Last Will and Testament of Isaac Higginbotham
(ca1829-1899) WV
Transcribed by William Morris Higginbotham
Charleston, WV
Last Will and Testament of Isaac Higginbotham, decd, admitted to Probate Sept. 21, 1899
I, Isaac Higginbotham of Wetzel County, W. Va. being of sound mind make this my last will and testament.
I divide my land as follows:
Commencing at a point in the Whitley line at the creek eastwardly to a sycamore on the opposite side of the creek, then a straight line to the mouth of a drain by the house, then a straight line to the top of the hill between two knobs to a chestnut oak corner, then with the call of the patent to a poplar and walnut, then a straight line to Tucker line and with same and others to the beginning. This shall be F. L. Higginbotham’s to hold forever.
Isaac Higginbotham
J. J. Higgins
U. D. Poe
2nd piece:
Beginning at a point in the Willey line at creek or same beginning as former piece eastwardly to a sycamore thence a straight line to the mouth of a drain then with the other line up the hill to a point opposite an elm, thence straight line opposite the elm with the fence now standing to the top of the hill, then a northwardly course to where the hill begins to drop considerably, then a straight line cutting a cross ridge about one third of the way up the knob to the patent line, then with the same patent line and its various meanderings to the beginning.
This shall be H. M. Higginbotham’s land to hold forever.
Isaac Higginbotham
J. J. Higgins
U. D. Poe
3 piece:
Beginning at an elm, a straight line to the top of the hill, then with F. L. Higginbotham’s line to the chestnut oak in the gap, then an eastwardly course with the patent line to a corner to J. M. Brown, then with this line and others to the patent line, then with the same to H. M. Higginbotham’s line and with the same to the beginning.
This is I. N. Higginbotham’s land to hold forever.
To Fanny F. Allen I give two hundred dollars and to Ota May Higginbotham I give two hundred dollars. The residue of my property is to be divided equally between F. L., H. M., and I. N. Higginbotham.
In witness thereof I have this day set my hand and seal. August 21, 1899.
Isaac Higginbotham
J. J. Higgins
U. D. Poe
F. L. Higginbotham is to have the use of one stable, one corncrib and one house for five years.