Virginia Obituaries

Transcribed by William Morris Higginbotham

Charleston, WV



The Lynchburg Press, Thursday 08/04/1814

John Higginbotham (ca1726-1814) VA

DIED—On Sunday the 25th ultime, Mr. John Higginbotham of Amherst county—aged 88 years.

His friends and acquaintances, who knew him while living, will deplore his loss.


Lynchburg Press, Thursday 02/11/1819

Dr. Shannon Higginbotham (ca 1796-1819) VA/PA


DIED—At Philadelphia, on the 22d ultime, Dr. SHANNON HIGGINBOTHAM, son of Mr. William Higginbotham, of Amherst County, Va., in the 23d year of his age—beloved, and lamented by all who knew him!  Here the pen might drop, and let “impressive silence speak,” for his eulogy is written on the hearts of his friends; of all who were of his acquaintance—But society has occasion, and justly, to deplore the premature loss of so much worth.

This excellent young man from early childhood, seemed to entertain just conceptions of the great importance of education, and the acquirement of useful knowledge, as the means by which man became fitted to perform some useful part, on the theatre of life.  This correct impression he never lost sight of—he voluntarily subjected himself, throughout the last 12 or 14 years, to the most rigid discipline, and with an assiduous perseverance, but seldom equaled, probably never surpassed; devoted this important period of life, to the attainment of that high destiny, where the hopes and just anticipations of his friends had already placed him; and to the credit of his parents, be it said, they never thwarted his course, but sustained him with an unsparing hand, until at the goal of full fruition, and ripening to maturity, the fruits of their constancy, and their solace, sank together in the dust!  It pleased a kind providence, thus to chasten surviving relations, and to bereave society of an ornament, of which it might well be proud!  He had acquired a correct understanding of the most useful languages , ancient and modern—had devoted much of his time to science and the arts—and thus having become acquainted with all, he judiciously selected “the healing art” as that in which he was likely to become most useful to his country.  For this purpose, he had, with unabated labor and attention, employed the last three years of his life, to the particular study of the science of medicine; and such was his proficiency, it might be fairly said, without exaggeration, that no young man of his age, (with the opportunities afforded him) ever entered the University of Pennsylvania, with capacity and acquirements more extensive.  It was while attending a course of lectures at this “University” he died.

To say thus much and no more, would be to leave the better part untold, and doing an act of injustice to the virtuous dead; but to do this as becomes us, a misfortune, not unfrequently, occurs, should we say to little, in fearing to say too much.  The writer was personally, well acquainted with the subject of this obituary notice, from his infancy to his death; and although he has the will to offer a much higher tribute of respect to departed merit, then his humble pen has power to dictate, he would not heedlessly cast the memory of a good man into shade, by overcharging his real character, or pourtry his worth in traits too highly coloured for real life; this would tend to obscure his fair claims to the benedictions of posterity, and endanger the keeping up an example worthy of imitation, to the living.

Then let it suffice to say, in the language of another friend, who was with him at his death, whose fellow student he was, and who has borne ample testimony to his worth—“That his modesty—his unassuming deportment—and above all, his moral rectitude, could not but engage the attention and admiration of all who knew him.  In point of understanding—persevering application to his studies—and his acquirements in the particular profession he had chosen for his future usefulness, he had few equals.”

The Virginian, Lynchburg, VA, Friday 10/18/1822

Frances Higginbotham McDaniel (ca 1785-1822) VA

DIED, on Thursday the 26th ult. At her father’s in Amherst, of a lingering and flattering complaint, FRANCES McDANIEL, consort of George McDaniel, and daughter of Joseph Higginbotham. She was in the 37th year of her age, and left four small children and a tender husband, to lament their irreparable loss. In offering a tribute of respect to the memories of our departed friends, we can do so perhaps in no way more respectfully then endeavoring to imitate their virtuous examples, if such they have left us. We should, therefore, perpetuate in our recollection such examples—and endeavor so to imitate them, as that, in the end, we may look around us with a mind placid and serene, at the last lingering scenes of nature, and calmly resign our breath to him who gave it us. Our recently departed friend , we hope died thus. Although she at time, expressed herself unwilling to die, yet, for the most part, she manifested that degree of resignation amidst her afflictions, which we are willing to believe was the offspring of a complete reliance in the renovating influence of heavenly grace. Suffice it to say that our departed friend was meek, gentle, kind, submissive, affectionate, tender, sincere, and forgiving. We trust that religion, holy religion, was the prop on which she resided all her prospects of eternal happiness. In her death, ye friends and relatives, truly you have sustained an irreparable loss, but if she has left you to dwell in the bosom of her heavenly benefactor, why not cheerfully give her up? Or why not, rather, rejoice that she has left this world of sorrow, afflictions and pain, for one in which we hope there is exemption from all afflictions and bereavements?

We die to live, and live to die no more.


Lynchburg Virginian, Monday 06/13/1825

Frances Kyle Higginbotham (1734-1825) VA

DIED, at her residence, in the County of Amherst, near New Glasgow, on the 30th May last, Mrs. Frances Higginbotham, in the 91st year of her age.


The Virginian, Lynchburg, VA, Thursday 10/20/1825

James D. Higginbotham (ca1802-1825) VA


Departed this life, on Monday the 10th inst. At the residence of his uncle, Thos. Higginbotham, in Amherst, in the 23rd year of his age, Mr. JAMES D. HIGGINBOTHAM, son of James Higginbotham, decd. (who was at the time of his death of the state of Kentucky.) This young man fell a victim to that fatal malady denominated by physicians the "galloping consumption;" which, in this instance, from its attack to its mournful termination, progressed with the most unexampled rapidity. But yesterday the deceased was in the midst of us—his cheek suffused with the glow of health—his eye delighted, and his heart thrilled with the deceitful prospects and illusory hopes of future years. Yes, he was with us, the cherished promise and beloved object of his relatives, and the delight of his juvenile friends and acquaintances. And now, alas! Cut off in the midst of his hopes, his leaf is withered by the untimely frosts of death—the grave numbers him with its mouldering tenants. Thus fades man, whose flower is often enflushing, when blighting is nearest. It must be a source of pleasure, though a mournful one, to his friends and relatives to remember, that, since his death was an event that no human skill could avert, the malady which produced it was neither lingering nor painful; during the whole period of which, though in the full possession of his mental faculties, he was unconscious of any the least degree of physical suffering. He fell asleep in death as one who wraps his mantle about him, and lays him down upon his couch to pleasing dreams.

"No further seek his virtues to disclose,

"Nor draw his frailties from their dreaded abode,

"There they alike in trembling hope repose,

"The bosom of his Father and His God."


Lynchburg Virginia, Monday 02/09/1835

Thomas Higginbotham (1767-1835) VA
-at his residence, in Amherst county, on the 5th inst. Thomas Higginbotham, Esq. Formerly a merchant of this place.
Lynchburg Virginian, Monday 02/16/1835
Departed this life Wednesday, the 4th inst. Mr. Thomas Higginbotham, of Amherst county, in the 64th year of his age. He was brought up from early life to the mercantile profession, which he pursued with success, and with the confidence and esteem of all with whom he had dealings, or knew him. He possessed a discriminating judgment and firmness of purpose, not to be shaken, when that judgment convinced him that he was right. He was generous and benevolent, humane and kind to all who deserved it—no matter in what relationship they stood to him, whether as servant, assistant, relation or friend—and charitable to the poor. Through life he observed an undeviating regard to truth, so much so as to disdain to deceive, even by a smile. May all living men practice his virtues. If he had failings, (and who has not?) they emanated chiefly from the goodness of his heart. If he was not a Christian, he possessed the virtues of one, and more than thousands who call themselves such. The writer of this knew him long and intimately—and in this short sketch, of his character, has, he believes, followed his own great example of a rigid adherence to truth, without which, indeed, there is no virtue.


The Lynchburg Virginian, Thursday 07/07/1836

Jesse Higginbotham (1779-1836) VA


Died, on the 8th ult. At Soldiers Joy, in Nelson, Mr. JESSE HIGGINBOTHAM, in the 57th year of his age.


The Lynchburg Virginian, Thursday 08/26/1841

Tirzah Higginbotham London (1783-1841) VA


Died, at Poplar Grove, her residence, in the county of Amherst, on Sunday, the 1st inst., about 3 o’clock, P.M., after a painful illness of sixteen days, which she bore with the greatest fortitude, Mrs. TIRZAH LONDON, widow and relict of John J. London, deceased, in the 60th year of her age. Mrs. London seemed conscious, when first taken sick, that she should never recover, and it was some time after her attack, before she would consent that a Physician might be called in—saying "they can do me no good." Notwithstanding this seeming knowledge that she must die soon, she was perfectly calm and resigned, and spoke to her children frequently with the most perfect composure, of her approaching end. She had been for many years a professor of Religion, but had never attached herself to any particular Church. In the death of this truly amiable and Christian lady, society has lost one of its brightest ornaments—her children, a mother who was kind and affectionate, almost to a fault—and her servants, a mistress whose place can never be filled. Her sorrowing friends should mourn not as those who have no hope, for in her death she gave the strongest proof that "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." To her bereaved children we would say, follow her bright example, practice the virtues taught by her, and prepare to meet her in Heaven, where "parting shall be no more."


The Lynchburg Virginian, Thursday 11/11/1841

Thomas Higginbotham (1824-1841) VA


-, at his father’s residence, in the county of Amherst, on Monday, the 1st inst., in the 18th year of his age, THOMAS HIGGINBOTHAM, son of Absalom Higginbotham. The writer of this small tribute to his memory knew him from infancy, and can with truth and justice say, that, he never was acquainted with a more amiable young man. Modest and retiring in his disposition and manners, unwilling to give trouble to others, he appeared to conceal the extent of his sufferings to the last. Could the constant assiduous attention of his devoted parents, the sympathies of his friends and physicians have averted the fatal blow, Thomas would still live; the pride of his family and friends. But it has pleased an all wise Providence to direct otherwise. But let them not sorrow as those who have no hope, for a few hours before he died that Divine Spirit which alone can inspire confidence in the Redeemer, enabled him to exhort all around him with a pathetic appeal to meet him in heaven, where I trust he now rests in the bosom of his Savior.


Lynchburg Virginian, Monday 08/18/1845

Daniel Higginbotham (1781-1845) VA

---, at Soldier’s Joy, (his residence, in the county of Nelson) on Sunday, the 10th inst. About 10 o’clock P.M., Daniel Higginbotham, Esq. In the 65th year of his age.


Richmond Enquirer 3/13/1849

Jesse Alexander Higginbotham (1822-1849) TN/VA/PA

Died in Philadelphia, of Consumption, on Tuesday, the 27th February, Jesse A. Higginbotham, in the 27th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Tennessee, and at an early age was left an orphan by the death of both of his parent, when a paternal uncle, the late Daniel Higginbotham of Nelson, Virginia, became his guardian and superintended his education, giving him the advantages of the best schools in the North, and finally at the University of Virginia. He became a ripe scholar, studied law, and settled himself in practice at Amherst Court House, and was moreover, at the time of his death one of the Commissioners in Chancery for the Circuit Court of that county. Few men, in any age or country, have set out upon the active career of life with such bright, becoming and buoyant prospects. He married in the month of May last one of the loveliest and best of women. Success in his professional pursuits then just begun, was rendered certain by his high qualifications and attention to business. So generous, brave and affectionate, that he attracted a large circle of warm and admiring friends, who rejoiced in his prospects of a long life of happiness and usefulness to his country. At an early period after his marriage, that insidious destroyer of human life seized upon him, and no medical skill was found, no healing fountain visited, nor the affectionate prayers of wife or friends could save him. He died in a city distant from his home, but attended by his beloved wife, who tenderly watched, and in his last moments he appeared to forget his own suffering, and to be wholly absorbed in sympathy for her affliction.


Lynchburg Daily News, Tuesday 09/15/1874

C. James Higginbotham (1812-1874) VA

DEATH OF AN ESTIMABLE CITIZEN—Mr. James Higginbotham, of Amherst county died at his residence near the Court House on Wednesday last, of inflammation of the stomach. He was a most worthy citizen, and his loss is deeply felt by the community.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 11/29/1889

Moses Morgan Higginbotham (1823-1889) VA

Tazewell has lost another well known citizen in the person of Moses Higginbotham, Esq., who died suddenly on Wednesday night at his home near Liberty.


The Clinch Valley News, Thursday 12/20/1889

Octavia Young Higginbotham (1848-1889) VA

Mrs. J. S. S. Higginbotham, of Liberty Hill, died on the 12th last. Her death was very sudden and unexpected, though she had once before had an attack of paralysis or something akin to it. Her family has the sympathy of many friends in the county and elsewhere.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 11/16/1894

James Bane Higginbotham (1846-1894) VA

The death of Mr. J. Bane Higginbotham on Sunday night last was a great shock to his family and friends. It was more distressing in that it occurred away from home. He was at Richlands at the time and was spending the night at the home of a friend when heart failure suddenly caused his death. He leaves a wife and two sons, both grown. The burial was at Liberty Hill on Tuesday. His mother, widow of the late Rees T. Higginbotham, at an advanced age, mourns the death of her eldest son. Other near relatives are his brother, W. J. Higginbotham, and sisters, Mrs. Jos. S. Gillespie, A. P. Gillespie and J. M. Hoge. In her sons, Sidney and Allen, the widow will find all comfort and help.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 02/08/1895

Allen Higginbotham (ca1855-1895) VA

Mr. Allen Higginbotham, who has suffered greatly for many years, died last week.


The News, Lynchburg, VA Sunday 05/16/1897

Mary Almir Higginbotham (1840-1897) VA

Death of Miss Almer Higginbotham

Amherst, Va., May 15.—(Correspondence.)—A sad death occurred near our village on yesterday at the home of Mr. C. J. and the Misses Higginbotham. Miss M. Almer Higginbotham, a member of this happy family of brother and sisters, who had spent so many years of their lives together, was called to her reward after a very brief illness. Miss Higginbotham had about reached the meridian of life. She had been a most consistent member of the Ebenezer Baptist church for years, and an indefatigable worker in both church and Sabbath school, and her death will be a great loss to her church and community. The funeral services will take place this afternoon at five o’clock, at the Higginbotham residence, services being conducted by the Rev. Jos. L. Wiley, pastor of the Baptist church of our village. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a large number of relatives and friends in their bereavement.


Tazewell Republican, Thursday 08/05/1897

Nancy A. Higginbotham (1875-1897) VA

Death of Miss Nannie Higginbotham

On Saturday afternoon a shadow of sadness fell upon our community when it was announced that Miss Nannie A. Higginbotham had departed this life. For about one month she had been lingering with ultimately proved to be a fatal illness, and at 3:05 p.m., surrounded by relatives and friends, who had tenderly and lovingly administered to her wants, she passed quietly to a brighter and happier land. From the testimony of those who were her intimate associates during her childhood and early womanhood her life had been recorded as that of a bright, pure girl and sweet Christian. Her death was a sad one, but full of comfort to those who were related to her by the close ties of blood and the warm associations of friendship and love.

Miss Higginbotham was born the 17th of January, 1875, and was the daughter of Rees B. Higginbotham, deceased. She has five living sisters: Mrs. W. S. DeVault, Mrs. J. W. Chapman, Mrs. I. C. Dodd, Mrs. J. H. Brown and Miss Mary Higginbotham. The four last mentioned were with her during her last hours.

It had been announced that funeral services would be held in the Methodist church on Sunday Afternoon at 5 o’clock. At that hour the church was filled to overflowing with persons of all ages, who had come to join in paying the last tribute of respect to the deceased.

The church had been draped in mourning by the tender hands of lady friends.

As the casket was born into the church it was preceded by Misses Joie Brittain, Alice Alexander, Jesse O’Keeffe and Lula Steele, dressed in white and bearing floral offerings. These young ladies were intimate friends of the deceased. As they entered the church the choir sang: "Go Bury Thy Sorrow." The funeral services were conducted by Rev. I. P. Martin and were continued and concluded in the following order: A vocal solo and chorus, "Death is Only a Dream." Prayer, by rev. I. P. Martin. Hymn, "Asleep in Jesus." Scriptural selections and funeral remarks. Prayer, by Rev. W. W. Ruff. Vocal duet, "Some Sweet Day, By and By."

The passages of scripture were read from the bible of Miss Nannie and had been marked by her as favorite passages. They showed how deeply she was impressed with the truth of the word of God and how thoroughly her heart had been given to her Savior.

At the conclusion of the services at the church the remains were taken to the East End cemetery and interred. The following gentlemen were active pall bearers: Messrs. W. H. Alderson, Geo. W. Dodd, Barns Gillespie, W. J. Gillespie, J. S. Bottimore and A. S. Higginbotham. The following gentlemen acted as honorary pall bearers: Messrs> Frank Pyott, A. J. Higginbotham, C. W. Jones, Will Pierce, M. J. Hankins and J. T. Smith.

The procession that followed the remains to the grave was the largest we have seen since our residences in Tazewell.

Bristol News

Miss Higginbotham Dead

Many persons in Bristol will regret to learn that Miss Nannie Higginbotham died at her home in Tazewell, Va., at 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Miss Higginbotham taught in the Virginia public school here last year and was engaged for the same duties this year.

While here she made many friends, and her sweet amiable disposition made her much beloved by her acquaintances.—Bristol News.


Tazewell Republican, Thursday 05/24/1900

Nancy Bane Higginbotham (1818-1900) VA

On Tuesday night, at 9:10 o’clock, Mrs. Nancy Bane Higginbotham died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. A. P. Gillespie, at this place. She had been in declining health for several months and her death was not unexpected.

The maiden name of the deceased was Nance Bane, and she was born at White Gate, Giles County, Va., on the 21st day of September, 1818, which made her at the time of her death eighty-two years, eight months and one day.

For more than sixty years Mrs. Higginbotham had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. She was married to Mr. T. J. Higginbotham, of this county, more than fifty-five years ago. Her husband died more than twenty years ago. She is survived by one son, Mr. W. J. Higginbotham, of Cedar Bluff; and three daughters, Mrs. A. P. Gillespie and Mrs. Jos. S. Gillespie, of Tazewell, and Mrs. J. Meek Hoge, of Burke’s Garden. She left a number of grand-children, among them Messrs. A. S. and A. J. Higginbotham, sons of Mr. J. Bane Higginbotham, deceased.

On Wednesday morning the remains were taken to Liberty Hill, the old home of the deceased, and at 8 o’clock funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church at that place, conducted by Revs. W. W. Ruff and Thomas Mowbray. These services were attended by a large congregation, composed of the descendants, relatives and friends of the deceased lady. The remains were buried in the graveyard at the old home place.

The Clinch Valley News, Friday 05/25/1900

Among the old citizens of Tazewell who have recently died, none will be more missed or lamented then the subject of this sketch, who was buried on last Wednesday. Mrs. Nancy Higginbotham died last Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. P. Gillespie. She was born in Giles County more than 81 years ago, and had lived in Tazewell more than 50 years, where she was widely known and highly esteemed for her womanly and Christian virtues.

Her husband, the late Maj. Thos. J. Higginbotham, who died in 1879, was for many years one of Tazewell’s wealthy and most prominent citizens, to whom she was married in the year 1845, at her home in Giles County, near White Gate. There were five children—three daughters and two sons, viz: Mrs. A. P. and J. S. Gillespie, Mrs. J. Meek Hoge, of Burke’s Garden, W. J. Higginbotham, of Cedar Bluff, and J. B. Higginbotham, deceased, the father of A. S. and A. J. Higginbotham, prominent young men of our county. Mrs. Higginbotham was aunt to Mrs. J. W. Chapman and Mrs. M. N. Higginbotham, who was directly of indirectly connected with the most prominent family in the county.

Her death will be widely mourned and lamented. This sketch will be read by people scattered over many distant parts of the country, who will feel that they have been personally bereft in the death of this good woman.

Since her girlhood Mrs. Higginbotham had been a zealous member of the Presbyterian church. Her membership was with the Presbyterian church at Liberty at the time of her death, from which the burial services took place, and in a church which she and her husband had been principally instrumental in building, and for many years the chief support.

Rev. Mr. Mowbray, her pastor, preached a great funeral sermon from the text, "I know that my redeemer liveth". Rev. Mr. Ruff, of this town took part in the services. A large concourse of people were present on the occasion, including friends and relatives from other counties and adjacent towns.


The Richmond Times 02/06/1901

Jane Addison Bayly Higginbotham (1827-1901) VA

Funeral Notice

Higginbotham - The Funeral of Mrs. Jane Bayly Higginbotham, widow of Elmslie G. Higginbotham, Esq., of Ravenswood, Va., will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock from St. James Church. Relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend.


Richmond Dispatch 03/28/1901

Jane Randolph Higginbotham McMurdo Haxall (1815-1901) VA

Dead in Washington

Mrs. Jane R. Haxall, Who is Well Remembered Here

The death of Mrs. Jane R. Haxall, at the Portland Flats, in Washington, D.C., yesterday, will undoubtedly recall to the older residents of Richmond many tender recollections and associations.

Mrs. Haxall, who left this city over twenty-five years ago, will be remembered as the widow of Dr. Robert W. Haxall, a prominent physician here up to the time of his death, some thirty years ago.

She was in her youth a strikingly handsome woman, of decided culture and refinement, and for years adorned social circles here in ante-bellum times. Mrs. Haxall was a Miss Higginbotham, wand was twice married, her first husband being John McMurdo, who died shortly after their marriage.

Dr. J. B. McCaw, of 118 East Franklin Street, when a boy 10 years of age, attended the wedding of Miss Higginbotham to Mr. McMurdo, and recollects distinctly Mrs. Haxall's success in the social world.

Dr. Haxall, shortly after he married Mrs. McMurdo, built the residence at the corner of Sixth and Grace, which he sold to Dr. Hunter McGuire, who occupied it up to the date of his death.

Mrs. Haxall had no children by either marriage, but is closely related by marriage to the numerous branches in the city of the Bailey, Higginbotham, McMurdo, and Haxall families, Mr. Barton Haxall, president of the Commonwealth Club, being her nephew.

The funeral will take place in Washington Friday, and the remains will be brought here for interment in Hollywood.


The Richmond Times 06/04/1901

Edward Garrigues Higginbotham (1824-1901) VA

Dr. Higginbotham, an inmate of the Soldier's Home, died Friday night. He had been in bad health for some time.

The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the Home Chapel.

Dr. Higginbotham was a practicing physician here during the war.


Tazewell Republican, Thursday 01/16/1902

Mary Alexander Thompson Higginbotham (ca1836-1902) VA

After a lingering illness, Mrs. Mary Higginbotham died last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. F. Adams, at Cedar Bluff. The deceased was a most estimable Christian lady, and left a number of relatives to mourn her death. Her maiden name was Alexander, she being a sister to our townsman, Mr. J. D. Alexander.

In the fall of 1862 she was married to James W. Thompson, then clerk of the county court of Tazewell county. As the fruit of that union she is survived by one son, Mr. S. J. Thompson, and two daughters, Mrs. W. E. Baylor and Mrs. N. F. Adams. She is survived by two brothers, Mr. J. D. Alexander, of Tazewell, and Rev. J. H. Alexander, of Atlanta, Ga.

Her First husband died about twenty years ago, and she afterwards married Mr. Moses Higginbotham, who also preceded her to the grave. The deceased was sixty-six years old at the time of her death, and since early childhood had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian church.

The remains will be taken to the home of her son, Mr. S. J. Thompson, at Liberty Hill, and tomorrow to Thompson Valley for interment in the old Thompson graveyard.


The Richmond Times 02/12/1902

Sarah Elizabeth Hargrove Higginbotham (1818-1902) VA

Amherst, VA., Feb. 11 - Mrs. Elizabeth Higginbotham, relict of the late Rufus Higginbotham, died at her home in Amherst county this morning, near the Forks of Buffalo, in her eighty-fifth year. She is survived by four sons and three daughters, who are among the most prominent citizens of Amherst county - Messrs. Samuel B. and F. H. Higginbotham, Mrs. John H. PArr, Mrs. M. L. Myers and Mrs. Samuel Watts, all of Amherst county, and Messrs. Thos. and Jas. Higginbotham, who are prosperous businessmen of Pike county, Mo., where they emigrated many years ago.


Clinch Valley News, Friday 02/21/1902

Joe Higginbotham (unk-1902) VA

Higginbotham to Hang

Roanoke, Va. Feb 17. Rev. Father Aneieux, a Catholic missionary among the colored people of Lynchburg, was a caller on Joe Higginbotham today. Higginbotham will be taken to Lynchburg Saturday or Sunday night without military escort. He is to be hung next Monday for criminal assault an attempt to kill Mrs. Ralph Webber in that city January 11th.

Tazewell Republican, Thursday 02/27/1902

Editorial Paragraphs

Joe Higginbotham was hung last Monday morning at Lynchburg for the horrible crime he committed in that city on the 11th of January. Some of the daily papers had extensive accounts of the hanging and also reproduced detailed reports of the crime. The press is constantly perverting the taste of the reading public by graphic and extensive descriptions of horrible crimes. We hope the time will come when the respectable press will see the necessity for giving as little space as possible to such things.

Clinch Valley News, Friday 02/28/1902

Higginbotham Executed

Full Confession With His Last Breath

All Is Done Decently

History of Horrible Crime in Which Deliberate Attempt at Murder Followed and Assault

Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 24—Joe Higginbotham, who on Jan. 11 assaulted and then cut the throat of Mas. Ralph Webber at her home, 1615 Monroe street, was hanged this morning in the jail at 8:19. Life was pronounced extinct in twenty-one minutes, the neck having been broken.

The gallows were erected Saturday and all day Sunday was inspected by a stream of people. City Sergeant Johnson and Sergeant John Seay, of the police department, left for Roanoke on the 2:30 train yesterday afternoon. At 9 o’clock last night they had a hack driven to the Roanoke jail, and they with the prisoner, drove to Bonsack’s, where they waited two hours for the regular train. The prisoner spoke but little on the trip.

The Final Journey

J. C. Craig, deputy Sergeant and Jailer of Roanoke, with A. D. Earheart, of Baldwin’s detectives, and the Rev. L. L. Downing, colored, of the Presbyterian church, left Roanoke on the train and accompanied the prisoner and guards to this city, which was reached at 1:50. The prisoner was taken up Seventh street to the jail, which is on Ninth and Clay, instead of going to the union depot; but neither there nor on the way to the jail were any crowds seen, every one being content that the execution of the law’s sentence would be carried out.

At 4 o’clock the Rev. L. L. Downing had come to the cell and prayed with him repeatedly, as later did the Rev. B. Tyrrell, of the Diamond Hill Baptist church, to which Joe belonged. He was neatly dressed in a dark suit and look in good condition.

Last Statement

To most of those who came to look at him in his cell he refused to talk, but he assured The News correspondent, in reply to the question, that when he left the Webber home he took the route by way of the railroad to Hickson’s mill, where he turned and came back. He said he did not go to the Presbyterian cemetery, where bloodhounds followed a track.

At 8:13 Sergeant Johnson, with his assistants, entered the cell, as did the spiritual advisers. Joe was told to stand up and take off his overcoat, which he did promptly. The handcuffs were then taken off his wrists and his hands were tied behind him. He then was escorted by two policemen to the gallows, walking with a firm tread up the steps and taking his place on the trap. The Rev. Downing then read the 23rd Psalm, after which Sergeant Johnson produced the death warrant. The noose was then adjusted, and his feet. Tyrrell was telling him in a low tone to trust in the Lord and be courageous. Joe was seemingly composed.

Speech On The Gallows

When asked if he had anything to say; he replied in a firm voice: "Dear friends, the time has come for me to pay for a crime of which I am guilty. It was a terrible crime, and I’m sorry for that and all my sins. Men may not forgive me, but I feel that God will. I know that I’ll be saved, because Jesus died for sinners."

He then quoted with some corrections the 16th verse of the third chapter of John, being prompted by the Rev. Downing. The black cap was drawn over his face and he stood perfectly erect. As Sergeant Johnson descended the steps said: "Good-bye friends. Meet me in Heaven."

At 8:19 the bolt was pulled, and Joe was launched into eternity. The body turned round and round, and for a minute or two there were muscular contractions. At 8:26 the physicians reported the pulse at 120. At 8:28 it was 66; five minutes later it was very faint, and at 8:45 he was pronounced dead. At 8:45 a coffin was brought in, the rope was cut and the body was lowered into the coffin, which was then fastened, and taken in a hearse in waiting. This afternoon it will be shipped to the University College of Medicine, in Richmond.


The Richmond Times 09/11/1902

Molly F. Bilbro Higginbotham (1855-1902) VA/MO

Amherst, VA., September 19 - The remains of Mrs. Henry Higginbotham were brought to Amherst today from Pike County, MO., where she died a few days ago, and will be interred by the side of her husband, near Mount Pleasant Church, where a number of this family have been laid to rest.

Mr. Henry Higginbotham, husband of the deceased, was born and reared in Amherst County, serbed through the Confederate War, and after this memorial struggle was over he went west to seek his fortune, locating in the state of Missouri. He amassed a considerable fortune, but loved Virginia, his native state, and before his death, some three years ago, he requested that his remains be brought back to his native land for interment.

Mrs. Higginbotham survived her husband a little over two years.


Tazewell Republican, Thursday 06/04/1903

Jerry Higginbotham (unk-1903) VA African-American

Jerry Higginbotham, a young colored man, died from Typhoid fever on last Monday morning at 3 o’clock at this mother’s home in the west end of town. He had contracted the disease in the coal fields. From those who knew him well, we learn that he was an industrious and worthy young man.

The Clinch Valley News, Friday 06/05/1903

Jerry Higginbotham, colored, son of Francis Higginbotham, died here last Monday morning, of Typhoid fever, contracted in West Virginia, where he had been at work. He was sick one week.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 09/25/1903

James Simon Shelby Higginbotham (1843-1903) VA

Mayor of Richlands Dies Suddenly

Mr. J. S. S. Higginbotham, for several years mayor of Richlands, died suddenly in that town last Thursday. He had not been well for several months, but his death was not expected, and was a great shock to the community.

He was about 66 years old, and leaves a wife and one son by a former marriage. The funeral took place at Liberty Hill, his old home.


Tazewell Republican, Thursday 02/09/1905

Thomas Higginbotham (unk-1905) VA African-American

Thomas Higginbotham, a young colored man from Tazewell, was shot by a walking boss on the railroad works on Dry Fork on Monday. Higginbotham was threatening to strike the boss with a pick when he was shot. Dr. Crockett, of Tazewell, was called to see the wounded man, and at first thought he was not seriously shot, but he died on Tuesday night and his remains will be brought here and buried today.

The Clinch Valley News, Friday 02/10/1905

Tazewell Negro Killed on Dry Fork

The remains of Thos. Higginbotham, a well known young colored man, was brought here yesterday for burial. He was shot by a railroad foreman on Dry Fork on Monday, the ball entering the stomach from the effects of which he died some time afterwards. It is said that the Negro and the foreman had a dispute and he attacked the foreman with a pick. Higginbotham went from Tazewell to Dry Fork a short time ago to work on the new railroad.


The Times Dispatch 02/13/1906

Aaron Lewis Higginbotham (1826-1906) VA

Chestnut, Amherst County, VA., February 12 - Mr. Aaron L. Higginbotham, died at his home Friday night after lingering for some while. He was nearly seventy (sp) years old. He is survived by his second wife and five children besides one daughter by his first wife, who lives in Maryland. He served in Company I, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment of the Infantry, serving all through the war, having been wounded in the neck and suffered very much from his wound.

He is the last member of a widely connected and prominent family of the county, being the youngest child of Colonel Absalom Higginbotham, who preceded him to the grave as good many years ago, as well as all of his aged brothers and sisters. He was buried in the old Higginbotham family cemetery yesterday in the presence of a large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives and neighbors.


The News, Lynchburg, VA, Sunday 02/03/1907

Samuel Beverly Higginbotham (1856-1907) VA

Death of S. B. Higginbotham

Former Amherst County Resident Succumbs to Pneumonia

Lexington, Va., February 2.—(Special)—S. B. Higginbotham, aged 51 years, died this morning at his home, near Buena Vista, from pneumonia. He came to Rockbridge four years ago from Amherst County. He was a successful farmer and business man. He is survived by his wife, who was a Miss Cunningham, of Amherst, daughter of the late John B. Cunningham, and four children.

The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from Trinity Methodist church, Mt. Pleasant Circuit, Amherst. (Burial will) be in the Lexington cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was a prominent member of El Bethel Methodist church, Mt. Pleasant Circuit, Amherst county, was a steward of Bethel church, and recording steward of Mt. Pleasant Circuit.


The Baltimore Sun (MD) 7/15/1907

Cadmus David Higginbotham (1853-1907) VA

Staunton, Va., July 14 - C. D. Higginbotham, a commission merchant of this city, died last night, and will be buried in Lynchburg. He is survived by a widow and three children.


The Washington Times 03/14/1909

Isaac T. Higginbotham (1888-1909) VA

Lynchburg, Va., Jan. 30-The funeral over Isaac Higginbotham, who was waylaid and murdered here Friday, occurred this morning, a large gathering following the body to the Presbyterian cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. B. M. Beckham, of Memorial Methodist church.

The police are hard at work on the case since the coroner’s inquest, and they are seeking to weave a chain of circumstantial evidence against Ernest Wade, who is charged with the murder. The evidence is purely circumstantial.

 Wade is said to deny all knowledge of the crime and claims he was at home at the time of the shooting. It is evident that his defense will be to prove an alibi.

Miss Mae Wade, a sister of the accused, and a sweetheart of the dead man, attended the funeral.

At her request the casket containing her lover’s body was opened after it had been lowered into the grave in order to give her a last look upon his face.


The Times Dispatch 05/02/1909

Rosa Bayly Higginbotham Burgwyn (1853-1909) VA

BURGWYN - Died, Friday night, April 30, 1909, Rosa Higginbotham, wife of C. P. E. Burgwtn.

Funeral services will be held from St. James Church this Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. No flowers.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 03/22/1912

Reese Thompson Higginbotham (1841-1912) WV

News reaches Tazewell of Mr. R. Thompson Higginbotham, at his home in Frankfort, W. Va., of pneumonia, last Saturday, the 16th.

He was 70 years of age. His illness was only of a few days duration.

He left Tazewell some five or six years ago and settled in West Virginia, where he owned a fine estate. His wife was a Miss Moore, sister to W. L. Moore, of this town. Five daughters and two sons survive him, all of whom are unmarried and at home except one, Mrs. Barbara Rader, who lives in Frankfort. Mr. Higginbotham was popular here and in the community where he died. His death will be lamented by a wide circle of friends.

Tazewell Republican, Thursday 03/28/1912

Reece Thompson Higginbotham died at his home near Frankford, this county, last Saturday morning after an illness of several years with Bright’s disease, or some kidney trouble akin thereto, aged 70 years and 7 months. He was a native of Tazewell county, Va., where he was born on the 16th of August, 1841. He served during the war as 1st lieutenant in the 22nd Va Calvary, and moved to Greenbrier some nine or ten years ago where he soon came to be recognized as an intelligent, public-spirited citizen, worthy of the respect and confidence of all men. His wife, two sons—William and Oscar, the latter now a student at Washington and Lee University; and five daughters—Mrs. Charles G. Rader and Misses Amanda, Barbara Laura, India and Clynta the two last students in the L. F. I. And all of this county—survive him. Monday morning, the 18th, after a funeral service at the home, conducted by Revs. C. R. Lacy and R. C. Meeks, the body was interred in the cemetery at Frankford, a large concourse of his neighbors and friends being present. Miss Laura Higginbotham, of Tazewell, Va., sister of the deceased, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cecil, of Monroe county, the latter also a sister, came to attend the funeral. Mr. Higginbotham was closely related to the well known Moore family of Abb’s Valley, famous in the history of Virginia as the scene of Indian attacks upon the defenseless whites.—Greenbrier Independent.


Tazewell Republican, Thursday 11/07/1912

James Bane Higginbotham (1912-1912) VA

Death of a Baby

Angles envied the face so fair

And dreading the coming toil and care

Softly they entered the home.

Silently, sweetly stole away

The little one’s soul from the form of clay

And took it as one of their own.

Bane Dickenson Higgenbotham, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Higginbotham, passed away early on Sunday morning. A beautiful service was held in the home on Sunday afternoon, by Rev. E. E. Wiley, and the little one laid at rest in Maple Shade cemetery.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 04/20/1917

George Washington Higginbotham (1839-1917) VA/AR

Former Tazewell Man Dies At Arkansas Home

George Higginbotham Once Owned Fine Farm Near Liberty Hill, Where He Kept "Open House"—Is Survived By Large Family

The following article from the Arkansas Gazette, announces the death at Bentonville, Arkansas, of George W. Higginbotham, a native of Tazewell County and for years one of the most highly esteemed citizens of the entire county.

"Bentonville, April 10—George W. Higginbotham, aged 76, died at his home south of Bentonville Saturday. He was a native of Virginia, and had lived here 16 years. He served in Company A, Forty-fifth Regiment, Virginia Infantry in the Confederate Army. He is survived by his wife and ten children, Dr. W. M., and Joe of Bentonville; Section, of Rogers, Hunter, a member of the U. S. Marine band now at Bremerton, Wash.; Mrs. Ed Engstrom, of Little Rock; Mrs. M. L. Voyles, of Bentonville; Mrs. C. L. Denny, Mrs. J. L. Cockrell, Mrs. Arthur Fullerton and Mrs. Sam Halleck."

There are many people in this county who will be sorry to know that their old friend and acquaintance has passed away. For many years he lived on a comfortable estate at Liberty Hill, in the western section of the county, the same on which he was born and reared. His father, Joseph Higginbotham, before him, lived at Liberty Hill.

George Higginbotham and his wife, who was a Miss Sexton, of Smythe county, reared a family of ten children, moving to Arkansas about 25 years ago, where his widow and several children still live.

Few families ever left Tazewell that were more sadly missed. The home was open day and night to all comers, and the humblest citizen found a friend in this hospitable family whenever in need or distress. The family was the mainstay, alongside the family of John C. Bundy, a neighbor, of the little Baptist church in the neighborhood, of which they were all zealous members.

Deceased had seven sisters and three brothers, all of whom have passed away. He was the last of his father’s family. He was in the 80th year of his age. The only particulars of his death are given in a letter to Mr. Jeff Ward, of this town, who kindly gives it to this paper for publication. The letter follows:

Dear Jeff: Mother requested that I write you of the death of our dear father, which occurred at noon last Saturday, April 7. We are broken of heart, while he, ripened in years, and fully prepared, passed on to enjoy the life Abundant. He had realized that his time here was growing short, though he was able to walk about the place and went to the table the evening before. Next morning he didn’t feel like getting up, tho ate a little, but about 9 o’clock had a hard chill and became unconscious and never rallied. Went as though falling asleep. Father adored gray, so, dressed in gray, he was buried in a gray casket. He looked so peaceful and as tho’ not dead. Father hadn’t had a care for years. His boys treated him and mother like children in their care for them. Mother has improved some in health this winter. She will miss him sorely. Her grief makes it doubly hard for us." M. L. Voyles.


Unknown Virginia paper, 05/1917

Lelia Adeline Higginbotham Ferrell (1882-1917) VA

Death of Mrs. Ferrell

Mrs. Lelia Higginbotham Ferrell, wife of J. H. Ferrell, died Monday, May 7th, at her home on Goose Creek, after an illness of five days.

The deceased was thirty-five years old, and was born in Nelson county, but resided in Amherst and Lynchburg until her marriage in November, 1914. She was a member of the Methodist church, was a gentle, refined, patient Christian woman, winning the hearts of all who came in contact with her. She is survived by her mother and father and two brothers, Messrs. Marvin and Vernon Higginbotham, of Amherst.

One of the saddest features of her death was the non-arrival of her parents before the end came though notified of her illness by special delivery letter and telegram, which they failed to receive.

Funeral services were held at the home on May 9th, conducted by Rev. C. R. James, of Concord, and Rev. J. M. Coleman, of Thaxton. In the same casket with his mother the little son, Francis Milton, born May 7th, was laid away, interment was in the family grave yard. Active pallbearers were Messrs. Tom Allen, Blanton and George Ferrell, Marvin and Raymond Higginbotham. Honorary pallbearers were Messrs. Leo Kasenhagen, T. P. Alphin, Melvin Snead, Royal Noel, Jule Williamson and Rosser Ferrell. The floral tributes from far and near were numerous and beautiful, and were carried by Miss Cysie Higginbotham, Mrs. Moses Higginbotham, Mrs. McFarland, Misses Julia Garrett, pearl and Ruby Noel, Estelle Bell, and Messrs. Harry Baker and Leonard Fuqua.

Her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Higginbotham, was with her during her illness and also Mrs. McFarland. Miss Julia Garrett rendered faithful services as nurse and Dr. Newman as physician.

Those from a distance attending the funeral were Mrs. Paul Rucker, an aunt, of Amherst Courthouse; Miss Cysie Higginbotham, of Lynchburg; Messrs. Len, Allen and Rev. George Ferrell, Mrs. Frank Fuqua, Mrs. George Altiser.

The hymns were "We’ll Never Say Goodbye In Heaven," Jesus Love of My Soul," and "How Firm a Foundation."

A Loved One.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 06/10/1921

Lettitia Higginbotham (1848-1921) VA

Miss Lettie Higginbotham, aged about 75 years, died at the home of her brother, John A. Higginbotham, in Thompson Valley, on last Monday. The funeral and burial in new cemetery, on Wednesday. Two brothers and two sisters, Misses Laura and Alice, survive. Several members of this family are dead.

The family were all born and reared in Thompson Valley. The father was the late Bailey Higginbotham. Their mother was a Miss Turley.

The home of John A. Higginbotham and his three sisters was known far and wide for unbounded hospitality. They led a quite life, commanding the respect of all who knew them for their sterling Christian character.


Bedford Democrat 10/1921

Althea Jane Higginbotham (1852-1921) VA

Mrs. Althea Jane Higginbotham, who was taken home on the 13th instant, was born at Montvale October 7, 1852, and married October 21, 1874, to Mr. Cyrus A. Higginbotham, of Arrington, Nelson County. She was the great-granddaughter of Col. James Higginbotham, of Revolutionary fame, and a granddaughter of Colonel Jos. Cabell Higginbotham, Sr., who received a grant of land in Goose Creek Valley for services in the war of 1812, and the daughter of Joseph Cabell Higginbotham, Jr. and Angeline Plunkett. She was a student of Hollins Institute and afterwards a school teacher. She was always interested in education as a means of attaining the essential benefits of life, and after her husbands death in 1896, she struggled through many difficulties to rear her children to be Christians. She was a noble woman, loved by all who knew her, and was energetic and patient, bearing her sufferings patiently, and trusting always in her Savior, and the writer trusts that the ones left to mourn her will fell that she has gained life eternal and wants her loved ones to guide their footsteps so they will go "Over There" where she waits to greet her children.

She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Leo Kasehagen, Mrs. Clarence Berger, all of Washington, D.C., Mrs. Royston St. Noble, of Barcelona, Spain; Mrs. Howard W. Johnson, of Roanoke, and Raymond Higginbotham, of Montvale; and five grandchildren. All of her children were present at the funeral with exception of Mrs. St. Noble, and her eldest grandson, Leo W. Kasehagen, who was ill.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 07/24/1925

William Jefferson Higginbotham (1853-1925) VA

W. J. Higginbotham Dead

The community was shocked to hear of the death of W. J. Higginbotham. His death occurred at his home on Sunday, at Cedar Bluff, after an illness of several months, from a cancerous growth on his neck. He was in the 73 year of age.

W. J. Higginbotham, well known as "Bud", was one of the county’s best citizens, and popular wherever known. Besides a widow he leaves two daughters, Mrs. H. W. Bane and Mrs. Allen Higginbotham, and one sister, Mrs. J. M. Hoge, of Burke’s Garden.

Funeral services were held on Tuesday, at the home, and remains were interred in the new cemetery here, at one o’clock, on Tuesday.

Deceased was proprietor, with his son-in-law, H. W. Bane, of the large mill at Cedar Bluff for years. As a business man and citizen he enjoyed the confidence of his neighbors, and was held in high regard by all who knew him. His death is a distinct loss to the county.

Rev. Paul Morton, Fairmont, West Va., and Dr. W. B. Webb, of Clarksburg, W. Va. assisted in the funeral and burial.

The pall bearers were: Active- T. C. Bowen, Billy Gillespie, W. T. Gillespie, Ritchie Peery, Jeff Gillespie, Joe McGuire, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Luttrell, R. J. Hurt, H. D. Shanks.

Honorary- B. Stras, Wade H. Peery, Henry Preston, Chapman H. Peery, Mr. Humphrey, Geo. Hurt, Sam Baylor, George C. Peery, Jeff Ward, Chas. Jones, Dr. Higginbotham, Harris Hart, L. K. Nixon, Chas. Scott, Bell Witten, Will Grinstead, Mr. Whorley, Mr. Berry, Joe Stras, Rush Dawson, Mr. Deboard, Dr. Castello, H. P. Brittain, Dr. T. E. Peery, Geo. Ward, H. G. McCall, W. L. Moore, Abraham White, Jack Witten, John Whitt, Gus Griffith, Geo. Oney, Jno. I Deboard, Geo. Elswick, Dave Taylor, O. U. Terrell, J. E. Linkous, George McCall, Dr. W. R. Williams, Will White, M. H. McGuire, Thos. Catron, R. K. Gillespie, J. W. Chapman, John C. St. Clair, Sam J. Thompson, Sam Ward, Billy Boons.

Aged Citizen Is Dead At Indian

W.J. Higginbotham Active Miller in Section for More Than Fifty Years-Was Victim of Cancer

Death intervened to end the noble and fruitful career of W. J. Higginbotham at his home in Indian, Va., Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. The old gentleman had been in poor health for something like two years, although his illness was not considered serious until about two months ago. He was never confined to his bed until two weeks before his death. His condition became very critical during the latter part of last week and he lost consciousness Saturday at midnight, being in a mental stupor when death came. His death was pronounced by physicians as being due to the cancer of the glands.

W. J. Higginbotham was aged seventy-two. He was born in the neighborhood of Liberty, Va., and when less than twenty years old he moved to Indian, where he had lived since. When he was twenty-seven years old he married Miss Alice Allen, a Tennessean, who survives him besides two daughters – Mrs. Allen Higginbotham and Mrs. Harry W. Bane, of Indian, Va. A sister, Mrs. Meek Hoge, of Burkes Garden, Va., is the only surviving member of Mr. Higginbotham’s old family line. Mrs. Hoge in an invalid and was unable to attend the funeral and burial services of her brother. The deceased was senior partner of the milling firm of Higginbotham & Bane, and Indian, Va., firm which had been doing business under his name for almost a half-century. Mr. Higginbotham was active in business and public affairs and his dealings were invariably associated with keen judgment and honest integrity. He had maintained a reputation of fair and square business relationships over a period of more than fifty years. Beyond question he was one of the most popular and influential men in his entire section. He leaves a very large estate.

He was a Christian character of high ideals, having founded his faith in the Presbyterian church several years since.

Mr. Higginbotham drew up his will and other legal papers and documents, which he was to leave for fulfillment after his death a short time before he lost consciousness. His peculiarities were distinguished in the fact he instructed all funeral arrangements before his demise, even to the point of selecting the casket in which he was to be buried.

Funeral services were held from the home Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock in charge of the Rev. W. W. Arrowood, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Tazewell, assisted by the Rev. Webb, who was pastor of the Cedar Bluff Methodist church twenty-five years ago. The cortege was probably the longest and largest ever seen in the little town of Cedar Bluff. A beautifully large floral offering was tendered the dead as a final tribute to his work on earth. Interment was made at Tazewell that afternoon.


Harrisonburg Daily News Record 2/15/1926

Henry Louis Higginbotham (1876-1926) VA

H. L. Higginbotham Dies at Front Royal

Front Royal, Va. Feb. 14 - H. L. Higginbotham, 48, died at the home of his father-in-law, James Rutherford, here Tuesday night. He had been in the employ of the Virginia State Highway Commission for a number of years, having been in charge of Camp No. 18 in Rappahannock county, where he was returning when stricken with paralysis. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, father, three brothers and four sisters. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 p.m. conducted by the Rev. N. V. Marman. Interment will be in Prospect Hill Cemetery.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph 10/15/1929

Laura Brown Higginbotham (ca1915-1929) VA

Laura Brown Higginbotham, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Higginbotham of Tazewell was claimed by death.


The Baltimore Sun (MD) 4/17/1932

Eva Harris Watts Higginbotham (1880-1932) VA

Lexington, Va., April 16 - Mrs. Eva Watts Higginbotham, 52, fell dead after a sudden heart attack at noon yesterday. She was the wife of L. S. Higginbotham, who survives with a daughter.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 08/26/1932

Sarah Louise Allen Higginbotham (1851-1932) VA

Mrs. Louise Higginbotham, aged 81 years, died early Monday morning at the home of her son, A. J. Higginbotham, near Pisgah. Her death was attributed to the infirmities of her advanced age.

Before her marriage to J. Bane Higginbotham, who died in the year 1894, Mrs. Higginbotham was Miss Louise Allen, of Greenville, Tennessee. She had lived in Tazewell county since a short while after her marriage and was widely known in the section.

Funeral services were held at the home of her son, at Pisgah, on Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock, in charge of Dr. W. W. Arrowood, pastor of the Tazewell Presbyterian church. Interment was made in Maplewood cemetery at Tazewell.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by two sons, A. S. Higginbotham, Tazewell, and A. J. Higginbotham, of Pisgah; one sister, Mrs. W. J. Higginbotham, of Cedar Bluff and a brother, James Allen, of Greenville, Tenn.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 08/25/1933

Laura J. Stimson Higginbotham (ca1858-1933) VA

Mrs. Laura Higginbotham, widow of the late James G. Higginbotham, died at the home of her daughter on Cove Creek Monday morning. She was 75 years old, and had been ill only a short time. Funeral and burial service occurred at the Calvary Methodist church at two o’clock Tuesday afternoon in charge of her pastor, the Rev. W. R. Watts, assisted by presiding elder Long and Rev. Mr. Dean, of Tazewell. The deceased lady had been one of the leaders in the social and religious life of her community for many years.

There survives Dr. Higginbotham, well known Tazewell physician; Jeff Higginbotham, Mrs. M. B. Neal, Mrs. J. H. Kinzer, and Mrs. R. H. Neel, children, and two sisters, Mrs. Alley Snavely, of Rural Retreat and Mrs. Lou Fox, of Amherst.


The Lynchburg News

April, 1934

McGustavus Higginbotham (1868-1934) African-American

Sad But Impressive Rites Held For McG. Higginbotham

Lynchburg, Va.- Over the body of McGustavus Higginbotham, Negro mortician, as it lay in state, eulogies were poured forth by clergymen and laymen alike at a sad but impressive funeral service held at the Court Street Baptist Church, Tuesday, April 24, at 8 p.m.

Death visited the Higginbotham household at 5:45 p.m. Sunday, April 22, setting free the benign spirit of the patriarch an founder of the firm of Strange and Higginbotham, one of the oldest mortuaries in Virginia.

For four hours the body lay in state in its huge, solid copper casket that weighed more than three hundred pounds, having been borne to the church at 5 p.m. on the day of the funeral, with C. V. Wilson Company, Inc., morticians, in charge.

The bier was banked with masses of flowers and illuminated with indirect lights. Citizens of all walks of life filed past it.

After the service, the casket was wheeled out and brought to the home where an all-night vigil was kept. It was committed to the tomb at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, April 25, 1934, in the Methodist Cemetery.

In one of numerous eulogies, the Rev. E. T. Henderson, acting pastor of the Rivermont Baptist Church, said McGustavus Higginbotham accepted a "strategic place in the life of the community" and the Rev. C. L. Somers, rector of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, said the community is now not so warm since his heart has become still.

The principal eulogy, a prepared address, was delivered by the Rev. P. L. Harvey, pastor of the Diamond Hill Baptist Church, who said that Undertaker Higginbotham, having served his day and generation, now falls asleep, a sleep that shall be undisturbed until the departed friend reaches the other shore.

The Rev. James Carter, formerly connected with the Virginia Theological Seminary and College, was master of ceremonies. The service was conducted according to the wishes of the dead who said he was born about 8 o'clock at night, was married at that hour, and at that hour he chose to be buried.

Long before 8 o'clock, the large pipe organ, situated in the gallery, behind the choir, pealed forth its solemn dirge. As a signal was given, the procession entered the church amid a veritable sea of faces. The two middle rows of benches has been reserved for the mourners, of whom there were a hundred or more, for fraternal organizations and other functionaries.

The vested clergymen led the procession, followed by the widow, children, and relatives. Just behind were members of the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias.

As soon as all were seated, the choir sang "How Firm a Foundation," and all joined in the chorus. The Rev. Mr. Henderson read from the scriptures, quoting from the fifteenth chapter of the First Corinthians: "By the grace of God, I am what I am."

Afterward, the Rev. J. E. Dodson, the pastor of Jackson Street M. E. Church, prayed for the departed spirit, saying, "In the midst of life, we are to death."

The master of ceremonies called for the reading of telegrams and resolutions received by the bereaved family, which were read by Undertaker C. V. Wilson. Notable among the resolutions received from the Colored Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers Association of Virginia. The Rev. Mr. Blackmore, of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows read a resolution adopted by the local lodge here, extolling the virtues of McGustavus Higginbotham, saying in part:"We feel the loss of our brother, who has been called from labour to rest, but we...strive to carry on where...has left off."

...allowed two minutes to make eulogies. The Rev. Mr. Henderson, among the first to speak, quoted from Longfellow and from Kipling's "Lest We Forget", and the Rev. Mr. Blackmore assured the vast assemblage that "earth has no shadow that Heaven cannot heal."

The Rev. Mr. Harvey took his text from the book of Acts, saying: "For David, after he had served his own day and generation, by the will of God fell asleep." He drew an analogy from the life of David and the life of Undertaker Higginbotham, saying that the latter now deserves his long rest.

"A quiet, unassuming man, he was, but yet always dignified." said the Rev. Mr. Harvey. The business he founded will long be a landmark in Lynchburg's history, and he is leaving a grand heritage."

"He falls asleep," the minister said, "In complete relaxation as permitted only to a benign spirit, a sleep that is undisturbed. Sleep refreshes us so that we may continue on our journey."

Fraternal Rites said by the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows, clustered around the bier, under subdues lights, concluded the funeral ceremonial for McGustavus Higginbotham.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lina Higginbotham, and the following children: Mrs. Lula Stewart, Milton, Sidney, Gregory, Viola, James, of Lynchburg, and Mrs. R. H. Martin, of Danville, Va.

Among the out-of-town undertakers in attendance were Messrs. Robert C. Scott, Walter Mannings, and Moses Forsey of the firm of R. C. Scott of Richmond; Messrs. U. S. Cunningham and James Hughes, of Danville, Va.; Messrs. R. W. Clark and Samuel Hale, of the Citizens Undertaking Estb. of Roanoke, Virginia; and Mr. C. D. Mathews.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 05/10/1935

Laura Higginbotham (1854-1935) VA

Funeral services were held at the home in Thompson Valley on Monday for Miss Laura Higginbotham, aged 81, who died Sunday.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. F. Wyrick. Burial was in Maplewood cemetery at Tazewell.

Miss Higginbotham was the daughter of the late Bailey and Patricia Higginbotham, who were pioneer settlers of Tazewell county. She is survived by one sister, Miss Alice Higginbotham and one brother, John A. Higginbotham, of Thompson Valley.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 04/23/1937

John A. Higginbotham (1859-1937) VA

John A. Higginbotham, age 78, a highly respected citizen, died at his home in Thompson Valley last Friday night. He had been ill several weeks with heart trouble, and his passing was expected. He was unmarried, and lived in the home with his maiden sister, Miss Alice Higginbotham, and an adopted daughter.

As a tribute to the esteem in which he was held by the people of the county, and elsewhere, a large crowd assembled at the home Sunday afternoon to pay their respects. The service in the home was in charge of his pastor, the Rev. D. F. Wyrick, assisted by Dr. J. N. Hillman, of Emory and Henry College; a student preacher, Paul Banks, who obtained his education through the generosity of the deceased; and Rev. W. P. Nickels, pastor of the Thompson Valley Presbyterian church.

The deceased was a quiet, peaceable, upright citizen, and leaves a monument to his memory in having contributed of his materials to those in need and to the advancement of education.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph 04/18/1937

J. A. Higginbotham of Tazewell Dies

Well-known Landowner and Farmer of Thompson Valley Section Succumbed to Heart Ailment; Rites to be Today

John A. Higginbotham, 78, prominent resident of Tazewell county and member of a pioneer southwest Virginia family, died Saturday morning at his home in the lower end of Thompson’s Valley, victim of a heart ailment.

He was the son of the late Bailey and Priscilla Turley Higginbotham, and was born and reared in that section in which he had spent his entire life.

Mr. Higginbotham was unmarried. He was a prosperous farmer and a large land owner. He had educated two young men for the ministry.

His only living relative is one sister, Miss Alice Higginbotham, who made her home with him. She is the last surviving member of a family of eight. One other sister, Miss Laura Higginbotham, died a year ago.

Funeral services will be held at the home this afternoon st 2:30, conducted by the Rev. D. F. Wyrick, pastor of the Tazewell Methodist circuit. Burial will follow in the family cemetery near the home.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph 09/10/1939

Beverly Cecil Higginbotham (1880-1939) VA

Mr. Higginbotham Passes Suddenly

Beverly C. Higginbotham, 59, died Thursday at his home during the night. He was found dead early Thursday morning. Higginbotham, who was better known as “Slick” has been a resident of Richlands for 45 years having established a pressing shop here in 1900. He was born at Liberty Hill, Virginia, the son of James and Octavia Higginbotham. He is survived by his first wife, Mrs. Eliza Horton Higginbotham, and their six children, James of Grundy, Joe of Bluefield, Eugene of Richlands, Robert of Bradshaw, W. Va, Mrs. Randolph Blackwell, of Bluefield, W. Va., and Mrs. George Hess of Richlands. His second wife, Mrs. Clara Clark Higginbotham of Richlands, also survives him. Funeral service were held Friday at 2 p.m. at Layman’s Chapel with the Rev. C. W. Kelly and the Rev. R. T. Newton officiating. Burial was in Hawkins cemetery.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 04/12/1940

Walter Dickenson Higginbotham (1919-1940) VA

Dick Higginbotham

The funeral and burial service for Richard Walter Higginbotham took place last Saturday morning. The funeral service was held at the home of the deceased boy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Higginbotham; and in was charge of the Rev. Dr. Baylor, of the Main Street Methodist church. Assisting also at the funeral were Presiding Elder L. W. Pierce and Rev. Chas. G. Fisher, of St. Paul, a relative of the family.

He is survived by his parents, two sisters, Mrs. Jas. P. Latimer, of Houston, Texas; Miss Rosa Allen Higginbotham, a teacher at Pearisburg, and a brother, A. S. Higginbotham, Jr.

Dick Higginbotham was 20 years of age, a graduate of Tazewell High School, later enrolling at Bluefield junior college, where he achieved high academic honors while taking the V. P. I. Extension course in engineering, having received his diploma in spring of 1938. He was active in campus life and was secretary of Kappa Alpha Omicron fraternity. At the conclusion of his junior year at V. P. I., which was last spring, he spent several months traveling in the far west and upon his return obtained industrial employment, from which he was furloughed to complete his technical course.

He returned home on Wednesday from Blacksburg for a few days visit. He was left alone at home Thursday afternoon and when other members of the family returned, he was observed lying on the bed in his room apparently asleep. Having not awakened at bed time investigation disclosed that he was cold in death.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 12/20/1940

Alice Allen Higginbotham (1859-1940) VA

The funeral and burial service for Mrs. Alice Higginbotham, wife of the late W. J. Higginbotham, who died in 1925, for many years a leading citizen of Cedar Bluff, took place here Monday. The service was held in the Presbyterian church, of which she had been a long member, and was in charge of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Freeman, assisted by Rev. Dr. W. W. Arrowood, of Pulaski, a former pastor.

The lady died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Higginbotham, Saturday, after several weeks illness. She is also survived by another daughter, Mrs. Harry Bane, wife of the chairman of the Board of Supervisors, of Cedar Bluff. Funeral services took place in the Maplewood cemetery.

The lady was deservedly popular with a wide circle of friends, and possessed many of the attributes of character which made her family outstanding in the county.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 07/30/1943

LaVicie Barnes Moore Higginbotham (1853-1943) WV/VA

Mrs. R. T. Higginbotham, sister of Oscar Moore, of Abbs Valley and Mrs. Mary Davidson, of Tazewell, died at her home at Frankford, West V., last Wednesday. The funeral and burial services took place last Friday at the home. Mrs. Davidson, R. P. and Mrs. Copenhaver, Barnes Moore and sister, Mrs. C. R. Brown, were present from Tazewell at the funeral.

She is survived by Miss Amanda Higginbotham, Oscar Higginbotham and W. M. Higginbotham, at home; Mrs. Raymond Bright, who lives nearby; Mrs. Cecil Rogers, Ronceverte; and Mrs. R. M. Baldwin, Richmond.

The Clinch Valley News, Friday 08/13/1943

A lengthy and interesting notice of the life and death of Mrs. LaVicia Barnes Moore Higginbotham, whose passing was noted in a recent issue of this paper, will be published next week. The notice appears in a Ronceverte, W. Va., newspaper.

The Clinch Valley News, Friday 08/20/1943

(From The West Virginia News, Ronceverte, W. Va)

Mrs. LaVaicia Barnes (Moore) Higginbotham was born in Abb’s Valley, Tazewell County, Virginia on the old Captain James Moore homestead, Jan. 1, 1853, and died at her home near Frankford, Greenbrier county, West Va., July 21, 1943, at the advanced age of 90 years, 6 months and 20 days. She was a daughter of William Taylor and Mary Bowen (Barnes) Moore.

On November 25, 1875, she was united in marriage to Reese Thompson Higginbotham, who died March 16, 1912. To this union were born nine children, al of whom born in Tazewell county, Virginia. They are Miss Mary Amanda, living at the home place near Frankford; William M. Higginbotham, living near Frankford; Barbara Leticia, now Mrs. Charles G. Rader, of Maxwelton; Laura Matilda, now Mrs. Cecil Rodgers, of near Ronceverte; Sally Alice, deceased, Lavinina Brown, deceased; Oscar Donald Higginbotham, living at the old home place, near Frankford; India Allen, Now Mrs. Raymond E. Bright, of Frankford; Clyntha LaVicia, now Mrs. Robert M. Baldwin, of Richmond, Va.

She is also survived by a bother and sister, Oscar Bascom Moore, who lives on the old Capt. James Moore farm in Tazewell county, Va., and who is now in his 89th year, and who was unable to attend his sister’s funeral; and Mrs. Mary Eliza (Moore) Davidson, of Tazewell. She was present for her sister’s funeral.

She is also survived by three grandchildren, Miss Virginia Rader, Wm. Higginbotham, Jr., and Miss Nancy Ellen Bright, all of Greenbrier county.

Mr. and Mrs. Higginbotham lived in Tazewell county until 1902 when they purchased a farm near Frankford.

Funeral services were held at the home on July 23rd, conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. W. Wilson, assisted by Rev. C. W. Fink, district supt. of Lewisburg district of the W. Va. Conference, and Rev. Lloyd Arehart, pastor of the Glenville Presbyterian church, who grew up a neighbor boy. She was buried in Frankford cemetery beside her husband.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a woman endowed with an unusual vitality of both mind and body. It was only about four months before her death that she gave up her knitting and crochet needles and was forced to quit work. She had no ailments or sickness; her body wore out; the gates were ajar and she entered the portals of a new life. Her energy had been boundless and her kindliness and consideration of others were the fixed and steadfast rule of her life.

In early childhood she united with the Methodist church and during her long life was actively interested in her church and all its activities. She was a member of Frankford Methodist church, successor of the Old Gilbo Methodist church, the first Methodist organization within the bounds of Greenbrier county and in which Bishop Francis Asbury preached.

No story of the life of Mother Higginbotham could be complete without reference to the life of her ancestors, which though local is of importance in the annals of our national history. The first of her clan to come to this country was James Moore, who came from North Ireland to Chester County, Pa., in the year 1726. There he married and later moved to Rockbridge county, Va., on the waters of Walker Creek. A son, James Moore, married Martha Poage. They established their home in Abbs Valley, Tazewell county. He was a private in the army of Gen. Andrew Lewis, at Point Pleasant, October 10, 1774. He was later commissioned a captain and he and his company took an active part in the Revolution in Virginia and the Carolinas. He and his company participated in the battle of Cowpens, Guilford Court House and King’s Mountain. Capt. Moore and his wife had a family of nine children. A son, James, was captured by the Indians on Sept. 7, 1784, and taken to Ohio. He returned to Virginia, March 26, 1789. he was the grandfather of Mrs. Higginbotham. On July 14, 1786, a band of Indians came into Abb’s Valley and Captain Moore and the following of his children were killed: John, Rebecca, Alexander, William and Margaret. His wife, Martha, and another daughter, Jane, were taken prisoner to Ohio and burned at the stake. Mary, another daughter, and Martha Evans, a girl who lived in the home were taken captive, but they returned with James in 1789. Another son, Joseph, was with his grandfather in Rockbridge county and escaped the Indian attack and slaughter. The whole family was wiped out except James, Mary and Joseph.

James Moore went back to Abb’s Valley and took charge of the Captain James Moore farm. His 3rd child by his first wife, Barbara Taylor, was Wm. Taylor Moore, and was the father of Mrs. Higginbotham. Mrs. Higginbotham’s grandfather, James Moore, died in 1851.

Oscar Bascom Moore, brother of Mrs. Higginbotham, owns and lives on the old Captain James Moore homestead. The descendants of Captain Moore erected a monument to his memory and his family on the site of the old log cabin home, in 1928.

The "captive" Mary Moore became the wife of Rev. Samuel Brown, Presbyterian minister.

They have many descendants, some of whom have lived in Greenbrier county. One, the Rev. John Calvin Brown, was one time president of the old Lewisburg Female Institute, now Greenbrier College.

Mother Higginbotham’s family of patriots and superb citizenship may have had its parallels in the annals or our country, but we doubt if it is excelled by any.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 09/13/1946

Rebecca Alice Higginbotham (1856-1946) VA

Miss Alice Higginbotham, age 89, died at the Mattie Williams hospital last Friday morning, following a lingering illness. She was one of the pioneer residents of Thompson Valley.

The funeral and burial service took place Saturday afternoon. The service was held at Glenwood, and the burial in the new cemetery at Tazewell.

She and her brother, John A. Higginbotham, had made their home together in the Valley for a number of years. He died several years ago. There survives an adopted daughter, Margaret Ruth Higginbotham, who inherits the estate of 200 acres and the improvements.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 11/28/1947

Joseph B. Higginbotham (1871-1947) VA/AR

Death of Former Citizen

The news comes that J. B. Higginbotham, oldest son of Geo. W. and Sallie T. Higginbotham, is dead at his home in Roger, Ark., after an illness of three weeks. The Higginbothams left Tazewell over half a century ago, and moved to Arkansas. Lute, Minnie and their husbands, and Sexton and wife were with him to the end. Other relatives were unable to be present on account of illness.

The Higginbothams formerly owned the Witten farm in Witten Valley.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 02/20/1953

Albert Sidney Higginbotham Sr. (1871-1953) VA

A. S. Higginbotham, one of Tazewell’s most prominent attorneys, died at the age of 81 at the Jefferson Hospital on Monday night where he had been taken Sunday following a long illness. He suffered a fall in his law office two years ago and had since been an invalid at his home.

Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Eugenia Dickenson, daughter of the late Honorable Walter Dickenson of Castlewood, Va., two daughters, Mrs. W. R. Mathews, Leakesville, N. C.; and Mrs. James Lattimer, Tazewell; a son, Sidney Jr., Tazewell insurance agency, and a brother, Allen J. Higginbotham of Tazewell.

Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon from Main St. Methodist Church with the pastor, the Rev. W. L. Pickering, officiating. Interment in Maplewood Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Greeneville, Tenn., and came to Tazewell as an infant with his parents, the late James Bane Higginbotham and Sarah Louise Allen Higginbotham. He graduated from Hampden Sydney College with a A. B. degree, and also held an LLB degree from Washington and Lee University. He began the practice of law in Tazewell in the year 1894. He engaged in the coal mining industry in Southwest Virginia and Southern West Virginia.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 02/10/1956

Allen Jefferson Higginbotham (1873-1956) VA

Mr. Allen J. Higginbotham, 82 years of age, the well known farmer of Pisgah, died Wednesday in a Bluefield hospital after a lingering illness.

He was a son of J. Bane and Louise Allen Higginbotham and was born in Green County, Tennessee. He came to Tazewell in his early childhood.

He owned the farm on which the pioneer, Thomas Witten, milled and built his fort. He was also a livestock dealer.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nannie Higginbotham and a son, Jeff Higginbotham.

Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon at 2:30 from the Presbyterian Church. The pastor, Dr. A. B. Montgomery, will be in charge. Interment will be in Jeffersonville Cemetery.

The pallbearers will be farmhands, most of whom have spent their lives on his farm.



Edward Hamilton Higginbotham (1872-1958) WV/VA

Marion - E. H. Higginbotham, 85, died 6 March 1958 at a Marion hospital. Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Julia H. Anderson of Marion; 1 granddaughter. Services at Seaver Funeral Home in Marion with burial in Round Hill Cemetery. 


The Progress-Index 11/11/1959

Mrs. Leatha B. Higginbotham (????-1959) VA

Funeral mass for Mrs. Leatha B. Higginbotham of Route 3, Box 633-A, who died November 7, were held yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the Holy Family Catholic Church. Father Joseph McGuire officiated.

Pallbearers: Honorary-Mrs. Oti Jones, Mrs. Lula Griffin, Mrs. Maggie Lawing, Mrs. Grace Merritt, Mrs. Hazel Brooks, Mrs. Marie Yancey, Mrs. Edith Curley, Mrs. Hester Jones, Mrs. Gertrude Ruffin.

Active-Arthur Merritt, John Ellis Sr., Joseph Foreman, Bertie Grandison,  Fred Pettiford, Jacob Hill, Edgar Harris.

Burial was in the family plot in the Eastview Cemetery.


The Clinch Valley News, Friday 04/01/1960

Sarah Barnes Moss Higginbotham (1892-1960) VA

Mrs. Higginbotham Dies In Florida

Mrs. Sarah B. Higginbotham, 68, died Monday afternoon in Daytona Beach, Florida, where she was visiting relatives, and vacationing. Funeral services will be Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the Main Street Methodist Church. Interment will follow in Maplewood Cemetery.

A Burkes Garden native, Mrs. Higginbotham was a daughter of the late Frank M. and Mallie Barnes Moss. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. James N. Higginbotham, and one daughter, Laura Barnes Higginbotham.

The body was returned to Tazewell from Daytona Beach to Greever Funeral Home Thursday afternoon.


Tazewell Republican, Thursday 03/21/1963

Albert Sidney Higginbotham (1889-1963) VA African-American

Albert Sidney Higginbotham of Tazewell, Va., died early Saturday morning at his home following a long illness.

Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Pansy Law of Bluefield; one son Robert of Brooklyn, N. Y.; a sister, Mrs. Grace Cecil of Tazewell; seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were Thursday from the Wilbur Memorial Methodist Church. Interment was in Maplewood Cemetery.


Virginian Pilot 10/09/1966

Geneva Higginbotham Morgan (ca1905-1966) VA/NC
Eure, NC - Age 61, died Friday, October 7, 1966 in a Norfolk hospital.  She was the wife of John Amos Morgan and a daughter of George B. and Mrs. Laura Higginbotham.
A Giles County, Va. native, she had lived in Eure, two years.  She formerly lived in South Norfolk for 48 years and was a member of Indian Creek Church of Christ.  Besides her husband, she is survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. Helen Pierce and Mrs. Shirley Whichard and 2 sons, Lloyd Morgan and Billy Lee Morgan, all of Chesapeake; 3 sisters, Mrs. Beatrice Morgan of Chesapeake, Mrs. Thelma Sowers of Norfolk, and Mrs. Mae Dowdy of Giles County; 5 brothers, Paul Higginbotham, Marshall Higginbotham, G. B. Higginbotham and Laham Higginbotham of Chesapeake and Ray Higginbotham of Giles County, Va. and 12 grandchildren.  A funeral service will be held Sunday, October 9, 1966 at 12:30 pm in Graham Funeral Home in Chesapeake by the Rev O. D. Poythress, pastor emeritus of South Norfolk Congregational Christian Church.  Burial will be in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens.  The family will be at 1137 Commerce St, Chesapeake.

The (Danville) Register 11/23/1967

Anna M. Stone Higginbotham (1902-1967) KY/VA

Funeral services for Mrs. Anna M. Higginbotham will be held at 3 p.m. at Shelton Memorial Presbyterian Church. Interment will follow in Danville Memorial Gardens.

Mrs. Higginbotham was pronounced dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital Wednesday morning. She had been in ill health and under a physician’s care for the past two years.

She was born in Sommerset, Ky. on March 10, 1902, a daughter of the late Henry Wilson Stone and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hamby Stone. A graduate nurse, she was employed at Rowan Memorial Hospital in Salisbury, N.C., before moving to Danville.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of Shelton Memorial Presbyterian Church.

She is survived by her mother, of Kentucky; one son, C. W. Ledford of High Point, N.C.; two daughters, Mrs. Mary L. Dykes and Mrs. Frances L. Morris, both of Westover Drive; two sisters, Mrs. R. C. Gover of Kentucky and Mrs. W. R. Jones of Tennessee; and nine grandchildren.

The body will remain at Barker Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. At other times the family will be at the residence of Mrs. Dykes on Westover Drive.



Susie Willis Higginbotham Hughes (1887-1967) VA

Mrs. Susie (Willis) Hughes, 79, died unexpectedly at her home here at 11 a.m. Monday (Dec. 18, 1967). She was a member of Rockfish Valley Baptist Church and a retired Nelson County school teacher. She was born in Staunton Dec 20, 1887, a daughter of the late James W. and Sue (Llewellyn) Higginbotham. She was the widow of Lewis F. Hughes who died Nov. 10, 1940. Survivors include three sons, John P. of Nellysford, Charles R. of Alexandria and Nelson G Hughes of Waynesboro; two daughters, Mrs. Pearson Duncan of Roseland and Mrs. Samuel O. Mawyer of Faber; a half-brother, Sidney Higginbotham of Hampton and a half-sister, Mrs. Otie N. Wright of Arrington; 17 grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. The body will remain at the Etter Funeral Home until noon tomorrow when it will be taken to the Rockfish Valley Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Ralph W. Hyden with burial in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends at the residence in Nellysford.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Monday 11/10/1969

William McKinley Higginbotham (1898-1969)  VA African American

Funeral services for William McKinley Higginbotham, 71, of 100 Hale Street, Bluefield, Va., who died Friday in a Bluefield hospital following a long illness, will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Bethel Methodist Church in Bluefield, Va. Rev. Allen R. Fleshman, Rev. James A. Palmer and Rev. Clarence Johnson will officiate and burial will follow in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Bluewell. Born in Tazewell, Va., he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Higginbotham. He had been a resident of Bluefield, Va. the past 50 years. He was an employee of the West Virginian Hotel in Bluefield until ill health forced his retirement. He was a member of the Bethel Methodist Church, where he served as church treasurer and member of the Senior Choir. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Eva Saunders Higginbotham; two sons, Henry and George Higginbotham of Los Angeles, Calif.; 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be George Bratton, Thadeus Bratton, Vernon Adams, Orrin Trigg, McDuffa Lilly, and Lapaze Palmer. Flower bearers will be Mrs. Ruth Anderson, Mrs. Catherine Walton, Mrs. Linda Elliston, Mrs. Almeda Brown, and the Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Bethel Methodist Church. Friends may call at the Sinkford and Richardson Funeral Home after 5 p.m. today and after 1 p.m. Tuesday at the church.


The Progress-Index 03/14/1972

Albert C. Higginbotham (1899-1972) VA African American

Albert C. Higginbotham of 909 Farmer St., Petersburg, died Monday morning at Petersburg General Hospital.

He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and was a retired employee of Central State Hospital.

Surviving are five sisters-in-law, Mrs. Jeanette Mason, Mrs. Pearl Goode, Mrs. Sarah Grandison, Mrs. Dorothy Goodwyn, and Mrs. Bernice B. Gill, other relatives and fiends.

Funeral arrangements will be announced by Bland’s Funeral Home.

The family will be at 520 Virginia Ave., or phone 733-7620.


Daily World (Opelousas, LA) 4/20/1975

Percy Odom Higginbotham (1895-1095) LA/VA

Percy O. Higginbotham, 80, brother of Mrs. E.P. Christian of this city and a resident of Culpepper, Va. died at 2 p.m. Friday following a lengthy illness.

He was a native of Baton Rouge and was the retired owner and operator of a landry.

Survivors include his widow; two sons, Vernon Higginbotham of Norfolk, Va. and the Rev. Leland Higginbotham of Towson, Md.; one daughter, Mrs. Frank Glavin of Arlington, Va.; one brother, former mayor-president Powers Higginbotham of Baton Rouge; three sisters, Mrs. E,P. Christian of Opelousas, and Mrs. Ray Taylor and Mrs. Robert Pruyn, both of Baton Rouge; seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Funeral services and burial will be Culpepper, Va.


The Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 06/18/1975

James Arthur Higginbotham, Sr. (ca1897-1975) VA African-American

James Arthur Higginbotham, Sr., 78, of 419 Lyons Avenue, Tazewell, died Monday morning June 16, in a Richlands hospital following a long illness.

He was a foster son of the late George and Mary Higginbotham. He was a retired employee of the Tazewell County School Board and was a member of the Clinch Valley Masonic Lodge AF & AM Post No. 78. He was a member of the Wilbur Memorial Methodist Church and chairman of the official board. He was a member of the Senior Citizens Club and an instructor for the Nutritional Program of Tazewell County. He was a World War I veteran.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruth D. Higginbotham; five daughters, Mrs. Mary Anderson of Columbus, OH, Mrs. Ruth McCoy of Tazewell, Mrs. Margaret Saunders of Yonkers, NY, Mrs. Shelia Brown of Beckley, Mrs. Jeanette Anthony of Detroit, MI; two sons, James A. Higginbotham, Jr. of Tazewell, George A. Higginbotham of Cheverley, MD; one sister, Miss Ollie Thompson of Cocoa, FL; one foster-sister, Mrs. Alfred Martin of Bronx, NY; five grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements are incomplete.


The Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 12/17/1975

Nancy Laura Higginbotham Higginbotham (1883-1975) VA

Mrs. Nannie L. Higginbotham of Rt. 3 Tazewell, (The Pisgah Community), died at a Tazewell hospital Thursday morning after a long illness. She was born at Cedar Bluff, June 11, 1883, a daughter of the late William Jefferson and Alice Allen Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Allen J. Higginbotham Sr. and one sister, Mrs. Louise Bane. She and her husband were direct descendants of Moses Higginbotham, who came from Amherst County and settled near Liberty Hill near the end of the Revolutionary War. On their mother’s side they were descendants of Robert Allen and Robert Carr, pioneer settlers of Greene County, Tennessee.

She is survived by one son, A. J. (Jeff) Higginbotham and several nieces and nephews.

The family wishes to say that during her long life she received many beautiful flowers and other acts of kindness, all of which were deeply appreciated and enjoyed to the fullest. Now that her life is over it is suggested that any one who wishes to remember her now do so in a way that would benefit some worthy cause of their choice. Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Tazewell Presbyterian Church with Dr. W. F. Wadsworth officiating. Interment was in the Maplewood Cemetery.

Pallbearers were: Robert Gross, Leonard Wrooten, Landon Sawyers, Jimmy Bane, C. D. Fisher, Albert Peery, Albert Gillespie, Robert Gillespie, Harris Hart, Bowen Johnson Peery and St. Clair Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.


Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 02/25/1976

Augusta Jessie Walker Higginbotham (ca1894-1976) VA

Mrs. Jeff (Gussie) Higginbotham, 82, of Rt. 1, Bastian, died Friday, Feb. 20, in a Tazewell hospital after a long illness.

Born in Burkes Garden, she was the daughter of the late John and Nancy Thomas Walker.

She is survived by her husband, Jeff Higginbotham, of the home; one daughter, Miss Elizabeth Higginbotham, of the home; one sister, Mrs. Roy Cassell of Roanoke.

Funeral services were conducted Monday at Greever Funeral chapel with Rev. S. S. Phipps officiating. Burial followed in Maplewood Cemetery in Tazewell.


Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 10/06/1976

James Thomas Higginbotham (1910-1976) VA

James T. Higginbotham, 66, of 726 Tazewell Ave., Bluefield, died Friday morning, Oct. 1, in a Bluefield hospital following a short illness.

Born in Richlands, he was a son of the late Beverly and Eliza Higginbotham. He was a retired employee of the Tazewell County School Board and previously operated a garage. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Bluefield where he was president of the Men’s Bible Class. He was also a member of Harman Masonic Lodge No. 222, Beni Kedem Temple in Charleston, and the American Legion. He was a veteran of World War II.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Elinor Higginbotham; one daughter, Mrs. Keith Sawyer of Christiansburg; two sisters, Mrs. George Hess of Richlands and Mrs. Randolph Blackwell of Knoxville, TN; three brothers, Joe Higginbotham and Gene Higginbotham, both of Richlands, and Bob Higginbotham of Bluefield.

Funeral services were held Saturday at the First United Methodist Church in Bluefield with Rev. Robert Hudson officiating. Burial followed in Grandview Memory Gardens on the Bluefield-Tazewell Road.

Pallbearers: James Lampert, Bundy Beard, Eddie Fortune, Bob Gillenwater, Joe Wallace, Mont Bush, Gil Gillenwater and O. E. Pafford.


Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 04/13/1977

Carrie Eugenia Dickenson Higginbotham (1886-1976) VA

Mrs. Eugenia Dickenson Higginbotham, 90, of Tazewell died Sunday, April 10, at the Friendship Manor Nursing Home in Roanoke after a long illness.

She was a daughter of the late Robert Walter and Rosa Ernest Dickenson. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alfred Sidney Higginbotham, Sr. and one son, Walter Dickerson Higginbotham.

She was a member of the Main Street United Methodist Church, the Tazewell chapter of the DAR, the Tazewell Woman’s Club and the Tazewell Music Club.

Survivors include one son, Albert Sidney Higginbotham Jr. of Tazewell; two daughters, Mrs. Hortense Lattimer of Roanoke and Mrs. Rose Allen Matthews of Eden, NC; two sisters, Miss Felicia Dickenson of Johnson City, TN and Mrs. Julie Naylor of Abingdon; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Graveside rites were conducted Tuesday at Maplewood Cemetery with Rev. Beecher Dunsmore officiating. Peery and St. Clair Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.


Daily News Record 12/06/1982

Edith Stidley Higginbotham (1900-1982) VA

Edith Stidley Higginbotham, 82, of 565 Lee Ave., Harrisonburg, died Saturday morning at Rockingham Memorial Hospital.

Mrs. Higginbotham had been ill six years and in the hospital since Nov. 15.

She was born July 31, 1900, at Orkney Springs and was a daughter of the late George W. and Dora Peters Stidley.

She moved from Shenandoah County to Harrisonburg in 1921 and was a member of Asbury United Methodist Church. Mrs. Higginbotham worked at the Stehli Silk Mill 1921-42.

On Oct. 29, 1939, she married Strode M. “Hickie” Higginbotham, who survives. Before retiring, Mr. Higginbotham was a longtime barber who once was the subject of a Life magazine article.

Surviving, in addition to her husband, are two sisters, Ruby S. Wolverton of Harrisonburg and Evelyn S. Wine of Broadway; and a brother, J. Walter Stidley of Harrisonburg.

The funeral will be conducted 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Lindsey Harrisonburg Funeral Home by the Rev. L. C. Armentrout Jr. Burial will be in Rest Haven Memorial Gardens.

The family will receive friends at the funeral home 7:30-8:30 p.m. today.


Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 03/14/1984

Ulysses Rowling Higginbotham (1897-1984) VA/OH

Ulysses Higginbotham, 87, of Columbus, OH, formerly of Mudfork and Bluefield, VA, died March 11 in a Columbus hospital after a long illness.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lucille Higginbotham of Columbus; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Harris of Bluefield, VA and Mrs. Martha Montgomery of Bluefield, WV.

Funeral services will be conducted March 15 at 8 p.m. at White and Son Funeral Home at 1217 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus, OH.

The family may be reached at 400 Eldridge St. in Columbus.


Bluefield Daily News, Friday 04/06/1984

Roger Lee Higginbotham (1924-1984) VA

Roger Lee Higginbotham, 59, of Pocahontas, Va., died Wednesday in a Bluefield hospital after an apparent heart attack. Born in Boissevain, Va. he was a son of Mrs. Mary Harless Higginbotham of Rocky Mount, Va. and the late John W. Higginbotham. He was a retired steel mill worker in Chicago, a member of the Boissevain Baptist Church, a veteran of World War II serving in the U.S. Army and a member of the VFW, Post No. 9696, of Bluefield, Va. Survivors, in addition to his mother, include four brothers, Bernard Higginbotham of Abbs Valley, John Higginbotham of Lewisburg, Bill Higginbotham of Charleston, and Jack Higginbotham of Rocky Mount; five sisters, Mrs. B. T. (Cosby) Watson of Saginaw Mich., Mrs. Alma Steendam of Muskegon, Mich., Mrs. Shirley Robertson and Mrs. Joyce Nicolas, both of Roanoke, and Miss Freda Higginbotham of Winston Salem, N.C. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 12 p.m. at the Boissevain Baptist Church with the Rev. Roy Lester officiating. Burial will be in Maple Hills Cemetery in Bluefield, Va. Pallbearers will be members of Pocahontas American Legion post No. 14, VFW Post No. 9696 and Bluefield, Va. Firing Squad. Flower bearers will be members of the church choir. Friends may call at Rodriguez Pocahontas-Union Funeral Home in Pocahontas today from 7 to 9 p.m. The body will be taken to the church one hour prior to services on Saturday.


Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 01/21/1987

Allen Jefferson Higginbotham, Jr. (1906-1987) VA

Allen Jefferson Higginbotham Jr., died Jan. 19 in a Tazewell hospital.

Born Oct. 29, 1906 in Cedar Bluff, he was the only child of Nannie Laura and Allen Jefferson Higginbotham Sr. He spent his adult life in the Pisgah Community and owned the "Old Historic Crab Orchard Survey Tract" on the Witten farm where the first permanent settlers in Tazewell County lived, and where the Indians had lived for centuries before.

He was a livestock farmer, business man, and gave much of his time and resource in the preservation of the history of Tazewell County. He was a director of historic Crab Orchard Museum, a member of Fort Witten Muzzleloading Gun Club where he held the championship for the first ten years (1950-1960). He attended the Pisgah Methodist Church as a child and later became a member of the Presbyterian Church where his parents and grandparents were members.

On his paternal side he was descended from Moses Higginbotham and Elizabeth Garrison who settled near Liberty Hill. Prior to the Revolutionary War. On his maternal side he was descended from Robert Allen and Martha Carr, early settlers of Green County, TN, where the town of Greenville now stands.

Survivors include his wife, Goldine Maxwell Higginbotham; several cousins, Hortense Latimer of Nashville, TN, Rose Allen Mathews of Eden, NC and Albert Sidney Higginbotham Jr. of Tazewell; and grandchildren of the late William B. Bane of Cedar Bluff.

Through his relationship with more distant cousins he was related to most of the pioneer families of Tazewell County and Southwest Virginia.

Funeral services will be held Jan. 22 at 11 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church in Tazewell with Rev. Jeff Lowerance officiating.

Burial will follow at the Maplewood Cemetery.

Friends may call at the Peery and St. Clair Funeral Home today from 6-9 p.m.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Tazewell Presbyterian Church, Pisgah Methodist Church, Crab Orchard Museum, or the Rescue Squad.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 03/22/1988

Eugene Carlyle Higginbotham (1914-1988) VA

Eugene C. “Gene” Higginbotham, 73, of Richlands, Va., died Monday in a Bristol, Tenn., hospital.

Born in Tazewell County, Va., he was a son of the late Beverly Cecil and Eliza Marie Horton Higginbotham. He was a member of First Christian Church at Richlands.

Survivors: brothers, Joe Higginbotham of Richlands and Bob Higginbotham of Largo, Fla.; and several nieces and nephews.

The funeral will be 3 p.m. Wednesday at Singleton Funeral Chapel at Cedar Bluff, Va., with the Rev. Keith Andrews officiating and burial at Clinch Valley Memorial Cemetery at Richlands.

Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. today.

Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 09/28/1988

Ruth Elizabeth Dickerson Higginbotham (1904-1988) VA African-American

Ruth Elizabeth Dickerson Higginbotham, 84, of Tazewell, died Sept. 21 in a Tazewell hospital.

Born at Tazewell, she was a daughter of the late Mose and Anna Cecil Dickerson. She was a member of the Wilbur Memorial United Methodist Church in Tazewell. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Arthur Higginbotham.

Survivors: two sons, James Arthur Higginbotham of Tazewell and George A. Higginbotham of Hampton; five daughters, Ruth McCoy of Tazewell, Mary Ann Anderson of Columbus, OH, Margaret Saunders of Yonkers, NY, Sheliah Brown of Beckley, WV, Janette Anthony of Detroit, MI; two sisters, Mosie Dickerson of Tazewell and Kathleen Thompson of Tip Top; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Sept. 23 at 2 p.m. at Wilbur United Methodist Church with the Revs. Robert I. Brown and Neal Long officiating. Burial followed in Maplewood Cemetery in Tazewell. Peery & St. Clair Funeral Home in Tazewell was in charge of arrangements.


Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 02/22/1989

Mary Florence Harless Higginbotham (1897-1989) VA

Mary Florence Higginbotham, 91, of Abbs Valley, died Feb. 19 at Camelot Hall, Salem.

Born in Bluefield, VA, she was a daughter of the late John Bane and Cosby Stevens Harless.

She was a member of Boissevain Baptist Church at Boissevain.

She was preceded in death by her husband, John W. Higginbotham, and a son, Roger Lee Higginbotham.

Survivors: daughters, Cosby Watson of Saginaw, MI, Alma Steendam of Muskegon, MI, Shirley Robertson and Joyce Nicolas, both of Roanoke, Freda Cameron of Winston-Salem, NC; sons, Bernard Higginbotham of Abbs Valley, Walter G. "John" Higginbotham of Myrtle Beach, SC, Billy Robert Higginbotham of Charleston, WV, and Jack Higginbotham of Rocky Mount; brother, Johnnie Harless of Nemours; 16 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren.

The funeral service was conducted Feb. 21 at Boissevain Baptist Church with the Rev. Robert Walker and Dr. Ted R. Cook officiating.

Burial followed at Maple Hill Cemetery at Bluefield, VA.


The Baltimore Sun (MD) 8/2/1990

Evelyn F. Higinbotham (????-1990) VA

Higinbotham - On Friday, July 27, 1990, Evelyn F., of Alexandria, Va., at Woodbine Nursing home, mother of Marguerite Peter. Also survived by three grandchildren, David Tracy, and Brenden Peter.

Memorial Mass to be offered at St. John's Catholic Church, Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, Columbia, Md. on Saturday, August 4, at 11 A.M. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Assn., 140 Little Falls street, Falls Church, VA (22046). Arrangements by Demaine Funeral Home.


Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 09/12/1990

Eva Saunders Higginbotham (1904-1990) WV/VA African-American

Eva Higgenbotham, 79, of Bluefield, VA, died Sept. 5 in a Bluefield hospital.

Born in Freeman, WV, she was a daughter of the late John and Jennie Saunders.

She attended the public schools of Mercer County and was a graduate of Bluestone High School in Bramwell, WV. She attended Bluefield State College, was a member of the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church in Bluefield, VA, and was active in all church activities.

She was preceded in death by her husband, William Higginbotham in 1969.

Survivors: brothers, Edward N. Saunders of Bluefield, WV, Herald R. Saunders of Baton Rouge, LA; nephew, Stephen Orey of Freeman; and sister, Pauline Orey of Freeman.

Graveside services were conducted Sept. 10 at 3:30 p.m. in Princeton, WV.

Lugo Funeral Service was in charge of arrangements.


Roanoke Times 01/16/1992

Johnson K. Higginbotham (1921-2015) WV/VA

Johnson K. Higginbotham, age 70, of 1160 Peppers Ferry Road, died Wednesday, January 15, 1992, at his home. He was a retired employee of the N & W Railroad, a member of the American Legion and a veteran of World War II. He was preceded in death by a son, C. R. "Billy" King. Surviving are his wife, Virginia Higginbotham; a daughter, Venessa E. Garst, Philadelphia, Pa.; one son, Johnson K. Higginbotham, Jr., Blacksburg; one grandson, John King; four sisters, Blanche Renn, Lillian Walters, both of Colonial Beach, Va.; Pearl Swaggerty, Roanoke; June Quann, La Plata, Md. A graveside service will be 1:00 p.m. Friday in Sunset Cemetery. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. Friends may call at the home, 1160 Peppers Ferry Road, anytime Thursday. The family also request friends call at the home after the service Friday. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be made to the Christiansburg Rescue Squad, Box 176, Christiansburg, Va. Arrangements are being handled by the Richardson-Horne Funeral Home.


William Rosser Higginbotham (1914-1993) VA
PORTSMOUTH - William Rosser Higginbotham, 78, of the 1000 block of Sacony St., died Aug. 17, 1993, in a Portsmouth hospital.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Portsmouth. He was retired from the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Power Plant Shop 03, as a machinist and was retired from M & M Tank Lines of Greensboro, N.C., as a terminal manager. He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church, Portsmouth; Tidal Wave Masonic Lodge (NU)273, 50-year member; Port Norfolk Royal Arch Chapter (NU)36, Portsmouth, 50-year member; Comandery (NU)5 Knights Templar, Portsmouth, 50-year member; Scottish Rite Bodies of Portsmouth; and Khedive Shrine Temple of Norfolk. Survivors include his wife, Virgie Lee Higginbotham; one daughter, Margie L. Cornatzer; one son, Robert R. Higginbotham; his mother, Annie L. Parker Higginbotham; and two sisters, Bertha Woodard and Reba Goffigan, all of Portsmouth; four grandchildren, Brian Luper, Mark Higginbotham, Shawn Higginbotham and Lisa Higginbotham; and one great-grandchild, Lindsay Anne Higginbotham.
A funeral will be conducted at 3 p.m. today in Calvary Baptist Church by the Rev. Philip Parker. Burial will be in Olive Branch Cemetery with Masonic rites. Sturtevant Funeral Home, Portsmouth Blvd. Chapel, is handling arrangements.
Memorial donations may be made to Calvary Baptist Church.

Clinch Valley News, Wednesday 04/21/1993

Dr. Peyton Randolph Higginbotham (1902-1993) VA African-American

Peyton Randolph Higginbotham, 90, of Bluefield, WV, died April 16 at his home.

Born at Lynchburg, he was a son of the late James Leslie and Ada Virginia Wright Higginbotham.

He was educated in the public schools system of Lynchburg. In 1927, he moved to Bluefield and affiliated with and soon became a member of Scott Street Baptist Church. He was a member of the Helping Hand Circle, a member of the Trustee Board and served on various committees and in 1990 he was honored for his 50-plus years of membership and service. He was a retired Captain, Medical Corps, U. S. Army. He began part time serving Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital in 1956 and Bluefield State College as a physician and examiner for the Selective Service Local Board No. 2 of Mercer County. He also held medical privileges at St. Luke’s Hospital and Bluefield Regional Medical Center.

He has been honored and recognized by many local organizations and his church. In 1988, he was named Bluefield’s Citizen of the Year and also was awarded an honorary L.L.B. from Bluefield State College.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Mariam Gwendolyn Hughes and one sister.

Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Donald (Lynn H.) Miller of Bluefield, VA; foster son, David L. Banks of Lynchburg; granddaughter, Rhoda M. Williams; and two great-grandchildren.

The funeral will be conducted today at 1 p.m. at the Scott Street Baptist Church of Bluefield, WV, with the Rev. Garry Moore Sr. officiating.

Burial will follow at the Monte Vista Park Cemetery on the Old Bluefield-Princeton Road.



Wortley Higginbotham Palmer (1914-1994) VA

PORTSMOUTH - Wortley H. Palmer, 79, of the 900 block of Enterprise Way, died July 8, 1994.
Mrs. Palmer was the widow of Henry S. Palmer. She is survived by her daughter, Sally A. Palmer of Virginia Beach; a sister, Mary H. Curro of Portsmouth; a brother, Charles F. Higginbotham Jr. of Chesapeake and several nieces and nephews.


Alice Shea Higginbotham (1936-1995) VA
PORTSMOUTH - Alice Shea Higginbotham, 59, of the 4200 block of Heather Road, died June 23, 1995, in her home.
Mrs. Higginbotham, a native of Portsmouth, was a member of West Side Christian Church and a volunteer at Portsmouth General Hospital with 29 years of service. Survivors include her husband, Robert Ray Higginbotham; a daughter, Lisa Ann Higginbotham of Richmond, Va.; two sons, Robert Mark Higginbotham and his wife, Sharon L. Higginbotham of Greenville, S.C., and Shawn C. Higginbotham of Portsmouth; two sisters, Anne Seijo of New Bern, N.C., Margaret Cook of North Kingstown, R.I.; a brother, Robert Shea of Waynesboro, Va.; two grandchildren, Ryan C. Stearns, Lindsay Anne Higginbotham; and numerous nieces and nephews.
A church service will be conducted at 11 a.m. Monday in West Side Christian Church by the Rev. Kenneth W. Bryant. The family will gather at Foster Funeral Home, Portsmouth, on Sunday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to receive friends. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to West Side Christian Church, General Fund, or Sentara Hospice Program, (NU)8 Koger Executive Center, Norfolk, Va. 23502.


Daily Press 08/09/1995

Donald Ray Higginbotham (1936-1995) VA
SMITHFIELD - Donald Ray Higginbotham, 59, of the 14000 block of Black Oak Drive, died Aug. 8, 1995. A graveside service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in St. Luke's Memorial Park. Colonial Funeral Home in charge.


The Washington Times, Wednesday 11/01/1995

Samuel Page Higginbotham (1916-1995) VA

S. Page HIGGINBOTHAM, 79, a lawyer and farmer who served two terms in the Virginia House of Delegates, died Oct. 26 of leukemia in a Charlottesville hospital. He lived in Orange County.

An Amherst County native, Mr. Higginbotham earned a bachelor's degree in education in 1936 and a law degree in 1940, both from the University of Virginia. He served as Orange County commonwealth's attorney from 1943 to 1971 and in 1957 was elected to the Virginia Constitutional Convention.

Running as a Republican in the 30th House District in 1987, he was elected to represent Greene, Madison and Orange counties and part of Culpepper County. He served on the Courts of Justice, Agriculture, and Military and Police committees.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Moore Higginbotham; a son, Samuel P. Higginbotham II of Orange; a brother, Norman B. Higginbotham of Fairfax; and a sister, Althea Pace of Orange.

A graveside service was held Sunday in the family cemetery in Amherst.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 01/09/1996

Albert Sidney Higginbotham Jr. (1914-1996) VA

TAZEWELL, Va.—Albert Sidney Higginbotham Jr., 81, of Tazewell, died Monday, January 8, 1996, at Dogwood Estates.

A native of Tazewell, he was a son of the late A. Sidney and Eugenia Dickenson Higginbotham. He was a retired owner of Higginbotham Insurance Agency of Tazewell, Va., and was a member of the Main Street United Methodist Church in Tazewell and Tazewell Lions Club. He was preceded in death by one sister and one brother.

Survivors: sister, Mrs. Rose H. Matthews of Eden, N.C.; nieces, Mrs. Ann Purdy and Mrs. Roslyn Black, both of Gainesville, Ga., and Mrs. Sidney Asbury of Nashville, Tenn., and several great nieces.

Burial will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Maplewood Cemetery in Tazewell with Dr. Tom Conley officiating.

A memorial service will be held at a later date.

Memorial contributions made be made to a favorite charity.

Peery & St. Clair Funeral Home, Tazewell, is in charge of arrangements.


Omaha (NE) World-Herald 1/19/1997

Demah Jacob Higginbotham Jr. (1914-1997) PA/NE/VA

Higginbotham - Demah Jacob, age 82, of Roanoke, VA, formerly of Omaha, died Jan. 18, 1997, at Lewis Gale Hospital. He is the son of the late Wilhelmina W. and Demah Jacob Higginbotham Sr. He was born in Philadelphia, PA on January 26, 1914. Mr. Higginbotham, Known as DJ, was a charter member os St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church. He was the founder and Board Chairman of Corrugated Container Corporation. He was a member of Cove Spring Masonic Lodge No. 230, Kazim Temple, was co-founder of the Kazim Fire Brigade, and past member of the Kazim Kown Unit, Bick Lick Kiwanis, Gideons International, and the Salem Craig County Camp.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife of 57 years, Harriett R. Higginbotham; sons and daughters-in-law, Ronald A. and Ella P. Higginbotham, David and Rita W. Higginbotham, Paul R. and Martha B. Higginbotham, Gerald J. and Doris P. Higginbotham, and John H. and Shelly S. Higginbotham; sisters, Virginia Watkins, of Omaha, and Jesse Crittenden, of Ottumwa, IA; 10 grandchildren, Melissa, Heather, Sarah, Ann, Elizabeth, Jacob, Joseph, Lindsay, Luke, and Rachel Higginbotham.

Family will receive friends 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm at Oakley's South Chapel Sun. Funeral services 2 pm Mon. at Saint John Evangelical Luther Church, 4608 Bramelton Ave., S.W. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to Saint John Evangelical Luther Church Memorial Fund of the Gideons International, 516 Chamberlain Ln., Salem, VA 24153. Burial Sherwood Memorial Park in Salem, VA.

Oakley South Chapel Roanoke, VA (540) 989-3131



Patrick Anthony Higginbotham Sr. (1937-1997) VA
Patrick Anthony Higginbotham Sr., 60, of Baird St., died Dec. 26, 1997. A graveside service will be at 3:30 p.m. Monday in St. Paul's Catholic Cemetery, Portsmouth. Wrenn Funeral Home, Roanoke Rapids, N.C., is in charge.


Lynchburg, Va., Sunday 05/31/1998

Norman Thomas Higginbotham (1912-1998) VA

LAKE RIDGE - Norman Thomas Higginbotham, 86, died in Potomac Hospital in Fairfax Friday, May 29, 1998. He is survived by his wife, Lucille Brent Sandidge Higginbotham.

He was born in Amherst County, April 12, 1912, son of Samuel Valentine and Gladys Campbell Higginbotham. He was self-employed as a farmer and businessman.

In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, N. Brent Higginbotham of Lake Anna; two grandsons, Forrest Higginbotham of Richmond; a granddaughter, Catherine Brown of Fredericksburg  and a sister, Athea Parpe of Orange.

Graveside funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. today at the Higginbotham Family Cemetery by the Rev. Michael Nelson and the Rev. Samuel Page Higginbotham II.

The family will be at the cemetery from 2 p.m. until time of service to meet family and friends.

Arrangements are by Piney River Funeral Home.


Daily News Record 07/21/1998

Irene Lucille Higginbotham (1944-1998) WV/VA

Irene Lucille Higginbotham, 54, 407 Leaksville Road, Luray, died Monday, July 20, 1998, at her home.

She was born Jan. 10, 1944, in West Virginia, and was a daughter of Robert and Delma Cecil Mink Higginbotham of West Virginia.

She graduated from Fayetteville High School and was a waitress at Hawksbill Diner in Stanley for six years.

In addition to her parents, survivors include one son, Tedric Dade Lolis, Luray; two brothers, Cecil S. Higginbotham, Luray, and Robert Higginbotham, West Virginia; three sisters, Jean Morris and Liz Beals, both of West Virginia, and Ellen Linn, Cordell, Okla.; and one grandchild.

The Rev. Earl E. Painter will conduct a graveside service at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Beahm's Chapel Cemetery in Luray.

Friends may call from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Bradley Funeral Home in Luray.

Memorial donations may be made to a charity of choice.



Annie Loulie Parker Higginbotham (1890-1998) VA
PORTSMOUTH - Annie Loulie Higginbotham, 108, died Oct. 14, 1998, at her residence.
A native of Harborton, Va., she was the oldest member of Calvary Baptist Church. She was predeceased by her husband, William A. Higginbotham. Survivors include two daughters, Bertha Woodard and Reba H. Goffigan, both of Portsmouth; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.
A funeral will be held at 1 p.m. Friday in Sturtevant Funeral Home, Portsmouth Blvd. Chapel, by the Rev. Phillip J. Parker and the Rev. Allen L. Dooley. Burial will be in Olive Branch Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Calvary Baptist Church.

Lynchburg The News & Advance, Saturday, January 9, 1999

James Daryl Higginbotham (1927-1999) VA
LYNCHBURG — James Daryl Higginbotham, 71, of Rt. 2, Box 297, Lynchburg, passed away Thursday, Jan. 7, 1999 as the result of an automobile accident.
Born in Nelson County, he was a son of the late James Daniel and Idelle Miller Higginbotham.
He is survived by his wife, Molly Tweedy Higginbotham of the home; three sons, Daryl Wayne Higginbotham of Lovingston, Barry Daniel Higginbotham of Spotsylvania, David William Higginbotham of Lynchburg; three brothers, Leo T. Higginbotham of Roseland, Douglas M. Higginbotham of McLean, Dowell M. Higginbotham of Springfield; two sisters, Minnie J. Mills of Falls Church, Gloria C. Higginbotham of Arlington; five grandchildren, April, Joshua, Ethan, John Francis and Daniel George Higginbotham.
He was preceded in death by one sister, Nevalline H. Massie.
Funeral services will be conducted at noon Monday, Jan. 11, 1999 at Piney River Funeral Home, Piney River by the Rev. John Campbell and the Rev. Winfred W. Simpson. Interment will be in Jonesboro Baptist Church Cemetery, Roseland.
Visitation will be from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10, 1999 at Piney River Funeral Home.

Lynchburg The News & Advance, Sunday, January 10, 1999

James Daryl Higginbotham
Visitation for James Daryl Higginbotham will be held this afternoon from 2-4 p.m. at Piney River Funeral Home.
Funeral Service will be held at the Funeral Home, Monday, Jan. 11, 1999 at 12 p.m. with interment in Jonesboro Baptist Church cemetery.



Dorothy May Stiff Higginbotham (1916-1999) VA
CHESAPEAKE - Dorothy May Higginbotham, 82, died April 7, 1999.
She was born Aug. 10, 1916, in Maybrook, Va., the daughter of the late Elmer B. and Dora Stiff. Mrs. Higginbotham was predeceased by her beloved husband, Lamah Higginbotham, and sons, Richard and Clayton Higginbotham. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by five sons, James Higginbotham and his wife, Linda, of Troy, Va., Wayne Higginbotham and his wife, Margie, of Chesapeake, L.L. Higginbotham and his wife, Ann, of Chesterfield County, Va., Carl Higginbotham of Currituck, N.C., Peyton and his wife, Jean, of Chiefland, Fla.; two daughters, Brenda Lane and her husband, Benny, of Virginia Beach, Judy Marrs of Ruckersville, Va.; 12 grandchildren, Diane, Donna, Penny, Jennifer, Amy, Jamie, Summer, Carla, Josh, Sarah, Michelle, Rachael; seven great-grandchildren, April, Thomas, Gracie, Chrissy, Elijah, Willow and Ashley; a sister, Bernice Martin of Newport, Va.; two brothers, Atlee Stiff of Newport and Earl Stiff of North Carolina; and many nieces, nephews and friends.
A graveside service will be held at 1 p.m. today at Riverside Cemetery by the Rev. Johnny McDonald. Twiford Funeral Home, Colonial Chapel, is handling arrangements.


Roanoke Times & World News October 06, 1999

Catherine Crockett Higginbotham (1912-1999) VA

HIGGINBOTHAM, Catherine Crockett, of Colonial Garden Apartments, Bluefield, VA, died Monday, October 4, 1999 in a local hospital. Born in Galax, Va., she was a daughter of the late John Dyer Crockett and Ada Baker Crockett. Educated in local schools, she graduated from the Medical College of Virginia as a Registered Nurse. She was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Bluefield and was a member of the Mercer County Committee of the Colonial Dames of America, the East River Garden Club, the McGuffy Book Club and Fincastle Country Club. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Upshur Higginbotham, and a brother and a sister. She is survived by her children, Upshur Higginbotham, Jr. and his wife, Alice of Beckley, W.Va., John Thomas Higginbotham and his wife, Joan of Alexandria, Ann Higginbotham Gibson of Destin, Fla. and Henry Kessler Higginbotham and his wife, Victoria of Pulaski. She is also survived by two brothers, Joseph Pierce Crockett and Buford Baily Crockett, both of Galax and four grandchildren. Graveside rites will be conducted Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 11 a.m. from the Monte Vista Park Cemetery in Green Valley, with Dr. W. D. Hasty, Jr. officiating. The family will receive friends following services at 2116 Mt. View Ave. from 12 noon until 2 p.m. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions be made to the First Presbyterian Church, 208 Tazewell Ave., Bluefield, W. Va., 24701 or to your favorite charity. Mercer Funeral Home of Bluefield is in charge of arrangements.


Roanoke Times & World News December 03, 1999

Randolph Louis Higginbotham (1953-1999) VA

HIGGINBOTHAM, Randolph Louis, "Randy", 46, of Buena Vista, departed this life to be with his Heavenly Father, Wednesday, December 1, 1999. He was born October 7, 1953 in Lexington and was a son of James H. Higginbotham and Louise Dixon Higginbotham of Glasgow. Randy was a member of the Calvary Brethren Church, Buena Vista, a member and past chairman of the Buena Vista School Board, past president of the Buena Vista PTA, and a member and officer of the Buena Vista Lions Club. He was a manufacturing manager for Acadia Polymers Corporation. In addition to his parents, Randy is survived by his loving and devoted wife, Jane Lynn Higginbotham; four children, Laura Brooke Higginbotham, Forrest Kelly Higginbotham, Megan Alyssa Higginbotham, John Randolph Aaron Higginbotham, all of Buena Vista; one sister, Norma Jean Strock and husband, Julius of Exmore; a brother, James W. Higginbotham and wife, Julia of Union, W.Va.; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted 11 a.m. Saturday, December 4,1999 from the Calvary Brethren Church, Buena Vista, with the Rev. Rick Ramsey and the Rev. Butch Grow officiating, with burial to follow in Green Hill Cemetery. The family suggests in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions be made to the Calvary Brethren Church Building Fund or the American Cancer Society. A visitation to honor and celebrate his life will be held Friday, December 3,1999 from 7 to 8 p.m. at Calvary Brethren Church. Arrangements by Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Service, Buena Vista.


Lynchburg News & Advance, Monday, December 27, 1999

Emma Higginbotham Parr (1918-1999) VA
Emma Higginbotham Parr, 81, of Amherst, died Saturday, Dec. 25, 1999 in Lynchburg General Hospital.
Born in Nelson County, Feb. 22, 1918, she was a daughter of the late Eddie Morris Higginbotham and Minnie Cline Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wilton Smith Parr, Sr.
Mrs. Parr was a member of Central Baptist Church and was an active member of the Lowesville Family & Community Education Club.
Survivors include one son, Wilton Smith Parr, Jr. and wife, Mary, of Amherst; one daughter, Rebecca (Becky) Parr, also of Amherst; a sister, Elinor Campbell of Mt. Pleasant; four grandchildren, Debbie Mays, Billy, Kevin and Timmy Parr; and nine great-grandchildren, James and Cory Mays, Stephen, Laura, Tyler, Myra, Morgan, and Trace Parr, and Blake Chandler.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 28, 1999 at Central Baptist Church by the Rev. A. Eugene Beverly, with burial in Amherst Cemetery. The body will lie in state at the church one hour prior to funeral time. Friends may call at Byrum-Parr Funeral Home at any time today and at other times at her home in Amherst.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Central Baptist Church Library Fund, c/o Mrs. Peggy W. Moody, Clerk, 215 Buffalo Mines Road, Roseland, Va. 22967.


The Charlotte Observer 2/15/2000

Margaret Frances Higginbotham Lloyd (1913-2000) VA

Martinsville, VA - Margaret Higginbotham Lloyd, 86, of Kings Grant Retirement Community, died Saturday, February 12, 2000 at Memorial Hospital, Martinsville, VA.

Memorial services will be held 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at First Presbyterian Church Martinsville with Dr. Dwight Christenbury and Rev. Joh Martin officiating. Burial will be private in Roselawn Burial Park. Visitation following the service at First Presbyterian Church Martinsville and other times at the home of Ann Marks, 563 Plantation Dr., Martinsville.

Mrs. Lloyd was born April 22, 1913 to the late Beverly Morris Higginbotham and Margaret Gertrude Davidson Higginbotham. She was a retired elementary and kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Lloyd was a member of First Presbyterian Church Martinsville, where she served as a deacon and elder and president of the Women of the Church. She was a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority of Radford University. Mrs. Lloyd was preceded in death by her husband, Lovell Harry Lloyd; son, Dr. Harry Davidson Lloyd; grandson, Charles Andrew Preston and five brothers, Bud, Mark, John, B.K., and Dick Higginbotham.

Survivors are her daughters, Mrs. Susan L. Preston of Greensboro, Mrs. Frances L. Franklin of Denver; daughter-in-law, Susan M. Lloyd of Rutherfordson, NC; brother, Henry Higginbotham of Lakeland, FL; nine grandchildren, David and Kim Lloyd, Stephen and Cynthia Lloyd, Kevin and Julia Lloyd, Brad and Francee Preston, Dan and Kerry Preston, Michelle Manning, Ashley Manning, Scott Franklin and Doug Franklin; six great-grandchildren, David Lloyd, Elizabeth Lloyd, Bradley Lloyd, Drew Preston, Will Preston and Kendall Preston. Memorials may be made to: First Presbyterian Church of Martinsville, VA, Capitol Improvement Fund, 1901 Patrick Henry Ave., Martinsville, VA 24112; Kings Grant Fellowship Funed, 350 Kings Way Road, Martinsville, VA 24112 of Citizens Against Family Violence, PO Drawer 352, Martinsville, VA 24114.

Norris Funeral Services, Inc., Martinsville is in charge of arrangements.



Charles Francis Higginbotham Jr. (1916-2000) VA
PORTSMOUTH - Charles Francis Higginbotham Jr., 83, died April 14, 2000, in a Norfolk hospital.
Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Portsmouth, was retired from the U.S. Postal Service as a rural mail carrier with over 40 years of service. He was a member of St. Paul's Catholic Church and a Navy veteran of World War II. He was the widower of Anne Sheehan Higginbotham. Survivors include two daughters, Sarah K. Higginbotham of Portsmouth, Elizabeth H. Phelps of Spartanburg, S.C.; a son, Charles F. Higginbotham III of Portsmouth; a sister, Mary H. Curro of Portsmouth; three grandchildren, Charles F. "Chase'' Higginbotham IV, Mary Shannon Gibbs and T.J. Phelps; and a great-grandson, Zachary Gibbs.
A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in Olive Branch Cemetery by the Rev. Joseph Slowik. Memorial donations may be made to St. Paul's Catholic Church Restoration Fund, 518 High St., Portsmouth, VA 23704. Foster Funeral Home, Portsmouth, is handling arrangements.


The Washington Post 07/19/2001

Lillie V. Higginbotham Bates (1895-2001) LA/VA African-American

On Friday, July 13, 2001 at her residence, LILLIE HIGGINBOTHAM BATES, devoted mother of Velma Lewis, Wilma Abrams, Carrie James, Vivian Bates, Clifton, Bernard, Flozel, and the late Hazel and Ivory Bates. She is also survived by 20 grandchildren, 47 great-grandchildren, 11 great-great-grandchildren, three daughters-in-law, three sons-in-law, one sister-in-law, many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Visitation at 10 a.m. at the Shiloh Baptist Church, 1401 Duke St., Alexandria, VA, Saturday, July 21, 2001, until time of services at 11 a.m., Rev. Lee A. Earl, officiating. Interment in Mount Comfort Cemetery. Arrangements by GREENE FUNERAL HOME, Alexandria, VA.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Tuesday 09/25/2001

Clara Goldine Maxwell Higginbotham (1909-2001) VA

TAZEWELL, Va. - Goldine Maxwell Higginbotham of Tazewell, died Monday, Sept. 24, 2001.

She was a daughter of the late John R. and Minnie Cecil Maxwell of Maxwell, Va. She was a member of the Tazewell Presbyterian Church and was a founding member of the Historical Crab Orchard Museum.

Her husband, A.J. 'Jeff' Higginbotham Jr. preceded her in death.

Survivors include two sisters, Billie Fisher and Virginia Smoot both of Tazewell; two nephews, Claude M. 'Buddy' Fisher and wife, Dana of Knoxville, Tenn. and Richard A. 'Rick' Fisher and wife, Meredith of Atlanta, Ga.; two nieces, Emily Fisher of Tazewell, wife of the late John C. Fisher, and Rose Allen Mathews of Eden, N.C.

Graveside services will be conducted at 2 p.m. today at Maplewood Cemetery in Tazewell with Dr. James H. Grant Jr. officiating.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Tazewell Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 26, Tazewell, VA 24651 or the Historic Crab Orchard Museum, Route 1 Box 194, Tazewell, VA 24651.

Peery & St. Clair Funeral Home in Tazewell is in charge of the arrangements.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Thursday 10/11/2001

Bernard Edward Higginbotham (1922-2001) VA
BOISSEVAIN, Va.—Bernard E. Higginbotham, 79, of Box 64, Boissevain (Abbs Valley, Va.), died Oct. 9, 2001 at the Veterans Hospital, Salem, Va.
Born in McComas, he was the son of the late John W. and Mary Harless Higginbotham.
He was a member of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni No. 30220, Encampment No. 41, Independent Order of Odd Fellows No. 22, Boissevain, Rebecca Lodge No. 95 IOOF, Blind Veterans Association, an active member of the American Legion Post No. 14, Pocahontas, Va., and VFW 9696, Bluefield, Va. He was a veteran of U.S. Army, World War II, DAV. He was a member of Abbs Valley Baptist Church, Abbs Valley.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one brother, Roger Higginbotham, and one infant son.
Survivors include one son, Raymond Higginbotham of Roanoke, Va.; five sisters, Cosby Watson of Saginaw, Mich., Alma Steendam of Muskegon, Mich., Shirley Robertson of Roanoke, Joyce Nicolas of Roanoke, and Freda Cameron of Winston Salem, N.C.; three brothers, John Higginbotham of Lewisburg, Bill Higginbotham of Charleston and Jack Higginbotham of Glade Hill, Va.; and close friend, Joyce Hamm.
Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday at Rodriguez Pocahontas Funeral Home Chapel in Pocahontas with the Revs. Paul E. Baker Sr. and Darrell Hunley officiating. Burial will follow at Maple Hill Cemetery, Bluefield, Va. where graveside services will be conducted by American Legion Post No. 14, Pocahontas and VFW 9696, Bluefield, Va.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 6-8 p.m. today.
Pallbearers will be friends and family.


Barbara Ann Brenaman Self Higginbotham (1939-2002) VA
Published: September 6, 2002
GASTON - Barbara Ann Brenaman Self Higginbotham, 63, of the 100 block of Baird St., died Sept. 3, 2002, at her residence.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Portsmouth the daughter of the late William Floyd Brenaman Sr. and Elsie Castine Brenaman. She was the widow of Patrick A. Higginbotham Sr. A brother, Millard Brenaman, predeceased her. In 1980 she graduated from Roanoke-Chowan Technical Institute and was a nurse with Guardian Care until she retired.
Surviving are five daughters, Pamela F. Roldan of Burbank, Calif., Patricia H. Snyder of Virginia Beach, Barbara A. Wills of McColl, S.C., Elsie E. Merck of Loris, S.C., and Charity L. Morrin of Gaston, N.C.; five sons, Gene L. Self of Grouten, Conn., Jon J. Self of Gaston, Patrick A. Higginbotham Jr. of McColl, S.C., William A. Higginbotham of Greenville, N.C., and Nelson Lynch of Gaston; five sisters, Rachel Jones of Washington, N.C., Mary Railey of Suffolk, Rose Shea of Portsmouth, Margaret Garcia of Portsmouth and Elsie Ferguson of Chesapeake; three brothers, W. Floyd Brenaman Jr. of Portsmouth, Herbert Brenaman of Virginia Beach and Walter Brenaman of Portsmouth; 22 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren.
A funeral will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in St. Paul's Catholic Church, Portsmouth, by the Rev. Joseph S. Slowik. Interment will follow in the church cemetery.
A prayer service will be held in the chapel of Wrenn Funeral Home, Roanoke Rapids, N.C., today at 7 p.m. with Monsignor James P. Keaney and the Very Rev. Mark J. Betti, V.F., officiating. The family will receive friends at the funeral home following the service until 9 p.m.


The News Advance 09/26/2002

Christine Kennedy Higginbotham (1920- 2002) VA African American
Mrs. Christine Kennedy Higginbotham of 6315 Richmond Highway, Gladstone, peacefully departed this earthly life at her residence on Sept. 23, 2002.
She was born May 5, 1920 to the late Walter and Ella Jeffries Kennedy.
She was married to the late Willie Clark Higginbotham.
She is survived by her children, Jean Higginbotham Sandidge (Duval), Clarke H. Johnson, Amherst, Willie Wayne Higginbotham, Fort Washington, Md., and Laverne Ward, Suitland, Md.; a devoted cousin, Hattie Jeffries; friends, Mary Nunnery, Claude & Lucy Revely, Ed Lee and Cornelia Megginson. A son, James Lee Higginbotham predeceased her.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a faithful, lifelong member of 2nd Mineral Springs Baptist Church, Gladstone, Nelson County and active in the Gladstone Senior Citizens Organization. She was a caring, loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and friend.
Family night will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26, 6-8 p.m. at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Amherst. Funeral services will be on Friday, Sept. 27 at 11 a.m. at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, with the Rev. John I. Austin officiating.
Interment will be in the Christian Aid Cemetery.
Her remains will lie in state one hour prior to service scheduled time.
M. L. Winfree, directing.


Free Lance-Star 01/13/2003

Elizabeth Warren House Higginbotham Coolidge (1928-2003) VA

Elizabeth House Higginbotham "Betty" Coolidge, 74, of Orange died Sunday, Jan. 12, 2003, at Orange County Nursing Home. Preddy Funeral Home, Orange, is handling the arrangements, which are incomplete.



Alice Ethel Thomas Higginbotham (1917-2003) VA
AFTON - Alice Thomas Higginbotham, 85, of Afton Mountain Road, died March 16, 2003. A service will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Hebron Baptist Church. Reynolds Funeral Service of Waynesboro is in charge.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003
George Alexander Higginbotham (1935-2003) VA African American
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - George Alexander Higginbotham, 68, of Newport News, formerly of Tazewell, Va., died Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 at his home in Newport News.
Born May 24, 1935, in Tazewell, he was a son of the late James A. and Ruth Elizabeth Dickerson Higginbotham. He was a United States Army veteran of World War II.
Survivors include one son, George Alexander Higginbotham III of New York, N.Y.; one stepson, Miquel Ramos and wife, Chiquita of Suffolk, Va.; one brother, James A. Higginbotham and wife, Mallie of Tazewell; five sisters, Mary Anderson of Columbus, Ohio, Ruth McCoy and husband, James of Tazewell, Margaret Saunders of Yonkers, N.Y., Sheilah Brown and husband, Rev. Robert Brown of Beckley, and Jeanette Bryant and husband, Earl of Detroit, Mich.; two step-grandchildren, Miquel Ramos Jr. and Marcus Ramos; four nephews, David Saunders, Christopher Brown, Robert Brown, and Lee Andre Anthony; and two nieces, Michelle Saunders and Angie Boyd.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Friday at Peery & St. Clair Funeral Home Chapel in Tazewell with the Rev. Robert I. Brown, the Rev. Robert Buckles and Dr. Carolyn Browning officiating. Burial will follow at Maplewood Cemetery in Tazewell. Pallbearers will be David Saunders, David Saunders Jr., Ronnie Thompson, Freddy Thompson, Tommy Thompson, Earl Bryant, Lee Andre Anthony, Christopher Brown, and Robert Brown.
The family will receive friends at the funeral home after noon on Friday.




Cabell Drew Higginbotham (1939-2003) VA

Cabell Drew "Higgie" Higginbotham, 64, of Mathews, died Sunday, December 28, 2003 in a tragic accident at his home. Cabell, a native of Newport News, Va, was born on October 7, 1939, one of two sons of the late Mr. & Mrs. Upton S Higginbotham, Sr. Cabell was employed with the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company for 34 yrs after which he owned and operated B&H Fishing & Hunting until 1999. Since then he devoted his time to his grandchildren, hunting, traveling and working at home with East River Bow & Gun. Cabell was a member of Central United Methodist Church, past and present Worshipful Master of Oriental Lodge #20 A.F. and A.M., a member of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Virginia, Oriental Chapter #30 O.E.S., Tidewater Hunt Club, Virginia Peninsula Sportsman's Assoc, Inc, a lifetime member of N.R.A. and served as coach, manager and umpire for Little and Senior League Baseball in Newport News and Mathews. Cabell was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend to all who knew him. He leaves to cherish his memory his loving wife of 40 yrs, Nancy; a son Steven Drew and his wife Tracey; a daughter, Kelly H Jenkins and her husband Ronnie; granddaughters Brandy Nicole and Kristina Brooke Higginbotham and Haley Morgan Sullivan; a grandson Haden Drew, all of Mathews; his brother Upton S "Punky" Higginbotham Jr. and his wife Judy of Germany; his Aunt Alice Baake of Chesterfield, VA; Aunt Verdie Parker, Uncle Addison Higginbotham and Aunt Anneliese Higginbotham, all of Fort Myers, Fl; mother in law Miriam Bodurtha; special nieces Vicky Pruitt of Mathews, Jennifer Wornor of Seaford, Va and Rachel Earler of Fort Myers, Fl; as well as numerous other nieces, nephews, family members, dear friend, three special friends, Carroll Lee Spencer, Lillian White, and Betty L Hudgins, and his "granddog" Oakley. Burial at H.C. Smither Cemetery.



Carolyn Vest Higginbotham (1942-2004) VA

Carolyn Vest (Rosie) Higginbotham, 62, of Rockbridge County, went to be with her Lord and Savior, Saturday, January 31, 2004 at the Stonewall Jackson Hospital, Lexington. Born January 7, 1942 in Lexington, she was a daughter of Leroy Vest and Margaret Ayers Vest of Lexington. Mrs. Higginbotham was a very devoted wife and mother and will always be remembered for the kind, loving attention and care that she showed to many. In addition to her parents, she is survived by her husband, Aldon T. Higginbotham; a son, Gary A. Higginbotham; and a daughter, Kristy H. Taylor, all of Rockbridge County. Also, she is survived by a sister, Karla Irving and husband, David, of Harrisonburg; a half sister, Nikki Sowell; and a niece, Tabitha, of Norfolk. A graveside service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, February 3, 2004 at the Rockbridge Memorial Gardens with Dr. J. Michael Wilkins officiating. The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday at the Harrison Funeral Home, Lexington.



Joyce Ann Lewis Higginbotham (1951-2004) VA
Joyce Ann Higginbotham, 52, of the 800 block of Somerville Crescent, passed away Feb. 5, 2004, in her residence.
A native of Ahoskie, N.C., Mrs. Higginbotham was the daughter of the late Cecil Lewis Sr. and Joyce Ogle. She is survived by her daughter, Amy Holloway and her husband James; a sister, Cherry Vaughan; and a brother, Cecil Lewis Jr., all of Chesapeake.
All services will be private. Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Great Bridge Chapel, is handling arrangements.


Bristol Herald Courier 03/ 23/ 2004
Evelyn Linda Higginbotham Dale (1918-2004)

ABINGDON – Mrs. Evelyn Higginbotham Dale, age 85, passed away, Sunday, March 21, 2004, at the Johnston Memorial Hospital. She was born in Newport News, Va., and had lived in Hampton, Va., before moving to Abingdon in 2000. She was of the Methodist faith and was preceded in death by her husband, Linwood Dale.
She is survived by: a daughter, Judy Young and husband George of Abingdon; and two grandchildren, Marion and Blair Young of Abingdon.
A graveside service will be conducted Wednesday, March 24, 2004, at 10 a.m. in the Peninsula Memorial Park in Newport News, Va., with Rev. Robert F. Pittman officiating. There will be no visitation. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to EFFORTS, Claycomo Plaza, 411 NE U.S. Highway 69, Claycomo, MO 64119, or the Pleasant View United Methodist Church, 18416 Lee Highway, Abingdon, VA 24210. Those wishing to express a memory or sympathy online may do so by visiting
Farris Funeral Service in Abingdon is serving the family of Mrs. Dale.


Johnson City Press 01/11/2005
Dorothy Frances Rowe Higginbotham Adams (1924-2005) VA
FAIRFAX, Va. — Frances R.W. Adams passed away on January 2, 2005, at her home. She was buried January 7th at Fairfax Memorial Cemetery.
She was preceded in death by her first husband, Lt. W.L. “Pete” Higginbotham, and a son, W.L. “Bill” Higginbotham. Survived by her are her husband of 46 years, Glen D. Adams; sons: Bob Higginbotham, Huntsville, AL, Tom Higginbotham, Linden, VA, Steve W. Higginbotham, Chantilly, VA, Dr. Lawrence Adams, Philipsburg, PA, and Dan Adams, Piney Flats; as well as 10 grandchildren.
The family appreciates all the thoughts and prayers of friends throughout Frances’ illness and at this time.


Beckley (WV) Register Herald, Saturday 3/19/2005

James Henry Higginbotham (1921 - 2005) VA
BUENA VISTA, Va. - James Henry Higginbotham, 84, died Thursday, March 17, 2005.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Jan. 22, 1921, in Buena Vista, and was the son of the late Rufus A. Higginbotham and Kate White Higginbotham.
Mr. Higginbotham was a member of Grace Chapel in Buena Vista.
He was preceded in death by a son, Randolph L. Higginbotham.
Mr. Higginbotham was a graduate of Parry McCluer High School where he was captain of the football team and valedictorian of his graduating class. He was a U.S. Navy veteran, having served during World War II.
Survivors include his wife, Mary Louise Higginbotham; a daughter, Norma H. Strock and husband, the Rev. Joe Strock, of Exmore, Va.; a son, James William Higginbotham and wife, Julia, of Union; a daughter-in-law, Jane Lynn Higginbotham of Buena Vista; and eight grandchildren, Timmy and Teresa Strock, Robert and Andrew Higginbotham, Laura, Kelly, Megan and Aaron Higginbotham; and three great-grandchildren.
Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Grace Chapel, Buena Vista, with the Rev. Butch Grow officiating. Burial will follow in Rockbridge Memorial Gardens.
The family will receive friends 5 to 7 p.m. today at Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Service, Buena Vista.
Arrangements by Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Service, Buena Vista.


New Era Progress 09/01/2005

Mary Moore Higginbotham (1920-2005) TN/VA
Mary Moore Higginbotham, 85, of Orange, Va., died at her residence on Sunday, Aug. 28.
Born on July 14, 1920, in Elizabethton, Tenn., she was the daughter of the late Jesse L. Moore and Mary McCrary Moore. She is also predeceased by her husband, S. Page Higginbotham; three brothers, Jesse L. Moore Jr., Philip M. Moore, and Paul Moore; two sisters, Margaret Herzog, and Edith Hord.
She is survived by a son, Samuel Page Higginbotham II and wife, Lynette of Orange, Va.; three grandchildren, Samuel Page Higginbotham III and wife, Ansley, John C. Higginbotham and wife, Tracy, and Gail H. Gibson and husband, Brian all of Orange; three great-grandchildren, John David Higginbotham, Lilly Anne Higginbotham, and Andrew Stuart Gibson all of Orange; one sister, Ruth Moore of Standardsville, Va.
She attended the Trinity United Methodist Church in Orange where she was in the Wesley-Fairbanks church circle, and was a member of the Ruckersville Baptist Church in Ruckersville; she was a member for the past 65 years of the United Daughters of the Confederacy; the Orange Women’s Club; the Daughters of the American Revolution – Golden Horseshoe.
Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30 at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Orange with the Rev. Forest Porter officiating. Interment was held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Higginbotham Family Cemetery in Amherst, Va.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Madison Christian School, P.O. Box 525, Madison, VA 22727 or the 13th Virginia Regional Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, c/o of Carol Couch, 12131 Spicers Mill Rd., Orange, VA 22960.
Preddy Funeral Home of Orange is in charge of arrangements.


Clinch Valley News, 09/15/2005

Mallie Moore Higginbotham (1927-2004) VA  African American

Mallie M. Higginbotham, 77, of Tazewell, departed this life on Sept. 7 at her residence following a short illness.

Born in Tazewell, she was the daughter of the late Shelton and Anna Bowles Moore.

She was a member of Wilbur Memorial United Methodist Church where she faithfully served as director of the Choir and served as Chairperson of the Hospitality Committee. She was also a member of the Busy Bees Social Club of Tazewell. She was formerly employed by the Tazewell County Board of Education as a cafeteria assistant at Tazewell Elementary School.

She lived in Tazewell her entire life where she will be lovingly remembered by her many family members and friends for her generous spirit, vivid sense of humor and her ability to attach “terms of endearment” to those she loved. She was a domestic worker who became a friend and mother to many families in the area.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, James Robert Higginbotham; four sisters, Susie Moore, Nannie Marie Peery, Jessie Mae Thompson and Janie Jones; and four brothers, Samuel George Moore, Robert Crockett Moore, Barnes G. Moore and Walter Witten Moore.

Survivors: husband of 56 years, James Arthur Higginbotham, Jr.; and sisters and brother, Mozelle Hopson, Ruth Brown Hurd and William H. Moore, all of Jackson, MI, and Barbara Morrison of Tazewell.

The funeral was conducted at 2 p.m. Sept. 11 at Peery & St. Clair Funeral Home Chapel in Tazewell with the Rev. Nelson McCall and the Rev. Robert Buckles officiating.

Burial followed at Maplewood Cemetery in Tazewell.


Daily Progress 10/16/2005

James Theodore Higginbotham (1927-2005) VA

Higginbotham, James Theodore (Teddy) - James Theodore (Teddy) Higginbotham, 77, of Scottsville, formerly of Virginia Beach, died Friday, Oct. 14, 2005.


The News Gazette 11/01/2005

Doris Booth Higginbotham (1924-2005) VA

Doris Booth Higginbotham, 80, of Buena Vista died September 30, 2005 at her home.

Born October 31, 1924 in Buchanan, she was the daughter of the late Robert H. and Mamie Bobblett Booth.

She had been employed by Parry McCluer High School as a secretary and was well known in the community as the ticket seller at all PMHS athletic events. Mrs. Higginbotham was a very active member of Buena Vista Presbyterian Church and was also involved in the Red Cross, RARA, and was a former Hospice volunteer.

Her husband, Rufus Lewis "Hickie" Higginbotham preceded her in death.

Surviving is her son, John Lewis Higginbotham of Monroe, VA; three sisters, Margaret O'Rark of Natural Bridge Station, Ruby Harris of Buchanan, and Ruth Hudson of Mt. Pleasant, SC.

A graveside service will be conducted 10:00 a.m. Monday, October 3, 2005, at Green Hill Cemetery with Rev. Robert McMullen officiating. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Rockbridge Area Hospice or to the American Cancer Society. Lomax Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.


The News Virginian 04/13/2007

Florence Pauline Higginbotham Stratton (1915-2007) VA
Florence Higginbotham Stratton, 91, of Roseland, went to be with her Heavenly Father on Wednesday, April 11, 2007, at Lynchburg General Hospital.
Born in Nelson County, August 25, 1915, she was a daughter of the late Herbert and Lora Harvey Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband of 47 years, Arthur Thurmon Stratton on September 5, 1985.
Mrs. Stratton was a member of Bethlehem United Methodist Church where she was actively involved with the UMW, and was a member of the Roseland Rescue Squad Auxiliary.
Survivors include one son, Arthur G. "Buck" Stratton and his wife, Hazel, of Roseland; one daughter, Margaret Baber of Waynesboro; one sister, Frances Hughes of Nellysford; one sister-in -law, Louise Cunningham of Waynesboro; four grandchildren, Angela Ponton of Waynesboro, Shane Stratton of Nelson County, James Stratton and his wife, Samantha, of Roseland and Lora Stinnett and her husband, Tony, of Amherst; one great-grandson, Mark Stinnett; two step great-grandchildren, Karsen and Camden Mayo; several nieces and nephews; and a special friend, Bonnie. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by two sisters, Margaret Higginbotham and Lucille Spencer; and a son-in-law, Buford Baber.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 14, 2007, at Byrum-Parr Funeral Home by the Reverend C. Randall Harlow with burial in Bethlehem United Methodist Church Cemetery.
The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 7 until 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 13, 2007.
Memorial contributions may be made to Bethlehem United Methodist Church Building Fund, 7577 Patrick Henry Hwy., Roseland, VA 22967 or Roseland Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 39, Roseland, VA 22967.
The family would like to thank the staff and residents of Johnson Senior Center of Amherst for the loving care and friendship given to Florence during her stay with them.


The Virginian-Pilot 04/16/2007

Annie Bertha Higginbotham Woodard (1916-2007) VA/TX

Bertha H. Woodard, 90, passed away Dec. 20, 2006, in Houston, Texas, following a stroke. She was born Annie Bertha Higginbotham on Oct. 15, 1916, in Portsmouth to parents, William A. and Annie L. Higginbotham. She resided in Portsmouth or Suffolk until the last year of life which she spent with her son and grandson in Houston. She was predeceased by her parents; husband, Paul F. Woodard; brother and sister- in-law, William Rosser and Virgie L. Higginbotham, formerly of Portsmouth; and daughter-in- law, Berta P. Norris. Bertha is survived by son, Charles William Norris; grandson, Erich William Norris, both of Houston; sister, Reba J. Goffigon of Richmond; nieces, Margie Cornatzer and husband Robert of Portsmouth and Regena Carreras of Richmond; and nephew, Robert R. Higginbotham of Portsmouth. Bertha was a lifelong member of Calvary Baptist Church in Portsmouth. Following her retirement as a bank teller, as an avid crocheter she donated numerous handmade baby blankets to hospitals and charity groups in the Portsmouth area and provided family and friends with afghans. A friend to all, Bertha will be missed by all who knew her and her loss will be especially great for her family. A memorial service will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, Portsmouth, with the Rev. Phillip Parker officiating.


The News & Advance 05/16/2007

Elsie Lee Sigmon Higginbotham (1944-2007) VA
Elsie 'Teeny' L. Higginbotham
Elsie Lee Higginbotham, 62, of Madison Heights, died Tuesday, May 15th, 2007, at her home of a massive heart attack after years of prolonged illness. She was taken to Lynchburg General Hospital but resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful.
Born Aug. 19, 1944, in Lynchburg, she was the daughter of the late John Reed Sigmon and Elsie Lee Watts Sigmon.
She is survived by her husband of 42 years, Lewis Henry Higginbotham; a daughter, Jill Ann Higginbotham; and a son, William Lewis Higginbotham. She was the youngest of five children and is survived by a sister, Dorothy Louise Sigmon; and a brother, John Reid Sigmon, Jr. Two other siblings; Lois Sigmon Proffitt and D. Gene Sigmon preceded her in death.
Over the years, Teeny was an excellent mother to Bill and Jill, wife to Lewis and friend to many people. Back in the early 80's she suffered from a brain tumor and after successful treatment and recovery at the University of Virginia Medical Center her love for UVa continued through the rest of her life. She volunteered there for 14 years until further illness prevented this activity back in 2002. In her final contribution to UVa and medical advancement, she has donated her body to the State Anatomical Program. She is in a better place now free of illness and pain. She will be greatly missed.
Memorial Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 19, 2007, with the Rev. Wayne Meredith officiating at the Northminster Presbyterian Church, South Amherst Highway, Madison Heights. The family will receive friends for visitation immediately following the service at the church and at other times at her residence, 969 Winesap Road, Madison Heights, VA 24572.
The family suggests that any donations be made to Monelison Volunteer Rescue Squad, Box 56, Madison Heights, VA 24572; The University of Virginia Health Systems Volunteer Services, P.O. Box 800668, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0668; or Northminster Presbyterian Church, S. Amherst Highway, Madison Heights, VA 24572.


Naples (FL) Daily News 07/11/2007

Grover Stanley Higginbotham (1915-2007) VA/MN/FL

Grover Stanley Higginbotham, 92, of Edina, MN and Naples, FL, died on July 8, 2007. He is deeply missed by his wife, Vivian; children, Chris Slaven and Ken (Ava); grandchildren; and great grandchildren and numerous other relatives and friends around the country. He was preceded in death by his brother, Willard "Pete"; father, Grover and mother, Christine. He was a member of Sons of the American Revolution, Naples Council on World Affairs and United States Naval Academy Alumni Association. He was born in Amherst County, VA. He was Valedictorian at Buena Vista High School in Virginia. He was one of the youngest graduates at the United States Naval Academy, Class of 1935. He had a distinguished 29year career as a United States Naval officer. His first ship was the battleship USS. Arizona (BB39) from 1935 to 1938 where he served in the gunnery and engineering departments. In WW II, he served aboard the battleship USS. Texas (BB-35) and was promoted to commanding officer of the destroyer USS. Albert W. Grant (DD-649) in the Pacific where he received the Bronze Star. After the war, he attended the Army Guided Missile School in Ft. Bliss, TX and graduated from the Naval War College in Newport, RI. Later notable career assignments included staff officer to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon, Chief of Staff to Commander Cruiser Division Two, United States Sixth Fleet, commanding officer USS. Ponchatoula (AO-148), Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the then largest oil tanker in the Navy, commanding officer Destroyer Squadron 25 "The Pineapple Fleet", Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the then largest destroyer squadron in the Navy and Chief of Staff to Commander United States Seventh Fleet in Yokosuka, Japan. Upon retirement from the Navy as a Captain, he worked for 15 years in management for Sperry Univac at their offices in Salt Lake City, UT, Los Angeles, CA and St. Paul, MN. In Salt Lake City he earned a Master's degree in Engineering Administration from the University of Utah and was made a member of Phi Kappa Phi honorary society. While in Los Angeles, he headed the development of the onboard computer system for the S-3A carrier based anti-submarine aircraft built by Lockheed. He continued to provide consulting services to Univac after his retirement. He and Vivian traveled extensively with destinations to China, Europe and an around-the-world cruise. Our family lost a loving husband and father, our communities lost a dear friend and our country lost an honored patriot and a wonderful ambassador. Private internment in Ft. Snelling National Cemetery in Minnesota.


Roanoke Times 07/17/2007
Flora Burch Higginbotham (1909-2007) VA
Flora Burch Higginbotham, 97, of Buena Vista, died Monday, July 16, 2007 in Heritage Hall Nursing Home, Lexington, Va. She was born July 30, 1909 in Amherst County, a daughter of the late Albon Price Burch and Zilla Sprouse Burch. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Shannon (Shan) Gatewood Higginbotham. She was a member of Marvin Methodist Church, Cornwall, Va. She is survived by three sons, S.G. Higginbotham, Jr. of Midlothian, Aldon Thompson Higginbotham and Calvin Lee Higginbotham of Buena Vista; a sister, Ruby Hogan of Lynchburg; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at Timber Ridge ARP Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Marvin Methodist Church. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. Arrangements by Harrison Funeral Home & Crematory, Lexington, Va.


Leesburg Today 09/18/2007
Janet Kay Higginbotham Greco Reynolds (1951-2007) DE/FL/TX/VA

Janet H. Reynolds, 56, of Leesburg, died Sept. 15.
She was born March 16, 1951 in Delaware to Richard Higginbotham and Belva Rae Cunningham Higginbotham. She worked as a public school teacher.
She is survived by her husband James C. Reynolds; sons Matthew A. Greco of Leesburg and Joshua J. Reynolds of Seattle, WA; daughter Claire E. Reynolds of Austin, TX; sister Rachel Baxter of Florida; brother Shawn Higginbotham of Texas and Rick Higginbotham of Texas.
Services were scheduled to be held at 4 p.m. Sept. 20 at Colonial Funeral Home with the Rev. Amy DeBeck officiating. Interment will be at Union Cemetery in Leesburg.


Roanoke Times 10/19/2007
Joseph William Higginbotham (1958-2007) VA
Joseph William Higginbotham, 49, of Dublin, Va., passed away on Thursday, October 18, 2007 after a long battle with cancer. He was a member of the Richlands First Christian Disciples of Christ Church and previously worked at Consolidated Coal as a supply clerk. He was born June 26, 1958 in Tazewell County, the son of Joseph Moore and Dorothy Cartmill Higginbotham. Survivors include his parents; a sister and brother-in-law, Ann H. and Freddie Akers of Dublin; a nephew, Jonathan Akers; and a niece, LeeAnna Akers. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 11 a.m. at the Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin with the Rev. Bill Rowland officiating. The family will receive friends prior to the service at the cemetery. The Higginbotham family is in the care of Mullins Funeral Home & Crematory in Radford.


Potomac News and Manassas Journal Messenger 12/20/2007

Marion Higginbotham Mager (1913-2007) RI/VA
Marion Mager age 94, died Tuesday December 18, 2007 at the Potomac Hospital in Woodbridge. Mrs. Mager was born July 28, 1913 in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and was the daughter of the late Frederick and Sarah (Corbishley) Higginbotham. She was also preceded in death by her husband Philip W. Mager. Marion was a piano teacher for most of her life. Survivors include, two daughters, Phyllis Coffee and her husband Edwin of Dale City, Virginia and Nancy Fontaine of Central Falls, Rhode Island, one sister, Hazel Griffin of Attleboro, Massachusetts, four grandchildren, Jennifer Dunwody, Alison Lang, Debra Vedder and Michael Fontaine. She is also survived by eleven great grandchildren and one great-greatgrandchild. The family will receive friends from 7-9 PM Saturday December 22, 2007 at the Mountcastle Funeral Home in Dale City, Virginia. The burial will follow in Rhode Island.


The News & Advance 01/18/2008

Janice Ann Moreland Higginbotham  (1921-2008) VA
Janice Ann Moreland Higginbotham, 86, of Lynchburg died Wednesday, January 16, 2008. She was the loving wife of the late Edward Montella Higginbotham. Born June 4, 1921 in Cleveland, OH, she was a daughter of the late Gillette Moreland and Helen Gore Moreland. In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a brother, Bob Moreland and sister, Lorraine Schwinn. Janice worked many years as a nurse's aid, was a member of Hannibal Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Women's Club, 700 Club, and Hannibal Garden Club. She leaves to cherish her memory three sons, Winn D. Higginbotham of Quincy IL, Robert L. Higginbotham of Mayfield, MO, Edward A. Higginbotham of Lynchburg; a daughter, Heather Higginbotham of Tacoma, WA; a sister, Bea Becker of Scranton, PA five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; her special friends, Sheila Griffin, Steven and Andrea Griffin, and Alice Ogden. Heritage Funeral Service and Crematory, 427 Graves Mill Rd. is assisting her family.


The News & Advance 05/09/2008

Theodore Roosevelt Higginbotham (????-2008) VA

On Tuesday, May 6, 2008, Theodore Roosevelt Higginbotham, a long time resident of Washington, D.C., formerly of Amherst County, passed away. He was the son of the late Thomas Higginbotham and Alberta Williams Higginbotham. He is survived by one son, Theodore Calloway of Roanoke; two sisters, Marie H Tucker-Wint (Roy) and Doretha H. Rickeson; brothers, Thomas Higginbotham, the Rev. William E. Higginbotham (Mary) and David M. Higginbotham (Evelyn); and a host of nieces and nephews, cousins, and friends. The family will receive friends from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 9, 2008, at Fraziers Funeral Home, 389 Rhode Island Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C., 20001. A celebration of his life will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 10, 2008, at Chestnut Grove Baptist Church in Monroe.


New Jersey Star-Ledger 07/07/2008

Patrick J. Higginbotham (1950-2008) NJ/VA

HIGGINBOTHAM Patrick J. Higginbotham Formerly of North Plainfield, 57 Mr. Patrick J. Higginbotham, 57, of Bedford, Va., died on Monday, June 23, 2008, at his home. Memorial services will be held on Wednesday, July 9, at 11 a.m., with a gathering beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Higgins Home for Funerals, 752 Mountain Blvd., Watchung. Born in Plainfield, son of the late Clement B. and Anna V. (Speranza) Higginbotham, Patrick resided in North Plainfield and briefly in South Plainfield before moving to Virginia in 1998. A 1968 North Plainfield High School graduate, he then completed a four-year course in electrical trades at Somerset Co. Vocational Technical School. He was last employed at Light Age, Inc. in Somerset as an electro mechanical technician. He was previously employed as a production manager at American Ultraviolet in Murray Hill. Patrick enjoyed completing crossword puzzles each day, vegetable gardening and was an avid Yankee fan. Surviving are a son, Shawn Higginbotham of Green Brook; a brother, James and his wife, Learlene, of Bryson City, N.C., and a sister, JoAnne Stewart and her husband, Robert, of Beach Haven. In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory to Habitat for Humanity, 121 Habitat St., Americus, Ga. 32709 would be appreciated.


The News & Advance 07/18/2008

Kathlean Beverly Higginbotham (1925-2008) VA African American

Kathlean Higginbotham, 83, of West Court Street, Amherst, departed this life Wednesday, July 16, 2008, at Virginia Baptist Hospital. Kathlean was born March 17, 1925, to the late Sadie Smith Beverly and Eldridge W. Beverly. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one brother. She was an active member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church, where she served on the Usher Board and was pianist for the Senior choir. She also worked in the Amherst County school system. She is survived by her husband, Epoch C. Higginbotham of Amherst; two sons, the Rev. Andra Higginbotham of Amherst and Taji Khatib "T.K." of Tampa, Fla.; one daughter, Freda Thomas (Gary) of Madison Heights; three grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and other relatives and friends. A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 19, 2008, at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, with the Rev. Kelvin R. Brown officiating. Interment will be in the Christian Aid Cemetery. Her remains will lie in state at the church one hour prior to the service. The family is receiving friends and the cortege will assemble at 141 West Court St. Community Funeral Home is directing.


The Virginian Pilot 07/20/2008

Mildred Higginbotham Ashley Griffin (1924-2008) VA

SOUTHERN SHORES - Mildred (Higginbotham) Ashley Griffin, 83, passed away peacefully July 18, 2008, at her residence with family and friends by her side. Mrs. Griffin was a retired real estate broker, former co-owner of Ashley Realty and Construction Co. and a homemaker. She was a charter member of Duck Woods Country Club and a past member of the Duck Woods Ladies Golf Association. Mrs. Griffin was also a member of Kitty Hawk United Methodist Church. She loved golfing, gardening and cooking for her family. She will be greatly missed by those who knew and loved her. Mildred Griffin was predeceased by her husbands, James B. Ashley and Cecil L. Griffin. Left to cherish her memory are her two devoted daughters, Gail Macaulay and Dianne Hendrix; son-in-law, Gilley Hendrix of Kitty Hawk, N.C.; three wonderful grandchildren, Jim (Carrie) Macaulay of Creston, B.C. Canada, Angela (Mark) Grooms of Kill Devil Hills, N.C. and Andy Hendrix of Kitty Hawk, N.C.; and three darling great-grandchildren, Ashley and James Macaulay and Kaylie Grooms. She is also survived by four stepchildren, Beth Thompson, Cecil L. Griffin III, Gordon Griffin and Steve Griffin and their families. A memorial service to celebrate the life of Mildred Griffin will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Kitty Hawk United Methodist Church. Pastor Curtis Campbell and the Rev. Bill Vann will officiate. The family will receive friends at the church following the service. Interment will be private at Memory Gardens Cemetery. Memorial donations in honor of Mildred Griffin may be made to the National Kidney Foundation or to a charity of one's choice. Arrangements were entrusted to Gallop Funeral Services Inc., Nags Head. The family wishes to thank Dare County Home Health and Hospice workers and all the care givers that provided such wonderful care for Millie Griffin.


Lynchburg News & Advance 10/22/2008

Mary Paxton Higginbotham Mikels Hawkins (1926-2008) VA

Mary Paxton Higginbotham Mikels Hawkins, 82, of Rustburg, passed away Monday, Oct. 20, 2008, at her residence. Born June 4, 1926, in Forest, she was the daughter of the late Sidney Higginbotham and Beatrice Bryant Higginbotham. Mrs. Hawkins was a member of Shiloh United Methodist Church and the Rustburg Moose Lodge 715. She had retired from the Wilco Uniform Co. after 30 years of employment. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her first husband, Ray Mikels; her second husband, Clifford Hawkins; her stepmother, Nat Higginbotham; a son, Phillip Lee Mikels; and a brother, Thomas Higginbotham. She is survived by two daughters, Patricia Bowman and husband, Harlan, and Phyllis Dawson, all of Rustburg; one son, Donald Ray Mikels of Rustburg; three grandchildren, Timothy W. Nash and wife, Ruby, and Terence Wehrly and wife, Elizabeth, both of Rustburg, and Penny O'Dell and husband, Darrell, of Hurt; one sister, Norah Higginbotham of Falls Church; one half sister, Barbara Threadgill of North Carolina; two half brothers, Jay P. Higginbotham of North Carolina and Sidney "Sonny" Higginbotham of Bedford; as well as many great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be conducted at 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 23, 2008, in the Mikels' Family Cemetery by the Rev. Bob Merkle. Visitation for family and friends will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. today, Oct. 22, 2008, at Whitten Timberlake Chapel and other times at the residence. Whitten Funeral Homes and Cremation Services, Timberlake Chapel, (434) 239-0331, is assisting the family with services.


Lynchburg News & Advance 12/07/2008

Lewis Henry Higginbotham (1943-2008) VA

Lewis Henry Higginbotham, 65, died Dec. 5, 2008, at University of Virginia Medical Center after struggling with diabetes and other illnesses for some time. Born April 7, 1943, in Gladstone, the son of the late Ida Mabel Drumheller Higginbotham and Henry Hargrove Higginbotham. He is survived by a son, William Lewis Higginbotham of Madison Heights, and a daughter, Jill Ann Higginbotham of Sterling. He was the youngest of two children and is survived by a brother, James Rodney Higginbotham of Gladstone. Lewis was a loving and devoted husband of the late Elsie Lee Sigmon Higginbotham for 42 years, a loving and devoted father to Bill and Jill, and a good friend to many people. Lewis attended Northminster Presbyterian Church. Lewis was a retired member of the Virginia Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve, totaling 28 years of service. He was retired Export Manager of Griffin Pipe Products Company in Lynchburg, with 38 years of service at Lynchburg Foundry and Griffin Pipe Products Co. combined. He was a past officer and member of Madison Heights Lions Club and a devoted supporter of the Monelison Volunteer Rescue Squad in Madison Heights, the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 8 in Lynchburg, the National D-Day Memorial Foundation in Bedford and the University of Virginia Health Systems Volunteer Services in Charlottesville. The memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008, at Whitten Monelison Chapel, 3966 South Amherst Highway, Madison Heights, with the Rev. Dr. Wayne Meredith officiating. Visitation will follow the service and other times at the residence, 969 Winesap Road, Madison Heights. In lieu of flowers, the family would like to suggest donations to one of the following, Monelison Volunteer Rescue Squad, Box 56, Madison Heights, VA 24572; Disabled American Veterans #8, c/o M.C.L., 2337 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24501; Northminster Presbyterian Church, South Amherst Highway, Madison Heights, VA 24572; the National D Day Memorial Foundation, P.O. Box 77, Bedford, VA 24523; or University of Virginia Health System - Volunteer Services, P.O. Box 800668, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0668.


The Virginian Pilot 12/15/2008

Wayne Eugene Higginbotham (1944-2008) VA

CHESAPEAKE - Wayne Eugene Higginbotham, 64, passed away Dec. 13, 2008. Wayne was predeceased by his parents, Lamah Lee and Dorothy Higginbotham and a brother, Richard. He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Marjorie J. Higginbotham; six brothers and sisters, James, Judy, LL, Carl, Brenda and Payton; his favorite mother-in-law, Marjorie Williams; several special nieces and nephews; and his best friend, Eddie. The visitation will be held at Altmeyer Funeral Home, 5792 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach, Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. A graveside service will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Norfolk. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in memory of Wayne to the Garden of the Pines Pet Cemetery, 2685 Salem Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456.


Waynesboro News Virginian 12/20/2008

Anne Coffey Higginbotham (1932-2008) VA

Anne Coffey Higginbotham, 76, of Afton, died Thursday, December 18, 2008. Born November 1, 1932, in Waynesboro, she was a daughter of the late Jesse L. Coffey and Blanche Duncan Coffey. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, James W. Higginbotham Jr. She is survived by a brother, Kenneth L. Coffey of Afton; a sister, Vera Bishop of Afton; a niece, Susan Miller of Afton; and four nephews, Kenneth W. Coffey, Frederick B. Coffey, Kevin Bishop and Timothy Bishop, all of Afton. A funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Sunday, December 21, 2008, at the Hebron Baptist Church in Afton, with the Reverend Jeff Cranford officiating. Interment will follow at the church cemetery. The family will receive friends one hour before the time of service. The family requests that those wishing to make memorial contributions consider the Alzheimer's Association, Central and Western Virginia Chapter, 674 Hillsdale Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Arrangements by the Wells/ Sheffield Funeral Chapel of Lovingston, 434-263-4097.


Waynesboro News Virginian 12/29/2008

Aubrey Strode Higginbotham Jr. (1938-2008) VA

AFTON - Aubrey Strode "Sonny" Higginbotham Jr., of Afton, passed away peacefully, with his family by his side on Friday, December 26, 2008, at the University of Virginia Medical Center. He was born in Nelson County on July 30, 1938, son of the late Aubrey Strode Higginbotham and Alice Thomas Higginbotham. He proudly served in the United States Army and was a Veteran of the Vietnam War. Survivors include a daughter, Teresa L. Hancock and her husband, Kent, of Appomattox; and sons, Clark A. and his wife, Rose, of Appomattox, and Preston D. Higginbotham; sisters, Maxine H. Small of Nellysford, Madeline H. and her husband, Dr. Donald Sly of Norfolk; a brother, James H. Higginbotham and his wife, Cheryl, of Waynesboro. Lovingly known as "Poppa", Aubrey adored his grand-children, James, Nichole, April, Jodie, Aubrey, Dustin, Zachary; and great-granddaughters, KayLynn and RyLee; an uncle, Melvin Thomas of Wheeling, Illinois; and aunts, Helen Madison and Lucille Sullivan of Richmond; nieces, nephews, and friends. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Sherry. A service will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, December 30, 2008, at Hebron Baptist Church with interment at the church cemetery. Military Rites will be provided by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Active pallbearers will be Kent Hancock; his grandsons James, Aubrey and Dustin, Jason Harvey and William Smith. Memorial donations may be made to the Rockfish Fire and Rescue Squad, 10921 Rockfish Valley Highway, Afton, VA 23920 Arrangements are being handled by Reynolds Hamrick Funeral Services of Waynesboro.


Charlottesville Daily Progress 06/19/2009

Corinne Higginbotham Painter (1917-2009) VA

Corinne Higginbotham Painter, 91, of Amherst, formerly of Massies Mill, died Wednesday, June 17, 2009. She was born in Nelson County on November 18, 1917, a daughter of the late Frank Higginbotham and Bessie Snead Lawhorne. She was a member of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Tyro. She is survived by one son, Donald W. Painter and his wife, Jean, of Amherst; two daughters, Diane Painter of Charlottesville and Barbara P. Campbell of Concord; one brother, Dickie Lawhorne of Massies Mill; one sister, Nell Everitt of Roseland; seven grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Tommy Painter; one son, Thomas M. Painter; two daughters, Frances P. Burke and Patricia A. Painter; two brothers and four sisters. A graveside service will be conducted 1 p.m. Saturday, June 20, 2009, at Jonesboro Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Byrum-Parr Funeral Home from 7 until 9 p.m. Friday, June 19, 2009. The family would like to extend a special thank-you to the staff of Fairmont Crossing for all their loving care of Corinne. Memorial contributions may be made to the Amherst Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 193, Amherst, VA 24521.


Roanoke Times 07/24/2009

Mary Louise Dixon Higginbotham (1916-2009) VA/WV

Mary Louise Dixon Higginbotham, 93, of Union, W.Va., died on Wednesday, July 22, 2009. She was born on May 20, 1916, in Rockbridge County, a daughter of the late William T. and Mary Cross Dixon. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 67 years, James Henry Higginbotham; a son, Randolph L. Higginbotham; and a grandchild, Teresa J. Strock. Surviving are a daughter, Norma H. Strock and husband, the Rev. Joe Strock, of Exmore, Va.; a son, James William Higginbotham and wife, Julia, of Union, W.Va.; a daughter-in-law, Jane Lynn Higginbotham, of Buena Vista; a sister, Edith Dixon, of Buena Vista; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 25, 2009, at Grace Chapel, Buena Vista with the Rev. Butch Grow officiating. Burial will follow in Rockbridge Memorial Gardens. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Mrs. Higginbotham's honor to Hospice Care, 223 Maplewood Ave., Lewisburg, W.Va. 24901 or Grace Chapel, P.O. Box 404, Buena Vista, Va. 24416. The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, July 24, 2009, at Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Home, and the body will be present at the church one hour prior to the service. Arrangements by Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Buena Vista, Va.


Roanoke Times 08/02/2009

Elizabeth Octavia Higginbotham Stovall-Hale (1940-2009) VA African American

Elizabeth Octavia Higginbotham Stovall-Hale, 68, of Roanoke, departed this life on Thursday, July 30, 2009. She was the oldest daughter of the late Charlotte Cofer Higginbotham and George N. Higginbotham born August 6, 1940. She was lovingly raised along with her sisters by her grandparents, George and Octavia Payne. "Liz" as she was affectionately known, attended local schools and graduated in 1958 from Lucy Addison High School. She married her high school sweetheart, Ralph C. Stovall Sr., who preceded her in death and to this union, two children were born. Those left to rejoice in her memory are her husband, James Levi Hale; her children, Ralph (Lisa) Stovall Jr. and Charlotte (Robert) Wilson, of Richmond, Va.; grandchildren, Naria Stovall, Amber Wilson and Ralph Stovall III; sisters, Mattie (John) Johnson, of Roanoke, Va. and Charlene (Russell) Walker, of Delran, N.J.; one aunt, Della Woods, of Roanoke, Va.; stepchildren, Nyeta Hooks, Cheryl Manigault, Julia Palmer and Kim Parker; step-grandchildren, India Manigault, Lyndsie Poindexter, Xavier Manigault, Harrison Poindexter and Brooks Poindexter; a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday, August 4, 2009 in the Hamlar-Curtis Chapel with the Rev. James Beatty officiating. The interment will be in Williams Memorial Park. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service. Friends may call on Monday afternoon for viewing at Hamlar-Curtis Funeral Home.


Richmond Times-Dispatch 09/13/2009

Travis Baxter "Butch" Higginbotham (1944-2009)

HIGGINBOTTOM, Travis Baxter "Butch", 64, of Richmond, passed away on Friday, September 11, 2009. He was a vehicle mechanic serving in the U.S. Army, for four years in Germany. He was the son of the late, Alfred C. and Mary R. Higgenbatham. He is survived by his loving wife, Ruth, of 42 years; daughter, Wanda S. Groome and husband, Donald, of Sandston; son, Philip W. Higginbottom, of Chester; grandchildren, Travis Wayne and Harley Ann Groome, of Sandston; great-nephew, Rae F. Parrish, of Sandston; brothers, Cecil A. Higgenbatham and wife, Pat, Robert Higgenbatham and wife, Eunice, all of Rustburg; sisters, Minnie Bell Campbell, of Florida, Rosalee Cyrus and husband, Clayton, of Appomattox, Margaret S. and husband, Chuck, of Pennsylvania; and numerous nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends Monday, September 14, 2009, at the Chester Chapel of J.T. Morriss & Son Funeral Home from 6 to 8 p.m. A funeral service will be held in the funeral home chapel on Tuesday, September 15, at 1 p.m., with Pastor Doug Young officiating. Interment will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery.


Lynchburg News & Advance 11/16/2009

Bertie Ellen Fellers Higginbotham Woodford (1923-2009) VA

Bertie Ellen Fellers Woodford, 86, of Goode, died Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009, in Bedford. Born April 15, 1923, in Bedford, she was a daughter of the late Annie Elizabeth Leftwich Fellers and Peter Anson Fellers.

In addition to her parents, Bertie was preceded in death by her husbands, Clarence Wilton Higginbotham and Frank James Woodford; four brothers, Taylor Nicholas, Marvin Anson, Royal Harding and Lewis Calvin Fellers; and a sister, Janie Leigh Fellers Sibal Portz.

Bertie is survived by a daughter, Elizabeth H. Beverly and her husband, Joseph, of Lynchburg; a son, C.W. Higginbotham Jr., of Lynchburg; a step-daughter, Sylvia W. Ellen and her husband, William, of Richmond; four grandchildren, Chris Beverly and his fiancé, Terry, of Goode, Marc Beverly and his wife, Karen, of Richmond, Greg Ellen and his wife, Denise, of Richmond, Laura Ellen Menzie and her husband, Neil, of Colorado Springs, Colo.; six great-grandchildren, Olivia and Rodger Beverly, Emily and Lydia Ellen, and Owen and Claire Menzie.

Bertie was a talented lady who taught tole painting and basket making and enjoyed a variety of needlecrafts and artistry. She was a volunteer in the gift shop at The National D-Day Memorial, where she loved autographing "The Bedford Boys" beside the picture of her brother, Captain Taylor N. Fellers. She was a member of Bethany United Methodist Church and formerly a member and pianist at Nazareth United Methodist Church.

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009, in the chapel of Tharp Funeral Home, with the Rev. Tom Thomas officiating. Interment will follow in Virginia Memorial Park, Forest.

The family will receive friends from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009, at Tharp Funeral Home and Crematory, Bedford, 586-3443.

Those wishing to make memorial contributions may consider Bethany UMC. P.O. Box 12, Forest, VA 24551, or The National D-Day Memorial Foundation, P.O. Box 66, Bedford, VA 24523.


Richmond Times-Dispatch 11/29/2009

Ruth Wilkins Higginbotham (1949-2009) VA

HIGGINBOTTOM, Ruth Wilkins, 60, of Richmond, passed away on Thursday, November 26, 2009. She was the daughter of the late George C. and Velma Parker Wilkins and the widow of Travis B. Higginbottom. Mrs. Higginbottom was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother, and was very active in her community. She was a member of the Banton Street Pentecostal Holiness Church and the Mid City Civic Center. Mrs. Higginbottom is survived by her daughter, Wanda S. Groome and husband, Donald, of Sandston; son, Philip W. Higginbottom of Chester; grandchildren, Travis Wayne and Harley Ann Groome; sisters, Ernestine W. Ethridge and Robin W. Nay; brother, Ronald C. Wilkins; great-nephew, Rae F. Parrish; and numerous nieces and nephews. The family will receive friends on Sunday, November 29, 2009 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at the Chesterfield Chapel of J.T. Morriss & Son Funeral Home. A funeral service will follow in the funeral home chapel on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Interment will be held in Forest Lawn Cemetery at 2:45 p.m. Flowers are welcome, or memorial contributions may be made to the Banton St. Pentecostal Holiness Church at 5013 W. Belmont Rd., Richmond, Va. 23234.


The Washington Post 12/06/2009

Charles Rufus Higginbotham Jr. (1935-2009) VA

CHARLES RUFUS HIGGINBOTHAM, JR. On Friday, December 4, 2009 of Burke, VA. A retired sanitarian of the Alexandria Health Department. He will be missed by Aunt Mae and his many friends in Kiwanis, Sons of the Confederate Veterans, The American Legion and the St. Andrews Society. A gathering of family and friends will be held on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 from 10 a.m. until time of service at 11 a.m. at the EVERLY-WHEATLEY FUNERAL HOME, 1500 W. Braddock Rd. Alexandria, VA 22302. Interment to follow at Mt. Comfort Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the charity of your choice.


Roanoke Times 01/07/2010

Dorothy Kathleen Cartmill Higginbotham (1921-2010) VA

(April 4, 1921 - January 6, 2010)
Dorothy Kathleen Cartmill Higginbotham, 88, passed away Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at her home in Dublin. She was a member of First Christian Church Disciples of Christ and retired from the VA Health Dept.’s Agency on Aging. She was preceded in death by her parents, John Edward and Hannah Pearl Wilson Cartmill, a son, Joseph William Higginbotham, a brother and a sister. Survivors include her husband of 64 years, Joseph Moore Higginbotham; a daughter and son-in-law, Ann H. and Freddie Akers; a grandson, Jonathan Akers; a granddaughter, Le Anna Akers, all of Dublin; and a brother, William Byron Cartmill of Benton, ARK. Funeral services will be held Friday, January 8, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. at the Mullins Funeral Home in Radford with Rev. Bill Rowland officiating. Interment will follow in the Highland Memory Gardens in Dublin. The family will receive friends Friday from 10:30 a.m. until the time of the service. The Higginbotham family is in the care of Mullins Funeral Home & Crematory in Radford.


The News & Advance 02/22/2010

James Robert Higginbotham (1920-2010) VA

Robert Higginbotham, 89, of Lynchburg, died Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010. He was the loving husband of Lillian Spencer Wieringo Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was born May 18, 1920, in Lynchburg, a son of the late James Robert Higginbotham and Mary Etta Finch Higginbotham. He proudly served our country in the U.S. Navy during World War II and the Korean Conflict. He was retired from City of Lynchburg and was a member of Madison Heights Christian Church. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his stepchildren, Edward Howard Wieringo Jr., of Lynchburg, Patricia Pearl Milum, of Arkansas, and Teresa Humphries, of Madison Heights; his step son-in-law, Kirk Murphy, of Madison Heights; six step grandchildren; three great-step grandchildren; his nephew and niece, James Howard and Gail Ring, both of Lynchburg; and a devoted niece, Linda Turner, of Forest. James was preceded in death by his step-daughter, Barbara Murphy; his brothers, George Higginbotham, Kenneth Higginbotham; and his sisters, Merle Howard, Bessie Higginbotham and Rebecca Foster. The family will receive friends from 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010, at Tharp Funeral Home, Lynchburg. The funeral service will follow at 11 a.m. in the chapel, with the Rev. George Harris and the Rev. D. Jack Hamilton officiating. Interment will follow in Fort Hill Memorial Park, with military honors provided by American Legion Post 16. Memorial contributions may be sent to American Heart Association, P.O. Box 5216, Glen Allen, VA 23058-5216; or Madison Heights Christian Church, 149 Main St., Madison Heights, VA 24572.


The News Virginian 02/23/2010

Frances Alma Higginbotham Hughes (1920-2010) VA

Frances Higginbotham Hughes, 90, a 71 year resident of Nellysford, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Sunday, February 21, 2010, at the University of Virginia Medical Center. She was born in Roseland, on February 19, 1920, a daughter of the late Herbert M. and Lora Harvey Higginbotham. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great- grandmother and will be greatly missed. Frances leaves to cherish her memory, a daughter, Judy H. Tharpe and her husband, Bobby, of Charlottesville; a son, Herbert Forrest Hughes and his wife, Cathy, of Charlottesville; a daughter-in-law, Juliette Dodd Hughes of Manassas; grandchildren, Donna Griffith, Audrey Brehm, Kimberly Avery, Robby Tharpe, Eric Hughes and Brent Hughes; great-grandchildren, Megan, Kirsten and Cailin Griffith, Ryan and Amanda Wyrick, Quinn Brehm, Bryar Tharpe, Landon Avery and Hunter Hughes; and her dearly beloved and devoted neighbors and friends, Linda and Malcolm Dodd. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 47 years, John P. Hughes; a son, John "Johnny" Peyton Hughes; three sisters, Florence Stratton, Lucille Spencer and Margaret Higginbotham. The family would like to extend a special thank you to the doctors and nurses of the Medical ICU (3 West) at the University of Virginia Medical Center for their expert and compassionate care of their loved one. Funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Saturday, February 27, 2010, at Rockfish Valley Baptist Church by the Reverends David and Barbara Cunningham and the Reverend D. Keith Johnson. The family will receive friends at Byrum-Parr Funeral Home from 7 until 8 p.m. Friday, February 26, 2010. Pallbearers will be Rodger Turner, Matthew Turner, Danny Fields, Romie Falls, Darrell Stevens, Mike McClain, Jimmy Woodson and Dale Ward. Memorial contributions may be made to Rockfish Valley Baptist Church, 3395 Rockfish Valley Highway, Nellysford, VA 22958 or to the Wintergreen Fire Department and Rescue Squad, 2306 Wintergreen Drive, Wintergreen, VA 22958.


The Virginian Pilot 02/27/2010

Andrew Paul Higginbotham Jr. (1951-2010) VA

CHESAPEAKE - Andrew Higginbotham Jr., 58, passed away Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010 in Chesapeake Regional Medical Center surrounded by his loving family. He was born March 8, 1951 in Norfolk, the son of the late Andrew Paul and Hazel B. Stafford Higginbotham Sr. Andrew was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting, his passion was spending time with his family and grandchildren whom he cherished. He was employed for more than 40 years with Indoor Air Systems of Chesapeake. He is survived by his wife of 38 years, Teresa; his two sons, Jason Paul Higginbotham and wife Tracey M. of Nashville, Tenn., and Brian Scott Higginbotham of Chesapeake. Andrew is also survived by his three grandchildren, Tristan, Keegan and Chase Higginbotham. Friends are invited to gather with the family from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28, in the Great Bridge Chapel of Oman Funeral Home & Crematory, 653 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322. Memorial donations may be made in Andrew's name to your local chapter of the American Heart Association.


The Washington Post 04/22.2010

Thomas Miley Higginbotham (1954-2010) ME/VA

THOMAS M. HIGGINBOTHAM (Age 56) Passed away on April 16, 2010 at Winchester Medical Hospital from natural causes. He is survived by his stepfather, Glen D Adams of Fairfax, VA; brothers, Robert and Steven Higginbotham and Lawrence and Daniel Adams. Born in Portland, Maine, Tom was a retired Postal Service carrier. In his latter years, he worked as a civil war and Higginbotham family historian/researcher. Friends and Family will be received at the Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home, 9902 Braddock Road, Fairfax on Friday April 23 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


The News & Advance 11/07/2010

Helen Estelle Higginbotham Thompson (1936-2010) VA African American

Helen Estelle Thompson Mrs. Helen Estelle Thompson, lovingly known as "Mooa" by her children and grandchildren, departed this life Friday, Nov. 5, 2010. She was born in Amherst County on Sept. 9, 1936, to the late McKinley Waller and Maggie Higginbotham. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Wade Thompson Sr., her daughter, Doris Thompson, and four brothers and one sister. She leaves to cherish her memory her children, Wade Thompson Jr. (Mary), David Thompson (Debra), Wayne Thompson (Tina), Steven Thompson, Louise Thompson, Bernice Perkins (Donald), Lelia Sandidge (Macon), Willie Mae Thompson, Cora Tabb (Charles), Lisa Francis (Brian) and Helen Laverne Reid (James); sisters, Christine McCoy, of Appomattox, and Juanita Morris, of Lynchburg; a brother, Sammy Higginbotham; 32 grandchildren; 31 great- grandchildren; one great- great-grandchild; and a host of other relatives and friends. A funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010, at Morning Star Baptist Church, with the Rev. Jesse Johnson, eulogist, and the Rev. Francisco Mayo officiating. Interment will be in the Christian Aid Cemetery. Her remains will lie in state at the church one hour prior to the service. The family is receiving friends, and the cortege will assemble, at 400 Oak Ridge Blvd. Community Funeral Home is assisting the family.


The Virginian Pilot 11/20/2010

Linda S. Higginbotham Turner (ca1945-2010) CA/VA

YORKTOWN - Linda S. "Lini" Turner passed away Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010. Lini was a California native and was a resident of Yorktown. She attended Norview High School in Norfolk, and was a 1963 graduate of Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach. She retired from United Airlines as a flight attendant after 34 years of service. Lini was preceded in death by her parents, Vernon and Eleanor Higginbotham. She is survived by her daughter, Karla Foster Johnson and her husband Dan of Alvin, Texas; two granddaughters, Jennifer Rainwater and Ashley Faison of Texas; four great-grandchildren, Cliff, Paiton, Heaven and Wyatt; fiancé, Kenny Wilson of Yorktown; and a brother, Barry Higginbotham, his wife Jean, their two daughters, Dana Higginbotham and Dru Filter and her children, Max and Marlee. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to honor Lini's love of animals may be made to the Animal Aid Society, 80 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, VA 23666. Services were private. Arrangements by Amory Funeral Home, Grafton.


The News & Advance 12/14/2010

Taji Khatib (Tacoma Higginbotham) 1951-2010 VA/FL African American

Taji Khatib "TK" also known as Tacoma Higginbotham, 59, formerly of Amherst, departed this life on Dec. 9, 2010, in Tampa, Fla. He was born Oct. 22, 1951, in Amherst to Epoch Higginbotham and the late Kathlean Higginbotham. He served in the US Army and received an Honorable Discharge. In addition to his father he leaves to mourn one daughter, Tiffany Higginbotham, of Lynchburg; two grandchildren; one sister, Freda Thomas (Gary), of Madison Heights; one brother, the Rev. Andra Higginbotham, of Amherst; and a host of other relatives and friends. He will be greatly missed. A memorial service will be conducted noon, Wednesday, Dec.15, 2010, at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Amherst. Military rites will be provided by American Legion Post 16. The cortege will assemble at the church. Community Funeral Home directing.


The News & Advance 12/30/2010

Bessie Bell Higginbotham Hamlet (1937-2010) VA African American

Bessie Bell Higginbotham Hamlet, 73, went to be with her Lord on Saturday, Dec. 25, 2010, at the Virginia Baptist Hospital. She leaves to mourn a beloved husband, Clayton Hamlet, Sr. of Lynchburg, her sons, Clayton Hamlet, Jr., Michael Anthony Hamlet, both of Lynchburg; her daughters, Evette Michelle Taylor and Kimberly Renee Hamlet, both of Lynchburg, the grandchildren that she adored, Brandon Hamlet, Tyler Hamlet, Lat'ara Powell, Kanika Mosley, Latasha Moseley and Alexis Hamlet, all of Lynchburg and Lolita Hamlet of Ohio; a brother, Bobby Higginbotham of Lynchburg; a devoted cousin, Shirley Lee of Lynchburg and a host of family and friends. A memorial service will be conducted at a later date. Whitten Funeral Homes and Cremation Service, Park Ave. Chapel is serving the Hamlet family.


The News & Advance 03/15/2011

Allen Cecil Higginbotham (1938-2011) VA

Allen "Cecil" Higginbotham, "Nailhead" (his C. B. Handle), 72, of Rustburg, went to his heavenly home on Sunday, March 13, 2011, after a long battle with COPD. He is survived by his loving wife of thirty years, Pat Higginbotham, of the residence. Born March 31, 1938, in Campbell County, a son of the late Alfred and Mary Higginbotham. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three daughters: Janet Howard and her fiance', Junior New of Blacksburg, Brenda Bobbitt and her fiance', Ben Lockner, of Rustburg, Rebecca Higginbotham, of Virginia Beach; two sons: Les Ragland and his wife, Maria of Lacey, Wash. and Tony Carderelli and his wife, Amy, of Lynchburg; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a brother: Robert Higginbotham and his wife, Eunice, of Rustburg; three sisters: Rosalee Cyrus and her husband, Clayton, of Appomattox, Belle Campbell, of Aopoka, Fla., and Mary Margaret Shuginis and her husband, Charlie, of Pa., numerous nieces, nephews and a special friend, Terry Mullen. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three brothers: Butch, Oscar and Harry Higginbotham. He served his country in the Marines; retired truck driver from WEL, Inc., attended Rustburg Baptist Church. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour in the spring of 2010. Cecil was fun loving, a pleasant person and he never met a stranger. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, March 19, 2011, at Rustburg Baptist Church with the Rev. Rick Cole officiating. A visitation will be held one hour prior to the service. The family requests memorial donations be made to Appomattox Health and Rehab Center, Residents Council, 235 Evergreen Avenue, Appomattox, VA 24522-8721. The family would like to thank everyone at the Appomattox Health & Rehab Center for the loving care and kindness during these last months and also, Hospice of the Hills. Tharp Funeral Home & Crematory, Lynchburg, is assisting the family, (434) 237-9424.



Vera Alice Hiner Higginbotham (1960-2011) VA

July 6, 1960 - April 17, 2011

Vera Alice Hiner Higginbotham, 50, passed away Sunday, April 17, 2011 at Lynchburg General Hospital. Born in Lynchburg, She is survived by her parents, Marvin and Marie Long Hiner of Evington. She was a 1978 graduate of Altavista High School and attended Peoples Church in Madison Heights. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Kelly Crews Dease. In addition to her parents, she is survived by one daughter, Brittany Higginbotham; one son, James Nicholas Higginbotham; two sisters, Linda Byrum and Jenny Willis; two brothers, James S. Hiner and Mark P. Hiner; six grandchildren, MacKenzie Mason, Elizabeth Dease, Rebekah Dease, Jacob Dease, Blake Dease and Alisha Dease. Funeral services will be conducted at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, April 21, 2011 at Whitten Timberlake Chapel with Pastor Carl Wiser officiating. Interment will follow in the Tree of Life Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at the funeral home. Whitten Timberlake Chapel is serving the family.


The News & Advance 04/22/2011

Elizabeth H. Higginbotham (1917-2011) VA

Elizabeth H. Higginbotham departed this life on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at her residence. She is preceded in death by her husband, Charlie Higginbotham, daughter, Lindell Hood, a child she raised, Joseph Carter and 10 siblings, Esmond, Richard, Obrey, Dicky Moon, Laura, Sue, Mary, Elsie, Gertrude, and Betty. Elizabeth was a dedicated member of Fifth Street Baptist Church until her health failed. She was the foster grandparent of Bethune Nursery School for 40 plus years. She is survived by a son, Ivanlee Higginbotham (Birgit); other children she raised, Mary, Shelia, Barbara, Debra and David Carter; two sister-in-laws, Olivia Hughes and Dorothy Brown; and a host of grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. A funeral service will be held 1pm, Saturday, April 23, 2011 at Fifth Street Baptist Church with Rev. J.D. Moore officiating. Interment will be in the Grooms Family Cemetery. The family is receiving friends one hour prior to the service at the church. The cortege will assemble at the church.


Suffolk News-Herald 05/30/2011

Dr. William H. Higinbotham Jr. (1934-2011) VA

SUFFOLK — Dr. William Hopwood Higinbotham Jr. died May 30, 2011. A native of Suffolk, he was the son of the late Crystal and William Hopwood Higinbotham and was predeceased by his first wife, Doris Leigh Kiser Higinbotham. He was retired from his general dentistry practice, which he operated for 43 years. He was a 1948 Eagle Scout in Troop 1 in Suffolk. He was a 1952 graduate of Suffolk High School, a 1956 graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, 1962 graduate of the Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry and served as a 1st Lt. in the U.S. Army from 1957 to 1964. He was a member of the American Dental Association, Virginia Dental Association, Tidewater Dental Association, Fellow International College of Dentists, Academy of General Dentistry, Portsmouth-Suffolk Dental Study Club, Southeastern Medical Dental Society and was an active staff dentist at Louise Obici Memorial Hospital and Hillhaven Nansemond Nursing Center. Dr. Higinbotham served on the Suffolk School Board from 1971 to 1978, Suffolk City Council from 1982 to 1990, Virginia Municipal League Education Committee from 1984 to 1990, Governor’s Advisory Committee Planning District 20 from 1985 to 1989 and Chairman of Downtown Suffolk Revitalization Commission from 1994 to 1996. He was a member of Main Street United Methodist Church, where he had served on the Administrative Board and as chairman of the Pastor Parish Relations Committee. He has been a member of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce, Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, Franklin-Suffolk Chapter VMI Alumni Association, American Legion Post 57, BPOE #685, Traveler Protective Association, Troop 1 Boy Scout Committee, Progressive Men’s Club, United Way, Salvation Army Building Committee, Suffolk-Nansemond Historical Society, Riddick’s Folly, Virginia Art League and Suffolk Art League and enjoyed his hobbies of gardening, snow skiing, golf and salt water fishing. Survivors include his wife, Joanna Taylor Higinbotham; two daughters, Susan Higinbotham-Conner and husband Michael Lee Conner, of Richmond, and Mary Keith Floyd and husband Daniel Thomas Floyd, of Lakewood, CO; son, William Edward Higinbotham and wife Edith Saecker Higinbotham, of Suffolk; five grandchildren, Ann Wellington Higinbotham, Sarah Mills Higinbotham, Taylor Leigh Conner, Jacob William Floyd and Madeline Avery Floyd. The family would like to thank Catherinea Sawyer and Autumn Care for their care given to Dr. Higinbotham. A graveside service will be conducted Thursday at 11 a.m. in Holly Lawn Cemetery by the Rev. Robert J. Parks with a reception to follow at Main Street United Methodist Church. Memorial donations may be made to the VMI Foundation, P.O. Box 932, Lexington, VA 24450 or to Main Street United Methodist Church, 202 N. Main St., Suffolk, VA 23434. R.W. Baker & Co. Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.


The Daily Journal 06/22/2011

Hazel Manson Higginbotham (1927-2011) VA/MA

Hazel Higginbotham, 84, went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, June 16, 2011, at her residence after a brief illness. Born in Newport News, Va., to the late James and Mary (Mings) Manson Sr., she was a retired field worker for the housing authority in Massachusetts. Hazel was a devoted member of the Trinity AME Church in Gouldtown. She was an avid reader who enjoyed sewing and spending time with her friends and family. Hazel leaves to cherish her memories to three sons, William (Vernetta) Higginbotham, Mark Higginbotham and David Higginbotham; one brother, William Manson; two sisters, Lillian Gould and Virginia Mosley; a special niece and caretaker, Paulette Williams; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren; and a host of cousins, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Hazel was preceded in death by one brother, James Manson Jr. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday at the Trinity AME Church, Fairfield Township, (Gouldtown), where friends may view two hours prior to services. At the family's request, there will be no final viewing. Pastor Dr. Michael Keene will be eulogizing. Interment will be held at the Gouldtown Memorial Park immediately following services. Friends and family may send condolences to the family through the funeral home's website at www.edwardsandsonfuneralhome. com . Services are entrusted to Edwards & Son Funeral Homes, Inc. Bridgeton and Salem.


Daily Press 02/25/2012

Betty Sue Edwards Higginbotham (1948-2012) VA

SMITHFIELD - Betty Sue Edwards Higginbotham, 63, passed away on Feb. 23, 2012, at Sentara Obici Hospital. Betty worked at Smithfield Packing for over 30 years. Betty was preceded in death by her husband, Donald R. Higginbotham. She is survived by her children, James J. Duck Jr. of Windsor, Va., Michael L. Duck and Chris S. Duck, both of Smithfield, Va.; a sister, Barbara Jean Edwards of Smithfield, Va.; and a host of family and friends. A service celebrating Betty's life will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 27, 2012, at Colonial Funeral Home, with the Rev. Donald Watkins officiating. Burial will follow in St. Luke's Memorial Park. Family and friends will gather from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 26, at Colonial Funeral Home. Arrangements are in the care of Colonial Funeral Home, Smithfield.


The Washington Post 03/12/2012

Thomas Chester Higginbotham (????-2012) VA

THOMAS CHESTER HIGGINBOTHAM On Monday, April 9, 2012. Beloved father of Margaret Lee, Mozella Place, Charlotte, Caroline, Andre, Thomas and Eugene Higginbotham. He is also survived 14 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, two sisters, Marie Tucker Wint and Doretha Richeson; two brothers, William and David Higginbotham; a host of other relatives and friends. Mr. Higginbotham will lie in state at Vermont Ave. Baptist Church, 1630 Vermont Ave., N.W., Friday, April 13 from 10 a.m. until services at 11 a.m. Interment Chestnut Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, Monroe, VA.


The News & Advance 06/016/2012

Bobby Durell Higginbotham (1931-2012) VA

Bobby Durell Higginbotham, 81, of Piney River, died Thursday, June 14, 2012 at Fairmont Crossing in Amherst. Born in Nelson County, March 21, 1931, he was a son of the late George Robert Higginbotham and Elsie Itiala Patteson Higginbotham. Bobby had been a graduate of Fleetwood High School in 1950, had attended International Correspondence School and Central Virginia Community College. He was a U.S. Army Engineers veteran from 1952-1954. In earlier years, he had been employed with American Cyanamid and also with ConAgra as an Electronic Technician. Bobby had a passion for woodworking and enjoyed making and repairing clocks, birdhouses and feeders. He also loved to hunt and fish and was a member of Rose Union Baptist Church. He is survived by his beloved wife of 57 years, Genevieve Higginbotham; daughter, Itiala H. Giles of Amherst; grandchildren, Brooke G. Bailey (Walker) and Greg Giles; sisters-in-law, Patsy Higginbotham, Frances Beard, Juanita Henderson and Shelvie Wood; brother-in-law, Emery Wood (Joy); numerous nieces, nephews and other loving relatives and friends. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers, Fred Higginbotham and Chester Higginbotham and sisters, Capitola Hughes and Norma Hughes. A funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Monday, June 18, 2012 at Rose Union Baptist Church by Rev. John Campbell and Rev. John Gordon. Burial with Military Honors by VFW Post #7701 to follow in Jonesboro Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6-8:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 17 at Byrum-Parr Funeral Home and at other times at his home and Fairmont Crossing. Memorial contributions may be made to Rose Union Baptist Church, P.O. Box 45 Piney River, VA 22964, or to a local charity of your choice.


Daily Press 07/22/2012

Robert Wayne Higginbotham (1930-2012) WV/FL/VA

HAMPTON - R. Wayne Higginbotham passed away peacefully on Thursday, July 19, at the age of 81. Wayne was born in South Charleston, W.Va., on Dec. 31, 1930. He began his career for C & P Telephone Company as a lineman in Charleston, W.Va. After working there 23 years he moved his family to Jacksonville, Fla., to work for Southern Bell. He retired as a supervising engineer after 36 years of service. Then he and his wife, Sue, moved to Hampton, Va., to be closer to their grandsons. Wayne was a member of the Charleston Elks Club, Jacksonville Optimist Club, and was squadron commander of the Civil Air Patrol Unit in Jacksonville, Fla. He was also a member of St. Marks United Methodist Church in Hampton and enjoyed the Young at Heart Sunday school class. His hobbies included traveling with his family, working in the yard, restoring player pianos, watching airplanes and air shows, and spending time with his grandsons. He also thoroughly enjoyed his dogs; Happy #1 and #2. Wayne was an avid sports fan and always cheered for his favorite teams; the FSU Seminoles and the AFA Falcons. He was preceded in death by his parents, Frank and Vivian Higginbotham; brothers, Frank Jr., Tommy, Jimmy, and Gene Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Carol Sue Higginbotham; son, Lt. Col. Kevin Higginbotham, of Middletown, Del., and his fiancee, Dale Stubblefield, of National Harbor, Md.; daughter, Sandra Allsbrook and husband Bobby, of Hampton, Va.; and two grandsons, Cary and Colby Allsbrook; sister-in-law, Diana Nichols and husband Lucky, of Jacksonville, Fla.; and a host of nieces and nephews. The family would like to express their appreciation to the staff of the Devonshire Assisted Living Facility and the Northampton Convalescent Rehabilitation Center for the wonderful care and compassion shown to our father. A memorial service will be held at St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Hampton, at 11 a.m. Monday, July 23, with Pastor Roy White officiating. The family will receive friends from 10 to 11 a.m. prior to the service. Burial will be private. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be sent to St. Marks United Methodist Church, 99 E. Mercury Blvd., Hampton, VA 23669, or the Alzheimer's Association , 6350 Center Dr., Suite 102, Norfolk, VA 23502.


Daily Press 08/01/2012

Teresa Lynne Higginbotham Temple (1960-2012) VA

SMITHFIELD - Teresa Lynne Higginbotham Temple, age 51, passed away Wednesday, July 27, 2012 at her home. She was a native and lifelong resident of Isle of Wight County. She loved to spend time at home making jewelry, sewing and spending time in her garden. Teresa drove an 18 wheeler cross country for many years. Teresa was preceded in death by her father, Donald Ray Higginbotham; her grandparents, Porter and Claire B. Scott, all of Smithfield. She is survived by her mother, Christine Scott Harden of Ivor. She was a beloved mother to her children, Beau Jay Crowley, Areal Shannon Crowley, Farrah Brooke Fawcett, and Sierra Lynne Fawcett, all of Smithfield; a brother, Steven Ray Higginbotham of Surry; a sister, Connie Higginbotham Brooks of North Carolina; and four grandchildren. A service celebrating Teresa's life will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012, at the Scott Family Cemetery, on Bethany Church Road, with the Rev. Dr. Jarvis Hearn officiating. A reception will follow at Ivor Baptist Church's fellowship hall. The family suggests memorial contributions to Ivor Baptist Church, 8506 Bell Avenue, Ivor, VA 23866. Colonial Funeral home is in charge of arrangements.


The News & Advance 09/19/2012

Mary Lewis Sandidge Higginbotham (1936-2012) VA

Deaconess Mary S. Higginbotham, 75, of Monroe, VA departed this life Sept. 16, 2012. She was the wife of 58 years to Rev. William E. Higginbotham. Born in Amherst, Co., VA on October 15, 1936, she was the daughter of the late Raymond and Zelia Sandidge. She was preceded in death by a sister, Emija Wayne, a granddaughter, Sophie White, three brother-in-laws and one sister-in-law. Mary accepted Christ at an early age and joined Rising Sun Baptist Church, Monroe. She later joined Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Monroe to unite with her husband when he became a deacon. She loved the Lord with all her heart and served the church faithfully. In addition to her husband she leaves to cherish her memory two devoted daughters, Dr. Zella H. Jones (Theodore Jones, Sr.) of Manassas, VA and Sophia Clark (Wayne Clark) of Newport News, VA; three grandchildren, Theodore Jones, Jr., Cornell Jones and Precious White and a host of other loving relatives and friends. A funeral service will be held 2pm, Saturday, September 22, 2012 at Chestnut Gove Baptist Church with Rev. Eugene Henry, eulogist. Interment will be in the church cemetery. The family is receiving friends one hour prior to the service at the church and other times at the residence. Family and friends will assemble at the church.


Roanoke Times 11/11/2012

Bessie Mae Higginbotham Teats (1943-2012) VA

Bessie Mae Higginbotham Teats, 69, of Narrows, went home to be with the Lord on Friday, November 9, 2012 at Riverview Nursing and Rehabilitation in Rich Creek. She was born in Norfolk, Virginia on February 7, 1943 and was the daughter of Mahala Baker Higginbotham and the late Marshall Chapman Higginbotham. In addition to her father, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Dana Teats Waldron; and a brother, Marshall Higginbotham. A former nurse's aid for Giles Memorial Hospital in Pearisburg, Bessie was a gifted quilter, making many baby quilts. She was a faithful member of Faith Temple Pentecostal Holiness Church in Pearisburg. A loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend, she will be dearly missed by all who knew her. In addition to her mother, she is survived by her husband of 48 years, Frederick E. Teats of Narrows; a son, Freddy Teats and wife Sherry of Ripplemead; six grandsons, Michael Waldron, Dustin Waldron, Josh Waldron and wife Shaina, Chase Teats, John Teats, and Trent Teats; two sisters, Barbara Nunes and husband Vasco of Narrows, Linda Hardy and husband Tim of Dallas, Texas; several nieces; nephews; cousins; and many special friends. Funeral Services will be held Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 11 a.m. in the Chapel of Riffe's Funeral Service in Narrows. Burial will follow in Birchlawn Burial Park in Pearisburg. The family will receive friends at Riffe's Funeral Service Monday from 6 to 8 p.m. The family requests that those sending memorial contributions, please consider either East Chapel Community Church or the First Church of God in Rich Creek. The family is being served by Riffe's Funeral Service in Narrows, (540) 726-2442.


The News & Advance 12/06/2012

Eddie Elinor Higginbotham Campbell (1916-2012) VA

Elinor Higginbotham Campbell, 96, of Amherst, died Tuesday, December 4, 2012. Born January 13, 1916, she was a daughter of the late Eddie Morris Higginbotham and Minnie Maude Kline Higginbotham. Elinor had been a clerk at DuPont for 30 years and was a member of Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church. She is survived by 3 nieces, Rebecca Parr of Amherst, Betty Irons of San Diego, CA, and Jean Challis of PA; numerous great nieces and great nephews, and great-great nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Bernard Clark Campbell, Jr.; her brother, Morris Higginbotham; 6 sisters, Emma Parr, Maude Richerson, Mary O'Conner, Margaret Montgomery, Erma Higginbotham and Carrie Parr, and 7 nieces and nephews, Wilton Parr, Jimmy Parr, Arlene Parr, Beatrice Burley, Tommy O'Conner, Marshall Richerson and Jean Richerson. The family would like to extend a very special thank you to Centra Hospice, Debbie Mays, Hilda McCray, Kyrstie Monds and Judy Gunter for all their help, love and support. A funeral service will be held 2 p.m., Saturday, December 8, 2012 at Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church by Rev. Judy Morris and Rev. Sal Salinger. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, December 7, 2012 at the church. Byrum-Parr Funeral Home is serving the family. Memorial contributions may be made to Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church, 650 Thrashers Creek Rd., Amherst, VA 24521 or to the Pedlar Rescue Squad, 4893 Lexington TPKE, Amherst, VA 24521.



Joseph Moore Higginbotham (1916-2012) VA

Joseph Moore (The Turkey Man) Higginbotham, 96, of Dublin, formerly of Richlands, peacefully went to Heaven on Wednesday, December 18, 2012. He was a life-long member of Richlands First Christian Church, and lived a devoted Christian life. He graduated from Bluefield Business College and was a World War II Air Force Veteran. He was an enthusiastic business man. He never met a stranger. He was a very loving and caring husband and father. He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years, Dorothy and his son Joe Bill. Surviving to cherish his memory and words of wisdom are his daughter and son-in-law, Ann and Freddie Akers; and his two beloved grandchildren, Jonathan and Lee Anna Akers, all of Dublin. The family would like to give a special thank you to Dr. J. Knarr, and to the staffs of Lewis Gale Pulaski Hospital and Pulaski Rehab for all their care and support. There will be no visitation and services will be private. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the charity of your choice . The Higginbotham family is in the care of Mullins Funeral Home, Radford.


Roanoke Times 12/24/2012

Larry Brown Higginbotham (1947-2012) VA

Larry Brown Higginbotham, 65, of Newport, departed this life Saturday evening, December 22, 2012. Memorial services will be conducted Thursday evening at 8 p.m. in the Kendall Funeral Home, Pembroke. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 5 until 8 p.m. before the services.



Rev. William Edward Higginbotham (1933-2013) VA African-American

(April 15, 1933 - April 8, 2013)

On April 8, 2013, at the age of 79, Rev. William E. Higginbotham left us to be with his loving God. William was born in Monroe, VA on April 15, 1933 to the late Thomas Higginbotham, Sr. and Alberta Higginbotham. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife, Deaconess Mary S. Higginbotham, two brothers, Thomas and Roosevelt, one sister, Mozella Jones, one half sister, Goldie Higginbotham Conley, two sisters-in-law, Emija Wayne and Charlotte Higginbotham, two brothers-in-law, Rudolph Wayne and Lee Jones, Sr., father and mother-in-law, Raymond and Zelia Sandidge and one granddaughter, Sophie White. William joined Chestnut Grove Baptist Church at an early age. He served in the US Army and retired from the Lynchburg Foundry. He is survived by many who will miss him greatly including his daughters, Dr. Zella H. Jones (Theodore Sr.) of Manassas and Sophia Clark (Wayne) of Newport News; three grandchildren, Theodore Jones, Jr., Cornell Jones and Precious White; dedicated sisters, brother and in-laws, David Higginbotham (Evelyn), Marie Tucker-Wint (Roy) and Doretha Richeson and a host of nieces, nephews, other family and friends. A funeral service will be held 2pm, Saturday, April 13, 2013 at Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Monroe. Interment will be in the church cemetery. Military rites will be provided by the National Guard. The family is receiving friends one hour prior to the service at the church and other times at the residence. Family and friends will assemble at the church.


Roanoke Times 04/18/2013

Mahala Arnold Baker Higginbotham (1918-2013) VA

Mahala Arnold Baker Higginbotham, 94, of Narrows, went home to be with her Lord on Tuesday, April 16, 2013. She was born in Norfolk, Va., on September 8, 1918, and was the daughter of the late George and Bessie Burgess Baker. In addition to her mother and father, she was preceded in death by her husband, Marshall Chapman Higginbotham Sr.; a son, Marshall Chapman Higginbotham Jr.; a daughter, Bessie Higginbotham Teats; two sisters; and two brothers. Mahala was a faithful Christian and a mentor to many friends. A loving wife, mother, grandmother, great- grandmother, great-great grandmother, sister and friend, she will be dearly missed by her family and many friends. Left to cherish her memory are two daughters, Barbara H. Nunes, of Narrows, and Linda H. Hardy, of Keller, Texas; three sons-in-law; 10 grandchildren; 22 great- grandchildren; three great- great- grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins; and many special friends. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at Faith Temple Pentecostal Holiness Church in Pearisburg with Pastor Deborah Hutton, the Rev. Jeff Ray, and the Rev. Bernice Warner officiating. Burial will follow in Birchlawn Burial Park in Pearisburg. The family will receive friends at Riffe's Funeral Service in Narrows on Friday, April 19, 2013, from 6 to 8 p.m. The family requests that those sending memorial contributions, please consider Faith Temple Pentecostal Holiness Church, 1523 Wenonah Avenue, Pearisburg, VA 24134. The family is being served by Riffe's Funeral Service in Narrows, Va.


Roanoke Times 05/28/2013

Harriett Rembe Higginbotham (1920-2013) NE/VA

Harriett Rembe Higginbotham, 93, of Roanoke, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family and loved ones on Sunday, May 26, 2013. Harriett was born on February 6, 1920 in Omaha, Neb. to the late Mr. Harry Edward and Mrs. Eleanor (Elsie) Forster Rembe, of Omaha, Neb. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mr. Demah Jacob Higginbotham, and her sister, Mrs. June Rembe Roshone, of Lincoln, Neb. Harriett grew up in Omaha, Neb. After her marriage to D. J., together they settled in Roanoke in 1955. She and her late husband started several businesses throughout their lives, including current business, Corrugated Container Corporation in 1963. Harriett was a charter member of St. John Lutheran Church in Roanoke and an active member until her death. She was a member of Eastern Star, The Gideons International and had been an active volunteer at Brandon Oaks. After raising her family of five boys, she and her late husband enjoyed caring for more than twenty foster children over a number of years. She enjoyed traveling, reading, gardening, walking and also had an active social life. Harriett was a devoted wife and a loving Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Harriett is survived by her five loving sons, daughters-in-law; grandchildren and their spouses, Ronnie and Ella (Melissa and Andy Angel), of Roanoke; David and Sonja, (Heather and Brian French, Sarah Higginbotham, Alexandria Smith, and Charlie Smith II, Roanoke), of Bent Mountain; Paul and Martha Ann (Anne and Wade Carden, Princeton, N.J. and Elizabeth Higginbotham, Salem, Mass,), of Roanoke; Jerry and Doris (Jacob and Rachel Higginbotham, Jonesborough, Tenn., Joseph and Kelsey Higginbotham, Holly Springs, N.C. and Lindsay and Taylor Grist, Charlotte, N.C.), of Roanoke and John and Shelly, (Luke Higginbotham and Rachel Higginbotham, Roanoke), of Buchanan. She is also survived by twelve great-grandchildren; and nieces, Kathy French, Lincoln, Neb., Nancy Thompson, Rapid City, S.D.; and nephew, Jim Roshone, Pierre, S.D. The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, at Oakey's South Chapel, 4257 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA (540-989-3131). The funeral service will be held at St. John Lutheran Church at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, located at 4608 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24018. The Rev. Mark Graham, Pastor and the Rev. Elijah Mwitanti, Associate Pastor, will officiate. Interment will be in Sherwood Memorial Park, 1250 East Main Street, Salem, VA 24153. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to St. John Lutheran Church Endowment Fund, The Gideons International, P.O. Box 1291, Salem, VA 24153 or a charity of your choice . The family would like to thank the many caregivers that Harriett has had, especially Glenda and June from Home Instead Senior Care and the nurses and staff from Gentle Shepard Hospice.



Arnett Bragg Higginbotham (1944-2013) WV/VA

November 12, 1944 - July 3, 2013

Memorial Service Thursday July 11, 2013, 3:00 p.m. at Colonial Heights Chapel of E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes & Crematory.



Michael Gail Higginbotham (1957-2014) WV/VA

Michael G. Higginbotham, 58, of Midlothian, Va., formerly of Dunbar, passed away Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014, after a short illness, with his loving family by his side. He is survived by his loving wife of 37 years, Diana, and his two sons, Philip of Midlothian and Jeremy (Britt) of Huntington. He also leaves behind his three loving grandchildren, Christian, Katelynn and Samuel, and his brother, Chuck of Tampa, Fla. He was a 40-plus year employee of State Electric Supply Co. Per his request there will be no service. His body has been cremated. Those wishing to make a donation, please contribute to Bon Secours Hospice, 8580 Magellan Parkway, Richmond, VA 23227.



James Rodney Higginbotham Sr. (1942-2014) VA

March 17, 1942 - July 3, 2014

James Rodney Higginbotham, Sr., 72, of Gladstone passed away Thursday, July 3, 2014 at his residence. Born in Gladstone, March 17, 1942, he was the son of the late Henry H. Higginbotham and Ida Mabel Drumheller Higginbotham. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by one son, Shawn Higginbotham and one brother, Lewis Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Nancy Peters Higginbotham; two sons, Jimmy Higginbotham and his wife Sharon of Kents Store, VA and Jeff Higginbotham and his wife Debbie of Gladstone; three grandchildren, Eric Dane, Mallory Higginbotham and Kelly Higginbotham and one great grandchild, Morgan Dane. He is also survived by a special cousin who was like a sister, Joyce Williams. Rodney was retired from the Lynchburg Foundry after 32 years of service and later worked for Appomattox Lime Co. for nine years but his lifelong passion was farming. He was born and raised on the family farm where he had planted his first crop of corn at eight years old. He also raised cattle and loved John Deere tractors. He was a long time member and Deacon of Oakdale Baptist Church. A funeral service will be conducted at 1:00 p.m. Monday, July 7, 2014 at Whitten Monelison Chapel with the Rev. Terry Wornstaff and the Rev. Marvin Suitt officiating. Interment will follow in the Higginbotham Family Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday, July 6, 2014 at the funeral home and at other times at the residence. Those wishing to make memorial contributions are asked to consider Oakdale Baptist Church, 1154 Brightwell Mill Rd., Madison Heights, VA 24572.


The Washington Post 07/10/2014

Linda Mae Cochrane Higginbotham (1953-2014) OH/VA

Higginbotham, Linda Mae (nee: Cochrane) of Woodbridge, Virginia, beloved mother of Roscoe Eric and Ryan Lee went into eternal life on July 7, 2014 at Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center.  She was the life-long partner, friend, buddy, and cherished wife of Roscoe Higginbotham for over 42 years.  She and Roscoe met, fell in love, and married when they were teenagers.  Linda was 60 years, 7 months and 19 days young.  Linda was born in Cincinnati Ohio to Helen Adline (nee: Foster) and William Arthur Cochrane.  She grew up in Northside of Cincinnati and was a dedicated homemaker and mother.  Her Father; Her Mother; Her Step-Father, Vernon Ellis Bolden; and a Brother, Wayne Paul Bolden preceded her in death.  Survivors include two brothers from Cincinnati, Ohio, William Arthur, Bill, Cochrane (Gena) and Bernard James, Bernie, Cochrane; a very special sister-in-law, Kathy Cochrane of Milford, Ohio, and numerous nieces and nephews.  Linda treasured attending the semi-annual family reunions in Kentucky and Ohio. The family will receive friends at the Miller Funeral Home & Crematory, 3200 Golansky Blvd., Woodbridge, Virginia, 22192, on Thursday, July 10, 2014 from 5-7 PM.  Linda will be laid to rest Saturday, July 12, 2014, in the Historic Spring Grove Cemetery Cincinnati, Ohio. Visitation in Cincinnati, Ohio, is scheduled for 11 AM - 1 PM at the Gwen Mooney Funeral Home, 4389 Spring Grove Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45223.  Funeral Service and Burial will follow at 1 PM.  Memorial donations are requested to the Lung Cancer Society.


Nelson County Times 10/16/2014

Leo Ingham Higginbotham (1928-2014) VA

Leo Ingham Higginbotham, 85, died peacefully Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at the Medical Care Center, Lynchburg, Va., where he has received care since March 2008. Born November 23, 1928, he was a son of the late Jim and Idelle Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was a long-time Nelson County resident, retired factory worker, and lifelong bachelor. He attended Massies Mill Presbyterian Church and Jonesboro Baptist Church. He is survived by two brothers, Miller Dowell Higginbotham (Dee) of Alexandria, Va., and Douglas M. Higginbotham (Fran) of Warrenton, Va.; two sisters, Minnie H. Mills of Springfield, Va. and Gloria Higginbotham of Arlington, Va.; three nieces; three nephews; nine grandnephews; nine grandnieces; and one great grandniece. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Daryl; and sister, Nevelline. A graveside service will be held 2 p.m. Saturday, October 11, 2014, in Jonesboro Cemetery by the Rev. Wayne Underwood. The family will receive friends at Byrum-Parr Funeral Home one hour prior to the service.



Gerald P. Higginbotham (1953-2014) VA

January 11, 1953 - November 2, 2014

Gerald P. Higginbotham, 61, of Madison Heights, passed away Saturday, November 1, 2014 at Virginia Baptist Hospital after a courageous battle with cancer. He was the loving and devoted husband of Debra Candler Higginbotham. Born January 11, 1953 in Lynchburg, he was the son of Frances Campbell Beard of Amherst and the late Chester Higginbotham. Gerald was a Captain and Investigator with the Amherst County Sheriff's Office. He was truly dedicated and committed forty years of his life to the citizens of Amherst County and law enforcement. His family and his job were his life. He was an avid sportsman, who loved to hunt and fish and loved animals. Gerald attended Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church. Gerald graduated from Amherst County High School, Central Virginia Community College, and The Central Virginia Criminal Justice Academy, where he received expert rating in many courses in the law enforcement profession. In addition to his wife and mother, Gerald is survived by his loving and devoted daughter, Melanie Higginbotham Jay and husband Ryan of Madison Heights; a son, Robbie Higginbotham and his family; a brother, Mark Higginbotham and his family; his brother-in-law, who was more like a brother, Tim Humphrey; two nieces, Kristin Humphrey and Stephanie White; two nephews, Nicholas Humphrey and Scott White; Gerald's puppy son, Eli and his puppy grandchild, Blair. A funeral service will be conducted at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, November 6, 2014 at Madison Heights Baptist Church with the Rev. Becky Cloud officiating. Interment will follow at Fort Hill Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 4-7 p.m., Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at Whitten Monelison Chapel and other times at the residence. Those wishing to make memorial contributions are asked to consider the Amherst County Humane Society, P.O. Box 614, Amherst, VA, 24521. The family would like to express their sincere appreciation to all of the staff at the Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center and Dr. Jenkins for the wonderful care provided for Gerald. They would also like to thank Sheriff Jimmy Ayers and all of Gerald's brothers and sisters in law enforcement for their love and support during the last eleven months.


The Roanoke Times 12/03/2014

Ann Higginbotham Akers (1960-2014) VA

ANN H. AKERS 54, of Dublin, went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, December 2, 2014, after a courageous battle with cancer. She was a member of the Dublin United Methodist Church. Ann was a registered nurse for 29 years at St. Albans Carilion in Radford. She was born in Richlands, Virginia on April 8, 1960. Ann's parents Joseph M. and Dorothy Higginbotham, as well as her brother Joseph William Higginbotham precede her in death. Survivors include her husband, Freddie Akers; son, Jonathan Akers; and daughter, LeeAnna Akers, all of Dublin. Service will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, December 5, 2014 at Mullins Funeral Home with visitation one hour before the service. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be sent to the UVA Neuro-Oncology Brain Tumor Research Fund at UVA Health System, Hospital West Room 6228, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908. The family would like to thank the Neurological Unit of UVA, Charlottesville, the New River Valley Cancer Care Center, and Southern Care Hospice for their care during Ann's battle. The Akers family is in care of Mullins Funeral Home. "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her; 'Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Proverbs 31: 28-29.



Frances Walker Higginbotham (1948-2015) VA

June 8, 1948 - March 1, 2015

Visitation Tuesday, March 03, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Whitten Timberlake Chapel 7404 Timberlake Rd., Lynchburg, Virginia 24502. Funeral Service Wednesday, March 04, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. Whitten Timberlake Chapel 7404 Timberlake Rd., Lynchburg, Virginia 24502.

Frances Walker Higginbotham, 66, of Lowry, VA, died Sunday, March 1, 2015, at her residence. She was the wife of Sidney Fletcher "Sonny" Higginbotham for 43 years. Born in Lynchburg, she was the daughter of the late Elton Capris Walker and the late Elsie Clark Walker. Frances was a member of Heritage United Methodist Church and a retired employee of Member One Credit Union. When she finished high school she went to work for the C & P Telephone Co. and worked there until her daughter, Daphnee, was born. She was a member of the Telephone Pioneers of America and the Women of the Moose, Chapter 1415. She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and sister. In addition to her husband, she is survived by three children, Jamie L. Higginbotham of Bedford, Sydnee H. "Nickie" Johns and her husband, Dewayne, of Lynchburg and Daphnee H. Reynolds and her husband, Mike, of Hardy; seven grandchildren, James Sidney Higginbotham, Walker Moore, Layton Shifflett, Cassidy Johns, Matthew Johns, Ainslee Reynolds and Chase Reynolds and one sister, Nancy W. Taylor and her husband, R.B. of Forest. A funeral service will be conducted at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 4, 2015, at Whitten Timberlake Chapel. Interment will follow at Virginia Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., today, March 3, 2015, at Whitten Timberlake Chapel. The family requests that those wishing to make memorial contributions, please consider Mooseheart Child City & School, Inc., 240 James J. Davis Dr., Mooseheart, IL 60539.



Ronald Eugene Higginbotham (1939-2015) IL/VA

Dr. Ronald Eugene Higginbotham was born on August 16, 1939 in York Township, West Union, Illinois to the late Hershel and Dorothy Higginbotham. He passed away at his home in Bristow, VA on March 14, 2015 at 4:06 am at the age of 75.

Ron attended Marshall High School in Marshall, IL. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Math from Rose Hulman Institute of Technology and his Master’s degree in Engineering Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. He earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Connecticut.

As an engineer, Ron has had a vast array of experiences from undersea surveillance to the Apollo Spacecraft to computer technology within his career. He started with Hamilton Standard in Windsor Locks, CT, in June of 1961 then onto United Aircraft Corporation in Farminton, CT working on inertial guidance and control systems. He taught undergraduate electrical engineering subjects at the University of CT from 1965-1968. He provided design and analysis support to a NASA sponsored research project focused on the development of guidance and control systems. He went on to Houston, TX in 1968 to TRW Systems Group and was a member of the Technical Staff. He worked on the Lunar Module development, managed reaction control system propellant budgeting for the Apollo spacecraft, and managed simulation development and performance analysis of the Skylab Control-Moment-Gyroscope and thrust attitude control systems.

In December of 1972, he moved to TRW Systems Group in McLean, VA. He was a member of the Technical Staff that provided systems engineering and integration guidance to Naval Electronics Systems on an undersea surveillance system project.

In March of 1978, he worked for Floating Point Systems, Inc. in Riverdale, MD. He was the Southeast Analyst that covered from the Mississippi River to the east coast, parts of Canada and Puerto Rico. He provided engineering and integration support to customers for the company’s products. Products were the classical array processor, a mini-supercomputer, and a supercomputer. Applications included: (1) digital signal and image processing related to radar, sonar, speech, seismic, and telecommunications and (2) large scale engineering and scientific computing related to finite element analysis, computational chemistry, computational fluid dynamics and electronic circuit design.

Beginning March 1988, Ron worked for General Electric Aerospace, Government Electronic Systems Division in Syracuse, NY. He organized and managed a 50 member Signal Conditioning/Signal Processing Unit in the Submarine Systems Engineering Subsection. He managed development of firm ware and hardware specifications for the Seawolf submarine combat system.

April 1993 he worked for Martin Marietta Ocean, Radar, & Sensor Systems in Syracuse. He was the Principal Systems Engineer and the systems engineering and integration of all seven major acoustic sensor subsystems for the Seawolf Submarine combat system.
March 1995 Ron worked for Lockheed Martin Ocean, Radar, & Sensor Systems. He was the Principal Systems Engineer and directed development of test requirement documents, test plans, and test procedures for the Seawolf Submarine combat control system. He managed testing of the combat control system. (The combat control system initialized properly the first time it was powered up on the submarine and its performance was generally outstanding in its first sea trials.)

February 1997 he worked for Lockheed Martin Federal Systems in Manassas, VA. He was the Senior System Engineer. Ron managed the integration and test project for the New Attack Submarine (NSSN Virginia Class).
Then in July 1999, Ron worked at the Center for Enterprise Modernization (CEM). He provided strategic planning, guidance and support to the IRS Business Systems Modernization Office. Ron supported that group with establishing an independent quality assurance program and led the team that supported the development of risk management directive, process, and procedures.
Dr. Ronald Higginbotham taught classes at George Washington University and many courses within the companies that he worked for over the years.
Dr. Higginbotham has been a life member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
He has been an elder in the Church of Christ in Liverpool, NY, Springfield, VA, and Manassas, VA.
He enjoyed writing and teaching Bible classes, preaching, meeting people, serving as a Scoutmaster, doing genealogy research and wildlife photography.

Ron is survived by his wife of 54 years, Phyllis Ann Quick Higginbotham. They have two children; their son, Eric and his wife, Melinda of Cloverdale, CA and their daughter, Atresa Lyn Swalina of Coconut Creek, FL. He has five grandchildren, Tyler and Greye Swalina of Florida, Allison Higginbotham and Kathryn and Nicholas Menzel of California.

He is survived by one brother Robert Higginbotham and his wife Rosalee of West Union, IL

He is also survived by many nieces and nephews.

There will be a celebration of his life at The Manassas Church of Christ in Manassas, VA this summer. 


The Southwest Times 05/01/2015

Victoria Warren Higginbotham (1949-2015) WV/VA

Victoria “Vickie” Warren Higginbotham, 65, of Pulaski, Va., died Tuesday, April 28, 2015, at the LewisGale Hospital in Salem, Va., after a short illness. She was born Aug. 20, 1949, in Bluefield, W.Va., the daughter of the late Charles O. and Hazel F. Warren. Family and friends always enjoyed her spirit, thoughtfulness and willingness to act as “second mother” to many young people in the community of her life. She is survived by her loving husband Dr. Henry K. Higginbotham of Pulaski; her brother and sister-in-law, Charles and Nancy Warren Jr. of Blacksburg; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorial services will be 11 a.m. Saturday, May 2, at the Stevens Funeral Home Chapel, with the Rev. Jean Brown officiating. A reception will follow the service at the Pulaski Depot. In lieu of flowers, the family wishes memorials be made to the American Diabetes Association, 1701 N. Beauregard St., P.O. Box 11454, Alexandria, VA 22312. Arrangements are by Stevens Funeral Home, Pulaski.



Robert Louis Higginbotham (1951-2015) VA

April 17, 1951 - July 30, 2015

Robert L. Higginbotham, Jr. departed this life on Thursday, July 30, 2015 at Virginia Baptist Hospital. He was born April 17, 1951 to the late Robert and Elnora V. Higginbotham. In addition to his parents, Robert was preceded in death by his sister, Bessie H. Hamlet. He is survived by a cousin, Shirley H. Lee; best friend, Jessie Calloway; and several nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. Honoring his wishes, there will a private memorial at a later date.



Joyce Irene Higginbotham Nicolas (1931-2015) VA

April 11, 1931 - November 25, 2015

Joyce Nicolas, 84, of Roanoke, passed away on Wednesday, November 25, 2015. She graduated from Lewis-Gale Hospital and worked there as nurse for many years. She was preceded in death by her husband, Alexis Nicolas; parents, John and Mary Higginbotham; brothers, Bernard, Roger, John, and Bill; and sister, Cosby Watson. She is survived by her daughter Debbie and husband Craig Clark; grandchildren, Kristen and husband Matt Harrison, and Katherine Clark; sisters, Alma Steendam, Shirley Robertson, Freda and husband Dave Cameron; brother, Jack and wife Connie Higginbotham; sister-in-law, Sally Higginbotham; and many nieces, nephews and good friends.   There will be a graveside service held at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens on Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. with Dr. Kevin Meadows officiating.


Daily Press 12/04/2015

Verna Marie Higginbotham (????-2015) VA

NEWPORT NEWS-Verna Marie Higginbotham went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, December 2, 2015. She is survived by six children. All services will take place in Alabama at a later date. Arrangements by W. J. Smith & Son Funeral Home. Funeral Home W. J. Smith & Son Funeral Home - Newport News 210 Harpersville Road Newport News, VA 23601 (757)-596-6911.



Robie Lee Higginbotham Hammond (1928-2015) GA/VA

May 30, 1928 - December 10, 2015

Robie Lee Hammond, 87, died December 10, 2015. A native of Toccoa, GA, she was predeceased by her husband, Lawrence W. “Dub” Hammond, and parents, Robert Lee and Elizabeth Creamer Higginbotham. She retired from Portsmouth General Hospital as a medical staff secretary and later from the Portsmouth Academy of Medicine as executive secretary. She was a member of Central Baptist Church and enjoyed gardening, traveling, golf and Williamsburg. Survivors include a daughter, Debra Olson and husband Jon of Portsmouth; sons, Robby L. Hammond of Suffolk and Gary Hammond of Grandy, NC; sister, Eunice Davis of South Carolina; three grandchildren, Morgan Olson and Michelle Schocklin, Sarah Elizabeth Smith and husband Ryan, and Ryan Lee Hammond and wife Katie; three great-grandchildren, Cody, Camden and Troy; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held on Monday, Dec. 14, at 4 PM in Sturtevant Funeral Home, Portsmouth Blvd. Chapel by the Rev. Tim Robertson. The family will receive friends at the funeral home the hour before the service. Contributions may be made to Central Baptist Church.



Gerald Jacob Higginbotham (1948-2015) GA/VA

November 5, 1948  -  December 22, 2015

Gerald (Jerry) Jacob Higginbotham, 67, of Roanoke, VA, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family and loved ones on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.  Jerry was born on November 5, 1948 in Savannah, GA to the late Mr. Demah Jacob (DJ) and Mrs. Harriett Rembe Higginbotham.  He was also preceded in death by his father-in-law and mother-in-law Mr. Edward Calvin and Mrs. Frances Almon Powell, his brother-in-law John Edward Powell and his sister-in-law Frances Powell Dodd all of Cullman, AL. Jerry grew up in the Roanoke Valley, which he loved fondly, and was a graduate of Cave Spring High School.  He played football, basketball, and ran track throughout his high school career.  Jerry continued his love for football at Lees-McRae College, and then at Samford University in Birmingham, AL.  At Samford, he met many of his closest life friends and found the love of his life, Doris Jean Powell, whom he married on March 3, 1973.   Jerry’s parents and his brothers created and built their family business, Corrugated Container Corporation where he was Vice President of Manufacturing.  Their operation was established in 1963, and has expanded to three locations beyond Roanoke, including Piney Flats, TN, Winchester, VA and Holly Springs, NC.   His love and passion for his family and work ran over into his community life, where Jerry was active in bettering the Roanoke Valley by supporting programs such as Southwest Roanoke County Soccer Club, The Roanoke Symphony, and Mill Mountain Theater. He was currently serving on the board of The Foundation for Roanoke Valley.  Jerry was a member of Cave Spring Masonic Lodge No. 230, Roanoke Scottish Rite, and Kazim Shriners of Roanoke, VA. Jerry was among the pioneers in the growth of youth soccer in Southwest Roanoke County. Through his vision, planning, and tireless efforts, the Merriman Soccer Complex was built and has been enjoyed by countless youth soccer players. Jerry is survived by his loving wife of 42 years, Doris Powell Higginbotham and his three loving children, their spouses, and six grandchildren: Jacob Sloan and Rachel Higginbotham (Adalynn and Lillian) of Johnson City, TN; Joseph Edward and Kelsey (Katelyn and Adelia) of Roanoke, and Taylor and Lindsay Higginbotham Grist (Lyndon and Oliver) of Charlotte, NC. He is also survived by his brothers and numerous nieces and a nephew:  Ronnie and Ella Higginbotham, David and Sonja Higginbotham, Paul and Martha Ann Higginbotham all of Roanoke and John and Shelly Higginbotham of Buchanan.  He is also survived by his cousins Kathy French, Lincoln, NE, Nancy Thompson, Rapid City, SD, Jim Roshone, Pierre, SD and by his loving wife’s family. The family would like to thank the many doctors and caregivers that Jerry has had over the past year: Blue Ridge Cancer Care, The Orthopedic and Palliative Care Units at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Carilion Clinic Hospice Care and At Home Caregivers.   The Family will have visitation from 4 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 29, 2015, at Oakey’s South Chapel, 4257 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA (540-989-3131).  A celebration of Jerry’s life will be held at St. John Lutheran Church, 4608 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.


The Virginian Pilot 04/24/2016

Maude Tribble Higginbotham (1925-2016) VA

Norfolk - Maude Tribble Higginbotham, 90, entered into her eternal home with our Lord and Savior on April 22, 2016. She was born on April 25, 1925 to Roscoe and Alice Guthrie Tribble, her parents who preceded her in death. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 41 years, James Douglas; her brothers Randolph, William and Thomas Tribble; her step-mother, Mary Willie Tribble; and her son-in-law, Richard Alexander. Maude is survived by her daughter, Patsy Higginbotham Alexander and sons Douglas Higginbotham and wife Dorinda and Hal Higginbotham and wife Cathy, all of Chesapeake. Also surviving are: Mark Higginbotham and wife Colleen of Virginia Beach; Aimee Alexander of Suffolk; Ashley Toohey and husband Patrick of Tampa, Fl; Sarah Kelley and husband Aaron of Portsmouth; and Laura Holloway and husband Justin of Newport News. In addition there are three special great-grandchildren, Madeleine Grace Toohey, Carson Brady Toohey and Caleb Kelley and another one, Baby Holloway, on the way. A special thank you to the amazing staff at Beth Shalom who treated Nana as if she was their own. She was a faithful member and servant of Christ United Methodist Church in Norfolk for over 60 years. We invite you to a celebration of her life on Tuesday, April 26 at 1PM in Christ United Methodist Church at 1601 E. Bayview Blvd. Norfolk, VA with Rev. Derek Koolman officiating. Memorial donations may be made to Christ United Methodist Church at 1601 E. Bayview Blvd. Norfolk, VA 23503. Funeral Home Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home & Crematory - Tidewater Drive Chapel 8464 Tidewater Drive Norfolk, VA 23518 (757) 583-0177.


Daily Press 07/12/2016

Kaye Higginbotham McRee (1950-2016) AL/VA

November 17, 1950 - July 5, 2016

Kaye McRee passed away in Newport News, VA. She was born in Birmingham, AL. She graduated as class valedictorian from Autaugaville High School and then received her bachelor's degree in accounting from Auburn University in 1973. She met and married her husband, Gene, while at Auburn. Shortly after graduation, she and Gene with their newborn son headed west to Seattle, WA. This began a lifelong adventure filled with multiple relocations and, accordingly, career changes. Through all these transitions, she lovingly and courageously encouraged and aided her husband and family. After her daughter was born, the family expanded one more time to include Kaye’s mother, Verna. Kaye and Verna were best friends and took care of each other for nearly 38 years. Throughout her life, she demonstrated the ability to adapt and work hard, always stressing the value of integrity, while demonstrating kindness and compassion to anyone along the way. She was known for her quick wit, her amiable nature, and her deep faith. She would have all know that her joy came from knowing and trusting the Lord. This joy was evident in her life even in crushingly difficult times. Indeed, the Lord is still her strength and her song!

She is preceded in death by her husband, Alfred Eugene "Gene" McRee and her parents Emmett Higginbotham and Verna Marie Yeager Higginbotham. She is survived by her children, Bryan (Lisa) McRee and Necia (William "Bubba") Pope; her brothers, Wayne (Stephanie) Higginbotham, Brad (Dagmar) Higginbotham, Dennis (Joanie) Higginbotham, Lynn (Tracy) Higginbotham, Edward (Valerie) Higginbotham; and her grandson, William "Tyler" Pope

A memorial service will be held July 16 at 2 pm at Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church, Pastor Jeff Ferguson, 403 Whealton Rd, Hampton, VA 2366.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in the memory of Kaye McRee to the Alzheimer's Association.



Helen Higginbotham Foxx (1965-2016) VA

September 25, 1965 - December 30, 2016

Helen Higginbotham Foxx departed this life on Friday, December 30, 2016, at Lynchburg General Hospital. She was born on September 25, 1965. A funeral service will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at Pine Hill Baptist Church with Pastor Aaron Wade officiating. Her remains will be open to the public one hour prior to the service. The family is receiving friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at Community Funeral Home. Community Funeral Home directing.



Laura Elizabeth Higginbotham (1924-20170 VA

(February 15, 1924 - January 16, 2017)

Laura Elizabeth Higginbotham, 92 of Tazewell, VA died Monday, January 16, 2017 at Carilion Tazewell Community Hospital. Born February 15, 1924 in Tazewell County she was the daughter of the late Thomas Jefferson Higginbotham and Augusta Walker Higginbotham. She was an active member of Rocky Gap United Methodist Church where she was pianist and Sunday School Teacher for many years. Miss Higginbotham was a public-school teacher for over 40 years, teaching in northern Virginia, Narrows, and in Tazewell County Schools the majority of her career. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by an infant brother and her 1st cousin, Emma Kinser who was raised as a sister.

Survivors include two special cousins, Tom Kinser and wife, Christine and Debbie White and husband, Eddie all of Tazewell, VA; special neighbors and caregivers, Robert Hayes, Matilda Roberts, and Mary Compton.

The family will receive friends from 1-2 PM Thursday, January 19, 2017 at Rocky Gap United Methodist Church where funeral services will be conducted at 2 PM with the Reverend Rodney Lawson officiating. Burial will follow at Maplewood Cemetery in Tazewell, VA.



Linda Elaine Morris Higginbotham (ca1950-2017) VA

Linda Elaine Morris Higginbotham, 67, of Troy passed away at Martha Jefferson Hospital on March 20, 2017. She was the daughter of the late Edward Lee Morris and survived by her mother, Neva Mae Staton Morris. Survivors also include her husband of 35 years, James Earl Higginbotham; a daughter, Jamie Lynn Sprouse and her husband, Aubrey Richard Sprouse, Jr.; a brother, Ronald Morris; two grandchildren, Audrey Elaine Sprouse and Jacob Richard Sprouse; her dog, Charlie; and special bird, Arnold. The family will receive friends from6 until 8 p.m. Thursday, March 23, 2017, at Hill & Wood Funeral Home. Interment will be private.



Carl Henry Higginbotham (1936-2017) VA

Carl Henry Higginbotham went to be with the Lord on Monday, October 2, 2017.  He was born in Amherst County, Virginia on December 30, 1936.  He was preceded in death by his father Henry Robert Higginbotham, his mother Sylvia Walker Higginbotham, and his brother Cecil Higginbotham.  He is survived by his wife and soul mate of 61 years, Lyndall Wheeler Higginbotham whom he loved from the first day he met her. Other surviving, bereft loved ones include his devoted daughter, Dana Higginbotham Tickle, wife of Shawn Louis Tickle, and his ever-faithful son, Robert Carl Higginbotham, husband of Jill Groton Higginbotham.  Surviving him are also three cherished siblings: Eloise Higginbotham Shelor; Eddie Higginbotham, life partner of Donnie Deal; and Billy Higginbotham, special friend of Janet Moles.  Carl also leaves behind four greatly beloved and devastated grandchildren:  Sylvia Erin Tickle-Rupe, wife of Trevor Lee Rupe; Julian Robert Higginbotham; Ashton Thomas Higginbotham; and Piper Elizabeth Higginbotham. Carl and Lyn opened Cape Carlyn Marina in 1966 and, then, went on to build luxury motor coaches until his retirement.  He was an avid sports fisherman and spent 20 years designing and building the boat of his dreams, Infatuation.  He was also an active and devout member and deacon emeritus of Goodview Baptist Church. The visitation will be at Oakey’s Vinton Chapel on Thursday, October 5, 2017 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM and 6:00 – 8:00 PM.  The funeral service will be at 10:00 AM on Friday, October 6, 2017 with internment to follow at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens.



Epoch Carroll Higginbotham (1925-2018) VA

October 14, 1925-January 8, 2018

Epoch was born on October 14, 1925 and passed away on Monday, January 8, 2018. Epoch was a resident of Virginia at the time of passing. He served his country well, as a member of the United States Army during World War II and he received an honorable discharge and he was a member of Morning Star lodge #105 AASR, Lynchburg.



Beatrice Patch Higginbotham (1945-2018) NC/VA

January 24, 1945 - January 29, 2018

Beatrice Patch Higginbotham, 73, of Waynesboro passed away on Monday, January 29, 2018. Born January 24, 1945 in North Carolina, she was the daughter of the late Ray and Stella Patch. Survivors include her son, D. Preston Higginbotham; grandson, Zachary R. Higginbotham; stepson, Clark McQuire and family of Appomattox, VA; two sisters, Debbie McAlister and husband, Mike of Stuarts Draft and Bobbi Shiflett of Waynesboro; as well as many nieces and nephews. Following cremation, a memorial service will be held at a later date. Those desiring may make memorial donations in Bea's memory to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital , P.O. Box 1000, Dept. 142, Memphis, TN 38148-0142.



Paul Higginbotham (1947-2018) VA

June 19, 1947 - June 17, 2018

Roanoke, Virginia - Paul was born on June 19, 1947 and passed away on Sunday, June 17, 2018. Paul was a resident of Roanoke, Virginia at the time of passing. Paul was a 1965 graduate of Cave Spring High School and earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas A&M in 1970, where he was a member of ATO Fraternity. In his younger years, he was a member and past President of St. John's Lutheran Church, past master of Cave Spring Masonic Lodge #230, a 32nd Scottish Rite Mason and a member of the Kazim Masonic Temple. A memorial service will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Salem at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June 21, 2018 with The Very Rev. Robert E. Brodie officiating. His legacy lives on through his countless contributions to the Roanoke and Salem communities.



Patricia Higginbotham February 22, 1949 - November 14, 2018 Virginia


The Washington Post 1/1/2019

Alice Maurine Higginbotham Coulter (1935-2018) IL/VA

Alice Maurine Higginbotham Coulter of Gainesville, Virginia, on December 17, 2018, age 83. Alice graduated from the University of Maryland (College Park) and taught in the Fairfax County, Virginia, schools for many years. Her storytelling, wisdom and sense of humor will be greatly missed. She was predeceased by her husband, Alan G, Coulter, and her brother, Donald K. Higginbotham. She is survived by her two children, Carol and David, her nephew, Christopher, her sister, Elizabeth, by many loving nieces and nephews, and by her grandchildren, Emily, Rory, Lauren, Derek, Carson, Piero and Violet. A memorial service will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, January 11, 2019 at Demaine Funeral Home, 5308 Backlick Rd., Springfield, VA 22151. Services will be held privately at Columbia Gardens Cemetery.



Eddie S. Higginbotham (????-2019) VA

HIGGINBOTHAM Eddie S. January 5, 2019 Eddie S. Higginbotham passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, January 5th. He is preceded in death by his parents, Henry and Sylvia; and brothers, Cecil and Carl. Eddie was an avid dog lover and is survived by his fifth boxer, Jazze. He is survived by his husband, Donald "Donnie" Deal; sister, Eloise Shelor; brother, William (Billy); sister-in-law, Lyn; special friends, Janet Moles and Aubrey Long; niece, Dana H. Tickel (Shaun); nephew, Robert Higginbotham; great-niece, Sylvia H. Rupe (Trevor); great-nephews, Julian and Ashton; and his great-niece, Piper. Eddie was loved by many neighbors and friends. Eddie served six years in the National Guard. He also worked at Heironimus, Sears, Roanoke City Planning, and then retired from Norfolk Southern, with 35 years of service. In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting donations in his memory to Good Samaritan Hospice, Saint Francis Service Dogs, or Blue Ridge Boxer Rescue. The family will receive friends on Friday, January 11, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens Mausoleum in Roanoke Va. The service will follow at 12 p.m. Arrangements made by Simpson Funeral Home, 540-366-0707.


The Washington Post Jan. 22, 2019

Gloria Carrodine Higginbotham (1946-2018) VA

Gloria Carrodine Higginbotham   (Age 72)   Died peacefully on January 20, 2019 at Capital Caring Hospice, Arlington, VA. Born September 7, 1946, she was the daughter of the late James Daniel and Elizabeth Idelle Higginbotham. Ms. Higginbotham was born in Nelson County and was a long-time resident of Arlington, Virginia. She was a retired federal government and private industry employee. She is survived by two brothers, Miller Dowell Higginbotham (Dee) of Alexandria, VA and Douglas M. Higginbotham (Fran) of Warrenton, VA; one sister, Minnie H. Mills of Springfield, VA; three nieces, three nephews, nine grandnephews, four grandnieces, one great-grandniece, and one great-grandnephew. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, James Daryl and Leo Ingham Higginbotham and a sister, Nevelline J. Massie. Relatives and friends may call at Word of Life Church, 5225 Backlick Rd., Springfield, VA 22151 on Friday, January 25, 2019 from 10 a.m. until time of service at 11 a.m. Burial will be at Jonesboro Cemetery, Roseland, VA 22967 on Saturday at 12 Noon. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Capital Caring Hospice, 2900 Telestar Court Falls Church, VA 22042 or Word of Life Church. Funeral Home Jefferson Funeral Chapel 5755 Castlewellan Dr. Alexandria, VA 22315 (703) 971-7400.



Julia L. Higginbotham (1916-2019) VA
April 7, 1916 - April 23, 2019
Julia L. Higginbotham passed away Tuesday April 23, 2019.  A memorial service will be held Sunday April 28, 2019 at Serenity Funeral Home at 2pm.


The Washington Post 6/9/2019

Nora Elizabeth Higginbotham Durso (1924-2019) VA

Nora H. Durso was born on January 1, 1924 in Goode, Virginia. On Sunday, May 5, 2019, she passed away peacefully at the age of 95. She was the eldest daughter of Sydney F. Higginbotham and Beatrice Bryant Higginbotham. She graduated from New London Academy and attended Lynchburg College until WWII when she moved to Washington, DC to work as a secretary for the Department of Army. During the U.S. occupation of Japan, Nora moved to Tokyo and became the personal secretary for Major General William Marquat. It was in Tokyo that Nora met her husband of 60 years, Leonard M. Durso and had two children. Nora and Leonard returned to Virginia in 1952 where she had four additional children. While raising her six children, she was an active member in the North Arlington Club and was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. In her later years, Nora was the finance secretary for the Annandale Chapter of the Sons of Italy. She enjoyed gardening, playing bridge, and family gatherings. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leonard, daughter, Lucia D. Connelly, brother, Thomas B. Higginbotham, sister, Mary Paxton Hawkins and is survived by her five children, Michael L. Durso, Beatrice D. Woody, Denise D. Wight, Pamela D. Gaddy and Mary D. Schaefer; their spouses, Sarah, John, Michael, Lonnie and Robert; 14 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Her intelligence, humor and loving spirit will remain forever in our hearts. Visitation and funeral service will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Demaine Funeral Home, 5308 Backlick Road, Springfield, Virginia at 10 a.m. with internment to follow at Fairfax Memorial Park. Funeral Home Demaine Funeral Home 5308 Backlick Road Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 941-9428.



Delores Maxine Higginbotham Randolph (1935-2019)

 Delores Maxine Randolph, 84 of North Dinwiddie, passed peacefully and is now with The Lord. She was born February 21, 1935 to the late William and Evelyn Higginbotham. Maxine was also preceded in death by her husband Russell Randolph and her son Russell Randolph, Jr. She is survived by her two sons, James Christopher Randolph (Judith Robin) and Danny Eugene Randolph (Dorothy Carole); one daughter Delores Yvonne Randolph; seven grandchildren Regina Ann Roth (Jayt), Russell Edgar Randolph III (Charlotte), Robin Renee Hitson (Travis), James Christopher Randolph II (Danielle), Jason Daniel Randolph (April), Herbert Randolph, Racheal Marie Foos; 10 great-grandchildren; and many loving nieces, nephews, and cousins. Maxine was a loving wife, mom, and maw maw. She was involved in all aspects of her children's lives and was the matriarch of the family while her husband was away in the military. Maxine was an angel to her family and took care of them with great love. A graveside service will be held 2:00 p.m. Friday December 27, 2019 at The Randolph Cemetery, 12307 Halifax Road, North Dinwiddie, VA, 23805.



Lunsford Dale Higginbotham (1935-2020) VA

July 19, 1935 - March 25, 2020

L. Dale Higginbotham, 84, of Amherst, passed away, Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at his home.

He was the son of the late Thomas L. and Louise Loving Higginbotham and grandson of the late Joseph L. and Annie K. Higginbotham.

He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Barbara Clarkson Higginbotham; daughter, Tammy H. Pandolf; two granddaughters, Ashley and Jennifer Pandolf; and brother, Nathan Higginbotham (Sue).

Mr. Higginbotham graduated from VPI, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, with BS degree in Animal Husbandry. While at Tech he was a member of the Block & Bridle Club, Alpha Zeta, H-H club and the livestock judging team. Dale and his brother, Nate, showed many champion and reserve champion Angus steers and heifers at various shows

He worked with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer services for 35 years and was a U. S. Army Veteran.

Friends are welcome to pay respects from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm, Friday, March 27, 2020 at Driskill Funeral Chapel. In compliance with the government mandate, we must observe social distancing and limit visits to less than ten visitors at one time.

A private graveside service will be held at 2:00 P.M., Saturday, March 28, 2020 in the Higginbotham Family Cemetery, with Rev. Dr. Michael Fitzgerald officiating.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Higginbotham Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, c/o Jay Higginbotham, P.O. Box156, Altavista, VA 24517 or Clifford Baptist Church.

The News & Advance on Nov. 12, 2020

William Lewis Higginbotham (1970-2020) VA

William Lewis Higginbotham, age 50, died Saturday, November 7, 2020, at his home in Madison Heights, Va.

Born May 27, 1970 in Lynchburg, Va., Bill was the son of the late Lewis Henry Higginbotham and the late Elsie Lee Sigmon Higginbotham.

He is survived by his younger sister, Jill Ann Higginbotham of Madison Heights, Va.; aunt, Dorothy Sigmon of Elon, Va.; several cousins, and those close friends who were like family to him.

Bill was the kindest soul and was loved by all who knew him. He loved all wildlife but foxes in particular were special to him and considered to be his spirit animal. He shared a love of vehicles with his father, his sister, and friends. One of Bill's favorite memories was grabbing a bite to eat with his father and parking alongside the road to watch the cars go by. Bill had a special affinity for VWs. Whether in his bright orange Dune Buggy or John Deere-painted Jeep Scrambler, it was easy to spot Bill on the roads around Madison Heights. From an early age, Bill was a lover of music of all kinds and always had a song playing. He was passionate about his many hobbies and interests, and he enjoyed sharing them with his friends. Without a doubt, his drink of choice was his beloved Diet Coke – his "coffee" as he jokingly called it, which he always had close at hand.

Bill was appreciative of the simple things in life. He made a point to express his gratitude for even the smallest of gestures. He was generous of spirit and selflessly giving of his time. He had a unique sense of humor and enjoyed making people laugh. A loyal friend to all who knew him, Bill was the first to offer help whenever needed. His tendency to be present in the moment was a gift that made those around him feel cherished and loved. He held a deep reverence for his family and friends, his home on Winesap Road, the surrounding mountains, and his community.

Visitation will be held on Friday, November 13, 2020, from 12 until 7 p.m. at the residence, 969 Winesap Road, Madison Heights, Va.

In lieu of flowers, the family would like to suggest donations to fox rescue organization.

The News & Advance (Lynchburg, VA) on Feb. 26, 2021
Lucille Higginbotham Hubbard (1925-2021) VA
July 8, 1925 - February 19, 2021
Lucille Hubbard went to be with the Lord at the age of 95. She was preceded in death by her husband, King Solomon Hubbard; her parents, Andrew and Eula Higginbotham; and her sons, Solomon Hubbard and Andrew Hubbard. She is survived by her daughters, who lovingly cared for her, Odessa Hubbard and Belinda Nance (Michael Mosley). She is also survived by her four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, who will always cherish their "GrandmaCille." She will also be missed by many other close family members and friends who felt like family as she welcomed all into her home with a warm heart and a big smile.

The News & Advance on May 22, 2021

Dorothy Christine Higginbotham McCoy (1947-2021) VA

Dorothy Christine Higginbotham McCoy departed this life on May 19, 2021. Visitation will be held at the Bruce & Stiff Funeral Home on Sunday, May 23, 2021, from 12 noon until 6 p.m. A private family funeral service will be conducted on Monday, May 24, 2021. COVID mandates are still required.



Frances Mays Higginbotham (ca1938-2021) VA

HIGGINBOTHAM, Frances M. “Fifi”, 83, of Midlothian passed to be with angels on June 2, 2021. She was preceded in death by her husband, Shannon G. Higginbotham Jr.; parents, John and Margaret Mays; sisters, Bonnie Smith and Patsy Harlow. She is survived by her daughter, Cynthia Smith (Mickey); son, Keith Higginbotham; brother, James Mays; three granddaughters, Shannon Hurt (Travis), Amber Hunt (T.G.) and Olivia McCullough (Alex); ten great grandchildren, Addalyn Ball, Brynley, Rowan and Emery McCullough, Hadley, Nora and Scarlett Hurt, Finley, Emily and Ben Hunt; and loyal companion, Daisy. The family would like to thank the staff of The Pearl at Watkins Centre Memory Community for their care of Fifi during the past 30 months. A special thank you to Dreama Hurt and Gilda Weaver for their frequent visits with gifts and treats prior to COVID-19. A heartfelt and loving thank you to Valerie Pegram Foster and Tish Tillery of Traditions Hospice, their loving care of Fifi will never be forgotten. There will be a private celebration of Fifi’s life at a later date.


The News & Observer on Jun. 27, 2021

Dorothy Lorraine Higginbotham Arold (1936-2020) VA

August 5, 1936 - December 28, 2020

Cary, North Carolina - Dorothy Lorraine Arold (nee Higginbotham) died December 28, 2020 at age 84. She was born in Newport News, VA to John and Margaret Taylor Higginbotham on August 5, 1936. She graduated from Ohio University with a bachelor's degree in music with a concentration in piano performance and began a 40-year career in piano instruction. For her entire life, Dottie was very involved in music wherever she lived, not only as a teacher but also as an accompanist, instrumental ensemble groups, choral groups as well as solo performance and weddings. She was also on the music faculty at St. Augustine's University in Raleigh, NC as the accompanist and diction coach for those majoring in vocal performance. Promoting the performing arts in the community and music participation in her church were highly important to her. While at Ohio University she met Robert L. Arold and they were married September 14, 1957. Dottie is survived by their three children, Jennifer (Scott) Rubertus, Craig (Cindy) Arold, Mark (Paula) Arold; grandchildren, Kristyn (Sam) Phelps, Matthew (Michele) Rubertus, Lauren (William) Wolfe, Lindsay (Dennis) Vinias, Robert (Leah) Arold, Blake, Jenna and Derek Arold; great grandchildren, Natalie, Leanne, Evan and Jack; and sister, Connie Neef. Dottie enjoyed the companionship of her two cats, loved to laugh and have fun with friends, but especially with family, who brought her great joy and miss her deeply. A Celebration of Life service will be held at St. Mark's United Methodist Church, 4801 Six Forks Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609 on July 10, 2021 at 1 pm. Donations can be made to Triangle Aphasia Project Unlimited, Alzheimer's Association, Ally Cat Allies or a performing arts organization of your choice. Final arrangements handled by Molesworth-Williams Funeral Home, 26401 Ridge Rd, Damascus MD 20872



Robert Ray Higginbotham (1936-2021) VA

Robert “Bobby” Higginbotham, 85, passed away peacefully at his home on August 3, 2021. Bobby grew up in the Shea Terrace area of Portsmouth and graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and Virginia Tech.

Bobby was predeceased by his late wife Alice and daughter Lisa. Left to cherish his memory is his loving wife Jean West Higginbotham; sons Mark and wife Melinda and Shawn Higginbotham; three granddaughters, Claire, Lindsey, and Rowan; sister Margie Cornatzer and her husband Robert, many other loving family members and many many friends.

He loved to travel and often asked toward the end of a trip “Well where are we going next?”

Visitation will be held at Loving Funeral Home on Friday August 6, 2021 from 6-8pm. A celebration of his life will be held at West Park Church of Christ at 1pm Saturday August 7th with burial following at Olive Branch Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, an expression of sympathy may be made in the form of contributions to West Park Church of Christ.


Roanoke Times on Sep. 29, 2021

Milton Ferrell Higinbotham Jr. (1936-2021) IN/VA

March 10, 1936 - September 27, 2021

Milton Ferrell Higinbotham Jr., 85, of Montvale, Virginia, went to be with the Lord on Monday, September 27, 2021.

He was preceded in death by his father, Milton Higinbotham Sr.; his mother, Vella Higinbotham; his sisters, Ruby Kressley and Betty Jean Higinbotham; and his granddaughter, Vanessa Forbing.

Milton is survived by his wife of 34 years, Louverne; his three children, Marcus Allen Higinbotham (Jennifer) of California, Michael Higinbotham of Ohio, and Marcia Huffman (Adam) of California; stepchildren, Angie Ramsay (Tim) and Bruce Maxey; and numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.

He was employed at Norfolk Southern for 39 years, served as a Deacon at Walnut Grove Union Church since 2005 and taught Sunday School for 25 years.

A Funeral Service will be held at 12 noon on Thursday, September 30, 2021, at Oakey's East Chapel with Pastor Bob Auxier officiating. Interment will follow in Walnut Grove Union Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the funeral.



Ruth Higginbotham Parrish (1937-2022) VA

Ruth Higginbotham Parrish, 84 of Troy, died January 15, 2022 at the Martha Jefferson Hospital. Born February 1, 1937 in Troy, she was the daughter of the late Walter Edward Higginbotham and Katie Morris Higginbotham. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Barry Nelson Parrish and a brother, Luther Higginbotham.
Mrs. Parrish is survived by two daughters, Katie P. Tyler and husband Wayne of Waynesboro, Amy P. Taylor and husband Todd of Troy, two brothers, Laymon Higginbotham, James Lee Higginbotham, two grandchildren, Travis Scott Taylor, Callie Lynn Taylor and a host of other relatives and friends.
At Ruth’s request, a private graveside service will be held in the Higginbotham Family Cemetery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Fluvanna Garden Club, 1139 Little Creek Road, Troy, VA 22974.
Preddy Funeral Home of Gordonsville is handling arrangements.



Arnett Higginbotham (1962-202) VA
October 11, 1962 ~ April 5, 2022 (age 59)
Arnett “Arnie” Higginbotham, 59, of Chesterfield, passed away Tuesday, April 5, 2022. He was born on October 11, 1962, to Nathan and Betty Higginbotham. Arnie was an avid outdoorsman and was part of the Matoaca Sportsman Club. He loved NASCAR and golf, and was a New York Yankees fan. Arnie loved family get-togethers and his grandkids were the loves of his life. He is survived by his parents, Nathan and Betty Higginbotham; children, Dallas Higginbotham (Brandi) and Britni Higginbotham; grandchildren, Allie, Reese, and August; sister, Kena Gwinn (Chris); and his beloved dog, Banjo. A funeral service will be held 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, 2022, in the Colonial Heights Chapel of E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes and Crematory, 2033 Boulevard, Colonial Heights, Virginia 23834. Interment will be private.  The family will receive friends on hour prior to the service from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Richmond SPCA.



Joy Higginbotham Cobb (ca1940-2022) FL/VA

Joy Higginbotham Cobb, age 82, of Henrico, VA passed away peacefully at her home on Monday, May 30, 2022 due to complications suffered from Frontotemporal Dementia. She is survived by her loving husband of 14 years, Wendell D. “Sage” Hadford; children, Amy Jo Watkins (Curt), Kendall C. Cobb, JoAnn C. Rossi (Ben), and Christopher S. Cobb (Ellen); grandchildren, Emma J. Watkins, Cole M. Watkins, Johnnie G. Watkins, James R. Watkins, Nora I. Rossi, Tyler E. Rossi, Jake L. Rossi, Josephine J. Cobb, Eve M. Cobb; and brother, Henry Hale Higginbotham. Preceding her in death were her young and vibrant parents, Henry and Josephine Higginbotham, and her husband of 29 years, beloved father of her four children, Russell Edward Cobb.
Joy was from Brooksville, Florida. Growing up on her parents’ farm, she learned a great love for the outdoors. In her youth, she enjoyed being a high school majorette. After her parents passing, she lived in Chesterfield, Virginia with the family of her cousins, Henry E. Myers Jr. and Minerva M. Walters and in Tampa, Florida with her aunt, JoJo Anderson. Joy obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Florida and a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education with a specialization in Reading from VCU. As a teacher, she had a unique calming quality and was respected for never having to raise her voice. After retirement, she enjoyed spending time with her 9 grandchildren.
Joy was very adventuresome and loved all outdoor activities and sports. She filled her life with hobbies such as skiing, swing dancing, rollerblading, rock climbing, walking, reading, playing games, traveling, long walks on the beach, hosting friends as well as many national and international guests, and most importantly, spending time with her children and grandchildren. She loved living in fellowship, participating in Bible studies, and being an active and involved member of her church, Second Baptist in Richmond, Virginia.
She will always be remembered for her beautiful smile and giving nature. Through her faithfulness, she was able to live a positive and relationship-centered life. It is a comfort to her family that she is now at peace surrounded by God’s glorious light.
A service will be held at Second Baptist Church, 9614 River Road, in the sanctuary beginning at 12:00 pm on Friday June 10, 2022. A private burial will follow.
The Cobb Family would like to express their deep appreciation to Jennifer Alford and the staff at Kindred Hospice for providing much comfort to Joy over the last year.


The Bradley Funeral Home 11/2/2022

Doris Elaine Gentry Higginbotham (1948-2022) VA

April 7, 1948 ~ October 26, 2022 (age 74)

How much more beautiful heaven must be since you arrived, Doris Elaine Gentry Higginbotham.  Doris (affectionately known as “Dotsie”) of Luray, Virginia passed away at the age of 74 on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at Winchester Medical Center from lifelong chronic illnesses.  She was the baby in the family, born on April 7th 1948 in Alexandria, VA, the daughter of Ashby Vernard Gentry and Atlas Josephine Thacker Gentry, and the step-daughter of Jack Richardson, all of whom preceeded her in death. On April 24, 1966, she married Cecil Scott Higginbotham, and they had their one and only child, Melissa Dawn Higginbotham.  Doris is survived by her husband, Cecil, daughter, Melissa and “Special Girl” Nicole Breein Mai Pai of Alexandria. She is also survived by brother Ashby V. Gentry, Jr., and two sisters, Betty J. Colenda and Joan M. Garcia, two grandsons that were her world, Michael “Scott” Bradley and Anthony “Shawn” Bradley, many loved nieces and nephews, cherished life long friends, Janet Sisk Thompson, Linda Horn Jackson, Sue Michaels Howell and the Hutchison brothers, Pete and Charlie. In addition to her parents and step-father, she is preceded in death by three brothers, Carl L. Gentry Sr., Eugene P. Gentry Sr., and Franklin L. Gentry Sr., and one sister Clara Mae Shiflett. Doris attended Osbourn Park High School and later taught as a substitute teacher which she enjoyed immensely.  Doris was a loving and generous wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend and a devoted family caretaker. She was most often found collecting dolls, cooking, coloring and drawing, hosting parties, listening to her musical siblings/family, socializing and laughing and most importantly loving God. In lieu of flowers, do something special with your family or do a good deed for someone less fortunate in memory of Doris’s love of family and fondness for others. She loved so many so much and she will be dearly missed by all.  A celebration of life will be set for a future date.



Preddy Funeral Home 1/21/2023

Norman Brent Higginbotham (1933-2023) VA

Norman Brent Higginbotham, known as Brent, passed away at his home of over three decades at Lake Anna, Virginia on January 19, 2023 from a long battle with congestive heart failure. Brent was born on August 1, 1933 in Amherst, Virginia to Lucilla Brent Sandidge Higginbotham and Norman Thomas Higginbotham. An only child, he moved with his parents to Orange, Virginia and ultimately to Fairfax, Virginia as an eight grader where he graduated from Fairfax High School in 1950. A member of the National Honor Society, he entered the University of Virginia at the age of 16, achieved an undergraduate degree in 1955, and graduated from UVA law school in 1958. Later that year, he joined the U. S. Naval Reserve as a Legal Specialist (now a JAG). From Naval Justice Law School in Newport, RI he was assigned to duties in Charleston, SC, where he met and married Doris Lynn Gay. At the conclusion of his military service, Brent returned to Fairfax where he practiced general law for 30 years.
In 1972, he purchased a large parcel of land on the planned Lake Anna reservoir. At the suggestion of a local merchant, he opened Brent’s Landing, which was the first public boat launching site on Lake Anna. In 1987, he and Doris decided to build their home on the property, and he lived in retirement there for more than 35 years.
Brents retirement involved further improving the land to host visitors, but he also visited friends from his three alma maters of high school, college and law school. He and Doris enjoyed attending UVA football games with friends and fellow alumni. One of his biggest pleasures was having friends, family and classmates visit and enjoy the Lake Anna property.
He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Doris Gay Higginbotham; sons Thomas Brent Higginbotham (Maura) of Richmond; Forrest Stephen Higginbotham (Ginger) of Fairfax; daughter Katherine Higginbotham Brown (Patrick) of Fredericksburg; grandchildren Julia Higginbotham (Brian), Sarah Higginbotham, Grant Higginbotham (Brittney), Grace Higginbotham, Claire Higginbotham, Andrew Brown, Nathan Brown; and great granddaughter Finley Higginbotham.
In lieu of flowers, please consider donations in memory of Brent Higginbotham and Wayne McCay to  the Massachusetts General Hospital – Prevent ALS
Donations may be made online at Or checks can be mailed to: Massachusetts General Hospital, Development Office,125 Nashua Street, Suite 540, Boston, MA. 02114. Please include Brent’s and Wayne’s name on the check.
A funeral service will be held on Monday, January 23, 2023, at 1:00 P.M. at the Preddy Funeral Chapel, Orange with a reception following at Madison at the Mill, Orange. A private graveside service will be held at a later date. Preddy Funeral Home of Orange is assisting the family. 



Preddy Funeral Home - Orange on Dec. 4, 2023

Althea Clair Higginbotham Pace (1931-2023) VA
Althea H. Pace, 92, of Orange died November 30, 2023 at her home. Her daughter and three grandchildren were with her. Born January 5, 1931, in Amherst County, she was the daughter of the late Samuel and Gladys Higginbotham. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Sidney R. Pace, her son, Samuel Pendleton Pace, a sister, Hester H. Hall, three brothers, Norman T. Higginbotham, S. Page Higginbotham, J. Hunter Higginbotham, niece Susan Hall Delano, and nephew Norman Brent Higginbotham.
Althea attended Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Va. for two years and then transferred to The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. She studied voice, piano and organ at Wooster and received a degree in public school music with a major in piano. After college, she married Sidney R. Pace, her devoted husband of 48 years. She dedicated her life to family and church; and enjoyed teaching and involvement in varied musical activities in the Orange community. She taught music in the Charlottesville schools before moving to Orange in 1954. Here she taught piano for many years. An active member of Orange Baptist Church, she served as organist and subsequently as organist and director of the music ministry for 43 years. A highlight of her ministry at Orange Baptist was the creation and presentation of the first Singing Christmas Tree in 1974. She continued the program each Christmas until her retirement in 1997. Today, it appears that the Singing Christmas Tree has become a yuletide tradition at Orange Baptist Church. Althea's retirement from Orange Baptist lasted only 6 years, and in 2003 she went to Rhoadesville Baptist Church and there served as organist for 15 years. She was also a long- time organist for Preddy Funeral Home in Orange.
Survivors include a daughter, Beth Pace Johnson and son-in-law, Jeff, a son, Bobby Pace and wife Teri, a daughter-in-law, Marion Sykes, also eight grandchildren, Courtney Elizabeth Johnson, Rob Johnson, Sydney Claire Johnson, Justin Maria Pace Purcell and husband Clayton, Sidney Robert Pace III and wife Meredith, Gretchen Louise Pace Blickley and husband Will, Samuel Pendleton Pace III, and Watson Powell Pace, three great-grandchildren, Copernica Purcell, Wallace Purcell, Eleanor Blickley, and three nieces, and four nephews.
The funeral, conducted by the Rev. Nancy Stanton McDaniel will be held Friday, December,8, 2023 at 10:00 AM at Orange Baptist Church. Burial will be at the family cemetery in Amherst, Va.
For those wishing to remember Althea through a memorial gift rather than flowers, please consider a donation to Orange Baptist Church, 123 West Main Street, Orange, Va. 22960 or Rhoadesville Baptist Church, 26042 Lafayette Drive, Rhoadesville, Va. 22542


Oakey's Funeral Service – South Chapel 5/2/2024

Rita Lea Watkins Higginbotham (1949-2024) VA

August 13, 1949 - April 29, 2024

Rita Lea Watkins Higginbotham, 74, of Roanoke, Virginia, went to be with her Heavenly Father on Monday, April 29, 2024. She joins her most beloved parents, Hubert Lee and Viola Ethel Watkins in her new Heavenly home. Rita was born on August 13, 1949, in Hillsville, Virginia. The second of three children, she was raised in a loving home in Dugspur, Virginia close to the Goad family home place. It was near this home place in the waters of Adams Branch that Rita, in April of 1965, made the decision to be a baptized follower of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Rita graduated from Hillsville High School and went on to study cosmetology at the Hollywood School of Beauty in Roanoke, Virginia. She would soon transition to her greatest role in life: an amazing mother to two daughters. She preferred to be an exceptional homemaker but on occasion could be convinced to bring out her shears for various family members. A former member of St. John Lutheran Church she was honored to be a part of the altar guild for many years. Rita was an avid admirer of all things beautiful. Certainly clothing, things that sparkled and her immaculate home. She was curator of her beloved family heirlooms but most notable her mother's many quilts. Left to mourn her passing are her daughters, Heather Higginbotham French and husband, Brian, of Roanoke and Sarah Higginbotham of Fancy Gap; also, Rita's most beloved granddaughter, Mia Lea French, named in honor of her "Grammy." Rita is also survived by her sister, Alice Faye Watkins of Galax; her brother, Jimmy Watkins of Dugspur; along with many other relatives and friends that she cherished in her heart. A private family viewing will be held at Oakey's South Chapel on Friday, May 3, 2024. A public graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday at Evergreen Burial Park. Online condolences may be made to the family at Arrangements by Oakey's Funeral Service – South Chapel, Roanoke, VA (540) 989-3131.


E. Alvin Small Funeral Home 7/30/2024

Betty Jane Fitzgerald Higginbotham (1942-2024) WV/VA

August 21, 1942 — July 26, 2024

Chesterfield - Betty Higginbotham, 81, of Chesterfield, Virginia went to meet her Lord and Savior on July 26, 2024. Betty was born in Redstar, West Virginia to the late Reese and Retta Fitzgerald. She was also preceded in death by her son, Arnie Higginbotham. Betty’s whole life was her family. She enjoyed family cookouts, especially seafood boils. She also enjoyed spring or fall pier fishing in the Outer Banks. Betty adored her beloved dog, Rocky. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, Nathan Higginbotham; daughter, Kena Gwinn (Chris); grandchildren, Dallas Higginbotham (Brandi), and Britni Higginbotham; great-grandchildren, Allie Higginbotham, Reese Higginbotham, and August Higginbotham. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. at the Colonial Heights Chapel of the E. Alvin Small Funeral Homes, 2033 Boulevard, Colonial Heights, Virginia 23834. Family will receive friends from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the funeral home, on the day of the service. In lieu of flowers the family requests a gift to the Children’s Hospital Foundation be made online, or mailed to P.O. box 980693, Richmond, Virginia 23298.


Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal, 8/7/2024

Steven Drew Higginbotham (1965-2024) VA

With profound sadness, we announce Steven Drew Higginbotham’s passing on Sunday, August 4, 2024. Family and friends knew him as Higgie or Swamp Rat. He was born February 15, 1965, and was a longtime resident of Mathews County. He graduated from Mathews High School in 1983. He was a former member of the Flat Iron Hunting Club, as well as a longtime member of the Tidewater Hunt Club. He was a hard-working man and had many jobs over the years including Newport News Shipyard, Southern Erectors, and Atlantic Metals, but his home away from home was his longtime job with Omega Protein. He was an avid hunter and fisherman and spent many years playing baseball which was a huge passion of his growing up. You could always find him spending time in the garage with his Hurst family and his friends cooking, watching sports, or playing cornhole. He was preceded in death by his father, Cabell Drew Higginbotham; his paternal grandparents, Upton and Grace Higginbotham, and his maternal grandparents, William and Miriam Bodurtha. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife, Tracy Sullivan; his four children whom he loved dearly, Brandy Hurst (Eric), Brooke Higginbotham (Carlos), Haley Sullivan, and Haden Higginbotham, who was the light of his life; his mother, Nancy Higginbotham; sister, Kelly Dutton (Eddie), and nephew, Jon Jenkins. He also leaves behind six grandsons, Chance, Maverick, Lincoln, Leighton, Parker, and Jayden; a special uncle, Upton “Punky” Higginbotham (Judy) and a host of aunts, uncles, cousins, countless friends, and his four-legged bestie “Teaka.” The family will receive friends at Faulkner Funeral Homes, Foster-Faulkner Chapel, Mathews, on Saturday, August 10, 2024, from 5-7 p.m. A funeral service will be held at Mathews Baptist Church on Sunday, August 11, 2024, at 2 p.m. with burial to follow at H.C. Smither Memorial Cemetery in Hudgins. A reception will follow at Mathews Baptist Church. Flowers are welcome and memorial donations may be made to the Mathews High School Athletics Department, P.O. Box 38, Mathews, Va. 23109.


Roanoke Times on Sep. 1, 2024

Cecil Joseph Higginbotham, Jr. (1949-2024) VA
December 9, 1949 - August 23, 2024
Cecil Joseph Higginbotham, Jr, 74, of Bedford, passed away on Friday, August 23, 2024. He was born in Amherst, Virginia on December 9, 1949. A son of the late Cecil Joseph Higginbotham, Sr and Marguerite Parr Higginbotham.
Cecil loved connecting with people and genuinely cared about their well-being. He was very creative and aspired many people.
Cecil is survived by his wife, Patricia Jane McCanless; daughter, Alyson Tuesday and husband Eric Pidcock; son, Ryan Higginbotham; sister Kay Khan; and numerous other family and friends.
A private memorial service will be held at a later date.
Tharp Funeral Home & Crematory, Bedford is assisting the family.
Tharp Funeral Home & Crematory.


The News & Advance on Sep. 17, 2024

Barbara Jean Clarkson Higginbotham (1940-2024) VA
July 26, 1940 - September 13, 2024
Barbara Clarkson Higginbotham passed away suddenly on September 13, 2024 while battling heart problems. She was born on July 26, 1940 in Manassas, VA. She was the daughter of parents Earl and Virginia Clarkson. Barbara was predeceased by her loving husband Dale. She is survived by her loving daughter Tammy Pandolf. She is also survived by her granddaughters Jennifer Pandolf and Ashley Pandolf. She also leaves behind her brother Earl Clarkson Jr (Barbara). A special thank you to her caregivers: Mary Beverly, Wanda Scott, and Mary Franklin. Barbara loved to share her Lord & Savior Jesus with others and to invite anyone to her church of Clifford Baptist. Barbara had a sense of humor and loved to joke around with her friends and family. Her greatest love besides her Savior was her family. She loved to spend time with her daughter, granddaughters, and friends. She worked in the retail world. She had a love for clothing and accessories. She always had a nice outfit on and was very well put together. She accepted everyone with an open heart, open arms, and a perpetual smile.
A visitation night will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. and graveside service on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at Higginbotham family cemetery off of Thrashers Creek RD.
In lieu of flowers the family wishes donations be made to Clifford Baptist Church or the Higginbotham family cemetery fund.


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