Farmer, Brenda Kay (Frank) Knoll, Janet Louise (Mark) Krusinski, beloved grandmother of 10, dear daughter of Nannie Higginbotham, dear sister of Thelma Lou Gacanich, Geraldine (Louis) Warner and Lloyd (Mary) Higginbotham. Preceded in death by her father, Clarence Higginbotham. Friends may call at Waite & Son Funeral Homes, Brunswick Chapel, 3300 Center Rd. (Rt. 303 at I-71, Brunswick, OH., Thursday 7-9 p.m. and Friday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral services Saturday, March 7 at 3 p.m. with Pastor Robert Bjelica presiding at the funeral home.


The Cincinnati Inquirer 3/9/1998

Helen M. Vetter Heginbotham (1905-1998) NJ/OH

Heginbotham, Helen M. (nee Vetter), age 92, beloved wife of the late Thomas W. Heginbotham, mother of Jack W. (Marilyn) Heginbotham, Sr. and Tom Heginbotham, grandmother of Jack Jr., Laura, Lisa, Tom, Cara and Ann, also survived by nine great-grandchildren and dearest friend of the Terri Edwards family. Saturday, March 7, 1998. No visitation. If desired memorials may be made to the St. Mary Building Fund, 2845 Erie Ave. 45208. Geo. H. Rohde & Son serving the family.


The Times Recorder 3/13/1998

Romeo D. Higginbotham (1902-1998) WV/OH

Zanesville - Romeo D. Higginbotham, 95, of 1120 Schlaegel Drive, died at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, 1998, at his residence.

Born Nov. 7, 1902, in Putnam County, W. Va., he was previous owner of Curtis Shoe Store in Dresden, retired owner of Higginbotham Shoe Repair, member of Northside Church of the Nazarene and World Master checker champion.

Surviving are one daughter, Ruth Higginbotham Gist of Zanesville; two sons, Lonnie L. Higginbotham of Oklahoma City, Okla. and Romeo J. Higginbotham of Nashport; seven grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; two step grandchildren; four step great-grandchildren; and one step great-great-grandchild.

He was preceded in death by his parents, William and Mary Thornton Higginbotham; his wife, Merlie A. Higginbotham, who died June 22, 1994; one daughter, Mary Louise Higginbotham; one granddaughter; three brothers, Charlie, Luther and Lon Higginbotham; and three sisters, Cora, Nora and Judy.

Calling hours are 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, March 14, 1998, at Bryan Funeral Home, 2318 Maple Ave.

Services are 2 p.m. Sunday, March 15, 1998, at the funeral home with the Rev. James D. Ludwick, assisted by the Rev. John Honaker officiating. Burial will be in Dresden Cemetery, Dresden.


The Akron Beacon Journal 5/1/1998

Robert Turner Higginbottom (1948-1998) O

Robert Turner Higginbottom, 50, went home to be with the Lord on April 28, 1998.

He graduated from Buchtel High School in 1967. He worked for Prinz Office Supply and then became a long distance driver for Ohio Fast Freight. He was a construction entrepreneur until his health failed. He was a member of the Gospel Temple Church in Barberton, where he served as a deacon.

He leaves to cherish his memory daughter, Tracie Higginbottom; son, De'shone Higginbottom, both of Akron; six grandchildren; sisters, Katie M. Mee of Detroit, Mich., Lula M. (Elder Samuel) Hampton, Daisy L. Blackson, Priscilla K. (Ben M.), all of Akron, Barbara A. (Allen) Sims of Little Rock, Ark., Cathy M. Feaster of Peachtree, Ga.; brothers, Bishop Alex Jr. (Gracie), Curtis, Bishop James J. (Esther), Elder Ronald L. (Evelena) all of Akron; a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and friends.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at First Apostolic Faith Church, with Elder Hampton officiating. Interment at Lakewood Cemetery. Friends may call at the church from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Procession will form and condolences may be sent to 970 Dover. (Stewart & Calhoun, 535-1543)


The Times Recorder 6/27/1998

Lonzo L. Higginbotham (1927-1998) OH

Zanesville - Lonzo L. "Lonnie" Higginbotham, 71, of 2480 Archer Lane, Zanesville, died at 6"11 p.m. Thursday, June 25, 1998, at Good Samaritan Medical Center.

Born March 10, 1927, in Dresden, he was retired co-owner of Higginbotham Brothers, Inc. and retired shoe repairman. He was a World War II Navy veteran and a member of Wildwood Church of Christ.

Surviving ar his wife, Eva Joann Ebert Higginbotham, whom he married Aug. 17, 1974; one son, David Higginbotham of the home; four daughters, Linda Freeman of Los Angeles, Calif., Lonna Ahrendt of Corona, Calif., Mary Jane Matz of Zanesville of Zanesville and Theresa Renee Lawrence of Zanesville; one step-daughter, Sherry J. Keener of Gahanna; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; two step great-grandchildren; and one step great-grandchild; one sister, Beatrice Ruth Gist of Zanesville; one brother, Romeo Higginbotham of Nashport; and several nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Romeo and Merlie A. Warner Higginbotham; and one sister, Louise Marie Higginbotham.

Calling hours are 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, June 28, 1998, at Bryan Funeral Home, 2318 Maple Ave.

Services are 11 a.m. Monday, June 29, 1998, at the funeral home with C. Frank Maple officiating. Burial will be in Dresden Cemetery with V.F.W Post 1958 conducting military services.


The Akron Beacon Journal 8/22/1998

Clyde L. Higginbotham (1920-1998) WV/OH

Clyde L. Higginbotham, 78, passed away Aug. 20, 1998.

He was a Staff Sergeant in the Army during World War II. He was retired from Firestone Tire and Rubber Company.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Vera, in 1996, and granddaughter Mary. He is survived by his daughters, Ginny Cole of Dayton, Tenn., and Jill Kremer of Akron; sisters, Eileen Nagy of Suffield, and Junes Estes of Akron; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren.

Services will be Monday, Aug. 24 at 1 p.m. at Adams-Mason Memorial Chapel (791 E. Market St., Akron). Friends may call 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Aug 23. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice Care Center, 3358 Ridgewood Rd., Copley, 44333.


The Daily Jeffersonian (Cambridge, OH) 8 Nov 1998

Sarah Loretta Coss Hickenbottom (1925-1996) OH
Sarah L. Hickenbottom, 73, of Kimbolton, died Friday (Nov. 6, 1998) at Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center, Cambridge.
She was born July 9, 1925, in Barnesville, daughter of the late, Charles M. and A. Nettie Friday Coss.
Mrs. Hickenbottom retired in 1980 from Cambridge City Schools where she worked in the Liberty School Cafeteria. She was a member of the Newcomerstown Church of Chirst.
She was preceded in death by her husband, James O. Hickenbottom, who died Sept. 29, 1980, two brothers, Charles Coss and James Coss; and two sisters, Katherine Martin and Martha Allison.
She leaves a sister, Mrs. Ruth Palmer of St. Clairsville; numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
Friends may call from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday at Thorn-Black Funeral Home, Cambridge, and from noon to 1 p.m. on Monday, where services will be 1 p.m. with evangelist Chuck Newell officiating.
Burial will be in Guernsey Memory Gardens.


The Burlington Free Press 11/28/1998

Logan Anna Higginbotham (1995-1998) Russia/OH

Shelburne - Logan Anna Higginbotham, 3, died unexpectedly Thursday, Nov. 26, 1998, in Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington.

She was born in Smolensk, Russia, on May 8, 1995.

She attended Cozy Corner Day Care in Shelburne and she also attended the First Baptist Church in Shelburne.

She is survived by her mother, Laura Higginbotham, and a sister, Layne Higginbotham, both of Shelburne; her grandfather, Lawrence Higginbotham of Alvada, Ohio; an aunt, Donna Miller of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and her aunt and uncle, Terry and Shirley Shafer of Delta, Ohio.

Private family services will be held in Carey, Ohio. A memorial service will be held locally at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the Logan Memorial Fund, c/o European Adoption Consultants, 9800 Boston Rd., North Royalton, Ohio 44133. This fund is going to help children who still live in Russian orphanages.

Shelburne Funeral Chapel of Corbin and Palmer, 26 Falls Rd., Shelburne, is in charge of arrangements.


Chillicothe Gazette 12/18/1998

John Mark Higginbotham (1912-1998) OH

Mark Higginbotham, 86, of Four Winds Nursing Home, formerly of Hamden, died Wednesday in Holzer Medical Center.

He was born January 9, 1912, in Pike County, and attended the Wellston Church of the Nazarene. He was the widower of Minnie Bapst Higginbotham and is survived by two sons.

The funeral will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Eisnaugle-Lewis Funeral Home, Jackson. Burial will follow in Beaver Union Cemetery. Friends may call 4-8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 1/9/1999

Nannie M. Piper Higginbotham (1914-1999) PA/OH

Nannie M. Higginbotham, age 84 of Brunswick, OH. Beloved mother of Lloyd (Mary) Higginbotham, Thelma (Lou) Gacanich, Geraldine (Lew) Cooke Warner, dearest sister of Mayme Zollar, Edith (Paul) Hope, dearest half-sister of Dora (Charles) Clay, Valeria Scherik, Relda (Dewey) Litton, James Piper and Reed (Sally) Piper; grandmother of 11, great-grandmother of 16; great-great-grandmother of four; also several nieces and nephews; preceded in death by her husband Clarence Higginbotham, her parents, James Piper and Estella Evans Piper Brownfield, her daughter, Mary Farmer, her brother, Blaine Piper, her sister, Cecil Higginbotham and her half-brother, Lonnie Willison. Friends may call at Waite & Son Funeral Homes, Brunswick Chapel, 3300 Center Rd. (Rt. 303 at I-71) Brunswick, OH Saturday 7-9 pm. Funeral services will be at the Behm Funeral Home in Waynesburg, PA. Family requests contributions to the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Lakewood, OH c/o the funeral home.


The Athens Messenger, Friday, January 15, 1999

Madge Elizabeth McVey Higginbotham (1926-1999) OH

ALBANY--Madge Elizabeth Higginbotham, 72, of Albany, died Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1999, at her home on Parker Road, after an extended illness.
Born Feb. 6, 1926, in Coal Hollow, Vinton County, she was one of eight children, and the daughter of the late Ed and Hazel Jones McVey.
She was retired from Ohio University after 18 years of service. She attended school at Liberty Union in Basil, Ohio; Picnic Grove in Coal Hollow; and Albany High School, where she graduated in 1944. A member of Albany Senior Citizens, she attended Albany United Methodist Church and was a member of Eastern Star Chapter 558, Albany, and of the former Townhouse Methodist Church.
She is survived by her husband of 52 years, Coy; two daughters and sons-in-law, Pamela and Ronald Stansberry of Londonderry, and April and Doug Lowther of Albany; daughter Jennie Midkiff of Athens; three sisters, Eunice Beam of Lancaster, Ione Knopp of Florida, and Sue Derbyshire of Lancaster; a brother, David McVey of Albany; seven grandchildren, Stephanie Walker of Hawaii, Bruce Stansberry of Maryland, Becky Lyons of Richmond Dale, Wendy Cline and Chet Lowther of Albany, Wade and Svea Midkiff of Athens; and three great-grandchildren, Kelsi Lowther and Kayla Cline of Albany, and Cody Lyons of Richmond Dale.
Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by three brothers, James Franklin, Lee and Owen McVey.
Services will be Saturday at 1 p.m. at Albany United Methodist Church with the Rev. Ed Jones officiating. Burial will be in Alexander Cemetery.
Friends may call today from 6 to 9 p.m. at Bigony-Jordan Funeral Home, Albany. Albany Eastern Star Chapter 558 will conduct services today at 7 p.m.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 2/14/1999

Edna May Raby Hickenbottom (1923-1999) England/OH

Kimbolton - Edna May Hickenbottom, 75, 10220 Hickenbottom Lane, Kimbolton, died late Saturday morning, Feb. 13, 1999, at Coshocton Count Memorial Hospital.

Born Aug. 18. 1923 in Norwich, England, Norfolk County, she was a daughter of the late John and Beatrice Webster Raby. She graduated from the Norwich School in 1942. During World War II, she was a member of the English Land Army, assisting with farm duties and barracks details during the war.

When she moved here, she was an employee of the A&P Bakery in Columbus for a few years. Later she was employed as a line assembler in the harness department of the former NCR Co. in Cambridge for 14 years.

She was a member of the Newcomerstown Church of Christ and enjoyed baking and crocheting.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two sisters, Violet Webb and Alice Ames; a brother-in-law, George Ames; and a sister-in-law, Patricia Raby, all of Norwich, England.

She is survived by her husband, Lake W. Hickenbottom. They met during the war and married on May 5, 1945. She is also survived by a son, Ivan L. Hickenbottom and wife Karen Sue of Kimbolton; two daughters, Janice Mae Potter and husband Roger of Tuscaloosa, Ala. and Karen Kay Sayre and husband Steven of Montgomery, Ala.; seven grandchildren, Eric L. and Scott A. Hickenbottom of Kimbolton, Angela Hyde and Roger L. Potter of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Staci Maddox of Foley, Ala., and Thad and Travis Sayre of Searcy, Ark; a great-grandson, Justin Michael Hyde of Tuscaloosa, ala; three brothers, John Raby and wife, Rose, Lenny Raby and wife, Dora, and Albert Raby, all of Norwich, England; and a brother-in-law, Richard "Dick" Webb of Norwich, England.

Funeral services will be at 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1999 at the Ourant Funeral Home with evangelist Gale Yoho will officiate.

Burial will follow at West Lawn Cemetery in Newcomerstown.

Friends may call at the funeral home of Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.

The family suggests that memorials be made to the American Heart Association or the Alzheimer's Association. Envelops will be available at the funeral home.


Columbus Dispatch 03/27/1999
Clarence Osborne Higginbotham Jr. (1925-1999) WV/OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Clarence O. Higginbotham Jr., 73, of Canal Winchester, formerly of Beaver, Wednesday, at his residence. Born July 23, 1925 in Charleston, W.Va., son of the late Clarence O. Higginbotham Sr. and Tressie (Shivertaker) Higginbotham. Retired truck driver - Penn Central Trucking Co. Preceded in death by wife Fern (Jordan) Higginbotham, 1973, son Denver and sister Maxine Jones. Survived by sons, Tom Higginbotham and wife, Teresa of N.C., Robert Higginbotham and wife, Ginny of Beaver, Floyd Higginbotham and wife, Becky of Sardinia, Rex Higginbotham and wife, Karen of Waverly; daughters, Janet Entler of Lucasville, Debbie Stamper and husband, Bill of Piketon, Wilma Taylor and husband, Paul of Canal Winchester; brothers, Harold and Charles Higginbotham, both of Columbus, Don Higginbotham of Fla.; step-brother, Ronald Higginbotham of Columbus; half-brother, Russell Higginbotham of Laurelville; step-sisters, Betty McKibben and Barbara Rowline, both of Columbus, Oh.; half-sisters, Dale McNealy and Sheila
Robinette, both of Columbus and Gale Jackman of Lucasville; 18 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren. Friends may call 4-8 p.m. Saturday at COX FUNERAL HOME, Beaver, where funeral service will be held 1 p.m. Sunday with Pastor Keith Smith officiating. Burial Germany Cemetery, Beaver. Memorial contributions to Mt. Carmel East Hospice, 1144 Dublin Rd., Columbus, Oh. 43215-1039.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 5/3/1999

David Franklin Hickenbottom (1905-1999) OH/AR

D. Frank Hickenbottom, 93, of Murfreesboro, Ark., died Friday, April 30, 1999 at the nursing home.

Born July 9, 1905, in Somerton, he was the son of the late David W. and Matilda Wells Hickenbottom. He retired after 45 years from Simond Industries in Newcomerstown. He was a member of the Heller Formans Club of Newcomerstown.

He married Nellie Shepard Hickenbottom, who died in 1994.

He is survived by a daughter, Deloris (Wallace) Alexander of Delight, Ark.; three grandsons, Dr. Brian Alexander, Little Rock, Ark., Brent Alexander of Delight and Blaine Alexander, Jonesboro, Ark.; five great-grandchildren; two brothers, Lake Hickenbottom, Kimbolton, and Rodney (Bonnie) Hickenbottom, Newcomerstown; two sisters, Mary Hannahs, Newcomerstown, Tilly Ann Tuttle, Columbus.

He was preceded in death by two sons, Donald Hickenbottom and David Hickenbottom; five brothers, Joe, Odis, Jim, Ross and Ollie Hickenbottom.

Graveside services will be at West Lawn Cemetery, Newcomerstown, on Wednesday, May 5, 1999, at 2 p.m. Friends may call Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. at the Addy Funeral Home.


The Athens Messenger, Wednesday, May 26, 1999

Jennie Coy Higginbotham Midkiff (1953-1999) OH

ATHENS -- Jennie C. Higginbotham Midkiff, 45, of Athens, died unexpectedly on Saturday, May 22, 1999, at her home on Angel Ridge Road. Born June 2, 1953, at Sheltering Arms Hospital in Athens, she was the younger daughter of Coy D. Higginbotham and the late Madge E. McVey Higginbotham. She was employed by Health Recovery Services Inc. as a registered nurse and certified addictions registered nurse, and serves as director of nursing for nine years. She attended Albany Elementary School, graduated from Alexander High School in 1971, received her registered nursing degree, with honors, from Hocking College in 1988; received her certified addictions registered nurse certificate in 1993; and received her bachelor of nursing degree, with honors, from Ohio University in March 1999. She was a member of the National Nurses Society on Addictions, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Inc., and the Ohio Nurses Association/American Nurses Association, and was a former member of the Eastern Star, Chapter 558, Albany. Besides her father, she is survived by two children, Wade Midkiff and fiancée Kate McIntosh of Athens, and Svea Midkiff and her fiancée Brad Maxwell of Amesville; former husband, Kenneth Midkiff of Guysville; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Pamela and Ronald Stansberry of Londonderry, and April and Doug Lowther of Albany; six nieces, Stephanie Lowther Walker of Albany, Becky Stansberry Lyons of Richmond Dale, Wendy Lowther Cline of Albany, Lili Cantu Maas of Texas, Tanya Cantu of Texas, and Tammi Midkiff of Athens; three nephews, Bruce Stansberry of Maryland, Chet Lowther of Albany, and Gary Midkiff of Arizona. She was preceded in death by her mother. Memorial services will be held on Friday, May 27, 1999, at 7 p.m., at Athens Church of Christ and will be conducted by Minister Scott Trobough.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 7/11/1999

Earl D. Higginbotham (1923-1999) KY/OH

Higginbotham - Earl D., beloved husband of Thelma (Federle) Higginbotham, dear father of Ron (Judy) and Mark (Jan) Higginbotham, grandpa of Tracey Peters, Eric Higginbotham, Kevin Jason and Leslie Becker, Jenny and Becky Higginbotham, great-grandpa of eight, dear brother of Anna (Tony) Gowen and the late Evelyn Brockhorst, dear brother-in-law of Vince Brockhorst. Saturday, July 10, 1999. Age 76 years. Earl was a retired fireman with the city of Cincinnati. Funeral and burial services will be held at the convenience of the family. If so desired, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 7/28/1999

Yuhal B. Higginbotham (1928-1999) WV/OH

Yuhal B. Higginbotham (Rex), 70, of Macedonia. Beloved husband of Janice A. (nee Schultz); dear father of Stephen (Kathy), David (Robin), and Joe (Michelle); loving grandfather of nine; great-grandfather of four; dear brother of Ruth hicks and the late Thomas Higginbotham. Died Monday, July 26, 1999. Mr. Higginbotham served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict. Friends will be received Wednesday 7-9 p.m. at Johnson-Romito, a Golden Rule Funeral Home (Rt. 82 one mile west of Rt.8) Northfield Center, OH. (330-468-1443), where services will be held Thursday July 29, 1999 at 11 a.m. Burial at Northfield-Macedonia Cemetery.


The State (Columbia, SC) 12/30/1999

Frankie Virginia Maxine Stonebraker Higinbotham Dayner (1919-1973) WV/OH/SC

Warren, Ohio - Services for Frankie V. Higinbotham-Dayner, 73, formerly of Wagener are 11 a.m. Friday at Robert H. Roberts-Clark Memorial Home, with burial in Lordstown Cemetery. Visitation is 6-8 tonight at the funeral home.

Mrs. Higinbotham-Dayner died Tuesday. Born in West Virginia, she was a daughter of the late Walter and Gladys H. Stonebraker. She was twice married, first to the late Eugene Higinbotham and then to the late Louis Dayner.

Surviving are daughters, Laura Pernice, Melia Kripchak; sons, Eugene Jr., Randy and Joseph Higinbotham; three sisters; a brother; 13 grandchildren.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 3/29/2000

Nona Ruth Higginbotham Lee (1935-2000) WV/OH

Nona R. Lee, beloved wife of James; dear daughter of the late Robert and Glastis Higginbotham. Survived by son, Robert Williams (Beth); daughter, Sandra Bichsel (Allen); former husband, Harry Williams; six stepchildren; 10 grandchildren. Funeral service Thursday, March 30, 1:30 p.m. at Komorowski, a Golden Rule Funeral Home, 4105 E. 71 St. Interment Highland Park Cemetery. Friends received Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.


The Chronicle-Telegram 05/26/2000

James J. Heginbotham (1937-2000) OH

James J. “Jim” Heginbotham, 62, of Elyria died Wednesday at New Life Hospice Center at St. Joseph in Lorain following a 3 ½ year illness.

Born in Elyria, he was a lifelong resident.

He was a 1955 graduate of Elyria High School.

Mr. Heginbotham was a firefighter for the Elyria Fire Department, retiring in 1993 after 25 years of service.

He was past president of the Firefighter’s Union and was an active member of AA for many years.

Survivors include his wife of 21 years, Claudia R. (nee Schmittgen); daughters, Beth McNulty, Sandra Vidovich, Nancy Ramirez, Heidi Knapp, Amanda and Caitlin Heginbotham, all of Elyria, and Susan Willoughby of South Amherst; his son, Chip of Elyria; 12 grandchildren; his mother, Rose (nee Kasik) Heginbotham; and a brother, Wayne of Strongsville.

He was preceded in death by his father, Gilbert, in 1986.

Friends may call 7 to 9 p.m. today in the Dicken Funeral Home, 323 Middle Ave., Elyria.

A memorial service will be conducted for the family. The Rev. Arthur E. Long will officiate.

Burial will be in Columbia Township Cemetery.

Memorial may be made to the American Lung Association, 226 State Route 61 East, Norwalk, 44857-9705.


Chillicothe Gazette 11/20/2000

Kelsey Lewis Higginbotham (1911-2000) WV/OH

Kelsey "Louie" Higginbotham, 89, of Frankfort, died at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, November 19, 2000, at Adena Regional Medical Center following a brief illness.

He was born November 7, 1911, in Boomer, West Virginia, the son of the late Emanuel and Susie Smith Higginbotham. On April 3, 1935, he married the former Esta Lemaster, who preceded him in death on November 16, 1995.

Mr. Higginbotham was a barber in Frankfort, had been a farmer, and was retired from the Campbell Soup Company in Napoleon, Ohio. After moving to Florida he worked at the Parkway Regional Medical Center in North Miami, where he retired at the age of 87. He was an avid fisherman and loved to play bingo.

He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Charles (Kate) Newland of Frankfort. Three grandchildren, Bill (Debbie) Newland, Angie (Tim) Lowe and Kim Newland; five great-grandchildren, Tyler and Zack Lowe, Greg and Michael Newland, and Bethany Ann Delong; sisters, Lillie Lemaster and Mildred Jeffers of Frankfort, Naomi Ours of Chillicothe, and Mary Fyffe of Citrus Heights, Calif.; brother, William Higginbotham of Morehead, Kentucky; and numerous nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by tow brothers, Frank and Albert Higginbotham, and two sisters, Willia Yates and Lucinda Current.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, November 22, 2000, at Fisher-Anderson-Ebright Funeral Home in Frankfort, with the Rev. Marty Baker officiating. Burial will follow in the Greenlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 5-8 p.m.


Wilmington News-Journal 4/24/2001

Michelle Lynn Higginbotham Volz (1965-20010 OH

Michaelle Lynn Higginbotham-Volz, 35, of Midland, died Sunday (April 22, 2001) at University Hospital, Cincinnati. She is survived by her husband, K. Mark Volz of Midland.

Mrs. Higginbotham-Volz was born April 19, 1965, in Portsmouth, daughter of Helen Higginbotham of Circleville and the late Roger Williams.

In addition to her husband and mother, she is survived by two children, Nick Higginbotham and Aimee Hayden, both of Midland; a brother, Josh Higgenbotham of Circleville; a half brother, Chuck Williams and two half sisters, Annette Brister and Danette Williams.

Private services will be at the convenience of the family, with burial in Evergreen Union Cemetery, Waverly. Visitation will be from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Tufts Schildmeyer Family Funeral Home, 120 W. Main St., Blanchester.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 5/6/2001

Nira Sue Higginbotham Morris (1936-2001) OH

Zanesville - N. Sue Morris, 64, of 5930 Fern Hill Road, dies at 7:35 p.m. Friday, May 4, 2001, at her residence after a long illness.

Born Aug. 21, 1936, in Zanesville, she retired from Essex Wire and was a graduate of Lash High School. She was active with horses, camping and traveling.

Surviving are her husband, Guy W. Morris, whom she married Oct. 16, 1976; son, Donald E. (Rusty) Higginbotham of the home; brother, Donald R. Higginbotham of White Cottage; sister, Elaine Tredway of Zanesville; and her loving dog, Gorgi.

She was preceded in death by her parents, John Dewey and Mary Burns Higginbotham; and an infant brother, Donald Vale Higginbotham.

Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, May 7, 2001, at DeLong-Baker & Lanning Funeral Home, 56 S. Fifth St., where services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 8, 2001, with Pastor Tom England officiating. Burial wil be in St. Paul Cemetery.


Times-Gazette 07/20/2001
Emanuel L. Higginbotham (1943-2001) OH

Emanuel L. Higginbotham (Higgy), 58, of Frankfort, died at 11:31 a.m. July 18, 2001 in his home surrounded by his family and friends, after an extended illness.
Emmanuel was born May 27, 1943, in Bainbridge, the son of Frank and Bernice Cottrill Higginbotham, both of whom preceded him in death. Emanuel was retired from Armco/Steelox Systems, of Washington Court House. His life was passionately spent hunting, fishing, playing euchre, caring for his dogs, gardening, providing for his family and worshiping in his home. He felt honored and blessed to have owned and maintained his family's farm for the past 28 years. He is survived by his incredibly loving and eternally faithful wife, Irene Cochenour Higginbotham; his three children, Glen (Beth) Higginbotham of Frankfort, Tonia (Tim) Nesser of Bainbridge, and Emanuel Higginbotham of Columbus; granddaughters, Elizabeth Nesser and Talli Emily, Aubree and Daisey Mae Higginbotham; siblings, Ted, Dixie, Harvey, Susan Smith, John, Diane Smith, Beverly Corey, all of Frankfort, and Robin Corey, of Bourneville, as well as scores of aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Viewing in the family home.
Funeral in First Church of God, Chillicothe. Funeral arrangements by Fisher-Anderson-Ebright Funeral Home in Frankfort. Burial in Greenlawn Cemetery in Frankfort, with military honors by American Legion.


Bryan Times 7/27/2001

Violet C. Shafer Higginbotham Deck (1909-2001) OH

Montpelier - Violet C. Deck, 91, of Montpelier, died Thursday, July 26, 2001, in the Community Hospitals of Williams County-Bryan.

The daughter of Grace (Scott) and charles Shafer, she was born in Hicksville on Sept. 9, 1909. She was married to Marion Higginbotham, and he preceded her in death. She then married Clay Deck, and he also preceded her in death.

A cook, she was formerly employed at Lester's Diner in Bryan and attended Mt. Union Christian Church.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Glenn (Leah) Davis of Liberty Center, Mrs. Marvin (Marylou) Smith of Napoleon and Mrs. James (Juanita) Deck of Edon; a son, Clyde Higgenbotham of Edgerton; 29 grandchildren; and 24 great-grandchildren.

Preceding her in death, in addition to her husbands, were three brothers, Sheldon, Weldon and Clyde Shafer; a sister, Mary Burlage; and two grandchildren.

Visitation will be today from 7-9 p.m. at the Krill Funeral Home in Edgerton.

Services will be Saturday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home, with the Rev. Richard Buchsteiner officiating. Interment will be in the Six Corners Cemetery in rural Hicksville.

Memorials may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 9/26/2001

John Wesley Higginbotham (1910-2001) OH

Rev. John Wesley Higginbotham, beloved husband of Lucille (married 71 years); dear father of James R. (Loretta) and Mary Lee Canfield (Rev. Kenneth); grandfather of Cindy, Pamela, Susan and Jon; great-grandfather of nine, great-great-grandfather of one. Visitation Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at North Olmsted Assembly of God Church, 3874 Columbia Rd., N. Olmsted 44070, where services will be held Friday, Sept. 28 at 10 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to his church. Arrangements Dostal Funeral Home.


The Marion Star 10/7/2001

Mary Lee Hughes Pollock Higginbotham (1939-2001) OH

Marion - Mary Lee Higginbotham, age 62, of 540 Balentine Ave., died at 2:25 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5, 2001, at Marion General Hospital.

Born July 29, 1939, she was a the daughter of Linden J. Hughes, deceased, and Virginia (Newell) James, who survives.

On Nov. 19, 1988, in Marion, she married Lawrence C. Higginbotham, who survives in Marion.

A lifelong resident of Marion, she attended Calvary Baptist Church and the Emmanuel Reform Church. She was a homemaker and worked as a custodian for several years for the Marion City schools.

Surviving are two sons, James Pollock of Marion; and Tim Pollock of Miami, Fla.; one stepson, Martin Higginbotham of Danielson, Conn; 13 grandchildren; one sister, Shelby Pollock of Newport Richie, Fla.; one half-sister, Linda Cafagno of Newport Richie, Fla.; and one aunt, Helen Radebaugh of Prospect. She was preceded in death by one son, Richard Pollock; one daughter, Gina Watson. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Wilbur Eugene Pollock.

Funeral services will be held at 8 p.m. Monday at Boyd Funeral Home where friends may call 6-8 p.m. Monday. The Rev. David Lippert is minister. Burial will be at a later date.

Memorial contributions may be made to the National Relief Fund.


The Tribune (Coshocton, OH) 10/31/2001

Mary Ellen Hickenbottom Hannahs (1914-2001) OH

Newcomerstown - Mary E. Hannahs, 87, of 532 McKinley Ave., died Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2001, at her home.

Born Feb. 10, 1914 in Belmont County, she was a daughter of the late David Watson and Matilda (Wells) Hickenbottom.

On Sept. 25, 1937, she married Alva "Bo" Hannahs, who preceded her in death Aug. 8, 1996.

Mrs. Hannahs was a housewife and a member of the Church of Christ of Newcomerstown. She was a graduate of Sumerton High School.

She is survived by a son, Jim Hannahs and wife Sharon of West Chester; two brothers, Lake Hickenbottom and Rodney Hickenbottom, both of Newcomerstown; a sister, Tillie Tuttle of Columbus; two grandchildren, Kelly Jo Mauldin and husband Leo of Columbia, S.C. and Sean Hannahs of Newcomerstown; and four great-grandchildren, Caroline Freeman, Catherine Mauldin, Joseph Leo Mauldin, all of Columbia, S.C. and Keith Hannahs of West Chester.

In addition to her parents and husband, Mrs. Hannahs was preceded in death by a son, Jerry "Jerk" Hannahs; and seven brothers, Otis, Joseph, Ross, Frank, Coleman, Ollie and James Hickenbottom.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 1, 2001, at the Addy Funeral Home in Newcomerstown with Charles Newell officiating. Burial will follow at the West Lawn Cemetery.

Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.


Springfield News-Sun 11/19/2001

Cecil Louis Higginbotham (1921-2001) OH

The Clark County Coroner's Office Sunday was trying to determine when and how an 80-year-old Springfield man died.

Cecil L. Higginbotham was found dead Wednesday inside his residence at 227-1/2 Chestnut Ave. Police had been called to check on Higginbotham's welfare.

Coroner's officials aren't sue if Higginbotham's death was from natural causes.

According to a police report, there was a strong natural gas smell inside the residence. The Springfield Fire Division responded to vent the area.

Funeral arrangements are pending at the Porter-Quall Funeral Home.


Columbus Dispatch, Dec 11. 2001, page C6

Lona Violet Campbell Higginbotham (1916-2001) WV/OH

Lona Violet Higginbotham left this world on December 10, 2001 to be with her Savior. Violet was born in Charleston, W.Va. on December 19, 1916 to Lloyd B. and Susan Nide Campbell. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her husband Shelly, sons Franklin Campbell and Donald Higgenbotham, brothers Lester, Donald, Delbert and Cage Campbell, sisters Jessie and Jenny Monroe, May Higginbotham, Survived by sons, Ross (Beverly) Campbell, Larry (Carolyn) Campbell, Carl (Susie) Higgenbotham, Lloyd (Lynda) Higgenbotham. Violet was very proud of her 18 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren, 2 great-great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Family will receive friends Wednesday 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at COOK & SON-PALLAY FUNERAL HOME, 1631 Parsons Ave. Funeral service will be held 1 p.m. Thursday at Frebis Ave. Church of God, 600 Frebis Ave., where Violet was a faithful member for many years. Interment Sunset Cemetery. Special thanks to Harold and Lexie Higginbotham for all their help and thanks also to Hospice of Riverside/Grant.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 1/13/2002

Patricia Ruth Miller Hickenbottom (1930-2002) OH/CA/OR

Patricia R. Hickenbottom passed away Jan. 1, 2002 in an automobile accident. She was born Patricia R. Miller on May 21, 1930 in Cleveland. She graduated from Andrews School for Girls in 1949. Patricia lived in Saudi Arabia for four years and travelled the world. In 1960 she married Harold H. Hickenbottom and they moved to Sunnyvale, CA and raised their three children. Patricia worked as a tax professional until she retired and moved to OR in 1990. Survivors include her former husband, Harold of Corvallis, OR; her twin sister, Alison Prentice of Eugene, OR; her daughter, Barbara Graham and her two daughters, Alison and Erin of Salem, OR; her sons, Philip and his children, Melissa, Parker and Cole of Beaverton, OR and her son Houston of Tigard, OR. Remembrances to the American Red Cross. Per Patricia's wishes no service will be held.



David H. Hickenbottom Sr. (1929-2002) OH

David H. Hickenbottom Sr. age 72 of Massillon, Ohio went home to be with the Lord, passing away Friday evening in Doctors Hospital following a brief illness. Born in Somerton, Ohio on December 2, 1929 he was a veteran of the Korean Conflict serving in the U.S. Army. He was a retired employee of LTV Steel, Berger Division, retiring after 34 years of service. He was a member of the Bethel Baptist Church and was preceded in death by his parents, Otis and Pearl Hickenbottom and also by a sister, Mary Jane Hatcher.
Survivors include his wife, Jean Hickenbottom of the home to whom he would have been married 51 years on February 28th. Two sons and daughters-in-law, David Jr. and Susan Hickenbottom of Massillon and Vernon and Patricia Hickenbottom of Canton. Two brothers, Harley and Charles Hickenbottom both of Somerton, OH. Four grandchildren, Nicole Hickenbottom of Akron, Lisa Hickenbottom, Eric Hickenbottom and Tara Moore all of Canton.
Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Reed Funeral Home with Rev. Henry Dettweiler officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery. Calling hours at the funeral home on Monday evening 5-8 p.m.


Times-Gazette (Hillsboro, OH) 2/23/2002

Barbara Ann Mick Higginbotham (1941-2002) OH

Barbara Ann Higginbotham, 60, of Greenfield, died at 5:19 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2002 at Greenfield Area Medical Center.

She was born Aug. 31, 1941 in Ross County, the daughter of Forrest Mick and Ruth (Gray) Mick. She was employed by Greenfield Research for 20 years, where she served as an inspector for the last 10 years. She was a 1960 graduate of Jefferson High School.

She is survived by her husband, Albert "Tom" Higginbotham, whom she married on Aug. 27, 1960; son, Thomas Higginbotham, of Greenfield; two daughters and sons-in-law, Becky and Rick Cutright, of Greenfield, and Tammie and Jim Brown, of Wichita Falls, Texas; 11 grandchildren, Brian, Brandon, Bridgette, Brock, Brad, Rodney, Bryce, Jimmy, Julie, Jenifer and Joshua; three brothers and two sisters-in-law, Gene and Jane Knisley, of Bainbridge, Robert F. and Helen Mick, of Greenfield, John Mick, of Bainbridge; one sister and brother-in-law, Lorraine and Earl Fredrick, of Washington C.H.; several nieces and nephews and cousins.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 23, 2002 at Murray-Fettro Funeral Home in Greenfield with the Rev. Kenneth Rhoads officiating. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery in Frankfort.

Visitation will be held from 5-9 p.m. Friday.

Memorial contributions may be made to Greenfield Area Life Squad, P.O. Box 157, Greenfield, OH 45123.


The Times-Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 4/18/2002

Romeo Junior Higginbotham (1936-2002) OH

Zanesville - Romeo J. Higginbotham, 66, of Nashport, died at 10:57 a.m. Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at Genesis Bethesda Hospital.

Born April 5, 1936, in Dresden, he was owner and president of Higginbotham Inc., which he started in 1973. He attended Central Trinity United Methodist Church, loved his family and working with his business.

Surviving are his wife, Velma May Cohagan, whom he married Oct. 26, 1975; a son, Rome A. Higginbotham of Nashport; two daughters, Jessica N. Higginbotham of Nashport and Christine S. Howell of Coshocton; grandchildren, Amber, Ashley and Arica; a sister, Ruth Gist of Zanesville; and several nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Romeo D. and Merlie Warner Higginbotham; a brother, Lonnie Higginbotham; and an infant sister.

Calling hours will be 6 to 8 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Bryan Funeral Home, 2318 Maple Ave.

Services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home with Pastor Tom England officiating. Burial will be in Dresden Cemetery.


The Akron Beacon Journal 4/25/2002

Alexander M. Higginbottom Jr. (1928-2002) MS/OH

Bishop Alex Higginbottom Jr. went home to be with the Lord on April 22, 2002, at Akron General Medical Center, after a long illness.

Born in Oxford, Miss., he had lived in this community since 1943. He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving in the Korean Conflict. He had been employed ay Alcoa for 25 years, lat working in 1986. He was the pastor of Christ Apostolic Temple Church.

He is survived by his wife, Gracie Higginbottom; daughters, Patricia Higginbottom-Morgan, Pastor Aleathea (Michael) Tony, and Angie Whittaker, all of Akron; sons, Alex (Rose) Higginbottom III of St. Louis, Mo., William Higginbottom of Atlanta, Ga., Dale Higginbottom of Germany, Carl Higginbottom of Akron, Ralph Whittaker of Washington, D.C., special son and caregiver, Elder Sheldon E. (Denise) Whittaker; sisters, Lula (Elder Samuel) Hampton; Daisy Blackson, Priscilla (Ben), Barbara A. (Allen) Sims of Little Rock, Ark., and cathy (Stanley) Feaster of Peachtree City, Ga.; brothers, Curtis Higginbottom, and Elder Ronal (Evalene) Higginbottom, all of Akron; a host of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Special thanks to Sister Fannie Dancy for all your undying devotion and care rendered to Bishop Alex Higginbottom.

Homecoming services will be held Friday, 11 a.m., at First Apostolic Faith Church, Elder Samuel Hampton officiating. Interment at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. Friends may call at the church from 10 to 11 a.m. Procession will form at 1470 Alphada Ave. Building 0 Apt. 3, and condolences may be sent to 1470 Alphada Ave. Building 0 Apt 3 and 970 Dover. (Stewart & Calhoun, 535-1543)


Chillicothe Gazette 5/2/2002

Teddy F. Higginbotham (1937-2002) OH

Teddy F. Higginbotham, 64, of Frankfort, died 6:45 a.m. Wednesday, May 1, 2002, at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Chillicothe, following an extended illness.

He was born July 28, 1937, in Twin Township, the son of the late Frank and Bernice Cottrill Higginbotham.

Surviving are one son and daughter-in-law, Ted and Betty Higginbotham, of Frankfort; one daughter and son-in-law, Cathy and Dennis Dennewitz, of Chillicothe; four grandchildren, Chrissy Higginbotham, Teddy Higginbotham, Jr., Sarah and Mindy Dennewitz; one great-grandchildren, Kelcie Daugherty; sisters, Susan Smith, Beverly Higginbotham, Diane (Dean) Smith and Dixie Harvey, all of Frankfort, Robin Corey, of Bainbridge; brother, John Higginbotham, of Frankfort; special friend, Marvene Higginbotham, of Frankfort; sister-in-law, Irene Higginbotham, of Frankfort; and several aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by one brother, Emanuel Higginbotham.

Teddy was a construction worker. He was a U.S. Army veteran and a member of Greenfield Eagles Paint Aerie 1325 and Chillicothe Aerie 600.

Funeral service will be held on Sunday, May 5, 2002, at 2 p.m. at the Ebright Funeral Home, Frankfort, with Pastor Barry Lovett officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort, where military honors will be accorded by the Frankfort American Legion. Friends may call on Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.


Springfield News-Sun 5/10/2002

Marie Simmons Higgenbotham (1912-2002) TN/OH

Marie Higgenbotham, 89, of Springfield, went to be with the Lord and join her husband at 12:21 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, 2002, in Community Hospital. She was born December 17, 1912 in Faris Chapel, Tennessee, a daughter of George and Molly (Elliott) Simmons. Mrs. Higgenbotham was a member of the Original Church of God and was retired from Wittenberg University after many years of employment. She was a wonderful mother and grandmother and she loved to cook and take care of her family whom she loved dearly. She leaves to cherish her memory a son and daughter-in-law, John Robert "Bobby" and Linda Higgenbotham; three daughters, and two sons-in-law, Geraldine Marie and Clarence Martin, Donna Sue Williams and Cheryl (Johnny) West-Brown, all of Springfield; 14 grandchildren, Eric (Tonya) Higgenbotham, Christopher (Nikki) Williams, Shamika Williams, Monica (Eric) Richardson, Vicki Martin, Gerald Martin, Joyce (James) McDuffie, Love Poling, Michael Poling, Jackie (Kyle) Peterson, David Bentley, Richard West, Lennis West and Sherri West; 25 great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends, including a special friend, LaRoiln Lewis-Byrd. She was preceded in death by her husband of 60 years, John "Poppy" Higgenbotham. Visitation for Mrs. Higgenbotham will be Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. in the funeral home. Services and burial will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Rose Hill Burial Park. Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home.


The Akron Beacon Journal 8/9/2002

Elizabeth Pfeffer Higginbotham (1921-2002) Austria/OH

Elizabeth Higginbotham, 81, passed away Aug 5, 2002.

She is survived by her husband, Wayne E. Higginbotham; son, Michael Dale Higginbotham; granddaughter, Emma; and sister, Dorothy Hill.

A memorial service will be held today, Aug. 9, at 11:30 a.m. at Bethany United Church of Christ, 1235 Broad Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, with Rev. Kate Walsh officiating. (Cremation Society of Ohio, 800-664-1012)


The Courier 09/12/2002

Neva Fay Conley Higginbotham (1935-2002) KY/OH

CAREY -- Fay Higginbotham, 67, of 219 W. Findlay St., Carey, died at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002, at Wyandot Memorial Hospital, Upper Sandusky.
She was born March 1, 1935, in Johnson County, Kentucky to Lindsey and Cora L. (Arms) Conley. She married John Higginbotham on March 28, 1963, and he survives.
Also surviving are two sons, John Jr. of Sulphur, La.; Hank Conley, Atlanta, Ga.; five daughters, Diane Hussey and Betty Jo Twining, both of Carey; Mrs. Clark (Connie) Phillips and Tina Twining-Begley, both of Findlay; Tammy Higginbotham, Lexington, S.C.; 17 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; three brothers, Paul Conley, Carey; Frank Conley, Pleasant Lake, Mich.; Billy Ray Conley, Jackson, Mich.; and four sisters, Joyce Ann Stanley, Jackson, Mich.; Opal Marshall, Marion; Mrs. Gabe (Ella Ree) Smith, Carey; Mrs. Thomas (Wanda) Resor, Pleasant Lake, Mich.
She was preceded in death by two brothers, Gary Dean and James Conley.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a homemaker. She was a charter member of First Free Will Baptist Church, Carey.
Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the church, the Revs. Harold Bowling, Arnie Rife and Russ Manns officiating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Carey.
Visitation will be held from 2-9 p.m. Friday at Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, Carey, and an hour before services Saturday at the church.
Memorials may be made to the church or a charity of the donor's choice in care of the funeral home, 225 W. Findlay St., Carey, 43316-1169.

Telegraph-Forum (Bucyrus, OH) 9/16/2002

Judith Allen Cain Higginbotham Heydinger (1942-2002) WV/OH

Judy A. Heydinger, 60, of Woodbine Apartments, died Saturday at Heartland of Bucyrus. She had been in failing health since May of this year.

She was born in Putnam County, W.Va., to Stanley Cain, deceased, and Nellie Faye (Marion) Hudson, who survives in Midway, W.Va.

She is survived by her children, Bernice Morris and companion Bob Rowland of Bucyrus, David Higginbotham and wife Debbie of Bucyrus, Mary Haycook and husband Roger of Bucyrus and Robin Hetler and husband Richard of Willard; six grandchildren, Shawn, Charity, Stacy, Matt, Dusty and Haylee' and three great-grandchildren, Dallas, Destiny and Sweet Pea.

A homemaker, she moved back to Bucyrus 11 years ago from Columbus. She enjoyed sewing and playing bingo with good friends.

At her request, there will be no calling hours or funeral service. Burial will be in a family cemetery in West Virginia. The Munz-Pirnstill Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.


Springfield News-Sun 12/19/2002

Ruby E. Higginbotham Roberts (1916-2002) WV/OH

Ruby Roberts, 86, passed away peacefully in her sleep December 17, 2002, after a two year battle with cancer. She was born April 9, 1916 in Sissonville, West Virginia, the daughter of Perry and Josephine Higginbotham. She spent all of her life except for the last five and a half years, living and caring in West Virginia. She had resided with her daughter Donna for the last five and a half years, because of failing health. She is survived by her daughters and sons-in-law, Donna (Winfred) Campbell, with whom she resided and Loretta (Morris) Chapman of Sissonville, West Virginia; step-daughter, Rosie Hughes and sister, Lillian Fields. She also leaves to cherish her memory, 11 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, four great-great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Lawrence Roberts; son, Perry Harrison and numerous sisters and brothers. She will be transported backto her beloved West Virginia, where services will be held Saturday, December 21, 2002 at Long and Fisher Funeral Home, Sissonville, West Virginia with burial to follow at Long and Fisher Floral Hills Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to Mercy Hospice of Springfield. Local arrangements are being handled by the Jones-Kenney-Zechman Funeral Home.


The Chronicle-Telegram 03/13/2003

Rose Kasik Heginbotham (1915-2003) OH

Rose Heginbotham (nee Kasik), 87, of Elyria, an active volunteer, died Wednesday in EMH Regional Medical Center in Elyria following a short illness.

Born in Elyria, she was a lifelong resident.

She worked as a saleslady in downtown Elyria for 15 years and then at the former Midway Mall for Fanny Farmer Co. She later volunteered for 11 years in the gift shop at EMH Regional Medical Center. She also helped with the newsletter for Retired Seniors Volunteer Program on Fridays.

Mrs. Heginbotham was a member of St. Paul United Church of Christ in Elyria.

She enjoyed baking and cooking for family and friends.

Survivors include a son, Wayne of Strongsville; eight grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Anne Curcillo of Elyria.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Gilbert, in 1986; a son, James, in 2000; parents, James and Cecelia Kasik; and sisters, Mary Kasik, Antoinette “Toni” Downton, Barbara Nichols and Mildred Weibling.

Friends may call 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at Busch-Curtis-Scheuffler Family Chapel, 114 Second St., Elyria, where funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday.

The Rev. Allen Grothe, pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ in Elyria, will officiate.

Interment will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, Amherst Township.

Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society, 43099 N. Ridge Road, Elyria.


Springfield News-Sun 4/10/2003

Emmalene Higginbotham Watters Smith (1911-2003) GA/OH
Emma H. (Higginbotham) Smith, 91, departed this life on April 4, 2003 in Mercy St. John's Care Center.She was born June 7, 1911 in Rome, Georgia, the daughter of Marion and Hattie (Peaks) Higginbotham. Emma is a retiree of Navistar, she was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church where she was formerly Chairperson of Delores Smith Circle 2, Usher Board Member, a member of Trustee Wife's, a member of Retirees Set and Ohio Travel Club American Legion. In her loving memory, she leaves to cherish one brother, Dr. Carven Higginbotham of Springfield, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Lenora Bell of Flint, Michigan; three nieces, Ms. Lillie Higginbotham and Mrs. Andrea High, both of Springfield, Ohio and Mrs. Sharon Hunter of Flint, Michigan; one nephew, Mr. Willis Higginbotham of Springfield, Ohio; great nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends. Her parents; her husband, John Smith; one daughter, Loraine Watters and three brothers preceded her in death. Visitation will be April 9, 2003 at 9:30 a.m. with family present at 10:30 a.m. until the time of service, which will be at 11:30 a.m. at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church with the Reverend Daryl Grason and Reverend Carl Hutchins officiating and Pastor Vurn O. Mullins eulogizing. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Final tributes are a service of Porter-Qualls Funeral Home Springfield Chapel.


The Cincinnati Inquirer 5/7/2003

Thomas Louis Heginbotham (1934-2003) OH

Heginbotham, Thomas L. "The Old Coach", dear father of Thomas C. (Becky), Cara L. (Scott) Cook and Ann M. Heginbotham, grandfather of T.J. and Katie Heginbotham, Sarah, Stephanie and Taylor Cook, devoted Godfather of Amy Cissell, Daniel E. Jones, Mark and Matt Edwards. Friday, May 2, 2003. No visitation. If desired, contributions may be made to Children's International, P.O. Box 219055, Kansas City, MO 64121.


Charleston Gazette, Thursday 04/10/2003
Clarence Dale Higginbotham (1960-2003) OH
GROVE CITY, Ohio – Clarence Dale Higginbotham, 43, of Grove City died April 8, 2003, in Doctors' West Hospital.
He was a 1979 graduate of Westland High School, a member of Teamsters Local 413 and a driver for FedEx.
He was preceded in death by his son, Ryan Dale Higginbotham; and his sister, Christina Higginbotham.
Survivors include his loving wife, Anna Higginbotham; parents, Delbert and Donna Higginbotham; sons, Dustin, Dillon and Nicholas Higginbotham; stepdaughter, Dawn Wycuff; sister and her husband, Wilda and Chris Morris; brothers and their wives, William and Brenda Higginbotham and Charles and Brenda Higginbotham; and many relatives and close friends.
Service will be 12 noon Saturday, Apr. 12, at Raynes Funeral Home, Buffalo, W.Va., with the Rev. John Mead officiating. Burial will be in Morning-Sunrise Cemetery, Grimms Landing, W.Va.
Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.


The Courier 06/30/2003

Lawrence Madison Higginbotham (1919-2003) WV/OH
ALVADA -- Funeral services for Lawrence M. Higginbotham, 83, of 12212 W. Seneca County Road 10, Alvada, will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, Carey, the Rev. Floyd Thomas officiating. Burial with full military rites will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Carey.
Visitation will be held from 2-5 and 6-9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.
Mr. Higginbotham died at 5:45 p.m. Saturday, June 28, 2003 at Good Shepherd Home, Fostoria.
Born July 21, 1919 in Buffalo, W.V., to Abraham and Sophia (Runion) Higginbotham, he married Anna Belle Jeffers on October 9, 1941 in Prospect, and she died March 24, 1994.
Surviving are a son, Lawrence of Marion; three daughters, Mrs. Terry (Shirley) Shafer, Delta; Donna Miller, Upper Sandusky; and Mrs. David (Laura) Hall, Shelbourne, Vt.; five grandchildren; and seven great grandchildren.
Preceding him in death are six brothers, William, Earl, Ezra, Deward, Dencil and Robert Higginbotham; five sisters, Mary Hayes, Emma Weaver, Effie Bowers, and Margaret and Fanny Higginbotham, who both died in infancy; and two grandchildren.
A WWII U.S. Army veteran, he worked on the C & O Railroad for 38 years and was a member of the American Legion Post 354 Z in New Riegel.
Memorials may be made to Seneca County Alternative Transportation in care of the funeral home, 225 W. Findlay St., Carey, 43316.


Chillicothe Gazette 8/22/2003

William James Higginbotham (1921-2003) OH/KY

William J. "Sparky" Higginbotham, 81, of Morehead, Kentucky, formerly of Greenland, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at the home of his son, Bill Higginbotham Jr., in Morehead, Kentucky.

Born November 30, 1921, at Frankfort, Ohio, to the late Emmanuel and Susan Smith Higginbotham. He retired from the Veterans Administration Hospital, Chillicothe, where he was a supervisor in the dietetics department. He also formerly worked for the Samoyed Mining Company Group for several years in management. He holds the Commission of Colonel on the staff of the Governor of Kentucky in the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife on Nov. 17, 1991, Goldie Johnson Higginbotham, who he married on June 2, 1940, three sisters and three brothers.

Surviving are his two sons, William J. Higginbotham Jr., of Morehead, Kentucky, and Farrell Higginbotham, of Ashland, Kentucky; three sisters, Lillie Lemaster, of Frankfort, Ohio, Naomi Ours, of Chillicothe, Ohio, and Mildred Jeffers, of Frankfort, Ohio; three grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Saturday, August 23, 2003, 2 p.m., at Ebright Funeral Home, with Rev. Richard Burgraff, of Owensboro officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort, Ohio. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers.

Visitation will be held Friday, 5 to 8 p.m., at Ebright Funeral Home.



Herbert L. Higginbotham (1934-2003) OH

Herbert L. Higginbotham, age 70, of Columbus passed away Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at his residences. Survived by son Mark (Christine) Higginbotham, daughters Diana Reed of AR, Cheryl (Jack) Davis of NC and Janet (Tom) Tucker of Centerburg; brothers Bob (Janet) Higginbotham, Tommy (Darlene) Higginbotham; sister Brenda (Joe) Buchanan. Herb loved fishing and hunting. He taught he grandson Lance how to cast his first rod and reel. He loved going fishing with Mark, he always called him “his boy”. He had a nickname for all of his girls, each of them were special to him. Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren Herb had many friends and enjoyed Toad from W.V. He will be greatly missed by all. Visitation Sunday 2-5 PM at NEWCOMER-FARLEY FUNERAL HOME, 3047 East Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus, Ohio. Funeral service 10 AM Tuesday at the funeral home. Pastor Tom Tucker officiating. Interment in Glenrest Memorial Estate, Reynoldsburg.


The Plain Dealer 9/27/2003

Myers A. Higginbotham (1928-2003) VA/OH

Myers A. Higginbotham, 75, died Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003 in NJ. Myers was born in Amherst, VA. He spent his childhood in Sewickley, PA and lived most of his adult life in Cleveland. He graduated from Howard University School of Parmacy in 1952. He worked as a pharmacist for over 40 years for Revco Drugs and Kaiser Permanente before retiring in 1996. Surviving are daughters, Dr. Monique Higginbotham, and Maria Higginbotham-Nelson and three grandchildren. Graveside services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 29 at Lake View Cemetery, 12316 Euclid Ave.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 2/29/2004

Emma Elaine Higginbotham Tredway (1925-2004) OH

Zanesville - Emma Elaine Tredway, 78, of Zanesville, passed away at 7:35 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004, at GEnesis Hospice, Morrison House, after an extended illness.

She was born May 17, 1925, in Zanesville, to John Dewey and Mary Burns Higginbotham. She was a member of First Christian Church, a 4-H leader, and was the co-owner of Danceland Square Dance Hill with her husband for 25 years.

Surviving are a daughter, Janice Irene Tredway of El Mirage, Ariz.; two sons, Thomas Lewis Tredway of Zanesville and John Dean Tredway of Philo; a brother, Donald Richard Higginbotham of White Cottage; grandchildren; and great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents; and a sister, Nira Sue Morris.

No calling hours will be observed. A cremation has taken place and a graveside service will take place in Memorial Park Cemetery, 1475 Military Road, at a later date.

The Snouffer Funeral Home, 1150 W. Military Road, has been entrusted to help the Tredway family.


Wilmington News Journal 3/4/2004

Elsie Lee Higginbotham Gilliam (1925-2004) WV/OH
Elsie L. Gilliam, 78, of Wilmington, died Monday (March 1, 2004) at her residence. She was preceded in death by her husband, Floyd E. Gilliam.
Mrs. Gilliam was born Aug. 2, 1925, in War Eagle, W.Va., daughter of the late William Estel and Goldie Elizabeth Stanley Higginbotham.
She is survived by four children, Ronald K. (Crystal) Gilliam of Wilmington, Debbie (Ray) Damron of Wilmington, Loretta D. Gilliam of Wilmington and Donald R. (Mary) Gilliam of Greenfield; three sisters, Edna Cox of Grove City, Etta Williams of Delbarton, W.Va., and Wilma Wood of Columbus; and three grandchildren, Annette Foust, Laura Boyd and Daniel Gilliam.
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Portia Gayle Evans.
Private graveside services will be held Thursday at the New Antioch Cemetery. A memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Saturday at the Wilmington Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 1769 SR 73 West, Wilmington. No visitation is scheduled. Arrangements are under the direction of FISHER-EDGINGTON FUNERAL HOME, 97 W. Locust St., Wilmington.


The Akron Beacon Journal 4/25/2004

Curtis Lee Higginbottom (1930-2004) MS/OH

Curtis L. Higginbottom, went home to be with the Lord, April 22, 2004, at Ridgewood Healthcare Center after a long illness.

Born in Oxford, Miss., he had been a resident of this community since 1943. He was a veteran serving in the United States Army and was retired from the Firestone Tire & Rubber co.

He leaves to cherish his memory Frederick Cash (Lori) Higginbottom, Curtis (Doc) Higginbottom and Jeff Pope, All of Akron, Ohio; daughters, Shirley (Vincent) Rogers of Lorain, Ohio, Jen Daniels of Memphis, Tenn., Curley (Higginbottom) Brown, Linda (George) Jones, Sherrilyn (William) Mahiri, Luvina, Angela, Tryhena Higginbottom, all of Akron, Ohio; brothers, Elder Ronald Higginbottom, Bishop James (Esther) Higginbottom; sisters, Daisy Blackson, Lula (Elder Samuel) Hampton, Priscilla (Ben), alll of Akron, Cathy Feaster of Peachtree, Ga., and Barbara (Allen) Sims of Little Rock; sister-in-law, Gracie Higginbottom and a host of other relatives and friends.

Funeral service will be held Tuesday, April 27, 12 noon at the Stewart & Calhoun Funeral Chapel. Friends may call at the chapel from 11 until time of the service. Interment at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. Procession will form and condolences may be sent to 970 Dover Ave.


The Akron Beacon-Journal 5/12/2004

William Bruce Higginbotham Jr. (1945-2004) WV/OH/IN

Willie B. Higginbotham, 59, of Bluffton, Indiana, died Monday, May 10, 2004. Born Charleston, West Virginia, Mr. Higginbotham lived most of his life in Akron, working 30 years at B&C Machine in Barberton. He moved to Wells County in August 2002 and was employed as a quality engineer with Industrial Composites, Inc., of Fort Wayne. He loved fishing and bowling, and was currently leading the honors tournament at the Bluffton Bowling Center. He was also a U.S. Army veteran, and attended Covenant Chapel Church. Preceded in death by father, Willie B.; brother, Robert; and sister, Margaret Nutter. He is survived by his wife, Denise; children, Angela Higginbotham at home, Kerri Smerk, Krista Collins, Kelly Crider; and step-daughter, Heather Maluke, all of Akron; six grandchildren; mother, Kitty L. Davis of Warren, Indiana; and brother, Pastor Arley W. Higginbotham of Warren, Indiana. Funeral services Thursday, 10 a.m., at the Thoma/Rich, Hewitt & Chaney Funeral Home in Bluffton, Ind., Pastor Arley Higginbotham officiating, and where friends may call Wednesday from 2 to 8 p.m. There will also be calling hours Friday at Greenlawn Cemetery in Akron, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Cremation will take place and interment will be at a later date.


Toothman Funeral Home 7/1/2004

Bessie Marie Devaul Hickenbottom (1907-2004) OH

Bessie Marie Devaul Hickenbottom, age 96, of St. Clairsville, died Wednesday, June 30, 2004 at Forest Hill Nursing Home, St. Clairsville. She was born July 3, 1907 at St. Clairsville, Ohio, daughter of the late Simon and Altisha Ault Devaul. Bessie was a former employee of Simpson's Hatchery and Martini's Restaurant both in St. Clairsville and she was a member of the First Christian Church at Flushing, Ohio. In addition to her parents, Bessie was preceded in death by her husband, William George Hickenbottom; a son, Alvin L. Hickenbottom; three brothers, Albert, John and Fred Devaul; and two sisters, Isabelle and Hazel. Surviving are a son, Ernest E. Hickenbottom and his wife Sally of St. Clairsville; daughter-in-law, Betty Hickenbottom of Aurora, Colorado; four grandchildren, Debbie (Doug) Schroeder of Colorado, Barbara (David) Stewart of Singapore, Karen Hatley of Texas and Steve (Melinda) Hickenbottom of Hilliard, Ohio; and seven great grandchildren, Malisa (Kevin) Denke and Samantha Schroeder both of Colorado, Brittney Beckett, Brianna Beckett and Haley Hickenbottom all of Hilliard, Ohio, Jacob Stewart and Ethan Stewart both of Singapore and several nieces and nephews. Family and friends will be received on Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Toothman Funeral Home in St. Clairsville, where services will be held on Saturday, July 3, 2004 at 11 a.m., with Evangelist Earl Bailey officiating. Burial will follow at Union Cemetery, St. Clairsville, Ohio. Memorial contributions may be made to First Christian Church, P. O. Box 13, Flushing, Ohio 43977.


Cincinnati Post 7/2/2004
Thelma Pearl Federle Higginbotham (1925-2004) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Thelma (nee Federle). Beloved wife of the late Earl D. Higginbotham. Loving mother of Ron (Judy) and Mark (Jan) Higginbotham. Devoted grandmother of Tracey (Dave) Peters, Eric (Jeanine) Higginbotham, Kevin, Jason (Leta) and Leslie Becker and Jenny (Brian) Frazier and Becky Higginbotham. Great grandmother of 14. Dear sister of Albert Federle and the late Ruth Gulley. July 1, 2004. Age 79 years. Visitation Saturday from 10 A.M. until time of funeral service at 11 A.M. at the Neidhard-Minges Funeral Home, 7043 Harrison Pike, Taylors Creek. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Hamilton County Unit, 11117 Kenwood Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242

The Daily & Jeffersonian (Cambridge, OH) 7/14/2004

Everett R. Hickenbottom (1916-2004) OH

BARNESVILLE Everett R. Hickenbottom, 88, of Barnesville, died Tuesday (July 13, 2004) at Crestview Health Care Center.
He was born Jan. 28, 1916, in Elyria, son of the late John H. and Eva Bethel Hickenbottom.
He was an elder and Sunday school teacher at Barnesville First Christian Church.
He was a member of the NRA, Bethesda Sportsman Club and was a Meals on Wheels volunteer.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy R.; a son, Calvin; a brother, Paul; and a sister, Margaret.
He leaves a son, John (Edna) Hickenbottom of Barnesville; three daughters, Mrs. Skip (Jean) Powers of Barnesville, Elaine Morris of Port Charlotte, Fla., and Paula Triplett of Barnesville; three sisters, Dorothy Motter of Albuquerque, N.M., Marilyn Findley of Hagerstown, Md., and Carolyn Campbell of Barnesville; 11grandchildren;
2 great-grandchildren; and seven step-great-grandchildren.
Friends may call 7 to 9 p.m. today (Thursday) and 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at Campbell-Plumly-Milburn Funeral Home in Barnesville, where services will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday with the Rev. Ed Eberhart officiating. Burial will be in Union Cemetery, Flushing.


Times-Gazette (Hillsboro, OH) 7/31/2004

Daimmen Lee Higginbotham Perkins (2004) OH

Daimmen Lee Higginbotham Perkins, 13 days, died Thursday, July 29, 2004 at Children's Hospital, Columbus.

He was born July 16, 2004 in Washington C.H., the son of Bridgett Higginbotham and Roy Perkins of Greenfield.

A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2, 2004 at the Greenfield Cemetery.

The Murray-Fettro Funeral Home in Greenfield is serving the family.


Sidney Daily News 8/6/2004

Aurelia Margaret Laux Higginbotham (1920-2004) OH/AK

Anchorage, Alaska - Aurelia "Fief" Higginbotham, 83, 1302 Summer Circle, formerly of Sidney, died Aug. 3, 2004, in her home after a lengthy battle with breast cancer.

Fief was born Sept. 17, 1920, in Trinity, Ind., to John Edward and Susann Marie Remaklus Laux. She grew up in Wapakoneta.

After graduation, she worked for Firestone Tire Company in Akron. She met her husband in Sidney and they were married at Holy Angels Church on Feb. 1, 1947.

Fief's husband accepted a job with the Department of Defense in a civil service capacity. They settled in Smyrna, Ga., in 1960, where she and her husband raised their three children.

Aurelia was very active in her parish, St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church. She single-handedly cared for her husband for nine years while he was battling multiple sclerosis. She relocated to Augusta, Ga., when her husband was was moved to a nursing home there.

She belonged to St. Mary's on the Hill parish and was an active member. After her husband's death in 1996, Aurelia decided to move to Anchorage, Alaska, in the spring of 2000. She lived with her children until her death.

Fief was well known for her intelligence, sense of humor, quick wit, generosity and a smile for all. She lived her life with absolute faith, dignity, honesty, compassion and forgiveness for everyone.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Victor Lisle, her parents and four siblings, Sonny Laux, Rosie Laux, Cathy Crusey and Jim Laux.

She is survived by her three children, Brad Higginbotham of Crawfordville, Fla., and Alan Higginbotham and Joyce Higginbotham, and their families, all of Anchorage, Alaska.

She is also survived by four of her nine siblings, her sisters, Mary Mehok and Lucy Laux of Akron, Cordy Gehrlich of Marietta, Ga., and Murph Lauterbur of Sidney.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Monday at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Angels Catholic Church, with the Rev. Gerald Bensman. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery in Sidney.

Friends may call at Salm-McGill and Tangeman Funeral Home on Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Holy Angels Catholic Church Endowment Fund, 324 S. Ohio Ave., Sidney, OH 45365, or the American Cancer Society. Envelopes will also be available at the funeral home.


Dayton Daily News from Sep. 14 to Sep. 15, 2004

Maxine Ruth Ramsey Osborne Higinbotham (1925-2004) WV/OH

HIGINBOTHAM, Maxine Ruth "Max" age 79 of Kettering died Monday September 13, 2004 at her residence. Preceded in death by a son, Ernie Lee David Osborne. She is survived by her husband of 23 years, George Higinbotham, four daughters, Jean Wilson of Kettering, Roseann Rice of KY, Barbara Ledington of West Carrollton & Lynda Ferron of Jeffersonville, a step-daughter, Susan Higinbotham of Kettering, one son, Edmond G. Haines of GA and a special granddaughter, April-May Osborne who was like a daughter to Maxine. Max is also survived by a brother, sister, 10 other grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren, 15 great great grandchildren and special friend, Donald Jones. Funeral Service will be held 10 a.m. Thursday Sept. 16 at Morris Sons Funeral Home, 1771 E. Dorothy Lane, Kettering. Rev. Roger Schalnat officiating. Burial will follow at Heritage Hills Cemetery. Visitation will be held 6-8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Dayton, P.O. Box 3509 Dayton, OH 45401-3509 or to Mighty Fortress Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2841 E. Dorothy Lane, Kettering, OH 45420.

Chillicothe Gazette 12/16/2004

Naomi E. Higginbotham Ours (1923-2004) OH

Naomi E. Ours, 80, of Chillicothe, died 11 p.m. Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at her residence following an extended illness.

She was born December 15, 1923, in Ross County to the late Emanuel and Susie Smith Higginbotham. On December 20, 1961, she married Harold F. Ours Sr., who died July 22, 1996.

Surviving are children, Elizabeth A. (Jerry) Walsh, of Londonderry, OH, Thelma L. (Jim) May, of Reno, NV, Regeana (Don) Shewalter, with whom she lived, Deana L. (Jon) Bell and Garrett D. (Pat) Shoemaker, all of Chillicothe, and Paul A. (Naomi) Shoemaker, of New Port Richey, FL; stepchildren, Dorothy M (Danny) Phillips of Farmington, AR, and Vicki A. (Robert) Gallagher and Gary (D.H.) Ours, both of Chillicothe; many grandchildren; many great-grandchildren' sisters, Lillie LeMaster and Mildred (Denver) Jeffers, both of Frankfort, OH; and many nieces and nephews.

She was predeceased by a son and daughter-in-law, Harold F. Jr. and Kathe Ours; sisters, Mary Alice Fyffe, Lucinda Current and Willie Yates; and brothers, Albert, Frank, Kelsey L. and William Higginbotham.

Naomi attended Cod's Community Outreach Church. She retired from Moores Store, where she was manager. Mrs. Ours had been nominated for State Foster Parent of the Year for having been a foster parent to more than 69 children.

Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Friday, December 17, 2004, in Ware Funeral Home, with Pastor Woodrow Wilson officiating. Burial will follow in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens.

Friends may call at Ware's from 6 to 8 p.m. today.



J. C. Higginbotham (1921-2004) MS/OH

J. C. Higginbotham, age 82, of Canton, went to be with the Lord Tuesday morning, December 28, 2004. He was born November 13, 1922, in DeKalb, MS, to the late Benjamin and Ada Higginbothan. He worked in the CCC Camps, then entered the Marines in 1940. During WW II he served in the Pacific Theater of Operations and participated in action at Guadal Canal, BSI, Tarawa Atoll, Saipan and Tinian, MI. He went to school under the GI Bill studying farming and moved to Hartville in 1950. He retired from Monarch Rubber Co. in 1981 after over 30 years of service. J.C. was a member of the Hartville Apostolic Gospel Church where he was one of the first officers. He loved gardening and his family. Preceded in death by four brothers. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Helen; daughter, Glenda Sellers of Hartsville, SC; son and daughter-in-law, Ronald and Tina Higginbotham of Dover; three grandchildren, Kirsten and Carlos Chavez of South Carolina, Donald II and Liz Sellers of Canton, and Katrina Danielson of Dover; two great grandchildren, Trenton and Nicolas Chavez; sister and brother-in-law, Ada and Al Akers of Michigan; brothers and sisters-in-law, R. T. and Kathryn Higginbotham of Mississippi, and Benny Jr. and Mary Higginbotham of Alabama. Friends may call two hours prior to services Thursday, 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. in the Arnold Funeral Home Hartville. Funeral services will be in the funeral home at 2 p.m. with Minister Anthony Zupancic officiating. Final resting place is Mount Peace Cemetery.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 1/13/2005

Lucille Lee Higginbotham (1911-2005) WV/OH

Lucille L. Higginbotham, age 93, beloved wife of the late Rev. John W.; dear mother of James R. (Loretta) and Mary Lee Canfield (Rev. Kenneth); grandmother of Cindy (Ken), Pamela, James, Debbie, Pamela, Susan and Jon. Great-grandmother of nine and great-great-grandmother of Jakob; sister of eight siblings. Visitation Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. at North Olmsted Assembly of God Church, 3874 Columbia Rd., N. Olmsted, OH 44070, where services will be held Friday, Jan. 14 at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Building Fund of North Olmsted Assembly of God Church. Arrangements by Dostal Funeral Service.


The Cincinnati Post 1/24/2005

Lula S. Higginbotham Jeffers (1908-2005) KY/OH

Jeffers - Lula S. (nee Higginbotham), beloved wife of the late Robert M. Jeffers. Dear mother of Jean (the late Omer), Muncy, David (sue) Jeffers, Marvin (Edith) Jeffers, Sherman (JoAnn) Jeffers, Phyllis (the late Gary) Shaw, Pat (Frank) Lake, Donna (Fred) Retzler and the late Wanda Spear and Pauk (Phyllis) Jeffers. Devoted sister of Paul Higginbotham and Ruth Murphy. Loving grandmother of 27 grandchildren, 54 great-grandchildren and five great-great-granchildren. Passed away Friday, January 21, 2005, age 96 years. Lula was the last charter member of the Central Parkway Church of God. Friends may call at Miller-Busse and Borgmann Funeral Home, 3464 Central Parkway at Clifton Hills Lane, Clifton, Monday 5 to 8 P.M Funeral services at the Central Parkway Ministries (Central Parkway, University Heights) Tuesday at 10 A.M. Interment Arlington Memorial Gardens. If desired memorials may be directed to the Golden Club of Central Parkway Church of God.


Springfield News-Sun 3/4/2005

John Robert Higgenbotham (1938-2005) TN/OH

Higgenbotham, John R. "Bobby", 66, of Springfield, passed away Wednesday afternoon, March 2, 2005, in Mercy Medical Center. He was born December 14, 1938, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the son of John and Marie (Simmons) Higgenbotham. Bobby served in the United States Navy and he enjoyed fishing, playing Bingo and sitting on his front porch. He leaves to cherish his memory his loving wife of 28 years, Linda Higgenbotham; his loving children, Monica (Arrick) Richardson, Love Poling-Taylor, Jacki (Kyle) Peterson, all of Springfield and David (Janean) Bentley of Washington, D.C.; three sisters, Geraldine "Bunny" (Clarence) Martin, Donna Sue Williams and Cheryl (Ibrahima) West-Diallo; 12 grandchildren, Channing, Whitney, Jade, Marshall, Marquan, Lovell, Jazmen, Christopher, KJ, Arrinae, Omri and Chuckie; two special friends of the family, Emma Campbell and Estelle Grimes; and a number of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and friends, He was preceded in death by his parents. Visitation for Mr. Higgenbotham will be Friday, March 4, 2005 from 5-7 p.m. in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at 7 p.m. Friday in the funeral home with Elder Arrick Richardson officiating. Burial will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in Ferncliff Cemetery.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 3/13/2005

Janice Ann Schultz Higginbotham (1934-2005) WV/OH

Janice Ann Higginbotham (nee Schultz), age 71, of Macedonia. Beloved wife of the late Yuhal; beloved mother of Stephen (Kathy) of WI, David (Robin) of Hinckley, OH, Joe (Michelle) of Macedonia, OH; loving grandmother of nine; and great-grandmother of five; dear sister of Joe Schultz, Patricia Dorsey, Damon Schultz, Francis Triska, Joy Gunner, John Collins, Twyla Douglas, Michael Collins, Asbury Collins Jr. and the late Laura Hayes. Died Friday, March 11, 2005. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at Johnson-Romito, a Golden Rule Funeral Home, (rt. 82 one mile west of Rt. 8) Northfield Center, OH. (330-468-1443), where friends will be received Monday from 6-8 p.m. Burial at Northfield-Macedonia Cemetery.


Warren Tribune Chronicle 8 Sep 2005 A10-3

David Lee Higinbotham Jr. (1975-2005) OH

David Lee Higinbotham Jr., 30, 4025 County Road No. 114, Mount Gilead, Ohio, formerly of Warren, died Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, at a friend's residence in Warren.

He was born Aug. 31, 1975, in Warren, the son of David L. Higinbotham St. and Virginia Tibbs Higinbotham.

He was a lifetime are resident, moving to Mt. Gilead eight years ago and returning to Vienna recently. He was employed as a machine operator at Thermo-Link Inc. of Garrettsville for the past two and a half months.

He enjoyed fishing, camping and his family.

He is survived by his wife, Heather Long Higinbotham, whom he married July 24, 1998, two children, Aaron and Abbie, both at home; and his mother, Virginia Higinbotham, and her companion, Edward M. Tibbs, of Vienna, who helped raise him.

He is also survived by a twin brother, Dennis Higinbotham of Warren; three sisters, Sue Luebke and her husband, Jon, of Wisconsin, Tonja Higinbotham of Howard Township and Dawn Higinbotham of Champion Township; paternal grandmother, Frances Higinbotham of Howland; and seven nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his father, David L. Higinbotham Sr., and by his grandfather, Robert Higinbotham.

Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8, 2005, at Roberts Clark Memorial Home, where fiends will be received from 11 a.m. until service time. Burial will be in Vienna Township Cemetery.

Material contributions may be made to the American Heart Association, Ohio Valley Affiliate, P.O. Box 634445, Cincinnati, Ohio 45263-4445.


The (Elyria) Chronicle Telegram 12/15/2005

Darryl Higginbotham (1959-2004) OH

Darryl Higginbotham, 45, of Lorain, died Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2004, at the Ohio Extended Care facility following an extended illness.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Lorain and worked as an auto mechanic.

He enjoyed fishing, shooting pool and playing basketball.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his son, Darryl Higginbotham Jr. of Lorain; daughters, Daneida P. Woods and Darnelia Higginbotham, both of Lorain; 10 grandchildren; brothers, Kenneth Patterson of Georgia, Bratton Higginbotham Jr. of Lorain and Perry “Pete” Higginbotham of Elyria; and many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Bratton and Ruth Higginbotham; brother, Michael Patterson; and sister, Kim Higginbotham.

Services will be 1 p.m. Friday at Brown-Robinson Funeral Home, 2652 Broadway in Lorain.


The Courier 9/15/2005

John Melvin Higginbotham (1930-2005) WV/OH
CAREY -- Funeral services for John M. Higginbotham, 75, of 219 West Findlay St., Carey, Ohio, will be held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, September 17, 2005 at First Freewill Baptist Church, Carey, Ohio, the Revs. Harold Bowling, Arnie Rife and Russ Manns officiating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Carey. Military graveside rites conducted by local veterans organization.
Visitation will be held from 2-9 p.m. Friday, September 16, 2005 at STOMBAUGH-BATTON FUNERAL HOME, Carey, Ohio, and one hour prior to the service at the church.
Mr. Higginbotham died at 12:08 p.m. Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, Ohio.
John was born on May 11, 1930 in Grimms Landing, W.Va. to Rubin and Melinda (Oldaker) Higginbotham, and they are both deceased. He married Faye Conley on March 28, 1963 in Nitro, W. Va. and she died September 11, 2002. He later married Margaret J. Adams-Hackworth on August 30, 2003 at First Freewill Baptist Church, Carey, Ohio, and she survives in Carey, Ohio.
Surviving are two sons, John Higginbotham Jr., Sulphur, LA.; and Hank Conley, Atlanta, GA.; five daughters, Diane Hussey, Carey, Ohio; Mrs. (Clark) Connie Phillips, Findlay, Ohio; Betty Jo Twining, Carey, Ohio; Tina Twining-Begley, Findlay, Ohio; and Tammy Higginbotham, Lexington, SC.; five stepchildren, Dennis Hackworth, Wharton, Ohio; Donna Bennett, Greenville, PA.; Connie McKenzie, Carey; Bonnie Williams, Robertsdale, PA.; and Timothy Hackworth, Wharton, Ohio; 17 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; 13 step-grandchildren; a sister, Mary K. Tucker, Point Pleasant, W. Va.; and one stepsister, Mary Adkins, Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
Preceding him in death are an infant daughter, Loretta Alice Higginbotham; and a brother, Charles Higginbotham.
John retired from Yellow Freight Lines on September 28, 1990 after 35 years of service.
John was a charter member of the First Freewill Baptist Church in Carey, Ohio; a veteran of the Korean War serving in the U.S. Army and a member of the Teamsters Union where he served as a Steward.
Memorials may be made to First Freewill Baptist Church or a charity of the donor's choice in care of the funeral home.


Warren Tribune Chronicle 9 Jan 2006 A5-3

Frances L. Martin Higinbotham (1926-2006) WV/OH

Warren - Mrs. Frances L. Higinbotham, 79, of Warren died Saturday Jan.7. 2006, at St. Joseph Health Center following an extended illness.

She was born Feb. 5, 1926, in West Virginia, the daughter of Leonard and Mabel Darrah Martin.

She was a homemaker who loved life and enjoyed all aspects of life, especially her family.

She is survived by a daughter, Conniel Littel and husband Larry of Howland; daughter-in-law, Virginia Higinbotham of Warren; and sisters, Anne Phillips and Mary Ard of Florida. She also leaves six grandchildren; Richard Littel, Tami (Jack) Harned, Dennis and Tonya Higinbotham, all of Warren, Robert (Sue) Kinnison of Virginia, and Sue (Jon) Leubke of Wisconsin, and eight great-grandchildren.

Her husband of 45 years, whom she married March 12, 1945, preceded her in death March 4, 1990. She also was preceded in death by a son, David Higinbotham, a granddaughter, Cheryl Littel Oakes, and a grandson, David Higinbotham Jr.

Funeral services will be 3 p.m. Tuesday at Roberts-Clark Chapel, where friends will be received from 1 p.m. until service time. Cremation will follow.

Material contributions may be made to Hospice of the Valley 5190 Market St., Youngstown, Ohio 44512-2198.



Jean N. Jeffers Hickenbottom (1932-2006) OH

Jean N. Hickenbottom, age 73 of Massillon, OH, went home to be with the Lord early Friday morning at Aultman Hospital following a brief illness. Born in Barnesville, OH, on Dec. 11, 1932, to the late Paul and Pearl (Chambers) Jeffers. For over 25 years until retirement, Jean was a LPN for Massillon State Hospital and various nursing homes. She was a member of Bethel Baptist Church. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her loving husband, David H. Hickenbottom (2002), a brother, Mansel Jeffers, and a sister, Betty Book. Survivors include her two sons, David Jr. (Susan) Hickenbottom, Vernon (Patricia) Hickenbottom; four brothers, Paul, Lowell, Carroll, and Marlin Jeffers; four grandchildren, Nicole, Lisa, Eric, and Tara. Funeral services will be conducted on Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Reed Funeral Home-Canton Chapel with Rev. Henry Dettweiler officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery. Calling hours will be on Monday evening from 6-8 p.m. in the funeral home.


Bryan Times 3/7/2006

Marian Juanita Higginbotham Deck (1933-2006) OH/IN

Edon - M. Juanita Deck, 73, of rural Edon, died Monday, March 6, 2006, at the Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, Ind., where she was a patient for three days.

Born Jan. 3, 1933 in Hicksville to Violet (Shaffer) and Marion Higginbotham. She married James A. Deck on Sept. 12, 1950, at Lagrange, Ind., and he survives.

Employed at the Fashion Bug in Angola, Ind., she retired in 2005, after 15 years of service. She was a member of the Mount Union Christian Church near Edon.

In addition to her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Scott (Diana) Byrnes of Fort Wayne, Ind.; three grandchildren, Toby Deck of Montpelier, Jamie Siebenaler of Columbus and Michelle Breitigan of Lima; a great-granddaughter, Nevaya Deck; a brother, Clyde (Jan) Higginbotham of Moorehead, Fla.; and two sisters, Mary Lou Smith of Napoleon and Lelah Davis of Liberty Center.

She was preceded in death by a son, Mitch Deck in 1973.

Visitation will be held Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. in the Krill Funeral Home, Edon.

Funeral services will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home with Pastor Glen Prine to officiate. Interment will follow in the Edon Cemetery.

Memorials may be made to the charity of the donor's choice.


The Dayton Daily News on 4/27/2006

Jack William Heginbotham (1931-2006) OH

HEGINBOTHAM, Jack William Sr. age 74, a resident of Miamisburg, passed away Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at the Dayton VA Medical Center. Jack was born in Cincinnati, OH on June 1, 1931 and was raised by the late Thomas & Helen (Vetter) Heginbotham. Jack was a loving husband, father, grandfather and especially loved his dog, Lucy. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Marilyn (Berchtold); 1 son, Jack Heginbotham, Jr. of Miamisburg; 2 daughters, Laura (David) Whitesel of Fairfield & Lisa (Phil) Baker of West Carrollton; 4 grandchildren, Heidi & Megan Smith, Kelli & Doug Whitesel. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, a member of VFW Post #165, Miamisburg, Masonic Lodge #98 F. & A.M., Middletown Sportsman's Club, and the Parkview United Methodist Church. He loved playing golf and also umpired softball & baseball games in the Dayton area for many years. Funeral services will be held 10 AM Friday, April 28, 2006 from the Parkview United Methodist Church, 3713 Benner Rd., Miamisburg. Friends may call from 9 AM until service time on Friday at the church. Interment Rest Haven Memorial Park, Blue Ash, OH. If desired, contributions may be made in Jack's memory to the Parkview United Methodist Church.


The Columbus Dispatch Jun. 17, 2006

Ron Higgenbotham (ca1969-2006) OH

Ron Higgenbotham, age 37, passed away suddenly Thursday, June 15, 2006. Survived by wife of 8 years, Loretta; son, Gregory; mother and dad, Lynda and Randy Higgenbotham; father, Ronald Higginbotham; mother-in-law and father-in-law, Betty and Lewie Akers; sisters, Cherie (Michael) Martin, Chavela (James) Russ; brothers, Randy (April) Higgenbotham, Eric Higgenbotham, and James Hale; several nieces, nephews, many cousins, and friends; special canine companions, Sierra and Nickee. Friends may call at O. R. WOODYARD CO. CHAPEL, 1346 S. High St., Monday 2-4 and 6 until time of service at 7:30 p.m. Pastor Frank Carl officiating. Family suggest contributions be made in Ron's memory at the funeral home.


Robert Lee Higginbotham (1923-2006) NY/OH

Robert L. Higginbotham, age 83, of Miamisburg, OH and formerly of Elmira, NY, passed away Tuesday, July 11, 2006. He was a World War II Navy Veteran, a former employee of Bendix Corp., started Northside Television in Horseheads, NY, the Elmira Cable Co., and Bel Air Mobile Homes, Inc. He was a former member and deacon at the Hillcrest Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, Burl Higginbotham and Blanche Higginbotham; 2 brothers, James and Ray Higginbotham; a sister, Marie Shultz; and a son, Allen Lee Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Marlene A. Higginbotham of Miamisburg, OH; 5 daughters, Donna Rider and husband Leslie of Elkhart, IN, Diane Corriveau and Husband Dennis of Centerville, OH, Nancy Canedy and husband David of Bolingbrook, IL, Karen Higginbotham of Alpharetta, GA, and Janet Snyder and husband Stephen of Greenville, SC; 2 sisters, Faye Schlick of Elmira, NY and Florence Marsh of Jacksonville, FL; and 9 grandchildren. Funeral service 12 noon Thursday, July 13, 2006 at the Tobias Funeral Home, Far Hills Chapel, 5471 Far Hills Ave. at Rahn Rd., Dayton, OH. Pastor David C. Canedy officiating. Interment, Dayton National Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Thursday 1 a.m. until time of service. If desired, memorial contributions in his memory may be made to the Baptist World Mission, PO Box 2149, Decatur, AL. 35602


Charleston Gazette, Wednesday 07/13/2006
Clayton Eugene Higginbotham (1931-2006) WV/OH
Clayton E. "Babe" Higginbotham, 75, of Amherst, Ohio, died Wednesday, July 5, 2006, at home following a long illness.
He was born Jan. 27, 1931, in Poca, W.Va., and moved to Lorain, Ohio in the early 1950s and moved to Amherst in 1999.
Survivors include his wife of 50 years, Hellen Louise (nee Coburn); sons, David Higginbotham and Harold E. Higginbotham, both of Lorain, Ohio, and William R. Higginbotham of Amherst, Ohio; brother, Robert Higginbotham of Poca; sister, Dolores Craigo of Poca; and eight grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Robert F. and Minnie (nee Lewis) Higginbotham, and sisters, Norma Mae Ward and Christine Bonette.
Clayton was laid to rest in Elmhurst Cemetery in Avon, Ohio.


Thomas Clark Higginbotham (1924-2006) WV/OH

Thomas C. Higginbotham, age 81, of Toledo, passed away Tuesday, August 15, 2006 in St. Anne Mercy Hospital. He was born December 18, 1924 to Frank and Vivian (Hall) Higginbotham in South Charleston, W. VA. Tom was a WWII and Korean War veteran serving his country proudly in the U.S. Army as a member of the last Equine Mounted Cavalry Unit. He was employed with Chrysler Corporation retiring in 1980. Tom was also a member of Chrysler’s Retirees Group. He enjoyed golfing and playing cards, as well as spending time with family and friends and his beloved pets, Holly and Dolly.
In addition to his parents, Tom was preceded in death by his daughter, Beverly Jean Hammock; granddaughter, Mary Katherine Adkins and brothers, James and Frank Higginbotham. Tom is survived by his loving wife of 50 years, Margie (Davis) Higginbotham; children, Barbara Banks of Toledo and Cynthia & Bill Leaman of Winston, GA; Thomas & Vici Higginbotham, Jr. of Curtice, OH; grandchildren, John & Ginnie (Brandon, Justin & Lacey) Banks of Maumee, OH; Tiauanna (Banks) Tucker of North Royalton, OH; Maria Leaman and Cara Leaman of Winston, GA; Dawn Karnes of St. Albans, W. VA; Cheryl Vaughn of Dallas, GA; James Edward Hammock, Jr. of Buffalo, W. VA; Thomas Higginbotham of Millbury, OH and Lisa Guest of Foley, AL; many grandchildren; great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren and brother, Wayne Higginbotham of the Hamptons, VA.
The family will receive friends Friday from 2:00-6:00 p.m. in the Newcomer Funeral Home, 4150 W. Laskey Rd. (419-473-0300). Funeral Services will begin Friday at 6:00 p.m. Officiating will be Rev. David Wettrich of Faith Tabernacle Church of God, Northwood, Ohio.
The Higginbotham family would like to express their grateful appreciation to the staff and employees at Flower Hospital and Lake Park Care Center for their kind, considerate and compassionate care over the past thirteen years.
In lieu of flowers Memorial Contributions may be made to the charity of the donor’s choice.


The Independent 10/17/2006

Mary E. Beyoglides Higginbotham (1918-2006) OH

Mary E. Higginbotham, age 88, of Massillon, passed away Monday morning at her residence. She was born July 22, 1918 in Canton, OH daughter of the late George and Erasmia (Harakopus) Beyoglides. Mary retired from the former Ohio Merchants Bank in 1974 with 23 years service, and previously worked at Canton City Hall, Water Department. She was a member of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Massillon and had been involved with the Massillon Club, Massillon Museum, Massillon Woman's Club, and historic Springhill Farm. In addition to her parents, Mary was preceded in death by her husband, Robert H. Higginbotham December 2, 1992; and a brother John Beyoglides. Surviving are her sister and soul mate, Angeline Ellis of Canton, OH; a brother, Harry G. Beyoglides of Dayton, OH; two nephews, Atty. Harry G. Beyoglides, Jr. and John C. Beyoglides, both of Dayton, OH; and three grand-nieces, Sara M. Beyoglides, Emily M. Beyoglides, and Kathleen R. Beyoglides, all of Dayton, OH. There are no calling hours. Graveside services will be held 11 a.m. Thursday at Massillon Cemetery with Rev. Henry G. Harris officiating. Contributions are suggested to St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, 226 3rd St. S.E., Massillon, OH 44646.


Springfield News-Sun 11/17/2006

Selena Higginbotham Gaston Cole (1929-2006) OH

Selena Cole, 77, of Springfield, Ohio, departed this life Tuesday, November 14, 2006 in St. John's Mercy Center. She was born October 5, 1929 to the union of Cecil J. and Martha (Cassidy) Higginbotham. Mrs. Higginbotham was a former member of St. John Missionary Baptist Church and a dedicated volunteer at Community Hospital as a Yokette for the Lakes Auxiliary of the Frontier Club. She leaves to cherish precious memories her husband, Gene Cole, Sr.; two daughters, Victoria Lynn Adkins and Lucrita A. (Larry) Kemp; two sons, Dale LaVerne (Kay) Gaston and Chester "Corky" (Sharon) Cole; three sisters, Elizabeth (Smith) Daniels, Florene Harrision and Irene Davenport; 13 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and a sister-in-law, Dorothy Higginbotham. Mrs. Cole was preceded in death by her parents, Cecil J. and Martha (Cassidy) Higginbotham and two brothers, Richard and Cecil Higginbotham. Sincere thanks to the dedicated teamof St. John's Mercy Center who cared for Mrs. Cole as well as the Mercy Hospice TEam. Visitation will be held Saturday, November 18, 2006 from 10 a.m. until time of services at 12 noon in St. John Missionary Baptist Church, 34 West Pleasant Street with Pastor Ernest C. Brown officiating. The family will be present at 11 a.m. Burial will follow the service in Ferncliff Cemetery. Her family will receive friends prior to Saturday at 2687 Prestwick Village Circle, 937-342-0344. Arrangements graciously provided by the Porter-Qualls Funeral Home, Springfield Chapel.


Chillicothe Gazette 1/21/2007

Diane J. Higginbotham Smith (1952-2007) OH

Diane Smith, 54, of Frankfort, died Saturday morning, Jan. 20, 2007 at 12:56 a.m. at Adena Regional Medical Center, Chillicothe. She was born Dec. 20, 1952 in Chillicothe, OH, the daughter of the late Frank E. and Bernice Cottrill Higginbotham. She married Kenneth D. "Dean" Smith on Sept. 5, 1969 and he survives.

Also surviving are two sons: Rodney and Corey Smith of Frankfort, one daughter, Angie (Kevin) Chaney of Chillicothe; three grandchildren: Jason Smith, April and Frankie Corbit; four sisters, Dixie Harvey, Susan Smith, Beverly Higginbotham, all of Frankfort and Robin Corey of Bourneville; one brother, John L. Higginbotham of Texas and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Ted and Emanuel Higginbotham and one brother-in-law, Tom Smith.

In keeping with Diane's wishes, cremation will be observed with no funeral service or visitation. The Ebright Funeral Home of Frankfort is serving the family.


Dayton Daily News 1/24/2007

Katherine M. Higginbotham (1931-2007) PA/OH

HIGGINBOTHAM, Katherine 75, of New Carlisle, Ohio passed away Sunday January 21, 2007 at Grandview Hospital, Dayton, Ohio. She was born May 13, 1931 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Kay was raised by her grandmother, Nanna; and her aunt and uncle, Marie & Carl Lorenzen. She met the love of her life, Thomas Higginbotham, when she was 12 years old. On January 3, 1953, Kay married Tom and they began a 54 year journey of marriage together. Kay was dedicated to a life raising she and Tom's four sons and caring for their home and the pets that were always a part of her life. Her horse, Tico was a favorite. Katherine shared a military career with her husband which spanned over 23 years. She had a love for history and travel and during their time in the Air Force, she lived throughout the continental U.S. and Hawaii. Her favorite tour was in Hawaii where she was active with the Officer's Wives Club, getting to know the Hawaiian culture, and learning the native Hula dance. Kay and Tom's last tour was at Wright Patterson A.F.B. They lived in Huber Heights where she was a CCD teacher at St. Peter's Catholic Church. She volunteered at St. Peter's School where her four sons attended. Kay was an animal lover with a passion for rescuing animals who had no home. Her compassion for them led to many kitties living at her house. She had to leave behind her dog and 5 cats.
She is survived by her husband, Thomas J. Higginbotham; four sons, Tom and his wife, Bernadette, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Ron and his wife, Jane of Boise, Idaho, Keith of Los Angeles, California, and Lance of New Carlisle; six grandchildren; four great grandchildren; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. She is preceded in death by her mother, Katherine Wilkens; her aunt, Marie Lorenzen; uncle, Carl Lorenzen.
Memorial Mass at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, New Carlisle, with Father Michael Bidwell officiating. Arrangements by the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio.


The Columbus Dispatch 01/28/2007

Mildred Louise Higginbotham Jeffers (1930-2007) OH
Mildred L. Higginbotham Jeffers, 76, of Frankfort, died Friday afternoon, January 26, 2007 at her home. Survived by her husband, Denver Jeffers; 4 children, Joyce Short, Robin Jeffers and Denver Jeffers all of Frankfort, Anthony Jeffers of Columbus; 10 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and 1 sister. Funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, January 30, 2007 in the EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort. Calling hours will be on Monday from 5-8 p.m. at the funeral home.


Athens Messenger - February 1, 2007

Clara Melissa Higginbotham Reedy (1905-2007) WV/OH
Clara Melissa Reedy, 101, of Albany, went home to be with her Lord on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2007.
She had been a resident of Russell Nursing Home in Albany for the past six years. She was born in Buffalo, W.Va., on April 7, 1905, and was the daughter of the late Oscar Orville and Minnie Jackson Higginbotham. She moved to Ohio in the late '40s and had lived in the Albany area since that time.
She had the distinct honor of being the oldest living member of Albany Baptist Church for the past several years. The day before she died, she still was quoting Bible verses. She loved her Lord, her family and her many friends.
In addition to her parents, Clara was preceded in death by her husband of 69 years, Herbert A. Reedy; a daughter, Opal Smith; a son, Arthur Reedy; a grandson, Michael Reedy; brothers, Alfred, Milford, Charles, Floyd, Harold and Arnold Higginbotham; a sister, Georgia Whittington; a son-in-law, Joseph A. Smith; and daughters-in-law, Juanita Reedy and Bertha Reedy.


Springfield News-Sun 02/22/2007

Thomas J. Higginbotham (1932-2007) PA/OH
HIGGINBOTHAM, (Ret) Major Thomas J. 74, of New Carlisle, Ohio passed away Saturday February 17, 2007 in Harborside Healthcare, Troy, Ohio. He was born April 18, 1932 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the son of the late William and Theresa (Kleinhans) Higginbotham. At the age of 12, Tom met his childhood sweetheart Katherine, and on January 3, 1953 they married and began their life of 54 years together. Their greatest accomplishment was raising their four sons. Tom received a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia. He was also honored as an All American Cross Country runner. Upon completion of college Tom entered the United States Air Force and began a career that spanned over 20 years. During that time he completed his MBA in Logistical Management at the Air Force Institute of Technology. He was a Korean Conflict and Vietnam War veteran who received several medals and other commendations. After retiring from the Air Force, Tom continued his patriotic service in the civilian world, working with several companies on military contracts. He retired with his wife, Kay in 1999 to enjoy their dream home and travel. He is survived by four sons, Tom and his wife, Bernadette, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Ron and his wife, Jane of Boise, Idaho, Keith of Los Angeles, California, and Lance of New Carlisle; six grandchildren; four great grandchildren; a brother, William and his wife, Dallas Higginbotham; a sister, Teresa Blumenstock; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Katherine who died on Jan 21, 2007. Memorial Mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday February 24, 2007 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, New Carlisle, with Father Michael Bidwell officiating. Arrangements by the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio.


Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH)  March 8, 2007

Orville Holbert Higginbotham (1927-2007) WV/OH

MCCONNELSVILLE - Orville H. "Bill" Higginbotham, 79, of 1111 N. Main St., McConnelsville, died at 6:15 a.m. Friday, March 7, 2007, at his home. He was born Nov. 20, 1927, in Dickerson, W.Va. Mr. Higginbotham was a self-employed upholsterer and an Army and Navy veteran of the Korean conflict. Surviving are a son, Edward C. Higginbotham; three grandchildren, Mark, Matthew and Masen Higginbotham; four sisters, Nora Higginbotham, Dora Whitney, Helen Groah, and Lucille Trueman and one brother, Robert Higginbotham. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ira Francis Higginbotham and Ollie Mae Stanley; his wife, Joan G. Gilbert Higginbotham, who died Jan. 10, 1976; and several brothers and sisters. No calling hours will be observed. Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 10, 2007, at Upper Octorara Cemetery in Parksburg, Pa. Miller-Huck Funeral Home in McConnelsville is in charge of arrangements.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 03/20/2007
Helen Higginbotham (1930-2007) OH
HIGGINBOTHAM Helen, passed March 17, 2007, age 76. Visitation Wednesday, March 21, 12 Noon until hour of service 12 Noon at Mt. Zion Glendale Baptist Church, 40 Coral. Eulogist Rev. Kendal Logan. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. Arrangements by Thompson, Hall & Jordan Funeral Home.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 4/17/2007

Shirley Rose Alvis Higginbotham Meadows (1942-2007) WV/OH

Mrs. Shirley Alvis Meadows, 64, of Cleveland and Northfield, Ohio areas for 41 years, formerly of Athens, died Sunday, April 15, 2007 at her home in Northfield. Born June 14, 1942 in Athens, she was the daughter of the late Samuel and Lulabea Blankenship Alvis. Shirley was a graduate of Athens High School in Athens and worked for the State of Ohio as a nurse's aide. Shirley will be remembered for her great fellowship with her neighbors and community and was greatly loved by her friends and health care providers. She was preceded in death by her sisters, Gypsie Hall and Jean Conner and brothers, Samuel Alvis Jr. and Richard J. Alvis. Survivors: Husband, Harold Q. Meadows; daughter, Pamela Meadows of Northfield, Ohio; son, Tim Higginbotham of Avon Lake, Ohio; grandchildren, Heather (Nate) Hampton of Ravenna, Ohio, Zoe Higginbotham of Avon Lake, Ohio; sister, Betty Egbert of Newton Falls, Ohio. Funeral services will be held 2:00 p.m. Wednesday from the Burns Wornal Chapel of the Memorial Funeral Directory on the Athens Road in Princeton with Pastors Gene Harman and Charlie Rice officiating. Burial will follow in the Athens Cemetery at Athens. Friends may visit with the family Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. until time of the service at the funeral home. Family and friends may share online condolences via www.memorialfd.com The Meadows family is being served by the Memorial Funeral Directory & Cremation Center on the Athens Road in Princeton. In lieu of flowers, contributions are suggested to Hospice of Cleveland Clinic at the Renaissance 26376 John Road, Olmsted Twp., Ohio 44138.


Gerald Lee Higginbotham (1956-2007) OH
Jerry Lee Higginbotham, 50, of Sycamore, died at 2:51 a.m. Sunday, April 29, 2007, at his residence.
He was born Dec. 23, 1956, in Fostoria, to Deward A. and Delores (Jacques) Higginbotham. They preceded him in death. He married Rita Ann Kirby on Nov. 11, 2006. She survives in Sycamore.
He is also survived by one brother, Larry Higginbotham of Carey; three sisters, Sharon Overton of Carey, Gaylene Higginbotham of Findlay and Kim Layfield of Carey; and several nieces and nephews.
Jason L. Kirby, his son, preceded him in death.
Visitation is 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, 2007, at the Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home in Carey.
Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 2, 2007, at the funeral home with the Rev. Cathy Wirth officiating. Interment will follow in Pleasant View Cemetery in Sycamore.
Contributions may be made to the Jerry L. Higginbotham Memorial Fund in care of the Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, 225 W. Findlay St., Carey, OH 43316.


The Columbus Dispatch 05/08/2007

Carolyn M. Danielson Higginbotham (1918-2007) OH
Carolyn Higginbotham, 88, of Grove City, passed away May 6, 2007. She was preceded in death by her parents Frank and Mary Danielson Sr. and brother Glenn Danielson. Caroline is survived by her husband, William H. Higginbotham; daughter, June Rees; grandchildren, Michael (Jackie) Murphy, Michelle Robson, Melanie (David) Bricker, Mary (Joe) Capehart; sister, Florence (Ralph) Leonard; brothers, Frank (Barbara) Danielson Jr., Walter (Lenora) Danielson; 2 great-granddaughters; 5 great-grandsons; and several nieces. Caroline loved collecting antiques and going to antique shows. She also enjoyed fishing. Memorial service will be held 3 p.m. Thursday, May 10, 2007, at NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME, Southwest Chapel, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio. Visitation will be held from 2 p.m. until time of service.

Dayton Daily News 08/28/2007
Timothy M. Higginbotham (1946-2007) OH
HIGGINBOTHAM, Timothy M., 61, Dayton, Sat., Aug. 4. Graveside service 11 A.M. Tues. Dayton National Cemetery. Bradford Connelly & Glickler.


Cincinnati Enquirer 11/09/2007
Paul Higginbotham (1921-2007) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM, Paul loving husband of Harriet Higginbotham and the late Jeanne Higginbotham, beloved father of Tom (Roslyn) Higginbotham, dear papa of Kim Johnson, dear step-father of Barbara Birge and Carol Huxsoll, step-grandfather of 7, brother of Ruth Murphy. Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007. Age 86. Visitation Saturday, Nov. 10th from 9AM until time of funeral service at 11AM at Nurre-Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Home 10211 Plainfield Rd. (on the grounds of Rest Haven Memorial Park). In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Alzheimer's Assoc. 644 Linn Street, Suite 1026 Cincinnati, OH 45203.


Cincinnati Enquirer 01/29/2008

James Davis Higgenbottom (1927-2008) TN/TX
HIGGENBOTTOM James Davis Higgenbottom was born February 23, 1927 in Sparta, TN. He passed away January 25, 2008 in Houston, TX. He is survived by his beloved wife Helen Fay Higgenbottom, his children Cheryl Lawry, Karen Lynn, Randall Higgenbottom, and Michael Higgenbottom, nine grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren, as well as two sisters. Visitation will be held Tuesday, January 29th from 5 to 9 p.m. at Schmidt-Dhonau-Galloway Funeral Home, 10980 Reading Rd., Sharonville, Ohio 45241. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, January 30th at 11:00 a.m. in the funeral home chapel. He will be greatly missed but his family rejoices with him as he has now entered his final home with his precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


 Crescent-News 03/14/2008

Mary Lou Higginbotham Smith (1936-2008) OH

March 14, 2008 NAPOLEON -- MaryLou Smith, 71, Napoleon, died Thursday, March 13, 2008, at Golden Living Center Northcrest, Napoleon. She was born June 12, 1936, in Hicksville, the daughter of Marion and Violet (Shaffer) Higginbotham. In 1956, she married Marvin Smith, who died in 2001. She was a homemaker and a member of Napoleon Church of the Nazarene. Surviving are four sons, Tim (Judy) of Florida, Ohio, Tom and Jeff of Napoleon and Joe (Rita), Malinta; a sister, Leah (Glenn) Davis, Liberty Center; a brother, Clyde (Jan) Higginbotham, Cygnet; and five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Also preceding her in death were her parents; a sister; Juanita Deck; and a granddaughter. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday in Snyder-Wesche Funeral Home, Napoleon, with Pastor David Lutz officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery, Napoleon. Visitation is from 2-4 p.m. Sunday and one hour prior to services Monday. Preferred memorials are to Hospice of Henry County.



Christopher Shawn Higginbotham (1979-2008) OH

Christopher S. Higginbotham, 28, of Racine, Ohio went home to be with the Lord Saturday, April 26, 2008. He was a 1998 graduate of Grandview Heights High School in Columbus, Ohio.
He is survived by: his mother, Diana Rae Higginbotham; his father, Stanley Leroy Higginbotham; his brothers and sister, Michael Wayne Higginbotham, Jeremy Bosley and Jaden Leann Higginbotham; his grandparents, Max and Shirley Boring and Roxie Beatrice Stone; his sons, Trent, Tucker and Brady; and many cousins, aunts, uncles, nephew, nieces and many, many friends.
He was preceded in death by two brothers, James and Stanley Jr. and a grandfather, Harlan Stanley Higginbotham.
Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at Anderson-McDaniel Funeral Home in Pomeroy, Ohio at 12:00pm with Pastor  Timothy Oldfield officiating. Burial will follow at Rutland Cemetery. Visiting hours will be 2 hours prior to the funeral service.
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in memory of Christopher, in care of Anderson-McDaniel Funeral Home.


Akron Beacon Journal 05/04/2008

Wayne Elwood Higginbotham (1920-2008) MO/OH

Wayne E. Higginbotham, 87, of Cuyahoga Falls, passed away at the Hospice Care Center on Tuesday, April 29. Wayne was preceded in death by his parents; and his wife of over 50 years, Elizabeth. He is survived by his son, Michael Dale Higginbotham; and his granddaughter, Emma Higginbotham. Cremation has taken place. Inurnment will take place at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery at a later date. NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME, 330-784-3334


Cincinnati Examiner 05/23/2008

Kenneth Lee Higginbotham (1929-2008) WV/OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Kenneth L., beloved husband of Betty Higginbotham (nee Zutaut), loving father of Kendra Bayer (John) and Randy Higginbotham (Heidi), cherished grandfather of Christopher, Jeremy, Andy and Kelly, preceded in death by 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Kenneth, a resident of Union Township, died May 21, 2008. Age 78. A memorial gathering is scheduled for Sunday, May 25 from 2-4 PM at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 1177 W. Ohio Pike, Amelia, OH 45102. A memorial service to follow at 4 PM at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to Calvin Presbyterian Church. E.C. Nurre Funeral Home of Amelia serving the family.


The Times Reporter 09/24/2008

Lake W. Hickenbottom (1920-2008) OH

Lake W. Hickenbottom, 88, of Kimbolton died early Monday morning, Sept. 22, in the Ohio State University Medical Center. Lake was born in Barnesville on Aug. 7, 1920, a son of the late David Frank and Matilda Wells Hickenbottom. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Army Air Corps with the 301st Base Unit with the RAF in Rackheath, England. While Lake was stationed in England, he met his wife, Edna May Raby, of nearby Norwich, England. When he lived in Columbus following the war, Lake was employed at the former Exact Weight Scale Company. Later, he and his family moved to Kimbolton. Lake was employed at the former Belden Brick Company at Port Washington and did farming on his property. He retired from the Cambridge State Hospital after 23 years of employment as a ward attendant. Lake was a faithful Christian and attended the Church of Christ. He enjoyed farming his property and traveling with his family. Lake was preceded in death by his wife, Edna May Raby Hickenbottom, whom he married on May 5, 1945. Lake and Edna were married for 54 years before her death on Feb. 13, 1999. Also deceased are a total of nine sisters and brothers. Lake is survived by two daughters and their husbands, Janice Mae and Roger D. Potter of Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Karen K. and Steven W. Sayre of O'Fallon, Ill.; a son and his wife, Ivan Lee and Karen Sue Hickenbottom of Kimbolton; seven grandchildren, Angela Hyde, Staci Maddox, and Roger Lee Potter, all of Alabama, Thad Sayre of Montgomery, Ala., Travis Sayre of Atlanta, Ga., and Eric and Scott Hickenbottom of Kimbolton. Lake also leaves seven great-grandchildren, Justin, Austin, and Kylie Hyde, Johnathan Maddox, and Nolan, Noah, and Nathan Sayre; brother, Rodney Hickenbottom of Newcomerstown; sister, Tilie Ann Tuttle of Delaware, O., and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services to celebrate Lake's life will be held Friday morning, Sept. 26, at 10 a.m. in the Ourant Funeral Home. Minister Robert Main will conduct the services. Burial will follow in West Lawn Cemetery at Newcomerstown. Visiting hours will also be held in the funeral home on Thursday afternoon and evening from 2 until 4 and 6 until 8 p.m. The family is requesting that memorials be made in Lake's name to the Ross Heart Hospital in care of the Ohio State University Medical Center, 410 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, 43210.


Morning Journal Tuesday, 09/30/2008

John T. Higginbotham (1920-2008) TN/OH

LORAIN - John T. Higginbotham, 88, of Lorain, entered eternal rest on Saturday, September  27, 2008, after a brief illness. He was born January 29, 1920, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to the late Clarence and Grace Higginbotham. He moved to Lorain, Ohio, in 1943 and worked for U.S. Steel as a fork lift operator in the masonry department, retiring in 1983 after 40 years of service. He was a dutiful member of Second Baptist Church in Lorain where he served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and later as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees until his death. He was a WWII veteran of the United States Army, having served in the South Pacific from October 1944 to January 1946. He was a charter and life member and organizer of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8226 until they went defunct. He then transferred his membership to Mullen Murray Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 451 where he continued to serve. He was also past commander of Lorain County Council of Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Anne Higginbotham (nee Chestnut); two daughters, Grace (Harry) Vauls and Charlotte Lumpkin, both of Lorain; one son, John T. (Diane) Higginbotham of Columbus, Ohio; 11 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren; 4 great-great grandchildren; one half sister, Mary Emma Higginbotham of Chattanooga, Tenn.; and a host of other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his mother and father and two brothers, Clarence Jr. and Ernest Higginbotham. Visitation will be tomorrow, October 2, 2008 ,from 4-9 p.m. at Second Baptist Church, 300 W. 13th Street in Lorain, where funeral service will be held on Friday, October 3, 2008, at 12:00 noon. Rev. Loversier Lewis, pastor, will officiate. Apostle Terrance N. Bivins of Worship Cathedral will be in charge of music ministry. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery in Lorain with full military honors. Arrangements entrusted to Brown-Robinson Funeral Home, 2652 Broadway Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052; (440) 244-1831.


Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum 11/01/2008

Danielle Lynn Belcher Higginbotham (1983-2008) OH

BUCYRUS - Danielle Lynn Belcher Higginbotham, 25, left this world unexpectedly at Bucyrus Community Hospital on October 30th, 2008. Danielle was born to Vicki (Belcher) Ruttman on May 11, 1983. She was married to Shawn Higginbotham on June 10th, 2004 and together they have two children William Gabriel, 4 ½ years old, and Brody James, 2 years old. In addition to her parents James and Vicki Ruttman, husband, and children; Danielle is survived by her grandparents, Johnny and Barb Belcher, of Bucyrus, Schuyler and Elaine Ruttman of Upper Sandusky; a sister and brother-in-law, Sydney and JC Blake of Upper Sandusky; a sister, Samantha Ruttman of Upper Sandusky; a brother, Scott Ruttman of North Carolina; mother and father-in-law, David and Debi Higginbotham of Bucyrus; a sister-in-law, Stacey Higginbotham of Bucyrus; and special family Doug, Heather, Hunter, and Hayden Slayton; as well as many aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews. She was preceded in death by her great grandparents, Larence and Eller Lewis of Tennessee, and Lillian Belcher of Bucyrus Danielle was a 2001 Bucyrus High School Graduate where she was involved in many activities. In 2004, she graduated from Heidelberg College of Tiffin and has worked as an auditor for the State of Ohio for four years. Danielle enjoyed her family and friends to the fullest. She loved Sunday family dinners, football, and NASCAR. She was an inspiration to all that knew her. She was most proud of her husband, children, and the person she grew up to become. Her family will receive friends from 2-5 PM. Sunday November 2, 2008 at Wise Funeral Service, where the funeral will be held Monday, November 3rd at 1:00 PM. Pastor Daniel Rebon will officiate and burial will follow in Oakwood Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be given to Gabriel and Brody by checks made payable to The Higginbotham Family Fund through the funeral home.


The Chronicle-Telegram 11/19/2008

Anne Chestnut Higginbotham (1920-2008) TN/OH

Anne C. Higginbotham (nee Chestnut), 87, entered eternal rest on Sunday, November 16, 2008, after a brief illness. She was born November 28, 1920 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, moving to Lorain in 1943 where she immediately became a member of the Second Baptist Church. She was a church musician for Second Baptist Church. She also played piano and organ for Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Lorain and various churches throughout Lorain County for over 50 years. She was a charter member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW #8226 and most recent the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW #451 for over 60 years. In the Auxiliary she served as Past Auxiliary Trustee, Secretary, Chaplain, President, Past Council Musician, and Past District Musician. Anne Higginbotham leaves to cherish her memory two daughters, Grace (Harry) Vauls, and Charlotte Higginbotham, both of Lorain; one son, John T. (Diane) Higginbotham of Columbus; 11 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren; and a host of relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband of 68 years, John T. Higginbotham, on September 27, 2008; and her parents, Robie and Louise Robie Chestnut. Visitation will be Thursday, November 20, 2008 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. at Second Baptist Church, 300 13th St. in Lorain. Funeral Service will be Friday, November 21, 2008 at 12 Noon at the church. Pastor Loversier Lewis will officiate. Apostle Terrence N. Bivins of Worship Cathedral will be in charge of the music. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery in Lorain. Arrangements entrusted to Brown-Robinson Funeral Home, 2652 Broadway Ave., Lorain, (440) 244-1831.  


Cincinnati.com 12/14/2008

Ruth Marie Higginbotham Murphy (1910-2008) OH

MURPHY Ruth Marie (nee: Higginbotham). Beloved wife of the late Elmer Murphy, Sr., loving mother of Sue (Dennis) Fagan, Marcia Ann Engleman-Wright, Nina (John) Wichard, Mary Arnett, and the late Elmer Murphy, Jr., devoted grandmother of John (Crystal) Wichard, Lisa (Tad) Fischer, Chad (Laura) Engleman, Margaret Engleman, Natalie Wichard, Chris Fagan, Nathaniel Wichard, and proud great-grandmother of seven. Dec. 12, 2008 age 98. Visitation at the Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 3799 Hyde Park Ave. (at Madison Rd.) 45209, Tues. 10 AM until time of service at 12 noon. If desired, Memorial contributions may be directed to the church. Witt, Good & Kelsch serving the family.


 Coshocton Tribune 12/28/2008

Scott Allen Hickenbottom (1985-2008) OH

NEWCOMERSTOWN- Scott Allen Hickenbottom, 23, of Strasburg, formerly of Kimbolton, died suddenly in his Strasburg residence on Thursday, Dec. 25, 2008. Scott was born on Aug. 8, 1985, in Cambridge to Ivan L. and Karen Sue (Meredith) Hickenbottom of Kimbolton. He was a graduate of Newcomerstown High School/ Buckeye Career Center, Class of 2003, where he studied industrial electricity. He also attended the Kent State University, New Philadelphia campus, and studied business management. Scott was a member of the American Motorcycle Association and was making a career in motocross racing. He participated in motocross races throughout several states. Scott was also a former member of the Competition Riders of America. He was presently employed with Kimble Clay, Dover, for the past few months. Prior to that, he worked as an assembler with Kimble Manufacturing, New Philadelphia. While in high school, he worked for B-Tek, Canton. In addition to his parents, Scott is survived by his brother, Eric L. Hickenbottom of Kimbolton; his maternal grandparents, Donald L. and Fauneil (Pittis) Meredith of Tippecanoe; several aunts, uncles, and cousins; and his Shih Tzu dog, "Throttle." Scott was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Lake W. and Edna May (Raby) Hickenbottom of Kimbolton. Calling hours will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008, at the Ourant Funeral Home, Newcomerstown. Funeral services to celebrate Scott's life will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 31, 3008, at the funeral home. Minister Robert Main will officiate. Burial will follow in West Lawn Cemetery, Newcomerstown. The family is requesting that memorials in Scott's name be sent to American Motorcycle Association, District 12 Off Road Racing, 1567 Mathias Raceway Rd., SW, New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663.


McCreary County (KY) Record 04/08/2009

Rayma Dean Higginbotham Strunk Frantz (1945-2009) KY/OH

Rayma Dean Higginbotham Frantz, age 63 years, Sandusky, Ohio formerly of McCreary County Kentucky died March 25, 2009 at Firelands Regional Medical Center, Sandusky, Ohio. Funeral services were held Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at McCreary County Funeral Home with Rev. Daniel Ridener and Rev. Dow Goodin officiating. Burial was in Pleasant Knob Cemetery. She was born at Honey Bee, Kentucky on July 2, 1945 the daughter of the late Ancil Thomas and Mandy Elizabeth Perry Higginbothan. She has retired from Cedar Point and attended Lighthouse Baptist Church and had volunteered at Salvation Army and Victory Kitchen. Her parents and her first husband, Woodrow Strunk, precede her in death. John Frantz, II is the deceased grandchild. The deceased brothers and sisters are Gracie Higginbotham; Gola Alice Jane Nunley; Elizabeth Hicks; Addie Perry; Leander Higginbotham; Clifton Leroy Higginbotham; Clarence Higginbotham; Herbert Higginbotham and Albert Higginbotham. Survivors include her husband, John A. Frantz and her children, Michael Frantz and wife, Diana Kun; Roscoe Frantz; Vernatta Frantz and Linda Dillery and husband, Christopher all of Sandusky, Ohio. The surviving brothers and sisters are James Luke Perry, Fredricksburg, Virginia; Virgil Higginbotham, Hanover, Indiana; Carlos Higginbotham, Cincinnati, Ohio; Roscoe Higginbothan, Woodbridge, Virginia; Noah Higginbotham, Dallas, Texas; Elsie Faye Lutes, Carlisle, Kentucky and Daisy Higginbotham, Paris, Kentucky. Eight grandchildren survive. McCreary County Funeral Home entrusted with arrangements.



Tillie Ann Hickenbottom Tuttle (1916-2009) OH

Tillie Ann Hickenbottom Tuttle, 92 of Delaware entered into eternal rest Monday, May 25, 2009 at Willowbrook Christian Village, Delaware.
She was born October 2, 1916 in Belmont County, Ohio, and was the daughter of the late David W. and Matilda J. Hickenbottom.
Tillie worked for the Columbus School system for twenty-five years. After retiring from the school system she also enjoyed working at McDonald's until she was 82. She loved God, her family and life.
Tillie was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Carl Lester Tuttle in 2000; son, Gary Lester Tuttle; her parents; sister, Mary Hannahs; and seven brothers, Joe, Otis, Ross, Frank, Ollie, Jim and Lake.
She will be missed by her daughter, Carol (Glen) Burkhart, of Abilene, Texas; grandsons, Carl II (Rose) Tuttle, of Reynoldsburg and Tim (Sharon) Tuttle and their daughter, Muriel Joyce Tuttle, of Celina, Ohio; and brother, Rodney Hickenbottom of Newcomerstown. Tillie was loved and will be missed by many other dear relatives and friends.
Funeral service was held Monday, June 1st, at SCHOEDINGER NORTH CHAPEL, 5554 Karl Rd., in Columbus.
Burial: Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, Columbus, Ohio
Contributions may be made in Tillie's memory to Willowbrook Christian Village, Valley University, or to hospice of donor's choice.


Cincinnati Enquirer 06/04/2009

Harriet Elizabeth Jett Hagen-Higginbotham (1920-2009) KY/OH

Harriet Elizabeth (nee Jett) age 88, born in Bracken County, Kentucky, died May 28, 2009 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Beloved wife of the late Gilbert A. Hagen Sr. and Paul Higginbotham, devoted mother of Barbara L. Birge (Ernest) of Wyoming, Michigan, Carol J. Huxsoll (James) of Medina, Ohio and the late Gilbert A. Hagen Jr., dear step-mother of Thomas Higginbotham (Roslyn) of San Antonio, Texas, loving grandmother of 12 and great grandmother of 11. dear sister of Mary Taylor and Bessie Taylor of Lexington, Kentucky. Visitation Saturday from 9-11 AM at Bolton & Lunsford Funeral Home, 3042 Harrison Avenue, Westwood where funeral services will be held Saturday at 11:00 AM. Interment to follow at Bridgetown Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to Spectrum Hospice, 4500 E. Breton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 or Alzheimer's Association, 644 Linn Street, Suite 1026, Cincinnati, OH 45203.


Akron Beacon Journal 06/04/2009

Patricia Riley Higginbottom Morgan (1946-2009) TN/OH

Patricia Higginbottom Morgan, daughter of the late Bishop Alex Higginbottom, Jr. and the late Annie Mae Lenora Riley Higginbottom, was born December 16, 1946 in Memphis, Tennessee. She graduated from Soldan High School in St. Louis, Missouri and attended St. Louis University. In 1974, Patricia graduated from Akron's Gerber Beauty School receiving her Manager & Teacher's license. She was employed at the Gerber Beauty School for 32 years and retired in 2007. She was a member of Higher Ground Worship Center and faithfully served there until her passing. She leaves to cherish her memory, son Edward L. Morgan, Jr. of Riverdale, Georgia; grandchildren, Nasaya A., Nathan L., and Nia M. Morgan; sister, Alethea Toney of Georgia; brothers, Alex (Rose) Higginbottom III, of St. Louis, Missouri, William Ray (Renae) Higginbottom, of Riverdale, Georgia, Dale Higginbottom of Germany, Carl Higginbottom of Akron, Anthony Higginbottom and Lamar Sheppard, of Detroit, Michigan; stepmother, Evangelist Gracie Higginbottom of Akron; and special aunts, Daisy Blackson and Lula M. Hampton of Akron; a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, her church family other relatives and friends. Funeral services will held Saturday, June 6, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. at Higher Ground Worship Center, 380 Wooster Rd., Barberton, Ohio, with Elder William Bridges III officiating. Friends may call at the church Saturday from 9:30 a.m. until time of service. Interment at Lakewood Cemetery. Procession will form and condolences may be sent to 970 Dover Ave., Akron 44320.


Akron Beacon Journal 06/05/2009

Nicole R. Higginbotham (1975-2009) OH

Nicole R. Higginbotham, 34, passed away unexpectedly June 3, 2009. She was born in Barberton and had been an Akron-Barberton resident all of her life. Survivors include mother, Stormy Miller; brother, Jeremy (Mindy) Higginbotham; nephews, Logan and Preston; grandmother, Garnet Higginbotham; many aunts, uncles, and cousins, many, many friends and all her special kids. Cremation has taken place. A memorial service will be held at a later date.


The Columbus Dispatch 07/13/2009

Russell Revelon Higginbotham (1945-2009) WV/OH

Russell R. Higginbotham, age 64, passed away Friday, July 10, 2009 in Hocking Valley Community Hospital. U.S. Marine Veteran. Member of the American Legion and the AMVETS Post 89. Preceded in death by parents Clarence and May Higginbotham and sister Barbara Rawlins. Survived by wife, Bonnie; son, Russell; daughters, Antionette (Mike) Castle and Karrie Price; brothers-in-law, John and Billy Huber; sister-in-law, Joyce (Forrest) Beidelman; five grandchildren; sisters, Betty (John) McKibben, Dayle (Kenneth) MacNealy, Gayle Dillon and Sheila Robinette; brothers, Ronald, Harold, Charles and Donald Higginbotham; numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation will be 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday at the O. R. WOODYARD CO. CHAPEL, 1346 S. High Street in Columbus, where the funeral service will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. Interment Sunset Cemetery.



Ronald J. Higginbotham (1955-2009) OH

Ronald J. Higginbotham, Sr., 53, of Findlay, OH, died at 3:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 22, 2009 in the Bridge Hospice Care Center, Findlay. He was born Thursday, December 15, 1955 in Upper Sandusky to Burton A. and Jossie (Ward) Higginbotham and they are deceased. He married Lori Gillogly-Gatchell and they divorced. He later married his best friend of 17 years, Ruth E. Clark on July 16, 2009 and she survives in Findlay. He is survived by his children, Matthew Miller, Ronald J. Higginbotham, Jr., Jolene (Jason) Good, Amber Higginbotham, and a step-son Brian E. Fast all of Findlay, two sisters, Sharon Roth and Deborah Soto both of Carey, two brothers, Rick Higginbotham of Tiffin and Steve Higginbotham of Carey, and seven grandchildren. He was a member of the Carey Conservation Club. An outdoorsman, Ron enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping with his family, and four wheeling with his grandchildren. Ron was a heavy equipment operator with several construction companies in the area. Friends will be received from 6-9 p.m. on Friday, July 24, 2009 at the STOMBAUGH-BATTON FUNERAL HOME in Carey. Memorial contributions may be made to the Ronald J. Higginbotham, Sr. Memorial Fund c/o Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, 225 W. Findlay St., Carey, OH 43316.


The Plain Dealer 08/14/2009

James J. Higginbotham (1954-2009) OH

JAMES J. HIGGINBOTHAM, age 55, passed away August 13, 2009. Firefighter, Family Man, and Hero. Beloved husband of Josephine (nee Travarca); dearest father of Michael, Steven and Tony (Nicole); fun and loving grandfather of Jessaca, Kaitlyn, Jared, Ryan and Jenna; devoted son of James and Claire Higginbotham; dear brother of Mark (Annie), Mary Jane Keller (Jim), John (Joanne) (Tina-former wife), Brian (Jean) and Lynn Geddis (Don); loving son-in-law of Biagio and Rosemary (deceased) Travarca; brother-in-law of Joe and Ann Travarca and Paul and Mary Galek; loving uncle of many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at THE KOLODIY-LAZUTA FUNERAL HOME, 5677 STATE RD. (PARMA), SATURDAY 5-8 P.M. AND SUNDAY 2-4 AND 6-8 P.M. Mass of Christian Burial will be held Monday, August 17, at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church at 11:30 a.m. (EVERYONE PLEASE MEET AT CHURCH). Interment Brooklyn Heights Cemetery.


The Columbus Dispatch 11/07/2009

Alice Broady Higginbotham (1917-2009) VA/WV/OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Alice Higginbotham, 92, passed at her residence November 4, 2009. Alice was born September 9, 1917 to Stewart and Florine Broady in Amherst County, Va. She is preceded in death by her parents, husband Lucius L Higginbotham and son Charles B Higginbotham. Her memories will be cherished by her children, Josephine, William (Janet) Higginbotham both of Columbus Oh.; 6 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; sisters, Ruth Gilbert of Bronx N.Y. and Rosalee Vance of Cleveland Oh.; daughter-in-law, Madeline; sister-in-law, Dorothy Broady; 3 close nieces, Deborah, Donna and Delana; and a host of other relatives and friends. Family will receive friends and family at 12 noon until time of service 1 p.m. to be held Monday, November 9, 2009 at SMITH MORTUARY, 2830 Cleveland Ave.


MarionStar.com 12/03/2009

Anita Louise Hickenbottom Reed (1935-2009) OH

MARENGO- Anita Louise Reed was born on November 12, 1935 to Clarence Edwin and Rozella Mary Hickenbottom and returned to the Lord on the morning of December 1, 2009. She is the sister of William Hickenbottom, the beloved sister of Mrs. Charles Johnson (Janet Sue), the aunt of Diana (Johnson) Wagers (husband, Ralph Wagers), the mother of devoted daughter, Lorrie A. Czich, and mother-in-law of John A. Czich. She is the grandmother of three grandchildren, Daniel E. Kidd (wife, Rhonda Kidd), Anita R. Clay (husband, Adam S. Clay), and Rebekah E. Kidd as well as the aunt of three nieces and one nephew. Her loving and giving spirit is also survived by five great grandchildren and will live on in the hearts of her family, friends, and community until we too are as free as she is now in God's loving hands. Anita was a veteran (The United States Women's Army Core), highly involved in the support of her community, founder and former president of the Kidney Dialysis Support Group in Marion, Ohio, worked at The Ohio State University in Cancer Research for 17 years and then Marion General Hospital for 27 years. There will be a showing held for Anita at Boyd-Born Funeral Home in Marion, Ohio from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 4th. A service for close friends and family is to be held at Riverview Cemetery in East Liverpool on the following day at 1:00 p.m.


The Columbus Dispatch 12/15/2009

Donald R. Higginbotham (1935-2009) WV/OH

May 27, 1935 - December 13, 2009

Donald R. Higginbotham, 74, passed away Sunday, December 13, 2009 at his home. Don retired from the Upper Arlington School Systems. He enjoyed travelling out west, where he liked spending time in Arizona, visiting the Grand Canyon and the National Parks. Don was an avid fisherman who enjoyed fishing at Lake Erie, the Florida Keys and lakes. He is survived by daughters, Veronica (James) McGranahan and Margaret (Mike) Allen; grandchildren, Tabitha (Steve) Castro, James McGranahan, Jr. and Dustin Wilson; brothers, Charles (Jessie) and Harold Higginbotham; half-siblings, Betty, Gail, Dale and Sheila; former wife, Patty Higginbotham; along with numerous nieces and nephews. Family will receive friends Wednesday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at SCHOEDINGER NORTH CHAPEL, 5554 Karl Road, where a funeral service will be held 10 a.m. on Thursday, December 17, 2009. Interment to follow at Union Cemetery. Visit www.schoedinger.com to send condolences.


The Columbus Dispatch 03/09/2010

Harold Otis Higginbotham (1931-2010) WV/OH

Harold O. "Pappy" Higginbotham, age 79, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, March 6, 2010 under the care of his loving family. U.S. Army Veteran who served during the Korean Conflict. Member of the Grove City Church of God. Harold was preceded in death by his wife of 47 years, Lexie "Nanny" Higginbotham, daughter Retta Dicus, sisters Elizabeth, Maxine, and Barbara Lois, brothers Clarence Jr., Don, and Russell. He is survived by his daughter, Barbara Gibson; granddaughters, Rachel (Mark) Tope, Reba (William) Schlosser, and Barbara Lynn (Les) Norris; great-grandchildren, Brooke Tope, Tyler Ryan, and Blake Tope; brothers, Charles (Jessie) and Ronald; sisters, Betty (John), Dale, Gail, and Shiela. A celebration of his life will be held with a visitation 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 9 and a funeral service 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 10 at the Grove City Church of God, 4325 Harrisburg Pike. Pastor Randy Barr officiating. Interment to follow at Sunset Cemetery. Arrangements by the SCHOEDINGER GROVE CITY CHAPEL.


Sidney Daily News 5/6/2010

H. Virginia Higginbotham Schrolucke (1918-2010) OH/IN

H. Virginia Schrolucke, 91, of 3003 W. Cisco Rd. passed away Friday, April 30, 2010 at 10:30 A.M. at the Dorothy Love Retirement Community. She was born on October 10, 1918 in Sidney, Ohio, the daughter of the late Cramer and Agnes (Stephenson) Higginbotham. On June 13, 1940 she was married to Virgil H. Schrolucke who preceded her in death in January of 1987. She is survived by daughters, Linda Campbell-Ritchey of Brighton, MI., Sharon Pettit of San Antonio, TX. and Barbara Turner of OR. Six grandchildren and five great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Victor Higginbotham and one grandson. Mrs. Schrolucke was a member of the Lutheran Church. Private graveside services will be held at Cedar Point Cemetery in Pasco. Arrangements are being conducted by the Cromes Funeral Home, 302 S. Main Ave. Sidney, OH.


The Plain Dealer 08/12/2010

Mark J. Higginbotham (1949-2010) OH

MARK J. HIGGINBOTHAM, age 60, of Parma. Beloved husband of Ann Marie (nee Matlak); loving father of David (Lisa), Dale (Lisa), Dean (Eva) and Dana; dear grandfather of Taylor, Matthew, Nicholas, April, Abbey, Ashley, Timothy, Emilia and Sydnie; devoted son of James and Claire Higginbotham; dear brother of Mary Jane Keller (Jim), John (Joanne) (former wife, Tina), Brian (Jean), Lynn Geddis (Don) and the late James (Josephine living); uncle of and friend of many. Passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010. Funeral Service at the funeral home Saturday, Aug. 14, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. Cremation by Busch Crematory. Friends may call at the BUSCH FUNERAL HOME, 7501 RIDGE RD., PARMA THURSDAY FROM 5-8 P.M. AND FRIDAY FROM 2-8 P.M. 440-842-7800.


Charleston (WV) Gazette 09/27/2010

Nora Higginbotham (1918-2010) WV/OH

Nora Higginbotham, 92, of McConnelsville, Ohio, died Sept. 25, 2010. Graveside service will be at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30, at Kanawha Valley Memorial Park Chapel, Glasgow. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, at Miller-Huck Funeral Home, McConnelsville, Ohio.


Cantonrep.com 10/15/2010

Benny Wade Higginbotham (1941-2010) OH

Born: 7/21/1941 Died: 10/14/2010

Benny W. Higginbotham, beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother, died October 14, 2010 in Hartville, OH of cancer, after creating a lifetime of memories together with family and friends. Benny was born July 21, 1941, to the late Tyson & Lona Higginbotham of Macon, MS. Benny attended Field High School and retired from Teledyne Monarch Rubber in Hartville. He was bestowed with the nickname “Dr. Doolittle” for his love of all animals, especially his granddogs Emmette, Bubba and Cody and the wild birds he fed each day. He was also blessed with a “green thumb” which he put to good use with his love of flowers and gardening. Benny will mostly be remembered for his friendly personality, wonderful laugh and how he enjoyed life to the fullest. Preceded in death by his daughter Rosemary, brother John Kellis and his beloved dog Willie; Benny is survived by his devoted wife of 48 yrs, Dorothy; his daughters and sons-in-law, Betsy (Michael) Pasko-Flaherty of Hartsville, SC, Kelly (Antonio) Fernandes of Stow; son & daughter-in-law, Kevin (Gina) Higginbotham of Florissant, CO; grandchildren, Ciena Rose and Hunter Wade of CO & Rui Carlos of Stow; brothers, Aaron Eugene (Mickey) of Wisconsin, Ralph (Pat) of Hartville, Tyson (Janet) of Tipp City. His family would love to express their sincere love and thank you to all Benny’s neighbors, especially Jim and Karen Joseph and Aultman Hospice (Anita Cross and Cathy Guess-Carson) for their tender loving care during Benny’s final days. Benny will be sadly missed by all but will remain in our hearts forever. In lieu of flowers please make donations to Aultman Hospice, 2821 Woodlawn Ave., NW, Canton, OH 44708. Per Benny’s wishes, there will be no services with interment in Mt. Peace Cemetery. (Hopkins Lawver, Akron, 330-733-6271) www.hopkinslawver.com.


The Columbus Dispatch 12/23/2010

William H. Higginbotham (1918-2010) OH

William Higginbotham, 92, of Grove City, OH, passed away December 16, 2010 in Hilliard, OH. He was born in Middleport, OH to Frank and Lena (Brannon) Higginbotham. Bill graduated from Point Pleasant High School, Class of 1937. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge Magnolia #20 F&AM in Columbus, OH since 1959. Bill was a U.S. Navy Veteran serving during WW II as a Seabee where he participated in the invasion of Okinawa. Bill was a self-employed building contractor for 35 years, building homes in Upper Arlington and Muirfield; the owner of Minuteman Antique Store in Derby, OH; and owner of Westside Cabinet and Supply for approximately 30 years. William was preceded in death by his parents, wife Caroline Danielson Higginbotham, grandson Michael Murphy, sisters Frances Long and Beulah Higginbotham and brother Carl Higginbotham. Surviving family includes, niece, Cheryl (Long) Hatfield of Pomeroy, OH; nephews, Howard Long of Columbus, OH and Franklin Leo Long of Hilliard, OH; June Rees; three grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; one great-great-granddaughter; many nieces and nephews; dedicated family member and caregiver, Jackie Unger Murphy; long-time family friends, the Ernest Stover family and good neighbors and friends. A gathering of family and friends will be held from 9-10 a.m. on December 27, 2010 with a memorial service conducted by Pastor Larry Baker at 10 a.m. at the NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME and CREMATORY, SW Chapel, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123. Interment will follow in Concord Cemetery.


The Plain Dealer 12/27/2010

Claire A. Schmitt Higginbotham (1929-2010) OH

CLAIRE A. HIGGINBOTHAM, age 81, of Parma; beloved wife, for 62 years, of James Herbert.; beloved daughter of the late Joseph and Julia Schmitt; loving mother of the late Mark (Ann-living), Mary Jane Keller (Jim), the late James, (Josephine-living), John (Joanne), Tina, Brian (Jean), and Lynn Geddis (Don); dear grandmother of David (Lisa), Dale (Lisa), Dean (Eva), Dana, Shannon Ferrara (Dan), Lindsey Brisbine (Adam), Michael, Steven, Tony (Nicole), Kelly Kokis (Nick), Kristy Ripple (Stephen), Kyle, Kurt, and Nicole Douglas (Paul); dear sister of Betty Kummerlen (James-deceased); dear aunt of Kevin Kummerlen (Sue), Jean Mandato (Joseph), Julie Zmarazek (James); dear great-grand-mother of nineteen; and friend of many. Passed away, at her home, on Christmas Eve, 2010. Memorials may be forwarded to Seasons of Life Hospice-Parma, 7007 Powers Blvd., Parma, OH 44129. Claire's Life Celebration at the Funeral Home, at 9 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian Burial, at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 5891 Ridge Rd., Parma, on Wednesday, December 29, 2010, at 11:30 a.m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Brook Park. Friends may call at the BUSCH FUNERAL HOME, 7501 RIDGE RD., PARMA, FROM 2 - 4 AND 6 - 8 P.M. ON TUESDAY. 440-842-7800


The Columbus Dispatch 01/30/2011

Vivian Louise Higginbotham Simpson (1928-2011) OH

Vivian Louise Simpson born April 5, 1928, died January 28, 2011. Loving wife, mother, and grandmother. She will be dearly missed by her husband of 57 years, Richard P. Simpson; her children, Marsha (Brooks) Young of Pickerington, OH, Jeff (Karen) Simpson of Mountain View, CA, Rhonda (Tony) Berger of Beavercreek, OH, and Greg (Karen) Simpson of Loveland, OH; her grandchildren Taylor (Tyler), Mason, Hunter, and Marielle Young, Sophie and Max Simpson, Bijayta and Felicia Berger, Bridget and Jason Simpson; and her great-granddaughter, Aubrey Young. Preceded in death by her parents Clarence and Lucy Higginbotham. Survived by her sister, Wilma (Vincent) Suprynowicz of Marlborough, CT; and numerous relatives and friends. Mom dedicated her life to her family. She loved her grandbabies very much. She was the best dog sitter and fudge maker. She was always sewing and made everything from prom dresses to the world's softest baby blankets. She worked at Greenville High School as the attendance secretary. Originally from St. Clairsville, OH, Vivian lived for many years in Greenville, OH and most recently resided in Pickerington, OH. Vivian died of pneumonia after suffering from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. A memorial service celebrating Vivian's life will be held in the spring. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Alzheimer's Association , Central Ohio Chapter, 3380 Tremont Road, Columbus, Ohio 43221 in her memory. We will miss you Mom. Arrangements by DWAYNE R. SPENCE FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY.


The Columbus Dispatch 01/31/2011

Mona J. Ellis Adkins Asbury Higginbotham (1925-2011) WV/OH

Mona Higginbotham, age 85, of Columbus, passed away Saturday, January 29, 2011. Mona was born and raised in Logan, West Virginia, daughter of the late Griff and Molly Ellis. Also preceded in death by her three husbands Virgil Adkins, Walter Asbury, and Earl Higginbotham, three brothers and one sister. She will be missed by her loving daughters, Phyllis Adams, Shirley Catalina, Deanna (Joseph) Zink, and Peggy Ford; ten grandchildren; 26 great-grand-children; 14 great-great-grand-children; siblings, Nellie Casserta, Edith Cox, and Art Ellis; and many other extended family members and dear friends. Funeral service will be held at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at SCHOEDINGER EAST CHAPEL, 5360 E. Livingston Ave., where family will receive friends from 10:30 a.m. until time of service. Interment Glen Rest Memorial Estate.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 02/01/2011

Audrey R. Higginbotham Padgett (1930-2011) OH

Audrey R. (nee Higginbotham). Beloved wife of the late Edward C. Padgett. Devoted mother of Stephen, Mark (Norma) and Phil (Kathy) Padgett. Also survived by 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Died Sun. Jan. 30, 2011. Age 80. Resident of Pleasant Ridge. Visitation Weds. Feb. 2nd from 11AM until time of Funeral Service at 1PM both at Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Home 10211 Plainfield Rd (just south of Glendale-Milford Rd). In lieu of flowers memorials to American Diabetes Association.


Chillicothe Gazette 02/01/2011

Irene E. Cochenour Higginbotham (1948-2011) OH

Irene (Cochenour) Higginbotham, age 62, of Frankfort, went home to be in eternal rest with her Savior, Jesus Christ, following a courageous and extended battle with cancer. Irene was a caring and generous mother who loved unconditionally. She was known as Grandma “Higgy” and was an unconditional friend to her children and granddaughters. Irene was also known as “Mom” to so many that met her. Her motherly instinct was innate. She was a great sister throughout her lifetime. She gave to everyone, even if it meant she herself did without. She was a dedicated homemaker and a revered caregiver for the elderly and the sick. She enjoyed the company of everyone; and anyone who visited her was fed a home cooked meal. Her passion was people and she loved to talk on the telephone. She was born in Knockemstiff, Ohio, and was the youngest child of Carl J. Cochenour and Anna G. (Chaney) Cochenour, who preceded her in death. She was the beloved and faithful wife of the late Emanuel L. Higginbotham (of 34 years) whom she mourned since his death in July, 2001. She was her husband's and mother’s loyal caregiver during their extended illness. She is survived by her children, Glen (Beth) Higginbotham of Frankfort, Tonia (Tim) (Higginbotham) Nesser of Olive Hill, KY, and Emanuel C. Higginbotham of Columbus. She is survived by her constant and dedicated caregiver of the past two years, Francisco “Paco” Garcia, of Chillicothe, who she highly regarded as her son. She is survived by her grandchildren, Elizabeth and Alexis Nesser of Olive Hill, KY., Talli, Emily, Aubree, and Josie Higginbotham of Frankfort, and Daisey Mae of Columbus. She is survived by siblings, Melvin (Barbara) Cochenour of Chillicothe, Lauretta Watkins of Waverly, and Calvin (Gladys) Cochenour of Bartow, FL. Also surviving are extended family, Dixie Harvey, Susan Smith, Johnny Higginbotham, Dean Smith, Beverly Higginbotham, Robin (Higginbotham) Corey, all of Frankfort; Clara Thomas of Waverly, Sara Detty of Chillicothe, special friend Mike Abernathy, of Frankfort, as well as scores of cousins, nieces and nephews; and friends that she considered dear family in Mexico and Venezuela. Irene was preceded in death by a brother, Carl “Junior” Cochenour, of Chillicothe, and extended family, Fred Watkins, of Waverly, and Ted Higginbotham and Diane Smith, both formerly of Frankfort. Calling hours for friends and family will be at Irene’s residence at 69 Anderson Avenue, Frankfort, from 4-8 pm on Friday. Funeral services will be held at 1pm on Saturday at THE EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, 55 West Springfield St., Frankfort, with Rev. Rick Hartley officiating. Interment will follow at Greenlawn Cemetery in Frankfort. Due to her passion and need to give and provide for others, the family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Good Samaritan Food Pantry of 133 East 7th Street, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601. Irene would also wish for the reader to know that her Savior, Jesus Christ, is indeed real and gives eternal life. This is not the end for so it is written; “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9)


The Marion Star 03/26/2011

Nancy Lou Columber Higginbotham (1939-2011) OH

RICHWOOD: Nancy Lou Higginbotham, age 71 of Richwood died early Friday morning, March 25, 2011 at home with her loving husband and family by her side. She was born December 9, 1939 in Marion to the late Walter Vernon and Helen Irene (Temple) Columber. Nancy was a homemaker in every sense of the word. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, and her life revolved around family. On May 19, 1956 she married Glen "Ray" Higginbotham in LaRue and he survives. She is also survived by three sons, Terry (Lucy) Higginbotham, Richwood; Vernon (Mary Ann) Higginbotham, Marysville; Glen II (Tammy), Higginbotham, Bellefontaine; three daughters, Penny (Todd) Ward, Richwood, Patty (Pat) Kratowicz, Essex, and Peggy (Ron) Eastman, Mt. Victory; two brothers, William (Sandy) Columber, LaRue and Robert (Carol) Columber, Marion; 17 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Vernon. Private graveside services will take place at Price Cemetery. In keeping with Nancy's wishes, there will be no public calling hours. Memorial gifts may be made to Loving Care Hospice, P. O. Box 613, Marysville, OH 43040.


Dayton Daily News 4/20/2011

John Lewis Higinbothom (1929-2011) OH

Higinbothom, John (Jack), 81, of Enon assed away on April 17, 2011. He was born in Springfield. Ohio, June 22, 1929 to Britain C. and Mable (Musser) Higinbothom. He was an alumnus of Enon High School. Mr. Higinbothom worked at the Wickes Lumber Company and retired from Wolohan Lumber Company and Mad River Local School District where he worked as a bus driver. He enjoyed his family and Hobbies such as golf, hunting and fishing. John was an avid sports fan including the Cincinnati Bengals and Reds, NASCAR, and his beloved Ohio State University. He was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Iris Bernie; and former wife, Martha Woods Higinbothom. John is survived by his wife of 56 years, Nancy Smith Higinbothom; three daughters, Susan (Bob) Bowen, Carrie Higinbothom, both of New Carlisle, Gae (Lynn) Linson, of Bellefontaine; and two sons, Dale (Kathy) Higinbothom and Brit (Michelle) Higinbothom, both of Dayton. Also grandchildren Danielle Bowen, Aimee Ice, Stephanie Linson, Dennis Linson, Justin Higinbothom and great-grandchildren, Levi and Canyon Ice, and sister, Julia Harris of Urbana. Viewing will be held 5-7 pm Wednesday, April 20th with the funeral services 10:00 am Thursday, April 21, 2011 at Adkins Funeral Home, Enon, Ohio. Burial will follow in the Enon Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family asks for donations to the American Cancer Society-Clark County, 2808 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206.


Springfield News-Sun 05/01/2011

Carven Higginbotham (1912-2011) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM, Carven 98, departed this life April 27, 2011. He was born September 1, 1912 the son of Marion and Hattie (Peaks) Higginbotham. His memory will be cherished by his daughters, Lillie Higginbotham and Andrea High; grandson, Theo High II; 2 nieces, 3 nephews, several great and great-great nieces and nephews, cousins and other relatives and friends. Mr. Higginbotham retired from Springfield City Schools, Ganter Screw Products and Turn All Machine Shop. Visitation will be Monday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home until the time of the service at 1 p.m. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Arrangements provided by the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home.


Kentucky Enquirer 05/03/2011

Sheila Dawn Higginbotham (1978-2011) OH
Sheila Dawn, loving mother of Jaden Andrew, beloved daughter of Linda and Paul Higginbotham, cherished sister of Tasha Ayers and Anthony Higginbotham. Sheila, a resident of Pierce Township, passed away April 29, 2011 at the age of 32. Visitation will be held Tuesday, May 3 from 6-8 PM at E.C. Nurre Funeral Home in Amelia. Funeral service Wednesday, May 4 at 10 AM at the funeral home. Memorial contributions in her honor may be made to the Animal Rescue Fund, 1300 W. Ohio Pike, Amelia, OH 45102.


The Repository 06/29/2011

Patricia L. Contini Higginbotham (1942-2011) OH

Patricia L. "Patti" Higginbotham 69, of Canton died Saturday, June 25, 2011 at Aultman Hospital. Born May 9, 1942 in Dover she was a daughter of the late Peter and Martha Trucinski Contini. She was also preceded in death by her sister, Sharon Sweitzer. Patti is survived by her husband, Nelson Higginbotham; children, Bret Edward Gaff of California, Beth Anne (Mel) Beal of Florida and Ashley Sharon Higginbotham of Canton; stepdaughters, Suzanne (Tom) Fedorka of Boston, Mass., Amy (Tom) Harman of Akron and Ellen (Jason) Hathaway of Uniontown; brother, Dennis (June) Contini of Dover; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Per Patti's request, private graveside services were held with interment in the Calvary Cemetery at Dover. Services had been entrusted to the Toland-Herzig Funeral Home and Crematory at Dover.  Those wishing to express their fondest memories of Patti may do so by visiting the on line obituaries link on the funeral homes website.


The Akron Beacon Journal 8/7/2011

Carl Rayford Higginbottom (1959-2011) OH

Carl Rayford Higginbottom passed for labor to reward on August 2, 2011, surrounded by family and loved ones. He was a resident of Akron, Ohio for most of his life. Carl was born on June 29, 1959, in Akron, Ohio.

Carl attended Akron public schools, graduating from Buchtel High School in 1977. He was involved in the construction trade for many years. In 1986 he was joined in marriage to the late Carol Frances Griffin Higginbottom. Throughout their marriage the happy couple resided in Jacksonville, Florida. After her untimely death Carl returned to his native Akron.

Carl enjoyed spending time with family and friends, playing chess and fishing. A true 1970's man, Carl treasured rhythm and blues music. Among his favorite artists were the Commodores, Earth, Wind, and Fire and Prince. Over the course of the last two decades Carl was challenged by several medical conditions. He was a peaceful spirit whose life was reflected in the song by the Commodores, "East Like Sunday Morning." One of his last memories was visiting with his grandson on July 31, 2011.

Preceded in death by his wife, Carol Frances Griffin Higginbottom, father, Bishop Alex Higginbottom; and sister, Patricia Higginbottom-Morgan.

He leaves to mourn his passing his parents, Mildred and Bishop Richard Hubbard  Jr. of Cleveland, Ohio; son, Carl Jonathan (CJ) Blake of Forestville, Maryland; daughter, Chelsea E. Blake of Akron; grandson, Ladainian J. Blake, of Akron; sister, Aleathea G. Higginbottom of Akron; brother, Dale (Nadia) Higginbottom of Germany; brother, William (Billy) Higginbottom of Atlanta, Georgia; stepbrothers, Ronald Hubbard of Cleveland, Richard III (Carolyn) Hubbard of Cleveland, Reginald (Faith) Hubbard of Cleveland, Darrell (Ruby) Hubbard of Cleveland, stepsister, Jackie Hubbard of Cleveland; mother-in-law, Shirley F. Griffin of Akron, Ohio; uncle, Jack Taylor and host of nieces and nephews.

The wake will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 11 a.m. followed by the funeral service at noon. All services will be conducted at the Sommerville Funeral Services, 1695 Diagonal Road, Akron, Ohio 44320. Condolences may be sent to the Carl R. Higginbottom family at 928 Bisson Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44307.


Advertiser-Tribune 8/15/2011

Steven R. Higginbotham (1953-2011) OH

Steven R. Higginbotham, 57, of Carey, died at 12:30 a.m. Aug. 14, 2011, at Autumnwood Care Center, Tiffin.
He was born Nov. 12, 1953, in Upper Sandusky to Burton and Josie (Ward) Higginbotham. He married Mary Linda Chavana and they divorced. He later married Sandy Leeth and they divorced.
Surviving are a son, Steven R. Higginbotham Jr. of Carey; three grandchildren; a brother, Rick Higginbotham of Tiffin; and two sisters, Deb Soto of Carey and Sharon Roth of Bascom.
A brother, Ronald Higginbotham, is deceased.

Toothman Funeral Home 8/17/2011

Sally Lou Clark Hickenbottom (1934-2011) OH

Sally L. Hickenbottom, age 77, of Hilliard, passed away, Tuesday, August 16, 2011. She was a 1952 graduate of Martins Ferry High School; a 1955 graduate of Ruth Brant School of Nursing; a member of Hilliard Church of Christ; she was a retired RN from East Ohio Regional Hospital and enjoyed volunteering for Valley Hospice. She was preceded in death by parents Thomas Ward Clark and Mary Margaret Davis. Survived by her loving husband of 55 years Ernest Hickenbottom, children Barbara Stewart, Karen Hatley, Steve (Melinda) Hickenbottom, sister Peggy (Larry) Reed, grandchildren Jacob Stewart, Ethan Stewart, Brittney Beckett, Brianna Beckett and Haley Hickenbottom, 2 great grandchildren and 2 nieces. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the doctors and staff at HomeReach Hospice. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Valley Hospice, 308 Mount Saint Joseph Road, Wheeling, WV 26003. Friends will be received on Friday from 11 a.m. until time of memorial service at 12 Noon at Toothman Funeral Home, St. Clairsville, OH.


The Columbus Dispatch from Sep. 23 to Sep. 24, 2011

Sue F. Hickenbottom Gillotte (1940-2011) OH

GILLOTTE Susie "Sue" Gillotte, 70, of Logan, passed away Thursday, September 22, 2011 at Riverside Methodist Hospital. She was born November 7, 1940 in St. Clairsville, OH, daughter of the late Alonzo and Margaret Monahan Hickenbottom. In addition to her parents, Sue was preceded in death by her siblings Ed, Bob, Alice and Jean Hickenbottom. She was a member of Christian Center Church for over 30 years. Sue is survived by her husband, Don Gillotte; son, Terry (Debbie) Gillotte; daughter, Pamela Olzak; brothers, Sonny (Ruth), Brad (Janie) and Gary Hickenbottom; sisters, Helen Ann (Jim) Hanna, Mary Abel and Merle (Ralph) Nester; grandchildren, Blake, Alysa, Madison, Marissa and Logan; great-grandson, Ashton. Visitation will be Monday, September 26, 2011 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Christian Center Church, 298 S. Rocky Fork Dr., Gahanna, with the funeral service beginning at 1 p.m. Interment will be in Northlawn Memory Gardens. Arrangements have been entrusted to NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME NE CHAPEL, 3047 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., Columbus.  Sue was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother that will be sorely missed by all who had the privilege to know her.


Chillicothe Gazette 09/27/2011

Lillie M. Higginbotham Lemaster (1918-2011) OH

Lillie M. Lemaster, 93, of Troy, formerly of Frankfort, died Saturday evening at her home. She was born on February 27, 1918 the daughter of the late Christopher E. and Susan Smith Higginbotham. On January 21, 1937 she married Ray Lemaster who preceded her in death on February 27, 1981. Surviving are her children, Barbara (James) Broughton of Troy, Raymond (Karlon) Lemaster of Chilton, Texas, Carl (Vicki) Lemaster of Kingston, Mike (Ruth) Lemaster, and David (Karen) Lemaster, both of Chillicothe; grandchildren, Jim, Richard, Patricia, Tammy, Rhonda, Aaron, Chad, Melissa, Desireè; 14 great-grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a grandson, James Edward; sisters, Willia, Naomi, Mary Alice, Lucinda, Mildred; brothers, Kelsey, Albert, Frank, and William. Lillie retired from the Bridge Street Bob Evans after twenty years of service. She was a member of the Frankfort Senior Citizens. She was a member at the Lattaville United Methodist Church where she sang in the choir, was a member of the women's group, and worked as custodian for many years. Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at the Lattaville United Methodist Church with Rev. Terry Washburn officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort. Friends may call at the EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort on Tuesday (today) from 6 to 8 p.m.


The Columbus Dispatch 10/13/2011

Ulysses Rowling Higginbotham Jr. (1924-2011) OH

SFC Ulysses R. Higginbotham, Jr. Retired Army, passed peacefully Saturday, October 8, 2011 after a long illness. He was born May 9, 1924 in Columbus, Ohio. During his service to our country, he received many awards: Soldiers Medal, Bronze Star with Valor, Purple Heart, Army Commendation, Good Conduct w/5th Award, American Campaign, European African Middle East Campaign (5 campaigns), WWII Victory, Army Occupation, National Defense Medal w/3rd Award, Vietnam Service Medal (4 campaigns), and The Republic of Vietnam Campaign. He enjoyed fishing, traveling and watching The Ohio State Buckeyes, The Dallas Cowboys, and the Clippers (Baseball). Predeceased by his parents Ulysses and Lucille Higginbotham. He leaves to cherish his memory his daughter, Gerlinde Higginbotham (David Black); a sister, Ellen Higginbotham; nephews, Douglas Higginbotham and Darryl Higginbotham; cousins, Dorothy Morrison, Arizena Graham, Tiana Yullie; and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral service, with Military Honors, 11 a.m. Saturday, October 15, 2011 in the chapel of DIEHL-WHITTAKER FUNERAL SERVICE, 720 E. Long St. The family will receive friends at the mortuary Saturday, 10 a.m. until the start of services.


The Columbus Dispatch 11/17/2011

Patty Lou Noble Higginbotham (1936-2011) OH

Patty Lou Higginbotham, 75, Columbus, passed away Wednesday, November 16, 2011, surrounded by her loving family. Patty was born in Columbus, OH on January 12, 1936, to Willard and Margaret (Bush) Noble and is preceded in death by her parents and a sister Norma Jean Noble. Survivors include her daughters, Veronica (Jim) McGranahan and Margaret (Mike) Allen; brother, Charles Noble; grandchildren, Tabitha (Steve) Castro, James McGranahan Jr., Dustin Wilson; companion, Raymond Russell; nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends. Visitation will be held on Saturday, November 19, 2011, 3-6 p.m. at NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME, NE Chapel, 3047 East Dublin Granville Road, Columbus, OH.


The Columbus Dispatch on Mar. 22, 2012

Nell Anderson Higginbotham Burnette (1918-2012) WV/OH

Nell A. Burnette, age 93, longtime resident of Upper Arlington, passed away March 21, 2012. Nell was born in Richwood, West Virginia, daughter of the late Roscoe and Virginia Anderson. She is also preceded in death by her beloved husband James Miller Burnette, daughter Bobbi Hosner-Love, and siblings Lane and Hilda Anderson. Nell was a woman who had a great spirit. She was caring and kind and always made people laugh. She was a member of Boulevard Presbyterian Church for more than 50 years and was also a member of the Presbyterian Woman's Association. Nell enjoyed sewing, cooking and baking, and was an animal lover. She will be greatly missed by her sister and friend, Helen Taylor; grandson, James Ryan Hosner; step-daughter, Kaye (Cecile) Reynolds; nieces, Debbie (Jeff) Porter, Carol (Tom) Radloff; nephew, Bill (Renee) Taylor; great nieces and nephew, Kristin (Fred) Dreher, Karrie (Jonathan) Nowak, Natalie Taylor, and Todd Taylor (Kimberly) Radloff; and many other extended family members and dear friends. Graveside funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 24, 2012 at Union Cemetery, 3349 Olentangy River Rd. Family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Friday at SCHOEDINGER NORTHWEST CHAPEL, 1740 Zollinger Rd. Memorial Contributions may be made to Boulevard Presbyterian Church, 1235 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43212. To share memories or condolences, please visit www.schoedinger.com.


The Plain Dealer 05/11/2012

James Herbert Higginbotham (ca1926-2012) OH

JAMES HERBERT HIGGINBOTHAM, age 86, of Parma. Beloved husband of the late Claire A. Higginbotham (nee Schmitt) for 62 years; beloved son of the late Oscar and Magdalena Higginbotham; loving father of the late Mark (Ann, living), Mary Jane Keller (Jim), the late James J. (Josephine, living), John (Joanne), Brian (Jean), Tina and Lynn Geddis (Don); dear grandfather of David (Lisa), Dale (Lisa), Dean (Eva), Dana, Shannon Ferrara (Dan), Lindsey Brisbine (Adam), Michael, Steven, Tony (Nicole), Kelly Kokis, Kristy Ripple (Stephen), Katie Lewis (James), Alex Sterba, Kyle, Kurt and Nicole Douglas (Paul); great-grandfather of 22; dear brother of Margaret Roehl (deceased) (Glenn, deceased) and Gertrude Schreier (John, deceased); brother-in-law of the late Betty Kummerlen (James, deceased); dear uncle, great-uncle and friend of many. Retired as Battalion Chief of the Cleveland Fire Department after 30 years of dedicated service. Passed away on Thursday, May 10, 2012. Memorials may be forwarded to the Parma Educational Foundation, Inc., 5311 Longwood Ave., Parma, OH 44134. Please specify in the memo of your check "James J. Higginbotham Memorial Scholarship". Celebration of Life Service 9 a.m. at the funeral home Monday, May 14, 2012 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 5891 Ridge Rd., Parma at 10:30 a.m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Brook Park. Friends may call at the BUSCH FUNERAL HOME, 7501 RIDGE RD., PARMA.


The Repository 06/16/2012

Juanita Louise Higginbotham Thoroughgood (1927-2012) WV/OH

It is with great sadness that the family of Juanita Louise (Higginbotham) Thoroughgood gives notice of her passing very early on Friday, June 15, 2012. Juanita passed peacefully with her family surrounding her. She was preceded in death by her husband of 56 years, Warren E. Thoroughgood in 2007 and by brothers, Verlin Higginbotham, Eugene Higginbothan and sister, Janet Ruth Johnson. She was born in Charleston, W.Va. on April 8, 1927 and Warren was born in Philadelphia, Pa. Between those two accents, we think most of the time they were speaking different languages. She was sweet as pie and just as feisty. She fed anything with a mouth, wore a size 7.5 shoe (regardless of how it actually fit), and right up to the end, could spot a new accessory on someone within seconds of your arrival. She said words like, pocketbook, commode, bloomers, billfold, and gad-leg. They lived in France and Germany while Warren was in the Army, swing-dancing their time away in all the great ballrooms to all the great swing bands of the era. Juanita's shoes were always tossed well before the end of the night. She had her hair cut, permed, dyed, and styled every week and "that girl never did it right,' but she always went back. She left high school to help take care of her siblings. She hated her handwriting (it was beautiful) and never, ever knew how smart she really was. Juanita, just as Warren, donated her body to the Cleveland Clinic for research. Her family is so incredibly proud of them for realizing the greater good and wanting to give back in their last action on this earth. They taught us that you do not have to be perfect, but you do have to care...and be there. They were always there. We will forever miss and love them both. As long as they are remembered they will never be gone. Juanita is survived by her daughter, Debra (Thoroughgood) Perry and son-in-law, Douglas and loving grandchildren, Amanda C. Perry and Laura N. Perry, all of Canton. Also by her sisters, Margaret Ann Hensley of Akron, Ohio, Emogene Kiser of South Charleston, W.Va. and her nieces and nephews. We would like to express our gratitude to the loving staff and special residents at Hospitality House for their tender care of Juanita for the years she was there and for the support of Harbor Light Hospice at the end of her life.


Toothman Funeral Home 8/21/2012

Mary Elizabeth Hickenbottom Abel (1936-2012) OH

Mary Elizabeth Abel, 75, of Cadiz, Ohio died Monday, August 20, 2012 in Ohio Valley Medical Center, [Wheeling, West Virginia]. She was born in East Richland, Ohio, September 3, 1936, daughter of the late Alonzo Earl Hickenbottom and Susie Margaret Monahan Hickenbottom. Mary Elizabeth enjoyed bingo and spending time with family and friends. She was a graduate from Franklin High School in 1954; she lived in Niagara Falls, New York for 44 years. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Sherman Hart Abel, Jr.; a son, Douglas Michael Abel, Sr.; a sister, Susie Gillotte; 2 step-brothers, Ed Hickenbottom and Bob Painter; and 2 step-sisters, Alice and Norma Jean. Surviving are 2 sons, Melvin Robert Abel of Niagara Falls , NY and Brad Hart Abel of Flushing, Ohio; 6 grandchildren, Jeannine, Christie, Jacob, Douglas Jr. (Karen), Nick (Michelle) and Mark; 3 great grandchildren, Lauren Rose, Addison and Alana; 3 brothers, A.E. (Ruth) Hickenbottom of Summerville, SC, Gary (Barbara) Hickenbottom of Jacksonville, Fla and Brad (Jane) Hickenbottom of Washington Court House, OH; 2 sisters, Helen Ann (Jim) Hanna of Orange Park, Fla and Merle (Ralph) Nester of Holloway, OH. Friends will be received at Toothman Funeral Home in St. Clairsville, Ohio on Saturday from 9 a.m. until time of services at 11 a.m. with Brad Hickenbottom officiating. Burial will follow in Holly Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Grove, Ohio.


Pomeroy Daily Sentinel 08/22/2012

Dorothy Mae Higginbotham Evans (1919-2012) OH

Dorothy Mae Evans, 93, of Middleport, Ohio, passed away on August 20, 2012, at Rocksprings Nursing Center. She was born on July 25, 1919, in Middleport daughter of the late George Allen Higginbotham and Mattie Bell Pickens Higginbotham. She is survived by her grandchildren, Pam (Dennis) Wolfe of Syracuse, Ohio, Christy Jones of Pomeroy, and Jay (Debbie) Evans of Pomeroy; great-grandchildren, Amber Blackston, Jorden and J.T. Evans; great-great-grandchildren, Reilly and Beckham Veon; daughter-in-law, Ann Werry of Pomeroy. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil F. Evans, and son, James Frederick Evans Sr. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2012, at the Anderson McDaniel Funeral Home in Middleport, Ohio. Burial will follow at Gravel Hill Cemetery. Friends and family visitation will be from 1-2: p.m. on Thursday at the funeral home.


Ingram Funeral Home 10/8/2012

Eric B. Higinbotham (1964-2012) OH

Eric B. Higinbotham, 48, of Marysville died Monday evening, October 8th. He was formerly employed at the Honda of America Automotive Plant.
Eric was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting and was a member of the NRA. He also enjoyed history, especially military and war history, and was a motorcycle enthusiast.
He was born July 2, 1964 at Memorial Hospital to Gary B. Higinbotham and the late Nadia M. Shuran Higinbotham. He was married October 24, 1992 at St. Johns Lutheran Church to the former Jodeen "Jody" Rausch.
Eric is survived by his wife of 20 years, Jody; his father, Gary of Marysville; a step-son, Chris Frazee and his special friend Carol Spurgin of Bexley; a sister, Paula A. (John) Kehlbeck of Marysville; a brother, Erin B. (Amy) Higinbotham of Milford Center; 3 nephews, Matthew Kehlbeck and Brian & A.J. Higinbotham.
Calling hours will be Thursday from 6-8pm at the Ingram Funeral Home. A memorial service will be held at 11am Friday with the Rev. James Taylor officiating. Burial will follow at Oakdale Cemetery.
Friends may contribute, in Eric's memory, to their favorite charity in care of Ingram Funeral Home.



Larcie Cledis Higginbotham (1930 - 2012) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Larcie C. of Loveland, OH. Beloved husband of Annis Higginbotham for 62 years. Loving father of Kathy (Mike) Gentry and Melisa (Bob) Murphy. Cherished grandfather of Keli Gentry, Brandyn and Ashley LaFarge. Dear brother of Alice, Waldon, Jackie Higginbotham, Phyllis Hardwick and Joyce Smith. Passed away peacefully on Dec. 17, 2012 at the age of 82. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, Dec. 22nd at 12 Noon at Tufts Schildmeyer Funeral Home, 129 N. Riverside Dr., Loveland where friends and family will be received from 10 AM until the hour of service. Memorial contributions can be directed to Hospice of Cincinnati, C/O Bethesda Foundation, Inc., PO Box 633597, Cincinnati, OH 45263. Burial will be held at Maineville Cemetery under full military honors. Cledis was a United States Army Korean War Veteran. Rev. Ron Corbin and Rev. Gary Stringer will be officiating the services for Cledis. Pallbearers for Cledis will be Mike Gentry, Bob Murphy, Bill Meenach, Matt Stromberg, Glenn Martin.


Heraldmail.com 2/28/2013

Marilyn Hickenbottom Findley (1930-2013) OH/MD
JULY 25, 1930-FEB. 27, 2013
Marilyn Hickenbottom Findley, 82, of Hagerstown, Md., passed away Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013, at her home.
Born July 25, 1930, in Barnesville, Ohio, she was the daughter of the late John Henry and Eva Gertrude Bethel Hickenbottom.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Archie Matthew Findley Jr., on March 28, 2012.
She was a graduate of Barnesville High School, Barnesville, and Hagerstown Junior College School of Nursing, Hagerstown.
She was employed as a registered nurse at Western Maryland Hospital Center, Hagerstown, until retiring in 1993. She was a member of Church of the Holy Trinity UCC, Hagerstown.
Survivors include daughter, Joyce A. Bussard and her husband, John, of Hagerstown; son, Dale E. Findley and his wife, Linda, of Clear Spring, Md.; son, Gary A. Findley of Sharpsburg, Md.; son, Archie M. Findley III and his wife, Carol, of Hagerstown; son, John W. Findley of Boonsboro, Md.; son, James C. Findley and his companion, Grace, of Williamsport, Md.; sister, Dorothy E. Motter of Albuquerque, N.M.; sister, Carolyn B. Campbell of Barnesville; nine grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.
She was predeceased by two brothers, Paul M. Hickenbottom and Everett R. Hickenbottom; and one sister, Margaret J. Hickenbottom.
The family will receive friends at Osborne Funeral Home, 425 S. Conococheague St., Williamsport, on Sunday, March 3, 2013, from 6 to 8 p.m. The funeral home will be open after 1 p.m. Sunday for the convenience of family and friends.
Funeral services will be held at Osborne Funeral Home, 425 S. Conococheague St., Williamsport, on Monday, March 4, 2013, at 11 a.m., with the Rev. Timothy Leighton officiating. Interment will be in Rest Haven Cemetery, Hagerstown.
Memorial donations may be made to Church of the Holy Trinity UCC, 17805 Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740.


The Repository 04/21/2013

Helen Myrtis Weaver Higginbotham (1928-2013) MS/OH

On April 17, 2013, Helen M. Higginbotham, 84, longtime resident of Canton went to be with her Lord and to be reunited with her husband JC Higginbotham and loved ones. She was born Sept. 26, 1928 in Kemper County, Miss. to the late Clyde and Emma (Simmons). Helen married JC Higginbotham on Aug. 1, 1947 after his honorable discharge from the Marines. In 1950, they made their home in Hartville where she worked at Isley and IGA. Helen also worked at the Meyers Lake IGA. Her loved ones were often told of the memories she had working and the people that she had met. She was an original member of the Hartville Apostolic Gospel Church where she served on the Ladies Auxiliary Group. Helen was always devoted to her entire family and was a loving wife, mother and Nana. She was very patriotic and always made sure an American flag was on display in the yard. One of her favorite pastimes was sharing orange slices and hitting balloons with her youngest great-grandson, Lucas. Lucas was able to bring a smile to her face and laughter to her life. Lucas, would yell, 'Get it, Nana!' and she would laugh as he expected her to jump out of her chair and hit the balloons. If you ever needed to know anything about flowers, birds, cooking or recipes, Helen was the one you could ask. When you came to Helen's home you could always count on having ' real food' with ice tea. Helen learned to cook at a very young age and some of her specialties were biscuits, cornbread, chicken and dressing, Mississippi-mud cake, and of course a 'mess' of turnip greens or other vegetables. She was a wonderful southern cook.' If you leave hungry, its your own fault!' would be words that you would hear often at her home after a meal. Nana, as she was affectionately called by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, reminded them always how proud she and Papa were of their many accomplishments. She would often strike up conversations with strangers telling them about ALL of her ‘youngins'. She would talk about how wonderful her son, daughter, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were. Helen spoke fondly of her entire family including relatives she might not see on daily basis, but that were always close to her heart. Preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, J.C. Higginbotham and eight siblings; her sweet cat, Baby; and her grandchildren's dogs, Dakota and Dizzy, all whom she loved dearly. Helen is survived by daughter, Glenda Sellers and son, Ronald Higginbotham; grandchildren, Kirsten and Carlos Chavez, Donald II and Liz Sellers; great-grandchildren, Trenton, Nicolas and Lucas Chavez; niece, Joy Harris; nephew, Lowell (Carolyn) Goodin; and cousin, Gladys Jackson; along with many other relatives and friends. Friends may call two hours prior to services Wednesday 12 p.m.-2 p.m. in the Arnold Funeral Home Hartville. Funeral services will be in the funeral home at 2 p.m. with Pastor Marvin Thomas officiating. Final resting place is Mount Peace Cemetery.


The Plain Dealer 06/08/2013

Sara Inez Higginbotham Tucker (1925-2013) AL/OH

SARA INEZ TUCKER, age 88, of Parma, passed away peacefully on June 6, 2013. Sara is preceded in death by Amos, her beloved husband of 67 years. Loving mother of Mary Ann (Dallas) Case, Rebecca (James) Wimberly, Jerry (Cathy), Roger (Brenda) and Shelia (Richard) Mattix. Dear sister of Hoy (deceased) (Jeanette) Higginbotham, Alton (Jeanetta) (both deceased) and Reece (deceased) (Shirley). Cherished grandmother of 11 and great-grandmother of 18. The family will receive friends in celebration of Sara's life at HUMENIK FUNERAL CHAPEL, 14200 SNOW RD., BROOK PARK ON SUNDAY, JUNE 9 FROM 2-6 P.M. where funeral services will be held on Monday, June 10 at 10 A.M. Interment at Woodvale Cemetery.


The Columbus Dispatch from Jul. 18 to Jul. 19, 2013

Ernest E. Hickenbottom (1932-2013) OH

Ernest Hickenbottom, age 81, of Hilliard, passed away, Wednesday, July 17, 2013. Veteran of the US Air Force. Retired from the Federal Aviation Administration after 33 years of service. Member of Hilliard Church of Christ. Former member of Belmont County EMA; where he was an avid HAM radio operator. Preceded in death by loving wife of 55 years Sally Hickenbottom, brother Alvin Hickenbottom and parents William and Bessie Hickenbottom. Survived by children, Barbara Stewart, Karen Hatley, Steve (Melinda) Hickenbottom; grandchildren, Jacob Stewart, Ethan Stewart, Brittney Beckett, Brianna Beckett and Haley Hickenbottom; and two great grandchildren. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the doctors and staff at the Kobacker House. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to HomeReach Hospice, 180 East Broad St., FL 32, Columbus, OH 43215. Family will receive friends Saturday 1-3 p.m. at Toothmans Funeral Home, 141 S. Marietta St., St. Clairsville, OH 43950; where a memorial service will follow at 3 pm. Local arrangements completed by the TIDD FUNERAL HOME, Hilliard, OH.


Dostal Bokas Funeral Services 10/21/2013

Wayne Robert Heginbotham (1941-2013) OH

Wayne R. Heginbotham, age 72, passed away October 20, 2013.
Beloved husband of Joan (nee Shank); loving son of the late Gilbert and Rose (nee Kascik); dear brother of the late James (Claudia); cherished uncle of Beth McNulty (Jim), Susan Willoughby (Greg), Sandy Vidovich (Rob), Nancy Borgia (Joe, deceased), James "Chip" Heginbotham (Jane), Heidi Knapp (Tim), and Mandy and Caitie Heginbotham; great-uncle of many.
He was employed at General Motors for 19 years.
Memorial service Friday, October 25, 2013 at 7:00PM in the Chapel at Sunset Memorial Park, 6245 Columbia Rd., North Olmsted, where the family will receive friends on Friday from 3PM until the time of service.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to American Lung Assoc. of Ohio, 6100 Rockside Woods Blvd., #260, Independence 44131 or to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 17876 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 44119.

Point Pleasant Register 11/18/2013

Linda Lou Higginbotham Dunn (1942-2013) WV/OH

POMEROY — Linda Lou Dunn, 71, of Pomeroy, Ohio passed away Saturday, November 16, 2013, at Pleasant Valley Hospital. She was born at home in Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia on May 5, 1942 daughter of late Floyd and Grace Higginbotham. She married Handley Dunn on February 13, 1960. Linda was a faithful member of Faith Valley Tabernacle Church on Bailey Run Road. Linda is survived by her husband, Handley Dunn; son, Linden Dunn; daughter, Darlene Dunn; son and daughter-in-law, Jonathan and Dawana Dunn; grandson, Evan Dunn; granddaughter, Erin Dunn; sister, Zora Rawson; brother, Alvin Higginbotham; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by several brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, at the Anderson McDaniel Funeral Home in Middleport with Rev. J.R. Holsinger and Rev. William "Sonny" Mayes officiating. Burial will follow at Bradbury Cemetery. Visiting hours will be on Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.


Akron Beacon Journal
Akron Beacon Journal 11/21/2013

Joanne Marie Bauer Thompson Higginbotham (1951-2013) OH

Joanne M. Higginbotham passed away Monday, November 18, 2013 being greeted by her parents, Harold and Josephine Bauer; and brother-in-law, Thomas Harris. She leaves behind her children, Elsie J. (Joe) nee Thompson-Atkinson and Jodi R. (Donald) Scheck; her grandchildren: Jessica Atkinson, Ashley, Hannah and Hailey Scheck; brother, Donald (Marie) Bauer; sisters Sandra Harris, Betty (John) Walters; and many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at Bacher Funeral Home, 3250 Greenwich Rd., Norton on Friday, November 22 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. with services to be held on Saturday, November 23, at 10 a.m. Interment at Greenlawn Memorial Park. Bacher Funeral Home Norton, Ohio 330-825-3633.


Springfield News-Sun 01/12/2014

Leroy Higginbotham (1929-2013) OH/CA
HIGGINBOTHAM, Leroy (84) formerly of Springfield Ohio passed away on Thursday, December 12, 2013 in Los Angeles, CA. He was born on May 4, 1929 the son of Leroy Edgar and Mary (Woods) Higginbotham. Preceded him in death were his wife Joanne Kennette, daughter Joan Louise, siblings Marie, Richard and Robert. Those remaining to cherish his memories are: His children: Sharon Ann Reeves (Jervis), Pamela Lea Pittmon (Lonnie), Leroy Edward Higginbotham (Londy), twins Lisa Rene Bush (Cedell), Lori Lynette Smith (Rudy) and Howard Trotter (Son-In-Law); His siblings: Shirley Speakes, Patricia Kenerly, Juanita Robinson, Donna Perkins, Walter and Donald Higginbotham; His 12 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.


The Columbus Dispatch 02/18/2014

Dennis Franklin Higginbotham (1958-2014) WV/OH

Dennis "Sharky" Higginbotham, 56 of Grove City, passed away at The Kobacker House on February 15, 2014. Born on January 19, 1958 in Charleston, WV. Survived by wife of 2 years, Olivia (Stephens) Higginbotham; children, Destiny Higginbotham and Denzel Higginbotham; grandchild, Jordan Higginbotham; mother, Mildred Higginbotham; siblings, Wilma, Roy "Sunny" and Andre Higginbotham. Preceded in death by father Roy Higginbotham. Friends may call at NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY, SW Chapel, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, on Thursday, February 20, 2014 from 10 a.m. until time of service at 1 p.m. with Pastor Sullens officiating. Memorial contributions may be directed to The True Vine Church, 3496 Central Ave., Urbancrest, Ohio 43123.


 News Journal 02/21/2014

Dorothy Pauline Smith Higginbotham (1923-2014) OH

MANSFIELD: Dorothy Pauline Higginbotham, 90, of Mansfield, went home to be with the Lord on February 18, 2014. Born May 2, 1923 in East Liverpool, OH, she was the daughter of Okey and Laura (Goddard) Smith. In her free time, Dorothy enjoyed gardening, especially flowers, and always kept many house plants. She was a true homemaker who spent time quilting, crocheting, and reading. Dorothy also enjoyed VFW and Moose dances and playing Bingo. She was a loving mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She is survived by her children, Louise (Charles) Dulaney of Mansfield, Paul (Carol) Higginbotham of Smyrna, TN, Gloria (Robert) Mabe of Homosassa, FL, Roger Higginbotham of Tampa, FL, and Keith Higginbotham of Lexington; fifteen grandchildren; thirty great grandchildren; fifteen great great grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Dorothy was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Doy O'Dell Higginbotham; son, Doy O'Dell Jr.; one great great granddaughter and two great great grandsons; brothers, Bill and Evert Smith; and sisters, Hazel Lawson and Louise Headley. Funeral services, conducted by Pastor Edward Morton, will be Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the Diamond Street Home of Wappner Funeral Directors, 98 S. Diamond St., Mansfield. Friends may call at the funeral home from 10-11 a.m. A graveside service will take place Monday, February 24, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in Letart Falls Cemetery, E. Letart Road, Letart Falls, OH 45771. Memorial contributions may be made to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 5410 Transportation Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44125.


The Columbus Dispatch 02/28/2014

Bill Higginbotham (1931-2014) OH

Bill Higginbotham, age 82, passed away Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at Kobacker House Hospice. Born December 13, 1931 in Columbus, OH to the late Ludd and Virginia Higginbotham. Bill was a longtime member of the Hilliard Moose Lodge #2236 and an avid fisherman and boater. He enjoyed many sports. Survived by loving wife, Susie; children, Cathy (Terry) Wallace, Billy Higginbotham, Debbie (Doug) Hawthorne, Vicki (David) Inks, Jill Hager, Tammy (Glenn) Davis, Michael Higginbotham, Brenda (Larry) Lowry and Teri (Keith) Higginbotham; 18 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren; a host of good friends. Family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Kobacker House Hospice or American Cancer Society. A gathering for friends and family will be held Saturday, March 8, 2014 at the Hilliard Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #2236, 5370 Grace St. in Hilliard starting at 6 p.m. Arrangements with the TIDD FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY.


The Columbus Dispatch 04/08/2014

Mary Pauline Higginbotham Cantrell McCoy (1925-2014) WV/OH

Mary "Pauline" McCoy (Cantrell), age 88, passed away Sunday, April 6, 2014 at Gables at Green Pastures in Marysville, OH. Born May 26, 1925 in Grimms Landing, WV to the late Roy and Loshia Higginbotham. Life Member of Hilliard VFW Post #4931, Grove City American Legion Post #0164 and Fraternal Order of the Eagles #99999. Retired General Motors Employee. Longtime Volunteer with the Chillicothe Veteran's Hospital and outreach programs. Avid gardener, traveler and enjoyed crocheting. Preceded in death by parents, husband Ralph McCoy, son John "Bub" Cantrell, brothers George (Geneva) and Lester (Esta) Higginbotham, brother-in-law James Carley. Survived by daughter, Shirley Wolfenberger; grandchildren, Kim Wolfenberger, Shawn (Lynn) Wolfenberger and John (Kelly) Whitesed; daughter-in-law, Karin Cantrell; great grandchildren, Aaron Murray, Turner, Raulegh and Owen Wolfenberger and Brealynn Whitesed; sister, Dora Carley; several nieces, nephews and friends. Friends may call Wednesday, April 9, 2014 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the TIDD FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 5265 Norwich St. in Hilliard, OH, where funeral service will be Thursday 11 a.m. Interment Wesley Chapel Cemetery.


The Repository 04/17/2014

Kermit Victor Higginbotham (1925-2014) WV/OH

Kermit V. Higginbotham age 88, of Minerva, entered Eternal Life on Monday April 14, 2014 at 5:56 a.m. at Aultman Hospital. He was born Aug. 12, 1925 in Poca, W.Va. to the late William and Mary Higginbotham. He married the love of his life Mary Jett Dec. 18, 1946. He is survived by three children, Robert (Connie) Higginbotham of Minerva, Roger (Judy) Higginbotham of Minerva, and Bev Facemier of Minerva; 11 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. Kermit is preceded in death by his wife, Mary A. Higginbotham, a son, Rex W. Higginbotham and three granddaughters. He had been a member of the Village Baptist Temple in North Canton and was a veteran of World War II. He was retired from Colfor in Malvern. He attended Catholic Charities adult day services. Kermit was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend. Kermit's family will receive friends Friday April 18, 2014 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Paquelet-Falk Funeral Home in Louisville. Services will follow at 12 p.m. with burial immediately after at Evergreen Memorial Gardens in Louisville. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Catholic Charities of Portage and Stark County Adult Day Services 2308 Reno Dr. Louisville, Ohio 44641. Paquelet-Falk Funeral Home & Crematory, 330-875-2811 Serving Stark County Families Since 1867.


 Times Recorder 05/01/2014

Beatrice Ruth Higginbotham Gist (1925-2014) OH

ZANESVILLE: Beatrice Ruth Gist, 88, of Zanesville, went to be with the Lord at 2:37 AM Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at Genesis Good Samaritan Hospital. She was born November 13, 1925 in Dresden the daughter of the late Romeo D. and Merlie A. Warner Higginbotham. Ruth graduated from Jefferson High School of Dresden in 1943. She met her future husband, Leonard Gist in a restaurant and they were married in 1947. They enjoyed shopping at antique malls and flea markets together. Ruth enjoyed traveling throughout the United States and Canada. She worked at Kroger's, J.C. Penney's and for her brother's siding company, Higginbotham Brothers. Her favorite job was at Jerry's Dairy Bar in Dresden. She has been an active member of the Nazarene Church and enjoyed reading her Bible daily. Ruth is survived by sisters-in-law: Velma Higginbotham and Jo Ann Higginbotham both of Zanesville; nieces and nephews: Mary (Larry) Daniels of Zanesville, Theresa and Molly Lawrence of Zanesville, Christy Howell and Amber, Ashley and Arica of Coshocton, Jessica (Adam) Murgittroyd and Lyla Grace of Zanesville, Rome (Alissa) Higginbotham and Ophelia of Zanesville, David (Keri) Higginbotham and Eli of Zanesville and Shane (Wendy) Boykin and Clayton and Chloe of Zanesville. Ruth was preceded by her parents, husband and daughter: Paula Gist, brothers: Lonnie and Romeo Higginbotham and infant sister. Visitation for Ruth will be 6:00 - 8:00 PM Friday, May 2, 2014 at Bryan & Snider Funeral Home, 2318 Maple Ave., Zanesville. Funeral service will be at 11:00 AM Saturday, May 3, 2014 at the funeral home with Pat Wiseman Jones officiating. Committal service will follow at Dresden Cemetery.


The Newark Advocate 5/7/2014

James Melvin Higginbotham (1929-20140 SC/OH

Granville: A gathering of family and friends for James M. Higginbotham, 84, of Granville, will be held from5 to 8 p.m. Friday at Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home, 985 N. 21st St., Newark. A burial will be held at Dolly Veterans Cemetery in Anderson, S.C.

James, a retired senior research associate for Owens Corning, went home to be with the Lord on May 5, 2014, at Licking Memorial Hospital, surrounded by his wife, children and family. He was born December 20, 1929, in Iva, S.C., to the late Dock and Lucy (Turner) Higginbotham.

James was a US Navy veteran. He was a member of the Heath Baptist Church and Newark Masonic Lodge #97.

He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Clara (Hill) Higginbotham; children, Melva (Jim) Muir of Newark, James (Beverly) Higginbotham Jr. of Granville, and Tracy (Laura) Higginbotham of Galena; siblings, Dorothy Simpson, Ed (Sarah) Higginbotham, Alice (Curtis) Brown, Randy (Susie) Higginbotham, Jimmy (Nancy) Higginbotham, and Carolyn Cromer, all of S.C.; grandchildren, Jennifer Wright of FL, Christopher Wright of Newark, Angela Higginbotham of CA, Alisha (Greg) Schlitz of N.C., Amanda (Nathan) Warner of Mt. Vernon, Clay, Collin, and Addison Higginbotham, all of Galena, and four great-grandchildren.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Mike Higginbotham.


Journal-News 06/15/2014

Ina Lee Perry Higginbotham (1932-2014) KY/OH

HIGGINBOTHAN, Ina Lee (nee: Perry) 82, of Morrow, Ohio died Tuesday June 10, 2014. Born May 7, 1932 in Honey Bee, KY to Grant and Alice (nee: Vanover) Perry, she was a dedicated wife and mother. She loved to go to Southern Gospel concerts. A longtime housekeeper at Pine Crest Nursing Home, she retired in 2007. Preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Clarence Higginbothan, one sister, Lois Perry, five brothers, Herbert, Maynard, Dester, "Little" Joe, and Doyle Perry. Survivors include four daughters, Linia (Linville) Perry of Morrow, OH, Janice (Mike) Rollins of Tiffin, OH, Wanda (J. Ernie) Kelly of Dandridge, TN, and Deb Higginbothan of Morrow, OH, two brothers, Kenneth Perry and Elzick Perry, both of Parkers Lake, KY, four grandchildren, Bryan Perry, Ed Perry, Greg Rollins, and Clarissa Clawson, seven great grandchildren and seven great great grandchildren. Visitation, Thursday June 12, 2014 from 6-8 PM at the Morrow First Church of God, 105 Lincoln St, Morrow OH 45152. Funeral service will be held on Saturday June 14, 2014 at the McCreary County Funeral Home in Whitley City, KY. Memorial donations are requested to the Morrow First Church of God. Arrangements by the Vale-Hoskins Funeral Home, Morrow.


The Washington Post 07/10/2014

Linda Mae Cochrane Higginbotham (1953-2014) OH/VA

Higginbotham, Linda Mae (nee: Cochrane) of Woodbridge, Virginia, beloved mother of Roscoe Eric and Ryan Lee went into eternal life on July 7, 2014 at Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center. She was the life-long partner, friend, buddy, and cherished wife of Roscoe Higginbotham for over 42 years. She and Roscoe met, fell in love, and married when they were teenagers. Linda was 60 years, 7 months and 19 days young. Linda was born in Cincinnati Ohio to Helen Adline (nee: Foster) and William Arthur Cochrane. She grew up in Northside of Cincinnati and was a dedicated homemaker and mother. Her Father; Her Mother; Her Step-Father, Vernon Ellis Bolden; and a Brother, Wayne Paul Bolden preceded her in death. Survivors include two brothers from Cincinnati, Ohio, William Arthur, Bill, Cochrane (Gena) and Bernard James, Bernie, Cochrane; a very special sister-in-law, Kathy Cochrane of Milford, Ohio, and numerous nieces and nephews. Linda treasured attending the semi-annual family reunions in Kentucky and Ohio. The family will receive friends at the Miller Funeral Home & Crematory, 3200 Golansky Blvd., Woodbridge, Virginia, 22192, on Thursday, July 10, 2014 from 5-7 PM. Linda will be laid to rest Saturday, July 12, 2014, in the Historic Spring Grove Cemetery Cincinnati, Ohio. Visitation in Cincinnati, Ohio, is scheduled for 11 AM - 1 PM at the Gwen Mooney Funeral Home, 4389 Spring Grove Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45223. Funeral Service and Burial will follow at 1 PM. Memorial donations are requested to the Lung Cancer Society.


 The Columbus Dispatch 09/20/2014

William Lorenzo Higginbotham (1938-2014) WV/OH

William Higginbotham, 76, affectionately known as "Bill" went Home to be with The Lord on Friday September 19, 2014. He was born to Lucius and Alice Higginbotham on January 21, 1938 in Ward, West Virginia. He graduated from Washington High in London, West Virginia. He moved to Columbus, Ohio in the late 1950's. After graduating from welding school he obtained employment at Fortin Iron Works. He retired after 44 years of service. He was a long time member of New Salem Baptist Church, where he served with the Male Chorus and co-hosted the Divine Secrets Small Group Ministry. He was also an active member of The Charles Sim's Sunday School Class. In 1960, he married his high school sweetheart Janet Turner. Through that union, they were blessed with four children. After 40 years, they were able to have their first formal wedding. It was held at New Salem, with all of the family participating. Ten years later, they renewed their vows in a beautiful home ceremony, surrounded by family and friends. Bill is preceded in death by his parents Lucius and Alice Higginbotham, and his brother Charles. He leaves to cherish his memory, his loving wife of 54 years, son; Steven (Monique),daughters; Kay Soltero, Karen (Terrence) Grace, Katina (Lyndon) Carr, Sister; Josephine Higginbotham, grandchildren; Shauna Coleman, Kionna Randolph, Talion, Solomon, and Brooklynn Grace, Victor and Victoria and Victoria Soltero, Kayla and Lyndon Carr, two great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. God sent you as the head of our family. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. Your lessons and legacy will live on thru us. Even though you will be greatly missed, To be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord. Rest in Peace "My Little Love."


Criss Wagner Hoskinson Funeral Home 10/20/2014

Helen Hickinbotham Warden (1913-2014) OH
NEWARK: A private funeral service for Helen H. Warden, age 101, of Newark, will be held on Tuesday, November 25, at the Newark Memorial Gardens Mausoleum Chapel with Pastor Rube Gayheart officiating.
Mrs. Warden was born March 21, 1913 in Nashport, Ohio to the late Jessie J. and Maggie (Nichols) Hickinbotham. She passed away on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at the Chapel Grove Inn.
Helen is one of three children and nine step-children who lived in the home. Helen graduated from Frazeysburg High School in 1932 and enrolled in nurses training at the Newark City Hospital where she became a registered nurse. During her career she worked as a private-duty nurse, as a nurse in the medical center at Owens Corning and, most important to her, spent most of her career as a school nurse in the Newark School system. Known as "Nursie", she was the school nurse at Newark Senior High until she retired in 1980 after 21 years of service. Following her retirement she volunteered, collected antiques, enjoyed gardening, spent the winter months in Florida and traveled with her husband, Charlie, to many professional golf tournaments.
She is survived by her children, Chuck (Sue) Warden of Wilmington, NC and Jane (Tom) Wolford of Heath; grandchildren, Chuck Warden of Pittsburgh, PA, Jeff Warden of Bala Cynwyd, PA and Jason Wolford of Heath; five great-grandchildren, Alec, Noah and Nick Warden of Pittsburgh, PA and Owen and Evan Warden of Bala Cynwyd, PA.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Charles B. Warden, Jr., on April 30, 2009. Charles was an Owens Corning retiree.
The family would like to extend special appreciation to caregivers Sheila Heist and Ginny McClain for their friendship and kindness to Helen and the family.
Friends may call from 4-6 p.m. on Monday, November 24, at Criss Wagner Hoskinson Funeral Home, 179 Granville Street, Newark.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Foundation for Hospice of Central Ohio, PO Box 430, Newark, OH 43058.
Criss Wagner Hoskinson Funeral Home is honored to care for the Warden family.



Danny Ross Hickenbottom (1952-2014) OH
July 2, 1952 ~ October 30, 2014 (age 62)
Danny Ross Hickenbottom, 62, of Barnesville, Ohio passed away on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at Wheeling Hospital. He was born on July 2, 1952 in Canton, Ohio to Harley and Patricia Hickenbottom.
He retired from United Dairy in Martins Ferry Ohio, where he worked for 31 years. He was baptized on March 5, 1988 as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and was an active worshipper from then on. He enjoyed getting out and sharing with others in the neighborhood the Bible's hope for the future involving God's Kingdom.
He was a loving husband and best friend to his wife Denise. Their relationship grew and their love got stronger over the 33 years that they were married. He was also the best father that a person could ever have. He enjoyed gardening, farming, and working outdoors with his hands. He relished the moments that he could spend teaching his children and grandchildren about God's wonderful creation. The times he spent with his family are the components of memories that will last forever. He touched and shaped many lives.
He was preceded in death by his father, Harley Hickenbottom. Surviving family include his wife, Denise Hickenbottom; mother, Patricia Hickenbottom; sons, Brandon (Rachel) Hickenbottom, Nathanael (Jenny) Hickenbottom; daughter Bailey (Brian) VanDyne; sisters, Katherine Corbett, Diane (Robert) McFadden, Connie (Dan) Moellendick; brother, Dennis Hickenbottom; granddaughters, Sabrina and Sydney Hickenbottom; grandson, Jude VanDyne; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Danny firmly believed in the Bible's hope of a resurrection and his family shares that same hope. They eagerly await the time when they will get the chance to embrace him once again.
Friends will be received at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 53025 High Ridge Rd, St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950 on Sunday, November 9th from 1 to 3 p.m. and then a memorial talk will be given at 3 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in St. Clairsville, Ohio. Sympathy cards can also be sent to Denise Hickenbottom at 127 West Highland Ave., Barnesville, OH 43713.
Arrangements entrusted to: Kelly Kemp Braido & Patron Funeral Home & Crematory, Barnesville.


Chillicothe Gazette 11/12/2014

Michael Dale Higginbotham (1971-2014) OH

CIRCLEVILLE: Michael D. Higginbotham, 43, of Circleville, died on Monday, November 10, 2014. He was born on January 13, 1971 in Marion, Ohio, to Roy K. and Arbutis M. (King) Higginbotham. Michael worked at J.P. Morgan Chase, was a 1989 Logan Elm Grad, attended Church Triumphant where he was a small group leader and was a loving husband, great dad and good friend. He is survived by his parents, Roy and Betty Higginbotham; wife, Ranelle (Hart) Higginbotham; children, Miracle Elizabeth, Grace Tian Eileen and Samuel Elisha Higginbotham; brother, Ken (Mary) Higginbotham and by sister, Lea (Ron) Yoakem. Funeral services will be held on Friday, November 14, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the Wellman Funeral Home, Circleville, with Pastor Aaron Hines and Pastors Alan and Julie Cory officiating. Burial will be in Hallsville Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday from 5-8 p.m. Family requests casual attire. Memorial contributions are suggested to Samaritan's Purse Operation Shoebox, P.O. Box 3000 Boone, NC 28607. Wellman Funeral Home 1455 North Court Street Circleville, OH 43113 740-474-7523.


The Columbus Dispatch 01/30/2015

Helen R. Cole Higginbotham (1916-2015) WV/OH

Higginbotham Helen R. Higginbotham, age 98, born December 16, 1916, passed away January 25, 2015. Preceded in death by her parents A.B. and Gracie Cole, spouse I.G. Higginbotham, infant daughter Patricia, and daughter Harriet (Susie) Sparks, two sisters Mary Lou and Margaret and three brothers Oscar, Marvin and Jack. Survived by two daughters, Mary Jane (Johnny) Lester and Nancy P. (Paul) Smith; son-in-law, Lucian D. Sparks; eight grandchildren, Ken (Celeste), Keith (Deanna), Kim (Matt), Kelli (Bob), Allen (Julie), Lutricia, Martin (Donna) and Phil; 12 great grandchildren, Grayson, Grace, Jonathan, Nicholas, Keagan, Casey, Ryan, Haley, Samantha, Colette, Lydia and Adam; nephews, (Her Boys) Jim (Janet) Lester, Ronnie (Pat) Lester and John (Kim) Lester and their families; five nieces, Betsy, Sara, Jymme, Barbara, Tammy and their families. A very special thanks to Blanton House, especially Debbie Garman, her care giver for the past 8 years and Brittany who had given her expert care and love. Thank you all! Graveside service will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, January 31, 2015 at Grove City Cemetery. To those who wish, memorial contributions may be made to the charity or church of your choice. Arrangements completed with Spence-Miller Funeral Home - Grove City 2697 Columbus Street  Grove City, OH 43123 614-875-4878.


Akron Beacon Journal 3/15/2015

Evalene A. Heginbotham (1918-2015) NY/OH

Eva A. Heginbotham, age 96, went home to be with her Lord on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at The Woodlands at Robinson. She was born on August 31, 1918, in Buffalo, New York, to William C. and Ruby (Miller) Heginbotham. She worked at BF Goodrich on the production line and was a member of the Nazarene Church of Akron. Eva enjoyed bowling, bingo, working puzzles, and going on road trips with her sister and niece. She lived in Kent on Dodge Street taking care of her sister, Marie, and niece, Judy Dague. She is preceded in death by her parents, William and Ruby Heginbotham; brother, William Heginbotham; sister, Marie Dague; niece, Judy Dague; nephew, Charles Dague; and great nephew, John Dague. She is sadly going to be missed by her niece, Kay Dague of Ravenna; great nephews, William and Frank Dague of Ravenna; and Charles Dague of Akron; and by many, many great, great, great nieces and nephews. Calling hours will be held 1-2 PM Friday, March 20th at Bissler & Sons Funeral Home in Kent. Graveside services will be held 2:30 PM Friday, March 20th at Standing Rock Cemetery with Pastor Elizabeth Hazelton officiating.



William Lee Higginbotham II (1977-2015) OH

William "Lee" Higginbotham II, 37, went to be with our Lord on April 24, 2015. Born to surviving parents, William and Brenda Higginbotham. Survived by loving wife of 16 years, Nikki Herdman-Higginbotham; his loving daughter and greatest accomplishment, Kaylee Ann; sister, Marilyn Compton; brother, Nelson Higginbotham; as well as extended family and friends. He will be deeply missed. The family thanks Lee's employer of 14 years, Wal-Mart Canal Winchester, and Nikki's employer of 11 years, Computer Helper Publishing, for their love and support; the family also thanks all of the doctors, nurses, medical staff at Riverside, The Bing, Columbus Oncology and the Kobacker House for taking great care of Lee. Service will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 29, at Groveport Zion Lutheran, Groveport, Ohio, with Pastor Matthew Cox officiating; visitation will begin one hour prior. Visitation will also be held from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, at O.R. Woodyard Groveport Chapel, 587 Main St., Groveport, Ohio.


 Advocate 04/30/2015

Mary Ann Walker Higginbotham (1925-2015) KY/OH

NEWARK: Mary Ann (Walker) Higginbotham, of Newark, entered into her eternal rest in the arms of Jesus on Monday evening, April 27, 2015, only four days following her 90th birthday celebration. She passed away at the Selma Markowitz Hospice Center at Licking Memorial Hospital. A memorial service will be held Saturday, May 2, 2015 at Newark Central Christian Church, 587 Mount Vernon Road, Newark. Visiting hours will be 1:00-3:00 PM at the church with the service following. Beloved wife of 66 years to Joseph E., Jr., Mary Ann was born in Bowling Green, KY to Joseph Franklin and Violet Dell (Maple) Walker. Preceded in death by parents; and granddaughter, Bethany Joy Higginbotham, Mrs. Higginbotham will be greatly missed by her husband; daughter, Marie (Lilburn) McDaniel of Columbus; sons, Joseph, III (Sheryl) Higginbotham of Columbus, and James (Carolyn) Higginbotham of Indianapolis; younger sister, Betty (Raymond) Petty, of Yorba Linda, CA; grandchildren, Erin Higginbotham (Darren) Nealy; and Regenia, Ray, and Randy McDaniel; eight great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews; and a host of friends from Central Christian Church, the YMCA, TWIG 6 of Granville, Licking County Rock and Mineral Society, Newark Poseidons Scuba Club, Licking County Computer Society, Licking County Senior Center and Coldwell-Banker Realty. A Navy WAVES WW II veteran, Mary Ann served at the Long Beach (CA) Naval Hospital and then in the Naval Reserves after the war, achieving the rank of Pharmacist's Mate 3rd Class. She has been employed as a Lab Technician, a Welcome Wagon hostess and a realtor. Having lived a life of service, she taught swimming lessons through the Red Cross for more than five decades, helped with Meals on Wheels, taught exercise classes, and volunteered and served in many capacities in her church and the organizations previously mentioned. Mary Ann has held many honors and recognitions including Elder Emeritus at her church, Ohio Council of Skin and Scuba Divers, Inc. "Diver of the Year," Honor Flight and Central Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. In lieu of flowers, friends who wish may contribute to Central Christian Church, the YMCA or a charity of their choosing. Funeral Home Brucker & Kishler Funeral Home 985 North 21st Street Newark, OH 43055 740-366-3343.



Pauline Mae Heginbotham Everson (1925-2015) PA/OH

Pauline "Polly" Mae Everson (nee Heginbotham) began her heavenly walk with Christ on May 23, 2015. She passed peacefully in her home at Chesterwood Village in West Chester, Ohio, two days prior to her 90th birthday, with family by her side. Polly was born on May 25, 1925 in Saxonburg, PA, the youngest of six children to Emma and Gilbert Heginbotham. She was raised in Saxonburg, where she would later work as a secretary and floral assistant. In 1946, Polly met Clyde W. Everson, an Army soldier, at a local festival. They married following a four-year courtship on June 3, 1950. Polly and Clyde lived in Saxonburg for some time before he was transferred to Fort Lee, VA. The couple greatly enjoyed traveling around the United States and especially to Japan, where Clyde was stationed for a short time. Polly and Clyde had two sons: Richard "Rick" in 1959 and Robert "Bob" in 1961. They raised their family in Colonial Heights, VA. The family loved traveling via RV while camping, fishing and hunting in the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains and the North Carolina Outer Banks, as well as throughout the United States. Polly and Clyde relocated to Monroe, OH in 1994 to be closer to Bob's family. Even in later life, the couple enjoyed traveling to Europe, the Caribbean, and especially Florida, where they spent numerous winters in their RV. Polly devoted her life to her Savior and Lord Jesus Christ before all else. Her love for God flowed into her passion and adoration for others, especially her family. Polly was the loving wife of Clyde for 57 and a half years prior to his death on December 17, 2007. She gave herself fully as a mother to Rick and Bob and their wives, offering all of her love and many opportunities to her children. She was the very proud grandmother of Patrick, Katie, Jenna, and Kevin, and was blessed to see all of her grandchildren grow into young adults. She attended every concert, recital, award ceremony, and graduation possible. Polly cherished her time spent alongside her family more than anything else. She also loved spending time with her church family at Bethany United Methodist Church, relatives and dear friends in Butler, PA, Saxonburg, Colonial Heights, and most recently in West Chester, OH, especially Chesterwood Village. Polly was a skilled artist and puppeteer. She used her gifts to bless others, depicting beautiful scenes and later assisting with an art class at her home in Chesterwood Retirement Village, where she lived for the last seven years of her life. She had an impressive selection of puppets and loved to entertain children, Chesterwood residents, fellow cruiseship travelers, and family with puppet shows. Polly passed away after a battle with cancer that lasted half of her long life. Her disease began as breast cancer at the age of 45, and she later developed cancer in her bones and her liver. Despite the devastation of her cancer, Polly's faith and joy were never shaken. She used the disease as a platform to display her strength in the Lord and the gift of many additional years of life. Polly and her family are deeply grateful to Dr. John Bismayer and his staff at Oncology Hematology Care for their skillful and loving care of Polly throughout her battle with cancer. Polly was preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, Clyde; sisters Margaret, Virginia, and Evelyn, and brothers Regis and Ronald. She is survived by sons Rick (wife Marci) of Eagle River, Alaska, and Bob of Liberty Township, Ohio; grandchildren Patrick, Katie, Jenna, and Kevin; nieces Sharon Noullet of Butler, PA and Marilyn Callahan of Mercer, PA; and nephews Keith Thompson and Larry Dickey of Butler, PA. She will be dearly missed by extended family and many dear friends. Family and friends will be received from 6-8 PM on Tuesday, May 26 at Mueller Funeral Home, 6791 Tylersville Rd, Mason, OH 45040. Celebration of Life services will be held at 11 AM on Wednesday, May 27, at Bethany United Methodist Church, 6388 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd, Liberty Township, OH 45044. Burial will occur at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Bethany United Methodist Church, http://www.bethanyumchurch.org/, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, www.mskcc.org/ or Madcap Puppets, www.madcappuppets.com.


Telegraph-Forum 07/14/2015

Judith Bernice Higginbotham Morris (1959-2015) OH

BUCYRUS: Bernice "Berny" Morris, 56, of Bucyrus, passed away Sunday July 12, 2015 unexpectedly following a brief illness. Berny was born in Gallipolis, OH February 14, 1959 to Lawrence Higgenbotham of Sycamore and the late Judy (Cain) Heydinger. In addition to her father, she is survived by step mother Nancy; long time companion, Robert Rowland of Bucyrus; brothers, David (Deb) Higginbotham of Bucyrus and Derrick (Trisha) Higginbotham of Bucyrus; sisters, Mary (Clarence) Skidmore of KY and Robin (Richard) Hetler of Willard; step-sisters, Michelle, Danielle, and Kimberly; half sisters, Jeannie Yarborough and Myra Wright; numerous nieces and nephews; as well as loving pets Coco and Cloe Belle. Berny most recently worked as manager of Geyer Beverage Center in Bucyrus for over 10 years and prior to that had worked at BAJA Boats and C.D. White Co. Berny was a graduate of Buckeye Central H.S. in 1977. She enjoyed her leisure time watching sports such as Nascar, Cleveland Indians, or her Ohio State Buckeyes. In her spare time she loved to garden, craft, and above all cook. At Berny's request there will be no calling hours or formal services. Contributions can be made to the Crawford County Humane Society or American Heart Association. Munz Pirnstill Funeral Home Inc 215 N Walnut St Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 562-6776.


 The Columbus Dispatch 08/08/2015

Marilyn Dayle Higginbotham MacNealy (1943-2015) WV/OH

Marilyn Dayle Mac Nealy, at 2:53 in the afternoon of August 6, 2015, Marilyn Mac Nealy passed away peacefully at Kobacker House Hospice in Columbus, OH. Marilyn was surrounded by the love of her family at the time of her passing. She was 71 years old. Marilyn was born in the town of Elkview, WV on October 23, 1943 to the late Clarence and May Higginbotham. Marilyn, also known as "Dayle," enjoyed the days of her childhood with her siblings, Barbara Boerner and Russell Higginbotham whom have preceded her in death as well as Charles (Jess) Higginbotham, Ronald Higginbotham, Sheila Robinette, Betty (John) McKibben and twin sister, Carolyn Gayle Dillon, who survive her. At the age of 18, while working at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, OH, she met the love of her life, Kenneth Mac Nealy. Ken and Marilyn were married July 14, 1962 and had two children, Kathleen Jane (Scott) Frost and Kevin Jon. Marilyn spent her life as a hardworking woman, a doting wife, and a loving and supportive mother. She became "Mema" in 1987 to her first granddaughter, Kara (Adam) Clayton, later joined in 1992 by Kelsey and in 2000 by Hailey. Marilyn enjoyed spending her time at home with her husband of 53 years and their two poodles, Peaches and Pepper. She had a love for movies, word search puzzles and texting on her iPad. The family would like to thank the staff, nurses and doctors of Riverside Methodist Hospital ICU and the Kobacker House Hospice for their top-notch care and support. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Kobacker House Hospice in Marilyn's memory. A celebration of life for Marilyn will take place at Columbia Heights United Methodist Church, 775 Galloway Rd. in Galloway, OH on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at 2 p.m. Pastor Nathan Custer officiating. The family will receive guests following the service. Arrangements with the TIDD FAMILY FUNERAL HOME and CREMATORY.


The Times Recorder (Zanesville, OH) 8/12/2015

Breanna L. Kennedy Hickenbottom (1981-2015) OH

Zanesville - Breanna L. "Bre" Kennedy-Hickenbottom, 34 of McConnelsville, passed away peacefully at 4:00 AM, Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at her home surrounded by her loving family. She was born Wednesday, February 25, 1981 in Zanesville, the daughter of Raymond Kennedy and Shannan (Harlowe) Kennedy. She married the love of her life, Shawn Hickenbottom on Saturday, July 12, 2003.

Bre was a Customer Service Manager at Wal-Mart North for several years. She loved music, butterflies and being with her friends. Bre's greatest joy was spending time with her husband, sons and mother. To Bre, family was everything.

In addition to her parents, Bre is survived by her husband, Shawn Hickenbottom; her two sons: Haidyn and Doryn Hickenbottom, all of McConnelsville; one step-son: Gage (Larissa) Hickenbottom of Lancaster; one granddaughter: Hailee; three sisters: Gina Kennedy and Mary )Eric) Kennedy-Smith, both of Zanesville and Justina Kennedy of Crooksville; her mother-in-law: Cathy (Barb Amstutz) Hickenbottom of Zanesville; one brother-in-law: Shane Hickenbottom of Zanesville; and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews.

Friends may call from 2:00 to 4:00 and 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Thursday, August 13, 2015 at the Hillis, Combs and Nestor Funeral Home, 935 Forest Avenue, Zanesville. Funeral services to celebrate Bre's life will be 1:00 PM, Friday, August 14, at the funeral home with Rev. Terry F. Newman and Chaplain Ron Calvert officiating. Burial will follow in Mount Calvary Cemetery.


The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) 8/19/2015

Judith Cramer Higginbotham Keller (1939-2015) OH

Judith Keller (nee Cramer), 76, loving mother of the late Tom Higginbotham (Lora), Cathy Clevenger (Frank) and Bill Higginbotham (Sally); cherished grandmother of Felicia, Jeff, Angie, Jon, Nick, and the late Clayton; dear sister of Beverly Kelly; longtime companion of the late Chuck Ferguson. Passed away Tuesday, August 18, 2015. Service at 12:00 p.m. Friday, August 21 at the funeral home. Interment at West Park Cemetery. Friends may call at the Busch Funeral Home, 4334 Pearl Road, Cleveland 204 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Thursday.


The Columbus Dispatch from Sep. 24 to Sep. 25, 2015

Carol Ann Higginbotham Blatter (1946-2015) OH

Carol Ann Blatter, age 69, passed away on Wednesday, September 23, 2015, surrounded by family and friends. Carol and her late husband John were the owner/operators of Blatter's Truck Patch in West Jefferson. She was a graduate of West High School. Preceded in death by husband John Charles Blatter, mother Esta Higginbotham. Survived by sons, John Henry (Sarah) Blatter and Jason Anderson Blatter; brother, Jimmy (Nellie) Higginbotham; sisters, Sharon Detrow, Joyce Long and Donna Prysock; numerous other family and friends. Friends may call at JERRY SPEARS FUNERAL HOME, 2693 W. Broad St., Sunday 2-5 p.m. Graveside service and interment, 12 noon Monday at Sunset Cemetery. 


The Columbus Dispatch 11/10/2015

Janet Mae Smith Higginbotham (1927-2015) OH

Janet M. Higginbotham, age 88, of Columbus, OH, passed away November 8, 2015. Retired from Pfeifer Printing Co. An avid bowler at Sequoia Lanes. Survived by her husband of 70 years, Bob; sons, Bob, Jr. (Ruth), Rick (Marilyn) and Herb (Sandy); ten grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Preceded in death by son Bruce, sister Virginia Nevelle. Friends may call at the MORELAND FUNERAL HOME, 55 E. Schrock Road, Westerville, Wednesday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m., where service will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Pastor Tommy Tucker, officiating. Interment Union Cemetery. Funeral Home Moreland Funeral Home 55 E. Schrock Road Westerville, OH 43081 614-891-1414.


Akron Beacon Journal 12/10/2015

Michael Dale Higginbotham (ca1951-2015) OH

CUYAHOGA FALLS -- Dale Higginbotham, 64, passed away suddenly on December 8, 2015. He was born in Akron and resided in Cuyahoga Falls for the past 50 years. Dale graduated from Cuyahoga Falls High School in 1969 and attended The University of Akron. He worked at B.F Goodrich in the photography lab for several years, going on to work for TruSeal Technologies (Quanex IG Systems) for over 25 years in their research and development department. He was an accomplished guitarist, a professional photographer and an animal enthusiast. Preceded in death by his parents, Wayne and Elizabeth, he is survived by his beloved daughter, Emma Higginbotham; fianceé, Shirley Jones; and his special cat, Sam. Friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, December 11, 2015 at the Clifford-Shoemaker Funeral Home, 1930 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221, where a funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, December 12, Pastor Shannon Blower will be officiating. In lieu of other remembrances, memorials may be made to the American Lung Association , 6100 Rockside Woods Blvd. Suite 260, Independence, OH 44131 or to the Humane Society of Greater Akron, 7996 Darrow Rd., Twinsburg, OH 44087.


The Columbus Dispatch 12/14/2015

Joe Higginbotham (1950-2015) OH

Joe (Higgy) Higginbotham, 65, of Columbus, passed away Thursday, December 10, 2015. He was an educator and enjoyed helping others and making a difference in peoples lives His is survived by his daughter, Nicole (Joe) Kelly; brother, Frank Snyder of Columbus; sister, Ellen (Tim) Herringshaw of Lake City, FL; and little brother, Dave (Kellie) Snyder of Westerville. Preceded in death by his parents Dorothy Snyder and Richard and Elizabeth Higginbotham. He will be dearly missed by all that knew him. A celebration of life will be held 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at the MORELAND FUNERAL HOME, 55 East Schrock Road, Westerville, OH. Funeral Home Moreland Funeral Home 55 E. Schrock Road Westerville, OH 43081 614-891-1414.



Barbara Ann Beamon Higginbothan (1942-2015) OH

October 31, 1942 ~ December 14, 2015 (age 73) 73 Years Old

HIGGINBOTHAN, Barbara Ann. Beloved wife of the late Mintford C. Higginbothan, Sr. Devoted mother of Kenneth (Karen) Higginbothan, Tammy Roe, Jeff (Angie) Higginbothan, Steven Higginbothan, Jammie (Amy) Higginbothan, Mintford Higginbothan, Jr.. Dear daughter of Avelean Elizabeth Beamon. Loving sister of Betty Lou Perry, James Randall Beamon, Douglas Ronald Beamon, Bernard Eugene Beamon, Dennis Ray Beamon, and Linda Sue Luckett. Also survived by 12 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces & nephews. Member of the New Burlington Primitive Baptist Church. Barbara passed away on December 14, 2015 at the age of 73. Visitation will be held on Saturday, December 19th from 10 AM until time of the Funeral Service at 12 Noon at the Ogle & Paul R. Young Funeral Home, 7345 Hamilton Avenue, Mt. Healthy, OH 45231. Interment at Johnsville Cemetery (Foster, KY). Family requests donations be made to the Charity of Donor’s Choice.


Toledo Blade 03/10/2016

Thomas Clark Higginbotham (1954-2016) WV/OH

Thomas C. Higginbotham Jr., 62, of Curtice, Ohio, passed away on Monday, March 7, 2016, at UTMC. He was born on February 24, 1954, in South Charleston, WV to Mary (Richardson) and Thomas C. Higginbotham Sr. and was a graduate of South Charleston High School. Tom was a Deputy Clerk for the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts retiring in 2011 and was a member of the Teamsters Local 20. He was an avid reader who enjoyed bowling, skeet shooting, traveling but most of all spending time with his family. Tom is survived by his loving wife of 43 years, Victoria; son, Thomas (Charlene) Higginbotham, Lisa (Ben) Guest; grandsons, Jacob Higginbotham and Timothy Guest; sister, Rene (Bill) Bevino; sister-in-law, Vonda Willett; along with many dear nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and sisters, Beverly Hammock and Cynthia Leaman. A memorial gathering will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016, at the Freck Funeral Chapel from 12-2 p.m. where a Celebration of Life service will begin at 2 p.m. Burial will be private. The Blade Funeral Home Freck Funeral Chapel 1155 South Wynn Road Oregon, OH 43616 (419) 693-9304.



Carl Roland Higginbotham (1950-2016) OH

Carl Roland Higgenbotham, age 66, died Thursday, June 2, 2016. Retired machinist from Timkin Roller Bearing Company. Preceded in death by parents, Shelly Monroe and Lona Higgenbotham; brothers, Frank, Ross and Larry Campbell and Donald Higgenbotham. Survived by a son, Carl Roland Higgenbotham Jr.; brother, Lloyd “Randy” Higgenbotham; numerous grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Visitation will be Thursday, April 9, 2016 from 5-8 PM and Friday from 12 Noon until 1:30 PM followed by interment at Sunset Cemetery.


 Telegraph-Forum 06/04/2016

Shawn David Higginbotham (1979-2016) OH

BUCYRUS: Shawn D. Higginbotham, 36 of Bucyrus passed away on Thursday June 2, 2016 at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, his death was unexpected. Shawn was born Oct. 26, 1979 in Galion to David and Deb (Rodgers) Higginbotham who survive in Bucyrus. He was married June 10, 2004 to Danielle Lynn (Belcher) Higginbotham who preceded him in death on Oct. 30, 2008. He was also preceded in death by aunt Berny Morris, uncle Glen R. Rodgers, and maternal grandparents Rosie and William Rodgers. In addition to his parents, Shawn is survived by sons William Gabriel and Brody James Higginbotham; sister Stacy Higginbotham of Bucyrus; niece and nephew Alexis Malone and Braylon Wells; aunts and uncles Evelyn (Bo) Shope; Charlie (Shirley), Harold (Pam), Billy (Doug) Rodgers; Mary (Clarence) Skidmore, Robin (Richard) Hetler, and Derrick (Trisha) Higginbotham, Father and Mother in law Vickie and Jim Ruttman of Bucyrus; and very special cousins. Shawn lived his entire life in Bucyrus and graduated from Bucyrus High School in 1998. He last worked as a cabinet maker at Village Woodcrafters. Shawn had many special friends from High School where he was active in school sports. He was a fan of the Bengals and Ohio State Buckeyes. Most of all, Shawn enjoyed spending time with his boys and following their sports activities. Funeral Services will be held on Monday at 1:00 pm in the Munz-Pirnstill Funeral Home with burial to follow in Oakwood Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Sunday from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm.


Springfield News-Sun on Aug. 5, 2016

Shamika D. Higgenbotham-Williams (1990-2016) OH

HIGGENBOTHAM- WILLIAMS, Shamika D. 26, went home to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Sunday, July 31, 2016. She was born June 17, 1990 in Dayton OH, a daughter of Donna Sue Higgenbotham-Williams. She leaves to cherish her memory her mother, sister, Joyce McDuffie (James) of Cleveland, OH; brothers, J. Eric Higgenbotham (Tonya) and Chris Williams (Nicki) of Springfield, OH; nieces, Jackie Williams of Cleveland, OH, Jocelyn Higgenbotham and Erica Higgenbotham of Springfield, OH; nephews, Sean Early of Cleveland, OH, Jalen Wood, Derek Williams and John Higgenbotham of Springfield, OH; special cousins, Richard West of Florence, KY, Lenny West and Sheri West of Springfield; aunts, Geraldine Martin and Dianne Higgenbotham-West of Springfield, OH; her extended family, Charlene and Alaisha Johnson of Springfield, OH; special friends, Greg Perkins II, Tanesha Bishop, Katie Lou, Tiffany Levering and Michelle Randles. She is preceded in death by her grandparents John and Marie Higgenbotham. Shamika's home going celebration will be Saturday, August 6, 2016 at New North Street AME Church 901 S. Center St, Springfield, OH viewing at 11:00 with the services at noon with Reverend Jacqueline Randolph officiating.


The Columbus Dispatch 10/16/2016

Marilyn K. Lindsey-Higginbotham (1953 - 2016)

Marilyn K. Lindsey-Higginbotham, age 62, of Columbus, Ohio, passed away on Saturday, October 15, 2016. She was born in Columbus, Ohio on November 23, 1953. She graduated from Linden McKinley High School. Marilyn retired from the Ohio Department of Taxation after 30 years of dedicated service. She was preceded in death by her father Bob F. Lindsey and brother Steven Lindsey. She is survived by her loving husband of 20 years, Rick Higginbotham; children, Amy Turner and Daniel (Courtney) Turner; beloved granddaughter, Kennedy; mother, Patricia Lindsey; twin sister, Carolyn (Bill) Cook; nieces, Colleen and Casey; nephew, Stevie; and several step children. Marilyn loved travelling, going to the beach, spending time with her close friends and family, and most of all spoiling her granddaughter. Family will receive friends on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 from 4-6:30 p.m. with prayer service following at 6:30 p.m. at the HOPE AND HEART FUNERAL HOME BY SCHOEDINGER, 2741 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43224. Br. Tom Bohman officiating. Donations in Marilyn's memory may be made to the American Cancer Society. Schoedinger Linden Memorial Chapel 2741 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43224 (614) 267-8363.



Julia Anne Hickinbotham Wolfe (1926-2016) OH

Julia, 90, Heath, died at Licking Memorial Hospital.
She was the daughter of Denzel and Hazel (Firtch) Hickinbotham. She married John E. Wolfe, D.V.M., who preceded her in death.
Surviving are a son, John Charles (Laura); a daughter, Kimberly Anne (John) Jones; and four grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.
A graduate of Ohio State University, she taught high school business subjects in Wapakoneta where she was active in the First United Methodist Church, the local and district Woman’s Clubs, Helen Hunt Club, and Dollar for Scholars. Known as “Wapakoneta’s Erma Bombeck” she enjoyed giving humorous book reviews to clubs throughout the state. She also loved sewing, reading, boating, and swimming at Indian Lake and in Mission, TX, where she later lived.
A private family graveside service will be at Greenlawn Cemetery, Wapak, with Rev. Dr. Kimberly Pope-Seiberling officiating.



Cynthia L. Higginbotham (1955-2016) OH

June 30, 1955 - November 12, 2016

Cynthia was born on June 30, 1955 and passed away on Saturday, November 12, 2016. Cynthia was a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio at the time of her passing.



Janet Sue Hickenbottom Johnson (1937-2016) OH

EAST LIVERPOOL – Janet Sue Johnson, of Idaho Avenue, East Liverpool, passed away at 5:10 p.m. Friday, December 16, 2016 at East Liverpool City Hospital, with her husband of nearly 60 years at her side. She was a daughter of the late Clarence and Rozella Tobias Hickenbottom, born here on December 31, 1937. A 1956 graduate of East Liverpool High School, she married Charles "Chuck" Johnson on September 13, 1957 and became a devoted wife and homemaker. He survives her at home. For over 40 years, Janet was a familiar face at the AAA, selling memberships from the downtown office. She was honored with several sales awards before her retirement, but she took the most pride and enjoyment in her grandchildren. A Christian by faith, she had attended Boyce Methodist Church at one time. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Diana Wagers, of Cypress, Texas. There are four grandchildren: Erin Rocheleau and her husband, Jeff, Jennifer Martinez and her husband, Christian, Dawn Zoellers, and Loren Zoellers, as well as two great-grandchildren: Owen and Peyton Rocheleau. A brother, Bill Hickenbottom, also survives. Janet was preceded in death by her son-in-law, Ralph Wagers, along with a sister, Anita Reed.



Clyde L. Higginbotham (1929-2016) OH

July 19, 1929 - December 20, 2016

Clyde L. Higginbotham, age 87, of Cygnet, Ohio, and formerly of Edgerton, Ohio, died at 10:34 P.M. on Tuesday, December 20, 2016, at Bridge Hospice in Bowling Green, Ohio. Mr. Higginbotham was a farmer and truck driver. He was a 40-year member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Bryan, Ohio, and attended St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Bowling Green. Clyde enjoyed fishing, time on his air boat, playing cards, old cars, spending time with his dogs and telling stories and jokes.
Clyde Higginbotham was born on July 19, 1929, in Hicksville, Ohio, the son of Marion and Violet (Deck) Higginbotham. He married Lois Blair on September 30, 1951, and she preceded him in death on April 7, 1991. He then married Janice Knisel on February 22, 1992, and she survives.
He is also survived by his sons, Duane (Cindy) Higginbotham, of Newark, Ohio, and David Higginbotham, of Edgerton; daughters, Marilyn (Lee) Opdycke, of Fayette, Ohio, Marcia (Chris) George, of Rossford, Ohio, Marlene (Chris) North, of Cygnet, and Myra Purkey, of Evergreen, Colorado; twelve grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and sister, Leah (Glenn) Davis, of Liberty Center, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his parents; first wife, Lois; and sisters, M. Juanita Deck and Mary Lou Smith.
Funeral services will be held on Friday, December 23, 2016, at 3:00 P.M. in the Krill Funeral Home, 114 East Hull Street, Edgerton, Ohio, with visitation from 1:00-3:00 P.M. prior to the service. Interment will follow in Maple Grove Cemetery, Edgerton, Ohio.
Memorials may be given to Bridge Hospice, 1069 Klotz Road, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402.



Richard A. Hickenbottom (1945-2016) OH

Richard “Dick” Hickenbottom, 71, originally from the Winterset area, died Saturday (December 24, 2016) at Astoria Place of Cambridge.
He was born July 30, 1945 in Flushing, son of the late George Hickenbottom and Charlotte “Lottie” (Tomer) Hickenbottom.
Mr. Hickenbottom was a mechanic. He loved tinkering with cars, painting pictures, and woodworking.
He cherished spending time with his family and friends.
Mr. Hickenbottom was Baptist by faith.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Herman.
He is survived by five brothers, Wayne (& Janet) Hickenbottom of Kimbolton, Ronald Hickenbottom of Holloway, David (& Teresa) Hickenbottom of Stockport, Clarence (& Patti) Hickenbottom of Cambridge, and John (& Kay) Hickenbottom of Kipling; three sisters, Beverly Shantzer of Kentucky, Penny Ayers of Newton Falls, and Georgina Hickenbottom (& John Parrish) of Cambridge; his best friends, Doug (& Alyssa) Bahniuk and Terry Bahniuk; several nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews; and his beloved dog, Bear.
No calling hours will be observed.
Private family graveside services will be held with burial at Rock Hill Cemetery in Belmont County.


Dayton Daily News 01/05/2017

Patricia Higginbotham Kenerly (1937-2017) OH

Patricia Higginbotham Kenerly was born on August 11, 1937 to Leroy and Mary (Woods) Higginbotham in Springfield, Ohio. She attended Elmwood Elementary, Schaefer Junior High, and graduated from Springfield High School in Springfield, Ohio in 1955.
Patricia’s mother spotted the Kenerly boy in the neighborhood and knew he was a gem, a true young man of character. Later, to her mother’s delight, Patricia and Carl were united in holy matrimony and were blessed with forty-seven years of marital bliss. Four beautiful children were added to this union: Carl Vernon Jr., Wayne Alden, Michael Earl, and Carol Jane, their only girl they fondly called “Janie”.
Sis. Kenerly was raised in the Church of God and had a wonderful mother, who was a godly influence on her life. She was ultimately led to the Lord by her very close friend and sister-in-law, Delores “Tobie” Higginbotham-Walker. Tobie got saved first, and the change was so convicting that Sis. Kenerly followed. People said it would never last, but she held on to her Savior to the very end. About six months after her conversion, her husband, Carl, saw the change in her life and was won by her chaste conversation and gave his heart to the Lord. After he received his calling to the ministry he later became the Pastor of the Church of God at 1819 W. Washington St. which is now the Church of God, 709 E. Grand Ave. Sis. Kenerly often expressed that she wanted her husband’s ministry to be successful and did all she could to support him in every way.
Sis. Kenerly loved music, especially piano playing. She worked in many capacities in the Church. She was an original member of the Church of God choir, choir teacher, a Sunday School teacher, Vacation Bible School Coordinator for many years, organized lodging for the Saints during fellowship meetings and faithfully updated the Saints’ contact list. She was truly given to hospitality and opened her door countless times. She was a comfort in many sick rooms. Sis. Patricia brightened many brides’ lives with her spectacular wedding cakes. Her strawberry filled cakes were an all-time favorite. Sis. Kenerly was multi-talented including giving piano lessons, sewing, and was a great cook.
Patricia Higginbotham Kenerly departed this life on December 31, 2016 at 6:50pm in her home, surrounded by her family and saints. Sis. Kenerly was wafted into the portals of glory with singing and prayer.
She leaves to cherish her memory her loving sons, Carl Vernon Jr. (Janice) Kenerly of Fort Worth, TX, Wayne Kenerly and Michael (Bethany) Kenerly of Springfield, OH; daughter, Janie Kenerly of Columbus, OH and New Castle, DE; sisters, Shirley Speaks and Juanita Robinson of Springfield, OH, Donna (Bowden) Higginbotham Perkins of Tucson, AZ; brothers, Walter and Donald Higginbotham of Cincinnati, OH; brother-in-law, Thurston Kenerly of Cincinnati, OH; sisters-in-law, Leona Cheatham of Norfolk, VA, Delores (Donald) Walker of Springfield, OH; grandchildren who she adored, Lauren Ashley, Katricia Dalynn, Linzi Allison, Austin DeAndre, Shannon Alori and Shanya Jean; great-granddaughter Beatrice Brenae; and special niece, Betty Tatum, nieces and nephews and a host of friends. Sis. Kenerly dearly loved her family and the saints. There were some especially close to her including special daughters, Annett Jones, Leah Wilkerson, Kristi Payne, Robin Freeney, Angela Harris, and Isaura Gonzalez; adopted son Clarence Campbell; special friends, Stella Cavin, Melinda Clark, Linda Creel, and David and Nancy Payne; Janiece Robinson, who lovingly called her “Queen”; her pew partner, Joan Cavin; her little friends, in her birthday club who shared her birthday, John Michael Koveleski, Emma Aria Hunter, Va’Laurie Parris, Kearsten Coleman, and Serenity Kelley. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carl V. Kenerly Sr.; her parents, Leroy and Mary Higginbotham; her brothers, Leroy Sr., Richard, and Robert “Tommy Tucker” Higginbotham; brother-in-law, William Robinson Jr., three special friends, Beatrice Hampton, Rebecca Wilkerson and Ruth Johnson and former pastor, Ronald M. Cavin II.
Sis. Kenerly will be missed by all who loved her. We will always remember her beautiful, dimpled smile and her words of wisdom. Although Sis. Kenerly had a quiet spirit, her life spoke volumes. We must always remember to acknowledge God as Sis. Kenerly ended her prayers, “Lord, we thank you for being God and beside Thee is none other.”


Springfield News-Sun 1/18/2017

Andrea Higginbotham High (1950-2017) OH

Andrea H. High, 66, transitioned this life Sunday, January 15, 2017. She was born July 28, 1950 in Springfield, Ohio a daughter of Carven and Mae (Watson) Higginbotham. Andrea graduated from South High School, earned her Bachelor Degree from Central State University and later graduated from H.S.M.&P.

Deaconess A. High served as president of the Pastor’s Aide Club, member of Ohio State Ways and Means Committee of Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Church, Worthy Knight of Chapter #11, member of the Deacon and Deaconess Board, assistant to Recording and H.S.M.&P. secretary and the neighborhood Promise secretary. Ms. High worked as a Business teacher in the Columbus
Public Schools and Springfield High School and also worked as a Dispatcher for Quality Care Transport. She enjoyed sewing, baking, doing crafts and had a very special love for animals.
Ms. Andrea leaves to cherish her memory her son, Theo High II; sister, Lillie Higginbotham; cousins, Morryca, Sam, Samica, Skyler, Gordon, Aaron Watson, Aaron Carter Watson, Michelle and her two grandsons, many Higginbotham cousins, cousin Peaks, Threats, Phelps families and a host of other relatives, friends and Church family. She also leaves her college friend, Debbie Chambers and her family.


Coshocton Tribune 01/23/2017

Jesse Lee Higginbotham (1931-2017) WV/OH

SHERRODSVILLE Jesse L. Higginbotham, 85, of Sherrodsville passed away on Saturday, January 21, 2017 at the Community Hospice Truman House. Born on February 12, 1931 in Printer, West Virginia, he was the son of the late Jesse and Hazel (Copley) Higginbotham. He honorably served our country in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. Jesse retired from Coshocton County Drug and Alcoholic Council after 20 years. Following his retirement, he worked for LAPP in Newark, Ohio. On December 16, 2000, he married Louise "Joy" DeLancey, who is from Columbia, SC. He was preceded in death by his former wife; M. Jane Higginbotham; brother, James Wall; and two sisters, Betty McCallister and Wanda Burdette. He will be sadly missed by his wife, Joy; three children, Robert (Linda) Higginbotham of Florida, Michael Higginbotham of Newark, James Higginbotham of Sherrodsville; two sisters, Mary Holley of Dublin, Dee Longshore of Dayton; his brother, Elmer Qualls of Columbus; along with six grandchildren, Joshua, William, Robert, Carolyn, Jessica, and Abigail. A celebration of Jesse's life will be held at the Toland-Herzig Funeral Home & Crematory in Dover on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 2:00pm with Pastor Dr. Gene Keplinger officiating. Friends are invited to call at the funeral home on Wednesday from 1:00 until the service starts at 2:00. Immediately following the service, a meal will be served at the Toland-Herzig Monarch Center. A private burial will take place at Southlawn Cemetery in Coshocton. Those unable to attend, or who would like to share a fond memory of Jesse may do so by visiting the "obituaries & flowers" link on the funeral home's website. Memorial contributions can be made to the Community Hospice Truman House, 716 Commercial Ave SW, New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663. Funeral Home Toland-Herzig Funeral Homes & Crematory 803 N Wooster Ave Dover, OH 44622 (330) 343-6132.



April Ryan Higginbotham (1981-2017) WV/OH

April R. Higginbotham, 35, of Wellston, Ohio passed away March 4, 2017. She was born August 14, 1981 in Charleston, W. Va. April was a 1999 graduate of Wellston High School and held an Associate's Degree from Rio Grande University. She enjoyed bowling, taking part in her daughter's gymnastic activities and spending time with her family and friends. April is survived by her father, Emmanuel Ray Higginbotham; mother, Kathy Maynard; fiance, Dusty Fultz; daughter, Kensley Fultz, age 6; step-son, Talan Fultz, age 10; grandmother, Mamaw Maynard, along with several brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.


 Times Recorder 03/17/2017

Donald Richard Higginbotham (1922-2017) OH

WHITE COTTAGE: Donald Richard Higginbotham, 94, of White Cottage and Dunedin, Florida, passed away Wed. Mar. 15, 2017 in the ER at Genesis Hospital. He was born on May 4, 1922 in Zanesville, a son of the late Dewey and Mary (Burns) Higginbotham. He graduated from Lash High School in the class of 1941 and graduated from Meredith Business College. Don worked in the finance business during his career. He served his country in the United States Army Air Force during World War II where he held the rank of sergeant. He was a 50+ year member of the U.C.T. and was a member and trustee of First Christian Church. He is survived by his loving wife of 69 years Burdeen (Fincel) Higginbotham. A nephew Donald "Rusty" Higginbotham. Several cousins. A special girl Pam Moore. Close family friends Mary Helen (Ullman) Williams, Mark (Nancy) Ullman, Sara (Chris) Ullman Pfaff, Anita Ullman. Many special friends and caregivers. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two sisters Elaine Treadway and Sue Morris and by an infant brother. No calling hours will be held. A private service will be held at WILLIAM THOMPSON & SON FUNERAL HOME 5765 Gladstone Drive White Cottage. Rev. Dawn Remster officiating. Entombment will be in Zanesville Memorial Park where Zanesville VFW Post #1058 will conduct military honors.


Dayton Daily News 3/30/2017

Delores Phelps Higginbotham Walker (1935-2017) OH

Walker, Delores (Toby Phelps), Age 81, passed on Monday, March 27, 2017 in Springfield, OH. She is preceded in death by her son, Lamont. Survived by her husband, Donald Walker Sr. and children: Denise, Keith, Richard and Melanie Higginbotham and Donald Walker Jr. and her brother, Robert Phelps Jr. Acknowledging Regina Westbrook, Ayana Vinson and Edith Way. Funeral services will be held 10:00 a.m. Saturday, April 1, 2017 at Church of God, 709 E. Grand Ave., Springfield, OH. Pastor Hampton, Eulogist, with Rev. Bruce Kelly, Officiant. Interment Ferncliff Cemetery. Visitation will be held 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday, March 31, 2017 at the church. Arrangements entrusted to Thomas Funeral Home, 4520 Salem Ave., Dayton, OH.


The Repository (Akron, OH) 04/11/2017

Ellen Higginbotham Hathaway Schlabach (1966-2017) OH)

Ellen Higginbotham Hathaway Schlabach, 50, of Lake Township, died April 9, 2017. She is survived by her husband Ronald; sons Alex Hathaway and Ian Hathaway; mother Sara Ray Roberts; and father Nelson Higginbotham. Her sisters, Suzanne Fedorka (Thomas), Amy Harman (Tom), Ashley Higginbotham (Ryan McPherson), Adrianne Roberts Beach (Brian), Beth Gaff Beal (Mel); her brother, Kevin Roberts; and her mother-in-law, Edna Mae Schlabach survive her as well. She was preceded in death by her beloved stepfather, George Roberts, her stepmother, Patricia Higginbotham; and her brother, Bret Gaff. She was the fun aunt to her much-loved six nephews and three nieces, and loved by many friends. A graduate of Lake School and Mount Union College, Ellen earned a Master's in Education from Ashland. She was employed by Canton City Schools as a second grade teacher at Allen Elementary, previously at Compton. Ellen's heart for children fueled her belief that God called her to teach and love all children. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Uniontown, 13370 Cleveland Ave. N.W., Uniontown where all services will be held. Visitation TODAY Tuesday April 11, from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Funeral services Wednesday April 12, 11 a.m. with Rev. James P. Nolte officiating. Burial Woods Cemetery. The family suggests that in lieu of flowers remembrances be sent to the Ellen Schlabach Memorial Scholarship Fund, Allen Elementary School, 1326 Sherrick Rd. SE, Canton, Ohio 44707 to benefit deserving children who attended that school. Hecker 330 699-2600.


Dayton Daily News 05/24/2017

Wanda Kay Higginbotham Hardnick (1955-2017) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM-HARDNICK, Wanda Kay Age 61. Sunrise August 4, 1955 at Wright Air Patterson Force Base and Sunset May 18, 2017 at The Ohio State University Medical Center. Wanda was preceded in death by her parents, Richard and Miriam Morgan Higginbotham and husband Richard Hardnick. Left to cherish her memory, daughters, Felicia K. Higginbotham and Kim D. (Saudi) Abdullah; sisters, Kim Miller and Joy Higginbotham; grandchildren, Craig, Tylysha, Isaiah, Jaheim, Shauda' and Saudia; great grandchildren, Anye'ya and Jeremiah and a host of other family and friends. Visitation 5:00pm and Funeral 6:00pm Friday May 25, 2017 at Trinity AME Church 554 Selma Rd. Ministry of Comfort entrusted to MARLAN J. GARY FUNERAL HOME, THE CHAPEL OF PEACE NORTH 2500 Cleveland Ave. To order flowers and to offer condolence to The HIGGINBOTHAM-HARDNICK Family.


The Repository 07/06/2017

Ralph Arnold Higginbotham (1939-2017) MS/OH

Ralph A. Higginbotham was born on August 12, 1939 in Macon, Miss., to the late Commie Tyson and Lona Reed Higginbotham. He went home to be with the Lord on July 3, 2017, surrounded by his loving family. Leaving Mississippi as a young teen, his father moved the family to Ohio settling in Hartville. Ralph attended Suffield schools and worked for Old King Cole/ Trilogy Plastics, Heimbaugh Dry Wall and Olszeski Properties. Ralph was an avid outdoorsman, enjoyed gardening and going to auctions. He married Patricia, Née Haswell on July 1, 1961, and recently celebrated 56 years of marriage. Also, he leaves his sons, Scott (Stephanie) and Todd (Judy) Higginbotham; as well as his grandchildren: Nicholas (Jordyn), Matthew (Maria), Megan, Todd Jr. and Derrek Higginbotham; and great-grandson, Greyson Higginbotham; and soon to arrive great-granddaughter, Giana Higginbotham; his brother, C. Tyson (Jan) of York, S.C.; and sisters-in-law, Ruth Gooding of Uniontown, Miki Higginbotham of Wisconsin, Dorothy and Sally Higginbotham, both of Hartville. In addition to his several nieces, nephews and long time friends. He enjoyed his McDonalds coffee run each morning with his "side kick" Lucky. Ralph is preceded in death by his parents; and brothers: Aaron Eugene, Benny Wade, John Kellis; and sister, Johnnie Dean; and in-laws, Floyd and Bertha Haswell. Calling hours are Friday 4-7 p.m. at Arnold Funeral Home, Hartville. Funeral services are Saturday 11:00 a.m. at East Nimishillen Church of the Brethren with Pastor Matthew Reed and Pastor Marvin Thomas officiating. Final viewing is one hour prior to services in the church (10-11 a.m.). Final resting place is the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to Aultman Woodlawn Compassionate Care Hospice and Palliative Care at 2821 Woodlawn Ave. N.W., Canton, OH 44708 or East Nimishillen Church of the Brethren at 2650 Nimishillen Church Rd., Canton, OH 44721. The family also wants to thank the staff at the Compassionate Care Center, the staff at Aultman Palliative Care, and a special thanks to Dr. Jeffery Marsh, Susan Eakin N.P., and Natalie Raber, R.N. and Chaplin Joseph Kampert. Arnold Hartville, 330-877-9364.


The Times Reporter on Jul. 18, 2017

Janet C. Kaiser Hickenbottom (1950-2017) OH

Janet C. (Kaiser) Hickenbottom, 67, of New Philadelphia, passed away July 14, 2017 following a period of declining health. Born in Dover on Feb. 16, 1950, she was the daughter of the late Clarence L. and Hazel M. (Rummell) Kaiser. Janet was a 1968 graduate of Indian Valley South High School. She dearly loved her grandchildren and spending time on the farm caring for and riding her horses. She will be deeply missed by her children: Nadine (companion, Jeff Shepherd) Liggett and Ryan (Stephanie) Hickenbottom, both of New Philadelphia; her longtime companion, Rusty Howell of New Philadelphia; her grandchildren: Bailey, Kadee and Cody Hickenbottom and Alexis and Maysen Liggett; her siblings: Brad (Esther) Kaiser of West Lafayette and Sally Murphy of Newcomerstown; and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. Visitation will be held in the Linn-Hert-Geib Funeral Home at New Philadelphia on Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m.


The Columbus Dispatch 07/26/2017

Jessie Louise Larrison Higginbotham (1936 - 2017) OH

Jessie Louise Higginbotham, of Canal Winchester, Ohio, formerly from Gahanna, Ohio, taken from us much too soon, passed away peacefully at home on July 24, 2017. Louise was born on October 17, 1936 in Kimbolton, Ohio. She is preceded in death by her parents Lester and Virginia Larrison. Louise married Charles Higginbotham February 26, 1954 and started her 22 year journey as a Navy wife and mother. Following Charles's retirement from the Navy in 1974, Louise worked for Huntington National Bank's Business Operation Center until her retirement in 1992. Louise was a past member of Peace Lutheran Church in Gahanna, Ohio where she was an active member in their PEO group and recently became a member of David Lutheran Church in Canal Winchester, Ohio. Louise loved her family above all and after retirement committed most of her time cherishing her family as it continued to grow. Louise is survived by her loving husband of 63 years, Charles James Higginbotham; her daughters, Janet Louise (Ronald) Sisko of Groveport, Ohio and Charlene Sue (Tom) Roberts of Johnstown, Ohio. She will be deeply missed by her grandchildren, Tressie Louise (Scott) Spurling, Stephen Joseph (Christine) Sisko, Corey Sue (Andy) Hallam, Shelby Jo (Nathan Johnson) Roberts and Brian Thomas Roberts. Her most prized possessions were her great grandchildren. Mayo, as they called her, will be greatly missed by, Kylee Rae Ooten, Maddox Christopher Johnson, Jessie Louise Spurling, Austin Robert Wolfe, Delaney Jo Johnson, Jenna Paige Spurling, Brandon Scott Spurling, Lirael Myah Johnson, Blaine Joseph Sisko, Margaret Sue Hallam, Ellana (Elli) Alexa Johnson and Charles (Charlie) Howard Hallam. She is survived by her brothers and sisters, Curtis (Juanita) Larrison, Irene Mapes, Nancy (Don Elkins) Bailey, Lester (Patty) Larrison, Bill (Leslie) Larrison and Cathy (Mike) Moore. As well of numerous nieces and nephews. The family would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mt Carmel Hospital and Mt Carmel Hospice for their kindness and loving care during our mother Louise's final days. Friends and family may call Friday, July 28, 2017 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at SCHOEDINGER EAST, 5360 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus 43232, where services will be held Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 12 noon, with Paul Barnes, of Madison Christian Church, officiating. Entombment will follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, 5600 E. Broad St, Columbus, Ohio. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Louise's memory to Central Ohio Autism Society and/or Mt. Carmel Hospice.


The Times Reporter Aug. 2, 2017

Rodney Keith Hickenbottom (1922-2017) OH
1922 - 2017
95, of Newcomerstown passed away Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2017 at Riverside Manor Nursing & Rehab. Center. He was born Friday, June 30, 1922 in Somerton Ohio to David Watson Hickenbottom and Matilda Jane 'Wells' Hickenbottom. He served in the U.S. Army in World War II, in Company D 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division as squad leader of a light machine gun crew in the European Theater in Normandy, Rhineland, Ardennes, and Central Europe, and he was awarded four Bronze Stars for valor, one with an Oak leaf cluster.
He was a farmer and retired calendar operator at General Tire and Rubber Co. He was a member of the Church of Christ of Newcomerstown.
He was preceded in death by his wife Bonnie Lou 'Castello' Hickenbottom who passed away Dec. 29, 2003. He is survived by his daughters Linda (Jim) Moner and Brenda (Bernie) Ames; five grandchildren Misty (Lawrence) Prysi, Jamie (Doug) Davis, Corey (Kelly) Moner, Heather (Chad) Guess, Cody (Cayla) Ames; 11 great-grandchildren Ali Davis, Lexi Davis, Tyler Davis, Tanner Davis, Makenzie Moner, Marlie Moner, Gavin Prysi, Ryker Prysi, Cohen Ames, Cambrie Ames, Atley Guess. He was preceded in death by seven brothers, Joe, James, Rossi, Otis, Lake, Olie and Frank Hickenbottom; two sisters, Mary Hannahs and Tillie Tuttle.
Services will be held at Addy Funeral Home Friday Aug. 4, 2017 at 11 a.m. with Charles Newell and Minister Chris Haguewood officiating. Burial will be at West Lawn Cemetery. Visitation will be held at Addy Funeral Home one hour prior to the service. Graveside military honors will be conducted by the Newcomerstown Veterans Honor Guard. Memorial contributions may be made to Community Hospice of Tusc. County 716 Commercial Ave. New Philadelphia OH 44663.


The Daily Sentinel 11/14/2017

Zora Juanita Higginbotham Rawson (1932-2017) WV/OH

MIDDLEPORT — Zora J. (Higginbotham) Rawson, 85, of Middleport, Ohio, went home to be with the Lord on Nov. 13, 2017. She was born on Jan. 31, 1932, in Southside, West Virginia, daughter of the late Floyd and Grace Higginbotham. She was a faithful member of Faith Valley Tabernacle Church. She married Emmett A. Rawson on Sept. 4, 1951. Mrs. Rawson is survived by her daughters, Pamela Sellers and Debra (Jerry) Yeauger and her son, E. Gregory (Lora) Rawson; five grandchildren, Kyla (Heath) Hudson, Scott Sellers, Josiah (Brandi) Rawson, Seth Rawson and Jordan Rawson; six great grandchildren, Kelsey and Griffin Hudson, Chloe, Isabelle and William Sellers, Koen Rawson and one on the way. She is also survived by sisters-in-law, Joann, Joan and Betty Higginbotham, and Wanda Hendrick; brothers-in-law, Handley Dunn, Don Rawson and Denver Rollins; several nieces and nephews; and a wonderful church family. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Emmett; six brothers and five sisters. Zora will be greatly missed by family and friends. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017 at 1 p.m. at the Anderson McDaniel Funeral Home in Pomeroy. Burial will follow at Meigs Memory Gardens. Visiting hours will be on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the funeral home. Funeral Home Anderson McDaniel Funeral Homes 590 East Main Street Pomeroy, OH 45769 (740) 992-5141.


The Cincinnati Enquirer 11/16/2017

Marilyn Joyce Wingerter Heginbotham (1936-2017) OH

Marilyn Joyce Heginbotham, age 81, passed away peacefully at VITAS Hospice Care at the Drake Center on Monday November 13, 2017.

A lifelong Cincinnati resident, Marilyn was born at Good Samaritan Hospital on February 22, 1936 to Clifford and Lillian (Hauck) Wingerter. She graduated from Withrow High School in 1954, and began work at Williamson Company where she met her future husband, Thomas Louis Heginbotham. They married in 1960 and together they raised three children on Aylesboro Avenue in Hyde Park.

When her children were young, Marilyn served as PTA President at Kilgour Elementary, was scout leader for both Cub Scouts and Brownies, and supported her children in their various sporting events and activities. Her involvement in the school system led to her job as Teacher's Aide at Linwood Elementary and later, after furthering her education through bookkeeping classes, as Treasurer at Walnut Hills High School. She eventually became a bookkeeper for the Cincinnati Board of Education and retired in 2001. In her spare time, she enjoyed reading and knitting and was an avid Cincinnati sports fan.

After retirement, she held many volunteer positions including helping at Mersey Hospital and the Cincinnati Public Library; bookkeeping for the Cincinnati Garden Club, ushering at Music Hall & The Arnoff Center, treasurer of the Women's Auxiliary of the Salvation Army and, most recently, served as Ambassador at Barrington Place Assisted Living Center.

Marilyn was a determined fighter and battle Parkinson's disease for many years. She lived life to the fullest despite the limitations of the disease.

She is survived by her children: Tom (Becky) Heginbotham, Cara Cook and Ann Heginbotham; grandchildren, TJ Heginbotham, Katie Heginbotham, Sarah Cook, Stephanie Cook & Taylor Cook; brother, Cliff (Marian) Wingerter; nephew, Cliff (Jennifer) Wingerter and Niece Beth (Scott) Witte.

A private family service will be held to honor Marilyn at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made in the name of Marilyn Heginbotham to the American Parkinson's Association.


Springfield News-Sun 11/22/2017

Julia Ann Higinbothom Harris (1931-2017) OH

Julia A. Harris (Higinbothom), 85, of Urbana, passed away Tuesday, November 21, 2017 in Mercy Health Urbana Hospital.
She was born November 23, 1931 in Springfield, Ohio, the daughter of Brit C. and Mable G. (Musser) Higinbothom.
Julia was a fraternity house mother for Ohio State University.
She is survived by her daughter, Karen Vawter; sons, Craig (Lisa) Harris, Howard Harris Jr. and Matthew Harris; sister-in-law, Nancy Higinbothom; grandchildren, Nichole (Greg) Bonifay, Chelsea Harris and Ashlyn (Andrew) Kizer; great-granddaughters, Maddison, Morgen, Layni and Lyvi; great-grandson, Alexander; and several nieces and nephews.
She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Howard Harris; brother, John Higinbothom; sister, Iris Bernie; and son-in-law, Frank Vawter.
Funeral services will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 25, 2017 in the Vernon Funeral Home, Urbana, with Rev. Mimi Ault officiating. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the funeral service. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, South Charleston.



Kathryn M. Keefer Nelson Higginbotham (1926-2018) WV/OH

October 24, 1926-January 28, 2018

Kathryn M. Keefer Higginbotham, 91 Athens, passed away Sunday January 28, 2018, at Ohio Health O'Bleness Hospital. She was born October 24, 1926, in Leon, West Virginia, the daughter of the late Oren H. and Edna Shinn Keefer. Kathryn was a homemaker, a member of Zaleski Freewill Baptist Church and attended Albany United Methodist Church. She is survived by sons John and Randy Nelson both of Florida, granddaughter Kim (Mike) Beecher, and grandson Randy Nelson Jr.; and 1 great-grandson; sisters Rita Wolfe of Pt. Pleasant, West Virginia and Ann Canode of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, a brother Ralph (Kitty) Keefer of Albany; step daughters Pamela (Ronald) Stansberry of Londonderry and April (Doug) Lowther of Albany. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by husbands Ernest Nelson, and Coy Higginbotham, a son Gary Nelson, and a brother Warren Keefer. Services will be Saturday at 1:00 P.M. at Bigony-Jordan Funeral Home, with ministers Matt McKee, Mark Rood, Walt Goble officiating. Burial will be in Alexander Cemetery. Visitation will be Saturday 11:00 A.M. until time of services.

Akron Beacon Journal from February 8, 2018
Evelyn Marie Pope Higgenbottom 1953-2018) OH
Evelyn Marie Higgenbottom (Pope) passed away Tuesday, February 6, 2018. Service will be held Friday, February 16, 2018 at 11 a.m. at City of Joy Life Enrichment Center, 610 W. Exchange St., Akron, OH 44320. Pastor Mayceo Smith eulogizing. Interment Mt. Peace Cemetery. Friends may visit at the church from 10 a.m. until time of service. Procession will form and condolences may be sent to 292 Shelby Ave., Akron, OH 44310.

Springfield News Sun 4/4/2018

Mary Irene Higginbotham Davenport (1924-2018) OH
DAVENPORT, Mary Irene Passed away Thursday, March 29, 2018. She was born October 8, 1924 in Springfield, Ohio the daughter of Cecil and Martha (Cassady) Higginbotham. She was employed as a statistical clerk for the U.S. Government. Irene was an accomplished pianist and organist having played for the Cleveland Orchestra and Antioch Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Her memory will be cherished by her sisters, Florence Harrison of Tucson, AZ and Elizabeth Daniels of Phoenix, AZ and very dear friend and caregiver, Veatrice V. (Fred D.) Smith of Springfield, Ohio. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, William G. Davenport and close friend, Gloria Daniels. Visitation is Friday from 5 p.m. until the time of service at 6 p.m. at St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Burial is Saturday in Ferncliff Cemetery at 10 a.m. Arrangements by the Robert C. Henry-Clark Funeral Home.

Marion Star 04/30/2018

Glen Ray Higginbotham (1938-2018) WV/OH
Richwood - Glen Ray Higginbotham, 80 of Richwood, died peacefully Friday morning April 27, 2018 at home surrounded by his loving family. He was born January 12, 1938 in Putnam County, West Virginia to the late Letcher Monroe and Ruth Marie (Walker) Higginbotham, he was also preceded in death by his wife Nancy Lou (Columber) Higginbotham, they were married May 19, 1956 in LaRue and she died March 25, 2011, also preceding in death was a brother, Clinton. Ray was a veteran of the Army. He had owned and operated the former Golden Star Services, he then retired after 18 years from Honda, where he worked in facility maintenance. He was a member of the Mt. Carmel Lodge #303 F. & A. M. in Richwood. Ray was a football fan of the Buckeyes and his North Union Wildcats. A true family man, he loved spending time with his family, one of his favorite things to do with them was going to Walt Disney World. He will be missed by his family. He is survived by three sons, Terry (Lucy) Higginbotham, Richwood; Vernon (Mary Ann) Higginbotham, Summertown, Tn; Glen II (Tammy), Higginbotham, Bellefontaine; three daughters, Penny (Todd) Ward, LaRue; Patty (Pat) Kratowicz, Richwood; Peggy (Ron) Eastman, Mt. Victory; one brother, Roy (Betty) Higginbotham of Circleville and one sister, Linda Piper of Maryland; 17 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren Private graveside services will be held at the Price Cemetery, Pastor Sarah Schaaf will officiate. Memorial gifts may be made to Loving Care Hospice, P. O. Box 613, Marysville, OH 43040. Stofcheck-Ballinger Funeral Home 201 S Franklin St Richwood, OH 43344 (740) 943-2121.

The Repository on Jun. 2, 2018

Helen J. Mills Hickinbotham (1932-2018) OH
Helen J. Hickinbotham age 86, of Gustavus township, Ohio, died Tuesday, May 29, 2018, at Cortland Health Care Center. She was born May 3, 1932, in Adena, Ohio, a daughter of George Sydney and Mary (Hendershot) Mills. Formerly of Dunnellon, Fla., Mrs. Hickinbotham has lived in Gustavus with her daughter for the past year. She enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren, crocheting, and raising chickens. She married Allen Eugene Hickinbotham on Nov. 14, 1953, and he preceded her in death on Dec. 4, 2011. She is also preceded by her son, Scott Hickinbotham; her granddaughter, Emily Hall; three sisters, Elsie Wilcox, Ruth Gensler, and Virginia Rabe; and two brothers, Frederick Bartles and David Mills. She is survived by her daughter, Beth Y. (Tris) Hall of Gustavus township, Ohio; her son, Robert A. Hickinbotham of Dunnellon, Fla; her son, Bruce L. (Pam) Hickinbotham of Hartville, Ohio; her daughter-in-law, Barbara (Hickinbotham) Huhn of Louisville, Ohio; nine grandchildren; 10 great- grandchildren; and her brother, George W. Mills of Canton, Ohio. Mrs. Hickinbotham will be cremated and no services held. Baumgardner Funeral & Cremation Service, 8569 Main St., Kinsman,OH, handled arrangements.


Harold David Hickenbottom (1939-2018) OH
Harold was the son of the late Ross and Wilma "Tillie" (Montgomery) Hickenbottom.
He was a 1957 graduate of Barnesville High School. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He was a member of the Somerton Church of Christ. He retired from South Central Power as a lineman. He was a member of the American Legion Post 168 and I.B.E.W.
Harold was a kind and caring man who loved to be involved with his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He and his wife, Martha had a relationship that everyone admired. He was a loving and devoted husband. He enjoyed farming, hunting, fishing, and feeding all the wildlife the visited him. He shared his love of hunting with many special friends.
His memory is cherished by his wife of fifty-three years, Martha (Brubach) Hickenbottom; son, Mike; daughters, Tonya and Mindy; grandchildren, Emily, Haleigh, Nathan, Ross, and Max; great grandchildren, Hudson and Landry; brothers, Richard and Jim; "brother" James; several nieces, nephews, and friends.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister, Shirley McCarthy.


William Lee Higginbotham (1954-2018) OH

William "Bill" "Nuke" Higginbotham, age 64, passed away peacefully on Saturday, September 15, 2018. He was born on April 4, 1954, in Gallipolis, Ohio. Bill retired from Lowes after 20 years of service. Surviving family includes wife, Brenda; children, Marilyn Compton and Nelson Higginbotham; granddaughter, Kaylee Ann; siblings, Wilda (Chris) Morris and Chuck (Brenda) Higginbotham; also survived by many nieces, nephews and family. Preceded in death by parents, Delbert and Donna; son, William Lee II; sister, Christine; brother, Dale Higginbotham. Visitation will be held Thursday, September 20, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Newcomer Grove City, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio. Funeral service will be held on Friday, September 21, at 2 p.m. at Raynes Funeral Home, 2117 Buffalo Rd, Buffalo, WV 25033, where visitation will begin at noon. Interment to follow at Morning Sunrise Cemetery, Grimms Landing, W.Va.


The Columbus Dispatch 10/9/2018

Joyce L. Higginbotham Long (ca1949-2018) OH

Joyce L. Long, age 69, of Dublin, passed away Saturday, October 6, 2018. Preceded in death by husband William Long, sister Carol (John) Blatter, parents Lester and Esta Higginbotham, brothers-in-law Gary Detrow and James Prysock. Survived by siblings, Jimmy (Nellie) Higginbotham, Sharon Detrow and Donna Prysock. Family will receive friends Wednesday 12pm-1pm at TIDD FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 5265 Norwich St., Hilliard, OH 43026, where funeral service will follow at 1 pm. Interment Sunset Cemetery.


Akron Beacon Journal on Nov. 15, 2018

James T. Higginbottom Sr. (1945-2018) OH

Bishop Dr. James T. Higginbottom, Sr., was summoned to be with the Lord on November 11, 2018. He was born in Akron on April 22, 1945 to the late Bishop Alexander and Altee (nee Wheeler) Higginbottom, Sr. He was preceded in death by his siblings, Bishop Alexander Jr., Curtis, Robert, Horace, Luvina Higginbottom, and Katie Mee. Bishop is survived by his wife, Esterlena Hampton Higginbottom; two children, James II (Tonya) and Pastor Meredith (Broderick) Hogg; grandchildren, Latoya, James III, and Sterling; his siblings, Bishop Ronald (Tonya), Lula (Samuel) Hampton, Daisy Blackson, Barbara Ann Sims of Little Rock, Ark., and Cathy Feaster of Palmetto, Ga.; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Bishop was the founder of the South Street Mission, Inc. in 1972; he was a professor at The University of Akron; and he established the JT Higginbottom Realty Company. Funeral services will be held at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, November 16, 2018 at the First Apostolic Faith Church, 790 Easter Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44307, where his daughter, Pastor Meredith Hogg will celebrate his life. Family and friends may visit at the church one hour prior to the service, THIS IS THE ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO VIEW THE BODY, THE CASKET WILL BE CLOSED AT SERVICE TIME AND NOT BE REOPENED. Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Newcomer Funeral Home, Akron. 



Janet Mae Gunn Hickenbottom (1938-2018) OH

March 01, 1938 - November 15, 2018

Janet Mae (Gunn) Hickenbottom of the Winterset area, passed away at home surrounded by her loved ones after losing her battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). She was born March 1, 1938 in Jefferson Township/Guernsey County, a daughter of the late Ralph Gunn and Nelva (Gibson) Gunn. Janet graduated from Madison High School in 1956 and from the Columbus Beauty College in 1957. She was a member of the Clearfork Baptist Church. Janet loved making wooden dolls and selling them at craft shows. She could sew and make most anything. Her love of music led her to master the organ and she enjoyed many hours of playing. She loved to decorate, whether it was in her own home or the B&B they cared for. Her decorating skills could be featured in any magazine. She loved being outside either mowing or decorating for the seasons. There was no greater love than for her family. They were the pride in her voice, the smile on her face, and the twinkle in her eyes. The most recent light of her life was her great-granddaughter, Shantel. She loved dressing her up and doing her hair for church. As Janet would say, she is my reason to breathe and fight this every day. She will be greatly missed by those who know and love her. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brothers, Ralph Gunn Jr. and Larry D. Gunn; and a son-in-law, Darren DeLong. She is survived by her loving husband and best friend of sixty-one years, Wayne Hickenbottom; her daughters, Kelly Adamik of the Winterset area and Kerry DeLong of Cambridge; her brother, Brent Gunn of Winterset; her grandchildren, Branden Smith, Karley Schaefer, Taylar DeLong; and her great-granddaughter, Shantel Schaefer. Visitation will be held Monday (November 19, 2018) from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Thorn-Black Funeral Home, Cambridge, where funeral services will be held Tuesday (November 20, 2018) at 11 a.m. with Pastor Craig Murray officiating. Burial will be at Clearfork Baptist Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorial contributions be made to Hospice of Guernsey Inc., PO Box 1165, Cambridge OH 43725.


The Times Reporter on Dec. 29, 2018

Meghan Sue Wallick Higgenbotham (1985-2018) OH

Meghan Sue (Wallick) Higgenbotham, 33, of Sherrodsville and a former Dover resident, died Tuesday, December 25, 2018 in Harrison County from injuries received in an automobile accident. She was an employee of the Conotton Valley Schools and was the middle school volleyball coach. She was formerly employed at Synchrony Bank in Canton. Born July 19, 1985 in Dover, she was the daughter of Kirk "Dan" and Valerie (VonKaenel) Wallick of Bay Minette, Alabama.
She will be remembered as a devoted mom to her son, Dylan where she enjoyed her work as a "baseball mom" for his baseball team, The Conotton Valley Rockets." She enjoyed spending time outdoors where she loved photography and kayaking. She was a 2003 graduate of Dover High School. In addition to her parents, Meghan is survived by her husband of eight years, Jarod Higgenbotham, who were married on August 28, 2010; her son, Dylan; a sister, Kristin (Scott) Martin; and niece, Adleigh of Durham, North Carolina; and mother and father-in-law, Lew and Cheryl Higgenbotham of Gnadenhutten; along with her canine companions (Great Danes) Elliot and Lucy.
A celebration of Meghan's life will be held Monday, December 31, 2018 beginning at 2 p.m. at the St. John's United Church of Christ, 409 N. Wooster Ave., Dover, with Pastor Tom Dunkle officiating. Friends may call at the church on Monday from 11 a.m. until the time of service. Cremation has been entrusted to the Toland-Herzig Funeral Home & Crematory at Dover and inurnment will take place at a later date in the Sherrodsville Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, memorials can be made to the Dylan Higgenbotham Scholarship Fund, c/o The Directions Credit Union, 1127 4th St. N.W., New Phila, OH 44663, to be used for Dylan's future education endeavors.



Cathy M. Higginbotham Clevenger (1964-2019) OH

CATHY M. "CAT" CLEVENGER, (nee Higginbotham), age 55, loving wife to Frank; dear mom to the late Clayton and to Angie Clevenger (Dennis); grandma to Heidi, Sophia, and Cheyenne; sister to the late Tom Higginbotham (Lora) and to Billy Higginbotham (Sally); aunt, cousin, and friend of many. Passed away on January 15, 2019. Private family services will be held Wednesday January 23rd. starting at 11 am. Burial will be at West Park Cemetery in Cleveland.


 Sidney Daily News 1/28/2019

Eva Platfoot Higginbotham (1924-2019) OH

SIDNEY — Eva "Jeannette" Higginbotham, age 94, went to be with the Lord on Jan. 26, 2019, surrounded by her loving family. She was born in Montra, Ohio, to the late Ben and Stella (Ambos) Platfoot on April 3, 1924. Jeannette was the youngest of five children and grew up on a farm just outside of Montra. She was a lifelong member of Emanuel Lutheran Church, Montra, Ohio. She enjoyed sports during school and was on the high school basketball team. She graduated from Jackson Center School in 1942. She was engaged to Levan Stockstill who served in World War II and was killed at Iwo Jima. During the war she worked at Stolles in Sidney, Ohio. She married Howard Higginbotham, a World War II veteran who was a paratrooper at the Battle of the Bulge, at Emanuel Lutheran Church Oct. 30, 1942. They had three children. Bonnie Kay (Steve) Watkins, of Sidney, Carol Jean (Steve) Kinninger, of Sidney, and Lisa Jo (Alvie) Tucker, of Clearwater, Florida. Jeannette retired from Wagner Manufacturing in Sidney. She met her husband Howard at a roller staking rink, which later became a favorite activity they enjoyed with their children as well as travelling with their camper as far as Washington state, Florida and Canada. Jeannette loved spending time with her family and friends and will be fondly remembered by her family. Her daughters are thankful to have had two wonderful parents who shared their love of the lord, took them to church as a family and showed them kindness and love. She is preceded in death by her husband Howard Vincent Higginbotham, who died on Jan. 22, 1997, her siblings, Thurman (Ester) Platfoot, Arietta Platfoot, Stanley (Hazel) Platfoot and Viola "Susie" (Ned) Maxwell, and one grandson, Mike Tucker. She is survived by grandchildren, Darby Watkins, Jenny Mercado (Chris Hamm), Laura (Wes) Hurley, Chelsie Steinke (Lindsay Nichols), Tyler Tucker (Joslyn Gebby), Whitney Tucker, Ryan Tucker (Amy Bollman); great-grandchildren, Kennadie Steinke, Bayleigh Steinke, Makayla Hurley, Kaleb Hurley, Mika Tucker, Jayda Tucker and Ethan Tucker; and many nieces and nephews. Adams Funeral Home will be caring for the needs of the Higginbotham family. Visitation will be at 10 a.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Church Montra, Ohio, on Friday, Feb. 1, 2019. Funeral service will be at 11 a.m. with Pastor Dave Sanders officiating. Interment will follow at Cedar Point cemetery in Pasco. Memorial contributions in Jeannette's honor may be made to Emanuel Lutheran Church.


The Times Reporter 6/1/2019

B. Nelson Higginbotham (1942 - 2019) GA/FL

Nelson Higginbotham, 76, of Canton passed away suddenly from injuries sustained in an accident on Wednesday, May 29, 2019. Born August 25, 1942 in Elberton, Georgia, he was a son of the late Sara Moon. Nelson was also preceded in death by his wife, Patricia Higginbotham on June 25, 2011; daughter, Ellen Schlabach; son, Bret Gaff; brother, Marvin Higginbotham; step-father, Dan Solar; and a granddaughter. He was employed at Stevenson Memorials in New Philadelphia for over 30 years.
Nelson is survived by his children Suzanne (Thomas) Fedorka of MA, Amy (Tom) Harman of Akron, Beth Anne (Mel) Beal of FL, Ashley Higginbotham of Canton; sister, Marilu Black of GA; 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Cremation has been entrusted to the Toland-Herzig Funeral Home and Crematory at Dover. Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday, June 6th., from 10:00 am to 12 noon. Graveside services will be held in the St. Joseph Calvary Cemetery at Dover on Thursday starting at 12:30 pm. Following the service, a luncheon will be held in the Toland-Herzig Monarch Center. Those wishing to express their fondest memories of Nelson may do so by visiting the online obituaries link on the funeral home's website. Memorial contributions may be made to Stark Library, Perry Sippo Branch at 5710 12th St. N.W., Canton, Ohio 44708.
Toland-Herzig Funeral Homes & Crematory
803 N Wooster Ave Dover, OH 44622  (330) 343-6132


Fulton County Expositor 6/19/2019

Leah Grace Higginbotham Davis (1940-2019) OH

Leah Grace Davis, 79, of Liberty Center passed away Sunday, June 16, 2019. Leah was born April 12, 1940, to the late Marion and Violet (Shafer) Higginbotham in Hicksville, Ohio. She married Glenn Davis on July 2, 1960, in Bryan, and they were married 55 years before he preceded her in death on Jan. 12, 2016.
Leah was a nursing assistant for Genacross Lutheran Services and enjoyed reading. She was a member of Victory Chapel Church, and was the former president of the Women's Missionary Association. Leah loved to play and spend time with her grandchildren. She was a loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother who will be greatly missed.
She is survived by her daughter, Vicki Davis of Liberty Center; sons, Glenn (Denise) Davis II of Holgate, Scott (Lavonne) Davis of Archbold, and Jason (Amy) Davis of Toledo; 10 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a daughter-in-law, Pam Bartrum of Huntington, Ind.
Leah was also preceded in death by her son, Jon Davis; daughter, Ginny Davis; brother, Clyde Higginbotham; and sisters, Juanita Deck and Mary Lou Smith.
A memorial service will be held at a later date.
Wright-Hanneman Funeral Home in Liberty Center is honored to serve Leah's family.
Memorial contributions in Leah's honor may be gifted to the Victory Chapel Church, U722 County Road 8, Liberty Center, Ohio 43532 or the Fulton County Veterans Service Office, 604 S. Shoop Ave., Suite 270, Wauseon, Ohio 43567.



Marina Sharon Higginbotham Hackworth Roth (1950-2019) OH

Marina Sharon Roth, 69, of Tiffin, died Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 4:50 a.m. at Bridge Hospice Care Center, Findlay. Born in Findlay, Ohio on January 27, 1950, she was the daughter of the late Burton and Jossie (Ward) Higginbotham. She is survived by four children, Aaron Hackworth, Findlay, Rhonda (Matt) Balko, Findlay, Jossie (Ben) Steinmetz, Mt. Blanchard and Jodi (Seth) Nye, Tiffin, a sister, Debbie Soto and a brother, Rick Higginbotham, both of Carey. Also surviving are 10 grandchildren, Leland, Marina, Erin, Chelsea, Olivia, Alaina, Weston, Corbon, Jaxson and Wyatt, three great grandchildren, Nevaeh, Lucy, Liam and one on the way, and three step-grandchildren Jarrad, Nathan Devon Balko. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Steve Ronald Higginbotham. She was a 1968 graduate of Carey High School. While living in Wharton, she served on the Wharton Village Council in the 1990's. She retired in 2008 from Meijer in Findlay where she was a baker and loved decorating cakes. She enjoyed playing Bingo and loved being with her family and friends. Visitation will be Friday, June 28, 2019 from 4-8 p.m.at Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, Carey. Her funeral service will be Saturday, June 29, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at the funeral home with Jenny Kline officiating. Burial will follow in Spring Grove Cemetery, Carey.



Patricia I. Higginbotham Ratliff (1938-2019) OH

Patricia I. Ratliff, age 80, of Geneva, passed away July 21, 2019 at Geneva Village Nursing Home. Born on November 28, 1938, in Willoughby, Ohio. The daughter of Lysle K. & Elizabeth I. (Heidt) Higginbotham. Worked as a Brazer at Mining Tools, in Mentor, she also was housekeeper at Madison Health Care. Patricia enjoyed spending time with her family, shopping and doing word searches. Survivors: Children: Cindy (Gary) J., of Geneva; Craig (Laura) C., of Columbus; Grandchildren; Great-Grandchildren; Siblings: Edwin "Butch" (Addrian) H.; Carl (Debbie) H.; Sister-In-Law: Shirley H., all of Mentor. Preceded by: Granddaughter: Stacey Huntington; her Parents: Brother: Kenneth; Sisters: Shirl Scott & Bea Robbins. Calling Hours: 6-8:00 P.M. Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at Walker Funeral Home, 828 Sherman St., Geneva. Interment: Private family service Mt. Pleasant Cemetery.


The Times Reporter on Aug. 2, 2019

Lew Frederick Higgenbotham (1958-2019) WV/OH

Lew F. Higgenbotham age 60, of Gnadenhutten, Ohio, died early Wednesday morning, July 31, 2019 in the Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital at Dover from the effects of a two-year illness. He was born November 29, 1958, in Wheeling, West Virginia and was the son of Lewis Thomas "Red" and Geneva Hrabak Higgenbotham of Sherrodsville, OH. He was preceded in death by a daughter-in-law, Meghan Higgenbotham. Lew was a CDL Test Site Manager at U.S. America in Gnadenhutten where he had worked for 21 years. His life centered around the responsibilities of his work and the needs of his family. He had a deep interest in muscle cars, having rebuilt several on his own. He was a gun enthusiast who was a member of the NRA. His focus was on target shooting and gun safety. A music devotee, he was a fan of 1970's era rock and roll. Lew enjoyed performing the yard work around his home and was adept with his skills as a handyman. His special enjoyment came from traveling to watch his grandsons play Little League baseball. He was a loving husband, father, son, "Papaw", and brother who will be missed by his family and many friends. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, Cheryl Ann (Penick) Higgenbotham, whom he married January 13, 1979; two sons, Jarod Higgenbotham of Sherrodsville and Justin (Jacie) Higgenbotham of Dover, OH, his three grandsons: Dylan Higgenbotham of Sherrodsville, and Jaden and Jantzen Higgenbotham of Dover, and his brother Robert (Michele) Higgenbotham of Sherrodsville. Funeral services will be conducted 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 5, 2019, in the Baxter-Gardner Funeral Home at Sherrodsville with Rev. Mark Trotter officiating. Calling hours will be held Monday from 5:00 p.m. until services begin at 7:00 p.m., in the funeral home. Private interment will take place in the Sherrodsville Memorial Gardens on Tuesday, August 6th. Contributions in Lew's memory may be made to the Tuscarawas County Humane Society, 1432 Tall Timber Rd. N.E., New Philadelphia, OH 44663.


Times Recorder 9/9/2019

Eva Joann Ebert Higginbotham (1936-2019) OH

Crooksville - Eva Joann Higginbotham, 83, formerly of Roseville, passed away Saturday September 7, 2019 at Genesis Health Care in Zanesville. She was born in Crooksville, Ohio (Stringtown) on August 15, 1936 to the late Kermit Q. and Helen (Jones) Ebert. Joann was a beautician who owned and operated Joann's Beauteria, located on Main street in Crooksville for many years. She was an avid bowler, participating in bowling leagues held at Maysville All Star Lanes and was known as one of the largest Hull Pottery collectors in the state of Ohio. Joann is survived by a son, David Higginbotham; 2 grandchildren; sister, Brenda Ebert; sister-in-law, Jean Ebert; nieces and nephews, Troy (Darla) Sowers and Terry (Pam) Ebert. She was preceded in death by her husband Lonzo Higginbotham; brother, Ronald L. Ebert; and sister, Marlene Williams. Visitation will be held Tuesday, September 10, 2019 from 2:00 PM until the 7:00pm, at Ross-Frash Funeral Home, 207 Burley Street, Crooksville. Services will begin at 7:00pm immediately following the conclusion of visitation with cremation to follow. Burial will take place in Dresden Cemetery next to her husband in the future.

Salm-McGill & Tangeman Funeral Home 12/18/2019

Lena Ruth Hickenbottom York (1927-2019) OH

Lena "Ruth" (Hickenbottom) York, age 92, of Sidney, Ohio, passed away at Wilson Memorial Hospital, Sidney , Ohio, on December 17, 2019.
She was born September 8, 1927 in Gilmore, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, the daughter of John (Jack) Hickenbottom and Myrtle Bundy who preceded her in death. She was married to Waldo York on November 6, 1944 in Alabama. He also preceded her in death.
She is survived by a son, Roger (Vicki) York of Montra, Ohio , 4 daughters, Judy (Bill) Schweitzer of Buchanan Dam, Texas, Phyllis (Dave) Reed of Valdese, North Carolina, Cindy (John) Brandewie of Middleport, Ohio, Kathy (Roger) Cathcart of Waxhaw, North Carolina, 24 Grandchildren, 55 Great Grandchildren and IO Great Great Grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by 2 sons, Richard Dick' York and John Eugene York Sr., 4 Grandchildren and 2 Great Grandchildren. She was the last surviving child of John (Jack) Hickenbottom. She had 15 siblings. His (Jack Hickenbottom) first marriage to Elizabeth King were 6 children, Hannah, Ida, Eliza, Lawson, Ethel and Kitty all deceased. His (Jack Hickenbottom) second marriage to Myrtle were 4 siblings , Roy (Hick), Goldie, Robert (Bob) and Grace, all deceased. Myrtle's first marriage with Alvertis Naylor were 5 children Harry, Nettie (Naylor) Simmers, David 'Howard', Mabel (Naylor) Lyons and Carl, all deceased.
Ruth and her husband Waldo resided many years in Jackson Center, Ohio. Ruth was a devout wife and Mother. She spent her life being there for her family. She was always the nurturer. She loved to play the guitar, sing and dance. She was dearly loved by anyone who knew her.
She has endured Alzheimer's the last years of her life. She has been at Fair Haven County Home where she was well taken care of and was loved by all the staff. Her family appreciates and is thankful for their care of her. They loved "Ruthie". We are grateful for the care she received from the ICU team at Wilson as well as Sidney Hospice.
No public visitation or services will be held.There will be a private service for the family at Salm-McGill & Tangeman Funeral Home 502 S Ohio Ave. Sidney, Ohio 45365 at a later date.

Ina Marvene Messer Higginbotham (1936-2020) KY/OH
Ina Marvene Higginbotham, 83, of Frankfort, died on Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at the Greenfield Skilled Nursing Facility. She was born on Thursday, February 6, 1936 in Carter County, Kentucky, the daughter of the late Henry and Sallie Brown Messer.

She is survived by her two children, Teddy A. Higginbotham of Frankfort and Cathy Dennewitz of Chillicothe, four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Marvene was a 1955 graduate of Frankfort High School. She worked several years at Greenfield Research.

Services will be held at the convenience of the family under the direction of the EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort.

The Advocate Jan. 8, 2020

Joseph Emanuel Higginbotham (1922-2020) MS/OH
NEWARK - Joseph Emanuel Higginbotham, Jr., of Newark, entered his eternal rest in the arms of Jesus on Saturday evening, January 4, 2020. He had celebrated his 97th birthday in November. He was well cared for by the staff that he loved at his residence in SharonBrooke Assisted Living Center where he passed. A memorial service will be held at Newark Central Christian Church, 587 Mount Vernon Road on Sunday, February 2. Visiting hours will be 2:00-3:00 PM with the service following, Rev. Jeff Gill presiding. Born in West Point, Mississippi to Joseph, Sr. and Kathleen (Deans) Higginbotham, Joseph, Jr. was preceded in death by his wife of 66 years, Mary Ann (Walker), his parents, granddaughter Bethany Joy Higginbotham and both of his siblings, George and Mazie (Mintern). Mr. Higginbotham will be greatly missed by daughter Marie (Lilburn) McDaniel of Columbus, sons Joseph, III (Sheryl) Higginbotham of Columbus, and Rev. Dr. James (Rev. Dr. Carolyn) Higginbotham of Indianapolis, sister-in-law Betty Petty of Yorba Linda, CA; grandchildren: Erin Higginbotham (Darren) Nealy, and Regenia, Ray and Randy McDaniel; 8 great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews; and a host of friends from Central Christian Church where he was a devoted and faithful member for 57 years, Licking Co. Rock and Mineral Society, Newark Poseidon's Scuba Club, Licking Co. Computer Society, Licking Co. Senior Center, the American Legion, the YMCA and dear residents of SharonBrooke. A veteran of World War II, Joe, as most know him. served in the European theatre with the 78th Lightning Division of the U.S. Army. He earned a Bronze Star for courage shown on a reconnaissance mission near the Battle of the Bulge and 2 Purple Hearts received for injuries sustained in battles. Joe earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Commerce in Bowling Green, Ky., where he met his wife in the church choir. Working as a cost accountant, Joe moved from Louisville, KY. then to Dayton Depot in Ohio, Warner Robins, GA. and finished his career at Newark Air Force Station. One of the highlights of his life was being selected, along with his late wife, to the Central Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame for his many years of service to the Red Cross, to Boy Scouts as Scoutmaster of Troop 18, and for his service in various ministries at his church, including Treasurer, youth group leader, men's fellowship, Sunday School teacher, and the honor of Elder Emeritus. Another highlight of his senior years was the Honor Flight he was able to experience with his beloved wife who served in the Navy. In lieu of flowers, friends who wish may contribute to Central Christian Church, the YMCA, Red Cross, Honor Flight or other charities of their choosing.


Lawrence Curtis Higginbotham (1942-2020) WV/OH
Born: Mon., Aug. 3, 1942 Died: Fri., Jan. 10, 2020

Mr. Lawrence C. Higginbotham, 77, died Friday, January 10, 2020, at St. Rita's Mercy Health Center, Lima, Ohio.  August 3, 1942, he was born, the son of Lawrence M. and Annabelle (Jeffers) Higginbotham, in Grimms Landing, West Virginia.  They both preceded him in death.

Lawrence grew up in Alvada, Ohio, and attended and graduated from school in Vanlue, Ohio.  After high school he joined the U. S. Marine Corp.

He married Mary Pollack, who died October 5, 2001, and later, he was married to Rebecca Antoine, who survives in Columbus Grove.
Other survivors include his son, Martin C. Higginbotham, four grand-
children, 6 great grandchildren and his three sisters:  Donna Miller, Shirley Shafer, and Laura Hall.

Lawrence worked for, and retired from, the Whirlpool Corp., Marion, Ohio.  Memberships included the Masonic Lodge, the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Am Vets, all also in Marion.   He enjoyed being a "ham radio operator" and was known by the call letters KD8DPE. He was a member of the Findlay Ham Radio Operators Club.  Other special interests included fishing, hunting, shooting and he was very into the study of native Indian culture.

Same day visitation and funeral services will be held Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at Hartman Sons Funeral Home, Columbus Grove, Ohio, from 11 am until 2 pm time of the funeral.  Pastor James Klausing will officiate.


Marlene Amanda Corman Higginbotham (1931-2020) OH
HIGGINBOTHAM, Marlene A. Age 88, passed away on Friday, January 24, 2020. Marlene was a member of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Elmira, NY. She loved being a mother and considered her family her greatest accomplishment. Marlene was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Higginbotham; and by a son, Allen Higginbotham. She is survived by five daughters, Donna (Les) Rider, Diane (Dennis) Corriveau, Nancy (Dave) Canedy, Karen Higginbotham, and Janet (Steve) Snyder; grandchildren, Jonathan Rider, Kelly Rider, Jordan Corriveau, Amy Hill, Jennifer Canedy, Joshua Canedy, Emily Canedy, Maegan Coker, Jesse Snyder; and by seven great grandchildren. Visitation will be Monday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm at Tobias Funeral Home, 5471 Far Hills Ave. Funeral services will follow immediately beginning at 12:00 pm. She will be interred with her husband at Dayton National Cemetery.

Times-Gazette (Hillsboro, OH) 2/15/2020

Pamela Lou Clay Higginbotham (1958-2020) OH

May 30, 1958 - February 13, 2020

Pamela Lou (Clay) Higginbotham, age 61, of Greenfield, Ohio passed away Thursday, February 13, 2020 at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus.

She was born on May 30, 1958 in Washington C.H., OH, the daughter of William and Shirley (Poole) Clay.

Pam was a 1976 graduate of Edward Lee McClain High School and was a caregiver and homemaker.

She is survived by four sons, Brian (Kelly) Clay of Lancaster, Brandon (Hannah Gunter) Higginbotham of Greenfield, Brock Higginbotham of Hillsboro, Brad (Stacy) Higginbotham of Greenfield; one daughter, Bridgett (John Madden) Higginbotham of Greenfield; nine grandchildren; three sisters, Fonda (Steve) Rogers of Greenfield, Deidra "Dee" Pummill of Greenfield, Estella (Gene) Payne of Washington C.H.; one brother, William T. “Buzzy” (Laura) Clay of South Salem; and several nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by one grandson, Daimmen Higginbotham; one sister, Kimberly Clay and both parents.

Funeral Service will be 1:00 P.M. Monday, February 17, at the Murray-Fettro Funeral Home in Greenfield with Pastor Mike Anderson officiating.

Visitation will be from 11:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. Monday, at the funeral home.


Tribune Chronicle 3/29/2020

Margaret L. Satterfield Higinbotham (1932-2020) WV/OH

LORDSTOWN — Margaret L. Higinbotham, age 87, known to everyone as “Peggy,” formerly of Champion, left this earth to be with her loved ones in heaven on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, at Trumbull Regional Medical Center in Warren. She was born on July 8, 1932, in Fairmont, W.Va., the daughter of the late James R. Satterfield Sr. and Leo Batson Satterfield. Peggy graduated from Fairmont High School in West Virginia in the Class of 1951. She married James F. Higinbotham on June 16, 1956, and remained married 45 years until he passed away on July 31, 2001. Peggy has lived in Lordstown for the last four years with her daughter, Patty. She worked as a runner for several car dealerships for many years. She was a longtime member of the Lake Milton Presbyterian Church, and she loved reading, babysitting, watching her soaps on TV, and especially loved being with her family. Peggy is survived by two daughters, Patricia (Michael) Hammond of Lordstown and Kimberly (Robert Bates) Higinbotham of Niles; one son, Dan Higinbotham of Champion; one brother, James (Jackie) Satterfield Jr. of Howland; three grandchildren, Stephanie, Chelsey and Brandon; and two great-grandchildren, Kloe and Benjamin. She was preceded in death by her parents; stepfather, Edward; her husband, James; daughter, Beverly Higinbotham; her sister, Maryann Ross; and her brother, Orville “Buddy” Satterfield. Per Peggy’s wishes, cremation has taken place. The family will announce services at a later date. Arrangements have been entrusted to the James Funeral Home, 8 E. Broad St., Newton Falls, OH 44444, 330-872-5440.



Richard Mason Higginbotham (1944-2020) WV/OH

Richard M. Higginbotham, 76, of Lewisville, passed away Monday, March 23, 2020, at his home.

He was born in Spencer, West Virginia on Feb. 24, 1944, a son of the late Hollis and Greta Watkins Higginbotham.

He was a retired truck driver and was a member of the Calais Baptist Church, Calais.

He enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping and working on his tractor.

Surviving are his wife, Glenda Frazier Higginbotham, whom he married on July 10, 1965; one son, Robert Higginbotham, of the home; one sister, Irene Bradshaw, of North Carolina; two brothers, Burl (Dottie) Higginbotham, of Virginia, and Paul (Joyce) Higginbotham, of West Virginia; four grandchildren, Jessica, Brittany, Bobby and Brandon Higginbotham; one great-grandson, Weston Higginbotham; and several nieces and nephews.

Abiding with the State of Ohio recommendations for social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, a private visitation and funeral will be held for family only at Watters Funeral Home, Woodsfield.

Burial will follow in the Stafford Cemetery, Stafford. Memorial contributions may be made to the Calais Baptist Church, c/o Building Fund, 29880 Miltonsburg-Calais Rd, Quaker City, OH 43773.


The Times Reporter (Zanesville, OH) Apr. 13, 2020

Betty Jean Hickenbottom Ward (1930-2020) OH

Betty Jean (Hickenbottom) Ward 89, died at her daughter's home in Newcomerstown, Ohio on Friday, April 10, 2020. She had been living with her daughter, Clenda (Ward) Hardesty and son-in-law, Duane Hardesty. Betty was born on July 26, 1930 in Newcomerstown, Ohio to the late Joseph "Joe" and Jesse "Therma" (Longsworth) Hickenbottom. Betty was a member of the Isleta United Methodist Church. She retired from the Newcomerstown School District where she was secretary at the high school and then at both the East and West Elementaries. She will always be remembered for her sweet smile, loving hugs, endless kindness, loving nature, and positive outlook on life. One treasured quality always seen by family and friends was her uncanny ability to listen with open ears and without any judgement. Betty is survived by her children, Clenda (Duane) Hardesty of Newcomerstown, Donald (Agnes) Ward of West Lafayette; nine grandchildren, Devin, Drew, and Tory (Rachel) Hardesty, Christopher (Samantha), Tristen (Bryce), and Brandon Ward; two great-grandchildren, Kayli Smith and Gideon Ward. She is also survived by sister Sandra Dobson of Newcomerstown, sister-in-law Helen Lov of Covington, GA, and brother-in-law James Ward of Jonesboro, GA. Betty was preceded in death by her daughter, Cara Ward, and her husband, Owen Ward. Due to the pandemic, there will be no public services. Funeral services are in the care of Addy Funeral Home of Newcomerstown, and burial will take place at West Lawn Cemetery. The family requests that any memorial contributions in Betty's name be made to Everal's Chapel Preservation Society (60417 Everals Church Rd Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832) or to the Isleta United Methodist Church (58608 Co Rd 9, Newcomerstown, OH 43832).


The Blade 4/26/2020

Roy C. Higginbotham (1922-2020) PA/OH
Roy "Dad" C. Higginbotham of Sylvania passed away April 22, 2020, at the age of 97. He was born on November 14, 1922 to the late Charles and Lida Higginbotham in Green County, Pennsylvania. Dad proudly served as a medic in the US Army, from 1943 to 1945, landing at Normandy. He married Mary Margaret Bourdeau upon his return. Dad was a groundskeeper at Ottawa Hills Cemetery until his retirement. He also worked as a greenskeeper at Sylvania Country Club, where he was a scratch golfer. Dad was a Life Member of VFW 2898. Left to cherish Dad's memory are his daughters, Robin (William) Dezanett, Bonnie Bourdeau-Morin and Sandy Giebel; son, William (Linda) Bourdeau; nine grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren. Dad was preceded in death by his wife, Mary; parents; brother, Robert; sister, Ruth Fox; and grandson, Scott Morin. Dad loved all animals especially dogs and raccoons. He saved and adopted a number of raccoons and raised them at home. Dad was a very loving, generous and giving man. In his honor and memory please donate to the Toledo Humane Society or a charity of your choice. Due to the current circumstances, a memorial for Roy will be planned at a later date. Arrangements were entrusted to Newcomer Funeral Home - Northwest Chapel (419 473 0300).

Coshocton Tribune Apr. 28, 2020

Michael Wayne Higginbotham (1964-2020) OH

Coshocton - Michael Wayne Higginbotham, age 56 of Coshocton, passed away on Friday, April 24, 2020. He was born in Lima, Ohio on March 16, 1964 to Jesse and Martha Jane Higginbotham.

After high school, Michael joined the United Sates Navy serving from 1981to 1983. Michael had a lot of faith and loved the Bible. He enjoyed playing the guitar, listening to music and loved to make people laugh.

He is survived by his two daughters, Jessica (Richard) Nostrand of Coshocton and Abigail Higginbotham of North Carolina; significant other, Sherry Mencer of Coshocton; step-daughters, Heather (Justin) Morris of Louisiana and Nikki Tomak of Coshocton ; grandchildren, Ayden, Jeremy, Braydon, Teagan, and Hunter; and two brothers, one in Florida and one in Ohio.

Along with his parents, Michael is preceded in death by his step-son, Ray Tomak.

Per Michael's wishes, a cremation will take place.

Ingram Funeral Home 6/22/2020

Gary Barton Higinbotham (1929-2020) OH

Gary B. Higinbotham, 90, of Marysville, died Sunday evening, June 21st, at Memorial Gables.

Born on August 22, 1929 in Mansfield, Ohio to the late Barton and Dorothy Weber Higinbotham, he was a 1947 graduate of Mansfield High School and a 1952 graduate from the Ohio State University receiving a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. Following Ohio State, he served in the US Army as a medic during the Korean War from 1952 until 1954.

Gary married Nadia Shuran on December 11, 1963 in Marysville. She preceded him in death July 17, 1986.

Gary retired in 1992, after 37 years of service with O.M. Scott and Sons Company having worked in Research & Development and Project Engineering. He was also a longtime member of the Elks, and he enjoyed following Wall Street activities and corporate America and was a shrewd investor.

Gary had a love for reading, especially western novels. In his younger days, he enjoyed fishing with his Marysville area friends and family, including trips to Canada. In retirement, he looked forward to his weekly Wednesday card-playing group as well as spending time with many devoted friends. His primary enjoyment though, was his family, instilling them with the value of hard work, planning and wise thinking. He prioritized his time with them and organized annual beach trips for them over the last 45 years. “Grandpa Gary” spent a great deal of time following his grandsons’ Fairbanks athletic events from the bleachers.

He was also preceded in death by a son, Eric Higinbotham on October 8, 2012; and his step-mother, Lillian Sandel Higinbotham.

Ingram Funeral Home. Private family funeral services will be held, and burial will be at Oakdale Cemetery. In Gary’s memory, contributions may be made to Loving Care Hospice in care of the funeral home.


Brenda Carter Higginbotham (1956-2020) OH
Brenda Higginbotham, age 63, passed away on April 24, 2020. She was born in Columbus, Ohio on August 30, 1956 to the late Bud and Thelma Carter. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, William "Bill" Higginbotham; son, William Lee Higginbotham II. She is survived by her daughter, Marilyn Compton (Moore); son, Nelson Higginbotham; granddaughters, Kaylee Ann and Grayclee Kay. Interment at Alton Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to the NEWCOMER SOUTHWEST CHAPEL. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Huntington's Disease Society of America.

Akron Beacon Journal on Oct. 4, 2020

June Lee Higginbotham Estes (1933-2020) WV/OH
June Lee Estes, 87, passed away September 21, 2020. She was born June 1, 1933 in Rainelle, West Virginia, the daughter of the late Howard and Vada Higginbotham. Since 1957, June was a member of First United Methodist Church of Akron. She taught Sunday School, participated in Wonderfilled Wednesday's, and was a former member of Hannah Circle United Methodist Women. She also volunteered for many years at the Kidney Foundation. First and foremost, June loved her family. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brother and sister-in-law, Clyde and Vera Higginbotham; as well as her sister and brother-in-law, Eileen and Eugene Nagy. June is survived by her loving husband of 63 years, Charlie E. Estes; son, Joseph (Kim) Estes; daughter, Sandra Estes; as well as many nieces and nephews. Private funeral services were held. Interment, Hillside Memorial Park. Memorial contributions may be made to the: National Kidney Foundation and/or the American Cancer Society. Arrangements entrusted to Adams Mason Funeral Home, (330) 535-9186.

Columbus Dispatch 10/6/2020

Sharon Kay Higginbotham Detrow (1944-2020) OH
Sharon Kay Detrow age 76 of West Columbus passed away Monday October 5, 2020 at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Grove City. She was born January 9, 1944 in Columbus. Her hands were never idle always crocheting and quilting. She crocheted blankets, slippers, scarves, hats, hot pads, doilies, you name she could make it. She was preceded in death by her parents: Lester & Esta Higgginbotham; husband: Garry Detrow – 2012; granddaughter: Kaylee Bernice Detrow – 1999; sisters: Carol Ann Blatter, Joyce Lynn Long. Survived by her loving children: Shelly Lynn (Charlie) Stewart, James Leroy (Wanda) Detrow, David Allen (Angela) Detrow; grandchildren: Alex (Brianna) Stewart, Tara Stewart, James (Devin Groninger) Detrow, Jorden (Brittany) Detrow, Justen Detrow, Hunter Detrow, Heather (Dawn) Suttle; great-grandchildren: Shyan Stewart, Logan Stewart, Katterina Detrow, Jaddan Suttle and Jrayke Suttle; sister: Donna Prysock; brother: Jim (Nellie) Higginbotham. Funeral Service will be held at 1:00 PM Friday, October 9, 2020 at the Ferguson Funeral Home, 202 E. Main Street, Plain City where the family will receive friends 2 hours prior the service (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM) with Pastor Phil Conrad officiating and burial Sunset Cemetery. Social distancing and wearing masks will be practiced at all events.

Dayton Daily News on Oct. 11, 2020

Phyllius Virginia Higginbotham Meadows (1923-2020) WV/OH
MEADOWS (Higginbotham), Phyllius Age 97, was called home on October 5, 2020, at Ohio Hospice of Dayton. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marion Meadows, 9 brothers and sisters and her parents William and Pearl Higginbotham. Phyllius was born in Rand, WV, in the family home, where she lived for 82 years. She attended primary grades in Rand, WV, and graduated from Garnet High School in 1941. She married Marion Melvin Meadows in 1943 and they were married for 54 years at his death in 1997. She worked for nearly 30 years for the State of West Virginia. She retired as Payroll Clerk for the Foster Grandparent Program in the West Virginia Department of Mental Health. Phyllius accepted Christ at 80 years of age and spent the next 17 years focusing on living the life of a committed Christian. She was a faithful member of Levi First Missionary Baptist Church in Rand, WV. Loved by all who knew her, Phyllis was caring, fun-loving, and very generous. She was quite a storyteller and had a joke for every situation. Phyllis is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Charles and Pat Meadows; three grandsons: Anthony (Robin) Meadows, Loren (Marsha) Meadows and Marion (Chante) Meadows; eight great- grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren; sister-in-law, Maxine Toddman of Stamford, Connecticut, nieces and nephews, a special childhood friend, Frances Harris Jordan of Dover, Delaware and numerous other family and friends. The family will receive friends on Saturday, October 17 at 11 am at Stevens & Grass Funeral Home, 4203 Salines Dr. in Malden, WV. The service will follow at 12 noon. Internment will occur at Sunset Memorial Park, South Charleston, WV. Funeral Services will be streamed live on the Stevens & Grass Funeral Home Facebook page. A special thanks to the staff of Thomas Funeral Home who facilitated Phyllis' return to West Virginia.

Springfield News Sun on Dec. 3, 2020

Dorothy Starling Higginbotham (1927-2020) PA/OH

Dorothy Higginbotham, 93, of Springfield, passed away Friday, November 27, 2020, in Oakwood Village. Dorothy was born July 6, 1927, in Johnstown, PA, to Grady and Janie Mae (Suttles) Starling. She retired from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and later retired from the Springfield City Schools. She was also a member of St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Survivors include three children, Dawn (Micheal) Gaines, Bobbi (William) Gault and Delmar Jones; seven grandchildren, KaWambee Gaines, Ajamu Gaines, Kizzy (Rodney) Ragland, Terry (Dawn) Toliver, Christopher Gault, Kwana (Christopher) Jones Becker and Derek Jones; 19 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren; one sister-in-law, Agnes Starling; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Robert Toliver; her second husband, Richard Higginbotham; six siblings, Winferd "Wint" Starling, LaFances (Starling) Ferguson, Arlene "Leenie" Ogletree, James Jr. "Jake" McCormick, Horace Robert "Bobby" McCormick and Edward "Buddy" McCormick. Her funeral service will be held on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. in St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Visitation will be held two hours prior, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Church. Burial will follow in Rose Hill Burial Park. The family would also like to thank the staffs at Oakwood Village, Clark Memorial Home and Springfield Regional Medical Center and Ohio's Hospice for their kind and exceptional care. Arrangements by CONROY FUNERAL HOME.


Howard Douglas Higginbotham (1935-2020) WV/OH
Howard Douglas Higginbotham of Blanchester, OH. Born on May 13, 1935 in Lico, WV. Passed away on December 11, 2020 at the age of 85.

Beloved husband of Kathleen Alice (nee Tolle) Higginbotham. Loving father of Marty (Dorothy) Higginbotham, Matthew (Bonnie) Higginbotham, Myron Higginbotham and Misty Higginbotham. Caring grandfather of Adam Higginbotham, Cameron Higginbotham, Zackery Higginbotham, D-dra Wolf, Deana Stark and Dana Mae. Proud great-grandfather of Oliver Higginbotham and Madison Higginbotham. Dear brother of Carolyn (LeRoy) Jennings, Judith Lucas and the late Helen Williams and Betty Jones. Cherished son of the late Howard Wilson Higginbotham and Orpha (nee Akers) Higginbotham. Also survived by numerous nieces, nephews, relatives and many dear friends.

Howard proudly served in the United States Army during the Korean Conflict.

Tufts Schildmeyer Cremation Services caring for the family.

No services will be held at this time.


Times Gazette Jan. 19, 2021
Albert Eugene Higginbotham (1936-2021) OH

Albert Eugene "Tom" Higginbotham, 84, of Greenfield, passed away Sunday, Jan. 17, 2021 at Edgewood Manor of Greenfield.

He was born Dec. 9, 1936 in Ross County, the son of Albert Sylvester and Eva (Hurless) Higginbotham.

Tom served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, and was a member of the FOE 1325 and VFW Post 4736. He retired from truck driving in 2000.

He is survived by his fiancée, Cindy Lyle of Greenfield; two daughters, Rebecca Gayle Cutright of Greenfield and Tammie Lynn Brown (David Dye) of Jeffersonville; one son, Thomas Higginbotham (Denise Riley) of Greenfield; 11 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren; four sisters, Mary (Charles) Foster of Washington C.H., Debbie (Bill) Moore of Blacklick, Becky (Tom) Spanovich of Reynoldsburg and Melody (Tom) Kramer of Blacklick; three brothers, Butch (Tondra) McGinn of Clearwater, Florida, Jack (Jeanine) McGinn of Blaine, Kentucky and Mike (Dee) McGinn of Derry, New Hampshire; and numerous nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Barbara Ann (Mick) Higginbotham, on Feb. 20, 2002; one great-grandson, Daimmen Higginbotham; one sister, Edna Green; both parents; and stepfather, Charles Robert McGinn.

Funeral service will be held 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 21 at Murray-Fettro Funeral Home in Greenfield with Lou Watson officiating. Burial will follow at the Greenlawn Cemetery in Frankfort with military rites provided.

Visitation will be 4-7 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Social distancing will be observed and masks are encouraged.



Emma Iona Higginbotham Ross (1924-2021) WV/OH/FL
August 25, 1924 - March 18, 2021
Emma Iona Ross, 96, Albany, passed away Thursday March 18, 2021, at her residence in Florida, surrounded by family.
She was born August 25, 1924, in Charleston, WV., the daughter of the late Enos B. and Stella Smith Higginbotham. She married Darrell C.  Ross in September 1943. She was a graduate of Hocking College, and a Registered  Nurse at the former Athens Mental Health Center, a member of Airline Christian Church, and later a member of Albany United Methodist Church. Iona is survived by a granddaughter Laura (David) Cremeans of New Port Richey, Fl., a grandson Lance (Natalie) Hoffman, of Chillicothe Ohio; Special great-grandchildren Zachary Cremeans of Circleville, Ohio, Amanda Gillen, Noah  Cremeans and Maddison Cremeans all of New Port Richey,  Fl. And several other great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren;  a sister Texie Powers, of New Port,  NC, many nephews and nieces including a special niece, Florence (Steve) Evans. Of Galena, Ohio. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, a daughter Karen Ross, granddaughter Ronda Dedrick,  brothers  Doy, Coy and Cody Higginbotham, sisters Althea and Kitty Higginbotham. Visitation will be Monday 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. at Bigony-Jordan Funeral Home.  Graveside services will follow at 1:30 P.M. at Alexander Cemetery, with Minister Willard Love officiating.


Ohio Valley Mar. 30, 2021

Richard A. Higginbotham (1951-2021) OH

GALLIPOLIS — Richard A. "Rick" Higginbotham, Sr., 69, of Gallipolis, Ohio passed away on Friday, March 26, 2021 at his residence surrounded by his family.

Rick was born on December 13, 1951 in Akron, Ohio, son of the late George and Lula Howard Higginbotham. He was a brick mason and worked out of the Union of Bricklayers and craft workers.

Rick was married to Flo Smith Higginbotham on July 21, 1996; and she survives him. He is also survived by his children, Richard A. (Lori) Higginbotham, Jr., Dawn (Carl) Jobe, and David Higginbotham all of Dallas, Texas, Randy Lee (Sally) Patterson, Jr. of Gallipolis, Amanda (Jeremy) Wray of Panama City, Florida, Sandy Farmer of Gallipolis, and Andrew (Tiffany) Patterson of Wooster, Ohio; twenty grandchildren; four sisters, Evelyn Garnes of Gallipolis, Judy Sullivan of Tippecanoe, Ohio, Lynn (Rick) Demuth of Uhrichsville, Ohio, and Cathy Definbaugh of Florida; several nieces and nephews; best friends, Ike Hively and Chris Drummond; and his dogs, Jake, Paisley, and Chelsey.

The funeral service for Rick will be noon on Thursday, April 1, 2021 at Kingdom Ministries with Pastor Randy Lee Patterson, Jr. officiating. His burial will follow in Ridgelawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the church on Thursday from 11 a.m. until the time of the service. Those in attendance are asked to follow the CDC guidelines of social distancing and the Ohio mandate of wearing face masks.



Dolores Gillespie Hickenbottom (1927-2021) OH
January 9, 1927 ~ March 20, 2021 (age 94)
NEW MIDDLETOWN, OHIO – Dolores "Dorie" G. (Gillespie) Hickenbottom, 94, passed away peacefully on Saturday, March 20, 2021 with family by her side.
Dolores was born on January 9th, 1927 in Youngstown, Ohio, a daughter of the late William J. and Mayme O. (Johnson) Gillespie.
She is a graduate of South High School. She married the love of her life, Frank Hickenbottom on October 14, 1945. After marriage, Dorie and Frank built their home in Austintown and raised their children. She worked as a telephone operator with the Ohio Bell Telephone Company. After her children were grown, they moved to Greensburg, PA. She worked part time at McDonald's as their store activity representative. Dorie made sure to save all the Happy Meal toys for her grandchildren.
Dolores, with the call sign "Sleepy", enjoyed talking on the CB radio and listening to all the action on the police scanner. Dorie belonged to the Alwine Community Center and was an avid QVC shopper. She loved to bake and owned almost every recipe book ever printed. Dorie was a dog lover and always had a special place in her heart for each of her furry kids over the years. As for not being of Italian descent, her favorite food was spaghetti and pizza and she will be remembered for her famous apple crisp and uncooked fondue cookies. Dolores lived a long life and was able to spend the remainder of her years being close with her grandchildren, which was a blessing. They will always be able to recall the sound of her voice saying, "Well, I guess that is just the way it goes".
Other than her parents, she was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Frank Hickenbottom, who passed away May 23, 2004. She is also reunited with her children, William (Elizabeth) Hickenbottom, Shirley Benedict, and Russell Hickenbottom; her sister, Darlene Purdy.
Dolores leaves behind to cherish her memory, her grandchildren, Holly (Nicholas) Magazzine of Boardman, Carla (Duane) Weingartner of New Middletown, Jason (Racheal) Hickenbottom of Chesapeake, Virginia, and Chad (Michael) Mason of Cleveland; her great grandchildren, Kayla, Tyler, Vincenzo, Alfonso, Luciana, and Lilian.
Local arrangements are being handled by the Kubina Yuhasz Wasko Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday, April 3, 2021, where a celebration of her life will begin at 1:00 PM. She will be laid to rest next to her husband at Westmoreland County Memorial Park in Greensburg, PA.
Family would like to thank the staff at Masternick Memorial for their care, love, and friendship for where she had made her home over the last four years. Memorial contributions are requested to be made in Dolores' memory in care of Animal Charity Humane Society at 4140 Market St, Boardman, OH 44512


Kinley Funeral Home 4/23/2021

Shirley Ann Higginbotham Speakes (1935-2021) OH

Shirley Ann (Higginbotham) Speakes, 85, of Springfield, Ohio went home to be with the Lord on Friday, April 23, 2021 at Villa Springfield Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Springfield. She was born on June 8, 1935 to Leroy and Mary (Woods) Higginbotham in Springfield, Ohio. Shirley was the fourth of ten children; there were five girls and five boys. The oldest girl, Marie, died as a child.
She gave her life to the Lord in October of 1972. There was a definite change in her life. Shirley often would testify that she "loved salvation" and that she "loved the Church of God." She truly had an evangelistic burden and was a genuine soul-winner; Shirley brought many people to Christ.
An expert seamstress, she was the church seamstress until her eyesight began to dim. Shirley made countless bridesmaids' dresses and many wedding gowns, including her daughter's. She worked at Antioch College, Springfield Tent and Awning and Wittenberg University, and was able to use her skills there as well.
She loved dining out at a variety of restaurants. Shirley was an avid cook and dished out dessert for church dinners over many years. She opened her home to many, allowing single women to live with her. Shirley was "given to hospitality" and loved hosting the saints in her home, especially during fellowship meetings.
Shirley leaves to cherish her memories: her loving daughter, Betty J. Tatum. and son-in-law. LaMarr Tatum; sisters, Juanita Robinson and Donna Higginbotham Perkins; brothers, Walter and Donald "Bunky" Higginbotham; special daughters and sons: Lisa Speakes, Tony and Kelli Robinson, Wanda and Wilbert McKeithan; Erica and Josh Tinnehill, Angela Namutebi; her two favorite "bedbugs", Michael and Bethany Kenerly; special friends: Sis Beard, Sis Stella Cavin, Sis Dorothy Burke, Sis Sandra and Bro Sam Cavin, Bro Anthony Washington and Christian Feliz; and a host of loving nieces, nephews, family and friends.
She was preceded in death by her parents; sister and brother-in-law, Patricia and Carl V. Kenerly, Sr.; brothers, Leroy Sr., Richard and Robert "Tommy Tucker" Higginbotham; as well as, her brother-in-law, William Jack Robinson, Jr.
Visitation will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, April 30, 2021 and 10:00 a.m. until the time of service at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 1, 2021 at Church of God, 709 E. Grand Ave, Springfield, Ohio 45505. Interment: Ferncliff Cemetery.
Arrangements entrusted to the care of KINLEY Funeral Home.


E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home 5/21/2021

Clara Higgenbotham Hill (1924-2021) MS/OH

Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and a friend to many... Clara Hill was born in Lafayette County ( Oxford), Mississippi on December 7 , 1924 to Dock Ivy and Ola Higgenbotham. Clara was the 7th child of 10 children and the last survivor of this union. Clara was baptized at Kimble Chapel in Oxford, Mississippi at the age of 12. She relocated to Blythesville and joined into marriage . From this union, there were six children. Clara was a housewife who loved her grandchildren and helped to raise them. Clara loved her family and numerous friends. She loved to travel , entertain, and cook. She was very giving and loved to help others. Clara is preceded in death by her loving husband, Melvin and loving son, Melvin Hill, Jr. Clara is survived by her children; Alga Jennings ( Charles), Sandra Tift, Milton Hill ( Stephanie), and Yvonne Hill ( Fabienne); also leaving 22 grandchildren; 34 great grandchildren; 8 great great grandchildren; a host of nieces, nephews, and cousins to celebrate her life and cherish her memory. Clara was strong willed and was very family oriented. We will miss her dearly and we are left with a host of fond memories.



Janet Elaine Mitman Higginbotham (1945-2021) PA/OH

April 19, 1945 ~ October 11, 2021 (age 76)

Janet Elaine Higginbotham passed away peacefully on Monday, October 11, 2021 after a long battle with heart disease.  She was 76 years old. It would be wrong to say that she lost her battle because she never stopped fighting. No matter how sick she was, she was always determined. Janet – or Jan, as she was known to friends was born in Wind Gap, PA on April 19, 1945 and attended Pen Argyl High School, where she was a majorette and played women’s basketball. Janet is preceded in death by her parents Charles and Evelyn {Labar} Mitman and her two brothers Kenneth and Reynold “James” Mitman. She is survived by her husband and love of 53 years, Tyson Higginbotham, sister Barbara (Bob) Farleigh of Ridge Manor, FL, her children Gina (Jason) Heffner of Westerville, OH and Jeffrey (Lori Curtin) Higginbotham of Lake Wylie, SC.  She is also survived by her beloved 5 grandsons Kyle and Alex Heffner, and Cody, Kipton, and Paxton Higginbotham. In her later years, she was best known by her family as simply “Gma.” Janet was engaged in many activities through the years.  She loved and played on multiple golf leagues, bowling leagues, and was a stellar euchre and bridge player.  She also enjoyed her role in the Greenville ladies investment club for several years.  Janet was a passionate fan of her kid’s sports teams as they were growing up, and most recently her grandsons as she watched them play soccer, baseball, volleyball, and football.  No matter how hot or cold the weather was during baseball season, she was there until the last pitch was thrown. Janet will be remembered as a devoted wife, dedicated mother and grandmother, caring friend and a devout American patriot.  She was always up for any adventure.  Her love of travel, dancing, and overall enjoyment of life will not be forgotten and is passed on through her family.  Visitation hours will be from 9:30-12:00 PM at the Tipp City United Methodist Church, 8 W. Main St. Tipp City, OH, immediately followed by a memorial service at Noon. A reception will follow. Should you choose to share your condolences by gift, in lieu of flowers, our family politely suggests you make a donation in memory of Janet Higginbotham to the American Heart Association c/o Central Ohio, PO BOX 840692, Dallas, TX 75284. Arrangements have been entrusted to FRINGS AND BAYLIFF FUNERAL HOME, 327 W. Main Street, Tipp City, Ohio 45371.



Bettie Ruth Higginbotham Jones (1938-2021) KY/OH

Bettie Ruth Jones - December 23, 1938 - September 8, 2021, she passed away peacefully with her daughter by her side. Bettie was born in Williamsburg, Ky. She worked at Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati for over 30 years. She moved to the Nashville area in 2018 to be near her daughter and family. Bettie is survived by her daughter Betty Palmquist (Jones) Jeff Palmquist (husband).
Grandchildren/Great Grandchildren: Mallory Fort (Palmquist) (husband Byran Fort) Whitten Fort, Ivy Fort, Penelope Fort, Wells Fort, Abigail Rieck (Palmquist) (husband Richard) Palmer Rieck, Kristen Palmquist. 2 Brothers Ralph Higginbotham, Raymond Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her parents, Azrie and Verle Higginbotham, also by 1 brother H.C. Higginbotham.
Services will be held Tuesday September 21 2021, 10:00 am at Spring Grove Funeral Home 4389 Spring Grove Ave. with a visitation 1 hour prior to service's at the funeral home. To leave online condolences please go to www.springgrove.org In lieu of flowers please make a donation to Alive Hospice www.alivehospice.org



Nathanael Ross Hickenbottom (1983-2021) OH
December 18, 1983 ~ December 12, 2021 (age 37)
Nathanael Hickenbottom passed away at his home, early Sunday morning. He is a soul that will certainly be missed by many, near and far. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer Marcy Hickenbottom of 15 years. Also, his two daughters, Sabrina 15 and Sydney 10; mother, Denise (John) Malloy of Florida; brother, Brandon (Rachel) Hickenbottom of Dover, OH; sister, Bailey (Brian) VanDyne of Columbus, OH, with two nephews, Jude and Gideon VanDyne; aunts and uncles, Katherine Corbett, Diane (Robert) McFadden, Harley Dennis Hickenbottom, and Connie (Dan) Moellendick all of Barnesville; and many cousins, who all loved him dearly.  Nathanael was preceded in death by his dad, Danny Hickenbottom in 2014.
Nathanael graduated from Belmont Technical College in 2005, with a degree in nursing, as an LPN. Shortly before graduation, he met his wife, Jenny, and soon started a family, after marrying in February 2006. Early 2007, he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which continued to worsen his health, until he fell asleep in death.
Nathanael was a lifelong resident of Barnesville and a member of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. He was a faithful Christian man, who also had a deep need to be close with his Creator. He loved his garden, watching the birds, and growing pumpkins. He cherished his family and looked forward to finishing his workshop in the basement. He was grateful for all that his dad taught him, as a young man.
All that knew Nathanael, knew that his humor and kind nature was captivating, leaving all that knew him with a smile, a laugh, and a funny story. There was never a dull moment because Nathanael could always reference a pun, a line from a movie, or an episode of Seinfeld. His personality: laid back and didn’t sweat the small stuff, and to his family, the funniest guy alive!
Opening calling hours will be held on Friday, December 17, 2021 from 4:00 to 8:00 pm, Patron Funeral Homes & Crematory, 702 E. Main Street, Barnesville. In respect for all those with auto immune diseases or weakened health, MASKS ARE REQUIRED. Private services will be held on Saturday.


Mark L. Hickenbottom (1955-2022) WV/OH
February 4, 1955 ~ February 17, 2022 (age 67)
Surrounded by his family, Mark L. Hickenbottom, 67, of Bethesda, Ohio, passed away February 17, 2022. He was born to the late Edmond and Patricia (Harris) Hickenbottom in Wheeling, West Virginia, on February 4, 1955.
Remembering all the joy he brought to so many, are those who survive; his best friend and wife of 46 years, Rebecca Hickenbottom; daughter, Cassie Hickenbottom; son, Le (Erica) Hickenbottom; four grandchildren; and sisters, Barbara (Isaac) Goodson and Bonnie (Rich) Wetmore.
He was a member of Flushing Alliance Church. He had a deep love for his family, especially his grandchildren, giving to all of them, a peace beyond all understanding. He served in the United States Navy, was a huge Buckeyes fan, enjoyed hunting and fishing, and won the Wrangler/B.A.S.S. National Championship.
Family and friends are welcome for visitation, Tuesday, February 22, 2022, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Patron Funeral Homes & Crematory, 322 N. Main Street, Bethesda. Funeral Services for Mark will be held on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at the funeral home. Pastor Nathan McKeen will officiate. Interment will follow at Union Cemetery, Morristown.
The family kindly requests, that everyone wear a mask and follow all current and updated COVID-19 and Omicron variant guidelines.
Memorial Contributions may be made to Flushing Alliance Church, 427 E. High Street, Flushing, Ohio 43977.



Bratton Perry Higginbotham (1958-2022) OH
August 11, 1958 ~ March 14, 2022 (age 63)
Bratton Perry Higginbotham age 63 of Lorain passed away on March 14th, 2022, unexpectedly, at Cleveland Metro.  
Bratton was born in Lorain August 11th, 1958, a graduate of Clearview High School. He retired from a Industrial Factor and BFI Waste Service. He also did free lancing in construction, contractor and general laborer, he enjoyed playing drums, he played in multiple bands, watching western, cooking, listening to music. 
He is survived by his children 2 daughters, Tolana Higginbotham, Nykeya Higginbotham, son Bratton Higginbotham, sister Kandace Ivey, brothers Kenny Patterson, Perry Kamfolt.
He is preceded in death by, parents Bratton Penrose and Ruth Patrice Higginbotham, sister Kim Higginbotham, brother Micheal Patterson, Darryl Higginbotham. 
Family and friends may visit Saturday March 26th, 2022, 11:00 am until of service at 12:00 noon at Carter Funeral Home 3001 Elyria Ave Lorain OH. 44055.  
Arrangements Entrusted to Carter Funeral Homes Inc, 440-244-5200.


Cassaday-Turkle-Christian Funeral Home 4/5/2022

Cecil Higginbotham (1940-2022) WV/OH

Cecil “Bill” Higginbotham, age 81, of Alliance, passed away on April 4, 2022. He was born on November 27, 1940 in New Martinsville, West Virginia to Mary (George) and Bob Simon. Bill was a boiler maker, welder and Foreman at Miami Boiler. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping and driving his golf cart at the campground. Those left to cherish his memory are his loving wife of 59 years, Joyce Higginbotham; his daughters, Kimberly (Jim) Gang and Beverly Brodin; grandchildren, Kimmy Cox, Tyler Gang, Candice Blevins, and Shayla Blevins; and twelve great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and his grandson, Harley. A celebration of life and burial will be held at a later date. Arrangements are entrusted to Cassaday-Turkle-Christian Funeral Home 75 South Union Ave Alliance, Ohio 44601.



Jo Ann Cain Higginbotham (1935 - 2022) WV/OH

Jo Ann Higginbotham, 86, of Columbus, Ohio, passed away on Sunday, April 10th. Jo Ann was surrounded by her family and passed away peacefully.
Jo Ann was born on November 6th to James Trador and Ada Cain in Buffalo, West Virginia. After graduating from Polka High School, she moved to Columbus, Ohio, to start her family.
When Jo Ann had her son Michael Higginbotham, she decided to dedicate her life to being a fantastic mother. Jo Ann excelled at loving Michael and daughter Carrie Dempsey and supporting them through the many passions and difficulties of their lives; her mission was to improve the lives of others. Jo Ann was our biggest cheerleader and our constant supporter. Our family would not be where it is today if we didn’t have Jo Ann as a mother.
Jo Ann was passionate about her home, reading, creating memorable traditions for her family, The Ohio State Buckeyes, and her most loyal companion, Petey, the cat. She had many lifelong friends, including Ken and Bett Cossen, Pat Sagstetter, Stella Craig, Loretta Endicott, and the ladies of her card club of over 40 years.
Jo Ann was predeceased by her parents, sisters Bonnie Mae and Donna, and daughter-in-law Jill; she is survived by siblings: Jack (Ellen) Trador, James (Neuasa) Trador, Barbara (Johnnie) Muck, Paul (Paula) Cain. Her children: Michael Higginbotham, Carrie (Chuck), Dempsey, Grandchildren: Shaun, Sara (Randy), Courtney, Kyle (Brenna), Great Grandchildren: Gracie, Weston, and Jensen.
Visitation Tuesday, April 19, 2022 from 11am until the time of funeral service at 1pm at Newcomer, SW Chapel, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, OH. Interment to follow at Sunset Cemetery, Galloway, OH.


Carolyn B. Hickenbottom Campbell (1930-2022) OH
Carolyn Hickenbottom Campbell, 91, of Barnesville passed away on Friday, April 15, 2022, at WVU Wheeling Hospital.
Carolyn was born on July 25, 1930, in Barnesville, Ohio to the late John Henry and Eva Gertrude (Bethel) Hickenbottom.
Carolyn was a graduate of Barnesville High School and the Masters of Special Education program at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. She taught all ages from preschool to adult in various programs in Washington County, Maryland, Athens, Ohio and Belmont County, Ohio. She loved teaching and working with students.
Her main interests were the church, her family, nature, especially birds and learning new things. Carolyn was a member of the St. Clairsville Church of Christ.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Roland Dean Campbell on November 21, 1953; son, Stanley Dean Campbell; two brothers: Paul Hickenbottom and Everett Hickenbottom; twin sister, Marilyn Findley; and sisters: Margaret J. Hickenbottom and Dorothy Motter.
Carolyn is survived by her daughter, Carolyn Sue (Dave) Fiutem; two grandsons: Courtney Lantz (Kate) Price and Matthew Fiutem; three great-grandchildren who are the joy of her life: Sydney Lane Price, Cohen Lantz Price and Ethan Dean Price; close niece, Joyce Bussard; and close nephews: Archie Findley and Jimmy Findley.
In honoring Carolyn’s wishes, cremation will take place with no other services at the time. Arrangements are entrusted to Campbell-Plumly-Milburn Funeral Home, 319 N. Chestnut St., Barnesville.


Newcomer Funeral Home 4/28/2022

Kathryn Higginbotham Kelley (1934-2022) KY/OH

Kathryn Kelley, age 87, of Dayton, Ohio, passed away on April 26, 2022. She was born on November 12, 1934 in Wayne County, Kentucky, to the late Kate and Jim Higginbotham.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her husband of 70 years, Perry K. Kelley; and son Perry P. Kelley.
Kathryn is survived by her son, Dan (Becky) Kelley; daughter-in-law Patricia Kelley; three grandsons, Philip (Rita) Kelley, Jordan (Stephanie) Kelley and Stephen (Eleni) Kelley; two granddaughters, Amanda (Evan) Marsh and Sarah (Todd) Smith; ten great-grandchildren, Lyanna, Delaney, Ryan, Peyton, Blake, Peri, Drew, Reighn, Beckam and Cora. She is also survived by numerous family and friends.
Kathryn loved shopping, gardening, and baking. She enjoyed her volunteer work for many years at Sycamore Hospital. Kathryn loved spending time with her family.
Funeral service will be held at 11 AM on Saturday, April 30, 2022, at Newcomer Funeral Home, 3940 Kettering Blvd., Kettering, Ohio. Visitation will be held at 10 AM on Saturday, April 30, until the time of service. Kathryn will be laid to rest at Calvary Cemetery in Dayton.



Sheila Lasae Higginbotham Robinette (1949-2022) WV/OH
May 2, 1949 ~ April 27, 2022 (age 72)
Sheila L. Robinette, age 72, of Columbus, surrounded by her loving family, was taken to her heavenly home by God's Holy Angels on April 27, 2022.
Sheila was born on May 2, 1949, to the late Clarence and May (Campbell) Higginbotham, in Elkview, WV.
Sheila was the proud mother of her three boys and their families, a wife of many years, a loving aunt to many nieces and nephews, and devoted friend to many.
Sheila is survived by her children, Paul (Mary), Colt "Trig," and Chad (Kasey) Robinette; her grandchildren, Brittany, Nanassa (Markus), Amber, Hayley (Angel), Anthony and Aaron "The Bubbas," and Lailynn; her great-grandchildren, Kalyla, Markus Jr., and Kyson; her brother, Ronald; her sisters, Betty (John) McGibben and Gayle Jackman; sister-in-law, Delores Bowen; and many other family and friends.
In addition to her parents, Sheila was preceded in death by her husband, Delmon Robinette; her grandson, Josh Stewart; her brothers, Harold, Charles, and Russell Higginbotham; and sisters, Barbara Burner and Dayle MacNealy.
The family would like to say a special thank you to Delores Bowen and Carla Lancaster for their loving care during Sheila's last weeks of life.
Visitation 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Sunday, May 1, 2022 at Cook & Son-Pallay Funeral Home, 1631 Parsons Ave., where service will follow at 3:00 P.M.
Please dress casually!



David L. Higginbotham (1961-20220 OH

David L. Higginbotham, age 61, of Edgerton, Ohio, passed away late Monday afternoon, May 9, 2022, at the home of his brother and sister-in-law in Montpelier, Ohio, after a brief illness. David was a 1980 graduate of Bryan High School and had been employed by the Williams County Highway Department, retiring with thirty years of service. He was an avid rider of horses and enjoyed 4-wheeling, collecting guns and knives, and attending antique tractor shows and gun shows. David loved anything to do with horses, cowboys and the wild west and also enjoyed traveling out west. David L. Higginbotham was born on March 22, 1961, in Bryan, Ohio, the son of Clyde L. and Lois A. (Blair) Higginbotham. Survivors include his siblings, Marilyn (Lee) Opdycke, of Fayette, Ohio, Marcia (Chris) George, of Rossford, Ohio, Marlene (Chris) North, of Bloomdale, Ohio, Myra Purkey, of Evergreen, Colorado, and Duane (Cindy) Higginbotham, of Montpelier; his stepmother, Jan Higginbotham, of Bowling Green, Ohio; twelve nieces and nephews; and numerous great-nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents. Visitation will be held on Friday, May 13, 2022, from 10:00-11:00 A.M. in the Krill Funeral Home, 114 East Hull Street, Edgerton. Funeral services will follow at 11:00 A.M. in the Krill Funeral Home, Edgerton, with Pastor Mike Slagle officiating. Interment will take place in Maple Grove Cemetery, Edgerton. Memorials are requested to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.



Lynda Jene Higgenbotham Young (1954-2022) OH
December 29, 1954 - May 9, 2022 (67 years old)
We are sad to announce that on May 9, 2022 we had to say goodbye to Lynda Jene Higgenbotham Young (Columbus, Ohio). You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family. You may also light a candle in honor of Lynda Jene Higgenbotham Young or send a beautiful flower arrangement to the funeral service.
She was predeceased by : her parents, Benny Higgenbotham, and Mildred Higgenbotham, Sr. (January); and her husband Edwin A. Young. She is survived by : her children, Clint E. Young (Angela) and Rachelle Y. Young; her siblings, Larry Higgenbotham (Dora), Carla Burton (Alvin), Benny Higgenbotham (Ellen), Cheryl Johnson and Natalie Higgenbotham; and her grandchildren, Simone, Clint II, Jada and Christopher. She is also survived by nieces, nephews, cousins and special friends.



Tia M Bernaciak Higginbotham (1982-2022) OH
December 24, 1982 ~ May 17, 2022 (age 39)
Tia M. Higginbotham (Bernaciak) entered the presence of the Lord unexpectedly on May 17th, 2022. 
Tia was born on December 24th,1982 in Akron Ohio. Prior to moving to Elyria, she lived in Medina, where she attended school and received her High School Diploma with honors. Tia enjoyed spending time with family and friends and walking her dogs. She loved camping, taking family vacations and being a stay-at-home mom and a housewife.  
She leaves to mourn her Husband Joseph Higginbotham, her 3 children, daughters Jurnee Higginbotham, Jia Higginbotham and her son Izaiah Higginbotham. Her Father Kevin (Margaret) Bernaciak, Grandmother Shirley Ann Thompson. Sister Jennifer (Jack) Cornell, and a brother William Bernaciak.  Her aunts Geri Lynn Pohly and Juli Hiner, and an Uncle Dale (Diane) Bernaciak. Mother and father-in-law Kandace and Joseph Ivey, Sister in laws Leila Beard, Lisa (Deonte’) Cowsette, Brother in laws Julius (Tara) Higginbotham, Michael Higginbotham and Eddie Sikora, Cousins Cortney (Patrick) Pohly, John (Brandi) Hiner and Kimberly (Ed) Strock. Nieces Ji’aire Beard, Jerzey Beard, Grace Higginbotham, Isla Cowsette, Faith Higginbotham, and Glori Kelly Nephews Jarrod Fisher and Deonte’ Cowsette Jr. 
She was proceeded in death by her mother Shirlynn Thompson, grandparents Lavern and Edward Bernaciak and Her uncle Gerald "Butch" Thompson. 
Tia will be missed; however, her beautiful soul will live through us, and she will be remembered for being A Great Wife and Mother.
Family welcomes friends to attend a viewing on Friday June 3, 2022, at 11:00 am until time of service at 12:00 pm at Carter Funeral Home 127 W Bridge St, Elyria OH.  
"Will be followed by balloon release at cascade park"
Arrangements entrusted to Carter Funeral Home Inc- 440-244-5200.


The Dayton Beacon Journal 7/23/2022

Denise R. Higginbotham (? - 2022) OH

Denise R, Higginbotham, beloved mother of five daughters, passed away July 18, 2022.

Preceded in death by husband, Willie Higginbotham, and daughter, Kelly Ross, she is survived by daughters, Kerri Smerk, Krista Snyder, Heather Maluke and Angela Higginbotham and 11 grandchildren.

She loved Christmas, especially her animated figures, and the Cleveland Browns. Our Mom always cared more for others than her own well being. She had a heart of gold.

There will be no funeral service held.


Ebright Funeral Home 9/23/2022

Dixie Carol Higginbotham Harvey (1940-2022) OH

Dixie C. Harvey, 81, of Frankfort, died unexpectedly on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at her home. She was born on Monday, November 25, 1940, in Ross County, the daughter of the late E. Frank and Bernice Cottrill Higginbotham.
She is survived by two sons: Jim Harvey, and Everett Harvey, both of Frankfort, three sisters, and one brother.
A funeral service for Dixie will be held on Monday, September 12, 2022, at 1p.m. in the EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort. Following the service, she will be laid to rest in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort. Friends can visit with Dixie's family on Monday from 11 a.m. until the time of the service at the funeral home.


Routsong Funeral Home 10/6/2022

George Coffman Higinbotham (1923-2022) PA/OH

HIGINBOTHAM, George C, age 99, passed away Saturday, October 1, 2022, at Miami Valley South Hospital in Centerville, Ohio. George is survived by his sister, Janet Jennings; his grandson, Anthony Campbell and his two daughters; his granddaughter, AprilMay and her two children; as well as Ed and Mary Haines.
George was a member of the American Legion, the Musicians Union Association, and a member of Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church in Kettering, Ohio from 1956 to present. He was in the choir and a reader. He loved his church.
George was honorably discharged from the U.S Army/Air Force and served during World War II.
In George’s spare time he enjoyed spending time with his family and working out in his yard.
Funeral Services will be held at Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church on Wednesday October 5 at 10 a.m. Following the service burial will be at David’s Cemetery.
Special thanks to Nancy Nunner, best friend, and Darla Muhleman with Comfort Keepers who helped take care of George for 4 years. Nancy I couldn’t have done this without you. You really took care of my grandfather and I am eternally grateful. Darla, you brightened up his day and kept him in line.


Sunset Funeral Chapel 11/1/2022

James Richard Higginbotham (1931-2022) OH

James R. Higginbotham, 91, passed away on October 28, 2022. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio on August 26, 1931, to the late John and Lucille (nee Lee) Higginbotham. James is survived by his wife of 40 years, Loretta (nee Wallace), and his children and stepchildren, James Higginbotham, Debra Kusma (Don), Pamela Ohme (Roy), Susan Outrich (Barry), Jon Higginbotham (Kerry), Bernard Baechle (Pam), Brenda Sundy, Beatrice Hall, and Beverly Barcy (Don), and his sister Mary Lee Canfield. James was preceded in death by his stepchildren Brian Baechle and Laura Baechle. He was grandfather to 11 and great-grandfather to many. James will be greatly missed by his wife Loretta, not only for being married 40 years, but for knowing each other for 51 years. He was an avid watcher of movies and a collector of many things. Visitation will be on Friday, November 4, 2022, from 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM with a Memorial Service at 11:00 AM at Sunset Funeral Chapel, 6245 Columbia Rd., North Olmsted, Ohio, 44077. Internment will take place following the Service at Sunset Memorial Park at 6265 Columbia Rd., North Olmsted, Ohio, 44070.


Dayton Daily News on Dec. 1, 2022

Marilyn Y. Berchtold Heginbotham (1933-2022) OH

HEGINBOTHAM, Marilyn Y. 89 of Miamisburg, passed away Sunday, November 27, 2022. Marilyn was a faithful member of Parkview United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband Jack W. Heginbotham, Sr. April 25, 2006. Surviving are her children Jack W. Heginbotham, Jr., Laura Witesel, and Lisa Toby, grandchildren Megan, Heidie, Doug, and Kelli, great-grandchildren Emma, Titus, Audrey, and Brooklyn, nieces Connie Rose and Marilyn Hegner and nephew Eric Berchtold. Funeral services Monday, December 5, 2022, at 10 a.m. at Parkview United Methodist Church, 3713 Benner Rd., Miamisburg, OH 45342 with Pastor Joseph Park officiating. Visitation will be 1 hour prior to services (9a.m.-10 a.m.) Monday. Burial will follow at 11:30 a.m. at Rest Haven Memorial Park Cemetery, 10209 Plainfield Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45241. Memorial contribution may be made to Park View United Methodist Church. Arrangements in care of Sanner Funeral Home, West Carrollton.



Stanley Owen Hickenbottom (942-2023) OH

June 21, 1942 - January 7, 2023

Barnesville, Ohio  Stanley O. Hickenbottom, 80, of Barnesville, Ohio passed away on Saturday, January 7, 2023 at Emerald Pointe. He was born on June 21, 1942 in Wooster, Ohio to the late Paul M. and Evelyn R. (Johnson) Hickenbottom. Stanley was a 1960 graduate of Barnesville High School and was a United States Army veteran. He worked for several years doing auto body work for Hissoms. Stanley was a lifetime member of the American Legion Post #168. In addition to his parents, Stanley was preceded in death by his wife, Gayle. Stanley is survived by his sister, Sandy Jefferis; brother Bill (Crystal) Hickenbottom; niece, Amanda (Dale) Bigler; nephews, Paul Jefferis and Billy (Ashley) Hickenbottom; great-nephews, Davis Hickenbottom and Owen Bigler and great-niece, Zoey Hickenbottom. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 from 10am until the time of the service at noon with Pastor Rodney West officiating at Campbell-Plumly-Milburn Funeral Home, 319 N. Chestnut Street, Barnesville, Ohio. Military services will be conducted at noon. Burial will follow at Crestview Cemetery.



Beatrice L. Higginbotham Hall (1961-2023) OH

Beatrice L. Hall, age 61, passed away on January 16, 2023. Beatrice was born on November 16, 1961 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Beatrice was a loving mother, daughter, and grandmother. She was a friend to all who knew her. Beatrice is survived by her son, James (Katie Sayre) Baechle; granddaughter, Hayley Baechle; mother, Loretta Higginbotham; brother and sisters, Bernard (Pamela) Baechle, Brenda Sundy, Beverly (Don) Barcy; numerous nieces, nephews, and other loved extended family and friends.
Beatrice is preceded in death by her father, James Higginbotham; brother, Brian Baechle; daughter-in-law, Amy Swords.
Beatrice loved her family. She devoted her life to her son, and her granddaughter was her world. She was a mother to everyone in the 216 Juggalo's. WHOOP WHOOP! If you saw her, she always had her nails and hair done, and she had a big smile on her face.
A memorial visitation will be held on Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at Sunset Chapel, 6245 Columbia Road North Olmsted, Ohio 44070. A memorial service will immediately follow at 12:00 PM. Inurnment will be at Sunset Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Hospice of Western Reserve in Beatrice's honor.


Springfield News-Sun 4/23/2023

David Lee Hickinbotham (1939-2023) OH

David Lee Hickinbotham, 84, of Springfield passed away on Sunday, April 23rd, 2023 at Miami Valley North Hospital. He was born March 22,1939 in Springfield, Ohio the son of Clarence D. and Evelyn Irene (Black)Hickinbotham.
David graduated from Wittenberg University with a master's degree in education. He was a middle school teacher at Northridge elementary where he taught math, social studies, history, First Aid and CPR for 44 years.
He was a Captain on the Moorefield Township Fire Department (1973-1994) where he was instrumental in starting the first cadet program. David loved trains and owned DLH Locomotives in Springfield for many years. He was a Lt. Col. in the Civil Air Patrol and a member of the 44th Ohio Infantry Band.
David is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Jim & Mindy Ake; seven grandchildren: Erin Ake (Alicia), James Caleb Ake (Jasemine), Michael Ake, Kristen Hutson, Colton, Garrett and Kassidy Proctor; nine great-grandchildren: Camden, Brock, Elijah, Zachary, Gabriel, Jaedyn, Jordyn, Evie and Espen.
He is preceded in death by his parents, wife Shirley O. Hickinbotham and oldest son Charles (Chuck) W Ake III.
The family will receive family and friends on Saturday, April 29th, 2023 from 4-6 p.m. Burial Ferncliff Cemetery.


Sunset Funeral & Cremation Services and Cemetery - North Olmsted on May 7, 2023

Loretta M. Wallace Higginbotham (1939-2023) OH

Loretta M. Higginbotham (nee Wallace), age 83, passed away peacefully May 5, 2023. She was born on June 21, 1939, in Middleburg Heights, Ohio to the late James and Jewell Wallace (nee Max). Loretta was preceded in death by her husband, James R. Higginbotham, and her children: Beatrice Hall, Brian Baechle, and Laura Baechle, and her siblings: Alvin, James, Clarence, Edward, Anna, Albert, and Robert. Loretta enjoyed gardening, camping, the ocean, bingo, flea markets, garage sales in her leisure time. Her greatest joy was spending time with her family.
Loretta will be deeply missed by her family. Loving mother of Bernard (Pam) Baechle, Brenda Sundy, and Beverly (Don) Barcy; cherished grandmother of Jimi, Matthew, Rick, Nathan, Jessie, Sara, and Brian; adored great-grandmother of Hayley, Mikayla, Aspen, AJ, Ella, and Rose; dear sister of Dick, Gene, and Betty; sister-in-law of Eileen; and a host of extended family and dear friends.
Visitation and funeral ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at Sunset Funeral Chapel, 6245 Columbia Road, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070. Visitation hours are 10am-12pm followed by a funeral ceremony at 12 noon. The family welcomes you to join them at a reception in Loretta's honor immediately following interment at Sunset Chapel – lower level.

Freshwater, McDonald & Vernon Funeral Home - North Lewisburg on May 9, 2023

Victoria L. Higginbotham Curtis (1949-2023) OH

Victoria L Curtis, 73, of North Lewisburg, Ohio passed away on Thursday, April 27, 2023 in her home surrounded by her loving family.
She was born October 12, 1949 in Columbus, Ohio, the daughter of George and Geneva (Howard) Higginbotham. She attended the North Lewisburg United Methodist Church. Victoria enjoyed hosting family events, shopping and bird watching. But most of all she loved spending time with her family. Victoria will be remembered as a loving mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She always had a smile on her face and ready to help, she will be greatly missed.
Victoria is survived by her daughters, Tambula "Tammy"(Gregory) Phillips, Geneva (Russ) Brinkman; son, Jeffrey Thompson; brothers, Robert (Susie) Higginbotham, Ralph Higginbotham; sister, Brenda Shipman; grandchildren, Destiny Davis, Brandon Phillips, Chance Short, Austin Helms, Jaxon Brinkman, Brittany Costa, Sierra Costa, Hanna Longberry, Jenna Longberry; great grandchildren, Emma Sanborn, Ella Sanborn, Stetson Phillips, Jasmine Kingery, Naveah Costa, Aidean Costa, Zander Costa, several nieces and nephews as well as many cousins and aunt, Dora Carley.
She is preceded in death by her parents; loving husband, Larry Curtis and sister, Barbara Evans.
A gathering of family and friends will be held from 10-11 am on Saturday, May 20, 2023 in North Lewisburg United Methodist Church, 124 East Maple St, North Lewisburg, Ohio.
A memorial service will follow at 11:00 am in the church with Pastor Karen Montgomery officiating.
Immediately following the service, there will be an informal Luncheon.
Arrangements entrusted to Freshwater, McDonald & Vernon Funeral Home, North Lewisburg, Ohio.

MyValleyTributes  (Newton Falls, OH) 7/16/2023

Paulette Hickenbottom Ayres (1943-2023) WV/OH 
Paulette “Penny” Ayres, 80, of Newton Falls, Ohio, passed away peacefully on Thursday, July 13, 2023.
She was born on May 4, 1943, to the late George B. and Charlotte Tomer Hickenbottom.
She was preceded in death by her husband, John C. Ayres; grandson, K.J. Ayres; great-granddaughter, Ariella Rose; brothers, Herman Hickenbottom, Ronald Hickenbottom and Richard Hickenbottom; sisters-in-law, Janet May Hickenbottom and Melody Hickenbottom and extended Ayres family members.
She was a loving and caring wife, mother and grandmother. She didn’t know a stranger and made it a point to take care of those in need. She had numerous friends at her apartment complex that she cared for and looked after. She had a one-of-a-kind personality and it could be said she was a bit of a spitfire. In her spare time, she enjoyed reading romance novels and watching dog races.
She is survived by her children, John L. (Tracey Dean) Ayres, Paul A. (Kelley) Ayres, Christopher L. (Andrea Carr) Ayres, Korriena M. (Joseph) Weir, Rodney “Brad” (Corey McCoy) Ayres and Nadine S. (Michael) Weir; 31 grandchildren; 58 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; sisters, Beverly Shartzer and Georgina (John) Parrish; brothers, Wayne Hickenbottom, David (Theresa) Hickenbottom, Bo (Patti) Hickenbottom and John B. (Kay) Hickenbottom and many other extended Ayres family members.
Calling hours will be held 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at Lane Family Funeral Homes, Roberts-Clark Chapel, 180 Garfield Drive NE, Warren, OH 44483, with a funeral service to follow at 7:00 p.m.
Interment will be held 10:00 a.m., Thursday, July 20, 2023, at Crown Hill Burial Park, 3966 Warren-Sharon Road, Vienna, OH 44473.


The Courier on Aug. 23, 2023

Margaret Jane Adams Hackworth-Higginbotham (1940-2023) OH
Margaret Jane Hackworth-Higginbotham, 83, of Wharton, passed away Sunday, Aug. 20, 2023, at home surrounded by her family.
Margaret was born May 1, 1940, in Peach Orchard, Ohio, to Winford and Clora (Rigsby) Adams and later graduated from Lafayette High School near Ada.
In 1959, Margaret married the love of her life, Bruce Hackworth. The two soon moved to Carey where they were founding members of Carey First Free Will Baptist Church. Margaret and Bruce were always willing to volunteer their time at church. Margaret was the first to offer to hold a crying baby and taught many Sunday School classes. She was always eager to lend a hand with funeral meals or any church event. Bruce passed away in 1980.
Having a second chance at love, Margaret married her lifelong friend, John Higginbotham, on Aug. 30, 2003. The two had two years together until his passing Sept. 14, 2005.
In her younger years, Margaret could make any sewing machine sing. She made homemade dresses for all of her daughters, quilts for family members, and countless outfits for dolls. Her soft-spoken demeanor and love for family made Margaret one of a kind. She loved to spend time with her large family and watch her grandchildren grow. In her free time, Margaret enjoyed tracing her family history back to the 1600s.
While caring for her parents in California, Margaret operated a canning business selling fresh honey, homemade jams, and vegetables across the country. After returning to Carey, she helped care for many elderly families within the community.
Margaret will be missed by her children, Dennis Hackworth, Donna (Bruce) Bennett, Connie (Brian Allen) Hackworth, Bonnie (Dan) Williams, and Timothy (Tracy) Hackworth; 13 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; siblings, Tom Adams, Esta (Craig) Codding, Ed (Darlene) Adams, Charles (Betty) Adams, and Barb Dearth; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Margaret was also preceded in death by her parents; and brothers, Ralph and Waldo Adams.
Visitation will be 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023, at Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, 225 West Findlay Street, Carey. Margaret's funeral will be 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 25, 2023, at Carey First Free Will Baptist Church, 11011 County Road 58, Alvada. Burial will follow at Spring Grove Cemetery.
Donations may be made in Margaret's honor to Carey First Free Will Baptist Church.
Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, Carey, is honored to serve Margaret's family.


Evans Funeral Home 9/26/2023

Virginia Johanna Higginbotham Kemp (1935-2023) OH
October 25, 1935  -  September 16, 2023

Virginia Johanna Higginbotham Kemp, known as “Jo,” was born on October 25, 1935 and passed from this life to the next on September 16, 2023. She would have been 88 this fall.
Jo grew up in Saylor Park, Ohio on the west side of Cincinnati. Jo graduated from Western Hills High School and attended Ohio University and University of Cincinnati, completing a degree in journalism. She started her journalism career while at OU, joining the staff of the university newspaper, The Post. She worked as a reporter and eventually editor of The Milford Advertiser. In later years, Jo was a reporter for the Clermont Courier and other publications of the Community Press Newspapers. Her clarity and integrity served her well in all her professional endeavors.
Through it all, Jo’s strong faith in Jesus Christ and his word were the basis for that integrity. That faith led her to be an active servant of her church congregation. This included serving in the kitchen of an area church camp, as well as supporting the work of a local Christian ministry, the Midwestern Children’s Home. She and Jack also served the Milford community as part of the local Boy Scout and Cub Scout groups, Frontier Days, etc.
Jo Kemp loved all her children, grand-, and great-grandchildren, enjoying visits with them right up to the end of her life. She is loved and missed and will be remembered by her 4 children and their spouses: Debbie (Jim) Mickey, John (Sandi) Kemp, Andy (Rose) Kemp, and Rebecca (Denny) Arbaugh; her 11 grandchildren: Jamie (Breann) Mickey, Chris (Chantelle) Mickey, David Perkins, Erik Kemp, Claire (Jon) Crider, Emily (Patrick) Everett, Alicia (Dan) Strunk, Andrew (Devan) Kemp, Katie (Alex) Goodrich, Shelby Arbaugh, and Hailey Arbaugh; and her 11 great-grandchildren. She is also missed by many extended family and friends.
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to either The Mid-Western Children’s home (www.mid-western.org) or The Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org).
Visitation will be held at the Evans Funeral Home, 741 Center St., Milford, OH on Friday, October 13, 2023 from 6:00 PM until the Celebration of Life Service at 7:00 PM.


Kinley Funeral Home 10/29/2023

Darien Lamont Higgenbottom (1973-2023) OH

Darien Lamont Higgenbottom, 50, of Springfield, Ohio, lovingly known as Frog, passed away Saturday, October 28, 2023. He was born July 22, 1973 to Lavonda Simpson and Tommy Clayborne. He was a 1992 graduate of South High School. A beloved father, son, and brother to many. Darien was employed at Springfield Regional Medical Center as a floor tech where he shared many laughs and good times with his work antics and jokes. He enjoyed spending time with his grandsons at which he was his happiest. Darien's favorite football team was Ohio State and he was proud that his niece attends there. He had a loved for cars; most notably, Cadillacs, taking pictures showcasing good times with friends and family as he was always flashing what he called his million dollar smile. Darien had an infinite love of Sean John clothing and the color pink. Darien leaves to cherish his memory: his children, Darien Higgenbottom, Jr., Deanna Reed, and DeAaron Long; grandsons, Khylon Clay and Khamani Reed; mother, Lavonda Simpson (Gene); father, Tommy “Tuck” Clayborne; sisters, Melissa Evans (Maurice), Stephanie Higgenbottom, and Dana Clayborne; brother, Robert Evans; nieces, Tyra Higgenbottom, Kayla Parks, and Donjanae Higgenbottom; great-niece, Lundyn McIntosh; great-nephew, Noavon Morrison; and a host of uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends. Special mention of friends: Terrence Crowe, Jimmy Compton, Kevin Jeffrey, and Nancy Cosby. He was preceded in death by his infant son, D. Higgenbottom; maternal grandmother, Sally Higgenbottom; paternal grandmother, Annie Ruth Love; brothers, Donald L. Higgenbottom and Tommy Clayborne, Jr.; as well as, several aunts, uncles and family members. His love extends to a multitude of people near and far and he will be forever missed. Visitation will be held from 11:00 a.m. until the time of service at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, November 10, 2023 at El Bethel Temple, 2049 Clifton Ave, Springfield, Ohio 45506. Arrangements entrusted to the care of KINLEY Funeral Home.



Cheryl Dianne Higgenbotham West (1953-2023) OH

Cheryl Dianne Higgenbotham-West, transitioned to rest in The Lord on, December 5, 2023. Dianne was born on September 11, 1953, to John and Marie (Simmons) Higgenbotham in Springfield, Ohio. She graduated from Springfield High in 1971. She graduated from nursing school at Memphis State University and Clark State College.
She was a nurse for nearly 40 years until she retired. She cared for everyone and welcomed all into her heart, home, and family. She was a forgiving and not judgmental daughter, sibling, friend, spouse and mother. She enjoyed being a mom and loved being a grandmother.
Dianne is survived by her two sons, Richard West, and Lenny (Candice) West; daughter, Sheri West-Southern; her sisters, Geraldine (Bunny) Martin, and Donna Higgenbotham Williams; grandchildren, Gabrielle Mabra, Mya Lavallee, Richard (RJ) West II, D'Arrinae (Minnie) West; nephews, John Eric (Tonya) Higgenbotham, Gerald Martin, Chris (Nicki) Williams, Paris Vallez, Jalen Wood, Derek Williams, John Christopher (Bubby) Higgenbotham, Ji'Ayre Christopher Higgenbotham; nieces, Vicki Martin, Monica (Arrick) Richardson, Jackie (Kyle) Peterson, Sunia (Anthony) Marsh, Love Poling, Jocelyn Higgenbotham, Erica Higgenbotham.
Visitation is Saturday, December 16, 2023 from 10 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. in New North Street AME Church. Burial will follow in Rose Hill Burial Park.


Urbana Daily Citizen from Dec. 25 to Dec. 26, 2023

Dora Marie Higginbotham Carley (1927-2023) WV/OH
NORTH LEWISBURG – Dora Marie Carley, 96, of North Lewisburg passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023 in Marysville, Ohio.
Dora was born on Aug. 14, 1927 in Grimms Landing, West Virginia to Roy R. and Loshia A. (Oldaker) Higginbotham.
After many years of service, Dora retired from Summerfield Insurance Company in North Lewisburg, Ohio. In her free time, Dora was a member of the North Lewisburg United Methodist Church, Hill and Valley Club, American Legion Auxiliary and the VFW Auxiliary. Dora loved to read, enjoyed quilting, and in the past loved camping with her husband, Jim, and cooking hot dogs on the grill.
Dora is survived by her nieces, Shirley Wolfenberger, Kim Wolfenberger and Tambula Phillips.
She is preceded in death by her parents; her husband, James Allen Carley; sister, Mary P. McCoy; brothers, George Higginbotham and Lester Higginbotham.
A gathering of family and friends will be held from 10-11 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 28, 2023, in FRESHWATER-MCDONALD-VERNON Funeral Home, North Lewisburg, Ohio.
Funeral service will immediately follow at 11 a.m. with Pastors Karen Montgomery and Stephen Luzader officiating.
Burial will follow in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, Columbus, Ohio.


Chandler Funeral Home & Cremation Service on Jan. 27, 2024

Glenda J. Frazier Higginbotham (1945-2024) OH
Glenda J. Higginbotham age 78, of Lewisville, OH formerly of Barberton, OH passed away Friday, January 26, 2024 at the Marietta Memorial Hospital in Marietta, OH. She was born October 15, 1945 in Barberton, OH a daughter of the late Ira Glen and Mildred Stallman Frazier.
She was a member of the Calais Baptist Church. Many will remember Glenda as the deli manager at the Wadsworth Giant Eagle where she cared for her customers for many years. She enjoyed reading, watching television, and doing genealogy. She loved photography and feeding wild animals, especially her birds. Glenda was also a faithful fan of all the Cleveland sports teams.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her husband Richard M. Higginbotham, whom she married July 10, 1965 and who passed away March 23, 2020; grandson Bobby Higginbotham; four brothers Walter Davis, Richard Frazier, Jerry Frazier, and Ron Frazier.
Those left to cherish her memory are her son Robert Higginbotham of the home; three grandchildren Jessica, Brittany, and Brandon Higginbotham; great-grandson Weston Higginbotham; two sisters Patricia Bradley of Missouri and Margaret (Frank) Walker of Hartville, OH; a brother Edward Davis of Farmington, OH. She is also survived by several nieces, nephews, and friends.
The family will receive friends for visitation Tuesday, January 30, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Chandler Funeral Home, 609 West Street, Caldwell, OH 43724. A funeral service will conclude visitation on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM in the Chandler Funeral Home Chapel, with Pastor Mike Boucher officiating. Following the funeral service Glenda will be laid to rest next to her husband in Stafford Cemetery in Stafford, OH.

Mahoning Matters on Feb. 12, 2024

Linda Kay Marks- Higginbotham (1957-2024) OH
Linda Kay Marks-Higginbotham, 66, of Warren, OH passed away Friday, February 9, 2024, at St. Joseph Warren Hospital. She was born August 1, 1957, in Warren, OH, the daughter of the late Reuben Marks and the late Cordelia (Dunn) Marks. Linda graduated from Youngstown State University with a bachelor's degree. She enjoyed sewing, traveling, and loved her children. She is survived by her sons, Nicolas (Amanda) Marks of Newton Falls, OH, and Jason (Tayla) Marks of Davenport, FL; granddaughters, Brianna Marks, Natalie Marks, and Alexandria Marks; and sisters, Ruby Marks, Monica Winford, and Cheryl Marks. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Leonard T. Higginbotham; son, Reuben Geoffrey Marks; sister, Vivian Morgan; baby sister, Janet; and brother, Stanley Marks. Services will be held at 3:00 pm on Saturday, February 17, 2024, at the Carl W. Hall Funeral Home. Friends may call from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday, February 17, 2024, at the Carl W. Hall Funeral Home. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery, Warren, OH. Arrangements have been entrusted to the Carl W. Hall Funeral Home.


Cox Burkitt Funeral Home 2/19/2024

Karen Sue Nickell Higginbotham (1958-2024) OH

Karen Sue Higginbotham, age 65, of Beaver, Ohio, died Sunday February 18, 2024 surrounded by her family at her residence. She was born August 19, 1958 in Portsmouth, Ohio, a daughter of the late Earl Steward Nickell and Norma Jean Risner Nickell. She was united in marriage December 15, 1979 to her husband, Rex Higginbotham, who survives. Also surviving are two sons, Daniel (Lilah) Higginbotham of Lucasville, Ohio and Adam (Veronica) Higginbotham of Gahanna, Ohio, five grandchildren, Libbey and Laken Higginbotham of Lucasville, Ohio and Declan, Cohen, and Nora Higginbotham of Gahanna, Ohio, four brothers and sisters, Donna Jean Harris of Waverly, Ohio, Russ (Karen) Nickell of Beaver, Ohio, Rick (Diane) Nickell of Beaver, Ohio, and Rock Nickell of Snow Camp, North Carolina, and several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a brother-in-law, Michael Harris. Karen loved her family dearly and lived her life going above and beyond to provide her grandchildren with anything they needed or asked for. She was employed as an aide in elementary education for 28 years and adored the children she assisted and came in contact with on a daily basis throughout her career. The family wishes to extend a special thanks to Dr. Jerrad Nickell for the comfort, guidance, and trust he provided to the fullest extent without limitation or reserve. Graveside services will be 2:00 P.M. Wednesday February 21, 2024 at the Beaver Union Cemetery in Beaver, Ohio. Burial will follow at the conclusion of services. Cox Burkitt Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements. In lieu of flowers, the family is setting up an account for anyone to donate funds to support students that mom worked closest alongside. These funds will be specifically directed to Eastern Schools and will only be used to provide resources, equipment, or support to students with disability or otherwise special needs to support them in their educational experience. 100% of proceeds will only go to this cause and the account will close when funding is used entirely. There will also be a space created immediately following the graveside service for folks to gather at Eastern School cafeteria to pay respects and show support. We know that mom’s biggest impact to the community occurred at the schools and believe this will be a most appropriate way to honor her work and life. We’re incredibly thankful for the support of Matt and his team at the school for their generosity.


Brucker-Kishler Funeral Home 2/25/2024

Clara Burriss Higginbotham (1937-2024) SC/OH
A funeral service for Clara B. Higginbotham, 86, of Granville, OH, will be held at 11:00 a.m. Monday, March 4, 2024, at McDougald Funeral Home. Family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 3, 2024, McDougald Funeral Home, 2211 N. Main St. Anderson, SC 29621. A graveside service will be held at 1:00 p.m. Monday, March 4, 2024, at M.J. “Dolly” Cooper Veterans Cemetery, 140 Inway Dr. Anderson, SC 29621. Also, a “Celebration of Life” event will be held in the Spring at the Buckeye Lake Winery in Ohio.
Clara, a homemaker, passed away peacefully in the early morning hours of Thursday, February 22, 2024, at Altercare South Nursing Home. She was born April 26, 1937, in Abbeville, SC, to the late Colie Hill and Frances (Spires) Burriss.
Clara, in her younger years enjoyed sewing, pottery, and weekends at the lake with her family. She enjoyed pets and had two poodles, Rocky and Gidget. She also had two exotic birds; an African Grey named Alex and a Severe Macaw named Pete. Clara also collected Fenton Glass and Longaberger Baskets. Clara was an excellent cook and really enjoyed having family over for holiday meals. In her later years, she enjoyed working on picture puzzles.
She is survived by her children, Melva L. (Jim) Muir, James M. (Bev) Higginbotham, Jr., and Tracy (Laura) Higginbotham; brothers, Doug Hill and George (Tina) Burriss; eight grandchildren, Jennifer Wright, Christopher (Krystal) Wright, Angela N. Higginbotham, Alisha N. (Greg) Schiltz, Amanda L. (Nathan) Warner, and Clay, Collin, and Addison Higginbotham, ten great-grandchildren, Brock, Morrigan, James, Charlotte, Liam, Cameron, Livi, Lillie, Willow, and Violet, and several nieces and nephews.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 64 years, James M. Higginbotham, Sr.; three brothers, Cleve P. Hill, Marion Burriss, and Danny Otto Burriss, and two sisters, Betty Jo Simpson and Lib Addison.

Tufts Schildmeyer Funeral Home 3/15/2024

Annis L. Foley Higginbotham (1931-2024) OH

Annis L. Higginbotham, of Loveland. Beloved wife of the late Larcie C. Higginbotham. Loving mother of Kathy (Mike) Gentry and Melisa (Bob) Murphy. Cherished Na-Na of Keli Womeldorff, Brandyn LaFarge and Ashley LaFarge. Great grandmother of Drew and Maddie Womeldorff. Passed away March 13, 2024, at the age of 94. Annis was an awesome Christian lady. She was described as an amazing lady. She always had a smile on her face and made an awesome impact on so many people. She taught Sunday School for many years and also volunteered for over 30 years at Bethesda North Hospital. She loved life and will be greatly missed. Family and friends will be received on Wednesday, March 20 from 11 AM-12 PM in the Tufts Schildmeyer Funeral Home, 129 N. Riverside Ave., Loveland, where funeral services will follow at 12 PM. Interment Maineville Cemetery.

The Lima News from Apr. 19 to Apr. 20, 2024

Felicia M. Higginbotham (2003-2024) OH

LIMA -- Felica M. Higginbotham, a vibrant and beloved soul, left this world tragically on Monday morning, April 17, 2024, at the tender age of 20, in a heartbreaking automobile accident. Born on October 8, 2003, in Lima, Ohio, Felica brought joy and laughter wherever she went. Felica is survived by her grieving parents, Andrea S. Mullins and Sabastion Dietz of Delphos. She leaves behind her devoted fiancée, Chevy Van Gundy, of Delphos, who shares in the pain of her loss. Felica is also survived by her siblings; Jazzmin (Mikey Flemings) Higginbotham of Delphos; Karter Hudnall of Delphos; Jaxson Dietz of Delphos, Jaycee Dietz of Delphos, Rashel Higginbotham of Kentucky, and Isiah Higginbotham of Tennessee. In addition to her immediate family, Felica is remembered by her cherished maternal grandparents, Kelly and Bob Zeigler of Lakeview, and Jimmie Mullins of Uniopolis. She is also survived by her maternal aunt and uncle, Ashley and Scotty Bellman of Wapakoneta, along with her cousins Aiden, Taylor, and Colton Bellman, all of Wapakoneta. Felica will be dearly missed by her maternal great-uncles and aunts, Leonard Mullins of Wapakoneta, Gaye (Brian) Winget of Lima, Shelly (Dan) McPheron of Shawnee, and Darla (Melvin) Boroff of Shawnee. Her memories will be cherished by maternal uncles Dillon Liles and Zach Liles of Lima, maternal grandmother Stacey Liles of Florida, and maternal great-grandfather Thomas Dietz of Wapakoneta. She is also survived by her beloved dog, Goose. On her paternal side, Felica is remembered by her paternal grandmother, Wilma Armer of Lima, and great-uncle Jimmy Christian of Wapakoneta, along with her aunts Marcy Christian of Wapakoneta, Doug and Steph Miller of Waynesfield; uncles Eric Garey and John Higginbotham of Lima; and cousins - Abigail and Micha Miller. Felica touched the lives of many through her work as a server at Buffalo Wild Wings in St. Mary's and The Grill on Main in Coldwater. She had a special bond with children, and her infectious laughter and vibrant personality made her a joy to be around. Felica's spirit was as radiant as her smile, earning her the affectionate nickname "brunette with a blonde personality." She was outgoing, loud, and dramatic, a one-of-a-kind individual who lit up any room she entered. Felica had a passion for makeup and photography. She was a loving person, always ready to lend a helping hand and spread positivity wherever she went. Felica cherished her role as a big sister and took pride in nurturing those around her. In addition to her many accomplishments and cherished memories, it brings profound sadness to announce that Felica had recently discovered she was expecting. Though her time as a mother was tragically cut short, there is no doubt she would have embraced this new chapter with the same boundless love, enthusiasm, and warmth that she brought to every aspect of her life. Felica's nurturing spirit and capacity for love were evident to all who knew her, and there is no doubt she would have been a remarkable mother. While we mourn the loss of the future, she would have had with her child, we find comfort in knowing that her legacy of love will endure through the lives she touched and the memories she leaves behind. Funeral services will begin 11:00 a.m., Monday, April 22, 2024 at Bayliff & Son Funeral Home, Inc., Cridersville. Rev. Judy Baker will officiate. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Wapakoneta. The family will receive friends from 2:00 – 4:00 and 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Sunday at Bayliff & Son Funeral Home, Cridersville and from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., Monday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may go to the family to help or to Dayton's Children's Hospital.


Krill Funeral Service - Edgerton on Aug. 8, 2024

Janice M. Knisel Higginbotham )1933-2024) MI/OH

Janice M. “Jan” Higginbotham, age 90, of Bowling Green, and formerly of Edgerton, passed away Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at Wood County Hospital in Bowling Green. Jan was a secretary at Owens Illinois for 30 years before her retirement and worked at Wirick & Associates for 5 years. She attended the Bowling Green Church of the Nazarene. She was a member of the CB&PW (Christian Business and Professional Women) and enjoyed sewing, knitting and reading. Janice was born August 27, 1933, in Blissfield, Michigan, the daughter of Harvey and Ethel (Sell) Knisel. She graduated from Stautzenberger Business College in Toledo. She married Clyde Higginbotham on February 22, 1992 and he preceded her in death on December 20, 2016. She is survived by her stepchildren, Duane (Cindy) Higginbotham, of Montpelier, Marilyn (Lee) Opdycke, of Fayette, Marcia (Chris) George, of Rossford, Marlene (Chris) North, of Bloomdale and Myra Purkey, of Evergreen, Colorado; 12 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren; a sister, Margaret Priest, of Florida and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Clyde; stepson, David Higginbotham; brother, James Knisel and sister, Ruth Gigax. Funeral services will be held on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. in the Krill Funeral Home, 114 East Hull Street, Edgerton, Ohio with Pastor Robin Small officiating. Visitation will be held from 10:00-11:00 A.M. prior to the service. Interment will follow in Maple Grove Cemetery, Edgerton, Ohio. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations are requested to hospice of Northwest Ohio or an organization of the donor’s choice.


Melcher Hammer Funeral Home on Aug. 8, 2024
Carolyn Gayle Higginbotham Dillon (1943-2024) WV/OH
Carolyn Gayle Dillon, 80, of Portsmouth, died Tuesday August 6, 2024 at her home. She was born October 23, 1943 in Elkview, West Virginia to the late, Clarence and Mae (Campbell) Higginbotham. She loved to play card games and go to Bingo.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Robert James Dillon, two sons, Darren and Mark Dillon, two daughters, Belinda McMillan and Brenda Dillon, a granddaughter, Jackie Dillon, and her siblings, Russell Higginbotham, Sheila Robbinette, Barbara Burner, and Carolyn's twin sister, Marilyn McNelly.
Carolyn is survived by her children, a daughter, Barbara Burchett of Portsmouth, and two sons, David Dillon (Shari) of Washington Court House and Daniel Dillon of Columbus, a daughter-in-law, Mary Dillon of Powell, a brother, Ronald Higginbotham of Columbus and a sister, Betty McKibben (John) of Columbus. She is also survived by her 13 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
A visitation for friends and family will be on Friday, August 9, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, with a Memorial Service starting at 7:00 PM with Chaplin John Partlow officiating, at Melcher Hammer Funeral Home in Portsmouth.

Lucas Batton Funeral Home - Upper Sandusky on Oct. 11, 2024

Donna Kay Higginbotham Miller (1949-2024) OH)

Donna K. Miller, age 75, of Upper Sandusky, went to be with the Lord on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at her home following a six year battle with cancer.
On January 17, 1949, Donna was born at home in Alvada, Ohio, the third of four children of the late Lawrence M. and Anna Belle (Jeffers) Higginbotham. She graduated from Vanlue High School in 1967.
Donna dedicated her life to the Trinity Evangelical Church in Upper Sandusky. She served there as a bookkeeper for many years, and volunteered to help wherever and whenever she was needed. Prior to the church, she worked for many years as the secretary for the Wyandot County Farm Bureau, and also worked in the human resources department for the former Defiance Precision Products.
Very close to Donna's heart were her son, grandson, and her nephews.
She will be missed by her grandson, Seth M. Lortz of Findlay; two sisters: Sherri (Terry) Shafer of Delta, OH, and Laura (Dave) Hall of Vermont; three nephews: Todd (Michelle) Shafer, Brent (Michelle) Shafer, and Martin Higginbotham, Layne Ailinger, and Lexi Hall, and several great nieces and nephews.
Including her parents, Donna was preceded in death by her son, Scott D. Miller on October 16, 2020; and by her brother, Lawrence C. Higginbotham.
Her family will greet friends from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Tuesday, October 15, at the Lucas-Batton Funeral Home, in Upper Sandusky. Services honoring her life will follow there at 1:00 pm, with Rev. Jim Stauffer officiating. Burial will follow in Spring Grove Cemetery in Carey.
Memorial contributions may be to Hospice of Wyandot Memorial, or the Oncology Department of Wyandot Memorial, or to a charity of the donor's choice and they may be sent to Lucas Batton, 476 S. Sandusky Ave. Upper Sandusky, Ohio, 43351.
On behalf of her family, they would like to extend a heartfelt "thank you" to her many dear friends and caregivers who have helped care for Donna.



Kathy M. Hickenbottom Adams (1949-2024) WV/OH

Kathy M. Adams, 75, of Waterford, Ohio, died on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at Muskingum Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation in Beverly. She was born on April 9, 1949,in Parkersburg, WV, daughter of Robert “Bob” and Lillian Hope James Hickenbottom. Kathy graduated from Williamstown High School in 1967 and Glenville State College in Glenville, WV. She was a longtime Art teacher at Wolf Creek School District retiring in 2001. She was a Methodist by faith and loved art, history, gardening and all home improvement projects. On June 21, 1974, Kathy was married to Dale A. Adams who died on August 8, 2012. She is survived by a son, Greg Adams and wife Joni of Waterford; a daughter, Connie Kirsch and husband Tracy of Mooresville, NC; three grandchildren, Valerie Crock and husband Billy, Rachael Tucker and husband John and Brockton Adams all of Waterford; a brother, James Hickenbottom and wife Evonne of Williamstown, WV; two sisters, Joyce Flesher of Beverly and Monica Garrahan and husband Glen of Pittsboro, NC; three sisters in law, Judy Adams, Sue Burkheimer and Barbara Von Moegen all of Waterford; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; and brothers in law, Oran Adams, Garner Burkheimer and Bill Flesher. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 am on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at McCurdy Funeral Home in Beverly with burial in the Waterford Cemetery. Friends may call 4-8 pm on Wednesday. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Wolf Creek School District for the Art Program.


Chiles Lamath Funeral Home 10/30/2024

Carolyn Higginbotham-Haag (1948-2024) LA/OH

Carolyn Higginbotham-Haag, 76, passed away October 26, 2024, at 8:20 pm, at Cridersville Health Care Center. Carolyn was born April 25, 1948, in Opelousas, LA, to Leroy and Aline (Ortego) Higginbotham who preceded her in death. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.chiles-lamanfh.com.


Campbell-Plumly-Milburn Funeral Home - Barnesville on Nov. 11, 2024

John Albert Hickenbottom (1941-2024) OH

John Albert Hickenbottom, 83, of Barnesville, Ohio passed away on Saturday, November 9, 2024 at his home. John was the first baby to be born in Barnesville Hospital on March 24, 1941 to the late Everett and Dorothy (Kern) Hickenbottom. John was a 1959 graduate of Barnesville High School. He was retired from the United States Army. Later he worked as both a custodian and bus driver for the Union Local School District. John was a member of the First Christian Church of Barnesville where was a deacon for many years. In addition to his parents, John was preceded in death by his first wife, Norma Hickenbottom; brother, Calvin Hickenbottom; brother-in-law, Harding "Skip" Powers and brother-in-law and one of his best friends, Philip Morris. John is survived by his wife, Edna of thirty-eight years; his children, Carla (Darren) Hendershot, David (Theresa) Hickenbottom, and James (Kim) Hickenbottom; step-children, Angela (Rob) Papalevich and Mike (Barb) Taylor; granddaughter, Cassie Hendershot; grandchildren, Tony, Tammra, Nickie, Jessie, and Jeana; and several great-grandchildren; sisters, Elaine Morris, Paula Triplett, and Jean Powers; and several nieces and nephews. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 10:00am until the time of the service 12:00pm with Pastor Ed Eberhart officiating at Campbell-Plumly-Milburn Funeral Home, 319 North Chestnut Street, Barnesville, Ohio. Burial will follow at Ebenezer Cemetery.


Wellman Funeral Home - Circleville on Nov. 29, 2024

Arbutis Magdalene King Higginbotham (1939-2024) WV/OH

Arbutis M. "Betty" Higginbotham, 84, of Circleville passed away on November 29, 2024. She was born on December 6, 1939 in Liberty, WV to James and Una (Winthrow) King. She attended Outreach Ministries. In addition to her father and mother she was preceded in death by her husband Roy Higginbotham; son Michael Higginbotham; step mother Faye; siblings Hildan Muck, Blue King, Goldie Kersey, Marie Beckner, Purvis and James King. Betty is survived by her daughter Lea (Ron) Yoakem; son Ken (Sandra) Higginbotham; daughters-in-law Rannelle and Mary Higginbotham; grandchildren Nicole Shepherd, Grayson Yoakem, Miracle Higginbotham, Luke and Logan Watson, Hayden, Grace, Sam and Will Higginbotham and by brother Preston. Graveside services will be held on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at Hallsville Cemetery. The family wishes to thank Brown Memorial Staff for their care of Miss Betty. Memorial contributions are suggested to MG Ohio Support Group, 3535 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, Ohio 43214.


Diehl-Whittaker Funeral Home 12/10/2024

Gerlinde Higginbotham (1954-2024) OH

Gerlinde Higginbotham, aged 70, passed away in Columbus, Ohio on November 8, 2024. Born on October 30, 1954, Gerlinde devoted her life to the service of others, both as a licensed social worker and through her longstanding association with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, where she served with distinction from 1994 until her passing. Gerlinde graduated from East High School (1972), Capital University B.S.W. (1976), and The Ohio State University M.A. (1986). As a social worker, her career was marked by compassion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of justice for the less fortunate. She is survived by her loving partner, David Black Sr.; close family friends David Black Jr. and Amy Colborn; beloved Washington D.C. cousins Arizenia (Johnnie) Graham, Joyce Graham, and Tiana Yullie; Columbus, OH cousins Douglas Higginbotham and Darryl Higginbotham; and a host of other relatives and friends. Special mentions include her lifelong mentors and best friends Lela Boykin, Barbara Hanson, Sue Hagedorn and Cindi Stickley, as well as her loving, supportive Slate Hallow neighbors Ty & Angela Higgins and Greg & Sarah Miller. Her parents, Ernestine and Ulysses R. Higginbotham, preceded her in death. Gerlinde's hobbies included anything related to Mickey & Minnie Mouse, traveling, and gardening. The celebration of Gerlinde's life will be held at the Diehl-Whittaker Funeral Home at 1370 E Main St, Columbus, OH 43205: Thursday, 12/12/2024 : 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Viewing) and 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Funeral)


Wilson Funeral Home - Bethesda Chapel on Jan. 28, 2025

Rebecca Lynn Meddles Hickenbottom (1955-2025) OH

Rebecca Lynn Hickenbottom, 69, of Bethesda, passed away peacefully on January 25, 2025. She was born on November 15, 1955, a daughter of the late Lawrence and Mary Ann (Vancuren) Meddles. Rebecca worked for Riesbeck's Food Market for over 38 years. She was a devout follower of Jesus at the Flushing Alliance Church where she enjoyed meeting with the Flushing Alliance Women. Rebecca had fun playing cards every Friday night with two of her sisters-in-law. She loved spending time with her family and friends and will be missed by all who knew her. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Maurice Hickenbottom; and brother, Mark Meddles. Left to cherish her memory are son, Le (Erica) Hickenbottom; daughter, Cassie Hickenbottom (Zac Wright); grandchildren, Justin, Bria, Jordan, Connor; sisters, Kim Meddles, Debbie Runyan. Family and friends are invited to a memorial visitation on February 8, 2025 from 10am to the time of funeral service at 12pm at the Wilson Funeral Home, Bethesda Chapel, 322 North Main Street, Bethesda, Ohio 43219. Inurnment will follow at the Union Cemetery in Morristown.


Jerry Spears Funeral Home 2/3/2025

Shon Joseph Higginbotham (1969-20250 OH

Shon Joseph Higginbotham, was born on August 2, 1969, and went to be with the Lord on January 31, 2025, at the age of 55. Shon was a devoted husband to his wife, Tina, and a loving father to his three sons: Dallas, Chandler (Merranda), and Preston. He was also a proud grandfather to Payton and Weston. Shon is also survived by his parents, Darlene and Tommy Higginbotham, his sister, Tami Higginbotham, his niece, Siera Bryant (Tyler), his nephews, Parker and Aiden Hambel and his beloved cat, Jack Jack, who was a cherished companion. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Roy and Janet Smith, as well as Cecil and Ruth Higginbotham. Shon’s mornings often began with a trip to McDonald’s for his favorite caramel frappé and hashbrowns—a simple ritual that brought him joy. He had a deep passion for cars, especially his Corvette, which he cherished.  Weekends were often spent at car shows where he won numerous awards for his prized car. A dedicated sports fan, Shon cheered fervently for the Dallas Cowboys and the Ohio State Buckeyes, celebrating their National Championship victory with pride.  Beyond his love of cars and sports, Shon found beauty in lighthouses and enjoyed their symbolism of guidance and hope. His family will forever remember the light he brought into their lives. Above all else, Shon will be remembered for the love he shared with his family and friends and the cherished memories he created with them. His presence will be deeply missed by all who knew him. May Shon’s memory bring comfort to those who loved him. Friends may visit at Jerry Spears Funeral Home of Hiliard with Crematory  5471 Frazell Rd Wednesday 4-7 P.M where service will be held 7:00 P.M Wednesday. Pastor Tim Tucker officiating.


Ebright Funeral Home 2/10/2025

Robin Lynn Higginbotham Corey (1957-2025) OH

April 21, 1957 — February 8, 2025 Frankfort

Robin Lynn Higginbotham Corey, 67, of Frankfort, died unexpectedly on Saturday evening, February 8, 2025, at her home. She was born on Sunday, April 21, 1957, in Frankfort, a daughter of the late Frank and Bernice Cottrill Higginbotham. She is survived by her three children, Daniel (Asheley) Corey of Greenfield, Sally (Shawn) Hice of Frankfort, Amy Corey of Chillicothe, four grandchildren, Christopher Hedges, Jr., Bernice Corey, Paige Hedges, Leland Corey, one great-grandchild, Carson Hedges, two sisters, Susan Smith of Frankfort, Beverly Higginbotham of Frankfort, one brother, Johnny Higginbotham of Frankfort, and many nieces and nephews who she claimed as her own and that she loved dearly. She was preceded in death by her parents, one infant son, Wyatt Corey, Jr., two sisters, Diane (Dean) Smith, Dixie Harvey, two brothers, Emmanuel (Irene) Higginbotham, Ted (Marvene) Higginbotham, one brother-in-law, Tom Smith, three nephews, Billy Jo Corey, Kelly Corey, Corey Smith, one niece, Carol Harvey. Robin worked as a nurse’s aide and as an employee of Greenfield Research. She worked two jobs so she could raise and support the family that she so dearly loved. She enjoyed a good cup of coffee, playing games on her phone, and spending time with her grandchildren, great-grandchild, and family.  A funeral service for Robin will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 1pm, in the EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort with Glenn Higginbotham officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort, where she will be laid to rest next to her mother and son, Wyatt. Family and friends can visit with Robin’s family on Thursday at the funeral home from 11:00 a.m. until the time of the service.



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